I r IfrP v N VYlr r
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1 1VOL
1 I I I
ItauT MAT I mo moFair ID1 101GI
Fair Falrtodaysad FalrtodaysadoL today and tomorrow light to moderate moderatenorth
t north to northeast winds windsPBICE windtOt
f = ii
+ NEW YORK FRIDAY MAY 6 b 1510c 1910Coprgs < > prn 1110 io hh by A Sit Ssti Irillb uti a P I61ja WAIS Auoaalt PRICE TWO CEflTS
e HiM HI 11 f RI M HKillS III OP ID COP COPnu 11 11i
nu i 111 v I WI tJI < cinrtK cinrtKrsm fRI fRItr lRIiFr
tr rsm He Hank Tnroagh Iho th > Chirr hl Mrk MrkMflf IkflsIdf i i1I1f1
Mflf 1I1f1 anil Hark taIn iln frit a Pot PotI PatOft11OC1
I p I ainoooo Oft11OC1 nrsi c tah ath h Once nut ituiihr IIqIht nutthe
the VM f1 Tim II Hat Alt 11 Harrowed Harrowedjv
jv T > ue 1 e prnt chart five feet aquara aquaraer
er fre re g < f 10 > each Juryman In the h Hnnxe lle Iinztraj nzfI i iinti i i1r1I
inti v h hf lo toemmtt < 5ovmm mmt nt yesterday after1 after1BOOT after rtr1IWWI P Pfh
BOOT rhe rh < Iull U wer Wf drawn In n ahw showbo I
bo Hrinre Hsn a United t Copper Company Companyfdi olnpan ntnpanyralt J I IrI I
fdi rI th tW wo W quarterly dividend in April AprilP Aprilar1 i iml j jn1 I P
ar1 ml RU 11111 Ii IIW when iu It slock I k went wentfcttns Wtn WtnkW wentIt
fcttns IP It 1 to in 7 and nd Hoi hump rue mud Rood RoodB
B U mou lmWI Pet > et that tfnit Unitd d Topper oprtr opprCI would wouldr wnllldrlN
r rlN CI Imassniatfd and nlt It i t paid to 0 pay payt
It t en MIT S STIT
TIT T hart prepared t after months monthsef
ef ut thol 1T or hy JDn > ohi P Fernaler tin ai expert expertten I1 rt rtNn
ten founrant unnl working rktng for Ih h Oov1 Oov1mmat Onv OnvmmGI mvrnmct I
mmat ivere Pte admitted to b twI th prose proseijt r rJIJn promeit
ijt JIJn it MS fl S trt ttfl4I ron > nj 4t card They nrre lIP iv pro prodixert produut producc4
dixert to connect Conr 1 In 1 defendant with the thetruted thetM1 r rlMt
truted t i opv > r pool pOO that went on in iwj iwjind 11101ud tovid
ind n hrlp which hlell It la I a lh the contention contentionHerie nntnttonaInwd
Herie 1 lowd the active manager mana ri to tomt topt 0
Iit mt hrnuvlvil tlp rh to 0 the Ih funds of lhi h Mer Mernre 11trnl1 Mr4flflC I
nre nl1 f Satonal Bank and nd overertlfled overertlfledt ovt runfd rtIfledt
t e r ch h ok okt k khrt I
t Kiert ui i1 Frnlt > r explained it Ith while whileh whHtr
h a ef f jurymen kept Hie It tir r fatei fateihrd atva i
hrd ht h It d m n h hI M hll e print It rrquired a
edh h tny nr le 1 ia than Rnn I Ifl IRI wi tn eoehl eoehlr Mhrlt eh
r rlt ca t to n ray gy thone two wn dividend On on ont ontn
t < n preasnn Ih 1htompahY company had a twit IwdIY twitEW
IY v nf tihotit Simn in the tank Real RNLII RNLIItuh Ridah i ir
r tuh h hsil to R In the th out oUlllid outadra ider when wh n a atr aTPfl1
dJdfflo < tr < > nd wa all pad The > rrst wrnl nl to the thenut thaft he hef1I
nut ft r f1I th the Heinte family And HMO HMOri SWcAl
ri C cAl iji h vdnK hotdn < bout JlJru fir f th Ihl tsooro tsoorof I i5niiIrS Ior Ioru
u IrS f Tl TIC I insider Inairt channel turned turnedd
I d < 1 lnd back tn Mm 1 II Sclmltre Sclmltrei I Irr
i j t for the th pool 1100 who pad ad lhm l ark Iiakt > > arkIn I III
In t > h he Vrn roanllffl iuilfi Rink nk to makn mI Rood f1 th thtuHiv tht thtlw tIitev
tuHiv IIOITOWM lw > to pay ra A Ihr I dlvldmd dlvldmdIt dlvld d dIt
It trok inly on hanking day for th thih ht thittk htt
ih t ttk rk k to t make the III circle circlein ciytln
in n f > r c Frit tugwtts u UUIU u lu llninz fur furn furnId
n nId < l vh N t rem al < tIh w h nr n flwckd xi 1d < < d for th out outr nulIn
I df r In Ih I oth othr r taw f th the lUvprnidf lUvprnidfBink IUversdIn eI eIflAnk
flAnk hn h n Mor 3tore Innttntion
8 provided provtdet1it I Iit I IIt 1
it on f 4 Jin n hich haint l tn m pad ral arV arVr at atcrWn I I Irlrtfn
r rlrtfn Hn < M Fwnilfr Arthur HIMW w wrr wal walIt till I II
rr I h n iiet et t tryns I lu B rt t ih l Iars > ar arIM a I It
t t IM n > I t rr n rlvldfnd 1f ctvtdendGovenment dfId I Ih Ij I
j h Government dd not put Kxp Ktf1Prt 1xprtI rt rtf I Ifm
f fm i Mf r on th h M eland unl I it lud trVd trVdf
f rat day to jet t t tattUfl7 tm rnflYIIarrt rnflYIIarrtI fiy regard regardl
Jg I b truiiiat ra jl3 tiolM ona froft nlinzfa nlinzfaM
M ei l ItlO nto t1o and from Max Iu H Sthun
I > Rs ponlendeil nl eI by t > y th pro fOMu prouton proutonrn rcution rcutionn on onrn
rn n utrrtiioiii Irrlllo objection to th Mil Miltiii hiliw1nd Wilehatts
tiii w1nd fj nd rhatli na mad l Iv > r H < mVf mVfr mVfTer 111 111In
i r In wTerI Ter that lh I lie an anwera nfTItof wer of th IMt Itjaru < wit witrfM II
rfM 1 and rettain of theit employ employeKant employan m mfla
Kant fla an a as they 1 had ben had lad the Ih foun founc rountar founGt
c tar f 1 i for Fn FnIIr i r teat IMfmoo rawiy JUde JudffHftugh Jud JUdeHeugh I IHtlulh
Hftugh admitted tba lh charta and joined o i4 i4the j
tk the bookkeepine caM thai I r Jotrntr > ro r rd fQaot t tdd
d 11 dd led for tVifhottr Through
lb h man ma maCf i ief IW
W cf sirea I 3e collected tOl fCtM from hr lo toHerj But ButHetm alIHfIrnott
Hetm HfIrnott ho flol d m mOt mote < M IPI iflTsi I MI itun It ItV i it
t > V ime hfote Mc 10 t 4if f flu Ih tim m ho hot I Icwii
t cwii i on hia hi fe f t nraichmz Ichant th I ar Irttnn r > n > n i
1 Judge andocoKiorullv sndcco oatHv lookinc at atfart t a atrart > IIrarl I
fart hiaiir hi f rmI milr l Ith1 > hiid him lIm
mM to 0 l lrcord I P IIIItIl 11 r 1It 1ItlCOrd Fl Flord
rcord ord lud b boon n ukn I k1 from i O > ook k of ofth nithe r rthf
th the tniled l d Copfwr lorspam OIlIAn frwii miwi miwitni ml mlInl mitni
tni f tIc r S torn out and ix rtMui > ov m1 anif aniffrnm nd ndfrom BlIfrom
from the h hook of nmrc thin 1 1bank it a abank ii > i ibanli
bank banlileforo bankIpor bankt
leforo t for the th iHvidend lhid d chart were wirUt taken takenut II IIUP
ut > Mr Ir FranUiirtrr Frn fitr for llf lb liflnrnm liflnrnmnl overnm OVerNm91 OVerNm91ot > nt ntot
ot Fpntl r to L4 Iraee In other ehart ehartdefendant ebata ha haI
I > a defendant d Hemre Ilrom 11 own OW t 1IIt mi l i lOI lOIdivideida ni nir BI BIrfildtlld
r divideadi into the tb rvoint fIr < > f M Miu MiuSohult Ii Iiiohlllh t tuzti
iohlllh Som ntniii 9v win winI
I uzti h Mteral ktakit lla lo Iwt H ti ii iie
1 e here kr to 11011 lio a 4IftHlI iar illy Hiu Hiuheil H tIt tItfleqJ t i
heil SofauIl Ulil evrnUltllv evrnUltllvi cvpij <
j I
i MA 0 1ml rat I dividend eturt atuiwd h < iwd the thenr ttwnr I
nr r in II whioh th AIIRIM CI ilm sti liIidd b lfHl j4kIpr < lfHlper I Ir
per r ont wj IlfIi wul lt I > ir I r rOle n ar ara
1 a Ole e ewtaUd > 4iln tII tl I > > thn th WM < l 111611 111611M IVMIV cun cunn
V n M Ur of th thu itltldewl with K t A AUxrawing
> 4 Uxrawing 1 > tvjuorti 3 JOor xiJI from the II tis lrn lrniru 1111rut ItnI
iru I rut l t oaiMtir om and litl addmic it IIlIaneco i ianei i ilanee
anei lanee thilt momme lrHrn lII at the M IrII IrIInla Lrciih4nhI naii naiiwhi
h4nhI nla whi whi h uinonnUol flDrr4uMrn
I tOOL He II then drew etr a heck k on 011or n
i ror or tOOiM 00 and and turned II over to toicrounl IIIIICiIht tocoint
icrounl of tha h MonUm Urt Ii r Iur Iuri 1 1riC tuI
I i tit Company one on of the II th roiKlitueti roiKlituetiam vir1IIs 011 01111I fiS fiS4TII
am 11I or the I h I 1II lilted I oi opr > > r nm < 1 n nhied i iId
hied Id that morning had onlv onlvMrtk < II IIlIlilile
Mrtk Mrtkn
n J e Hrinre Wfl WRR doing doin lit Itis Scliull SchuhOIrowllll i iorrowW e eorrowini
orrowini > > W 1011 M from the Ih Mer Meron Iron Mron
on an unsecured IInfClf d tmnrt mnd note notevK nOII
I vK F KcVstmn ctn a cIr fhe rb nl nlJII7 puPj7p irti irti14ll7e
14ll7e JII7 turned IlIrn < 1 over ov ovraIi al a 10 o to the Ih Mon Monr Ionr in inr
< r Purchasing Company and the theTMnj th thPfla h hiU
TMnj Pfla iU Ore I 4J Purchasing Company then thend IhniI
iI 144 d dividend and proceeded to toi
i < hecksatainst h uln5t ita balance increased increasedtwo int1N d dD
44 two D credit in the lb Alereantle Alereantleli
4 li < iriend amounted to l OJiO and andol arulI nll
I 7 of It t went nt lo the th he United Upper Upperrv llrl Pr Prr > > r rav
av rv r and Hn tiorio n fM I to F A Aowing AST Hin Hint
ST STt t
t f J owing the h tranaActtona th he United Unitedompaay UnllMompaDy UnIt4t
t > ompaay proceeded pr ed to deposit t
I t idend check from the Montana Montanapr Montanahalng
pr r haJing Company to it Ie Account Accountr
f r Meiranllle > rcinttJ Then tgainit thi thir thiar
r T i f dr dw w a cheek for Mooo > which whicht blcbfr
fr > r t IA > France Copper Co Company Companyi1
i1 1 < heck for flMOTO which hleb It had hadr haltrt1 hartsri
sri r rt1 l l and ann deposited in tbe Hudson RudaooJ Rudaonmranyln
J 4 impany mranyln in n Hoboken ThiallMOW ThiallMOWthe This ISOOM ISOOMat I5OO I5OOWI
WI at the Ih h oultidm who bad to 0 have hayn baysn haveney
ney n y The Thet Th rat of tta ta a credit at atX atranti
X rii 01111 the fI United d Copper paid paidi
1 r 1 i idend cheek to the flutters Inaiderate
ci Ie s te t who got Home direct depoa depoato d I
1 1 to cV Vi I of hern in a th the National Bank Banktmeriea Bankmprtea Rinknrriea I
tmeriea ImmedJaMy draw w a aXvi AfjIIlUI afup000
Xvi fjIIlUI an againat the deposit and andi I IJ
i n > hat check in hia hi trtj trustee te ac aci ltCj ac0P
n 0P i il 11reanU1t rcanUV > He H deposited dpoilIMI d
4 1 5 D IMI AI l m n dividend rheckn in th thttrt thf
4 ttrt f I Ft Company where h he had haddrew haddr hartrIypw
> drew dr a cheek rba for JflOnrw JflOnrwat QOfl QOflt In Inr
r at t account and put that lha that4t chuck chuckI
4t I < until H Jle Kkewiav put f 1121 1121it at atM
M 11 te t the NaUmial Park Bank BankI
1 I 1 > ISarfiat Kaifl t them and took that thattnhiif thatIrhur ha ha1rtnIUe
I 1rtnIUe
tnhiif r hH getting RI n < Ma dividend dividendttTtMje d4ldflfllI divtdenrtdepoitr4J
I ttTtMje I I1Ue lieponited t4od it t ifl the tlieUnk thei
