wl rvJ j jI I I 8 TIlE SUN FRIDAY APRIL 8 1910 A tlrbe be beWrd JSun JSunFRIDAY Uu UuFlUlH FRIDAY FILUAYAPItII FILUAYAPItIIbe APKIhd PHil 3 1810 1810Eaurtd 1810fld Eaurtd Wrd fld at 1 Wo III Iii OCIre fI t New Ii w York ovk ovkCu r u Second SecondUa Ua 11 Mail Matter Matterft KI1 KI1Ulp ft hrrlp Ulp < i by b Mall 111 ret retDAILY PIpI4 PIpI4DtLY 1 1DLY DAILY Per Ir Moom MoomUAIIY Mo o III I a aUAI IS ISI UAIIY UAI Irr I fi trar trar5UMMY r tr S SslI 5UMMY 51 slI Prrlrtr PrrlrtrDAILYrtst In u eSr eSrDAII 1 DAILYrtst DAI DAII 011 fl Mt MiAT Y Per 1 1AIL Ytr YtrDAILY rr N OS OSDAIIS DAILY AIL AMI I I Ml 4t I XI NDt Y Per 1 Month MonthPotacr Olb t t0 75 75Iostr Potacr 11 0 forrlen rounlrln 11 added addrtlAll All chrrkt rhfb mnnrv m flnG4 ordrr drn ar A to t be mad ma fr frahlr payahfe ahlr Ill loTHKttfx loTHKttfxntilltlml ioIx THI 4I 4IhIIhI tl tlhl1 ntilltlml hl1 liy I ihr h linlrlcflnt in n Printing Irolln < ant DI PublKblae PublKblaeAt PubhtitbrIatinm llhblc llhblcIhlal At Ihlal vutmnat at II ITU t Na aatz au 1 ttrrrt In fl th lloroughaf lloroughafU llrehr llrehrUJan of of1lJeflItar U UJan 1lJeflItar > jilutiun Xrw oik o Prr 1klf Prtskint Ulrat al the h A AIn Aeo AeofIIftlia M MrlfcihM > rlfcihM In KU Ho tdaI nI rl I P Mitchell 1hl I IO ItU To Na Ii ia5u au atrret atrretTiramrer 1 101 Tiramrer nf the I oHatlna 111 II 1 I l It Lafa > rrn I IO 170 170a8u TO TONlxu = Nlxu a8u lrrrt 1 s Seuary rrUry of tbe h Aiorltloa 1 I > W WVutnn Wuhi0 Vutnn 10 IM I Na X Nau Naulonlni u trrr trrrl ur url l lonlni ndon oiler n riTnfli 1llcbm m llojtr I And And8nl street streetKlranl atrretIlirani Klranl Tnr TI TIwdatIy dully dl and nd Sunday und Srxare Sm SraroaaaLpIs SraroaaaLpIsLnnlon r ooaalela C 1 1I Lmxton I it in L Xntrrtran rn and n1 Colonial oO1 rxrhaar IlrW IlrWCrl rarbaaeCaIiw Carlltn Crl trrri 1 Mrcrn lcn lrret IIe 1 and DawSteamthlp 0 flaMIamshIpAfeney 1lmlp Afrnry cn U I 7 Crn < rrn trrrt > 1 Charing Ihrne Ii1ATtfl Crn Road I Ithnl Roadrsltnmre 1 Parltnrfirr thnl 1J llwr l loul t oIaIpllrsod Ir ItraDd TH Tlr ThedaItTaed ThedaItTaedubdar dally dl aid el eundarn1ltlont eund ubdar lItIooaron llnnuon reonal 1 Io < r at Ktoque II I near IM lbsGiid j Grvirt GBt llotn 11 tfut Klo kInqie1 virT7 lloilrarddrapwt lIoIearddeaCapqeUseorr ndI > ea eacorner I i corner Crr PUrr dr 11 I p rra > r and n1 Knque I la Boulevard 11 flolardd i idCftltallrn dCftltallrn In d I 2LalI ll ornrr lnr lliv 1 lmil rniIsI Ir I 1an1 1an1I iranl ranjIi I I I IThe I Ii tia4e I a4 ro WI vt 1 1Dlur tAC tACbJCdk1 Dlur bJCdk1 r 4 Ii rCtC1 III P0VC4 P0VC4S S qIIlfl Ht 1 d IiNpI r rTlf IpI IpITIi The Tlf TIi CoM n1 of r Hire I I Rail RailThe Rn RnT nIITh The T Th wule id ciniilttion C nllnlion Kiven iln to n ftment state stateWent Ial IalIcnl Went Icnl snj Mll saiL < l lo have ha1 heen hfn made n i few rc your yourgo veinagO n al agO go by b Mr Ir rnktIs nKiF nII M > 1 Sriiwui SI linn linnserved 1 1UMi > served 11 i ttI to fix lx fi In tin 111 public 1111 niirxl Ilfl u I 1 notion notionif nolon nolonI flOtIOflIf if I not n 1 conviction Cfnvwlnn llmt 1111 tee 1 rniU mi rnilmarket the them th thmnrkI m market pn Ir e nf f whirli I I 2 > a 1 t ton run runif rln csnb if b M mniiurncturcil manlrI Illnt ami t Ilnlabh 7t1fttfltIV > n > titnblv nl1 > in inthin inIhi Inthii I thin count Munln rv nt I uitnothmi nmfln like lk ilk flj II l n I i ton tonThe 11 tnThe The Th American nienin wo ople iiulivuliiallv lIIhllr do donot 10 dnnot I Inlt not nlt buy ai teel I rail ni I for ilom ilomie itic no nn nnl nnlnlmpln1 ansi ansiCflfltIfl1ptlO1 l lcon I con CflfltIfl1ptlO1 nlmpln1 uniption Ityt 1 nil ll nr directly ctnII on ennrnfd oneernc n nCm1 eernc Cm1 rnfd < if tth this rnilroiiili ril 1111 nre nnI nr payini Ii innu Innl aflfltiour innually ally aly for te l vI > rail ril V iiu ii ni Ilr Itlori r thnn thnnfair Ihnna I11tnfair a fair flir ami rci alnail > nnl > lc pnr pnrThoM Int IirThnc ThoM T whohnrotliat wh hn hl hay Ilml twelvedolUr I nntinn flutitn nn nntion i tion firmly tnl tistil 11 tti nnnd nln1 will wi probablv probablvb rlhablrh rnrnbh rnrnbhh b h > rf hntant nhl111 > to t nrrvpt INJI u I taunirnt IIItunl of i if I Ifnr Irafts f fnr rafts rtK of fiRtire fWlr tnk IAkn n fn fml rum tn l IIk Iwk o > k no IRCnnI I j roitntu Inl nn 11n41 nd l nirtnufaoturon mi ni rnrl toot tootTh l 4ii 4iiTh hI hITh Th flRtin fWIn now Inw to 100 bo qiiotml an ari n taken takenofficially takinocialty I officially ollh from thnm Ihf Mlr HOiirrr Th Tho Ttrnyhflw Ttrnyhflwthe y nhnw nhnwlh thmr thmrIh lh the cool C1 for Ihe term Ifn < iuott Iuot1 l of ni p > r reN I Icent orIIr orIIrof cent of nil al the Ih MFC tccI tl rait nll prndiicnl I lr ProdlIreIIin I I IIn I Iin in th Initeil lni1 State IInll tltceI Wuhjn the Ih > flv flvyenrterm fhfIr t1n t1nyeitrtcrrn yenrterm fIr Ifn 19 r t 10 to ia ll1 iw > Inclusive Inll tin 111 fil tmnl tmnlpro II I Irrllrllon IpnwLuetion rrllrllon pro pnwLuetion lurtion o 01 American mrkln nwri an t > el I rail wan wannppnxinmtelv waIftfIptflhtfl1nhIil 1 I nppnxinmtelv 1rlinalI I lttVi < > loan 10 The Th total totalmill Idmi otadmill mill mi i oot 1 nr f lrlhams prdI irii iu < inn tu per < int nl of ofthat Ir IrIhll otthit that Ihll output 11111 n intaw or ortoru Ir orInns 1r i4 j j10M Inns nt jr J 40 41 1 n ton 10 Th 111 lllPt v IH I of ofn lHI lHIa a acifrn n cifrn < lifferenc in I IIMI f11 of If production 11111111 IrMIuseI ion in I indiffprpnt i idifferent Idifflnl different difflnl mill nll ntnl nHI tin I hI ili 11111 > tiil < l infor inforinatim inflr intorInIltt I IInI1 inatim InI1 InIltt n i j4 < V TV r t To nt > rl oimenNil and on andguan1iI < i iKunnti Iulnt Kunnti < ulnt l Tin 11 lowp 41 t nv israg niKi m of Ir < < t tfor 1for for the Ih five f fi venr lr IMHII Inl nbown bv anv 11 LIII of ofthe itthc f fth the th nianilfacliireni OlllfII i t1 I I i4 and II tli ibhiI1I I Iliclu i ihhh1 hhh1 liclu tl aveniiri nll i s i1 s 1 l 1 Tbe Th reiin rfllln r jin of Ir ln 1 Ilitmiu 11 of f lilMir 11111 L11a4rIiowi MOWl Iiowi tin pn Ifl < t > fr < > f li tie > AH iii iir r 111 > uc iron irontin Irl urinifrnm frm frnm whieti hh tin I h iii mil mi an ir IIIKH 1111 IIIIII a i aver averasine averang 1 asine in Jl 7 i > a ton 1 l 11 > r tliu II i lsni live Ijvi1h v it itThe The Th priif pri ri tiint Ith aiHivi IMVI > i la hal l nil ii an anavernjte I avernjte amt 5 erng 1 I nf at r > l le ii IT a I ton 4I I f rr r I h I Iu IuImn IK IKiron IgIron iron UMN 11 i itn ii Imlnii hll1 Iii I ii tii I h itttii il a of r wii iItii > tiii tiiiwhich 11 i iwt1ifh > > which hi < MTiir u viir in I in h > 1 nM ria s nf fr nijinii nijiniifactunrtf 111 Illillillfurl factunrtf fallrr furl liti 111 I In h ilifTriK IIr I VTriii I ° i i tin tinpii i iliii I IJit pii Jit iron irll ir 1 IIH 1111 llh ihc titi rilI1 tlriili > li < i I rn r i t trI i ire re rI > rtMiiif 11 a l In h I lihir tiI r itiiintiin nut 111111 n < > i > fml fmlprrciatnti r1 ti 1 1RIRII rllhrill RIRII ruI 1111 I I I Irllx t Ie ri I x 11 1 1rnj Iprrial prrciatnti rnj prrial llll ri and I il 1 itnnliMilil 1111111 IItiI aisil indiiii 11 11eblln i iI 6 eblln arv liiirKp rr Tin 11 I t I ft < MI of I I hr ir < lii Ial < ink inkthe the Ih I h b Miicr s r I j mm rIIIII r i upwit I I > > in 11 H tin I j nit intvalue nittiit value nhl tiit of Ir 1 I Isul iii tnixturt Ilillf thii Ih t h ik ikrueMt < > k kfor kJinleI > > JinleI rueMt liii 8 I H r al I I I L Inll n nI I In Infnr I IfOr for niiitfriiiU nlhrll upplio ipIi IIh IIMU il r m mtion II IIlion iiifinn lion Ac oc liTnt IIII nf t n 1 f i MI 11 I tt ttton 1 tIton ton in the Ih M nf it pic J liillftH IIt is and nnU nil nilhlwn niithviwn i ishown shown fn I n ilifTritit lil 11 in 1 > tlH I l i If > frotiiiiiti frotiiiiititlon 1 111 uIt uItlion I a alon lion lon but blt fh h vnnilii lrlIII1 > n i tni lal iiitl that Thil it itene ItIn iipr In pr ene intTflv 1111 iii r l to II ntinn llnn anil anilthe I1Ih I1IhIh the Ih itcrtiniiv nlnl of f th tinal tinalelaborate I liii 11 I Irhs Ilr IlrTo To rhs fllr fliir 1 tt t Ii r s 1IVII 1IVIIpLibnrnt ltl elaborate bml i clwl > > t > rl WHM n in il the I th hitnd 111 I IIhe < f ftheWavH Ithi theWavH Ihe Vays A atxl 111 l Iiitii n Cotntnittee I < tilUiittp 111 i f the theHOUMI I hI hI10U hH hHnn4 HOUMI 10U and al1 of ff tin t Ii KnuitMt FIIII I 11111 II itiuinittm of I th Senate tllr whii 1 I II In I Mcel 1 MIHIII MIHIIIwer diiIiiI diiIiiIwpr Inl Inlw < > > wer w und Ilftr ilRllHr r ron enitrnt ilerntifin To T r the ti Ii un unenlightened liiirnUhtrd ¬ enlightened InU htfJ wli whui h > ilninor for fil the I ui h trim trimferof I lrnn4fer rlm rlmfer ferof fer of ottei Mee rrnl nll flIi toth tb tIi free lt 1111f Iit t the inav inavcome ia iaMine Ina Inae1n come a I a reawm rf3 4n I for th I h rHI fiintion IltI4In of n npart iiTnhl part Ir of the Ih tt ilutv diit 11 Imler t 111 th h Dingier Dingierl HinI HinIIIW IhniIJiiw I l IIW Jiiw w the Ih iluiv hl on 11 rmli IM ii ii I Wfl4 m 0 I 7 C4 < 4 n ton tonInder Icnlndfr tiflVnder Inder lndfr the Ih Iartie Ii ti bill 111 it ip i jm U s I n ton tonDunnff tnDurn triDhi Dunnff Durn Dhi nR thoM 111 tios > fh live viiu lir 1 t h > > 11 veniu veniuof < t tot I Iof of production prlllnn wa S 40 4 1 und Ind the III aver nverK J averJlie r re Jlie K e nellini l n priie prii wn wt 1 > IV7 s ni Krom Ir0 tin tl thiIt j it ItWould would appear lust t11 I th II t Ii < > tcranpinu IrIJ rail railmnkent fii fiimAke ni ii iimakeri I mAke faiM rl I I I to I ti ink In > > full fl fi ill Ill id antiiki lll IrIti I > of oftheir f fthir tthir thir protection prl protii 4IIi < < > t pint h protect rp t mn mnwould 1111wotiki would wOlld have hA IMVII h1 s a i or Ir t 1i > n 1 ton tonmor 111 tnmoro I I moro thun w i n umllv III dllr1 i harK harI I1u I1ufact I Iu Iufart fact far tend I diMurti Ii Irt the I h ariinnent of ofthoe ofthr r rIh thoe Ih mlio wti 1 tiAwrt 1 I r rT that lil dun 11 Iut i nlwavit nlwavitnd nhf nhfnII1 nIwasnd4 nd nII1 nd4 < l t t II < > dlfnoHtii I I It 111041 In > r rn ii and In1 i nI the I h Iii iHinun iHinunthus 11111 11111IhIL I w Ini4 Ini4thiLa i thus Hifiuirtti IIH1 aildml IlldII tr t a 1111 I IrlIIv re ii I v 11111 tirit liilrMinj liilrMinjhnnk nj njhiuik hnnk icxiiiniH icxiiiniHIt 1 It I in i probal rIII > l > fur f II ir I wo I rtaxiiH 11 r that thatthe tii tiith I Ih the th h duty IIIII irj ii ti l nitln rl i Ii n I matter I111r lila ter of r no noimportance 11 rioImPOrlflfll importance Imporln utie I wav WII WS or Ir I I I hr > T HaiU HaiUminht Ihll Ihlln1hl flu iI iIITiIIi1 minht n1hl ITiIIi1 b fr or II the Ih I Iia difv Iu rmplit Ihl bi I II IIIr tia tiat i i iper per t e ent nt ml at xnlonm nlfr Ir IT an 111111 IfiI < l nlnxit iOIit IH tninv tninvwould m moulfl rnirivotiItL i would oonie mi in one n 1 sii a ti in 1 the II I h other Ir I IOn jnn i On < reiuum rI i s that I h tin the li Ii obtainable obtainableinfonnat hlllUl IaiinIIintntiii infonnat inrlnlllln ton NboVh h that heif Ii i > i If > f niak niakini I tiiikIni Ik 1 ini In Me it > l rail nll m 1 HirofH fiiri H I little hl II ii or fr r no noIc nI no1ri Ic I 1ri n than thll it 1 i in I iln I Iii f vIIiI counirv 1 r nn nl1 nriil < l the theother Ih t toilier i other i thnt Ih the I null 111 iii r rnniH after afterMjpplyin Illfr IllfrrPII lLttrUIIIIII I Mjpplyin rPII UIIIIII 11 home hlll detnam and 111 uclt I1 < T Tporttluden porttluden pn IHII t I nulf i lhey I h tia haveureiott hl Iiiit ira f git > riiipifil riiipifilto lfliJlf1 I Ito to II me n1 iniri 11r III bt tliari Ihl an al aufrict nion wtiIrlhl iderable iderablefriction I IfrIIInf friction frIIInf frict 14111 of r he h IrIIIIIIIllfl rII rt sri I riint Tin Tinpri Iliir l pri etii rate rl if f f I II MT r < u 1 L4 < n I fairlv fairlvefte fil ttrIinf 1 efte nf < 1 tielMirnet I I Ilrr ui rr ainn a i 1I 1 11 If i diimpini I 111 I i I1 ii ii and andthat 41 III I If that 111 f in I prihahlv I P I lilt HM ii I 1 if f nut ii it I it 1 inlv inlvIff Inl Inlu i 1111 n I v vII Iff u t nil Ill event 11 Iit It i 141 I4tiil nn iliat IIII t iir tli tliilutv IhdI r riliiiy > ilutv dI it r t l i 111 1 IuI 1 1 tinnot lnl1 IM I ri4inlii ri4inliin r arII arIInI n I nI a bulwark hIIwlr from rul it I INhu11 hhinI him I wlm wIl wbiih Ii n prr prrnton Ird IrdiltoI < < nton flnn 1IIln ndi n4111I tr F r rIetuv4 a 1 he < nut liii nnl nl1 takes takesrnonii ikirnorl rnonii rI rnorl from rruII the I Ii cxkett kI or r the t I Amer AmerKHII in wr wrfHI r rI KHII I fHI 131 > e ip ipWhile < > S I I While hi hip ll J f rrII rlln llick 1 I Tiirneil TlrII TlrIIlW riirrIt i iNow Now lW