OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, April 09, 1910, Image 7

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-04-09/ed-1/seq-7/

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I I T 1TTi7 t 1
c =
rk1ID FICtVI to tJ tja fou 104104 ct la I hta h1 a atf Tk Tkrrnnc TIlefftI Thipurne
rrnnc fftI I Is lllu LIutrated trated with waUr eorII eaten eatenhr eet eetI
hr I II th author and ad be ciT glvt ire aaeodot aaeodotr II IId
r d t 4t < t Pointer Pllnt and > nd other officer wlictitent Wllohl who whot
hl t titent f fnr r art 11 including Whtatler Whtatlerti
ti he IJ mil nd are n art rt lIot note mad by On OenI OnJjt
I Jjt r v < futber in fre e r eU11r mr e of 0 0n a vkli vklim wt wtn
m n I iri Irllle u ite > > e III IIII I IlI1oooa CS
1 > lli admirable url ere of Origlhl OriglhlSj OrI1haItel
Sj iiivr 11 of Early rly American History Historyi
i li h1 l tT lliarle ribuera 8 < Koni KonihiI foonlilo on ona
a MIi hiI lilo I l hy > r Prof 4 I Franklin Jamoc Jamocii Jam JamlIhlellbe
ii I adilel lIhlellbe the lln fIt > t published history hltorMu bltOfTIIIlor historyIilIVIIUlI
Mu IilIVIIUlI > MKitu IK V I Hintnry IIIlor t X XI1 Nsw NswI I
I1 I I cuii l From rtltn th the KnctUli Planting U Urt ID InI
I rt I t I IV V Until th lhe tt Veer Veerr Y Yh 1SiZ 1SiZr
r knurrn fltIfl by h It running till title Th Thv Thnlr ThiiIer < I
v iilrr Working < < Provfdear rroti of Sloni Slonitour SloolilliI Blonsiiur
tour lu New S iw Knglami OJI I The author authori
i ttribulci generally Derall to Edwartni Edward EdwardifloU < t tiollU
iollU > ni > u of f Woburn Th The book l Is ran rant 11 11I
I hut hA ia never before been reprinted ic icedition laUUon Indition
edition that was generally fTIIJ oecasalbU oecasalbUf cnaab
f lameaon mfflOn baa b ha edited it lan bbnaelfi MMUItinnotatad lananDnlatd
i annotated it for the flrt time ABC ABCdie aad aadIh adthe
die Ih Introduction giree iii TOI the history blto of oli ofI oft1o
i ie ho and tid of lie lt author authorto
to I ii tho Court Seri of Freach Me Memoir 11 11f91ftlrll I IMnIt ¬
moir translated and nd edited by E Jut JutM JullprA Julei JuleiIr
M lprA Ir ran And publl Jlubllwb1 hei by the th KturgJ and andValtoo aac aacVaJton ad ad1alte
VaJton > a Company New ew Ycrk ha Ua beat beatatlrleH beaarid beenIcfrd
atlrleH rid During the Terror by b Grace GraetPalrympl GraceplAlrymple GracePalrymple
Palrympl Elliott Mr In Elliott waa 8 i iFritirb a arIhb arrtIih
Fritirb adventures who had beea tb tbtn tIttollr the theItrna <
< tn tollr Itrna tr < M of the later Prince Regent a and utlI i iol
ol I I Philippe EeallU She Sh followed th thUtter UsIAtllr thttter
Utter to Pan where site he remained aecl aada and andwas d dIlBpril108ed
was a Imprisoned during Lb the Revolution RevolutionThough RolJtJQuTbouah Revoiut1uThough
Though her rtatemenu suet be taken taketwith takPtlth takenwith
with th a food deal of caution the memoir memoirre meolraerfllDIftt
erfllDIftt Cr re entertaining entertainingA nla nlaA
A Seen by It We ta F waa Peer PeerAa r rAa
Aa a he k keep on writing M Loan be beeume beroom 1 1mes
room mes raore and d more didactic and eI turn turnin t r l lIe
in Ie 0 > critldam of charitable method Err Hetejperieac Errr2perlenc lftJ
ejperieac J lace at a district nurse baa 11 givec givecher sinDtJr RIventrr
her a remarkable knowledge lmowl owIrde 1EO of the lift liftrf IIfIbfl life1f I
rf the poor r and d an equally ually remarkablenndnrttandieg remarkable ftftIukabletlndlttusdlle remarkableqnduatandIn I
nndnrttandieg of their feeling leell and ad wayi wayift Wa1tor
ft thinking I In Neighbour and Friend Friendi FrientIrard FnimdFard I
i Vliranl Arnold IxHiKmaaa loon Green aad aadnmran andnnlpany aadompany
> ompany he explain the tbtlle a as ashlUl she ahtbaa sheh
baa h in her earlier books ahowtegwhen ahowtegwhenwell showing where wheref1I wherewell
well f1I meaning and dentine efforts to toTe re relieve inte ¬
lieve te Te fall short and bow the tb object of olcharitable ofharitable ofihsritable
charitable solicitude bare ha aorae reaaon reaaonen
en n their tl14 lr aide ald Khe lih enforce nfo her point pointby polatatoy
by the Tirid and telling Incident and aadterie andstonira
terie 81 < 11 which bare attracted attention attrotloti
i In her writ writings writlnpHer in t tHer
Her fle view may not meet with accept acceptance CC8ptIInrl ¬
ance n from all but they inapt lneplre re repect repectf
f tnr r they are alwaya outanoken and lid ain ainr am amT 10 10re
r re T and sh she h nerer 11 m fear ff > rS to run runfahIon again againfarhion < < ale alefhIOftnrrroJudl
farhion fhIOftnrrroJudl or prejudice Hear Hearhchanctri HearhchanctrirAlion her character characterMI cr1 cr1riitiofl
MI rAlion ion of sociological amateur Much Muchr
r vt > our ur benevolent PTolt t preference prer ce for attend attendire teed teedfllt
ire rn to other peoptoa business btWa aad our outundeniable our1I1f1 ouritnileulable
undeniable 1I1f1 Ible failure In doing it ariaoafrotr ariaoafrotrHi a arises front rromIii
Hi t naif belief 1Ilf that it l Ia to much simpler aimpleti aIplftIhn simplerlh4n
i Ihn h n our own Young girl who cannot cannotl
< M > l o tlio tJlnprobhlm tim problem of how to reconcile reconcilei recon U UritAt
i iiritnMe ritAt work Wor with their home dud dutler I I
> r een efl thn th far easier one on of making makingtheir makingtpir
their 11 allowance cover their expenses expenaeCtrl expensescirh JPft JPftcnl I
Ctrl who ho mutt kno that their patient patienteipeneiued patientrrieiaed tnt tntpriflwe
eipeneiued priflwe mother mot hr rarely rarel succeeds in into Inrille Intering
tering rille to any an perceptible rCllpllbl degree tb tbn tboo tbooI tb4ti
4ti I n renTlctlona and ideala Id of her herH hfthtnlll herdrnestlo
H irrcttln rerrant irrn M TetI If be ha b but butlie butnp I
lie or r two t twolhe 1IIot I h e girl nereTtheleu sally sallyboldly ailyii llr llrt
ii boldly t > itaiUllcd that they th can in inirici intYItt
irici 11 r rttn Hne ltn and influence a roomful roomfulmdrppntienl roomlulf
1 f mdrppntienl n < irpnd nl factory worker workerh workrehq
h hq rim vcnturra nlll to run counter to toi toft I
