OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, April 16, 1910, Image 8

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-04-16/ed-1/seq-8/

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A flit ittrn ittrnII 1111 h lrl n H nl Ii I s sR w
II Hit l foS I I Ittll t I llllt lllltIlinirulllr 11111IJlmulll it II frith frithIllmfutllr
Ilinirulllr el r Tranferrln Tran > frrrln llrr Na rl U UIhe I I11If 1the I
the HI I bslr i e llrr II tint hn In I l Ir rilil ih I r I II Carry CarrydA rr rrj <
dA I j > llfr 111 Fiklrorrfthrtegrrl Fiklrorrfthrtegrrlhdr Nlrnrr f lhelniice ln lnJllilr on
Jllilr hl lo It her Miwlrv trlrt In til 1 t IIIMIIIerlTint lilkllMIMl lilkllMIMlKate lIlklhlI
Kate I t iKiugLi Ih La WtgKin IIU II h tIM > k a party ol oltMrty 01tt ofttattr
tMrty tt llty Li L set t Silin4tv S11ln from rr Vew I York ork 11 l Iflrldjtport II IIflridgrflrt < i iiri
flrldjtport iri I t we r tlurn III hrr the Ih List 11 > 11 x crfl > rfi > rni rniIn rmarse <
arse at In ths I + in if f her h dninuiliyefl 9tr 9trbect lle llebecct It ItI
becct of I Sunnylitook Sllnyh k rlirni which comfti comftito aw awto > fl flID r
to Iho iaiet Arty 111 llimtiH < in New s York wk th lhpat thfin h hftnol
fin pat > t week w of r li M t llclolxr 11 1 lione who whohave whllbr whhart n
have wen 11 lU lite sus IUH ime + 1lIrcr fr cru of if r th thktage thts mho mhoalag
ktage ts and 1111 her h hervrr eter f f illliful 11th rill Kmma m JtlM JtlMtetoih Jaaetestify am amUwtify
testify thit Mb b Win tnu > < eutcwalfully eutcwalfullyaecnrnpient uecew II > fully fullyaecompi rlI rlICOI
aecompi aecnrnpient COI Me < ihe Ih dilTliilt Uik t 110 r sit > f tmn trnnforring tmnfornntt Imllforrlnlt
fornntt her I own iT trIUnn > atiotiH from r Chu lh page pageof lltof p it itsit
of a iKMik to I the III limn luniA of r a 1 Mttg tiio t lit witn wttnout wltnout witnout
out I IM < > f 1ieir niluml ciuirin in II the theProt thnA Ih Ihpr
pr Prot
prA A night nr 0 n aK it ego > m the th light nlbtded nlbtdedrtd hued hlltldrtd d drtd
rtd hlPR hlt II lady IIII of r h < litii I lI in 11 We wt Vi t Fifty Fiftyeighth Fiftyeighth illyIhh
eighth Ihh Ktree 1 MhN Mi h Vicuiii Jit1I1 it 11 I diftlciill diftlciilltn
tn adtirc adt the It t nxtt 1 a > r ol r si t many n lhit thtthleMrit lhitbl 111rulll
hleMrit bl Mxl t Umliv rulll n vffrvlMxlyH children childrena
as a Mn Int KRK rIt g > ° r 11 I psra r nil conei coneiMtion c > nlt nltNUn r rcation
NUn tllk t ilkml d mfortikilly itt stout > oiil Ihrchlldri lint lintchildren II IIhlldt +
children i in t 1 fier I tr imtkttiK = in KeiTil 1rt1 and andabout ImlabouI anJabout
about traKferrnii lra rnnq tsnm ti 1ln ii 1 t the Ih + ITN y In mparticular InpaUC1IA Inparticular
particular She riA ho n rl 1M I cllllll IIII t ti I UIadjoi the theadj tll tlladjn
adjoi adj tiv I y t dramaturgic dramaturgicIt
lle llebeotn It ItMrn t ttwou
It wail WA 4 always thy doiiiilful whether
beotn would ul1 turn out w Mtcrn cc CfIrllll f fiilly flat flatcud V VBAjd It Ita
cud a > d hecniit h IIr I draniitmiiK my mywork tt ttwork c cwork
work which biih i w always Hlighf 4i ht xud nd 11 doe doenot d 1 1not 4 4Dot
not d depend r nd iiivw Mtittioiv Not = t for m mare me meare mtare >
are plots and o uiitrplntt niirprli niirprliclimaxe urpriwM urpriwMclimax lrpI lrpIclimax
climax curl ins 1 r I l ti Lueintntl Lueintntltcchmcnlitico c LiMSI std stdttehn Lilliuchnictlltl
tcchmcnlitico ttehn calituu th u t < wnm < munnly only > nlww sit 1 e e the thepUywnpht Ih IhplAyWJirh hutpaywrit
pUywnpht pUywnphtI ht hti
I knew that Ih I ensil M iilt t Ivavo I ttItIratbtP ttItIratbtPwith ltlle irinible iriniblewith trulhlwith
with the th dwlo dill dtstoCu 1011 ti f rr T r cutviiiHig e uvur 111111 Itg dia dItloges dialogue cll clllogu ¬
loges ha rtlrnyH Is ay ays T s U I > oe u of f the Ih rhlrrequuPmtnt cbt rhlr rhlrIn f frequtremonlt
requtremonlt in t rie r Ih h n I I tivwriltr hive hivewritten I v vwrilltOt1
written Iir lore of if r ill eveniLiy LIY life lir i iqutnt IU IUquaint ItAqulnl
quaint ptithr plh r ithe > Avl a id liuinoro m incident incidentIt tnculrnlslta
Ita It char N i n nhiri r ii 11 tf ft I Iv K I > ti mad de vitdand vit vil1 vil1and l land
and refit I wiVw WI N I t niacin III HI II 1 tb nlmo atnlaphre nlmoph ItOlpb
ph phre re of miplicity Imphruytut atui freHi r ew < which whichIs hlehfa
Is 60 o n RC ce > sirv irv I in work nI < ol I tiiif Ii lund for forI
1 knew kn that it was as a vltil lo ttvixd II > itl art artnctald itrtiBrtlit 11 11idil
Brtlit idil in the th piiv v 4 c in n the th ii xeka xekaY < M > k kYeit
Yeit r but low wI Uie iiitiiril 9u 9uIon Hin Hintion I Itlon
Ion tlonTh
mlaathnr Thnauthorplnvwrich Th Ilhorplnvwrl pavwrigh laignod merrily mirrtlylow mrrilylIow merrilyllow
low can C U I anwi > r tlta she tIt i anked nrkettwhen ankedwhen nkedawhtn
when I dn tio 11 know knit IIIP mw > lf I wn wnfortunate WIfortunal w tt ttfortunatt
fortunate ia mv colliborAtor aotI tnratnr Mm Iii Ihar IharoUThnmpoii lharlottaThinnetMS hAr hArIoUe
oUThnmpoii IoUe ThOIl1II whoholpod who lIollod me m e vntnict nwletrnMthe ° < vntnictth tnll1 tnll1the
th the verv implo ivnorlo roiuint rpuinslvuol rpuinslvuolatiist Iuint fid fidassisted L1I1A
atiist assisted A stt tl me 10 In geltuq set MM lI 5 the th mntcriitl into intofour hll hllfour Intofour
four ann HI ii the th 1 could 1111 writ the th play playBhe ptayShe 17Hbe
She agreed a 1 with mv 11I view of r it a von vondire ervrVre IT ITdire
dire thine Ihill In tvillal c III1IIfLtllt mrit ot and dtftloult tn tnAnd I Iftnd tofind
And AndWhrn
Whrn 11 Mi Mims Ii nionixxni and I I write writeplay rll rllrlAy at atplay >
play like Iik The nl Thief Th or Mailame Xtogether X1 X1together X XtOlttlhr
together c I Miiill defer to her hf I Ittauly IttaulyI XMUIV XMUIVI
I shall know knn i rho > he h ham ha h the Ih gnver Itn reorenoe r experi experience ¬
ence in emir theme In the th ca e of ofRebecca ofRehrua r rRtotJfCa
Rebecca she h knew I wan on c my nativeheath native nativeheath nathbeath
heath and sir h Iu < wan vrl1 content to iuI help u to toadvise I Iad toadvt
advise ad advt to n warn even to I applaud bloM bloMher hteei ICI < I Iher
her mr mrwlAt lAt heart heartOf hfrtOf htin0f
Of course COUf the Ih play Iar anneal III largely to towomen Inwomn towomen
women cod = et girls gtrUIt
It 1 viRhf to hut 1111 it d drwut 1 e 11I i t Mr Ino Wiggin Wigginreplied 11iggmreplrit 1g 1II 1IIrpli1
replied with a twinkle l HUI 111 always alwaytpisatetl alwa alwaI alwayspleased
pleased I whei wh s my tMH tsek > k app np Hl to I men menas 101wtll monas
as well n na to I WHIKVI > IIIMI l 10 Iwtl > iit I an on m 101 i of ofall ofall r rn
all n pleavxl hat they Ih Ihrysnw come COU next I Ullle UllleWomen 1111 IJtINomen It Itomn
Women omn in mho favor and llli aliHtion of ofgirl ofgirl r rcJrI
girl tome Om of whom of f ooiirx may de demind tI tIsnand dnmind
mind lxv 11 Ink < f > kt of r a more III i aepht > ot > htlicvitcd htlicvitcdvariety ttwl ttwlvariety
variety V lriet l hll1 r mo Ihwr t of r whom after all 11 eem emmso eemto 111
to 0 pii plr pirfer > f r picture < > r t tins b 111 it healthy healthycatural 131Ih 131Ihsaturp1 aralthynatural
natural Kirlhoi gtrthsNtThat l lThat
That the h author Mn hur hn h nmntntl IIl cnll II to rviMin rviMinthis ro rotbi rManthis
this apjieal m h hr T HIM ITt at t play playwntlrK playwrillng plMywriltng
wntlrK it vtoitor t ro the II Muge prxluMuin prxluMuinof > nxlii < ti < n nOf
Of Rriwct Rel > ta tear I witne witneI u
1 aw A my little friend fn nb n W RnrM rrrt the Hieother 11Mothftr theother
other muu mcl lI hemMl hrsaulrnd ami hi I it a nor 111I 111Ia in ina ela
a mt mlfftIU mettoiwiilui r < > i iu > plsytiuu i IH yhou hu a I till 11 It IIin wax waxintheSip wMNin
intheSip in the Ill Sa il I Maine 1 ind H little tillage tillagecallt vdlugtwiled 11111 11111calle1
wiled callt 1 Kl ttne rl rho rlnn ori aiid t I I 1 IcN lirirk 1 IIk k IHHIHO hH bv bythe bvthe 10 10tbe
the boiiK b > u of r ihe I hc rivr nv V r wtNrr wtK wI > n > Ri IUlie4 11 11RowITI h rt rtRowrn < a aRowena
Rowena i nandail I liv It rl < l oiih ra 1110 h her tn tnmaiden I Imaidlo mwmaiden >
maiden aunt a lute If e rtr Of r there II wa < white whirms1 whitemust hll hllm
must m I lriMxl rl < l oytr < > er thai ilivatrc thortrr1ilt ilivatrcThe I liltnT
The T er npiiit 1 f f I tint i Ixquiille gltlttluth gltlttluthdens 1 II eu 11111 11111dfIII ivi ivideticitie
dens deticitie rng Huot 1 itiriltinc 111111 < ild th l alxide I in inthe II III mthe
the I Ml 1 tn ns w n nn < h IIIR o nei II 1 1II p it 111 111it i iII
II narn w aI A > l lav Inyt it wow amity and 1 my mynom InYromra mycoma
nom coma a a i o to nq + l lei h i sp laii e verv vervnow v rp rpflow y yIIn
