rri nhI Lr rL rLE
c v i r
JI n unnKii iff I H nf nfI TII TIIUTI T11IJTEI1
UTI I Tflt till It I Ol OlA UfFLUUK LUrLUOhA
A llrrrllp 1tt1IC traul the 1 uwrlrlt > of thr thrlletorlan iii iiiIeteIan 1 II IIrt
lletorlan rt Writer rttrr IIIh tlanr Ian n UI IdrIIt ootl ootlNrtltlt
Nrtltlt rIIt 11 > n a Kter RrmarkabU RrmarkabUHixikt armI1u llemarkablHoiski
Hixikt u Written li lit t merlen tilth tilthAfter tithr tithrAttr 11n 11nAflrr
After haviiiB Iwen wn a t wiinetw wjsn lIn or f a lar larran tarn tarnrt ant antrart
ran of f the Ih rvoliiilnii i II > i infliction ih IkUnn of r llil llilcountry lIiOlInry thicountry
country VlllUm I Van > 001 IO 11011 H U a de decidedly detidfofUy dedddly ¬
cidedly optinti pttrnttte Imlliu tic n nitaril both tlm tlmprtent thftprnt th thprecnt
prtent Mltmtiitn ami ul lh < iMitlouk 1110 for ro lh the thefuisir h hfUll t tfuture
future fUll He If to h ha nn u ue e for o 1rnJ iPtflpAriImflflI iPtflpAriImflflIwith > inparir > rin rinlIh n nwith >
with lIh nocalled 10111 Ridden lrln period rld ROIIW It by byand y yand yand
and tho Ih writer 1111 in nurli nurlil ICII
1 am m a t lirrilio hrr tt4 ultmil two Victorian Victorianwrit Vietnilanr1ter lOIInwril
writ r1ter r h hi pay and nd thoir Miporinrily MiporinrilyOf IIpoorirltor
Of couriw lOur HUT II ir r > lnflnitilr nH mol > r bad badnovrlt badbOY hailovda
novrlt bOY now nn than Yr < > r < > r lMror hr hut that In InhrcatiftH I Iall Itwctiui
hrcatiftH all i her h ar r mor tsftt novnl the hC Hum number nllmr Humber ¬
ber r of good oud cn unes < in I ai a > errat eiI u ever ff Writ Writing WritIne VrjtIng ¬
ing novel in K Itnrlli r T l Ia now 110 u i trail it ithat Iib tiha
hat b nat to IM I an art artRut artRtit 11 11Rut
Rut there hr ar t ninnr m nrtii Crtiste > tM gom gomartifl good goodartIhs
artifl 1 In KiiRluml < 1 th Ihr r < > IM i Ihlllrmtt Ihlllrmttand Ihlll Ihllland IhfltpotteaM
and Arnold Ihnnetl Hnn nll tt Mini IVny 1Ilt Point nl end anilev IInlleyn endein
ev eyn n the th h rockiwy l > k ni flOIlkI veli l who wn wnfpltnothl wrot the theKpknilid theFpIenitIi1
Kpknilid ItmthiT IVlt Hiilce IIhl c Thy Thoyaro rliyare
are re B good ° od writer rllr a 4 well wellln w11In wiIIn I
In lhi country < liar 11 ttrrtc4i ttrrtc4iHrand rf 1rll 1rllBrand rick rickBrand
Brand Whitlook who li hn < ha > written two > re remarkable 1 1marlebl r rmarkahh ¬
markable American IIn booki lxxJ oni > m ChicaRo ChicaRomen hhalt hhaltmf hlengiimen
men mf including ll Itrwy > nrjr U KullT 11111 who J Jof Jof H Hof
of the tlrot rUM William Allen A lIn White Whitewho Whitewh hil hilhO
who wh hO han written an able ebb hl hook ok a good 0t1f1 an and andtro andtrw < l ltrue
true tro hook booklhOlI though < < h I have not yet 1 read rN111t It ItAll ItaH
All 11 arid the Ih novelist and critic rill omewhat ome omeh mp mphat
what h hat t naively The Th Southerner oIlt rnqr i a agood aload agood
good novel nl nlnrtr uk ukfteadere
Header art aI beginning Ii gtniiIn to ileinanil ileinanilreally i1inndra1I nand nandffll
really ffll Rood ocd novel not > and lUulll It i th ihe ihetug ileepiiwtl ileepiiwtlbig
big eler which ha hAil edticnted the h trader traderbeyond rrsdreyon1 rradrbyoniI
beyond > the Ih Me hI eelkr ller It ranwd 1 him to n
rd mdTh
The Th writer are u writing better 111 though thoughthe holllEhthe
the great ma m mace or work orit I that or begin beginner ¬
ner rw Kiflren or twenty year yeansego 411 ago when whenI hl hlJ
I wa was editor ilr of the Ih Itlantie JnnfAy I al alway alr alwayc
way r had my eye out It for Rood jtO < J < l hort ehortstories horttorie hnrtatorlf
torie stories but I e more good one on in the thetaacazine theThaLuint h hma
taacazine ma zlnPl now Now S th writer rt eetn Nmto eetnto I Ito
to have the h knack to underlandand mot motof mtor Innetof
of the nnvrlUt have h w ritten a lot of hort ehortitorle hortMerle hortMorlH
Merle before btoro they h attempt m the th novel
1 reid constantly HH II I have read con conUantly cnnzantIy < f1n f1nDtly
Uantly Dtly and I nun not at all ditcotiraged ditcotiragedby dI tOurc1b
by b th thl > period even n though it i one on or ofgreat orIf orErsat
great If Nt flux Vtuu X U Ve > am a ton prone rnn to I 1 > im impoMd 1mpONd imposid
pONd on liy y the Ih big bl name thnn Ih or ofDicken orDickpn orDicken
Dicken Thackeray Ked and nel Collln Colllnaro Collinare CoIliniia
are a did and nd no ono on reid thorn now nowDickens nowDichca nowDlckc
Dickens i III old and nd ia I read but not Irjp Irjptfc I ItII4I h hth
tfc tII4I critical publio publioAnd p131Iion4 uhllond
And nd the Ih fad for fieorgo M 1Uth re llth I Ido Ido Ido
do not think wilt continue It i It founded foundednot
not on lore for him lint Ill on critical reso resolution r rlutlon reolution ¬
lution He II wa it 1 greater writer but butnot hUIaot hutnot
not a greet artit rli and th tho norehnt nohpJalnfld ex explained cxplaineci ¬
plained th the diflerpnce l between > w1I kill in inthe 10be inthe
the be handling of word rd and kill In the therecreation th tht1nn therecreation
recreation t1nn of life lifeI IIf
I Judge Juda from not I Iinl me able eli I to r rblm readbim read readhim
him he h Mill with a twinkle in hi hiui eye eyeritinz eyeWrittn y ynllnll
Writtn ritinz hot i hi a hiuineMi Imln atway atwayha
ha taa a been it I hiiKinmw hllIII though hot it writer writ
are never rich m molt n h ho m lnt tntrpotuliiz tntrpotuliizThey > r > oUt i iThey
They do not 11 > 1 erti r the Ihulln buineM aa a a trade tradeOnce trArtOnCfO1l t radiiOnce
Once OnCfO1l It wan wa 11 largely ultI n 1 Hpecitbition ep ciiLttjin The Th ThIr rhwilter
writer Ir wnlert ra h I VHiiiu Hlhii 11 > IIK h tike Ilk II l to tohiart ove ovehi n nhirt
hi hirt an ml I esy iy w liive hll artil rtii ii tr > < Uy
E Eden l ln n rhilx rhhI1 > ti if f irtue and andArnold andAmolrt aThiArnold
Arnold HonnettH 1I IIIt old Vive Viverepresent 1 ivu TRIM TRIMIfIPrnt rai rairepneeent
represent artlMioitlly one on tli h D Dthe Ihvnn Ihvnnth n nh
the th h other the Ih HUck country I IHerick leonard leonardMcriek < n I Irllk
Herick rllk III another able hit KiiRlifthman KiiRlifthmanAmong Y1IJIIhmllnmonp
Among monp our aiithom 1Ih there Ih i su no Hi uwt uwttrying 11 11trylns iitrying
trying to dirnunt di < nllnt the Ih work ork of Mary
Within Fryman Kve 1 her tinvel am amgreat a aregreat
great and a 11I1 hr utorie 11 nr prixli rdiacllI priilegiuieShe ioiiH I ISh
She Sh in I a womlrfil Itttle woman womanThen wiiinnThn 1 nil II IIThn
Thn therein Edith lIlh Wyiti yIIlh1II1IIIIO yIIlh1II1IIIIOeirl thnChirngn thnChirngngirl
girl whi wi whoa > iu > Hkelchen klch of r Chicago hlll life iiI are arecreat III IIIt aregreat I
great t malchle mn llh I then Ih sire nr nunn oilier oilierlike > I
like Ilk them themM
M 1 renpect the h work orlt nf I Ilnrlwn very verymuch verymuch ry rymuch I
much hit hi SeorKiA storie ton i Tr Throt > r are nreko Rr Rr1M areeo
ko 1M many man ROO gonI > II < writ writer rn and KO good < M nrtiKtn IIru artstIt I IIt
It I II promimtiK ltiwI > r n l c lIlIod1 > iirliid < v the I tip tipauthorvrulc h hautborcrili j jauthorcritic j I
authorcritic warmly warmlyMlltnV warllllyJUII
JUII MlltnV W 111 Ill II Il RtlSllrlt nsirnTI
The TI View S II ia of llie it Prewttt llracl II of llie loue Iouet loueIpon I
Ipon t pnn Book unit nit Knullng KnullngTo nar narYo
To THE Kl t4lTon lion > or Tim urte 1 x Sir i I am amIndebted 11mnd emtridebte
Indebted nd blr in I a friend for the Ih it partirular partirularof rtlulr rtlulrr
of r an Interview Inn lie h tin linil hn nlth ii lth Mr 11 itp itplurra Intm IntmMurray nlonSlurr
Murray Slurr ihe 10 great rr lon lnnnll < loii piihlMirr of offO ntt4 r i
fO f Alhemarle i > irret irs r mliirh t the thu It Mertn Mertnof Mui Muiof II j I
of r til 11 loter I ers r nf llernttire n puhlUhlne puIhIihippbouu
houe llou In Ionrton ha t tetn een odteqI ci 1 teil with ila I Ito I I
to many man lemon nien of r Inter I hut a John i iMurray IXuirra
Murray hlrra It Marled II in very r imxletr Ireni Irenilie m I
l lie Ior a In Fret Fi Mreet 1 ni ip t 14 tEZ vrar rnii r a eci u tint tintIn I hutIn I
In 1417 14 iii tip lie h hulne h < nn ft moved In Mi ai MixI MixImarie n I I II
marie tirret rret and 111 it I here h that ihn tin I Inlm InlmMurray hnhin3irrarl 1 I
Murray I MII nnd n Prrfli ire rn fnt niel 1111 otneiif un r IIf r the ihenOtt theInoet h i
mot f rmooIIlmr famoieuhorIT I4ltinvi I4ltinvih I4ltinviIt
It m the 10 drawlntf ro rm im or Vo n so sothat n nIhat i ithit 1
that Sir Wnlter IIr srou nit 11 fir m mt t lMrl nr > rd llrron lirronand i iand i I
and It a as in the nrfplace of if thi this mom that thatth h hIh hatiii
th p praonnl r rll oniil memoir mol which hlOh Ilytnn hml hmlglv hll hlln hIjITn
glv jITn n to n Tom Moore e pie e burned hllm uI The Thedrawing Thedrswtni fh fhdrln
drawing room i ii rldi rlf in I nutenir ° 11nl > of orand H Scott Scottand ii iiand
