IffW < 001 < < HCLH HIK m CAHTKK HA HAinctr 114IIICt H4IHCU1
inctr KT T < jtm RW4Jark 41 41Jar v vJark
Jark lhln U I In hp Fa FaU rlla bat I Alfred Alfredable AIQedbI K I
> able bI H 141 Warkrtl 1 Vast aad b 1 Cia CaaMerrd C Ciakl1rd
Merrd 111 Banceratjs Dales far ef the theuard Uteqcat tie tieIedIIskCalia
uard qcat IedIIskCalia jctCtakni tft t alM Ben H Here Hererhcad Hpren
f rhcad heIlt R tt r ail iravnd < where wherenf ber berr
1 nf r Imcrlca nlna S beat at thoroughbred tonabbr thornghhrsdI
4 I > tmn IDI for the nwtropolllaa lro laQ raring raringxi ranlngcaI Ine
xi caI > u 1 which lcb open o at Aiiuedurt AIIU1 o Hi net it 1ri 1rire rl rlu r
1 u me re lAtgnttt nnl for hundred buncn of turf turroy turfg
11 g eitniay TIfli oy Th Thtr1CkwftflDIdd Thtr1CkwftflDIddor track were In tpUodk tpUodkj
j 1 > on ftfl3 nil 00 ih bracinj weather IIr cauae tu tuon1 ctz4 ctz4n < l lr
r aill tIItLy lhll tty Trainers who bu
on1 r n > ii 10 mteiu mteiuo IAlene
o 4k 4 their Ibfr her Loris m 1 Aqueduct Alueul win out outand OUInl outn1
> < and nl n1 tbe tb clockti dod were eri re busy timing timingrtoia Ilmin timingeoa
rtoia 01 11n trials trialsibut lrl l lthief
n thief topic 10pio diacuteti dll UI was ss the h I t n0 n0r
I r Handicap HUdie P wren n furlongs 11100 lo b bn b 10 10fl
n on 0 Iriday I rc U 1 was Iba lb tb cooasoaus cooasoausi 10alIU 10alIUa cobniusnrotabIy
i l nrotabIy > roi ro1bl > ably a doan dO dos Q horaea bo hors would wouldv wouldtla1r
v e Starnr tla1r Casaldy Cuad for that tint timEcred tintfcvorrd hlil hlilb
fcvorrd b nrd UD ol and Dd that lbl lha th b champion championinter ebampinter bmplon bmplonnl
inter nl Jerk Alkln carrying IU ii U pound poundI
trFa luD
a CL I lidenbf dda bJ l Uae > aveNUol NkoI kol wouldbea woud ml b bs irons strongTi ironst rong rongu
t ime u The Ti Bun bora ha como lom her herrl h htIriJa henFnJ4
rl tIriJa FnJ4 < < rid ID great 1 < ondlilon and n4 n4S no the theenglb lb lbnlb
S englb of o last year a form Inr li I U I beller belleru b Iis4 Iis4ti
repetition 1pIUon u barring bnn to accident beat Idaal be will I b b hi a dlCBcull dlCBcullrepetition dUlcul1 dUlcul11pIUon diIcuH1r4pstOn
trw aM E Oaffneya Oln 10090 100 Alfred Alr Xobla XoblaM Cnblnl obl
M t received e Ie a careful 1 preparation pprllo for the thti lb lbnr
i r nr r at th lh hi handeTjf aldlf Trainer Frank We Wlr WlrC < r rn rIbll
C n think Ibll th Ila hi aoa or Oarrr Or Herrmann HerrmannprovnanotherRoeeben lermalb lermalbpronlbr Ilsnrmstitsprovsnolh4rflobn
provnanotherRoeeben pronlbr nbn Nobk obl oblsisuk4 oblsisuk4psdi > liak l
0 paf psdi k IU pound lud and d will wl he b Hdlcn rdle br b brn V Vrnert Vnprs
rnert rn nprs Ha I ha I itu shows 10 plenty otfsst er1 work workB wol workPus
B I hu hi trials Iial at Gravetcnd lurslftg lunih a halt bairja ha haDer halt1r
ja Der 1r < i r a short pull pul In 0 01 11 U last t Saturdtr Saturdtrnd 8ur Sstur Ssturd
nd d flnlthing Inlalnc threenuar Ihfua era hard hr held httdD
D tl t tI
I 1 Hildrtlb Hlldrlb ia I sure ur lo 0 b b npr rpresostd rpresostdtobod Mal d dt
t h aobody tobod seamed Ie to 0 know kao ystrdar ystrdarwbtther r istrdayh aT aTIll
wbtther Ill he l h would Wul start Iat Kestitoueb UCleb Dalaia DalaiaKtuan Dall DalataraVsn
Ktuan ttn or Firestone All Al hav h worked workedtil ok erk4p11
til p11 1 and ld Dalmatian Damtln a threayoarold threayoaroldfitfltxrt Ibeold IbeoldflbI tayjroIdtlbert
fitfltxrt flbI 1 roll rol appear a to 0 b b a trifle tS more rooram monhst
I m hut the II other otb E I Dugtn DIn will I ha hatie h bathC
tie Ig I up no 10 matter mtr which beb tma h carries carrletie tat carriesHthdrtb
ie I HIMralb Hhlb colora coon ao 1 that hl the II volaran volaranit vtrntuners IrD IrDlunrllt
it lunrllt tuners slimy will IU ha b hay TO to b b hi considered consideredW onadn
W V r Ftnea Fn five flrarold floysarold yearold br b Galveaton Galveatonedora Ghelon GhelonIIfe GatyistonI
IIfe I dots baa I beaa b p D0112td lntd llte for this thl raca rac and andcarry andy nd
y 11 carry in n pounds lund If ll ho h ttarta tL niorio niorioUllnar Gora Goranade Glonlonsd
nade nsd a Ullnar Isin Impraaalon Impnon at a Juarti JI Juan and ac bit bitv b hisnnr
nnr v 91r cfr tpcti Ip t lo win wi aomo 1m Important Imlan raraa raraath r
th h tin hr In too be t East Eastdom t tG t
G rp re dom Oom ha b practicallr rlen mad up upr lp lpf
r mind mlld II i > knd hi his a fo InlryroIJ fntrvsrold iry rold fllly flllyTr al Iiy IiyIr
Tr Ir rf 1 i the > h post pl a aa ab ho h hit h rncntrred rncntrredOTI r cnprevtnn
OTI be h ailment lmll which threw rhrw her bl out of ofluinmt 01nlf oftranit
luinmt nlf lut spring prln and It I showing all 1 of ofoM ofE
t E oM 11 p 1N < Ml In workout orkoll Th dauthtrr dauthtrro
o B ltn n Kru tru6h lruah h Fair 1 VUlon i Ion niiut nl11 plrk up II tippnds I II
1 txund t > md which hilh It I a suitable IIbl Impcxt and andn u I
n < Odonin Od < b n tiw w lorttry jOk ill I h ht k thf thfon rh rhOwl thnT
on Owl Th Montp Montpehlr Ionl pUr li r Stahlr ri rpr rprsn > r on oni I
i 0 m mr r t > ithrr lh H 8SIOll lleaiuoup stiroup or F 110 lkila lkilac Ir d dharlnv
01 c harlnv hln rom tm < to h had nd rapidly rpldl at a H Iti l
0 Park rr ilmuroup tlUllll hat h 1 In 01 1 > H oiint1 oiint1v1 > uml umlwill m1 < I
i m f iim I PiP rr rqM v will w UI h i in lllh th t h < a4die a4dien < JI dln < JIR <
n I i arratn think laca7ltM 1 > hat h in inrit anitti n
rit 1111 itti > lil rbanc bn < Thl hori hor > rrlvml from fromor non rum rumtor4
tor4 > or 01 d r rd adr for or rarmc ten iU d itay > atti n BIK BIKt miii miiiUi 1
t Mid 10 in rnh hari ha > huniMl up lP lh > irnrk r1 In h ht hi hilra hitrs1 I
t lra trs1 l Mm Ie Intnoat imp U 1 inj itotitidi toiiiid ltndl and n Fain Faintftf Fm Fmtre In InI
tftf I rrcuUr reuhsrtsbt c tablr tl jockrr jlk will lll 1 ridr rl Trilnrr Trilnrrl TraiiirLskIt
l ah lk h m fla alert ira ra o who rac raecd N < d In I
4 ornla lt lit t lntrr Int and nd i on < 1 < The Their Th Thr
> ir r nf r Rliff fl flii o w1 tt tut I It pound oun1 anl n1 coli < hesm In InIU ineitI I
eitI IU ll mar m ho h rnou nouh h tpmsl rI to 0 Mirk MirkI tie tiet Ik Ikt
t iet < l with Uh IIM Ih parinkrr 11 < to I th h nd ndi a aiioub 1 1il
i much > il ih II tllttanta may a toe l be M > a t rifle Iln too tooHnrt 10 tooIwt I
Hnrt n for him himThe blmTt himTI
The Tt TI Ntwratttr ptal wrtstl RuM Wt i Mn Mnon on tn tnromd 11 n4 n4tnirid
romd < may n t Pt rradr d 10 0 far I > lh the linrrlrr linrrlrrat 11 11I
I at I hi h trnin tlnr r Tom Tnr VirUli Ih said 10 in I Inln it itrilncd H Hti >
ti nln rilncd lnc d thai Iha ft f littUn 111 I IPtraroI4 IPtraroI4ye hr > earold earoldT
T ye c Imperial ImPII can do l htItr n r In II either Uhrho lhr lhri
> Our tilT Oaraer who ho it I expected 111 to I make maketrnttiional I tuska
a trnttiional llnI record fod here h lie will WI hive Hie HieirojtU th thnnt h hnt
irojtU nt If Jlmm > McLauvhlln flirt 1 the thet h hf PiV
t f V fjearoUl rauntleror nil u iii pound poundi
pund pundI
i rfmen will wil be t aurpnliI urr > rlfd for this colt coltraced lol coltP
P raced In I Florida Ford all winter m and n1 recently r iitlr
4 reported e to le h t iale 1 tauntleroy InIo I is a aow a1W
ow 0 beginner nf ami nl nilaht mlh rtnd nld it hard had lo lotiy totay n na
tiy a with ib lu suth u h fast r bor hores e at a Atkm and andnb hidotts
nb otts h In a large Ir field fieldtf fll fllI tuo le
tf I lam A Keen KHI anis end n a hors ho to the thefoil I th thIn h hhi
foil hi his color tor will 111 Ill be tt carried ari rried t tv < v this Ih three threetr Ihr Ihrsr h hUm
tr old Oraemere Um ramr I ti i > 4 rouitdt nhn hn will willhandled ill illhandled
handled handl4 b Hut IlutwII well Trainer Row R h hrtd hr hits hitsreil il
rtd r much fulh attention rton < o ih h Meddler 1hU oli olid ol tt ttd
ot > d la I sail I lo tl Is regard crd hl h hance n a as eirrl eirrll I
l TIt iil tmona ra mnnr nr Ihe Ih dotibllul dOlbll1 starrer rr are areU ar artrIiiey r rkI
U trIiiey r kI e y pretend JInd and nd I Ihal harlle Hargrat Hargratr laer laerI 1
r I 4 t tt I t emt em m to le he l h a asesinid ure < t thai II I I Se lied liedtl II
> tl 1 will I start I either lhr lrjnce lll Ahmed hm nr tight tightl IIrbi I Ifn
l fn as tv who In hn havo ha com C here h hr from rm ruin Clllfornia Clllforniat
t reejj r of f very little 111e training trainingutdivt Iralnlna trainingitdy
> utdivt atake 11 features Iflu at a q qNhtl qNhtlor > ieducl ieduclIt
Ca It ul snarE of IIVo SI tSs O for 10 twnvear twnvearr n
r 0 4 our furlongs rurlonl and nd Ihe th Knckanav Knckanavelrt Oky
elrt Irr 1 nt of 11too 1 for threeyearold tml atulvJrt tmlrjrrt nI nIA1 I
rjrrt A1 51 11 1 furlong turine Klflyoue llo ellgilil ellgililre 111 111r I Irc
re r n i P Pie fanaral r ll 11 list t including lhn II tow towarniti i imed
med rr unit U Belmont Innnr lame m llutlcr llutlcrH lutlf
p F far on in I T Chino S C I Illldmh 11 hllldritthp < lh I II I
I R Illlrbtnc rb Jam K I Kcene I n William AliitaiuiI lun lunI
I tkeltnd ID lame MacManu cI John ohl r rBladder a i ilddp
Bladder Idd he I Newcastle HLI Ml able 1011 florit floritI
Horn I < onl tNt he h Oneck nnfk HI Mtati able ije I tip Monlpcller Monlpcllertahle 3toiiliwilrIahI lnIHI
tahle John Jp W Y S Ptihonr horr > l I Herman HermanI hn
I t font Vn ir thoStivr Stlrer Drool rl Farm and tttj tttjI d dI I
1 t Thomat Thomattmonc Thnmmon Thmatmonc
tmonc mon the rh h po poahla ible tatterii for i he heKKkawai h hI heI
KKkawai I I o eh a ar Illcb leh Han Ianpe ire Charlie liurli liter Hurf lr lri
i a e gue luron IJulOfl rion Mark ranpf rtretlon IQI Jeam Jeamr n nr
f r F tn r O lbetend tend Inl the h hiulre tul FId Falcadatvne FIduc FaLrsdVIrIee
tvne uc ral tat 1 Jsrk Je 1 Parker BVootii oll 1I 1Iooln ttgcjuit ttgcjuitn1ati IUoi i io i
o ooln 1ane and d Hullo The Tnf Queen un fnuntv fnuntve Inllt InlltIlh
e > 11th tub Ilh which h will il run Ihe II 1k Jamaica Jamaicanpg Ipiskatr mIC
npg tr re a tquetluct luc carrying the Ih iK tr1 tr1e tt > ri rii
e i tout an al open dale d dat up to 0 and ld incliidin 1lldino itenhiiiincIav < r rUv
Uv i L ha b announced nlI 11 tn the following followingnxlul rolI IoItowi IoItowirpidul
nxlul hl for r Ihe Ih ttal slute 11 > > etit i1114rt ft fto i iifl
ifl rt 13 3 ike lb Carter tltndlftp I I l IS the theI r fioar lei leir I
o I r rtor tOIasN a Il v siflitsI take I Ormie A lit 9 Hecoolc HecoolcH
v H 11 > e SI 1 rverne = Oternlcht m eent eentV rIiiiJi5itO
V iJi5itO > teti voiiaty A t Dion 3 rreen Prepovl Prepovlc1hsin > ri rii
i o ilbtvra z ru Mu I tuthn hDf 31 OrerancM OrerancMr n f5p i
55 r ri r iio llaadleap 1tl Us ta tn > I 1lllamttiurf ililsmatiur5ifliI bue
> S 5ifliI > itn < k I PumonoL 1 Newlown nD a Motetlte MotetlteKtRi HOuttSkitae 01 01n
KtRi n Cojntr t Coiurnhut oJm lo Log 1 flrarta flrartaa
1 a i Mnbml I latJ 1 = Corona Coronaa roon roonnOIOth oroasI
I a nntewwtliy nOIOth fit r hat 11 in plte I of oft
t u 11 il avalnt n1 racetrack 11 hettiug tI in inhe o inp I
p he p1 honoty of th the stnr I iort h 1 he hot hotilr tiothailri 0 0i
hailri ilr l Mid i a leaomar tn onn fenr n r vet YeTr YeTrHItIa 1 1rl r rflavin
flavin rl hat rwen kept tlcan n bv she thier shep h hhh
er p I hh Iehq r IO neivard 1 who hn rule ril wtllinut wtllinuttr s ihotit ihotiteqr 1 1Ilrnn
tr or iair t nwrmiiilou lurfinen Ilrnn who whomi h hf hie hiefni
mi f ndulre nIII in hari practice H ewher I Iishrht ewherT h hh
T I the h hv I le will 11 iII li is lra aeverely rly dealt r1 with withi teithusuiiht II
i atmht IIIht and convicted Whenever Whenevert WhvrrP
t etiflrni i4ere rP of or f hady wnrk 01 the Ih pinker pinkerirve Ik
I irve erVetiteq tlgale 1 qsfrsly > allll iiletl > and n then act actrv Ir asI
I ser rv 1 llliU 111 publlcltv plbkU however howevera t tI <
a e h utewarcl do not helie 1 > e in II it itff itItiijtit
ff I i r are tiruply IUII Invite to 0 go el eltril 1 1nJ
5 stIll nJ they th h obey obT without Hboll makinit ntl a aThe aI
I The fl integrity nlriy of the th stint 11 Iherelorr Iherelorri rllorC
i < tre tritejit < lit It upon lon the th Jockey Jnl I Ch luh and andl nd ndIl
Sc l Il bet > he hI port i well 1 governed governedxnnv 0 0nn
xnnv nn nnY t onion olln who ho claim clm Ih h smart smarthflhaiflwagPit merltntamwignt mIlamplhh
tntamwignt champlonahlp lamplhh al 1 lli Inn II IIeiti
tt t r n nII l < te will bos b ten IfR round with withi lh lhj
i rt j I Ie ear1 a 1 lever < hat 1 Skier Hllr HllrahlI at atU miSt
St j U arbon ahlI sth I In Hrooklyn IlrnllD tonight tonightr
r > 0 met n I iitst t year r In n a six Is round roundh rund rundn
h an n even n break At th Olvmpln OlvmplnHtrlem Olmplaln OIvmptS