now IIn in 11 1 i > i r to I IntuIpwhN i > h H evi y yrandfcrlot yrandfcrlotto an anl I ftricut ftricutto
to 0 Wl wt > I rye iea > iCa 1IaI > e t the h nit l of ofmore f fmore rmoroo
more olH i i II atv It i U4 Ii were r always III I Ithat Ith Xf Xfthai
th thai i It IIc 11 I ii 11 lit re Utwn twyn thiirih thiirihanil thnnhstd huutali
std ali < I MA Ill wjil 11 t < > < rliiitly rlllll Iy I renew n n w tuelf ulrUatld tuelfaad 11t1fautl
aad I uo inarl II nlar I mnnv fflall ma x4rtNn M > rm n < i which whihdid whichdid hivh hivhdid
did mach iewi 1 iee M KIMXI I iliii Ih u 1 MiicU 11I1 hearing hearingof 11I11I1
of IkVrra UI > era > f Smnyi Sar nyI ro fOtk > k I lrartn lrartnTh arm arrnTiirsir armTtie
Ttie Tiirsir reior of r Iteberea ol r I urd u 1 of oflame r rJam
lame PalM Po Patsy of r Mliiniicaii IIIIIIIi < itii nJllliflOOanln nJllliflOOanlnIOn I Pacific > imon imonson i ion
son on lli > iwiH 100 in II Marm lum of f Polly liT
Oliver Ol c ml < I e ury I ry y teller 11 f one I and all II of ofihe ofihr r
ihe 11 ItUKtil = e and many tn other nth IIIt rit of r the theirit ihri h hIrlt
i trite irit of Tiyt ryf dv HchihlriM I rill Ir IK gm rn r in New XrwLngland Newkoglaiid 0 01P1t1ulIl
koglaiid lucnl 1 ctl l m the Ih I ski lei M uuIit hocil I forgirLr for forCirUul rorlln
girLr CirUul Mt ndoer MAM lln M AIIwait > l itt Academy Academywent culm culmwon
went won out lo II > i nlitoniM nld nnua with lIh lu her r family rtmll rtmllwhw fanulwher
whwe uli 10 look lOt up p Kindergurten worii woriidirecting wool wooldtrectln u1I u1Idirectlll
directing tlt h fuiiiout rlln Siher Ntrwl tre t klnder klndergarten kflllranen r rartenN
garten of NIII vuu Kritci Frutetc o and lUl < l l curninir IUlnirlitlb iwrutnin iwrutninlee > curninirthe
the lb meal rot + 1 eiMineia I x > ot or < > f Kroelndn Kroelndnyt rnIN IN INsystem
system yt m IliKntion tn the III 11r W t What 11tutfactor Whatfactor Iwi Iwiractor
factor th I h visit u 04 < I hunt but eaicrr cr at earen i1 i1fnlh > l lentllMiVOic
entllMiVOic fnlh en shal u It m taorn r arnotiK the Ih ilrgl negleettt negleetttbablcx rif rifbahlcw
bablcx of far Hat and Kirlmry couol couolhnte rNl ewthave 1 1h
have h i n In ri m her It r < fimtirehetiHion nnapn hrnNo of f ati and 1111ahililY andability < i iability
ability n > Itatt the I rhiirarter r Irllr of r iluld iluldhno 111111bnoc1 rhddhoniI
hno bnoc1 < 1 oil tarn not Ie b irokonel irokonelM re kono
1 M In < ri H u ml I I of r a crystal IRI iar rarer a7 r who wholm whejmsrtwl It Ittm11
lm tm11 jmsrtwl rtel from fr DiiLlin on the Ih < icraion wraro IIW aof aofa of ofa Ir Ira
a fair fal hr l > i i 111I in tin II irr rwods iiiiil of Ir l > r I I hurrly Mr Hey
in I Iau u i n MeiltlI > iiih Ih Ireland lid t to < > Mm MmVo MIrMwiggsi I IWiltj11
Wiltj11 wiggsi1o
Vo IIIM ha many III 11011rtidann 11011rtidannI chdlren chdlrenI
I llul him hi no elul 11111 Iren rrfdh llh I the author
Put I tarn i Ih hey are urnnuinghill urnnuinghillcoming ft iiiuitig till tilleominn II IIOmlllz
eominn < h o i irauy ti auy little 11t tin onr they Ih ar arclinging arM arMIIUKIS arediugeig
clinging ii > > v vest < m vim > U are 1 eunuiadtl fin minded by
them h rn went ini on II OK II Dub4m Pul woman irian mil her hereye hrI hrrM
eye M I < it r > Inr h It hal I tall not u H would Ie Iedeuial e ii c > It ItlIlo1l t
denial lIlo1l Thev Th are ear ih chitilren r Ilr if r a i role nlntve rolegve IJI
tve J ai i M ked 1 tofiilly Xo Icannot I Icannot Iarm
cannot arm a i d > < + i 1111 iri r I p > thin 11 di rn p1 > I re m inii mli IIIfhlJ
ii li > ed edand
ihi fhlJ ith h a I IIIrnneninm s01 < 1lIy 1lIyand Itu IIy IIyand
and Ire Ihll hnr tlmt give th OIe work III rk k of r Mrltlggin Mr Mrtggin 1 1Iiltln
tggin I e IucI indvidiil n1wd cliartn rI tii t1 he h has 1m th thgreat tI tIICItI Ism Ismprrr
great prrr t i iidiniratioii for ro art If I and style tvle t 1 and IIIII IIIIIIIIII andI111
intid IIIII I111 td I + that I her work orU hall ull riever r I Ila1IhI l Ila e ela
la1IhI la kin UliC on That it Itlo < le if r hard work willprevent will willprevent ill illprtenl
prevent u f yrrt > though Ih h her h Iok tsukrIrgi tsukrIrginelthur l > k deul deulneither 1A1 1A1IItUr
neither with lIh druiiatte Mm Hiiatio attri > i nor norgrand norgrand 1 1arnd
grand paIJII paIJIIIodr pa > i tnu > n nlend
1 Iodr lend r run ir I sit of r in nsIGauon > rHlnm n I must musthe nii t tc
110 he c Uepl 1 tlear rh a ar he II Nur 1 Ic < IUIMO 111 with a a agreat ngrat
great geni rfno 11I anil a an 11I1 I v wu > a pr I pris ii > > irtioiiatey rtfnnutrlyrnitfud Uftllall Uftllalltflll
Iniltful tflll I ttys irvilf II Iutt inn hniil my m nut 0111put nutpat I Ipt
put nu t n i roliiiM rt tutu in 1IIh un9iuuadly hanimlly < fir firIth sirill r rlth
ill eTnn n nrs r rI > i not we WIf > ir < Nut i mv i nhlic nhliclih uhlirAril
< Aril > n i nv n ni iI1 e when h yoniiK writer itrltsrroam writerfXITJ 1Ir 1Irl
fXITJ roam tJ l ine III UllTI I the iii tit nilterutl l trurits I uN elitht elithtIt slt Id IdIt It ItIt
It rti II rut t nl II IM h t lurreil with a bin IJI menage menagecrudity enrragelnthty ll llCrllIl
crudity Y > an lie I borne borneh Nirrlr Nirrlrh
h I laixe loK un 1 a iimrmou + inl illlr1 T t in inthe Itsth 11 11Ih
the Ih aristic artt rllII tc nl 1 of r writing rllllll N t kno knoiiiglvwuld I I1 kluninglvw
iiiglvwuld inglvw utd I J 1 i n kHin vat HII po rnivTable eli + rabb > ohor ohorlcn > Ir IrI ur urtm
I lcn tm t iM hII e rn lint nt t for I it lb > v orhl kl My Mywork Mlvwork III IIIWork
411 I
work i > nf sorh in h a nature IIIf it would not notcurry OIillttrry notnsrrv
curry ihb < iiil 11 it hid hurt ear it it Ite 1 txttoin txttoinof I I If Itom Itomuf
of f It
M 1 netr n nrt r trive tf ttn I tr fr line 1 Cant Cantwnsil1 ihntwould IhIwoI1
would Is Dual I tor I OM > my Y work wllrkIu more conth moreMutti
Mutti Iu h ua I ii i siv iv v ttid I III I luive V vu neitT n written writtenn rtI rtIIII
n line III in order nrd r our r on Inn nor r under underior o5drrpre
p I pre ior r won 1 en I wm tirrl llr l Tinier Iudritnpl Tiniernimfie
nimfie 1101 i i oi IIII < liiiiiii r ne i the I inly nl war wuytn u um
tn which hi irv work k in IM I gNl i l for r any 11 11Ihi
tliuir Ihi ear 1 IM done doneMr doMlta I IIr
Mr Mlta Ir 11 VtiitKifi gus > a iulr ilr 1 from IKMIIIS 1ln I trtg erv vrrIiy ervtiny prvhI
tiny hI reiiriiig r I II lo ma rail 111 for r Kurofie Isur hats hiutt I IIIl hatsIen
t Ien n a Nitogrdphing > ilOKra IIl > lCrII1II1C > hlluc twenty HIM fit < oHeii t4dtaof oHeiint 101 101of
of lt HI lttswuui l Ta in It U I ol I Ifs < J HI it 1 1 II tutor tutorFan4 iiorn iiornFurwl
Furwl I ralr spill 111 < alt MMI n M Nei > I of her h K M for forIhe ro roIh fnrthe
the Ih M Ihwll I WWe w1 CJllb 155 lioolll for nat II IIprel sun sunprupww > lilx lilxpruiioum
pruiioum prel Autographing IIt > ICIhln s ntn i to e of r h tar tareenlant r rooaloot re
ooaloot e cam j Itfrbp erbii > becauoo I < < au liir liirp h r
klndnw kind Indn new of n heart I la well known At AtIlilUiirrt AtIIItn AtPutulm
IlilUiirrt IIItn Hull u girls ICir ochool a Pou PoUCh PoUChhich h hkivjMie
kivjMie which Ihaaulhorhadn1 the Ih author uhorbd nod not known knownt
iii t all Ixifore hro N fnro the Ih pupil filii httV h been ruin ruinlinn Hn HnI
swing linn fur I An ItuorUIC11Nxk liw ril > rd hook The Th i author authorif
Ieh if It i mmh h tvmpalhr + mI for the Ih girl IC irl rl who wh iitonil iitoniliwcoiui 10011u1l41
5 iwcoiui u1l41 that he ah autographed u i copy copyor mJ mJI copyIfor
I Ifor rill or lier also I Hot 11 I1rm h to bailer fort rortlill rortlillI Him HimIMMI
IMMI I lime I Iillac lei nx aecond 11 i is nest ne lu being IwinqIlrat beingllr 1ln 1lnlIt
lIt llr r rThen
Then 1 h another ludent wrote rol all arvlanother I II
I another but the Ih Author M MY sru > T ult h feelsilly feel feeUfully Ihrllll
fully rllll ntiaid 11oU < I by h having added wi to bn brua b bnI r rucmidiilaiitt
ucmidiilaiitt ua it agtri U LotT Mvy < ry if r inch 1 charming charminggirl rbmllnarr
I girl arr gtri
drown IM > eope nlok urn 00 nice the he caw aavRlr aaJr1l aaJr1l1lt cawamt
1lt amt girl In ore nicer Iliaii Ih + tn 11 I he Ih angel an anR Ihemis Ihern IhernIVINK IbemIy
is Iy Ive
IVINK 1 li 111E 11 t9 H 4 STIIItl iT lit I TKIIKK TKIIKKllnlniaiilta TIIIr1Ilnan
llnlniaiilta 1Ilnan nil lal tll III5ew > rw > atrl atrlf ItIuklrhre ItIuklrhren
f Tank aD e th b hrctrr hrctrrHoman raetrr raetrrllolnun ralrrlIoll1lan
llolnun Day l > 4y the th author of the th forth forthcoming lurtlmillc forthcoming
coming millc novel Hie 11 Itaniroddent U Uknown I II 1 1I
known u 84 the tit story teller of hl his State StateTwenty Nlalclwn StateTwenty
