OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, April 09, 1910, Image 3

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-04-09/ed-1/seq-3/

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1iL i iI i1IE
< THE rrn Sine SATURDAY APRIL 9 1910 t
0 = 0 0THE
THE YERKES SALE 2032260 2032260n 2O32i2iI
rI i Ii tI n rirrsrrir T trr Tn nirl nirlSort nirvo nirvovnirr ftnntnn
Sort nn T TII1 II tv tvIII t af7ffHu af7ffHuattk mfHHI mfHHItE1
tE1 III trprl I 11 trot r1II I Use lilt Arilrhll Arth111Untrru rllIIIIIIf Mviir in inUntrrti I IItn
Untrrti Itn Hrnllirrt rolll far Oiaait L a itir itirllri U UII ht htn
llri n 1rlr rlr rl In That alear alearIabeUn Ire Ireltrlln V Vtltrlln
tltrlln T Taprlr w > tr > Cnr nes at MIITne 17Tn 108
1 he WrLi 1 < auction pawl J14 llh th the Vcmonoo Vcmonooi sxun1bndelwhn 20111I110O1111
i K M 1bndelwhn iifi > twilni Mull lu I HVtMiuiK HVtMiuiKi r1e111n 11 III K
1 tnr in n r nr < > live Ih r M > a IOIK nx Illur > r uf f th thcoin II III
1 > tnoln coin m ti h11 st wwk w k nt A the ih < YorUft 1 + rwn rwnMir r rla
la Mir 11 In Fifth Iifl h tiHMiii 1111 of f y yrstpnlay yrstpnlayI Mi > rilar rilari <
i w nation I loh th the < > 110 11 ill Ih aflrrnonti aflrrnontii afh rIM rIMn
> n tt > i ti HIH 1 > ami intnHlri Ir v r rrnislit 1
1 1 11td IeI1 1 s 1114asp o fir f wlult h h II Ili n nUlht r rrnught
rnislit Ulht KSlkVl IIII < ili < l hU ill Ih Ihn ov I flU nini ninic nIlIlCh
1 c n Mvhiuliiu r th the h > < la L1 t of n r the lli llir painting 4lnllnlCII
> o fir > r it t tnll Ul for r I ho Ih tlir tlirliiv of sH sHIt s3ihwn s3ihwnIIeP
liiv It wi + mi rror in th nuiioiitifxil Al1I1nImI nuiioiitifxilat e eI
at 1 Ir Iuoadoy 10 lining eniiiK illlC which wtl wa wai w wO
O i u l 111 idr a It wm ivally lIly sucitto sucittoi
> i r with ilh Udni oonl dar ly iv enlnR iiinni in a total of oft I Inla
nla t 11 t i I hiir huls > iliv mining Ilia total of oft I Ia r rJ
t ijm J a a Mini I rtrrdny > icrdnr Iret total of f JVM JVMih rVIIe rVIIethehand > >
L ih hrint uran < 1 mini tnlaltodat11xn tnlaltodat11xnvunlg Ial to tlatu alu CnKlVi CnKlViM 03n
0 vunlg M mm + MI 0 ele < 1 < > was 111 thy lit natun natunrlfitnmit nalll natulilexnnt
rlfitnmit 11 lIll of r what h1 had not per pertd I iron ironti
ti td il 1 Ir or th frs Ur thorn turning turningriiiR
np riiiR 1 It a Arnoi Smnnq mo > 3 ih h < pictures ncturr ieIII ieIIIa wen wenailomia w wadnnaa
ailomia a I II ami 1It Hull in dory Murillo MurilloMiiitonna llurilllMndnuna IurilloIIIIIn
Miiitonna and unl11ild llnlcl 8 Si 1 John and andnsl IInd111 an an1n
1n nsl L llottKflli 111 IIVMI ami A S Sr RoII RoIIIHmm Sin > > >
r n Clnil lorrnm si sal > not rxnrtly rxnrtlyMR rsarll rsarllIt
o MR It priiti 11 for atoll eminent name tinmrai IIAm IIAmIIC
i i nth IIC th it a wvivly Itr IwtiM collection collectionif Uoll Uollor
or if Ih lour Guardia i mini it mint went w nl nlwive nlwiveW ibo AhoSP ibot
t W t envpt SP u pt the lh < > trtnil Canal which whichlAjn whienatrv
natrv Ian tthunrr hmn > v took M TPvx IYPJhl TPvxprice 10 10IlItll >
hl IlItll hesl price of Ile ih retime n l and then thenkrd Ihntkttl th ths
s tkttl < krd llcnrjr lIn Duveen who had been hr n nhider a aM a ah
h hider > < M 1IIr r for n why h li > hud made him tMr tMrv 11 11hlltr f fIt
v It hlltr iln r µ IMV I 1r tu > inwn lor it a 1 very ry li 111C1t 111C1tC Iigitrrw h hC
itrrw C > IT lor u iunrdl nt any IIn rare r in thin thinm iii iiimv h hn hIh
m n mv mvIhn v vV
V lli Ihn rus rat val KA I in < hi h tHcrnooii rtrnu therm therma Ih IhItr Ihr Ihrr
r a t hrit Itr t MttfMiilinct but the b number numberl
col l Mlevtor IIPt or rug und of thus thuwiv Ih IhctWIII thusv
v > und rtAnil ih ctWIII > > m IKMIIC III much l III Iren n nin
n in in lVi 9 HH 1 of r vnniinc nanlt thorn wan wani wa waay
6 ay i < h rleiimml on the Ih clpcttr i citr cil of the 111 111aP h hIh
4 aP i it th the ovenmx nln iteooiona IH + inn ut which whehrlllllnc whielIr
Ir r rlllllnc ha Ila1 won 011 anldallhlees
1 allhlees nli 1 lep as n the Ih bidders Mt 1 Ihn Ihnart I Ih Ihr here herer
art r 1 t Hmey t fattitl I1tMl with S33 a3 W Wthrly OOil OOili
i ihirtv h rill > 4ii sad < thirteen IIl1rl tnpemrie tnpemrierM
rM r weed rtn k keen > wti intermit Iro on th Ihh the pier pierh rt rthe
he h non linnfei 1 ntimler who d dnn do dor
r nn u in nln in to I iho Ih e fabric f loriC1l So fa faan far fara ftlr1n
a 1n n i w MM an > n mi II the Ih f fate c of i1 Ihe Ihef Iluf tit titlyra
< f i Hlpr uyep iiiui 11I1 ttu t or all the h nign re rei roo roon
i r m n Thi shin hii roiinlry The I Ih h Motropolilun Motropolilunnm 1lroIIIMntook
nm too took thr 111 < nf r them Ih Itrnyton Itrnytonmil IIrnlnnI
e mil I tllmn Nordira Mclh 1nung ounK nun war warw were weren r
w n 1 parrhn mr > lm TN anti allclIOIII aiiinne other otheri nlhf nlhfh11
4 i hall were wet Mtirry Slnltrs nltT all Lharlen LharlenI lharlI
I r rat l 1 U l itn IhitniHo Ihn 11L M Mirnnc
1 L hung ItlrOOllor I > irettor IdwHnl rcl IJoliin IJoliinof
I of the I 5h Meirnrmtittii IrI lrnpnlil > IiIU In Miii III iitn nnd nndprtc RlItIr1 nn nnfir
fir tnllerh IhdnrI IhdnrIe Ir1
e prtc 11 lirolijhl lir h the III rugs were werei wr wrM
i M i r t nt iioiiil 1 or rerord hreikniR hreikniRPi hrjO 1111I1 1111I1I
Pi I r Hi 1 1diulnn of u r the lll ll Irl t Hull Hulli Ih IhII
i ni II I t hiRiv 11J wn n i thai to iniv inivi a aI
i i h hllI l Inn I u pretty l IaIfr illr n l lI
I Hie I Ii tin ti t on n < > ntiiitii It ai ill II thorn I th nl wonlil wonlili 111 111r
r n i 5 Itlicht t sight letter I r prfen 1 prin if f their null fotlr 11
r d d < t M wn > n ui > t h i tin the1Ltr UirX 1Ir < tIntldM tIntldMI einrfti > t < d dI
I 14 une n > lte 11 l > ir li I n nun 111 U l Inav Inavr kid kidi
r tt 11100 t t Ih nih4 i I it Ih IhI t1a
I i a 1 th < pn 1 wn n + iii pi oininiglj 1olntnigl3rh > oininigljThe
The rh t a 111 liih It11 h rug rll bruu hroiishl ht Ml I Ti I Ito o otlln l ln
tlln to n ihf h ihiril un one iime up III iNo I n l lIon
u Ion t < > pi iir < < er ra war in II hurry for il and the therit Ih IhI lbwept
wept rit I up II rApiilly from w t er rii riiartp AI l lirtr i
irtr 1 until I tae e tat I fell II In o h hlMktlr hlMktlra l tkLlII tkLlIIh klatl klatli
a t r i it > ii in h t rn n in Ih this IIPI IIPIti h 1
ti h MIC th1 a Maufe 1r of f th + utterniMin utterniMinpiil ultrneniII
piil II nd v l > i > n for 11 the Ih Kiik Ilk iurp iurpin 1 1II
II in Ihn i i trt rl 1 1 M tvi 1 1 > o li winch winchU llh
U f L e 1dth113r diii tI II it S3W 53 The Th nr v t ti I II
i < > ii VI inn Iara irp 1 > troll fr r i Ardehil 1101 on tb tbether the thethe tI tIh1I1I1
ether the hnnl fi fr r which it in I iid i1 5lr 5lrk Ir
1 r k ca term 111 swtna > iii IC < i fell II nt lITijiO 1 le leI JI JII
111 I hn h pent itilui dur lul er r wl i + 1 I 1C tie ki II Mar Marf Irr
f M 1 1tr nv nvIn dYIra
In I r i I fed > P IV I Sit n a nt I Gt te tetNo Ir IrI 3rpr 3rpra
tNo I TTi a nt n to It sliznianii 1 for So11IM1 So11IM1hI
1 he h rue + whi whi1 < ii so 11111 li 1 sin tli Mu luu iuni nr nre the theiliwestrn Ih thenldwI
nldwI iliwestrn 11 Irn 1 i ti mrpel I No on thlvall theII the theiiill
vall iiill II id < Pinter rari arl1 t from the th Ardnbil ArdnbilM rdb1I
M I 111 ie iSo Sf zee 1i and on < < l the Ih IlnciUd on onl it itteel Ir Irn
l teel eni n niiirr < nII < nrM arMl t IH I u r M fI l > The Thesrient Th ThIh Tbchnt
srient Ih par inr among lCInJ the Ih tineMrte tepoatrioa waa waaI wa waIoiforIhrnlolins 101 101I
