OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, April 22, 1910, Image 8

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-04-22/ed-1/seq-8/

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V i v vI
1 3 THE T SUN FRIDAY AWOli 2 22 ltl
1L 1LlI1nbt
lI1nbt un unI I
I HUUA r FUII 11 lIUL22 12 L5LIIj 11 1010 1010Mltrr 1I1oIrTed I ItD
tD IrTed r alIe 1 the I nt om flmsr is S P 011 t tI d dI
I I LaU MIter MltrrSsbsrtrpllMsby MIterMaIL
SsbsrtrpllMsby ar Mail MaILDAILY rtt ald aldDAILY I IDAIL
DAILY Per Month loQ aoo O PS PSDAIL o oDAILY
DAILY 11 IL Err r Vfr VfrMNDAA tar tartiSO S SbLilA
MNDAA I IIT < n rr 3 3DAILl 00 00DAIL 00tLYNISt °
IUlLYXM St M flIA A I PrInnth PrInnthPotape r Month 1O 1Ofo a aCe
fo Potape > Ue Ce to 1oloIICD totrtfn countries oufltTt added addedAU add addAU
AU cberk II money mnn or ortiffS lr Ac 6 to b be made a4e pay payPublt parb pay1b14
1b14 b 10 ISTI T1Ia SMI SrwPItsbM I
Publt PItsbM h < t hr tn thi m PrtnHng ttnc and PwMtoblne PwMtoblneAuorUOon Pubitabingsdon bllsilloeoPOrlaUon
AuorUOon at l IW Nassau SSU Invi Ia tb the Borauf flotouphOt b bruaohtun I IWDbllaO
Ot ruaohtun Nrwlork S IPw orll President Id of 0 Ibe tb A Atattoo Ac Ais Aisclauon
tattoo c Uon Ktwsrd rd I P Mltrbfll l 10 NUMU C II IIT 8IFPli 8IFPliTrM0rT l t tTrassartv
Trassartv T of 0 tb IU AvrwUdon M F lBn 1 IIo ITO ITOf 170au
f Xu Suaau au utrret9 Itztqt kcr ICIeIT teunrofll OM of tb > A AmedU00 < > cl Uoa fl flQatnn W WQulaa WOItDD i
Qulaa ITO Nassau aa4U IIr IIrLoDd treet treettoodoaeew
toodoaeew LoDd Zoodeo D o 01e ernncbmHn Emnell Effiocm mu ielAr t Arudeltreet ArudeltreetltIraDd adelitT sty styaend t tv
v Btrmnd THe Tb dally dall sd nd smoday Jad 9r rl are If oo sat ale In InLondon InLoDd InIM0d
London LoDd at l tbe UI American and nd Colonial rtrfaaogf rtrfaaogfC rulloceCarlton rsehaoCuITon
C Carlton rlion street aI Regml n nrret ItT1 fi and nd D v Dvs w Steam nmhp 511emshlpAey nmhpAleD hlp hlpAgency
Agency AleD IT Oreen street atrP 2rt0r Charing Cross rooa Ro Road Rondp d dPart I II
p Part offlre oII JB Roe LowU Ie > Orand Tb dally and andBosdar andllDd tnddaT
Bosdar llDd daT editions I lion are r no Ml f at Klmqur Klnoq It near lh lhCnad the theGmd
Cnad Hotel KlomweTT K100AlIeT7IOIIIard C10ae 77 Boulevard detCspwtnes detCspwtnescorner dCCtoCGnIfr desCapitlfle0tnr I
corner Ple PI d dIOIlf1Id 1Opfra and K1w In 1Is2ue < jue l II IIIt nouleverd nouleverdAn
An It Itatlrn corner enr r1Iff Hue n Unite 4I1IsIe le Grand GrandIf Gr I i
If I r rn rlqd or irno f tie WI vn nycnqj nycnqjI tffrof rtW rtWWft4If
I yvWletleS Wft4If s ts hi II ye ytei n 5UI CU Pft PftrIJI fWVW4 fWVW4J
J rIJI n tn In f > r 14 tTI < J JThe > t lSSd napI napIThe f II J JThe
The View 111 Halloo HallooIt
It i IA almost pathetic tn rorttempla nntmplfltat t tat
at thin tiraoth tm th rrjoirlnis l of the th Demo Democratic l DetnnI ffllocratic > ¬
cratic i at1c rank and flic fil ovr the election electionof
L of Mr Ir FOM F f in Mmwarhiuwtu nn nncl l the theiifar thl thltIIIfeat th thp
p iifar ia New ow York of Mr Ir Auinimip AuinimipThey AWRllxtPTheoy Awniixiri
i They The He IIM8 in th m two event a final finalconmimmntion fiMII fiMIICOI1fUmmllUon finaLI
I conmimmntion of Hetmblunn downfall downfalland
and appraioo appr the th retirement of Mown MownAumirn MIdIrALnIUCU f1IIII f1IIIIAIDRIC
Aumirn anil HA IfAu us n 114 i contributory contributorytestimony rontnltn rontnltnte ntn1tItotMIMnny
testimony te tlm oy KeilhfT jwrwonal nor locnl locnlconsideration I InctII
I consideration affect a1Jc affectthPir theirp iwitny < tny tn Th Thi ThIttopubllcan Thsi ThsiS
i Republican party i I b con ronlltnff1 iKn l to the thedemaition th thi thedemiItion
i demaition bowwow and a triumphant triumphantD
I D DPvt ftocrasry a 1 Ion kti ° banWiwi i anlAh cl tliouch IIIOIILZhjtIy nn nnIwtly unJr
Iwtly Jr from th thfl fotmt of wnolumrnt wnolumrntnd Molllmfnthd
I hd nd d p prqUiIIII prqUiIIIII ftiulntp ull itr < to Mr nothing of th thMDor thll
I I MDor fIB0I or lmir tqlof III > of power pow and authority authorityow in inow i i1t01f
1t01f ow oa o top tot with withll all banner bnn rit waving It Itt Itiir1
WJlllc iir1 urbut 1 th t houtine ittiontLng4enti > houtinerrxl hnuti hnutiI I
I tb 4enti fMMtA rrxl mouthful and andInnowntu Itnd1JIhrld1 itntlhrfct1d
1JIhrld1 hrfct1d bt bit Innowntu innc hinoc ntA nrverthel nrverthelvictory nvetcIcet > 1 1f
f Ait o on1 J victory Jtf It th the future flit life Th Thy Theyg y yLVmocrntif I II
I g LVmocrntif Dmt Df mllC H IIC1UJ1f ui to b be rhoon rhoonJrii honcnI I Ir
r ilia I nil jr Jrii r riel lrt A Dwnorratio Pfr Pmidnt Pmidnttw id > nt nttwo
I two tw y YH n htior hPtl f and nil tlio U tim sonoo offlc offlcdanro OmNO OmNOdanft offlec4daneo
danro b hfofono for them with nod and berk berkand hNkI hNkand bkiand
I I and wrwith l umilew ami nnIpn even In 8 the thedarkcut th thdarkftlt thdarkctt
darkcut bn bltb h the Ih darker the th more moreflkriy mur1krJrth rnorI
I flkriy 1krJrth th the native nztI Mnooth m oth > hi bin hickory hickoryhlrt hlrk hlrkahirt ttekisr ttekisrI
I shirt and eirdu hi loin for iwitronnae iwitronnaeAH IntroMItAll
All tht b b8IIs4 iiiiM ltu two llepiibhoin din district cli cliin dinrjta ¬
trict in rjta < t moved mn 1 by dincmt i IIt with tho th tariff tariffPile Inritrand tnrifTnd
and nd hc b4 Pile rHI hnve voteil 01 fOC I with the the4cm th thr tt ttIimiwrats
4cm DtmtWrnl rrai to rniphamce their dwii dwi 1c Iieptejwr1tflPnt I ItWntmlnt
tWntmlnt tWntmlntL
i i L We do sb lM liCIt > t txiy 1 11 that tlie 1i Itepuhlirnn Itepuhlirnnjarty npuhlicn flitIthIicaIt1ptrtv
jarty n i enire Iro fur from it but we wedo 11 11do wfd
do d Miy r Ihal h t if the th Democracy ap apI
I proarhrw Pon Hwith wih overronfldenM inter interpretH inlfrpft14 interprets
pretH it misfortunes a 1111 fin abandon abandonRtcnt nllllllonI ahanilonmenL
I Rtcnt of f principle pr nc pl and nn e fxcIi1I1 p tiient lOr lOreIq f fd rqaar
eIq d qwur > r and rct iznntion ItrIl > the th Ietnicratie Ietni 1 Ienioeratti 111n 111nmIle
mIle pnrty w 4 dootn cloom1 l t In bitter di diPliolntmcnt djaPJlOtntmMlI diappontnwTtt
Pliolntmcnt In New York and New NewEngland cI cIn tWS tWnglnnd
S England n lnncl at lenxt Itepuhlicnn voters lOtl nn nnJfojimme llroo orn
Jfojimme o 1Il1 ° extent independent tntItitIenI4n Sinnrt SinnrtIng Itnn Itnnin
4n Ing under a WIIM 4Ii > of f wn wrnl wrn ng moral moralfor ritornir
for 1 ein tfofnmi < > mu they thl are tinio Iull rnpnble rnpnbleTO cnpnhlet eiiiinIiItemiorttry
TO et teniiorary di 1i1t Itfftsiii afferti tr1 i n They Th have haveshown hlWchown Iitvihown
shown it in Mn t1rhuu acliu eitH and III IIInrk iiiYnrk Sew SewY
nrk Y rk hut their protect hn hits not lie 1 1WII 1WIIatlflt < ti tiagnmM
1 agnmM Repiiblusmi m a IJ th v under underhtund unIrr r rMand
r htund i They have prrtte pr jir4iestet te1 ngainxt ngainxtKepitbliianUin R IIill1 IIill1Hpuhlwnlllll
1 KepitbliianUin Epiihlii atiin as fl they I h do not under undtrtand unel understand r rt
stand nd it itBui 11llt itHut
Hut llt we 11 he hrar r tlie Ih IViniHTiitK ihtntwratiballon View Viewhnll jw jwhnll
hnll ballon M > and we tlie I h I onllrII onllrIImil nioi rain rainmultitude I Imutt
multitude mil mutt It it lIcl iitIs in full fIIIIII Iii II l ha tlfle e II 1i HICVCI < hlIIIoel IIst I md ancltnCfh o ofnt mdincohi
incohi fnt oherent rent nl nf f a mory c1r that 4 o far farnutkct farmllkfA farI
I nutkct UK II re r ilenie lrlPI in it n multicolored multicoloredan mllir Coloro jeotoriwlI c1 c1nl1l1 >
I fbikago an nl1l1 < l repre rprIII tit in their wild wildihietly willihIPfl wildeyn
eyn ihietly hIPfl the feeding rough from fromwhich frnmwhiPh rritmwhth
which th thy y have hn > i long Ion It l 111 vn ltarr harrod harrodAlnocly IiorrlAirenily < l lAlready
Already iJxy tll are Af talking of the I th traveller travellerreturned I rIlhrtllrnc r rreturned
returned ci of HHTAX with jlh hi bin oleagmoim oleagmoimwnile OlllIltillIIlIIoIDiI olagintiiinI
I wnile of in tn I I and nil the t h rest 1 of thn thnnbort I I II lit
I nbort rt rUts 10 prwiwriiy rind nn the Ih I III higher higheritntejBTnnnohip hhthrIII lilgIsrEflhlTflnnlhtt
itntejBTnnnohip III flTnft nhi Upon o ulieht II Iwise Iwisethey 1IUtth IwupI
I they th ttte build the Ih hyotenral istrirnl ilnnture of oftheir f fIhlr rI
I their restoration It IH i Hark away awayand IIW IIWand nwavand
and full flight for the t h 111hpOI 111hpOIA ll < fli > ot otA
A Democratic victorv I thin hi vear r will willtie wiJIllf willI
I tie an injury to Ii the It nIIrlul l iiiM ralir rftt I4 auw auwIt a ai flhlwi
i I 111 It L will arrf arrel > t and wIr < > l > cr tl t tho I > e Itipublinin Itipublinincontestants JtpIhlimnronlInntJo Ittpiihlienni
i contestants nt ntflflt and realign the Ih party upon uponthe iiprntht pnthfl
the Hignal of danger and if thn I it h Demo Democrats fornuera1 Dtrnocrnl ¬
crats intoxicated Into nl1 by niiiinilcntood niiiinilcntooduecesM II 111 noltOOl I IIIUfllOOo4It
IIUfllOOo4It uecesM uN eS 4 > s and feeling fN lint ure II of further furthertriumpli rllrthrcriumpllll furthertriumphs
triumpli beaii e of f rninl ruiulwtwn ow m Hu Husky thk titiuky ¬
sky k or r the h nmoke mnk whifh so o gracefully gracefullycurlH ItrRffUcurl
curl or any other 01 hlr iinrnaterml 1II1IIJ11rialnn1 antI eva evnmve evathing vn vnIIi
mve IIi thing should take jon in 1012 1012for 101 101fyr iutI
I for granUd ntnht ao and l return ti Ifllhpir their old nltllo nltllowith love lovewith lovewit
with wit h hi hin luirren platitudes arid tutu prophc prophcci prnphji rnph rnphti
ci ji hi nrsrifnid cmrks rm and hu h ht htleaning mU mUleaiiing monrlmnn
leaiiing admonition nrlmnn l in Republican feiid feiidwill fIIIwill feijtwill
will tIP r ie > f called 111 in and indcw lndesndnvii > nd < mv > tsr tsrjrtIon f fAction fJ1rtlon
Action eliminated in it the I It hn1trnithin prtftcn IfIjIf < f of a acommon IICmmoo
common rnennei rnenneiA menllA
A All cm ii the Ita Regular r Army rmy In Int laliha i iI
t uh uhThe liha lihaThI
The 1 h4 d < wpat JItJi < H I If > f a twit t tnlion I of Infnntrj Infnntrjand Inrnntr8n111 Infontryand
and 8n111 a machine mnrhlngiin gun 1ft In battery from Havana Havanato Hnvanto
to StantH nl Ilant and SII tntingn iHltn gin II a asaujt pre precautionary pr prlIul ¬
cautionary lIul jflnllry measure mCII m suuIr < II in view of ofthat rcporlM rcporlMthat noI1 noI1thn
that one on KVAIIIHTT AnfofTn KfitKsnr flTX07 a negro negroagitatf nJtroitAtlOr negroNgiatnr
agitatf itAtlOr r bv court fI111 y called 111 UlfIfrnl Jeneralwa JeneralwaInDarame w wtnnamln4 wn wntT11ajnin
InDarame hm h fl racn against thn Jnvcrn ioVfminffr Jnvcrninenr iovprntn
inenr tn nt eemn l 4 m ta to n have caused no excite excitement fJflitpmenl exritemeat ¬
meat at th < > lpitnl ii > itnl and it i in a healthy healthysymptom hl1l1llIItnpm healthyI healthynyrnptrsm
symptom that Amrienn mencan mr nn nnwspapern nnwspapernare
I are not hinting darkly at an inMirrcc inMirrcction inllllrrrtin innulrrestina
tin that mny compel the th tnited States Statesto
to Intervene Inlrv Again In Cuba CubaThe CubaTb lIbaTh
The E Ionr ten < j 7 Incident in characteristic characterlatlcGt charaetertgtcGI4C4t4A
Gt GI4C4t4A C l1tifa dM1
with such an emergency that with ith th thapproval the theapplOYai theapproval
approval of Provbilonal Governor MA MAnoos MA000x
noos the republic decided to ridS a no nocalled onllffi uninlIed
called regular army distinct from the theItural theIUural theRural
IUural Rural Guard Under the MAOOOX ad administration ndI administrution ¬
ministration the Rural Guard which had hadsuffered hadtrnod haduutiffered
suffered in It discipline and Uist reputE reputowas reputEwn
was increased to n IItlln ntrength h of 6170 offl offlnrN ornAnd ol olc
nrN c nu and men and organized into three threeregiments thrfIdlntn threerugixnents
regiments Idlntn American officer were wr de detailed d dtlld detailed ¬
tailed tlld under the thf title ti of supervisor luprilr to todrill toi todrill