i Unk Jlkr or f North tt Amen AIR a rfrw rfrwindntejr d dM diwnefaty
indntejr on < m that M h hank k for forto
I a
101 I to rWiiltw and ScbuJte ScbuJtet Stoia Stoiah
0 t m wKrther Iier aetcunt ef Ua UaPark Wrariik
4 Park rariik rariikjpr art Bank uik Brttfcer Brttfcerof
jpr roseted U IJsI of family familyof j
I Lr Qeor M Mak k of ABMTM A M aa4 aa4m l JI JIQeor
m tMes eba te
flrhulUe ajtrejatlng 1107971 Brother
Friu gate aa hi his check or tMOM 3OC to Schultze 8chul
direct RchnltMa balance In the UtIeantllfl Mfr Mfrcandle MereantUe
candle on th the morning of Aufuat ucuet t the Ih
day after ih the dividend dlvl nd waa declared WM wasIoIeqij
fioiw IOlealO so Th < i check In theM 111 nOMe tranuetion
IlIonll Horn awelied it to M UUSIUG < 7I W The last Iwtact lutI lastact
I act WM for Sohultr to 0 draw a check checkgalnat rheckalll checkaglflt
galnat alll this hi for ban In favor or the ti
Mercantile fflTAniI Bank and nd pity off the WOOOOO
loan tom mad lo Kckatein KckateinThe VkalplnThft EckstjnThe
The Vpril pril dividend waa na a bit simpler
It wa started rt1 l by > y brother Arthur going coinu
up u lo the Ih RUeraide Rht dl Unk Frnuler said saidand
jand i and borrowing 100000 on three note notemad no notrinude I In3d
mad by three clerk lie U deposited depositedthk
jlhU Ihl thk Srixr noonu OOO in the Mercantllfl Rtnk RttktthuItir
rthnltJt hultt who hn had a small balance In the
Mercantile drew a check again this thlamall Ihi Ihimall thismstlt
mall Ulnnce fur KUOflno mo and nd gave it to torlhur
Arthur rlhur and it went In with II the 1700000 1700000wi 1200000hAL
wi 4 that th Arthur had a credit of tuooon on
April Aflriln 27 the Ih day of the dividend Against Againstthia iainstthis
this 1M balance Arthur hen drew a check checkin btCkIn
in favor of lh the h Montina Ore 0 Purchasing lurcbaainr1mpally <
Company for Hioouo toM cut of which that thatcompany lhacomfllny thatcompany
company proceeded ctI lo pay I a dividend dividendlo
lo the tb Inltod Cop Copper > r Company amounting
lo IftMm p334 The Th United Copper r Company
tn thi this cUt aent nt over to Hoboken for the theoutalder theoUlldra theoutsider
outsider tIMXV I no The Tb balance of KJO 5O 5Olii
000 It I lii simply checked over lo 0 Schultre Schultrethe huttze huttzethe
the Ih anw 1M day at a loan thus making hit hitcheck hi hirhtck hischeck
check for that amount good 000 Hunday
Intervened In thi this fntance Bright and andearly andrirl I INrlyln
early Nrlyln rirl In banking hours on Monday mom mornlog 1 1lac
log Sohultw hultllt got a check for IIOCUQ int from fromArthur rromArthur fromArthur
Arthur the liaUnc Arthur h hd d l left fl I after afterRiturdays ftwflaturdaya fMRatumr
flaturdaya trariaAetiooj nna Hshultze hultz d dpofitod df dfpoIIJIId 10 10posittd
pofitod thi this hl check for ttfOW 11I000 In the Mfr Mercantile Mfrcanlil dercntile ¬
cantile The dividend chck of the in Inaldfrs intnenaed
aider Inoroavd 8ehullM hulltI account that thatd thatdt hlltday
d day v tn I MI07t7S fOIl 1016 n making It easy then I
I F for him m to pay 11 hack the Ih loon llCn of ofIh f WOo WOo111I1 4O 4OIh
Ih I 111I1 Instd nited 11 Coppei t11 pp1 Pl Company omran made to tohim 0 0him
I him in order In 11 make hit hi ch check llI < < K > k good goodThe goodTho < 000
ITh The I Inl1 nied tVtpper 11 tompany t mflny added thi thiohek this thisel
ohek 1 1k < ok together lo hlf with itb a rhek for r Mlft Mlftto 13I4to
to it I its butane in lh Mercantile and made madegnod mariegood
good Od ltdi sic di1df1U1 1deml rbecK which amounted amountedIt
It I MJlWJS It hod a balance left thai thail IhllI thatilisv
ilisv < l r after r r thru II rh rireks htoek ck were pr all in of ofIM oft5iIAsI
IM t5iIAsI f1 < W I not of which t proceeded 1 1d to tolnrrn tolnrrn1IVIO loan loanlift 1000nWIO
lift 1IVIO WIO to Hrhtiltw hllllIt Schultc > turned IlImftllhitl IlImftllhitl111I1 thi thilinnirki thuluIvPii
linnirki 111I1 I I over M Ut o > Arthur whlrh hlrh end tnd1 < sl the thet th thIntn thetI5flArtiIfl
Intn Intnt
> t t0 lnteretlnRliut Inl lntere IlnlIIII > sit what Iu doen 11 it amount amountto
to remarked mark d Jnhn I Tomllnaon romll atft of ofHemien ofHeinzaa I IHinz
Hemien Hinz oi t1l ii aI l when court adjourned adjournedThe dJourn dJournTh
The Th jury rrry went nt lo the Ih AM Aor or Hones H to tothink 10Ihlnk tothink
think it over pr The 111 oa c case e will go on thi IhilIIomllllC thus thuslooming
inorninR lIIomllllCT11 loomingiiriiii
OTIIKII an iT rorKsmo rorKsmonepmenlalhe roStEiIoxReprearnistlie 111I 111ImlII
nepmenlalhe mlII Itfrkrarjer HilIII idmlta lie lieHa II IIPaid liehas
Ha Paid to I Vole 01 i fir lorlmrr lorlmrrCMIIJIOO 1lmftl1noo LerimOilAnn
CMIIJIOO OilAnn May i Keprmentitiv II J JC Jl Jfleekmever
C Beckmerer of Carlyl 1 added a aeriM aeriMttoruil WII WIIktNl senuDonut
Donut ilevelopment to 101M the lgialatlve lgialatlveItriherr 1foaiIUoItrltwo tgiaIatIvhrthery
Itriherr Itrltwo IIRlndalod nindl InnUr hv b makin Ut Ihe La
unn unnrIfII11
afwtIa pert I Grand Jirv n confe confession fHion ion that thatrorrolK Ihl Ihlrorrolooral thatcoflntorates
rIfII11 rorrolK rorrolooral > rate in all U eiwential nial details lh lhMorr Ihl IhlIInfT lbltor
Morr of R ttpreaentstuvo pre nttiv nllvlhIH i Charlea A Whil Whilthat Whilht Whitithat
that he h received < 11919 uno far voting for forVYIMrn for1ti1m forW4tiam
VYIMrn 1ti1m Lorlmer Lorimrlor for United 8UI Stati Senator Senatorand 8fnaorhd Snatorand
and hd teat later h he got S9 a hi hie tbnrvofa tbnrvofaCrneral Ib shire of ofnral ota otaCeneral
Crneral nral corruption fund or Jackpot jukpoDetkmpylr jackpotflerkmeyer
0 tkmeyr tkmeyrf who bo wu tCOUIId bT Whl41 Whl41thooier ThL4pi
thooier td1IFnI
pi > > f we rill broke rok down d wn and tod tol the thep Ih IhtIIIf thapeosri
p peosri < etrl tIIIf i isrra > ir > r thf Ih i he hfrt h bin d received ifd money moneyfor 1r1 y yflK
for voting for Lnrimer end hd lut trod < i jot ol a adi ah arIjirl
di rIjirl h irfenti tI from th I genr gn r1 l IIlub lu h fund fundhe flwdthO fundtit
he tit rnmmi h F got in each ln InI instuni tanr l elng heingth > elngth n nI
th I wnie ym nie s iliet Ii h te I IOnfO1 infe e to h ha halilt hv hvlOg v vIHK
lilt reteived N Ii
hie 1k of thf Ib JdC JiiUi ujtae U 111 t nmmat rmm rmlnatrrlre rmlnatrrlrewr frf frfI < irirt irirtwr
I wr r arerI ked 110 K 4r remain until lute let thin thisning bl eve evening f ¬
I ning in order I KM t true tri hill might be re reml ffIm reI
I turnpd Im hit ml thi programme wr w atwti atwtipreiKiMtby ihandfwDd I all alllfIIIld >
lfIIIld preiKiMtby in tli H ip 1110 1110r > iIJon iIJonof
of further furtlt r ntflfrekion ntflfrekionlleekmever lIIfI lIIfII infes4unt4sid4s
laKI lleekmever krnr i o other repre rfjJftoIIlAlh rereiitatlvis
I IIlAlh who While ltol charges wem no all allIH at atII4 L LII
IH II > SoiilUm Hole in Ml 1 I Iollta lorI out Inly 1 13 13HM I IIwo I
HM 10 > at the Ih time m While Ilil nay N that Hol Itolrt ItolrtW1oC ItohntI > rt rtK
K I VYtUon f1 nf f Chicago gai gaC him hi In toil W WItlll a akm as asbra
km NhaI h wt n uf t the Ih Jackpot Jack int > fiil 111 a hard hardlUv hnlII hintnay
nay II lHfure the I Fraud Ira ml JiHT Aflnr art artJiIrIIuftt d 1 1i
i JOrhlfllft1 II ttg4 1I1tII rlfi rthausted rthaustedfrom 10111111 10111111I
I from rrl Ike iii II onla They 11 were I taken Iko defi I lrfrre lrfrrettorrrT r > n nAttortier < I
SI Attortier Ulo Woymiu IRn agun II IIvuinlC lt lttltui tathiM
hiM evening anil 11 then 11 were wereIn rihi rihiI Lanriiwcl Lanriiwclin
I In charge > barx rj t of a ilcletUve IIIKoC llny 1y are Rrprv Rrprvenlalivn Rn Rrprrsepilitive
enlalivn Ial Henry Upn A i Hht Hhhrd Htwjtiaril ihani of o Jersey Jeraeyville Jn1 Jn1vII JerseyvPII4
ville vII mid urn 11 lleprefwnlalive lr llalI Michael lidul1 Unk Unkof Unkof Iinkof
of Mn Muchsit tiah1 h ll Both ohff are iMtnoorau IOrslA who whov whlvle1 whoyiletI
v vle1 yiletI te < l for lmmer lrlhr for Henalor nlor Dolts wet wemvharKed wetuhrargi 1
vharKed harK1 > by > y WWi Whl with will Imng 1111 prevent preventwhen Pf presentwhets I
when wh tbe Ih jaekfiot jukJQt wa 11 divided liv I Duck Bk
I i meyer I mC eonfinnetl rfnd the 1h charge cbnr in a Ilth Ilthtrdill trotheasea both
I easea acronling trdill to information tonight lonihtful tonightfrricn
If ful frricn nun an 1 II indisputable inIII source Haiircei 11r 11rI sourcerun
i THICK Tn run surn I c it 11 El ranv 111 si surtiin surtiinhan U nun nunM I Ian
M han an n lulleil llrd Irom 110 the h Khrr Rhf Tr Threw Him Himelf 11m 11mIf himspit
spit elf If In Front roi of l 1 a Train TrainiVnller TNln TNlnWIIr TraInWilier
Wilier WIIr K I 1111 1 came rml to thi this city Il from fromFk fromlon fromfloaton
Fk floaton > ton four fOlr day ngo I and ald look tok lodging lodgingon lodlinp lodlinpo
on o th the Bowery fwe whence wh he b tried lrM vainly vainlytn Inlyl Inlyltn
tn eel I Into communication communlMlln with ih Police PoliceCommiMiirtner PolNI PolNIommlI PoliceCommissioner
Commissioner ommlI Baker On
< fr fkr Wednesday Wednesdayhe nly nlyhe
he decided tPdf to t walk hack to Boston ton He Hespent Hen H Hspent
spent n that Ih night nllh in n vacant at lot In H Hal Air Airtern r rlein
tern an Yesterday flprly afternoon alemo he h bad got gota 0 0a
a far ar U a the b Wetrh Wlrhur t r avenue eU bridge bridgeover brl brloYr bridgeover
over oYr the lb Bronx Br river rvr when bl wishing ildDI to tokill t tokill
kill himself he Into the
ki jumped JumJ river riverfrom rif riverfrom
from the bridge bridgeDetective brdc brdcDPlvf bridgeDetective
Detective DPlvf Thomas Tho1 Ryan and nd John JohnPickerion JohnDickerson obnOlct
Pickerion Olct of o th tl the New io Haven railroad railroadrowed rl railroadrowed
rowed row r tut out > ut in a boat b pulled pult him biO 00 0 board brd
and ad revived rv him biO They T put him 11m on n board boarda br