11 i c gypI Pl I of th twentieth t Iifotb century that thatrlanln thatmlln thatanInens
rlanln anInens mlln e i la above boT gndlin gntlines M In itamoat itamoatiTrd It its moet moetl1rd mosted I
iTrd ed doipn the th noc nrtity ity for purity in inill InIk inilk
ill Ik < hh h y Propl p are ar becoming becomingf
P little lift If too vqueamtab about dirt and they theyrt tbe tbeot
all rt better n r concll IIf thtnelrea to the thebiding theII thesbidin
II sbidin biding bid III it truth of th tha old proverb aa 5 to totli I III Ithe
tli II the < peck thai wn w ft iinut all eat In the th enure enurerl cnunfUr
rl fUr lifetmi lif lim Kvrti WI1I if wiv fto multiply multiplyif Inultlpl1IfIJOOCtono multiplyItIOre
if IfIJOOCtono l ctoni until thy l har r the same sam pro prorr prorortinu prornrliot
rr rortinu > rtion to th m intopN1ffl prctrd a all corporal corpomli I
It u1 i to I private in Frederick the lb Great Greatrtnr G Greatsimny ta taann
ann simny rtnr we weshall hall not nOIOII ecupf > > Ihi this unpleaaant unpleaaantrift unphaaantiwcssily
rift n iwcssily aaly ity Milk would < l be the price priocnf
nf champagne if everythinR llhlnlt that any anyn anyme ny nynit
nit > n i call a nere necesasry ry precaution were wereto w wereto re
to be taken tk The Th moat mc > > t practical doctor doctorI
I ever vel knew kn Mid Th The secret of health U Ub Iup
b p strong trtlCoush enough to kill your own ow germ germthere alrMhre genrnsI
there I I Is a lot of o nenee in than th thIt paper paperNit paperstIt
Nit they call for good nOd sense n too on the theadera lheall theader
adera all < ll > part If he would apply it itF Itr Itr
r t Aehe eiimaam h aam Among the th rtttplnaa rtttplnaaThe rnTh
The Th charm of naturalnea wilt 11 rxt found foundm
m n A Womana Impressions n of the Philip Philiprtne Philiprtn PhiliprmnPs
rtne by Mary 11 H I F Pc e fl A C McClum McClumnd
and nd Company and the th unpretentious unpreteatiouinarrative unpreteetlouaurrath unpretentiousnarrative
narrative of personal experience will willirjeerouch willJCJle willxcisertuch
irjeerouch JCJle much that thatletrirlal ia trivial and immaterial immaterialTh
Th author went to the Philippine PbllippiaMlchfl aa aateacher a ateacher
teacher she he was the th flrtt woman teacherthat teacher tacherhat teaeherthat
that bad been seen In the town where bere ah ahmt aIiIatlonld she shea
mt a stationed and where apparently apparentlyh
h stayed Hh tell about abouther her journey journeycroea Joumeacra Journeyscrosu
croea the Pacific at t some length and anddwpUa ad adrtUa
rtUa > 1 < reUa on many unimportant incident incidentHit
Hit It her Invariable good nature the therheerfulne Ih IhrhrlulMH therhrfulnesa
rheerfulne with which she h accept accepttnconvrniencea aecptnronnDllOtN acceptmaronveniences
tnconvrniencea aad hardship and ad the therlurk therluck therick
rick with Ith which he ah faces danger will willmakn willak willnake
makn ak the reader pus over these tb thing thingnd tblnpand thingsod
and nd follow he h with fth interact interactH lattlMtUr InterestIlr
H Ur r olvervationa on the people among amongn amongwhom monehnm
whom n m abe h dwelt are ahrewd h wd and sensible efilblcnd Ibll Ibllnrl
nd me ftl ndesrwlngofattefltloo d < nrlng of attention Ktae Hb may maymistaken 11M 11Mt maymLitaken
t mistaken in aome thing aa she h readily readilyirlmita readilyqImIt dll dllImil
irlmita Imil but > be b aurted with the th right rightrtr
rtr 01 f h bf fnoked on hr charge char < < and their theirr th r rf
r e pl ple a human being ahA h studied tudi d their theirp theirlljariti theirNlIiritien
p NlIiritien iiliaritie and nti mharacterieUca charact rUUc IIlN and nd the thegeneralization tbelDeralizaliona theneralizalions
generalization abe draw are helpful helpfulr
fr r thOM > who h hare ha to deal with Ib the theIninon Iheno thec
c Ininon no She Sb be how ahDwa where dirTerence dirTerenceth ditr ditrtb
> th the point of view Ie i likely to cane caiuetiUon tallHI canefvtjon
tiUon I tion She tells t ht what she b haa ha to tell tellT
T f > chatty buntoroua way 11 ia i never neverenwtic neTfrataatic nYernsatIc
enwtic and whit ahe ub he Ia far from fromullzmg fromlIzIDC fromtlIzmng
ullzmg our little Ii brows bro brother she aheirHkj sheIr4kS be beio
irHkj io him oat to tl be by no mean zu a bad badteluw tJdf badblw
teluw ven f if beonnnot beooarartod ooaer Mllato Mllatoblltt intowhite into iatewhete
white man in a twinkling twll liac There 111 111u ia a aUK atane
UK u lo tane before ef the th ravrioaa rule van vanme CSDIn canIn
me In to I U the Ih right turn t1IIDth t1IIDthtmerltaa there theretmerttin tbernIkUI
tmerttin Kark at atmrla1 Hi Wcseten Wcsetenrrrrcr Mima Mimairrrict3
irrrict3 house 11011 Building Bul1dl C hi ia1tIJIin Maaaiaa Maaaiaain M Mir1 > >
ir1 in KUCKIO a new book to b be pubUhri pubUhrit ru of
0 t > iile It II an Account < < OLIOt of the sort of ofnuJ tb tbricoji shrao
ricoji relief IId nxpediUon after t tMU
MU 0 earthquake lot bunr ynur ynurimrty r n
4 imrty 11 alone reeled lM lMe 1 1hotel dJE dJEr
r e B hotel baildinc a choratj a anmtery amI anIAteI7
nmtery mI a Uborctorio and two i in arAeoIL l5 l5I
n 1 II WM M > UrCttm 1IrC 1IrCIHV i iLIFE a aLIFE
M Ki rsrtrvn > mrv rtfon HI nnII IJCTTEUS IJCTTEUSn
n > I nniit 1Ir n wnrrem wnrremTot II
4 Tot j e c brrallb am linn vrs orf efq I mn fimt fimtnf c cf
nf f > f fivJilnc nlne naQite 0 a tl OffUio ate atei fwnmlL fwnmlLT
T i u Uio c irr lortral ortr1a ortr1flttrt tral i 1 1Nt iiaunh ar arr
n Nt i t M I fbi how se rtaUa 4Jd W Wt WIJ Ita ItaPO
PO n < t > > h i nk en aa a anflMaitar seWmmJ ra ar arItr
Itr IJ a JUM J JI atiniui umuoII a q TM e ttt tttenuM ar araflIatI
enuM Ariur II nf tb fW Haa HaaMOFFAT II MAa ntIa ntIapl1IJ
a pl1IJ 1 1rtl
p rtl d T it cW zap S SM i iIII
j I I
ta 1 adwiUoai iJ they u furaUtxi aaKtuaU Ial tot tottk r rWIWiItc forthe
tk the btttUtec or J rd1reHlac Wrfir H c ImuM ta taotbw Ieet InoUter
oUter et town Th The work workal was punuwd punuwdal
al tb the rate of nftfa cottage built for fotry rorftJ forevery
every ftJ ry day da the u American party partytbere spent spentthe pra1th