I IoiforIhrnlolins ui t for Ihe Ih colemHViilonn V tleanandtonua tleanandtonuaY ami Venn Venno nil nil1tI
Y o i Ii sold i 1tI a JITTUi JITTUiIMF I74lea I IO IO1fI
IMF HI 110 10 O Oi IL ILI Llf Llfn
I i fjj ill nortlcm n m rrr U II IIJ > lJ V Vj
j ni p Jl I Iu In lopHr WO WOL
< L Hr ir rttel art of 0 lapjifut u h Nrn M n nr
MO MOI MOlor 0 0I O
r I imiri > ntuijf n IrrvUn Intrrrni Intrrrninit
nit J Ii I < U 14 U ir r ri a 00 00n 1 1end
i end HO lrr I Uan n pr rFS > erranwt f r 1 r rati rp t KelUan lirlI0 mt mtt Q QM
t e tabi M In nh to arMt I II It tiIor I
lor ru rui In InI 14riI 14riII
i wort ri rt rtft oil nhlelp 111 rerl SItri SItrielli 1
elli 11 iii iiir I
0 ft r til rprln l 11 > r > l n lujtrm cm rmHfr rmHfro ot4 f fb
IF o 5 5n SInI SInIe
e r Hn vi if e uf d l ir trrnih < rnili n rrrtury rrrturyr r
Ir r n 11 Inn InnI la Te 8Jot 8JotIn 9s1 9s1li
li I MMB tIaniITtr In tnrf1 of r UKBll 11 tnilury tniluryVI lur murya
a era Ihn 500 500rn 3mrnM
rn rnM rarprt allee 111 nl r + 1IIar nlnrrlhhl
rlhhl 1 1112101 F I tb 341 341rrgn
1 rrgn n anrt 1 luenlh nll ennary ennaryN lfY lfYI
VI I SIlth tlllNf m i iIMh anu anuarI1 n nI
IMh arI1 rHi of r rfltk ItY AIM 111 rtalun rtalunI nl1l1 nl1l1fIIIn
fltk fIIIn > iin iinih h
I ih h nrMi l f fII SIrnlh a nth tHlli ff ffII
II tjtirnt larnlp rn + 5 5hnHI
1 p u ah h artrl rt > M e r rh tl hnHI hnHIk rrntb rvaTii rvaTiih
h rKll i I + uI uII I II 1I
I I e i or orJ r i oi tllrrntu u ITU i fin i rui ruiJ lnl >
J in 1141 un c IP 4 4r I J JPiih JOU JOUr11
Piih r n h irt srlrt > t nt MIrrnt trrnl rnt rrnnut rrnnutluirr UIItIhorl rrnnllJamr
luirr luirrI a ab
I b nrppt rlr t frtni IT al IUrlitl Mo 1 310dug 310dugr Hilf Hilfmr
mr r ten 11
14 uI leI1I 1Atj 1AtjI 1 wur
MrfH 1 IIn H 41 Mu MuI n I + 1 1M
M I i > r rln < ln n a ri rlrl IUrr IUrri Ili rr umar m mI n nt
t I 1alnr i 3he 3hei 1 >
i i ai Pp 1 01 n MIfHIU R rllllll rrnBaI rllllllfi
1 lnrrnr Ie Ien IeII Igru Igruh
h rrt n l teelh rrrnt rrrntl n
fi l fire Brmm II 0 I In
m n nrvrt 1 fit ir r dttr Ulrnlll UlrnlllII 0t11 11I 11II tali rr rrIt
II lif lifinn I Lure Lurela I IU
inn la mipel U fir i itrrtim itrrtimH rnll or orT run err errH
H T Trr tr or orM 3 q
1 M n r vnt I nrtllrn I e 0 It
1 i r rant 10 n Jr JrI J 3Jp Q
1 I noi ne 1 e ratl u i t tI an Ilrrn lf I n l It
> 1 finhe 1 Jr Jripct J
ipct at a tin rha < r > 1 fli annh annhr nih nihr
r r Mr I 1r nw Cnennsrse tllI JlH JlHUsureMiu Ot ua OtI
a UsureMiu I nwiiie Me I soot sootl nn i iI
I r lir urts3lar to h Ur Urrrwl < II IIJ l ltort
tort Ulf J renMM renMMMR n nI
el MR Stine I lllllll llllllljur Mm Ito ItoAtM 4n 4nI
I AtM IUffn + nto ru rur fl
r mace 11 af nn
1 jur 1 rultrl roar i i nt I nlr I Ilir
lir li liin m mI
I 0 nr 0nI
r irwJrll irwJrllr
r ar nI l wMane III IIII
I I 3IJU1 3IJU1fl J JAn
An fl lint nd ta rn II r M MIda IIIn
is I Jm JmIho
in Ida u fit fitav fitavil tIIOIlm
I m 1SY oY
il IyutA 1 nn and Ihwerpnr IhwerpnrHarattid lri rpi rpinimrntMil
n nimrntMil nimrntMilmi 11 < fI 3a1D 3a1Dfir CO COr
r mi fir nffifiiil 111 finld lint II i rra urn brni If > eII eIIrrttv eNl
1 Strrrlfv rrttv r nollnr nollnrI It ItIM
i ltnru I IM e r0 lo Ihr It Mjmpli 1I Imr mpa n nr nl
1 1 IMF r Viirrtlra tI Sn > jnt jntlr 1 n 1r 1rI beta betatirMter
tirMter lr I iMtr put n 1 lroi IInno Ihnln n nIn
Yen 100nlr
no m mI
I Ifl1r1 nlr JOntlp t
lIt lItI inn innM
I In I iin n Inn I II InnIo
I Io 1m 1mt oM oMnhI1 l
t nhI1 I Is IVs art artI
I Il I 110 110IIW l1
1 ntnlrr 111 CIu f kept keptmpp n
mpp IIW 1100rte
rte l
JohnTKercicy JohnTKerelCoFifth do Co CoFtftk CoFifth
Fifth Ave cer 28th St StOn StI
On Exhibition ExhibitionA
Ispahan Ispah n Rug Rugof I I
of the 16th Century Centuryi I II I
i fer I I f iJ idt i feet 1 king kingand < 1nl 1nlanti > nc ncand
and andThe antiThe andThe
The Most ExtraordinaryCollection Extraordinary ExtraordinaryCollection
Collection of ofOld ofII ofI
II I Old Chinese ChineseRugs ChineseRugs 1 1RUls I I
Rugs RugsEver
Ever Seen in thi Country CountryI
211 llnu lirnurl el I nilwap nd IIIt lta ltaW IIurr IIurrtr flrtl flrtlIIJIt
W It JilhovMt IIJIt 10 N 0 0til
til 1 nnu nn fv An Open U Air Ir IrII tarour tarourlS t ar u e eU
U il litinwin vrt vrtTon A ATot
Ton To1IIIC I IHut Iba IbaItutr
Hut anil n1 tap lapettrle lapettrleTarn Ifl aHRlfa 14110 14110T
Tarn T itrxixn KtJ11 attc or r119caas r119caasIN nnr nnrIM PIMllII
I IM t ItaJonna 11 on and OhlM lIM Uabute Ybl H II IIlanar III IIIt
lanar I arnr Ui UiIU ISII3
IU It Portrait of t > roar ar r HorfU llnlur llnluriliplilo IID IIDblo IMuindrrbfo
iliplilo blo Olin Iliirarl 3 3IM 311n 5 5rln
IM Viln rln ami lId ChlM Vbod lIoo1 of lln llnfit II ltniell
fit 1 n r I putt 11 tau tauIll tin tinUI 0
UI Iaadwape In nU rapa vrllh U Wan n on lUppiru lUppirutlor IIPP < N euMoro
Moro e Kivit luYpt IIn Domlrtwetl I allow allowdrw Don Donile 1I0IYI
I drw ile ell 3 311 ini inii If Iffit
i 14 fit Ind IjnrtwaT L jnVaovn FIluhtor r I rlwhtof aai aaiH SAtea OJI OJII
H tea IanbrapeWynnlt lni1trare Wvnani t fUrhbof I tm tmI jm jmI3rt
I Ian I Still Uff dp if 0111 Item Otto llurnel nIf1I a aI < C < I IUl
Ul I i t iwtMnc u4a nc i net eere re i lie Ilerbim b m Ulan tO 1du tOII V
II The T Tb lieu II Hull hLI Ioltf 1 J I ptetn m m13A TO TOIi3 10I
Ii3 I ° Oray tU Hull Iotter ilr Chide = D DIM i it31
IM Laow Lanivnpe un ape 11 < lib Cattle tile aa4 nU 0 Ifilrf Ifilrfotter I 1tutra1e11T cur curlGlln
lGlln otter I itlelmt Itllmltfrr > ertrr I VOO A A133iaodwap 00I
11 I 133iaodwap Kandteape anA n1 Cttilr 1 Hotter rollrrpunren HotterDunrrn IullrI
Dunrrn Broiler n 10W 10WIM 10 10I 1067Lie
IM I Intrrlor nl ii a ttaMe bark It Van VanOtiade ranUtadf a aIhd
I Otiade 1 r nehnof II ehhof Itoo Itoo1ST ltOOIn 110131Tbr
1ST 131Tbr The Tb ltln IlInran r nt MiKlrlaa lrI luck 4M 4Mi anUtadr
i Utadr > tilr d Neltsmsnn 1 I1M XV XVIM a a1N
IM The T TnUMiotwr < t < 1 Coper ro ldrlaeaVail rirlaenanlMatle rirlaenanlMatlevo drl n II IISoOll U1W U1WS
vo SoOll S or > A Ko 101 101U ie r mn mnIU n
IU U Itoum With II 1111 Ain nrlnklitc drlaen IdI IdIn drlaenV I
V an n Ii ud tide Knoeter a Co 0 4 nv nvl1 RI RIOnrln 1
l1 Danrlni in 1 Mu 11 dude lr Adrlaen rlun San SanIt an anO
O tde 1 Volt nll A 0 iowlr sail sailIII 3a 3aIll 11 11III
III tunrlne In ttie lUtn Adrtirn tan tanIMart panIIade n nI
IMart U cotl > eo A rotttr rotttrIU tlrn m
I IU I 17 The TII Millie flarern lln ilrtaru In pan panad a aOjltnc n0
1 Ojltnc hnonller A Co CoIW 0 h M MI n nIM
I IW The TII l lfr M n on ih Ibe h Tint fetlei fetleibe r rb
be b > omtfr nr MM SInI I t harks narlrtIM h I tln tlnMI 1m 1mTn
IM Tne Tn Imill HOOT llno Trnleu Tnl TnlI ibe ibetoinrrr lb lbtoaner
toinrrr on I i II I ihor ihorIM n mt4 nun
I IM t4 l ikorlnt > Ihe Ili Norr o Trader rII lha lhaoun III IIInu Ilinungrr
> oun nu nungrr rr J Menirr lIInInn on onIM I IIMTmh tr tr1M
IM IMTmh TrmnuitiMi Trmhu nnnor of M 10 allntbonn1rn1r allntbonn1rn1rthe Vntbont n1bo Tenter TenterI nl nlI
I I the touncer touncerM 3A 3Atit t tI =
M I tit oon n > > l > pa i V Van n tie 1 VrMr M J Jr Jr I
r hems < re e eIM > 16 16I I IM I
I IM 1 tandwapewithIitne jinilw < trie < lth Mtiiet e and andIatI andIatItae 01 r te tei I
tae i < le 1 Vrllr 101 T TIU I kielnberrpr 1lnb 3M 3MMi
IU Mrln In M > > alue h Van n il ili ole Vrl eJoI eJoInrr Iii IiiflIr
i tuimcrr nrr nun Hurnet HurnetIM n n nIN att
IM I aim Im fie 11 the In ll Ion > XaniteVeKI tan It de Vh1 1 1I the Ihel
i 0 oIn ffrr l Inndert1 > o itr rll A tn4tr tn4trr W > M Mel
