OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, April 11, 1910, Image 4

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-04-11/ed-1/seq-4/

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Af tI iK5 if r rut ctiKnnnn ctiKnnnnr CIIt n nTIIT
0 r rnriR TIIT iumix urtjf 13 t I In i ilmsilrr I 1
lmsilrr 1 Him In n ami IKIII tII al me mennr rutirrn rutirrninheriIy IIh IIhnnhrna
nnr nnhrna m ry II teoiMtallen imtatI While Whilea ftllr ftllra
a Mtnlalur Drum Ivjis rp IM furnMie r i iMuile I IMtihSViflV
Muile MtihSViflV 11 Many Vttr t 11 hl1tI i elal Thnrc Thnrc1h fltrCh rhrrrlh
1h h Mantling indin tmr fII i II < Hebrew HebrewOrphan IftI IftIOrphan w wI
I Orphan eylun 11111 flred a volley It at a Mayor MayorClaytior lafI lafIcr1n Zsnrflpnr
Claytior h t n gil c I Th tambng < urmy urmya my rmvcrcty myI
> a crcelr kne In l hig1 t tii Hu dtk k and ah IIbI IIbI11k shnt14ik ot otlilajko
lilajko In ntnaiirc muk rnl1 tLtU4 l II It 14 A a aOtf7 IIodr LLOd7
Otf7 of if r troop t that th h tnke 11 t 1AtI Uclfvrif Uclfvriffcerifiuxlr rr rrnnuwI7D Y YIIU
fcerifiuxlr nnuwI7D IIU and o it I t p pJard ed d tb h Mayor MayorTh IynrTh
Th OvV 010 on W7 wig the th < elebrntion of n nftl44b tie tierlltvth h hrIUlb
rlltvth aiin IUml eMt t t 7 of ih t Inlll < < enili of ihe iheHr 111 111flral tii tiirrt
Hr flral t huiMing i he I tlonrew frI 1 ii iitaiyltrni Orphnn j
Anyljm and I tn reonS r rfo o went nl t tb tbliIppoi1rom th thHlproronv ItJflrrodrom
Hlproronv to e th I nna1 ma 1 nold uoIiUri uoIiUriput ol olrllt er erput
put through Iheir drill mi Q wii1 to t hear I r ad adlire addthaa adiItts
lire dthaa from iLe IL Mayer loI < r lUlward Ih lvit Laztr Laztrtth r rtch rikb
tch and other 01 Noliody wa w a sorry Mirrythat sorrytht ry rytbAt
that h v went bccuae 1u m addition to I the theirooj ItwrcoJfI h hTCOfI
irooj TCOfI and the Ih Ipur pekr ktn > r there hr were 0 4P1 4P1cedIngIy n nexceedingly I Iz
exceedingly z lncI1 mill girl TI prim In white whitepinafore wbltrpinalorH whltrIMnfore
pinafore and nd pink hair ribliou who whoAmerica ho hoIIla hotrIkd
IIla America mrl l and 1m th choru fentn fentnand I fri frirnr IIrn IIrnEraaDI
EraaDI and nd mad t U tNUr w atofethr wyth wythl wjthLuUfuI Ih IhbMllUtul
bMllUtul l grace rAQP and precision precisionThe r4cI lon lonThe
The rh Mayor enfreil snt nlr rcd 1 with 1 11111 siti sitiprd fitern fiternpresident 11rnplMldml
president prd n of the Ih aavlure Ilum I IIr r AlirAham AlirAhamJacoM AbrthmJcM hrhllmJaCtbt
JacoM Kdwmrd d latiterrxirh Meyer h t nh nhuer iahIt
I uer Jacob J H Kchlff Borough Pte 11IlIt 11IlItfoAn tuIflt1oAntn ident identMoAneny
MoAneny foAn 1oAntn n and ntl other I N and took I tft ¼ a e t tj tin
j in ft th right bund bun M t e bot Som 1I1f1 i1f of oftie utthe
tie other in bosen Lo were fno Fire Fir CotnmH CotnmHieftr Crnmmhar I
ieftr ar 1 Wald < Ch lhriU ritie Comniinioner ComniinionerDrummond 1rnrnrMrnerDfaftond < r rDnImInoDd
Drummond Police roli Comnwleioner C Baker urH Mk Mktorsy J
Montay H r1lY William Innco Stem Prudent PIdentJbL Idnt Idnt1eka I IJoha
Joha 11 Finley F1n of o the Ib thy tH Collge lcIIo < and andIcaac andLc nd ndJac
Icaac Gug iuaoDbim iuaoDbimbm nheim nheimWhen
When bm tb big bI red r curtain wo woipI woipIeiILzigwatd p l lceillngwitd Inillncald 1
ceillngwitd the great < rMI Uge of r Ibo Hippo Hippodrotu HlrpodrolU IIIppidrou
drotu a paketl 1111 with It a ohntu of ofthr ntthT r rtt
thr tt fooien luya h m khiki to I ihe Ill II lefti leftiglrla Idt Idtelll
glrla fsis in white hit niu nllllIn lln to the Ih right rightl4nZ h Th 1111 1111tnc v viang
iang Anerica ontrlc with llh epirit and in 1 m nIb nIbt nvthbttr > h hb
b bttr tt t i tun w tban moJt amlivnces of oFgTo I j i I Iupl
j grownups gTo wnup upl ever ptraebltlh eracbtv achieve th tht n whiUed off fr in inptfctcr4rt j jperfect I
perfect ptfctcr4rt tfKI stpperMIfII order e rd fit 110 a iictial frc Irm m the II tIiiztaprdueItivwuIlNI wlng Inlt InltstpperMIfII < < j I Ivoung II IItfKI I
younptr voung Ountr tr w whlnuelf h 114 tr r t u ha IIIo M t II IIhlmi s sI
I hlnuelf hlmi lr Hn hcde hl > ii i A drtuu corp tt h hrear I Ircar
rear gui gt4 tlrl d f which It ai compo COrnVMt e if I Iquad taquad n naquad
aquad < > f mlnuuire aoldier It Idir Th drum drumsrittId Irllmlllnltlood
nttled and lItI the th huli 11 hriled hr lld lh lhaudleace Thalldftlce TbWUetc8
audleace ippUitltil grexrly ihouch H Hfeed 1hat t thiI
feed to v lvigh at 1 iu l Iy > oy hoe drum rl 1UIflWl um so soaway = 01
away 11 from rom him ml rolled Ilk t Ixir Ixirtoward 111t lisUIowrd
t toward the Ih foo light Ihe I hC h owner ofth ofthfugitive r Ihoo IhoofUotlthe th thfutive
fugitive drum not allowed by I reguU reguUtitma rJII
I titma tw pur 1llrlI ii it but hi hl1 ollcer ICfr th I b I If y ytinder yiudr
tinder the th enormtM me > rm MlIko h Wo niarrheil niarrheilcalmly lIuurh lIuurhalmlalona narrhNtts1ml
f calmly ts1ml < almlalona along iiIon the trout of I tin thUn line puthni puthnithe IIIh itdiiithe < 1 1the
the dram back harrwlth with hi h t < rnd nd relumed relumedu uiiimc1iuiImy IIIMI81ly
u calmly I81ly M if hi h hadn dtt t been twuior rcin r Cinaro CinaroI lfxs lfxsr
I fir r mef m per prsn prsneornin l tni n nA
i A arterial al comiinr if ir the th c crdt Id det rorj rorjKve rr rrn 1 1I
I Kve p an n exhibition bthitIo drill Aftr the Ih ii 11111 11111t utl utlmaaual
maaual tflanua cf r arma m th I hor h ov m ntd dr ff > eenrr1 eenrr1threw ml mlth rnrihiw
t threw th o up tnti 1 iu u rpmd order nrd fwmeu fwmeukirral r rnmkirih MIIIklrmlab >
kirral klrmlab h line lin rrpellfd invader end c i4 then thentired h9finott Iii Iiird
tired rd A volley or ai at t the Ih Audience ld I t T fI I IIb
I the Ib ccmmnd they tile broke tm i h the thelntt sheteti h hnt
lntt nt down IDd nd were re awsv A v l efiie v ju jucwld JIICfJ1d ii iicvsId
cwld aajr JACI Robin RolnPrMldeool RoLinn RoLinnPredent fl flPrtaident
Prtaident Steru mode UI4 an intrndurtory intrndurtoryadrea IntrndlltlnnI intrdictorvaddt
adrea addt ia whliU hlh he rfere l the ta tamanila I r rrnntio rIUAlltiO
manila beginning of r tii I ljenev bndtit bndtitoc1tv l nt ntocltr
1 ocltr eightvelpht ilthttI ht year e1U a c n A Je ith ithoIdev ili iliaoldler Iht
t aoldler who had h t len I en hadlr huri in n nrn n nwar t trnt
war rn of l II lwa wa4utyingtn utirn drinKlnlhel I n th1 th t tty Hipitnl HipitnlA HpItAIeomfll1Y
A company of Jewn J raed J5 > t > gi gikira
I 1 kira little litl comfort and luuriee hit he hedied t tdltd II
I died before bero the th money mon 1ulJ < i > ulJ I > e u sd sdflat > l lTliat
flat tano 3O was tbo Ib start of u great IE u urtLt tuna tunartlted IIJIn
rtlted d in later year money 1Qf moie whicli liclt bull bulltha hItae bflth
tae th old o1daiumat atylutn Ium at t 1 Lamartlm flno Iic now nowVMtTwentyniathatreetand no noWnt nowWtT
Wnt VMtTwentyniathatreetand Tt entoiath atrHt And th OlIrnl the present presenthorn rn rnolee I >
horn he olee In n Anxterdam nlll < dam aventte between betweenJ olnUfth twi twil3etb
Ufth J tb and 13 1t1b Tb treetii tr t Thn Mr tr Merit MeritIntroduced Strntgtto4ucd IrnIatrocJuoed
Introduced thn Ib Mayor Hie 01 apnlaiiM apnlaiiMw prol prolMthuiaatic
w va ji Mthuiaatic nthuia tic and noJ l loo no otc continued continuedI nlinllooJhall
I have > beeo greathr re3t3 llT evllflrtl JIiI JIiIfliyo tl tlMayor >
Mayor Gaytior Th li li o nf f what llIu I Ihare Iha IhaTe
hare ha wen H her 11 qi I do d not believe hf1i could 1111 1111tiuplltotN h hduplicated hflUptk4ted
duplicated anywhere anh iithe In Ib worhl I Ihave Ibv I Ibay
have heard r heared fifty nit yearn of thu thueodetyo thleoctety th thOdety
eodetyo Odety history unit I have veti iii iiibf7 i iboy 1 1ya
boy ya aud cirU It rl you OU am cartna CArinr for bit budo tl w wdo < I Ido
do not lee tie thousand of 0 ueoful nien nienand nl11atld ntiaid
and omeu you have h turned tlrc 1 out lIt t into intothe Intot intotheworid j
the t theworid e world arld AppUuiM AwIt ApaiiI I i iI
I wonder lond how ho many ny iU uttle chtdren ch ffrpn ffrpnrv Se Sereaved b brfJed j
reaved rv 110 04 o rly thit th they th did not remem remember rnwmr l1IfOrn l1IfOrnthe ¬
ber r the name un of their tb r father rath or their th theirvdot1iir r j
mother havi hit > you 0011 Miccorwl how h III n 11lIttJfl IIflV IIflVIkttkl nv nvlittle
little brarta bttl ft hav h yo VOl i comforted It i ISin ttin j
line Sin to know that ail of r the th 1hq e children vtWrnIs g > i it I
t tit n publio UhIII aohool under liD ytwir MAr nWIl nWIlTht wii r ripf > > f
Tht ikurtl 1111 of r Kducatiou pay pot the Ih 1 1but toll 111hut tollhut >
hut you Y Ime h ih buildlnc Would tliti tlitintiicr 11 11ntlr
ntiicr ink44tuti inOO < llltl < > o of thi hi kind might mlEhtth in inthe I
I the th Mine im rn thing hlnec
Uctalk Wc c talk nomttiraeiof nuetimt Ot t liriMi 11 In n charity
but clarlty drll U I a wittd w d tiil ti hmi1d t not nflllllo nfllllloInfh t h III IIIa v va
a preflx Ita 1t honrmi ho trn tt I si thn th horI of ofmankind 01rnatlklnol ofrinkfnll
mankind It iitJ tt J thnunl tlion in < N nf nfefore Yrar IIr IIrftltf
efore CliriMianily It i ft in the th thI It li lif Iiato Iiator
I f the It Jewish Ip rr i I tiiii I l iu u
