OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, April 16, 1910, Image 3

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-04-16/ed-1/seq-3/

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v r p v r rS
U n r rrtci 4fU < ij JfItfR xKrH xKrHIIIV rCCIlrc rCCIlrcII
The Th PIIII rnhlw rt > fwtowaatf 1riees ad hare Cereal CerealNitlender t t1aIa tdSndr
Nitlender ndr at rateea 1aIa MeeM 11t1PriN 11t1PriNS t Talh Talhel I
> el M lIeraledW RelrkWrlM > rmlctf rVreaUw en n a aTem ftsI ftsITIIlbi Me at atTenth
Tenth EIe rKi 41 Catalrr t C Iry FaMbKteej FaMbKteejDttptititn rmtf
re4 tf Cbia lib Dttptititn r Ie 1 a TII T ru a Sen SenMrNN anUSA 3iApril
MrNN USA April ti II11It Thla city dt U 1 giving givingl gh ghI
> l IU ItOoylt Mvelt a warm rm weloorae Inome The ThenihMiaam ThenhJ1Iiam Tb TbnlhNiam
nihMiaam dos d not equal flqua qu that raaai raaaited raulIfd rasnitpd
ted at Porto Maurixio but I ha II curi OrihQW11 curiitr ijrjEUV
itr shown hern he U I far greater ere rstr than ftpjiipI in inNnpl inr
Nnpl iipI r fir r Rome Romnw RnmttWhooftvr RomeWhrtwer
w bermnr Cot ItooawTelt COM go OM a crowd crowdc orodcltI orowd4thFII
c cltI tthem < to S4 O his arrival while 1 JIt then tile ia ianstiuitly faW1tly IntntIy
nstiuitly W1tly n crowd outaid hill hi hoUL hoULtii hotAhh hoteIIiieli
tii hh h iuoreaana 11k or ddminiabea d ninlab according accordingth Ins Insthtt
> th thtt vipecUtioa of his hi prmaramon prmaramonat a aIlt
at Ilotnn R rM and Cd Porto Mnirialo tINt lhaixpulacH thewpiiIc
ixpulacH 111011 inaiata upon calUag caU1n him Pre Prnall PrMIInt Preint
l Int nt Cordial volloya otIey of hocba always alvrayacrent alwaysrw4 1 1t
crent rw4 t bin appearaaoe a rU1011 Col Rooaavelt Rooaaveltpla Rorft4d It
pla 4d > e I with this thi popular appmdatJon appmdatJonnd I
mind nd n < t exclulrna It U jiMt Ilko America AmericaMi I
Mi flue ill audience with Itb the tb Emperor todav todavluupiMl to todaiittipird < t totCIJl I
luupiMl otCIJl IKt forty mInutes It It1III was bald In Inprivate InC
C private annrtment The Emperor Emperorh WM WMdewed waiie
dewed h iie d in I the th splendid uniform of an anitxtrian antrian anklbttlan
itxtrian trian General Je In taI FVnm room to room roomi
i 4 > rUxwevelt waa w i ushered ernd by relav 1 of ofi orurt ri riI
i < urt > offldaln la gnrgooiM orgo liveries livnricaHe IlYotri
He decline to tell the th cnrrnaooadenta cnrrnaooadentaAnything nrreauondenteAnything lIcInt lIcIntnthin
Anything nthin that paaand between tMh hlnaanlf hlnaanlfnnd hiifntl
nnd ntl the Emperor Thom had been n much muchiliscuasloa much1i8tUloD muchiPCliIofl
iliscuasloa at court coDcnrnlng how the thelm ta tarnror hIinjror
lm Iinjror rnror > eror ah hllI1 < HiM properly addreaa Cot Coll CotRveelt 11 11Itt
l Itt tJMlt < K > > eev lt bn not no being heI royal a President Preajdontr t tJoftlmor
r a lovornor Th The arrhivaa hl of the thealacn theaIc
> alacn 1 were rannacknd for a prer prqdent prqdentmr dnnt dnntfnr t tInr
fnr the Austrian court ia I perhapn perha tbe tbeninat tbenlost thenuid
ninat punctilious in Eumpn In matters mtt of ofetiquette ortiqueu oftiqutte
etiquette Apparently it was finally con oonludf 001I1IdfCt conItsdtd
ludf 1IdfCt < d that th the Fmperor might call the theetPreaidetit thecPlHldttnt thePrtMdfnt
etPreaidetit My great friend without withoutviolating wltllolltlotlnirT withoutvirIitlng
violating lotlnirT any of the tb principle or Ihooriea Ihoorieaof Ih Ihor IheO I Iof
of court ell etlciuett ouetle
Tbe crowd which aasemliled mhlecJ to eee eeet MeInt I
t Int ol Roosevelt It enter the h patocn raraalnnd raraalnndoffer mmaInedsrtr d dIflr
offer ho h went In aad 1 craw cre tsw larger largermomentarily luceromflQt Irgrmomentkrlly
momentarily omflQt rllT In order to 0 see his depart departure departUter ¬
ure re After he left the palace the Coktael C CJoosiitrne Coktaelitmve Io IoImtr
itmve Imtr in the Capuohlaa chapel to lay laywreAtha JaTwuth laywreihs
wreAtha on Oftt olLth tb tdteh of Ihe lb murdered murderedlmprexa munleredlImbeth murderedhnprore
lmprexa Klimbeth and the ill starred starredUrown tarndlrnn ttrredLrnn
lrnn Prince Rudolph Her another anotherurge anothertirs ROtberIrat
Irat urge crowd cava > him a hearty welonma welonmafUron weloomflrnn Im Imf4on
fUron ItengctntUler Austrian Am AmKinudor Amhueadnr Amhisedor
Kinudor tn to > th the h United State Sta aloneettendt alone aloneattended IoneAderl
attended Roosevelt in the chapel where wherennlitary whereC here herelIlry
C nnlitary mnok in tbe tb rob of a Capu Capunim Capufttlntood Capue2In
nim fttlntood atood at the entrance to receive receiveiij nICOl nICOlIIJ receivetIpm
tIpm iij m Although Alth > llah the tb scene in tho th Pan Pantheon PeDIh Peahqnt ¬
theon Ih A t Rome waa w far Ia r more impressive impressiver
r rr > r this thl quasi prIncely function of paying payingiriliiiln payIngiIitite JiDe JiDe1lhlll
iriliiiln to the dead meml members > era of < f the tb royal royalh royalINII royalthe
h INII u e the actual ceremony la this thl simple simplentpel simplempel Implen
ntpel n 1fI wee more dignified dignifiedWith dianlnedWilh
With IhescejHioa lIMo 1tlrtI9 of the exPresident exPresidentHiron ePlidMltIhmn enPresidentHirnn
Hiron HengebaUlUr a monk two at attendant atIlOdAntJt Attendents ¬
tendant one of the tb latter being a young youngwoman youngwnmefl ouncWnmlln
woman and nix x Amvrioan correspond correspondent ¬
ent qt t > nobiidy nobo IT was admitted dlnitt < < 1 to the crypt cryptwhere crypth cryptwhre
where h the aurcophagi of the ancient ancienthouse ocleott
house t > USfO us of I Hapaburc He II Descending Descendingthe
the th plain In white tiled utaJrway tbe little littlecompany littlepnn littleeimpnny
company pnn hatted for a moment and an took tookfrom tookrrom tookfroni
from an attendant two 11I0 huge wreaths wreathsif lWIIthar
if r t red 4 I and white hlt flower tied with itb a long longr lonzwhit
r < x ol white and nd blue hh ribbon inscribed inscribedimply InecribedIlmpl inscribedsnipIy
imply Theodore Koonevelt with Itb the thedate thedite I Idltl
date in gilt lIt letters lettersThen Iul Iuln letter1bet
Then n 1 the party panted Into the un untent unItnttioull unetentaitinu
tent Itnttioull > tiou whit walled 1Iffi white roofed roofedirypt roofedYpt rootedErypt
irypt Ypt on Ihe I h floor i f which atood bronze bronzircnphagi branZIlrLnJMIZI bronzeirinphagi
ircnphagi of < t all n sizr At Ihe far end endn
n either 1 1r B sift dn of a beautiful utiflll hronw Ma Manna Manna Marfnna
rfnna nna n memorial of ii f tbe women of Hun Hunt hunATv
t itr ATv ry to the tit murdered Kmprent Imp Mood IO < Xt the thenrco thentI the4rv1f415i
nrco 4rv1f415i ntI > l > 4 l of f Ktirabeth I and Rudolph RudolphI
I I on > them d the nttendinU pUced the thewrettllin theI thewtiiitli
wrettllin I U vthite hi1 Col ItoxM nOOllh vet stood too be between bltI betwen ¬
tween tI < n the sarcophagi This T i wan all n the theivremony theymolT themony
ivremony mony fter n momenta pau puI ptue ptueIlengrimUller e eI
I iron Hengelmljller pointed In out the theMudonn the1A thelj1onna
Mudonn 1A < 1onna Col Roo RoosvIt > vflt lt read r d the In Inripttorui It ItrifttioDJI torIftIon
ripttorui on the th naccpha i and looked lookedt
t the tit otliei otlt interesting tomb He Hemen Httr1D Hethn
men departed departedHapkburc dlflll departedIlapeburg rlt rltlta
Hapkburc lta burc tradition MV 11 that rain al alwaya alaya atway
way aya nutrfced nrk the vUll 11t4 < of 0 r C CtNr ur to th thPantheon ths thsPantheon h hrntllMo
Pantheon in Home Rain and nd thunder thundermarked tbllndI11uked Ihuodmarked
marked Col Rooavelf visit there theretoday tbre10tay there1otay
today when hfln he visited the ValhalU ValhalUthe VIhaILV lhaIL lhaILtll
V the tll Iapabiirg the these meteorological meteorologicalrtenta met metoroiogicatTrteflta roloiC1 roloiC1rtnla
rtenta were ef4t not abt absent nt The tun tunthich IIInkh sunhich
thich kh wna WtI blazing when the Colonel went wentt at atIt
t th palace tlIa was obscured by b omlaoim omlaoimunder omlDolImdtr ominniacindr
under clouds ao hn orated the chapel chapelhn
hn he h alighted from the royal curia curiacotin en enitfl
tin l began > egan to fall heavily hvU Scnrcely I had hadleft had11t badleft
left the th chapel when a heavy thunder thunderrin