i drill clril and improve the to morale moralf of this thisforce thi thiaforep
force and it fine soldierly body bodywhen bodywen
forr an wan we a fn IkUry by by1n
when 1n the tht Army thnyofPadtlctlon rmnrParlfclon of Paciticrftlon left Cuba Cubaearly Cb CubRcurly
early In WIlL 10 An artillery rlr coupe ror of 6BO 6BOofficer t tfmt O Oijflkrn
officer fmt and men nle including incui a machine machinegun mlhln mlhlntm
gun tm company mp with wih ten Colt formed formedwith for formedwith
with the thf llural Guard the thf armed are forces forcesof fOe fOeof
of the th republic publo In contact rontc with wih th thInited tht the theVnfted
Inited tnltffi Htatnn field fld artillery arlf during dul the theoccupation theOUINtinn theneupatjiun
occupation the Cuban rubn gunner Klnl learned learnedtheir IMm lenrTwdtheir
their thlr duties rUtfO thoroughly tholhly and became bme bmemarkllhb r rmarkahly re remttrkahly
markahly efficient mcfnt In December Dmhr IBM IBMthere 18 19fl6there
there wan W a railroad ralid strike Itrike In Camaguey Camagueybut C uncuey uncueyhut
hut after nftr the arrival of a little ltte body of ofartillerymen orarUrtn ofartillerymen
artillerymen arUrtn the 1h riotously rotouJly disposed dip be behaved betuavrd ¬
haved hllv 1 themeelve admirably admirablyIpon admlrblvpn aufmlrablvrpon
Ipon pn the application apploton of or President PresidentOMF7 Pdt PdtGO PreeldentIYnltedStateuarmy
GO OMF7 P71 three h Unit Uniffi IYnltedStateuarmy edStaten State army ay officers officersCaptain o olflcerunttain
Captain O 5 O GATUCT nATR of the th Third Tin Field FieldArtillery Flfld Flfldrtl FieldArtillery
Artillery rtl Captain P S GoLDRRMAX nOIOR1UIN of ofthe ofIh oftlit
the Ih Coast oaat Artillery rtl1 and nd Captain FRANK FRANKPUIKKR FRAXEPARKER R
PARKER PARKrR of the Eleventh vtnth Cavalry ravn1m were wereloaned wereloaned
loaned 10nf to the thf Cuban republlo rlpublk In April Aprl AprlI
1 io J In the th newly organized hrKfniz regular regulararmy IIr IIronn regularnrTny
army onn compomd cm lln in part pr of Rural Rurl Guard Guardand nllnr thinrdstand
and artillerymen Rrllry111fn Ind an1 nd in part pr of oteolbitod oteolbitodmen enlist elitn od odmen
men thnne th smart tar officer om two of whom whomG who
G TIKT TI1 and PARKRR PARIRR nerved tr In 11 the Army Armyof Arm Armof
of Pacification Parfrato had an In almost nmMt finished finishedppHluct Itniahedirduuet
ppHluct IrndlM an well W1 a an good n raw w material materialto Ittrial fniht11
to work with Before l4fom the th evacuation evacuationthn tailtlon tailtlontt
thn tt Itural Hlnt Guard GUlnllokd looked and nd drilled drld like likeAmerican Uk Ukmrln likeAmerican I
American regulars 1110 In hunting huntlnJ down downluindit do doanrli downbanditm
luindit tho Ihomennf IhomennfI of ofthe
anrli in n Santiago HnntiprovlnM province men
the th Third Regiment Rrldtnt of which Captain CaptainAxniiKW1 CaptninsunFwl CaptainfItEW
I AxniiKW1 sunFwl fItEW 1 DorflHKirrrhad DtOIRRhl had chargewent chargewentinto rhnnwrnt rhnnwrntInto
into the th brush hnlh and shot or captured capturedinRiirrectm rapturedinulIrrOrtuin ptun
inRiirrectm lurtU without 1ilhout showing Ihnwln showingthnt that fear fearof fnror fearof
of ambush that impaired inpid the Ih efficiency efficiencyof mMnrySlnih
of Spanish Slnih troops truop in 1 Cuba lib The Tm iorn iornpact r rINM rn rntaet
pact taet little Illl anny today ought oulht therefore thereforeto
I to tE he t regulars lllnf in the to American service servicesignification Jrir iervieesiguifleatian
signification 16fkat Ion If I KSTKXO S07 ha hM talked talkedtho talkedI Iktf IktfI
I the negroes nw of the tl Orient O < nt into a state stateof ItUn ItUnof stateof
of unrest unnt and IInf turbulence it It should lhuld re require requuire ¬ I Iqllir
quire qllir only nn the th presence pfnM of a battalion battalionwith btnlon btnlonwil I Iwith
with wil machine mnrhlnf guni tlM to preserve PII ll the theI theIark thePeae e eMark
Mark Twain TwainOur Tlln TllnOlr Twainour
Our Olr appreciation aPIIatioM are llt unstable and andtime andtim andtime
time tim PlY plaY tricks trck with our likingSometime liking Ikln Iklnrtimt likingsSometimes
Sometime here for it in inbeneficently itshenefleently
rtimt Ihen is il no change hanlf fo i
beneficently bnfcnth permitted pmit1 that thlt there th shall shallbe Ihal uhalthe
be h natures natl among us li a M constant enIanl a l aa the themanners Iht thenuarinern I
manners nlrntrlllar star Forty ory year yei ago nl Inno Innocents Innont lnnoqntts ¬
cents nt AbnKid Abrle wan an infinitely Infnily funny funnybook runn runnbk funnybook
book bk Headers Ifnel were convulsed cl1111 bv I ltrislea the theidea thAlf
idea lf that the th author nlthor should holl have hR sol solemnlv no noemnlv
emnlv mnl inquired of the Ih Nolemn guide clit in inFlirope i I IuirtlIe
Flirope IIrolM uirtlIe if niKIHTOCIIKII llhlfofTOI1 CoifMBfS 0t18t was wasdead Wi waitslead i
dead cacl and nne a 1 great reputation rtIlnln rewarded rewardedthe reowan
the li joke lok that represented roInnl 1 the th author a aweeping an anI
I weeping 111 lt tut < it the hIomhof tomb tomluofIt of IU IUi I M MIt
It i in jx ponnible tihe lhl that in il the th general IfncrHI gen rnl view viewthe viewtlis w wIh
the Ih Itook s alKtut nho the th lnno InontA < < ent IM not nlt nltfllll MM MMfutinv J Jfuitutus
futinv fllll now nw HH H it I WOM WI then W Ve lm liae ad advanned iiIvatised e
vanned alii we w have hn grown trwn suphintictiUMl suphintictiUMln
tn n abundance nhllnelnN of imitation Imilnton ha hl made the themanner thAInnnr theurnnner
manner Innnr more ro familiar fnlllr and anel lets KTH poignant poignantPaste ponnl poignantrten
Paste 1 change hlll PerhaPs for the th very v rea reaon reaI R
1011 I on that they Ih tiecoiiie 11 berot Mie NIt noted < l We W nov xavnowadnvH I novtiownulttn
j nowadnvH wcln who wh knows kllOtI with th what wllt fee feeblene r rhlfn feeIslenese
blene with lh what hnt intending imiomlli reiiuiui reiiuiuiation Iluwi Iluwinloll retiutitiat
ation nloll at Inst of the th I t Iporr > mMiranl t pt rang rol view viewtliat j jtllt
tliat tllt we n roIlrp stuisre > Uire Hometlnng ImIhlll mori mort ubtl iuuitltliniu ubtlthan 11 >
than Ihnl llie Ih form that hlt uniced nN for u 14 om omupon n nIIHI suitIuiwOl
upon IIHI n I time I Tom Tnll Sm nwvsr ver Hinklherrv Hinkl fkl fklIrn lIuukleIMrrv >
herrv Finn tli tliee we declare are crude crudenot
not 111 up I to h date dnl > in inI nsitt < i t xrlinn ux lP lPf uuvni uuvnissis > n nMICH
MICH ssis f s entertainment 11rn nmnt H A ut IK i aiTonlml IITorol1 in inDavid iiiUtiriutn
David Hiinim Hllfm or bv h 1 iKoRnK Etocni IIOV Al A1ss A1ssThe K KThe v
The delight < 1111 that flow from frol Mr lool 101 101ro iooly ioolyire y yir
ir ire ro liiirdly hlrl to he extinint timnt1 l while we Wf nr nrtill Ir artull
till 111 ull under Inrlr ill glamour Iilmnlr of that Ih par particul partseuul
ticul 1111 ir irrluut tvl tvlTliit 1 1Thl <
Tliit U MAHK IAKI TWAIN rw u I 11 liai UK ciidiirt ldlln1 < l then thencan t tIuotin
can tin be I no n question cl lon He 1 ha h has b o n critii critiia rrll rrlll
a l wlI t > ll 11 os mere Ilrp humon hll1rl1 l He I ha han dt dtpmd dio ilk ilkP
pmd P ° l of f InoiKH I OI 1 if we w may Ir l eliee hi it itHe I itlie
He I hit h luin furnished flmlh hi hus understanding IlIcluthnl of ofof ffS of11N
11N S of If Ar r 1 > What Wtli I1OI he h thought Ih ht about abouttn ll tuhouutAIqKEMI > l
SI AIqKEMI EItE tn bao h lH heeti > n made mid known kn to tou toII n nI
u I Asan nnO nn icon IronII < Mla > t he h luharully hardly hnroly equalled equalledIIIM 1llllc
IIIM II refiutation rClllllion ux I a humont hI11r t He had hadt ha1ote luaugood
I ote good t fun fiII with th thpnlun theenuian 4eniian language lanl we wehowever w wI whwnvr weI
however that it wan WI slight Ih in incom I InrCr iniiiiiupnflnifl
com nrCr iiiiiupnflnifl > anson n with tho 1h fun that the Ih IhI lan language huniuuiuge ¬
guage f11 in qutwtion IIlnn had hlcl with him himHis hil hil11M him himIliji
I His 11M later writing wrrnl have pleased leMIII many manyHIH manythe
the pseudonym rulon wan WI a fortunate rortlne choice choicefor rhoi rhoifil
for fil him He H came r to have n generally generallyre Jtmpmly Jtmpmlyrnnilf generallyreinnired
re ognized rnnilf < personality pfnlty The T reader rder hud hudhut hd hdhil hadlult
hut behold I hold hi hit in in1 order
hil to 15 hi name nln1 orrlor to tohear tohcnr toliter
hear hi hits drawl and to be b propitiously propitiouslyprepared propitouly propitoulylr pmpitlowuiyfor
prepared lr for hi hil hits pleasantries plfntre It J hap hapens hap happenn
In > ens thu tl Ihat n personality nnlty seta I I1ll it itliiiglntig tie tieiiuuighing
liiiglntig 1ll h rl at the Ih moment when whfn he riso risobehind I rinenbiduirid
behind hhild the t h table nbl and before he h ha hao hI hII luau luauI
I o ollnA nPSned en d hi hits mouth mouthMARK mOlllhI
I MARK IRK TWAIN wa fortunate fortunle in hi hit hb hits hitsI
I t lifetime Riches Urh rewarded him hi The Thedegree T TheI
I degree clr that Oxford Odorclltowe bestowed upon him himWH himWi himwhit
WH Wi whit a very flattering larprn honor honfr The T young youngItrnrARD ylna ylnaIt ynuinglirrurAnt
ItrnrARD It n1nl KIPLING coming lmif newly from fromIndia fromIndl fromIndia
India worshipped wo hlpr at hi hl his hrine Our OurI O Ourown r rown
I own opinion opinlonb i that the th jumping frog fr of ofIcalaveras ofebf ofCataversa
Icalaveras ebf Cataversa i hi the thf most ml enduring 4mdurin of hi himonuments hil hilmonllmnl hulut hulutmonuments
monuments monllmnl We can n never n forget fof that thatmoderately thatmocrotely thatmodarately
moderately mocrotely ambition abitoll creature crtum heaving heavingvainly h4Vi h4Viinly heavingvuinfr
vainly inly under it ita I load l nd of murard need neednhot I needshot
shot shotk hot
k snneturIes rl for f rFipln rFiplnn Elephant Elephantn
A Miin n society s4iet The T m Friend pnI of ofhftM ofIhnlI ofEluphantit
Eluphantit hftM chosen the to ocnwion of ofthe ofIh ofthe
IhnlI hon Oon
the Ih returnof notmnr the th Vreat t Hunter lunter from fromthe fmmt fromtheAfrfrn
the t theAfrfrn h Afrirsr Mr wiida wi wiIdatomkeapIra to cxaka e a ql plra for orthi orthiI thn thnpreservation t h hIlmran
I preservation Ilmran of tlt the elephant Ithr Thwm 1 ef effort effec f fforA ¬
fort forA have MY l Lwwn > wn made paMnodically IpLmodiral for foryears forfU foryfnru
years but have had comparatively little littleeffect littlectTtt
fU rJBmtlvlylul rJBmtlvlylultr
effect tr Thin Ti society It however ha hl de deiide df dfidfOCl di diridd
iide idfOCl l to upprtMich the th French Frenchmeni rlh Govern Government ove ovement ¬
ment with ih the th object nbjo of securing Ilrn pre preHerjar p pte prtw
Herjar te w for elephant Ib in Africa and IIld ha hasucceeded hl hlIIIf hansnusereeded
succeeded IIIf in arousing amtlif more than llln the theusual Ih IhItll thewnutl
usual Itll amount Ollt of interest Inlfft among lonl the theKuropean t theEIIroIwnfl berolfn
Kuropean rolfn nation IAUO that have African Africanpossession Afrc AfricanponMSnionit
possession possessionSo ponMSnionitSo io ioJtt
So great ha h been t the rate rt of extermi extermination fEtl fEtlMtlon eztarrnlnation ¬
nation of orh ottheekphant the elephant that th t thehasalmnnt thehasalmnntcESfIiWd he ha hllmft almost almostceased
ceased r to exist Mt south Ioulh of the tf Cuneno CNIO and andZambesi an and7ambeird
Zambesi 1mbl river rVlI Them T remain an two or orthree orth orS
S three th protected prore herd her near l the te south southlittoral ft usouthlittoral
littoral Uloml of nlCColonyli Cape Colony in the thodffOn wide coon country coontry ¬
try tr of t Bamangwato pato and a North N rh Bechu Bechuana BechuanalaI u uIItt
ana analaI I IItt mi one troop trp remain r some If few fewmaintain fe feJ fewmaintain
