w =
IuI w wl wTHE
f i iTHE
U i n i IS v ltchXLnonR ltchXLnonRIt xiKii mtti nttt IIRWf IIRWffit u uttnn
It ttnn fit If or fl ITS T trrinri trrinriTin u iernrii r ITI ITITI
Tin TI I arn1 urn Ml Krlend f Itf f Slmpllftetl Npelllnc NpelllnclUsMomethlnctnTHIar P4pelItnlIa llNlIlnlul6nlhlnc
lUsMomethlnctnTHIar lIa ul6nlhlnc MmIhSn tnTII uf Mr Hat 1I 1Itans ef efMan
Man nmisl HffllMla tda Mini of Ihe IheIjrrnt lb lbI
I Mnmn Ijrrnt ar a I Ihe b tw Itrama Itramathin t lPvlaulktn ot1o ot1on
thin n IlisUell k1 Dole member uf Itna Itnaiiiernrr 110Iornr 11411rnrv
iiiernrr rnrv rbilM hllo atnl 11 author of rtutiie rtutiiei findiAlortmt lud ludIyP4
i varied IyP4 nksorttnunt of f literature literatureil IitrIIIt
t il i I to I his hi repertoire l h by > y coming to I If Iffl Nnw Nnwn w
n liie 11 < wUr u1a y In I represent Boston ton a ariiftt 0frrn1 I
riiftt frrnd nr simplified apuling apulingil ape line lineI
S I il in u rnrelinjj held At 1 th thtIltlA tlie Wn Wni 1 1In
i tIltlA lirw even VPt ri William trct trctlt4MI rctier rctierie
ie nt lt4MI < d Knglind llefore entering enteringi eatfilni1h14 ntln ntlnIhl
i his Ihl duty however hnW Vfr Mr Ir Io1 1 > 01 ea eaDiving cur II III
> r I Diving ci nA notne lnt point a of information informationn InformUnnIIIrar InfoniatInihtrrY
n literary IVrmton un her working attd attdi ODI ODIPP110 DeI
i PP110 < > < e the Ih while admitting that thI thItv hl hlfrr hlhrrl
frr tv hard to II do hrei le in New York Yorki
i the Ih ntnvxvphere ball a poculUrlr poculUrlrCMent pcu11aril
I < CMent 111 il enVot 1 ff ct upon th the montal action actione
e Mi II l the Ih m m1t < st representative of fl Rot ItaI J1 Rotk
I TlS TlSM 11 11I
M I k l 111 > oe oi opnNI > eneil his hi report with mn meni
o i f Mrs I lri 1iIli lull Ii i Ward MIIIwtt Howe who ln lia 0 ald aslcl11mI oili oilil aldiie
iie l I lime of hi hit > depnrtlr t portsr wa woo pre preI4tii3 pr prt priI
I4tii3 I 4 IsZ to t celehrate Irllt one on or her Iir annml annmlI ann annI nflIH nflIHs
I fhdivs fhdivsmi 11 yo yonl
s mi l know IIOW he h fttliriI Tplxir hlrI v slm IIln hs hs4t ha harit h hnr1
nr1 rit nidi 4t reir H She h ints tti wealth Icall IcallroIlIAr lsaipSI wealthsi
si is so 4 rtonular roIlIAr tint nthxrwiax he heM II hnnt
M nnt he nhU nh to aupplr thu th demand clemanils
s i 41 ha ia a tn I multiply m11 iplr them to go It b around romtllIr
11 I H th pleasure pl ieijr lIr of eeett im ill e her sitting iittin ill inK in ineiientul ti titl
eiientul tl 1 venerable vati ij dignilv Liuig YO Mm Ih familiar familiarThte rmilirI fIrutliacht
Thte cht I Nortrundv nn 1 > alwavs print prpsentceiedratltic printttTtttl
ceiedratltic ttTtttl 111111 a birthday T is i thui tbe tb v > x > eH < ion ionr
r i merv n Hcnioniin of literary IlIeml prftenniora I It
4 t neesAirT I f ir r pnisilil illi tl t jivw I fl fln flag narn
n es otu ot OflN diirinR lIrinl nrerjr flr ramr ramrIn veorlit r rIII
In the th print Irine < th lloatoninn fonrr fonrrv ronI
> v finis t r to t ihniishi hllll bl of r txript ript no noutneitilml fli44tfl I
utneitilml 44tfl aItd Mr tr P nill < li tliuiiglitfullv tliuiiglitfullviieutt IhoIChrlhIIht thuiglilfitllvqfititv I
qfititv iieutt tv Uvmg the Ih liUmn uf such th r ri rP I II
i > ir P > tt I thn Ih lwi IM > I of r Ww w York or otmoln nlmnn nlmnnIn i I 1
In tin I h oprine prin thnl is i nlwarn no nof 0 0I
f 4 I tli hIIIt Migi ttt I klioiilil express 1 it tfIIT < irfer irferin r r0I
0I 1 in Itcmion on hut thm th prInt it is I nti ntii 11I 11IFr
i M 40 4 Fur it 1 I it all 11 Itimtimiino fan I Ii n j jtoil I
toil I ive i liiirini nnli oiIio ItYMiim 11 > 11111 has hasrrfm ha hai
i inerceil nr I from an orgy r of r opera ipral Ton I Iw IiVit I II It
w I I
iVit t l oKh rlitt his h ihal fia t to I Is il 1 i With Inivmg Inivmgs
s lt wan all isktvl isktvlA kl klt
A hr It auto nre or rlh the thi < > nlr thing Ihln they rnn rnnf eitta n nlta 1
f ta aaRe lta for liook hw h explained nm1 nm1In itlI itlIti 111 111IM
In IM ti pulilic Ilit purse pllr il I depleted depletednnuiiroiis teplet 4I 4II i iI
I n nnuiiroiis ii Hulm ti 111 iitin have h hat t on i pit llioir llioirt I Ii 011 011p
t i nt e tjiont of nctiviij nthit according accordingi olIn olInI
i Mr Ir Pole Ther Th ba just been iflIlulOttJttr iflIlulOttJttr1II n nno1te nno1tet not tier tierline
1II t line II i lor if the Otnivr Om r Khayram hub Iltihnhuh hubhirh Ilih IlihIIIh
nhuh hirh Col IligginionIVtonel 1Ligiiusoit h1on l not notV4i ntI
V4i I r I f lw > r IkAton t < yi > 41n n I lkloto MM t wo HiZKiiison HiZKiiisoni IIlr ill illIm
i vi i ftme Im is i the th rout llinnzh tho h d dt ilu ilut h >
t t anil tn ilisent h nt this hub last ol nieeHnK nieeHnKIt rnlnKIr1CII
It j t pmctc of the th > rluti said I Mr Mrf MrVrv
f v r vi Vrv > rr r meeting Iin to give A v n copy of ofHOT orItlon o oflow
> HOT edition of Omtr mr to each cb gueat gueattv ItUNtOIIlnn
tv I cHf < OIIlnn tsion the th prtrtice ruti wan wa not de dir d dr
r wl 1 Iron tro Vhich t speiks pk well 11 for fi > r the ther1 110 110r thuIf
r1 r r < s of If r the I t1 niitnmohile dealers dealersT 131 lalrz1u
T 1 1u > e fttnotH Bibliophile Sorietjr iI is j is duinjr duinjrT ufuui ufuuir
T rn 11 a roild l e expected rontininna rontininnafi rOlltinllinlCor
fi hases 3dO of rnreties he h oonUnued oonUnuedmis eont niid niidt
> was w rifher lhr a str otrong Irnl nR atAtementos atAtementosf
f > 11 societr it nilglit reasonably beejpe bft b ted tedpretty
1 pretty well w 11 h l Iin > eing ing fatnotis falno as it is iss I Ih 1ung
s haviiiR h mlt enrnle rnll1 < l the tll wealthieiit W lthlflll hook Imokfcirers hookyo boohi1VPr
fcirers 1VPr yo en > n the lit fl world orll Inrlintine IIIhl < hnlJ > l l Irptnt IrptntIrlnn Pirponirnn erpont
5 Irlnn rKnn eind nd Ullliim K 1 Hiibr cif r St Stus MtV
V us 11 Thr nr II roo ion < < J I individuals in the thes Ih IhIr thutV
s letr Ir and flftrone on Ihe waiting li hii hiido t tdn
dn 1 from rrn itstitiitirnji utt iutlont surh uuuIl rh h an a th li lirv I i iI II
I rv of f Ioucress I lIlr Itti4S the Ih Ilritish Miueim MiueimI
I the h Bo Roctn t > n Athennum Ath lhnnI nuvini though thnlllth II i ime jll jllI tu
0 me PTld < l it I is a pimftll to t sarliv toaT I by tli thlu thluI tiI Iltli Iltlil
I l Irtr > rorr n tlf t ef pven n thnucli it ran an Ivmst Ivmsth
0 t h hnl vn flj tTe tru4 < l in it Ito safe r nt on n time timeI Itm Itmm urn urnI
I umhu tnl m > mnniisonpts to n Hie III vilne ut > f SUM ono onon tflOte
n te id < 1 of 4 hivinn eorreeted orr tifI nearly Km 10011 10011ror ItWOlu1rrors 000 000errors
errors ror in a 1 currently accepted pt edition editionn litonr
If < r It Us LIt lc The Th nvnwefl prim purpr purprof pllr pllrth
of r the th tt RiMiophlles is I to I ptjhlisninnn plJhlin innn artis artistc orttutu Mi Mitl >
