OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, May 06, 1910, Image 2

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-05-06/ed-1/seq-2/

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IP IPI ii < < J M
Itt str u th latest edition of th the news newspap newI news8per
I pap IA 8per merely m IT mentioned that hi his Majesty Majetwaa laJMtJ
J WU slightly eMly indiipoaed indiipoaedIt
1 It WAIl stated tat tonight that the KinK Kingicondition KinKroadltloD Knisrondttton
condition I tis not such a u to worry about aboutl bOUttwcnu
4 l twcnu tC81 ecnuse after hi hte arrival in London or orj onS
j April n he h w wia a so 11 rolmsl roIHI It Itboepfr seem seemhowever m mhofIY
1 however that he I ti was iffrcted bv II the th cohl cohlin
in Ixwlon and h < went 1 to Handrmghani HandrmghaniSaturday Kandrin Mandringhanturdv bam bamlurdU
Saturday hoping for wome sunshine lIun Hr Hrwa II IIholnK 11w
wa w showing liens IKRof of Ursitml which hirhrohahl bici bicitrohatiI < a aprotiably
protiably rohahl indlcalireof illdllll r or the IhCunlnc ih coining trouble troublebut
but 1 111 n wa u thought llMt I1 a l change dIh lIane of air airwould airwould atrnuId
would p t him up tnfortunalelv Ihr Ihrweather Ih IhUhr ttweather
weather Uhr continued coH and nn shnwerv shnwervVevrrtheleM horyvrlt howeryX
VevrrtheleM X vrlt In IIUI Marlv did d cl not nolillIf lav ilaruitiri lavlint
lint illIf u Hi II wanted nlllo to inspect Ih many manyimprovements mn mnImprolmnl manyunprovmnts
improvements that have l > e n rrcenllv rrcenllvturned rcentVtarret
turned out 011 in the II mansion and ntl all over overthe onrI ovrthi
the Ih estate etat IccordingU he h spent nl several severalhour eraI eraIhours r1 r1hour
I hour autoniobllmg around his hi prnprrtv prnprrtvaccompanied prnprtvacrompns rllprlvlIoromllolnlI
accompanied acrompns d bv gcnt DIr UrckThe DIrTh UckThe
The Th hmic nlt attended hrrvicc rric IN in th Hand Handrmgham Mndr Mn1rinahem
rmgham r tbiirch lUrch Sunday morning He Hewalked II IIII Iiiwalkid
walked II II Id Iviik k to Sandringham MAnlrin < hm House lIou and andspent an ansInt nll nllj
j spent som m time in in Ihr Ih It newly 111 planned plannedgarden 1lIn1crdn pltinetjinini
garden The TII weather lhPf wa all the Ih time timecold Umecold
I cold and showerr anti nd a mlrlnchsm is isone j jon Iii
i one on of the Ih least ho holIIIhlft > iial < tn Irl tart of Fjig Fjiglaud Fn Fnlaud nlIud
laud as II a regards climslr Uml Dr Held hi al alienIsm a atn attenMIt ¬
ienIsm tn 1 physician lln trieil to persuade him himlo himto
lo Uik Ijj > greater cnre of himoelf him but the theKing IhllIlnl theKInK
King dislike < being chMkeil In hi litit chrr chrriihed IhrIhfld eherLahed
iihed plan and IIn 1a < as h wa a not nllhn then actual actually actually ctlllIr ¬
ly a nick man the I h phvwnnn ph 1tIIlIn did not insist InailEthortly tnstitShortly j jShortly
Shortly utter hi his return tllm lo o london on onMay onI
1 I I May 3Iayittetnievidunt It liecntne evident Idnl loot he h had hadllln hadlllna taken
H 1 a chill and he h > wa at coni OIIIIfII1 < elr < l to slay alywithin stayI slaywithin
I within the Ih vilitcK IIl Hn did not however howeverkeep howftvrIIHP howeverluep
keep in on room and li transacted the Ih Iht1 theI
t1 I usual lIalUllal stale tal > > busmes a well tllat a M clvmg tVin sev severa ccvcral v vu
u era cral ral I rudieni > Among mflnc then Ih he h hecejvcc re rereived fttNifId
reived Tuesday was w lmtM Idllr adnr Reid Reidlifter Reidafter
I lifter which he h entertained Grand Duke DuknMichael nllbliha1 DukeMiehl
Michael of RIIMII nt lunch He II gave gaveothrr tr1vtothr gaveether
ether audience Oil Wedne Vedieedv < 1ay and andThursday allliJhll auul7huiridav
Thursday ThursdayLondon Jhll 7huiridavLondon a aLondon
London In n grnertl il dil d l not know that thatKing Ih1Klnl thatRing
King Edward Fwln wa ill i until 1111 late 11 lost night nightwhen nlehtwbn ntihtwhen
when wbn the Ih bulletin blllln wa was isaiied INIId from frm the Ihepalace Ih Ihpta thepalace
palace pta The T news n flatbed h1 over the Ih city cityInstantly ciy ciyIranly cityInstantly
Instantly Iranly by means of ticker tklr and tele telephones 1t1 1t1phon telephones
phones phon One newspaper nlpPr Issued 111 a special specialedition apecialedition Pllal PllalPlton
edition Plton that caught llht the Ih homegoing homegoingthtatregorr honiegoingtheatregoere
thtatregorr IhMtrIOn with wlh the Ih flaring headline headlineKing hadlinKlnl headlineiKing
1 King Klnl Kdwird nl Pingrrounly Dnlrill Ill II Hi Con Condition COI COIi toui ¬
i dition dilon Gives 0 Cause all for Anxiety AnxietyIt IIt
It I I 1 not Dt no alone the tit personal prn1 aspect alJI of ofKing ofRing
1 King Kdwarda wan aicknr iknf that will i cause causeanxirty 11 11allly cansanziety
anxirty to the country rolntr The Th physician physicianbulletin lhyallaMJ lhysicIanbulletin
J bulletin bulUn came Ime with wth axionuhinR Llonuhini sudden suddennra cuddenness lddn lddnnH
ness nH to further furbr darken the tb already afady be beclouded Ii 1 1rloiild ¬
clouded political IUca horiton horlln It I i 1 well wellknown w1 wellI
I known kow that notwithstanding nol hIAndina the Ih limits limitations Imla ImlaI limitsUon ¬
I tions to which whlh the Ih British Dtilh Constitution ConUlulon put puton
1 on 0 the th Koverelgna 0fI < a power pwr King llnl Kdward Kdwardroom Fdwanlt an
t room mon by ly hw hi personality lnll than hi his position positionholds 1IIIo poeltionholds
I holds hol in hi h hts hand the Ih solution solllon of the thepreeent Ih Ihplt thePTNnt
preeent plt political pltla rrwi rrwiThe criiThe < il ilI
I The Th confidence of the Ih bulk of the theI Ih theI
1 I r population ppullon in I hi his tact and nd ability hliy is i un unbounded uni tinbounded ¬
i bounded bundl Hidi IIdlclon Hidlccreiion crellon and 1lllmprllly 1lllmprlllyf impartiality impartialityam
am f relied Iifld upon upn absolutely bolllll to hold the Ihencale Ih Ihr theT
r T scales even l 1Mlvn between > etwet > n the Ih contending contendingpartle rnlndnllrtlN contendingptrtIei
partle m I the Ih stale Iall and anc lo save v the th nation nationfrom nalon nalonfrm nationfrom
from frm the Ih danger dan f which apparently apparentlythreaten apparentlythreaten ppanIITII
threaten it II The T King Ilc in I choir hot is i thc thnpivot Ih Ihryot thcpivot
pivot ryot lo If the Ih whole situation illlon and nt the Iheremoval Ih theremoval I
removal morl of his h guiding eulinl hand had at t the th prrent prrentmoment pfnt pfntmomCnl presntmoment
moment momCnl would ouk lie I the Ih gravest misfortune misfortuneThn mlrorlllnT
The T startling Irtln < new n imparted ImprtP by h the theKins theEIng I IKina
Kina phyclcian ph1 lel in their nirprising nirprisingbulletin euirprisingbulletin
bulletin IOln l ts reflected ffltI m I thl morning morningeditorial mornlngseditorlale I
editorial 1111 In the Ih London l nln nIp nrwspaprrswhich nIphlh newapaperewhich
which hlh more mof than anything alhla en 1 reflect reflectthe fI fItM reflectthe
the tM gravity Irll of th the c ca II The 11 Daily li Mail Mailay JIa111 i
fa lays ay
With Wlh th the deepeM sympathy ylhy for their theirlUtutrious IhlrIUtrOU theirfUtistriou
lUtutrious IUtrOU sorrreign 1la th the people pl of Eng England rl1d Fngland ¬
land 1d will wi read fAr today loay Its night nllht hull bulletin hul hullthu ¬
tin tn from Buckingham IJklndr Palace rlt All Al hi hiMajesty hiJtlys his hisMaJetys
Majesty Jtlys subject Ijf will wi pray pn that Ihl he h may mayhave mT mThue mayhive
have speedy r recovery fVr Nothing could ull Iw Iwmom ismore
mom mor disquieting diluilinc t tO th them m than Ihln the Ih nof newsi newsiof n w wof
of hi hi his tIme Un at I thi cntiml nlOI moment momfl in inaffair Inaal ini
i affair of stale Ial when h hi ti hts moderating moderatinginfiumcn modllnl modllnlInfut niudenitingI
I influence Infut and nnl supreme tiprr pm > m l 11M tect cf ami ml rixrn rixrnnm expert PIrifr expertenre
nm fr are a re so stir stirfl n llr > lr remnrrd remnrrdThe nIIrj nIIrjT
The T fl Fifrrm Irrr in II it a ln hIT tr leaded Ildt edi editorwl cditoriel di ditorl
torwl torl HMV aeta Tliitwllon 1rllnn indeed inf the th who1 who1world whl whlworM wheworld
world will ijuul il this with ilh
w1 re 11 morning rnmlna deep deepanxlrr deepl
l anxlrr aslr i inillrim hullm announcing nnfloinc the thegrave Ih thegrave
grave 1 illniHo n f I thi h King Errything Errythingelio Crlhili
elio el 1 rink Inl int iiuUfiiffrancr UIIlilla liesidn thi thiemencrm IhllrjP this thisemergehy
emencrm lrjP loiitnivervir cease 1 and nndpolitliM nO andpotltiie
politliM pUlk diMnpnir < Th The Kine Inl subject subjectfrom aulujectfrom IJtt IJttlr
from lr the Ih highret hiht to the Ih lowest unite unll in infenent Inprr intenen
fenent prayer for fer his hi early rly and 111 n4 com complete rm rmrlfl cornptt ¬
plete recov r1pry recovery rry 5od nn Mvr Y th the hllnc hllncTli1w > King KingThe ElngThe
The Tli1w natty Iai1 Trlrgrnpti which hllh is I the UIinl UIinllaonl King Kingfavorite Kingsfawn
favorite fawn te new flwaIlwr Mirr Ir iy y Hi Ii lliaMajetyiJ lliaMajetyiJsubject Majesty Majestyubjerl
subject JbJHI will wil read n1 with itlll itin t grete < rll1 t anx anxiety alI sf1lty ¬ I IIt
iety It the Ih llMiuieting 1IUnl blltlrtin hlllln issued last lastnight l lnll lactnight
from RuckinKham Palace PalaceAll I IAll
night nll llkln tm ralcl
All the h > morning newspapers nlWppf display displaythe flp I Ithe
the news of the Ih Kings illness IfM in the th l Ild Ildest 0111 ld ldr
r est t type t some mo of them tbm indulging IndllclJI in I tWI tWIcllmn twocolumn two twocolumn
column cllmn headline hatt with wlh triple lrple leade leadeblack leadcdblack d1 < i iblck
black blck face f news n introduction InlrOllrtlon One On of ofthe ofthe I It
the t significant 1111fmnl feature rIIfo or f t the th situation lilaton autustiont j ji I
I i Is the fact that 111 every y nnmpatier nprr In Fleet Fleetstreet Fft Fftl Fleetstreet
street l I Ia krt 1In keeping > nng < it li iti mechanical mrhlllml and edi editorial Pl cdltonal ¬
tonal toral xtaff 111 on duly dil prepnrril Pfff1 lo Issue Issuetra 1Mwztruitditlnna I IIt I Iyiult
It ztruitditlnna tra I edition in IlIlh the event pnl nf ff if the dreaded dreadedresult
result ut read 1 between ih the lines lin of the phy physician Ih Ihinno Ihypician ¬
sician inno bulletin bulletinThn 111 111I trnlldtInI
I flu Tiwr Tilr Tie only editorial filoral edito al comment commenton < mmtl
on 0 the th King Illnm In tiPil5 > e id n the ih in ini inI insuitable
i suitable eYtbl expression spllo of sorrow rro is I Tim misloyal Timloyal 1
I I loyal affection atIn which hllh hi hil hts faithful falhrll sub subject tb tbjecta h hj ¬
ject j cherish hr h towinl lowlrd him would olid have havnfiled ha haI havetWed
I filed fU them with lh regret 1f and sympathy sympathyat ymllhy ymllhyat
at any nT tim tm time and no 01 m tn any ny circumstance circumstanceI Cirmalanf1t Cirmalanf1tI
I but thl this regret rlt and In sympathy ympihy must ml1 in 11 11ytblT 1 1evttably
evttably ytblT l Ilfio mtenin d hy h the Ih rrflnctiou rrflnctiouthat rlelou rlelouI
that we e am arsfltsflflg entering Innl uponacnnititutional uponacnnititutionalcrisl a
I 1 lpn rnliluto1 rnliluto1I I
I crisis ci of excrptloail tCplnn gravity < the th sij sijtion IJII IJIII IJIIi uiluJlion
i lion do of which whlrh mist affert do profoundly profoundlyand I
and Id nd permanently nnlly all Al cas rl claMs e of the Ih pop populatloa pp ppI poptilt1o
