L pr I i ip4 t
h A AJffXJKfrV AJffXJKfrVHrrofutrurttMi 3MOKFV1T 3MOKFV1T1Irnruitn fIfl T Taf1eftaruIUen
HrrofutrurttMi fram r T 1p t I Holtm HoltmMl HmHCtII HoIme
Ml e Hrmrsi t of r l Pt a l Paulu 1111 but B Bcause aCtI Bc Bcru <
cause CtI ru I III he I nhenll nh W 1Irld rlil UrmatMltMP UrmatMlt Unnenlpl UniamdiVaniptc
MP Pample nlpl r lultrnll IJe IJeSpeaking u tJepekIng
Speaking 8 akln < before the It Irlnceton Aliiinn AliiinnAssociation AhinsulAsiodaUon 1111111I1AMOdtJon
Association or l Inlt < m Ulanil Iaml at itit a rnoktM rnoktMt mok mokat
at it t nlh at a the th I nlerity I lIuh lull III Itrnnk Itrnnklyn UrnokIjn
lyn HreaMent Woodrow Vilmi 1In1 uf trtnc trtncten Irillcon ITIICton <
ten outlined bin hi purpose l IIrll > nr ideal fm fmPrinceton Inr1r10Ctton forPincrton
Princeton i n unlver IInlrlIy lty and hit hi plan planfor pIsifor 111 111rnr
for U rluJjlnl vr > lu > inC crailimli and ntiii uIIdrr4I uIIdrr4IUate > rRra rlt1II rlt1IIlIal < l ltiate
tiate lif > according In till II uli thmI > il Hi II l tihI tihIIks l I < l llli I IIbt
lli Ibt alumni frunUly fiiint Ip that Innrfton al although 11 11IhouSh I Ithough
though yomiK II a university wlI UH at attempting altf11tptlnl sittcmptIn ¬
tempting 11 i great Teat etfenment trItiPnt ainl that th thei Ihe Ihef ts tsciperirnent <
ei pertinent might fnll if fiil 1IIrra > irrs il IIr IIrthrut orthrust t tthruat
f thrust to I S4 OTtA one on niile niileA Jhl JhlA
A propoiwl lo I o iIianRn vItti nnilrriuniliiatf nnilrriuniliiatflife
life IIr he Mid Id had raised r3 1 II i grrat storm stormwhlto dormwhU IIrrn IIrrni
i whlto the th change In Ii iho Ih course 4 anilmethod anil IIlItlI
I method mthodr IU thnd5 tit utiiilr tlltl hadnt 1 ul II I rnli rlll1 d a ripple rippleamong rhJ rhJamon rpiIixuon
among amon Ih the nlumni anil rul cl thin thl he thoughtw thought Ihtll ht htwu
w wu a very wanillcant IO nilkanl or the Ih thing In I hich hichBomaattnaKt IiIItmomealI I
BomaattnaKt eome momealI atlt aiit of 11 thealiinint Ih 11101111 took interest interestA I IA
A Ai U to lh plan 11 fur th the ereiler rit r university universityPwaidenl IInlIIPrNidnt intridtyPrdnt
j Pwaidenl il lk4m on war lIrnl1 mi I tine I h alumni alumnithat aillmnitht alumnithat
that If flits Mil great jZr enterprise 1I1rlI break breakdown hraklldown hrkadown
down Princeton will 11 imi rceive reiv the theadmiration lb lbadmlratlnn theadmhratlnn
admiration that In I romine in I her h r from fromolhw Irumi frmother
i other tiniveritie hut the Ih ilrrision of Ihe Iheacademic Ih Ihacdmlc thicdmlc
academic worlil worlilPrmlrlent lIrhl lIrhldnt irIilPrealdent
Prmlrlent dnt Wilson 11 thl the Ih alumni tint tintIt
It wan w of the Ih Rrat gratt i importance tha thaOt thaUt
Ot > general public n well cit 11 A Princeton Princetonmm
mm ahmilil know kn JIIM what hftl it i te that UiatPrinceton UItPrtaceton thatPrinceton
Princeton during reieni year ha hal baa been beenattempting hf hfptnl beenaUmptln
attempting ptnl and how niurh mllh of r it he ho hoCcoraplished ha haI hasacvomphisIed
I Ccoraplished acvomphisIedWhst CcoraplishedWhat lplht
What ha been n attcmptM al t Princeiou Princeiouid Irileou Irileoula
id I recent rt year ear he hlntlut h continued i il iii nothing nothingtaw nothlnei
i I taw than tn A reconstruction rtUUIlICIIOI from 0 u 11 tot > i t tbottom In Inbottom Inbtom
bottom btom Thi reconstruction rlonllltion Prei Preid Presdent
d dent nt Winn ilson ald Id hud li bn n mad ntcra ntcrary ncl nclM
M 4 ry y not because of II neglect 1IIcl nn the ch part partof prt partof
of thot thoa wh iihi had directed lirrld aflatr anlrl in previ previou JrI JrII previOUR
I ou oUY OUR year ear hut Illt fcecaiM b u > It I wt t recognirej recognirejthroughout rpJnlrf rignIredthroughout
throughout trouahollt the hlnltrll univt university rt y world wtld in n 4inr Atitertca 4inrica 11
lea tht the time tm for roconstuctton ronlt ltOI had hadcome had hadcme hadcomes
come cme And ntl Princeton Irlltn TS waIn a forainiilely forainiilelyin
in a position pilon to II u take la ¼ e the imitate imitateTh lltatn lltatnThe iiutIatreTb
Th development lopmllt nf II American tinir tinireities 10r 10ret uniarsltI
eities et sltI during durin the thl Ut two neneriliont neneriliontPresident nrllon nrllonPfdnl neritlonsPremident
President Pfdnl Wilson MI lln on rtiaracterired f1rellrt A ac inor inorganic Innralc uiorano ¬
ganic alc ano He Mid Id that the Ih uplvwsitie 1rln uriver ll tle had hadgrown hdPn hadgrown
grown Pn by mere mlr rulKCtrllaneou rlO In unsyrn unsyrnpathetic IInIYn IInIYnpth pnvmpathetic
pathetic pth c ndditiona fdclton ti t s > their rourre iurv ur of ofstudy nlIudy ofstudy
study Iudy attempting attllj 11rNI intructi > n in I this thithat Ihat thisthat
that at and al verythinii ylhlnl Then too 110 they theyhad lhfYhad theyhad
had felt very ttrongl Inll fie 11 miluencoof ltunC nl the thrGerman It theGvnitti
German Gl univer iintvrltes iintvrltesthe iite iiteThe
The h feaker r r eontrpstd ntr nlrf i l the lb h Ormnn Ormnnwith tirntirnwIth rmn rmnlh
with lh the Ameniiin tintxcr InlII tIntrcItIee itie H aid eaidthat aidthat lfl lflt1
that t1 whil htt the Ih tjermn In univermtie tlli with withtheir withtheir 11
their function confined contn1 to tchmr tlhlll1 l and androfeclonnl 111 111trol izIirotetsIonnI
trol > rofeclonnl lonalllllrli innlrurtun liae 1 no I lvKi xi of oftudenta itstudenta r rtudnl
tudenta KottiE 1111 lhr thriagh hrllh irh th terlv tr ntnce ntnceof itaeof fl flor
of initiation Into th iie great t nulijeoi Ihj 01 01btudy f fktudy rtudy
ktudy the Ih Arnriun mlru utue 11I IItie1t < lt I < n h hl hlJown e egrown cgrown
grown Jown up mound RIOlld rollr I ge i that Ihll p really reallyorganic rI reallyrganhc
organic elopment d dtlopmnt on 01 iheir pan r n I im impotatble 1mpsbl imposible
potatble psbl unle 11 inlse i 1I ftIlg ll g I and itI I tinie tim timb II ity itybe y yb
be b b integrated ilgrac in nonie 1m WflY A y tla tat will ihl I tnai tnaithem mI mItm i5t40 i5t40them < >
them tm pr fr parru of an al orgnmc rllme whoj whojDr whnlDr hol holD
Dr D WiUon Ion dre cr the Ih conrl enlsii nrn1 > ioi this iliawhile thiswhile hi hihlht
while hlht the th Gu ierman example I etmil mpl hud hadsUmutahng en enHimuUInc n nmutalnj
HimuUInc mutalnj i t had ul 110 also o been hl1 HII JIK JIKto
to t 11 American mcul mericunectaraRrrahirtdt f c fara rar e Irrlln nr l m it I notu notugrowth IIIJ IIIJIwt iriigrowth
growth Iwt and ad coordination cnodin coordindionTbe I > C CThe 11 11Tbe
Tbe American mrtcio merIan college 010 siil siiltihson id < Pre id i iria
tihson O ria hla has been II a vr er > gi I < faMi in
the Ch t enrichment nlehmnl f m mncP1 nrtea nce > lilr hi It Itmust I Itp I Imuat
p must not be blbndm abandoned Ixit hiI mj 01U nijsLb r t mde mdeth mIthe
th the iUI > part or f Hie I h tiniteniiy ml ini t il t H Hwent Hw Hen
went w nt on to say thai hIi u t had l 111 heito ti > il hi > t tto I It
to t t take Ve the th mitiAtixe mllI in I carrvina CIHfil < > it I thin thinidea 111 ttisIdea
idea 1 < at t Pnnretoo Prnro l hwciiiim > erau rI ihT s she a al
l he < various arifl an I ionfuMiiiC nlrI nnfttii mi IOln IOlnor ttteIlntsv ttteIlntsvof > celniir celniirof
of piece to b > > e put J t > cth thr > r ii iti ti in munv munvother IIISOVother
other univerPrcIdest unlverr uni Me MePr 1M 1MPI
Pr PI PrcIdest ident < nt WIIH Vilmm iie < rn > < i the li 1 iri irimAd > ri rimade r rmd
made md at t Princeton Prhnc toti to lfh6 run rii 0 ni nigraduate tj0f tj0fgraduate 1 1radut <
graduate < radut course lur mi 11 an I rcin 111 111r v > ieiii ieiiiBut
r But he h Hidl dde < l CfMir CA f rnot inli inlinot t tnot
not an edncaMon dllwn liiratimi r 4 n aa IMMV IMMVA u uA
A pro of life IiI nf r < < erelnpnill lnI Milder Mildercore lclr lclra tmhrscoreot
a sore scoreot core of influence mtlne rhiefly dlty pertoiml li liwa I Iwith Itwttwlth
wa wttwlth < with lhi thisconcepton conception conNplon that we w folt fnItwc fnItwcup < iwe iweup
up the 1h h reorganuJllon rr ln 1011 of the roir Ior e of oftudy > f fstudy rtudy
study tudy wait wih the th entablichnieni hlhmn nf r the Ih pr prrcptortal p pcptor1 pocptortal
rcptortal cptor1 y ytni l < ni m n ordei Ir to i IrI torlig > rng the thestudent theutudints hI hItudn
student into cln CtOSC aociation aOi nn with the Ihr IhrInatrclon th1rInstructofa > r rinitructora
initructora Inatrclon end to R Ie tve > e them e om Con Conception oonception Oi Oiptlon ¬
ception ptlon of learning IIlnlll A s lung hin < of inde independent 111 111pndtnt itithepndent
pendent pndtnt endeavor endeavorH ndt or orI
H I w wis s with thl this sans m de thea that ha eUn eUncation edtication I Icton
cation cton i il not a prooe lr < of of instruction Irlclon lint lintcome hiI hiIcm tourcomes
come cm by the Ih Intimate daily contact of ofImmature orImmt ofimmature
Immature Immt mind with mind more r matureand mature matureAnd malureAd
And Ad experienced eJpfn ncf that Ihlt I propoe propocI < l to the thetfuitee Ih IhtttHI thettutes
tfuitee tttHI of 11 the th university a reorganlra reorganlration
lion o of the Ihf social 0lai Itfe Ir of the th undergrad undergraduates Incrlr uondrgraduate d dQt ¬
uates Qt which hould draw drA them together togetherinto togetherInto
into little Jlll rornmtinitle rmmulll in which heh they theywould t twoutt thivwoul4
would woutt be t daily dlty axodated in ome nm natural naturaland nallr1 nallr1ad naturaland
and ad intimate Intmat way y not lt only with wlh each eachother eachother b boter
other oter r tut hut > ut with wih the 11 older men who h are arethe arethe r rthe
the guides cuid of the th university universityPresident tifliversstyppfdeflt I vrit vritPrldnl
President Prldnl Wilson ileon 1111 mild Id that while thisproject this thiaproject Ihl IhlprJfI
project prJfI of metal oci oi1 l roorganirxtlon or nI7lon along alnt the thelines Ih Ihlnn theline
lines lnn indicoted IndirltMI had not nf1 met with the th thproval ap approval p pproraI ¬
proval of the Ih tniBtee rrlI and hail hld therefore thereforenever IhrfIr IhrfIrlter thereforeevr
never lter been n revived rIN the Ih abandonment < > of ofthe f fthe rte
the te project did ll not I turn Ir u s aalde from fromour Irmour fromour
our main object md nn < left It it I po jwsthIe ilie for forUS loru forUI
US u to p plh li forward Inrw rfl toward il I accorn accornpllthment 1ol 1olplhm mrcornplishment
pllthment plhm nt in it eere re of other direction directionThe dlrftnn dlrftnnTf ulhrctIvonTh
The Tf Th speaker reeer pllkr explained Jpllnl that Ihl from the Ih
Arst t these undertaking 1Itrkl5 the h work wur had felt feltthat Ilttt feltthat
that tt they were w iloinv hotuu OII such Jel more than thanreorganUe thanreoranhl0
reorganUe rtrcnl the th college collegeWe 1
Ve knew w he h Aid that a I i Ilor nrorer > ror > er re reorganization rt rtoralton reorjanlzaton ¬