tc nnd sitisfnctorr t rttr > ry manner surh u h work works workthntor
AS s those thntor Ihn ff I irace ral Theocritus the th diary diaryof Ilar Ilarnr
of ut M u1tlr or llortvulay the letters I of Ke IC > it itnc ttnd t tonr
onr nc nd thr th thoe if r Dickepji ¼ flJi to Maria Ir Beailnall Beailnallwith 81111111TIwrr 13iudnahlorrvth
TIwrr orltlll1 with a series II ruo of r title titleimennn tIl tIlAr Itt IttA
Ar A o h hF h 1Wt imennn art oriiot4 oriiot4rh ni nin is to toThe
The n dull III whose h council is i o ogf composed composedof cnm l lr
of r Pril P I Trent of r Columtim tot tnirsity totroII
rsity roII 11 Senator ut4tor HIr Iiodge and Literary Literaryt
t Hitir titi thirst Ir1 of Ih the fllon ll < > tr > n 7rnnsrripf 7rnnsrripfi
New York recently to hold holdannutl hoJttnn11 holdinnujaI
i r m fl down in aw or r
annutl dinner Iim in effervescent atmos atmosi
i f Rt t the th Hotel Ifnt Antor Antort otor otorI Inr InrI
t I e Trentt Titttti th tvnttiry tllr Chi Htih ofl of which whichivu hlh
< ivu l 1 xnt A4 one ufl ne of the founder roun anti nndiil
iil uI 1 14 m ntie if r the Ih rid member > lll h hat hatI 1 > lieen lieenr I Ir
r I w oo me I i un Insl report of its dramatic dramaticmitew dramatimlI dramatmitt
mitew mitt mturh Irh It 1 Appointed front its ItornImr itsnrrnlers II IImlr
nrrnlers mlr to uiirrt IInr1l1k ke the th Uskof t taok kr of viiilting viiiltingi lad tin It ItI
i th t h theatres of Boston and of judging judgingrars
rars r oo f IIn jun11 nd Audience AuIIPfI jut 11 to qiLintity 11tnt ty and andI ntl ntlTh
1 > r The Th report n it Boern mil doe < not notup
up 1 v P well Boston I ton theatrical theatricalc
c 1 nrconlinjt to If lh committe committenfnrtiinatelv cnmmlttrlllnllll ecmmtttieuforuiunaiuhv
nfnrtiinatelv rlllnllll or 0 fortunately accord accordc
c I t > th h point inr of view iuw th < Queen or ofMoulin orolllin orlouulin
Moulin olllin Ilnitge ltoll tniug did dot appear until untilt unitI
t trie I report wa wat made and the Ih morn member4 mmr
ber4 r f tlie It hIt have h4 no opportunity of ofrg ofg
rg 11 g whether it wa woo a re rohI dly so I red as asn a aoat4
n nted 11 < 1 nr not It rnnnot accept the th local localrvir brarntlriomt
orllr rvir cntlcjsms and maintain proper properr pro properfor r
r s > eit 1 for in th tho liesinnitig the Ih com comxttAcicefl manI
et xttAcicefl I th nnwspaper a little littleIxHlv litllI hub hubuI4P
IxHlv I > on th charge nf dishonest dishonestitsm
itsm im m nnd IHng ine discrmlit lack lackezsit Ioal Ioaln harkun
ezsit = in n tiini tInt distrust prevail prevailI p 114 114I
I ery 1 ry Knturrlny thi thbe cllb ennvene mn > at athen atItn athn
hen Im t me nnd after orno m low living livingfi
t fi I > e lunrhenns a are neither e aleniT extanuivent > zt aleniTn aiva aivan
n nt teiisn 11 Mr Ir Dole festifl in inI inIi
Ii I ices gro in n considerable high thinking On Onr oxSeturthyc
r NaturdiTs I in the th month smoking amokingenihT smokingenihern mokin mokinntIr
enihern ntIr is I permitted rmlte1 ail allihitum libitum but buttoiirtli lIItIt
It > toiirtli that i it th the flnt the bodice IndieTie IIIdi IIIdin bodiceno
Tie n nearly nar to Ihe rxcluaion a luaion of other otherti oth
ti in Iloston oottnn carrie 11m tta It own infer Interriuen inferThen InrrThfI
Then rnildn rnidnwo vten ouch an a per pertinc ptrn perrung
rung n th appellation f JIUon charily to pas pasel pa
el 1 nkel Ik when hn provoke < l liytbpr proonce proonceMuroaehtno enc
1 Muroaehtno > lir chmo rherrien Iu n th the favorite favoriteparmitted rvoritrA favoriteteragc
teragc rA II tire re permitted perm illf <
s 1 vr rk k on TuMlay at Cambridge CamhndgeI I If I I
I f i ih the AntabriKia riul llIbladiM > ladien ex esIv oxolv 1 1lv
olv lv howt h nom ° Mr Ir Dole avers averniKnify a aversI I
> I iKnify the pr IUMnll nm of any anyagainrt an anarnJrt1 anyI
I te againrt frivolous bridge play playih
ih rl ilY IllY y ol 0 IVrcjr In Mackay kay la I to be betr >
4 1 n c1tcr tr tr r of lh the poetdramatlat poetdramatlatI
I t n nlt thti told of the th rc recent nt activl activlii
ii 1 HIH II literary hra on onet Hi the temporary temporaryork
I ork nprrntatlv > > pai pad d on to toi I
i on Oh n fw I individuala individualammnt tndiviiiuieI ndividulmlnnt
I Ihot
I > mmnt among mon rhoM Ih standi tind Mrs Mrswho 31 1111 ra rano
who no Hccorrlini fUnlll to Mr r I 101 > ol ta tani iohr isuIt
ni hr Ihr Ih three hal habiei M and the r met mettruuufl1ta t trrmiu tI
rrmiu truuufl1ta I cnpt preparatory PIIIIlr tory to aaillnx aaillnxI
I nclfuii In May a at t Htrnlforcon HtrnlforconMia
Mia h hut M Markss Hk rkaa play Iiner I plr with withti
ti ti4 i un < n honor for Boston by byUK byIII
0 UK III g a yrt guinea prize ia a to be pro proI proepr11rmt proCprftJflt
x t > ceprr epr11rmt fJent of th the Boaton ton Au Aui Auluh
I rc > i Iij huh > anl In irrandciauclitar of the thel th thI
I > n n r of r Ticknor Jk FitlJa Fi U Sf fl laa Caroline Carolinenoi
ctVr noi m I i unjiing out oijtan an edition of the thevtt ther
p vtt ra r of John Hay fl written wh wha a be ber b bf
a r r > tn II in a lonely 00 Wotrrn estlrn town townrj n nI
I nrl rj r Perry Prr of Providence R I It in inth toI
I 1 th I Ie letter are full of melancholy melaD < holr and andIn aDdIIUD andIt
It a IIUD ° ntrnent ntrnentto t tID
In addltioa to 0 Ito i rtfilr lattabttaatt l abltaa
Bocton haji had some recant r t TUItora of ofmore ofm C Cmore
more m or Ie literary nature natu ttoone ttoonevta PooaeIt Roo1vota
vta It wild Afrioin trip haa h juat been beenreprrwinted berepresntJ n nrttprttltlnt
reprrwinted d th thero ro hy h lecturer Dawvoo Dawvoowho Dnnonwho 1awtocwho
who aa a nn eyewitheei yeitn u toll of r the adven adventure adntu advrtIl ¬
ture tu of f the mighty hunter und the he hi hifWpQtem hlp hlpr blpf1tptm
r f1tptm > poti mm In a z li ieht hl aklff ski Ie I 11 renorletl renorletlMr rporleMr
Mr II IMI on tho won WON of Mr lr Dawaon Dawaont
0it t tlm tb hnntot from th Ihlknk the hank charged tht ththippo th thhlrfln thhippo
hippo Ihe 1 ft h rormllr f rnvr nhuKed ttlt at the itbacsnohI black blackanout hlackaooit
anout of the lattnr the latter ro tfNlI tfNlITh roar roarThe ra < l lThe
The Th former iiiitortin flied nrIliffllIy dirwclly at attlm a athe t tIh
the Ih yawtilnc month then M t the vital vitalapot viti vitiepot Ital ItallOt
apot lOt Tl The while hil Kermit trite chip we welnnflurhl waa waauncnncerrte WIUIfIno
uncnncerrte fIno mlI > llr tuklnc takln hi hIt own shot alotth at atthn t tthe
the th yawning mouth morlhilh with hi hts oarocra oarocraonred RlmorareI rmors4rwt I
onred reI n neither llher a hit nor whit The liiituIYr I It M Mturm
turm t war w farorahly receired hy tVwton tVwtonAmoni 10 iototAmnn on 1
Amoni Amon the thi more or l lass aa literary visItor viillorawaa vi viwa visItorwas