maintain mAinti a precarious prru existence ete between betweenthe b
the 1 Xambeai lbl mouth mt and ad the tb Puafrtra PuafrtraRiver PD PuagveRiver
J River RT and an a aall troop t or o two t may m be befound b befound
found inthobroSuaaodSfflcolt Ia the brok andtcu1 veklt
fo i t b a f fI
I <
of northern Ih MaehoBakad MoB Thin T ifl f but buttho blt bltthe butthe
the poor p remnant rnt of o ta t isauswnta isauswntaherd I
herd h that tt some 8e sixty as or o aeveety 17 17B yesA yesAago T M Mago
ago B reamed re in freedom f over ov overtheSouth raort I of oftheSouth f
theSouth the Soth African Arc interior iteor Th T The natural eatunloxciteraeat naturalexcitement tu
excitement of the chaM the th love 10 of ad adventure ndventure ¬
oEeteet e o
venture ntur the desire Ir of ofgaia gala and taentnady taentnadyadvance th the rMuady rMuadyarIvnn
advance nYnC of eoloniintlon etonlmtlon p these t thiaaa tl thIe all allcombined al alemhine allcombined
combined emhine have hvo had ha the effect ee of ofthe oaming oamingthe otmgthe
the extermination txtfninton of the te elephant eleh in inSouth InS inSouth
South S Africa AfricaTho Arc AfricaThe
The T plan that th ia I advocated aYe by b the theFrench th theFrench
French Fch society for the th preservation pnnat of ofthe 0 ofthe
the herd in Central Africa i hi for the
I thf he Ctr M l t e etablkhment na natabUabment
tablkhment tbtkmlnt of nanctuaries Icu Thin plan planha pt planhen
ha h hen already ay been b tried tr is I aeveral lnr aevera of the theFjigllwh t theEnglluh
Fjigllwh Flh ponaemlona plol There T Its a aaactu aaactuary Mu Mulilhn eauuctuP17
ary lilhn within a few re mile ml1 of Port Elisabeth Elisabethin Eh EhIn
in the th Knynna forest foft where hr large I herd herdare h herdaze
are a protected prt and a wander wadr around auR un unmolested U unmolented ¬
molested mol te 1500 1 mile mU distant dJtat from fr the thenearest th thenearret
nearest where h other wild el
Dlt spot ept otbr id elephant elephantare bat I
are found In the th Britfeh rt Central Ctrl Afri African Afr African ¬
can c Protectorate Pre there the ia I adbtrict a dtd on o the theShirt th theShrE
Shirt Shl River Rver known kno a the thf elephant elephantmarfthea elpht elphtm ekphantrnarushea
marfthea where them considerable considerableherd
m hl th in a roM rbJ
herd There aLso in Trana Tranavaal Tranuvaal
hfn Tf am a I fnN reserve Tr
vaal val Rhodesia RhOla Uganda URnda and ad Somalilaad SomalilaadBut Sa
But in spite pitf of theme thNlorl effort the elephant elephantI eht ehtf
I f Iii disappearing dipprif The Te slaughter llu tr ia I not notthrough n notthrough
through Ihlah European FUropM hunter hute but i ithrough I hi hithrough
through throlch African Afria native who ho since C the theintroduct th thIntruc theintroduet
introduct Intruc ion of flroarm fm and the th mores increasing ir moresing ¬
ing Il value luf of ivory Ivor have h killed ki elephant f1hat elephantsreganllrans elephantregardless
regardless rlf of size 1 or sex tX In the th guest groatCongo gt guestCongo
Congo Cn district districtFor dltrc districtFor
For or the tb year Yfa ended fndl with ith March tarh 1808 1808them lt 19fl 19flthere
them thm were wm imported imprffi Int Into England Fald alone aloneS39 alno alnow
S39 5 w tow toO of ivory Taking T the th average averagetiink ag averagetuuutk
tiink tlk to torlh toweigh weigh forty for pounds Iund this thi means meansthe mfas mfasth meansthe
the th death of mom mo than 150no 1 15t OIO elephant elephantPractically flephanlf elephantsPractically
Practically PcicJy all th this ivory ivor camo < eo from fromAfrica fromAfrl fromAfrica
I Africa Afrl The T figure ftl show ah an increase increaseover Ilcl
those of the that thatseemM thatIn thatscetnut
over thM t ht preceding pnlna year yer
seemM In to have ll VI a considerable cfidmbl significance significancewhen IialfCf
when wtn taken In connection rnnelon with the tb well wellknown 11 wellknown
known knon fact of the steady decrease d1 of the theAfrican theMrim theAfrican
African Mrim herd herdThem hr herdsThere
Them seem N1 to be h little lUI likelihood likelihoodthat likelho
that the African Mrn elephant fbat can M ever be bemade b bemade
< made mid a as useful llfll a 1 member mtb of society e y yth aa aathe asthe
the th Indian 11lnn elephant Iphat Not that the theAfrican theAfrican i iUrn
African Urn when whfn caught would prove prv more moredifficult more1dimcult om i iIumclt
Iumclt difficult to train tn than tha the theindlan Indian 1nn but butthat but butI
I that owing owin to the very P different dfernt condi condition ral raltiOM condi1tiotuut ¬
1tiotuut tion existing in Africa It would
extf Mrir I prob probably pr probably ¬
I ably be b impossible impible to obtain obta them tle In laquantities Inclumtt inquantities
quantities clumtt largo lafo enough for commercial commercialpurpose cmmfra
i 1 purpose Beside IM the native ntvf African Africani Mrrn Mrrnilt
jut so lacking in the th
i 1 laklf qualities necessary necessaryto nfr
to a successful u fll elephant trainer tnr that he hewould hewold hewould
would wold prove prvt quite iisetesn 1le in dealing dealingwith deD dealingwith <
with wth the beast h The Th < question of a nat natural nt natural ¬
ural url sanctuary Mnctuar in the thf Congo OIO district dlrc ia iaa I iia I Ia
a difficult dclt one on account funt of the expenae expenaeof ep
I of maintaining maintlnln and policing plcf it itThe ItTe itThe
The Te protection pmt < on however howcer that neerea neereatho I neemsthe
tho most mot feasible fNiblo i lii that tht which whic would wouldbe old oldI
be b offered otrr by the refusal Ifl of all al European Europeancountnm Eln ElnrountrM Europeancountries
I countries rountrM to permit rmit the sale or export exportof expr
of Cf any tmk tusk of lea 1 than a certain CPran CPranlablbed es established establiusbed ¬
tablished lablbed weight wfht If 1 thin weight wellht were wereset wr wereulet
set a I as low even efn as 8 fourteen fOlr pounds poundscow I
I cow o tn tUlkA twukas k seldom lldom exceed eC twelve twelveH Iwploolnd twelvePotinds
Potinds H olnd > und it i is II hlevl believed that that it It1oul would pre prevent I Icnt turerent ¬
vent th killing kiir of voting YOlna bull bul and n cow cowelephants cw cwt1phntA cowelephants
elephants t1phntA and d that in n thin way wa the th sIc elephant sIcihant I IIhnnt ¬
phant race rnc might licht l 1M he > e preserved preservedThe IUrf IUrfI
I The T New ew frrnry ry Iejrllature IejrllatureTlie I
Tlie 11f scandalous Indalol charge harJ that have haveeen hve hvebrnl hsreIseen
Iseen brought with violence of denun denunciation denunetittlun
> een brnl ih a oolnt dfnun dfnunInln ¬
ciation Inln equalled only by their paucity paucityof pucty puctylr
of lr detail dNll against aJaiMt the tl members mtbt of tim thnKembly tl timtseenhIy
Kembly mhl of uf Vow XfW looey n can be b investi investigated Invtt ¬ I Igntuet
gated Jnl1 properly and lawfully llwuly only by bythat byIhul bythat
that body bey jtxdf It For or Governor FORT OR or orSpenker orWAlt orpeksr
Spenker WAIIII WAlt or r any ny other othfr individual individualor Inelhidu I Iuir
or r any y volunteer OIIIIr committee lmit to Ii under undertake ullfllr ullfllrwk tinilertake ¬
take wk their formal einminatlon llnlnnrnl would w11 he hethe t th betilt
the h height iothl of folly fiI ny I inquiry Inlllf ex xpt exeptone xptClle < pt ptone
one Clle authorized Imt hor z by 1 the I thu h law or II by resolu resolution 111 rsesolution ¬
tion of the AfMmblv must 1 t lie l conducted conductedwithout ondlt conductedwithout
without wuhDt power pwr to compel cmrl the presence presenceof plD plDCr
I of Cr witnesses will authority altllr ty to U administer administeroath Acmlniltr Acmlniltrlothl administer1naths
lothl oath or Cr ir the Ih right r ltht to compel lwl answer answerTlie alt answerflie
Tlie nl outcome tCI of such II1 an In inquest is not notdifficult notclni1 notuliflituult
difficult clni1 to toAs fomuH fomuHAH fn fnM
AH M to I to the th charge chnrR themselves th lv they theyhave 1 theyhave 1 1ha
have ha 1 a I decidedv ulei juletlly su nuiMpicious 1piMotl pictou appearance appearanceTlie ppRmnft
Tlie 11 fIe that t the I hp Meneof steno ne of thn th alleged allegedorgy aUJ aUcgedorgy
orgy 015 liim hl Ixtti shifted at leant IRt twice twicefrom twi twifrom twicemmii
from mmii the tt Door lwr of the th Assembly mhly itself itI tornom toriwms to torooms
rooms behind this t Speakers SpnkrM chair and andfinally andlnnly andfinally
finally lnnly to a room rm in another Illhr pnrt uirt of the theCapitol thf theCapitol
S Capitol give i sulwtance llllnnt to the belief beliefthat bl beliefS beliefthirst f ftlll
that tlll the story lor is l if founded on Sn fact factcertainly flt fltrn factiertatnlv
certainly rn llh moot mOlt griMMlv grsnslveagguratsI exaggerated rBItI The Theeffort To Totrrt Theeffort
effort to bolster blr it up I ui with tale tllf of dia diaHiMition ci di disiltation
HiMition siltation lmton in n Trenton road I house hO and andother an andIithuer
other I t report tr i lit unconvincing unnlnrn There Thereha Te
I limit ha hM been b nothing specific Illc worthy orhy of ofseriou
I serious rlOI notice not IC ice however great KAt may be bethe b beS
I the th damage daf that will wi n rseualt ult t to Individ Individual Inlr Individuials ¬
ual II from frm the th nature nalr of the th generaliza generalization KMrUz genersifxations ¬
tion tiof that ttt have been n spread Ipreoa over the theState tbeHat theStat
State StateProbably
HatPrbaby Probably Prbaby the allegation alllAtkM aliegait inns are ar gossip goeaipmagnified eIp eIpm gossipmagnified
magnified m l e to the nth 1th power ppr It It ia iascnrcwly I I Iseareely
scnrcwly rly likely lkely that they thy are a worthy worhy of ofhearing ofbarna ofhearing
hearing barna But ut whether wheth they tby are ar ia 1 a amatter amatfr amatter
matter matfr for Governor FORT FOR to decide decideand did decIdesand
and ad if I hi hi hut conclusion ondulion b I that tht they should ahouldbe IIbouldb
be b probed pr the Ih investigation invtaatln should lhuld not notbe notb notbe
be b a meaningless mRnilll farce fnn but the th sober soberoutcome 10br 10broUtIn soberoutcome
outcome oUtIn of legislative 1jllt Ive action actiontteverldge Rion Rionnevrld actionlirverldge
tteverldge nevrld May lie n Saved HavedFor HYIt HYItFor SavedFor
For nome Imf time tf the tbf nation nltlo ha ha has feared fearedthat ffa fearedthat
that Indiana Indian might mlht deprive 1lrv it of the ser service Mryllln seevice ¬
vice yllln in the Senate Sn t of the Grand Grd Young YoungMan YoucIa YoungMan
Man Ia Against A lift the various vroU forces ron mal making m mallag ¬
lag In for Dmoi Democratic uccen euC even hi hisuperb hi hhi hhisuperb
superb luprh stAtesmanship Itatema hlp seemed mt uncles unclesThe Ule uselessThe
The Te outlook outlok wo 1 disheartening dishearteningBut dlAh
But Iut the th Democrat Dml have lava not not been bn idle idleThey Idl idleThey
They 1y have scented Intt the danger and andniAhed andnlh andrUtih4Ml
niAhed nlh > to t the defence dernC They Ty observe observet obne obnethat observeflint
t hat whemvcr wtlrvr a man m like lke FOOT Fo FoasotMaaaa FoasotMaaaachusetta of Maaaa MaaaachuMtf 11
HAVKXH of New York ork orkcpI
chuMtf Ch11tA or IATOA ao aooept ancepta
oept cpI n Democratic Dmot nomination he h ia iaelected i iselected
elected el The T lemon I I is not not lost lot on them themThey tm tmT themThey
They T promptly prpty ma 101 T4fJ4RT T4fJ4RTth
their th standard ral bearer br rally rly to hie hi hi Blip Blipport suipport up
port por and n defy dfy the th voter YOWn to defeat the theHon th theHon
It I i its A deapnrate dMprf expedient splnt but bui it itmay ItmRY itmay
may produce prduc the t desired dfir effect fff Even EvenIndiana EvenIndinA EvenIndiana
Indiana IndinA nhould holM prefer prfe to bo b represented representedin nrnt