< > rin In broke tmk The rain fell in D torrent toyrenteIihtrnng torrentlightning a aI
lightning I Ihtnin flashed ftah d vividly and nd the theunder theandfr theinder
under roared like salvo h of artillery artilleryfter r lry lryu
fter u th the visit 1 to the th > chapel Col CoII Rnow RnowII
II Wit u 1 few card ceremoniously in injdmg inidrne n notanI
jdmg < > ne n at the palace pala ce cf the th Archduke ArchdukeI ArrbdukePftndA
I ntncU Ferdinand While bn b wa thus thusnzig thut thusigot
nzig igot < d t his hi a rretry left t tts the ie CoUn ConIri CnInrn4e CnInrn4eriie l lril
ril riie upon people of leaser I importance importncvn
en n once more in hrillant sunshine sunshineI
I oloneln proc prncuion ilon proceeded to the theMunmh theflgnIslI
Munmh 01 rifling school in the pa paWCf paWCfCnlon placnIre lace laceMere
Mere the th Colonel witnessed old Snanith Snanithiito SpanihoJI
iito oJI 4tn rxile III work wor by ti horses h ae nearly nearlylerfert nearl nearlI nearlyI
lerfert I in hK hip > e and nd training asitlagiven asitlagivenni altl as it Ic given givenI < < lv lvto
I > ni fefl n to breed and nd teach In this school schooln schoolmember
< n nl member of the Imperial Im I hou house houseta e
1 ta > Id are nuxht tn ride The Th school h hitd hItot he heitd
itd inc < > the day of the Spaninh SpaninhJK
JK 1 le from which bi Charles Chrle1h V wj wjt was wast I
t > n The 1h home ltv ha been taught taughtKolirated taughtqrbUrcted 1 1IC
Kolirated utepaand stps IC and dimcult poe poert po posesrrT i iIT
rrT rt the I h riding school Col HooaeveU HooaeveUiheMaterof ltoo Rooaeelthe 1t 1th
iheMaterof h he Master flf tb tbe Kmperors liont liontto 10 10lu UoreI
I to the th palace ala At the entrance entrancei trnC I
i flanged nnlV < rrom the royal brougham brou am to tea teaep a aa aJlof11fbn
I IlInllt
a ep automobile and went t on a rapid rapidunutea repdilnutee
unutea lInllt pin to the cavalry birrmcka birrmckaImperial b b2rrackabniwirialMayrHuaearesquad rraekalaaar
Imperial bniwirialMayrHuaearesquad bniwirialMayrHuaearesquadr Magyar Huaaar a quad aquadf I Ir
r whom in their picturesque r c1UfP1lqU4l uni unicerformed unierformed t tr
cerformed r evolutions in the bar barluam I
luam under Col Rc R Rcoeevetts aevelt lt > critical CriticalI I II t
I ill Itider ItId eye e After the evolutions evolutionale
u A e flniahed Cot Roosevelt Inepeoted Inepeotedmaiilen Inplntedaltl
0 maiilen altl and harness bm room examining examiningTitling ezaminingttirng umlnloetltan
Titling tltan < < minutely mlnII even n to eeefng eeefngr nc ncr
r IIhOt IIhOtIAM epinlpart iod
1 < part of the days d programme programmemi I It
mi t i ti I delight him thoroughly Whim Whimnc When54Hng
54Hng 4 > tiing nc the balletlike ballet II step of the Iheat Ib Ibt the4t
at t the I Npaitlah school be told how howf howfir
f > mi 4 nr r hia Rough Rider regiment regimenttrained rementICtC I Irmm
ICtC trained within lhht aixty day The Tbel I II
l L s t of the Imperial Horse whose whosei 4 4lIId
< i 1s undergo lIId KO years ye of teaching scarcely scarcelyrn ocarcel ocarcelIfi
rn ned Ifi d to 0 crap the th point of tbe vlnitora vlnitorararl itor itora itorIh
rarl a
II to the Ih cavalry Iry barracks things were wereft f
i 111 t ft Tit There a Macyar Colonel and aodplOd andI
I 1 Roosevelt engaged enga plOd in an anlraatad anlraatadTftation aalmatedtion
1 Tftation tion Unfortunately UnfortW I the con coor conrlYlnn I Irstinn
r mtion had to be carried on In Preach Preachwhich Freacbf Frenchr4
1 which neither the tb Magyar Cotoael nor norrol 110Irn soTMlspvelt
rol I lottffrelt I was w proficient pro deot but both had hadielightful JaMrtUptrul 5d 5dleIigtfut
f ielightful time Once O ce tbe Max7r Max7rciared lla UigysrcscIred ar arCedaNd
ciared CedaNd < that the statement t of the turoInneI Aaseri Aaseriw
rv w folon regarding It some cavalry cvakyrIst MC MCr
r rIst it L wa wq Impoettble but a friendly frieD m mrrreter Sa InIntervefrpd
J rrreter rpPt inU InkreMd > rven d with a aatlafMotory aatlafMotorytplanation iatlatacterypInatloo tlataet ry ryrpiAftat60cJ
tplanation tplanationrhen pInatloothen t tr
then r followed a short exhibition by b1IIcomm1oaed b bIs
roBconiteiasiooed offleera la to the riding rIIiah Ii
bool h l after which CoL Rooaervlt visited visitedmesa I
L to crncers re mesa m and ad aa 55W r trojt and Dd
tet urs eaefcrWac riINq the u Mstory of nfI the there theregleseet
re regleseet 4mnl la I the two wo anleroume aft Re Rethea II IItIMe Methee
tIMe entered the sees room which ltlch ltlchUaN wae waeUaed waused
used with oHcem ocev in splendid uniforms uaiformaHere WIIfornwK
Here K < < e rare Tokay and other oth priceless prlcsJeeaRuagarUn prlneHwrri4n pricelessRusierbin
RuagarUn vine In were re served noM Col ColRouev C CRocJeey Clkouialt
Rouev l health wan dniak la tu tumultuotm tutnuJtu tumuItuouL
multuotm tnuJtu Hagyer fashion with a Malt JlaCar Maltyar Magyar
yar ar oh ha her r which cannot eua be reproduced reproducedthrough reprcd reproducedthrou J Jtbrouala
through throu the h weak 1 Tedium of f the cable cableaad cablud cableand
and printera pdo lab labHaving 11I1cuIIIC InkHvieg
Having overstayed hia lime In these thesecoagwlat tb tbfMWI thesecongenial
congenial aiirrnuadiaca fMWI where h he b made a apnech apotecb aspeech
speech aad u < t asked fId countless Intl question queatloneCol questionCot
Col Knoawalt returnad to hia bl hotel hotelwhere hot hottift hotelwher
where tift b be weived i forty Vlenaeae 1 Jour Journaliau JouraaJiaq jouraliaia
naliau He shook hands lda with Itb each of ofthem ofthem r rt
them t amiledVt smiiaI at each ch and nd delivered a col collective collectJy cclIsetive ¬
lective addreM dctr to all He U 1 polished IOU eel off 0 the theJouraaUata tb tbJorlmaUta thijournalists
journalists In shout three th minutes IDU U Uwaa HtlmlllatJna Itwan
wan s atlraulating scene nD tn 14 the tb American Americannewspaper Americulneper Americannewpar
newspaper men raxxnnanying OUIylC the es esPrnaideat 811Prldtoel enPrcaldet
Prnaideat PrnaideatEich PrldtoelEtacl1 PrcaldetEnch
Eich Viennese VI jouraaliat was 11I armed armedwith armedwith rmedwllb
with a notnlx 110lhook > ol and nl each MC was loaded loadedwith loadtdhb loadedwitha
with witha hb a grateful rJ1 speech and Dd a list of quen quentioaa qUMtloaa quession
tioaa upon every ry subject bjtoet In the universe universeof
of political or social interest hut barely
half a dnren of them managed to extract extracta
a word ord from the reticent reticentviltIng vUitlag celebrity celebrityAfter celebrityArtorthnrrglca
After Artorthnrrglca the th recepUoa there th waaaluacheoa waaaluacheoaat wasa luncheon luaclaeoa
at a which fortyflve covers e were laid laidThe laidn laidTb
The n gueeta were re distu dietint dtetingnlshed niiahed ehecJ socially sociallyaad eoclaUlId
and lId o ociaIly dally They Th Included neml members membersof he heor > era eraof
of the Amerieaa Eiabasay Em Foreign F relp Office OfficeRecretariee otIceReeNtri OfcecrMrhs
Recretariee Count Wllcxek whose historic historiccnatle hitorloClUttle historiccastle
castle KrauUeosteln Col Koosevelt will willvisit willvisit IU IU1lt
visit 1lt tomorrow representative of or the tbehigh tb tbblch thehigh
high nobility famoua Mmroda like likeCount likeCollat LikeCount
Count Hoyo who baa shot everything everythingfrom e thilla thillarrolll
from bears tMIa in Alaska to Boos In Africa AfricaCount AfrlcaCollDt AfricaCount
Count Lavish who bo ridee to houadaand houadaandahoota hOIlRIndhoota bosinilanclshoot
shoot pheaaaota pheu in England and nd Count Corlatretlca CountFeettics CountFeatetlc
Featetlc and his wife e who 00 la I the dl divorced dlYorc dlvoiced ¬
voiced Yorc < < 1 wife of the Prince of Monaco MonacoCol MonacoCJRooalt
Col CJRooalt Roosevelt took lathePrinceeaTrautx lathePrinceeaTrautxraissdorff ID lathe the PnD rrincsrrutzmasedorif Traul TraulIIIadorfl
raissdorff and acl eat t between bet her and the theCountes theCounte h hCount
Count Featetios in the centre seat t of ofan orAn ofan
an oblong table tablaopposltC opposite Count C llnt AerenthaL AIWIMtlulTb
Tb I I ft I At e
p w i iroyal u
royal brougham hmuebamlth wit with hapnir aplrorctomHt aplrorctomHtI of graya rayuto to meet meetol meetoh