was wa atsorlaaaml 11 < Itroirol eial Pollard whnhaa whnhaalw who whuohebeen haa haaI I
lw I been > en vi tioltbng ltlQc in the h centre He 11 la I the theflrat th thfirst h hllrat
first reprMeatatir ever e r aeot ot there h hTo by byTopic hyTo
To Topic And nd BoAton la I naturally naturallycurivis natllrallyqliht natiurabiqitet
qliht qitet curivis rurh Phon houjli with wil property propertyHome Ilrll prprltranipibi rl rlrnllIl
rnllIl dignity dlpllilia dignityafnq
Home ilia afnq foreign tCII Xoles XolesAfter OefteAfter I IIfr
After Ifr aufferlng the great collect rolJ rnkcllou ctlnn Ion of ofdrawing ii iidrawing r rdrawlnp
drawing bequeathed to them Iry t Turner Turnerto rum rumI
to It I lia Ii neglected n < < Itd for half a renturr Iho Ihotriitee lb lbtrIstp he hetrlll
triitee trlll of the National Oallery deoklad deokladflv dockl docklnyc
flv ft nyc yearn 1t4 ego to 0 have ho Ibm collection ar arranged orranged r rranpd ¬
ranged and n made available for tb > public publioTbar publicOltY publkTb0VCpytJ
Tbar Tb0VCpytJ employed tnyftl Mr fr V A J 1 Flnberg Finbergtodra Finbergtodralip to draw drawup drawIII
up III a catalogue if r the Ih MOOO OOO aheel and andpanel nd ndpanla ni nipenci
panel and an I bo h recently completed th thwork the fitwork I
work which U I pnlillihrd by b the trustee trusteein
in two Tolume tinder Iba Il i > e title Apleto A Com Complain ¬
plain pI Inventory Innlo of r thus II Drawing of thn thnTurner tb tbfllmr tbTimner
Turner lenuel It i ranch mont than thana thaia
a lit l llt Mr Hubert ba hnll nrranged rr nit I th thdrawine1 the theIrawln 111ulrawing
drawine1 Irawln chronologically Ha gives brief briefdetnil brieuiettiliui
detnil of each h picture and n ha annotated annotatedthem annotatethem nnotaledIhfm
them from Tnrtieii fllnle nwn wn not notie In till tillway thatway
way h he ftiles tlbiq I a great rflat many mn disputed disputedpoints ulfapuutciikuinte 11IIIhlllinlll
points pointsI ikuinteiiuiduun inlll
1IlIlnn I Midnn Is I havliiK a Hhalespaari ha ft feet fetlval fetlvalIhi Ira Irathis
this nniith thai Include t m toof purforninnce purforninnceI
of eleven I nf r the Ih plsvx 11 Htld portion i < iif uf two twomnnt twoInn lw lwmon
mon Inn nl 111 tilt MajtiMv Mal y Ihettn 1 hnl under utntl utntlthe
the Ih tnutiagemetit < if r Hir II hterbohtrrue IWerbohm IWerbohmTree lkorbobrnTtt
Tree and n1 hit h drawn from rr tl I icr mr aecluiion aecluiions
I s Ri me nI famoti adorn Then will III b be four fourteen rurf1I fuurteIt ¬
teen f1I performances ltIrlortn lor f Tim Th Murry rry w wI Vir Virof Vsveof
I of Windsor 1 with 110 ItenriHjlnn Ire rre Oni OniFIbon and andKllen tln1IIn
Kllen IIn Terrv T rr nix Is of Miiiius I lj I Juar Juaror liar ar live liveof tl tlI
I or Twelfth rwebrl Ii Niglti iist tour of r Hamlet flanttfIve met
live II nf I lli Itc Merchant uf < f Veniaa nl = two twoof w wor
of < lr King hither II oueoltnriolanu oueoltnriolanuwith oueof ou or Toriolaul
with hiu iiiievieva fuviev Ward one nil each rh nf r Ring Kin1Leutr
1lIr Ibe 111 1 hi Taming of H Ih thu > Shrew thu w Two TwoOentlemen TwnUnllmfln Ew EwUentiumen
Oentlemen of II Veruua frouft King Henry Hltnryn V Vand Vattul
and n special rial bill with arti act ct of uf Othello Othelloitnd OtbIUoalld OtbolIand
and Marlieth Among molal the Ih participant participantan
a an Mi Mua I Kendal fjidy faol atlv Tr Tree e Mr Ir F It ItIlutison Itltullafln IIiturusiun
Ilutison Mr Ir II II Irving Mr Ir Ikuirchlwr IkuirchlwrMr
Mr lr Martin Harvey lIt Y Mr Ir Ivril 111Iftlll Maude and andMr snu snuMr n1 n111r
Mr l Lewis wi Waller WallerV WallrrrHjtmnt
V fragment i fir > f C tnaniitcripl IlIanll IIlpl t of Ihe IheCernian Ih IhlIIall thurnuati
Cernian lIIall Itolandslird ha baa t hetu > eeii ills discovered oIi oIird illseovccut ¬
covered rd al t linit 111 in Upper AustrIa by II l Ur UrJ DrK > r rK
K J Kchiffmann That adaptation Itation of the therhanr th thhalloll thuhasusxun
rhanr > n d uiui 1 Roland wu was II mada In the thetwelfth th thIwlh thutwelfth
twelfth century and is I generally nttrib nttribuled otiribuited ltri
uled to the Itegetubiiig 1t IIIIIIa priest urit Konrad Konradiler Ionrlr
iler r Ifnffi raff No SornplI tnnplet manuscript of ofIbe tlIIb uui uuithe
the Ib epic pi pio hIt luas been found yet 1 Dr SchifT SchifTinanns tirhllmann SchifYmann
mann discovery M i of a singla eunI r11t pan a < < nf nfa orIrllli1 o oIi
a Rplendid Irllli1 thirteenth t hi Irtent ha cenliirv mitt lIllIr ury inanu inanuscript tn tnrlI inanutirrie
script rlI written m two column ollIm on oniii each eachaide Ith Ithonlaiollllt
aide iii nnd containing 14O verve vervei yo yoI YcroceTi
i To 1 mark the centenary of Sir Samuel SamuelFerstson SamuieFri1sofl mlu1 mlu1rOI1n
Ferstson rOI1n who wrote The 11 Forging relne of ofj o otie
j tie Anchor and wa a steady taui contributor contributorI
to o the b early 1 numlwr nmnl of HarlrtrnoJ DlrJrltnttdJltllloTlnl D7rJrurnoduIoorine HarlrtrnoJMefiirint
I Mefiirint that periodical ri < < lnll1 reprint in It ItApril ItlIumllflr lii liiApril
April ntimlier hi famous tory Father FatherTorn Fathcirxn tltbrTorn
Torn and an I the Ih lohiProf Iupe IupeI I II
I I Prof Adolf Tobler who died last month monthbad monthha1 monthiaul
bad held httl the th chair of romance philology philologyInt
Int Dt thn th University of Berlin for fortytwo fortytwoI
I I yearn rearM ar II He itudfed 111 under unI Vrledricb Pie Pient 11 11lit 11it
nt Bonn nnd after nr his hi death more than thanjnny IhanAny thoutoy
jnny Any other man Ill rnlped to retain ermanys crminyuremiitenu rmay rmaymlI1
1 preeminence remiitenu mlI1 in IT that Iramh Irn h of r study studyI atsuujiigalnot 1111 1111I
against the Ih friendly rivalry of French arniItihian nnd nndItalian nn11lan
I Italian schools hI He 1IIOIIrt1 Ii collected the th material materiali
i for or n dictionary of Old French nh end pub published jutuliiclued lilt liltInn ¬
lished many Inn teitn but his i special 1Iff al Old Oldas fi1nonh fl141ao
as Frenrh syntax rnlar lie II wa was the themown lx t tknown tknown
known rf the th tearheiv ndlr in In branch In InlOrrnany Ini incrniafly
lOrrnany i rmany particularly I ltlnrlr among the Ih Amer AmerJean AmflrI Amerran
Jean I ran III who ho studied there therej Ih IhI tbrtfltnM
j Those who hn are nr Interested in the Ih history hiIrrnr uatre uatreti
i of ti Ireland will ill welcome tbe th announcement announcementjof 311110 III 10m 10mor
jof or tran an Ononinstloonnf of Irish PlaceName PlaceNamei Pin Sml Smlh
i by h 7 the th I fey > v Dr H lmund rdmun < IiwIeM 111 llognn llognnJS HOlIonJ
JS J which will lie I published soon by the theIloyal I Ilitoyal tctnyah
Iloyal Irish Acnd Arodm ArodmI Aen1rnvIIfIIItfl rnv rnvi
i tin irvrMHV n n nit U UI iiiwaruIrui nitVwirtlrd
Vwirtlrd drot flue III lllehe I Itch l trl Praise ral eli h > the th Retoe Retoelies H ftp a aU or orlIe