th tbere the f lnclMliiiC Inchdims Runtl sundays holidays and aedtiara udya anddays
tiara ya of rain The f1j > book U wrItten bj bjlieiil b beomn byIhmittensutCnrnnsnJr
lieiil IhmittensutCnrnnsnJr ant CorrimtnJer eomn II R Rml 1I4olillup 1I4olillupmd
md ml U leprir prbMiMlr lr MlintratKl MlintratKlA
A Tale Ta St r rMr PHistr PHistrlr K KIr
Mr Ir U Meredith r lilU Vwholaoa i4bI11ao1ICOIy story of ofloOn Tin Tintank Tbslorml
tank loOn of r lUch l ontloo > e Iton Doubladar DoubladarIag Doubhtdllt toiibledayage
Iag age A Company t mlc > any haa ha ba rl ded UyeU IBreachlac In InracIDC inreaching
reaching ua but w we do not mlatl since ataaU alaoeIt
It baa not maaa managed < l to evade ra < l uaalU uaaltol usaltogethar usaltogetharWe > Kta r rWA
WA W bar ba foiinU it I Utamwtlfl to rad radabout rtIIIdbout readabout
about thro lb IMttahor paopla Col Cral Cralbill Craig
bill hIili children hU son Warn W and ad hli hlirUufbter blcWlllbter hidAughter
rUufbter Mrs II John McCandtaaa I BUIr BUIrwr IMIrwere WmIrwere
were wr cl clenr T tbla la 1 a abundantly shown rtotrabr shownby 0118 0118by
by th the ccawaaUo at dlantr dianerik ta e dinner diaawat dl dlat I
at ifbicb blcll tit the CttUmri aaaoaacvd that thait thathe thatbe
he wall ColD to resrnr marrragin apl a Th daup dauptar
t tar r especially p peeIlI eaUr prodded her father rerj rerjUndoubtedly Tf1f7amwlacly vetyamulngly
amwlacly amwlaclyUadoubdl amulnglyUndoubtedly
Undoubtedly tb she Colon bad a aopinion good aoodoplalon goodopinion
opinion of blBM bIIIeoald lfOoahand iron lroeIb w were werethe n ntb
tb the matters that bad made blot rich ricbbtit riebbut richbut
but he b coa consented nUd to Irt Idhl hi intellect rang raapb raarebe70all rangbyoad
b be70all yo d tb then M aadCMar and ad ny matters were wrntb wcoretb weretb
tb > objaota of his generous concern H Hwa IIt Hwas
wa thoroitKlr t wiHte wUng C to b be of public publicTalua publlotu publicvalti
Talua tu lord 10 to attract and adrfaw ad adplaued iraiplaaaed was waspisseed
plaaaed to be Intarriaired for the tit titpent B news newsPP nt ntpaper
paper PP pent Ill 11 His auperlor naaaer IB may ma hart hartfceea ha halilU hairhen
hen a little wearing flUiabut but bla hi son oughtnot ought otllhtBot oughtnot
not fo hair ha bated hias hlmcfl1lllat crtalaly ought oughtnot OUI OUIaot oughtnot
not to bare ba attempted aueh a wicked wlokwlptiambmeat wlokedIXllllahmdt wickedpunishment
ptiambmeat of bto hi father aa a to make It love lorIn loveto lovet <
In t the Ih Colonels BMW 11 yousa wife Ol Olcotira orCOUIM OfCotires
cotira there was a kink la Wayaca WaJ1l na nature oat naturn ¬
turn t ure he was a a drunkard cirulli ka nt and Bd ci given ivn nn tcbebariBK to tobehulac tobehaving
behaving bin himself U scandalously ercr ercrBOW every PTcryow everynow
BOW ow and then H lie wan not drak how bowTer hower however
ever when be b led hi hUt pretty and he hewildered hfIwlldfted beW11dId
wildered stepmother at the RiwediN RI RosdiIeCountry RiwediNCountry
Country Club ClubThla Clubml
Thla wan just after Ctrbl hi exhibition with withthe wllbtbe withthe
the bottla of RodatepM > Ul whk whky whkyn y yan <
an n exhibition that the atorr call a bit bitofbrarado bitorbratlo bitofbravado
ofbrarado Mr Cralchill bail olTvrrd olTvrrdto
to aelr the lb rattle in order to keep It Itrrom itfrom I Ifrom
from him t m but be b told her to let it a loon sloanH loonH IOBIIflitid
H filled the tb whiskey whisk ajlaaea full and aadbrimmed IIBdbrimmeel andbrimmed
brimmed the tbtlr th water gIneaca la e with the tlleUqnor tlleUqnorWhOM liquor liquorwho liquorwhoan
who WhOM odor nipped tb tbe air II keenly Then Thenb Thtbe Thenbe
b be aet the bottle down and nd folded hie hiearm hiearm hi hiarmL
armL arm Pr PM4QU Presently ttly to the dIsturbed Mr MrCralghill MrsCrsighItl ra raClalblll
Cralghill fldle mid he Ii every eT drop dropof
of Hood In me e I alt for thnt atuBJ stu lull I know knoworery kowelJ knowevery
every elJ eenaatloait Uo lt would give 1 me and andthree aadthnofo andthree
three rooathn ago en I would bar h given c1 my myimmortal myImmortal myimmortal
immortal soul for a spoonful hut Im Imjuet 111Ijuat Immat
mat a car from it as though it were werelocked wetellocked I Ilocked
locked up behind steel 1 door No n power poweroa
oa earth rtb could rank m InfO touch a drop dropWith dropWith dropWish
With that b be kissed her h It waa deliber deliberate ¬
at ate wickMtaeM wlCkld a carefully considered ooaaiderrdplan ooaaIdPlldplaa consideredplan
plan to t ti injure the Colonel C > 10111 who waa away awayin
in Boatoa II us wa about to kim her heragain brapm hergmn
again when wh happily Jean Morley the theyoung theyp theyoung
yp young nC artlu who wa fleein fleeing through throughtboaaowatnrm throuabI
lbs tboaaowatnrm aaowatnrm pur pursued > j d by b her divorced dtroroedhusband dlolOfdhusbaDd divorcedhusband
husband Jo J Joe 008 Denny one neeea a famoua famouabaseball ftmoutsbasebit
baseball pitcher pltl = bltr but at thl this period periodWayne pniodam periodWayne
Wayne am faithful ra It hful attendant and nd chauffeur chauffeurtaceaded cbAu ohaugeurlascended < < eur eurUCfItIded
ascended the tb rlubbouan piaua stumbling atirmbUngand unnbhneADd
and aobbinf and beat urgently upon thedoor thedoor the thedoor
door doorThe
doorThe The Th atory pictures vividly Iridl and well wellthe wallthe n nthe
the abundant a undanl storm and stress that t = t Wayne Waynnnnd WayneADd Wayneand
ADd Jean and Adelaide ittald and the Colonel Coloneland Colon1and Coloneland
and Jo Joe Denny Denn were called upon to en enBounter MIoountft encounter
counter Wayne a1ll experience esperi with ilh the thegood thegood
good 000 monks in the tb Virginia mountain mouatawI
I is 1 full of Interest and ao I is hi eiperi eiperiroc xperlflee
roc flee af n laborer r at t the coal mine Jo Jodeath Joedeath jodeath i
death in the mine waa end but heroic heroicind bernloADd bomband
ADd seemingly neceaaary n Old Walsh Wakhthe WaJsbtbe Walshthe I
the Colonel Colo chief bookkeeper la Ien Iendmlrabl I an anidmirabt anadmirabla
idmirabt figure it I ia 1 a great xirpri xirprihat mtptisthat rprise rprisethat