I ulatloa utato In Mil Mi lr guile nrt of the th empire mpl for forgrnrrations forgeneratlona I
grnrrations nrton to conic cnmeSCVIUK conicSaiila m mI
I SCVIUK SUII May i u Mr A Alih Aiuuith < inth Prime PrimeMiniter rrm rrmiiIr PrimaMintatsr
Miniter iiIr of England tn < nr accompanied cmpnlJ < l by bythe tythe I
f the th Lord Lr of the Iht dmiralty rmlrly ha arrived arrivedh arricelbare rrid
1 h bare re The h party pry lravrl IraI1 travelled up fp the Ih Guadal Guadalquiver Oladal Oladalqulr tiaitalqulvr
quiver River on torpedo lotn Unt tw from fromCadix I ICadix
I 1 Cadix Caiz to Seville Rvt Th They y fmmd rld awaiting awaitingthem awaItIngthem ailnc I
them a telegram 11 < rm announcing annflllnc King Kinl rxl Edwrds j jwordn
J wordn lllnr In llInei llIneiPagis I IPA
1 PA rAII Pagis May I ii I The T nw of th the widdrn widdrnUmr au4ldenlilneet I < dn dnUIlr
Umr UIlr lilneet of King Klnl iin Kdward wm wa received J1f lucre hernwith hrwih lucrewith
with wih deep con conaternation onImUtn trmatlon Tli Tha wildest wildestrepcrt wlldft wlldfttprl wuidtrpot
repcrt tprl ta were circulated circulatedTh
Th Bnli Drllh Brilich h Kml tmhy > a y w waa l mirged > t1 by byMI byt y ya
t MI a array a of ff reporters pr who wh received nif a artalrmrnt atUmnt I Iptat4ment
rtalrmrnt tUmnt that nothing wa known beyond beyondwhat hyond hyondht byondwhat
what ht contained in the Ih official 1
wa a rnlinlln ole bulletin bulletinTbn hlln hllnI I
I The Tb t King was evidently kl nl sickening sickeningmen k nin ninI <
I since men in he h arrived Ar at Burr Biar t u He I caught ah a achill achil achill
chill chil while bll passing plnl Ihronali Ihrugh Pan to toBiamtz 10Imu tofllrritz
Biamtz Imu It wa WI w hoped that nn h would wOlld re recuperatn reetrrl Fetuerate
cuperatn In I the th IUqu IIu hoP country rrmtr
etrrl Abnormal Aboal bad 1J weather prevailed prevailedthroughout 1i prevailedthroughout
throughout throchlf his hi slay however and nd hn hnwaa hftWI hewas
was WI obliged oh to II remtin fmln indoors Inro at t hi hihotel hihotci
hotel hllht th the greater crIr part prt if fr the th time He Hemade I liemade
made ma hort autom alomnhi il n trip I nf l hit Isit ut hn h did didnot didDo tildnot
not Do seem m to Im well wellThe wellThe I
The T newspaper devoir much apace to tohis tohi
his hi Illnes In ilto DWIP and II show hlw thn Ih zreatrt r flo flohi mark markof marksof I Iof
of sympathy sympathyCAT Iympthy IympthyCA sympathyC4XT
CAT CA T striitu U sI1iittnir 111 nri nritotbyLawlnilrrllielulianfamtliallon n Ifl 1 iinr iinrtbV
nTJ nTJt
totbyLawlnilrrllielulianfamtliallon totbyLawlnilrrllielulianfamtliallonMa t tbV L Law skier titetuluin V ntltulIn ntltulInNa
Ma > Havana tana lan I II laupr lauprSpENt > rr rrAperMl
SpENt I t 41 Ofirini t i rut w Mi sc scKSVA3A i iHATAKA I
HATAKA H YUU May lyl S The T Pre rrt11r i and leading Itlne
I lawyers J unite tlt in declaring lten < that t th It laws lawsprohibiting I lwiprobibitleig
prohibiting pit1 a r rl race ce party prt and M nrdiining nrdiiningoarly ordatn rlne + ng ngrli
oarly rli 1 ototiag oC are af ag g5ffi1 tnH UM th coootitu coootituJiOMl CIU CIUJ
JiOMl J rit r l < o a s M0 sasostsljea
xoinr 0 n rT rmcB rrtr rnixE rlZr TIK TI4T TI4Tj 4r 4ri 4 4fIIRITI4I
i rfffMrHYM fIRUTIUlt 4 A XOT or I HIT HITTtie lT lTT UI UIThe
The T IBlonH 1 Halltflrri 1lol lUnrtrr Hcnl tlal as asfar I a aI
far I ar aa a lie I II CovM etd I to t Pleas 1 halNaUl halNaUlnerd hal lr Iiatd IiatdttsII a are
nerd re far fteeaalenal QI1 War a Hall Hallto Rautkilhe al >
to I kilhe Ibe lb tudlrnee Tall TafIsllraiIlIltlAt TafIsllraiIlIltlAtpCft 111 Health 11 11 11otI la l lM
otI pCft C1 rMle 1 flpstti < M Tm T TaIuuuIiaTtI rx rx1HHISTMXit f
1HHISTMXit lII T May 1 S Col 101 o1 Hoosevelfa HoosevelfaaddreA tIIY1 itoosvsltaaddrei
i addreA lllr on peace I delivered I Ibi this In after afteri afternoon
I i noon non will I li I submitted allhmil1 lo more 10rl con conlildered rn rnJIII eonI
lildered I sidenul judgment JIII < IlIt than Ih1 I rouM 11 I be I paed paedImmediately p paai4dimmediately
Immediately alter hearing < i it The tint tintImpression nll nllImlrlol firstImpresioui
Impression Imlrlol conveyed 01 y I hy h such audi hearing hearingwa
wa Wa thai the Ih eager Ir anticipation 1lllI plin here herewas ht htu herewas
was u disappointed diIPfitl Ihe 11i l I INm H I people ppl1Inf w who1 who1listened bo bolulened
listened 1Inf to the Ih adilre dlr were > rre r lo all 1pa 1paanl appear appearance appearaneelittleatruick ¬ I
ance anl aneelittleatruick lit 111 I lest Irlck ruck and nll never neverreally realty stirred stirredIt lr
It vat to be l noted thnt whn the vice vicepresident vlt vicepresident I IprhJnl
president of lie Ib Vobel prire prl committee committeeconveyed 00 committeeconveyed mil
conveyed rlvllh the committee rommil thanks 1lllnk lo Iol IolRoosevelt loJ1 al alRoosevelt
I Roosevelt t1 he h did not refer lo the Ih address aildrewitself ad adI addressItself
itself so I far a it 1 more mot or less salient salienti alHt I II Ifeature
i feature fflllr were wrI concerned while hie the Ih King KingI Kin Kingwho I It
I who joined join In the h applause a 11 I after arllr the Iheaddrem Ih Ihddr theaildieii
addrem ddr and a ajsol > eeoli of thank IhDk did not notjoin DotI
I join in the Ih occasional 11lon1 applause which whichpunctuated whichI whichpunctuated
I punctuated Ihe delivery In 11 short aor the theaddress Ihaadclf theaddress
address adclf did not nlt seem m to t hold th the hearers hsareraCol heren
Col 01 Kooaevelt Holl however hn exprcsse exprcssehimself elpf zprssshimself
himself as satisfied NIf1 with wit lh the way it I waa waareceived wur waareceived
received r le He II say Y frankly frnklT that the thl ad addre adtIreas d ddr
dre dr tIreas will wil not lie approved appro by b the Ih peace peaceparty pa paIrly peaceParty
party by h which he seem m lo mean the Ihepeace thl thlJ thepeace
peace J at any ny price prl party partyl prtT
1 went wfl as far aa a I could Clt he h adds addsIt ad adIt
It wa 1 impooiiblA lo go J further but butI hit hitI
I went a as fir fa as s possible possibleThe possiblThe ille illeT
The T Vonrl rOo1 had ha a quirt qui but busy morn mornIng momnl mornlog
log nl at 1 Ibe palace dictating Ilelalin let ltr letters tin to tohia 10hlIflar tohis
his hlIflar secretiry He Illok took luncheon quietly qllt at atI
I I Ih the delegation Icalon legationiiowii
I The T feat f4lUfttOr lire of the Ib dar d waa of r ofIlie course courseIhe llrw llrwIbll
Ihe Noliel Xoill oheladdreeaat address alld al lh the Slate StstcThestren1 StstcThestren1the Thealrejn Thealrejni Tlrn I Ii
i i the Ih afternoon flrnnn There Tr wa a large la throng throngi Ihron Ihron1011idl throngoutside
1011idl i outside Ihe building hlildlnc all al morning morln < nearly nrtrlyall
I all 1 of whom wore ore miniature mlnlllt American Americanflag Amlrn Amlrn1p AmericanflajL
flag 1p The Te lb theatre Ihattwu was fRied lO1 from frm gallery galleryi CIr
i lo Door lor and all al Ihe ticket Irkl holder holr were wereevidently wr wereevIdently
evidently eldpnly prominent citizen rtlzn of hula Chriitiania Or hulatiania
IInla tiania The 1 ladle predominated ldomlnad Indoor Indooraa 1Iori 1Ioriu
aa well 1 a u outside The T Norwegian Sorcan seam seamto m I Ito
i to l he > e a quiet undemonstrative IndmonlrUv people peoplebut Jpl Jplhlliheyar
but hlliheyar they are great lat1 at standing Inlnp up lo show showtheir aow aowIhlr showtheir
their appreciation appreciationAl IPrllon IPrllonAI
Al lOoclock OoIIOk In Iheaftrrnoon 1rmon the lh King Kingand Klnlnel Kingintl
and nel Queen entered ntf the Ih royal hoi accom accompanied aC aCpnl1 aceompanieul ¬
panied pnl1 ly Mr I Roosevelt Rflt Miss 11 Ethel FlhelKooerlt Ethelflooselt lh1R
Kooerlt R Ilt and nl Kermit Irmit R Roosevelt < The 11 Theaudience j jaudience
audience remained rmalnll standing tndinl unlit unll they theywere I Iwere
were r seal seated r I hater all 110 stood again lain as I the Ih Ihrlonel theColonel j jColonel
Colonel entered from Ih the back I k of Ihe Ihestage Ih IhIla lItstag
stage Ila arm am in arm rm with wih the Ih president of ofthe ofIh ofthu
the Ih Nobel Prir PlrlCommile Priuccommittee committee I IThe I
The 11 1 hs stage tl wa woe I decorated dfrlt extensively extensivelywith
with American flag and occupied occupiedby
1 hlerm f ne wan wa nlp
by member mmb of the Ih Vohel ohl committee eommll Th ThColonel Te Teoon1 The TheolonIbowd
Colonel olonIbowd bowed bow In response p to the applause applausewhen alplu alpluwhn applauawhen
when he h entered ntl and nd then thel everybody evby aat aatdown 11 11down t tdown
down only to rise rl rIm a moment mOOft later ltr when whenthe whnth whenthe
the th orchestra orlr began an al overture OftlUt which whichhad whih1 whichhad
had been 1 specially il composed CIIII by I the thekappelmrister Ihl IhlPllmilr the1pelmcietr
kappelmrister Pllmilr and dedicated lo Col ColIloosevrll 0 ol olYtooeavelt
Iloosevrll 101 The 11 theme thmt was w the th Mending Mendingof hndinl hndinlI
I lot of r The Star Spangled Hlonlll Banner BnDer with withNorwegian wih wihocn withorwegtan
Norwegian ocn folk song 11 The T Th audleooa audlSO re remained usmained ¬
mained mlnP seated al during he greater IIr part partof pn pnof partof
of the Ih piece but hii rose r King Haakon Hako taking takingthe tkln tklnIh takingthe
the Ih initiative 111Uy inItiatIve for the finale Inle which wble waa waathe waathe
the pure unadulterated Induhral Star Ra Hpanglrd HpanglrdBanner Kpn KpangdBanner < 1 1 1nnr
Banner nnr i iAHDRRSB IAlbR
AHDRRSB AlbR or uRFsrmo uRFsrmoThenJhechairman UUllS0 UUllS0TheDJ usFaiioThnlhchairmanJohn <
ThenJhechairman TheDJ h chiran John Lundaformer LundaformerPresident Lud Lund a forUP former formerPresident
President Pidf of th the Worthing HlohiDC made m his hiaaddress bi hisaddress
address ddr of greeting Ittnl to the lh xPreident xPreidentIn ePidlt ePidltIn
In the course rurt of hi speech he hllld hllldm said saidrnrilca saidmnki
rnrilca m Ijind nf romance onlnr I can atmut al almo
mo mOl mut l ear r goal oat 11 of olr our ilrrama orlma llnw 11 many nanvmerit mnrlr manyiacrrd
merit lr iacrrd tanneries Ifnerl dor 10 I hit name 1m not lot evoke rrokrnal nol evokenot
nol least among mon u li Snrthmrn nrhmn A housaud rhouOnd rhouOndco thousaudvar housaudtrars
trars ito co si is well I knu knurn n Norvrglanl NorvrglanlVlltlnt orrln orvgianVlktnge
Vlltlnt kla tinder nd lrif IPf jlkson leadership Idfhll Idfhlleh leadershipwere > I j jorrr
orrr the eh first European Furon In discover tmer tmerua mrr mrrif
if ua II TinUnd flnd and ne In Ihr th tie cnur mlr course r of r the thrla Ih thetaat
la taat > t rrnturv nllr hundred hlldr of ihouund I houlnd of ofNorrclsn ofC oforagIsn
Norrclsn C In mm and nd vnnirn mn have h sniicbt sniicbthrr 1h
her Ir hn hnIIhl pltahlr nrlromr Irm and thrrr rlf tinder iindrrihr IPr IPrI tinderthe I
the I h prntntlnn prtrlnn if f her h starry banner bnnf found
a hit hI > > r rrfucr rl There Tblr n are re now n nearly s sKianv atiutiv
Kianv 11 Sor SorrlO otwttfla r lin In the I nltrrf lnlll State KII KIIn as asin a aIn
in n Norway Sor Indeed I mar na ay r that Ibllhf there Is Ishtnllr t ttnrdl Ishardly
hardly tn tx I found fOlld a family fml In this country countrynot ololr ololrrn
not knitimi in Alnrrh Aln In tb tbe bond bnd of kin kinship kinhll kintutI ¬
ship hll or friendship frlPhl Hill Ihl It I I It not only onl Nor Norav Sorhal Xorear