organization would ld take tal u I uc straight etraighttoward straighttoward riahttowar
toward the th thing thllK which were r sure to I give giveus liv livu giveus
us towar recognition nil a s a itniveniiiy lirit in the thefullest Ihl IhlIllHt thefulkt
fullest u o sense < n of the Ih term Ir We w knew that thatmen IhAtmH thatmen
men IllHt taught 1 i4 we were seeking Iunl to leach leachwould Ilh Ilhwould tctchwould
mH would many of II them Ihlm w wIsh h to take Iik their IheirStudies 1ir 1ire theirudiea
Studies e udi further into lt tot the th great held fld nf ofresearch nfresearch 01f
research rh that thll we should hnlil Iwfertiliringthe Iwfertiliringthesoil It fertuhiring rllllln th the thesoil I Ii
soil f out Olt of which an interfiling Inlrt1 body d of ofgraduate f fgraduate I
i graduate student flJdn would luhl almost inevit inevitably Invl inevltahhysiurlng ¬
ably blyrIIK pring eknew nwlllrovr moreover that l t by bydraw1n > y ydrawing
drawing lo ourselves M I we wnre r doing doingvery doinl doingvery
drWn very noticeable notlcahl wholars Iholrl we w were r takingtie taking takingthe tklnR tklnRl
the ver l e best hl counw CII toward Iwllr making mklnl Princeton Princetona PrnNIIn PrnNIIna
a place 1o 0 which graduate sludetit tud II from fromevery Irolneve fromevrl
every eve plc quarter tlerter of 1 lh counlry lllr would feet fee r1t
it > t n nerery nccr Ar ry to n < > for tiidnnca and andt andtrlnlna andtrainIng
t raining rainingAt trlnlna
At Princeton h1lclon President Wilson con continued Ott Otttinued n ntlnu ¬
tinued it I had long 101 I be been > n held A mistake rlk mUlaketo
to tlnu 0 separali > Iwrplyndu utrilysr < lii le and nd under undergraduat underpAul undergzadute
graduat pr instruction Inlruton For 101 nrmple rmlI it ithad i fthcI
had pAul nxver vr lw ttti II thought t houlhl wine wi lo e estho esthohalt tal talluh A Alah >
h halt lah a wiwrale ° rat grvduate Irllal faculty rclily It I wr wrbetter w wttr wra wrabetter >
better ttr for the Ih profennorn to continue continuelo conlb conlbo
lo o l give Intlmute Inln undorgradualH Ildr < ra1uIII inotnic inotniclion mlnlcIQ Inst FUC FUCthn
lion I in II the th element of 1 th I hr r sulietu sulietuPrealdent euljectuPresident 1 1rldnt
IQ President Wilson inn thought I CIMI ru 0 that t it itwa I itW4
wa WA W4 good for r the I h graduate Ird uliKtentu Iudn to tolive toliv
liv live and ald study with the Ih iinderxrAduatps iinderxrAduatpsIt IndrorAulu IndrorAuluI
1 It kept them t h < m mori human umn and td preventeft preventefta Itnl Preentetnrrowtng 1 1a
a narrowing Mrll of intellectual InlItualympthy InlItualympthyThe sympathy nympnihyThe
The object of unlvenuty ullveY training Irinila A APresident A as asPreeldetit
President Wilson ilson e e it i to make makeintelligent mkr makentelligtflt
intelligent IMldllt preeiving r ivI I men of the t h under undergraduate IIndrIlat lindengidut ¬
graduate and td of fr the II graduate IrrlI enact esactsehohrs enactmholar CI CIholri
mholar Ilat holri who will wl not have ha eimed to tobe tnKnlal tohe
be genial a a1 > nd copiprehemling IIIrhnlnl men menHe mnH menHe
He H fMimtetl out hat t ht the I lie life at o i unireralty unireraltya unirl unirli
i a a mo moel 01 t important factor lartor in securing securingthis lurln lurlnIhl ictirlngthis
this Ihl end ft And that t the II influence Intl of the thelife Il Ille thouhfe
life le ought Is l be qoiIhnhi rat hollo bnla and AII as asIntimate a aIntimate IIIntimal
Intimate a o various Ar olil and vet na I organ organiraly or organicly < n nlaUy
iraly connected nlet1 tu lolhl > os K > e There Therefor ThrIn Therefore
for In fore he h t aid > d wherever hrfr we f touch Irh anr anrouestion an anflutlon rw rwtuestion
ouestion of life lr at a university 11rlt we 1 feel feelthat I feelthat I Ib
that b we e touch tOlch the tb very vr tuff tul of 1 I every everything everythIng vr ¬
thing thin that tbt we are a dealing with wih intellee intelleetuol lntefleMAI Intl
tuol 1 procenves O4X1PS Inoluded Inoludedf inQudl
t f At PrxA Pnncetou the process of building buildingI
I rn =
ths 1K he ualvertlty Ideal 1 had b beoa b one on o oputting ot otput ciputting
putting put Un togethor the th t arattered piece pieceof piccbc
of Ir college cl and university unlenUJ uue life II Ihf Prealden PrealdenMlson rldnt rldntWlan PysideniYhlson p
Wlan Mlson said aI He I H continued cnUnu4 Th rhere r li linothing I Innthln Iinothing
nothing nnthln therefore we w dread dn so soas 0 much mucla muchIh
as a the Ih < creation cton of additional adtinl separaK separaKi rl
i 1111 I ierea > We particularly prllclirly dread dna anythiiii anythiiiithat anythlnthat nTtblla nTtbllaIhal
that would WlU segregate rcat the body of grad gradluate cat grailstudents
luate students llIdltl or create cnate an fmpnMaiot fmpnMaiotof ImJllliol
of separateness prlt on o the part prt of those tb who whcl
I went giving 111 graduate rdut instruction instructionMe
Me WeM am particularly sensitive to tholatigior th thdanger thdauCr
prUclal nlive
danger dauCr of ting Iin supplied 1 pUf with wl ithi h ln IIt Instrul Instrultnentihithes > tru truinentclltiea ru rumentUII <
I inentclltiea which hie will wil not lie bo suitable Ibl l lthe 10 10Ihla hith <
the Ihla th purpoite we have so longand lon and labor laboroualy lhorl lhorlIUI 1ttoriDusty
Dusty sought lueh to reaJIio < W a ahat are areaware r U Uaware <
IUI aware that Princeton Pruton 111 is I on UI truil I ril aa aauniversity a a aunlvly auniversity
university unlvly 111 Shu has h l lsen > e n ItII itt l tempt tultthllIM tultthllIM1rest Inn Innereat ll I
ereat thing IhinC by b w wy y of loademhip talhip huatlo ° rship > NIt NIttiSa < li lihas
I has tre1 ha taken Ik n the t h toe initiative hiillv In II thing I blnKl1 In which whlciishe whtcl whichshe
she h might le 11 h nril I to have no axpiorflnCe axpiorflnCegh xperi rm rmha ntv ntvBi
Bi has ha conMt rn eon lo an n exceedingly llllly crillcelimlnt crillcel erlh11 erlh11Illnl critlutlpoint
point In her he development du where whf If the theroureption t thecoDeptiofls h hoplon
roureption oplon she ete ban ha hi beets working wortln < upon uponf 11 tipotietti > 1
f etti > ti6uld tii be eaibarra euitiiirraseeil < MNl or thrust Ilrlt In uti utiMi UIid 0101 0101susIe
Mi susIe id le shoe he 1 wight naJhl fall 11 into the th sort Irt of con confusion cn cnrlMIu vonttdou ¬
fusion rlMIu which lilch would mult mean failure lalur It Itla I ItIs
II la prsrtlrally lr tlI Impossible for those I ho wh who whoslattul < i il
slattul < l ud 1 outside university Inlurll administration administrationlo dmilllralJou
lo understand Indrtond how hlw vital iu to every r interest inlenit hlM1 hlM1I interestit
it I IH 1lht I that wo should houlo not only nl do the II right righlHung rlahlIill rightI
Hung Iill I but do il I in II the th t he right way Unlv UnlvIntimate Unlvntmale Julyintimate
Intimate ntmale contact Inl11 with the Ih thing IhMI < itself itselfcan i itselfran
can show the th Imit ways wa lo act and our ouronly ouronly lIr lIrI
only Possible justification for ituisiuiirtgInpoti insisting insistingupon 111111
I upon 11 > 1 freedom rnom In II detail dtl U I that we w have havxmnd h hI havemAd
mAd m d tent of the Ih details dal and an I know Inow what whatIt
I It I is necessary n r to do 10 A ooemingly minalv slight slightdeviation slightdeviatIon IiahlI
I deviation deviaton from the Ih flai plan might mlalt throw throwIt thrw thrwIt
It awry ansi we should houl have b to begin sin over overagvin oralln overaghi
agvin alln awr to cons elllrltt construct I r net out Olt of mifa a an new toewnilecellaity miscellany miscellanyn mllal
n new n system systemBefore It ItI
Before or President Wilson Witon spoke I > k Ceorge CeorgeK Ufrae UfraeK orge orgeh
K h Itrower president ldnt of the Ih Alumni AlumniAssociation Ailmni Ailmniialiu AlumniAssociation
I Association ialiu called al on 01 Hill fl hoper Koperathletic Ior IorIIhlftc hoperathletic
athletic instructor 11lrullor At 11 Princeton raelon to tell tellwhat 111wbt tellwhat
IIhlftc what might michl lie II ex ezpeefroi JIII1 > ecied In happen next nextfall n1 tteZttall
fall rai Reform of things athletic alhlto ai a well welln w1
I n oil scholastic seemed lo 0 be in II the Ih air ir and andMi andI
Mi I hi rnlll Holier oper announced mf at once that he helieljeveti h hI hehmiivd
lieljeveti that I annollna the I h system of choosing hOIII men menfor mnlor menfor
for the teams and of conch coaehing chlnc ing them wan wanlo WA wasto
I lo blame lm for Princetons Irinc ton defeats defeatsTli drITI
Tli I tearna eina n he said ad were I nvercoached nvercoachediViacher nvereoachednarhe rcchf rcchfrh
iViacher rh did all al the lh thinking and nd turned turnedwhat lun1 lun1whl turnedwhat
what whl was w after all al only a game into a ahighly ahlhl ahighly
highly hlhl specialized business Mr Roper Roperaid Ropr Roprid Ropersaid
aid id there IhN llaUul would tie I no large corn corps of ofcoaches orh ofcoaches
coaches h uti the Ibf gridiron IldlnI next fall 11 and nd that thatwhile thaihl thatwhIle
while hl he reaheed Nald that tht there thr were w plenty of ofPrinceton 01rnClo ofPrinceton
Princeton men who knew as much h about altouttie aboutthe hnUtII
tie II rnClo job as a he h did tld nevertheless nrhl he h had had1 been beenchosen beenchosen
chosen hn to run MI thin Ihi thivtru mid Ald he 1 meant mlnl lo do doIt 110It itoIt
It the Ih brut I h he could1h could couldThe lll
The 1h mistake in choosing cho na the Ih men n for forthe for forthe or orth
the th teams Mr Roper Rorr thought thou < hl arose a ar front fronttoo IIm IImI fronttOn
too to much mllh attention aUfntlo being il paid pid to totory prepara preparatory ¬
I tory 10r school hO1 star 1 who had their Ihlrh p111 p11110r ptotee ptoteehanded nlnce nlncehanded
handed h over to Ihl then without having havluc to towork 10I towork
work dl for them We w tell t1 them how cood coodItvV grodhv M Mt
ItvV t are a he Mid and ald then Vale al beat beatu heiteu 31 31U
I h il
the themen th thon themen
u The Th r rason A on n he h said was I hut
men on I he Ih Yale 1 team tI worked orld A little littleh lill lillhnlr littleharder
h harder hnlrrml harderlames rder rderlamp
lamp rml W lex4iider f I former lorr forin preei preeiilfnt Prci1nt
ilfnt of r the Ih boan of trustee trul introduced introducedAI Inlrdlt InlrdltA
AI A M Prncftou rrIClon rooter rolr made r prout girce gircefiil M
rout ril speech In II pr prtis i of Pnnceton PrlClon and andPresident and andPresider nd ndPrMidrr
President Wil WI41n Vhison on Jrt fie I cud lt tlrt Ilt he h could couldy elhl elhlWUN cotiltisay
say y Vioii ViIs ° u tNI util r l me m in the Ih hi 4fm scm eme sense sensethl sensetht n
thl 1 h tia fnetd rritIt McCunlv reelrdv on1 on spoke k of ofth orrlll ntSrett