t ti tI t tin I tI irnnd I initii iiiti I lan nf rrhsliina f fltvlian1 ltvlian1 hlhal ihe I h tH lion I I I Miimr IIHIHI 1 Itivnt ItivntIIKK Ut ISIvviflKiI I I IIKK li i itinnifiil tJI fl in I a tntcKle Illl t whii Whll WhllIfml whiIiprunhiHs Ii IilininilfteH lininilfteH in I al > < > rb all hi olicitudeH Ifml Il l Il hII m mthe t fl f the hi lliuiHiliMtc iriniIi rIII filtiire rt hit hi ulniKKle Inlll for forrrel flrrlI furtt I rrel rlI < tloi 1 lo tt flhf the t1 I mtitl States SIAl Sennte SenntepeiiaM Snl SnlIMI SHnntW1L111N4 peiiaM IMI WI we w tnnv tl venture htIrp 1 to I ii 01 ssv iv u I iiWAIII wortl wortlwitb u1wilh witb refenw rffrn 10 tl ii tulil hlll lalxir Inlllr in I th thfvMltheni Ihluhnl tbHsith fvMltheni Hsith luhnl ni cotton fItnn fnHorie fnHorieIn < In arwwer Afwr 11 I nil fl iii the Ih mournful mnlrfll fore foreof forItlUnl foretwxIhngi ItlUnl twxIhngi of r ti IIJhrl tiIifin > hflen md mllh the theof JIrin JIrinblun peerrjng peerrjngbIiunrsi blun bIiunrsi of ff JioIiIiiinn ollli lann wild lh n muwion muwionSouthern mljon mljonulr miMIoriMao Mao Southern maaufocturcr have re ulr luaer hve r lc Ilnt centI ntly JIOWB alw oa O th t the evidence 8DC of un unquentionablo unI unI I I quentionablo qltonble qilrlII lonable iliMatio 0 that tt tb the women womenand Wmea Wmeaand woaenand and children cbiJI takeR te from frm the te tefaml warnl warnlfarniA sia11rami farniA and set s to work Wr in I the factories factorieshave fan fRCtOT1have have almost alm0t mnat inmrUbly innJy toot Jo their thr un unwholenomo unwholfmo unwholwimo wholenomo wholfmo pallor pllr within wti a I year and andbloonxd an andbloomed bloomed blome into it tnt health belb and rigor rr Inn Int InMoad InMoadof toad toadof of the iwrdkJ fri pitiable piile homes home to which whichthey wich wichIhey whichI they I he were w born bm homes hmC of two tWo or throe throemiserable tbr tbrO threemierbIe miserable O rble room r with wlh barnyard bmya well wellfor wfll wfllI welLifor for water ater and an greaay y fond fo to t eat el they theyhave tfY tfYhle theyhte I have hle be tn been n houiied hO in unitary unlla quarters quartersUugitt qlaref qunrtertJiughL Uugitt tult the lh secret f of a wholenome wholfe break breakfa hr bruikfRit fa ft t and dinner table and generally gfnerly in introduced InII inIroiliiead ¬ n II troduced ml to the bonotlfent bnnlnt virtue of ofexrrcuM ofe2frciAe I IUI exrrcuM UI and Inl discipline dllplM There Ttr ift I no nolonger n nolonger t longer lontr any In doubt that they h are I im imi imI i proving prvlD vantly Ir under uner the be proceiw pf The ThefaH Te Tefad Thefiitl fad hat lM iiis l hean > cen atwertained urainl and an necurely necurelypnwed Nrl eocuielyPrvcd pnwed lnIYI and 141 no while hif Mr tr REVKniDOEs REVKniDOEsbark nETROES nETROESbrk bark brk U I turned we make bold bld to mention mentionIhe mfnllon mfnllonfac the real facts fnctHo fac I Ho 10 lb has no ni time trt now noW to open opn hin hinI h hbrcspectahte I renpect nahl rcspectahte hl froolc frk < Wt o oat I and caterwaul caterwauli lalerlul lalerlulI I about alllI the Iht MavMi 1 of the factories fldorie He HeI I ha to h meet nlt a triumphant rlmJlnt Democracy Democracyand Orc i I Ilnd p and in I aided aldl only by a divided dlvdfd and an ills disordered dl illsonlered ¬ I ordered onl r puny In this Ihi we 1 are a with withhim wth wthI withhim I him biO tooth lolh and nail nl nhouldrr hoIJdtr to fthoul ahiiuliler hlm hlmI I der clfr and IUc all I the nut II of it for we We want wanthim him k in the Senate where wbe he U kept f1 e hf i a athing AIhin6 athing I thing Ihin6 of beauty buI and an a joy forever fove In InIhi Inthis hm Ihi hour of tf bin ll preoccupation 1f1Plon however howeverwe howmtr howmtrw we w inxcrt lr thwxt tht modcwt rnlt word While Whilehe Wie Wieh he h i inl isnt nt looking lok Inokingonil in aUII nnd hannt time to look lookour lok lokolr lookour our olr prutentnt prlIntlM protttionamay Minn may take tlf mot motA rootA I IA A Library Libra la It IU Senility HenllttyThe MnUI The TI routine rUli of a spart1tIonaiiltbrouht spart1tIonaiiltbrouhtby partition prton writ Itlt brought broughtby braht brahtb b helm in interest shcdn from the by hfi Inlft a frm lh pre preotnrtn prI pieineti otnrtn dnrf of the II th court Ur an intermting inletl light lightii lhl lhlIlwl light111mm ii Ilwl 111mm n the HtatiM flllu of a library Ibrl always alwaysfamoim aJan nlwaya1 nlwaya1amouc I Iamon famoim amon and lld once of Inestimable 1nllable volua aIueThi j I This Thi in i the Ib Mott olt Memorial Ieorll which wbilh han hancrown Mi MiJrwn baagrown crown Jrwn old In lower lotr Madison ladiln avenue avenueWhen Infnuf nveniieWhen I IWhfn When Whfn Dr V VtlEXTIE IEXTINK F R Morrr IO ilied clld in Inprl InpnI April prl 1963 18 he h was Wa wa the foremost fom 1 Amerii Ameriiran Amfri mr i imn i icon ran mirgeon lrln revered rvpl at home and held heldin hpl h kl klin in I high h ch honor by the hf faculty rnJI abroad abroadIn abr In I n the I b Btndy dy of the I bo history bor of operative oprt operntivinvpair repair of natures nalun error er it In no im improper il ilprnJer imiriPr ¬ proper prnJer appreciation appraton to credit Ctl thwttreat thwttreatadvances I thwreatalvancea h t tallvan advances allvan of American Amrrn Mirgery lurln to hin hinKkill hiaskill skill ki with steel IIeJ and RUture IIUI and ant In chief chiefto to the IJK enthiuuaam enthu with which he ttervwl ttervwlan Ir 1 1l an l a teacher lelhr of tiM b great Ct art artDuring ar artDuring During Durng the lb yean Yr of hw b hi greatest SIt co cotIit o otivity 0 tivity tlv tIit our medical mllol srhoola bol were Wf Badly Mlv to toKeek 10kin towk Keek kin in the literature li < rnl of the th profemion profemionMany prf profeuiionMain ion ionlln Many lln a practitioner r boasted hlf of a library librarywhich lbrr 1 1whi1 Iwhkh which whi1 comprixed rpr aa R much an R a treatiM treatiMon IlliR I Inn on anatomy analom one 0 on practice JlrlIM and a ills diipenimtor 1 11M Ipsntorv penimtor > When 1M that I wa the I h e juip qiiipimnt < juipment 111r I Ilnl ment lnl of the Ih country nfllrv doctor door bin hil iityj llv city 1 1rlhrhrAIYIlrrchanlal 1lirother brotherha4 lirother rlhrhrAIYIlrrchanlal < rfwlyKreatfrudvantaeeK I Ithe I IIh Iliii the Ih litintrintof lhrrMnf the Ihf medical mlcl KohiMtlH hI hIhiI were werelittle wc wclitti little hiI tnoi 11 flu than lendimt Itlnl collectioiH ilkw IIfnn tiuni of ofth ofun ofI th I Ii iwtwirv und un elementary 1mlar lex liookn liooknTlieHtmlent IllkTh IMiokeTlii TlieHtmlent Th tlllt tiMIIit ihepractitl Ihlrltllllr I hi prietlt Iiitier < iner whodimlv whodimlvHrceive Win hn 4itIiI ih > II I Hrceive riI < lihat I hIl isa I iniiiiilicineandinHurcery iniiiiilicineandinHurceryihetv in 1III Iiii I ii i ii n iii IIurJr I i ii i i riry rirytliti I IIhn ihetv iiiil 1111 ItiIit t Imitoiiiethinu LWs tetter than Ihll t the Ih i I Imen III men 11 II 1I lime I un honored rule rll of f thumb I h1lh wan I 1I Ii i I Iu I 1 ii uI i I vtfn w I I aim iIriijiI Mil ll I In Ii MI 1 < r riir r rwet > > iir 1 wu 1 tli I h If ltrvIi inv i tibrarv lhrln of r Dr DrM Ir IrIn I ir irIsri M In n i iiilleiiniii ilT It nf f nil ul hat wit 1 I Iwl n ni iw iwI > < i wliir wl trtitviipM 111 he h mive In ulnl ulnlhi 1111 ltil ltilI 11 I I I iI I II tii fI JIdlill j ii ii it IaPtit N l 1 1h tIii hi h wn chirc harl > K IM I itiiiaMMtl lll tu tniitiy Illt no noI a aI I i I INtl IMIIIIII IMIIIIIIThii iIiitii iIiitiiI hll hllThi Thii I 1114 iiMiiitry IIIr Inn I nuihttu nlhil like lk uk thi thikCnjil ilijairiI kCnjil 1 iillrttnui I lul then II ru > v was 1 i tinthiiiK ltll ltllIlaI itIiiti ru ruiitih o otiiiti tiiiti IlaI iitih Ii it I it IIrh Ill private M MIIII or in 11 tJili tJililii lh lhI iIiIi lii I Ii ti IIh i > lv In II iMVt Ij tr n MOTT lnr fniiiiilil fniiiiililthe I II the II I Ii iiietitorii tiiuiil i l win hih I ii h now nu nu IW itiix4 I lt 4 tn I p pIi exit exitIt X1I It I wu t > li Ii111 > lil a I tsrint l INIrfII ii > fiirlinii iiiiil 111 111n a aIn 1 1rl n h v II tii IlIIIIl111 IlIIIIl111I 1111 1111II In II I ii tl I t I tir Ir pn lrIUt > iiihriK IIfiIP if t na a I in > t < l lthnt thnt rNiitlv r r qit ul I v tint 111 more IUf III ir than I hul tvkntv tvkntvlivi 111 111I t t v vIi livi I Ii i 1 Mr > on ii I in ii ii l in I via lr nr r haw hl his v v tin 111 I utt > IM I aluabli alIII lilirirv KII IIh IuuIs h vul vulillile vsIliii 1 111r illile 11r liii it f Ihiii Ih 4 4111 l hu hl lif tuIav luv 1 Ihe tl value valuethat vulushut 111 that 1111 vii > itn II in ivtfi That Thll year lr the thelibrary Ih Ihllmr iiiIilunirv library llmr difd a I 1tu innipletilv 1111 HM I did 1II il nrne ti rnt t iniiei Il n ir > r i II lie oriiiiitiii Inllll nrill Itili Itilivru tiir tiiriiiViTif 1 1r iiiViTif vru of if r thin 1111 Irl I TII huve 11 KIII di diinrded 11 11r IInntI inrded for r letter 11 newer rIw wr r method Li or orhave urhu orli 1 have hu li tnkrn Ilk their th ir place 1ln a as asfi4I iicceptml iicceptmlfitctM IIII IIIIf fitctM f fi4I tj4 which whih n ni flu longer Ifl r need 1 demniiKtra demniiKtration 1lollm tion 1111 1111 The 1 I h ciinotix lriol lfl4 historian rimy 11 fIIII M H4fl1 H4fl111111kM 11 11j > me metitnei i titnei tnt need to II I refer frlr to I tho thf nneient nneientralf anin HfluifltutIf ralf utIf er bound 111ld stuii l voliimnt 01111 to II II detennin f nln n nof I it4ti 4ti Ilon tion of r priority otherwise olhr their theirtins IhPr IhPrflln theiruisefilnvss uisefilnvss flln tins II gone Io Itoom lr will i b bland I IIMI Is Isbail land for this Ihi library lbmr in I the ti lb Academy triuIrn of ofMedicine oftllln ofMedicine Medicine tllln and al1 one on more tor landmark huJlnrk ills disiipIKurn I illslirearuI I iipIKurn iipIKurnSurtserv R lirearuIuirurv llun llunIrlr Surtserv uirurv Irlr i by no means ra singular in II r In InIhl inthis n ntin tin this epioode everv Ir science dn in i progre Irrl IrrlI prngreetrig M MIMK trig I with Hitch h leii IPILIM 11 > unit bounds olld that thll it itliterntiirw i iti itilstsrntur literntiirw hlmtl is out of date dlt before bfore the Ih hmd hmdinn lal tuinultug inn 111 of f the Ih volumes ohun Is I fraved fravedA fra 1 A French rfnrh Anniversary Anniversaryn n anniversary Imlflr luippy yet I not with wjihI llh out 01 lit I element of liitternemi IJIm H I noon so m lo loieebraie 10I Inis I is ieebraie Ilm < l In France mnt Kxnctlv tAII fifty fiftyyearn fflY fflYa fiftyuaN yearn uaN a hays hnvf INISHO INMed smtw inc NAPr NIftIEI nICS > fMV III IIIrweivitil 1 IIIfrom I IiVf rweivitil iVf from Itnlv Inh the Ih Irovuni IrOI ff ffNI f fIliy Savoy NI Iliy nnd the II County utuinty 11 of Ir Nice h ii at I a the therew th thwa1 iiirwan1 rew rwan1 wa1 nl for ffr French nh aid lil in I Ui t1 untro untroSjinlininti 1 tIitrSiruilnititi Sjinlininti NllnUU wiir Wlr With tho mTjiiiHiiioii a lItI1HItifI liI1 of oftli ufI hftrrioriai tli I < iui ternfopeiH Irrc tho lh Serond INI ronul I Ktnure Ktnureinnnover tr Ernjuireinrnvr I 1 innnover c Nlflntl nfklently took 10lk up IJ th I h task tuki 11 tasklit i ff f rrMtonnc llnnl to n Frnmw mnf thi iKiundarirs iKiundarirsnnd ItI tWuIflhIiJfanil nnd th I h Kloruw 1 of thn I hI First which was WR wejii destinid 1111 to If ii end f11 rvI so sosilv diMistrouily fI llrIlr llrIlrII Onlv II silv in thn Ih mirvU rifl of ff thin who hl livid lividat at tlwir lime lil w wPts re Solferino Solfrno nnd ni Sla Slajc MatIZI 11 jc iit lla tIZI f fmJImll mpiinilile > with wlh wit Ii Wiutrnm WIrm arnl arnlVu iiriIiiuturIIf7 f I Vu terlit7 111117 yet II in that hour hllr they Ih sinieuI sinieuIa nI nIal at a leant n vivid hil afterglow nflrI of the theof Ih glories gloriesif Ior I Iuf of if the I Grand rnd Anny nnr Kven Erl to the II French Frenchman Fn mh mhmallf ¬ man mallf of tndiv loL however howllr tlwy tlw y must now nowMIHI nowlunl nowhII MIHI lunl onlr th lh f rnnMitory tranilo bright hri ht r that thtilnine Ihll Ihllf111r that1tif f111r nine IXIWPU I 1HI s I tI Waterloo WIrlu nnd n1 MarHla MarHlaTour MirsLruiir rlLJ rlLJrlr Tour TourTo rlrTI ruiirTi To TI reiflll 1 tbe Ih nopiisition lliiUon of ff Savoy Ioy ivov unit nmlVt In1 In1If unith Vt If h t ilav inn n only nnl serve r to tl U point pJinl with withltiin wih wihhilrf wjf wjfiHirnsiI ltiin iHirnsiI > as < d bltterneM hilrf to thelovnof the ltus of Mtiuit Mtiuitawl IMuIuoiriI awl lfl lnrrainn Vot Ol even n iw 111 rapHlly rapHllyKrowmtf rJ rnpkllvgflWiflg dlr dlr6lwin Krowmtf 6lwin prosperity Jrllry and importance irllr