ear av hal acknvele1gea rknoMlrd I If ni with lh cralltuile rlluc Hi HidMit 11 it itulMut
dMit in Ibe Ih Young n tmrrlra 11 The T entire entirei ptiriiItst nlr
i < illl iiItst 11 < r < l world has h reason on to brine bfln lo ihr ihrI 1 Iii IiiI I
I ninl nld Htte rl tate think sod nd praise pralurr pr1
W r or thr tIe b Old World have our olr advanced advancedniii dnn
niii iii 0 and n are u rc molly proud of the rb memory of ofinhnne ofh ofauh
auh inhnne h a On one a Ifred rr SolI obrl vho 10 hs ba ha left Irfiihr IIrh leftthe
the h mull ul of a whole bolI life uSes s work ork fur thrlm thrlmtrovrment rhlmoIrorfl theimIrovnirnt
trovrment Irorfl of Ibn Ib world Bui nll young imrr AmerIra imrrIrs m mIra
Ira his hlnlrlib In truth not attempted lpl IM than 1 we weIn weIn weto
In Oils Ihll regard If Europe rope contribulrs contribulrsmillion Cntlllll rontritiuutesiuttliton
million 1111n la goal ool 1 works 101 American Amrln romp romrsforward rWf rompforward
forward with wlh billion 1110 and nd ran n t troI traduce > rodur her hrrrl brrI herfi4tI
rl rI fi4tI < li mm Iln with h conscience onllr slip U In li lie I lru lruusr tll baa baanip
nip 1 of wealth lh who ho frrl that the li II onlr onl rust rrlriciir rustearl
riciir earl 111 for Catherine ralhII II I lie I m It I < umrtra umrtration anereralion nftf ¬
lion lon in the welfare Ira of manLlnd Nslitrsllr Nslitrsllrnirrn NtItrailtnieruua
tnieruua nirrn mI s In II Its I riulli YUllh mii mi inutat t I lisa > a through Iroh the thrlrknr II theatknees
atknees lrknr 1 r urrhlldlio of rhldloc < Kl hut i ntrnniuntl ntrnniuntllullnn itrotug Irnn tnl unit I IOtlion
lullnn Ilon will I uiidaiiblnllr IIAIII carrr her h safely safrlfihrniiKhall safelythrough rl rlehrollh
through ehrollh sit lhrdanfrrrn rlln reaufing itln from Ihesr IhesrI f tip tipubta
I Ih ubta hi is Ihr Ih hole nl the h would woildToday wouldtoday ld ldfodr
Today then wr have blip Ih happinrs haprln nf nfcrrrtinc nfclnr ofgtrettn
crrrtinc clnr one nnr of < > f America mrrlr mra greatest cltlzrns cltlzrnsho clttznswhoa IUznaho
whoa ho r Journey JOIn through rhrolI he h Old WorM Wotl has hashrrn h hn ha halieun
hrrn n one oa lane iu > iirr rlnn < lon nf r oration 0110 And Andnnlhlnc Andnflhlne Andnothing
nothing oulil 111 hr 1 more natural berause berausertrrvwhrre hecmueeverywhere
everywhere hs h l luceti > rrn iirrped prr r < t the Ih pride prldrr pIC
r 11 nut l > or f nf I Hi the 1 inr runl ni In the Ih welcome llm of ofoII a aworihv aworthy
worthy oII rri rrtireaiutqtITe > rr iiiiivr of f their Ih < r son la ames and anddaughter soddsuugttteri nd nddlh
daughter dlh nf ihr li I U teat teatIhe 1 Ml MlIhr
t Ihr h principal iau ChiC 1 > which blb has b served f to totaitiT torh togather
gather rh i oitsi 00 the work ork for peace pNI sod sndrbitrsion sodarbitration ne
arbitration has iii for many ma years rln found Its Itswarnir I it itwsrnleat
warnir wsrnleat tn1 Olpprr ipporirr In tmrlca mrrlc mrtI I will willonlr willonly 1
only mrti mnlon ion here William WIUm banning Channlnerharlr lbnnlnhrl banningChart
Chart hrl Huranrr lmnr ulmner fllhu lhl Hurrltt Hlrrll an suit ml luiph luiphVSaWo Jllpb Jllpbkl itiphWaldo
VSaWo kl Imntna nlln In the service nll of this thiseaur IhlIr Ibiscall
eaur call Mr Ir flo fOPM ftooeveit < irrrlt also 11 stands rnd Opinion Oplnloom
at m 1 o how 10 l best > r t to brine brln he deired dirf rrsjlls rrsjllsin rJI rJIrl rrsiitII
in rl II i I5 > ss mst m diSrr dlr hut patIence and ndfslihfiil ndfslihfiilronvcraird nd hUMII hUMIIrnI faithful faithfulronicersted
ronvcraird rnI work ork will 1 we t believe bpU brine brln us usat u uat usat
at la I last t to o the long drirrd dirf coil coilTHr goalIMP oal oalTNr
lol 01 Roosevelt 111 was then Ibe introduced InlroU and andan nd ndh
an he h came forward the audience udl c again againatood againstood ia iaIOJ
stood IOJ and nd clapped cpp hand When they
had lx Ilme become > come seated Ie the Colonel began beganhi Leahi
hi address adf He I H paid pid a short tribute tributeto tribulf
to the Ih memory fIUory of Ujornstrrne Dj rnlune Bjornaon Bjornaonthe Bl rln rlnIhe
the lain lal Vorwrgian poet p at lt the men mention me mentiOn ¬
tion of whose wbo name the audience udleD again againstood aliDto agalaitood
stood to In silence ilenc for a few moments mom b cut cutting el elIn cuttlng ¬
ting In the tI Colonels oIMI sentence Iec in half The Thelisteners Te Telitner fl fllistener
listeners then Ibe remained remlne seated Mte until unli the Ihenod thefd thesod
nod fd of theaddren Ihft addr which lasted te for forty or
fitn fn fit minutes minutesCol mlnIICol minuteCol
Col Roosevelt Holnlt grew IW very f boar hor after afterhe afterhe rle
he had ba been b spe aping icg about ablt twenty min minute minUtN olinUt ¬
ute Ut Tlie 1 people ppl listened lile attentively
but 11 the Ih applause was WA not nt very e frequent frequenter frell t tor
or mthnsiastio 11 huiut The Te sentiment I tt t In the theaddrea I theaddress heddr
address ddr which wag greeted tl with wih the wann wannest wr wacoeat ¬
est applause was WA that tht a powerful pweul nation nationwhich nllo nationwIdth
which whic was U not nt just JUt should bule be b disciplined disciplinedby dleplne
by other nations 110 qationAt nationsAt
At the conclusion n IUlon of If Ihe Ih Colonels Clnel ad adrlrr sridress d dnr
rlrr nr dress th the audience Ill stood ato and ad clapped clappedtheir elpp clappedtheir
their hands hnr once onC more Then TI thn th vice vicepresident yjeepresident
president rrfif of the th Vobel 0h1 Fund stepped Y for forward fornl forward ¬
ward nl and ad offered otre a vote of thanks Ihaak tepp lo Ur Urand MraM
and a Mr tr Rooav Rk Roosevik k for flr their visit ytt In Inproposing Inppl Inpropoatagihe
ppl propoatagihe proposing the te molten mol he referred ree to Amer Amertea AIr Amerlea
I tea as a th the refuge of millions mil of down downtrixMrn dow downtrod4uan
trixMrn trrf Curepnan tuop In I conclusion elclul he heoaid hasaid
I said
II oaidI
I I bare lae M B e doubt d Mr t and ae Mr n Roose ¬
nit veltthat that thi the te thetuturewlllatTord future rutuf will wlalor afford you YOI further furtheropportunities furthropprtullM furtheropportunities
I opportunities opprtullM of exercising 8triinlyour your gift giftTb li giftTb
Tb T Tiooprwident prdDt then Ih n called 111 upon uponIhe lp uponthe
the audience audief to stand Iad and give Mr Ir and andMr al andUus
Mr 1 HooMvelt n vlt a Norwegian IVII cheer cber This Thlwaa Tl Tlu Thiswas
was u given 1n Then Tlm the te Colonel oln1 made ml th thautUeoc IhI the theI
I autUeoc alclf stand etl1 while whi he I offered olr1 a cheer cheerfor cheerfor
for Norway orway anti a1 finally nlly all al steal ti 1 nl durm durmIhe uiutmugthe Iur
I the Ih playing nf lh hue Norwegian SrwKial national tllhlll tllhlllir nationalair
1 1 air ir after fr wln llc < li the Ih King and I Queen iIIrl left leftI
I I In the Ihe course IU of the Ihe day Ita Or SII SIII anen anencalled sniencelled
I called 11lln on Col ol Roosevelt 10yllal and reminded rnuld1 him himthat hi buttthAt 1 1IhAt
that when h1 U b ha aw him in I America Ira twelve twelveyear twelveyear
year f ago lo Im h had hd said Id Your olr lien man manfor 11 11I inuuita
I a for the Ih Arrtio 10 i is Peary Pr If I I bad Ihe Ihllk Ihllkof pick pickof pickof
of a man nUI I thought likely Ikl lo II rn f I Ih Ih1IIItii hitI In Inole
1IIItii I ole > It would oul Iw 1M IVary IVaryCot I Iti iearyCCI
Cot ti Roosevelt rel gave a sitting ilnl to the IheKorwegian Ih IhI theorwejian
I Korwegian Kculplor Vlgland lllant for a statute statuteortjepul talu taluordered 1111 111110r
ordered 1 by a body bl of North lUkotan lUkotanKprkingoflhilheColotiel fakoI31 flekotauiaMpeaking
10r KprkingoflhilheColotiel HIklnl Mpeaking of Ihilhlolorl thiathteolotuci said Ie Im I wauled wauledthe wattledthe aul aulIhl
I the Ihl statue Iahl to l Ie a I good 101 figure nr of a cow cowpuncher IIW IIWI IIWplhr cowpuncher
puncher plhr He II doe dO do not believe 1Ie in II erecting erectingKtatiie erectingustatulce fln flnor <
Ktatiie of men until unll the men ln are ar dead deadbut dNe deadhut
but hit if the Iht statue Iall are r erected rplfllhy they should shouldbe holid
1 be b something Imetlnc typical typal of f Ihe country 10llr A Amere Amere
I mere mr likens lkn of the tho man On I il Ia quite Ilulo unim unimportant Inim Inimprtnt utnittiportent ¬
portent prtnt He le added addedWhen addedWben dde
When we were looking lelklnl at I Ih thtoee ho Fran FranHal Frn Frnlal Franlisle
Hal lal and nd Rembrandt nmhlll the I other olr lay who whocared whoer elm elmeared
cared er whether helhr they were e like lke auy au autIIW par particular partktikr > ¬
ticular tIIW old od DutchtiMn J > Ichr or nntV nntVA Rt RtA nnt nntA
A dinner In Col oh I Roonevrlt R vII honor honorln wa wagiven was wasgiven
given ln at t the Ih City CU Hall lal at ft oclock ocIOk Two Twothing ToIhlnl TwothIngs
thing Ihlnl happened hp n1 that were noteworthy noteworthyIn
In the first Ir place 11C lace a toast lo1 lo 10 the 1 President Presidentof lIInl lIInlor
of the tnlled nl1 State wa 1 was proponl thi thibeing iL th thbeing
being binc the Ih only lime 1m except stpt nt lt Iorlo PortoMaurlilo Iorloulaurislo
Maurlilo that lht any an reference ffl has h lieen lieenmade lwenmad
made md to the Ib Prrsidrnt Prtnt In time second secondplace wolt secontlplace
place pa In attempting 1mlthlllo to propose h1mP mll ° 4 a toast 101 lo loIhe 10Ih tothu
Ihe Ih Storthing HlorlhllC and the I Nobel committee committeeCol 101111
Col Col Roosevelt talked of thing Ihln mrricaii AutterienuSanto mrricaiiKanto mrlrll
Santo Rnll Domingo 10mln10 Cuba tII tuba Panama Inanl and 111 the thePhilippine Ih IhPhllppn thePhilippine
Philippine Phllppn after which he h forgot to pro propose Irl irupose ¬
pose the Ih toast 101 a mistake which hih wa A rwli rwliflrd r rIUTFI
fled later
During nurnl Ihe Ih lit week k people rle who ho have havemost 11 11ml havemost
most ml reirclnlCol fllUo reapottri ol RooseveltsdevUretion RooseveltsdevUretionthat ItIltliUot ItIltliUotIhal
that heistravellingalMolutrlyaaprival heistravellingalMolutrlyaaprivalciliten h lie 1lrllllnlIully I travelling ahausoliiteiy aa private privatethuen
ciliten IIn have hullpa lodged a proleal with wlh the IhYln thu tart various tartousruiwaveompanies ¬
ous 011 ousruiwaveompanies railway rlwrmpnll companies whkh have havehawit lot 1 hi hibaggage hiIPI his hisbaggage
baggage IPI mislaid flII hi reserved car Nf and andgenerally andInnly andgenerally
generally Innly made hi travelling Irllnl a se un uncomfortable In Inrmflrl tttieomforiaila ¬
comfortable rmflrl a thai nf ff ufn an al ordinary ni ary private privatecltlren privateItlren r11 r11ollrn
cltlren cltlrenKing ollrn ItlrenKing
King Haakon lukol himself hlmalf ha has now 10W taken takenhi tbn tbnIhle takenthu
Ihle thu hi matter mle In charge chal and ald Ihe Iht lit arrange arrangemtnta Jn Jnmenll arrangemeats
meats menll so a far made will wl no doubt insure Inaurethat insurethat nall nalllht
that lht the Colonel departure eprtllf front Chris Chrisllama Christunis ri rilnl
llama lnl to the I Swedmli frontier will i lie II all allright 1 11 11right
right rightTomorrow rahl rahlTomorrow rightTomorrow
Tomorrow the Ih univerily will II confer confrrupon rnrt rnrtllpn conferuwoi
upon llpn the Ih Colonel olnllh the drtree 1lr of doctor dOlor rf rflaw r eflaws
law la lawsCoi
Col Roosevelt R 1 talk lalkl with ih pleasure plllf of ofmeeting ofmtna ofmeeting
