OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, May 08, 1910, Image 8

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-05-08/ed-1/seq-8/

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Tr v vR t tr F =
V t 11II f j
ft r THE SUN Ul SUNDAY Y MAY A Y 8 1910 t
tBbe juri juriI tttt ttttStNLHY
I p Sl StNLHY L Y MAYS U II 1910 1910Ibp 11110LIIlcreJ
LIIlcreJ u > Ibp th b l PiiI l IHDre om Wt1 Is > l New lork or ortirn a a111lItr Vrvwi VrvwiNiw
tirn Niw Hall VLebtIpfl 111lItr 111lItrrlpll Mailer MailerbMrrlplla
bMrrlplla rlpll n bi b t Mall retlpwld retlpwldDAIM rpIdZAIU
JAI Iri Vomh VomhPer o4h a SI i ia 10 10DAIL IIUML
DAIL hr r sur r a ah oo ooi SOU
h S Per U i 10 10II on onn onin 00VAIL
VAIL tMiMNUO ifl M II Iifl Pernr PernrM Per U n o oDAl Sfl
DAl ilp M II > I MiV U fttV Per I cr Menlb Menlbla Iont0Ptc in inOAILA tnIIC
IIC la I lorHcn riwiule rO4lU1eMI If1t added addedAlliherk ad lN lNAIIhrrk <
Alliherk MI thirhi musei lIbW Ie > uriirr 1 Ir < > Ai r to tl bp made mlI mairiNs pay payIdle flttIt
Idle It to Til Tn TolPvbitsbed si siFubllihPd n nPubll
FubllihPd Publl I i ihp tn MIS Prtnttnc fII anl rI 1 PtihHihlnt PtihHihlntAMOclitlona Pb4hh40IAModltIon KblII KblIIAOtu
AMOclitlona AOtu at IM I Na aw > lrr lIffll UttI tla In th the Itaroutb ItaroutbofUaaballan lIoroublIubanan IloioUhof3ThniILIa
ofUaaballan rwttrk t prh PrrMrnl nl iI the I i o oelation 0eaIiOll otIst0o
elation tdiiard P Mlwhpll 11 I hlI 11 2 NaMU iMU > lr lfHl lfHlTruu l lTrcaiurcr
Trcaiurcr of 1 ibiS ibiSUMUfrrl wnlaUon 1 lion M 1 I l Ara ffan ISO ISONaMautirrei 11
NaMautirrei UIe UMUfrrl serrpurr tll of th te > 0 oiIO4on rlatk > n u I M MVulaa I WMn
Vulaa QID 170 flOLoidocclfl a Mi > UMI UMILondoccfllcp 1 1La
Londoccfllcp La em p IFncban rRC llou I Ue Ue4fnd < p < riodfIIrpl riodfIIrplMrend o lhl1 <
Mrend Ilnn I rho r HP d 101 ii > and 0 o4 Muday Swr Mix arp on O Ml iIi In InLoadon IDldoo Intoidon
Loadon ai ihp b Amprtrai Amr mcrfro ami DI Iokmlal Ktrkuifp KtrkuifpC rnrbvigCUIon I
C CUIon dtoatlreei ciID ntrtr Ir KrrraiiUrtlaminaWHtcimhlp KrrraiiUrtlaminaWHtcimhlpActor HIIfDI flI1 IrItI md D < 0 Psn PsnAftt 11lllp 11lllpArta
Actor Arta 1 I > uttrn < 1 > liri 1 i hartac hrD i tt riHt Hi 111 111Pom Hn1 4 4Ptrtaofflrp
p Ptrtaofflrp Pom Pith om r llurlxiul thw 14nl Klltand e The TIIdalr dally and andVuada andusdy nd
Vuada 11 > edition 1110 ate at on O 0 ule at MiKqw 11 t nrarlht nrarlhtliraodHoipl nr na Ib IbUra lbnad
liraodHoipl Ura nad Hotel Kli IIq0 KIuqut < tuen nn lloulPMrddesfapitplnps lloulPMrddesfapitplnpsrornar ard
rornar t Place PI de I 4 I Opera rln and Klu KloqlIOlolld KloqlIOlolldf Klii4ue iuP 19 lloulet ard ardllalleoa rd rddeaItaileAi
deaItaileAi < f llalleoa Illel corner Hup I IlurLoiIifrUtanJ LojUle Ll I tirand tirandr l lIt
It 7 u r d 0I tir I 0 VW ps4uIPWS ps4uIPWSMuW0U a ael
el r h 1
MuW0U vaf Hi U UThe 1 cn < i4Hnjtorllie d I 1011 papn o I I IThe
The T Political rollhll Vol It kis I Situation IIIHIln I 1111 ton roiifriinlliiB roiifriinlliiBIhr I I1rrllluf I1rrlllufIh iii FIIilt I iig iigth 1
Ihr Ih > ew king hlnIt I Ina I
It I is i imforttmntc Ilflrll for Orwit 11 rtt rttand llritain Irllll j I
And A for Kin 111 UtOII iKOKiu V tlwt IHI hA iielsc blltd k aIIeiI aIIeiIto le l lto I
to the pucce seersim 11 ion h1 at II A moment Inllt when hn the thenation theflatinn I
nation ntion iwunteii llllt < m n lib hi fath fathr < rH export exportence oll rl i ieON
ence eON ami alIu t ttt n 1t tfl 1 help hlll lieu it i m il it difficult dinflh nml nmlembarrassing Inr unricmbarraiti 1
embarrassing tbirl II iohtiitt x > lm vil Kitimiioti lilalol I rn rntrM n ntried ntriM
tried trM and old 11 limits 1 1 unknown lk IIWI he h mint mintface mimiface I i
face fac nil Il ntiii al aiiark k < > n I the royal n1 prerogative1 prerogative1whirl Irn irerniattewhich alve alvehlCh 1
whirl hlCh all 11 were 11 cure lr would wfuht to b b futile futl when whenopposed wh whopJI
opposed opJI h > > KIHK 11 KirwAni EirwMtiiipoputlird IIAnu IIFrd xrsonal I Ipopulnntv I111Fh
populnntv 111Fh V and ald nuiliorftv Illhlrl v I
mat TIU puiintv x lrtln > w WL is real 11 us II win winfchown WI wnhon
hon hon liv 1 the II his mnvorxal tlIlllrf grief on 01 the h two twoearlier tWI twueu1ir
earlier fMlfr invasion I when whll his hi life Ifl lit was WI in indanger a n ntMgr
danger dgI II I 110 won on and nd held hlld the t th affeo affeolion aIM nfTctimi
lion of hi h hmi Hilltjeil throughout hml hout his hil life lifeus le Ufoth
us 11 the thl th IKIV 11 ho Prinie PonI n 114 the h bridegroom brdln1lm brldigrnnmtho of ofthe oftho
tho beautiful Allftl Danieli Ulllh InnccrM Prn at a aMreprentatv the therpr hl hlnlah
rpr reprentatv entativ 4t < > f his hi mother lolhr ihroii Ihmlih IhmlihIh Iirnsgh Iirnsghth h hth
th long IOII IDn rears IA0 of lior hlr mxIUAlon Ih1lon and andIh A Alh < oti
lh wine 11 wu hovpreiRn Orpiln in II hm hi Liter Itlr la daHil dny dnyH < > >
Hit Hil H tt tat aI tp were 1 ouch Iueh 1 a its < Kngliohmen Kngliohmenh EngIiiihmnnIharfti nglhlll
Iharfti h red and In1 npptrnwl 11fwll They lw Theyhis exctinwi exctinwihis
his faults and weaknexDCH wAkn and mi mihim
h fnul 111 In1 NIW IW I fl flhim
him hm flirt ft of if all 11 n 1 thoroughly thnroughI horou hlf Rood 10t fellow fllow fllowwho fellowwho
who tempered tlmplrf the tli auMenty 11rly of Victorian Victorianmoral VIctorianmoraL Icorn IcornmolL
moral molL with human hlllan foiling fll and who whoItfndf1
attended Itfndf1 in 0 the Ih public plblh dittte cutll Imposed Imposedon ImJ d don
on rovaltv rII with lh biimnpNtlikeenencywith biimnpNtlikeenencywithact hlinllke himnmnpotiko energy wih wihlac with withact
lac act and god jOx humor hlllr H yearn 1M0 went wenton wento wentflu
on o the HritiMi Brlh public 1m hiI gradually Irallly became becameftware becamewre ame I IthBt
ftware thai the th Irinco Prn if f WALKS porwed p po pOAeeied
rwed lilcli hllhr r qiuluiw f1IU that ha hi h hts knowl knowlre knowcde
edge re of HnlliOi Bnlh 1Jitf politlii was w M 1 1cquiit lenM lenMnqual 111 111rual
nqual rual to 0 ihMt hlf of the Ih frown trownant1 rlwn M ndri nrYilt en J Jand I
and n that Ins 11 lmm judgment Jlltment wu WUI wni houn inimrsl inimrslAfter nd < i iAfter i
After hi 1U4 awrwion a ion King Ilnl lni KDWARD JOWARO im iml Impreoed
pr preoed l on In Eitrom LIWII a hi hilh high h re rtanl reriaril aril for fo hm hmt hil hi hishrewdn
Irdn shrewdn t and Int tid politICAl lIltc nenae and tho thoHi thnCt thoebteem
Ct ebteem 1 Hi II which hih hU hl oplmont nplnol npIr on were wer held heldby htldbv heldby
by other oher more 101 autocratiT alltorrnt 1orali nilew rll1 WAH WAHnot WI wi4snOt
not nnt dil dun merely mlrlr l h < > relationship rlatonhp and unr to tohis 10his tolus
his W r1rjor uperor > err ao aoThiiuis1 aa ui uiThom
Thiiuis1 ThuII Thom ft I ilMned nlt Ktnctlr Ilrlh ill I II the their theh1441 II i
ir > iipiiunnv 111101 uhxh hh thi h > Hrnli Irllh ItriihI I unstt unsttlilfloii
lilfloii 11111111 I lit Ion umi iiiicx on tho I hl hr rovjil r1 rivzi I fani fl11 Iv the thetorld h horld he heorII
torld mi 11 t ii t know kio tlut the h Pnnie rFII Prin of ofWAM4 ofVij f fW I I
WAM4 W Vij AI s Imd ide II dti4II H iiil 11 iiidii 1lhlhlllly lIIIiVll1llIit < lualily uf Iq ofhis j
hi own OWI Hi I WHS 11 Mhooled h 111 liy II iii + fithr fithrnnd rolhr ftttmrand
and 10 hi h the hI tfmit 11 taie Iall1 taPmilcfl iiirn of Ir the Ih h hsschisil Id Idwhixl I Ih
whixl h I > > dl > m nnniuo who wil pulitmnnn pulitmnnnof
of f hOT bth Ii tutrti wlrl i itid d irthnr h NII 1 8 of aflnfr Ilnlri Ilnlriand llflnIrAand j jand
and when WII < uu tln to the Ih6hnm throne hn hI 11 hod hel helrOh hodImMll I Ijirobalih
jirobalih rOh i dvixT praitirnl kno knII knowledgo knowledgoor rKlfn rKlfnof llfl I
of ff fir ft flrl li I t colitiiw pol I thiin Iiln I Iho Ih lenders 11110 of ofCither Ifttfr ofviter
Cither ttfr mriv In Inh the iti iontmt n iinv I w Rf going goingllfl oinl n i ii I Iun
i un > n OT fl t rention FIlion lM betwil twefii the Ill two twol I iwohoitai 1
hOI hoitai r l rlmiiipnf IHrhlrn confidem nhln in Kinu Kinutu Kin KInmDl I IEDWfl
EDWfl Dl tu fl ilulit1 111 to n keep th thui IINIIII Kiliticfll jwditunI9ln KiliticfllMil I
Mil 9ln rH Mtrn Ihn iioimd IUIIII eiuihletl 1llhl Ihn ihnIk I pul pulHb IIAIIk >
Ik II to Iwk 1n r i i MnIgiLe II le wit h I IIk flmn flmnl
Hb l Ificli Ip is i particularly deplorablewHIe uleplorablewHie deplorable 11IrhlMIl
wHIe MIl tin 1 it ioii tituiohel 1 il uf1 iiiestiotM Iutln Iutlnmain It1 tkJIIs rr rrtn TPtug
tn main tug ln ii iiirJ lItsti I > iNi tiw I IUt i I
01 0 Km KI itinniiV onnl who wh has hl < ouftydthim ouftydt unlllol unlllolhim luv1tkdhint
him n nm n tlw II other Hhlr h mn + nd remit rmiiivttknhly 1111 Kubly little
in knoin Ino I Hi 1 MrvKv nin in the tI navy tiii 11 won wontnHitnbii WI witretitiiht
tnHitnbii rfcthlr in n tj he bfciimu tIU Frm Pri of ofVL orL ofv
VL v L s lie u IHIS h l i linMi onKtiinlly l Ifom IfomIhe 1fornthe > fom fomI
I lie pulili lhh ami IIHI IWH III 1141 spoken Ipkn often nt I Ihl IhlIdO tts ttsalmo I hi
nlmo IdO Ilnll < lmlv tiiil fimiMotw rlllll in vrhidi royalty royaltynun rynltn
nun n hhfe n i Inn will wi l II tip found rOlnd in inth inIh inth
th Bntvh 8r h newiMiHfx however hnIlr of hta htaen hb hbperIonn
lMtnnl perIonn en > onn iiii > n nhnRlnn < ImBUms or uf lr his hi VI wl M on nntnv on4mn
11 4mn tnv ul iihjii IJo j H lie I hiM tii performed prronn1 hin hinlutK h hhta hi hidimtm
lutK < hta > liulttewtlv lalit Liijlt lr and il I dille dilnll dilIgently ntly hut Initha hUIIUL hutlimi
ha effmttl elul1 his II Ixoowility entirely entirelyUTiat lnlirelyt
UTiat 11kt t kiifiwle kowIrcIgr lip or Ir view 1 ho IIHH hl iio on onI n
I olitlnl 011111 o1it Ic inritpnt 1111 ow I Un 1m ru rq mrlIld finir ioii lctoly > un unknown unknwl Unknwii
known knwl lievond fl1 the I h bi it lirlewt > Irl oOiriil onkit lit It Itlen
len terancs eran vi h hits h hIt made 111 nra HP I lb hn hll hno nihfr nihfrI neilber neilberI r rfh
I fh t he 1rI Timt mii r ipiilnntx1 1110 I ill Iint nor the Ihl I reputa reputatlon rPfIltJllion flll
lion ton fur fu IBI II I V f his 11 iii < father rlIr to tohim iivo IV IVhim
him him Ifotti frm ilm 10 i in nllen ii < nnM of r the Ihf mu m muk mistak
tckes uk IIP h niiy ma nmke Ilkl ami IHI ho h will wiI l tw < com compelM cornpeiled
1 pelM lllln to tiKi1 I miiorlHnt ilorlHnl 111111 decision pry veryboon pryboon r i
r boon boonTho I booni I
I I Tho T sllMeii 11 ileHh crR of ofYfttl III Imiig ImiigwiIj wnlt wnltHI
Yfttl HI niiturilt nlurII i ill ul oft I the 11 ilttpiitn lilt lrt lrttween imtwen
tween tln ml > 1 w > IH Iuip UNI + fur I it slum Illl time timebut lme lmebt timebut
r but bt only tlie h 11101 11 oinzirno nllnl ran look < > k for forA rorthtil
A chance thtil of < r litiitier IIr in i Mr Ir sQfii sQtUI n and andhis an1h andhi
his h hi train lrln mil 111 in the I 1i new Parliament Parliamentwhich Plrlament PMrliamentwhich I Iwhich
which must II I I mlhil I l within fhin a few fewmonth f fmnlh fewmnnthM I
month mnlh ihev Ihl Mud Itll ihim IImJlvM therndIvro lves In n 1 iinorfty mi minority 111 111nort ¬
nority nort KittclKhmin foI4h n willioui witHJ 1141 retard t tparty II to toparty < >
party pry will 1 feel ill II kick ICk of Kin KinKWA KinK Kt KtWAHDH EtWAND >