Twenty lwn year NI ago It a a very vr young man mllnlr mllnlrIy Mr MrIUr MirI
I IUr liMgui writing nketche of Yankee Yankeei Yank Yanki ankvr
i i character over hi Iris nignature inII and evtrNtie ever evernince Itvt r rill
nince ill that time loyal Maine folk who whoknow whono
i know no n good e yarn tell tnlt it tn him or nr end MInllt it itl
l 10 > v letter It Not Infrequently a utory utorytultng tor tortelling Inr11l111t
telling l Iwo > e M i held In Ihn congregational congrgntlonrlgnwwry congregationalgrocery
grocery r Mtnrr 10 ire of nome m little lilt I buck ell dintrift dintriftmill clIoolritr JlntrictMarl
mill Mr r iMy In I rift t for to n actin a double doublei dosthkcapfrity
i capacity C 1 > 1I1 I a on judge and jury to name name the thewtnnrr h hWIIIIIr
1 wmnrr and OH recorder to write wrl down downthnne downIhr Iownth
Ihr thnne th talm tale IUT Inr for the Ih public tkluirnRill Squire N1ulrIIiII
1 Kill one IW of Mr Ir Day 11u ahnrt Rtoriea hen henlxeil hurl1
lxeil 11 converted rl1 into a one on net rl aketch for forlite forth
lite th ntnge I lilt Mr Ir Day n la i aUo Iao renownol renownoln
t n hit hi region r < < lolI for a knack of writing wrUin < < awing Hwingi
i tig ballad and Hong arch a as woodnmeit woodnmeitCawing woodllmi waMJnmenjswing
Cawing i in Ito II IA A thoroughly 1101011 < < 11 Interested Int M Mthe j jlit htthe
the lit prohibition iftnue IAIlI but I he h ha h a prferHurt prefet prefetIttcn
Hurt 11 for conniiWing l hunt > vide hl of the thatH thegtNatfnn 1 1IIUon
IIUon < tH < Btion wldoli M IC not altogether alingrtheragraht alingrtheragrahtIn agreeable agreeablelo
lo the Ih abnlltloniMln Ho U I even v auouaol auouaolof
of r l Iing > eiiig a hireling in 11 the Ih py r of the theI thl thlUIII Iltenun r
I rum pnwrr > ower Through it nil II Major l i4y i4yNita ar I I
t itx cheerfiily and I wri wIIt K IUH hi Si kiH I ksen < > n smut nndpeaceful 111111 smutpwnrrfal
i peaceful idea amh undiHlurlicd 111 < tnINe1 by srr n rnnt rnntirmurkn 1 1Inllark
irmurkn irmurkni
r I It
t um ni 1sh1 tft i to II IIHOHMM IIHOHMMllrr IIImH 11
tier 111 ImprrMlna Imprn + lnns on Merlin Htm and nd Mr Mtui MrI Ir IrIIUlllprlr
nuns nnlI
I llutnplir
I Ono Cln O flue of the th eventful moment in Itsdon l 1011 1011cion < on ondon
don writix w rih Mndjenk in the h current currentItinlalmerit turrrntlnetalmart UITnlr
Itinlalmerit of < > f her memoir mir4 + wan a iiiv iiivmeeting III IIImtllIR
meeting Hubert Itotw rt llnraiiitiic llefore lkaf lh lhtntnxluctiou tiltItnlllctin the theintnwluction
tntnxluctiou I tonic 11t > k him for a retlre retlrei <
i Fr Hrvnch nrb officer otl lie II rernlnly livAiil livAiilPrtmch 10 10rncll Arl ArlFc
Fc Prtmch rclu I In never should have nun nuswctuI nuswctuIIn > ect d dIn
i In him th author i nr > f 11111 rulr vi del Dark Sartoand SoIrllJand Darkand
and Ira Fr llppo t 111pi tppi ° Me II h vpoke I kn k rapidly rapldlvin I Iin
in French I and Knglinh tnltli h on II all ll twwmltuhjlrt rtONib rtONibIlhJ > oM > ibe ibeubject
ubject IlhJ < oc4 + with lth the h attn n crew and knowl1 knowl1edge kllowl j jIto
edge Ito I di 1 not believe Iit I have 11 l9 ever fr met metu
a mm xo erutile ralil UH he h M wile > gre tt t anti nndl antiyet
l yet al simple hnpl mich a poet and yet MI MIhuman Jot Mhuman I Ihum
humanMaljuuka human humanModjeaka hum
Modjeaka IOllj met Mr 1 Humphry SSurdltltn Ward Wardthen WurdUp
then a young UIII sri g rl with ith golden lCuld hair hairat
at Mr 1 WMltnx ntuilio Mnlthew Arnold Arnoldl
I introduced her H Ns hi his neii oche < who thinks thinksnhe 11I11Ikh thinksIle
nhe Ile h can write rit There Th won him buwr ever i ij Ii IMiadsmP
j corilinutiM Madumn 3t Mrdje lrdJsc ka pride in inhi Inhi inhi
hi eye when b he b uttered thl joke jokerf jnk I II
I TImTI rf sn tni i II Mi Mii arir i i
i j The Iran Largest l the UI 1st fxitallrvl all and andptIIH the theKMn iii Hart HartI >
KMn I vwrutc ptIIH < tte HooK U lutillUirtl PubtIuhnlTh CubUJIrltt >
Th 1 h > Urgent rltt bound book ev VOl r ma nlalr le I wu wuownel w wownltl wuowneI >
ownel by h QUMKII Victoria lclor1 It weigh weighnty welgtisxty Ilth IlthUIlhn
nty UIlhn thrio M Mondl undn > and anII u t > eighteen mchrn mchrntinNk inch InchcIh
1 Ih Ihi tbwk tinNkFor tbwkI
I i Fur 1 the I Hebraic II Ilible m the Ih tatcan atican in inlit IIII
a lit I t the Ih Jfivn offerud IUJM Juhu ulu II it itI Ita ItahChl itii
I weight hChl in gold old 111111011 Jli liU but the t Poi PoiI ope opeI
I would wlIlcllll1 not p part rl with ih it itMore I II ItMuir
I More exM exbsnaiae < nxiv even if not more valu valuahld valuail aluahl
ail i ra tile 1 official onlc il history hlor of the I War id idthe 01Ih ofIh
the Ih leb 1I Itrhellinn llloli lnn i ieaurl KUe < l by the I Llllted lrll titatiOuvrrnnt NlaU NlaUItovirnniMit la lacJrnwt
ItovirnniMit cJrnwt nt nt II a I co rt Iiut t of r rarly 11tiuiuui MtlaqustXtrrly 11tiuiuuiNearly IOU IOUSIrl
Nearly onhalf nIal of thin hiM amount mUII wan w paid paidfor aidfor hl hlrr
for prtnIng Jrinl inning and aI binding IllnUIIt and aJI the th nM I for fornUritM rorUI forduns
nUritM duns UI rent nt Mationery Iatonryanc and rich richIn h ex exN x xIn
In N > nM i HA purchaning llrh llJ recori Irl from Jrm pri private fril priVat
vate Vat 11 individuubi IIldildll In U iduutM It won Wa ten I ytsirx Yf in the themaking th thmlull themaking
making mlull ci cnaitfog < iiHiniiiigof of n I volume volumeA ohll ohllI
A t Mt I of I iiijlt r xolumen Ium in I the 1 1h lliitu 11111 u < l ldrprtrtnirnt i idepartninnt IIprlnnt
departninnt Iprlnnt of r llie th lirtlinlt UrUIh Miinmitn 1 con nunstitub connlitute COl
nlitute IIUI the h Urgent arg et hook In the th wort wortIt worl wnr11It
It in is an 11 incvcloNiflia ncyoloia of the Ih literature literatureof rlurp rlurpr
of r fhtna Ihila from fl r IIMI H C f i to 0 ITKi 11 A D I upen u ul I
l pen > eniKl xI of twentyeight ight centime n nlur The Thevturk Th Thork Thework
work ork in 1 inlnglati Kngl1t Ellcla I witpurrhaswlorlaul witpurrhaswlorlaulIw won Ww purrhone Iurh1 < l fur SO SOlollig SIu SIu1iul < >
lollig 1iul Iw ifl i un ne > of the Ih three Ihr copien r pl In exmtence exmtenceIt ItI
It I wan forty rrv y rI im in cotnpilittion CIIIIh mid midorleriif anl andwas I IfrI
was orleriif frI orlun by Km > ernr rr Kanghn who whoreiene wi whotegn1 I
reiene tegn1 II > l from fr IOC Iro to 1772 1772lite I 1Ili
11 lite small ninalttwi lall1 rt Inmk I > k m l the th world 11 1 not notmuch 11 11lnllrh tintrmsrh
much forger Irl than n I mnnn 1111 thumb nail nailwa nlli nailwas I II
wa I made all m Italy the Ih text 11 tiring Iil a 1111 1111IIIlhlihI letttr ketlrrhufur letttrhefnre
hefnre iitipuhllnhed IIIlhlihI written writt 11111 n l Iy > y the Ih in inventor 1 int ¬
ventor t nlr of r the Ih pendulum lnllIlul clock to Mine Minei Mtnuhinslfnn Jn Jnlrlll
i hnotine lrlll of lx lrAln Inrraine > rrame in lets 111 It w 1 o four fourt I IIhr
t Ilh the Ihr tif nn In inch lr long 11 a I quarter 1Ialr of an inch inchi 11 inchwlr
wlI i > c < mtainh ntlil fltatnsng 7 fl paci pr each ach with it ninn ninnI lin linII sun sunI
I II nen n and f tram ram ninetyflVH to t one on hundred hundredlet
l let tern I Next X IIlntrrh inalleitt lnl i is an I t111 iition of ofDaiiti ofIphutls
Daiiti 11 Divine niI rotnedr Corlv a I little hll lenn lenntlmii 1 IruuI I IIIII
I than IIII nn 11 inch lh wide with tyls ty tyro > e con m I > mall omallthnt 1111 1111Ihlt mallthat
that Ihlt it 1 tak al > a micromvipe Iir J to I rea I Ih1 Ih1let hi hiIrtttrs I
Irtttrs let 11 tern
ii JHlm rsr T SKIIKHS SKIIKHSI 1 1In ts tsI
I In IliitU ItnokIlhnse4ongnralhe 1tba 0 r fomparatlte failure ur I U Nul Null4i ul ulIraq u uI
l4i I Iraq > In Ixulaln IxulalnKvery I EidlnI IIIJ
I Kvery vp one on ktinwlhe know k the il name lam4 of f the Ihl lM Moat t tI I I III j ja
I M > Ilu lcri II r > which u ear a elnar cln Il Ingon 1111 M nil In I u make mikethe k i ithentiiil IIlh
Ilh the thentiiil Mrud 101 publi 1111Ihl + hmK pnft > rt > fe sio ii > n wild i1 withuxrttrtnrnt with withIsHtitntil wilhsrlnll
IsHtitntil srlnll about I1IH1 a I decoile ago 010 Hut Ilitlesr Huti n nIh
i their Ih why and 111 whttefuru wheref < > r in t hard to deter ulotrrmin tr i i
1 I mill especially Mw r iuIly when wl one a iwe rN how clone cloneto Ic IcI
to I them Ihl ill ill II r nt4IMM pertn Ir are t ninny nlY lxx 1lk 1lkwhlI Irwkwhich > k i iwhich
which whlI with Wil no I derogatory Iryy iiii 111nlol latrflIIon latrflIIonIsla illon illonmay
Isla may 11 In I tallel < iil < l the IhlI h wontt wllent ailrrsAotulatng 1
1 AnteilatliiK IItl1 M Iir r Jekyll kyll arid 11 Mr r Hyde Hydel lyI lyIlr llydty +
ty l lr > r aunt 1 ream luliun Iuliln hfrwtiilnnSttrhihdd lliwthonien lliwthoniennhilkild
