uIrr 2
E 4y THE SUN MONDAY AP1Lfl AfctlL 11 1910 1
P U t ll F I rrtx rrtxIT 1ItXa 1ItXaL1ttIUD
L1ttIUD LI Last
U thp tfl D1rktAw D1rktAwI
I trd MsrVt MsrVtflrVi
IT 7 April piI I Thing ar alme almein
in e f frr r the t permaMat grma t work workT I Ic
T < > D c ibn ptureit nf t the ih Pant Pantrnrjn PahalmrJf
rnrjn lormerly th old Manx ManxVn 1jiwtol
Vn tul n 4r r bi Taoaa faattlli faattllin
n Mluatloa In the TUack Hlletival flit flittg1
etival tg1 of the Induatrr indust Kvi Kvift i ir
ft r Senator Kltiredg Mxeed Mxeedj ivctedatn
j to liilgatiun Into which tl tli t then
i hi own when hen operalloi operalloiu
u > tear as agli C II IL Kammo Kammorun KaD1UOIn1n4r
run n1n4r srr an sIl sIlrItl1 < txiperinteaden txiperinteadeni
i rMtic on jJematIc rw rnallo develop developo
o attention Utielng lurni lurnirw urn urnriv
rw riv shaft b ft Til Cowboy U t tl tlf tbp
f am > of f in company U 1 U I 01 01i nrI
i mi m1ei weal of Hill City C1i C1iC N Nr
r i t work f v A i abandoned hs haa an ani
i < d 4n ne on o > Ma claim and 4 the lb lbp 9 9t
t i tthstd third filled with wal walAiti i im4hlbr
Aiti > machinery and M etcan am plai plaii
i i en ° nt o remotod Tha Th oaa oaaiiw
a iiw t en ritiked and j4t enlarge enlargeV
V t > 4 initvrml In ir I Iha ho JCO foot Uvt Uvto
10 o t oittlas machinery replaetx replaetxa epiaeILI1Qfl
a iji > p ILI1Qfl alon and th unwolerit unwoleritr
r pwrn rn i tIei ner thalta will bar bs t > b TI TIr c cn4
r ci ml n4 prepared for permanent open openerr op ii iirp
err rp od i I mor At than likely bat a aG ami amio
o ion plant will 1I1 1 lii eracttd on the he torofld Cm Cmt
t to rofld nl IT irha tet tetrer
rer iwn have ha b2UD In tb ts mill of U Utit lbfIen
tit Minn Company loeatd txt ttff M Mixr
ixr ff 31 KetMone and owned by II lbCv IIis
is if s of Indiana Th company himr hi bifc
fc > mr rnrIn ln t Hdlty for to rt st rear ysrt ai aiif
if t eopd ii I mine and nd erected Ire Irec lrl lrlc
c r in the hs aprwara lo mIst th n riSmete nu
u Smete Tfn ef f the lb or ThU Thi or I is or ori
i i frade although tb ledge led show irel strebI irelrrlrr
I rrlrr mtterlal Till mill mm to I capabl capablinf vsptlfUd
fUd inf about rvotona day daymorV
morV or upoa th prop propfl rly nf Ik Iktnoth lbt
t 44WIj tnoth Tolhr r In tb Rocbf 1oebfoi4 7d db dIstric dIstricIi rV rVn
n u > ten f us t quart l ledg dt tbi tbiii lbaL
aL ii or r which pen writ ire Tea Tb own ownoT ownt owntt
t t oT h ftt tre > f rem ramplca BMarxl I Iuced I Itteo4
tteo4 uced fh ground la l xatd < foi foixu foaL
xu L a aI t of Rorfcfftrd and i aaar tba lb lbltni ol olMtntus
Mtntus ltni Compaay prepart prepartr rrepetptsoT
tsoT II I tlflir1isll1rlott lIaa lIaar
> r Irin1 r nl1 and U belrfvd to he an n eilet eiletO
4 O I of tt ttWVlv t M MWtlii
Wtlii 5 Sur > u r U I ttill dsrelolnj d Teltrpln htj P1 r sl slalL l losr
osr alL tDinx both cold arndl 4 EUtOI Ur r on 0 0r raw raws
s r KTT raunfy un7 The Tb l Ide d o bo bot how howtt
tt t i od 40O ft loacanrt iog nd ufffcleg ufffclegti
p ti n bti bn tmeoTr < Fd lo lead lds HatM HatM4k
4k i r s l > forma roBpaay Matvrt Matvrtrn
9t rn tsr l b n to th thFtp hol holFlpt
< Ftp Flpt 1 < uy tt boT ll in t b t a aw llgbi ulpbld ulpblds
w s esullns 113 3 In cold and andB lOl lOlt
B rwfr
< t t r rrll Mk tlea minlos In n th thi thIl
i Il r iIIriet 1i tM i IK i crn rnin fnc lo ln > ono of tb tbf tbnf
f lu ndutirti of bc niach Hill Illur3 TK TKradMl
radMl r3 ll4l jmrnnJ arc sf r pralIn raln In I ILl ILlFI LI LIrir
rir FI th tha imthou and id rbi rbiV rbiL < >
V L A romp mpn n > formerly ih h HUck Illll Illllrr IflOvrtn
rr vrtn n iUy lY and Mrbl < rompaor Tb Tbim Thiinr
im iinr r ompanr foin1 up upon > n rntrlna th thr
r 3 ljiprel > jpT l lmurr Iteurkn l n lh that i ih ihr b br
r tlt etq r hit > it t pu > wt tu it sinl n < l Ilkelr i iBat iJr
Jr teroi meh irIi huI h r rnrtlted
nrtlted Bat It v nt ahnad hest wIth it itn itrain ItipmPnI
pmPnI Al n tPb4 VctIc sni WliIti WliIti9r
9r rain n IK u4 h npply IIfIPI oii Mgm i icrt Irrn4 <
crt rrn4 tod I Imcrorn la ounlltv a il ptl ptlon
zIIfld fo rniy dv that trmn ttngtou ttngtouNY
NY i1I S 4pP l frv on ono
l niIflan4hii rnshtnrqult rnshtnrqultD
o > urcrr Ipt in ii1ntI nli > f mim Mian M Alu ir irur
ur u a Unnr ll oMrniton an ani < l HI u uo bti btitot <
tot o f rner > acr and nd lttiburc tire ri psd psdph ui uioirn
hlcq Mfra I oirn uIflifl n m nil1 nil1urnl flIlf
f iflhtecl urnl unlr r thA h < iir IJeofl oni Tumo iml Ir I IUllv
r Ullv > o qtltIrd < itpr > d to da xtrn M > crk crkfn vr vrIt
fn It < l ft 1 Miiini Ifli tpi > t < > f Ii i tIm to iru irupm I hi hire
re pm tmevfl nt of 6 thp Mli IlIItiit4i > < r t > h Morn ldi ldiThe
0 411rKt The tt t xitr r > lit len + fn U Uhe Irtr44
tr44 trruqln tl iron llnq afliAl
1 q iliIy d4t he het preen preenI
I t to get < tt beluo Ibis formation am amthe nI nIb
b the Ureer tiona at i a point houjnJ hou huuirn
rn PpaIw IIia aIrta TPH rnn rnnc
c u hu II4rMr I fit ftoni Pt pebPI pebPIanJ
jnJ m the Ih Ilthogropli r x k In inI ii xrly ev n nf
f I locillty In the It 1 otird H t4tar t4tarir r rKirk
Kirk ir April S fho rh llnrrwMikka Mlnmj Mlnmjatuif ltnin ltnin32Ir
atuif 32Ir nontlnur to tl fc p ii ip > lt r rf reonl reonlIs
Is f l 40OT 3 toss of orv ri A day j wit h P p pw r m ni n narotind
4 a arotind th the mlnr and mlll ar ari r rL <
i L tr up bvitrr than r er er t bnr > for In tht thtof thof
< of tba tb company l Itririsig > iiriu < th iirI rli rlif
4 > f tm r ar wttvt rh n th rompany flr lraI lraIi i izi2
zi2 i to hI hlp In outalda men mm It had to tonny taki takic
c n nny ny ho tiopx tnia > abl or unil unilsow unlflw
sow flw tlt tla ar rv rx Pln > lnff < radu r4uiI r4uiI2 ll llr <
r 2 vi i and O4 a belter claia CI taking thai thclil
i7 axl flden l Imward > rj com omshIpping
4 o shIpping In mn dall > mowru mow mIbefit
befit > ru omln riom < olora OlvIdo < to H Dnlh Dnlhrnrafl Mh Mhrnrn
> rnrn g lonly Iol orklne nrkI bark to thai thotizin thaiz1nht
zin z1nht m > Ulc In ord order r to avoid o4d rla rlafltVfl rnl rnlm
m sn fltVfl n tb t ni fnrnl lurniab h tho Im Imtr Imrtal
tr rtal > il u th t trlntd > r < ntd tatm ltmant nt of tb tbnltjoo ba baa2tngii
nltjoo hrt hre before they tart for th thll lbiiurirlItl <
np iiurirlItl fi r U > II ork will ill I > unite on tin tinp tbctr4
p ctr4 n II > jroiuxl In i he rti Ctitar ti > r Trak dl dlIllram ilk ilki
i Illram l ltiyl iir li ih Ibanwnet ownr thUnprmj thUnprmjo this apin apint
o t ri r ll hut Pta pbout 4no acf afs ol oloj ofU
oj U nn t bi btPt < h h ha ha ha ho hown < rn a numb numbari14 i ijitrt
jitrt i14 mifj r pp pvr r etna Th prlnriio prlnriiotj
tj I vf l ban w > n In A rfMwiit runnl Iiirnait whlrt whlrtn
n t tlif lb uxln JJi > lrt In Till l ttIie l li lin iid
n 1 d Ia unj rontaln a rood milling on ontf on4t
4t > tf lirh hop hnga lo ralMi cmpltal to con conthx cont
t thx lb wnrW alona moro mo nirn atnbiv iT fin llnt
t tmlrn and nl ntt ottr > r Nrl piirsk > ra ka own nner nnerEliptic < > r rt
t Elptlc Mtn llrin nic Company ground groundil
r fi il i4et f arc repIannIng jM nninit an attempt tn tnt Intt
tt t p tbaft Th nhaft on lha lb art ground groundt > un < J Jro
ro t a rnt t rlo don n but It la I plaaoml t to toP i if
f > hi ilopth 410411 lx it a mr ar a go o thu thutic ib ibnt
> tic b ttnult flJII OIT I > m liNI iio ffl with thev the
v f a ilUmnnJ drill tha 1k cor nhowtnj nhowtnjt
t r rl > > hir ttKi tti osact nature of tho tb Mrikt Mrikti
i f rrer rrr rruwlo public No ow It In I tha In Ina
t > a t rrarh and ttInp uk on ontIiyTAXA
1 Pri C lb announ nnohanconent pm nt a ai aI
I q i ctin < if f tlio n ninnricI > opl ffli ffliila4 otii otiijiu
jiu r > 1 U i2v LO I on irhicti tli aia dlUrriI dlUrriII rui ruirr
rr I I it I ipMilc n Y tIi lu iti ititrtt tri t w wra r l lr In Inr
r ft V t tr he iurrnr mm to allofilitu allof aslafrPA >
PA ilitu kriM i U mil tb puMio illic illict ttrtivr ttrtivrt
< t i iqh h tliM II nr a annie oni < i rho ho are with withli
1 li ffiuon tainn until IIIIt it th I hi dal M 4 flu lt ltftr r ren
en ftr > Tho Tit t tirIn rm on which lh lhVr ibpy
Vr py nrni ntIIJmflIea inlri > h v h hen li aciiulrwl aciiulrwlVniunili cqulrcla
a Vniunili Company nr Cr latfft latfftJ LiiaairtPid
< J t ri rtPid < i l by Jatnea nnr K I K Kmii mn nl nlPM utia
PM ia I foll ntIga jt and Herman K Kflsr Ilr ol olr ofIO
r 4 IO > o mwlfl a Vfry thoroucli thorouclir tiornihbFa
bFa r Oe n of nil th fha mln mm n Tim aeo aeoit4 en enT
T rimi i it4 > ct thu coal and Ininlwr Ininlwriic
qILtr iic h nrrcrr r rpreflt prf M nt a tol tolr tntit tntits
s r va r < iMiioKigo a idi whit < ittii liia > n naeonuia naeonuiaer conil conilor
or < nth h UK lixrc IIiTeM14 d capitalization capitalizationrr
rr n tor ratua TaiL of Itni llinrnoiion 1Km All Alln lIlif7
n mmp rnrnpni nir with th iba aLngle lnilf ex exf e ei
i t f ttio it IVirrol I tIrrot luYa b be bean n tnaklna a att aumiyiy
tt ri umiyiy > mi > anr nhowlng a deficit deficitMINE datcltMINE
rru rut GRANDCST faiivo faiivoAiirROV TlIlfl
1 o AiirROV tmmp la oallr w wr salts saltsC
C It 0r r tb oiM gtv taagrbla BI BItb pcoW pcoWuiod
uiod roornt tb riln sac their theirbrr theirI
I TbPl brr are ronecded rucd 4 t tcrux IrlN
rlN rrIIsIIe id crux mlaUg mlaUgUI
C UI oflralicl oflraliclproof
c r seifrl tie proof laeutre l5Ul el elfor 01ta1ot
ta1ot for tVe Ule i catalog C Cr Crc
> r rc aa < ui oyr rnldant agcai n nr t t1to
1to r o srfUM riup wonca woncaPQ8SM WORLc
c i Si tw OLCItI t I A APO5
PO5 PQ8SM patirter H HUnified ISCerUfied
Unified Puilic AccuMtNts AccuMtNtsMI7TE AccssIailsRtNNSTIILI4W
is i nroAtiwAT nroAtiwATI nCOAtWAVW TUIL TUILI
I t > nnn DtftTlmtnt DtftTlmtntEipioratiM < il ilpIoratfu
EipioratiM town if New Ytrk Ytrknts
1 nts i H 4 sr New NewMi > cwiork cwiorkEiiniitl
Mi Eiiniitl mitfrt IW ft HtHfid HtHfidI
I ME r Consulting Mni er erCOBALT r rCOBALT
= =
ew w i M ti1 jet jetrow
4 row nwiI + tit ft C CPt CO COtfc
> tfc Hrhaarv
Pt 1 HrhaarvTerl
i w Terl afI afIN
taI taIe taIa4w
a4w WN
tha that
lopny lopny4ILt
4ILt afl wbitb
od4tn i of Itibr I
lkr ta a a iar with
ettt7 0 2 2t r a
Ds eot t t Raai cNail cNails
s dy A lai amot amotswsil
swsil by ibs Iwo mu mut
aa4 ot t mls I ibla etty f
tONSS air
htr y tha thaa
a ftItdft tt ttProt
Prot irTJ ib Tf ya 7 r IW tnwy IMTV vs II WWU o I it iteiterI
eiterI ie < 1 i In adwkloaal property
Th management of rYlf0 rYlf0g the Tuoiaain eon eonpany
g pany I flfrurtng nn paying a afly dividend r riHiTttnlPn
iHiTttnlPn 1 fly > > I turning turning out a lnquantityof ln
quantityof quanlity of fchrhgmo or f s h ha manage manaeiprofit managenrnt
nrnt 0 bo for a nI profit for this mom momipertor
its nd urier ipertor companv I n nleratiori <
Ittint an opportun etlta 4
4iMooI arftqy hn nti faorabi faorabitTTn
tTTn ot lonLato lb rompaoi secure securecontrol
control ot lb it sod e York proc procanT
anT And iihIn b psai few nay it Sc ScuuLrsJ
uuLrsJ the otth itutre Izianalon th rot rotldittlon
leratiori b hung in that It pay ok rt rertal rertaltttlfttnv 4 fti fti0ittn