and hymn Bn and other hr eminent literary literarymen
men Mr 11 Murray Shrr rerord rd with lrh panlnnahle panlnnahlepride rardnnhlJlrlde
pride the h fart lit that ii h Soon eott Byron Vah VahIngton Vhiniton h I IIrlnK I
Ington Irvine uither hr Peel l ieI 1 I larIn > ar ln lnTJvingMone I I
TJvingMone Italian 1111 IIA 111 < > lH IioITon < ltone and n linn linndreda IUlndrrd loindreda
dreda of otlief n eminent men hnte pao 1 1wlhln aeuI aeuIwithtn d dwithin
within Ihe I h > r 1nrtah > rfal of No n MI MIIan o oIsn
Ian tinlev nl oftrn came in xe tt the h pub pubIlkher rubIt pubIuJur I I
Ilkher It I > h r hut I there h hr ipa not flu a man m or woman mn mn1ft
Id the h plare pha who ho nuld 101 read 1 the 10 I Ian Ianwriting ean eanwriting I
writing The Th nrfrii Mr II Murray llIrn oar ay I I I
My ly father onre nr rote rn m p > e n Uiuilev Uiuilevreturninc 41111 41111rllIl1Iln
returninc a letter nnn on or I two n pn aor ge of ofwhich ofwhirh I I
which ht h he h could nol make IIIII nut Tlie 11 fli Dean Deanreplied Deanreplied n nrpllM I
replied if If r von Y nu cannot 1 II no n vok > nke II out Oil trw 111 writ writIng wr wrInz writmx l
Ing 1 am m sir I cant n I think wlim ii ha I meant meantIP I
IP wv wi wue thl this hl nnd then h fnlloned rI1 a pn pnane pnaneahfrh ire irewhkh oar oarhIh
whkh hIh vat a not mote III Intelligible limn the theerlrlnal theorirnal 10 10orirlnal
erlrlnal erlrlnalIJrlngdone orirnalIivInainn I IIJlnKnll
IJrlngdone wa wipe a frequent vlllor In InAlhemarle InAlhrmllrl inAlbmerh
Alhemarle tree 1 rtt pnI > l when In bn uent n lo loAfrl 10Arrif toAfrica
Afrl Africa for the I la t tie tui C Mr r Murray 3luitii Irnu had d the Ihegreat thegreat h hrNI
great rNI traveller i u e tfl lure taken k11 Ilvlnn Ilvlnnton liyIniton
ton did not like Ilk the h picture pt I lure but I when w hn he hegot hetot I
got 0 A cult II lo n the 10 wild of frl frk < a he h wrote wrotehate 10 1
hate h Iiu il iP l > een n ouv ir fare r fur the h find 111 lime II for formany frmanIlIlIlh formany
many manIlIlIlh nnnih in pu liKe ts k ranvanylkn end nn it i ireally ireally
really 11 terv rY like I tne In Irnt I > nrtn ° rtruls rtrulsS ii iiWhen I
When S tun a nk1 > ke < t for 1 TI 1 view uiiue regarding 111 IIIIK the Ihepubli thepublkulkun h hpublioIIn
publi publioIIn iiilnn of Ixtok 111 Mr Ir lurmv Mid that thatno thuttin I i
no author nn < nlln make money In out II or f a i lieup the1nIiim lieupndime 1 1101m
ndime 101m The TIrk Ihi ek ork tn > it flt fIrIetjerpp fIrIetjerpphIhIIni > ut > i > mrH > lt ltahllllng
ahllllng volume nl and a ml 1 thr III t h mini lierof tier r nofelmif nofelmifwhUimnrelJii iuivhe of ofviii
whUimnrelJii whlrlt viii rnnrehiup nn I or I II hreethouMmlrnple hreethouMmlrnpleinn onel rnr ronk ronken > Iftt Ifttn
inn n Iw h MII poII 1011 i a > iniii nlhlrlllly > liiiirly uiiw Mr Ir Mur Murray Muirray 1111 ¬
ray 1 hold erv u r Ironir Ullit view vi 1 with ilia regard ftln to toa toa
a certain 1 In 1 p it 1 f1iMil 11 nlilcli I miliml milimla 1tI1 1tI1ltl
a wl rhiI ltl le it to leo t > e < idrrHiid r sjuI I regret 1 tlm 1 ten tenflenrv n
flenrv hn In II > I i d I IcI al I will 110 etwit tI wut are iIIeI iIIeIe < UIM 11 11I I Iwet
wet e t I role r II I he ri llit 1I11t ti itll > ll liy II y of Iwuok IwuokhevI MHII MHIIlevien
levien hevI Mr I Ur Murra tuurr loliere Ia ha hasliii wi a dMrnt dMrntme dr drbur
me Inflnrti nnll e n the ii mil 1 11 l teokp > ok II In IntI n old
May tI li I i tor IIIIHI c fnrlv yenrw yenrwago Yhrf
ago a ro a f iii e iew w in II n the I 10 I j tllnti > f ru inn a would ii nip ld1I ld1In hi nell nelln eI eIn
n edition to r t Kk ll 1111 < n In thi h hi eda d ile J ye > the lberee 11 theehetiit
ee ehetiit < trd on n flh wl 1 lMuk I h iI > Ir r n rl 1 1of guild amiIbe
h 1 the of review r et r < nI tI n s M thcrenre thcrenrelo Ion
lo 0 IIWIH PaIN t 1 te ii > I fn frl I ired i of Iliem Iliemnd Ih I
I gnu nd keldnti eItn 11011 rmd t ii i I l jr di I > not 1 hnt hnttheiMlenf cit I IrI I
theiMlenf rI 1 ur i ok ok11u ik ikTlie
Tlie 11u ul 1 I tr 1 Mirr r vndd i nih > ba1 ba1grealh h be begreuI
grealh 1 hange h > l In i mnut r year Y le I < itii itiian
an en < i iciI e l t < ulin 1 Iu he > < > H > r COIl ltd i Iri Irir4ka rl rlrxllraU I IoOtlrl
rxllraU r4ka I dl II > irti rc d 1 I 1 i t i r MtHiie ii iplnen > uent Itiat ItiatIhey itietshiP ra raI
Ihey I shiP neide t 111 ieIe > i r rJCW i p ruHn ruHncw fur furaw
JCW aw UIHK oi 11 11111 iiti I llniiiaiirn llniiiaiirnInto
Into r rlob Wt Wtlob > ll llJoh
lob wa OU wl willitni hln M tin IT m nm my wniM 114 writ a boon boonIfow buiewjfow II IIllow
Ifow Inollth cii > cr co1 < he II wtrild tS b M the II lPi on onan ODe ODef
= an n wbo wboki 9tirj f 1 know eno noh ch cot n tA tnrad ead It ItJfrrrwiia Irrt1I1 ItIfrwIth
Jfrrrwiia be uw M bit b K wltrc me of orUI rvni ICU ruI
A new biography tgojra of Harrison Aln Alnworth AIOIworth Ainiworihennrcrnlniwhoc
worth worihennrcrnlniwhoc concerning ne w hoove hC life ur the tll pr prH pretit pretitgenerationkoowa < < tJ tJcnralion Jt Jtneneration
neneration generationkoowa know big little Iittloii ia to be pub publiMied pubIkhi4I
liMied in England Alnaworth wrote wrotefortyone wrotportyone wrotefortyone
fortyone novel bO aa well aa other works worhWhatever worlutlrateer worksWhatever
Whatever there may ma be of f necotul rate rateliterary ralpIIIPI1UJ rateliterary
literary workmaoatdp In tlieaa novels noveUhe noy noyII
he II ntandM land high among the h writer wrll of the thelat lbelaal thetaut
lat iiixty ht yean ftrR IQ I providing rovldln luoltby luoltbylotion tatOlthrlieU htnlthyIkUon
lotion lieU on far hMOul hMOulThi M VM VMTli
Tli Thi Marriage Venture hl of Marie MarieIxMiian MailalouiIi
IxMiian 10011 i the title till of a hook written rit by byMax hyI byMu
Max I BilUnl and brought out ut in an anlick Enc Encliah Fn Fnlih
lick vend veru4on faiOlI on by Kvelyn DticheM I > ub of Well Wellington W WiltIngton fill fillIlnon ¬
ington Vvrylittlenf Vcryhittkofihehookliiccncerned Vcryhittkofihehookliiccncernedwill 1 IItll of theUraklaconcernetl theUraklaconcernetlwith Ihe hook lcooefmt < 1 1ilh
with ilh Napoleon hut from the lIt chapter chapterit
it IK I taken up with llh the Comt He d Neip Neiperg Neipprg p
prg > erg 1 whom Jtarie lari IXMUM nuurietl while whileNiH wblleSapoln whileNapnien
NiH Sapoln > lon won chill liII alive Vhen lln Neipprrg Neipprrgwan e4ppergwe
wan II dead it waa tbe Ib Comte tie d lloml Uombehlce Uombehlcewho m1 > ell ellwho I104 I104ho < > <
who ho bernmn I ICI1 her third hu hllaJ hanl Then Thenthere ThnIhr Thenthprc
there Ihr was IUI Jules Jul lACOml l comte the young youngmusician younlCInU youngtnu1ctnn
musician InU < II II to 0 complete the tI aordid 11101 11101r tory toryof
I of r u woman who baa 5 no glamour no noromance 11 11rOmAlIC ticromant <
romance tu 0 awaken iiyiiipothy It waa waaaid Jl1aMid as asiait
aid by Amene A fIItfHt llouanaye that a fitting fittingItiMriptimi llltincIIIrlJ flttin flttinItucriptlni
ItiMriptimi IIIrlJ > IIOII for fo her tomb mb wowH U be Hem Hemliea UfIItIi hl hlIi
liea Ii nn 0110 n who commenced with aa Em Emperor Emperornod ¬
peror perornod nnd anrlIIIdf nnded < l with a tenor tenorIVof tenorlror tenorProf
IVof William Henry lInl Mranw hom nf Wlnm WlnmN Winniptg Inm InmtlIlvpflity
ptg N > g Ltitvrrrity lia I In hi forthcoming forthcomingbook fortbcomlnbook
book The Kallhof aillt or a toyman written writtenM
M I n rpIy 1 > ly t ID 0 Dr Kauoohrnbuvolia bonk bonkOiiiMUutty borltnultlallll bankChtiiutLauity
OiiiMUutty and the Social Crfai CrfaiThe en enTho CdhThe
The lxx book > k cordalna a carefully carfull studied studiedand atudledcod tucH tucHlnll
and earching rehln indictment of conditlotw conditlotwwhicli COflditIOlIhlch conditlonewhich
which islet in our ou church and aooial aooiallife lIOOialiii sodatlire
life iii The n author bring brio nut the con connection connClton connctlon ¬
nection l between > profemicna > ll a and andthe andh andthe
the h nrreoted A rd progrem pro of the church churchIrof churchImr churchlrur
Irof taltorrte i the lIOn on of a Methodist Methodlatmlnialcr Methodistmintater plhodilmlnial
mlnialcr and baa ha lie 1 twin n connected with withthe wilhth wit witthe
the th English departmentnf Winnipeg Winnipegtniverwty WlnnlpuKtnhnwtr WinnipogUnlercty
tniverwty for aeveral severe ral yearn 1M
Mr 11 Tichlbana Tacbl > G the young Japanew Japanewexplorer Japan JarnpIln Japanerplorer
explorer pIln ha tfiacovered fl8COV a number n of ofvaluable ofIub ofvaIiible
valuable Iub manuacript relating tn u the thekingdom tbflklnttdnm thekingdom
kingdom nf r lAllan iui which exiated slatl from fromthe fromth
the th iwfnnd nnd c century itury B L e to the th sixth con century Cf1tury conttii ¬
tury ttii or our era Mr I Tachllanaa collec collection collfltion coihiclion ¬
tion include In < < had thirty long ecroll rol contain containing containlug ¬
