II J V r < 7 7THE
w w
TB T iKTTtan i ix aitrt BOX BOXAVmlta Sfl SflAa noTrpk
AVmlta Trlplr SHMtatrraenl In Tel Telto Teae Trvu1 Trvu1t tlaat tlaatt >
to t H ItdIwI kwarU RmtiAjUiussit Aireal AirealWcr ArvIlIffs HI HIW
W Wcr I Contemplated C Oft teal pia t fd lillln 1kHtIIIIer 1kHtIIIIerordlrNl ar I It la laOtderr4
t ordlrNl > r Jrre l lo I Ol HI c I n Hl II IInIl1n Vaperi VaperiWABBUCOIK VfS
WABBUCOIK S nIl1n n April I AntJrr lulr tjrpW Chris Christcraea Cluiatcr Cb2LV
V tcraea tcr Wbo bo cef4dcd uc o d tl I It I Olaris Olaristtutf 01111enlllf o onhlf
ttutf o of f tho th flotd Id ilv dlvlotio ioti l HeattU At wcj wcjtliM u ut11ft tathi
tliM Arst witness wi ralied towiar tOofI bY the thid thec thebture
d f CJu ac b bofC bture fur r U the > e coniuulto fluuLU4 that thathit1gaUng u uUxy II IIioytfaaLlo
ioytfaaLlo th tLe rlouC Alnt t4Qr t4QrUzy r rty
Uxy Ballioeer U Ue tiatlUed a 5 to 14 the tbidifficulty UledlmCull theritmculiy
difficulty be b Iwd had in 0 getlm poMoaatM poMoaatMof o oe
of e f all II Lh Lhe oftlcul omc J pati that voro worou oro Ju Uu Uutieattl 011 011IUe Lht4rtt1i
tieattl IUe ofllo awl naid that alaN bai baicarried wdarr 1u1OW4
carried arr oin ID of th pnj pipt > iii aray wi wiknow wiUollt wiUolltrlDlulAl withoeitrermIig
rlDlulAl him OU QuMrntsn tDI 0 S ibm Ulm W WIo urknew
know Io no what it t they th wnr 1 1 > lZool t l lI Uli UliIirtenea Utn UtnChrktteflen
Chrktteflen I on ndvivo au1VI of th Caili Caili8ttM Unihfi8tat UzaitsiIbtat
8ttM 8tat District Altorn Attorall > at eauli > brute brutetormil roti rotiM ulo ulofo
M formal fo dexruicd d d to Ci UioAW ivu aytag G AC tha thaJsjnl aitle4S1 ihited
Jsjnl action would h be begun at t one oi un unIa 111lese sivIts
Ia the doounmiu wuru waroflaiva rv prodtuxki prodtuxkiGUrti IJrodJVIM
GUrti VIM then ileliv 1t1 r ej d tomn of f tin tinpapcra IIiepea he herape1l
papcra but bulil U itdevclopedlawtha developed later that twenty twentyfour tweet tweetfour teityrour
four letter bnsrins on the th CnaniuchMi CnaniuchMiclaim ClloDiu CsuuiuznclMm bm bmcIa
claim cIa were still mlminc Them 01 Theitt wen wenthe owerIll
the tt letter afterward fourJ biLJen bcI4zIn arn arnIn a aI
In I Olarwn Olan pnrkins = tot n ncoording t tCXriot II IIThN tCritaii
CXriot Critaii B en Theae letter l imra hay uo jo 0 itu ituportaac hufOr18Ce u uTlorlac
portaac nn ft eYidnc vid nc bm b Attorney lIurn V sr srtreim r rtree rIrCfilll
tree clMrge that davit GI I wiilibld ilxenthat ilxen
100 that twcrnlarjr rtarT lUIJiQi r would tsud bo em envlArraued emturaMt embrrMd
lArraued nad unahli U tu a > produce prod liCit then thenwh themwbet h81l1whlllS
wh whlllS a CAlled upon 10 do no u by iho corn cornmitte CIIIIImitt COUmittes
mitt mitteMr mitteslr
mitt31r Mr lr Chri Chriteno6el1 ten n told in ilttail l of tin tintfif 1111Incia thskn
tfif Incia kn aearcb rcb for the dccuaient1 dceu 8nl Jn ilncllAC ind < l itlocw1 itlocw1in acwi Ort Ortin
in 11 rvidmett many ay Uttcru IUe telegnuna arttl arttlaJMdavita an41dvIts D t tMcM
aJMdavita McM It beartnc on tb tbfl que Unll ioi > If Idtttctlfled IftUJlfod IfesUtd
tttctlfled that at t on one Urn It wo prooMni prooMnito
to brtg crimiael prnceednca prnceedncaGI plO ln plotll eaIntGtra plotllfila
GI fila Gtra T > a and il 101a14 i r Shaw Shr nml Price Prirotho siC siCho r rtho
tho forestry ro niN r > e for th the emlwrtle emlwrtlem anher inhekient I INMlt
m NMlt nt of Uovernnient property fIOJ1Tof h hiwaiis hiwaiiseoe raua rauaUMJ
UMJ of Um tb dotKitnentt found their Ihi4rInto way wayinto 3 3into
into tti ootnmnv nf t CoflhrA Vtrrkly anil anilit 4 4V 4beUevid I Iit
it WM beliernd beUev the tb origiuaU bait Iwwn IwwnMttdo sen senway
V Mttdo wa way with ill1 but that Di DiUItt ti irt Attorney AttorneyTodd MIinnyTod1 urn I
Todd 001 held that thvro wa W iti mut 4tiMItflkflt 4tiMItflkfltevidence < kiitllii t lnt > nt ntTideno
evidence Tt to justify Just4frV the Ih artlou artloula I
la J teltUj tel2bg of tb the dieoovery of the II tn tnins minc rnt rntIIi
ins IIi V leUent 1 Uln In In a peckn < R ns lvtlouciti II CillC < to toOlvia 10Ola touii
Olvia Ola i which had b bcsti ti ntoiol llIIcr in inn H rootr rootrin 0 0In
in n IM th Federal building it H toNttl unl Mr Mrt Urhrttenn Ir I ICbriatenn
Cbriatenn orrolxuat1 t 1Umouy > tin > oiiy pie pivYou pielcuy > 1 1IOtMtJO
IOtMtJO dyen 1yen 1yenYou I IYou
You made a cl 1 t Imtonr l mnr in n you youtlfraai 11111 11111t1flqrara fliirtrsa
tlfraai trsa of February S to Srhwartx I1art1cII tell telllag s4 s4jeg i
lag him about finding 11ndLn the letter I lttrl dMu dMuyou ddnouJ < sou
you ouJ ou w a < the b lirtt r rst 1o jneailon Attom PUutny PUutnyriitdel y yertcd Tlralldel
ertcd i < put to n i hii hl iwtfl1Mn tra n on crtfn crtfneiamj cu cuUJIIi crcszaMifltIoti
eiamj zaMifltIoti zaMifltIotiThtr nation nationThere na Lion Lionnul
There wa a niUtakemititatd Chri Chritcacea Chrl
1 tcacea tcaceaAn
auematlr An A l matter of f lt i V dlrfrit t TO V Toi Toiwhen fl flwh I IWhn
wh when n you aid In hat telepram that ha yon yont YOIII youbrMp
t trcia > rc e open Op 1I the box in which tho h l ttrr ttrrwere ttrrCT <
were n T fo OOJnct jnd ehmited Rrnnd Rrtlndjlcoro BritnthIoro < i iIVforo
IVforo tho wltn wftns wa could i i ply pl Senator SenatorHutheilaad K tenatnrRuthvIrd IIII IIIIHull11Ild
Hutheilaad unJ ttornj tlorn Vertri Vrttie rtr it pio pioteotad PIIIteat pinteteI
teotad teat a4iirit ths 1 qje p ttoit Um u Senator Senatorcbarncte SnaiorebarActitifl OAlor
cbarncte ebarActitifl 7ng nj u a n improper and oflen ofleneive ottent oflen4v 1
eive 4v t fciH Iid the h attorney rVcliiriiiK thai iai tit tithad It 115Ld
had d n sec xitt < fcnoftii Iwn 01 n niorc InIIII InIIIInor tIflF4Ijt15 tIflF4Ijt15rore > iti e < iiil iiilmore j
more nprpUoirsihU rhlrihl ud 11 snore In iinpronnr iinpronnrBi 1IlIro 1IlIrol liaprunsrutethod
Bi utethod thocl lhau ihf Ihroe reported r rINJ to Is n h1 > r Mr MrMr MrJrnUeIeV Ir IrJrcndfi
Jrcndfi JrcndfiIr JrnUeIeVMr
Mr Ir Brandei then modified rn > lInd the IIJ it form formuf
uf his hi iistioti uet oti n5I nu lor I tors or eil I fliri Ihran leu n nto I IIn
to admit that h > < hid h d mad > thre hr nl nltalcc nl14kca nltka
talcc m ttiu onf on short telriaani Me Meliatl II IILad Ushad
Lad not broken open th h hot h hfOlulJ hs li J not notfound nOfOUD notfound
found OUD th l Is > T tin m o hn h Cirand Jury ur room roomonrl rooniond
end hi h hvl t 1 0 i rmmil 11 nil iil the I iw 1wntv 1wntvlout con conruur mt mtfutir
lout miitis letter Irtt as 11 hn ht Hated lIat 1n 1ntbe in inthe n nthe
the me mla mesaXn > a aXo
Xo Smr I lit nt vo no to 01 erplifn llln mtii Mr MrTrandpiA Mrtrnctpi Ir Ir11nhi I
TrandpiA too enurlisb snrbtht nlu cinviiicnc cinviiicncthat cinilnMrbat
that there wer r just tTrentrfour rnl mlina mlinaIu mtwingIetter inc incletter
letter Iu end tr ItPT r rore Ir J Jltt t twentyfour twentyfourtotter I
totter toind hut a l l chit h his of ilioe ilioefound iIiowfount h
found rif not jTmus 5iIflU lbo Ib ltt lttTho l4tTb oOot oOotTb I
