= = 9r H W i 1 rT T i i vj j r rv T v ii 7 r < jj r K KTHE
r rY r THE 1n SUN SATURDAY AY MXV MA i 1 1 71910 1910 1 io T
r =
I WI 11I1 lI7tIfl lI7tIflq FO FOI
q i iwaIr Str lee keiiatitr IIIInf and fld Aem Aemiii AsseftSI MfUi <
luff I
iii I 10 l o Cor County I uun ami aI Ixwal Ixwalr
11141 e r ii lrr Ir H I 1tlrI > r lre tfenalcr tfenalcri nIr
i 110 ii I Hr i I p the tti > ew f Mrature Mraturen
mv n Th 1111 H Mnte nat and 11I1 A Ai AIII M MwUl >
debate tho thoMriM tbltH th thq
i c < 4 will III eaih
MriM lrs lull H In thn tb Amembly AmemblyN
ii iritn I Mil ill and tba tI th Med Medr
II > r UK 11141 1 tin I iI hI Saratov league leaguei I mgue f fI
I rtlrlttl
t rtlrlttlhlte
i uI4t IIMI tIit three ttIF Mil III were CVfl CVflI re reilt re reI
< ilt I nHi Ii Hl < ratlon of f Ibo Senate SenateI
I f i Unary Ili ° Committee today ess essludiiiary o oI
ludiiiary rommittae mmit framed framedM
I 1
M lull in h I l 11e k > the Ih plaNt ot the thel th theld
1 ld I 11 < > l till LI hl hllh > li emlMxlle all alliiMnl allI 11
I iiMnl 1 fenlured of tha lllnman lllnmanM IlinmaniiitiIvi
M I Mmining iiitiIvi however how II lilt th party partytin l >
1 tin d Hi ludiciary Commltteos Commltteosr
r i i r tMirtnl lonUy to the Senate Senateti H40ntII
ti II I > 1 fa reil 1 by Majority l tNIrt Ti4erIobb Ti4erIobbfllr derC rCObb rCObbrIIIIIr bb bbni
ni tllxinr fllr U UkI provl provlIon provlIonhlClto lons lonsr
r hl hlClto < v IIn or Pf 1 seueriil l b 1 enrolment enrolmenti
woII i 1h4 < hr M Itat P lh IIIC voter outside outtliiei oullde1IoC
fr4111ed inred In derUira st Iho Ihoit II
i i i 1IoC Uiit rr rllur < n
1 it 11 me II i MI II l II bo central otra I election III < IIon the ther thetm h hhlth
tm r i ohirhtherdnint hlth Ihe ther iteslretobeenroiled iteslretobeenroiledr 118 to be enrolled enrolledi
i r > xHr hi dP fr ii unlfurm prlimrr dr dri tt ttIII ditf
tf III sh SlaVe t14fhr SlaVeII
II > i n r SI K IP itr ttrthe the abolition aboittlonofalt of 0 all 11 Inter Interlr IDlerpnl
p esentIIqj esentIIqjI pnl pnlI
I Ifl lr IP4 fur r the 1 election of 0 all dele deleihi dewItltllil delehIKIIng
Itltllil ihi 11194 o 10 the State conven Ionvtnltr
14 iifMt ltr ute i > e at the primaries primarlei <
i ir ifotkle4 hi < lor the Increatlna of the thef lb i iIt
f t < mmllire It 1 l tn 10 IM I members out from fromeml froma II IIfI
fI a > eml tnhb > l > district dltrlrtl
0 I > i > rt r kl for a judicial review Ie of the thart Ibet thesit
rt t uni ni sit il Iho I art of snr so n political polltlralvn
II vn S fil PP Hin < W f iimimillee nllnIU or au ur pulillo pulilloptWf puIi14ti
ptWf ti K b i Vo4Td Mrrt > 4 II h rcfrrrnc rffrrrDtlo to the prlniarr prlniarrK lrIDIM
K 4 onfHM Ufl HII PI 141 141I I < MI MIH
I H I ri reiates > iHw all lelecate la ronr MIIYfn n nto
1 < to 0 Ieisrs f tar r by It viva 111 Iv vote vole lb the oumll oumllfrit CIIntIoIof canijilIe
frit lIe I fur r ablrh kl hid < h they be il desire Alre lr lo volo volon oh ohI oInII
II iinulik a provision prmlltln prmlltlni a aI aI
I I i > > vil 1i1Ze 11I a or r countr to a adopt < t pt the thei
ds I Irwnr Wlf i method > tl I hod Mlor ohel of setecItn electlnesllnoml electlnesllnomlri < lInc1I all noml nomlf
f fw fIe ri < e > HMnlther Uhin either of these Ib political politicalt
oItd t It > > tic I dltptlCID ii > ptlou of 0 a reotullon reotullonh
h I < IM IP M i niiiilitr > > repre representing entlae DtlD akl kl 10110011111 10110011111Ih ollllral IIIiicalI < ollllralili
ili I kmn m lo thai h4 effect effectII tECtII < 1 1IIIrn
II IIIrn irotit I for the lit election el < Uuo of 8 tlmalorw tlmalorwi n lor lorml
i P151 ml I tM mWmii commencing with ltb the Ihojtr lheI the7er
jtr i Ipil n IT I the direct prlmtry systemabetiV1II1 system vteintme I II
tme abetiV1II1 tlvtii ibrrrm tha h feature of the thellNtman IbelInlr theIhaantresPi
I llNtman lInlr < < re H hi bill m n that particular portlcuUrIH Ulleula UlleulaI
IH I 4 II < ri > nli bo form of 0 ballot lo he bem he1111 het
t m h urlstar anil 1111 Uy down rule ruleM ruleI
M I iH 1M nr flrJ5nhiIitOfl iil allon < and conduct of Irl Irlrt Vr1VIMV < rl rlani
VIMV rt ani o1n1 u uthern requiring that inch inchI4ffiir > iirhhill
11 I4ffiir p1 hill + 11 M h h held M open from nnou nnouk onomiIMd
iIMd 11411 I 0 i5k k In ilie 110 t > v nlol nla anal n1 provhlo provhloihii Irov IrovIltol proyldbt
ihii ouk t ck e4ctlflI < lvll 1 11 n illirkt h h1I ll ron constitute ODIIlur < tllule tllulepflmrr
I pflmrr r Jl 11101 Jtstrht JtstrhtIUM trl rid ridh < t tMux
Mux h of tho provision are taken frpnitk frpni ronllI
tk I > > llHtnunGreon inoawire wiUi lIb slight slightm slIlmtisshtWlti
m isshtWlti Ii IIit1 ii lK a > and tho bill arrompllouo arrompllouot 11114htl
II t of r h reform n nitht > to be accmu accmuhKl 3oro1nalr anu1 anu1wslrr
hKl iimlcr the HUunonGreon 1I1Dmn bill with withu lttm lttmikzePtIflfl j jI
I ikzePtIflfl u 1IlIon lion uf 0 the abolition of 0 all 11 con concanvam 001I1 001I1IPRII n nf I
IPRII f mtIntlsA i
A ar4ul rul canvam IUIV of if th the Amnerably1 Amnerably1l i
l Inth h i < y the Ih opiocrnl uixl Ullellbe the friond of ofitu of111Io
itu llHiHuoClrr Ih UtlitB OrIJOOf1I rrm n tnoaure oed that thatih
ih t r wa AA no hope hOI of 0 Pt the liill hllllftllllln taming in hit hitIs I In t tII
n Is i iriimnl > rnu > nl 1 form and ntl n nUlwr lllu > r cotiH 11111 ilio ilioof Ih thI
101 I < of the Mil throneh the tta K nato natoK nl nattepinured I II I
I epinured epinured1111fr 1 1I1911 1I1911flfft
flfft K i a athroughout Iilill c IIt IItInroolrbout mimnttIuoqhout
throughout the Stair Ial mid id Senator alor Colb ColbOnhr 010 1 1r I
Onhr r not among th ttmsm m mi n tal 1n1llo n < t l la lal iniohtk I Ilrnilica
l lrnilica litk alonr alonlnll Init among am ng the th mo RlOtIlenUlhl mosit t enlight enlightrfHtl enlihtr i iI
rfHtl r I ami loading 1t1 1t m na1 > t in puhllo affair affairthat Aft allairetIt
that It i ill unwise at thIs time to eoUbllnh eoUbllnhablAtewid eistahllahaSlatewide IhllllbtjIlfWid
ablAtewid primary ay system t in in our Stat Statl Mttiat
a at l la kast t before font some teM t t Is I mad at to the tbeI Ihlll Ihlll1lat1koabIUty theraetkabIlity
I 1lat1koabIUty r K bllity of thn system These 10 men menm HIMII mesemare
are m In ympathy withtSov wllh Ith Jo Oov HuglvM Jlud anclbis anclbisrTorlv ull Z1t hlA hlAfort hi hirfGrtq
rTorlv fort but dlaagree a ae to mntiiod only onlyn on I Irn
rn n reoocnltlon reco lton of a tentimrot which 1 1l JlijtI Iliiei
l lijtI Ne exUta in favor amr of gvauina l u1nft primary primaryrrform primaryconn primaryrorm
rrform and nd believing that it i was impoa impoaitl Im imposlti
1141 itl to poo V any primary legislation unlene unlenea unlfote1Ifn1promlaelsrifected
a 1Ifn1promlaelsrifected compromise i Is effected on the UlIlOI1IICItJ convention conventionrM conianthiniyMtn < n nY
iyMtn Y rM n feature I have undertaken tha thar Ih1rJI1Iton h hrrsprston
r paration > > of the Mil I wa a 11 aMurH aMurHtint MUtjI naurwitilat
tint I I it would 1 m met et t with lth approval of th thiMJt thtsidsra
iMJt in th the V WsmtlIy mlily mlll hut unlr understand unIJfJItndIhl1 tanU tanUtheir
their r attitude ha ohanK ciangvl l with rwfeivnoe rwfeivnoeUi roMlAI
Ui iho thetUatterIW matter and lUJI1lhst that any appllraUon IUI < J JIh JI Jthe
Ih I the direct primary feature ftur1II will ba opposed opposedThe Ol OlThe opposeilThe
The provWsn with reference < to 0 ap aplilyhig aplrI1l1 apiIyhig
lilyhig a direct < t primary te tt t to the par parlUular par1I11I1ar partitular
titular office of Henator 1ieD 1lono and An oUMm1 oUMm1Ir Aseern AseernI4ymen m mMymen
Mymen Ir n wa u made largely larl In responM responMto
to a memorial m addre add addrmd d to the rwponHj Urghla Urghlature IA LejWture I Ilu
ture lu by men prominent minfnt In our Htate HtateIncludioff KratIncludlD tkatrincluding
including Seth Ih Low Xlcholai Murray MurrayButler Mtirrayhuller llIrr llIrrBlltler
Butler Jacob Gould Schurman Henry HenryTV Jlenr JlenrW
W Taft and other It wa a believed by 111 111h I Ithewi I Ithes
thewi h gentlemen that If a test woa so sopiled apIIied o o1lIed
piled to Senator and Assemblymen theut thevoterim the thevoter
voter ut would be given an n opportunity opportunityto
to thoroughly test the application of 0 the IherWID theTtI1O I IT I
T rWID tero and that It would then lie within withinIho wjthhihe I Ih
Iho < h power of the voter to select I t men whc whcM h ho hoiuld
< Jllld M authorize tho extension n I fnlon of th thTtletn the lhoJktn theytifl I
Ttletn If it wet deemed wle The pro provi proelon pro proion
vi ion in this respect pItt wa mad to take taketfct lakeflect j jfffOct
< tfct on Jan I next for the th rea reason on that thattli III listml
tli ml system T tem devined dl under each of the tbei Ibl theIiii
i 111 ilU II a complex one on and Dd will Ill require a aEod agood
good deal of labor to be put into opera opraAnother o oII operatvwthr
IIoothft Another reanon for having the primary primaryi primary1lure primary11tW
i 1lure ture take effect at t the time suf U ugeated ugeatedthe et 11it 11ith i ii
i the h fact that the I committees cO a All now I I
> m litutedarp organization or men selected selectedT lfOdfdIhe
T the organization and controlled by byi
i orcaniration and were not selected selectedih
emfl ih 1 an anida Idea Ide that they were to be In InT Intested
T tested tH 1 Kith llh the power of namlog prefer preferential pntfrnllal preferential ¬
ential candidate for the aenate and nd As AsmMy A AtnIr Asmnkily
> mMy and that a much fairer I r te 11 t of ofFvstem ofIIm ofsystem
system IIm could be had by b permitting permittingih
ih II p election of these the committeemen by byh b
< h I voter vol with lIh the Ih knowledge lenolfd of the thewhich thewer i ir
< wer r which wa to lx I lIe placed In their their4tulft tir I I4fWfI IIMie
4tulft On One of the tb controlling reasons reasonsier reasonser
ier er which determined l th rNlOIII date dated
f d 0 tnetitiiHied 1 was u the fact act that It was wasipHirnt w wrtnl werirenl
ipHirnt rtnl that lie th mHace of o the l hill > ill illugh I IIC Iih
> ugh IC tha tI Ametnbly and ro possibly iblr the theMI
MI 1415 ot nvild 1M not lie I procured iml iinls M the thavd th thedi I
< vd 01 di CJM UH a ithova indicated indicatedI tnIioatII
I n lull ha hu been prepared PIIII 1 with Ith an anI I
I ii t or 1 effort rt to procure the rnactment rnactmentwMMiraiilongthellnearwoinm inactinentS
S wMMiraiilongthellnearwoinm opirmilung IhllrJI the IInca I rmomnmn4el rmomnmn4elI lIn nded ndedHIIIK
I > HIIIK 11111 < In 110 o far a AA It t ndtorll wa wai WIUI
