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Eatr iWrd daiiliertO 1 e rUltII riil AI New Sf oh i t second secondMill MqtiflJtia
14 Mill Halter HalterSsbtcrlpitrat
Ssbtcrlpitrat kr Mall I IMl IMlDAItV P4plId P4plIdflAttV I IlUll
DAItV lUll Per r M Yh ih h SO SODAILY 0 SO SODMI
1 DAILY IVrlrar Pet I4T r is I o Olt OltIil noSt
MTNDA Iil DA Pfr rrrYsr V tr trDAII 2 200 200DAIII Itlt
DAII WtlisrxtM t Sll Mttts tI1 PeMesr PeMesrDAI I it on onn 00DAl
1 DAI n XXtlSlSliVV SII IlSII tttV Pfr r Month To ToPot toI toPoe
Pot Poe lace to lorclga flcII eowitrte lrI atolfod atolfodAll oU4AU cH < l lAll
I All krrkt < noney Oft onler orf 4 c to l W made pi piabU f fbIe Vab >
abU ab lo 0 Tu TOPkL SIT SITPubUk 9
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PubUk < l by the Ih S Mon < MI IMnttnt toil toilAssorlattoo IIIIIC tutMibkigM041t10011 I IIIIICri
ri Assorlattoo at IW I X aIWl Heei In n the th thofUhIta rferetifk rferetifkofUaaballaa MenMlCItoUlnllallaD
ofUaaballaa rwork or otL PmUrnl of the < o orlacioa odsUoo
rlacioa r rAord wird P UliebeH l 1M N ia > M < I turn turnTreasurer IteetTIuOm Iorlnurft
Treasurer nl Ik tho AuorUUon orauon U Y UtUa IW IWNassau 11r 10I
r Nassau sire t Secretary Srlr of the 11 A AUon wlslfo II I W WQulan WQ WQuinn
Quinn 170 70 NMU osiu tlrrrl tlrrrltend trrLL5d040mnDlbmHonqe
Q 10
tend L0oN L5d040mnDlbmHonqe oao f rjno MD b in How lAruadeUtreet lAruadeUtreetStrtad I rh ru4iIrn ru4iIrn3sCd fl flII
Strtad II Th 1 dsllysnd dl dilly snd I aodAy BdyStxareoatl Dd WN e If art oa NI la laLooda IDLd toLd
Looda Ld Ld at t lb lb tho Amertean AtI aad L d Colo Coal1 ColoisI l l Rirhanfe RirhanfeCultoatlTf Iuw IuwC1 PubangeCa4ftOSItt
CultoatlTf C1 Rrtral Rtn I tlrrrU fr1 iod i > 4 flows O StotnuUp StotnuUpAfiscr 9Ibl StsmbtpgcT I
Afiscr gcT II I Green Ol itztft tn t IlIrD Cbartag Crots r rlo Stead SteadartieacJSR nosePuta
lo Puta artieacJSR oat = 3 nL R2L0da Lo < il leGr 1 Crud sd d Tbsdallyaad TbsdallyaaduadayedlBonitreoiiMttslKlomiHe 1 Tb d dflr and andI Dd DdIfUoDUr0NIKO
I IfUoDUr0NIKO Bdt7 uadayedlBonitreoiiMttslKlomiHe I4IUOOI are 0l iits LI tloaqos 1 north northOT19dnsMKlo ae aeI rear th thOTsOd
I OT19dnsMKlo C OTsOd no flotI 1CInlulfnrd Koaiue < ueT7IVnilevarddr 11 Iouird dO dra Cpurlnr CpurlnratstrPUc CaprD CaprDeP Capuc1orsoruPtscdtOperaandttniiquloflnItsrd
eP soruPtscdtOperaandttniiquloflnItsrd soruPtscdtOperaandttniiquloflnItsrddorta8eu atstrPUc 4 > IOpfrs lOpr aad d Kloique 110u l I tVwl Iun vrd vrdrttane
1 r I dt dorta8eu rttane s corner corn Rus RI R Lout I Grsad Grsadff Grae Graod7uffli
ff I 7uffli ffrt sra fsrsrw t taN I os 1 r M ur lj < i fr frpvMIMtoi tMJaOf frypv2lkdfrosolrea4nciurnorv4
pvMIMtoi pv2lkdfrosolrea4nciurnorv4 irti I mrr nucsii JaOf tuiri rrf urv 4 iw iwr so so04tIliUr0dflIIDStOl4l1 v vI
I r 04tIliUr0dflIIDStOl4l1 Sf M all dRUrIto dRUrItoTe rtlf ir4 ip or orThn papdU papdUThe
The Te Nobel Sob 1 Price Address AddressTho Addrl AddrlTe AddressThe
The Te discourse Un which whlth Colonel ROOSE ROOSETOlff RE Rooswm
TOlff T m deliveredyesterday deUYr ytra at lt Christ Chrllinia Chrlliniai ianla ianlawas ianlavu
i was addressed 4m to the committee cmmilc of the theNorwegian th thNolg theNorwegian
Norwegian Nolg Parliament Pnrlamlnt the tht Storthing Storthingwtkh Rtorhlna RtorhlnaI StorihingI
I wtkh w awards 8wa the tl great gat Nobel Sobl obeL prize prizefor prZI prizefor I Ito
for to peace pa of which whch the speaker lpmr was wasrecently wuj waI
j recently ry a recipient ripiet Thereare There r a are five nveSo fiveI
1 Sobe So obejprizespadotitota prizes paid out of a fund amount amounti aount aountI
i I in I to t pn about bt S000OQO SoO They Te1 am given givenfor givenfoi
gven gvento
for to the tht highest hjhft achievements achlmlmlnu in Inphyska1 0 0physical II
physical phica science Iclln 2 chemistry clitr O Ophysiology 3 3pblol 3physlo1oy
physiology pblol and medicine mecn m 4 literature literatureand lltmtu
and a S the promotion protIon of peace pac The Thefirst Te Ter TheI
r first ft four prizes przt are ar awarded awarM br b the thetdentlfle tbeIfttc thedentffle
tdentlfle Ifttc and literary lten academies acdflf In InI n ni
i XOBKLS OBJa ORRTS native nUf land Sweden RVMe the prize prizefor przo przotorp prizeforpeae
of for torp forpeae Norway NorwayThe ZorwsyThe peace is I bestowed btnwf by the Parliament Parliamentof Pariammt
i The Te address adn is i remarkable rmrkble in three threeI t tt
I rwpects namely for or Its 11 it brevity brvl for forthe fort fortheencomium
the t encomium encmIum which whlth it contains ItcnlalM upon upn the theSupreme theSupreme
t Supreme SupmeCour Court of the t1 fnited enied Slates Slatesand Slate Slateeand
f and a for its iA advocacy adr of an international internationallimitation intlratonal intlratonalltton internationallimitation
limitation ltton of naval nlval armaments armamentsIt anmt
I It is I seldom im that tht Clnel Colonel IldoirvKLT IldoirvKLTfind ROtELT ROtELTf BooirviuilInda
f find It It possible riblo to express eJp his hi ideas idPA on onany onany
1 any af subject within the limit limi of JOOO JOOOwordsyot 0 OOO OOOvordiyetwecelimatethiatohave
wordsyot vordiyetwecelimatethiatohave orfwl we estimate lmaleth this to toh have been beenthe tn tnthe beenthe
the maximum extent of his discourse
fJtpnt hl dlul at atChristianin atCtMIR atQuistlania
Christianin CtMIR yesterday YfItray
I The Te courts cur of this thi country Muntr untry have hae been beencondemned On Ontndtmne beencondemned
condemned tndtmne SQ I often ofln and commended commendedso rmmlndl
i I so 8 0 eldom fldom by b Colonef olon ROOHKVELT RORLT that thatany tht thtay thatany
any ay utterance utfrl from rrm him in prata pr i of our ournational ourlatlonl otirititional
national latlonl judicial system llm comes Cm as n a aII aI
II I 1 grateful Kterul and alt rofreshlni If hlnl Ilrr surprise At Atj Atthe t tI
j the th second fnd Hague nRlle conference rnrflnm t he eetab eetabllthment tab Iab
I liihment I hfnt of an international InlPmalonl Court Clr of ofArbitralJiwlieawasproposal ortf oft
tf t ArbitralJiwlieawasproposal AitralJuti ArbitralJuttieewu w prJI propoeed In plan planning plA planning
1 ning 1 for fortinrorld forthia this world court lur Mr ROIIT ROIITJmmn Boos FTKIT FTKITrecommends avri avrirecommends
recommends Jmmn utatmmen Itatemm to study Iud wliat wliathas a hat hatb hatbaa
has b been n done in the th United lrnll State I tf by bythe byte bythe
I the te Supreme SUPnm Court Cour I cnnnot < help helpthinking hllptng
thinking tng he h HIV I that the Iht Constitu Constitution lOUlitu lOUlitutlon Conotitution ¬
tion of the United lnitl States tal notably nlnhl In the theestablishment Ihl theestabliehmentof
establishment etabllhmtnt of the I Supreme Hllplmf MutprcrneCotn Court nlr and andin andI andin
in I the te methods melho adopted adopte for securing securingpeace Irnl e4euringI
I pac peace and Rn good 101 relations nlatoM among aonl and amibetween andben andiT
iT between the different Slate Sa offer off
ben th diernl 1fN cer certain rr rrtn eerttin ¬
tain tn valuable Tauable analogies analojil in what ithould ithouldbe Ihould IhouldI
I be b striven ItrTtn for in order orlr to nectin 11n t hrough hroughthe hroulh hroulht
the t Hague Hge court rur and conference rnflrtnC a aspecies aof aipecles
species of world federation frlraUon for Inter International Inltr Inltrnlon International ¬
national nlon peace PnM and justice jILtt After Mllr fter Mr MrROOSEVELTS MrB00aEVELTtI Ir
I ROOSEVELTS RSLT ntniggle Itnlllle with the Consti Constitution Conlti ConltiI ContII ¬
I I tution tdon and the te court rlr when he h was W Presi President Pmi PmiI President ¬
dent dt we nhouUl Ihoul as I soon In expect lp that thatwortiy Ihalwr thatwovthy
wortiy wr enthusiast enlhulll Mr GiKronn GIIPRO Pis PisCBOT IIS IISCO Pi PiEOT
CBOT CO to laud the Federal Feeral ConMiluimn ConMiluimnwhen CnAtHutol Conattiutiotiwhen
when wn it seems 1J Mightly II thtly antagonistic anlalonilUe to tosome tosomeofhlaprojeeth
I some ame someofhlaprojeeth of his hii projects pmjf for forthe the conservation conservationof rlnatil
of our natural nturallurC resource Doth 8lh of thee thmogentlemen It theegentlemen
gentlemen ntlemen have haTt been n dUpoeed d 1 to let the theConstitution t thei h hI
I Constitution CDtltuton slide lde when it interfered interferedwith Intlrrenl Intlrrenlt interferedwith
t with wt their own particular pricular piano to pro promots pro Iromote
mote mte the public publc publicwelfare welfare welfareOur wtlraro
I 1 Our Ou surprise IUr however hoevlr is grentntt IrlalfI of ofall ora
all a 11 when we v rend nad what Colonel olonll ROOSE ROOSE7KLThastoMyinreferencatotheprcs RfO ftonsTELT E ETT
7KLThastoMyinreferencatotheprcs 7KLThastoMyinreferencatotheprcsmt TT TELT b baA t to IY M In rflrenr referenco 10 totlie thl pr pres present >
mt a costly and growing Irolnl extravngsnm PJtraTlanc of ofexpenditure ofndine otezenditure
expenditure ndine on navnl navnlamununIA armaments He HeInsists I liei
i 1 Insists lt that tht something omethinl should 1110ulli be b done coM as asnoon I nioon
iJ S noon ln as possible pibhno to check dmcl these Ih anna nrmamoots ana anameu annaS annaments
moots meu He H favors rlOr nn n agreement ajlment to tolimit 101t toliLt
limit 1t the th sire Iill of shin Ihl nf ff war but em empfrsrtcally emI emptktlcaUy
> pfrsrtcally y declares d18 that Ihlt it sliould IhOlld Co Cotnnch goitich o omu
1 tnnch mu fun further her and thw from frm a Pre Iirlnl Iirlnlho Preeitlent Preeitlenti iil nt
i 1trtio who ho wanted wantt Congress Cln to let 11t him build buildfiro buiklour buildfo
firo four our or six I Ultlwhips Mlllehif a year Ytnr in inorder ino I Iorderthat
order o orderthat rtht that the th United lnif States Stall might milht main mamtain mlin mlintan maintam
tain tan tam its It position plton 1 ns a world orl power powerwonder pfr W Wnlr We Wewonder >
wonder nlr what whl the Ih slntromen IIIIfmn of nfJtn 5inl 5inlBritain rea reaBritain
Britain Jtn and Ormnny lrmll ermari will wi sny 11 ny lo ih ihportion IhI the
1 I portion prlon rtInn of Colonel folonpllo HOOSKVKITS ynIT nfldre nfldrewhichadvocntcn 11lrl ntidreewh1ehathoentes
I whichadvocntcn whh AIRI the Ih litnitilitn Imlion of naval nnvnlarmaments ml31 navalirmamentL
1 armaments armamentsThere aatnl irmamentLThere
There Tll is i a final tnll suggestion ulltlon in il t ho h Cliris Cliristiania Clri Clritla briatiania
tiania addrrvi addl whwh hwh ilevntM IIr noiuv noiuvMr
tla 10 i
i II Mr I ROOHKVKIT ROIFvIT ndvixniw lh 1 a cctnhithi cctnhithiUon frhil irntbjrtion
i Uon ton of th I hI nntiort ItOM of i II I4 n witrbl rkI tmi n only onlyto III IIIt onlytokeepthe
to t tokeepthe keep keI the th ncf If ninniin aFnl tlntiwlvoH IIIlv hut hutto tll
to t prevent by h forif ron if rweMfirr rfr rfrbing us usbeing I Ibeing
being bing broken brkpn by others ohn Xo Xn Nnte p Ih h ex expression I It zprosInn
t pression lon thy by forro for if no iicary < vi4flry Thw Thwimust nl nlEUt fliiImuat
imust EUt mean mlln th nvrrw IJrr or r tniliiary tniliiarypower tHiIUary4powera
l power r M 1 n I Ifl II 1A4t rr ror reort on In Jl In frtl IIlspr hfr > r wnnl wnnlthe wonl0 wnrithe
the 1 world orld Is isin to H n ri0 in nrii Irn 111111 HIHIfl0I icnmi > i any anyton Onyatton ny nynation
nation ton thnt thll wiMild IIkl tuck Ilk < > war lr tiKm tiKmJW III IItftflits
JW Ji neighbor nllhhr Kuril Sllh an mtcrnalKimil mtcrnalKimilgrecment IIrR I Iment I Iagreement
agreement ment would wOlkl < vall WtaIfIt vrtainly In > npciiv npciivif IIVI ffetive ffetiveIf >
if It were vln onserpil oon1 bv b itx It arwHt 1r p pbut Iwn fowers fowersbut
but bt we WI chrHiH holkl hnrrlly hArl < iI 1 i tagency n I f fagency >
agency a nl It would wOlk tm t < oni omfeIIin IIlinl > ling lingby
by hymeansoftkeaihiliiv niMwof lal oflhalhf iKcahilitv tifiH n IN t tpunl 116 inlti inltipunlahment
punl pnahmnl punlahment hment upon 111 n nron reior fnntr > rv rvwilling Sll ate li liwllnl in inwilling