It seemed thai thaiSjrcent thaiSHllr thatSirgevt
Srett th t painter nt
Sjrcent rlll hid iv tointci > finlr inte < l Mr rr McCurdy 1lry por porroii 11r 11rrl jorIilit
SHllr roii rl rnd PI had frthfiilly 1IMlllr decieted IIDielt a wbie wbieixit whi whietot
tot rn 0 hi tots sitter s inii mtiuttichoe it t clie which hlh hlhI wu wui wasuhewse
I i uhewse lhe hM ie hlacU hl Mr Ir Mctunlv Iru prote prl1 prl1rh pmtstcirh te l ltli
rh t tli thiapo h > po w wilsoutty only 011 there Ihdlrn theredutring dunngr pm pmce 1 pmccs
ce ccs of < f growing CrWI1 grV ar cod d th t he h didn dioll diollr diditaFro t trpi
j aFro rpi r 1 to go o d own down wn I to posterity Jri In li us I Ih1 Ih1Pld tttittwehietol hi I Iwry
twehietol wry but hii Htrgerit Srol rent would not notVim no noI notiiriu
Pld ir iiriu 0 Vim ir he h rwipled 111 wh wlnr f Iw IwSo h hw hosw
sw w I So S Mr Ir Met Mcttirdv 1 Mnlv Iv got 0 a Meptudder Meptudderm 1 Idtr Idtrlr
I m Ottt t rot ef r lilf hlfrk ch taint li frd lilecbe reft < mil miliV n
iV 1 01 lr pot Ih 1 Itoui n rlliug rlhl Mr tr Mei 1ul letiai letiaidrs tn tnd
d drs r fI > tti t < l on i tt > ihi Oh h port rail he h de deciilwl d tieit
1 prtt
ciilwl it 1 5 lh II worn 1 of r HTjfnt rjol end endvtciiirdy Pnll Pnllr Pnllrr antitet
vtciiirdy vtciiirdyPtrker tet r uttd uttdPnrLer
Ptrker rr l It Hailey 111 if r the Ih Pniieion Pniieiongraduate Pril PrittortoncraiustA on oncrlult
graduate crlult euiul coutio 0111 I exnlaipe < l the Ih vorkmg vorkmgi oMIIA oMIIAr <
f and 01lso I > eoat id the theuumnl h huOI touhuti
i of t tII m a Udy 0 situ 111 HM SIIKK IIKtri 11
uumnl uOI did 1 not approve aHO ot the Ih thutvretvhted pre n ntftieil
vretvhted tftieil ionrovep u oor < r President Presidentttilsosis lrtll lrtllI I ° rudentWtIa
ttilsosis WtIa s HSIS I foi ft i he f niversily and andihoucht 1111 1111hOllhl stoilihosught
ihoucht > it l load > d lM taste le tti I i > uv the Ih tb le least st for forii rlrIlh foorii
Ilh ii ii illflTeient lfI1 1 nlumni to u air all ihir > er < > iial iialI 111
I > > IIMOII 11 in I tI I ne f spujoei Pr
tititio 11f iititHt Illrh I I flhi inin ininThe I ut in in1h1e I It Ilh t
lh The Melt I Known hnn etor Inr > eilirw 11 of r Kiln IIsIt IIsItItnath 10 In Inllnnth hUnlh
llnnth 1 1r trs In I Cbsrlntlr hrn V 4 4i 4 4I 4I
i iUKinrr I1n V t March ath1 II t ire rettfl i n nI
I ir usrm It ihe Ih ailor if r r irk rk r city It dit uiiI uiiIto h0 h0h l lli
li toiliv 0 1 V H I had hi i I line not r Sni Sh u b ir for the theHt I It hi hiI
I Ht t > f I II li lidlli lidllii Ih Ihh
< i ui h < la Ik ike k cc s > l 11 tior > r > ti Plultd hhoiIsf1hi l ltiin
tiin hi i > n l II li H I out nl 1 > r l e i > h hi hiI tilt tiltithr
I 1 lihT hr lohn nn Mlee1oe leej I i Illtl urW ih h actor actorn r rn
n li h > lMi Mild ntI 1 ie oM i d 1 I edilCHllill edilCHllilln
n IxdHlon ami dn uuih IVr r Hi II ri tl ti < > spiwur spiwurtot p flr flrt > ir irnc
nc t on ihe li I l 11 ts < c w wCs rl p t ihe h delphl delphllhmr dIIIIr deltutii1hatre
lhmr Ir in II London Irlon where hr he h acini 111 the thei Ih IhI theLtt1
i I Ktrt of f r > > ts Ill itlehehell ith il in II ihe iheiiiiwiiv Ih IhnllV I Iouutiv
iiiiwiiv of 01 Kdwm Iin lkothu llH 0 > ih hi his unele t tn tnI 11I m mI
I I I u t > th the h v v 0 a ar r iua < he h I plyrtI > live < l in I Ixniduii 111 stool amithroiRh stoolthroigh III IIIlhollh
throiRh lhollh the Ih province Iro with Ih his hi unclee uncleeeompkny lt itoeieecot1opsfl I ICmlny
eompkny Cmlny and in I support ulfr of 01 r his f 1lhr 1lhrn 15 I her herIn r
1 Ie lestr Val WIt ValKcU al alst
In n t4 Mr r harlot Iuk jOil11 joined tr
t KcU Jr stock lok cornpanv rllI in IS It New W nrk t And Andwhen inoiwhen 01 01whlh
when whlh the c eonpsov nirMiiv p r vent n oo loll of existence existencehe elostetiehe s II IIh
he h joiped ugnsiin IIllm IMiv 1lv la y a sio sIoeI 1M < l > cotnpMt coin lpI lpITI tat tatrt > v vTli
Tli rt following 101011 rear lr Mi t I 11 lark i ram eci4tnthe ramIhe al alI
the I heAl h of 0 bin if own couipan Olfll > and Ill Illn titl i or orIn was wasin
in n Richmond lehmon < Va that he h tlrsi appearsm appears
m 5 A star in I Ifanilel Hi I lies grandfaher grandfaherluniiw grandfaherhuiniuia rnllrnhr rnllrnhrIlnlla
luniiw Ilnlla Hiit Hiituzs 11 us tooth Illh also 110 mad ma < his h Hr t fIrst fIrststage l lmage
mage jippearenoe in I that hIt town 1011 Mr MrClarke r rriarke rIrl
Clarke Ial Irl at pal the he h head d < of hi hil his company rmJan > mire mireihe olrj olrjI rootrelthe <
the I counirv rln for the Ih neit n non In > n years vr play playIng tilayIni
Ing 11 The Th erchonl of r Venice etuce etucehieus 11 Rjche Rjchelieu Whh
lieu h The 1h Fool rOO1 Revenge arid other ntherI otheroutattiliril IhrI
standard I ldr fday Iy Mr tr larks Ink lurinil la I ilav 1ln 1lnwrahl tilaywright ilavwnght
I wright wrahl in If liwTand Ili ItWT In1 anti wrote wrl The Th l Lost i of Ills IllsRace H IllsRace
Race Re Four 1011 yar ago Al he h sinrreil lrr1 m mMonsieur I fl flMonsimuir
Monsieur Beaiicalre nrlr and n1 durinit rurlHC the Ih Ihan theseason
1 Reason an of IIMiTH IIi he hf took lok the Ih roild rO11 in 1 1h 1hI Ihe IheI he heI
Power that Oovern OovernMr
I 1 I Mr Ir larks i il is suirvtvct urvive 1rIt < l hy h hi h wife r who whoformerly who whoformerly h hhrlrl
formerly hrlrl wn Wf was Adelaide dlahl Prince Irln an nctrrunit actress nelr1 actresssnol
unit I a I playwright He I was 1 A membei n of 11I ofIhe r rh
Ihe I h Player llay nub nubMM I Ib IbIIt h1ih1JIflM
MM IIt 1 f UK I1 S ti I lit 111111 1m an in iD tit titHer 1 1lien
Her Men on Inlnnla tntontoh Tlhe StarrIest rrlt tIp r
Anderson on Corning to the Ih lnnrtsl lnnrtslMrs Funrtsttlr
Mrs tlr 1 J K I de d Savsrro Srn varro who whose h so soAntonio > n nAntonio nnlonlo
Antonio Iernando 1ran11 de d Xavarro San married marriedMary marl1 marl1Iar marnltiary
Mary Iar Anderson the th actress etl iliil ye yI yIdy yester yesterday ter terday
day morning mrnil < at t her home hnr 13 West Vu HI Forty Fortysixth Vortyuiith orty ortyxh
sixth xh Street Ilrtl in I her seventyseventh nlvnlh yea yesrafter YAn yeaafter
after an n illness in of fr several ver1 month She Sheleave SIteleaves h h1
leave two 1 non ln oltonso lfon lnnl o and n1 Antonio AntonioMrs Alloll AntonioMrs
Mrs 1 de d Navario avaro wh < i wa Mj Silas 1 Kllen KllenA EIII EIIIA
A tyker was born hrn in il New S ew York nrk city cityin utyiii ly
111 in 1133 tl She Ih wan WA married laril on 01 May Iyi
13 i In the th late Jos n K F de tl 1 Xavarro svarro who whowa whowas h hwa
wa the Ih builder blild and ad tlr Ir fIrst t president of the theSew th thS thePw
Sew S Pw York k and nd Harlem Kailroad HAirAf There Therewere ThlI ThlII Therewere
I were four 10lr w anna > ria n John Dykers ykr anil ntl Jos JosKranctwo JtiaVraJoeiIko
Kranctwo trad besides the I two tw who wh survive surviveira nurviveMrs rviv rvivI
I Mrs de d Navarro vrro wa an au ardent Catho Catholic nthulb ¬
lic lb and wai w widely ir known knon for her hermany h hI tiermany
many 10 man charities cbrlt and nd large larl gift allt to tA ti the theOttwilin t tJ tJlstttulio
I Ottwilin tlln Church thureh She Hhf lived Ivf to celebrate celebrateher Iht IhtI
her h golden < oldn wedding wrln < in Iwil IwilAntonio
I Antonio Fernando Ffan de d Navarrn avrrn lives hivesnear livesnear 1
near london lie U sailed NIt today on ona1 the thefiimlania theLutitania
fiimlania and will i he b here in time for forthe InrI forthis
I the Ih funeral rIlal at t the th Cathedral lllr on Mondaynext Miototliynext Monday rIII1nlt
I next nlt nltI
tntirt tntirtJohn IITI till tillJohn til tilI
I John Duller one of the 11 oldest uriors uriorson estarsan
on the nnrirsn Irj > tax I and for rt alone 1 inn innmember 1m 1mI Idaa
a member mhr of the 11 romfuinr rmn sunimrilnc sunimrilncUavH soptortin1ad Irlo IrloU
I UavH U Warflald Wrf In The T Ito Music luI Master Masterwas > la laI laIhul ier ierwas
was hurled hul ye resierdar trdar rd al 1 Oulilh f1111 f1111I MtniMr Minn MinnMr
Mr r Imller was as taken Ik III II on lour tourthe during duringthe Ih
the enBacenieiu Iml of The Th Music 1 Master Msslerhi r rI
I hi 11 I Diiluih Olllh Mire hr seeks eek k sc ign 1 Mr rr liallev liallevwa lOtIevwas 1
wa was n ItS yesr old nlf sad rmd ud been n on lie I iKe 5tvenIt iKeflflr I IIe
flflr nIt > e rs Me Ie wa ass a specially 1111 cncsreii cncsreiibv rnr rnrhv
bv Mail llelasro IN to rrele lest the 1 role r rI rot of orTl < > m mnlr
I nlr Tl 1 I Hirtinn H In llrand trnd rant Army rn ts tsand an anni n nnd
and nd lalierlv hlrl nil II to 0 rh he h time Iln nf hi hi delli dellihe < II
he h ni played Ihe oh hI rAte rI of tnltnf rtl hi the serIar serIarIn errel rlr rlrIn rr rrIn
In The 1 h Music Master Mr r llaller was wasirarirlr wastrarIfrahl
irarirlr phone In In n the I world rll and uI 1 In n lh lhhence 11 the thestents
hence nf r stir n rn close e rrlllre rII hl 1 funeral funeralrs rnra
waS < rs a nl condiirted rn < rle br h hie h hI fellow 1Iln pUrer plr r Ir IrI or orthe f fihe
the I he larfleld 114 compni compniBKhsr1 nmrn nmrnI I IRoeharl
I BKhsr1 Keverler II rdlen son n nf he h Ute UteThorns 11 11I letThomas
Thorns B and n Jane Ianl d da ferler rllr Arden Ardendied trdsndiell rdnP
I died of oinpllcsil fnmplCaUnn < n of df dteeeses e se in 1f totEllzah fit fitQlzabvih f
< Qlzabvih Elub Ellzah P ths Hospital HNjltl at r Etlxuheih Ellablh N 1 1list 1hash
list evening nln Mr r Arrfen wa was 67 1 7 7oil rear rearnM au autl
nM H He leaves a sister llrn3Ir Mrs Richard B BPA I Rpast
PA past tl nI of I Bound Brook X J J and ant a hilt hllfbrother hlr hlrhnb hiltbratber
brother hnb Thomas Tbof un B Ard Arh Ardn n ef 119 I 13 Cast CastThirtjrlhird ft ftThttTthlrd LestThtrtrthlrd
Thirtjrlhird ThttTthlrd street a this city citymiiiaTfci cityg
miiiaTfci i g aV IM i tf itfr T
M ImlIIbehIr > raMilltellr 111 Strike Mtrl In Philadelphia 111tPll 111tPllI I ° Ha HaI lisp lisploll
I I l hl loll < ll > Mrlllna tnc tn WB > Mlslrwlile Ntrlki Mlr Ntrfltrl
1 Net l I4kel 1 > la He I Calleil Ud IMsgusletlnilh IMsgusletl Pcut I
nilh h the thl Refusal ru1 la eeepl 1 Peace rraeeMure r rI PeacePstnampuiia
Pstnampuiia IUUUUPIU Mure li i Thesinkinu Thesinkinucirnien Th The striking strikingcarnieto Irikln Iriklncrmft
I cirnien crmft have 1 repudiated f1II1 the Ih agre agresutluont agresutluontuitade ni 111 111made nt ntmade
made between lwf1 the th ltaml Ibpll Transit nlll coiiininy coiiininyand couthutoulysitu IIII
Illd and situ their IIir own WI intertuilloiuil IIIrUIUI prvident prvidentWilliam urehilentWilliam I
William Wiim O Mahon Ihol It came a sa the th III IIIFt grslt grsltheat gr il ilhvt
hvt heat aur 1IIlia sutrprlu > riv that Philadelphia lhldlhia hu b has ever evvrknown everktuwi r I Irlr
Ft known knownI ktuwiAfter
I After rlr Senator lalr IVurooe had forced thu Ih Ihllpll ihtkSHloki