r el a aItl jn jni
i III In the lf IhI rl r San n ile 01 UI kIr klp Ihe Ihetoiinrir Ibptelnr
toiinrir r M h btle rlc too I Im ImI nr t tI
I Ttie Th i > kl 10 iru Uoi It i Van 0 Uer d lleydrn lleydrni
I r i iiMn 1 M hhnt nr sw sw1T1 =
1T1 t M Sia iei la U < In lUiiifMam Van Vanler s sder
ler < 1 Irldn Hf lIhl > iln Ut Otut llurnet lIum I an anUI AtItl m
I UI The Tb MtUj 1110 tin tn n rter d Me tr ltrydpn > i1rn J JIfrDderMtn JIfndrr JDrodrrwn
IfrDderMtn Ifndrr IfndrrtI oar M
11 Dutch t nannrl ty b > UnooUfbl San Sander tt tttier n
tier 01 Veer i Ilwhhof lIor m nIT mIM >
IT 114 TiriUsn Tv Ugn Van drr d Neer S J IfenJer IfenJerw rrnJ rrnJI
w wen > n sin sinIn uu IUIH uuI
I I H In Ijili I ch and ml Cblkl Ilon tan n lr d dJ derT < lrNeer
Neer T J W tl Itahl nl mi ni
5 i t ikt ik tuartll 11 Iir Ifanr If r 1 U hltnrt bl T tJl tJla 11 11i
i epke ijjrll Itarrr I I Ahltne I 1o 1oI ru rulv U
I lv I V ntillns Idln nt the A Doje I I1 ttuinll ttuinllllrniiMMMt iU iUIfs > IIimlrwn
llrniiMMMt Ifs t Trl Trlit 3 3I
it I 111 orad ml aaal I 1 at Venire Ie IelIa funllltan liuanll liuanlllf
ltan lf lIa rr P tthhn hltne hltneIJTruii ngn ngnI1tni t tf
IJTruii f l Mlcaoa t Ireyri Prryriil ytl ytlI t tl
l il Tattrjlt flllol of a letltel rlnre lln llnmn > > NU NUtrrmann w wIrrmann
trrmann mn I Uianiiu UndllI I IIM 1v1 <
IM il 10010 l lciOB mad ao 1btlt t Llll Vrftorrbhr VrftorrbhrI Vrrr < vchhi vchhiI
I I 4 Hlaleire I Inn Inntt nil nilToe
1 tt < TAr XpoMlet h b liter II the lb b Cr CrI lturtazei lturtazeiSt 1HI s sunklploInr
St unklploInr in n a rev 0 Ue 1Un 1UnI Ih11Mrrr
I r 1 ttvhtor l Mol to toi sat i41I satIK
i I IM Mailaan Ua lonna unil n1 t u Ii S1 l In iloo Ii 1 < 11 11III > 1 1i
i rllla III M I lle < t L t LW LWItoSladomaaadfhlld m mIM
IM ItoSladomaaadfhlld Utilauna 01 ar4 ncIIoI fhllil M 0 John Jahnaaan JahnaaanIntrt D4 an anAnfrl n nncl
Anfrl ncl Kottlrell latftrrRnttofurnt llttn UHrnet j 1tlTne VO VOM 0 0Tn
tlTne M TBe Tn lhtl Mt iU ttarez Urrlazenf of M S Itlltrr Itlltrrtne lAIb lAIbn blew blewlne I
tne n lulnl t II Mlllrr 11111 ill illIW raI50 A AI
IW Vlrtln a3 ant 3l t nlld < UIU1 l ItetltaH etttax J J1Io V Vllohler t1 t1flat
I flat llohler 1Io I r I II TVO TVOtai 0 0III
tai I III Tne T Ts AnnumIttiuu nnuno SoUrla volt voltI tk tkro k1nle
1nle ro le 11911pt li4ll
91 Adoiatlo Adil atop 10 nf r ihe h the Ut < l S 1VIoI 1VIoII boot lit litVan utfo
I Van n tick n IU Inank nu M o aIs oI
19 Tbe lorailon < of in use HOII HOIISrolt 110 Nuuwott
I Srolt A Post 0 4 4IM is isIY3 >
IM 110 T Top e lll 111001 > torr of M AbftMine Aut t + ur Or Ornl l rrrant
ant nl 1 Imia UI J I 11 Debt nobler rAa rAaoI a
131 oI TohU Tobtaslid and the blnarl b nrl I ln lineIlt H IL i itio itioL10 i iliri
liri Abraham tntertalnlnt I the tb mrl IngoAarrdUetdTTJHktp mrlAaiI cI cIhdenI
AaiI AarrdUetdTTJHktp AarrdUetdTTJHktpf hdenI < le fielder r J IVaketiee 1 j jIM oIII
IM I f 1 Seaport < > 0 lIau Claule le lorraln Duraml DuramlHurl Ilutaodilurl
Hurl I 100 190a MO MOIB
IB a Th The T Adnnllon llartoll Ittrrr lit P PN I IWhitney IIn
Whitney N hl In lny a aYl aYlM 3ti 3tiIM ro
IM M Vllt tI 111 It or It the vhepiieril Sh < ittti TermI TermIllenr rarrl rarrlllnr
I lInn bonbon tfi tfiIl 41Ilateu
Ilateu Ilateuter Il i t l1J l1JfJ o
11 fJ IITKU Tlm i rviti rvitiIn4ate I rilrrIn
In4ate In ar or Mar M ar r the Gal internment erument lla lore Moretolutderra loretilntitrer IorrInlllrrr
tilntitrer Than II n Mania ManiaMprrat > nl nlttert4t n nr
ttert4t r C rblF ibtf n nr pnprthh pifi > f fi I > Tar Tn tits Srni 0 0IUtA
i LIMA 1 JMA flop Aprils Apiil M KverrtturiK in inlllllllit roeilaitia
lllllllit + Illiet IllietA11 lliet llietAll
All 11 d lh h ran rifle rlnln dill of > r II ibe < f r 1lJhlio > ul > lio haven havenflvred bavn b1 b1iIlKnl
n flvred ftl i rrottnge > niiiiK iIlKnl nt elf for K en rvn tw t in lh Ihtrlll the therony t tirmy
irmy trlll A AM the lli II ranks 111 now flllml Ilio IlioMlni Ih IhllilliIIY IhnIltni
Mlni llilliIIY o irr y IIr i > f Wnr In1ir i > ilir ilpchnml th Ihatrti Ihn Ihnervie
1 nrviie atrti of r th I Ihuuuinds < iMin nl < lt nl r YoIuhlrrs YoIuhlrrsAll < > iiiittHr llInlrI iiiittHrAll
I All 11 Ierii M mm im illll tti ilItI iitlv willllll rwaiUngIs uw uwIM willllllI
IM Is I r rrIlll iit < of < if r diplomacy diplomacyThe clillImllCvI v vTI
The rlt Wntlirr Wntlirrtftiit nraluernut nllJprpro
nut pro t 1 1k te nnrltieatTern norl n iei I rpre re iin n watrn watrnIi a aI >
> Ii I I al nt Ibe 16 ro root l iif Maine hlh > No Mterilt rll Tolluneil bin b blirlftM bJ bJj
lirlftM tort n w W > kith I1I1I iiurthuett eur11 > h I r iinN ml 1 in n the t S Sew e I Inc Ihgiel nc ncI
j I un1 1 Dui 1 N Jet J ir T rilah ii a > t anl 1 bow B t flume In InI Inkr
I IUr kr Inltm it > I pa < 1 i irk > rk and ni eon 1 e I Knilnml KnilnmlI aIJt I
I I It I a Mil > Idrr l 11 t > v In n New s ntlaiil ncl and 1 the th mid mlIille midIc
ille Ic 1 l i cIr fir 1 M unit n1 lone the freelllic IJIII IUbt IUbtu l o nt ntI n nj
j I ill > u ctleru Ir Nev I urkand n lrnn IrnnlRanl IrnnlRanllre nn t Itanla Itanlauter lun I Ii
uter tn11 all inu H > u wet e t tif rx I A Incland lncln1ItICb the thenr Itrur
i nr iire t at r lUtn and 1 it I Meatlier IIr cra Lpaerally Lpaerallyair enerall enerallair II > 1
fI air etreiit at nrM rain 1 In I XIIMXirt and nd Ml Mlloplil I
I loplil 1 1ppl 1 al fl 1 hratier It ralnUII In Uad ta lilnftun and anilI andtrrwl nd ndTI
I Oregon OregonI
I Tlieie TI f tfie iMilanl Iwia 1 atea r ul f h lieeiinf Itffd rln ireaiber ireaiberlu
lu n I 6 r uncut ann t ate atiI ateIn 11 11I
I In Hi Ihr tania n Netir I lTaka U < olors nlorailo lo anti nJ tre MI MII Pt PtIn i iIllCbr
I In I h lana P eta uder uderiIILbr 1 1I
I IllCbr IIIc lempeial > le + Ir Io rr jllrJ In Ihe Ili Ultlla UltllaIPlri UIWIii4 fllI fllII
IPlri tall llej liarU it i f Mr llttu I > au4 lenne 1nnall nn ee eeall
all 11 i t and Ihe Ih h a ipper lak 10 tejiuh tejiuhIn t2 f fI us usIli
I In n ln I ° slur Ihe bbr il 1 a inrlf U rt rtu i rnr > tr ronler ronlertrlnil rollrrrld 001 001I
trlnil ID1 btMU bI i imrfhtir I itterafe pest u I IIUbltn uliluv lII At < t I II i Mr Mrrat r rrent
I rent rrn rat 1 br arnmrIer ume meter iotiecle1 la 0 rjj r ad Ui u n e letel letelat 1 1a
at a II A il r I i 001I 1 U 1 nw nwTie U
I Tie 0 trraperature PID redcIaV > f tterlav 1 at a rernrde1 by the them1 tbeoIDnlal b bomt1
oIDnlal tbeirkumtlrr n l I alien la I tae aan healed healedable teil teiltable
lltR > i iww w1Y1 I 111 IKK IKKA I II
I A M I re r rt t P PI il aP aPI i ij
I j M I l 91 I II 1 N NJ Nt w wt Sr Sri
t i J r M It n i Sod lh u ultlt 100 100lUll uillkrl
lUll illkrl etl Irmirf I e ie l > i > at < t I Il IlOK 11nuno tiaS
aS tl nuno i nna OK ntrtu I < vr T rim tI 10 0 n oar r MI K to IIIworruw toworrutr n
worrutr worrutrfar worruwPoe 0 0a
far a mtirt tif 11 Sere t ir tr v vurmir Itlr Itlrfir iI iIh Ors Orstlr
fir h < uwit < > morrnr fir or Ylr v iTTxtr ii 1 rtHim partial I > > r1ItI LprS LprSmedfrnf til tilfo go
fo 0 p9tf4fr It narffctfvrfrrfy bode d tfromtnQ m mI rorbrfrFor tarttttt tartttttror
I For New S tarho inrl r l fur 1 to tod 0 lav llehtir 11111 warner warrarrIn warm or orIn
In I wetlern wr tern n portion n fair rI to morrow 011 warmer In InIhe In11In inp
wind Ind heromlnf heromlnftarlable heremingdablr omln 1 1I
Ihe p Interior 11In molrraif noriberl nb rb >
I tarlable tarlableI dablr dablrI b I II
I or n the lIP fiittrlrt rohtmhla or and n s4 eattern n Penn Pennt PennanA