S Htrlem aln inniahi onlh Knock Knok Out llrown llrownlllt Irewn
> 111 lulls lllt FUecher fh nlll II ilI rlaah dUl for ten round roundntecoa rOlndt rOlndtnDtlmlnmnlb roundss
ntecoa s 0nol nDtlmlnmnlb nDtlmlnmnlbImuntuU < J tlmtlna m moalti moaltiRUXIMi moat ii iiV
V ImuntuU Iflcs4oUXTRI RUXIMi RUXIMief RUXNxfHsnrs
I Ilr
Hsnrs lr > ef r Clreroe Glnu C Ran far Pastime PattlracA
A C Ci C Chc
i h P0 biggvtt hc eroa eyosroumtry v ulr iBlry run un ever evern r rI
5 n I America nlrla nrra wa the th handicap laDdlfp promoted promotedU prmolfd prmolfdt
> U t hr h r thn Ih Cltenco en 4 r r The 1b great greatrrer rCst rCstS P Pl
S l > rrer turned tlrnl oir 0 al t ihecluba iheclubaf the cub cubt club clubps
t ps I f r In 5 ISib 1lb street Irl Hear 1 Rerond RerondIdol toitda nd
a Idol for th 1rt 1rtflnsh tnitf
111 were e prizes prz frt frtfnsb
f < > flnsh fnsb along 10 with I a aeeciaI aeeciaII III IIIn clal clalh
I > h j ram n whining wil lac Ibe lb Klnt IHln psilutI Klntlhti
lhti I ii ilere liar wer r threw t Stir prle for forii 10
5 tI ii 1 se lm Imf prize rll Crowd Im linnl linnla In1 In1Ino
i a smug Ino tln coir soiire soiiresrt OUN e egir
gir srt t llce 1 of the Illt honor Iolor tha I Ii II II
I i i diiil I ladivldual Ild1 prire ftre set won wonPa n
I Pa Pei585 > time nl > t r C I prrl 1 Ntack of r lha1 lha1h Ih I
h 1 M handle of j minute mmiiiL ti tii dA
L > i A s he > h first nr man home ho to thai h hu bh ha has
s u he h ludlvidiial 111101 prize but buti bl
S i ef r lu 5 eatin Ilia fl f aclual tl ussI PI litre litre4i 1r I un ws
5 4i 4 e eontjs nnU In trcond wrn ua e ei
i ye MiMervin of I iu the Mohaau loh1 t tl 4I sa
a I lnll iiiinjtea mm ji hi actual u tint tintmm 11 timeson
mm n e i 14 vcond Cn I Coulter Coulteri Ir
i liCsIi > 4 > u < I Ta third and h ha ran ranMm rn rnr ransm
Mm i ar r Stack ck II n did dll 111 111iilrtite I lea leaIi
Ii iilrtite 11 4 ctm cisnds td < l and being hn a anr
r < 1 nr n trust t pntice n node a prle IrI7 Ihe Iheri 1 1 be beI
ri I e aa WJD dl by by1 by1t J Kilrertoti Kilrertotiand
t < and n I the thud Ihh by brn r rh PI
h I Moil n Haven lae t ttcxxl C Cod 5S
> M tcxxl od around olnd Irdulg IIJul1 ai 1 ti con coneriainn ronrnln on onf3slon
eriainn regarding tb nni nnie I Itni Itnim
rnln I
e man m afl o 1 how ho for ro ftrt f wst Wtl Wtla II
C f > a of ih Acorn on 4 i ih II Ihit Indl Indlrnl 111 111O
O rnl rro rnuflir nunlr c uniry champion championu 1mpl 1mplI
u I a finihed nnh only fitlyfour flfnurh fIttyfntarha h ht
t e e M > nlnlt In > t J J tC nd ndo ndfn
o Xohawl s t wa was neat neitLI
LI 7 J I I niirjte nlfr ntr 4es I and Hnt flothst h < nl t In Inrne fnn Inri
ri n t1r
k rne In won th tem prlr rl I by r a
1 C a twini III from M Ik r Mohawk Mo A An C
11 r r3 n a3 A t l I lo II G 0 ° O0 l bwt > n4 ia iar iafcaf
From dU dlIIJtR d1sslpatln tp tlOB U t aa a in inilstcnt InIlcnt litilitint
ilstcnt Ilcnt dcBiaad d for cracks ice le
Prom Pro aa invcttmcat of rliht rlihtlni Iht
IYln IIlng lni U peace pece of raiad raiadFroa miad taledFrom e
From Fr a building uUdln ertcttd erlcte with without wlthoul withOul ¬
oul a tfuararaea urarjte it a question questionProm qunUProm questloilProra
Prom a building uidlnt crccttdundtr crccttdundtra erfct uad uadCost
a Cost Insurance form for of coa co cotract costract coatract
tract is a foregone f r oRe conclusion conclusionOur coclulloOur
Our Cost Insurance form len of ofcontract ofcontract 1 1contract
contract guarantees tuaaat the limit Jlt ef efcost ofcost 1 1cst
cost cst and alcarUy iti ntcosarllythe t h proper properratio rrn rrnratio proerratio
BuiUing Bui COlllct COlllctF CoiutnjctsFi4tyOne ConMnictiaa ConMnictiaafihyOne
fihyOne F Ot WX Street Sr
8VT rT 0FTEX 0FTEXAanalt AFTENAanals l lI
I Aanalt AfI of Labaywe id FUtw V CettSrai c tho thoKartTrat tt IhiVmtTrss
KartTrat tTt to Bad avwacta iau Are Kew KewTlwt T w wTied
I TIM WM ltht aU Agt st t First Pt Set Cues CwtMaoechtl c Cuesupedal
aoechtl lml taterrsl Wt ta tke ti Attaatte Ereat Et
There rbe I is a wlaalng wll line U Iii IB golf 011 u la l other othaipaatlma othe otherpaMims
paatlma that tbt U I public pIlo form 1 uaually Uunr will willpjlnt willpaint u
paint p lal out Iba lb h player > 1 who wlo mast 1 eiehably eiehablywill Ilbl IlblUI
will UI b b the b wlanr wIer U to I sot aa a lafalUeta lafalUetaIgnpoailf 1atbl 1atbl1nl iatUbhignpcmt
Ignpoailf 1nl If It were w e there lb would wobd be b BO I Ilerect l to toIsrest
lerect Ir left In gay 1 sort lol of sporting lpr competl competltloa eopt
tloa toQ Cbampltn Q IJI have I a longor 10 tenure tenurtof tenureof ur
of premiership plnblp on U U thu links lDkl has Ib In u uolbe saotbr any anyotntr
otntr olbe pastime pIe and d aa a coaaequtac COeuaM tba tbarecord th thrcorda h hrrd
record rrd of lbs Important lprt amateur sat Iur ur cOlr touramense louraa louraamenu
menu will I show bo that lh the Ih lieu U from Iro quail quailfying QUl quailfing
fying round to match Ilcb play JI tad a ndiag lag la I usually usuallybetween IWI IWIMn uauaflybewn
between two 0 or 0 three Ihr picked leke men ml Oa 0 Ihb Ihbaccount I Iae ib ibacsunt
account ae ut th the tame m name I crop up ofla ofl oa oathe onthe D DIbe
the rolls rol of winner winnerThere wtonewThere ll llTb
There Tb I but bil on one way In 11 which bltl this bl condi condition codltlOA coadilion ¬
lion e isr tr r militate DUU agalnat II th the success uen nf r rtOUnmot a atournament atournament
tournament tOUnmot It la tho 111 lb falling by b poor p play playof pl playat
of a Oral arl set t raaa Into a lower set t In 1 which which9o bkbb
9o b mow mo down all al opponents oppat Tbr are area ar an ana
a great many a erratic rle players pl who 0 do not notreturn ao notreturn
return reI urn card when bn they lb fall lo make 1 the theOral lb lb0r55 b bCrl
Oral Crl s tt t an honorable Iolorbl and Mf ifsacnlllcing ifsacnlllcingmellon 1acrUela 1acrUelaton > acrlflciaf acrlflciafaction
action ton hH h thera th U I nn al aet t rule rl lo follow followThere rolo roloTbere followThere
There will 1 bean b tm u n etpecUllntereat spctal plllllt inltW therefore thereforen
In n the h working 0lln nut 011 of Ibe lb ytm In be beried b bIl binied
ried Il at TVetlern Ptrn tournament ouralo which whltb ha habeen h hI hia hiabeti
been I evolved vd e by b Craft rf W Y higgins 11II whu whuevldentohaa whiusIdent bu buld
evldentohaa sIdent ld alThu baa found a pln that Iha promises promiseswohl promlte promlteell
wohl ell It I It I in limit lmi each ealh flight CI < h at cup cupluallfylng cupisulaitfyin
luallfylng lht ten are r termed If In th this 1 Wer H 111 in intilayer I intiIatra i
tilayer Ia within II th lbeamron m7On on lb general generalhand tsnraIhandirat
hand ndlp lean lIst players plYfnt at tcralrh fh lo eight eightwill ehlm ighstwill
will m make m the Ih Iran frr from nine nm set o > liteen the theecond theeond
econd nfd e5 t and Ind so o on t s nlyr who he make makean m mn mskean
an n iiniKiially 1011 good 0 ttroka rrk round rDf for him mutt muttlay mia insistass I IlY
ass lay lY In the lb flight flII tbl bring brln him Into Intobut InlnhUI intohut
but a player 1Te cannot lan1 by b a poor pr routed rOlf ci al be below b b blow ¬
low hi hie true tue nit ftljhi ftljhirh IIh IIhThl hi hiThit
Thit rh stiletto YI T I 10 be tried at a Ih tune tunetournament hlnlourmn luneiourliameflt
tournament lourmn of ih Shies Momclalr nrllr iV i S 1 i loll llolfl loU loUln lollCliii
l Cliii lull but ln the h del tI diatIs a II have h uot OI > ei i been beenworked ba barl boonworLpji
worked rl out n 1 It 1 would ern tu 1 a good 100 oosi plan planon I Inn
on the Ih face r fa of li I for the Ih platens pl who bo ar ardoing andoinig r
doing dolnr ihelr hel bl lr to n makes m a third It1r or fourth fourthixieen Irb IrblslHn fosinibeizten
ixieen who hn detert d to be b protect pruicd IKt from fromiha ImmI fromthindividual
iha Individual helndlII1 wbo DC make such 1f1 a set et by I th thworn t tn Oswnnl
worn n ort 11 of golf aI of mv m llf ll ills really 1 and andn Dt
en n the Il tnatche a as bv ii a mlracie mIN tiegm to toplay 10plr topier
play a fine nn game At A t a recent n retort r tourna tournament tolmmnl tounamaflS ¬
ment a tlarer tl who hn mad mr oee on I of the Ih far farfrom ra farIrons
from ron th ha front meat eatt 1 with wlh a card ovr 124 124went t74went U Unr
went nr out In hi II his mat match mlb play r In M Ih Ihrecord Ihor the thereenril
record or of the h court ro being bln ft I and Dd wnl wnlthrough nt nthrnlh
through 10 o ih the h final In II in the e tame n trliim trliimjhat I trItimthai rl 1
thai h1 pro lrOon lrOont troson trosonsit < vtMon vtMonMl
Ml t theannaltof Ih annals al 0 of She 11 coming rmialiM tx Country unfrr Club Clubiof b i iof
of IjnewiKxl li01 tournament tanmn pros pro that Ih l tb tbchampl tbch this thischampluna
champl ch champluna lpln na mitE be ie eerted 1d jU hut Ilr the Ih h long longhUrory Ioa Ioahi
hUrory hi of the Ih fliiurw fU I free I from lrl any aT lalal lalalof
or Intentionally Inlnlonl falling Into IDloT a wrong aat aatThe SMfl
The T fl tournament 10Imnt of April 21 t 22 and ndJ 7J 3 will willr
r hi > e th the twentyninth alIDb tl aemiannual minnu one un In Inhu Inhl Inlila 11
hu hl period 1 only I fourteen golfei golf It hat h hh wow wowlie woIIH
IIH h lie fiit 1 5st ret tup u Mndlar 1ndl H Uougll UuIW and andater slid5
W ater 5 Travi T have h rain saIi h woo 0 it I eight eightItnet eightime Iblim
Itnet im Frederick tor HerrehofT trhof who hn prornfi pomlI promleesshe i io
o t > e i he h comer 01 of thl hi armeoi5 ea on 0 rolf bat blo bloIn bastwo bastwoaua two twowin
win In recorded od and 1 rho thoses 1 to nave h Mngl aetsgtwins 1 1a
win a o i heir credit 1 are latper Ia lrn Inh < h Her Herherr I liartear
herr l lrr 101 l d < t II I I > Tol ruler Janie Jn A Una UnaIt a aI
It I i V at mtaoi 1 on II Chaadlea rgan D W K KLuan t tt kEstai
Luan t W I luanes o nra 1f s I While Wbl I t R Rsitu Yelrl Yelrland
and situ 01 II I VI I Brown Brn Brnn Brownne 1 I
rhe n our 0 e I is In 1 is aplemlid order od and anr many manygo mn
go lo 1ikrurvHj for a tpecial round 0undI eat eac eac4ill > e erlly >
< 4ill < rlly UT unweekeMlp 0 un wk rk end Jntrletfor fnrl ro Ihetwirna Ihetwirnamepi
mepi mll cl itie n uu o i 11 irIi rll > and a I her Ih piobablr piobablrIII pbb pbbII piobobtill
III II Include nrl omxuf r ih b Fnglh IIIIh i p610 > lop1ayia lop1ayiawho ply plywho pylS pylSwho
who are r good galfcra ol a as well 1 a Sc ridert nIir 11 of ofmmlet o i u utiuis I
mmlet nl Ou n Saturday Iura Ibe Ib annual nll1 gym gymkhana cnIbnO ynsIehn4 ¬
khana IbnO of 0 the li 1lbrT ouutry I luSf lubof laewocd will willenter wfllflttit
enter flttit ali ih the golfer golferlln 0U otfqrsliii 11
1 lln week and n4 n nu xt h hi rena 1I1 OilI mmee mmeemen I ftunasnarl n nI
men I plarer 11 imvrre who b iumnd 111no to testiS i > itiipate itiipateIn teata teatain 1 1In
In he > h spring pID icurnamtni of r th Miami Miamil 0
n S l II > toiintrr unlf lub hl prll pI h ami 0 n 1 new mavon t newon
on introduction play I over o r he t our r It Iti I Itis
i is even a twister 1 touud lush Ih In Ik I fall rl and andthem sun sunIlsetes n nh
them n fIt h uIt uItIiTR will 1 Ne t te a htini blrl hunger T entry nl ru fur or the lii 1 luurna luurnai I In IITIt
ITIt IiTR TKit I TW TOV II II f 4 W VI KS IM IMrgllallo 114 II 4 4cgtlillne i iattn
rgllallo attn I Rims I llartaril I and a la Sal1peI I IMeet Iel Iel8r
Meet Ofar4l 8r and CambrIdgeSetotlatlosis Cambridge CambridgeNegotiation lbld lbldSotllo
Negotiation Sotllo are ar under li war for another anotherlflierflnflsi i iIniernvonal I IID
Iniernvonal lntevarHv ID intP lrallt II track rae met m with withlfordandCambndgeand withisordandCambrdiand lh i iIrord
lfordandCambndgeand > Irord and tmbridnd Harvard Irrr and at Val Valn sales sales1s 11 11f
n f 1s < competitor mlo Thr Thr wa w ae a report r yettr yettrilH I
tIM I that arrangement nmnl had h hon acnmpl 1 tomplelJ tomplelJI lJ lJuir
uir ti I rc sent nl 10 L Laun < tn U 1 Mill lil manager mal I of ofrh is is11e5 r rf <
rh f 11e5 Harvard track tlk learn boaght h ohl Ih r rtionte f fon rajOflSe
tionte on that Ib the rumor mutt 11 liar a aritta arittaIn 1111
In I ngland i iIhe
Ihe 1 Ii reulta of r the h recent rfnl OxfordCam OxfordCamhridg 4tforetramhridze I
hridg gam m beiaiiaa of 0 the rh chaac that thatan thatan ha
an International Inlmloa1 meet may ma b be h held M attract attractattention urclnllon I Iattention
attention nllon of it theism cm Oilman C ollanior in inlormer its itsmimer
lormer Iarvtrd Iar miter 11 a do cloeo 1 student dnl 111 of ofathletic ornIf ofnthleticus