willing wllnl to I P Mill I their IIir difforpmcOtv lirrI hrhl hrhltrtlon liv orb arbitration orbtraHnn ¬
tration trtlon We WI do d mt no s MY iy y ihdi h ifn would wmildnot wouldnot flll
not nt b a good jOI thins IIIAI far Ir ar from rml fria i SMI 1 we wewould WI w wwould
would woul only onl nnl point oml iiI > I Owf Itll it pfWtivp pfWtivpbasin IIp IIpbi PiTNIIVbask
basin bi i force fol ant n no n rn rrn n > llin < The Thesort Th ThIr Thosort
sort Ir of f peace fSf thus thlW omo nml111 omfujleuI hv the theoverwhelming Ihl
overwhelming oTfrhlnn pf r potie fe l Ilwpr iwiwui K rer of v r the h rent rentof r rr retof
of r the thf world wol t k Mrrtlv In ih ThA h 41ee < i nl nlnational r rM r raionai
national M l brotherhood brlherhO wt wht wwh H > h p 1khro 1khrop nlnmhn uuIlaaIFur9piMa > nlnmhnpists >
piMa p have he In 1 mind Msdrnr A tua lhII advouatuu > niM of r inter interMtional 1tr 1trIo InterMtlonaI
Mtional Io peace any mr 1 more > n t1 itrn rm rmpulsory m urnpt4lot mp
pulsory y arbitration artrto i a vIit he teii I i ik fhinr fhinrJt hin
Jt AI p Iftwwrft la Ihih which hkh your YOlrt enemv hules I hs TOH TOHJK 10 I Iiut
JK J eeurt is i a cp compulsory a I buntm btrli bttrattontak5
a w tak5 pe o w whefi I liei I
tile tle litigants ltnll go I of their thllr own free fl will willbefore wi WWbefore
before ror the Judge Ju ge or Judges whom they theyhave tl tlhav theyhave
have phosen cb n lo JMUW 1 pa ti lIn > on the difference differencebetween dillrnl diflrreneebetwecti
between tw 11 them themColonel themColonel tpnl tpnlColonl
Colonel Colonl ROMLT ROWK7MT addre add before beforethe for
the Iht Volrel nll pri prle irise e rommillen mmrilf wan 1 short shortsensible hor horlible
sensible lible and andll dignified nili We W V are lr glad to toI tobe
I be nhle Ihle to clrllntl ftrItllefld < < miii nd it In ono respect ruHpecthowever rt rtI respecthowever
I however It may I lie tn open npn to criticism ricAm ricAmTh
The Th Colonels Iontl meaning mMnlnl f 1 is usually 1al plain 1118inInlnrl tulainUrdinarily
Onlinarily Inlnrl the th reader rdlr ur < r Upnpr i ten r has no nodin1uh nodifficulty
i difficulty din1uh In ascertaining aoMlininJ what he fai faitrying b
trying Irln to get 11 at AI t He 1 told the Ih Xorwe Xorwegians Xore Xorel Xorwelzn
gians l lzn n that no n tint ll nation ion d werved rrf to 4114t 4114tIf uzIit uzIitif xi t tif
if it permitted Jmliled itwlf II1 to lone II the Ihl stem stemand iutcrnatiil Itm
and 111 virile hil virtties Irll and that lht it mwle rll no nodifference noIillnn
difference Iillnn whether whltlr the Ihl I ID < were WC I due dle to 10hf tothe
ihcgmwlh the hf Jm gmii h of iMrtTinierrialwui or4mmlnill l Inn pro prolongcU pr
longcU ICIllduJtlnr Indulgence In hixuryor hllll or to the thedcittcatKm 11f 11fdiJll thedeitication
dcittcatKm diJll n of n WHIT aqi 11 aw and twi twisted twistedcnI1mnnlisii tc < < i iWhat 1nl
cnI1mnnlisii cnI1mnnlisiiWhat nl imonlall
What doe 11 Mr Ir IUXMKVKIT RomuvIT mean mNn by bythe II III bytimewordu
the I timewordu hI wonN which we webavoqttotcuI e liavo quoted Whit Whitk Whsl1lh
k 1lh the hHtitimcntaliim lllenlall to II w hich whlth he refers refentand nflr nflrnll refersand
and nll who wli hn hl has > deified deld ji Ve e IMUIIW 111 for fora ffr ffrrtplr
a 1 reply
The Valedictory ValedictoryIn lrtlrtnr1 lrtlrtnr1In
In an Albany Albn despatch d ptch to the TriAu TriAutho Tru Trutho Tribtooe Tribtooethe
tho interesting Intot announcement IMOUnrltnt is il made madethat madethat i iIbat
that Governor Goyeror HuotlEa Huolu will wi deliver deler a apublic apublc apublic
public publc address ld on Monday next in Ding Dinghamton flinghsxuton n nhaton <
hamton haton In tnta tli despatch depltc we And fnd nl also alluI alsothe o othe
I the th following rolowinl advance Idnc notice nnll of this thisspeech Ihl thisspeech
speech speechJt I h hJ
Jt J U I tiptrt upI esprtet llu Il tb hl hIs ipcorb jw 11 wl 111 b b be a asid rWr rWr4B1 r i iud
sid tarrtrul lOf rrlwrtUoa rtrl ot bit bllll takes delr dtr lh 1111 that thatII t tlh
lh II lllnra l1mn lHamsnrrqsn o Rrnn bill bl b bo pu 1 pasut l and a < ot U b bit tw twlift b blid
lift Ut In the II n neeeuity < rr nO lo f le fri r k Mr 1 tad a < Mu squat ur t vuU vuUon uW I
on 0 01 U UAlthough I DAlthough
Although Alhough this Ihll announcement nnnounctnt is il premnnitably pre presumably pJ pJIUllbly ¬
sumably IUllbly made with full tul authority Iulhori it itcannot Itcnnot iteannot
cannot cnnot fail to recall Ial to many man manvtho tho decla declaration dfdn dfdnrUon declaration ¬
ration rUon made mae in the same le columns l um last lastweek IMtwCk
week wCk on what we wt had assumed Uumt to l II be beequally > e eequally I Ifualy I I
equally fualy unimpeachable unimpchablo evidence evldpnl From Fromthis 10 I Ithis I
this earlier 14rilr declaration dNlanUon wo take tke the thefollowing tht thefollowing
following followingWhite folowl I
White b h Iui lth I be Uovrroorl 0011 tUBdi lld now u 51toe l Iw Iwl ri j jtor
toe l tM tboHttuDfnl blobmnl at r 101 eovUoc < mr oUw tram rrm lb Ibf Mule lat i jronYwdon Irosvpsdo I
ronYwdon dawn k I s Uat r raDc atng C h 1 10 > rr etiso m 1 tt 111 111dotll that thatdoetytu > 4l 4lilectrln
ilectrln dotll down d U th > throats Ibrtl of tk iJfUUtur lllur or orIh O Op Orth
Ih pwpl p pooplist t tWo t Slat SI br I bymcil B l lurailli or o Ik Ikitrrlt nulm thi thiiercts
itrrlt ot f icruttr power powerThe p pTe poerThe I
The Te explanation of the apparent applDt con contradiction cn cntradlclon ¬
tradiction tradlclon in the two despatches dlpthM i is not nothani I Ihard jbar I
hard bar to t fathom Obviously ObvoUJI the th Gover Covernor Governor I
nor has b changed malN his hi mind He U has hA re reconsidered r rcnAdlr reconsidered ¬
considered cnAdlr his hi decision deson not nl to cram his hispersonal h hispersonal I
pln1 personal project projf down the throats throl of the thepeople theIlple thepeople
people of this Ihl State and an determined dllenlntllbat dllenlntllbathil that thathis
his hil valedictory nlfdilor shall hl take the te form ron of an nnattempt anulfpt anattempt I
attempt ulfpt to coerce and compel cmp tho legis legislative I legislative
lative lalie branch bnnch of the State Government Governmentto GOlrllnt GOlrllntto
to surrender Iurnder to the executive executiveSuch executiveSuch
t lJcutve lJcutveRUth
Such RUth a valedictory Talficol we believe bleve is not notonly notonlT notonly
only unworthy unworb of the th Hon lon CHABIKH CHABIKHFVAXH CflARtYsETAN HA11 HA11EV
FVAXH EV SK HcmiKA llmi but whatever its itstemporary i Itstemporary
temporary temporr effect t certain rain to remain rmain n npermanent nnnnnlnl apermanent
permanent blot upon upn the record rfnlof of his hispublic hi hipublc lilapublic
public publc service An in this thll State
bat uII Mke hilly Dily Mnon MnonPerhaps MasaunPerhaps InnnrHbal
Perhaps it would woul be b unfair to the Hot HotWiuuu lon lonWIUSUI1 lionVtli1At
Wiuuu WIUSUI1 K MASON of Illinois linn whnhasa whnhasagenius whn whohasageniu4 hM R RIniu
genius Iniu for hiimorout hUmorl0 exaggeration Jal rlon to totake 10tab totake
take him literally littrlr when hen he says 11 that thstn
n per r cent nt of the seats in the United tnitedStaten tnlr UnitedStates
Staten lall Senate nlf can n bo 0 said to have hac l Iln IlnIllctrulr been beenPr3CtK11IY > een eenpractically
practically Illctrulr purchased 1llhRI Wu WI are ar re reminded r rminde reminded ¬
minded minde that Mr Ir MASOV 1 s and the tb Hon HonWIUIAU lon lonWIUIUI lionWiutsu
WIUIAU IXIRIMFR now the theSenate theSenate
IAIRUIFR nw junior jlnur in I lh
Senate SnMf to the lion lon SilFlBT SUn T M 1 CctxoM CctxoMwere Cuo3were tll
were nvaUin rvl in IS97 I torn foralal heat in that body 04
and tlniY nILY MASON 1os prevailed prTnlll WIUIAU WIUIAUthe WIUIU WIUIUthe Vtuiamztime
the Silent Sillnl withdrew wilhdr in favor of his hisrotund hi hirollnd liirotund
rotund rollnd and witty wil friend frend in il fact fac turned turnednver tumt1 tumt1OTlr turnedover
over OTlr hi lieu < took IHk county 1111 delegate dtIlte to Htllr Htllrwho IILT IILTwho lIiurwho
who was WA named nmrd in the caucus aUMI In I ac acclainntion ae aefIIIIn acelaituotion
clainntion fIIIIn Tlicre The was 1 no 10ud iloud upon uponhis lp ulponlila
his iiA title l II We WI C never nlpr heanl hfanl of a dollar dollarl dolkr dolkrbenj dollarbeing
l benj being > used ul to promote him from the theHCMIM thelIOH
HCMIM 101 < lo the Il Senate Snle hn ht was wa among amonl the theimpercablo Ihf theimpeccable
impeccable ilpablo 60 r C per pr cent Inl who wl wear wlr no nomans 110mall flunutti
mans mall p collar rolar and Inll take their Ihtir orders ord from fromconscience fromr troijiOfl5CiefltQ
conscience r ilnf that little lliI spark of If relev relevtial 11 11lal eslestial
tial lal fire fireWe fr fireVp
We W Vp remember rmfml r that Ill soon Mn after arlfr Mr MrMINOS Mrltis Ir IrI
MINOS I ltis lS was WA elected clf Senator Slnlor ti Ie made one oneof ont ontof oneof
of his h eloquent IIfnt and Men Iln H 1hf > wche at atliinghamton allinlhallon atIiingliamnton
liinghamton linlhallon in which whlh he hc aid that I n man manwho manho moanwhowosilulsIlltisvoteat
who whowosilulsIlltisvoteat ho would wOlld sell f1 hi < vote vofl at tlw Ih timuehallol h hi llol I 11 lx lxor hot IMIXIr hotor
or Ir in Congrcnuwas on 1 too lot conmnptilile nlmplll in inlive 10ln toIivt
live ln among nnlni American mrill people and nd that thatthe IhA thatthe
the man 11 who boighl bu 11h I a vote 01 was mt llldl llldlU much mucha
a traitor Inilor as a he who fired fntlro ilM upon n the Ihl flat flatAnd Ia IaAnd flagAnd
And now HIIIV IIu Mtsov h IS AVH H that f pr prc Jr Jrnl percent
c cent nt of the seats IIA in the Iht I niled nit State StntwSenate StateSenate Ill Illnate
Senate nate are An pmrlicallv pmlhal Illrtl IllrtlJI puirrhtuii puirrhtuiilfiii mirhn ed edHas
Has JI obscurity ourt with ih its il rompuMon olrlu inn of ofmniiteners f fmuteneiM rmullnl
muteneiM mullnl turnod lumtllo to gull lllhA the ot ullhmn tPutitliufl > tlnii m of ofhim If Ifhint f flinl
him linl who wasonii WI was Oi onuti the th merriPHt mlrrfl wag WIC in inCongress I inoflgrfs4s
Congress lonlr oflgrfs4s W V Ve cannot IHievo 111lm that he heis h hi hei
is i serious riou In this itflection upon 11ln iht ihttitle
title tile of fortysix fon il Senators Slnllor Whv HIM 1111 11113hlIS Ilirty31aoN v vMtHOV
MtHOV 3hlIS has 11lln been it I candidate for liw hi old oldeat oldPII oldseat
eat PII whenever wllnpvpr them Ihlr hn h has Ixvn lln a m n1 mting mtingotthIrgiakitmiretoelect ting tingf hnl
lxiskiluretoelert > f rlhlrlllllrlucll the aSenntor a Sllor and andMr andfr andMr
Mr fr Mtsuv calls ull himself hlmJ and truly Inll w wIwlieve 1 we webelieve
believe tlevln n poor foor mnn Only Onllh the other olhrdI dnv dnvhe diwha
he I vrnn Wa in n nxvpiivn pIli mood when hln time ihndoomed Ih Ihcluom1 timeIeuotnsi
doomed HOPKINS JOKIS Iiotit us whosilcree whuIIPI1 who siicreetleui < le < l llillY llillYWHS itttiwItr 1 1I
WHS I on in n hi his In last If legu iir < It I must 1t I one In of oftht ofthe r rII
the II ld II Iain in joktM jokf and in thu IIo tim tHtml 11 volt em emfori > I Ifor
fori for llwklIlf 1 1The lnckHxiilhtpv lnckHxiilhtpvThr I
i iTlr
The Tlr Marine arln Corp CorpVolHNly nrp InorzIgattun InorzIgattunuetuoI
VolHNly uetuoI 1 kttowsarHl kln BIIIhntr nobody rxhrxfrrnn ran know knowor knnr I
or r a I ierlMinty rin what H lo 0 be b the Ih eMit IHIIr I I
r ecuifle xnfof fr If ihn in illuln iIieiuir < iiirv hl1111 into tie hlllr hitter eir eirrel un unr I
rel r 1 in 1 ii tlin lIn t ii Mnnno Ia rio rifle Cor Or Thn Thf IIKIIH i1IUI melds meldstoOe
inn n three Ihr gravn Imm and 101 n nfnll rnvornui > ven nd rttired rttiredVdtnirnlM ruttreuluhnrahi II I I 1
VdtnirnlM have h Iteen en rharKPd Imrlfl with wih wit I the IhniUtlll theiuvotigstun tin tiniuve
iuve iUtlll iuvotigstun tiKition ami nd I wn undirstAnd that ihntthtir Ilt Ilt11lr thatuiicr i 1
thtir 11lr refnirt ro M hOW 11 in a the lit lmnd hIAI < nf f the thevWret Ih IhrAn theterrtarv