i n vV4VIllrpoe4ibI ahl 100 or fMMMibla iblll In obtain Ih the lOan >
5 4 11 I 4111 hi bT btl that with such AIIdllnodi mndill mndillainl
< 05 ainl wi amendment a are tug tugS u uit I I
S 4 1 it will 11 in inset et the tb approval of the thaUiiiri Ih Ih1lIr the141111P I
Uiiiri Ntfl III th the Ookernor It It Itill Itill Itsill
> sill ill MtomipMi 1 llIIpnh in my rn judgment judgmenti
i Is itt Mime me can IM accomplinhed accomplinhedmit j
mit 1 iti < theirfonnvMxighttob lit rnnllllchtlo bit made madei
i frnmry oyntom YJlt Ill and will 11I i ltalfl ltalflI ida idaI > lm lmI
I isaer n w r i iif f th I the elector of the Ua ntat ntatml fllalI 14ta1IHI
I ml i the In system v tem of r direct primaric primaril primaricI i
I Mil 11 IIf M > deemed advinable advinableMvifun IUll1111111IhIYIMI wJvjsghIh4ynan
Mvifun Utem rtemnss Ward Jr and and1 and1tmhiili
1 0 i l tmhiili n H William M 1 Bnuieltof 1 lIlIllt IIr IIrtoHttlfld New Newt4u
4 t4u toHttlfld f fd In having A Amblr AsmbIPhillips embly emblyu
u s I IIItiUlp > M1IM amend the sectlnn sectlnnMtMili MCtlnn1IIhilli mecttonI
I MtMili 1IIhilli IeIIhilIipiu lhillipn primary prima ria7 bill which whichI
I thli H IIIrti il t tarli > r1i shall rote 1ul In Uia Uialimn Um Umllig
limn IJ Ji 4 in each election Ills dfsinttwry dl dlI dlII IllsIr4iry >
inttwry ilv ilvn I
n 4 n il toJI iVJecflon > w < oii iii the change of oft
t t it I M f i Mind in illihe t tb lie groster atoratfrflpttDMI oatetXpiUt exp ne
1 I > t n < wHi tI patty by iniTi I Imrmsaig I < iiig nllll4 nllll4f the thef
> f I IbPkftg HHIK tl p1orf It hot h to ationd ationdT
T fro 1 5 iMttr Iln ro > f pulling place JlIffIIJf1f am amhMiiee INte4 INte4i9 I II
I i9 + > hMiiee II and nllh ln inning InulolllI InulolllIf up upfrnn up4r
4r frnn Ip5 < 01 1 vot volalulillurb voterswith n > witlidlturu witlidlturui disturb disturbIJIIHIUY
i I iwiiHury ghtii Ah with Ith which hleta the theiMriv theItv thelw4rtV
iMriv tttiV IH V Hot lit > > Involved IlIvolYf1Ii
1 IWIIMI Ii of if f the New S York men meni
i HIIRO I4 K e If their wiling sillin plaon pl U Ui I It It
t I Dimjmwtkns hjk rrom II the Hrt HrtI lrie lrieealkIn
i MiMin II < n InHifllng the city of oflyMein orII
I II Im1lar < lyMein i is In InHtillim In1IIIIIipt Inm
> m + i Htillim hill i III om amended atondtdrnl amendednI nded ndedvitnlliithofermof
vitnlliithofermof rnl nI Inlllemlof loth form of ballot IIot It Itof Itr Iiwiia
wiia r of column similar lIimllarof I Ith
I of th the conoralrloctlorui with willsecnI I It
ecnI t l 4rrla of Iho Ih different differentoodi iiifferentI Uffr
I tmasI 1I1r 4 each toadloohlfIJlIand ooliminnd ooliminndiho
I iho nrnm 11 of the Riotnlior Riotnliorit RIftfII RIftfIItI mesirsI I
it I V omnHltoo tI which In Now Nowul
ul do I h limIted l ta OBO moml rnimlwr rnimlwrt1MMv HlIr HlIrmftI > er erHrkt
t1MMv mftI Hrkt who he will wi bo bor bOIl bOIl1ft <
V eemhr 1ft r of o thM Aavembly Aavemblytho bI I
I short the I preofwt te t teikhw teikhwP11 Htlve HtlveNow YtI YtIM
M Now 5W lnrk > ork oewrty G8W1tyI eouMy1Vltei Rr Rrteo
I 11 1Vltei teo woutd be the t poiaMy poiaMyo OWtt imlalty r
If no ltepreseitooffitytIeRft o preest oomty ewBMWt tiIIIMItkCCIIMf8 I
4t teMhuodtbsreesetI teMhuodtbsreesetIr CCIIMf8 tl tile
Iculatlooe regulatloM r ultIob of the party so prorfcta I IThla
Thla ta r savtog IIYI11 cUu dbitt iatewted t teDdtldo to take takere tkC
C re of different condltiooa la a dlCemrt
ItIU1t part of the State
Tba difference mainly between the Oin OinI UIn1IaIIoreen lIbiflWI4Jren
1IaIIoreen m ° re n bill and UM UeadePhllUpa bill
I II I ii found undl in the tbotsttMt fact act that in lbelatternone inthelatternotftjp tha lbelatternoneof latter none noneof
of the candidate for or Bute offloer olIIottllla ftjp la placed placedlmJhsiitlckt placedloll
Ion lmJhsiitlckt Ih time ticket at lh lheprtmaritle the Prtmarloa whereas wbereaait whe
it itlhf III lhf lhe lb jlttmoiimreen bill all may b be The TbeI
I MailoPhllUp M PhlIU bill retains in Its It entirety nUrel nUrelOOIIVtnliOQ
J lb conrentton Ivnirent eyWim y jm with the provtao
tl that t all 11 delegate to convention shall
be elCted I ct i by b the poopW Uiu doing dGIIt lnI away awa awawltb 57
with the election 4f of detegaU d to the BtoM BtoMconvention RtateronYlmtion AtatsCUWeflttofl
convention by a oountyoonventloo countr conftDttoo 01 01The
Assembly convention The Thef Thewhlch lleadeIhll M dePhll dePhllth
Upa lip bill V allows a Pri parlod pertodoftndqsbstwqti ° d of f UndJ1 nda1 tKtwteii tKtwteiishall bet n
th the flh final eta dy 011 which whlchJ7hir the orpnlatlon orgftnitionshall
shall nt file Us It nomination and th the finalnay final
nay when ttn any opposition opP to the organiza ¬
tion ticket tJ may file tu nomination nominationXHKn DOrnI1ItiOnaIGIO nonilatlIoneIGxn
i Amoo Amoog MK tbe Xew e ew laws la Are r tltaiorrs De Delrrd DeIrtd Deaired <
aired by the XMloglral XMloglralMay MIety MIetyrAtsatey 11
rUIun May fa nOov Oov Hiino IrnlhH today todjsigned loodaralln1
I signed thrte tIi bill billMr billIr billsMr
Mr Ir Kopp1 repeillnx P ll lb law La renurnf renurnfMtcond requlrlDofIood rqulrlngscond
Mtcond and third class elite to fll file financial financialreiwu ftDa1l11a1rllOrla fInancialreports
reports with th the Seeraury of fltat
Mr Ir ivaMauthoriihiglh Cnn anborlr Ih the aurrocatol 8urropl or
8Hllr 811IIn n roumy lo restore 10 records of tb the
Siirroaat court whkb wars iloMroyed by
tire Aiiut to IBM IBMSenator IDMHtor IXtilflator
Senator W WainwrlI ui rlzhf legalizing the thiU Ih
U hlflrC i iHa 11 11 of m 14 1I3O0 1 o worth nf Improvement
bonds bone of Mount Kbee KbeeKtntor K KIjeofaostnr ftt
Ktntor f tnalor lIwllt nthoTWnc tb fbi Btati Btatiill
ill IIIch lliehwy h rr T C CommIOG nml loo lo appoint IIP Olnl a county countyupertoteud 10lllltT11rblleud countTiperjitende
upertoteud nt of hUbways bLeb where I tit hi h
IlJoIIIrd Board of Supervisors 8 u uperiIo rvl fall to act cl
Mr Ir llarwood providing that arllr arllrI sftrSeptember fl r rHeplemWr
September 0 a record recording ta officer shall mx mxaicept lIaCl nutaIcept
aicept l lt for record any 111 conveyance COIIVTI of real realttata realestate
I estate 11 unleo unl th the rMldeoce of Ib lbs pur pllrrhalMt purehaet purchaser
chaser and If In a city of more morlbn thin tlms Monoo Monooi 00110OIlnhahllanta onoo
Ilnhahllanta i Inhabitant the street number nIIII of hi h4 r 11 11d reddencfV l ldmre
dmre d ihall t he < attp4 ll ltIMtllbe1n ltIMtllbe1nIr J therein thereinMr
Mr Ir C C W rhimpr hlllllrlnc < Ulrla < ttallllm ttallllmIn at all 11 tim
In farlorlo for Ih I h he UM us of employee omployeeilufllclent flD loy loyluntc a ainfItcieni
lufllclent luntc lI supply of pure Irlntlnx wiirr wiirrand wallran1 walerant
and suItable vhroomi vhroomiMr ahroomlfr
Mr fr LnpinaX 1ICOt amhorlxiac lhorI II ih UuaDr UuaDrof igauancofIkenisseImma uaDt uaDtof
of ofIkenisseImma llc 1 oa to a nimbler mintterob of Ih rap 001111 t and I hi hifamily hifmll ida idafamily
family fmll nr a priest to reside on Indian trIbal triUIland trlLaIInol trIballands
land landHfMtor landsSenator
Senator Iot Am tgnewe lII8wi wii removlnc relllo IIlr lit llnilu llnilutlon IIml IImltloa IIrnhlion
lion of ioi 001110 > o as tb the iaouat which niay ilia be beappropriittxi beap beappropriztost
appropriittxi ap ananally by the tb 3w w York Yorkrllr Yorkcity otk otkrlty
city Bmrd of Estimate and nd Apportionment Apportionmentfor Aplor loDnwAI loDnwAIfllr
for ih the maintenance malnle of tb u New c York Tklogiml 0110 Zoo Zoological ¬
logical 1011 l11ark < ark < or garden fIIa In Bronx borough boroughn borouabHfnalor boroughBiator
n Hfnalor > ntor AEMWS A II removing nn ofaclbUmlltlOII ofaclbUmlltlOIIeM tb the limitation limitationpUced limitationplaced
placed eM up upoq < m the Ih hoisting of re rNltal real l etat ant amiperMHui antpersonal Dtl DtlPflIIIOMI
perMHui estate HIa by b Ib lbe > aw w Yotk or Zoolocleal ZooloclealHor 7001011iIITDd 7oologfriiMnrlety
Hor Mnrlety iIITDd ty and m maI1 Vtop tW H subject ubj < ct t to th the rwlrlellon rwlrle rMlrloIlonundllabUltla1 rastrieIionsamdilabWiis
llon IlonundllabUltla1 ndtlabUltl prcrlbed In th general reneraieorporalloblaw generalOotpcrstioh INral INraloor
eorporalloblaw eorporalloblawRenator oor CJR tlobJa tlobJaRfnalor law lawfleluliw
Renator Ro n R4l4 tiring 1hI authority to tb tbtlevernor IIn09 the theflevpflor
tlevernor to order the sctU ct a mllltU to per perform prform r rOfI ¬
form OfI mnitnn mnlln tenlc Hk without wltol Iho lb Ilal IlalIrohlnr Hut HutaUo tata tataatn
aUo prorlitlnr Irohlnr for a fln r of aoi O Ion than thanU Ihn Ihnor
U or more mo than Ib 110 for each b ab abl sheac aca without withoutoxriwe wllhol wllholh withoutruse
oxriwe ruse hv h a nsiloatl ntloD1 crn guardsman niirtl nn al t any anyitIll anymultI IT ITIrl
multI Irl prad or fr other obe iluly 011 liy onVrtxl ol and D a afin I1M aline
fin 1M line not lC eireedlnj nll 110 11 10 and nd m I addition a4111 th thuni timon
1111 uni t11 i11u4l ual tu tb the value nll of lar any ay property ptrllol lout lolInlurml loutinjured
Iinlu injured or ilMlrojed dlrof4 ta be b swwutotl by bymilitary b s smIlitary
military 111 court tur for aborting Iftllclo to tk Ik taks proper protrnr lrOrrrof
nr rof of arm m and ml 1 equlpnoat equlpnoatSeMtor eultlalt quiprnntitiitor
SeMtor o Agnew ID nw relatIve reJaI lo proreeUlnct proreeUlncttt plDl plDlfc
tt fsur the 1 miulremont IIIlnt of wharf lrr property roln In InX h Insw
X sw w York o city cityMr rlr rlr11r citytr
Mr tr Friend frNnd provUmc NoWI that ll th number numberof lumbr lumbrof
of trustees tul uf sn D locorporateil Ineor l1 fhnrch tblrdl may IT ITII
II he Pu changed rhanl st Ilan an annual anulIII sotpotte rorpor te meeting meetingso m elDr lln llno <
10 so o as lo Increa IruH the Ihnum numlvr up lo l twelve twelveViutor
Viutor un Med Mscda dfrlrrln lrmf traimfrrlng rrlnf Ib h plan lon of oftho ofalll ofthe
the alll t M Miwtrlal school lol m I the t lb I city dl of ofttotlmtcr ofRochester
Rochester tlhler 10 o Ib city I by h Ih Ii the State lu ttmrhsr ex exrh ndnr
rh dnr nr for fo the I ranrdlallon 1IIln of Uxm I ant amiiM antassessments DI DIclll
iM assessments KiflAni against clll lnl the ll lb Hlate fur the I ron ronttrurilon N constrwtlon
i ttrurilon tlllol of 0 a pip 11 Hit 11 for fo a water te supply lupplyto 1lr
to llf I Ktato KIII agricultural acJullul mimi a teduoirbl teduoirblMltowlitladuntry ldUt IcdsatrIulechoolat
Mltowlitladuntry echoolat Loltautr industry Ire lohbrt of otebarge hrs furs fo period periodof
of rwentyflv IDI ye years years31r r rMr r3rr
