U 7 v w wTnI
I 7 1 I ir4JLMV CITY Sri SriuPtELT 110011 110011rtr It ItIfl
Ifl uPtELT rtr IL T iv 1N1NLX r f IBI U1 I TOT TOToass1 T rIFTivPt T Tan
ivPt I oass1 aflsr an Ik a sihunt llanler llanlerBaadt lIun t tr fXr
Xr r Baadt Gar Brlimti Xssartrs1 Xssartr W WoII1II
I oII1II s1 Creat Cre t lntitliaii Euthtsdssuru alb alb10m lntitliaiiPJ
10m ru w UC 11 I I IMoI
MoI Cw C ofNIdI T 1w 1wer
er PJ Micnrztn April p1 III > o 9t 1t Ito r ra r rtl
a tei I m of America kmer m riaa aid 14 et Col Ce C1lta ROOM ROOMMltinK a aMlt
MltinK Mlt lta DJt this hI evening al ou the tb verandi verandiMM raDd raDdbA rtDd1ii
MM Carowa Caro villa III overlooking UT < IUklac tb thr hi hif
4 > f Htirlo Mauriaio It bad ind laett laettby n4dn s sn
n t Jay da of r unmiivd unmii nthuioani Th Thto Tbe lbS
S e to oa n waj on fit fitI fte fteP fItLI
I P he central point waa u the th Hlvisr HlvisrVIAOM UlYi UlYi0f0 lUvlrMq
VIAOM Mq 0f0 Hols oulald nf which bjr b SI SIwhole s shole SwhcI
whole population of Porto Maurin MaurinI
I catherwd In th thi ir r Sunday clothe clothen
n an angtt an < < l of < > f tbe lb wall all juit outside th thtitroncv the the1I1 thettfne
titroncv 1I1 tcota W of tb < oI > hotal a square la can canframed eaarams C CA
A framed with itb flower no and ad garland garloadiattracted garlandthe arlDdltra
attracted ltra 1 th the ey y n of all Aarosa Aoro Ihi Ihin thI b
n > i 1 r m It In two Oownr l tlcliwl tlcliwlfl > edeck Ick1 Ick1n < w wn
n i in fl ma mat t stretched a lone lon lnntnl wroatl wroatlUM w tb tb11I
> UM 11I mil evergreen iY 1 rgren < < 11 lied in th thwith thh Lbtli <
with tli h r rul < i white and n1 blue rihboui rihbouii rsbbot
i II MIKH nNI it band and littl ldthLPO whit whitkHlxM hl <
kHlxM 10 1 Imvfl too and girl ol the town townin lowno1n1
in t ami nd nut 011 r hi central ntral spot J fus fuad fuadnti1lttCiIt ei eiie
ie municipal nllI 1111 itithonttea mhor tIM Tl Tbe l ie > e > ha halilt b1 b1n
lilt 1 in n n < > ig4 iseemenf mIfI a regards tin tinrect tl tlufor
rect 1 riMii tun nl for the Ih nrrdsiiin bu burver but bltn
rver one rn n nn tmwMi l Piling ttlIfl appreciation o oit nr nrnrr onrrlIlI
it iniruranre nrr Tuirdo UJo jackets am amrtrrtx n1 n1I nlrtt
rtrrtx i rfin f round favor with a 1 majority majoritywhMe lIIaIrltrhd
whMe hd iidk Itrovlcloth mitiKateil hj hjwht hYhl hrI
wht hl I Hf r inn 1111 sloven 6lov Ill appealed arl nl1 to 0 other otherH nl h hJI
H tr n inwirrtllv rlh ili dl1 < l greater ar grat t r rT revetenc revetenci vnCO vnCOh <
i he h whn beneath Pn lh the Ih Italian Mil Mili un
i c in 11 me In blue bioi Italian sky ky wore wO i ii a aflr
i f fur < ir coat AI ml iiL II < > hut and brown dog dogn 101
> n clove 11 Inypa The fh flito ltl of r Porto Maiin Iallnpio Matirsnrangrt Iallnpior i iw <
w re r ranged on the th terrace or the Ih hole hnl1ai hoteli
6 iiH i while w hll bIn 1 > 111 lret hint far fa dow tlowit downAd
t < r > ad ri toward the th town stood wrW wrWMemed whjtmed tvt tvtmtd
Memed med to 11 I h H the th entire IIUr population populationhou
hou H1I1 4 m = n loud rhcerms hreran announce announcetrie anlluunCfd anlluunCfdI
trie I > arrival of r Col 01 Roosevelts camnRe camnReit carr yjne yjneIt
it Iheiolonel were w werilr Mr I Roosevelt mod ItndIao modMi nf nfMi
Mi Iao aro arow The Ih carriage showed ho hotrue hllW hllWtn hwt040
true tn rut I hon the aim of th 11O pov > o y throw throwme tbro tbronl
me nl lort Mruriiin 1llIrt IAn Behind it dnwi dnwith dnVh
th h M Mmvnr 1 vor There w WI no prelitnloari prelitnloariWHM
WHM w of n time Co llooeevelt lI v11 left his hliind hi11I1111 hisfrrlI
11I1111 ind nli the th Kind ntnirL up Thi Thittanner ThAr Ttiear
Ar 8pUllfttJ ttanner wlncb a ho l been beenplmtnZ > err errs n nrloln
rloln s ever 1 nol fle Then the th canva canvaon canvaaon nVA nVAIltr >
Iltr on II the th h wall w was pulled down nnr nnri AIIAJ and andimle
i imle AJ e Theodore lloo ltooelt relt April 10 toIDI 10IIr
101 appeared AN rt on a marble nnr > l stab IM llhlnfftlh llhlnfftlhr beneath beneathhr
hr er r nrier Ir rhenr arose an a the th wreath wreathxirrmc wreathrrin th thtrint
xirrmc rrin th new n drive around around the th bark or olthe orth orthe
the th hotel win broken The Tb pafty Ihn Ihnnld thnnired her herentered
entered the Ih hntel where wh the th Maror 11 0 ma maot maothort niadiA < t ta >
a short lertch eh of fervent fe snt eulogiuin Iojium and andtreenled andIrnlood andlrePnt41
treenled Col ltooM llooeevelt > velt lt with ith the th honor honorv honorrhm
a v fr rhm Hl m of the Ih city ejt engro etagrosd e < l on orMiter onI onIer
Miter Ier I bojnd t > < > Jn1 parchment and al also r > a IMO lioolnf IMOf
nf f view w in th h neighborhood the h work workr workloral
r of > loral art arlIJ l i The Th Maror alludeil t 10 10a tollnoavlt i inn
llnoavlt nn evet a < one on who ho worked for pec pecarnnni p4ClInnn re reamong
arnnni the h peopled rfO rl and the th moot rent recenlitnen renttien
itnen 1 of IJjpinn whenre the t h flr fIrst t man marBailed manN11t manaIl4d
Bailed for the th nevr n world worldi
i A 01 Roodvlt a aked ked the th Mnror if h hvi hI hIw hwistd >
vi w wistd iild hi l b be > underto < > tt < i if he spoks p pk ke in h Knc Knci 0 0If
i > h
If you iip pa14 ak nlowlj 101 reiie < l th thMayor I the theThen hI hIlaI
Mayor MayorThen laI laIThn
Then thanking the lit It Mayor for having havingM hMIIIINkn hiivingpnkn
M INkn > ken no It < slowly Iowl m Italian that he h under undertn iind r rtwsd
tn twsd < vl 1 every word o nl Kooievelt otarted otartedMt idariMha
Mt h ha Cmrow aro arow act a atM t d A ai Interpreter for the thebenefit Ih IhInftt thetnaflt
benefit of the th audience enl n tooevelt tooeveltp
p JQi i > A few r fervent word of thank and andhen andn andhen
hen n made ma the th ora otarilar < ilr announcement announcementhat annnllnmnhAt
hat the law of morality and propriety proprietyMainlng proprIvhalntnc ProPrietyhtatnlng
< Mainlng in therane hrl or indivtduaU should shouldohSVSd hnu hnuobserved
observed 0 1d by natioijK He If ronrludeil ronrludeilHT
HT thanking hankln his hi fellow nitizaa nitizaaniov rIItetIne citiztmove
move Ine w WILt j then mad for the t h hall or olhotel orhtl orhtet
hotel where h a large Jar pan of KU gitt gitttgwt I Itea
I tgwt tea t 15 with the th Mayor after fl which Iol Ioland t 01 01It niand
It and nd the th whole company rose rosra ro roII roseat
at 4 a triumphal progress was mad to toMM toM
MM M 1 stows villa iUa where hr Col and Mr MrR 311had ilruifloolt
R floolt < v > elt had dinner dinnerKooaevelt dinnere < linn linn1t000000lt
< > e Kooaevelt tpent the th moniing mon nli die dictating rtilAhn dietMn ¬
tating Ahn to 0 bin hi secretary IMCretal HH H lunched IlIn hfd hfdh at atfh atrha
rha fh h ylj ilU 11 The Th only onl other olh guest wa waignor wasugnr at atslnr
slnr ignor 1ogazztrn O5221O an fl aUlhor who whok hn hnIi
k oTh The Saint wan all recently pae pcotd pcotdb d dbe
> be b lnd Inls x Kxpurgatonu He It and andRx andA andRoosevelt
A Rx R Roosevelt evel I found they th had many manyle man many1a
1a le n common on religion aubjectn aubjectnre sutlujeetsIright uhjftt1Jltht
re bight pot in the Ih afternoon afternoonrv afternoonsrdIng < > n nr
rv r rdIng ding lnlt mu mt t not be omitted Al Alb AIb Albuha
b buha gh a majority mjo ty of ofha the th Porto Maunx Maunxi 1Uri 1Urir
s i penl > r k of Col Roocevelt a as President PnMideotm PrMldDtmJOIlpal