in the Senate Snll by DRTBRIDOR DnBRllR rather ratherthan rther rtherth ratherthan
than th by b TAcwiAirr TAcwiAirrDo TAOA TAOADt
Do Dt not the t various yA and ad InterestIng mtt ao aothritUwof 1 antiviths
thritUwof tIU tiviths 01 the h Hon DO WIUJAM WILM J CUroom OUJoa In Inthe laL Inthe
the L Police PolcOret PoliceDepartment Department furnish lunlh unoontro unoontrovertibU IDOOt uncontyorertibi
vertibU Yflbl proof that tht th t the i Police Poli Cotnml Cotnmlaiooer Cmml CommIslooerwho
aiooer awho looerwho who pltt pertlttsdtbesbuaeathe permitted the tMa abu M the tb Mayor Mayorla Mayortiunowcorrectlngwaaunlttfor faJr faJrno
la tiunowcorrectlngwaaunlttfor now no c correcting waa w unfit uot for his h job jobIn J jobIn < b P
In advance a of the ta theoppesrAno appearance at o Colonial ColonialBooaxvxxjrln CI ColonelEOOaZiZLTh
Booaxvxxjrln a1 London L and aD Oxford Odo the theBritish t th thltiah
British Jt ltiah HasuraltarUn JU 1Iru League L Ll to cireuUt
l <
if I iag traoU tr tracttetaofwhkhtbefollowingon fl of owlkh which t follow foll tag oa 0 The TheMAktog Th ThMaking
Making of the t Brute Bt la I a atcI IIpec peckneci peckneciHag
Hag bH btstsr1 lart c rtal lstss itmem kalekw of ole oler ofbI blc CUM CUML tsLs
L r Ls M rrnM r Presidunt nt MM MM iia la t pthte p at wIll wOLWHOM wIllw0 tl
WHOM w0 pu n In I tt U lbs MtMttlr port ar t So o ML MLTkeM knLta kIllkosS
TkeM fludsrts rt roM t UsIa au ta uanurabtnd umkn tool fl flII ac accMtat acJO
cMtat cMtatOn
On JU all tkbictMc lp b U t5y > r bra brau bragr art Ifeoachuar UOlb laa beat beatTo bt btT
To T ilrlp lp til t lbs lonHleit Ilen lion I of o hla II IITb ku akia akiaTh slsTb
Tb bvtktaat II Irophlra lk of 0 tt t the eu d ekae to 1 w ta 1a1W taNC
NC N 1W hag M I bIg starT t blr I ad adVfthDS5t adVfthDS5tfloeusvT f t a > HI HInettMVBLT 1
nettMVBLT tot r him 11 IeI WBOM w wbocllouabesrl oJtoua G h bu rl It btlad btladTo bUi b4tdTb
To 1 b ness BU kteatlp lCIIW S1PWItA wltt tt l lower 1 kind Uad3aa kinds od odS
3aa S s but I aa cauM sins for mae la t ptrwrul ptrwrulA l
A tto l the a la I Hiat from r ont oru po pot l till tillWitt 511m
Witt m l tBMT tne neln nae ttM s abouldtt OI ponder pdff well wcUHrmtmtfr wellAesssta d
Hrmtmtfr Ut 11 w4 mvt aitt BW4 M 1 f trunr trunrTaia brelThis r rI
I This 1 may be b a scurrilous Alu attack attek oa 0 a aCroat aI agreat
I Croat t faunal rt naturalist t but bt It U not aa aaaaoayvaeua a aU anaaotJ0u
aaoayvaeua U attack a The n ooaaat lt ia I aixa signed signedwith po d dwlta
with wltl the aaaae of 0 HBMBT BrmrHEX 8TPBI HAUT HAUTwH HAI HAIw HALwell
wH w kaowa I aa a mountain lta cumber Ub a afriead afriend
friend r of o intejiaU 1 a al lover of o theatrenuoua theatrenuoualife t the ouou atrenuous atrenuouslife
life Uf out ol of door and a biographer of ofTHOMKAC ofTuu ofTitoaau
t blope
THOMKAC Tuu Mr M SAIT 8 Kaa h put pl condiment condimentof 10dimet
of another t kind kl Into Jt the fourteenth t fore th verae veraeof vereeof t
of his b rcatarkable sonnet aoaaotof
nr o oA
t EnpIeft of a OtBltTe < t ai tae taeBTMX ti ffieBreax
BTMX ZaetMHeal eteal 1 Park rarhTo Pr ParkTo
To TIB fa Korroa EDna or TBB n Bex RCMSir Sir Fifty Klftrpenoa fify fifyP Fiftypersons
persons P mr mTI mrilf lf Included laeudf aw w II marrrlloua marrrllouaexhibition mrUoshlblton marvelloush1bttto
exhibition shlblton h1bttto of olt at Ifoat III emhrjroBlc mnlryonkreaaon mnlryonkreaaonon r aon aonon
on the part pr of on 0 of the th t wo n oranioutano oranioutanowhich oranunphlcb orangoutanewhich
which occupy opr the te double dOlbl apartment at t th thHroox tbral the theHronx
Hroox ral BOO wIth lb Daldy lh chlmpanw chlmpnJJ at atS 1
S odook odO In the h afternoon neaon of April Apri l I iS B Bt 8 He Heiween >
t iween en tbo tbeae lb cc > U 14 a low lodorwarand door doorwaysod wayand arroan arroanth acre acrethe 1
th the top of It 1 were nailed al two 0 board br oo ooeither 00tbr oneither
either tbr Ild Ida td of th the partition pton elth It 1 an n open openapae onape openspace
space ape of about abll four loW Inches IbCb between bHn the theboard th thbrdl theboard
board brdl The Te Th pet playtblnc pl7blnc of thU tht particu particular patl ¬
lar la ar oranr ornl la i a round rlnd club cilb about abt fifteen Inrbelone inches Inb10e incheslonz
lone 10e and an two tw Inch In inches In diameter dlm Orana OranaeTldentlr OrnldnUwntoD01 Orangevldentlywantdooaot
eTldentlr evldentlywantdooaot ldnUwntoD01 wanted OB of the th boanln branclbl boarilend and thin IhUIH
IH I bow he b got It ItThe ItT itTheclubwsa
The T Theclubwsa club dlb ce waji Inserted In bet bttuen Veen n thetxiKrili thetxiKrilinot th tanl tanlno
not no In the t middle mldl or at t hapharord haphlr hut hii hiion hsuiat hsuiaton at aton
end nd Sol Solthe SolI Sotth
on vnd nd and always at the Ih earn mO
the I th h leant wonderful wnndrrll part par of the I h operation operationwit orlon orlonth
wit the th way the Ib club lb wan adjusted dJf tn obtain obtainthe obln oblnI oblainthe
the I h retest 1t purchase plrrhu If I U was Imtertnl Imtertnltoo lfrld
too 10 hip up It 1 would wOlld be lowered lo till I the h Brest Breste CI
e 01 1 Ivrrrase Ie rap waa a obtained oblnf After fter lr about aboutten aboutten houttn
ten or twelve atlemptt the Ih nail of one nn of oft ofIh ofthe
t Ih the h hoard bor started The T oranic oran would olld pa paInto p pee peeInto
Into the tb other ol a c c cage e brace ba himself hnlf and nd tm puab puabon h hon
on the Ih board b at the th loosened 11f end Hed Hedthen ltedthen IdIbn
then return I1 to t th the other olh ra nee and nd n ue tie the theclub th thdlb thevluta
club dlb again 04alnThese n nT
These T u operation Oaton were continued Inlal till I I the theof I thend h hnd
end nd of o onail the tb board br wo a finally tnalr freed frf1 and nd lbs tboi lh lbsnails
nail i drawn i iUorreottoa out 01 When thi happened hppn Mr MrOrang MrOrang tr trUraa
Orang Uraa fell head bf or over r heel MI e greet 1 wa lhe lheforoe 1 b bfor haroro
foroe for b b ha applied ppl Then Tn with humanlike humanlikedeliberation hlmnli humanlikadalibriatton
deliberation dtlbtoa be b took lok tb the b free fn end nd of the b board boardtn br
tn one on band bDd and ad worked worlf It I bock 11 and nd forth forthtilt fnrthtU forthidi
tilt tU th the nail lU ea > n the th opposite oppl end nd of the theboard Ih Ihbr lbsboard
board free br fr were r broken broln off of o and the th board rd rdfr wa wafree wantree
freeWhen When hf be b retired to a corner mr of the Ih Ihlh ease caewith easewith
with lh the Ib board trf the eiprntalon Ib on the h face f of ofthe ofth ofthe
the th ape b was a evidently InU sson of great lt al eatta eattatctlon att attfaction
faction tatoa aP aa was w ever rn seen on that of any child childwho chid chidwho chililwho
who had accomplUhed cmpllh something amIhlnl he h had hadset hadOlt hadeat
set out Olt to do doVow doSow dosow
Vow sow the th oranr ornl wanted wnlf to Bet the eh board boardoff bnl bnlo boariloEf
off It I u used ed the only pomlble mean for a an andoing o odolnB
doing o doln ul th h Im earns am mean mn plb a carpenter would wouldhave sosildhave 011 011h
have h used If reaaon ronaUt tnlt crpnr In de desiring desiringsomethIng lrlnif lrlnifHOinelhlnc Irln IrlnItlhln
uo I
somethIng Itlhln and ad the Ib ualnc 1ln of the b only mean meanaof mnof meanof
of accomplIshing tmpllln thin Ihl desire dllr then the theoranc Ih Ihorn theolIn
olIn orn reaaoned fDf John KurroiKh lunolb to tha thacontrary th thcntrry thscontrary
contrary cntrry notwithstanding notwithstandingH DOlbtndin
DOlbtndinCtlM11 H CHMMIK CtlM11 HVBT HVBTNBW ItT ItTNw fltirNew
New Tons April 21 21OF 21WI0 uiMIaNT
Uorreottoa Vtr f Two To Mtslradte Hall Krrors t In InRecord Ina InReeseds
Record a s1 1 attest Cumnnicrr CumnnicrrTo emeresTo
To TBB KniTon Fnlrl or TUB Tis 8nHir Sew Sir In InFebruary InFb InYbruary I
February Fb of this Ib year er there tb appeared pP In InTUB InTa InTue
TUB Ta Sfx 8t a statement of talltlr tlll concern concernIng tD concernIns
Ins la Ih progr po of the Ih world great L Lrr eea eeaport ensperLe 1
port rr Hottertlam HoUnm tbe fifth Iflb large port pri in inthe II inlb
the lb world waa omitted omittedThe oml1T omittedThe
The T secretary ert1 of o Ih New York ork Chamber Chambernf lmbr lmbrof
nf Commetc omm ommeteC C anal 1 m me a proof Jrof chest h from fromwhich I Ihkh Iwhkh
which hkh I saw l that In th Iho the > annual report rlrl Mot Motlerdsm n lIntlerilam I Irdm
lerdsm was duly dul rlaed and ud I therefore thereforeattributed IhereforattrItuted
attributed IUlble your olr omUslou in an n error eror and andlet nutlet 11
although hh widelr rd rda
let Ih ha matter m rt ltl
a an your paper r I l th ii t no omiw omlt omtaeion > lon n must mi hate hatebeeu ha hau hcebeen
been u painful to all au Hollander Hollanderfront lollndn lollndnFrm IloltandernFrom
front Frm plDflllo1 enclosed eadO cilpptn dlrplI on O I he Ih World WorldForeign WorldFoID WoridForeign
Foreign Commerce emm which Ich apt plrd > eared In InTn I InTaP
Tn TaP Mfx t Mt you 01 ou will not aole that hl a gain an In no men mention mnron menlion ¬
lion I In mod of wi tb lbs b Netherlands Sbolnd lllollandi lllollandialthough IloUnd IloUndlhoeb Iliollandsalthough
although ron lhoeb m full tll statistics tlll have ho been n available availablefor Uabl Uablfor
for eome om me time 11 past pastThe pantThe l lTh
The Th Hhlppln World of 110 110 give el the thefollowing Ih Ihfoilnlnc thetotlowing
following foilnlnc ngfifwn nCCt 0gsit for Holland 161fudl on page lJI lJIImport 12IDI l3unlunpocW
I 11e 11elipar Import Im 110 110 Oorln 1 54rJ7WOOO U1e equals equalsRipori I quau quau11e
Ripori Ysp 110 110 Bortns lo U ZIInn lmtom equals equalsim Iul Iulsn i iFrom
im < 22 B1U B1UKrom
sn snfrom
from Ih be above b figure 11 you ro will wi a ee that thatthe thattteNebrlaiWn h hIt
the Netherlands It Slbrln I Holland IloUadl I lake lak fIfth place placeamong pl plmone plaoamong
among the Ih nation alon of the h world following followingflooely fololbl foilon lug lugtIoaIy
flooely upon Ih the b heel h1 of Franc ra which for fora
a nation nton nationofabilt of about blt S7SOOOO 1 7Xnpopu1ation population pPllalon i l cer certainly mrltnIy r ¬ I
I tainly Inlr a tupendou udo showing Ihowlll proportionally proportionallyunsurpassed rrofrlooly proportionallyunsurlnan4d
unsurpassed 1 or anywhere nrwb near na atned inslletl by byauy 1 ty tyatly
auy u oilier 01 he nation IloQ on earth earthCH earthIIACLWR fb I
MAX fA KBAKCISCO 111 April Api Is IsTo I ITo I ITu
To TUX Tlt Ti1 EDITOR FPITa or 0 orTius THB Sfx fI cir 11 Amer AmerIrsn Amerrats
Irsn 11 rats paper pr or rather the tb writer wrlr should shouldrealize ho I IrI IS
S realize rI that Ih tonnage tODD aa figured tCt In Amerfra AmerfraI
I lastly vaatl t different dlrrO from that figured nCl else elsewhere elanwhere 1 1hr ¬
where hr An American ve veaL 1 of ar r an sd sdvertlwl adveutleed
vertlwl rl registered tonnage tonn of IVimi tons tonswould tonwould on onwOlld
would wOlld lx equivalent to 0 about bit f tstu ot fa i rTenrh rTenrhor nh nhor
or Toon 11 British nrith I think Honcknng ionalIn still stillhold tuillholds fl flhold
hold the Ih palm for world trade and nd It Itnlume I iivellum
vellum IIm could clid b I be doubled dnub or tripled rlp were weremirlran r rmrlan rs I Itruerlcan
mirlran manufacturer maltdlrl lo awaken k In 0 the thetxT theIseceacary h hrQllrlnnl
txT Iseceacary ary requirement rQllrlnnl for doing dolne an eiixirl eiixirlInislneM riprltnuIneam 1IMI
InislneM In r t I M MHOXUKOMO tIlluuko50 I Illacb
HOXUKOMO March llacb llacb1I MarchlIls1 IS ISMIV5
Slow little un tU ItlX4wkdie XAwwtfstc W er f the th I nltrrse nltrrserWMea flu flufbleh
1 o
rWMea 11 H He U oa A Alol Atom AtomTo torn I ITo I
To rae T EPITOB Fnn or THB Hujt fu Sir ir Mnt Mntdiffer M fnmlcItIzen I IcUkn
differ cUkn of this Ih republic nptblo know kDO where hr they theyrelerrvtrUlly theyatlryeatrlalty hyrlnllr