Mr Merrill nu approprUtlnx pPrll llsoftoao 0 for forth fortime I It
th time t UtalateinBca lltll and Ild repair of 0 bllhwaylaiproved highways brh1 brh1IDIPr1 highwaysImproved
Improved IDIPr1 br ty Hut aid aidUr li aidhr
Ur lr lfslneauthorUhicYiinkrlo I If 1 InNs aUlhorLhc authoridnt Yonkers 01 10 Uu Uuluflta beusgoJAi
luflta 1 bonds for to to the ll prm prt gymeat < at of 0 certain certaindMi Nall certainhaute
haute dM anil u sxpeo xp n Incurred luu4 under a former formerdmlatafratlon t tdllttlD formeradmlntaftathn
dmlatafratlon dllttlD during t the li n II IWtl HI year fn ISC ISCsnd itceend 0
I end n4 vn 10 and ne now 11 rrnulnlsr rrnulnlsriirr tentaInlsnmpaId tentaInlsnmpaId1IrtE4 1111 IIIJ I
iirr fUTG4 1IrtE4 4 IVIIMVJP IDU riuw rUt rUt1IIbIIYr riuwt
1IIbIIYr hey t HnctartFlodilCvMeneearnbleially HnctartFlodilCvMeneearnbleiallyawl iUghraElods Evidence it DWall Dtsl slty sltySitul
awl 1 llld ulh linlshtp9LUOO LpB3O lp2U uoo Award iwardAIVANT AwardttIaT wa
AIVANT LUST May i Gov O Huchns luc today todayreturned todyreturned
returned retul to II the Ibe State I ll Jjuiii Board B1 Icr Icrretul for forfurther ro forturthei
further flrt consideration rnld rt1n on o the I ground groundof lod
of newly ne Iy discovered dlY facts laca the dim of ofthe ofIh ofthe
II the Ih Cayuga arp Indians againrt D the Ih State Statefor Stalefor Slatfor
for fcSSOOO O in sottlement IIfe t of 0 a iteoitind iteoitindmado IlemMdmd utemandmade
made md by hut Ih rruDI remnant of o the lb tribe t that thattbe thatthe
the lh State recompense rlrnMtf them for ro sharp sharppranlea ahrpprarthee hr j
pranlea prle In 173 I when h the land laod of tbe tbetribe tbetlt thetribe
tribe tlt were token tf over otr for 20 O cent Cl an anaero anac anacre
aero ac and nd afterward aUrn resold rld at C an acre acretho a acrethe
the th Bute tlat pocketing the 11 difference dlffC differenceThe i
The T Igialatura I pUnc had h authorixd athu a aettlementof alllr attiemetmtof
ettlementof lllr tatre 0 the tb theclaim claim cim by the State lond IAd IAdIIn LsndHoard i iBoard
Board IIn and nd the tl Governor OO1 and the tb land IndBoard landRoarmi
Board B1 had approved of 0 the claim lm IAnel CK1 kiv ov I IHughe I IIlughee
Hughe Ihll reform Nr prr i the matter mtUr to t the lb At AtiomeyGvceral AtomykteioJ
iomeyGvceral wrokr for o an opinion olnn and d the tbelatter rbeIwr thelatter 1
latter cast < t doubt tubt on the merit rm of the thenrvpcwiUon t thelmrQpossiUon
nrvpcwiUon Un It I is I now n sllgfJ that tb o tht there I
is I J nvifcneo froe that tt the lh Indian InclaO ancestor ancestorrej ancestorwere n lo loUle
were rej noctlle Ule to tb colonist olnl In the tb rovo rovolution revoluition
lution The TIt Land Board will a reconsider rntle reooniulertitt I IIh ItM
Ih tM claIm c at a meeting mUn on Tuesday next nnt I I i
State Offirlal Ollll Jlay a Nt it t OpeJ O pee It I bet HtAto 35 35tp > U UMlep >
Mlep Ato tp Its Illye It Delivery DeliveryAUIAXT Detherytsaxy
AUIAXT UUT May lr 8 AttorneyGeneral AttorneyGeneral0Malley Attomell AttomellUlq AtiomeyGeneralO
0Malley Ulq O Lth1eT today gave lae an A opinion oplo which whichestablishes whicheetabllsbi hc
establishes Iblt the t right of ollo idiots and a luna lunajtlc lma lmaIIIC tunalee
jtlc IIIC lee a as to the Ib reception rUon of f n mall ml matter matterI mtr mtrIn mattertin
I tin in State Stl Institution IMttto uu The n Attorney AttorneyGoneral Atom AtomI AttorneyGeneral
General Ci rl told tl the lb superintendent uprintldrt of the theHorn theltm tim timItome
I Horn ltm Stat tat Cuntodlal Cthl Asylum tfiat Ilat the theofficer lb lblofc theof
lofc officer of 11 such uh an n Institution Iltllull have hn no noright DI DIrAt mm mmright
right to toofl open mall mal addressed to Inmate Inmatebut Inml Inmatebut i
I but rAt have toop the te right rbt ar and Nd the Ih authority authorityto autot1 autot1to
to make mk rule n and II regulation 11110 subject subjectto IhJI
I to the approval of Ib the State H1 Board hn of ofChsritio ofiChritieq I II
Chsritio I lritI preventing pYelnl the delivery dU of ofletlof f1 f1llte orlatters
letlof to t t4 ttch Ill Inmate ImtM mmatiue or to prevent preventletters pnt1tt preventletter I I1lt
llte letters 1lt letter from l being > tng cent It by b them to out outside outiki ¬
side llH persons when he it might In II their Iher judg judgment Jodrnt Jodgmint ¬
mint rnt pn Interfere Inler with lb the Ibl safe elmlnllr admlnutra admlntutration admlnutration ¬
tion lo of 0 the Ih affair ataln of inch uh An Institution Institutiontntate lltulOD I I It4enate
tntate Jale ta DUeas Dl Federal Ftdf loecrne Ta TaAuuxr T Tae I IAzaaxT
Auuxr Uxr May fr 0 ISt 1Senator Senator Davenports Davenportsresolution Dr DavenportroItitIo pr
resolution rllU committing cltinl th te the Legislature Lallt to totbe 10Ihe tothe
the Taft income mO tax I constitution ot coost IIuloall Itutional amend amendment amendmaul ¬
maul It wa w WU reported red by the lb th Judiciary JIr Com Committee C Corn1 Corn1mutes ¬ I Iloltw
mutes loltw today ty for ro that tl consideration Cldell of time UieHeoate Ur time8e5t5
Heoate Kt Senator 8t Daren Drep Davenport port represent representthe I Ih I
the h Senate 81 district dIrlc and aD home ho town tw In InOnalda I InOnld
Onalda OD1 county otr of United Unite Bute lal Senator SenatorKiihu Slor SlorEhu itenatorIthimu I I
Kiihu Ehu Root Rot By B y common c agreement aM the theSenate t theSenate
Senate 1 Wednesday WednesdayTe Wffy i to t thrash Ihah out ot thiiquoitlon Ihla11110 next nextWednesday DeliWethiesday I I
Te T Investigate Inntpl tHe U Maare r BleeilMi BleeilMiAtB mu8 mu8Aun ItleelleimALaNT
AtB Aun XT May r 0 OGov Oov hughes IlIln today todaydalgnat todydeaignetndAttornyOeneral
dalgnat dl deaignetndAttornyOeneral uAtlmeerl d AttorneyGeneral OMsliey OMal or orone orfloe
one 00 of hi hl Ida deputies dtput to t appear app before brO tile thaXlonroe tilelr timeMonroe
Monroe lr county culr Grand Ord Jury Jur next aa Monday Mondayto Monda I
to Investigate Invetlp the tb charge rlt of violation violationof
of the election eJlo law 11 at the te recent rt special apeciCentres specialCongress plal plalCnc
Congress electtoj lloJ when Jocae A Karoo Karoowa larC Ilavasutwas
wa Cnc elected Ile over nYr 1e George O8r W A Aldrlx Aldrid AldridTh Id ridge ridgeTb
Tb Te application apJIklo for a pooial PI prosecution prosecutionwas pruto
was as made madcc on petition of Rochester ltoclieterdtlzcna ltoclieterdtlzcnaeuppoTted citizen citizenupported
upported no by Jltoo thorttat t thll H t Asooelatlon A latl to toPrevent toPreat toPrevent
Prevent Preat pr Corrupt Cpt CovruptFrartieas Traetlces t at Rfection RfectionanOOKLVN F2ectionsIIROOKLYN eIOI eIOII eIOI1100KlJN I
Penr F Oat nt ef f atom eseii t DHiKhwd Phtl la Magic Magictrales tiagletralVs a alrle
trales lrle Cowl CowlMagistrate CII CII1Lrt CeurlMagistrate
Magistrate 1Lrt Dootoy Dl m I th 1 the Adam Ad street streetcourt streetcourt IJ IJCrrt
of ofitevro orNYI ofeevi
court Crrt Brooklyn Jldr ye yestartlay torrlay 1 disposed dlrJ
eevi itevro n alleged ali violations 11 of the exeieo exeieolaw eseheelaw s sla
law la by saloon ro keeper kep und U wader r tbe rules rukroeently r rulesreetly
roeently for formulated MI ulat d br b Mayer Te Goyaer GoyaerIn
In four fnr cocoa the u pofleraian failed at ta tabow teI toelmew
bow I I that kt th I the lien 1 ple ww net netaipceed 1 er17 er17sipeeed
aipceed I and Inn eharfM w wars ra raTwo dseeel dseeelTwo
Two oaem a worn soot er to t Mpeetal Mpeetalawl fIrselas fIrselassad
awl reserved r ta 1 iha remaining r coo ea o I dseMion eiteo WM WMreserved wasresettet
TO AropueY AropueYflen AIO l ln i i
flen Iawe and n llener hi the Ilflnl Kpankh War Warand sr r ra
and a In I the b Baser neiI Rrbrlllen R II Career Careeretable Cat CaresrNIhle
etable I ta I That t lie le II Retained Retainedtlea lnf1 Peel Peeltias 1 1I
tlea I ta Nary Nat After Afr Leu er r Mnmtwrauna Mnmtwr 4umnbem84Jt7A llbn llbnUAh
auna BAMAEI UAh Cat Ct May eUear eUearAdmiral Ilear IlearAdzalral ar arA
Admiral A Ucl McCalla U a B S X died die early earlytoday Mrl Mrlfy earlytoday
today of
fy apoplexy apoplexyItoar apl aplR
Rear R Admiral Al Bowman D H I McCalla Mcala re retired ret retlredbetterknownin ¬
tired t tlredbetterknownin better bte known kW in fIfty rU forecMtlesdur forecMtlesduring fOIUfdur fOIUfdurI
ing I tn the U thsSpsnlahws Spanish 8 war a as ssOIdhJowtnn Old Ol Bowman O 11 11commander I hiC01ndr
commander ce of the tb Tub Tb of 0 Blood mod was one oneofflcor o 000offleor
offlcor omcr of 0 the t United Unt State ta Navy who wholived wh whoLived
lived 1m down dO severe f punishment of his hisown bl IlLSowii
own o great g fault faut and a under wr this th handicap handicapworked hdc handicapworksdhlawsy
worked workh worksdhlawsy hi way to t honor hDo and high hh position positionOnce ptloD1 ptloD1O positionOnce
Once O he b was courtmart curlal courttnarilalled tailed and a sen sentenced sentlnoed ¬
tenced te to dismissal dlmb from rm the navy u a usentence aHnt aRnttnco
sentence Hnt afterward a aft ern erward commuted commlt to three threeyean threeyear hr i
yean e suspension and a because bU of the thereauUaal tb theresultant
resultant rut1 apo loss I of numbers lumb even lnn though thoughhe tbuh I
he h was reinstated rltl he wan W Si I yean r old oldbefore ole olibefore i
before bfor be b gained p bl his captaincy cplaat A hard hardtaskmaster hJ hJfakmter hardtukmnastse
taskmaster fakmter and a a tremendous Irndu worker workerand workerand oTIr oTIra
and a fighter fte McCalla fc11 won Y a good name namefor laD namefor
for Europe EuropHe Ep Europelie himself hl with lb sailors Nl and D monarch monarb of ofEurop o oEp ofEurope
He le wa u born b In Camden CAdf N J June Jut 19 IIISM 19IU
ISM IU and a was YA appointed pplDW to Uw Ut Naval NavaAcademy NavalAcademy ava
Academy Acemy in I 1MI Ill iia Ills first ft assignment assignmentafter lmellt lmelltnrl
after nrl hi his graduation auto in IMI I WM to the tbnsteam th theatiam
steam tm sloop aop Susquehanna 8ullb in the lb Brazil Brazilsquadron Brui Brazilwluadrnn
squadron aur in 1WJ I after a the Ib War Wa of th thRebellion tbIllion thus thusEabellion
Rebellion Illion was over From Frm the t Stuque Stuquehanna 8uu 8uuI Susquebatina
hanna hn he h was transferred Irrel to tl the steam steamsloop steamslnnji IumBky
I sloop Brooklyn Bky in the tomb I1h Atlantic Atlanticsquadron Atato AtatoeunJ Atlanticrquadnn
squadron eunJ In Ittfl I and thence hen he tft went lt to toCapt toI toI
I Capt rap Winslow 1n old fighter htr th Iht the Kearmrge Kearmrgein Krrc