meeting mtna Seth MIh Bullock RllOk In london I ndon Hedoe Hedoenot ld ldnol 11 uloes uloesnot
not describe rht hi his plan IIM for their enjoying enjoyinglx enjoyinglondon nJoyinglnco
lx lnco london > ndoo together beyond aying oln < Hrih Hrihand Sthanti lh lhand
and I will wii have a good Il time timeI 1m 1mISIiN timeslMNikN
I ISIiN < OM > O Mar Time 11 leery J Society 1Ilyll 1Ilylllil lia liainvited lisa lisainvited
invited lil Col ol Roosevelt to I lie I it i guest III of ofdonor fr fronor ofhonor
donor onor before he h sails for Atnerea Atnc nrra r ca in June Juneron Jut10P11
rr P11 t ron i ifiin u I wr K I nr nrTrTl I I 11 In InTnl tiiTest
Test of i Col f1 l Rsstrirlfs > obrl hll PrIg Pl II IIdress d ddr l lrtrrss
dress dr at a Cnrlsllanla IIDla leslmla leslmlaThe eaIIrttaThe Iml ImlT
The T following folowin I lit the II text of the Ih VoM VoMpeace Sol SolJN ols4 ols4peace
peace JN prize address dd delivered dlif1 bv I Col ColRoosevelt InlII 1 1Itoneetelt
Roosevelt II at Chnstiania yeslertlay yeslertlayIt 1nl
It 1 I a with wlh peculiar Jllia pleasure plNUt that lhl 1 1stand 1Ind Istand
stand here today lo If express srr the Ih deep deepappreciation c1 deepappreciation
appreciation apprfalon I feel of the Ih high honor hoor con conferred rn rnfurf conferred ¬
ferred furf upon up me by the lh presentation pfnllo of ofthe ofIh ofthe
the Ih Nobel Nobl obl peace pMr prire prl The T gold Iold medal medalwhich 01 01wblO medalwhich
which wblO formed part prt of the Ih prize PMP I shall shallalways shallalways hal
always Iw keep and nd I shall hand It on o to my mychiMren myrhlJrn mychildren
children rhlJrn as a a precious pio heirloom heirloomThe birl heirloomThe
The sum u of money provided a as part > art of ofIbe o oflb
Ibe lb priie prE by y the Ih wise wi generosity Inrty of the theIllustrious Ih IhIUlrorl theIflutrioua
Illustrious IUlrorl founder of th1 ths world word famou famouprue rmouIlnz famottislnTe
prue nYsirin Im I did not undrr tlr tl bIte > peculiar peculiarclrcumstanrwi iw1tliarcireummetances
clrcumstanrwi drrlmtnt of f the Ih c r ew feel at liberty libertyto lrl
to keep I think I h nk it I iniueiitly mllI tutitteuut I nisi 1101 and andproper al1 al1Imp atuatproper
proper Imp that in il inort 111 case the Ih ncipiMit i 1 of ofIh orIh ofthe
Ih the prize nz should Od kcrp for hi hll his own alas n > the thepniuMnilseitirrtv Ih Ihprl thepnJ
pniuMnilseitirrtv prl pnJ in I lii frlI eritretv But in IllhlI tltica this emte while whileI hil hilI
I did eld not nit ofpriuly omr a nut Prrwdrtil lfe fl nf the theUnited Ih IhUnll1 thuunited
United Slat Stats it was ao nmrrthelrw only onlybecail ottlyLernuis nlyJAI
becail JAI I vs 1rtvnlrnt that Ih I wa < 4 en I
abed to If U oil iii i all al anal 111 I felt ftl that thr thrmoney Ih Ihmoy thumoney
money moy mii mnl t t tue H > n conelufereul > n i < ed a as having havinghern havll havuitgben
ben Rttrii C HI I in 1 trust for rlr lh the Cniteti CnitetiStatm 1111 nutedStates
II States Statml 111
l Ilierrfor lrf iisnl 1 it a a tuicleii 111110 for forfoundation ro II IIfWldlo afiauindation
foundation fWldlo to forward forrd 111 II bite cause rn of m mdutnal I andumatrial
I dutnal dllr1 peace I a bring well 1 within wihil Mir Mirgeneral h hi l15general
i general purpone pl of your committee commitlerfor lmmll
for m t our olr complex rolll1 industrial tdllrallvilon tdllrallvilonor civilization civilizationof
of Inday Ih the IC ICe > eace of righteousness righteousnessand r blnn blnni
i and n1 Justice juUl blue Ib only kind of Ioe > eace r worth worthhaving worlhhinc worthhaving
having is i at t least 1lt as a necemary IPr In II blue Iheindustrial III IIIIndllln1 blueindustrial
industrial Indllln1 world a u it Is I among rnonl nation nationThere naton naton1lr riabonTiters
There 1lr i i8 at a least a much mllh need 11 to If curb curbthe rlrh rlrhIbe citrlatime
the cruel rrll greed t and nd arrogance rlnl of part partof partof al alr
of r the world of capital Ipil1 to II curb Ilrh thus I cruel cruelgre cuteIgred 11 11KI
gre KI gred d and afJ viotrticn nf If Ilrl urt of r tin I world worldof wrl
I of labor a lo checU cruel rl1 and n1 un unhealthy In InIlhy tinhasuihihiy ¬
healthy Ilhy militarism mUIrll in I ii intertiilioiul 111 llln1 rr t t11llfnhil relatinoahuipa rrlatlonnhip
11llfnhil latlonnhip
Vn must ml1 ever Ir tear I ear r In mind mill that thn thngreat I IIal timugreat
great Ial anti neln In view is i rightrousnriMi JII jllr jllru jueture juetureIa IICM IICMas
as Imtween man and n1 man nation nalon and na nation nalon nalion ¬
lion lon the th chance to Irad our lives lv on a aromewhat armhal aiomswhat
romewhat rmhal higher level with wlh a broader hroadrrrplrit hroar hroarplrl broadereptrtt
rplrit plrl < if > f brotherly j Rod good ood will wi on Int one for foranother foraMIIr foranother
another aMIIr Pear r I is generally good cO In It Itself I itself ¬
self 11 but buil II i ii never the highest hlahlloo goo I Ilnl Ilnlit unlrM unlrMit
it comes o is the handmaid of righteous righteousnre rflhlflnf
nre nf and ad it become bomf a very yr evil 1llhln thing if i it itserve i itsres
mask for cowardice cowardiceand
serve merely a sa a Ionll IonllMd
and sloth or as a rn instrument Ilrmnt to further furtherthe rlrthr rlrthrIhe
the rod nd of despotism dfptlm o 01 I inarchy We Wedespise Wedfp Wedespise
despise dfp and ad abhor the bully lulllh the brawler brawlerth
th the oppressor oppr whether wh hr In private or pub public pllb publie ¬
lie I life le but blt wn despise no nl Irs I the Ih coward cowardand co cowardand a
and ad th the voluptuary yolull N man i ii worth worthrailing worthralnl worthceiling
railing ralnl a roan who ho will wlnoll not fight < hl rather rlhrlhM rlhrlhMulmlt than thansubmit thanuutibmit
submit ulmlt to 0 infamy or en > those Ih0 that am amdear aredear r
dear to him suffer ltr wrong roll No nation nalln d derve e ala alaerve
erve t to exist Pi if It permit Irl Itself 1 lr to lose losetb I IIh loisthis
tb this stern IIm and nt virile ylrl virtues lll and nd this with without wih wihout without ¬
out regard to whether w htlhr the Ih low 10 In I due dl lo lothe 10lb tothe
the lb growth cwlh rpn of a hearties and acl all 1 absorb abrb abiothlag ¬
lag commercialism mmmrlalm to prolonged indul indulgence IndlliI mdiiigene ¬
gene I in luxury lUlu and soft 0 rrolllnlf I effort effortaea effortaeaof Qrt Qrto ase aseor
or o to If the deification difalon of a warped and andtwWted andtwle andtwisted
twisted twle eentinWnUtity eentinWnUtityNow IntlJnlaUty IntlJnlaUtySo
Now So having hylnrt11IdmiUe havlngfreely freely admitted Ihe limits limitation limla limlaton limitsions ¬
ton ions to our work wrk and nd the qualification qualificationto ullclon ullclonto
to bn b borne br In mind I feel that I have havethe hnfttb havethe
the tb right h to hare my word or taken tka seri seriously sen senously rl ¬
r <
ously when I point out where wr in my myjudgment m mJUdaDt myjudgment
judgment JUdaDt great II pint advance dYne can cn be b made md in inth Inth inblue
th th blue cause CU of International InlrtlOMI peso paO I Ipak Ipaku speak speakaa
aa a practical preol man mn and nd whatever I now nowadrooate nowadyote nowadvocate
advocate adyote I actually acul tried tre to t do dlwhen when I was wasfor w wrot wasfor
for th IhUme time being blDI the bead h d of ff a great greatnation IAtnton greatnation
nation nton and ad keenly jealous of its It it honor honorand honr honrDd honorand
I ask other nation
and Dd Interest IDl nlon to do doocly doonly
only = 17 what hc I should holld bo b glad ld lo sea my myown m1ow myown
own ow nation nto do doAiinmuTiov doUllmAnox doArDrflIAT1o
The Tli e ad afnC advance vane can c be h made me along alnc several severallino severallInes nl nlInM
lInes InM First 1rt of of1 all there Ih can bn h treaties treatiesof ttN ttNof
of arbltlon arbitration Them T8r are aI nf course courseStatM courseBlabs ou ouSlt
Blabs Slt oa a backward ban that lht a civilized lvl com community rm rmmrml1 cornnumity ¬
munity mrml1 ought not to enter fI Into an A arbi arbitration arbitration rhl rhllrto ¬
tration lrto treaty IflT with wlh them Iht at a least t until untilwe untilwe mtl mtlw
we w havegooemuch hJoemuh further flrtbrhnt fimrtherthan than at present presentto p t tIQ
to securing Hrnc some le kind kin of international internationalpolice intll internatIonalpolice l lplll
police action But all al really i civilized civilizedcommunltie lYIZ dviftzm4eotnmtmitlee
communltie emuil plll should houl have bVf effective tiY arbi arbitration arb arbitratlon ¬
tration trlo treaties tIU among mfl themselves thmI I Ibelieve Ible Ibelieve
believe ble that Iht these t the treaties tItl can u cover coverlaioat cr crI coveralmost
I almost aot all 1 question IIto liable llhe to arise Inl be between b hetwean ¬
tween such 1 nation nl if they tlf are drawn drawnwith draw drawnwith
with wt th 11 the expHcit lpt agreement Jlt that ht eaeh eaehcentntttag te reeticontriettug
centntttag Ctrttll party rnT will wil respnct r the te other otherterritory or ortrUor otherterritory
territory trUor and ad Its it absolute hll sovereignty sovereigntywithin lyfplT lyfplTI eovere4gittywithin
within w bat Jt territory 1t and 1 the 0 equatty equattyejxpNeit 1M aqiMitysipHelt I
I ejxpNeit agreement L that lt said from f the therery thevesy
cJt u te ten
rery n ran OMM Trfetra tin eaUeaa aW1 better I Icc
= cc = r
i Is vitally vlly concerned reem1 all other possible possiblesubjects plil poaiblesubjects
II subjects uljp of controversy otrfT will wl be b submitted submittedto uhmU uhmUto
to arbitration arlrUou Much Hu treaty would wuul in 10u InNuI insure ¬
sure NuI u peace unlem unl on o party deliberately deliberatelyviolated ulehiberatialyviolated 1lbrlT 1lbrlTi
i violated violAe J II I Of cour Olr a Vry ft s yet 1 then Ih I II Is no nojadequatH til tiladllh tutu1adequnts
jadequatH safeguard altllw against 1 IIt such 1111 de dehl d dhtrt e
hl hlrl htrt > erate vioLitliMi loLloC but hiI the I mlablishuieul mlablishuieulInf llhlhlllt llhlhllltfr
Inf I fr itt a 1 siifllricnl lmlill number nlmlr of Iheitn Ih treat lntl lntlwnlll trestles trestleswaisiki In InI
I would wnlll go lO 1 long Ilc way ay toward IwIIII creating creatingA IrII
A WrkL uf urli i upmion whuh would Dually Ilaly find findetprmslon finaleiIre4ltit
ulirlol ll
etprmslon In II the Ih provision Irliiol of mnlhod mnlhodlo 1lhot
1 lo I forbid or punl 1nl1 pumniait > h any attach Irh violation violationTIIK Ylflln YlfllnTil viuthat tan tan111K
TIIK Til llllltK 1111 THIHI7N1U THIHI7N1USecondly TIIKU TIIKU1ldly TItllflAIuooutdly
Secondly 1ldly Uierx I m the Ih furthirdevvt fturilterulevu4oatimuqut > ip ipnitlit
nitlit of If Ihe I lit Hague ICII InlMinal Ihllii uuf f Ihn I h work workof ork orkI
I of if lh < conference 1ffI and JIII court colrtl at JI Ihe IheHague I h ha
4 Hague 11 II ho 11 I itetit TII well I said M I that 111 llm llmtint ii
tint Ir1 Hague I conference ulf11 frauird frm a Magua MaguaCbarta IIII IIIIlharta laguisliarta
Cbarta for Ihn ll lalorl nation It iwl t before us usuu I am amuuti
uu al Ideal hi which ha la hiss already Irul to some UI eitrut eitrutIwen aitaIItlarut 1111 1111rNlll
Iwen realireil rNlll and all lowant the Ih full fiI realiza realization rla rlatOI reutliraI ¬
I luau tOI of which we 1 call ni all 1 steadily elNlly strive striveIbe striveIha Ir
Ibe Iha second Ild conference rllffP iiwili fII further furtherKMgre furlhr1nI faurthuerlirugrias
KMgre lirugrias the Ib thlnl should hlll do ita yet t more moreeauwhlh IO IOlllwhl mooreileauwhmlle
