OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, April 05, 1910, Image 11

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-04-05/ed-1/seq-11/

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iI iIIn
Vl f fTHE
n nlfil iiwiu in n i t ivinit nrns t I ivi 1 fiiArx fiiArxK nivrcLUll
K LUll i MI iic4vjc 111 K orroxeTS IPIOVVTSm OIT OITAmI
American AmI m rIanS Far F a Pert Rid Jpltball Jpltballlanlptilalnr pll1Ilanl pIbllUanIpuItuw
lanlptilalnr lanl > I In 4slIu iiula lIulnh arul TI4 Bo BoItatlirr H HUtlirr
Itatlirr nh Ttimi Th tint Vaughn IIhn ami un4h4Jp noS noShUI Mar Marhuii
huii Hrn PtflP n r Intlnrlttlr In the Ih h llaut llautMIMA nllCi 11 11a
MIMA Ci < ia a April 111 iir 4 fho 110 New eW w York VorkAn Yorkpiti ok ok10111
An n Ijjwtie team UII ihl hi ha afternoon abut lib libnI sbinil
nut nI IilS6 iij > iM 01r of f h > nutli d Itb Atlantic 1 UsbtIoby I alii 0 1eagu 1eaguhy C Chy
hy a lire nr nf r v > o I IP w the f1rl n elhl shI shIht hl hlhlln
lul hlln mn iriimenf IttII r ho 1 iip ui 1 north flortIN4 w d anil An nI might mighthave mhII hl
have I t > n niort 110 cn ts < < oft h 141 I VH si juMa juMat lIsuI a at
t > oxiiiii t in t mil 110I lneii I u i frarl A wiinhpaw oI h ia Tb TbIIIhl thai thaiHighlander 1 b bI
Highlander IIIhl I I had IMI u priVloiilv Iv v lonko I < l nt utu I
a itlfl deal k nf uI I Hirt Muu ide 11 1 fllficlni outido oitllht that thatnf thatf
nf t Iheir IIu h Ir nwn eatnmate paflm4tlirre mm
llrrco 11 wa u the 10 lefthander who ho guy va the theNew 110 110S h hi
New S Ynrker i ° their 1t1 onlv 11I1 UIY worrle rrl lie 1Ilnck1 II looked lookedlo
lo 0 IM I h m II inul 1I1I1n vx on form r lleldo wnmler wnmlerfill wornr wornrtnt omle omletill
fill pe u4 l ihl hl vnuiiitler 11111 ha a j beaiillfullv beaiillfullvhron bantttuuIIbr tJtlh tJtlhA
hron br A Utt uu of pltl IlIhII > ill Miniewhui m h tiji of a novelty nIIt fluiv Iiy Iiyfnr
fnr t n xttithpaw ntlthl lIh I lie I Iliithlandera worn wornJll a aJII r rjnt
Jll jnt l heulnnltitf Innl in uf olte at him when llerco llercowa IMerewu
wa rii rrtlIuI tllol llruner IInn a rtghlhandor rtghthruhirtmt hhnI come cometiext rarneI
tiext nnd I wa ea f T iii Ihe Highlander IIIhlI IIIhlIe1 IIgIuIaiuulrqIoreu
Ioreu orei e1 rout uuIt 11 of their ll Ih e run nIT htm lit n Iho Ih IhIf t heItfili
liflh If h iiinitm n Five Iv hit in n ihl h round rosinulI n1 11 11I
Iwn I prior and n1 a a eurIfluuu rlfltv 111 did fl the II i h hIbunr daman danI1lit
Iliunvr lit un would uutuI hate h caught ulhI It heavy h hev In InIhr Inh InIhu
Ihr h fourth inning but for to u record nronlbow tbiow on onIhe 011Ih onS
S Ihe Ih f pnrt iun nf It Viola 101 lh thu h lately arrived Cuban Cubanoutfielder I ub1IOllln ubunontVtIJr
outfielder Ollln Viola VInt 101 I a Mid In n be I IIlIro a bettor bettorIhrowrr bItrthrowur
Ihrowrr IlIro than Itlrmlnghtm of Cleveland ClevelandHe IlandII
He II hadhu tb one u occasion for ro demonrating demonratingpurpoaea dmonlltlneIIU
purpoaea IIU Duro and Ibcn ho h 4urIT ur unrl ly looked like likerefined Ilk 1111nu Ilkrefln4
refined nu irold u3 liardner adno and Footer each eachinclrd etchtnI4 eh
inclrd 01 t In the th fourth Inning the 10 oecond oecondacker econduIcer coad coade
acker e tnnvlnv In I II t to 14 I thtr hint on the lb hortolop ehorttopesngIe hnrtof
Ingle nil Ie 101 Inks plareil drop for ro Jack KnUitt KnUittbut Knl Knl4tstbud I Ibut
but even n then had to 0 tprlnt back to a lino linodnvo Ito ItoIr1 In Indn
dnvo dn e II Innkod IflOk tI 1 like Ilk madnoa for ro Viola Violato 10 10fn
to even n think hln uq f trying to head off If Gardner Gardnerat annat
at iho plate Ial yet et 1 hi isle iiorfrct Jrfl rfect t throw hro carried carriedright erit1hI cerfltrIght
right In n the h rntiher nhh 0 walt 11 and a1 though thoughliarilner thougherulnur houhIdn
liarilner prlnteil at top nl iu p > ed for r Iho Ih plate plateafter 11 11f iittafter
after f I the he h catch h ho h wa aoul nut ny h 41Z lx t feet In aplte aplteof lit pllot litof
of a fine nil llde 111 It w n > a dnuhlo 14ev ilar I lnt Ind Indot ad adof
ot a i run nno nn of iho lb pronto 1 rlllo thrown thro evor evorn v vn er ereen
een n on a hall field fieldJack nI1Jk t1IIJtvk
Jack Warhop Vsrho and AnII nti Urn Vaughn ehn divided Ihe Ihefame lb lbgsmefurtl h hcm
cm gsmefurtl for t the t tlctnr lloih > were Invincible rInvlnclbtlb Invinciblebo Inn < I1 I1lb
fame lb bo ciiro ciiroHunt r rII
II IORU I IAl uorau uorauII
Al II r a 1 As R r rao A AEttIt
EttIt I I t I Nnrumvt t U 0 0 0VotIrvrf
ao k kI
VotIrvrf 1 2 0 a 0 o I t ttrreel
trreel I I u u I1f I I I 0 0II UIrtier
Irtier 1u S I II lnt1 I 3 0 I Itoo IEoIrr
too EoIrr 4 J 0 JtIIt 1 > 3 n 3 0 0KlltehlI iiKI1IhIItI
KlltehlI a su II II I I eIII3 I dl I IUII310 I IAutl3b
UII310 t 1 n I lIuO1113 U 0 I 0 0lrler Uftgrru
lrler ftgrru I U II I 0 ItEttg tI 3 0 10 0 I IA Ittsre4r
ttsre4r A t 3 I 011 UI1evrp I I I I II It
t rhip 3 I ii U OIIunp 0 I 0 II I Iauelln U Utughn
auelln > Z 0 U lIulfaDp I u 0 I 0 0 0TI oTott
TI l 10 r 7 I 21 THalII Totti 4 2t 0 0N 4 4ewYotk
N ewYotk 0 00004fl10 00004fl10AuguIe 0 0 0 1 I 0 0A
A AuguIe ue iu us I 0 0 1 0 II I 4 4lIun 41llun
Hunt New S w York 010 XVolUr WI 2 Creo c Crtger r1 r1lIop
Uarhop lIop IIIU 11Iurt on Plrrr I I In three I Innlngt Innlngtoff Innlncotl
off ttrtiner 1In 1 In n three II Inotnt noln off n llantfan 2 In Hithree InII Inibrr
three II lOftIng nt Uarhop rPuop 2 In rive ft Innlngt nIT nITVaiithn 01Tflln nITtulthfl
Vaiithn flln 2 In four n Inning Klr tI FIrSt l ha on error errorNew effortet a aN
New N et York 0 I A MIcut gu ta 2 l Left ft nn ne ha haa Vew VewYork Ce Ceorh
York a orh a Aurmta I iiust S Hr UfOt > l h n on hall lift liftWarbop lIWbOD lIfTWAIbOtf
Warbop lot I 01111 llrrre I off ollluII Hruner I struck out outKy outIt outIfj
Ky It Varhop by b Vaughn uen a by h Pierre 11 flerueHitfso 4 by h hlllao
Haclfan 4 Two h hee e Ml hI Swrenry < Socrlnce SocrlnceMl utrtAe utrtAetrgIu Ift Ifth17nel
Ml h17nel Ingle stolen I rae tantner In Tngle rllclDle Crre CrreKnlrhl CrrnItht
Knlrhl Dle XXolter WolI Ihxihl rl flt plaI > Canlner Ko roler ter terand
and nd Knight alch Viola und ns II I fdnanio Crlter t Crltev and andrwtrr an i1roter
rwtrr 00 XVIIl 111 pltcl HanlTan IaueJ f hall hallhw hallton bellweneV
hw ton weneV ene > t mptrc mr Trill rill ami XVagnrr 1n Time TimeI z
I hour 0 and nd tmlnu tmlnuGUT tl > minute minute7MAiS rttouleltrb
A > ke ev > tork oh rh tall I PIIHiln rUI1nK far r r > orfolk orfolkr ool1 arfoIkGli
C Gli h < r p rt Tucrn Trm Trnulilr TrnulilrNonmta TouhlonrL iroutukOftTfLk
Nonmta onrL OftTfLk Va April rrl prI 4 Good Gn pitching pitchingand plhlnl
and nnt no hard h hitting tllno tot a gatar gut for to the thofilant theiIaflt 10 10ma
filant ma here h Ihl thie afternoon nn lleu II IIOf lIeIue > e he helore belore
lore Of the h fine fn twirling 1Iln nf r Crandall ndl Itaymond Itaymondand narmnad flatroondaliut
and ad Drurkr OueLt the h local Virginia clnl l Iau Iauhl leugnera leugnerarf asuer asuerwrro
wrro rf hut hl nut I with li two wn hit hl Itite hut 1 there therebalm h hAim wao waobalm
balm In the h defect df hrcaue t the h GIn niantcored CIantesenred
cored 1 t only In three h run only nl One n of lt which whichwa hlh hlhun hIehe
wa e earned earnedtince eMTued4tne un unin
tince in leaving Trva T the h Ctantt nnu have h gone gonePV en env gonet
PV t v nn n Ml lIta to n an n extent n that Ih preage an another tnother n nh ¬
other h prng r g Ilkelaat 11 like lest year when hn the h pitcher pitcherd 1Ih 1Ihd tuiteheredd
d dd < < 1 nell 1 bust I could not win in lircauaoof u o light lightttllu lehl lehlbII IlrhtbIIU4
ttllu bII behind bhID them However lD lArry IjjrryUorle Ir lArryf
Uorle 01 f who 100 had gone n without lhOl hit In Inthree I InIltree
three IrH imight Aleh ganiecametocralch anm 0 IrAh today todaywith In Inh todayIth
with Ith h a home Im run na and nd a adouillhothofwhIrh adouillhothofwhIrhrl double rlhl hot h ht nf which whichwere hkb hkbn
were rl Muky n HI II circuit r11 wallop UoP brought broughtIn Iollh IollhIn
In the h flr n flr4 t mn rn llfle In the h fifth inning InnlDo Other Othrwlm Oh Ohh Other1e
wlm 1e the h game m wnuld hate tu l Ietl > een a rnrrle woreleeIt rnrrletie 1 1t
tie t It up tn the I ninth ninthHaving Ilnh Ilnhrllne nInthrtInt
Having the h full r1 nine Inning Innln agalnt In the theGiant theCaitiit h hfI41
Giant fI41 mday 1041 n < wa tern H New S et tnrk urk k boy o who whorrolaM thuprohuPt hn hnrohlt
rrolaM > will iLI I l get a trial tl1 next n ea4 enn > n with withJlcliraw lh Itti Ittitel
Jlcliraw 1 tel rau I 1 I lrt 1 < uame UI I llnyd o t and he heI I
I a d < leer lefthander although lhh he h ha h n notrr not j
arr af1 rr ieqt < rd ut t the h totIng Inl age IJnvd Un 1 1Inn wa ae a athin atiin I
thin n < p nf uf n Ind lat pitng pn w ten he t hi pitchedaanr ptubeiautert pitched Ih1h
aanr autert t 1 the th h tilanl i at Waco WA but b re t h hgrown hn ha haf
grown f a n lieater teat let and nit 1 pltchml pleudldl juTeiulidlIn
in the h i JuI uilie to tnuluiy < 1 1I lnT
I p I tn 0 ihe lii h uiiih Ith Inning the h ilant An did didrot dIuttInt 1
rot ciccred 1 ii 1 cnupllng rln two wo n hit In any n one oneInnma on onInlI onlnrnrt
Innma InlI nti I with o Ih tth letter I IIIM upt > ort llnyd would 1
have h i cheil the h game m nun 110 extra U tra Inning
I p lit tie t eentb < rntU 1b itminrf nino he h had yielded yieldedbut
but hrr h r iit I lie II truck nut II five nv nf lie Ihetiant I h hOn lieIsant I
tiant luflng xyniour On ninulr and Mciiraw MciirawIn H HIn
In Sir SirTotal oe e etih ihh hth when hn I lfnyh oyle 01 waon aa on thin hae haeSir h haesa I
sa youia 0 MIolt MIolta PL
Dni I I I I 0 ii Inn flonne I 3 3 I