WAND WA mflienco mlhI white > hie hit the ib h cimstilu cimstilutionnl ntil ntiltonl
tionnl tonl Kilflc hal I M I licinR Iin fought foughtI Cllihi Cllihihr foughtFur
I Fur he heThe hr Flsmlngint Flsmlngint11i llmlnlnh llmlnlnhTIlnil
The TIlnil 11i stniKRl between otwln th thand tho hl WIItII aItraon aItraonand
and an H Il4gzung J111 nin cs m 1 l 11 flolguin eian tWn hns 1 uu tulen Wn a anew I
4 new te fiHin fl HM is a rrstilt 1 ota 01 n law Iw rrvenUy rrvenUypassei revenijypasiil
passei p 1 In I llw I 114 llelKiUri Illtil I elgii ii1 lluitllber lIAmhr I hntnberReprewidi fnlJ1 of ofKeprpsrfiatr ofnelr
Keprpsrfiatr nelr ex I Thl Ihe tH Un l l repnwnts pnnt a am ar
m r NIthtJI ur tH Mi fH citnr tWV or for fol Ihe h Flemish Frmh fac facf iu iulien
f lien li iHr 1 > MamlnKHnts 1llnKlnl ns n they hY are aredeigrutml Al are1 are1ileIgntl
deigrutml dtljl 1 > Iv > v their brr opptinents ° Ipnln It Ittherefon I Itherefnn l ltwCr
therefon IM I > hudjwt of much
twCr ulj IU flutes pnitesboth flutesI ne
I both Ilh In wHithorn IKJhMn iiIiern Ifeltflum lflituIInwIiCn Illllln where when time thiWalloiitv timeWzillooii h hlou
Walloiitv lou who 0 niiflk wak 1 i Krrneh Ynfh duleit duleitrrin diaktsri
r II IIin
sri rrin in tiM IH I he majority raJoliy andaUe and 1J miLo In inII Knuice nUI I
II 3 n new U l Ivs iiiwii III proud Jro that MU MUUfmt MIdents 1
dents smli 111 iaP not o li II artmlrfer e in the I ilieStgie ilieStgieHAt Stale StaleMiller Ia IaI
Miller HAt I er it i mlPM 11 mnI tliejlr IIer crtitcHt crtitcHtifcict f1111MIP4bici Itlt I It
t ifcict bl 1 ot 1W in 1 I 1e rerortl onl of f their Jr pre prepAntornludies 11mptr nraprtorfitudi
pAntornludies ptr prtorfitudiprenthbcd udil imrknt In that they th y have haveuiwa hlv hlvL
uiwa L a prwcnbtsj prib number nlmb 01 t courses m
Tlo This requirement lutmnenc iwturaHy Ituy
does do not affect aled the le native nthN of the Walloon Walloonprovince Waon Waonprv Wafloormprovinces
province prv but only o those t of the th four fournorthern fOlr fOlrDlm fournorthern
northern Dlm provinces pnll and an of o the t Flemish Flemishwards flemishwards 1eh 1ehwar
wards war of the te city of nnuaels nnuaelsTho liruaseinThe rl
The French Frnch protest rrC arises ar from frm the theconviction theconviction b blnllon
conviction lnllon that the Ihf new f law will wi arcen arcenluuti ftn ftnah ftccenlunte
luuti ah > the spirit of sectionalism loni that Ill III IIIdivision Ihlhjion time timedivision
division lhjion in sentiment IntRlnt between btw n north norh and andsotitli DndIOllh andsouth
south IOllh IVIgium Ikhcium already not inconsider inconsiderable Inctldtr Inctldtrbll Inconsklerable ¬
able bll will wi become bomo a genuine menace num to tonational tonlfd toflatioflhll
national nlfd unity Ilit and the integrity IntGlri of lh lhijtlny Ihn Ihni
ijtlny i tn tiny kingdom kllglom A a srten system item under which whichFlemish whil whichFletimlali
i Flemish ind ld French lnn should holl1 be i taught taughto I
I o all 11 Uclguin uI ln is advocated nlotel by h the th VaI VaIIIMMI VaIhinis RI
IIMMI 111 Ilr wily wilylu
lu II actual CtI41 numbers nllb the th Flemish lcmilh have havea I
a slight advantage over oVlr Die French Frenchspeaking FrenchpcAking Irh
I Illtht adVMI4le
speaking IIAlnl element Illmnt Thus TII the Iht total num nlm nlmI nilnmher j I I
I her 1Ir of llelgians IJliiaM who could ruld speak Jk Flemish FlemishIn Ilem h hIn I
In 1900 10 l was WI 1073719 while whl0 the total tot of ofthose ofIhO ofthte
> those IhO who could lUI sjwwk III French was WA but buti34tj7IS butI but3Mt7It I 1
i34tj7IS In both blh these th totals tolal are re in inI In1lldo ineluded
I 1lldo eluded NiM7 1 7 who could lld speak both bothFrench bothnCh bothFrench
French nCh and nn Flemish ltmlrh and nnl 42 42W4I 9 who whoI w whimeniilI hl
I iould 111 s r1 iiiak > eak French nCh Flemish lllil nnd Ocr German Hlr Ocrole
man 011 ole The Te number lum11 of Belgian 1k11n t peak IJMk ipenking > i iing I Iil
ing il French tndlllil and German Heran wits 1 00477 0477 and nndGerman Ind I pflennsn
I German enlRn and nl Flemish Fn 7 ts lie Ion Ioni 1MIllAe Ianglinge
i IllAe guige boundary bOlndnr between bcCn Flemish tmiAh and andWalloon an1I andVIllOOU
> Walloon 101 nins nil in n I fairly straight tml h line Inl linefrom
1 from frm Calais al In France tmnn to I tho southern southernhotindirt PouItlfrohotimmdsrv luthfm luthfmhmmd1 t
hotindirt r of both bOI h the I h Height ItllLn nod undnllch andDutch >
1 Dutch nllch proi JrOln protiricM inces of 1 Jmburg Lrbul xitslntc 1alnl n nlittle 1 1111l itlittle
little 111l to the wiuth llh of Itrussels I and ulti ultimately ull ullmtely ultimately ¬
mately touching tllhat the th German Cilmlan fmntier fmntierneir frnler I
1lI neir lie i h lurhatHle II Ii lurhatHleI halI I
I Tlio nlt cnuso 1IM of tho prencnt Jfnl dtitsoilsfac dtitsoilsfaction dilllra dilllralln ¬
tion lln among Illnl the French however is not notnn ot otnn tstany
nn any > intense Intln jealousy jnoUt over an n apparent aplnl aplnl1IIr
tictorv 1IIr of r lir 11 Flnmingants SI Si o lone lona Ioruii I Ius 1
us 1 ii < IHKIUIII Illal rcinnlns rnlin nn 11 independent Indepndfnll Indepndfnllkinjdom mndepenilentkingdom
kingdom kinjdom the Iht actual a1lal supremacy IlprfC of the thornch theFrench i
French rnch language lluage us the medium of ofltertn oftiteraturn
hteraturn ltertn nnd Ind rmlln commerce nliko alk is n nmore ni niIC no noimmnre < >
more IC likely Ikfl to 0 lie IN questioned qlltonll than 111 it has 111 itnibeen
Wn Iln for ifnturif Iinturn Die le trim Irln menace menaceIIIM leMI menaceiI
IIIM iI m I the h fact fll that the Fleming 1lmlltl 1r are areTcutnnle re I
Teutonic T lllh nUll ns 1 such are 1F included Inldlt in InIhn inthe
the Panimnanie Plncnlnlc scheme 8hem of ff things thlnpIo thlni thingsin 1
Io 10 tho Ih IhnCierman l > nneruU ntwerji nlw Is I the thl thlIhlf thechief
chief Ihlf attraction IUcio of Ilelgium Ilhtilm and ntwerp I
falls fiI within wihin the Ih Flemish lrlh half hllr of the th king kingdom kln klnlm
dom lm Not ot unniturallr unn1tlmlh therefore IheCol the IllelIrendm h
I French h ie e in I in Ihn tictorv Ir nl the Ihl Flam tla F1amlngants
Ingantit H I further rurhlr Htmngthening ntthelnt of Pan PanGerman 1a PanGernign
German nemu claims I1al11 and ald an In additional Irtilorl nruu nruument nrgunient u um
ment m nt to II be 0 uiwvl ul by the he ajioAtlcn alltM of the thegitMter thegrniter h hImtlr
gitMter Imtlr Sormanv n mln French tlnh lrenChon ambition ambitioni
i Ion on the other hand hanl after Ifler having hlI for cen centuries lnluo fl flturiei ¬
turies luo looked lol forward fonnn to the nuhiton nuhitonuf acquisition acquisitionof
of the tht Netherlands S ethlrln now oontents lonlent itself ilcclfwith itl itselfwith
i with the Ihl desire to KM se the integrity IntrlY and andneutrality andI andneutrality
I neutrality neutrlt of Belgium Blgum maintained maintainedUVe mancnd
UVe 11 the ftimltir Almla axM ONrtion > rtion rlol of linguistic llnffulntlcIndependence 11llc 11llcIndJtldenc linguisticIndependence
Independence IndJtldenc by b the Vecho lthl ecIm the te hums ItumaI Ilml humsnilini
I man nilini ihnCnins IbfCIa the Albanian niln and half hlf halfa
I a doen d < ln other oher of Kuropea lrl > smaller luuler rnce rncehowever ml mlhulftr rnvehowever
i I however hulftr the th Flemish movement welds weldsnothing yieldsnothing lld lldnolhml
nothing nolhml either to any an national nlonl or inter international Inl InlItlonal internatIonal
national Itlonal consideration cllderton < o rlr fur a no the h
II Flemings I < inl are Ir concerned onlmo moreover mO Vlr their theirapilcity hllr
capnvfty 11101 for maintaining mfllnnl their ground groundIUM groundliiis ruld
IUM h behind Ilhlnd it centuries ntur of historically historicallyauhentlcated htlorlCalY historicallyauthentIcated
authentIcated u h proof proofj
ICtl Jrr JrrtauC
t Mtalue tauC of a 1 Great kiathleprivientative Amrrlc mnlhn mnlhnRepnlte n nReprmentative
Reprmentative Repnlte HUUKR SCLER has intro introduced Inlr introlUCit ¬
duced dlcld in the th house 10l and tho Committee Committeeon lommlt
on Il or Library Lbr now has ha under une consideration considerationa CderUon CderUonI
a I bill bi prodding pridlN for the erection flon in the thecity thecity hl
city of Washington Wui n by the le Federal Federaliovcrnment Federaloverament lml lmliolmmlnt
iovcrnment iolmmlnt of a otntje tatle of SAMUEL lAULJ lAULJTIIE J JTIUIBX 1 1Tiwac
TIUIBX TIIE of New S M York YorkIn ork orkIn
In every ever sane 1f attempt to improve the thl theadministration I
administration amlnlatraln of governmental 10emmfnlalfait affair affairin affairsiii
in every tVfr ever intelligent Inlllcnt effort llor to better INUer the theconditioni hl hlIIUton
ondltlons IIUton of public publlfe life in every Aer move mO mOpnt movemit
ment mit pnt nt dcoicned d snll to II rid rel legislation 1111lalon and andIhA andthn
the enforcement Inroment of f lawn la of favoritism favoritismfraud rlorllm rlorllmfmud favoritismfraud
fraud and trickery rkerr tbe th spirit of TIIJIKN TIIJIKNIMTHiHtftand TnmsII0i18811 TiinrxIir1ist5an4
IMTHiHtftand II0i18811 findexprpMion fnrfJprlon The Te work workthat workIha
that thathedidthomethodsthat thathedidthomethodsthatlinary hedid he did thoniftho Ihe mltho < UthathUextraor UthathUextraorjdinary that hlultror I Idll
jdinary linary intelligence intellenI deviled dlll and d ap approved np apjiroved
proved rovlllnlllltl constitute today the ho foundation foundationI foliahon foliahonaM
and plans piaI for reforms rforl continuously in inprogreiw I II IprOI inprogress 1
progress prOI but an 8 yet t unfInished ulfn unfInishedThere lhl
There TIF IK il no partisanship prlMMlpln in thin thll move mo mont movenrnmt
tnent nt to honor oTis onl of the Ihl greatest tmI 1 of ofAmerifuH ofmlr ofmes1its
AmerifuH mlr political plhCI phtlooophem lhI0II and andpractical Ind andiractual i ipmclCal
practical pmclCal ntntenmcn Itafmln The T tribute Irible ha habeen hun iiamibeen
been n too 0 long lonl delayed dllyt Mr Ir TllDtNs TllDtNsfame TIIF TIIFfnll Tiioisfant
fame fnll tiotongft Illof to the thf nation nUon The Tappr appro appropriation approflj5tjnfl ¬
priation raton asked ako for by Mr KULZEIIH HULIII bill billohould bi billsiiomht
ohould hOdd bo granted ntl promptly propty b the Ihl theSiityftrnt
SixtyBret Sillyftt o cmf
Klnic titnrgr rorll eorgc the Ihl Man MsnVp Manfiiiy UnI
Vp fancy ff ihnt Mr Ir TIUCKFIKV TIUaRY would woll womldhave i
i haw hi V bren hfn iuxzled Juxllllf if he had had har to 0 write writei WrlA write5hut I Ii
i i M IhHUt 5hut > out any In 110 of f the h Fojr Ir CKorfje CIrKl with with11ndlr HO HOslender soslender
11ndlr 1 slender a nlock Ito sto of ntiecdole AfOt as a IM b avail availabl 1ai availabi
abl bl to light llhl uplhechanifterof the h fifth fifthiFurtoK ffth ffthI fIfthiEovlilp
iFurtoK ifIIt who Iho JK I now no King Kin In Knghnd KnghndHo n lll
I Ho W vi elm nee the h dear dl8r old Id s < > ntim ntimtltdi ntimtltdiiin ntimeitaiiiI ntimeitaiiiIseizing < riititlis riititlisKPimj
KPimj seizing iin ujxin UII the Ihl story ior lt > of how Priiice PriiiceOKOIIOF Prlt Priticeboitap
OKOIIOF 101 t when w hln commander lmmandr of the I h Thrush Thrushon h I Ion