> m inicipal > authoritjen 1I11hoi know better betterer bftttrknnw betterknow
er know the th President m I really In the theed Ih Iht theii
ed t Sute Accordingly they th drew drewr d drand
r rand and dear doo deepatehed atched to President Taft a armlT aarml aarTnt
arml rmlT worded telegram expremung de deU deug 1 1l
U l t at the h opportunity ty for honoring honoringJ honorinltnonh honoringflonevlt
J Roo nonh evilt and congratulating congratulatingM < < IrAi IrAilaft rreMrt
M laft on the Ih day II days proceeding proceedingtune At Attune 1 111m
< tune of writing no reply had nadn 1 1t n neiM
eiM eiMn t
n Wtn We4Inedy Ve < Jne < day Col and Hermit Itnoce Itnocewi It ItIt Itooswui
wi wui It go 0 from here to Vienna na broking brokinge turakingJUTTICV
e jHjrney J > lIm for ro twelve 1 bourn in oriler orilerKertni r rlnOl
4 Kertni may y ses Venice WIO One fI night nightS
S t p potn m n Vienna M drm 11 KrHntevcli
1 Mh IihI lh1 l will 11 accompany bent hut will willg II IIl
g l < Pans Panshlefie lsnst
t ahedespaIeh hlefie r > airh wa wasrereired recei ve < l yesterday rAy rAyI
1 T a fnember nf r the > Catholic Catholicclergy clergy in n thus thnvho Ihlwit thust
t vho wit tn i is in rnrnmiinicaiion with Car CarMerry IarIt tarMerry
It Merry ii1 1 Val al ls I InjMtl l Svrrctarv nf nfi uf r rItfrnlllg
4 i oiioerniiiK recently recwflt OOOnt I 17 pijl IlIllthh IlIllthht li n nt <
C ahts t h i from Rom particularly partil1Iarlyt o oafnbitel inu inuaIrIjitp1
afnbitel to t ti Ihw h father of r th thr the ther h
r 1 < ii Secretary eTtAry of that i a rnemlx > r er erS t tc rHI1mI
S c a Diplomatic Corp to 0rpm the tb sentiment nentimenrhe Mllum Mlluma
he was a cliul f11II1 il t was w a Spaniard Spaniardrtri Slanianjrad
S rad humbled the Ih Yankee yank Premdent Premdentt lresident1uijuiitt r ldnl ldnltpdl
t tpdl rvatcb h printed in r this hi country countryhadbe OIIIII OIIIIII
hadbe PiaI I bn n brought to 0 the t I Cardinal Cardinaln s sI
I n and lId t which he h referred in lit littr hiim luIrgm
> tr im m cuote iitM < i inn high in the h Roman Korniuihirrh Kor Korhltrh RomanI
I hirrh as agrlng with th the I pwi pwiIkCfl xm xmike 1 1k
ike IkCfl k iiy Col 1 K Ihuyeit > e relt 11 Thin It I the thea Ih IhIt
It S hlItram atuIjramsert
a sert rt positively 1 > < illly that ha stile 10 Awo Awoi s t
1 1 > i > innrnini infuriaeil parent paontvnn fAr1I11I
4 vnn 11I Mnt n from rm Jlerioa fal lately ey
I me m Cardinal preUtm 1 rel relu rtC 1
C u I n iiiv invelitsul nie m Genoa not in ini illnl1
I i nn Minnr hRII nEt 01 Vu Vulmal ViiIinal I I1thnIN
1thnIN lmal s mrreatxmdvnt in this tiUl I Il
i l r rstands tand < l the h meaning of th thfntf hoe thefl hoefI
fntf fI > u I 1s M > ni mlhIlIlC hung like Ilk tin tini tIuus tIuusI 1
i iretnts > ielnte 11 ami n1 Ix Ixi 10111 iativm v Ioul Ioul11I1 Islitieu
u tefI ift 11I1 oil 11 11111m flenuhi flenuhiill
ill 111m IU lv viuri 11 irov3 1 tir tirUs IT ITII
Us II i oi > r Imi 1 liihlinsn of Omaha In 0 Lead Leadllsiiit ipailiSiiut
llsiiit II IIf s r rmtriirrs la Ii > r en arts torfcV nrkth artsi
i A V t 0 tt i the th head of tori toric 101raka
c I Vcira ebraka raka ka Wyoming rmnIllC South SouthM ohI
> M I tana an Mayor Inn im pahl pahlw
1 w II welcome m fM ol The ThIn Themn l ln
In n h hlnl he land in New V erk iorkgv rk rkI
1 gv I ui have ha be tuen n romplee romr < for forfii forIn
In fii 1 ti band II i us now nn tmmg tmmgr tIIICItnunc
I r 11 Ti mining th h row pcmchrHI punchers Mnch MnchA
A I HI 11 v ago IIC and also alsol 11tO 11tOIP
IP Ipfp It Itf
10 as l Is no tuna I lnfwfel lnfwfelt r rmn
f s j I 15 e OICS fl flI
I c u mn The Ill Jui 1 1r
0 1C5 Csq si r Mea SMeSIt MeaT
It T 1tw supflsr
5 A r C Areittesr1 Areittesr1js ltlr ltlr1fI
js t roi 1lmtuu 1fI > tl liM liMrmrff > I tCrnigPout nart nartr
44 Hftrl rmrff r Fidel PackHn In t
4 n 15 l 5f f or II vi 5mill Jtt Jttfc Jun JUZSI
fc I retori r n p ApoHn t4tesni arb rt Arn LfPuiC7
I Xj t j rjfc I t Arcaue eo S Vr 1w > r fortA fortAj TotkM or1Aft or1Afti < r j
i j
IP BI 811I tUKtti or orOneThird orOneuThird KU KUOneThird
OneThird Reduction Reductiontttn
UII Wi1115 si uu Dlflti 1
I rt tttn tttnUUU Pvk1 PnriIII Pr1e riu riufar s
tILais r p4 4st 1 I e M isM U M UtM DI4 d CUta c tu tutat h t I e 1IaIa 1IaIaM 51 51se
M Os tat tatKvtr I tub S
11 taissisa < 1 te M I 8eJoI roM tsealsu H HI
alsu UUU IMMhttJ I N nkta < V M MU u Kvtr iibv S 5apMt IIu suiJ n Km4 Km4for
far Vu 1 Klaf la II b lie MI4 14 14flY lur 4 a
aim flY M4 r1a1 Ii b
IIID 110 Ktas I to be beIto b aII
s14 tu tuiab
Ito iab flrbb 554 a Pi P4asl 1 U be tot OT OTU U Ulor ho hoI
U UK I 1I9 1101 lJ3wte twl IM W Wle t < hlo to b be suM It for forO fnrO fu1row
O ow r OMB 04 MIUIVM II ua41 B0UAMI C 11 Dtaws4 UU Prirt l ltnbts tH > 1 rnatltt rnatlttutf 4 sppIra sppIraIs plr plrIe
Ie I PJL 4Ia4tL cmfl IN Pt u ttk n ntta nttaist utf d T tr trHT Z celIII celIIIOCf
OCf 4f Iui2y wootrro I IIi14 tsSlM h tts piitajt tutmwI prI1 TnatrIF itwa sulesi sulesib
b LI SIVSt5uL i S W S9iVI HT C o U Uo to se4 3 Ji r rivd f 4 fur furCHOMICM f t tIt unura C C1t
1t It > 5 t t J s44 c t
PSIIMSSIV It ItS45I 8Arero t m l < > a IMII iti till It AT A A 4lb 4S au SI sppfts It W Wa14tf M l4eff rt
from U those > OM who whobarllri4tJeatMraacwltb whobarllri4tJeatMraacwltbohItnII U baveilddn n Hd Ua th UA rags wit witCol withI
I I ohItnII ohItnIII
I Cot K tt1Q8ollt < lQIMV < llt Will be and tO tOoowboy lead leadDOWboy a aoowboy
oowboy uraJ up Brodn roedW7 r This pa parail parail pard
rail will lx tinted tim to suit ib tIM ooov OOQftO convinI n nWoo
I Woo of Mr RooMmlt tad will no noiMoauaxily not notl1eOIIUarily notnecessarily
necessarily taku plao oa 0 tti thi dar d of th thUttera tbIat lblattie <
Uttera Iat return tuna ArraBc A Ariangmsota BMaU bar ba b been haitimad i im
m mad d for tb Wrtra V r to r tt t to toYork t tyrk w wYork
I York two ilapi d b bero bafori for Cot TUx RooIt Itooseveltarrival RooItarrival > nT lti ltiarrival
arrival They will III b baft v a pedal trait traitI
I from Omaha to N Sw iw w Yorh Yorlll for tbmalT thwslvaand i iI
I I and another r for their boraaa bo wblob will will willboo willbi
l boo > r real al l run rang nee poole poiilaaCHI pooleC < miea
Will 11I Affaires 1 the Nslleeal IIal Uevgraphli Uevgraphlitterlrl 4ea5TaPh1CchI
tterlrl 11I1 chI on 0 Ills II Afrloaa Trip TripWASHINGTON TripUlttotfJTIN TriptVAIISIYOTOlui
WASHINGTON UlttotfJTIN April 10 0 Col lo Roosevelt RooaeveKhas R lt lthaa
has accepted ple an 11 invitation initA on to address addr the thiNational tbSalion1 theational
National Ueographio Society on hIs hlirecent hilarnt hIsraeent
recent trip through British Fast Africa AfricaTh
Tb soniety 1IOn1 sent a cablegram to him on onMjtrnh onwnh onIjrnh
Mjtrnh 14 lat on in n hia arrival at Khartum Khartumextending Khartllmztrlin Khartwnextending
extending ztrlin the h invitation Mr t Roosevelt Hoosevellreplied ROONYfOltrpllt Rooseveltreplied
replied that he h would gladly clad I give aci a special specialI peclalIIttCtur
I lecture on hi his trip Ip liefora I fo the society societyMr
Mr 11 lUxwMreli nODAl IK I an honorary member o er eror
I of the th society The rh Lite alt and place 11 of lh lhlecture IhIlfrtur the theleetur >
lecture will III not le fecldexi rfOeld u1 < J upon until untilCol untilol
i Col ol Roosevelts return to the h United Unitedktea Unitedi UnitedSatei
i Satei ktea I nait DnTnl De21 De21i June JunefVT