Col ol Roosevelt at a the railway station on onIhe ontb onthe
the tb arrival m of the train early earl in the morn morning momlac mornlag ¬
lag The Colonel was driven to the Hotel HotelKraa JlotelKraDII Hotelgras
gras where b there waa wa some difficulty dJmcult ia iaregard iaftpnl inreIrd
regard to hia hi room hut thIn was over overcome OYfloe overCome ¬
come and nd after the suite had been ar arniBgcd ar1I arred
red 1I d the former President had break breakfast bkf breakfist ¬
fast f et and ad made a change chan of oCcloth clothes
One of the equtfrriea IIrrioo of the Ih Kmperor Kmperorrailed tmpprornailed IrnparorrelIed
railed at t 915 oclock oclO < < k and lid remained a ashort aabort ashort
short time At 1030 10 oclock the royal royalbrougham roy1brouebm royalbrougham
brougham returned and conveyed the theColonel tbeolonel theColonel
Colonel to the office of Baron mron von an Aeren Aerenthai AefPatbl AerenthaI
thai the Minister of Foreign Affaire AffaireThe Alfall1lne AffairThe
The conversation between Col Roosevelt Rooseveltand
and Ibo Karon lasted la d about aa 11 hour hourOn bOllrOn hourOn
On hia hInwair way W hack from the h Foreign Office Officeto
to tbe hotel Col o1 Roo Roosevelt evett It stopped at a astall an astall
stall n to buy some German hunting books booksOn bookOn booksOn
On hia hi return tlm to hi blor hotel Col Rouse Roonevelt Roo Roo1elt Rouseveil
veil in a talk with Ihe newspaper men menwho meawbo menwho
who are with itb him said Id it was Impossible Impowlhlfor J Jror
for him to say y anything in regard to his hiaconversation hi hironl1I8tlon hisconversation
conversation with lth tho Austrian trlan Foreign ForeignMinister ForeignMinister
Minister He H wished to state tat however howeverthat howeverthat
that a report quoting < < IlIolin him as saying yIDC that thathe thtbe thathe
he was going to oppose President Idat Taft Taftaa Tftcandlrltfl
aa a candidate fcr renominatlon by b the theRepublican thepllhll theRepublican
Republican pllhll party in 1911 was entirely entirelyfal entiretyfalse nUITral
fal false e The statement waa wa printed in the theItalian theItalian theItalian
Italian t > terolo teroloThroughout rcroloThroughout I IThrotlaholll
Throughout the morning a constantly constantlyIncreaaing conlanUInclofC constantlyincreasing
increasing crowd gathered about the theHotel theflotel thehotel
Hotel Kranr blocking the sidewalk and andthe andthe nd ndthe
the street t t outside nutaideHenry outidlien outsideHenry
Henry lien White the former American AmericanAmbastadortoFranc AIIHrlcanAmbaoMdorto AmericanAmbaeaadortoFrance
AmbastadortoFranc FranCt and Baron Hcttgel HcttgelmOller H Hengelmklkr I ImOnr
mOller von Heegervar lIet r the Austrian AustrianAmbassador AustrianAmbassador
Ambassador at t Washington who bo came camelere nllnehe cernhers
he hers lere to arrange fRn < < e for Cot Roosevelts ftnGaltvpIPptioo recaption re reception
caption look luncheon with ith the ex exPresident enPresident 11 11Ititnl
President Presidentitt Ititnl Ititnlt
41 t I 131 P M the th theroyalearring royal carriage again againcalled allain8Ufft againcalled
called nt the Ih hotel and nd conveyed the theolonnl th theolon1 theColont
olonnl to If the h imperial palace for th thaudience the thentzdhrnce b bIllItinoe
audience with the Emperor rnfXor Francis Franciloneoh Francisossh
loneoh which had been set et t for oclock oclockDiere otfOk111eY1l ocIoclcThere
There wna 111 a large hut not demonstrative demonatrativicrowd dmorullrIhcrod demonstrativecrowd
crowd outside the th courtyard when I the thpolonllIpard theColonel hi hiColonel
Colonel olonllIpard appeared He It wore wo a frock coa coaand coat coatnd coatand
and nd silk 11 hat hatRnUK htR01l batRona
RnUK April prll It Cot Rtxxnevelt cent IIn the theollowing th thfollolnc thefollowing
following telegram to Prime Minister MinisterzTstli lInitrIllz llnteterluzatti
Illz luzatti zTstli atll from Cenrignsno a town o oiittrialungary or orouriaIun ofjustrIaIungarv
iittrialungary ouriaIun < < on the Ih Italian border borderl
l the moment of leaving Italy I wiah wiahto
to expreet ezp personally tn yourself am amthrough and andthrough n nhrollch
through you to the Itlian people 01t my mycordial mlcodlal mYcordial
cordial grallQcaiion aratl jnD for their great < < reat cour courteev courtM1 courtear
tear and generoue hopitality during my myality mlin mystAY
stAY in tidy Iy and Dd nl also 1110 o at meetmayour meetmayouraelt meeting your yoursilt ur urIt
silt It It was one of the th mt m it pleasant pleasantlmprea plauntimpfflot pleasntlmprslous
lmprea impfflot ioii of my 111 visit i1 to your 1 country countryTiiroooiiK rOlInlryTurolOln countryruroirK
TiiroooiiK RoosrvFM ROOlrlRolrplN RonirvRilSurprise
8 Surprise < irpise ia I exprevaed herei h that Col ColR4Mxevelt coldid totRowevett
R4Mxevelt did not send nd hi dWpatcb spatch lo lothe Ietbe tothe
the King instead of Premier Luzrattl LuzrattlLOKPOV 1IIZT3ttlLOItn luzrattiLowov
LOKPOV April pril l Is e The Vienna Inn cor correspondent corrHpondenl mrrespondent
respondent of the th Tdyroii intimate intimatethat Intlm Intlmtbat Intimatesthat
that Col 01 Roocevett RO < < > > evrit had a special pfIt desire desireto dMi dMito
to meet Paron von Aehrenthal the th Au AusIrian Autrian Autriin
Irian Prime Minister WhOM who hand has hasrecently hasfPtfII hasrenntIT
recently fPtfII II T borne heavy htA V1 upon European Europeanpolitic Fum Europeanpolitics an anpolllllfl
politic He add ddo it ia I a fair assumption assumptionthat
that matters of the moat vital importance importanceto
to the roe or ° f the th entire world orld came camewithin camewithin me mewllhln
within the scope of the conversation conversationbetween tnveratlonbetween eraaUon eraaUon11M
between 11M the exPresident and ndthe the Premier PremierPOUTO PremleorP01lTO PresnierPonro
POUTO MACIIIXIO April IS 111 Mra Rooee Rooeevelt Roooeeolt Kneesvelt
velt eolt and her daughter Ethel left Ie at t noon noontoday Doontodar noont0I7
today for Arignon The civil and mill military millt11 milltan ¬
tary tan authorities and nd M committee of ofladiet ofladi ofladies
ladies ladi bade her farewell and nd presented prpsentwiher
her with flowers floweraBfrLIv lIoerOLfS flowersHIPI4
BfrLIv April IS Private advices adY have havebeen bA bAbeen havebeen
been received here to 0 the Ib effect reet that It la laimprobable IeImprobbl Isimprobable
improbable that Ih 1 Mre 1111 Roosevelt and her herdaughter herdaughter I Idaucht
daughter Ethel will accompany the theColonel thelolon theUotont
Colonel I to Berlin These Th advices repre represent represent ¬ I Int
sent nt that Mrs Roosevelt ie I not very strong strongand strongand tron 1 1and
and ia tired of all the public function in inwhich Inbieb Inwhich
which abe be b has ha had to participate In Egypt Egyptand EuptDd Egyptand
and Dd Italy lulytthe ItaITSh
tthe Sh ia I a anxious therefore lo 0 avoid the thefatigue tbltrueult thefatigue
fatigue which would inevitably be con connected connected connected ¬
nected with Mr er husbands royal ro and popu popular popular popuar ¬
lar ar receptions at The Hagu Brueeela BrueeelaChrisCiania BruoeelChrltlula BruiseChrlstiauuia
ChrisCiania Copenhagen COJMDb and nd Berlin Mr MrRoosevelt M MnooI MrsRooeyett
Roosevelt also Iso I a unwilling to have her herdaughter berduptr herdaughter
daughter ton much in th hot limelight limelightH7KV limelightNIRLI
leas lelMOII ef efJUOSS SMOae a Bar Ba In vtacmThreBck vtacmThreBckFaHarr IiaeeTluiregIsFeNere TII TIIF
FaHarr F te t Agree r ea Term Termspr TffIIIrf Termpcfil < <
spr pcfil rf f C cat kr r tttait > > t TBB Snr SnrBKRLIK 5V 5VIIL1J1f necHEaLIN
BKRLIK IIL1J1f April IS liThe The general gener lockout lockoutof
of the building trade workmen which whichhas whichhas biebbas
has been brought about by the failure failureof
of the employer and workmen to 0 agree agreeupon agreeupon CJH CJHupon
upon terra began eean at midnight It I afTecta anctat80000 alcto4xt
460000 workmen and the daily loss I of ofwatea otw ofwages
wages w will be SttMam SttMamIt SeOeOit 888 888Jt
It ia I etAled tat that the mea have a rcaarve rcaarvefund t tfuad vUrveund
fund of tw7tteeo W7W 7I8eeo and tfeat the unIons III OM will willnot Willnot