that he b furnishes at t the thlat thlattIIeriIII1Nt but butReek kitNeeIa
Reek an n < trlteKlrl ert t glttI Matter MatterTh MailerThe IaU IaUTh
Th The Karl rle l ltnlM otnrea at the Pacific Theo Theoloxiral ThOIlo Theelogical
Ilo logical 1 Hemlnary In VT were given by byFranci b bFrancia byFrancis
Francis Oreenwood n oOO Peabody rflatOO profe prolr prolrof proemorof aor aorof
of l hriatan ° moraa moral in Harvard nI Univer Univerity Unlrait University
ity ait The lecture lectu hare now been recast recaatand nocaatand recastand
and published puhU ed under the tile of Th The Ap Approach Approach Appreach ¬
proach to the florial al Qiieatlnn < Ma Mamillnn Maemnillans I Imlllanat
millnn Prof Peabody contend that thatthe Ibatthe thatthe
the problem of advancing adT nc the state e atfl of ofaocial ofaoci1 ofencial
aocial well being I la not eacentially tllly tlllynomic eco economic seenotnie ¬
nomic but moral Indeed tabor refu refuto m mto refuses refusesto
to accept philanthropy in th lbs form of ofproject ofproject ofprojects
project derived by b employer for th thbenefit 1M 1MtMnllftt thebenefIt
benefit of worldngmen such a profit proAteuarinx profita protsanlnt
euarinx a arinc tad providona for bouang edu education eduratlon eduristjon ¬
cation recreation rec tlon and aanitation It de demand eMm1ia dsmanda ¬
mand the tllne thing thin or their equivalent equivalenta
as a a matter of immure The Th reaction reactionwhich reactionwhiib lIon lIonwl
which wl lb i is observed in all n countries against agalnttweltar againstweiikre calntWI
weltar WI work la I evidence that the lb unreal unrealamonc WItamoq unrestmong
amonc wage earner t Is Inspired by b ethi ethical ethical ethiCa ¬
Ca cal motive motl by nw n Ideal of liberty of ofdf ofaeIdIJtlletI ofaepIfdirectloe
aeIdIJtlletI df direction II and or moral progresTh progress pJO1MTta
Th motive are tb the same N Prof Peabody Peabodyargue Peabodyarcuea Peabodyargues
argue aa those tl1 wl which h la other othertJou genera generation generat4on ¬
tion found fOUll fo expraaaioa in religious aioua de derotion d doUoa devotice
rotion tfeaee lre fM > industrial reform must h hought be belIOuPt hesought
ought through a rsaiaac re ataee of practical practicalreUclon pracUoaireUBfOD practlcajreligion
religion Prof Ieaborlya I NbodJ book I la a achol acholirly aeholul eholarty
arty ul pl pies on behalf b all of church xtena4oa eztenoawork xtena4oawork steuloawork
workAmong work workAmoac
Among mOBC the popular book on socialism aociaKamthat aocIaH aocIaHthat socialismthat
that have ba atpeared as recently th that moat in int IDaacl inleteatIng
leteatIng t r tln and perhap r < < baJIG also the th moat In Initructlv InatrucU Instructure
structure la I Men f v vs the Man 1 Henry fRNrTHolt iffenryliolt HenryHoH
Holt and lid Company It I i Ii made de up of 0 a aleriea ariM aseries
series riM of letter Iu between Robert Rive RiveMonte IU IUI fivesL
I L Monte oat editor of the CaU aad Henry Henrylx DenIJloul HenryIouis
loul lx > ui Menekee of the lb Baltimore Sun SunRoth SmRolh SignRoth
Roth writer writ have atroag conviction co81ictlouwlJlll ar arwell atwell
well informed and lid command a readable readableityle rNciablet1Ie readablestyle
style The on ODe being baoI a Socialist and ad tb tbther the theothr theother
other > an IndividuallM l their correapon correaponlene co codenre ccrreendenre
denre provide a fair statement of the theirgument tII tIIraumnt b bargument
argument on either side aid of a vexed vexedMucii vexedquestflhi xld xldquestIon
questIon questIonIudl questflhiMuch
Much valuable knowledge of socIal eoclalx lIOCialcoDClltl socIalcoaditiona
mlltiona coDClltl x > baa ha been obtained of late latehroiich liteI latetbrotab
I hroiich the provision by philanthropists pbilaathrepWf phtJaatlar plat platlarc
the tb ol Invectl laftallpilon lnssetIgation Invectljatlon
of > f Urge fund for purpoaof purpo
jatlon A ayrvwy of this new n information informationm
I m given by b Vary lp Conyington fa th the r rri re reTilled rvised
Tilled ri d edition of her excellent manna manual
of practfaal charity dtarlt How Ho to Help HelpOaaerataaM HlelPaeinIlian
OaaerataaM 1I eImHu Th IM principle rihdp and method1 method1of
of orgaaked charity hare h been modMed modMedtaoa inodlArdsince
since 011 th the fIrst appearance of the book bookonly bookonly 1 1onlJ
only in eo o far a as they have ha been n iuflu iuflunod Intlu4l1Ied lufluenced
nod by a growing tendency tpnden to enapha enaphaalan emphasiI pba pbaaI
alan aI preventive pYDI ive work workThe workThe
The 111 Prlnciflr of Education Hough Houghtoo IIOUlhloa
too Mimin Y frln Company by Prof WillIAm WlltlnmCarl WillIAmCarl WillIamCarl
Carl Kuedlgor of th the Teacher College Collegeof
of th the George 080 Washington W ablnon University Unlveraltygive UnlYtreltyIn
give In an unusually clear and Dd readable readableszpesitica rednbleapltc dtble dtbleItca
szpesitica = Itca of th the psychological p 1cholO llca1 et1iWnta et1iWntatbat amntnthat nw > nU nUthat
that enter Into the teaching proceaTb process preu preuTh processTb
Tb author dincticur dl the e leading dlne tenden tendenclea tendenci
clea ci in modern educational thought and andubmlta andtbelll andsubmits
ubmlta hi own cnncluaicna and lid appli application spplirations Wllcalloa ¬
rations with a full statement of bit bitTh hienIUOH hisreasons
reasons nIUOHn reasonsThe
Th The new fact brought lo light by byperUaent b u1 ex exprlmeet
perUaent to psychological laboratorIes Uboratorieihav I
have bee ctudled atud with referano to totheir tobear totheir
their bearing bear on educational methods methodiby
by b Dr Felix Arnold whooo book on onAttention onUUOD onAtteation
Attention and Interest Uaanlllana 11oIacmnlaawill Uaanlllanawill
will b be found of great t value Iue to teachers teachenla tMh tMhla
la planning an effective lfttCtl curriculum and andproper andproper nd ndproper
proper classroom methods aaethodJohn methodsJohn eUtoclaJoh
John Parson In n Each for All and Al Alfor Allfor All Allfor
for Each th the Bturgl A Walton Com Company ComPHY Cornpany ¬
pany tafce ta a cheerful view of th u poal poaltien poelUen positiosm