I fin t ti Iueh I 0 0il I IM
il ri 4 ii ii ii bI ba4IrtM < III 0 IS 0 0r 0Ij 0 0e
e r rf I I 4 ii Iu1I fl ft 0 0 0 0I
I I 5 I1IovrlIh Ij ii 030 030le y yh
le 3 31 h 3 I I 1 titflrft 1 I a I U 0 0trrhlett
11 trrhlett I 0 1 II I Ii Uiffion rnr 3 I ii 0 0 0ilrur olrIr
ilrur lrIr if I 0 3 II 0 enhIec nII I ii I 0 0Sctilf
Sctilf 11 e 0 i I I Jotinonlf 3 0 u 0 0 0n
4 randall n < nI i I I I IMI I4o dp > 3 n nI 4 I 3 A I IUe
I Ue nouu4p 11 I I 4 1 0 0I II III
I I o ii 0 at Total = r 7 I 3 3Tot 3 3T
Total T I 27 7 II I I Iortflha I Is I
s > x oi 0 n o 0 0 1 0
Norfnik i alalOOfl0000U alalOOfl0000UVt 1 o I o o n o I n u O 0I o otin
tin I Vt no r New York okI orkIoyI l > > oyl I Ueet lr r > er Vhlrt ll Two TwoIMW T
IMW 14 nil 1 II Doyle n Home 1 nit P3 Dlll Itotlr rtarrlnce rtarrlncehit I Ib Is In
hit eore > Stolen b ueie > e > lievore Srymour ¼ mour
Drirke l left tt on tv ta4t = e New fw t a or Urk Norfolk s a alr 2hra
hra lr tt c on 0 n errnr Norfolk f t New York tot tottloutuli 2
Doutilr i u Ief Vtc tlelraa < ir w lv t1oI > le ant n < t i Merkle V I truck I
0 i My Il r an4Il n d1 1 ll 3 h 1 I tIm 1 ii 3 e hy t t narmond RrmOct I IIn i
tn I rwiir 2 Klrtt t luxe on aw bell Oil II Ltayit LIideLT 2 I Ioft I
hl lt 114 114I
oft I l ha < > m fiend nil 1 i IIIU II alIt 11 rrn CrntaIl > UII I IInn In three I IInnl IIntit
Inn < t mi malre lre Icndrr Time 1m I hoir cod cod4u1 D Dt 1
4u1 J ltte I <
tauilIIee > for r o Ihr I h llrookl IrI flrklnflu > n nHi nfl
Hi fl tiuoi > prll II rII i Kxcoptfln the h flrat flratrnninj nlInln tiratmnIn
rnninj Inln when tn ho h P llrn II Itrnkuytaa < > kivtibtd hd no difficulty difficultyn dlmUInc
n 11 MMtinc tfl Inc C iti t 11 rrher b curve the theirane lb lbvgt h hIr
irane Ir vgt at i lir > il Sreet s Park tht hI afternoon afternoonw tmon tmonI
w a ireiinv I pluved and n1 the lb h National Nationaljraiuen Slon1 ationalleaguer
leaguer jraiuen > fvml HRlcultr 111 In hitting hllin hllinn Ietor Ietora Ptrson
a son > nn n and an Wavtmk Wv hnih of whom did didI tonal tonalitl
wink itl I llrookrn 11 wnn at san n hi 4 a i are > re nf orh t l In 2
Iho 1 h Mwokiti ln Drawal 1 ti dil not n have h an a n e Psey y lime limet I tnt m
t t ti iin Ilt itII nie nun n itmiigh ln they r pfe < l in inpIciiilM Inrll Inraititltat
pIciiilM form esd i d > nnxinre < l thopeclatorw thopeclatorwliual Ih uttore uttorellet o
liual rll het 1 at 1 i erhkt > hr 1 beat 1 hat h have haveil h h11If haf hafeItw
eItw il < ein1 aat on at tf > l Iu a illamnnd 1rnn thl hi e son son3IItaIatt un
3IItaIatt Mi 11If Mnlan 1111 HI e ir r I < h ha fa t fatav > toxt man r1 ma n In Inhat Inh t tIigt
hat h pnllon hat h lit h l Ieu en een n here the 1h
rt hn
llrn 11 lIfnaaI < k < n I learn Ctfl m i t lolllnl tinrttng < intimg m work k nub nlthtnai nubtnahanaIske h hn
tnai tnahanaIske hineiike proiiion n Ihe 1 lla manaajement manaajementIn mnm mnmI
In I he I men I inder t I t nrfuI < erfe i dt dtlpIlnp < cpine 110 and andTr d dt
Tr 1 me an e a a made inil anteuaIIy ilally attrar attrarlitr alItCrlit r rI
litr lit t C r ll lra leaaat i > u all < if rI Ihl I las taut t Ila The lb eiiire eiiireililr eeurIaIiretu
I IaIiretu IaIiretuCH u uH
CH H r rr A C a HP HPI II IILler P a p
Ller L4Ttb r 2b 4 I O a I P Iuarrhf h1 rfhcf S I ii o 0dln atI
I ililr ililrII dln uin o O a 4 1 nratir nratirltunl frt 2 t 4 I A AA nlIec
II lIec 4 U I A Aj a a ltunl tlttvaIrt hn hnT rrf rrft 4 t 2 at it itan
T r mn nr rf rfFjt j i a aI n t XI UPTti > rr Tn TnHauhertt 1 I t ti I I I1etr
I 1etr Fjt lrlf lrlfHronnVi If f I t a aHlfMMh A ii Hauhertt HauherttA UMb i I i ifrt 0 0Hie n na I IhIlti
HlfMMh Hie hIlti I It I A AT 7 ii A i MrIn3b fri nJt n1 > a i i iM a i
hreto HronnVi 0 S 31 a I i ii iiJ M VrMlllanx rlln rllnD 1 n nIkrgrn 2 C It ItO a ar
frt r IDC D t tKlefrt 3 I J 1 1o 0 Ikrgrn UUI 2 2A O 2 at > O 0lt1 atmfet
Klefrt KlefrtAr lt1 I I II 0 n A I MIB il lIIhtt c 2 A I O aPp II iiArrrp
Ar Arrrp Pp r r p al 1 I 4 I is 6 I > eaUp 2 O A I 0 I atUroeh
TBroakt flr I 1 0 n A Ulni Ulrtrp rep 2 I A I u uA
fftfii rt P t to o A AM I IP IlaM
M laM a > m kp P o e e a aTnta A I Total To 1 JC 7 27 T la ISTo 13tnt 2 2fftfii
tnt To 31 > t A Cs i 4 4t4t I II
B t4t tv far I tnlnr in the I ninth 1IIIIIIe Inning i I
Batfrd B fr f rche In the eron1 01 Inning InningPlcnmnad Inl InlPIIUI lauatnePIemna4
Plcnmnad PIIUI n n n A I A n o I I 2
Brook 11 brooho > o I no ° 0 0 0 0 A 4 4o
1 1 > HI rmwKl Ttimaa Drown Mrnokiyn Mrnokiynr
iuv r ur c M ttrat I Hunter naHbcrt Pe Det att TWO o
ht h r all I tt lImb f Hhrat Iet Mrlniyrr Lawler L
Tr aae > < w fit Himtn ln HacrtVe klt t Mycr Mycrtnd
I n a bm IAmdfratT It4gu i iIll
a r n nO nOn rioiMe n4 n4r IIC > 4bPt tnd 04 rt liter fem femf
a r 4 < t r < ftI fV fVn VIra ta f n < halt Ill Of < wt H Arcfcer Arcfcerr A AAo
n Ao Pei r > v wi I < I Itr tWmrk I II tt lsau lsaua
tr i Hi I Irteiwm I S by b ieuu I or oreft
tI I cIt I on o be mrtmon Itrllot < l A Ar
Iru r H > t > IVirrxn I 1 i nl AfT t Archer Art a ai
C i > m n t i l u 4 jff if Uclnrre Uclnrret Uln UlnI l1etnVt
t t tce f 1 rr hoiir I a U 47 a 1 trinite triniteIt tTtniteflirIauII tn tnul
It flirIauII dull utr utrn ul autunvt
vt n Vno < hav rea1 1 Pttcn 1f lltrtarai4e r rarfnr
A ai4e Ct4 a htaer h Ctdnr arfnr n to toIamie4 tatI 0 0oh
I etTt oh I bet Iamie4 la Mr Irt Irta t n cmn cmnr
> r nt a awl n < i lnn 1 InneMrr 1 1P from fromft traina
a ft q phfann TB TI l t uttrr uttrrnom I IIb IC tIer tIeraa
aa a elton nom lIst Ib Ibt < ha n e iu rn rnt
a t ii t anil 1f 4 hn I to o < > me m mIn nn to tot
t T tn n due u tlmr 1 f fc I IA tta thrtitft thrtitftt a1S a1Sy
I y t b e < he opponent op inoen o orow
= row at i rardhani Klra
a t ant A an4 aao on o Friday rr1duWJ tne tneam tea
a as < am wii w pe Ik opponent o
I X JJt I Y ter r r c 11 OC getOpt WJ w WUt b be opponentat e Uad at a I I I
I Kprrtator ta at a Eaglnror FlnM Gamra GaN 4JteJrclnl CJ O jeeted jeetedI f
la I Ilia IflcTb Artlon ArtlonThe AonTh
The Th Twentyaeoond Tal1 Keclment 1lmnl Eoglnoor Eoglnoori EDln EDlnI
i i I bld their annual aprtng carnival 111 of iportj iport J portII
j I lo I the lb b armory mJ Uat night alcb On OM of the Ih main mainovonta Din Dinnt
1 ovonta nt of t the lb b night was tho th aM MI yard r handi handicap hnl hanallcap ¬
cap P with Ih IIh M I l XV V Kbeppard bP nn scratch feh After AfterI ftr ftrI l lIbe
I Ibe the gun ln urackod c Iho lb h limit lmi man aped p away awayat
at a llvoly lwl II Iy allga l p with llh Bhoppard tb1pud bringing blDel up upI UIA uplb
I Ihe lb rear Ahnut A a lap I or no 0 from Crm rum homo homoIU hor
I IU f E W IIIU 11 of Company Compn t who whl had bdrn iu iuyarda 4u 4uyarda
yarda rn printed 1 lnl1 and n1 looked In1 u If ho l might mightland mlchtIInt mIhtI
I IInt I land the lb gold 014 medil ml1 but Hhopnanl 111 went wentthrough wentthrough aL aLholb
through lit tile I field coming mln along Ionl wilts ll a irreat irreatprim grUatsprInt
i prim PI on ute I Ut bomoairotnh and Dao iiallml nI ajfl ajflPI Hill hulaa Hilla Ii
a coupln lt nf n alrldo rhl from Ihe eta H orated 01 1 lh lhIln lblime ho holima
lima Iln 11 I 4 i wan good going cnil but both bh111PIIt
Sheppard 111PIIt hlm4lf blm and n1 Cn lilint laint haro t h41 beaten bralrnhU n
1101 I hU lit lime in nn nI tha 1 same m floor floorIlioro nn nnI floorllsre
I I Ilioro 11 were two 0 cprlnta prlnt of To 0 yard The Thefir T
fir n1 I nn n wa wee fiat t nuvlrea nuvl and ao wee r won n br brII b bII bII
II J lirolhtteeriif irothttruaCunIhaany tontiwnjr 01n A Aesly c Uy 1 lih lihi lh li liI
I i a handicap of all 1 fret r I McSweeoey lrS Com Company hornItan om omn ¬
pany n K 1 ruptured iii ho handicap hy h a couple coupleof fI fIrnnl euuplof
of foot from t I Conlln 11t nf If Company t ompn K who whohad whotacit h
had 12 I 2 feat frotIhore rLIh featIher
Ihore Ih wa w onielhlng nhln of a econo n over 0 the IhodrcMiuit thedetaioti h
drcMiuit dkll In II the lb h Judge ot walking Iklnc A few fewi r rI
I i I tanl nl from runt Iho Ib laM tl he yanked n out 0 II I A Aro
ro Io 0 aaf f Company II I who h wa in third hlr placo JI JIan1 jalsaasflaI
J and flaI wiiro of r the h brone Ion medal mfli To all al ap
pojimncoa fot ro r wa then moving a fairly fairly1I
I I a C at t mir 41 other lime 1m during Ina the h rare It Tho Thocrnwil Th Tbirowat
I crnwil thought M an o loo 1 Iasaifor for ro they h broke hrk out In InI Ina
I Ja I a stOrm m nf at r hUi 1 cmtcall Ii anal a1 IMMMN Oi 1 Iho IhooffJiLiI lb lbama1l h
offJiLiI off the 11 floor I Thai Th unpleaaaafnom unpleaaaafnomi
i I w I 150 kept k nil II for to nearly n an n hour Inln InlnI
I I I there 1 w Wa4 < it 1 roo sIn C cramhlo rmbl among amon Com Cornpant
panto pant 1 K I I mn aital 1 v for to that Ih point min trophy ph and n
I finally 11 wnn out 0 with Ih a lullt total nf 32 3 polnla 11
The Th tummarte tummarteTO um umm
TO Yard r linn I Ito ovlcoWoa 1 br 11 II ILIompaay J OrolbOMtr OrII OrIIT
Corapaay A I L W V llallark I CamiMny L I MCood
A T lergu r rumpaay K ihlnl CT Time tin 7 73 l a orond
Tn Yard Vr HUB lu it rclPO llandlrap ItandtrapWoa Won IT I J Mrnwr W fier
Company CmIA K a fret f II Conita Cootpaoy f 12
la 1
feel econd 4 fv Yvit rt Farrtagioa Fna Company rn 1 II
Ufrel I third Iln Tlme7Jacromti Tlme7Jacromtiam m 7 S I
am 1 Yard an1 n Hun n Handicap 14 ilalIdliapWon Won t b lay > y U vr A Apam III
pam r Corai Contpaay 1 ny A riatcb ld r r W I Hill 111 Company
r p M rani emiKl J 1 Uanlrner rdeeer Company 0 0n Crl K Vyards
an yards third Tim I mlauieM4lriMKU m minute r4 M 4s = ouwsal
444 40 Yard n 1 linn I llaadlcan lalWO IlendlrapWoit Won br frod Krur
I JA Kre
C Cemrar m > aayU2O I 120 yard nh T J ntrvrnmn f Comrany om omr