athletic in general nr haa h lu this Ibl lo em ar ar1h
nIf 1h 1 h Psn < re I wat wa nothing extraordinary lnorln with withone wtihon lh lhnn
one nn exception epIo IB I Ih h performance onn of r Ih Ihtinner Ihl the thesinners
sinners hut the Ih work ork of Ih It placeJ plf men menfirnl m mfrnll metsrirnealuea
firnl frnll rirnealuea lie nome no food rl for t thought Ihou hI hIfnllhmn I h hrnllahmn IiPuelishmen
rnllahmn eitellod a as u 11la > ial where when Ir they theyalwara Ih theyalways
always fnllhmn 1 racH n enl sitO < nd n fell r1 down d n lamentably Imblbl In Iniheruitomary Inh inthe
iheruitomary the h uor ustomanl hole holelit hnl I
lit 1 Pt oa ne eiepilon Irplnn l in Ih the inn Il Mr IV IVon ac account acouts ¬
count on esyc v nothing hln about 1 weather rbtr rondi rondiIon esndltiotie nd ndtlol
tlol tiotie Ion but lo 7 It I tent 01 going ch torn under Inr any lnT I Iclrciinittance Irlmll Isirrtiniatntics
clrciinittance 1 Then contlder ro dr that Ibe IbeOxford lb Sbflsfonti
Oxford rlmll nan n wa was four 011 rends back our ourunder Iltrtinder Il
ni under Ind 1 lad 10 would hava had 14 r a chance hn in ini Inbl pflsbus I
i sbus hi race raceIn raeIn
In the I lee hitch Ih linip ib Oiford rompeiltor rompeiltorjutt r mplhn
Jut alM 1 boif m euualled the Ib I easer r record recordn 01 01I
I In n the h half llariev han le of Oxford wa forty fortyraid lor fortyyatds
raid hack bul hl of 1 I 1371S 1 t3 JS and ld In i Iba lb broad broadjinip 10 broadirnp
jinip jml irnp ih the Dark Dak lltu IhJ repreeentatlva rpHnlUI r wt wtable was wasable
able bl in do only onl Tt feet f I1 l Incbe Inb In lit litiiusrier II lithurter
hurter alr c I Howard or Smith 8mCI HI was IJ I yards yardsby yardsiaynfSl ara araby
by iaynfSl of fI Al I I tThsrs
1 11 Thsrs litre wa wee one n great prfriaaac D how however bl howaTtn ¬
ever That Ta was In ih Ibro hr aallt U tIsi w wboen wboens 1 tr trt
t I talon ator or of Oiford Ulor an n la l 54 minute minutet
t n 4 seconds od the lb Ii record for ib thes game gameItelng gameeisetne DM DMInw
Itelng Inw fourflflna ef r m rlor aeroed oad fatter fatterTh factorThe 1 1Ttl
Th The hot h l put win at 1 37 S feet I I lob the thehammer Ih Ihhom shahemmer
hammer throw taken at a If is I fee r s inch Incheand inchand
and lh the high h ao hurdle tlrl den In t ii aOlc cond conda conaare
a are r 0 not good performance Tb mil m mor waa waacovered wacorrtd
covered 1 IB In n a mlnntes mlnl prcaat 0 4 ecooda coisd oD which whichnn blb blbn
nn n or longer daunt dul roUagtan rnn here herertrconnx I IFV hereEW
EW 4w1VvIJ FV I rtrconnx rtrconnxHrbtter NTCeRn NTCeRnHbH RCGRPLifehief
Hrbtter HbH of f Chlcag 11 Hoes B e r fl I Ullh Uli IIb the lit litIr Bark BarkSHr4r ir4s
SHr4r SHr4rSr Ir Irr
Sr r 1 txifl April III 10 lUrrr lrr 1 llebner llebnerof IImr IImrI ilebusof
of I Ibe I DP tnnl Athletic trluti C luh I hlagu fir firu tiriihad
u iihad > hed h ih II iho feature Iall of Ihe it a > wlmmiig Ij meet meeti mMIIb
5 i tb this tisourl Athletic Athlelc C COd Ceub > ub last t night nightr
I ti r shattering IhtrID record for lu ih the h back bac atok atokIn ok okIn
In de detive tlv faahlo cor In the Ih l 1W V > rt chain Chamnl chainPsnhip hmIhlp
nl nhlp rII llermer ha brok brke oa world od a recnH recnHand rff1 rff1Aad tersoiand
rl Amarkan A mk icrd icrdHwlmmlng cnil cnilwntniflg
and ao aaoeetsbilabd t lbil blUb a new no r
Hwlmmlng a nw a w style bark b orawl owlla In superb superbfashion superbfeeblon urb urbIUbln
ftrnjn fashion he le troa croseod d the II too 10 yard rd mark mal la lal
I minute mlal I fl uO seconds 4oa thus 1 breaking Ih Ihformer Ihformr thformer
former world record of fr I minutes IS a econds econdsheld ct > nd ndheld
held d In England Hrbner bnpr Oalsbed ab out ul the theIM b heU
IM U 1 yard 1ad n l I minute nlal M 71 24Irok 4 second 0 whlli whlliirnke bl1
irnke Irok n e the AmrrKan record rcr of I minute ainulaSI minuln
SI s ts tcoDdt DDdo The Th tIme tMe were attested attestedby nIe
by b all threes i watch watchIn watcheslit ttI
In 1 ih piling for Ute C T Brewq Brewqof DowI
of h hes Illlnoh s c Chlcag Chicago holder of ib ibrhamploaablp r rrlmpIQIP SbchampionShip
ho Chk
championShip Ilao retained l ld hi title I rl Ills II Iii beat beatKing istplinga
rlmpIQIP plinga was 71 i fe I fat r wblth lt several r1 feet feetld r sotInside
King 101 Inside ld of I the lb record recordother rerd rerdObP recordOther
other ObP naawball 1 Camr CamrIT Gn Gna
IT ITToted a IIO IIOTo 505500
a a a aTod
Toted To TodClitselani an a n f I 8on ua > t a aC3e
C3e Clitselani lanrt n ooi I nO I I ni IisaeflS4 l ao ta taItatleneanwrat 31 31iitsnm5weeS I III1
C Itatleneanwrat II1 aait Laa Ll < l ralkeaberg ralkeabergMiuscll ratMI ratMIW tsIliiCbrMIrett
Miuscll mad Clark
W t a Clarkat
at cgwvnun cgwvnunp Cn CnA
p PestwALO > tvM A i L I 0 a a B a i I II j1 I i a at S1ssta1s0
Claetaaac t l t a aM v a e efctWrt
fctWrt aE1Mt4p rai > e Jtaaita DQ gj gjAnus ttaUtm I aaa 4 CarrtSiK CarrtSiKAJcnon Ca =
e Anus AJcnon e sad u Clark a aI Clukt
I < N
f <
I l
LICK LUF EC9KT EU81 FM3I FUJ riPlD riPlDHtchtaadera FtFIIsHigMasdirs 8 8t
Htchtaadera eaten t by b MrClBalt tHJ1 > a Traaa Traaahi T TI
hi I aTMrtfaalaabu ftThhlrs U 1iag C9aaae aaeAutbattrd aaeAutbattrdb e Oetbatlrd OetbatlrdSlawt t tb
b U th MM a Lega Agregstlo Agregstloworn
worn rut Ft FVlcHsg FSHa8f IB lie TwaTaaa TwaTaaaTh Twa Tw TwTb
Tb High landers tadfflltrutk struck a snag ana la I Kewark Kewarkyesterday Wwankybsrday e1i e1ieat
yesterday eat < cIa afternoon rt not only onl In tk the stub ttubbora stubborn IubborA
bora craw t that Joe Jo 1 McOlnnlty baa be betted hordedtogvthtr henlrdnhft bettedtogether
together to represent that 11 city ell la th b Eastern Easternleague JulornIAU EaairnLeague
league but also 10 In a home umpire Th Thlatltr TbIu The Thelatter
latter Iu hy b a cloa do decision d llloD on Foalera Fool at attempted attempted t tpted ¬
tempted pted at steal eel provoked l > Low w rigor < who whoaa wbooa whowas
was aa oa tho tb h coaching liae 11 lie lo such an n eatent eatentthat elnltllat Etenithat
that the lb gentle Law Lt raced up lo 0 the I plate platejolted plIJollrd platejolted
jolted Mr Umpire tpl rudely rlldl and ad knocked hta htacaaak hlamuk hi himask
caaak of and nd was atoortad soont fled d off th Ihi h Held Itdb Seidby Heldby
by b several 1 policemen pollcrmtaThe pollcemTlte
The Tb cam was a hard fought contttt contttta tOa cooteetansi
ansi a < l waa woo wo by b Newark In Ih the thirteenth thirteenthlanlnr thirteenthlining blrMDlbIDln
lining IDln r when vII Crimp rl who ho bad scored tfO Ibe Ibeonly Ib lbaIy I
only 01 two 0 run Ib h Indian had to their ihelrcredit theircredit blrcredit
credit rapped nut a triple and n4 tallied on onMuaHcra onXlleHer onMuNer
MuaHcra s drive drl through the b boa bo It Ita was wata
a case sI of 0 Us I lb pitcher pl ler winning lnnID bis bl own game gameHome gameOoms m
Home 80 of Ih tlte fielding Hunt att Nn ° ta of both team teamwere 4I6mw learnswet
w were brilliant deapile 110 the lb gale gal Ie which bllb was waaTM
bII blowing blowing13q
TM njleora nlitsora Itlllra eutbsttcd tb hi major JII a trifle II
but could u14 do very vt little bill kltllpg log while 1111 Tom
Hugh Mil was la I Iba h boa They Th wielded wielde1t wieldedthSIF 1 1Ielr
t Ielr I III Pta V fl spore < Jt freely OIl lr j jire gialast their old oldclllla oldchum
clllla rn I fi Tb b Htabladn did all thir thirseedip hI
seedip wht1 II MeGinnt5y IOlfllltt was on th the mound
C Chase a OraS been pill was a I raisin raisinInst
ire lrea NaIl MciluuHr nJit took up theynound uplhunduk theynoundtaik themoundtaskat
taik taskat at the tboienigsnd b oMotec 0 ad d would wtsul4Mrehsldtb wtsul4Mrehsldtbtttor hav held the thevktHora tlaoaJ
vktHora tttor to oaJ O a aoia IOB rua ruafl runiathflv la tho h rt o taalata alii II ha II
PI pile bJl 1 for a mux By D ttettmaa walcn walcnave waicitsit a n nh
ave sit them h aaotbor run roatere triple r11w triplesad
sad w 4 8 ewsoara ee y > a aaeriflce aeTlSic fly II were re reeponilblt reeponilbltfor reIlb reIlber reeponsihtfor
for er tb I tna arat no r 11t With itlt oae oa out alnilea IB hv ITAutin byAustin hvAnatto hvAnatto
Austin tBd8wei oy y In is the Ih fourth f unlh and II Gets Ueufor Ueuma 0 0IIUI Getstsa
ma tsa a IIUI su muff of flooiphlll phlll Kl blah h oa o aft al1HlSllitl after afteruugb t tUuthea
Uuthea bad foaled to I Crl erp p tare them the 111 111aaeo thesecoeq tkeaecoad
aecoad aaeo HlSllitl run ruaIB ru ruJa runIn
Ja IB the In IHth the Os h IndUaa la tot 01 busy bu After AfterCrttp AfterCrisp tel telbad
Crisp bad walked llIed INv p totting for 10 UcOa UcOapJiy Mcitnnit cOIDaut
pJiy nit hH the Ufi taft field d reaeeaad I < ud befora th IIIhe
aut ball he bsi waa recotvrrd eI ho b was ea eecond gcondcrMo 1101 and andCrtoa Dd Dder
Crtoa er Bad MMd < the thee elate t IB mh mhCriell the eeveath eeveathuok ssnth ssnthcr
Criell cr ku > doubled dOI look t tfter thIrd oa n Mueller Muetlorsaiti IB IBit taU
U aiti qlladrfto Qt it sad after Me Meku Meyers 7ns hajTbost bs4 beet out an anhit n nlaWd flinMiel
laWd hit II aaif cml tauter 011 had filed 1ed to Foster Fostereeorad FoeterIoo OAterOft
eeorad Ioo OB BchiatyV Ik SldsIy dribble along 1011 ththird ththirdhaa I the h third thirdlien hlrdIIn
lien line IIn which AiMta Au declared wa was foul foulIB loulIn foulIn
In tb eighth 1lb the Ih Highlander might have havecored bnlleo barmco
lleo cored had not AO Foster Ioat been called out on onQuloaabl a aQiifitlloaable aqueslenabl
Qiifitlloaable Quloaabl decision at second aecoadTh MCGadTill secondThe
Th The aeorr aeorrKSW oeoreow rr
KSW ow > TO sees seesaanP Kiwi ItIlWUI ItIlWUIL lit lita
aanP a a L e A i as AIRP B r a aHrtlllf A14rsrJIlIf4 s sHtnrUlllf4
HtnrUlllf4 I I 0 I UtrrraTf UffI 1 2 l lOot lOotrl o ovrtlerrf 0 0WetrM
vrtlerrf rl t a n 55 < l m Ualrrtr lIr S e 5 0 r rCfeatrtn n nCIIvIII iibastIt
Cfeatrtn t I M 4 e ifsutirru II2b A I a 4 t tCreecf n nd 0a
Creecf d a n t to o ii unin htptlnset < rf 4 n 2 n i iRanlaer InPdD iCaderb
Ranlaer Sb S I s a a Ijtudnt mid a i t i I trnairrit Ir Irnaers
rnairrit r i I a a i flnrrriMa 11111 I 2 n I IAuUaa II IAusUahls
AuUaa < s I 1 6 titrl > 4 I M IIer i = t tflwrsyr A AeseTe
flwrsyr eseTe er t 2 e n 0rl 0flse nc t = II J fl flMughep IIHu11 oPlughrap
Mughep I n a t olTKlaly 0 p I In n n II I ICrTctr Irri Irrgr
CrTctr rri I I nOD 0 0 BtKrliy fie 1 I di < i n I I11I A AIilttp < i irnitp
rnitp 11I a n n 4 0 Uurlitrp a i u 0T u uTeialt I ITtals
Teialt T 4JH 12 13187 IUT T 111 as > a a TUI T 4T u aa u a aItattad 3ittId
Itattad for 0 Hutht uit Is tk Ike Slit I Inalni InalniBtttrd Inh InhSIN lnaitHsitd
Btttrd for to Urutnalty raII la IbiS hub 1110 Innlai Innlaii innlsgron
20 ron i > a eat 1 wbea winntsg rus wtt snide mMrw snideewVorli0 1 1or
ewVorli0 w York 0 n I II I C 0 non A 0 A A linn linnOark A A A 3 3ewrk
Oark New rk i000IOtOUSiIUl 0 0 D I 0 I Q II U U I I IIt 3thinsSew
Itvat It thinsSew Vrw York r 1055cr 0 tor AID Newark NewarkCrWo ewar ewarCrisp wn wnis
Crisp a RMtr b baa t Louden Hardier 4 4r rtirr rtirrVirrlflr rntrssrriC
Virrlflr is bit t toidrn = jd n Nwrtoer Hwvtae fr frwenry hrwoot
14 wenry Tw base bit Ml hl Krllr Crisp liidrn liidrnTbrti IsnbaN loidsuTb
r Tbrti Tb bat bit Meyer ry 7lmnrma 1hIII Crttp CrttpI Cm Cmr Cdspretar
I rtar r Double no plav p glrr k acMatlv 11 esih ad awlfnudn adtAudea
tAudea lilts 1 Off Ucrlniftr WIoIII a la I fly a Inalac Inalaceft lao laotrJU italegnOtt t
eft llugktt a Is nv Ovs II Inalan Vru k out UI m mUrVlanltT IPtMtGImIty
I trJU UrVlanltT J br Mwtller Uu Iier i rb C br mil J UIn Hrtt Hrttb n
b e M 11 bill Off c Mr UcIllr ls lir t elf IT Mueller Muellerl ltrr ltrrrr e eas
as l rr > HIIIM HI a off 4 Trill 7 Wild lid pitch pi piW Mueller MuellerHit
Hit W b by > pitcher nr n N I Suit rill iMtiem f Iltaeii bait btili It
i rl vis < r < I mfvlre llrTtjue u Time hwirt and todJO
JO 0 mln 11I1011 11I1011U4T mIasttu4Ti n nci4T5
ci4T5 irv WI n iv 1 irmrY irmrYThey IFIIITb LrK5EThey
They Tb l semi Bl l a War IIMIIeg II but Make MakeTBrlr laheTheir P PTIIelr
Their Hits H Caal CaalTbe CesolTb
Tbe Tb Oiaala woo oa from r tbe lb Jersey J fur furtaain ru ruIm Citylusm
taain oa tb lbs latter field veuerday nJ4 after afterBoon dr afternoon
Boon 60 and lId by b Ih win ro icon e by b whkh I IlIIblDd thelIlabhudra the theHighlander
Highlander trounced ol1a the Iii Hleeiert tI Ir tli 1 thee day dayiMfor da dabore daybefore
bore II wain nDl t an n Ideal haa baseball ball day dayhy drh dayby
hy h any mean a ae there ht waa sa a cold 101 wind windbut windbut Ind Indbut
but Snno fIOO aaaortrd ortrd > ew York aad 11 nd New w Jer Jersey J Jaka Jery ¬