laek t III It III be hl l in tho Ih very trt d ILuI1I t wii of 4ud liit 111117 111117nd iy iyord
ord you will illlIld find thai the Ib lew took tokn mr mrnX Ir Irnt
nX lIMo n kk nd the helplra and t oomforte oomfortetbo cnmlorl1Ibt <
tbo th iridow 1Iid and lid the ihoJt orpluii orpluiiIt nJllIlIt
It i s aJd 101 lbt tll Htuyre fituTt Htucant Htucanttwr nt a pr prr I
c twr tor > r > r of miu < wouldn I Ut I t the ih h Hrnt ntt lpw lpwwllo Irw1fbo IewwharrenIms
wllo wharrenIms pvrm me futhinrounfr tthlfttlnfrIOYrn thr > were wvVlfl I Ifcvrn
fcvrn Vlfl of 1 Ihuo n I > lnv Ii Uud d until ul trv tl tltot tIi tIiP411 i
tot given n 1 IJ1It H 11 > UI i riVf r r4l rnr < 1 < 1 th 111 ir M i k knod IUti IIiutt
nod Uti indict Lnfi nt I o < IIIK 1 v tliji tI4 I iriin Id I Irlatrtlrhllr 1111 Urf I Iesr1trtIi i iclmr
clmr rlatrtlrhllr eirriMP of tbe 11 htgotrv hllU lrv of hIM II inn innfvrr Inthr tiflrir
fvrr oki > Ii Ivter oughr thr to h hA tv v l it1Ifl < nriwn Iwttir I
Tfhr I 1 pIr < Of e seven ifl 1 v wr er ie I hHid iul lh h 11 < > Hret Hretknuwn Ilrtknuirn r1 r1nvn
knuwn nvn lewM f I > b b hs e n > tne 111 lier sr but I Inwy h hnla hnh
nla nh nwy > MiH Mftf < ect ct4t l that ixiinn 0 had h Ld rlli hll1 > e 4 < i iin I
in b b4ri f rt r The T fly itomeneMfiire IOflI I1L41r of r il ilit I Irl ItrarI
rarI rl atay y bUI P t Inrtlonl it itAny Iuchl II I I
Any DY way iy Y Pet r never nv Itul h I t dig thit thitf h htWfld IIT IITtonL
f tWfld > nd ajt < j Jt t or > f th ti ctly 11 nrrbtve rriY and nel sql > It f rr > r
lt enfoicm nt Vim never Wir lugged I II H HMAtlin
1 Mod MAtlin in > rssr ir 1 dutv lAppluu lAppluuThank I I1III1
Thank 1b 1III1 IMM I put Ihet I tIfr i ixflrcly a 4 In I II1ft jot jotleft
left amonr n I We W io go 010 tothei totIiegmjwI Ihm me tK lal laland i I Ijiil
and rtad the I th b3Ifl unc rn book mid t vrt vcto n tl tltent I 0 0am < I Iam
am pink > > Atil 111 when wh rriKs rr1 ron ronwe rotw 011 011nDO
we w viDMI nDO CI > together 10tt hr pod plan t gether Inltt titthrnt getheraj hr hr1Lft1
aj 1Lft1 nt l even PO flgtit IPII together Vour Yo 0111 mine mineare D nupiMe I Iare
are on the 111 mu mUIr ter roll in n all au of f our ur iiat iiatcr nstid
cr 0 e and nti your 0111 trimr IIO are a T hicti t 1c on he heIittH h fiof
Iat IittH of th wie WI councillor OIIICf who h li tl out outihi 01r Qtihi
r ihi h nation e a alvarlon iIvaI o on the tJl anviU nll or orrlebnte orrtbt ordebiut
rlebnte MppLviee And we w dull hal go goi n
i on 4 berominc more bomogeneotir Itnt IIfl ii f ftPli I11I
betiete tPli that in loo I yearn Tsr r or le I < the th thmar il ilmArction < le lemarcatlon
marcatlon mar < atlon will uII xcarrelv fIV eiint eiintKdward IirIdard Ii IiEdrd
Kdward Lautcrbacb delivered dUo an ntl
dre d drii > which hld w wi 1 Inrcelr nr I y a eulogy of the theJew Ih IhI theI
I Jew win in the 1 past eightyeight Mhty Klcl ihl ht year yearI iaI
I made tt thd aocjely cI C work ork wicoeMful u rul On Oni o
i behalf hlr of the th aaylum Mr liuterhach liuterhachprei flItfrharhprlItfld Liititprhehprerittd
prei prlItfld nted to Dr Abraham Jacobl a cilver Ioilorr10ln iIriovIn
loving 10ln cup cupHUHISACK vujH4chaswb 111HUStft
HUHISACK ArTEit irrIirsLnns irrIirsLnnstvttfrfriI siKK siKKlivltrrleil titolnf titolnfIUI
livltrrleil IUI Mrueger earl4 Hleh al alone Bew Bewrr RreF
rr F One of the th Hst 1 Caught CaughtlUrKivaAi 4 uhl uhlrNuII ughtIIrILgAK
lUrKivaAi rNuII K N J April 11111 10 Chief or orPolice nrrJc orrIic
Police Dunn nf nackenaack hAlt iiue iUf uouiiIrriIIg < < l lceneral 1rrllllltfI
ceneral wrnitngn + several r1 tune nf late latethat I Ilhal fatetht
that icdInK aiitoiat who he > violat d the1 the1law Ih IhIa thlaw
law Ia pgitng > aa < itng throuzh hi territory letnwniifq letnwniifqur would wouldfuffar lltI lltIur
fuffar ur arr Ant t Tin rh uftrnoon hnengaged hnengagedk hn It1 It1IIlnml
k locnl automobile and wth Um m nOn ROIat nOnat Rot
at t the ttl wheel waited walt f h > the I lb iIeeitrs iIeeitrshffr4 m > iPr nt
lAlocscameflotffred iAIOCeIm UntUr hffr4 Knisw tll Igr Newark NewarktilUmtaire erark erarkI <
I tilUmtaire Ui flt tH brewer n f H Ii of about
fUty vu 17 mile anl an aT hour The rh chief had h to toI7 torrt t
lo Ma Maytond woo l twfore Ir
I7 > > th the brewr w wnrrciId e ennd <
nrrciId I1t nnd < v tiielled > I1III tn r rtr lini I In to It
Joauo Johnston M ofllm m In lla If htimrk htimrkchaufTeitr <
lIiII Iti chaufTeitr chulr ar John Kinnegan wa in < il
110 which I h krueger KrllA r paid Ict un loffr < 1 r irnt prnt1 i iI tI
I J C t Hitbbard of r 147 Wt fli r Eighty EJlthlhanl third
tr f < M MaahAttan w abw I > nrrf topp > d and andfined 1
fined tIn for rn e tmllar orrnr rrn lr P PrtIre rh h
KrtJir rtIre of nll1 37 Boyd itrei lr I l ler v i tfr > iy wn i
flgtut staler < l Inr for poMinlf f e dmK nlr lnn Iong > Main M MIs atret atretwt t tAI
wt Is al AI IVthtrtyfIe Hif thirtyfive mile m n ntorc7cJe trir < u on a aWiorrrdc 1JmorOdv
ie Free Exhibition ExhibitionTO
TO TttD TIbDtV D T rnou no I A it wa to III i r w wIh NIho Mrhe
Ih Iho lnl t 11u < U ami n1 Dwimy Art t Collectioo Collectiooicomprinlng ColI CoIlectioatcomtn oa oalcomprilllnrc
icomprinlng IM 1 number ntlml of ofSiR
ru ut M ULu > LU T TPublic TI 1 1I
I Public Auction AuctionleiMRiRf Auctlenlelilllilll AuctlneVrni
aa ionliiili 1 > le4 1li r trl trlIn 004 4 Bat Ua UatAksSl
MnHMMHtit In tAksSl I r II IrEIlOu ritn > oo oool > H at t L LFifth 3 3Fifth
Fifth Avenue Art Q OallerJes GaNeriesRA Keriesf
546 a U Fifth F I Iii fth RA Ave AveJAA1ES A A Aa ve tIltS1I fIlOr fIlOrJAMES r rJAMES
JAMES P SILO AMctl Actcr ActcrnlTlO AvctkaerIIIRITIO er ertliniT0
tliniT0 nlTlO 1111 ll IIKiM I J I M t in IOC 14 I IRORRT M MHOKKRT UHOBIRT
> HOKKRT n l nni h hvIth 11 Ktitrn Ktitrnwealth 1Tn 1TnIsh
wealth Ish tattle ta tIer hun R Bier 1 b bTrain ffl fflTrain > a aTrain
Train Xrar rr r Mttltlfo i r l e M 1 J JSoMh oJ1Ylua Jo1ptIur
SoMh 1Ylua TluK V J 3 April pril lOHobert lOHobertH
H Kyle n wealthy Alth tattle dealer and andmeornh nd ndtuernbr a amember
member r of u tlm II firm of Newton A Co of oflertey orI ofIery
lertey I Y City wan wa killed Instantly Intanll by 1 the theeiutbound IhaIbcun thesutbiunI
eiutbound Ibcun Buflulo Kxpreaa Esp at L Ihe Hlll Hlllboroiich UIIttIh HillsPoroiili
boroiich ttIh croaalng roeln of the tb I ehlgh Valley Vsllsyltallroaij 111
Ilallroad 1 lIroad three Ih mi mlla lea from her hp but butnight eatnlahl fiatnljht
night Kyle KI Marted to drive dri from this thiapiece thisiIttC
piece Ie to hi farm near 1 Weston lat eve evenlng eofnlDC etcnIh
nlng with wil h a spirited bore ho attached lo a aTh a1lofIT sThr
1lofIT i
Th TIIr r wer er r < > no fl eyewitar eyewituessis wllatwlI Ma to the III acci accident acdrft scc sccdent ¬
dent The Th engineer of the Ih train aya ra that thathe thatI
he h Aaw Aa nothing ahead h a until he It heard heardM i iIt
M I raih < He II topped tnp hla hi train about aboutquarter a aqllrlr aqusrtr
quarter of a mile from th thq croatlne and andfound andlound andfount
found the Ih wreck of Kyle a buggy on n the thepilot t theiIot
pilot iIot The Th crew cr of the tb train on going 01 01tk
lack tk found Kyle body hnd lying < on the thetrack thttlral thetracki
track lral and nd about ninety niDt feet from the thecmvilne theffIIln thevtiisin
cmvilne ffIIln there Ih waa as the Ih body by of the tl hon 11 11Th hnqeTb
The Th exprea p a dun II at the th Hllla Hlllah 11 IfifleIorouh
horoh h crorlng at M 1 P I M l and At the themana th thedat
dA dat man mnl a watch which hlch wa hdly hdlyed fdlyernashed
ernashed ho ed had atopred at t 7l 7lo The Thecrew Th Thco TheeTpw
crew co placed fla Kylea Kyl1 Ilorr body f in the tb freight freightstation flcbt rreIhtettlon
I station t ton at 1 the Ihf IlllUhorough IIhrouah croaaing ciosain ciosainafter
i after alr which hlh the th train went Int to New ew York YorkI YorIn i
lttr r In the Ih night County ounl Phyician PhysIefatng
lx In < ne of this If jfae > ar wa notified notl of the thernl thecvtttett
I accident rnl and went to tl Ii the Ib ten n He I or nrIff ordred
ld Iff red an < u > n itwfuevt OUI to II b b l held h1 tomorrow tomorrowml lomrro
ml 11 the Ih Somernt linr Grand rnd Jury Jur which whichnieeU whichnet
net 11 on Tueaday rlNdy is II a likely 1ly to h be aakd aakdto aood aoodr eskedrnnider
to r consider NI41dfr an 111 indictment irdieImnt againit aalnn the theIjehlgh Ih Ihlhlll theIhiti
Ijehlgh lhlll Valley It Railroad nalrd for leaving Ivin one oneof aneof oneof
i of the Ih nvwt t danzeroua lnmllI croaaing Clnc along alongit a1on a1onttA
ttA it line lil Ittt unguarded mjllrP iti 11 the night nightTh nahl nahlTho nihtTIl aon aonlil
Th Tho crc clflnj crreing ng which hith baa hl gatem cal and ia iaiCiiaded t Iagfl
iCiiaded lId gfl fd during tlnnl the Ih day has ha been tn the theicene I thecatle I
icene I of many lal a cldents ldent at night nl l The Thegttmai T Th ThtrnA
gttmai l t trnA ma i if off If tf duly tlt after I e oclock oclok Kyle Kyler Kyl Kkrtwntiy
r rtwntiy ntly nnuiretj d the Ih l Ivy > evy falate flal and anda ant andLra
a Urge L1 Intel Itl of land Int near Veton and andtrfbli fld fldaIbItPPfI
trfbli aIbItPPfI he a country atr t Joa place > tace there He lieS le leIh
i S lh b fothcr rnlwr of 0 County lomt Jude John M 1 1III