vWret terrtarv rAn n or If UK 11 Mturi Illn of r i il i14 efefleift y llltl llltlA4 noli nolis4on
s4on A4 < and rtvorn fomIIII reomnerniatHtp wmlfltiott nothing R hinl M Mrifilly li isnuiliy I
I rifilly rl knuwn AIW flWT Even VI thoo Ih who 10 itntintHJ itntintHJIwvc 1lmlJIlv I
have Ilv lieen lHn onjoine njoilllo to he uoerrvv uoerrvvIti rerv
1 I In II lieliKht h hi light or < > f 1m hop ho I IM M n shrewi hrIIII gne gulous gulousfBmI M MCHII
CHII Hii he made Aar liowevir Ilwfvr When hn the Ih Hon 10 lionFiiitt
I Klllll 1111 limn IOT became hml S Sllnn Mprutnrv TtTtnn of Ir War AVnrin Wrr WrrII
in II 1 ia < < 11 h > ie found the It nervnt rl in If much muchlie III IIIh
lie h same 1I lighi 1111 ns the I hI navnl IRI ervie ervieml ri n i iand
Rol and ml he hI rmmne i 4rl < iri are an in now no He Hefound II Hoennui
found rOlnrlhl the staff Ala practically IImiII anchored 111I01r for forlife rorIr forir
life Ir ir so o long rn1 diswvMited from the Il line linethat ln ln1b1 linethat
that 1b1 staff atalToftbirmu I oflWrs ol rwd HI foreoten rorjoln its 11 ne neeia neeiaand ls lsand
and its II emerjtenoie frnl The Thl march nrfh and andthe anr aridte
the t I bivouac int ien er 1 I p4taant vi ani n IMU lt dun dunmemone rim utimmnomono
I memone Without Wlhul martial Iri1 knowledge knowledgeM knwfie I
lor t or M exixTieme IIJrl Mr Ir K 1IIT Hoer M T lierreired 111 the thekernel Ihearfl thukereel
kernel arfl of ff the Ih situation Illllln nnd the Ih nvirgan nvirganiMtion nrJRn nrJRnhw rvrganisation
iMtion Iowa hw foHoweci foflfd Today Tnty duties dutiesin dlll
in 1 the Il army IUTW are HI interrruimieflb IrPhk and nndreg 1M 1MnIItl andregulated
reg nIItl regulated ted on 0 a wire n and 1M rmvumrable rmvumrablescsle mllmbl mllmblI
eddie I QuanernMsters Qrlmtf1 and commiv commivwri comrnhisaries
wri f saries lesve 11 lomi their hfr swivel chairs chin in order orderThe or4rThe r rT
I The T ta siati aff M I I a mere Ir symbol O Its It oee oeepaas n oceomps4
paas p are a t toeary forry r aad u she th army I Ii
homogeneous hoOn t In a different diernt form ror but butgenerally but butgenerally
generally inerly to the to same effect el t Mr ROOTS ROOTSreform I floorsreform
reform of the h hextended be beeztefltkej
nron tht army Any organization oantIo can C h
extended lltendl1 to the navy nv wtv and marine mne corps corpsAt CI CII corpsAt
I At tho bottom btom all al these tht scandal anLl and andj andciiqiuo
I cliquos lqllM and warring wamnl cotcriM lerla terias are ar goner generjntcd RlmcrI gonertoted
jntcd I toted by bY the Ihl immobility immoity of the staff iaI as assignments a aNKnmentl asignmnents ¬
signments NKnmentl Gentlemen Genllnltn move into pleos pleoslant Illel1I ICM ICMbertha
j lant I ant berths rh at Washington Wblnjo In the thocourse 110 110rlr theretiree
I course of like them themi heatand
rlr a year or or two they thlnl thlnland
i i and begin in to scheme Ihlme for permanencyI permanency mWlntTI
I The Te fighting njhtn6 men Ipn come rl and go o but save savein Mvein uvein
in rare rr instances Intanl they are ar at sea far farremoved rarIloCJ farrentoved
IloCJ removed from rrOI the I ht scene Nn of o intrigue intriguewhile intr intriguewhile IP IPwhie
while whie tho staff officers oRI beleaguer blt4er sump1 sump1tiioiw luml sumi sumitimniLt
I tiioiw tlOI dinner lllnr tables tabl dally daly in boudoirs boudoirsnnd oldolr oldolrI
i I anti dancv dn dan in ballroom b1ml1 and in II all al other olhlr olhlrI otherwars
I wars anchor lnchor themselves II1mt in the affection affwtlonand al1lonRnd
and the confidence rntdclm of the lawmakers lawmakersI latak n
I So S 4 Admirals cmlrl are ar always accessible lible to toCongre toloqlmeD toCongressmen
Congre loqlmeD Congressmen men who bo want sympathy 1npthT and andPIrlll andpatronage
patronage PIrlll while whie real 11llmlrl Admirals are ro away nwayattending Rwayalenei awaynttentiin
attending alenei to their Ihlr theirfleeta Meets tl and ald squadrons squadronsand
I and altinnll making tho glory tlol and reputation rputaton of ofthe orthe ofthe
the service seniceIn Irlt
In the matter nll r of If the marine mns corps cr our ourguesM nlr nlrIII ourgtesu
guesM III is il that the investigation Invltjalon will wi end endin pnt endin
in the transfer tllft and distribution dllirblton of oft officers omtn oftcent ¬
cent tn who have hal been n Rationed ltatoflln in Waih Waihington asi asiington h hInlI
ington InlI n for many mny years YMr and who are aredeeply ar aredeeply
deeply drly rooted mlt1 In society Mey and Ind im immersed 1mmll irsmersed ¬
mersed mll in every eTCI pleasant and agreeable ugrcoablocommutation lJrtblo lJrtblocmmutton agreeablecommutatlon
commutation cmmutton if I Secretary Sntry MaTER MRTKKlithe IRf L Ltho Is Isthe
the man we 10 take him to bo bollr IJ IJII
llr II Meant llant Well TVrllIt WellIt 11
It is with intense intln regret Irt that we notice noticeIn nOlic
In certain Mn quarters qur a tendency to impute imputInpleaont imputetmflple3Mflt
unpleasant motives to the Hon lon JooiAii JooiAiiT JOllil1
T NKwcinin SFtmm N EWCOMfl because bAU of his hi part lr In the therewnl Ihonnllillthe therecent
recent nnllillthe legislative legisiativenetlonin action acion in the tht matter mattr of ofthe ofthe I
the th antigambling MIlnmblnl bills bi It I in i true tnlt of ofcourse ofrlr ofcourse
course rlr that the thf amendment nmpndllnll offered otrI by bySenator b bySenator 1 1I
I Senator nRlnr XKWPOUB XIWClR would have fatally fatallyinjured fataly
injured this thl praiseworthy prilorhy attempt atempt toj 10 10I I
I diminish ciminilh sin il by legislative 11latTe enactment enactmentIt pnmtnl I I IIt
It 1 is il even tln possible Jible that Mr Ir NEWCOUHH NEWCOUHHstrangely SEWll EWMIOs EWMIOsetrangely l
I strangely Iranlt efficacious eflacoUllpndeDf amendments might mighthave mljht mljhthae mighthave
have hae weakened weakene the II laws IWI against IIMt rare rar raretrack
it track betting btlnt passed after so e much muchagony muchI muchagony
agony qun and travail IravAiler several years rAr lo loWI ago agoWe go goWe
I We that chain champion chainplan
WI presume prlme moreover mOlver no ch ¬
plan pnn of Mr Ir SBwcoun SBWCl however boweTr ardent ardentcan ament
can cn deny that lht his hil amendments amrndmtn had the thesupport th thIUppr theIOIIppOIl
support IUppr of all al the touts 10UI tipstersand race racetrack r racetrack ¬
track lrck attorneys alome1 at Albany Not ot even evenprejudice eT evenprejudice n npljldi
prejudice pljldi < can tn blind blml one to the fact fa that thatin thatIn thatin
in this particular pritlar incident incdent Mr r SEW NKWCOUB SEWCOlB N NCOMB
COMB COlB was WI the agent 8ent of evil lvl and the ally allyof ni allyof
of powers PWlr of darkness darkn All 1 this thi is II made madeclear madecl madeclear
clear cl in Mr Ir XRWCOUBS SIWC1 confession cnrMion and andis an andfurther
is i further furhpr proved prvrd by b the action acion of the thoGovernor IhoGvtmor theGovernor
Governor Gvtmor in the matter matterIt mnter mnterI
It I is i not hard to understand undlrlmJ there therefore ther timersfore ¬
fore ror why hy in certain traln places plaC where wher tho thoHon thonon theHon
Hon JOMAII JOII T 1 NKWCOUB Srwcu Ewcoun is A not well wellknown wll wellknown
known the recent IDt assistance Rillanc this thi legis legislator Irgialater ¬
later ltor rendered Indt1 the wicked should be b re regarded r regarded ¬
garded game as A wilful wilul and deliberate anddllbrle Where Whereever Whereever 1Ier
ever eVtr Mr SKWCOMB SRWCSB is il ii known knwn however howeverthn
the th error eror and An the injustice injlltie of such luch a
judgment judenc will wi instantly Illant be b recognized recognizedThe IliZN IliZNTle
I The Tle slightCHt Illhtlt possible piblp acquaintance aclaint1 with withMr withIr withMr
Mr Ir XFWCOUB XFwruR FWcoUB establishes flabI beyond byond ques question qul queslion ¬
Itin lion the fact fac that tht he means well wel that thatgood thatII thatgood
good II intentions ilmloM are ar among his h most mostconspicuous 111 111I mostromipicumous
I conspicuous posiessions posiessionsIf ioM ioMI
I If J th the lion lon lOHiAitT IOMIAI JOSIAh l I NRvroun XFrOll EWcOua was wasmads wasmacis 1
mads mllls the agent alDt of the racetrack Irk con contingent cn cnlinKlnl contingent ¬
tingent linKlnl as Governor ovemor Hrcilim Inmn believed believedit bltvf
it was waswithout without his hi own consent CMnt or orknowl orknowlej orknowledge knowl knowledge ¬
edge ej That hal such an agent might nllbt bo bohighly b behighly
highly hilhly useful Uful is I quite obvious obvloW but blt it itwould ItI itwoiihti
I would w01111 IM I jtixt as fair to censure flure the thepurchaser Ihellh3r thepurchaser
purchaser of Ir a gold Iold brick brlk for an ab absence ab abaence ¬
sence II of If r commercial llrleriul integrity Inlllrl as tn tnblame II inblame
blame blme Mr Ir Vhwcoun I in this thil racetrack racetrackaffair rltnCk racetrackaffair
affair Air So far rl an al we are In concerned rnrrnOt we wehave WI wahave
have hT no doubt that Ihfl Senator n10r Nrwcoun Nrwcounwas Xpwcml pwcottit pwcottitwas
was WW satisfied IIIff that I his hi course rl was 1 not notonlv nulol notonIy
onlv ol correct rl < but hit mado IAds for betterment bettermentin lllnnell lllnnellin
in the Ih community communityIt oIIUnil oIIUnilI
It I is i natural Mlurl enough lnoulb that hit a states statesman statesman ¬
man I Kwses ing inl Senator Snalor N Xwcouns > wroiiBs VClB ix t axI ixtraonlinorycHpaiitv
traonlinorycHpaiitv Ironlnr I rnordinary 11111 ranaitv for listening Ullnlnllhoul should shouldmake shouldmake
make a mistake lilake when 1 hen attempting al 11 pI in an anunfamiliar anunflmilir anumnfmumniijar
unfamiliar unflmilir task lail Wt tl IIH hi0 manly con confowton confessiun nn nnand
fowton and public 1llbl apology allol should holid con convince conv eonvltHe ¬
vince v everY per on of Ir the Ihl integrity inlrlr of hk hkintention hi hiinlenton hisintentuuno
intention inlenton Public Illblf life Ilr in I this < State Statemortxiver SIIII SIIIImonIlr Statemoreover
moreover monIlr Has iA reached rhf1 n wd 11 condition conditionif NIIIKm NIIIKmir cunuiit Ion Ionif
if the lil blunders bilmler of the well pIICnin meaning are nreto Ilrl areto
to t be t visited vlil1 with that thalmndillllnjh thalmndillllnjhIlnl condign puninh puninhment Inmnihimnent
ment which slmuld properly be
Ilnl 1llld Jllrly b reserved reservedfor
for rlr wilful wiul malefactor malefactorThe rlllrllIOI rlllrllIOIThe
The Hedging UIllna ul 11nll 11nllTlt uIance uIancehat ance anceTliat
Tliat Tlt hat the It tl number numbr and Mi audacity audalil of ofbeggars fr frI ofhwggnrs
beggars I r on In the street have increased increasedrecently increatoireienttv
recently M i obvious to everybody 1frJll Thnr Thnroughfares 1lorlilhal ilmaroiighfares
oughfares lilhal that 1111 have h been xn free fr from this thwnuitnnce thisuiulumnet I
nuitnnce Ilinl are an now infe inr111 info4teul ted with iniior iniiortunale imporIlnll iniportuna
tunale tuna and thnntentng meridionnts meridionntsand
Ilnll Int Ihnllninj mIIllmlll
and Int the Ih avenues alfU fnxii which they hove hn1 havenever i
I never nllr l beet > eeu entirely Inllll exilude4 1111 now sup support support IIII IIIIIM
port them Ihel in I greater jrllipr numbers nlmbr than ever everbefore fr everItefore I
I before Ifor They Th u 10 uis4 e foul flll and violent Ian IangiKiK Iln IlnI Iangulage I
giKiK I Mrnve 1110 ns Ilr if they 111 lout har a franchise franchisemtimi frond frondu
to u mtimi inlrmoll mntirnuiate < lale the workers Wnrtln workcranfthp of the Ihl commit community rmmlj ¬ 1 I I
nity nil and Inlenral generally com rmor comport > ort themselves themselvesin
in public Jlhle in tho I h most lf offensive ufni manner mannerinmKinsble lannrr lannrrirli tnnnnrritinginiihle I
inmKinsble inmKinsbleOf irli na hip hipnf
Of fl c esutrs II iirM nolfMly i Is so stupid tui1 or un unhophistliwted unlhitllIIf1 onnO