lug Buddhist autra one nn tIng tOfin = a specImen apocimentwelve specImentwelve po <
twelve 111 yard long The Th moot Interesting Interestingitem
item II i ia a manuacript or the thfllMC oecomi < uC century centuryA nontul nontulA
A I 9 being an nrfcial o < InS let lettor tor from n nChine IICbln aChine
Chine envoy to the Ih ntlive king Tln Tlnenvoy TlIyo Tbenvoy
envoy yo styles yl himwlf High CommUtloner CommUtlonerof
of th the Western Country Countrynichnni CounlryIhll1 cOISflt7Riehant
nichnni Hoffman Miiairil Itecollec Itecollectiona JlfInllpct1 ftecoifrclion
lion t1 or Fifty Year will ill Im I brought hl out outin 0 0In iuuutIn
in April prefooad f1Ul by y a memoir by Mr Mrahoffman i iHofTmin I IIfoffman
hoffman which give Iv briefly and very verypleamntly vPr vPriiuiantly 1 11INllanll
pleamntly the th main fact cole of her liu tmllhIII huuuehamVuslong Kin Kinlong < I IInlt
long cirecr I The 111 ln think > oU contain alao cli Mr MrIlofTmina MrlIffmn MrltnlTmtne
IlofTmina e ecay iy nn How toiHtlmuUlw toiHtlmuUlwThought 0HllmIlLITholllhl 1 IThought
Thought and Imagination in n Ittpil Ittpiland 1lIplland Iuiplland
and it i Iii illwtrnted with ponmllr v > rtrall of fu fum rat ratmlelll tamete
m mlelll < MW mtuician whom the tll author knew knewPntti knewralli knewPatti
Patti Jemy Jrn Ijud IlId I iazt Vim n Rflow 8r1 ana anaothern atm atmother 110 110oth
other oth Mr 11 HoTmati lwin hi h1lo rtorv rtorvwith etirywith t t1Ilth
with the Ih anfMint of how a as a lx boy > y of if r II Hhe IIh IIhe
h he made the h journey from rofli Manchenter ManchenterKngLind MaticheuitrngLtit
KngLind lo n Ilinninghntn III to hi 0 lu hrll < ir r Kelix KelixM Fi41MtidcIseohn Ih IhI1rthn
M I1rthn > < ndflw > 4ihn conduct rl < lc the Ih th Kli YoIIlh ili VVh Vht VhtItt h n nId I I11
Id jeur 11 old Id he h oime to hi thi this countryand coututryandfrom lIIlrylln i ifrom
from that titrio Ii on n h h give Ith intermtitiK interrusthugaccounte j jaccountn
accountn reoun of all Ihe Ih mu muidn iriin who Rime Rimeliere mn mnhr ronihure
liere and iiuI 10111 Iniurril oiirp < the Ih th country
It inusiici inusiicitn W f 11 11nnmlnc
An nnmlnc ntiKln Kxaraple Writ rllm ten b a Nallie NallieIn lIii lIiiIn h hIn
In liulla liullaThe lu luTh IadlThe
The Th etperlence Iooon nf a young English Englialiofficer Englishomner nltllhomrPr
officer a cc aUIdecamp kl Cltmp to Ihe Ih Iietiletiont IietiletiontOovernor INotIlfflantoymor kutmnsniGovernor
Governor oymor of the northern province of ofIndia orInd ofIndia
India Ind are a told with fre r fncehnees hnem n or plrit epiritINI plritand I Iand
and gonl COOf oixI iKimor by y Kliellaml Hradlej llraol in inj innh
I j Tlie 41 nh Adventure Ihnu of on A I n > t Th ThfollowinK TbfnhLowin 11 11rnllln
followinK letter u give h an klea or the h IIalx IIalxKngli Jlaho11I1IIh 11ibaMghiahl > >
Kngli 11I1IIh h written rill by y the Ih native nativelloiin nativeshhuiuuIulflIP
lloiin 1I hhuiuuIulflIP niR Ik Mm twar wene that tI vim 1 ln InI InIItwaiu k kalway
alway r in ml1 the Ireoence 1 be I uiasl > lea e < l In 1 regard regardjthl rorar rorarhi ricirulIbis I
J jthl Ibis hi wnrni orm ton 00 p pour ur to turn 11111 who h I Is Indeed IndeedI lustesiltutt
I but I lght for sure re 1 eye e For to him the Ii I bubble hublltae bioi bioihll
I ha tae < liurt 10111 and mu n1 th the h lat strew 1 broken the thentie1a b1rll I II
I nllirl Iwrk rll If you 010 sb In not non plenve 11 l Ibr j
I plead lor r him him a I wt > o t worth s rh rii ruulpue > ee twenty tenIper nl I Ij I
per 1 rnoitth nh HIM Ih wrelche 5 l Sertow > rrro rrowr will III MM scion scionI > II
i u to Ti clilrp 1111 And n1 mav m She Ih Almlglilyl Almlglilylwbnm 1111111 1111111I I Ia
I hinDu a your 0 Honor iniuli rr rm reetnhies ui < linn an ansl j jv i101l
v u Iniig 101l r tile II I I Iii t to etc to l V our ir P TtiSr rest I t huiiitlf huiiitlfworm hlllll hlllllf h ilnitiI
worm rlll Il ILnICAT niX4tn IU IUA II
A lllrrarr Parallel ParallelTo 11 I IT
To T TB y T5I Itnito r > IT or Tun TN Snr nr 4p < ir Permit rmll me meIn m mII meI
In II I rail 11 your sir 1 alteutlmi 11 to the II Milking rr r rremtisnre rremtisnrecittini emt ohlD > lanre lanrerattine I IlIh
rattine lIh Ixtwren Ihrpkilof ttIi 11 pint nr Ihrnnr III nh art rt play 1 1lIm tsy The TheVacuum flieacUQTfl
Vacuum acUQTfl lIm prwluced s Thursday Th uf laM t wr wi HI HIII k < and trultl andtbetor
tl tbetor > el n l h ty > y HaltarrnllUnl IUfrnIlU IlivCramlr 11ICrnerlIrl llrnTtif ttrCqteiitIiti rtI rtIblrt1
wblrto I rrad Jttrrn n ran > n agu let tt mr m UH is Ibv Ibvparallel Ib tLecolumns I I
parallel columns
In n la l Irlday rd rdI t rr rrvlrw ccview
view ol The Tb Vacuum VacuumI um umI
we w rrad thai 111 the Ih but buthand bushan4 U UI
hand Irate Ir a sd d Ihr IhrI II tbilocf
lo locf rr comrt corn um I pen ponI ru ruI penthe
the unriprrird rrturn rln rlnI vetutnof
of thr t husband blbnd blbndIlu tbr tbrllotrr ta talot
llotrr Ilu lot hid In Ii n a r rb rbIn cabInel b
Inn In fran which 1Ikh hr hrthr b bIII bethe
the III hutbandi ruld rouldI rulddraw
draw d all 1 ihrotygm tb u uIra Crn Crnoplr ° to toromplrtrlj soeomplrteb
romplrtrlj oplr thai altrr altrrfour sfIeftour r
four r minutes rlulr a raudlr raudlrthat rudIethat It ItIhI
that br h put I In n nnl at a S leO trttrnt leOcent
cent rnt nl nut altigrlhrr altigrlhrrTh nurllr nurllrT
Th T The lot Inrr n rr to hide bid got gotIn guiin ul ulIn
In this I caMnrt and andbut mu mubui n1 n1b
but b the III door onr Of Ofcoure II ittcool
coure 101r cool the lb wife U rr rrrntrd rralrd ccsented
rntrd any D questIon questIonIng
Ing She even n refused rrtwtrdto
I rtl rtlto
to oprn Im the Ih rtblnrt at atthat asthsl
that tlL demand Implied Implf a arrrlrrllnn areihiiilon
rrrlrrllnn IIn on her honor honorSo bno honorthe
So the b Invrntor Inyrn artrd stirtuilthe artrdthe rl
the b whole 01 hu hula lnr go 10ln 0 0line
line Ing ln and d while Ilb Ibe lb motor motorwblrlrd mlurbhlr1 molorwbtrIeI
wblrlrd and h1 the III a atrr atrrliollrd at atbetted
betted hoUro hrjookrd h lookrd at L bl blwatrb
watrb watrbIfr watrbII
Ifr II even rn called 1 OMI OMIIbr O otilb
111 Ibr lb bail bal mlnutr while whileI
7 11 ll trnrd al 1 the Ibrdoor I Idr theIoor
door and n IliiOtftl lrl the ilbrfoirri IbrID thetuner
tuner ID breathed hardrr hardrrr
r ir rrv rrond rn In 1 vain vaindid raIntill n nI
did I the 1 wife I plead forj ro roI for forher
her I IHMband nd lo Ii n uprn uprnIhe opnb vptuthe
the b door or lie I II kept lpl bl blrjrt hirrs
1 rjrt un of n bit bl nub rb and andltll andIikJ d
ltll 111 IikJ J wa was Miuftrdj Miuftrdjout 1
out 011 like I thr tl candle nIU on onrbrdillr on1 on1sebediul I I
rbrdillr time 1m Whrfl Whrflthr Wh Whthe lm lmb
the b rurtaln felt Irl Jo JoIIhr Jol Joa Joatitie
IIhr 1 t hutbandi lubno tllll 011 had hadlil ho badhuts
lil huts wtlrti t In hi h band baid1 I
l Iali tttir lav Ia In n non a tnout tnouton icueUn
on Ihr tb liner 1t but the thraiidlrnrr II thesuaillene
aiidlrnrr Ir knew nU that the thrgrar or orKr thegrs
grar Kr cabinet with lb slur idrblark slurbleek Ir IrI
blark I rrd rl and h1 gold goldllnr goldltrs ulo
llnr In nn In the th front frhtnu frontnut Max Maxnut
nut a i > tfr r n rrfrlgrr rrfrlgrralor rrrrr rrrrrIIU rrflgrrslur
slur IIU ii I nor r ret a faldlng faldlnglril
lieu I but I a much In more morrdangrrnn moreilangero n nUhn
dangrrnn r1rnnr P4ItIltflrstfturtin r1rnnrtrnrturiw nI nIoUIIU
oUIIU trnrturiw Thus Tn doibr doibrdramatl 0 ito the thelamatlt
dramatl eve r Mrlvr MrlvrliiMiltr mlii mliito uh uhh
liiMiltr to olr the h prIm ol olhe o oIInI ofhe
he triangle IInI triangleaw
IInIca aw ca ouua April Ir8 0
Italia ftslas I tiory oy of ollb ollbUht tbr lb lbUrande i iOrandr
Orandr Uht llrrttrhr llrrttrhrTbrOorotr Irt IrtTbCom Itretfihe1hCom
TbrOorotr ir d de Urrrrt Urrrrtrnnirt Merretconies rt rtnm
conies nm born from fom bl blrlub II IIrilb hIs hIsclub
club rilb oar on Dr SIght DI two twohours 0 I Ihour Ibnln
hour bnln lair I h br b wa waH wash I
boul H U to roper rr bl blIfr II IIU Ms Mselfea <
elfea Ifr U room m hr b thought tboUfbtbr >
br heard 4m urnr m one on onhut onhutthe tkut tkutIb UL I II
Ib I the closet 0 door do and nd nduol hr hrnotlrrd henotlerd
notlrrd uol that lb bl his wr wfe wfelookedrrlldandauz U Uokrd i ilookrdrtrltrdandtui
lookrdrtrltrdandtui lookrdrtrltrdandtuilout okrd uld hd 1
lout 01 The Tb bnband bad I I Itayc
tayc Wadamr shire thrreIt I II
It I tome inn n one on In n lust lbtrlo lusteloiei I
rlo eloiei n and nd be b wishes wltbrlo wishes100pm b
lo 100pm oprn the hrrioui rlnrt door itnorThe doorTbc or bor orTb
The Tb wile Ue says saysthere > No NoIbrre Sonn
there u no one br brrrrn b bt hrurn
rrrn t twrtrt n to Cnd nn nnbrrcrurlox nDrrrurIOJ onherrrurifle
brrcrurlox rrrurIOJ thainoonr thainoonrUtbrrr that onnn onnnI
Utbrrr I Is I there Tbrhutband TbrhutbandIhrrrupon Tb hlbnd husband husbandlhrrrupon
