OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, April 16, 1910, Image 14

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-04-16/ed-1/seq-14/

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US 15 CfTWikrt Strnl Strnlfsslw t laM SIrtet SIrtette Skeltetn
fsslw te ttt I wi YvkInvstMNt wifnnstMIRt
fnnstMIRt Siciritiis SiciritiisFonifn SlclrltilsForIR SiciritlisForeign
Foreign ExchiiEi ExchiiEiLittirs EJC ExcIEsLitters III IIILlftrs
Litters if f Credit Gnita GnitilRIKG Crl lt ltf ltIARING
C rrsp IsdFt4 a if ifVARINO f
To net netbout netColItJIny netCompany
Company Rat RatRoyil ts bout btheir bctij bctijPheir
heir Dodre Dd eft fac IO 440 4405W 4407 4407ROY 440tRoy
ROY Royil II Biking Pomdcr Pfd r rRoyaJ 5W 5WH18 50 50RoyaJ SORoya
RoyaJ BaVmg Po derComlOr IIOOr IIOOr1rrniClI1Co1 oor oorAfrerICIlCOII
1 1rrniClI1Co1 Arrenctn Coil Product t tIfit > H18 1118InttrnuOfI1 18 18rnernht1oul
Ifit InttrnuOfI1 n tionl Silver S Ier Pfd 7 7N4t 7iti 60 60t1
N4t iti t1 1 Lt Ht ft Power pf rfd < j 5r 5rTfiCitvR 3 3TtiCitv 625rf 625r f
qriCu TfiCitvR R Rv Lt Pfd PMdn Ijr r rKlnB 125 125In5o
KlnB dn In5o s Co E ELlie L P 8r 8rRubber 11 1155 1155RubMr 135RUbIWT
Rubber Good GoNJ MfR Pfd 7 7lrndT 7nderod 1161 1161Induf
lrndT Induf ixxl T rewritfr > Pfd 7r 7rsfm 7 HEO HEOJMl tUOfpi UOrtl
sfm fpi T4r Hf Url K 1 LIB L P PAm UU UUmer
4 Am mer f Br4k < S AFdvCom Fdv dCnm Corn 7 7Dm JMl JMlHMr 7000 7000m
1 Amer m Dm Ttl Telft ofN t N J 4r 4rts HMr HMrI800 KOOe
e ts Yk Y rI unin IK I I800 1800t 1800tII ISOOl < V Vt
II l ei t tf f 7rHS rtri i Ifuqti4 rm4r > if in inIn rgn4 Si Siv
v r t tuPu tuPuS
S i 5 t Srvheis In I inIItid nllI and n 1 IniirtI IniirtIv ch chIt
It v t 1 pIII I Ir I i iJKRIceJr
vpI1 741 II I lu IM I Umrt > UmrtMake 11 s sMake t tMake
Make Your Y our Idle IdleMoney IdleMoney IdleMoney
Money Work WorkWe
We offer Bond to pay
6 6Trite 60 <
1 11Irtl
p Trite rtti for particular particularABXeachCo plfrutRA
ABXeachCo A
Tax Exjempf Exjempfla EX 1 1la
la uNY uNYPkI1c N Y YPahlle YPltUe
Pahlle Utility Utilityafter VaUltyYlelIII UtifityYIeIdIw
l t UDJUrI updnr lnine4 after afterExpenara ft UIfr UIfrtlJlI Oper4t5
tlJlI Expenara And nd TAX neirly nflrlyti flSrIytve neirlyftoe
ftoe ti its interest d re uiretnsau retzIrefne3u5NASSUST uJrem1US
Railroad Bonds I i
4 4IIRes 41 Isaacs IsaacsOur ISRCthir I IlIr
Our lIr CirruUr No o H2 H IdYM gv rive T Tutfbk val valumbl al alublol
utfbk Information regarding prdln 4in 4intourt 4Stuuei I
tourt u of wellknown Railroad Railroadfconria Railroadrnnda Railroadi
i fconria Ule li td on tbe I New ew York YorkMot YorkI Yorktk
Mot I tk U Fichansw FichanswSpenccrTrasKSCo FubanpSpencer EicbangnSpenccrTras1cCo
SpenccrTrasKSCo SpenccrTrasKSCoWilliam Spencer Trnsk i CO I IWilli I
William Willi aad d Pine Street StreetNew SirINew StrnetsNew
z New Yrk YrkElttlrie Y YrkEIssIric
I I IUlDell I
UlDell Elttlrie 0 Cf 0fNJ4s I If I
I I IAlfred IAlfred
l Imbar 1 IImbrs
Mfnbrs mbar New York Stock Exckaaf Esc J I i
52 Broadway 130 So 15th St StN StNew Stw
N New w York nrk Philadelphia PhlladelBBlaEdward PhllI PhllII Philadelphiait
I it
Edward B Smith fe coil Co Coankers
J ankers ankersPhiladelphia ke kethlladelphla 1 I
I thfIadphIa
thlladelphla Philadelphia New NewYork NewYorkI NewYorkOWNIROTIiE1CO York YorkIROWNIROTHERSftCO1 II IIIROWN i I I
Irdeit Cieeaied a Ik IkDEW I IaEW 5kEW
UC1 la EtIIGr H r j 1
I 1 1Patilf i
Pfiiitf ChMti ull J JMenber PrlIIIct PrlIIIctIMn
Menber IMn New w Tork fM atk ek lIE K4retvaa K4retvaaBANKERS g ang angANKEPS
U WALL ST NEW Y0Cit Y0CitJ YeigJ 1 1J
J L Ntwhirg It Brt Brtl irs9 irs9c I
l ttrr c oi ok Ntock Carnaax
25 Bread r Street N New w Y Yerk YerkStocks rk rkStocks rkStocks
Stocks and 80 80KOONTZE BondBROTHERS Bond KomAttKouivrzE
I ICarefully 1 I
rtAlY r5A AY a CCUAI su lil Mtr LW ronn ronnCarefully Tnn ynrncrtufy
Carefully Selected Bonds BondsTor ROtsFor on onFor I
For Investment InvestmentLEE InvestmentLEE InvestmentLEE
LEE HIQ6IN80H a CO COBcii coBetft CoEcifeit
Bcii Betft n tttw w York ChI
CMeagj j
htnn April AprilThe u uTh i iThe
Th The moot notuhU isapect < i ect nf the atock atocknuirket toeknwrkt tnckmmrkt
nuirket t lii1ay < l < tf h4 h hr m unit nsl d for thut matter IIwUrt tngttrr1iit
1 1iit at t itU U thn th areut financial nntrm nntrmdtitnesa nntr Wi Widuln wsdunm
dtitnesa duln Hen II thore tho wua a Urs Ursitieiit fUrtall fUrtallflit urtIlSteIt
itieiit flit in tmtrkpt trunnactlnna aftir y yIenLsya yeej yeejlenLiya
I lenLiya nla iecwte < l activity ctlit and thn Ih rntlr rntlrtendency rntltlOltlllc cntrntndncy >
tendency of th markot wna lm 1nfluJlr 1nfluJlrhlutinll rritiLrI > iuLir iuLirheaitAting
I heaitAting und I upMrrntly Utwanl u i morn mornrl mornr mornCI
nr rl 1 < Kpnemlr rnmlluilibriulI1 iuilll riiim Clunmg CI sdn nl priow priowof
of U the I Wdini aliMk wer in only imlyir nnl line liner
ir r two tw lntHi > c > i at t mont I 111111I ruin fntcUoeuU fraoU frsCUCmSSIEI4ttlS all
iluitie 11 EI4ttlS < < 11I t frntn thixu th of ye yInL tenliir Th ThII1FV The ThetEntM
II1FV tEntM If anrthlne Mmd v tn l tu Li IM Home Homealnxignr enmWh41
Wh41 11 alnxignr ll1l1eF In the th lUimmn thAn It Itoa ItWa
Wa oa In the tb afternoon The withdrawn ithdnWRIof I
ol U orrieno for either In lying Ituyill < nr nratnckn of iselilni iselilniiitnck llIne llInetnct
atnckn tnct manUfxl ultlMl rvattinally in inl UhU UghtIy UghtIyloner i ipri
l loner < i er prior pri Th fhe atroncvct vtonka Ioak IMI IMIIh nnIhlIlIPrnod onthe
Ih liatHppenrrd the In t IM I nninf 00n of f Ihraw IhrawlonginK th tins I Ilonging
longing t In ° the h rlnMi commonly ommnnl known knownA I Ith
4a A th the Hawley 1IIf liiaue I that la I to tnI ey eylli e elie
lli lie Mintiempolla llnnI > II And St UHII 1 lli > Miimourl MiimourlKauiiuia MlmsourlEaULIa IIMOuriKI1 I
I Kauiiuia KI1 and nd Truue T zaa and Chesnpnke hmw > ettke and andOhio I
Ohio > onnreo and the th ImyinK II lien re > wise
I I ioni UI1lmnol n oly ullnlMitnl In t the return rntusnI j i I
t I rnm th the South and Wrat or Mr Ir Hawley HawleyI Ilawl IlawlI
and nd lonio on of hi hia frieniU from a tour tourihieiksi of ofiinrM I I1rIWM
iinrM ihieiksi 1rIWM ctio4i i of r th the various prope lrnlrtil prnprtIIin > rtir rtirin
in v whtie h i < e management h hto iai i prr prnrninrnt prnrninrntInlrrlI nin Hit Hitlnl
I lnl InlrrlI 1stsrinwn rvlf w wf wers ru printed with anm > of ofthe ortlin
the 11 tlin > K ntliwnen xxprmeinic th the greatest greatestwiliafitoliim Knlt Knlt14fcln greateitnitlstacUon
wiliafitoliim 14fcln with wlh the condition rdlto found foundl rtndIiy
l h Iiy < y them the Hlisht Klrht upward upwn niove nlOVNPt niovnmesta niovnmestaI nenu nenuI
I worn aj a Jo o viiinla In th th the ltnc Itl ItncJt < laUnd laUndIVntral Ik lilandI I
I IVntral Inml I I Leather wther r American mfricn Real Realand t Stir Stirtatiit r rI
I tatiit and an certain rln other ntorkn tk of like likefonve i > Jd JdIInnvrl grade gradeI
IInnvrl I fonve tnnvreIy > n > ly a large Ja decline dtlne took plan pL
I in th American Amlrlcn Malt Mlt preferred prel chary nhartwI charyhvhich hf
I which whih now ow tuwin m U t ti > he t Milling Ulr at n 1 z pivtt pivttlow PUlow
I low level for a S pe pr per > r cent Cl dividend dlvidPd pay paying p y yIng ¬ I I
Ilnll ing ocnrity rit Amalgamated Amal ll Copper CopperWIM CnlP i
WIM WI ktreiiKthened tnchlnf in I the r early rlr rl P Pn pert > rt of ofIhM o orths
I IhM stay dy lijr It an a optimiatio revIew vl ot < > f the thepresent tbeI thepreietit
present I t out lt of the copper CPlr trade trd pulv pulvll lulIjht uih uihIfrhd
ll Ijht Ifrhd h d 7 ytnr yterdav > t4trdar In II a s trade I nd journal Jour1 or ofooimicterulilp orfllcfrhl
I ooimicterulilp fllcfrhl authority Authorl and Ind It I appear appeart r rbe i
t < > Im the > raoo that tht some I irmnova Clnn b ha habntn ruta rutaIxvn
Ixvn imnarlMl imprtt to the thl copper orlr market marketl nuk nukh
l h by > y large rl sale BIN of r copper cppr metal ICI re ntl ntlIIItN rntnntly rntnntlyaffettn4 < wntlr wntlrliy
IIItN affettn4 liy It ranr connaainne n a > ion > in price pril The ThoMock TheI
I ltrct ctrnngt Mock lk in th thI the market nlkt in thwaftir thwaftirI theaftfr theaftfrI
I I noon wua W Huiithern lhm Pacific 1 lrc which of ofctiir Oreollrcn f fC11
ctiir C11 eollrcn 11 m to a s rr rsvivd > ival Vol of old rumor rumorrewpertinc rmo rumorrpnsting I
rewpertinc a i poenililo pihle advunco IhIC in it itdiviclend It Its ItsflViIfld
diviclend dhlcnd rat rt rate Clotm CI otwervera otrvr of f the themovement thlm themlsemnnt
movement m mrnt however declared do LI that the thernw therice
tt te ter
rice r wa largely JarI the work or a singItock tingle tingleStwk Incl InclIk
tock Ik Kxchangn tlchnJ room rom trader traderHtMrling tNdrltrlna tradertnrling
HtMrling ltrlna nichange ichanc chn wan w Tinner fnlr today todayhut tr iodaIsiat
hut nbout lOllt th the only onl dexelnpment dfvllpmlnt of in int InIn IntMfyt
t tMfyt re it in thin thi regard pn wm I a report pn that thatt t hatthe
t the h < Rink R k of England t < land by h retuon reaanofIncreasd reaanofIncreasdindticntnsnt n of lncreat Incr > ed edinducement
inducement InduCnt offered olln had ha been he n able to tonxmre toI toceIIre
nxmre I a comparatively cmrllvel large lrJ quantity quantityof qUtt qUttr
of r German < r rnian golil 11 The truth of thin utorjr utorjrwmjuiviihtorl etorywsthiihted tor
wmjuiviihtorl d uh hy b many people rrl inaamurh irmuth n nexport l aexports
export xprt 01 ot o gold old from frm Germany to England Englandrarely tcld tcldIT Eng1ncrarely
rarely IT take tke place pi on account aunt of the iii atrong atrongopposition etrongopposition tn tnnlflton
opposition nlflton uaually uual mahlftc matitfested maulf ted by b the theJ th
IlmPria I J Imperial Dank Dk of Germany nany to t t the th pro pr proendure
I I endure u The Te usual ulual preliminary pUmlna oatimatea oatimateaof tilt Umatn UmatnOr
of tomorrow tmorro hank hk atatement tatelt tateltpnerl were weregenerally were1generaIIy
generally pnerl highly favorable touted I upon uponindication upn upninlctlon uponindications
indication inlctlon drawn drw from th the known know movment movements move movement ¬
ment of money mon that the gain in ca cb csby b bliy
liy the tb banks bnh from rrm the intenor Intfror pn had ha much muchmore mlllh muchmore
more 10 than offaet olpt the Ih I lnsa oex through gold goldexport goldexport I Iexprt
export exprt In banking hnklna quartern it I wan wl aad aadprivately iadpriatly I
privately that thll it I wa nltogether nlolllhr probable probablethat prhblf IsrObiLlthat