sey y cranks aka were st Ih Ihe gam gama am The rh s sTok New Neworli w wYork
York orli faction la ih the statute II ilH not a little lltllbowling Iltllbolln littlebowling
bowling at the umplr limp Ire anil ni 1 the fl New s > ork orkplayers on onplayer l1Ipl
players pl made a cotiti 0111 ef kick klC but llalll llalllCSB hailran 111 111u
ran uuplted u pled a fIrst n cla cl game g III tad lId lIddIe gave gavedeelalons gardecIsions
dIe tt a th tha h > should has h been given anrenIh giventhe
Ih the Ulaatt lIla 41at didnt dloln dn much hilling but butthey Stilttsy
they 11 mad RI Ihvr lb liiia touul 111 fur lu alt 11 ihfre ihfrewat h hIn hen henwas
was In them 1 I lie II hay were iinmually guod < xxl 1 1in al algetting auletting
getting in men araun1 lIn1 once onC the Sb alter 1 arrived arriveduB
uB una a l Isa > at In InroonsttonShfewihaihe InroonsttonShfewihaiherarity connectionherewith roanllon wt ihe ihertrlly Ih IhulI
rarity ulI of nut a alngle In I man mJ being n left I on onbat onbaa
bat 1 Kverv Ulanl whnreache h 111 < l first either eitherurciimbd eithercuccuitfltssd lIh lIhutCumtad
urciimbd ea route 0111 or kepi Ii going olD unill unillbe IIn II IIb
be b reachtd the lb b plate Larry Iar lhsrie < > rle bad b a alorful aoytiI
lorful lime getting In > o th platter pln In n Ih Ihninth rhnlllitt the theninth
ninth Inning Instil He tI Mole third by mean mM uf ufbig ofa f fII
II big Ksri 4 ted fin te ll 111 < l liu < was Uoseil Uoseill I otJ buredttwoou
l 1111 > twe B ihlnl and Iid tI liine Jon on llecker II bit bitloloud bito
10 loloud o lamoud larry r ducked wr SV from on onmtn D Dmaa
mtn afl who 0 had Ib the hall within bln an loris III of ofhim ofhim r rhln
him dodgd tied I siiaraI e ral r 1 more 0 ant 1 tinIIv side sideetppel ldrtpne Idfnolh
etppel tpne < l another nolh al th 11 tlata > lat and dipped dippedlately II Iiptdsafely I II
lately I over lha1 11f atlon aIatlnnBnlciweils atlonKrlwell ttn101tr
Krlwell 101tr a eueptlolM pllun1 fleldln > r betel the theattention thetpttloui h hIIUAllon
attention of I the Ih crowd II I corernl corernlvery rG corerrelevery f frT
very rT particle lU > of gnuund UII blwe bel third and andfceronil suiticond n1 n1n
fceronil n and Biad eons great feat stops lup On Onapleni Clnpln linepIn
apleni pIn peron who bu mutt ha h base known Ih Ihplayert IbI lbplayers
players I well 11 bcail bee h always 1 addrt addreeawl addreeawlthorn teil teilthem
them lb by h their tin II nsinet aItI cbsrgeU I b Brldsell Brldsellwith 8rld11llII1t htldaehtwith
with llII1t an error r when h ihe lb hIII latter failed iId to mike makaa m m3D mikean
aa Iropoatlble top OP Klher did nice DI work workbehind norItohinlth Ii IiIhlfld
behind tohinlth the Ih hat for 1 Irty I 0 Ijir Hy and nd Uan Maniac JoInrIrh Maniacptichel r rpllche1
pllche1 Irh splendidly ad loll hu t did Hex Am AmI ima imaItie m mI
I Itie rie onlr A0i hll made off u Amr mn > was 1 a crralch crralchaiagl Ittrha wratrhemil
emil a On ct nf th thes h tells II made d off ot Ciandall CiandallIn rnlattIn
In th the ninth b wa was Ituky ItukyI 1111k 1111klb ar arlh
lh I he cor iaorsaw coraw 0
saw aw vots To n Jt IUY IUYI a > cirr cirrr ely elyas
as > a r > III > > 5 Nr NrDeterelf N V > > II
I Deterelf II I I u I C fl l 5trrntlS ler < eat 111 If 4 I I I11O1D o u uliovleiB iitsoiD
liovleiB I 1 I 2 v ePlafsrdfa Haf rdrf 4 I n floss flossfriePsrrleO u n
1 inchrrTM 0 n I II oUo tIIt ierrf 4 a aI us n nUirrav isS1irrasrt
Uirrav I S1irrasrt rf 4 I o o n ltlrair > a And n 4 4fleflict = is isflerrS
fleflict nd a II l 0 ii I f m mn ul dhb Ib > 3 o i a II1CoIII 1 n nlirhlueii
lirhlueii 1CoIII II ttS4 t 4 t 7 > nUrirlltlb A IIlb J I 1 In If I II o of I IOafPr3b4
OafPr3b4 > f I ferJb M n II n Ifannlftnvo IfIIOI U3 n t 4 II H Hvriiirth ISimCtit
vriiirth I a i 11 i u a OP5leeir t ukrc a u I a a u userir utl I IMe51
serir tl i I n I I e etlaaap Uaattr 1 f I n i i II ntnodsr IiflOdTceA
tnodsr flOdTceA > n n I 2 u u oPern1fl r > rry 7 p 3 5 n t 4Issesm n nttnrtn
ttnrtn Issesm 0 l n S 11 a I lcner Ia IeSeher
eSeher a cner i I C o n lota n t7 h a I U 1 n nCraadali nCralldl 0Crindsil
Craadali i II I not notToltl II 0 I ITII C CTotals
Totals tt s 17 1 M I InttltJ IflttI
nttltJ 1 Son rn A Ames AI la u < e slaSh AI SUShI iialsiN 1 1If
N a S ore Is u 0 n = 11 l 2 2JH t tJtreyClt 5JereyClt
JtreyClt JH CII > o u o 5 0 n 11 < l It Ii l IRice i iFfta
Rice New w bib 1 llttofe r no fl05d n > ie I lurkrr lurkrrUerLle itanIrruerti Ii
UerLle 11 Vhlet I farher 7t Jrrtey J 4 nit lit 4 lemeat Clearlnl lemeatrtnl semeetPirsi
rtnl btfM b base so trmr J Jersey r cy l li Itr > lefimMte lefimMteJnr 111 111Jnr 00 bssei bsseiJersr
Jnr > my ct 4 Sleet FI bata on hI > on t sac r I IagLraadail II ION
agLraadail ON I af Utatrr tasa t 0 l lrrr rry f Slrurk MIlitliCoit I IbIIIIo
011 I o By Amei ives i by randall d i 3 bv b u Manse te > < In InVortr toVany
Vortr I Tbrer base alt Si UttkK l M MSilt tt4ia tt4iaIll
Silt fa bIIIIo boni > le CltniMt sarriac hit I i 5si > air oirMnlra airiteln
> Mnlra bateDayle Rcrurr It llnrlll tumble IuiblerHay I tumbleplar b br1
rHay lltsafafi t tdtateuiarer ttd M Urttt Urtttti4 ri1tt ri1tttld
r1 ti4 tld DttchctCraaaall n watvf lilt II by DYIsv ir irif lrhrr lrhrrHy
Hy rrrry ileMel awlges a Jc Mil 11 11rrrI off Sm SmI < m mI
I if la Bv a lassie g niai 1 I la lour Inning Inningat
at ttaater M 2 la t I t 5 lasaaa o i trrv 4 In four fourlr loserBplags
rrrI rrrIM lr Bplags > f > lsgt Ianiurt TI TIIIPI Illlllftn italltsn hurt I See an
11 5 fl l ole utefBra olefi0kl5
Bra IIPI fi0kl5 > lBS SMank ltnl L actilla lAG l Ioosm Ioosmlb > etjm etjmTh
Th Broaklyn olltln t lenin in defeated ib be l InUlbIiD InUlbIiD11111I lMsighllalyceum > ughlln ughllnlycoum
lyceum 11111I > eenlprofeatlonal ulna Itl al 1 Wash WshIsatoa WbI Washieton >
Isatoa I oa Park yesterday Inia bv b a score ae of 0111 0111be a toe tunTha toeIb
Tha Ib be aoerg aoergtOtlOBUV M soeretocoin
asva as a r as a a ja C e ea e p pWbIv3b
WbIv3b Ilb a s 1 I oBarcb D Ptsirrbef CIlo r a I t Ion IonTlfIIlb o n 01tnZb
TlfIIlb 4 I a a oerwtsrf o t I e I n III n na AWscbSIb
WscbSIb I a r fI II 0 aUBralJf raut i I a 0 0e e eCMMsBjf 5olde
CMMsBjf e L11 1f 4 a a 0 0 Jardaalb a S S t a aMawtrsx IsksgrLc
Mawtrsx a o t i P ji ioiitrrf x e a a o otiekawa IIXe 0MeXesz
tiekawa MeXesz Xe I 0 a a alMyersrt 1 a a 0 0Inke e eJm CJCucnf4
Jm T Inke JCucnf4 < nuri I a o a w MeVtaJb IU aJba o a o 0 0I 014Rusrksm
ia Bnrktuaa i i a aa a ffeMT 1 i 4 I If a 0Wufp4
Wufp4 f a i I t o oBeaaetMf ogtegJP Klsgjk leaIf s a a I If a aBerafn4t CMeoopz
Meoopz S l 3 Berafn4t I S X o ot 0nmsttf
rrtt f
BeaaetMf f i a t n a t irtbc i a a n o oinnihi otWtllsmpI
innihi tWtllsmpI > svs a a o IITo a aa 0Total
Totals To u 2 s It II a U IIU IIuaWpO us tar a o a 6 i ITo e et
t TSUI To Tot TtsIaas as i ar Hi 1 a aI I1wjekis
I ugb1la Luau oaaaoaoo a a o a 0 II II II IIII o oa oaUOOdJU fl flurooalia
urooalia otesneae II I J II IIIiIt t tKtwtlroklra 1i5ibroskla
Ktwtlroklra IiIt WeRlvMO It UebUuaa I t Mae Maerlftra IIrrlletI Mentftee
rlftra bitKite ItlIU ittalta C bat 110 asC Wbeau tll at ea eaanrack 001lbt1 enha
bae ha Breokha a l 1lbt1 1lbt1W111te1 j hti a anrack a aBF i ia v vrrsa
BF a wnta WUbste tat a br Haatrr tissasO on 2 by Uoci Uocibat I itengan rrsa I hjnt hjntseas trtt trttitt
bat itt tm C pan ball Of < ftj t SI Wllaclm wuriiD tlWI I i m 3 hunter ll llAeui 111UI l off offMtcja 011a 00MerOces
Mtcja a 4 alt > imtnt I VtMtttrb iii g4trb vrtiatmi vrtiatmiIlltt Itlsmslistsag
Illtt listsag O ir foflbela ivm vtis t r IC I D fly VII > tnatagtt Ofl oir healer tluaierI I S SI
I la I totr r laaiagr ell tI afarga I la a five laatag laatagtf
tf HllUtnt 111 Btme m tare Insists nal Lmplic LmplicTime 111Lee LmilreLeggeIt
Lee LeggeIt Time lIesi I fce beur ir sod 54 so 0 alauus alauustate aIaa I lee leeBatI1
tate BatI1 U 11I Nat Natl else elseAl
Al l OrUwel It speedIer this trrr rvaroseod around ikon ikonBeUJ ko kotllleo
BeUJ I Ibae IbiS tllleo tllleoKlhtll i iIf 5eM5 5eM51f
If Kitag tt hi tta eI W form 0 hell k help tp U lbs Cubs Cvibta
a leu 1 1Ct ears I Uetirtw UetirtwTt Ioto Iotonrar <
Tt Ti Xrwarka nrar stem In I mtU m Ir trouble for 0 tb tbMlgklaal UIMII the thefligktaSdSi
Mlgklaal a wbtmrrrr MII Uto 15 mett mettYraag IOIULt mtCLytiag
Yraag c Mr Slrvtart II a f Vale Jigtcd Ifd mat fly flyball It ItU hyball
ball U t beautifully UfuU eve eIt Cv If lie It rt4 4lDllrll 4lDllrllTII mat macli maclilii It ItThe
The TII J auasta < Jit and Ntwartt 1 bits 11 t f rae 4m booked bookedftr
ftr r UM Peso OiotMa Oto > fr r Vedaewity iase6ay wale 1 Sic kleUrtw UeI SicWee
Wee I waSh l to rusts 1 u I tomtcrow tomtcrowJohatl 10 10lDIItta loatrrowIobtoa
Johatl aeaa4 ae4 Rrtnaaa II ef r taa Nalatvat Laagqe Laagqetlf LM LMI fegnesill
sill I tr am i to tmtin tae u New X es Vnra n nfi M frtnreloa game gamaa C CU
aa 1 ABicrUaa rtcM Lcegwe letS a1II Paz tklt lit 1101 1101A 1101Ot afMmaon afMmaonOa a Sermon
Oa Ot 0 retton l w wby y tb t rG Ctnt = toe took turn u Dbtrtfet Dbtrtfetea
ea th ttws = ba bat < wit Tat wa hens rh lea Itlter Itlterpivbirt Ictlecvbsns
pivbirt vbsns 0 llow4 11 la 1M b bSMcvan u nia rt f Is gel I ItInt Pt a Mg Mgatari 5151hant
atari hant Hwataiall 1111 ib lbs ValratrtaerafaJtl ValratrtaerafaJtlHaqt YI YattCtcbPri k rII rIIHO
Haqt Wa w agnv r aeearaleg 1c lo is a report lOn from fromIttBpala fromIsapI1s m mUoaPliIe
IttBpala ravgbl 1101 slug Sass yaaurday u wwralng wwralngwe I
we S baa 0 game w ta I a ra afternoon e by b alt III Mlttag Mlttagand
and 1Id d ta tb otnta taalar lal tav iavwl 4 tM tile gas C > fey tk tkt 11IO 11IOJPU tephieca
JPU phieca t tss u iiiy iji en = W r rher fO fOI Sect
ultlila 11 aim her u he > sever caught ealIL a wilaaew minsewI
< L I ll
Sasi af the taarWaatJ Twar weytrslih weytrslihard t M MMJHrtt
MJHrtt ua far refTh a w < Alike CtakTh AlikeThe
Th Coney c obey Island Jockey loe1r flub h annouac annouaca lIno lInoa
a long Iou list 110 of eligible liclbl for tbla Ib year fu futurity futllrlt rutsmrlty ¬
turity which hlfh wffl m be worth about ut utAm ttocea ttoceaAmong 5oCoOAmong
Among Am the leadlag Iadl g nonlnalor who may mayown ma maawn
own wn 11 some 10 of the beet yeuagtltra ua tOfl thIs year ytarare F Far yearSr
are ar Ib the following followingBtloMHil fGllowingistmonl
BtloMHil 1 Aurnalmal Reck br to r by Ii RIle Itockgt RIle1Aa4I1I Redltmedflils
gt 1Aa4I1I 4 nrrlg Vtprtai cb t by Stack laad laadreltak IaadrlIOIt Mwlrsms
reltak OoUJJa 00 1145 Mtaa e b I f by ti I Items AaavdCMtlraDrean 11114 11114t AaavdCMtlra lsadQeldaDress =
Dress MJ Cap t b or br f by lImb = SttW SttW4y 3t04iMY
iMY 4y iiadg adge naaaaiu t b s br Iieck IieckrrnoaTrapMwkrkc ItCktIst
11 tIst w Vrt VenoaTrap vrviHm rrnoaTrapMwkrkc Trp 1 1 nwarvc Iletkrkc 1I IIr t by vr b Keckk n MecII 51Mbtsggary n ivii iviiTitMao 4 41ttrc1O
TitMao Tlplcal pltal b f by It Heck Wc Saao wd11Pse wd11Pse5abller Tlatoe TlatoeBabWerrb 11 11ell
BabWerrb 5abller ell C by b lluUaBrvaivaiw ttpIIcM tIsaSlafsltddPath HetcOo HetcOork
rk 110 e by b llaiMagt lItI liaaIsag0aIcs KaoptUck rrnmU th t tby roo roob 1by
by b llataag ItaauaeenI 1l PrlaUCa Haeiajtea elt eltboy k a aby nby
by Ottago UctqOlta imaa HearMta II via Octavta Octavtab
b c by b Ortacea 0itaC tUeS lady lad VMta Reese C Cby ell ellb ciby
by b octagon etar Lady nuwmary Watrrvale WJn ck e eby eW cby
by WateTcrtal W I 4y Viatel Ioel Bam Uaae b bby IIII 0 0by
by Tk Bard BNLa La Oaaaenae OaaaenaeHtctta la laHaet flaiscoarHaggle
Haggle J H UeagMaa COCIIIII ck 1Io c by II IItnaIrell Wes XTttrcntt Westrvs1ycbee
cntt tnaIrell lyckte Nut aaarklta khIee en r br Water Wiurrreaall Wutl WaterreSl
rreaall tl Odes 0rI survtvwr rum rh II c by Uebtftack UebtftackUradeaitr UoI4l1lIUrDotOllll UodiackUraCl05lty
Uradeaitr UradeaitrHlvbcock UrDotOllllIellrw UraCl05ltyttilrbcoek
Hlvbcock r H Dual usl b c by Yankee Yankeeiwaohe Tu TuNee Tanksee
iwaohe ee ItUcBfwtt Nee P bib r by II raktTepe raktTeperfltrbrock YaflklTVeSIfIICIIFOC
rfltrbrock tfI n Tbemat Jr I Beuacer br r by
Tak T TnskeeCseulebeue TnskeeCseulebeueMdda lIroo e Ctoulckoiw CtoulckoiwaiKUte
aiKUte J It ItKueticete Ituettmr ck < f by It Plaudit PUuallrar Plau4I1ra PlauditPar
Par ra racrtiencr raffl Tbrttty 111 b f by II Ortfev OfdIht OfdIhtd OgOaiIVMold traty tratyMaid
Maid d Platter PII b f by The ftrrib ttlbO40QT1l0WV ttlbO40QT1l0WVilontada I Ilid 43eurt4tt r rlkcrtnlt
lkcrtnlt lid br b f by llanUlt 11IIUore Ueratay a dray rar Mara Marab
b r by hi Tb CMtno Irrlbe flora Pwaaeaa ra1M bcewa bSeWblack or orblack
black 1M Buy b hi > 1 taskeetiap aaker Imp Yankee Y Lady baa b t tI ftI Shr