relerrvtrUlly rlnllr but bl many mr of our cltlen cltlendo IIh IIhdo
do not know lDo where br they lb are n In relation rlton to totheir tolhIr 0 0blr
their solar aa ystm m and n there Ib eiists si no mitt cltla 11 11D
5 a of our or own OW or any other olb nation Dton who can cantail rnlel cantell
tail lel even T approximately the li Its position 11lon In th thunlver the theunlTme h huIT
unlver uIT of his ii III planet plat horn We W know kio that thatour thatour h hou
our ou solar alar system om Is sailing la swiftly r ro ttwelv ttwelvor
or o more 8 mil muss U every aDI coad > a an upon POD some somenaled acmeid om omle
naled le id commbwlon hloa amid ml an D unfathomable unfathomableocean nfbomhlor
ocean of atbr and that our world orld1lul U Ualtuatexl I Iaitusted
altuatexl ai spprozlflLatiT pps1I > proxlmally tb a ai t the th enormous enormousdtouac enormoudWtascs normoid
dtouac d of Jtoeoe80o80ow IUO miles DU from rom the thenoorsat Ih Iht theknown
noorsat known t 0 foreign tOrl sun un Alpha Alpb Ceataurl Ceataurlbut Cnlrl CnlrlbuS
but w know kow not Do wber br our olr tiny I planet pl plpC t tplaced Ipicsd
placed In rcspaot t to Ib the ualverse wtielher wtielheraa
aa a pC baa be been a suggested Bear ne tb the moIre DIre or orat orat orat
at an b biouettlatuo I IuicnIO1l ttl distance dliac from Im ll llllowaver I ItPlowers
llowaver a = w do know lao something Imebl about aboutour aboutour b1 b1our
our tO plsaeta pUo In I tb t the solar ala system 0 0IWO be between 1wtwesa ¬
IWO 11 tba tb orbits obR of o Venus u and a Mars X iare We Weknow weknow
know that an aperoxlmat apzl dlatanc dlln of 2 27cnoso
70000000 100 Ino ratios ml 1 aaparataa Mp egtsraL u u urn from trm Neptune Neptunetba SI SIb Neptinthe
the b outermost ormu known IDOWI planet plt of our oa aye system ayetan
tem and that tbt aJthough Uob our own orbit orbitvarte orbi orbitvajias
varte a in I dtatoac d from tr the tbIUB SUB aims th th the average averagettatane a ato averagedtnc
ttatane to K log I Hot Sl to I about bl nBeoooo 00 m lies liesW 1M 1MWe lIenWe
< W We know lao also ah that our Olr worlds wore world orbit orbil has ha an anapproxlmat Anppod snapproalmats
approxlmat ppod revolution oul of Mtonoowi O mile mileaa mi nullenan
aa n orbit which blb our or earth Ih complete In MVi MViday M ss ssdays
day tat a vploeityof velocity Iodl of eighteen lhn cmp and n a half halfmile b1 baitmiles
c mile miles a oerondl ndl w wa ar are acquainted ula more moreor mo
or mlM less 1 with wlb our otr distance d from fro the Ih < other otherplanoM nbrpe otherganelit
planoM and Ib Ue planetoid and nd with lb the thevary Ih thevarying
pe vary varying Ing 1 a WtanoB draC pno from frm Olnl occasional comet cometMany cm cmD cometsMany
Many D ot UB know Inu considerable ralebl respecting respectingour Inl
our own ow o solar r household bouhol but all 1 ol u I or orgroping a are aregropffig
olr groping In I Ih be dork dk when whe we seek 1 to 0 0I ascer ascertain aerIstn ¬
tain p even tb tb the approxlmst position plIon of our ourplanet orp ourgtlaM
I atlt
planet bom a SISMI kl tba tb Inoaloulabl IDlb and In Incomparable II Iiicomparble
lo u a
comparable p le universe ul of today todayCBIBLCB lo todayCantLes
nOKID flaooglnrS Has H M April Api m mHale 2 2F 20Eugene
F Eugene Hale HaleTo H HTo 053eTomElrmoZ8VX
To TomElrmoZ8VX THB T Bnrroa Ena or THB Ta 8cv Air a i II I I Icts IctspIty8tat n npltr IIpltr8to
pltr pltr8to pIty8tat Senator ° Qaln Qt foal IJ called rlf upon lpn to retire retirefor retirefor U Ufo
for fo the tbl low 10 of him h acrrtcea r rvtee will wi be b a aerlou aerloublow enriosieblow rlol
blow to thecountry thecountryIt tbeortl the country countryIts
bo It Il Its wan one o of the b very few r who In the thelUxMMYeltlan th thJltla theItooveItiati I
lUxMMYeltlan Jltla eTa TB > had b the tl manliness mnln to n rental reUtthe rlttb rentalthe
the tb Impetuoaltr Ipuo that tbt tried trl to carry rrr rrrbl every everything everythIng ¬
thing bl before bor U I In whirlwind blrlwt fashion and nd lo lodo 10do todo
do what b be b l Judged luC beat bt for fo the tb country cuo r He Hetried I U Utrid
tried rle to t bare b practtoed prcl the tb economy he hepreached h hpe haSd
preached preachedTct Sd SdYet
pe Yet personally apeak apeklng pNIDomtr Ing Fknator Hale I Ifolly Iry 1fuflujuetiSed
folly fuflujuetiSed JuMlned JU8 py In I retiring Iln He n could Illd not nn nnpUe a a agrnUma agwnlleon
grnUma ry ntaaia J1 tn I the Senate It much mlrb Icnjsr Icnjsrand leeprM cnar cnarsod
and pUe refrain from fm frorneipmeSdnn eiprea epncla lng la denunciatory denunciatoryterma dnunInr dnunInrtem
terra M tem r hi hl his feeling rll at t the language JI that ha haof h hof has hasotlntsSid
of 1a1oaDd lota andtooofUnalaatbeen toooa tal 1 n permitted permittedthere pirmlttdtheen ood oodtbff
there without reproof reproofHo nrp f fb
Ho h he retire with b the gratitude Ullld of the thecountry Ih Ihcouniry thecountry
country for hi b services and nd regret for lila hiaretirement hlaIICP lilaretirmn
retirement IICP E T W WN WN WNaw
N Naw w YOBB Yo April 71 71G
G 051 a4 Old rather 1 1Ida Katlckarftaakar KatlckarftaakarWho EakkrksIiWho
Who wouUBl Ida work for Father Path bar Katck KatckTb KIIIcIIDe EnIctr
Tb r daarcot of aa patent paMnTw SIda
w btowa Ida hi OOB M ermopttocn bod bodABd adIaAIII4 fae faen
ABd n then to tips tka wattctt
TonmE To vu noaOlT1uI8imfI ntvoa opTwn Sve81r What WlIatde Whatdo
do the by byolone oloctlom I tUa year for ferof maaiben maaibenof sinbei sinbeiof
of tae Ho H Xcoe flrat rit la uri tlss ltrl then la laMattochuaatteaad IBMMacwh InMaachusoti
Mattochuaatteaad MMacwh Maachusoti and aaallyia nafly Ia Iaponeod this district dtewiotportend districtportend
portend 1 Ia I it anything very aerioua aeriouaFoliUcal NriOtlllPPoli ertosmPolitical
Political Poli calta eremta v Bta revolve to cyoittf C7 Thai Thaiwhich Thatwhich I Iwblh
which oevmato 1M to be novel la I really reallyasold Mold M Mtho naIke
tho tII hills It has happened ajpOa This TalipmoefltConre I11fep Thispresent
pmoefltConre p present t CoDC Congress aUtheaxtynnrt Ie Twenty Twentyyean Tweetyeara Twentyyenta
yean a ago o was the flftyfirat It BrodiMed BrodiMedReedioro prcd prvduedReediwn i
Reedioro the McKlnley 4cKinl tariff the aMa aatttruot aM61 aM61truat aMatrust
trust law w and hl high h pricea and diminished d4mhilalierlpurchaalnc diminishedpurchasing aIlaledpurchulne
purchasing power of the tb dollar Marti Martion
on theo tb PreaidMit had been put pu ia ones efltowith oIIeewitb oneswith
with Mnt7 vote le 1 less s than hla hi competitor competitorClovaland CCBIIerCle1aod competitorCleveland
Cleveland had Reed of Maine MIae8PMkr WM WMSpeaker wasSpeaker
Speaker A statue to comaMatovate hb hbhoaorable WbOl1orabl Wehonorable
honorable service la oooo to be welled welledIn nUed nUedIn
In bla bl native flute by ReBubUeaaa Repu Hi Hiwaa H Hw Nwas
was w Republican leader of the tII Heuo Mm te teIM IB111M InIMS
IM la I InAuguetof Aucuot of that year yearwhen rwll when speak apomkina fIIMbaa speaktug
baa In Portland of the danger of monopo monopolies munopoliesbessId nopoo nopooIlea ¬
lies liesbessId liesbessIdI he Mid MidI
I bar M lIstened to more me kUeMe kilo rartag ra rar BUT BUTpanaiwow netspsdtwcsa
panaiwow root r oa tact UI subject eject haa auOUtaldo t oa aH oiban oibanput r rput
put WItsr ocl r OuMd OUtaldo ot the Patent OAea oean ttMr ttMran ne neSr
an Sr oe a mooopoSe poIJI la tile cjaaaur 01rT sad udIn tfecreavrar tfecreavrarcan there tsv tsvcan
can be beIn beIn
In the next Congress Coaa after enactment eaaetaeetor eeact Ior enactmentortho
or ortho the McKinley tariff t aad the antitrust oatitruotlaw 1ruIIt 1ruIItor
law of 1MO the Rcpubllcaa had la the teeHouo the1I011M theHouse
House only 001 M vol oleo a That waa twenty twentyyeara twentyyears
years 11 ago aaolUd and about twenty yean earlier earlierthere oatHsthere 1Ier 1Ierthen
there was Republican Insurgency IMurcetlO7Grant again againGranta ejalnetGrant
Grant Administration oa now there tJa Is iaaxalnct IsqaJutTaft IsagalnatTaft
axalnct qaJutTaft Tafta the thoataDdoolHllIeea cause aad ooaM consequences naaeei naaeeiof
01 which Senator Depew la old eeouca cue to toexplain tofspln toniplain
explain The cycle seem twenty yean yeanapart 7MfII1 7MfII1apart yearsapart
apart apartA
A somewhat cynlaal but weatherwlM weatherwlMpolitical wentherwisepolitical therwloe therwloepolltloal
political observer not unlike the senior torHfIotor seniorSenator eanlotKejiator
Senator in Washington from this Slat BtateKave ma maAY Slatgave
gave < expression on the night of the AI AIdridjo AIdridp Aldridge
dridjo defeat and nd the haven Ha victory Ylcto to toa toa
a novel plan for arresting Republican Republicandemoralization RepubloandfmoraUzaUon Republicandtmorallnatlon
demoralization Itiabaaedonthepromlax Itiabaaedonthepromlaxthat It Ut bu on the premise premIMthat
that a party In power IB rarely rarel defeated defeatedby
by b minority criticism but generally by byit byItA byits
it its own dereliction Republican revolt yolt ia ianow Ieno Isnow
now no putting the party In peril perilThat perilnt perilThat
That weatherwtoe observer 0 of party partyweather partytbM partyweather
weather tbM think that President Tafli Taflifidelity TndflIty TaftsfIdelity
fidelity to the talking policy of hU Im Immediate 1mIDftiJate Ianingdiate ¬
mediate predecessor baa had much to do dowith dowith dowtththe
with wtththe tae result of this tid yearabyelecUoea yearabyelecUoeaand years byelectJo byelectionsand a I Iand
and BO he proposes pro the rule of taciturnity taciturnityfor
for all 11 bead of departmenta In Washing Washington WuhJnctoalaoIucHna
ton toalaoIucHna Including the AttorneyOeneral He Hewould Deould Hewoukj
would have ha them henceforth fed faatoneddown feddown fasteneddown
down at t the sent t of Government TIM Tbeobserver TIMotMerTer TheobsrvM
observer appreciated fully run the suggestion suggeatloamadu
mad to him that an example of Immo Immobllltr Immoblllt Immobllity
bllltr blllt and d taciturnity should ould b be out by the thechief thechlr thechief
chief He U did not shrink rink from web ap applloaUon apoplllDtion applIcatlon
plloaUon of Executive reform I Inot must muatnot mustnot
not be understood aa intimating IatJ tina that the thesenior thoaeralor th thsenior
senior Senator in Washington from this thisSUte thleStatelmUted thIsState
State StatelmUted insisted oath on the new policy of silence aileecFar silenceFar Ieaoe
Far 10 from ill When the reply pI cam that thatRoooevelt thatR thatRooeyolt
Roooevelt R vek had made popularity aa Frost President PreaIdflDt Frostdent ¬
dent by travailing and speechmaking the thaman thomaD theman
man who made the lb reply was invited invitedto
to recall 1 the dtflaatroua dYIaatnJuaOIIe money potato of ofthree ortbIM ofthree
three yean ra ago < 0 that cam from furious furious1denunciation rurieuedl furiousdenunciation
denunciation dl la speeches of those th who waomanaged wtaofPIICeIl whomanaged
managed the State corporations IB which whichare
are Invested all that millions of race aDd aadwomen aDdWotnflD andwoman
women have bato to Invent InventRun mytRun inveatRun
Run over the th list of the twentyoil twentyoilPresident twfllltyhtPrNidellta twntysizPresidents
President and note bow beneficial have havebeen bayLb haybeen
been the Lb administrations dmlll lUatlona of the silent1u1e1 silent silentfiller lent lentt1koof
filler Magistrates MagistratesPreachera YCIetnPrtoacb MagistratesPreachers
Preachers Prtoacb pulpit exhortera and lId plat platform platfonn pintfomni ¬
form lecturer even of a high order onlernot are arenot arenot
not likely Uk I to make manager of businena businenacorporation buttin buttinCUrponttloDII businenecorporations
corporation In which prudent prod t persons personswould penoruawould personswould
would wish Iab to put their r savings IDc Tad Taciturnity Tadtllmlt Tadtuimnity ¬