U l M ti yard t lenind Fd l lx mba > b e Company o H II IIyardt Isyenta
yenta lblr1 r Time M 31 1 1a 3 3t1ard ecoad
ton a t1ard Yard r Hun lun Novice = 01 Won W by 1 George 0 ntttllno nUI fltttllomesf
m mesf > r Company ma II I I roget r Nrn Cnmpanr I Cnnqaanvood n H
orooft ood Julian Jull llltel hlJ Company K t third hln Time
I minute mIDII il Z 21 1 second 4 4o
22 3 Yard o Hun lUnillrar lnI Won 1 by W 1 If I Mr U
tnt hl re F Jr J Cnntpany 0m0a0y 0 I n > 12 I yanlt 1 S A Seward 1n
Com Contpasn1 winy r A vratrh erond C I IU Clark Com Company tootpanI om omIne
f pany iyani yard f third T1mr2a3 1 t rrondi
rutting Ine 12 I ISwnd n Shot So iacewO Itandkaf laodkapSvoe Woa br brr bp1 bp1r 1
r r MrDermolt ont Cnntpaay omany m K to I left t wm wma withen lh
en a actual wit > U of r a 37 feet 1 a tech lien Trtrle Trtrle1m
a 1m I Mrond d with I aa actual 1 nti 1t11 I of M 3 TI frei r M L LInch I
Inch InI J MrMwrenry I IVmpanr nm p K t feet I third ihlrdwlih thirdulihafleetual
wlih ulihafleetual 1 an actual al pulnf putuIM ut M 3 feel I lolacne r
Two o lllle I tileyrle llare llaadlran llaadlearaWoe TTon by b
UI v I aa den llrie r Jr i Company A ritrh
I I U II I at albeit Company K too yard a t second i
t I I It
XX t Hiicklngbam m 120 l yard third Ttraeimln TtraeimlnutrI2 llrne3m1nole
utrI2 ole t lecoad lecoadH 3seintaIMisk
H Misk vk llace 1 IM I Yard Yar Handicap HandIcapWa Wo hy I II
AI A I I irera lromr Company ompnr u 110 lOyartl to yaM 1llrrl J 1 t 4haettrr 4haefTpomranr I
Company lomn omranr r IO rant r won1 C t P lattrry
Company l fl rrttcli third Time 2S 4 ti a seconds <
fl 1
l on > n Mile Walk vt ilandlrap 1 Uoa hr II Man 1
Company r r t > crirh J Krwlg t Comnanr omjaaaiy I V 4 4Varda 0 0yard
yard orondr E IXntrwII I iItnhtietLtatmpay l Company I rr IS tartt Ir arai
third LIIN Time 1m 7 mInute 24 e aeronda aerendal a ayn
220 l Yard yn Hurdle I I r Handicap lanI Won o ty b Pen
Trnloe Top Treilseiompsny Company 1 1 Jyanlt J irnrlen lnrl aflrlflaonfpfl Company omn
T in II tents ecooii no n third n Time r < lft lftecoaila aAecoatala
0 1m
ecoaila sa U A Vlul Mulattan If hfne Company AI A 7 lard
a Ralahorl ftllf hurdle lunJ thinl but bt wa a dl cllulr dlIUatIteaJ iuatlle nr < i for 0 klppnc Iprn n
231 33 Yard erd n llbatacle n Handicap Ton by W f
Wilier Company t r in 1f yard n WIlliam X Floorl t tr
Company L I tcrabh xcood no a third Time flm
M 4l 43 a arvon4i n > noi1 I Chftrtci rl llowan Cnmpaoy o R Rrard K
rard nnt nntl flnIstid ie < 1 third 111 hut b wa > tl IIU tialoalIttd > tiaUlled for fornot 10 forhot
not Jumping Jmre one of 0 the I barrel barrelIMe hartptOil 1
Oil lllle il 1114 Um Ilfn llanillcai An > XVnn W uws by b t P t Iowr iwy
ComnaDy 0rnpan JI r I2n iard > ard I 1 V 3iLoisetiCorngaan7 WDowrtl Company r rrd
K 23 > ard econi1 < K XV l Hill I 1ompanr = 1 1yarIthtrat
Urarda rd yarIthtrat thtnt tl Time 1m Tim4mtnutei1a3 4 minute mlnu v 3 ae 3aaoflali < onila of
One O tilt I Inter II Company 01 ointany Relay I Itamllrap P
Uon WO hj b Company om I 3 T yard n with C 1 Coaaena osena a af
Kre = < t KnifT J letenaoonrn tnsec flea Tlfr T1ersan4 eamixv W W4eward
trward f Cnmi timteny > any II r ci 7 laid > ard r wronU sero With 1th
i C a Noel C C V Malirry I A f Y lireeno I K Lohc Lohcand a aand
and an K t Coyle I Company toml omlatny K t yard n lhlr1 1 with
CieaMn C riu agti C 1 fonlln mi II I ii I Vhaefrr 1 W V I
Cbapln CIIrll xvonda bai oaida ct and a II I Klkan tll Time 11 a mlaulr 21 1 4 4xvonda 5 5oaida
Brat A CfTrnrirlnirr frhm In I a Nlow MID Bllllartl Bllllartlamr AnlN BIlliard1arn
1arn amr m tn I Champl Cham alp snehip snehiplPtriee nhln > j ji i i
i lPtriee harle 11 K Conklln Cnnkln of t Chkacn tn won nn the thefir Ih Ihn thefirst
fir n first came m nf the Ib 12 I Ia halt hll line lD amatrur amatrurhllllard Am arnusteaIrhIllird
hllllard hli < champnnhlp dAlrlnnI tnurnamen Imnn played playedtn
In the Ih Hamilton IIlnllon Club > llmnklyn ImUrn Ut night nightHr nhlI nightlie
Hr I defoaieil l lIt > r Walter WII K rtTonhoimer lInh nf nfPhlladolphH n nrhlldl1hh ofPhhLadlphii
PhlladolphH rhlldl1hh The T Tb c atr iro w we 4a4 i tn n nTh 2O 2OTho 4I 4ITha
Tho Th name 1ln look k fIfty ft two minute mlnl and lD lDlm fl1 wi wivery wicry
very low at lime limeThe lm lmn tImThat
The n dlninit lnlnt r rawani x ti on the Ib top 01 floor f nf the thoHamilton thehIttilltnn h h1llon
Hamilton 1llon Club Ih wa wia fitted ne up II ipecLilly LI for forthe ro roIh forthat
the Ih ncraclnn Ion and n t H waa we well filled t 11 when whenYlcorreldent whenVfrhrpajalpl hnWh
Ylcorreldent Walter Wh S Ilrewater I Intro Intrnduco Inmh Introaituaal
duco < l the h pUyer of this h evetilni vtln lm lmtiallagher mmlallaghpr
tiallagher 111 h I lath I he referee r of the th h tnurrutmon tnurrutmonl
l 1 Dr > r I IInhI ffenhelmer won nn the h hank hnl chat CbON iho ihopnl 1Pm 1Pmfwtt h hC
pnl C I hnl twill H unit ran rn t2 1 It I wa a the h diicinr diicinrflri a aflrat
flri n appenranco I rn In I a t tIg > iic tourroanen 0rn1 and andhi n t thi
hi attic trleiiupree Itiareeweal < llilllliiTlln hUI laIllIusrul 10 lot er1errmUfh r a cry Ih IhI inmiih inmiihIii
He I ha h hui a good t trnke m and tartid oft with lh lhonnt 1 aaoflflataana 1cnnfldeme
cnnfldeme onnt that helokoiinl hI fa f taad t gatre r He Hetnl II IIinieat
tnl inieat > e l on a xhort drive driveConklln 01 01IOUI airhaeoiikttti
Conklln IOUI i a tetcrwn n at I the h gun am He Hea I It ItA
a plaror 1 1 ton nf the h ateady 1 pto 1olln taIohaitn < lillna kind kindnnd kln1nnt kindusnul
nnd ho h rnn 22 llptutiir up on a illffl lm tilt tilttwo millawn II IIn
two n rinruon hIOI stint hn UfIIII hut he h had h I taken n M lead leadof kisailit
of r lu I II and n did dl t not no loie I o the h lead airmn oll durlnK durlnKthe suitmitthe llr
the Ih evening nllI llnh filled talt tn n sent n in n the Iheecnnd theacnnaI h hond
ecnnd ond Inntnie 11n I 11 Ihrer more no liv h I 1In hen
helm I i a 41 ciii me In the h hard t CAtiklm t kll fail rII1
Then rffenhelm Ifhlm arn < rai ke kd < 1 two duck 11 r egat egatw K Kwhlleinnkliti
whlleinnkliti w hl htl lonkiats onkhl ran n 4 followed hy 10 ts l 1that ngltitf ngltitftho I
that II total OA m I the h tilth I t h lulling 111 ro iWiklm a kl kltn
41 I flenheim nnh 1 1In 1II liti
In II the Ih neil 11 D flC e inning lne tie I play 11 11th w wrather we werather
rather th lnw I 1 lh here wero ae lot lotus nf t thtnir thtnirtn Ihlt thtnitIll
tn militate mi again aln fat play The 11 loth lothwa mliittw h hn
wa new n and the h hull 1 eeined mo lo 10011 roll hard
Then It wa the I flrai nrl KHIIIO of the I h inurua inuruanient toizrua10CM mUI
nient IInl and d a lIttle 111 tage CI fright rrht may a
have tiad a grea cr deal to do with ib eat h man manPlay tnanplay n nplr
Play It wa apparent that Ih I fIr > r I 111 Ten ffetihelm
helm blm wa was nervoii n Hi II lime play I Itll wa not a acareful aiarefuI
careful tll ait a It I tiouM 1110 have h h been bn and nd ho 1 tnieed tnieedcarrom toiseedratron
carrom n hy hair breadth h and found tOlnd tOlndaur foitnatliiaiiy foundmaur
maur aur hole behind the I l 11 hail ll which a little littleleadlne 111 littleCtaauIIlPe
leadlne 11 of play 11 would nlid have h nvenome nvenomelonkllll ntar Iln Ilnolk atop atopa
lonkllll a olk hn made 1 a run 1 nf 24 4 III II hi h blat seventh seventhInning eventhInnings nh nhInln
Inning which tond I a em the b high run UI until untilIhe untillb
Ihe I lb game al wn n > t breeiuartrr h ovrr 0 At 1 Ihe Iheend fliemat
end n1 of th tenth Inhlnlll Inning the I total otl otltokln were wereConklln wereotaklin lt
Conklln tokln r I ffenhelm If 1m n In hi hieleventh b bIynlh hdetent
eleventh detent Pt Inning I 1Ifnh1 flenhrini made o en enclover enclerer n nclu
clover clu nhot ho 1111r all DI open 01 table play 1 1 T ami 0 tulwed tulweda
a two ruhlnn hln hot hr 10 a hair hairSo hn hnS heirSi w
plar II So S far ra Itmgime I thai lam genie had been all 1 open oln table tableplar tableih bl blII
I nenneimrr nIlm relies 11 lo count un In hi twelfth
tuning IUII while hl Conklln ln Increased hi b1 lead d hy hyruiinintf byrtiutumlag i
ruiinintf II I and An paed hi flrt n century centurymark centurymink nll
mark m II had d taken k forty rrT minute nll to make makei nI nIthu I
the h nrt hundred Hi I ninth In h hot w we welteaait a at
t lteaait > enuty The nIJ Tb twill lineal In1 ul II > almu In > l tralcht tralchtwith traighl11Pm
llhl llhllh
with lh 11Pm she Ih ml 1 In the Ih jaw J of the t lower II left leftnrner I Ion leftorner
nrner on The 1h pnt 1 ball hl WH nlwut 111 twn I feet feetaway feetsway
away and n the Ih < ie e hall 11 two teet further furtherConklln rlrh rlrhonlln flItThOrsnnlIItt
Conklln onlln iJareil 10r a drive 01 alrivent n ne < l follow with lh rare rareludgtnent rareauildfltettt
ludgtnent 11 anil 11 drove drv Ihe lb h red d out UI nf Ihr Ihrourner tim timawrnr h hn
ourner n n a to meet m that Ih cue ct twit i irn nine nined nittgdamn
d rn damn wn In the Ih fourteenth rmrnlb inning I ITin
Inllll fn
Ihelmer I helmet tried rlt the Ih I Pm rlnt n maxoenf macme aif iho Ih game mbll mbllI but butI
I I f ailed lit tutuoulit cnunt lie I II made 21 1 In I IhlnOne IhlnOnehl hreo Inning
I I I I while hl hile rnnklln 01 tnmle 20 O anal 1 the 1 Inlal at t the thetend theaenti t
tend no of lh the h flflconih Inning 1011r were I i onklln onkllnIIS ooln
IIS 11 Ilfenhelmer rOIlm M MI iaIn I
I In n hi hl Ihrro h inlilnirw 11 beginning lolnnlDI with h the the1llwonlylhlrd thelentythlrd 1
llwonlylhlrd I nhln I ffrnhrlmrr did 11 l lWitrr otier work workmaklnc wOkmklno workmking I
maklnc mklno run 1 nf II I u 1 and 14 I and 11 seam seamthe me m of ofthe 0 0hmm
the hmm iarnm ho h made 1 were very cle deter er Title Thwpun Th TitlelHlrt