nhilkild rhihall Malrnon Mjtnai llna < on the < ory r of r a itman alIIal amoats
man lIIal who h led I two I wparate exinfinet exinfinetthonxh txisumiethough JIN JINIhllth
though thrilling tlillll IIIUIKUU sitlaiuul und full if ifdramatic cfi rffdmnwttr
i dramatic Imla poMiibililie hl i I tie ntvrtholus vert rllI hiliwi ink inkI lk il ill < I II
I l into lt int oblivion Iivi Maroly having hail found rlll out twitwhnt outwhnt 011 011whnl
whnt living Ivll wn wnMary wasMiry
Mary IIv 11IInIIy liolmondeley achiev 0111 > Hl sort nuccewith sorte irII irIIllh
with e sits her h hrrltI H UI < il IullBge 1lnp Poltagrtaut but II Mild Id very fewPira few fewiiipie f fr
iiipie Pira of r Diaun Ijlln Tempent Ten ut which vr inont inontriiicx 11 11fll inns innscnttis
cnttis riiicx fll llml 111 not ixily ma n inferior infrr to h th thnuc II IIwrk tin tins
nuc s < useful eful work but 11 even v I nuperior Iprlu inhstrrr in inIntereM indrmatl
IntereM + tl dramatic drmatl ntnngtli Itronlh and lnd contttruc contttruclion Inlc
lion lot et I the tI I Ieut lent sellers II l pInl KU ned d it i try tryand Iy Iya1 toycued
and no I oii c s iulltd clll tell 11 the lh li reonoii reonoiiThe teuwnTin
The Th Canitni Onll of r Allnh 1 oiideil a 11 ultrl jt jewel jewelof wois woisof
of a very material lat111 kind to the th crown rIWI of n r bra braant t tnuthiir
nuthiir 1111 ant hr ItolwTt ltat rt Ilichenn lii Itut II FlameM FlameMby t141 I
by I I tin Ij KUIIH II author and nl IIMI al I regarded n Irol1 on onthe A astln I Ili
the li letter 1Ir pit 11 pluMe of I work by 1 many lany aritk erfkutII mti
I I tell r1 by Iv I > v the Ih t ho waynide and ald ban not Mold Id mono ln lnIhul I Ithan I
than Ihul 3l 1Iit l coptew rI since il its il lirni 11 hNlblicaOran publics lIlr M I Ilion
lion in IS0I IS0IHelrliamlier IlilIk
Helrliamlier 1IhII Ik written il1 by 1 llowanl Itowanl4turgi llowanlSturKn lowanl f fIII
SturKn III youiiKer brother I > fhr of I the h author uultinrof i iof
of r Thn holly Fly of r IVti Harrington laril > o woiild woiildnaturally wlhlI wlMddsiarsirrlly I
naturally I 11 I hi xup wnhMwwl > > i e < In appeal AIa to I thit thiti h
i I Rn 1 gran > at rlann ra ntnrmg 1n < which iiuvln lvl dealing daUnJ J aling
j with 11 Knglitli Enlltl u iwKiety os 111 i My at II flat lr t hand i gener gntrI I
I i ally popular Hilt undeniable nignn i of ofintimate ofI5tbnut r I
111111 intimate aixuaintanc with lh Knglinh fnUhIIe
IniMiety and IIe work admitteillr alrnilflU well w ilioe dI ibis ibisdid I Idid
did not ktfii kw 11 the book Ijk from fr Ihusleg ihootir dolclrC wickif wide whi j jof I
of Ir if the li his mark I of public rlhle favor Yet t it i r rs re reMlnhle
s Mlnhle mll nthlts MI s dI cbwrly < oney many man other olh that hit I Ii 1mod
i OIK Cl mod I hit hi hard hulllal that fasts 010 wonder wond what the thei Ih IhI
i r > ae a > ti I wa nil I I the I h rm trl > re finer Iln ono of mho thoi I hl s sa
i bent known kllWIIr nf F rjielinh IIIIh i Uuts duk duken llk but 11 thinly thil thiltllbI lhhnbyIdfgulwd I Ii II
i difKuiM tllbI l m 10 I I recognixtd iF1 in the theprimiikil th thliwil thegrit
primiikil liwil grit iwl II i huracter chursrtrrO hrarlr hrarlrI i il
l Of O a 1 decidedly different lilII i rder The ° f w I
1 I Hill 111 by I llirnct lr > A llachell IIhl a iMyn Iy rrr bonk I II IIsa
I ban hu Ixr Utii n mmpared ernq arel 1 very favorably by I I IcritKn II 1rriUcslnToma
critKn cril rriUcslnToma to I Tom Brown itwlf taIfHurd Muuh wan
iI Iuo Wa
I I exi > Ml l of r it I on it wo W waa thought holht to III fll IIIall
111 the 1 tvrlnirernonla iTHiiiremtnit 1 it t won W4 exj eziMctai rel relt < tod n nInet amat >
mat t hut lll t alas ulunI alasMlany I II
I I Many novel buried Illrl under Indr the th over nyr nyrwhlmll nvnrwhtltnmg
I whelming whlmll flood rOI of r I Mat Mitt eller 11 can Cn thus be beferreted h hrfrrnI1
ferreted flat t and nd when whe laid IAII open to liipen liipenCon I
Con 10 appear 1 much Iu a the bl Lt onea o hem thcmifttn hemrl ucP
I dud tnwi ifttn rl Ilea 1 bcmg Iill + no MI a own n w brother brothermoet brhr ez
planation ul moet iltcti no 10 one o ai own Cf find the ex explanation ¬
1 110
B99K3 N K Ks AM 49 If AITH0KX AITH0KXMaurlon Arr ArrMlrO AUTHeKSMaurlau
Maurlon MlrO f Hewlett ot obj ohjecte > J cte to SCp sosslpahout sosslpahouthimself jcanJp about Alwtitblmnelf aboutblm1
himself blm1 and rvfttwM refit 11 to U furnish Ilmlb data dt for forIt to forIt
It but blt In th the hiograihloa hloCrhlc not no prefixed prefixedto dse
to Milton Hil Bonnara Br study u of o Mr llawl Iwle Rowlett Rowlettthere tt ttUtere
I there tre i Is much mich Information IIIornaUo of Ir IntvrMrt IntvrMrtto In Ini
i to ttuwa who study tIKI Mr 1III Hewlett I a literary llUrarywork ltrr literarywork I II
work wrl The Th HewleltH liave hred Ii i In Jom imaf imafpl r rel
I 1 pl el and acl Uonwt V onuet t for geu grnerauona u8rlon ratlon They Theyha Th Theyhas I
has ha b always helm I Whig and a Puritanuntil Puritan FiiriUnauntil IIrun
until uni Mr Hewlett lelt father Ihr cam ml under Ine Dr IliMartimkaa DrMartimlaa l > I Ilarlmi
Martimlaa larlmi ioJluenc Inulr Th information informationthat Inlortlo
that tht llr llewlvtt lwleu baa b haanm aoin afD French llugue lluguenot Ilel
not blood blu explain XIbl porn a of hi his charactor clwracterltina charactorIntirn ctlrctr
Intirn 1111 It I tit I alnn al 10 o an In aid Dd In the h proper proJr ap appreciatlon ap appreciation ¬
preciation PI to of hi bl hut atyl tl to know that th his hisfwrly hlar hisearly
early r reading IUnc wo Mallory lllor the 11114Don IliUe IliUeDon li
Don D Quixote In English ISllh SirThoma SirThomaBruwne Sr Sir Thorn Thntnas ThntnasRnmswne
Bruwne Dnwnl and Ind Coxlyl CoxlylThe Calyl CalylTe CarlykThe
The Te oriKinal oan doctirovnlA e > mltA which Messrs MessrsDroadky Meiu 1 1BrcuU > m mBroodley
Broodley anal ant Wheeler have b Y utlUsd utlS inpreparing in inpreparitiff Inrl
preparing rl > rinc their history hlior of The War In InWexfoni InWdonl InWeifonl
Wexfoni to la Im I published Ilblitht this thl week weekare wHI
are a the boorlb holograph correspondence oftrthur of ofArthur ofrhur
Arthur rhur Karl t41 of Mount ounl Norri Soi the th detail detailhook detl detlbo dotalbook
hook bo of > the th C Cumolin + Yeomanry Y lnr and the thejournal lbeJum1 thejournal
journal Jum1 of 1 Mr 1 lirownriica Irwnr < < J of Greetnound Greetnoundqmnty Omolnd Omolndclunty OreemoundsruntyV
qmnty clunty sruntyV Wexfoni donl which cover cvth the periodbetween period periodbetween pro
between May ly 1 s < and June Iun luncI 71 1 170 ID when whentho whenho whenthe
the trooM tro trop w tinder Sir tlr John Jon Moor Io relievedWetfonl relieved relievedWexfoni U1
Wexfoni WsOI on o the thf very Ti day c made m memo memoruliU Imo Imorhl memoraid
raid rhl liy h the th I huttle II of Vinegar In r Hill 11 Thee Theeretxird The Thewih Theserixrdw
retxird with wih the th exirntion of 0 the ass laatnamed assname t tnml
named nml name to which wbic brief urtlol allusion a lu n M I made d byMhtegravP by byMiugrave b bh
Miugrave h luv do d not appear rpr to have h been bn at atthn a atl atthe
the tl command Cmman1 of any of the numerous numerouhintoriali nllmrnl numeroushistorana
hintoriali hitorn of thn th desperate dprle struggle > tniggletwren tr1 < < lle I Itwn be between
twren loyalist Illl and rebel rebelThn rebelsThn
Thn Th Achievement Achieenl of lulher Iulblr Trant Trantwill Trantwi Trantwill
will wi intnNluce Inl nllu it new nl detective detllye In fiction fictionI tlctionInnteod tllon tllonlnlO
I Innteod lnlO of 0 looking 1011llC for the t locrm traeesolerime traeesolerimenit race ol crime crimeon
on 01 thing Ih nl in the l time lim honored hnor fashion of ofPoe ofi
i Poe Po lahoriau abI and lM Conan Cnan Doyle 1le ha look lookfor lok
for the I h mark of II crime crim on the th minds min of ofI orIIn
I IIn men In n other otblr wont he h i la a practical practicali pranlicalIbychoingit
Ibychoingit i p pychnlolilt yrliologi t IutherTriut 1lllhrTrUt IulherTrantItheyoung IulherTrantItheyoungaaitant i ilh the young youngawi
aaitant awi 1111 tint in a psychological pyrholoil laboratory IboAtur lalioratorywhen i iI
I when the II opportunity olltUnilY tornse i < ome for him to toapply toapply 0 I IIpl
apply Ipl the ll ordinary omin torts of o the humanmind human humanmind humn humnmind
mind that he I II la lining constantly cnlAnl In hiss hinwork hi hiwnk hisswork
work to I the tl unravelling unrlna of a mycterioiM mtou yawn is isdeath i ideath I Ieolh
death eolh that I ha occurred ol In the Ihl college collegeIty Clk
Ity Iv the II UM > of Ir the Ih these e eta e la he h fasten1 fasten1the faIt1 f etetme etetmeIhs I IIh I i