Kyi of ii Itonnoke Iook Va a and nrt of Robert RobertKyl no RobertKyI t tKI
Kyl who wll til fa ttC a engaied ncIf In II the Ih livestock IhNtok
bu 14 in fl K with wil h him hi in 1f i Jeraey City CityMr Ci Cilr CityMi
Mr lr Kyle 01 asa r iwrtner Irn with llh John Inn Inn1M A A14Ineh1
MrMowkey 1M 11 in the I llrm frm tim nf Newton Slo k kIrq1lnisioI Co Corpiuniiwioi Ce
rpiuniiwioi llmiI denier dI in i cattle Mil nheep nheepi uhepItIIltIlPI h p pILI
i ILI Until anti vtv at th Jeroey J City Ii
si Mtwk 11 l < VrrH Pr foot 01 of n Sixth atreet Jersey
City I it He I a ss N trn rn n in 1 n Virginia lr n about aboutfifty abouttftT holt I Ir
fifty yerracgnsrd r jn 1 t had 111 been eagage ngaed i in inWo I InItO
Wo a f fiti i t tock l IIleIle < ine LII a in Jerney Jrr Pity
rt rtI
I I eighleti CaIII I hl ve vrl vvr r He I ft wa the k cattl rtl sales aalotmtn ul ulmn salesmin
min for In hi h la firm frm nnd I wa 1 widely known knownin Iow
in I the h trciie Ia I He I if la i a atirvived 11 by tT hi hiSacord hiS hiacond
acord cond eol wife wit 11 and nt their daughter dulhte and nd two twoon 10ln twosont
ln sont on i v hi flr IltAt t WIfe wifM WIfepjp 1 1r
M pjp tin r UrlnlfX rnns inv Tttitt TIU riwiPeoltsaens < IN ns nsPeotrnwn 0 0rolrna
Peotrnwn Tnrabont Treurt 4 eealr r > Mild ah skI t tll Ila Ic IcIrate
ll la Irate e Iteen Im Vletlmlreil VletlmlreilPHI IUmltPii IrIlruIyesfPut
PHI Pii ur nriiM r nt m April rl 10 A 0 wire rir ir tap tapurif tl tapItI
ilt urif ItI came r of gigantic 11n c proportion prptnnl wa wapulle1 a4 a4pulII
pulle1 lul1 on I ft In the Ih Philadelphia poolroom poolroomyesterday poolrnoznsIt olrfm
yesterday It I in I aid d that It extended fsff to toNe t toa
Ne a uI ork > rk Chicago ChjASO and no nearly nNrl every
late 1 fat city tI m II tli country countryHe cmltr cmltrTt
Tt He medium mpllm was the th fourth rorh race a at atOaklind 1
Oaklind O llu1 One hundred bUlcre thousand lbnd dol dolUr dol1r dolir
Ur 1r ir wa cleantl 11 up lp here and ad It i aid Md MdIhL saidthai aidthat
that R I million nllon wa realiz rlz d by the tapper tapperhronchom tpen tpennlthnl tappersfirnshniiI
hronchom nlthnl the I h country countryj untl1il
Tiii il tretapprr pCr sent the i wrong wron price priceand pric pricesand
and nIl jorfcey J t to thi I h > Information bnr bnra1 borsa borsaatitt ati atiand
and eioctd Iel ecl < d Iedeem Ihe longest InCI hot shotitt hottn i
tn il the th Iii race rlc a the 11 winner wlnn When it iltl wa watime w wth
time tl th for the Ih fourth Oakland Oltl to I be b run rn runfaI a al aI
l faI ke depcrtption I of the Ih event nl was for forwarded IfrIlrdft forvrtkd
winner wittnerIInL5I1rIes warded Ilrdft mr giving hinl llon Redeem Ir at a 13 to t Ja the Ihewinner Ih thewittner
Knie IInL5I1rIes arie of Ir the th plotter Ioterl were in all allthe allthe 1
the h PhllArWphia Phla rhi room rnu and ald their war waaerwere warwiri
were paid oft ot ti without wlpicion wlpicionThuy utipicsonTuy 1eIn A
Thuy 11u had I l It t o on i previou race rct to Ic il ilrt di ditrf daft I
aft rt attention attentionKiften IttteritfnI 1In 1Int
Kiften t I rl minute nIOI after A settlements tlmml had
bevii bll nituH nt a I trw nl devrnption Ip nltn or the Ih race racewa racewas c I
wa r rt rscivo < Hr l Il IIhI ItI < hop V nt t to t 1 being linl
tlie ti I actual 11111 winiior winiiorTli s 1111 ittIiiTi
Tli 1 IKlrur Kx > lritn men I think Ihl the Ih wiretap wiretapIIIIIK I II Iwall
IIIIIK I II wan 111 OHM in n th > We WI et i hut II hl h hIs la not notn notlit
n > T I IIllli I
Illli 1 lit Mi tnf no tril 10 I Mal rlrm rlrmil1 poolrnembcsng poolronmi I IrAMpfl I
rAMpfl il1 111 bcsng iKirrvsl 1m I l 11 > y alleged wirv wtrotaiPlSre I Itap
tap taiPlSre r mi ni OI In rnl mbi remrtH of I tb < fourth 1lnh 1lnht fnlinhfhCI I In
n fhCI ie t al t Oakland OItn1 yi yestrtley terd pn y bv ly ncridrnl nCldn tceIdcnIrip I
The r rip nnirnl n r clearing I eIcarl rlne tutlon of 0 the theCniragn tl tlIWI theSkkfltl4kCEs
Cniragn IWI tKHikumkerK UltkCo w WII raided rlit just juatnfti 1 justnftr I
nfti nfr r Mir 1 fi w > i ond > 1 r ran i > > ut It the Ih Ciifr Im4 Im4rk lifornta liforntatrik > rni rnilra
lra rk > k riMil I l n run rln and An n vu no money mon wua wuataken u utalen I
taken br h > h hnndtHx hsndbotlua > ka on n th h NIIt NIItcIIIen uh uhquen b I i
quen ttIs ttIsI
urnt I Irn iraiTrilnlflrn I I n TI 1 j i
1 1Trllnr
Trainmen Trllnr ami an4 J I MMlnrter Int mill I tnnannre nniwu nniwuTbrr i iTtielr I
Ttielr frl Ilan a as I fetrlhr fetrlhrII Irl IrlII i
II I 1w result re pIt I nf n Iho th h vote v vot of 0 the Ih Order n nIrrt of ofi ofR4Ifrpr1 1
R4Ifrpr1 Irrt i rl i iitduciitr nud ill I h Hrother Hrotherlitx1 1rlhr 1rlhrI
litx1 I if f ltstrsuI tn > lroul Trnmmn Trilnmn on I the Ih New Nework fw fwlntk ew ewYork
York ork Ieiitr 11111 I stbtrul Itailrod ltlrn1 on n the Ih Miration Mirationf Itol
< > r 11 tnio nk to I euforc llof ilnr th tbr ir demand ItefliSOfi1i mll H
to t WMW wl s mil 11 I announced aflflOWlrW nnI In the Ih official ornrislsof 1rl I
nr f th I entral r1 today R flsrretsott flsrretsottnrnl > arretaott arretaottgrand rIII
grand an1 mailer laIr inati er of I I the I h I conductor 1 < 1 who whoarrived WfIsrrlvecl ho hotrrh1
arrived trrh1 m n New York 1rl yesterday d with withW I Iw
W c ti I I lfre grand gral gran rna maur ter of the Ih trainmen trainmenwould Irann Irainnuenwiill
would 11 not ny v what lAI the t 1 reult rIII of r the lh vote
I s lin Mid io Utat UJt iv would tdd be I made madepublic mdllhll
public llhll HftT 11 n wa communicated mmmiclf to Ihe Iherailroad Ih IhrO1 lbrsilrnat
railroad rO1 ofTlcial ofTlcialWhen tmr iffltifsWhen
I When hn th the leader al of o f the tll trainmen and andconductor andIlucol andMtrIuctorll
conductor Ilucol wei Wets I in this Ihi city Ian they theyr th1 theywIard
r laied < that under lnI no circumtlanom circumtlanomwould c crcumstancewuitt rcumalO
would w011 the I h trainmen Irallmn and n conductor cletr ac actit a ato
11111 < tit to le IsI than the I wage granted cnl to t the thetrinm tl ff15tr4lfllfl I Irmmn
trinm n and 041 1 conductors Iluto nf n the lb Balti Baltimore Bll Kaltimore ¬
more nlr and a1 Ohio Ihin Railroad Rlrad narretaon Ola and sadI
1 had a cimfcrencn nllt yesterday Ir with llh I the th
I grievance committee mmmllM of 0 fiftyfive Jfyy of ff the theOntrMl tb tbllr1 theItItrIl
OntrMl llr1 trainmen Irll n and 0 conductor toldll < ON at a the theBroadway IheRrI theBroadway
Broadway RrI tVntral < tral Hotel HotelIt I I II
It I wa said ai lat 11 evening etnin thai the Ih two twolicada Iwohead 0 0r
head r of o the th trainmen tannn wlllflrst will I nF frt ftrt ftrtItCilt Pre I i iileiit
ileiit Brown Drn and r Asaiatant Allant Huperlotendent Huperlotendenttrowley 8UprDtdnl 8UprDtdnli Supeifntedpntrrowl7
i trowley lwr nt the lb New i0w w York Crntral nta at 1 Mr MrBrown 3lrHrown I
Brown a office m today looy and nd on the Ih result reaulttt Ull UllIht
tt V that viit vltt will 1i depend dPt whether whtb or o not notanother Dt notanother I Inob
another nob conference crft will 1 be b e hew htll In Ini Inr
i raie r H of a vote vOl for rf a strike the lI date d11 for forquitting forfllilln fortiflhtting
quitting fllilln work ia i never n aet s r until utl final finalatlemjrta fn1 fn1ttml fInalsttmlll
atlemjrta ttml have been made md by h th t the grand grandoftluera giandflkrra < ad adn1
i oftluera meat rntnl n1 lo bring hrinl alioul atll an a amicable micb cettle cettlei stttIiumags tt ttrntnl
P lwir I r leo I IUnl l1fl > Kealded Nll In a B H T TPower Tror
Power lieu leaf leafI lieuma r
1 The T bursting htne of a toiler 1 > 1 tube II in I hi tMnlinoo theengin hiengin
engin nlinoo > mom ft of f the tb Brooklyn 111 Rapid RapidTranir Rptl RptlTrl Rapidrrsnir
Tranir Trl it fompanya l01mpAn power house at a Kent Kentnud Kentut Kentstud
stud ut Uiviiion Olvlio a anI en < iea Williamsburg WilliamsburgUt Wliaburc WliaburcYIray
Ut late yesterday YIray afternoon alpmoD scalded 8ad four fourI
I men IWO of whom may m die de ub from their theirburn tir tir1ln theirburn
burn 1ln Tho T flowe e hurt were ere Joneph flehaaie flehaaieH ia iaI
H I Inker fr of U s Mouth Hulh Hecond Hn atreef etr r peter Plr Plrrpr
Merger rpr an al engineer of I 5U U3 Court t Street
maer ou
Sajvatom o Oironi Olnl who wh lire b at t 1014 10 FJfty
ninth fnlh tree and n Tony Hall 11 of 3M F11 Navy NY
ulnjet slroI Ir Alt Al were acalded alwul boul th the head headiini
Mao tb Ma
arxl lnl arm r the tb latter I two eo severely thai
they llonpital IrJt lIrsqiitfP wer 1 removed rI lo If tb tb the Eaitnrn Etlm MN District Oilrid lb
P IrJtT T The hre ki n of t the hal fid net
aflect rr e traffic Irml on nl the th In lines me fe fed by 1 the di power powerL n
from lb p
1 frn i this hi tatlrni
nccoriTio fClnT8 X f Al rnitn tin 1 iKMMKT 1IttTT 1ivvtr
VIsta tal ef Arlea 1 rre Pfll rrsintet mlrrt b ht the Ih Clan ClanMftarl n nat thanas4sI
Mftarl at 1l as IB t Ka e HerS C a ntirprfe ntirprfehat aurpilbut 1
hat MMne ae 8K a aeKsd Hart VI JCealn I nalan Siam llaaa I
a Little Ltl I I a ay tlreal ben Ihr IhC Ih iJiglUii iJiglUiij talW talWI EngIkThe
I j The T4 CUnnaHatl CIAnDalil1 of New S ew lrk vrk < < rk thought thoughtthey Ihuuch Iliosiihtthey