pun 1 nf the 1hUadelphla lhlII player I did hlI IM tmi tmilat < I Ila
la I lat l however InYIn and I nuklin oln reached h1 hi h hm 111 111mark ta tatttar
mark m tttar In the h twentynlnth twenty rnln utintha innIng Inn In the h ocnnd aecalnallaw > ocnndI n1 n1It
I It law r i having hvlol taken fifty nr minute mil II tu Ii make makeI m mI
I rTenhrimrr lnhm then wa wee ill illThe 1 1n usrh
The n t > et run nf fh game m wa made by byi hrokUn
i onklln In hi h fortyaecnnd t Inning Inn In He Hethen I II IItitian
then ahoweal hnwei omeklll Idl at nurlng nrlnl and 1 ha h ban banitt i iing I I
ing 10 < irot the h ball I In 1 n i oliion Iiion > evored 1 f rn feeter feeterthat trr trrthan
than n he h had t Hat hl alilh hut h In thl Ih Inning Innlncravo Innl Inningfat
fat v him a load d nf tou Ift He I II waa w we cheered cheeredw I
w I hen ho h had h made md io tt and nd after U hat h In tnt run runK3 nU iliumi3
K3 i mlo uniseital ot on an n eaay a eoread i > road < draw drawThe d dTh drewThu
The Th game Ia ended In t n te I ii ffy IUlrn c nd Inning
I ffenhrtmer Ihlm chattIly hnfl tiefnrr Ito it rndod nd < hnlne made madea mIbliln meala
a brilliant bliln ihreo h cu ruehion hlon bank nk shot n butt tUI In InPile Inot Inpta
Pile of am atom brtlllani Illaa pat p he h V11 ll 1 further
behind hl The Th ThD Thecor ThecorDr > < ror rorOr
Or D Walter al K P CBrntrlmer Ie ColumM aoumM Club
Philadelphia rllelp 12 I 0 3 o o I I I I o t o A a at
t a jOU o o 2 21 2 o i u 1 ti I ti i a 30 O 10 o a A u i
o7 4 2 t U I 4 2 I II 1 2 at a 3 H 17 1150 T oA P01 T
lToul ToI1 Total a3 a Hlgnrnnt J 111gb nan 21 11 i IC ti 1 rrage 4 a aharT s 2
charlr II harT T Conktln lOkla Clilcago 0 Atfttetlc 0 A isoiha ccta
lon 22 2500 n A I 4 t IA t 21 5500 A u u I l I 4 I C I 12 I
A Aat A I it I ISflTSflLILS n 7 2 4 A a it 1 a ta 13iaAo 3 it I n d t n o oIt amft
It I V 1 1 S 2n m 20 t t IC e 0 I 22 t i 2 J 7 7C n A ATout I
C T Ma MaTwo Tout TOII 4fln o it tilth lb run C 21 22 rrrtgr rrrtgrTwngi Ie
Twngi T Two geittee r ie will II be piaved rt o nday rlar In the theafernnnn theafternoon h hamn
afernnnn amn at a 3 3clnck 1 Or I W I Ci Ciwill f 1lzl foizisa foizisawill
will 1 moot m me Jiwopli Mayer M nf Ihlladelphla Ihlladelphlaalfl
and no m u n the a evening nlnl he h rnne ennfeetena > lant w wail til r
K lwtrd W iardner of t Jlnnrclalr nlal and n1 Morn ura
I llrnwn I of r he nn llaniiton InIlon oul oJ ohulharp II I IMnrr I
harp 0 fmott Horoer I eee i by llartarrt llartarrti
i vnMir ttistaTPGP > rr Ma ICaC prit 4 PUring in inthe Inh Inhe
the h earn n eirellrnt In fnrra aa as again Yale Yalelnt Yalelit 1 1I
lnt I lit nittirilav < ho t Harvard nn ocer r te team m fhl fhlafter fhlan IPtIafternoon
after an afternoon noor ton nn a deciive < vIctory over nv Cnr Cnrnell tnritib
nell I br h a cnre 0 of r a o A The Th Crimonn Cln rilnenut leirr
ha tade rapid d Improvement ttO nie n It Itfame ita itaedit
fame with lh Itaverfnrd < and nt Cnlumt tlnmll > t and andnnw anala I nt ntn
a nnw n playing e collent Inl fnniMll Tndar To
ho irtni arinaon fnn nn tom m rarinl t with h a ruh h < and andnverwhei nd ndh niIoterwheneaI I
nverwhei l ho h Ithacan with lh at atan < t acnre acnrein
in 0 he h fr per Prnd rxl Se ttqrtanw rtan n mad the h flrt flrtgnat n1OD litatg041
gnat on n pae PC from rr Ixlati Iand 1 Ho Io the Ih chlneve chlnevepa bin binr htnee htneegsipr
pa r gsipr > rr rail o he h econd on t point nd fd d Chad Chadwu rhadwith
wu with 1 k I the h thrd h d Seaman man Lent elan d i tnd
I nd flai4aV er then tallied I In uccr neCIn uIetason < lon Play PI n I Iwa I I
wa not o fat ra In that Ih cerond ond half Cot Co Cot1w
1w J i j w Wa handicapped hndelN 1 by b the tb IllnoM I IILn of IWO IWOe Iwoof I I
of e her ba regular and id CoUado CUMo pUyvi with a apainful I Ipainful
painful Itul injury InJu pWn w
AFTEIt UTII CIOSK Imir rtf rtfJrr eiijJmey UI UIP
Jrr Jmey P ry HeavyweIght Yrlpt lla I the I Attvanttcr Attvanttcrfp Adn
fp I ta the h El EICh lljhh nlh Rettati ae When HP HI la laMneckrd hNnfr I Ikfltked
Mneckrd Nnfr Bonn n for the ht Ceoat tiat1tirn tiat1tirnDpIi tr Thrn ThrnDfapte
Dfapte Pp Great Ntru rrvr r and an Rrrwtm RrrwtmJim R BeesenJim f fJim
Jim Havage tc a Now O Jersey Jr heavyweight heavyweightgave Ichl Ichlnn
gave nn a I remarkable mkbl exhibition exhlMton of gnme gnmeueaa 1m 1mI mmlee
ueaa I lee In a ten round r UD ond bout bn with IIh lorkr Flrnn Flrnnof Itn Itnut
of llooton at 1 the lh National SIJul Hporttng Hlfrl Club Cub ClubIn
I I In We Wtet t Fortyfourth 0rrunlh street lat I night nightIp nighttall
Ip lo the Ih eighth round oln1 Havana Kya avag ap appeared lo lobe tobe n nb
be b winning wllnll when uddrnly IInr Flynn Pn caught caughthim caughtPalm ch
him bm on 1 the Ih point Jlnl of Iho I jaw J with lb a terrlOc terrlOcright trrllicright elle elleIlhl
right Ilhl owlntf In which hleh knocked nl him down 0 for forIhr torI forthe
the I count w lint savage N gut C up full C1 of fight fightaud neblDDd fimbiand
and In I I lb lie tat I two round rl ho h recovered 1f hit hitformer bl bltonl hifonner
former tonl elrrDgth IlrPDllho Ifengthao o that lhl a draw dr would nuld but haxobeen tl butbtian
been bn a fair verdict verdictIt dlt dltbdll
It waa wasaharal a hard bdll hettleall lira 11 III he h war wyaIld and a flynn Flrnnwho 111 flynnI
i who bo came m here h with lh Illbll nomethln of a repu rpuI pu puCOIDd
I talton found COIDd that Ihl ho b hail hI no o map Ir In fncl rl1 fatetItyat
1 Stvaav 1 would have b bern enlltlod nlltle to 0 a vie vietory TICtory Ie Ien
tory no n doubt 1I had It I not ot beetf bt for ro Ihe thku thkud lb knockdan knock knockdown
down d n In thorlghth h Ibb round roundFlynn roundFlynn al alrnn
Flynn rnn and Savage aTago entered DI tbe tb rm ring at atum
1 II I in 40 tj oclock and a cordially nlal thook ol rn hand haadaThey had handlii
They 11 ai aIapared > peare < l lo weigh Ih about hul 170 I pound poundI pd pdd
I each and d were well 1 matched mlb aa a lo 0 height heightand blbtad heightand
and ad reach ch They l wore r elated Ia lo 0 0od go ten tenround tenroalnd
round at 1 catch rh weighla Nab Ilefora ItoN they theyhai tb tbt tbytmh1ftt
hai t > to fight nh Stanley lal Kolcbel Klebe wa Intro Introduced I Introilured ¬
duced du and nd wa w loudly 1101 cheered cheeredFlrot cheetedViral h hI
I I Viral 1 Hound Flynn 1n opened OpD the b flrct flrctrnund I fitatmimi
mimi with Ith a light IIM ruah I but covered Nrd up upa I Ia
a a riavago tP saint n In a right IltU hand had upper pr cut cutFlynn totPlynui c cn
Flynn n ruhed h1 again afln and Hava iY hiuTaictInchd clinched lnl At Atlimit AChnl Atlittlif
limit hnl raiiae IItian I1 run Jt put 1 In several veraJ clean cleanI 01 01r cleanleft
left r iinlll 11 Savage ve began bean to mix It 1 to a another anotherclinch MOlhrelneb anotherclInch
I clinch elneb Flynn na scored In again acan with lb a hot hotIrft botIn hotleft
left whereupon Savage roughed rbe It I until uall uallI untilthus
11 I thus hlowa mi wa landed liuitdatdMetanal CC up I Flvnn Illn ace n had d thl round oa oahlowa aDI o ohulow
I I I I Second 1 liound nUIlt itoutidSateg Savage I blocked bl a lead leaahanal
1 and nt then t mied m a hard right rabt for th the b Jaw JawI JW
I by tm Mxrral al Inchee ID Inch flynn 1n jotted Jold the II tim brail brailwith b 1 1III
with III a left and A In a half clinch elno Kavage HT fa1 fa11nlon paid paidattention fmalaiattention
attention 1nlon lo tb the b abort bor rib Flynn IIu then thenruahed thenratahed h hlhe
ruahed lhe with llh a left on n the tb nook and followed followedwith roUaM foilowdwith
with llh a right 11M for to Ihe lb Jaw which Savage S liavagaIikeaI
duuked aa s lie h backed bak Into toe tu D ropoa They Theywore T Theywore
wore mixing It rather rlb warmly aml ra when ba tim Umewaa tl timwas
was tip II Flynu round rlad nn polnta polntaI n nThd
Thd I bIrd Itmind ImnINc Savage allppod al to the 1 floor floora n
a llynn nlnn avoided od1 hi ru nh h anal a time Ih latter latterpolllrly IU IUmil latterpolitely
polllrly mil picked the Ib Jerneyman Jma up Havage Havagethen Mava Mavathen
then h sent nt a aharp al left n tn I the mouth and nd foi folIlo1
Ilo1 lowed with lh an uppemit IIpn on the rh chin cln that thatmade Ih Ihmla thatlittle
made mla tie I p PIn iuett tim man ma clinch clnh to avoid fur furithi tr or
ithi thot h r harm Hitvagn wyagat vn hppod tn on 0 knee kneea lD lDh
a sq ho h tried tllln In ret t away awayfrom y from trm a heavy b right rightand lht lhtt
and t when hn ho h got 11 up I Flynn mlaaotl ml tbe lb point pointof
of mt r tIme h jaw j by h a hair hi Tho Th Tb mund rlld waarren warn even pl n
Fourth Frh Itmind nt Savage al look ok a left It In 1 the thefaco thefaae
faco f a al am ho h tried tl1 tn n nail nai th the h jaw with lh a right
hand h ewing Ho I atonal nn In aloe rJ and nd jabbed
I 11 IItitt Ivnn In II the I c h he moulli 1b with wih a left Ir whereupon whrlpn
Inrky rmthed him hm tn 0 the h rn roiwa 1 > e anal nd bent benthim Inlhim benthIm
him iivr the h rope almnut In nut 0 nf r Ilierlnff Ilierlnffwhllo II the rmn rmnwhile Inq
while 11 the 10 crowd r h hlt ed Thl Tl angered n this Iholerey Ih Ihnahl thisrr
lerey rr tighter nahl on much that h for ro I moment momentho momnh
ho h forgot rn all 1 annul aeine crncr In ami nd alugurd alugurdKlvnn aiuigated1umn hlc hlcIn i
Klvnn In into 1 a cllmh rldl Then ln they h fought rOIhl all allnter alliPr 1
nter the h ring In I Flynn nn finally fnl rovrrlng rlnl up II IInII i
The miind nII WM In Navaito na favor favorFifth fnrIrh tatorFIfth
Fifth Irh Itnund 1n1 Flynn Yrnn opened with llh a left leftnn I Iu leftnIl