the Ih Rinll Ilill on 01 u I man who ho was W the Ih leant leantvuiiiNHleil INt leastuigsrIrl I IuIH
vuiiiNHleil uIH 1 of all and hi sucrra ucce u lead Ifa Ifahim Medshim leadhim
him mtturntly nltllm in resign In hi place pl In the thefiiulty the1uilty h hrldly
fiiulty and n1 betomn scams a consulting lmllllnc Iwy Iwyetiologist I yl ylKdwnnl I
dlluliI etiologist etiologistEdwnnl I Ilwlnl I
Kdwnnl lwlnl C I Booth Ihe Ih author Ililhor of r The The11iMt Th ThePtt I i
1iMt t Ctrl rl luid uK of Ihn Ih n new w novel TheIkctorM The TheDoctor Te TeJocllr II
Doctor Jocllr Iar Iwx 1 n In I a native 11 of II Yorkshire Yorknhlrvand ohhre
and belong IIonC lo a muaica mlla and an artlatlo artiatlofamily artlatlofamily atllo atllolamll I
family lamll Mr Ir Booth Dlh tutliml atUU1 Imth boh Ihe violin violinnd violinand iolind
and nd d piano an al a a child chil and ld later developed developeda velp
a patstnn > innioii lol for the th violoncello violonlo lie U wa wapemuoded walIa1 wasq
q pemuoded rnualcd lIa1 by Old Popper opPr the th composer rompoatrof cpr cpror
of milir mli > for that instrument to conclude concludehi
hi his atudien etudi tu < i + with him Im in Iludapet AnInjury An Aninjury AnInjur
injury Injur to Mr Ir Ilnoth 001 h right rll hand handthrough bad handthrough I IIhrulh 1
through Ihrulh overwork turnp x > mpelled 1111 eileui him lo give giveup giveha < e eup
up hinmunical hil hiss mlkl musical career r bill hii h hmuch hehvtcompoeed hehvtcompoeedmuch h4 + rompos d
much for 10 thecello li tin ClIoa colloaawell a well 114 a for ortbelolin ortbelolinhI lheviolinand the rmp violin violinand
and he hI ha ha written wrllen some 1m In uonppt ong Ills Ill 1 flr first fltno firstnovel l lnovel
novel no I The Th Pont 1t1 dirl < rl gave IVI him a place placeof fl
of distinction the writer writerfor
dhtlClol among arnongthe tIOICIh younger youngerwriters 1
for ho hI in I tilt 11 in 11 tho early fIlhlrtl Ihlrtlen Jane Janethe Janethe I IIh
the Ih doctor dolur law 1 i Is said Id to be b a truesister true trueinter r
inter to Iam INI mho Ih pent sat girl and andnhe andh andshe
she h in I surrounded ulln1 ly I y a hat Ol of quaint quaintchnractern Quainchrlnt quaintrharaeters
chnractern chrlnt in I n the Ih new hook who whoeuppl7 whoeuppl7the upply upplythe IIPI1th
the th comedy olement 11lt for the romance romanceMary rman rmanlIl romanceMar
Mar Mary lIl S Watt in the thl introduction Inrduco to toher 10hr tohrr
her new story of Nathan Salha Iturke Ure any anythat saysflat a aht
that Gen n Burke Br wa known by b hi his family familyto I tto
to have been occupying his hi para p mo mornentn mornrnts
rnentn 1118 with writing wrllnR hisautotrltegraphyaud hisautotrltegraphyaudwas hi hl autobiography autohlWpby and andwan aD
wan w found fOmd dead at hi his desk ck with wih a pen p Inhis In Inhin i
his hi hand nl and n a I quantity of old ol letter letterlumen I lettersdhariw tc
lumen dir clipping rlilIII stud Ild hi his own n manu manuscript manjecript u ulill
script lill scattered tr1 about the I table tabl before Iwforehim boro borohim beforetutu
him In the confusion cllulo and distress dil of ofthl ortil ofplus
thl til plus dincoverv cIOvl Iheee th prIxn Illwr tper were all allKwrpt allr1 allswept
swept r1 avide aI < in disorder 1nfr but preserved preservedby
by b the th family If 1 r I judge Jud Burke ur aright arightnay arightsayn rhh
nay wn Mm I Vattn Waul nothing nolhllll could Itd have havegiven hR hRIi havegiven
given Ii the th old gentleman more In o ironic ironicAnnulment lrlr lrlr111mt isoakrrnINrnlellt
Annulment 111mt than the th prospect prJt of his hisautohingraphy hi hiautobiography h
autobiography muloirIby committed onlnltl to the tb tbIf cares carenof caresof
of If a liurury Ilfr woman UIII Houi l4wh l4whHlrk oiaewtoere oiaewtoereIlurk whert whertllurke
llurke Hlrk geotw < iioti old evirge 1 Marsh as saying nayingYou sayingYui
You 01 let a man talk half hal an a hour hOlr andhell and andliell n
hell 1111 tell roil 01 what whll nort Irt of a fellow fflo he b I IPut III IIIril IsPut
Put ril a pen J p n in hin hIl hi hand and In let I him write writeimrrwrvdlv writetnrta
imrrwrvdlv tnrta rvetly v sad nd lcl he h will wi do 1 the Ih name I 11 11llilnk II
thinkTlor think I ITI j jThe
The TI chapter in Winlol Winston Churchill new newuoxe nwIU1 nowuuvel
uuvel uoxe IU1 A Modern Chronicle nlonirl which whichM whichtwwn hid hidn
twwn M iiin n to II t IM I it nrraiKing a fn J conral mot nio t ilinciissjun ditun di cmsaiun in inIhe I It isthe
the t oue ou to which he h han h given Ivn the Ih title titleThe tll titleTI
TI The 1 Sew Doctrine In thl hits chapter be beKay b bIY hesays
Kay IY
KaySo So = 0 lady Ily IH il in I tot Ih hash ll tnleretmg 1rtll ifrestricted if ifrestricted
restricted 1 ri and an contenttnl with her r retrirlon re rextrictloiin e etrietlnns
xtrictloiin trirlon a fact which the t adios i of r our uiirnation 011 0111lou ournation
nation 1lou are a fast flouting fn n mil lt Visa 11I would wouldbecome would1rnnsr
become of the Ih halitosis 011 of I Iilwrty IUr U > erty And Andlet Ald Andlot
let us u 1 mark well wrlleluls 11111 V hde we wa are making th ii iiobaryatiutu4 h ho M MobnervatiiiiM >
obnervatiiiiM o ratill that III IiUrty liI in I a nodde noddenot 0 Hold wu wuriot
not u I nJ od > allbutiKli althullh it ties ha 11 token tll u tin in inAmerica illIfricn hiAnserirn
America Ifricn over I a ivntury c to rrtlla r rIIZ > aliz + a aiK sigoititati aiKlilcn ig igIllliualicv
Illliualicv lilcn III I the t rholif of hernex hr s And Andanother Andanottir M M31101r
another 31101r dinnivtry she h i Is not 101 a huun huunfrau 1uI haufrail
frau frl Slit h i ii never lvr domiitled IUII ilel unver uavrrfrttrrrl unverfetlere lvr lvrh
fetlere < l whir he h in a coquette eoiuett 1111 and andhe an anh mittshin
shin he h I is titvvr nev 01 r nalufleil 1n1 If nhe I ware w situ situwould he hewoiikl h hOlld
would Olld not 101 Im I Liberty if stir h were r iii iiiwould h hwould hwctlcl >
would wctlcl not lot Iwo I wor worship hippeil li of mini but butdeepineil hit hitr butdspisI
deepineil If r they undernliXKl I Id I her theywould they theywould I
would not care for her And ld finally tnII eke ekeuns he hefonien h
fonien uns 11 s not to bring lill peace J beta but lll a sword awordThree sword1hurlw nl nlThr
Three Thr books l x > kn joust JII limned I in the Ih Tree TreeBook Tr TrIIk rtes1Muk
Book IIk Series H ar are of r perial interest jiwt jiwtnow jll1nw jsiutnow
now that Ihlt Arbor rl Day n i is approaching approachingare Ipprchlnl
Ttsese Iok are a entitled 111 respectively
Th Ths Hotly Hol Th he Be Ilch h and d dOICko Th ThOUigko The TheOtngko
OUigko OICko These T ToliMW ol not only nl glrs glrsa glv glvdexrrirtloa
a dexrrirtloa off 0 the vili of th the tree trowith tr treewith
with wll wW wWch pO MMT th y d c deal U but contain containhlntorlrml cn a ablaorr ahistorical
historical blaorr Account aIn M wH we la EngKih EngKihong E EagNsltsong
song a < mad story atO th te the ivy 1Y dsdtat4d < Mlct 0 4 to toRtrchiMhun toI toIIuchluhstngnutlde
IIuchluhstngnutlde RtrchiMhun hIIR < ouUide oulde the door uhll while theholly the theholly tb tbbol1
I holly bol1 decorated cftf the tbf interior Intor of hotn bO homes and andchurrhe ad adchub andchurrh
churrhe chub Th T word holly hoU la I probably probablymodification Ilbblr Ilbblra probablya
a modification molAlo of 0 the word won holy since aaN ta tabranch t the thebranches
branch brch of th te the holy bol tree were Wt so 1 o ex extensively eslealel astenirly ¬
tensively used t duringlhritmn durnSlrat ThGingko Th ThQingko Te TeGnalo
Gingko Gnalo tr tree ram me originally or ol from frm Japan Japanand Jp Japanand
and a was introduced lntrlK into < th te the United Unie Bute Buteby 8tl 8tly elatrapy
by y Alexander Altunder Hamilton Hito whose hO garden gardennow prf
I now forma fora part pr of Woodlawn Wolwn Cemetery Cemeterynear Ce Cenlr
near nlr Philadelphia PIIlpla On Oe of the tb fluent fe NnstI
I Olngko trees t II in Central Cerl Park ParkOne PukI
One O of th he many interesting fact factI
I brought brouhL out Ip 11 Dr D Wood Vo Ht Hutcfainaonn HutcfainaonnTli Httclnf tchlnson tchlnsonTh a
Tli Conquest of 0 Consumption CMptO U I that thatth tt tttbe thatthe
th the favorite aTort breeding brlnc place pl of germs pr U lin linoerte i ioverheated in inoverheated n
overheated oerte theatre or churches churb when whenth whe whetbe whelb rn
th tbe Mme me old ol air all laden l with wlb an ever eye riche ricfceicrop rde rdenp richecrop r
crop np of bug bup II I reheated t and ad sand 11 u uagain UF UFagain UI
again alln night after afr night and ad Sunday Hud aftei afteiSunday aft aftSunday tl tlSun