tien of th the Individual in modem mocIen1l1OClety mocIen1l1OCletyZYWJ socIety socIetyfiery ocictyEvery
Every social morrement he argue argueeriajn arguessprings rcupsfrom
springs from an individual Initiative Initiativeaad inlUatlvoand 0 0ad
and ad th the meaaa for propagating mitts Initiative Inltletl mittsfives ¬
fives tl have ha been multiplied by b the ad advance artof advance ¬
vance of civIlizatIon Mr fr Para con conMqueatly conssquntly CI1 CI1aaqueatly
Mqueatly baa II no aympathy with the thegloomy Ih thgloomy
< gloomy < 1 philosophy of the tt theberu hero of Lockaley LockaleyHaH LockaleyXkll
HaH H H who declared that the Individual Individualwither Il1dlldualwllhne Imidividualwithers
wither sad th the world I is more and n1 more moreHaattac moreRMtI moreHastIng
Haattac RMtI to Tartea TarteaIt art artIt tanda tandaIt
It I Ia aa extremely entertaining hook hookthat hooklhat hookthat
that Mr II Frank RberTBan Mlen aa Peer baa written writtenin I
in Th Hunting lIuntl Field Id with liars and andHound and1 and1Iiouad nd I I1I0UGd
Hound Mitchell Keanerler He coven coventh coversthe
th the around by retaliate relatJ c personal expen expeneacea xpeni xpeninoes I Ieea
eacea eea In this country couat in the Rrltiah lalen lalenand lal lalad lalesand
and ad France Fra and nd make hi his in information informationsubordinate format Ion Ionubonllnat
subordinate to tb the adventure fIIture In hand handHi handIIi handHi
Hi chapter chap are therefore separate aeparateepiaodea Hf1IAraleGlpIaodN separateepisodes
episodes of hunting in the tb North ortb In inSouth the theSouth theI theBouth I
South in the th Went and nd In Canada in theOOUTM the 1b4tcoune thecouree
OOUTM of which all the th noted club and andpack andpacks DlI DlIpaeka
pack are described aDd tb the quarry I Inot inot is isnot
not only 0111 the tb fox but also Iao the tb jackrabllt jackrablltand
and ad th the coyote coyoteIn COot COotIn
In EsgUnd the th author tell of the theBeivoir tb tboir theBelvoir
Beivoir oir foxhound th the Quoro the King Kingbuckhound KlntthutkhOUlKla Kingtuckhounds
buckhound lord Rothwhlld1 stag rtaghouad staghound tachou
hound hou dr be chuM the tb deer the th bare barethe berethe barethe
the otter oUernd and be b follows the beagle beagleD IIIN
i D US triM fox hunting In Ireland and nd Scot Scotland Scotland ot otlaud I
land too In France he h hunt the stag stagand tug tugaad ICaad
aad tb the wild boar With all the fashion fashionable fashionable ¬
able form of port he i Ie familiar The Theaccount Theaoeouatare Theaccounts
account aoeouatare ar are lively 111 enough to Interest the thegeneral thegreemt
general eral reader ft3d < ll aa well 1 as a the Ih nporlKinan nporlKinanThe I
The book make a handsome quarto quartobeautifully quartobeauUfuUy quartohsuUtully
beautifully printed and i Is illustrated illiwtratnlwith 1IIlrallWtWIth illustratedwith
with colored picture lcturN l hy > y Julian InRernoll InRernollChamberiatn InltrtIOlItham IngersollChamberlain
Chamberlain tham rIln and by photographs of mmjr mmjrnoteri mmynolact mmnynotd
noteri sportsmen sportsmenether port por1am men
ether lher 1I1fftlnl Itoek Itoektintelv aeest
< timely herald nf our a smruiicIiing smruiicIiingvlmitor > > riiucliinit riiucliinitvUltor
vUltor I Mr Ir Henry IIfln W V ESwmn FlO n littlo littlovolum liltlolum littlavolume
volume Comets Their eir Oriein Nature Natureand Natureand ture tureand
and HUtory 11110 Sturiti and Walton Com Company Conpany Cornpany ¬
pany In simple lmpl language he U tells > lli 11 > all alltb alltbe allthe
the tb fact that mot people will 11I want w lint to toknow tn1mOW toknow
know in th t net few we W weeks V < He II explain explainhow lplalnhow epIainmhow
how comet originate and act cl h he relate relatethe relatethe 11l 11lthe <
the superstitions tir ntitlonn that they th have given < < Inn ri rilo rito iito
to and nd b be gives elv ive the th tiiitorr hl lrr ol all n th the cel celUratad celebratad
Uratad comets tin II tell all about llallv llallvtod 1Il1i 1Il1ind IImlIevand
and nd hi his computation of the th comet named namoclkfter namedafter
after him whlrb will soon n Iw l > e vl Ilbl ihln t 10 < > thn thnfiakedeyein III lbtmkedeye I InaJedIl7ln
fiakedeyein in tbvearir mcrnlnir and which whichin I
in May will Ixi I > en n at inM In mt mtI t tI
1 lie life I If of the Ihlal late Kirhanl Ukhanlllnrrn llofTnmn a aMo as I II Iclosely
closely Mo I elr I lound to the ml muiCHl mu loltl life lif iii iiiYork < > f Xe XeVorV S SVorl
York Vity city 11 no t o that there I U I a l1nrtiIIter l1nrtiIIterIocrd mrti iilnr iilnrlocnl
locnl interest t in Son 0 Mn fnilral iinl n rtlon fleeillc fleeillctbotts iJIc iJIction <
tion of f viftr L flT Ye Yeitis ini 1 Charles Sciilmer SciilmerSon ctIlnrrI4on
I I4on Son III which sill lll TIll nuke NVn Yorler Yorlerspecially orlerepedally rlr rlrpeeIlI
specially peeIlI re regret ct ret that they t nn so < > I nef Itletthis nefIhla rtrI
I this hi i Is mad up i Im > some om teer leptr by I the thebiocraphical II IIblocrarhlcalPtch lii liiblograrhlcal
blocrarhlcalPtch biocraphical Vetcli written wrill tot flu lie volume volumeby fllum fllumb
b by M widow which al > fMrnlnhen many manyreminiicenre manyrer fllAflVreminiscences
reminiscences rer lnltlCftnC At the end d i If a liort piortpaper > liortpaper hortrape
paper > r I by > T the th nianlol on titntilatine titntilatinethought l liiulatingthought mlllal nlt nltIhOlIht
thought and nd Itrartnalinn in tb pupil pupilTliero lIpiT10tfI piilfliers
fliers are a many nan Intere inlflInl tinK porlr JKIrtrall JKIrtrallProbably portraltProbably ll llProbably
Probably an n examination of f 111 pro programme turnramme 10 10ramm ¬
gramme ramm reprinted in 11 Tln Diary l > i of ofDely a aDaly aDaly
Daly Debutante I Duffeld ami fotiiHnyi fotiiHnyiwould lnnlltCn Inntanwould 1 1would
would reveal 1 the th Identity of the th nnonr nnonrmou AnnrI annvmou
I mou author ifanyonernred Ir Iranyco nYOI1e eared milD lotlnil to fin Ilnul I it oiii oiiiHer muttHer lit litHI
Her emnloyment in th lhot M M > iuwin 4fl 4I I He Hecribe II IIIICrit discribes
scribes IICrit that of I inc ° wa what in later latertlir latertitEe