on the West WP India hri t IHtlon llon read d flora Im ImIlnl floraIng
Ilnl imt prayers 1m on 11 onnl > onl becitii bm > IUnhII gunboats I I
kzirTisdi I carnal tur no ihaplnins iKorrK a g t guy y yI1
I1 110 1 lade rnouith when wh ngi on duty hl was Wl Wa 1
mot mOt cortvirntloiis t jpnlhl m I prejioririg lr1 for flr the thfSunday thetmrdiiy ll I
Sunday urruy service Ir r MduiK rllll the h Ienson 1tn to i II Iteady
steady I pod hU hL vulce niid 111 Mnging tjn llt rhjiti rhritshyrtitis hml nnd nndhyrunn lw
hyrunn hfI1 as a s he hI hal done dlne at 1 h hm m In h the Ihehou thehousehold
household hou hold of his ht h pUm JK grandmother gruiidmotherwith ndllool hr hrwilh
with those IhJ offlcerh vmc and men whom hom he h hllhl heioiild
ioiild llhl > uld interest inle in the theAnd hp eirrcise eirrciseAnd Illrd IllrdAn
And An we are sure that Mr Ir THACK THACKwould TIAIK TIAIKFA TitrpEliiT
FA EliiT r would wOlld bo bl deeply detJI affected Alr by b the thePnnce thl thePnnves
Pnnce Pnl1 goodnew Inn when wen ho h asked Iko the theAdmiral Ih theAdmiral i
Admiral Admlrn to t allow alow him to t try tr his h hand hnd In Inref InflnlnK Inreformi
ref reformi flnlnK orml ng a Hcapearace 111f who was wa t thought thHllht thHllhttl thoughttubsincnfflgiblemmndaciliallyaucccede4 hfMighttobftincorriRibleandactuallyvucccoded
tobftincorriRibleandactuallyvucccoded I I Iwih Iwith
b nmrliblend a lal luld
with wih moral mora suasion 11110n and anr by giving 1lnJ the thl thefellow
fellow flIIW shorn hlm l IVI iavc ave Having Ilvil dressed dmwt up upthin UJ upthis I IIhl
thin material mlra Mr Ir THACKERAY TUACKER Y would wOld be bethrown bl l lthrown
thrown Ihrwn back bk upon upn Idyllic Idy10 stories torf of ofieoRciFs oftonnEa I ICtRIRS
ieoRciFs CtRIRS domestic dlmetic life lre and perhaps perhapswould prhnJ perhapswould
would sigh llh because IH there were we no wicked wlkd wlkdlllf i icwnpadnn I Icwitpadiw
cwnpadnn lllf and a spicy Iplc epigrams Ilgrn4 to I re reconl record
cord concluding rncudlnl that lht the tf fifth ffth nRIR nRIRWI hrtoaop hrtoaopwas KOBOK KOBOKwan
wan WI An Indifferent Ind lerlt subject lubjl for a public Iuble i i I i
lecturer Ilurr I
Onn 0 on geta Ila cts the tll Impression Ipl impre in from frOn what whatIKS whatihS 1111 I
ihS I Seen WPfl n writen wrln about ahOl flwnwv O lfl Pniicej Pfiziep Pfiziepof f
of f WALKS WAIIIt that his hi qualities Iwljt iudilk were Werl rather rathertlnne ndhr rathertim I I
tlnne tim 1 nf his excellent lNllnt grandmother than thanIhmx th thanthose
those 11 of h hi hi s an omplUhed uCVpIW1 < father fRlherIlk We Wen Vp Vpsieik
n Ilk > Mk of course 101 of the Pnnct Prn retired mil
from frm the 1 navy nvy and nd scVrrd Mrl hy ly the theshadow Ihl
shadow hdlw of a I great mt responsibility JnIJlt si s a anuvsl I anaval
naval uval officer mcr he h bert b some ml resemhUm IlhUn IlhUnII rernhlsIi e eto >
to II Ii the hI Ink of CUHBNCB CLRK CB who hi l Ilm itnmo > ecnmo
WIUIAM IV hnvlngubluff hlnCN hl I
< r henrfy war warabout wn wnabout aV
about l him hln him and o a 1 tnt t for grog IU1 uf r which < hlche hil I
I > e WM WI not nl ashMiieil ahll It I will wi bi be H > well w1 for I
Ktiatland Fln however hlr h wpver if the Ihf 1mll1 urale does ikxHnot I Ino doesnot
not no go o further furlH for WILLIAM WLU IV abueeil Ibwl
his hi prerogatIve rt tnd n muddled mu his h wnyi wnyithrouichabrlfandiinpi WI
throuichabrlfandiinpi through t h mlch I a bnr brtfait4 A un unpopitlir < NtlArre r re3n re3nc < cn
By Jy no Ilrch stretch of o the th faMHrnnUoH fn cwM e eI j
I c
GROIUIK Duke of YORK bo b regarded lanl as asa I
a brilliant brlit naval nva nfncer and n an A Prim Primof Pn Pnor PTiflVof
of WALKS AL his hl public publc appoaranuw app never neverrecalled neverrecalled
recalled the urbanity urllt dolcalo dlCl tact and andeiur anl anley
Illr easy ey address adn of hw ht father rathwhO aUlr who wh used u ullnnl toj tojrepresent to
represent llnnl VUTORM UTORU no 1 oilmlrably But Butit flimtit ut utit
I it must mtt bs b rpR rercinbcred nibsrrd b that tht thatwas IwoiioK IwoiioKwas MUOr
IWI was WI not nollurll educated lobe to I Pnncpof Pnm r WAIJW WAIJWor WAI WAInl
or King nl and ad the h navy la is i i not n ittraining o < xl xltraining x
training trlnlnl school Ihol for either tihlr men of tho thoI thoword theworld
I I world word or diulomats Nevorthrle eorhdf If Ifho Ifho ifIto
I ho failed fala to shine lino ns I PnM Prince of WALEs WA WAhl WALEsha H Hhn
hn hl did not neglect nlle the Ih work wor and forte functions rln fortetiotia ¬
tions ol that It fell rello to him hil Accounts Allt agree agreethat nal agreethat
that ht he hI gave IaO ht hl his mornings momlnl to n hm hmrorreswtilenoe h hrrlJJndlnr Ittienrrespontleitce
rorreswtilenoe rrlJJndlnr and Ind toiled loil through thrlh it itindustriously itIndWlrullly itIndustriously
industriously IndWlrullly although nlhouah with wih a sense n of ofbrm ofborudota
boredom brm ami ld In opening ollnlnj institutions institutionsand InlliutoM InlliutoMan
and an shows howl a as heir to the th throne thrl he lt oo ooquilted le acr1iiitted
quilted fliu1 himself hlll well wol although a1hOlh it was WW witsrIalti
1 plain pial I that he disliked dhllkl ceremony cnon and lll had hld hldno
no love 100 for pomp Jlp and AII circumstance circumstanceThat lmtlnI
That 1lnt his hi pulanty H > declined dllna after he heleft heii
left ii the thl navy M there is il no doubt IlII though thoughhe Ihollh IhollhhI thoughIme
he hI continued lntlnllo to 0 be bln In the public publt eve C he h hI hiiirutcrreil
preferred I fcr I country Cunll eolmntr joys Jo and ald was w witietired ob ob
jpcurod lr etired first fDt by hi fathers rlhfrl fame a aPrinco 1 its itsPrime
Prime Irn of If WALKS and Inllhn then by I the pre pretlgo pn protigi
tlgo lK of FnwARD r1nn VII 1 ns A diplomuist 111101Il and andpcmenuker and111mahr andPeittefliaker
pcmenuker Only Onl n versatile tttio msnand mn msnlmndn nll nllon
one on n of great Jut originality or nll or force ron orcO of char charnrler elr charwter
nrler 1 ler could clid have hi shone Ihono under undr the he cir circumstances Iir1lnIA411 liremmnlatances ¬
cumstances 1lnIA411 and Ind and41ionas < 4itORdK seems m to 0 be beneither benliher beneither
neither neitherAt nliher nliherA
At A the tht same 10 time llt he has II solid 1111 English KngliJiqualities Englishqualities n I1 I1qualtl
qualities qualtl and there ht is i some tostimonv tostimonvthat tlilon tlilonthat tnstirtmnnvthat
that ho hf hi is i familiar fWllar with lh Aiblic 11111 affairs affairsOn alnl alnlOn affaIrsOn
On tho one hand it is I said that his hisspeeches hhlph limospeeche
speeches ph have always b hn been en written rUrn bv h holhtl I Iothers
other olhtl and Ald that IIP hI is i incapable InlII lhlc of com 111 cornunition I IIlltlon
position Illtlon unition on 1 the other Ihlr hand hnd Iihe IiheIIrr loitlve loitlveasoilrantq x ttue
assurance IIrr is U given ilvtn that while whie Prince PrinceOKonoF Prnl PrnlOIOROr PrincetIKmnnE
OKonoF OIOROr may nut ham go jo got hit lii inspiration inspirationfrom Inlmloll Inlmlollfrm
from Sir lr DOXAID MACKBVIK WALU Vautcmt Vautcmtluring
frm llr JOSAL 1KI7IJ WAJCF CK i iduring IIurng
during Iurng the Ih colonial clonll tour mr in I 01 the thePrince thePrince hf
Prince PnI wrote 1 the thl sinking Itr klnt s speech > ce < h Wake Wakeup WakeUII VnkeUp
up KnRlanil rnalantl himself Time Till will I tell tellnnd tlll telland
nnd that It very C soon ln whether whlther u man IIn of orIbll ofabIlity
ability Ibll and character Charcer hat succeeded lullllonl one oneof ofiCof
of the best t1 Kings Kinl that EngLand llnd ever eVlr had
That Thl UtlllK iEoiuiK V will wi address dlll himself hbnllr to tohis taht 0 0II i I
his II ht diitit tlllt with ih as gmt It a I sense 1 of rr rrHx re resimonsUmuity
Hx simonsUmuity Jonaihlt > nsihihty as a his hi father rahtr always alwlhlII alwlhlIIInd showed showedand siiiWNIand
j and Ind lint tul i during turnl his hi reign iln tho Interests Interestsuf Intt11 Intt11If
uf If the navy M will i never n rr be b neglected neglectedI nlld nlldIla
I Ila may at II least be bf irrsumed imrciimniedThi irrsumedThe fUII
The 11 Oue ue of r She Ihl Neglectful 11111 Mr Mrllatrns ttrlist r rI
llatrns llatrnsIt I list cii ciiit
It will 1 ti 1w > interesting altIinl to 1 waii I the theprogres Ih IhIf iltifirngreo
progres ami pro w < of If atij lI3 atompl almII remt remtnirStAte bv bvourXtate I IollrSlnltauhorili
ourXtate ollrSlnltauhorili authorities to o remove rlIOt the I hI lion lionJ lon lonJ
J J 1IKK HI S H Jh tv > NN from frm time hl House 10u of ofHeprpsentntlni 0 0111rltlthU oIteprvsentatives
Heprpsentntlni 111rltlthU of the Nxty lxt ixtyUNt lirst NI Con Confires ln lnIf 110 11014re45
fires If for flr haling Iuujnt failed rliltl to file f a 1 atricat suo suoment la c
ment 1111 of hm hil election Itol expenses Jpn within ten
111 dasa ln > s after Iflrr th the > Npoctnlelection 1 etmih It eltion election In II the theTliirtysecond Ih Ihnlirmt theThirIWlirnd
Tliirtysecond nlirmt Uistrici UistriciWe tIr tIrWe di it rkt rkte
We e ire n under un I tlm tht t h uupn illn1 > ssiiii ilmt 11 th thi I liii liiiifltt1m1irt <
I flnttuIHI ifltt1m1irt of Ih i IIP I nited lltll Stairs Stl mnk mnkof mik mikI s shIouw
I lolW hIouw of Ir if IlrpresnntativM JCIemtltn tlu tlujudfc ltt > ioie ioieJitdR 01 01juli
judfc juli < of the Ih IIalllIH IlnlirtiHlions and di diIII ilisqimsIl ilisqimsIlthatlons iusll iusllflcations
flcations flllon of If its It members merb meinbermimore Something Somethingmore > mhlll
more mor than lln Ihe hl revocation noton of the State Statecertificate Sawril1 Stittimttitteflte
certificate ril1 of election l11Uon would old bo 0 required requiredto rull i
to tovacateMr vacate Iatl Mr Ir HAVPNHH JI SS eat 61 whether whllor or ornot ornlt ornot
not nlt h he gets cM his hl statement Itatrlelt of election electionexpense electionexpense lllm lllmllpn
expense llpn into ItO the hands hlnl of the thl State Statoofficers Statemct Stateomcerm
officers mct within wihin the he statutory time tie timeThere I ITliere IT
There T hits hi ha ben n some IIml comment Cmlnt on the thea IheIlmnt theaealgumnt <
aealgumnt a > Ilmnt l nmn of IteprxsnUtive JI nttve HAVEN HAVENto Inua hlvrieito i
to so incoti inIUnlnla iflCOIolfiIlSfltiOt e < iiential a conunllteo Cnlnlt as that tliston Ult
on 01 flailvsys II arid H TinsU nal Thot T 1 w was s the thelil Ih Ihlot
MI hell lil h Mr Mrthe lr
lot liy JHI hIovaves 1 1I prdrnsor prdrnsorthe r rIh
11 K PIIINI in intlon II iudji iudjitioti dll
tlon 10 to his II Iii fMir dirllhlu ctsiireniinshin < nnnthli > of If Pundin PundinACalr imrrtgnIliee ltn
ACalr 111
llotser UO fanitlilati fanitlilatit anetialatrip ndl ndlI
t inn rip I uses0 < fr n J JII t tU
U are in II n rfHi rIMeIiI t r Pr f s mfiuiiunttfttiAH mfiuiiunttfttiAHIrom n 1 IH
Irom H ih tIe riuhiiiu luhli tfilg 1leel Timtt TI urziul ur < ln the thenominal Ih Ihmln11 Ihenimlngiin
nominal mln11 ton + i > l K KiresaisIe irBUlvp I 11 nrk ler lerllivirrwr ttlloYrtmo r rlvro
llivirrwr lvro Mr Ir iiylls 1 1k H j nn n rnlarnt n I R Rpibilciri I
piblkMfi 111 HIM il 11 ihe > r reason < M > n J isWseI KHP 1 1nl > > r r IK IKI iIe
I lifhinc nl < u liHtf I v nhbh h it I IMI ginvs in1 In I Ibtk I
