H = Jo ear1 ear1THE i
r I T 1 l I
j2 12 + THE SUN SUNDAY MAY 8 1910
Ber rill TIIKTIK isvisssi 1111 tI n I ITi I IT
TIK TIKrriw T Ti II PITf4Itf rum rriwttratr IWi Itb ItbPirsiri
ttratr 1 kepI Mir IIU hI lUIn aln llarqnaril and anilJleerr andIrd and3lrr
Jleerr llallril Hit of o the Ih llox al the IhrroU Ih theP01
roU 1 irvitmt llruolilju Nhahr NhahrupamHoiiMiiurni MbakupDd MIahrupimi
upamHoiiMiiurni upDd COIIMIUnIU llrfral < fral uf Ilixton Ilixtoni IlixtonTha 1110Th IIoIOlThe
The Th Cl liant nrni n e i U IqI t iu hi in i the thelead I Ilead ts ts1d
lead Tn lit IltthIriikame IltthIriikamena liurif i hivac mnx IM wa waoff
off on anoint of r mm I HIM srnl 11 Ihe I 1k llimK uxiV uxiVIrielr I IllIfol IIM IIMthtr
Irielr tor Ond l game IB n ih I TIM of f ihr ihrwith Ih
with 1111 the III riilliu ikt MI M > HI 1 them I SIS in II the thefront Ih Ihflonl ihfront
front The Tb HrrwkljriH liI OIII > eot on n gam in inthrt I IIlIrM illtbr
thrt with lIb th4 U lloun Tty n whHe whllI whllIIh a h il ilIhe
Ihe Ih Dovf l > n In 11 11 I tliinl MHM Ii IlMi I t k iiMik iiMikevenlh I Inlh 104Li
evenlh i nlh 114 U um n rroin rr Hi lmu IuuiIuIII Ill Ihe IhereanlU
reanlU reanlUK IuIII IuIIIiew 1111 I INew
1 1UookllI
K New w VMk 10 I P1illaitelilila PtilIIhiIIIIJruoktti 1 1llrookln
llrookln 2 lietton n nl UL 1 1a
a 1 l rhlc Chlcac Iik 111 IIiII IIiIIti alll alllI In Inl
I l Ml I Lout nrl II cruumli cruumlir Irulaffil1MIM
It1U 1MIM r M > iu or 0 Till tiikIP CLUI CLUIII
IP r it J e ir I re repew NfOT e elw
pew York ta TBCtnrlontl a 7 7t1Itsbur 44 44Mltlbort 4C
Mltlbort M 14 I 714 notion Oft a I W 1 aH aHPMladelpNa HIhlladlptJt 3 3PMlsdlphi
PMladelpNa p 4 ftfl III Brooklyn R kltn a u al alChicago 31Ilk 311 31114t I
Chicago Ilk T au 14t MI U Loit > K a II in innwYondx U3tOIlII 313Kzw
nwYondx Kzw tOIlII ON i L PHIIIHLHIU IN INflifofegoInzWel < x t tBefore > I
Before 1J10tt101nlr irolng Me WpaIIORIt l lo IOeIltetb enter the I li hl It1l1lII1t It1l1lII1tthe lainin AII AIIIlle l lthe
the club al I Ih lie other olh end of the Ih h ctrnui ctrnuithe 01111lbe erruIlill
the ill Ulanl > e ieritay planted a lot of hit hitround hUaround tidi tidiIOUt14
round the I ib Ioki Ground They 111 hp > M > In Inbave I I1Ia 1i 1ibmw
bmw 1Ia rich crop fnr future hlft II e l bol > it IIIH II 1111 1111medial 111Intdlalo 1111C
C medial nee n twit < U lu xhMh hot ih lnl were put putJMlerday 11111Irda putIstrtlar
JMlerday Irda M I 10 rhalin tb b j lhllNe4 lhllNe4Tb lhIlH lhIlHbe rhflHP4Tb
Tb be thlnl eaine m of the Ih aerie 1 oant nl any anytreat an anyglI
treat 1 thriller but I u a ii a ileri itit vlriory vlrioryfor yltlorrlor
n for Ihe It Hani and an Ihe th rooter 01 enjoyed enjoyeillo
lo Ibe III full hap lulling by their II per I The Thefllaol fheOlanl IheManta
Manta Imply Iml hammeml their way Y YIIIe arn arnIhe eromi eromithe
Ihe pro prooollllia lral foe fu < who ho wer ere r la I laId l low 10 early earlyb ul ulIta
b the th atrap rap by b Ihe I Il henty 10 pummelllnit pummelllnitThere lUtnmlllnltTbt1e PuIIts1slIlnThere
There wan w ai only on Intilntf ntfln In I which the thePhllliea IttePhfllea
Phllliea mad 1M any n kInd of II land they theywere Ill Illato theyr
were ato r not ol In th the home Iniiu 111ITbe CM CMTb ctl4 ctl4Tb > <
Tb tllanl till linl tickled i 1fII ierfeclvizid rfenlr rfenlrtod
and hail He 11 < 1 111 > < M > III all 11 liniilil up wtt wttILtr ln lnIbelr InILel I
Ibelr twie lie runnmt Wluht they Ih were in n
IIIe Ih scorlnc rine mood moo they 110 lol Iole every l Ilbo hae haethey e ethey
they lbo et 1 out for It unI nt unlit unllllllr they rre rretar r rftr
tar ahead and 1 were 1 cre going down on on the theflnt I theflrt II IIIIn
flnt ball ballpll pllihed h that IKMUD Lecan to throw throwMrmliht Ihrowrallhl throwtrilshl
Mrmliht lo necund e tnI I llefore thit he h IW dklmiogge < IWmanJ Id Idmanale
manJ manale < to nuke IIII ¼ C he Ih nhort throw t 10 third ihinlarcttralely thirdleetiralely blnlltearall
arcttralely and mt ret one Oil wan The only onlyNew onl onlew Onlylw
New lw ew Yorker who ho didnt ° t hate h oro 0IttI1 ion 10 10pat 10p1 topat
pat hlnuelf nit the Ih hick hI 1t wi wia AUruuartl AUruuartlII
II lie oi opeeiel tieil like lill a whirlwind but In ifw ifwfourth I Ilourth th thfourth
fourth he h > b hrt < 1rt > rt nrrullrd hlmwlf and d hi hifUM It Ittu hue huefti
fUM tu blew lil out The Tb Thillfe knnrked him himut tutuOut
Out ut of the box in II that innine IR 11111 It Moore Ioor who whoa wh whWI ho how
w WI a pounded from tUfl Ib tail tI ic Itol t ln tHe All Alllo tIllin
lo th 1M pjiuiu141Tnteen Mnn innin inninHarenteen m nlf nlfKennltfO
Harenteen of the I thu IhllUe went n out on onBleo nnIH Onrn
Bleo rn IH two In It the Ih nr flrt t innlnr I Ill he ChI1 ChI1tto iunii iuniiwere uanhuiwere
were tto acre aec IL1Iea4ti Ke awl KI not a runnliK liri ettriPevoNitgled liriPvvorv 1 1mOro
Pvvorv PevoNitgled mcsleil In the 11 flr ttrat t aniUlole ID Ior > e Ont conulpoyl < an < l
mOro itoyl 0 alnvleil and 11 ent 1 Oeroro 0 lo 0 third thirdilurray Ihl Ihlum thin3urr
ilurray 3urr um hit 10 0 Kimlx 11 who 10 undo a wide widethrow 11 11Ihro whilethrow
throw home < l Ii cntrh Ith IMvorr Pouln Poulndropped 00111dol 1IMtIIdyopped
dropped dol td the I hull lieu he It i had 1 to reach rathIr eo eoicr i ilar
lar for fo tl thai it wnuldn uM I hate f nvtde 11M any anydifference coydUTerenee n ndlfttrnCt
difference II he luau ml 1 hM It l oyle 11n 11nOUI wan wanout weeout
out tnlne t tetetl te l third Seymour m ll whinz whangedelngl 1IIr1 1IIr1Inrl < sl sla
a ulngle Inrl to left lint flee from r1el fltiher hb her and andU 1111lHlIn cmlUhln
U lHlIn ln broiiitht a cutuldea > udd H roll rollKive WI WIIjyt cuIap cuIapFty
Kive tiroroiii 0 hit 1 wr wFr T > iwitte Ity It the theHani Ih IhnllI theflItuIa
Hani In the II 1w foiirtn rI ininnir IK lott 101 10111ft > > I mad madthe tnitlb
the lb 11ft nrt on Mnrr HUil out OUtJhtul nixl 1 Srtnonr Srtnonrand mollr mollrnd
and nd Ht Ii tiir her h dnnnlvl whtllmu IIiu drlrr 11 10 10the t tthe 0 0lit
the lit nutnrld 1li 1 Itr r us e a pa Phi u m n thiS Ih Ihllladlnll thiSfltsdlntt en enflladlnit
flladlnit wl wiI jI11I il l > i Tlln Tim Un fled 11111 I4MI oit < it Inil I it IcC re remrnrd r raumrd ri ricorned
corned in n I 1 < r form o < > I itiM ht h II Mhr awl awlthither 1 1IIIIIh i ithither
thither IIIIIh hy Mrrkl r I and Mre > 1 > rn Three Tb rule ruHraiiie ruleattic tI tItll <
raiiie tll In on the III hiinnir 1111 In 11 chit lerkl IklIr < am amMeyer and andleyerw
Meyer Ir etnilny 11IlnfI < fl the I h d dtHtlllP Me tel for or orlort the thefouttti Iii Iiitotth
fouttti foutttiIbe totthTb h
Ibe 1 Tb IM 1b41e lid IL r i eu fcrorio ria AI IO 1 the thefourth th thfourth Jo10llh
fourth Slar loIr who ho dr itta w thr thrwit III thr0th
wit 0th oj n four nil tn tuIurs > w IIP I ikre < k u U e4aI e r tA < j ic icNI > M Mon
on tht o 00 < i an ItraiwJleM slcapl UH I a al hv hvle h hJf 1
le l to left and did 1 he h and It I Mtgrr lag rff rju aroiwl aroiwlSn
pn lilt bllo lir II KlinN and n1 loom 11 TPrri nr rimld rimldv asdIbay M1011
Sn bay v hen II ninri wormit uring 11I11 l hv > v the Iliilltex 111I11 In InIhh InIh toi
i Ihh Ih hI Inning l hUI > ut l lor r rrHl 1 efclnif 1II < Ii On OnIMoln fill1Jno1n flitPoolne
IMoln h IH it > t Se MII iinfutir < iiioiir mud the Ih i 1ukuuh 1ukuuhqutIly > Kkut Kkutqulllr >
qulllr and tilf ¼ 111111 < ill > nwl 1 retireil Knabe K al allh atlb 1 1lbe
lh lbe ilatn with a lira that ante Iit eatttt eattttFfld iftl iftlfnd nlt > I
fnd nd HMIsht anti n1 uru urlMUall ally lo toe 10 or auh IK If IfInnll h a alone ahin
lone hin t Ih throc < rnw TK > n nJI it Cue 1 plur ItJ 4c wa > a ahanded OIH OIHbaiMied fI fIband
handed band 1t Wkkup < l 1kup < kup hy I > l trlui > e < hn of a torrid lorrMBToundr lorkll lorklloulld torridgyoutudr
BToundr oulld of f JIH Wrd V irtte irtteflue rd rdTherrit I Irb
Therrit rb flue nit of the I name waaof II ac of little luterett luterettThe llItIn iRef Pit Pitu
u The n Vew S York ILI dtdn I lop a niinnt on the thebite Ih IhtS thbei
bite tS when hn hey not mi in nf < l lv 11o > oln by 11 Ihi Ihitime Ihln thulne
time n wn WI able tule lo head h ad iSm ti I nit OooUn OooUnhtt
tilt a huwlirif Iou II II Ihive 111 thr b hallC hagPt Ker lo left I CI IB I the Iheelfhth Ih IhIeblh thehiiith
elfhth Ililiine Wuh llh an luck bed h 1 hare harebad harlIad harebad
bad a bon run an The Th i b411 > ll hit on top I of ofIhe ofJu f fII
Ihe II barrier nlPr back f Drrnre 10 a nation nationbounded utitlonhounve4 llonl
bounded IonIC the III wire Wi Mr 0 cfPn n and 1Id fell fellback f1bcrek fellback
back Into the II flrld The 110 hit wt lon lonenouelt lonPflOUith II IIPRouh
enouelt for ro n home h I run lln Fred I enwey mad madhl twadehi d dIII
hl apnearnDf on the Ih ronihluc line II ami 1 1tIIund a around around
round of itnuere ln Inr en attlue riilaii ifrii grrrteI l ih 1 oki okifttgtr 1 1 1hn l ltlinr