l1 of ofXu nfif ofNit Xu if > cnn avail ali to rwoncile onrl the loyal loyalFrenchman JovAIttnhfan loyalFrrnhnan Frenchman ttnhfan to an nlwn nlin Strnjl SIllr5 Strnsboiirg > oiirK and a aforeiKn I aforiign foreiKn ftitn Metr let It I w I not merely rer that I the thennnivenwiry th thnnnifr thsnnnivnusry nnnivenwiry nnnifr marks farl the Ih lost It advance lno of ofFrench o onlh ofFrvneh French nlh KWMMHion in Furope urof it also alsowrvcx nl nlr alsirvs wrvcx r rvs to II irnpljiJiie IJIUll thn Ih utter Ilfr extinction extinctionuf oxtnlU1 I uf fr If all 11 fnlmpmr nntemporury ambitions for forFnince frJ forI Fnince I riinui J above all t ho dream of acquiring acquiringtho arlirnl i tho II I hi natural IIuml frontier fnJII r the h left bank bk of ofthe ofh ofthi I the h llhine Ihin to t which whi h the th victors vleo of the thewar t thewar 1 war of l i 0 looked loked forward foran with tonfi tonfidenoe iinfilien nt denoe denoeOne lien lienOni One 0 source MUl of o pride prd and a satisfaction qracon for forthe torIh forthu i the Ih French ncb however the hIr thf present Jlnt situa situation Ilitilation llla lllal ¬ tion l on in SawoT so and a Nios i0 ke must mut muathave ha hTf v Fifty Fiftyyenrsaicol30SXl FJftyyrm F fty ftyeiIraa1o yenrsaicol30SXl yrm eiIraa1o 13 i3533otjt out ot of f 130M9 13IW Savoyard SavoyardsMnd oyar Mnd Infl 7VOX G out 011 of Iflon O NicoUws Ni l o oise who whooieilat whontMi 1 oieilat 011 At the plebiaritA plfhlt ratified t the an Mauuon anneistlon InezaUon auuon Today TCay the President Pet of the S S C a te teC I f 1 > republic rublc haa b ha been b aaked a by all al the theofficial t th thomca1 h official omcl Ki civic bodies of these terri territories terntories ¬ t Itr tories trM to join with wth them th ia I celebrating celebratingtho otln oelebratinthe the which and andNice andNice happy hp event gave 1 SY Savoy an Nice 10 to Franco FrancoLooking Fc FranceIioodng Looking L across a acro the German Gea frontier frontierat frlll at Alsaoo Alc and ant lx lrln Lorraine > rmlne still li unrecon unreconciled Inrn Inrncle iinreconciled ¬ ciled cle Mill III protesting prlltO in a thousand IhOlnd way waynot wa waDot waysnot not to be misunderstood annl annlalIn b mlaundertn at the annex annexation annexation ¬ ation alIn not no nearly forty fort years a old 0 < the theFrench Ihenndl theFrench French nndl may find tnd genuine Jfnlino pleasure plMu in the thecontemplation Ibernltmplaton thecontemplation contemplation rnltmplaton of the loyalty of the thepeople thepple thepeople people pple of Savoy and Ind Nice SIC After Attr forty fortyyears for1 for1yfm fortyycara years yfm Ihe Ih Herman nmlln erman Empire Fpir ntill 11 hesi hesitate4 h Isesitate4 l tate4 to give local lwul selfgovernment U5ommfnt to totTie 10tTu totTe tTie inhabitants Inhahillnl of f Alsace 11 and nd 1 Lorraine trlne trlneon LorraineFort < orraineForty Forty Fort on yearn mnf of separation Npmlon have hve not sen sensibly aensibIy n naibl ¬ sibly aibl diminished the loyalty 10 a1y of the peo people p peopie ¬ ple who still llln w tienit > nd their Ihfr eons fM into exile exileforever nie niefOnr exileforerer forever fOnr that they Ihe may my serve Mre in the theFrench Ihelnch theI11flh French lnch army any which whl h anciently nn i nll included includedthe Indudf the KruKitMASN IFIIIIIASI RAPP and Marshal MarshalNKT MamhaiNay tAha Nay Kf and unc still Iti counts ount a score Ir of general generalofficers generalotThen tDeral tDeralOmln officers Omln who were WCI born br across a the Cir German Cirman r rml ¬ man ml frontier frontierSavoy frllrr frontierSevoy Savoy 01 was French by race r and an lan language ln lne Ianguage ¬ guage e while whie it i won W still 11 Italian laUan Alsace Alsacewas Alsacewarn I was German Genn by race rnl and an language languagethroughout lanl Ianguaothroughout throughout UrUPOIt the ti French rn1 reg r rg4me < me mf but butSavoy Inl butSvoy Savoy Svy is now perfectly prlly fused rU in the tbnwonderful It thewonderful wonderful wonerul homogeneous hOm fnlll structure Itrelm of ofFranceand ofFrnnceand f fFmncad Franceand Fmncad Alsace A Alsaceremainsunreeonciled Alsaceremainsunreeoncilednot 1C remains nalM unreconciled unreconcilednot unrnclfd unrnclfdnot not t trusted with thesmallest lbe yet Y IMIIed let measure measureof mlr of local lo autonomy Even Fvn the Nice 1C which whichwan whlh whlha whichwas wan a indubitably Indubitbly Italian Itlan fifty years YM ago agoia aoIs 0 0il ia il as R French h today ocly as I Nlmes lmN or Sancy Sancybut Sanc ancy ancybut but Metz 11 remain min a I Gallic Galo fragment f ent not notyet notyt notyet yet yt submerged despite dple its it ever growing growingGerman Kln KlnO growingJennnn German O na population populationIn populaon populaonIn In the curiously unouy analogous aOOa fortune fortuneand tonunMad fortunretand and ad strangely tnely disimilor dlMimlt sentiments Urnl of ofthe orlhe ofthe the citizen ctzen of Alsace 1 and Savoy voYlhfr there thereis is II again an presented the Ih familiar familr question questionof Utnn Utnnof of the th origin or6n of the loyalty loyal of citizen citizenTho ct7M ct7MTe citizensTho Tho Te Savoyards Rvoyanl were wr French ob in race mr while whilestill whlo whloIli whilestill still Ili the Ih subjects of an Italian Idlnn sovereign sovereignbut IYfnill but easily P ly and without wllholt protest they theytransferred 118 118Irnfel theytZflflaferred transferred Irnfel their II r loyalty 10 ltr from frm a mon monarchy monahy monarrhv ¬ archy to a country untl democratic dfmoato in inMn e esence ce ceience sence Mn even in the days dl of the Second SecondEmpire SecondFmpirii nd ndFmpin Empire Fmpin In Alsace Alf on o the hf other hand handa han a German Ona people pple thoroughly thorUhly imbued imbuedwith ImhuMwih imbuedwith with wih the spirit Iplrt of democracy dooy of the theFrench Ihenh theFrench French nh Revolution fight tht obstinately obstinatelyagainst obtna obtnaaaiMt obitinntelyaatnst against aaiMt the Ihl Influences InUfO of a Germany Germanyrepresented Oray OrayIprnlt ermnv ermnvrepresented represented Iprnlt to them by Prussian Pllan au autocracy autoerney ¬ I tocracyIn tocracy In celebrating lelebraa what wht they gained Kao fifty fiftyyears lfy lfyYM fiftyyears years YM ago we fancy fa the te French ne will willmost wl willmost most mOl frequently funty think of what whl4 they have havesubsequently haeubUfty hareiubseqtiently subsequently ubUfty lost 101 But both blh for what it itrepresents itrrnl itreprreents represents rrnl and an for what it i suggests t the theapproaching Ihf IhfIIIPfhin thespproaehing approaching IIIPfhin observation promim Jnlmi Irmse to tobit 10b tobe bit b be notable in contemporary onlflJmr European Kuropeanhistory Europeanhistory lrJMAn lrJMAnItM40r history historyNew ItM40r ItM40rX historyNev New X Meaning 3fnln for Old Words WontsFrom WordsFrom ordl ordlra From ra that Ihlt chronicler chnJicr of the Ihf act a and andthoughts an andhouighni thoughts hmllhl of Colonel olon 1 TIIKODORR Hoosr loll HoosrVKLT I IrlLT IrPtT VKLT rlLT who wh whoaSlitmrv < f literary lilfmf style t lf f so amazinglv amazinglvfollows aminJI amaingIvrOllOwIl i irolw > follows rolw the h ecullaritie IllatM of the Ih Mightv MightvHunters MightiIftint ththhIllnlr Hunters Illnlr Iftint rs own OWI an In anxious In1111 world rld i it priv privileged pr pri prilesl ¬ ileged 1fI1 to learn Ifm that lhl Ur U MimiiitRlr aIwaa l Ia l Ml 1 that L br I b wa IIIu IIIucII a ttuir ttuirnicAIr ttiIIfIIT nicAIr cII n rnmpfrnt > mp m trnt nl t I Iu dral p1 with Ib thr I th tllutUon aUn In InKfiitir I Im tniine Kfiitir m and 1 bi L r fIk < lliw a r euur iir r In Pill < mnanr mnanrHh nr nrrlIU Hh thr Oi rtiaractrrUllr rlIU baklora I if f M I ntturr ntturrjnd IU IUan fttuVpand and an at ihr b aair w tim MT irIplihHiIy ipiil4rti lF r to arrwrdanni arrwrdanniMlih rnn Mlih 1 ihr I IP 1oprpU iroprl toprSfra ik wArtlirr r Uwr4 lwP trum tmr a aailrui aVaueau ailrui r or r a Urlhn4IU UrllI nJpolnl i a41 Mr I It rrjrrtnl rrjrrtnlt J Jn t lir iii Vfttfran n pruwial h brauia cau r uf hl I Amvrlraq Amvrlraqfn Ar fn n + of a Mtirrt II whlrti dkt 411 not n I iiermtt blm m to I In ear narIn earH In H ajunir n wtiat 1 h wiinkl w uuId rwoiiU r 0 not n dn d thu thuafirr I iii iiite 1 te afirr hl Me > irr rnta < l < m t > It lp Itipr I I rtuatnt rtuatntt j I t > M nwrtran r n uf t fair 11 Hat 10 h drnuitnor drnuitnorilir drn inr4 inr4ii ilir u itrn u lnplt trvpt > piif f Idr II II tritii fUiottt p1IIrwnlauln tl < t rranl rganlaILu > aUuii III Horn Hornbi Itmnat bi nat tt ak rai uetIteI > ll > > out or tfcr I lnrl InIn IncIiiI nl nlIt It I I wn wits + then thenthat 11 < hlrnnIllllln hlrnnIlllllnhnl lmrauturiatsu IbhP4lflb4 IbhP4lflb4IiIt I that lol 1 l III I to tu the li t t mutilation IIHlnIf III I it lii tu if of if Mi Itinui > n < iinor iinorK K IIS 1 n I it v s 4 titiil note II msut it wii 4niMi iI1tsIuet 1111 I Iou 1111 ou < itfonliinci with wil the th pnninetiii lPuturIf 111 Ii to tomaKi Inllll tottIlu maKi llll ttIlu pjiblii Jlhl a ditorted 11111 ver VN1011 i n of tin tincoin Ii I Iii IiiI i coin I ii rel ndenci n I sIu without w it ii utit notilicatlitti flfiitll Iii iti tiiitt t CII ti titin I Ili tt > tin li t to other Illlr ut Ii r 101 luiflv Mrtv thereto I tu rtu and 111111 it wan WI a4 the theAmerican I I11rl thiiuioriearl American 11rl iuioriearl l 4 > n lis e of f hlwrtv lln lils rtv or ir r el Jo lwo < the Ih iniricnn llrion nh runTi M eino > n e of If fair fllr plav uIzi ll that pro prodin prl r rlilI91 din lilI91 ed Ihe Ih t h hvpothitical Iivisuttlvt i 4tI rfM rfI1 rINnue > nso to the Ih IhIlir theIanar KaiT Ilir de uIiinsl icnwl lo II oldnure 11If the th re rcord rcordatiul > < urd urdand rIJ and 1111 uiitttss < i mrl > nfiiM < the I tli hIlhl public mind mindj lin linj j Ohviounly c we 1 W ure ar in ne nssl l of If a revised revisedtet 111 I tet of if f definition flu for phroi Jhr H that Ih t hove hoveI I t acquired newr newrThe n 1flnw 1flnwI tnsaflings tnsaflingsTue The Th Fanner New Friend FriendIlic FrlII Friendhliui I 111 Ilic spirit of f iunnervation lnal on that flits flitslightlv ntl flitslightly lightly Ihll from fll forftn and ant watercoiirsea watercoiirseato IIrOIII to heaveN 11 and bluebmls lhlhinIA now hovers hoversgently ho hoRntb hoversgenti gently over the th covote Thus Til once onc most mosttnspii mistof tnspii > ed of IxiiNtn that llll everv n one sought soughtj lth lthI j I to drive t n off I the 1 h prairiHMUHit irstri rRlrl ias ii terror rnlr to 0 the IheIflklan theitorknnns theHtoikinan Htoikinan Iflklan H lainb 111 a I tnermi 1Ul to t ti tlw Ih ti set settlers settIers t tIIr ¬ tIers IIr chi eIlIik1i5 hlkIIII1 < ketiH unit an llI invetgler Ir of faith faithful faihfil faithfuil ¬ ful fil hoilHdi hOI house uiiits 1 > kCx to n wild wllllf life hUH earned earneda Im Imrilhl a right rilhl to live h and IUd I is to 1011 be protected protectedMany pfltPilr4lMinuy Many l njuntien mntM of States SInl nhern f ho is isniot innl isnihst niot niimeroiM 111 hav hl hn found fllcl that they theycannot tl tlnul they111fl1ht cannot nul get 5f along nloN nlon without wihlll him Ilt and 111 have haverewtnded hnvrllJ1 haverreertmuln4 rewtnded rllJ1 the Ih law la offering 1nn Ixiuntien hOlnu on onIns onhi ontileS Ins hi Mnlp nlp lite 11 explanation lllanllon may IRY be befound IH hefnuinii found fIIIA in a report Jln of the Ih meeting m lnl of the thecomrniHHioners Ih IhfumlOI tliiriimniIsIonrs comrniHHioners fumlOI of lleno IplO county Unr Hanson Hansonin 111 in U till Iliitehinson Illdllon VlI VlImnIofr rirn rirni rl rlmn i mni mnIofr loti r M P I I Him 111 ear M Ihr tl tb rabbit rabbluil rabbititn bbll il itn in c > fr f e urtfm ir I irh abat at 1 tiir f him 11m earn n winter winterI 1 1I I u i arrr A at 1 thiriv Ihf hu l < t4 an arr p lo I bushels butbrltr bubltnl r nat at II I f fO i a bu Upl nn mali ma 111 I3IV II M whirl whirlf IIb IIbrahl f t rabbIt rahl n oa r t to < i Mr I tl n fillS lv for tbtnnlnr IIlnnu out th thwniir II IIr tha thawle wniir r < omml mmtInr linrr JIM JI Hfan ln at i ThrratiMt ThrratiMtrr The rabtIta rabtItaare I are rr ilr dslrOtnr irn rllnw > lnr n Ih > arrr nf train 1luln In rarb enibf 1 nrrlUs nrrlUsf 1 1f f niltliatril rllh t1 land Ian I In limo n nmntr n arn r Ia Ian lear learIlno > ar arll ll Ilno nn n ba I baa I an I I wiar ala mll iyIiIps a or n territory rl Toiint Toiintbalf Inn InnI cuint cuinthalf half I nf 1 U I a niltUat rlh l and t iou 0 Itcur n