tttlfttnv debut sad do certain dev dvkpmen dvkpmenwora lopme lopmen0 <
n0 wora TlvrnJ Ibi 11W atu4 I nupettor sit owi owiin otnthe
in the UanlelOuH property Al ihe thalimo nreeei nreeeillfti
limo th the fun UI ami Superior I a Iilpptr Iilpptrdally iIpitedli
dally dli u 10 > la Ktn coerntrlr ase M ion torof ionof
of or ore Promi Protaise of aa early Iy Inireaae l lJO L Lo
JO o toaa to a day kt road It to BOW given o othat 91 91that <
that UM luselve ptaaa of orti ortimapped oiratbomap4
mapped out come time ago ira now to b but hilt
ut Job Into leutloa at once and that 1haion wor woronlha
on onlha lb propoead milt will b ho etartaxl tftI li liwd Lu Luii
wd ii of thre tnontath maaagr msngstneoi oat At Atrlarea didares
dares th thq concentrator will bn in operi operilion opetlion
lion At th ths B Baatn in mill which la nnd nndto ondI <
> to tile company Improvement ai atbits
bits beujgraad beujgraadTb mad madTho
Tb Tho qwMUon 41 f tb lbs aftpemtnant of ofre ofreITr
reITr re lrr for the lb Ptitabtw and Momae Momaerompany tontaneemsn7
rompany ham not no yet ii been rfeclded v4 dad Tt Ttrompanya litromv4nv
rompanya a attorMfa ar fighting P8tII id idpolntroent Its Itspointroent
polntroent on oi 5tt0L5 the 1 a ground that a receive receivewould reiOulti
would Oot be able 14 in pu u and recover I Ihf Ilit
lit hf PennaylvanU court from Ih lbs stock stockhJjca toclhold
hJjca hold era eraTh
Th h Emplr Zinc Company a anbeidlar anbeidlarBf uha dlar dlarof
Bf Ib the Sw w Jertey Zinc Cnmnaay ThMaT j r Pu Puitiig ui uiulng
ulng lia ta effort with vigor 16 t tat sold netdloa a aporn <
loa of th iba 141 Mle mine In th the alitrlrt whlcmay whirl whirlmy
may contain nine in paying ananilile ananilileforce nitntflfrfore
force K I now at 1 work pV1n1 lavWtlntlnit In IfatIrg the th olAlice ol ottAlic
Alice property controlled Dy IB tS Butt ButtCoalition WI WICoalition
Coalition Company CompanyTil 4mgnlb
Til labor trouble at th Keatlnr stIne la th thruderthurg lbdrbur
ruderthurg drbur dtairtet ha hsm bn Mtlafactorll Mtlafactorllicijiuted ntiitsctortIiJitaid
icijiuted and tra work I proeeedlng aa a aasei uua uuaDuring
During th few cay tb roio mn wa was 141 141add 141rsII
asei add repair rsII lo tb Ins macblnery w we weinia t traul
Tb DarUDalr company i again hailag hai bSTly
ly lag a dtapute with tn property ownei owneit
D t the th sinaI through wbleb the propo proponr pnposeinri
nri nr lln line from the Colorado mine > to ifi ifiSorthm itNorthrn
Sorthm Pariflr track I Is to run Tli Tliproperty h hptottrty
property owner have ha eecutel anolh anolhnJuotlVn nolheInJuotion
nJuotlVn tying up th work workTKt cokTt
TKt th Otrbtn dUtrict contain rrai rraiIcalty rsc rscICt
Icalty ICt th it e r kind of or Are a mad Hull Hullramoua itututamOa
ramoua there eeern to be no douhr 4ln 4lnihe am amha
ihe recent trike og the Berthavem liarth vain of th thUoion itIJoolon
Uoion and Corblncompany Th Thbornit Thbornitnt OornIK OornIKir
ir peacock or wa found on the Ton 7t fo foevel too tooaftd
evel and nina at r per rent c oppr < T per and f trot trotP0 roi roio
P0 o to 30 o ounce of llver lo ihe IPt Ion It l lihe I Ilb
lb ihe moet important development vet Y I mid midtn
tn n the lb property and It I ii th fir time th thtrarnlte tha thaborflftu
trarnlte ere Ta ha PIUS been found In any nv lars larsVianiliy trgrltlnttu
Vianiliy In the Orpin MUtrlrt Lnglneei Enginserhay Lnglneeilav
hay contended that tHe Corbln camp I Iilmlltr I IhimItir
ilmlltr In geology to Hull otia and nd Ibm lh lhleeper lbiapar
leeper ihe mln tuna goee i lh Iio f opper value valuelcrirnq rflueec
lcrirnq > ec > in wldr end richer richerThe rlrhrrhe
The Hobart Kmmei In the Corhin rtUirtr rtUirtrla
la a ut a drill the TOO foot level roe roeictcd coniieted
ictcd with I lbs be old abaft al s distance c co oiwi
iwi o le f t from ih the cro etoacu cut The drift t I Ir ii iiIris
Iris r and abort IS t feet f wld Th ivr r0 Ii I Ih
1 h scm etn I iii about feetwiitewlth ilnrhn ilnrhnilgh
ilgh Iel grade averaging Ifi t per tnt roppei roppeipr pf pfPt
Pt pr cent lend and i so oun il ihrr er t th It Itha
h ha ton tonIliurvt
Iliurvt t Spill a The lit Reluy Told Mm Mmng Itinrug
ng l onituBy huh l daveloping eteri eteriromllng
> romllng rlalmn In the Tb Hliertdart illnr illnrif
if Ma tailon < lt > on cmjnl > I inllllng new me mehlnery fluhtrv
hlnery throughout I t is the lh etpe paIat paIathit <
hit he enir proprtt will tie In operalloi operalloiilh raratlotIh
ilh the Ip n na ouint b May NI1 i iIn IIi
In lh inn dl distru trtrt r o f Mndin uim uimpnt int inte
e pnt eni iinprritemcD IuuuIrt Plum m ihllllns iiilln lo 4fil 4filold
old ore nr hate inml i i poln oaaihI to operitt operitti
I i number ol propeiue l tOOt goo < l profit 11 11itipoNMthle iiflulMJthlS
itipoNMthle conltlon neveral ar ge gegood 1 1A
A good ooI at lrike In reported In the tb < tlvei tlveiIn vp vpve
ve la Ihe lb llae dltrict of ofniflt rtr il t toiint
oiint Mtioiit Miiitj i iillee ea PaI i of t1 Helena Helenaho
rh ho Vrnirtt i > rn > ert > tIi ha n iin unltrgotn < iergolng devel 4vltfiuI develTivul
week Ihi Ihimall It Itflail
tfiuI Tivul uy I niealu nf a hfl ThU
mall aearo Iua ioiillnlng or Middenl > wld wldned wilnd
ned oil lo thrv feel of solId gnlenWilliam gnlen galaniWilliam
William Frankenfeld h has truck a him ahwIjohi himf
f gold pay ore In a n tt0 lead he I IA worfclnt worfclntn
n johi l ry iiilch ileh five mlle south of lleteoa lleteoai
i vn r Ion shipped to I It he I KM Milrtu Miiell Miielltrt siMti siMtiI
I ii trt trial l run rim g ga 4J a > ton on The Theeiiinc theauIIrea
eiiinc greater proporlioiiK alit Hh deolop deolopen ulerrititauuI
> en
eneaiil eaiil men have p rer Hi tie > iirpi iirpii un unn <
n i mine in the Kailer IIetahufj rurg i1l tkri tr < n nlio iI iIiuoauiwair
iuoauiwair lio il ier cnuntt cnunttiln t1untlIft
lIft foot of go goll ore h ha rn p found f iflul 01 01he OtI
I he hanging wafl of lbs Rader ftailaraiirgIin ftailaraiirgIinOIufAII liurgltenj liurgltenjoriipanv
oriipanv mine a the R Baderitairg der tMirg i amp ampfhlle mt mtrhil
fhlle the le bad d I J feet lle li between bate lh lhIN lPialli
alli IN Tbe haft I Ie to I ii continued 10 10epth a aIpth
epth of MO feet feetFor ftwtror
For the purpose of developing on M t large largeat rit ritcal
cal at i II he A Aich ch group of mine In I ib he i orlilr orlilrkilnil orlIrIItnit
kilnil Helena and Rune re lilent < > haw hawicorporwted hasunrrwrated
icorporwted the tb Cro Crosetat aley A tact cli A AIlnin Wkk Wkkllulnir
llulnir Ilnin tompany with a capital ioik uoi o oI ol old olLb
d I ftrio too toolheVt
lheVt Lb Wat Kerwlilt iompanr which h hame Iidi Iidion
in Vert u ctMintv ctMintvdjolnintf c1ntdiolning
on ame gold old l arlng < ground
djolnintf the North Morc 1nroaSIn ln h has reumel reumelperttlun reameletIluru
perttlun tl I Ia akl Ihe it North il bwaaln bwaalnnIh < x lr lrrill
rill reeutne oor HiU properly operl urTorM auffprodIICtV urTorMhearv
hearv l bile > m through a oa asetU elu ami
era ecam m involved In litigation 1 It 1 i iohn Iott <
ohn ott A t Irake who i II the leading atotk atotktitular toil toilolder
older and who U now In Fergu county countyIII
III support a plan for reeumpiloii reeumpiloiiMayor reaumpi loll loll4ator
Mayor Fred nagnon gnoti of Anacond I lIbtitu ei eiIblling
Iblling aampleit of goM ore or from the theold It Ittold
old Coin oIn rthkh hkh he recentlr look over overuder overinrir
uder leee lea auJ tJ bond Oti Ohtioit ipeclniei ipeclnieibout
bout the Lb Ala Ue of a walnut fthnvra native nativeold nailvaokl
old Tb vela doe not average a eraBe any anyhint ny nyting
ting IlUe the jmple hut 1 I of ahIpitng ahIpitnghararter < hip > lnu lnuliariffer
liariffer liariffernew
t new holding couipynr wfh a fnpijal fnpijallock epqilllock
lock of flnooooO h I rteen fi frm4 > rme < l und uipr uiprlur r rle
lur le Uw of South I Ihikor > kota and haa taken takenvcr Islimvet
vcr a major portion of the hai of Hie HiehloKetlng II IIhloKseting
hloKetlng company a well known knownroadweter knonIroi4watpT
roadweter rwinly omearn which l lpenllnga ii iiperitn
peritn penllnga a gold proi ttottrtY rty at lUdentburg lUdentburgV
V u luufi lb the MtMAul mine op opota opotar r rr
> r haV acquired Hie Hlue Bird proper properirill r ri
i the ill VTickeO WtckrsCorbIfl rbln dUlrlci lie Ii i alan alanIs l o ocontrol
Is > control of Ib she IU liohitt > b rt Kmmei aan wl pur purnee purposse
posse nee lAoperate to ngwruI them I hem Jolntlr Ito Ih tJnmoi tJnmoitwenelctrifl Emunoa
a twenelctrifl d froui the Helena d dtnus dtnuslb nw nwThe
whlh adjoin tra train ta taIn ¬
The lb HagemMi group
in Him la developing Into a fine ptnti ptntirrv prpfly
fly Hecent eiplonifin In the ii iiinnrl iiinnrldieclo
> 4 dieclo Iiclod d one in of it lh ihO higg4i lead aI In Inle Iiihe
he le ramp altit tli cotiper and > llvr value ai aioderlo MLwIrv
> oderlo wIrv to depth The it ore or font of a abite abite
niili ih both bothrarwk bothapnck
bite iiuaru end i is prlnkled
rarwk copper ami bortike The load K Kfly I Ifly
fly feet wld 14 awl the vein twenty fet fettie
tie II tunnel i to h ha driven 5 eoon a the Ibeio theulo
io depart The lit property U owned by byr hr4tifi
4tifi r en r onaldon > of Helena HelenaIn ln lnIn
In the anii rue d diatrtrt irM tb Ito Itoroparir ClPperrleld ClPperrleldroperir
roperir unirh adjoin to llaceman llacemanroup Itageinntour
tour U I ine lb aoen of an uncovering lahkn la InMCh
hkn the lb lead M now eighty ft w14 jd an n4 n4tue < t ti
eneouaterKl It Itirrle Itintl
tue i bunging wall not yT
with a aIW aIkJ
irrle eop eoiplr r value ihrooghout
> IW vein of ilrhlde ealppta Ore r The Theftpperfteld in inoperttejd
ftpperfteld people will run g aw tuanel tuaneltlr luaallive
> live far ereaUr depth depthA
A of M bWaea ma In ha hajirhaeHTlh Piav
jirhaeHTlh group M 4 B Oharle and a Porn Pornly
ly claim wbleh adjola a4jnIha the riprtaig Hill Hillur tiltPU
PU ur mile ralh < of the I clly cllySt
St st1 r1Kl April IC C M 1 MeNHI r prpal prpalant > re U Unt
ant nt of Utah Copper copprtna eater a ooaltlve denial denialnr dnlar
r nr plan for ni the merger mgrrcl of all tne lb eorallwl eorallwljggen ocailaduggen
jggen balm copper propertle and meter ampter meterr
r MelI lr > ell asia ay tbo official oltIc ti of lb las two twoimpaalaa twonmpnise
impaalaa have decided to merge the therai lit litnersi
nersi rai abort llao of railroad owned by tb tbila
11 ila and I th iu May Co Cow CowT oll4Bted and ij4li lacor lacorraU
raU T them aa S Ib Kay lt and OIlS Valley Valleyillroad ily ilyatirod
illroad Compaay CompaayWhat CnietpaWhat
What appaar to 1 be mountain of lead leade
e hi bMbsen been rltaoovired on lb the property propertyifs
t ifs re I O0C coc Cano Conolidited dt l ifinlsa Intj i Coot rornmy CootUn
my la Barjr owv4 county It I uM that thatmoat thatmost
moat enough ouh or ha ia already been uncov uncovtd urcovtd
td to aaeure aiur a great concentrating nrorxwUn nrorxwU rropoLno