lies U Deux Mondes MondesMrs lonI lonIHmphr toflulpcMrs
Mrs Humphry Ward aru1 r is I the Ih subject hJICI of oflin ofIn
1 an article hy y M 1 Finmn Io in the Ih Rrnn Rrnndrt Ilr IlrI
I drt d frvr 1 > r Monitri nllr The Th author filac 1la her heramong hpramon herynong
among the th gre IfIImt t st of Fnnlish women womennoyellsu womeniovcblata
noyellsu clasJiinc III in I her with lIh tha Ih tlrnntP tlrnntPand tlrontland llmntlnrl
I and nrl G George for orga < < Eliot lIot Ha If finds fin that sh shei she shevjtr000 h hesprooa
ei esprooa res O all the h best that exisuln su In Fnglih Fnglihaoctety FnRIIhlII1t Fngilehi14iety
aoctety lII1t ty today to4i that there are IIr few r novels novelsI novelnnre
I more thoroughly English few r morn bits lifnI lir lirlile bitsike
I I Ilka lile representations of the Ih English aris aristocracy art nritocrary artocrny ¬
tocracy than or am contained in Idy Idyi 1udyYfl4t
i Ito II Yfl4t DaughterCanada Daughter DaughterCanada f > aURhtrCanada
Canada 14 > the th scene n of Mrs Mr f Humphry flllmphrrWnrd hlumphrrxtrdo
1 Ward xtrdo new novel nO I to Ix 1 brought out In Inthis InIhirountn Inhieuountrr
this Ihirountn country and 111 nd it Ito tlill1 titleisMadv titlolo 1dv d Merton MerlonColonist Merton4hufljst Irlon111I1
Colonist 111I1 It deals with the th IanaiU I Ana of ofvast ort ofjuct
vast t field of r greeniablulus areeni hblu wheat wh of ofillimitable IfIlIilllllI ofhhintitablu
illimitable wlldemesa wUIm and primevnl primevnlmountain primnl1II0llniAIn prlmovoinoitntatn
mountain grandeur nd1r and n1 with A hero too toowho toowho toorho
who is i Canadian Canat born anti hoc hll RIOWH Iownilh up upwith upnIh
with ilh its th Northwest 4t l iharinic Its hop tttpeI nnd cmlnuhittons nndaniliitions nd ndmHion
aniliitions This fib tiiiily reftriad t ton tonI > ntuuver n ngitiewr
I gitiewr tuuver with pollUml > olticnl a pirations typifies typifiestha tTPltlIh typhileho
tha Ih human force Hint it I opening lm un th thI Ihltrt the thermt
I grent rmt empire flmpi to civilization lAdY lo4 rJira rJiraj Ellaseth 1178Ih
j Uth Morton thnautocnitin Engltah widow widowwho wid widwho widowrbt
who rbt gives a1 1ViO up the th luxury of r her ar ancestral ancestralhome IInCOlltn1hom eneestrabome
home ome to wed WI the he Canadian furni rumillh he the tbecontrasting th thi theontracting
i contrasting charm cha to the vigorous I rllu hero berul heroteed
l teed tKl Thai Ra R flee t rr r raB n bag4 < l Tills Tillsrun till tillre fIIr
run r rt S > Henro 0 Jmirntt JmirnttI
I Tk elfhly 1111 clcht 1b ere Iran of land n un oatoue n which whichJo IIIb IIIbJorll
Jo Jorll cpft Uenortt lhe lit a mil and lId a bait Ir north of ofTlnratr orflnllr ofrluirse
Tlnratr has II ha nrvrr nn rtianfrd 1In rttlr 1111 or 0 ben InC lrsrI I Irn InCutird
I rn IrriKi rirrpt by b tnbrrltaoc lnre te tl ws s flashed craatedI
I I br b V tl tIle > > orrnmrai la 0 one OD > tltl rlllr r from rr VlrflnU VlrflnUby 1 1II
by II r the uhramofbpitnatout IIIIm name of cbettrmt about Ihrrcar III ro Mia IT 7t < I Mr MrItennMt UrI MrCnnrtu
ItennMt I nllt who IID noir no owns and nd IUe Ih < on tb thi laod laodwas IadbOr1II tdri
was ri bora and nl ravel > l and nd psed 1 tit II tut III tHe up to hi hiprncnt blIIP t tFOICCI
prncnt FOICCI ar sir IIP nf 0 > f K II en the Ib Wire I > U at did bl I ts father fatherbefore rI rIbrol fatarariots
before btm fll l ID age SE of r TO Vr 11 r Ilcnnctl nna ti I Itx ItxI lbeor lb lbilbif
ftbr of Hf n 4gCt utm ut rlilldr lIndD n ITCT 1 of wtotn to crow crsI c cup
up p oct toe I to ptarr 1 It ilia U rat Itkrir tbat tbrre l Ii Iither an anolBcr a aolllr
olBcr tiaet In h toe romtr Oj cliii Ho II tich Jeb a record reONI
flrt of ibe tll hi Late t baric fender Ce dfr Ks KshttilteU FJIHiltid F Fbtbited
httilteU A A1oDO New ew Beh M Paaa PaaaIxtxDov FaaIAIIIDON
IxtxDov April prll I Ine The fan la I Interest Interesting Intuttttfile htatereetfog ¬
file tb the art vnd ollho the literary lit world of lon Ixindon london Iondon
don at preset heat I week an exhibition exhibitionof xhlbltlonor
of hand painted faDs ra wan held and Ihla Ihlawe thiaweok hl hlWMk
we WMk k a new book The History of Ibe IbePan lb lbFan
Fan baa been n published publlahwlThe
The hand painted pelnt fan which were wereahown w wat wereshown
shown at the Carte Gallery Jail were all allthe siblb 11 11tb
the tb work of the lata lat at Diaries Cooder Cnndfr01a CooderTliay
Tliay 01a were w exquisite example of uf r hi aklll aklllat okllllot
lot at thl Ihl80rt this eort rt of damty dtnt and detailed paint palnlrng pointbag
bag 111 and ranged In cite ix I from a fairly tare tareaquare larceAftre iargnsquire
squire fan lo the tiny Froplr affair with withladica withIIsdiel withladle
IIsdiel ladle and lC gentlemen < > utllmen In court co costume cutumdplcted costumedepicted tura turadepleted
depleted on ita i aurfaoe aurfaoeThe stjrfaoTh
The Th History of the lb Fan 11 la I by WobIIa WobIIacraft Volli YolIIRbend Vollicraft
craft Ilhead a also lea an artist artl and ia I ono of ofthe ortit ofthe
the tit moat complete and delightful dellhtt booka bookaerer bookaeTftT bOOtICererwrlttcacn
erer ererwrlttcacn written ea < < the mibject The Illu Illutratloni 11111tralllla 111115tItblOI
tratloni are very Jx autiful lltul Mr Hhead Hheadglrea IThadgive
give 1 picture of early 11 Italian fane of ofFrench orIocb ofFrench
French Iocb Dlrectolr wedding fana of won wonderful wootlCrful wonufrrftui ¬
derful fan In Vernl Martin depleting depletingGrecian deplctlDIrIOrwtcian depictingUreclan
Grecian and nd Hainan incident In history hlatoryComing blstoryClmlnc historyComing
Coming lo later limn he h ahowa apeci apecimD epiOincus n oi oimen
men of I modern fan painting paint In It one on par particularly prt partlciularlv ¬
ticularly t Intereatlng example umpl being a adesign aIp aiieotgn
design Ip for a fan by Frank llrangwyn A AIt An AUlJK Ait
It A
HOOK cHBAr HEAl iv riticc riticcIII rRCI rRicEU
III I U U t Well 11e Waal ut People Prep lo I Bar H Ha Not Notn et etUrvw
Urvw Tw n What botl1lltrad botl1lltradIor bat They Kead KeadMr iiesMr
I Mr H HOWellaa 110 I WeIee IaIa latent work The Th Ula Ulatorr HI HItoOr IIItorvof
torr toOr of Mr Polly PIIIun I lion one of th the tint three throbooka threeLooko threebooks
books In tart the tb new publication of ofrecent orrecent ofiecnl
recent Iraoka 1 > OOi at ft U c COIIII nta a volume yolumeSpeaking volumeSpeaking olum olumI
Speaking S kln of r this thl cheap cb p edition Mr Ir wan Wallaaaya wanyo Wlhasay
I say aayaIt yo yoIt 9t It hurall the transition of the h Kac KaclUh FnC11th oc I
I lUh readIng publlo from book borrowers Itorrowerto
to book buyer This aatem Tt in uf r blrlne blrlnex 1 1boo1011
boo1011 x U from the lb libraries U I eaaentiallr esaenttalWEuglhshu nUally I I1IIIIIh