SAUl 1 arrr arrrnf errfl nf 0 cn rstn Mrrlflml rlf to I O the b raparloua p apptlu Pt1 of f n nTTT RT II01t1tlTIL 01t1tlTIL TTT < T iL IL and nd J 1 lUaniT I T Imiatlnc nln < In linn linnarrr 3DarT m mIP arrr IP half wheat n and n half h LoIn m at this thistI4 b frart frartIIM ur IIM tI4 I and nd aluatlnn lltn and 1 rnn 1 have h about tt tUono tUonoworth 10 33011wrth I Irlh worth rlh nf 0 iraln tarrtnnd rnI In nlrr d that Km I 710 I could couldb couldbe I b r be rollrrtnl 1 for r the I Mal scalp Ip > of lh the ror rnyot rnyotfliis 11 11n le leTlim Tlim n calculation alcllatnn of f the outrageous1 outrageous1waxte olr tl tlR waxte R of If grain smir resource Jlr involves inol but butone hiI hiIfi IMIton one fi on county i Wlint might tihl not be I the theH Hi theltpi4 10 ltpi4 H to II The Ih whole whll State to 0 Jie UI entire entireWe entr entrWI entireeut We WI eut t where wi wlers rabbits rhbil urn Im not thinned out outby Olt Olth outby 1 by h the coyotes IfYlt It I was M evident dn that thatHometliing Ih IhMlfelbilJ thatwflmWthitg Hometliing MlfelbilJ mtiMi IM 1M done and quickly quicklyIt ql kly klyJt I It was Wi wasp for after the presentation JrmlAUo of oftbee ofh ofths tbee h figures fllr miyn the thi AVirn r1 r1tiip it i did not nottakn nottk nottaki takn tk twentywven I wenl rn nunuten mlnll to put an anenil In Innl anenul enil nl to Ii n thnt tht oUl ol bounty order orderThus orlr orderThiui Thus 1 the Ih coyote instead iiIIAt of ff l being lKinl > n nhunted ahunted hunted hlnl1 enemy u fnm of ff mankind mnnrdlll in i to Ii become becomea a coworker twlrkr with wih the lhl farmer fnfr He I is in invited InitfMi ¬ vited vi in ii make this thf farm fa his hi happy hapJY habi habitat hal habitat ¬ tat t with wih nothing nOlhi to toilothelivelong o do the th livelong Jvln day daybut dy daybut but hit to chase cha cottontails mitontll and a jackrabbits jackrabbitsover Jackrbblt lovl over the thf sunny prairies prrf Who shall lh in inturn i intilln turn chase eh him after atr he hiehaju has hA broken broke them themof the of their Iher habit of eating Ntf five fy acres a of ofgrain ofain ofgrain grain ain to every ffrcuJtnt ererycultlvated cultivated section lo of land landis l is f apparently appalty a matter mttr for future futu con conservators c eonservator ¬ servators servatorsla lat I la Mendelaoohn 31edt Rail HD on o Wednesday Wednesdayevening WednesdaysToning e evening eme when wb Mr THOMAS DO E E KIXBXS K KJ KznzsI1T1 J I II j I I1T1 I J hammer 1lnmr noted note the sate Ie of a Turner Turr for the theunprecedented Ih Ihunp theUnprecedented unprecedented unp lle auction ucton price mO of ofthere ofthere 0 there ther must have he been t not ao a few fewants assist assistants ill illant ants ant who remembered mfn fl the tht excitement lcl nt in inCblckerimc InClkernc InCbickering Cblckerimc Clkernc Hall Hl thirtyfour lhr1tour yn yutrn rs ago agonver agonverthbldtiingformuro ao aoOTflht nver OTflht nverthbldtiingformuro the bidding hlldlnJror for a more mo famotisTurner famotisTurnerthe ramolTumr ramolTumrIh the Ih Stare SI Hhlp TI The scenes cene at lh the John JohnTaylor JhnI JohnTaylor Taylor T Io Johnston Johnt sale Ie and an the Ih enthusiasm enthusiasmof nlhlla I of the Ihl spectators lpalof as a sensational MOlon1 price pricewere pr prIer priceswere Ier were developed Iolt were Wln described dllM In THE Tn TnRu TeaSupi 1 SUN Ru of December Ib 31 i I8TH I8THGn 1118 1118cnr I5Genrws Gn cnr Genrws ro bIdders bldpn w wee r n mrour acoutse4 c < r < 1 I hy r laf lafrlapptnc ID IDnpe inclapptju rlapptnc npe of r basda lu Wbrncmr ln a rlralrr 1a took 10 tookpiai pUca bflwrra 1 bidders br rmybodr b bfraim am InUr InUrMtrd loi tot totPaled Paled HI la KM lit Twill lit and a appla applaie ppl < tw and d taucbtrr taucbtrrthat Iplr IplrCe that ltd Ce each arn nrrrtnpplDC hl bI hid < l raa raai < tbroiifb tbroiifbthe 1lb the Iii ball 11 Itoawttaw U tb the I oppmlni oppnw bWdf bd bWIIPfS rt Mt In laoppnalto Inp inOPOhItC oppnalto paru p nf n the Lp ball 1a1 and ad their olTcra oI which whichhot whichshot hr hot b upward pad a hundred hDr or a tboutanddollar IhoddnUn1hD al abouodwere a bound hD bouodwere w rt rrbnrd Ct tram r slut M to Ud t uJde hr hrl br > rsrtlrd rsrtlrdrail adtedis1i n rail 1 boa b sad A Par ea ae rtr y rrpraUd 11 br I prrvm pl In I tbr tbraudloDa l lb lbaudko audloDa ldD Aoawttmr ln Ur l bid bi > would ul runup rn run up like a aartof aitt itt atpaS100 10 a4 a a Unvalmoal 1lr faster than the tbraurUaawr theauetloaer b bel aurUaawr could el anaouBrr anODf them Im caln CI atn tbrrr tbrrrwould Ih IhI therOwould would b be a lost often after fat I b paaw 1 a plrtnr plrtnrwaa plr plethrewoo woo shown ao a U Ifp thogt > o b tirrrbndr I was a afraM r to tobid 1 t tbid bid b and A Uwn la th n anddralr M4I anm Ir no would 1 sing an out mjllloao nJ lloao I and l 10011 a ooo 0 and A e pt l a round rnd of r applause plu rrum rrumUM rrm frumlb UM 1 lb breathless bnI audlron audlronAraldaomuohexciUrDflnt sudierAmid AraldaomuohexciUrDflnt Amld8muchezcltment Amid so much excitement the auctioneer auctioneerMr alctonNr alctonNrIr Mr Ir ROBERT RJ1T SOME 8KTI Soizavzuj TILL ran rn Mr Ir Jonx JonxIITONS Jo JoIM lonxaToM aToM IM a great at Turner Tue up to HOooo 1100 This Thiswas Ti Tihe Thiswarn was the highest of the th price pr of that tt no notable no notable ¬ table tble sale us Ie with IIh tb t the exception of those thoaewhich IhM thosewhich which hlche were paid pid Id for CHtrncits CBcn Niagara NiagaraSlZ500aBd S NiagaralL5Oand ra ra1Mad SlZ500aBd 1Mad foraMelssonlnr toraMellr JtlVW St A At Atof few fewof fewof of the t other otr remarkable rmrble price pr of 17H 17Hare 15711are 17 are an worth Inspection luto now In 10l IDO IDOo 1tO 1tONo < v vNo No o 42Yoirt Torrat of rcnUlMbUau Fu Hut 111 DS IA IANo 1 1No iPItia PItia UISO UISONo No No ML Olaadwsps I sda < pa CTtntof Ele rutBtoxr rutBtoxrBOO Onlt BOO BOOXo 13430No UM Xo ai ell SlVenlr > nl at Soawt Ratraan rDta In I Urad UradCMI Iraad IraadCanal IrandCn1 Canal CMI Znac 11310 11310fn l Ulo Jto JtoV V fn n 4 UNrQ > 3NeU N u Owra Qa air P 1 Pinsa r a Lwv LwvNo Lar 373 373xo 1 No OTA U A Drtttur Brnu 9brtibrdrw 9brtibrdrwBarroar Sfr In irLan irLanButos Barroar 8 sLOE tuoaaNo I sLOEo No o ItV UaAbm iAuUaa A tumn Uoralac Laadsrape Ln4p and aadCattl andCatti od odCtl Cattl Ctl TmoTow T aTno aTnoXn 7m 7mfn Xn W4 JPU 134Ptlb TaUi Tbroufb Tlucl th Wood TnT rosortloro rO tloro tloroNo 10 101 101No No UITb isiThophOa opbtU Palnwr Pa 9lr 9lrNo I tr J JInO JnsRr JnsRrItaysotna I I InO Itaysotna 110 13103 13103o No o I IW 44 Ludtaap Ld DrrnB DrrnBModerate na I 11341 11341Moderateaa Moderate loef14 as were werthtotahantI erltttlnd tho total and theaver theaversgen IherCN theaverages ages at the sale Ie of Jomr JoR TAT TAWrR TAvws win JonN JonNnroxs JonMIr JOUN9TON nroxs Ir s collection 1flon and nd immense Imm a an U I thn thnenhsjicemeot Ih IhtnhRrmet thuenhancumnt enhsjicemeot tnhRrmet of auction Aucion value h In many manycue mn mnIoc manycgaem cue since Ioc that lht not very fr remote mfl time lm It Ill Illet is isyet yet et possible plble to t pick out In that catalogue cataloguea cItlolf a number numb of picture plr by h artist rilt then thengreatly IbntII ths thsgreatly greatly tII in vogue 0 which wblch would wOlld probably probablyfetch pmhbl pmhblrth probablyfetch fetch rth a good eo dal d less 1 if put up II now no at atthe atIhe atthe i the Terkee Yerk sale saleA Me MeA A message from the American Atrkn People PeopleBe Pa Peoplecalm Be B calm calmThe CI CIT I IThe The T career C of th 0 t3 Hon lon JosKm O I CAN CANXOM CANICON ICON 2 from fm the te mjlking nldn stool 101 to t the Ibt Speak Speakers Krk Krker ¬ ers er T chair rlr proves prl that tht he ha h baa not needed neededcollege nf1 nf1cl1e neededa a college cl1e diploma diplom to t command cmmnd sticceM sticceMbut IlIWCesmbut but his hi hi experience Iprea with llh the only onl flK1 sheepskin sheepSkIrt sheep hfpkin ¬ skin he ever er won on aa s he hf relates ll it might mightnot olJht olJhtnot not to t have he the Ibf effect rt of closing dOln a mingle singlxinstitution mingleinatituition inrl inrlIfttlton institution Ifttlton of learning Imin in the Ih country countryAddressing countryAddremain llr Addressing a party pr1 of students in Wash Washington WhInS10n VwshIngton ¬ ington who had called to their IbiraJt h Cli pay p re respects ispecta ¬ spects aJt to t a powerful pral personality plnnlit Mr MrCANNON slrCANNON Ir IrCANKON CANNON told I thi story storyt Ior I attended Idr a law school 1 for ro sit U I moatbt mb la laIndiana II InIndiana Indiana Indl wbrn hD I at a young ne man 1 Then Th ttirr ttirrate II c 410 ate m 100 a II I I and D a diploma dipa I left I Indiana Indianaand Inl Indianaaiiii and 1 went D to 1 HUnoU IIUnoa I would uul b hat r kept pI rllhl rchl on onto 0 on4i to 4i ChIcago Itco It I t I bad Ia bo abl bl lo 1 stand no Ibr Ib ran ranOne conductor I Itor One ductor lor off o 1 A As > It wa 1 IIndf landed In the I rtr ratrsi l part partof pr sartuftbrMtalewttbiscrntatnzny of uftbrMtalewttbiscrntatnzny r tbr I StaW SI ttS lb Socnularar < i I f porrt 1 I r rnhet rnheta nt t tallttl II allttl a Iltttofll I < > ofafaad om and nd cotrrrdlt COI lot rredtt l far rG that and n mr 1 m lo 10 board boardI ru ruI I UM Wok > k that tll Stirrnu 34 Mnl rent and bad Ia mir 1 diploma hm tranirj tranirjTtfn In InTtrn trinieiThen Then Ttrn I ut down do a In mr m oar ana waltni I fur furilrnt rr1nl furlrnts 1nl ilrnt Mitv qtt U ilar a < went n bv b anil n1 not a I IIh irin irinrattle < r > w wratn rattle thrviifh the Ih door dor Trtn TI I took I thiit I tl tlploma 1 tII4oma ploma 1 > m down off ol of thr li th wall 1 threw Ibr ft I uo u thr Ih tour ror aiil aiiltramplrd 11 11trampled 1 1mp trampled mp on o It tirr that 1 I rut 1 It to hml h hI with witha a takknlti I DIf I hat h he nrrr n bad II another aolh dlpiuma dlpiumafrom oIlplumar IIpiumfrom from r thai lb dar d to tide tideUncle i iUncle Ilnel Uncle JOK did quite 11lil right In tnutiUt tnutiUtIn mlltilalI mlltilalInlC inuitilating I In InlC that ll I diploma with ilh his hi turvke1 turvke1all service It ItIII I all III jackknif A 4 evldertot nf his Illness fttnmvij IlIn IlIntu to pruotise rildl law zw It wan a KiM giluluni < d humbiic humbiiciiml unit ho had lietter luiVe I epsot > etit tll on a quire sqiuinIIIIMI quireIII 111 111In III IIIIMI M I the Ih thieOcentathat SO cents nthal that h lie pnid for friming frimingthe Iralilinelllift the iii thinic A s six i month law w courses 011 untl untlin in Indiana t If Isforu > fon the Ib war wart ar Wr W V > liluali for forIlHlx furId forI IlHlx I JoK when hn he confirm tmr en his I alure alurein IIha IIhain a114rill in the Ih bimineoM II n and ww tell him that talr if any anyune an anon anDli une on 11G1Ilnn puisuii UMH on this II threshold 1 of his hulIl hulIlI Iiiitiiiuts IIIIUIM I Ioffice Iund office I and hastily withdrew lbd thinking thInklt dm dmcretiou uliairstiutI I Iflln cretiou the lMtt I lusttr r petit of litigation Jlti < atln it was wasIWKIIM w wiseI I 1 IWKIIM > the Ih straY visitor wa was confronted I IL L uOo i II iinu NinicK O51U iiiiiiiii Ii 111111 iij U I inn I IC < irMiiim irMiiimdiplontk 1r5III 1111 I lii I I 1 1UIrn Itiulitiuliii diplontk diplontkTb UIrn rumIar Ie Ien sS sSTb Tb mpplr roPI nt foodtluitt I In lirrmanr c rmr h htn has > milt milth uI uIbeen h tn n kept pp up lo tbr Lb maslmum n tituir urr b I lnt InntIJo InntIJocrtMIII intenharloiltuuiv n l r rafrlniltnrv afrlniltnrv crtMIII the Lb rmptoyiarnt of modern mod martin martinrrr macbinPr rrr Pr 0 artrnilAe frrtlllratlon and d the III rmploimrnt mpto IIn mntr mntrmillion tOent f fmllllonaorfrmalr ftnttIonurfmae mllllonaorfrmalr million tm farm bards Tbr TII ThOrman Carman work workman norhnab on onman man par pa ai much at a the Ih Anwrlran for hi fiM haej haejlivpl NI NIIp l lrarrpt rarrpt Ip pwtabira po milk and n1 vrcrtattlr vrcrtattlrImlr tetahksmir < rla IP IPUnl mir Unl two 0 Atnrrtran siiiearnt l a cn rnt tl 10111 > ttr < t H Malta Maltaland < riijur riijurland 11 11In land In IHV 1 a agilnet atn 1 t four In I IB I ISA and unr n In Inrrnn lui luiOrman ihrtflanV Orman rrnn rtflanV > Irn sent rnt4T72 4 n I rn trance raorv I 14M A sA Hall 1 ar r V tus tusIda u uIrla uIrlaflnltlry Ida Irlaflnltlry tlunrarr l IWIdumM andlirrat ndi llrlliln llrllilnIn 11111In tlrttICiin In liraCrrat 1 i llrtlaln Impurim 1m T t Knn tf fUIIno1 fUIIno1nr Pound tiouniliof Poundof of rubber ubr and IId