that although houCb atiexhibit axhiblt of incrvai incraf tncryacd > ed edreerren I Irecervce
reerren rln might b b be made in HIM I th l Ilmk Ilmktlemlllt Issnk Issnkstatement nk nkttaternent
statement tlemlllt tomorrow tomorro thus Ihi wquld wuld tie h due dueto i ito
to a reduction UcloD of loan 100 by h I He lh Clearing crinl I IHoua
Houa lou tnatitutiona Intiuton rather her than Iha by h any ny I
Urge Ige gum in caah nb In fact ra it was consul consulired conIsIered onnlr
ired r to bo h not imponaible implbl that the ititn ititnof
of raah ch in the the bank blk return rtur might avbtunlly nl I I Idpwea
dpwea d Cotton eoltn prinen rrl roe f practically prticly prticlytlrouchout pratklIythroughout I Ithroughout
throughout tlrouchout the th day d the th riae r nas fcowexor oweer oweerIinc oweorhing j
Iwmg ba bN bad d upon upn purely technical tphnlcl con conditionn eonditionc 0 0dlton
ditionn dlton attendant UnMlt upon upn the ebb eb and nd flow flowof nowor 110wor
or speculation Gpulllon and ld not nt upon upn anything anythingin nythlnl
in 1 5 the th way 1Y of ocutai 1t1 netio r f The Te grain grainmarket KAln KAlnlnkt grainmarket
market lnkt was featureteaa flur and Id nd closed 1104 < cub aiilrtantially cubustantially ul ultnll
tantially tnll unchanged unthn from rm that of yes re Y l lterday i ihmjr Iterday
terday or courae f a matter upon whirli a aSood ao
Sood o 004 deal of interested Inlfrltf1 Hlock tok Kichatige KichatigeC0 Fzchatsagocip
goc gocip C0 ip p conv cn conergesi > rpml IalhomrlaI101 wa the offlnal omesaInsstojs omesaInsstojsment niiiiounrv niiiiounrviment
iment i in the Ib morning morninr newpai nPwlafserc > rH of an anadvant al anadvane
advant advAt in il the wage of eoiployt employnsrectsd < m < ill illrecte I Ift
recte ft rectsd l by h the St Steel l Corporation orlorton 11 I ha hab I In
b been < H > n all al along a matter of general lnfr1 grnera under underlanding untrtandng unstrrtandlng
landing tandng that auch uth action aion wa w imminent imminentand Imminnl
and of courae ur upeculatora Jlat today lod were webchiefly i ichiefly Ichifn
chiefly chifn concerned nr1 as to ts u iiif ilrrpu inferesires retir that thatmigjit thatmibt
migjit 011 properly proprly I te drawn drw from rfr thin Ih re r regsrding i igarding I IIardlnc
garding Iardlnc th corporation rprlou H dividend poliiv poliivThere pol flOhi4VThere I IThr
There wnre tho IhO who wh argtHMl a rl I that tt ttadvantv I II
advantv dvant In wageA w forecliadowinl rorlluto a nw rsnin I Iin
in II tli tl dividend fvulnc juat aa n It I often oCI1 d 1 lJs < M m mth I Inthi
th thi ca 8 of cerium Cram of the Ih country countryrailroad lnlr lrK lrKrlroad lrgrailroad
railroad rlroad rympaniim IJWI But it i waa nrisd nrisdoppoition url1 I in inopponition
oppoition opplton to t thin 111 that if i the th Stp SII for Iorporatlon I Iporation
poration praton advanced I va nl1 its I annual divufeiidl divufeiidlIdiatribution ilivitipisci ilivitipisciI lvIml lvImlI
Idiatribution di41rlbl1ou on is th h iominoti nlmre bar to toay tolay n ney
ay ey S per pr rent nt thin thi with wih the Ih addition siliIIt1oslamount dlin il I Iamount
amount of money mon paul > aitl out Olt for waz WaZPC WaZPCwould 31 I Iwould
would entail an n enlarged ularl yearly iMndi iMnditure liniiturn
turn IUI by the corporation trprUol of tn 1 13Issssisss 13IssssisssI < i Iu IuI u > i iI
which whith In view vi of the Ih lar large e umoiintM al 11j 11jIn alij o I I
being In expended IIpnd by I llm It corporation rrporlon m mnewcwnat I usfleWeqttruetion I
newcwnat nw fleWeqttruetion ratrrln ruction and nllmprovr improvement mm tI tsuok tsuoka I
a dividend incra tra doubtful doubtfulKen
Ken r en YorkNtnrfc lt Kxr Ictiangelp rancMat ianceMale iprll Clrll ClrllCLlfo gri i iCLOLto 13 13CLoauTo
CLoauTo CLlfo raicta c or i vitm 1 > itriu ur urlw > ao aios M Mhu
hu lw AUrii 4 HU Allul Allulr 4Ssj3Ol ul ulrtoo
r e rtoo loot lOIa 101 4ccgpII NUI roup1Z44 14 U lioul lioull 11 iio iioco1
aeoti co1 lOOt PaaMrluoM tui tuii IUIfIOI Lulrv1O2Iti
rec fIOI rv1O2Iti 4Ottl IO3t laaz3luu too > lut 01 01rouVIS55
leu Zacoup rouVIS55 lna4 III JOI 101 oIIs P 11 11R I 4 Mm I nil nilrtc
4 ree 114 154If IJV IJVn
n iinimt nUI tn 1 I nrnmt IrI1 IrI1f nom nomAKiCktl lUi ps psAtCkaI
AKiCktl f S m ifrt I rtieIn I nn I 00 otT > < ortii nr r P ilc > e enoi
rooii II 7Ui4 iol i1 T r 4 I uNtO alf 777 777lOOT 7 J7 J7tUSy
lOOT 1 HO 545 U I Silo 1 H 545 > 1 j rif I 1111 IU a a > N Sv Sv7U71 v vnvs 4 <
loon nvs 7ll7 7U71 In r m n Hen ln 5I fl h I looo 10 Itij Is I
Am A Hide 4V 14 1 uIv nm 74lj 71 4I lr 1 Un Wt d l
ooo yv lonijirm t OOICn 00145G u > < rt sl j l nooo 1 fiji I t js jsI
f I 1 rt 4 IOOO I IO 14V I IVnnt I I l t tr
anee loa 4Iw I I4I I 1 oo4 1 cis cismTbei4J4oo 711
AmTubaCro m mTbei4J4oo TobC I 4I4OOI 4I4OOIi I 4 It 5 IaI I UI
13000 U jiTallin 15Ts T III nt rf 4 i III 22000 01114 01114looo U I I5flifl3
I 5flifl3 n fl1 song 55775 77 ioos 9ts
looo 1 7t 717 7tc r latrrtKira 1 Met M 2on RI o4s > 1101 IUlo 1011 1011I ISSlIj j I
Armour rmotsr 4 4yi > r eirt ini Srst t 4H i ISv r erooo Vi l lIWSI
liono AJtj 4 2II I aiioi 1cIr Ml s S I IWSI IWSIAmTubaCro r 944
Ac1 AtrhTerr trhT5 Tr < rCTi 1 romi s4 l HH7 HH7I 44I7IfI4it 7 IIC wm I 9
I noon 11 IJ4lj I I4Ij OTKI H 445 I 4v t 114 114cv4 11
AlrITL AiehflMys4 r cv4 laoon I s qfl75 nT 1000 10004i I lotiIsno
1 Isno I I4Is4uoOO 4i 4uooa MI 1 ooo oooloooo 000iiont
loooo t I I4 I 4tntr > lnler Pao Pa f 6 pfijj pfijjMOO rnttyt
4onoo I 1 42 Ia 00fl4 1111 I MOO ww5 o oIllrli 0714 Oi Oit
eiwoo 61 t oo1 i 114 I t 4 I in HI o iiuDt D 4 Illrli trb4 Dan fn Sc rn rnIMM 1 p pann3I
ann3I t 4 J tv Iooo > < > wft wftlow j IMM 11 IOrll4 IOrll4si IOfl IOflooo
2tom ooo i I 4 4eiwoo low I 4ratral 4ratrallooo alr 4 si I a Iron Ut Utfllr UtIfl35
Ifl35 11 141 141pr 4I I looo tO 7il1 7 4 4inoo fllr l crr Iif 4 4I
T TeqI pr rV 4 4wI wl JflM4 44 H I I10I IIMfl IMKI nil nilstl
30000 I 10I O IV IVllonn inoo Mft Mftm 97 7 stl 1 t ci n nTUft A
ton 10 tn 1113 m OH Qf I TUft 0
rt t 5 6 k 4 I 4t 4tno 4 In I p7 IM 1 NWS NWSfr sMaOf
no noi Ol i P3 93 4I Nd5 a
1 no 55447 7 hn M 20on 0 00i 00iZn4 M Ml4Mla
Zn4 IIU O3g 3ywi 3ywiso l4Mla c > nrr nrr21VOO alfr fr Mr i
20OO so 11134 OH 21VOO IIi 95I I A14 j niXWf iwv M9la M9la1OOO M
300 OMI 11 ONIkrrtMt4snt ONIkrrtMt4snt4I4wws 3 341OOO K r rI HW MHW HWit
41OOO I 9 e4434 H la laA 1OOO 7NI4otn4tWrC4 7NI4otn4tWrC4ATVsa I I it W v rn 4
A ATVsa TASK r S Sh I 14 4 4roon kll KInCossnIVa = i I OWW 7714 77I 77Iwwl
wwl 14 u a i rmpd mp l s MbnM h M A U4 U4loon
ATSr4 loon 1 mp M47H 7 Mamped Mampedjirl iamgdO1M r
roon 0 01 01AlCUaerol D t IAfIdr jirl le < SM M vltIO IM IonoO < 00 ml 841 841I M4tAUUaciI Ia
AlCUaerol Alr iris tr4Bait ftt17qSMSI I1 111
IB 54450 pji I isi Mi if tIMOi4wWI sn il loooo 71
Bait a o r eI4 > i itnot Is ono I f 1i 9 I t4 4 < II < V4 V4t4 YS9N1MaUMtsiIwno
tnot I n 9N1MaUMtsiIwno t4 at MS U M IK1 I lOAOf tl lOJIa lOJIaManntiann 101f njs njsuc
3000 3000Inram f IRla uc wst D tEII I IdWP4 101 IOjI4
Inram 1 Inn a aIUUOta1al4i tPaIc Manntiann > 4i 4iiamped Inoon II lout loutinon I 0
IUUOta1al4i IUUOta1al4ii4 1151 5 OtsMZ4s iamped iampedloon inon inonlanon I OI OImoon
moon 9O3 i4 i4ion loon 1 = pO i UN H HHartnicir4i lanon I I4sOPals I 1
Pals A 0MW3 Hartnicir4i Udns rI tr 4Ie WW5 5 5s
ion s on onn Itss r IS44 lon lonloom I Oej I
n nh ih h xirel I rt j j0H Inono Inonoinon 1 sSflc loom loomMono I 5fw n nr
0H fw HH HHii inon 591w ill I t tMel Mono Monott IOjSj 14 I Iln i
ii t ii 4 i rrrv4 r 4 Mel M n > irf 4 4etr < vIItIs ParIC i 4 4111Iol
ln 111Iol MIII HI etr o t 11 IarnI a rr > l lIOOOO IOOO IOOOPotlnc I 10 uoi
1 440 n IOOOO 1 I M Mllet I Potlnc In Inr re V > i iIIflUI M Mtnon
11010 Hl r llet I Cen i n ioo Im 4 4anon7 tnon 11I 114341 tb4I tb4IIsLn
III IsLn n I 5leI4 nl ntII nr 54 l anon7 9 OO 7 i 171 > i 6 rI oo O5J9 ai 114 4s 4 I Il
Iwo I I o olmpr J 10007 taI nnsL7u It < a 141IalWW1 l4i l4iUlno5IIM l I 00 0414 na nan fl4tLmrnpiI
lmpr n l ll Ulno5IIM Ulno5IIMaooo Ulnn A 11 nrai UA UAimuhem u ui UsI
l < v s1 101 101rvti I 0 I aooo wwi I O OVo imuhem llr tt iiri I ISATO t tlona
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innn 55W HVa 4000 lOHlg lOHlg9QA tOI IO41 ww mombt5It4tP34 t Ta
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32oon t t00 an ism IQHV U II ttubhti b
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j i CM CbA a W Wind Ind 4 4s IOOOOIOI 1 ll44IoO I 0 II 5 14 4 aooo lo1 IO4q S
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I I 7000 1 IIHIJ nMI v v V citr CIY 4 HUB i 3ooo IO4lt IO4lt7MM tnl tnln
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7000 uu4 Is 300 una 01 loooo IO4l IO4linon
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lain TMi Mlal ire nuia inon tl nou nu nuo PUIClolinitbmS
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I I joou lo 1 0411 AII Ion 1 I 537 i7 i73nnn 1 looaIOHla 10G3 IONSs
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p I 5ooGIo N ivnw V l > nl t W 4m 4mlimn eriiaeatei t
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t I 2 11 looo to on onX 3MO 40 40su
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Del o tVn Un 11 4H 4 Norf N A drY v 4 mnoo 111 72 72I 7 7lom
1000 IC I 3000 invi tn Wlcerevk rtrr
I DitlIIerp5eu MIn KWV > inMft inMftoat InI 1000 10 ICIk OO OOWn 00In 90ltlicorpa
In ltlicorpa C 10 oat 1004 OIH 1 WsMaryladM WsMaryladMI Wn llarylud We 4 4lono
I 3000 3000rhr 7fI Nnrt Nnrfa W W45v4 dlv 4 4North lono 11 8ft 8ftto
rhr r prior o lien 4 4SOOns 1MSS1558 to W Sk libr r I Ioo >
SOOns oo Nt7 North Panne 4 204 en lOOIj lOOIjrt r
10000 101134 101134Total I OO = rt tii o 101 101ty to 50TOaIssk4ntbondpr I ITolwlnl
Total Tolwlnl TOaIssk4ntbondpr kale of bda bond ipr r vniuei v ty 1 OOVOOO 200iO00ORgIUV OOVOOOJIM UOIOOO
fOHKliflertnan fOHKli 1 RlW RftNII lII
JIM I AUt A Assd4rman
c 4rman Cnnnl nl s a afrl 3 M MM4 147rnisn
flertnan frl Cnnmlm onel J M i irniMlan M4 1 4 44p01Sc
rniMlan JIn Kovrrnmenl UnWrmml1 wrromen 4 4luvartui 4 1014 lOl IOII 1074 II Ilt Iltttyrin
luvartui n ikiveronirnl In InH I 1014 1m ant 1494 1494n i i8wJn 1t
H 8wJn nJan Hoernmmt Immmi VJB VJBS i iMtonr n nOr ta taW
S Mtonr ionr Or < Jo rernment 3a 3aClly W 1i M4 1 i iItamhurGnvrsmttst3
Ihmhurc ItamhurGnvrsmttst3 nmnl I 3 al alI 14It 4
Clly < It I of Ilertln II 4 4Oty 4 101 10 9nflir I 0 I Itni
Oty nf f fCologae Cot CcPf pie4 pie4city 4s Iii ll ino inolei IM 113ItT
city ItT nf f Auotxirc ur r 4a 4aClly lei 114 tel telIJ 5554llToflIuh4
Clly < llToflIuh4 IJ of 0 Uunfrh Vu 4 4City tf 113s sflt sfltalT 1
City CI of a PfIWaa FrnIsfotoetjas PranUnt lonMaln 34 34Clly ji i 3 M 4 4Sty