btk M ip 1 t s tHs1 iIi si 1 ih I N4 O 1 r onifMimn onifMimnnhirh 5WpnIuflnhifh Aljfl i
nhirh n IbOllilSited tnis > t < l IliirlM 4hrhSir KTHM y IHKIMI IHKIMIMr Hol
Mr r I ieh o Vs Iras es orixeni 1 M Mil Id pereno OA f rr rrrf rrrsstve r rr
r rf rsstve itinir ni D ih II ths then 1 lre lreh1i lreh1iIn Ml ni niIn
In an eillinrit 11m srlclr 1 howeer rn > wrri > r in 0 n lie lieHuluM it itIIuhirt I Iuh
HuluM uh < fail Tif T HP t reid id 11 I4eiem > m milail I I Iiait
ilail srnl Ila > Uistpail teq 011 ifrail If I ever r Iwnenntm Iwnenntmlions I is oei oeiline f
lions 11 rut h hI pl plowl IW r I thwi n ii4 ii4aid 1
owl i tili i 4 No mv 01 th thBt II 1hC I1qihi Ir Ti ro rotOOls
lneramor tOOls > nr Bt t I ii p Iw 1 o n M t n ftoietatel mlB4le mtt It1 < l frr frrnr firrn firrnlneramor
Kpr HirrntiIoe > ri r pfttsiitp I m org Us w a r csii csiiask < > l nun dl
mikp m ask a plnxlkl milil rpprp reptflatl niiiflvr In ennirp4 ennirp4sieI < oncrp oncrpnwl IDIr
nwl ioill 010 IM I a vm InoI l fimlHlnle fur r lint lintei i inr 0 0ei
ei nr nor or tint bi t latriirni > hniihl tw rHK hllillI hllillIpr Im Imlp 4in 4ini 4inIli
Ili pr erl OpIciUH lp 1511 BTAIlin lOuis pan Hrhvnip I litHe I Mil 11 III II Km rI rII Iaii7 I IBTAIlin
T > tea ftHTtin PpITI or 0 Tn tea Mrs r 0 i > nr IJiiu Uii Uiitun
IHMI 1 prnifqt rok rot < l nl lr t nPUnUnr > alnr a PKIMII of o trt trtlllniU M tt4iLteib4rntrainrsIh Mn
iLteib4rntrainrsIh lllniU n > l Inl rnlml or SoMlh 1m mrrlra merleshatn r luiitirpn bal r rmint > rmintla Ial
la thr II 5 ximtlim lmN nt llrrWrt llmlr I llf I lir lirI r VMI VMIil
11 il I Ih the UU tel Join Jon n nb l oIwIOrnldnl ini BI iiiwllfitrfldnl ui rliilrndfiil of HM HMIrtl I II
Irtl Lol InUlulrol Uwrpnrf IA Man K tnl 1111 54 lljlt U I ahot ahothe h t tI 1I
he wtii I leg 1r1 1r119W1 In 11 tkIn tkInI
I lv tiwld iH w iU > UlUp UI Ilium III up lp a rlpcr but butMHntwbai isoiOffiWb5I I
MHntwbai MntkM 11 bp Illi II lUtrmral mtlllhi mtlllhitnMln that lh l we weso P Palp
alp rrnk tnMln rftteOnrlng inr1n to ralv the Indian 11n frsm Ie a ci tin tinitlUAn < n nillllnn
illllnn o1U nt lurtMrlun lorolm In 1 thai 1 or drr d drese i stk IU and andpalrnl ad adpump andpaleiil
palrnl Iralkpf pump In I nnp An rnpraUoa u I ii Mimr omr omrwbit m mw1
wal < rrirxrn rd UP It w MmI mi m la kink 11I1A thai 1 or t tendeyT1i arp arpndrarorlDC r rdtr1a
ndrarorlDC dtr1a ii < OJ make mIAM Indian remnp m with 1111 VBKP VBKProrn wbIiIlain bit bitmoD
moD IbPn ben tII lb arp rr nit In a as > i wi wle v ptulpppil 11i1 m di dnto dil0 >
ta I n tl lIc < thu I tliltt a < it ei4sInilbptiCrrit ei4sInilbptiCrritf > ialn UiPiUTrrrnt braarlm braarlmill
ill f cciii lud 1 whlrti h ba b I4ke up I aa nat < l mti 11I1arIt maitp maitpaid rpit
and thai hr h rrtpntlnn II poiilim U vibkh h bate tren1 tren1Tr been btmo beeneCrred
o eCrred Tr red Mm In prrfprpnrp pt Ui hit hi men m mlb menti
ti IkP lb Mihjpru 1 foumprfitpd fllllm bt Mm hi art r mime mimeOr m mpllI i inl
nl pllI Ihp lb nw mmi l rtllipiill p 1 pirei1 r u 111 b to whlit Mlp men Ill II III U Ua i ia
a HttlP 14th dlfflrull In we e nn n abat bal he havi ham M Mi > stat statmeal > UI UImml I
meal thai Indian are In no ii wl wit I al stie Mp ui I Ilib toIih mmfirie mmfirielib
lib thp I JIM TV TItmr Him nl 1 tMin lIn hlrh be bewtott b bDIa bewaDis
wtott DIa Inr lilt na npn A r nf 0 bl I MbPnp ID rolthl IDIIIIaIlllr po riolMy
IMt hp 1 MlTWfni tulllrl to I pa 1 pay > iff Ih iriWHMrtaHnn trnIIH or f a anaH aimali
naH > H comber umbtr1 l lndlan < tni lit miral I mrrlra m and andibPn aa andiben l lI
ibPn I a paternal parnllIvrrllm l inerflIntni prnmcfli nii4d n W ha hue t p hi icsd icsddn wt wtU I Io1D
U o1D n tbf lb mf 011aOa D lo 0 brlflf tt It1D < m bark brfnn 1 Mier MiertUMPd 111 111Unfd ISo ISoataoPd
tUMPd In t death II UtiolTus IN INItorrox V V1oOTO
Itorrox Ma 11f > II ll1qslppI I Ii
1qslppI lb It ioht r lilr lilrI u i iH
i IH ISO H > riiifHi It or Tar TH I
i n f lair II reo reoh > wi wir1tPnnutlhP ae I Irvec
r1tPnnutlhP rvec h nut 1110 jiS bnlnKi 11 ol molr li director dlr llnotmuM II not envtd 1t1d
Mr Hartnn H True Tr NealP tfttnttM I nl muilp II In I IIII Inine
one III nt r o OIr r tsremo Kbc4 ok opr ioenre > ire IF Me HX tNIfll tNIflltill II i ident
nun till r I P Y it itIsiuunrsu IIMIoaIt ItIflit4I4t1pth
Isiuunrsu MIoaIt Mat MatTII I IIi
TII T fid > lde Ibp Ih ImmvrUla Impsrtalsto rlAl rlAlTII I ITo
To i TOC Knim or TH lea Ntr t JIlt Vlonntblne Iahlhd tlonaablnoaid i iand
and hd VnBpnwhrln mIIr1 are r In I our ou ennkir pinr I It Iht haS II haSof I Iof in I
of n time m rrailr r isr r pm eninl nl t4l5nIinai4e fHI4ntI
tw w TOil o5I vn IC > I H M 11U l lH
j j lie U l Ie < rnr Frall FrallTo FrIId FrIIdTo llpd llpdI
To tsi fll rinrnn rII or TIE T Sv Sea Mr ir U I a Kiere ISoeroom i
roam room 11 Mr tsrTiia r Tbnma TII Ulfp drain dI < in bardsare nrlaartsnLaiIINII r
PHiLilifl tsnLaiIINII 1111111 Mli Mat l 1 C C I P W H HSeward IIard NIwad
Seward ard In a MadlwM tadh tadhI o qaoe qaoeto < i < rp rpl
l to > II till III proMtac f at n Ine sat satItti mfi mfiIII ra 1
III rlutlr 1 0 of f > talp ba baMho lal place placewil
Mho wil 110 Im M Ilk tlrPnclh aol aslTo 1 leb Sgbeeii1
To Hfl a awakes kHl kHlIlk rarp rarpIrt rae raeIii I i
Ilk Iii s is t II p r ifPd < er Diap ml malir malirSd lv lvAnd 1
And 1 bH IkP II iraMie rash HI HIHbrre lfl lflbfl atttbete I
Hbrre bfl all mao sloe I IH nl hmtpn 11I 11ITo s sTo r
TobuM To buM b Ilk bi o ons pan n qiil > lflM lflMMh MII MIIII I IIII
Mh II III aMani Nu rtrii 11 Jowflft i np > on onBoond 11III noKeioail
Boond I our ok mortal 1 1It kP4 kP4Hm biIs
Hm It kre a prpixnrM I In t gaofi HIHit MI slow I IP IPHU
HU Imaie rex VIM 11It 11ItI mm mootad
tad I boom Imooeae 11 V lit litTo twt irre
To lear r IM lie WPP bM bMsHrasM < oIIIr
sHrasM r MM warm xtttf IoIi bloom bto
Is I a ffrrsstet tfttot dSL
JlfffHejII II I r a 1
it the r ontrjr Aurtton AurttonOur tiWttDItOur IICI IICIOllr
I Our nviihliorliood has h just Imt its itsj iI iIptJlllc IIpublic
j I public hermit u h he might b bJ > called who whonil wbohl whohta
nil hl been goaaipmi Iped and nd romanced d about aboutami aboutomit
omit 1 rs r proP rded aa one on of IU celebrities as aaI asfar
1 far back as I can remember In this old oldsettled 01 01It oldttled
settled It ttled IId and closely cl ly peopled land at tout toutyou heistys
you 011 may ma obtain a considerable notoriety notorietyerpn
erpn eve without dtxlring d deoirln lrlnc It by simply 1mph keep keepIng krpIII keepitig
Ing III to yourself YOIIlrnd and moat English neigh nelfhtmrhoods n neightairhoodo lh lhi
i tmrhoods rhood entertain 1lrt1In themMlres with a aflKunt an afIgure
fIgure n uf this kind kindOur klodUur kindOur
Our hermit who hl > hail the name of Henry IIfOryon
Volt on ot was WII a forulirnr by b jrititi which whichdoesnt whichdOHtt whichiloeent
doesnt mean here that ho was a French Frenchnun fronebman
man or a herman but that he came mm from fromanother rromI rromanoLhr fromanother I
another part mr1 of England Onhla arrival arrivalho
ho h bouajht a good sliest house of lea moms momsor momllor roomor
or no o on a bynmd about a mile out of the thevillage thevlllnlCe thevillage
village and them thf settl ttllll down to II lire v In Inlatrict InIriet instrict >
t strict Iriet aolltudn The Th alto all itaalf was not notparticularly notPtIre1istlY
Irtlrrlarl particularly itcuided u ° as the front of th thI thhow the thehous
I hous touched the raid wIth no garden gardenintervening lCardnInflnc gardenliifrrvenlng
intervening but b then the h front door dooralways dooralay dooralways
always remained clostd and anllhe the windows windowsiutt whtdowllulInod windowsohuttiertd
llulInod iutt rwl and the Ih > only 0111 exit lIt In u mime1 was wa waI wasI
1 at the hll back where h lay Ia a little orchard orchardwnll oharon orchardwell I
well n hidden by tree and nd a tall hedge bltcetit hetlueHe
He ii was 11 said 1141 1 In t take walk In the orchard orchardand orcharda1 orchardand
and once on when I ws woe riding illlp < lIt xi t I did didcatch didCtlICh didcatch
catch a glimpse IClbnl of a nightcap > moving movingamong molnltIImonlC movingamong
among the Lh tree treeOn I IUn treesin
On returning rrturnIn to the h neichborhood neilthborhooolarteran after afteran
an al alnCfl > nc of sneral years I was a lur lurprisd sutiprisl ur urIrla1
prisd to 0 ht hr ar of th ths Ion lone < retnembjred retnembjredliermit IIOtmlldhrmlL reiflIfluliedhermit
hermit Ijelng still tlllallvf alive but a week Hk ago agothere acoIh1I agothen
there appeared on the thelt1m him wall alllreldlllb alllreldlllbUnl4n l hscte > sidB th thin timirnen
Unl4n in n which ia I us mIMI > d for such public an announcements nnlInlmnl onnouncoments ¬
nouncements lInlmnl a printed notice Ivlinlnx IvlinlnxKv
Kv R Henry lInr Noll cle dlffA1 < va il By y order of ofthe ofhl ofthii
the hl administrators a otlc will III IM held at atI
12 I noon nixin1 te c Hi flit eel I was a to Ix at t the thehous thehoits h hhOIlIl
hous and nd however reluctant 11Ilnn yo yoi I might mightb
b bt > to pry ry into the affairs of a man so sotenicmus eo1IIclnua sotenioinua
tenicmus of privacy pr iCY curiosity COld plead pladthat pldlhat pleadthat
that almtslnlne would 1 b futile rllll wha wh II hilt hilflh hJart hiltthe
lh t the countrysld cullnlry wi sure ro to l b > there thereAs Ihplh
As I walked up the village 1114 on my way lIy to tolh tolii 0 0h
lh h > ail 11 I aiw w Mrs lra U the Ih ganlnrrs ganlnrrswife gardswrwife
wife chatting with Ith a neightior before her herhatched hrIhAlIh1l1 herthatched
hatched cottage COU II which sac as a fronttl by a aftn ann afins
ftn fins show h of diffodils in flower and IIn l I
stopped atj1 > ed to 0 v w > iai hr good morning SI SII Slt 4iowas
was U just then laughing over her huabands huabandsaiiccfM huelt1ndICIfM hustundaslicer
aiiccfM slicer In getting a reward of f twenty twentyshillings twentyshillings nl nlhilling
shillings offered by hylhe the old lily htl who em employed I eni1inyed I II1y1 ¬
ployed him to anybody anb < III who ho could 1011 < cure her herlittle Irlitll tierlittle
little grnnddauchter of the III habit of auck aucking u k kin kinig >
ing in her thumb II won the Ih reward a1 by bythe laythe bythe
the sunplu impl method of r taking MU oil thss Mary Marysthumb Marythumtlomt 1 1Ihumhooll
thumb Ihumhooll out of orhrmoulh her mouth and 11I1 putting It Into Intohi Inlohi intohi
hi own which sent nt the child off scream screamme et3m11t cream11mg
me I h ur Kiandmotl < r In pile Iit of this thimndfull IhlIIIIIIJrIlIl thiswiniJfhl
mndfull Mr 1 lrs II wasii 11 i goiui lo lolh the thec17wsll ile II III
1 si c17wsll II nii ton 00 lout lo 0 walk alk an far she h slid slidand Y101an1 skIand
and the Ih only onl imp n th 10 xlla 11131 e frw rr thM thMd thstilty hlhy
d hy y wi a the on < which Im h t nude her miss misshr nf nft nbMhr
hr t mter > funrnil nn fl years ago by full fulling rlIInl faillag ¬
lag to ktxiiiili 1c an itivpiint IIIn Income Ii coin nl to ii fetch fetuhh rchbr fetchhsr
h br r sun tWIt Itli Hh peho h had n nYtr vi r en tntlleldlt tntlleldlti sged It Itjhho ithho
j jhho tihn wad err ncrry Itf rry nut In go hiving h lntc he abeadmitted headmitted hedmltllfl
admitted a strong mind lo no see th the Inside Inaldaol
ol A lioiiw hOlI which had so ci long been bHnliP oloswi oloswinn