Ihrrrupon Irup sends nd for fortorn fu fume formom I
torn me one o to brick b and andpladrr andpiaitrr 4 4Ilrr
pladrr up the II rtor rtorllaliarat etcctItalzaea nI
llaliarat 11 Twenty Twentyin Tn Tnd 7wentydats
d dats in b be ttarrd In bit bitlni bl hitP I II
lni I tP s room rom In n tbr ib ibcloset I Iclo 1
clo closet 0 rt was hrr lie lo bier Inrune rr a ajounc aMpanlsrd
jounc une Spanlird phlad tbr tbrCount tail 111nt
Count nt KrrrdU At Atnr A Anol AtOrit
nr nol Orit l when rn torn m noise noltrr aol
i ior
01 or r ol other hrr sent n from fromthr r fromthe
the wallrd 1 closet onl and andhit nd ndh
hit h 11 wife U attrmptrd mp to toplrad toplead D DId
plead Id for the it dun tIsg tIsgmtraflgrr lor lorMrangrr
Mrangrr un without ou ouprmln even rvrnprrrrltling evenpermIttIng
prrrrltling prmln her b in Inod sa5r sa5ra y ya
a word od be b would ule an antwrr anseer
seer 1 VAt swore n vn vnlhrVrn oiltbrnsutha
lhrVrn tbrnsutha htr thai bIIIr thrrrwat thiru we
no 10 onr on thrrr I hr p pJnJ
I IIpy
Toliarr NMM Ipy W T la l rrnre rrnretTtwttkt rra rrar Yramuurio
tTtwttkt r rio rl me Wfltmiftttr 1f ntrlff ntrlfftn r V ts tsu
tn u Inrrrav la I thr th h lotiami I tat x In I Kranrr Yrn ha h has haslmugi I Ilmuini Im
lmuini m foul a maw m ot n offlrlal oln1 tatlttlr IIU 1 on n the Ihevitirrt II I Iiqtijert
vitirrt Ih of Ir f It I prxluriltlty rMI h I Kvrry n Prrnrkman PrrnrkmanIt Icn I
It atupeses tT r r r fnJl > rn > l Iln < nn an n average f thlrtrrn tln franc franrrr r rr franca
a > rr sr r on 01 tntirrn It and o nl these u thlrlem 1 franr franrnot rr rrIah frrtot
not Ir less lli Itian Iah n rlmn n franc n and nInety hi sesen sesenontim vrn a ayhl I It
t ontim yhl nllnv g u f 5 i siwr upp rt the U rrrrnur n Tnr TbITilinopium I Imnmitnii
mnmitnii 1 w was tir iirst l Inttttutrd InIoe by b l IMuIs > ult XIV la
1874 111 The TI llrvmutlnnUl 1 at Mthnl > II 1 In l ITH i7tiami 1 I
aod a the Ir llnurNnit rr rstnri > inr r t II U HIT Is 1 I a Ib I I
silt Dra yr ysr r nl r IU It trnrwal It 1 brought rllt In II an A Incomr tnenmguf n nuf I IV
V uf f tiMiWI tl J to n triO 1 > It was skidliug > lll MMOM na
IW 1 rtr
U I rl rind s1lo w ws fanawnm 33 mast tn tl the Ulnltrr Ulnltrrof UluiIleUt
of o nnanrr nD nltrnalrt lm Wat In a > rai ears lime U Ito U may
b b caprcvrd eapc to 0 t tl It kid Id < little 1I11 short aor of 0 tytva 3azlr 3azlra t1 t1v rm I
rKRS9AI PTIUfU TKUrS gf F HttlTKttS HttlTKttSKllwtieth WRITL its itsKlaaiwth
Kllwtieth 11111 Oejean o jezi n UM t authqir altb of o The TheHeart lii liiifeart
Heart of Ilealro pent rnt her childhood childhoodin dlJho
in Japan where her fattier fllbpr the II Ule hat Capt CaptU lolL
U L U S Jane J of o the th United Unl1 Htaton H Army Armywas Am AmI Armywas
was In I the Government Uommt employ Iloy For Forfive Forthe ur urfe
five fe yearn 1 nho ho lived 11 in Kumaniotn lmnsno and andfor andro andfor
for ro two wo yeira ra of that hit tlum 11 ti rh mba h did ld not notnea notIIlnl ziotNe
nea a lngl single foreign rIa uiei face ra Altnr I1 Itr the tl de deimrtiir dipatluir
imrtiir Ilnur of the te family faiy from fro Japan J on u tliM tliMeve th the thueve
eve e of o an a uprising urilnl when hen tli tI hiss gorriaon gorriaonwaa gztrrlaonwas il ilwu
was massacred mr Mr Ira Dejeana lived on ona o oa ona
a Houtnarn HOIb tohaccu tohl plantation 1lltlon going goingfrom loll goitigfrom
from fro there th to Ii tho tnlvemily of r Michi Michigan 3iichuItan Joll Jollp ¬
tan Hlnco HID her marriaR alie h haul h spent upentfully spentfully n
p rrrAR
fully 1 a third Ihlr of her limn 1m In Europe turoJ Till Tillwid 1 lidwide
wide etperlenco e Jrnl of many f phon pa nf lifn lifnftha 1 hr hrelse
else IOMMI 1 tm to advantage in her novel of ofwhich ofwbldl ofwhich
a tYlle
which The l Th Heart lert Deair llr i ia the aecond aecondAlbert Ind IndAlbr iecondAlbert
Albert Albr Dorrington Irln on the lit author Illhor in cut ootlaUiration cuthahoratlon 1 1Irllol
laUiration Irllol with A U I Stephen of Our OurUtdy OurIlfy OutrEasily
Easily Ilfy of Darkiieiw Drkl in I a I young ln Atmtralian Atmtraliannow Itmlbnno
now no living Jv in Ixmdon 10Idoll Ho I Ii advorute advorutethe atLucniesthe UhOtN UhOtNthe
the uniiiue theory th ry that thl an author ia I wise wirwtwhea wi wiwhu wisewhupu
whea h t hiss accnmiunint hi bla manuacript manuacriptto nnl8rllttn
to ii it i Its iletinallnn 01110 hat ht U i 1 written wten wtenIh at atthe atthe
the Ih Antlpoden ha I nay IY will wi in nine ninecute ninene
cute out 01 or ten need If that t Mernor self nelfcriticUm selfctftlciam 1
criticUm Ctc which only come to 0 the Of Atratra AtratralUu ttlatrahiati 181r
lUu lll writer after 11 t I prolonged JrnlonJfl sojourn Hojotirnin oJolmIn
in northern latitude ItluI I diacoverod rhlcorr on onarriving onurrllnK onurriving
arriving in tendon londn tluit tlll I it book I > k or r tory uitorywrItten torywritten oryrn
written rn in a temperature tnprtur of W tl and a ne often or orIo sItsnlix
100 Io decree t of r hitit h lit i likely Iklly to t to re reiliitr reiliitra < piiie piiiea ul
a lot of eiaitig laiiiR 1111 lefore Iro U baa hal baaof n fhnnce fhnnceof hn hnnr
of publlnitinn I111llnn in KngLind tlttLul Overhauling Overhaulingn Orlullll
n novel which bad d Iwwn written wrIU In Aus Australia Auimliii 1 ¬
tralia tndl I found on n nuadlng dlnK U I in my chill chillLondon chi chilllondon
London ldo Itedrooin 1111 that tht It contained nlllnlboll altout altoutSO
SO o per 11 cen n nf hot air al and d nubtropical nubtropicalnmotlona cubtropicalrimotionut 1 1notl
nmotlona notl It I took me m three ntfifith mtth to torewrite towrit torewrite
rewrite writ ami nd MiffVn lffn l before > I dared dlml < pmient pmientIt
It to n reputable IIIhlo firm rm of r publishers uhliallra
Elizabeth ILIh lohnaon whoM wh > lint n novel novelTheOa noelTheaamenf
TheOa Theaamenf 11 Om > meof or thejlolilen Ih Uoln Hill written writtnincoIhsthuortioti in inrnlbvboratlnn InIorllol
rnlbvboratlnn Iorllol with Adrian AdrAn Johnson JohNn wilt wiltuppeur wi willIPP
uppeur apl in April l ii the Ih daughter dlllhl of 0 Tom L LJnhnaon I IJohNn IJohnson
Johnson JohNn of levelarut Illn1 Among rni her own owncircle own1f1 owncircle
circle < 1f1 Ih she h in I known n i a clever amateur amateurwriter Imlllr Imlllrwrir amaIclIrw
writer w tcr and nd an ardent iliaxHple of many maY nf nfth ofthe r rIh
th the municiiMtl lnlI reform rrm which have til 14 mad madher toadsher nt
her father name familiar rlrinr to lolh the Ameri American Amrten Amsrlcan ¬
can en public lhl vhe h he > ha h written wrltpn and a acted actedplay Iltl IltlrilY actedplays
play and a1 at one Of time 1m derided dlell to adopt adopttlienlajre MoptIh
tlienlajre Ih stage I fora for a profe Profset0fl ron lon After playing playingfor plhll i ifor
for nome 1m time 1m aaoocUlixl 111 with Annie Htia Htiaell Ruesell I
ell 1 sih ahe h Ixvame morn mn actively thI interested interestedthan
than Ih ever pril in the h politic Jnllca and an municipal munlripnlreform munilpl munilplroma municipalreform
reform roma which whlCh were wet going Inlt on n in Cleveland ClevelandIt lylnot lylnotI
I It I w wa during the bitter hilpr war wa waced waC by 1 her herfat hrrahr herfetbrforthruoecnI
fat rahr fetbrforthruoecnI her for threo Ih cent n fam f far thit MliwJohn MliwJohnMiti 11 Jnhn Jnhnan
I Miti an wrote ml in conjunction njlnNion with wlh her uncle uncleI Inc uncleTha I II
I The T Uimi lm of I lb ho h Uol multI IUII IUIIi ul
i Mr MrT I T Philip Illp PhhhlpTsrryichowroleTrryeI PhhhlpTsrryichowroleTrryeIMegico T rryvho ho wrote P Terry I IMexico
Mexico pent nt hi his boyhood In Ixiuiavllle Ixiuiavllleand 10111 lAniisvihleiuuiKrtttucky
and ad iuuiKrtttucky Kentucky JIIKk Alway AI Aiwisyafond rod of adventure adventurelie aPIIf
lie I found f0111 hi his way wITo to Old td Mexico 1lpl acquired acquiredproficiency acquiredprohleitcy ulr1
proficiency 101 < 1 in lh h < Svtnii Inih inish > h language Inllll and umlmide andhlfJ andmail
mail himself hlfJ known a 1 t n Ihnrt chort h rt story xtorywriternml II storywrlternnl Dry Drywrllr
writernml wrllr correspondent rfndlnl of i several vernl vr PCXIHTH PCXIHTHIn 11 11In
In the h IJnliM Inl1 Htnm SI ll J Iii < > liai I mule nld seven tovenrompMc sevenrompl n nMmI
rompMc MmI te voyite around arln1 the I world wise wtvIn WI wisein
Iin In China hll dtinug llriU ih time h Chinolap hinnIsspatues tnete wur wransi 1
land ansi n1 in I Mtnilla hniL ulti dtinnx ng thi h > Mplnlhmr Spsnichmttsri Spsnichmttsrican Spiiii liinri liinrican
can II war Mine H the Ih publimtion pint of In IniMiok tuIok hits hitshuok
iMiok Iok tio 1 uo hits I l liiri > een i uiniiion itiuiiunil sl to u 1 private privateaudiencM JlrialIul privateOuillicOce
audiencM Iul 1 by y IreMilent illnl Dine Uiar who wln con conrratiilatetl liiigratuiatul 1 1rIIIlln