tlinr hn who w b ho i abom 0011 lo to 0 pa I i eJ 0 o J IN iwunr iwunrteaipie uanrkaqiii fOr fOrf1
teaipie f1 lot IQII IQIIlbl tjttTb I IHalMlf
lbl Tb r I ILAVUftI
PNttOeIPWi LAVUftI LAVUftIA iw r tee teei yeeiLa
AM A II r i ii > i H r rI A A11111I P Pl1tuIrl
11111I l1tuIrl r1 i ii > ii iiMgm 0 1111 > I n Iia1a1I w w1hiif
HalMlf I It 11otiJIo ho ieTh I I I InralllM I Iflrat3t
nralllM > t I ii oMuurir1321ufl oMuurir1321uflMegre Mvrnt rl JI i 1 o oii II IIc
Mgm MgmHrnrfcl c I U a ii wmref 3 I I IIIrn t thirarki
Hrnrfcl IIrn Ib I i iI 0 II rilrkerM I I I II Iaa I Ihaateu
haateu aa > i I I Iieiun3 wvtta HI > > C I I I 0 IDooIuiae
loolall I I II a i I UrrUMb IU lb I 2 a n na ni II III aikoin I
liootn liootnUoore I I I I I I trpq I a 1 It Ito C CMoorn
Uoore o n nWard 1 i 0 > II n MmntH I 2 2i u a t If IfII aWrd
Ward i illaronet ii i > II u Wllhe flItteti II H t U 1 U 2 2a II iilsrouiryu I ItJklll1I
llaronetUarklltuh llaronet > u a A ItJaelttu1u
Uarklltuh 1 i II I TttIoa III H si J JM a II IITnlalo uiTotal
Total Tnuun c a > 14 IIttptt1
n ttptt1 tt 1 it I v i iBill ep r M P1a 1 Iwalae IwalaeTnuu hacistaMue ta talkll
Bill < I o kt aMue iiHH iiHHPMK4rli I II I iii ltNUi 11OItIc icie4 icie4PbiIi3rhMa 1 11IIIbl
PMK4rli PbiIi3rhMa 1IIIbl > UU i ii 1 ii i o fI II i 0 > n atew I
Kew urk i ii i II II n I 1 1Kuii I IHunt Iu
Hunt u Ir r tII d i4iia Mtee lU itrMVUeM IP WpIwhlYork New NewYork
York YoI YoIllkbrr I tki Mifr ur r Itit iua Ir Muifu f yHaI yHaIfletuter y M f fritihrr I
ritihrr P r t tifroxMiur 1M 1MIt is pner New Pw Vfk Vfkl Y YLen
l llkbrr Len fl nn 1 tAee oA v I II4IrI llIi4PIM IU < M It New ea salt V Vl PI I
l tlhl ° lr trat > t t ba > r u I 1 IMII uU II fI < > it MMMKV W a tWI Ii oI tePaPE 1
1 mrurk n i B Ry > I WHII I M MMarn 14eniwy Y hr hrtlcrqard
Marn WI1fI m t > > viii 1 r i Thrrt HiriYlw w Ml MlTwo I ITwo lhiaa lhiaaTwo I
Two ha t bit Itair hi itt KMibr Mvrur Mvrurfa I IPO MOIIYtardi
fa PO tardi rlV hll hi llo t e oOolPft n h 14e4 e Drvme DrvmePlflrhrr II IInloth hevieflWher
Plflrhrr l lIP lIin iln 110 Wrtmr Mrir tip IHH 1ft 0 01oIp < Xt XtMonrr litMoore
Moore R la ttrr b MHiMt IIf nit If Manmr T m 111IDnlDII PiP ntelnnlar PiPbaler
baler > lust t M M3If a ur A I > In mrrr aM aMInalac lac lacaalmg 1
1 Inalac IDI oi 0 n lilv II lilt < in n tile > r eid M ace > e eUmptrr 1MM 1MMUmpire MII MIIIn >
Umpire in < Mel hl title III l umplcr umplcrBe izIs pI ry 1 1m rm rmge
Be Tim I 1110 Jioirand It ItII u Mtni MtniuI4alr Uiiix UiiixMliitKlT
MliitKlT II > I m uIe i iIn S Slanagr I H H3hnarr
3hnarr I lauln In ricut I 4I i rtll rtllIn iltauia iltauiato
In hto hi team I i sterulIy ierday 1 awl + il Ib ih l 111 hiotiu < o > tnii < wrre wrrekltiil wrraittii 1 11f11I
kltiil oul fl flier rI or u r r rio lh latter 11 of ofIliene flfIh ofIhiPie
Iliene Ih two I a ii lil hlO > iorv or v IIM uit 4111I uiit uui evnn ruut e ja On Onlo alitlo h hI
lo thelh4T Ib the IhII f ills an I i Iik l > e H 1 nu Wll < the theUrooklvT thut3yookt h hookl
I UrooklvT t3yookt ookl t Tiit T i r it in n I IV 1 I tmeaui K il ihr ihrloaroftheiUr tira tiralag > < i iolrnllhI
loaroftheiUr lag of the Ice fnii fI ilier 11 110 w waI < n llci 11 plniil plniilbelter Jib l lbetter
better 1Ir lali allf < hI tiakeii II > ni I I > M myre myrefi r rp rpiwiwIutI
iwiwIutI 11 uI 1 II lie It m a tut llu to IIcl raltft
fi nl ld < lln tn tlai 14 a I II < Mih 1 lxm lxmat Inlio InliolllIlrl II I
at lllIlrl 1 third oHI h < KHIIIUV athltuu itfder oK oKljlr a a aPir4i r > itii itiilra
Pir4i lra ljlr < lrfl 1 t IoInhll > i idem ilnlihI nil Tim ro liirdan an anrelee H Hreenwil > 1 I
reenwil relee I III d ii I i < h lO Tit ri rairnot > ron > I lull lullItiliker 1101Ik tautthu
Itiliker 1Ik thu ker illl uut 1111 h8i l miinrilil Ii a ifaultahi 1 in inhatch I > nwhc j jwinch I
winch I h la I a hid nl lNttwi wtii It I I II he I ltana ltanafeat titf titffeil > I
feat on irrM > e KIT IM N ut tf > f the tirifitf or wa wadone cc1foiu 1 I
done dl ii il I tie lit fret i I M inninif Ih lhix hIruelyre H larn <
lyre rn nnid I a run n in II ii I I ftr ftri i im lnrrhe JI ItIfihahulut lnrrhebunt h hhUIlI
bunt Daixii II I i irIUP < riw MhcHi A teait 1 > Ion Ie Ieon I i ion
on hall a i duitl lil br 10 H tf > h awl 1 Wh WIII WIIIIId Whtund i ind
und nd lluiiii Itut 1 4 tIt 1 raft > H < IMr I air tun n m mthe IhIII n nthe
the Minriil t oisi rr tliil 1 truth It a t i buiivrr buiivrrby I Ir
III by r T Sir 14t I i IfH1 ud nnnfhrr lInlh Iwo I co latter at d I tv tvIturkpr i iMurker IHllrk
Murker MurkerTh I
Th 1 I ltpf l > l > l lixil I ih hr ir fir r fair I firto i linr linrto hrto
to wore In < hc h miiith iniunv It aoau With 1h 1hout lrlr lrlrout tvpnut
out hharne lila iHiui iauTIar4t nrll UIH II a I IK is wlli wlliIwo 11 II itwo
Iwo hafkir M ItiiMil I i4 a4ipsI ititn ititnfly 1IHlII 1IHlIIII
fly II 111 ttaua i < iriri 1 uMirnl liini Itr > rlf l ln lay It Itftnlr trela trelaflifle
n ftnlr m Hw H re linr II arnl dmi dmiKltarpe il 1II1t 1II1tKIpI IItakiui lip lipI4tatfli
Kltarpe Sh Mherle hrI ri ami al 1 Hwrefx HwrefxIn 14 saa1l saa1lIn 11I1
In the IIi prri ev rii r IMre 1 hra cc HIIV HIIVliut ua < > bit bita totlhll
a hut hll DlliT OIIt B k nor lirabaui iouU iouUt l J JI bsJ bsJIa
t Ia rUnners unlr H HTwo III a arwo
I rwo of I I the tie I KoMiw ire Wl I oat < m mIn n nIn hi hiIn
In the eighth lib h Hh in in 11 cItd Nrk > d lljrrr lljrrrfanned lIor lIorfllln Miattti Miatttif
fanned fllln f pned and nil a oilHi 1I1it > lh 1it11 < l l Hw Hisker Hiskermore kr k t tmore O O11I0 >
more 11I0 Ikhl IerI1 ne lied < l g > ctlr ctr tv ai ct1 l lftpd I 1111 1111aot hlaabeiiapit
ftpd HbarM Iniin ini n a arti < H MI MITIt I IUwn
TIt TIto
aijalfil o ePdbaet ePdbaetA l vx vxII
AM A 11 H e eI a P iu H p 1 1hPqIItt
Uwn 11 hPqIItt rf rfII > as eI I n I Herri H rf 4 I I lii itt H U UII IIIi
II MnMlti i iHurke II II IIII ii iMKlArtll rII 2 II IIJ It i II IIb1 H HH I Iuaykrrf
Hurke uaykrrf b1 rf rfrom II a II I II I II I J heiit jJ cIf 5 5I I I II H 0 1011I UtoiHeif
rom toiHeif 011I if i I t IIIe I In I It 4 I In Iii Irllto Irq
rllto rq g Z a II tl tlNweeaey I 0 Urftauljti t tf fill fillr4fTOtl ii n n ii iiiaiTu1Ih
iaiTu1Ih r4fTOtl 3 1 a PUWnn f twIIm 1 m n Itj I a aI ii n nH na IIHt3b
j Ht3b a a aTtje3 t 4 2 2H H itt4rtaryea
Nweeaey = 4 4Iterkxl lIttrr I frHgras eqPI 2 2H H 4 4I a i o a aipktf
j Iterkxl rl 4 4Or b i H o H hwitrti el > rrH J Ja I 0 2 u uII iii iiiiJrbame
Or cJraaa iJrbame hams > a a A Aa I
I froekp froekpt5hean na II a a > TuiH Tv 34 2 I in It Itn II IITotal I IHIn Itbeaa
t5hean t5heanIBrklep HIn If a U H IIIGIp n n nt lbtarIup
IBrklep ii n Ii I I w ItTOIAI lbTotal
Total TOIAI n i i iBalled ilbb ilbbatta1
Balled lIroI bay 10 Muraa 1 IH tee eftik Jo i ecial lw lwtBatml 1 11Ia1l
4 tBatml 1Ia1l for ri n beb in Ii ifterigbitiitmiix ifterigbitiitmiixVoaton Ift leIhti leIhtiL rll1
t L Voaton 1 1rcokbu II n 0 If IfItroolllJD
brook ItroolllJD l > n I I n M al u Itrt H H HB isRain
B Rain n Breut rt 1 a Hin ibrrN h T ftmllh III nr flpat t k ha haa e ee
e error Ikion i Hnmhlin left 1 on HUM HUMDettoa7 ha haflot7 1
Dettoa7 Bruuklm Brouu 00ittN I flr 11 YIeaiha i lw e on o bill billrrork Olt Oltrrock 0 0J
rrock 2 uff ae Murker Uc tirwli cwl H Jilt > frock rIIbY rkhi t tby
by Stacker nll < a Tuotatebtt To Iceta hili Mhap to rpe T THI KI MI MIWbr1 ffiz
z Wbr1 Hvkrr HI < k HurrinreMH haerive t1 t lOt aD 1111 < iiml Hrrgen HrrgeniluTtfle I4Prr
J tic tly tI Hiunmel H jami abu bAr ha Hurrh HurrhIftnutt It ItaGL
I Iftnutt Double Dooo r vt i rrork 1 wimioy roo aec t AIM AIMftharpr iaj1rJ j
ftharpr 1rJ I Hummel HII AM T 4m4m Hit by tutrker tutrkerKy I urbq urbqby
Ky rrotk rre 110 iDiibrr < lv h H rker Hermt H I IIII tm tmIn m mtfn
tfn la rhKt r ifli ohntuwn n h hau riunt i ant mftr mftrHegaa mpbrPTuba
Hegaa Tim 1 I l lieu ur aMMmieuV aMMmieuVTrl saI > twiuul twiuulTrkitate I ITr
Trl Trkitate lale laleAt II Iofap Iofapi ieagapI
At I t tacatr A n vr Lanrwler 17 I Brw tIee4t l 111I 1
Z II Treauw 1IeII 1mIneThlcq Tr a > n a York 1ortft 2
i 24 JllitewBnMiiiiuil 1 a J4H J 4n 4nAt > I j
ft At jUteeaaAlleea II B ft Namelwrr I
KASTE1M USAtiUK USAtiUKtaiDua LZ4GUEt4a03a43
1 1uoDUl
taiDua or na n OCM OCMW ac 1 1II
W l JVI IT I rf rfewaik pCwath I
ewaik k W t 2 iii it tlTworto 1 Toronto T a 441 441Huftalu tnHk 7 7tiultato
Huftalu a a aTMIocbMlcr STI 1I00btttr I a aPreWenaa 4S 4Slr IN1eWPD
1eWPD lr Mdrnr t a atlilerry aiJraeyciy TIJ Cly CI I I ItItItanutp lItO lItOIlltkDv
lUIHoiure l a Moitloairtal 001 Woa Inl 4 II 41 41xiwna 41II 17cIwcu
xiwna II a IllIFALO mu > > ft ftJne oJ 0hi
Jne J hi 11M Uu1i4eali lii itaI Dlw Indian I got 10 UI oil tbelr buna tomahaahia
lw haahia = k la Newark r < lrrday trrda and d dIIu rounded up lapthin
thin Smith Ut NMMI t before any at throi got ot near bear1ihehuiP18r
1ihehuiP18r Ike ltu > e pliie Mveol t flPoIthehraiPiu1a4eIherir 0 the hraie h made lhee UIr ot < r I Iit Iii
ml it Tie Tb Hbrral ral rlouttag thr Itt lorah lor gute CaP Tar Tarlor TaroretrrUoaaand