I hophistliwted ns l In II believe 111 that these Ih tlieIMIh1ramites
pnrnsite rhNir > condurt lhl their t oiirrntions olmiiol ojuernt ions with wit ilh ilhInlt Ii i I Iomit
Unit Inlt omit official Inkial connivance nLI and Ind noliody n1 1 I w wM iso4 I II
M iiiexMncni inlJIInl1 < il os A t Il tii think that 101 the theiMu tlipewntbah h I I Inlll
I iMu ewntbah > ntial nlll Mimlmx lndn Itl mid inaction uflon of If tho thopolice II IIoU lhiuluethicu
police oU are arf the Ih results lull of mere lm InxmchM InxmchMI 111f
I or Ir inattention i nalnlln The privilege n vijc of If begging hJ611 beggingIn
in I i the xlrceiH 11r1 ol 011 a rich and cnrslnw Irl HIV HIVI rl
w 10 I worth wlnh money rnn tflfle and ane there Ihrr is no nc doubt eiuiitthat onl
that 1111 money ts fli1 tiel id for it i itThe I
The 11 only question MH k ar to the II identity Irlnllty IrlnlltyIr identityof
of Ir tho Ih those e in authority lIHhlrl who receive rt the thetoll Ihf theteull
toll tul Who WII II4 arc IU the Ihp officials ufil that shun ln
the thl gain jain of the I licggarn so 1 o hokll ixddly x > ldly nt work workm I Iin
in the thl highways Itthwa and n1 byways hynJ of this thisafflicted Ihi thisifihieti
afflicted lltlifIIOWI town town1A townt
A t Knllhful jlh1 fudge fudgeAVIien Jurll JurllWhpn JudgeWhen
When RllWARfl J111RII T RAKTOrTT Jur of Ir thee tliMity IhW theeity
ity t WAS M ekvted tlf1 an Awwinate I IP Judge IUI of ofllie ofII oftite
llie II Court Olr eeirt of Appenls Pli IiJtP sixteen yrnrs ye lr ago nirono alo aloni agonil
no ni one fnl on was more mo surprise 1111trillhlD I than the sue suepe timeces4fItI IIf IIfffll
pe ffll ces4fItI < ful rnmlhdflto Imlkl and the Ih Republican RepublicanleHtlen
np4bl IteptibileanI < In In1lln
leHtlen 1lln who Ha teed wlllla < l fdaceil 1 him In nomina nomination nomin ¬ I IJ I
liOn Trie 1 election al I that lime I IJllllblNn
J llnn ll lirp of the ihnKepiibliooi Ih thehlelalidican
Kepiibliooi JllllblNn ticket likI including Ilulnj Ihf th tho dele deleKdte rfl rflI Ielegates
gates I at large in he constitutional
luJP hI MMliuttMI con convention eonventioti < on onnlnn ¬
vention nlnn of ivi I Was WI dun Ilu to tip Ihf intense intenseiMifMilnr inle inlerltMlkr intensepupukmr
iMifMilnr rltMlkr hoHtiitty h1 il tn the I h Ute lIc lajur Itu II IIMATXARD I IIMAVANt
MATXARD ITXRI who was WI the Ih Democratic Democraticnominee UlmOmUCRO Democraticnominee
nominee RO AN for folh the Court nuM of Appeals PPai bench benchs bnh bnhb
b s Deputy I > pIIY AttomerOcfwral oOml nf 0 th thState thl the theStat
State 8at lud Juuge JfATNARn lusAln two years
Juf twt YNr pre prevknwly ptaviuwt4
vknwly had hd dealt tll with wih certain tlln certain elect l1l1 election electionreturns km kmreturns
returns rUr from fr Dutches Ddtf county tnly in I suc uch h a anamterasto aI aiaaneras
namterasto I iaaneras to bring b down d upon I Mm h the IhoondemnUen li theaieaaUe
ondemnUen eBU ef e the 1 Ut eewla TW T warn WMr
r r
not forgotten forgtnn when ho bl came before bror tho thopeople tho1IIIe thepeople
people 1IIIe as n candidate ndidato for judicial Judlcl office officeThe omt officeThe
The To Republicans ReHlcM did dd not nl look lo for such suchn Ilch IlchR
n manifestation larCullon of public plbU sentiment 1I110lent M Mfound Mrond metfound
found rond expression olpnon in that election eetion If Iftheir I Iftheir
their Waders I rei had foreseen fo it there Ihfr were weremany weremany r rmn
many mn aspirants alnntl for rorthe the bench bnfh who wbowould wbowouldbavl would wouldhnvo wouldhay
hay bavl prevented prcmtt tho nomination nonlnlon for the theCourt thsCOlr theCourt
Court COlr of Appeals PI L from rrm going goinr to HOWARD HOWARDT tDnn tDnnT
The people pple however would woult not nothave notI nothare
have fared tlnl better 1 > tlr In that event Ivent The Tlo TloIuiet Thetitliel j jquiet
I quiet studious IludIOI lawyer lwr who was nom1 nom1inated nm mom I I I
mated InatN and elected electl then l1n and who was wasthe WMthe wastime
the candidate 14nrlat of both btb the great rat parties partiesjfor pulP pulPf partiesfor
jfor f for reelection Ilelon when wlln hU h first nlt term ex exi cxpirii
II j i 11111 pinxl < in 1007 10 proved to bo b a I most pains palnstaking painstaking ln lnj
j taking lakin industrious Intlstrlou conscientious rMienlouj and andfaithful andi andfaithful
i faithful faihulJldl Judge No o man nu of higher char cha character
1 acter ever eVlr adorned lome the American Amerien bench benchF bnch bnchJl benchlie
I F Ho was of his hisI hisuiiaetinguhuiwd
Jl WI a 1 worthy worby representative r11llal1 hl
distinguished tltnlubhr Now England ancestry anpwtryand a lr
I and ant if i lib first fnd election elelol may IM li said Ilt to tohave toh4 tohave
have h4 been the result lult of a 1 political pollcal ned accident neddent ¬
dent t1 it is 1 to be b regretted nltec that such suchaccidents Ilrh Ilrhnrdtnl suchaccidents
I accidents nrdtnl are nr not more mor frequent frequentWhen fruent fruentI frequentWhen
I When hen the thetierl I time comes for fortheOovemor the I Governor Governorto I I
to appoint appint his hl successor lu or he will wi find fnd It ftimpossible I
impossible to name A more mor honorable honorablegentleman honorablotnlean honorablegentleman
gentleman tnlean or a more mor faithful ralbful public publicsenant publo publoInnt publicservant
servant Innt than tha was W HOWARD DWnn T RARTLBTT RARTLBTTwhose litamnYrwhose nTLI
whose wh body by is I laid lad at rest It today at his hisold hisold
old home in western weter New York
Caa It be possible JI e that t even the thoshoulders thsI theshoulders
shoulders Ihollc r of the Nebraska S hrka Democrats Democratsth Dmorl DmorlIbe
I the th most m patient ptfnt anti longest suffering suffrrlnicof Illulnl
lot of all al Democrat Dmont are 1r a at t last weary WNr of oftho otIht ofthe
the Iht Bryan rn burden bunn At all al events vlnt signs signsjof IIgMlot signsof
lot of a novel form ron of Insurgency lnlr nc among amongt amonl amonli amongthernarenot
t tbmr thernarenot twin are not lacking lklnl Only Onlytheothlr theother day da1Ibl daythe
i the Ibl Democratic Dmorlo Board of County Com Commilonlr Commiasioners
ImlMionrrs milonlr miasioners of otXebrnakaCity Nebraska Xlhrka Citjr Cly flatly lytU refused refusedj
to permit nit the thrice thrO rejected IJf leader IMd r to tomake t tomakeusoof
make mik makeusoof uso iia of the Ibt Court House BOUAI for oratorical oratoricalEven ortorial ortorial111rI oratoricallurpoc
111rI lurpoc e Even Inn F ven more mor recent recently ntly ly two Demo Democratic Dmo Dmocrlo Democratlo ¬
cratic crlo State Stt Senators Rlor have hv declined decll to toaccept toacpt toaccept
accept acpt the commands cmmnd of the gr Irt greatest greatestof strst strstof
of all allor losers Their Tir letter In which thru thrurefusal thtlr thtlrrl1 theirrefusal
refusal rl1 Is I Mt M forth torh with lh gnat Vt frank franknets lrok lrokn frankfleas
nets n we reprint nprat In another aother column clumn to toindicate 10Indit toindicate
indicate Indit the th rxtont of the uprising uprln alone alonethe alongthe Ion
the te rank bnla of the PUtt PUttThe Plte PlteT PlatteThe
The T Illinois Jiol Equal Ful Suffrage 8ur Association AssociationIs AIlUon AIlUonI Aocit on onIs
Is I to make ma an a educational rlcUo1 campaign tmpc in inautomobili InautomobiM inautomobile
automobile automobiM Mrs f CATUitaiNa CnUIRLO Wicou WvoiiMCCCLWCOII WicouMcCrLtocau ou ouClLtOH
McCrLtocau ClLtOH a justice JutO of the peace J In InKvanston InRnntnalv InEvanston
Evanston Rnntnalv gIves these th particulars particularsV prlclr
w Wi V plan pl to 0 bar Bt 5 wonra of In earn ful patti partrnnl pr pattiAnt
Ant I a matron Ir a ckaptraa rlla Ibf it > > a rolk rotiie 11 clrl clrlaworklac cr trI trIawoikta
aworklac Ctrl a rifljef aot to draw dr DM Ih crowdaad a awoman aoD awoolen
woman oD Uwyrr UwyrrTho IawirrThe
oDT The T woman lawyer IWpr wo le suppose IUpJ will willdefend wl willdefend
defend II rtnd the party pry when whn it Is I alt arrested for forexceeding roreclnc forexceeding
exceeding eclnc the tt speed limit lmit but bt the chaps chaperon chp ¬
ron rn seems nl to bo b superfluous superfluousIt UprUO UprUOI
It I U I now nD OW a matter ma t I of record Jn that tbt the theopening t theopening e eopnn
opening opnn concert cnn of the te Cincinnati Clniont mualo mualofestival mulo mulotttvl muslofestival
festival tttvl at a which whi President Jdent Tarr un unveiled unnle Unveiled ¬
veiled nle a memorial memorl toTllEODORK t TUEOR Tnouis Tnouiswas Tnooawas
was 1 attended atnde by an immense Imm n audience audiencewhile adltnc audiencewhile
while whlt the second Ond concert CDr at which whichlUrrnoTKXs wbichBaEDOT1 whichflrnnovxia
BaEDOT1 lUrrnoTKXs solemn alpm mass was the e prin ¬
cipal elpl attraction trtoo was attended tendl by a much muchsmaller muc muchsmaller
smaller Iler assembly mbly It It thus III appar appear that thatthe tht thtIhe thatthe
the President Pldlnt 1s I just as alluring alurn to t musical musicalfans mulr musicalfans
fans ta as a to connoisseurs cnolur of baseball baseballMr b baseball5uawbsnies bl bl1Mf
Mr 5uawbsnies 1Mf twi1f lb ml n fwert I Ort Ittrloua IHD kind kindur leindat li
ur a at rrtv1nj m vDC alit aj 10 rrttmlir ye Wrday I tOy Ib wqis rr setting IC
from Htbt frlll lo ten rttiu rb a hot I bo btrh bb btr It an rirrp SI ztpIuonaH5
HantHir lON k 1 Iu > p > rtr 1t tor 10 ihH I Woe p Sprtnr rblrkrat rblrkratboeOromxM fbl rbkOtnohO
boeOromxM at hO drPa droptWO a InrrmUapmad 1 tow mis a povOd l IpDr intlrooilonn intlrooilonnwrn leO nd good cop copwere I
were vMng Oloc r ietMs f nl 1 r for atMxil t V O r rl rofut ii Tl Tltmr T Thtuw >
tmr f crop rl ol 0 potaion 11 It teller tr lhl Ib Sbus year f than lbl IiI lulnd IiInod 11
nod nd 1 th 11 tho l1r U I to lor f Ihrr I are at t rHlnc ND sow st stM 1
M 1 r roois nl Dla a rrk 1 Puss r are r large rt ami a Jiilry Jw and inrttrfm andsermiutplrnUtoiaIJOtO I
trfm UiMpknumlilUlo O mill rroItapech pork Fnm FnmMr F Fn FriaIt
Mr n Jtalnmrr 14U 14UWI Min MinWe Ne Newe
We WI are glad ll to hear that tht the te old ol law lawof lw lwot lawof
of aupply and an demand dend U I working again againespecially apl agaloespecially
especially Iplr the supply end of It I Demand Demandhas Dm Demandha
has h ha the game In Its I own ow hands b The Thotruau T Thetrusts
trusts trat have been routed mltf the cold cl storage storagemen trl
men hlfn are r flying fln from rr the th tb field The Te tariff tariffI trl
I II not so 1 much of an Incubus Incb ss a it was wasThe 1 wasThe
The Te wolf I skulking Imlklnl from rrm the door dor And Andit
it I Is spring pr out olt of doors do and spring aprnl in inour InulrheMI inedit
our ulrheMI hearts
A SRnCH UICII JOlt FOLK Oli fUrStnlttanco fUrS S4XGStsslstance m mIla
tnlttanco Ila Wanted 1half In an a KrTert tr to I Collect ColledAmerican CIH CollectAmerican
American Amllnn Ilalladt IlalladtTo nala
To TH tax KitiToa IITOI or THK Kuv KIISi flteSir Sir frxler frxlerppointniml Inrr Inrrplnlmnt taderapnInttuirnI
ppointniml plnlmnt from harvard lrnd Islrrrsity tRlnr111 aa aahbrklen asbeklon
hbrklen Ibken fellow IH for the lnveiicatk 1lulln n of ofrrkan orbnd ofSmorkar
Smorkar rrkan tiallid bnd I am 1 trying IylfC to te brine bl lo loHhrr uothru
thru 1 the hI moat 1 Ijriitcal 1 folk Itl soaci 1 nf 0 f fliettoti the theI hf
I nltnl 1110 Hiatr 111 Iate4 POach Hlh ballads bnd as Krom KromllHtTalotoNrraeuie EromIittffake
llHtTalotoNrraeuie 11111 Iittffake 101 to MyTettse a ranal rMI canS boatlnr 1 none noneTbe ln lnb song1tm
Tbe 1tm b Mountain IOlfln Mntdov 1 Mtxuirre Ior a Mor Mornwn MoMn Iorcoot
coot Mn font M The Th 110 Mil Cl Ibtflm ILOrtmolm holm TrI Trail a arowhor arueboy
rowhor bo rail IIMnr aong on Jrrrrllo JrnCo He ItT1 hloThat That Tar Tara
a railro il ton long Tb The trkiDMw kn Trarrllrr Trarrllrrr TrIP
ado r 1 > early 1 Hllrr IPa song on nr atxl The lh I Pays r of ofKurtrHine orIuryrln ofVurttImtflP
KurtrHine Iuryrln a gold 101 seekers k song OB are af ej ejatnpln P paample