rinortrd n MMiin u1411ntuDd pound a tart urcrtnrrrar II III tarttuurva tnrrrar I uvrr tpna 1 lW In both iMithllraill I IIIalll bothHrazIl llraill riportrd 11 aNuil MOnnnx M 1 pound und < of if r club nihbrrln clubbet 1 1brlo brrln bet to ma I calendar fur half In flroi lfnl and half halfUi Ui I the II tnltrd Stat III It wa a < the i rct < 1 Iar Iarrap > rar rarriport ar a acapon capon rap of HraslUaa rubbrr on onAmecazi rrmril rrmrilAmrrlran r1 r1ntan Amrrlran ntan paunt trn rubbrr rnonnc nnl U In large larcmnd i imand 1 1mand > mand In western m Canada Kully 11 911 n ii rarload radImnr wrrr wrrrImportrd wereimported imported S In IHW IHWllomrttrad 1 1lIomIad 1531Ilomestsd llomrttrad entries rrt to Caaada In January Jnrylltln Jnrylltlnr into Ivinwrrr2aaaor intowere wrrr2aaaor were r 3S or tote tbn tll of January lann 1 Im Immlcratton 1mIDlcUon Smrniration mlcratton from tb ma tnltrd Inl hate Ila It I riprrtrd rP4 lo lorirrrd Ineareed rirrrd 11 lmno tbl ibis rrar rrarArrenllna ur urAlIn earArelttlnss Arrenllna fOP Out rrar are ar worth tIt tItAM ixm vw vwMn lAS4M Mn at t prrtrnl price whIch h11 arr M itghtu 1 < hMr tirlnw tirlnwthnar 11 11Ibn betuwthose those Ibn nf 011 lIDS hit < 11 Corn l lead art with IIM 11 VM GSO = fol followrd r1In folowed owed In br b wheat with IIMWIOUII IIMWIOUIIlk iflSEtiiltolierskattnrbashurotnppular lk 1101Ir ltolierskattnrbashurotnppular > llrrXatlnrba lIn < toll hrronMi popular Ir In mr ilplnr ilplnr1tlr 11n 11nnl IIirpcities nl cities < 1tlr of Swllrrlarxl 1IWlIrt tb atrrrl brine Inlf u ued rr1 Ttar Ttaram Th Thm Tbsam am m It I tmr of Uaoabrlm nrrmanv rmllr Amrrtran Amrrtranair mfrtnre mr1ranaata aata air < ar ara re popular popularlirrlal popular1laI popularMperIa lirrlal < Acrnt John 31 l Turner Turn of tnr th thnr Hurrau Hurrauat at Manufarturrt Inf IU witnessed th the drllrrrr al San 5anJuan InJIIn Santiin Juan Pnrbi 1 Kim W of a shipment nf I j n < n rar ra < of nfAmrrtran ofAmrtn ofAmerican American canned aJmon andnntrd and nd nlrd thatf Ih that great er1nd rrat lo lorrurml Insci5urrei rrurml nd from fault 11 parkin parkinAuttraJLaa paeklnttuutraiin AuttraJLaa trattall Import of cattle prohIbited br b thr thrquarantine III IIIqrnll thpqtiarantine quarantine art of n tm 1 are now no prrmltlrd prrmltlrdMrilm poormlllP4U Mrilm U 1111 will III continue olln the III frrr r xlml dmln l n of orr1I orr1IaUI mm mmuntil cornuntil until Mrplrmbrr 3D of OtIs I Imrtraa rear rrarAmrrtran reartmrtran Amrrtran riportrr 11n should prorurr rnrur revised lord lIst llttnf II IInf lIstof nf our n consulates mnul from nahtnclon InWlnn at many manrrbanrra lIIanrt1Inc manychant chant halo b nroirrrd fftd In tbf lat twn 1w n rrar rrariomr yporsom 0 0In In iomr om i nulalr IIr hay II been n ahollthrd 11 and nd olhrr olhrrrttabllUird ctflrratablIlbed rttabllUird rttabllUirdTbr bll bllThr The prrarnt pfl 4hnI 1 tram 18 railroad aIJ mllratr mU mlia In conll conllnrnlal roniltwntal nnllIal nrnlal Ial rump C la I 1 < 4 l Russia Inrlulln the Ihrllrr1an Ih Ihl1Irtan the3tltsOlan llrr1an rallwar Iradawttb ad lib 4111 i lil u mil followed followedbr II IIb br b Urrmanr rmanV will M101 and d Francr with l1h i At AtTbr The TIt rrnrral pr reaL at nf lnrrra Inl1 In Iwu 110 wa I II IImroparrd IImpad Itcompared compared with lIb a SIn la 1111 IDS Itnsl I l is n un mIle 101 cf f railway 11 were nprard fir f ftrtI furtramr firIrafflr Irafflr In all 11 Bratll IkasilIo Khjl KhjlTo D I ITn To TUB Kprroa nr 0 TUB TIC Sr Itll arxt Mr Do you on not notthink n nbln notthInk think bln II It I about 1Ieu time to admit that It you did not notundmtand Dotunderatand undmtand your ubrrt uft nhoi hrn II upon tlarrh tlarrhIBM A AIDa IBM I you 011 pubUthed thai famous amau edltarial IIGrt1 article articlewhich aro 1110 > le lewhich I which read as follow Thrur I ThnirS II D BarsBLn BarsBLnrTa JInIlLnrVrrntl flatuturrTapTfw rTa rVrrntl Mrmii Uaaa April 3 3Tartarlaa l lr 3Franklmi r Franklmi I Tartarlaa ° Mall MallTn MIITn MaliTo Tn to ha bern II all bow bn down downCrytn downCmne downCrYIII Crytn hall haulIi 1 11 1 a cratcful nation aIIOfttan BOW BOWfrank mowFrank frank bla II hI mall mallTl mallill Tl ill the Iraat ttal wr ran r an glee itrrr elrfU1ed gleetiideald U1ed U1edr r For r bla hI word atm wtadam 011I pearl prarliSrattrrrd twrtSfatlfnd pearl3eatteti Srattrrrd d mid wldaAb widAb midth Ab bet lart Ia Aft honor honorla r U UI tls tlsIs la I It I Its nod nodliul IIIIMSe IIIIMSeII modehut hut II on folk of laaarr 1 mark markIt It I bestowed bratowrdSoBMlfctac bestowedSemoittag WWrd I I5elIIla SoBMlfctac frarr rr Gal tha at m mCaat we weI weCI I hi med medCas Caat w vs alao ala par pa him ki Ia Iar caaa caaaParrocft rutYor Parrocft r Yor HId rs em4T UcLaiinea UcLaiineaa a l I 1 1I fflVO tKEADKS 1 IN WAR WARThe W4ftThe 41t 41tThe The band grenade rend which WM used freely frealrI rreelI la I th the campaIgn la I Ma L Luria un oa the theHuaaian tis tislIuMian Itltuaia I Huaaian aa a well 11 aa a on Id tbe Ja J JaQanese anree aid aidU side sideii Id IdI U I of course OII not a new nft weapon poD Tb The haad haadr heInal baailscenaul scenaul r nai nal waa In tiae ii In tt the early earl part of the thealxte IbelatHnlh besixteenth alxte sixteenth nth century ntllr We flail a ileacriplloa ileacriplloalo de lo a work ork hr Itapllata 111111 della Vail U published publUheilIn In SI Venire nlre In iXt n of shell or 0 grenade lo lotie 10he tohis tie hrown lit ham The Th were only onlrIllll onl a aII alittle Illll II acer O fr three Iii Inrhort IIlh in diameter and andI eI eII I I r ruernbIe4 > wmtj blo1 < In I ahap ab elhe the anvil or grenade grenadewhich irensdSwhich aad aadblcb which blcb save them their natn natnI nmI namHand I Hand grenades reDd were no tint used 11 la flair flairIn lIal lIalIn I In the def dffnce iMp of fortification work nb and atxlla andin Dd DdIn In th the war In n the Nelherlarvla I her Ib plar plaran played rla1IdI I an Important part In the Ih assault 1 on Warhten Warhtenilonk WahtltDrtoak Warhtendonk ilonk In I I IMoII M In the course of o th even meccaeefltli7 eventeenth eD11fDDlh I 11fDDlh teenth renturr Mllhl thus weapon gained coo IOIJooIInII eonI I llnuallr In Importance In sieges aleceThe siegesThe lftCNThe The older form nf the Ih hand crenada crenadaleh1 grndsweighed r nad nadwelihed weighed leh1 about 11 two I pounds anal nd consisted contlatedof onolal onolalor of a hollow cast t Iron 1m aphriral shell filled filledwith ftllslIh fliedwith with lIh one nn and nd a half pound of o powder and andprovided andProvided nd ndnlldd provided with lIb a fnae I After Igniting lb lbrll lbfuse fuse rll hy means of a match Ihe lb grenade wa waawunc w wune wasswung swung une around OIIn bribe b by Ib the hand h In order lo eel eelIhe Clltlhe gellb Ihe lb fu rUM lo 0 burn well ell and 1 w was then lb thrown throwntoward throwntoward I toward the Ih enemy nem It often happened that thatthe tbatIh thatthe the Ih ahell burst prematurelr and Dd blew bl oft oftthe otrIhe ofthe the hand of the h aoldler uinldierbtiiItnq 1Iftr hurling It Itand and andIhn some aometlme somelimps limps he waa himself Irk hr fragment fragmentnf nf the ahell when hftn he failed lall to throw It I far farenough larnOtleh farenough enough from him himSkill blmMkill himSkill Skill and n valor In were f essential lItlai condition conditionfnr oDdlUourn for rn throwing crenaile and nd onlr brave and andakllful awlskilful d dakllld akllful men were ft available IIhl for this duty dutyouia Lout ouia XIV In IM7 I directed that In eu euomn aeh aehrompanr aetcompany company omn tour such men should be aelerted aelertedonce Ied Iedon once on for In alland trained trln In the work ork they theywere the theee theyWetf were ee called lIeo1 from the original nam of th theapon the Ibepon theweapon I weapon pon grenadier were re hlghljr IIIM regarded regardedand re arded ardednd and nd received rKtI helter Ue par pa than ordinary ordlnarraoldlra ordinarysoldier ordinaryaoldler soldier Later they lb were united Into ape apeaia1 pe pej aia1 11 j companies battalion and fInally roil reglnynt re roiltqnt < l lnl nynt nl Other armies rml Imitated the lb bll French Frenchml Frenchmu mu ml n the lb grenadier regiment In cones conaeVjtience con conesitlCfle Vjtience 1111 of being tMriD selected 1 led man and specially speciallytraIned sperlallrtnlned peclalllralned traIned became meD anelllecorp an llteeorp Thenregi Thenregiment Tbeee roil roilmnta ¬ ment ttlll retain Iln the Ih name of grenadier grenadierIn lIdl lIdlIn In the European armies although their theiroriginal theiroriginal I original weapon has haalon long been obsolete obeolleThe obsoleteThe The more field artlllerr was developed developedand and nd with lIh It Ibm th firing IInD of 011111 shell th the more the thehand Ibehnd thehand hand grenade lost t In Importance In Ih IhNapnlennle Iba IbaInnl thNapoleonic Napoleonic Innl win U I la hardly Ti6S n4usssi n4usssiBull 6l > l na naRue u un Rue n In the siege nf Hebailopol Kebo Ol this weapon weaponrame waponcam pon ponmlnln cam mlnln Into playonce mor both en th thFreDb thFreDbnd the > Franco Francoand Frenchand and nd on the Russian side In ll lieu u of east caatIrnn CIIrnn eastiron Irnn ahell however Ihe bMleged beele ud udmalnlr uaedI usedmaInly maInly ordinary glass 1 bottle Oiled wltb wltbpowder wltbpowdr withpowder powder the lb flies ru stuck Idllin In the neck Del Is I the thecivil lb thericH I civil war a small bomb similar to tb Ile band bandgrenade bollrend bandgrenade grenade rend with percuaoion ICUaaloA fuse f1 wa was a used uoedometlmea usedsometimes sometimes at close quarter quarterThen quarl quarlTbeu quarterThon Then lbs tb weapon appeared to paw p into lotaoblivion JDrooblllo intooblsvion oblivion la tb the b great European Euro wars of oftb orIbe ofthe tb the tatter IU bait nf lb nineteenth century nlur no nohand nobad nohsndgrttadewrumad hand hsndgrttadewrumad gratia aranad de were ued u It waa wainolunttlf not until unllJrbe unllJrbealftpor the thealereof hesiegeot alereof Port Arthur that tbl tbts weapon poa again againappeared againapperal c11IpPHI appeared The Japanese took It I up fret flraiTher ftrstTb fretThey They Tb began btt n br b using I1I11D tin can Da filled 1111 with withdrnamll wilbdnmll withtIrnamlIe drnamll and provided with It a fua fu but butI butIhl butthis I Ihl this hi wa AI a very indifferent sort of weapon weaponwhlrh weaponwhich POD PODhlcb which hlcb not only 001 flan failed but In many manrraae maoTr manyeases eases r became of u UM lo tb eoemr MIllin because berauthe beeUMIh the Ih fuae rU burned ao alowly that aa D opponent opponenthad oppoaeathallru had hallru Urn lo throw It back before It exploded explodedIalrr explodedI Iplodedlalfr Ialrr I atr however howe apedllr y ronalrurted bond 11 A C I aur w Upt omo eflU Sn n orriiiu UU UUpldl riley rileyrapidly rapidly pldl led to their sleoslr ne Soon Soonthe 800nIhe Soonthe the Kutalana tried them and flnallr they theyer theywere were er r employed In great numbers not only onlyIn oal In the lb liege If but also 1110 by b itch lIeldmI lIeldmITb armies arnileTbe armiesTb Tbe Tb hand grenade reD ud by b the Japaoeeo Japaoeeowa Japan Japanwas wa was that of Marten Hale an a engineer of ofthe orIhe ofthe the Cotton Powder Company at Favervham FavervhamIi Ii conal eonststa fa of a brass br tube about a Inrbe Inrbelong IDrblua long lua and oet It I lab In diameter con containing conlaming on ¬ i laming 10111 < US v S pound uf 0 lunlie a mixture mixtureuf mllluro uf o r iual < i parts rli of fiowilered guncotton fiiBcettcnand IElCGUGnn1 t tini and n1 barium nitrate nltr At Ib the upper end ml I Ifn IfIfIItJ is isfntned fn fIfIItJ en l a rnMt rot about eighteen loch long longr Ion Ion1I01i111e longfir r fir < > r stInging the I grenade At its lower 10 end endthe fIndhili enilS S the wrcu lon fuse rll and ad around the thei Ih IhlIoIrI1 thesIjolfrai i rliailrlcal liraM hr tub a abort distance dlllla from fromi i iii lie It fu fuis e > end ini I is a niible < > ring of 0 alee sieui I or nrrnttght orIlth orarcoictul rnttght Ilth Iron e n groove grnoyd aa to break b up uptthen 11 II IIhn a t tahe tthen the th grenade nad eiploile 1plod plodns Into twenty twenlTfour tfDlyfOllr a four fragment equal 111I In size sir 11 The l1 > e grenade grenadei oad oadI aI t i ald hi to burst bll very r energetically send aendIng 1IIrndIne sendlog I log Ihe Ih fragments nwol with lIh great force 10 In all alldirection allulirettIsins 11 11lIrllon direction In