fVT Tnl rK t s ti Ii 111 IAII4nnP IAII4nnPIkide IIr Fa RtiY RtiYI
1 nrnlr nHrlmc OHI Mtnry nr it f Irish IrldiIt 11 11Ien Irishsusie
susie Ien ci aU It Hrrarii ef r rar rarHir tavIiemce tavIiemceeci Itf Itfrl
eci rl < iP Hir 7ssp4teS > tr + I lto Turn TtI Irw Irwlns1OK TK TKApril rmclosnnx
lns1OK April in Chancellor of th thK thtsrhN1urr thEclieqtimr <
K tsrhN1urr rh qurr IJoydSM > rK rAnuillatm udllll Will Willlam Willtaft 11I 11Iiam
lam Onrionn tmnt tati m nt rKardliic th thronrtwAioiui tbIYn the theoonessmsiona
ronrtwAioiui IYn lon hx h wan nllnKntJ to to be MI willing willingto
to make In order tn obtain Irish itipporl itipporlfor uuipporbr
1101 for the thesir Cornmnl Cornmnlolr iov rnmxnt rnmxntMr
Mr Ollrirn r read M < l at t th the meeting Sat Saturday Satlint Saturday ¬
urday lint in Cork at which h he mod hi hintatrmont his hilitAmnt hisstatemeOt >
ntatrmont a 1 letter which h hll aaid h hhurl hit hithrt haI
I hurl Kent nt to n Mr 01 IloTdCIeorz after afteihU InflfI afterhis
hU lust interview Int with th him renapitU renapitUlatinc rarapitulating ritu rituallnc
I latinc the th oon reunion a for In ronflrmntion ronflrmntionand 1nlflUtlnnIUlct
and he mide1 that he h had read the 1It letter tettoialotil letteralmiut
alotil to Mr lloydJeorKeal Ir their woond woondinterview utOOndnrvl soondinterview
interview nrvl Mr 01 IloytlGeorc say y on onthin onthi onthis
thin point pointl
1 never received the letter and it Itnr wu wunever warnnever
never read 01 to me The statements mad madiin madIn
in il are rroanlr < < untrue The whole hl affair affaliia
< ia I a dUgraorful breach of confidence confidenceI
lTran TranI Traiispiaoted plantrf1 M P Ipptamlnt pptlId far r l And lAndTa AndI nd ndTax
Tax Ta sod nd IJqaar License Ittft e View Viewp 1 1pj1 tew tew5pest
pj1 p r j CUM I n nnlu flmpn5 tpjfi fr Tel T Tel1iuo Mr Mrlx J JI
> lx 1iuo > vi > O ov April pril It 0 Joseph Martin Martinfoimvrly 4arttnfnrnrIy Irt n nrim
foimvrly Irime rim Mini IIDIlfOr ter of Rntiah jb Coltim Coltimbia
tIm hl who ho f It now member of 1arliament for foiKaM roFa forEast
East Fa S St Panrra told 3000 Englishmen Englishmenat
at a t the th Whileflelda Tabernacle thin thl after afternoon aftrI aftrnoon afternoon ¬
noon that Knglith land ought to be taxed taxedn zld zldinn
I on > n the th ba basis m of what ft I could be auld ol < l for forM
M in Canada nlldn and ad not a at prevent on the thebasis bf bfI
I 1 ha basis ci i of the t h rent rentHe rentHP ot otI
I He tUo 1Af Mid that hospital o OIht > iht to Ix Ixipvirterl heppnl1t beupuupported
ipvirterl > by b the beo Htate to that the > poor poorroiM voorenuilut
roiM obtain aoaUtance n ms a right and andnot andnnt andnot
not 1 be H > > made pauper lpI a now luouor luouorIic ltouorlucns
Iic lucns i e Mr lr Mnrtin tlftl1 said Id being nr grante gsntlby l lby ty
by y th h State the h Htnte Int should ltld be free rr to torevoke torvIc torev
revoke rev uke them without compensation to the theholder IblholdllI theholders
holder holderHi holdershis
Hi H his nrxNvh a h wan applauded partinilaily partinilailyth
th the < > r reter < erenrw n tn land taxes a sa and liquor liquorin liquoricra
iCCO iCCOII icra icraIHL
in II IHL i inn fl fl sTKKrrrciiAsK T I 11 m nrs nrsKali flTLFell
Kali 11 Kalal tal I is tied > l P I Ish U Rode R tn tnommen the thell thethose
ll those a e mt fomnton mmon K trn Es sot rnlyfttit sotpLiS
yfttit 1 > < j jt > tt I ntipitt nl > JI it TM T TWa TWaIANn5 Mfn MfnApril lCtI
I 1Jotnl April rril 10 The Th Might lion lionTnmkinion lionJm lionJamee
Jm Jamee Tnmkinion the th I M ventyyearold sevntyyaroldmember ventyyearoldmemlter nlyyaroldmmlr
member of f the th lloune 11011 of Common nmmons JI who whowas whowas bo boI bowabron
I was wabron thrown from rom the II hor horse e he wa w riding ridingye ridinetrrillr tidingyseteds7
ye yseteds7 terdar in the h House nO1 of Common CommonSte nmmon nmmonRlfOfrlffha omnionaSterplerha
Ste RlfOfrlffha pl Hhae died < from the Ih effects ffft of hi hiinjuries hiIDJun his hisInjunea
injuries injuriesMr IDJun1r InjuneaMr
Mr 1r Tnmkin Tonikinsofl < > n wan a 1 Liberal He It At aatror satfor Atfor
for the th Irewe 1 diviion of Cheshire helslr He Hewnn If IfI liewoe
woe WII Deputy 1Jt > PUT Lieutenant of the fit count Oun v and andwa andI nrl nrlappoint1
I wa appomtel appo ntest to the th Privy Council ountilrr la layeir las lasypir
yeir H > WHO the th eldest d on of 1 the th late lateLieut It ItLillUt lateUsot
Lieut Cnl 1 n W TomVtmHnn Tomln and wa was born bornJuly bornuly bornluly
July II l Itt t He fI nan ITa educated at Rugby Ritgbvanrf RarrIInlt Rugbyand
and IInlt O Odnd ford wa II director of Itord ItordBank 1oIIBonlo a aKnn
Bank Ltd hid been n high Shen Shtif of ofCheshire II III oCheshire
I Cheshire Cbh in IM7 and was Lieutenant LieutenantColonel 11lItnantColcn1 ltuitertntColonel
Colonel of Yeomanry mang He fI married the thedaughter theuiauighter h httublr
daughter of Sir O 1 Inlmer I Imer She Kh dlwl in in19Oi InHe
19Oi 1 Me U leaves three thr on and three threedaiiellerx thr thrHi hr hrdauigtters
daiiellerx His Hi home was w at W illmgton illmgtonHalKTarporlev illungtonflail lIanfflnnal
HalKTarporlev flail Tarporl Cheshire Cheshireor ChhirIUT CheshireI4T
IUT or I rut TII i Ksn F can I COK COKItalian till tillI dtitgrui
grui I Italian lIan < amlrsa uqlr Ttat ss nrsrefutsiil nrsrefutsiilf
f tmrrlras 1 Codralher Codralherprtttl CUhpfd GdfttherpfsS
prtttl TyMr ibfr f t9594t5 > lf l 10 Tai TICI M MYlji 10 10I
I Ylji lI 1 < sea II K April pril 10 The Th Count CountAmeri nuiDlese nuiDleseAm lIa lIam
Ameri Am m rio o Vespucci lIr tbe th la last t direct etir t clesceod clesceodnnt
ant n of r the th Florentine navigator whu whuKme wb wbI whiga
I Kme KII hit hi name to America i ii dead at t the theae It thear
ae 11 of r M year yearMath yearsIstl
Math was a due du to old 101 ace aceThe alC alCn agThe
The n Weather Weathermil tllH tllHr
timfil sy r eathev 1 aSs esCI d dp
I CPi p tlbr itosers n oi rII fIhtuit 11I sad Dd to uIbAiiIUe uIbAiiIUeMt uu uuoJ
Mt < mil oJ la ih riuwn W WtS i T 1 Ihs e pr prfCaUIS prfCaUISass ut uthKD
ass hKD a OHII uf rr H its < ir Istrrlar slid nd 4 l iii r klb rb rb1I0lm srs srsnovtni ariwas
as novtni < lo bat i < sStisfd l rd 01 A 5 tow prratur prraturm p pn prrssurlarea
area m whirS bad d ru rsused rd isis > ont Nnr 00 w eaco4 eaco4matlnc ED EDmoInj EsisasiSN
SN matlnc OIT IT lb She < QU > 555 and > nU 01 ssaitrr s5OI SS farm farmlot tot orm orm0 II IIlbs
lot okrr 0 SIC llarky II U 8iIaJ5 < IBIS lalD MUte MUte1bf MtatIUSlbmp 00 00P
1bf P wet r t tds > rt 10 > k la hlrb DoriHw northwtsrtY < wrtv wind windarr
arr 0 ibNrw fll hP KntUixl amid nd UWdle UIdui3Attasteinsat UIdui3AttasteinsatII Altsaurrouu AltsaurrouuII AIa AIaI
II I 5 t llctitlv lel > ll roolrr rool ooie la I Ia liuf r 00 MUte sail sailurirrr sadsummer ad adranrr
urirrr mu er all Is lbs sol aOllbn Ibrrn p por r of 0 0Irrp lbrrotislt lbrrotisltrtrrpi ibecoSsuPirp >
rtrrpi Irrp i l b IC IAk IsIm < r rrfon ai 1 i isni rd rdOrl w wnoritrrn WiOiifa
noritrrn Orl n r ew aik k b bte tr It C rw eqer er trm trmtrrsto jgn5wrSi a an
5wrSi SsrP n rl reS It lb SOtOssi SOtOssit 0
t 11 t rill II she 011 0 55 11 agLi llb Leg ac acrmalr In IniemIPfaITe
rmalr aiau IDI t ti kJ I Lgii e II rmbrsIu rmbrsIuI N NnIII
I trrsto hiiirililii nIII 31 IT r ca n b bsumIr m i r tar tarTrfl rorM tarqmM
Trfl M in t 101 il i IC I c St 4 U II III U USI 5 2 2i