ample mt of the Ihlalrrlll mairrlal I am m rrklnir klli Mani Manistudies ll In InRC nr
M studies > N RC Iirlmi4 11 10 each h tl of f lb > lirpr mrn mrnnnnnl ln lnln1 macahosted
nnnnl ln1 ci < l bare h more mr i fh1 thamuonpIiumnulrptee thamuonpIiumnulrpteekit Inn onr on Immlrnl Imldrlrw ImldrlrwI row rowlior
kit I M soma > r DCM ami 1 there are lo or iv tp > r nnnlled nnnlledrum tnulr omittedfrunu
Iom rum the It h ll 11 t Minnrwrta llnnrol Maine Ialn and aB other ohrrSl otherSlatca
Slate Sl hare a lumt 10mb lumluer > r an aonr on the Ih lU sailor ilor of Ihe Iheirisii Ib IbrH
irisii rH I lakp jke k and n alone lolC the Ih Atknlic AInUe ro tolIt tolItleave UI UII t tItave
leave I haiilejrs < 1Iy there Ib are a mining ntnlnc Mint Mintt1liin n nnhUc ng ngf1Iutiuit
t1liin nhUc < f > ntf an asoll M well U so a Minntof DC olllf the innun innunam mOOn mOOnor
am isoII im > < nf Kenlnrkr KrnlOrk slid Vorth Sorl oMtu Caro CaroUna IHOI tJpotiles
tiles I SIM 11 the h hundreiU hlnr nf niirro nrr milinllr mII of ofi 0 0h ofhe
i hi h Hnuthrrn 11llhrrn Htaira 111 soul nd still II others Olh Phd eiMr Phdotap4atHflms 11
r i > eiWll ei eiluh AdII adairiatioiM or Itmuuonnor IltlUODM 01 Kn Eng Inruh
luh iNil iNilhrti 1110 ballad balladVIrDpvi
WI VIrDpvi hrti rr peor p000i fll > l from nm ahatryor h l ver catur caturlire IIIuclive
lire in I primitive IlrmllY rimttits hol111 aetattorm ol llon for In a lime 1m they ttirymake II theyiuiake y I
make ml H sunmrs > ni nc that reflect the lb feelimrn Ilnc of 0 the theKhole Ih theabets
abets 1 mmiHunilr fmmlnl Y Kurh IIch nartlmliir prlII font o soumgalso
AI also l o prinK > plnl up II from Irlm imlrtlernl Inl Ir1 men follow followm tnlllM
m IC inc a turtlrtilir IrI oiTUpstlon rlllon ep Ispertally UIIr IU if ifit I ifii
it rail al for 10 nuprrme lprrof iihyalml lhya1 rnnrl ror Th Thr The Theant ha hasong
ant nre or r perh pthapa hl x rarely rI wnllm rll1 out nll and andIrm andI
Irm I aebtoun fotn llom flml I heir 111 war y 10 print They rheyat I Iare
are at r olden nlrn rrnde In form cram and n1 matter 1811 unme unmelime mp mp11m I I
lime Mil oumlear I r hut h aluayii Alw lntrre In intretiag rIIlf rIIlfrIIur > llu s srttrrtliK as asrotlertluid
rttrrtliK the Ih inllmile mllm life of the Ib theTheec nmplr I IThe
The Th Theec are nr Ih he h folk none nC either lIh hanilnl hn hanuleutluau I Iituwn j
luau 1 l hi > v aort onl of olmoOllh mouth from cenera generulinhe nralln linn i itin I I
tin eo Ii grreraiinn aol 1 entlr nllrrlr lr Mibmerceil iih irgpel in Inh Inthu
Ihe h rimll filM nf I prnciex rngeaa nr load through Ihe Iheili Ih Iht1omlnlon phteinIiitun
ili t1omlnlon ffllnlfm > f the h nenvpaper n fXuiallnn fXuiallnnSIM
SIM IIIHI iilllrallan alaaOs l Is ar I il an end l III the Ih themating I
in mine JlIln < < of iwlUit iwlUitIt IwilktaIt
It l 1M mr JIurtwa pnri > ne to 0 help hl ams ve clue fh astir nallretmerksn nIIYrltn astirmaerlesa
tmerksn rltn iMltail I lfl lIt 1 fiomeillmlloii tAIII lInIIoII InthU InthUwork In tht thttuork
work nrk I earnenil rflptlt musk lleooperallonof 1 II rllnn of 1111 1111I the thepriM theire
priM I ire anil nd r uceulars Ar < iil r of rue HI N all 11 matter matterem 1111 aistlersent
em nl In me al Hi Erknlluriil and Me Meihonlia I IloUc I
ihonlia I loUc < > IUn of Teian r Collete loU Mallon Mallonlei iatlonlea
lei will Ix gratefully irknoIrlfn irknoIrlfnI arkrulfOfl4fd ackrieuwkulqedhitte
IIUI HUTIOX Tei 1 Mar 4 4alt
flu n alt f Car r KM ler Krl KrlTo irirn
To l us CotTa lIno or ocTal Tia T Stx r Our < > ir KweoUy R tDU In InTHE toTnI
THE TIf W Sce i taw w an Inautir from rom Old Timer Timerr Tim Timeru4see I
r u4see > 4 llr 1 to I Homlrr r met Ii iKrHri ate ko ll IIOItrIIIMd < mrl lifd la laII laaI toall
aI II hi clonr Clo IOTY tron lro thoil 1 IIOU t M > lo 1MO al wMeta wMetallmf w4eblime
11 lime I keHrtr turtle kc II fadrd fadrdII aa aaif
II Jail J loot a half Ita hroiber 0111 of Ike III fanovi eNl Btll BtllPool Bltlrool 0011root
Pool who 100 aamrdered miirdrrrit t hr l lou u lOiter Ra In I sun sunulrk Slalllth StunsIck
sIck lth IUH I In IW > ttOlTUfl Jim lUrklrr1 RaI ud udThe andTie D4 D4T
The T tHen M i wrrr In Ihrtr boot Ia they IlIf mold tr41 oI1OId oI1OIdT1fIt 1 Old OldTlntr OIdt1nuer
Tlntr all 11 tloxil 11 th Romln < II U I U Johanf Johanfv JoIIIID JoIIIIDI JohanyCan
v I Can n H Ward M aa oM limo mll Vtmh ward rd rop op l till Hf and andl IJIdkr andtoma
l toma ant rkrrmn kr r PI etpets > prrt of the I thealiep irrm rr tulieare tulieareUlrrlh bal balall
Ulrrlh all aliep III ItueC > > raft glue him IhnlMlred If t laformiUo laformiUoHoo lalorm lalorm11rf iformatioglemma
lemma 11rf ier Krl 1 et 1 otrBUIrd Itd a at II wife f bflwrro bflwrroMike btl btlSIIII briecroOtike
Mike iThnadrrbalti Voriana rion IO IrrlctlOII lrr1 Mon pUat ast al at atIMrerkrr 1lffOtk atniter
niter slid C rrmltMt rmto itrrrt and Id IM old Revrr RevrrHw rwtfHOIIN RttyHuseai
Hw HOIIN Huseai > MIHroadwradHMiton IIIoadr ad HO JIIOIIOI1 < < lrr t latport latportlac I IOt IOtlac
lac rtrrlM IIrr be as famoH f for rU Pt mtrrrlloiia mtrrrlloiiaiiorlM marretmoqautaites rnlloo rnlloosort
iiorlM sort and ort prarllral loko lokoRno Jo JoP 10kmPnottr
Rno P Pnottr < lrr ktl WM rrrlalatr lal a Uft unliiae nl < r e rfcarartrr rfcarartrraad
aad Id a rare bird In Mi hi 0111 do < l i II f Jiroar Jiroarnoawcu JmatIwolIL IMnsyacowat
noawcu N U Ur 101 i iAalkrr IAlhr iAnotheT
Aalkrr Slam nl rat ratToTHSEtrroaerTsiSPKxr PI PITo PaintTo
ToTHSEtrroaerTsiSPKxr To Ills 1 Efluma tt T Tel 11 05 U IVboUatkl IVboUatklrte 1lI 1lIIlle taught taughtthe
rte CMftr m is Iron > Mt hI H roMan an4 ad n rflo 111 iT I In Irr Ister
n ster rr h ban vc sPell ihrm 1 wrair ar ihrm al leatl tba tbaUad lb lbLIId lbIthd
Uad we e wear flf and nbJfti mrr III tbe rlrel u ta Inatai ltllfOIIkIHe Inataill resingIlesonta
He Ilesonta it ll hay r s PUJIIOIfT PUJIIOIfTn imposyTb
Tbe n Impact ImpactXstekerWbal I impactXslkerWbat pact pactKaWlrrrW1ItMJM
XstekerWbal KaWlrrrW1ItMJM a e44 eot kaifes If aa sobode temoraHe temoraHebodr Ne NeIIo4r
bode mast > 5 tirtiUtlble fore twerBoelwr rerrvr foreMeerwaK
Boelwr MeerwaK WaM vr sad walek Tutarta Tar masts TTB
1 r L
Anrxores AnrxoresWith ARt NOTES ItorlWith NOTESWith
I With the th advent of the American Water WatwColor WaterColor Wat WatColor
Color Society Hoclet the exhibition season mar marbo IZIa1be mayI
be said lo be at an end and in a month monthwhen mo umothwhen Ub Ubwhen I
when art should be at blf blabHt best tide tld The TbeFifth TheFltlh TbFifth
Fifth Avenue galleries remain open all allsummer Allumlner allsumntnor
summer with a few f exceptions but so sofar aofar sofar
far aa tho greater public is concerned the thocloned thecI theclosed
cloned cI amaon 100 for paint and sculpture has hasset baaItt hasSts
set In A t few clara of warm weather tber and anduthwtlo andrtbtllo andrithtIo
uthwtlo souls get discouraged We W do doploro dopIon doplore
ploro this fact for Now w York Is as a summer summercity aummrdtr summrcity
city and ought to IM st t its brightest hrl < blCllt In InJuly laI inJuly
July Jul and August The art dealers think thinkotherwise tblakotherwlM thinkoihorwle
otherwise and exhibitions In those months monthsare
are r of a perfunctory kind although th thcity the tbecil thecity
city cil Is I a fairly humming with visitor vialtorsIt
It has been n a noteworthy season this thispast tblaput thispast
past ono OO In the Now S ew York world of art artBeginning arttoglnnln artBeginning
Beginning < with such an imposing coliN collection coliNlion collrction ¬
tion ss the Dutch masters at the th Hudson HudsonFulton HuWton1I110n IludimnFuhton
Fulton celebration tile Metropolitan Mu Museum Muaeum Iu Iuaellm ¬
seum not only unlyd set the hall rolling but gave gaveus gaveus
us II a second sensation In the Whistler ex exhibition exlIibllioo enhibillon ¬
hibition still In progress The third leD sensational leD1110nal ¬
sational event was u the Yerkes YtrklClaal sale and Its Itsarray Itaarray Itsarray I
array of extravagant prices TIts local localpicture localpicture localpicture
picture dealers d altr have offered excellent excellententertainment tlcell excellententertainment nt nttnlpMalnment
entertainment to their patrons and there therohas thlOrI therelis
has tlA been a gratifyingly high average In InIho 10Ihe Inthe
the American work presented Over ten tenyears ttn1N1ra tenyears
years ago Mr Ir Krehblel protested pro against againstthe againstthe Ioat Ioatth
the th tendency to coddle the American Americancomposer Am Americancomposer rlcan rlcancomJlOlfr
composer and wo may see repeated this thissanra thlaalno thissame
same tendency ttnd n01I in the exaggerated el < lttna praise praisebeatowed pralae1ftIiowed pri pribestowed
bestowed upon native painters and sculp ¬
tors to The passionato press agent cen Is Isstill 1 1tlll iistill I
still abroad in the land but his Jingoistic Jingoistichue
hue and nd cry need not ot disturb us Amer American AmuIcAn Americon ¬
ican painter are making a good showing showingand
and nd are fP modest withal We still 111I excel In Inlandscape Inlandacall inlandscape I
landscape while figure > painting baa de developed d dI dovelopedgruuatlytnthelastfew ¬
veloped velopedgruuatlytnthelastfew greatly in the Ihswt Uat few r years The Thetwo Thewo Thetwo
I two wo Academy A dtm exhibition oa were r somewhat somewhatdull somewhatdull
dull mediocre work obscuring much that thatwas thatllood thatwas
was good At the Pennsylvania Academy Academyand
and at the Carnegie Institute PitUburg PitUburgfigure 1 PittsburgfIgure > ltIburanurcl
figure painting was u and is I In the lead leadThe INdThe
The special show of the Independents Independentsproved Indllpeodftltaproved Independentsproved I
proved to be of interest to those who whowere wbow whowere
were w re interested i In the school which It Itadvocated Itadvocated I Iadvocated
advocated otherwise it had no special specialnlgniflcanca apecialo specialsignificance
significance o < nIOcanOll To point and draw badly badlyare badl badlar
are not signs of genius besides the thebest tbet thebest
best t work was 11 by Academicians George GeorgeI GeorKII1Mb Georgehoksuu
I 1Mb ukss < exhibition at Maebeths set t an anexample anexam anezamphu
example exam pI to revolutionists If you dot dontcaro dootcaro dotcare
caro for the Academy dont exhibit there thereor thoror
or dont try to exhibit there If you OU die dislike dielike dlilike ¬
like the Academy Academ dont go 0 near the th In Institution IDlIutIOll Institution ¬
stitution That Is the principle upon uponwhich uponwblch uponwhich
which Mr Ir Lutes acts Nevertheless ha hamay h hma homay
may ma become a member some day da Every Everyone
one on does and examples like Mr Red Redfield Redfield Redfield
field are n rare This talented painter painteractually painterctuall painteractually
actually ctuall resigned from the Ih National NationalAcademy NationalAcademy NationalAcademy
Academy and live to tell the tale and andpalnU and1lnta andpaints
paints palnUThe 1lntaThe paintsThe
The death dtl th of J Q A Ward removed an anInteresting anInltreallnr aninteresting
Interesting figure from the ranks of ofAmerican orAmericao ofAmerican
American sculptors We W are happy that thatthe thatthe thatthe
the reports of John I La Fsrgos Illness were wereexaggerated w weuurated wetsexaggerated
exaggerated This veteran has ba never neverallowed neverallowed neverallowed
allowed his bl faculties to rust and nd If he hewould bewould hewould
would only restrain traIn a truly youthful outbtullm outbtullmpetucaily Im Impetuosity irspetuosity ¬
petuosity in the matter of work ork he would wouldbe
be spared to American art rt for years to tocome tocome Lacome
J Alden Weir a master painter has hasbeen h hbeen hasbeen
been occupied with a picture that U now nowat nowlit nowat
at the Montroaa Galleries though not on onpublic onpubllo onpublic
public view It depicts a bit of the East EastHide EllAt8ld EastMdc
Hide ss seen n from Mr Ir Weirs studio Park Parkavenue Parkannue Parkavenue