turnity tllmlt baa also lao been the 1h peculiarity of ofeminent 01mlnent ofeminent
eminent dispensers dla of justice from the thobench thebcmch thelienth
bench aDd of the maut au uoceaaftil 1I1 military militarycommanders mlUta mlUtacommaod militarycommanders
commanders commandersThe commaodThe
The politioally weatherwUe observer of ofwhom ofwhom ofwhom
whom I writ rite Insisted that existing Re Republican Republican Repubiican ¬
publican Insurgency COTBO one of unnecessary unnecoaamrypeechrrutklng uan uanpMCbmaJclna unnecessaryspeechmaking
speechmaking approved by the Preeident Preeidentof
of the details of recent tariff schedule scheduleHe schedulesliethenwent
He II liethenwent then went on tooay to tosaywith wltbomphanisthat wltbomphanisthatthe wlt1a emphasis that thatIt thatthe
the It less 1 uttered by b Republicans in au authority auIhorit authority ¬
thority Ihorit on the Potomac from now till next nextNovember DestSomboltr nextovomber
November of Federal Ffdforallnquillition Inquisition prosecu prosecution procMCUlion prosecution ¬
tion and persciiUonof p8 Uonor State corporations corporationsthe corporatloDIIthelXttflr
the thelXttflr I he better Thooawornw Those worms ormamalUtbqainl ormamalUtbqainlInt may turn again againPresident againPresident
President Int Taft was w wisewhett be wrote wroteto rote roteto
to Congress a in his special p cUl mae of lost lostJanuary lutJalluary lastJanuary
January JanuaryII
II tfcouM not no be ib I potter of 0 to Ute Oovernmeat Oovernmeatlo oOYentmM oOYentmMI
I lo preteal pr rrawiuble roocentraUoo of capitaL op4ULeblrh capitaLI capitalebkh
eblrh l nre a neenary arx U to > the ecooorale fa development developineolot
ot tntnufirture lr trade d and 04 commerce commerceWho commerceWho m
I Who hn in I to 0 decide on reasonableness reasonablenessThe ffaIIIOnablenTh
The Th Atlnrneytieneral will 11 do well U to toleave toI
I leave I that declaration afl it Is If tb tbprment the tbenl theirennt
prment nl TortKreM Clnl ongreen will 11 not ratIfy raUl It and andenact andenact nd ndM
enact M a reasonable atandard then all 11 the thnwome th theI
I worm 0 will w ll it lie I for Congreaai COD < Any An more momrUeciiliv moreSfCuliv moreFzaeitiv
rUeciiliv thret threat4lnln ninK < of State oorpora oorporatinn oorporaIlInllll corporalions
lions may ilia added my observer only onlloteo onlloteoif mIen Intenaify mIensify
IlInllll aify if tiext t Novmnlier the results this year yearin
in MiMOiiri llMclm 1IIfW1CLoltl tta and nd New ew York YorkKorHKMTKn YorkHOCHJtatTIIt YorkItocunsinui
KorHKMTKn April 21 A T M Mraver 11I MYar
I raver r Blgat r Defy BotrTTo DefyTo y f fTn
To THE TH Enema rro or 0 THC Stm Rtnfl r Mr MrRaymond lrnymond lr lrRaymond
Raymond H Araot haa rery 17 lucidly ex explained cxplatneil I IplIMtI ¬
plained the h jurisdiction of th the Stale and andFederal andFederal nd ndsr1
Federal tJovernmenl In the lb matter of tb tbsuffrage lbsuffrage h hlIlIral
suffrage but II ta rtrex regrettable table thai la com common eommon cornmon ¬
mon with lIh moat m of those Ih who bo dlacu d tba tbaqumllon lb lb1IlIon lbvisetion
qumllon he should hay b fallen Into lha lhaerror Ih Iherror lberror
error of peaking klD of It aa a privilege 11I and anda nd ndII
II a favor for this hlll would Imply that the lhat tbaumIN thexercbse
umIN t err to of the I h fraBchtaa confer lIOal certain certalopolitical cert1npoIlUCAI certainpolitical
political advantages dTana on the lb voter that are arenot arenot r rno
not no enjoyed by the Ih nonvoter nonvoterXow nonyo nonyoSow nonvoterNow
Sow whatever la I Ib lbc oo la I other poll pollHe pollII polllien
He II I hi la I not true la I our where b Ib Ibfunction tbflJnlwn the thefincliotu
function of tba voter I is the choice of legi legilatlro I I1lIn legilaura
laura repreentatlre PfCItataU who shall enact 01 leg leglalallon 1 1tlon legIatatkrn
lalallon tlon that Ih shall hlIppl apply without dletlnctloo dletlnctloolo
lo 0 voter 01 and Dt noarolem alike atikA alikeA lIk lIkA
A great deal 1 of fa fl rea 11II0111 reasoning oolng a as to the theocalleil tb thoeallil
ocalleil 111 right lo 0 the Ib ballot would be beavoided beold1 bevoWd
avoided old1 If It were ent undertood that under underour and andor underour
our ylem m of government the Ih pooaoaeloaof pooaoaeloaofIh
Ih franchise frwth I in not In fact a right at t all allbut silt siltbut 11 11bo
bo but a duly dI Imposed In ll Its discretion by b the theKiala tb tbII thetal
Kiala II on the t Individual for Ih the h purpoa of ofrarrylcg ofcrrIII ofcarryIng
rarrylcg on the Ih Oovemmenl ia tb the com common IOIDmOD cornmoo ¬
mon Inlereot Inler and nd that Ih they b who wboh wb posses pnsieaathe possesIhe
the h franchise and nd they Ih who do 0 not are aub aubJect aubect ubJet
Jet ect lo totbisequtal the Ib equal operation fl of Identical IdnUcallaw IdnUcallawTh law lawThe lswTb
The Th fallacy general DlnIl today that every everyon vryon
on has a right to Ih the exercise Jere of politi political poiltIccl ¬
cal 1 function Irrespective Ir of the conae conaequencea ee eeI eon eonIluelteen
I quencea 10 the h body I politic I based oo ooIgnorance oaInoran onignorance
Ignorance Inoran of the rh very principle of 0 govern government governmeat ommnl ¬
meat which to I that Government exUtfor exUtforthe exist L for lorII forthe
the II protection of the Ih Individual In the b en enJmcai a aarn nIOfnI
IOfnI arn at of hi natural und rights rl taed and that I ma manecessity o onefenelly 0nII
necessity political meaure are re JuallOabl JuallOablor JUU abl ablDr
or not no a as they Ih do or do not lend to the lb sue auocfful sueeensful uo uofl
cfful fl achievement of thin hl reii renSill 11 A Itllte ItllteIhoughl lIuleIbollchl ittiteIlioughi
Ihoughl might convince ihn Ih Ihene who ho peak apeakof peakof
of the fundamental right to 0 vote 01 that an anact anact
act 11 like 1111 the marking of a ballot who whOM con coneminence connfptl conenquuencea
eminence nfptl affert Ir not nn merely th ths h doer but In Inequal inequal
equal degree every rr member of the Stat Htaleb StatineWen tal talIIdeo
b IIdeo tde I lIInd ii an act In which every ry member of ofIbe ofIb ofthe
the Ib RInSe IA besides ha h ban an equal qullnlrt Intermit with withhumelf withhlIf withhtmaIf
humelf and nd In which the lb h Stale Kt colle Cflllectllr Cflllectllrhu tlver tlverha
ha an infinitely greater Intermt ao that lbs tbnpneudo lhou lbspeitudo
pneudo u ln right of Ih the Individual to do It ItnnthlD la laa isas
a as nothing compared to that of the lb lbtotlrlivetr 0tfa 0tfarollertlveir 81411o1I1r
rollertlveir to deride lde whether he b shall or orball orb1I orbat
ball not do 11 It K J OVITDOX OVITDOXXrw Dt7J1bOIfSrw DvxnogNaw
Xrw Yon April pru M MX 20Pat
X st str t tratTbe
ratTbe r Pat TIle rescue u la I to 0 folad bow bowthere many m folk folkMike 1ItUIIIIPI
IIIPI ar arMIIfrflln are arentkrMne
Mike MIIfrflln rntne thin ra they abouM b bold U another It to tofated tontotl1lCJ1lt usfntQd
fated ntotl1lCJ1lt bow bO many them the aint aintStraUflcatlw aintStstiIttles t tauauau
StraUflcatlw StraUflcatlwKBlekar auauauKlde StstiIttlesgncests
KBlekar lIa lIau U Saabhs lths bows a s noncagedr noncagedrBackor nsoeigag4iemterVp
Backor iemterVp Op is > tta km The em was t urn urnan > tar tara berIe
an a act st tte OOMMMM Ie pay pa ler r repeka r aadl 4 4a4uspsSsee ttw IM
M IID a4uspsSsee par I
WITH IT TBK 7HZtarisen SSBR6 SSBR6llearoe U
tarisen Sf Desetere rwter ft ftvne
vne ffi pSelMeadvd pSelMeadvdMoat aN aNMeuoo
llearoe Moat county baa for Ue e fret Ua time > to torvnecabraaoe IIIa Inymembrano
rvnecabraaoe a DecBoeratlc atI Congressman Coagrtesouinbeoauoa Coa Congressmanbecause D Dbaoa
because baoa Mr Aldridge AIcIrW knowing that Ib Ibbualseaa the thebustae
bualseaa bwlla Interests of Rochester and that thatappajeattr tb tbto thatapsrsnIty
appajeattr to Ute best party arallmeot ap approves approves p proYeCI ¬
proves his teadership was persuaded ntuld tbat tbata tbattor thatas
as a aaadktatai for elective office oil his popular popularMr populrWOGId
Mr would b bet equally manifest Ha It know knowbetter kno knobetter knowsbatter
better BOW BOWInaMentaHy BOWIwtaq
InaMentaHy tae Ut Democratic party rt has hasaBMTMtlr haaao4I1Ilnt1 hasapsreMy
aBMTMtlr aoovlred that watch It baa been beenBsekter lIMna beenseeking
seeking aa a available lhble upMate candidate ndldI for forGovernor torOoYftDor forOovernor
Governor GovernorTha
Mr 2 Deanes Prophesies Prophesies7en rlln rllnAlNtIW
7en 0 AlNtIW 1 1TtIo Jeaenel JeaenelThe
The Bfamieal teenS of the M e Monroe county countyleeMea eoulyeIeetIee countyciectios
leeMea wiH aiaaa the UI nomination lIIation for Oor OorarBor 00 00of Ooverase
arBor of WMaai R Hearst H on aa Indo IndopmrUat ladetIe lad ladHeadset
Headset tIe aad his h possible Indorse Indorsea indorsemeet
a meet at br the e Democrats and d a campaign campaignof fDIIlcnof
of slander M4 r and maekraktao ekrakla la this State Statedarts mtdwlBa Iltatedurg
darts i k > oaam oemlng fall that will be unprece unprecedented UD unpreefdented ffftl ffftldaaW ¬
dented Is II history
Mr MeH 8IItHne I Laments LamentsFven meat meatFrtm
Frtm OH Weveevf jHtntat jHtntatTne J JerusiThe
The loo J of the ThbtyoecoBd coacl Ceagree Ceagreedistrict Coa CoadtatrW Congreandistrict
district to the Rtwbucana ls lamentable lamentableWhether lamntblWIt lsmntablWhether
Whether WIt the result 1Ilt of yeat yesterdays rdara election electionla
la th < J a lo the unpopularity of Mr George W WAldrtdg WAIck1ctce WAIdrtdgs
Aldrtdg tae Republican candidate or orbeeaoM orbeoa orbecause
because beoa of d4atttfactlon with the Aldrich AldrlchParae AldrirhPaJll AldrichPayne
Payne tariff bill U 1 matter little The ThereauH Th ThnsuIt Theresult
result makes uaoertatn the I continuance of ofBepabUeaa orhUeaD ofpabUoan
BepabUeaa hUeaD supremacy In the various rtou Re Republican R RlIn11 BepuWloan ¬
publican > lIn11 districts dtlltrt l of this u State StateMr mIHr Iltate3cr
Mr Caa 0I8Bfn esies rs rsmt e A Aloe naunuent naunuent7esen flftt flftt1f1qwftft
mt 1e U Bugmte Knewlrev KnewlrevAa 1f1qwftftAD
Aa crtaja aa a UM doom written ltllI1 In letter letterof lelt lettersof
of ftrs Nt on tan wait 1Ia of Betohasxara banquet banquetball banflllotUU banquethalt
ball to the fat fate of that party which blth baa haaallowed hasallowed
allowed 10 Ka greed of corporate gold lo losmother 10other tosmother
smother other Ka It devotion tn principle principleDemocracys IlriBcJpIDeraocracr stIncipleDemooraicis
Democracys day to daWIIInc daws lag but It muat muatbe muatta moatbe
be clear d of vision and aacllQJ loyal to I those boo petit principle prlnclolea petitclpk ¬
ciple which ones OII mad It Ibo bulwark bulwarkof
of the people peopleFor peoplFfW peopleFor
For down do la Monroe oaaatjr the tb people peoplebar peoplha peoplehave
bar ha spoken aad their word are ar word wordof ant antof
of truth
Dee ae Heaeral VMs Veleomm V VHr VMsFesue
mm IW aural Ness JltaMMr N NessMr
Mr Aldridg Is beaten t but not disgraced disgracedand dtlrNdaad
and a new ew element of discord la I latroducetl latroducetlInto
Into Democratio politico < Mr Havana n nboomed was wasboomed wasboomed
boomed aa a candidate for Governor the theday lb lbclar lbday
day before bel his h elect election km H lIe la an anti antiBryan antiBryan DI DIBrTaD
Bryan man aad a bitter bitt oo one Mr Conner Connerwas CODawaa
was so conspicuous la forcing his hI Domina Domination Dominlloa nominalion ¬
lion that h be will undoubtedly look on the theresult tb tbneult theresult
result as aa a ladoreeateot of hie h hi chairmanship chairman chairmanship kalrmaDWIt ¬
ship Bad If he b should s as flt 1 to defy d Charlee CharleeF
F Murphy oa the straegth of ttsuoho It such a result resultwould naullwould reatultwould
would not be surprising or bopelee of sue sucABtreeiBsateal sueAstreemliai 11 11Ab
ABtreeiBsateal Ab AOrloe AOrloeM AthiosFroa