Th i mprattirr m flrd > r irrdt ortlrU oro iesi tiy fcr steoniaI fcrairKI I IomI1
airKI ihrrmom upuermomeiPt rll1omr ri l ho aou n In I irr II imrtm imrtmuhr jnidthe ra raIt
the It ItII
l ublui > r > 1 ICe lr I lEo 10 10a I II
a S vi 2 i A l r M 1 uS s
1 I i 11 II I t w 11I 11IIIle o
1 P 3J 34sf > 4 II I MM MMIllrbrtt 4I > 3liltOrsi
Illrbrtt IIle UiniMialurr ur 5 II t I P M Mr 11i Li5aNWIOtON
i 5aNWIOtON N IJOt r rPChCT rrr rrT T r ro s i > > i r sm lu luWOSBO ios 00 00aow
1 s flu I 41 0 I IJI 54 frt w rn rEneOe
1 eOe I ro lCd Cda in inir If I IS
55 3 45CHC 5I51 SC C5 I5t 1 or orrtland iC iCS
ir i S IrtKnrt taS 1 to 0 il ilin da tay p rat Ind Indn1 In ft
in 0 Tirnw sisi ml oirrtrr la n sICSC lnn 1 rtloo tpu ft fto <
> o oclin rI f pidiliw Nl SI5 N C I < > nnr B 5 lad lntilof ladI ndIr
lof I or rnirin Ira l trntvIaflts > lIm rri dii a f fIr li t Id t day r In Inff Inuln InrrssJnC
ff rrssJnC uln lnt leKlIrM 1111 In moirus nit 5 snil atl wsrnrr r IT ITnnrKrn Iivnhn
nnrKrn 1 imrtl 0lIin n Hlii I north 4 a n nbel winmi winmir ln > l lf
I f I ew J Jetse t > atuut Drt l II > rtirr U air torttv torttvIm tad tadnu
Im nu 1 tr messIng nc nnuilloti rlo1ln o amaw llcbl north nonlllnr n nunrthr Uiainde
unrthr nr i Hindr Hind aindepm Inde I
r pm a U I fssnd Und 01 U fair M rtav 1 sal > n1 1 warmrr wsrurstn Ar In I west wmtfn westi t tI
fn i inrtnn howpr I in 1 rnnrrnw nw or to I morrow morrownlihl mononi macrownfPi
ni nlihl Ittli norm nn ii 01 n M inthast < h i l Hind HindI Inot InotInr
I Inr or r 01 > n IH ocrl ilrt of rXurrM fair IY n d dr r rr 1W111 1W111V In InrI
rI r V T 5 mnTroo 0 or In n I norrov on CIVIl II hint he her norm normiorr forthus
us iorr rOftPICCCI > rthf r II t wls wlsFnr s1n4For ls4 ls4Far
Far irr western t rn New w York fair Ir to telsy tF nr dn dnnlIt ahnwsT o w wl
5 nlIt l Itht hl or 0 r wmtrmm emey warmer tn rnnrmw rnnrmwmM cnevynwmm4erst
mltofM mM rt antiS to CoSt a t 1s4t slodirot < 1s4tTar
Tar r r Mum feeatlanta Pfnn rl Iaall nU fslr sI lo ltr < y yra < nnw nnwrr IowPT I
rr ra to toaIC Rich or to morrow III Boat to WICIOSer WICIOSereonll moderate moderateganh rssaWo11
t ganh o11 M aartttait t wte tI1eda tI1edaT a
T < 1 1aiiL
aiiL =
I HW e Csegrsgatlso aC Bay a 1Ift II Tw TwI r rI
I tel telHarts t Ia snd ad EMalNt It by 3tzgVarinre 3tzgVarinreun lz1IIIant lz1IIIantII
II Harts laid Baggy Bec IMeT t tBNtllenR Ludee Tbraaf Tbraa 3etSr
Sr f etaCrBi t > Abeot sUllglaa sUllglaaPrriarao MeliglisPrrTsro tlC1 tlC1PnT8O
Prriarao April 10 aOTh The Rev Prank Franlflkala FrukR
flkala R itI ala editor dit of the fit CAnVian Journal Journala
a Belgian BeI 1s1I religious publication after afteilreachinp afterrNClllor aftrireachtnr
lreachinp a sermon in the 1 Second Presby Presbytsrian Prb1tnaa Prsebytinan
tsrian Church Mission at VI ooda Run RunNorth RunI Runorth
North orth Hide the morning morttlo was aa shot dead deadaa
I aa a he sspped ip outside tbe ib cburcb by b boIlcha1
Michael Rowdier a Rimsian religiju religijufanatic rllciJuI rligiufanatic
I fanatic vho also tried to kill L ill Elder Fld John JohnOay JobnHay Johnly
Hay of the th church mission Gay la I iti itihospital luboepltAl a ahoepital
hospital with lIb three bullets In his hi body bodyIte bodylie
He can retover fetO Tbe murderer escaped escapedMraUala escnpedMrSkala
MraUala has been n considered the tblfMUIr tblfMUIrot leader leadeiof
I of bia people I > in western um Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaIjst IffitaylniaNundy
Ijst Sundty Pastor Islorndre Andrew Kovacannounced Kovac Kvoannoun Kovacannounem4
announced announ that Editor Skala would occupy occupythe I occupythe PY PYthlt
the pulpit today in the pastor absence absenceThe a absenceme oCt oCt1I1t1
The little mission was U crowded Hew Hewdicr nwdler
I die who bo is i understood to belong lone to many manyRussian manyRuulen manyRussian
Russian societies attended the th services servicesHe 1
I He ii tool exception to Skala tli1 s sermon and andrising andrising nt ntrima
rising demanded in a loud vote voice o ce that h hbe he heI hbe
be heard
I 1 will answer your questions after afteicburcb aftercburcb afterchurch
cburcb and outside the th church said hl Mr MrSkala MrSkala tI tIikala
Skala Rewdics oat down and nd Skala Skalaappeared Skalaappeared ik1aap
appeared ap red to forget all 11 about the tb Incident Incidentfor
for when the th service ronCt was LA over he b left the thebuilding tbebllildlnl thebuilding
building with ilh elder Uay lIoth had been beeninvited beenInvited n ninvited
invited to take dinner < with ith one of the theparishioners th thparibiOllfIA thepariabiotiar
parishioners They Tb were passing anon ainoabout anonboul among amongabout
about IM members of the congregation coogregstlouwho
who ho had stopped stop to chat when bn Rewdici Rewdicicam ltewdtczosme
cam to meet me them themW themhat themeald
W hat can I do for you my good ood friend friendsaid frilOdMId
said Mr M tibia attempting auemp n to sieta 1 1st flew Rewdie nwdies flewdici
die by the th hand The Russian was u ez ezoiled ezcIted z zolltd
oiled and continued to gesticulate Mtlculat and andplanting andpIlUlUD andI
I planting himself ia front of Mr tr Skala Skalahe SIIalahe Skalhe
he pulled a revolver from bis hi pocket and andsbot IIoI1dhim andshot
shot him through the breast breastMr brLIr
Mr Ir Skala kaI dropped dead As A Gay Gaystarted GaTatarted hystarted
started to run he warn u shot through the theback theback I II
back Gar lay apparently deaf but butRewdlcx teitItewdie i
I Rewdlcx shot him twice more moreMany moldan moreMany
Many dan persons were w trampled In their theirhaste theirI
1 haste to get away when the craxod craJ man manI manbegan
began shooting hoolln A few f remained near nearI Dearand
I I and some threw stone onM at t Radwlez wbo wboI
I 1 waved his bi revolver threateningly aa he hehacked hebacked hebacked
backed up the at step spa Into the little lIul church churchI
I I A crowd of Mimi soon collected hut tb tbI the theI
I murderer mllfdfO held them all at a safe distann distannI rtiatanrewitb
I I I with his hi revolver reolv At tbe end of half halfIan halfI
I Ian an hour with a revolver in each rb hand bandhe I
1 he h stepped out of the Ih church < doors drove drovethe droveI Iro IroI
I the crowd away and started 1arter for the b street streetcar Streetear
car line The Th crowd chased him for ro a afew afw
few f blocks and he b turned and fired seT several N Nral seTeral ¬
eral ral shots He If soon came mil tip with ith ithfarmr a afarmer afarmer I
farmer In a buggy and ordering him to toalight toaUrebt toalight
alight be b look tbe vehicle biel and fled into the thecountry theltOllatry I Icountry
country Late In n the afternoon the horse horsewax horsewaq
wax w found wandering lIve miles mil from fromNorth rromnrth fromcrth I
North nrth Pittaburg Pit thetrg
Redwica came to 0 America two w year vearsago yearago an annd
I ago and nd lu h March came mp to 0 Pittsburg PittsburgIff I IIII
Iff 11 i thought 1 to ° have h heroin ln demented dementedover
III over religion and RIISMSU secret crt socie societies eoeietie ¬ I
It ties i Three Th weeks ago he h had an aumint argil argilm are1lmUlt
m mint nt with Mr Skala over the Iii policy poUt of ofHkalaa ofSkalm f I II
Hula paper and volunteered to o write writesome writesomeeditorislms r r80m