lor IO oretrrUoaaand < i vlrr tllnn Uon and Ihe lb IbaIrad lrad d > Iwltbog laItagufPakIaa laItagufPakIaalb at Paikln Paiklnurtrtfl rkIIt 1
urtrtfl lb PtP t tpsitr rr The ThevpPitn wore woreiirritn 0 0ruo
iirritn vpPitnAn ruo ruoI i xawtai xawtaia
A An a H rt r i IB n I IlIfftlln r > r rHrntlnerr Vlcnaiierr
Hrntlnerr lIfftlln f I il i 2 o I Meyer I3frfI r tl tltarrw I I I 0 0rr UMl
I Ml tarrw tarrwU rr ire 1214 I 3 3 I DiKritrJI IK lJ + C 2100 I U 0 0IhlrJ 0hIteif
U IhlrJ Mir hIteif If IfHramM I 020 n 3 n OlSrh Olob 0hflyb tlrb I 220 220O 0 0tI 0t4rala3bj
HramM HramMWMT tI I 014 II I 4 Ol ieiraet < ieiraeta 4 I I O 0 OHitlTbeAil 0rIJb 0aUb
rIJb a ii a 3 ot OIDOIt U Dideajw 3 1020 1020a I 0 2 a a1f1 0lWmrf
WMT 1f1 lWmrf nwrf nwrfKabrielb 3 ii 4 I I OilmnToJbl 2 2 1 o oa III IIISoMl 0Mihi4etb
Kabrielb KabrielbkVuodr SoMl lh a a II o I Agiertb Ib a 0 u I I Ia IWuaIr
kVuodr kVuodrTa 11 a 31 n I 4 a ouii1 10220 1 0 I 0 0taiurp
Ta taiurp lor n 2 a ii oParkla olr olro 0 Parklap > p a I t 2 I IrabHlt Itiirrttptli
HitlTbeAil rabHlt 0 o n o ol oll II IIJu oJuhnuit I
Ju Juhnuit I u o II 0 Tolah it 3 1O Ii 41 n T IJ ITTOlAk I 2 2ToUU
ToUU 1 al I 2 I K 11Ial1 nhtIiiil 2i 2iluilrtl
luilrtl tea 10 UurrtvH hirrt + l la the Wntti Inalot tabletl4iealo InalotmB
mB ooaIo io 00000 n auouooaocO auouooaocONewrI 0 0 0 o ooo no < i iVenark 1X
X Venark OHIOO04O 0 II I 0 0 0 4 v 1 1HUM 5lIa
HUM Nrwurk S wcrk Ur till Mrr er iBimerman trlma rrt C CI tilap tilapPaihhit p pIaililn
Iaililn I I Molrn l t1Pi Meyer ij tb yPr Mrhlaitr lan 7Jmmrr 7Jmmrrman jrnmeraan
man n Harriarehlt atorlllN ArJrr T olkwBltt 0 nil Meyer MeyerKfH 11 11H MbITKehy
KfH Kehy H > Parkin tilt Olt 01 Tat Tutor lor I In errel tea In Inrjtncv IIIIIIC IItt
rjtncv IIIC M trurk 4trwkouI out II l > Iarkln I by Hurrbetl I Innt Inr
nnt nr t t tmi un i IMH OH Tailor I W1U 11d 11dbO1 pllen pllenHurrbril latIebI4aintuit
Hurrbril bO1 fni I Impure re In chief hlC Maltord AMlUBl AMlUBlumptre A1A1l1umpira AiistabIumpirr
umptre hunt Time TI I hour a cad l a l mlButrv mlButrvjcna InIOQIrIJbOIT DulCl DulClUMn
jcna UMn > T ITt t 4 Toaoxro ToaonoJ a aJenrr 3Jet
Jenrr J Jet lily 111 defeated Terenln la IIIm > e Pi1e101V1 Pi1e101V1rem > ierday ierdaygame
game m l Gntte > nrge Mrrrllt pllrbctl plkll hU hi brat raID ganof gemof
of 0 the b traton and hail b guinl control lrnI when moat mu1Beeilnl moattiredeti 1 1lIrd
Beeilnl llanlunl balling oa a fUtUre The TbeIB Tb Tb1tU Thefor
1000 an CITY CITYau I IA
IB IBHbaw au u r A At AHeallh P Aa A alP r II nI IIhaw A P Plbbawff
haw lbbawff rf 1 1lr t a o w 1emenLlf 4 4t I 3 II II IIO 0I I IIi
lr I < rr I IIMrbnl I I 0 a I iloelierrf 4 2 a aI 0 0 0o 1Iba 0latebant
IMrbnl > III I I u u lUnfenl 1IllaD rl rli I a I o 0 01111lOnh 0l1tiat
1111lOnh l1tiat k 4 1 l ojohawmlbi 0 I e 0 I I11nIlh Ith1th
Heallh 4 4Vaughn 1701 I 1 70 0 1tnu4rbt U > iiurb fklyb1 4 i a an 330 330Vaughn 2 o oa 1aurb
Vaughn aurb l lYaoilrgrtr n 4 2 uiivilara IIlnII 4 I a at 3 I IDnr IVaiotegrIr
Yaoilrgrtr Dnr I IlillJb I a a llr 11 I inond1ba d b 3 I ll 4 o UllallIb 0IiIt3t
lillJb lillJbsiiirri 2 I 2 0 Spahrr br t s sI 1 o oa aQIr 0MlaStIV
siiirri siiirriCarrollp I I o n ii JJmlttp > ffjlt9 3 u o oni a 0 oU 0Cmll 0arrniip
Carrollp CarrollpKrtl I II a il ilu 0 0II 01KpI
Krtl KrtlCom II > I II U u un ni Totals TvlAlSI 11 3 11 n nTnUI > 1 U 13TIA IStnrr 2
Com tnrr p II n a u a au lb lbtldIph
lludoipB t u o I ii 0 0Total
Total II IIItaiira I a 24 I ia 13111t4 a aKail 3tsaii
Itaiira r fr < ir irHltr Kail 1411110 la ibr lb ninth lanliig lanliigCarroll lenteghalted I
> halted < l ter terlUtleil I Carroll urnllin In Ih the eighth rIlIIlIDoIDC teeing InalngCorrr teeinglhatt1 I IIIJ I
lUtleil tar r Corrr l r la I ih the alnth nlb laalng DDIII J
Tnrnota Tnr 0 10001001 II 0 0 > I 0 0 I IS ISJervrr I t tJt
Jervrr Jt Ill 11 > IO10OOOO I 0 3 0 n II 0 U 4 4Hunt IHen
Hunt ToriMito 1 lba thaw heat I Yangha ubn Jfr J JII Drey Dreybti ry ryOl
Ol > Uorllrr II llanmril ld < Joluivio JIII Clement Hr nfll nfllun Pititbe t tba
ba r on errnr pn Turenio T I Jrrwy J fit n I Left Ixftun IAftr3
un b ha r TorMitfk 4 < l Jtfter lilt ill > a ttr1 baM baMon beeGa
r3 t J JMI
on hall Hit MT Crrotl I off r et Merrill ft 1 2 ittrurk ittrurkHil ittrlifknUt
nUt MI Ht II trrell t by Merrill > 4 Three TblftII baa bawhll baahis
his II Oemmt ml Two tw 0 bate ha blu bl nupatrlek partk Mat Matler aI1Cr Mattry
try 1Cr > H 4td4P rrMlr hll hhIeIJnead Kmwid Spakr ntolea ntolearumr 11 111InI OIPn OIPnha
rumr ha llajitnnt a t Ml Double BUrVDdr playVeadtrill BUrVDdrrrlti Ia Ddr Ddr11m
trill and nd flail rmt Imhtr > lre In rhletllaMgan b IIlIlc At A Astant AtUnl
> Unl 111 umplrt um Brou Tine I hour bo and d 40 40mtaulr toar I Irualaulci
ar rteviuocx ra lu ca nUT omr aU aUIrnlol
Bit BitProvMrnre II I IPrepldrne
ProvMrnre Irnlol no fI II I IMnnirrl III
Mnnirrl II > 101 II nnunoo4 nnunoo4llalirho 0 0 0 U 0 4 4I
I llalirho Uarttnl U Utender I and 11 IllrceraU IllrceraUU flt1eral4Wiater
U t1 Wiater Inter MlHen 1ottIt sod Krirhrll Krirhrllirroon PCrkhIIatfoal bl blrro
irroon rro om omI 001WUI 05Mbltnrtreai
I k ii l lUnoimi
Unoimi II i n uno n o 0 n a aI a aIrnrtdenc
I IrntUmre Idr 11 I 0 2 2 a n 2 10 10In u a aI SIlstirlei
I lUtlrrte In Meter > and nd ClIo wUa Tbomtnm and andI1 cadr lId lIdncIoI
I1 r ItigeraM ItigeraMI
a II III k kl URihpaIr
l ltrrhrrr I o 0 1 n n o n i ill illlitnuHr JI 33 33tllttmerr t
1111 tllttmerr litnuHr o o n o n n II a u a 4 a aItoltrrlr 3II
flatten II llnlmr aad d their Knt H Uallo UalloKgan 1In1kI > 3db 3dbcml
cml 1kI Btm and nd Kgan Kganiainr rnfm EisaGaItrs
iainr Kolieiluled for Tda TdaNATlnXAL T TdaPATIOPAL d dUTtnUL >
NATlnXAL LHOCI LHOCIlltuburt LuorLI LI5OtJhltLbirg
lltuburt In I lMrgo Cincinnati la SI 3 loul loulAUUHCAX lollltUIU bowAMU5tiA
Hi lot loa3s la Uetron CTei O1Ad eland la a Chicago ChicagoBulTalo CblregoIleTeka lIIrao
UIUII LUllra LUllraBtllblo tsasrvIhiIo
I BulTalo la I Newark a Uontrral uoner In Iroildenre IroildenreTuonw 110111IlforonlO Proddeaceroonbo
Tuonw la Jrr Jlrr ry OA OAew iluyiw 1 1r
> iw ew r lork rk SLile 11 I Letge LetgeAt acne acneAT P PT
AT T mtvroN 1IO1TOfCII
ail ailtaoeooi Us Ustijam4aii
tijam4aii 0 II taoeooi I n 0 0 0 G1 G1A I 2 2i
A I 0 i f o i Ir a u 1511 1511ITa u a allwdertiK
1 ITa r rtaa 1 llwdertiK ut > tJ U Waner Wanerar Wan
wm MHwG an Nl NlrYi3 r rU
ar A Aiiivr AiiivrTnty Au
I Tnty I o o t i o OOr o tva a a aAn SA
A An > 0401 01oInaos II 40V 471 473IdIQrW 471pAitrrt 1a 1aw
pAitrrt w UlMebin 11Mn NtHttagbam and al cmiMcHdk Fetter on
UrBrMe y8 NriHo Xi qti a al aaI t Hrlgrr HrlgrriMea Mcr Mcrn blrlirAT
I n lum STUSCtUL
hips nlr I RPL RPLhips I
t trar raeua < iw 000001120 1 0 U It U 0 a 3S 3SIlaslerwa a 3lll allalirrtr
llalirrtr lll Ofuffior aad ut Httrnt Ina WUUr U UU leap Koopnun Iop Iopa leapInCa
nun a sad these MrauaAT tI
AT A winraiiE winraiiEIBmtra
I U U UhCmttU
IBmtra 1mb l oooooo no n a 0 i o 0 I a a aUllkr
Ullkr n WUkebarre Ikre > brre o 01001030 4 I n o 1 o a o 175 175flutteflr 7 1 1liattertr
Itaub ItaubIt liattertr 111 b Vagi and Dd ItiRbln Maltbev MSlb and andItaub andRaub ni
trtnls rllia I4aUe I4aUe1t p p1f4
It litrbmond 1f4 Ltnrhburg Llhtblrr Richmond IUtbld IUtbldI I IVI
VI Pftrunanth IVrnmoiitb a rvorfXk n u uOther 1Ilh UhIthr
Other Ilh Harlikll Orhal fUnien fan Yeatrtdp YeatrtdpST Ye llr < terUa terUaAT
I UI UIwe I Icn
MXC 20flflAO0floa 20flflAO0floa11144gm I4 4
HkrVen cn auotoooo I U I U 0 U 0 4 > 3 3U1 3KaHeihi
I KaHerm U1 r KlHwn 1 aa cad < l TrreHer Tr Mwllb b and andAT ad
AT ATMaim A 1 lrn IACtPPtiP
a II IIal i iM4IrIt4aad
M4IrIt4aad Maim al Uaad lo in I 0 noio n 0 I 0 0 0 I
hBglmeud I u I u a I ii I ii o i aaa aaaKAHrrl I IrP
ftuggk rwc KAHrrl rP OMIer l IIIH and 1kI AHra lienwn 1 and a aridAT
AT wakcMTka IHTI
ink inkllartrd U n nI U UhIscrd
llartrd C n I 0 0 I A I fl n o fI BI 1 4 u uuie ItI uhla4iCw
I hla4iCw C uie I I I o oHte4ii I I I 1 4 I I
II tSslla Hte4ii t1kI tft and B Cai ng ngar 1 Em > a sod p4 p4Ar
ar ala N > VK VKtale a
I4ieq 3 300000 0 I 0 0 0 1 8 04511 1
tale > 114 3SUUOU a ti u o u v a ss ssN5114 i iHllerin
Hllerin N5114 1 t4rI taIlor hll tbil lArlgbt IClt Kirraitu aed aedCatlu w IK IKnut
Catlu I
nut nutsannnAnnt ccvI II IIu
u I > rteaiuIa sannnAnnt 8 I 0 I n i uLtas 41 I I
Ltas 1 u u M u I7a I7aW
1 iIb I isMebibl med l lI ha tturp e1asj
IISe > 4 W liam I <
AT 7 f
r PHI PHIesl H a aitniini
1 itniini II 1 I I n 8
a esl 1ba410 u il u li H u u I u I I 4 a ai 3sellI
I alt Kll sellI ns i aft afttr 1 VourM Amtru 10 cd cduf M Malt
tr rou PUOTtfVlP 1
f14 f14IhUSI nnii A uo 0 o2 o2Htu U J JIv
Htu Iv IhUSI a u n u I ii i O bi u I u it 01 b > l j I
a 1 ltsttti Urtio W and an l Lar4a rWin hUh 1 and 1 Urn UrnAT 1m 1maT Itena ItenAT
AT wrjir rotkr rotkrof rlH rlHt potaypalecetaefVlrtlnl
t palecetaefVlrtlnl palecetaefVlrtlnlwest of u virzlnU 1rI tAOin I 0 I 0 < nn I i
west II fvlHI lsii I Mil Sb bI II 7 Ull ii bb ill it A a 4 4hjilteib a aHniwaaod 3I