not distribute strike pay until tbe lockout lockouthas lockoutbaa lockoutha u unot
has ha Uatsel at toast a fortnight fortnightTbe tortn fortnightThe t tne
The men are opposed by M II employer employerleague empl JW JWICUIt
league eagu which bldl numbers DUC TUNO 22 ftrme ftrmeX1CAHA6VA ttrIHVIIAIUIiU4 i ieagu i iNICARASU4
5 5Admiral
Admiral KlHrtwN In awe r rjfawtel s srn lIern lIernHeseibsiI
HeseibsiI rn Wrem c cC Csks Cskssg
jfawtel sg CaM C < < 1 Dtrot II t Ie Ten naCoLO TenCozt Sew SewCOLOIT
COLOIT April ApriII U ILThe Th tran tratMeort Prairie PrairieaaOed 1raJrid Prairiesefled
aaOed d from here tonight having en enboard fIGboard onboard
board Rear Admiral Kimball who ar arriver arrir atriver
river from Nlcarapia co cp th the cruiser oratesrAttway oru oruAbfty I r rAtn7
Attway last Blijht IIl ht Don lb la also tak taknU taldIi taklnj taklnjns
ws ne nU n nIn Ifl th tbe form f rcea that tbetLUoneCI tbetLUoneCI1ft tb ww were tauoneU tauoneUn
In n Nicaragua aim January and the Canal CanalZone CanalZofte I iostecontgent
Zone ostecontgent contbt seat patif
if t
C0rm TIHII AT CW4V0 CH U SHA SHAWetteyaa SNAWesiaaa JIAhdea
Wetteyaa erwecMi aJ Chea Island tetawlRcsJrejsi IslandMinima
Minima RcsJrejsi 8ntrO IIcsretAmorWaea Asisrifssa Are Areh Areliar AreSafe
liar h hat t the cevrraer c enrsse UMtatMMt UMtatMMtlew KIIkrI KIIkrII
lew I sw Mater attr tr sUeee at ttrttleei Brit rBaXteet rBaXteetHfftttt GmsDentCeuaJ
Hfftttt Cf C K Dtf DsfoIi < I TIle SCX SCXflaXKow 1111nanow 5ccHxow
flaXKow April I ILThe The 111 situation 4t 4tChaaSha atChan t tChaa
ChaaSha Chan She capItal of the province of ofHuaaa orIIIIIID oflIus
Huaaa where then have b beea outbreak outbreaksupposed olltbrKbuppoeed outbecabesupposed
supposed to be aatlforelca utlforal but got del de9nltery delDlteiT deealtely
nltery understood I crave The lb church churchad chHehaad churchand
and ad other otllerpropert property of orbe the Westeyaa China ChinalaUad 011 011laJaad hiaainlead
laUad MIssion were burned yesterday yesterdayasd tefdq tefdqUtI
sad the miecioasrlee sad ad their t staff tal took tookrefuge toekretuc tookrefuge
refuge ID the Governor ya 7 yemen a Today Todaythe Todaythe
the yemen 8meo wan w burned burnedThe burnedThe burnedThe
The British cos consulate ulat and nd the oMc oJllcor eMcee eMceeOf a aof
of the tll maritime cuetoaa cuato e bare h bees shin abandoned shincloned budoeed ¬
cloned The foreign residents hare takes Ukearefuge tahaIItuce takesrefuge
refuge on a merchant steamship Two Twomore Twomore 0 0more
more British gunboats are re hurrying to tothe tothe tothe
the sees aceaeU seestt e eU
U I is stated here b that the rioter ria are arecomplete arecomplete re rerG
complete rG 1plte masters mut at Chan Una Hb The Theregiment Th Thelm Theregiment
regiment elm of Chiaeae Cbla troop troo there ia unable unableto
to suppress upp the disorders It ie I reported reportedthat portedtut
that the Governor wan injured laju or killed killedIn
In the attack on onhts hie bl yatneti 1 and that the thetreaaurer thetreaoure thetreasurer
treasurer of the th i province la I acting actingGovernor a a001enlor as asGovernor
Governor GovernorTlie
The destroyed d mission stations be belonged beIonCtoei belonged ¬
longed to the tb Wetleyaa Norwegian and andChina andChina ad adChin
China Inland Missions They were re all allnear aUoear allnear
near the rice shops bop on the t mala street atreelThe streetThe treetThe
The shortage MartA of rice was w largely the thecauie tb tbcaUltO thecause
cause of the tII trouble which WM agtra agtrarated aEcraby aggravatd
rated by the antiforeign movement movementand
and the importation of workmen work III from fromanother tromaDolheor fromanotherdistrlot I
another anotherdistrlot district to build h ld the British Brltl con conaiiUta consut
aiiUta sut 1
no far aa ascertained the American Americanand Amarl Americanand n nan
and an other missionaries mllo ari are safe r It ie iednnlited IedOIIt iidoubted
doubted dOIIt whether the British Brill gunboat gunboatThistle cuaboatThIU gunboatThIstle
Thistle which was the lb first warship rahlp to totart totart tostart
tart for Chan Sfea iJ from Hhanghai Hhanghaiwill
will III l he > e able alli to reach aoh her declination declinationowing dMtlnaUolIowlnc destinationowing
owing to the ehajlownesa aball01ll1l of the river riverAmong riverAmoac riverAmong
Among the tb contributory causes ceU of the theriot tberiut theriot
riot was fear of Halleya lIaU comet which whichI
I popularly associated with it foreigner foreignerNEW ro roK foreignersNaw
NEW K liAVf April IS The executive executivecommittee ezecutivecommittee K IU IUf1lmmlUeoe
committee of the Yale Mission received receivedtwo
two cable messages today from China Chinawhich Cblnablch ChinawhIch
which confirm the gravity of the aUualion aUualionIn siutat ion ionIn
In Chen Rha where h it Ie I reported rlfd in indespatches indpalCh indespatches
despatches from China that rioter rlo yes yesterday Y Ytrda yesterday ¬
terday trda destroyed troyd a mlnalon The first flratcable firstcable t tcab
cable cab dempatch read ad Rio rioter de destroyed deroyed destmyed ¬
stroyed yamena yameneand amID and aallmlion mission Foreigner ForeignerTh
safe A
Th Tile second ted despatch stated that all allthe allthe 11 11Ihe I
the foreigners were ere on board ships bll in inthe Intbe inthe
the harbor If the Yale Mlatlon allon haa h ha bran brandestroyed tttadtltroyed beendestroyed
destroyed it mean the Ion of valuable valuablehoepital value valuehoopltI valuahiehospital I
hospital equipment One libraries and andother aadothr andother
other mission property It wa said id that thatthe Ihetthe thatthe
the uprising w was not primarily against againstthe plnatth
the th foreigner but against the mandarin mandarinwho mndrinwbo mandarinswho
who are re thought to hare ha advanced the theprim theprloe theprie
prim of rice Dr William H Bellman SallmonYale BellmanYale a limon limonYille
Yale 04 executive secretary and ad treas treasurtr treasurer treesurer
urer of the tb Yale Mission in China gave gaveA
A > it t lit t faittwin rn1lnlnIdnt Bt tnpttt h hers tndv
The n publlnhed b bh devpatch d rtb regarding dinc thj thjdestruction tb tbdtruction I Idestruction
destruction by riotera Iolot of a mission at atChn atChn alChan
Chn She the th capital of the th province provinceof
of Hunan In which I situated Yales YalesMission atei 1 1Ilon I IMiLlion
Mission in China i III confining Two Twomteaion Twomlon Twomissions
missions are re mentioned In the despatch despatchthe
the tb Wesleyan an and the Chinn Inland < l The ThnWesloyan Th ThWloyn TheWeelnyan I
Wesloyan i is headed by the tb Rev Gilbert GilbertO
O Warren who ho ha h four or five able ableaaaiatantp ableaesiMante hleiIotant
aaaiatantp iIotant alt n Englishmen Jn JIhmn The China ChinaInland ChinaInland ChinaInland
Inland in headed h4ll < l by 10 Dr Frank 0 Keller KellerYale KIIPrale KellerYale
Yale ale > It who 0 alno ha hu Mtver inirersi nI English EnglishaMlatant rncllahIUllllelahlll Englishaseistants
aMlatant I loth of these tb minion hare hareIwen hue10ffD havebeen
been extremely proproun the Ih We Weleycn Weleycnhaving Iym IymbaYlnl ey n nhaving
having completed and dedicated lat latyear Iatr lastyear
year r a handrnme and nd commodious chapel chapelIt
It rather look from the th despatch d patch at a if ifthin Ittbllt Ifthis
thin fine fin property h has been the object of ofattack orItak ofattack
attack liy the th rioter rioterThe rlou111e riotersThe
The Yule 1111 Mission lie Ike midway between betweenthe
the th two mentioned being about a mile mflefrom milerrom milefrom
from each b It I is reasaurtng to know knowthat knowbAt knowthat
that there wa no loa of life and nd that thatEritUh tbtCrilleb thatEritish
EritUh gunboats unhoat are hurrying burry lac to the thescene th thn thesreneas
scene sreneas n is thentive the nti < Mand in awe of theee theeelt
It i ii probable that the outbreak olltbr olltbr10000al was waalocal waslocal
local The Yale lIle men now in the h field Heldare fieldItrnn fieldire
are Browned Itrnn Gage 5II hi hilllfl his wife and nd three threechildren thllltOriildlPtl threechikren
children Dr I II Hume 97 5 hl wife wifenil wlfnd wifearul
arul nil three tb children child Mr I tawreno Thurs Thurston Thurton