avenue and nd Fiftyeighth street A noc nocturnal nooturnal mmccturnal ¬
turnal vision of a prosaic section It is all allmagic allm allmagh
magic m < 10 and mystery under uod r the magical magicalbrush maalcalbrnah magicalbrush
brush of Weir You look eastward eastwardThere HAlwanlTblr eastwardThere
There Is a strip of hot light against the thesky theali thesky
sky ali it U I the electric sign of a cafe The Thetop Thetop Thetop
top of the bridge looms in the background backgroundThere
There are many beautiful passages of ofpaint orpaint ofpaint
paint in the facades ra fa ad ades of buildings In the thefirst tbeOrat thefirst
first plane but the charm of the compo composition compoillon composition ¬
sition is I its II realization of night of its itatranalucent llatranalu itstranslucent
translucent tranalu nt sky its merciful mantle that thathides Ihathid thathides
hides hid so 0 much that is I ugly IICI Out of the thetangle thelanRIct thetangle
tangle of mean streets the jumble of ofmeanlngletis ormfaninel ofmeaningirsia
meanlngletis architecture the artist has hasevoked baavolled hasevoked
evoked his bilVllon vision of beauty btoaul The Tbeapproacb Tbeapproacbto approach approachto
to the Ihtlbrid bridge < l with Its ltadoubltlruwot itadouble double row of lights lightsU UchlI
U falryliko An eloquent picture of city ell elllire
I life by night nl < ht It will add dd to Mr Ir Weirs
fame fameTbe
The fortythird annual exhibition of ofthe ortbtl ofthe
the Water Color Society Soaiet at the lb American AmericanFine Am AmericanFine riCin riCinInn
Fine Inn Arts rt Galleries in West Kittyseventh Kittyseventhst
st street rewt Is quite a gay Ita show There is I noth nothing notbIn nothlag ¬
lag In < startling on th the walls and nd the usual usualmen uualmfOn usualmacn
men and nd women are n In mm evidence The Thomimt Th ThmOllt Themost
most eye riveting of the exhibits may mayI
I be seen n In the central gallery pllp where draw drawings drawIngs ¬
ings 10 < by some painters are re hung Frederio Frederie Fred Frederic ¬
eric Kemlngton and nd James Jm D Rmillle Rmillleboth Rmilllebolh Smilhletiothi
both dec IIICfIIed a ed art rtl represented repn t The TheUtter ThtlIlI Thelatters
Utter IlI r etching and nd water ter colors colo were wereshown weffi weffiMOIIn weMshown
shown lint winter in the Century Club ClubWilliam ClubWilliam ClubWilliam
William Hunt is I also there Tho 11 head headof
of the theyouing young Irish poet William Butler Dulleri ButlerTeat
I i Teat t drawn by John S 8argnt la I lent lentby lentIty
I by II its owner John Quinn Faq Mr MrQiiinn MrQuinn Ir
I Qiiinn Qulnnllnl lent a group of drawings by Augiu Augiutun UIIIII
I Otto John the Ib brilliant English painter pninterof
of r whom we wrote several ral weeks ffII ago agoArthur agoI agoArthur
I Arthur II Pavien lent a water color colorketch colori colorsketch
i ketch by Mr Ir John which Is striking strikingI
I Mr 1 r Ijvle Iavtess own sketches and nd draw drawI drawlag
1 lag In are on thin wall and nd am a masterly
In draughtsmanship John la Farges FargesHinuKin IugeHnlfXlII FargesMmnmnti
HinuKin drawing are near by The ThoI Thename
I names MAl of Charles Chari Keene of Pvnek and ml of ofAubrey otAIIrey ofAulurey
I Aubrey Itmrdsley nIle are somewhat start startunit alertlink Iartiin
unit iin In Jiutiipoeitlon The Th Washington WashingtonrVium Washingtonvhnol lIIhlo < lon I Iitt
rVium itt echool U I out ou In force < Origl Origlnil Origiash
nil sketches ktch by William lIIlam Glackens wholly whollyadmirable whollyadmirable
admirable In spirit Irlt and dnsign Mrs MrsGlackens irsThickens
IOatklJII Thickens Illustrations by May Wl WlllIOn WlllIOn1lon WlkonPreston on onPreston
Preston Everett Shinn John Hloon Hl Hhounhiobeurt In
I Robert Henri JlttIrirull full of humor Jeromo JeromoMyers JmtnflI JeroeMyers
I Myers and Reiiteniahl Rrutnlahllllkto nuke this section i iell
sell ell worth entiCing 111Ine Mlelatx 1I 1a1l Eugene EugeneIllggins EUlIenIlIIullUI EugeneIligginuu I I
IlIIullUI Illggins Alexander Schilling < Joseph JosephPnuiell JosephPriutucil I
Pnuiell Charles Warren tAlon Glenn I
0 Coleman Photon Oibbs John Marin IarinI
JMaxnVId I luft1d Parrinh loon Dabo Winslow WfnulowHomer WlnMlowlIonllr Winslowhomer
Homer the Colin Campbell Coopers Coopersnro
I are a in the central gallery Rail Alexander
Robinson Kdwunl Dufner W V II Uppin LIpIncolt
Icott I colt Hilda Belcher Child Hasmm HasmmReynolds IllUtIImJI1nol
Reynolds Heal I t > e Lufkin Kaula Clara
r IT i McChesney Rhexia Holmes 1I0Im Nlcholl I
F II Potthaat Alice > Schllle Van an Uer
I Onippe and others have not fallen below belowtheir belowIlhflir belowtheir
Ilhflir their accustomed standard To n M f
Hhtirtleff hss h been sward awarded d the Ih W T TIIn
Evans IIn prime of joo 135 for the th most meri meritorious mlrItOrioUII mpujtoriotis ¬
torious water color painted In this thiscountry Ihlloounlry thiscountry
country countryAt
At the Macbeth Galleries OIIrillllhtfIIla there is an ex ¬
hibition until May IY It of works In oil and andsculpture
sculpture by b the th Woman Art Club of I I
New N York We W 1 note nOl among others the thenames IhenamM thenames
names of Florence Ioren J lUllln Cecilia
Beaux Mary Iar Greene niuraensrheln L I
Scott Bower Bow J 0 Cochrane Charlotte
B Coman Emma Lampert Cooper Ellen
Emmett Ellubeth R Flnl Ylnbr y Georgians <
Timken Fry Content Johnson Althea AI
Hill Plait Mary Richardson Curtis Sman
Watkins Helen M 1 Turner Lucy f Per ¬
kina Bessie Potter > r Vonnoh Helen Farm Farmworth Famaworth Farimaworth
worth INn Gertrude V Whitney Whlln Alice
fichille hilla Miss 311 Beaux The fl Nestling NW we wepraised weprailttd wepraised
praised when last shown here in the thlAJM thlAJMcalltrr same SORMgallery samegallery
gallery Highly decorative with ita flat at
background la Miss 3iissWatklna 11 Wat atkiM klnss The Tb usa I
fflrl palMed JIII la the spirit of the time sad
MehaleaUy t lIy aa well we Her portrait ot sadI a i I I I
HMle e girl id JtdJfa Rti44m la cktrmte The ex exwh
WWtes a a wh whele w J U brttr Itft j thaa lultIIe 1h fc OM I IsazRer
ecrKer fa ie seasos
IVo 1 T Cream Kxpcrtir m Bar fee I the Btpwrt BtpwrtTeat BtportTlat tpirtThat
Teat the Biter U Mtacd MtacdTo XIDodTo 3ifoedTo
To T run Ktmoii 1 11011 or 0 Tin Bc 8ew81 lr Cadet Cndrthe tndtrt Cadetthe
the t b title of Fear Torpedoes In Guaraqvll Guaraqvlltere OuaraQfUIlrn Iuayqtllthere
there appeared In TIn Bn rt of May If > a rpe rpeclii p prUI
rUI ratio dwpatch to the lb efre fllt > that fear frarIn ftarInr fearlame
In lame toting Unl sod nd submarine mines miD In the theHlver Ib IbItIYfr lbHiver
Hlver Oturo Oua the lb Pacific and d the lb Cosmos Cosmoslino COIImOClIIn Cosmosline
line IIn steamers met will U not n call at t Guayaquil GuayaquilIhe
Ihe Ih chief port of Ecuador as they tbf have done doneheretofore donbloloe denheretofor
heretofore heretoforeBelet bloloe1J1Itneua heretoforIteleg
Belet 1J1Itneua Interested In the tb shipment of a can caniderahle ftntdrablfl eonuderbIe
iderahle volume ohm of American maiiafie maiiafieturn muullur mnsaufaclures
turn lur to that i Irt rt of South America both bothacrow bothcrou bothacross
across the th I Isthmus of Panama and nd along olonxIhe aJo aJolb alonglb
Ihe lb west coast from torn Bon Itrnclaco we were werenot werenot fre freo
not o only somewhat alarmed ourselves but butnsturallr butnluII butnaturally
naturally ta manufacturers were fe till disturbed tilllurbfd illsluirbed ¬
turbed turbedWe
We nave tabled sad telegraphed every everywlero everywhite wrrwhfP
white to get t specific and ntl truthful 1llIrullnform 1llIrullnformIon Informs Information Informslion ¬
Ion hut have failed rAllodenlll entirely t In gad lId that thatthere Ih Ihth thatthere
there th H a ftbadow of truth In the lb report reportThe rrportT reportThe
The T scents of the Ih shipping companies here hereknow hreknot hereknow
know nolbln IIOlblnlfOr of it 11110111 and ni they treat It lIe Iii report reportas reportaanotsuth port portu
as aanotsuth not authentic fltIo They moreover nprHlflra1 ay that thatIf
If there had hA been n anT truth or tie arm semblance armhllner Sttflidance ¬
blance < of truth In Ihe tt report they Ihf would wouldhaxo wouldhate ouldho
hate beard from their companies Under Indrrthe lnd Underlb r rIh
the Ih circumstances they are continuing to tolake 10I totak
lake I order for Mpment In Ihe usual cay cayand ar arand 1 1nd
and nd will IIUlllfCIIlelbm IIUlllfCIIlelbmb execute them themAs
As 1 a met of fact there Is no castle brill brillext bf belllexisting 1II 1II1IUn
ext existing 1IUn tln between Ecuador and Peru nor I lthere Itbfo Ithere
there likely to be I hue jUst returned returnedfrom returnedfrom urnfld urnfldrrom
from the we wt t eoast of South America I Iam Im Iam
am m fairly Ialrl Intimate with the conditions there thereboth Ib Iboolh thereboth
both politically and nd romnerclally romn rcltI and I Iknow Iknow Iknow
know of no earthly reason why w 1 a war ahould ahouldlake ahouldlate ehoulittake
lake place between those tho two countries countriesOn rounlrlOn
On the contrary there Is I every reason uon lo loavoid 10old toavotd
avoid old such b a conflict The n small territory territoryIn
In dhpul Is on the Ib frontier on the south of ofEcuador otEcnado ofEcuador
Ecuador and north nf r Peru ru the Ih Intrinsic Intrinsicvalue IDlrlnlcnhl intrinsIcvalue
value of ollt It la not worth oh wasting Ore minutes minutestalk mlnulIllk mInutetalk
talk over OHM the dispute Is I being belncsrbltrated bPlncarbltrAlrd beingarbitrated
arbitrated and 00 the President of Ilraxll In Inhis Inhi inhI
his hi roeseace to Congress Con alludlnc IIUUD to the thedifferences thedlllrfn thedlfitences
differences between tplw n Peru and t Ecuador Ecuadorexpired FcuIloru Ecuadorexpressed
expired u Ad the Ih hope that no rupture of the thepeace thepetllfI thepeace
peace could take I II place placeIhe plaCf1bfO placethe
the Ieruvlana and Ecuadorian as a awhol IIfhol awhole
whole are ar a hlfbly Intellurent civilised civilisedand Ihi IhiInd
and prosperous people snd nd are re progressing progressingL
L cith llh wonderful rapidity comnierclallr and sndfinancially IIn IInnlutlII andfinancially
financially nlutlII That Tb a dispute oxtsta suds there It Itno I IDO iino
no doubt and nd the lb ember of 111 feeling are arebeing arebeIng n nIn
being In fanned by b Irreaponilbl Irrflpo lbI people but butwith tlItUh butwith
with Uh the knowledge kllOI that those Ib two countries countriesnave COUDtrih countrieshave
nave h capable Government representative representativeat
at home and rxce rltMdlndl dlngly able bl sod nd shrewd shrewddiplomats Ibrewddiploma shrewddiplomat
diplomats In W Whln Wahlngton hlncton on we mar b ha sure surethat surethat u utbd
that the tb whole problem will 111 be settled settledamicably settledamIcably Ud Udmlcablr
amicably la tb the near future futureTn tuturaTILt
Tn 111 pity > lly of It la that the b war score from fromSouth from80ulb fromSouth
South American countries sertoiulr alarm alarmAmerican alarmAmerican IrmAm
American Am lcan financier and manufacturers and andIt
It I la ulolni < 1ola the b country a publio service Ic to toprint 10prtnt tolertat
print the Iblnllb truth sad thus IbulaJl IhualIsy allay their tests lesrsJ nr nrJ
J W Darns DinrsVicePresident DAn DAnVICfPrtlldnt DarnsVicePresident
VicePresident latin America ExportCom ExportCompany FI OrtCompaDI
pany panyXKW paDISw pan panNaT
NaT Tom May lift a 4
They Were Net t All Angels Half a Century featnrrAgo CenturyAg turr turrAI
Ago AgoTo AI AITo AgTo
To ins TR Enjroa or 0 Ta Tan 8CX 8tJfSlr Sir Two Twocorrespondents Twoftrrpoodml Twocorrespondents
correspondents nave b recently asserted IMlhat IMlhatbo that thatboy thatboy
boy bo nowsdar sr are r not no as well 11 behaved haTedtbo aa aatho asthose
tho those of thepait lb the put Before Ih the declaration U Uaccepted IIfpled t taccepted
accepted < fpled It seems H1JL wall to make some com comparisons compartSID cornparisob ¬