they Ih ought to do M uomhhizit omlbllC m thinc to I aliow to tnth toIh to1the
i Ocl
1the th United UnltedGermanMingingMocetie German Gnln HingingSocwtic Hlnait oil who whohelped whohelped 1 1hlr
helped hlr them celebrate ICbraf Kolwrt kllrl Kmtrtot Kmtrtotbirthday Emoetibrtbdsy mpl
I birthday bdy early rly la last t March rc their uppricl uppriclaltonofthla lIpproeIislion
altonofthla islion 11 or Ihl this assistance IInc They TtY aId the theheadaof Ih IhINdtllhorman theheeds
headaof INdtllhorman heeds of theflermanaongaaancbtlion therntsn ang eMlnn aesIntinn tnlw tnlwIn 10 I IIh 11 11in
In the Ih reception tpI room rm in Terrace Trro Harden HardenFiftyeighth Crn CrnFillrhth GiruIcnFiftyeighth
Fiftyeighth Fillrhth street 111 near Ifr Third 111 nvenue nvenueon 111 111I
on April prU 10 in the lI afternoon afrnoun Well Wellthere 1 I IIhr ho hothrr
I there Ihr l I is the Iranalallon lranII of the Ib reply rlly It Itwaa Itaa Itwa
waa wa aa to have hye been n a surprise urpr pnrty pnrtyAbout portyAhetit r
About Abl J30 J3 in the afternoon nmn the theguests Herman Hermanguests Cm CmalUI
guests ware sittIng alUI < around arund the tle reception receptionroom fpllol fpllolraltl
room raltl waitiag for they th hadnt hnt tlu > slighteSt slighteStidea lightc liahlCt liahlCtI t tidea
idea I what wht when ND there I r was n knock knockRommen knok knokKorD knockKornmn
Rommen KorD ale i herein ItI Mid n nervoiw nervoiwguttural nJn nJnturl flPrVIII4guttural
guttural turl voiceand Ynl and the knocker okI1inMI heremed heremedIt
It I wee only a young 10U man however hot look looking lok lokI lookIn ¬
ing I In for Information IrnrUon t Im am here hr to lnd thodflut lndout lld lldout
out h he said I about bul the Ih presentation prntalon of ofthat r rtht rthat
that it attuf tstueofwhsts at ue of orwht whata hia bf bIanamethe name nmpIhe Ihe god godof Iod xl xlof
of mitic miticOrpheus mUIc mumicOrphu
Orpheus Orf1nU you mean what ht about II if ifNo 1 1o I Ithat
No o tbata that not Iut it itPerhaps ItPrp itPerhaps
Perhaps Prp it was w Anon rlo you 1 meant meantYee molI meantYe
Yee Ye t lhata that It I replied pli the Ih reporter reporterthe Ir
I the Claanaaael CInI I believe 11p ia I to ti make makea mik mikIInti tuka
a presentation IInti of a bronze r statue taill of Arson Arionto rlnnto
to your t our society sncirtrsaid Ir IrHi
finish said Hi 1 some one C quickly fulkl fulklII we weknow wtknow
know II nothing nnhln about ahUI it ityola you muil 01 not nottell 1101un Isottilt
tell its t It la I to < be I a surprise surpriseThe lrrl lrrlThe
The Tb reporter I > rpr withdrew withdrewAbout withlrewAbout ibI
About 0 t I oclock oclnk the Ih Clan ClA arrived arrf and andsmuggling AndIuln endsmugUng
smuggling Iuln their I lr bronze hrz At Ario Anon ion into lfI the Iherooea Ih Iht theroom
room t and leaving iiC it behind a aI rcreen rcreenpaid n npi
paid pi I their rrspeeta to the IhO Herman nnan nnaninlruC P A AOatrnor t tUavnrr
Oatrnor introduced inlruC af l anH > K i fohalan fohalanwllh Iohalnlh IohinwIth
wIth lh these th words e rl Mr 11 Cohalan Co Ian will 1 tell tellyou t1 tellyou
you o gentlemen of the Ih purpose of r our ourvtt 011 ourvIst
vtt thia Ih afternoon alfmn All furp this thl was WI mot motmysterious totmysterious 1
mysterious mytrl to the Ib hypocritical hllrt1 TeutonTheir TltnO TltnOTilI Teuton reitnnsTheir
Their knowing TilI eye < J were 1 all al awonder nrpr mith witlsknowing ilh un unknowing In InbnID ¬ I
Then 1m Mr 1 i ohalan Iohrn started arM to M eteek eteekH > eak eakHe
He H said Id that tht the Germans Clma and the Ih Inah miiiwere n b bwere I Ir
were r rapidly growing crim rowIn to I h I the I lit h l I101t t of offnend IIIfriends r
friends and the th bent b11 of American mlol ill ntirena tl illzen I
zen a He I ant said Id it wo A Kuroiw 1lnI that tied tA1 tA1clnzf tiedcolonized tiarlcolonized
colonized clnzf this tW great KnAI and ad and AII th I I bei beiof hittor
of 0 it had het been done de by the I ln Inh h and ale tli tliHermans tlCrna ibe iberrtnn
Hermans Crna not by h Kngland n lanc llien 11 the thespeaker thespeaker 1
speaker r espre ezprvsed x e l hia hi oj ofn flflIOfl > inion on of If that thatlat IIAtIt thatlast
lat mentioned mltn1 nation nton MCnfflatid Ullat b baid I 11said
aid never 11 kepi n irratv a IV nevir nevirfaithful nrIJthlll ss ssfaithful
faithful IJthlll to I n friend In they Ih are A full 111 of the theut Ih Ihlwt ttiilust
lwt lust ut of the II good Inl of other Oth mid al1 it wa wathe van vanthe a aIh
the Ih KngHali fn lh who kept kt ki th luilarwe ln of the thepower th thpr thepower
power in the th e earl rlv darn tv of thin Ihll nton ntonby Dun Dunb flM14flby
by pr b creating prejudice ljldO between n th the Ineli Ineliaad InhDd lriiad
aad Dd the Ih Oermar Oml > a ao 0 that MIOT hp hplrat would wouldfteutratiz WIIIfjettrati
fteutratiz lrat eah h other otherBut otherittit h hnUl
But these Ih prejudice juti ho Iu f lt I 11tone wr < I Igoti
tone now n and ld the I Irish I h and n the I CertnMn ffnnnf ernMna ernMnawpe 1 1wore
wore landing andlul together lOlh He II oke of the thecontest thecontt h hctt
contest ctt between bf lUigland dn and tiermany tiermanywhich Uma Umawhilh Germautiywhich
which whilh he hf believed to bo t ine4table Ilp < hlt and 11 enIadded
added d < that lll any an one C en could 110 te t1 tell wniMi wniMiid wIlrhIaid I Iid
aid id the tht Inch r1 would uld take la Alter Ir this lh he I Iu h htitfled
turned u to the Il subject hJA of n n th the moment momentand monnl monnlan moncntand
and made a brief hrr > e < li uf f ir rsta rstalion > Mili Mililion
lion etprenaJng prreaJn the Ih appreciation of hi hioeiety hilier his hisI
ton eIfnz aJp lton
lier I society for the Ih aaitanre lar the th Cinied lII Utsited1erman
I Orman < mn inns in bail hll furnihrd flml 1 at alfnUM thei theiI tf1e tf1eFinntet
I I Km fnUM Finntet met celebration rton Then 11 the II sren srenwas r t twaa n nWM
was withdrawn itW and to the th accomiunv accomiunving acsnIlistsvlist cnlll
list In strain ah of many m Teutonic Tllon neck tkl tlie t tImran
1 American Imran < flag al w a removed Im fnim he hebnmxn h hI hrbrinzn
bnmxn bln statue latl of f Anon nOI bv tv 111 Louis xun Monail MonailPreaident Mtru 1nA 1nAPdfl aI aIPresident
I President Pdfl Theodore Thfl Il lnli ilennszir < tnni2er o lIt he heHerman 1 1Gw ii iirertnan
Herman Gw society l fy ro roes e and nd made n inte inteMch tilt tiltapeech 1
apeech Mch h of acceptance n < Uter that tie tieHoch I I1lnh II IIhlneh
Hoch cheer h wa 1 giv gjvn iv n and Ihe Ih lbrivitie fe fetivttien f ftht
1lnh tivttien tht were declared dtlff lo lie I Ii hen heninformal hrorth hrorthjllormal htirthI
informal informal1RP
jllormal jllormalI I
1RP Rt 1 ein einBlare 61 FOlKs IIUII IIUIIMist
I 1 1BlaIr
Blare Me Rests U I Ant IDI the hflnt Inmate ef the 1ft frit fritiHetilrr I trltiReut ril
iHetilrr 1 Reut Ultt lulllntlen ImUlllto In > rth rh Hrrjten HrrjtenThe Hrm HrmI hicrjrnThe
I The T nfty fftYls flftyssi ix aged al men and In1 women in inmaten t inmates
mates mt of 0 the Ih Fritz rll Heiitvr n I1 Alt tltnhurn tltnhurnmaIntaIned tthlm tthlmmlnllnf rh itn itnmaintained
maintained mlnllnf by the th PUttrlnithche Ptttllhch Vnlk Vnlkfr Volkifeat 11
fr feat t t Vereln mn of r New York i k and 11 gst mnnity mnnityct Ifnu Ifnut
ct t the Ih I nion Hill Hil Schueixen Shll Park North NorthBergen Surll N rthi rthiitergen
Bergen or < n were w routed rOI1 out of th tior ir ltIrtrM ltIrtrMin IIr IIrin rlr rlrin
in great erl confUHon < nruI1 yesterday YfOtrtJo i atr atrby finnii finniiby
by a fire n which wna Wlf otrt dined < l by dtfertm dtfertminaubition IfpteInsulation
Insulation inIlon n nr r the Ih office fmC at t the Ih right rlchl rlchlIb if ifthe ifthe
the Ib entrance l ii < i he h font 11 xtirv druk d dItrlcl
Htnictur HtnicturTh Itrlcl struietlireTb
ItrlclT Th T blax bI7 > > got I urder Ird way ju JI jun t after all allmlt altomost
moot mlt of the th old folks 01 had hd retired U t toroons < iheir
rootmi 1 for ro an 1 after ffr dinner lnnr tia I It I l pro produced Ireducd r rdut ¬
duced U I define dl smoke m which whlh wil I u uthe UI UIth uthe >
the th stairways Itlrwy and An nill 011 th h ImlU luII 1 Hi Hintore llfour
four 1 atlIa bl bl hodKHi I1 men ntid 111 wutniii 11 cot cotout 1 ot otout
out of the Ih I nildmi Ihn without hu IsILIn IsILIniiit Ian IanIII iani ianibut >
but III a dozen Il firbU rI f rlpk und an TlppUd 1 I pi I iiiitMico iiiitMicowere 11 1111tL1 1111tL1were
were reMtjril 1 from lrm Mon un < tory II in inlnws inlnwsby < l lthy Ih < >
thy h by Charlet Cri Ijinwen nuperint ornlIIn upeintendent tKieni f ftlie jtl 1his
tlie tl his home InI and Ile policemen tIt > > e1 > r I Inm
firemen nm and nd other fl fl1h
Three 1h women n were overcome bv I IIn nj uipIn < ke kein
in the I their I r I ro ruwn > m 4nI nd were WP Utkeu il KIM Ij it II rivne rivneamUuUnte rlvItIainhulin 11 11huln >
amUuUnte huln to the hI North Hudson IIt1 lli lIojtit lIojtit1t1 > ittl ittlin
in i I nion Hill lil where h th tht v i > iov ur1 ur1li > ri riThey t tipcehIiy
ipcehIiy li They were > tr 1 > fary f r Hn Ir lYrino lYrinoyeer mi miold i