1 Clly n Sty of 0 Vienna Inn 4 4Utlran f 4MsIesi t 7 7RAtfRO4n
I Utlran ivm1 kvrrnntept > rmmrpt l told ld ft ftRtiM4an k 1014 1014S Ilt lCt I13 I13kniMan
RtiM4an RN lloTermnrat IIYrCra cold le l lrrrnch Ci S IT ITriflich
rrrnch r Oorcrament Gofmmfl Hints Rl 3 3HrlHob k V w 16 W1ItIb
HrlHob 11Ib ConioU e 2H 1 Mas 4554 4554R4 I I1IRI4
IHf IHfMln 1l 1 rfai n XIS XISdI V VI f fm I Ir
Mln dI et et179iv r eM IS m SRI CHf CHf7tl c cl Ct4 Ct4sTein
sTein l nICn IVnalTon 7014 70147MAmAcCk 711 761 7tl 7 t tuOAmAgCk + U
7MAmAcCk 10 mcCI 47U 47U40ii 47S 47 47 474OU 47t4OOAtflI4u 7 7UOoAm
UOoAm t4OOAtflI4u 40ii Aratltu u 4 4114 IU 1 411 411I 44 I 4OU Ol Ol7M X XII 3
700 AmCaa Am Cu C I 1 I I4 I4H3 I I I ITAT II I I IOAmCpt I4 I4la I
250 AnCaapf 0 AnCaapflloo Am Cu p 73 TAT TATH fAA l + la laC4I I IlO Intine
tine lO Am AmCarY Car Ca r H3 H3MM 16 ii H 14 4 > C4I III I7 I7ii I ImCotO I3aoe
300 Am mCotO Cot U MM 171 b7a ii tM SIN SINIOOAmUL H ia iaM4 laOAmU
100 IOOAmUL OAmU Am HAL HALoo 7 3 7 7 7q M4 la laA t tOOAmft1pf
10 oo OOAmft1pf AmH r I Lpf L pf 30 30VI73 1 3 sgt I 4 4IOOAIceSc
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70O 10 700AmLoeo Am Ar Loco o 61 a A 611 bjI vi u uit 2tl 2tlaoo I
300 iO A UallCrp 1ICrp ill illlion oUa it I 3 3IIflflAIJCrppf
lion 11 IIflflAIJCrppf AkICrppt t Crpr 41 41MOO 4 S 31la 3Ns3 3H 3 3 31a 3l
MOO 0 Am5Barlt Am5BarltJ4DO AC I t 843 Mla 141 141ZOOASIHIt 4In 4In3400AM5eitF
J4DO ZOOASIHIt 3400AM5eitF Am ateair tM tM4ooa 1 ttIj 1 t23 t230OOAmugarI4tI7e
4ooa In08 0OOAmugarI4tI7e Am Auiarl bUIrt VIII7 VIII7coo 17 I I2b 611 5JllIj 1lla l 11 11IOOAmT4T3H >
coo 100 AmTTaH AmTAT liH liHIJOATobpf 11704 37 Ia 158 as 38ItOATobpf l IUO
IJOATobpf UO Tob f O7 0 17 7 74A34 A7 07tOflAmWoet 7
1100 10 tOflAmWoet Am m Wool 001 al 30 l t A Ig 11 I
100 111 IflsAsseosds Aaacoada 4DU 4DU1MOO 4Ijl I 4A34 4A34I 1 41 4f 4 4 I4 I IDO IIDOOATSEIIOI
1MOO IDOOATSEIIOI DO ATASfl 101s t I 1143a I 41 41inn 4 11434 t tl + I4 I4IO37H4 I I10ATp10n 54IreATorpfloa
100 ATBCpflOaii 10ATp10n t017 5027 IO37H4 1021 lt ltI30I4 I 5aoAtcuIao4
20 1 oAtcuIao4 AtCLJa I C L t 3OI4 301 inn innI 11 I30I4 I30I4iiaast t 53054IuOBI1 301 301IUo80IJ1 >
100 IUo80IJ1 IuOBI1 BaltaVO 0IIU I I li t I IK IKJi 11 iiaast 13t II23u u I Io Ii300TWttSIeI
400 300TWttSIeI o Tltth ntl Steel Ilul 31 3 a Ji JiI44ln I 31 IItoonkaltT 19 19HO14 li
1200 toonkaltT 0 Ilkn n II I Tr T HI 1 Kin I > AO ROaA HO14 HO V Vlaoij
100 Ilkn ni Z5 fOa I t 01 l1OI3 602 I 601 0l laoij laoijIH3I4 t 101 101c b9I
400 Cam c Par I HUV HUVlolon a t 45I al IH3I4 I 83 V VI i
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UoCraLpf 10CaLp 540 Ce Ltit IOHI4 IOHI4llmuo 10u I OH Oll 1 4 4H7l4 108tl IObt U 14U I I111 IlSHUq1514l
lSHUq1514l llmuo L OBIO hSlj hSljlOOCklAlloo 111 H7l4 H7l4AI 7i BBS 88 3 3Ion 7 7an 1o
lOOCklAlloo Ion o Ct CktAlIo Alo 10 10i U AI AII tain a an 6 1 n nI
i l ni hi N Is544 f I jt AA AA3OI I iMW VI V
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33O0C14N11 j C t tl I I44ln I I4fl I 14H7 I47ooCUsI 7r
200 01 ooCUsI CUSP US p IIHUI IAK1 I AHI t taoncoIrI 1 IKI
aoncoIrI 1 Col ra 11 49l 1 411 411IKM4 411j 111 411 451j 11 I IH la 53tIOOCoIulh
lloo 110 tIOOCoIulh Col auIk OUI IIIH IIIHn 7 IKM4 IKM47l I 5I3 I a H tI3 9t3 34 7B 7B7I 7 7I l la
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aoo oo 0 frle YI aOI 101 1014HI aUII 3UI4 I4 I I1rrU I I
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loonraCkpf loO 5O0anebpfIO4h pltO IO4M IO4M70n 104V 104VI o 1043 1043IA3a 103 I Ion Is Ison I
70n on IQ ID Klec I IflHIj IflHIjiloo 1331 I I Al AlI t IA3a IA3aI t IIc5n 3 3Io
iloo Io H it Norpf ar If I 1401 4Olj 405 I 39I II 1 I4 I4Illl I 4O O I
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IU slots I I 544A it 54Ia 41 I a Ua ia iaI I I1lorpIU lsf0
iw 1lorpIU Mark V pf pfIltI 11 I IN INIOO 101 1111 u uI lUll t0Ite 1
IOO 10 ItlCeot II eDI I 41117 41117ioo u I 40lj 40ljA II I 4OI lOSj I la 3I 3Ioo j jf I
ioo 0 oo let 10 IiIppf Ptp 1 pf Ol Ol3wo A 5 f 63 > 3 l I4i I4i2UO I I IJlO
3wo JlO later alrMe klel vwta 1 21 9SIj
4100 no tat 55Un Mel pf p 3HI 3HII2JM 111 Mt3 A7I 11 S753 A734 A734IOJlj 7 I4 I 43 43ip I II
I2JM I > lo Ions a fent Pn1 jntj 1 3 7tt IU 1 2a54 I I IICap I4H4
300 4H4 la ICap Ceo pf 4iT 4iTon n 4 45 a I 1 434 5 5in
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imi I InOJCCMo1jS Kr I C 10 So pf IIH iK 0 HH HHI I p p4 4 4fl9lacta 3 I Irr
fl9lacta rr n 11 IliWi I 5112 121 IM IMON IOJlj I IOtt IOttuo 01 Ij IjIM14 I Iuo
2UO uo Lone Iilil 111 IH IHIUIK ON ONI 6 4544 1 1 1SW
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on 0 Uarlae Ur1 il ilU23 I II il Il IlHrt I ItilneSti
U23 I XllnnM Inn I Iri IriA3o a 52 Hrt 1 41 41eii 1
A3o t tt Stl 455p 11 p ilhl Illl DIj 111 fl5l3
730 fPC 1PMMI < M 14117 I n 14114 111 p 45l 14OI4 1 l0I 01 01UII s s73u0
77300 UII U K 5Te T Tu a 44 44A A 4 4loo 1 tIq 44I34I3i 44I34I3iIOOUKTp I + I3
loo 1UKTp M K Tp 74 74n 7 74 7 4 74 7 I I707H 1oP 5UoPi
< > n Mo UoPi oP Par u4 14 01 01II 011 707H 711 757 757oo + I4 I Io
300 o oo Nat Lead 5i MtIa a i iIKI al IIHj II 55J 54jI3 54jI3w 1
IKI UI w MiU Slr ipf I 11414 11414looo I l54i Hj HjiH 55 j 11 11I4HIJ 5lj 1
looo 0 Ml lh I1U U 2pf pr r JMI JMIllll 1 iH iHI 44 4 54 54I 1
llll I I N S l ent nt tst I 1LM Sft Sftton 1 I 243k 4 14 14I I 2iS 1 I I41 Iso
ton so NY N llrt II c54N14 4Hlj 4Hljtin I 4HI 41 I4HIJ I a 1 lj
tin 111 > I 5 u UI u4 55 > v aii aiiIIHi I 4 411 1 41 41I 41l15oura5 I
l15oura5 IIHi 1101 Nor t KM KMloo In II l II 0 0Ii
loo Ii Nor 0 Or A U 1 p nu nuJllIJ 11 11 11 954 00 I II III I4 I4I l lor
JllIJ I oru or r Par I 7M4 7M4toil I 111 III IIII I 47I 47I5t 7I4 7I4IOM
toil 5t PacCuiil 5 r111 I mil ill j I 09 j III I
100 10 50 ParC2pf Pa a c 11 f I HI OH OHIMlli I llt OH OHI IOM S 044 Wl jS3 jS3Sal I l lI III
IMlli Sal Iran lilt l II t t j jsol I I II I 1lil 11Ij s s siOProa I II
sol 111 iOProa ProCa 0 n I lI I J I I IV IVii 1 I I I IIe V i in inHI7I
3110 34 pri 5i A 1 4 11 Ia II I I2iK S < ii I 7I4 1 HI7I HI7It I Sljj SljjU0IIitCusl
2iK Pittroi 1 > 111 C jii jiiino 1 I I 2ta t I 1a 1a54W f IPi
ino PI Pi PSI I Coal Co II ii > ft ftHit j j4 p
Hit lr n SC 4 C 44 444UO 4 1 4 4 4 44 5 4 I4 I Ilute
lute Ity1Sp 4a 41 41inn4 41 l lI InpSII
4UO HepSteel I1H I1Hlot 0 1 I 445j 3 I I10IIp tlop
lot 10IIp llepttpril Hip MI pf rIIIIIII I 5 > I U Ujflo t inn4 inn4M7I4 1111 I I S 54 I loi O 1 I I I I IIIIlIar ltr3u 4 4ITS
jflo IIIlIar lleaillar ItraII I 111 iMI4 i 4454 M7I4 I 54 ITS I o 14 14IO I Illracl I3s
1110 Hnilrrt llracl 111 1 p 10 I 10557 111 11 10 Ilia I Iina IO I 0 I Ij I 5419I I
H 19I n YtUc 10 111 4 In 4 e4 491 491o 111
011111111 o 4Itorl a ina III S s i iKIO I It I
KIO t o 1 Mo OlouIbef Sb f 7IH4 711 7Hlj 7s5 7103 M51534O0St1ct3p
00 O0St1ct3p tLMI p Ait 11 tIl > 1 I4 i > ll4 ll43iil 11 3 3ii 4 I IIIA
3iil ii I StlN 15 4 U I 117 5ip au ilS ilSsvvp s ac t s sOltMWp
0011111 OltMWp svvp T4 1 4 4 4Sotilae 414
ISnAr ItU 127 124J451
7O 701110110 4ui on Ity Ityro To Totoo W44s 1MIS a 1 I Ilno sIflOMflyup
too IflOMflyup f nv c P IIA t i I A I IO0TennCop
200 110 O0TennCop Tenn T aa Cop CopMOt 01 a U 555w II t t7O > 11 ii I a ais II I IlOO i31otprpa
31otprpa MOt Tea T P ie c jHa jHaIhO t tI 51 l fII fII1oTblrA1I I1c4 7 7f4JTbIriIAuI
IhO 1oTblrA1I TblrJ Atll 7I 7 > 4 1 11 11II 300 3 32l
11111 2l u l5v5j isis IAtj IAtjI CII II till I < + 4 I II 54 54341TwSnI4TI5lI4
330 I 341TwSnI4TI5lI4 II Twin CIITII CUT I I 4I4 41 I 354 14 14I 1111 I IIntll
list Intll Un 5 a liar ia r I 114 1144OI30 III t I 14 Hi HiIHHU 1 1514 I I40lIIal 4 44U
4OI30 40lIIal 4U I tn n l i I HSH HSHoo 54s i I S7i4 S7i4I 74 I IHHU IHHUI I NN 11 11 11PO Ijflu
oo t a liry Irr5 IV II < i I II I Il > I 141 141Kill I 414 I a I I4I I4IHill I 4I I 51 Ie
l 1110 50 o l V < tr Drrli Dry > ipfl p p15 On Kill I 155 Hill 5 05
700 I Sltuto s Stub 4 454 111 4 11 I IIOOIlnbp tj
100 IOOIlnbp tflRilb 2p p 711 7n 7 71 55 If I ISflIOO
117700 rSMtrtl ts 111 HHlH MU WU K7 t lI la Hi lotno 3 34OWIteelp122
430 UNSleelpIUV IVa Iva 5227sIuUtahCoo 1It I
7 7sIuUtahCoo > ID Utah UIbCo Coo 4MI fll 4711 71 4714 11a + N IotUOO 1
4000 VaCarC CrC rtlisj II fllst 3014 A03 Ot oo IH IHIZtoWabatk I IIUO 1sUOWsbb
IZtoWabatk IUO Itb U3U f31 V7 a3r a3rU7MMabpf 12 12147e
U7MMabpf 1 1oe Wabpt b p 30 401s 40l 40ts 40tsIt Plv + t la laZO I I1U0
1U0 It ZO Wtplh rlb OKI 0 681a I 081a 081aaU41 081s3tMl
300 attUT w U T 7 7Total 71 111 71
Total S1 a < ea of tocki I k 343 C3700 7OO > aari aariKa asr asrhI4a4 ars arsEz
Ka dlvldead dIvIdsdsrnrnteinr hI4a4TI1IU
srnrnteinr TI1IU att n Ill r srt TI rKMKr
Imil t t Hull Tre Triaur TriaurIikl r > ir > r Mt tutak t3i7aiid t3i7aiidIaW I
IaW h > bank lu 5 Hub l4uITrraur Treaur Treauruln > 4055445 4055445ln i I II
uln ln 10 bank on ilat d lrnelloa lrnelloaIVtil un IIn 1Ictt tY3jV
V 11111 II I114T w I II I4r I4rpll
IVtil pll I h t > > ul u > TreaMiry T to liaak laA2im NI 4Iiisll > laA2imrrc I IIA
IA ll I IDk U 4iII rrc rrrir i r > 3 It1 It1In > l43i i iinitno
4 In In n 5nka D 1171 1171It 137 VPJ VPJ4Itnv
initno It 4Itnv RI I ID n nilonil r I4flYl I4flYlIm R 1 1I
ilonil I Im nall n flIlnt or ormm t In In1ft Ieiln Ieilnloll
mm mmItl 1ft 1 InT t Ii Ii 4 4lstrAprtI
Itl lstrAprtI ee April ft 5 II4V31T I 7 tll2 tI1tS7 a > 7 Dee tltjM Ssia aM
1111 Igom 10 JtaIo I 11117 < I65 I Sac 111 5114t j
10 r rf
Itt Aacs Aacs4Um t4 AIU4I AIU4IA AMs4rar3U
A 4Um > fir14 fir14AUICkal rsr Kaakaita 1 1AUIe IS ISktaater ISS ISSAuICk U > i iM
AUICkal AUIe II II IIAJUaCkpr I ktaater ktaaterUaekoypf H HAllkO M ISAWCkpf
AJUaCkpr AllkO a 40 40Anal Uaekoypf n 7 7UartMi 71 71AICoI 7asic
Anal AICoI Ceji 7 ra a 74U 74UAaAfCn 11 si UartMi irts S SAAgCh 4 1Aa
AaAfCn Aa 47 4 474 474AaaBSnc 47 WrtH Isrpf 10 o 01 01AU3I
AaaBSnc 83111 49 II 40j 40 40AmCoa 0 IIIaU 44 3 3I 3IAmtaa t
AmCoa Ill lIL 114 114Asa WILpt LC n 3 70 10ACaaP 70wcaap j
Asa ACaaP COB pi 7314 U 7 73 73An 737 115II1 MM4S I IAlII 54S 54SAmCU
An AmCU CAP CII P 44 44H 44HAtaCarpMIT I IMP tIIPMpf24a MM pf p I 14 14UCAT 34 34AmCStttlI 4
AtaCarpMIT IITH IITHAaaOatOU IttMET tIET1t + UCAT 44 as54 as54At0U H 44 41i 41iAaOMOn i iUKATpf I
AaaOatOU 4 II III K KAaOOpM04 UKATpf UKATpfX4t 1iIaT ItE Tpt 73 74 1 1AaotOpIOt 74AaOtOpf10
AaOOpM04 1044 1044Amrxprra2to t IisIsi51 70 1 70S 70SO 181 181AIIIPapna 70snrzpni I
Amrxprra2to nrzpni 33 u 3 3AatMUaAL X4t fCoto O 10 10XttMulttp IO IO1 5054 5054AHI4
AatMUaAL AHI4 L 7 TH THAmHaLpf 7 Ktaz Ui IZ4AmtILpL UiAlii
AmHaLpf Alii HaL lIt t 14 14Aatlraflee re 1ttLy4 u 3 lali laliAt8ee 31AIr8Ie
Aatlraflee 11i 27 7j 2 2AmUBwal retaa4p1I retaa4p1ILlltwd IS ISAMLSI