Tho Tb wivv 4I 111 ii 1 nut iinc IIntrlko > rt < tke nn nneiplanatlou nnCxplanUt1I irttpIanat1ots
eiplanatlou I i U > turh IIIrIr r nueefn uafltnill questtsniistx nuiR nuiRli
li x admittl that U14 iUM 4 bail rmthinic rmthinicto
to dowlt do wltv pa raIunc king nc ilibov lh tttb boI That ht bad r tt odOM bwit bwittJon > < i idon > I
don bv b Andrew n ndr 1r < w U hoiisl hoiisltr nurilv nurilvilr rt rt1r
ilr 1r franJ Pr nJiis in Mnnounrrd IInnOUIU UK h iit brf j jnot nould nouldnot 011101nol
not crmlinue t te ie TOj 1js xdiiniitiii lil1J 5 unil unilI UI UII
I e bad un opp pprlllluy irtiiiiy tu nnutie ii iiit tCUm ki1Cflnflt
it i1Cflnflt CUm > cumnt n1 iiirodiuifl Irod liy iiiriMen tirztwflfl tirztwflflwhtcb n nhtch
whtcb htch h ll ij1 11 < had l > e n rnnoprlY oopoo niru ictr with withlield W wiltliwid j
lield d from lini Ii its I he itin tll > wt wttintfl > eictueil eictueiltinUI > eI eIlntll
tinUI tomor tOoiorncretar nn nnSecretary 0 I
Secretary 6 rlar Mai Ir r T i q cainl joi joitirisy Ost Osttt1y
tirisy li s < > rrmiti ti t > irf rnIo > lii t s A AjineniH asftce I
sftce ala cJIII1 cto jineniH Bfl isn a BI I tr i uni fl5 ii lne lnenwl 1 Itt Ittrnss
n rl1uM rnss srater h hrMI1 Iirsiu4tcI
rMI1 rsiu4tcI td hi t 1 > nwl 1 il rtA I a iciun IU T i itikn I Itiken
tiken ken OT > frorliii moi ol t llorir rralttv rru iiv I trsV trsVIn vp > jr jrin r rin
in the tlot fVfi f > wrer reir IUillirse Irllir surisIs surisIsrrott wril riLl riLlIt n nrrf
rrott rrf > t t < i It t h M f Puisu > intiu 5 nut Vi ttornoy ttornoyitndw ttsFTQVt1 rQ rQ01
t1 itndw 01 ill 10 jiri f5tVWIIlIO xiiiiO 10 v II atn nidiiiic nidiiiicna 1111 1111Inz
na tn > In a < n I tlrtiini I n proc rr nnd milt innkItiK miltIre trmiklug
Ire i k biii 1 bi ia ufeirpt ti t icntol ntrl she sherriinre II tI tIr3nre
rriinre rrln < u wnli w 5 to tbn II I V 1 rn r I tul pktiC J Jrr tulr < i
rr r rseii < eji rtaU 1 ii IT < < 11 sit sittVOU il ilAltorr1 I IIn
Altorr1 tVOU In < Hr Idl u < rm fl3M4i l V4 4rs > > r rjolnJor > > i 0 ie iejolnd 50jotndr
jolnJor jolnd r i e tef MI 4 s itmy t Y lialliii ISAIIIr ISAIIIrhv er erui
ui addrt A I Hu tt fommitier fommitierrm NlIInllt I
rm s 19 eu ti K V nVTh 1IUIIIIIIInaIr 1IUIIIIIIInaIrIt II tiiu UK HI in nature flastrPeisjrt r ri
It i au eisjrt uivri rl > e in tle tin I i nni nl vre 11 s Mil < ill fur furaairlMi furttrI ur urd
aairlMi ttrI d Mr fp lit II u M lhtSerr t r Is tsrLi rtl Ui y Kirm Kirmeverything ICI ICIthl l4irsweerthung
everything thl t w > itU tor r nl st 1 I miclil ntiitbr mr mrtb v vfbJI
tb fbJI tbr 2 her fr r vl 1 r our r rIV rql I ha hacould tiat tiattn > 1
tlO tn with I I i 1 tUs M SPD teary tearyott1d
could T ooci > o o 01 er tre I I I MT stte stteV stteir I IA415 I Ih4J
A415 h4J ir in IN iii t 11111 11111Tart IPUIITft
1 1rrnnu
T Tart ft I natile inSteii I Slot flirrr r lleraiieut U vf 111 111agrflIenI n nrjsmiini
rjsmiini in id Matltlnctoti MatltlnctotiWASHIN07O t3ttflCtOtSar I IWUJl
WASHIN07O WUJl ar Roio 010 tjnl Ii Prfcid Piclert rii lf lfwill I
will rtand hv I IM rnmnl r t I I d lcn to toctnit 1 1emt Kcmii
ctnit Irdi Indillnapoh nap < li from 0 the f uh thds lwduh cJrI f fnr fnrpI r rKin I
Kin tl coming c mlnjt kitu 10 tilt It IA is decUrr ddln1that dickvssIbat < l lthat
that tlm tl I r rultit nltit In ut s < n nJ lnrMnr IlItiiolnhpfiJ IlItiiolnhpfiJIm > lm lmIrom
horn hi mheiliile 111111 I n to1 is a l u uctunr anuI1 anuI1tT > < l llr
lr v roliictl rol oHicI lc 1 > bAflt nu n Ti rut t Stun H rvitluu rvitluuUi It t1uti t1utiUi lu
Ui lArt lv I utVIi Ur UrIt 1 1II 111
II wm r r5etgeu ieiu f < l nt s tj t Whir hll Ho 1101 1101tfd4Y IIosR IIosRtnday i n ntoday
today trta t 111 thu h < Pn IrIInl i1 f t hjei rw rs4 l S s sr 4stu 4stutor > ii iitor
tor > r rv Rvritg vervtc rtl i rch > t > eee > l efore > rr h ht > fnt fntttrrjy ttitttte1y
ttrrjy aTlMtMi I th ihs fniiiarui < ott nK4U nK4Unxtnt nSMnt nZinnt I
nxtnt nt K tfs < > fouil later MI 0 u na w mini minithat FauiIthAt 1 1t
that t 1 tfl could lId not M ktIss J n InntanRpMi InntanRpMir
ClIft r rtII tII 11 lep 1 eneattuncnt hiU h I hail hailIn 1s14nt4s
h14tflll In V Vlo hmatoJ tshsntonteumflta hmatoJtl I
> tl lo teumflta rment ef efTh r niaI eeI4 eeI4The I
Th Cirbait 1bot r 1Ilch d < ic < ih lu hH < trrivei rrietOro t tOrorton tOrertown
Ororton Oro tii ti rolh mllir r C ir r ut t Xetvport Xetvportc eivpnrt eivpnrt1e
> c H e the tnttnini Inins chip iiJrtionl i at atAnnapili atAnna t tAflftkpI
Annapili Anna > J he th t atllehlf > > s Vuoniu at atNew Il ittew II IIOIA
New ew Ortean it tM rrinr tatiforAia tatiforAiae CatifotttaWept I IWtt
Wept e t S irsrnm and Marrland at lIar Marnland MarsItaod
Itaod land the th crii criur T tolorsdo and an nu I Pcnn Pcnnuylvan IcnllvAn renn4TtYitnl I
uylvan lvAn at 1 Kremerton lrrm rlon and a 1 the Ih tug tugluickvtit tiltacI tug32ktt
luickvtit acI Indian In iln Head HeadThit tta4Thu I
Thit miiwr uci Prairie li liii M uI sae4 I t d from fromPlitladV1nhla fromPlllawlnhla torn tornflitLd1ntita
PlitladV1nhla lor Crutobal Ctld > bI the nqc nqcVatiitrot iiztatiJ tac1
Vatiitrot atiJ fUIlt nt nnd wnt 111 Ittnpcjn 11111 from Xnrfou Xnrfoulor Nor1oIIur
lor 1 1 onlliern drill cround nnd the th h4 > t tkhip 1toI
khip toI p tkith ti lIh Carolina Cnrol llli iroti lr 1 lUmia I4 fl tor IcrCharlePIrI krChret torChartcrtja
Chartcrtja Chret i ilti7It j jlallut I Itlllu
lallut tlllu fihn join lo In the Miutirrt MiutirrtThe I4IIublrlTh ttubrrtThe
The Shil FhII1 h it 1 t a veitnrdiy td Y announeeil announeeilthat I
that Jiilijn Jui1 i i5h tn n lad t ad ioned the tli If Sr Stn Srser Srsertor > tl n ntt nr
tt r tor > > l i j S II < n of 0 New rnzard rnzardtl rnraroitlura rrixitriIenirr
tlura tl HTrr A the h Iuq ame m time Mr Ir r I isbn nhnancoitied lIhn1VJt1Id isbnantsurd
ancoitied IIH I ir rlOlIn > i otlJII ri > tioii a booing bookmencent b booingit k ksnt
ncent it pnt for Oiarle uitrts1 1rolmjii V 111 Mr MrVat11 tn Vat11 Vat11bali oU oUh ii iihk
hk h temovHl ht htis nfCtr from tlm hft Hrnpte HrnpteThcaire rrnl FTOtEITbc2rs r rT
Thcaire T Urjidui in n Kli Kroud JirouiIwit JirouiIwitlitsi ar arTh 4 41b
Th lui Jl1iis 1 i Tahn X XT itr Kncland Knclandaj rir ririit ririitM < JI JIfOtTH
aj M fom foruiry y an I1ILtIVlIl W5VItCI oc tej lI with the theA It 1 1It Icjvt IcjvtI
A K f ian anr r looking lookingrm 1o < ulI usMsq usMsqtrn
I Irn
trn rm > ant > ta avv Onlrr Onlrrwere flritrrr I It
t r t 1ei arn D itdra itdrawe
were we tr > tl i iu IL Ei Eifs n nrl
trf rl f L u n i Tt Tf1I fllr Viii ta B fliV fliVtr r I IIn I
In II 1 Jiltr J OJ > 0r 0 U4ri V for Ie jetrrv r tTf t tes ittlnj ittlnjtptJ IUts IUtslc
es tptJ lc ICS JllI > nr dr in Itt > ta J 5s < Mnih oM nth > r rtrap rv rvI v I I ISlrr
Slrr aIII i iCasl
trap Casl I > P < 1 an r IUI Bi Bisirr tth Pp Situ Clia CliaaI 4v 4v1tof
sirr sirrUajar aI Uajar 11 Ho > V 5 rto1 14 I > H HTtared iut 1Ir I fer e enarfd u uarPd I
Ttared arPd lti ltiItsjor I IWrI hst hsttEo >
Itsjor tEo Ooorrr r > i r wontf nfl4 InUntri tn tnWal tow