tin was dealenated a that of a liow liowKirl h hatrl hnwgIrI
Kirl tied ftn < t her point of flew Iw i ii no higher higherthan hhrhrtbAn higherthan
than that of her more modem nocl m aiMen adI Ihe Ihediary 1 hto htoI hediary
diary she he kept wan w volurrinou and not notoverwit nfltovrwl notovrwia
I overwit but it ha h the fre rhn hn w o fll nlerration nl otoatlon ohstrations >
erration atlon put down a limy are noted notedIt
I It reveal ra the state tl nf mini of girl Irl who whoare whoSr
Sr are attracted Ur tt11 by the footlight with a arather Aratber arather
1 rather old fashioned lack of sophistication aohhltkAllnnIt ophl tlratinii tlratiniiIt
It bring brln l ark > pleanant memories of old oldtheatrical oldtlctatrlal oldtmeatdeAI
theatrical favorite nenrlv all cl whom whomare
are re cone or hare retired > d Ada lIchen ItehanCitterine lIhanClthlrlr lIchenCatliaiir
Citterine Ls Iwl U ChirVs C fl5 bh r Hrrj HrrjLary Ur UarryLacy 7 7Lary
Lary Oarle Lecleroq William Pavld Pvldae Pvldaean e eand
and an the th nuthor thoI then admired John l n nwith Irew Irewwith > rew rewwith
with mticli mile the arie m ardor that her grand granddaughter Kranddallahlr gmanddaughter
daughter if sh h hn b ore tlll doeWe doe doew dosWe
We w fear that Dr James Peter War Wrha Wartiaues Warbaae
baae ha little treatise The Th Conquest of ofDleeaae ofD ofDisease
Disease D Througl Animal Fxperimenta Fxperimentation FSplrl fDla fDlatlon
tion Appteton AppJeotOllII If it fall into the hand handof hndaor
of tho thee opposed to vivisection will willmerely willmefPl willmerely
merely serve to i enrage them more morett mo moIt moreII
tt I a summary umma tatetnent nf the benefit benefitlo Mnt Mntto
to man from the Ih beginning of history hbtorythat bwlarythat historythat
that have ba come from experimenting with withliving wltb1luK withliving
living animal It will ere to remind remindmany IfmlndmaDJ remindmany
many of the Ih manner in which dIscoveries dlacoveriewere dlacovriwt dIscoverieswere
wt were made of matter that every e1 one i ifamiliar ifamiliar is isfamiliar
familiar with llb now and nd it recapitulate in invery IIITrtr 1mmvery
Trtr very convenient form the many maa great greatachievement greatachIevements
achievement of modem scIence so mJf The In Intimation Intlmatloll Intimatlon ¬
timation that pain in animal and human humanla bumannot
I la not eo o great aa laymen imagine 1l11llnend and theDoropariouortbenimilvictImtoAcktce the tbecompartOD thecornparisonoftbeanImal
compartOD cornparisonoftbeanImal DoropariouortbenimilvictImtoAcktce oltbnlmal vlctlmstosekmce Ietlme 101lC1f11Cl
I tIIR f Sc S Sscd < < 4 ditto dittoMeftre F1Itji lf lfI
I C TMa6MT Meftre ere efreMr Ptttllcitten PtttllcittenMr hjl tl ll llI llI
I i
I Mr H G Wellss Wellssi
Thi Th History of ofMr ofi ofMr1
i Mr Polly PollyCloth
Cloth 150 Sl50I 150DUFFBD1 L50rr
rr 1 s Sale ii aai aai3tts 7 DUFFBD1 = CDM N Nvm
3tts as vm fEWroM fEWroMI w miuc miucC
L Ii IiinLc1ai
< inLc1ai T r
By Helen R Martin Martintf MartinAwtkr
Altl Awtkr r tf f Tulle A lc IeIltlite Icn Miitc ite laW IiilTHE laWTHE MailTHE 1
Mrs Martins best story storysince One of the best bestnovels be b e s t tsince tsince
since Tillie TillieDetroit novels of the day dayIndianapolis dayDtlro dayDetroit
Detroit l Fret Press Indianapolis Irtda olis News NetvsThe NttIJJThe NewsThe
The humanity of the tale is s as keen as s its dramatic qualities
150 are absorbing A narrative rich in thoughtful and artistic merit 150 150gripping 150gripping 150gripping
gripping the attention from first to last lastCiiufO CfoVajo ° RecordHerald RecordHeraldThe ReuwJHerdldThe RecordHeraldThe
The TheHouse TheHouse
House Houseof
of ofMystery ofIfystery ofMystery
MysteryA Mystery IfysteryGvestory
A Jovejtory of unusual quality qUll1tyand qUll1tyandA qualityandA and anda
a gripping 1Pf1 mystery tale of dramatic dramaticclimax dramallcBy dramaticI
A Novel I of ofNew
climax climnNew climaxNeiv
By Will Vj1 I Irwin I rvin
New York oi lic Eight Ei fini i ne ftilurn tul uturn fcy Yobs Yobsan ot otflt 0 0I
flt I I 5 ntt an foil osta tseav ft lo emit emitA gflrsiA tli tliA
A New Book by the Author of Gallops GallopsMR GallopsMR GallopsMR
By David Gray GrayLively
Lively Licl stories of a 1 frankly frmkl horsey set flavored with rich humor humorPrice humorPrice humorPrice
Price f ioo 00 nil nd postage 7 cents centsThe untsThe centsThe I
The Century Co Union Square New York
under urn An snisthtIcis Ihetlcn with lIh tlioex lh mcriflred mcriflredfor crttlldfor
for food fashion and sport ort > am re IIU Putelm Putelmansise um tn tnnnHme I IAnl
nnHme A IItII5i biiw > because they are unannwera unannweraMf IInnlllrhi
Mf hi I 1
A prrtlj nolt anthology nf vrn rotating to togarden tnIt inraedrm
garden It l moon has lieen made Itr l Templ Scott f Scotttidrr 11 11dr i iunder
under dr ll the > name oath In Train of ianlens ianlensi ardnsthe
i the Ih Hiker nml Taylor Company ompany m plinY I The1 The1Mllorn Th ThlIlur The TheMlIt4rgs I
Mllorn lIlur ruiigp rutl of 4 I wlertlon might eamly eamlyI ily ilymuh
> much wider ltr th drop from the Ib mven mvent eeiententh n ntnlh
t tnlh fcntury ury writer wril to the lit very ry modern modernonen Inc > tlfOm tlfOmon
ones on i pretty 111 ndnipt MetaphoricalK Metaphorical olthorllllljtllnitn iletaphorjcgilganlens
K jtllnitn < irt1rn Mich rlt an tho those of f love 10 and nd of the thexml Ih theuiI
xml uiI 111 re r mdiidMl properly enough nft for in inllCIII initmjlg > n nMIIICIHH
MIIICIHH llCIII or I them thagmeta mart to their theiri thflrIcultuml theirlmortieuiltigral
i horticultural Icultuml vocabulary ncabu for Image lma < < tl and andimile anduimnhl4e nd ndmilrA
imile makes It a plftunnt collection of ofverme flfIn ofverse
verse in a very rT attractive u ractlv little lilt III volume volumeThrifty volumeThrifty olunltThrln
Thrifty hounekeeperii will 11I welcome Ic Qm th thInfoniMtlon thInfnU the thetnfintiallcn
InfoniMtlon mipplre i by II K I fl I Onmnn in inleaning InInIIlC Inteanitig
leaning and Henovntirig at t Homn HomnA 11011IlrClllrj
A T I MrClurg and Compnnr Cml > > Though Thoughit l ou < < h hit