It and ministers minUterwould ministerswotlld
Sunday Sun t manager mar mnlt mnltwould
the tn tnchanging tnc t tchanging
would devote dfot a quarter qurer of t energy rI
changing c < nc the air ar In their tbtr house hoU and andchurch aDdhllr andchurches
church hllr that tht they now do to t varying varyinith yara yarahe
th he bill bu and ad th te the oonnon ro it I would wou do fai faimore falmor famore
more mor for ro th the health bih of 0 the tb community communityAmong cmunity cmunityAmoe communityAmong
Among Amoe the th lnt Inttnc Interesting rtinc People frle to toj tofye
j receive fye honorable bOorb mention meton in th the h current Clt Cltrr ourrnttI4Mrrwaa currentAmrriea
I4Mrrwaa Amrriea rr Muq Ua Jrln < r < rt riue it I Kin iluhbard iluhbardwho Huhbr Hubbardwho
who ho ladle I out ou a small MI portion prton of home homemad hme hmemad homemade
mad mad humor every day d over the signature signatureof ah tl
of 0 Abe Ab Martin Main a quaint quint and Ad drollpersonality droll drollpersonality drl drlJrlty
personality Jrlty Among Amo the sage aae obsorva obsorvaI obtfa obtfato
I flan isle to which recall ral the th old od school aho humorisle humor humorita hur hur1la
are are1Mother
I Mother cant flare fa up an n leave like lke a ai ahl
i 1 hired hl girl girlI < < 111
I guem C its il better l in th long run f C Ckeep t tkeep tf
keep f your our mouth IOU 1 abut aut even if i you 10 do get getI1h t tthO
I1h 1 th reputation Ilalin fee Mn I n unintprnttin unintprnttinI Imlntntln ImlntntlnNohody ImintrrrntlnNobody
I Nobody kin talk Ik as interentin Intrln as th thfeller thOeiM thfeller
information informationYou Inlonato feller eiM thats that tht not hampered hp by I fact raet or orinformation orInlonato orinformatoa
You never ncp hear nothm 101 hil lout 1111 th thmoney thmoy thmoney
money moy father used I t make makeMen maktlol makeMon
Men lol git 1 ote 01 before tlo they the know it i but
womon dont dontA donI
I A woman exoel 0 et l blamed blm nigh ever everthlna aerthing r rhlla
thing hlla but hit irnnin the th neckband n i kland of a shirt shirtIra ahlrtIt hlrtIts
Its It all 1 right rlht C t be II cline d mouthed an ancool ancool
cool headed tdl if you kin be that tt way with without withOJI
out lookin lokln Btupld BtupldI
I nns nnsThree TI TIl TIUxThree
l Three Tf Judges l fnanlmetwlr tnnlman wsnl the thePrl IhfI thePTlr
I Prl Pl r I le ralrleta Irl nrnlworth nrnlworthThroo nentwclhThrob flt fltThr
Throb Thr judges JudJ of 0 di dllnllhld tlnguihed literary lilnraryreputation 1111 1111nputon literaryreputation
reputation Mr Flora Annie Ann steel MiM MiMMary Mt MtMary 1 1Iar
nputon 3 For
Mary Iar Cholmondlty and nd Mr Henry nr de d la laPaoture laPlur laPasture
Pasture Plur were wr appointed ppint1 to 0 we eelect lee lt t tl tlfiat thn thnflrot t
the Maltose 1tl novelcompetition novel
fiat fft prim pr7 in tb recent nl
competition rmptlto A As the b competition rmptlIO comp titlon wa not notrestricted not notrestricted I
restricted ftrct to flint ft stories nr and ad the 1 critic criticwere criticswere rtl I
I Iutbn
were wer no 1 prominent and a1 capable arb manyauthors many manyauthor man
author utbn of etperiencw Jrn entered nr the Ih content contentand conteatand nlt1 nlt1and j
and it I le therefore terlor no small mal tribute trbut to t thecompelling th the I Icompelling ItmpUnc
compelling tmpUnc intern Intrt of 0 the th winning Innln < < novel novelthat noItt novelthat
that tt though the th judge JldJ worked ol lade independently ld ladeprndently
pendently pndntl each fah selected th the h M earn story utorya tr I
a the lh mot mOt distinctive and ad Interesting IntenwtlngThe itln
The 1 book which whltb won the b prim rrlz i i is called AI I IA i iA IlJ
A Marriage lJ Under Undr thn I lb Terror Telr by byDelta byOltt byDelta
Delta Oltt and an it I G I I to bn brought bruIh out In thU thUcountry thll thllcountr lliicountry
country countr during the I present month moth It ia i ia ia
a story t of the l French tlh Revolution nolulon and it itby I + I Iwrl lwritlsn
wrl writlsn by Patricia Parc Wentworth It I U aalso Uan I
also al an a n Interesting Inlftlnc fact fa that tht while hll the the1author th theauthor
author ha I written wrttn everal rl short Ahor Ktortethe Ktorte torusthe ton I Ib
the b pries novel no I I tier flirt nft attempt a at the thelong t thelong
p novelAFrLixF novel
long nOT I Inrru I
Kmoa nl H Desks h That Had U a Hard nr Time Timenelltas T Tlut1Getting
Getting G lla lot Into Print PrintZangwill Pit Pitlnpi Printyangwill
Zangwill lnpi once nnC offered o1 a poem Jr to anAmerican an anAmerican anAmfa
American Amfa magazine macpin which whl the Ih editor editornpurned editorepurnwl Iior IiorpumC1
Year > i and Ichanges I Irhnl
npurned pumC1 n pawn w < ant brought broughtchange hrulh
change rhnl Then 11n the Ih editor ltr wrote wrt and andoked I Iak tasked
asked ak the Ih poet wet to favor him with wlh a poem poemand rm rmald poemand
and ald name lam hi his own price prlc Xangwlll Xangwllllaughed 7npi nngwllllaughed
laughed Illth produced fhlll the lhedepi h dp despised nd poem and andrvwivnl andi
rvwivnl r i 1 a substantial ub uhlalial lanlial check rbtclta 1 very veryiublanti veryrutwiantal r i iulallal
rutwiantal ublanti ulallal l check chnckKobinnon checkRohlrtson I
Kobinnon lhlll CrtiKie C begged at 11 nearlyevery nearly nearlyvery n arly I I1hlhrl
very puhliher 1hlhrl door 101 only on I to be turned turnedway turnedaway mr I IIWay
way IWay When hn at last It I wa Printed Prn1 forW for forV lorTiT
W V Taylor TiT lor At A the Ib ftgn f of the Ih Ship in inPaternnoler InPa1Prnn I Ialmlr
Pa1Prnn Paternnoler ter Row Itw it I netted n 11 the Ih lucky luckytuhiher luckypublisher
publisher llhlhr A1001 LloetX WflOH t profit profitJane profitJane rofL rofLJln I
Jane Jln AuMen 1111 ranked rnkt toward 10wlI the Ili h top tapof topi
of i > f Knglioh Ylllih women novel 1011 novelips nokl 111 sakinrth sakinrthanger North Northnnger I I IIJr
anger IJr Abbey AI lo a publisher Jublhr at Bath Ilnh for fort rorll forLI
LI ll t Ttie 111 1s pttlilixher Jlblihr then fearrd failure failureand rll fnlllrrnil
and 11 kept 111 the h manuwript mllrlil n long time timebefore lme timebefore
before 110 he h mustered mIJI courage mur to 0 launch IIIlrh it itit I itIt
it I at once nI jumtml into illo enormoiu 1rmOI jxipu1 jxipu1lanty pUpil I Ilarl Ilardy
lardy lantyIliackenty larl11aekry lardy11ackeray
Iliackenty 11aekry tried Vanity aI1 Fair with willino wlh
no many 11111 piihli 1111 publishers ber only unl no lt > meet 11 with withrebuff wlh wlhh1 withtehdf
rebuff h1 that lbt he h at t length Ilueh ru rat i n I IM lu ii a aerial iwrialIn Irall IrallIn r rin
In Colburnf Coll Magnilnr J fII it wuilhe a t l bent > t he hecould hecIIII hervukl
could cIIII do co with wib it itFvery I dEvery
try publUher puhllhr in Coiienhacen cIha cIhajlt1 Cop arlhagus re rejrcted mu muJcctrt
jrcted the h manuscript ranUril1 of the Ih llrxl Intl volume voliimnof volumeofllansAndersensFairyTales Ohlll
of ofllansAndersensFairyTales Han lal And ren n Fairy Fair Tale TII When Wheneventually Wh Whellul 11heusveulually
eventually ellul hn b wa compelled to bring bringout Irlnl
out the volume olume at hi his own expenwt il iljumped i itjumpel
jumped jii lil into immediate ImmInI iiopularityand iiopularityandIhn psqularity xpn 41d 41dI ariJ ariJIhs
Ihs I h publioher paying rlnl nothing lul JJllrr blr for ur it itare I Itare
are Mill ll making malnl money ln out Oi ol 0 it a aq a aclaic aclai acIaeui
claic claicParker claiIaker cIaeuiParker
Parker the Ih Oxfonl Osonl pullUher plllhr declined declinedto ctliu
to give tlv J3U U lo Kebln Kehll for ro hi Christian ChristianYear L1al1 ChriatfanYear Ia <
Year 1 During UunC ih lu the forty years y YM ar whichfollowed which whlhrullo1 1 1followed
followed IU 11 eventual publication Uhlcll 4dOm 410IU Nttsnpies i impie
mpie 11 pies were w void l and ad FTeble Kh mule 11 Mmio LltlJsronrfostrth Mmiooliefolirtll Uub
the iii b rnlall
oliefolirtll 111 price priceNo pri priSo printNo
No publUher ublhr wits WL found r0111 to I accept acceptThe acceptThe
The Th ProfnMor Ihe flint nnl novel of 0 AClt ACltTh Charlutte Char Charlotte barlote ¬
lotte it lote Uronli1 Jrni Tron the highly hl hly successful ucc M ful novel novelist nOII nOIIIt
istJohn John Murray the puhlmher returned rtlmI rtlmIlb return returnthe j
the lb Dutnuncript murip of n Sartor ror Itenartu lvtl to toCarlyln toCarlyss
Carlyln Carl with a courteous clrll note stating allns I I
Sc wId mi t 511w ki kithe I Now No If fJ1Y I iN lit Fourth FourthEdKion F Fth o u r t h hthe