1 llapld llpll Tratikit Trlll coniKiny I > IY to grant amnl Hi I Jr Jrlnt iwrcrnt > er ercent
cent more mn than thal the th striker Irt had 1II ever vr1ldl de detnnde tieitiqtiilttI
tnnde 1ldl < l after alllr Million Ih in II the Ih tuitne IUI of Of I HIM HIMstriker Ih IhI thiosstrikers
striker I rk tooth h eagerly 1rly mcepled the II phi terms lerinand Irl termsauth
and 111 hid nlmken hand on flit I > bargain hargnttiwith bargainwith rgall
with wih th the Senator HItor Vio Vfoehreeident < Pr id nt Wolf Wolfof Volfof I
of r the Ih eomiNiny mINI and IUI ottiern 111 in the Ih con conference COl COlMnr Conference ¬
ference Mnr after rlr the announcement InnOmnl by I HIM HIMSenator Iho tIcSenator I I1lor
Senator 1lor and ld Mr Ir Mthon that the Ih lriLi uitrikowas lriLiwa r
wa over the th car Cr union Illon pricked lrk1 on byIratt by byPratt ly lyI
I Pratt I > r I humiliated hll a their Illir principal rICIJII official officialand omcil omcilAmi officialand
and delil olhiherstely IIIly > eratelv offended llnt1 PenroM PI who whnhad whohad wn wnbath
had oMiiined for rlr them I fur more 10r than they theyhad I theyhad h hhat
had asked askedThe askedThe
hat atll
The most nUlI experienced in politic rllc1 and andlabor andIhr andlahiur
labor dlfllcullln dinlelll cannot mlnnt recall II a situation situationto 111
to equal lal tho th present slate 111 of affairs alTnlrsPennise Ilal IlalPn affairsPitrttse
Pennise Pn nngerwl Ila1 hit h returned r1 I rn I In InWashington II tspiihtitigton
Washington WashingtonMahon WhIIRIn WhIIRInIhol iihtitigtonMahoti
Mahon Ihol insulted bv y hi his own follower followeri rolo roloI
i on 11 the h point p > lt uf withdrawing hdmln < th sup xupl supof iP iPII
l > ort of II thou Ihl international InhrUtllI carmen carfn union unionThe 11111 ilitintirbl
The n sympathetic strike Irk I Is melting mlina like likeshow 11 11Indr likeshow
Thousand nll of ofunion 01Inlol ofunIon
show under Indr a I spring tinR sun 11 To
union Inlol men tIl who ho had l hseen een out 011 in II sympathy sympathywith synipat IIIhy IIIhyh by bywith
with h the Ihl cur r men tIl went Inl back rk to their tlllr jolttoday jolt jllIody Julietoday
today disgusted 11I with wih the Ih outcome outcomeK Hllcol
K K t Ireenawalt ha h gone JIn to Wllkes Wllkesarre Wik WikI Whhkeshere
I bar here > arre to connult 1111 the council eoni of r the Ih Statn StatnFederation tttateFedaruotion IAI IAIIraln
Federation Iraln of r fnlxir A as to whether a aState 1 aState
State strike Iril shall hal IM I ii called clt He I Ii doe cO not notwant 11 11I notwan
I want wan a Stale SIII strike rk He I is disappoint disappointa dlprlnl1
a 5 to the I h defiant 1IAII stand IIn1 tnken Inl bv the t h local localunion 101 101Inl lncnhunison
union Inl Hut lt he h is I tike i n 1 man n with lh a hot hotpotato hotIMI hunttatat4t
potato IMI in II hi huts hum hllt anxious 11IUI to I ii drop dro it itbut I itlout
but hlllh the kln kil sticks tick k1 a little littleUIH 111 111Ih littlathe
the Ih official OmlII and nd dirnctnr dlOlo nf the Ih Rapid RapidTransit Rt RtTralil ltipooIrrausi
Transit Tralil ronifMtny olany driven dti11 by h Senator SenatorPenro Snri SenatorIenre
i Penro Inru e into 11 making txrnia which theyietstlssi they theydeleted IhyI
deleted are nr more irritable than ever everbefore everbefore r rrn
I tII1 before rn and ld more ncensed nCn 1 against aint the thecar I hisear h har
car ar men menTh m mTh macmtthe
Th the whole hol thing i Is in a a muddle IIIdl and alt the theonly I thuonly h holy
only thing thai Ihfl seem r at all al clear der i is that thatthe Iha IhaIh thatthe
the Ih local car ar men will i have hd to light l < hl it i out outalone nitalone 1
alone 11 without 11 hOI the I h nsitance i al of any of ofIhe oufthe I Ih
the h bodie which have h hitherto 1llh supported supportedthem pni pniIhm
them t and without wlhli wi t hou it Ihn Ih t hr rnenMiro IM of r put lllr lllrwhlc ho hoympalhv I Ic Icynipthiy
ympalhv which they Ih enjoyed previous previousto prvlllIh
to t I their Ih I lr iolation of I goo I guest i faith There T is islomglil istunighi
lomglil tin indication mlli of r t further I hr con conference coiltereneeie m mI ¬
I ference ferenceHie rrln rrlnn tereneeiefloe
floe n car Ar men ln cay v iliit I h thee h repudiated repudiatedtiiu rlIII
tiiu 110 I hut Penro 1rllhn PenroseMahiuti eMahon agteMinem IIIrnl a t qnent l iueeuw iueeuwt > erauM erauMIhev 1 1Ihy <
Inv t did not 11 want lie Ih t strike Ink lo 0 l Is > sett etlle lh1 led led1w < t ttiv
tiv I politician Ilitrlan pohitiemitneanol and l 1toI Iecatise > caiis > there wa a no noxclistve norIII noclisive
xclistve renimitiin rIII res togmitt I 010 > 1 1 iheir t lieu r union Ilon ott inn in inbe I ontie
be h peso 11 0 ititv mc I v s 1 11101 innt 111r t or > r of r fact fsutulicy factihev rulhy
ihev bud I log III 11 < l for ton he h afHMtano Ian of ofllie ofthe r rIl
the Il I silit > lltlciArH hllan lieoeerK ni nl nit Senator Pen Penr I Irf
r rf < s i u orion I iver < > er r from Irl Washington hlnl to tohelp InIp toioep
help Ip them I h ho out 1 and Uev u I had never at unv unvtime Jn Jnm nnvt
time t m rne th h iHsce 3t tiZot tiegMiatUiti 111111 Lit000tls were wr1lalI1 oil ottoletmatuleI oildemanded
demanded 1lalI1 exclukive sI recogniion ro It I Intl UI They Theynull Tht Thuyntuhihiel
null 11111 ntuhihiel fled ik I h it > agreement nlrI1I1 l Ifl IsAsuit mi i tareiq arenie arenieO is
O Prn eil 1 lolm lnlnJ I Murphv llrh luirohv lrIllt lrIlltr ir > > ideiit ideiitf
51 > f the t h fle i eniril ert nlra ril IjiUir 1nloti 111 a > re r I Ir IbOi Ki > d dover o t tu
over u em r hi l I > v Snahor s > imtiir nr Pnro Pet Plr > rcw > e and t th Ii < P I It f I Iffifalo r rffioh
mal imd 111 iluiiinui iI 11nl1 I iii 0 no s I from rrnl fri us ih I h crnl erattouilrenr
touilrenr r
Ph Sen ViM n t or > r a ml 11 ih I h P I R I l I olTiciHl olTiciHlas mIIn1 lii lii455lflfMt
as 455lflfMt < > inc < l and n1 Mirv hl hud Mnhon word rI for fort
I iU 0050 i wuii IIIr > er Is I ncned n flMsl i if I fair faireould rurulI aui auissiki
eould ulI Ix I binding Iildml I nih 0 C oti ti Hie Ih h Ii utilixi 1111 uitoul ii S A H 11 oi i IhI ih ihiwr t h
iwr I 1014 r I in I the Ih t hu linn 111 titi I i inference lrtI on 1 S So imU imUinch II >
inch I h o 1 o lut gusl o < sl faith MahiHi ahl wa waiWi ous ousdhituetl
iWi Jol dhituetl lifd I1 u I itt h lernix I he h bail 11 nrutMl nrutMliriw ruiteohtrir 1 1r
trir iriw r ° a i sooiuwl iv < x HI R whit h lie I tieaI roiiidernl roiiidernlWM
WM 1 i KIXM oteaI ol Is > e Tn n I P I R I T I oRlcisIs oRlcisIsfr otIcis Is Isr
fr r not bapp I o hIlt sin 5 i s liid t iimi 111 111I e c < li litin I ImuItl
tin I muItl I ilt 111 ititi li thev h lil ndtl toil ul Kiev Kievw I
w 500 > f rl < < of f ii I ° i ii < tiiwtiy II iMd iMdH ticilitt 1 1I
H < iT itt itl I and tuI 1 lb II e ttt J0re4Mt > 4 4t hiril bv bvtit I livS
S tit to flits ItnaniHl Illtlt1 utu I in Ii i Mi t ifiiiiollinK i 111 uot 1 I iig I Ihe Ih IhI P PI 1 1h °
0 I I h I I Mk 1 stool 1 Mix Ut h wirilie 1111 of 1 th thI it itI I < >
I in tssi 1 H > f rtariion risis i otnptnv IIItl ttotuiv tin I il ttiiniipali ttiiniipal hituItIthliihsiisutv
i > iliKidi ihsiisutv 11 > t > > iint I Ii > n I in 1 the I h P I I U Iter I Iler IIIOIM Iler
ler er ti 1 iri tnII tc0Itu > ii Mit litd hi it l n signel signeland aifleIaioui lo loIr
and eilde e i led ci rrvtMNlv oh n > tiilor ti Ir r Peiiri 1 itiruwiTIN e eITIrv
ITIrv N i I It t 1 ft MM rrud rc > > lini ttii4fib < liu r fell r1 tuhit t > KIMD KIMDIhn
IIhn Ihn t list Hiere Ir a M Uind boouutsishiktig h kinic ill U < r roLihsi > und undMih 11 11Ihn
Mih oLihsi Ihn i and I 111 the II tn Imlr tnnoter nlwr if r lie soil sulcommittee soilOtliflilt 11 >
committee Otliflilt 1111 tea f the Ih t It coinrnitiee etttirflhi IIII to of f ten who whowen s h hfIII ii5i
wen Ncimic set fIII imiO wuii h nun 11 H turvd u the I P I R T TomI I IonlctnU IotTieotho
onlctnU lhn t boat he t men I wxiild 111 turn fll I and andhelp III amidbelt
help hl tho ho rimpaiiv IIY relbibditjlx ehuhtlmtjtMation r elf elfMahon I
Mahon ituaruneed 11111 otuoartiti ° et their loyaltv loyaltvTh 1011 lnyattvrh
Th ne I nest t fti stIo p wax 55 A ronsuferixl n hy I eterv etervl it cry cryhiodv t tlov
l odv lov > in iheconferein 0 he cotoeremi ID In purelv II fortnil fortnilThe rUrl1 fntttiuiThe
The Th agr IlrmI agrmmetoo > emeiii Krunling Irnlll t moo the Ih oh irikeiH irikeiHrin It trokereunslmteltisflt
rin reunslmteltisflt aI laletnent 1 II it t I heir h job J HI 1 t increased increasedxty snetejepotIsty
> py xty ailt ind at 1 the t h xinc i tmui 10 priority rrl they thie had hclI enI en enjor
I I jor < i previously n as w elI 1 l as arbirMtion rlrlnn of ofthe r rth Ithe
the th challis lnlii 1111 of I thin h ITS I men I dlsMmrited dl IHK1 for forntuse rorfl forslis
fl ntuse wa w was tnken k by li Mr Ir MAI hiiso II 11 I to ihe ihestriker t h hcikr he hestrikers
striker cikr heid Iieibqtiartera U rter4 I lie I rntitted 1111 liy liyIhecomnntceof hyIhcmqlh bythecnrioquitts
Ihecomnntceof Ihcmqlh thecnrioquitts sot I leji I Tbemrntnitter Th snitttltte mi li wn wnIxiund was wasbwtind I Illd
Ixiund lld of I course lr I iy tb nciMiti of I us I ul ull u uiniffltttea 11 >
l iniffltttea > > nimltleeap lIiI010ttiteOi > > lllied todeul t iloui with Olth Ponr IrnrInl lenre lenreand > e eandtheP
andtheP Inl and Ih the 1 R I T TWhen h hVhen
When n Mahon Mu hOI hot nnd n1 a mcI the I h kubcornmitt si I 1 nl I tee teegot e egot
got to I ihe i h ttrik strskts tlkr r InHil < iiirlcrs il I I Io IIO1 IOolflOk
o tlnik IO1 thps In h morntiif mornllt Ihev h attoiiieoosl attoiiieooslthat nnouiC < i ithnl
that Ih blue Ih Kittle I was WR over and llhI Unit tt the Ih men menhad m1 tnmttiuoi
had won ni a I vicorv r Pnilt 1 I wi W wia < then thensilent Ih Ihnl >
silent a len nl t nnd In1 ii nh tinncntnmltnl Innmmlll titnrnmn flu 5 t Ia I Murjihvlir l Murjihv uirphveiislhv
eiislhv 111 as uitoenthtistastie was staisitunu staisitunuhi Ilnl
lir hi One On I bne nf I the Ih cuiiimitter 111 of i he n an I ar arlnt lt ltInl Ottint
lnt eiipimrier of I Pr Ira irott tt nnd 11 Murphv Murphvnil Milrlohvtiuieteo1 lrh
nil gfMtml 10 to I to Million Ia I ito Onil UII tic I tlif II t ii lpu barn hrl rn > oni onimitee ottumu
mitee mu tse of 1 urilien ii rI rnt II tl It1 titoetu it > ll men tn one from fromench rrr rti rticacti
cacti dl I Isorti Mini have h nil ni opportunity rllll to I to look lookover 1 booIover
over the Ih fcrtirlf 5rUr Nfore rllf the Ih iotttflttii < i > runi 111 tti of often oftel 1
ten 1 rntllled 1111 m t I hhil them IIm t forinillv forinillvIve rrlII bonus I IFo
Ive Fo no In obiectlon hIII nid 1 Mnhon rnhn mi milull In In111 itteolslucouiihy
eolslucouiihy lull 111 I silp suitiiw > oe they hY urn m
siatlercrl A nil I over town 101 nml 11 t wmiM wmiMhard I hi hihnrb I