eauwhlh lllwhl th the American Allrln Government Governmentha 1mmul
ha 1111 huis morn than 01 omv tentatively Miggrtmi MiggrtmiI uatgguuatuittntthuds
I method Ilh for completing cmIlnl the lr Court nf nfArbitral tatArbttntuljustlce r rArllrlusll
Arbitral Arllrlusll Arbttntuljustlce Justice constItuted Ioullul at allh111 allh111lIaCI Ihnnecond IhnnecondHague the second secondlingua
Hague lIaCI Conference lelfn and ld for rendering rndrIC It Iteffective It1Ilvu iieffective
effective 1Ilvu It I is I enntmtly to be b hoped hoiedthat hOI1Ihal hopedthat
that the Ih varioua VIMII 1rrlnh Government of Furoie Furoieworking Fauropewairkiuig lrolM
working orldli with wlh thins Ihl of America Amer and nd of ofi tf ofAsba
i Akla Ia shall 111 set t1 theiiwelve 11Ihl seriously rolayIO to the thetask thllI thetask
task alk of Iwvlmng t1VIIIC eomn I method 1lhod which whll shall iliallI h1
I I accomplish acolho thU Ihl renult ll If I may m mayitt venture ventureIhe nilre nilreI
Ihe I itt suggestion 1111101 It would wOlld Iw IN well 11 for flr the thestatesmen thestatatiiett
statesmen 1111 of the I world worleln In planning for this thaerection th8fllol thiserection
erection fllol of thi title world court Clr to U study Ituey whAt wliatha whAth wltthits
ha h hits ltru luw done dO In II the Ih United Vnl Htate by the theSupreme Iht theMuprenie
Supreme ulfn Court otirt I cannot rnno help thinking thinkingI IhlnklnlIballh
I hut Iballh the Constitution COIlllton of the IhllnU1 Inlted HIM Htittenolalily HIMnOlahl Hthtewnotably
notably nOlahl In the th establishment HlahlbnII of the Ih Nil Niltireme 11 Muprctne
tireme prctne Court Cin ami ale In the method Illhnt adopted adoptedfor
for securing tlrnl peace anti Jll good NI relation relationI flaUon flaUonlmOII relationsantoitg
and between rI States Htateoffers HIIHu Statestiffera
I lmOII among le 111 the I different dlleflt
offers u certain rlaln valuable analogies 011 lo what wliatshould whatI hal halhonl
I should honl bn IN slrlvrn Irypn for In order lo secure secureI n nIlhrouih
Ilhrouih I through the Hague 11 court curt and confer conference Infrnt conferI ¬
I dices nt a specie 11 of world wurl federation frlon for forI forltitetttloiial
International Inlemlhlll la ware and nd Justice jull I here lluereare hereare hruf
I are of course eUt fundamental fUIIIII1 differences differencesbetween dltfe alifferenceabetween
between what hallh thai I United Ii I Stale 111 Constitu Constitution CnIIU ConstittiliOn ¬
liOn domain tloes aid what hat we should allldeynlmlt even attempt attemptat
at 1 thi this lime to wcure at Tim Hague 11 but butthe hutthai
1m fUt Ift
the mellHid 1111 adopted In the Ih Awnneon AwnneonConstitution ANncl I Ioust
Constitution tnlllIllol oust it uttloat to prevent liiwlilitlm 11111 bn bnIwtfti heterm
term the Ih Slate lall and ale to secure 11 Ihe su supremacy tl tlrny sitIarPtflay ¬
premacy rny of ff the Ih Federal 1 Court tflri uauirt In II certain certainrlate reninlaselaeseua rll
rlate of tf case ra am well 11 worth worh the Ih study studyi lld lldf
i lit > f those Ih t whoeek who seek at 1 the 11 l laa Hague II his gite lo obtain obtainhi a alalmiltitlue hIAII
II tlue hi Kinie Nn result rlll ou u u n world wrl scale scalerlRH uacutlecliami I IrtI
lu llIlh the th third Ihlrcllla place something amlhlnllhol1 should be bedone liealone
done lUl a sa soon 101 aa ouibln Ilill > to check ehlk the thegrowth Ih Ih1lh timegrowth 1
growth 1lh of armaments armllfl rwcl NIIaly eaiaIshly lly naval naI ar armaments atmaments r ¬ I Immfll
maments mmfll by International hlrlolalllmPI Iutliruuatioimalagruemetmi agreement No Noone 0 oone
one O Power could olid or should act Io by itself Itaelffor 1lf 1lffor itselffor I
for It Is I eminently undesirable Imllrh from frm the thestandpoint Ile IleIndpinl thesianaipoint
standpoint Indpinl of the Ihl peacn I of rlghteoimnesa rlghteoimnesathat rlehlI
that a Power Pfr which hlm really Iy doe d beMevu In Inpeace Il Ilpal imipeace
peace pal should aollkl place pl itself Ilal at the mercy try of ofsome of1m ofsome
some 1m rival rlrl which hlch may at Itotlom botol have ha no nosuch nouh itoauicli
such belief lef and nd no intention Inlflon of acting allnl on onit onI onlt
it I Hut granted aall1 sincerity Inrl of Ir purpose plrl Ihe Ihegreat IheIff lb lbgreat
great Iff Powers of I Ibo ho world worldihould ihould shoul find no noinsurmountable nuInurOounlahi noinsumrnmountahk
insurmountable InurOounlahi difficulty ltmclly in reaching an anagreement anagreement n nacrII
agreement acrII which whl WOUM oul put IU an u end n1 lo loihe 10Ihe tothe
ihe present Ilt costly Cly and Dd growing wlne extrava extravagance citravagance lr lrI ¬
gance I I l of expenditure e 3 lr on o naval armament armamentn ammfl ammfln armamentaAn
An n agreement Imt merely to limit lmi the Ih sire ir of ofshiM ofhll
shiM hll would oul have ha been I very ry useful a few fewyears fwyr fewyears
years ago CO and 111 situ would still I i be I Ii of use IJt but butIhe butIh butthe
the Ih agreement agrecntentsltouiki Cfft ahoukl aolkllo go much further furtherFinally fuhr fuhrnI further1inaily
Finally nI It I woukl wOllJ be L a master stroke trk if ifthose IfIho ifthoae
those great Power honestly bent on
Iho lt Iown 10nl o peace peacewould J1 peacewotilul
would form for a league of Peace 11 not 10t only onlyto
to keep 111 the peso IN among mor thtmnvlve but butto 1111 1111tn baitto
to prevent by force fo If necessary its Itabeing II IIilC itsLaing
being ilC broken hrok by other ohln Ihn 1 supreme supremedifficulty supremealimetilty uptm uptmdimrulT
difficulty dimrulT in connection Inelon with wih developing developingthe cvlopinl cvlopinlpr
the peace pr work orl of Th T The Hague 111 arise arises r from fromthe rrm rrmtl fromthe
the tl lack of If any executive lfulVft power of any anyiwlun any11Irto anyiuohiuioworto
iwlun iuohiuioworto 11Irto lowerto enforce nfof the tim pr decree of the thncourt Ih Ihmlr thetrnart
court mlr In any community cmmlmly of o any ay size s1 the theauthority Ih IhulhorlT theauthority
authority ulhorlT of th lb the court Olrt re rl rests t upon actual actualor ctualor
or potential llllal force forC on this II exiatence lilfC of ofllhr a apolice apolice
police llhr or on Olh the knowledge ole that the th able ableliodied Ihle ableluoulieti
liodied 1111 men mf of the Iht country Clnlr am t iioth I 11 h ready readyand fa readyand
and 11 willing wline to eo that Ilat the Ih decree dr of ofjudicial ofJUlleial ofjaualicial
effect judicial JUlleial IP and legislative Ciltl Uxile 11 are re put II into intoeffect InloIP intosptrrioTveriox
nrrsorrcnov nrrsorrcnovIn fJrrlacmr fJrrlacmrIn
1n In new and nd wild e communities mmmunilH where wherethere wherethere h hIbt
there Ibt is a violence viofl an n honest boHI man Iln must mustprotect mUl mUlrol muatproieet
protect rol himself and nd until Inll other means of ofsecuring ofurinc ofsecuring
securing urinc his hi safely are r d did vied it i is I both bothfoolish holhfon bothfooliattu
foolish fon and nd wicked ikr to persuade him to tosurrender 10lurndr tosurrender
surrender lurndr his hi arm r while whie the men who are aredangerous ar aredangerous
dangerous Inru to t the Ih community cmunity retain ftln their theirHe thi theIrsII
He le II should not renounce rnout the right rJh to 101lr pro protret probeet
beet lA himself by I his hi own efforts 10rt unlit 1111 the thecommunity th thmllnily thecmmunity
community mllnily is I so 1 organized orcni that it I con coneffectively Cn CnII runeffecttvly
effectively II relieve flite the th individual imlI111 of the thedutv Ih Ihdlly theduty
duty of putting 1llnl down violence So S it i I Iwith Iwith
with 11 h nations nlo Each ch nation W lon must mlt keep keeprll k kI keeleuIl
euIl rll I prepared ft to defend dflIe itself Ilf until Inlll the theestablishment thueuaialuliahntetmt
establishment 11 ihOIII of some 1m form of f Interna International Inlrrl ifltenttational ¬
tional 101 police Illr power pwr cixnpetetit and ald will willlug wi willlug
lug lo prevent fytlt violence violtnl a as between n nlions n na natheta
lions 11 4 ha Hung IhilJ are I now such Iwerto twr > ower owerto
to command rrrane iearw > eacn r throughout Ihmllchft the Ih world worldilllid worMld worlulvotluI
illlid ld best b I assured Ifl by some tl combina combination rmhlll ¬ I
tion lon between thoe 11 great nation lIalon which whichsmierely whirlnltl whuiitinvtrely
smierely lnltl dr ulueir ire rt Iace tce and ha have ve 1 no 10 thought Ihouehllh I thoughtIhanmuwlve houehtIhrlv
lh Ihrlv Ihanmuwlve niMtiM of I committing 1lmilinc ierresion
I Th The comlnnation rmlnUn might inightat at t first nrt b I hue only onlyto onl onlI ottlyto
I to secure I utrt pear pt within wihin certam trlain definite definitelimit dlnil dlnilIlmil definitelimit
limit anil ane certain Irtin definite conditions rnellon but butthe hutIhl buttthe
Ilmil the Ihl ruler rlfr or statesman taIHIn who should houle brine brinealiout hrnl taringabout
about It such a combination rmhinlion would wnllel have haveamrd lustearned
earned m hi hpl his place In history hlto for all llhl limn and andhi mu muhis ne I
hi his title ltI lo the Ihlrllllld gratitude of all 1 mankind mankindtut mnknd mnkndtI mankindI
tut I tI arts ax axI 0 l iIufltGtTT1X iIufltGtTT1Xtnuele wntrITTr wntrITTreull
I tnuele eull iurle sf f MarltierMRti rlhea Think Tln Women Womennil itanienbttl o I I I
nil 1t lirl ttr bles r tnirrlran Morlelrs Morlelrsfftul llt Iii Iii5rela > I
fftul I I Jlr I n Otpetea M1 10 Ts Ta Mrs SrnIOMIOS 1 MrsFoNlo I
IOMIOS SII May a S The 0 Society SI IT of Amer AmerKWU Atr I Ii I
KWU i Women WIn In Indn > nd n gave It I ta eleventh eleventhannivrriury eIeynthmititilvereary nnlh nnlhAnnhrr i
annivrriury Annhrr luncheon today Mrs 1 It ItNnym I ftuiyre
Nnym XlY uiyre Fairbanks alrnk the Ih prealdrnt of Cf the Ihnnocirty Ibtl theaaouiety
nocirty iI In her opening sddrer d < said kllht that thUIh 1 1Ih
Ih three Ihn aims i of If the Iht socirty lily were wr lo lopromote 101Imolt toPoutItOte i
promote 1Imolt friendship fr UIhl between tlwtl Fjighsh nalb and andAmerican ablIf andAuaicrucan I
American If < 1 women urn lo help ioor Jr American Americanwomen Amricn Amricnmn Americanconeti
women mn and 8n inI < children likln in I London Indln and to toviul 10r1 tomartial
martial r1 IthiHle IhIN schiibirstiip hlrhil women oln vludenla vludenlalo lldnll
lo Oxford OxfordTli Ihfln IhflnTI ixtorilThe
Tli TI The guest 1 nf honor honort at the luncheon lunefn lunefnIh was wasthe wasthu
the Ih Duches DIJ I of Marlborough MulbrotJeh formerly formerlyMis rorrlydrlit
Mis MI Consurlo Vanderbilt drlit She appeared appearedin 1P 1 1I
in I ii grass Ir green chiffon chiton dre d dress with a alrn aIrIlotnt atransparent
lrn IrIlotnt transparent > srrnt guimpe Imo and nd a high collar collaredged mllr mllrf collaredged
edged f < PI with black velvet Ivet titin Ie wore wor a astring aIrln astring
string Irln of pearl prl and nd a huge hle black hit hitcovered h hCTI hatcovered
covered CTI with lh ostrich olrle feather featherTh feathersThe I ITh
Th The I llrh Dachee > ichrM made an a arnest sprech sprechin h hIn
in thn II iii routs Iour of which she he pointed plDte out outthe 011 011Ihll outthe
the need nt of cooperation rlon among women womenShe womnShll womenShe
She urged nrellh the noce nOIIT ity of the thewldtr thewider wider edit education Mi Mialon editcation ¬