it may still tllll be pnulent lo employ mlln the th pro profeecional pt ptfeseinnal I IIIonal
feecional cleinner KtrticuUrly > when wh fl th thmrans Ihranll the theIncline
Incline of I purillcatlon in inflammable inflammableI
i I then are mon o innlancn lrutln where the Ih theI infor informat
I mat natlon ion derived from the Ih l book ook will he use useful ii iifull Ie IeI ¬ 1
rill immediately The principle of dry drycleaning drycleaning
I cleaning Iran In and nd wet cleaning ore expounded expoundedand
and the reader M a told what lo do 0 with withtninn Ith I Iatnin 1stain
stain of all kind anti how to renovate retiovalaeverything renovateverytlulng I
everything rylhlnt from cnrpct cnr III and curtain to toI
feather and lace I and film a as well 11 a aailk es esilka 1 1ilk
ailk ilk ilka and an velvet velvetA velvetsuncle
A lively uncle description of what maY maYto I Ieet tie tiesect
sect to nilrantnge in tw i easily uil accrmihlWent accrmihl acaoMihlWt accriqIliVret
Went ImlU UUruIn nd will tlto found in II II IIde nd Ude
de d limwrH In Jamaica and Cub tth tthtllranrr flhfJtrurtrr the themrr
tllranrr CnmMiny lomn Kingston Jamaica JamIcaTh
1 Th Ihe ne author denorilvw the people and their theircutom IhirCUlomtt theircustom
custom the Ih products thai tb clImate and anden andIDTth
en 0 forth giving more mn attention to Jamaica Jamaicathan Jamalmthan Jamaicathan
than to n Culm Cut Ho II Include a vlalt to toPanama toPanama toPanama
Panama The Tb hook ia I a record ni of per pernnal > er eronal 1 1mal >
mal nxperienr and nll la I very 1 readable readablernere ffAdalllfheolf resulahleThere
There art A illnntrationa illnntrationaAnrlrnt illustrationttai
t ttai ttaisrtent lrN flI flInI
Anrlrnt nI and Uoitrrn 101 ImprrtiltfMn Tb Karl Karlof IrllLo tarlOt
of lrnm limier r iU IiStflSO > airui Unfa alld iu Company tompenyIlttstory Dmpany1 I IHtstonaf
Htstonaf of the fhrt tlrtdan iUn Chuirh urll Vd 01 Vrart VrartII s JOart JOartII
II Th fl Middle ldot < Ajrv Az David 3 Vlwff Cb 1 II IIKlurln IInI 1 1IMrlei
Klurln nI Vrthnert rt flbnPr n Mon sp spMy < i iMy 1If
My Krlitul 111 th Imllui Jm James J mr MrUuchlln MrUuchllnlll MeLsutbuntIhihtos
lll tIhihtos < xi < hum 11 UlfKtn Company iommwnytThe I IThr
The r M1cn > < 1 ol Unnr WlllUm 1II1ml a 2 Mder S dUr dUrU
U II l 4s V 4 UrClurK UlllfcDd and Cotntwnr omNIn 1itr 1IIlUG1 1IIlUG1be n i iTlw
Tlw 1b be llrart or mlrr I > KIlMbttti I jiejesee jiejeseet > craD craDJ n ntJ
tJ t J IIo II Uppln4 m tl CompaniM CompaniMXiUnl 4mrenyiIuouuleIuies
IuouuleIuies XiUnl < eMMn Alonr = Will tnalCGII tnalCGIII t rtnf loo Com Comon
I tort on IJ J H Upplnroll IJp > MOIIomn Comiwnr ComonTutony I ITool
Tool 1 s Wit 11 lr J llcortn Clbtx Hlb Anptctea 1 AnptcteaPrtnr
Prtnr Uo r Jamrt r Ialll ul Kelly K 1 I IA A C CUrTliirt CMeClui
UrTliirt UI g and an Comuanrl ComuanrlIJlile COtIflMSITIUtUe I Ium
IJlile A Urni U 10111 ra a Krllir KIII iCbatln Scrtb Scrtbnrr t1b I II Inet
I net nf Non rs rswfsI i iVf
wfsI Vf i 1olDt j a lu I Glamour Um and nd Grind rapt raptllarobl CplnoIot CaptIteroki
llarobl noIot llammofxt ttm I 3 A Cupple aDd Leon LeonCmnpanv LcoaComlII LeonCenpsa
Cmnpanv ComlII > rw orki orkiTho ork orIrb I Ino
Tho no Tamlmc Tml of r net nun Urtlrm Ifm FrmnrU FrmnrUIrnrt Frail FrailI
I Irnrt LT iCbarlr nlMi Vrthncrt 5cm 5cmIas h > aii aiirrii
rrii IUirh I IMhsStet nlet Ittond and Other Po lortns lortnsAIftet n nAlfrnt
Alfrnt Sci 10 o Ifmlerlrk teft A stokn Itok > fompanr omo11Gnmall OThpmfly
Urrmaa Xtudrau 14 Uaoual nf n r the tb IJerrature llterstursDd
Land sDd and Ieopli of u I4crma rman > Franklin tr ollln J
I lloliwarth Ph II lAmnlran Dook II oIl Company C CmnpsnyThe I IThe Il1krY
The U l1krY t TV or 0 Kranfrllue falrfal rut raitKun rIXun rutxmt
Kun xmt t inie I Mrln 1111OI1n > i UUQ Pre J > noM a Nrw eW York YorkTne or orriff oriiN oriiN7n >
Tne riff lUqal AmrnVan J Mao Hallock lout IOOKItouchuw roulctIlImln loutttochi
Itouchuw Mimin CompanK iOmJieflY1niifli 0mJAny1 i iConnlry
Connlry 1niifli 0 riiril rlgnlwu > r Alice Urown though thoughton Moucbton
ton Mimin lIml Cotnpanr monpanfI1be on onTbe I IThe
Tbe The Ujrirn or llamlrt Tlobrrt ninwll ninwllnmectlrl nunclloctl fluisetiflindIeu
nmectlrl octl IJ J II tJpptnroll Compmnv oriflAWri I ITtxi
Ttxi ri Sorirty Molt 011 Luke Ttrtcr Tbrt Cupplr icupplessod Cupplranil Cupplod
sod od Iron tonipan omn1 omn1Wany OhIIpeflYTti > I IThe
The Tti Wany Ma rry of lrt trosrrss < CrC rr A 1 t r Tbomat TbomatTIM Tbo TboInrll TbomjTb
TIM X l lhiWI Iuhtthlnr hlnr comnjuur WibIDft4Wi Vablnf a inn I IMailno ItUssle
Inrll tUssle Hair t W llrml iirlv 11r1 rl Mircarrt r rI Mtrllb Mtrllbifobb mtthobb
I ifobb lO obb tTtw > rile le I IhiMltblnvComnanv IhiMltblnvComnanvProm ltdIbifltC I C ° flPflY flPflYrrom fifllufb fifllufbI1d
Prom rm iepiiol iitlol I lo olh kremlin lire JnleaUutb JnleaUutbrldjw Jules 3uth 3uthtidi
rldjw I1d the Nrale ral reIc l IIbIO > bll hlnr Oomp ConIn1 ConIn1S nyi nyiThe
The r Uar r to WIn John I a V rrrtiuo rc CTII CTIItAltlon Theeee The TheVeale
Veale S eee IMbllhlnc f lr O Company l lTlie I1be
Tlie Duration of tnrl Vaul Altrmon AltrmonCUrhwmi AliricnPtivont fTtI fTtIiIcrilT
CUrhwmi iMfnrr Holt sod l Cmrfsr Cmrfsrklil flIflI4litt
klil < iIcrilT iIcrilTrni lnttrr rni lilrnry slier lloll I and i tompauy tompauyIlk CnmpsntIthanl r rbant >
Ilk Ithanl hard 01 Jamrttovn Jmlo Jam > Oh OhIAmrr OtisAmpytrait U UAmerican
IAmrr American lion Company oOuilIWlMweMsg i iSpnililnc
Spnililnc 4l > nllllnc and WrlBne lfc I 1110k oW I WtUlam IUlamImm n nUaiorll IttainfIi
Uaiorll imma I Jnhn JnhnuIoo lon and Uadalraa IIMalmmllm U UUSOhuilli I ItUraum >
tUraum mllm Unwrknn llook I Iompany omn11ll Oflipen Oflipennbc I IT6e
nbc Human Body 1101 and 041 llcl tItIh li thin I a Dart Dartton n1and Pailson
ton ll lit t lAmrrican Ia llook t Company CompanyMatter 4OmpSnjIettr
Matter and Som of Ito Ia llmrn UlmnJoa loo IWo Wood Woodnard Woodrd < I Ih
nard rd and loltuor WPdfli V hln ton ° l fkbbrmuI fkbbrmuIIn I ITtM 1 1mniightsat
nli J
TtM mniightsat ht h at Ml hITtmr I1 l 14101 wU 3 i Llihemua LlihemuaTH
TH l Irtiner iff rraiofr lorn ITr 1 lvess X Cw w York YorkNno Yorkinowflre 01 01on
Nno inowflre on r IlrPes IlrPesilesViCoflkdlflC a aHeart