hard 1 lo find fl them themOh Ihl thenu1hu
Oh 01 no n they theyre re not theyre Ih right n ht here hereKlid h hieiisaul
saul 1111 one IInr of Of the II MurpllV lllrh MlpporletMahon Mlpporlet uiiotMurtetsMoshisot
Mahon h liegnn III to I smell 1 a mutiM IU When Whenthe h hIh he heI
the Ih I nineteen lilln ii Hi II intl < d nun i 11 iii a Ihe Ih t room ni uttu 1 h > fell fellthit r1 telt
thit Ihl t liii t Honiethmit hll Ii I It g hud his ii IMHII I oeui frurncd rral1 I rot mnsi up upThe IIIp ut u urue
The p irticle aul were rent by Iy the Ih nttieteen nttieteenOne 1111 muttleteetiIbio
One 1 of them Ih ewoke i ke ii iiIhdSftnr up upIhiI p phl >
IhdSftnr IhiI hl Mnior r IVnroseim lflr and McNichol lrS h ge geIlls J g glhoa
Ills Ih he h ake akeWell k1 aktlII k1WI <
Well WI II ve nnl situ 111 Milion Ialm thev Ih need needth 1i 1iI tipstrltteur
th I tteur ir nllneie nI w attu in 11 lh I t to P I R f r people peopleIn
In HMCII rea 111 ti U e nitron Ilr ent nl I told them that thatII I
II I wn nIts n f rr a r inn thntto hl It i would 10111 a giro < In 0 it itMy t th tMy
My h word worl i us iiledged jileIgeitViiire iiledgedYoure 1IIPI 1IIPIur
Youre ur lirid wrong ru1 Juth J iid 1 the h spoken spokenman 111 nkrs nkrsman I II
I man for the Ih nineteen Me W won wOI1 wntttougrr wntttougrrto I agree agreeto I
to anvthtng AIVthi11 the t he politicians plllrall do You 01 out gn In Inh1 gotieok
1 luick h1 and nld tell 11 Pennine In and AII McSichol lrS hol and andthe 1111 1111h situ situthe
the h re rest t of fI thai I hii crowd that we Imve hlv to tohave I Iha tohave
have ha exclusive 1111 recognition mllillln of Ihe Ih union unionand Inlon unionand I IAII
and AII Z4 rein au ui Jiuitr or le ac c II strike Mril e tall 111 boohIhaso hell hellh beli beliIlI
h haso n I chill chillHe rhll rhllI chIllII
IlI He II turned to to hi Iiis onumteemen and andthey Rn1Ihy snotthey
they I yelled yIN apprortI Pratt Im didnt flcllll soy soya iy iya y ya
a woni but hii he h Mulled mi I Murphy wa waequally witsequally II IIfIJly
equally fIJly tickled tickledMr Iikld I
Mr 11 Mahon argued Irll1 with llh the Ih fomtnitle rrnnnutteehut fomtnitlebut IIIIf >
but they wiMildnt IIII1 listen 11 to him He Hesnid I hissaid
said Io that tlieir tllr aclton 81Inl wa 1 tiothina Inlhint tenthan ten I IIhn beesthan
than Ireicltery t r hry and 111 dlArredltahle llthl li liunion I IIlUf to totitiiofl >
union IlUf labor IHr this Ih country lInlrT over They TheyLiuglied ThyLIh1 TheyLuighisut
Liuglied at I him hi Home Hm of them thllt Mid that thatincw tht11f thatsine
sine 11f they hail lutl 0rew54 r wtKl ivi much 1111 out 011 of ofIM I Ih
41 h IM iotniuiny Iny they ought olJhl to 1IOhll lie able In get geta lt
a little 11 more Inr Mahon realizing rllilC the hofie hofiele hOII1 hOII1r hiopeuiones
le euiones wne M of r dealing Illl with IIh them returned returnedto rtum I
to Kenntor Penroe Pn office In
Mllllr tr II company companywith Nmn Nmnwllh companywith
with the Ih name om ftiibcommiltee uhrmmll which whlr had hadjoined hIJI tiathJoimmed
joined JI II him hi in the Ih guarantee to the th com cornpany company ¬ I Irn1
pany culling ciln off 0 the Ih strike Irlk Senator sntor Pen Penrose rnrO Penro
rose rO ro threw up tiu his hil hands handsAt hlll hlllA handAt
At A n 3n 7 oclock ur Il fk in the th morning the th final finalAttempt IMI IMIfI finalattetnpu
Attempt fI lo t get It A 1 settlement Imnt wa w wait made madehy mII mailsby
hy h Maror 1r Hyhiirn He I hoped to stir MICeed t tttd stirted
I ted ttd < slnne In Penron PnrOn had ha hen ln deceivedby deceived deceivedbythe dlvf
bythe h by Ih the eormefl rmen He I If procured from rrm Presi Presidenl rl1nl President
dent 1nl Kruger Krl of th the Pllr Transit Company r a aletter Arralnc ahelter
letter prupodng rralnc condition < nriion much miC mpny the thesame Ih IhMt thesame
same Mt a as Senator Penroae Ptnr had ht obtained obtainedThis ninf obtainedThIs
This Utter wa WI wait considered by the th carmen carmenat rmm rmmat
at their tlr headquarters bdqur cotr in the t Upplncott UpplncottBuilding Uppnctt UppncttBulein LlppincottBuilding
ITI Building Bulein and nt turned tll down don more mor quickly quicklyeven qulck1n qulekieven
even n than tn the PenroaeMahon fnlhon agreement Allt
When Whe th the union uio leaders Id who hflILr are a direct directIng dl diIC1lug t tInR
lug the Ihl units unl of the general crl strike trk heard heardthat hr hesrdtltat
that Murphy had h repudiated rJUfUatl Mahon MahonAgreement Mhon Mhon1clf lahonitgrecnenf
Agreement umy In order to ret even CVI with wlh Pen Penrow f Penroee
1clf row r McNIchoI orer and It Frank rnk Feeny Fthl Fthlrv1 Fsenyht Fsenyhtrival hl hlrival
rival rv1 In IVntral laii luur > or nun iwllttcsthey iwllttcs johitlcnthy 1
they weekonetl Whether or Out ut the Word WordI
I I wn w paMe I paitol < l to their tber followers lol that tht they theyneed the theyneed
need not hold out 011 any n longer 10 Ir unless Inl they theywanted Ih Ihwanlllo theywantesi
wanted IH In to it i is I certain that A more mor general generalmovement generalnnvritoetit ne1 ne111
movement 11 lo tl return ntlm lo work hogan to today toI <
I day d than has b been 1 observed olr on n any n day dayprevious daylirevious dy dyIIMviul
I previous IIMviul More Iu thau tb a thousand tbot8lul textile textileworker 1lle 1lleworl textileworkers
worker worl in II Kensington where whl the th sym vympalhy symuittiy m mrllh
palhy strike Irlk was strongest applied apII1 for forreintta rorni forreltittittenietit
reintta reltittittenietit lenient A call ni baa h been sent It out outfor outror outfor
for all Al of of the Iho textile teltl worker orkel on strike strikeIwrhaiM strikeirhoaP rlke rlkeIha
IwrhaiM Iha IWO IU men DI lo send n1 representa representative nprnta nprntaI ¬
I tive for H meeting mNtut at tabor Lyceum Hall HallThey 111 111T HailThey
They T are discontented dl uCnte and angry nr at th thcarmen the theI theCarmen
I carmen carmenTho C CarmenTho nn nnTho
Tho next l strong strongest trnCt body hoI the ht men in inthe I inthe
the Ib building rail are a meeting m tnc tonight toniahlin
in Ih Ihe ulldh11 thu Huilding tldln Iding rL Trades Trades Tnd Council ulei to to t > consider considerwlntther coiisiderwtuetlir nlder nldertthr
wlntther lo break Ihe tt tie sympathetic ymplhlc strike strikeSttmo strikeSoititi Irll
Sttmo SUIO of the Ih biggest blaPt of r the th manufac manufacturer nUltr nianufarttircrs r ¬
turer tr reported nJrte rsjrt today t y Hint I heir vtrik vtriking enikitig Irk Irkill
ing entployeee ni Jllo > l < iyee have returned rtllml to work al almost 31IOlt altnoat ¬
most ill tit a man Tlit we the th news w from fromCramps lrm lrmlrnll fruitsUrnulutis
Cramps lrnll Italdwlns and the Ih Standardholier Standard StandardRoller Mllntnl MllntnlIolr
Roller Iolr Hsarlng Ibatlnl < otii ullllny utapauy > any At the loco locomotive 10 loonmotive ¬
motive oUVl works I IiU am men me have isv gone on hack Itackto ck ckto
to to their M soles 1 The l l tit Htandard Hlalan look too luick IckI ligekIMOU
1000 1000So IMOUSo
I I So far a as the t h threatened I Statewide StatewideHtrike Statewidesinks 131wldII
sinks II rt i ito coiuerned it I I II is xlciiilkojit lllikaUl that thataJlhough I thatall halI
I aJlhough all hOIh huouigls nnu keenawalt > r > winawaltand walt Ind and the t h other ot hr State SlatoFederation StateFederatlo 1lo 1loIrUo
Federation 1 IrUo leaders had declared dcArd that it itwould Itnld itwtuihcl
would nld go < n into 111 effect II today tody if I t he h company companyand eUI eUIIn1 cotnlIaiiyanti
and In1 the I h carmen cren had h not come rm to an n CKrre CKrrement agrowsment Kn
ment they t hy stahl s id llloda loday that t h ll I might ml < ht be becalled I liecalled i
called Il Home oli time noon In if agreement amtll wa wanot wasnot
not 101 reached reachedMayor rsaochsshMayor ebo
Mayor Reybiini Iyllni said id today Iocy that he h wathrough wa W WIlrlllh wasthrough
through Ilrlllh The Th whole Ihol buslim 1ln woe WJ con conteniptihle cottsniptilole n ntmthJ >
teniptihle tmthJ he h Maid MaidNVil saideittier Id
I NVil Si eittier h hr r loday toI nor nortonight tonight haanyt hiasanyhodrepresenting > o < l v vrepresenting1
representing fJIIntill the Ih P > K T or the tie nolitf nolitfcian tUI tUIjll nobit nobitclans
clans or the I h imsinex 1i men made A move movetoward rov moytoowatrtl
jll toward 1011 conciliatinR IldUaln Pratt Pl or the Ih carmen carmennor catinertmotor annnIor
nor Ior bas na anyhotlr alybrW < a asked ke < l the I h carmen to toconfer tnlonlr toconfer
confer The Th result nJ wa u a aeexpectid expt eJItlr cted Pratt Prattwits Prlt PrltJoln Prattwas
lonlr wits Joln going alK AI itlt4Mit > ut all 1 dar fl trying I ryhl lo get geteope gt
111 1011 > eope interested i I Nobody oh iald any anyHtlentioii anytlIlllol anysittutittijos
Htlentioii to him For the Ih first time Um the thebusiness th thI thehotisineaus
tlIlllol trt
I business hlint men 1 are re keeoing loln still 111 and re refmining n netraIning i irrlnlnl
settlement settlementThe Itment I ITh
traIning rrlnlnl from Irol demanding demandina A
The Th violation Iolllon of faith last night nilh alienated alienatedevery aUfate alienatedevery I IIr
every friendly Influence the t h union hasouaijoysol has hasenjoyed h
enjoyed nJo1 Ir The strikers trbr headquarter hanrt1 was wasa WA
a gloomy place IIl tonight tonightl
I tt l a conference OnrI this thi evening nlng between betweenSenator betweenSenstor
I Senator Snnr McNichol and nd C O Pratt Pi the thelatter Ihf Ihfr lhi lhilatter
latter r submitted Ibml a new n promftion for forbe lorIh forthis
be Ih settlement of the th strike Iril It I was that thatthe IhatIh thattb
the Ih tb men n go hack hc to work on Ih be basis bie of ofthe 01I ofthu
I the Ih agreement 10 entered nlrN into 1110 last lI June lm hut hutthat hit hitllat hutthat
that llat the II th ctise of the thUIhrj discharge of the Ih men menthat II menthat
that Ihll precipitated the Ih Htrike Irik should houl be besubmitted b ho hosujbpuiltssl
submitted mil1 to arbitration Rrhirlon and ant Ihev Ihl be t paid paidK pid pidI
I K cases S s casesMcNiehinl per day t pending IIdi11 disposition tiJlton of their theirlMSe IhlrIIIhol theircases
lMSeMcNichol McNichol IIIhol who h acted 1 with Petiro In last lastnight lutIIhl lsttoiglit
night IIhl peCtincd Cn to I place lla thus Ih proposition propositionIwfore prpolltnl propositionbefore
before IIlr the Ih company however saying in the Ihecompany Ib Iblfal theeomtuutiy
company lfal would Impl lld not 10i enter nl into any an signed signedagreement signedaireentenr iln1 iln1a
agreement agreementi a In
i on tin i fQK V it tn DR nt > r Tn TnI TilIh TilIhRrIerleilThst iKA iKARrpsrlidTtial
RrpsrlidTtial RllerlfIT1 WiHrMeol us Vertent of > ew HavenRoad Haven listenRoast