nn u the h ni n naw > e and Savage iatagat jumping Jlml na In cJo d dam damCat e ecot
cot a couple 11 nf ftolld 0111 awitiga wnc h > over 0 nn the thehead thehaai h hIn
head In a mix I Savage Mlmied down < on liut liuthe tll Itllhe
he I wa up In a JUST Jllr and n ducking hln Flvnn Flvnnleft Flitinaleft Irun IrunI
left I ho h t camo n Imck I Iio k with lh a mah III II tho thotnmvi thutnma4 h hAm
tnmvi Am Savage ioIo nnn put a right Ihln nver nvernn nteron
nn n iho h ear ami Klynn 1 hurged 1 ro eivo him himrlf himI himatIf
rlf I N savace had h < Ihl hi round md Inn Innsixth tont4itth n
sixth Ihh Itiund In1 Flvnn n hlncknl a nih h and andSavxce In1 In1o isntbettire
Savxce o rotiitheil him hll nn n the Ib mir rot 1 Flynn Klrnntried nln nlnvnl Flynntried
tried everal wild 11 awing In which b mle < l hy hya h
a mile 11 r > axaie coming Ilne hack k with lh Ixxly Ih1I tetatyPIthee Ixxlyl
l 1I PIthee > unihe h > Savage Si Ae age al I > drew that I tilnnd blo from fromllynn 11011Flynn mm mmnnl
Flynn nnl a tuio and n1 then hammered him hi on nnthe onO onlb
the lb rite O until Inll Porky nk clinched 11hrIMI tsva bevagat bevagatIrreI o ofnried
fnried tu lile light nh all 1 that h w > to the h Kong Kongand Ine Inen1 gonganal
and n1 had hn another nth t tainal tainalievttth und 1 1Nvnh
Seventh Nvnh Hound lolnl Flvnn nn sent nl In a few puny punyleft 1 pontleft ln lnIr
left Ir iitul InI S v VI Ygp e taking akin all 11 nf them Ib went wenti nt
tn cn alate I iiuarter 11 r where h h landed lad heavily heavilyi
oil 0 tie I rioh k Klynn nn then 1n inlod ml Hie Ih law lawwith aw awwith
with 110 a tattgerna tinB nm rou right Ifhl nnd Savneeclln le Led LedGetting < l lCetllni
Getting In tree I SavaKr avaeue hooked h k1 the Ih left I in the thrneck lb lbnk thefleak
neck and nd thru 10 rouuhed oh hi man n In a half halfinch hl hlfaIIJIaia
aIIJIaia inch I Khun lb Iutt n Illmof M > undm < r that I kidney lll lllound rh rhrnund rirninal
rnund wa I tine to an n even n break breakKlfhth h hI tatntisIighsh
Klfhth I hh Hound rm1 ro Saxaico No ruhed In with withlievv withhett t I IIII
lievv wins III and t drove Khun n tn n a aFlynn < < orner ornerKlrnn
Flynn ataud t xxl 1 oft ol anil rd runod u1 for fo a moment momentThen momptittheit
Then 1 ho h 1111 iiimpm In and with t 1 Ih ith a hard td right rightbander rightIIanaierott IahthnI
bander hnI < > n II > to jaw J ho h kncx kl01 kuoiItaat knl rVavage etai 1 down downfor dw downfor
for rl the h ciiijnt Ult When avae got 0 up UI1I lynn Klrnntried I lynntried
tried 1I to flnlh fnlh him ht IHII hIi hi h hhc blow hl were wild wildand wildand 4
and no sivnue 1 recovered Furthermore lrhr he herallied I lierallied
rallied IIt and nt had 1 Klvnn Fn lacking away al t Iho Ihobell Ihl tb tbbIi
bell 11 nvnnn round mundNinth roundinIh
Ninth inIh llutiml lun1 mun Savage Sne begin bpn In forre rn rnIn It Itagain itageln
again In when hn he h mine t up ti Ktynn cilnchlnr cilnchlnrand inbDI
and nl wre retituig tlliii llnl Svne tried r a lerrlfli In left leftfnr IUto leftfor
for to lisa 11 J jw hut hit Ft Flynn inn wa wispol nt n there IhI In Inm a amix aml
mix m ml both h felt 1 through houil the thu h rnpr head d fir 11 fital fitalbit l lhut
hut 11 the ht 4rnmhlod mhld twck h 1 and anr got lt Into In InIIlna n nlugging aluigtlng
lugging IIlna t Ian e rite referee r had lo tear r them trertiai themapart
ai apart irtn anal n1 < l In II another eirlraUKe of awing awingi4SaaIe wlngSavave ID IDI
Savave I had Ihe Ih letter 11 of mll it I ll 11 > e round roundWa Ollt I Iwa I
wa Savane by h a bat hadoleiilh hIIal batIamth
leiilh h HAut lhev 1 h > t arred Lr > for ro foremortuent foremortuentiiiiti a moment momentlid
iiiiti lid 1 then 1 attic m ngether 1 ilth lIh a crah 10 both Imthhanding bnlhhalolc bothhagialini I
handing halolc nut nu greet imirhe I Savag v vht put puthu tautht
hu ht ht man oi 1r he h rnt ratlae > r > with lh a body bod punrri punrriand rn rnnt ninrhinat
and nt then tha la U n a I luilf o t clinch lneh bib loth IIMM 1 free r rhlll treehtia I Ihand I
hand hlll T1 Plioy railed mil all I oter thr th rtn rtng In after aftert n nIIIr I Ithat
that t with w IU it Ii lnnor I IIn exeu et pit pitIn I IIn I
In he Ih nrrllinlnnrie IIn Itlllv 11 Mmlth hal bao heala J Ja
a might lcht aOxanlKe 1nlI nxer 0 Dick Marshall MarshallIn 14hl I Iin
In four toa roithd 1 Voting Fltrimmnn illmmn with witheCIFeflis 111 j joitrem
oitrem cloxorne ounl trimme mm < l lieorgo lloey lloeyIn lot lotIn >
In ala lx 1 round OWt he h Utter I having hla hl Pal left eve evecut ptpaOt
cut 1 open o n Joe PA Phillip Ihlll and nt Kid l deacon deaconfought < lra nn nnfought
fought ton D hard round old to a draw 0
1 nit iw 1 ins I I ITBTVIT ITBTVITrrl ntTIr ntTIrrh IfFTIX IfFTIXtnItt
tnItt rrl rh e In I Frtico FrtC With lh ith a Horde lo o ef T Hand HandIrr ln IlanditT
itT and lore > o to Come ComeI me meSA
n o oI
I S SA KK Ftttstta h N < at < April rf I Ron RonI a a al aberry
l berry > errr from rom hi hi hOc hauntIng hlnln trip r in the Ih mono monolain mOla mOlaInn mottotell
lain of uniii niithern hern tollfornla ltnnl and n looking IIII fit fitJim nlJm litIini
Jim Jeflrle arrived hero b today 10 with lb hi hiI hiwIt
wife I and ISTI < o iephew r Jrft JI with Ham HamItercer Km Kmli MtnIterger
Itercer li Kurmer am llurn JIIn the Ih WIr wrestler wre tler and anditob nd ndlob
Hob lob rn fnamtrong nlonl ronc will 1 leave for ro towardennan ftowardntantotflatrrOW
luim Imrow totflatrrOW > rrow mornlnc tleffriea JIf Ieffri eipecl to tobecIn I I1ln
l ecln > training tinln tomorrow tn omoro morrow afternoon tlnol probe probai probeLily oba obaI
i My hi alerting ln with Wlh a brink Ik walk Ik or 0 a couple couplenf 01
lIt I nf came m of handlwll hndh1 liotln lolln will 11 liecln lieclnaltmxt lwgjalinasI
1IIt altmxt Immediately Immlllr For the prevent Arm latinutrcng I II
Ktrpne lrn and nd llurii Jln will do 1 the h boilnir bll and audniottnc andtugging ud udIne
tugging Ine with lb Jeffrie I ulihoti ahhnlcb although h better lltrrerplan tr betterplana I Irln
plan to bog with h he h lighter nlhlr a couple oupl of oftune oftitni t tn
tune n a week Jack Hum 110 Stlina Kh heavy hearyweiicht h hwlll heavyweight
weight wlll probiblv pn bh will 1 lie I added uld lo the Ih clefT ataffof clefTfit If I If
of f parrln Inl partner 11 and nd Jtio J Jo Cbornoki Cbornokimay botnakiflint ovnklnat
may annie < m to the Ih > oat 1 within lhla a week I to bo bonpe b beare
are ut f the I advleer advleerItocer atatviaerafluter I II
Itocer I fnmell oml trainer rI for Cn that 11 Portland PortlandPacific ronlDd1ln PortlandParifla
Pacific Cnant l league artie team m1 will arrive arl at atKnwardennan alon athinwirtlentten
Knwardennan on Mar I I ami Frank rnk otch hattchwill otchwill
will I arrive rl a pa coon < Min > n after r hi niairh mlh 4 with withtiKo with7ylyaao h hZrb
Zrb 7ylyaao > tiKo aa poMhe 1011 > Jim Corbeil 0 will willcome willcoma 11 11om
come om to that h road 01 t the lb latter I part of May Mayand la laanal
and d Ktivene t Vancnurt nr formerly pr hoim hoiminntrwtor bne bne1 betIncitlatrilator
inntrwtor St t the Ih Olympic Slut 11h and nd ono on nf ofthe t
the h hear JiMl jaialgee e of inndltlon In the lb West W Westalpeluirpal WeIdernre
dernre < l unrecervedly today tod nr thai Joflrteo JoflrteoInnko Jen iITr iITrinaka
Innko 101 eirry bit hI at rtood 101 < when 0 he h hI w was in inthe Inthe
the I lighting nihn came before beforeTliere bt btn beforeflierc
Tliere n i IC only ono on difference dlt Said Van Vaninurt Vt Vattort
inurt tort I When Vhennolakraoirhlioathoafaowo Vhennolakraoirhlioathoafaowoho I Ii Ik takeotT o bl burn b bat li belbow belbowhe 8ou 8ouh
ho h ha h lese I haIr hl Hlt 11 phyeirally pbrI h he l tat In Inirreal Intreat
treat ehatw har h > e atxl 0 he h Pita h the II eye ey that lbt defiotoo defiotoohe
he h i already Iad Ct for ro a fl nbl ht There Tb la no nonuectinn n noquettotm
nuectinn Iulol in I my m mind mln that h b ho will UI aland the tberpiitlre IbrI thetaoitlr
rpiitlre I nf trainIng ml well wollI 1 n
I have practically alell been bn In tralnnr nlfln for ro foraiim
aiim hl light lht one ut year r aid Id Jeff i ana na Know Knowpretty 1110 isnowpretty
pretty well I hy 1 this Ihi lime 1m what ba I ran do doThe doTh doThe
11 The Th weight lcl nueotlon Iulon U I not bothering btbr m me meItt m mIn
In fact r tat 1 dont want n to take off of much more moretoifht n nh Cloynaught
naught h to 0 be b rIght h > lr t wind IId I good
That ba h it never n been D a point Jlnl to I worry c me meIn 0 in inIn
In all 1 the work ok J 1 have ba don I wrJ expect to toit toInl totttt
Inl tttt it In three t hard h month nlhln In the 1ln 8anla IC Cru Cruountain Ca Cyua CyuaIointatine I
1 Iointatine ountain I can rn tand In tralmn trlnnc and ad I Iwant Inl Iwant
want nl tn he atvinlutely nIUII prft Wrfo t I havent haventaid buventatelal
aid 1 I Ih this hi fellow rlo Johnon pr would be b tooth or orthat orIh1 orIhiet
that he b would oul lie I oaar Mr You 0 ou cant < nt tell tellabout IUt 111ataoul I I
about t the th < M matter mn I am m not c going < Hn to tonerlect tonlln toneglect
neglect anything nlln that lb will WI 1 put Ut me m InC nihl rijbtwheti I twhen I Ih
when h I am n fighting nihlte and nd I will i Iut Wa win just JUI nct aa a aqulalty I Iquickly 1 I I
quickly ulIIT at I can canfierier ranilerger n nI
fierier I den alianle e an n Eastern dfepateh Pleh that
he h ha h hal rinsed eI with wlh a Clntnnl Cincinnati firm Ar for forlakln to fortakIng
takIng kln mnvinc nl picture nf that Ib fight camp
lie II aya r he h ha h not clooed rO with Wlb any nT firm firmbut nmlu fittnbut
but lu ho h ospect t > to chortly bI and atd d that picture pictureill lcn