liP lll like > e i dungeon
H Un llena rv H lib she be escbiinel lalllthlnI laiighlng laughingagain
1 az again n and pointingaeroxs pointing semIs thedrt theO non < n with withMM ltb ltbIi I IIis I
MM Ii > Mary medicine bottlo on his hi face faceThe ra raThrdnr faceThgardnsrwmeoming
The Thrdnr Thgardnsrwmeoming srUntrwa w coming romln < our way ay with witha wllhlranlCr
a tmiiur m o quoer anapil 011 < i aim > who wh h had hada
a wooden box under one urni nnd under underthe IIIJti irinderthis
the Ih other a reddlah animal anlrnoallhat that I dincoi dincoired r1ilCI diccoecreel
red I after a moment was II fill Tim Tb fox foxwho rOIwho foxwho 1
who was wearing a handsome collar < with witha wllhchaw
a chain should Ild Iprhal rhJips > receive a psjuiing psjuiingmention posolligmention 1
mention l Iuae iuae of hi his rare ra accomplUh accomplUhmenu roompli roomplimenlll
menu His iii owner a vermin nnln killer by bytrade bytradll bytrade
trade had torn summoned rl by n to do tb a ajob ItJob ajob
job at atn an outhouse which wa being tnc pnll milled 11t11h1down milleddown l ldown
down Ills III tools were half a dmra hireta hiretalnUi rm rmIOIllIod tarretlodged
lodged < d in a wooden CAM and the Lh fox fuxwhich rOIhkoh foxwhich
which he h culled Hocekiah MIe 1IIIIh1I 1IIIIh1Iwork kiah II IIwork IIwork
work to It ferreu he siid i hItern Urn any
dog you ever seed fI Ks A ijulckern light lightning lichtInc lightning
ning anti u1 never lets 1 any of > en n put 110 110IIIIIh mitimueti o omuch
much aa a scratch < > hl hllr elf finn aint aintanother alntanuhr aintanother
another foi fo nowhere IIIIh In th wiuniry loollnrypFfUlI so soprettily ei eiprettily
prettily broke to t Tenets rrr ns II llpzikiah is I ITia icTLP
Tia Tl no nomnollll1n more than t Ih4l1lIh lb hut lruth ruthAMKMitMi 4111111 4111111pfllfhlllC II IIpinching Hp4rwhing
pinching on one of Heiekiahs ears ar who whounjpped whllnapd whosnapped
snapped tutck quickly but lnnnle hairmiesoly hairmiesolytwing ljr ljrImitig
Imitig 1111 muzzled muzledI
II was not going to the h ante either Ih he h hwloo hewas
w wloo was too to IHI Isisy T 9 I lywibl It I a bought on one of ofthooldman orlit ofthsnil
thooldman lit thsnil o lrnall mans wmpnnor waiwn or something too toolie tnolie 011 011hll
lie added for theres twenty shilling In Inmy Inmy inmy
my pocket this thl morning that wann I there Ihreornhth thereovernight thereovernight
overnight overnightAfter overnighttfter t tu1r
After we had heard the Isle 11I1 about aboutlittl alutlitlltt aboutlittle
little Marys Ummli over agiiin 11 I took tookup Ikup tookup
up his hi sllusion to 0 th lbs hermits weapons weaponswhich weaponswhich ponll ponllhich
which brought back stories fumilwr to
I me 11I1111II11 sji a a dual snout kxtilnl 1 guns pointing poIntln poIntlnI notntlnidown
I down the lit passage R of r the iii h birred hous housand houanri howimini
and an armory nf vsnmis swords ords in it itsom IIi IIilIm iisum
sum lIm broid and an I somt IIIIm t thin for puwinn puwinnunder fUolln1IIr puieingunder
under Ih thi h door to Ii slice off s nuns mm feet feetfinding rNtlInlInot feettanihing
finding n th at t > p pm some 011I very V narrow narrowto
to aUb 110 you with through the keyhole keyholeWhen kyholhn keyholetthen
When hn I asked kld Do j you ou think it was Inn Innaiiout 11allOUt Intlbout
bout all thosj tho wespons n answered anaweredflnnlyOh IIntflt1nnnly answeredfirmly
flnnlyOh nnnly Oh yes y air Ir You Youllwthm 01111 lls > eihm there ihreIf
If the h h flNI hfri irs IISVPM ° t took them WilY oirf oirfof It ItIIr out
of shorn nd when hn I w w5nit nl on At Atall Hall tjall
all events no on ever vr knw kn Ih real realrrason iiiriaeon al alrluoll
rrason why wh he h shut hlmsMf up Ilk like that thatII hll
II rejoined reoin Jllln ° d with confldence BeKging BeKgingyour 8ggingyour ltlinc ltlincYOllr
your portion sir Ir It was 11 thU way AY John JohnKluelln JllhnuII1I JohnFlullu
Kluelln told ld m ° You ou wouldnt hardly hardlyremembir hmlyrnrnbr hardlyrerneenbir
remembir him limit twa 1 him took the theIIMI IhllhIH theliuise
hIH liuise IIMI > for Mr Ir Nott when h11 llrst > 0 come comeh millh lOUishnre
h hnre re that lHlrtySve lIrlyp years ya ego en 3lr 3lrNott 3rSIItt 31rNiitt
Nott wu cruw IrtAAtlln orwiepi > < l In in love loveIn ItJvIIn loveIn
In spying IYln th list words ord II like Hk lbs Iheother Ihnothtr lbsother
i other men n hreahout h 00111 when hl1 giving this thltlms Ihllin thisibis
ibis lin honored account of ti ha mUtr mUtrcould rntrilIuM nsttrcouli
could nit tm > t arrest a slight grin and Mrs MrsII r rII
II like Uk th tha h other wom wtnin O JII n wh who h always alwaysgive III alwaysgive a aIv
give < Iv this thllllUCOunl hi Hrcount with lIh eomplolM 1011I11 serious srinusnes rioIiA rioIiAn
i nes n put llt in gravely Ths girl > ii won wonaciiuniiig WIIIaHll1lnlC
aciiuniiig died diedBut liltllnil tihelBut
But h lie was very rich I stld cud 11 < 1 irish irrelevantly irishsandy I IAlltiT ¬
sandy hurrying over th the h familiar ra llllr ground groundYes < groundYes nl1Rdr
Yes r lid Mr I B e e wan wiinn and andno ajuta I Imilitak
no a mistake That is why h e was an armed armedmap arm arrnp4map I Imao
map as you might siy y and I had those thonngreat Ih thosegreat I IteINt
great alarums In the Ih house MH nisI wouldnt wouldntever I Ir
ever r let any IUJ on innid My belief Iir In i Ismacant e emeant I Itnant
meant to Ii dl II lie by hinlf too 00 K signed signedthem I IIm
them to 0 go away when thy cam to his hiswillow 1 1IIIIW t twirolow
willow IIIIW with tlm II bidder an an1 I pushed th thMAultAr the theshutters I IliliIIura
shutters in If Vd cI a had th thus strength atrrngthnd
nd 1 a ordered oro them all out you 11 may I tdepend
depend 111 n1 on it i
I r
II thn stimmml ml11I11 up tli the IwfiHifs htfrlll career careeraw
till Si > aw lo indicate what wh Heme setni4 < l to him the themost Ihllmllllt thi thimost
most notable lllltabllhlnlC thing about nut It K lived IIv like Ii likea
a doganrl > s was 811 burled as you y might say saywell
well nigh like Ilk
a gentleman Them wo was II ashll iiahll
shll 11 and a mourning i inch < < 11 and n hunt huntheanel hutIItIhrafl burstihrsl
heanel ay and ntl the Ih orgsnll rilsynl rMttllhll the
lowly out Youd think thm t ILtI get ICe gets hi hiIOOII his hismoney
money 1Hllnt < oiignt 10 pay for all lIlha that wouldnt wouldntyou wouhlntI
you irr Ir Ir111rtlll1ly irPTbey I
They 111rtlll1ly crtilnly oughtAy oughtty ought HllhlT
Ay T l tail ut ought is nomttm a low lowHgur IwIr1no 1iwfigitri
Hgur Ir1no sir sirWith lIirWllh drtitli
With ttiU snpirious f1IIOI remark Mrli B went on onwith onwith n nwilh
with th the man in th 1m skirt ip iw 11I1 tlm II ferreU ferreUan1 frr ferrtanit
an1 ll tIkkch kteh toward liw iii employers employersoUbla srnphimyprsudable f1I6r f1I6rIIMItIe
oUbla gate Ca CaTh gateThe gatTh
Th The linn Ia lO fntlowM t ii < reich lh the > hermit lierrmtg 11tfmtIi hermitege
Ii g ran Imtween I thf hlgi nuhlM hedge hedgeiws Mdfa hedgeross
ross a showering over Mnk nl nf if turf mrfwWoh turfwtiulm IlrrII
wWoh are II Yoii Yoiieobkl
common la Wew x 011 011tIMIlrI uuieiik1
eobkl Ml tea out oftt 0 1 exe eS8IIfI > t at i a aer gate gategntt gateer
er a belge Nv siiam
Ctt t pelesimisis riot rioti1eg
aIeq tile gntt p at a MM Mtoaa H aad I 1 L
1 1L
above the thelorM gorse one shone Ilk like fold old In the un IUnatnool sunamong unamong
among all alillOrt aorta of ahrubi dwarfed tree treeand t tand treesand
and briers Long lrre lmoeoluto oliite sprays of ofhrambl ofmbl ofhiamble
hrambl mbl straggled d out Into Intoth the Ian with withspiders witheplden withsphtera
spiders thread glistening between l etfM > them themand themand
> and bin W hints darted to and fro from thlllDj bank bankto nk
to bank like nh tWmee a In a stream Among Amongthe Amonhe MnOtiSthe
the he tree 1 of a coppice I thought I caught tmtifhta I
a glimpse of a low ow blue bh smoke spreading eprtadJnaliVer pnadingoverth
overth liVer th ground rouod and climbing the hedge hedgeto I
to discover the cauaa found UM h tuppoted tuppotedmoka suppoeedsmoke up upoke
smoke oke was a dens d olll bed of wild hyacinth hyacintht
t An n ancient stone tone br brtdco dO of ail h or Men aevenininiuturw MenrnlnwlWt seventnlnhidwni
ininiuturw arches arch panned one of UIOM UIOMslow OtoeeIow thoasslow
slow winding low beaked DOS oo streams streamsin tresmI
t 1ft o often sung IIIln 1 by jy the old English poets poetsand poetAIIIId poetsand
and through au emUrasur tm rM1J In a wood woodI woodfollowing
I I following on one side uf It in a long lOll urn curvappeared rumappeared urnnppeartlt
appeared Ih the ray turrets of a Tudor Tudorhouse TudorhOUM Tudorhouse
house Two peasant women WOlD stumped stumpedalong stumpedalong tumfAlonl
along the th lane before me with theIr feet feetwide feetwide fsetwide
wide apart and allliahollidera shoulders jogging They Theywore Theyto Theywore
wore to their Sunday best which were wereunpretentious wereunpretentious re reunprtlunIlOUlIIJCftpt
unpretentious unprtlunIlOUlIIJCftpt except for or the th white suede suedeKlotea euMeglove I
glove 1110 that cruelly cru IIT confined the bulging bulginghand bUIIO bUIIOhandA builginhatmds
hand twinging at their sides sidesThU IIldtllT1I aideThis
This peculiarly mlfplaoed aspiration a to tothe tothe
the mode lido reminded me e of a recent out outbunt OlltIotIIt outlririt I
bunt of Indignation from the th vlllago cob cobblur CObI cobliter
blur about a cousin of his who came to toborrow toborrow toborrow
borrow money with a veil ell on Twaa Twaan i
n windy afternoon art moon h he tokl me and th thveil the theveil 1 1veil
veil blew right ht arrow front h her r face I Inever I1It
never 1It or ted d nothing itronger lronJCtrl1orrowllla lronJCtrl1orrowlllawllh borrowing I Iwith I
with a Tell 11 on emil Ix Iota > U o ladle dont wear wearem I Iem I Iem I
em but th the poorer the prouder thats that I ha theway I Iway
way of It In them tb latter IattllrJ1I years yed When n to toltllPle tomitIgate I Imitigate
mitigate hU hi coualna offence hy comn comparl parl1 parl1on rl1 rl1son I Ison
son on I suggested a way of th the world that thatmight thatitiight i iIIIllht
might seem m to him till more enonnou enonnouasking enonnozsasking
asking allicin what he thought about ladies Ioonllooai who whochangod whochanJttll whochanged
changed the color of their hair every year yearor
or oflerer he h replied erimly griml Twill IM IMchanged I Ichanged 1 IIuIn1
changed for forlhem them lOOn enough enoughTlia enoughThe noughThe
The white loved women curiosity curiosityending curiosityrndbitg
ending wings kept k Jlt ahead of me m though thoughI
I wmnt IIIn walling slowly till they joined joinedtho
tho crowd in the lane before the hermitage hermltateTho
Tho crowd was chiefly made up of bermltapj tanners ranoraI jmil j iinil
mil I laborers wives with a ap sprinkling rink ling of oftheir ofhublnd ofhtir
their husbands and some profeaslpnal llroreealooall profelonahmen i imen I
men and tmdeapeople from a small town townIi ttwnfIve I Ilive
live Ii mile off While some remained mailledon
on l I n I h l I
v rur ruror 1 1of
of the front windows wlndo with the shutters shuttersdown abuttllraclon abutterst