the Ih late 11 war I th the h effect tr1rrn wa wanftrn wasatten nftrn reH nolllll1 FeIWItI4 > rte l a as lerrlBo Ky r wltoense wltoensereM dInes Itnf ItnfrI I Ireport reM rI report > rt that at t time ten men were fre killed killedbv kill killlIIel bv a Miigle lIIel grenade and n1 that lho those struck struckwere tuckIfnhl struckMccl were lerrtttly mangletl mangletlIn In till of ll r elective fleet ITO action when ba II IIencode encode 100 thus h uncertainly DIntlal of tb the new band bandgrenade bDdi I t grenade I very r great < rest ant oJ D a large Ir for > er erieni4gent r rne t ieni4gent ne 01 inwHre mhen inlsflrssmii miil r toe > e counted on but butthat bth r I that h i InIIII > rlnil lly prevent It I its latrcxlucllon latrcxlucllonin I in Kumpean fIn armies rml at 1 the h present lime I ii iiI I t 1 f I h1 I I still i 1k h I a root troofe < i isliug liig II lh lhepr Ihue frillier Mr throw Ihr rexiulre rexiulrei reitiiregrtt reit aklll 11I tilt when hn aucceiMfully rlIl eieruted eierutedhe fCIII fCIIIh Ieculfdlihe lihe he h grenade f can n IM h sent nl flfly i or > r fIfty flfryrt fIftynil i rt nil > e v yard ala nl from the thrower Ibo With lea leaeii I IfIIIOIn leezpzInced > eii fIIIOIn zpzInced > ilenml men howev ho however r thIs o ill ilistanea ilistaneais 111 tanri tanrirarelr 1 is rarelr nltalneil InI Inderxl fragments fr < mfnl often nfienHt Ht n txik h a SM far f a es this Ih throner Ibro and nd II I is r rx cc cclortel lortel x > rtr l hat in the h ManchiirUn camtwlgn camtwlgnfullr earniaIgnItilIr nrlc nrlcrlI fullr rlI one flO half of the Ir grrnail < nI thrower Ihr were werethenvMive f I thenvMive wniindnl ndllo In this way wayHale weyh r rI I Hale ha b nl also > a trench nI for blowing liP liPI I I bridge bI Ar ilmilar lo the Ih other but b with withI lth I a stoC lo fu r flies > In place 111f of the Ih wrriilon ftc fueThe fll fllft ftciti The ft ili siinitcnntageus iilvinttt e nf throwing br h hand handI I hive ht town l n iiverntme mf It m I akl 1 by h arranging arrangingi i a crennle eri thai can 1111 lu tIred from the Ih mu mural mllnlnI le leni ni 0 the 10 nrl Ihe throwing rope r I is replaced replacedto fpl fplI 1 lir I a tniM titus tqsI rex I about eight In < hn h long longnhti In Into longshhuh nhti to shhuh hit h 111 n Into the th morale uf the h rifle III The Thefuw Th Tbfuis fuw > w s al sled 1 o different lu I Inaur greater greaternfeiy relraf < I nfeiy af hut h It I III atlll 11I a percuaalon 11 ton fuse fl Th Thgrenade TIIarn TbI I grenade arn t fired from the Ih muixle of lh lhI Ihrn the therift I rifle rn l h mean nf the Ih ordinary otn cartridge crlrld crlrldlIh cartridgeaith I with lIh the h lull remnvej mo tin II Initial velocity velocityi 1011 1011or i is of iinirve very null mInce flln the lb grenade grenadew crel14ln1 w flreil not no from the bore of n the lb rifle nn but butonly bIllnlY intlonly only nlY out lit f II t tie tu mural end I and 11 It I its trajec trajecinry t rJetory tory i is greativ c I iiiMed 1 It its mailmum rang rangM rn rnlot M almiit 100 Vi J runt runtIn uris urisIn 1 1III In nnllnarv nnlln fIeld n action lIon the h hand granad granadi i ran n hate I ties little nipllcalinn aIpIirat ion but In the Ih attack attacktat 11inlInn i on fnrlinraiiunv nf o nil kindr km II may he of o of ofgreat I great f I valii Kirlng Irlnn In A rtirved < trajec trajecmrv Ir Iron trajectre mrv nter n ihe Ih i arat gieralwt > < ei II ran n reach the Ih de deI d dIhlnel dctuilers I fender behind their hl rover r without h endan endangering endangerlng neln1II1t ¬ gering 1II1t H Its own iriM iriMBoth troop Unoltlt trooplIotli > > Both tlt ih the 10 French nct1 and n1 the Ih SpanIsh hare hareadnpteil b bpI1 haveadopted adopted pI1 thin hi new n weapon pon and nrlllt ii used < i It In Ih Ihwar IhIn thwar war In Mnrnccn it t the Ih beginning of 0 lb tbwar lbr lbear war r th tile Kretxh h nei III what h material they theyhapl IherhII theyhapptiuI hapl happtiuI > rne < l In have h on hnnd two melinite meliniteartrtilae 1II tne4lnitocartrttlg lnlle lnllertriI artrtilae rtriI were r tied fngiMher oorrlh and n prnrlded prnrldedwith prldffilIh froritluwlwltha with lIh thrnwlng rni rope 01 > e Ivnilian Igliltionnauffeeted Igliltionnauffeetedby wan effected effectedby by mean n of r a Ilirkford fll fits nee which hlhlIehl was waalighted waslighted lighted lIehl filet 11 before Iro throwing Th The f If fuse fusewas e ewaa was nil f a as hort > a po puslllu nlil ow n aa l 11 Ii < i prevent preventtheeiieinv prentIhft prereitithatuttv theeiieinv Ihft 1If1II from miii throwing It tmck k again In To Toprevent Torf Toprevent prevent rf n thi entirely a i Irlllon rrii on fuse r r111I0011 was waalntirtle wasItiprneieol lntirtle > l atwl 1 ln 10rt1 rl t at a one on end fn 1 nt 4 She Ihecombined Sheotuhurni h houhm1 combined rarlrldite white bll al 1 the Ih other olh olhIalm a apalm atam palm tam liranrh with lib the th lenvew 11 removeil fetnosjuwjrept rno e erepl III repl 11 It the lb 10 ritreme IU 4ril 1 M attacie < 1 ro roin moas as in make m ilie h ltu grenade rti fir with llh thus Ih fue fueend r his hisini end ini 1 ilown do eas ll lnirk t the Ih earth rtb Ttiene Ttienewere Tb Tbr Theawere were r all tery n ionic r arrongeineDt franlnnleflllfnlh ltittse ltittseiuiiq < I > IIM IIMiltiently > iltiently iuiiq tly She French linvernment Introduced IntroducedMHlallv InlrochlJ1IAlh intiodtics4a a mictsll MHlallv cnnviniflrxl hand grenade ftnad which whichMM MM flmt 11111 iiaed onlr not hI I he h artillery rtlll supports aupportului pport toil later also 10 bv 10 tb the Infantry and the fIeld neldengineer 11101fnalnr fIeldenginesca engineer fnalnru enginescaIhue 1 u Ihue he nre rreanl enl nl French h hand nd grenade conaiat conaiatnf eonautsof tl tlor < nf n cat cad iron n shell s little littleover over ISIbrheitln ISIbrheitlndiameterharsed J 3 lorhlaIIm ibrhes in inulIamelerharcui diameterharsed IIm with lIh a iiuarter nf a pound poundof POlin POlinor of t hi lilnak la < k powder The fh fuwt rl u Ignited IDU In InIhrnwlnir Inthoiltr inthrowUig Ihrnwlnir the 110 grenade by 10 imltlng back on Ihe Ihethrowing lit litholntr lbthrowing throwing rope r aa e the Ih grenade fnldlll atari rl In It Ittrajectory its lIatro itslrajestOry trajectory tro it IIlhfn then act sits 1 aa II a time fuse ru runar caua caualngeTiln reusing lngeTiln ing nar p plosion innflfler oiler f about five n second ehd This Tblgrenade Thisgrettaule i ifn grenade can a Iw I thrown only nn about twenty twentyyard Illnt twentyysruls yard 1 Innmeniienlty It III I is need 11 only 011 when hn the thethrower lb lbIh lbthrower thrower Ih I is protected prolI by a lrlft > > irr > et or other othercover nthrnfI othercover cover In liU hi front For training the Ih man In InHit I ii iiits Hit u all 1 unloaded grenade fn are r aaalgned aaalgnedto ened enedIn to ea aih h companr olllllln or f Infantry and n battery of ofartillery oftill ofartillery artillery till and n1 Ihe Ib engineer ftnelnHrllrreQuJred a are required to loiraotl torIIII topractime rIIII iraotl e with tlh them themThe I IhetflThe hmTbtt The Spaniards have ba adopted dpl the Marten MartenHale tarl1IIII Matnlisle Hale hand grenade tnad and n1 Ire quaotlUea quaotlUeawere qWUJUUIIarurnlhed quanuuewere were furnished to Ii Ih the troop trno flghUng at atMelllla a111I atIelilla Melllla 111I Each grenadier ndl carries t rrl four gre od grenadee grenade ¬ nade d In a pouch p provided porld for toe purpoa purpoaHale pwpoelisle Hale has ba recently perfected hi his grenade nenadeIb1 ao sothat that every e on can an be used for or any D one 0 on of ofthree otIbpupn ofthree three Ibpupn purpose aa e a weapon pnn thrown by bltand bltandODe band banda a as on ODe fired from an Infantry rifle or as a shighly aIcbl ahighly highly Icbl xplove IPI cartridge rrid It U I tb moat moatperfect moatPfrect mostperfect perfect hand grenade now D extant and Dd baa baabeen Ita ItabeNn hasbeen been adopted as s basis b for further devil development ctetl1000DIdt devilopmen ¬ 1000DIdt opment miiiii opmenmiiiii > J ro roJ I INKevm or I r THE LAW LAWsf LAWLaMpy 4 4t t LaMpy Fat sf a Cnf CnfSa Cs1i1rnima Mi I IAstmg sfto Astmg to 1 54jd Faith FalttiTbat FaItItKeCUlor FaithThat That aa a executer who ho acts a I under WId a will willaot willnot IIJ IIJao not ao ret probated does d so a at t his h crave < ra peril perilI I II th the kernel of s recent derWea ct of th thCourt the theCourt h hCourt Court of Appeals In this Ih Stale In the III case caaof n nof caseof I of Podd agalnat a < alDa Andr Anderson oa as admlnktl admInistrator admInistratorJudge dmlDlelrlorIud ralor ralorJudge Judge Iud Werner speaking kID for the united unitedtwacb WlIedbeDcb unitedbench bench sayn saynII beDcbaa II laaaaacteat is aa aadelal legal prov provert rt > that bard lIlIfde raw rawoak easesste oak e baa U law The ease al bar aptly pll Wualrawa WualrawaUM WIIuaplara UM ha Icmntaitoai plara to overlook rtootr ar tenon Bird legal legalprtoctBit ellprt legalpdadee prtoctBit prt d when m ta 11II they y are opposed la prrauaalv prrauaalvO pTmuaYcqwlee O qwlee td IHa TB plaintiff nlii la I lb effort < ort to tarry rT1 oat oatIh Oil Oillb oStthe Ih the aulamaly 1IIIIb expressed with W ln of f his 1 deceased drceaaedunrte deceasedund Hf HfaDCio und decided r4 to arorpl p IB e effle of executor for forwbk rrWIIId forwti wbk WIIId b he had tx been n named and net I only nal ottered otteredtor olkf114for oefm4for for probate Ih lie paper purporting In be a will willbut wilthis 11 but waged aa scare prolonged 1M and expensive expradvceataet nprtl nprtlODD expensiveosaWal ceataet ODD to establish It III validity lIdll All Ate Lbl be II did didnot didDot not 1 tar hlmMlt bat for hth bllJu r and nd In doing It Ub Itlam ItIs b Is mad lam cXBeodltarra predlII which Irb will 11I bare II to tob 10114l1one tobe b 114l1one be born by Bin ante trnIrea he ran be reImbursed out outof outof of 0 Ih the tatata Wall aura rtrcumataarea quit quitnatnraBr quiDtllnB quitsutsrsy natnraBr at appeal to ft the ollldlYidual individual rn enset DlluII DlluIII ot luailee luaileeeaaael 5ustteeIbey Ibey eaaael I be ptrmltled rmlt to laflurnc Judicial Judicialthey Ju4ldlldr JudicIaldecisi dr decisi a uakN they tit are re tupportrd by b legal CIIIa CIIIadplr prln prlnctpVa prindpi ctpVa ctpVaThsceort dpi dplrno dpiThecoert Thsceort no cotU overthrow Ih the decisions of th thAppUat IhAppelkte itAppellate Appellate Division and Special Term aad aaduataln aadauta andsustains sustains auta the Ih demurrer to the Ih complaint on oaIhe onlb I III Ihe II lb ground that It t failed flletllo to set t forth Inrt h a cauae cauaeof cu cuot causof of action These n tat are of Interval IntervalTh 1 Tb leatator died dl In IW3J leaving a last laatwill lastwill I will 111 executed In conformity with lIh all 11 th thtantory lbelatutory the thestatutory statutory requirement Th plaintiff Ialnllrr who whowaa whowarn ho I warn designated a as on one of the Ih exeeutnn exeeutnntherein areiitnritbrein n nIberelD therein offered olle tb the will m for probate In lh lhlurrogat the IheunOr thefurroute lurrogat Court Two of the decedenta decedentachildren decealentachildren fIIhn1I children child Immediately began a contest which whichreculted whichresulted hlh hlhlted resulted lted In th It denial of probate on Ihe Iheround IhlllCfOUDd Sheground round that the lb testatnr at the lime nf th thexecution the Iheel8cutlon thesiecutton execution of Ih Instrument was Ihe victim victimof of certain rtala insane deltialona which blh Incapacl Incapaclfated loa tocaperitated l ltated tated hint from making a will III Th The plain pllnUft plaintilt tilt la bl his effort to sustain the Ih will 11I spent upenrover spentover nt ntOIIT over Wooo Ut for counl fee 1 and illaburae illaburaernenta iliabsiracmeats 1Ihtl 1Ihtlenlll meats enlll After the rejection ntlttellOIl nf the Ih paper paperIh lIIrIh paperthe Ih the Surrogate lIrroI appointed appo nled the defendant defendantadministrator rirltld rirltldadmlnletralor defendantadministrator administrator of th the mate tI Then the theplaintiff theplalatili h hpl1UIr plaintiff presented I t hi his claim al which wa wadlaallnwed w wdleallned wasdisallowed disallowed and nd upon this claim 1m the milt at atl atbat 1 1bar bar l > ar wa w brought The Th administrator con coneeded ronSed eonedwi > eeded that the Ib plaintiff had no peninlarr peninlarrIntrreat Intrreat under Ihe lb will willi acted aI In perfect good goodtallh 10011rllb