Kaakr tI hr anke br I lad KJ TartolelU kftIri Beatrice br f bv bvrraiae t tlLudlllm byMlgfsSeIady
MlgfsSeIady rraiae Ladr Lad Vaorr brewa or bleak f ally II by byPuuJIt byPauit
PuuJIt lLudlllm Mire Siinsa Harktiaa b eo Mr y Yaaka YaakaIlyrU TaaksMyrUe U UMnUo
IlyrU llarkattf 110 Tb ne art lip rv II br It c by byI II IIIII byhSfweiilempr
I guleenjper III pa Vtn4ir eee4tV b r by byKlagtioofurToilty bFesOD hiKtSgstooCuytosIti
KlagtioofurToilty esOD Ut1J Uot4b IJM4bSaIeC airl b > c by Adaaa AdaaaItomaa 44 Ads AdsR4enan
Itomaa 10 Ooll OollMontpeU G GsIdMoutpIl I IUlprU
MontpeU Stabl Sbltsnrrarr Skrrlff Rradltr 11141 br II IIrorr r br brCater byGahomYraaes
Cater rorr GahomYraaes rraar McOUtad Owaaut br e by byUgdaa byOgden
Ogden 01 Nab = akaa 11 bOsOn Rivtr b c by Taake TaakeOcea Taa Taarl1i
Ocea Till OM aylle Boy ch e by b eri Plaavdet I ½ mauds014 mauds014Lady Old OldIJAT
Lady Altaaaaa b c by Plsndlt PludhlPs5Saa PludhlPs5SaaNsusb0 U4 Ktttaa Ktttaaautbeabr
1011011 autbeabr brt br cb e Irt > TaaWee TIlIitaI iaaleeIbeyal Ratal Olla Aaawam Aaawambrbr AI AIb A55wOb
brbr b t br PttiHlll 14111 Ytakr v tltttr r UvniUrk U b Itor c cbrutdenUiiarodCultrhuakbr eby
brutdenUiiarodCultrhuakbr or IIdeaOIr04 CbJ b br cbrOcaa f D by OC4 OgSm
IIu ra e Jobs t Uairtlo tk c by On Welt WrlrtZtrllae Welt7riiae 1
Ztrllae 7 IJttie tJtt Peak P eh c by It Ort 0 r Weil W WeileAhta WeileAhtaLoins l11a l11aLmto Alia AliaLama
Lama Blottomb 1 b c by Ort nHBuitertip nHBuitertipy eulI IP IPDII
tsay < y ally DII br Ir on W WetliPiers tllntIC tHtnc Mntle rbtatnnt rbtatnntAlly rbtnuflIb n n1I1b
Ally by b Ort Well WetIstlattie 111 llattte 111111 Kiagttos Kes bar 1 nily nilyhi IU IUtt hith
hi h On Vtutmul lt Mhr er rr cktttaut e I itlly nr h lltt llttWent liittlelbe
tt rA rAII
Went ttlelbe pi Tbe ScU ckntavt celt by Ort Want WantSwrcl ssZl
Swrcl II BUtte BUIIRera IIUIIR BUtteRpeae
Rera R Jam J R RFlloD F itoaah rb II e by It Nanbutg NanbutgKMadrltt 1111rtft flambittiMadrtft
KMadrltt rtft rorbtddtw rrult rb f by II Aaaat Aaaatcntcitciia 4a 4aCrt AdamCniunneila
cntcitciia Crt Jell br D t by It ItIrll tIes Bruak flruabCap Cas mail aadIVIlt mailIkIl
IVIlt Meal tleathrrbnsom > > rrb 11 < mMn bf b hyBtn by n lIen nrute BruaIItllwrte BruaIItllwrterap flrusbOtlrkaWtip lutarlca lutarlcaWrtp
Wrtp rap b f by Ben Rratb IICuue Coitum nreaatng nreaatngb
b t by lira fl4 ui brush I 11 air Vision Iroa 1 steak tt III or orbr orhr
br I c by It OttcuUe Royal ROr1 n ne Cowl br to f br brlittaiil belIagcteeii
littaiil lIagcteeii 1 51 IIIklred 1I11d lard Recbetwr b tr Iff r br brf
f 5 by b DIsguise O lltmpioa Pail Jatmlat b f ft IPIT I
f t PIT > y niatul fllyuts3essaust 1 e Jeraanl ITpr Abacoader br c bUtt hyUUgllte bUttgiieeuIItfooII
gllte giieeuIItfooII JIIIOOI Awtrtroot CtadMal 114 ch e by V t ew1 ew14tateahr trY trYUI er erMlalrakt
Mlalrakt UI Hunayaiede IIrIllN rh h r by b VowrRuaatag VowrRuaatagBlrtam
Blrtam l r a no t eb f by Veitr VlerTriKre VlerTriKreOlde TrueHvt TrueHvtS4a
S4a g n cb I hy VotrClagbam O I Ceualv Cbtlr Cbtlrmtt r rb Catrmae
mae b c liy I Voitr 1 Cllmat Cllm swerntwty br b f fby rto Sby
by to UIM UII Ulatrtnk tiomtna tiomtnaNtwraail tocntIseNiwrmatie ml mlSelI
Ntwraail MtsbIeMttlesr < viable IhlW Uuttater rb 11 e fIo1Hr br Water Waterrrtaa 5atarerma
rrtaa Irltaterr tech cb II f hjr h Adam A4a AdamCereIA AdamCereIADsegr Ctrtta CtrttaDinctr rr rrDII
Dinctr DII Mart I h S c b nmt iotnptfitiIuFHrtiaCr iotnptfitiIuFHrtiaCrAdam OluntI OluntIA4 > nmlu mrtattr mrtattrAdan
Adam A4 Dells rk 11 c h > Adam A4II trace Uumbtrta Uumbtrtar
r 7A u > b 1 c I bv It Adam h hSfl fi xtiitin 1m ch II f fI I br brHtafliprlar hrHsadspitmt
Htafliprlar nr Adtm Ad AdamVIrgin n Irtln toil Baafctl I b 5 r rbr
I I br r tltd tir tdtm IU lttwIsentsgP a < ltatage > iIs ei I Id re c br brJ byftdan
J ftdan d < lani Petit rfll fin n11 > al Mrteor tfrteOrcII tteor ch r by 5lar I iar Hhoot HhootV MlsootQIe Ol OlIn
V In QIe > uern rn Hetral HetralAS Ps gtnl gtnl4i4ILTID
I Tw he II ftlBrda Vlijh lalt Brld nnldgs g Haecrr PI P1enenatfrd P1enenatfrdI Pta era Ordered OrderedBIT
BIT the h hj Flrid FlridIn FkCdaamislt
j In n aiaull U on Referee lIr II Agar r also I n secre secretary NerI secteVary ¬
Vary IP of th the New X turk Amateur Association AttociatlonFootball Alloclatlnnfoolball AssociationYootbali
Football league I cu In Ih the nxter game m l II he hewish e elwB
I lwB I wish Ih I bot Cameront and nd High II Ilh bride at atVan StVan t ta
Van a Cortlandt Park teaterdar rd rultd ult In Inbit I Ihi iiihis
bit hi ordering off tbe lb n held ld Booth and d fJlai fJlaitwo UI has hasless
two of the I b4 High Bridge 1Ild player pl tbortly tbortlyafter borliyafter
after 11 Ihe Ib restart ra About Ollt Ih the same n lime limeI 11mI
I llayley 1 ouulde right for the Ih Cameron Cameronhad amlOnhedn smerpn smerpnhad
had hedn an aim m put I out In a mlaup and nd be too tooretired tuoIellpd tootrotired
retired iron She Ih game 11I Th The Cameron CaiuatoniI
I with Ih the wind In against 101 them in the b tint half halfI
I led by I goal 1 lo n and lId finally flllall scored a rie rietttv deltl d d11t
tttv ltl iciory 1ln by h I i to i UcKovtit tallied talliedwlc talliedI
I wire 1 for Ie I Site he winner III and 111 Marshall and andJ nd ndJ
J 1 lPat M O rch once nn this I tail named < from fr 011I 011IIDII ci a auDill apnsslty
uDill > titanic 11 arl ecored red for High Bridge Bridgefrom rId rIdro Bridgefrom
from ro a penally nlI fleer lhecloeof r the etnee of the IheAI lame gamAt lameAt
At lonkert Hollywood Inn won on SB a Ama Amateur AmIur Atomtur ¬
teur l 111 etgu cam from the lb trilcblsy by bya b
a score 0 of r 1 to n I Salmon scored ored iwlro iwlroaad Iwlreat lwtcai
aad at Porter anew n for r lbs horn ream r 1 11alt 7rail
rail 1 of 0 ih 5110 Crltehlej retired tlr hurt shortly thonlyafter shortlyafter hortl hortlrr
after rr tbe lb rwaiarl rwaiarlIhe
Ihe 1 1 h he Mauritania eleven I n won on from the IbeCameron lb lbC the3mrun
Cameron C lIItro Itetervet It by II i tu 0 al 1 Van 0 Con Cortlandt CGrIland ConlandS ¬
land Park ParkPlaying Iull1SIn ltarklaying
Playing agslati 101 ih hot eleven of tb Wither Witherfore Wilburfore
fore 10 Koointll ltul tuI > of Paitrtno at War hintrtlette Warauett r
auett 1 Oval Brooklyn yesterday rd after afternoon aflrI all allniwso ¬
noon ih Kroeklvnt twokl n toil ou another victory victoryui ioyh
I ui h tU the II Naiiontl lIntl leigu I UII srss ri hy b a core storeof coreof nr nrof
of a goal 1 to h o WIlts lh 1 the Ib wind ID agalnvl ID II IIthe II1lo itthe i
the tltori 1lo rnrd rolol qiuillv IUllh well II taking takingjlhr Iin taKIngtlitaa
jlhr 110 tlitaa goal In th tha flrtl n fli 1 htlf and ad a minr minrI
Iin I I in the th smond < ond W KIrby who hll had been boramuted befQIII beenmiii
muted III miii eel uu III from 11I110 I lie hi defeat Into lhforward lhforwardIlD i ha urwrd urwrdtin
tin dtelinguithed hlmlf br nhoollna hoollll no noI
11 j I lluu I h fit 1I goal I P Oiiixrman 0 all ceatr ceatrflelJ elr elrfIl ntrreid
reid I taUfwd 1111 ih the third hlrdO goal In th the opening openingI opeal opealI
I period periodTli 1001 1001TI
Tli Thus llrnoklvn put another team la ike ikefield I Ih IL ILfield
field for the h Amateur league I fiilure with withthe wilbthe ltb ltbh
the h Ariadla uIt Thltll cud ud Ihl Ihl was t lavd tI ilaved50ff > lavdi
i off 0 before Ue It National lIo1 league raalih the theI lb lbI b b1
I I rradia 1 IhUlle I bllt prutMt Iru lu u I Ih the tlrlnra 1flor 1florh frmnrai5T
Iby h t goal 1 to I With Hi wind In their theirfsvor theirfarsir hi hiIII
fsvor m Ii the h Aim ft half tt tb Krooklvns 1rloly led ledli lshII
li hII l ton M Van audusWgbetallwgtbaaingl audusWgbetallwgtbaaingl4sult dV d WhtIIt eghe lath ing Ihwaingl IhwaingliNiinl
iNiinl ihl however h ended ad th the IIrook IIrooklyn 11 iiruobtrue 011 011rn >
lyn rn c rmg Ib and n1 I lat with ilh two t goal goaland CO COn1 goalsnilll
and snilll n1 II joint with lth one on won nll Ih thes h gain 11I fut futHie sit sitt
Hie rh t lie IliikUm IliikUmTh 1111 1111rh lets letsrhe
Th rhe I Ilar Un McDonalda of r Itrooklyn Im Iml 1mIr Imirssleei I
l rnted Ir > 1 I heir ir landinr of nI at a the 11 brad h d of the thei St Stttestss b bIa
i ttestss team Ia In ih hll bplonlp bamplon lilp compeililon compeililoni
i slit f the III New ew ork rl k Amateur AaworlaliiMi AaworlaliiMiI octtii octtiiPoolttll Iatl
tool Poolttll lull lagu br l defeating Ih Astoria AttorlaIndrpeiidenl Alln AllnInIudnl Astorialnslrprsidnia
I Indrpeiidenl I It li I goat 1 lo ll 111 al McDonald McDonaldllelil MeDoold111st
llelil 101 in tronklvn IIn yefenlay afternoon afternoonThe atlertinoss5Itle rl rln
5Itle The n winner gained n1 mo mni > of lltir II point po4ntafalnt poInrh pointviAct
afalnt th the wind Ind II MK btrtsillueh ulluch centre centrehoonnc sfltlwhooiangtolo 1 1hoo
hoonnc hoo hooiangtolo two t ola In Ih lie niM h5M half and ndJmt lame Ko Koone HoI Bos Bos5t0C
one In I th Bewail 1 limit I Mc 111 ulloch aiKlad aiKladone III IIImo asslil151CC
one more mo in the Ih Ian 11 MclMnald nld blat lotalHrinkoaler blatlSrInketr
Hrinkoaler 1 in 51 goat 1 and nd W Wood IMM at left back backplated b bohlllnr barklslstri
plated giMxi football ohlllnr ohlllnrHIMItH for or Atturia AtturiaHI sStariaHuISllHDt
HI HIMItH HIMItHI HuISllHDtitlamIng 11 UN Iff IffHlanUlng
HlanUlng In High Hunt and ntl Host h hm sieragri sieragriIn < eragr eragrIn
I In < hamtlnthlpTuiDr hamtlnthlpTuiDrMevn hampenhlp m IhltJ Tumf Tumf1 Taurrklyti >
Mevn maul 1 have 1 been play playact < In n Hi HiIt Ihhal SIIi
It lialkin hal n amateur 1 tillmrd lournameot lournameotat
at the hamilton Um ltot Club Hrooklvtt and nd ten tenmore Inn tenIore
I more rinse n have Pstsv In < o tm I placed 101 lo dectdn dectdnnhn fCid
nhn 0 10 I etitllled ltl1 m o lie Is railed cliamplnn cliamplnni lII lIIhI
C i ihrle hI r I Conklm of ih Chicago lhlMtr lhlMtrI
I I xiMiatioii iutIitts 111 and rdward V W > lIardnrI lardner of th thMontilair this thisI
I Montilair Mhetic I lub hern b won n two twoi IflUfd
I i game evil all they Ib the titus h played l IIr lIrI > r rI I
I I IT tn ffentiiir rti lti er ha h plaved four 10 gtinet gain n nf nfwhich if ifwhich r rih
which ih h lie h he won on three rh snd nri hi IIh1 hiss average averatehow average5mw
how Sheet h IS plaving I vine lontltenllr nII II IIa IIn HI
I Wam a beaten in n hi h frt rst g same m br b lionklin lionklinunit ianklsnsuit
unit nolitlili tick 1 t f toirnamenl ei eaferi 1I1r > eri eriente
I ente e w wes lrarl > le 11101111 xiu itjlo fur ur til b lists ulay ulaythai 1IyIIIIhl lIla
I thai ha night IIIIhlI I nightI
I J 1 rerd Iogaenhiirg of r the b leilrkranr leilrkranri eIkr eIkrI
I i ha has payeil p four game gao of which Ih lie to ton In IiiI
I I won n two ilefeatinir llrnwii II and nd M tisyer tisyerH 1 1tI rer rerII
II waa h beelen Itn t n br b I fenhoiiirr Inh bv b Iweaty IweatyIMMDI tw
11101111 S IMMDI snd 1101 by b iirdrer rdr It > u ixwri tii ii III IIIaverage liii liiiaverage II
average In eai path h atnie gin m wu 11 oml Momi Mom InnseIs
I II i llrown of ih this Hamilton II lIlIltu l luU hat won wonvnegaiii wotsoil 0
vnegaiii oil gate 11 that Ih with l II lit r Wai alI i U I Dougla Douglaof 11001 I Ir Iof
of r rh 10 Nw tork 5 0 sink Athletic Hub lie If too 1 tooladLs I Ilack
lack tournament tprlenc I rtn hut I iloinr doln dolnmilch dolnrmiiclbttnlbn I 1
1 mucli miiclbttnlbn belterhan hen she be b bernet met m hardier Ird
In Ih opening nnh vans mo nf 0 the tournament tournamentIII
III best gain rae w gelnti 1ln 1 lr I Iffenhelnirr Iffenhelnirrand tffeisIminierandatnntirsehled
and andatnntirsehled nlt at one n time he elld led bv ninririhreopoint ninririhreopointIhH II nln YncellOlnl YncellOlnlIh
IhH Ih doctor rut this thl down with llh e a and ntl 4U 4Uod stiStill < t tand >
and od ran out winning Innln lir h thlrtr points pointtSo
So et fxr r Ur Inuglat I lisa to Set or won on a tam gamHe tamlie
He II hat h met tlayer 1Iy Krown and n Conklln ConkllnIbo onklinlls
Ibo 1 lls be tournament well 11 tie h continued lll lllafternoon IIa IIaIIftot tJIaafternoon
afternoon when bn lr I rTnhelnier and nd ndJIft l Jut r
IMiglt JIft will hI play fII and nd this rltl evening lIln the thecontestant Ih IhnDn lbe0nu11ant
contestant nDn will m bo b Isnlter and Mare UarrTb MareTb
Tb T standing undla of tb Sise player to data < vltb vltbiher ViththeIr ItltI
theIr I Mgh big II runt ru snd n1 bet I single IPII averages averagesfollow averagesfollow rI
follow 10110
JUtf JUtfOardatr 1 1I ileifa
a I SIb rea qes qes0ar
Oardatr 0 a n ti i a 37 sr4 sr4J 34bsklm 41 41iakua
iakua sklm a o u 7 M4 1
UBraheliar 111 a I s a aggsaburr IIpaburc aJ01500b01g