1 yr old kl Mr r t atlienii atnl < if IfI > ci ciyeir l lold Ivr
vr yeir old 01 mill 1 MJI lp f Iaretii I ireu n1 MOP 1 s > di i I Iyear
year Nr old All Al wep r ihertul orll Uit Li m IIhl isuht isuhtIlie ht htIlie
11 Ilie vi vsitiflter ltint r fir Ii deinrliti 1111 ni i 4 4orthi f fNorth
North rfh HerKu Ir < u Ve VeI i 11 fni > kfii AIM isi 1 I ll I niii flIPfllull
Kill IUI iteiit II n crtrnpenie rn I to If lh 11lrl she arkalMl btk al1 Iie Iieetniw
viunpa of I the Ih ilire h iiiiucirimHtii i iiI iiIwith > il 1 1ih
with lmp ih one n another alul r in I the th effective oI srI srIlhe r i iIllie I
Illie 111 K hos it was pltrt pL l it I M i4Ii > Mu II > frtli frtliUipal rtts rttsiisi I
Uipal iisi 1 ilamiR Im titi iiifi in don < I tIi In nuiui lai ii in infloor I InOf
floor nOf floorMnijie
Snme SIlI1 nf the fu initMie In tu nriHiii or r If 1 tur to u ttiti < tnrn tnrnto ln I
to their room rhln alter Ilr a the I hO h titi ti < n > cnt 1 iit nnl 11 11IIh IIdth < i itth I
tth th other ot user r tared ur for I by I IK f i pie piedivine P
divine in the h neighborhfxol Seven 1 vere verenut r r rpull
nut ril up I at lt Con on Diet Ii itll ii I Hate 10111 on > lii h > I I < > u
JB I Julvrl JulvrlI liutI iul I ar a nI nII l lI
I iir n p Mint this 11 I iv riw I 1 Ill ntiit siItthltritrai ntiitCentral
I I ICmtr1
Central t faber l > r fnlen tnlntsnts nle f fanl ant limit Dr Drc r rLetnpan rCinpiui
Letnpan c Presented I f reI fe r UanuauiiterPKhiAIlILPitl ItimlauKtitrr ItimlauKtitrrPNtLJtllKLfHU IuaIUr IuaIUrrNtL
PNtLJtllKLfHU rNtL LHI April pIIO lO If In llhir ltllcnilllil ltllcnilllilthat iii grosnul grosnulthat 11 11Ihal
that oftlciali lrl of I the Ih Rapid Rpi1 Tmiir 1 I II Ipay orn ornpany
pay I and nd the Ib city fY representative 1 III < n the thetranail I ttmtranait h ht1
tranail t1 directory are 41 rr responsible < ion nhl ible fir the thetwentyait thetwerstysis h htWtnIYA
twentyait tWtnIYA live ly Io t vince Inf the Ih carmen carmenalriktt rArmnIrik carmenstrike
strike Irik started lArte becauae U nf r the h hmng hnl of ofrecktea iirr r rkl
recktea r ckles kl or Inexperienced InIfO Pink hrenkera hrenkerathe hrtr hrtrIh lreakr1k
the Ih Central Celrl Labor Lhr Unioo today to tn InotIt1 InotIt1Pdt InmtnactIPresident tnicte tnicteProaident
President Pdt John Jnhl J 7 Murphy I > appoint APIIII APIIIIClmlU a acommittee i icetumittes
committee ClmlU to get rt an attorney Alom and II make makechart rn rnchri mat matcharges
chart chri nf ° manalaughter malIlaht aa aaainst lin1 inHt Pre 11 lres lresdent i identC
dentC dt C 0 > KrtigerVJcePreaidentlUretice KrtigerVJcePreaidentlUreticeWolf Iru KruerVicPresident < VlcPietnl Ilaretie IlaretieWolf I
Wolf Mayor lohn K P Reyburn ITbur imrge I ji jiEarl f fEarl
Earl Erlr Jr William Wiliam H I Carpenter rplr anti n1 iwh iwhother llh llho Ikhother
other o r accomplice acmpl a a may my be I deemed deemedadvlattble Im Imalble homedadvlibte
advlattble advlattbleThe alble
The resolution NluUon calling rlina for tbt ariiuti ariiutiwaa 3r11uwas 111 i iplt
was presented plt by y George Orl II lohl Ihlon Ihlonof on onof
of the garment nftll worker nr union and nd tl tlwaa I Uwas
was u adopted aoptf unanimously Before fnr the theadoption I theadoption
adoption o of the t revolution rlutn Pohlann 1fhlf ad addrevaed juldreesad uldr
drevaed aop dr the Ilp delegate d lpt lie I If declared d14r1 tli Ii ththe t tthe IIbe
the District Dtritt Attorney Uon office olc has hO iower Iswerto iowerto
to cause aUM the th arrest L of f the official 011 enil enildirectors nd nddlreetora n1dlreto
directors dlreto of tb company OfY on n the th utrmgth utrmgthof trrntisof Ith Ithr
of r th ti the many my fatcl ratl accidanta aldel but hit it Iu h hfloL > ut utnot
not nn een n At II to d de I en o it It ia I now ni ii up I > to tothe t tbe Iiithe
the Central Celrl Labor h Union to go on 1 record rd
I Iin In fa fever er of fr If protection pmtlln for Io the Ih public publicheaaid Illhlt nstihIebe
heaaid heaaidI be aiM aiMBrm4dca
I Bekle Be i this ia resolution 11to another c ealliii ealliiion mg
loll I Ol on Mayor or Iteyhurn Ithllm and nd Council Councl Mo 11 rll Ink tnkecharge Inkr takecharge
charge r of the ear O re and ee that only n coin coinKtvnt COl coinptnt
Ktvnt ptnt men operate c rat them tm w we dnpie alnItwiIn l lthe
In the tb event e t of f the thf Mftyor nr and CoumiU CoumiUfalling ollnIIrn ouinilsfatling
falling rn < to do dt thl this the Iht resolution rhllol callon < nU nUon I
on o GOT Stewart I1rt lo send troop Irop to the thecity Ih Ihnt thecity
city nt tf to safeguard the h people peopleKail peoilFall II IIa
Fall a DewnMtalr D Dawn Ualn Kill Jlm kiltujame Jame rrulkthanU rrulkthanUPrmBUiM trulkihankPlTliarhIn IIIhnl
PrmBUiM PlaCIf April I 30 o Jam frmk frmkahank llmk llmkak Irinkshank
shank a wealthy lh manufacturer
ak manlfltlllrd manlfltlllrdtoa1 died diedtoday dhedtoday
today toa1 nl lt Ml t Johns oM Hospital UOli11 from frominjurle romIJurl frominjuries
injuries IJurl received la last t night hi h falling lall
down stairs ai Mr f Cruikahank Cibk w was a with withonw wih wihfrl withIti
1do onw frhKtda frl at 5K e Rearer avenue A
While hl at t the lh head hf of a staIrway Atlr bus bi fret rtt fret1ulipped
lipped UP and at ho fell tq lh the bottom bllm bottomr
niihso h h30 O sir UPt r rxs i mat matt RimhlitMet
hlitMet 11 at 2trt t > t UimMi4S UimMi4Sto 11m film I 4 4l a
to 1 l Mtchl thl Ceorl Ceorllreiierkk t ttri
Frederick tri S 1 t Ptckxm I I > 1 who wlo lire I lIt at atthe II IIIII iiith
the III st t uthony bthon Club UI 11111 y rJ hut t 1 Twenty Twentyeighth Twcjtyeighth
eighth hth street ro rode > l in a Mslcali on Satnr SatnrtUy Rlr Rlrd SatnrIay
tUy d nicltt nloI1 1 l h0 W worth nrh Then h lie cot 11 mil miland outI 001no1
and told the I chauffeur rMul lawrence Unnne Unnneof Innnvnr
of 3 3 r e t Klftr FIfIvronut rond tret t tn hi tal talit Il talos talosIt
it I out of I ln his hide hi for payment mnt Roonef Roonefdidn rI Rooneilitin
didn die I rare 1 to MI Traffic ram nllceman Spl Splwa 4pies 4piesI pl plwa
I wa < found and nd the ifirve Ii went nl to Light Lightcourt lht lhtI talhitIlirt
court courtThere Ilirt IlirtThere I rt rtThrtI
There Itoonev In told llieCivirl II eoal linw ho l Ukk Ukkon iickn > kk kkH
on H n 3d d l had corn o out uU of r th the HotM IV IVmonl Ret Retmont I Imfnt
mont mfnt and uo ake l lh she fvo 1111 fuwutnisti titan for a Uil UilI I
I I call al Tli be chauffeur hlrrtr having h Yinc overheard overheardIHckMHi u uerbAuri1WLMI r I It
IHckMHi t d 1 i jy y that lht b wanted to go I goto
1 to th I IM IIIU l11sz4 za tartwl tAr < 1 for Hftrninth lfninlh strvet strvetI tre t tI
I t Kiflyeighth Mt stiset t in the fare 10 tucli tuclihi 1u1 tuekhi
hi head b < uJt it ol 0 I the h wlndo w Ie and t ail ul il he heI
I didnt want nl to go to the Ilaa 11 but bil to I lh lhaf4 IhI this thistatS
tatS af4 arr plo 11 Itaitt Vau Io Art Ar at lt Fortieth urlIh street Mmeland IUI IUInd streetan1
I and nd t itb aenu enu He I wai 14 taken 1n there therebut Ib therehiLit
but hL1 refuted II lo I pV lh tile f f45fl4 r lr III f JlJfl 112 I be becau b becatiI
cat Hootiey had bt Ron Kt by th lb the wrong wrongrout wre wremt wrongroot
I rout mt Back k u the ii 11 Hrlmont Imol they tby went wentto DI DII
to I II g IL gt t th I the footman fuota to corroborate orrlale Koo KoonerV Ro itoonY
I nerV nY s order l Uh > rivw to the th Plaza PlazaThe lists1h Iu11M
The 11M footman 1ltl corrol crmI corroiporated > or td A crowd crowdcollected crowdcollected rndrolI1
collected rolI1 Nme IIIes arrived rh and rnd then I the thethiw thelisre h hIb
thiw Ib motored to night court On the way waythere waythere
there Ib mlnf DickMMi 1 > iko 3d nldt d 1 lianded bAnd mr Policeman PolicemanSt lIOm
St IIi sill > ie hi card ctt on which wbeh ho had hd written writtenKm wrten writtenBri
Km 8 ornell I May I ly 1 es o you youiat Ut at once onceHut oO OnceHuit
Hut 111 Judge Jlel O Crll Cornell > rn ll wa not sItting I Uni in inthe Inth inthe
the th nlsht nlhl nt ht court The TI pri prlecnr onr wa 1 ar arraigned Arreigned r rrlct ¬
reigned rlct Imfore lolor enr Magistrate ronr torrlgau lrlpu After Afterhearine Aflrrlnr Afterhearing
hearing rlnr both side Ide of II th the it I tn rr the Court CourtI lout Courtaid
aid Id
IdJnl 100i I Jnl on t you 0tl think Mr lr Dirkoon iln that thati
i youd 11 tetter Ur py v ay y Ihe Ih fare rll17 Of cour ro > I Ican II IIran Irn
can t make you but htl If you YOI dont Ill Il fine fineyou 11 fIneyou
you youThe The Magistrate lc tr waa smiling mlna and nd had hadtarte hd hdlAr1 hsdstarted
started tarte < to write IMecharged lh on the thepapen Il thepaper
paper when hn In I the rl prisoner prr eald 1 id Cheaper Cheaperto Ch Chtup
to f par eh h > And nd ral 11 raim hell 1111 1111T later laterThe laterThe
tup The T Court Itr mlle mil disappeared rflIt He Hetopped I liestop
stop topped 1 writing w riUnl and ant looked lolo at the pri prioner pril prilolr prisoiler
oner olr ternly ternlylier terolthere
lier here do you think you are 1 Po Poyou 0
you 101 think 7liI y > u ran behave hhA that way in incourt Inr InohI
court ohI be inquired inquiredIXcki Iilll1dnlckn inftllredfckon
IXcki nlckn n 21 l begged iardon but hii Magttrate Magt IIIstrahit Icltrl