down the rest gathered thnod In the orchard orchard1behind OrthantOellilid
behind the bourn examining the Iota lotstt I Irur
for sale 1141 which hlch were arranged arran d there on onlioxos on110111I onboire
lioxos barrels chair Ac c for the auction auctionwas auctionwas
was to take plane pia In the open air and I IaCtor
aCtor all we werent allowed to 0 enter enterihe enterthe
the h > lioiioo The door went locked and ando I
iO o had to be b content with Ith peering In Init InIt init
< it the Ih windows which were 110 o thick thickwith Ullckwith thickwith
with dust and nd cobwebs that little could I jIM Ih IIMi
IM h made out The reason of this re restriction reIrlctlon imstriclion ¬
striction I anon n learned from surround surrounding ¬
ing snatchm nf convoraitlon I will willT 11I 11IIn I Ii
i In iy T no mom InO than that the th Interior deco docoration decorationti I IratJOIIi
ration of th the hermitage had fallen aomi aomiwhit om omwhot
whit into disrepair diiropairThe I
I The auctioneer landing with llh notebook notelxwkor I
or r catalogue In hand hi hie trouivrs pinched pinchedin pinch pinchIn
in by bloycle clips a profcslorul unit unlhon uniton
on hi hla i Urge red face w was a shouting ordir
HI H um wnii or lt apron aaiiani A group groupof
of r women lllo n inhered n fr a pile of blankets bltnketsFrrah blanltetafftIh blanketsFriub
Frrah fftIh out of the paper exclaimed one oneK onecoukl
K couki a been clean if ed awlhd awlhdihen alahedIhn awisheditien
ihen Ay Y Ud another lifting a ailoubl aIollbk attoub
ttoub iloubl hrmuted coat In pilot serge from fromun
un adjoining heap I thl hasnt never been beenMil beoenor beenalt
Mil of the plp ptprneuithr > ipr rllflith nelthr r It looked a very vrryold veryold ry ryIIld
old fashion coat however and clam by byit
it 1 Uy I a baver hit in th the style of fifty fiftyyear tly tlyrtt
year rtt ago Olt Nearly ariy rly everything rfr lnc In that lhallatlullc thatpatboti
pathetic exposition of the hermit hidden hiddenK
1 K MMion > NlooanJ and habits was w old A grand grandfather grandftlisr rand randrAtlar ¬
father clock dated 177s which hadnt hadntIon hadntgone
gone to judge by blhe the stats tat of th the work worksfor erli erliror
for a generation or ao fetched A 5 a side sidelicani IdeIlOCInlllf >
board IlOCInlllf of cracked tarnished Heppelwhlte
a 3 a violin a the clothes eloh Including IncludlnIhllll includingthue
tho fresh from the Ih paper r only half a acrown aI acrown
I crown The furniture wit was all decrepit decrepitih drtpil1 drtpil1Ih
the ih < chairs anti n1 table tottering on their theirlgs theirigs I
lgs 1 < Sot ot much here h Mid Id on one of the I IIOt i II i iiloctor
iloctor IOt Miking abjut 1I > llt disippointeilly disippointedlyhut i ibut i iUI I
but UI I PUPS gum he h left om sonic money mon Ye Yehe Y Yh ew ewhe
he h Mill gues 1111 though he h had never hmeen hmeenIn l > en enin I IIII
in In Atneruv Everybody was talking talkingi blllin blllinI talkingabout
i about the money left by th the hermit hllnnllrlr E Ettever Emover
mover had no proprtytdclared prorty dtoelared a man manwlto manho
who ho pretended to have been Intimate with withNott withNott ilh t tSoU
Nott at allIUm corn remote period r1nd not 110 o much muchus
us a nir m hnnd Ms II held up hi his hand to tohow I Ishow
show th the sit of 0 it All his fortune wo woin 111 111in wag wagin 1
in tli II this faith of England and conaotasafe consolesafeenough 1 1enough j
enough K got his intrtt half yearly rllArITIrli
April B was on > of th ths d day I IlIno know and nd I IV I
V 1 4 looked look forward to it as a eager aa a child childlo childhirthdl1 I
lo II a birthday hirthdl1 gift Who Whit t > cc don with lIh i
In hue fortune I ont sty exactly Some 80m11m Somelime
lime ed d any 11 on thing sometime an anulr
other Whats What certain I is e wouldnt wouldntliave woutInthave ouldnlhav
have nothing to do with hi his relations In InYonClan1 inFnglsntt
Knglsnd They 00 cum around aroun to so what whatwon whatW8II1n whatwarn
won W8II1n to b I be had now and anhn then wrote letter lettertoo t 11I 11IlOll
too but bIos bl you e wouldnt OMI w bern IJicmVa UImW bernVaji
W Va Vaji > is troM tO5Iit l In love 10 Maybe Ia not but butohn butJOhn
JOhn Kluplten who ho bought the how 0 for forhim
him him nid lt1 twa 1 twie so fluppos love U a ahat IIh aheat
hat h in some mil people I never found it like likethat likeIhal likethat
that my marT mar myselfTwo lf lfTwo
Two T young girls were PI flitting about the theorchard theorchrd theorchard
orchard and laughing with om some or the thomen thelIIn theUn
men My Iy what n pictrl exclaimed one onehalting on onhaltlnc onehalting
halting before a framed composition In red redchalk nodhalk redchalk
chalk tilfdupsgalrut Iilt1 a cheat hetof of drawers
It represented a auillorenvelopd sailor nor enveloped from the thewaist 1Mwall thewaist
waist I down in raging billows and clinging clingingwith clingingwith
with ith on OM hand to 0 a rope spIked IICIII about a aapar aopor 1 1r
apar r Iln nnlh < vith was written Dy 0 Henry
Volt with lIh faith In God and this verse veraeI verseItem I
I Item Hm knli ot ore roses and ad lot Ion c cTb
Tb Tp > r knot will nr 01 iuepr Pr till 11 I
I Ior or From me lint I heard brantlay heardrb untr
lay r rb ronUnl roke ok 411 11 Hall HallKnot lIallKnolcicaltlolIfI
Knot KnolcicaltlolIfI gijil giggled lon one nttheglrls of Why Wh I
If I f that wasnt nt hispr Whod lld V A thought thoughtth i I IIh
th t he old fellowI Im I making a joke like likeIhatV hikethat 1 I
IhatV IhatVA that
A t telltale 1 tot for a student of myth mythology mytholiigy ¬ i
ology nllllC wa made up ulor of three rusty ru weapons weaponsnsmvlyamuxalfl wlOnaIlA weaponsnnwiya IIIYlhl I
nsmvlyamuxalfl IlA nnwiya wlya mlll muzaieIoadingsbotgn l loading Jodlnahol4cuna shotgunacavaU7 cavalry i iIlhlUJdarncloafoll >
sabre IlhlUJdarncloafoll and a fencing foil The foil may marIU1V have j f
been the whole original of the th ° swords
for stabbing I blo < wIth 1111 through the keyhole keyholeth I
th this sabre b of the th h sword ltrd for slicing under i iIh IIh Ihe
Ih t he door with Beside M them stood a con1 con1trivsnee con conrivanc I IIrlVftltf
trivsnee of eight little bells
hung from rromfMtIptft a aerossplece aernespieca
erossplece faWn rU Md d to a movable moal upright uprightworked uprhtCork uptightworked
worked Cork by a treadle on the ground < so
that Ir you stepped on the treadle adlllihe the up
right rl < ht would be lwollftfd > lifted and all the th belUitart belle uteri i iringing Irin I
ringing rin < lna Till was found in the UI doorway
of r Notf otts bedroom and was probably the theaum Ihllum
sum total of hi his collection of I I1aUM I
great greatalarum greatalanmma
alarumAn alarum alanmmaAn 1aUMAn
An occasion of this sort in th the country
usually WlulI bring together people l ° lI4 who1 who1havent who
havent sen n on one another for some Urn timeanlnftertherdge i ianl Ianllrtr
anl anllrtr anlnftertherdge af tr the hfc edge of ntcurkisitywllhhimntod ntcurkisitywllhhimntodor curiosity 1Iri ilywhlllnled blunted bluntedor
or for that I matter befor you might mightoverhear I I I Ioverhear
overhear such lIh conversation a so thl going goingon
on about you youA 01 01A I I
A Strut Farmer Clod bless hl my myllr life Mr Ir
M4tyard 1S trd ami how are you ynuh And how howar ho hoare
ar a Ihinrs Ihln dning nt Melham MelhamA 1llhamIII
A IXHUI Trailpomaa Oh pretty fair
thank you Had a lUll tnereaa to 0 the
family smee I MW w you last theI I IThK ITho I
ThK The aRl rl17 Oed d hlea b me yeu yo dent datjtay dentsay I
say ay y lOOt Well 11 well HI and how U ifor
Tl The Tradesman an 04 pretty fair thankkFaoiwrAad thank huk18U
18U 18UTM
TM FAIMI is k i a Nr was144 a tWW
Jill lr nlrantf nlrantfI
I lMTrll ft eJJtWtwM WutI3IedWihiIw1lks
an air of sudden relUf 1W1 Why Ua Is a achild achild achild
child childThe
childThe The FannerWell wall 11 loot ute to IU IUAnd iUAnd illAnd
And when hen did thl this happen hapnnTTha happeoThe happenThe
The TradeamauLait Wednesday W DMday I 1think Ithink Ithink
think twas twasTho trut was wasThe
t The Th Farmer FannerAnd And how many does that thatmake thatmake thatmake
make makeTo makeTfli
makene To Tradeaoun rAeetln re eetloclM Lei mo we weAyUaoloven oeeAy seesAy
AyUaoloven Ay U tie elanD I think ao aoA 110j soA
A Syrtander lystanderTli Tl twelve Mr Ir Moat Moatyard Meatyard lI4t1
yard yardThe aroThe aro
The Tradesman TndHmanraU TndHmanraUThe I M MTn it itThe
The KarmerAy Farmer y Mr Meatyard that thattwelve Uuitstwln thatstwelve
twelve youvo yoU made madeThe DUdtbCTradNtoaDOb madeTheTradeenmenOb
The TradesmanOb ay y blleve II IIOr IIOr ifs ifsOres
Or Ores as this thlaA WA
A Peasant Woman oman with a small boy boyKnow bo boKnow boyKnow
Know who this in inA IIIA loit
A Laborer LAbonrX Jo mam I knowa him himNot himNot himNot
Not many of your sons I Idon dont know knowTho knOWThe knowu
u The Tb Peasant Woman WomanAT Ay y but some sometime IOme11m sometimes ¬
time they grow ron out of knowledge knowledgeOr
Or a as this thUA thl thlA
A Farmer FarmerWhen When Tom wa was starting startingback otartlnblell startingbeek
back Cocky Dawson oom cornea out ou to the thotrap theIraI thetrap
trap with a tanthorn and hold It t just by bythe byIh bythe
the Ih Up of the trap for Tom to And AndCocky ADdCookT AndCocky
Cocky touched the ponys back some something tomethin something ¬
thin thing and she started kicking IlIoIIID My IT If Ifthe Ifabe ifihe
the didnt kick She 8h smashed the lant lanthern lanthem tautbern
hem all to pieces pl sent th thela the glees flying all allways allwall allwaya
ways he thought It waa w put there apur apurpoe apurrx aputp
poe p for her Ay and I remembers what whatCocky whlltCookT whetsaid
Cocky said 111dFour saidFour ildFour
Four or five eager voice yolceahat What did didCocky didCocIlYIIIT didCocky
Cocky CocIlYIIIT CocIlYIIITTht say sayThe ayf ayfThe
The Farmer after a paueo pueoCccky pueoCcckye Cocky Cockyo
e says IIr A bloody nice gam Pme this and andwho andwhoaoln andwhos
who whoaoln whos going to pay for th lanthornT lanthornTFour JanthomFour lanthornFour
Four or five voice Yol loudly loudITlIaw Haw haw hawGood hwlGood howlOood
Good for Cocky Cock1On CockyOn
On the way back I was overtaken by byour b bour byour
our cobbler cobbl who hlt baa h to drive because becausethe
the lower low r part of hi his body bod i Ia more or leas leasparalysed leuparaly
paralysed paraly d II Jle drive In something IOm thln like likeI I Ia Ipaokln
a L pocking CM on wheel drawn by a adonkey I Idonkey
donkey which bray bn110 so noisily and often j I I Ithat
that th the boy call It th vllUf band i iThe IThe
The cobbler had perhaps got a glue R Ror glueor I I
or two somewhere anyhow h be was wmueh much muchelated j
elated over the diversion afforded by the UI I
ale Ie Did ye see the ring o belL Ha HaI 11 11I liehat
I ha R I was clever at contriving wamt wamtIe
Ie el I dont amember right if there wes waai 11 11I westhree
i three or four on each aide lde And ha ba baI baI hathe
I the footboard agoing oina up to the bell bellHeed hellal8tIId belIsISeed
Heed It It Waa W there ever f V8r the like The Theclock Thedock Theclock
clock and tha Ih violin thats what e had hadgood hadIood hadi
I good i ° ° there I My1 uy III Sits sister In Autrallall AUII Au AimsttalishI