Road Km tlh Pmolere lu > ec Wsnl nt I n til tilJ QuIt QuItiw ull ullxr
J iw > xr H I IItty VKV vs March LHrII 21 l Although lhOIh no noofficial nolomtlal noofficial
lomtlal official stiletnent was 1 given out 011 by the Ihecommittee Ih Iht theousmunmittee
committee mmit of the Ih New Sf w Haven In road rlt men menwho mfl menehiuo
t who h counted C111 th > strike tril Inllolii hI in thicity thi IhiIdlY tiseliv
city tority 1Iy it wi tind IndrAloot tuulrrstosl rsio < l I Ihll IhllNII this list I letween le hetwowrti
tween and 9 per r cent nt of the Ih tots inoiitnimniMi IIJI IIJIImlnmn totstruinnun
ant and voted votedlii otedin
tnimniMi conductor IIflo An yardmen hOI hOII
in favor 1ft fr of striking olrikingThe striking1u I il inl
I The iMllolM 11 wet r sent n out nl II Lost I week weekwhefi awskwhelu 1
whefi h It this II rfninpHiiy n tiirnil Ilrn1 down 1 the themen Ih Ih1mlld theuuIoil
men M dfiiwnd 1mlld for mcn inersisod e < l wage W31 and andnhorter Ald Aldhnrr amidshorter
shorter hours hOlr The h company will wi he hefrirmnlly h hatrornuulhy
frirmnlly notified nnln of r the Ih result of th h vole voleill voteitt Ie IeII
ill II rrWly once In md in effort lorl will wil be made ti I have havePr M MlIn hisvIrouEthsn
Pr IrouEthsn iden > Mellen lIn of the Ih Xew S Haven I road roadMM rO1 rO1I rcaIIkONA
IkONA I MM IIM I Illuoti > II the men grievances grievancesi riAn riAnI
I i wu was 1 Ut ttwl l lonight thi I hut tin th mtn mtnwere ln lnr tnnwere
were r nut nlt likely Ikv to have 111 any more succeon succeonwith 1C iieceeawith
I with ihr Mr Mellen In than Ihm they had with Oen Oener 01 01r flenerat
er erat r > il Manager tIJr higgins 11 linl who ho fIrst Irt confermi confermiwith rnrr1 rnrr1with conterredwith
with Preeident Mellen 1In l Iroro before > efor rrfuinic rllint the themens thetnebi
mens s demand lnd before a strike Irlk isileruiI is isnnlered i
nnlered 11 nn t n the Ih niad r the Ih natioiuil latlll Kanl I of ofwill t tielotitturi
ielotitturi 111 will wII lM > tIoloslc1 p > ra1ed I i
4ooi Iioliiprra oflr > rrs elils 1 Strike Mtr Cemmenl Cemmenlr iiwnieelPreioIrnt 1 I Irhlnl
rhlnl r > id > nt 5omier omIrw of Ihe II ti American AmericanFedration mrlln mrllnFIraUol I IFelratioii
Fedration FIraUol of r 1or taInt l > or who ho wa in I tin tinoily Ihlarllv I IcitY
oily yesterohay eterd trv y would 111 not discus i the theIlnlndilphii Ih Ihtrl theJIoilsIel1ohiit
Ilnlndilphii sin strike trl lie or Ir this ll strike Irlk of the Iheieanitiiir Ih IhIIUIr theeieaiiititirw
ieanitiiir IIUIr and all il 1 a as stated IIed that hi hiv hA hitst
v inl 1 tier wen I in II iefxrnce rrI to I trade Irilt dis dispill II ohstsit
pill 11 PS Itelween linloll lil lie I nude 11t the theopening Ih theowituflg
opening addrrs tlr at the II Annual 111 conceit convention rn rnn conceittofl ¬
tion n of I the Ih Metal TIIC Trade deiartm utthtrtfflttlj utthtrtfflttljuf 1 rl 111 111or nt ntof
of uf the h F l of II I which riocan P tal an yetrrduy yetrrduyMI Inly I
MI I tiKiti n Ssoare S Sllat iare Hall IU i Union rI rboouueuii S SIUn < ium iumHlld I
0 Hlld 1 w sus s careful rrul not Inl Hi I r rrr fT 4ui either eilherr eithersrio llh I
srio > r in Ins h Mx etouwsrhi etouwsrhis1j1 ch chin h I InI
s1j1 in I fill 111 t I n iHtiinT iHtiinTIu 1 1
1 Iu soiocrl IH II T < Holier < M trrl err erl Is a tiead u nf nfllrimlillcsn athtetitibllren r rIIIIn
llrimlillcsn IIIIn hut CluliIll tlll tllllh hutet
et Ill I w IH ui tn r be h ° this h new president of ofthe OfI I
the I h hi l rIIhro Repuuisiurati piil < ln mi Club lo succeed 11 Robert Roberti Hotrl HotrlI
i ° Morris nrr ThtnUIA11 The nominnmg cnmmiMee nmmll ofoh of ofilierlul 01Ih I
ilierlul Ih 11 Iuitu > forinulalMl rllI1 i > irket la tact t evening eveningII nlnl nlnlI
II 1 I i inewiiiiK Ittset 11 hog held hli a I t the II I his clulihoue iI 1Ihol ihihlist m mcst itOso i
cst so t 111 < r tt hi klreei Ir No fttotwPslt < > pioioii pioioiiticket loll lollticket
ticket Ik was advanced advancedUlhei ldVI1 advanreulOtt
Ulhei 0111 Ott officer ntr nominated I n I I Inside leosiesettitvnr Insidee
e ettitvnr Mnvor Low I a as presmetit were alhnn alhnnlel
lel 1 A t islxrg first fr1 vice vtcehirsuilent president Her HerTI lr lrI
TI H I IJibbs lihh second 011 vicepreiilenl vicepreiilenlKdwinl viCsIrtslobpntllwIrtl
Kdwinl I Irigin I third t vicepresident vicepresidentWlMiiun vuippreeiitentViliisni
mll IfNid IfNidWllhum
WlMiiun NV u Bryan Jryn cornri vorrvepondlng > onding ll se sectc sectctart > re retnry rpIAn
IAn Merntl rn I K I HavUtnd laI t recording recordingsecretary recordingscretarv r rd nA
secretary 0r nd Jsme I Wandllng tress treasurer IM IMIrr tressutrer ¬
urer Irr
urerMr Mr Ir Morn llrnll I is nominated nllilI1 for Ihr Ihl th eiecn eiecnlivi eeetihit 1 1IIlil
hit committee IIlil to to serve r until clII Ajtri Arl A4urd0 1013 1013retininitiAtlon til tilrIluIn l9h l9hrensuimuatltit
retininitiAtlon rIluIn a U pre pretoteti iden 11 wa offered offeredto
to him hln ii I > hurt lim ago Il but II he h declined declinedil coln1
il 1 becnuso UI the Ih offlce ntl demanded too t tao mucli muclif Rlrh Rlrhr
f 1 Ins h lit nine II Mr rr Morri eaid Mll l 11 last t night nightthat nihtIhal nightttiitt
that he h wiMild 1111 like 1 lit I tu have h hat a chunce iunoe In to todevote hoolevosti
devote more r of 1 hi his time 11 to I In hua hlil iiaities iiaitiesMr > ne neMr
Mr Ir Mortis llrl nnnounced 111 last 1 night nidl n nftlimillK nooitit
ftlimillK ooitit 111 to t of r 1U I tit help hell Welcilllie Wlrll HHme HHmeveil Ho HoI
veil 0 ott I > inong tin meml mm inemnlotra > ers are ar the Ih pin pnnKti priniwIi
iwIi Kti Flra II1 IrM < rnl I iifflctliolderi tpf f theeejmrts theeejmrtsttnrn th thHlnrlvlnrol these harts hartstttrnV
Hlnrlvlnrol tttrnV ttnrn v fieneral Wirkerslmm kh Henry Henryl rnr
Tf l aft ft tnntor nntori lUnit 1t and li le uw > ew Tim Timo TimWlm rhiiWondrV
Wlm o > KlruT Wiilll illiHin Barnes nm Jr the Ih local localtutigruwuemnesu < tcalimeti
1llfml tutigruwuemnesu imeti Jimmy March Irlh and Janiv JanoesI JanivReynolds s sIrn
Irn I hrotisu in Reynolds 11
in 1111 Mntii i lr r < Ii 11 1 Sis v i i m int intCam lRihare 1 1th
Cam r lane t Hrpiitillean ttluge lttisesnil sad nd nttlde nttldethe Phi ld ldtle
the th lifter m In Two T9 Other OtherIxxKroRT lUll lUllr
IxxKroRT r 10 IURT X March reh1 31 The TheMi TherOlnty TheNisratos
Mi Nisratos an i ii county rOlnty vilLage lll election elloM an o far farbclil IArhI1 tarhielol
bclil uliow a decided Irend to U the Ih Demo Democrat Umorri iemocOtta ¬
cOtta In II the 11 Republican nflhl ln village vLt of Wil Wiln WI Il IlsiI
siI > n 1 tin lI pemocnitlo UnlHmlo ticket likl made a clmn clmnMwcep rlnI clesnsweep
William Albright Hemocrat Hemocratvta
sweep WIUll Ihrlil mft mftWI
vta WI sits w1 iflectixl President rNldot by 17 1 12 majorIty mijorltyand mJorlt1t
and tutu 1t the th other candIdates ndldl on that Ih ticket ticketwon Ickt ticketwotu
won 011 bv h majorities ranging nll from Irlm K to toll tollTb SI SIThe I
The Tb village vltt is i normally mly almut al11 ion Republl Republlnn npubl
T nn I tI In Uisalle also 1 Republican nlblicn the thetwo th thwn thetwo
two wn pirtiet rnrif n lmlr mpromised > I but hit the Ih Demo Democrat Ihn Ihnrml ¬
crat 4 rnts got the th President Pldfl and three th of the iheI Ihf theties
I I live fl village vila Inl officers officersIn ntC
In I 101liWttOtfl ouiiftH llaI < < > < n the hattie i lf wi W was the Ih wurr wurrqiientlon w wztrrquzestinit u r rfllnl
qiientlon and n no n pnrtlsiin question lnl was waacfmsidereil wuN wasrottaidereil
fllnl < prln
cfmsidereil N dr1 in the It makeup nkIJ of I the h two twoticket twotckI twotickets
ticket tckI In lajwintnn lwilto this Ibl Republican Republicanelected nhlonw htepuhlicwnslectrul
elected this I h President Pidlt by I a reduced reducedtiuijority rMI1 rMI1mAjorl reducedmtusjonity
elected the theremaining th thIaht thereniaining
tiuijority and An the Democrats OoUI let1
mAjorl remaining eight < village Ihp official oc1 by b anotvetige an anaverage n nI
majority of SO SOHTVJCI t
average I I mjort 1 I
0 0lir41Ai
HTVJCI lir41Ai x M MWRING smcEli smcEliIJRIN mCfA
When you walk Ik shop or are on In your feet feetfortify ret retrnrlr feetfortify
I fortify rnrlr and IInr care c for your feet Dont Uot get getfootsore rtI getfnotaorus
footsore lnlr get IM Foot to ootEae Caee E the Ih antleeptio antleeptiopowder antllo antlloflr antiaeptiopowder
I powder flr to b hoe shaken hkl into the th Hhoea KhO b4ho for forSwollen loroUn forI
I Swollen oUn Aching Aehlnl feet I You Yo can cn walk for forhours lorI forhours
hours hnu and notget nnt at tired tr if I you yo use IIAUf Allens AllensKiHitKa dIhlensI
I I KiHitKa t c It I is I alwayn alwa in decnand dn for foruen forii
uen 1 ii in Patent Ptt Leather Hhoea fho and nd for forRreaking rnrrkln forI
I Rreaking rkln In New S Shoe KhO This Tbl is i anTest an Easy EasyTel V VI
I Tel Sprinkle < lrn1lf Allens AIln FoolEase FoIF Foot In one onehoe fne onesto
110 sto hoe and nd not no in the thl other ot and n notIce nntc the theeverywhere thedllIC thedifference
dllIC difference Oru Order a > c pack TODAY TODAYor Y Yor
or any Or Druggist t and nd h he pce ready to forget forgetyou
you 0 b have IHt feet Dnc During E Easter WM Week Bold 80ldn Boldsverlwhre
everywhere n hef So a Kampla Kmpl FREE F by nail nailAddress ml niailAddress
Address Add Allen AIM 8 Om 01m Olmatad t d L Boy Br y Y YItont YJJac YDon
Don JJac ° t accept ac < pt any an substitute ubtAute
From Fr the t Dairy Dr Cans Cas to toBordens toBrdens toBordens
Bordens Brdens Sterile Stre Bottles Bottlesthrough Bttes Bttesthouch R Rthrough
through thouch Clean Cl Sterile SterileEquipment Stre StreEqpmt SterileE a
Equipment E and in i thegermfree the thegermfree
Eqpmt a te tecrfc C
germfree crfc atmosphere atmosphereof atpher atpherof
of the te CountryAnother Country CountryAnother Cut CutAoter
Another Aoter Special Spc Feature Featurein Featue Featuein Featurer r p
in Bordens Brs System Sytm of
You of coarse coue realize reaze the AdditionalProtection Additional AdditionalProtection Addtona
Protection Protecton which whch this ths method offers you
Wt i ai I Banquet Kn nilhHenalon h NRtGn AldrIch ldrt and andelraere andi nd ndtmD
i elmer tmD and Tell Tt Their T r Cen Cnstltuents CnstltuentsBhat tllaenti tllaentiWhat
What ht a Great Gr Help They Have bias a aIn Been BeenIn
In Redeeming I mlc MepanHran ubln Pledges PledgesPnovu rfc rfcIOtfFsn tIdgelitntttag
Pnovu IOtfFsn litntttag > KX < r March IArh1 21 h With Senator SenatorAldrich Hnator HnatorIdrlh SenatorAhotrich
Aldrich Idrlh nn Oi hi liis left f and Senator slor Wetmore Wetmoreon elmo elmoOi
on hi his right ht President idnl T raft ft sat t tonight lonighti
Oi r <
i 4 the li < guest of the h New ew raiRlpnd tlnd Manu Manufacturing Mannraetiring anl anlrnna ¬