cation alon of women a so thnt tlt they th m rosy v lie liebetter hebUr bebetter
better bUr fitted I to take their place plAc a as citi citizen citiSen II ¬
zen ln when bn enfranchisement fnfraclomnl which she shedeclared shedeelisreI he hedIII11
declared dIII11 i ii hound IIInd to t corns rf ha arrived arrivedHie arrivedrte m mTI
TI rte Duchc DIh etpre espnused P ed admiration dmlrlon for forIhe rorIhll forthe
the courage IOlrr of the Ih suffrarette llrru saying sayingthat aylngthat In I IIht
that all 1 mut agree a at to that quality qualtT al although alIhou aithough ¬
though Ihou < h many OUIY might ml h deplore deilor Ihe method methodof mlho
of If lb the militant miilant worker work She lh said Ild she sheiMilleved eheleulieved he heIlne
iMilleved Ilne t at all al effort lor for the enfran enfranchisement enfranchbement nfrn nfrnIhlomnt ¬
chisement Ihlomnt nf women made ma for rfr good n even eventhough eventhough en enIhollh
though women were wt Fii tertian Ilrh still 11 imper imperfectly Imrflll imperfeebly ¬
fectly prepared ltpf1 lo receive fiy the suffrage suffrageKate suffrageKate llrl
Kate Kalf Dotigla Wlggin Wllln the Ih novelist novrlutmade nonlittal novelistrvad
made tal a witty il speech h In which hllh she he paid pid pidrC a aprml apetilIi
prml rC llrbllllo tribute lo lira II late 11 Mark 1rk Twain TwainIjidy TwlalAy TwainlAdy
lAdy lAy Paget Pagt worn Of a purple rpl gown and nd a achain ahln achain
chain of bow bwknot bowknot knot diamond diamondMr dlaonb
Mr lf Ir J 1 Ward formerly forrly Jean M Reid Rndwore nidOf Reidwore
wore Of a simple limpl drew d of tf mole mol color clor and andcont nd ndrt a acost
cost rt of f the Ib some m color colorCommander Clo colorCommander
Commander Cmmar Hinpaon tm and a wife Col ColIonian Colol ColIowan
Ionian ol and n wife Secretary ta Phillip Plip and andMr andMn n
Mr 11r Phillips Phii Mr i Adelaide AdJkJ Johnson Johfln and anddaughter anddaughter nd nddlchler
daughter the Northrupi SohrPI the th McMillan McMillanand Mclltan Mclltana MeMillansand
and a the Ih G 3 Selfridgea lrrl were other otMrItct gul gulRegret gteabaRegrets
Regret Itct were ef received rCIYf from fro J P Peabody Peabodyami ly lyaOI
anal aOI Col Cot oh Harvey HarveyrrKLV 111 111BmrrII harveynIwrIL1
BmrrII nIwrIL1 rrKLV CAX CII cINID4 in A MAII V nnTi nnTiMulem IW4Tgistelui 4 4IhIP
Mulem IhIP lay Be U Jointly elt Ron Ra by h Canadian CanadianPartnn faadla faadlaPplnl CanadianrapIne
rapIne Pplnl and 1 Northern Nerttt rthevn Rallroaita Rallroaitasp Ratlradspfthai tlrM
sp pfthai i i c Cdl < M Dtijttitk nI1 M ma sm smIiTEnrooL rw rwIlvuirooL
IiTEnrooL 11Ft May 111A S 5A A number numty of dowel devetopmnata del deloptt doweloptaceta
opmnata optt are ar looked lok forward oran to In connec connection en conneclion ¬
lion tO with wit the te Canadian adan mall mllr service which whichwill wblebwl whichwill
will wl insure Inll wore mor frequoat tl ealltags lt I A Ascheme A8le Apebeme
scheme 8le baa b been t suggested Ula by which Wle wW th thCaaadUn te tedl the theCaadIan
CaaadUn dl Northern SlrM would WO be h ttbMlzad ebl eblI SuhIldisedwIth ttbMlzadwith
with wit two boat b la 1f the t tk hop h of eitabHsbteg eitabHsbtegwith elh
I with wih Ih Ile the Canadian r1 Paollla II RaHraad RJ sad aadUM a sadfbi
UM a AHoa AI MM J a biweekly Wn terrte II f
1 l
IT r If IIIKS M TH TIUT TWAV 1141 TO T hIM nivThinks 111 111T hIMfatal
Thinks T league Mill 1UI bleW 11 the llalanr lalnH of ofrewrr e eI efrwur
rewrr In I Mists 1111 a as nrll 111 a as CUU CUUInl lljf II IIrresrnU IIrresenis
rresrnU Inl to I Him 1m Resolution nlll of oftnanks 1 1akl tItialiks
I tnanks akl Mel ft In a Mllirr Ilhr Frame FrameInstead FrnIad EranacItuetcail
Instead Iad of wing heckled hHII a A a some somethought 1m 1mi comethoaaght
i thought lie h would wouJ I at 1 la last t nlchl nlchlmeeting II aughtstuieetlng ChIl
I meeting mln < of III the executive utullve eununlttr eununlttrof ronnall ronnalllf
of lf lh thu Independence league II at the theloltl theloltlI Hotel HotelAslor hotelAstor
I Astor Ior William WIIm K Hearst 1t lia hI hiai < J presented presentedto l nl1
a to him a rilrrr lvr framed framfllll set el of If resolution resolutionthanking rhltou rhltouIhanklnl resoltitiousI
I thanking Ihanklnl him for hi lila effort 10rta to bring bringV bringabout
V Iout about the th election 101on of Ihe lit fusion fln candi candidate lDdl lDdldAI candiulsteas ¬
date taut fall f1 It wa the first fI meeting meetingof mfllnIf
of tie II committee rmmilf that Mr r Hear ftat t had hadattended ha hadutttrnulusl
attended alII1 wince nl the campaign campaignHemline lnplln lnpllnUM laumpaignReroutes
Hemline UM of n th t the h speech recently tn ty road md In InWashington InWlalnlon inWashIngton
Washington Wlalnlon hy John Temple Grave Or lust on onof Ol OlIf one oneof
of If Mr r Hearer 10 representative Itnlalv in which whichhe wblchhl
he hl Intimated Illlml that thlt under 111r certain lrlln condi condition rolll comulitions ¬
tion the 11 lb Independent Inlltlonl might bo b willing willingto Wlic WlicIn
to t join with wih this Democrat omlrl sum of the themom Ih Ihmo thetoot
mom mo radical rdlll membeni Ilmbf of the Ih league leaguehad leaguehad acue acuebd
had In rabid mld an n Intention In II put tuit IL up to toMr toIr toMr
Mr Ir Meant leant to explain lpll hi his position positionThere pltlo positionlhere
There ner wo was no ni need however Ilwvtr for any anyuch anysuch IT ITlch
such lch questioning qltlllnC Mr hearst nlnt t in hia hiaspeech hi hirh hiaspeech
speech rh acknowledging rkDowlhlc the gift 1ft of the theresolution Ih IhfIUlloDI thereeulimthoas
resolution fIUlloDI made Tl it clear cr that he was waatill wasstill
till 11 for an n Independent part and nd na naalso he heal healso
also al IntimateU Intimte that Ih the th pr fndepemionla fndepemionlawould Ineefndoli Ineefndoliwo11
year would wo11 put plt a Slate HIlt ticket Ukt In the Ihl Held lel this thlayear thl thlYI thisyear
yearHorn Horn Hm friend frlld he bI said i have Ilve wanted wantedto waDI
to know kow from me m if there Ihl I a to lie 1 an a sill alliance aI sillafire ¬
afire nC between the league IN II antI nd the Ih Demo Democrat lm Hetnocratlo ¬
crat crln cratlo lo party r but blt I want In tt Bay N to YOI you to tonight tonlht tonight ¬
night that the In Independence InepulenC League fu ha hashown I has hassitowit
shown aon that it hold the Ih balance Ilnl of 0 power powerm Ilwrin
in this city el and I thinkthat it Ilia In caimbl caimblof cllll cllllahowinl capahahof
of allowing ahowinl that it will Wi have hal the balance Italamvof
of If power K > wer In the Slate and Inl in view vi of that thatIt thtII
It would WIII Im I a crime Irhnf for the Ih Independence Independenceleague IndPuIJea IndPuIJea10 Indepenmionceleaagiis
II league to sacrifice ucilC II i individuality Inelvldllly It Itmight I ItflIght
might lie I necessary but hullf tin one fnl can tell tellat lel telliii
at JI till lime 1m for Ilr the Ib league 111 to combine combinewith romblnwih combinewhIt
with wih mm oi party or the Ih other in order orr to tonsiire 10I totasuire
I nsiire lur the Ih prtT election UuD of good 111 men In tint bil no noframyeipenencn a sofsrssmyrzperience
framyeipenencn r mTelpnicl goes I it will wii IN Ii better betterlor IIr IIrrlr betterfor
for rlr the I independent luleplnIJ to itand Irl alone kJI and andto
to make mik the Ih fight 11M alone aln for good got government 10 gotI ¬
1 ernment mmfl Vr Wbl When hen the other parties prticr are good goodIt 101 101I
It I Is hecaiiae w we compel omlllhem them to be b good goodand coc goodanti
I and in illhe the coming cm in campaign 0111 it i la probable probablethat probalI
that both 1111 parties prtl will wi be b controlled rnlrlk by h1lh the theprivileged theprivileged
privileged clause d For or every AMridje AMridjethere Alrlcet AIdridgethere
I there Ihr pilpl I is a Taggart TIr and De for Tt every enr Murphy Murphythirn lhrlh lhrlhIh Murphythere
there Ih I a e Woodruff Th Tfo Thuiefori < efor it la I for
IM i to i maintain malni l our iirlndivliili individuality iJ and a to torun to torun torun
run and nd endeavor to elect Ipt an u entire Plre In Independent II iniiepentlant ¬
dependent ticket I kpllhl thl thisycar year yearloini 7ra 7rafOll
loini fOll iv 5iri n tihI in I Kittxrn rtR IT irml ITll ITthit
thit ml ll Premlrrgait rmt Mats Ma lie I Hant fnl snt Split lllht lllht1n the theHeart thebeard
Heart 1n of f militate militateDanCohalan EathmstcisnCohtalsn lmI lmIIMn
DanCohalan IMn ollin was wl wmushaennl heard from last night nightKver nllhltvr nightEver
Ever since lin the Ih dispute arooo between betweenMiyor betweenMayor
Mayor lavnor and Ind William Wilam K I Hearst Hearsta lat latI
a I iaN to whether or not no Mr Ir laynor wa wu n nIonihl retuotuailtl re reM
Ionihl tuotuailtl M > nible for the approval or the hlol Nil pre presented PoInl1 presented ¬
sented Inl1 to II the I city < tT by ly Cohalmi lohll for Simn Simntor h11 VI551for
for service lho in the Ih collection mllclon of special specialfranchiMi Ifal Ifalfohl
franchise tales reporter prtr have hr been ba n nDb try < ry
lab Db to get < Iohalan but have hae hen unable unableto unhl
to find ID him Yesterday Ira he voluntarily voluntarilymade volunlarlT volunlarlTmd
made md Ihl this hi statement tatementl
9 l have hY taken tktn no part pn In the Ih rontro rontrovermr Cntr CntrrV contrownsv
vermr rV which ha h lieen earned rmed on if 11 iu the thenemspaperx thenewspapers
newspapers 1 during dlrn the th lait week over overthe ort overthe
the t payment tnt to me 0 by hte the city cty of X New w York Yorkof
of tWiHI 4 for legal lI1 services Irvl in the fran franchise franhi franchia ¬
chise hi tax til cam a formerly In my charge chargeI hr hrI <
I do not nuke mke It a practice prclf to try tr my cae caeIn C twecain
In the newipaper but hit a taxpayer lpraclon lpraclonha action actionbaa actionhas
baa ha been npllf started trtP and nd I Iltl desire to say y that thntI I II
I will wi welcome 11 the th trial Ir1 of thi this action acio a aI A as asI
I believe bllr it will wl determine dltrin the reasonable reasonablenew funbl
new t of my charge Cllrlnd and elite UI my full ful right rightand rlh rightand
and title tl to the Ih money moOy which was paid pid pal me meIt mef meIt
It f will wlenh enable roe m in to prove pr in a court r of oflaw orlw oflaw
law with d 1lliU ilefinite Unit charge made mdl and nd with withmy withmy
lw wth drg wlh wlhmT
my defence dftDC a matter ma of record Jn the entire entireregularity entIreregularity nU nUflry
regularity flry and nt propriety PrPr1 of the th thIPt pay payment payment ¬
ment mentl IPt IPtI
I may add adeila that the work wrk in these Ih mat matter mtten matten ¬
ten ten covered ror a lrOI wrlod of more 00 than I hn two twoyear twon twoears
year ears n The T suits ul involved Involvl a total of more morethan mor morethan
than IM n aieJ l iO My 1 bill hi a rendered ndl wa wacarefully walffuly wascarefully
carefully lffuly foundered rlid1 by the I proper prpr city cityaiithontie C cityauthtoritfr ly lyllhonll
aiithontie llhonll anal ml 1llht the amount anIOI to lie IN paid pid by bythe b bIh bythe
the Ih city rly thereon IIMfl wa was determined dlrllt1 after afteran rr rrn
an n investigation hPUplol and nd c nideratioi tnsdrlo of ofall ofllh ofill
all llh I he fact factliave
1 liave no IU itt doubt tlOII1 a as to blue II re resuult ult 1 of tin tinaction Ihialon thisaction
action alon tried Irl a is H it I mint be I in I the Ihf court courtand Iurtnd courtand