1 Kugllh In Franne rontl and nt lermany In Inall IIIall Inall
all tb the > other clvlllyeil conn couuntxhei I1ntrl trie In fact factImoV raelhooa facthuoki
< ImoV are r txincht not borrowed Eng Kngland Englaud I IIan
land Ian lone seeme HIII ina to have h ii iueid ld out 111 agalnat sgaiitstlb alnt alntI
1 I the tb idea 16 of enabling u reader r to po f10SMU poueeaand a aand I IaDd
and ke keep p a uw u book I uribermure uribermureUie 1lIrlbnmorUo
the capital absurdity of the censorship cenaorahiprecently ettneorahlpI censorshiprecently
I recently tnitltuted by the thlihrari tii librari make makeone m mono
one doubly rejoice In the Ih departure The Thechange Th Thbnrtfl ituchange
change to my mind mln will 11 nut only nnl on dial dialleuge cudleuag halIuctt
leuge Hi the aiiprvmauy of r the Ib libraries librarieabut l ltrar ltrarh
but h will ci in a meaauro m wre wreSt t their I power powruf ower oweruf I Iur
uf coueurahtp froai in thou tlintuI thouIIlt4SIi I
I Ml IIlt4SIi A IU iW II < AMI HOSrir 411 tIiI tIiIcern f F FMem
cern Ift Inlereatteg Cenrlutlena lutI llrawa liB liBa bjr bjra
a Jlagaxln WrIter HrllrrI 11 11I
I A contributor in the current Sarlua Srribner Srribnerlaara ccribuerasI
laara sI that The I fh Amencan luisbaDd Ita Iusband l Itahand > ua
1 hand of a certain Uind of wire ife if i is rolling rollinginto rlineInlo fillingunto
into Ihe Ih same sordid lUbjectioti ultertiuU into whiih whiihhi whitbhia witiebliii
hi hia Hritlh brother fell long ago ao He II i ii Iionfronted
i confronted with th the painful lnr1I dlUinma dlUinmawither tllImrnaitber tltlunxneither
wither we mut do a as other people do doand dland doand
and upend ten > end more 100 money cu 0 entertainment entertainmenttbau nIIMlnDlanttbu
than we can an affonl or e we w must fall fallto 111to tailto
to reciprocate rflCi rorale the hnepitality tie II rer receue receuerho ti tiThtt ie ieThe
The writer peaking of I the III ilelightful ilelightfulhospitality illjgtitfilltocptahitV I CbtfII CbtfIIhOJll
hospitality hOJll IIiI of army arm i > o t ° wi where r pwpe pwpear tt tta
and 111 where b every everyInxly eryhody everybody
ar a are all p f < or together
body know IIn aiciitately what everybodyimx everybody verybodysinuoflte hody hodythcone
imx thcone > ni i IN and in un college flllfI under und r inillar similarnondltions j jcondition joodilloll
condition tliially 11111 cornhide hid that ar arC4Jltahle 0rreptabte r rceptable
ceptable hospitality Ont not in doing doingaa doncother
aa other people do tit but as 0 other peopU doriot do donot t tnot
not do that it < a an affair not priinatily priinatilyof
of the th expenditur of money but of the theexpenditure th thesphIltura thuIpOfliitttFS
expenditure of rare ae and n1 skill 111 by the theI Ih IhI iiint
I I houaewife houaewifeThe bou ir irfh
The fh article i is written in I the lie hop aya MY MYI rayctie ayaI
the writer wril that some run wife ir may U I in induced Into inIUfi ¬
I duced to withhold her much enduring enduringlnl eodtunngihanuI Ddllneyt
lnl ihanuI > an < l yt a litrV lill e nlul III longer from fronttio fromthe rrolllH
the H tio State SIn prison n or the tit sanifariuui anIar lIIII
f Two Interesting Intere tiI11t Books 1
A rrrord of rcrcal ern rlatlfla Kle lltlo lnTeMIilaa lnTeMIilaao
anul o < J an flort to correlate Ike III work la IIIb lh r vsrt r rout 1 1CJ
out CJ department to 0 prove a ualtr of atl 11 11KIa ih ihrlracea the thesrtcsrra
rlracea KIa ItUnot 1 h nol aeotteilusnfdri eonerilo nl ofdry flrdrbul uittttr sIsttttcebut uittttrbut
but atrrSiiiof a ueytoftnttrPitlaea1slaiedfdaflI ueytoftnttrPitlaea1slaiedfdaflIfor latrre tn vilatradedltk vilatradedltkfor alrndfOd II IIror
for the gnitral uerst rr4rr r1 r and nd itat lb b mao of Ktcact KtcactThe KtaCItn cleeceIbetabti
The n Ibetabti labt of ofrouutreis contf onra all the bows tl tlTt I IT1te 0rb
Tt T1te Trodfnrle TadII of Cbemlnirf Traaunuta Traaunutatkia 1rsasmutthea
tkia tift and 4 th Eiperlmeat of RarVMr Dose DoseMailer IVxUaiter Uo UoUuer
Mailer rilaf To Interior r of tb the Canb CanbTk Iartblbs nil nilTII
Tk lbs Sun ua Oltpam II TB lbs MOb War w The TheUraUatea 1beOranlIOII Tb TbOrganissltoe
UraUatea of Matter Tb The Frontier of Ih Ihbdcacea I Ibdnc ibs ibsbdeees
bdcacea bdcacean bdncJ11
J11 n Pc races MiaLi latlm IDCIl NCT U ISM I
WKU 11111 KVOII N II U4 MN < I UTttnY UTttnYMarlon < tTOflIflrlA lTtJIlIIrln
Marlon llarland rlnd Tell T ci f Meiilhero Ihnn ur litiirtre I urlIr We Wellefere
llefere lIr War r Time TimeMany TImInr TimeMany
Many who have long chenhd Marion MnonHarlami Marionhlsriatuuio fionrlalld
Harlami rlalld whimsical hlrlllalarlnl daring will weicomw weicomwher weironhsr Iron Ironhr
her autobiography wtut hi th < h l to I Ii PIfltCdthis imntea imnteathla 1lInl < 1 1thle
this eeaaon on Th ltts hurnnr of the tI woman womani
i who created tlw thu household IWTIIIU tusyiutec fIKIl Fruit Fruitcak Fruuttrake rtll rtlltak
rake will II keep k for tweulyllve year sara r if iflocked itIoohcuh r rtll
locked up tll si1 3hut 1 Ijhlwzr hlt1 ahould Im bolrJ bolrJtwenty 11U111tnt huulrltwenty
twenty minute ntrl II 1 milt from tIt tlmhoiinei tItho hishnuic
hoiinei ho hnuic will l he dire > tlf < ir to maka mn t11at Hi ncord ncordof
of her llf flfe unique IIlIiq in i quality Ialiysit uahtySh
Sh wiya In her preface rrCfl or all the theauthor th thAnthor theatitlinro
author dill III ill on ncttr ell 1irofcionai irofe ional duty dutyin d dIn
in oitr nurrotintrY country I am m th the only t on on j wh whmemory whutues whutuesmemory h hrnmory <
memory run ° bocis bac ¼ to the th IItalt ta e of national nationalhi nationalIIIto nationalbuctoty
hi IIIto buctoty tory that preced l ih ti civil C i war by y n ncjuarter IIor shliarter
cjuarter of n century I alone am am left leftto Jeffto rr
to tell of my III o on n knowl nowllcr lgr and andrin ex experienc cxjeTtnt
perienc rin what hat the Old South wa W In deed deedand d1anti deedam
and am in truth Mm 1l n i to a afor story storyfor tor torror
for the th talus and ld armchair under 1InI th tipresding threading thM thMadinlt
reading lump in the living loom To Tothe Tothe Inthe
the family and to I those ho who make m and anilkeep andkup n nkp
keep the tb horns do I commit it itThe Ithis
The 1 h mnet delightful chapter of Pr Peronl PrIOon1 PrCoWIh
onl History of Foumcore Years arethunon are arelhoi
lhoi th whlrh give Ci familiar gUrrpjea SUIToI tizvpues of ofliterary IIflitra ofliterary
literary litra folk rolkame tame Kidpath 0 Thorn ThomaIlailey Thorn11411Y ThornsDailey
Ilailey Aldnch Bayard nar Taylor and andother an1olh antiothers
other olh of th the time of which she h > writ writMarion writMarion t tIarion
Marion llarland it i Mrs I Kdwanl Payon PaiannTrhnne PayonTerhun PannnThun