trallall trallaIIt get the money mon oh YN ye before the thenteoee henllIDN
I I niece In Merica You V 011 see e never If made madeno1II
no no1II will A lawyer cent nt out word to him hime
o ought U to > make makeone one on hut e said So not nolI notto
I to put puta 3 In your pocket Well ell I never neverI flYfrlI
I wouldnt a said ild It melf When one oneof
I Ior
of the nieces nl husband carne over from i I IInloa
Merica the old man gave < Ie him a lot of oflucifer orlucirr oflucifer
lucifer matches ma hthe Die boxes hOI you UDder underjtand UDdertand
tand and nd told him to ti throw em m away awa awaW 1 1Well I I
Well W II the Yankee ank found a gold 101 chain and anila i
a silver watch tch in on one of the bores F Kmight Fmlah FI
might a thruwed em m out on th the rubbish rubbiihheap rubblhhlap rubbishheap I
heap like thit1 Xo the Yankee didnt didntknow didntkno didntknow 1
know kno dare sir old oh Xott olt did Kwont ont
b be misd m much not by any living lIin soul soulbut anulbu soulbut
but two a ill d amt warn It 0 0vo OaUF 0f
vo f fvrnve aUF rtv rtvTlie T t tf I ITire
Tire f trtumrnti of r Speaker H Ont of f Ui Uiginla > lr lrRlnla 1 1Ilnl
Rlnla < ominmcled In Maine MaineTo Slalnrr laln lalnIu
To r Iu rill KluTns 01 raE Hi HII x Sr I Friend Friendof
of It r rflAMilntioiial riltl II utlolllli representillvv rohirsent SI iii govern aovernnipnt 110 110dllllrtlI governIiieflt
nipnt sheroever here over dl dllllrtlI per wt are ilareil 11a1IIndlt llaeniunder ilareilunder
I under lIp oMInHons to n he honoraH honoraHhpealer hoer hoerr hionorabihpaLr
hpealer r of r Virginia lrIIIIII lieu e of f IM ihiais ihiaislflchard II IIIIlthrd I Ill
I ll IIlthrd < hard t iehyn pljrn In Ibid for hi eplcrammallr eplcrammallrummarr eptgramliisiirsummary PlermI1UIIIIrl
ummarr of r Ihe h rOD lotical and com complllnif 111Ii Oiul Oiulitching
i i plllnif why h the Ih l Stitr LsIrs of the h American Americant Americantnki
i t Inloft nlon at Ur Ire p hould rOt 01 against Ind Ih the IherlIlllllllon theratifIcation
jrallflmllon rlIlllllllon nf in t IliC oed
POI prdjowd > hlileenth hlileenthAmendmpnl hhltoentiAtueodmnt
j I I Amendmpnl In Ih I the Federal fontUullon fontUullonpuhlihnt onatUullon1llIhUllrod onatiiiilhonitiihlihd
1llIhUllrod puhlihnt at hue head of your ollr eilltorlsl eilltorlslolumns selitorioleulumnu dUorl1lillImI
olumns in jre rpolmll trdsr il llk and nd ararrelr MQlrII
I 1541 M i their Iht pnt in TMK Si Six x for It its In Inrlorsenienl Indornnl indorienient
II rlorsenienl and t prominent prollll publication of ofthe otIhIIIr oflbs
the IhIIIr IhIIIri letter letterTho letterThose
TIt Those Tho p of 0 II who ho l Iohieie > pie > e m n the I h govern covernmeni conrnnn governfluent
fluent of lh h ralBr IIr a an the Ih ripe < > prwiuit 1114 nf nfrnturl IIrtOnlllrl ofcflturlea
rnturl < s of retell 011 aram rln1 > l centralization centralizationof
lor of iooer > o er in the Iii hands of theanolntpd Ih the nolld few feweien r rnn feweven
even III the lb h face of Terrible Teddr de deniilHialinn d dnllfllllInn deIlIltwIItnfl
niilHialinn nl piper ronllliillonn r and androvprnnipnt andgnaernulwnl nd ndvrllIn
rovprnnipnt vrllIn nf clerk rlr and nd lawyer will willtake willtake m mI
take I heart ha nf I crane u lo renew rn Ihp h battle ball batttagilinsu I Inl
laramn agilinsu nl prlvllee of rlss rl cia and rate 1 through throughCNIsnuKpoLen Ihrouhtill
CNIsnuKpoLen till nutetoke lieu clear utterance ittPfn of a amen amenehse man
ehse ho < e terse nlp rotenl 0 lIn I epItomizing Pllol lzlnlf of the Ih IhIIII4IIIrll lbnu1chiteof
jrnlrhlefaof IIII4IIIrll or lire h actuation ullon reveal ul him as UtrlI a a atrue stucson
true tucson ton of thai I hlllki Okt < > < Dominion omlnlon who whose ho ereatP 1fIrl4 gresttrLilr t
jrlalin rl4 rLilr on famo i 14 perhaps flrh that ah she Ii IiInll1 wa
Indeed end nd lit In truth the b Mother of Pres Presdent rrlnlA ProiltIntc
dent nlA r l VKT n IhtLUN IhtLUNIhjJII hIoLtI hIoLtIiLoos
lUxiioit Me 1 Mar 6 I
i rate rat am f Two To tarkv tarkvTo rrloI CsrkTo
j I To THe fuirn 101 or 0 Tn TlIrJl Tna sex fir flee iMax lhin lhinIi
I I Ia i pr n > rprul and 11II that It Ihkt Ih 1 plat ro troni ro indi ad soil soilriark 1
I lark 10 arc re tao disSect and 14 MfaralP rrll protxnl
j lion < TUP Tb parks mu m mot l be kept pl free ree o ot the play phiground
ground 1011 4 sad 1 Ike it b latter I as a far from ro the Ih park parkt pabIt
t pnuIMp It otftprwlie Ih the III park fit will 11 qulckl bp
dp dlroO1 < iro br IH II being med II aa a a pUvjround pIaIIOIIDdD
You pan D m this on the lb Eati SM wb rt were wereornorrl
I forniPrlT ornorrl llanillton rt flit > h and Reward r park
JTbrir t Ibalr names > im1rp n1 but b all Ulbal bat ran b bS won of
ltJann term uxlay 10 cIr I is i iso 00 o large rc barren bff waatn with withnot alitnot 1lh 1lhnol
not 4 Mta IIC of o tjfUUoa ru UO on either r and 04 deirrl dkd < l
la tpnoal hours hoursTbti bOil bOilThl boorsIbis
Ibis Thl mail mt m > tw rry t riiilfjlnt u 1I1 e the thearound ploy >
around enlbu entbatuus nl > lati but the rpil 1 of D ut out ought hi to I
fret rlh11I that It wa an otnrare 011111 10 hatp IIn rutnpd MOM thoseten
ten park parkIf parkIt
It pUxrouod gmviamda arc rc antd nl dff id tt ropy for or
that purivMe bill II ito 0 not ao further IirllI ruin r ln the b pity lit
park In ibis way lourxix Sql HR HRUa U Uon
New iota on Ua I > 1Modern TI 1 Is4rn
Modern m Sardinia Sardiniatrm CardIpIsre 0111 0111I
I trm la She Lnmbni lA Oiroitdt OiroitdtKlnc CA CAKlnr camel camelKire
Klnc Vktnra klor derialon In IM > Sardinia Ma flnl urn urnilti
1111 111 mince < hi his arrrMlan sOIl I 1 a rrmlnilpr thai this Ibl Iblllallan
llarte large Italian lilsad Ul bplnnri In the III Middle Middlehatil
ACPS II I hard nt In tllnp Un that Sardinia known knnwto
t 10 the Ih anrlml H Uninana > iman 11 < a the III transit ef Ih Ihempire IIIplre thenipire
empire plre and its 11 mt miperal pral raI trpurc home boa abould lulI I M Mrmnllyaa aortftDllyIAII norecenupsa
rmnllyaa lf bate been enUrrty mUm wlihrnt rnada rad
Tbp Tb bcauUlul blchwata IIIb over whlrh bltll In Auruitln
dara roMm roI hanpst ban bad ad been wbpHeil In Ibe I thqrosl
n 100 > l bad boon tnt 1 nOw oIa the u fall 1 of n Ib I the empire mpl
H rn > fn feudalIsm retained Infld its It bold m lh life itt of n the lb
artp rdft tut IUII Ui l liti vi IV rrnulmoo tllenpe rta due to t npUptad Drln DrlnIft toll sohiarid
and Ift l imdrtlBp1 uadrR neareD hi II so D doubt bplped in inretard I Inrd Iretard
retard the return to rlrHUatfon ri ll lI of 0 the th island which
fate Is Ibp crown In iCing Vlttori tit 1elor 1elorIn ri h bnue bnueIlihisl lr
1tlrl In Smpof r lap lapfnm tawwirm I
fnm rm Uu lAnto fl5 < MaC Ar MaCark 0
tnirrctwr ark k with rpfard lInt to the I muMral mus4csperrrpttema i
pprrppllnn of Ibp I water alpr AI UPS de were > mpaUanpd I at
Ike II N H teni tal il MBptpiv It meeting III < IID leskraa IMIU soierdsi aflprnonn rr 11 1
cr bRr Wr r j rmp eli
TS ii WMVI I ii wrtKuUllr 1 wn ootnollh Ulp in rpruhl rpruhlnotct re reriOtSa UkI
notct k en the I ipnor trombone When ImprlwnrJ ImlrlnIIIrnotOOpr
hi a mlrmfennp line Ih but It prewnet pn a aiMM 1 In Ini
i dllImI flem > ee t > nv MoM l motlpal 1IIfoa1 sounds U u pr sty 1
whie hpn l the Itltalt 11 below tew the IhIIII tflsmt4te mMdle < 41t r I of 011 ihetrMnbon lb lbis b10
la IIID In full blast bI hat II etprrue It lla It dlMnurp br
IIMc hkl III Ir Arti pair f anlpnna under Its body y
tII too c lariated Iarot fprtmrn bnwprcr r was wasiflitated nldPnHr 101 I
lirllatrrt rrtu br net n note n ol D ihe h htttrenpnt wtm MI MInr
nan mani nr am appear < par l to bate bern eatlrtlr 11111 Ion OBO deaf deafSjokerer durtI deafIltasgew
tI Iltasgew a Sjokerer rilr rilrfnrni Ilt IltI Cliipee
fnrni I pee ihr I Is l IMdC ti n 0d11 U Arfti Arftin II 5ff111o ml mlThe
The n CHaieow r1aIIIr thief OonlaMe onabI la a report iMHed
UM nlcfclrooimpnt IIIr IOtIIIIIpun upon lherrmark III ihe remarkable mrl bl ln IDI IDIolIfIt ineoo re > i iot
ot olIfIt oIohrhitfii hrl lrlntbrlH I IbIW ApprchpsUnoaferdKiak P tI rllt o1ra o1raIft
lenne Ift talaUed tlI 11151 It a dprrcate dftn of fooslderahhr fooslderahhrorer fOII4
Doe 0 tin MbH ti IIHa sob k of n nwnpy haa b no doubt doublronirtbutPd doub1OfIrlb11
ronirtbutPd 1OfIrlb11 U lopreaaed wbrlclr brltl tile Chief IntelItebto Ton on
atablp p100 ute to thai It Ihe III growth roI of innppranr tepr r
hat ha hose a treat rr1 lacier lac lor A ma I diet eat of ofVile monpv monpvHaa mOIl
Vile 1 been prDI pp l on am amiMPmenta wMpb wa itot MI MIat I
at a araHaM NII for 0 tpendlec to duck drl duckIt Corar tllDiOlId ml
111 rltti rto Ltr lean tea aco Ibo It aperPhpnr II0111A < lom fordrwk for drunk drunkiboewl
nwpti thawed od a decrease dtrrr of hearty IJ Tim TimTk 111JOn lAwnTb
Tk HeitsiiNi r a raraoat r rmaW sm s Law LawTh Lawthe
Th the maW was a hi the I f ardpn haftflitf urtra m out tb
eheibeo 4 ewtiM whea atoer e reins m a bUfkblrd sad bM
off her miMe koaavMl miMeIl
Ml Iwr aa Matarrt JlMMr Me Mec sa sashe a MM T
she t os assos assos5S
5S wSN lS c el i aeeies If
A CHrttttaa In Belief Althetarti It Ilia III m meatwpby PIli1eIopb tl tlkesptiy
eatwpby of Life I Is NletHrtiean NletHrtieanTo fUIhnTo
To ma I KDITOH ohtI ITIII or TUB THlIIC 8c PIts > icui 5i > i icnllrelf Intlll Ientirely
entirely ntlll ent esittttlnifli lItrl rtlnln nln expo upoltrlln IM n or f r rlhlloophr rIbllooaoph iPhilosophy
Philosophy of 0 Frlcdrlch h M Sldh < I > VHI n nHenry IIUnr tip tiphenry
Henry Unr U Mencktn as asmrt ert rl If we weae an anseek n nfell
ae fell k conclusive proof roor that Melrn SII iu he h hu hull hotIII hghi ¬
ll III la mark upon hi hla lime tin we a neotl II go < > nn nnther 11ftIher tinthee
thee than th the ublquiloua ublqIlU llr ln lnIn II IIIn hteis hteisIn > <
In all lIlhlDP Ihlae fundamental rundamnhllhphll th the lien KnnphllOMtphr lienphilosophy <
philosophy phll IWIllhv and nd the Ih Nleuscheaii 1Oh philo philoare phll1 phll1are
are Idem Idnlleal IdnllealIt leal lealIt
It W4 w fundamental In Vlelfrvhe M nh nhof h hof I Ior
of reform andproirno ndpro rpM to deny d dei uteer uteerrid I IIde > ri ririd
rid Ide denounce and od dealroy Iror hrllui fhIlIolnd hrlluiand hrtIi5iand
and nd h hIUIIfI hi lifted his hi voice > aaalmt rimllt It ui IIIrlbl an anrlble outribis
rlble Uncuac a II thl thlII thlI thisIi
II la I lo ma m the III trratesl er of tl Ifriffif IfriffifnipUont Ins1utnnpitont cm cmplio
nipUont plio II baa left nothing tinlourliH tinlourliHilrpravttr UDlOwh UDlOwhlIpraYr u udepravity
depravity It has II made 4 sorthlnnn orlhl a atrerr 0nrr oeven <
even value IUf < a tie U out 0 el OVert eY truth lib a tn tnverrthlar U UerrUllar 01 01tyIhiag
verrthlar itralfhlforward t bealibr aa Sail > l ixinr ixinrUl Inn Innlu n nIAI
Ul any 011 on a dart 01 lu to speak to me m ol 0 1 lla II buman b bD biumaulilao u ulaa
lao D bletalartl Dcal To lo 4 < away 11 with lIb pain painI and androalrsrr > o oemIts
I roalrsrr emIts la IU prUrlplM II the Ih Ih4MI b bt > i uarn uarnwoe in inwo
wo It bat crtatpd pain asl 4 wo oe In order ordrrpdQ to toDptiul o opetuel
Dptiul I Itaclt 11 combat all 11 rood S rd bkxvi bkxvitot b I IIIId aless
tot less aad all ai li bop for Bf life with II its anami anamiol amlO es esat