ggsaburr 1 I 4T II 4M 4Mjrer g35Mayer
fA Mayer jrer I t K 5 II IIIro taa taaluown CSiBrown
Brown Iro i i ui 5s i JDosgiss aavca aavcaDIM U UPoor
DIM Poor Dosgiss las 5 i ta a atu 11521og
Letlag 1og 01 average avtiafriBlervwUrilalr averagelalersolleglat 1 1pI
iBlervwUrilalr pI Baabtlbatl l 1lfI1 Iengta aiae Sir SirAfter MeMganled
Mganled MganledAfter lfI1 lfI1Aft
After Aft a protracted meeting at t the II Cornel Cornelt8lteir Cnrn1tlli Corneltnlvesrwity
t8lteir tnlvesrwity ity Club yetlerdar ard delegates from fromfit frontit
fit it Ea Eastern > rn unlvertltlea reorganlned Ih IhIntercollrglat IhIntrcnlllato thlrstercolleglate
Intercollrglat BaakMhall l league agno lo similar similarform almllarIlIrm simIlarform
form lo 0 th he a ociatnn hat slapeaiied slapeaiiedoiieratlons aispendedoratloii pladed pladedOIlIon
oiieratlons In th spring rln of 0 10 Th The men mernbers menher m mbe
her be nf the tll new organltatlon are Columbia ColumbiaCornell ColumblCnrr ColumbiaCornell
Cnrr Cornell > U Pennsrlvanla Princeton and Yale Yaleand Valud Yaleand
and the lb schedules II arrangement of former formeryear lOnDelearo formryear
year earo br hr which each leant t met that Dr Drm > f fverr tever
ever verr oilier m r Inalllullon In two fI games m will willbe 11I 11Ibe
be 1 raoumed ucl nest lI lt fall OlrUer for tbe tbenewly Ih lbnewly
newly 1 organised anlrd league I were elected by byth h hchll tythe
th the Uolegalet at t yeaferday rdar nwting tlDL aa aafollow esfollow
follow President U t H I Hyatt IIr Tale Taleeeretarytroatiirer Ta Taecrtany
ecrtany eeretarytroatiirer rt Srasssirer Italph Morgan Penn Pennsylvania rnnylul Pennsylvania ¬
sylvania member mr of r the III executive 11IIt coml comlmilt fOtII fOtIImlUNj ewmmitts
milt mlUNj H II I Hyatt 1 Tat T n Uorgwa 111 1 P Pellll Pelllla Pennylvanh nn nnylvanla
ylvanla a C V l Young V > rBll 111 W W WKnper
Knper the rh Princeton fool fooShall ball coach and d
f W s t sithell I nlumbia CnlombiP lnhsmbiaPaschali nlumbiaRatelMll
RatelMll P PlsGrspd r > t rrMM ffr T Tedey I T a ash e P pIaIII plaOta H HCUots
CUots IaIII t S t Jenry City CIt A4M tar 1I1oroU ibAieYPesebait Jut Jutneball
neball Tar 4 P Y Y A An aPrD Aies1rnaa Aies1rnaas j
n s PrtBCttea PrD Aner Lca tcsgwo w ParS ttAh do Ks KsS
r 3 1
RLPll CIT1 1IWi 1IWiMerIted W WII
MerIted 0 Asdraw a of l sog Bg Wild Clubs Clttb1CtMtMUUUo Ce CecH ClubsI1stIv
I1stIv CtMtMUUUo cH ilrcM III Aa Aaeai uI Assb1gmso
sb1gmso eai t > PBM MatMBte U Wore WoreJenisymia rtfrcbax rtfrcbaxJerteyatea ere ereen
Jerteyatea en to t KUskter Jllt TJettr ft Car CarUtrt Cn CnH CsrsUsrber
Utrt H Usrber > r a Andrew An4 or f th tIes law I and andIcglslatttoB UlctIecta1atlA andLegIslation
IcglslatttoB commUte of r the Ih long lAin Island lalandAutoeaoblla IalanoSuiolll IslandAutomobile
Autoeaoblla Club mail aa earnest plea pleadurlag pie piedurlaa pinsdunlag
durlag the tearing OA n tbe tit Caltaa CaU bill at atAlbany alAlb atAlbany
Albany Alb last week that a reciprocity claus clautebe tIu tIube claushi
be adapted WOP ta flit Stats Th haariag rtc WM WMbald wasbud
bald 14 before bela the Assembly Committee ou oulatemal Oilra1 onlatirnal
latemal ra1 JLfalro sad Ur Andrews Aa4 urged urgedthat udtlaat urgedthat
that the tb reciprocity Idea Id be favored ond ondII a aIt aii
II wonld treat t residents 14at of New Jereer Jereerla 1eI
la I Ib IU same naaar r a as they b treat rvaldtnte rvaldtnteof alda aldaof aldeteof
of other Htatee Att Me H advocated Ike II IIell same samecharge samcharges
charge ell for registration rUo a u la New Oe w Jersey JeraevTbe oJ oJn JerseyTho
Tbe n twpraaeatatlva of tbo his Brooklyn Brookl club clubupportad clubeupportetl clubsuppofl4
upportad an a lactose In tb the regIstratIon reglatralloafee rIlarUoI
fee I iO for commercial etel1 vehlolan Iole from 2 to toaad 10II
II sad 4 to tiiBpIr 111 tbe deficleacy deflcl formally formallydeQa 10rmlIdC formallydedned
deQa dedned d acoaamerulal a vehicle blcl Mr Andrew Andrewadvanced A AndrewadvinceI d dadYlacd
advanced a plan for eliminating the ar arbltrary anbltrary r rbltrr
bltrary speed limit la the b law I an 0 aa to en enable Inable enabli ¬
able peace oBcere 0 especIally la elite eliteof titleof
of the tb drat class lo street uffcndera aad ta for forrvcklaaa lornck forrecklse
rvcklaaa nck driving tlrlI IrretprctlT Irre Iflh of orr speed apeodr
or r plate which would abolIsh peed PH trap trapHe I lrapiH rapeored
H He favored ored the lb paymaat of all u fln dues Into Intothe laolb Intoib
the lb State 8 treasury reu which provision ha haIncorporated huboea baabeen
been Incorporated Into aa amendment amendmentaad
and also eo aakad aak d that Ih number plate here hereafter b brtr herealtar ¬
after be > provided by b the Os Secretary tIert of Blate BlateAt 811AI
At tbe III requett of B M tluller nUll chairman cbajrmaaof
of r the coat board of the Ih American Auto Automobll AIII AIIIlIIobl Automobil
mobil Association the lb complete cump log 10 of ofthe orUt ofthe
the Ut GUddea tour route U lo be turned over overlo 0 overto
lo 0 Pal II Lawl the lb official pathfinder pathfinderby
by b the ocr of the tb MltchrllLewla Motor MotorCoropaay lotorComfl iotorCompany
Company Comfl whose b Mitchell Hangar Raardrinn wa wadriven wasdrivenovertherotit
driven drivenovertherotit over the b route Mr lrIAIloltbedulld lrIAIloltbedulldto tawla I tcheduled tcheduledto
to Hart from Cincinnati today 1c1 In a Chat Chalmere CbImn Chatflier
mere car and Chairman flitter think thinkthe tblklb thinksthe
the lb data gathered hrect by b Frank X Zlrbea dur during durIhe dutlug ¬
lug the 29iM 2 20s M mile journey Journ of the lb Mitchell MitchellRanger 1111cb11Rnlor MitchellRanger
Ranger will 111 be ii of great real aalalancn to 0 the theofficial theoMetal h hfIlelal
official pathfinder Zlrbo ZI gathered Ib a agreat ar12
great r12 deal 1 ofjaformatlon regarding niln ferrlea ferrleabtHlte rrrl rrrlbrld feintbtidgee
btHlte brld blind road lave It < hIghways blgbwaracorduroy bllbreorduro hIghwayscorduroy
corduroy road Ac AcThe tcn c cThe
The famoua pilot who hn drove a Mitchell MitchellOB
OB a military depatrh hearing Journey Journeyfrom In Jourortoni I IIom
from toni New N York to thin Francisco lat year yearaiaried tearstarted far farrIM
started rIM away from Cincinnati on February brlln
31 and nd reached hed Chicago according lcurdln in their theiroriginal tfllrolllnal theiroriginal
original schedule bedul on April pII i 7lrhe and andthe andthe ad adhe
the he ethers ID a Ibe th II Mitchell Hanger made madethe madoh
the th h tail stage r of the journey jOu from Morri MorriIll lInIII
Ill lo Chicago 01 a dl dlln tam of eighty IbI mile milethrough mUIbrnllb mUeethrough
through rain In and nd over 0 muddy roads roadaFor lOletAF roadsPstr
For F eleven day da after leaving I bt rtacln rtaclnnall MDtlnn1I Incinnail
nail we patlled constantly with lib snow ao and andalutli intlalsts ad ad111h
alutli and nd heavy IIY rain N aya Zlrbea Th ThKIIr Ihe IheKentucky lhoKentucky
Kentucky portion nf tl I the > e trip wa mad madunder madunr madeuniter
under more 0 difficultle that I eiperfenced eiperfencedduring PI esprleneedduring frl1Iftdduln
during my 18 war r despatch mtealon tulo from New NewYoik Xewsonk w
Yoik 011 In Nan n Krancmco or my m pacrmaklng pacrmaklngeipedltlon pacemakingpipedttlou DI DInpedltloa
eipedltlon from > 2ew ew York to Atlanta In Inthe InIhp Inthe
the good ond road nld run un last I year r with tlh this tame tamecar sam samhr n nt
car hr Not t even th I hot bode of 0 Wvomlna Wvomlnanulle tsomlogqUIte YOmID YOmIDIlitl
qUIte Ilitl approached ppoal Ibe III Ullddea acouttng trip tripbi nilIA tripIn
bi Kentucky KentuckyVnlwllhatanding Ial IalSollullloJllI KentiwkyowltbetansIlng
Vnlwllhatanding the Ih rovkv and n rutty ruttyrnad ruttyroad III1Yd
road d to Tennemea Tpnn ami 111 il the tb flood In Ar Arkaaaaa A AkaD Arkinasa
kaaaaa kaD our 011 tour w was remarkably makbl tree treefrotu freefrom r rIroll1l1ccld
from Iroll1l1ccld acoldeala although there rb ware r places placesIn plu pluIn placeIn
In Tennessee TeD where b a slip or a falte 11 more rnovaimlgbt rao raomlcbl moremtht
mlgbt hav ha meant mranllbrliablloll tbediMbllng of r the bot car carA urI carA
A few I mile south lOut of HI Jo J Jnaph eph h Icon lennwhere Iconwhte n nb
where b th the flood obliterated the b road roadturned r rtum noouiturnsI
turned tum the be b district tntoaawnmp Into intoa ewanip RlP and nd pre prevented preented t taled ¬
vented aled many danger du from aubmerged aubmergedttuuibe ubnldalumlle ulnieniditutntm
ttuuibe I ran ra the I car 1 Into a mudhel and andhad andhaul lId lIdbad
had lo back ll out ollila In a hurry y In aom 100mIb way wayIh waythe
Ih the front axle 11 wa I Item Fortunately Fortunatelyhowever Fortunatelyhowever ounallrbo
however bo the th ilamace m wa wan easily 11 repaired repairedFrightful repairedYnlghitsel Id Idllhlll
Frightful If not 01 WOTM > I h a the Ih term I Imight Imllbl Imiglel
might apply P 10 lh Ibo cuiullllon of the road roadbetween toadsbetween
between I 1514a net and ud Corinth a dtotrlct tlet lulu lulubrh tutuwhIch lutowhich
which we were no Ibe b flrtl lo taring l fln > In Inn an auto automobile p1450mobile u umotllU ¬
mobile yet I Ih the lull settle I with uh the H heavy b mud mudthere m1i tnlsdthere
there and D tubtequeut experience sra In InU the theUletouri theMIssouri
MIssouri Valley U did not pievtnl u us Irom
getting 11112 In tb lbs tartnlau uf the h rnutaon rnutaonchdeute ruelitautSschilesil 111 on onIOChu
IOChu chdeute llnie llnieThero IInlr tInsethor
thor r are many mD place Ir on thi IhlCilIdI Slits year yearillddea yearllddn
CilIdI illddea route 111 where 11 the lb ti hoot car In i the theworld Ih sheworld
world will 11 hare II Ita It mot Ifto ureniiuu roonll tryout tryontCartful 10 tryoutCartful
Cartful 111 driving will be requiredcoinblneit requiredcoinblneitwlili reQIJIed oanl > ln1 ln1llIrdy
wlili a lurdv car r Ft Istwelatly > eHally are at the Ih hill hilland 1111Iu4 hillsand
and turn tIf In Tnn Tennessee a Ireachernu The Thelong Th Thelong
long 10 hill eai of < lollel Oolllnlll llt which for flre flremlle n nmll1I 11ccmileit
mlle < presents l bd > ad liirna rock nek and od a road roadway roastway 0 0bleb
way bleb often run rll au o clot 10 to th the brink brinkof
of a precipice pl thai h I a a > hit of I cat eatciess le 1 driving drivingwould ilivingaolild hln hlnollid
would IMII in uddea dd death II I is i star > Be of Ih IhmemoraMe Ih1 Ihrbr lbtnmirahe
memoraMe feature featureTberw fatlitsrbr 1
rbr will an be an arrangement nemnt nf con controltto tnnIh conIrols
troltto Irols to ill lh > con enlenieof etiietiu of the Ih mencan snieriranitttutiiotsile mencanAntumotille ruennlIulllolIlI
Antumotille oclatlon Iainn ufllclal m set et 1 wlih wlihva with llh llhWI
va control nlr1 th the lnnge4 in Ih hlMorv of ofAmerican orUeIn oftstertrati
American rnllthlllt evvnt Dla and n other otheratmundlng nthermahositidlng tb tbIndlne
atmundlng In h dlfflcullle a as well a as sqputi sqputilesstra cenl cenlpleature nh nhh <
pleature ih h lilldden will 11I l ii > death h hIrr1 to toiwrfefl toiwrfe
iwrfefl S scores 0 My M h > opinion IIIIu I that nn tar tarwill tarwill r r11I
will 11I get through w < ihoiil 1 111 penali penaliThe fnItb > sThe
The b HIiideliaLer II Ihl r Hro H Company of New Nework S Snrlt NewYork
York ork ha bu taken an over 0 from m lleor bicoryit < e r I John Johnib blisslie nhlth
ib h lie Sew S oik agency r for f the th hM ktF r and andFlamler suitFianslenss nl nlInI
Flamler InI earn Hereafter Ullr the h car Ia pro prodiioeil prodsqwsi
diioeil 11 br b A Watt alter 11 K i Flaoder at I be b big bigl hi
l ittitit > eit d iilant will a iii lx I > handled hPlII from om the thertitiuettaHer 1 1dfItIr SIitdbaber
rtitiuettaHer hvadiiuartero 1111 at Broadway Broadwayaud
aud Kurt FontteItsth teighth at 8111 8111Ir reel reeln
n la I now 110 certain 111 that llarrv II F t Grant nr nr1Dr Grantwiuner Iraniwinner
winner of if lani vear years Yamlcrhlli I1hlh i up 1 race racewill U Uan rat ratwill
will an be lit the h lit II lists attain r11Ipelllo hit sear ear a as a < om ompel usssplitor
pel pelllo I tor direst Ilr ha h sent DI In ii hi hilts application applicationfor IlIrlInrr
for tecist 1IlralOIl rat ion to I the routetl tu al Imaril d of the theAmerfcaB Ih IhAmlra SteAmrtcn
AmerfcaB ilnninhll < toclatan IInn and Dd an announcrd announceei n nnoun
nouncrd noun thai he Ii I will drive dr an n tlco tIm stork Morkchaaalt storkcheessi ro rorb
chaaalt rb in mail rie r < lint not on n Hm ill tr trusk truskhaul > d dIra k kIrani