no > n fn b0 or r rmrriea > ip pet r nr lead and andm andme
m me adver llr r and gold Os openln forty fortyrtcro
rtcro 1 andeveralftdeepl all allruothetsOSSS more morejotnrapt
jotnrapt retityfourfl fset siuar uare om scmalsaow omitaoc
itaoc sway bowl ibo tb aam ousdltlonfill ousdltlon co3dltionbit
fill a number of opeli p n cat covering a arce arg
rg rce ra Indicate that the tit depoatt la 1 1t W Wf
f wld lid > d at towel that long longWith 00g4ii1
With a Lr arc conArurtion account owing owingidg owingt
t the Ins1Its of S ww oornpraotr Imln Imlnthe
the foit btnt 111117 the Dly Dlyaddsi
idg ge added l tbmo ° Xrio to toW It suiplus dining
0 W wording to to apauAl report nude nudeOearral madGOMVII
Oearral Maaiacar O 0e W I rnboiirn rnboiirni
year receipt wr 4S7ja aed th thpendlture the thependltelrIS
i pendlture e H4TMH The ra rash b balance balanceTb balancethe
the wd was 3fl 3fllb
Tb Stafaaaual ia anti report f th Horn Ily IlyFnwo l er errnro
rnro jut wuipd u4 h uOwb w that la be becslpla ye r rrelpi
relpi Item or cro sia > wet weiw sioies l l which whichtb whichItt
tb IncWenijl recetpf rirlag th tot totfin tnal
fin 1133179 1133179ansgt bteIdenl1 TO M C SloTTl Uie general generaltaager
taager eipliln tbat leeetaail leaq leaqPr recelptu recelptur
Pr r du to t Ihe lb cancollaiion ef f th the com comn cornmv
mv n v a contract by the lb Ttntlo MRIUnt Com Comny Gemtoy
ny which prevnnlea Pipswowt > pn < ita for e etl
tl 1 month itaddTearDOW da Werwnow break breakI
S I ore 0f In erral ital place from the tb Kit m to tbe tbei lb lbC
C i Uirel On the 7i > level w we have dlerov dlerovt
04 t a body hod of f rcpper pper or eru mowing from fromro
ro 1 t per cat copper and low roJaea m4u tn tnver InAl
ver At pre powl t v a are uoabf to ntutdl
L1ttj wj ts tsbrlag
brlag bur burarrrr in the iIi1 quarter which e41 e41ntir 44 5t >
arrrr arrrrtfig Ut11ss1at7arCitytnwIoiIt Ut11ss1at7arCitytnwIoiIttnse
tfig of ItoOiu which after meeting dlrhhnumber dlrhh 411141numbur
number two of IUnjo added tt3 3f43 f to I Itrajry I ItIaairi
trajry rerrt Cab o ow hand Mar MarI f art artI
I after all aocount ha had < l be bow n eetu eetuamounted aILL5ountcd
amounted in IMIU ssu fhirtag Uao th rwt q0UttIm < rwtta
ta company marketed IWt tn tow of a awhKh owfllcb
whKh abowed nv eserag ra rxtue of 1t1o 1t1osilver I4 VI VIalhar
silver lead cold old and copper copperAnnual copperAnnual
Annual report r orta ot tie f fleI > ly n Wast Wastat et cotnw cotnwt
at t mr C fliT r hW > raah ea C Csty rasJTJa
sty 17 I l r Uiini 311S473 n receipt from i iaU I Ilate
aU dnrln rear 1tt7 m IT T rr leellaai mlaeilasecferulpls > leellaaireceipt
receipt rVl 0 diMereoc be taweaa taweaaontflrt4 w wventorle
ventorle II T > 1 74 total receipt and ra rai ca1ea1
1ea1 i < B < Ii > r > lhur IPurvm m nt ntwrp were Mlneicount Mlnei Minalcount
count CTUIII I3Snofl Ksoo j vu u 12 jt mill niiit account cc iuni VPVI VPVIaar 10137 10137aa
aa aar ofncw ofili fivr 11 I I general xnr eipen eipenK7 Papefli17at
K7 17at i 5 Ontario drain tunnel devek devekn ihcetcrient
n rient nt Jti tIieflCs e7iei dividend ItKono ei eion earun
on hand January t Itl IOtA lllTMei I It Itnndr ItInieratoo
nndr Inieratoo tood that the earnrng In lanuJi lanuJii
i Is ir > were about M00f and nd more than it itmount ILamount
mount tn February and larch fpiri fpiriHVI
HVI l Itara er wet rrocuced 1701 dry tonriude ton tonedude
dude ore and nd ° ill 1 I I dry iIr tone of concent r4fltfltfll r4fltfltfll1mm rati ratiIrom
Irom vhkhweie a 11kb SS produced UtlTl 3t 373 pound poundtopper iunlaropper
topper IS tia t tounds > mind of o Uad Uadiiunee sit sitOf
iiunee of roM and 7 ounce of tllve tllveKoeton aililinton
Koeton Hnn MuinhItt hln at SLsrrr 3l reur baa lu luisi t pi pidlvldrnil paa
a dlvldrnil of two cent a star airutinll airutinllto sit utinib
to taf UtYl > v > being ih lbs fifth of toil amou amouIn
In a tb ronpany ort orgntrrd nlrd a vest ago agoIarA sgo14aara
IarA In the lb Ibilllon < oalltion at Htoe Htoeion 101 101twl
ion tv h e trnc < elghtefa ln nhei he of jfwtukb file filewhlrb
whlrb tatrle V > per rent le tat tatI I It
C litssaAto nmj > PO RriMa pill a The Inlt Inl tnkIInf
IInf t > itng imnpany qtnpan lit taken a ft tv tv1MP e e eI
1MP I ou th eienteen a iaa re of tli ttUi ItisttIll
tIll property on Beacna irilCrlpplrr irilCrlpplrrnhleh
nhleh aMurc vteuatle Jevelopm JevelopmTt iJtalopmauma
ma Tt IMtlntr caoipany on of th thn ran ranImportant m mImportant
Important In the th r imp l f already operatic operatlian
an the ilold T flatter > ind Prirne Albert pro promiee puttarts
arts miee atllolning and nI h bee driven th Ivi Iviinnnel
runn innnel taoo feet ibrwticli tie l mnind mn > tlh tlhbud
bud M feel Into the lit HUii Itelie tae taeUt
111 north end out of he lu Hum mln mm of II IIAcacia ItAesela
Acacia Compani ouiptn Cripple Creek hi bei luLasad beil4t
Lasad l4t d to I N t Itorulhy and auraUK auraUKThe
I The be le Ise e who w ho hte ht a been t operatli operatlithrough operat Ii Iithrough
through ihe lb TVrocUoT haft hive lilt npeui npeuijp opeulup
jp a good body of IM ore fbo Uunr UunrMcName tnrIl4
l4 McName Narnse 115 on lh am samshIppIng property propertyihlpplngorecairylDgt
shIppIng ihlpplngorecairylDgt ore ctrylut2lAo rt for coirte inir rat rato ur urL
L o Uen 37 per ton The Th output bv 1wmont leee leeerrom
mont tItle proper for the th lt laM t CIX lx moetl moetlf montifJte
> f fJte tan reirb rstcbtd d IAITIVI IAITIVITh P4711The
Th The anniia Ialiholder it > r hol < lfr t meeting of tl tirruhr tlrrUby
rrUby MrneaComranv will b IId In I rlpr rlprrrek rlpprtli
rrek April prii I for eWtion of a r tire tarceaae tarceaaeii CM
ii 14 PriHenr Mearkle i dlret dlrctlnr ton t tnuulag IswattIng
swattIng ye year r It a tpcivl meeting be beu halA
u Pltuburf Pa the lb director rattled tlorfelture tl tiOvfitnr
orfelture of contract for coniplattan of m mwauae col colltetaua
wauae of Menrke failure to IMV f fnaehtnery ft ftnaehmry
naehtnery materUI and labor and beraui berauih becauihe
h he mill ws w short of capacity The fh putt proitty puttPF7
> tty la producing a car dally of III to toiton toI
I iton o ore oreSinking ore8lnkins
Sinking has cowed In the lore startle startleTem Urtiirem
rem the ulnih level nf ih She Ruble abaft abaftBull o ohull <
Bull bill The Thes working now i ss j fele fe letleep
leep le p arthednetI rlhed < iepe t fnCrTppleCreek Drtf Drtfng Trltna
ng ban begun north ai ll i couth from II IIbaft Iiibaft
baft Rlrh nre rs e mined In the win wlnior winnr
or C feet r > f th the l gait t lift cf I 0 feet heffi heffih bet betita
ita h vein dipped from the haft A abOt abOtroaat l o oTo
To roaat it moat Mr strlie th Ito ore or bexlv 11 11propertv T1inrrt
propertv nrrt i is owned br the It Prince Mi Miwnpany lfr lfrtmpeny
wnpany of Buff flifTgin flifTginIhe l S V VThe
The Little Clarn tIa imp of V Ib Work ork I inn innlJt on onom
lJt > om Cripple i rck t i ahlpplng hlprl ore virea virealeg relun relunng
ng 11 and > nd lIPS a inn innProepe lOllIropetn
Proepe Iropetn tins permit have been l tu4 ud r rheOroon it it11e
heOroon 11e jrt on lron Ironiclati < ld lull and theSilt tb ilr er Wai Wain
> n 1 Rearon and Re floaPui ehuil hill Crlpplr reel reelThe l lif
The if l rr Johnson mto nn IronHad hi hilpple Pillrlppl
> lpple Creak ret > i is ntiiruttlng l tnb v i ton Ionli <
11 ore or monthr monthrRumor mnnthIRumor
Rumor are at that the lit option r rriutlr eptlr a aired i iird
ird on the lit mine and mill of fit Otldf Otldfvcle iiliive1
vcle ve1 l ompanr t ripple t tPqek > eek at Mnofti Mnoftitill 4n11I 4n11IalIt
till Mxin I uken lp up uu l liv lhTnclUh the intIlah ynd arnil11a yndat
at 11a The Tb vnlfrat ndi < al < ° > will Iii opera t lli fir tnI1 tnI1rta > ll lltele
tele mill till Independently nf all merlcj merlcjriMin metfraThat
That The mill lrt treats t a third of trippl tripplrka rlpp rlpprek
rek out niiruit niiruitttie put putIh
ttie Ih adt4iie ailtan ul i n eni lo li a unit in li lirt PirI
> rt of nmrten eoncentrjice I it hurrvin
0 nmpllinn < the v it > ton mil of ih Ptlrw Ptlrwompan PTIIIICnmpaflv
ompan t for In im I thil i < i > nah nahrt nahhi
rt eompanr romp r o ilnil lnilIc > ic i oiitpo ri rif
I f prle pfr w i f 4 a unit f for < r n ir en 1n sri sriIt r rr
It > r M 4th o a ton The Boulder ounl > prnlu prnluor
or trt prom e > in n re rah h Ilini lo II t Pt PtTI x xon
on onTh Th I1I7I dIna r i MI reP In from ii iinftllH It Itnroih
nftllH f lte It Sr I I ie 1 in flO1 ie Hllt uiI f fnf VI
I nf f Ih tie nip nino tli in i it in fl i fool m i r
10 mi nr ilC ph I It a coli enlil 1 ral f Vron i > pt ptaiiie
ron tre a fnn wkl n Pi h4nfltI1Il h4nfltI1Ilbill
aiiie bill ar alrinI ind li 3 B I en c il I fl fiilpl fiilplmperl CiIlptrnperisl
mperl l Mine I onip OIIafl n > i I l IaP e rli rliloperi Eliunr
loperi i m the i VIP l < Uh spritiii rriil dkln diairu1nutul dklnhenlil < <
henlil ippt ailit cf iliet hid al lt Pi claim tlftti tlfttiprmc IuIsIprinc
prmc o 01 t in 8 14 4 ItHli of lead an anor n nme
me ae ael < Ine i is gold arid M llvr a i in inrt < > i ih
rt h or Carrie l per eiti n liiitnd tilt tiltavli lr lrold
avli I tnt ttii itt C i4 p141fw
old inrl i n i oin l 11 ter a ion fit fitl
Vt ib > l pt rr < eni leid tie oial tati lue t Patr > er erliM
liM 11 4 ID Ttie prjvrt pu op eiii ii1n > n Mouilln Moui MOfllIn
lln In li in I leei Ie t etei tla crane rerM craneMa
M Ma ri in Ir true II ha li l n ijiei in I IIlitil
Ilitil t a blii rn rnlsft
tiaff lilaho < fir n nt i nl ie e tpe It ilnl ilnlow InIow
ow UJ feet lontf 1nn tiltl a tI li I e endf 4l l ul 1111 l II IIit <
111 it a n id i < if I ie ln i tnunlalii ferrr ferrrlt tarnii
ii I 1H1 ii Infl 01 iyn hot uP st stt
lt l e lIi i tb > uiie li m l en I tons I Innriipic Ii Iinfll
nfll nnriipic 4ig < n < i onrir unra gold an anr
r o frfji aj Miitei e irii nit l t t per tcu tcunt trijiPt
nt a jn k nhe 11 ir tv 5 gt > a on onrFiff 0 0Eb
Eb rFiff i > han lanpru p in iii in < ne nn Helii I u in Mittptaii Mittptaiietiirat otrtaI otrtaIt
etiirat i ii l t tp us ore r tn vine tincold fi finM
nM a ton ie ide > Kilter ivr nn ai I < iIlt ipi i talue talueflie S Itia ItiaIt
flie It e as r InrJ let kvri el nt t tin l i fta iniik niitM niitMI i iiiil
I lli < iiil 4 > h i eiiiml ii 1 i 1 ore clur < air > ln lni tatra
ra i > ne n > cold t it a ion Ihe I I iilp I in Mir Mirig Slitg
ig g I onip npon nt ronppo eil Urzly of ofnr ofnn
nr PeniiIvarua and iilie oil r illqZfl l rn iaf iafallulM ispallele
allele l Ic owner ownerS ivan ivani
S l > i ei i Im for on i l n t oiintv t igh ighear ighI
I ear mnl ti II I Iooer sr i otiiimn sin l ° n IIIa > > liar nilarie liarIi
Ii ie l nlnr i li I feitrnl I i vat inn I ni qi r I Oi 0iltiMfl fian > hi hien harep
rep en irvet l fnm T uun the to l taihonl nlho in mine minelb i iln
lb ln ai < nrit ii > trlri I > n le I a Ktrek uln tim timt
t 1 Iro Iroer er iil l h i i utr unaiI l I u adllan a < i ifh
7 s