a train bound bud for or New e Rocbelle Rbfl and ad adIhto at atthe 1 1the
the Weatcheater station tlon all 1 of them got gotout lo gotout i iAI
out OL
Aa the three hr walked along Ioe the railroad railroadtrack ril railroadtracks
track trk a train llia from Stamford Sumfor thundtrtd thundtrtddown thur tbundaraddown
down dow on O them Bell Bl wrenched wrdt loose IOOMfrom lo loosefrom
from hi his captor cpor and nd threw himself bll on onth o onthe
th the rail rlh la front fon of th tl the train tin Ryan Ryanreached 8 8rMfd flyanuached
reached rMfd down and lifted 1ffd Bell Bll off o Tb Tbdetective nd fldetective
detective d t tv wa nearly nerl sucked 1lbd under lneI the theUai te tetl th thtiia
Uai tl tiia wheel but he I got 1 hi bll man mD off ol o In Intim latme intime
tim tme timeDell
tmefl Bell fl fought roht the Ih two 0 men me uU until un l Police Policeman PcUO PcUOI Polioman
man I Gorman ODmn time nm along alc and nd helped helpedundue helpedsubdue Ip
undue uhue him At the station ulo hou b house Bell Bellaaid DIlsaid 1
said Id that he h had Iw come ee to New 1 York lo lolake 10lake totake 1
lake charge ehr of o the te polio plic force ror He WM WMtaken w wtaken U Utke
taken tke to Fordham Jorbam Hospital HospitalTil Iopll IopllTi hicapitalTIWS
netter Blr anil d Rxpeelrd Eptl te Be 0 Out Ci After tr a aVtm alew
Vtm 1 Dart Pf flea MrxThoma He HeTol fleaThomas
Thomas Tol M 1 l Mulrr Mul prealdent pd of th thKmigraat tu tufllrRt LbFmgrant
Kmigraat fllrRt fnUlrl Industrial Having aIDI Bank Bnk and andan udImpr gadan
an Important Impr flgura l In lf Catholic oNo charities charitlwof tl tlort
of ort tIM M cite ety ba b has been t III I of atomach a trouble troiiMfor tb troublefnr
for ten t daya dy at I fit 8 Vteeoat1 Vit Kpltal KpltalVeterday KNtJ sepitlYestonty
Veterday the t iy ieUn report him fcUeendlNmt himergdINe
eendlNmt eiKI ery greatly mprevH 1 fr R l win winprotwbl WN WNrhl wiNprobably
probably be dteharf a wltfcbl tbrna r or orfnttr orfI orfour
four fI rhl dave dy b Mr J Mairy MW flukY Hve I Nv at 10 I P h Perry PerryMrset rry rryMrert
Mrert ar dews d la I Ae 1 d MOnnvt eki a Greenwlh village Y villageEALHI
VXlI KW I corrov COTO POOL POOLtmixa PUI U lUflIfXXIl lUflIfXXIl1R1XJ r
tmixa aR O HIM 1 1 1t IX IXI v vC
C t I nJ w Jshastes aiu t > if fCharUUrNCMadea fCharUUrNCMadeaCentral naIOUf tharitte HCad NC Made MadentrilWignrby a
Central ntrilWignrby 1 rignre b or Demand DmandsTbat lan TMt Tt nit nitActt I lt ltness
ness M Urine a Mrcerd atr and n Plswr PlswrI FpN FpNnI F1iitrSTTansith
I TrtntaetleM nI tnCttn I I With Wih ith Him HimTh I IT tulsaTb
Th T Federal Fe1 authorities IItbrW have hiv brought broughta brolht brolhta
a new n proceeding p ln against Oln the b alleged 1P pool poolIn rl rlIn
In May Iy cotton rlon naming nmln thi this time a u the theprincipal theprlncp1 theprincipal
principal prlncp1 defendant dfrnd Jam James A Patten raulnIr
Mr Ir Pattena rltnl name nme 1U a au not included Indud in 11 inIh
Ih ho aubpttnaa ubn served Inl for the original originalGrand orlin1 orlin1Ord originalarand
Grand Ord Jury JUl7lnHttplon Investigation two 110 week wH ago agoFrank aaoFrnk agoFrank
Frank B Hayne and ad W B Brown Brn wen wenthe wn werethe
the only defendant dfrndant mentioned mentonfd by name nameIn nlmeIn namein
In that tb proceeding prla Tbe Tt Tb new ttibpcrna ttibpcrnamany luhp
many copies Mi of which hllh were erved H In the thefinancial th thlnr1 theflitanciat
financial lnr1 diltrict ditlc yesterday I I I is entitled entitledThe fttlI fttlITe entitledTh
The Te Th United Unl stat IIt Aglot Jame A APatUn Arln Arattan
I Iclb
rattan rln and Other The man w who ho gained gainedcelebrity pn gainedcelebrity
celebrity clb or notoriety by wheat wh deal In InChicago InChltlto inChicago
Chicago Chltlto i III thus hl brought hrouh formally formaly Into Intothecae Inlothe intothe
thecae thecaeAn the t case caseAn
An entirely new nf figure 11 in the 1 proecii proeciilion I proecrIlion I Ilon >
lion lon i ha C W Johnston Jobnaon of Charlotte Ihrlole N NP NPThe C CTh I IThllfn
Th Thllfn The iibpcrna command crmll every evl one terved tervedwith H11 H11wlh sefvNiwith
with wlh it I to 0 bring brln all the th record rfrd relating relatinglo rflln rfllnto
to IranMctlona IrnNelonln in cotton rton with lb th person penonJust f1PrI personJust
Just how 01 he h fit IItI fits into he Ih content rltMt no one oneIn onfIn oneIn
In the th cotton rlol trade would wol or cmilJ ldJ nay nayveolerday I
veolerday 1 ay but II I wa recalled fl1 that the theoriginal Iheoriginal
lorln original allegation charged that the I
cotton rl n bull hll hal rnniplred mnaJIffd wilhKoiiihrn whRh rn rnplnnf
spinners plnnf and It w ft al conjectured ronJllrl that th Mr MrJohnitoo Ir IrJohnloo
Johnston might be b the lh repreentatlve Ilnialve of ofthe ofth ofthe
the th plnner plnn or an n Intermediary Inprmll between betweenthe un unh
the h cotton Ilon bull nih and nd IhoM Soilhern Soilherneplnner Rlhe Hvitbemptnnera
eplnner plnnn with wih whom whon they h are alleged 111 lo lohave 10hUl tohave
have hUl ronplred ronllrl lo withhold cotton lon from fromth ffomIho
th Iho market mk and artificially advance dvnc it
price priceThe rrC nl rtnll I I IrrC
The T form fn of the th nibpTiia 111 l Pa uniiwial uniiwialInvtead u II1 I IInIlalt
Invtead InIlalt nf the th hurt h rt form ordinarily oretinarly ued uedMr ld ldMr 1104iMr
Mr W1ckerham 1rtam men have hur prepared Plalt a afour IfOlr afour
four fOlr page printed prnlf form fom containing the themoet ehll ehllmOI themot
moet mOI explicit pln direction dirPinn1 lo the he men served wrv1In ervedIn
In regard alrd to the Ih production pmICIiol of record recordof recordsof r
of transaction trnltinn with that Mr lr Johnvton Johnvtonw Johotitoapaho
w aho ho 10 ee seems fn s to 1 be I a central onlrl figure nll Hub Hubprrna Hubnl itohprenas
prrna nl It appeared aptrf from he name of oftho ofbo ofthose
tho those bo known knon to 0 have ha been b eerved yester yesterday yt ytdlr yesterday ¬
day have hutn been nerved I on everybody by who whoha whoa whoaccepted
ha a accepted ICIN deliveries dllnrN of 0 May 1 cotton or orwho Mwho orwho
who baa b bought bfb contract rnr for fo delivery deliveryom eIliftr1m
1m some om time tll this thl month monthThe monthTh monthThe
The Th witnene iUf are Ir commended comndf to pro produce p produe ¬
duce du on o May U I all 1 record ror book bk paper papertelegram paf1Pnt1Iua paperstelegrania
telegram 1Iua cablegram chlpcml contract etrt etrttn agree agiom agreemenu
m tn menu nu notft nott notts and an memoranda mmod including includingauthorization Inclulnl InclulnlauthoztO includingauthorization
authorization authoztO and direction dlrlO to purchase puh
and ad ell 1 raw cotton tt relating rlatllo to and bow showlag bowlag bowI
lag I < a 1 follows followsFirst rolo followsFLrst
First nrt the te aggregate 11 number Rumbr of bales balesof halMor balesof
of pot r action aoto in I the b Itgal 111 possession of ofthe Ir4te ofjthe
the 4te wltneasV It hi hi broker br pon or o agent agentor nl
or o any D of 0 them November ioymbr 1 l tO9 11 tot totth forti i ite
th te account a oW of C W Johnston Joo Charlotte CharlotteS Crlolte
S or o aay al a firm 8 ZtL corportileraTcojjiM corportileraTcojjiMner emt Pmn Pmnnerihip t
ner nehp nerihip hip pool p syndicate edcI or o a ociation ilion of ofany ofn ofany
any n nature nar whatsoever of which hleholoo C W WJohnston i iJohnston
Johnston oloo to a rormber lmbr officer otrr or n director directoror dl tor toro
or o act cts a as agent agentIn agntIn nt
In 4vCn v n other pacification pilCton Ihe WH WHn witnlseee 1 1n
n nlseee e are a directed dlrN lo bring all 1 record recordhowlng rseordshowing er
showing how In the th aggregate clet number numbr of o hale haleboucht h halesbought
bought bo h and the number nlmb each fah day d in
dealing dfaln for Ih the Johnston Jonton account on tbe tbenumber tIe tIeniiflr i
number 1111Mr niiflr of bale bl bought Ocbt to be received receivedin fi receiveda
in pursuance plllllnCf of future flllr contract ltr thej thejnuml the thenuinter I II
numl nurtr nuinter r of l irale < al M sold > ld I but bl not delivered delivereilhe
I he date cae lit and amount ouol vf o each eah and n every everypayment everypaymenl 11
payment pmpnl all 1 voucher ochl receipt fil cancelled cancelMcheck cancelledchecks nfolkl nfolklebfk I
check ebfk and nd other negotiable nlcolahl InvtrumvnN InvtrumvnNevidencing instrumrsntevidencing
evidencing kfnlnl the th h payment nf o any mini miniThe stunsThe un
The Th date c included in lb ppxclflcation ppxclflcationc epecitteatuonseusnpri 1111ton4 1111ton4trll I I
c trll eusnpri < i > m > ri > the h period ru between November NovemberM umr
M 3 J I 11 Isos M and ad Align AI < It I lll 111 The Tb n dale of j I
the h alleged 111 111 wx > l agreement JO1 i irs Novemlier Novemlier3H oV oveniiirrJ
3H I and a the th agreement ptmI i alleged lfa1 tn liav hn1 hn1m hia I Ifiren Ifjrrn
firen mad to run nm until t
m I In1 August IKI I j I
Mr Ir Palleu 11 who bD wa w in the t city el in I lit lb lb3rIy tin tinKlrly
Klrly rlr part rt of f th Ihe week k for fu the b ptirM plll P0111Wof wi wiof
of accepting tIne deliver Ir of May cotton cottonleft cottonleft olon olonIfl
left for Chicago l1ICI oil Wednesday and ad ar arrived a arrivd ¬
rived rlye there Ih ymUrday lny Chicago n11 d dIMitcheii d1IehH ds dsspatclrca
IMitcheii 1IehH lo I lat t ulght ullhl Mid Id that 11 lio h lia had < l little littleIj Itl Itlla
Ij ay regarding alnl liU I td cutloii cll operatIons ofxiratlonbut 0r41
but hl inn elp szprraed ipre > ef 1 himself ilmllf a as not 10 at t all al afraid afraidof I Iuf I
uf 0 the tbt tbeOoySfnhbetIL Oovrni Ouv rnnllllo im investigation iovwtigatloaCiuiiixirTit investigationCuurionr Iluo IluolIAInJ >
CiuiiixirTit lIAInJ N CMyt C May i C W V John1 John I