Ira haul a reaUirailon number I is M 4 tled tledIf
If h I would w ustlJ lIld limit list It hi h us iomptllli torn pet I S Ion > n lo I ttoik ttoikar ci ut utsar 1 1nl
sar ar events nl Grant I UI said aakllerhaM saidIerhaee kI kIIh
lerhaM Ih o and In perhan htll not M I JfO JfOIt I II it itI
It I a stock Ine rhtMl bill I IIII lielleve P I call c cn to into intoanv hutsanY
anY n of the I b wide I open n road d ra rare < e and d beau tieaiout I Inul
out theIM Ih the peuisl > clIuchlll lal machine It l the I II averaite averaitepare aversattCcc
pare I which tells the Ih final stori < tor 10 > not nlpenI an anpectariilar 555apectarular
pectariilar burl of sieesi > t > eil 1 along Inllf the thealralghlaway Ih IhlrIIII theiiralghtawat
alralghlaway lrIIII Th Tba only liD complaint < Iliate Iliatelo I h hIn lsa lsato
lo in malt all la I that the h race r art not Inn Innenough long InnlIb longe
enough e ouigh Ib nor DO ih I bot roure r rough IIh enouchThe enouch OotliChn niihThs
The n greater a lh II Stia dlatnme soil 1 Ih b hardy hardriIh hrd hardythu I
Ih h course < the lb more sour no lonfldent nfldn I am m of ofvictory uIcietory r
victory victoryThe cietoryThe 10 10Th I
The Th Won r ester AulomvblU I Cloth lull ha h has mad madt 1 1I1IlImlnr
t preliminary annotincerneul nnollnm uf It fourth fourthannual rIf rIfnD1 lossiltsannual
annual hill hllllImhID hlllslIvnhinkiouieti cllmhlng < otiiwi 0 lo IM I held i > n nl nId ushead
l Id > ead llnra h HIM Worceler on Inn 1 1h limets 4 4ta
ta Ih Worcester unllIr tutomvblln Club ha h has re recved v vceived
cved 1 nn sena n of 0 Ih four hill rllmb sanction lancilonlatued sanctionissued
issued for or lkl lllt Ib UM II of event nl will 11 I Ilarger Ilar tees teeslanr
larger lar than before or I llam latee will I it ve en o nnil ar arranged tsrranisd ¬
ranged nil that th ran r of 0 all 11 lyi tyla > and n1 motive motivepower nol nsotivupower
power 1 will ill be cared tot foiThe f fTI totThe
The TI long Inn Nland Automobile I lull 10 i is to tobegin litheilo I I
begin In tbo lb b publication of monthly ma martoe ru tuaus tuaus7t0e
rtoe rD next month which will tit rve d rtvolt rtvoltII voie < l to I IIh I ItIme
Ih tIme II advancement sdvanc mnt of good onrt roads nnd motor motorJug nintnrlag Inl InlJ
Jug J with special pecIUnllon attention given lot 10 S 0 C he h ii steed steedfir c cof 1 1fir
fir the t he district from Manhattan to Momaik MomaikMine nnl111ICe I
Mine 11ICe the lit clots movxt mo lo It new n beadiiuar beadiiuarlerw headtsartern
tern oo the Ib Park Plaza PI at eco 0 tnlon street streetIn rr I IIn I
In I March arcb of lat year the Ih mtulHT m tisherhlu < hl > ha hah It Its han I
h en s nwrly doubleil Th tnagarlue 11I1 w4l w4lbe il ilbeoeBI 11
beoeBI be icet t frcnlo free r 10 mnibrt ofthcclh ofthcclhAo or I hI d dAA nh nhAu
Ao order 1 hai b been t an Crul nl Olt to acambon acambonInspector satnteolnpetest nlU
Inspector by th ha United Hlate ra tale ln tnurtor tnurtorflelirral nInr nInraa1 i ctor ctorGeneral 1
General In Watblngton tatln < lInfl < r that Ih the It law lawprohibiting I Iplohlbllln Iswpiohihitint
prohibiting Ih transportation of motor motorvehicle lIIolrhll niotorvehicle
vehicle hll on ferries tuttle the th litM are areXlln areIthtIiisihal r rUlnIih1
Xlln UlnIih1 ulahe < will 111 he tttictb flcrl enfnneil 1 th thaea th5 th555oil
aea 55oil oii 11 Ihem 11 ha h l bern > ccn sonic 011I lailv lailvth I I I > n nCb nthis 1 I
th this matter many mn ferry ry rompanle rnml 1rllllI 5uer5iitlint rmJi rmJiling i
ling IIn Ian < ai in Im I run on ollloarlt lioaril w wlh tli the Ih lamp IaiujiaIightml I
lighted allhoiiKli sit 11 lsitlsmcis lIh ilrlt rIhr r were r required to toeillngiiUh rotUIIh tostingisih 1
eillngiiUh them altrr rr brf IIraI tirrglng glng the themachine Ih lheJ lheJIflutsitse l lnIoI
machine nIoI f Ii < i u Stip > t tl p
0 S SIts
I Its 1IhH 1IhH1m Mimuli1ttg if iffeet
1m I Ie4tate Ie4tateand efJ efJaad I
and it Is Dalar Dalara unsurpiseed
piseed a Sian an ppetf appetiSir ppetfnt
nt aDd tonic toniclei tookS4 I
lei S4 trrfrrwfrP trrfrrwfrPr rpvFsccLvawa
Lvawa ftAT3 ftAT3U
U A 4 Wow
KXGL1SH GlIl P9L0IST P9L0ISTTferoww M1T M1Tflaekmaater r rnmtlf
nmtlf Thrown TItre TItrec TItrelaaOlIV tide r Pia7 ajr tmt tmtCoHartMatai adCikazbiae
CoHartMatai c Brokm BrokmIilKVonp skru skruIcavooD
IilKVonp W J April AprllOW 10 lOW W B e Buck Bucktxaalar BuckStash ll llIUIle
txaalar Stash of the llurlia UlirUacheni ham polo poloIhrn loam wan waathrown wanihrwn
thrown underneath bU poor pon near ar Ikoivorth Ikoivorthoal Os north northgoat
goat oal thIs lto afternoon rta the H animal falllnar on onIlia onII
Ilia 110 Knarliahman Huekmaatcr waa wa carried cetrtedt < rrled rrledtbe
It > t I tbe lb bo Slid hi tmoMMM m08AItflouaad utsoosooieue > l ua and tbo tb doctor doctorfer doetanrr
fer a time Ibo u uhl ht be e had a at > ttU II a d late Inrarnal 1IIraallnJllr latestat
stat aallnJllr Injuries lie II was carried fWd In t Ii the I latin IurelInthoII latininthltiss urel urelIntheriuet
Intheriuet Hotel Unl II itii collarbon collarbotloatl was waaeliatrmsl wassleatlereul
eliatrmsl lie aa rtttlac rtttlacJay rt eotalQrlabl eotalQrlabllOaI totaforlablyt
lOaI lOaIJ t
Jay J iud c fresh from hi his court Unnb Unnbtriumph taftn taftnIrhl tusnirhimpti
triumph Irhl h appeared I In practice pr tolay Ia for fortli foranI fortie
tie flrat tune In seven OIl year After its tbeturn lbeIm itsstern
turn battle of 141 Htturday BO 0 regular rtjrularante regulargame pl plme
game ante waa played to 100d 0451 lar Dor anortwi ree k kept keptA keptAs l lA
As A many n plir pl playere era aa JIOIlla uoli > le about J aa aeon aeonwere are arewere 0 0In
were In Ii action for 10 aEorl abo parlodi parlodiIIKH1R PAFOILSSIEHIR
Ca ault ta Ttkr e 00 > Uveat on a VaRtkarg Cyel CyelTrack CrelttTrad CyoleTrash
Track TrackThree TradTIt TrashThree
Three TIt Ibouftanil pecUtot tator who ho tuned tunedout Iura
out 011 for 10 the I Lb race at the Ih Vailtburr nbur cycle cycletrack tc1luck colstrick
track lo Newark yesterday trdy were rewarded rewardedtor ardld ardldlor
for braving the be cold oid weather by b some rood roodraclBc II goodracing
I racing 1 P OSuUlrau Ueblr a young yountrAustralian YOUDI youngAustralian
Australian who b4 came Fast u late Uut summer oUEllmerCru summerruin utamerfrvui
ruin Cru l Halt lake City CU sprang pran rail a aurprM Il1I by bydefeatUtr b bdoftJa bydefeating
I defeating < Frank I Kramer lo one 011 of the Ibeeven theyutltS beal
even yutltS al i a Ibouarh bou tlie II American champion csaaiploBtook championtook P o otook
took bit bl meaaure uln In a later event ml Kramer Krameradownfall Kramerdownfall rae raedOlf1lra1l
downfall was w In the h ball mile handicap ItajullrapIn Up UpIn
In which the lb he Blue etarten artera war IMSAttISSL IMSAttISSLbefore buAChad
before hfo half a lw 1 had beracorerocl been eovd worU t ln lnled mnled n nled
led when the lb h tn tell ran rang followed teHo by b Beklr Beklrand ulraodKrausr lalr lalrcI
and aodKrausr cI Kraiutr Kr 1tr Tbe Th ThAusttsltankpt Auftrailan krpt k t a watob awatubfui watobful
fill eye on Kramer and Dd when bn Ibe tll latter lattertiru I Itned latterialtil
tiru < t hU sprint Dt on the II backairetcb Mettle Uealral Mettlealso
also al tned 00 o tot busy bu ll Ifebl blr had a fool advantage advantaceaa
aa they Ihe crossed the tll Stubbing line lineTbe haTb luteTb
Tbe Tb American champion bad his r noonge noongeju Teo aI e eIn
In the lb ono on BO l11 si4e lie op o open n In which he i bald laolcllb laolcllbd the tbelead thelead
lead I d almost from the th CZars t H Sickly Jr Made madIOOIt a atomt arout
rout B tight ht a aalnt ateat Kramer Kreh KrehrduMd Too Utter Utterrefuted latterrefused
refuted lo penal Hehlr to 0 get ft on even evenlermt na nalerm venterm
term with Ith him and 001 bad four feet t lead I OT over oerlit overthe T TIbe
the lit Australian when bfD bo Hruhed HruhedThe nhrdn lIrmithedTha
The n auouaarlea auouaarleaOae
Ole Oi Sill Noirh NoW < eWea by Uartla Rye New Newark N Nn blewart ¬
ark n H kttnpfct K1 New N Toil accoM 1 04 Tin T1It1 T1It111I1 I Imlantr 3miauies
mlantr 11I1 USA U 016 seconds ttcoaatOne secondsOn 41
One 00 Wile MamMtao Amateur AmaliurWew rW Wen br It Victor VictorAavterton VletotAnderson 11 11Aadraon
Anderson S New Tomb II llo rant Bart E4 4fl Adtw AdtwNtrk A4uS AdasNenark
Ntrk S UO yards 14 aecnnd J KaraMck New NtwYork N NOIrIIf1rdal NewYork
York lUytrda i ssrde taint Clrl Ttineataliiatealearcad TtineataliiatealearcadHalf
OIrIIf1rdal Half kill UaadUar lIsadinip I rrofeattoaal r ProsslonalWon Won by byP byP
P O Oi tlebtr J tl tlI Auatraua t Si yards = Fnak o l lKIID I IKIIDKT 1Ktswe
KIIDKT > fait Orange scratch b served eci > d dHIli Fred rrvdn FredMlii
HIli noa Boston n 40 yardt td ttlrd Itl Fed fei O Weal Ban Banto ftaarnon Stanrraertseo
rnon rraertseo 40 yards fourt Incus 11I John Bedttt lya lyabmnk J JIrIO Jysbrook
brook IrIO i yantt nl flfil Time a NI errand errandTwo secawdaTwo I IMil
Two Mil Open 0 Amateur AnsaseurWes Wea hy lied Hr HrCarthy Mersrtby
Carthy San Francisco PblMp 1bIIl1lIt Wngst Salt take LaktltT La Lad takelltl
lltl < ltT second d Rrnnl 1 Jobna X T V W v hint iklrdlftlam 1101 1101WillIAm hintWIlliam
WillIAm WIlliam fobum o ure Avwark fourth 11I John BrrenaB BrrenaBT 8 8T
N T 1 V tt stUb 11 Time llmeinstsutrI Smlaute mluIIft0ft4 mluIIft0ft4Oil I latfcowda latfcowdaoae
Oil Mile Opea lrofrMlc al Woo Wo by Frank rtaakKitmtr FrankS III IIII
I Sterner K tat orange nran Pus r 1 IM llehlr lit Auttnna Auttnnactonrt uslnnrrd
ctonrt t yr4 red li Mnl 1 San I raaclwo raDrl third Ibl Iver Iverix hr1tll1I lserIstssoii
1tll1I Istssoii ix > n Mil q KakrCIt fourth Time a mInutes nlnutrtt
t 4 55 a trceodi trceodiAutltalltn sreuwsdiuhhtalius d du
Autltalltn u Pursuit Mace nrlff Peirr Drobeeb Oro nm nmtea fleson
tea vi Gorman Anderte Denmark d1tac d dmln
f =
2 mile 11 and t lap W on by Dretiarb lists listsmInute 3 3mlnutra
mInute mln al 3 a 25 A ItTWo ternndt ternndtTwo sasiutielstwo
Two Mile Invitation Prof rroIWM rroIWMrr ration tl Won by byPerr byrent
rent rr > ltorfwr law A reary Nr tIIn tn n rrtnclmi rnrl M no iit nt Kr I sret sretNewark rr rrs b bNewark
Newark s tecnwl Menu Iledell Lynbrook LfIt third thirdallrr IINWalle thIrdWalter
Walter allrr flardaell IlardutIi DuITaln fourth Time m a win winUlct tistoute I IU
ute U In 43 Mvond Mvond1I4H ecoiidIl4R14RD114t4 4 4Il4NI411DIIU
1I4H Il4NI411DIIU r4 ftlHI Mi 114 ffiHTOX fJilT0X4UIIN fJilT0X4UIINlatter 4 tlV UVau tlVletter
letter au Hereafter HIM Be R Paid ret tmrlm IIH IIH11tW rr rrtitr
titr lm a K0othall cacti fearfiCAUitnirxir cactiCaSlhlflhrMb m mCUrti
CAUitnirxir CUrti II I tIF llaa April to OTh The liar liarard II IIrd liarward
ward rd Allilelkj toclatl odtIn n announce nolln the thorompletlou IhftcompllIoQ thecoiiplatlou
rompletlou of rrII1nt rraii e ient with lIh Percy re l llUuahton It lbhlaurhtnn > I
lUuahton Iurllln by h which bloh llaimhlon will III coach coachthe roachthe n nIh
the Ih Harvard football IlbIIIm team for ro lhn Ih three > year yearIt yearstie 11I 11IItll
tie It will III tome l11e l In is Cambridge mhrld tomorrow in inlake tnI totake
lake I charge of I tie Ih uprlnc praotlce and nd may maypojMihly nla nlabYfI wayisosstihlv
pojMihly haw more urartlre rrellce prast ice after It the spring aprlncvacation springraration pln plnI
vacation I whUU rush on tprtl J JMr 2Mr 7 7I
I Mr llaiiahliin ha teas lieeti head NIb for forthe rrIh forII
the Ih last two neaion on and lID turned out llm llmwlnnln Sb Sbwiuniut h hllInln
wlnnln team of IVM IIII He II played pl on n the theHarvard Ih IhlInrd ttissharvard
Harvard loam of 0 lv I l lii 7 and n I laM M ansi n11 n11OA I Iwa Iwas
wa was on Ibe h tiaxehall learn for th the font fontream 10 10I tourtears
ream prvcedlna I IIIC hi his iiraduatlon In 1 latni latnitatititin wi wiHaiifhion I
Haiifhion 111 coarne rod1 < l th the Ytrnell football footballteam Inotlh1Ilen foolttetlttuia
team for In or two year ra turnlnt vul uL a vtc vtciortoutem ikturlouitam Ic
iortoutem 110 r hl hissecursl ecvi lyearai pcarat Ithaca lib Hit Hitappointment Iii 111Ololntrnl Iiiappointment
appointment we wlIIftol Was made ny et the III nthkllo at hid Ic com commlllee fOmmlll rowmillet
mlllee mlll on recommendation of the Ih graduates iraduateloot graduatesfoothal r1ul r1ulflhal
flhal loot foothal hall committee which fICbl I Is coinpoMd ol lIOMdr lIOMdrI uf ufII ofis
II I H Kertn I 1 W V K I 1lon 1lonI Jarct > lon M MJ itJ
J W Fancy F Cn liT se i I I J llaiia nahlon nahlonAnd iton itonAndrew pg pgAndrew
Andrew And Marshall > 11 < F I H liiirr lie 1 ami n1