AmUBwal Llltwd I4 11 11AmUapf XttMulttp Mul ulf ulfI 4 4X4lUnlpl 4AwUapi
AmUapf 14 I 1H 1HAmLej 3 X4lUnlpl tlCrH S7M 2 2NTAB 1 1A aAwL
AmLej A AwL Ui 321 321AmLacepili 4 13t H rIc Z2 Uli UliteIl1t 2354ALpt1s
AmLacepili AmLacepiliAlaUattC na U IUClatnt aM aMA 55 55AuattC
AlaUattC A 11 c 6 6AiaklCpf 4J I NTAB 1fT It 42H 41 41KTCawaI12ft UAC 3 3AMCpf
AiaklCpf AC 14 1 3 at KTCawaI12ft KTCawaI12ftirrO4 us usAIIISaUc lZZAnIsnlig
AIIISaUc 44 4 444 41 NTOAM NTOAMIOM TO OIIIL Jti DlIi M4 IlIiA 154A5MptIO4
A A5MptIO4 lpn IOM 10 105 irrO4 ICT06ILIneo LlpflOO LlpflOO1fTC49LZ ISO II II5toc ISO14liw514
14liw514 5toc 47 47AalSauff I II 1fTC49LZ f 4MI1 254 11 11ASa 7 7A
AalSauff ASa A Snuff 23o 0 3i 3 HO 0 n1f1lHu y NH U 1 34 114 114XYOW UIAIfr I 36 36Amsntspr
AIfr I 102 102AaStry to XYOW N NYO TO W 41H 4 47W III IIIAIIIllar 46A
AaStry A 81 r 12 2 43 3 gs1 Are 7W < 77 77Kr4 77el 77Aliugar
AmSucar AmSucarAatacarpll2S el 1Uli 124 I Kr4 ICWOII > rtl04 I04H 011 011AIt 044A
Aatacarpll2S Aatacarpll2SAmTAT AIt A ugUptI 1244 1244AmSucar UlilCWt NrWpt 6 11 11ATT 3 3RavPacM 3AMT
AmTAT AMT T 137 I3 n 4 l 53 a aAtaTobpf RavPacM PuYe I37W 11 U7 U7PaaOoaat InATH I37J I37JAwT0bpS
AtaTobpf ATH 17 I T fTU fTUAnvV 7 PaaOoaat CIDut I 505 0111 0111A III IIIAZIS
AnvV A AZIS 11 11AoatwBda 3IC II 314 PafoCIastlllr tl 3 Ot OtacONellIIH 010 010AaayS4s
AoatwBda 44 4H 4HAT4Varll4H acONellIIH 0114 0114ATsr1t 114 1t4Amsr1s4t
AT4Varll4H ATsr1t II4H II4HAtlCoaatL tl4 30 31 31I atAITap 3 3AtTSPP4IS
AITap AtTSPP4IS lIn N rurranl I 37 in inr4TTpt anAUCouIL 3774 3774AUCOL
AtlCoaatL 1lM I 131 131Balt al r4TTpt Tr S SPaaaWtU7M lei II IIBslt I
Balt iOkloll2U Co hz 112H 112HBaltaiOpf 112 U PaaaWtU7M IU 1374 1374HIS 3748tOpf
BaltaiOpf 0 tit II 1554 I3M I3MKatopUa 354 f PISGL tlLClltf tlLClltfIII CIII4 HIS 1II 1II32utS
KatopUa Iu 14 a aBaiaStasl a 34 ptt Pttbitrg c clleUlItteel 28 214 3554BtkStSL
BaiaStasl Mi O < a aBth llli PIIc pf 74 71 71POCA5IL 11tlaSlaetp 7354tl5tiMpI
Bth 54tl5tiMpI tlaSlaetp Steal pf 314 314tlklmRT POCA5IL POCb3SL105410h POCb3SL105410hnkIraRT 1 2H102H 2H102HfCOA8Ipfll4 10 10tullRT
tlklmRT OS 0s 41 41BkaUGa13o fCOA8Ipfll4 alt eilPrStetlCar altBIca SIll SIll8k
BkaUGa13o BIca 8k U UGs53 auo IM IMmvaawlek U PrStetlCar I7SIftC cr 434 44 441i1autttdI 44Itasee
mvaawlek ll lZ4 < 4 14 14Bnttcrtck PStlOpL1 O IN 3 14 14PmllPCar IllI8tJUeI1d1 104Ietktck
Bnttcrtck 30 304 > i M MCantovU PmllPCar PUlP Car lIa 13 13 I U Ueabt 13cnliost
CantovU 41 47 47CaaPaclMU 7 8788pf In 43 44U 44UMrnSMTpflfM 4M4canp 1 1eaat
eaat canp CaaPaclMU I1 1U4 1U4OaUatkw MrnSMTpflfM lea leaITH oaCfIt 05C
OaUatkw CfIt C Ltk 4 III > < 4 45 Vi ViCeaLrkarpMlM ft4fs ITH Je I47K I47KK4titBi 074Ctbsrpt10 1U 1UCftLraeuIM
CeaLrkarpMlM I 1M 10454 V VCkMAOkl K4titBi S4ISI MM Hi I IcaUOIole 2 2Ck40kts
CkMAOkl u a4 < U4 i iCUAAlUn Iliad H pt 103 oa 1044 IClIIiCIat 54454CkIaAIt
CUAAlUn CIat AI 3 32U 14 14CGtWatv lIb 8eb14uL 1IIIeL U14 4 394 394RrpfltnlptlOl HliCGtW 3554CGtWw
CGtWatv CGtW 2 214 H IS ISCQWaewpt RrpfltnlptlOl 10I 10IekMaavl 10tli 10tliCOpc 054CGWSWpt <
CQWaewpt 114 IU M MCklaXtr lloetr ekMaavl ek Ip5d 40 4 III IIICIat 4054 4054Ck1SV U UCaklAfltP
CklaXtr CIat N W ill t ItoorIIleI4t PH I 1 1OIS L4 L4CkMtIP1434
CaklAfltP CkMtIP1434 143 4I > 4 144 lRocbotklM tRaebtKlI 14 t tca IllC14Ppf1W4
ca C14Ppf1W4 PlIf1Si 1111 SISbst 744 74 74cocstu lIHCOCaSiL 74OC3tL
cocstu tuf 474stL4artpr I7H tWlpr II 72 72CCCA9fpl1BO 7 7CCC4Spl100 72CCC51plloo
CCCA9fpl1BO Iia tL5rXpf SI SICol 8 311s 311sColru1t H HCoIruetl
Col CoIruetl fuel at 414 It 43 4 ILHW 304 10 at atOolHCail SI0aHceI nCellIICC
OolHCail II l34nLiWpf U IILW r 74 7 744 71 71CMmtk naa 735501k
CMmtk aa U1 811 oi aiU IIlIlSlPOln s1543IPeoM > atP4Oa 141 13 1304Sa UCeIIstalf 53c5Ssot I
04Sa CeIIstalf > lupt 7 TI 0 J50PcI aaPMfat 801 1U4 I24 < 4 lit litCl94Mpr U UCetSZ4p Ills IllsC1524pt
Cl94Mpr 7711 7Hi8oPKSrtlf 4X3 4X3CoaCai nCae l3CoaCa
CoaCai Cae 1414 JU U4 44 4 jStfnSotpflll i5aPllSuc 114 114r I IOaraPdlUr ICarl
OaraPdlUr Carl r Pd br P 174 11 I 174SamtkaraRy I1lilsCI1 I 74 Zetk RJ8 RI 2S 2554npnrp 244
Cwapnr npnrp 7 7 7541358pL RI RIbrla 4 841
Driallnd brla ItD4 17 17OclLAW ITO tf 5T44TssOp Cop 31 31Faxaa 3 354 354DIL
OclLAW DolL W 11 110 110DsaAKG 20 0 Faxaa fu Paa 33 334 334TV IIj100IIG
100IIG DsaAKG 42 42Deaanopf 4 4Z54ItizdAv A 7 TV 114 1141f0 74Dts
Deaanopf Dts ItOpt 74 7 ao aoDlaKevnr 0 TiHLAir 1IL W 434 434r 43 414 414rwtaClty
DlaKevnr 11 3114 14T 14TDSS rSLW n nDSSA 66 66DSSSA
DSS DSSA A II II IIDSitAApf rwtaClty 1I4 1144 1144CaBa
DSitAApf 274 7 I I 4 4OnPoatPpf CaBa ta tNagP qP qPDotIPp 4kP lo loBeefcPpt InDiiPtPpf
OnPoatPpf 14 a sx sxtlU BeefcPpt UaIlqAPCErt4 64 4 4IaPactt 65 65rt
tlU rt 10 > i 3 air V VErltldpf IaPactt IaPacttPaepf tPadI1si II IIEnII > < 4rkIstpl i
Erltldpf EnII 474 II 44 1 1rapl Paepf 11 7 114 114r4i2dpf 4 4UaleaRlir iEriUctp
EriUctp 374 3 UaleaRlir t1Url1 34 37 37VaniorpT 11rnOAS 3 3FdM5k
r tlQa9 FdM5k 41 41Grant 4 I 1 n VaniorpT III 4 a aDriallnd 6 6rntuipr I
rcodM6Sp so II 73 tQ r r 10 110 II IIGeaElM uCariIS2 I i
Grant CariIS2 112 1134 IU I34V CBDry UabrOtIu < M ll4 ll4ClXavtaptmi 114 114USOIPIpt tI tIGINUaplUI IIIGttpfI34 I i
ClXavtaptmi 14014 14014GIMOtlf I4o U8r7 UsDiyOfJo15 Ij 10lt 10ltGIN 04404Octh
GIMOtlf GIN Oath 44 44Har I 4 at 054 4 494H USOIPIpt 11501 I 23 a aUSCIP 24 24USCIPpf 26InMr
Har InMr e t r 4 4Marvttrpt 94H 94Ht O4 USCIPpf USCIP 734 7S 73 73OSEtprtu nHlerpr 73Itrtrpt122
Marvttrpt 122 4 4Ha t 1 OSEtprtu 117 122 122U3Rltyl I
Ha aaaD a M 4 1714 74 74B U3Rltyl 74 j 0 0tSRedAll 0 uUavupt > 1 I
Hn Uavupt pt p4 7 tSRedAll UII It 11 14 35 7 7UBRAKyf 78okt I
I B 1111 kvm rt1 io 124 124HeckValpf 144 4 UBRAKyf Uanall USIt Rpt 17 7 27 27USRakbar 7 7flckVJpf I
HeckValpf n lIallIf lalli lalliIUlD 011 LU3fIisbbsr USRakbar 434 113 43 11I1UIMICeta 4314k 4314kIwlItn I
IUlD 1UIMICeta lOra 1401 1401laterBait UOOi UO l404L3flsbpr UIIIID pr II3uSlI4 II3uSlI4lIwr85O1 u ura
laterBait ra 224 224latBUatst I 254tsFnb3t CIbJp 74 1I SO SOCUkCepiMr 0 0IatIjIdt
latBUatst I IatIjIdt 37 37lat 3 n 374 UIItet 7 754 111i 111iII 714 714IIPpr I I I
lat IIPpr Paper 114 II 14 14let t 4 CtStclpr 5li315pt5IsPsprpf 10 10lal I
let IsPsprpf Paper Pa pr f 32 i 11 11latPuap CUkCepiMr CtlUo 47 41 41IaCtr iiIaIPsanp
latPuap PuII 41 4 1 4 4latPuaippr 44 IaCtr cer 14 U 3 lu lujIPinppt u I
i latPuaippr 44 44lewaCratroi 1 U CspI 124 173 I Ien1 3 3wsCsU
lewaCratroi wsCsU en1 23 21 1 11 Wabask 22 1i a 23 a
lowaCmlpt 41 4 4Jii Wabaak wbb01 pf 4 dOi dOiaJ5oJ > 4 4KaaatySe 44 44ZaC11y3
KaaatySe aJ5oJ J7I 3TIj 37 Vallarea 177 17 17e I ia iaXaaCepf Skis SkisXaaC
XaaCepf XaaC e pt 4P 8714 rt a 14 trMk 5 MkyIL > e 7 7LertdOle 7i a aUrl 53 53Lttdi
Url LertdOle Lttdi dOal Os 121 < le lajlwUTot e54 < Wa WI UaTt 72 7rtj 7rtjLakeRAtt rltLelrI 7714Lmraw
LakeRAtt LelrI I 13 1 Tkel4kLC ILE ILEIr 4 44 i iICWpf 3IESWf
ICWpf Ir 1 A 64 A I WALKIpt LEI pt p n nLtHiiltlaad asLougISad
LtHiiltlaad 47 7 7 wALei LE LEI f k Ji4 Ji4U 35 35Is
U Lou > u4N > a 111 IS AleCeaUai Ceo il ilI 35UI 441 441la
UI la a aTHK dlvtdJ dlvtdJral
Bodrov nlr ° 5pnl prlli l 3 Th T market for cvpp r II
ltare a rthoiit feitun f lu IPUav rrod wild UI UIrl I Id
d > ni iPFLP > rk > s falliiitf rail IIiiie off In lh Ibis < volume 01 of t tranv tranvVIIOIIK Ir Iru traIi
VIIOIIK 1 u 5 SiiI ami 1119 d i lbfl > ru nBowin only frattlonill frattlonilli Irntl 5un5
i llMtltceii al 4 lil I ie fliM Eli EliI7i I IIlif I
Ilif 11 muii Imlllrrll irl l vrre r rp llrhtly trailed In Inwith InWISSI
with III 10111 1 1 i han 111111 e in flri nrife flail were wereiltill wy tr trIull
iltill 555 and without I 1tIr ttsrrISpN lure lureOcen
Ocen 1 Illii IMT 1 Cl rio rioS i t tv I
v If ii > f frt itt tie tieIi f
Ii Mlouri 0 on 1 la M a aIIs M Mi 1
IIs 011 mlramroJ 74 74m n 111 111I I
I m tiis i 54 AO 7 > rr rr 71 ai 3l > > M Mno 1rt
no Ar1 rt ammI1 < otim rrl l Sn > II > l II IP I IIInll 544 m mM
M l IUnlie K i It ItItoIp1 w l l3 I Ii
ItoIp1 i 311 3 < 3 3 3r JI > I In
75 Kinum Curntii ii I iv E I
r n r rHultefwlitlou I tas 101 I III
II Hultefwlitlou H ICIIU 2 i > t s ft1 t 7 I IlnlIr
nil lnlIr Cal a rU rt m i n is > > 7 i a M1 M1a fICIllaDr MI
a Cat a ilni M J Je 44 4v < vt vtIVnlenolal fICI
e IVnlenolal 4 3 31 91 M I Ifopixr
4 fopixr IllaDr IUnr iI ol < l4 tl 5 MI t l4 i i3IA I
3IA K t llulle 1 1fllIIIII V I V 37to V VIU
IU Rlll fllIIIII Illier ItS r I I1 I I 4 I II II I IIT
IT I rranklln tl 11 15 II IJ I l31I IJIM
IM 1 itnl 41 4lS 41 44 441 441Ikuu 41I I
Ikuu I Greene lreniuana uine a in I s > i ita If Ifliw isli5lpI
ta lilruiit lilruiitllehnu liw liwll I 5 Lp
ll llehnu 3 3 3av p i 3 3aar5
av aar5 l ie Ha H t tr i iv ivKerr I p I 575 ir irn
1 Kerr rr ike ikeiy L e eI
iy 1 < > l lk kr t upper a 11 s 11 3l 4 17 v vlljill
lljill 1 I la l11r 1 > I 11 14 I II U1 lt lttill i iUn >
till I U Cop p II I co r 7 7 3 it I
7l 1 MUlill 1 54 s J s V J4 J4Ml 3sMi1toCup 1
Ml 1 Me Mi1toCup Iro tiro Coa Co > S J aI t 4 01lrl
131 I Uob Mubl b1 L A 1IWI M U 32l i iNe
> I Ne4Cuo Ne 4Uiui l > tt 5 1 94 rii 1 ti tii t tl
i Mpuun l 10 i 50 in m IISlh
3711 Vurih url5 llulle 4C ° mr T 3 4U 4UOh i > 4 4il
Oh il 1 North urin 1 l SAle tke Id 6 n 7 I lay I IID
ID 5 Ollliwai llIwt I I 14 > v > t
17 I 17SkIluulislon tiki iMiulnlon III 5 135w > 11 > Ju 310I a a aIV
IV I Pirnit 5 arnt l 54 1 l 554 li I a u1 ltl 1
in 53 HlAnuou In u I U I 3 11 I M MMl 514l
Ml 1 Huperlor 471 < rt 47 474 47 t 47 47Ji 7 7COIl I
Ji 5 COIl Jt tVxum 11 ta I 3 ir 1 = IV I24 J j j4d
4d 1 tup sqsa II 4 Vast 1U 1J t 33 la i ui IS1I iii iiia 11n
a 4 Trinity frII 7 7 7rM c
rM 1 I M < Nineller < 4 > Ml 114 If nt ntIM 41i a aII
IM II IMMneller I It Omk pf ia M Mn A AJ
n 1 Ilmh C1 ruper < ort > er n 4 0 a 4 4in 4u 4uSAI
in 1 fiak i 4T s sb rv ir 4 4I n ni
i triuru I a Sj i 1 47 010 T Ti1
i1 4 1 1nnn is V Ituh ml At4 M Mu
75 u Uuiterine uh rin ir 15 I ii I in 27 in inr 17IInI I IrllIiOl
r nRot < > HOC HOC1lon qrocvA tix tixA >
A tbnlon 1 Mt In > n 71 1 Kl 1 23 K1 1 I Ii
i Itmlori I 1I t i 4 Malur 141 141 1 I4 141 1 li 1 1nb 15 15I I Iil I
il I nirbturc nb r P Pt I l i 1 11 s = > 1 1Ml 1I
Ml 4 I U Klrrlrtr II 11f IB If IB IPJI IPJIrt
rt 1 v 1 u eN N H it u I > 54 m III IIIq o oM 1
M 51 r 1 4 ii li 1111 pf r im mi I ins lilt IDIM irsItsrktJ4ar1
M lCI lCIAmra ItsrktJ4ar1 KtJ Kbl < l lHi >
Hi 5 Amrriran liieu I 4 II 55 r rol rolmA
4111 4 tmrrfrassnu mert mA < nPneu pr 1 is I IV I t 53P I 111 111In Hi 4
10 Vm In Tel TIA A Tel 19 > II 111I I 533 JT > 1T71 1T713J 547ia
3J a 01 tm m Aft rrt Them m 47 i 47 117 47 47U 4714Ii 71
10 Ii m A Ari1w411 DOiem pf II im inn t 5ffl n < ion iontin ID
tin 50 KJ tJIc I iutinl 5hilas4 i > l 4 V l at attli I
tli 33 ll H 71 0 7 TV t T 7 7II 7 7i >