Wal WrI w > r 1I flta U L ucic Lt4 < tj HoTHa la Os Dsr Dsrs DsrtaavtdsU r ItCotum ItCotumKa I1o I1oI I1oTt
Ka s I
TtflM Tt taavtdsU B IY T tordU fr eie us usPastel eJ eJnrnilHaf 1 I
1 Pastel b attaI k1 jz 4 C xc xcrerru r o liIsm liIsmpwt
nrnilHaf rerru utflaI UO CnI > S t MtW tOI > tn I Is l u Vcrklo Vflea Vert0iPueid n nIaiml
Iaiml w A > ttuuit k uuit Pymatt W Pau mitI t It TtV Ii tpr tpagtastkizr4 110 1101IUJf fc fi
gtastkizr4 a titra trra tiSImtit > m > nt t natal natalWaiWntvm r1 q qest
= est 1IUJf Rs1taJ rI WaiWntvm WOIII U C Cat uutsI 0 n nMZ 1
ltGIa MZ IPn at
Facts About AboutThe AboutThe AboutThe
The South SouthNo
No 12 12It 12a 72iJs
iJs It Is a Fact That ThatS
S Iht i h r cite nn earth are U found tr tli tlitim fhe fhem ttseflm
tim m > rnuiitrv and nd with inch sct murkaH murkaHvlnnUj rlurlc rttarkatIeIttAntati lle lleIt
vlnnUj It nu rt Cur or > r utilization Ihe to InmJ InmJof mJj mJjtiro
tiro iufl of > cUI 1 CIC rr rat t mjnufjlutiij o n1rIUIII inKret inKretcntton inlertUInlt inereRrstun
cntton nlt mi ro iron Iiniltr plintphal plintphalxl
G < xl s < Milpfiur ulhu KJ r ir power an anoijnv anJ anJaun snJmn
oijnv other things aiJr ld1 > l tr n > nnttrpi ssnstrpied ssnstrpiedaXriruttts > cc ccariritltiial d dtnrII
ariritltiial aXriruttts tnrII al t nntibthI > f tltbd > < ibiliir ibiliiror iI iIuI irS
S uI i tII fpa fpaI 011 I II
I or I in n invtmtti nma n about the South SouthMi Southnrh oultnl
< Mi nrh th riirtt nl lc > sttIe ilirre P tnvci tnvciMANUFACTURERS inveit5t5 nI 1 1It
5t5 It V 5 n flC4 It hi wtte wttei tl tlI
II iIati s p I ht4 I s3t1 311 br b s III t tarv ltt lttIDd1 new newlodsstat
IDd1 aII ani III Peutriet IIU I urprti4 urprti414ted grb
urtcd 11 ana Dct q r Iraaortiftt t bsitbr < H1i > r ft II t trted 1 1lliilnt toft toftIII
rted III tt IPe IPecrE I II
rr trrWtRIIINTI tKziwsina IIrTIE nrIf nrIfUIlnr nrxtrDhiI1t
lliilnt Her rI tfl n l Sartliulartt rtleolmrl 111 IIICh eh link linkStonier lInaI Itnewi
wi I ei It Ieri y lsuIaIrt
Stonier tL r Harrr II P Ward of f tin Niw S sT let Itraey lete1 letse
aey se e1 llotitv n siC AMembly emIJIY1M ha < i made a t ptatn ptatnmerit statnmsrtt at atmrtt
merit at 1 tn the new aispnper wp pnpP r report rf C til tilrareul ella ellaIra dliigrarfsil
rareul Ira lul dnllllCe dnIn nln of f AfuMtmblymon n during dirinil dlrlnltIh
l Ih be rloMii rl Iillot sui Itiurji of C the H final FO p IOH olr i > f th thUjiliitie fhtal1n thI4
Ujiliitie I4 ICIV ltI it lcfrtrn fnm ilirrn on r MtittrriU MtittrriUmurninj TtsttlVmurnlnz 1lrlavmurom
murninj mo Ill of flio pnpt iflpsLi > n Haul 1 Dm Dmij Ih Ihb Ituitlb
lb b cuirIne rT1ln 11111 u wPr his ftatroOIIIIr ftatroOIIIIrhl tlsogroiuttl tiussir tiussirhJfV
hl hJfV ij of ofWurd 5f r HI 1r
Wurd utril 1 itLuie1 iuieif rny Iy11 + 11 11The 11 11Iln f 1I 1IVl
The Vl h ir ius sit h P Iln itnil nor nort3s iiuTeii iiuTeiitiai ro ro111I
tiai i 01 n > i is Sptvtl tt < ia 0rI < > ri > ii i 1l1 is t 0 < I Ir Irr > r rnBfl > ts tssstuit
nBfl r of t tt M h bts etLK wst li MeeletUn St s etLVC v1ie v1ieIn f fIn
In ha 11 hit I itrd mr n < rnJT I ruoni ruonirljit r11rlI > sItgI
rljit rlI Not Ol o II > nv n > ruunn nnd n1 MI MInfnity Utlllnr Utlllnror lIrinrarftv
nfnity or Wnrt lit n nft ow in the theI I me 11m 11mI ttrnJhs
I Jhs he h KUifCTlior ol 1 liiiU 10 ioor ionic U or I rI rIr lbs lbstsir hi hitltmr
tltmr r IHV 0 I niil rit t Unit I n 1ufln55V uBr e1 l n nIt ni tIY < v 1Ir 1Irwhth ni nivih
vih It V Sof 11 tpeatf > trt 1 rnom or r wIlt 111 > ta 4 re reul Ior Iorul < r rul <
ul Ia tsr I eitir < tiiiit I t tn < 1 11 11I is isSI <
n SI l i S iti if I ilK tw TI I flfj utre utreevflutnii r rIflnll < ftri ftriefl
efl evflutnii Iflnll > f > tlnn < tr stC rot it 5 Wir en ° ilir r rna ne neent I IsAlle
ent sAlle na ie 1 li ii lOLl lOLlI l
I I < t ee trl tr ltr Imr loll a i r frVbU r IItt IItt1a1 bodr bodrliui
liui > Uu ltu I I 111515 nn n kiui went I ft up 10 0 Si SiKrvi SuP 4j 4jIerVt4Y
IerVt4Y Krvi P < or isIsilil ODI I Ui I itt ItIOItg on onVOIIC II
VOIIC 011 ill lie II I I KllprriOr lJOr 3i > I lllo IIlto1111 i iIjether ieIher
Ijether eIher stslt 1111 trt h > i < tletlcil h lelti 1 il tir r rtrntei rtrnteiff rlItrr
ff r ijie s I AHOiuhlv rbl Jiil nint H otner ItCh rcpnK ftlfnlItI ItChIlb
K 4 iti r with lItI ritf f it Joist dOl w wm m I lid illilIHI slutViol lidI
Viol I LIKIW I rer il Ie er < Cr Crr tT or ortlinc itii itiitIili n nlIlItI <
> tlinc tIili laWi 1 anil t n e etniluiisl u Ir t nt ntlooked I Iin
looked in isis nlBe IIIIIlOtII IIIIIlOtIIIcll I iiCCIl ii > noitlnu I i ileft 53sw 53swtell >
left imjtetiat imjtetiatin mndIQI mndIQII t t3ter
I l2f 3ter ill the It naM nla i < > > M1 14 > uuaaitlna I f r rns I I0
uaaitlna ns nn 0 it ILis tle uiwsut u f 1 rtientir fleritSaIIit ti tiillltelx 4r 4rI
I SaIIit II NUl ot I h1 alrn efl ottlll > I IdIsI i
11I illltelx ly enl n li liI tis sumhr in s jiPt jiPtt
I I ie S i satu < t linlnif Iintn on V l ool > 4ll 4llwn Uilw Uilwnl
wn nl < l oirlilrtl 101011 L Lt ir irs > > lu < li I liS r i nut II iI r > i nfr nfridi > re rewin
win I h h law n t I IIII lii i V 1 I nu II IIId > l l11 I4
Id 4 1 414 i 5 c en
4 S 11 I inis HiiiKit HiiiKitlaii 1111 1111nv
hats lUte nu Unieil Tlie ncrl usr Hetii n ril in inll I Is IsIIesssIhisU
ll 11110111 illal in I Is ili fa1 fa1t lit l ltancJiT
5 tancJiT t Ir Miilrr II i sf > f till 5 ssr er alro alroIolmrn ssttt sstttlluorii tr i iUimrn
Uimrn ilurg sIor ih > lois lo r rlai tIh ttI I Ifnl iijlr iijlr1iifit
fnl a rbii ro itsi sstutIssl IIDJ IIDJIIIIJ esnIkIi
IIIIJ lai 11 > r tnxh l Iv > v liiiuny ll 1Ily uly hill limvii hitnct
IIXI t hor vii > 1 uiqlilM ithitsr > r Mn > MilUr 11111 lay layni III Itydyung i id
d dyung > m ni lionVHdi 1 shiv riur iir r lupitit htuhittattalkrd li 1Iur 1IurI ilr ilrin
attalkrd I in llit II reifii r UK nird ul1JIti uitrl 141 141If I Ifr
If y Yiul > n < lon un I itlf tin II ti ii Ill K gsV > > Xi Xir l lIe
r Ie i ri Lii vim III Ii fo folUaly fur > 1 1IIt r rhteahy
lUaly IIt llT Uuneil t1i ItsIt and natk 111 > st < IOK tVI r > i < u unpd uand I Ir01
and r01 nonertiriHl fl ttt ctarsd in v > ftp p him lve lveTlir 1 l lIttitiUl
IttitiUl 1111 4 11 huiLi IIUnonl tuil S4fll4T 15 IIHI IIHIhln 1 I t ii tr V VIs
Is hln V1t Tlir n t1i 1 Uf M ilM II < I ttf tuirrVnI4 II IIor m mtl
or rVnI4 n 1111 n1hl11 111 ltts I ib h rq rt1lln m mII lI lIti
tl s < < < ld < d that llnlv II ha a J aH st stsuist i i imil h
mil < si < 1 Itmt It I feilT It wan iL4 l tile tls h nnr tilt 0 0r > vli vliilnl li liiteut
ilnl tl t p r liitiA Iiz hi Hi 1tI 11 kit nilintitl RI1 tatl I If 1 mr mrf
f MtUr ii 1 tr trsshe rleml Jio cnv Irt rt Hi iiiir iiiirinn i t If If1PI r
inn 1 iivj l I > i t < MII su nni l aJrni lm hi Ii IiI nk nkTlllt i i1
< Tlllt t III 1 ssjlhiilt alhjllC lll > lll < II 1 I V r II iw If Ifral VI VIlull I Ilalt >
lull nt W Vnli tf Irs f M IJI 11 1 IK vf si 1 t oti otilieiiv llirIIYII t tI
I lieiiv rIIYII li I It 1 w i4 lfri IIIrIN ltrist l t il < l til irf irfn s tr trtrsl ft fttrr