I t Ia anA nil nl fair tiraiher 111 to d dal > and on to rnnrrn rnnrrnUtht mnUIrM mnrrnw04adaMe
Utht 04adaMe tartaNr rtN alaA alaAto l 1I 1 1Ior >
I Ior to It fetw4r > el4 ie UI 1 in tod da and It lo n morrow r HIM HIMFor hC hCrtN hintrLMp
rtN OId OIdrot
For Manila 1 I sad art ot J 0 ew r trr rr fair fairwirmrr fl I d dar dararmor
I armor In n in tbe Blrrtor rtor telr Ir to morrow rTO Uckt aeltidablt UcktTarUblt UC UCYlnalll j
TarUblt YlnallloI wta4a
oI > > a
o rirfiMcr FOR raxns BuFITC RA9E1FLrf11 R BuFITCII
ns II 5Krovii 00 HOKIMOO noY1r11ol1llalllepsal HOKIMOOManlrlf H FIJf FIJfHfttal
Manlrlf > Bl CMiI AMrlmU tt 1 fad a 1Id < 4 A AdlllklRC dm If lac VII VIIlacm 1I 1IIf d dIc
lacm Ic If m Write Itrh f the uuilv Ie t to Tk fa a Re Reagrln4iena Rrf Rrffrln
agrln4iena frln n < irn n a Mrrlln With PlnehlTitalIfard PUirht PUirhtllartlrn P trb trbTca
Tca TitalIfard llartlrn rd n Meld me fulonrl fulonrlftftflal 4dneSprtU Ien
ftftflal Cabs rr6 DMBjIrftrf n DtpJI he n If Taa T Sea iceCrroa SeaGKNOA 11
GKNOA G n April 8 Col and Mr r ROOM ROOMveil ROOMtIv Rooo1volt
Iv veil lt Arrived her he lore Ut < t ill4 thi afturnonaff0r aflwmoon aflwmoonafter afldmoonaftcor
after two day d which were w t > not spent p I nt i1 i1pnvacr in inprivacy InlriIU
privacy Their pUn for hating a econ secnohoneymoon 10 I Ihomtymoon Ihoonmoon
honeymoon jOllm journey in neclualon falletlThe fa Cillle1 Cillle1Th Had HadThe
The Th lV loloujOl > ouel anti hi hk wife w Ifd ditcovennl ditcovennltheir di roviro rovirolhnirdih
lhnirdih their dilemma nlnia yeMerdiy yslertiaywhim when hn they tlmyawokit tlmyawokitat IhlIwokat awok awokat
at KM Slezla > itla In I find rinellh throe n ayl yly capariftoitnd capariftoitndhorwe raparistdlnhorse
horse h hilclim hilchllo to tint lb hotel carriage rriag in inwhich I Iwhich
which they went to trav Iravore ri lh the name namemountain sammntmtain I
mountain mail roalovr ovt over > r which lh then ty pawed pawedtwentyflvs pass passtwenty I I1
twentyflvs twenty flvo year 1 ago 10 to a p pu wh whnr whnrtwo h htwo tnt tnttwo
two heflaKged ant and nd t riUUned wagon w7Konweed wagonar lCnn
weed ar 11 r t waiting linl for them themTho thlIIThe theluThe
The Ito it0Uwel1 K velt < on entering on nns of lh lhwagon Itwreon bblwagnnswl
wagon wagnnswl wi > rnnmi7 raatnar1 IUllIllh d at the fury di displays displaysby play lyd lydI d dlir
lir I tho th driver nf f th the t other until Ilier Ilierlearned Ih IhlfOamNI flip fliplearned
learned that the h nay chariot went not nothonorarium no nohonorarhlm orhonorarium
honorarium lint belonged to rival hotel hotelthe hollI hotelthe
the I manager Ina of which went eager cr to kitnap kid Uidnap kidn1
nap them themThn IhmTh thornTha
Thn Th couple oupl were escorted 0n orl1 to a delight delightfnl
furl inn the th ground of which ant pareby laved lavedby Ivtttthy
by the Ih water 1 of 0 lh the M UIrrat1fn MedttprranearThey 1 lit UIrrat1fnTh iTanean iTaneanThey
They Th anticipated obtaining oni solve r ropwi ropwibur po pOe pOebll e ehut
hut the h Mayor and nd hd Ui vilUiro notable notabUinaiflted notableinsisted
insisted upon paying inR their ti rteqectl rteqectlTheir pBCt pBCtTheir IclThI I
Their departure epa wa w followml by b the thoarrival tb tbarrival 1 1arrial
arrival of a t trons > lungxl runo ru tto hand handwhich hllndwhlrh banewhich
which trove ro to elbow toho fxtraortllnary fxtraortllnaryhonor fKtraonUnryhnr pztraontnarhonors
honor to lh Iho t visitor liy h playing lullabif lullabifuntil lull lullabieuntil hi i iI1nlll
until midnight midninlitTh
Th t couple oupl drove today tod ln day ovor bile bit LilAr t of > f the theRiviera th thRiviora 1 1RIitora
Riviera to 0 Tlapolla wh when n > lh they y Intended Intendedto In intendsto nclfd
to remain mDIn tonight but more d delegation delegationand l eationt eationtand
and l andt > prompttnl them to ttucapa al to toOnoa t tGenoa
Genoa noa whore he I Ih tho tin Mayor and the Ib Amer American Imerlean me meI ¬ I
lean Consul called 1I1d on them themRoxir IhmRolF thornRo
I RolF Ro > tr April Iril A dCo Col and od Mr 1 Uooe iloosorellaccording Roo UooeaCtordlnfC evelt eveltaccording
according to a despatch to th the T ribI ribIarrlf ibunt ibuntarrived ibuonarrlv01
arrived arrlf < t at 1 lenoa noa at 1 5ll thitt ovenlnK In Ina Ina II IIa
a three th hnn ho > carriage < which hltb dOfIlled dOfIlledIhtfJI depooitelthem l ponit d dthem
them at the Ib Hotel Britannia Mr tol Kooiui Kooiuiv Rno RnoIt Rnoevent
vent v < lt won 0 prevented with an enorniou rnnrmouhuouriuet enorniouInmnuet nomlOUIIUQUI
Inmnuet UQUI of red roe rr o < Col Roosevolrrnfed Roosevelt Rooseveltcnnfe ROO4vItCInffOt
cnnfe CInffOt Mx1 that ho wa tinxl tinxlHut tirodIlut
Hut Mid Id he I have driven dr n hre Ihrsihohro Ih hrehour
hour in the Ih open What beauty To Today Toeta Today
day eta I have lived again th lbs old memoriea memorieaof
of my m honeymoon I will try to leivo leivoat Ieavlat
at 1 8li tomorrow morninR for Porto PortoMaurirlo 100Ilri7ln ParrMaurirb
Maurirlo to embrace Gifford Pinchot my myold m moltl mlold i
old friend who ho ha hllll Leon rent nt to meet me meby m mIt mlby
by It the Ih hack Itat from Fib Club and to In Inform infrm inform
form me m about American politic politicsrttta politicSrrU politicra11
SrrU ra11 April prtl s Col ul Roosevelt noow 11 and andMr andtolu ant ant3re
Mr Roosevelt continued today to day thendire their theirdrive
drive drl over the Ih to road Ids they I pa pasrt pasrtThrough e < i iihrotlnh
Through on their Ih honeymoon hom trip Irt They Theytook 111ryuxk
took the III road lu Chiavnri and Genoa GenojTher GenoaThey
Th They pent Ia last l night at ltiptlto ltiptltoCnpiMlAnrs It Itapnllnlorl I II
CnpiMlAnrs lorl dOE Apnl nll H MmiM Ini bniotrr I > r tJall tJallA Egatrod KK H Hanil I
rod a nuinler of prominent lan Doors > ha havainly hDalnlr hnvl hnvlrainly
vainly tnml to indnix Mr II Itot IGMoYelt > e lt It Itgaud to toIHIII 100
gaud IHIII a 1 few days in i topwnlwgn iit nlMK nlI lJt ti Mr atrEgan MrHean Ir Irtstan
Egan tod I today < tar y rereivetl r rri < iel a telenrAHi IlCr from rom thr threxPreoiilxtit Ih Ihuhn tbinIrr
exPreoiilxtit nIrr Uirnt oljtme uhn that In h would Id IM IMtmiiblv I isunable I IIlnAbl
unable to I renu rna1I n her more r tluiti Ih four fourlitNint fonttourM I
litNint h11 tourM Hn II will 11 arnv in th afternoon afternoonof I
of f May 3 null Hitl IIIIN leave for rn ChnMiutua lh IIIII in inth InIh Ithr
th hr evening nlllll tthl hile hll in Copenhagen htsill he hewill h hWIll
will IM t retived by h the Ih royal family familvAn
An n enllr entertainment athlllent committee comnll IH I arrann arrangfig arranninc rranjtInr
inc fig a big reception in the Ih hopn ho that Mr MrKoo Mrtoleetelt Ir Ir11
Koo toleetelt vclt will 11 l toe > able obi lo + parr > art an how himrfor hurfor howor
for or itHtclts it itHtrLtN IttltL1s
HtrLtN pril 11 M > Under tjn h iun ul of ofTheodore clTheedern r I ITheo
Theodore Theo < 1or die tl HI itvin lliiiiniliun Ma lIltoltan herder Muriletin
in n mdir to days Xuitif u3un r makes mak in II onvlaiiKht onvlaiiKhton
on n Co 1 1 HiMiMvcItwhobe oM rrlt who ho It hr soya ay ha h bss madenor made mademorn mlllnwr
morn nor hour than the II whole hol twentylive twentyliveIremdentit twentyttvtrsidrnti
Iremdentit f the Ih tilted I State 1 who > preedwl pre preceded I Iclti1 ¬
ceded him put ul together Vet accorditiK accorditiKIn