I some someeditorislms editorial tnori Next ext day some rambling ramblinicarticles ramhlinlC111e1M ramblingarticle
articles came to the tb editor tit of the h rAri rArilinn ffri ffrird tPrjmliars
linn rd Journal and ant when they t h went r not notprinted IInrltt nutirintd
printed Redwicz Ulwlc denounced Kkala An Ananonymous toanonymous n nnomo
anonymous nomo letter to Skala Kk warned r1 him himyesterday hll husyesterday
yesterday that he I would 01101 lie I hot hI m the thepulpit Ihepulpit h hPlllpit
pulpit today todayTnemsa 10 todayThemas I II II I
Tnemsa V WaUtT alh funeralWasmxarnv funeral tu luisergiWi4iSaroS r rI
Wasmxarnv IHISOTS April rl 10 Funeral ser service services 1 1le ¬
I vice le for Thomas ThonuL K 1 W Wlsli UIi the Ib Colorado Coloradomining tolorlco toloradomining i iminile
mining minile man who died here on Kridajr Kridajrwere I Iwr
I were wer held 1I1 at the h Walsh home hol in I Massa Massachusetts Maseachmnetta Ia Iachuua ¬
chusetts chuua avenue n this hil afternoon arlrnon Presi President Prieident 1 ¬ i
dent d Taft and many diMingm Itlllllih he < i men menwere m men1 men1were I
were present Among monl the h honorary pall pallbearers pallI 1 ¬ I
I bearers were Justice 1 MvKenna Iclnn S Speaker SpeakerCannon > eaker eakerCannon krr krrlannon
Cannon Admiral mlral Pewev lw lumen r I j Rich Richardson RichI Itic4u1ardmon
ardson I arlln drand rAet Commander of the h Scottish ScotlMhRite Solt ScottishRite
Rite Ri Masons Ion Myron T Derrick IlrrCk Senator SenatorHusjhea Snaor Senatorhugh
III hugh of Colorado and audJohii John H I Mclean McleanThe MclmtnThe IclnTh
The Th body of Mr r Walsh alh was laid Id A way a in inthe I I1JIum inthe
the Mausoleum 1JIum in I Rock Inck Creek r1 iVmeterr iVmeterrbeside 1nlorb prudery pruderyItide
beside b it that h of his II son on Vincent Itn who wa wakilled waskillsI a aI
I killed kll1 m 1 an automobile onlll accident lit several severalyears evernlyears vralt
t years yrl oI sgui n < >
Obituary blu > ote oteWilliam D DI elpsI
I William WIIn Hlalkle one of Iou 1 o um I oiikling 0111 oiiklingCOM < aI
I I COM rloeal 1 friend ID an4 ers s I t baster > erer at I onkllnc onkllncfiutrrsl nln nlnI a aI
I funeral flr died 111 al a In lisa 1 home In I it I u IrA a ve vest terrlai terrlaiat erdaI rta rtat
I at the t age or 55 i tear after an Illne 11 or orteral ofI r rIr
I teral month Mr Ir Hliikle 1111 wa was I a oasis nativor n nI oasisor
or Srwilsnil and In IMj I eiulcrated 10 o tail California tailfuurfila I ¬
fornia where h 5s a gold oht pro prseeIr > e < tor be beii4rr b br1 s saiceqfii
I aiceqfii onl ii4rr ful In iiM 14 be h located II in Illra Illraand Itrl Ilfrsand
and nd ablutind 1111 a dniic 111 busine whlib whk hhl Is h hroodiHted I IcouIuiIvd
roodiHted uninterruptedly nlrI I lu the I on onlion iae I It lmwa lmwalion < >
t lion until Inul hi 1 retirement ttnn from Irm auIts < i e work nrl a afew afew
few month a ado o During lIllh l iluit rh the civil c 111 ear ar 1 Mr MrHtaiklr Mrh tr trWlk
h Htaiklr sa a a prom rmlnu Innt aUilKlonlt Mliitonl ami amicondlXted tiI tiIcoiiuiii1m1 t tI
condlXted one I at 0 I lb be KI aletlohss at 10 loll on n the theoi Its h halo
oi 0 ailed alo Ilimtt Ddr derzrouiui fourxl rll rai rallaay r atduitf atduitfin aidlul iIiogmans
in IIV mans an v la 1 Iass e to Ii freedom In laler > ear earhe srs srsI
I he h wa a tradtr 11 in the Kl KIA Pilate mo nlomn nlomniIOllo molemneulds4gnmI ment mentde >
de ds4gnmI iicne iIOllo < l lo pr pieren rcui hl rruellv rlfr to children hldu and andto nd ndnluI
t to annual anus nluI and at ca a llb lrlI liberally r llv of f bl his means uitano
0 promol rmo suh ii 11 h oncanlallon nrlIIIn rrom t rla rlan1 Iti Itiuntil ias iassaud
until n1 IB 1 iso be h wa nrideiit 0 of r the I lb I ttlcs ttlcsavtoge tics ticsB Uc UcIC
B San SanIoseih
avtoge IC IAh riHail ri
Ioseih 1 Hail I ll 1 Hrreic IAn one nn of the theolde theoldest h I II
I olde oldest Id t polillral pllr1 wilier Ir in n tin I ioiitrv ioiitrvwho oIrt oIrtI otatrrwho
who I itervnt n se < oinrul OIIInr omntukssIunr ion r of leti 1tiioss 1tiiosstinder lon lonnn
nn tinder r rrridetit llnroln and t the li lat latin l t suit suitvslne it itvivinr
vivinr in member 1mb or r the Ih Ohio Ihi hub drOtatlon > to tothe tothe
the tb national Opibllcaii 111 4ouvvBlloii 1 110 wblih wblihlininlnateit alit Ih h homlit4
lininlnateit 01011 llnroln In I I5du I cl dead ad st hi hiborne hih his hishne I
borne h in 1 ti tlnrlnuall tlnIII saud < < I ft He I had been beenuiferlns beenI
I uiferlns trlne from fum mnrmllie Innrmil 1P due us 1 to hi his sd sdvanre advincesi d I Iror
vanre vincesi < l stc 1 ror or eteial rllonb iiiontb Mr I llsrrett llsrrettwa lrrH lrrHI
wa was t to bare I guo unsent rll wlh wilt < ll > > friend friendlu friendyesirda
y yesirda If sftrDuon n1 I buit abets tb they WI wvmui
lu Iii > room 11 li I > nil iii 1 tutu they Ih found htm htmdi bll bIt bItIesd
di 1 Iesd > ail Sir Hrni I wa w born In Vermont Vermonttb noM
amid 1 srsei 1 t i rm fpIs In the legislature legislaturetiar Clhu ClhuI
tb I tiar r l ieqiue > oie KOIU Ii o t mcluuall Iuu1 In I lif iS a aHi as I It Ihue
Hi hue t Iolltkel M > lirl < l rOltoi 1 or r Ihn 1 t liiflnnatl lllInnU fd fdII Uattltr Uattltrf
II f wrote 1 the ti firI Life 11 1f of llmolu and andfollowed stII 10
I followed fIo I r II ho Miti uti 1 mrl 11 other 11r book I on onHi onI
Hi 1 I In 1t idni idniUliuu ltsttlluui
I Uliuu Ih A llooanU b who wh wj wi defeated defeatedfor Irute
I for fo Mayor or of N srnmk ik r l I Mayor llaiissllno llaiissllnoIII
III I It mot I died 111 1 e ierdy rr HI r hi h Isis botne 4 4Alor 44br
Alor 0 ireet I i In 1 i nity Iy sty of a comulkultou comulkultouof
of r dl useseu en e4 ll I ienie1 from frol work about abouta b I Ir
a ear r 5g tK > on nI 4 I uhf Inl of If r ill 1 health I IIrn e wa waborn was washorn
born In II I Newark fIts nl hree I y eta i a ago n < > and andwit ah1I 01 01was
wit was e elsi4hed UMfed in le I I I ptt 11 p ititiu h I p phsesi hotl 11 there thereHe t 1 herelie
He 1 M r 11 reut ed four rOr esr jr 1 HI I the h I nlled ni StaleV Stale 4ttsNav
V Nav V He I II wi s an al Alderman rmn for > e sen < en and andbslf snIbait n1 n1h1
I bait h1 year I slitS nd I In IIKI Ilo > ws SCS Ireidnnt Ir u of ofthe orh ofItt
the Itt h Common mmnn rouiiril 1111 lr > e followlnc follol ser sert r rhe rh
t he h bersme afle m a Msvur > indldle u on the tbeItupubllcan tb I IHphlrh Ilephliran I
Itupubllcan Hphlrh iirkei k II I w was s S lasnts M > II and antmeutibe n11 i ibarter
barter hr member m nt I It be I Junior JOn ir I I CAM CAMHe I U S 3 3sir 1 1t
He t i fitr sir 1 i 1 it I I his 1 wlf a1 H and tan > o son sonEdward n nTdward nrdrl t
the Vew Vewlerv S
Edward A Sfteeriey ireilnf of f SwIrsv
lerv 11 hiaie Pfa AvttxiaUoli 1 or ff Post Oftli omr fit fitI e er
I > r < and nlllrIIlt ni iirommitit in it the lloyai Arranurn Arranurnroteferfit rcanIts rcanItsI
roteferfit I otestPrs 51 Ainerl 11 i a Hni Knh kizhI hlof of I toliniliu toliniliuAncient oiiuslsAncipnt 1
Ancient Order Orlt of Hibernian IIrnlln and nll other or orcanlratlon uranln organiat
canlratlon ganiat anln icun died S si hi 11 botne 1 11 I S Oemoli Oemolis I e5fl I Iasenh
s asenh enue n I lassal < > ik V 1 on f Haluiday ti njclil ntl ngtitor i iof
of psriionltl alter an I lllne Iln IlnIl illness o STp < TI > ila ilalie < lv I IHe I
I He Il pInnll wa a 31 > 1 1 year r old I and o a veteran an or r the theHp theMpaIahAierisan h hMplnlchAn