13 3 Verientlmler I 217 II i it 1 717 i il Is
l II s lletlran teIn Tel 5 1 < n Ai > 4 11 it j jIf I Iin
in If Aew Iw inlai > dTell3i TIIOII > 1 14 i4Pitlinan 41 IV4 134 11 11n
Pitlinan n I IP5 SII I iv 110 5s I
10 0 4 SritUe < te > IU U > rlerlrle 11 IU Its 113 IU IUu I IU
u 4 Swttt A fa c tut II jiiy taa I 111 111t I ItnllroJ
9 t nlled Mli4ie 11 U Tic 0 l rut uIU M n 111t
771 4 fulled t Nlwe 4I I M t pf 1 9 9 SI i St Sttin IfI a
tin I t nllml nl MlaleHI JT JT1 37 3 371i 371iIV7 5Th 5ThlisT
lisT fnlled fruit I IT la 504 17V > 1 I7a n I7a n 57io
170 nK1 wi 1 II J 3B UIH 3 3t
t ttool I pf I HWi I IIW III 1W I IsJj tot
nVanrxoTOX AnraT X April U pTa Tke TIIIerof atalement ef t Ike Ikereceipt Ikersytlpt
receipt rof and IHI eapeaitllure of GIll Treaury bow BbowIJ1t44y bowYtttttia bo bo1Imllc
YtttttiaI Ytttttia Thu ct PS 444i tii tii11rrlpts
Iteeelpt IteeelptKsptndliurec nrrl szoa5 I S 1453433 1mi iL10443 iL10443Eapusdilurte =
Ksptndliurec IX roo TO 31114 11It I3344 4 3JO 333641 333641liurplo aa aaturp > 4 4lurplut
turp lurplut Tl7JJ13 U12ns DeLlI4 DetMI l nen nenThe hOw ISII20I ISII20I7k <
The 7k receipt Iron rutiom tetent iliday y were wereantot WITSIete
antot w from Iniem 1 rereaue 1 t 1SS60 O awl awlmlwiuaeeu andmtW1anmIa e eml
mlwiuaeeu ml Ia 103 lOiaw In 18 35 Lallan Mak Makreceived sew sewnvs3
received rof for or redemp rtdrmp9on > k tl7M734 tl7M734The II7507345berak 11 71 71TM
The 5berak rath ab ulemrniof or IfceUalted lbe U11ed Stale tllnurer StaWsITTSI StaWsITTSIore Trea Treaurer
urer for April II tkowa tkowaanaa l0Enaina
anaa B imo imoIMd rrxnok1 o oUold
IMd ok1 coin tOI aad bullion bullionTnvT 9lMKnana 9lMKnanamcar 101011000Ttlrn
mcar ryan nntnTo ryanTo 0 0To
To redeem rem onlumilncrtimcat ocaUnc rerUIIr rttU8caW tl34TDM9to tl34TDM9tooRxnui 110141 DU DUL i4540 i45400EL
oRxnui L nrxn nrxntoM 7yanSioki Do DoIold
toM cola colaKilter rot 14535324 145353244ok1 t4 t4OldttMIllr
4ok1 OldttMIllr rvilflc1ea H01ItD H01ItDIh 34010255pOrruIGIrn
Kilter Ih pOrruIGIrn pOrruIGIrn11v41 er datura doU SII3 SII3Mlverrertincatea 1 I II1lwrUk
Mlverrertincatea 11v41 rITUDIatIS rITUDIatISInIwd 4A la laLolled 1 1Ialcd
Lolled State a MM no mews3t1oa 4UMTS 4UMTSNaOoaal I a aIIoaIbll >
NaOoaal IIoaIbll bank B sews sewsTotI le l3klO l3klOTotal 1AA1uToI >
Total t 155 IItI IItII 111335 111335tdisel
lieduetnirmtnaMNllei I tdisel risrrsS1 IIblIIu IIblIIu1tnyt5o tbln B77 1171111 1171111ttMlor 7iv 7ivWork
Work ttMlor lor halane la the Treasury t1 3237 3237I TI TII
I national CIonI tonka tonkalier tkSilver 13 13iflh
iflh Silver lier bullion IIttU jbMIry JItaItf shier II i itnlaorrotn ant antMiser M MI
tnlaorrotn tnlaorrotnAwaltloa Miser cMs cMsiwaIlDf e nIlia
I Awaltloa Ilia rrtmbnrMnmt lJufWlllftt 4731 111e 473Cis8
Cis8 bSIIsco e = 11
THE rireButecM ell CUK MARI4ZT MARI4ZTRue Er ErRaM
Rue RaM la curb tock jr yistsrday trcUr trcUrof waa waaof
of icull 11 protmrtloM and nd lb the ourkM ourkMrr a aTry
Try rr dull cod ad tlmonM affair < Ir Prlc Prlcwhich Prices meMwhlela Priceswhick
which w wer r u usually iullr at t a slightly lover loverIB lowertwajs
IB twajs 1 tb tlla than n I tut of lb tbeila preceding dar da moved rooredprartlcmllr monelprac1lcallJ movedsirscticlly
prartlcmllr not 0 > t all II The price of Amerl Amerlt AmerlTobac Amencan
t can n Tobcio < weakenvd on lIght aaks m tr th thrl the theclass
rl class 1 < w twin eat t 41 UI and Dd HI RIcknt ndrU OQ aIio aIioited > Uo Uotfl aoIfCflI
ited tfl off Tb The derokad for or ih the roppr ropprfork eoPVtstork
fork a ll light ht but quoutlonii held fulrlr fulrlrru faIIweII
Itorklll weII 11 nnarlm ru imh lm nxpt IJlp1on11oa nlloa ilr d developed developedsome lopr lopcodooma < l lora
some ora weakness ealu > Mt Practically theoDlrf the ooly feat rralI featUn < l lur
ur ure of lb he MMlua IuD va all a portlcuUrlr h harp harpbreak hrpSwask rp rphraak
break In th the he Bbfrw b hspw of an J > oil companr In Inwhich 10blch IDwlkh
which than hu ha recently b been n an 0 actIve actlropecalalbm actIvepecnlstkn eUeulatlctn
pecalalbm ulatlctn TranMctloaa In detail In the themarket Ihelie thetiiarkst
market lie yvMerdar were a folio folioOpM folio0JIftI followOp
OpM Op MM 1 Lot Clot Clotfltl a atel asMS9
tel fltl 5S5 ai aiQI tit 1 5f
100 QI Ann AUTS4PeCeO Tobweo Ma 4t4 4 4M 43 4M 411IQI 434IOaTSas0L
100 IOaTSas0L Bar SUto Qaa a aDrlUaa H H S SIM 4 4Ill
IM DrlUik Ool Cop IIf H 4i iii H HMO M4 M4foul
MO DulMOmllllon Oul foul oy oy1IndIa0000r soo 22 22H 2774lea 22 22MO = =
MO DruUaOopptr Ilnady ppsr 44 4U 4H 4M 4MW 46eat 44caadia
W CaaaAlaa U Co 7H 74 7 154 > t IUt8D 7H 7H39WO
39WO Cobalt Cratnl IOH 12 1 3 to 0 U U1MB 1 1l
1MB 1 CM ArUau Asia 211121111 n 118 z Ittaa 111 2S 2SI4 9 9111IO 4
I4 111IO 05 o Comb FractIons so Si M ZilXROCbesOrtswt so so3seocfera0rtawl illClJeaOr
3seocfera0rtawl ClJeaOr 4 4 Ot i i3mcbUMOonprr 11 4 4I
3mcbUMOonprr 01 I tpt UK I37 ix 1Z1 IZU > i l 34 l Iall 14 14300IRayo > 4 43MEIRa
3MEIRa all 300IRayo 1 > o a a a I IIfl1lf 3I5fJoEIT
nonoEirOoa Ifl1lf I5fJoEIT Eiv On M lli > i M4 w 110tIII 0 u uEl 633IS
tIII El 11 Ceslril I I 114 11 I I 11 11Hnt 111 111n
n Hnt flnitNatCop n Nat NUp Oop JH 2 i 2Ji 7 7T 74 2 4 4reo
T OoleY OMOSeI4 Co bs 7 5587 1 lItUI1 1161 161 1111 1111CreeaCo
reo 05 CrenOntur to I 0 10 103dO 1 1111IIGlrau0ItJ1V 4 1 1nEGIroiLtppsr
111IIGlrau0ItJ1V 04 8 514 11 11all 14 14300GodffhIlCppcr
all 300GodffhIlCppcr Cold Hill Copper tH 1 1III IH 54 IH IH IIISO
40 GDfttiibetm Cspin 11 IM SIn SInt III
1280 t 011 Glla capper CIIp 4 S4 y T Di 4 44 554havana Ii Iie
29 Havana Tobacco 3 14 35 1 i 34
1100 Inter Hub lib trrrpt 24 2 58 24 f611 24 24ion
ion Inter IDtrrSiTSlIrs Ier Smelter 147 n 147 II 147 41 147 111IOlItaaClIUOIIJ 47 4735EftasUOH7
20 KaaCUyUAOrty 22 22 23 53In 22 I
100 KaaCttrklaVOKypt Itan tMOI4ypt all 314 31U at 31U II IIlo 354I
1090 I KhK KngIdward Edward 4 4 I ta U 4 4t0 4 41MO I
1MO t0 Kerr Lak 14 4 II II1M 14 4H 4
1700 La ROM fte 44 44 Ii 1 1314 tS1IUlaml 4 4loo
loo Miami Copper Ml 2454 24H 144 24 244 Ii Iino
130 UkhParLumbrr 114 U 114 II UK 11H 11H3M II 1154o
3M o McKDarSavMCo 3 M 3 M 10 InUS 0 0Un
Un 1 WaabattaaTnn 2f 2 2U ZS 3 VIS So1 2 31 31I 1 1UUO
1309 I XevadaUtab 1 11 1Il 1 14 t I I 11 111
209 MpU NlpballlcUItfIo laaMlne r 10 0 lo 0 in I 10 107M 10ao 107T3
7M MrvadaSmelloj M 4 i 4 4 4 IitIOIJ 4 4TX
90 Ohio topVr 3 1114 Mi 3 lidS 3 lll foI11IO 515 515Pr
390 Pree Pr Uetal UI Cerp 2t 2 24 JH 4 24 oit
221 = 1 llav It3C015 Coaa 2O 354 > 204 2O IOIO IOIO1011O 2O 35I0
100 Rar Ra Ceatral 3 114 S 1 354 34 11 3 Sl ootl
13 3 Standard Oil 444 143oil 64 44 440 44 440 4403M3WWM
3M3WWM oil 03 l1arl 39 10 10tlIO 44 4 U
190 20 Toao Uln ut of 0 Nev ev 7 74 7 7 n nNIO 7 74 742MO
2MO Union klloes Wla Ml 2 114 2 314 2 114 1 II 2 314 314ran
ran 0 United c RIco 13 3 19 3 13 3 U UIdtn ISI 3 3cJ
Idtn IIJ til Utbt Liebl111M ft Neat 14 2 14 14 14an 2 2tom
111M an CSUcb16Uut l l011I 6 P a 34 34IDO
tom 011I Yukoa < W olot U 44 4 4 31 00 00IIOX1IL 3IS 44 44 44BOXD 454IOXD
13otn 3DsIDsM DoklArOMla D35M k M M 0 0 a 4 4ala
ala N V Tel T14i 44 w I HIM Imi 7 > CTt Imi 74 t1iG 74row 154e
row e Vetra Ient Pac 1 4654 H In34 H a lilt liltrRB 14 S SrrRB 4 4CIRH
Ytatrtta Tkurtlat TkurtlatAn
aid Afld u lit 1544 Au AuAm AUdArs
An IJckt A TratBOB TrwdoaIM 2M aon 21 au auAmer toAmr 20AmerTb4c40
Amer AmerTb4c40 Tobaceo Tct iM U 4t 48 40 463 463Am f6Ana 463Am
Am WritIng Paper P 24 3 24 3 3Am Ii 2Ar
Am Ar Wrillac Paper pf p 244 2 11 24 oi jll jllAUUrOu 24 24Atlaatie 35AtIaatteCutf
Atlaatie AUUrOu Oalf a W lVi 1 Iau 4 I 4 4Atlantic aAIIUC
Atlantic au null W I pf p It 22 I II III 22 22flay
flay III tat I Gat U 4 I S L 4 4Drttlab Oii s snflttb
Drttlab Cot Copper Cop r rI 4l 44 6 4 4 4Dotton sno500
Dotton 00 Coo Copper 11 7 2O o 174 m mi 7 IO IOButle 35Outs
Outs Coalition 22 5554 22i 73 224 = ia iaCealral 4 13 13Ceatral 3 3Central
Central foundry toud pf p l j If 54 14 554Cmb ° It ItComb I
Comb tnt 3O 33 M s Mr Mritilnco ill illcltIlIa ss ssrlileago
itilnco ilubway i a 314 4 J II t t1svlsIMIY I Il I1lr
l 1lr anl > ly Ctate Ca 2 i It t tEtcS ri = 2 a at1rol >
Mr t1rol t National t1enaI Copper opper 24 i 24 tI 1 3 I I504PUrI
llorenrt 10 2 2U 1 2 2 2554 25544I4r54J I 14 IIIciotdnld
Mdfleld Con on IS 71114 711 I 6 7 7 7Olrwil 7Giro 7e 7eGIFDIII >
Olrwil Giro Copper cor opp4i 4 4Kreene s a e I ICan I0rtpe
Kreene Can S > 4 4Gicccnkclm DI a S SGenbrlm I IGrrealm
Gicccnkclm Eaplor F IsS v > tt It i 13 I TON 71lsS1aa 011 0111tUI
Mat 1tUI aaa Tobacco I J 3 J JHna 7HITsa
Hat Hna ana Tobacco lit II f a 12 I a 12 I I10tnJU1 aIctprisaUnnaI
International Rubber n SI 6 24 54 24 24lateraatlvaal tII t tIntraIIuoaI 1
lateraatlvaal tail II a 4 5 4 I IInspiration Ioplrllo 5tnpiratloa I
Inspiration Coup eppr r 4 7 > 7 fa Tl 7 17 7754 7 14 7 t4 t4iBleraatlonal i i1mUon1 <
iBleraatlonal lmrtcrf metterT 133 13 143 lit litKrrr 34 34Etrr > trr
Krrr rr l Ike e 1 A4 > 1 e 4 a II 14 a 13 t tLa III IIILe
La flote Bc 313 311111 3 53 14 4 41 l I 6 4 411 4 1 IS A 1
Mno ntppI w wUoo5hoa I fl flUoe3boikoae I
klao Uoo5hoa Uoe3boikoae Sbotkooe Coo 4 o i
I Ihal Maafeattaa Tr Traat n lt 231 2 Sa SaI 24 24Xeiadattak 7i 7i34sdti1ak
I Xeiadattak I 14 II I I IVorthera Is p ppwbog
s pwbog 2 2Nrtbrs 0 0 0btnJ
Vorthera btnJ See itutn at tin Ilk I tin ill illlplulnc 1 1SlptoC tIS6I4iathg
lplulnc Mine YI r in in Ins4a IO IOXataOa I IS
XataOa S s4a S U 4 I S 4 401t < tH8 tH8Sw 18 18Vetada
Vetada Con 0tI Mine In 21 1 21 1 2ti 25 250kb 10 2IH 2IHOhio 1
Ohio Copper 3 U 1 IS 3 9 3 3Ray Ift 3t 3tfear >
Ray ft Ceatral 1 I II 3 3I ail I IRaY i iRay 54 54I
I Ray Cos C to 0 314 3 I n suft suftSa to i
Sa 5 Stun Ir ti Steel w I l Iii 21 1 Iv It i iNo
No Iron Meet pf I I 14 atI 4 44 4 4Maaduil 4lasIud
Maaduil Mllllar 17 Uca 7 I II 17 s IV IVpf hisSt
St ca lIno StUng pf 11 VI 4 1 M 4 Ui 1 M MA3 M4taad MStead
Stead I A3 443 43 sss It 4 411 411TrrIIuIl 6ssrrrwuit > 4 >
TrrIIuIl 131 355 13 1 355 I 4 IVI4 I II 13 I IToaotuk IValac IS ISTesopab
Toaotuk MlBlnc 7 7 > 7 7VItrtt 7 7Palled
Palled Cepper ppIr ppIr1111ed S 7 3tSIIci1 > 7 7fallaxl
1111ed fallaxl Topper Opp41 pf p 13 I rn fl 13 55rusted 31 31nated 11 1111rd
rusted Ofr Mr urC 73 1 s 77 W Sj 77 77Uk nI 77ukes
> Uk ukes < n 4T eocJ M 44 4 I 431 ait aitAOIlDa 4 414 4314 4314aoxoa 4351loans
loans aoxoaAdam AOIlDaAd loansAdani
Adam Ad ripreu rp 4 4s a tt > i 1414 < I 1 1Am M MAm 4 4Am >
Am Wrltlnc Paper Pp P pir 3 a s is M MAtlantic MoAtDu 14 14AILanISe
Atlantic Gulf U a W I 3 i a7 a7lOIII 7 u uCon 7 7C00lili4S
Con C00lili4S 1 5 4 17 171 I 21 17 21 21rtlra Si4IiS 1
11 rtlra Pacific 111 3 1 KM J JTill HA is14 IS ISTill MV MVTIII