in th Ihe Pacific Pf squadron squadronIt Ur
It 1 wan while wbl he b wa 1 In command lm ncl of ofthe 0 0h ofthe
the h Enterprise tfp in the Ihl European up squadronIn squadron
In 1M7 after artr having baTnllrM served three Ih years yearsshore yearschore a aa
shore a duty dUlrln in the t theNaval Naval a1 Academy anti amisix anlla antialt
six a yearn Mr at Aenlatant AItt Chief Cllr in the Ih bureau bureauof buaI buaIo
of o navigation nrptlo that I ht McCalla 1fcaUa brought broughtdivgrace brllKht brllKhtdv bromiglitdisgrace
disgrace dv upon up himself h I through tbrlch hot blt temper temperAfter tfmlrIe temperAfter
After Ie an enlisted eilat man m had ha one lay < cursed cursedhim Nrll Nrllhi eursetIhim
hi him because bU reprimanded rpme for drunken drunkennee drnkfn
nee 1 McCalla Mc11 lort control ntrl of himself hlal and andbroke a andbroke
broke bke one of the t sternest t l rule ni of the thenavy thenavy
navy 1 by L striking Irkinl tlie tim sailor Unr with Ith the thl flat flatof ft fto tatof
of hi b his sword awordFor swordFor otd otdYo
o For Yo till this act a be b was w oourtmartiallfxt oourtmartiallfxtami ourtmirlal
and nd sentenced to be diimiiwd di1 from rom the thanavy Ih thenavy
navy 1 Hef Ieor Before llt ore the Ihl order of o o ilinral tlII ttlsmiusuuI wan wanpromulgated w wplte waitpnjtwzlgatmd
promulgated plte and aD through tluh the IhlllnlmUon IhlllnlmUonlt Intervention Interventioniif
sit lt other o officers omtn who wh hail known th the worth worthof lrh
of McCalla lc a U a stern disciplinarian lUnr in inthn II iiithe
0 the lay 11 whoa he disciplinn dlKipll wa WA at a low lowbb 10 lowebb
ebb bb In the tll navy nvy this thl sentence Intrn was mid mitigated 11t midI ¬
I gated pl to throe th year mispen miapenuinn ion front rrm thus thntrice th thIlc thusI
I trice Ilc and a low 1 of IIJo numbers nlmhtt Again Againintervention igaiiiV ll llIntMllo
V intervention IntMllo softened 8fll thin Ihi iunishtnmt III lutmnlahmnerttanti iunishtnmtand IIflt IIfltand
and in IW an c order or was atoned 1IK imtorlnj imtorlnjiMHVilla rrustodnMcglii ton
t iMHVilla to duty dut In ion 1 tt Prraldent PrraldentMcKlnley ldnlcJlnl IrrusidentdcKIttIy
McKlnley cJlnl restored rlOI th Ib thus < t Commander Colmalw tu tuthe II tothe
the U pice pl nlac In II use ll navy nvr list ll 11 he lw had ha hell lieMat 1111la
la at the t time 11 of lit Iw disralmal dail tiecauco 11 of ofline 0 0I oftlhe
line I lh meritorious mr toroU service rl8 he lund rendereil rendereilin dfrl dfrlubl
in 11 Cuban ubl water at during dun C thus th Spanish Snla war warHi lar warlii
Hi 1 punishment flblll t hail bl been a hard blow blowto blo
to McCalla lcala and ad when la at t the bcguming bcguminguf bp
uf o me tha tim war wa with 1t Kpaln be b found himwlf himwlfin hm1 nj
in command trld of 0 th Ihlil ii HpD littl pn Plttlttd > t oted cruiser cnitnerIMarMebead cllr cllrarhlbNI cruiserarIJehet
IMarMebead arhlbNI while youngvr men who whohad whohid bo boon
had once on lx been n Mow 1lc OUI him in rank rnl had hodpbUM hadI
pbUM I P of 0 higher Nebt pnfirenc prt h 1 bus throw throwIdiBaeif Ih Ihhf threwidrnaelt
IdiBaeif hf Into the ll work wok of o making mll hi hl crew crewand r irewland
ad and hi h his r wl 1 the Ib subject of o comment commentfrom ommft ommftfrrl commentfrotu
from frrl all the fleet fe of great et lutthwhlp ttUJhlp ItzttleahlpaI
I Immediately Irfiltly after at the t sinking allnJ o of f th thMaine 11 the theMaine
Maine ae MotVtlla 101 bad ld aranted el the tb war a to tofollow toI tofollow
follow tOlo and ad had h gained ll permission plo from fromItear fmmdmr fromheir I
I heir Admiral dmr Hampson Kp to take this littlo littlolioat Jlt litUlmst
lioat around aud in the le I ls of a deserted llld island I iI i ioff
I off praetio ptO Key Wet W N and drill drl M h his men It in target targetpraetio lrt lrtptO targetDttmctlo i
Tim nl result ut of o all U Ux t banging war in inthe I Inti
the t ti fane 1 of 0 the t ui Gulf GI wUdernea widl tac WM that thatwhea lht lhtwb thatwben
whea wb war a came ce the t Uorulehead > rM wa A a averitable afle averitable
veritable fle hornet b of n a ship ap trulnnd 1A to thus thnminute thusminute
minute mlu for ro fighting Ilb McCalla 31caU directed dilt diltI directedtI
11 I t tI Im hla landing of the It lb marinm mriDat at Oitantanamo OitantanamoKay Onalrmo Onalrmoand I Iay
Kay ay and he h led the forces < which whifh with withthe withthe Uh
the aid ae of the th Marhli Marblehead lrllh > nt ad tn I > Dolphin Dolphinml Uollhlll Uollhlllale I
ale anti ml th th Huwanoe HIa strove dl hark htk the Ih Span HpanianU Hpn Hpnit Spanlard
lard it to Csltnenira ehnr During Ouriol1I all the II time timethat ln lnlbt timethat
that lbt Uuntamn luantanamn Bar B wa WA held 1flr liy Ir the theAmerirami Ih Ihmfr thetmertran
Amerirami mfr MrColla lcl lirectnl dirl1 < all U affair affairi aaifl
i won w 0 over 01 p th tI thus confidence frdtt of thus tl Cuhan Cuhansnd llan llannd uhansanti
anti superintondnl lupDlfIt1 the li landing lAndin of the thegreat Ihl thusgreat
great inane In n of supplim upl It Was at thi thitime IhlI this thistime
I time I that Ibt the tl Marhlelwwd 31rhlbd won on the Ibt ugly uglysobriquet u uglysobriquet
ltbriqul sobriquet of 0 I hi tt Tub of Blood Blo liecsum liecsumof 1 luecawsI
10 I of It It ita persistent flltrt search lath for trouble lroulf and andani antiesgriias n1 n1er
er esgriias ani m for a ruction ructionMrCallA rJclo rwtloniMahlR
1111 MrCallA iwlved fh1 hi hi h14 el ciplaincy plainer pr n < in inA illthxtt ll llW
A thxtt uw W t if f IfOT 1t sf u1 r after a years 11r shore shoreduty choredtitv ho hodlltya
duty dlltya a as captain cplt of lt lh I thus Norfolk Navy SA Yard Yardhe 1anl 1anlhe Vanibe
he wa I attiched alch1 to the Ih A Alt Asiatic lattc station stationTroutht IIUto elationFrouLi
Troutht Tl Uv 11 out Olt there IIr lust jl about bt that Ittattime Ib1ti thattime
time ti and an McCall fAI cot t into IlItl the middle middleof mldl mldlor
of it It He U was Wa assigned I to K monqullii monqulliifleet mOullo mOullof niouiquilsulliet
fleet f of Little Ultn comber CI < and nd gunboat cnbl on onthe unthe onthe
the north nh and ane went Nt ast 0 of lu fAJI iusn iusnwhere > n nwhem
where Agiiinaldov Allinll iruurcent IRUICt w were r nt nuk nuking nakItmg I ¬
ing thing merry In December f mr of 1W9 1W9Cant I ICapt lt9OCapt
Capt Mi 3101 < allA led a little befit of ofotlSII ofofticera 330 330orncers
orncers and men through the forests forestsof
of 0 Luzon to the thllftt1oor reii relief > r of ollh the city clt of 0 Viawhirh Via siganwhich 11 11whlda
which was held against a Urge force uf ufInsurgent ofinsurgent f fInllr
Insurgent Inllr l liy a handful of men m of the theThlrtylhinl IhllThlrtyUllt1 theThlrtythirii
Thlrtylhinl Volunteer Infantry Six Sixday Kiletara Sixdays
day later McCalbi received Ibo formal formalsurrender formalsurretuier
surrender of 0 all the I h in II16IJ11ofI tirrcto in the theprovince Ibfoopro11nOla theprovince
province of 0 l loaltI al IU and nd Cugayan Ua yan n and andin
in the Batan bland
lion the Boxer os 1II lad kleg to Km lega legations Iftp11011II Isugathiis ¬
I tions In P PklD kin in Iton MotUIU YaI lla thin in incommand 10co tocommand
command co of tho cruiser Newark rlt put 111I1I Hit Hithimself
I himself bI 1t at the head of 0 1 111 1 officer and nd ro men IUffIrom menI n nfrom
I I from rom his ah ship Ip and joined the force of ofrelM ofrelief
relief under the British Admiral H Seymour Seymourhfewasin ymour ymourHews JDIOIIIHe
I He hfewasin Hews wuln in the battiest txmttleatTlenamten at Tlenwlen receiving receivinga Ivln IvlnIIol1lrlln
a wound IIol1lrlln In that engagement fD ltmoml and it wn wnMid was wassaid 11II
I Mid at t the lima that when b thus Ih allied alliedtroop alliedmops 1 1lroo
troop lroo stormed the Ih wall of Pekln C tpt tptI apt aptloCislLt pt ptMoCalla
MoCalla WM u the first man of all aillh the allied alliedI aUi1fofn alliedforces
I I force to scale Ie the moment an J omt wall under underflre 11nIrI
I lire of e r thus Ih Holers machine gun He Hewas 11110JudCC11n liewas
was wounded In three placet IIJa at this sortie sortli1In aortlrn
In his bl odldal oftlclalllport report to hi his Oovernment Oovernmentupon MvernninIupon
upon the th operation of r the allied forced forcedin forcesin
in China VWAdmiral Seymour rocom rocommmded recommended m mmftlfied
mended that the Ib Qne CJIIftIII > tt conri convey y to the thePreld IheI
I Preld Prseldent < mt of o th the Lnllod State h her r ap appreciation opIprrclatlon it itpredation ¬
Iprrclatlon predation of 0 tM II work done by Macatand McCulU McCulUand lcCallAI
and bin II hi 11 men The captain of the Newrrk Newrrkwa werk werkwas rrk rrkAflnntf
I wa advanced < 1 three lit number in I II grade gradeI
I for ot hi his services in the Boxer Bosercam Boxeronrnpajgn BoxeronrnpajgnCapt carapoJgn carapoJgni 1tD 1tDI
I i Capt McCalla later lal was put in com commaml commanel commanti
maml of the Ih new n Knaraarge KCllult1r o and Dd in 1803 1803he 13I i iI
I he received llCei1 the command of o the San KanFranctam 1iIUIrnnli SanPrsncleou
Franctam rnnli naval training station It IthUll was waswhite waswhiles
white hUll he im wa a at thi this post that h be beadnnoeol was wasadvance wsadvanced
advance 1 to the grade of Bewr Admiral Aflmiraland Admiralanti
and when 1111 be wn commandant OO of the JUr JUrIsland
I Island Navy V Yard anI In California he h was wasplaced wasImlad i iilll4tfd
placed on the h retired lit in June IKM IKMBeoiUM 11nIIcnUlfl I
BeoiUM of hi hili signal Ipa activity n < II1I1 in the theBoxer theBoxer
Boxer o 1 campaign Hear Admiral McCsIbv McCsIbvreceived MCCSILareceived fcCalJaed I
received ed from rom Kal r Wllhelm the Order Orderof
of the Rd Eagle of thus sooond cla claand clam clamand
and King Jtin Edward VII conferred upon uponhim UpOll1blru uponI
him the tii Pekln war r medal medalciup medalciupiiunun clvip clvipuuninn
I uuninn rxoEtt ORIl TRM T wnrcK wnrcKllrskrman WIlTCIiItrtkflllan IrflECIiIIrlemafl
I II llrskrman Killed KiliedesPart n rsTl Part ef f an n Onfarle Onfarleand Oftlarleand Ontartsod
and Western r1t Prelghl Ix 14srs strsTraeh strsTraehMlDWJfrowj Trans TraCllI TransMDpLTowt
I MlDWJfrowj X Y May Ia n One man manwa mllwa roanwas
wa killed and Ilh the lives Ii of o a train crew crewwere fIWwrtil crewwe
were endangered In a wreck on the U Saran Kcranton anIon SarantoU
ton branch of Ui thus Ontario and Western WmteroTUIlroad WesternRailroad i iRalllll
TUIlroad at Hanmick N Y at I oclock oclocktonight uelocktonidlt ucluektnnight