ilesViCoflkdlflC Heart lIr Conlrndlnc G korg fIfC or Srbork 5 < 110 < Harp HarpUllMi listpCr5
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I E P DUTTON COMPANY 31 West 23d Street New York YorkI
1 = t 1 T v c j oo > > > C A Ar
n nI
r I 1 I J
if PsPSI PsPSIHearts Af
Hearts HeartsContending HeartsContending
Contending ContendingBy ContendingByGorgSchoch
By B ByGorgSchoch ByGorgSchochHere Georg Schock SchockHere Sc och ochHere
Here the tired novel reader readerill readertilI
tilI ill find an atmosphere of p pa patoral patoral T Ttoral
toral simplicity people simple simpleand
and strong strangGermans Germans living livin in ina
a Pennsylvania valley But the thestory tbetltory thestory
story in spite of its simplicity simplicityis
is tremendous inexorable dra dramatic df dfmatic dramatic ¬
matic true tfU Job Heilig Hem is the thepatriarch thepatriarch thepatriarch
patriarch of the Heiligthal Heiligthalprosperous H HeiIthIprosperous ctlth ctlthprosperous
prosperous strong and exceed exceedingly exceedingly exceedingly ¬
ingly just His great fault is ishis ishis ishis
his undertaking to manage the thelives thelives thelives
lives of his children three cons consand sonsand eonsand
and one daughter A cousin cousinSaul co couin5Satl in in5aI
Saul a schoolteacher schoolteacher1ives lives with withthe withthe withthe
the family and he and the thedaughter thedaughter thedaughter
daughter are in love This is isthe isthe hthe
the beginning of a story tinged tingedwith tinledwith tingedwith
with tate moving on to a aumphant tri triumphant triumphant ¬
umphant end endQavanagh endC endavanagh
Qavanagh QavanaghForest C avanaghForest vanaghF
Forest F oreat Ranger RangerB
By B Haunlin Hmt n Garland GarlandA
A rush of ofactioti action a bugle buglecill buglecillat call callof aUof
of patriotism a poignant sincer sincerity sinCerity Sincerty ¬
ity ty of emotion emot emotionall anall all make this a aremarkable aremarkable aremarkable
remarkable romance rom r o m a n c c of die dieWestern tIleVcstern theWestern
Western forest ranges Itis a anovel anovel anovel
novel from first page to last lastbut liarbut Jutbut
but a novel that means mean some something SOllUthing somcthing ¬
thing The national need < ofrespect of Qfrespect qIrespect
respect for law finds voice in the theheart theheart theheart
heart story of Ross Cavanagh Cavanaghand Cavat ivaflaghand ach achand
and Lee Virginia Wetherford WetherfordTwenty W WetheifordTwenty etherf rd rdTwenty
Twenty years experience of Mr MrGarland MrGarland M r rGarland
Garland in this alluring forest forestworld forestworld forestworld
world has gone into the making makingof makingoft
of oft 0 1 the t he h c realistic atmosphere atmosphereGifford atmosphereGifford atmosphrcGiuford
Gifford Pinchot has written aa aaintroduction aaintroduction aaintroduction
introduction a fact which whichismore II is ismore ismore
more than significant significantSnow significantSnow
Snow SnowFire SnowFire SnowFire
Fire FireBy FireBytheaathorofThe
By B BytheaathorofThe the author 11M of of7 The e I
I Martyrdom of ofan an Empress EmpressA Em ffmressA r rA
A story intensely dramatic dramaticset
set in the brilliant European Europeandiplomatic Europ Europdiplomatic Europeandiplomatic
diplomatic and social world so sointimately sointimately sointimately
intimately known to the author authorA
A young Count and a Marquis Marquisbrother lhrquisbrother Maqtiisbrother
brother officers are both in inJa love lovewith lovewitha e ewith
with a Princess Princcssabeautifulyoung Princcssabeautifulyoungwidow a beautiful ybung ybungwidow y u 1 1idow
widow Discovering the Counts Countsinfatuation CountIinfatuation Countsinttiiation
infatuation a L Grand Duchess Duchesshis
his hi former ormer friend contrives to tohave tohave tohave
have him sent on a mission to tothe tothe tothe
the Caucasus Others become becomeinvolved becomeinvolved becomeinvolved
involved in the plot and the thestory thestory thestory
story never halts in its march to tothe tothe tothe
the dramatic end The novel novelhas nove1has novelhas
has firt and force and the liter literary literary literary ¬
ary finish always present in this thisauthors thisauthor thisauthors
authors work workBiancas workI workBianca
I Biancas BiancasDaughter BiancasDaughter s sDaughter
Daughter DaughterByjostus
Byjostus B Jr tus Miles Mll Forman FormanHere FonnVlH FormanHere
Here H ere is a society story storyplus storyplusa plus plusa
a mystery Both of these Mr MrForman MrForman MrForman
Forman does well but never neverbefore neverbefore neverbefore
before has he done them so well wellA
A girl born to wealth who has haslived hylived ha halived
lived in seclusion with her taci taciturn tadturn taciturn ¬
turn father comes to New York Yorkand YorKand Yorland
and meets meetsa a man naturally naturallyBut
But when her father hears the themans themans hemans
mans name he is furious furiousa ulsriousafdthe and andthe d dthe
the story rushes on in a very veryoriginal veryoriginal veryoriginal
original fashion fashionMary fashionMary fashionMary
Mary MaryGary Maryy MaryCary
Gary GaryBy y
By B Kate Langley Jgle Bother BotherRare lJoheroRare BotherRare
Rare as a new comet cometis is a book bookof
of the heart Here is such a abook abook abook
book simple whimsical whimsicalquaint whimsicalquaint whimsicilquaint
quaint impulsive true truethu truethuwonderliti this thiswonderful t hi hiwonderful
wonderful Mary Cary She Shenever Shenever Shenever
never walks when she can skip skipor
or dance says the author about aboutthis aboetthis aboutths
this little orphan I have haveseen haveseenher seen seenher seenher
her quiver in the abandonment abandonmentof abandonmentofjoy
of ofjoy joy but I have also seen her herin herin herin
in a passion of anger eyes blaz blazing blazing blazbig ¬
ing through a flood of oftean ofteanA tears tearsA tearsA
A story for every one a story storyeven storyeven storyeven
even to meet that severest test testreading testreading testreading
reading aloud aloudLAMAZM6 aloud1ftE5
1ftE5 t1ARPE te teIlMAZiIIE
J i
40 0 0I

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