w ill 1 bo taken lnu 101 of r two week weka weekni Hk Hki
a ni I IL L woo llfHfllE lon ar nrT nrTYounc nr4T J JOXE JOXEI E
i I I
Younc une Quaker qur Vc Vrathrriselgtij lhcrv el tit ft thns In Ten TenRMind Tr TenBeetnat
RMind R Battle n on o Point PointId oIU I IPal I
Pal 1 Monre r I it lIAdlrb hltadelphla feather featherei rPlll featherweight
weight ei IM ht defeate1 Willlo Wil Jon Jn of Brooklyn Brooklynnn
nn lofl Iclttta > nni In II a ten ron riunai no1 ml limit II at t this I Olympic Olympicin Olmpc Olmpcn <
i in n Harlem lrm la tint t night In the t preeonce preeonceof p por pregigof
of a crowded m h ho hatut uo After t an a even r broak I I I I
in n he h rrt round un Moore atitr h be bc begin an to ftztit t In
hi ii ttuat u 11 l acicre Io aggroi ivo Mrlo 0I I and O t had bo tho th h I Inr I
better of the t neii even Y round n Then I p
Jon In ileeporatlon llln took a Me t brant and
1 held hi r Wit n In the Ib U laM two t though Ihoum Mnnre Mnnrefuhecfed In Inhim Inoreihvctet I
fuhecfed him tn 0 a hard bn fhtimpina bum
Mr hone 10 > ote had not been e In Iho lb h nn n ring for to nearlr nearlrx 11
CII x week k but blt bo ahowod Moa the h sot aklll UI
that baa b majo m mad him hm one OD on of the pntHlallp pntHlallponaailona pIgfliMIooftcatIona
onaailona nUon of the lb tim winter Jonea Jon reoratty reorattyI
knockod knOI out 0 rrankle Jt rInl Xoll o1 and bad a bl blI big tt
folio tolIowng win nc at A the to rUuraldo r h But at the Wie WI men menacread oteaasTw4 I
acread all after a the U Um boat Ihakthe that She t msnieo
lrarH 1 > M Ooaker Oo vaa enlKUd eIe ° 41 4t 4tJ M T a nUc I
If U on a bad 1a b been allowed a an 1rj
at atRI
RI ucug Mt GU GUis
is i modern mod rn and sanitary It Itstands I Itstands
stands for refinement refnement hy hygiene hyiene bygiene ¬
giene iene cleanliness cleanlness as against againstwhat ngainsthat
what hat is j modern un wasteful wastefuland wateul wateuland
and often ofen Rcrmlnden emlIndenthe germladenthecommon emlIndenthecommon the thecommon
common soap cake cakeThe cakeTe cakeThe
The Te SOAPATOR SOAIATOf luralihc furlh eaCh eeb eebalPf eaChoat achuter
uter oat Individual IDdlldul IDdlldulA ao soap soapA p pA
A mere rne turn tur of the beadle bare Ihfs Ihfsol ihareoft bareoff
off ol light Ilh flaky f trannle Inllu from rrf a con concealed rn rnerl concealeti ¬
cealed erl cylinder c1ladp of soap toapSOAPATM 1P soapSOAPATIIsa4abuI
SOAPATM SOAPATIIsa4abuI SOAPATIIsa4abuIsurtcd < kei Iol > C AA AAatt
att alorc surtcd rtcd M seeps ts a f paN M 5 d dSNAnULATON 9Uv 9Uvi 0
SNAnULATON MUUT Hl SOAP CO i w nn = at M t M MAlONG lee vr vrAMONG YsatAMONG
rntcwo WO CIVR OFFER mornr mornrratt rROr11 TROPIIEJOR
ratt UR fiunnsx nUDDrN TOVR TOVRrtiatrman Tal TUVRChairman I IIn
Chairman In Batlrr Ihll ef f AmrrlraJt AI Aalg A AbR AotsIbile n nbUe
bile bR AHOptatloa Al Central tNI Board M Ae Aereitta Ao A Asept
sept t Prlr Pll for fa FntranU Fr1 Net IB t Toer Toermicfar T TIICar To TolngFar
micfar IICar riaawT < UK Referee tree at Brt 8ll 8llS Brljhtso BrljhtsofT Bten
3 U Butlor Bute chairman blra of t the t th eonteat eonteatboard ct ctbr contistboard
board br of tho tb American AtJa Automobile AuteobU AuteobUeloa Asso Association Aociatlon ¬
ciation han aocoptcVi aa offer mad by UM UMdlrectora thedirector
eloa t Opld or m b t
director dlfon of the th Chicago Cblco Wow Cub Cub to todonate t toalonl
donate col a trophy for title bl rar r Glldden Gllddentour Gli Gliddentour
tour to bo b h roDtootod eoIDle for 0 by b entrant nlt of ofcara oCc ofcar
car c not included ID Iud In the touring tourlc car cr claaa claaaThe c cT cIteThe
The T offrr ole wa made md and nd accepted cO M tat UatSaturday lt ltSr tatSaturday
Saturday Sr at t a luncheon luncha giv given u by b the tl th Chicago ChicagoMotor CJco CJcoIolor ChicagoMotor
Motor Club Cub director dlor In I Chicago Clao The Theprls T Theprize
prize pl U 1 lo be h known a the Ih Chicago Clcco trophy trophyHarry IropblrT trophyharry
Harry lrT W Ford secretary of the e ChalnMn ChalnMnMotor Clmr CheImraMotor
Motor 1lo Company ompa yes pre prateent nt and Informed tnfnrrowiChalrman lrr Informedhelrman
Chalrman tlutlor nllr that Joteph W Uardham Uardhamhad Orl Jardhainhad
had hd been ba aolrctod 1tId to 0 drive the tim Chalmen Chalmencar Calmr
car el to bo b > iced for ro making mklnc that b pathfludlnc pathfludlnctrip pethflndintrip lhQndl lhQndlUlp
trip over 0 tb the b routo oUI for to Ihl yvarn e Ullddn Ullddntour Uldd Gliddentour
tour tOi Mr Ford Fo told Chairman lhlnn Ilutler Ilutlerthat Dul llutIithat
that the I pnthnndlnc car at would wUlld bo b tt roidy Id tn tntart I IIr tatdart
tart Ir from trm floclnnatl ID In n I I on April Apl II Mr MrIlutler 1 1IluU lr lrButler
Butler IluU Mid d that Iho ml h route UI announced two twornonth Iamnlh twomonth
month ago co would uld be b uod I and that lhl Mem Memphi 31cmphi m mpb
phi and nd St S Jneeph Mo 10 are to 0 be b the theHundty Ih Ihndy thuItuinday
Hundty ndy tnpplnc place 11 for ro the lour 01r par participant Jr JrUdfDI partIItsntm ¬
ticipant tIItsntmThe
ticipantTbo UdfDI
The Tb tour I route 011 and Dd dU t1ne t1neI < lance are a ap aparoihnateiy p pproxltnttely
proxltnttely a follow I Cincinnati lnlnn1 lo 0 lx Lout Loutvii > ul > I Ivllle
vllle vI vii through Islington IM II mite tn n Na Xciii Xciiiviii h1 h1vlllo
vlllo 11 through Howling 111 t reel 7O1 O3 tnllo ml mln inileeto I Ito
to Kloren n e M 1 ii 12 mile nll tn MemphU MemphUIU I IIU
IU mile 11 tn Ijlll 111 Hok k through helens llalonaiTillr leln lelnmU helensSo
So iTillr toTetarkana 10 17 I i5 tnilon 11 lo Dttlaa Dttlaathrough ollni flallathrough
through Ihollh Tari ral Tn 5h1 3 mile rl to Oklahoma OklahomaCity Oklahomaitty
City 111 7O4 oi mile In I Wichita Ihl O 7 mile mi to toSt lofl toSt
St fl Ji Joph Joph > eph 107 mile mi In Colfix or 0 1 1Moines P PMolne I
Moines IOI IM I mile mi lo Daveoport na r through throughCedar thrmigbdat
Cedar le dat Rapid R1 > I y S00 mile mi to Chicago Chicagomile Cco Ccomi ChIcagolatieL
mile mile mileChairman mi m I Tula n1 year rMr tour 10lr will 1 b b hi about bC bCm 2UO 2UOmile 3tacmit I
IbJn Chairman bJn Hutler left Chicago Chlco lest Run flttnd fhlnda Runday
d da day y for ro lx lo neole Ullcle acrnmp trcnmpgttd mp1 al l by Kr fn Fred d dJ
J 1 Wagner W ho b official tarter and ad A l lMeMurtry Ilrl 1MeMilrtry
MeMurtry lrl chairman nt 1 ho h technical board boardnf bd bdmluD
nf the American Automobile AittomohiA I tI aCiUon ocUtlon ocUtlonA I
A 11 1 Whiting of oftb t tbe lb Automobile tomobl flub flubof flubof ub ubor
of America m U 1 tn act a sa referee t for the lb Motor MotorKartnc Ioor1lc iotorRatng
Kartnc 1lc Aoclatlona iloo opening onl twtatyfeur twtatyfeurhour rour rourh
hour h race rr at the h Rrlgbtou 1411on IVach el Motor Motordrome Motordrom 0 0trm ¬
drome < on o May 13 1 end u 14 At a meet mn mnt meetingOf ma manf
nf t th the Brighton IU I Peach cli b cnrnmlttve mmIU of the tboMotor theMotor bf
Motor Racing Jilhon octatlon aIIn It waa decided decidedto d ldd
to n limit the Cni Ib competitor rnJIor tn I the b coming comingtwentyfour rammingtwetityfour mne mnefol I I
twentyfour fol hour hnl race r to n twelve car r Vhi Vhinet Yblrln Yhiaaction
net action ton wa waC lafceti t lo avoid ol the po flbJII flbJIIot pooibility pooibilityof lblllty lbllltyof
of any n crowding TO dine nn n tho Ih Pm track Iae during dUrn the theice It ItneI itrat
neI neIThr rat ice iceThe
Thr membership mmtNbl1 > committee mmil of r tbe tb Auto tntomobile 110
mobile mohl Club of America Am ha h hac received rlvo appli application epplication 111 ¬
cation for t active I memher membrhip htp from Kd Kdt ttnad Edmtind
nad mtind I lUvh Il hlayhia T L I Chadrmurne hdlm Jr JrMark J JIk JrMark
Mark FUhet h1 II I t b l > o Witt W Hamilton lmtlon i aeamrge aeamrgea nrvo nrvod r r1n
d a Haven 1n Jr J and n John Jthn Elmer Elm Week Weekall Veekll k
all 1 ll of S New York ok city I Carroll rnl Uunham Irv 1 1IIU itvtngionatuiltIilon
lngtnnnullud on N V K I lUIIetl IIU Ixiiell InvelIJr
Jr Madt Maaiiou 1 > nu N 1 and nd Ioul IntillnrrItnnit TheKttid ThlNld ThlNldIor
lnrrilnwn Ior N J AppllcAlinn Irlnto for rl an anJrUlo asent41e u
JrUlo t41e memtierJilp h have e tn heon m mad do lir b P PHiMenlier I PITpnlwritr
Wright HiMenlier Inl rrlIr lluaalo Uwlo er rhlladolphla I hldlpbl and nt A J JUrlght JWrlcbl 1 1Wright
W Cllvo nt Crioby pre pldn ldent of this Ih New NewJertey s sand Xe XeJersey
Jersey Automobile Cnr and Motor oor Club Cut ub h happointed t tNID Pie PieiPlAtflted
appointed NID the h following rolo111 poclal context contextrommtttee roOtedotntntttee n nnmll
rommtttee nmll llorate V llnnnell U chairman chairmanHenlamln chairmanitnamtn hIma hImaIAmln
Henlamln r Hurd 11n t e Will 11 I Heynnld HeynnldK
K i J Wi V mtaa > and A H 1 I f MuMena I Thl Thlcommittee TbmmIU ThieaommIlti
committee mmIU I to I ttle II upon come 1m unrt r of r rII a acnniet acollieI
cnniet tn II he P held hy h Iln the h Newark club eIlb In tnthe InIh inthe
the Ih near future tUt The Th event Ylnt la I to he open opentn npa
tn 0 both amateur mlI driver dI and to dealer dealerSome dI
Ilnl I Some of the tb member nml nf the club have haveuirgeled h hlhl Pittcasiggeeteit >
uirgeled that lhl the 1 event n h t he a ealrd I bonnet bonotiafltta I Icontent
content nl L lo la Iat t two or u more 10 10FAd day dayI dayF4watd bDD11
i FAd W C f Arnold An bit Flat ri racer re racerSwhich
1 i which had hd one oa of It I pUton broken while whilel hU hUI
i a l > e Palm llm wan practicing t nc with lh It I a few fewI rO
I I week 1 ago nn n the Ih beech Ih at Utytona I ha haliren b has hasteen