Froa M IIIIe ModUXrr Aod VtUfn 11 med X ASrnUNi ASrnUNiJames boP boPJam Wm rr rrJama
Jam 8 Havens H baa be a political future futureTh rUlliIlln fuiuraTb
Th people will toke > oar ea of that Dot the theWe thea thebossea
a We W hall wont VUI Mr Havens n for forOovsraor lorOovenaor forGovernor
Governor He II Is of tb the full stature tIU Intel Intellectually Intellctually
lectually aad morally 117 for that high office officeHis olnNH offleeill
His H avaBabUKy bIUly for It was instantly recog recognU reco reconlaldall recognlzsdaIl
nU nlaldall d all over Uy State when It his b election electionwas
was w announced last sight lIt Watch the Ih star starof starof Iaror
of James 1 8 Havens HaveaaAnd 1141 HavensDime
Dime ede Penis PenisF
F the Aod r rADd zpesu zpesuAnd
And who tao can doubt now that tb the Repub RepubHeaas JlePIlblleaae Rpublinen
linen of Monroe or are bosses b law I abiding abidingo abidingaitmeptetlng bldln bldlnrNpIlIL
o aitmeptetlng Ifrespect tag own fD4I who lta or are aaxtou at all alltlraaa allfIlM allItinse
tlraaa fIlM to punJab those who ho betray them who whoare whoare whoare
are determined that their party shall 1 be kept keptreputable 1111peUbl keptrepidabla
reputable peUbl and who are ar Dot afraid to cle ckow ckowbOil clenithouse n ntiouaa
house bOil when bn the be necessity n aria ariA ariMP ariMPA ariaA
A DeS He en a Fa ra l lena aruc Mad NoilJTn Madrr Nailrsi
JTn rr rsi U IIIIe 4t AIN Albv ArfiH ArfiHThin A AThIelhlnklllarterl Agvml
Thin ThIelhlnklllarterl we think I after all the moat ln IDrlr IDrlrlae tnapirLog plr plrlac
Log augury of all namely the reamalgama reamalgamatloa
tloa 110 of the many maD dlawntlent element of ofth oftb oflb
th Democratio party heretofore discour discouraged dllClIrAPd diacouraced ¬
aged divided and demoralized d Into a hare harmonious haremonlo barznonlOts ¬
monious and compact militant organization organizationoam
once more What has Ixwrt b done la that thattin thattine hatline
tin line la Rochester can sad will 11 be > done all allover alloor altover
over th It State StateMoral SCtferal Stateiernl
Moral but Miadeiau Miadeiaurrem MenderenaFrees
Frees tta tS am aigasussee ftanl PTIIta PTI Pr PrIt PttiIts
Its It significance for New Ne York Stat 81 can cannot cannot n nnol ¬
not be overemphasized It mean that th thold lbold the theold
old party machine controlled d by such taco ntena DwonWoodrr tacoas
a as Woodruff Wadsworth and Mr Ir name llarneof Ilium Iliumof
of Albany face overwhelming defeat at atth althe atthe
th the coming fall election The Tb only onl thing thingtbat thingthat hlnetbt
that can an now save us the tb organlratlon Is I the theimmediate theImmediate h hImmedlt
immediate lid absolute elimination from frompowar I Ipower
power of every 17 man whose ho record I Ia tainted taintedby In Inb
by b association with the tb gang of discredited discreditedpolitician II llcrpdIteutpolIticians
politician who have b been sailing under the theblack lisablack It Itblack
black nag nagTHK tI tITHE nagTMP
TDrtr Pay aDd Wrhm Agreement Xt Xttt JlCet1traJeI tetftesp4tlbl
tt 1traJeI Ban H > le for t IMKti I Rent RentToTSBKniToiiorTiiKrtrN ItfoRtTo PlentaToTRolruaorTIuKlttN
ToTSBKniToiiorTiiKrtrN To ft RDlroll or Tit HIs sir Sj In reply replyto
to W C T I and In jiitlf Ju II tothe team atearnAlters teamfitter Imnnr
fitter I should like II to define our poeltlon poeltlonW
W v U 3 T U I not rightly Informed when whenU whenha hn hnbe
be U says that th the ateamfltlerit tm ur want aDt all allof allof n
of the pip cut oa tb the be Job a as our agree agreement agreemeet cr crmnt ¬
meet presented to tb tbe employer mplo call for forall foraU forall
all pip to 0 b bet cut at the tb option of the Ih em employer enployer m mploer ¬
ployer cither on the b job or at t the Ih hop by byhand h hhad
hand or machine except p coil or radiator radiatorconnection rdlorIOnnfltloa radiatorconnections
connection connectionTh
Th common error of some persona on writ writIng wrllInlo writIn
Inlo In Ing to newspaperaUthat they thaydo da not describe deacribthe deacTlbeIbe
the actual 11I conditions The ot of high highrent blhnata hightent
rent cannot b be placed on toe tb labor union unionand uDlonaDti anionand
and every rr well U Informed lalor builder know that tbath thatthe
the h cost of ground lIIId and ac building material materials
Ie s the principal factor In the b Increasingly IDcrlnIalh
High coat of rest resttie fIIDtn runtTb
n average wagrae according rdlae to atatia atatialit tau tatlW tauIlea
tie for thalZst the last ttv years U I W Usa t 4 a day dayi daywagrae d
W C T forgets Ir to 0 name nan th builders builderstrust bllilderruM buildertrust i
trust who 0 or th lhpron person to howl at atNBW atZw t tw
NBW w YOBB Yo Apru n nOur KnAIIPlnlnl KnAIIPlnlnlPUpI SynwrirnnOsr
Our Aawtalrtik rtlgrtai rtlgrtaiAmos PUpIA PtlgflmaAThenS
Amos A AThenS t the a rieaitaeat genus fa at 5 Urn tb Pilgrim Pilgrimdtaaer IItcrtto Pttendinner
dinner to t Lend < st KHeJteaar of Koartan la last > t algbt algbtrer alelllwere algOlwere
were rer tile H0B 11 Xe J J03 a D CimmtiK 111 esJtidra HOT HOTgaa listran
ran J OlwUo OlId ana Mr Patrick rroartt nut Murphy MurpbyTVer Murp MurpI
I N Ni Ness Ilem Ilem1kes
i nan Is ley to Kent Faglsmt from U lbs centre ar to totb todM tolb
tb tbAsd dM ass assAnt
I Ant tba Irtak DV DsIIIII > B aa1 y Oaraaas ara cv aa a mad madma4k a amod as asmad
mod ma4k ma4kI can k krr be berot
I rr M lIIore evgaa 3 O1M Pot Harpb aa Jeka D DAr DI 0Ar
Ar Areo gate to e let Jots SO b rBgrtas la n morale momtaLost monIIaallb moraleLast
I Lost algOl they net Lord KUeb IDttfMIMr ner UM lances faavraeK ta taIt
K ef f K KAnd ItAM gADd
And tn UtraduckV tatzoduc beta ef Ova Joe Jo Cboate Claoatobeard was wasbeard wasbsrti
beard t to ear earTfeeyr aarT earrasir
Tfeeyr sorry sorT BOW y SOW ye tordsblp rrdaItIpItU Oierve yy beea beeaIrtab be beIrtab
Irtab la tfcdr day dayBat 47Be dtius
Bat tkeyr pie ta I Join Joe tn IB Ute PUgrlma la te temornla theoh
mornla mornlaOh
Oh 0 noble IIOb GloYl 01 Ulcbaaar K1c says JnUUot John JobaM J JD JadIa4 Johnrcnolt
adIa4 M hers fentestyo fetsicis V a loyal trtalt trtaltTberal trta trtaTbeft tyt44e tyt44eThees
Tberal Patrick Tntxia Marphy and Morgan Morg Morgs J JAn JAfIt
s us usAn
An well weIla8 an fl b be Aagk AaJoS Aglozoa asoas la the tII morntnV morntnVTb moraloT1M morntnTh
Tb OeoenU looked iotetIeca era over with daMotn regard regardHa esgarn
Ha II knew rm ns their broad la Irelaad an ta wa was oa hi higvard IIIIU ts tsurn
gvard gvardTUI oJUI
urn Mr Cheata isesrM nrd klai oi tbey I bad lone loneIAIIard been bwawortoakard beenworMo
wortoakard wortoakardrsr worMo bard bardPbe
rsr law a in ee Ole ve 1 Ftlgrrm lo U tile morals moralsTbeu monlaTII
TII Tbeu graciously r vrKnan aa looktn matt baalgB baalgBMs
Ms Jt tIOIlUftt1sIiIJOCrtDllDaanbowed pOoch boekfcd beitda witlu till 4 Jba a D Crtmmtu an bowed bowadta 1 1to
ta I Judge OBrien OBrienAn OJIrleDUJ
An wild 14 wIth WltItoF J Sop y an pteuar they u stood utoo ta d btockla btocklaup auoctias
up apAa IB the Us UsAn Use UseAn
An Motto Rule Britannia art ta tile lb morntn morntnAt moratAt
At A the dinner which taIe cam after then was song songspcb on onapoeeb AIIlIlfalon
apoeeb lIlfalon lIlfalontba gator gatorTbat gaiovetOss
tOss war eompttmearry pttmnt neither IIIer to < o tb be TV Drv DrvDot rrliboar rrlib n111Ute
oar CM to Doer DoerAn1 DoerUJ DoerAn
An1 PatrIck Fraaela Murphy kept t tb Ute table bl1IL bl1ILr bl1ILUI la a anor aoat
nor norWith oatwith
With UI Anttalrlan storks till tae mornla moTIte montnTb mornlaTb
Tb PUgrtB ptlVtnBofevr ofw oIoardtranproud city or are proud aa a glad today todaym to todayfbi I Ibe
be m Friendly rt Son are n nevnuT tDOIII1Ila1l1dr ibelr beep idat idatwtejt Utalwaltra7 thetwent
went waltra7 waltra7loA astray astrayAa astrayLa
Aa tk the Blags to s a4 a peerage to Jobs D sa oaKorean saUorpa saMorgan
Korean J Jfek JIaIddiI ILv
Lv IaIddiI fek rtoada Un I 9 ta f lbs awralB awralBBV
WlB 11II a HUcttfBt is OM Nub roil ot ofTo f
Uvtag UvtagTo
To TBB Enema E nua o op Tax 8o > Su rt Tbr r J JtaIr Sc
Is always something doing do In In ttkiitoai 8k nOQ1
It Is 11I110 I now a modern go ahead town tn r eu euon r ron fon
on the tb lookout for promotion and Dd fn fnslon fop fopIIlon tonon
non Very VeryreeentlyMdnehentp el7 recently lIr Mancheterhlrh llInrhlftr wtl hl h i iJurt IJuetTOM iloaf
loaf JuetTOM across the Jam James River RlY was wasRichmond wd > iM iMRichmond t1RJclulload
Richmond adding a population of m mthouoand mtllnet ne nethousands
thousands but not so far a as the Ih old oltt olttcaD nllestseas i iBOBS
BOBS can see adding anything athla ale I ft ftmood IImoad i imoM
mood now numbers Dum IJJono tasomU t33 the opt orlr orlrNY T Tsay r rcay
say IWO80 but that U a detail detaIlIs Th Tj 1JtI 1JtIlIat tir tiris
is What lIat Is I Richmond going tn I 1 11 iManehester tt ttManchester ItIDcht >
Manchester ManchesterAunt IDchtAIU1
Aunt Betsy Trotwood rrcomm recommat4 recommat4the 1 l t l lth II
th the case of David Copperfleld w wh h birr birrThat blnnat hrflat
That to what Richmond will have Is t to 01 > 1n with wtt wttManchester
Manchester MIIclt All day long on K ho1l > M T th thstreet lbatrMt tha thastrst
street cleaners were w cromlng croseingthprier croseingthpriermaybe the tb rlHf r r rmayb > 1 1lIIarho
maybe Manchester will 01 soon n b bet awept w pi pistarehed 1 111 j jstarebwi
starehed and Ironed but lo I what ri riend nI nInd riaend
end nd aad to what hat proflt to Richmond w we r m mwait n nwait 1 1ate
wait ate for Information InformationMeaawhile IDformaLloDXhll InformationMeanwhile
Meanwhile Xhll the town ha b grown grownIn r rIn tIn
In population JIOIuJaUoD1UI4 Bad if Rlnhraond could cnlllrtIhIM couldthree 45 45thr <
three thr other oth suburbsOhitrr Park H HHeights isheights II IIlItllta
Heights and ad chestnut HUlthe rttr rU m mbloom If Ifbloom j jbloom
bloom out latest Into at least I a majesty maJ that thuitak th thatlab I Itall
tall It 1 very near to Baltimore BaltimoreManchester BaltimoreManchester Umor UmorIIrllter
Manchester seem mil destined to big bt bigIn < fin finIn nl i1 i1In
In th future rltu i Anciently It wa a pl pland pin pinamid 1 1nd
and nd attractive Urttl locality Some MT MTolder anyobter tl tl01der
older than Richmond It Its beauty nd ti tigrace Itduallr f ftrace
grace were gradually duallr drained drln by the th large Unntown 1 1tnWft largetown
town however bow and now It U a mar mrtllfIIlflt t jtlenwnt ttlement
tlement notwllhetandlng lt its opulent opulentvtrena n nvlrons 1Imn
vlrons Imn But In acquiring l Manche Dhtlllr t r Rlh Rlhmond RIhmnnd Rtmhmmmd
mond haji obtained oM In pomeanlnn Inn of wondrfal wondrfalrailroad won wondrfraIlroad lrr11l lrr11lrallrod <
railroad and arl other utltltle utltItiesand and nd corn m day daywill d dm daywill
will m exploit splo them to th the utmovt Tb nfn The aae aaefore n nforce
force fn and nd Impulse that ha h haiu made m Southern Southernmen RftJtb na namn
men succeed In New York prevail In t th thRichmond tbe tbeRichmond thRichmond
Richmond City Council and nd taupe mu h Pscounted c ccounted Co Cornllnfd
counted with lth Watch Richmond IChmnn IChmnnn grout trnwlKven groutEven
Even n If there tll are r old 01 fos fn fogies e who do not car carwhether Carwhhr carwhether
whether a town tn of Sooo 000 burgeon hllra na Into IlItmtlroJOOII t tmetropolis ameltopoil
metropolis of wono or toonnn the Ih boomrrt boomrrtwant boom boomnt boomcant
want nt the tit biggest e ll figure CIHllnd und there roty m be btonirthlna bemthlns beponejhins
onirthlna In It ItFor IIFnr ItFor
For the t frt lime In my m wandering and tn4more 1Mmor andmore
more or le 1 lee searching blnC oboervatlnna o an 1 I bar barcome b9Inm batscoma
come aero rOlllt what aenme eem m to he a genuine genuinesidelight CfIIIIIDIIldlhrht nuti nutieldelight
sidelight on the Inrreaenl rot of living right righthere rlcbthfr rigbthere