In I I Ilanlen h bus never aeY r urhievexl a11Fking any anythinx ayIhi1C
king eirept u to plinge It h his hi roimtry roll count I ry into 111 a acrimn ari artts
crimn ri hi h ioii nnrq1rnves e < iuenrv < of f whlrh have havenut ha hanlll havelot
nut it vet r burn ern nwvered r1 from fromJerminy rromrman fromCe
Ce Jerminy rman liar Hnnlii n fn WIT M hol bs M < n no > rea reason reasonn mi milo
lo n fel lb Ibl < + riplaiu of f the Ih Itoii Cough h Itlder Itlderin Hid Hida
a in la u bent h or a tru rllY ty friend un < > ti acaanIf ncciiin ncciiinof clinf
of If f soul ome mjO IrIV trivial il attention Iteraiine it it itIIH I Ih h hII
IIH h II who h hiimiliatiNl iermany by h ritiMin ritiMinthe IlIlItlinc IlIlItlinctI ratetnter
the tI ter Kniwr Klli r tttnctvjit tu ALC IW th h Krench pruptwsli pruptwslib proj > o Hla Hlafor
for b r the Ib pouring Iiinl of f MirMeIheurelt Morocco MoroccoRoonevelt
Roonevelt 111 say ft IUrdti ItaI i is making maklllC10llr a atour aour
tour of bluff through Kuro trMS IurttRFhs > e eRFHS
RFHS MS April s The Th American lega legation Iogainn 113 113Uon ¬
inn here h ha has rrr0it received 0r1 a telegram 11 m irulnhr from fromMr humIr
Mr Ir Itooftevelt eIt recrettlnK that hi h hie tinnier tinnierOHM lumru
OHM u IW4 nCoIrmll engj emetitit will II pr prevent ent him hit from fromviMtlHK fromilllnlC fromiItinK
viMtlHK Switzerland aM > he h wished wih in 1010 1010anl ddnd da daand
and nd a all he bad originally arranged to do doTliT d dnr dnofllprh
TliT i la much dmippointinent nt 11100hat here herethat htrtllll
that Mr Ir Itootevelt 1101 ItMleet It cannot 11I11 spend at 1 leadshort leant leanta
a short time in this Ibi country countryro count countrn ollnlTO
ro trr f r T nnTfJ 1 7r v H UKS UKSManrhrtler UFlnrhHIr u Fc Fclaneherler
Manrhrtler Rntplojm Frnllo pn Meek rk a Confer Conferenre onfrprnr entersere
sere rnr Murker larkrr11onIonseot larkrr11onIonseotpral nnnt ft1 on onnl onnlpInf enl enlpftinl
pftinl t IW IN ttnurl la T Tr r MS St StlIASIIFTf MtStIAS1flrTYK MSMAVI
MAVI lIASIIFTf HftTKM Apnl 11 Iho lie Kmleratlcm Kmleratlcmof Irallll IrallllIIr
of rf taster Cutlon un Hpniner ieride < today todaythat lobyIhal todaybat
that the 1o Ht olatr I te of trade Marruntetl warrnl i I per pervent prlit peretll
vent etll reduction in wages waK1Oey wagesi1ry alC alCny
Oey have hll thftefoit Ihrr aekeil for a con conference cnIh caneerencr ¬
ference erencr with Ih Die Ih o1emtivrn pemtive4 Irnti on thi this hi point pointThe feihlThe 111 111Th
The Th operative will ierl certiiiily iinly app uppiMM uppiMMlh IH IHIh o ohet
lh het riilijctiiiii IIIetinll They Ih ronteinl that at the thegreat Ih therrat
great < < rrat 111 pn > gerty i Titv 11 of the Ih Lint three Ihr year yearKaVf yearsavr ar arKII
KaVf KII avr the Ih emptoyerit 1 liilji truer orsrrro r Yen from fromwhifb fr frhih frornrlridl
whifb hih the I pr 111 tit lo I low iwt iin 11 he h fully flly fllyL re reMurtotcr roraver
L raver r I tMunorr
Murtotcr 1 wigrr wig g wen redi rinliiced rIICPll ed S per perrent er errut
rent rut u 1 yIt VIM i arfo al und t Muni h I tm lr lime lutit l lin heeu
in 11 fuMveinc u tl lulv 11 lx lxi 111 111l 1faf 1fafItRUI
i MHIII i II f n l rin T111tYf s n i I r Iii n t tIllil t tOld r rIli
Old Ili Time Crark earl nr Cunanlrr una I Mold 11 I Mhln Mhlnlirrabrr Mhlphrrakrra hlf
lirrabrr rnrr for MlimiKHt MlimiKHtn ln
n lr il 1 I > llfpirh IN p1 b rh ra l < l TUB T TN SOY SOYI SC SCIONIKIV suI
IONIKIV I + IVh4 s April 1 M Tlii Th Cunurd 11 < lini Ithr1raa1 liniNttain Iil Iil1falI
I Nttain 1falI 9 I Iiii Initil tit hn It as been Mild 11 to II III Inrrnkers In Inn
I hrn rrnkers n fir I JIXJ SJI SJII tAlrot tAlrotIb inn innTh
I Th I inliria llria WH ImiPi iwemrllve iwemrllveye Iwrtdy 11 flYn flYnare
ye are iii O u and 111111 Jl tin II tlitlrt 1111 I wow WM t Ihe Ih he ulsrknaari ci4rk ci4rkv
I v naari wl 1 if r I Ills I In Ilinurd wI1 fleet 1 oho > h 1t 1tI < > wetaul wi wiAid
Aid I u lo lii Ii hero lio IKTII n t largest etrutn steatnhtp alhll hl hljtloii >
jtloii 11 eiftit Il et + pt the h irent rent KMntfni 1 and d the themoni theioe h hm1
moni ioe IKI tewerful < TI hll that hiul ever r been built builtIn huil huilIn builtIts
In iI iV Hi h Iliibna Irhrl was out I thirteen thirteendayn Ihlr thlrt en enays
dayn ays on II n Hip I from Uueenitlown Ih to New Newir X Xr w wart
art ir r Mb < wi i a veik k uterine rlll and amiIMIII andI
IMIII I mt fun ft livn t < of Hi the b 1 lifts 1 ni r ralrinl repairing painni painnibroken a arnken
broken k HirtiHt Ilr shift haf hr lr chief ntsgun entiiirr entiiirrToinliUioii ullr ullr1lh er erottdttluuIunlg
1lh ToinliUioii ottdttluuIunlg doiiiK 11 ono < > n of r th I the let M I jot jotever julr JobYrr
ever r noelrleku uinl 11rI1 rt nt new The Th Umbria UmbriaWHH
i WHH w the t brat ir xuittle uol srfrw m I lew ship oli hi i p to rut t haratlMlltfalltlr Hie HietraiiMiiHniitx t
traiiMiiHniitx Irl ul mord rw or r1 I from tVurefmtown tVurefmtownbelow jlle natowll natowllchow 10 10loW
below loW NIX iJ day dnynIn d dI dayIn
I In Rail 110 ehe sh h was Htruck Irt br I a tidal Ic1 ware warewhich wy wyI waynuns
which whlh nuns smashed nm hed lieu I bridge Irid and aD ntove 0 m mthe I inlie
I the h lie ship I of f her naluon naluonShe sohmnShe Jn JnSh
Sh She wa WMH dbt dkltied tlr red for or the II h ncrapheap ncrapheapin e1 hl hlin
in 1 two 1110 hut tll the I I burning of f th the ch lucmnm lucmnmin Iucnl IucnlI
in I I her dock d n fit > Liverpool 11ter µ 01 gar K her a new newlm nowp 1 1j
j lm I p e of r life lir hh ll libie wa was imf I lu unrvjce unrvjcelietween snrykotwean ryj
lietween w lnprMvol ln crpswt nnd Inl nn I N IW w York < r hidoomier Inn IR IR11lmtr I II
11lmtr I ecem oomier er knil n1 made coteral rter nl l vnvagev vnvagevTaMirNI vlwagsTourists C Ci
i Tourists Bl a kingatnptMl ltlnctan ltlnctanpriuii npln nplnP
priuii P Cstit cr Vipatit pt pOO it t Till TR Sri SriKIXIJHTOV rK rKI reKvcuotos
KIXIJHTOV KI = ITn Jamaim Jmlm April n The Th Th1m rhorarner Theateamer
I ateamer 1m rarner Blncher mlcr arrived rid here h today todaywith h4yish
with wlh ish hundreds of tourmt t on board hr Shoill Khe Khewill fb fbi
i will ill will i tomorrow I W for New York Yorktin < t nk nkni k k11u
tin ni root 11 i ° nnt Prop or slander < n anlt anltItttNSIriM nll nllUiLVflN
ItttNSIriM UiLVflN 1IS lov t l hop > rl April Arll I IPt 1 f fdu ill
du ll Pant today ua dropped hi his lander Dl3ndlr suit suitgalnat uit uitagalnet I Icalnt
agalnet Pt hiawtfen hi hiawifosatmt H drrl aunt u which had h threat threatened threated hr hrCe ¬
ened Ce ed a octal 1r war In Wilmington Wlmln O
1 Duffyjs DuffyjsSparkling Duff DuffysSparkling s si
i Sparkling SparklingApple Sparkg SparklingApple
I Apple Juice JuiceSolves J ce ceI ceSolve
Solves the temperanceproblem temperance temperanceproblem
I problem A healthful healthfulrefreshingtlexhilarating hcthfulrcrcshingtexhiarting
refreshingtlexhilarating refreshingtexhilaratingnonalcoholic refreshingtlexhilaratingnonalcoholic rcrcshingtexhiarting
nonalcoholic nonalcoholc beverageivrfv beverage
I ivrfv 1e1IJ1r st7 f uvrs uvrsNurprklns I T 114 1 dgi tr trNurprklna
I lt Irl
Nurprklns Nurp Rr lulliMi Iulo hi In II Prueetan Pru rutn Un rnllllr PolitiesIhar rnllllrHue 011
Hue tu tin 1 kale kaleSpiral Italtrr ItaltrrftpHHl 1 1crw
Spiral TJWr Dripjtit lSJti la TH tr trI irx irxIlniuiN r rRrutix
I IlniuiN IhILI April Aprils llrl 8 I There h w WI was great greatuKtoiiiahment Irl Irltoniahmlnl groatustouihme