teen flied < l up and 14 ahilpiesi hlpl bPI > od to I O P > Palm llma at atI
I I II I los AM Angelo A n < I whero t It t ia lo bo bIn driven acaln acalnllarney agalnitI cln clnllmr
I llarney llmr Oldfleld Udnld big hi Benz 10E racer that tht made madei md mdaD
i a aD new world mile mi record ld of 37 s M1OO > 10 o onnd Aonus <
onus at 1 IMytona 1lon on March b It I The race racobetween r rIh raceI
I between tho Ih two driver dh and car I ex
I peeled to bo one on n of that Ib greale tnigf trttggle trttgglepIer nlel Ir Ireior
pIer n on i track r In reference to the therace Ib IbI thercac
race OIillVM tldl1 enl n the Ih following roloID telegram
I lo 0 lee 1 lee Frwhlirh mautoer U of the t Uo un un111rne heatimpaartng
IrntMirtlnx 111rne uiupany uiupanyi 11 I
i j Your u uur wIt 11 rrr rereliel l h t Am glad Ia thai I will llap llapol have havean
an opportunltt ol uDIt i tam net n tb u ICe Arnold Mat t at l tADI La LaABgele LosAmgelrs
ABgele ADI la itl 1 IbU thu Ion 10e boat dUputrd dlpu controvmy controvmyKnow CnloUr CnloUrKno coimitot arty artygaow
Know that 1 tl I Ialina ahn will 1 nav I have a fail car o and andnnnl act actc analI
I ITtM ITtMdriving nnnl > 11 al Uatuvia that 1 pty car I Ii fa fut < If Ifdtiviztg f i iivlng
driving ivlng c will J win te Ill I win n or 0 dl 11C Srao m me notti potdMIstnIl I IMtvron I
Mtvron rnu T J April t > i 4 Th The Motor MotorCup 3iototup 1Ito 1ItoC
Cup C up Holding nldln Company ompn ha h made m applica application applicalion prle prleln ¬
lion for two 0 ra raicat a > eo over the Ih Motor ato Parkway i icnuto iaanita
cnuto ln The Th nnt t will 1 he Ihfl Ihc itt Vanderbilt Vanderblflcup Vanderbiltclip ndbll
cup rice on October 1C r t and Id the h trcond Ind cearondthe I Ithe I
the h 1 grand prixe nf t America Amr on 0 October O lob Ii t tthis I IThe
The 1 b application pUlnn ha h baa been b granted oal and Dd the theondltlon It Itondllon thiondl11on
ondltlon ondllon of the lit h rat will I t be arranged arrangednext ralo
next week k The grand nd prlie race r rh wa wathe weabe
the h one on h hIlln hII ul In Savannah lnb latt I sat Plu y rear rearM ar arHI r I It
lir I natlrrattallor Afulo Burke lp In a Tm Tr H Rp Round Roundr1isp > OfMl OfMlcrap
crap p In Breokl Broklnthe > n nAt
At the h Marathon Ibo A C In Brooklyn Iroklrn tail tailnight 11 11Ilcht lastnight I
night Ilcht Jack Twin SullIvan fIn of Dotlon DloD out outclard outr Outclaueed
clard r Sailor 1 Putae nui flut In I a Ian 1 round rund bout boutFrom bur I IFrUI IFrom
From FrUI atari ta finish fnlM the h aallor Ilr did fld not nt have havea hy hylok bv bva
a look lok In In the lb third blr round rund Sullivan Sln SullivanlCded I Ilanded I
landed 11e right rahl and loft lel on 01 Ihe lb eallor Mll itor nooe nooeand a anI no noClOt
and nI or re and brought brolah out Olt tbe b blood blo
Sullivan SIIIa at 1 the fnloh fnil did not hare h a aocralch
Irlb ocralch while bil hil Burke Blrk weactit w cm u aII allotct lo over Jack K
McAullffr Iull the Ib old ol lightweight Ichllcht champion championreferred championrfrred bmplol
referred r the Ih bout boutSullivan bUI bUIJ boutbittlirall
Sullivan J led I off 01 with lIh a right lb on the jaw jawand J Ja jawxid
and a xid thrr lhr clinched Imhf lh They ei chanted enaf I light lighttape 1 litheLap
tape and a Sullivan Iulan forcrd fo the Ih aallor or to th the therope
rope aa ndtnT > ndll In oeveral verah body br puuche putiebeaI U
in P Iho In aeconil d round run both Ih men m ewnng inna PuI right rightand riebnd rightand
and nd left It to jaw Sullivan 8ullan cam D up frrnh rt In Inthe laIh Inthe
the Ih fourth rorh and mt II a right to II the h Jan J
fork ni cent 11 a ottff li on tn the Ih hn body < iy y and ad they theyrlinchrd Ib Ib1m theycltnrbed
rlinchrd 1m The T Tb oallor Mlo came m up II freh in I the I th
lilh but warn I met with lb a ttff Uf left Irt on that tholaw thatJaw
law J The rh blond bln wa erreaming arlac fmrn I bl btrn
face f fat and Dd ho waa groggy ace when h the lb b bell bellnounded bl tlIl5OIfldd
nounded nt 1
I Hulllvan 11an rant I a rlcht 1 In I the I lb jaw Ja in n the Ihotenth theivnhh
ivnhh tenth ami nd the h sailor I earn back bI with lb b a aa
I weak ek body hl punch Hulllvan tllva t then forced
Ilurko I a to 0 the h roio rt landing ldln rirnt and ad roC l left ft
I This T lli Un > r wa pretty Pnl groggr aI rn when the Ih boll bollwindedth basIlanaindeal t
anaindeal windedth I Ih the hl blood xxl wjut wie streaming lfml from bI hi hinoe h hiThat
noe n That anil JtI 1 < hi loft eye e warn do eIII rloi In that thoeighth Ih Ihehlh thateighth
eighth ehlh round rtulltvan IIn landed on o him with
n Wth
loft r and ano right lct on o that Ih Invalid Ina ryr cy Sullivan Sullivanthen tll t3liinthen
then oral a left t and a t right r to the jaw J and ad the theoatUir u lb lbtaller
taller went t to Pile Pileaulilvan knee kneeI n
Kulllvan IYI wung UD on the In allnr 101 jaw J In h the theninth lb lbnlnh theninth
ninth and ad tho tn to latter Ji held 1 on o for a tIme
II I waa all 11 HnlUran 1IIIa In the fh final nna Tnd round 1 Tho Thoeallor T TMUor Tb Tbitailor
eallor however oomod m to be trr tng tnganal > nger ngerand
and Ind rualioii I Kuilivan han In the Ih rope b Sullivan Sullivanput r
put ru hi II right teh on n br b eIior llor 1 ns dtma damaged ed llha f far farCA c ca >
a CA Iho lit h hell tl nndl usatnfldealAtDt nnn nndlnt < fe < l lAnul
Anul nt mill IW Champion ChampionC CDio t Rennet Rennet8rttJ
8rttJ Co CaSt DeepilVC se T lwa mr mrCxaxucc
C c Cxaxucc taTCjin Tc c w X Z April prtl aAtoat Arnat th thwrwlda the
wrwlda wl champion el J collar beat ba Watrb wb the lh It Itchampion t
champion hp of e Sow Zealaad m I Ins a match otate tie
MBffUM rC rCd at a Akaroa AI 0tj5y t 0 day Ami AIO woo eaitry 1 te br b FC six H 11
d f
j i
41 I wq I Ia
a f Ir IrI
I IL ILt31
t31 we j3 j3I
Pajuni r Mna M a I C M IXICM rwsswees ii ioi tf i iI
1 w WUtaca ruu kL hw t S VM y K V YL
I Farrtral rMMI Method Me lla 1 lute Rrartird RNI aCllmav aCllmavThey a CUma CUmaTp Climat1hi
They Tp 1hi Hay RyMremnt Mcvrtnrnt yr te > tie n fp tp the Ih Ihna theGaiuo thrfiarae
fiarae na Tbrr Te Before ovrmbrr > oUml Ma Maran II IIran
ran r a sad d Baldwin BI1 to t Box Ten Tr Rounds RaondHoraemea au auHOMm RoundsHorsemen
Horsemen who have b rvapod f from Flor Florida Ilor IlorIda Florida ¬
ida without brine blq penalized Inlz or Or ruled rlf nfT nfTfor n 1 I
for fof trivial 1111 cfTtrncr o C uy T It la I a 1 good ood 0 thine thinethat thlntthat bin binbt
that bt racing tli In that h State 4rat will wi < come om tn I an anend enend n nnd
end nd nevt week MI They Tb declare dfl that 1 turf turfmen IUr10 tUrfmen
men who 10 are at h tilt UI racing rclq at Jacksonville Jacksonvilleare JdanDI
are greatly U worried 0 by b the lb attitude ullid of ofCurloy ofCtirly t tCul
Curloy Cul Brown Drow a and bIt h assocIate All who ho hodell are aredealing i idealing i
dealing dell out ot Juatlce Jt right and nd loft A man manrun m mIU manTon
run IU the tb rtek r ri of o being bl banished bnle from the thoriorlda Ih IhYor theYlortda
riorlda Yor track lnb It I la I I aaaerted 1 If h dare dareto d I
to openly orI crltkt erllkla method mlb lit In I vogue vogueTho vogueThe
The T lat llt latest rt farce ra charged ba to Curler Curl DOD Drownaaccount DODonl Browniacount
account onl ta 1 the UI ruling rlle off n of a 1 horaeman horaemannamed hOlpn hOlpnue horwa nan nannamed I
named ue William He I H waa charged barle with withbelttog withbettIng lb lbblU
bettIng blU on his hi hone h tn I handbook hadbol and andpoolroom andpoolrooms Dd
poolroom plcl tn I rltlea I I nutald otk time u Slate tla of ofFlorida o offlorida I
Florida F0r Instead lele of placing plle hi augers with withtho withthat llh llhb
that b bookmaker bm In I iliac Ib Jacksonville betting bettingring bettIngring la
ring 1 William 11 pmlrated plf In vain 1 and ad I Inow IDO Inow
now DO In I an odd od predicament lamD A leading IM loadingjorkaty < i iJockey
Jockey Jok fled himself without llou a lceor 10 bo bocauco h hecause
cause IU ho b wagered e a mall ml amount moun nn n nhota a ahore 1
hore ho he b rode ro In a recent nt race a but thli thlipuaUhmrnt Ihlpunl thipuntehment
puaUhmrnt punl hr U S ald Mi la hare h been ao Inflicted Inflictedfor lallel lallelror Inflttedforother
for forother other h
reason reasonTheo reasonTimes an anTh
Theo Th are r eample mpe mll nf t the th b method mlh em employed evilpinned m mplorl ¬
pinned plorl at t the Jark JacksonvIlle nvllo track dl yet 1 there Ih Ihno i iI iI
I no record r of Hinging tnaln rebuke bu admlnl admlnlterod amlnl amlnlIn adminisleted
terod In lo Brown Brn for hi crude ud work ok with withthe withthe Ih Ihtl
the tl starting le barrier brl Eyewltneace EIJ who whobad wbobe whohad
bad be nerve D enough to 0 cent Ar Brown a hand handling hatla hinallint
ling la of the th harrier hI even I though they h re reraIned j
Clnf rained from e attpreeing pre lng thrmotrr until unli 1
illTI AUTO IARIAINS w wgnt tsrt tsrtKCB n HtCH i HtCHi CfT 8 8US o otsrt >
I > > KCB ll TO ray rA IIMH mire mireWe PRIC PRICI PRImow
We kav BOW ow on our Sale Ybonr YbonrieLwnverv x > r 1y
I for lauaedi I ieLwnverv a Sit NO i ia I IJ Ia
a largo teIi vi or r n PtCat mv I aa m A
Can J lat I model all 1 MAI MAIMM H A I 0 0Ste
MM aa aa4 style 71 most tnoalof I IN s NAME
of 1 tk a pvacacatlr ar I I Jrr rS rSaow I IF4RT
see tad saditrAvitV
itrAvitV F4RT rnsnv rnRY STANDARD A D4RD UAk UAkKii l4A 1 C rr rrJr rre rrenrtrcrui
Jr nrtrcrui Jx1ll Kii tx orw OV R TOCK o AH I AI A arH RR RRCLT PR IC
Im TD DsUtl orazzrn IS Th thT WR1 tRLfl ANtI AIfl
mRr str 1 1o nAvr A T Tr rut l I t YOU wAr wArIg A l lI Ulr