and nd not lul In the Ih headline hatUrl of newspapers newpnierand newspapersand
and nd I hall hal do to everything vrlhlll 111 II my nprl iwer wer r to
facilitate rr lt It I its trial trialAlthough trl trialIthoumghi
Although lhollh Comptroller Comptrllr Prendergant Pfndrpt hi hieemmgly h hminaly haseemingly I
seemingly taken a hostile holl attitude Wlud toward towardthe lown towardthe
the Ih Mayor 1 so o far a as s the payment of the theCohalan t theolualan 1
Cohalan bill 101 i Ia concerned IIfm ITn he said ai Id IdIInlY < l ye yeItenlay yeaterday
Itenlay that he would Itl till mipport lppn the theI IbeII theMayor
IInlY Mayor In II the Ih Hoard Jlnl of Estimate EstimateThere FAtmal FAtmal11tf EstimateTliere
There 11tf will wii IM no n break in the Ih Board 81rcl of ofKsllmate ofUml ofEstimate
Estimate Uml ald tld Mr Ir Prendergant PrndrpJ a afir arar aa aafar
fir a as I am m concerned rI I wa w elected el on onI a aI atilatform
platform pi I for that Ilt called ll for good government governmentland Jymrnl Jymrnlald governmentand
land and on CJ that platform pil for I c stand and ld shall ahallcontinue shallcontinue h1
continue Nnllle to stand tnd I hare h nothing notine hut hutIh hutthe
the Ih moot mot profound contempt mnltmll for any nT man manwho
who bo would wOlld measure mnl hi his official onlclacloD action by II
opinion hi personal prejudice pJudit or difference dilnt of ofopinion ofoIJinion ofopinion
it 6111fl41UI141 6111fl41UI141FiftIeth ilmnH1 nintni ln MI MIKlfl
Klfl nrlh FiftIeth If Ih tonhirrisey nnhr rtsrr of 1 the th Klart tsrt r er f Ills IlliMlrlllsn I Illstrttian
Mlrlllsn 111a KxpeilHIon 1lla Ypa ditloii Celrbraim Celrbraimpfrt flltr flltrprHI etetnateslspecIal
specIal pfrt prHI f r Cb b nnptn la THE T Six SixQrxna ScsGaxos t tOKNOA
Qrxna May S The Tft fiftieth lth annlver annlvernary annlrIr
nary Ir of ff the th Sicilian Hilan campaign mmpll of Oiribakli Oiribakliand Oarbldl Oarbldland
and hi hi his thousand Ibollnl follower folowe was WI eels celebrated eelsbrated ¬
brated brl today looay The Tll aiithoritlr 1Ihorli drove drovein droyI
in I gala carriage Imt to Quarto the th tuning tuningplace Startingplace tnlnl tnlnlplac
place plac of If the OiribaklUn Oalbldln expedition expeditionwhere expeditionwhere
where wht patriotic plrloUe pieche lJhs were 1 made madeQaribaldian mdll mdllGalblln madeOsribakllan
Qaribaldian Galblln veteran 11trn wearing the tra traditional tradilonal Iraditional ¬
ditional dilonal red n shIrts Ihlr attended Pdt School Schoolchildren SchoolchIldren ool oolChlln
children Chlln student 11ldnl members mtmbn of the demo democratic demoInllo democratlo ¬
cratic Inllo club 111 headed hlde by lT banner bnntr Marched Marchedto rrhe
to Quarto where wher they placed plac wreath wreathand wrth wrthnd wreathand
and nd sang nc patriotic ptrlUo hymn hymnHour hymDsnOr hymnflour
Hour nOr May y S SSvenl Several member membn in inthe Inte Inthe
the te ChiTher C mllr of Deputies Dpll to 10a today < lay road roadpeeche mde mdesp madspeeches
speeches commemorative mmmollo of Garibaldi GaribaldiSicilian Garbldi GarbldiSldla aaribsidrSicilian
Sicilian sp Sldla expedition lpilon They TIT were r applauded applaudedby pplaudf
by h the te whole who lions Uouaecouiv 10W 10WOV lionsCOIIIU
couiv OV IW no 110111 ME Uf TO uissoviti uissovitiJail 11 luorm luormln ISSOf Ill IllJatl
Jail ln He Escaped tpC Frees Fa lawn aa far lor Frank FrankMalmnlcKnclamt FrDk FrDklahllltland FrankMathusleFttgtand
MalmnlcKnclamt lahllltland Will I Itl Kxtndlle Ftndle HIm HtmIxxiKJN 1m 1mpr HIm4pni4l
4pni4l pr < o tjSte tjvspslrti ta I T 751 lra sew sewIMMD0w
IxxiKJN 10 May 1 S IFrnk 5Frank Frank Mathunc Mathuncalia Mathusicalias Ialhuil
alias 1 Bate Bl the Ih HI Ix LouIs > ul crook Irk who wa waidentified WU WUdnUe wasidentified
identified dnUe by lT Officer omtr Hhea of that city IIT a aman u uA ashi
A man who broke jail j1 reveral r1 year 1n ago agoIn agoin 10 10In
In MiMouri 1lrl appealed from the decision decitionof dflon dflonof
of the Ih jolice Iolr I0ti court rurt which ordered ordtr1 his hiaextradltioi hlardllol hisetraditloa
extradltioi rdllol Die 0 appeal wa wu turned down downby downby downby
by a higher haer court tur today todayMathiwio loT loT1llui todayMathttslc
Mathiwio 1llui was w serving sllnc a twelve year yearaentenee yearsentence lr lrIDIne
sentence IDIne In Hi Ixiui 111 in 1MI 111 when whn he hebroke h hebroke
broke brk jail ji H I lie had jut been released relvaaedfrom releasedfrom Ila
from rr the Ihe jail j1 at a Crew fwe where whI he hf had haderred ha hadserved
erred AI a three Ihl month sentence Inlln for rob robbery rb robbery ¬
bery bry when whn Hhea Hhe nabbed nbb him himurrnmtt him4wflIcAv4
4 VKRICAl urrnmtt 4T 4 T AlCTIQX AlCTIQXneek AtTIODH
neek DH From rm Itrnjamln Franklins Fnnldll Fnnldllflbw Press rreunitbdrawn PressWithdrawn
Withdrawn flbw at t Guest GUft Hair Hairsprrtal hit Sale5perlS
sprrtal < r CW M HttpaH 1 it Taa T sew 1 sewLotiDox trvIxiNDox
IxiNDox llDI May S I There Ther was WA a tale al of ofAmericana ofAmron ofAmericana
Americana Amron and nd other book bb the tM property propertyof prpr
of the late llf Montague lonla < 1 Ouet O I at t Oothebya Oothebyatoday 8teb 8tebmT Mothebyatoday
today mT The T moat mo interesting InultnC work workoffered wrk wrkoer workoffered
offered oer was W 8uno Huncf Saunderss > r Way to Wealth Wealthprinted Wlh Wlhpnl Weslthprinted
printed pnl br Franklin rnkUn at 1 Philadelphia rhitadl hl In InI7M Inns In17M
I7M ns This Tl was WI withdrawn withdrawnAckermanna wlMnw withdrawnAckermanna
Ackermanna Aekrann Repository Rplllf of Art Ar Liter Literature Lt LttUf Uterstun
stun tUf Etc Ec toM I for UW U nn A cam 81 cal el
lectlea l of tradesmen rIta card rr of lh t Itue eigb eigbteenth ep elgtteenth
teenth It MI I and a nineteenth centune Olr brought broughtI bl
MIT Mlml The T fourteenth fert sele I of the faneit faneitrbHKpelea a
leJ frJuaesI MI hhHothe rbHKpelea rpe I I Ia aiweweed aee
t 1 J1
rivvr FtN nnovoHf nnOUOIJ ITOVAX IOV SHOP SHOPArtrns 5101 5101Attl 31101Actress
Actress Attl Open Op1 New Ke Department rtmrDt of ofWomen1 ofWmm offlmefls
Women1 Press PtM In LendoO LendoO5pfrtil lo Lndoredt
5pfrtil I ClUe IHipatc la II I Tel T SeX ilrxTxiNDix SeX11fl40x f fIHD
TxiNDix IHD May laT S 3Fanny Fanny Fany Brough the theactrena Ih Ihall theactress
actress all opened opn1 In the Ihl Women a Pre Pretoilay P Press Presstoday
today 10 a I hop and publication 1111101 depart department dtprt dtprtment departmoot ¬
ment for the women nodal lIo1 and n1 political politicalunion pl politicalunion lra 1 1Inon
union Inon Evelyn Sharp fhap said ad the hop wa walo wal wasto
lo lie a symbol of the Ih lioiient hOIt kind of hop shopkeeping hopkeeplng hopkHpn
keeping kHpn < which they wanted wlll the Ih Govern Government Ionrnmnt lovernment
ment of the country cunlr to carry rr on In regard regardlo nlad
lo women It 1 was w also lis Intended Innl1 a U < nn nnevidencv IInevden enevidence
evidence evden of the lh progress Prlt which the theWomen II tImeWomens
Women WomI Press rId had made madeIn mdll mdllIn
In 1905 tOI taa they IhT1 sold S 300 3t worth w rlh of literature literatureat linall
at t their Ihfr headquarter haqlrtn In Clement Inn InnIn InnIn InnIn
In IMM I the sales 1 leaped I pi to JlOrtrt and andin an1In antIIn
in ItOD 10 ro r roes e lo WSWW 010 They are now nowaelling 101 nowselling
selling 101 so lino000 Atx worth a month monthMi monthMiss
Mi Miss M Brough JrUlh In referring ffrn < In the Anti AntiSuffragette AmiSulTragelte 11
Suffragette Hutr le league aid Ild they were t all allgrieved allgrieved 1
grieved rne at allth such an extraordinary ulrlonlnar anal anlln anllnwomanlT un unwomanly tinwomanly ¬
womanly action elon aa A that taken Inkl by tin tinaociety Ihiaitty this thissociety
society Rh could rolie not 101 Ih site h ftaid 1M under underBland IIIIr IIIIr1Dd utuderstand
Bland why women ihould sholll work ngain ncnll1 ncnll1won mugauliet mugaulietwomen l lwomen
women womenAIIT won wonAnT
AnT 4 If SlfK LI 11 it TOTM TJl I I111gb SJtlVKI SJtlVKIHigh I IIlh
High Ilh Priers PItN Matntauieil altIfJ at t Last Hay of ofthe r rth I IIh
the Ih Ioope es I Colleetlon Colllo Dhperul Dhperulipfrttl UpI liperaaltpertst
ipfrttl C Cdl N litiraK IJrl to lo Ta T rats sue suxIxNDOX 1U 1U1IDN suehosnox I
IxNDOX 1IDN May S L More Ior high hilh records reconUwere fnL
were wr reached lhf at 1 Christie Chrstll today tolT during duringhe dllrne dllrneIhe iluringthe
the he nab I of the art ar collection rllion of the Ih late lateOctaviu lale lateOctavius
Octaviu Oviu K Coop p The Te tiny IL1 offering offeringwere otrlnl offeringswere
were r confined rnlne to object oht of vertu Vrtl A Aouix Alull AIoulx
lull < XV X gold Jldsnllbol anum inuffbox x brought bmlih J9I87 10187An l9l7J l9l7JAn n nAn
An old ol Dresden Vflen enamel enllll unuffboi mull went nt for forlisnso rormr forA
lisnso lisnsoA mr
A two handled handle rock fk crystal nI1 l owl howlrlml bowlfetched > owlfetched
fetched rlml UI 390 IO SO A gold ornamented ommlnlc baton batonprevented halonInle batonlamented
prevented Inle by George trj IV to Karl HI t Yin Va Vanl Yintent Vinenl
enl < nl the Admiral Admirl of the Fleet brought broughtWO hrlCh
WO SS i A miniature mlnlalur by T Dumont flmnnt depict depicting depic tlepietlog ¬
log IDen an aatrooomer atrnolr went at for SI 265 787 A per portrait pr prInlt pertrait ¬
trait of hImself hltJ by IT Co l0n1111 Cowmiy way hold for forfrr S bi bia M Ma
a George frr II I silver IIr gilt al ewer r for lta7 lta7a IQi IQia ltlM7ta
a Charlea Charl haul II I beaker IIkr for UK t 4tt a net seven seventesoth en enteentb 1
teentb tnlb century ntllr silver gilt lit cup lp for 1137 1137and 115Thand InDnd
and another anolhtr silver alYtr gilt Iit cup Ip of the Mine Mineperiod 1le 1leproe aloeperiod
period proe for ttM A nixteenth lislnlh century centuryFlemiah Cntry Cntrymih carntulryFlemish
Flemish mih cocoanut rnlt cup Ip went nt for too ll 9oe5 9oe5The 32 32The
The Te grand clnd total of the Ih n o sale le wa was a SllKiO SllKiOguinea GIOJ GIOJIlnl
guinea Ilnl or approximately pprosimlel pprosimlelCH f 12t34C 12t34CC4ISa W WriiVK
riiVK CH flIt Irll PIMSII IIl TIIK Til ni ri I n r i
I lalul an awiutt tut t liter lii The Innrltlrn InnrltlrnAmlrtbly rIU Iw IwAmlcabl twAmicably
Amicably Amlcabl Nettled NIP in II London LondonPptrtil Ldon Ldontl LondonperMl
Pptrtil tl r Co rN < Mt lltipatf II it Tiia Ta SCK SCKIxfiDOX St1 3C1Ioinox
IxfiDOX llDN May a I 5 The Te milt 111 of t eeaux eeauxthe Iall Iallte eueauxthe
the te theatrical UIMlrt manager manazr against Hall HallCalne la listCaine
Calne Cn the author allbor for 25 lsmo W damage damageabecauae dm dmbUM damagebecause
because bUM the latter IUr failed falfld to carry Irr out Olt nn nnagreement AD1nt anagreenlent
agreement 1nt to write wrtl a play laT called alf The TheUnwritten Te Telnwrllt Thetnwritttn
Unwritten lnwrllt taw ha h baa been bn settled vettledCalne settledCaine 11 t
Calne Cne agree c to complete rmpllf the play and andcarry andcarry nd ndlaf
carry laf out o bl hula hi original oranl agreement aCm nt with withcertain wilbrtaln withcertain
certain rtaln modification modificationsriuen moinAtlona moinAtlonarlIR modificationSIIIILIt
sriuen rlIR ix I TitnrmK TnII AIIAIX AIIAIXJamaica W IGISJamaIca II IIrall
Jamaica rall retire Urll still ShippIng of f I jiborer Iatrnrenste jiborerlo hnrnt
lo t Brazll BrdlCI Ursziiet el fioethal nolh Interested InterestedffftM Inlrrslld Inlrrslldc Intrretedpedmt I IKtGI1x