tonight An n extra MouthlKiund to coal coaltrain 11181train onsultrin i
train wa running at t high h It IIIIf pei d > d down downJ a aHteeii ateiu I
Hteeii J grade when the kwontotive and andtwelve If1tel andtwelve i
twelve tel ear left the Ih rail Brokenian BrokenianDaniel BrakensanDaniel r IAII IAIIDII
Daniel Kennedr of Carttondalo rbtJlldah wa lxirie laidesiI < l limderth
1 imderth uldflrthwlfkav wr rlcage ftioflrerniui Ihuusfiremnanjiimnpeu Ihuusfiremnanjiimnpeuaftd jiiinpml jiiinpmland < IInfWCII
and the engineer wa wee thrown I ffn front nllll hi hitt rah rahwindow rAilwindow caJswindow
I window lratliiUlglillngolearoftb both ahiglulingeiesrof Ie creek wrrkag k kar >
ag ar and escapIng plnK with lirht II mL hurt hurUl
It l is I understood hilt time tll lirake failed faiMto all I
to work M a the train wa w deMondlng th thmountain thmOllfltaln the themountain
mountain mountainTho
TINt ThoThe trJ Street lhMln h ening srni srniThe 11
The 11 Wall Htroet fit edition of o Tint Tntlrltlll Eras ErasSuit ix ixSex f fS
Sex contain all the financial ndal new and andthe andt ad adtile
the t stock and boast quotation lo > the cl ales cleMor alesor oe oeof
or be x narket 1II The TIt dosiag quotatMM quotatMMbid qlMtatjoMBeItC qtietatiocmIeehj4iii
BeItC tile bid bIcIuWd oed a4ed price wHh wKhaMkloiaI It It Itadttll188lM1fa
aMkloiaI adttll188lM1fa awamKerare 1MHer eee8IJaMaIIIo eee8IJaMaIIIofalIIIIi oendiedaLoaihI
falIIIIi aihI tkin at I TE2TMIa TE2TMIai
If1Jmrrulll iv 4N i v ATTFVL FIX FIXlie X XUIIIUIdIat xl xlIi
lie UIIIUIdIat Ii Ceuhlat te That t MWit t AiVtrts AddttIatbeHInetltlr to tothe totheKlngtltaiyIitit
the tbeHInetltlr Kins ef ttalr nut tn Uldr1 thsMediIflhdtr7 thsMediIflhdtr7cpvdS Medal 114 nIdlra nIdlracMI itrar itrarSyrrtrtt
Syrrtrtt C Calls V Dttptlc I Tsl Sr SrHOUK fT1I ir1Ifoita
HOUK May a eA A very amusing atnualncilloident Incident IncidentIn
In t > nnectlon with the he reception ptlon of 0 Oen OenStewart GinStewart
Stewart U I Woodford chairman of thus thoHudaonFulton th thIlI1l thuslludsonFWhzin
HudaonFulton IlI1l Celadratlon Commission CommUsloiiby
by b King Victor Emmanuel ha has Just leaked leakedout leakedout
out Be DMld ide the Ih gold medal which Don DonWoodford OMWoodf DenWoodfurl
Woodford Woodf I wa authorized to present to tohi 10hla tohi
hi hla Majesty there wa a finely illuminated illuminatedaddrem lIIumlnfaJd Illuminatedadsirees
addrem aJd which w wa enclosed in a Tiffany Tiffanycase
case Mr Irishman the th American Am Ambassador Ambusador Ambassador ¬
bassador to Italy took exception to on onpaasane ooe ooep8I4aeln 0510passage
passage p8I4aeln in the addrea addhlchread which read In part porttha partIM partthe
the spiritual relation which connect a aUrge alarl alarge
Urge number of our people with Ith their theirreligious thtlrliioUII theirreligious
religious liioUII head In nom This of 0 count countwaa OOUJla coursewas
was a direct reference to the Pope who ho ta tanot I IlIot Ihot
not recognized J a as a sovereign by the theUnited theUnlled theUnited
United States Government GovernmentUen
hen Woodford could not see hi hlA way wayclear wayclear a1 a1olear
clear to modify the address which had hadeen hatlI hulbsnshgued
I bsnshgued > een signed by hysuchpromirieni such prominent Americans Americaca
a u J 1 Plerpont Morgan Andrew Carnegie Camegiaand
and nd Joseph Choate and nd finally nnall decided decidedto
to 1 suppress upp limo address add altogether altogetherWhen altoptherWhen altogetherWhen
When Gen Woodford started from his hishotel hlahqtel hishotel
hotel for ho Qulrinal ha h discovered that thatth Ihattile thatthe
th tile gokl medal medaloU wa was missing He searched searchedaverywher eearchedtnIIrywhffII searchedeverywhere
everywhere but bltlOuld could not find It Event Evontttvlly Eventmily
ttvlly 1111 he b remembered that he h had been beenout beenOllt beenout
out in an automobile with Mr lIJ11 Woodford Woodfordand
and be b called another auto and flew flewtoward ft fttoard flewtoward
toward the th Vatican Ha JI caught Mrs MrsWoodford lInWoodrord MrsWoodfortj
Woodford juit Jy In time timeWhen llmllhfO timeWhen
When they returned to the QuirinAl Qulrinaland
and just a as Den Woodford was entering enteringthe
the throne room the chauffeur who whoOllt WM WMnut wasout
nut of breath thrust a package Into OeD OenWoodford OeDWoo GeeWooujforde
Woodford Woo rorrl hands To the horror of 0 the theGeneral theOtral theGeneral
General the package contained th the un unwished IInwlabrd onwjahesi ¬
wished for or oddroo as well ell a as the gold goldmedal coWmlal goldmedal
medal Th nddrem adtir su wo too bulky hulk for fortha rorI forthe
the I floonral l nrral to put In his hi pocket Ha Hatried lieIrlf1 II IIrind
tried to hid it but the King Kin spotted it itand Itanol
and 1141 said 1 seus e you yo I liav something somethingI
I 15 I ii it for nwV nwVThe III IIITIle nsus nsusrime
The unhappy CI flnerai n nral nl tAinmsred out outYes outour outvep
Yes your our MaJ lltajlro Mty and banded over overtho overtbll overthus
thus fatal document documentTha
The King Klnel1ft after reading It expressed expressedhirtwlf elpreuedblm1f ipreuedliimseIf
hirtwlf a All delighted Ho turned over overtlie oYtlrtile overtime
tile leaves 1 one by on onus and finally fin cally said saidIM saidbe 101 101h
IM h woukl vrtto rllIl1 a letter of thanks to Am AmhiMiadnr AmImlultor Ambseiulnr
hiMiadnr LeUhman LeUhmanr
r 1 s sKrrniTtKs iv 1 OKHVAY OKHVAYallanal tililttTItrl JIM4EDrredtfl
Itrl and National lIli 1 Bank k feotraet I ITaki e eTake 1 1ora
Take ora > Urge Ulerk sf Railroad Rallr Reads Readslt4l Odew feedsw14Z
lt4l w Ijkl I jIt Dtiiuxii 10 I Tan Hex HexIlrnim tinIIfhUff tIcshiLlitlx
Ilrnim May n 1The The Dresden Io Bank Bankand BaDkand Hankand
and the National Bank have taken t n over overFrom overrrom overfrom
From thus Ih Morgan Interest a fiertaln fiertalnamount Nrtlnamount osrialnamount
amount of Southern railroad bond bondThe hondTh bondsThe I
Th The amount ha linus not yet 1 been n deflnltoly deflnltolyflxed raitlr raitlrnr
fixed nr Th The fd idea < 4 < to place pia the these tx bonds bondson > n < l lon
on the German market Thus TJa banks are arenow arennw arenow
now rnicaic engaged d In wtlnfying 1Iryln < tho tit Inquiries Inquiriesof
of the th Kourw lomml tommlslnn < lon a as < to this con condition condillon n ndililln ¬
dillon ditionThovi dilillnTh dillonTheist
Theist Th condition lllItion nro s of 0 a highly ex exlauntive fSI cxhaustive
launtive I ullth and ronipllcated nature The Thelank Thbank Thebanke
lank export In bond ha tinted them themor Ihrrror themfor
for or ten n tu fourteen t04lrt day da and negotiation negotiationare
a are still proceeding with Ii view 1 to a mimi mimitar lmiartratiMiPtluninthernionPacincfecuri
tar artratiMiPtluninthernionPacincfecuri artratiMiPtluninthernionPacincfecuriti transaction In the nlon 1lKInCfoCIlri 1lKInCfoCIlritI Pacific stood stoodtis
ti tis Il rotofnro 1Itor dealing deli In the th stocks stocksnamed etosnamed tock tocknamIIUI
namIIUI named have been carried on direct with withNew wllhS withNew
New S York orlc Neither ltht1 the Ih Di Oile nnt newil newilschaft 01haft Gesuljuchift
schaft haft nor the Doutveho Bank U I con concorneil oonc contmest
corneil c In UM tran traltAllctlcIfI actlon
Under the tb heading of A New Invasion Invasionof 1 1of
of American Bond the U BtrNnrr 8fT rage TagtI TageWoft
Mart comment upon a New ft York tale telojgram eel eelIJIUII talegrain
jgram grain reporting the proponed p plaring of ofAmerican ofAmerican
Immtll American bond hond1n IB Germany It say sayi a aI
i I I Whether the German monay motW market marketi
I i Ia bear blood let Ufo
strong enough fIUIJIlp1o M letting thig thigto
I 110 u the amount of a quarter of a milliard IIIIIIUIrdor milliardof
of mark through taking lakin over thee theeAmerican Ih Ih1rn4tiran theseArnetlian
American hondas 1101I tliruugli German l bank hSDUInillOt bankmust > anksiniiot
1rn4tiran must lie h regarded r a as doubtful It would wouldnot wouldnot ouldIlIIt
not bo I ami alme if a breath of thus tb mistrust mlstnutwhich mistrustwhirls
which has h long extent S tM in England EnJandInomlttlo were woirtrn weretransmitted
trn transmitted > mltted to the German banking worid woridtixrs worldI woridil4StGVIS
UitWS tixrs isMirti isMirtir IIIIrtfncw
> r c Opera ncw te I lie Heady > r fSl t nintrr linn
I First lrat PulHIe Pmenlallen Here HereI IieelOin
I I + icui 1rtV lOin ttfiiHUH u it r TBS Tu TuIIoSlII ThiI0ua 3r 3rI
I KOMR May lar I Piotro 1I ro Ma 3fsea ra4 o gnl II In an aninterview anInlI anI
I interview InlI today tCMIa said ho had finished finishedtho IInIb IInIbIbe
time first set et of hi his new opera O > I 1Ltcau1 1Ltcau1I laabeau beau beauhalf I II
I halt of 0 the second act and some part rt of ofI 0 I
I lthethlnl lthethlnlThe the third thirdThe
II The opera will b bus ready drlOl for presentation presentationtwit I I1OIlIt
I twit winter Inl Before It i Ia produced In InAmerica InmriA inAmerica
America It will III Iw given privately In Italy Italyin
in order to comply IOIn lr with tho copyright th law lawj lawrunn lawitvnri
j nnonri runn ronvijon ion on VtJUIl ainoi nlllDlI11I nlllDlI11IIliInS1 lurnuI IFU IFUI
I IliInS1 I Kings e letrnger Bwrn E CMMlcmned te tePar I IPa toPay
Par Pa mm IIQO + Damage DamageMay Dam DamfflII nsmnapclmI
pclmI fflII rst HI mspstnt II t TIn S SI 3vx 3vxiOKDOe
IoNDO May Ia C The Th Probate and andivorc andJvomo andDivorce
I Divorce > ivorc Dirilon of th Ihmh the High Court of Jus Justice JuetI Jus1tlcs ¬
1tlcs tice tI granted p1Int a divorce today to Major MajorBiddulph MajorRiddulphi IaJor8iddulph
Biddulph who alleged that his hi wife bad hodt badmlflCOnductttd badtiiisconductnd
t misconducted hrn herself lf with lth Guy Lestrange Lestrangei
i Lwen a Kings Kin messenger metuengerTbo mn mnTbt
The court also 1110 awarded nled to Major Rid Riddulph melI
I dulph 7KX > damages damagesniurs darualJCi damagesiitirs
JCi niurs ml1 now SCAT wren IIOMK IIOMKllointng IOVII
I llointng emInS en Sue Nlramrr nsrtnret nsrtnretMere nrba nrbaIon nsntIrssae nsntIrssaetert >
Mere I4 light ht on Her Death Deathfttut DonUtpecdil tlL tlLtfoIl
fttut tfoIl f t It y Doptfft U It The Me Melion tIcs I
lion M stay r BA G further rllrth r investigation invmtleationInto
Into the cause of the death of Ml 31JJa Eatelle EatelleI EatUIII Eatellelipid
I I lipid the 111 American girl Irl who chose body hodrround wa wafound was wasfounut
found In the hay of Naples apl hs h hasu be ben benwithout m mwithout I Ij
j without result Thus 111 body boot ha baa b be n em eml