ton widow of Lawrence Thurvtnn 9S 9SWilliam MWiIIlan esWllliani
William I Hail 04 Vale Ie old champion championlone
lone lOll distance runner Dickinson l > II IIleaven IIIavn IIleaven
leaven 09 and SH Miss II Nina Ina D Gage Oajemine Oltlnllne Gagewires
mine Dr KuChim Yen n who b graduated graduatedfrom
from the th medical school la lat t year nan nanjuat halljllt ha hajust
just urn arrived red In Chan Sba to take tk up hbi hbiwork hlrtwnrk hI hIwork
work at t the Vale Y hospital T T OiflTen
07 0 I located In Chan Ch Sha a ac an n In Inmtructor Intnlctor Insirlictor
mtructor in one of oftheGorernment thn Government schools nrhooUWASHIXOTOS schoolsWASKIXOTO ehoolWAaHtXoTOS
WASHIXOTOS April AprlllSTbe IS itTb The Sate De Department DopeMmnt Depertmnt ¬
partment received a despatch today todayfrom
from Henry IIIU P Fletcher cbargi dalTairea dalTaireaat
at rekin connrmlng the report fOM of at attack atteck attacks ¬
tack upon foreign missions at ChanHha ChanHhain lien a Sba SbaIn Sb Sbin
in the tb province o oS Hunan Two English Eaglmhand
and one on Norwegian mlmlon the th de depatcb dellpatcb deapeteb
patcb said iil had been burned Several SeveralMritivh 88ralBrllih SeveralBritish
British gunboata are re reported to bn on ontheir onIhlr ontheir
their way to protect the missionaries mlMioaarieAll
All foreigner are safe Jlr r Fletcher re reported reoported roported ¬
ported and nd the Chine Foreign Office Officegave Ofllcesav OMeegave
gave aMiirancn a nce that tb lt no anxiety need be befelt befelt b bfelt
felt regarding nline their protection and lid safety ret retIn
In ptte of thee tb auraacea oflcera of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the State Department are apprehensive appreheaivThey apprehiontThT
They fear a recurrence f of antiforeign antiforeignattack antIforeignattack DUrGr1ltienatta
attack atta similar to those which culminated culminatedin
in the th Boxer Boz r uprising < < about ten year mo moThe IICOT11 agoThe
The T11 Weather tlemtherI WeatherSOn1 th I
April I 1ft flee TII Harm from m Ce wm b bram brameiorr ramr ramrmere 1 1or
mere or cotr rorrItd nritcl fii trdaV trdaVt ril I1a r rit I
it t bd b d ll r renre nIp orrr wrttrra Ulrblfia Slltlll kIgs and andtil andtilt d
til tilt rnrfrd d matt mo of tkr III llt lUhltpt l ljl Xalltr XalltrUln taIylists 1 1RaD I
lists sI f VsIIInt lllnr lItn I In III the utunr lake I It rrclon cion and andupp andupper d dup
upp up upper r Ul JiIiIpl lnlpl Vtllrr 11 end n4 snow 1 Is Ibe 11 Xortb Xortbr b
r st t and ad n bre rr b hJ > > hern be t bavy r rain touibwin touibwinU
U 1 w was rcn rcntdrhIV 01 W < r hlv w warmer rm r to I all 11 fcrrttoa ta tatat totie 0 0ID
tat ID iset 1 and nd MI oltea 11111 ita of o tSr B II < tnrm IIt rirrpl I PI PIn la laorh iiisorthern
sorthern orh n rn Nrw 0 pW HniUnd HniUndttftfrra Inttaridnten < l ltI
ttftfrra i tI the > M Mie4Igpl l lnpl > allrr 11 and nd lr JIM tloey tloeyUouatatha f fllotiaUUt
llotiaUUt 11011 sod ad la tb < br NonSw D ortbwst t It vti w rookr rookrwlta COOlOrfPifD okr okrwith
with fm trpethg fPifD > rta Irtnprrtturr from MlaneMta 111 111III to toI6 tolb
I6 Partita II ntiti tttr sad aoU out o or rr Xrvada d rut 1111d rutmud > lh lhtnti
mud d part or IotoriUii IotoriUiiHalf losdrlr oInradnrair
Half wrtlUrr IIIr prrriRfd nard la the III far cc Wttt t tad 4 ID IDIte I IIt toIte
Ite It Mnntlc tlC Sl 111 MLSIeIIi t tIn
In 1111 Ii IM thy II day d wa w fair rI and wtrnwr wind windHiftt windtirat Id IdlIor
Hiftt lIor southwest ouibw l to 0 Muracttt awranbitmtdltr awranbitmtdltrM average 11I blllllrll blllllrllU bnetdlty
M 5 per rrnt al baraimlvr enmrtrd ft > la rrtd 4 4Inl to sea seaI ra ral
l Inl v i at 1 C A u = 5 ss a P u r as asTb t tne r rTha
Tha Tb Kmperatnr le yntrrdar a < < rtcerded rded by h rk rkOVtal 111eet1 Se SeetsI
OVtal etsI Ihrrnwiiftrr li e5ovn o owa n I is tk be aai4 aai4table ati d dtable s sIAbl
table IAbl
S rein in IN twt I III IIII IM IMa l la
a A U M > J aI 1 a p u Uea U aa aaM W Wf2
f2 M 7r 7 tfl s r U Of ti al ala aiS I Ia
a p U 7r 7 s it t3 t IJM Rig4i i M MIllcbeit W1tI eolilgbest
Illcbeit 1tI t tetDpnltlfI mp ratnr 14 al S P U IIW UWeSITMOTOS
WeSITMOTOS W WTOTO 010 regimes ro roe 0 TO toDay DT ay LtD n > TO TOFtr TU1t01Ut0 TOMoscow
Moscow 1t01Ut0A MoscowFir
Fir ram 53040 Kra A Vert rt ilifirrn lidat 4t led anrftotltr ledOOZe 1 1tootr
totltr OOZe m It 3 I5IIS1WIII > UA Aw w < iMrttM rr Htmnri aOHa sst tat 11 tttltr tttltrumtrmr CiOerewrse HlrIe
umtrmr Ie mnnnlr t te bf rl rfrar t itfNt itfNtTor td tdicr > >
Tor Xrw t Efiftaml rltl ahomr today da la weaMra weaMraa4 weafa Wmtrand
and a4 amdwra 101 sad fair I orthratt parUoei parUoeibowen peru perutosefl n
a bowen and n M reetrr M janerraw o moderate lt wtad wtadlamlly wtoncsIP 1
lamlly ncsIP I nortkcaat aMt t Irr IC east tattFar eastrr
rr la 1 Dtitrlrt Dhtt of 0 Colnmbla ColI ColIa eaaMra Ptunj Ptunjvaata PeneayaIa
aa4 Maryland ikowma and reolr I
vaata a A 55 Mr Nle tetfar tetfaraad
aad 1 tomorrow raoJtnte 1 Ie brtrtt bt bul iklftlaf f wtada wtadafor w etadsrot
for ro New KII Jcncr Uvmtn M ody Il sad U ceoMr nl la lawcatrra I l lwssUTe
wcatrra partfoe pr aaewan and a cooke Gr cookemoderate lederrew lederrewMdvrale o
moderate It to Milk 11 eMrttar rtc wtada wtadaFor wL wLD etadsrot
For Delaware D showers 11 todcy abawen 1 sad aadteeter udel sadrokr
teeter tomorrow oo moirrats eratlo el to byteS bt tktniae tktniaevladf alt abtfuigwiMs
vladfTar vladf wlLr wiMsPer
Tar r w western tn r Sew K York Tor abewvr todar aad aadcootrr a aock
cootrr ock la wssters tent I petite p skew e end rooter roolertanomw C rooteraovrse
tanomw aovrse moimt J to brlak br abtntM r w < Ha4a Ha4afar tndaF
far F we western t cra PtwwytraaU 1e ahawna and rooter rooterte eoot eootednv
te ednv day sad d to t sqerree < oife m tedeivi 1 to brtrt brtrtvat bi eesrh II
vat 551 t t serlawest et sleds ta tah I
h c h c
ROW Te 18 T > MNfV LV V JNeJ iS lf 14 lAr lArI NAT NATKm r rV
Km Whe Weit V A91MW9 nvtN es HI HIC mLandis
Landis Thestre I were H hery kaktas kaktas3pcMS 1
3pcMS M C CI Cilia M O < > f Jrt f Ie TMB T Ts Men MenLoxnof tVIlLotcott 1
Loxnof L April Apri U UT thTha Th < t hope hO that thatcai tht a acu acaie
cai cu which wa w heard a In i Row H Street 8trt Po PoUc P PU PoUc
Uc U Court Cor today toy would oul settle tU the thnqu tb YotJf vexed vexedquestion
qu q question stle9 tO of th the ri rht rfbt h of woen women n to tooa k kOR keep keepon
oa the latest It bit bate bt In theatres tlt WM not notAt ft ftAt notAt
At th t the maU st maUe4 e at the Prince rnc of Wales WaUraaTheatre WI WalesThestre
Theatre Tt o April S Mrs Eardtay Frdl mar martia magasine <
tia K sine writer wte and nd a I friend tre who w rlplo oocuphd oocuphdbee xx ipled ipledbos
bee hE ataue tU were we ejected je becaua beW of the thnftigaaUc th thegiganUc
ftigaaUc 80 hats they wore wr A man mn sitting alttlncbehiad sittingbehind ltnc ltncbied
behind bied them asked ed the two women to tdo tdotho doff doffthot doffthoz
thot tho ridiculous rldlclo hat hl The T woman n nfu r rfuaed us usfused >
fused fu on the tb ground Cfad that the te request yunt yuntd w wee weemade a amad
mad d offensively oeoIT The Tb e man mn called Ued moo iiponFraak moorank 0 0nal
rank nal Conroo Cnzl the m manager maaa er of the tb theatre theatreaad tbt theatreand
and ad he b appealed ppl to the tbl women DI to take off offthe offlb I
the thba lb hat a They Tey ref run refused refusedAfter uacd uacdAfter
After Aet the tb first act c Mr Curxon Curn invited invitedtbe ivied iviedtl Invitedthe
the tl women 0eo to come CO out ft Into the tb corridor corridoraad cordo corridorand
and Dd dincuM dll the lb matter mte They Te did ao aobut 8 sobut
but still at tl III refined rf1 to remove the bat batwhereupon bawbeup hatswhereupon
whereupon wbeup Mr Cunon Clno told tol them they theycould IbeTcl theycould
could cl not IOt renter rntr th the theatre thotn and andeacortad andM andcoetd
eacortad M them tJm to the tb street wet despIte depl their theirdJfBant theirIlcn theirindignant
indignant Ilcn protests proteaUMra prout
Mra Eardley ErieT summoned lIamOe Ilr Ir Oinon Oln to tocourt toc tocourt
court c oa O a charge of assault ult alleging allcciacthat Uellc UellcIJI