Terhun and nd II abort time till before hr biu biul bllshanlli huxharnl
l and hanlli > death they celebrated their golden goldenwelding IItndnIlInJr goldeneddhng
welding IlInJr lorether In her horn at t Pomp Pompton lonIIon
ton N I ThB 1 fli present nt h hA rceyed from fromher Iromhr fromtier
her children and nd grandchildren wo woun acut a aIII
cut un dial mad of Pomptoo granite In Inl Inwith Inerttiuul
l crilid with the I legerwl It I < t otbr otb tell tellof 111r tellof
of r storm or nhowern I only onl mark the Iheaunny Ihttunn thesunny
sunny unn b hnllra hnllraI houitTeec r rv
I v Teec neN 1 4egueblaTrIhtIte caihrTrll > ulet t Ic lJifr trttle nl llero lleroYone Uraon tfesrnVon
Von on Noguchi in hi hIs tribute to Ijafoadio Ijafoadiollearn frtwdiollram LafosdioIleam
llearn In th hits current Atlantic says MyaWe saysWiu Y YI
We W ljMine IIT h t tiern > e n reien neord rafed hy hyhi h hhi byhis
I hi his siidilen dln maM m and n iMptlet lb sfr afresh alrhIInder afreshtinder h hunder
under hi his lran lranfDdenl1 < enilental rpl rapture rplrWhnl raptureWhuit ir irWhat
What lmiire Imlrfld ti l ua II not ws wos that tb h be waa a aIklne aufyllitng
1 Irlklne ncure tigu of protect lie II wrote ro to Mr Mrj
j I Utaul UtaulI
I While Wh ltt ih h rare for ro favllnr time In o 01 01Is oet oetties l llie
lie Is II gfN oes on there will III be no new Jaimneae Jaimneaei JIn JIni Jsuosliterature
i i Illeralitre no new n drama nn n new po 101111 101111nnhlnlr poutrynothini trr trrI
I nothing in4d xxl > of t sn any nY kind IIln Irnductlnn Irnductlnnwill
will III h t tes mail linp Iuurnqittue lbe lh an and < only nl the III IIInmmoapltt thecnmmobptlre
1 rnmmoopliee translation of fornlgn Idea IdeaTbe Id Idfbe idesrho
Tbe meaning of r time tlie fbi h meinlog of work workthe worlrIh workthe
the Ih sa > re rfln < lne of r i lIterature are r unknown unknownto
to this nenerllim He If wa wee II indeed < t th thiivlDH IhlIiDIr thuiving
iivlDH proof to tho h fm power er of llttidwith ohttud llttidwithhkli with withehirtu
hkli h he trted In master the Ih thei iiroblem iiroblemand
and n wlh th nlilrh he h siirieeiJe ciii eeuiei < l
A rre rsuiIrai u lrl 014 s4 f far r Ik Iknrk Ibe 5111 I awl awlTvkb
Tvkb TvkbIt nrk nrknr > I
n nr CHARICM CH RIDt r rDtractorof IJIYC IJIYCfltrcMrofthe nrr I
Dtractorof 01 ollb theVewTarlcStaU r ew T TrihStil < 11t Irt Vkoolef flay ClarWorklnt CIa CIaoIn flayWoridni
Worklnt oIn sad 1Id l C CeramI r mte Sometime a St Sturilatrnaent 51IW 3upsijstefldPitt
urilatrnaent IW In i ue e flay ny1 Porcelain IorrclatnWork IortlnWo PorcelainWed
Work Wo Worcester tag tagCONTTVTC En EnCOrr a1 a1cotrr4
CONTTVTC COrr Tk Pre Prnt nt Ve ed d dItraut Art n rercie rercieflaityaII rre rreIr
Itraut flaityaII Ir y aal Uoo ConUIueArl > Uluie IUP > Art IDiiny 10 Pence Pnrrelain m PencelaluiM
lain 11 laluiM TM Prepmralton Iffpar of l lap lb Clar e Mob Mali Mtkn Maliicr
I icr n < and an Plaster Ca C osea sod 1Id Wotniue Usda WakUntldlni UIdalid UsdaIi3itdlng
ntldlni Ii3itdlng lid I by h lfnrtTli UnrtTIoI lotur Wbeol Vb 7t Turn TurnInc TuIIMkln 1uruiIc
Inc Mallet Ir Loffe Ileee CoP Saucer and MrJJ andPlot n < l lPlit
Plot Caatlar TU Thca Utter II tu Cal OlSf1 OlSf1Ullu a Olulat OlulatOtsas
Ullu Otsas Cmnpotlttae J UU Matt Olam rrlttd rrlttdOlazes rfl rflGlazes l la
Glazes a Hertpes If IMfeet I of hisser t Deror DerortionTke D fletotstins
tionTke tins The VIne Htf k T tnpertir I Ware m ar arWorkiBC C C1t cwyWoitlc
WorkiBC far Ckiidicn
1 r J
171 F VsgS S4z tf Iaeb si t rutw rutwtrattotM r LIst LIsttaitoae J ll
trattotM nt KTT Nr um M oo I
D Van Nostnd No5trandCompany Company PblShers Publisher5
23 2 Murw Murrsv and 27 Wa Wsrren Strcb 5trc Ne tw York YorkTh
0 Th + t e
4 4Charles
Charles Scribners Sons SonsREADY SonsREADY SonsREADY
ur J b bUMtrwIrt y a ar wMe
ir a facllift r tnoUitaas Ten shail shailmak n f a
UMtrwIrt tn aa ataZ da Tbrr Tbrrra Thetwak
mak bat 1 I is laTlo 1011 tall t so om ombodr III A
1 ra ua iued < l tnr I nasa r md U s alt altmr a fts ftsbody
body br sanest ooa f r anab4y no > b4r domt domtma do Ome mr ibe ma a4 4 tawledte tawledtetraps d lb iMt5 iMt5taah
ma taah al M wkat I lofta I evt mlt ttyosa mm r traps p sad tKl 1 yells U awl 4 naks a wakIbtif r rtkclr
tkclr Ba BaRra Satide
l a ar
tide r fur U I uS la t ta MOM Ik t ftc rklktrra 1 of a t the rash It M4 S 4 wiTh wl ttslr ttslrpMturmvu f Ssr W S Sturssqii
pMturmvu pt turssqii n wsov r ef f talk ar are n nad bi llv I lIve ta print pD by b If Un Myra rra Kcltr 1 lt ily I tun
The Taming of ofRed ofRed ofRed
Red Butte Western WesternBy I
A story n mld romasit > and and Id et 04sturous 4vetun > u of r toys IOTa4 1
a4 rllredln rraln la I tk Ibe W WM Ujairw IUnJ l II I SISO JO
Predesti Predestined ned A NW NIt 1 New 7 TI Tick it itBy Li LifsBy
ta abaorMac trD narrt oP of truly trly dramaSe drmo quaJtyra < ju Jtty Il r rh rhO rM P 4POM fela felas Pea Peae >
s e eawk O oas wl wbo rml In Ik lbs flrat arl iw tkapur cbp will wl 111 b I be Ukty Ue t 1 lay 1U Isyths tte tteeli 1 bOIOeIW xMoVir r 1 g Eaes Eaesroma raML raMLfrom
from rrl roma rry point pat of tUw U U I I on o cee of o U tae OMM wost 111 tntarMSnt pto p plana of t O oa pfo So podva > ttK 4 by aa aaamrt ema
amrt a t ki < sn In na r rr teinttt eUf vrttUt ILM ILMA3t IL ILI Sl SlI
I Published Publshe April Apri 30 3T 3TThe f fThe 1The
The of Lonesome Hill HillBy A3t A ABy ryef ryefPre
Angel Hil Pre > l4 C CI
By FREDERICK LANDIS of Indiana IndianaImtc IOIa IOIar
Imtc r w C mgr ajreisa tmu If I tin KmturtU A mlmUtrttltmt mlmUtrttltmtt ke keA
A stnltlsty rkl vtvl4 t 1dPIMUUotinf 4 nhdn1 of adMrlnsntpcrsonaUty a pUf piroonsUty ofla or I loday tair bOMW IU 60 reupsauIg > N < I
I IDanbury DanburyRoddAviator DanburyRoddAviatorBy Danbury RodA viator viatorFREDERICK
ll I diets laai a < a II tb It ld l4sl aldrtrrof drIver or Ui l the seraphs frojlima ola olaIDleblYnal
a Kolfbl IDleblYnal lictcbtrrrsftt rn nt af Ik fumr Inhereof of r th h comUf comUfranf IDIC IDICnr omta omta515cr
ranf nr aertil r1 natlffotua II I lie t peeLs rLt I tilvonlur tilvonluraa Junlurli
aa sad > Ik li the U 14st l wenaD woalo lit 1 find lld holh holhIU hnlhSUoWvted 1 1IU
SUoWvted IU r tr lliu
Promenades of An Impressionist ImpressionistBy I
A rotisetlue 1t ix of prVllnt pI crtUrlantof crlcl 01 rnntcinpuiaiy 0 art el by b tk 1 lbs brtUlaataarftor blWu btllltas aa ana at TroUta TroUtatl 1toie 1toiestsa r I
tl stsa JO eel M < aw tMM ts II I
The Indian andills and andHis andis
His is Problem ProblemBy
rstmrr r Laltvtl Cal Stat r Cw1Ieaer wtMlt Intr l r ef efSadism f fletflaa rA
Sadism Agate AkTalrA A In
A mumtv 1 atrulnl eiriaistt rtDI arraual rDI of o Ik b be work workof won wonof 01 01or
of tft a be t juepsxirat > p ttmr l Tko wtltsr elt urges U UI a sew sewpolicy rw rwpollpy
policy I lirotl IoaJ aw > M 4 deSntM dIall 10 sHranc he heIDoh tk tklajlin tbIsUtun >