facturing leweller anti 111 Udvemniths UdvemnithsAssociation tivllh tivllhi IjilveratnithusAeoeiatloui
Association AssociationThe i ton tonh
The h Preid Pidnl Prceiduit nl the Ih two Senators Rnatnr Oov OovPotliier 00 00Pol byPothier
Potliier Pol hir of r Rhode Island Ilnr and MayorFletcher MayorFletcher Mayor llyorIeher
Fletcher were wr the I h principal pne1 speakerThe speaker speakersThe le leThe
The President l ° lldnt once m more mo outlined ollln1 the theAdministration Ihf IhfAdmln theArtntinist
Administration Admln lrtlon rSt ion legislative iegishah ire programme programmewhich programmewhich rRlmm rRlmmhleh
which hleh he h wishes ih Congres lolg to to enact nct into intoIan In intolaw 10
Ian 11 at a t the I hC present n I session sesmonWhen sessionhien io ioWh1
When Wh1 hien Mr Ir Taft we WP was introduced IntrlO by I the thetoistmiisler I Ih thistoastmtter
toistmiisler h he wa w was cheered h1 for several severalminute severalminutes rl rlmll
minute mll The Th galleries allr surrounding rrunri thin tholxut ti thinbattiuiuiet
lxut hllIt < uet hall lll were w filled nl1 with wih women nm1 and andwhen andh andwhieti
when h the rh President rose to In lila feel a thou thounnd Ihnl Ihnlld thousitio1
nnd ld American mrean flag ra were waved w nlsive nlsivehim ithuuvetuno v vh
him h l
himMr Mr Jr 1aft 1 in hi hI hits introductory Inlnlclfr remark remarkpraised rsmerkspriced r rlrI
praised lrI Senator snalor Aldrich lo the Ih delight dlaM of ofIII orII ofthe
III II the diner ln Im honored honon he h MI saioh id by
the th presence of your distinguished dinjliht Hens Henators Henstore na
tore 10 athoee ho hO e service nlc in assisting 1Itn < me I tocirry to toctrry I Iut
ctrry ut out 111 the th pledge p < of the th Administra Administration dmlniralon ¬
lion and party I value hl most highly highlyOn hihl hihln
lon prty
On n six Is counts clnla the President tried 111 the thePavneAldrich Ih IhPaynAldrc thePayneAldrich
PavneAldrich PaynAldrc tariff larif law which he hesaHi h hesaid
said 111 wa the Ih subject of I considerable considerabledisciiMlon Om considsrahileuhicuissiiun drhl drhlIIClflnn
disciiMlon IIClflnn and Ilti found rOlnd II the Ih best t law of ofItn sotits r rI
its I Mnd id > ever r put Ilt on 01 the statute attllf 10 10lrl books bookslirh took tookFirst
First lrl the Ih President said Ir the Payne PayneAldrich PIn PInIdnlh PayneAldrich
Aldrich Idnlh law ha h baa iuroosst prove in 1 the th thmonlh seven sevenmontli seyctitnsunthu4it
montli tnsunthu4it JH hatt I haatena ena II law I thebe t revenue revenuegetter recentgetter
getter we w have h ever had hd Second Rennc by the thereturn Ih Ihr1 thereturns
return r1 I m il I has b proved to t n have h the I largest largestfree la largesifret rj1 rj1Irf
free Irf hit 11 of r any ny similar Imilr law lw Third Thin rate ratehave rl rlh rateshave
have h been I reduced rfI1 materially mlrilll over those thosein IhO IhOIn
in the Dtngley Oinel law Fourth rh it i has h pro provided toricicleil r rhl1 ¬
vided a system to make m I more expedition expeditionthe 11011 11011th
the th administration admlnirlon of the th customs Un reve revenue r rni reveflue ¬
flue ni taw I Fifth Ih it hat ha provided free freetrade Ir Irtrd freetrade
trade trd with wih the Ih Philippine Phipin Hutli Hilth it i has hasfurnish h hasfirnlshcsl
furnish Ilnlh1 hy h it ia its maximum malmlm and ald mini minimum linl linlmi stuntmum ¬
mum mi clause ral a leverage lo secure lr ° fn front frontttirtign > m mforeign 0 0Iia
foreign Iia countries Clalri enOnt rise fair treatment treatmentam trflmll
1 am very r hopeful hOprll utld Id Mr 1 r Taft TAt in inthi I IIh ittthis
this thi connection ronnftnll fln ctboti Mrnt 1t we f may go R o without wlhol
using nl the Ih maximum mlmln at all 11 but hIt at nnjr i ion rate ratewe ratewe t tII
we hive il ilThe III itIbis
The I tariff Iril board crested rrIN by I the Ih Payne Paynelaw I Iaw
law aw Mr Ir Taft said 11 was 1 an a admirable admirableengine admirableengine dmlrhl dmlrhlni
engine ni especially ly for collecting lfIII data dltl for forfuture farfuture Irrlllr
future rlllr tariff tril revisers lie I declared that Iliatit IhalI
it I was a 10 not lnt right to blame hlI the th tariff Iril for the thehigh theIllh theI
high Illh price Ir of r living livingAfter livingAfter lnl
I After 1 giving < ivhlC u hlllo lln history 110 of fr the Ihelegislation th thfilallon thelgiletioiri
legislation filallon he h desires dlr particularly Ir1 iCI the thePrtwident th thhl thelresiolent
Prtwident said hl he h was w sorry that some somesensitive 1m 1mIilv someeeuieitive
sensitive gentlemen nlltn tad IK 1 beer offended offendedby 1nll1 1nll1Iy
by Iy Iilv hula hi having hl111 < formulated rlllal < laws 1 which whichongreee I ITongreiM I
TongreiM ongreee nr might mlthl enact n for him after he hehad h hI hebait
had I hnd those th hills hi drawn lwn up II and fl1 ettt etttme untmnaigtP II I
me 1 mnaigtP ag t lo tongre el almut alllt them th But Buu1asiti Butai llt llthi
asiti ai hi < l Mr r THrl IM aft ft smiling IIIIC the Ih danger of ofFvectilive ofIseriiliv I II
Fvectilive t iiiiriatiim 1lrIlln with wih Congress Congressensetittg onar i ienacting
I enacting narlh law Ilw and ane holding the Ih tmn tueeiitrimo > e estrings I
strings iitrimo is I ml Ilhr rather her the Ih subject bJt of the Ih fervid fervidimagination fu fuI i itmagunatiout
imagination of M political nlllrlll orator than thanfurnishing thanIlInlhln thanfuinihoohtng
furnishing ImnJ11111 IlInlhln any rent basis hail for fear fur our ourinstitutions ourInt ourinstituitioni
institutions Int i iSenator SSenator
II 1011
Senator I Aldrich AIlrh who followed lolowl Mr MrTaft MrTaft fr frTar
Taft llor said ald that ht important ImnantpI problem which h I
confront rrrt the Ih country unU make m it Imperative Imperativethat Iwmulve Iwmulvetht iniparativethat
that tht the Ih President 1rldft meet business hludne men menThe n menTh
The Th welfare of the I future of this country countrysaid count countsaiti
said Mr r Aldrich Aldrcb to the Ih jewellers je jewellermnsnda de demands r
mands your olr attention tttl None oe of the th Im Imimrtant hnlrnt unlrtanI
I mn imrtant lrnt tiuestlorui lullnl before bro us U I poluksil poluksilthey Pilitiohthey oIUCI oIUCIIb
they Ib are naosl naoslIteferring tOI tOIIIrrla ltmmllteterrlmig
Iteferring IIrrla an to the hf Unrf Irlt Mr ir Ahinoh Ahiriolideclarud Ahinohdeclareil Aldrc
declareil df1 that lhl thene th prophet prt of evil evilwho A Awho evilwho
who are a trying to pull ptl the H Klt h4tatee tales apart aparton
on on this thi tariff trl imiie IMII can cn never nAv r succeed succeedFor auccedFist uC aJr I
For him the h tariff tarf U I a dead df issue issueThe 111 LsauiThe
The Senator llnr swore wo his hi hi allegiance IIIpnC to toMr tl tl1r toMr
Mr 1r Taft Tar because la he h believed Uv In hi hidevotion bi his hisdevotion I
devotion Hf H said Id Whatever Wlf position positionI 11 11I
I occupy of i i ha hl his to I command commandPresident ommnd oommandPresident
President Plldmt Tofts Trt reception pUon here was wal by byfnr 1 byfar I
far the Ih moot t enthusiastic fthul e he h hen he received receivedat rfve
at any n city cty on the present Irt trip trp When he healighted h hIlehl heAlighted I
alighted Ilehl at tI Ik tks Vnion tnlo station etto and clam clamhered crm clamtrc1
hered hrlnto into a waittngautomobite iUnClloml he faced faceda ra
a crowd crd such IM as he has seldom do seen rince rincepreinaiigurfitlon titoceprouinitiitlitiott Dc I
preinaiigurfitlon plnlllllton days d On the ride rde of ofa II IIa
a half mil or more m from lrm the lb station alato to tnInfantry toInln tohnfania7
Infantry 1111 111 where whH the tb banquet bu of the theJewellers theI theJeweilere
Jewellers Inln I aad flilversmlths RImtb was w held hd MrTaft Mr MrTaft 11
Taft stood to a ttp p in the machine mblo with wlb tared taredbead bn bareribeati
bead beadHe beatiIi
bdle He le Ii bowed hw bowf4 repeatedly nptfl to t the cheering cheeringthrong cbrn cbrntJr ehesrintiornug
throng tJr and an smiled mlf happily MPp y At the hail hailSenators hD hDInt ha haSenstorS
Senators Int < Aldrich ch and hpr 1 Wetiaore et tmor flay OovPotbier 0 flayPotbier
Potbier PrAb11 and other 01 hr Rhode Ro Island la notable notablewere ntb notableswets I Iw
were w waiting waI an More 20 than thl srn e huadred huadredguests hln hteadredftuesta
guests Nt of the lh 1h Jeweller jelr IMsd mi past and andshook an andshoot
shook bo th o Presidents Ptt hand b handwbIl whilt h P privates privatesof I
of the th t First rt Light Lpt Infantry IAt In pnt shako shakohearing M0 shakosbesitog
hearing real gun stood stiff atll 1I a u ramrods ramrodsabout ramnodaabout
D CM e r
about abt the reception rt roomSgw room roomNew rm
New SI t HAVKK Hul Conn March Muh 21 2hPresi 2hPresident tPl tPldt Presi President
dent dt Taft Tat reached this lse city el at 14 4l oclock oclockthia 0011 cbockthie
thia thi > morning Hi 11 private t our Olympia Olympiawa
wa wu mo attached atte to c th b Boston 8on Orr Kxpreea F Fwhi Eapresawhich Kxpreeawhich
which left New S York Yo at I I oclock The ThePresident ThePresident
whi l oeo Te TePdet
President Pdet wa driven de directly dnJ to the thebouse th thhouse Mhu
house hu of Anson AI AttestsPbip P Pbelp Rtokes Rtk secretary eecretarrof M secretaryof
of the t Yale Ya Corporation CorporationThe CorpoitlTb to
The T Tb Yale V1 Corporation CotJo found so e 0 much muchbusioeta mh muchbuaiesa
busioeta 0 at at hand bi that it was dcid tbcidtd d to tohold col tohold
hold two stssiotts ODS today Instead of OM OMTh 011IITM yeTb
Th raorplric mcm dCtcm Motion began n at It dock oclockand od dockI k klilt
l I and flnlshert shortly abort before 1 oclock oclockaftefnoon oclocki oclockTb
Tb ftnWtr aftefnoon 1 non session of ih the ccrror
i =
lion began nt at 2 230 30 oclock and nt closed cl about aboutIU I I I49t
IU 13 oclock o President Tafts train left leftths liftthis 11 11Ihlll
ths city c11 for Providence nt ISi 5 oclockFArRurey oclock oclockEarl I IFrl
Earl FArRurey Crey GovernorOenern GovcrnorCenerahfCamtula GovcrnorCenerahfCamtulaalto 1 of Canada Canadawho CmllfahG
who hG came down from Albany on the theOlympia Ih IhOlympia thisOhympis
Olympia with the President got off at atNew attew t
New 0 tew York nrk Collector William lx loOfb > eb Jr Jranother Jranothr Jranother
another train guest t of President Taft Taftleft Taflft Taftheft
left ft him there Ih also alsororv a Itl ItlJU un unYor1
rorv JU IMOHT tvHltl nl SIKS SIKSJump in Ii s 4 1111 1111Jun fl flJoinip
Jump Jun Into the th Harlem lIarl fnr a vs Iieruuian Iieruuianliho > rt rman rmanh > msn msnWho
Who h Fell 11 Off a larbl larblIlemenl larhttiement 1 1l1mnl
Ilemenl knihl Amory mn the Ih twenty twentythreeyearold Inly1I1Iyrol1 twentythreeyesrohl