hjilteib I Hniwaaod 14p iiU cad Itoan 11 I > in HH > ot sad nd lymB lymBIT Ime Iyin IyinT
IT T nMuiiMni TIUH
K Pit PitawathiiP H I I Is Iwt
s wt awathiiP aithoH re J rt n 1 I o n I n o I It j jn 1
1 IA11t9a IA11t9atialti4 n i H H M I o 1 a a n nawl
tialti4 I r rara I awl 3 NI HleklMiii 1 1f HMtrM cii ciiIt i > J JriHin I
It fluSh n i 11 Itll ItllbobCp i in inHnlver
Hnlver Jl I I A 0 I lb i n I rafl > 4A4 a I > t
V i II I 2 M a U 2 W I 1717 17 4
Ki4etlr 14 1 t4et > Io4r JH S44ief l < r aDJ nJ Ki II cii ti Gvrnrh w wUtn rh
UrKen Utn e iiso Hl rJtfr YIM
ti UUTO tilUtoitl imtof imtofVemtwi
l Vemtwi ¼ elcea r A 0 n I II fl 8 u o GII 11 2 l liain
iain II I0ans t I U II I U 2 u II ii u u I a 2 l I
litfU I I iStb1 l < et1r T rhr k > r nJ llil ln Uruirr U M oa4 t d KM KMlitfU KuI I Ia
AT a T POUTH MI tlttNat tlttNatUMMiUil O OUu
P II 1 1dl P
UMMiUil Uu II 1 II I II I I 4 t II 14 II a Ibehllt
behllt ItN dl n II I II I 0 H I U II II II U I 130a 130aIaIled 0 0J 0H
H IaIled I IJeale > sab C t beg J Jail h ku a aI said saidSr < l lAT
Mar Wc > laiH4 mbi4311ei arr I e 2iooeooiin 0080010 O0l00tIb44I 4 4 14 14no
1 11 Jabs 0 no I 1113 a i i i IS a 2 it I u
Mn hatlrrh 1 aA lo H l m slii < tt HI lX u111v tJattrlyu > Hfl > ui a and od Cira iraeue i ilo > M
AT T Htrrein Htrreinsbsol rUi
a II I SimesMhaahi
> imesMhaahi sbsol > I a I 4 I i 2 2 > 1 1vrrl 4112
MurrUNnt vrrl bi I u S I 0 U a 0 1 4 t
lal 11 I1u0c iuilr HruKbrt Hnb 1 llrtki llf lIP > ej and w llarrl lrt Moon Mourr Wo Moonlal
a a r kua bMIlSbVu nun nunWHh iri nun nunHe
a I U
WHh heaIiiWa He I fr 1 I 0 I 0 0 0 7 10 0 a
w WII1 W1i on It wi MIA A i ii I 2 0 0 0 n o a a a11 a 12 a
lalrt UlMaU Iums 11 and ni fltPitde Balrtrt Balrtrtand
M4IIbe IW and I hiemeibsek hiemeibseker tI
o er r 1ln MOT1Ift
a H I
frrweni r I AOooonooooookj 0O0fl00OOOO nIGIIOOOOB4 1 S I
il htetkItr n4riir u uuIubs000uaiooo iiu ixtn 10000 uuu ooo I a
BaHnir 1 4 t inn ua and iuarhabeagb rt > ie f n Ran
aet Ie4sbI > 4N and Hlfwl HlfwlAt HI II
HIA At A r saw BIVIK BIVIKIritfl UI UII svs
a N U
Iritfl I Iairhaiwcl I refciitirn II a I C I A I a I a 0 o I I as asdip
ale rrrOtmefi t 2 il I I it u I u a 2 0 a 4 I
H IIahirtfra lirfr I leMy 1mM > and rnnfon CIII Vet l and D TllnerAIS Tllner
AIS t w44i > = llrM HuiKr tl Maim > to Herkeley a
MfeflMM tt eslaN M e lw lert M > i 1 If p 11 Faa Faauuxl rca rcaMood
Mood I I II IMttlnw I IKirrennlrli
Kirrennlrli I I rnn < rreawlrb lll II 1 Moylh MoylhM Meuithi14i I
M irt H H 1 I tea linlBgw linlBgwl I
l lM4 thWM lnt HoMfeon C t Ii ftumfard ftumfardlhe4fc4efcee S
lhe4fc4efcee I P 1 ra lr 1 Injam < 4ew Hevrtr I II I Uo UoralMi Joasiefl 0 0c
ralMi iVHkge c l xMrtwm lrr a Unlnta UnlntaAt V
At Ftetilon r ftMr II IH 1111 H I LawrrarevHle I I
Al I Hwllftglnn Vermont Vnol II Norntm owi Iaiirr Iaiirrrttrurr tflbwppa43 I
a43 a43u 3
u 1 Eaweg c Pahag S rttrurr r eatt CoHegtate CoHegtatei Coi
11 liMIa II IIi Cot
i SM4liiMm Hart H Hittint ant Yrm4eea I
Mark Marki S Stt 1
tt i 1 amvseh u frt flewdnln 4 I Iatsrn nltrnUy ef eflttr
> I ItfrwMf
U 1 tfrwMf lttr h a fi r kt 7 7VI 7I
VI I 1 Birier Ea Rieier > Cwflig tbich4bu r A Avi 0I
vi I i rwnt fl bffiem N 4 H 4H Iau te 5 w 1 Wbtwea4f feter Pely Pelyf r
uuhIb I IU 3u re
U W WII4gmiawWItjtas WII4gmiawWItjtasII I I
An I e
II IhadeIthINt II 50 f IUMhfltA44i 3
TIIKY Tim 1 HV liI 1 rail H10lllltH H10lllltHIX 111111 iait XIflli4 XIflli4Ix
IX 1 UOSTOX UOSTOXJim uusnolnl
Jim olnl Iln Tanktin aDIM linda nlFlnl It IFlnt Vleteo 11 ktr > for forIhe forIhf forthe
the Ihf New Nlw YerkAtulellr aAlbll HUH 1 Going CotacFaal Coll Goingrat
rat t White hUe HOT st HIp Tlser TCI TCIIDI TIgna4ler TIgna4lerlitsata 4lete 4leteUtMla
UtMla Ml Lwila Tram TramTlie Tramnub
IDI Handily laDI Heat II III Tanl
nub 1 New S PW York ok American hIn won on again againIn
In llolon 11on yealerilay Ida Ib the he cani m going Iuln ten tenInnlnc 111InnlllC tetitoning
toning InnlllC Jim Vaughn ullln pilrhit pllh1 ami ali It wa waliH w wM wa1bP4
liH flrl f1 vktnry although lhlrh he h ha hai hats I lo 101 101I bat bata t tn
n I ttante tn Aa A usual WI1 ho h we psi hard Id lo hit The TheCleveland ThI ittltrlanda
I Cleveland not having haYlnl ha > in ito 10 iosti ti tired 11 of oflamhallnc ofInhlnlr ofI
I lamhallnc Inhlnlr Ihe Ih llrowrw lu did I 00 o araln rln ami amiwent aiulwrot d
went 1 to Mrond rA pUre plr vthil hi the Ih High IIb IIbIn liglilIndeN Highlander
lander In t moved 10 up to third I The Th wlnnlritf wlnnlritftreak wlnnllli wtnninmriak
treak k of the Ib Mhletint 1111 I i nilntied < lnl at 1 Ihe Iheripenim I It ItaIwt
ripenim aIwt 1 of the Ib Washington lIlnlo The lh On OniagiM IhllI lliilIne
lIne lI overpowered 01 the III Detroit Iol Tl Thpu ThpuTbe rlgrrsThe rt rtThe
The re reult reultNew ult ultMew ul ulw
Mew w York 4 nOIe 11010 I IrtillaUflphla II Irhtadthpltia
I rtillaUflphla Iladtlpla O I tlaaliln ieshtngtn bllln len S St SCbe 3Iffleg
t hlcaie Cbe I Detroit 1 3 3flevrluid 3hevcIand
I flevrluid I Nl l Iuk uK I ITAXDira It Ior
t TAXDira rxoUonn or na cum cumvr
vr I i iv i ir I re rePhiladelphia l lI I
I Philadelphia II I TUrttlrago rlc 7 I 447 447Ne 4T 4TtD 57Ieisnd
Ieisnd II C I47Iloaiout 1 10 1 ItS ItSPu
tD I 4
Ne 1 Ysrlt 0 U a au WbIDrIO > VblngtoV 4 14 I IIVtOIL im imDetrall 10 I IJll
Detrall Jll 11 I T ailuSI alI SH7ttLautL buul Ll 1 II I 21 21xiw 711 711XKW 1 1nw
XKW TOU Toss IA A 11 1 4 Bourns Olr it 3 i i ilUiarox Ikr IIketnc
lUiarox kr May 1 7 NUlllngV llIn men ron rontinned rn rnInld conhottest
I tinned Inld their good work ok today by I defeating defeatingllonlon dflnr
lllon llonlon again ID Ihl his lime 1m by r the Ib wore of
4 410 lo I The Th came went nlln ten Inning Vaughn Vaughnoccupied VaUghnoccupIed lIchn lIchnnpl
occupied < npl Ihe Ihl boi bs and nd h be aervrd a1 up lp each eacha b bI I Inibrellaneoua I
I a nibrellaneoua m llnfu ancortment rtmnl of rurrr Cln cur slow alowand slowand 10 10an I I
and an faa ball that hr hI ti hail the Ih local loal break breakt rlk rlkIDC
IDC lag t I heir IbPl back btk lo crack ral the li leather 1lh In Inonl I Ionly I Ionly i I
only onl one on Innlnc Innlnek ilk boston 1010n get e11 in more Rorelhan RorelhanInrll than thana
a Ingle Inrll hit bl and that wa was in the seventh aevenlhThere seventhrtirre < nlh nlhfb
There fb were two men out at 1 th the lime aNt aminothing aNtnothing
n I
nothing resulted 11
1 1 he h men ln behind hln Vaughn olchn > played pl a plendM spleodhigame ploohl ploohlem
came Chaee l Cha Ijportr lloarh h alit 1 Austin Aloln
tarred a cc fielder ftr the Ih only onl error rr brine b < lne the Iheone Ih Ihon theone
one on accredited rII lo the Ih S New e ork hntllop hntllopWoller borlop hontalopVoltpy
Woller 01 and ml Chae h ha led I at the h bat with 11 two twohll IWohl tohit
hit hl each th lb Utter 11 having IYlnlt one aacnflr rfe In Inaddition Inddilon toddtion
addition additionVllh ddilon ddilonWlh ddtionVtth
Wlh Vllh Cbae Cb hip on thud bld In the Ih tenth nlh inning inningtb inningthe Inlne Inlnelb
tb the signet Ienl wa was given for fo the b mpieere suit play playChaaedaahed pl plI playI
I I Chaaedaahed lh Chase dh dashed for fo the h plate 111 a cc ClcoUe rlh wound woundup oundup
up and Ijiporte lpl laid 11 down a pretty prl bunt buntHe blnl blnlIbon buntHe
He was thrown out by b the Ih lied Sox ts t wirier twirlerrho wirierwho
who bo had no chance rbn to nail n1 Chae 1 has at llhe the put pUleFrench putErench Ie IePh
French Ph had another nolb oft ot day d al 1 eronil InII InIIant hae haeone tuiseone
one of hi b error r coallnc Inr a run rn but bil Wagner Wagnermade WaenrDdt Wegnermade
made Ddt only one on mlplay In thirteen chance chanceTh rhntI chanceaThe
I Th The i New S < York ok run n In the h third Iblr inning mnlngcime IRnlnrm inningCame
Came cheap After Mitchell 311chU had been beenthrown 1 taPeflthrown
thrown oft 011 by Ocolle Clrol Vaughn drew a pa paand p pn ps psand
and n went < 111 to aecond nd ashen bn llempblll lmpbll lmpbllIbon wa wathrown was wasthrown
thrown out al 1 Art f by b Carrlgan rien French Frenchfumbled Frenchfumblest nrh nrhfumbl1
fumbled Wolter Wol oitr grounder Irrundr and n1 Vaughn Vaughntook aughntook ulbn
took 1011 third Ihl Woller Wol Marled rl lo teal and andCarrigan nd I ICarrlgan I Ilnlen
Carrlgan made mid a poor r throw the Ib ball bll bellbouncitug I Ibouncing I Iblnch
bouncing blnch off ol oh French b clove Iru Vaughn ulbn ran ranaero ranacme n nao
aero Ihe Ihe tb pUle unhindered unhinderedCicotte nh dfr I IClcolte I IIrl
Clcolte Irl licked 111 llemphill lIIIhll on the 110 wrist at atthe II IIIII atthe
the III beginning brlnnlnr of the I tenth Inning Innin With ith ithtwo i itwo
two Mrtke 1flllH on him Wolter llrr poked INI a Ingle singleover Ingleover In l
over 0 short hor and 01 llernphlll 11phl went 01 to erond spiondhe erondtha 111 111h
tha h he e luaxl a while bll and nd finally nl drive d dblr a cbeauty
beauty blr over nY wind nd hose llrrouhill 1llhll scored acorcdand scoredend