uKtoiiiahment toniahmlnl t who b it wan announced sllnuhncodveatenlar announcedyeatenlny
yeatenlny 11 that the i Demucmlbc lviiiu l IU < Tntic mll Inion niol for forUie forCI forthe
the tint CI lime Ii in I the III hitory hi1 or ruiiiit i4uedahail l lui > ruiiiithad
had hl obtained ubllu permtMion prnlion from iheaiilhoritie iheaiilhori
tie I to hold an In openuir opn upon air meet meeting lng ing on Similar Similarto
to diftcu dill franchise frnchi reform rrrO but hiI Thorwa there therewan Ih IhWII
wa wan WII greater Ir r nniacem amazement nt todar Ic when it itwa I itwas
was wa learned that lh the Hociili KdliI Socialitr t > 4 had rr rrctivrd J JLivr rerived
rived Livr a 1 similar imilr mncossiunTlrry conceaniun conceaniunTliey oOCIiul
Tliey 011 applied lIpll for perminnion hlion to hold holdopen holl hollon holdopen
open air meetings Uni in Treptuw Trtuw I 1 Park rk and nndmt Ine
mt FrirdrirhMula JrPllrlrblhln oa Oi Sunday SInd and to t their Ihiow theirown i iown
own ow and everybody vryby rlan > I a nur Hurrl > ri > they theyobtainetl Ih Ihobtined thyobtained
obtained obtined it i The rb burgomati ImroUr > r of Berlin Berlinand Ikrlinand twrln I IaDelh
and aDelh the burgonuuiten of Ihn Ih two tliAtrict dishirtswrrr tliAtrictWere c lklll lklllI
Were I first Irll appriMclietl 4 Thc They > > coiiHentid coiiHentida ollnh ollnhIIled d dS
a IIled ilij0vt to theupptoval hJpovallf of Police lolcPI Premdtnt Premdtntvonluftjw Preatdcntvonjegow idto idtoII
vonluftjw II Tht ThdepIo deputation which Ildl visited visitedthe irutedthe IIil IIilIh
the Ih latter bllr were ilmoil 1110 iliimfuutided dluruld by byhi I tryhie
hie hi bil complacency complacencyVltr
Whr certainly wu virtually itl11 his hisreply hi hiHowever hirpl
rpl reply replyIlnweror
rpl10wlr However 10wlr lir b HipuUlrd auputttelarownmdihone auputttelarownmdihonenamely llpull n rewconditioiir rewconditioiirnamely I cundIoll cundIollnrI
namely that lhl traffic Irnl should bolid nut IM I hin Ibnderel hindered hindfrl ¬
dered dfrl that there Ibf ahoud be h no long IonI pro prora proreione ro roNion
reione ra Nion ion and no batmcrn and Ind tint tli tliorganizers the theorganizera t tor
organizers or nlx should houll undertoko und kl to control controlthe xintrolthe 01 rol rolth
the th mnllola manifratanti The Htlpulations IIJllhols w were werewillingly < lwlnal re rewillingly
willingly wlnal acceptwl and ad there th t is mrry 11 like likelihood I likelihood
lihood Iho that things hlnl will I go I aa l nmoothly an ana al alpicnic asa
a picnicntis picnic picnicTlii
Tlii remarkable conception Cnefn which whiichrevoluttonlzoa whichrevolutionise whih whihrollllonlr
rollllonlr revolutionise Prussian official of mcal lcial inethiMl niothndi I Ii
i aacribed alb to I the h Kaioer Kai er and lnel a lhulCIIr hincellor hincellorvon I IO
von O llethmannltolltrrg tbmnnloIp The 11 ultruCon ultruConerratirr uhrunl ultrudnnserYatireearefuriouelvindtgnant
serYatireearefuriouelvindtgnant erratirr IIII are ar furiously indignant They Theyalready Theyaurally 1 1Itc
already Itc Df ac ee Prussia going Ioln to I the Ih dogs dogsand dot dotand dt
and the I th abandonment donmnl of everything thai thatmake 1 1rnakr
ml make life Ir worth lit living hln hlnIR4 ing ingrR4ivt
1 rR4ivt IR4 rin Of TISVS TI 11111 Luriifstntle rirx rirxVrltlre
Vrltlre 1 Mnnler lrl Trial Til HIcsrl Stacsrr On O Kaln tgainPonlshina KalnPonUhlna Clin ClinPnlhlnc
PonUhlna Pnlhlnc > r enapspert enapspertrrr41 IPr IPrlpo iaprrt iaprrtprrtjl
prrtjl r ru i > ttfipatft lpo U patre f In TUB T TSIC St Srv SrvVfNICi S S1tvtct
VfNICi SIC April rl N fUT lr two iUy IA i deh1yIecaue deliy deliyiicau chy
IiJ3UH iicau of I Ih tin I lines Iln of the Ih lul Ihl I uhhr > lir Pros ProiMcutor Ir Proseutur
cutor 1r the Ih trial tml of the Ih tuunhws Count 11 > Turnnwnltt 1lmnkll 1umnwsklfir I Ifor
for tli Ij rho murder Ilrdr of h hr r hU61 huIMnd IU > MII 111 111Inmrkl Count CountKnmarnwski < > unt untKomarownki
Komarownki Inmrkl was wn riiime raImpeI < lolir InIIJMI Sev Sever 4Ysal ¬
er JMI sal witmwtr wttiee s save 1 evidence 11 in n fern of ofitw oflw r rI
itw I Kn gneral ral rl character hlraIr of f IJI 1 Ilavr VT r InlukolT InlukolTand Inkun1 Inlukotfand
and n1 l Hr > r Xnutnoff SIUo tin lover I of the thetounto Ih Ihoun theIolmtes
tounto oun who I era r accuie 3ctd accllo1 < l of complicity complicityin
I in I the Ih murder murderProcwding
Procwding PJtinj are I or to n le I taken kn again againlie a i61 ninstlie i61h
lie h newfpaperit n winch pubtifheti thl h1 shun shunniaria nutnmanen Mllr MllrIAn
IAn manen of f th the evidence drnl tnken IIn in cnimra cnimralajtt rrrr tmmrralast
last Monday onI Ther are or charged hArlll with withan wishin h hrn
an offence rn ngaln nlllntlt t public uhlc decetuy
IYJ 11 sn n n 11 ttnrss F nor OT 4 4I SER SER1i1B FR FRun
I un ICtK TO W4ffl W4fflTtir II41rR1The I ITIr
The Man In U I Unit 11 Xoltarr 7Un nim h Prll VIn VInlh In InWllli InWtlh
Wllli lh < amblrr ambrr on the hO Mat c seer trr lets llrritIram 1 letsfrom
from ron Merman fmn > tip hf f a l PP PPUIm paegliter fj tatrr of f ftltlllam I Intlllam
ntlllam UIm rirkliarill rlllalll a New e ew Vorkrr Vorkrrlb 1rketflow
lb flow 1 Hnrone 11ro H lone Jn Ixieffelliolx ItUolr von vonfotlierirjund tontolhrrp 0 0II
tolhrrp fotlierirjund and II lieut 11 WIIIln ttilhelln VilhelmMartin Martin 7olln 7olndr 7olndrf 7nllnesr 7nllnesrof r rof
of f the Ih knaan lmlm nimn army appeared 11 at t the ho Cityhuhl City CityHall Clt
Hall 1011 ve JIrny terday afieriiiMin IUrn lo I Ret t a mar marrini marering
ring liren Til Ills llarona ltron ha h has boon boonmarrr9I lieennuirriil
nuirriil luri1 twl twin HIT r first husband husbandtharles i iCharlr i iharlr
Charlr Warrtli aml Wwope of Xew S ew York rk died diedtuiine diedwslte
tuiine r time fn ngn 111 In II Docemtier I IB4I xhitj xhitjHitiil hap hapssi b bahl I
Hitiil ssi I rli rho < nmrrieil Uanl1 th the Hiron 1IllC Curt rt 1rl 1rlhlr Ioe loeffel el elhulr 1 1Imlr
Imlr hlr von on CollHrivihu lolr II > ii name Illm eh sho h lioant lioantN 110
N hs h martinet rarl1 the Ih Karon in l london mdon In InJftiumry InJanulry
Jftiumry 11111 Iliuv I it 1 decrno 1 of r divorce ulvot wise wimKranttMl W wisegrentwl
KranttMl in I lh the court + at t FrankfortonIhMain Krankffirton I Ith I
th IhMain IhMainthief Main I Ifhief
thief Clerk Sriillr SIlU asked a Ltnd Led re ynstorday trrd Irl r to tooet toee I IIh
oet the th ilncrte but htt the th liaronec llron kit II IIIxluiul I Itlehilid
Ixluiul in t IrfJildoli n flvs lv weeks ago Mini Mininwor
swath u > to an affidavit andlt regarding the Ih Steel die dieIron dil dilvontt ci cion
vontt Iron on and this I h lianas In wa 3M i Iued ued uedIt
It wa w Lieut Ii ul Xollner ln who wh met oa 01 the theKaiMMriti I IKalrill theKai
Kai KaiMMriti 1 + rriu Augusts KII ictoria clor tt iimt befolw b bo fom he hereitrhtMl hl hlh I Ireltchell
reitrhtMl h I New S York rk Zest IR lliIny lue IIlaY < lar tint threaudiibli Ih Ihalhl tintTubb
udiibli gentlenieti f111tU who h taught him hin how howto howIn howto
to alhl plav pkivbndge 11 bridge hridJ in I a Materoom lllnn on that boatIle boat boato boatThe loat
Ile 11 lat o s1sl s1slThe 11 11h
1 The h H Iter v Charle harlll 1 Sinilh will I marry marrythe mar marrythe
the pair Ir 1 todar at the Ihlol Holy llni Trinity Church ChurchNiuyllflb Ghlfl ChurchSitlyIlflh