rha srha fh Slit Mirr protH r4tI > i r on I unile ut oils Sloontair Sloontairnrlwn ountalr ountalrnr
nr nrlwn li > wn i ol 0 h ha > lie t nllt lit la p Mill Millmine tiltlining
mine iOiflt3OT omi nv in I ih h S s SCten > ktem t ol olnine oitlnin
tlnin nine i oiurvanr or fiti VLili i iThe
ili The lurntiii Silo nutl iiI Tunnel rnrojMn rnrojMnill
ill horil le 1 onrjiiii cna Is for dmtnx tra tog tbIi Hi Hiurinli
Ii urinli Intl impel i nore fee feereei I Irllt
reei of ll > e unnel i a now in I tJ fe f ° i in inie
ie tioril fnn flfl llellc ne Mountain > in uti I eiiecii e rufis
iiecii > ein litte lilt l n luterH iturrcttwl vlwl I IIte IIteaIr lei leiite >
aIr lvn l > e n deteloiml h < ut l jvilMt lid of laITil laITilr
I i r I pav fa ore un t di fisiniI lf l tl mat pin iiirim e eIII
III frrirn Tlr via h P o ouIeruua IIIKTUtl hlplllCUtf but buten hutpelt
en m matte e
S I til tilf 4il
f l pril H 1 1I l i ilisoene ilisoeneI
I I ar nf Itit ice r Mn male j at ilejfit m id idtntinillnri ii iirantfliltori
tntinillnri f Ira m ron Hi fl ih ii tot tottel o ote
te tel a tittire etvr lion nf 0 rf nol v l Tiilllnr HIM IN 1 1n Ipan
pan n eXXIMM etiwir1 U iroimd neir route uf III iii1l
11 atol tn > e tin in I I tin V bl l loot Intel n Vfll Vfllrirlne
30 beri il t r Pii fll t Iat Iatntnirinl
ntnirinl rirlne < l lh I tie nr I of nun illin illimuirasip illina
rasip a e Jflil KM a oi > nrl nt u lie c i ten IM ltIr o oe
r e of the a 14 li nf tl tohflw ttnttaoI M etn etnie
I ie i Il if lf ie the I Ir r i ii iiiru rl rlfei
I fei > 1p > l lcii ctn i eir ir rn ittti i41tt t i iet
et t II4 A ltt tn in P 1l14 IH l t lie liet li litot
tot t > t ar V i tnni t t talots imn I < lieei lieeiil
il and t in i of U4rt npepwtl pial hut nn n nr nrfninti orr
r fninti et > it tt 1 hii lieen ileteliite iu ikst t tlle
lle 1 1 rep it I of 1 4 oiilfleld fonrnHJaie fonrnHJaieerilnn C itnnoIIia I Irsilofl
> erilnn > ftirmrv hn hiai the i uu ssiIra < uuCm
Cm of oj e tretfd with M itt tn > v re rePTrv e evert
PTrv of lHMru an n terge eiirwllm eiirwllmllllperieni
llllperieni 31 74 ftc I Clii of pj the hr gold oulenK Se Seofll et etroflI
roflI ofll 9ere rr rrto 4 > It Itlu
lu Ibe lb PlitnnndUeld filar Unite A Are troiij troiije
re e hoot ha been opened In a winze frnrt frnrte
I e origin il Stilt on tit north Hid it of I hi hii h1ruU
ruU i tin The ore 1 of thlpplng irr vred rt atnl atnlma n nvein
ma vein which Mil tto aought at t grant greateipth grantpth
> pth l a well iil defined Nvrih of the Iliac IIUilill IliacUllo
Ullo ill anni p pay > or laeipoae a In the lie lieout 0Iout
out from which netcfai etiVa abtpmipls Mt > Kint havi havien its itsen
en iuau > that ateraaed over Slim iue a ton tonon toltpear
pear < on ihn lb Pitl 1Alsv t ere at ati l < i gellng oin 40111F oine <
F e of cooinierfial itt iutlII iutlIIrf IH IHFfT
FfT rf 1 pnl fl toeonmllng icor tlng to nMcitl In Inrmallnn Inirmsitlori
rmallnn ltv fn wtliiUied will end le leH4lt italt
H4lt alt Lekn anitelt nwtler Ibm week flit tonir toni tonigodellverr
r godellverr godtIverinper opper ore on The ore or whicl whiclve whKitvta
tvta ve aniA > ol II 1 per rent opper and andKold IC ICI
I gott and cii il Ar r iome from lh she nort north northrift i iand
rift Kold and r rd le on In ea level of ih Brill Brillnl
nl Tb ledge Id nrounteret on lh 4i 4itel iai iaii
tel i i of th tbe 2Uck working hi been opened openedn
A n feet the o oo > e i a high grade copper ami amiaverage situ situveragwa
average 14 4 per cent lot the entire ill illrun 11
run eipoed eipoedfor Pi01WlPu
for Pu ih ihe Anal i Sir mo in erral month th thl the theiH
iH l atterv t > of Iiern en MeDoiigall roaster roasterIn voaatirain
In oi nirIktn rilon at the ii Sioplo smeller r Ihjr Ihjrr
r Ihe lb U imt t week eak nil eIght section of lha lhatMetilrlof tPt tPtphOrtItttit
tMetilrlof luite Ineu In otieratfon and andree andran
ran uf the fotr reverberalorle reverberalorleToxtrAM fetrrbratOrkqToxarAu
ToxtrAM prll I A blf trlk lIa I r rirted re retried
tried on the at level of the it Montana Montanane
In ne I alt t loot talc rring good value valuerougbouf sitanroia2toit
rougbouf waa rrfountereil tt M > feet we weti wetithe t tIbe
the shaft and al lnuil > ftit fifty feet weal of off
f ulnxe stn on the it Martha vein Tbe Tb or orulphlde o ouiphide
ulphlde From appearance Ihe tb body bodyWong bodystrong
Wong strongPIne WongCio
Cio < nr April A ti a In the tPi rUy y vallay mine mlnfive minefive
five fool horly y of ore ha baa been opened openedth
I th the 4fio 4 foot level vI it carrie i IT per entirfuef tort tortPPr
PPr tienlde irood value In rid geld MM MMver eral eralIT
IT ver In scenIyit ceo < itit of llie 11 camp p supply gupplvfuel supplyfuel
fuel dl nftttlIaio tlllatn t being mg hsu hio1eJ tej tb mm mma nunis
is a been itiiornrlly I loed loedBttriMOn tnetJRtgs0st
BttriMOn Mar iiart h t fior Ciortc < re VMngfleM VMngfleMGoldfAld WtnzitelIoidrrld
GoldfAld ni ltte Mkrn up Ibe It option on the theout lb lbour
out of i roper f0IfTti t iet writh h ho bonded alt altoiiltta K Kinih
oiiltta inih alP It U I saId al < l he paid M 0T > oon In Intab n nb
tab b In the prnpertien to A great ldge ldgefree Idgrfr
free fr milling ore oreVViNMtMi oreWttpet
VViNMtMi cri ipril a Report her are areil areat
il Important development are rr > occurring occurringtN
tN lladlalor at National ItUealdlhat ItUealdlhatvein It 1 tdtltt tdtlttetn
vein etn Iii the long tunnel I conefanlly conefanllyawing eiwuaianhiyosInt
awing better value and that ore I is heuig heuigitgcted hlatgitcil
itgcted which run an a high a a to aitI aitIton < yi yiton
ton m sold and ltr Or ore I being beiuekcd beingcLed
kcd from lh ba two and a half font pay payeU gyrsl
rsl eU which average E10 rfO a two twoCo Ionc
c Co tact April a large tonnage of ofnr ofnrswatling or orawaiting
awaiting shipment hlpm nt her th reaiilt ol olnter ofinter
inter development In different properlia properliagreate ptopertMsgranted
< granted t amonnt t La from the I sited sitedI
I rat
Mala Htetag Cttam ffrouad j jOntpen
Ontpen Aert XJMa Branch from Ti Tinm
nm barns U lift t yeir will Willdurg rtucb Comu Comuduring
during the animer ma > er Th Of U Ulct Ulctami 11kband
and rant front C per cent coppajr eotip unwa unwawttk u9w51 u9w51with
with i Jfl to 105 9 a ion U gold Th da1r da1rztda < H t teiteqdi
eiteqdi over a radluaof of about forty mile mileNBW mutegw
NBW gw Mtxrro MtxrroAnriir MUCUzITa
Anriir zITa city April I TTfj The BoherniMlaiBg Boherni TtofrmiaMining
Mining Company iecntlr shipped tNi tNicar IPirrAr
car of leadel Is1tIvcr I ver ore from II it Irand Ci Cifral C Clrl
fral mine la tbe Chloride Hut dutrtrt re reiITt t tSilver
Silver iITt City tn the lbs f metier at 1 U r Lao o 1 1i il ilmine
i mine M a good gno producer of or orThe ore oreTb
The Tb rVoeorrn Mrnea Company I a do d4ng d4ngsdy tne tneteadr
teadr sdy devel dyInrinent rment work upon II its Lit LitFannl Lttiraffia
raffia and Champion mine in lAs th 32 32muon X Xgollon
gollon Mountain dlmrict Tb iba mill millnoon w wsoon
noon be running to Ha full aperity of f thl thlkUrop Ihirclamp
clamp and win have a monthly output outputabout outputabout
about lionrto The vela i of orr or at a del delof uIttflf
of TOO feet t is thirty feet thick and arerai
71 a ion tn gold and nd ctUer Knout h ore orerun or orpan
run tbe lb mill for or three year ear I Is aM in inblocked I Iblocked
blocked out outGeorge outfon
George fon II 1 Iter It lisa developed tarts are xl xldnpoalt I IdeftOAIta
dnpoalt In hU group of claim in the rtlli rtlliCltydUtrlc 11 11lily
CltydUtrlc lily dtatrel Plan art re being marl lo alt altfrom t tfrom
from ten to Ii fifteen cent c5rsnt ot ore or a month to Intl Intlsmelters I Imatters
matters tn Kan Mss a and Mloouil MloouilMrxtrn 31jiouIuicct
uicct uicct31rZtc
Mrxtrn Mrxtrnover City < ITT April tfii 4 The Tb etrllemi1 etrllemi1eal teliitmrnTrthVwcffli
over nTrthVwcffli the repeal repealcopper eal richatrlkeof rihatrikanfeiltar eller gold tnldai tnldaii a aabout
copper i pper or al aluaytiop about fifteen nillea itIk west vellh westGuspianpa
Guspianpa uaytiop Jn 1ttt t over In lUl fins in tint Mtate MtateHonor Pitalhonors
Honor llll ronlliiue according lo a avice atic
vice from lOin that section The rein w wtraced etrc041
traced for one on and onehalf mile Ma Maproerei lst lstrrnetectOf
proerei rrnetectOf for ar reported to nave local localeUtm neatclahna
eUtm eUtmfn clahnaIn
fn BaloplU ilininc Company recent recentnt rcntsent
sent nt fortyeight ban of utter lt r built builtvalued iulikysitsut
valued at 1 l3 i < x Mexican money from i ia I ImInes
mInes tne lit t ftitnplla t hlnuahun lo the Haa HaaInerat Ua UaMineral
a Mineral Chihuahua ChihuahuaTh
Th Clenenittiit Mining Company mad madahtnrneut mdsitltmteUt
ahtnrneut of twohir twuhurot of jiild bullion from I Imtnia I Imine
mine mtnia through th tho tiamtt tlan Mineral rwentl rwentlThe TwuttThe
The bar were salujemi > alue < l nt atlb Itlu Itlulha
lha lb Chihuahua Mining Company b bobtained tat tatobtained
obtained an atenaoa klenM < n of llm until Ap ApP spi spin
P il 1911 In which wbkhjo to eUbtlh metallarglo metallarglowork nietattirgtworkul
work at Hanta Ful ruiiuIta li i hthuahna und undronrelan titidiconieaIofl
ronrelan from tbe KedertJ Oovemtnenr OovemtnenrIb qvniuatfltTb
Ib work of unwatertng iho ancient r Ia Ia14rnbemlaiflttb i iBernahe
Bernahe 14rnbemlaiflttb m in In tb Zacatcaa1trit arateca dl r rlctw whim whimI h d dt
t under option to a vmllcate nf t Iniii IniiipopI En all allpeople
people popI ibat le I a eubeldUry toniern of ll llBrlrUh it itBnltIaliMeikn
BrlrUh BnltIaliMeikn > Mil < n Development Cotnpan Cotnpanw
w was begun a few day ago A entaIl m mwill
will tw it > Installed with which to maV teas tneiThmiaa teasThemin
Thmiaa was opened In IM IMasrul nd haaa baa a aflu reoor reoorIh
Ih pilll of lh mparo Mining 3linIngIi imntmi imntmila
la tb Eltatlaa illaulri Jall Jaileoie col prodiicli prodiiclirnncentrate produrlutCnflifntttea
rnncentrate and bullion having an uteiaivalue uteiai ttcnsivalue
value of pearly lianrmn monthly monthlyITT monthlywaaglynjo
waaglynjo waaglynjoStAVT1
SCArrte t April prll i few monument monumentie
lb ie unrertqlntle ol mining lower high highthe hIghthan
than lh the Palmer Mountain pnoer at atnnel anTunnel
Tunnel ru lhru nnel Company ni Lootnl Lootnlounly Ikaot Ikaotnowty
ounly In the northern part nf this rti rtirr titi titiFor
For rr > r raar the lb wn ne of uf marked indudrl indudrlletlrlty in4mterllet
let letlrlty lYity lit enterprisewallowing nterprlrs wlLowtnt hundnv hundnvf
> f thouand ol dollar th outlook oilnokIhe li lih
Ihe > h undertaking I dtihtnua lo tnIa tnIaitroOg dat dattrine
trine element of lbs lmrehnlder h hInally hay hayfinally >
finally roene to the lb opinion tliat the ettte ettterie cutletpria
pria > rie li I a lilt failure end t hat tbe In only court connsrrtcnifng courtptecnibug
srrtcnifng uelf I 4 lo nlnd up It tie aftaim aftaimIn T r rn