i l tolm1 lnint and nd will be shipped to New York YorUby Yorkby or
by 1 the stoimthip fUrbaro BotrbaroML a today todayPlMCKIXIi IodarIOCIU todayPiocKaXf
I Kmprn ef Ireland Halt 1Ia ath Front Urrrpe UrrrpeWith Unpe1IUI
With IUI Iteeerd erd Crowd ef EmltrsBl EmltrsBlSpnitt IimlgrantaSrecSl
I i
Spnitt s ct C < Dfiftta CII it r T Tax i Srx SrxLivrnmou II II1rlOOL tIiimmvreroou
Livrnmou mvreroou May br II The steam Iamhp eteamibpFmprea hp hpKmpre
I Kmpre Fm ffl of Ireland rstl called II d for Canada Canadatoday Canadatoday
today to with liJ I passengers of whom wlwm111I
01 111I are emigrant emigranteTill
Till break brf thus Ih record for this line lineMalMAMi UOfM lineiLfltXIAN
Rebel Capture Djakwta Djak DjksiaDeipstrhes AroenUnc a te teDeiptrne I II
I Deiptrne Krvra Kaleolra Kaleolraftdtl 818IIlatfIl
ftdtl tfIl Ctrit C Cae UttfMt I Ie TB NI ear 3C9TVIKNNA 301INIU earYnitusa
VIKNNA INIU May a Despatehee received receivedhere rectindMrtt receivedhere
here from Ualonica report port that th the rebel rebellion rebelU rebellious ¬
lion U I Albanian have captured Djakov Djakovwhere DJak01awh Djekoyswhere
where wh they attacked the Turkish garrison gamsona rrilOll rrilOllda I
a few day da ago agoDuke qoPuke agoDuke
Duke eiT Jfanrhnler Inspects Chlldreni Chlldreniiort ChldrinpcUrt
cUrt iortTha cUrtThe
The Duka of 0 Manchester wa the tbfIllltllt guest guetof
of Justice Hoyt In the Children Court Courtyeotenlay COllrtrllIIa Courtyesterday
yesterday Ha H net through the entire entireo entlrIon entireuupsioP
uupsioP o ion II lie said that ho had been much muchInterested I1Il1ebIntl1lll4d muchInterested
Interested in the proceedings proceed III P Asked Askedwhether AIr Askedwhether 1 1h
whether h hr there wa much difference llIerM IMI IMIIween I Itwftn hitween
Iween Knghuli o b and American Amttrl juvenile juveniledeliixtuont JuveniledUIIIIlllt11i juvenilesiIitoiintti
deliixtuont ha answered answeredItrally ana ana1Iall answered9tralIy
Itrally 1Iall you know lImit while they theywere Ihqre theywertu
were re all 11 Amortean of course there tb wore woreno
no I many 1fWI flfl1 different race represented representedbere
here today tIMIa I wa too much bewilderedtrying bewildered eUdnedIrylfl eeiWerodtrying
trying to keep track of thorn I 11Im lo attempt attemptany
any 11 Y otimnariwMiPrivy fItIIIt otimnariwMi empsrtaetsMu n
01 Mu Privy CflttBiHIier of oour comae I bad badsoBMthiRg hdaemetMRc hadsoniethieg
soBMthiRg to do with the I passage of ofjeUe a ajuveatle ajuvenile
juvenile otendera land oat a aM d of erI eextria
1 wa w was lntemt IlIttrrtIfOld d tfi Mog hnw ealVlren ealVlrenwore ehlrlfftIJt klMrenwere
wore lfftIJt d dset k with lth Here HereThe hrene her herTb
The Di D kU ke sails oa 081 Tuesday Tusedayj <
The nnt TIBM tile Ut tatUtatln Uj Coo Cooferred C CIrrrtd Cooleered
ferred That tleaertll 1T Wie et1C rk M a aIllsterlaa aIlIaertan ahistorian
historian Cited I Ii Prey III IIlIIaapt II Rlgnt te teItAfieraeea t toitAfterneest i iItAtla1tMG
ItAfieraeea With b KIDS llaakeo llaakeoC4M UuIt UuItrrwJ IIUhSQ3si
CHBUTUNU May eThe Tb University Universityf
of > f Norway conferred upon CoL Theodore TheodoreRoosevelt 1beodo1wRooanelt TheodoreRoosevelt
Roosevelt the degree of doctor ot philoso philosophy phlJoeoph pbficsopity ¬
pity ph honoris oauaa at noon to today < Uy The Thebooor n nhonor Tbhonor
honor t la of special significance becausethis because becauaethI beceneethis
this thI la the first time that thb dgr cteree baa hobeeo baalING baabeen
lING conferred upon any an one although althoughIbe
Ibe lb university unItTI1tII will ceUbraU IU I centenary ceateaoryoeit
oeit year yearTbe rearTlI yearTb
Tbe occasion was charocUrixsd d by bypleasing brI bypleasing
pleasing simplicity Th The Cine and OoL OoLROOMTCU CoLROOMYeIt GilRoceorelt
I ROOMTCU drove 4 couple of hundred hundredyard hundredInIa hundredyards
yard from the palace psmlacwbero where the sPrat eiPresid uProddent sPratdat
d dent nt bid spent Die night and were wereconducted wereconducted re reconducWd
conducted to the lb theatre of the lb university universitywhere unlnflltwhere universitywhere
where they took seati t In root of the thetribune thetribune betrIbuD
tribune tribuneThe tribuneThe
The gaiter wa filled with lth student studentwho atudl1lho studentswho
who ho opened the proceeding by tinting tintingThe IIlntnaThe singingTb
The Star Spangled d Banner BannerThen BannerTbeD hlsnnerThen
Then the rector of the university universitywearing unlYmilrearlnC universitywearing
wearing the chain of hIa hi ofloe ascended atoendedthe
the tribune He II welcomed CoL Rooeerelt Rooeereltheartily ooIIenltheartilr Ilocievelthenrthly
heartily In a abort speech and then gave gaveway gaveway i
way to the dean of 0 the faculty of philoso philosophy tbIloaol tbIloaolphr pliliosopity ¬
pity who nude the beet address that ho hobeen ballbeen hamsbeen
been beard during the Colonels Colon I tour tourlilt lourilia tourill
lilt ill high praise of the lb former ro r President Presidentwoe Pnldenmlnlltd
woe mingled with humor He ram rampared oompoeM cornpared
pared the Colonel to a human engine enginewhich ffIctnehlob enginewhich
which was always alwa under n full ull b bid > d of ofteam 0 0alMm ofstrain
team and surrounded by a cloud of pollti polltical poiltical IOUtI IOUtIealamoke
cal ealamoke smoke and duet which made It difficult difficultto
to oatoh a glimpse of the man himself hinuelfFor blmaelrFor himselfFor
For thla reason through the IL cloud some aomottboulht somethought omothought
thought they th caught eight of an angel angelwith IIDplwith angelwith
with a halo while others bettered it I wa waa wu wasa i
a modern dun that they bad Men MenIn seenIn I
In another postage the 111 dean spoke spokechaSssly spokediafilogly
chaSssly of the Colonel fuming mlnc to be bea
a giant sitting on Olympus among the thegods theIOOa lbsgods I
gods and added that he might object objectto
to thus being pulled bock to earth to toreoalre 10nroeln toreceive
receive the honor which the university unlrenityas
w was as about to confer upon him himThe himThe himThe
The dean referred to Col Roosevelt Rooseveltliterary RooneltI Rooseveltsliterary
literary work ork of which ha showed con considerable oonaIdtorabl considerabi ¬
I siderable knowledge t lie U admitted that thatthe lhatIh thatthe
the Ih writing of 0 the exPresident would wouldnot Wouldnot wouldnot
not last as a long as a tho those > of Homer and andthe andIhe andthe
the great philosopher Ho admitted admittedeven
even that the Colonel fame might not notbe Dotbe nothe
be undying but ha said The Thm Winning of ofthe oftime
the Wet fetO justified the degree which the thouniversity tbounlnrralt theuniversity
university was about to confer upon him himas
as a It had been written from original originalresearch orilrII1ItPSe11rch originalresearch
research researchThe tPSe11rchnet researchThe
The students at then I sang a latin song IIOnlatfr songafter ongafter
after which the Ih rector a axen ascended c nded the tribu tribunal IribulIal tribuoat ¬
oat and presented the th Colonel with his hisdiploma bl bldiplonu hisdiplomn
diploma addressing addrseinghimiaa him hlmln In M few r words of ofLatin ofLatin I
Latin as a most learned and wellbeloved wellbelovedbrother wellLtloedbrolher wellbelovedbrother
brother brotherThu brotherThe
The Colonel l loaello in reply MV thus tb students itudentaa ItudllDlahort
a abort but ut very emphatic lecture on ondoing ondolnl ottdoing
doing whatever Job they lb had on hand handThe bandTb handThe
The students sang NIl another verse of a alatin artln
latin none after which I Ir > r Roosevelt Rooseveltdrove Rooaenltdre Jioceeveltdray
drove off with the King to the palace palaceThe palaceThus
The Colonel left at eas oclock on a aspecial apeoical aipdal
special train which bad he t n provided by bythe byIbll bythe
the State He It travel tIirl la the Kings
private car He had twtrt spent the afternoon afternoonwith afternoonwith
with King Haaknn In driving around Ux Uxcity thtelt thecity > I
city elt Mr lIJ11Boow1ItIwuwitbthllRl Roosevelt warn with them The TheColonel Th Th1l TbColonel
Colonel 1l oel < hud his cotUr buttoned tightly tightlyabout tlchtlyaho tightlyabout i
about aho his throat but he seemed able to totaiv 10I totar
tar fr freely ly
His HI hoarseness was w very noticeable noticeablewhile DOtceablewhile noticeabiawhit
I while he h wn delivering Ms Nobel prim prisesddra prixeaddress
address 111 yesterday and he celled In a athroat IIIhroat athreat
throat specialist l this morning before beforewent he hewent I
went to the university to receive hi hidegree his hlaIdCrtttl hisdegree
degree When he arrived here his voice voicewss 1OIceIn voicewas
IdCrtttl was In good shape ba IU n had no speech tpeechto
to deliver dIlU until it came to the address addressbefore addreaai addressbefore
i before lro the tim Nobel Prize Committee CommitteeThe
I The Th dinner at t the th palace however howeverlasted hllellri howeverisatesi
i lasted for threw Ih hour and the Kind Kindplayed handpIycd
I Iplarfld
played practically all 11 the time making makingcontinuous makincI makingcontinuous
continuous conversation hard work on thus tbavocal Ibftoml thusrood I
I vocal cords King llaakon and nd the theothers lheolhl theothers
others olhl seem to have ha stood the strain better betterthan JelwrI
than Col Roosevelt RoojeveltIMW RoutefII RooseveltwohIts
I IMW no wohIts IV LKAFU mw mwIIIIDlride FROM CUFF CUFFKulrlde cirrIsulcIde
IIIIDlride Kulrlde ef r Mribornas Mr Ira Tnonia V I L talh > nrti at atJrrtry atJfThY t tmol
Jrrtry mol City heights llrlgntsMrs
Mrs 1 Mary Lynch M years 1f II old of 3 IIG IIGOcden 360Ogden o oOgdan
Ogden avenue venu Jersey JrM City Clt the wife of ofThomas IIfTboruaa ofThomas
Thomas K Lynch manager for or B It ItOppenbelm I IOpffnbelm IaOppenheim
Oppenbelm A Co bankers at t 30 Broad Broadstreet nroadatllet Broadstreet
street New York city killed herself yes yesterday yestnIy ¬
terday afternoon by b jumping on oft a sixty sixtyflve alityfive 111 1111t
five 1t foot precipice not oo far from her home bornewhit I Iwhile
while walking Ikln with ll lh a trained nursa along alongthe Ioneth I Ithe I
the th Mountain road leading from the theHeight theIIflCb theIleiglits
Height to Hoboken HobokeuMrs IfobokfnIra I
Mrs Ira Lynch had been suffering from fromneuritis rromnountl fromneuritis i i
neuritis for a year and for or sorro time bad badbeen IudbUD hadbeen
been under the care car of Mary ponovan P nonnnu onovan a anun anuree i
nun nu > e living IiriDet at iJO West Thirteenth street streetthis atrfttIhlll streetthis