lt ton on is I president padn of the hl Highland ICblflc Park ParkManufacturing PAk PAkInufelrlnl ParkManufacturing
Manufacturing Inufelrlnl Company CumpllY which lcb ban banthree b bIhl barsthree
three Ihl mill 01 and oc the tir large LUlt lestile utl plant plantin plnl plnlIn
in the lb Piedmont Pim1 we rctiou Ion lie ll i is also alaopresident alsopresident lf
president of the Brown Bn Manufacturing ManufacturingCompany ManufacturingCompany 1nufadlnnl
Company Iohny He I II I la a said to be L ii the Ih highest highestpaid blh blhpid Lightpaid
paid pid mill mi president in the Ih Houlli Houlli4v HIII HIIIPUiTt4TSR MoulhiILtTV44TI111
PUiTt4TSR ILtTV44TI111 4v 40 roirns PUUTI PUUTIIo POIITI4least i iMtr
least > Mtr Io Carter rrf Bars St IIOOOOooo 11800 a aYear arfr aTear
Year rfr C Could ea W Be B slaved nd Easily EasilyMay E1 EasIlyWaaijiorox
W Waaijiorox AIIWOTI May SI 5 SSsor SSsnator Ssnator Bourn Bournspeech Dlmf iloumes iloumesspeech
speech Ph In th the h Renate fate today tooy on what wb he hesaid held heiiid
said ld wa the lb beat t eUetlon olto law lw in the b world worldmanlnf worl I
meaning that of Oregon provoked poroW poroWrrlta a aspirited aiplrit4d
spirited d debit on the method of
rrlta dbte me bo ap appointing apepointing p ¬
pointing plntn < Federal fa oflJeera ofe generally < ell and andpostmaster andpotmutrs nd ndptmt
postmaster ptmt in i particular rnlular Senator stor Car Cartar Ca CarIe
tar te chairman clraa of th the Post Pot OfflccCotnmittr OfflccCotnmittrproposed OmcCmmltN OmcCmmltNpp OmcComtnittsproposed
proposed to have postmaster
pmtra promoted promotedfrom pmote promotedtron
from pp on Oe poet p oflle omo to another uotbe without witout
regard PM to But St llaca li after It Ih the manner mUnlr of ofrailroad orrlroa ofrailroad
railroad rlroa alt agent agentSenators e nU nUSenator
Senator satr Hal and Baooo Bn tp xpr xprasd xprasdthemselves > d dth
th tbll themselves malvs favorable ravoabl to postmaster ptmt being beingplaotd hm beingplacid I Ipl
placid pl in I tb tl the ckaalOed el civIl service rvie le listSenator Jlt list hatsenator
Senator tr Carter C said ud that tat It I cost ct about aboutjau000000 abut abutIUoo abouttlOooO
jau000000 IUoo a year a to run n th te the Post Pot Offle OffleOtpartment Ol OffloDpirtmnt
Otpartment Dpmt For IIJIOOOCOO 1200 a year yearaaid yursaid fr frId
said Id be b a good business bu man who ho would wouldconduct wouldconduct oul
conduct enduc this thi business bUin on O to lh the merit system systemas yst tm tmu m maa
aa th te the Paonaylvania PIIII Railroad Rl I I ii con conducted cn cndu centdueled ¬
ducted du could cul give u l us a btt bte better r service ryl in invH7 inevery
every 1 respect rpt and a mat mt a profit plt beaid beaidSTlBUt bkM bkMInBBJ beuklse beuklsesnBaIs
STlBUt ACCCSK1 ACCLSr Oil ni THVST THVSTKansas TRLrluaOerIIlar TMsrlinsasGeernra
Kansas luaOerIIlar linsasGeernra Otrnr eerUrr HaMttand HaMttandart Cayi rIIUnr Nianri Nianriled
art an Tried Tlf I te Bay lr ImmunIty ImmanltyTores 10Ial ImmunItyTorn
Torn To Kin May l ID D Ieahy Ieahyseoretary rh rht Xeshysecretary
secretary t to Oov Ov W R n Stubb 8tubb In I a aalgned asigned
signed statement Issued to today
tt luu sees rta rtathat r rtithat
that tht the t Standard 8ludr Oil 01 Company Cmpny offered offeredlo Ofr
lo support epr th te the Governor Oofmr in the theIt present pmentflute presentittit
flute It campaign nDplp If I the tl Governor OYfmOr would wouMnet wouldnot woudnot
not pr pn prse tbe antitrust nttr suit ult pending pendingagAlntt Jdlni JdlniC1 pendingagainst
against C1 their tlr company rmpa The Te statement ttatomentays IUtIII IUtIIIYI statementsays
says saysCli YI
111 Cli li months mota tgo 0 a Standard Itar Oil 01 Comnany Comnanyatleraer Cmln Cmlnt Cempaayattorney
attorney t earn C lo 0 me m aKh Ub I a preposition preMMHIonthat pefkl pefklha
that ha If the h Oevernor Oonmo would wo ease u up on 0 o tnMandard tbflMr tn thtandrd
Mandard flMr 08 Company CO aD fc would fu art W th thffiBMHr the theem hi
em ffiBMHr aftyS BAtHHil Maaatrr al to k itMnrfon
Nf his U 14t HMea 0 it t4 fiovr IOf ovrser r tM a civ Y Yr M him Ms MsABMti Idasad
ABMti r sad sweater atH Ma4ard Ml
= xt 81ar 0
J JL =
14 4IfTII ItT WO i l lit litEarthquake I VS VSKarthqnake
Earthquake Uhal lirilr lrro IIestrOs Cesta sat Ia mean nlMn Cll CllAt < I y yu
At least I at IOU 00 Dead DeadffnM Deadpff4i al
ffnM W CiiUf Co CdII W LJfI04M tM f to e Tim Tn MiX MiXIONDOM 11 11IHDN MI MIfoiooi
IONDOM IHDN May 1 e The Tm Tlmllah Times tale that lhatthe thatthe h htbe
the town ow ol ollrtlll Cartago Cot COla Rienhaal r hA III IIIprMlllly been > een eenpractically
practically deatroypd ralroYld by hyan an irthruake aldhqrImkeFive irthruakeFlve u1hqllkl i
Five F hundred pernonanre persons fn 1r sire known klown to hate hatebeen h hiaiebent I In
been n kiled kiledThe klfd klfdTe ldletiThe
The Te Peace rl ralal PaUce biMIt IIHlt with fund fundcontriliuled fundrnlrlbu1 fundsCOfltfbUtlMI
contriliuled rnlrlbu1 by Andrew Andlw Carnegie tlmpie m il in inruin il ilMlnll inruIng
ruin ruinj Mlnll
j I ruIngm Thi T wife and fluid hll of Ir r Mocanegra MocanegraI IlocanegraiheftutnanniMsgialrnle
j I I IhMGiuktemalniiMagMlrate thA 0111 INIQlf lo the Ih Central CentralAmerican CentralAmeriir Cnlr1 Cnlr1I
I IS American Amfr n Arbitration Arhlraton Court rOlrl have been beeni bn beenkilled I
i killed klll Conalemallon onlpmato prevail llvlile a as < hocks shockscontinue hockscontinue hockn I
continue In n he I bit fritKan fllHan bitan I
Han an Join J ha I been aiM shaken some someof anl anlof sfleof
of the Ih hulkling hullin being inc damaged lImc1 liit no nodeaths nodeaths
I deaths Ih an an r fl reported < > orted lrd in that city Koine Koinepenmnit 11 Houiipersons
I persons 1 were Injured injurwlShock InJlrlI InjuredShocks
Shock Hho were also 1 > felt at 1 ivveral ril IKIIIIH IKIIIIHIn INilllin
In Nicaragua Skaral n lf Irenr < nr tb li ilir Posts N INh INhrrolfr It Rican RicanIroniier lean leanfrontier
frontier rrolfr II t Is slated Ialll that there II In much muchsuffering mumsltIrinl muchsuiflering
suffering sltIrinl al CartflKn arllKB ctm toniqulPtit > > qiieul ii tIOfl tIOflthe fon fonth on onIhn
the th disaster ditavlerWhen disasterhei
When Wh hei the li Central Cnral American IriI41 Court of ofJustice ofJulc ofJiiitic
Justice Julc met at l Cartago in May 1 of lant sat year yearHigh 1rHllh yearHigh
High Commissioner om iMon Buchanan 8lhana repre representing reprosenting pr prHnllna ¬
senting the nited Uni Stale read a telegram telegramfrom telegramfrom Iaan
from Secretary Mary tool no which stated thai Ie Ieliad 1 Iehid
hid 111111 been l ti authorised by tl Amlrpw hl Carnegie Carnegielo rnll rnllIII
lo offer o 5 ti 111 l International Inlraloll ocirl slit slitfur 111 111for i i ni nifor
for the Ih erection rl of a temple of iiinllcw 111111 lilelicewhich iiinllcwwhich
which lir hoI1 h < Hild be I ii th permanent rrlaln sitting sittingplace ullingplace IIII
place J4 of thai tribunal tribunalMr trihlnal
Mr Ir Carnegie vnegieeniTr mplitor offer wn w received with withIdflicht wih wihIdi willdeliht j
Idflicht bl the h I
Idi < by rvprtvemtttivfi of the Ih
I Cmlrnl Amfriran rira repiiblicn 1lhll in II Attandanef Attandanefi Illltl11 Illltl11I
i I upon up the Ih eeiMion iNI at tlta I lima 1m and the theI Ih Ihlihnk thethanks
I thank of f the th bodv hft I4nI were w sent < nllo to the Ih donor donorThere
I There 111 ha hu lieen m no > report rl ine all then thenof Iltn Iltnllf thenof
of the Ih eomplrtfon Iml111 of Ihtt I thu Temple TrOII of Justice Junllenor Jlllll JusticeflIt
i nor nlr ha I 155 here been l any new n from frm Car CarURO l Cartgo
t URO 110 to indicate rdlla that tin I c cuiIrt < xirt rl wa 1 un uniting It Itt It Itting ¬
j iting t Inlt ting in Ih the new lemtl Imll at the I time 11 of ofi ittthe
i i 111 the oarthnuake IIUlk Sinn Iln IIIKUIIIVH 1Ml of iti ititerventlon Il IlInnlol iiitervntlon
F terventlon Innlol in il the li tiu civil 1 war lIr In II Nicaragua Nicaraguawere ii r < U
were no taken Ik by the I hI court 111 on M Iy iy 3 the th pre preJinipllon 1ffalfpton pr prsuniption
Jinipllon alfpton i I Pa tint Die Ih court Nllr was utill IUI m meexion a inseersion
seersion eexion 101 HI the Ih time Ur of the Ih nirthIUike oirtluquiakeUIREsrIII rthIIIIk rthIIIIkUrlCI
UrlCI UIREsrIII 15 5 ciif ff utnrn utnrnChleago lililtI lililtIChlID qirirhteago
Chleago flan ln if f Meant eeuteil f fIng Ianl Ianling n i iIn
Ing In loml In a raise 1 llettoni 1010ni Trunk TrunkFerdinand Trn Trnrlnl TrunkIstdjnand
Ferdinand rlnl Bunt nln of Ir ChionRn lia who hn I IMid IMid Iseid
Mid to be I u wealthy Nllh chocolate dllt manu manufacturer manufdur manutacturer ¬
facturer was arretrd ti yenlentay Id on 5th 5thltamhurgAmericn n nllmhurm a allamhurgAmcrican
llamhurgAmcrican llmhurm rln Une Un pier in II Hi Hiboken 1 hutbokqti > >
boken bkf by h Deputy III Itft0 Hurveyor Peter J JSimmon JHimmn 1 1Simmons
Simmons Himmn and itttom tllm Inspector InAJol John JohnKenny Jltn JltnKtnyand JohnKennyand
Kenny Ktnyand Kennyand and John Jlhn II I Morri Murriseyon Irr yon fn a 1 charge chargeof rr rrof
of smuggling nuigglingHe mlcla mlclaH
He H wa a passenger I on the II steamehip Nmlp
PnnTlv rnnlnnl Pennsylvania nU and nd bronint brlltht with Ith him a I
trunk trnk with a fal fats bottom blom the tu customs customsmen eUltommfn customsmen
men My M conttining lfhininl tin In assortment aMrtmnt of ofthing ofthlnl ofthings
thing valued nlur at no 2Itt whkh h h he II bail ha not notdeclared no nod notdeclared
declared d I conUting rollnc of diamond dimon rings ringsbracelet rAl rAlbrtt ringbracelet
bracelet brtt meerschaum 18eum pipe 1 curtains curtainsand curtainsand ri rian
and an bedspread rPd They The My that h Bunte Buntewho Hlnl Hlnlbo footewho
who bo U i I an fldrrJy eb eUer1inn mm rH si1Mcb si1Mcbstowed hir4 f itfrt itfrtatowed