goodfaith faith on the aaaumptlon aaeump on that Ih It wan valid validand catbiand lid lidnd and nd wa was expressly following th the laatnic laatnictlon Il18tIUo InatruntUrns tUrns Uo of the testator In offer It for probate probateThe rmh rmhTh probateThe The Th Court of Appeals further lurth find that the theexpenditures th thZPtndlltjtea thexpndIttle expenditures were 11 reasonable taking I In Into Intoaccount InloAftOIln intoaccount account the elleal sir ie of the estate 1 and the nature natureof nllreof of the contest la th the Surrogates Court CourtThe CourtThe ourl ourlThe The theory upon which Ihe complaint complaintwaa IOmplalntuIln was sustained uIln la the lower 10 and appellate appellatecourt appellatecourts pella pellafUrta court < la a that a p person roa who bo I III named namffianCior a aexecutor as ass1ector executor In a paper purporting rportln In be a will willhoutd willhouliS willshould should not b be compelled to decide In ad advance advane d da ¬ vance a whether he will m renounce nce the lb trust truatwhich tnatwblb trustwhich which hat b been repeaed lo him or accept acceptIt 11 It at the Ib risk of being charged with the thecoat thfttelata thecosts coat and expe expeeaes I ea of 0 a contest If Ih I the paper paperand par paCllrudlclaur paperIs U judicially udlclaur declared lo be Invalid aa aawill a awill will 11 that when baa b be seta In good faith and andwith a awith an andwith l lwb with da dae diligence M hIs fld OdUty Uty to duty du ihnuld ihnuldcoct ibon ibonnot hmuldSot not b be rewarded with ltb pecuniary pe lo Ion that thattb Ih Ihlbe thatth tb lbe attempt to 0 probat the th e will la I for the thebenefit Ih IhbelJelU thebenft benefit of tb 1M estate late being 111 mad either eitherupon eitherupon UberUpO upon the lb exprea QI or implied direction nf nfIh ofth f ftb Ih teatator ttal and Implying 1m Imried I a correlative corrlatlvepromt corralalleprom correlativepromise prom promise that lb tb tbe estate tai f shall at11 reImburse la I executor executorJudge 11I zcnttorJtldgs tnr tnrrld Judge rld Werner obrvs that I this Ibl theory theorywhile tlleo tlleobll theorrwhile while bll wjpported aullPOl1 by b repectabl llCtabI authority ulltot ulltotSa Sa Sa a number of luridlctioa U I oevertbe oevertbefaltadou nr11utbele 1 le fallacious and ad deceptive that howrer howrerpentiaalv horerpersuasive persuasive pen U mu must t fall before bero certain In Inxorabl Inorahle iniorabi xorabl law I governing omlll decedent estates eataleAmong NIIMA81DQlf estatesAmong Among I bee law 1 ar are re the lb principle that thatthere Ih thatthere there 111 can be no executor Inr where there lite la laBO I IsDo BO will 11I that III without ltbou a will 111 no letter Iu testa testamentary 11181IIIPntar testamentary ¬ mentary can lu that until letter teats teetarnentary IIamnlary teatsrnentary rnentary or of admlatatratlon ar ars la I Ibr issued issuedthere ued uedthere there br can be no legal representative rep nlII and andtbat andthat nd ndtbt that s poraon Darned Dam a II executor IfCIor In a paper paperpurporting paprpurpor paperpurportIng purporting purpor a to be a will I a under no legal legalobligation legalobligation aral araloblftratloo obligation to accept acceptThe acceptTb The lh court find support for It Ita contention In a are few decisions drei lollll In other Htate court courtIncluding courtncluding 1 1lodln Including < times of Ohio Connecticut South SouthCarolina Sotubamll SouthCarolina Carolina amll Mlnelaalppl lINlaalpel Pennaylvanla and nd Illlnola It It t make a clear c r distinction between betweenthose bt1fItnIh those Ih IN class C In which I the he will III wa never neverproved neverproved r rprn1Id 1 proved and In case r where th the probate pmhatewaa pmbalw was w reversed nof on appeal tAl > granting rnIlD < certain certainright rrtlnribr certainrights right In th tha latter Iu daaa cJ of eases to depord depordexecutor d aipnsedeleoltors d d1IffU executor 1IffU 10 In conelutlon Judge Werner Wernermake WofrmlI erncr erncrmakes make the Ib following suggestion auggeatlonThe The result ult to which we are brought hv II Ihrte IhrteeuntklrranVn the theconUdraflen h hnald euntklrranVn nald t Is r trrmrlv > untnrtinar tn h such sucha ucna rtr rtra I raw a tbl thIs miter one In rood faith 1lIbn arrept a alrul arust rust n rrpowd po In him br oov 0 who b attempts tn tIn tInIU make makea InstwIll will IU but b the III remedy If one 0 on I drtJrablr s rablr mini minit mU1r mitprovided r > provided by the I l legislature r and nd not n by b the Uircuurtv theouurta cuurtv I 1 1I 1 Till TII iroirv WOIt OrT orrvTfll CONTTtTION CONTTtTIONEnough O fTITCTln vTfll Enough I In It Its Day Ptt Rut Nw w made lnadIe f ftioate tqeate tioate Ie for the III > atlun atlunTo U I ITo ITo I ITIm To in tee EnTree orTnii np Tnll Hry Hr rN Sir Si ar When WhenTim bo C CTIm Tim Campbell said XVhat Wb I the Ih ronlltii t ftlun tI thin tlun between friends1 the th whole hol country 11 11tuvself I Iurself tuvself included > i laughed at 1 this hl apparently apISnl appsrentlidiculous jl jlridiculous 1 1rilnlo ridiculous remark i iKilt II tStill Kilt U further consideration convince nln II sue i ithat 1 1I Ihat that Tim Imlldrxl ulld better than be b knew IInf i t tand tn tnsi and n nsi the th only fault to find with lIh the th remark I t twaa I was that II 1111 rltlclam was iunflne ontln I ID IDfriend I 0 m friend friendThe 0 The 1 fact f I IlIlbat is that the Constitution was made t a hr h men who ho could not foretell ro III of cmir rustrelbs nlf I I Ithe Ih the h future rutll and wa made to 0 fli n > i tuiilittts llllmt i taltanietrially diametrically different from the iii Irnl IrnlIt > re ni niIt It Is I seldom Idorn reorted to nun 0 etiept CS fI > t In Intricky I II tricky I rtr k corporation ropor1 Ion lawyer lawyerWo I wJ a Wo W ahould houl b gorvrned by b common sense senseand en i iand and Dd juallce lInt not by a duciiineiit dull1 one on hundred hlllt1Dd I e eand eand and Dd fifty IHI year y arll old I t II I IMW I MW aw YORK 11 April 1 I f The Fine Art Art la I Han Kansas aa Irrj IrrjTo t tTo 4I 4ITo To THE ng FDITOH OP THE Htx Sr x sr n ho hobeen h hbatto habeen been rIo la II history bllo that within even sevenlays evenitay n nta lays ta Kanaaa naaa City cinched < l a million dollar uiniiarboat 011 011boat boat tin line a thirty tbln million dollar Ialler lsssengerelation ui enger engerUtlon I IullooDd elation ullooDd and l4OMonn In n bond ihee I h to toInclud Inloclud toinclud Includ an 0 art n museum lunt that going goingaorne 1I0lnzom goiflgsome some om Rib for or Kansaa Kanaaallty KanaaalltyIfOWACD City CityHOWACD CityItovt HOWACD R HrainTox HrainToxSecretary IIrllItTQICHftcorel lfralx1ocSeerelary Secretary Hftcorel Fine In Art rt rts Institute InstituteKNSt IDIWlll1t Institutegays gays 1t 1 sq CITT tTT Aprils Aprilse p1I II IINo eNets Nets > e > lee t lalec Inteswatisa1 tla al 1 lead leadNova Iratffw IratffwXov Nova No 5raua I buying Amrrlran mrlr lumber Iml and andAmerican andAoitlcsa nd ndAawrkll American automobile 11bl freely All but h four ou or tee oteof Ih Ihlb teeof of ih the thirty atlr or 0 forty ort auto to In Varmuiib ml1h niuaty niuatyor or of American nan make makeToday ma maTd makeToday Today tbr Aartwr eI of Singapore mnc the III eIghth rlbtbgrratetl eIghthgrestestporltn IIIIb IIIIbe lair grratetl e grestestporltn port rt In the tswurtd world l1ot Itcrowdrd ndP4 with 1111 vr cet cetfrom r rfrom 1 1rona from rona all 11 countries colin except pl tIle Ih I nttrit States I < In InIBOS inIan I Ian 1 aZ34 Zi4 U vrl 1 with th a toonafr too toQna of IJ1O7 U to tornlcrrd wpnleffd ii iientered entered the III port Of thi this r rrrat number nm Jutt st one oneamall oneimall n nall amall all craft nfft 01M ot M ton flying the III tIAra ala and Mtrtpri Ilrt Ilrtla altipsrain Mtrtprirae rae la with 1 ballast ball and wa w Hold 112 to Ibr 111 hIghest bl hIghestbidder l lblddr l lbidder bidder la the last four years a only 0111 four r Amer Amerlean Amrk Amerlean lean k vessels Ia bare 1Ia been aura IIIIIIDd there and oat 00 of Drroc those lhoewo thosewas wo a roc built steamer Bjlng the American Amrrlranfiaf tag II Otrrtl3 Our Oert3iJ1Otworth 111010 M > an worth h of good It thlpprU thlpprUeach 1 1rICh Jpsjeach each year from Mntaporr I the III gateway C between betweenthe bel belIb betwsthe the Ib Occident and the Ib Orlrnt to the failed Stale StaleIn SIa SIala atatIn In Chile the Ib outlook tooll for American trade I Ibrighter Ibrtelllff Ibrighter brighter than at any n time for many rear > ran The TheRorrrnmrnt TIleoOmmrnll meCoreritment Rorrrnmrnt 1 iii making many men Improvrtnrnio Im such turba 11 11all a as railway all wagon c road harbor or > work h hI Ar Arlhat Lemit lhat I ar are n opening valuable Ibl mineral and andturat od agricul agricultural e elural ¬ tural land nd Machinery Wbln furl tool and ad ma material mlalar terialt terialtare are ar entered COIfr free f of r duty dll to encourage tb the devrl devrlepment dcccleptnent epment m ol ollbe IU country COuo A As yet the lb Inlted lnll Mate Matetupplle I Iupll 31stsupplIes supplIes upll only 1 V4 H per era cent I of the Import 1m II against cn aln t tIt It pet cent for ro Great tlrlUIn and nd I 8 per rrni for forrrm rrrmnr forermanT rrm rmnr ny Th total 1 Import la IBM 1 amounted amountedUitsnjmnn mounl mounlf4t Uitsnjmnn f4t aiU41I tn value Iq of which IIIb H JAJo 4 no > A 01 entered enteredfree mrrdr enter4free free r of duty dUI Tbr mecca la Import 1m II la lea years yrarwat rnSo8IDIm yearsvs wat SM So8IDIm So8IDImTM nMin nMinTTM TTM va rut t enterprise e for fo the lit rerlamatlon of ofUnopotamla ofUIA ofuopotstmia Unopotamla will 11 redeem P4 and nd Irrigate Irrt < ltMnnao ltMnnaoWIT ILOEJUacre WIT Since n Au August uu < ul Ut ijno to ijaoo laborer laborerhat laborershale hat Ia hale bera al sork > ork on the Initial project rorolID la north northern arthfM1 northera ¬ era Mnopaiaaila A full report for public rrfrr rrfrrme rf rfcots r rI me cots I on file n In the burrau of manufaeturea manufaetureaWathlncton Dutulu maouftunasbington DutuluoblnlMI Wathlncton I n nIIIlb > C CIllth i i111gb Illth grade automobile are In n great e greatin drmand drmandla JClDA114 JClDA114n la n western rn Canada Cn the It trade Urtng done tarrrly tarrrlythroufh Ian IanIhcb largelythrough through ttrtnnlprg Orders are reported for fo fomecbtnrs S3 S3nacblnra aslDllln nacblnra valued Iuflll at about a I1ronan to b be dellv dellvered dIIs ered before fore June All through the lb entire Ure Uref Wrtt Wrttorder Weatceded order for f autamoollr IOIItfJbtI ar n bring gIven la I far fargreater r reTa targreater greater eTa number than rrer pr before About I HAW HAWton IJAJIt 13011ax ton will 11 b be Invratnl In Ifd In machlnr thi year yrarThe yearme rr rrI The I Toro Klen KI Kalha ha II has reprre 1f1trtWftIaIlTn taltvr la laUIN In31dm 31 31dm riica city n arranging arra < IDe for rOD aa exhibit itdht of Japanese JapaneMproducta JpaD JpaDrocJ JapaneseproductS productS rocJ 1a In that rlty rU Drat nn September lelwmbffn SePtemberTkeIlmaties SeptemberTheSmalteal TheSmalteal n mn rat ratTo I wahIsglI wahIsglITa Ial IalTo To ran roiTos r ITO or 0 TUB TR 5rx Srxsr ir In I the III In Inlereal laIf IsteTest lereal If of hla historical lortcal 1Ortr orcti accuracy racy permit II me to say thai thaiibr UtalIltere thatthere there I Is an error la I TUB TR sex Srxs obituary notice of ofthe of111e ofthe the tat late Oorg M William of f Oregon U 11tIe wa wanot not 50 KM tb mite wt 11 fa of XI Mr r WIlliams IIUem1Io who wa rrported f1f1f1f14Iba al althat althat that Hat 11 to nv have tn I the amalleat fool foola foolaINt la Wahtar Washtngtoabet toe toetmt bet the t wit ef f another member litem or Grants CaM CaMB c cdllrtac CaMmat B mat t dnrtog hi tic sensed term Mrs W W RXkoap RXkoapwttea asipwhose whose aw tsebssd b d Ik 1M SerWary srn of War W was In Inp I IM4 1wtesebM p tesebM th M4 d for Mlnag post leadershIp la th M Tent Tenttartaa TentI 7r 7rsedes tartaa ou > Tmu TmuiUBsarsvB TDluu TnixaUasamns iUBsarsvB u raw Pa April AJd111 AJd111A a aA AA A Ye Y Yonag s sJetuoy D DI DtpiiaA DtpiiaAJitseyGotag I JitseyGotag Jetuoy Ootag to Sunday ldIoolT ldIoolTT seteolT rBo l lt T = yCp It talgal ISI drP ItnJa kaz ma4tts ma4ttseg 11I t eg Bf bt tMtSna bswesadaaeea3 1 1If If IfIt f t I It r AERBAVT1CAL LAIC LAICFrupssals 141IJ 4 Ic IcFils Frupssals IJ fee f tfc tile tJIflfflfteitare Corral TIH fare are rrmM rrmMTo rr rrtd td 4 1tF 11 hlaMfGtIbra