In n Ibe lb hope that a few thousand dollar inn inntavd nat natbe
be > bayed from ih creek wreikPalmer creekralmer
Palmer Mountain did not lack rhoeitit rhoeititf
tr > f gold bearing or The TI Mlaik Ileur molt tnlnilgti molthigh <
high up on i lb he lull contained putt y tili tilii it itluIatig
luIatig i > rtz eq o plenllfitlly stint with C Ii P tirgln huh got goli gotte
te i to he a genuin I hViuinra No richer ni niaa orass
ass aa ever taken out liter w Wa ampl amplon artulrannhi
rannhi > on to l lle Urte hiM PnliuiT Mnunui Mnunuiaa
a aa a revisable treur lioinu iil > > n ei eiigo
igo the furl cia not n 54 cleitrlt undnr undirlm undirlmI > tMi tMii
I i now thai thcv the phtininTi phmIun4lir lly rih frr frrrnld tm tmroth
roth ore do not < limit IIIKJ smut deet Vp lt lta
1tC > a e In rare m snptanr ln r llo linatr e r thn ttlul ttlulnirtaie uti i iuarla
uarla nirtaie of Palmer Mountain tt tame tametO ilurkife ilurkifen
n claim and bd U Hit ana l elecd > that heir ttoul ttoulth itunluI
I > th the source of teal l f 1rrtitn 1rrtitnIt ftun ftunIt
It T uris at thl Immure dial the Jii limni Iluflhlet4n limniln
> ln eat evolved the it theory nat I Hi Iii Iiireread i in
n reread tead of linking en e ah i h Individual < Uli Uliit liiiII
it va a t aggregate otitiat nitL all lha th fuir tirmf > M Mif
if f the Ph chilI owner would be wrcmI r > eil fur furHhe fu r rilPi
Hhe ilPi of ihe tin to tof i hy 3 Kiinepiralion on vn vntreat cittreat
treat tunnel driven Ihioiigh I lt Iit > heart hearthe heart
he t mounialn al 1 an ancle in cnn < rn < m i itell it ita
a tell all known 0 drift nf the tcln fin lfu l lntIe lntIehum > o < li lihil
hum rroM rmoaIlI ni mnulrl hate nn n cPr dnrutouI dnrutouInnutag > rinoii rinoiinniiag
nniiag hlork bloekt < l iii in atnle l > ote C hInt could iid I Inlned 1tutn
nlned tutn tl lor a fiarllon of 1 the lIt ot > et I inkln inklnind liukintin1
ind hniMlng An ore or retlurlloo pluut tiiittI J Ji
I i feature fet itre uf if the I Pt tnIaii < uifepl tifl tifllute < m mfit
fit lute ho Pins inmri mime wr wIIC i nriuall pi pintn 111nm
ntn nm ihe I hr enierpfl 4 illlklinwn it itaa Mit Miti
aa i a auld at tar arstlC VMi c iirii cc < en rtimnl nnl > in inhaii anPsat
haii Ii Jiniioi o4Kt w a rvi < l lo inmi tUt il < n niel ittat
tat i omplny > miMn > ha audI < feet of winking winkingelve w wSPIT
SPIT elve feet wide iuir itml 111 eight feel huh in l lletr Iteat
teat thai reprewnl a nil ennrmou c i ior
or ome < if In tue an o U I eni eniouItuurret utiiereil t > a alard ae a airI
lard that It took an oiillar of IN v > I r l ln Iu Iuit <
n tliilrate iu rate It 1ti 1 tote re l te u ie mrr Im tilnii tilniiIth tlaatIih
Ith appurteni appurteomnwa ni > e thai refireeenl a aAttlt ema emamine
mine n nt tarlmi anomie InteMmenie that lit lito >
o 01 i much mon > lh ioer iwer ilaiit i iua Iretlc
ua retlc < tlcll lty > ihe I tie mil li i cl nn whlih tu bliP an anhirig anhint
hint i call an t leallrcil a mail V I alihmiiili alt liutt iii ll I to lutili lutiliii I hOt hOtit
ii mat return ret urn a riniu pervnixice l rOIthMhtr f 11 11t t tt
t if I Ifit
ffie fit litnnel enierpri iiuinbteil twcanA twcanAte
te theory heor nn thiih huih tt WM hkiMrl did dl n nrork no nocork
cork out in pr jursitlie < tlfe < If I t atti lll tlml il ilnil I Ipht <
pht nf4 uuuijtlp tnia Catita Init Inittnt
tnt nil one on kU Hili Mrlngtr nf lr nr < a M en enountrred 11 11ouixttcr
ountrred ouixttcr l m the whole tunnel mid i t tin tinJnnifr ttiJrtntr
Jnnifr vi T44 li tJIn1 e Had the tein rIia ron roni
1 i ° tu u th the outlay on llie enfcrpri iu1c iu1ci
i sr > t tieen a t agatelle > I In ihi It rn tutu h r cc nl nlI
I violld have reaped hill titer illilii < lln llnhe thuha
he romimii > lieen a iceMnr nnc on tciu Alntiitmrr Alnti 1Inliunitieie
itmrr unitieie lof mat tlioir ttosegnje > anil uf ilolUr nuM liAt liAtireii Iuat IuatII1ll
ireii at muvcd rd ItecaiiDrt w hen Ihe tiirm luiunI I rattle fitln rattleI
n I tOt the I III line P t eiti e Vt ih I ha e ur tM uiil uiiliv miiilate
late iv beau alianjonrrl Hut iheio err ternnumeritlii errnnuitnrttla
nnumeritlii vein antI if < no > fiumIrd lml nl to o rlrt r rleep <
lrt leep > iirelt1 the utKr ui itould And HII i nuit nuiter ituaiCr
er went imp n from year to Ii year yearSnne yrarMr
Snne Mr tnri tnvtrm ilrr In Palmer inimel ceo verKM ceooeipsw1
KM oeipsw1 tMed of large mean nnd the Kfiio Kfiioir 10 eq eqF
ir F f 33I nun thet may lmer In Ii il not nni nnimtertr matmlt0I
mtertr 0I Ctt V IV any nieun I ufnriiiiiiil ufnriiiiiiilhere titinm
here are too iiwnr Inaiaiirv uf ulhnpatInIa Movi Movihnpclrl
hnpclrl faifnrr ofiertite Ofrei 1r < antI mal malarmer jiularm
arm armer 10 churn fbeir intetiipeni tu Ieat Ieatcrcmhmq m mMl
crcmhmq Ml r11 ttuniMti Imnie ne net ateat ateatiurtnimflmt
iurtnimflmt inteateel 4 nautrrll Iflint Iflintif
if t n I lund I unit In P Ialnu imei mnnl hjtee hjteett
A tt I M tctn meeiiu nf iti onuunv n nrnrfflM 11IFtItfI1CtJ
rnrfflM In director h lai < iil prpi lurPPieei > ie ieepnr < 1 1pnri
epnr eire elJlatV lntf alt viiiriJitti uI1 zu hot hit If paRrtc en enri
> ri Rrtc > rue va e a failure end nd thai t ixlnm if ifuled li lial
al uled 4 Uie t aiipoiutnten1 rrn of a rrenu ml ihi ihiammer h ha
a l iii 011h1tUP a ti rt r tlm tlmlalitmef
ammer Sl ireholder > ttjm To hatt im lo lovr toI
vr I ttt wbr tur of holl luoi itj0 i ie nli ih ihIHV IhI IhIH
IHV H anil ied r4 th thaI line IH ie t lutii lutiie
I e n Ii4It vie IH 1 nr x the proposition IVM tUtii tUtiioret Iiiilores
oret rule imluy affjit am tut I inn h t r rolder re retiulmiere
older a H n V e enunclie < l nnd inljorn inljornnnlv iiuIJonuIPnuuiy
nnlv carrtct tuli a reeoiunrn lUn lUnir <
ir ih iie tewi tu ill dHihlli i t > 0 < T let letrMn IcVol IcVolrn >
rMn and phil into t tfi nniur nniurI i niuf niufThe
The I hr aid ludiufry hail its my uf pluer pt a tiiitiin ill III iii 2 on tt tim tliilll timZaii <
Zaii illl l r hif r of the I rtlumt mtuat4 > iA Itltr flIt nlit nlitleimlrhee tr treiiaiiPm
leimlrhee eiiaiiPm tt ill tie Pa retflrd ret it 4 I hi sattu > A III In InIt I IIt
It Iamb win Ito hat eiutrei M ute < 1 an n mini omi Il II II3d Iilata
3d intAiled e pun i nn a l Imr ir J I Ihe t numll numllf ii
1 f Miluli I r > ek Minn n iii it emiiie mu I lit m 1 1olurtiti IimlUIflhIi
olurtiti i nntr Iliwliili I ItalIc in anal will vmilI iier n nunit1
I unit1 high Hater e ilrlie iftlt Silly out mhi ir irtnli Ir Irtsmulm
tnli iLlu i l n m 1leiathtll i iiiuir for i it t tj tjnr
mi nr Hi j tint Ii tlilnllt iInlt t nnd M ont pceij Mii MiiUr ii iiiAr
Ur Rolil niii ui JMttlil fiit uiir maiific ruu IM IMcured iuIii
cured In the sri days alUitf ii iinluiulili iiiIiltailIa
nluiulili HiVrr lb he aivl liar acre re jnrLeteiiivel jnrLe turkrlttiittiI
teiiivel lit I limamrn tumraamenneuilelt limamrnnniTiif
nniTiif COM 011 jirit jiritf ullthPITIm
PITIm P tpfIl 4 ti lls
f 4 large hotly of hit < ri re i ltu oiiHr < > or orbeen one <
e been mail in jima Illclilanil V ttuHty ttuHtynih t tune
nih une rM ttrCr r rl itt h Ijike Valurn inn I lien lienmu i int
mu nt i opper and nl omit n gold > lil t uann iautua uannl
a l boon > rn rim for over a hundred feet timI timIhe > n nie
he ie leilirQ rrocut Khuwlug a miner minerndy utiatersIid
id ndy of flftTflvn feel Work K helrmmtlnued helrm Petjiiontinued
mtlnued to lixtio incl th the v italia < all < t of t the tdge tdgetire trig trighre
tire claim bur tern elakeil nr Mr Mrrfon Mrerton
rfon with whom Jk Ja k Mrliltllvrar I IntPtlaied Ioiliilid
ntPtlaied and will lw known as the fllue flluei lituekel
> i kei group glttphlanry groupHarry
Harry Vlnfney Treat nf Seattle sner snerf ner nerr
r th the Flnreoie and Security iicimnju t Macllnn Macllnna Pvaes Inn InnU
a Texatt NUnd lia given n ten year yearan rar rars5
an and tiI option lo tti Cn anjIanAmnert < lUnAiner lUnAinerua
5 ua cointKtuv who > ho will ttnrk lit Pritwrtv PritwrtvTha pr prtv prtvTte
Tte Aurora mine IN vu th the west k1i of ofo ofbyte
byte o > t lke I is titakip mnt bowing nr nrreent tt ttreasOt
reent under liar mnnasenieul of IUrr IUrrtnkl Ilanatlelniclu >
tnkl > and Urge iiuanflit of nrv itt > rm rmwn haa haasen
wn hloehed out nil ll k > probM that thatUch thenislet
islet of ml the ore will be lilppr < J to Kirop Kiropr
it > r wneltlng It anwy aowa aliout hoat 7 pr fetii fetiify lethsor
fy yi l per cent lead and Iwrntylcu IwrntylcuuDlt wpnty < lo loiixe
iixe of Oliver to Ihe Ion IonM ionu
M Ymlr th the Yankee Irl I very b fljev fljevati v vid
id new machinery end enulpnunt will willm ciiitern
tern < m b to Iflatalled fllrt lletlnr taltie hate hatetely haLeEel
Eel tely t bean > ea etwountered The lb IXiudee IXiudeelha IhitideaI
I hip earn ammo lamp k Is > wailine for pawuM pawuMo poteattamatte
matte o lo gel lumber for new biilldlnir that ihalcontemplated thatra
ra contemplated At site Irma Prfre PrfreTiurgeit Pri PriRurge
Rurge have atrnct trt > cc a good N Ne hoiy >
e Thl property t on JnhlU > Moira MoiraIn 4ounun
In A abort dleancn from Ymlr hue Ihrar huesr
ar Mining Cmt tompany > any at Window tzdnw le I pr prring lair lairir
ir ring tg to put a Urge forte of men to workI work workpreeent
I preeent a gang H getting the neeewnary neeewnaryIlldtnr neceiuryI1dInv
Illdtnr In chap hape to acrommodaU eighty eightyn ttmtyen
en n II I fits vr yrertu r inc mote the Htar tr mine mineDoped mineopttd
Doped work owing lo I A awult At Ate
e bunet mln Inhiw alao near SanJow a eon 4onat eonot
at tunnel ha has been hs n driven and iauI the main mainid
id I Is etpected to IM tapped within a aw aiw
iw w fee feeOre fearOre
Ore will be it hauled from the Aurora mm mmer mane maneref
er Mofle foyi t Tak ke unlit the end of in April for forthaw forI
I thaw will not come unfit then A tart larglanllty tartIlanfit
Ilanfit lanllty if ore ha been bhvked out outA outA
A goon Mrlkeha l hen an made In the Inns Innsrout on onOUP
rout on Jubilee Mountain near Mogle MogleA
A 1 lar large anjount of new machinery i iider e etdr
ider lntallallon ar tha th lledler anti also alntbe alsothe
the Ntakl Plate In lbs smut camp campIn rampIn
In the mining ditrirt of Juennel furku furkuid
id TUrkervill vartou enterprise fllcrjri are areIne areping
ping put Into workmjc order Tl lirret lirretlhee lrtetthe
lhee the > IK f Put > u liar I nnipany on I testily testilyIltirsek nuiy nuiylie
Iltirsek lie vroe a fork nf uuncl Itiver litter MMIUI MMIUIn teutII
II n men are r now at wnrk niilMtng the itt uii uiilgglvtg < li ligglng >
gglng Ihe lii twentyell mile ditch and olin ollinrk olinerk
erk rk This does not InHnde the pumernui pumernuidirect ruumrntiadlroct
direct employee such a freighter of oftorn ofhorn
torn there ar ura ot lea pesal t fitly limiting limitingcliloery bijmajiiursebletry
cliloery cement piping anti iron b tnd nde
for tae bL bLwin VOO4ow siskow About 1 1wlfl
wlfl be awt t ph phwjfl
win wintb be 1 opicatiow II ii aipeel4 10 s slb
tb platinum aa aaclaim well sa ib g14 en It Itclaim
claim claimBurn claimi3LATTLW