here In Richmond A Jrlnd friend of reinewhn min w wrtch who whorich i irich
rich for I Ibl hi city cltrn and wouM nI be re regard regarda rdd rdda rdfOCtIIIOnllblr
a reoM IIIOnllblr > nnbly romfortable even In Innrk New NewYork ew ewYork
York nrk had h occasion Ion the tb other d da day y to vtott vtotta Yialtfadnr
a factory on the tb edge of town In which fa fawo bFnr be bewan
wo Interested For some reason or nthrr nthrrhe IItb IItbh Mhhe
he h went nl on a treet car r A long Ion way nut h be behaft behad
had lo make a change nf car and got out outIn ItIJtIn nutin
In front of a grocery r doe tore which was u th thcentre the Iben thecentre
centre n and emporium nf a negro nrrnUIII nrrnUIIISnwb narneettlenwctNowhere ettlmel ettlmelNowhere
Nowhere Snwb within sight wa was there a miMnmer miMnmerfor 11111III 11111IIIfnr 1ctomfor
for thi grocery eir excepting ptln the th Inhabitant Inhabitantnfthenettlement InhhltDInf Inhabitantsnftheeettlanwnt
nfthenettlement nf th 1I1mnt While walling llInc for hi b bh biecar biecarhe car
he h noticed an n array of monster waterra watermelon wIrmIonohInII watermelonohuloualy lon lonnhvlniiilr
nhvlniiilr exotic oU long row of broiler f hick chickens hicken bittn
en ens n the th bet t cut ta of beef I and turning to tb tbproprietor the tbeIrorlor theproprietor
proprietor aked k What do you y do with withlhee WIt WItIh withthee
thee Ih thing her The Th man tn replied repliedwll 1IfCt 1IfCtI
I wll U > cm m sell 11 em aH and ad sometimes soaietlBMcsnnot sometimescannot 1 1ennol
cannot meet the th trade He If west t on It I to ex explain cxpLaIn 1 1ptAin ¬
plain that the < negroes nIJ1 makIng d ood oodand Yap Yapnd vgoand
and nd bent on having the Ih best aa long Ion a as their tarlrmoney UlfOrmon theirmoney
money mon looted bought ll t watermelons M Mnnet Uta Utannt lbflnent
nnet of beef and nd nring chicken rhlttl aad all allthe allt 11 11lbs
the t h ret of It itwhtle while be b catered them to lit litlop ttetop
lop 10 of their bent bfntI
l lb > oe thIs hi illuminate th the rrent ntiettin ntiettinupon l1J l1JUfOn qtnetbeIguon
upon which the tb lion Henry IfanryCpbotLodeI IfanryCpbotLodeIquanderlng Cbot bot lodge Lad Ladnrlncr H Hsquandering
squandering nrlncr his energies and hto IsInIetI IsInIetItnlee tasl taaIUnl M MfnlMw
fnlMw Unl this negro LIt In th the envbvu envbvuof Tk
of Richmond U a rank exception K doe dlICIt dlICItRut not notRut notHut
Rut U I It an n except exception lIon From Jromttl aU I hear berdwn berdwnhere down downhere dew1Ib1CP
here it i a mere m detail dftailin In tta the genera genarl move racrtment IDOtomt movemeat
meat WAKPXurJL WAKPXurJLn W WDiUltlcaMotn 0101111 0101111JlIlOp
JlIlOp n April 2 2IHs 0 0VB 20MR °
IHs Campari Traecst tp t Ha ItalID I IIts Plee and andit
Its it ABKrvprtatrana KefM KefMTo anatftIT efntrd efntrdTo
To T run KniTon olTnn or Tan Srnr 8mrSir Sir Th Thfact nf Tbfart
fact f that President PreeidentTaftin 1Pllt Tart In his address dd to tottii tottiicuifraglats the thesuffragists lileu1rrt
suffragists u1rrt apparently bracketed women and andHottentot ud1I0ntoe andliottentota
Hottentot ha been n mad the subject lIbJ lIbJInch n nmuch of oftouch
much adverse not to nay acrimonious com comment Imnl corntnent ¬
ment How unjust thi Is I must be evMtt evMttlo
lo any n one fin who hn take pleasure pi In tractor tractorthe trtiteIh trammithe
the Ih mental prncese4 p of great cr t mind Il IIIhlol Ret Rettntots t ttentot
tentot we are r told have b nn comprebensloa comprebensloanf r mpb40nalflf
nf figure or number Their mind milldn teem teemto
10 n I is > Incapable nf f conceiving nItn any an numher numhernvcr nllmtwfwr itumbwer
nvcr wr ten Ten I ielheaim Ibe h sum Im total of roSfnltod roSfnltodInthelaeyrs mUIIdIn
Inthelaeyrs In hI hence lIn when hoon our kindly IIIndlroIlIt Presi President Praildent ¬
dent beard that the 110 million name nmlion p plion psi psition
lion was really Ur nnlr 4 4l1S2 I S7 h ha smile smflIai smflIaiever mlt u uever ur
ever r and nd Indulgently remarked Ah lovHr lovHrwomen 10 10womn loveirwomen
women never can an grasp p figures With tlm tlmIn tlll4In thsin
In his hi mind he h made hi addreaa dd Thrr Thrrbefore Th Thfor Tbbefore
before for him were the tit women who thought thoutMW4MI thought4O4a32
W4MI < signature were r equal to 0 IOOOO1 IOOOO1o 1000 l00OM
110 o the tb other clue I of human troubled IB this thuway 11111flr thisway
way flr occurred to hi well ordered ord mind and andHottentot andihtttlfliOt n nrm
Hottentot came out before he b knew IInr it itHut ItlIt ftItsit
Hut ear s ac it Is I to trace this chain of thourr tJeUIt t
It Is I alan 1110 l o pnMilble lbI to point out 011 to the lb 11 pre predent rrt rrt1IIt lrviunit
dent hi fundamental error Let I him hm hmplace hutllat
place 11 two eligible lIl1lbl ullor 110 before for any woman womanone womanOtis 0IllDonrprolln
one representing stmnm lniunooand and the Ib011l other otbeconly otbeconlyioieai < only onlyHoiail 01ll
Hoiail 0182 and nd the th rapidity with which hkb tb tbchoice tbehol the thechoice
choice ehol between rwn them will be made would wouldrtillrely WOtIldlIlIrI wouldtstiraly
rtillrely lIlIrI convince our Chief Executive 11 that tbstthe tllalhI thatthe
the hI American womancannot woman cannot be bfJuU1 bfJuU1wllh justly cteswq cteswqwith
with llnllenlol llnllenlolllnw lIolInlIu liottetutotlttsw
llnw lIu did It happen then that a petition petitionwhich petitionalsich ltk > n nhlh
which for year r ha h has tieen heralded tn 0 an ad admiring flmrln admiring ¬
miring wnrld a th the he million name petition petitionthe
the It very var greateel al ever r how did Id It happen happenthat hapenthat ll llh
that h It should 011111 have h l III > een presented when whenIt bra braIt
It had attained an1 le lean than half It embed scheduled embeduiht ¬
uled growlb Wa W It heraue the th suSra suSrauistH sufrasuds utr utrKI
uistH KI suds II wearie rIt < l of thetoknf lb h task k nf corralling inno innocent tonerant ¬
cent 111 meenger hoy nr forcing signature signaturefrom signaturefrom Cl4tu Cl4tufrom
from the h bashful blushing youth nllth at 1 tt ttribbon Itrttibon h hrlloboll
ribbon counter lInr Perish rI the thought I M Mgreat IIrrIIhlr P Pgreat
great rrIIhlr ltheir devotion tn the h cause all that hal tber tberwould Ibaroul1 tbeuwoulul
would have gone II on Indefinitely rnllecttM rnllecttMname rnllln enilectDznames
name n had 1 not no their Ir leaders seen a LIght llattilti l LIghtWIlh t tWit
Wit WIlh ilti the h keen Insight they have huon always alwaythown alwaysehown
hown on In dealing iealifl wIth lIh the Ih other olh end 1 they tberreasoned 1M 1MrrAItOnt theyriinntt
reasoned thus Human nature nah I la th the b bblhr same samewhether cernahether
whether masculine or feminine and nd on a of ofth i ih ofthe
th the h Inherent Ion of humtnlty Is I a f for fflrbarcln or t tbargain abargain
bargain let I us II therefore t hFPfo appeal to thin thuprimitive tIIlrlmIUlnlud thinliriOnatitlYls
primitive lrlmIUlnlud liriOnatitlYls Instinct let us U offer to Congreei CongreeiHo Iongresa oa oaharcaln
a harcaln harcalntIoarrared
Ho arrayed Infetchlng la f gown WflIl thercorrled thercorrledIn
In n Congreo onere Ib the petition Hton In a box which ben benthis borahl borethia
this hl Inscription Mens H fleece tIDed us usderwear tilltIrr noulerwear
derwear What could show IIhn mon condo conoluIvely condoaivety nI
Ively 1111 that the good ladles ladl Intend fb hal thaithe halh l lthe
the h Influence nf woman In public life IIllbouM IIllbouMtwo lit shoaM houMbe Ob Obbe
be both grateful flll and comfortIng comfort In Box sad adIllhe iadsit iy iyall
all Illhe they entered tb the august halts of the Ih Csc C Catot B Btol
tot and advancing on the b awestruck I Ilators Ie Ielaors =
lators e i claimed with lIb a beaming bfamla bfamlaII smile smileHere
Here II gentlemen her Is I your ensue ensuea ebUtl ebUtlmlllon ehacsa
a million name pet petition 1111011 I Ion going golngfor for to toolr 10457 10457only Jtr Jtronly
only at t 94S1 ItSW A B H HNBW BNtew ftSaw
Saw YORK April ll llTh 21I 31me
I Th me BeHnqwoetr Cf f a aI TsoMora TsM B UTo r rTo
I To vMs n Burton or orT1t1I Tan BPJT Rtflf8fr 4Hr Where Wherehave WIt WItha Whirlhave
have ha the b New S York newspaper rwpcwtffl rwpcwtffldurlD TcpnttTbeen it > urf r rbeen
been during the Ib lost week II For BV S d dn day dayan < 1 T Tan
an n eminent llrltUh subject bJ has b bean bMtIla to Ne NeYork Sfork ee eeYork
York ork It would be bard to fted a Brltoo Brltoomore Brltollmor Itritonmore
more worthily onhll eminent both bcau of rfwhat ofhat ofwhat
what hat he h ba b done and what h he has ha not don donyet doarr donyet
yet I have hlnollfd looked In invain vain In for forscarebesdni0 forscarebesdni0tarviews scare beads In Interview ID01 ¬
terview of half a page p a column bait hslfcolumn I ItOhmn Scolumn
column or even n two stlckfiiU stlckfiiUWhat atioltfulaWhat rkfnlaWbat
What does Ix lor1 > rd Kitchener Kltcb think nf f fa faIndustrial 00 00tntiustrlal If IfIntlarl1
Industrial activities CUltI our novelist baddlef baddlefand bu bOddIniand ctille ctilleand
and otherwise olhr ot her 1 iec our graft a < our race problem problemSenator problmSoonator problemsSenator
Senator Beverldg special 11 brand of ofquence ele elequance 0 0I < >
I quence President Tarts T < golf olt record Oov Ooveroor oT oTellioT T Tor
Csnnen Csnnenth CnaontblnllrpntA Ca000ttthe
ellioT or Hugheas whiskers Hpeaknr
th tblnllrpntA the Insurgent and nd t he Ih tariff tari II lie must have havethoughts b bI batethought
thoughts worth printing about boll som 80mlt of ofthese oftbrfMt ofthen
I these matter but bu ahould b ba plsd th thbrevity lbbrelt thbrevity
brevity of hi ht stay a aa exen esruto what are hl hlview blrdln hiviours
view regarding rdln Egypt and the tb big ram gamcountry ramIOlIlItl rWcountry
country of Africa Afrl How 110 I III Ih the army ann ID IDIndia 10I InIndia
India I getting tlD along Ion What about tae Pope Popethe tpfh Popethe
the h Kaiser Uncle KA and nd IlrltUb politic politicHe pollt politicslie
He surely must have ba opinion about U UImltfII thmatters > e ematters
matters mattersIt
It Is I true that Ix Lord > rd Kitchener did not 110 sail sailthrough sailthroush U Uthrolllfb
through th the United States Ilk like a atrinutned tfOlllrt tfOlllrttrlmm < 3 3trimmed >
trimmed trlmm with lLh thunderstorms brow band bandand belldand bLOdDand
and a fringe frla of pre P press ho bureaus but was w wasapparent tbw tbwapparent tbllppanon
apparent ppanon reticence aufflclent excuse snu for f It Itfailure Ihfnur tbfailure
failure to extract trtlal a few nice nl little Interview Interviewnot In I Ino
not no taken from Whos WhnaWho Who out au of him himW blmI himW
MATWOOP N J 1 April M MA 20A 70A
A Well Kawwai rMIssfs ftalnfRtrt ftalnfRtrtPrie Tbjryv 1 flt5 flt5Pytees lg lgraces
races racesTo Prie PrieTo PyteesTo
To T un B BorroB Doa or TIn srw tIt1Iflr air rmnlrn rmnlrnHon trnmIfftdOlI tamlidon
Hon Too T many or people too Vi IIIU tO grab grabNBWYooB cntbNIIY grubrtrwvoaa
NBWYooB NIIY 1ou Apmzt Aprft 1 E U J JrMM 3to
10 5OEbuW9 JI Mmemit rMM Mr MrwsBdrlBgs Ro liosseveWs AfrfIII AfrfIIIan AIllCwiUdrta5
wsBdrlBgs an eonlln eondniwd Uo dPfofe Pyotenor c J JI tr Larlaughlin c clagblla
lagblla I gives his views aa the cost toe ot 0IIh10 Brtor Brtorr lit litF HZF
F C Howe 11 write rt rlus oa maalrlr munIcipal > l tmpnrr ImPT0In n nla
la Germany iuid there ar are arttrle oa oftminIatures Utft Utftminiature Uan UanI
I miniature lUnstraMd In color r aftd ad oej ro roTb lOSE D4Ione lOSETb
Tb neOo fir Is made up of short Ior slorUs siotl by D DHaloea II IIn IIlIsias
Haloea n Helea H flames ot R j H Dsvts 0 sod sodDger AJrI AJrIDIIec AiDun
Dun limit with Ib tbe t toaaaustfoa 01 f Mr Mrlatts KIte Mrisiss
latts te serial The p poeta ns are at a S SMadkna EoU WonDt WonDttestken
Madkna U Cawsta Cdwta AxttasMa 8FDIrdM AztLnX Pld
FDIrdM 114

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