the th Untod UntodLord v B 5 Sta4si s WANTED W A N I 13 D DLord EdKion EdKionThe EJ
Lord L Leveland LevelandDiscovers Lvelad d The Lords LordiHigh Lnis LnisDiscover LordsDiscovers <
High Decjior Decjiorby
Discovers Discover Amer America ¬ Dclor
lea ic by CN CNand CN 100000 I inteligcnt intelligent intelligentpeople by Mere McreiTHE Iere IereA j jand
and A M MWilliam AiWilliam S how howViJam
I William Williamsop people peop I e to join a personally perona II y con conducted conSO ¬
sop SO ViJam ducted trip to Europe Europ under themanagement the themanagement theI
I management of the most charming young youngperson youngperon youngperson
person who ever diffused difused youth and happiness happinessthrough happinessthrough happinessthrough
through the th pages of f a travel trvel story stor storTHE
All Al you need is a sense of humor humorand humorOur
and 120 120aur Af
Our Ourfriend
Girl Ir of ofthe 0 0arinite
friend friendare frend the Urn Urnberlost
invited invitedto Lm Lmto
are arinite aur D Dniiiiiiiiii tWe tWeto W berlost
to visit isi our ourLibrary by byGene
Lbrary Library Sales Sals Salesroom ¬ D niiiiiiiiii r P Fum CaltairY cy < MK Gene Strattonroom Stratton StrattonPorter Strttonrom
room where they theymay thc thcmay
Porter Still StillAmong Sh
may leisurely look lookover lO lookover Porer I
over oyer our books bks maga magazines ¬ Among Arn the te B Best BestSellers Besttines
tines etc etcV ereeabInvite
Zle Sellers in Six CitiesI Cities
eabInvite w V alMt aIll Invite rfqinwi 1 rrOwNlltntosr1U4 tor o our ourto 01 Sl Sx Citi
to Good G Hook ll uallad Ja tree 1
I that tt ha h had h not time tme to r read It It Freer FraaerI Frr Frroe
I offered to print prnt It if i Carlyle Carl Ifl I would woul pay payi p payhim
i him oe LISO l0 I Bentley Bnlf and Colburn Clb wouldhave would wouldhave woul
I have non of it Finally Fnl a Framer r let It Iti ittun
i run hve rn aerially rI In I his hi magazine paying in inall Inal inall
all al for it I Lg JEM l lHince Ie IeHnC leSince mpnl prnc
Since HnC no 0 could eli not no find f a publlaher publlaherI puhl or orLnon
I in Ix Lnon London > ndon that would give 11 him L SM 0 for forIhe torle
I the le manuscript Illrpt of 0 hi hia Trialram Trtr l Htiandy t ShandyLawrence
i Lawrence Sterne issued iur it I himself 1 w o oI
I IIAwl I that put pUblef publishers > ti her am atlll tl profiting prfllns from rrm it itafter ItaUr Itafter
after the centuries ceetiiriotAfter centuriesAfter
After Ae Uncle Un1 IrM IrMAe Toms Toa Cabin Cin had ba run runthrough rn rnthrg runthrough
through ita I it magazine Ilne form lon A publisher publisherreader publlere publlererr publishersreeler
reader thrg pronounced it i of Insufficient lnufent In Intnrmt InI Increst
I rr crest tel to prouc print > rint aa a book bk However Howyee Howyeepublata the
1 1 publtshwife publisher publata wife wie advocated aToU its It publication publicationand fhHCton fhHCtona
Iin and a in America AmcrC in four f011 year Jlt alone lne lneI it had ha sold II 311009 313000coples 10 c copie copiein
I Fiirsr FiirsrK RlT H ESTER T TFRV XTJ xFwsrerE1 xFwsrerE1Acts r4PI
K f tae Aria cta Btaroa Feoaded F by byrarmr b bar byt
t rarmr araar ar and a the tie New II I FBtriMrd FBtriMrdfrom rebU rd rdFrosa
from JOr she rail 11 Malt Jol frrnIf lnl frrn IrrttIf >
If I to our tint parent prnl we owe ow our dealre dealrefor d
for knowledge ku 11 c then It I tn < > rsar r 1 that lhlwe
we one 0 the lb first nnt Western attempt 1mpt to satiate Mtlalelh satiatethat tll tllIhll
lh Ihll that t ilenlrn by b means ltan of a new Dppr newspaper pp r It Itwa I itwas
wa a dallr dal record nr of not only official nw newsbut nwbut n nbul
but also 11 of small 11 sandal ndI the Ih latest 1lft police policene pl
hues ne n Ihe arrival fal In the I rltr I even U the thacnnaip Ihetp theenwp
cnnaip tp of the Ih counirynide ountrld There Ter were wereM wereat
at 1 M > exlrartn IU from rrm the latent speech ph of oflieru ofnru ofCkeru
lieru and n1 the freshest t epl pierm rrn of Mar Martial Marlist 11 ¬
list t1 rh rhee lat appeared Jprr by b way w of adver advertisement adverll drtlnal ¬
tisement tlnal ll of the Ib author latest liie work ark before beforethey bror beforthey
they Ih shoaled appear pPr In collected colle form lor and andb nd ndI
b I sold 1llnnc along with lh Ihelale the lnteet Ihlncof hln 01 ° Ovid Ovidfor Oldfo vlda vldafor
for fo those thO Improper Impropr little ItI noveta no that came ctmefrom camefrom
from 1101 llreer 1 e in the Ih An One II shop horm hol which bor boril bra borJere
il Jere reil ilie II Forum nl mite 1 i > and stretchedroulisul stretched atmcbrdround lrllf
round 01111 the Palatine Iartn Hill HillTlie tm tmTI Hillml
Tlie TI Iran rln IHmxaor lr iri0r 0 or liatlg IJ V Vftet wa the Ihework Ih IhwoI thework
work < of lilerani hand hlDd work 01 rareful and andelecanl andkung nd ndIfunl
kung nhelher written rlen with II the tb ulrluon ulrlu tyluson rI14 rI14on
on papfru 1rI or o ltiw merllwl > rll > eil on a wall w1 coated coatedwith rOI rOIIth coatedwith
with Ith chalk nlhinni < nlblll a we w have ha seen n 11 11plrtiired I ItpiclerwI I
plrtiired In that very T third rate ral rite It rempfltherttir rom Pompell romI
pell 1111 pfltherttir Ihe ritlfn 11nlandllr nuatandinaarnnnAagoawith nuatandinaarnnnAagoawithInterest tandln arounda o with withInterent wllhThl
Interest Thl lack of a printing rlnllnl pren prenwa pf pfIlrl preswas
wa cutely Ilrl a fortunate rOltf i Irtuiuiilanre InIIA lure nlucoIt lureIt c cItcO
It ItcO voe so r far to account rolnl for Ihe epigrammatic epigrammaticof I
traenus of the 111 rAil style Irl for the th de deUuhtful df d dIIhtfu1 >
Uuhtful Ichlfll endeavor lo exprem fprf4 In one on syllable nrllsblewhat Arlabl I 1what
what h1 the urrnlonutake c PUIIOIII rrulon t ke aronple 01 pIl of phraie phraielo rlr
lo mi mlInlr1 mlInlr1Ihlln milntsrprt int rprei rpreilluelienrr
lluelienrr r In 111 h disuertatlon diiuH > rtatlon on the theAria Ib thelets
Aria IHnrna has cttlleoted IIf fortrflve rorrn rorrne pa paages M Mtgr >
ages e from r011 amlent author lho alt I of which whichrelate whichrelate hlh
relate 11 to tliP theoe li Aria A < Iuimli whl which h I onlyanother only onlyanother 011 011nolbr
another name la nan for thus 11 embryonic hronl hronlPpr uewpaper iiewa iiewapaprr
paper They 11 are a all al of s nature lo Inter Intereat I Ieot
eat Ppr 1 the Ih public reading alaa ur 0 oihrrwhte even ftn ftnlody I IlotUv i
ro lotUv day Iorlnnalrlr they II are U told 01 In Ialln IallnIn <
In shleh hlh iUh Innriue IInlue they 1J had best be tI t remain remainThe I ITb ITh I
The Tb lure 0 onUnarr relate Ilal lo Ii puhllc Imhl affair affairIhe lr4 I II Ithe
the I I Miylnt In < and anlclon iloiiiKu of r pnllllcnl plllnl pernon pernontee psonagn i
agn tee notably nOlal ceeare < r refu refrsal rl1 al of Ihe Ih title titleof 111 111f titleof
of f king kile the I defei kefeIton Iflon lion of 1epiJun and 1 the theinure th theIlium
inure 10 nnlrhltiposeaheforetie nol nolhl l > le < A ei > hefore Ilorl Iberuiirla llHUts IColh IColhIlm Iklh Itulbflint I I Illin 1
flint m 11 shut I A 1w atilun relate the Ih rn 1 case of Krau Krauru u uII I
ru II as hIDe l been > een fiillr 11 ie rlII > orlnl loon loon1aeeius i iCa II I
Ca 1aeeius a14 lu tubules 11 the Ih avidity dll with llh lh whirls whlrhmen hid hidIn I
men In rend 11 of the b pnnUhnirnl to which bl Ins Itnporlant h hl Instwrla5l
porlant l > rla1 per 11 person Aii had lieen condemned condemnedat rondII1 rondII1u
at sued u < l the Ih anxiety of the crowd lo know knowwhether knowblhr knowwbelhrr
whether they Ih met lh their ir end nd an a gentlemen gentlemenor nlI nlIor
coward 1a Tacllun ilu mention nllon hiss h
or ur Talu new newr I IPii oewepaer >
r Pii paer > aier aouunt ulnt of lniiJiu I < udll4 Ioinrraniuin IoinrraniuinIhe
the Ih eilrniori IInlon of the Ih circumference of the thecity Ih Ihrl Ihrcity
city rl br b the I I ererllun re 111 tlun of a new n wall II lama Iam Iampridiii l llrllI
pridiii lrllI tell 11 n UI us that he h rot Iol hi his Idea hI of the theulsoni IhefuUnnie Ih Ihfu
fuUnnie fu ulsoni adulation adliaton with llh lb which the lh Senateair Senate Kenalemilaltneil Knl KnlIIm
milaltneil air IIm lolmeul Alexander hVveru uera y from fom lie Ilsecurrent Ih Ihnunl lieurrent
current Issue 1Ie of o thin Ihl dally dl pat frper r a da < l < u unient uII umeat
meat II which hlh mnl have lieen approximately approsimatelylieakln approximatelygsakina Iollmall Iollmall1allI
lieakln 1allI It I yr y ar old 0 when hln anipridlu anipridluMW IAprdlu IAprdluII
MW e e II and Inc mendarloun nd ai 1 that There Therewere Tl Thereerr
were estraets extra sIDI I from new I lawn I deeistonsnau derlniona derlnionareUlInc Ilon Ilonlllln