and n on onslpakerawtkl Speaker lpkr wild lo throw 1ow tu > o Ihe Ih Ittetflt grand grandMand ln
Mand Wolter Wnle YohI cored r ant n1 Chaw Ch reauhed reauhedthird reauludthird I
third Ihln baa b Tree C ree grounded lo II Stahl 1h and andha I Ilhae I
lhae th ha rural 1 on the Ih eolln Mjuerre U play pia Laporle Laporlelieinii Lllne Lllnetlno Lcon Lcontwn4
lieinii tlno thrown out at tInt fnt by 1 Civotte Civottelloarh tlvuttIIOCCh Il
lloarh h flied lo lewl lewllloalon I leiwieitoston I IIllon
lloalon Illon Keerued m to t have bUl a anI nice chance rh In Inthe Ini inlb >
i the Ib aetond Inning IIlmr Wagner n tuned Ian wilbl wilbla lb 1 1Inil Ia
a aingle on to left 1 and moved up when Hooper Hooperwa
Inil r Inop
wa im bi by a pitched plh ball bl Lewi 1 lined 11 lo loWoller 10Wnl toWohIpr
Woller Wnl and nd tjtrrtcaua tn grounder od odbudl wa watmadled vie viehwmiei1
tmadled budl by b llova 1 for lu a double dOlbl play r In Inthe Intb Intb
the tb fourth Htah1 dlkl walloped nopr one on Into WollerI WollerIinn I Itwit
inn but Mueaker tprk IISPM laid 111 down a bunt hlRI and nd I Iwaa Ilr Ivs
waa vs ufe lr lie I went nl to second 0 oil 01 a wild wIl siktpatrb a i ipitch 1
pitch and scored when hl llnarh I allowed allowedrtfner alloweda Uo Uocn
a plkb rtfner cn a grounder eruld DP lo go through IhO h him himHooper <
1101 I Hooper 11001 waa thrown lwl out by b l 1lltlf laport < port and andLewU cmlLwtlI 10
LewU Lllolr fouled to Aut Aun 11 < In > n a beautiful 1111 raleli raleliIn ral I
In the lb eenth tnl inning IhRlr with wlb Iwo down downCarrlgan downarrigan w I
Carrlgan drove de a hot pmgle oier 0 third thirdba I thirdbase hldb
ba b base aren e On tbe lb bit and ad run came m Clootie Clcl I Itracked I IOUI Iraekt
tracked out a neat ae < HI t < entre nlr field fieldCarrigan Aldten tti4darrigmn
Carrigan arrigmn ten come lo third Erenrh ench banged orr at atthe atthe 1 1Ch I
the Ch nrt fal ball bl pitched plrbe and od popped to ha haporle I Ire a aporte
porte re The 1 acorc acorcxkw aorrc aorrcoL oreI oreIxiv
xiv Tow oL aoaro aoaroAB oovALardI 0
AB A ALardI r A i Aa A IMPAi IMPAiIbphtIIf n r A Airphlllrt r r1lhlrr
irphlllrt 1lhlrr 4020 4 0 2 0 oTrentb 0 rtlt b a o 0 I Ii 2 2Melierrt SWotwiff
Melierrt a 2 2 o oU 0L4r43b > rJJt > J o u I u uChairIb UCbewib
ChairIb i 4 i t I Ib IS a oltuhllb 0tfta > lIb 4 t 17 0 0Creelt 0 0CCPPIt
Creelt I a 0 o a5takerxf 4220 4220a S 5 0 I ILcpeiw3b3
Lcpeiw3b3 b a I a S oluagaer 0abiTaI r 4 t i S Y YlriI I Ia I IhIoaebia
hIoaebia a o o 4 i Hooperrf Itouper nt a o o e ea 0 0AuauaI0
g g1II
AuauaI0 a i i 2 oiLrwuit lriI 4020 4020t a 0 3 0 0 0hlIIebeite
hlIIebeite 1II t 0 t n I o ObarflaatI Carrlgaa Cm t I 4 a aYaugbap I IC IVigbap
Yaugbap C DP 3 u 0 2 PIVollrp Cn X I u a 0 0Bradley I 0I4rsdivy
Bradley Hrdl I I lUaU lUaUTatel u U 0 0Totalt 0TOlak
Totalt aa t SIIS an li I I It01A
Total al 7 TaJIC au l I a aBattrfl SRaltmb
Battrfl flIo forrv for fleOtte ttela UP ID tb tense Ib losing InelnjNew IID IIDok losingwerk
New werk ork OOlooOBOO OOlooOBOOI10UM 0 0 I G 0 I 0 0 0III
I10UM III U 000 0 I 0 I II 100000I 100000IRises 0 II 0 U 0 1 1IVw IA
Rises A r ew ork ek llrm 1 tieeI4 > UM Woller Wolo Chat ChatVaughn baa baasugba a au
Vaughn u Boston 1 apeakrr k nnt nf bw ba oa rrrar rrrarKOUKI TNIIbmtoale rr
KOUKI III bmtoale l NeOorka St 01 teflon UoIW bA t Hmloat HmloatNrw HoatoaIIv T
Nrw Iv York 01 e lint Irl bate oa ball NII HIT Ctfolir tkol 3 atirurk 3SOtuk
tirurk on 0 lIT lI loU 3 ty Vaughn a 4 ttarrt ttarrttre ator MeedSc
tre Sc Mt 11 < Cba tb be e Upon 1 Stolen 1 t la rv MuLl MuLlPoach < tihlIkMrh
Poach 11 Ijiporte I Double 111 plav 51 Hoarti t Import ImportaBilfhaw apart apartaadCI
aBilfhaw udl lliibr IlbTnr lbtltwpllnr pll < ner pn By Vachn n i Hooper Hooperl 0
l I a IVotlr L IeoIt illrnipMHl llr WIM I Jull VuglMl VuglMlImptrrlnrblel asghaImpIrelarbIel cl
Imptrrlnrblel R lun n AMllanlumpire AMlalloI AMlalloIT riant riantTbBe rauaItsat
TbBe T 2tiauriKl2iHHil 2tiauriKl2iHHilitt 7 floor 551 3 iiilat iiilatPIiutSitrNIA 1
PIiutSitrNIA IU itt I ti L I 11 wsswIoyos AniM IIT > To a aUar trIIIIIIA 3PNtuAPILPIIA
rIIIIIIA PNtuAPILPIIA Mar W r Poor 1111 nrWmr he Wber Wberfrkl 1 PftierfeLl
feLl r helped bP11 tk thq Alhletln 41t thleiif lo I wof a s4o tIre DI rue In tb tbnfih
nfih r1 Innlnr 10 da > toe t envoi t040b Cb b nn to best ra Wail WaitiThe W WI Waillgkn
lgkn III The far tritrewtHiKuTun farwssMIruTus
wtHiKuTun I t1l PHiui PNILiiLPuutS PNILiiLPuutSA 11r 11rH > at > yi yiA
A H HP r A k Aaurtr AaurtrVRan A AbUr S r rnr PVIsnrf
VRan VIsnrf rt 4 2 4 I I Sir i4InIaulfrf nk cf 4 I I u I H HrnnrutM iiCanraitSt
nr nr
rnnrutM > 4 o t S iNdrtnrJI lrIJI 4 I I u uHre I lb lbl4ooii
Hre l4ooii n Jf 4 I S u Hif i4uMn3t HnJti I t 2 n I IMtUffrMM4 Itifr4dm
MtUffrMM4 = tifr4dm r i i i riukffai 4 a a u u uflrwierrf UOnIrrf i
flrwierrf 1 10260 3 U 5 0 0 ntulb a i e o u uCr UIt UCreokalh
Cr Creokalh ok lli 4 o I U u u lUrpavrr rr a I 2 o I IKttHfrfjb Ill IKMHfiSt
KttHfrfjb ll a a u 7 3 i Hiro Rlt > as a I i a o oMrretr aT5etC
Mrretr T5etC 3 I i U n Ut 1Ct lirgion rtanr I 0 J 3 u uUhMHap I Ulfuoicp
UhMHap Up 3 0 u I 2 o Denderp ptibflIdfpTotal drp 2 2 0 a o oT UTll
T Tll Total tali 55 1 71 I 5 4 Totals TIA at a 1t n 3 10 10Wnr 2 2MthlnfUx 5Wahingtoa
MthlnfUx Ofl 0 0 II I 620 8 0 II I 01 01IbilaaripMa 0 3 3JII
IbilaaripMa JII W Duuutoul 0 0 U I ii S 0 U I II IIto a aHu
Hu I Ua W WaLkuglosa > tkiU Milan WH StreeL SIo il L C iinum iinumltHA4npU ItnoePLHdopbla
ltHA4npU MlTMk lUbrr Mt1 Hrphi Hrphilurry 3arhplurry >
lurry Pleader lV nntbaxiuierrar hIust b baa isa = error n 1lJ1 1lJ1IUdlpbl WvMnriAn WvMnriAnI
I L Hbllailelpbla IUdlpbl 3 11 left tl uo I bass M > lkll IIIIbl IIIIblIi PLlIadlIhla PLlIadlIhlaa illi > kla
1 Ii Vatblngico fInc 1 Ptrt lrl UK b un ball OJ 1 lira lirader I liender
der d I Struck tnI out H Ih > header Ild A L ny b b ln Iroom t tTbrrebaMUl z pTbrv
TbrrebaMUl T Tbrv ha Il Ill leader I Dd Two T e liaie ha fell 11 Murphf MurphfMacrlflie 1 > terpt terptsurina lb lbftMp
Macrlflie klu btl Unrpti liarr > Mop u letiruiik e etrwik
= trwik ftMp l llaaii > Ii tK UI IWuble t p11 4 > i Mltan sad J fiber fiberfrkl lbr lbrfeLL
feLL r KHHIrr Klr cad < tooL o Illl 11 b > lIUwr 1 ll llimulrr I Ity Itytiruuir >
imulrr i lr iricr > r < ler hlttlln ll In b ir 1 inane o iHrndrr iHrndrrUavt aiianderUaiH n
Uavt i Wild MlTh k hrixlrf fnirim < Vn Vnnull
null t > and ld Irtfliru line I hour t U 5 mlualu mlualurHICAOO ja4ateCIIICAQO
rHICAOO rllrO I L I 5 MUHOIT 111 1 1tlktROIT SfletIloty
tlktROIT IUOI lily 1 T Tn T lads till d > gem me wrnt r to a tha thaUMIe Ih Ihnrrl tuewilts
wilts 7401 < ot Twu Ml < la ii UK fiat Inutac Inui4 gait gaitllcirUt gsa gsabeltoh
llcirUt nrrl two run Jo JoI tri 4oIl > ll I wa ukni from N Nbvrr rU tie tiebefore ln lnbefurr
before bvrr Ihl tbti limlBC wa nnhkeU AD The T tratr tratrluiiioo fatrtuuIAoo
luiiioo 0 nrmuiT nrmuiTAa I II irTaaalvAllays
Aa Allays n I p A P ta UHP M Hhlr r t Si Si7llrSb i i7elit
7elit hlr 7llrSb rb b I 1 U I I l I > Ululyretia ttlnlyi IfS 2 I u I a II uCoHintrr IIvtur iiCuI4hiLlf
CoHintrr i u I S i 0 n Itabs < wti S i 2 a 0 uiinillilb 0udllb 0aridiilb
iinillilb udllb 3 a lu II I U Cobtirf bbr a I 2 u o olioarttlf UIklbnttrIf
lioarttlf 11011 a I o 0 BCrwrrJrfl rrrhu 2 4 u u uCuirtf UI a atwref
Cuirtf 4 a i u I iijl IIllrll uIIet15gb3 > irbira i 0 u u uIurirllJo IIur aIurtnILSQ
IurirllJo ur a I a I u I LatbenJb LIn I 1 4 U UTaDIIhl1 IITarieLIIIs
TaDIIhl1 TarieLIIIs Ml I 0 a 4 l ibTJrinrIb > iT Jonrvlba S I a 2 II IIror iiPIERC0
PIERC0 ror 4 I 3 2 0 Siana MIsege aCe ec 4 I t u u uo UPl USiPuttlb
SiPuttlb Pl o 1 ii u I Oiliruwnogp2 OllrvnDII a I I i I4 n nUlimlnlp iitJimeialI
Ulimlnlp 4 II I a I MJunr UJu I II I 0 u U UIVbllep I UIWtep
IVbllep r a u u I u 1 u Until WID n ti I u I I a 0Tul u uTulal
Total Tul 311 II I X T l II I Toll T fk ai 3 IA a557 21 Ki a W Wtwf 0Jlll Uhiattal
Jlll hiattal twf faa Hr H tfuhl4ig kHig In I tie > e eualh > ra raCtlraru D liabag liabagClinic Ir IrIt
Clinic It 0 C I Z 0 t tlrol
LtnMt lrol iuuiauuuoa U I I It 1 II I 3
Hun I CMraro hIram lianilll tudll Huueberli I Ihaw ianbi Cole Ci e
Purtrll rn Detroit I I I Welt IdcIIt > rr t ob lb b Hekbaalt 1 lbaDI u
Two T ba base HI Uclnlyrr Ilal > C bb IMebaalv I DII
Cole CI w Karrlne 1Inr hit bl Hu ROI bosh h T June MW 1 n bat batOndH bi baselandil
OndH I riMl U r i a UK ttt > 5 Hrowtluga Hrowtlugaoil
oil Volt I oil IMmtlrd i4Ir 4 CI olt et While I lilt I II IIpItch By Bypltrher
ft ftplot
pItch plot By 1 hIV4limtit Omlrrl Om Drlfluuitj Utt 11 ttbe a base b b1rl
IMtroll 1rl Itt 0 Chicago c a Mtruek out 1 Hr II > Uroon Po
J lng4by bag 4 by MnUla 1 bt Uln Ulmsuo ied2 p ItotiMe l > ite RZ Mar
Iayn D seat J Purtrll I Trldrr Z T TnnehW + l aml ml r UintH
TaBUftUt T nuol lauiHI cad 4 yew r MM Ut r Wub
WhIte Wil fBiHre I la I thin PrrrlBe Prrl Awltanl AIDI AIDIpUe um umlire uflflpine I
pine lire O Lougbila OIbD TI TIme I hour It aid udnnLAo M idbiilti idbiiltiCLXVriUMD InlOlaleCLZIYl4ND