parisons Of course ssvenelibth nIbtb of Ih Ihboys the lhebora theboy
boys between twftD Ih the re of 10 and nd U ar are 1 mild mildor
or acute e pests owing to their animal ex exhilaration elbllarllon cxbilarstlon ¬
Of Ih the population ef tb the city 17 per cent centla CentIa
la of foreign bulb and only It 5 per cent centnallv centnatIve
natIve 0 born of native born parent lacer Incorporated IDCOrporated lacerporatd ¬
porated among moo the Ih first a and nd last ar are r those thoseof
of two races rac kept pt down by Ih the tyranny of ofcenturies orlfIIllIrt ofemitmiries
centuries and od they now confute CODtu reasonable reasonableliberty roonblIIbt reasonableliberty
liberty IIbt with lh unbridled license licenseFor IItfn IItfnI licenseFor
For Ibelr Improvement Im romn for Ih the Urn 11mmut w wmust we wemust
must place our hope upon their better betteraulmllallon bttllt000lmlllllon betterassimilation
assimilation with lIh our Ideas Id the police our ourpublio ourPllblla ourpublIc
publIc schools churches boys oIub lubset lubsetllement Iubeettlcinent a aIllIIIfo
llement house bou and various rlolil organizations organizationsfor
for altruistic and corrective work workW worllW workWe
W We now com to the lb AngloSaxon boy boyWhen borWbrn boyWhen
When I wsaboyla wss a bor In the tbIle late aoorHrlrlOII lsteiOorstrlyststhe Ms aoorHrlrlOIIIh or early so soIh
Ih the boy under lb harsh and od puritanical puritanicaltreatment PllrlllolCiIIrralm1 puritanIcaltreatment
treatment by his father 1lh was a contempti contemptible ¬
ble bl hrpocrll a liar and a thief lie was waabrought wubroubt wasbrought
brought up by the Ibltelror hair of his bl head awakenedwith awakened awakenedwith wlrnt4lIh
with lIh a rak rake or poker polr and od fora for a alIght Ubllntrc Ubllntrclion infrac infraction Iniraction ¬
tion of parental discipline wss hurried sup supperlr IIIPprrl suppniessto
perlr pniessto slo 0 bed bedwith with scluborcat o nlneiail nlneiailand nlnlaillDd nine tail tailsad
and Dd punished between time 11m aa a a matter mlI of ofgeneral orfral ofgeneral
general fral principle principleNo plorlplu
No u on olle bad any D respect for 0 him and nd he hebad hfObt hebitt
bad none 110 non for himself Ill II clouI vicioustva lclouttera lcloutterarft clouIlU
rft va lerRrl secretive His III literature WMB i
of of a character atIr rt rni now no nolonci longer lon r displayed displayedon plHi plHion
on new utands tand such a an ltdls 1III Adsmsa Adsmsaor maA maAnr a aor
or Munroii IIIDPO dime novel Wild WII II4 Oat uSata t the tbeDays IbeD theDayo
Days D Point Dolo or corks nrh as a the law lawnow lawnow
now 1 proxirlbe proxirlbeMot
Mot of fI nUb tbe b hark Ir yards rd contained crape crapearbor erPIartO grapeartora
arbor frcbi I I which tn the t It darkness he h purlolord p pur p1wcoined
coined freely h With a horse 110 nail on the Ih end endof rndnl endof
of a broom broonllklr llck he stole oIe from ronl the b rrorerle rrorerleOn rJkfrIHOn
On election ilgrM Iall nothing sac a too tarred
for the I h bonfire A snisll dUasmment he heI 1wIspeti
I ween 11 two would roult m a rnallenire rnallenireand rhlJfJIlCand rhalluneand
and adjournment to l the nearest nr meant lanl
lot for III prlr l rln ring adlu dJumD tm n ll Ito ran ran1tb unIb ranctth
1tb Ib the fire nr enaine Dlffn of the Ih volunteer flltlnl fire ft
department nl soul n1 having acceo lf to 0 such suchMai suchtauiona
Mai tauiona Ion heard laiKuac 1Irll and nd M wire > rtcns each eacha
s men nowadava nod rarelY I utter before ror the Iberounc III IIIollnC thereline
reline A strange boy bo in a neighborhood neighborhoodwas ol olfllI > < l lwas
was Trenuntlr fllI nll set t ut uiton > > on anti nd relleml 11 nf
I III liU jackknife or other olh ot tier iio nosessIons e slon sad nd Ibo thovwhodarel s loom loomcoo >
whodarel coo ho daflJ lo b tHo afraid rlld lo encase nuw In numer numerous nllm numeroils r ¬
oils 011 ol olhrrIXI her atrocities rrmertyre r mr boorM < i by b tho ttuoe e of ofmy 01In ofmy
my In sge re were held bldn In corn acornA cornA nl nlI
I A h men m In time maw are better today I IIbn
than In the Ib past P M so > alto 1 are at their lb anna I In Inart Inarl Inart
art > r promise rromloMo My SI h two son on no now adult ndullii
ii j their Ih lr unUIt nlle year r n nero re r more oor In Inlllls
I lllls 1III talllgent nl b boo batter trr behaveil and nd more mo amM amh4110mm >
I loin than I I wa at 1 fie me e same period 1 of 11111 life lifeperhap lIfeperhaps
perhaps h b beau caune rau they Ih had a better father lalb
than mini who bo was a on non of a slavish II IIaIn
Un koldler Idlr with IIh manhood course and andBooil androod nd ndilOIlo
rood ilOIlo I fortune lorlll enough lo levrt from 0111 the Ib
host of murderous hireling amona whom
hi forefathers had h1n esrvd rv < d for 11 avnrratlon
I have h ha lived II under one on roof for forlv forlvan lort lortr
r years > an > anti nd my observation lInn of the Ih neighbor ahho
hors up to foday eihltill them a as being n
va vastly lly 11 uperlor u rjo to IhoMof Ib those ollb of Ihrntllrr AIIIr r years rn
let I not nOllOI vourrnrrevnondontsilMpalr your correspondents IIIlr The Themind Tlieminds
mind or 0 m mn n nre er r widened Idn cith lIb the Ih prore proreofihemn prnpmsolheeuun TIIj
ofihemn ot h I1n OLD Bov QT
Xrw Sr Voim 011II MarS MarSthe S SIh j
Ih the rtlrrlli rrI Wlai WlaiTo Wis WisTo WlsTo
To ran Tft Knrroa or 0 Tm TIC sr Sea > < ir Xot o lone lonero loorarn
arn ro I rsrfit upon a mother motb psrtrldc ant 1 her hrrlittle borIlIIIfo herletup
little oat Whlikl altO the llnr Mt ef r brown brownsa broW1l8IIrt browaand
sa and > l whIle 1011 tad ad d found refills 1118 under 1I1d Irstrt lad ladedrit nd ndidfk
idfk and nd loc < but mother Olh psrtriilcr wings wtncia wtllrl11rf
a hotter 11rf aid d cm I rrrct earn m it mr bravely branlrI
I It they b na mother Dlolb p lIflrtdr rlr1d e In the II naaarlal
dUtrtrt Data D IU R RRuroo Rosier IT ITBIKOOS
BIKOOS Ue 04 U May r a aWarn S 3Shs
Warn AMena 0414 i Ar FenrH FenrHTo r rTn
To tun TII rodeos IIITOII or 0 Tan Sr
Sce < Mr f ant n nthe IIIII a atin
the III AHrrnrn roaHiM IIIM their III rtrhsacr of anoint
Uct II such a asses hulKn loafers lo
ooDr ooDrOrr ose osesaoltirr O5tastbrr
saoltirr otrr pod potlileal Ural 1 or 0 perwasl dlltcrrncrwr dlllfffnr dlllfffnr11IaU we
bare no rsute U lot M worry worryOur worrytur orrrlof
11IaU Our Urn m far concern Is I when hra they are re dlvor dlvortr dloyrd dlirovTt
tr rd J la I hsrnoay oa tom qutttioa 01 f publk 11II
Imnort ImnortNtw I norl PrIen PZeiapw
Ntw pw Ton May X XD SDIIa S S011mm
D DIIa M of r rOil u Mad MadOvolk IkadeQuotb
Ovolk Oil 5kskriprsrr Tbe Tb Uacvsi acuc I used <
Wllh 1111 purr a a flaw lie nor DO s win winF ml mlr reinsrow
F row H wide was ai the I range nC of mj lore loreHsl lor lorII loreliii
Hsl II what 1Ia11 ts ih ihe IBM meaning nine of tkl tklOn tbhr tbhron
On lilts btsfle bIIIe tb lbs oulHrldrr brat II I tn thr lb
Ihlnl rt station and D4 tallied a on M SlMn MOusy Tsrs surrinr fly II
I slier lfr f Ipoyl r ws was 11 landed t si a temid d nn a prtt fI f
T TCried
throw br I nkappy tnll Smith ui llumm IlummetCried tllmlMlCrlf < t
Cried t illlina SlU I one Nt Juggled Irc IrcrILa wnrds wnrdsVliS wordaOrlik
VliS klf btg7ety lilf 111 tirretrHI cited rffertnut citedlOut IIff IIffRu
nut Ru tali I cannel undrnUnd undrnUndI
I J prey > r r tea J ravish and dlmect dlmecttaanlar dlawcJlnldfD dlwdOnIdee
JlnldfD taanlar looser roo Barker nurlt wfclltrd Cr C
SerinourMoer Seymour Sir Slers WHIM Will Wilissand aad aadSldCasarTla IIw IIwSaid ImitcOpt ImitcOptsaid
SldCasarTla Said nOD Cauetr Ia paitdars pa past d days I Crete wretMr ftrelMr CreteMy
Mr o slatass Iln I do sot so 0 tflwUlm tflwUlmBut dlMiaJrnRu dtueiatmOet
But IbIs 11111 I d de ast romprebrad romprebradWat lt
Wat sums tee lalerpret It IBS t lb sun sunA MIIMJfoa ianser ianserRs
A Jfoa was w IixctMl Hal Cats pfekrd pk 4 mt t en
Ikal b be OlsHkMl dllllk aid ad smashed II e Oft tb the BOW 11 aad 11I4I
la ihiscawHito tau CODttI cosernea tb the ban tied to WcBrtde WcBrtdeAnd WrBr14h4 kItOrideAnd
And Sprater ad Drydro and d Pop p pI PoueAnd
And 4 Adtflsog Adll fathered lbfnoS tmvut tmvutGood 1OUfSdItarIIm
I Good mftsaira ItarIIm of BniHth quit fI slumped lvlDJdpara
l Sy r para psrsgrspks rss strssc tbr I they y bad badThey Jewnt
i They TII sM I lul 11w UM > early t ky r Hted Hfdl
Tee sees te I tk Ibrweet4ut woM UMd tto tasesgu leans ev
AM 4 wrrpk w fee an tkr bad mtowd
l II Ttttr brB IIaqa on Ik swat Wtew kM na1f sag sagaseasas
aseasas aseasask 1f
tt I1Ia effort Net t a New RadtcalUm of Thl ThiCentury ThlCftltur thlCentury
Century CenturyTo
To TM 111 Eonoa or Tm T Bnx BUIfSi BUIfSiUmel ir TH io iotimely
timely Umel action of the British BOOM H of f L Ltnpaslnthbad LfJI Lin
tnpaslnthbad fJI paula passinathe tb budget < twtthoulanrdtscu wlthotlt llJtlbeun anydlacus5or > t tor I Ior
or amendment will da much to win winapproval In Inappnaval i iapproval
approval of t Ihs Ih people at t th the next ita itaeleottoo gea51 gea511otloa fD fDe1eolfoD
eleottoo The action Will thoroaxhlr thorooblllIulloll thoroashlystttullonst thoroaxhlrstltutlonal
stltutlonal and It demonstrate the lb u uof lor m mof
of th the veto of sa upper chamber when whenveto whnnl6 whinvt
veto vt of th the Crown has fallen Into di diIt dlIt diII
It will be remembered that when th the Ur Urrejected I I IreJected Irejected
rejected llr Gladstones Irish boras borasbill bOIllbUlu bornbill
bill bUlu aa appeal ap al wrt r mad lo the country eOlllltrlb at j jtbe
the lb action of the Lords wa wu Indorsed indorsedthe 13 S
the other band whoa whNllbe the Lorda rejected it t tbill
bill for tb the disestablishment of the ir u uChurch < h
Church an appeal wo 11 mad to Ih countiy countiyand eoirotryand
and the action of the Ih Lords was w condemned condemnedand coodemnud conctemactandtheQuearcqujestedthsBishopto
and andtheQuearcqujestedthsBishopto Ibe lb Qusea requested tho lb Bishops t to ran rantbe I IIbe
the bill billProfessor billIrolr billProfessor
Professor Marrolt of Oxford the he author authorof Ith r ror
of A Second Chamber Cbam r very death tt ttthat shthat 1 1lhat <
that this tnsel between t n the Ilou Ilouns IlounsCommons Of
Common and nd th the House of fords dr draa 11rar i ias
aa far back ell a Ih the reign of Henry It Itwhen II IIwhen tu tuwhen
when Ih the Commons successfully u OtIIIIII a aasertpj er rt1 > r < l
their right lo Initiate nllill money mon bills billsIt hiliIt
It waa W the Infraction of this right rill put t
brought th the lord Into conflict wil woto 11 > i ih upj h
foinmonn hi the reign of bloC Ii lac Charni Ihar har II t
In lust I fill I the Ih Lords Introdtirmt Inlroo a bill fnr fnrstreet Iii IiiUI < j jattest
street clesnlna and nd repair of the Ih thein TiHt 301
In Weslmlnsler but Ibe Common ommonslamest nu In11 r rlalneil
lamest that I no money mon bill shouM or ornat 0 ri rinIln y ynstIntheupper
nat nIln nstIntheupper In the IhI upper r chamber cteamlwrastheCoer cteamlwrastheCoeralone astheron u Ib fom i ialone
alone Ion had In the power to tax the pent twn twniirlill pentgain
Aealn iirlill gain In the Ih same mtl rrlen In len time III IIInll > na o
hnuvii nll were rr st darrer dI1 drawn 1In for in > tyear it t
year r and nll again In le1 t the I Ixird mad he h hto 1 Is
to amend money monl hllla sent nl up u to thrn Ih n 11 11I hr r
IheCommnnii I II mmIlM The tlt KnclUh Parliament 1arllainrnta ItU ItUIII no noa
a Ilrael III raid nothing but a Vrri erj erjolirrehy ai 1
ollrsrrhy In IbO whole of the Ib elcht elghtn elghtncentury rti rticentury
century for 0 from om the Ib revolution ohttlflo of f114 f114Ihl l It s tit a
the pas passIng lnr of the Ih reform IArm bill In IM I I Iloumnf
lion loumnf of lx Lords > > nl waa prsrtlcallr waaprattka1lvuupron waaprattka1lvuupronriIlng supremo supremoVrliln 1m 1mWrUln
Vrliln In II2I U II Kidney Smith rirlir rierlirci l
that the Ih country brlonenl Ioncrd to the Ib Duke Ilk or f
KutUnd Ixiril ljn lno Landnwne 1owite < the th fluke nf t
Newrstll Sr eweaete and nrt about twenty nl other IT