trr trsl ulIl wn V5 1 5V 5VIi
< 10 F jh1 jti II I t ldl I 1I II I
I 5 V > n 5 V iv nil Alii 1 iiimp iiimpf 11411l
l < f tn t 11 I irLut > rl t < ll 111 l lltt > > I IIr 1Its
Its > sili rul 1 I li 15 I I IMier Ihslrr M
Mier T > i < S S e isr r nt 1il 1111iIdt ui uin 1 1I
I 1iIdt n < t H 111 hliiy jly KiiidtrH 11 I u uiit I M I qt4tItI Utn Utntr Id IdII
tr > itn 1 01 1 tiin I un v titril tit oh 1 u r vh whu whuIII hII hII111I ii iiHi
111I Hi iH Iftrflttlr4 nii mlt r < of I toi nt 9V i tl tlaiu I 1 k kiaI >
iaI aiu 11 lr I r is e itilo slit 11 llfil 1II1f > I Hi II > f1 1 V Vritu1sit rd rdroliiiins 1 1ltllIl
roliiiins ltllIl it i M > lv I n iti u iI iIN 5V 5VIV ii iiri <
IV N prt11111t sitt 1 IlIr Y Itl 1 V I ht htV 100 j jI
ri V t I III H lii I Iuw > h K Vl > w1 IC1hii ill ivill ivillin U
ii in 0 Millar I II IVtl nt Light li I Is < 11 tn tnl I in inII I Ito
l II h inilter V h l llT ti JIM luu M 1I1I1IIw 1I1I1II
SI fl SS w
I III IIIj V VIaPlILrI If In u i iIIIro
IaPlILrI j rncer till Iuropf nil i lI the h I Ih IIsrs liter Hint Hinti lisgitIV
tIV i 00 It I to atl TwHist TwHistilliiC 11 11IIII euIi euIisIlisZ
illiiC IIII loiii V V tl 5 I > Vhltf t Star lilr i4r linei lineiAiltutl hn hifisiI I
Ailtutl 1 u Ii i V lr I PlTiiu i herrioiirs holl JHil JHilV jitsiuuIlthsam
nhml nhmln r rflalai
V Jlailji n V l nt i Hi r s5itPl let V VI r ri I Itli
I i tli l and Jr < I VaiiffH < ii Mi I a J M MI lc lcI t tI
I r fI > i lurt ft r lr Irs UAt fnill 1ateiiort 1ateiiortsiligitarn irvn Vaiti Vaitiiiuti 01 01dN
siligitarn iiuti > arn Ma h in ndsr dN 1 n Mu > li 11 5 SS s S i lln i iIir SXsr I II
Iir I MII utiul 1 ill 11 llvrv Pirmn f srII lnll 1 < Ii i lfl lflI > ii n nItml > i
I 1 Itml f5IflIa eniiini John V W > Kxnioit Kxnioitr 1 lIl11 It ItI w wr <
I I r jrlMt iat1 1 s III II Ji l fII lee irt > ln IIIrII IIIrII1 < i iloin
I V loin riei riitu lIeu > U eli ul Mi hi tun tunr IUsiIheutt 1
r > llenl > P I loailtf loailtfPa J lni 110 110Iavenl s15Iaiient
Pa Iavenl ence ty r ih Norli < lirrman llnyd llnydliner 11dicr hlsydnrr
liner nrr Pnliz Pr1HZPi > k > lt 1111 ne t tu i ill II his Mdiler Mdilrraitsafl Mdilerraifan fo1Iralln
raifan raitsaflS
> S altl pl Mr Ir ColieiS 11 Iolip S Mini rn n Ac 11 Tev TevDr r rOr
Dr 1 l isniri oni on 01 je Xp > tov 0 0I fir 7 7o
tO o I iiiih irln 11 Mi r M Mvi I > tr K rti Ct1Ifl I im 1mtr li lii C
6 i hitre tr II Vee 1 IV the ts lie I l IIr > r tni nl Mr MrIlimrru Jr JrIfamma I II
I t V Ilimrru Mr Ir < I 1It o c Oallula OallulaMr iatnjlr 1111 1111r
Mr lr r anti < ml Mt Ir h Allurn J I l ol n flIIC1 r Im ImU I iii I lei leit I
t U 1 llu lIuir > r MM Ir llrlit 11 r > IJjiou 11101 ati uJ J Ir ir a 10 aJ aJ4te J JMr I
Mr 4te IT I K I Arrrfti ArrrftiKiillnc PtftiOtSailing rr
Sailing l h7 > y th It V Attari I irartport l r rfOrt liner liner5finnel III1r3finnehh linerMinnehishe
3finnehh 5finnel lia for C > Iendou IendouMiard lonIufIara ICntIOiVL4iard
Miard i flea 11 ri i M h ton OJa < IKintts n rf rfKennnli r I Iflfn
Kennnli flfn II l tant runt lIn II i I Hemtnv nr RrsIIAiAI rIInll im > nn nno
0 h Ptr r Kdxaro d 1 Merr brt Mr trd t Iitujut 1 Nunu Nunui i
itujut i ml III Jlr afl II lir I lr ieorxe i F Marlnn MarlnnBy MtthonIi Iarlonny
By Ii thi th Anctor liner taldonli lol doa for forrla torCtla fordaftw
rla daftw daftw3It iso iso1lter tI tIIt
3It 1lter It f J II < iri crier r Mr Ir anJ nJ Mr r ra fhre fhreI
I I i i lm mW niet It n Mr Ir I and Mrs 1 i I I V P PHH I Pri4UtinV i ialllI
ri4UtinV HH alllI ijii ilucliC C LJrn lc1metonaid tonaad ton aDd fllcear fllcearf r 1e 1el 1etailinc <
l f er PI PIIaihing e eKatline
Katline t Iv Ii > r th the h Hd Star liner Finland Finlandor
for or Dover nnd Antwerp AntwerpDoit l1trpWI
WI 1 Doit 01 1 I > anl nt 1 Mr Ir lhari SljTr SljTrraiiilm MawrVrasin Tr Trrallllm
raiiilm Mt I I i t l Matniltun Mr Mri Ir IrI Irss IrssJ
J i ric I irrrs ani n1 talr 1 I r I I Itotetitil MlnzetiIutlsieni ItotetitillA 1 1I
lA lsieni ener enerInrr I 1 ho nmhtlrc flamllrgkrnsrfren flamllrgkrnsrfrentnrr mrlan mrlanIr
Ir Inrr r frit rtf Valleffe Watr for forlr JImhr JImhrJ
lr T4 K J lft 11 Mr Ir mil 1 Mr Ir IT4 r 3 re1 re1nek r1c 1 1e
nek e l K tlat CIistV Ia t r lloa fo and 111 Ii XIC LIar LitwarJllarrlf Ldwarihlwrrfi J Jlarrl
llarrlf hlwrrfibaiItn llarrlfbailing
larrlillniC bailing illniC by > v nu tjuihec t 1I iec blC liger IIC01ltnr IIC01ltnrfor Ilganamr r ana anaor
for or Formula RcnnidaMr t rmlIllI rmlIllIIr
Mr Ir and Mr Ir < I l T r IU ntt A Ir M M Mliiie IIfill ItReuses
liiie fill > Mr sr all1 Ml Slim 11 Aiiunn 01 UiM lr lrnil JrI hrstI
nil I Mr tr Iiw II I lotlTOp ror Mr r in ant < t > < 7 I Iand Ieh i
Jcl eh > and andhaol J IIIIJ 1 P hlip hlipIsa 111
8 > haol Isa 11 Indrr llammmlelat otilrnl otilrnlI1i
flu Appellate JIolt1I l ninn > i on of the ah fjupremn fjupremnotirt fiuprrmlIrt
otirt I vicatw vlea vicittrl yeserrtay thn th Injunction InjunctionibtinU Il1junctiRnlJtolinotd lnjuctionobtsnisd
ibtinU ly Uncar tAmm IfAnmtill rateiu re 101111 rettrnIng tr it itnn in inIn
In Ing nn > Mrrl Mr4lort t rctierft rlt < Hrlv 4o frun inRitic nlill ur licr licrA9 < I r rly
a A9 ly other mi m6mflnr em nr thn hU irrn irrnurine Tnc1urinl rn rntlinng
urine th hit > f fItnt > r + nt wawt a oik and 1cJ t1 In n ner itA itarlrion
rlrion er r xJiy ov trsji lid ii l1 iwrrrice ic nr f the trietef tl1 tl1fGInt thedefylant
fGInt tef a > lant II tW1 x > wn n to h hn of ofind 1 mat matITICIJW BittIImII
ITICIJW iiid > icirditurr rdllurr olility wbicn wbicnl wbieI1ft wblcfl4tSsih
I1ft l a Juvitloxrt jsti ulAis ti njurfUon jun tl011 pnrtdentn p 1dIlO lit litIh lite liteta
I Ih ta tr utYtcInn < l re 1rln > dnn ha not reen be bePbn fflttllre < utnre t < l lho
Pbn ho 11 i tint ih be stnil ftjrur fur < urA upon I1IZ whom whomwhfle tromwhI whamt
t whfle is1v 011 lion rf ih the < > j Iar > a7 riepcnis riepcnisitie rl dcnfbtip cn1 cn1it
itie it l h1 il I m Hinger in of f etivk tW part P at a anod af1ndra atnndisras
tnndisras nod f1ndra ra isistary Urr whirh wt l parta par rte many mac ohur ohurnrnhr cthssrI cthssrmmbre hiif hiifI
nrnhr m tt of r tti thue eotnpanr hare ta emg emgI mar
fJRIIIT1 OF itors 1101 An t tTO tUnl tUnlTfJ 1flIS 1flISTU
TO IXTRniHtK Tlli1t Tlli1tUblUrrns TII TIItblktrrn riiCbhWres
UblUrrns KnlrrUlonient Hudrtr HudrtraM Nhiirl Nhiirlitrtrs Ia Iaa
aM a itrtrs rlni rt uf lr eduatlat Uuall a at HinHffa tblllll tblllllI1wtfaatmfl tbiHelaecTbrtrtsattmImis e eTtwatre
Ttwatre I1wtfaatmfl Pantmilme i 01 f the Clare ClareIr aeet aeetr
Ir r I hearts Ui he eprulng Kratore Kratoretit
I tit the Bloc > Th 1 1hutr vxtr ye yesterday t tlrd1 rdar at after afercnon afternoon r rnoon
noon a 1t11n uoccssfni < start wan mad to the llcpUn ft ftpto thepita
pUn iif f Urn tl tt CUlldrenM hlldren Kntertalnmeni KntertalnmeniBociety tntllrtalnmflnCit Entsrtalnzntsntlocuety
Bociety Cit to provide dramatlo and nd tniiatca tniiatcaataga maica1 maica1Zit znsaiciItaZe
ataga Zit pvrraruuucni MIrloru lIcf aiiitafoe fcr or chilrire chilrireloo rh lrlr lrlrlo1U