IJI that In Ia escorting Mcorlac her out of the tb theatre theatrehe thNt
he h pushed Pued her backward backwardTb bckrd bckrdne
Tb ne MagIstrate JEtte decided de that Mr Curaoa Curaoabad Cr Curnonbad
h bad acted ae ia ao a admirable dlbl manner mae and aaddlaraiaaed anddIemIsed ad add1
dlaraiaaed d1 the th case c The To real rl facts fe have haveeot hye hyeBt harenot
not Bt been printed pat but It ia I teamed me that the thewhole tbewll thewhole
whole wll affair Ir was engineered Elar by aa eater eaterpriaUig enterprietag tr trplle
priaUig plle Arm I of milliners mie who bo sent at the thnoaien th thwoe thewomen
women woe to the tb matteee tl with two or the thelateet theIt theIateetcreatlons
It Iateetcreatlons lateet croat cto oa > la I big bonnnta banet They T were wererery we werereryatein
nr rery reryatein ate teja ja hiring bE a man to raise ral a protest proteatagauiat protestagainst I Ilalt
against lalt tbe tb bata bt i
Hair t Knt earnatte rattle Bukedem Bka Whe m fil filMar DIvsrcq i
vsrcq f Mar Yehi Yal > Mar Hett ett llelrle ltrI Itelrlsonus Itelrlsonus3ec4i nit nitt I
3td 3ec4i c Cu t f Dtvttt D ta lea T Sex SexI3NDOX 5ccl0NCOW t
I3NDOX lscJ April Apri IS 15The ATe Tbe Court lt granted Krantedtoday trlnl grantedtoday I
today toy the application pplCton of f Ird > rd d Krancis KrancisHope FrDdl FrtndeNope
Hope for sanctIon to sell rertiin picture plctu
Hop acion tl I rln I Iand tnd Iand
and nd jewela j whirh nro 18 heirloom helrlom Ix ll Lord LordFrancis > rd i iFrancia i iFraDel
Francis whose bo tint wife wee May Ia Yohn Yohnthe Yohethe Ih Ihthe
the linger whom he divorced diyol in 1807 1807Ihe ll I IIb Ii Iithe
the Ib brother hrthr and nd heir preemptive mpU of the theDuke th theDuke
Duke 011 of Newcastle Se < t II lie atanmed Imt the tteadditional theadditional 1
additional ddltonl name of ff hope 10 bv royal my I licence UcenanTwo Uen UenTo licenceTwo
Two years yr after al r hia h hi divorce from May MayVthe Maymob Ly LyYrh
Vthe Yrh mob who hn n tn rnerri4 rrie rl1 < l PiiMwim Pllm Brtdl BrtdlStrong IredteeStrong
Strong Stne a eon In of the former Mayor of New NewYork Se SeYork ew ewYork
York he married mrie OU Olive e Muriel rl1 Thompson Thompcoothe Thomfo Thomfotb
the tb daughter dallhtf of a Melbourne banker bankerIn balr balrIn
In bin hi petition ptiton lx Lord > rd Francis raDea said fld that thathia tbathi thathis
his hi preaent Income l6m which hlrb U I about lt ttSooo ttSoooa 130
a year ia I not sufficient for himself and andwife aadnd andwife
wife and nd family rmlr and nll he h demanded per perrotation permission r rmlAon
rotation mlAon to sell n twenty of the th pictures plctu a aconditional aconditional
conditional cndltloal deal on width h br had d been made madefor madpror madefor
for 1173710 1173710Thn 111 111Th
The Th DlUe 01 of Newcastle through hrourb his hiaBollcitora hi hiBleto hissolicitors
solicitors Bleto opposed oppfd the application pplmton He Heobjected le leobJeetM lieobjected
objected especially cUT to the proposed sale aaleof saleof 1 1of
of the ti well 11 known know painting painUnl of the Duchess Och Ochor Duchessof a aof
of Newcaatle his bl ancestress an tr by Sir SirJoahua SirJohu SirJoshua
Joshua Johu Reynold ReynoldThe BeoldThe IteynoldsThe
The Court overruled uVtrl the th objection objeciln
EXPLORE 18RI THE THI SILK xv 1 JsT JsTGrrataat 81 4 lLt liii liiiGermass
Grrataat Ptamtaa P a maeoe maeoetton I8 Yrpdl Yrpdlttes
tton u te t the Hatmra HatmrafffCttt Mn Mnn PlahrsSpOeI
fffCttt n ClVl b1 JVl V PpitS c I TBI a arau flfH flfHBrnux rs rsBrnz4x
Brnux rau April IS 15T 1The The member memb of ofthe orthe ofthe
the Imperial Aero Club Cub at a meeting ttlnc lent laatnight lutI lentnight
night discussed di Dr 8ieg 81 Stagerss < rfa rt plan for foran forn foran
an n airship i hp exploration esplOton of th the Deeert or of ofSahara orahar ofSahara
Sahara ahar by an n aeroplane erplan aaaitted ulted by auto automobile alltomob automobiles ¬
mobile mob Conditions along tbe Nile Valley Valleyare
are to be b the special pilll object obje of the th inves investigation in intpuon Inveeligation ¬
tigation tpuon The Th scheme I la a supported upprt1 br brProf bTPr hrProf
Prof Pr Penck rDC a I leading Iadin < < Merlin rlln authority authorityon lthority lthorityon
on geodetic rdtC and Dd recently l ntlT exchange CbaJl pro profeaaor proIn proteaser
teaser in the b United Unlf State aa w well ll 11 na by byCouncillor byCounlor byCounc4llor
Councillor Counlor Reyschlug DY5bll director diror of the theHoyal Ih IhRo1 theRoyal
Royal Geological Oololcl Institute IMtlJt The Th cot of oftbe orthe ofthe
the expedition ia I estimated etlmaltr at IIMOOO IIMOOOBRITISH IOtSiORUTIMI 10 10IITUUFRSE4
leader d Batfevr R Define the Position nf nfthe erShe I Ili
the li Fartlaa rtUn Favoring Fatl a Tariff TarHTprttfl T TariffSpcaS
prttfl n1 CaW Dntlth > 4 Tan Ta Srir SrirIX SC1 SrcIoxnnx
IX Ioxnnx IS S ExPremier Ilalfour Ilalfouranawering Baltoranswering
110 > XDON April pril EIP18milr nlot I In
answering an n inquiry Inquir concerning conennl the theUnioniata th thUnionlt theUnionist I IdUly
Unionist tralff trr policy in reference fnn to a aduly aduty
duly on wheat Imported Imortf from Dritlah flrltfehoverseas I Ioreraeas
overseas oe dominion domoon said Id today that thatthere tht thtthe18 thatthere I
there had been bn a divergence of opinion opinionin
in the party but now it had ha been bln derided deridedthat dlided dlidedIhat decidedthat
of that duty dil such ICI wheat whet should holld be b imported ImpMp1 tree frvof f fof I tof
niBLEE It lIr DIES 011 IV host 10 KOC KOCftrr MPbAmerteensneulGenerat OW OWA
A AmerteensneulGenerat t 18fmb Succumb ftrr tfterperstIen ftrrMperatlaa t tPU
Mperatlaa PU far ApprodlrllU ApprodlrllUgntil flf flfd1
gntil d1 caMf 41 Ditftict DlW la 4 TKI Srx SrxApril st Sr SrhIocokoa
loHolol hIocokoa April prl 13 l William Wii 11m A Hull Hulllee nuhI flublee
lee I who has h been l the American mlan Consul ConaulCeneral Coll CollGetr ConsulGeneral
General Getr here for about abut a I year ea ia i dead deadHe dPAr deadHe
He underwent Idrwet an operation olfraton for appendi appendicitia appnd appenclicilia
cilia on Wednesday WePy and anr died today todayMr tod todIr
Mr Ir Ruble took up newspaper work workafter workafter ork orkr
after r his hi graduation Kraruton from nrPr Harvard Iard and andwai sodwas nd nda
was at a one OI time lme vicepreaident 1pfdPt and nd direc director drr dircor ¬
tor 01 or of the Milwaukee 1uk Sentinel Rntinll Company
Uel IIen 0 raa born br at a Madison tdlln Wia is March ach 19 191M1 ISIan 15IMI
Ian In 1MO tHhfPJiote Isachewaseppointed he waa appointed Consul cf cflt cfltUnited fI the theUnited
United UniM States St at t Prague PeuI Bohemia and andremained antiremained nd ndmained
remained there Ih until unt INI 181 He I became bm an aneditorial n i ieditorial Ietori1
editorial etori1 writer on the th Milwaukee Miuk SrnKnrl SrnKnrlin Srnrn SrnrnIn Stat tnI tnIin
In in ISM t8 and nd remained minf with that paper paperuntil i iuntil
until wtIICI 101 when he h wa appointed plnlf Consul Consulneoeral ConsulGeneral onll onllODPII rarr
General ODPII at Hongkong loDckontr After Aflr a year r or 10 10h sobe o oae
h be ae was transferred rarfr to Havana 11 aa tonal tonalGeneral ConnilGeneral oaII oaIIGnral
General Gnral and nd later wan sent It to Vienna ViennaAbout ViennaAbout iennaAbut
About Abut a year ago IO he bt waa wa transferred tranaferredI trDrpf
from frm Vienna pnn to his hi old 010 pout pOt at f Hongkong lonCkonl
Baker Hl ranhhe hh fep e Wit Whe b bthl Ha rrelrtt rrelrttami rrestdand
and Altai At the T Twe s > tilt Who h Arrested t Him HimThe himThe
11m 11mTh
The Th three th policemen against aJsllt whom whomcharge whomeharj whomcharges
charge eharj were made following rnllowlnl the tt arrest antwtof lt ltor
of Policeman Polkmn William Wiim Gallagher of In Inspector Inptor Inspector ¬
spector ptor Hchmittbencer Hhmllbr taf tal several severalweeks veritl veritlweekn er1k
weeks k ago ro while hle Gallagher Callacllr wa < getting gettingevidence IltUnR gettingevidentit
evidence vlrn for the lh Cliief ir ln Inftor inspector n ctor were wereall wel wereall
all n fined nnll ye yesterday ferday ry liy rpnimi Cpnimiesione CpnimiesioneRaker loner lonerBaker lonerJtr