hlaMfGtIbraTo To TIB T EDrroa or T Tus Tusrecent Bty5i IIIIW I T Treceae 71 71receat recent frightful accident < Idn at t Sirn St Stmny n c ctosny 1tIICIIT tosny to a balloon which after afl < aa enin a aa eatj nttI la aburrican a was precipitated with lIh I us uspanzes t f0 f0paaseagcra lor paaseagcra s lalo the sea and n DIIell DIIelld nun rou < T denia d to oth other r aerial voyager oa warn n is isflying J h IIn > flying ftln machines may m be expected el tn toso t tDUIDfOIla n no > so o aumtrou a as to b be a constant ronItinboth crnv Ie both lo their lrorcupanl b occupant and to the Ibn thenubIle ir jr jrpublic n nINbll public en the Ih firm earth set ei below I Ihoo > h p > hooves hoo our law la makers mke then to provIde provIdethe n11 r r1M > r the licensing ala of 1 all n serial rial machine machinethe nj r the lb examinatIon physical and nd othrrwiw othrrwiwpersoas othrrwisepersons f persons pef80IIIIlIo who may contemplate a i rip trIpthe hn hnth 11 l th the heaven beavaMuch bea beaIcb heavenSuch Much Icb laws 1 should provide that Ih rrrv rrrvutlng flI flIulo rse5 rse5uing > utlng ulo any 0 device for navigating > h p pshould a r rshould should before ascending ac celltJlD ndLng encase ea encaseIn lhemt Ib mI mIIn rM In a suitabloelaatlcsafetyappilsnee tillable elaaticsafetr elde tr appliance to n iiu tn Jr d descent wcnt t to Ihs lb earth under any and n1 all allciimstaacc II I IIIllIIDtaJk08 p pciimstamces ciimstaacc For this bl purpose It wntt nt I t twell tq tqwsll well 11 to require lIIaul th the of u uae a tramrroih Ipammothrobber nii niirubber 11 11nlbber rubber ball vetlture Utu Into which th the thenaut i r rnaut rIt naut It could b be placed the Ib recepttrl receptcteeted pllld i NIe NIeIled rv rvtsrted tsrted on 0 the lb Inside by b padding ant n1 n holes for th the head and Doanlbly > Ibl the th feet r hMt t tso so constructed tnaCfAld thai all 11 part of f the lit Imdr t > could be laatantly withdrawn In ca ease nf t < dent By D thi his t meaaa m tha thent encased bod r of nrhe tha t Ii voyager voyagermighi o r might be expected qJfK to reach > errT err Arms without Injury and D aft after r a few fll r a bounds the vesutur UIII could bet removed fflO eot suet 11I the person once OD more restored to e I < vi llbrlum libriunProvision Provision alto al must b be mad br b Uw II r for or the safety and preservation lon of th the pedr Irian who notwithatacdlac notwC IIIIUldIO hi his lark n of r it > i lire i to ° 9 bono mar m without Uh warnlnt ntlna h hatrickea atrickea trik down by a falling aeronaut emn when wbe bn ha h losat > expects < t U The law la should require th roofs or all building lIdln tn have h addition placed pl thereon to want 1 nff of falling I ilia twtdl and lId avert ert Serious accident tn hnuaohoMrn leeplng In the Ih Ion story There rhf should t t laws I reatrlcllng tnIID the Ih UM 11 nf flying machine rllln tn It peroB noou e Ill expert i pert In their time and limiting their voyages oye to certain hours In th the day d dnti and nti to I certain byway h nf 0 the Ih heaven Thee h suggested enactment are ao bee necenary n nlIAr beesary nary lIAr to the th public < welfare w ltr that they Ih hoill be considered at t once nn by b our r law I maker m NEW SII YORK Yo April rrll 7 Krxin 1111111 M ATIIV ATIIVTHE ATEINT111 ntx ntxTill THE niSMMSKH tfOMA tfOMAPcrnap WeVANPntta WOVANPethae Pcrnap Nte be e Would W Re No N Better Off If tfHer if1hr Her Sister 84 V Vted VtedTo tr4 tr4To INTo To THE Ktiiron hlron or TUB Tit Huj HII8rr < 5ir Every E Enft Etpy Etpynow now nft and then I tome om one bobs up In your yourcolumn yourroitnnns column Iumn tn tell II the and d story Ilor of a aha wonua wonuaw 0Ul 0Ulh w o ha h been n misled n from a poillton hy 10 10mn byman a aman man who ho hut us vole lhee 1 he letter leu twually twuallycarry wIIIIIrur umulatlycarry carry rur the refrain If r this woman hail hailvoleor hdoor badvoteOF voleor Tht woman think the IhllI vet vets wouH 01111 help her herl hili hililtoeo herloes l ltoeo oe It never occur to such womva la laash toau ash au 1 tbm IbIOMI lve If It would add dd balm to their thalrwounded thllrwouDded theirwounded wounded soul If lalead 1 of yIelding Jeld their theirnlac IlIetr theirolace nlac r l lo a man with a vote they Ibe should hnlll have b to yield Id It to another otller w woman maa with W1t1iole a vot ole lo they he Dot nail thai the lb harilaM 11artt thing IRIf la th the world for s voting 011 man ma Is 14 hold on to h Itll Is Job If It Is at all political politicaland poifticaland and that If I women 11 gt the tb vote they Ib run un a great rat rtk of beta beIng turned down by b other oth othwomen women nme with lth more Influenc or another aJlolb hind of a vot votWh vote 01 01Wb Wh When a I red d these Ibs the sad tales tl of 0 daunhtrrt diuii helng turned l out wh when n their fathers 111 die dtoand d dAd dieand and Ad so 0 oa sal DJ so forth f merely say te my m elf It How fortunate It I wa she Ih had BO vnt vntand cOts cOtsand n and d could remain In her fathers lalb thn abois b a II lion long a as she hll rildf rildfSomehow lId dldIftomrhow < 1 1Komho Somehow I almost long loa for woman nf f tr frage rage 81 o a as to see what bt women 0 will do whri II theft place I II taken not DO by b s maD but b bv bvs brt bya s nasty t Intriguing = no account Dt woman It ItIfIE Seam almost I worth Ia while whileX whileltsillS tsillS X IfIE IE NATHAN Mgrri flor II Ito Hrrttxo Vn a Aorfl I MuUcrafiamres re Prtocb l4ttet l4ttetHtry LdgthgsIleerv P PHrtI Htry R Ptamir PI in M gAProf A AfJUnenm AfJUnenmProf AII6hot Prof Wallace WII article on SbaltespiMr SbaltespiMrIn In the lb current number of Iorders 1I e hat b bpfobably ha haprobably probably set a good many In people wondering wondWlOhn how Bhakeapeare hn typical Englishman En Uahmaa aa h hwairame IItme be bewarame wairame tme tn settle in fx rotJDdna > odnn with a French Frenchfarnllr Frenchfamily family Vet ao f far r from being an antraofdinary rt rtiranrdlnary iranrdlnary Incident to Ia those who know hi hiliUtory he hehistory history It wa was the moat natural thing thin for forhin herhIn hin to do In all probability be took up hi his residence with the Mnuotjoy when h hfrl bfirst first came in London but lo go no further furtherback furthertarL back than the evidence warrant h he had hadknown badknown known them for thirteen year that to isaitite isaitite3i aloe aloeIS IS 3i t 3iAt tAt At that time Shakespeare number numberamong numberelamong among hi his friend In London hi fellow fellowtownsman fellowownnlan townsman Richard Field the printer who whtIn whott In tt 117 hud left HtratfordonAvon sot an4coming sotoming coming to London had put himself appren apprentice apprenics ¬ ics to Thnriaa Vatilrnlller a printer m mIllackfrlam ittllaclifrisra Illackfrlam In learn the th art of printing Thorns Vaulrolller and hi his wife like Chris ChriInpher Chrisopher Inpher Mnuntjoy and hi wife were French FrenchHuguenot Frenchiuigtenot Huguenot refugee and we may weltbellev weltbellevthai well beliers beliershat thai the lb member nf the French colony colonyilhln colonywithin within the wall of the city at that tire tirewere LUteere were ere more or le lees acquainted with o oanother 0nother another Their i ommon meeting place w wibe ws wsb > ibe b Hutch Church In Auatln Friar and andthere sothere there I Ia little linubl that the Vsutrolhrr Vsutrolhrrrere rere acqiialnle l with the family In Silirr SilirrIre SiIeert Ire t ret retTbotusi i iTltoiniiK TltoiniiK Viutrolller died about the tatter lattrrend tatternul end nul ofthn yr vest > ar liwi nr the beginning of ofIMT if IMT and Illchard Field then newly mad a afreeman areeman freeman reeman nf the tbeStaliors Stationer Company taking takinghi hi fortune in both hand within a few frwmonth fewmonths month married a widow and thus at nn nntrnke one onestroke stroke became aatnaafer nsetr printer and the theix theof ix > 4e r of a good htiainewi Shakespeare Shakespeareanti < r rand and Field being old acquaintance what i im s smere m mere re natural than that Shakespeare shouM shouMmention ehota4Oentiofl mention tn Field hi his desire to find new newins lolj loljIng ins and that Field in hi his turn should tsk tskthe tskthe the matter over with hi wife and that she aheknowing sheknowing knowing that the Mountjoy had room tn tnlet tolet let nhould have been the mean of Intro Introducing lntri2twing ¬ ducing Shakespeare tn them themIn In the sheen nf actual proof of wh wbst wbstlook t tlook look place I venture to otter this theory theoryIn sq sqIn In how Shakespeare conies to b be fount fouotliving fountliving living In th house of a French Hugutnol Hugutnolrefugr Huguenolrefugee refugee the Calf Maa Ma ef f the Wt Wtrrem wtFrsrn rrem Ihf IS Atthlttm Glt GltTbe Glee GleeThe + The Treat U I cursed with th the calf maa At Atrule 5 5uim rule uim be does not do much and alta around la ttt tttbda hisshads shads > titling how be It oppressed n fle says aartI is isI > I a bard worker and a good honest man bit bitromblaattaa bitrotabinallona romblaattaa have t been > ern formed against htm htmPrincipally unprincIpally Principally by tn the plutocracy of New York sat aalIxMidon satLoodott IxMidon and a as a remit he dee not prosper ptPrTh Th calf man does everything tight la kl his ova ovaraUmadoa owlestImation estImation II He I smart and com rernpetol petrol ant antindustrIous n1 n1Iaduti1oua industrIous but the plutocracy baa combIned rorablnrlacalnat combInedagainst against him and he tuB suacre suacreAnother r rAnotbrr Another complaint of the calf man Is I feat at con conH cornI H I only TO crau a bushel Th The calf man hat to tocorn Docorn corn u sell but be H I Mg hearted and watts u uhf iohelp hf help IP the farmer farmerWe farmersWe We do not remember a Ume whrn th the calf real rrnwa realwas wa was not Indignant about tomrthtac XouUc XouUcl YothUgsitts sitts l i htm and h he does aothtog notbl g himself but ukt uktup tak takID up the time Urn of busy people tn telling of kl hiplaint ran ranplaint plaint plaintThr plaintm Thr calf man It always la debt bat It It tot coltit totlit tit fault It It the fault of the plutocracy Tt Ttralf Tie Tiecalf calf man I is willing to pay bus drbia and tfrtt tfrttmoney scan scannone money none liberally and make time good If tb the rt pttotrarn rttorracy torracy and the Urinb would only let hIm P Pthe i ithe the plutocracy and Ih the Tlrittah will not let tln tlnatonaad tOaIoesand atonaad b be will continue to bawl until tIe tel telof 1 1f of f tt time rkysleUsit rkysleUsitFrom MaladIes MaladIesFree From nt ft Ijmtint Clan CttbtA ClanA A Trench netrtpaper publishes pul > H or some > t tcs ff ffanowlag 5 5showing showing the lb ran causes of dralh la Ih medlri medlrifnaton muiIstfeictt > fnaton Tbo figure are impressive but tit i ino 5no no IndICation a to thetourreef theourraofthinfonnatoo theourraofthinfonnatooWe thelnforip lo loWe We rd that 41 per cent die of heart dl dlper discs discsper per reSt from nervous aftrcUon 70 per perfrom cPt cPtfF55 from th morphia habttnd T percent from r rrutods tt ttiulosls rutods Th ne prevalence of morphia It I tKffl tKfflIn In the fact that a doctor knows when hit malad maladIsctiraM IS ISiarurable IsctiraM and morphia It sought igb to I sooth tootbtnlnd e emind mind WeBi rrllaailary CssdMal CssdMalfrvnt Caadldate7roi frvnt It Tempt Trmptlime TemptAttn lime Marguerite Ihirand who It ttaodlnr ttaodlnrParttamentorr a aParUamenizi Parttamentorr candidate for th the Math Arnxi ArnxidlMrrornt ATY ° s sdiseconent dlMrrornt of Part al tb the fanhcomlag renrnl renrnlelectl gfOeT gfOeTriceties electl riceties addmaed a meeting of elector at u uJUIle the theSalle JUIle dt dee AgrtenlMtirs d de Prance on Wedar WedacJsV WedacJsVventag Jr Jrevealag evealag aim Pursed knew she cannot r rdectad ti tiekctM dectad for th the vote east fee I bar will b be Irvairi Irvairiaa aa 5 apotlad papers b hat t SB ibe tar she b desire I to B Ba tsC tsCa > a plavnjto maoUOTUOoa maoUOTUOoaBral waerWtioSUsemid Bral Soak la Bostk oethttoa oethttoarse Oareltaa Oareltaairw rse irw it x xJOOM Xesee seeser seeserJames James U Hiaderass K td nai KBttt aM S kegeed raiil seat at athIs l lhis his home n near r Dust lUrrr en a the Mt sttas n nnaT tr4 tr4oTueday > naT oTueday sdar It llwuabeeIwfetksgeradtninc llwuabeeIwfetksgeradtninca wwa Mlv wfwtlfa drrlac drrlaccctsstm9ls cctsstm9ls a imp Ba4Wil fsid AIAcadet Al end 1 ItsUB ii tail ws was wassheis sheis semutg S resia1 St 1