Hp nihAinerirn war 1 He I 4 l ibm wrn > rn tn tnItarnaiio II iniarnato
Itarnaiio I He leave I a widow andwi andwibrother In1 anI a abrother I
I hh brother Ianlo tiwrenre Sweeney 1 tween n of r Vi S aw w Vor Vorrl
rl 1 tlanllam tl n lm O I Hweenev tn nsen or lotion 11lon lioslonIuitots lotionFliion
Fliion 110 f i Iterrr one nn or the I Itu beat known knln knomnI I Imm I II
I mm pn In hlAlrnml it I alifonil died dl sululnly ii1d Idonl nly at hi home homein hnmo
o in i n Fresno on Htiinla > etenlnir nlDI He I hail hailheen hIn haulbeen
been n III II fer flr eieral r1 innnlh nh Harry 111 111rromlan wa was was wasa
s prominent clubman va hlnun hotel hotelkeeper hl1 hl1n hotelkeeper
keeper and n nortmsn He U went n to n rail railfnrnls tallmurals
rrl murals stitytwn litr IIn two year 1 ago n and ann no hi h firs firswork tr flrawerli
work waatohslpoicsvststhoalienf wsa D hp ua ncavatm th the sUe I n of me in n old oldPalace oldPal oldals
Palace Pal als Motel Hlln in Pan an Francisco rall At Berry s sbedskio abedside
bedside when 1a he h died etlf was W Maude srI Lillian LillianBerry Lilan LilanrI Lillian7tFry
Berry bI rI IfouUn UuI II comic lmle opera IPr slater lnr who bo boI was wasbis warnhis
I his favorite daughter dauu daughteriI
iI J
J 111
At tb tbe Bank 8 All Hay lh T TAf TsesdayAls mIaT An AlUt AlUtbalmaii Attaea1 U
5 a1 pplei 1 1dwt tlMerwgHd NeeD NeeDrreaieat
rreaieat ef t d the t1r learg H Hn He Hel
n < balmaii ltiisas ef f It Citamilt Hunltto 1 1I In InJane lnele lneleJamee
I Jane om T W Woodward Wowan < pr prIIn l < l nl of th thUanoTvr the theI theHnoyer
I UanoTvr Hno National tatonl Bank Bnl pc sine oc 1877 111 l7 died Uldys die diedI
I ys yeeterday UrUay Ny of apopUxy appl at t lila II horn hornfaat bm V VI
I faat riftysIxUi FI1bt clXMt tML Mr 11 Woodward Woodwardwant Wowar
want wet down to t UM t th tanking In oAo QI at a II IIXaaaau I 11aaeau
Xaaaau aaeau H sset tr t early rly oo Tuesday fue getting letaato sitingto
to bl hi d d dealt k at 1 IJO A M 1 aa wa was bkt W hi out outturn C ou outow ¬
turn W and ant remaining hmaq downtown donta Ut UtAflw L late lateAftec
Aflw dinner loa at UI hom k
An diner at hom < waa wubcblorlr a abachelor abachlur32r
bachelor bcblorlr bachlur32r ilr Woodward Wowa west we to C b b bed bedOn d dUo
Uo WadfiMday tM morftlac ro h be did c1 sot 8 feel fMlw feelwsil I Iwel
w wel wsil l and ad wrat Wft b bl back ck to C bd b H wts M tak t takea takeawith a awith
with ally ally11i all ith apopUz appl soon after ar and ad sash tradu tradually 1 giadually
11i 11 hanover 10nr mask I was u Mr 1r r Wood Woodward1 Wo Woodward ¬
ward ard oU oWf r IM b buainees BM IfitvTMt t1t H B asd aedlila asdhU
hU h brother rVllllMa Wil Woodward Wor Jr Jroqulrvd Jrauln Jracquired
acquired auln control caI In It la 1 1177 wb when n th u they theybought y ybought
bought blM out tb this holdlnj holda of oU J A J Stewart BtowarCJatuea Sta StewartJaw
I Jaw Jatuea T Woodward Wowa bad I ba b a director directorfor dltr directorfor
for 10 four years 7r before bto that tbt WBMI 1 bs h and asdhl a andhie
hl hie > brother brotr get control oontr Mr U Woodward Woodwardrstlrvd Wowu Woodwazdretired
retired rtlr from trm ruin th h Importing Imprtln firm f m of otlpbell Boat BoatCwJnpbell RoeCampbell
Campbell A Co C In which fa 1 be waa w a part partner p partncr ¬
ncr Del and ald devoted himself blmt to C the t bank bankTli bnk bnkn bankThe
Tli n The Hanover lloe then bad bd deposits dpl of 4000 euootu 0
000 0 The T bank bDk statement tatmat of last lt Batur Baturilav Btu Btut atur aturslay
slay t put the average aenlt deposit depL at 1 about about73XX ab aboutacuoo
la 73XX acuoo > WX o > The f Haaover Joe rank rk in the th first firstix A rst rstSi
Si t hank nk nf the th the National
Is ix If city Ctth citythe Satlonl City Citylirat Cty CtyIirt QtyFirst
First Iirt National tAtloOI National tatonl Bank D of Com Commerce Cm Cmmen Coinmares ¬
men the Ch Chase Ji and the Park being beingah Ulac Ulacabld bin binahead
ah abld ahead vtd of it in magnitude 1lltud of depocita depocitaMr dpt
Mr Ir Woodward Wowar who ho was w about 70 7 yearold year yearsold
old was Wa born bor in in Maryland Irlnd and educated educatedin tlucai tlucaih
in l Il lie h school Ihonl of If Haltlmore IIUmo lie le w wag s not notcollege noti
i a college cul man ml l 111 Lait lt later he h became bm a ten trustee tn tentee ¬
tee t of Ir St t JohiiH Joh College Colflt Annapolis Annpoli Ue Uecame U UAle IIcame
came Ale to thi this city ly not long aftr afr th l civil civilwar cu cuwa civilwar
war wa and n entered he employ of r ROM ROMCanpl RO ROapl RoesanpIli
Canpl anpIli > ell 1 t Co CoOtitmde CoOut CoOutside
Outside Out d of the Hanover lanoer hi his next great greatvet greateat It
vet buaineas bll interest warn w in the union UnionTenet unionTrust I ITrl
Trust Trl Company of which he was A a trustee trusteeII
II I no CO1an gao af Intt interested Ui tbn tbt tb develop development develo developmimot ¬
ment t of Alabama aham II I lie was w a director directorof dil
of the Birmingham l nnlnchaJ Realty nt Company Cmpy and andof ad adof andof
of the Birmingham InlnrMm Trust TMt and Dd Having HavingsCnni Havingtonillany huc hucompany
Cnni ompany > anr He I was w also ala for some ame time timeholder timholdr timeholder
holder of r a large la interest in Tennessee Ten Tnneeeomi
1 lO ol and d Iron Company comrDY but got Iot out of ofthat ofthat ofthat
that in ions J before bor that bt company pained painedinto
into the > control NDtrol of th the Hteel cpny Corporation CorporationHe Cfrtoa CfrtoaIt p
He It was a director lro of tb the First Jt National NationalBank NationalBatik I01 I01nk
Bank nk of Baltimore fltlmore o of th tb the Mercantile MercantileTrust MIntU MIntUTr MercantileTrust
Trust Tr and Deposit opil Company of Baltimore Baltimoreof 110 110ot
of the th Greenwich Orwich Bank Iank omrn of this th ity < the theMadinou tb tbladitu theMadison
Madison laditu Square Su Company COlro the t Southern SouthernRailway Huth HuthRlla SouthernRailway
Railway Rlla Company the th Union Safe De Deponit 0 1 1posit
posit Company omJY tb lIsa New w York orl Clearing ClearingHouse tlrne leavinglion
10 House Building arny 1ldin Company Comlny and tb the New Newport Newpr Newport ¬
port Trust Trt Company
Compny Compnyn
In n October Ob IMt Il Mr k Woodward was waaeltnted wasiotd
eltnted It pievident of the New S or York ok Clear Clearing ON learjug ¬
jug C House 10U He le warn w chairman ehaln of tbe tbeclearing tbecenc theclearing
clearing hou house committee In 1807 111 the thepanic tb tbplo thepanto
cenc tOmmt
panic year and ad worked very Yf hard br to tobrine 10bre tobring
brine bre about hut order onH woe in tb affairs aa of r the tbebank th thb thebank
bank b that were In difScufcln difScufclnMr dlol dlolM
Mr M Woodward Woa wan a member mtb of several severalclub aereralcitib eoral eoralcUM
club cUM notably the Union Metropolitan MetropolitanKnickerbocker Metrpltan MetropolitanKnickerbocker
Knickerbocker Knlderbb and Hiding IUdnr He u was w wtrman a avestryman aveettyman
vestryman trman of St Thomas Tbo Church Lu where wherefuneral wh whI wherefuneral
I funeral services 11 for 0 him are a to b I be held heldon
on Tuesday TIfa7 neit at a IJO I 3 oclock olk in tb tbafternoon the theafternoon
afternoon armoa The 1 lb b interment intet will wi be at atWoodlawn atWoodiwn t tWnola