AMo fHla Cklctgn < M I Lotu nu aau Kan an Ctr CtrSTEWART rivTEWART
Toiti aeaidi ag cU iM em
= 3rr iaeetowr pmat tusse i c
w uIiziVsto w <
they Ih got n nuutda of the track lrek were ordered orderedlo or
lo iiay > fine nl of f2Ouormorouatetner hscauormoreunleatneywrwilling 0 mor ual II wore worewilling
willing 1 lac to be t hi lrrd I at Ui Ue > gate The Theclimax lb lb1m lbclimax
climax 1m ha haM Jul been n reached MlICj though thO la I the thaahape theh lb lbchap
chap h nf an edIct hy h that Ih ocalle 01 < l Southern SouthernJockey SouthrnJockey obn
Jockey Jk nub comnnaoxt of the Jackson Jackaonrllle Jacksoniill ka
rllle 1 and Dd 11mI lamp nJ track which hkl ouUawe ouUawean oUw oUwn
an n nhacurr 0 meeting ntn at a Ienaacola Iol said k to toho wb tobaa
ho backed b by b overal 1 Western turf lur promot promoter prmol prmolho pro mot motPr ¬
er ga m me meMeanwhile nhnareanilou hi ho are uniiou nlu to butt Into the lb Florida FloridaMeanwhilo Fold Foldm FoldIDthlnlJI floridaga
Meanwhile Inrtuentlal IDthlnlJI citizen of Jackson Jacksonville Jkeonvillas boa boaI ¬
villas I while hU admitting 0mllln that lbl 11 the Ih rare r meet meetIn mel melIn meetmats
In mats have h brought money on Into their Ihtr rttate rttateare r attatisare
are ae heading a movement lo clo el close all 1 of the thoFlorida Ih theFlorida
Florida 1001 track uk unle uniesa am some nm of r the lb 1 pro promoter prn promotr ¬
moter mo agree c to 0 withdraw lbdrw from trm the Ih Iht scene sceneof cenenf
nf t action It I undertnod ndn thai Ib there thr will willtwa 1
lo no n racing rrni In Florida after c next n January Januarywhen Jan Januarywhen
when 0 a now n6 antlbookmaklna Inl mkn law 1 will vI get getInto coInn goInto
Into effect 11 hut hl the I h present 1 n crucade erd t Is In Intended Innd intended
tended nd to prevent 1 nl a renewal of that Ih port portnext portnext
next ovember Sm and nd Decombrr mbn In hort abortIt hortIt p
It I appear that the h hortaghted hotI If policy rl7 of ofcoraln orIn oferfatn
coraln 11 In prntnoter pmlo ha killed I that I gooao gooethat
that h laid the h golden egg and n baa I aroused arouodan r
an 0 much antairnnUm nulnlm that a repeal 1 of th thnew u the thenew
new n law la I nut 0 of the h quetlon rlon It appear appearto appearsto
to n bo a foregone conrlualon that tho th thu Jockey JockeyClub JOk JOkI Jockeytltiti llr
Club I here h will 1k take little lul or 0 na ne notice Dote of the theruling Il th threlIne
ruling ln handed hn < down by b the I Florida td oftViau oftViauOwen ol olOn oMef ala alaOwen
Owen Mornn 1ln of England Enclnd who ho boxed bnd tea tearound le tentaauntie
round nun with lh Abe tme Attell AII lat I Friday rld night nightwill nlcbtl nightwill
will 1 meet m Matty Mtt U Baldwin Bldwi In a ten PD round roundbout roundbatuul ouno
bout at 1 the b Fairmont Imon A C In That Bronx Bronxtonight Brns Brns10nI4 UronitonIght
tonight Moran and a t Haldwin Jldl already INd have havebnxed b hayboxeal
bnxed bt twice 11eln tn Hnalon llloa recently nl each h getting gettinga cUn cUnloD
a riectlon < loD while hl a year r ago Moran loFn boat boatlialdwtn b best1tiattitn
lialdwtn 1111la In I a twelve tie 1 round bout on scientIfic IlnUn scientIficpoint rtenirlepoint
point lnl In the I flub I lb baldwIn nl tt < ta I anxlnaa nlo to tofight Inf tofight
fight f ht Ad < Wolv Woltoat > t for Co the Ih lightweight chain championship ebm ebmplonhlr chainpiamnahlp ¬
pionship and n1 If he h prove the Ih roantor to toInnight is istonlght
Innight affair II ho b will 1m 1 not a forfeit rot1 and andlur andlaCtic nd I
laCtic 1 a challenge hln HA Inl will p weigh Ilh at beset leaatiu
iu 1 pound llInd when bn ho h enter nr the h ring rlnl while whileMoran whl whileMoran
Moran 10 will 1 wale at 131 11 or a trifle rn more mon Aa Aathee A AIh Athe
thee Ih the puglllet 1 uII A At Are extremely mfl clever a arattling arattltngpawezeatarmtezweted
rattling rattltngpawezeatarmtezweted III pa I aeat arm n Ueipocted 1 There Therewilt Tbl Therewill
wilt m lir I three Ih Preliminary 1lmlnr lout ImulAbe > alb
Abe lb Attrll u1 U 1 cull at III 1 In training H He > i ii iimatched I Imatched
matched mle t tn n box x len round n with Harlem
wih lalpm
Tommy Murphy Iuph at that Ih National Sporting 81rl
Huh h on April rl p111 22 s and nt he h Intend to I bo b In Inchap 1
chap h1 for tt a gruelling ull te I tet i Murphy IIfb wilt UI I I I
bat b hi hand hnd fuM t nn n doubt when ua ho h i
honk htk up lp with lh Battling llli Hurley at the Ih he Fmptre Fm1 > I I Ia
A C t in Harlem 111 Friday night I I
1114 1114di
di diI
I rit
1 uai
0 ci I
t ii I ° I
1 t I1t 1 1itji
I Ii
itji a
i pf pfI
A I Ia
a The Te cloa ciN do ociauon Uiuon of maker m r and fd u user r to t I always 1 produc productive ¬ I
the of the te bet bt results rult EIfD Eleven year n cooporauon c coopera rlioo on with wit pruc owner ow
h ba baa b bo been < n a potent pllt factor actor in making maun the aucceM un of ohhe the Locomobile LocomobileBroadway ocomobibeBroadway obi I J I
Broadway Brod and 76th Street StreetTolepaoao StreetTiestbt JI I
Tolepaoao lane o ftVrhavlor ftVrhavlorLlcen CehayItLicensed I I
L Llcen Lcens Licensed J Under Scldcn Idcn Patent j I
Takn TI any an hilt i and c alttagt al trill uiUWLfO
40 1800 1800Quality I I IQuality
Quality Cars CarsRoads CarsRoadsters
Roads Roadsters RoadstersToy tets tetsToy I
Toy Tonneaus Touring Touln Cars CarsJ
t h
720 72 4 4ICe
At A wbelOMl 1 by I
I C J Meaulay a So eas Breekly RNkl RNklIt tiroukiywReI
Matt ReI Irr1 It BrheIL 1 relkl 4 T CIV CIVREPUBLIC Clr ClrAt C1t5REPUBLIC
Most cars car are ae better beter than thantheir tbather thafltheir
their ther tires tre unless unles the tires cres are areRepublic a aRepublc areRepublic
Republic Republc Tires TiresRepublic TiresRepubll TiresRepubli
Republic Republl Rubber Rubb Compinv Cmpany nf Ve P ew York Vnrk33t York32t3 nl
33t 221 32t3 West S8fh Sth Street StreetNt SurrlS StreetNra
Nt S Nra York YorbcAutos orl orlAutos
Autos At Headquarters HeadquartersTW tedquarters tedquartersT
TW T rh R Rtlti tai JCind 1f u < l uc t IHt Itifut > u frutf frutfFollow ewf ewfFellow
Follow ih the crcmf crowdand aiut saT v doflar and a aPar iBaoraaca iBaoraacaNew lAtoyanawXew
New York AutomoMl Dargala = EubUtkmtal
Par r VvrvllAfu
Modto Woii M4 Prner eers > Packtr pa Ptrcet PtrcetCadillac pm PlereetCadtllact
Cadillac cAm Cbalmrn Cbam Sloddanl SI < Uufcn Y Ortr Ortrland O Otroland
land 4 Ralolen Raaln Logier L Oktamobll Oko a Tk nOI nOII Thonicit ThonicitI m > n nHraaultt
I Renault 1ul Delauaayi Dluar Whit t atanwr S H f Sef r cli cliPe1nternevv i iPalmer
Palmer rJ Pe1nternevv < lagrr nl tli 1 Slsty 5In Bnleks I n nt Fiau u ftrt ftrtts fcr naialt
alt ts cylinder ll trveart Uonrll ryUadrrd ryUadrrdHoyalTourtowX tyliaderitoysiTouthe W WRoaT
HoyalTourtowX RoaT Chaseas ChaseasflIt Town T Can Ca I Susie Bln Blnt > u Ws0t Ws0tChaseas roo rooI
I flIt W ether H SSSStlial 1 a oppenunldra TPfyitUff rT rTileg df DI DeinCtitrI I
I ileg 10 ebiMrfutir given rivenBodies givenI
I I Bodies B of Every Kind Cheap CheapGunboat
I Gunboat coe do coupled RunabovM R TourttCi TourttCiToy T TTo
Toy To Tomcats Ta Umoutlara 10 Laatftutoite Laatftutoiteto Idu my myto
to 0 put oa o rtata el bargain bargainAlt bacaa bacaaI batgalaI
I Alt AI > Koala t Tap T niaa lit Proal 1 1I r rI
I Larrrtl Lrt etttbltebmrni EIblbrnU ta I Ararrlra ArarrlraComniew Alura lal lalCo Itaitadlhl
Comniew Co rartorr rartorrIMAIWAY aeIorVDAWAY r
1 136 36 38 40 4 West Wet 6 6 60th < Hh St S nvTr nvTrMOTOR r rMOTOR flws flwsMOTOR
ALCO Aa Am4tvieLDtt Am4tvieLDttun aow c
I 1 un Itr Croadwa Tf TfHZ Tal 5yO 5yOa
a Ben eni Auto Import I tmpoflCo Co of < rf AmrtVk AmrtVk1MB A AUICK Antiftialies
= =
lies to 1101 Broadway BroadwayM C V VMotor
Btlfl K Wie Motor Co I wway baiientShA
UICK UBCI M MU b M Mc ms pbsme ia iaC c cCan
c r ran Repair iiuu iiuuCoianbn titatCoijinbus u uV1
C A 1tLAC Can ra Ran
A TSHSM e I ts T ri ritisiit 0 0Ckl
tisiit V VIR CTOR ALTO t STORACf tflORtOtlea 1Or en entea
Ckl tea BroaAwmT lMw Pb P Pbom PbomNSAIUiI3f ie W 0 0IHI
11 IHI MIMVAYS3i NSAIUiI3fPitea St Strkea S SDE
rkea ttMI aunt Colamh ColamhBE
DE BlIHilBTIM BlIHilBTIMTke 4 and wayi wayirh C 5 7
Tke T rh Elaere r tia Moist 1 Car C C Ca 4 at t t twt
i 224 Wool 1t Mta 10 8t 8teunagTovraboiit StI StTourlagTesrsbout tdf tdfTOTc
eunagTovraboiit Rnnaborj i li3S0 ° lt ltImperial I
TOTc Ill 11 11I I II
I I Imperial Imp Motor VtklcU 11 Co 21 nl 250 W NIb NIbI ra raA
I A BUnt lUanry Co Coaufc
I E D4
I aufc N 9 I B y 4 Y moo Pe Ja JaLVJTTA 7 7ISITA O3
10111 d se l Breadw tta a M 1 1Ale
gflMY Kao lo Atttetneblle ob Corns CO Cottpta CottptaISMTRC 1
118X I MTWA ISMTRC ga a Braadway 1 P 1 1I Pb Pbsab ° c cMaries
taia I STREET IEr AN i HUOAI InIO T At AtTrtopaoa A AlI f
1 Trtopaoa T a 45 tojm C oIJ ni Ohbil Ohbil1MadeaFiyer ik ikr I II
I 1MadeaFiyer I M Maries Flyer Flyertaia CU CHALrN It r flrfla4iY HlfS 7 I IMATKCW1 I IOr IIt
I Or Overland Pbo lit o4 o4MATNU1
MATKCW1 MATKCW1If Y 4t ALTUCO P C 3t411me 3t411meMA C cl clP
mmiTLfc I t SI lies > moadway D r PI < ra 1 Jj JjMoao a aj
j Moao 1 Motor Wo Car Ca Co of 01sm atin >
171 Uraadway trw Tel TelPORRTTtnt Tr TatM >
PORRTTtnt PPwrNtJTntl MOTOR CAR CARirwar cAllDway > a
M T + L PKR lR
n rWftIIL irwar u tia LIIU au 51 vson Lon tv tvM4e EVdMPLU
dMPLU M4e ta inIIM3 New iwft iwfti Tort TortUe
Ue IIM3 itC2 Bwar Tt U 110 cl t tUUTHK
i UTHIf f MAEXETI lAG In Sciet e I IStS At it A tCW5 tCW5TflEXMYEA tPh 3 3Sciet
ITH T TRO H O 9A MAS A S SVgUTP Ww7aO4ut E1LnuyCf E1LnuyCfI 1 as It IP tC tCWNTE Co CoWIITE
VgUTP WtUTC CX Bre Proedwac dwair aa ae4
WHUB Fkoeo o 033 U C

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