Till rniiMtKtriit rniiMtKtriitPHII lIIII lItIIII N t IHhT tHhIrPNtliIl
PHII PNtliIl 11 intiPH4 Iris 4pril Ii I 3 Tin TI lo PoI l mar mart
t St > t Wa vrltlmiil iMrlliular psnI lisilar rrnlure li toiIs toiIsl714r4 lay layr
IT l714r4 > r > < < KhiiHnl It h11d rl 11111 Iltilcfhinfc IfS I tllsntr lut wrretjil wrretjilthroughout wire r 5ku 5kulIsroiihiuit I IIruuhu
throughout Ihi I tie M 111 111Ihnel 155llnsI > t tllvml
llvml UITH r filrlv actIve 1 Imi thire Ih Ih1IIln wa wanothlnt ild ildnothing <
nothing out oil nf u r thi > orillnar nvleil In h that thataye thatilepattsn1s1
ilepattsn1s1 1110 1110aI I
455054 Ifi f c rgs rgsJill
aI Jill < aye 1 4 l ew t IN INK N4
aIi K 3 Am lt > U 4 l 4i s 4 4i 4ipi uI 4 4I
pi I CarotirU Ir Sirel tel 4 4 n 41 > n ni HI 451fl
fl i i ton n Trw ol 0 N J 5 74 74 Tl II 71 71ro 4 o
ro u Kleclrtr 11 Storage III n 457 n III i54 i5434I > l lnil IOIIIn
nil OIIIn > lien Aph oplt1I OtuaIt ll 11 i I > 3I 1 > i illil it I III >
llil II lea Atphall pllU pt Ttf k 7 > i TV 10I Tut TutIU
IU I la ins R lo C ol N A t If 1 I 5I > I I4l 5o I
4l 10 l la Dt 1 Of S t Mir ar 1 4 I 4
191 I = 1 lLe Superior t1r 55 < 4 M 1 1ll 1 r rI 24 24I I
I Ixbleb Nat ai W7 is 4 17 it itRnll Wi
l tl
Rnll l Lthu h Nav ddI rlp IV I lV l ls i lie I II In In3H I It 1
3H t 54 SAl Nat 0 aIt tf ia T 1 I k7 k7Kt7 42If
Kt7 lrblxh b Valle a5lej 1 > 117 55 n 111 114 In 557is 7 7u I
u I I 1 TraaMI pf 14 Itl 1C I4 I IIU i I4 4 4lu
lu Ke r > flaoe aSoi Tel In I Ii I In in I IU II u ultf I Itis
ltf IlilU I hflo the Yo I li IW IV 04 ill 11r
7140 IhIU II T 1 J i ij I 3 3Tonupots ilI ilIilii
ilii r Tonupah hT Uln 111 7 7 3 1C 5 l 7 r I u 5 7 7io il 3 I IiO l lIO
iO TuooiMU 1 Itelnwat r rS173 2 5
S173 37 I rnluu num Traction Tru lion 4V 4 IK 0 i < v via If <
ia 2 I n Tr oi u Sod Id IdI s c v rM
3 in Cu uf of > J ws is > i 4K < e eSI >
41 1111 IM I ci Imp im ov A NV l vi 3I v a a1t52 i iIIU
IIU 1111 t I Ci I wrlui rin r IT I > it 17 n IM 5 i itn 1en iIn
tn Uel hi Jer a 1 4Am S 5 4 1 < 4 4MlMM 41Iti
MlMM MlMMfjni 1Iti1it C
fjni Am Ciu S r 1 i 0 0I > v viO
I iO m Hvroli I eel 100 3 UIT 11 vib 4 > lit i > It ui M MMI lotIIrb >
41514 MI l IIrb eth hurtS leel 4 114 114s 54 4 nit 117 n lit t5se t tMI
e MI Kl i 4k Pro 1 fr 4 II t 7 vi Jrlt is isiu i iiiu
iiu t iu Inteotaie 1111 lit 4 M Mcom t > 1 1 544TokM4r3 1
com fIIIIII 44TokM4r3 1ike n U4trM Cat 3 3V u S MI 4IdIS v vliui 0
liui 11 Lrh 5thVi10s54A V I nan lito < U JI Ila i IH It itf 14 ni niami IIAIf It431u4i
ami I V ee eD CIM 4 i 7 7i 424 7 42i 7i ij
Wil 54 71 Pbll Kler 4 v 7 7V 7 4 7t 7tkti 7 7Call
Call kti Keels If lt b > S I 110 3 V M 5 w Wt b i Iii i u u4tl
4tl Span pn Am m Iran I a > KC lie I In I iII nr t i iim I
II im Ln ll Sty t > lat 55 ral 3 Iio IioI W 25 M > 7 in p v > i
riif ru rifffuo ItRIIT VAHKKT VAHKKTl 114RIr4flIAt
l 4flIAt nu At n 4nrll rll IS There wi < no 00to feature featuretu alur alurtu
tu tin market arkt for lo 10111I nl eci ncirt rltie 111 l t9t1i t9t1ittatiattlon Uuv Uuvlran
lran ttatiattlon iitlon 110 lifinir rMinly IIIly pitnfliml 11 t tulot ni KII < l
lot letIIMt aiMl prliv prlo 4haii oh chttu < e were r ln lrsStii1nt lvmV < tnt
HiitnKoebiKk pninimHi c tie Uml Ii rai rgsarty
arty iniarterly flpy5 dlkt ihben r1 < l of t inr i nl 1
but IhU th had uo effeit If nn I II lie > linn linnlinnd r Issrrsilnad IlIr IlIrIInd <
linnd wrre lull aiil foIl l onnl Ii Ilitle li lifrom II I iIirce iIircefront A
from repent iin iiiaItofl < tallon II tlltn tlltna
II4 flg4 lag ti tiS
a > l r II I Iii I
63 Atnerlcaa Can 114 II II I IItl i f I
ii 33 American Tin an pf p 7V 335k i TV T TW I iu i
143 Am 111 Halpoulkllsv < 7 714 Ttui 7COOfths 7 j I IAt
30 ij Am fths At Tel I 41 aV Tel IY 137 I 37 1171 I > a im I 1271 I L I i iso
I IIft
so 5 Hoots rttherle aa 3 M 1 44
33 noetn nm Ift rt tItI Iall > n pt f TO 71 1 70 O I i
73 3 Chl My 5 er I BVj Ba Im Si a4 se I II sos IM
l III CnlTil 011 TWoae rihooe IS la 35 I3 > 13 I > 13 I >
I 03 aSCecNIIin ces C < tMlsnn tSttl II 1111 Iia 5 n 5554 II 554 i ivi
vi 1 corn nfl rrodoel 1210 17 ala4 17 I 17 I72 u 1714
37 1 IHamood MaWti lou I0I4 < i lom I Iis imii I iI 35044 onU
11 I llllnoUHrlrk IllInois l1rtt Mo M MI MI 1444 t l
I in Kan X City CIe Sty A U I 31 3 31 11 ail jnj I II 315 315sn 1
= v Kan O Hy J A ALp L 1 pf TTt 1To 77 77s 774 71 s 77i rnt
3 Vlrrrum 17 37 7 37 37 1
I 33 MCrnm 111 pf loj 50 a lu 2 102 103
3 Vat > t nteull I 10V 55W7 10V I lei MI4 imU im i
2n 3 Nat S elini Carhna ca ln 1124 II li I7I III 12 112 II
inn Norm lhr II > aled trod 134 u in4 in I 354 i 10 i
23 iV IrupSe pte iP cI < ia 1114 III 1111 IIU Il tut III lull lullHiakrri 1110 1110a
a IukrraI Hiakrri > Ui c p ut > f 1044 111 1014 05 1041 1041 1 0414
340 tear Iears14wbuek ttmbuck to 14 I IM I 50 lOT IQ 1634 I ML 1 1jsjv
545 MI III liIreeSaPSiaCer Cr 353k = 1f 214 iIP 7
jsjv 3 Hwirt 4 Co C tm imfi I 103 ID i tm tmaIIbntlfft nC n > 7
411 C Inlteil aIIbntlfft Ibiibnapn I u > 2
71 U USSc 11331rI a Steel M M M 54 54pa as asDon IIIDO
Don DO DOfI1 in infffO pa pafiji0
fiji0 fffO Cbl Sit R I i Inoi mi I im imxm I 5m > I
xm m Clly II I Iit7 111 505s 02 > lor lii ICI giciSf40
tirocnlHi Sf40 ro atllli Ciii IS K I i 54 = 2 aji H2i H2ii4 1 III 554
I i4 n > Kia ri y I h a wa l > i i w2i 102 Iftat 55 io Io3 1Iloi > J
1 ym Mnnl nflI4ja h 4 44s M MnuNWLU MS 14I 9IH 5 PIS 1 1434 tW tW1HUINWL4
nuNWLU lID 3tk1 nuNWLUMio I W L4 In5 > III IIIrillIni In54 S m
1 too Panne rillIni la taiJ ina ttD4 ioa 5505I > inai inaiWMk
I K aao WMk awin 0wUUs M r4 aVa ml mlri auwJ 4 7 tOO 1 I Ito T
T vl vlgrarterf
rr155 Up htI htIAeth J 141flItsr 1 1ertS
grarterf ertS Aettri AettriMaaeaet AethA AetkLKI SUU1 SUU1Tn
Tn Eape IjeIS St5W St5WersAisM
ersAisM A ated ated3taachstsr
Maaeaet H r Sesulid eein d to Mt the tll p Pace PaceUnrpool pcLher000l c cUrerpool >
Urerpool foil Intols latoU sdtbra aUtb Xw t York YorkPrk4i YorkPri YorkPikes
Pikes bare ran up ebarply on July white whiteMay whIle3ZaT blle blleI
May I was sot 110 far basted d It It and other month monthwera DlonUa1ftere as oaths oathswere
were alao hlcfeer r Aeeordla to a Liver U Upool Uvorpool Liverpool ¬
pool despatch a Tory Ursa bnsiso b buataeiscoce = = colsa colsaal co =
551 al 1 wa Wa tb the urtn wad UMdwaa waa doss Ia Mea Meacaeater MUIelletlter Maaobestr
caeater rwtarday Uany 810 r pol > ol daalar at atUrerpooL asLherpool 3 3Uvarpool
UrerpooL It 1 1 is said 14 will IU Mil 11 at one for forNew tore foreW
New e eW York ort to buy what bat they Ua term cheat cheatcotton cbeanroUoa chsnrottoa
cotton alter the Iher Ih May tender te are antThta lod lodThla iMOsdml
Thla I II described la the NIB doapalcb deepIc1IcobowiD6 a aahowln ah0wtflX
ahowln the lb cutS acou of the tb poallloa poallloaand poelUOIUdlbo
and Udlbo the good mad here Alao the UTe Uvernl UTeI IAv IAvpool
nl pool I Mock conllauna amall Of all ktoda ktodai It ItI
I it i T37A 7U080 o bale agalnat 774000 774 a aago wiwk wiwkago t
ago 110 and 41 IMIWO 1331 000 at IbIS t Urn lISt year yearAmertcan TNrAmrtcoUI yearAmricn
Amertcan rotion there Stunt run UtH for aIr aIr211IO obtyI77o
73080 bale acataM aa 7Moeo 181 000 laM web WS5 k lad aadlai 541
lai 1211000 oee laM year r The India ooUoa tract tractwaa lradeportecl tradwas
was reported more mo active and d oatffco GOB GOBtlaent oBlleont 4o
tlaent bum tnwl II toiproTtas Impro provng AccorafBC AccorafBCto A ISla ISlato
to some pat d b tli the Liverpool markat markatappeared parHppeared n nappeared
appeared to bo abort Further afeowar afeowarwere Plaoarawre sbowSfwere
were reported < la Taxaa TE but they had little IKtleeffect Utilarreot littleetfest
effect Tb > prediction wa w lJet for or colder coMorweather cortbr colderweather
weather tbr la USa boutfawea with It fro froac froact to towetra Inwestern
western t Oklahoma OlllahOCld and north DOrUlllfOC4llB weaternTxa weaternTxaLlrertool n Tua TuaLIrtool TxaUvrtool
Llrertool wa a tare Iar buyer 0 of July JulyTho JulyI
Tho I 17o Amount brought Into et etcht t for the thow t tk theweek
w week k VA r oaly 7 71 70148 M3 bale baIea a4Wat 811 11MI4 11MI4la
la lb the b aaoi weak k lat I year yearthe Tal make makthe 505k55the makethe
the total to thus far tab 11 aeaaon aeaaona fljujm 1 1qlaa balea baleala keI8Sagan
a qlaa agan iat 13VMM4 t 11 oss4 > 4 Ut the h sam period LaM LaMeaoa lastseason
season Tbe i ceeeral rat vlatbl supply auI showed ahoweda MOeddeereua
a decrease for th tha Is week k of ofaaIaat 1S4CM balee baleeacalaM balieagainst
against a dcraaa for the a sante BW w week ek 11 11of laai laaiyear iaaiyear
year of only 1O 10055 111 I3 bJ b a Of American Americanthe Arl Arltb ATSPT63th
the tb decreaa wa was lUeM 13 bate acalat qalad a adecreaan 5decrease
decrease d for thai same period nod lat year of ofII ofI
II 111050 I M baJ betas 4i Sorao 80 = furo that at the themorannt thamo Os Osmoment
moment mo th thi aptaaar U I actually ua11T natna u jeaWO jeaWOto eeo eeotit
to joom 1180 bale a w week > k of Aasoricaa cotton cottonwhich colloawhlcll cottonwhIch
which decreaaea docre th the vtaibJe naI supply at the thoral therat
I rat rata of IMoeo or moro balM a week II that thattbe tbaStho thaithe
the European uropeci quota of th the ylaibl albla baa about aboutreached aboutreached
I reached low 10 ebb bb aad that If th lbe mm con eoatlnua eeaIlinue contissue
tissue to take cotton at the Prevent t rate rateAmerica rateA ratsAmeric
Ilinue America A will b be wept pt clean I of the tb iSaple iSapleThe tapl taplTh pla plaTh
Th The bull party admittedly include Iud ta mea n at atoar atoar t toaN
oar experiocood ced and very powerful flnmn flnmno nan nandltIi
ci dltIi Iru th o otter hand a axmlattori to Insisot B 1Ic1t 1Ic1taJIOt at atpot
pot mark a are 15 reported cutat crop news nawwhat II IIhal newswhat
what hal tbt I 10 of It ta 1 bith ta the mate afD favorable favorableand rorabaad favoabLand
and the Ih cwtMcated certM tcWJ stock hr IIII U IMdlly t dllr to tocreaain IeIain insreaastng
creaain sreaastng Yeaterday 111IO O balea baI war added addedto
to I Ii I making aa Increase thus far this month monthof othoI aOl
of i7M M bale bal The Th Bombay receipt for lorI forIhweawera
I Ihweawera he we4rwer Mono ono or Unoo bale more than thanfor tllanror thanfor
for thoVaate week laat year lblA 1 hla hi make makea masea
a biaS lBo Meplember < I of 1M300O 2 3653 000 or orroughly orroflblr orroughly
roughly Wioeo 121 000 hale more than duTies thft thftaam tJIItInfO 41 41101e
aam InfO time 11m alt t year r Memphis Tenn ac accord a acording 0 0Ctlnlin ¬
cord cording Ina to the official report hail a rainfall rainfallof Iafall Iafallof
of iMiacheaand t hand bower occiirreil in parts partaof liar liaror