Niuyllflb ktivot stn ot and Central nlrl Park Wtt WttcJIL Weet WeetaJi Ve t tCant
NiIIfb nl
Cant aJi 1enLvit u foininoti on friend of orJt th lbir i ipair
Inl l
cJIL pair ir will act at a bent t man They Thl1 will willleatM wi
leatM Jt Ira uu a trip lo Japan Cuing luiOK later 1lero to toBrrlin toHcrltu
I Brrlin HcrltuThe BrrlinThe Hrlll The Th Baruneitn Iarun rol so I Ii yn 3 3I rear a old 01 She 81 wa we wasrem wai I
11 i rem > in N dew w York urk l elng 1lml > the Ihl third hin daugh daughter ¬
ter ot I li II the late lal William WilAI Picklianlt ielhanl the te dye dremerchant dJO dJOh dyenisnhant
merchant h who wh Mink k hi his fortune rolu in the theerratic Iherat theerratto
erratic rat building of the targn larl hou hOI house e on the thoeoutheait thesrnttheat hft hftAlhe
eoutheait Alhe t oonifr nlr of r liflli 1f II avenue 018 and andSeventyfourth andfnlotrl andeventy
Seventyfourth eventy fnlotrl fourh ntreet 1 Ry ly making maklnxoral malln acv acvoral t torl
oral orl startM tart and a1 m raleat0IhV > ealedlr lldl razing raziII to the thegnumd thearua1 thegroInd
gnumd arua1 Ills Ih uncompleiiwl usi structure I retu > be hairittured beIrlluc beIrittored
irittured away about S4nuo00o S4nuo00oU ltrOI
Irlluc U I W Slit Sllon sutton ton Pickhardt Picklart a brother lrlher of oftho o ofthe
the th fiaronipui naon died di in Ixindon l lat July Julyof lul
of 0 an overdose ulrd of a Bleepinc Iln draught draughtwhifh draucblhih draughtwhih
whifh hih IIH I wan All in the th habit of taking takinglli lklnK lklnKh taking1lm
1lm lli h llamntm Ilro ha ties pent 10 moet I of her herlifn beru herlife
life in London and Ad on the Continent Continnt It Itwa I Itwas
wa u a in I London about atsiutiz nix is month month ago 0 that thathe lb lbh thatshe
she he h first lt m met t Ijeut 11 ollner 7lnr Their en engagement In InIRtm engagment ¬
gagement nl wan w announced about bour Iwomonths two twomontlm 10monlh
months IRtm after they met She arrived rved in inNow InSW innw
Now nw York orl four week k ago on the Ih Iuvi Iuvitantii Ltuitania
tania Lice ollner wa w born bm In Ravens Itatariaand 1ria 1riaalld Ravensand
and entored th the herman army ann when hn hi hiwn hi hewas
wn IK II nlur He nerved Jrld until H few month monthago monthsago I
ago u when hn he I wa put III on the reserve r erv r li lal lalot lit litof l lof I
of tifncwnt utlk m rie lbo boss t who have no active activedutie cl
dull dutirexcept except s In war time tirosSUIT timeItlttT I IIT
SUIT IT 4 UTI1 4FTF FT Kit If HKSCl ltFJCCItlvlnet 1S K KMarine I I1ln
Marine 1ln INrrdrtl ltlt to 0 Pacify PII Immlcranu ImmlcranuFrom 1 1on IFront
From on the Steamer tlrm Calrnrona Calrnronattrrt
I 1Moat
ttrrt Moat ml C 1 dole < W lltipaltl In rr to T Tea TeaIMStwN JtTW I I IIXINIMIX
IXINIMIX April Aprl s zany any an of the h atF tr trfI teerage teeragepafwngprs < rag I IpanvenKent I
panvenKent fI who ho wen r traniferred lnlr yettar yetterlay tr trJy I Iilar
lay Jy from fro the Ih steamship alahil Cnlrnrona lolmrn to the theKanawha th thKanaha LbKanawha
Kanawha were itlll 11 in a panicky plck coniltion con condition n nlion ¬
dition lion thus 1111 morning and ad made m trouble troubleon rubl
on aboard ahnare the Ih Kanawha They became becamemutinouH IJt IJtUtUIUt booamonutbnoua
mutinouH UtUIUt and BII demanded that the captain captainput aptatnpot pli
put lt them Ih ashore ahoriSo ashoreSn horl
So threiienins wa le their conduct thathe that thattlie IhalI
tlie I captain Iam of the Ih Kanawha Kllnawh wan com comjirllnl rm enmelle i
jirllnl elle to signal I nal for It nMuOano 11 nl on reach reaching reaching ¬
ing In Dover ltr A detaciiment of marine marinewhich mrinwhlrh marineswhich adl
which wa despatched dfftrhtl to the Ih hlp Iht Ihti shlpy hlp4if
y 4if e > slilr i restored order n among lmon I the li pas paaencer J141 J141nlr pasangers
angers who ho were w mostly mnll Russian emi mi I Igrunt isr IgnnLs
nlr I IThe I1hKnh
sr grunt nlJ
7 The 1hKnh h Kanawha afterward aflrwaM landed lnl1 a party parIor j jof
of the I h emigrant llrnl at a I Dover Iklr oypr i I I
mss rA NsfEJir TO TOLexington
I I II ILein
Lexington Lein on In 3d Ae H vth lh lo 60th Street StreetC StrectSaturday rt rtSaturda
Saturda Saturday C A fAf At the Ih Store ol Certain rt11 Satisfaction SUl cUO Bloommgdales Blolnldlu ii iis i ilwYI isalways
s always to oni ones Or L liking lklnl Every Err department tmcnt devoted co d toShopping to tochildren 0 0Shopping
Shopping children cldrn goods 201 if especially clichtful delightful Newest styles stylesare styleAre I IC
are C to the hr front frnt Every Evn one is i pleased to come coe because becauseBloomlngdales bcus bcusBlolnEdIC becauseI3loofningdalei
I I Bloomlngdales BlolnEdIC now is I so 0 convenient to 0 everywher everywherSplendid evCrwhc evrrywherI
Splendid Values Jaluts in Girls Girl Coats CoatsOr CoatsOrra
Or 01 Orra SJOO 0 Coals COfI niaiiniuli llm > tvle 6 m ere ri nhephenl a h ip k kand I ke
and n1 lan M mert r ert Ill fill 11 th mtir and 1 iiliiure iiliiureahatrl hlsnlrsheel smr
I r heel or r not noh < h filler In sir kre i1 4 tii I II IIs rent ttorti S3 3 98
T3cUa T3cUaGirls s 1 n > a1 a1OlrH I II I
I Girls arb 709 10 Spring Slrn Cast COll re end nJ an a ntertu r lenith lenithtiannMili lenrhmannish
mannish nnn fir tr r rtejtlt Ih rritnmeil rnrnrn 1 Mime Tne hoed other 1 uu uulined
lined Imf in ua u I red 1 ran an and 11 ifreen ire u I n in 14 14tet I Ncdl S4 4 98 I
I tet 1 H alfIeae
lfIeae 700 0 Casts COIs r fir r tan I er r irret rr tenxth k neh in iniclil ina I
a iclil rb 1 I ti f ni 11 eil 1 nnl I iinlllied lllil l e < 14 I t iH and 111 111BIOO ll II IItar Ivear S 0
rBLOOMINQDALKS BIOO U LE lcx l lo 3d d Ac S9lh lo 60th StTIITY 5t 5tTIFFANY t I II II
t Madison Ave Forty Fifth Fifh St StANNOUNCE S1 l lI lANNOUNCI
Special Sale SaleFrom I IFrom
From April 1 11 1 th to April Apri 23 rd only onlyRugs onlyRugsFurniture
Rugs RugsFurniture RugsFurnitureLpsFitures RugsFurnitureLampsFixtures Furniture FurnitureLamps
Lamps LpsFitures LampsFixtures Fixtures Fixturesat i iat i iat
at great gr t reductions reducions from regular prices pricesD pries i iI I
1f 1 1I
f D o scfi Cfipthe crjt > live e Catalog Cataloggiving < dlslo gix gin ing g prices prie senlonly sent only upon upn request requestANDREW fequeslL fequeslANRW 1 1I 1ANDREW
I i
I The Te sorts sns the well dresstfd dresstfdyoung de dre9e d dyoun dyoung
young youn bnstaes buC a man ma will willchoose wi willchoose
I choose cbOe are ar here he in i the tc largest larg largest Jar ¬
est et and ad most mt complete cp1rge cp1rgeof range rangeof
I of styles stle sires and a qualities qualitiesTAN qaites qualitiesTAN I
TAN CALFSKIN Inboth In Inboth I
both bh high and ad low cut ct pat patterns patt patterns ¬
terns t is i especially well wn represented rcret 93 3 to t 10 10SIXTH 10SIXTH
1 SITH Av 1 1r
= r
h aka Cnm niupauj niupaujBroadway
Broadway at 34th 4th St StTopcoats StTopcoat StTopcoats
Topcoats Topcoat Suits Suitsfor Suts Sutsfor
for Misses Msses Small Sma Women WomenThe
The wishes of the young youn girl girlher her needs her hercaprices hercaprces hercaprices
caprices in matters maters of dress have never held so soimportant soimportant soimportant
the of de designers desi I Isigners
important a position in thoughts our ¬
signers si ners as this season A house of specialties specialtieswe
we have given particular emphasis this season seasonto