rapt 1 1 Wllhlncrloll II IInr II19SF
19SF nr It hiss twn n years soothing lhln 01 t the football footballteam
Im lr 11lIlhlon h he lad no romn romnlion cnmiuena cnmiuenalion
lion Ito CllInl or ihts It interference will willhtatne h
111 tHo as smabi h soy n longer t to ci cihi h hbl
bl estrslcee 1 and h La will 11 miow r recs1v e a salary Iar
rr bl his sarylee ae 1 111011 cosrhu h I
v r si si1b
1b j 3 r =
5 1 1yfrJa
l fyJlrYl yfrJa i t1J h hh
I f h i po < I r IA 1 l lt ltI
I A world wide repnfaI a ef eleveN eleveHyears eleveayers eleveNyears
years stand st Is Ike mest mestproof et cetIIacI cetIIacIroe ceevIchtprod
proof roe that merit Is recognized and aadelated apare apareBroadway ipprecleted
Broadway and 76th Street StreetTelephone StreetII
Telephone TIIIo line n Itrbovler Itrbovlerlicgktvn 11I1111Ic RebuitlerIuczan
II licgktvn Ic CKOIB t lI1 Mat iimtttis nan PTKXT
LCO AmrrVta Ixicnmeilv Cnwie Cnwieneat c Cespsiy Cespsiy1S
1 1S fOr Vet UM Cot CotI 1
I < HZ NZiiut = neat Asia Import I Co ofAmerlca ofAmerlcalas of ATnric ATnricism ert ertUICKIIC
las ta too i Broadway N r rMr TMeter
UICKIIC ici Mr C away II betwttauife7a betwttauife7atta betwe t Lath S >
tta att at PI Pliose OB aa aaCaVMLLiaS tColuIIIIL ColuIIIIL ColuIIIILIIIILLH CiusabSZASILLA
CaVMLLiaS Car c r C Pan nrpttr hugs hugsColumbus
g nr g gTESMIIAr
W > iBTia aw Columbus circle c rn solo Cot toluMa CotNATEHNU
NATEHNU TESMIIAr 1le Bway W Atb Atbtb 110
uMa lilt tb nit III Tel 1 aaa Cot CotCMaWlff CIIIi CalcLlNNA
CMaWlff vicmn AtTO TOn TOJ1USt CO COlul
wwwSjBjBWi laaiiiroadwty lul IiVoedwsyltosa I Pku O atn CM CMTb h4L h4pies
11 S SDE L
pies sees Clsusmbua ClsusmbuaI
DE OEUiSNIITL D N I Uwaydst atdtiisdqri f J JTIt it V Vp
Tb lorI eolllr Motor Car Co at 1 MT MTt 41JI flY221VsslMtb
JI 221VsslMtb 11111 SL t PkonoautCal PkonoautCalaaatn P5000 0 5517CM 5517CMSN1 ur cat catTOo1aTIRItot
aaatn SN1 Touring TOo1aTIRItot To rabaulMuatboutSTaaatilll atOI40 M If SIP SIPlmpsrtai r rimptrlal r1mlltI
1mlltI imptrlal Motor trblclefo rll rllMill 310W W 7tb in inA 151NW
Mill NW ZN A rUlloit llannrr nO Co Hway al al4iaii asCub
Cub 4iaii 1I1 1 v t Phoot aeaa E Col ColIfBTTa ColIIITTA GotI
IIITTA I UU IITI If ten nroadwsy n 1Kb hI hIalaoJMQulsly 1 1O
I I Hal alaoJMQulsly to J MQulaty O a Co CoNstfJ CoNstfJK ot N warKV I Ii IiI 1 1fifatV
K lIZ llama Automobile Cotnptar Cnsnpanvpewt5 ilia
RHW I IBM pewt5 ISM rtrotdwsr IMrane UM iii Cot CotTrtrpBone CoLZI CotrTiEr
110 rTiEr 1I11rr ANt n IIIIOaIlAIC IIIIOaIlAICTkp
ZI v Telephone Tkp ana S3 Oolambit OolambitMarloo CottissbtMarion
Musoa Marion Flyer tMAVJrI tHAi usn r riiirss lIUS IS1 e co coOverUad coOverlaad
1771 iboadway
Overland Overlaadi
Pkws aim CM CMTUUAblU
i TUUAblU lH ATU Pbm cia 1 MIS iws CM CMI 8 8I
AXWEL I sXW flA u1aOIt1lll 7
= imsnadaaa oMap Mssc Msscjjjjjj rheaau 111 CIII
y jjjjjj 1 I
BKL3BX3 RRtJSM3AnwerKy r ay ayAxwartty r r pJ I IAswefa
Axwartty aerials r His H atablaMatr Stable ltl Male tl lasso taacrCharles lea leaCiJnI lassoGiardetlier
CiJnI Giardetlier Ea EaChar meet meetCharts
Charles Char WelUnde Hyd Axwertfcy A1 1IS1 1IS1tUfealed lIi lIiftl ti tidefatted
defatted ht ss etable companion laar Ina Jtaanl < Jtaanlzosv > l
zosv 2 In tIM beat ytMty 1 mnmfrif mnmfrifat
at s Hpetjdway 8 Park and dattrrlllrwr after Inccr Uuartt Uuarttmanaged ollU1itnatId UssardmMsdld
managed I aos worthy Asnh A a nut ni us ta I It1alrd a th ththird the thethird
third heat Ibo lUlu rUllfc rsLaUi4sy 4by winning winninganother winninganother
another for himself juat to ttaw what Is Iscoild i icould
could do Bid It I at t hi bs boos nn a itnuiht itnuihtaway airiizhtaway
away court for br taldi lus se worlds record recordof ecor4of
of i s V for the half iota mail ou ttta tttaItotlnn tim timflostiso
Itotlnn H hpewdwsy peed way and he waa was4i in ersat gfeatforrn gfeatforrnystenImy form formyelrdar
yelrdar Main oUlunltb sat at hhlrl hhlrlHyd lbIrwIid
Hyd id JLaworthy as rthy and Inner Quart was in tr tht ththandset Os Oskindest
handset blaowner I liorlea Vlautt il r l lIt s sit
It was a splendid race for mint oaenf nneg4th nneg4thheste the thebest
best was won without a struggle and tht thtsecond ihiseconsi
second lilt was almott a dad hnat 8yd 8ydAtwortby 5y
Atwortby took th the le isd d In auh heat ami amimaintained an annialnialnid
maintained hit advantage l to < l th tte en end i itare
tare 5 In th third hal la which ovvrmhtl ovvrmhtldeevr
deevr mad him unwary and od toner Gii Gumj Gumjnacbed rt rtanaUbed
anaUbed the laurcla urct from him hin right at th thvvuilam iiienish
William vvuilamChart eerIia black rotting gelding
Chart Hubbartl was OB the drive but b bbaa a ahaa
baa deteriorated atone h ha won Ih the title titleRpevdwair titleSpeedway
Speedway champion latt season and andthough al although ¬
though he Si U atlll ported maoawrd maoawrdanimal usanasreLanimal
animal h ha evidently lack stamina jor totS h hlagged he helagged
lagged at She flnUh Just wher ti fiAar SmPhOTSt SmPhOTStof burst burstof
of speed t d I is nxMvary and th the race wean wtasto weano
to o Jam Jams A Uuichy a Inimitable vimXauf vimXaufgeldingTtlm cbenuSgelding
geldingTtlm gelding Kim a 2l3 2l3Tnicy ia iaTrliy
Trliy H a good looking little liii Bar marea wJUi wJUia
a reword of o I 2i us had things all her own owmway ownway
way whenever she chose to enter a brush brushUr brushMr
Ur Schmidt her owner was btUottrlTcra btUottrlTcraeeat In lb deme demest
eeat st and h be flr ibrut t sent her Ie to tacUe eki lr ree reeaaron e
Baron a alee ftUy which KA u5 HaaslnarWucei HaaslnarWuceito 15mm uced ucedto
to th Hpeedway contingent f few weeks weekaago weeksago
ago Although Irene proved that I eh sbus t tau is issu
au optK opponent > n nt to k reckoned with Trlxy Trlxyn
n t bad too much aped for her and defeateti defeatetiIrene deycatestizne
Irene In three conaeoutlve heats heatnAfter heatsArler
After Ibis oame J K MoKlmeek Pamir1 Pamir1C
C O who ip was utnmartly dlapof dispod ad of ofan ofanTbsoiaa and andThomaa
Thomaa Laweoaa tawcn Jap Both horse a ad adowner 541 541owner
owner ar a such geerrs1 favwrta onttMdrlv onttM
drive that no oalike on Ilk ta see them bettea beaLsabstt betteawhen
bstt they were boteI fairly an4 squatewt squatewtwhen
when they tackled Trlj fl who whoform wee weewinning
winning form and would not he denied deniedier deniedAnother
Another ier arpod winner li i tb the trotting d dvlalon dI dIvision
vision was Thomas IllndVa cheatBut gold geldtag goldIng
tag lamallan lie had his bt ct > uag sit gw gwwith right rightwith
with him when ha tackled rrtwl ftrossa ftrossahay floaebay
hay ttotlrr Arltlo 3t 3OSI V but It proved worth worthhU wuwshhis
hU while for b he beat th the bg tool striiHng striiHngbay etriltsbay
bay thlcb wa a notabli victory for forlunaliui or orJsmahiso
lunaliui A match raceh been wiu arranged arrangedbetween an icd icdbetween
between the Sb two and la I scbelnled forTt for weal wealbunday l lHunday
Hunday morning morningA
A race which brought nut the old Bfvd Bfvdway Itpodway
way favorite Kanhton 2 211 IS ntned by biTTed biTTedteat Preel PreelDritx
Dritx teat anlrieonTline with hugh C IMer IMerat niKwat
at the reia was uinmdbttsj ome < bliig nf a aurnrlati aurnrlatito
to Ibn sp epaitators < iator for FashIon haa not Men Menentering rmenentering
entering Into the hruhing of Into and Sd It Iten itseemed
seemed en > d strange fnr or him In pica a skI skIwheeler Ma Mawheeler
wheeler for hi hIs opponent II won Ih the race raceImwever racehowever
however f1nl tlnlbinq hln a length In th the lead leadTb trodThis
Tb This fable of the bar and lh tsi tprjajaa tprjajaaas
was as eiempllfled when H U Wolfs Ysolt i Mta Mll MllAlbert la laAlbert
Albert on nf the fal fate4 l of Ihe Its Kpeetlwar Kpeetlwaraldewbeelera peejwav peejwavaldswbeeiera
aldewbeelera and J 1 Karpha Aldrich a aroan aroan
roan with considerably lei speed tam caaiatogether tamtogether
together Everybody thought It was a aurn awire
urn win fur the th mar and almoat forgot forgotto
to watrh the flnlfth when lkifkhisvcWaalv lkifkhisvcWaalvforged Mrl iU dUilv dUilvforged >
forged ahead and carried the mara on onher OSher
her lrlde Hh w a pulled up > iruickly quicklybberowtsr t > r rhrowner
hrowner Inn l1i55t ia ae < l the poSt nn oi atoll wHn wHnldrlcb alt altitdrltb
ldrlcb well In the leail Ualerln aLer in lit lbs day
Minnie re Wmed herself n ny > wlnnlaartwo wlnnlaartwobnnhea winnlnrtwobrushes
brushes from Dandy r 1 tl tlJoph ISJoseph
Joseph lilhbont dkl not enter his big hlajchettnut bigcheating
cheating pacerClam ll In the bruthlBg bruthlBgvery brusitingvery
very extenilvely hut h he had one Irretit Irretitwith Ipyptittsltti
with W Ldnlmeyera Beady Bar which whichtiroved wtd eb ebProved
Proved an easy victory for Ibniheataitl tbesdsetnttMr
Mr Gibbons < ha hasps agreed a to start liaro liaroacslnst TOn TOna
acslnst a alnmt lame s Muit itss > oy ya > Uttto bktrk bktrki bharwhIrlwind
i whirlwind pw pacer < er loat Marie li and en enlb
1 Ih match ha has been he arranged fn In lake filaca filacaon
on ih this tipper utretch nxi ti tt Sitmla t tK 1i
K i II Mctlaffney started hi his black hliukiar hliukiarSadie mara maraSadie
Sadie Mac lu only nn nice race but thi thly was a awinning awinning
winning on one she h had for an nppVtnnt nppVtnntWilliam opiMpeutWilliam
William O I Ncill Ijadr fd Tatatul Tatatull
l Runt Tilnt 90 Mile Rare for Pro Profrstlanals Profrasletials
frstlanals frstlanalsKleven frasletialsLlerpru
Kleven profc proIesaioni l nal long Iiiti dlttanc rdnnMs rdnnMsiarleil niinnbastarted
started In ii twenty mil rait ia > al CelUc It4mtark It4mtarkyuntenttmy Vark Varkyelerday
yelerday I lie prl prlm > being a l ercenlage nf nfIh litthe
Ih caSe receipt Kir t place man Mgu lee leeI ir irl
< l Italnew of few Vork hi his lime n iang nf t thours 3hour
hours 1 inlnuir 21 2 tevflnd UN tljsre tljsreof tjsr tjsrit
of it th the prlr money us was ald lu tj 14 571 571Iat 2t 2ttat
tat IMttwen of H Boston lon wa was econi osI a Ian Ianbehind alt altbehli1
behind Italnet Malt Ialoney of Vookers Vookerswaa ookerawas
was Illlnl Ih others who i ussrtuoirlu4 MinleiiHl the theeourst Ihicourse
course flnlHhml s as nalne natsied < l Pat White Ire Ireland irelpnd ¬
land Jimmy I Ire onker l Irout Itrnuty Niew Niewhonk > w wYork
York s Shanlev Brooklyn H < l ellnn ititonBrooklyn > ellnnBrooklyn
Brooklyn unit Mill l Isavic > v > this JlnM InhoieI InhoieIittuitati ik ikIndian
Indian Bolt Hallen of Ne < v ork utiqtp utiqtpafter > loi > ei eiafter
after Ih the twelfth mile and V Keeury of ofOreeniMiint ofL
L OreeniMiint after Ilii thus i Still
Mlii Unon UMor Car ra of 1 V Vitl
itl riroadway Tel ai Col ColIUTtUUJ tMU
U IUTtUUJ fL iotniTxKII Jorit rrli Mirrnn CAll co 1 ttu
IMIrTIVH I Sway l4tk atl Mna ttsst Pl5S cat catIn CutI
I jpir Maile In Ne New York TOTIeI City Citynwtr
I Iseirtat nwtr way TI aiM c ctralira t teel
eel iTNf 1ITA tralira Av ft iMik iMikSTEYEKIWIYU t t551i
551i wIlamnil57Hroswse wIlamnil57HroswseTEYE1IYU
A Au CMPatIilN < S BH 11115 r PS W tta rot sti 55755t 55755tI
1 I H O M A S 5 n Tbdrna ThStthaSUo4dt4 ThStthaSUo4dt4U MatarfcT MatarfcTwv
U wv tit W4 Sm n itwi war at itjd SM s5 s5W l trUOCaL trUOCaLaVaaTTF
W aVaaTTF VMIUS txx s llrawdwar aad sdrnav sdrnavITSIb
VfrTlIC ITSIb iUou y > OuL OuLVrw siL siLI
I AlIts at tri M ait Met MetniomoMI PTICHNew
New York A AI niomoMI lltrittln Ktlablltbt KtlablltbtVar ItabIIbmeIll ItabIIbmeIllI ibmrat ibmratAalBt
I Var Pa Hircllenre KiutltmicAsIa
AsIa cnnlnnnl ff qolek qolekix salt saltSS
ix At tiittiKtti 4r cssnan > h tt tttea Hkr Hkrlen
tea len boos t 541 U fjltorter llau HH Uv tewsmobIle
I mobile Toy Tnrai ttjftn l lenlaarluI nt 3u mi U Upt UptlaiiuFfl tr
I lian laiiuFfl lint ISM Peed > > p rieM tars ar S Wt > V > up upnvrrlan tspOieriaiuds
nvrrlan < t fun IA Sls15lariartii I IacaanKat ouiitiPlvrre ltouuPieretirow
1 Vrrrrn ITMIIAW Suit Iho l lkiua laui il iMii MO Ibalnert IbalnertH I
11110 H irv m4tiai 1i1l < > TiO 0 up htlcl 220 2zf v VI VIu > tjtwn tjtwni
i Kmavlit Kl Vials t ranrl PsanapivaShas < tala l nilinana > nilinanacart bsn bsncars
cart 3U eibc eibcl f makes Tia4 Madtlarn Mail larsOn larsOnlsiel a aIjirgmi
l lsiel le > l ut cviii nlt nltilxa Ijirgmi ntalilUhmoat bi In Atacr AtacrOur
ilxa I Pa OenwntraUnfi OenwntraUnfiINy ftemontnUisekdy
INy Malskig Our StMCtfttty StMCtftttyBodlct
Bodies ma male < le to order and nd N inatork inatorkEvery alack alackI
I Every style at Low Prtcts PrtctsI
I Bread rsadway way Auto Excfcance Excfcancel
l I I 36 SM l1 31 3M iw 40 AflW vv W ii 60m uulJi fl4II St + Wwat WwatIRTEUIT T4f T4fI f
TroroVls IUdVM sswuM sus ptsd Ss