Burn Burnrlov f April 4A deapauh from Cajtoys Co Coi
rlov toys see i Birred ALFd King of Hew York ell ellon citesa
esa bare today a ruat to Ma mlpin mlpinpmopety
pmopety on Kalgafa IrJanrl Mr ijjr ijjrrecently Pu PurcmnIIy
recently put through a deal waoraby a aYotk N NYotk
Yotk vndlcate bought lit property I Itou i iautf
tou autf Harbor Knight liOand ktuswn i itUe a atin
tin tiarrt t llraham property Mr 4 Kitthe Kit kinan
an S the I new company la making oaipmea oaipmeaof
of machinery with which tb the mine will I Iopened It Itnpuei
opened up al one on a more exienah exienahplan estenIT14tt
plan 14tt Shipment of copper or are ei eipeeled 01peeled
peeled in three month Tht Tb New ew Yorrndlcatc Vet VetrndIcste
rndlcatc h has al else o purchased an Inter inletesi I Ilh I Ithit
lh thit copper rrttierilr on 11 10Kb OK a Far at atll altiltartir
ll liner Hayiin which the Muutn tompir tompirnf
nf II Ohio have a heavy Iniemt IniemtBringing intetratfltintflg
Bringing the lIt nr flrt l new from Ih mur murtajkr muirPa1Jkr1
tajkr > l of placer nirik 111 mile up ll lllaku lbfakes
fakes River R M Saunder Hert Macot Macotand Macorsaid
and Jack lohneoa have ha arrived at June Junelitre JujsdIrect
litre dIrect from there Tber ar are nine lunei luneiintnur lunetatiflural
intnur on I rtflon flo Creek proapectlng II IIRmund I Igruuund
Rmund before locating Cafloa Creek Creeka I
a branch of inkling Creek which emptli emptliInto empthlOIn
Into the Taku Pronpecilnc nhoiva roan roangold roargold
gold In the it gravel all along Ih Itt creak hi hiIh bhilit
Ih grate bed do not Ireere andthe wall walllia waItII
lia II < milted all eflort tn sink in bedroc bedroclo
lo be abandoned Those returning ray ft ftcountry lbrOtJnirr
country ieemble the sit Atlm district wit wtllar witiarmc
lar iarmc < e grind delmella in Ihe tti creek and andtbe a athe
the ticmil lore I gold on th Its etJTfC etJTfCInitiestea urfa urfaIndicate <
Indicate that a rich section U I to beopaoM beopaoMup
up A a anon a those in the lb dlntrkt re rebedrock rose rosebeJtok
bedrock and locate they Intend lo ratur raturlo
lo Jintaii and r peclire xtire enough anppll I Ilat I Iteat
lat them through the summer lummerP
P I C I Moew on otaulling ulting engineer of Ir IrNevada litrvada
Nevada Cre Creek k Mining Company I Ia la Jinenu Ji JulnrIu
nenu alter eiarnlnlng the properly and nut oulItnlUtf nutlinhtId
ItnlUtf development d work The ha cotnpan cotnpanv
v I Ill not lie I able 11 in lull thl aeaeon aa a ll lltendext illirndut
tendext oit It U pnwilhle that neat en possewilt enwill
will i ea at least e t Ijii lamna dropping Th ThMAMinR Titi4AaOll
MAMinR work old tie continued oa Ui Uiinnnel lbIhanuci
innnel and blocking nut or lila tunai tunairnnrract tunQerotillAt
rnnrract t IA about nulhed ami will eklen eklenIrom ttnfrom
from th tha beach ol O imtlnnau channel IM IMleal lIltftet
leal tapping the or ire hodle tn flaa at a depth depthiboiit C CIbumht <
iboiit 400 fnet front liar inirface inirfaceA
til A remit of the tnaouncemeat uf tti ttilaku lblabia
labia placer ilrlk stePS l P will b he > taken f flli fit fitib
lli erection of a cinlom pot and tell rellimallnn telltlalfitn
mallnn nn she International boundary tin tinnn tinOn
nn Die tPh Taku I anadlan Cualom A Igen Igenl1uLi get getKunliy
Kunliy ha has been In liineau Inveallgatlallie Inveallgatla
ttm llie etirnt of tbe tbratrikand trtke and what whalit tt I llkl IlkIIin
10 amount to lln ih left on Ihe Irlneee Ii IitafIfli > la laEarning
Earning hi hia report Mr Puaby says f ho hotent i ieternl
tent lear er Ihe ib analaln < hae ht surmise surmisethat urmlethat
that there were gold depoatta stout Ih Ihnilier lblltpi
nilier t Taku and nd ha e tried to encourag encouragn anenurseptuIeting
ptuIeting n ii l > ectlng hut It remained for June Junemen Julaammorn
men to make ntak Ihe Itt ttrlke and gel Iho th pick c cocatlnn ClocMluna
ocatlnn However he elpect a rush o oanadltn oIanamliaita
anadltn lisle rummer and will recorn recorninend zecommenu
menu inend the ernrllon of a relief ftatlon ttIo at th thlaku tblath
lath with moiinie1 officer I Itt < air report reportfrom E Etromn
from th the mn arriving from tb strike In Inhrai inItrata
hrai that ill 110 otinlry baa a large Sri are aref StOIf
If f plater and that If I may prove to be a atari atarianip largamp
amp limeni mining men receiving lei leier 11rrf
er I irnul mm men on the ground ar takln taklnteim ta3Inutints
tints > In I go In and ecur locationThe location IorilitnaThe
The prevent Tear ar prpme lo be 1 a iltiuul iltiuuliCaOtl r i l lon
iCaOtl < on in ib the mine of luneau and vicinity vicinityM
M 1 rilieep creek three I mllo Irnin Junau Junaulie
lie II AUrk Treadwell Company will epn epnmitt neni neninto
mitt itii > hundred nf thouwnd of dollarhlv dollar
hlv iii nrinir iurin on holding there and mam mammprotenirnt mIatIrur
mprotenirnt Irur mo lteflta will C ill lv > liiMliiitd on itS itSropert Itirnpertv
> rnpertv In lh Hilvir How lU Itasiri ln and 01 01inucl orItoicia
inucl < leland nn of the order whirl vihtcltill whirliii
till iii tM mud lnd fAr the Treadwell company I Ior it itor
or two water wheel unit of ito itocacti horwe horweover
over each to operate perat under an effecllvi effecllviicud fteetiriaui
icud iaui of t on leer The will traoatnl traoatnlmuir Irantntlwer
muir by mean of toiv > drlvee to th the llm llmhaftine thuIufin
haftine in the Mexican and Ready Ilullloi Ilullloinr liuIUocutuli
u nr lku the rim Penn taka la k Mining Com Comian nan nanIfl
tunnel M Mlunirv ta tatumnury
ian > i ta ninpUtlne a no toot
lunirv inn this mm ha l lteen > een ordered an anI m mnil
I nil ill Ii M > i > lnpptil Stunt Seaillo rsttit nevt mouth mouthkl
act kl rummer thIs inntpmsny < omp ny spent pen > wW wWmm i ii
mm i mn iti propertyi property
i t as K KI rkxton ilWrUt ilWrUtII < iirr rt rtHOI
HOI II niirKN tutu rut Mich Mini k rtl I V flee rnlnui rnlnuiotnl mtntaifutath
otnl futath AH lo IM knottn A 4 the Cherokef CherokefnpM hefokeeopf
npM > r i nmpauy lass ll J been organ mrganlsami lied ht htu h
9 u St l rxirtlc n Ie > nM nien > n and develnp a parI par partt
I ii I mil rent iriiperi In Stloii Stloiilul SlinDaliii
lul l l ti p I K Itttttte nue 17 era anti nd lylni lylnine
ne l mil mirth iunu Pt nf lh I ime Jtohemln and iud abou abouIv aboitIt
Iv mile in ihn name dlreillou from th thunion lbs lbsauaunthe
union tku mine Tin i heroin trac traci
I i M Ih I mrfw rn > in re res and i presumed ft fttrrt Itarm
arm i en n tiu lamtInn inn of ihe eeversI teml lodci lodciimler mdciimimier
imler ilei luiiuplnrmul > lnpineiit in Ihe t ie Ijikelndlatia IjikelndlatiallHiit lakeiniilanttIetu
ttIetu llHiit itT M IIIIII Die I lie nPllxinr I lit capl caplnlire eapitiiol
nlire < m a Ik1uf1sh V M i In lunoiO shares hare TOfM TOfMhire OJt OJtliar
hire liar liviiii t u anti V MtiWO > Q held In lln llnfufir it itr
fufir r i ir The nharet char rppreeent St S pal gtaklma <
11 1iitnriii iti t neitu for Ih she prni TrmIfi > erl > cam mail mailimlrelv mailitalnels
mlrelv m niock ouk lIme orlulual owner 0 hera re reivuu reamuI
ivuu I i itMl r i ohare Ih tlan tlanw < lieini lieinillntrilii hem hemI
llntrilii iI I ojt o ohare 10 th the tiromoten tiromotenn
n tuti innl 19 uh ii llie pilhllr at PS per char l lrot Si Sifh <
rot fh tne lie Ii frea tfrMutr > tiir > wllli C Ills < nt iiu In Inir wel
unit development ttnrk ttnrkL irk irkI
ir 1 e M jutiititC iiil il f
I L IK i ilone tmtu MI the PAM on Iblo Ihl proper propemrni properLila
Lila > iniirinet In t ll lie ttmieni limn In lb lbumftmua I hi hiiriMin
iriMin it V I > lnoua little InI wa of i int pmmarit
nt mmarit rr tui imrei tareIer ler And IIIout poltv poltvrnl4 poeltireuila <
rnl4 uila Iroent operation will lie ii centrewl centrewlI < otrei otreii
i imtf nii Hi lIme MtmUlniie contact to tIC Itijt
jt > i tu rl ol I iln I I old itt nnrkinc nnrkincV Cftf it itIlIum
V tUHi t hj n plaied second drill drillnnu drilltrill
trill in erlc en lii nn H iimiierly ue imAI l nnrlli nnrllif
ml f ile t 1 VfiUun Ir idlait and aui win ti lit term inimedialel inimedialeltkibg hrnniedlatittiling
tiling u t t mrt + etlofl lion of till tr ItCP ct to o deter deterire dlertC
ire tC il t nullilllilea 111 other lode iraver iraverig travetOIll
ig Ihe Iii terrllnrv
7 Isle e KtvitM lii iemt etflpdItIfIl > orarilr reae easewl < l shaft shaftituktnaq hafiinkln
inkln in mu Hi it Haiti formslon formal Ion at a deplb deplbf
f atHinl iiuMeei I iLst fPrt and IM I fnlrUig all nork norkt uu ork orkI
t thai t nni m ilrlfllnir onl flt croe crncitttzig crncitttzigib ejitlng ejitlngih
ih hunt level Tli hIts crncut I ia being beingtlendr beingttndnl
tlendr < l e raP > f ami nmt weei acrnea the formation formationll formathnIIItttin
ll IIItttin > tui > of never cycrsI hundred fet fetrfvMt t ttortt
rfvMt eimiliri run at the flr utah t level levelile levelmIei
mIei ile < l In illioloe nuMlilna nf value valuehe yalitsPtt
he miiiit i Ip cnpplting tietwecn tton and andwn antIa
wn a inn nf ru ruk k dallv Hveragmir around aroundt aifluitinlpiuiatI
t piuiatI > iiiil fine npper i twr r ton tonthe Innlb
the lb t fake ike t opt optuer er i ivatNtnv ha mad madRirix mailflirial
Ririx nnriun < inetit of lh return secured securedi
i the las Marth iiitnih mill run citing cat ing the theteratf ihcteratil
teratf tiettt etd jim ter ton nf tf roik milled a ai aa
i a poiinil M > nntl tire hit which i onipirc with it itiitt e eanIa
iitt anIa > li4 neciireil In t phprl rim during Jauii Jauiirt
rt the freit decline Itelng allrlhuteil tn tnnproi tounmoIwn
unmoIwn nproi > er H elrttun e tiun of tho lh rock hlppl hlppliiKli ttlppItot
tot iiKli ii < > w MI lib h would m ordiitarf praitjic praitjicHi c cC
C Trled ti Cdt Cdtact
act I IHauiti
Hi Hauiti ut pril He It IMI Crown Minmz MinmzuitiMr bIinifulniiuir
uitiMr IK preturiin l la ilve mlvelmp p it ira croup croupr
r r vrn i me in the Kpnrbp iloirlr on i it ahC
hC t xle Ore He onl eitinlnc mlnc o > value w wnutKereil was wasatuwmieri
nutKereil > m the Sure shot property propertyternl propertyPt
Pt ternl njti months monthsr autalti its i itAt
r tAt l Hrew rernllv rolleeled coltpnieimimi < nnnxlerab nnnxlerabulil
mimi from e pluer tuta thai he r dlncoyeTe ttacovred < t in inle Inme
le XV t itii heater Mountains near Wllinv WllinvI
I he In ma rrtile urn In of Ihi North iriIt titer mine minei
i the I I Viiii t dlMrirt IK It iuimM I MII ermtf inro < l for foriruri forItltr
iruri tundlmit Onlv ih I he ore Hint i run runiii nitnelm
iii or r inor MI > ilue 1 to if th I Pt ton U bellic bellici betit betitI
I I Iuu
uu i IIM < f tiCul Kii or l t4liti vl srrving ii Yt ow roil otMe otMenpi L lIv lIvr
r < npi ii i mil npi pler r nlmne C 1 ne recentl recentlicnuriiroil viernitrnuttiir >
icnuriiroil rnuttiir I HI ta t depth nf Mm m fret In the theIlite fit fitn
n Ilite t te 11411 I mt nire of the 1 piled Vetjn rtJl K Km Et
m 0100 > ion 31 Muiinir t amiiv I ntnitdtiv iou i4ta b In t tar I JorornnilU JorornnilUirt Jurorate u Iii Iiii