trate trl Corrigan Coren ll could Mld not Rfl ro overlook ovrlnk ovrlnkrncll th thdefendant the theilelendaists
defendant rncll unrtxtrtly Iltl Ke iech rh and ad fined finedhim fnf linedhInt
him hIntItooney U UUixmey
himno Uixmey waiting In the tho lobby succeeded mccwededin ucCd ucCdin
waln <
in getting Clin f ii I J o I with a I 33 cent nl tip from the theub Ih IhIIII theitelused
> ub IIII itelused < lued I Ihtkn Ihtknn IickindI > ick on3d on3dI
I tHin n TKfiriK 111 t UKIt I1 II II IIrre I Ihtrrlan iiet
et rre lrrlitrrIan l htrrlan > lerl n > lo lueniint en mt I ttecnn ttecnnUllh nlln nllnlh ilciutiIIIb
Ullh lh Home om nmr lUplanatlent lUplanatlentFour lpanal
Four hundred Ilndrt1 and 10t fifty nly men I a ilurd ilurdfrom thinifrom I
from the Ih upper IIir Vet Side Sidt ami fothirda fothirdafrom InIhird twnthlrdsfrom i irom
from the Ih I liieir o r l itiat I l Side Sd Sd tlll tlttai l the II main mainfl mintlor mainloor
fl tlor loor < x r f 0 of > f the 11 new Later Temple Seccmd Seccmdavenue t h4rconditemise > d d111
avenue and 111 Fourteenth street yeatcnlay yeatcnlayafternoon yestenlayafternoon
afternoon afennn The 1h Temple Tm wan formerly formerlyth rnrmllIh
I th 1110 Kourteenti uurnll Stteet 111 Prt Vrehiytcrian Vrehiytcrianthizrtth bytcnan bytcnanChtrcli
Chtrcli Iht and 1111 the Ih chaliRf IhII I se mad ma OLdleiI i I II w waible
aible hl by Iy the Ih fummml l lAwill aupfmrt aUIIr of ff tlie II IIyl8n Prea PreaIliytenan PrtsIytrran
Iliytenan I yl8n Boanl tr1 of f HomeMi home tteIons iona through throughit Ihrluth IhrluthII
it its > lepjirtmcnt t rrnl of church dlr ar aret nd l labor InliorIll 111 111I laborii
I Ill n Hie Ih 1141 platform ioruii were w the Ih Rev n Dr DrI
I I harlm I I botiUMon the It Kev r it l Ur > r fieorgp fieorgpVle nrlt corge corgefennqf
Vle Ianl fennqf ander r th hOllI Hi I Ur Ir Kotert Itol McKeiine McKeiinet MIesziatsil IK I
i I and ali iii > h hior r Pr IrIvran Presbyterian bvtertan clergymen rIymo and andin
in the h nxisrexttlion rrUn were not a few cup unpMtrleni cupwr1ere IP IPI
I In Mtrleni if I th the inoveiiient uuiivI VII ttIetfl fnim uptown uptowni ufton
i < I 11 he ii eHS PISSk kiTM yeetentiy Hrr af afternoon dtrnnl tirnoon were werI wereI
I I I the t Itv I Ctmrlc Stele 1hl whriew h idea idf Uie t tJu tJuI
1 I venture TOII s and Frank Mnmwm nlrn a Irl IrlI < vreiary vreiaryof
of r th I American tn Federation 10 of lalror lalrorMr 1lor 1lorIr Lsiurtr
Mr Ir telzle t WMI wh who mad ma a lung IUla eiplanalion eiplanalionof llllanlo
I of I the work = rl will frequently I IUIII I ll InlI ititerrUJltCd ititerrUJltCdII > terru > ted tedliy
J liy h 111o hIWUtt hIWUttA iw f ma
1 diwiiwtion aro at over fTfr aociaham hA and andit nd ndt
it t wa A aid Id that th Temple Tml i i is to gjve gjvevooialiKiii IT ITalm gjvesoOIahlCtn
vooialiKiii alm a fair la hearing It I do doe t not notfavor 101 101thr isotfavor
favor aociaham thr but bil it il ia i not against eain it itwaa i itThere
Th There waa upplau 1IIIal e wh whci hm i aorialim 11li w was wastfliItIIIQrd a aI 1
I mentioned especially I when In it l was w maid aaidthat Id maidthit
IlnllluDw that 111 Robert lo tinnier hll wan to apeak I peat at an anearly anerlv n nrl
early rl date datet dlTIII
t A Temple Brotherhood Jltlrho wa announced announcedami annoln annolnan1
ami three h men n repreaentln nplntn I the he h Typo Typographical Typ Typogrphiral ¬
graphical Union the Ih University Student Studentt Iktettt Iktettt11th
t arhne nil lul and the h Prebyterlan I hytrlan llrotherhood llrotherhoodwere
were w named oam a committee o draw up a aplatform arlatronn aplatform
platform fard Ia were e distributed for forMgnature forsignatlarri 0 0AiItl1IU
Mgnature of I tho th those e who either ftlh wanted wantedlo
lo know more mn about the h Brotherhood Brotherhoodtor
tor or 1 w Wre re rvrtty t t tip join a 1 and 110 men menlaigned Innn Inntn Incasigned
laigned laignedOn signed signedI n
I On ttj Monday nIght cht there h are r t In be illus illutrated Ilh1lil1 illusrstulfctuireeTuwlaV
trated ImtureiiTiieadav tught dicuaiotia dicuaiotiaof dilJN on onIon
of labor Ion problem Wwlnenday nigh nighyoung nihI11a nighyuIuig
young I11a t 11001 > eoie meetince lhur I huday dar night nightMunal nghtessimj
Munal 1 gathering Kriday nights nI < hl Bible Biblediiwiinn IIthlpAnd ItIbiCIiwswion
diiwiinn and Saturday nights enter entertamrmnt ffttrrinlnl enter1taiflmfltis
I 1taiflmfltis 1taiflmfltisI tamrmnt tamrmnti
j i I i triresi rutnn r Iffll i sf i sr srl sriiii sriiiiit > III IIIt
t l u > J 1 MrMrhnl Tram ifiaad < lelleeni 1I1nI n nlieu
I lieu Intit In hut Tniiilile Over a Brawl BrawlHv liriwiBy
Hv II order rtr of I IVpuiy I I Y Police Pl f fommi fommieion Ilmolieonr ml1li ml1li1tII
eion onr T Itevniild Patrolman DanIel J IIISkhlll JlcitlIli
McNVhol uted1 ilu hed lo I traffic quail IU I U m mV anI InIauerlv
V rtverly I bIllie 11I1 llrooklyrt wa IIIIIrwItd IIIIIrwItdrrrn uKnled stziwnuledfrmii uKnledfrom
from diny oiI 3 reefrday torel landing mi Invests In Inr InvestsIiiIfil
IiiIfil atl ll i of > f clilS of 4 r fei rlnlllIII > i > ill aJ 41S11utt 41S11uttagIUtl4 MUlt ult ult1ulIl
auiiiiiM him Arthur hr uLeary Lfr Leary a brother brotherin i
in I It liw I Li w of IK h IJIIII I jli i 150 < iMii hIll wn Wilis trrtliil trrtliilon L
on CO MimUr i hirg Krowiux out ist I if > f the Ihet Ih
Ii 11 il Iro 1 lora1 iraw I hilt I S a 1 throrood 11 11t
t Mvrle or I JVIIHK slel u omrt iurl n v vrry < et rdrfy morn 11 nriiIIl5 I Ime I I11I1
me IIl5 the fh Macirnt 11IJ ra rulttiR It1t tInt thi the h ws wsIs a j jHi i
asiiti iist i him h Iiui511015
Hi Is P 11 igt
j I
IiMol Mioth 1 wcri t lin 1i1 l nn lund n1 < l heail wrre wrrelMiien1 lit wrihsI I
lMiien1 hsI tenuI sluqri Klionlv IV nftcr rr inidnigh on Saiur Saiuril Sal ur urv oriley
I IlIh
il iley y v 1 luis i ti Poliivinn MiNichol 1 ant Pus hiflirMtiMinluw h Pustru4
lirMtiMinluw tru4 il > tii l wnb lIh It Mirty In of1 ur IIIfour I Irur
four men on dI Atlantic a tempi 11111 Iwiwtron lst wrn i i I Il
KUtlHi l tIt 1111511 n nnd In llunl 011 veiiueM Hrooklyn HrooklynIhe
Ihe 1 h fwerve from r lh t IJergen epw t trwt > etC la latton I Ie
tton uiilt fapt e efi llarct II lurtifd out III and mu muI n
li > ik I > > In I ll tit t he > IIOUHX 1111 with h them themlrNi Ihrn1Slchl I hetiiI I
> lrNi 1Slchl I lil w ho lii wit w on iIT n dmv dii v HI II I In1 lj time timeami tin I
ami nt 1111 in plain loll ilottn1 l 1 1115 III 1 tl ileirv > iry and Philip Philipir > I II <
ir I irIt rgiulI gii of I ftiT A1 1 llftirv II Kiert u 1 tect flri 0 flrgii > gm < 111 unIt an1lIr unItI nd ndDl
Dl lIr I Isrr irr er ri l Mkil hiuik < iI ii III > for r ne MawmulI MawmulII > MUll ult j i
I llv I It hv tritfflc Mtic sliteiiustu 11 iiiMi iru not Aite A At 1 teitd teitdCI ti d 1III < dHI
HI Mr n ulthoueh lurn I 1mm > > Wih lIh of pf I rj rjriiiover j jI I I
riiiover I h o 11 lm tS h w Wile ne if the Ih t party partyof J > ny nyI
of r four II that gut ot into trouble rOil It acoiMd him hi III I Iof I IlOr Iiii4uling I
I of holding him up III and poinliiif psuiflthii intln II piaiol piaIIII seIlI seIlISt >
I at him hi InH hayes lIa later admitted that I Ieouif I II
eouif otio IPtl I came rail 10 I Ii the Ih station lo tiutke II a ItI atrtlatrc
1 Hmrc I ° MKaltiKl 1111 lIiNicho but did Hot Hoti 11111why I I
i IIIin > 4 in why he h refused tn It entertain it itIn ItCollrt itIn I
In court Walh alh almhagsin again tried tri to t ti lodge lodgecharge a1 a1charge a I Ihar
charge har but Magistrate 1lI 6tralf Naab ssbItI1 did not wish wishto iah iahI
to I h hr ar it itFollowing ItUollI ItIilOWIiig
Following UollI < an inveMigattnn 1n IIJfl nn by h Iom tumtilIsmIilnar om omminoionor
minoionor l onold4 > ynold talsIie alMi complaintWHM < complaint
wits WI acceptetl al i TrMlflr I I etalion and andMcXich AlIJ1SIh1 andMcNieti
McXich I wi a auajiend alofOnctoort d In court lIrt h hWM h1 h1rawlJ liewa
WM r rawlJ > aroe < l in the t h custody of hi captain ral captainI laln lalnOlil >
1 until Tuenday Inquiry at the tI Clieevcr Clieevcrplat Cheeveruudllrvws 11fterIA
plat IA < > Hddrrwt 11 < was tmule far Wal alh h but butno hUII
I no one n in the Ih house 1111 knew kn of him himI hlra1C himMcIchnl
I McNichnl 1C ICht1 says that he h and Olxary Olxarywere 01 011I1tt OlearyWireS5MI5Itod
were WireS5MI5Itod > aaMtiilte 1I1tt > fri and ntll the thehotu h ahota hot he h fired firedwer 111aim firedwere
were < aimed aim in the Ih air I to attract the Ih at attrition 1 1Inli jtifltittI ¬
trition Inli of th t hoo POlice covering that poet ItOOItSO poeti > ot otVu
Vu i rev vlllyr > lver wa found on OLeary when whenI wit witI
I I he was searched at 1 tin II station atationWHITE stationBOTTLED
I S t m t ti tiThOMAS l ITHOIAS t 1 1TMOMA5 =
ThOMAS Me VtLLLEN ft CO COntlh C0rifts
rifts A Mie X altCr altCrI 414 J4 Mr aIres f > u V
I 7
WERY VERY q often oftennas i iness a bi biV
V ness like the roan roanbehind manbehind m mbehind
behind the buMncn bwineMjudged b3 ess m mjudged I Ijudged
judged by the company companyit
it keeps keepsi keepsYou
I i You will secure dig dignity dicnity dignity ¬
nity as well as all fl the thevery thevery thevery