stowed away In hi ba his trouters tfp leg I juat juathind JI t tbind be bebind >
bind hi his knee where whn they 1h snuggled Nlull do doup close closeup
up lu t th the hollows hlllo and ilidn Iltnt t interfere interferewith Irre Irrewth interiorwith
with wth hi hiI locomotion locomotionBunle Ilmoltn IlmoltnI locomotionflunte
I Bunle Dun wa < amlgiiMi amlelt before wrO Inited Inited8ute Inilfi InilfiI Initedttatu
8ute Ril ronlBiwKHMr fonmi Ir KVIwurd Kit Iba in the theKreond th thod thebecond
I Kreond od National Saro1 Bank nk Building DllldilC and ald wa wareened was wasreiead I
reened ffI tn ft IO on hl hl for examtaatifm m l n on onM only nflMay I
M May ly VtT t ll w wapaccomrl000I to the m
I ml missioners r office ot hy I Iin h hI swi > win II W4 wars warsmlii
I a Will 111 IH mt I him HI a I the Ih I IHT IHTron lfr lfri lo4rIKMI
i f IKMI lll ron m vita I 11S 1 in I II 111 111I lit nn ili iliTen is isTen
Ten I iilleilMlaleMetialnr ni isilesi Ilal MIII 111 eluaIr < i ll Uon n Into IntoTheir Inl InlTlr IntTiwIr
Their Tlr Pwkelt ft tr > r suN IH lUrli lUrliWiJtiiiNOTox I ItarisWuaIIpawN tr I I
WiJtiiiNOTox UIUNITS May Tni T Senator Senatorcontributed Sm Sniatooosotritruted i
contributed r IrillId lint 11 Nh aeh tuilay hM to I a foam fimdIu flHI flHII
Iu I Im I prrenled to Sir II Kli Pl IlIpa a V i lUrri lUrriJan larr1 larr1Iltrly I
an rl lrrly < of Sf IjincaMer
Jan Iltrly woman IAla0r Kv Kvwho K Krwlius
who wi ill II thi civil rvl war ar 1a na a > knnirii kn knI1 i the theAliRl thetnige 1 I
AliRl I1 tf sf f ilin II ib Ht IIIHIM lIuedl4hs > ilAU Mn 1 lar lara liitrrwho llurri
who wa a < well 110 to do I 411 in the en 0 Ois H now nuwin nowI fluiwIll
in I ptrait rtraitrnrii tro1I1 ne < l rirpnmtauce Irll4 ll 1 Iin > r ra racain eaVmZI >
Cal cain to lh li mittre It nf StHil 4T14N llk1 > r < Ihr through Ikrclli througha < Higli Higlia
a Mil i introduced for her rdief rlf br Senator SenatorHraUlov MntorBradley ntllr ntllrlrdl
Bradley lrdl of f Klilit 11111kr Kentucky ky It calls 0111 I fur rl an anappruprlatHm anVrulrlI anapIIroprIatII
appruprlatHm VrulrlI of f llt lltTim 8l 8lml 1f
Tim 11 Senate Kr committee lrfl liMi 11 had hadolllu tim timrr thernoust
rr rnoust olllu liitliMi Isuit jindir c 1IIrl croesirlerutlon iH Kirulioii had 11 tn tndecide todecide n
decide that it hail I no authority ol to I report reportthe I
the Ih bill i I I
Hntt 111 ltenatirr a 111 < ir HnuNit SnlN wa w O > impre iltllff1 imprerseI > ml by I tim timetory Ih Ihlo hrtory
I tory lo of If Mr nt Harri larri lhat h iKKted 4iggeeterithat iKKtedtliat IKIt IKItlil
that ten Senatoro Ix I Ii akwl tn
lil Sn alIi n contribute nmtributtfiui 1 > 1 1a
fiui llI each ear ah for hrr r relief rlr Senator rtlr Smnot Smnotetarled lmnotstaried ro
etarled a > the I tiaJI wl rolling ln and Mlal at hi his reoue rrIul44 rrIul44Vfiatori t I IH
H tIall natnr > iiiggrnheun IItnhtll Klktn lktl4 l Ihl > u Inl Pont lontOliver j
Oliver thr Ifcmrne Im Bulkeley 1IIIkI Smith Mlnl Carter cartersnui artr artrnll
and nll Briggeach DrUth turned Jim SI into the Ih fund flnd fsinsiItni i i11r
MM Harris larri wa a volunteer vlllllr nun hll in I the thewar th thwar tinwar
war Mhe I mmltered 111r to hiss t wants a14 of ofInion oftni ofnlot
Inion tni nlot oldiere 1111 without wihol charge nut 1111 camout rmOll cam rainscsit
out Oll of ih struggle a heroine heroineiT5 h heroinetsr rln rlnIt
It tsr iT5 i inn lUl ssz tfwx nni nniI 11 11nrrf1 1111 1111InrrdpfnirI
I nrrdeemri nrrf1 Jailbird tiearrd Jrtd Hefere fol He HeCenldNwUiflle I lieCatd
CenldNwUiflle Catd < old Naindie IMItn an Immigrant immigrantThom mmlcal I IThomas ITomu
Thomas Tomu Quigley recently released releasedfrom releseodfrom
from rrm Sing Sing after fllr nerving seven sevenrear sevenyear 1 I
year rear for burglary was before forr Magis Magistrate 1Ial Magiatrite ¬
trite tntefrlo Barlow in the th Tomb Tomhrollrt court yesterday yesterdaycharged yfnlachaled yesteriliycharged
charged chaled with wlh working workin the te dropped droppedleather Irorpl ropped roppedlather
leather Itbrr game lam on immigrant I
I Detective Dldlv Muggey llultY said I that Ih Quigley Quigleyand QliI QliIand
and a pal pl dropped dropp a wallet 111 in Washington Washingtonafreet Whlaton WhlatonfrHt
street frHt in the h neighborhood n81bhorho of the home homefor homf homefor
for immigrant Immlln Quigley picked rckt It I up upIn upIn upin
In view of a passerby aald Id Muggey Muggeyand
ualey ualeyUd
and Ud feigned rlcf great Irut joy at a finding fndlDl1 it atuffed atuffedwith t lut tiffed
with wit a Itooo SUJ counterfeit CuntrP bill hl QuIJtrj Qul lr lrwu
was willing Llin to 0 part pat with wlh the ti bill hl for roram1 a asmall
small am1 sum um because bll II 11C tc COO bills hii are re great greatburdens 1tt 1tthurdfna greatburdens
burdens and nd not no easily factored ctorl Into Intosmaller laomler intosmaller
smaller mler currency currencyTh cur currencyThe
Th Thf The victimelect tlctlmI failed rllto to bite hl and andQuigley andQuigiey n
Quigley Qul and nd hi hll confederate oflate fled I at t the theapproach Ih Ihapproac theapproach
approach approac of orJ the detections detectionsWe dIfH dIfHW
We W rhawxl bt Quigley QIIII into Inl a doorway doorwaysaid doorwaysaid oorway I
said 11 Muggey lul and nd saw w him tear Mr up the thecounterfeit thecounterfeit I Icounrfi
counterfeit and rd swallow 111 it I rot him himby himby
by the thf throat hut It I wa ton 0 late I hat I ISine i I IfUnc
Sine fUnc he hl ha f has swallowed allwe the Ih corpus eorptwdelicti f corpusdelicti S
delicti delci the h beat I I can e do I is to hold him la lallono insl
llono sl 0 bond bnd for good 0 Miavlor said saidMaetilrttA sl ssldMaiairstm
MaetilrttA MflINI Barlow lllw He I H went J Qniglny QIC to tothe toIhe tothe
the workhouse workhouseXeielUt workh workhouseuelIat
XeielUt 111 Declared Illallar IllallarCHtC Insane InsaneCHICAGO InsaneCMIcoO
CHICAGO CHtC May S Mr Margaret la Potter PotterBlack Poltr PoltrBlak Pottermack
Black Blak who under uer the pen II name me of Mar Margaret 11 Margszet ¬
I garet P Horton Hoo Potter rofr ha I > written rleR several severalnovel severalnoeck r
novel noe baa b been deleared cll insane i and mm cornmilLed < mmmitt
I ft
I mitt milLed xi to a sanitarium Ull Mr 1 BUek Bk la the theucbtiT
drier ddc mlt of DM a kit late 1 U W Potter POt sad wife t I
1 Attorney t John Jr D Btack Bk m son > n a of Gen wie
John 6 J C Clash 1 who h I Is a f member IRIhr of f the
United Uael States CtvH Cvi Servte Commlasten Commlastent CfIleR CfIleRS 0 1 I
21i t T cjsfisjrAti CEcI141 AJr 4 Lys itrrisi itrrisir
r BimKal < S HttntA ae > > MM 4 M lel TMwM
MM l 1 M I S rtvu im a liar It I is es1se I
lit Il ivo 0 irir IT MPPOSKD nUD TO TOAla TUIfS TOItImK
IfS tIStl 0 OJUTKR DIS55T111 DIS55T111Mail
I Ala Mail aU II 4arrUr rrl Twe T lw lltmdred IUrt Yards Yar Vr Ir Irb Vain VainMuth m mMMlb
MMlb b of r Mine 1 Instantly lnantr Hilled 11 and andllil a andIIed
llil le AlmMl AllOt ConcumedWerk COMWe of ofRescuers 01RfH sbflescuers
Rescuers RfH Made d Faille Ftle by b Bad Dd Air AirI At Airittits
I 111 ittits U > Ala a May MaySAt S At IJO I I3cociock oclock oco this thisafternoon tblI thisafternoon
afternoon afrnon an n explosion lllloon In mine mne No o 3 of ofthe orIbe ofthe
I the Paloa 10 Coal and ad Coke Coe Company twenty twentymile twentymiles walymi
mile mi from fror Birmingham Jlrmlnfhm entombed omb forty fortyfive rort rortn fortyfive
five n white whtl men me anti ninety nlnet negroes negroesThe DI negroesrite
The f explosion urllion I II l bI1 IieYId lved to have hae been beencaused bn beencaused
caused rlll by b gal I and nd dust dli It I happened at ata ata ata
a limn int when wht employee OploJ were Wfr not nt supposed supposedtn appa
tn Iw I In blasting ulill In the mine mineThe rlnN rlnNTh8 minesThe
The explosion eploaon wa a of such ae Urrlflo terrilo force forcethat rO rOthat fortsthat I
that Samuel Smlfl Goolby Olfb a justice jutr of the thepeace tbe1r lb lbpeace
peace 1r and rural free f delivery deU1 carrier carrieritklng lf lfalk carrierwalking i
walking alk InK on 01 a railroad rllrel track tck KM 00 yard yardfrom yardfrom yardsfrom
from the mouth of the mine was WI In Intantly InIanlly intantly
tantly killed ki l hi hil lila body by being bln burned burnedalmost bne burnedalmost
almost lo a lip The T country runtry for mile milearound mi milesaround
around wa was fthaken akfn by b11he the explosion explosionM flplool explosionMeseagea
M Meseagea age to 0 Birmingham lrmlngha and other othertown otbf otbflown othertowns
town in the h region soon In started trt renciting rencitingpartie Ilnl IlnlpartN rewingparties
parties partN to 0 th the scene InI A D IJghtner IJghtnergeneral lJghtnergeneral lhtnerInlal
general Inlal agent alnt of the tbl Frisco Fra road rod got Ct a anMift arial aepeciutl
epeciutl nMift rial train together 111lhlr and with lh a number numberof nlml
or phyeictans Ih mine mlf operator > Mrlol and other otherwent olh1 olh1nlo otherswent
went nlo to Palok PalokThe Paloliliereetitework
The 11 iliereetitework renciie rtlllrk work wa wussilow vlow al The TeolYIn Theozygen Theozygeniwlnuta oxygen
helmet were r brought hfulht Into use u but bll a I
raveiti lil a few fl < hundred hlnlrld feet fe in from Ih Ihmine Ihel Ihelmllll Inmniuse
mine mllll mouth 1111 cloeml Die I passage JI of fresh freshair ff
air I
Ilonlt Among lonlt the Ih while hl known klOn to b lt be in th thmine the theunitie
mine 1111 nr J S Pennington rnninKon hi his twenty twentyfouryearold tWfnlyfOlrrlold twentyfiouryrarold
fouryearold son ln Cliff lll 11ff a sixteenyear sixteenyearold sixteenyearulilsori llfYHr llfYHrold
old ulilsori ori 1 Mbert r and afifteenyearoldson afifteenyearoldsonClarence a la laClarI
Clarence ClarI Pennlngtnn leaves a widow widowand wido widond widowand
and nd eight lllt more children Udffn Other OlhH in the themine I Irn theinto