of leias 111 1 elan Ueor leorala Arkanua Oklahoma and andMUuilailppl andtulppl and141441541p9l
MUuilailppl At Alexandria Krypt prices pricesdeclined pracdfd prScesdqcliniwI
declined dfd t n point polntsonl24 or 124 points in two clay clayErr da daElrrPllao
Err ElrrPllao PI Ian cotton It U 5 stated I Is ud for fordifferent r forifliTerenI or orlirru
different purpose than American Fnrt FnrtWorth FnrtWorlh FortWorth
Worth Tex wired that h In weatern m Teiaa Teiaathe TOIl TOIlthe Toxasthe
the arnta ntartt e will 11I be Increased Inc 1 in 0 to U per percent prlilt percent
cent that Iballnlh in tnthe the Rrownwood section iO per percent perInt prcent
cent baa ha barn planted and that the rh con conillt Inllioa conSIIt1oa
illt llioa Ions ar are re the bet ever known with lIb th thcrop thern lbcrop
crop ern > 10 0 10 II a day cia early earlyIn arl arlIn Ir IrIn
In the t Sb Halltncer 811n pi Han Angelo and n Slam Slamfont Im Imront tamfont
font sections 1100 or Tctaa Te condition are re said saidto uaIdto Id
to be practically a favorable a as In the theBrownwood tileOrowuwOttc1 theBrowuwood
Brownwood section lion and nd that though Iholl at atAbilene atAbilene 1 1AbUrne
Abilene the outlook Is C not nulte HO omt II IIU ItI
U I better than the b av araxe rate at 1 thla time timeKertlllzer tlmFIIIIr 150 150FertIlizer
Kertlllzer ale la Georgia are reported r rtt to tobe 10lit toh
be h heavy ba The fh worlds rtJ pinners P 99145 takinr takinrfor Iklnror taklnior
for or the Ih week Ii amoilnt molnl1 l in rjijso IJ IZ3954 bales baleaacalnil b bllIat balesaIni
acalnil llIat 7377il In I the th Mime m lime last year yearThis yearrii r rrII
This rii rnakrn mak the total takings 1lIln for the h seaaon seaaonthu npaoflthus uon uonIhuaaar
thus far a4llll III bales bI aaralnit IDt MtI1411 OJ < VM In Inthe InI tisthe
the Ihuaaar I hll MiBMBtime lime laat t season 8On Hears II flrure flrurethat 1It flxiirthat rl rllhat
that IheriwIU I IU be plenty pIM of ofrotton cotton this year yearand fr fran
and an that a bIg < crop U Impendlne Hull Hullanower Hullllist BullssarsiWr
anower that nobody know what the seal nxlrrof sealsrepS
rrof srepS N 1 ro4ue es lu to 0 be it and 141 that Ih everybody everybodyout 171 171olleM
out olleM hi to know k80 that the prevent crop i Is en entirely IllUNI entireIr ¬
tirely inadequate for or demand of the th worlds worldsIrale wtL1cIrate rld rldIrttt
Irale On the tll orb iiiI last nhrht prbea prlr were wereI i
4 lo 1 points dix tllltH her than the ulDclal closln closlniiuotatknui 01010111811Ittlallll cIoe5niuottl4ia
iiuotatknuiThe iiuotatknui iuottl4iaThe
The Th fAmvire cA I today d will 11I ear ay Tele Telernihlc TIrfthlr TIserchle I
rnihlc rei Nrrt > oris to uk u this hl evening nlnc from the thesouth Ih IhStlh theopiII
south opiII are on the 110 T hole nf a favorable tnor tnorHaiti InorIIlhl tonorItAlt
Haiti lu hart l bpii > een unite general ral and tieneflclal tieneflclalnn
nn 1111 I a a4 a rule It haa h Iwn moderate modr and has hasnot h ha haiil I
not 1 liimteied farm nork a lo Ii any nv important importanteiient ImPCIraoun importantstent
eiient un Iotlon planllnc i now maklnn maklnnvery makinIIarood maktnsvery
very good pruitr rr and Im been n compieled conipletedto nolfol nolfolIn
In xiine otn seciluus eetlut eetlutI5Il5r4 111 111UII
Iliners UII reported n were > lewrs ol Weld WeldKiordan WelulHlordsn 11 11Itlnntn
Kiordan Brown Itro l Ic ts4h lhee Hrtn < llarne llarneiiarp II IIU Ilayalsfl1iSr
iiarp lsfl1iSr nler llai U he h l hnian 1nII Saul 11 linatluney aatIiey51cr
llers Me r Mutton llli k Wilson In Mob MohrVirilen lnhnln Mobin5vs
Virilen nln llubbanl IInlohanlnd an4l ndSlo Motue 1 e i 1 Huston
if f I t5yrtoI lvertMM l Iia II I urrlveil liore h Nonlen A 1 Co CoMild toI 0 0ht
Mild ht We W beHove Ilial thi vrr err rY manipula manipulation mniauI ¬
I tion tir of Stay W will ill iililnmtely ullln have I a atlJ weaken weakenIIIR 1111 1111II
IIIR ffeff II on I III tie later ptMillon 1100 sitd d that thati Ih1rrill thatIsrrlttg
i lN4rrin rrill unfavoraUli n tiw w u s lu 9 the c 55 neat ueitI
I TOIL rt a b bar ar r market will ill rrault r We W V Ibere Iberefore Iheryfory
I fore n advle rtvl elinr lIln the th late 1 summer pn poI IWIIIIlIn l ltlon I IlIon
lIon and nll the Ih new iron I I mopllis h on upward upwardi
i reailiiiiia F aihiiifl tinrt Miller A fo 0 itaid ua14 We are of oflh or1lnlolllht of1h141piflIOtl
lh 1h141piflIOtl opinion 1lnlolllht that the Ih Heather Ihr Mtnallon beam beamlawful bIoa bareeftsl
lawful eftsl 1 walchlne walchlnel watchinc1itttiF1 tehlnt tehlntI
l rutures Fttu advani Ad1 > i to to S olnts loolnt > the I I11I1r giplaSter
j 11I1r latter on n Jiilv rloni 00 spry steady d End IJitlmated
mated 1 IeI aInu al I 7K osss > i i l h tat4 > ate I Iriie rio as follow aafollowOpeN followl
l OpeN fsji If 161 < flos 105 0 rrrr rrrrIW P4 P44i
IW If rtf P Wf I flu rtoVI n nU fluU
I VI U v73 73 14 > 14 74 s 14 141M SM 14 435 71 71II
111 1 II 3 < 14 11011 3U It 4 37 14 4 T 45 4 a34 a347eptmtr 34 34veplemher 1 1lm
veplemher lm i 52 t u < 2 Ii > 12 I 2 12 I 2 HI 0 1 12 I 2 245110P II III 2 2llrnnr i
llrnnr IS I 4i > 1 1r 41 t 2 ft I 2 4 44I 4 1237 1237I I 011 011i 37IbtflhPf
I i llremlier I 12 I T 3 II 11 I 3 tr 12 21 12 I 31 12 7 12 5 21 21Se 5 5pe I
Se S pe Orlejo Url 4p fill rUlUr lire were aa a follotrc follotrcilw folio folioI foliosIse I
ilw llft Int flat 4J Frrt Frrtt Pr
t ft ft 9 is I rial riallint 1A5 III
I lint 554 14 110 2 14 I 49 54 4 2 35 14 4 47 II IIJlv 23 23July 53J054 I
July 14 Itn 411 14 4 S4 4 > 1ItI is a > II 37 1 14 Ita 54 4
lOctobr IOd 12 3rf 1747 I 2 47 1237 52 37 1241 I 52 41 1533 1533j 1 17 1 7S 7SI I
j I Spot roSin lirr r adtancnl III I 00Iut potnt45c1ulIIti K 00IutlhlllllllC > lll lllMiddliiir <
Middliiir 132V 13 I2i IMI Clhr1 er > Hl on ronlrarl ronlrarll
l sINb i lialeo 11 sIrn oulli rii p pol l unrhnnifd hnnt to loj
j lIRe 11 lilrtiT MeiiililiU sold Ili 11 l Ikh Imlm 1510j
I Nn S j lrlenn 424 ll 11nll ii ton 340 iialve 1IveIon 1IveIonale < lnn
Jill 11 Hivininh oi TISI TISIIII I Ihi 5IIIii
III I h hIII4II1 TIUHI otMul MI rolton roll on declined dl1l1 RnoinfMtlilliiik r points poln poln1ItIII pointsI5lstIitaw
Mtlilliiik 1ItIII J ileI Nld ld Sale n 70110 71 bull I imliid imliidlint 111101II inIdttiv
lint II 7 P lor ur 1IlIun M < iil iun and AI efimrf esporl lalleil lalleili 111 111In
i i titiN iniH In > rt J < n Ktiturei IIur ili io i < 1 i lo lon
n Iulst > ointtiiolier tlS4P Irli Ir trSiou < > a follow followVefrr flIotI folIocer
Vefrr cer re rMout but butrf
rf 4 I HI 1 l 1p11 swe sweprl an anApril
April prl 7 M 7 363s IU IUJ 3 Vr
kfar MayJuts1 June J 7 ra 0 1 Si S 3 3Ti 3TiJult rlfI Lt3
Jult fI JIltAtatut Aurut 7 74 50 743 7 to 45 147 1 1Iktobrr
Jortobtr Iktobrr November yembtr m 442 S 62 41 3v 1 333 i
J I j Uferpool I due dii to come 2 to T r pin pinmhr poinfa poinfa50gtr > ma
1 fnalier uidar wd
THK T Ti tir < Rt six MRKKTS MRKKTSniieat j j11t 5 5hn I
niieat hn IrrrKular Irru IrrrgularNh Hftajwer III ner at t the itealli iteallineat 00thnest 11th 11tht
neat t lash h Wtieat t IHill and aRelth Hear HearHliert iteasy iteasyNhIla
Hliert th 4 loser rr 44 4rn > rn and Hat Ir lrI Irrreal
I regular regularlieat rreal regularVlueat
lieat dndrtl iltoiit ou In an n uncertain uncertainn unrln1Ir iflVettlfllpcuIput I
n siiiier > though oitbii itbl a narrow 4oiupaftuillr 4oiupa oispaqi <
1IIIIIIIIr i ftuillr wlndln uprre p Ilflllr fiilMr Early aI Inlhdiy Inlhdiylh hi th day daylb b bIh
lh M VA a lourr 10 Pu t Iuih > eiiri h fai tailor lorrtlih lorrtlihfaoreil Littt Litttftvorl It h
I faoreil the Ih bear war < so u the Ih full of CI flMllr flMllrlio firslsrelurn rth rthIn
elurn lio ter In Kjn K Kiows n and ntl other hr Souihi NIIIIr upisIhsulrnI t i rn rnKlHtes
t KlHtes 14 wt I tie h Mmlirn UI Millar 1111 il1 ny ys the II pro proloiitfnl Iroloninul I
loiitfnl ilrotiht iu KPIIKUI Ill MiuJ J NVbrn sIsrcks sIsrcksla hrI hrII l > a aI
I Iia I l n nlleved liy aroHl irenernl rum rummill
mill alitionuli mure rain I m dnl oter ovorI I II
I 5 l 5555 e 11 jriil visi the rh rop i niorei 11111 or r I MkviMittr IltIJ IltIJI > l lthere
I < < I there 5pm > < been a veneral 11 liiu ltssnlIPPtit > rot > i nt ntin I I II
in i I the III Kituatlnn Prltnte reM rrrl > rl r vrp > re reIII r rI I IIn
III I lit n 5 few r cawti 1 tn the Ih xnie rflrt pf3 pf3Isil I Tin Tinne TI TIro
ne Isil rron ro > lb iiHncjin riAn and 1 InnndUn InnndUnpriii lsulsdtanpniir
priii pniir i wheat salt was srrv crv n fmortlf fmortlfh
> nh h 1 It e t MsJ isc irenrally retorlnl rI rIIt dull dullIt I
It dk s I < lower r at Totiito oci and ilmllnr ilmllnrn dlnff un Ito Itosr
n sr re utn l < reM r I lurt1 > rted at M oii > II iii oth rhr r inarkiii inarkiiiIritiu4r mrkI1r1IcIJI ssarkitlnit9tr
Iritiu4r 1r1IcIJI 51 e > elil wi > r > 4IOJH liu lIsta > li als alni alniJiCrrT hl hllIi
1 JiCrrT lIi lagS year r liverx IIJI > > l ileilltml ileilltmli un I
i n I > il 1 lluilan lluulap1 1 i and nd Berlin i Kit KitIni iiiills III IIIhu
ills Ini crop roa rv r ruoflu < rl were lavoribte The TheilK na fliI
> ilK uort > rl I leo mm Ihl hi 1114 nuiiiry 1 for 10 the lii h hatt week weekwere nekpry
were pry laled by I llrfrtrtrtrlt I1lSr 1 st t I1T IihslG54 11I 11Iheoh H1 H1Ixuli
Ixuli niAkliiiT kl the th tulal sirit Ir rp Inly I only onlyIII onlyI 1
III I iitre Vl Sudi HI I ntmln l I4 141393 ii2i > i 111 luIS
S M4 acson > n In n th > inn 11I jirioi jirioinme iM > rloil rloilI lOtiICrr
I jittr i a nme me m a 5 rA rail I Many report of ofiorf4 a
iorf4 turtje > > In the h prm prosuetivn > ecllvn yield Id In Kansas Kansasand KII KIId Kanesiand
and d vel tpraska > raka rimcinr ant nnIre where from M Min ui o oIfs
in 74 i ter tent on rontlnleil tlnI1 to I I e rr receIved receIvedauS lvrtj lvrtjami IV I
ami 1 here Ih no was aa more or Ipse I ifinimlwiUiu ifinimlwiUiuluii olnlm
luii 111151 1 bitylnw at a ttntMi tln Mom leadIng i
IhUnieo hicD Interests lJt are at r till aupposwd to Im I
omnml u to me ionic rllr Kie aol Ud some someIlionnht cornltsuiistltt m mIhollehl
Ilionnht they I were Ivlnit aupnort unor though thlcI
Ii I wa not of the a ascatreselsn KresU sort rt Klevnlor
Interest were buying bUT III Heptemlier pmlwr sup supMMrdly sopIwnwIly p
MMrdly dl to cover abort there was scat scatlered cctlrr1 1 1rlnc
lered cnverlnc rlnc by room trailers rad Omaha Omahawlnl Omahawitsi
wlnl that farmer were 1 not selllna URI or po
l Ienlnc nln any ny wheat t folder Ictr weather with
Croat was predlcleil for parts of the Ih Houtti Houttiwiwt Moent Moaittwt
wiwt t I he h Arrenllne shliimenta lIlmo for tit titweek 1 theweek >