to specializing specialzing in apparel appare for young girls girlsTajlqred a iTailored i iTaiored
Tailored Taiored Suits Suis Si SI s n 14 ie is year yearVery JunVer ytaraVery
Very Ver attractive atractve suits for general wear of French or orstorm orstorm I Istorm
storm serge ser e worsteds or basket weave materials materialsCoats materal materalCoots materialsCoats
Coats lined tned with peau dc cygnc A wide range of n new newSpring newSpring w wSpring
Spring colorings colorin 9 also shepherd checks or all al white
1650 1950 2500 2500TppCOatS 2500I 2500TOpc0al5
TppCOatS I pg Sizes Sli M I Ik I layears layearsOf I8y ISyea ISyeaOf ri riOf
Of French or storm serge covert cloths or checked chcckadworsteds checkedworsteds checkedworsteds
worsteds A variety of styles and colorings colorin s many manyeffects man manyeffects I Iefects
effects efects in collars colars and trimmings 1295 1500Topcoats 1500 1500TppCOatS I I II II
Topcoats T9P Of Pongee Pon ee Site 14 Ie IG C llyenr llyenrFull I la 7Ir 7IrFul yrareFull
I Full Ful length styles of cloth coth of gold or pongee contrast contrasting contrst contrsting contrasting ¬
ing collars colars cuffs and tics 1295 1500 J975 J975Suits J 1975Suits 975Suts
Suits Suts Coats Coat Dresses Dressesfor
for Girls Gils Juniors JuniorsThis Juors JuorsThis
This weeks arrivals arc creating much enthusiasm enthusiasmamong entbuialm entbuialmamong enthusiasmamong
among buyers Styles which arc now quite settled settledshow setled Ishow I Ishow
show a growing recognition reco nition on the part of our de designers designers ¬ I Isigners
signers of the strong stron5 demand for individuality individualt in inApparel inA I Ipparc
A Apparel pparcl for Young Y oun Girls GirlsWe Girls GirlsWe
We pparc offer Suits Suis in great variety but all al possess this t is on oncharacteristic one onecharacteristic I Icharacterist
characteristic characterist in common and this is one of the thereasons thereasons thereasons
reasons why our Suits are recognizable anywhere anywhereSujtS anywhere anywhereSluts I ISMH
Sluts for Juniors hm r Suet Sze 12 14 I6ye 16 Ibyeare IbyeareBecoming yCm yCmBecoming r rBecoming
Becoming and serviceable sericeable threepiece Suits Suis in soft softnew sortnew softnew
new colorings colorngs and shepherd checks Waists effec effectively dfec ¬ ilively I Itively
tively trimmed with wih braid and buttons butons Also two twopiece twopiece twopiece
piece Suits with new short coat All Al lined lned with peau peaudc I Ide Ido
dc cygnc of good quality Colors reseda rose old oldblue oldblue oldblue
blue violet also shepherd check I
1 1975 2500 2500Cqats 2500g 2500Coats
Coats g for Girls Gr Su Saes > te e i iOf 1 ICs year u I II 1Of I
Of storm serge fancy covert cloths coths or worsteds worstedslined worstedslined I
lined lned throughout with wih Venetian or mohair Colors Colorsnavy Colorsnavy I Inavy
navy tan rose reseda cadet also shepherd check
595 795 795Tub 795Tub 795Tub
Tub Frocks for Girls Sue s to 14 ytars ytarsMany ytar3Many ars arsMany
Many pretty p new designs d si of French ginghams percales per percales er ¬ I Icoles
cales or repps A wide range of absolutely fast colors colors98c color colors98c I
98c 145 J95295 J95295White 195 295 295Vhite 295White
White Dresses Sue ta 1 14 NOf yn years yearsOf J
Of fine fne white whi lawn J linen or repp daintily trimmed trimmedwith trimmedwith
with fine embroideries nt and laces Russian Dutch Dutchor I I Ior Ior
or high neck styles 145 145 195 195 295 395 395Suits 395Suits I i
Suits Suts Reefers for BopsManly Boys BoysManly BoysManly
Manly boys arc prone to assert their theirrights theirrights i irights
rights in the choice of their flppareland flpparelandin apparel pparcand pparcandin and andin
in truth their preferences ought to be con considered considered considered ¬
i iin
sidered We Te have struck the tight r ht course coursein
in providing the sort of clothes cothes that plense pleaseboth plenseboth plenseboth
both boy and parent parentthe the boy because becausemannish becausemannish becausemannish
mannish clothes cothes and cut give the dignity dignityhe digniy digniyhe t
he seeks the parent because careful careul crafts craftsmanship craftsmanship craftsmanship ¬
manship insures proper service and shape shapeliness shapelness shapelincss ¬
liness lness until unti the end of that th < t serviceSuits service serviceSuits serviceS
Suits S i with i extra r knickerbockers knickerbockersDoublebreasted In knickerbockersDoublebreasted I r 9kr 9krDoublebreastedor
Doublebreasted or Norfolk models of all allwool al allwool
wool materials in I new colorings Alpaca 575 1
lined lned Unusual L values < lues at atSujts atSuits atSuits
Suits with wih extra knickerbockers knickerbockersDoublcbrcnstcd knickerbockersDoublebrcastcdorNorfolk j jDoubJebre
Doublcbrcnstcd DoubJebre DoublebrcastcdorNorfolk i d or Norfolk N f models d of i marked markedindividuality markedindividuality k d
individuality Full Ful or half hal lined lned with alpaca alpacaCarefully I > 795 i iCarefully
Carefully Careuly finished fnished At AtSuits I ISuits I II IMH I
Suits MH for f r School S hq9 or Pr PrAn Dress DressAn DressAn
An unusually unusunly large assortment in exclusive excusive patterns patternsand paterns paternsand patternsand
and models tastefully tasteuly cut to meet the requirements requirementsof
of juvenile juvenie wearers 575 to 2000 2000Spring 2000Spring
1 1Spring
Spring Betters RecfcrsOf R r r 1 1or
Of all al wool serges scr s shepherd plaids coverts covertsor
or fancy overcoatings overcoatn s Well Vei made garments 500 5OOdistinctly 500distncty 500distinctly J
distinctly distncty different differ nt to the average At AtWashable Athq AtWashable
Washable hq l Suits for Boys BoysRussian OV5 OV5Russian f fRussian
Russian and sailor blouse models of madras madraslinens madraslnens madraslinens
linens lnens chambrays galatcns percales and other f fwash
wash fabrics In plain white or colors color Our Ourexclusive Ourexclusive rg5 J D Dexcushe 9S
exclusive models at atWash atWash atWash
Wash Suits SuitsA
A very large assortment in entirely entirey new modelscolors models modelscolors modelscolors
colors and combinations ranging from 155 15 to 1475 1475Chatelaines 1475 1475Chatelaes 1475Chatelaines
Chatelaines Chatelaes Mesh Bags BagsThe
The most complete assortments assortment in the thecity thecity thecity
city from which to choose Everything Everthini Everythingfrom Everythingfromthe from fromthe fromthe
the simplest single trinket to the most elaborate elabo elaborate elaborate ¬
rate gold chased or enamelled enameled chatelaines chatelainesSterling chatelainesStlg chatelaincsSterling
Sterling Stlg Silver Siver ChatefinesSpecial ChatefinesSpecialChatelaines Chatelaines Chate1esSp Special SpecialChatelaines r
Chatelaines consisting consistng of five fve trinkets trnkets each attached at attached attached ¬ l
tached to a separate chain on finger fnger ring ringcoin ringcoinholder coin coinholder
5 5S 5Sboxcontainingmirror 50
holder tablet pencil penci lip rouge rou e and powder powderbox
box boxcontainingmirror containing mirror miror and puff Value 850 at atMesh atMesh d dMesh
Mesh Bags BagsOf
Of German Genan silver sivu 6inch pierced frame withj withjinside with withinside withinside
inside change purse deep r shirred skirt f6 fi 650 650Value CQ J o oValue
Value 950 9 0 Special C l at k J lr
1 1S

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