tier of I the llmiw IIml nf Peers p As matter mUt r nf n nIIIft mfitet
furl In Ihnre days the Ih Duke nf n NorfoU SnI r rturneil rOo rOoIUrD1 returned
turned eleven Ie member nlm to the th house 110 rf
Common Ixird lx lonadl ndale > nine Lout ft D
llnxton seven and nd the IhJuk Juke of Rutland Ih hi
Maruul of llurklnshnm IIllrkln < hlI1 and lx lord > rd rarrrc frr arri
ton 101111 sU each rb Thom Oldflld OldnfOlIlh th < hUtnrun hUtnrunsay htitn in intar
say II that In ll 1 lIit 14 out of I the Ih II et < niemliern lIImI rf I
the Ih house 110 of Common ommon 47 45 aCre fOrtl the nom ¬
inee In of ollhtl the Peers PeersTh rH rHThtl PeersTb
Th Thtl peerage wa the th rival nf the Crown Crownand Crnwnand ro1I
and od to such an n eitent nt that Queen Ou Anne nn nnIhe tune tunethe < i
Ihe last la year ear Ar of her h reign actually tulI rrraM rrraMa rat rata
a batch of new n peer In order flrd to end th thwar Ihar Itowar
war ar nf SpanIsh nI4h succe 1ICNUlnn slon the very ffJ slap itmwhich II
which William llIIam IV decided to take If the h
Lord at again aln ID rejected JfI thn b reform Iom bill of tint tintThere
There U I nothIng new n or revolutionary ti r
Ibo present P II attempt tlmt t to reform Inrm the th upr tipper tippercimamnher r rchamlvrr
chamlvrr Tbo tjut ot flundrrland In Im I I
brought In a bill In which he propo prollO1 tn tnrestrict rllrHlrld torestrict
restrict within the htl narrowest limit the It rot 011 011prtroIIT si siprerogative atprerogative
prerogative of creating lIn new II peer frrr frrreers I Ir Everypeerage
peerage > eers e which whim became I mlt extinct wa WI to h hreplaced 1 1rplacd
replaced 1 r urct by the I creation of a now n one on but hijtapart bJtIIAn butapart
apart from this thl the number of the th p pcoriga pcorigawas rs rswa ru
wa 10 not nA lo be Increased beyond II Its exUtinr cliii at
limit by b more than six 11 The cenrral eft eflert eflertof > r rof I Ifir
of the lb hill blllld would have been to fix hlhl the peerag peeragof
of England 1n and1 at 110 os > but flunderlanda hill wa warejected wu wurtJ virejected
rejected rtJ tfd because u as Mr Robert Wrlpnt Wrlpntmaintained Walpotumaintained
mlnlaln maintained the tb royal prerogative rofI of crest
tag member of r the Ih upper u llf chamber was lh lhMM lbsole
MM sole mean of averting a deadlock deadlockhe tjelwsuo ffII
the he two house bou King Kin George ofOr II anti to toChatham
Chatham Vou ou have taught m pus lo look for
Ih he voice 01 of 0 my m people in other places thtn r tIm
In the I House of Common omllolll Kin K KIng Inl EdaM EdaMmay FA Edsr4may r rma
may ma nay lOA the Ib some at the th present time IlInlto for
the he House 1I0u of 0 lords has b now no shown that it itrespect Irftlff itrespects
respect the I b will of the people and d can It Icnn Icnnpart igrinre non nonparty 4 4psitl
party politic politicsZnw Bnininrii
X Xaw w YOKM 0 onx May 1 I lA IA Ie4
The Unsafe of r Two Demerratto tension tensionof enstormor
of r Nebraska fbna to t the P PIrUU L LHim I Ilie
Him truilim IrUU J flryan II Unroll Vrl XI
Pita sis 1It Tour iflirn to 0 us U sr are ra riveted rrelMcalHat rfCfIMralllar rivetedratting
calHat for an fUra tra trenton of U Lettilatur Lettilaturaad Lt Ltn4
and atkloc It w we wonkt support IIPpe a molaUoi rib ribmiltiot jb jbnltttag b bmUdDC
nltttag as sntttdrnmt Clldmfll to tb be Contltutto tJlIlUoo fro frovbilac proidiot
idiot for ai 1 IntUitive Iltall and refenadam provlioi provlioiWe 10 10WIDlorm
We WIDlorm Inform roil ye that h we e will not LId tbal IliaDOIIII w we tr trBOI us usaol >
aol DOIIII In I Inor tor of an ruts stanton at till time lit Inr Inrtb tor torb t tthe
tb the b following rr naMICI > oa not DO now ao stopping 011 to du ducuts dlicuss
cuts 1110 Ibe lb merits ar 0 drnerlts of tuch a system syitemTMi systemrat rII rIITIll
TIll rat etatttr vat 1 PJl POI before 0 tb the Govrrnor Govrrnoruadmlaod w wunderstand
understand Mme time Uirmesgoand ato co and h betefusedtocs betefusedtocsthe refuted to 0tit ri i ithe
the tit ettra > rmloa Ina limber tlun thIs w do ri riieUet r rIItU ribelleos
IItU belleos ieUet last tb thi tatpayrrv tbovld tbovldto 1I 1d be m1io eompt4to 4
to par the bo extras fl iDM of a 1 U extra se ircalen loa loato sititdy sititdyto
to avoid 014 presumed enbarrasuneat of poetical poUacilpartln rolllk1patU poeticalpatties
patties patU and tall U arena Is Ito mala rtssoa rt lot tordedrlnc lordrllIC lotdesiring
desiring sa sales srstloa srstloaTb ivdnTb 11 11TII
Tb DemorraUa platform on wblch wtrIcllfIIft1foS w ws wets wrrsteeled wetselected
steeled and Dd the latr latest national Dtmocratl pl plnn piOMII plot plotform
form OMII nn coatala coe laIa ao a detlarattoo drdn dOl la favor fa or ot Ui Uisocalled I Itorlltd mlii mliisocalled
socalled laluallv and referendum sytlem n vm sal salke an antbm
111 tbm ke platforms are suppoted 9011 to contain DIaID th Ike prim prlmtprlaclple prtmtrrtDdpln primprincIples
princIples of tk I the Democratic party and no nomu oa oanan onman >
nan we assume lUDf thould prrtune to amend UM UMprinciple thusprlndpirsclthout D DprllltlpJes
principle prlndpirsclthout vltbcMt lIbOll tbe thecoolentof coatent rou of lbs party acsar acsara utlsrID
ID a coavraltoa coavraltoaYou 11011 11011You
You uld 14 la v your ur merck 11 of acMD aecpaice aaee ae of XOT XOTstl yortail
tail nomlsstloa of tb the Deraocr4o Ptmocr o party for PrMl PrMldrat rrrald PresIdeal
drat d thai you yOlllllllo tfidaned tb the national putform ai aia a aa
a ebb 1101 sad la part par sad hall If elected f1 regard rrtiMt rtf rtfII
II t declaration dC < laadOtl as a 1 Mndleg lIdltc upon mr mt and I nay nuradd au auwd nayadda
add adda a platlermls I Wallor astonbat to wlla It eaUtiai eaUtiaiwrit OIllU omlisatwell
writ 11 ai 110 to what 10 II contains containsWe
We W were fno elected members of tba IccUUtjrt IccUUtjrtat
at 1 a Urn U shea bea tbew Ib platforms lIorm contaIned rolel U UDcmorraU Out 11I1oalorrallll Outfirmacralla >
DcmorraU dortiise and as a oar Stats platform pUtferrawat trot trotNfDI
was Heal oa m tOe InlBatlte and 114 rrfrrrtwtum rrfrrrtwtumsayn fldum a aU I
sayn ta no maw wa as < > 04 OIlMIoI eId ald1aour toynur JOII spereb pembot 11 of acceptance acctpusrrlul
lul tb t the Slat platform Ilerm It bindIng upon D ui II tt ttto atto
to what 11I111 It emil omt at a 0 cell eII at to what 11 U coalatat coalatatInd 0Dlalalnd
end nd yet kertlofora hr Olor you bar been calling fet t l lrrbuks arebuke
rebuke of Drmorratte members for arttac tr trrorttne arronlllC srcording
rorttne to a rut tII you ou younelf laid down do she lira liraon b bAII
0 on were rre f addreitlnc tbe III IHraorrats of tbe UUM UUMa DII DIIIII Satteetin
III a the speech b referred f to XVe woID JoIn < 4a la lee lb piirrr piirrrpuMltbrd IIurnbHb purerpubtisbed
puMltbrd bHb on ODllle Ibe lb edItorial Mllortalce pace of Me 1l tImeilireld Hofl Hoflf r
1114 f rnlif ot Omabi yr yesterday lerdar which Is at fellows folhnrtO
O Lord nor DO lb that t rirrythtnr rrllllac U I coratat mlli our enrwar tIJ tIJpur ourway
war purr pur every rr Democratic toul of hot air sad ss4vslnpory sadvoingiory DoI DoIIIDClOrr
vslnpory and Interl larte Iniulmrnu of ram ramraon rommOIl emsmoo
mOIl WIM In every rttmorrstl crsnlum sad 1Id 1IdlIIf ok okremeraber ohrtmembet
remeraber lIIf lord o or r proneness to nuke loch toobof lochot
of oartrlvet just Mbes w we e ba the world rtd by 10 tb tbUll Ibt Ibtud 1ktill <
till and a downhill pull II and Dd te tbat cr14001 cr14001let r4ool r4oolcrt r1401Iflla
crt flla In bad w tMt Out 101 time 11m Very ff ri rrtpKUuNy rrtpKUuNyI
I r T KAXtOM KAXtOMK oo oot
K t K llowru llowru3aRlttrate lIoruaClltratp ItortuStasistrate
3aRlttrate Cerrlcan Allsrrportrd AllsrrportrdTo
To van tpnoit or I Tm 8tw SUSie Sir In IBreply Inrf1I11 Inreply
reply lo I the Ih question of Inquirer In this thismorning thlmonln thismorning
morning Hnr Hr I beg to say that I nevrt nevrtdecided nftHdllldffi nerrrderided
decided or said ht that a person Is I allowed allowedo
If o smoke pull keep I alight or carry carryighted errrlIbl o olighted
lighted lIbl clr cigar r cigarette ctr lIe or pip IJIIIln In tb 1110 sub subway subway ub ubIf ¬
way wayIf wayIf
If there la I any n Impression that I did M Mdecide Hdrcldj soderIde
decide It I Is I due du to careless reporting on tb tbsrl Iht IhtprI lbpart
part srl of the Ih newspapers newspapersJ n A rr
J K I INaw Comttcix
Saw VOSK ou Mar M lsy < City Cll Magistrate MstlstrstThe MagistrateThe 11lr41n
The n ritxlft Worsted nllld U Kaaiai KaaiaiThrn kaasatJroei aar
001 IV IIIIU Gout GoutThen ml mln
Then n came t the e contest tofIl of solos Ultt Brx4 Brx4farrier B Omsirarri <
farrier rarri of ItalstWe rrndrrrd In a me most t B boo booft twsti twstihit iiiH iiiHfvl
hit manna that rUnktl rl4ssl il solo lo M IftC Oa SM SMrtl M I Iduplaed J JJII
rtl duplaed pl > ril rr ftemarlmabkt arkble bIe power wr and 114 tral traletg lltla ts um umthe L4I Ltshe
the I iwtmwil d of f a wonderful endrr vole 01 wWrb cItbsome 11 11me w wsnme
some me d day mole e bet famous t Iln lOne > n of the lb Ji J Jm4fC Jm4fCa < Jf Jfa r >
a rerUHit > 1 In m Isouk lilt k ranked nD M her b fIrst floe TlwrWen Ii Iir I Iibiusa
rWen > r a M ettel 4iH aHlln > l In insole ceualt I far f tar r r rr rrthan nr nrthu r
than Ike ilrrtilon of a Judge who 110 know 0 solO t tahn rfOllf Cabot
ahn abot l musIc Sn Site wa followed t by ill k kKarkty
Karkty Jr XseklyofItttliy of HW 1 1if HT cbeiangaitlslosptmer cbeiangaitlslosptmerlos lv > uac a tittle IIlt1elot wnl eii eiilove
love tone AH 11 Th That l I Want In TM T WMr Wlotwld U UWorld ttWsttd
World wld It Von tIIt Von 011 to This TIIIr tone h 1 aid aidno
bnIIDIlskAI > no mean rla J l Two Twnnftbrfodgei of Mis Iwdcr Iwdcrr mc mcby
by > r Urit love 10 song rtased her II Ant Seatthey Apoarr Apoarrthry rr rrIhr
they mold Sal tMHrrlal rutty 11II good n ndrem towe
I W we > deem dOt their III drrtiloti ef r HlH valve for I to toare r rare rffJ
are city ffJ Itnofint of reutlr llalnvWe letttll It I rt rtalaaytlmetoneettlHICllrarslflla Phallay J
alaaytlmetoneettlHICllrarslflla allay 11 omUIMICIIY Ift 11 omasmto omasmtoproviding onm onmra 1 m mprol41or
providing > ra Mlag we rn have 1140 competent < ItHlt ItHltI Iud IudII
II I wa maiy m people ffI of 0111111 ItW Cllr aiid M thai w wramer Imfr Oiramr
ramer mfr sbsukl bate bad all Srtl SrtlObi Stats StatsOs nl
Obi Villas a family Affair Affairntmamntmifminti AIrrIIIIIII Agatrflistimsesrrspiwinw
ntmamntmifminti IIIIIII oI oII tntt 14esuui UfoHi Nit NitP2ameatr Vr VrKumtnrr >
I Kumtnrr D O He 1Ir r of tb Slate Burrtj M MIIpertlflfl
IIpertlflfl latprrtlofl and Dd Saprrrliloa of r FtibHo 1IIkI Ofi 011Id Oce4 Oce4dai > r rday <
day d iTMraed I a report snowing teat tb the vttJt vttJtro uitigrotinulitocit 1I r rroliDtillIIfII
ro roliDtillIIfII srHnea of Jtrk lacllnbll enburr line paid taPir r rrt M Marles iiattn
arles rt of tIM 1104 wIthout lIlIfItIllllo tao fornuHty for of puttac puttacappropriating pu puapproprtIIDr I Iappropriating
appropriating ordinance fIIIIlft Jsektnanvrr leIIrrc I a aamong v vtmooc
among c Ohio villages vIHa It Is I probably l tb ike ikehwerpiiraiid fi tatUn tatUnInrorpomtrd
Inrorpomtrd vWar 1110 to I America It UJItar 1 bat 6 6sUtyrlglit 0MItyrlgbi >
sUtyrlglit JItar ct Isbabllastt IDllabllD4 and seventeen voters votmb YolffIbI votersthe <
the b seventeen rnlfnl voters twelve fh bold VKUct IIOr off oOcref edeeof >
ef oas tort er aaotbrr aaotbrrTbvtagslnnasasonf lIIItIbtrnIe anetertDusrlHagslrusaaaentef
Tbvtagslnnasasonf nIe 0 rut a 0Drt 01 faWIHF fanHyafl k aft aft1M aol aollb n ntb
tb 1M ewmrttaen tfkt Dot DO tWnk H worTh wMt wMtPMS w1IaoI wttipa
I PMS pa ipBroptUOac ordfauaors ordfauaorsTa OtdiactsThe
Ta The W44ls Harck HarckVatAsr IIudIWI Xy XyWaisi
VatAsr OC was wrMag a Si w wM1g Mbr Buren
ltU 1 1 few rthbrtdeteiHlaed Wide to OIod flaaAi ftuIlea Nu La
beSt Ben Ilea ea KfHff ww do 4 far a tile brUl brl brlI brlThai rt4 rt4T1IttI
Thai we me as r uMOruleid t e
aMeaae 1 tea mam 1 are e emaa