loo voinic VOfl to Ii n take 110 eren en to t < the II simple simpleand tuuiilviitanti tlnlItMil
and rnoa innoceut fchora atinraileusignetA dMicneci chlrfl chlrflor chi chiror chIeIy chIeIyfor
for or grownup Thn irlea 11 1 he onto a Joar Joarpviliapn 3orpetbapit OIIr OIIrpelLap
pviliapn olientr l Ir ih tb younirKtor Insist Insistto
to nrranxti a programma of nhort play ptajapikUtorAiniea pl plfll1toarjme playpmsItomjmei
pikUtorAiniea and niuso numbers cieaictiej designeiI t8 CIIJ
1 10 0 umuaa little ou oue4 first of all allI
I Til Thl affair WAIl a hit h t with the juvuuile juvuuilefrom jllYlfnlltrtI <
from thn th itirt Ircm Ieforn tto IL fart ktanI fartin tartin
I in fuer t IAC1lu ca < M whon brJ the tl iii orchestra mew rneuvbern nltmIlMor mewI
IlMor I bern elm In th thusre bilr r vern ern youthful BBBP BBBPn JlUlpIIrJt giiall <
n ririlcht rJt > nl over the tb theatre Ih itr tr for th thotcliMtra b bltrD lit litorehiesni
otcliMtra ltrD wa uuii uij > of children boy boyinil bOTaand boyand
and nil nif gt it > That wan 1111 soinetliinz Ilknl IlknlSot IIknot llkn1ot
Sot ot u lot of stuffy ftr old hi chap with no noIntereit 110Inlrrt noIntereit
Intereit iu thf th performance ptJrfClr ne hut two or octhtixi orlhlOlt orittuol
lhlOlt thtixi littndrM or > r msybo only on I forty or 01flflr ornu orflftr
flflr nu IMf th thers he r trerneij 11 to t < b be hundred iiimdrsdsaoliul hundredaollul hundredtiiotuil
tiiotuil aoliul ICiJn oj allow nt n mticli mllc excil scited d and aniljiwt an1JllIt
I jiwt ax iivicli intrrMitol as a the boy and anilgirl ruadIn andirhe
girl irhe in Mm Iii 11 iu tttistlittrw tttistlittrwThe < tU < ire ireT1i
T1i The cromiupfl crowmpillul r glut t I Innjli I b out of th Uut Uutnt thttntrPre t tenlrArr I
enlrArr nt rArte loo to > One Un tlntt violin iol n An angel angrlfiend IUtIIi angelI1ICICI
fiend i jlevfnyxirold OJIToony proh m IIM proceeded l1lld to toniljuai wI toniijlaI
niljuai nllj and roadjint rt < iu lrr ziot liking likinglier IIkln likingliar
I liar chair her IUIIKIO tuIms u stand her light lightwlir lIahW1h tIghtwhIP j
whIP KO precisely > r tli tIut niinrer of some somelci eome1Wt
1 t1 1Wt old lci fldiller that P110 U 0 < thr threw w thn thnIcier thus4dsrts hIhUll
s4dsrts Icier lulu hflIIlfm rivir lnv I hat orchestra orchestratruttiMl orchlraIrrfltl orehstrIwe
Iwe truttiMl Mid yf v yeirtlity tertlr w wiut 1 con conrouted conrhulII condsitjlsil
routed iijr Mii li1t Kmtli tmlJ11 W Wanner 34nr < ner nod when whenhn whtaahs hfOl1 hfOl1IIh
IIh ahs hn wsved rcJ if into to th has opening orlot IC drains of ofiiverttim orit ofI
it I iiverttim IlIn Irnu Vallrh tlph of Ilajrdatf 11aroa1thIJlld it ittillrri u uthaiisstit
thIJlld tillrri ilr > rl rSrc1 rcl in if vriii vriiinil Wide < veYi veYifII vwtnrI
fII r nil th thV thubiytJ c J i in 1l l lLotTJ r ro
V LotTJ Je o whIte ItnijH lJ ssr vry ry on < of ofili QfI ofttltem
ttltem ili t1 m iiuhing II t nx ntnfttiiiruJi about them themIt
I I It lutd I a knculur n lIIMr crT If rwi o uifl < m 0 ton rirln rll III innni iiiI
I II I t nni jCIIrI Mi r roti Oil guilul v ud nctuallT fel felr
I I her r rint gqntal M l r rI rsvihe riilv hrnnfierto h1 isdtrr nr to n prantifct prantifctr pracl praclhuf1
huf1 r Tlr I nt Pl tffir uiist Kit iniwio islUIsiu l hsmonui < u > nn And Andnot Andf andflOt
not tfin CfICII1W tinm h1 iirankvi lumr lOur with itll att attemptus attemptusI ttlmpj mptn mptnl
f I l k pitlo > kn i I mr r siC f tlHNAnjbndv 11 11ss Tcodv Hnri1 Hnri1K Ifr Ifrlll1r Zsrs1ti
1ti K lll1r ll util itI nlIm 1irnfi My WnTfoltrtio WnTfoltrtioTht no V
I Tht Ill < can l I lItJIIIIII Muriiiiao > I 111 lu Quc QUI1 QUI1t n nof nS
S of t f H lIi nin St Si she Mast Iirl Sxiini Tnri < ar 11Id 11Idn tl tlj
I j iinw n vui ViI I l < l ifi I ti f > IU N sukrt > k > > n wor In they theyliiv tlo tloh theyI
I s h lt liiv 11 i 5lu u an iruriMioii ol upon the thitmi th the1htt4 I
tmi 1htt4 i < Intntii lh Iliw troupH of futiin futiinlnrint PIlar PIlarl1rll1 PilarMnrtn
lnrint irv trasls rM < of the rlory tor This Th Qvrrn QvrrnKnd QvrrnI
I Knd ir w wri ri r Jilryod IJII Ifr V Ct1 l hy > jr children tnt limMiKf tnth itt ittlmsr j
MiKf h r tr trafl I n lw I heMPrm tn wt wore > ro baliipn bhi almost almosttthrn i ih
tthrn h i IL < L Mtioii hecam onirk th the < train trainljrer trainr trainlzirer
ljrer ut t III I Ii Qium Q calmly lIn reaolrpit to toi tod toa
d i iilhiT tfvsn I Ihi n let RO of that tr train ln wan alii aus austiiiuiV I Itniuv
tniuv tnll I lilte1 nS lit h Cor or orjtrl h r hubby hllbb little littlvuiil IUtIl
l 4 uiil LHatui tf < II n ttriBR mniium 1flhtUIIIS
S 1 twis ll thw I Hoyt AU AUlI AUlIIiId > K M toIg4 > I > in inrtrti II IIOh
rtrti Oh IiId IITO nr It J nil II ssm 5 The lh Sirt Vii W SVthluubo Itll ItllIhrubo < itie itiellxru
llxru Ihrubo < x l I lsFVql stt roniponmt fnlpotwo flut < l liy I N V tl cur1 1 ffortl ffortlm otihPl
Pl 1 iit so thinly so intrhv ch sw swI h hIn
I m 11 cmrncler it t tnnlt nl iht h hs cruvmi cruvmivronilei grlssuIuswOrsiou
vronilei W01 why liy Sir Ir IJUM lq u Lit not 10 niuri Ire trelUT4iT Irequqi r
11011 < lUT4iT lpirJ arl 411 BriiiijMay ijlj it 1II011 in itoal fti suteIrIuwnt4 II IIlerrIInt 1 1let
let lerrIInt teIrIuwnt4Tb jrm > nt ntTr <
Tr Tb vtiJ tiJ J JM roR1 iat of the th 11 rroiutnnI f > rour r < IID < itrnie wa wasp waspuiirI t tnwin I1I1
nwin v fli ilis1 > H tir hva vi n jav lov 1110 in two act ct > by Uraol Urao Iraosj1r
I l lr J r cailirDU 11111 Uhl l > 4 u i1J td J Ike tt Ury Dryd DrydI d dli
I li t M n rtianwlo fonll uiin of Kr Frank uk Stock Stocktu Stuckt
tu t iss tory 101 of 0 Pt thj III Minn mtr uatne afiJ lJ rcaUn rutIt madsSi
Si 1 iv t jtrMr tilV f entirtftlsrcen entirtftlsrcenrNr t n nn
n < EST ru fIl11 ITS ITSrtir 1t fIIII fIIIIrltl tVVtILIrIuc
rtir Ire I MtUiiV laILln aIds nt Tomtit anil uu oJ T Tula TalstghitIn iilg HI HIIn I Itn
In the t UrooKhn Atraitrm Atraitrml dtm dtmIt
l It f Mu luo hu cuu we a rfuja oIWel io1 cotnrdy < I Iwrittei IIV Ivrrlto
writtei Ov IV Y P V Hpr Proon on Codrlti Co < oJrtb f o oLH 0I otopthsp
I LH r Tjtlr IDI < l 11 mm the Aoad kudtnv lsdIU < rrv In Hruol lfruo1o1n lfruo1o1nIv yo yot
t < Ur t Iv r iiicrntvrx ral < JI i h hA f1eCOIt trousceultIItu
A tliti 11 it l 1 ln y rar < r u iihad uIJmotu rubmtuhiatt
had a s niufirv 1111 uiifl I l l slu hu h Lhrr t Will bug b bfninil boIUJd LiI >
fninil I 11i1u < i U mid liil I lil i lfll r I ii av r ii tleritwd ruld ruldt I ILII
t to LII > J b 4 Iliol IIiOI1 dripirlnic irln ill 11 tllfir raerKih raerKihtiffit C1rfalhI tnertini11sIlI V
tiffit I I IIhn Il
I Ihn l t uu ill U IK I i 4 naiio i isaJ nJ J ttuning ttuningi aillt ailltr iif iift
t I it i < > i Ibs ho h venin FlI1c tlv tlvami II hOI hOII
I I s U MII ls 4 IJ d i V 1 iuuiI u1xttors cuf tl1 hi club clubI
ami nt I i st t Ii i ii i < ill 11 > on n htiii h111h t tn j w wtH
h tH n 5 li ii ltu u 4 fi Fir r j < eriHii It HVI i In hh I Vu Hi I 1s ut atI ii t 4 i iiniti I Inu
I rlo nu Ih v jnr r in ss If II tIiC Ia IaI