Baker Jtr Gallagher Olahr lost IOt five 11 day da my pnrand pa paand myand
and John A NeUon and Walter F M MBishop 3tBIbo Mhhisbop
Bishop BIbo the thf two policemen fOllemn of the tb Fifth FifthMreet Fifh Fifhtrt Fifthstreet
street trt station who ho arrn arrested ted him each eachlout ea eachlost h
lout 101 ten day dar pay Bishop wa charged chargedwith ch1rid ch1ridltb chtrgiulwith
with ltb making rlc a false fl statement in regard regardto rd rdto
to the arrest to Inspector Schmittbergnr Schmittbergnrand ShmIUrKr ShmIUrKrn
and Nelnon II with wih Illegally llpiy arresting tln tlnpolcem a apoliceman apoliceman
policeman polcem n on a charge rhrl of Intoxication Intoxicationmaalng IntoJluon IntoJluonmidna lntoxicnisnnmaalng
maalng a false fl afBdavit ldaYlt a fate r statement statementsod ttmt ttmtad tat nwnt nwntand
and ad an Improper Imprpr remark rmr concerning conrernincthe confln4 confln4th
the th policeman pUcmn Gallagher OIICh wa charge chargewith char1th chargedwith
with th bl being arrested at and Id lined Inf ta Infant intoxication Ilod Ilodction Infantcation ¬
cation ction and d < disorderly conduct Conduc and u uInt tIing ing
boiateroua bI and profane proin language inK when whanarraigned whlD whlDarl whenarraigned
arraigned arl in the h station Ateo house houaThe hO houseThe
The 1 day dy after ater Gallagher Oldlaahr was w fined finedS3 tt
S3 in the Yorkrille YorrU court CIr Acting tom tommlMlooer tommitoD Cornmissioner
missioner mitoD Bugber BUKbr saw Klkrat Magistrate HarrU HarrUwho Ur ilarriawho
who lo reopened the lh raaa c and Cd remitted remittedthe rmited rmitedt
the t fine fineLieut naeuu fineLisuts rpn
Lieut uu Ailien 1km and Sheehan 8ehu of the theWest theW thewest
West W tooth loh street ar a station ltaUon were e trans tranaferred tnn transtarred ¬
tarred rm yesterday tJ to downtown dnta preclncta preclnctaTheir pllnc precincteTheir I
Their TIr transfer trc U i said I to t ba b due du to the theletter tb thelttmt I
letter It sent to t the t Commissioner Cmii by b Mayor MayorGaynor 1or 1orOao MayorOeynor
Gaynor Oao calling cln < < hia hi attention aUo to 0 potion potionmen pI polleetams I
men ia f that t precinct who bo wet f in the thehabit t thehabit
habit hit of spending rn tune t in a garage when whentbv whentheysbould b
tbv t theysbould ahould I II b b bean on o patrol patrolPoliceman pl plPolt petrolPolicemen p
Policeman Polt Henry aI E 1 State S of the t Br BrookIpi Brook Brooklyn ¬
lyn Borough b Hall Hl aquad tu wan pent Ma to t the thnBrooklyn t theBrookJyn
Brooklyn = detective d bureau olU Htata 8t wan wanfornwfy wiaformerly
r formerly aaalgned fa to t the th Supreme p1 Court CourtIn Crt CrtI
I In Brooklyn Brl1n J and a i he the t policeman poUOm whom whomComtnHajioner whomOil whomCorarnieslonet
ComtnHajioner Oil Blnghatn refused rr to t make maknfr mae
a fr tint t grads Blnd detective ctl at a the tI mque riwoest riwoestof t tnf
nf f Judge I I Gaynor Gn Gnr
h akguinpang akguinpangBroadway Ca
Broadway at 34th J < th Street StreetHAVE StrtHVB StrutHAvn
A 4 2 Stle of Rain Ra n Trrreliag TTe1 Coats COt for Women WomenNil WOe WorneiJin I INim
Nil Nim bf hR 9rn H aic m R exclusive 2b mqdejs mg I Ig o p select I Iec from fromAll frgm frgmAl ftmAll
All Al of these arc in the most practical practcal of designs desl ns in which beauty of modeling modelingand modeln modelnand mode1inand
and finish has not prejudiced their utility utity to the slightest slghtest degree Every Everygarment Everyarment EvIrygarment
garment arment Is fashioned of Priestley Prestey Cravenette Cravcncte and moistureproof wors worsteds worsteds worsleds ¬
teds in n the following rolowin colorings ton olive olve Oxford or navy nav also black blackThe blockI blackThe
I The r Special p if1 Ei iric Prices for f r tbjs th Spjc fl Ic are
950 for 1500 Qualities Quoltes 1250 I for 2000 Qualities Qualtes 1950 for 3250 Qualities QualitiesIn Qualtes QualtesIn
In addition to the above we present at attractive atractive prices pricesA pricesr
A i 2ry r striding assemblage p pm m lfg of f JNer Tourist C I Coats H I Steamer SteamerCoats Sl m r
Coats gPI S Satin tht i or gr Sik nk S > tr i reet t Coats g t Serge ri E or gr Conges Jgni P1 P1An Qoftts QofttsAn P I If1rt
An Important f1rt Sale 2 of Tailored Talored Suits Suts Coats Coatssn Cots Cotsfor
for Misses and nd Small SJa Women WomenSpecially sn SI Sees t4 4 16 J and nd ia VeerS VrSp VeerSspcciaI
Specially Sp i ly arranged n ng gcd for r 1c r Saturday s tyr y rft remarkably t mfr arhIy f b h I ov pricgs pricgsTailored P pic picT1Qrc
Tailored Hgr Suits Sui of French serges worsteds worteds sharkskin or basket weave fabrics fabricsin fabrcs fabrcsI
in 1 a wide syU range of entirely new models carefully arefuly made and beautifully beautifuly trimmed trimmedand trwmed trwmedand tri imed imedand
I and finished Lined throughout with p peau au de d cygnc to match The colors colorsnavy colo1 colornavy t tnavy
navy reseda old blue gold old violet or black and white check also black blackVery black blackyy
Very v r exceptional p m 1 vaues at t 1500 2500 2500MISSED 2500MISSESTAILORBDCOATSSPBCIAL f fMISSE
SIzes 14 14 4 16 I 6 te I IS Ye Y Yesra a r rOf Of rubberized rubberzd silk sik mohair silk silkpoplin Sik silkOf I
Of French or storm scrtfet se coverts covertscheck poplin or wool serge sc serc e In a variety YDret off of ofchek ofcheck f ff
check chek worsteds wonteds cloth of gold old oLdor or pan pongee ¬ 295 J I colors color coors Thoroughly Thorou hly practical rain gar lar > 500 500ments 500tee
gee Full Fullenlth PulIlength length models with con contrasting ¬ a ments Sizes Size 8 to 18 years ycr ycrtrutlns = < w wValues I Itrastin
trasting trutlns collars colr and cuffs Value 20 I Values up to 1650 1650Apparel 1650el I6Opr
Apparel pr el for Girls Gils Gif Juniors JuniorsTHREEPIECE Juors JuorsTHREEP1ECB JuniorsTHREEPIECE
THREEPIECE SUITS SUITSSian Si 13 1 to I6y 16un r rOf I DRESSES FOR GIRLS GIRLSSlzc6to Sixes 6 to Mytr MytrOf 14r I4ysarsOf
Of 011 all wool Preach serge sc e handsomely braided braidedwith Of white lawn pique repp or linen lncn Many Manyentirely Ma MaI MaIwith
with Ith silk sik soutache A complete dress dres with withseparately entirely new and original orllnal Dutch or high hlJh neck neckstyles neckseparately I
separately p rtfly tailored coat Colors navy gold goldviolet styles handsomely trimmed with wih fine laces lacesembroideries laces lacesYilet lacesvIolet
violet reseda rose tan or shepherd check checkat C embroideries embrol QTles and ribbons ribbonsat rbbons rbbonsat
at 1975 1975REEFER I at 295 to 2450 2450COATS 245 t tREEFBR II
REEFER COAT SUITS SUITSso 810 My 14 I4years t tOf COATS FOR GIRLS GIRLS6to 6 to 1016 I6y l6ysars l6ysarsOf ca caor ar arOf I
Of storm serges worsteds or fancy hairline hairlineserges Of serge worsteds coverts or fancy mix mixtures mixsergei ¬ I Ilerses
serges Full Ful scres kilted klted skirt with tailored Iiored coat coatlined tures ture serse Lined throughout throushout with Venetian or ormohair orlined 1 1lnd
lined lnd lerses throughout with mohair at 975 I mohair at 495 595 795 795A 795Shos 795i
I It Ipric
A i Sale of 9 Shoes Shos for BOl Boys and i Gil Girls Girlsat
at t prices Pi pric considerably gm ig Iy reduced reducedEvery r fh fhEver e eEvery
Every Ever pair poiI of ° f Shoes involved is from rom our own carefully carduJy selected stock The models modelsand modelsond modelsand
and leathers are those most in vogue at the th moment and every pairs perfect perfectFor perfectEgr perfectFor
Egr For Qir Girls GirlsTon iI Jrpr fgr rB Boys BoysSubstantial oys oysTan y
Ton Russia Rusia calf patent leather gun metal calf calfor cJ Substantial Substantal and ar dressy footwear made on newest newestmannish newestor
or glace laet kid kid Lace of button bUtQn models modelsSizes mannish models modes in the most serviceable serviceablequalities nrvieeble nrvieebleSize servIceableSizes
Sizes Size 6 to 8 value 200 at 145 145Sites qualities quallies of tan Russia calf cal or patent atent leather leatherLace lutbr lutbrSls leatherSizes
Lace button or Blucher models modelsto
Sites Bt to II t I value Iu 3JO 1 O at lt 185 185Sizes I buton I ISizes aSizes
Sizes 11H II I 8Y I h to 2 value 3OO 30 at t 225 225Sizes I Sizes I ISizes to 55 H value 3JO 3 O at 265 265to 26 265Sizes