ffftM CeNi sUe Dnpal lt It I TH twa Srv StXKisosrrne SrvKtMoamx 1
C1 T
c Op
KtMoamx KtGI1x Jamaica May S 5The The Te police pohcealopped pl policestopped I IIolp
stopped Iolp J Spiller Hplr today tooT from whipping whippingJamaicana shippingJamaican hIPflnC hIPflnCJamIn
Jamaican JamIn to Ilraxil Irzl They fy1 wilt probably probablyproeecute prbbly probablyproeeutte I IprOlIl1
proeecute prOlIl1 him for a breach luh of I he IhI IhICol law lawCol lawCol
Col Col Govlhala OoIhal cable that tllaj large mimlwr mimlwrof nlml nlmlof
of Italian Ilaln and Spanish Spnh laborer Ibrf are leaving leavingthe lalrlCIhe
the Canal anl Zone and a coming rmlnc her h to toHpiller toSpiller
Spiller Hplr who whl Intended Inlendl to hip them thlm lo loBraxil 10Indl toHnszlI I
Braxil Indl on the tbl steamer Itmer Oten OtenI Olln I
I 1 It i is probable that the Ih initial InllAI J 1 in inIhn 11 inthe
the Ih name nnl of the Ih Spiller KIIIr mentioned mnlon In the Ihll Ihllave the1above I Iabove
above despatch 1 ha a cable Iahl error W I I I ISpiller ISpiller
ave dNplch rr
Spiller Hplc an a Amrtn American who was w proprietor proprietorof j jof
of the A Astor tor Home HOle in Colon Clon wo Wi reputed reputedlo ff1UIP I ato
lo be b the tf owner of the Ih learner Oleri OleriIt Olr terh terhIt I II
It I wa charged hrll that Spiller Rpir mad a lnj bush bushflees l lnem I
I flees nP of olentnn enticing < lanaI employees mploy to leave leavetheir Ital11 Ital11their leavetheir
their their work to take lak employment mlloYInt in Sllh SllhI South SouthAmerica SouitluI
I America Amr and nd the Ih Oleri look lok several raII0I raII0Iof loadof load oathsof
of them IhPlo to Braxil BraxilA Bruit I II
I A As a conieqiiencK rnolnl of ° Ihi this hi Preeident lreeialentObakila i iOhaklia 1Iolkla
Ohaklia of Panama acting a lnc on the Ih re reprrentationx f itpresentations
Iolkla presentations Dtlof of the Ih author allhorU authorities I if of the theCanal Ih IhIanl thsanal
Canal Ianl 1n one Issued IMuf a decree lr expelling expellingSpiller I1lhnl expellingSpiller
181r Spiller from frm the Ih country runlr He I fought f01111 tin tinmatter I tIematter
matter mlr In the Ih court mura and ane th the Supreme HuprenieCourt H HOlrl Supremeotiri
Court Olrl otiri annulled nnll1 the th decree dlr Not XII Notwitli Notwitliitanding wild wildlanding wl h hIndln
landing < thi this he h wa was deported corlfll a as the thePresident Ih Ihpfldnt liiPresident
Kingston JlaIIOD President pfldnt had ha ordered onlr and 11 wa w was landed Ilnd at atKingston atKingston I Inn 1 1JlaIIOD III
nn II IIWKV 11lm IMSSKS 1I urir urirPBiter 111 111Pllr tlll tllllasts
lasts Pllr of I non Chanel Cht1 In Manrlirtler Manrlirtleranil tanettrittrt tanettrittrtanti nrhllr nrhllrand
and nthor ultr of Hetrral Mrlne MrlneI Hooks HooUiIXIXDOV Hooksirect9i
irect9i I 1 eat IH ii Tal Tur tic ticIowno l
IXIXDOV 1os May S The T Rev n Or Alex Alexandar ex exander
ander Idr Melanin lrfn of the Ih Union Unlol Chapel ChapelManchester ChapelManchester pI pIfalbIr
Manchester falbIr died die tfwl 1 tnday tndayThe la r rThn I
The T Rev Ir fr Mcljiren Irlf ass a born in inGUugow inIlaigow
I GUugow 01 Scotland ola < in IKTO I 1 He Il wn edit editcated edorated 111 111rat
rated rat at the Ih Glasgow Oa ow High J h School Hhl and iinlGUugow lel lelnAlow andI
I I GUugow nAlow University lnlvCIUy He I was KnuliMtml KnuliMtmlfrom 111 111from
from Stepney 81pn now Regent Park ark
lnl Colleg Collegand nl ollegand < I II
and in 1M8 Ilte he l became amn minister of Ir Portland orl14i
I I Chapel < 11 In Nouthampton Hllhampion Since Hil IM 11 h hwa I he hewas > Iminllr
wa minister of Union Chapel CaI Manchester lachI
He IIt receive li1 receivual the Ih degree dltf of II I A from fnu I Ii Ii Ia
i a i from frm London lAndn Kdlnhiirth Utt UI I n from Victoria irlfrln and I f It Itfrom I Ifrm Ifrom
n He publi pl ptiblisheutnany ilfmay hed many of hi sermon rm mimi amiwa mimiwas
wa was the Ih author alhlr of fl A Spring Hrlnl Holiday loHlay ant in
work workCelebrated worksCelebrated Italy Ialy and ad a Iifx I of David IIit anil other othrwork nlhrwork otherworks
Celebrated Clebraled Caramels Caramelsexcel
excel in punt puniDquahtt > quililv and flavor flavorMixed tnor tnorMixd flavorMixed
Mixed Mixd Chocolates Chocolate Bonbons BonbonsItalian Bonbon Bonbonlalan BonbonsItalian
Italian lalan Nut Chocoletes ChocoletesThe
The purest purrs mmt m 1 Jdtciout dtCou and jnjnutnlioui 1nJnulnllOU andnutrttuout
nutnlioui Candle matte mjJcAs4 mlrAM matteA
As4 AMr AMSicame A rrriklns < r deIfrhest rlrl > t kMwii t
Ikr I llmM > nrr > Art ArtSteamer A ArtSkauter
Steamer Sicame Boxes oxes ttad ud Baskets BasketsBUM Baskelan
BUM an with lb llrpririn s strIU Swrrn aluatt ste s sproprtalr p
proprtalr trIU ruroplaaadelturrd Jrll rM losloitol 10 itt outglag rieiMr 1
Bwsy 7 4M 2 Hi I I a VI USD 211 M I
1111 nr Dr firsad > w > ia I llra4sa ir I IA 4na >
An4 A 54 sit 1 4rssl airuijuStall l
Stall 11 Order 0 sr arftt llf Killed KilledBROOKLYHWAREHOUSE yl yltTIanT EthldnumKt
For fy F tb the Storage tO ol 0 Furniture Furture ROOM Etc EtcIn Etc EtcIn
In a Fireproof uso usoDRY ttMflDRY Building Buidir BuidirDRY
For Furs Rugs RjgsClothing R RugsClothing gs
Clothing ClothinJ Etc EtcBrooklyn EtcBroklyn EtcBrooklyn
Brooklyn Price New York Yok Service ServiceAH ScrvLcraektasd cfvilrtkl
rtkl raektasd IIIptI ts
AH Parts rritOntheSubway rill 1 tll te Rrtd RrtdOntheSubway 14 14On
OntheSubway On t Subway Ncvms St t Station StationTtlraaen StuionTtIIICllle StatjoTetpkouue
Ttlraaen 441 Mala Ia
I Real Boys Clothing ClothmI Clothmjfor
I c for the toddler or ofthree orthree orH
H three to the robust robustlad
t lad of sixteen sixteenWe IxtcenI
We make a specuh specuhfeature j
feature of offloys Boys 10 large largesize rile
size 5 I z e Knickerbocker KnickerbockerSuits
Suits fancy mixture mixtureSuits mixtureSuits mixtureSuits
Suits as large as a 18 years yearsAlso year5Also year3Also
Also specially propor proportioned proportioned proportioncd ¬
tioned sizes for boys of ofextra orextra ofextra
extra girth girthThe girthThe girthThe
The prices on all our ourBoys ourBoys oupBoys
Boys Suits run small smallIt smlllrsrNS small4IZ
Author and nd Dramatic CritIc Vrit We Formrr Formrrtrailing Frm FrmIlne FrmleadIng
trailing lady lad tut Mansfield llantneldfprrial SINlIcidn Mansfield5al
fprrial n CatJt Unpttt rA It I Tie TII Sm SmIx SnrIoNOOS 3v5Iowotta
Ix IoNOOS > VDOV May S It I h Announced that tiutMax thtIa thatMax
Max Ia IIeerlohm thr author And drarrutu drarrutuen dnamatitcritic
en critic lie wu married yesterday 1fC1 rda7 to toflorence Mist Mistrlnrence a a1C1f1Itt
florence Kahn who < hCl was leading dine womu womufor Womufnr wom womfor
for the Ute 10 Richard Mansfield l4nn ld Vliu u Eahn Eahnctimr Eahltom Eahacornea
cornea om from Memphis Teen but hat haibeen h htn hatbeen
been a resident i1tf11 of London for about tw twyearn to twyears
yearn 1 Tliecouple 11 cnupl wlllspendahoneyrnnoo wlllspendahoneyrnnooof wlllpend will hODeymnoo hODeymnooof
of a week in the country and will WiUthM then gi giabroad a alIroad gaabroad
EASE Where WhereOthers WhereOthers WhereOthers
Others Squeeze SqueezeThey
They arc the only onlyshoes onlyshoes onlyshoes
shoes that will give giveyou giveyou giveyou
you absolute foot footcomfort footcomfort footcomfort
comfort and at the thesame thesame thesame
same time perfect perfectshoe perfectshoe perfectshoe
shoe style styleIt
It is all in the pat patent patent patcut
ent last lastthat lastthat lastthat
that cannot be beimitated beimitated beimitated
imitated or dupli duplicated duplicated duplicatcd ¬
Bet 36th and nd 37th Str Street SttCARPET StreetCARPET t tCLEANSING
nv hyCor rcoedr rcoedra Air AirIII
III tirrProol tteung tteungFIREPROOF Idlll IdlllFlREPROOF
1438442 G44ZwtSTS 43344ZWEsT5ItIit 43344ZWEsT5ItIitrrrnenlv WEST SUT tr trrOllllfllv i ii
i Iwmerlvl A TcundNt
I JO 0 o7e 7Mv 7 fDl sIntomi3 sIntomi3flUN 1 I IAM
1 t tI
I HrtRHOHUKAHS IIrrR trEnnot OIlIolKAltS1fI KAH On May y 1 It Ixmdw IxmdwFacland L a4nrnrlnd LautaxPiuiland
Facland JJm u Urrrbobm lo riormr yloreueadsulb yloreueadsulbicr datlk datlki duCIrror
i ror r nf tar late lout sad ad Paulina KU H HDIED 01tirie
tirie rftI T Teen fllI
11 fllIDIED
ALTlttNCLOMOn AtCItl CLOMOn WnHt1a7 WrtnrHar Va 147 r 4 IrA ItAat
at t Mi lit rr vpsi4pqp Mf WflH e 131 l EiM r t wtb it t Cee > rw Tort Tffrtflt Torrll TortIt
flt It > la tlir Mtb rear of his art r r tlltat tlltatIjllrllnr EdI EdIMiirItn < U USilrHnr
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K4 Ediat rar r ttlrttnr AurhlnrloI Aurhlnrlo tuchtnrlosIUnerst UCblor UCblorlun1
I lun1 unrral rrrtrc at the lb mm 111 Ann PmW PmWtfrtw Prftllflfr1 PTn1let1
tfrtw lfr1 + u CIIrh h rrh M Jib t At snd nl Mtk IIJ it t yrtl FrUmomlr yrtitmornist r rmomluc
momluc May 11 II a at l W orlork ort < k Ktodlr emil oaltItrSHY titties
11 IIrSIt ties era eraitIKV
ItrSHY 4tn fl 1fI V WII r I llrsrlrtl Jtrnrr rnKri 5ft01cftTHill Senire1Hi > rnKriTH
TH THill irxtiui rrlt fnricii runs E Cmf C CIIML Cat CatMiJUwt34l l lSMJ
SMJ MiJUwt34l RUM in Mot Weat3idatuurday J 201d d IaIUteS Saturday I II MIIENHIVIVN III1ENHtM j jInRMI
IIENHIVIVN InRMI U i XtHomr luly tistyyt4Ibetulwtro tistyyt4Ibetulwtrotitle rHnbft > inrrkaT rroo rroolfl I Ilfr
title lfr ef t HtlMm H ltrfrtm n formf t ol olHroohKn 01Itroohi l lIIrook
HroohKn HroohKniioiiiMvi IIrook IIrookI n nIit
I Iit th Jt6tt sn please pleasettOtlIItl rotS rotSIOlIl
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Serleua lre Tut TutiursruMum r Yewssai Sm lIer Juu JuuMt119 FStlWPPP4A
11if iursruMum iursruMumn WPPP4A Mt119 > 1 Weat4st UlIohl lime TtmKI4 limeKITS
KITS < ifl > n Ma Wy > al 1 lfear M tInt nl Km Kmnrrirr iCe iCeSrttrra
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I Cu i H CVPHU vrftu Huia i hi oa alL II III IIIIrl M Mmm Mlffiu
I mm uieaoas uieaoastlclu M > AH AHMclNM
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5pfltea rr n lie TIfF fount 11I11414 Curse MII i fmrsi fmrsiC fmrsihHoteil rI1 rI1o11
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1I11IIIUWrM I Iseaee C C ItIluh ItIluhIttIovttl fraeahehovei
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WIu WIuIlIMnl MIA1ueer MIA1ueerret
ret ftom 1r Ute retUrnre w of bl > p srr srrhustles rn rnCksrlr
hustles n4 llmrtftta Ub IoIlt1znllflmff nlirlmrr t U > ri r rf al alansi
41 ansi f t at t le A M KrM rridf f Uay UayPKTKHK MUe MUePIbTYIIS I ImlM
PKTKHK HuJrtenlr hldPII nn May 101 I at 1 nit fil twl twlN I IS ta1sI ta1sIC
N C T Mwant looM reins foretell ternnlnmlen fenat1Ik foretellIts
nmlen Its hi M 1Ik MM year yearJfTIM tearSTtlIIAXq r rfilltWAS
JfTIM filltWAS MAW On Uay W 1 WO Kuuaiia lUIa 5 tlHII4 sNtiivaefllertnIPrsPaaLtsvwrnHI tlHII41Ifnw Mn MnSfrnirr
Sfrnirr efllertnIPrsPaaLtsvwrnHI TnalTiiHLfllPICK3ll T tnf llaMlu Wr W Weal t oS oSt M MI 4Ct
Ct I t iKntks r CJMrstu RLMI Istrrw Istrrwnntltavn law lawWlIItOMTH IstPretWtIWlWtHbTH >
nntltavn nntltavnW
W IHWHITH 0 on < tn Weiturwtay r May UardrfrtMrr 101 t I Icte tn tndv
drfrtMrr cte t wH Ife ol W John Jo H Wa4ewoclA0ttt9 aoswwla 4a4aweglesnfeei aoswwlao >
> o 0ttt9 esnfeei n rl 4 tNtteIIW nUft < at AlruuHtrr S uA lit Artr ArtrH A AaI5t44a
t44a H t rMi rMitler ut utrseesi
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ties JtMtI 5 s4 sad tMdtseui a at inlay inlaytag J JIItr
tag a4 < M orterk orterk11BB9ITAUHIM e
11BB9ITAUHIM t 8 11rr A AlI
lI ITt ITta

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