i irt It lij6fLPl Ik ixietl thai lime iiro Sr ndy > d drntli > Ia prat
rntli valiil niiTierT1
llm Eli Copper Jiitfti hlt tI lonmsniiiuuleuI on onl led Minim MinimIlMipan titlngtntlolt
IlMipan ha U Mm tiinento property In InHill inI
Hill I ill iiperttion tfwrul tit it illaIit m n having completeil completeilI ritaaaleelrepaint
rer repaint > iri > > ihv ii whafr whafrI hAfrI
I I Mir I tar lonirrMiin 1 loii s itmaiIiiativi oid ted Mlpm MlpmI MI pang pangI
I oinniii tin titus lticie giacirused ed It ha power plant plantn pI4nlills
ills n v hy h the ln inIjitlitinht i IUtion uf another MM MMhor m mmolirr
hor M > cr lioller Ih hue Mimri liav liavlovcn its itsIwrrrt
lovcn t ih Ite wmer in ih ml niattu lie ome ills diai
i inure lieltiMr In W I fool level and It la ex expecte a aI
I pecte iecteI > l that sits work of nxploillnc he shefliiuituit heMiwMlixl
MiwMlixl ilcpihi uf tha lb properly can soon be bektnrled it itatnrled
ktnrled ktnrledP1lt atnrledIft
Ift 1 Nfl5DOWVW twa twaPIIlslItrg
PIIlslItrg P1lt htir Maker May CBrtaH Frodiietlea FrodiietleaUben PredUetteeMii
Uben Mii Ore Prim Cee fp fpItrtuni ipVTrtanuItm
VTrtanuItm Itrtuni r April HI Effort to keer keerfoundry litepfu7tfy
foundry grade of Iron a huv > > uv lie 10 vallayi vallayifor
for Nn o innilnue to tj l it > uniieceful and andwh andcilia
wh the lilgher pri uriiow n for take Huperloi Huperloiora ijperioores
ores going hum Into effect April 5i 3 it would no norw noPt
rw Pt sutprlliig If an effort wa wae < made liy fur furDarn furnaro
Darn Interest tntho in fla lltt lltlibitrg burg dictrlct to re rent taaIrlel ¬
nt aIrlel rkt production before May I Pig Iron Ironproduction IronprndmtIor
production fur March showed ho rd a rale rat of nutpull nut nutput
put nf If SoSooOO1 > ton a year aa compared comparedwith
with a r rat i of it S fiaam ton for Kebrlirr Kebrlirrbitt
bitt ihe h ilart 3larrli h rate I ic till In exceia etc of con conumptlon conuamaiitlott
umptlon umptlonHni
Hni local mn imnmImer iimr secured tooo ton o oNo oo
No o foundry at 1 a shad h d under IiI n7i n7illev 71 71vallt
vallt llev > Two lot lois aggregating aooo Ion IonoM IonaI4
oM m 1C l r i at t furnace both for aeooad aeooaduarter eeenduiiiarter
uarter ilelltery Tbe Tb Htandard Ssiiary SsiiaryLorrpany anttarjCompany
Company I tmi rejxirlcd lo have covered lla llareretit it itrrtelit
reretit Inquiry for nnn ton of Xoa na I and andJ
J foundry at 112 i M 7 valley which with withtorlya a afortrCv
fortrCv cent freight tale lo ii lla ta New NewPrlithlon Xewlirlghion
Prlithlon 1a 1 plant would mean a price of ofll
ll 111 li delivered deliveredThroe deliteredIhrr
Throe Ihrr Luiii fldo ala ale of liet bessemer eraer Iron Ironaggregating ironiggtatatIag
aggregating e3o < XM lou all to fUetern sI sIitaking lee leemaklnu
maklnu iomr inle < were mad at flTn flTnv 1ioYali0M
v Yali0M lW > n nhloh U I fln filly ient under th the price pricepaid pylepall
paid by th Mieel < oriwrallon on lla II lat latpun lastfuIrtae
pun fuIrtae hare nf he baaqnr etner In th open market marketThM mark i iitula
ThM new price Mania lor all M sacond nnd our ourtarileir 4uurterdIsvenian
tarileir terdIsvenian re anti oulil probably boe be secured securedIto curd curdou
ou ileralite third ipmrter l huplneea > u > lne The TheIinrket lb lbIuttkt
Iinrket nn lic Iuaerr ner hat tv hn n In the air airfor airfor
for nearly three vreekn 1 halt of the ton tonn Inns2
n s2 xviirwl U iiei < eek went lo Cumber Cumberland stmbrlnl ¬
land Md niamltnc the tIt l irr IiOl > IOni rfe rfelitered ii iilit
litered literedIUM lit cre1 cre1Ilaek
IUM iron wAaofrred In I thi thtantarktday thtantarktdaytug market dur during ¬
tug the week it r fi itS Vnllny mostly amall amalllot aimualtlola
lot lola up for real Two wn mall tonnage of ofprompt ofprompt
prompt I lmIi44 > 1 < vi wttd Id at tl 114 furnace Larger
arr L T I cxn cxnATJLBQC ri rir rirStWr15JLW
A LABGE buyer ef eaanuiteed aortiptgefl aortiptgefluid ieest3 ieest3A
ATJLBQC A amid I prefer to d d1 l wkk the New tort tortMortgage toitMortgage
Mortgage and Security Company becta e the tkflqaalit thetuaILt7
qaalit of their Ecrtjxstt is 10 ualfonrsly goodThat good gotdThat
That Btmck the fceymnte of oar baHlnen bwn policy policyquality poUcyquality
quality not qwwtitT qwwtitTWo
Wo might casUy deablc or triple ear Kuiud aaxkrv U Uwe Uwe
we chose to lower our loaning taadard But that wwld wwldrncaa weUmean
mean iacrcariBg the th risk and ve prefer to preatreriB u uunique r runique
unique distiBction amoag the large mortgage guaranty guarantyrompaeics gnazaityeompsnks
rompaeics of being the only one which kaa MTCT taaeie taaeiea ae aea
a loss That iN IK a record worth prcjcrringc ud tie theshrewdest tieabrcwdpst
shrewdest investors appreciate it itNiw ItNew
New Yiric Mirtcict C Smriiy G Ciupaay Ciupaayclt pMf pMfCaBltal
CaBltal and nd Surplus tWGOOOOO S500000is
135 is Broadway 203 Moatague Street StreetMANHATTAN StreetMMUATT
I Mew Te Yk k CIty Vel 41 Ettatr EttatrUWYRS EtatiLAwrn
5 Li1 5 mabuaa mabuaaI
IH4 I 54 Meatacwe m Breeklrm Breeklrm6eo RkLtwCeo
Ceo R Read Co CoRKAL CoAL
ad elSa SC Ilkerty J Pt l cane Wits Bwarraaeai WitsBrarta
Brarta raaeai S Kat aI a 55th 55thVUN k M Mrirom
AMERICAN bawimentoefamilybo tmatmriitoa ftattty bniaes Mwltfr Mwltfrout wltt wlttout
out eicepiiea heal M I txjllfknd mol arttianaOr arltilcialtr ar arraaged a artegad
raaged towers la Rntoklrn Park Mope the nnr nnrreaWeadal futial futialnanTM1
reaWeadal eeciie In lf 11 nraeklrn the at fa fafeevx fool foolbowa
feevx ate re en 1 Tktnt street aearHlliaveaiteoace sear1haannecoeltb aearHlliaveaiteoaceUeaaealaadnio
Ueaaealaadnio tb SOral and most t eIrluts irluttvehlack blacka > on rarkniope rarkniopeto Park itIops
to reoau and I tiatkroom IndIvidual aad ad of ills ifUUaettve illstMelireskriordesigiiro
Uaettve tMelireskriordesigiiro eikrr4erOedgnno two twoaUkeopea alikeopen tor torts tortssperuosdaltyddituaday In InkpeeUoa
kpeeUoa speruosdaltyddituaday dally MdSuaday II A BAIiC builder bulWrroa
oa prrmhe AenTblrd sized or Sal ai rovirtd trrrt lintelNlLCT trrrtBroaklin
eevoui or mr Ueu UeuThe
The Apartment ApartmentWith
With Private Park ParkNn
Nn dark worm wormNo ronantNt
No kin for the safety cf childrenadditional children childrenNo
No additional cost to you vouBunts youCht
Cht Bunts Buntslain Poi1 Poi1tn
lain AND Hiurwyv nlMPu4O1otrrurIiN t t50UTHrIlN
50UTHrIlN 50UTHrIlNraces hoCLlVAflt hoCLlVAfltlaces
races Three Wide Street Streetlla Streeltha
lla Private Park tn be enjoyed enjoyedhv
hv alt member of the family familyIf famlIII
If you iou have been hou houcrhunlin houcrhunlinlook rhuntinf rhuntinflook
look at these before renting thin thinwhere eliewhere
where If not lo look < ik here fir firtt t and andave andtave
ave many days < vearv lookinj lookinjOne IootiingfIne
One intpettion will fonvinte ninC > ou outhat OIJhut
that these arc the I31STApaa DbSP DbSPvarimeati
Apaa varimeati toot t 3 room klicbratll anil anilbath aa4halt
bath 4 5 5 7 a room I to a tiatb al alRealali asin
in elVtmetl low lowflrulals
Realali ef B3OO to ataoa a vrar vrarHENRY esrHENRY
Opaa for fit latpccUoo day and alibi nlibica alibiceNriirvr
ca ceNriirvr K nrt T RII RIIAIK iItrTI iItrTIALE
ALE OR RR IIENP IIENPnitxrtirtn > T TniDCrrirtn
niDCrrirtn CONN Owner Iravlag for the theWe theet
We et t win a1i ll at icr1ftcr heantlfnl rnnairy rr reel l litrere
itrere coalmining tUoit ebo ut nft > acre tulile wlui wluitlvtr ittuiltlvti
tlvtr room raw he u sted ed a garage mom tn rr reel reeldanny l ldrane
danny ar alt Urge sail writ ilchio kardwnoaAeor kardwnoa ltaclwoodCoots
Coots steam boot ei reride > etrlc Hr titti l properly over overk oreclooks
k looks > ok > > vrrJ lakm and l St about nay mile from lIe tbeKMgeOeM lIeRIdgeecid
KMgeOeM raltmut ttaUua nvKlnr price tuan tuanir tatimcasT
casT ir term RlcifAlil > U KITXlf heal hausue hausuea K uu uuA
A liuiuaarc lhllp lhitlgtehurgb > riiirb PnlMlne onken onkeneoNNT3ctIr V VONKBCTICtrr
ONKBCTICtrr Valfcr Tarm bargalu 1 1nlM lilt liltmile
mile oat near drrot and b boat t landing front t Uk 10M
809 M anvil rri > i IMtOtKn aat lUmpton CoalS ConnFerelthed CoalSFeralahad
Ferelthed FerelthedLARlir FeralahadlAns1r
LARlir ala mom furnlOied house UlckD Ulektid Ulektid1TlUAtUiIMIrtXOta kt ktIHIU
IHIU 1TlUAtUiIMIrtXOta alQlutle lOMfl ttol SotttuicoMninaldtwairr SotttuicoMninaldtwairrt android rrnatn wale waleaaiLar
aaiLar drainage haUl eehreliiett t wa wash > l > travrtr trays traysme >
rtr me large uutnme f > ne nrrplai e bait mil f hum inra WInUxl WInUxlllmiu WtaLedllml
llmiu Tntli table mxnlDinit tint piimc piimcwater pirrltwit
water wit acreage sw > AO Hlt HltI MO MOI
I I Miff nlfEKMA KM AN Vlla Wtnttt mi Conn Connfnr nii niiipmnitrt
ipmnitrt urnttrmI rnulJV uuit It Ittatudag
tatudag iyOqg ruwanlruI rflintutlofl nate natefor
for rttklnrO Stkt II Si UtLLPiaIt tat ate ateatittnford
Mimferd fnrMimferd fnnn rooel
it lmirsald iMcro itl In Pie i tufta > ur h f pmixriir al alWeedrnere atWoedmere
Weedrnere Loeg 14th l Islan Unl Imviortl or tacaut tacautleiui teraStpeflel
leiui tour siltfese < 1ilr > la an n of mr MtlreOur Mtlre oiltuooOur
Our maw tx bOaIL > ui glvlog full lofornnaoa h hnew Larow
new ready
readyNrw Nrw YORK YOTUIDoitciewo ornres ornresDowntown
Downtown 1U KrnaiKray t Ipiowat nunrn ea t rflb Av Arwonnurtit Avl
wonnurtit lipruillnnrlttamai l U 11 11A aUnut
A 41 T 01 Iffk The uT uTtciel > cl l llne fcte fcteiaiMwacc1 a atncownrol
iaiMwacc1 liv the Itt IKNNA K It lor theIr itirlrle theIrpoolg
> poolg le M Ma rttuw the > < ocfut ectuallame lunnlnr lunnlnrune
lame rrom lint ttEllIli II l > sut tiiItr AHn m tilm > i Puttli Puttlihill < aiuu aiuuout
hill out I t JMI iei OMMIAIK ir thlakiugar ttaltui ot luillrt luillrtnr tiiitmllag
lag nr or Inventing Semi al imce lur my Cilia nxtltOi I Idial
Oi MAP of orli jrdtlr bli lien alt ile < rrtcr rrtcrtil Pticrtstat
stat til poltlvrl > more t then Ah Ooiihlc after the open openIng openbug
bug J llOUriu Hoom inn it I in ttnl MUi MUil tthrw
l Xew rw ork
lONDO on smoetints sijtuu sijtuuto
For to Hal aIi a nuxt perfrrt tip J > un o ittfe ittfenewly boo boonewly
newly tmlll M year lluke of Uetunlaatrr k lease leaseDr e eOr
Or rrceplUm recoil and billIard room IT IxM IxMreeni hediou
iou 3 bath r oak tienrtkil itonble bell kaildtDtof bellllots
dtDtof llots rom sad talrrav large klicttea amid nd err errtaal1 errveal
taal1 veal efficea < nce rkvirlc II ugh BI Ill aa aSi > l all Il nuKlcre nuKlcrecoavrskMice ItwidifOrootreboore
coavrskMice rtahle or garage aett ait roaehin roaehinre ritar4iianIrseldpoe
re rseldpoe > Ueee lu 11 ia tl by w ft prl prlY v vE
Y C rAHIU t la Macirllli tarlvllIr et U URKAI toulitfl tV tVPlitAl
RKAI < nrrvm r 1 uraav uraavBBTATt ItCTI ItCTIBYAX
will aril at aoctinn aoctinnHtnl7 auednniCaterday
Htnl7 April aa at 5 I r rlie tl tloa
oa premier premierat prowlersmCltIiLl
tItiTn rLatNc rLatNcIIA1I