threeyearold non of John JnhnI 1 Amory Amorywho mnry mnrywho morywhoa
who ha has been workintr nkin a < a chili 1111 clmmiler clmmilerin
in tlie tl yacht building plant nf 01 r barbs harl I ISeabury tShrv Iteahourv
Seabury A 1 to of which hi hits fattier I Ipresident II Is Istriidnt
I president jnmied off II the I h companys companysdock eotniwsnydock pan pandXk
dock at t Harlem Diver and 1 17 tlh > tb street streetyenterday streetywuteroiay
yenterday afternoon 1Irtl nnd pulled I no Mlowworkman Mlow rIIownkman Iuilowworkman
workman out 011 III of this Ih water waterThe waterlio
The 11 mar Andrew 11 < 1 O OIrh11 > erliall of r ni niSIIt1lh uu uuIat iT iTMl
Ml Vltet SIIt1lh Xtt IJIIl street had lieeu wnrk wnrkIMC wrkIIC wuorktug
tug oil flu the I h upper deck I ol I 1 1 yacht arlI He Heslipj II IIlp1PI1 iisipgwcl
slipj lp1PI1 > e l stub fell lo the Ih Irk < l > ck and all llien llienrolled IIInrlllli this thismilei
rolled off It lulu the Ih water > Iiji < > ung Xtnui Xtnuidove tn tntit mn mntof
dove right in lifter him HIH al1 drHgcetl rII 1 the theunconscioii I h h1I11CCI18riOIlM hoiucunaciouis
unconscioii man lo I th tIte h duel 1 iualu wig wigI d 11 11I v vi
where wh other workmen wnrk pulle < i th > two t sto out outOperllall ouStOiierliahi I IOrll1I
I i Operllall was a taken to Fordham FordhamIliMpilal Furihaihiumpitab rclhlllll1Iil1
IliMpilal suffcnng from a frnrtureil skull kkulland skullaitol Imllulfl
and bruise rul His lfi iiidillon < mII is i lshuecI b heve < l ti tilie I II ihi
lie I serIous oerloun serIousmnory IrloulIIor
n lIIor mnory ory returne rlImI l recently fnll fiom r a trip iripabroad InlhrC18r1 tripitturoati
abroad and n1 entennl his tl fnlh rill tmthirs h > rs eiunltv eiunltvto 11I1 > 1 1I
to I learn the Ih business businessItisrgetl hin hinI huisineqelostgail
Itisrgetl 1 Hllb lth Munlerlng unlln Her MIIT MIITMnIILON 511ccMalteIiAO4 ttrhllttLO1l
I MnIILON Ohio March rArlltt 71 t KHthentie KHthentieManr IhriIar KeothoeritieMatur
Manr wa was arrested today cluirgfd with withhaving withhaving h hhavln
having kille < l tier sister Kliil Khiaalietho > eth Man Manwho l11t1l7I Matiwho
I who hO wa was found 1 dead in their o home hmntiijoer hmntiijoerlast fipre fiprela r rla
la last t Fulav Frill She Sh wa found lIId m krrm krrmwhere kronh krnnwheru
where h she h had gone lo Hnd work ork rk under underIhe ituherIto lflr lflrII
Ihe II name II of of I Ethel Morgan She Sh say sayhhe 104 104h saysshe
she h known kn iiolhinc about Klijil J1i7Ih J1i7Ihdlh Ehinolwsthisdeath > eth ethdeath °
death H hisu i lintlicn John and Jooph JoophKIV liuoptsay ph phf
say f they I hv do tl not ii it HCCIIIW tu las her Th I lie pll pllIanr t t < > litu lituhielietu jc jcl <
l hielietu > e1iev < KliAal Kluzoohoetti > eiti Mains diixl f sryihi sryihihit < ryili ryilitutui ry ry11I11
tutui hit p JOIollllllt JOIollllllt10unc oIluoliiti1I
leung I euiflI I llman an ciulllnl tetitititritHr ciulllnlBr lulll1IIr
Br direction oII of Judge 11111 Humphrev 1Ir m 11 the theueensl Ih Ih1Inlollnty tieuoenstouintVlnlirt
ueensl 1Inlollnty uoenstouintVlnlirt ountytoiirt Inalrr in long onll Island t iiv iivyesterday I Irdv itvyesterday
yesterday rdv ut jury acquitted Rilt Je Joes r M < t llman IIm IImS
23 S yearn fIIr oM 11 of 1715 I I Madison avenue avenueMnnhattati avenueMatihattamo 11 11I
I Mnnhattati who shoot h until inortillv inortillvwounded miinrtuhivwniiiotlowl rllh rllhond1
wounded Millrd Mills rob It S So Ssj jnwti a II < u v veto in is isin > old oldin 1
in Fnr Ir Hockawuy 11 < U1 In InIIICIJIII it IIKUM itt I list l ust v veor veorI ir iri r rI
I i WHM witashnan shown that rilnvui tnit unitwk Ink wk S Sowomnan Sowomnanfor unnn unnnfor IIII II IIInr
for a burglar lIrltl in the h back k van vini 1 II 1inin 1ininuncle 1Itmunsuuiehe Irum IrumIInll
uncle Filgene 11111 Hirsch
For the Bride BrideIe i ie
Ie lft lftlilvtwatt e glfr It men lIeNkHHfel eeffMt eeffMtUlnmttt
kHHfel Ie Ie1Ia
Ulnmttt TH sf sfMr tIIpl s1841RO6ERS >
Mr pJaf pl wtf IriHI IriHIttfaHa f fU
ttfaHa ttfaHa1841R06ERS
U eai I It kculrif frfsf flat flatSllrtr b
0 U Sllrtr JIl rUu n IM Vttfn Vttfnbir W Wesic
bir nhsaeertnsbiufrsya nhsaeertnsbiufrsyaS ulrvr 1 ti MI whk fra lrf lrfsotUST
c ii k fiN 11 11IIIIRIDEN
sotUST IN SoLd L as y L L5DiG rlMO rlMOIMfMMV DIoU DiaLSasII4S
IMfMMV M5 1I StllElt 4IT41 4IT41I 4W41Left
I Left eft 1 on KaturtU on the PrMldrat Grant GrantI Granttnoter
tnoter I mler IM stomni Mump Mumpfxiwm usme usmefjiwirt II I Iorlin
fxiwm Ileary former manager for for1oiil lorlalll foroitha
1oiil oitha PAtilhnn the French aviator lator aid aaldy uidyeatprdy aidyesterday
yesterday y > rlrllY tliat Puulhan had wiled lIfOd on onSiturdny oniIlIrdnv onStttirolay
Siturdny on the President Orant the theH th thshltmohnrgAtnrican I Ii111tI1tIliAIII
H unIiurgAinrican i111tI1tIliAIII < rlan line IIn deary was not nottlitre nottti4ro I Ihtr
tlitre htr tn 1ee ee him devirt Paulhan was wasnot a anot I
not lieted tinnier hi lila own name hut the Iheuueni III theill5il
uueni of tbs Ih sieamshlp company r yen yen11I ri ried rltj
11I ed tli report that he h had nailed on that thatVAxl thatv
VAxl VAxlPaullmn v Ast AstPjotuhhiion 1 1rllhn
Paullmn w C4 nccomruuiisd by h Mr MrPiiulhAii Mrsiiilhtiti Ira IrallIlh
PiiulhAii llIlh und hit I Krcndi xxxiln Mr Mrrtearv Ir IrId Irhhesr
rtearv wld Id thr wa was no reason why whyIAilhan whylslhan h hIllhl1n
IAilhan should lear mysteriously my m11ttriflualyttry t rioiuly rioiulyClmiry
Clmiry failed tn get the Ih Court to detain detainPmlhan d detainhaulhtan ln lnIaihn
Pmlhan l Irnu cnii of hi his I110 toftwJ j damage dnmagrcsuit
suit lIit for hroich of contract lit J 1hte II arn arnulanra ro ropUnr r rhl11
pUnr which hl11 were ere r attached are valued valuedat
at n J VstL VstLtvrcrInr r s spronlinp
pronlinp 11111 to hi huts contract with Cleary Clearythe alr alrIII
the III French IrlII h a viator cannot give < 1 Any n aero aeroIHII setnPlati ro
11 Plati IHII > thuloit hiliitlon In thi this country rountr with without withIIr withouuit
out ili tb h consent nn of Clnry Ia r hut it la hardly hnrdlyprnrtnhle hllrd hardlytirotnhul I Irolonlll
prnrtnhle rolonlll thai he h m us loooking for a return returnnitflism r returnngagetnrtt llIrn llIrnnICAItmlIr
nitflism nICAItmlIr nICAItmlIrInllihan ngagetnrtth nt ntPniilhan
Pniilhan h ° had l hoen > n in hiding hldin < for mar morhan morethat j jthan
than n usk k and nd It wa reported that thatdo ttuth thattoe
do h hat I iMited on Thursday lat Later r he wan wanfiMiiul w wrIII1 wasftimul
fiMiiul rIII1 at this Mote Itreroort Cleary Clearyo ClearytIllrt ClearywoiIi
tIllrt o > il i not ilifcCijiMi 111 hi his plan yrt yesterday yesterdayIt rdy rdyIt rd rdII
It ls i nnd d rstorol that he It is tired of high highlife hlshlir
life lir HP II sots 14 he Ii lost Ifl over SfOoX In ex exploiting exolouitit1g 11 11plni ¬
ploiting plni III ltnllm ltnllmFredirick n nFrIPrlek
Frederick Vwn an n Xandt counsel roun for forIlenry rorllnr forisiry
Ilenry Mid llIlhalll that If judgment waobtained waobtainedagainst wasobtainedagtimat nbtainfd nbtainfdlilt
against lilt 1 Paiillmn Ja nllul find tioi th Ilwr T was w a failure failureto
to I roller mll it the I h nmrhiuea lIIafbi in all 1 probabil probability robabllII
ity II will 11I lie I koll 1 1 at public uhllc auction
A Godsend to the Sleepless SleeplessA
A Physical Wreck in Bed BedBack BedBack BedBack
Back on the Job in Three ThreeDays ThreeI ThreeIays
Days I as after Taking TakingDuffys T TakligDullys a kin g gDuffys
Duffys Pure Malt Whis Whiskey Whiskey Whisukey ¬
key Which Restored My MyHealth l1yHcalth MyHealth
Health and Enabled Me Meto Meto itteto
to Sleep SleepMr
S Sp Mr r James Byrne writes as follows followsI
p I want to tell you you of the benefit benefitI
I have derived horn from the use of ofDuffy ofDutTys ofluffys
Duffy s Pure Malt Whiskey I Iam Iam Iirn
am a i hotel clerk 32 2 years rars of oage oageinut age ageand agemd
and for or four years Have been at atnight atnighl attiught
night work ork hatmc irregularly i gularly and andtrvmg andtrvin andtrvtr
trvmg trvin to sleep in the daytime had hadmade hadmade hadniidt
made me a very vcr weak man physi physicill physicill
cill and a t < fhin as the prover proverbial proverhlal proverhttI ¬
bial whip 1111 I was finally com compelled compelled cornpclkd ¬
pelled to 0 take to bed I started startedto
to use US your Pure Malt Whiskey and andtn
WH JUttl S HYIINK UNI In three thrcedavs dav < I was back on my job jobBe jobBe b bOc
Be sure and say to every night worker that it is a Godsend Tell Tellthem Tellthem Tellh
them h m I am sleeping sl ping fine eating with a real r ll appetite and am regaining my mylost mylost mylost
lost flesh which is the hardest thing thin for a night nihl worker to do I thank thankyou thankyou thankyou
you again and again aJa n for fo Duffys Pure lurc Mall Whiskey VhiskcyJames James Byrne
129 S Illinois St S Indianapolis Ind mdNo IndNo IndNo
No medicine has ha stood soo l the test of so 0 years cars like Duffy Pure Malt MaltWhiskey bltWhiskev 1aItVliiskev
Whiskey Vliiskev and always been found absolutely pure pure and full of good nod medici medicinal medicinill mecirtal ¬
nal virtue Men en and women in all walks of oflife life join in siiging its praises praisesas praisesff
as the true elixir of r life which invigorates body brain and nerve nerveDuffys nerveDuffys
Duffys ff Pure P Malt Mit MaItWhlskey MaItWhlskeyIf Whiskey WhiskeyIf Whi key keyIf
If you ou wish to 0 keep young strongand strong strongand rron rronand
and vigorous and have on your checks checksihe chrcksthe chctksthe
the glow of perfect health take Duffy DutTysPure DuflysPure
Pure Malt Whiskey regularly accord according according accordfog ¬
ing to directions It tones and and strength strengthens ¬
ens the heart action and purifies the theentire theentire theentire
entire system It is recognized as a afamily afamilv afamily
family medicine everywhere everywhereWH cvcrywhcltC01
C01 Wbs ye ask Ii veer ar 1 drtslt are It cr crc are areC ra rac >
c r r dealer fer r ItaU 0 Py r Mali n vfClshrr WiI WiIya to tor be besac
sac r ya T yu set PI the lb It amalne euta 1 It 55 aselulci aselulciper fc ll lr lrK
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K EAtEn EtrnotTtElsoqLi lAfrnBOYTIE IIOTTLF14 011 f ur r Inkalk III I Leek Lawkfr akf
fr f Ik be I lr4 tradusark n ii rk tbe 0 Old fh bwtt mlM to me meUIMt Ulftla lb lbisb
UIMt la isb otL aM 4 ak k tar r the t seat e ever r r ika a c cent cerkhke rk I Iakrahm is iswabrebe
akrahm rrl hke < ss < a Ur bath Writ WritKxtKsl wiltlidiial tUft tUftv
KxtKsl P 1iaflmest anmiit Tll Dupe 7 Stall rp VThtlKry VThtlKryr Wbtsk
4 = Resbesser r MV ii v for forBtttaMtal a r free r ttusorsC ieee ieeeoat r ri I
oat besideS cestatitlati BtttaMtal a4 4n rere rereieee ca caMM
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