rratiilatetl rIIIlln him on hi work H Ho t kysr > xvi after afterwrtnl Irt Irtnl afterwant
want nl order wirv given thul Ih copies niiould niiouldlN
aloull aloullI
on I l
lN I > dilribulnd phil trhUIIllj ci huiltoul aniotig the t h vinou roll cverii cveriiment gtvurtiment I ImP
ment mP dernrlrnent drmn At 11 Mexir 11d < > city ansi 11llh lh lhMexmtn II IItezcuiit I IIU
Mexmtn IU embituMiM mha Vgaliimt lll > and un youstilale ion ionmilale n I
milale 111 jvbronl rrI1 A Hiuiiah HI panish ih trillion 1101 of Hit HitlMM li I Ihook IIuok
lMM hook > k i I now in 1 prviarktioii pnlol
Major IIJur latn Iatns 11 Mcl MclnugIlhIn cllhln iiichlin th II author authornf nut hur huror
I or My ly Prim rio the Ih Indian Inllnl to I 1M pub publUlied IlubI
I liaised II in April hu h known Inwn the h American AmericanIndiana Americanindintuus mrlcn mrlcnIndllll
< Indiana Indllll Intimately InlIIlr for mom mn than forty fortyyear fnrt fnrtyorl fortyynne
year yorl Ilia II hltNk KM > k include for titus 1 first flrntlimp 1 firsttune
limp the Ih Indian ride kl of r the Ih story or the thrntntnr Ih Ihtmly theluieter
ntntnr tmciily at II Little IIU Rig JI Horn and andnlMi anital n1 n1I
nlMi al I the li story ory of thief 1Ir Joneplitt famous famoimretreat lalol famousretreat
retreat rnl with wit ih hi his NVy IVrren I Tlie 11 author Rlltr
rrreivtM rtv1 hi hil bps tll I from having hll111 been In Inilian InIlin Inshian
ilian atirt ni jig t When h1 hetm the II t Indiana Inoin wen wenI w weretlip
jldr tituler tlip I thn dnrKP rite of f tin h War Isepertment v Nrl NrlIlnt > pnrt pnrtnmty
ment nmty n mAr placed IN1 iti il It charge hrc of oflb tr trh oftht
lb h IndUn 1111 agenrien nln < l were rarely b > w wtho
tho Ih rank mik of major Jnr and wluti h11 Indian htuuhsarmnffsIt Ililn Ililnw
InfTiir nffsIt wen w tranifirrnt I to I th I tI lutcrioi lutcrioiDr ltstertuurfieharttuetI Ifrl IfrlIh
Dr fieharttuetI > artiii > il the Ih civilLiti 111 egepu < apptiinto apptiintotry npasiritutby
try ty the 1rrnidfiit J > tiIn and r1 confirmed lnm by the theSenate Ih thernat
Senate rnat 11 were Wpt invariably InYlrillly inl mihilreaseI < lre e HM HMMajur su suNIiiJur
Majur although lholl < 1 the th tulle 1111 w was nut aim QIIjtharire 111 111Ilorirfl aimthorired
jtharire thorired < l by thu Ih ataliite ataliiteHS 8AIII 8AIIIJ stailitIf
HS J If R Pritchett rrlthu who think he h ha hl hues fotind fotindhi fOUIII fOUIIIhu fonimulhut
hi hu hut grealmt pleaaure 11111 In n iNueliall during duringthe IurineI luringthe
the thp la 1 las t forty fory year ypDf write in n the Ih current <
I Mr WiiistM Crwrhills Crwrhillsnew Clril
new nt novel novelA n novelA l lA
A isdin Chrtfitila ChrtfitilaHumllctl alrHil CIirsrnsIiltitItlICtI
Humllctl 111111 with itli n touch so quiet ami nnt so sofirm S soI
I firm frm a humor so s unforced unforcCI and pervading pervadingas ptMdinl
as to ti nfsurc IUI1Ur the reader rader of a satisfaction witisfactionrarely ttisfaction ttisfactionmrl satisfactionrarely
rarely experienced expcrenceflciny cxpecncct1EtcninI Ercnimj Post N 1 1There r rTher IThere
There Ther is i no doubt dOlh of this novels novelsbrilliance novclsi
i brilliance Lriimcc nml bipncss hiJn 1tignetsRccordJIerald 1tignetsRccordJIeraldI 8Rrrlcrald 8RrrlcraldI ttcordllcrald ttcordllcraldCloth I
Cloth lllu 111 Sltt 1iO
Mr F Marim Ma Crawf Craw Crawfrd rT rTtut
tut 1 zjl untabllshed rmpbllslcr fiction fictionTh fictionTh Idlon IdlonT
Th T Ults11 UndssIrabI avr Gvrrtess Clll Cloth ClothIltua Iltua
Absolutely Atlully diffcrcnt d1t I in character chrclr from fromany frm fromany II Il n nn
any n of the th longer novel no 1 on which Mr MrOrnwforda Mrtjrnwford Ir IrOwor
Ornwforda Owor e reputation ltlon ret tand and the themore theI themore
I more mof interesting for ° r showing an n unex unexpected IIS IISI imexpected ¬
I pected phase ha of < hla h hi knowledge knoC of Eng E Enghat
liah pl la hat home bone life melnd and way It I i is full too toonf to toonf
I nf fresh delightful rUlthtul WY humor another nothtr evi evidence enrnC evidenvti ¬
dence rnC of hi his unrivalled unrt va I s versatility versatilityMrs vrtlty vrtltyM veranthittyMrs
I Mrs M Veynlcht Vylch new nt novel novelAn n novelAn l
An Af Int htrriptd rrufit l Frl Fr FrIsrihlp FrIsrihlpThere d Mi MiThers
There Ter i Ia no more poignantlr htnanlJ interest Inlrt Cloth ClothIng Cll ClothIng
Ing or unforgettable unrorgelthe figure llere In aU U fiction fcion IISO IISOthan 110 110Ibn 150 150than
than elite thl Gadfly who Io dominate dmlnat the thaUtter theIUr thelatter
rrhdhlr rrhdhlrI frienthhipeJack Utter IUr part pr of Mr n Voynich oylh study in inlack Inrrhdhlr infrienthhipe
I lack Jak L LiisLsst HMt rs LtMt FaeRtorl FaceRtorfrs Face FaceRtorie
Rtorie of the th raw nW bitter blt1 north in intlnct CI cirn
tlnct tnc with th th the 1 vitality vitlt of actual lcu1 expert expertence jj < 1
ence fn corethe < the tbf quality qult of reality rllY which elfr ao sooften o ooften II I
often ornl holds boldl Mr r London Lndon reader readeralmoat rden readeralmnnt s
almoat lfl In pite rll of themselves themnelveMr tIHnl1 tIHnl1Mr themselvesMr
Mr Charles Char G D Rabartss Rabartsstalrs 1r
tales talIs oj o Kmcs Klp in I Exile E Exileintrpret clotft clotftInterpret CI < 1
Interpret Inlrrt the th liven I of captive Oh animals anlmatathrough anlmal Ilu IluIhrU Illisa Illisathrough
through IhrU on A envUble knowledge knwlrle of the thehabit 11 11hhlta 10 10habits >
habit hhlta or instincts Inlnt they thr bring brtn from rrm the thewild tlMtwld thewis
wild wildt
wld wldt
t tnt notrl coin 0 1 by bl the r author rlOf of Togrthtr TogrthtrMr TOdAr TOdArMr TotirtherMr
Mr Reheat Rr Karricks KarricksA Hrck HrckAUf
A AUf Life Fr a I Ufa UfaIty Li Lit Litfly 1 1ly
fly ly the te author of Th < tommon nlmon Ix lAt lAte Lnietc > t tetc
etc < e Itraily 1dl In May JII
fierihnrr rih ribser hi idea iII of Th The Klrnlulkm ouUon of ofolltto f foIkge
ColUec olltto lUmlwill 1111 Mr 11 1ritchctt Iritcbrl I Iprr Ior ls lsprecidetit
prr precidetit Klrnt of the Carnegie lam < < 1 Foundation Foundationfor mmblon mmblonror
for the Ih Advancement AhnnCm11 of Teaching Tlclna Ill Illfinal II illfinal
final nctiiion Ibis I h > mo molluit
flli iv > nmcvmini Imina 111 111IIUt ganit en
5 that IIUt it ID Hound 11 and Dld whokmimt whokmimtir holom holomf
f fr ir Ameriatn IIIrlon youth It I pon 1 jsseeaMii e r rhII
hipa hII grentrr rInlrr pooaibilitieii lillt for lentil RI piny pinyniul IIIY iulnyaisul
niul 111 for fo individual 111lhull i kill > kl than any alr oilier othrrof hr hrr
he b and n1 it needs nU only onlyt
of r our ulr gjtneii c says T I n
t 10 > I IM M 11rI1 > aralitl from rro pn InrIIIII ru1uesionaflstuu ru1uesionaflstuuitiil > f > wiionalii iii iiiami
ami itiil n1 from th h vulgarity aK anti IIH xtnivngancv xtnivngancvwhich xtruivajatlwhith Iallo
which 11 jirfsetusilsstn iroff liiiil iiii brim hrllll 11 I ii n nstfl nstfltiut ton tonnot 10 10lIut
not only tin I old 111 tilts UI > prestige Irle but hulI nlwi nlwiit ci ciit
it I Ul lllm lime brj htnepitalily htnepitalilyThe 11111 11111A > itjliiy itjliiyThe
The l InituetlaValar llriari llriarilloun
from hAs A mirrfixi d1riSsslb < f mirrfixiThe rdi rdilh
lh The aniixinieiiiojil IIII that llie Ih frrl Ircisin Ircisintiiat 111 111Ir nli nlitlral
tlral Ir iiiiniiil uuuiIamihefn Ilnn liineni hate ha liy h order Onr In inS InIR
I cxiiwil ln Inutesimeui < T a e < l Hi the annual nlI1 Milwiily 1 l lMmbelh Ii IiiAuuuicih < 1lhlh >
Mmbelh lhlh Icier a lllirury 1Iror from I irs AJi lo lo1XO tota
1XO 1 ta ma uiuay irnMMiablr be lakra lak1 a asa a lather latherinnlv 11101 11101rh laltiurtrhv
innlv rh apiiri aptrcvudiiin IrI1 iailon of lh I h > frtrm n I ires wliitb wliitbthat w 11 hilt b bh hithet
that h llhrnrv Ihrnn render rn lo the ii It caue ou of learn learntliir learnllit rn rnIIII
tliir IIII llit It 1 l IA Mlinti to 0 IM hi rerrrlled thai hid It I I
nancys MatiMal MH f fV fGardaikg
V Gardaikg GardaikgI47L > l9rvHBfnHV y g gHy 0
Hy I47L L LU II BAILEY DAIEY HA1IEYofCorneliUnkersity of Cornell I University Unl fly stt sttEditor f
Editor of the Cyclopedia or Horticul Horticulture 10rcl ¬ ffy B mail mailJ3U maUture Il Ilture
ture and Agriculture AgricultureA A < rcullir clopl J3U J3UOUTDOOR U
A new nw practical prcl < llld guide to t the making makingot maklll
of home ground tmd and nr the Ibf growing C of offlowers ofI 01flowsrs
I flowers ton fruit and vegetable vegetableCloth vtigotahleisCloth labl IW
I Cl Cloth Imo protufjr illuftnstrd illuftnstrdH fulrlr fulrlrH ltluastrofrdHew
H Hew wt t te K pH H ffiis itsf fe fr rPr Prtt Prsflt PrsfltBy ft Rfad RfadBy
By P I H VALENTINE AI IS a wellknown wlknown wellknownauthority RN
authority authorityHaw amhorl amhorlHe Jn inAp p pHew
Haw He t Keep K i I f fer r lr Prett Prtit Prtitfly flt Rt < ida
By DR l > D E LVON tho l be hoe o expert and Rle
t in i rz