Cl CUTILAlt > viL4l > Mar 7 UltrbrH > lbn only ot 1 allowed allowedour lt
our 0 hit bIl > 10 1 Ml Loili 11 M I lt t < Tb t nr POSP POSPa ir irr
a r u 111 LUCIa > iu iuAB lonl lonlI atI1VIIiii atI1VIIiiiaaNAP
AB aaNAP aaNAPlhLrit H HIVbcrlt I a R AM Al H
IVbcrlt 1101 i u uHolTmaajf us 0 a u rtintfl i a aKrtrrJI a 3 ii 0
HolTmaajf 101 I 2 2HAteJto I 41 KrtrrJI i tr JI I 0 0a I 0 0 0I 0aUaecab
> HAteJto 4 I Illrtgg2b 2 3 ITuroerw ITm a I Ia a 4 t
llrtgg2b HrUb a 0 0i I 3 liUlUeJb IL 4 2 n 2 0 0n 03 0tlsaIC
i CDMIb tlsaIC a 0 U O OMrbnUrjfJ a I tiMloa4Iti IIII 201 201o p 0 I n I o
MrbnUrjfJ l r 0 0s 0Kmirrf GIn I o o 01 0Pcctrty K Itrr t Tirr 4 i 4 2 0 0n
JartiaUim uU s 0 S 2 U l lord rdrf If a I I n n a
1 Kmirrf li4lfrr a i iutWgaap S I oHraferan2 0 H I Ia I I I n na
utWgaap ulnp a e 0 a 0 Grldl UlkbfHp a i iu icm 0 a 0 I 0Tok 0Total
Total U 4 4343 21 2 U I 21 1 Total > n T 1211 12 I I IW IS 5StLo4s
W S StLo4s Lout 0010 II
Clrtelaad Cnla 0 U U 0 4 4Hna
Hna 111 bluesiS 1 1ouKKHHfT Cletruuxl I
Htovall nU Lord L 2 z Tie To bate b Ml hl Katlrrty l 1lu TKreV 1
bate beahtthord hit IIIon Lord HArrlBroWu Teaser T Movall hewall7 n 1
1 MUUrBbr tOieS b bae Brrtlcrl DaIIn hitdIi > Lord > rd Krurgrr Krurgrro tr EIt n La
0 ontathO0 n MlieLe41Io0UhIigaaa o Cllua u firsitiac rl
cm 0 erronCkneUnd rlr I I LetS II oo G beqe45y1 e
Uad a M I Lout i J Mrurk w Ml Ol By y MliehelL Mllb a
br dHtljaii M X I 3 HIM 1M pitcltCINtlgaa loa Inplra la I 3
ebrlKeln WKrn AMMaatvmHre AeiMant uvipire MerMaa flee o
I bevr ho cad a 44 4 mhraie macbillNiithern r Pa
Niithern Ih Lesge Lesge1I p pI
1I 1oI LIt to Flesi Al AMasta IA I ilim
p0 p AAI A S 1 J 2 a I
LA Ju AI 4 1 a C
nml FlAnK K Of 0 HVXS ltt fOll 01 oIt tOLL UBl UBl2O U DU I
20 I 4 the 11f Vrrv tt and a Tumi las a f C1lon C1lonIhe Georgtovn Georgtovnttte > orf rtown rtownthe
the Loral Unto UrmtColumbia Untofohlmb llrtohliflibLI
Columbia Uughtered lrblt1 Itelown lieorcelown on onSouth onKulh on140u1h1
South Kulh Field yeilerday Irr afternoon dlo ol rolling up upM upI
M run I lo 4 for fn the Wahlngton collegian collegianIn oleln olelnIn
In and a half The titus and didbIte andn
aix U 111 h1 Inning Inlhl Tb lu ald aldhllelok
n bile hllelok look a blc and ad early b lead JAII Three TT run runIn runit UI
In it the Ih Hrl trl all 1 In Ihe lb th neiond on and n nd five In the Ibethird thetIiirul be
third 1111 were I1e made ld Two apiece 11 tame lu lutheir I I11Ilr tuthelrtest
their thelrtest Ul 1llwo two IwOtijtnaat turnat twit twitlieorcelonn b b1etloI baiticorgetoan
lieorcelonn 1etloI n Matted ar off In well 1 by b pulllnc plllnl a aman Illn aallan
man lln acro arf aaroa t the IhIIlal p Iiaie ate In the Ih opening ol nlnIII nlnIIIbil eenalon eenalonbut peaaalotibutt
but bil w va an unable una bil lo worn aBm alan until 1IIIIIhe the fifth fifthHeavy ffb ffblnr bUlbliecry
Heavy lnr hilling hlUnc waa multdy Ihr reaponlbl lupnI for forColumbia fO fOlulllI fortoiuaaliib
Columbia victory ylo although llhollh the li tcorge 1Ie teorge40si
4 40si n fielder 111 < aided Idll materially mlpll by r allpumf allpumfup allllle alllllell
up at IrllKul nioinenlpt nioinenlptKlendl mUII mUIIIndl tnuuieptaliioodt
ll Klendl Indl Ciiliiinbla Ihlllb flr fll first l baMinan baln and andhakelball andoklb andbikptbsll
hakelball oklb player dlMlneulehed dllnruhII1 htmwlf hlm1 by byhammering byhsisutaettng
hammering hIIIIIln1 out the bilged 10111f1 home run hit hllof hl hituf
of vfb tbeaeaiwn the sesoon un In thews Ihlund the sriund und Inning Inlll1 Ihe 1 h he ball ballrolled bl baitrUlhlMt
rolled ul1 Ilear J lo the dormtlortea tulllu at 1 the far farend f fRd farpid
end Rd of the lb field Alt and 1IIu Iwo men III sho ho were on onbu 01 onhuae
bu h huae e pmedil hlendl Ilpnll lo tbe lb plate Oiler Oilerhaul Oalthul Oilerhiobil
haul hul made 1 four hltm hl driving thln11 In one Oi on or 0 wore uiorerun wor woreruu
run UI on Oi each b one on I Ih lb h ummary ItUInr ItUInrXtu sulaiinarylJtXH5I ummaryUkOkQkTOWX
lJtXH5I Xtu UkOkQkTOWX UkOkQkTOWXTotal uaaOI ueaaoITOwNAc
nonnl ttonnrlISbS I I U I IMtrdmg3bi iSInar S I I aMaui4re
Maui4re 1 4 I S IMurphrt S 0 0 0 0lkbU 3 3ktcrbulf3
lkbU I I 0 OIIUDI 01 11oct11 I I I U 0 0InOmfe 0Iiwnmer
InOmfe Iiwnmer S 3 4 1 I 0 mn tuibon2b 2 ISO I S 0 0 01Ddlb oIilrnIIlb
1Ddlb S S I a 0 OlurDr 0tuganrf 4 0 Ion Ion1bbl I I I IMhIbierrfi
1bbl MhIbierrfi 3 0 S I 0 0 l tugea I I I S I Itorl IiorlsSb
torl iorlsSb S I 4 l1tlLoasrlb ILolb 4 S S I I I1ID IIlalIagIf
1ID IlalIagIf lt 4 u I I it U Enate 4 U tOO tOOrI 4 0 0 0tlNuiIpnt
tlNuiIpnt rI 3 I I S 01 OIbuiierp RallI I I a 0 n nrhlbflp 0Iitbwdlp
rhlbflp Iitbwdlp 0 0 u 0 01 Oiflannrryp2 nnnp n 0 I 0 0Tollo 0Fetch
Total M II 11 i I 4 Total Ttl 82 II Ii IiInn t 7 7Hrorretiiwn IGeartiawn
Hrorretiiwn I Inn n n o 5 0 I 117 117ilumtU I I 1 1Im 7tottimlt
ilumtU Im attaoa 3 a 0 0f 3 Mill MillIfm 13 IS S SSims
Sims Crargrlown o Murphy > Glbwn If IfbUL Dugan Duganlor IhugantoIln
lor toIln n CbliirBbU f OCoanrlLX 0 bentil 3 Sandrr a 3 Hier OlPrholut Hierhoul
houl bUL 4 l iminrL 3 3 Klrndl ndl a UNrtl UXfl 7 Mom Momnia 10 hornnil
nil M Klrnill MI itarrinr rlOr bit I ID 5 5aridera < Bdrrv Mtolra Mtolrahxe Mtoleehf 1
hxe I t ilbMMi 2 Ihlrrboul hlbul 2 foru 01 2 Hailing Hailingsitirntlng IInUDI flailingMilletding
sitirntlng trcnnarll ITDnll hush III liuga Lnmmel LnmmelKkaul LosemelKienut ml mlKII
Kkaul KII I l 111 ll oa 0 btw bo ColumMa luml a Utt katie katieroan
to rn roan n A K1ri b baonerror on error < ColumbIa t a rieorre 11reangetea rieorreila
ila tea n V Double Illh nll s Sltlrnllag SIIhIlr OOoanor Olnn and aD4ndf andbgan
ltf bgan n itaadm ndf lorl and Ktenrtt K nl tlrurk out outby outby 1 1br
by lialer 1111 I tiy I fUnnery lann I by OMell n tl t by byItathwrll b blolbwl byRothwttl
Itathwrll lolbwl I lint te bee e oa ball blOi ballsOff OR UNelL INel 1 1nr 1IIIP 2Ill
nr flatter IIIP 3 off KUaner 110 a I lapsed 1 brllU beltLammet Lm LmI > m mmrl
met Illl II 4in 1 lUIrr llll lit la two aId ad one onetlait onetlait1101cC hall halllaBlBgf 111
laBlBgf Inn olt 0 01 ruaarn I la I three b ad and nd onehalt onehaltiBBlnr onehalflenIn
lenIn oa 05 ONetl 01 7 11n la Mi 1 iBalag off 01 HoiBwril tlotbwlII lbll lbllI
2 I In hour half an 1 lanlag Inl Imnlre tmnfKh tmnirrKrccdy Kraaedy Tine T11e Tinehour
IE EVV1 IAST f7VIA 111 111T ivisuThree If IfThrre
Three T Illl 11 to I the Ih Mnttt tnth Meat Otl Prlnceleo PrlnceleoIn Plrla I
I In I Uairball Uab1 Came Came1HiLtnririlM Galt GaltlIIILUrII GameluttLiripLPItti
1HiLtnririlM lIIILUrII May 1 7 Pennylvanla 1lnlrnl de defeated d dofooted
footed Princeton 1Ilon today 10 at 1 baseball ehl on onFnnklln o onFranklin I
Franklin Fnoklo Field Fkd by the lb urore 0 of 1 to Perm Permwon Itn Iennwarn I
won on in Ihe ninth Inning by a batting llne rally rallylh rai rallythe
lh the l worlng of Ihe two run ro necmuary nttar lo lowin 10n toaba
win n the h came brought bri hi the I be 7 7111 > apectatorw apectatorwin llo llon
in Ia n their Ihtlr feet and n when bn Deacon VrO made mde the thehit lh lhI theI
I hit that drove drn two men aero Uf avmmm the lb plate platethere pil pili platethur
i there lb wa was great 1 cheering cheeringwa cheeringPenn Inr InrI
Inn wa Wb without lbOIeI thewrvlrea the eerslcea of Srhullz SrhullzIt 8hllz 8hllzI hiiltz hiiltzIt
I It I be lwst i pitcher plrb Watt W who ho performed performedin I > forl
in hi his plate pitched III h a very nt steady and andI nd ndIIY
1 effective IIY game m cxxlle Wodl wa was effective IIY until untillherlo 1011 untilthe
lherlo the b close > of orll the came when ho he t 3 allowed three threelilt threelilta
lilt hl lilta 1 in a a row rw after afl iwini a man hn To add addl addto dd ddi
l to this Ihi he h fumbled fumbl a hunt that lhl should have lue
refilled 111 In an n out 011 Thit f I how b Penn won wonIn wonin I IIn
I In the Ih ninth without lhOII a lUAU m being blnr retired retiredThe retiredThe lt I
The Th wore woreriuxarrox iorePIiIUCTTOI 0 0rlln
I AB LUlIP n I r t it P1 AB A ii I WPAU WPAUItciitnif r A R Ri I
i RaHlall flDU 4 o a 2 II oTr oTprrr oThaIr2f > a > erxf a SOlO SOlOIllan o l o o olurdrl I Itlanlnf
Illan lurdrl 4 I u 0 0 OAi4Irr3b AM Irr t a 0221 0221lUvdx 0 3 3 I II Ilteejs
lUvdx I 3 I 2 0 O O1Wootrt XVootUI 1 21100 21100Varw 3 I I a 0 0Wkb 0Warvk2b
Wkb Varw k b a I 2 2 0 Smunit lr 4 I I I u u5lrrrrtun 0lnrIUb UirrTettIb
i 5lrrrrtun lnrIUb t I 1 o 0 Haydralb Idflb 1 I U 2 0 0untumjl 0unbamf I IIunball
Iunball untumjl 4 000 U 0 0 ODraronjw 0 0 a I I 4 0 0iWWirjo 0ibttr3b I II
iWWirjo I Wbw a I 2 2 OLoirnc OLO 20110 20110l S 0 t I 0 0n 0Ieonr
l n Ieonr > A onr a i III lo a t IW Watup ttp a 0 2 s n nowllep nI aWOudIep
I owllep WIp a o 0 0 I SroilcyJb k 2 I ITala I a u ui UTotek
i Totata ai I 4 7 2 Total Tolk M > 1 27 1J I I I INone 1o4aeoot
None o4aeoot out 010 when wlnobtg 111 run rn wa w waUiotc4 cored P
I 11 IPTIISCPOIl Princeton OOOO 0 000010001S 000010001SIt3flyIvpflta 0 0 0 t 00012 0 0 0