Sizes 3H H to H value 3 3O > 0 at t 265 26 Sizes SiKS 11 11Suits I I to I3j l3 value 300 00 at atSizes 25 25I 25Boy 225 225Suit8 I I
Suits for Boys and ad Youths y at 1250 1 5 to 2500 2500AGHS I IAGES
AGES 14 TO 20 0 YEARS SIZES W o TO Jb JbThe lbThe b bThe
The fact that we present as many models in our Suits for Youths as aswe aswe 40 40we
we carry carr in our Mens Department tells tels as eloquently eloquenty as any argu argument or argumont u ument ¬
ment could how much importance we place upn our Specializing Specialzin in inYouths inYouths
Youths Apparel ApparelThere Apparel ApparelThere
There arc no half way methods about the conduct of o ofthe the Department Departmentthe
the models are many the cloths arc especially especoly sclectcd seecte selectedin in some someinstances someinstances someinstances
instances especially especialy woven for our use and the designing exemplifies exemplifiesin exemp1ius 1 7 7in
in every ever way the high standard we exact of our craftsmen craftsmenAll craftsmcnAl
All Al the favored cloths coths of the season in light or dark colorings coloringsnew colorints colorintsnew
new mixtures hair line lne stripes herringbone hCtin bone and novelty novely patterns
Suits S t Reefers for Boys BoysLittle BoysLitle BoyLittle
Little Litle fellows felows wants receive recche ot our hands an amount of consider consideration considcrotion consideration ¬
ation rarely rarey given in I any other shop Designs Dcsi ns arc unique fabrics fabricsappropriate fabricsapproprate J JI Jappropriate
I appropriate approprate finish as near perfect as can be Taken in connection connectionwith conncctoiwith t twith
with exceedingly modest prices our offerings ofcrin s should appeal to toparents topDrent t tparents
parents who appreciate the fullest fulcst measure of o quality qualiy and good ood taste tasteSuits tostf tastcSus
Suits of f ajUwpql p1 Serge S ri m n N Norfolk ifQk I or r doublebreasted klici br p Hc models r c cI alpaca alpacalined I Ilined 5 00
lined ln d The making and finish arc r characteristic of our very ory high hi h standard standardPpublebreasted I IDoublebrensted tSu
Ppublebreasted Suits Su P Doublebreasted No Norfolk rfolk rfolkwith Sujts Sujtsvith Suis Suisih
with ih extra exz Jrf knickerbockers k i r J r Fllh ih b cxSra trp knickerbockers knickerbockersOf n J hthcIci hthcIciOf r g r
Of allwool materials mlterlls inths In tho th choicest olccst A 4 wide Y181 anoti of mannish cloths clothsSpring clot2 clot2Spring t tSpring
Spring colorings and models Very 575 In n entirely ntrdy new r w patterns pauers halt or full lul VD VDcarefully 975careful 97 97carefully
carefully careful made Lined with alpaca oIpn 1n lned lined d V Very uy V superior u crltr in ir finish tth At AtSuits s sc k kSuits
Suits SUis for School c c chool h 00 I or Dress D ress f Dzefen te ior srA PliaS Snrino SprinOfsergesshphcrd PliaSOf
O Of Osr Ofsergesshphcrd serges esJhphcrcrlplldso ih phed iplaidsor novelty novch
An extensive c variety vDrlt n our own modcs OvercoatiniiJin Oyecoatnsln newcolorrjt new colorr s Trim 500 500carefujly 500careuJy 500carefuly
carefujly careuJy tailored fltored at 575 to 2000 med and finished fnlshc wub ih the th utmost utOI cure olr ur I
I wnnn KKErRor KKErRorMr KIE iitr nri t IROtI RO F4TfLn F4TIltfl F4TIltflSIr
Mr Brtlml RaUndlrNoUI HsrtlmilrHOWI7Ci lrKowit7i > Mat N lit f I ItRr Ii Mrrl MrrlIRK ilerllug
IRK tRr lmmr1 mmel Pmmi PmmiSupreme rr rrSupme rruwasSupreme
Supreme Court Ju JUtir Justice tlr Bi Bihol Biscimofi cholT yrntfr yrntfrday Ylrdy yesterday
day appointed pplnt d Charles Ca N Morgan Ior n a ar areferee t tr
of Mr Mrs Par Dal DalI 4l 4lC
r referee f r In th th the application ppUaton 11
C I ItartiriclatoKnuntTfl IrtlrdKollnb for a modifiraticr modifiraticrof molklol molklolof
from lack Bnrtin Bnrtinilate Biirtindale Min Mindal
of her divorce < 10 dcrw dO dc uwt
dale dal to prevent prnt her former forr husband Iubad from froma rromillnc fromassociating
a associating illnc wil ih lx Ir > r evetiy vnYArold arold > cn cnHanimUt CI
1441 lf Ic IcMrs
Mrs 1 HanimUt nail0a bucans bmfl th the wit oi oiP oltuzguatus i illtW
of the bauklnB fnzi fnziof flrmof
tuzguatus lltW P Konntte KOlntr boklnl fr frof
of Ko IColnt iCountre nt7 Hro lr on April prll 17 7 l 10 1509 Berlin Bartindaln Brtln BrtlnI BerlinI
I date M employed mplot l IT > y a cotton oton good coo firrr firrran frr frrnd firnianal
an anal nd < l lived with hi his parent at t the Man Manfl Mansfield a
fl feld field ld apartments errmtnl lIMh I h attest rt and Broad Broadway Brod Brody Broadsay ¬
way y Under h hai t cltrorc dlo i decree der Mrs MrsJartindate > lr lrUartlndale IrUMlndl
Uartlndale UMlndl trot al the th custodY cutoy of her leor son la on cccondition onvl oncondition
condition that the th father have ba him tour foiirdaya fo fodYla tourdays
vl ton
days dYla a mooth Mr 11 Kountrn DOW no allege allegethat alle allethat allegesthat <
that Kartlndftl H I ubectinK ubjetnc the boy bT bTImmorl to toImmoral toImmoral
him into the thnocleT th thpol thesociety
Immoral Immorl Influence Inflel by b taking laling
society pol y of a woman who l ii not regarded regardedby tard tardI
by I her at A a proper propr p plcn person r on for her he boy to tomeet tom toItrtlndal Iameet
meet meetliartindata m meetflartindale
liartindata Itrtlndal replies rploll that tbt he never nlvpr brought broughtthe bru ht htthe
the boy h0 intlaloa intoasaoclation into association with withnny ith any ny one who whowould whowould ho howould
would Impair Impir hi moral and I is hocknd ehockedand hockndand hod hodattound
and attound aatoundod at t his hi former rOmr a wlfea wie alleica alleicatlon aliegstions 11 >
tlon lon Ha le says ay y th the sole Ml purpone PUrO of to toapplication t tppllrUon toapplication
application ia I Ira Kountznn Kont desire d4l to toovt 10RL toget
him get RL possession to t Europe EuropwMargaret Europerpt Ion of the tb boy bT ao a aha can a take le lehim takehim
Margaret It Quinhy of 610 Riv Rinrald Riverside RiversideDrive r Me MeDriro
Drive Dri rpt piU In an Qlnh n affidavit mi in which whkh she shesays h haya h
says t he n l believes IllvM > i she > he b i the t person re referred r reforred ¬
ferred reR to t t by iy Mm Mn Kounbcn Kob ujti and ad after pr t deny d
ln inc < c that tha there hl U any aT b b heal i for the t allege aHecatlona aJp allegetiort >
tlona Un that ah she h I Is an a improper impropl person M she shesay on onaya
say aya Mra M Kountm has 1 had f ilet d detectives detectivesspying ctive ctivePTlng I IIllne
spying Illne on t ta her I ehall at some 1 other irtherthne Ithf othertime
time 1 and nd in another 0r manner ma laVn 11 proper properaction properaction r
action io nvalnft pl tbe b fal fa tales v lilwlloiw IIU IIUf p and
u u
I April Apri 11th to 25th 2StaThe
II 1 The Theleadlng leading leadiof haberdashers wil will display the theMIDSEASON theII theMIDSEASON
I I a
malicious mlelou charges ChIA In the th moving movl paper papershe paperssh
she Ih sh ears For or the e prevent I wil papZ content contentmyself contentmyself onlnlmJI
myself mJI with challenging rhUnllnl any one to point pointto
to a single 8n l improper Impropr Immodest Immodet or Immoral Immoralaction Immoralatl immoralaction
action atl lever I < ever vr committed commllt In my life lifeThe le leTe lifeThe
The Te Wall Htrret Hte Evening Him HimThe aa ffmeThe
The Wall ItrUnorTn BtreetedlUonbfTnz Street edition of Tn KVKXTND tYm1n EviccNoStnt I IStnr
Stnr 8t contains cnt all al the t financial tDdl newn n and andthe andte endthe I
the te stock a and a bond bn quotations U tton to the th close closeof I Io I Iof
of the market The I IIculD
o te mrkpt T Hoeing quotation quotationincluding quottonA quotationsIncluding
including IculD < < th the bid and asked akr price prl t with withadditional withadditional ith ithaddiil
additional addiil new nutter mtr nre contained ne also alaoiu alsoIn 111
In Ihe U tlrenugb night 0111 Ullou it ufTu f TilE Kvwuxo OVN 61H1 j
An Arte aAMrtaxtsit of ofHeart
Heart He SkAficd SkAficdOdMMtlr 8 8I1
OdMMtlr I1 rUvaaea rUvaaeaRfrects
Rfrects J
SwedaB B
1 1I 1twl
1 1bWKLT

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