this city She lib visited Iwo 0 churches yes yesterdar rroelntAy yestrdi
terdar morning and In the afternoon afternoonstarted afternoonstarted ftlmoonlI
started lI with lIh Mi Mlii Donovan down do the thowinding Ih thewInding I
winding lDd n Mountain road with the intention intentionof I
of culling on friend In Ilolmken She Shespliarently HheI Sheapaamrendy
I spliarently showed ho much Interest In look lookItiK looklule1 looklug
lug lule1 at th t the New f ew York skyline krlin11 sn aheloIY she he slowly slowlymade slowlymade i
made her way a along Ion thus III bluff and nd the thenurvt IhInil thenurse
nurse nil did not suspect u pect her Intention until untilshe I II Ishut <
she mil toward the Ih edge of the Ih road roadclimbed roadcUrnhfd roadciitnhed
climbed under u rail ra ll1l1d and taped oft ff the thedin Ihllcliff timecliff
I cliff dinMrs cliffM Mrs M Lynch fell fflIln In a yard Y nl ju jut > t north of ofL OfI ofL
I L O Knven k Rmw bollernuklng plant plantat plantat
at the foot of tho bluff and was r picked pickedup rkc < l lup
up dead Mrs Irll Lynch It I survived liT liylwr liylwrhutbsnd br brhltLanrl tierhueband
hutbsnd a Don and a daughter
TWO MORE TETtjovr WIVES WIVESritttbcrs IJrEPltllbar WIlEPittsburg
ritttbcrs Pallet Put Them Petra as Ness Numbers Nessben am ¬
ben SIt HI and Heiea HeieaPrrrsBriia Iftot NieuPzuuvito to to11m1lt1IO
PrrrsBriia > far 6 6Two Two more mo women womentotay womnI womento4iy
totay lo laid claim to being the tim wife of CoL CoLJames CoLJamM CalJames
James T Tetlow the tb much mu h married old oldColonel oldCoIonI oldColonel
Colonel who last t week fled with eighteen eighteenyearold 11btflllnrfr eighteenyearold
yearold rfr 1d Ethel Jordan of Pittsburg PittsburgTodaya PittaburlI PittsburgTodays
Todaya additions bar been checked chirkedby ch ked kedb1
I by the police a as No > oe 8 and 7 They are areUrs areI arekin
lira Anna Tetlow of Centra Fall Jt K I Iand Ind Iand
I and nd Mrs III Millie Tetlow of 0 Merrimac street streetLawrence atlfftI streetLawrence
Lawrence Mas MasThe 1IaaeTb Maasrbu
I The rbu Rhode Inland land woman writes the thepolice thepoUcelhateb thepolicethatabe
police poUcelhateb that ahn hat been searching for CoL CoLTetlow ColI CotTetiow
Tetlow who d deserted her some years ago agoThe agoThe
The police 11011 of Lawrence Mass write that thatCol thatCol
I Col Tetlow tlow deeened Mrs f Millie TeOow TeOowthere TlltJoIfont Tetlowthere
there fourteen years ago tearing her herwith herwith
with two children childrenWife ohIld childrenWife n nWlr
Wife No S ball been eliminated by the thepolice thefIOIlc thepolice
police a as It wai IL found today to Ia that lllAthad she shehad
had Imn divorced IUn 1 from rom him She 8bIItIII 8bIItIIIYabttl was wtuiIkithbertsnn wasMabel
Yabttl I Ia Ikithbertsnn and obtained oll her herdivorcn hllrtlIYOfllt herdivorce
divorce in Mouth Itakota lo t five years 1 ago agoVfe agoWife
Wife No 4 Edith It IL Tetlow of Wet WetVlrgiola WMreinla SestVirginia
Virginia today sent a lengthy com communirutlon romIDUDltItlon toiiirommicistlon
munirutlon to wife No o 3 Clara Jordon JordonTetlnw JordonTftlmr JordanTetinwit
Tetlnw offering suggestions regarding
Our mutual hunbiutd hunbiutdMlnUlrrs huIHindmnbll husbsndiiniaIers
mnbll MlnUlrrs Osa eo hull or II AntePaul Ante AntePaul
Paul 8 HollaneJt > > andt 7 yean rC n nd non of this tlieR ltaltReY thisRev
R Rev r J A KoUndt Kutor Iul of the Belle Bellrvlllo BfllfyU BellevIlk
vlllo yU Avenue eDUII Congregational Church Churvhof
of Newark was run d do iown wn and hadly 1111 1111Injured
injured by an automobile at BellrvIlM BellrvIlMami
and tad Fourth avenues voo In Newark yester yesterday ynl ynld yesterday ¬
day d The rector tiered that hk I skuM skuMwas akm4lwarn 1 1waa
was metered fi Thus aHtomeliHA liltltriMdrlrMJ was waadriven wasdriven
driven by coleus A fwky ftoe ehey r prasideat of ofthe ofthe orha
the Seetey Tube and Hex Hexleelr Company who whoteek whotook
took the t boy to Me home a a d ma ih re 111Attfft iepatted reported
ported tb thai oe aeetde ident t to Oi this 8eoued prFomet prpciiectstation et etM
M station
S Sm
sn snForemost fl14Gra4iffC9 fl14Gra4iffC9Forcmost
Foremost Qotbtera Since S ica 1845 1845Smith 1845Smith 1845Smith
Smith Gray clothes have been beenthe beenthe beenthe
the fine clothes of New York foi65 foi65years for 65 65years 65years
years Smith Gray Suits and Spring SpringCoats Sprin SprinCoatsare
Goats Coatsare are 18 to to5 to5Hundreds 50 50Hundreds 50Hundreds
Hundreds of Smith Gray Co GoSuits CoSuits CoSuits
Suits and Spring Overcoatsregularly Overcoatsregularlypriced Overcoats regularly regularlypriced
priced 20 and 2250 1550 1550Hundreds 1550Hundreds 1550Hundreds
Hundreds of Smith Gray Co GoSuits CoSuits 1 1Suits
Suits andSpringOvercoatsregularly andSpringOvercoatsregularlypriced and Spring Overcoats re regularly regularlypriced arly r rpnced
priced 2250 25 and 2750 1850 1850These 1850These i iThese
These values are educational educationaltheir their pur purpose purpose purpose ¬
pose being to bring to the attention and im impress impress impress ¬
press upon the minds of those who seek clothes clothesof
of character individuality and identity the thefull thefull thefull
full import of the Smith Gray label in its re relation relation ¬ r
lation to positive correctness of style model modelpattern modelpattern modelpattern
pattern fabric and standardization of value valueThe valueThe f fThe
The garments offered at these special specialprices specialprices specialprices
prices are from two sources sourcesthe the 1550 1 gar garments garment garments t tthe
ments being our regular lots specially priced pricedthe
the 1850 garments being small lots of one onetwo onetwo 1 1two
two or three of a kind which naturally result resultin
in our best selling styles and which we pur purpose purpose purpose ¬
pose disposing of as rapidly as they the accumu accumulate accumulate accumulate ¬
late instead of following the established cus custom custom custorn ¬
tom of waiting until midsummer midsummerMotor midsummerMotor midsummerMotor
Motor clothes for owners and chauffeurs chauffeursSmith chautreul5Smith chauffeursSmith
Smith Gray Co CoTwo f fTwo
Two Brooklya Store t ffJESn m11 Two New N York Store i iFair iYoltoa t tfalroa
Fair falroa St at Flatbash Av Y I Sgl 3n ° y rra rraBrsdwsy r S arw 5t 5tBrsidwsy StBntt
t tII
Brsidwsy Bntt et 1 Bedford AT tLU USlj 5thAvBtt27thA23tiSt lb Btl21lbt2a St
II a J
Judge Crate Boggests That It Be U flurried UnrrlertfpL UorrlftllpLnOft flurriedtpiei
fpL lpLnOft ln tnsoei e Centtnne Ilta Ceofes Ceofesttn CfIon Coitfessilo
Ion bat Without Giving the Petit PetitMuch Police3lunb IIN IINIIICII
Much AuUtance Aesiataflc5flC taDJIm Mew Have lIa Fled FledActing FltdActInI FledActing
Acting on Judge Grain suggestion auggestlonthat II Stlootha
that Delle Moore and Aleck Anderson Andersonthe
the mulatto and negro 1ndIo indicted for selling sellingtwo sellingtwo
two white hlte girl c1rI should b be brought to trial trialas IriadIIJOD
as soon a aa powibfo District Attorney AttorneyWhitman AttonaqI AttorneyWhttmnazi
Whitman WbftIrWIllOti notified ed Judge Crab yesterday yesterdaythat
I that be h WM ready to proceed i with th thtrial thtrial lbtrlalofBehlMoore
trial trlalofBehlMoore of Belle Moore Judge JudgeCrainseitba JudgeCrainseitbacasuedown Crain eet et the tbeM the0IIIfI
0IIIfI casuedown < M > down to tw b tried by himself In General OeneralHemioa GeneralHeeslosis
Hemioa t nest nu Wednesday Aleck Ander Anderson AnderI AnderIons
son Ions trial will follow 0110 Among Amon I the wit witneseea witnessea it itn
I neseea n who will 1I1prt appear against 181114 the colored coloredwoman co1orPdI coloredwoman
who whohave whoha1tl whobare
woman wo are the two college women
have taken a prominent part In the lb In tnveatlgatloa In1IIIItlptloo Invuistigatlon
I veatlgatloa but whom names have ha been beenwithheld beenlthhlkJ beenwithheld
withheld withheldHarry lthhlkJI
I Harry Levtaaon the th oCOIIrecalld selfconfesseddealer elf oCOIIrecallddel < onfe ed eddealer
dealer in women continued yesterday yesterdayhi
hi an relation to District Attorney Whitman Whitmanof
of the detail of the bu bWlin business uuw a as conducted conductedon
on the East Side Hint < Uvinson be btcau btcauhJa begatihis ui uihi
hi his story detective f from mm the Central OffIce Officnand omCftarId OffIceand
and from the District Attorneys onae offltw offltwhave omchave ofikehave
have been trying Inl U to verify some of the thithing Ihfthlnp thethings >
thing told by the procurer Inspector InspectorItussell IlUIpllClorntlMClI Inspectorfluiwil
Itussell had men out arm armed d with sub subptPflas ub ubparna ubIOOU
parna for or persona named by taviuson taviusonhut IIoIIbut
but they thf found that th the people wonted wontedhod wantedbad antedhad
had deserted their usual haunt One Onewoman Onewoman Onewoman
woman named hy Ievlnon Mrs Bertha BerthaSborf BertbSbort BerthaShort
Short who bo lives on Third street was wasbrought fI fIbrought wasbrought
brought tu the District Attorneys Atlomolftte AtlomolftteiSb offlce offlceShe omeeShe
iSb She denied having any an knowledge of oftha ofthethlngattold
tha th thethlngattold things hold of by h Lvinon and wa wavery lf wee weevery lt lt1ery
very indignant over Ievineon charges chargesAfter h rg rgAfter
After examining uminln her th the District Attorney Attorneywa
wa satisfied that Mr f Phorf could uld add adilnothing addnothing
nothing to what hat was already known and andallowed andalloft andallowed
allowed her to go goUvinwu goLavlneosi
Uvinwu furnished the Ih Investigator Investigatorwith
with a h list > t of picturesque names which he hesaid bttId besaid
said Id were w borne by byporsons person Identified Idl lflf d with withtbe wllhIbe
the trafflo on the F rt t Wide llesnldtbat llesnldtbata no said thai thaiII
a Woman mn known aa Blind Becky kept nn nnof one oneof
of 0 lh Ihll < xohang < i whets women were weredwlt weredealt r rdlt
dealt in and nd described tI ribtd at om some length lengththe IKththe lengththe
the details of Blind Becky Dt ethli NIjjbUahmnt NIjjbUahmntThl htn nt ntTb
Tb The detectives dteetl failed to find the Ih place pUcdecriliml IluIIril placesipcriId
decriliml IIril and od were we told that Blind Ifccfcy Ifccfcybad Ilfoockyhad liuscIuyhad
had left the neightwrhond ac > Blind Becky Beckyi Ilfoock 1
i lA well II known to I the police a as R keeper t of ofdisorderly ordianrd ofitisorderhy
disorderly dianrd rlr lions hut they Ih say M that they theyhave Ih I Ihave Ihave