I IIIMIi tatsI alilII ut V 4V S 11 tswI 1 1A I I IIz
A Iz 1 r 1 II III 114
5 Cd ir V I I ho OiIIII n tumiutl V Vt5uli
initi in V V V it I is i II 4 t ttie f fi I II
I tie i < siIiuu irtiiu u > i > iti 11 uIii4 > < iu IL H Njklvt tOlol I aii 01 < tt ttlll It ItllIlolt tts ttsV <
V llIlolt lll < l ll I a > s lll Vl 111 111 ii > Mltl uu > fi flill i il l lin V
in l alt tI I > Ii i < at t1 i M I rae H iflIVsII Mi MiNVllriltl I
NVllriltl 1111 lIVsII Vs st tl H L I > > t Ii t4ut1t i Ue SI l lI Vss VssI
I I i I u I i fi I i n HIII J > ii ruv ruvi irIv irIvr It Itr
i r tti I I 11 I 1 of ni ii I ul I I i rtt It t i AIILII h u uI III SiI
I I > tiiii Ii4flIss 111 fi 0n 1Ot < l wili WiVIl51 l thai II III irt irtliullil V Vr
I r Jr 5io vhazl 11011 01 Iii 11 t4 t II4 1114551 < IIIIH 11t194 lit ilfhuuuitl
huuuitl liullil I IIh < r > i i ju MIIII ih ih ihi ittIllsl 11 i iI
Illsl 4lP I
lslsll i C ox 1 i 16 iil ii 1 Matr MatrInt id r rlliu
lliu inti tti tsV Iro HiKiilu niiAiL L inl in 01 l CV III I jii jiiltn a1lulusleuh
< ulusleuh ltn < U l liV I I liHilf II I I Iarou a il ilmuni I Iran uIs uIsriiInI >
muni ran li I tutu i euusI IK HI lutit It t > inL ptstl inLii 1 1I
ii I tl h hw w i MI 11 I U htet t i n in IM thi thiillei IhM I
5 illei 11 iiul II I is llnlrfwi idM srH r uil uilin Ulltr
r I lA in inh4 10 01 it 1lIn Ist4ifla sW I Hnr Hnrh tflrII
h4 h lftt I i ntd lr frr > r Ill I ltl Ilw hiw h sW an1 in IIH IIHii I 1 lii lii5
ii tuiii 1 < Hit 5 to s n nSu nIIIIIIIIIIIn lI W <
Su 55 liuititrllitn Iii fr f r Coli 11ti n A Ilitrlt II lit rh I Irors IerZ
< rors > M I i Ubust > hna and lIiJ Sarrnel otI am II Han Hanwlin Uaraowll a awho
who owll a < fcunn IIi I IeItn en n U iir an Anrl ptI la I t tIfeasol iI iII ita
Ifeasol I a f ai rusI1i iiiii > ov uver r til hue plnr plnrl plnrlLCeI
V l i lLCeI s va oM 4 Jhr t rroinJ na hat ttiihoil tla tlaI hatIl
Il hoil hn J 0 i tontur ntI w rn 1 rs Waller voter voterInc votrrIns
Inc I Inl a s5 1 li hh r 1la > l > I 11 4 her ipjhtol > ippli ipthtatoi tou toufoi V VCo
t foi r mi iniiin I Ii iln IIflVV io O WI i Inl I ndtilf < II ite at l Iwfr Iwfrl fori forifppHm
t l fppHm 1j his1IU4 d l II > n Hoii 1 of r th t im < 41 pione pioneIn sflC sflCI sflCIts
If I
In 1 lie I > nietl l to Mtrtreil 1 llil oIllft llilIU 1 1I
IU I ft pli 1 N IV Ttioum Thonl irofiMor of n eli CtsCi CtsCit00 11 cii ciiIton
Iton in 1 IB I tgats I IMV I tt ritv rlt m I ti 1 he nom nomn liemflet
1Ii flet n i h t lh Il Ieiuhlii inx < 1 the h Tturrv Tturrvrnti Vtturfsrut hrl hrlL
rnti iitU L hirn 11111 I uj IruI wliir h i tiiad nl up upt upII
II 11 t Itl tii tI HAizi l Mmlt oii nd Otsefio OtlI cuin cuinliM CI Cuututlf
I I tlf liM SIV ti I p Mif tI sl > < il l litlfltn 1IRn JIV 111410 l 1 > AIM 1 tId Thin ThojitKt Thndlli ThinV
V jitKt t i Iss normally wr01ly f t1 tWit o > Jt < Hciul Ihuhlhnn Ihuhlhnn11 > ll < tin tinVIMH
VIMH I SJVLl inil Mld hhlw 11 wrr r < rlaniiuit rI11UJf In InI 10tOI
By Bythe the Author of ofTHE
I By 8 n y THE t MN MAN Authr OF OFTE OFTEInheritanc orrHE THE o HOUR HOURInheritance HOURInheritance
I Inheritance InheritanceOCTAVE Inheritanc
A vital picturesque p ureuanirinl and stirring stirringstory stirringstory
I story st ry of the th South Sut worthy why of ofthe o oI ofthe
I the author worthy worhy of America AmericaAT Ameri
The Tie BakbsMerrill BouMtl Company Conny ConspanyPublishers ConspanyPublishersZt fubllslier3 fubllslier3ff ulkdU3 ulkdU3Nu
ff Nu rn n 1ori 1014 ur34 34 Vmlo JT Sc Ji4SaeetI ifrf H > e 91J 1 IT W Wh h St
xu f I i is 1 THK 7 ill MAI MAIl 11 IEIrO IEIrOjlo I If
l jlo VOLIV 1 HIM HIMHer iflIts
Her f Its Allrarlturt AlraUr Itutlfy Her It Heine Inc trie trieMar Il IlI ttoSar
Mar I a r of t lIar f Piece rllfr hut Apparently ApparentlyThere pprID pprIDht pparrffllylVhr5
There ht tint S Krrat Deal KHe Fo In Inthe Inho n nh
the h Ierfnrmanre rlrmo at a 1 this Ihl Ilartirtt IlartirttTo UtrU UtrUJI V Vru
I IHftcktstt
To ru JU JI tiJgo < < JK 14 < by the programme nf Ike IkeIInckett thoUAcItt
IInckett Theatre Onuti La Run nu wn wutus tho thoparticular thor1Artkulr thevartfruhar
particular VXCIIKO tI II O for Molly YolI ohIy Mar r winch winchwan wi ch chOn
wan On performed there for tlio Lu flr nBt t limn limw limwoiel last lastnigh SK SKoichi <
nigh So fur All 1L Mi 1 I J la jv Hu 1ttut was per perroaallv per5 per5oihI r r101l1lh
roaallv oihI Implicated In th the proceeding proceedingh
idtt h juatilleil tile lit vlalwratn elah rat effort to C > put puther PUIhl1 U Uhor
her lorwunl is t the th predominating flgitro flgitroiu rtJ rtJIII
iu IL thn th eviuitiRn UIIII rnfvrtsuiraent Nltlrta lllDfht tibi till hi hithe lIutb lmithit
the tb hit nnieniahlx advantaK ad antolt of ii prepo preposeMti prepouaisiuug
uaisiuug eMti 1 1I periwmality a good bingtng n nll voice voiceanil voiceauth
anil ud tae t iiMeHsnry nniwanc to ioipruss ioiprusstiereilf impr imprhrrlf tmprelhsrrwIC
tiereilf ou tli t h m Int ulrpouAIVOf < > lntir pouirn public publicIt
It would IM difQcult I > to re f1illf rehictsntchcom rehictsntchcomplot i l michcoro michcoroilet IIIlCb com comilote I
plot ilet polio r a at that which hi h enablod her to toprompt topruinlut
prompt trum 11 b btir r friend fr odo a to whin aaJ how howtlmy hoWtf howtIm
tlmy tIm Hhould nromnnnr l tier > or In InCIsII it konc koncciillotl tI tIcIl1lctd
ciillotl CIsII d Clap Ham to u which hcb they wore worenot wirenut
not lI t only civmc J1 jDJ thetr rumpl c compltte pltmpth pltmpthbut < t ymrvithy symp4thybut ymrvithybut I
but uoixy uol juIiyI4L3l > liri > iL4l cooMratiou ll MU MULa MLLa I IU
La flue ha hu other sifl lfI however that thatjustify tblld tblldJuUfT tbatIjttify
justify b her r rUm to t > ppxrninctxuv la IUe IUeflW Ilen ItiCflId
flW n d uf mu mukaJ icil f tto favsSh rtn i iShi
Shi lib QunirUitei li lIr r rorils ccarly olonITIlthuJllh olomn3yalthvmgtt I Ialthough I
although wills a wiiring rane burr thut pro protbuina pror1L14nl >
tbuina th the iiiiUiiiA Wt W ust t its the pLaice uf uftier orII oftier 1
II tier r naiitity nalllt vf wara ar r L U Iii moot OOl ccsntrio ItCcentrsotumH eccntrtocostume ccsntriocostumes
costumes tumH that that an1 aD voututiftm voututiftmcoitcrUv toututi utulic rs tuI tuIconcth eouldooiiCete
coitcrUv < fwa n tn thf 111 i2avn 1l11 vf vfut exsgsr exsgsrgtej S3r S3r1i1J
1i1J ut J Diudes mudesand and move vilh vilhvivacitv tb uutlACJtiul uuttaggingtuV3Ctv
vivacitv 1ct Couil Comuni > n t xvtiU her herattract 1hcAI 1hcAIttratteOfU phyiticalItractienee II
attract ttratteOfU i one the tlese 9 qualities nhould nhouldPI1 ushouldaPhiY houldJII
aPhiY PI1 sofficlent equipment > 4iiipm Dt for auy auyfeminine I Iftnlnlco Itemtaire
feminine star of what Is a dmcriboJ as ascomedy aromey anoniedv
romey comedy accompanied 4 l Ioy > y that Iea 14t t di divbe 111ilr iiiiireoae
iireoae ilr vbe of no nor e tluitH tliAt euphiMuistlcally euphiMuistlcallyd
tIFd IJ d muUc muUcMollr fl1UkVlaity
laity 1011 Mar 1a nuot belons IODr to r an narltrr narltrri tonrhrrnlrl1l ennhertmgrnas