very latest officebuild officebuilding
ing conveniences in inTHE inTHE n nTHE
I Fifth Avenue nuend and 44th Street StreetMASK SUutI StreetMAX
0 1M s Pi 1h M M HI HII HII l llimo
I limo WALDO W LOO GUTS CUTSt cuismornou cuismornoulift THE ONYX OUT OUTIIKMtQt oUT oUT1ItIPQITIR
lie II ttocxTt Want hn Au > Ktrutran Marble Marbler bl
Cr r Mialned Jla t iwi el r TurkIsh R RIIP1Id RIIP1IdIII fleg x sad aadnil
nil III Tr Tr and d Make alo a llrk 11 er f Paint Paintm Pa1I
I 0 m and IMI Nate a ale B2Be a2RtlIem Some Art ArtThe Artike I ITta
The onyx on th this Ktrucnn marble and the IheTurkish Ih Ih1urkib theturkish
Turkish rug that were w to lie I purchased purchasedbr
br It the th city nt for the Ih adornment aclorn nl of the tb old oldKirn oldFlrll oldFire
Fire Headquarter Building In East Sixty SixtyMventh Slatyecnth bty1Wlntb
Mventh street am not to Im Intightafter Intightafterall hOIlbt after aUtraU afterall
all for Fire 11 Commissioner Waldo haa haaobjected ba bao haobjected
objected o jeoctNi He II gave p order to the archi architect arebltflCt architeCt ¬
tect and nd the th contractor to cut > tm m out outand outand I Iand
and tn atirk to wood and nd paint paintalteration painttsl1IIio paintlleflAjyi
tsl1IIio alteration have lieen going goingon Itotnnil
on in the Ih old building for several yr1 weeks weeksThe weeksThe h hTb
The plan were rll drawn with a view of ofshowing 01hill ofshowing
showing hill that a New f w York fir Commla Commlaaionor Commtsijoner ommlaaioller
aionor III any mann equal 111 when hfn it cornea corneato
to luxury 11IlIIlr Onyt wlncoting ln tOllnar wa to tomake tnnu tomake
make nu the th room of r the th tommianioner and andthat anilthat n1 n1thai
that nf hi httt deputy a me resplendent as a any anycocktail anycocktail ny nyCCkl
cocktail CCkl 1 foundry Marble wax tn b uaed uaedto II
to embellifth the Ih big h c room outside the theCommissioner III IIIlnmmlinnr thusCommisalonire
Commissioner office t and nli onyx and andstained andstained nd ndaln1
stained ala panel were to hem in the theCommlanionera Ih Ihnnnnllnolr titusCommIssioner
Commlanionera sanctum aanctumThe sanctumrh anctumThf
The rh big room III on the Ih lommieioner I a afloor IIfltlftr sfloor
floor the th third wa was to lie I rebuilt on the theplan IhelpiAu theplait
plan i of > f a hunk building haying raratp Imral Imralcnmparllllnr Isirateoonirtiicn raratpcompartment
compartment for the Ih ariou4 atenog atenograilierH stenographers 1aoJraJoIlrN
railierH clerks and other 01 h employee employeeSo
So much luxury hUollr it emed al1 to Com Commimiioaer Cornriuseinner nrn nrnmiloioDr
mimiioaer Waldo might have lIa a bacl 1 effect effecttin rrettin
tin the Ih employe 11I110 anil n1 with a fw roo divan divanupholnterwl ofhILIIulhollro divansuphoIetezwt
upholnterwl chair cier l JU and the Ih new newpaper n npapoor newspapr
paper tile tl might m ht make them think they theywere trroo theyerus
were erus roo appoint lnh1 to the Ih city ctl cltyN aervicn nolltt for forth lorIhool fortheir
th their ir own enjoyment enjoymentHe
He II went nt over the plan 11Ia and ran his hiaiicil hisliulicil
liulicil > iicil through the Ih onyi ny nnd th marble marbleNo l11arblIAin1 marbleuI
I No uI stained or ground glai C > piieU were wereneedetl wereneqMieut r rrlI
needetl he h thought The nl rug already alreadymlhepo IadyI
mlhepo In the h pise5mi0hOttlifd5flSrtIIlent iouof ioll ofthhoarI the department lnl neemed neemedto m
I to him him to I be M > good 1100 enough uah The Th oiled olludhardauoul i ihardwood
hardwood hanl Ot1 > fl floor Kir of the big bi room waa II cer ltrtAlnl rertainly 1 1tainlv
tainlv good orxt enough without rug rupfor A Afor ti tifor
for nia own quarter h wanted only onlya nl nla
a fresh nv coat t of point pointWaldo IalntWldo 1itJntWaldo
Waldo H pruning process pr cut out alx about aboutiout hout1OlO > ut utiuuii
1OlO iuuii worth of luxury luxuryA
A new n electrical elevator IIYIII i is lx Iiol > ing put putinto ImtIntn tst tstinti
into Ihe th old building Udin to take ta the I place placeuf
uf the lb wheexy y tem elevator Vto that had hadgot hadenl hadgot
got into lh tim habit nf stopping short be between brfloo lwiween ¬
tween floors with It h it Itehuman II human cargo Two Twoof Toof Twoof
of the young wumen stenographers on ontheir onthI ontheir
their way to Itinchetm IlInch tI1 were caught l ltween i011 1w 1wtween
tween door linorsun one 011 day d and nd GOUld get neither neitherup
up nor do due n for several veral hour A arm armpit sympathiElng m mI1thlzlnK ¬
pit I1thlzlnK hieing clerk towered some food to tothe tot tothe
the t h women rnn nriot prisoner era and nd told them not notto nntto notto
to worry about being abet without withoutleave wItbtleave lthoule
leave e aa their pay would p ron > on Police Policemen Polwrawn Policeown ¬
men with lIb bomb on their way to the thebureau th thhUrNl thebureau
bureau of combustible on the fifth fifthfloor fifthfloor
floor usually took to the Ih stair being beingafraid brinerkJ beingafraid
afraid the lb elevator might drop at any anymoment ao aomomenl anymoment
moment and art off the bombs tombaThe 110mbI bombsThe
The big room lm on the Ih third floor will willhave willhv iII iIIh
I have h mom mural decoration that will willhave willba wilthave
have ba e con conss4eratIe td deh rahl interest lo I tire rtrerntn rtrerntnnrt ftretnpnsnd men menand
and nrt to laymen who are inlereated in 1 in fire firei 11 11I
i I fighting Theea 111 lectiratlorw < are lIT farce targeoil farceoil largepaintings
oil painting of men conspicuous in New NewI Nf NfI NewYork
York ork a fir II fighting force ro The oldoat oldoatof
I of the Ih patnttDC I Is that of OortwllUH lvn lhu Amler Amleraon Andrinn 000 000n
inn n wh who hn i WB w wee chief of the th Fire tl Depart fplorlj DeportIment j jI
I Iment ment from rom 1M7 lo 1 ICU The e were the IhEday thedays I Iday
day or the red shirts ah n und hand pump pumpawhen pumphn pumpwhen
when hn a clx ix tory building hlllld ng wa a a sky skyscraper ky kycm I IIICfa
cm scraper scraperThet per perThen JfrTb
Then Tb there Ih i III the Ih painting Inlmll of I Harry HrrYItoani
Howard wb WhO b < > waa chief front INi7 l to toi I tohtIi
htIi i the Ih day l I of the Ih volunteer ohml tlreimn tlreimnand rtrrlltlind tlrmciand
I 11411 and nd ill qi I the th collection are n nt life tire iro tmr tmrtrait Ir IrI r rIf
trait of Hugh Urmrer who wh wa a chief ckifI I Iand
land I I and alo al lui tommiaemner and who ho died diedi
i two t WI yearn Y ago go and nd of Charlie Char W Kruger I Idul ideputy
i deputy dul chIef < Of and for a time chief 1 And andwhip j jI I 1 I
I I who wh wa w killed 11tot1 ut a tire fin on February YhI It ItIImlrtlp I II9
I I9 > M i Yiniinif IImlrtlp > icner Wnldo obtained nhl lllOO lllOOIh I II
th Irtrll rtr it 01 It f Amlerwm and 011 Howard Howardthrough lIonllIlth howardtlirnuigh
through lIlth the Ih Mumcipnl Art n I Iommjgun IommjgunIi ommi ion j jit i
11 it IKY M MAnil lhl iiirpni iiirpnitoil rln
toil 1 mink t lie < said Hell clt Mnre or Here If IfHell Ifhell
I Hell 1 let TJH In a Leather 1111 leatherSIr I I II
I SIr > ir r Heiirv 1 W t Irirkett I rr 11 WHO tnani tnanifailure I IIAfllr iatifttiaru
failure lipvr and ant n > io work ork up upwil IIIII ujiiIt
II wil J for them IhmlfI in h lnlt rnll1 l state statecuin 111I Slates1sin
I cuin m veoterdny on n the Ih flullic 11 He II hat II IIIII
lieeti a knight for fi > ight lth11 > > en mouths hut Ixitip hiliM
M hllr ip > r maker ever due fII hn h eturted tarh up upa I IIIItIy
a f IIItIy rt iy In I 0 4 hart v vars r n ego egoSir KO KOhir t
Sir lltiry 1I nr sets 11 list hi iii ale 1 m n Hi Hiniteil 111tnU illCniteul 1 i
I niteil tnU I Slat ttw dont toll nvernge more thmi thmiIHH 11uo 11uo1111 tUtHuijteI
uijteI IHH 1111 1It lri > II yrar ar und n1 he h Uy Ix it to the thetariff Ih IhtarlIT thetariff
tariff The n duly hI on manufitLtured anllllllIUr fo 10r font fontwear i iwear
wear r i Aid It he h IH s nil 1 VT r cent nt On Pu leather leathertil PratheI Ih IhIII
til I it i only nly III I tent t I think that my myiahpper m mI my mysIiprs 1
iahpper hlI ought to c et I Into Ihi Ihie country lfnlry
I a 5 plrJn leather and Im going oill to try t to to1 to1I < ii I IIIIAV
IIIAV I have them the litlmilteft 3 a4nll lrnlll teI a as mich siidiVist
Ve Vist Victoria 1 waa w one on of the t Ii pnvten paseenger n era ftI I IJby IIt IPiy
Jby It Piy the Ih Haltir nl 11100 o Sh She eayH ay that she aheha shebaa hf
I ha h baa a lot 01 of r new oong utn mlt many mAn of n which she ahemade shetttad
made 11 1 up I her herself elf She h 1 ii on n her w way y to toI toKansas I
Kansas City lIy Hhe h doennt I know when wheth h hIi I Ihe
I he Ii h will iIIl IM in New w York or orI
RIe Thr C CadI Heckles HecklesFroaVac ee eeFrom
I FroaVac FIOIII Vaaceuyt irrfr British Columbia hc western terminus of thc tb rail I res resthe rr rrI
the famous mous Empress steamships of Ihs Canadian Pacific Railway Raill i tpanys 3 3panys t tpans
I panys Beet carry the traveler to Japan and China Direct DI cct connt conntctcan conntcan
can be made to the Philippines and all Asiatic points pointsIn
In about eleven days the steamship reaches Yokohama and a aI dimpie dimpieof