mine rn are r J I McCain 11ln Knox In1 McCain 1caa his hisMMI hi hisson
son 11 Flbert tI and nd Melvin lvln aged a IS I and nd IS ISrespectively IIrIIYI 11respectIvely
respectively rIIYI Bob Bray Ir Ralph Iaph Sexxer Sexxeraged Seareraged r rI
aged < I II I year fa John McArdle Jim 1m Clarke ClarkeBob CIr llarkelolt
Bob Ih White Whtle Dave n Wlimll William Dave Owlllira OwllliraDugal Owllm OwllmDUKal flwihllmlug
Dugal lug Ciuthrie Ollhrf James Curley Iee 1 Ie Bros Broslein Or BOsInn
Inn aged al1 Id II John Milligan II 17 1 Burgan Burganllrnnld OlranBrlnId RurganPreafleid
llrnnld BrlnId Hansom lanlm Brasfield Orld Martin MartinBlack Man Manao Martinfliak
Black ao Martin Burrrll 811TI Fred Fr Stansburg Stansburgand SIneburl
and Hem lm Staniburg StaniburgThe Mlanbllt MlanblltT8
The T8 Palo Coal Col and n Coke Ck Company Cmpanyl Cmpanylml la lamade I Imade
made ml up of the Mean f Drtmnen Dal of ofBirmingham of8rmlnlhm ofRirmlngham
Birmingham 8rmlnlhm M 11 B Drvnoen Dlnnf la I general generalsuperintendent Ierl Ierlalprinl4ndnt generalsuperintendent
superintendent alprinl4ndnt and d James Jm Baird Bir super auperintendent superhitenriont upr uprInlndnt
intendent According to the th general generalsuperintendent Iral Iral1rnt generalsuperIntendent
superintendent 1rnt npn there h i i no telling Uln what whatcaused whatrauiaed ha
caused 11 the h explosion ulin The T heading bNlg men menshoot In Inaot menshoot
shoot aot between IMln 12 and ad 1734 13 oclock oclk and andthe andIh andthe
the Ih rvnular nlulr ahootina rOliz b barln bOfIOS ln at t t 430 JO
The Tennnt Theflrst first aid I tn tntheinjured the injured Ijun 1I ocletlea ocletleafrom oclstleefrom
from all 1 11 parta of the raining mlDi district districtreached dltc districtreached
reached cl the scene Ine within Itla a fsw rl hour hourafter hour hoursafter
after the Ih accident dfnt and every device deviceknown dl dlknn deviceknown
ar < a 1
known knn to 0 the Ib mining mlalc profession profnln wa wabrought 1 wasbrought
brought into action ctlo R U Cor Coz genarail genarailsuperIntendent naml namlsuperintendent
superintendent UJrIDpnplt of coal rl mine ml of the theTennessee tbeTfnn ti tiTenneaee
Tennessee Tfnn Coal Iron and ad Railroad Rird Com Company Com Cornpany
pany was w one n on of the leader In th he rescue rescuework I rescuework
work workAt workAt
At dark dak not no a body by had been n brought broughtout broubt10It
out of the mine and nd there Ib was 11 not no the theleant theleast I
10It t
leant hope ho that th any could rul be alive aliveThe aU aUi aliveThe
i The rb mine I a 1 slope Iop in the b side I of Ih Ihmountain the IhemOrti themountain
mountain mOrti Assistant State IIIt Mine In ¬
spector Bob Ih Neal al who ho wa was on the scene scenewithin Inf scenewithin
I within wikin 1 few hOlr hour after afr the Ib explosion explosionMid
Mid 11 thai Ilal I lh the mines lin bud been Inspected Inspecteda Ina e
a 1 short llr lime lm ago IO H lie would not give giveHIIV IlvIIV giveallY
allY IIV opinion Oniolia a OR to wlmt caused ri the explo exploM Iplo Iploaw >
aw PHSII M > II Ixit he h eTpned 1 1 a serious doubt stoutbta tolht
J a 11 to I any an of ff the II lb men m being alive aliveHie aliverh I II
I Hie n itml CnwM 1 nsa Society ti through brollh Jelk JelkCal Jlk Jellcistaistiis
I Cal taistiis alllll niM ami 3111 1 numlxr Illmlr of if f member memlierfrom ImlJra ImlJrarlt memberfrtst
from rlt Itfrmmrliatti lnitlha art on on the Ih tne scene sceneoflrmg < < ene eneivffermK
ivffermK rll rihi Hli h Kitcpor 1 a J as INihl HM ibl la ii titus llutsehi 1111 titusii
hi k di IiI IiIAI Iitnss IitnssAt lrr lrrAt
At N P oclock clk tonight IHIllt the rescuing rescuingurtH Ilillt Ililltr
iwrt > urtH r hail Mnnrtl three Ih bodies but hit no noeffort norl noeffort
effort rl wit wa mal in Iiek nek them up 11 Two Twomcmlien Twoueemntsrs
mcmlien 11 of th li re ruacuing o il 111 ig partieH Irt were werenver w wereeyetootH r rtfll
nver tfll eyetootH uiH > bv afterdamp arIII and nndhr three other otherhi uhfkl
hi Retting rl1 their 11lr I issolulles until 11 If nwny wa from frm the thefiMil Ih IhflHl1 thefoul
foul nir mine lt near 1 uooiimbing Tim Tliewurk Th Thwurk Timwork
wurk will w Im L knit up until 1111 the th men IIll in the themiiif IheI thetiirira
I miiif HFI rvadml I > Illd dead or 11 alive alivej lv lvI
wr I I Ill 111Ur i WlI f i vor ran PR 1 I ir ttI rl r
Email 11 anil nt Mailrlr 1 PartlM nl Make ak X XHr Xe e eilepi
Hr 1111 ilepi > 4 > lo Carlai Crl Car CenrlWJIHIIIXIITOM CarAINIIO tenetWAs4poa
WJIHIIIXIITOM AINIIO May 1 S I r Alberto AlbertoId tihrtolcIes ltorlo ltorloIel
Id lcIes premdent of thn h Central CIllnl American AmericanCourt Alnrn AlnrnlOlrt Annericanoulrt
Court lOlrt oulrt of Justice Jlall al 1 IarURo l0111 ota CI Rica Ricawhieli RI Ricawhich
which recently nll endeavored lo t effect fII an anadjuMtneiit anadjttinen n nadjl
adjuMtneiit adjl unt of the Ih di liPI4 dispute pute l lesitween > eween the thntwo thetwo h hwu
two wu faction faclon In II Nicaragua i lrsKII ban h replied 11 to toSecretary toir toricorchury
Secretary ir of State 11 Knox telegram of ofcongratulation Dfn ofcongratulation
congratulation n < rtllllo Dr Uclea Ucl asid asidThe lid lidmral sildThe
The Cratral American trll Court Cour of o Justice Justicewncerely JIlic Justicesincerely
sincerely thank lhi your Excellency tsolfC for foryour forynlr forYolIr
your ynlr kind cablegram bl am of yesterday yNe by bywhich hywhich bywhich
which you OU congratulate rncrII1 it on the th friendly friendlymediation fradly fradlynfato friendlymediation
mediation it ha has rendered for the
nfato I b ndrort restor restoration restoration tor torlon ¬
ation lon of o peace pl in Nicaragua iiural and highly highlyappreciates bChly bChlyppn highlyapprciatea
appreciates ppn your Excellency ESetUfn wish wishlhat wishes wishesthat Ib Iblht
lht that iu il mediation mtilion will wil contribute ctrbule to th thestablishment the tbeMlhlhmfn theestablishment
establishment Mlhlhmfn in Nicaragua iicralu of o th tl the condi condition o coodiLion ¬
Lion of good co government ortmfOt progrtea prC and andprosperity udIfpriy andprosperity
prosperity Ifpriy which your you noble nble nation nto desire desirefor dHr desirefor I
for Central Cetrl America AmericaThe AmmuT AmericaflThe I
The T effort o of o the court cou to adjust adJu th
te terwre
j difference rwre between btWH Ih ho two faction raO In InNicaragua InilearalU inNicaragua
Nicaragua ilearalU have not no been h successful lucul so sofar 1 sofar
far Several Strl daya YI ago 0 th the court cu cent M an anidentical anIdntlc anidentical
identical Idntlc note no to tb the b Estrada td and Uadria Uadriafaction 1fdrlsfactions da daalon
i faction alon suggesting uCtn < an n eight day dy armls armlstic 1 arsalutic
tic t in which to reach b an agreement agreementthrough Ilmf agremnttthrough
I 1 I I through the he friendly rrel office ol of th b court cU courtNo
Ho 8 far neither nfithf faction aion ha b accepted acceptedtrfl acceptedwill epe epewIn
Request I of 1 MOOOOO n far fo a H Nepsesla > prati t Ct CtIcgf taillegs > I
legs I Induced If Trust TIH Trailers t Ie Act AelD1 AetBOTOX ActBoatox
BOTOX D1 May la t II 1In In response rl to ques qu qu10M ues uestinna
J lion 10M from fr many ma Tuft Tft College CiIl alumna alumna auml
a tn the Ih real n1 reason na for ro the action acto of the thetruMeet tb thet
j truMeet tN t in i voting oln to ti abolWj ll coeduca etla eoedtwalion
linn lon and ad establish 1bUa a new nw Institution InUtUon for forthe rorIhr roethe
the Ihr collegiate llIt education Mua n of o women oe and aadname a andname
name it i Jackson Jakan College CIf1 President PfO Ham Hamilton Ra Rantilmon ¬
ilton Ilon rays eayaA 11 11A
A will w I ha b has been b written rUn leaving to t a acollege acollege
college rll for women Wo to be b separately Nlfy char chartered da chartered ¬
tered Uf but bl to be b operated orratfd by b the te truaUea truaUeaof I
of Tuft Tllf College CoIIC a sum Im probably 1Il not nt lees lesthan I Ih leesthan
than h tsnoooo tsnooooTM uo UflO000snit
TM i money mon would wold not Ro ba b available availablefor aalAle aalAlerr
for a deportment dCft of 0 Tun Tuft College CII This ThtU T
U i 1 the t only definite Mflt promise prl of endowment endowmentfor eowmt eowmtro
for Jackson whirl ha has
ro JUlM h yet bn mod modPresent me madPresident
Present I HamlHeo JIIRIID also a asoouaeed asoouaeedthe
t ihat the te dean MR ef thn f fawHy rUI of th d the oM pro protitutton propolued I
polued titutton I is to I bet
1u I t b a wemaaaad wemaaaadlhat weosas sad sadtMt
lhat wHh wfthiie ih OIHI O x xep44eo eptea A 1 the ether o mesa mesabers mainbeta
beta h of o tim t fa fa faety kr wiN b 1 be mea Tb 1 Thai I ci ciepsiott x xwH
epsiott wH wI be b aa tortrwetof leMr to I pbyloai pbyloaib
Peel Tdd T and aD Wtf 11 to Make JIII Ballo BalloAietnilM Bl BlAIIO IlahlesaAsceesien
AietnilM AIIO This Ti Merntng MerntngBCWTOX leaingDIviTOL MII MIIDTY
BCWTOX DTY May l t IPr LProt Prof David Dard Todd Tod of ofAmbsrst orAmblr ofAmhrt
Ambsrst Amblr College Colf hi bl wife wf Mr 1 Mabel MabelLoomi lbl lblLmll IdabelLoomis
Loomis Lmll Todd Tod Amerci America foremost ronmo woman womanaatronoaier woo wooatno womanastronomer
astronomer atno and aart Chartes J GUdden OUde the theaeronaut Ibearonaut theaeronaut
aeronaut will go up In the balloon ballool1hllAttu alsaaa alsaaachusetts Masschusetti
chusetts early tvl tomorrow morning from fromPltlsfleld rromPlIItltld fromPittifleld
Pltlsfleld to vie ri view Halley comet cometThey cometThe1 mt mtThey
They will 11I day In th thl air eight hour hourThey hountn hoursThey
They n wlU take up several device for forobserving roroh forobaervjng
observing oh mnl the comet cometProf tOlIIlProf cometProf
Prof Todd will experiment with ilb appa apparatus appartlll spparatis ¬
ratus of bis hi own Invention one of which whichI