week k were rao Jliooi 21Ollolu > l ub > making 3liMniw MO
Ince In me January I oaraln In n7l00n In lh lhame 11101 11101me lhame
ame me tin l Mt lat year yearTHK yrmK yearTUK
Torn here was nominal At the Ih We WI WIpnc WiutIprc4 l lpriceM
priceM pnc were Irreculnr M one on time II e earI > arly rl rln
In n lh day d there Ih wa w an advance on II light Iihrollrtn lightofferings tit titofferlncs
offerings ollrtn commlsaion house bou buytnc uytn and andcotiertnc andori asIroverits
cotiertnc ori of short Later on prIces prf react reacted reactedon 11 11n > d don
on n lliiuTdallon The crop news ne waa a eicH
lent IOnll Provision Interest were core selling lIInc after
liarina tal nar covered cOy freely on Thursday Pri Primary fri frim ri rimary ¬
mary m receipts pt were 1 477447 41r 447 bush acUtnt ffai n l ll IIt
l It 23 tI loot year Mr BraJitrrtff stated teet the theexport Ih Ihror lbexport
export for lh She > week 11 at t MtMO buah buahattains bushagalnet
attains au 6S74 t3 24 II In fl the th previous week k and and79ma An An111J1
79ma 111J1 > last ls year wince OlIn e July Jill t 1I21t 243117 111 111uroh 76
buh asalnw crln 3545n74 = i4 0 > 74 In the same Mn lime IIi
l lad t ason n ThIS Argentine shlpinentawer nhIpnnt we were wereI
I II I4nst hush siln arlnt ahis t sims 11 IAttt t week k and andI7in
I7in 475 541 last I year r inca t May il I M777iiO M777iiOaraln IIt7nmelnt M777wislgaint >
araln elnt > l a7777im In Ibo lb sons s me lime Im last t4tWIf last55u ji t tacawnt
acawnt 55u
inr 1n f OAIM OA rrATfics rrATficsOsl
Osl were Irreirnlir 1111 ti MI rm I III he who whosteadier whole wholelei417w5flOS h
steadier lei417w5flOS lIrrlnC wwlnc H ri I e in f he h lsessb s h marhet rkel
0 j
LMIMfl 1 tN PARIS PARISHolKsfer PUIHollister AliiHollister
Hollister HolKsferFish HollisterFish HollisterFish
M emJiKlN L Y 1KMk te R shn shnlatuesl rh rhand >
1 Secitie SecitieI
I latuesl All en JJ DCJt DCJtNamu ht1 ht1nll
Namu and nll Pln 8tr atfMta atfMtaTala trsteTsk t ttac
Tala sss laks ISIS ISISarati
arati rIIItIIII IrrllI III IIIJ N Ii ds dsrrw
J rrw w w1t xIJ xIJ1nyTaT tac tacI1TBBTMKVT
hew hewEI4I1ZDrMA Y8l ork PtuL pmibw Ch ChEklLE fttIa fttIaJLE P
ffew ffewWmAReadCo N w To Y Rf6ft Rf6ftW R154NeWmARcad
WmAReadCo WmAReadCoStre W m ARead Co CoLak
CHARTERED CHARTEREDBrooklyn CHAT ER CD CDBrooklyn ies iesBrooklyn
Brooklyn Trust TrustCompany TrustCompany TrustCompany
Company CompanyKNGfKKKIM
euro CHf c OkHu OIL Mekll It to 16 aBle1tC4L aBle1tC4Lprediction 51ii Cia CtLpretItlon Ciapredlctiona
prediction of iold colder r weather with fro fron frot frotIn t tin
in n tome pecUoni olion and covering of n ndscnts nrr rII rIIIIlIorl m mftliorln
ftliorln On the Ih whole however lh the crop nf nfuntil r rolnl
until l left < fi little to be desired denlrraTHk
THk TH roT UaHRKT UaHRKTWheat 3tAh1EtVhat Ia Iabt
Wheat bt nulit Kattw KIll B tIIIuoo IM > bu hush h Man Mantolw Miiitolsa 1 1oha
tolw < i 1ule f Buffalo Ut lisle on Tbur Thury ttar for forxiiort rorIIION forZ1Ort
xiiort No o 2 red pot II 1110 10 f o b ufloat ufloatfi safloatfisrexport
fi fisrexport ur > rxi xIOrt > ort No 1 northern Duluth opvoinc opvoincoil OPOODI openlogon
oil 0 on iia navigation l tion t l IPS f o b afloat Otpor toS toScapers n ne
e capers I port Future tUIU Mod I > o lower to toWgbsr r rhlcber eI
I hlcber Corn dull tial sles lOOO hah No SoI n nS
3 spot 440 r o b afloat for export Enlist Knturrt Enlistiloestjunchanged UtII UtII10ftCJ
t iloestjunchanged lo 10ftCJ W unvhanced to He c hither Oat dull tI1nural dulInatural dullnatural
I natural while on track 4H 1IJSI4 4 < j whit whitclipped whitIIlprl whitelippes147hU3t7
clipped lippes147hU3t7 47jbUc 1I1o Future FUIUrSWSTS were a asutollow asutollow0i follow followOTI 0110
OTI 0 ItlC II U I fl c Cts l Ptrt PtrtThraf Pt Pthr54ntr
Thraf 1111 me I In t I r eM f mf Sill t tin ti tihay
Ur 11 II71 Int II 1t55 lie I11 t II IIJ1 IiIs IiIsJuly
J1 tlO 5nt 1itt n 11 t in IliPa III IIIpl liiitepS J
tepS pl 101 104 1 101 0714 < N IC lOllI lIlT lIlTCHWAGt1 lflVt lflVt1HeaG4 fa faApril
CHWAGt1 AprIl53 April It Prl Priieswrasfol1o Priieswrasfol1oIpiw < a were fIU aa follow followOre roltoII
Ore II ItlfO III Lott 7 fei Prr PI PIi PvrCAdS Prrr
CAdS 1111 lIT r VIS f IT m r Ow OwI0 t tI 1it 1itMy
My Im47 1 1504 I0 I 15544 l 10 tn tniemlier liWe liWeJuly
Jul July I itD IUI 1l3 11121 1 01 01Mentember 10 10I
Mentember iemlier nar looH 1 t I0l I0lI 05 100t ICO l5 IOOto IOOtor IOOtoJuY 0 0ruts
I ruts rutsJuly f fJuly
July tn 114 1 14il OIn l1 > III MIS 01111 4147ptm4w A Awrn
wrn 7ptm4w 4il t tWy 5 ¼ u 42 54 > t CH < 14 14lIia
lIia lIiahay
Wy 4 47 I < 41 434 c < Ct 41 UJul 43Jo1
Jul Jo1 JWU 40444 I 4i 4 iUt II IIw 8 4 40 40rTBta 514 514ryan <
ryan ryanI w M4 ar arre r rr
I re r rS Ilitt Low Ct 0tA Clii f rn rnHfccf pa pakf
Hfccf tA kf ifi fI 55 ex eI KIT C CUlaotapolH CUIADI CUhouapotl >
UlaotapolH May IY10II1i I 14014 10114 lilt lOll 10s14 < JJ IIID I5 I5July
July 7111 110 IW 50 HBH icos HSH Ts Tsfluluatb II IIOulICb 1 < J
Huliiib May 11rlc 1 H4 IW4 IIID Wi 011I jnws IIIUt lio lioJulv II IIJjlI1 10Jtl35l50s
Julv JjlI1 Jtl35l50s U0 licnj I npi It Itn 10 lt I ItlllI1I 55454 55454WinnIpeg S SV
WinnIpeg V Sai > low 103s > livn I 3534 innj IOI ID4 Ki itD i404 i iJul I01 I01Jul1 nI nII111II <
Jul I111II Jul1 > 104tJ 5041 104l 0114 104 50414 104 30453 1 Ia V0 V0Kaasaflly < I IKaaut
Kaaut Kaasaflly a Clly Way IOI IO4 im 104 04 im IIU3 lojs lojsJuly I I4414 I4414July
July ut 15T54 t 4 w IIL se4 S W Wit N Ti TiIII
it L ioui I MAW1l a > io7 101 1cr1 0754 i 101h j > 10 10uh W4 W4tulv044 ° y
lulr tulv044 uh loi > t 101 01 lot ot loth loa I1 11t
Money Uon r on rail 11 on th the Poor of the therirhanin tb St StlIblI Steel Steelkachsinwe
rirhanin lIblI raterdar Ird loaned at t IV 3 and andIMT nd 514 514per i int
per cent nt and n1 closed at t 3 per pent pentbulk nl 111 TbtslIt
bulk 11 of thn tt transaction wen mart < at atl 3 3Inl 3Iyrrent
l Iyrrent rr rent Thr Tb Thettmnonev tlm nioner market marke1eootlnur marke1eootlnuritsilI continued continuedlull IOnlln IOnllndull
lull wit Ills ha a nomewhit h e easier ler trndencr r ndnl In Ih Ihraa I Ior theast
east of lsty day loan for which the Ib tat tatwa 11I1r tatWa
wa 4 r pr > er r e lIt nt a as ooinpar compared l with lIh 4 per pertrnt Crnt prwnt
trnt nt bid earlier Ur In tIe th meek 11 Other rate ratewere rat ralwrf ratwere
were 4i 41 i per er r rent bid for all dst dates trots frnnnlnru rr rrIIlurU trotsttlli
nlnru ttlli le day d to sia lx month and nd 4 per ceife ceifefor fO fOor cePitfor
for or Wer the h year Commercial paper wx wxiiuoletl W WI wia wiaulsioled
iiuoletl 01All at t 4H 44ta 1Q S per pent < nt for prime prl iJntM iJntMnarnt sl slI ailiSiStinmes
narnt I and nd indorsed bill receivable other othernamm nth nthI othernames
names mYo a 24 j loeprrrent loeprrrentHterlln to 0 I per rent rentMerhing 01 01fttprUnc
Hterlln r eachange 1thanffIcIay phan yesterday ruled atady atadywilli t cr crwith d dII
with II h rate rl lu 0 iMtlnt Inl hlcher Tti The market marketrluMHl trU rnaxk4iloeed
rluMHl 4 44445450 4 < < 4 1I4 > 4 for lity IU day I 463 463ia4773 s sfc4J77i
fc4J77i for ilniand bills and net 4 t S j00ft j00ftr > 4 n nlor
Ion r cables aW France rn were iiuotcd at 1 i11 i111I1 IT1 IT1le
le 505 ITJ 1I7 170 < plim h IB4 and nd S 335 CII lees leaai JI 3644 36443sEe >
i 3sEe IPi II 1 In M 133 t retrh ilhmk marki M 1 Jl 318 318Ih 3IelIuia n j jilu
Ih lIuia ilu IH4 tI 44 and nd 14 94Ms4 94Ms4zhant 4S M4 M4I 4 4Oom
Oom 10111 lk fxihanre uhn on New X York Ho Hoton 110tll lietiI
ton tll UN I ilitoiint rhlcaeo lhlCIOpar par than thanthis h brlroo rl rltun <
this 0 liiiylnr 1ln Ir > ar elliriB Iii lloc Iur premium premiumt frmlumlnllrnu
t Ineinnatl Par nr > ew Orlpanarnnirner Orlpanarnnirnerplal OrllnCnnrm1Ino
plal 1Ino an dlxniint bunk 1 > l premium frmlumUnnII premiumtininepolis premiumMinneapolis
Minneapolis UnnII imp premium fonlreal fonlrealr >
r I oc 1 du douflt < oiint nt Kt Paul Ptil73e SSp premium premiumSt
St l loiii 1OIIur 33c 33 premium San KrarutM4ilr KrarutM ranvteo4ui
4ilr iireiniilin iireiniilinHoney gsritilslstiMoney 111111 1111111Ion
Honey 1Ion in lx emdon > tidon 3 h and nd JS per erl rCttlInt < erlIUI t
lInt < > of r llwouiit In the I > open market for forhortaml fllrhon tilthortajuil
hortaml hon 1 Ihri 11 month bill 3 islinjl I Ipent ITh
pent 155 T Th The i 1000Ina lo lne iiritv prIi of 0 ionil on il ill SI SIsi
si l 5 56 11 fur money monr non ard JrI 541C l f for or I II e ar ftUIII ftUIIIolult oum oumt 0uSaIsles
t abl aIsles M iiuote cli rlII1t > liiir jiripe of 3 Pf01 Pf01ret I cnl cnlrfI inurPt5ta
ret rPt5ta l at t M fran H f t pntline ntllll Prl rrtI rrtIr PT1Va5rate al alrat
rat r rate or e dUcount 2i 101 > er pent < nt Kij rh rhnloOlnII1 rjihat rjihatfits han e eon
on nloOlnII1 l4 > mlon 23 S Iranea Cran n 1 pentlme ntlm Prl PrIUI PrIUIrat Pnitrat ai airaC
rat of discount d Ont In Berlin n t T per perhahsaug < nl nlKirhnce nlhc °
Kirhnce hc on l london SO mark rll 1Ii H Pic PicNew prr prrX pIgiSew
New X York ork learlnar lloua llouaKioln tat4fl tat4flzcIanres
Kioln zcIanres ltnc r fMKitn4T8 balan balanS IIoIntwe 1 544 = 4 01t 01tubTrrassry 1 1bTrr7
S bTrr7 bTrea iirjr lblt bit Italanca Italancarpe Inl 1I l5 l54listsperIi Uwa UwaI
Iturlial Ilrl grice rpe > of bar allnr In InVorkslP Ini >
VorkslP 5 or ork U 235r Hilrer Irilx 1I1IondO in > n < lon4i1 4d d Men Mencan th M11rats
can > ter ilullarM dull were uuoleti oluol quotes1 at I4c ac
4DI j
ItllIDKMt ItllIDKMtCamyav nllIn DI IFIAO IFIAOrtrI
Camyav rtrI and a Term Termtnlied T It Mock Awl AmiIU AwlElvd 11ft m mtIII
tnlied tIII SLain llealty an ana anatqu anJ anJhmpreTSmentqualely < f fI
I hmpreTSmentqualely npravetnen U tqu q uatrrly I IU Mar Marhem r rIl
Home 110 Uatertown and nd Or Orden ocI 0gdeisshufgqusrtyr5y
I den dIahrllqIkrI burc quarterly quarterlyKear Il u srWrlltbk ar r ri s shlears
Kear Wrlltbk lloebupk and n < J Com Compay ComI Coinpanrqusnlerlc
pay panrqusnlerlc quarterly quarterlyMUhlcan torn I 544 > i Ua I I1IIrbcn tlaMIblgan I Iram
I MUhlcan HuteTelepktme HuteTelepktmequarterly t StIStS TIpb TIpbI Telephoa Telephoaguarieniy
I quarterly ram om 1 1Tto la IUD U > I IIIMt IrlIe
1 1qP
Tto rlIe Metal tal Market MarhotTbe ark
The irarkal for runner irelal 1etfdS 1etfdSqul1 > e > tetita tetitaqulei <
lo 11 11quolftl
qulei qP but O whIt I a lcadwr tone lake cornier cornierquotmlat riptwrquoidaII3Ol3Ic
rltll rltllft
quotmlat quoidaII3Ol3Ic lar13 Uial3Kc ami arnIebtruI nd elscuoljtle ruIUt Ue at IStlU l3diI i iI
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