nau reUlInc lllln nt lo provinien 1010 anti nd 01 nattirallr 111 pa paee p paecP
from the Ih dlvniiroeK of Ihe
MC ee lod 0 of ofllnme ofItem I Ii
Item llnmeLnder ItemUnder i
Under lncr the he Empire mll tr there ta r wa was the Ih Court tour
Ti TiA
By Robert Robrt W Chambers ChambersDo Chambrs ChambrsD I
Do D you remember IOLE This Tis new book bok is every everywhit ever everyvhit
whit as original as humorous humorou and as a full fullof ful fullof
of delicate delcte sentiment sntiment It I t has been bn called calledThe cale r rThe
The daintiestlooking novel of the seasonforer season seasont sasn sasnI
forer t over o r Inlay llal Six Full Ful Page UufraJioft lUlrai8 in i Colon CoO andi and andMnny ar
Mnny 1 i < 1 Peaindlnk PeIlllk Dntviny lvU by b ltdmeadFrederick Krl11 KdtnunJ Pndcrick PndcrickD Ff FfD sue sueD
D APPLETON a CO Publishers Pub I New YORK
Two tfS of SIz tkeI Bst Best Selling Slng Books Booksin Bks
I in the United States
The TheRosary Te TeDosnry TheI
Rosary RosaryFLORENCE
An ideal idcllove love storyone story siorne one that thatjustifies thaijustfe thatjustifies
1 I justifies justfe the publishing publshing business businessrefreshes businessI businessrereshes
refreshes rereshes the heart of the re reviewer r rI reviewer ¬
I viewer strengthens faith in the theoiftcomc theI
I oiftcomc Olcome of the great experi experiment expri expriment experiment ¬
ment of putting humanity on onearth oncarth onearth
earth 7A Rosary is a rare rar book booka bk bka
a source 5urce of genuine delight delightSyracuse dclght dclghtSTaS delightSyraaise
I Syracuse STaS PostStandard PosStanard PosStanardI
13 1 15 net netItv nCt nCtn netInv
Inv n mall mal 9100 s1aoa 1
P PwbilskeA Nee Neepy York Yorktad
py Q P Putnams Sons tad eJ Loadea
irculir I r la which chronicled fhrnllr the h various vrlouilolne varioustloing4 I
ilolne dolnl of the hlmIAlou Imperial lion lloue the Ih approach approachm pruh pruhI
m I Ire arcourhemenl rhmn the Ib prosreases pro 10 Tea e for Ihefunrral tl forfunrala
funrral not no however the Ih likelihood IIkllo of ofIhe ofh ofthe
the h Kmp Emperura po ror death a as It I wa W only onl Ibe II iii iiinnwle
unwie In n astrologer olotr silo ho would care r lo drawsuch draw drawmah law lawlIch
euture ut Tlie Trl Emperor1onnni Emperor
lIch a bow b at a Eror
Coiuuioilu 1onnni oluIOlu wbu M l o > Ijimpridlu J mprlll Miure 1 u uI
11101 I not that la 111 knowledge InoIPcl wa w above bv mi easpl easpltelr > l lion
riuul ion n saw Inordinately lonlnIly IhurJlaa IhurJlaanienta telr proud prondor of hi arblrve arblrvenienU hl hlnn
nienU nn In II the Ih Arena No S mailer 11r whether
he h were 11 lat In the Ib race Ut It wa a lo him hlu thai thaithe
t the h he palm wa w was awarded ardf or rather rlh he h warded a acI i I Ipalm
Ith Ithnifluently Ihn palm to himself himi and th then n quite qlit qlitnlnnU m mnifleentlr noag
nifleentlr shoutidConsmodus hoiited bolll Tommodu ummou O cr UPaar > ar victor victoriu Titur TiturII
iu II the tb race r Kite I hi Il his crown on to the I its people peoplnOI P l
Itomr ItomrThen
of OI
Hor i iThen
Then Tlln there t were the Its h fail dlier Ih all u the thebit I Ibita
bit hl of information Inrortol in Ihe Ili h city U Pliny 1n rile rilesthe I IIhe
the I newipaper nwI aIil account asou ll nt of r the li funeral of ofthe orth ofIli
th the celebrated jw Jod key Kellx ls Tlie rrixlion rreilonfall rrixlionfall r110nfal
fall fal and restoration Itolon of public puhlc buildings buldln were werereronietl setreconlrtlo 1 1li
reronietl o were Ihe li birth hirh t tnarrlace 1 and anddivorce anddivorces
divorce Iu lu II Illuoliloii 11 famllle fmll likewise lb lboI likewiseprodlutira I Iprodlitlr
and curioniile The Tb
prodlitlr came am Iliny Ilinynmer
oI 111 I IruI Ie5
e5 nmer r + rfTu ruI fiuslvrly lveljr about huu the Ih record n of a rain alnor i iof Iof
of lllt i and nt IN lau raue e In another place lC an oldpriest old oldpret oldpr
priest pr 1 wore Ir that he b had M Ian n the Ih arrival arrivalof rrl1or
of the b tint nfl Ihnt Phu Philnix nlz In Konie RomtPrlrnnlu KoniePetrnnlu Hoo HooIrnnlu
Petrnnlu tire Il u an 1 admirable dllrI parody parodyof prD
of what ha the th Roman cot c in hi bl his dally dly paperU paper pr prI
U I wan a during a f rMt resat at at 1 the house ho of that thatiwtentaliou UIItntlo tlsaternr
iwtentaliou ernr tntlo ntallour plutocrat Trlmal Trlraalcblon Trlnalblon chlon who ho sofar ao aofar I
far forgot roc his hi Imperfect Imprll veneer n r of arltlo arltlocratlc atlstocritic 10 I
critic ctl good c manner mnn when In In hi hl his cup tU a u to toderrlbe 10drlb todewrib
derrlbe drlb the I origin of hi hi his wife much mllh lo that tba
The Te House Houseolthc Bou
01 olthc olthcWhispering the thewhispering
te teI
I Whispering WhisperingPines WhisperinS
i R y yANNA
As good go as The Leaven Leavenworth L Leavenworth aen aenworh
worth worh Case Cs CaseN I N Y Globe GlobeFrom GlobtI GlobeFrom
I From Frm a legal leal point pint of view viewit
it is i better bcter than The Leaven Leavenvorlb L Leavenwctlb
atn atnWtb
vorlb Wtb Case and from a dramatic dramaticpoint dramatI dramatIpint dramaticpoint
point pint of view far surpassed surpassedHand sura surpassedHand sed sedHaM
Hand and R
RingCbicago Ring t tChicago Ibiaco
Chicago biaco RecordHerald RecordHeraldWith RtedHtald RtedHtaldtb
With tb Frontlnplecr Fntllplt IB l Color Colorby CI1 Colorby
by b A I Keller Kelcr Kelcr81W KellerSiSt
811 postpaid prtpld
lady Id discomfort dlrnron for she he h s a as allll tl llmhmc chimtunganlduouly i dlmllnc dlmllnclduoul llmhmcOMldunuoly
OMldunuoly lduoul and nd did not appreciate twang twangthis tfineI 11
I him Ih lvrn tlvn away a In public Ible when Tr Trmalchlon T Tmallhlon Trmalchion
malchlon WR Mber Itr he h could cul think Ihlnl of litll litlleUe littbelse nl nlhow
else save how beat bt to Impress Imprf the Ih world old with withhula ilK ilKhi ill
hi h hula macnlllrrnre lenln and no In con cnlnM uoneeqtinc equenre iixil iixillu 11 11lu tied tiedto
lu end ld fur hi his actuary who read tn Ih Ihcompanr Ihclln the thetantpanr
companr clln a sort ol of pro r verbal rb1 tanriuam tanriuamurbi In InrhiltA tanmunsurbie
urbi rhiltA n nrta tai of tr which the Ih following folotlll i h a tra5 tra5aliou tr n nla
la Inlon aliou aliouGIt I ion ionVII
VII 1 tal al Jill 1 There Th were wrl horn nn th thDomain IhUomaln the theiomaln
Domain at 1 funin ln npmr > which belongs to Tri Tonmalchion Trimalchlon Tr
malchlon nlhlon 3a 31 xt boy by and nd 40 irlrl clI Five hun hundred hUl hutsmired ¬
mired cr Ihounand tbnl < buheU blhl bush of wheat h1 h1ptl were err trail trntiported trailported
ported ptl from the Ih Ands lo the Ih jrrnnnri jrrnnnriSon aAna
Son 3 oxen were I u III neat ed for the II transport 1n4pr On Onthe In Inth unthe
the th name al day cY the Ib late lay Stlthradateii Stlthradateiicniciflefl IthrI IthrIInd a arraciflel
cniciflefl Ind for blaphenilnc hphllna the Ihe tutlir tutlirdelljr 1111 1111I tutelarJrIir
delljr I nf 011I1our OAll lain our ur aIr ma vr The Th same ni dar darlOUKllkkl d derIOalou
lOUKllkkl 1010 senferceii Ir were Liken to the Ih Kink Kinkl hintIwesuae n nII
Iwesuae l > ecue it wa was 4 lmpi Itnpomlb itil to find nn1ror afor a afor
for thi mone 101 saner The Th name am tar there thrrefire I i ia
a fire nr In the I garden lrln at 1 Ionifvn pl ohiih ohiihoritflualeil ahhporiginall h holalllat1
oritflualeil olalllat1 in II the I h residence uf th the < f rm rmSu IAnirr IAnirrXreta rnirr rnirrXe
Su Xe Sun l3Ac Ar Ae AeTlie AuTlse
Tlie n l a t mention 1lon of thin 11 Itnman Inmn InmnI peee peeeshrrt nr nrlint
lint I I Is In the Ih ale 11 days a of the Ih Ihoplu Knp KnpVoplacu En u uLbplenr
Voplacu In hula hi Life Lrl of the th Emperor tmpo I Ibu Ibu tbu
bu knew kn of Itezitflce II existence sr after alr which hlih h i iil Iunb1 IMI
il Humbert unb1 think I It diiuppeare1 tlnm tlnmwith Inl Inlwlb Inrwith
with wlb such other literature Itrlu a u Conlanlr Conlanlrand Con lonlan l nl nlnd
and nd hiss hi new adrliwr Ir found Inronxrnifil InronxrnifilNothloaalmllar cl clXothingslmllarappearrd
Xothingslmllarappearrd Nothloaalmllar SothlDc 10 lar appeared prl until untUlhal that un1 < > R1 1 ant antbusybody jn < o obmrbodr
busybody by tlutenbera began Ian In rll rlllh flow he heworld t tworld
world with lh a literature Irll that th nan nanoutward h 1 1oulr tan rt rtP
outward oulr expression of a treat al rrnasir reni fnlr r P
her herIlls
Ills IlluIM UluI Uluam IllsIe
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IIH IIHII lu Illu luh luniI nue
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aqI I 1I
vi vias
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