I Is an automatic parachute and nd another an anelectrical anolectrlcal anolectrical
electrical device dlYl for uo LI on balloon to tonotify toDotlt tonotify
notify Dotlt Ih Ihe pilot whin he la dropping or orrising orrlalne orrising
rising without consulting the atallscopn atallscopnTROOPS statIacopeTROOPS laUfIOpItTROOP
loIdl Nudists Idler Ordered Out to t Keep Prate In Inllllal InIIltD IntIItn
llllal IIltD 5tto tlns lInks BtrlkfSraiNoriiLDlll lInksSpaIxorjiiD trlk
SraiNoriiLDlll SllIron ILD 11 May N Ion Oov Deneen Deneenthi DPnftabla flenenthis
this bla afternoon ordered Company I Fifth FifthInfantry FirthInfantry FifthInfantry
Infantry of Danville Capt David Swain Swainand 8 Swainand ln lnod
and od Company U Fourth Infantry Info > of ofChaopaign 01Chpelp ofchampaign
champaign Capt Arthur Smith to pro proceed proceed procosd ¬
ceed to Westvlll Wstvfllwbere tm wher bero a mine riot riothlfatfnfd Is Isthreatened isthateed
threatened according ACC rdlnc to Sheriff Hel Helmlck Helmlck lidmick
mlck of Vermilion county COUnt who tle tlephoned tlfpbonfd idephoned
phoned Oov 00 Deneen DeneenAdjUGsn DennAdjOn DeneenAdjIOn
AdjUGsn Dickoon talking with withDeputy wllbDePU8hfritJ withDeputy
Deputy DePU8hfritJ Sheriff Sloan of Vermilion county countyover countyover
over the telephone after the troop had hadbeen hadbeen badbeen
been ordered to Vetvllle W vlll wa 11 informed informedthat informtdtha
that TOO miner mill were parading the street streetand streetsand Iree Ireeand
and that trouble was feared when hM night nightcame nlltMcame nightCain
came cameT
Hecrf Mecretary larj Merr SIms Senate Cemmlltee CemmllteeOtrr sinmitteeOter
Otrr to t the llcute Plan PlanWASUIXOTOX PlanIUItOto PlanWaniipearo1
WASUIXOTOX IUItOto May AI t Secretary Meyer Meyerof I
of the Navy il Department who appeared appearedbeforo apr1fC1berore appearfibefore
before the Senate Cpmmlttre C inmlttce on Naval NavalAffalni NavalAffairs al alMallll
Affalni today 00 to explain the necessity for forretaining rorrttalnlnl forretaining
retaining in the naval appropriation bill billtbe hiliIbe 1111the
the flow authoritation for two new newbattleships IIfWbaItINhIp newbattleship
battleships WM 11 gratified arallft to have his hissuggestion hi hi1I11olona hissuggestioflu
suggestion adopted promptly by y the thecommittee thecommltttll thecommittee
committee Senator Hale 111 and Clapp Clappwere lppwere CIappwere
were the hll only oalymembelll member of the committee committeewho commlUwho
who looked with lib dinfavor on the proposal proposalnemana propoqlt proposalCavTllIlcr
t vrRtCT Tn JURnl UUFD UUFDomaD1 txxriiinWmans
nemana omaD1 Father Fatherfledded Derided That lie II Dldnt DidntWant Dldntut DldntWant
Want ut tile t ntoUw Senia4wStpreu ntoUwSupreme La LalprerM
Supreme lprerM Court Justice Ford annulled annulledyesterday anaullfldNtenlay snnuttedyesterday
yesterday a marriage agreement a HlJItn he between hetWffn hetween ¬
tween Tiara ra Fischer and Abraham Al > raham Miller Millera
a shirtwaist manufacturer of Hartford HartfordConn IlartroniConn hanfordCoon
Conn under iiod ° r which Mists Fischer father fatherpa rtbrrraaIol
pa raaIol l Miler eXx when hn the agreement s t was waasigned wassigned u uI
signed I and agreed to pay UOO more when whenthe wMnth whenlb
the lb marriage was performed The agree IM
ment ro wa signed In 1900 1900Th 1PmThe I
The testimony showed that not king kingafter longafter
after Mis u Fischsr 11tcb father had paid Mil Miller 1111Ifr Mitlerib ¬ I
ler lerib tbe first SSOO Miller came earn and demanded drmAndthe demandedthe
the other 11th ifa i Fischer Insisted that h hdidnt he hedidnt bedidnt
didnt have b to ray y until hi his daughter daughterwaa
waa U mwrlerlifld and Millr 1Itr thetirVcUW thetirVcUWthat hft hftthat
that by tb the term rma of tb the marriage mam con contract ronlract eontract ¬
tract he WM already Ilscher soninlaw soninlawFischer lalnIal1Ie soninlwflcher
Fischer l1Ie decided that Miller wa not a apromising aIl1omialnl apromising
promising aonlnUw and sued to n annul annulthe annultta annulthe
the marriage agreement l1I4nl declaring that thathi thathis
hi hill daughter had never lived with Miller Millerrim Milrni IIIrUti
rim Uti ni STOPS cnvncif sr WIW tRIII IC
Itendne Hldn Flare 4 Arrs tfc thus Way ar Keares KearesMlrl MlrH MlrHCIIrl esreaatts
Mlrl at t Confirmation ConfirmationIn
In the big room which forms the th nec sepnd sepndfloor 9nd 9ndllIOr nd ndftoor
floor of Schwart A Forger ilvning In ewab ewabli aablishmont all alllIhmn
li hment at 0 In 12 Manhattan street 1 Is Isa i ia Isa
a small vat filled 11 with benane ta1 htI in which whichclothes ntbitclothes IJeIIcllIh
clothes cllIh am ar rleanwd before being deed dretlesterday deedeateuday I
esterday rrlfly a spark rl got into the tll vat a and it itwa ItWM Itwas
wa intaatlr aflame lam Fifteen girl fill filldown blurtslowut I Idow
down the If stilts atrllfomtl stiltsV011 tnlr tnlrfonut
fonut on trie rle1 I to jkwir th the burning burningbenzine burningtienzitto lIlmin lIlmin1ten1jOO
benzine Into tab a tub bf water r I tail Hit I only onlyiieoeetled onlyauseceoded fIly1OOIfdtod >
iieoeetled In spilling tl lllnc some 1MI1 cm IH > Roor RoorAero RoorAMYMA iootAenise
Aero tlie tl street 1 is I a German Catholic CatholicChurch I talhoiictistrch tllhollf11111fh
Church q1 t Joaniili where br m W firI JirlWltfI girls girlswere firIwere
were being confirmed Thy wen v vrrl1 w wterrined a atorrifiesi >
terrined that Urn Iii service 1 bad to I lie I a ajoiittied art artjuitited > < IJlltteJ I
joiittied joiittiedronponiTHt JlltteJIRPRTIII juititedfoirraRario i
ronponiTHt nv Tt T 1 rim rimTreaMir rwiiu rwiiuTraaur
TreaMir OflBrlalsllate mciaia lists luesieilTlia uH1 TlllI Ksr Iar124eoo000ffiib 1
eooOOOOnD 3 a llllle More
WASHINGTON UUUmTOlt May 11a S 6Otrlfl Offlcern of the theTreasury III IIITlf4llury theTreasury
Treasury D lepartmlt partmnit engaged In is tin tincollection tiltcollection 1 1rolltltlon
collection of the h corporation tax have haVIIfar MI MIfar sofar
far assessed UUe < Ih l the mini of 124 2 74 40ax UI There Thereare Tiietare
are still tllI a few additional return oil which whichaaeeasmenu whlbrnMu whichaeseesmneuts
aaeeasmenu rnMu are a to Iw h mad It i is not notexpected notflS tintexpected
expected flS however that Ihn Ihoal Ihoalfrom ttistotaireveoe ttistotaireveoefrom total revenue revenuefrom
from the I lb tax lla will exceed S200CIlfill S200CIlfillIItr 330nn ivttito ivttitoICCtSOfl < i > i iTO
IItr ICCtSOfl lin TO coEim coEimfall COXXIRall tn tnall
fall all for taleCmmltlee Meet tireltog tInC tngComlng tngComlngDU timing timingDii
DU Still en the hit AlaifChairman hitChairman lale laleChairman I
Chairman William 1I1iam J Conner of the thnDemooratlo th thDemooratlo theDemocratic
Demooratlo State committee came from fromBuffalo rromBulllo fromBuffalo
Buffalo yesterday and wa waat at the Waldorf WaldorfAstoria WaldorfAstoria ldllrl ldllrlAetoria
Astoria where he met a number of Demo Democrat DfmocratJI Democnita ¬
crat and discussed d the tll advisability dviblUl of ofcalling orcallin ofhIng
calling callin hIng < tb the committee together on May lIaylo lIaylothe 10 10at init
at the Hoffman House ao that be can re retiro rfUN reLit
tiro Lit and his successor b be named Mr MrConner MrConimrs
Conner will not decide on th the b actual date datefor datefor
for the h meeting IIIHUn until today when h hwill he hewill hewill
will notify notlf Clerk John A Mann and Mr
Mason will used out 011 the notlee It ha habeen h hbeen has hasbeen
been th the Intention ID8 tl of Charles F Murphy
leader of Tammany and hi bla friends fdendwho fdendwhoat who whoare whoare
are now no In eotnplet oomp tte < control ttol of the State StateeomalttMtaaeUct SlateommlUeelo StitooentaitasetoselctJohn
eomalttMtaaeUct ommlUeelo ItI6et John A Die DIEor of Albany Albanytb Alban Albanh
tb the h candidate for UeuteoantOovernor Ulu In InIM Inlont inlv
IM lv a La Chairman Coanera auccewaor auccewaorThsr aUeeeMorThero successorThere
There waa no chang in this programme programmeup pro f8UIme f8UImeup <
up to last night nightC4vr nlahtCAT nightCANT
0 Ocr Glitch of 1 California Maa as Ifo II Is IsPwerles I Ir isPwerIssa
Pwerles r to t Interfere InterfereSaCBaUBrro InmfrRICIIumrro InterfereS1CSAtIU1O
SaCBaUBrro Cal Slay IJkocalar 1Becausehe Becau e eh I
h hi ha baa been bombarded with Ith appeal appealfrom appealtrout
from minister and church club to atop atopth
th he JeffriesJohnson CjM the tbeOoemorto tbeOoemortodarl Governor to today today ¬
day darl lamed at circular letter pointing out outthat outth outthat
that th under th the California law the Gov Governor 00 00emor Governor ¬
ernor lo powerlea to Interfere If th the local localauthoritie localautborl localauthorIties
authorIties give I a permit He e suggest auICltJIthat suggestthat uggetathat
that the protstanta proteetantaappel appeal to lthe the District DistrictAttorney DlatrleAtortlfl DistrictAttorney
Attorney of Alameda county COU ty but says saysfrankly cayafrankly
frankly frankl that h he doesnt ° t think anything anythingcan nthln nthlneIIn
can be done to prevent the lb fight fightBars IIChlflln lightgeew
Bars geew W N F Penary i rj for larBeard B BiIUd ard and Lodajmg LodajmgvVUHara LedtrlnrutIm IadgtngWWlamPcnnejelark
WWlamPcnnejelark vVUHara N IVrmey ckrk of the Crim Crimleal CrimIsal
leal Branch ef the 4 Supreme Court i ickfenrHrt ill illIn isdsfenItnt
ckfenrHrt In a rait brought by John JohnvVesJey J h
Weal vVesJey f11e7 SaM to recover N41 tAI for r t nv JMfW mnaey > ay y
leaned ad finS board heanlaadlt4 aad Vedk ldskeg > g between tift hrew hrewINI WHtI
IMI lad WM Buff me tart > lti u te
iieCafl gtimuil yotrday a motion milnesilins try
Piaaey fer bIt bItJI flj > esilins of Smith a I
Offlrlal Unllettn fIIII the Km kIng Ha II Bran BranFhlltslt reohillait Danchillsit