nlrl1l i i k of f t i urinifir ht t > it > 1 1bmd i it 1thoLh
bmd t IH t puribl Uiat lat 1 iij 11 li 1110 I it Mr Mrr 1 1cpo Ir Iructivtd
uctivtd cpo r ct > hi I huus nrtrcl < ono rt < l iiiiinb Ilun IuilflbsIt rn in IUnn i Iauo i iViUD
ViUD auo nn f tcouMt Wjltr llnmim 1111 viu u 1lIpt lt ltspunablsi i iiipuntiblu
iipuntiblu lIpt > ruibJu for tirt I ti twit wMiU mtro anfrodard anfrodardII < ltred ltredn
n ncbbe in a hotu < > on 11 t tho Ii JtiverKKia JIi rt Duly Utiyill DltTmt DulyV Duly4lWt V
mt ill ill II Sit n atttstit rtla studio with th tto loevit loeviti loevitiIs
i iIs > i evt ting ilnp lollies roth and irnxW InI oo oouii 10lnM jfltsfu
uii lnM that surd url a combination ituiEe IIUIltI IIUIltItlttltJon t
1 t jiii ii jiMlUon of a I t garden to tht th X > tw twlir w wrie V Vunic
lir rie t re4d r rs4deIits dIII i > LM furnlxtu owe cullihti cullihtiniuK snIIKhnhiii olhh olhhnl
niuK nl intiiuil evident a to t the hlftory hlftoryru4 blunr blunrr
r It ItI IPs tihIsiUs tihIsiUstV
I tV ru4 5 V4 K t Siiilvin who 110 a itlway IIB tmic atnugg511 tmici InICCII
CII t I II s iis 1 I II ihssui 1 mL i ro rostotuu rostotuua t11 t11IIJu
i V i iuilmi I IIJu nitj ii 1101 VilriT trult e iiit who wholil Yt
lil 1 11 tt ti i I i tiliiiil Iia ug f fw fwV > ti t riiM r t il ilI I II
V ii I i4 11 V 1 tVt I still Ijlll iii s sI
1 r i i Vj el 1 Is srrs r i Vsi VsisLinm
I Hi lUfilV sLinm 14 n CNJ ut a HillllV 1 uil 4tll ll Iltll > llll lll 111 111rt I eoIlYurhv > lll lllv >
> v Yurhv rhr rt UKU It ttilV i il 1 nx 0 H is41 11 IIIH III etutii etutiijiijt stmiIiJlu Ih1I1t
jiijt Jlu > in i I 5 f > t i i nr tI i vw vwI e attii anott > il ilitie
I itie 11 UMH I f i I > t nt ai I Mien Mis ti I 1 1 1IIWIIIII I tei teina u uHIMuttlI5l5
IIWIIIII na < tilim iiKN iiKNUrtln Iltl IltlhL iill1415
Urtln HIIa < 1U gai itte i slCt ftIII < iir liii I4I ti > n 11 the Ih I few fewI
0 iii I t5 > hiI > tlu l loll il i V5 i 1 > 111 i < i ilonic lO1gsuuttiI r rn
111 h11 tisfot Inr hi svw V t 111101 sisAtI sisAtIin
ill n niuli I t jtt IIIC S I only Mi II n I Iii IiiH i iif
H 110 mlI lalld Si iut Isi t eu1 ttlUOUt ttlUOUtIf ths hinittstuoi hinittstuoiii
If if In h u 11e k ttie > 10 Vmoftt 1U01 nrii 1111 < l twelve twelveiv ttIv
Pu iv v a n iKrVan t CtIiute IIII iiiite hf hfen ft ftI ftrrllall putIOn
I IOn en
irriiian lrlurp let lllur iurti al fulunibia fulunibiao
V I o iml nh1I a ttdveiotr 1 next nexttferuoi t Ionrty MonrlAyitfruus IonrtyrnlOI r
tferuoi in 51 Tarl hell Wilhejtn Schninlt Schninltonn ihnuIthortn hnlldlnn
hortn > onn nn will 11 l Id lseir4 nre n rerrnati on tintZrtrieho l > r rDrajpVifcrlie
DrajpVifcrlie Wertlejanc rrl3n ilr ilrorfolk I eln elnJrll etietenlisrutfslt
Jrll lisrutfslt o t s s Ct < aItfiue hlm II om omrtquird ae aereqtJiUd
rtquird reqtJiUdorCohl I Irro
orfolk rro anal nratern n 11 Im Ail haDI aurr hrlr SehrieA hrlrApl1 l rlr rlrCrxcr <
Crxcr A it I I April s piul C I ANjit 1 bOi bOirnploved jio 11 neo neomplsved renIIII1
mplsved br b the 1 hI NoifoU ifoI 01 and Weatcrn WeatcrnImlliwd WIlerrlnhOlti Weatargiflsuhuouul
Imlliwd m Cutnanati RO word out today I Iitiat
itiat I Hit Kilane Mn wt will KO nr IIf p fer r rent I for forul raniI
ul iI employee 10 receiving r hm I e ii Clan n J1SJ J1SJi II I IA
A i month monthCraoil munlhCoJ murushlVIrnd
Craoil TrntiU 4 liartrr Iaoril 111 llnall llnallIToTtUKXtr IInall1ronltNC IInIIIitfltIsrr >
IToTtUKXtr r P PI 1 i II r Th Thus Grand Grandfrurk GrandTru 3rndTrunk
Trunk Tru cnarer a t paA paussiwl t 1 i by the Senate Senateoday S Sennt1 Sennt1tnday IUIII I IIndJ
oday IndJ by h unannuon nRnlnO > nt 0 OA mthniit reatl reatlnn V VInc
nn under initp 11IpenIon nlnn of tt l1ft mi nut 1 which whiche loW vihtebrtsihre hllbrlIlrel
rlIlrel e iilre that njvh Jd1 rnen rn rPo1ii ir r he II on onon the thetll thetable
tll table > le on 0 day bettor action at hou ou 1 t 11
= = = =
SAVS cor Tttrn lien TO 30Girt tic ticCtrl rr rrG
Ctrl G J Tells Cmrt 8toft e WM Adrtttd AI1I ta I Con Conceal roll rolleNI Cutceat ¬
ceal Place aCO of Htrtk HtrtkPoUcemaa HIrtIIII KlrthPoUceenea
I PoUcemaa Eujeti A Daly attaofced ttaola to uti tothe toth
ti the wen KoTtyaerenth 111 street tr t tarreattd etatlOll etatlOllarreatld tatlciarreatiid
arreattd Bertha Webster IB year yearI oW oWSAVS okli oldnnd
I and Myrtto Cook U both of IS7 IS7Kortyfourtb Weet WeetFortyfourth t tI
I Kortyfourtb nrtCoUTtl etreet tre t on Thursday Thursdayfor Thunc r eIbt eIbtfor I lIt lItfor
for ollcltluz on se the lb atrt at treete e ts Tb The girl glrlicame girlcame gtrlcame
came from Ulshtand Kall allil N V about aboutI aboutteo
I I two week a aI ago agoIn RO ROIn
I In the night DI t com lart 1 night Bertha BerthaWebitrr EerLhaeb RenIhiWebustey
Webitrr eb itrr < tottinerl that on tie way Wa to tocourt toI tooourtDaiyhad
I court oourtDaiyhad Daly DI had told her hnto hertoaaythathews hertoaaythathewshorn t o ay that Ulatabtt abnwai abnwaibom wa waborn
born In thl this country and Dd Dot In Germany Germanyan r rh
an atio h he bad Mid id prevIously rihe dh wouldthus would wouWtblll wouldbit
thus bit avoid an Investigation by th the Immi bnsiigration ImmiI
I gration tioD autiioritiMi When ben Ma t2aiatratssI laciatratAo laciatratAotorriltan iaUaU iaUaUCorrisan
I Corrisan heard this ho asked al td Daly about aboutit
it but there were w no explanations forth forthU Corthomiuc forthixilning
omiuc omiucH
U 11 Guardia Lilt apadal imtnlitraUoii imtnlitraUoiiofficer immlcratlou0mClr
officer In th the night court wrot a letter letterlatt IMtllrtat letUsrlact
tat night to Cofiimisaioaer Cotnml aloaer VilUama in inwhich inhieb InehiIth
which ho doplored tt the lyaipathetlo teD teDdu tendeney t a adruej
druej du of fJOhctlnea joticrtnea toward aliens BUesilagutratn aneuIcaatratlt aliens3lagttrati
lagutratn fjorri oniqao orrun aa also rote the theIblb aaaM aaaMUiluc ea eathing >
thing Iblb to Pollen Commiaiioaar Baker and andsitid aadwiid d dlilt
wiid lilt d that ha would try to bay th the prao praotc praoIce
tc Ice stopped wppedDLITt stoppedDLITS praoI
tW YrU or Alumni IUIUDIt sit r the Ut Fraternity flpea flpeaa pee I Ia
a Jab Place Here Herefoie U Uto liar4oue
to foie than VX > roomber of the New NewYork Sework ew ewYork
York ork Alumni AnnocUtioa of the he Delta DeltaTon Deltaf DeltaTan
Ton f Delta fraternity t hasidic ld < m delecattona delecattonafrom d I Ifrom
from thechaptern at Columbia C Dnlrersltr DnlrersltrStevens UoJnreltytllVfttll Unlvenltyitevsm
Stevens In IntltltulII titut of VechaolocT and od the theVnlveirlry theVnlvereity
Vnlveirlry of Pennsylvania attended UndedIhn lI1eI I I Ithis
this I opening U WIt t night of the aMtoclatioan aMtoclatioannair
nair nn clubhotivt at I M < Wwl TbinTsl btb > th thwho V Vsttrsmt
101 sttrsmt sttrsmtfnung t
munl tmunl the memleirs momt of the fraternity fraternitywere
who were prvwnt were re Col Jitney JI JIuti H HlM 11Cintle
Cintle uti lM the h prmldnt ri tdssnt of Delta Tan Delta DeltaUie OftltaUle Dettathe