lajlin IDoh MOOnrf U 0 r fp4l4 rpaWZai U
Now NoIn In Its Fifth Large Lrge Edition EditionJohn EditionJuI I
John Marvel Marel Assistant Assis t THOMAS NELSON t SON os PAGE I
Charles Scribners Sons 153 Fifth Fith Avenue I
1 I Tin TI iHtAt I 4i41 1 nv nvI 14 14I I 4 114 114TIle
The ORIee n tnt nl > 1Sn on tear ra ears Old 01 anti nd Karl KarlI trhnorr
I I lulrr norr t lilnrte Iln oiilrol lontruilun oiilrolrom 1 1n
rom n Iti I tSePuiiikn firfirv firfirvnrt
i > kn nrt 0 antI < leliv I h t tlr I i W V VautttiI ilI l on l n nr01 lie lieronui > e
1 r01 > rnil lAiissiif 1iitss usC lilwl In thn It ti mrii uuiIteflt In > nt niitn niitnl olm olmIr Iptinler
l Ir > erof or 111 the Itoil 11 Asiatic l SiKlety r lueul lueulIs nurmi nurmiI
I Is full of interest lu nt tt t the Ih irewnl lime 11m In InIt Inh inIt
It he h rll gives I a trjn tinlltn transiatlon UM > n Ir lit f Ih lie ilerre of li lii hIhln Itthin
thin i hlne mlrur Km ri > r i luIabtfl liUi Ilni hlnn wtii tuI ti li it I in infnrlt InrUl inkrituvd
fnrlt rUl > e < l on funr tnoe tOO flOf tUi Ihl it 1 Ihe IhI It left elite eliteof id idof hlr
of r the Ib toot Ior nf the h greet I 1 I Inkin kn irmpln tr trIhll of ofIlueLt f flliaiu
lliaiu Ihll antI n1 wlilrli h l is itaeil lr1 i n its s life 11 us II IIIn emIn iMi iMiIn
In thl hl the revnUtlons fur the I sppolnmrncfl sppolnmrncflof pp < > intmen intmenof
of the hIIIm IlitUl lama ama are a cc r set of n t loicrther wltli wltlikiml ottliS ll lln1
S kiml n1 nf r history of the I Itistitiilion them utuitton IIn ohlrli ohlrlileaves nlululileave hl1
leaves I I > clear Itmt 11 tlm I Institution IpIIIIo lntitui toO I Ii no nomrlter DOulr nOranter
mrlter luau I Isle IO 0 anti WRS I the h invention IIr IIrthe uf ufthe f fthe
the ulr irlestklna Ixi Iotiaa tir h7 n 1 tivatnf UI liVj uuiPso > chief chiefatil ubiefatibot br brhhol
atil atibot hhol > ot of the lb Vellotli l lama nfter r he h hail hailolred hailoiud d dIfd
olred Ifd tb rbe IniilMjril IfUIr1 enirrrlcmr en rereicui st sivont sivontthat a 11 11Iblbl
that Iblbl title titleTbeiliularrancemen dteTbeduumlsranfmen
Tbeiliularrancemen liv ct l i tuinerirancl tuinerirancltarna h on Iln1 Iln1m ranui ranuiYams
Yams m reign rlt at a Tsshllhunpu Thlblnpo In western westernTll Weeterflittiet rttm rttmlbI
Tll ittiet > t a 54 th thoTsetti Tahl TMlarn lain ltliuMt Ihoill Infrlnnlni Infrlnnlnith 10rlnlnl 10rlnlnlIh
lbI 1 1ittta of Lhasn Lhasnicfins Ih IhI 1haenlestuis
th the uireraarr ulrem lr of f tlie I Dalai flallI ulna
icfins to ha h hare n been n In Ih the first m itittAltifi tniice an anartlflr sflarthlce
I artlflr U prdle prII1 < l IV t t the same MI priest pl lf 1 1bfl Inlran lfliran >
liran rUk who bfl appointed pplnfld hi tutor the fhuahbot abbot hol of oftheliatdan f ftheObldan rthe
theObldan the Ubldn monastery near nexarlhaa IIIAM Ib thefrst Ih the rut frat fratlAPbi
1 lAPbi UI 11 lAma m while hltt reserving the Ih real head headafilp hejulstitp
afilp hl of the SUte f tgt far hlmwlf nml r1 forcing forcingIlk Infln InflnIk fnrainclike
Ilk Ik like some am other iitrvenn a klndnf kind or i Iler Iler10rtbaIIIIn iesttcru iesttcruforth > e < llere llereforth < >
forth 10rtbaIIIIn InsKtnlliin wherebv hlb1 It npienrnl ttuil ttuilbe ttjatbe
be b w was s the li filth nfh l 1111 Italal > lal lama instead In uf ufussihefarr a awaethefacr
ussihefarr rl ra the lit thuctirot thuctirotrhs first firstThe nr1fh
The fh UfKrrrt slo l o make tt I plain plin that tht th th4hlnese the the4tuiiICuSS h hcbln
4hlnese cbln early rly Interfered 101rrrt In the II wnrklne o kine of ofthe orIh ofthe
the Ih elertlon 110 and nd Instated iivnn wi what was wascild wa warailed 3 3I
railed I the Oril 1rdi tl 1 nf r the inliUn I Im Imhh Irnwhich rnl rnlwhlih
which hh really 1 meant rhl the Ih drawing of Ir lot Iota tor torthe torIb brlbs
the Ib offlr In the presence prlnr of the 1 ChiDe ChiDembn thinAmbsn hlof hlofmbD 1
mbn > or Itesldent 1ltIDI who whe manipulated n > the thewhole 11 thewhole
whole bot affair lair It I wa woe time 1m fur the seiond seiondthird econnilthird 11 11thIrd
third and 0 fourth rlrb Dual Ill lAma reein n from fromIhe rromthe fromth
the th decree dtr to hat hare been bel moat dlre dlrrlltAol dlrrlltAolU dtareiuastagabe dtareiuastagabeleopIs > iit ole olet I
t leopIs > eopl while U Ibe lb death nf 0 the til fIrst nntulr w wuc sir sirestfulty tr trre
re estfulty fitllr ulr concealed CODNle for ril elfhteen Iblel rear rearl yearir
l Ir ir > r Wadilell Waddel al slat o let 1f1 11 tie that the 11 l III jialal jialalIAma > tUI tUIlama
lama In supposed to be b fh this Incarnation not nnta notas
a as I Is sometimes arnUm pp Mid < of Buddha htmaelf hllr but butof butof I Ior
of Avaloklta the Ih O ompastmxiate > mns mIfI Kinat Ixint nr nrOml n ornd
lluddblat Oml nd AlokIA of Merry Ir dlTinltle dlIDII ih Ihe most hot poi 1Ilr icupisler > ulr of nil 111 tin tinlluddblat I IIuddblt i iIluddhit
IThe The Head Coach CoachBy I
A daaMnr duac norsl 0 of o tere I aad faefboB Tko Tkoroaaoo n nr lb lbreana
roaaoo r et aa alkldJe UI rrac rracTaJs re reTa eg7wsa eg7wsalois
lois J
Ta 1w
1 The Black Bear BearBy I
Aw5e ef t r Tb Oll Utzai I heer heerThIs
ThIs Til It I I tk b story t flnt tn of UK Il black bJ bar 1 Ba Baof B sn snof
of kl habits MVnlurM u and tearMirrUtles tearMirrUtlesi
i TUf n U u I a stitUr dud of blark bbs bran 1 la central ra from r floutth
1 I 1 th pnlnt of rt yiw w of Ib lbS snidest nt O OI uf natural fcl fclrr lila lilaI
I OTt > rr a4 tar It Blnisr haotrI
I I ItOJO II r M r h ei54jt il 4 It 19 le
i Some Musical Recolleclions Recol Recollections Rel ¬ I IIections
lections of Fifty Fif Years YearsBY
With k Mlr fcr Mr ReaTtaaa ReaTtaaaTk B
Tk T arrouat ua nf r Jtonr JD Un Uads Llnd apprtranr at
r 1 rash > ilr jarlrn I nf b ho r u tour u ir of Hi l oojntnr ppru I un4r un4rI U UI
I I llvnum Ivum of Urndrltsritia U ldIbo toa4t lna < tla 11 of ofPiiYuu u uniaii >
niaii st ttanraesIr lsnrir Ianl > irr Ikes rb aa na naar lr otkr oie
I m mnI ini lr uf niiJol r nl life IU untidy Melr la lafurin 11 IOu OUsIy oIY
furin fa a rj rlnaUof nala vuline vulineIt I II
It I i u li cm f IVtf04U lvI II tA X
n lltrsnit Art Karvtlaa Karvtlaatht r rI
I rot tht thtTie fIt Af Ataotet Ataotet1b
Tie T 1b perutUr 1 style a of 0 art n known aon a as < nrtsnCB nrtsnCBl naGa naGall
II l teen > ren alteroaUtT ll claimed Iame a a survltal rY of oftne ofIn
tne In llrllrnlsUr UIII art n of Aletandrta ndt sod ao a span aponlinenus spantonetit p
linenus la f cr crouh root of the u cants I mt m1 i nfcen im ara4 aro uow ed
br the r ynntturui nh1 uthMI ImpiHe Imp of a rbrlstlanltr 11Ual Ublle Ubllenot Wbnn WtiIlnot
not n ilentlnc that l 11t 10th > lti lho those e element mar m m0nL1 fecte fecteonlrthutnl ba balonLrllu4ti
onlrthutnl 0nL1 lulu to 0 ut formation M IMrkl In Ik