ftcnd far book map le e IM Broadwa Broadwaprodur Broa4aprodueru
produr produeru rm are quoting III2 7i oa oathrough dallreriei dallrerieithutugh
through th lbs current quarter Several Severallltnncaiwl eweral eweralilieitaiid
lltnncaiwl ton of r msltM ee2 eend eendat J fcj ia iaat
at IS for prompt aivl naarby dalirerte dalirerteimoeaktof aiIvenraimaaalnfforg
imoeaktof imaaalnfforg forge Iron lroncaervyrtsdat w ri > rt d a4 hail tlISIMttaburg hailIIttaburg
IMttaburg which t ha ItISI IJ Si ralter At that tbalprice thatprice
price Houthem forga Iron eonld nndereel nndereelvalley undersIveily
valley Iron tn th Iha Pltlebura dlirlrt and In Indeed ittdeed ¬
deed Intro was a threat of bringing some aometonnage sometohtnsge
tonnage Into Mtegbeny rnuniy from the theHoutb thescott
scott Plttatnarg Pit tabu r producer rudu era did not uuoie milaufeturban uuoiefir
fir turban tee on Ih ha largo Inquiry for r baSin > a ln from fromtbe I roin rointhe
the 8cullln4ialUgber Interecla at Nt lw innia innialst > ul ullat
lat week tba it tl 3 freight rale rat from the iheValley theValleys
Valley lo Hi totals < oul making cnmtieltlton cnmtieltltonwith
with Weelarn maker lmpolt > le Tbere Tberewervt flteutwere
were few Inoulrte in thl Ibta market for alee aleeIron stealmaking
making makingtMiytnev Iron at lha ik tluee > of tu hum week I Ibuietness
tMiytnev tMiytnevtTaltheil buietnessElnishe4
tTaltheil product line sin ro firmer Th Thtbeel Tbshoal
shoal mill ami aa t plate manufacturer ev evtieelally a aicialiy
tieelally are ejperlnclne a revival In new newnuloM newt newthosipess
nuloM antI nd wiadrng of price on ajeanla ajeanlahas lreet lreetha
ha has altogether caed Vloie IlaI manufae manufaeHirer anainufaItarar
Hirer are Interested In ih pending Inquiry Inquiryof
of the noverninent for iVOOo AOIT lone of eteel eteelfor etstfor
for plate and plain rolle1 material for the thelock theloeka
lock loeka at Panama rite atscitesIiitn ie in > allon are areto areto
to ti Pm out shortly The etrurinral tniriur l trade I Ivery is isvary
very dull throughout the West and om cornshating omhading
hading of price pi ka i te reported In the lake laker lakeragtapC
r ragtapC 8lon Railroad contractng I Is furnUh furnUhIng fuirnislulog
log almost the only Dot < ilvlty in inniutaJ alniiiuitaltier inniutaJtin
tin tier
tinThe The suspension u pen lon in the mme of the dta dtatrlct illatrict
trlct hat not affected the Meet trade Ttiel Ttielha Taalha
ha not advanced and operator are attU attUoffering till tilloffering
offering large tocka ot mla nut real l ltl iil
tl il u awl alack at si0 iro
wilt prlrabi laka Low Lcaanopatcaar ftas ftasflopakImt
nopatcaar ttatfax elaaa to baW aatett alar ala i iFrom
r From aa u v vwi4 > < rant WMre Wd or seB H KOTATOMrO KOTATOMrOUOrjVTAtN crarcIiuM01Th7AL
UOrjVTAtN UAKC LA DETCLOnOKT OX CO tt ttnroagway 1 1Ilffma4way
nroagway New w Tork TorkWater YokWater
Water Witch Club ClubN ClubHighland
Highland N 1 1A
A rtAeM lub rotenr re4n with clobtow dnbbojeCsiiti aa4 aa4raatao
raatao and 10 o ccitug altuaMd upon a arot flu flurei
rot fu s hub raamaadteg a S0f nafaiweea rSdr rSdrof
of Site oe yeas a and S tTBar T lt7 A f fcwToof w wFOR > do doIrbte
Irbte furoiuubsl eottagae fmtstegTL ppjg ppjgIn
In fbtpttawpt fbtpttawptFOR
farm U sent S who tr wS t nr Aubnry Aabej Fork ForkV
V J 7 at a great bargain prtea BMIw on Mil Milnr i itf
nr two twot3lrdi tlilrdi ran remain ea raorufoge macneat In Inronm vs vsroom
room kouw boo bam rbUkra hur newlr feeg feegrood feat4rend
rood ratMllttoa vaiiaJ YsltlJlspnlag < lpr < ag Sail tprlac aawe aawevery bisewrVdrstrshi
very wrVdrstrshi drdrable nmanr tam f faIl B Tor rprdcuarn rprdcuarni
i J Airrur AlCTiitlIP 11 p ti lnutldAgpny OuiKMag A tmrr ftr PttlJ PttlJIdI x j jBeukt
IdI Beukt Kwtisktr Kuskrgb If J JBUNGALOW IUNOALO
Let SI CISC SO ens pi eaay Urm UrmIDEAL kimaDAL
IM II Broadwar SuIte lOSk ita Pkeo Btle ib OerUaaiM OerUaaiMBt OsrttsittlMLfoW
lnl p poInt oa Jcr Jersey y r iMt reached tty New NewYork futeaYork
York eivre lImtea train ktrbMl T4acs > lac iweratesrd ne Oaatte Oaatterr
rr eratesrd r > uni summer beme ef frre Oy Tretkleatx rsIu1 I INxialne ii iihoouziht
Nxialne lnvr lnvruuugelr ugkie lila fie teetasi > t rrowbig drr drrhi rftvto
hi New Jirvy aa4 o4 grrainiieotUg gtateal rottags reaen ree Utr Utrnfure Llt it itslurs
slurs free Vu from P n POM lionnirr BITT Itt I nraadw nraadwUHig nmwaw
UHig w llrancr N I J JRED JRED
ne < IM CMOXT IT HUB RANK K T TChoice 7ritolce
Choice Ibis tOIiI tvi i and Large term to 0 Mill MillllouMi ottifnusei
llouMi built on eats payment tf desirad drlr Thut TltH TltHtvolM
tvolM t ie tree ot toai ro t to purrbaier fl Viosuu0nIbu Viosuu0nIbunomrnuhulloa oaMite oaMiterornmuiJition
rornmuiJition rale trelleal uat tervlo tervloT grijrPR
3SIUrsedway w7ik T a aIM SilteSiDi SilteSiDi4HEa
4HEa IM > 1IO ltOT > T VILLA Allaallr AllawlirCity City > 4 4tlnrl Jl
tlnrl l prtxl rivals rnbleure la Abtorea f1 Island IslandSleet nd ndlicet
Sleet snr ny rvie lurnl timrnlsbed beii ahtala full stein ncttnr steinIris
Iris r facqs ce tMiardwalk nialn nlac alaici h draeoia draeoiathree
three i t terant < room carat and cbaarftrtv cbaarftrtvrunm c343Yfli c343Yflirtnt
runm IbUrhath thrre ftreplace bet water wet Mat Matarnuni at attsraunu
arnuni ckilnr Ivsletlt > trni kantwwkt Coax goorrH Coaxlaimr4leh
H laimr4leh lHir Uv fnrrUhnl lawn tu Floor pleuw pleuwend lrn lrnnd
end nd Ihulomi aPok ot pflli llmi M it IIARtUS CO COlurtlrit CoiiarUui
lurtlrit HulMlag AUtnllo UnuI Oly ti V J JAI 3A1AtTierir
AI A1AtTierir I NT < ri r t RNI iitoRt iitoRtProweri OR jTiJe < iaree iareerretwnle >
rretwnle Sr rr Male sal ev orarnt Meat Meatfnntileir
fnntileir arnt Ieie tl titt i nf all furnMint helcta and ml mlfnr rettga
ttitr < for uininT uininTli tr irasOlt bpccIsI oppotiuntUan oppotiuntUanterlnvinmrnrprntatlost
terlnvinmrnrprntatlost li > r lnv tninlor prrni tlon Cooiervarrre lies Dnimortg liesnnuiCr
mortg nnuiCr se I3lng jinr Os per real Intoreit t rvrry rvrrytititig rj rjtMnr
tMnr in role rrsi estaie estaieII i < ie ieM
M fj IfAKHIN A CO COlUrlleit COlisniltia
lUrlleit HiilMIng Atlantic City V u J JAITIIAITI 1 1vrrlMrtvr
AITIIAITI Vt freetioM iaosdNijeatitowtowt iaosdNijeatitowtowtPlniicI J Iflc7tvnotcw Iflc7tvnotcwrirellmt
rirellmt WBOI churrhe of f all 11 lewllag oeamInatMn down downimttt
imttt InatMn arie artatan un viaicr parfrei patttelerweruugsluoma patttelerweruugsluomaluym ewrran no m mi
luym i ri nnmiMilioci nmi m ilt ei stun Km etlrtts > trert atnnil g hellos inneftum hellosfuiuatm
ftum New iw tnTt orH llli iilaInated lrt booklet sad HI of ofNt ii iihotelt
hotelt anti bqgiltag Sutmsaa MERCHANtS AS AShOCiTttlt
hOCiTttlt hOCiTttltiitt
iitt a hathaxat V11 cbasaant cbasaantInn
Inn at3 ream SO font rrenaieei walr gay sloe sloetntrhIy
tntrhIy erecTed Untiry hnfldtag sIdawila sIdawilatow
tow pair lemma to due very ulesIfst ulesIfstbnni
bnni and eeeirr hnerdrr tglte U OWNZM OWNZMroom
room Isiat tl sasai s1 rIr rIrIIttE
Nt IIttE AIUN N J Lou lotaiI al tin tt Ibdowati dowBI 23il 23illa iJaJOB iJaJOBinv
la inv Niiaue weekly or moniCa n SCC ar depot aa aann 14i 14inltcat <
° olley Penn Ieontree eon nn aoml Bd BfrolT < rrolT entrat lll II ll iltptrlsisalosso iltptrlsisalossotat > ptrlal r > trill ta Cop Sonl
l tat t tree treeMy transportation furnhoed sub nunf ef efjrt cCiiteyra
iiteyra jrt n My Myoey HOlirrrr ili3EOT I Jl JtDoN DOXSW ma llriaaw llriaawH jiroagw jiroagwv
v iiuL iiuLFv
Fv uzltdteg iett at enburg IltarL Oi Oitour
tour trexat Jp u orb etv host hostH
U4nUc iniula 1flgIilssdJ 1flgIilssdJAVONBYTHESEA d < V J JWONBYTHESEA
i niMMit n ttp1 nTi AIKN Pill urr urrurnMie1 iirxrurnitei
urnMie1 and unfurntnel folitrn or aak aakltluSt le leti
ltluSt ti l to or write I C l it MK tCPu > lKR lKRGKa 111KylttlMtll1l
Nt NI4lS1d 4 M M K Huil Huiltxt U UXM
IV II KIKlfll Jr in InWalltt InWallttlflhtui Wall Ml V ViinMil
iinMil lot al Highland X X 3i m meei aloq pleA of ofreel
0 reel froiurr etrrlootilnt errs eceuiaitlolnlnr ereuirbay ereuirbayairr bay and andItem
Item aitlolnlnr Urami italef alrr Wllrli WlirliHBAITV Ia 1 arb rvii rviiS
S lvriitt ltiUlltCel HBAITV HBAITVTivnr Co alit alitai4
ai4 1
Tivnr Tivnrbrad ifIU1fLttitll N 1 1Setad
brad for Haoktcl Haoktclddreu hetkkttldrrts
ddreu IukUrlty Dept DeptIX DeptflOAIlfl
IX flOAIlfl A III or TWAPR TWAPRUantla TIALlrUamiliit
Uantla inhln < ta t J JMTEl 1 1IIITEL
liikt U louuhkee H KI 01 the Jersey ret ewner going goingfraud goiagCroad
fraud mil tIiUraab rub ApPIYboomilresda ApPIYboomilresdart Apply HraralMlo Broadway Broadwayrv
> rv luirk irU tilt < lit
For liuihrr lafoimatloa on tivuae 10 real aa4 aa4for eMOr
for Or MIC aulutree aulutreelMIW < tire > <
tireIXIAltD IXIAltD or TftAPK TftAPKraraUKf TftADFurbished
Furbished t I Isttkges4a1 eitAgee Sate St StThaatrsblo r Meat MeatDMlrable
DMlrable close n ie ikMa farm beanUaf bmucnt bmuc
nt hOtel Htrt t3sriins t3sriinsC ln lni
< i I ii iilftinid JUNklXSON JUNklXSONKlinlan
Klinlan M 43 43w J JMUSES
MUSES w wus FM SALE SALEInlind s si asrr asrrinland
inland or Oq n the Jrrter J rie Cotlt CotltI
Na wa fright y c3 c3sumuil j jSwINKI
lleal estate at 1 verr mtaiuMe USAbJ t tlfALlH tetya tetyaJfAiL
ttrdl7 Be Doorit cU > r J Jninavr 3alt
ninavr alt batr cn IwUUC Urt of art dCKTtpOM a aor
or Trot fui
Vno ir irTim by Ul Hra X J JTrns
Tim Deant of Trade at t Petal Meateat N Iftutu r rwilt
wilt fumltn eu with lafemaUon et tat ta beaxttful beaxttful1imrnrr besitlnlstrnhlurr
1imrnrr rruwl tree Write for parweotarLAIICt parweotar panitcnlupLAItGlt
LAIICt too callable for baaider Wtateg Wtategiiifiini isMCaspoomuu
iiifiini it tsohathiaIlih3pt0trsata tsohathiaIlih3pt0trsatadepot Tttitii ill jirrni rniqii In art a > t tdrpot
depot And bflenw itHtrVt pale prle4 HaOi 14 14rent WUJ WUJml
ml for cao per month er make lea leaTV lose losew
TV B WAtm AjWttjjft ItK Uieg niMioavXJ niMioavXJHIIU1C nhaxZftuan
HIIU1C all au Improvement two acm fas lm lmtable lowsiatuI
table insets coin 0011 I tee nut for BnmMo 15 15Olitir tm tmUlher
Ulher itetlrable piOfVtle P ° iae l i is taJUva taJUvai
i V N rxrrrKuKi BO BOnrrrtnt eOi eOiuClt1nrtke >
nrrrtnt uClt1nrtke Lay Beaelf eo jf t trinvrtrvANIt JETIJSIACS
rinvrtrvANIt born a ami u rum > 4a4 4
4 bathe all Improvement ouibutlalng ouibutlalngb ouibutlalngeJATTB esa esaat
at b
Hcklaae X 1 1a 3uriyn
uriyn rCL flrrEGrs a boarota boarotahaute bmus ie iebetale
haute for rental Debnar N NforU 1 tr21m tru truIoit2i
forU re > M rarmfof rarmfofM raruwefeaalo I 8cO 8cOIll
Ill 1 M petmar rtotmaJ X J on trolley nne nneCA ItateFrluuIl4
FrluuIl4 FrluuIl4EtInT
CA EtInT finT T Vnaroerbcarb VnaroerbcarbInc NgarocrsuubcarhInet7mt NgarocrsuubcarhInet7mtIng
Inc Ar siyy eryj itPainI > leaMntaewrlugv leaMntaewrlugvMm Dew C1U4 b5VIJ fCftu fCftullSq
Mm llSq room wMfg mm tUrban lj t tbattto pqfltesa pqfltesaba
battto ba Ac t all new fBrwtmrg fmwlteeraae wuetfea wuetfeaeatea
eatea ob ltmlo w her OWNEJt r ra raDrnadwy m
Drnadwy tIlit Tub 12 c cC cS cir