I Woodlawn Wnola Mr 1 Woodward Wor was de deMTibed d dIribl diarribel
MTibed Iribl generally by 1 hi h his friend tfc as a man manof manof manof
of great Imt independence of thought and andwith andI andwith
with wtb an n unvarying InriDI bold bd to t those th Ideal Idealin IdM
I in which be b honestly bOOJI believed bUfI of sound soundbusiness slnd slndbuin soundbuinee
business buin judgment and a broad brd knowledge knowledgeof loIMK kuowed kuowedof
of the th banking judtot business blo lie fe had h many manywarm mn mnwar
warm fnend among those th whom wbm he met metouteids I Iouteide
war amon le I
outeide of busioee hours hu It was al alwy alway I Iway
way his hi custom cuto to 0 be early 11 at work wok at atthe atthe I Ith
the th Hanover Bank Dnk and he remained them themuntil thereuntil b m
until < nt I the t h very r lat every I day
Hi HIl home for to the h last seventeen ntn Tear Tearhad y yhd yearhail
had hd been in the house bon at 0 Fast Fifty FiftySixth Ffty FiftHitti
Sixth street 1 which he h built hult himself himselfllm himselfllisi
llm onlV relative of ft the Ih Woodward Wowant name namela n namekm
111 ft
II km la his hr nephew William Willm Voodward IWord IWordft a avicepreaiulint i ivicepreMident
vicepreMident ft of the bank hnk He It has hasother h hohr ha haother
other relative Uy in Maryland MarylandTAGtHHT MarylandTWUIIIT Irlnd IrlndT4UllT
TAGtHHT T4UllT MK fl SCAHFlt SCA1frDIndians iCARIII I IIndiana II
I Indiana Inin l rmrrals al Take Tal Kindly Htdl t Ie Cev Ceverners G GH Gesenere
erners H Plan far or Mamtnc amtc amin a Nrnator NrnatoriKniANAroLi I4rnatorln1AsAroLl to toIJIUSAtL
iKniANAroLi IJIUSAtL April pril to oTh Th suggen suggenturn suggetinn uUtH1 uUtH1Uon
turn of Go Guy > ov Marshall olahal that that th the Demo Demooratio Dmo DemoI II III
I oratio rl Stain convention connton thi this month name namea na 1 1I
I a candidate carliat for th United UDII State Senate Senatereceived tnt Senatereeeived I I IId
received Id a d dlild decltiesul clde < i irnpetu Inplu from the thecounty th thecosmty
I county comt convention held yesterday try tu tuelect toI i iselect
elect I < t delegate dIIIIM to the th convention conventionSeveral conventionSeveral on Ion Ionof
Several of them approved the I suggestion suggestionby U Ctio
by resolution 11lol and 01 in cases ra where whfre dele delegate dJ dcigates ¬
gate < < were w cho chosen h en n by h townships tonblp instead insteadof Iltd IltdIn
of in na na mass conventions connton many mny advocate advocateof advoatlt advoatltI
I of the It novmor ovrnnr Idea Id were w chosen ChOD choseniwo I ITwo IT
Two T weed ago 0 It 1 s Mme seemed med an if the theTaggart tb tbTcaart theTaggart
Taggart element would certainly triumph triumphover
over 1 the th KxectttivK t ci but aa delegate dIla are arebeing ar arliDI arbeing
being liDI chosen It I becomes apparent rlsnl that thatthere thatIhfOr thatthere
there i is going n nK to tie I a flow dO fl r ttght ht the thereoiilt th thIt theretilt
reoiilt It of whici cannot Im I determined dolfnnm till tilllh 11 tillths
lh thl delegate dI < at meet m t convention conventionThe nvnlon nvnlonn
The n friend of TugRart Tac art Including a amajority amajority amajority
majority nf ff the h meniber I of the th State Statecentral Stt Sttnr1 Statecentral
central nr1 committee ommlt do not conceal n1 their theirconcern thircfntm heiremuncern
concern cfntm over fvr ver the outlook olttloL and they the thetllling are areHooding aretirasding
Hooding th the Slate Sla with letters Ur to promi prominent proniulat lronitout ¬
tout ulat lfcm I Iimuscrats n < > orat rt predicting Jlltla4 del dolat eat If Ifadil a acandidate aenliulate
candidate adil for the thl Senate lt i II is nominated nominatedThey nomlntdlhy nominated71iv
They have h asked 1d th the h Indiana delegation delegationin delecton delectont
in t Congre nc to 0 com her h and nd work ork for fortbe forIb formba
mba Ib defeat of r the boo Covernor plan lan and it itI ItId Itha
I ha aid Id that nine and fad poeoibly pCihr ten mem member mmh memlers ¬
ber h including Senator tnao Shivelv will willnlther wIllIthr willeither
either come here h In 0 th this h convention or oradvie oradvise 1 1alhl
advise alhl their Democratic constituent constltiieDtenot otlla j jnot Innt
not to ii make tk a Senatorial Sntori1 nomination nominationCammeyer nominationCammeer nominationCammeer
I Cammeyer Cammeyerdfamod Cammeer I II
dfamod SIle d on m a3fl0
AftO in MHMO o s
he heI
I StandaniyMeilf StandaniyMeilfA
1 rAy Sc 20 2OA
A Sprint Model odel Low Shoe Shoefor Sho Shoefor
for Men MenIn Mentn en enn
In n Rus Ruuln ln Calf CI CaItGun dun dunMetal 5 5Metal
Metal Calf Cal and Pat Patent Patent Patent ¬ 5 I
ent Leather LeatherOur I IOur IOur
Our Mens Advertising Advertn I La for torthe forthe forthe
the purpose of getting Kel In our ourahoes ourhoes ourshoes
hoes on your feet feetCammeyer fee feeCammeer feetCammcyer
Cammeyer shoes ho have tho thofit thoI thefit
fit I stylo atl and wear that merit merityour meritour merityour
your our continued contnued ue UM of them themvr themtt themEtrv
Etrv vr v iMilantt ttttttti tt ttf ttftnJmJual Is 1 1ttNal Iiijttiditat
tnJmJual ttNal illtnttnn tt e J a torn C itSI itStiktt
tiktt 1 liCk i iI
8radway ak k Ompalty fl ml 34h h Strut StrutANNOUNCEMBNT StreetANNOUNCEMI3NT
75oo 7 7500PirsOf 7500PirsOfa J 50 Pairs Pas of ofPure J JPue
a Pure Pue Silk Si Stockings Stockgs for Women 79C 79CRegly 79CRegularly 7CRegularly
Regularly Regly 125 a Pair Pa at atArr atArnmgg at4Tngci
Arr Arnmgg 4Tngci ngcd for f91 fp MfiQdfty M9ng X Iccc csdajr H Y nrjd m Wcdncgday WcdncgdayThis dng dngThis
This event has awakened such widespread attention atention upon former forer occasions ocuo that thatit tat tatit
it has now attained atained the importance of a metropolitan Uinstiutonit institution institutionit it is i lootad lootadfor lok lookadforand
for forand and waited waied for The opportunity is annual only onlydo do not lctit Up Upbyyou UpbyyouPure bY7O bY7OPue by you youPure
Pure Pue Silk Si Stockings Stockingsin Stckgs Stckgsi
in i 11 J J new colorings colorgs as a well wel as a black blc or white whiteSIZES whte whteSIZES
The silk is of high grade resulting resuling in perfect Hose of exceptional exceptionalbrilliance exceptLoealbrilliance
brilliance brUance Pull Ful fashioned with double feet and unusually unuualy elastic els c Every Everypair B Bpair Everypair
pair is made with the new wide double garter sarte top four inches iche deep dep snak snaking 1 nking ¬
ing the stocking 28 8 inches in length fulfilling fulfiin the demand for fo extra ea length leng hoe hoseThe hose hoseThe
The Te colors pink sky tan pongee lavender navy nnv red redgold red redgold
gold light lght gray medium gray ra bronze black or white whiteMail whiteMai whiteMail
Mail Mai orders or er postmarked d not Inter than Tuesday Tues y April 12 1 will 1 b b be fllltd fllltdAnnounce flc flcAnDouce fLUsdAnnounce
Announce AnDouce Beginning Begng Monday MondayA MondayAn An Extraordinary Extaoda Sale Sae of ofX5o
1500 X5o Silk Si Petticoats Pettcoats for Women WomenA
A At the h IQ pwet t prjces pri pi1c yet y quoted qQ anywhere mJy pyl h r for f equal qq qy 1 cjuajjfjes cjuajjfjesi000 ay IUI
i000 1000 Chiffon Chfon Taffeta Taffet Petticoats Petticoatsin Petcoat
in the newest Spring shades shadestwo two toned effects efects cither citherlight citharlight