I entliuaiat enlhuaal epr fn tpr April AprilPractical P PPractical
Practical Paa Farmlns FarmlnsBy Fa
The T farmer f11 will wll no longer loncr drift drr on in inold Inold Inold
old way w The man mn with wlh even the Ready B Readyi Rtadymallmt <
i smallest mallt backyard bk1rl I ia waking ln < up to t lu It it itI April ApriltxMwihle 1
I possible J lhl relation lUon to the cot Ot of living livingAnd hvng hivIngAnd 50 Ap
And An these th lxK lk > k aim Im to put pu at at their theirrorvico theirtMla theirservice
service tMla the wisdom of men n who make a abuninoa abuln abuidnciee
t wom
buninoa buln of securing Icurlnl the tb highest multi rcultiwith Iul Iullh multiwith
with lh tbe least t effort ptor and ad eipenao eipenaoSTORIES elpn elpnSORI eapeneeSTORIES
Jann R I Spa1 Spearss a n ne new > book bookTha 60f Each EachCloth Ham EacATue
I Tha T American Amrc Merchant MerchantMarina Mrhat Cloth Clothtratod Cl ClotMarki
Marina MarinaFradaric Ma ill illFrD us usI
rated I
Fradaric FrD D Paxsans Pao new nn book bookTha bof bookTh 12 mo
Tha Te Th Last t Amarican Frantiar FrantiarTwo Ftr
AIra 1130 1130ntf It ItTwo
Two new nw volume OUt In the well 1 known knowninerini know knownseries
series lril which whllh ainu al to t preserve rre the ro ronutncn 10 rnniante ntf ntfbymnil rt rtnUn
nutncn nUn nf American ri < n history hbllol Htnricw Hln of ofdfnturoiu bymnil hr rU emil emiladventurous
adventurous dntlol penmen mpn who carried lrri1 the thflflag thf theflag
flag la of commerce ommrrCfO into every ve uirt Irt of the theM lh lua luaM 103 iA iAsevets
M M sevets ven seas ea and stories tori of the Ih equally equallyuplrnilid euly equallyijICOILIII
uplrnilid Ifnld plaiiiMneii ihllOI nnd cowboy cwh wh whlinked who whoInkr altolinked
linked Inkr at last t the Ih naat and went I roast cooMliy cl clhylnd roasthuy
liy hylnd land fill fil the Ih two I wo handaomo Ilnrmu volumes VOII I
I Itrramire I trrssne are a M I so > little 111 availed UI < l of r mid IIn that ttutlitiitvexlve thatsuiWesiVe hl hlI
itiitvexlve I librarian lrrl hive labored bCI for this IliaIwhoof thisbihoot h hhoor
Iwhoof hoor of I so o small Imal a Iwini of students studentsVus luilrntnf 1 UDI UDIf
Vus f f < with llh Ila ivta 2 or tour mor volume ohu of olmnn olmnnr menu nmniiTit menust
st < Tit r rlpt > ta antI n tin i morw mr than aniin printe prlnlyhl printhvuuluituie < l lroliime
roliime yhl many 1n of area I greet rarliv 111 tlherv Uhfr am ameren anccitt
eren it few r taituti hue Ih aniimulatlntk aniimulatlntkof IIIUIUo IIIUIUor
of r many man Irlmatr from HUR Itancrnft IlnrU lo our ouronn 1
onn icy oa It ilrorrTeillf rnnk rnl vllli s lh ttht Ails Ailsuhiutser > the thefhoUtr h hlirrl
fhoUtr litirarii unit essiiaiie < MM lallv ialr aix aliscnl aliscnlI > al ali
i h < i ntuileniM Inl It Ma a forrnml IIMIII 111 llan llanroff Iln IlnrU Itamsurofis
urofis > roff rU li hooks ok k which Ih lhem thuemiselses ee were werereeiiforieil werereemuforsel 1
reeiiforieil l > r the h rolltvtloti 011 or I a wrtlon of ofI urIlL ofhi
I IlL ll of r lloliert Inrt Dnllrv 111 l Earl rl of r l lrietrr lrietrruhat i tir tirUhat
Uhat h1 t tecane > erain 1 iif I the I It litirarle llrDrl uf earlier earlierAn earlierSnhblhiot rlr rlrInhlho
An Inhlho Snhblhiot hlil lio > nf r I hirhrli lhiI ant all lUiiirhier lUiiirhierof 111 111I
of I Morton Irl ami 1 Vurliuui sirIuiuii all I of I wliont whol are arelHher arelcisuiel 1 1I
lHher lcisuiel l ti I > tsar h lia ht < i litrrarr IIrar la II lst i t no noUut nonan
mn 1 tgu I Uih isitirrs jA I triiitentrui AI AII OSIatubetlu
I Museum MuseumThe MtisuutuilIt llbih Iatubetlu Uut b thus I bulk of r it In I In II the II llrltlli 1111 lirhtlsiuMtisuutui llrltlliMuseum
The 11 Jler liwuiutre M < llcren of r tin S h iii maior laJor M nrln rfnm > I IInterevlliiK IInlrlne Ilfltreshhtu
InterevlliiK Inlrlne It pn tttcdisi l into Inl the h M > > H w m n nl
l Partly rtlr 1 or f loril lumley 1111 anti Ind iartli rh of lit litfallirrlnlnw b liifatherhuuiw
fallirrlnlnw lhrII this Ib Karl of nimlrl at Null Nulluili Sunh Nutsetithi
uili h In n IWM 11f lietif Urnrv the h younc OJDI Oqfl 1rimu 1rimuif Irn Irnnr
nr < if Wales WI IxMitfhl hl Until Ih of r ltir these I i iolleotloi iolleotloiai tutleitioisalmul ullor
ai almul Ihl l at 1 hi death lUr II fell rInlo Into the Ile old II itojol 01
Tent Life Lfe in Siberia SiberiaA Sibera SiberaA
A AVw Account Accunt of ofn mn Old 011 Undertaking UBlcrklll Adventure Arvcntu Among the Kormks Kormksand Koksnl Koraksand
and nl Other Tribe Trll In Kamchatka Klmcltkl and Ind Northern Norhcrn Asia AsiaBy Asll Asiay
4woro r 0 Sllr vivrt O5Omssdffie a 4 fw Knit r fltUtm rfe rfeMt e
Mt 50 niib It Ill 1 32 Cullpace 111 Illnttratloni 11flon anil 0 3 Map 2ln 2lnTIlo > SO net netThUUarrtltnl ltd ltdThismareiIsit
ThUUarrtltnl TIlo a rnl and mirh mwhrnlargittUooot lb rnUrfnt tctu ttUon ol 011 Mr Krnnan K well 1 knoon ko l lssuk ik k hlrh hut h burn n In tlradr demand for ro
nrarlr r fonT r Jtrt ar5 Thr lltiutratlont are parllt plh Ironi Iroh palnllngt IDUh by h the lair I irorgc r1 A I hoist rixl ahu hu u oat Ur r mne Krnnana a
rompaaiou mlDI I t 10 o tlbrrtan r
rtimlltlooi llllo ana am hU pitr lt from n photograph plopb
George G eorge Sand SandBr S an d S Soun He HrLlfaimdWorht HrLlfaimdWorhtB Apet Apcts of j
L Wo
L ts4vefmiS1u tnhfr e < ol < ru < fli I lrrniH rll1 lltrrnlrr r sic rieMtn tC tCN
Mtn N 50 With I Portrait PortraitTblt PorrI PorIrsitaTat
Tat Aarlr 1 trntllltr U r xrr srrrlse rrrl e In n nrallvr rrtUrUm rUnm nn nntook tutuses h hI
took I the Lh form lom olarrlrot 01 a suriri rto OS leclurr wil drllvrrni dlh dlhd prlorr th the thehoelt i iMoHV
MoHV d dr Contrrenrr Iolr In tad Ir during the u rounw r of ofU oflast r rI
U last l tr > rr U Urn IMumb lmk ottrtr a of the radrmle r Trancalv TrancalvI 1 1J
I Is perulUrlir J quallnnl ta rUmtt > tb tha work and to la latotpr 1 1bt isitjrI
totpr l ih Ihe Hie lit of rn thIs dhrrte disc sod rlu elusive Iu > ttr r genius and amibl andhis
bl bt his ttiMtr sill wli I M > found to C lie h lull 11 ol subtlety bll and Of m mtt unethetle
ethetle tt 110 > rilc Intultloo IntultlooRecreations IDtUU IDtUURccreationsol tistulUuuRecreations
Recreations of a Sportsman Sportsmanon I
on the Pacific Pdfi Coast CoastBy
ttiIkr wr 0 of 1ife J lit fh M lijaus I r f fI I
Mto I mill 1 Ha Put Lullpage 1ar I page Illiialrallona IlliialrallonaMnet 11rton
> 200 < Mnet MnetUr 0 11I 11ItSr
Ur 1 lloMrr ol ha h hss fished Dbf In a the Ib duet si ra a of She b IaHtr IIM ami amiIn ms4 ms4in 1 1r
In the mountain uram that a are hlddm sway In o onro Ihe Ihehigh lh lhhIgh
high xterra eryas and r tavadr protrrlrci ror from Ib rude nuleIntrusion rudeIntrusions
Intrusion nro f Ibr lb rruod sad D arrr rretiIii ll l l > onlf 01 0tsl In I Si Ihe 1h 1hI ia iasuerd r rtonrd
tonrd moiintalnrrr TUr tssle i lr he hi has haul with cam camn amnull
= n null tl ritualS = In the drnmatlr I sill at slits U Ur r rI ItoUltr hold It ItIhe isthe
the I master 11 Mill 111llb1 Ibrlll Ibr lb mutt pklrgmalU pklrgmalUThe 1 nl11 ruair ruairThcRomanceofthcAmcrican I
The T ThcRomanceofthcAmcrican Romance of the American Amrian Navy I
AKmlMMllrU A Vnllf In n I tl theNtortes he HI Nlert or ten of f Certain an of e Bur Burrablleui ur urPUbIIaut1 r rPalp
rablleui Palp ffrltbieArmetlMhlp I Arfhl frees rroinIITIWBM f fa fa freesuTIve
lal 10 10olr I W > a ay ayAviS y yTtflt
AviS olr t Ttflt 11 r Itltunr urr urrTI tlpi tlpirhs
TI rhs Irt II 11 rWrprlac rrr nt ntfa n ne euMs
fa Ms o flitS llh h 44 fullpace ulp Illuttralloii IlluttralloiiM3al IIt liluistratlosait32I
M3al net netA tf
A 5 sisli l I l < l prrtrntatlon lo of f the 1 dramnuV ramu picnic Il In InIY alki alkiInst lilrh lilrhour
our navy IY ha has dtolnguMiril dnnI Itself II on u tbr lb I hIgh 1I11 sues < and amitUrrlng andis nd ndoUn
is tUrrlng oUn anoint 011 l Is > gltrn at the II olondll stuiendki > ilrndlil spirit prtL af orIur ad adtrnlurr sdtrniurr
trnlurr Iur and the b deep root rmltisl 1 iwlrtoutm 1MUon that lime U UIn and andagain andsIn
again In gain e Ihe 1h Anrrlraa mI nav D nav5 the 11 adtaaugc Ih nu ever 0 Ib Ibblp Li ike ikesblpi
sblpi blp ol 0 lit It adversaries advrrtartetA adversariesA nrr nrrA
A Message to the th Well WellBy Wel
By B HORATIO HORATO WT v Vuf DRESSER DREE PfcJ P > CHar fUrv fUrvAulHar Hrvhsiso
AulHar af f Tkr T lmrrr Iua r of fHltntr fHltntr4rottn r r f fMs
4rottn Nto Ms Ml at net netIn n netii
In ii thl h sew D volurne Gm on 0 tb lh the art r of nrtllh Uh lr I Drrwrr Drrwrrrlrar trrwrclears
clears away y manr ma mn dlRVulUr thai hll have arltra ra since the theappearance Ih IhP theapgwsrsre I
appearance P of She It rmroanurl Ymrau Umrmrnl awl aa othrr othrrrrrmt u urecent
rrrmt 1 phaar PU of mental 1 healing aln Thr b t ho boots > ovklt I ti tpnlillr tpnlillraddmtaert mpestladdrnwt
addmtaert la 1 thoe ta who hate I found no a tnraurenf 11 Irnln Ir irullb