1 Prantyltaala 111 0 U u I 0 0 0 0 0I 2 J JI
I Run Runl PrlBreion InlnR trIncebnnR4w4 Reed CunBtnghara Penn PranirUnl Vnn VnntiI Pennsylvania
irUnl AUeadltrr I Wood W cnrbaf Sntlta Three base bawhit basebl45nHev
hit bl45nHev tiI 3 Urv 1 Left 1 on buimtyeayltanU 11 = 1 I Il SPitielun3
l Pitielun3 ra > rlkreUM a iilrtKkottt By 14 1 Walt WctI43by a by WoodW WoodWII
II nm hue on error PeiMHtlvawa i rwOi Plr flrI l
I b be e oa O b ba baits Hv Oft i Walt Wll I It off a Woodte fO a WW WildI WWipivn l
ipivn I WII xVoodlr Sa SacitOre iiare biuwarwtrk t W Wood Woodioca od odI
ioca 0 01155 Mhelefl > fc W im ba biseaItard < ev > IUnl Ilr While bw 3MeadlTI 3MeadlTLmplrv14l Uro4irrr Uro4irrr1mplr U UtmfeI
I I 1mplr tmfeI Lmplrv14l B < tu Time TI TitaStsoians TitaStsoianstordham 2 noun nounrortlham n nIunlhal
rortlham Iunlhal Easily 1lr llrmla 11 Trlnll Trlnlli Tlnl TrinitFobam
i FonlhJKi FoI t bbl baseball r > Hb H player had all U tb I tha better betterol bie
I ol II la theIr I gam am wtih tll 111 pr Trtfttl 11 veatrrday I Tb TbIllroot T rho rhot
Illroot t Ilroz reHVflM O1 ran rn ba bevy r wrM f and bunrbed bunrbedlarlr 1
larlr UU 1k Capt eel Uahonry War who wh ram IB 1 from lr in ini le le10 the theGdtIieW
i waifkl to ptua pll 11 mad ma a horn run u tbe II toagett loegaitdril r1 r1d
drtt d ea D on t the lb deLi la Ira yean Jt The t acute vorraiiirr Ir acuteraisin
raiiirr TII rointiAU rointiAUa rA rAI
a H I UPLL UPLLSaitflIr r a m a r A Au I
S11 SaitflIr u 2 a i o I O1tUrCrt 5 UrCrfy urro 1eO 0 I a I 0 oUrlmerrl 0lfI1 0Iblrrft
Urlmerrl lfI1 I 2 0 0 o OJ J MrCrtyJbO rIbO o 0 u uHnireualll 0 0htairuihfJ
Hnireualll 1111 O20 0 0 OiUanry 0 obasryrfpl fpl p1 204 204CarrolUb 3 0 4 0 0Crrl 0Carrob2b
CarrolUb Crrl 0124 0 I a otkrkeitxl 0 0 o u uHaraa 0 0II 0btaras3b
Haraa btaras3b b 0 u I 0 0 OlVanloarf 2200 2200Abbylb 2 2 0 0 0 0Abbylb
Abbylb o l II l nvtlr 0icbbealblI lh a o I IJ 2 a aUMrrvcvo 0 0aiadrvsio
UMrrvcvo 1 I 2 2 o5harkrr ulba o5harker2bA b bA 142 142llralanlrfl I 4 3 0 01IhIr 0lkeIandrfI
llralanlrfl 1IhIr loo I 0 0 OttcCatIrrywl 01 w1 1 I a 4 4Caokp Z ZlokP 3Coohp
Caokp lokP o 2 U 4 I Inu1 IIlZifllI i itaati 0200 0200QulBBp n 3 n 0 0 0Qp 0QutaLp
QulBBp o oooao oooaoToteS o o a o oTotal 0TOIAI
Total 2 10 t 12 I I 1
II I Taial 101 4 5371 n ni 14 2 2Trinity 3TrIftily
Trinity TrDIt 0 00 0 00000200 0 00030003Iordbam 0 0 0 0 oI oIfordbni 01 01Ion
fordbni Ion oooioaoo 0 0001 0 0 I 0 0300 J 0 0 0nol 4 4not 4Flrt
not bat on O erronTrtalty noTtl 2 fordaam Irbam I II Ileft
I 111 left tl oo O e liur TrtftlU Tlt f < rordham orl S nnt nntbxi n nb rinitbase
base b oo O baN OIT 01 01 Cook C I oil oI ymlnn Ulnn I 01 9 U Uboon wbr Ma Maboner
boon br l Strurk ruek out 01 Hv I Cook 0 a tar 3 Mna Q 2 2by 5by
by Uahoary boP I Home 10 lIon ran tW Uaboory Three Threbav Tb Tbh Threebase
base h bit bl MahoneY Two n nt bM tjt5caaloa tjt5caaloaUrrtace hJtIaaalooMecyt11c
Urrtace t Wl ll QI 4Ju1a < J t B VMei b Mm ba baes baesItibirbI < e eHrnrnn
Hrnrnn 1 I CcD crEel I UrtKrrr alt Atiby Ahb t Vaalan VaalanJ o olt
J McCarthy 2 Shrkry T lilt by f flD pllrber bly blytool y yCook
lt lil
Cook iJ MKartbyi > by Quinn I Cwnilli mid midHUb Wildpitch
HUb Cook lD oak I lmpireDletvIch mplie Dlrulch Tlmr 11 I Ial hour hourB boa boalad
lad B < t J mm Inmate > ite iteNew t >
New w rnfUnd ril Lrvfur Lrvfuri p pRkIIBt
3 i ftforktoo RkIIBt Brockton 2 HaieihlH 1b I IIn IIt
41 Xew ev HedrordlAWrMa In 3 New S w Brdlonl Ie t tAl 1AI IAt
Al IaH 1 Have H rH r1 Hlier H 7 Uorreiirr WO I II III
41 I awrrarr t ltDD > nn II I ICnnttI Lawrrnrel LawrrnrelConnecticut lartiwfSlanncctlrut
Connecticut ConnecticutM CnnttI Ip Leagueit
M New ew Hatcn 11 Ifa WvthrvT Vaterb ry7 1 i r IUvrn In 4 4AI 4II
AI 1 rw w itrtMfl Int BrIdgeport IrlIt a New w Hrttaln ln 2 SAl
Al A NurUimplon SI Harteanl Hnfn Hsr onl H J Nofltump Nofltumploo Salhl
ton 4 4At lol 4tt I
At ol llolyuVe lovt lloHoke lIo SfttngKeW Mpsthkld3neitem 11 a aneitern 3Im
neitern Im l League LeagueAt aetie aetieAl
Al Wool IIll < 1A Mout lily 3 Uleblta UlebltaAt I IIh S SAt
At lirnter rnI llentrr 7 r Im Uolnr lIo es a afienlti 3nth
fienlti nth Ih AtlantIc Allflt 11 11nfi ieagate ieagate1t l at ue uei
1t i iuIsela ugu > ta Xatnnh nfi b I 5 VufUlta U1 2 2Al SAl
Al SIMOn JarkwntlMr JaoDlt3 a Maroa I Iou 2 2Al PII I
Al Irtumbu OolumbiM ou I CWurabU U UAmerican 1m11 Umarican
American m11 AuocUtlen AuocUtlenl IUn IUn11uk
l > llllaukw Milwaukee 11uk 4 tAHlttllle lulI 2 2Al 5u
Al UlaBriuH UlBnrapuH 1 a ToledO 0 0UkDta I IAIM
AIM 4 a rui I HI Paul 1 4CotmlHM a arkn 3rkanlau
UkDta rkn < a Ixague Ixaguet
it t Joertharn JO Jnnevbaro J o U rarulhenvMe IIY 0 oAi 0A 0At
Ai A trcioikl PrgoHkl 1la 3 IW 111 itIbrltle ifcrrBle ifcrrBleTrtai I IT S STrss
Trtai T l 1Iu Ieague Ieagueit aeue aeuei
it > i limbo 11 lint game r DaLe lll 5 fUn fn Mt MtUinlii Itttontu n nIv
Uinlii Iv S srrtMul euoi I game r gsa Man < n AnionS ADOt 1 I In InI IIA IIAI 5 5It
It I Ivri I W Wb orib Kurt 1 Wnl Vonb X lloutlna u I IAt I Iit
At ulUbuflia uu Clt > n < lalte 1a1eton roten tun 2 tiklabnma tiklabnmaCllr Ukbn Ukbn1Ifrpl1 IsbomaflIp
flIp I IAf Iit
Af breirpiri ShrnTprt 4 W WSru ni I 1ratten ICIIII Iiat
ratten iat Nlilr l League LeagueA afiie afiieA II IIra
A t liirrnweod Jrtvm Jar 7 ilmowood nfOtD nfOtDI ireenwuodII I IVI
VI lliililnirg II a 1111 llttrlfburg 3 Vlrkklmn 3 3At
At VariM a au lilt 1 Ili UrrtillaB > 1 V Ye < lilt liltllawbxll nilMba S I Ihairball
hairball Mba Nete I
Ttie Tft Treeless 1 ol the Tit Stale lal league Iic ar a 11
lo pier liar I jhiperba 1II fba Iii I aftrtnuca 111 at 1 heaLIng llIr
too Park Hruwklya 111 The AIMvilrglaln and
NI Edward hIt tram will III play a preliminary PIIIa reale realeal IDIIIIII cueteetII
al 1 IM I 3 oVtocl rlor Then wm 141 u no adsetidon adsetidonrhanged omt rtOB rtOBcharged
charged chargedYO rhangedXI crd
New ew York Yo Inhmltf nllII Itealm Handily > to toTrack IaTn hITrark
Track Tn Game m TO 0 12 I a la 113 I U 3 12 13r 12T
r I uiTit Tux T Pa a Ma 31 May 7 Ufayellea 111 track tracklearn Ira IraS trackIlam
learn defeated New S York Iniveralty today lodayTo1 0
To1 0 Ul polnt f kI In J3 10 > Ijifayelle athlete IblIonlt look
Hrt lu eight II of Ihe It Ihlrteeu event nl Ihe IheHu 1 Iti Itisaimniarlee h hlhI
saimniarlee saimniarleeI4u lhI lhIII
Hu II Yard H Hm > WIlD by b llrrrkk II Ijtfayrtle
Mner ls Sew Wk arU frond II Time te I t Mraxl
440 41 Vnl hI llua WOO fIII by It Themes Ulerette UleretteD I flit
ted D < 1 Lafayette xvood Time Tlm04 M a a seconds secondsbe d
CM be Ull Hun Was by Thorn D I Mew co York
Iprer Lafayette LarfI MT O K Time flm 4 mInute IIIft 14 a 1 1d I 1lecued
t lecuedis
10 h Yard d High IIIClllluf Hurdle Iiurqkv Woo W by II Jaba J Lafay La La11r
dir BniodBn Mew Yoik second TlBM 11 II I a 3seconds atrruad
seconds trruadJ3 4
J3 > Yard rd Rua RWOD Woa by b Mand Lafayette
Laser Lae Mew Yolk to second Tim 11 K 2 35 1 Kri1 seecods
Pal 1 Vault Won IID by DarHagtoa D Ieo l Lafayette Lafayettebilk tayette tayettewin
win 10 0 fret l > htcBr Jabs Lalyrll 1 ecad ieendalibi ecadvltn Dd
alibi lib lo 1 1 fret fretPUIHB feelPutliug
PUIHB Putliug I II Pound lot Htwt Won W by Jon Lafay Lafayva Lala
1 ti willi wltbil rIIIMII tsel I leek IIIY Lafanlaeccod aIII OIIII
sitL 11 31 rl S Lllrb LllrbVnI
va Yard Una Won by II Smith mll New w York r Sneer IC
LalayrlW tmnit Time 2 mlautr I I awrocid awrocidr 1
KuaDlII kuanlag IIIrll IulDI Jumpwoo Li 11rlatar tlnr
r York TOtWlIII with a feet 014 In tern I flee Lafayette
aDd MLaurlMla NW tw York Vorl1Tbrowtac Yo Ue4 r rH or second < at
I Ill H S ttttbea ttttbealbfowlag b
Tbrowtac lapeuod 1 II Pound Hammer HamurerWon IIInWIID Wea by Htlaer
New York or with a ai feet j leeLee rhe > JOtI Lal Lafay
flI Pt t sfti 11It I eel 1 p lark
Two ute RIIII hon on by C1 MtIwto Lalffllr
Sacarriosa IcIrttr rend np M 5tna
11 ehl4 ehl4Yard
11YRt Yard Lmr HIHItaW by J La LtMy
ele 1M MtLae MrLaugblin I Sew Yen Yetksaieed Ttmo35 eII II
4cob I I II I I
I i
itiii oii oiiLOCOMOBILE i
I LOCOMOBILE merit lies deeper tfun in the excellence of its separate units unitsIt unitsIt
It lies in the perfect balance bAI cc of all parts The chassis is perfectly proportioned to tothe tothe
the engine If you travel trovelln in a parlor car for safety comfort and luxury you will willnaturally willraturoUy willnaturally
naturally consider the Locomobile when you undertake the purchase of a motor car carTHE cuTHE carTHE
BROADWAY AND 76ti STREET Ureue Coder Cnd tndetIden s Seldrlllltlll SeldrlllltlllNortJaem id rauat rauatL PakotNrtlsris
Nertbam New NwJrs Jane J DcaJen DcaJenGrwwta Deal L I S So Ramtoa Mg Mf Co Co Cowe CoI
I Greene Motor Cur Co Co M Waah WuhSI St StNewajtNJ 754 Bedford BedfordBrooklyn Aye AyeNwark Ac AcNwuNJ
NewajtNJ Nwark N J Brooklyn Rrooltlyii11NY NY No Y
TOO MUCH ran on niirriiofr1 niirriiofr1llanard nlllr1IOt nlllr1IOtaard DIItTIIOtTIIiliriard
llanard Track Athlete Ron lp Almost Almoata