olon 11 l Ail Ailof Acgj Acgjof 4 4or
of iMt 1 set > rar < Ar rhoII Tehiulsj Tehiulsjt < h roloj t foacrrss C CaJrol Carl Carlnc
lirinrs t flnr nc out fili frf 1 ii r IearIy arljr tfce I It prrpoafipraflnc Prdole PTPnadraui debt debtnbteb iiebtnblrU cb
nblrU b b Hr itteanume < anilBi Un ecu rt ovrs 0 ow lo I ancient arf1 Kirpt Kirptwhence Yyptwbetueu
rirrt rirrtwb
whence wb tt I derltrj 011 lt I rhatacterlitlr a arrhlkftrtur hl hlI
I tI 114 IllumInated mmln1 rcannuitrt and nd tk 1 the bIght bcbnlrAI lrk lrknlral Iwbrulral
nlral itOh mn shown ow lu h Ibr It x utptiire ilple of marble ra Ivor Ivorand IY Ivory
and no wool woolone wooalure l lUo
one Uo rnltht mliiU add dd lo o this Ibl that I U II I was probably rbhlr fk fke I ubo
e n e o The Th lUiok lIok JIw of 16 the l tiead a < l wttltk wttltkroul wtlebsnout Itb Itbru1
snout ru1 hate h t Lnn > n familiar rrla ob ob3pett erts to t evrrr P rayp rJp
ttan I tis whIch fate se the 1 Cnl Cr t lilra I of Itlunlaamt Itlunlaamtml lurn lurnnl lhlUmbit lhlUmbitunlesets
ml unlesets i and nJ lionkt o 00ii of hour oun that 1llb Ibe tbesere arred Iron Ironnrrr If teonme
nrrr r me but I a suuflllet > urvlv n10 l of tbe Ib mural ru palatine of Ir
Ibe Ib loot onl nf Ib I lbs btnrt Inr and nd Ikal Ih the lfel lfeland Ir Irno lfeas lfeasand
and no ronventlonitl ufile rri 1 of rcrpf rUn art n dnittir
lbs Utter part pUIU of the Now S Fnipt FrfquI rrnPlretquiteeure re Isqtiltexiarlenl dnlr
tn ml n arroiuiC IOln far ro tb II deridenl appearaore PUD of tnl all n
llyrantlne tJrnnn wori wor from rrll It l earnest n1 period periodTbe periodrb O
Tbe r rb manufacture of teiUlo fabric
I rbr ta which whichp eb
rcypl rO1 p I w wee etaas 1 > 1 supreme alrm teem raia a to t kawpatMd kawpatMdstralflit hre hrestraight
straight Irabl from ro IB a the Ml 11 lo Ie Coattantlnopl Constsnn uM sot 1Id
to have thus become 0 rrtponstble rpaII for It Its I survival survival1n
1n I furope uo rturlor duuia utnll Ih the Oark Aes AC N So trx tr I Is
ft > It I core 10e fsta rst tosa c u I ubi Ibt tbe atroar slroogui slrooguiulopi lrlrO r
does theohllcatlon of the lbevsodern modem
holrafon 1Oo world olo to ancient IHI
11 Pf I hi l appear
Thanlreler IntHlt Profit Profithron Pft Pftn
hron n t It Ilttrary Tir Par PottIfe Parn PeelIt
n Ife pulill pulUhln hlnr hotw hflI nf Faquell Is s esiui lil
to 0 bve b re rltl recelvoul < eved order 011 for JOOOOO 000 fo r fitvore S0900O S0900Ocopies
OI OIopl
copies opl of r Its I I 3 francs I 0 centime million odilon of
Thanleiler hnl hanttu anti n th the weekly fll L LIIato I Itmtratiox
I Is partn M lto fonI Ihootinut < lnd for Ibe serial 111 rl right tit
thereof a sum um which hlb the moot mot couaervatlve couaervatlvereports Couaeralysreport
reports rfr eet t lt t Ticoo aoo o franr an act ectlbI that U USi I I ISultSfVJ
Si SultSfVJ + tfta franc In all 11 11 Iurlherraor rlhrmor the Ihepubllshlnc Ibeplhlhlnlr thepuhtihtng
publlshlnc house bo of Ilerra
plhlhlnlr Ifr ICtte fff baa b per purchssed peretisueti ur
chssed for a sum Im which If Is 1 safer fr perhaps perhapsnnt prhp
nnt to 0 peclfjr hut which whcb I Is admitted dmlt to 0 be b
large Ih f the right ro Ituea I fie 0 lute hut Illustrated Illustratedrdirlnn lulrId illutratdrhlftnn b
rdirlnn Ilnn uf f Kostund I nre romnlefe omp works This Thlaedition Thlllon Thisrutitlon
edition llon rrli wI appear p r la ceventr ttnt weakly kl In InUlrnents I Inoultjpts
Ulrnents of twentr p p pages es each elb To tbe tbeemolfiment tb tbm IbeenuotflQt
emolfiment mar m b h be > added d the eontlder oDldrI oflpId oflpIdaft
I aft tle hi sum un pld 11 for srriil 1 I ri rlh right ht br b a lx London > ndon
0 fe kl 1
7 7I
In Closed Territory TerritoryBr
Author AaofIli 4 of ° Rrnieeers femi > t fcicc n of 00 a Ranchman Ranchmantfk lanthnUI
tfk 1 no n nimtfnt at rsrltrment tn the Ib way of dwratO < l p rsi ajvralur s and Id halrtirdlh halrtirdlhrap dl dlf p peArwe
rap eArwe TOw TD It I 5 no 0 pottering rlnl over 0 miner mn urlail 11 no slcmpl rrl to irs Osny 1nl nltr scum 1 eBtetenint eBtetenintHer
Her 1 f are prsnnte4 the I rrr matter m which ilhojh 1011 nmlttnl la II o eitrlau d repot rrl w and 4 srieauan srieauanleront ael danliIirralds
leront ais at ot 0 mo mo mail Intense ntcirst tao no bt bttmadesl sJ l corwouroT 0rI 1M4JfIO44 i < MAtlfu A jl Antnnn AntnnnPralUfrly 4pu1jpiJrofwsetv O
rKo PralUfrly 1 tfufmferf trrtrf from fro rein pfiotogmpt lwogmpI bj b the Ir author 010 I Town Cr Bro Iro ft Ita 7i z zThe nrl nrlThe fI fIThe
The First Great Canadian CanadianTti
Tti T Vory io of n Ittrrr r I Mitynr JI IIrtn f Kirur lifw tiIbrrrilt tiIbrrriltBy tlbrfi dJburriIBy
Men le Worn Iyn was rot Ifll onlY onl the u rr no > o t nlriiirewvie rl f tt teir ire of n We I days ts nf n rrtnrh rIh unrmrv supremayIn unrmrvIn rm rmI
In I Aitiritt Am hut I b hi ws w woe perhaps prIO tb tbe b mm ml I cutlet IIlt can ranunutU > tniit4ve summaa mal nl II tilt M ty sy Dr Rrxt Rrxtwritri R Rwrl flp flpwrites
writes wrl club tl Hi plr1l > r and d narrative nnI atHtltr I I at wrk a wltb ccnracy on Le 1 Mnriio treat aenlevearau aenlevearauIllutlmlrd scbJeuItIuemted cfnaI
Illutlmlrd 11uomrn from ro rare r print Cr Sb > io o j SUI w > Puff nttA PuffA r rA
A Womans Impressions of the Philippines PhilippinesBr Phiippines PhiippinesBy
TMa Tl I a chatty and ad enlrrtalnlnr account nnl of thing as rber tr sis at In I itt tie Pbltlnplne rbllpne written writtenafttr writhesatIsi
afttr a somewhat meb 11 ilccmsd 9 and no unique intO ulpedaee ip > rence 1 st A x uiCool hool hol teacher IIr la the Ih Islandk Iad Ult hllut 1M 111 r rsrs rue ruep
all p srs however bencatk Mil the b surface r ar and l smonc the b clrtlibtfullr dUebtul drawn 4ctures of ItUttrmls m 1 llfs llfswblrn m mblll litwbkliali
wblrn wbkliali Ib blll Filipino sb b dvn cn 1rs are r some remarkably rr lly been eo obcrnatlons oUn ot Amcrlso mra dimcultlet ltI In rtcallnt deatin 1rn wlm wlmIb Ib Ibri Iblb
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I I A clean origInal dClccthe A fantl fantastic < tIny of love and andtory andstory
tory cen by a onjlnal great rut ad ard nprf expert science Ccnct Cbudiu the briiant briiantI brilliant brilliantwho
I who knows ho how tn cnntlc conitrtsct a nun cung scuent1t nlt IS rejected by bylalnatnz byfascinating
fascinating lalnatnz Inow puzzle AMun Amazing thc be3ltul bea3tifui H Rouamond Rouamondmystery 0 mon d d1ar
lmpoiihle tn whereupon he makes a new ncwI newput
I put 1ar mystery the he book down Imrosltle untul the Roumond The delicate eh < ale de deI depuzzle
bok unIt
I puzzle ha has bttnstaightcnrd been siraihtened u tlopmenu whIh which folow follow may mayout mayoutV
I out outV r rI Trbauts Cloth he imagined Cl C1OS1 UID UIDi I3o I3oIeWt
i IeWt = 10 t 35 s tDrpJ I 100 100 rortali rortal otJatdI