In I menu mlI1 bestIng blnK but I who are dlwutltrtrd with tb
for theOries It tbal III kat l a been rrn brought b1 forward or to t wll account cn I
The Silent Sient Isle IsleBy
tmlKin from oes it CaHtf enI enIh Win iEudnu Ht HtIn vftin
In h fMtdcllxblful M delbl tolumr olum r r essass Kr 3r Pinion Im ill illruir dlIr dIm dImcoIrs >
ruir Ir e ihoui Iu many m pn pl phases < r ul u lime I lh lhl thu t are r nol 0 thr Ib IbI ri rilirrlmrr citeiIetr
lirrlmrr I of 0 Ihr II InitltMual lolk1 nurritor aarlr o oni only bul o of Uw UwvorM Ue 5
vorM 01 jXfll aswetlnd 1 an ind hal 1 sill tll II strike 1 a mpon rrpoindteuord I 4ir rant 0 la laluany iniIany
luany 10 a luaU hI Ulr L Ili iliuratur ratun Iu art < rt 1 and ad rrllfloo 1 all allrunt alleon 1
runt r > Bllhln In the lh trntr I al bl his Uiqillo UiqilloThe InqtuurThe qlr qlrThe
The River and I IBy IB IBy
N Ms Full 111 Illustrated lltuiiratrafDdrr Illustratedtruder lur lurDr
fDdrr Dr this Ih ralbrr rl unuwut title John Joln O Nriiunlt IU the ber
Krbr nebraska r l > sews l 11 tui ll the skin u > n at bU bl descent dl of o the u MU MUpourt A MissourS
sourS rt In I quest < iut > t ot r eterelse < rrrl rl r ilvrnlure Iltlre and > ai u liaprtMlaa
rut he r Vu < r nil hr h turr tiarralnot lnnl ID tar mod ixl D perhaps p a BIO BIOlurr 1110more IU
more r i riot nnllo la b h a onilrrnl o at 1 Urine tK a Itofl 1 oet p aa aU aUI wilt a aa aa
a man ma n ut I a I as < tint 1 it II Stir Mltrnlurrr nlu bad ba an a eifrlcare eifrlcareMMrb eswrleneeahkh rt
MMrb III fcH hi irmprramrnl Imrmml and U tastes t iulllVnl btm 11 la larnlov tocolor
color nlu lo n the h full UI ami hl I his recital irakit k IIIP a as lIurltflRg I1nl rim a alunatlteak ascucuatluga
lunatlteak Ih one I < a sit 1Iu > t lu pod nnUNautical 1t 1tNautial podNautical
Nautical Nautial Science ScienceIn Scince ScinceIn
In Its Relation Uon to Iraetlral 111 > a lKllon IUI T TBrtlirr T11I 7eIIurr
Brtlirr 11I with 11 n I Hliuly d 0f the THIr T ami amiTlital cmiiiTisial nd ndTd
Tlital Td torrents Cunl CunlBy torrentsBy < urrenlaBy
Astb4r f T Tile Jr Cotm Mr tc sims simsp
H 49 2 lllu lulnln lilUtraliuns lrall n XCM 2CI tnt nrtTot tntloi
Tot 0 MMMT 1 who t wIsh Uh to n know n bow ships hlp hlr < are areIbta a aI af atn isasIgalol
Ibta bonk ot f lror Iroteot wir loor ulll lir at rrrat Interest
In It I are rc rtpUlonl In tlmatr unlrrhnlral n f laarua laaruaof language languagecliii t
cliii iwl wIthout 1 the I u ularl us O tn of 0 tnaibrtnatln m u tttr attraaomlcal oromk
loch Ilt awl Ittr I lb siiesiltk rl 1In i r ptloHp4 < u uJ uusm < on which W la I ba baseS nl
the Ile its all at u na nattgaUen nattgaUenThe > lation lationThe IU IUTh prlanp b
The Th Education Eduction of the th Child ChildId Chid Chidlapn ChildItleprInIril
Id eprlnlnl lapn trm frmThCur frm m The > ntur > ft 1 Ihr t I lie Chlhl ChlhlBy thllIiBy hl
AM r at Lrr Ia to tad 4 4n MaLe ifs rtrin ifsSUm
in SUm ma n Ikrriilanrl IkrriilanrlKthrar lLcltlsrttdwe4 a 11If
Kthrar Hot IH EdJtr rIJr IdJ of l fbi LfUlff w Idl Iam 1 SI Jnvrnal Jnvrnalrnrn Jewrnatwed
rnrn rl wed wedothIng
o othIng Cnqr nn he wine w rdiiratlon 1 nt I hf I child rlil ha harvrr h baa baaever
ever been brtnif Ki nt into nl prim p11 To T me this 111 roapur rpr1 U a
perfect classic 1 It poInts nr Ib be say tlralfhl olr1111 olr1111pr tar ir nrrv rsrr
reTest pr and 14 II thn Itliriki > ik1 I find fo a piece In I etcrr bora b la
America Arr where h 1 rf then I Is a rhIM h p i
I Irn lodrids IIr Athrfes Athrfesnew
new ne novel novelTtwir Tel TelT novelTower
Tower T Iwr if Inry InryA vary varyA Ir
f A remarkable rmarkable and noteworthy book booksays bookIn8 booksays
says one competent competcnt critic crtic presented with withextraordinary wiLhexttordinl withextraordinary I
extraordinary exttordinl clearness cearnC and nr vigor gor says saysanother saysanother ny nyImothcr
another A third thir adds that no novelist novelistsince noel novcliMsince t tsince
since Victor Hugo has ha a setting eting or situation situationfiner lituation situationfinert
finer fncr
Cloth 150
Mary Ma 5 S Wattsnew Watts Watss WatssnenOe Waifssnew
new novel novelNttfiwil novelNaffiaR
Nttfiwil Birkt BirktA
A broad leisurely lei url smoothrunning r ra ta
a story of personal achievement of ofinterest iL iLinterest i iintert
awl pronnl
interest intert set ct acainn 113in t n background bnckgunr of bin binfruitful tl tit titfruitful I
fruitful fritful Ohio valleys nUc s Its It people pople in th thblend lhe lheblend tiblend
blend of New England Engand strength tcnlt and nnr So SOUl SOUlern Souscm t tcrn
crn graciousiicjw gr dou81 arc delightful delghtful to know knowReady kno knoRrdyVal knoReady
Ready RrdyVal Vtxt Week
Dr HMiry Hr van v Dyke Dykenn Dykes Dykesnewbeok f fnewbeok
newbeok newbeokTh nn newbeokThe h1 Clorl ClorlII II IIT
Th T The Spirit Slrt t St f Am Arla Auicria AuicriaTrenchant rtca rtcaTrenchant f fTrnct
Trenchant Trnct cHtleiiun clle ret ft aa delIghtful dellchtfulfor delaht delIghtfulfor r rlor
for the Irupiratlou InplrtoQ of lu I it ton lne ondteaor ondteaoroa ac and laor laorA tenor tenoras
oa A for ila ilaMr I It Illaht IllahtI Insight InsightI
I Mr Francis L WaHmans WaHmansDay WI Clo cz czDaykuCeut
Day DaykuCeut DaykuCeutA ki 1 Cwrt CwrtA Clr
I A wonderfully wond rll practical pnlcl expedition of by b nail nailthe N eiailthe
the ImbUe art rt of great gt adrooate nptt dOt in J2lt J2lthandling 11 11 11hsndling
handling bmdlna men menDr mer merDlay measDr
Dr Dlay Kay M McCannalfa MCef C CI Cloth ClothThe < < XA XATK I
TK The f AHnrism Aftnilmha
Duty D A eVf eVfla s
la I an a lntere IntfI interesting tln < search rch for the basis bt of 6y bl mat matthe ti mail mailthe
the Ren Kenl generally rally n pnla recognized cocnl d obligation oblaton to t lUll 1161be lUllb 151 151be
be b just rather rlher than aclflah aclflahMr alfb alfbMr olflahMr
Mr Herbert Hre Cralya CralyaTha Cr CrlysThe
The T PranvJsa Pr aff affAmarican f fAiiidcai C1A
Amarican Life UfaAn Uf 1 Nt NtAn
Ar An eminently mlnrnt notable bOIhl book bk I ii the lb theway ijfj ijfjh ijfjway h l lwa
way wa T rie The Rrrt Ifrtclag g Port P0 begins ba I It It ha long longreview loa loari longreview
review ri of thla exceptional excpton work workDr workDr workDr
Dr Anrfraw A M FalrfcaJrna FalrfcaJrnanew Frr Frrne
new ne book bookSttHHaa h bookStudies
Studies Sb In 1 RaMglan I ReNgI ii and andThaalaiy ai Clol czo czoThssIgy
Thaalaiy ThaalaiyDy n
Dy 0 the author of Th Te The PhAxnopbr pph of by bl maU maUtho nadthe1 cUI cUICrll
tho Chri Chrlatian > tlan Religion nIKlon On it I sub BUb subject u72
Crll un unJfIt
Wt the tb church In Iile Il Idea and in history hUtorythia biatol historythis
this la the notable work ork of the decade decadeDr dPd dPdDr decadeDr
Dr H C C Kings KI new book HO rtotn rtotnTha CI crnThe < h hTh
The Th Ethics Et aff 1 Jesus teiby teibylu i f6v f6vBy b bny
By lu the author autho of National Ltvlng Lvln J mail moII mailetc j jitc
I etc 11 151 8I
II PuaHshad PuaHshadby by eoTH THE MACMILLAN M IL COMPANY COMPANY4SSFflhAv 9 rANY 4CC N Fifth Y Ave AvaN 1
I i
Ubrory whiih bid In IT1T 1 bellied bl lo found the theKrltUh II IIbritish h h1rIb
british 1rIb Xuneum u r In n It I Its cuntodlann 110111 a In InIla Inta n nI
Ila I ta foutrnu lULnt the I Ijiinbelh llbtl LIbrary rrtalla rrtallamany rall resallloan
many lant loan attractive lrIII memorie lmorl It f i > no 0 mean meandUtlnrtlou hanulhitlnctkni an
dUtlnrtlou 11101 that He I It car ca should hull < hare e fallen fallenuifeiwivel rln rln0 fallennuurautvsl
uifeiwivel > to 0 William WIIm Mtuliba uhb aiil 11 John Johntilt JubnIUI Johnhill
tilt hard ni ln treen ami r ini saw hardly haro doubt doubtthat oollhl oollhlIhat dmuiulthat
that the hIstorian of the KuitlUh uaUh foualltu foualltuMon ljiIiatltuTluti Ilu Ilulul
Mon lul foiiiul fuult much 111 upon l n the th uutielsio h hI lvr of u Jill Jilli Ju JuUI Ji5urs
i otia UI urs ireat r1 Hull 11111 vrlilcb a turned tr and 410 a ud kept lIt 111 h his hisititui I Iinlud IIwlln I
inlud Iwlln In direct ollul dlzetluiss luii that b ultimately proved pro < so soI o ofruit 0I
I fruit rnlUl1 rnlUl1I fnilfuiI fnilfuiIeSHU ill illiltlC
iltlC IIU eSHU llrllflon 1al 0 nd l r 1 Preach > r rh Mrtio1 1rh11 siheeltiks 1 1trom
tiks tikspro
trom pro fAr IA tfftitort flov UIOiIhe flovthe
0 1
the 1 I rrnb lrDb UlnUtry 111 ot ln lnelfutluti DtUU Uu < lion Is Uctrr Uctrrmlnnl detrimined ttr
mined mlnf that lht irrular ur M education 1ro urn lion bh hal > tx Itiof II inurotth1 outh j
firtutv Iur lie I LaincalMju liiM of the In schools b a Uttti Ut rrail rrailtoe r rIDe rratnt <
toe nt took I wa tu II u mllllrd 11 Irrmtrr Ir llrr lnt lntur tie d drtture L Lerturr
erturr ur rt I illn dimistrucUon trurtlon 1rnfanl II
dlnlurU tiour our r IICal 1 ron rontaiunl t ionihuesl
taiunl IP rrnmm 1 such rb a as follow 10 I it i was a > on is San Sanday 10 au auuSa