light lght or dark also black Value 500 at J 9S
500 Pompadour Silk Sil Petticoats Petticoatsin Petcoat
in a large variety varet of colorings Two models modelsone one has hasaccordion J Jaccordion
accordion pleated flounce with attached ntached section secton flounce flouncethe founce I > 3 9S
the other is a section secton tailored taiored model model Value alue 750 at
An A Unusual Sale of ofImported ofImpored ofImported
Imported Impored Domestic Blouses for Women Womenat
at Less Lss Than Tha Regular Regula Prices PricesThc Prces Prcesh PricesIhc
Thc h 2cry ery I t Sn4 choicest ch hQc p t designs ign
Ercrich tr nh lpuses IQ of fjne fF fi batiste batisteall kiall H1hn H1hnal
all hand made and hand embroidered embroideredand
and elaborated with Valen Valenciennes
o ocicnnes
ciennes laces Value V nlue 500 at 2QO 2QOMarquisette 2y 298Wais Q Qciennes
Marquisette M rqi U Waists WaistsTwo WaisTwo t tTwo
Two models modelsne one is designed with wih high highneckpanel highneck hishncckpanel
neckpanel neck panel of real Irish I rsh lace and pleated pleatedfrill pleatedfrilt
frill frilt The Te other has a Dutch neck and andis
is finished finishec with real Irish Irsh beading and andpleated andpleat andpleated
pleated pleat d frill fri edged with Cluny ClunyBoth ClunyBoth ClunyBoth
Both have s sleeves sleeves Valuc600 395
Er French n h Blouses IQY of 9f fJOc fJOcwith ft flt 11 I5c I5cwith 1 1with
with hand embroidered yoke lace lac in insertions inserlons insertIon9 ¬
sertions serlons and hand made tuckings tuckingssleeves tukingssleeves tuckingsslccvcs
sleeves and collar colir elaborately elaboratelytrimmed eaborately eaboratelytrimmed elaboratelytrimmed
trimmed Value 600 00 at 395 395Black 395Black 395I 395Black
I Black Waist Section SectonSpca SectonSpcaBlock SectionSpecial SectionSpecialBlack Special SpecialBlock
Block chiffon taffeta tafeta Waists Vasts A finely finelytailored finelytailored finelytailored
tailored model mode1 Entire front frontof of tuckings tuckingsand tuckingand
and side pleats ornamented ornomcntcdwithsilk with withsik
silk sik buttons butons Special at t 395
An A enlarged enaged Dress Section Secton for Women WomenThe
The vastly vasty increased space now given over to this department by no nomeans nomcans nomeans
means foreshadows future need needIt it is direct response r to the demand demandof
of the present Our Spring selling seling of dresses is little ltle short of ofwonderful ofwonderulthough ofwonderfulthough
wonderful wonderulthough wonderfulthough though not to be wondered at after all ni since we offer offerfixcjusive ofer oferI offerccusive
fixcjusive I iv rnpdejs rH I exquisitely qi H Iy designed Q igmg and nd ncI as H carefully crcf r f ly finished finishedas fin h h1h
as L the 1h foremost fQrm9 f9 JT t modiste mQQi 1 in the 1h land old accomplish C mpl h Yet Yetwjthal Y XcthhiI t thHI
wjthal hHI the prices pri pric are r decidedly g igQy m modest g n E For r example exampleFoulard jyp jypFoulard mp
Foulard Fould Street Steet Dresses DressesNew
New street dress of bordered foulard Made ade from fine finetwilled fne fnetwied finetwilled
twilled twied silks siks Yoke collar and cuffs of fine white whie lace All Al sizes j jFoulard 250 2500 2500Foulard
Foulard Fouad Afternoon Afteroon Dresses Dresseswith
with embroidered chiffon overdress to match Yoke Y oke collar and andcuffs
cuffs of dainty white whitelace lace Silks Siks of ofthc the seasons foremost colnr colorings colorngs coloringsNew j jNew 29 5 0 0New
New Lingerie Liger andLinen and linen Lien Dress Models Modelsshown Moels Moelsshown Modelsshown
shown for the first time this season These arc not the early styles stylesdesigned stlcs stlcsdesigned stylesdesigned
designed for Southern Souther wear but butthcapprovcd the approved accepted Summcr styles stylesTailored tle tleTaored tylczTailored
Tailored Taored Suits Suts for Women Womenat at Popular Popua Prices PricesThis Prces PrcesThis
This most remarkable assemblage of new models modes came into our hands handsduring handsduring handsduring
during the past week The standard of beauty and elegance they theypresent theypresent theypresent
present is in marked contrast to the usual offerings elsewhere I
12 1 2 New Models Moels at 2500 2500in 250
in plain tailormade taiormade and semidress styles all al beautifully beautfuly tailored taiored and lined lned Of OfFrench O OfFrench
French serges ser es worsteds wide wales tweeds or rough pongees pon ees A large range of ofcolorings ofcolorin ofcolorings
colorings colorin s including incuding Dutch blue rose reseda navy gray ray also black or white
4 New Models Moels at 1950 1950Mannish 1950Mnsh 950M
M Mannish nni tailormade 1 g Suits S M i 1 semifitted semifited coots lined lned with pcau de decygne decygne decygne
cygne full ful pleated i9rm skirt all al colors also black or white whiteNew whiteN a aN
N New tailored 1 H9r lpreci Q Suit S M I of diagonal dia onal worsted embroidered embroid rcd satin collar collarlined coJar collarlined
lined lned with pcau de cygnc cy ne pleated skirt all al colors colorsTaored colorsHQr colorsIai
Taored Iai HQr c Suit S5 it t of 0leJ3cb f Er French n Serge srg notch collar colar and rcvers faced with withsatin withsntin withsatin
satin to 4 match full ful pleated skirt all ni colors colorsNPF colorsN
NPF N J Suit it of i JFrench fr p serge rg rge low roll rol rcvers faced with moire lined linedwith linedwith linedwith
with peau de cygne all al colors colorsla colorsI colorsIn
la I the te Coat Section SectonRug SectionRug Rug Polo Coats for Woman WomanPolo Wom WoniinPolo
Polo Coats in tan or white at 3950 395 5500 5500Rug 550 5500Rug
R Rug < f Coats 9 js i in many colorings at 4900 490 8500 8500Steamer 80 8500SPr
Steamer 5t m r Coats c Q 1 s in fine Scotch mixtures or serges sertcs at 2250 225 to 6900 690
rwi j White te Washablt a bl Veils VeilsOur V S SI
I Our excjusiye I importation importationOf ilp9r p9 p9Of H F I
Of white licrre applique Breton or orPrincess orI orPrincess
I Princess lace la = in allover alover or scroll scrol de designs i isigns Ii
i signs also dots with floral foral borders bordersat I Iot
at JOO to 950 each eachSPECIAL eachSPECIAL eachSPECIAL
I Washable Lierre Liere Veils VeilsValue Veis VeisV VeilsVaIue98c
Value V VaIue98c olue 98c at at5OC SOc Value V Valucl50 alu 150 at 95c I
Cold Storage orage of Furs Fus FusExpert Fursservico
1 Expert service and thoroughly modern modm equip equipment alp alpment uIpmcnt ¬
ment for the storage of Furs Fur and Pur G Ga Gaments Ga GaI r rments
I ments insuring Insurin absolute immunity a1falnst a1falnstloss alnst alnstloss Inst Instloss
i loss or damage dma by fire fre theft thet or moths mothsi mothsRepairs mohs mothsR
Repairs R s and ad Alterations AlterationsUndertaken Atrato AtratoUndCrtakcn AlterationsUndrrtakcn
Undertaken UndCrtakcn at much lower cost costthan costthZn costthon
than thZn is customary during durng tbe Pur Purseoton Purs Fursaton
seoton s lon Mail Mai or telephone order orderwill ordersI orderswi
will receive receive immediate attention atention
I L I wi
NO EXTRA EXTRACHARGE I Advertisements Adverti ement5 for The Sun and The Evening Evenn Sun Sunmay SunCHARGE SunCHARGE
CHARGE CHARGEFOR may be left at any American District Ditict Messenger MessengerNO MesengCr MesengCrfR
FOR fR IT office ofce in this city cit cityw
j jI
o 4 1 ii
r I
1 r I