of Mt It Fujiyama preludes UK panorama of the Orient This route is 100 100tlIlClsJaortcr 0t 0tmiles t tmiles
I miles tlIlClsJaortcr sUorter than that of any an other TramsPaciflc line line1M lineIi lneivriTi1
1M Ii 1 rasadlas U4la Ia Ps1m < 0Ic aI Ziils7 n cam Ticket IN es rI Essiwirt r Wpwit rlcl < I IId
94 esid Id IdrU
0 0TaIe
ivriTi1 rU f r jsiiT < iiiry 1
TBie > Hlajaiwsir In I fce Orle Or OrItUIt f fAllJB
AllJB UtMOIOK UBI Ttt Tue f A t tTrm
In 11raAoIuIt 1111 v vIfon
Ifon PU1IIcr
Trm taarr ff ff1rMI
MoalTMLCaa MoalTMLCaaC 1rMI Cu CuC
Have ve re r resved eve ve te
14 and 1 II East ThirtyThird Street StreetFOR StreetFOR StreetFOR
At Greatly Reduced Prices PricesAT
Fill FUUI Avenue Avea ad u > TweMlyFirsI Street Streetpifrrfrtnf StreetCJee
CJee pifrrfrtnf new wUI h hi4 eN M A fr r future flit delivery flcll ery If desired
TRIIlUi UUn4T 1 IX v jtiyf jtiyfFrank JII r rr IEnasi
Frank r kaiser r Wli Dealt a fatal Unerk Unerkact iickeut acok I It
act t Haw HI 1W In fight f ndrr Arreit ArreitI trrct11sI1c 1 1S
I 11sI1c > aa > ir X J April AprilI0rDk lOKrank Kaii aitofr EaleerI r
1 11 year I old Id of Palisade avenue nnu Garfield Oarfleldi
i is in the Ib Bergen county jail at Uacken UackenHack U ac acsack kD kDtl8Ck
Hack charged h with Itb murder He If and andGilbert andHilbert andhubert
Gilbert Trehou a Pa Pua1o aio High School Schoollx 8 Schoolboy bool boolI
lx boy > y fought a MO en round bout in a field fieldnear ooldtlfal tieldnear
I near Oarfleld but Tueaday eight a all the thoresult Ihott1tult thertupiilt
result of which Trehou died on n Friday Fridayin
in the Ih Pa Pa Passaic aio General Hospital Kab KLofIr KLofIrI XaLwrthiappeared er erditappered
I ditappered d after th tM fight and DI DIrrMltod wax waxarreted wacarrested
arrested reterday afternoon In Wil Wilmington WIImingloit 11 11mlnon ¬
mington Del Late la last t night the th Oar Oarfield I Inld Ifield
field police poIl rearrested Led the alleged omciaU omciaUof
of r the lb fight who bo were Wfl held prerio previously preYiOtlyn ly lyan
an n wttne witnesses UD M and nd had been released under I ItiOO Isoo Itx
Henry Koackitedt Koackitedtreferee Knacktedtreferee I I1rH
tiOO bail They The are
referee James Dwyer Oswald Kornhoff KornhoffKae
Ease Lewis l and William UoAlpine Pfconda PfcondaJohn MCoodaJolin eecondaJoisti
John Dwyer and Outav Hcbeuermann Hcbeuermanntimera Hcbollarmanntlm t4cbunnanntImers
tImers tlm Rudolph Labeur who furnUhed furnUhedrop furolhropt
rope for the ring and Henry Un Oerrit Oerrit1lf1 Oerrit1lf1who Oerritanwho fi fiwho
who a assIsted l Itfd ted in preparation for ro the Ihefight Ih IhIICht thefight
fight All 11 were held without hail by byRecorder h hn tyRecorder
Recorder n frdl8l Daniel Cook on a charge of ofaiding 01aidin ofaiding
aiding aidin and nd abetting uiull murder murderMayor murdMyor murderMayor
Mayor John Karl John T Harrop Harroppresident lIarrnpptHldftt hlarnsppresIdit
president of the Garfield d Hoard of Edu Education EducatiOll Educaties ¬
cation sad d George CtCIOl II H Wright ri ht Borough BoroughClerk I1orouahCferit BoroughClerk
Clerk BtarWd an n effort to secure their theirreleaM lheJrOII theirislea
releaM islea oa bail In company with withRobert withRobert ith ithRobert
Robert Aroleten Appl a raataic Ic lawyer 191 they theywent thtl thtlwenl theywetj
went to Newark in Mr Harropa auto automobile automobile ulomc
mobile mc > and nd had ball fixed In uoo 300 by byChief hyChlf byCider
Chief Justice Gummere of r the Ib J S New ew Jer Jeraev JrSua Jer55V
aev Huprrme Court At midnight the theprUoner I Ipr busprisoner
prisoner were re releaMd releaMdKai releaMdKIr IiniedKeiser
Kai KIr er wax III not Informed of Trehou Trehotisdeath IlA IlAdelb a adeath
death until this i afteraooo when htn Attorney AttorneyApplet Attom AttorneyAppktoaciled I Ippkotco
Applet Appktoaciled ppkotco ficallid on hIm at a the jail tn I Hack HaeliDIIISOIt Hack1 1 1enaaok
enaaok When he beard k Kilter Kai er was waaovercome wasovercome n
I Ioveotcom
overcome oveotcomIWRI
IWRI lIor K T reit reitTw tr7tR < < ROW ROWiIII I
Tw er f Them m GI et Priest Pr Wenlener and andTw amita nd ndr
Tw l 50 Vtee VteeSpecial FlaMSPfi1 ItnreSpecial
Special policemen of the th Interborough Interboroughwent nttrooou h ht
went t after u Sunday unda subway 8I1b rowdiee rowdieeagain toilllIt rowdeeagain
again It n yrt yesterday rday IOn One gang < began I ItD opera operaitiona oplratloJlJ operation
itiona tion on a Broadway train shortly after aftertl
tl left Dyckman ktreet t David Bauch BauchU 8a1l h
111 U awveoteenyearold boy who live Ih ut
134 Iark avenue nup amused himrelf IlImlrJmm by byjamming byarnming
jamming Jmm n4 a amt it c Ca casa into the th automatic automaticlie <
S lie door Ihereby > y delaying the th train trainuirting talnwrllnc trainswrting
uirting at 1 each station With ilh him 111mI were
I William I ulilam Wetnlierg W nlnc of 313 EaSt Klevenlh Klevenlhotreet Ileventhstreet
street Oscar Weiatireck Weill1 1c of VI 6 K Eait Eaithieveoth t tkleventh 1II
kleventh street and ilartin Meyer who whoIsv
II live I Isv at Ul in the Ih same me ntre street streetry t tTliey I ITI
Tliey TI joatlini the Itl Ian l > rn that panaetl panaetlI 1
111I in and out ut of th can Three Th SIwcjeI SIwcjeImce wsi l lofflcvr
offlcvr mn t Ik < > uk tho four to tho Ih Weat eat t mnh mnhin hlvhsmtftst
mtftst in > l ktMiioii whence all of Ihm I hut ImtMartin IMltI hutMartin
Martin I rtin Meyer who wh was aotit t iii i the Ih Chill Children l1l1lctn ChillltiiIis I
dren ltiiIis ix citv CII > > were taken to the th night nightitturt nightuhf 1 1un
itturt uhf un Baurh was Hentrticed DhII 1 to I the theworkhou II thewrktious
workhou 111011 for I live Ii day cia end Wolnberg Wolnbergand plnhraan1 <
and Wetfbreck W I k were C fined tin apiece apieceOn a spicyOn I IUn
On the ht complaint of Kmmanuvl Sellman Sellmannf lIm lll lllr
nf r 19 l Wel t Kightyaeventh iutrwt tr et t a n > erlil
x salioeXl > lir I > mnn arn arn1 > ted John Burke rk of I io ioBank ttiBatnk D Dnk
Bank nk street At I for biu ihur ol hlrIrnll tre > erf ii and anduing all11Iln nOdusing
using 1Iln < olcene language < fI III a Broadway BroadwayI fIrtw fIrtwIrn
I train rain He It too to was sent nt lo I he Ih worlehor wtrkhoIoThi
The Th nail a1l Hlreet ienlng I mlnc Kan un unIii I IHie
Hie Iii iill Street edition of TilE KVIUMNO KVIUMNOtN UISU UISUts i
tN t contains all the tb financial new n and andthe snitthe n1 n1Ih
the Ih Mtitck ar atrtl 1 l bond quotations tn the Ihcl thecfoe thecfoeusc clone I Iof I
of r the Ih market The cfaaing quotation quotationincluding quotationsincluding unlA on oninehltllna I
including the hid and andpsker n t aked price IrI with withadditional withadditional IIh IIhntldilional
additional new matter mat r arc rC contained rontAlnIIo rontAlnIIoIn al also alsoIn o oin
in the night edition of THE Evrxixo Ep lJo Hex j 14
7i e eWI1ITE
Season Oftni 0s Jon ynp Ttttnly TtttnlyI Twn TwnTHERE TamnfiT
I HERE ia every indication indicationI ncLcahOQtht
THERE T I that the croon lOn this year yearwill yearWIll r rwill
will far outnval the pest pattWe pule pestVe
We e advice that you make your yourrerration yourtnetion yourteiervtion
rerration early Doing Doinlo so o will willyield willeld willyiel4
yield eld dividend diyid nd of comfort later laterAnticipate 11 11Allti laterAnticipate
Anticipate Allti ple the Summer nab ruahVe naba oasiswe
Ve a want to send you aome il ilIrattd irh1 irh1lraled ilslisted
listed liuiatue clcaciiptivc of the thetugged Ih Ihd therugged
tugged d beauty eurytbe the balsam laden ladenair
air ir and nd the innumerable rporta rportathat wponaIhat poitathat
that a M White Mountain Sum Summer Summer Summci
mer afford < ord It give full par particulan parliculu percuIar
ticulan cuIar about the sumptuous aumptuooamagnificently sumptuousmagnificently umptuouamaani6cenlly
magnificently equipped hotel and andhundred and1lIllIclnd antihundred
hundred of quiet q Utel homelike homelikecountry homllhcotIotry homelikecountry
country retreats that are re now pie pieparing pepario pieparing
paring for your comfort A two twocent twocent twocent
cent ttarap bring it to your horn hornIt
It i ia none too early url to plan planWrit planrif planWri
Writ rif tl thibs Han er 0 rH rHCty IsItctv n nCt7
Cty T Ttk k O OWw 171 171LV sJ sJSew Bcms Bcmsw
Sew w Y Ywk GI7 GI7I CiriLw
slId slIdlO5To nd ndEOSTO d
Twrtnr J JWomans 111 CJoJf CJoJfr CJoJfWarlal civWomans
Womans s Hiiksst Hiiksstthe Hil Bst Priyllill Priyllillj
j Is the moulding of chancier in hr hrnlhprmj h hnbrrinc hrniftprin
nlhprmj g
Povert > stone doet not imtifv iU llh Jepnv Jepnvin Jr n
in lnz n the iJow IJo of that privilege privilegeTe
> Te make it po ro1iIc ible for widowed widowedmother wdnieimothers IdndmOlhCo
mother tn care for their children in intheir intheir n nthCir
their homo homoAnv humctn
Anv tn n atiiiuti von wnd nrl will wllIlI wllIlIWIDOWED help helpWIDOWED helpWIDOWED
Mr n m Illaatela rmi Pr hr 1r Jerr Jerrellcmn Jetrrp JetrrpIISmaC n nIIIm >
IIIm < ellcmn Serr Serr1SS o See
155 CNntm Clint St I
A A A p pI pMiiaifioU I
I i
i Ii I
I I The Grocfers S av
i I L T TfV
a fV T5 iI TL

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