a a Great a Sere u Last Yrar YrarrAUBBiuor YrarAIIIiSIDGF nr nrIIBllICIt
rAUBBiuor IIBllICIt May 1 7 7Tb The Harvard track tracktream IrackI tracktnram
tream I m crippled by the Ih abacnce of Footer FoalerNewton tol tolIo Footerevton
Newton evton Io llarr II and d Guild waa till alrong alrongenough sIronienough Ioneouh
enough ouh lo win ila U annual track meet from fromDartmouth rromDlInollb frotrDartlnollth
Dartmouth weakened ktn by the lou 1 In of tIbet Hbrrman tlbrmn tIbetloan
man on SoldIer 1Io1d1 Field IhU afternoon by byI b biIi
1 I ii points poln to JJ 14 I lacking only on I one oneIxlh on onIuh onestub
stub of a l point > lnt of equalling the lb acer of lad laatTear 1a1y ladTear
Tear y Tearicrtmouth
TearDartmouth Dartmouth 1 > lmoulh took flr n1 t placed 1cHln In the half mile milerun milrun millrun
run and nd the Ih high Jump only 001 In the IbelII latter latterevent latietevent < 1 1Ytnt
event Palmer cleared the Ih bar r al S fret IS ISInchen IiInth ilinch
Inchen inch defeating Lawrence of Harvard br bron b bInth Inone
on one Inch InchTbe Inthne inchThe
The Quarter nOII mile run Will Ih the beat race of ofIhe orIh oithe
the Ih day II via won by Hlmona compara comparalively OmpaIInl comparatIeely >
lively IInl a new man on the Ihlltad track who bo beat out outKrlley oulKII outKelley
Kelley KII by a fa fail t sprint onthe o Ibo backstretch backatrelchIn
In the Ib aprlnta rlnll U II Thayer alw ala 110 a new ne nun nunon IDAon maron
on the Ihellarard Harvard team won 00 two bUMs Inough Inoughhe loouehhdld
he hdld did not have bnlbulIHdySbrrmanof the speedy Sherman of Dart Dartmouth Dartmoulh Dartmouth ¬
mouth to compete again t Thayer race raceewrr raUBW racewere
were W run UO againat the wind Ind aa a were e all tbe tbeabort Ibeabort tb tbabort
abort race tar eicept s pllhe the high hurdle hurdleCapt buntlCapl hurdleCapt
Capt Little wnoae wrwt ut ha h has been weak weakall weakalt k kall
all pining won O tb the hot ho put pu and hi mark of ofn ofn
n feel f 1 S mcbea In tb the broad Jump la lalb lalblbal a tb the beat beatthat besIthat
that b be baa don In competition compeel lump 100 Tb lbI1Im lbI1ImtnarJ fbi rum rummary suosIan
mary marytn
tn Yard HuaWoo by L II Taayar Harvard Harvardi
t ffr ffrIDOQu
i Tyler Harvard I O second J S 1 IliaaeU Dart DartiBtmlh OarImuth
iBtmlh third TIM to 0 U second tecoaidaat secondYard Qfo Qfoa
at Yard Koa RonWee Wea by L ILTbarrr H Tbiyef Harvard HarvardU
tJ tJu
U I Wauoa Harvar4 a second J S huaMU Dart Dartateuth bittmonth
month u tblfxl thif Tim fine Ja seconds tlCOCllla tlCOClllaRt
sIn Yard Rt UnaWon by 3 So C Irtmoet 11 Mmo Harvard HarvardII
II IV Keller Harvard nt Mroad airos oad r U IxatldUg II ii lrldlae
Harvard third Time II UI ie second seconds ada adaMO d dMO
MO s Yard Hun nWOII Woo by C P Baiter Ba Dart Dartnautli DartIbi DartInouth
nautli Ibi Q W V Byley IPY Harvard tecoedi R Wirrra WirrraMnrm WarntlHanard Waryraflatvad
Mnrm tblrd 111I Time on I minute Ie 3554 aI seconds wroadkOaa IJ secondsOne
One Mil IluaWoa by II Jacques < lUnrrdt I IlnsrdJ
J W Neye Uartnietith II IIlIananl second W II Frraald FrraaldIUnnl Ftmelditirrazd =
IUnnl thIrd Time 4 mlaute 11111 tt Mrondt MrondtTwo 1ftOfttIaTwo scon4iTwo
Two Mil RuaUoa br W r Hyaa IJI Harvard HarvardP I Ip
P R WlttlngvoB 1I111n wreaxii econd E U I VUt Ioea Harvard Harvardthird IantIblttl htarwdtbtd
third Time fim 10 mInus a Meoad MeoadIS
IS Yard Illtli lIIe Hurdle nIWIIt ttoa by bYI J K Lewi LewiHarvard LivtItenrd 1 1J
Harvard J 1 H Leer Hanard tecood U 3 P PUaHarr PGardaif
UaHarr J llanard frid thIrd fI f1 Tim It I a seconds McandaHO
HO Yard anll bow HurdleWen br O 7 P naraaer naraaerlUnranl nUllaftlInanl flardaevHaryard
lUnranl J K LewIs Lr Harvard Mroodi II II IIHetia II11I ItHealL
Hetia 11I IUnnl third Time TimePotaag 110111 13m 25 seecads seecadsPvtQng dl
Potaag M roua4 MMI botWca Won br r C C l LIttle UiOellanam Uti LIttleIIaraard
llanam lIn with lIb U 2 feet r 1 larbe II I Ooddnl OoddnllUnrd OoIId OoIIdlInnt Goddardliarard
lUnrd second ODd with 1111 41 1 feel a lerbr L r rUrtTtoy r1AoOJ FtreIoi
UrtTtoy UrtmouUi third with 31 1 feet 11I I Ihtainisg U
larbe larbeHunalBg I
HunalBg tI Hlgb Jump Woo by f It l Palmer PalmeriDarUnmlli PalmerDattmquth
iDarUnmlli 1I wilt t fret IH liuhe I 9 C Law Lawnencu
I reitre Hanard second with n S frt 1 It I > iMb J JTb II IITUnmrv IiThOm
TUnmrv Tb ThOm Darunoith and A U I IUr Darker fr tt A AIKHOI ArDDI AIlennus
IKHOI > J Wheelwright M A Heed and II Smllb SmllblUnrd IImll1Int himithItarscrd
lUnrd tied llro1o for third at It a feet HI St IItb IItbr Inches locbeiPoleVull InchesPok
PoleVull r Pok sit 11 W von o by II M C Mwirore I lUnrnl IlanI1Mb lterrarII
11 feet S tarbe U I C Torrry and 1Id R L L I Parker ParkerMan Iu IulIn ParkerIlanard
Man Ilanard ant and 04 II aL II Jnik and M O f lloldmui
Dartmouth Ued II for t ero d with It feet feetHonnlng fretHIllitni H HIIIIC
Honnlng IIIIC Hraad Jumr Ju JumpWon > Won 011 by b > I 0 C LllUe Un
lUnrd liar with 1111 X fret 1 t treble Inc J It Tbomf TbomfDartmouth 7bsinesIartmouth
Dartmouth I eron1 with II feet Inches W P
IMIIlBgkam llartanl rd thIrd with II it t feel S larbe larbeThrowtBg i larbeeThrowIng
ThrowIng II I Pound Hammer lIm ItammerWo Wo by B U Ullodfn I
llodfn lied tIodg Harvard with III fret 10 herb I W W WUardea WlIrtmOQIb WMatdes
Uardea Dartmouth second 1Id II IL I tlardro tlardroPRIXCKTOS WhIaIIlIlmoullJ MatdenlazImGutb
IIlIlmoullJ third thirdPI1IXCFTOX
Tale 1 Frenhmen mm lleatm Im In Track Meet MeetIT InlIlnll
IT rolnla I a < 47 4TMay 471I1I 47Isuveiyoc
1I1I Isuveiyoc rnm May 7 Princeton Irln on fr Ihmn Ihmnal freehmendfsteil hmen hmendefealeil
defealeil Yale al ak In their anndal track meet meettrlil mltt1IP1llbi meetLcltlhuaflrnoon
trlil 1IP1llbi Lcltlhuaflrnoon Ihl afternoon by b the theuiroreof57 ncore of 37 7107 7107Tb lo toll tollThree 47 47Three
Three Tb record for 10 the dual meet were weretrnken werebroken tr trlIolln
broken Chaplin of Princeton won lIn Ibe Ibebait Ibeball lb lbhalf
bait mile In I minute 2 seconds nd which whichlower whleblownolb whIchhoseco
lower lownolb the freubmau record by I IJ I ceconda cecondaCur condCutI secondiCutti
Cur 11 of Irlnceton ran two mile In to tomloiile 10mlnul tolnttuiitee
mloiile t 1 41 4 pe econd nd and nd Wn Vagner of Vat Yalbroke Vatbrake al alllruk
broke the Ib pole vault record with lIb a vault vaultuf
uf II feel 7 larbe flow Ito of Princeton and
llrlgbaiu of lale > ale were lied II In the lb 440 yard yardrun yardrun rd rdrun
run the I h prettiest rllI1 race rib n of the I b inert Tb TbDIIlunlarl Tbeutnnssriu The Theauio
auio DIIlunlarl DIIlunlarltD marie marieUO
UO Yard d High b Hurdle II rd Woa W on by Howe 11 Yale
llper Yale eroBd lOrhanl III Prlaretoa third I
Time IM i second MrondPvlUag 1 secondPutUnc 1 1ItIU
PvlUag ItIU It Pound 1011 tIbet Woo oa by b DomelUer Dam
Yale with It 16 1 feet I a Irwbii IlItb Hater R pf Yal wrood seeoc seeocbIlk
with lib a4 feel 1 A Inches Urawn PrtDcrtoa thUd tunlwith thUdwith
with lib MfnIZV M fetZtiitb I 0 larbe
laO Yard anllllinC Hun lie e Prtacrloo 1110 and 04 Drlgkam Bn II
Yale a dead beat Iferker Yale third Time n nII
11 I I 5 second secondlea
lea Yard ItonWon ll by Prsdlru > o Prlnreloo
fletcher Yal second OIItj Thorna Iboaniathird ITtarrioal
third Time 1110 10 I IJU S Mrood srcon4U srcon4UYard
210 Yard lAw Hurdle Woa IV on by b llewe I Tat Ir
Trow r ruse Y Yale > le aecead ad nmpaoa < 1 PrtBcetoo ikirdl 11 third
Time 3 51 4 second aeeoadaHuoBlag secondHsnMn
HuoBlag HsnMn High JumpWoa br ammo
Priacelon with 11k III t feet 7 larlM 1 tie U I l5ulli I Pliumia
Irlnrekm rn sad = trheork IItnt YW tied II for 0 teroBd teroBdmo ae o
at > tieS S Inches InchesTkrwias 1
nlac II Peaa4 11ortWoa by flvyj nI
11 Priecoao WIlli 1101 I feet IIaLJ I leeS Joan e 1
end WIlli lOt titi 1 tit 1i IDr Inches PIfJt hexer psinc Ioa
Wid tblrdwlthoafeetsleebes WlIb f fIItIO
mo Yard nI Hun II Woe br b r napa pHn Prlnreuxi
tilLer llak Yale a eroM er nd Itrtd YaliT Y Yea tWrT tWrTJO thIrd I rd on
S inliuli S IftOC IftOCnt seacad seacad3OYard
JO 3OYard Yard nt Rua R flu Wen IID by 10 byThaaeberytepm Tbatrber ThIr YaleTtMmaa
J Ji1nnta iTeood7CII I < 1 ltWt ltWtHuoalog Hd 1 Tale thUd 11 time
5 = JI JIIrIR 2 5 leroods leroodsNoosing
IrIR Noosing Broad Jum Jump Woo by Pendle Pndleioe
rnaret will M feet li a larbe BrewirPrT rWD Brawn Pulses
Joe lOG MMood With jo fret 1 514 U t lathe Vr VrPole Water
Tale 11I IIIInI with 210 feet 2 2l IIItboo
rio 0 StIle 1I11WOII by Cot1lu PIIIII
Ia lietb minute r Prbaeiiton II 41 41Pole i second = Cr V Vale liltd TI TIuilW Tire
Pole Vaust uilW Woe by Warner Y Yale
with 1
fret W T lQ Inches lurheep = Rryan Princeton second vita 11I 11IODe
lb fret ct1 ri
4 isabee liryse t Tale tht wIlts II lest
ODe II Mile Run W cc by Howtl ow ell PrtVrta PrI Pn1eesa
W Wauaee ep
Prtnreloa second BiAe ftSakile lce Yale
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