day 0 uSa that Iaul aui brought broulh U I his Ulllv un mister r U L i rhurrb rhurrbIn rl b bII
In II ibe I lb new a nltUon editS 11 tbe I lii ntrnfe I trj Tia4 u It 1 waa m u onMomia mUoular
Uoular that lbl Paul 1 brought uel til his tlllle nil mister l 11 lrr lo lorhoot 1 towheel
wheel 11 Another otTrmtlnc onlnK enlrnr read rdIDK Dnr DnrInc tirnt
Inc nt in lbs 1 taut C bean 1r nblrtt blb passed iwor 1 liter IrtrrprarmlRud literprafed 1 1prr
prarmlRud prr prafed C GuS that LII ll lIe wouljromv windS olJ le uorue p tubUalJ tu bl aId Id This Thlmlrnre Thisestence I
mlrnre 0 read ra l During > rne the n cog e botir ur urIre IVirr IVirrilri enr enr1es4ullred
ilri 1es4ullred > lrnl Ire of u help p In M some > m rate n It 1 I Is amid k Ib Ibm II the theI
I m r uitikais UUia 1 bae e vm b wrltfa rl ua 0 It margin mo i
A Mortgage MaIK tniler f1r lespaura lespauraProm > aira airaFrom
From om Mr A Lnmdon LJ s mo moor Hofir HofirOf Itohor
or all al the th numerous nmrOI KeyptIan Y lln t > iprrt upyrtdiutltig iprrtdatiiiB T
datiiiB ollrur from rrnr the I irmollomnn rOlnmlll irrlod irrlodaril wrinlitut rl
aril 1 pre trrsircd erted n In the h ItrltUh rlh MlM Itluun 111 > uni Don Donrnn DO DOn nonInn
Inn n be I luilil 11 to I ie M > of greeter Irftr Interest tUn tUnlliooe tL tLthose I
those hu thru Ibrolna In hoe Ilirhl 1IIt in n the h M iwli ial 1 inndI inndIlIons > tx1 o >
lion 1ml und nianneiH mlD and n riiMnm 0 nf f I ho lb lbrIO theipriod
l ipriod > erh rIO > d Many Man ant of there h diMtiinent Inl InlUlortt art artMortgage aremortgages
Mortgage Ulortt bill biA of ealn 1 and frt iid marriage marriagiontritctK mrr mrruftI marriageolulrint
iontritctK uftI Of If If She Ih Unit Inl named Dm1 claM I a rrj UI seryiuutirsi rrjlulere1
lulere1 Inij ono 0 ilntol 10 In the twentieth r rof a aof ar arof
of rteo tleoiatrn trn and rIIlol Itolrmy 1toleu lm I hues rc recently < rntly 1111 teen NrapiitilUhitl teenttitlhihit D Dtlhlib
piitilUhitl tlhlib br hu Or II Nathaniel Shnll Iteirh nlh It ap appear appears I ¬
pear tint bf a eplienl l > 1 named Menthu inil inilhi 1
hi 1111 mother 1hr T Tnuuslr n 111 ir nndln nfolnK themebrt themebrtIn Ihlh IhlhI
In I tliRlfiiltle olnlI mortnced Ilurtnct their r ltel fielil Io < l in a aMoman aunuan
Moman om1 named MII1 Etc 1 for ro the Ih IIU Clint um of f esi > punei puneiof r rr pseesof
of r silver 11 whMi bll ll I thsi ey pn lnm545t mi e l lo n relay reijrla retrII
la II elKlit 11 moiitli mOIh time 111 w lth lh luterr In InCOM I Iof Ini5
COM i5 of failure rol II uf Ih I hi condition nolinn they I are arei r rvllllnc
vllllnc i ilna lo 0 forfrlt rrr1 the Ih field tl1 without lhuu further furthfrtrouble rlrbr rlrbrrulbl furthertrutiblsu
trouble rulbl or ohllunlUm ohllalin After 1 giving aIIw th thineanuretnent tIlntesustisenta h hlrllrmnt
ineanuretnent lrllrmnt of f the lend 111 and 11 parlUuijr parlUuijrof rlli rlliut
of it I boundarlea bIlr llie Ih document dOumnl In I hi attested atledHby
by Auieubotrp h lleni lenl Ileriteei ee l nrlbo Irlb of t lrar 1101 a QAuubolI a4a a4atniutshotep u uAuieubotrp
I I Send SendforNewfjjusfrafed Announcement for ue New ei Illustrated IllustratedAnnouncement List te n PUTNAMS PlrrAM SPRING BOOKS OOKSU uu Send n Announcement for u New Illustrated IllustratedAnnouncement List I
Lake George and a Lake Champlain ChamplainThe L
The Th War w Trail of th the c Mohawk and a aa at th Battleground t of r France and in i England Their TheirCont Tpi TpiCot TheirContest
Cont Cot t for the t th Control Ctrl of North Nor America AmericaBy Amec
lathe lu V r af rar Uair vl VtUfy IU Tr TI Wory S Sf M4 reef ln Inhtitn nt ntH n nI fC fCNSa
H NSa o with I tNl t 9 fullpace Iulps IllnttralUn rlen wsan net netUr nlYr netLir
Ur Hrld nrw book bk It I ilrvotMl 00 to t tt Ihe < history ID and tlM L scenic M beauty u of a xcUon UO of the tl country every nh h at r which It I
lo t Mm familiar fml ground With Ih lu It history hI and ad tradition Lalloo br b It Id deeply imbued and na lo 1 rounlO br rtrrply pb Imbued lnbu with wb wbeb such tb a
Uttanr bl and with tth uhlalo turn traditions It t no 0 Imlgnlflrant ac luUIUon ulilo There Tr I Is BO trot on 0 Amrrlcaa toll that bat wltnewI wltnewImote 1tnr < l lmar
mar nalUr 1 maU ouner and great rl than Lln theme rr lakr making mkln hIstory bllr for ro two lontlnrntt lontlnrnttHew olI olInt ontlnrustafltfcfl r mrD 01 UL 11t
Hew nt fltfcfl lelO
The House of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Whispering Pines PinesA Pies
A tsgod 1 Kood af T LmrifwittCa L c Af M1 M1rrmn K OfoW OfoWfrom o
from r a Irgal f point Ifl of view U I It I better llr thin rw TI TbsvwflC lj t trtirwrM
rtirwrM wl l Cuss n and front frn a dnmallrjxMol ol vIew v tr < r tur turPMI ir irlr ur urpa
PMI pa Ho lr lSaad and 1 Hint H < I siqg llrcordlltrald llrcordlltraldWith luor1t0 JiicordISrotdthth
With UI FrontUplere FIp b A I keller Hlu HluB alKt alKtBy ILe ILeIYCYNThIA
Poppy PoppyTh
Th T > Story St of o a South Sth African Ai Girl GirlI Cl ClUn
I IU rarUrr Un rbaplrra 1rl thl story u 1 > ry It rrmlnl rnlnlrft rrmtnlurctit > rrnt of olive OilrdrKrrlurri Oil olivehelrriurs
drKrrlurri nIra Vlory at an n AlHrin 1lr Farm m but tII lit It rang ra li lifar br Isfar
far r grralrr Irrrr and n lu It Iwnrn b Htbtrr HtbtrrThr tghterhe bkr bkrr
Thr r he author Iur It an D arll aiUst Ue t she be sets 1 before 110 ut U a strong strongJarssattl tmngKnunatlti e epnl
Knunatlti pnl Jarssattl tlronclr rI InAurovrd nl for or food I aixt 1 bu by byenvironment b
I Iis environment rOm ami th 1 baa a ttoppcd at t nothing lotlnc lotlncma lu lumak tomats
mats ma bcc M picture ptUf lit litHill OsWills Ipp
Hill 1ntl rronllaplerp ntpl HI3 135 net netBy IsetBKAFAEL I
Arms and the Maid MaidA Maid1fl
A fascinating I atorr 1fl nf lo lair e and adirntun1 ibis wrnr wrnrot as asof
t tI
ot f w hlrhltKagUadonlhretroiUonmaaihUIttarmt bless is rgid K on theusrol IJonmesibs iUstarrrd
lnia invasion km I The n notrl 11 gUr KI iii an a account uot of the U serIes r ol olralamlllrt Dfa ofraimmltk
ralamlllrt a who nimuUllvr Mmuuye lorrr o brought bl sheet bl tb tbrompktro thrumpletrosrrtbrew be betmorCD
rompktro tmorCD rumpletrosrrtbrew > rrtbrawoftbrarmirotthrProlrttaat of time armyof rrofbt the Irl lruteiten t llnkc llnkclas I
las 2 net netBy all allHE s sBy
An Apprentice to Truth TruthTbr Trth TrthT
The T iuallUr IU of tltlr I tle that lhl made mal Ur y lluntlnrloo luhrnjf rest nrtlnmrl restbflseS I Inh
nmrl coSiNe nh merit en In I the prrvral book a as Ibe I vehicle rrhlrlaat hlrl hlrlof
of a more rlaboralol Ill alovy u 1D > rr and of a Icvrhkcieai e r rhlI tolocU unity unitywblrh still stillwhich
which 111 II I nut more r profound 0 U more I dramatist dau than thanthai thanthat
thai lh nf Tar T orrrri < i osd < < TtM rb stirring Umn anal anllt 11 lt ot s stoul ssoul
soul luting JI 1 It grare prrrnlnt rare olt aIth lth 11 charming mo humor and wills wLl un UI
I The Rosary RosaryAn
An J Ideal lr ttorr storTon one that justICes the t pubtlablu
hutlnrt retrrtbr Uw heart at otth the reviewer strengthens =
Ullbln faith lb In i tbeautrameof the aukni of r the b great Kr1 t esprrtmrai aI of puttier punserrJ
humanllr on earth Tar lloiarv U I a rare far book a aoutce aoutceol Jce soticof
ol grnulne mule rJ dtllght Srgcs tracutr iJ Fart PcflS44ti4rd PcflS44ti4rdI M = n rg rgl3
83 l3 I net netBy n nI ntBy
The Th Master Girl GirlA Gil Gilh
A slid h < l pkture of rrrblttorl btor times when the situ
Jr U wh ti
hunter nr prowled 1 around ud ihn 111 lb rave n of in 11 the tatart r coma om I
he I Intended Itdr lo 1 appropnatr pppn A love 10 atoiy sto Ior Iorunlu nl 5 a vt vtunique vri >
unique rhararlrr rlr I is mute CO tbe is nurleui nll of a tnt In nor tofl 0 of oftlngutir 0 ofsingular
singular Ih ula lorcrtuinrvt lorcrtuinrvtBy oruln
5121 2 set setMy t CTCIA
A Marriage Under Underthe Underth Underthe
the th Terror TerrorThl Teror TerorTI
This rrnurftaUl mI11 story nf r the Irmrb 11 flrvolullon wm wmIhe anShe n ne >
She e Brtl 11 pita pr In the 34rlmM JeIm 1 > Novrl 0 ovrl Comprtltlnn om <
IHOU IIDt the he llmni 1m Ibe II ib plot pil mote mo rapidly pll and tb u parr parrro pareserr r
err ro r Kllrd f with lh intrigue lal advmiure ttolrntr vLateo l aoL the
lot of woman womanBy amocoBy omuF
A Mine Mie of Faults FaultsA
A perfect I I Unv lot alorr Io nf 0 such ub brautr of f ptrlt nf aurh aurhfrrtbnrt unlufreshness ur urF
freshness F awl 8 graea Kr ruse or tmagrrr 1r bat Iba It Joust prt tak e lit litplare I it itTdsce
plare with 1 tin I otbev o thing of art to M sorTs rrr permaaoauy permaaoauythe IY IYIle
the Ile beb Men potttle PII levtla Jel of 0 human bumn burnanhifi burnanhifiI3 nfe nfeISft IU IUr r
ISft I3 2 net n
The Th Cambridge CambridgeUniversity G Go P PUTNAMS PUT P U T N A M i S SONS SONSNEW S 0 N S The TheKnickerbocker T 1
University Press Pess NEW YORlt AND LONDON Knickerbocker Knikerboclter Press
i r