Fhlltslt Khew Ith I InmhtakabieAhares InmhtakabieAharesqueen nmbtakable Alarm AlarmQueen Ala
Queen qat and Prince of f Wales aiN Hurry Hurryt
t 10 the PaUrePolltlcal Vneatlncw VneatlncwSpttM lnfallDHtI LocaslnesaSpftitl
I SpttM 3t COt tuipatiiut la 0 Tel T Sr SrLOXDOX s Sri SriIIDoM I
LOXDOX May I IIKln 0King King Edward I Ia very veryIII veryill 7
III London doe not know how hoar serious seriomhis 1
his malady is but there U great unoaaU unoaaUnesa WlIUII
nesa n flea if not no alarm in all circles circlesThe circlesThe I
The only positive Information aa to thai thaKing thaiKing 1 1Klnlt
King condition i Ia embodied in the tel following tellowing ¬ J
lowing owln bulletin which hleb was Issued lis from fromBuckingham fromurklnaham FromRuckingham
Buckingham Palace at 7 731 JO last night nightTho alcbtTho nightThe
Tho King i ill suffering from an attack attackof Iacx Iacxof
of bronchitis Ih ha bee nconflned to tohi tohla tohim
hi him room for two days daysIlia dTIIflia dayAla
Ala Majestys condition causes some aouaanxiety someIDllIty sootanxiety
Powru PowruKir rOWELLHiI
Kir Francis Henry If ry taking Lakin Sir Jamei JameiReid JmeRld JioteReid
Reid and nd Sir
Richard Douglas Powell are arethe arehe arethe
the Kings physician physicianIt
It was announced t that no further bulle bulletins bullelina bulltins ¬
tins will be issued until unlllll lain lit thi this morning <
It M learned that arrangement wore woremade 11 11md weremade
made for Dr leaking lo sleep Iffpt at the palace palacnla
la list t night nl < ht In order to 0 b t be immediately at athand a ahand athand
hand in the event tn of any serious develop development developInpn
ment in the Kina condition The an ¬
nouncement nays Ita however that this thimust IhitmUllt thismust
must not be b taken a as an indication that thathis thatbla thathis
his Majestys Illness IlIn I is grave It la lamerely Iap ismerely
merely a precautionary p ulion measure measureTli mffUureTJIM
Tli TJIM Queen who crowed from rom France Francotoday Francelooday Francetoday
today was alarmed by th the King not notmeeting notmfoftlnR notmeeting
meeting her She fih visited vi the Ih sickroom sickrooma
a as noon tI as ah she he arrived in lx london > ndon and aadspent andf1P sadspent
spent f1P dome 110m time at A the ho bedside 1 I Iaide of o her herhUlband herhusband
j husband She fih displayed the th greatest greatestanxiety IUlll8tusllt greatestanxiety
anxiety usllt and nd questioned the th doctors doctorsTbe doctorsThe
The Prince of Wale was with the Ring t
before rOff and nd after the h medical mldlcalconaullatJon mldlcalconaullatJonHI consultation consultationHe
He had been summoned to the palace palaceat
at 7 oclock The Prince Prine of Wale Waletdid Waladid Waledid I
did not no accompany the h Prince to the thapalace thepaltt thepalace
palace which I IA about six b block distant distantfrom distantfrom 1 1from
from Marlborough House Th The Prince Princeremained Princenomainfd Princeremained
remained at the palace until midnight midnightwhen mldnlchthron midnightwhen 1
when hron he returned to hi home homeWhile honehlle homeWhile
While all 11 seemed mroct well about th the palaoa palaoaat
at 150 I this morning no official otrlclallnrorma otrlclallnrormatlnn informs J
tlnn tAfl IOUld hA I nldn iii r
p v W
which hlcb Is the heart of England news newspaperdom ne nepaperdom newspaperdom
paperdom wa wide awake The Dailj DaU
Joif led its II new ne page with a spread
head cautiously repeating the pbyslcUna pbyslcUnabulletin
bulletin The Th Jais introduction said
The disquieting rumors at to th thIa the the1gi
ffioV 1gi Ia health since Inc hi hit return from Blar Blarrltx finnritz
ritz were confirmed last night by th the
bulletin Issued from Buckingham Pace PaUceAlthough PaceAIhoulh PaLaceAlthough
Although wn w are informed there I Ia no
immediate rau tause for alarm his bl Majestys Majestysphysician ftsjestyaphysician jllltyl jllltylphllician
physician have thought Jou < ht It desirable to tomm toIMlle toissue
issue mm a statement that hi hk Majesty Majestycondition 3lajestyscoflijIiln 1Jett11condlll
condition condlll < n cause anxiety anxietyThere IUIxiltyThre anxletyThere
There wa unusual animation in th tho
neighborhood of Buckincham Palace PalaceIhlll Palacethia j
this evening vfnin A number of men were werebusy werebusy I
busy strewing cart loads of peat on the thacarriage thecarriage i irrlal
carriage rrlal ways W4 under the arches in front frontof
of the II palace and in the quadrangle in Inonlr inorder i iorder
order to 0 deaden the noise nol of horn horses hoof hoofand hoornd hoofsand
and nd the II rat 11 t If of carnage rrIt1fhH wheel > l4 Strictest Strictestnrder HlnetMtnnltlll Htnjetstorders
nrder were given 11 to 0 maintain complete completeilence completeInr completesilence
silence Inr within ilhl and without the Ih palace palaceAt
At 1 midnight light Ij II won WI burning humlnlrihl11
brightly in the Queen apartmenton apartmentanathtop UIH UIHtup th
top 10fllour floor m tli front of the III palace At the therear lheIfIIr therear I
rear facing Viimtilinioii l Hill there h were werelight werelilt werelights
lilt light burning hum tlIt in only nm < room immedi immediately ¬ I 4 4ately
ately 1 below the tll KinK privateapart privateapartm Iwin jWivite 111811 ulpartflInt I IInnl
m flInt nt t M 4tItilueI > Htllie 111 1111tlj1l1t panng hi short Int mat j
lool luoked > < Ml at ibe Ih lictitM but knew nothing
Tlie 111 o OtITfIIIIJAfIlflt rr < > undtflt of TUB Tn H SDK visttad visttadthe ybaitfidthe jai rtt I
the IIII iseloce U w at I oclock thU Itb morninic and andwa andw andnsa
wa w nsa informed tint II lx lnI > rd Knollyii KnoU had re rednxl totired J
tired Mrlr rly flirt fIr visiting hut h Icing Tho Thooorm ThuO01TPtti1I1lts 1 1oolmllnl
oorm oolmllnl O01TPtti1I1lts H > ndeiiC n infornwut II said K lward E4WanIwars < lwardW
W wars H goitiR on all right Itut lit that t Dna DraHr DnaInkfn Dr DriAkint j
Inkfn Hr It Iliifi l and Pn 1011011 tll w wern m utitirinr I
at the 11 thuMPs 111I11 ill illAt II Ijltt niithtAt
At midmiilil the NIIHIHI NIIHIHIbegaji Iolld nwIIJl4PlIll nwIIJl4PlIll1111I1 ncwepapsrrsliegao I
begaji n ltliIIIIC tAbli hitiR what in New w York YorkI ork orki
I is called it iltsith watch K 1I111OrteN Itriportursgathered > ortni ortnigathnml
gathered III groii grouss > at each of th > > two twomain twotflatn wo I
main entrjio nroU urt < > f the I paktn 111 Th Thiwntne Tnntrit TbpentrIes 1
iwntne ntrit slid < K not allow aII them to linger lingerat I Itli
at tie II gate but kept them moving
Death wAUlv wal hl oiiti 0111111 < l BuckinRhain Pal Palne Palal i ito
ne to differ from rom such watchen Idlftt outsIde thn tb tbhome thnhome
home of eminent Americans Outaldo Outaldothe
the Rate 1 there are no bulletins tonight tonightfor Ih Ihfor
for the th reporter to ret There are areonly arvonl antonly
only onl dentine nlin U of the King bodyguard bodyguardwho
who hustle everybody away awayAt awayAt 1
At II oclock the th correspondent of ofTHK ofTna j
THK KPX 611 drove in a cab to Buckingham BuckinghamPalace RiwkinghaanPalace llrkinlhamralacp
Palace Thn n cabman was 11 Instructed i to toenter 0eOfr toenter
enter through throu b the th Itt leading to the thoofficv theoMco I Ioll
officv oll > of lord Knollys Knoll th the Kings private privatesecretary privatesecretiry I IIIPITpta
secretary IIPITpta A sentry ry at the gate stopped stoppedtb top 1
tb the correspondent A police sergeant at atthe atthe I
the palace gate intervened and nd said saidThere aaidThere saidThre
There la no later new of hi his Malestva IaJ
condition than the he official bulletin bulletinJuat bullftlaJUllt builttJust
Just then a carriage drove up to the thopalace thepalace thepalace
palace entrance alran without challenge by the thosentries thelItarlN ti tisentries
sentries It via the carriage carri of the theDuche theDuch theDuchess
Duchess of MUll the th Kln King < slater
Th The Duchess hart been heron1 at a theatre hHI where wherehe whereshe
she he learned th the alarming new DeWI She Shodrove Shedroe Shedrove
drove to the palace Immediately Her Hercarriage U Hercarriage r rtamtt
carriage remained outside the palace door doorfor dcorror doorfor
for an hour when the Duchess reentered reenteredand reenteredand alenod alenodand
and drove dro lo her home In Keaaingtoa KeningtoaGarden
Garden GardenDenpite OardfMopltll GardenDete 1
Denpite hi his indisposition th the King
it 1 is announced is I cheerfuland last Iata IataIn even evenIng evening
Ing In < ho h received 1eCf 11d the Duke and Duchess Duobeoof
of Teck and other member fnfm of the royal royalfamily royalImlly royalfamily
family The room which blob he at a present pnwentoccupies presentoccupiers 1
occupies are situated on the first floor floorIn tIlIorIII
In the northwest corner of n the tbeoyPriooklns palace palaeeoverlooking palaceoverlooking
overlooking the ground and nd are re luckily luckilyaome luckilysome I
some distance dlat ce from th hI noise of the heavy heavystreet heavystreet
street e I raffle tramen raffleIt I
It will iII bo hi remembered that the King KingBuffered lUReeurnod Ringsuffered
Buffered from bronchial trouble recently recentlyat
at a Biarrita which wa was believed to have
been graver Ir than the official 1 statement statementadmitted statementadmitted tatlmtadml
admitted adml t He If 41 was IJI apparently rpaffl4 in excel zae ¬
lent I health on bi hats return on April n 21sd > 7 7fid
11I1 fid went 11I to the open the same evsnteg aftIec
TV following reK wl day ho received Lord
Kitchener and Premier PffftKtrtUM AatpMii sad sadvisited
visited the Aeademy The weather Lately
ha baa been raw ra and eeW ecitThe i iTbe
The MW ef HM Sb gravity vitr of 1 the preasHt prtIIIIIItaKltk ptinsistastmch preasHtffiiMC
aKltk ffiiMC caused a > WttNsV9l9A Ie IB IeII the OVttB9o
b II t waa waaaJiaewee aotlmnwai to HM aMa w atai la th she