have not heard h nt of her uf UU I
l vtnon said that Blind Becky lJt ky wa waemitted was wasassisted a a1tAItlCl
emitted in the work of procuring procurinewomen proourillwom procuringwomen
women wom n by a Sarah h Itabinitx who ho ran rana ranbranch
a branch on Attorney A street t and by byCharlie brCharli LyCharlie
Charlie tbe Bull and Ham tbe Espies ExpreMman Elpr Elprmanho
man manho who acted a AI runner for or Blind BlindBecky 811ntlBedcra hilintihleckys
Becky establishments Thom Th two men menare m mare nicusart
are known to the lb police but they have havleft ba balc haveleft
left > tb I their ir r hangouts and uuuld not Iw Iwfound 1 befound 1 1rounll
found Another man mentioned Innllln 1 by byLevinton byLeTinIOn byLevinson
Levinton I is Mid to make > hi lila tieAdquartoro tieAdquartoroIn
In the bakery on Second avenue where wberok wbftLerinaon whereLevtnson
L Lerinaon vinon got the k two > A girl Alrllllhat lfm Itia that thatto 1 Ire Ii M sold soldto AM
to Miller th the District Attorney agent agenThi a agentThis nt ntI
This man couldnt be found foundHo
I Ho far Levinion ha furninbed l no really reallyvaluable reallyyaluatil Ir IrJubl
valuable evidence of 0 tb time < nrgamzed traffic IrafrloIn
In women to prove or disprove lIme ex exlutence S1Ittnoe cxsteno
lutence steno of 0 which wh1 b the special tlrand Jury Juryheaded JuryI Juryheaded
headed by John I I Itockefetler ICo I ill at work workAssistant workAIIIitant workAssistant
I Assistant District Attorney RernoldM RernoldMHid RfTnllldtlM
Hid M ye yesterday trday that hn h couldnt tell any anything anythnJ axiything
thing further concerning the inveytlita inveytlitaUon InrNtip invetlgafloti
Uon until after the triafof trial Dr Belle Moon MoonDiitrict 110 110Dilriet MooreDistrict
District Attorney Whitman also ilclirM ulscjtnus4to t t tto
to talk about the result of o the Invmti InvmtiRtion 10YNtpUoo investigati
pUoo gati thus far and It II evident that Urn Urnstrict tlJftDItrict theDistrict
Rtion District strict Attorney AU and bis assKtanta assKtantaexpect assistantaexpect tanl tanltllptd
expect that the tb trial of 0 the mulatto woman worllAllwill womanwill wotnanwill
will bring brln out fart of far greater value valuethan valullIhan valuethan
than anything obtained through Ihn Ihnconfemton IhftcontMIon ttieconfession
confession of 0 Ivinon IvinonAnthony lerin8OnAnthonr l4vlnaonAnthony
Anthony Con Contttot Uxl called on the Din 0Iatrlel Dintrict District ¬
trict Attorney yesterday tertlar to turn over ov to tohim tohflll tohint
him a number of letters 111 relating to the thaInvestigation Ib IbInVlCltlption theInvestigation
Investigation which have been n cent to tohim tohim
him recently II The DUtriet Attorney Attorneyho
lit ho has received Ittri I hundred of similar letter letterwnrw letteymisince
since 118 John I J Rockefeller Jr Jra made an anap anPI anappeal
ap appeal PI > cal to the public lo send in any fact factthat raetllUutt factsthat
that would WOII help time investigator None Noneof
of tb the letters I thus far examined ha con contained oontalned cotminland ¬
inland anyMilg of special vain to the theInvevUgatflr thelanUplnna theInvestigators
Investigators InvevUgatflrTbe
Tbe police and iav investigators Ugal r treat the theDistrict IhllOJklt lh lhDistrict
District Altorwy I ofltee ore KtlU searoh searohto aeoeehInk
to Ink for Helen Hastings 1IutUI1t the etevenyw etevenywc4iwWt MtfIft1MIoIclww eleenyeso14vhlta
c4iwWt Ilk W said br MWer to I bar be beeR beeRa a aseen
seen hr We a te Belle Ben B U Meore Ut but buthave lItHIta buthave
have Ita shout 4 Mit even ee up hope of taet 4og vg th 1M 1MeWW theohM
ohM CadCan7 C In ehegguof or thu JiI
I ride bureau at Iollce Headquarter HMdqu was waaIn wasIn
110 In consultation with thus th Ulntrlrt At AtItorney Attorn Attorney I
Itorney torn torney yesterday and U Itw wan rumored rumoredthat rumoredlb rumoredthat
that lb he mat It working wo lnlC on the thrury th that thatthe
I the child might have boon killed k This ThiI Thled
I wo denied deniedCARED ed edCARD
CARED FOR jr CHlin 71 AVTO HIT ttlTMrs HIT1In fliTMrs
Mrs hathaway lIatlJ Held hleldinjitred Injared GIrl irl In Her HerArm IIlIAnne IkeArms
1In Arm During Uurt a I DrIve rl e to I Itorpttol ItorpttolMargaret IIMpttaLItinc IIOpIIIMargaret
Margaret lUng 10 y yearn wra old of 311 311West 11 3lWest 11WNt
West Fortythird rttllird street I t while hl playing playinghi
In the th street yesterday near her home homeran b0m9ran
ran from rom behind a moving wagon directly directlyIn
I In front of an automobile owned by byCharlea byI byUmarles
Charlea Hathaway of East Orange X J Jwho Jwho 1 1who
I who r Is a member of the broken firm of ofHathaway oflIathawltJ ofhathaway
Hathaway Smith Pods t Co at atWatt i iWallstneU j jWIItreet
WallstneU Watt streeL The Tb child was 11I struck by th thJ i
J II I mudguard and fU beneath th ta renrwherj eerwheej11cr
I Her If kg g wa was broken brokenI bromTbemalllfllurtoppedUurCArtonfO
I The TbemalllfllurtoppedUurCArtonfO TbemalllfllurtoppedUurCArtonfOIItIId chauffeur topped the car at one onei onceend
i and Mr 1 hathaway and a woman who was waswith fIDwltb waswith
IItIId with her Jumped Jum nut William Ramtogcr Ramtogcrof Ram II r rIIf
of 6 6U S3 We Wft t Fiftyfourth street al l a driver driveri dxjveywho
i i who wa Dossing picked tb time injured injuredchild inJurtdchild Injuredchild
child up lipin in bwrm sod nd lifted 11f Iiftedhr her Into taintautomobile tIMe thaautomobile
automobile where the Ih two 0 ladle with WIllinJ withrugs WI WIrugs J
rugs upon their laps made a bed for her hrand herand herand
and hurried to RooMvelt Hospital Dr DrOrimshaw Drjrimaha Drfrimshaw
Orimshaw who attended tbo child said saidthat saidthat I
that her condition vas very 0 serious seriousi aerl6uahid serl us usBeside
i hid a compound fracture of the right rightleg 1 1ler JIf
leg If he wa hurt lutemallr Internalllira I IMr
Mr Hathaway was well 11 known at the thehopltal th thhOpllal thehoepital
hopltal having recently been it patient patkntthere patI4Dtth patientthrebeyelf
there th threbeyelf bereelf She Kh ordered a private room roomfor roomfor roomfor
for the little girl and told th thus authontVrs authontVrsin 11Ihon
in spare no n expense u lnlle > In caring tUin for b heir heirI herLeslie r rLelM
I Leslie > Uidlatn of XII tt rUrmont avenue
MontcUir N J 1 la the chauffeur w was c curmtwl
I urmtwl Drtftl by DY PoUceman rJU man Braver of tt ttWe tllI thus thusSVet j
We w SVet t Korryeventh strait station oa a acharge
I charge of felonious felon IJa assault H U4 U4relMtttd wa wareleased wasreleaseel I
released on onhall onhalliJFtTIsl hall halliHMrvfi I IBrtrUrTRr
iHMrvfi BrtrUrTRr rnr fl7 COST O T Of uvvc uvvcWaller tl1 UtMWaiter G J JIt
Waiter It si He II na 11 Seat to SteuBihtp SteuBihtpI ItesmibtpCarry
I Carry Off Eatables EatsMriOiarle Eatablenrlt EatablesI
I Charles > Guyer a waiter in Mrs Adler Adlerrtt AdleraIYfoIUtIUIt Adlerirrstatirnt
rtt IYfoIUtIUIt tir nt 3M West street went ent on board boardthe bor1Ithll boaz4the
the Oceanic IIIct at Pier IT North Rlrrr Thurs Thursday ¬ j
ltar I day evenlngond left lefttJae the f hip a few f ow ninuta ninutalater cilniteeI
j later carrying four chicken and a I Ior leg legof g gof
of lamb in n i basket John U Bqufrej BqufrejboggagemaUer SqutreJbagpgfhIIJtfr Bqutreabagggemnaater
boggagemaUer on Pier AS 3 uw Ouyer Ouyerrwcara Gureram Ouyerbecame
became rwcara am ItIpIllJUI > i r > lclou and Mked him what whatabout whatabout hat hataoollt
about It Oiirer wouldnt t tell n so Squire Squiretook SqttrfllI Squirestook
took him around to t the Ih Charles barleIallon streH streHMat
I Mat statiOn statiOnin IallonIn Ion IonIn
In the Jefferson Market police court courtyesterday courtIntay courtyesterday
yesterday Intay morning Ouyer toH tol Magistrate MagiitratnHuuM Yac tratt
HuuM that Mrs M Adler I r preprietresk of th thrrwtatirant thus thusresturaflt
rrwtatirant had sent him to the 11 Octant Octantlor Oct Oceantfor < u ulor
lor the Ih chIcken and n that she had don donth donth donthus
I th thus Mm thing on another occasion occasionIf llnn llnnolt
olt If your story > I h true said the lb Magis Magistrate Magiairate JaltjaI ¬
trate I can an plainly Inlr fee why Mrs 1 Adler Adlrl Adl Adlerhnuldnt 1 1phollldn1
I phmiMnt N l troublH l dy the high highf CIt CItf costsflIvingnrotvat
sflIvingnrotvat sflIvingnrotvatliuyer f living nr of mat matliuyer
liuyer oUo aid that Ihallhe the steward ant on thus tliaKteAtner tI tIflllUnlJ thuseteNfley
KteAtner had given him the chicken chickenwithout chickenswithotit
without question nr > > Muciipens cufiip p n < > Thn ThnMewanl Th4I1AnI Thisteward
steward Denied enl this thisinrrr Ihlfilr thisiyer
inrrr iyer wa < h Mid W In IXU u bail for trial truUMAX 1nATllItiTIlI trialTuIrn
Pa Pas > Kin 30 0 fur Hating ObJertlnniiMii ObJertlnniiMiiten Pet Pettees
ten I DbpUjrrtl DbpUjrrtlMagistrate DllplardLaciatrate DbptsymdMagistrate
Magistrate Tlgbe of tIm Adam street streotcourt 1t1lOtfIJrt streetcourt
court in Brooklyh yesterday Imposed ImJlCdlID H Hlino itfine
fine lID of CO uti si Maurice Campbell nlpbeIL theatre theatremanager theatrmanager
manager r for permitting l > die exhibition exhibitionof
or indecent rnKteniaxploTting relfl oters ollplolllnc hta h Wham 11ft
Them Th a Will t iII pnxluctlfln white whl It wa warunning warnrunning a j
running a couple COIl pm of wi wf works < > eks b ago al In n u theatre tb at
In that liorouati liorouatiTh luoruuglmTbe
Th Tbe law places the nuiuahment at IL afine
fine of from tio 10 to l Wt s Magistrate r lelrale Tights Tlehnd Tightssaid t
fold MId d Mn In view of the th fact iRat I hat Mr Ir Camp n nIxll
Ixll had h Ihn th object uhJtctlthI l aabt < pouter IcIIIt n nhlOf1 removed re renravnl
moved a H Boon M 11III1 1m wa att notified or th thprotect thprolOAt thus thusprotect
protect against lIln thin I IhloU tyi I wet wetlit
IM b lit all 11 right rightThe rllhtThe rightThis
The flmi flnswaa notlII waa paid by b rampbellq em btollI btollIHunyadl lawyer lawyerHunyadi lawyerHunyad1
Hunyadi HunyadiJtanoa
Jtanoa lADONahlral J noi noiNatraI I INataral
Nataral Laxative LaxativeWafer LaxativeWater LaxativeWater
Water WaferRecommended WaterRecommended WaterRecommended
Recommended RecommendedRefute Recommendedby RecommendedbyPbc1aui
by Phyaidant byPbc1auiRerue Phyaidantlt
Refute lt fUCf Substltsaea SubstltsaeaIf Subseitnzegfyouhavasvesue4h
If fyouhavasvesue4h fyouhavasvesue4hbefore TOT hariMTeri ban aner t iedtt iedttbtSere It Itfore
before fore r 7 tt NOW fat fatCOHtTIPATZON sr srIPAT2ON