the H Ite 11ev r W V T f Jlanninx Iannlo rector of o Trinity TrinityXV 1rinlt 1rinltW >
XV v AV v Cook vio prexldent of the it Pontal PontalTelesraph POIOt POIOtTfeKraph Poiitai Poiitaireiegph
Telesraph and able abl Company Dr Drlluuipbreys DrUIInPba I IHumphrey
lluuipbreys prenidnnt Ident of Steven In IncMfiio InIlflI53
cMfiio of Technology Ttlhn < loa Champ Clark Clarkth Clarminority Clarlti
th minority leader In the th llouim 110 Hon of Rep fleprewntatlren ReprffIntII Reprewntattnew
rewntatlren Henry finrY T Bnick of Cumber Cumberian ComberI ComberIuminit I Ilao I
ian uminit > t Ml 11 Jrnf Knit formerly fnrtnt niy r > 1 fjyru byrl1t fjyruite 7tt
ite 0 t ntverkitv and Will farl llrlHnl llrlHnlun anlotnceting tnc tnct V
t none un Jlontcalra Freed FreeuIke Freedhie r rI
Ike I iharfte Ltar of the larceny larNn of a aand bJ stliwiand bJIn
and In opera glassen recently nude by byMn broft byMrs
Mn oft Mary 5LU 11 K ChHstrJiernon of in in IYI South KoutbPortland RoutbPonland SouthPortland
Portland avenue Yfnu annlnt IDt Paul < dft J Mont Montrilin Monteaiirn 1001f
rilin f lm the h ln lut t in direct dl d deausceet le crnt t from fromJen fromUn fromown
own Mnntcairn WM wisi withdrawn withdrawnterdar vrs vrsterday
1 1nav
terday nav when 110 the th cape a rams up in the theA theAdam hoWioi
A Adam tic tin street court Brooklyn and the theyoun tbeun theytsun
youn un man was n dinrhtrged by Magia MagiaIraUi Magiustrkt4s
IraUi 0 DcxIer JoeI Paul d de 1 Montcalm is isteuocrApher a apolrAph atsnogrpher
teuocrApher polrAph i and u sj pesk > eskii k several Un Unru Ian1JI tanrL2ftfI
rL2ftfI ru 1JI s < < b be1 < if he h baa ha been n oit < it of work for forutitco forwufLe or or110m
utitco tin titisrCELESTINS tinCELESTI
Natml Natra1Alkiliie I IIulie
Alkiliie Water WaterUsed I IUaed
Used at meals mealsprevents mealsprevents mealsprVeflt3
prevents Dys Dyspepsia ¬ I Ipepaia IV Iand
pepsia and re relieves z e e1eves ¬
V lieves Gout and andIndigestion andIndi I
ii 5 Indigestion IndigestionAtk Indi etltion I IAd Isfgk
Atk yatr 0 Pk PItsldlJfI PtsiskianI < iUian iUianVICHY
rl rlIs
Is Your Limit 20 22 or 25 25Perhaps 25Perhaps 25Perhaps
Perhaps your experience has inclined you to go a little higher Per Perhaps Perhaps Perhap ¬
haps your garments g rmenls have demonstrated to you that the twenty and andtwentyfive andtwentyfive andtwentyfive
twentyfive dollar limit left them without the features and factors factorswhich factorswhich Iactor8which
which make a garment distinctive and individual individualYou individualYou
You can stay within the limit and still find a Spring Suit or Overcoat Overcoatwith
I with all the carmarks that identify the most costly markets marketsyou marketsyoucan you youcan
can find it in inBackettCarhart inHackettCarhart in inHackettCarhart
HackettCarhart Spring Suits and andOvercoats andI andOvercoats
I Overcoats at 20 22 and 25 25Nor 25Nor
Nor will you find the distinction and individuality in kinks attach attachments attachment5 attachmcnts ¬
ments of fancy cuffs You will find them in the exdusive patterns patternsof
I of the fabrics in the higher phases of the master tailors craft and andin andin
i in the models which honor good taste and are authoritative
841 Broadway BroadwayAt Brol1dwZI Ua4tft itA 265 26SnerChambers Iroaclw roadwriy y
At 13th St I A1Artc IR U V nerChambers BeD CllambU3 St StL StrVflV
1 1I L
I l 111I V 1 I
JL Altman AUmaitcQIzi AUmaitcQIziWILL aID aIDI aIDWILL
68c 100 150 PER YARD YARD501D YARno YARflSL
I OFNERALLY Y 25 25c pER YARD AT 1 15c 5C PER ypn ypnI
I 3411 stcb 3 35li Gtrtets tnti N Hfrm forfe forfeForemost lortH rL rLI
H ill
Foremost Clothiers Since Sfn IS 18t5 18t5I 1815rhe 15 15The
I I The distinctive disunct c individuality of a S nat vi rrc > y ygarment V 1 I Igarment
garment is pcrhaps as much due to the fact factthat fuctthat factI
that for 65 years 5 < ref GGt > have been beentailoring beentailoring beentailoring
tailoring none but high grade clothes as to toany toany tofl
any fl other one of the several essential factors factorsThe factorsThe factorsIi
Ii The of excellence
uniformity which ¬
pre prevails prevails prcI prcvails
vails as a natural result of this long and andvitally andvitally andvitally
vitally essential experience is evidenced in inevery incery inevery
every Sw 1Sat4Grn > aW5r r garment garmentThe garmentThe garmentI
I V The new n w Spring model Suits Suits and Overcoats Overcoatsrange Overcoatsrange
I range in ID price from S18 18 to 50 O Pin check checkig checkzig I
I zig ig zag weave Cassimcrc suits and Blue BlueSerge BlucSerge BlueSerge
Serge suits are special at SI550 SI550There I
I There arc many man small lots of Suits and andOvercoats i
Overcoats reduced to S18 Silk lined to edge edgeBlack edgeBlack I IBlack
Black and nd Oxford Vicuna icuna finished fabric
Overcoats at 2000 Special priced Suits Suitsat
5 at 2250 and exceptional values at 2750 52750in 2750in
S in fl fine Suits and silk lined Overcoats OvercoatsMotor OocrcoatsMotor OvercoatsMotor
Motor clothes for owners and chauffeurs chauffeursSmith chautYcursSmith i i iSmith
Smith Gray Co CoTwo
I i
Two Brooklyn Slor Storee fflKfi Ttf Two ° Sew York Sore Storel StorelV i iFulton i iFulton
V Fulton St st t Flalbath Av T I Bro Broadway d r It t W Wrrn errn rr n St 51Ane StAttn
fKalj Arm fro City C 1111 lltllBrosdwsy 1111I
I Brosdwsy o st Bedford o AY lt gj J h A Av Bst 27lh ft 2ftthSu 2ftthSuThe b 5
i I V II IIThe
The Yerkes Collection CollectionHonday
Monday ft Tuesday and Wednesday Afternoons Afternoonsnext
next April 1 11th 1th 12th and 13th
B 8ertnllln gtnnin each tb day at t 230 cock oclockAnd odocJrAnd cockAnd
And on the EvenlngE of Tuesday and Wednesday Wednesdayn W fdn w
n ont 3t April I2th and 13th 13thAt at 8 oclock oclockAt oclockAt oclockAt
At the Mansion Mansion3M
3M a 4 5th Avenue S s E Corer Cor t of 65th Street Streetearltnlvetr Streetd Shetstdmtuloe
stdmtuloe d earltnlvetr SZeItitPetyb7faId all I trr card to b M Bad ta of tbo tb tbThe be mtttrtri mtttrtriThe 1II11 1 1The
The Rich and Costly Furnishings FurnishingsEmbclHthmoiU
EmbclHthmoiU tUt Statuary Bronres Bron I and other Artistic Property PropertyAnd FrpertyAnd P3prtAnd
And The Library of Fine Art and Miscellaneous Book BooksTs
Ts aalswfU he end edrud art k MR TBOKA C E KIBHr IIBnYThe rgnyThe i iThe
The American Art Association Managers ManagersEast
S East 2M heed a Mall f a aqua qsara an atk UI i > w Irlt IrltBY TerieBY rle rleBY
OH April t 12 13 a a4 14 each day Ita at 1O anil 1 oclock oclockMagnificent orJ orIecMagnificent ck ckMagnificent
Magnificent Public Library LibraryOP
Ktpificeit ftltectfei f File wi a rare Knks lay laiyin
in SuHftitHS BMiHgs li iJlIS ire h Fi Fiest est Btaters f bn Wend WerlelOn W rld rldOn
On Exhibition Daily from 9 till 5 5An 5It 5t
An t Illustrated Ith trated Catalogue of 37S 37 page with 30 reproduction of ofitlo oftiUo t tUtI
itlo UtI pns f t aad 2O plates of beaetlnl blndlaga will be mailed on receipt receiptfOMSDOLAR reuJptof