ol O hoUaoa U Mat up lbs other world rld a agatlaC i iatloaaf t trllloa
rllloa atloaaf ci ettey err rtaJttr ruII Therroaa TIle flu flees It IUI I the ran ranpost fa faIOltl u upoitfofa
post IOltl for a rtotplrarr r rbnspIrTattnt atalnil rlall1aIUI health heattbbiaut heattbbiautbohr bca kau t tbriar > < 1 1brinr
briar courses lIra In IDlellee1 If licet bcnetolcncc a aiatnu aiatnulife Uln UlnftIIIet 4ii 4iifltolttelf
fltolttelf fltolttelfThla ftIIIetTbIa life Itself ItselfThis
This flcrnal accusation lIon I taU writ k upon an anwalli acwart U Uwlb
wart I pall trliiCbrtsUahty Chrlttlaaltr th ibonegrelrnru 11 one on treat If rttrt ih ihon iton h hrn1 <
on tr great al lalrlatlo depravity I rail U II the III be OB OBImmortal OBmlDorlal noIwmorll
Immortal iharn and 01 blemlth upoa the bl humtn humtnrate hmuJr hvarsee
rate see
Mr Mencken complllni Ih the romp rompiron rompeon
on says saysIt ya yaIt
It U InroacHrabl thai Mr Roosevelt iJiojW iJiojWtar tho thobaWl ahoaltlISTS
tar baWl forraulatad orrou tdt bI pmeK 1 roafaaaloa ot o oIDdepetldUr 01iadpsndentiy talt taltladtpndcaUf >
ladtpndcaUf of o Miliatbt AtcTaryooaknoi AtcTaryooaknoih A As every GII cos kDO kDOfie knees kneeslie
h fie U aa ideal atndent a of 1 Chimes Mtpraiur Mtpraiurand lIralll11Dd
and Dd bat dipped 4Ip with pocuUar aaaldultir Into la it itPlfrtao IbPkraQ lbs lbsPIefia4
Plfrtao torlaf ot IUI the iS Gcrmaa poets pelf sad pbllou pblloupbm 111I1 111I1pbert phhlosephs
phs Tbt roelto at t the lh head et 0 t tat tatn many 01 01Tbf anTb
Tbf Tb Strpnuoa Lit Ih bell 1 summary ot 0 0rffd l tli tlitreed li licreed
creed that h ho ba bat Tf yet t pubtlibad It I a quoted quotatiafrom quotedmis
from OolheaDd billie sad la lbs raaajr r Itaalf art a a KulB 0515hid 11111 11111I
hid I IIS of o ibottkl II or borrowed boldly boldl and Dd bodllr bodllrtbouf botilythougIiPerbaPs 11 11Uaour
tbouf thougIiPerbaPs bperhpa unroetdootlr from DIM D I other otherHun olb olbIbaD otherIbsuI
Hun rrledrlcb Mclfach iet scbe Tb The Stmtwut Ut Utladeed urlid UtIsdied >
ladeed lid I II the lb mott eloquent and Dd powerful P tiatp IIJ IIJ11I itsuraen
meat 11I raen ol 0 1 tb lbe nioavalaa pklloupbr e ante n tr made hr b
any an on There I 10 DO aeoiai d 01 me I raw rawef u uf w
ef f ualurai MlatUo lwUoe la n this Ihuadcrov series wrmonof
of UM lb Amcrlroa tHonytlan 11I011 tbrre I tbe It I no meek nokarppptanr mekpUIICt meekaevvpianct
arppptanr pUIICt of D la the ChrltUa dofUto that wIt KlfclTtpcmeot wItI II IIrrrem
I effacement rrrem It I noble Tbpr U DO arcppi arcppianrc errrld aeroptaDo
aDo of d the III doplrlnethal all ncs ar 51S n equal qualboll qualbollI bclor bclorI bIoilb
I It I Lord Oa a lb cootrarf toIIlr manr ID of o our ppoplt ppopltar lffl l lullertv
I ar utterly unit lot or tevcramraf It r Tberi Tberiit Tbrrh
I it ao 0 lorltjln otaacdlcltn akkap alrlL draw drawI draWlIDd dealSand
and dpfrncralloa the lb haat bagmans rm mani Belaphtlr BelaphtlrUeakncta 1tIpb 1tIpbWfOakDCI ale aleipkiwes
I IDd Ueakncta I is Ih Ibe realist of 0 crimnt trlm There TbcreBO n It ItDO a ano
BO wortblp of oibo th the titlrk 11 f peso pr114 hid < od brolh brotherly bnlborlv brotherlylove rl rllov
love v Tbe ovrrrltlllied ma wk who 0 baa oil 100 tSP Iteerral lb lbrbUDr tSPreal
erral real tifhunt malerful tlrluet inll I him there tknj lb lbII thereti
i j II It abomlnatlra Thank C Go d for th time lion In tft tftblood tan tanblood <
i I blood of 0 our falbertt Could there b be a race moiti m mIII racedlrct
i i direct III and 1 tersest ronl ilaKirrat of o Uw Ib Dtooitln Dtooirnicroved
jcrppd 14 roved Could I there Ib be a more obvious para paralIt parsgu1alnC
I phratloc lIt ratlof of 0 npr I Aatirhrlil ADIIrIf t1 sad MM 1 iprarfc iprarfclArathulra spractJarathuslra PlIIbI
lArathulra lArathulraj I
j I Mr lloosettlt ba a pt pew or I Is a CbtUUaa church churchbut cbtrrrhbut
but his III whole DII attitude of 0 mind I ii pucntlallr nllr and andtlolcntlr anteloleoth 1101 1101I
tlolcntlr un ChrltUan If you > ou doal hpltptp n U IIoompare t tm
compart m llrt > The aircnuout Ufe ur and Ih lbs Sermon Sermonou
Ion 011 ou ihe III Mount It a It powlble b la Imatlne hoI lw lwdorumpiu lee IWDdllflID leederumeVa
dorumpiu dllflID w blob tar na Sr a st to path arbolbrr other mOil morr1utoMl mOilrIIOIII moreilutousl
r1utoMl tchempntl and uamltlakably uamltlakablyFor uamlllaulllr
For r m rmmr > pan I am III confIdent that Mr Mritoowtih 1 1Roopl
roo Roopl tpll rlnovrrly belle e Ill hlinwlf 10 10LlIrhlla h ha lie lieibrillen
a Ibritllan that h he ho bu basnot not been 0 concloiir concloiirInflupnred vorisciouustvinfluenced OcloulInllur
influenced in lit the muallett degree d hy b the thpmad themad h hmild
mad Dlonvisn of Hi n tIiii > p and pd that h hdn he con coniilinns ouilnns
iilinns dn Ihe N1lrrheati Neitwch philosophy In il iltalalllr u10IUr iitotality >
talalllr as a imiparlngly a as NlPltxhe 11 mn mnilpinn rondfln eonlemna
i ilpinn thrlllanllr brl < lInll > rprthppa rll1 < l the Ih do dolrlns dtOo dtOoi doeInns
Inns i ptiuurlal rlal1 < l by Mr Ir Kooootelt arenou arenouIhe are nOI nOIIh nooaiii
Ihe Ih wor worse or for their t 4t1Hlrtllttlon > uHt rail let Ion of other otherdcHtrloe olhrdoclrl oilierdostriiua
dcHtrloe doclrl tSlhilstt uiiisiinix IIItT tlllll tlllllhll NIX NIXMsNUsus
MRULt hll IIALItIt IIALItItnw m I RIEK Pa Mar MarniO
niO 711 0 ItTltlOTH I ITIIIOTUIiheair 1lFtHiKS 1lFtHiKSIthrnle IFIItiI IFIItiIIth
Ithrnle Ith Island nerocnlra nlfnnl HIP Itl Stat > ew ewVork IWe1I w wThrl
Vork e1I ignore It Itlo itTo
lo 1 me KM tlfml 11 ion or Tur Tit > Ni H 5ir in laIIImphl a apamphlet apamphlet
pamphlet published by Ih the h Stale of ItSiHlo ItSiHlol nrdtiland nd ndhlad
l hlad > lod entitled nllll I Keronct Vnnual noIItrarum noIItrarumlor Iroarrarum Iroarrarumfor
for Islrloitr Irlo rliercUes t11 la 11I1khllOl Hthoota I Ia II foun1 foun1this rOlIIH1
this I lii o
Minotic OTIC otto rtrtxirI rff rffpIlu
I ptHre ele aHCtlf aHtglnie HI nrp to our State 11 Hat aSU 1Itt lo 10npubll let letrcpubllp teerepublic
republic ol 0 which Hdolf tlaad forma tllm a part IrIoI mi miI oatfllon
I nlon D Inoperable > > nil sub 111 Honor and 1Id coherence rf1I far farboth I Itoo Cmboth
both too stale u and notIon naUonInnlrsi notIonlontsal 1100 1100lnnl1
Innlrsi with tills 0 Hie I rledzeriallr lzIIllr rentel rentellit
lit It iherhildrenof hechlltrnnrhoor he thuldrsn of ihexhnol ne aihoots of V Xw w nrt nrtI 0 0pfd orI
I pfd e aHptlanre ctlI lo mv m liar f and 04 la ihp Ih rhoSi rppih rppihMr 11110 11110ror
Mr for wbleh III II land one 0 nation nUonlftdh1011t nUonlftdh1011tlib IndltlMhA IndltlMhAwltb tlrdhrllholth
wltb lib lltxrn IIiit I ash tmMrp for of all allIf alIf allif
If tire Ih llhoile llaud filedae Itd were er fOlios 10UIII11 10UIII11III M MIn 01lit
In evh 1 h ol our Hlates 141 iates would ollltilh the Stars 11 ant aalMrlttes anttrimee 11I 11Itilrlllt
Mrlttes trimee mean a much to n the Ih net t genera teopralinn IR IROIR generathin
linn OIR an a we e hoie ho they uv will III meau flieaUl flieaUlhoWl
l In hoWl ni the Ih IfNirlue underlying the llhorls
laland Hdto Ihe Ih dortrlne of Stale sever noverelinly severrtni ov
elinly Ienl ofnillirirllonof or niilflcstlon ot srpf eeeeeIonl rlon lon PMa PMainose hiItnthose
those hn dwirln s enter nr into nIo Ih the h lrrpre Irrprthl Irrprthlnlm lryepreolhleeaeirnet thl thlrfmflM
rfmflM nlm which taIh half a intslryago ientiirr sto ro wa wi witle netheel
tle t1 heel < l br s verdict which Ith WA was n Irrevocable
Whatever lDlret may m attach lo 0 Slab II IIBr
flats or ally It flan n or nut 1011 > Rsn lA for ur pnrp fir parpeepe es esr
r 4 IHml ilemratkHi tees 11 U i In Ibis It cmintry count unr
far fo torpurposo ptirpvH1 rfOOtl of edir O01l1rlnn Jinn only one on flair flaira n nI listvm
I Sr vm toss 0 l5v a T A Aj Ai 1MP511 1MP511Csti kll S SI
i j Citle ikbv Sbf sd 1 II hUt TPItllift hUtI Teatloom
i I loom lift liftfaHe CS T Teeuot Teeuotcpoe f fIfN
faHe 4 tahlni > kb > the Ib rr r residence > lilenrp of 0 the Ih Uaniilt 11 e if iftoihapton f fi
i I Norwampton 10 PIOn sunda LaIlI alonpamont Ioa moa all au 11 the lb tuiplr tuiplrhomes stalelyhome laltl laltlbo
homes bo of 0 Cnclind a pmhnillnf IIln In It ill ankl ankllntural srrbllivlurai n 1 1Ir1
j lntural Ir1 feature llIr tell u of Scripture vripl r In M anSi anSimaeonr > H 1fI 1fImrCMI < t tmroai7
I mroai7 mrCMI MI 1 y n < for or etfr every r > one on lo are > pe In th IIImlol lbs mo mnl mnlItomloont > t tr
r omlnpnl plrp iKolble The porter I lodtf InItial 1ntIIlb 1 1Ihe
Ihe lb entrance nlaD lo ihr III mantlon IIIIID bear hra on 0 Its II poraV poraVtlie mmlitile or orlb
tile lb Intpriptlon In latin The Lord pri fItMT pne Itr Itrpomlnt Ib IbIn liieem1iig
pomlnt In and on n the u inner Ian eornke rnlop the III tell tellTbe tOILthe l lThe
The Lurd nt prrwnc thy going out fill The amp nanueides ampIdM m mIduo
ides hate brea n parried ol la the I ilpilrn 1 of olt oltblUIlIld It Itbaluttradps Itbalustrade
balustrade of the III terrace Irr aurroundlnr urroDdlllrlloot the U ties tiessad i iand
and flowpr Nowerhed tr bPd whlrb b makp m malbgardens the lb tardras cllrlt of ofaall ofaallAshiby r atll atllAhbvaiionr 1 1Ahb
Ahbvaiionr Ahb aaoeix 11011111I1 theraodbpauUfulln ttte moat bauUfui u II II I In HIP III rouam rouamTh roonlnThe moiaIrithe
Th The mansion lt itself pf I is unique at all 111 It tie ppdlmmn ppdlmmnarppompwnlol pdimenliarerompuecil
arppompwnlol n of tens I of o itr1plllrla < vrlpluretaLalln La Latin a amUda r rmcnclnt on onnumbIng
numbIng al the Ih Mialh end ol ollhe Ihe west L wing tnr la I tb tbInvrtpHon I II lIttnwrlptlon
InvrtpHon I 11 pn In bold helter 111 Kirppl lbs tore InrIbe 1iIfIb toreIke
Ibe Ib Keeper kppp HI the Ih bo hoie < ip In vain In he hewhokppp b W Wpo watcher watcherwho
whokppp who seep po < li Then T follow filii a acolhrr lii liidalol 1r1 iascrlrikoi iascrlrikoidali p
dalol 4 UII the lb icar r r the I house belli wa romplret romplretrlrppt IIImp IIImprpt tompleIstrtrepl
rpt the lb Lord build IhP I It house h tbr 1It 1ItbOnd > hate hatelabored haeliborid
labored bOnd In tain tab n who build It Alont 41on Ole II relic ottrrhalulrade 111 111ahtlrad relicbalustrade
balustrade wp w read m lCeae1 M H are they who wll wllmI teat teatthe PV PVtkp
the Lord who walk In III way l IIm Irtie thp yp Ik IkName ItSame
Name ot the Ix ont > rd tmri rnpn l lord 0 rd Nnrthampinc NnrthampincIt
It I II mar m bp talpfl Ift tbp I th president Idn ol 0 ire I II In Wf WfMorlflj ite iteMoeIet
Morlflj I
JudIcIal Hpd n Tap T la Aalrla Aalrlarni AsalmlgI0kIUt 001 001re
rni I0kIUt r nrttipaWet re oil Mali V U I IfII 11II If tiltit
II b Ia > torn rp uesetol mcl fee a IHtlrlPl Judge JudcHoen J ii iiflOian 1
Hoen 110 to IHulrale HIP I lii eilreme limit II of mir toddbureicmatti mirburraBcrattP Ir IrMe
burraBcrattP Me pcdanlr 010 Vo 0 > Innr aco 0 II in inwidow COBowldo canwidow
widow lo whom the court rl bad It tpn rllld rllldIII tendered > UfPd see MCTawl seeawjlnep >
awl awjlnep > i npp m fmlnc II a home for 01 bet uVKH uVKHrallrxl dlI daiCbtmailed b
mailed open the I Judge to piprp pr tier r erMi trnMlfe trnMlfeatibesamttlmeoCerlnt 11 11mllmoftr111C i iatlbeMmpUmeoflprlnc >
atlbeMmpUmeoflprlnc mllmoftr111C MmatHtvbnt blmtMhnOrrell Bo toapr toaprflnoIIy rrt
mtl flnoIIy > offended 1 by the III simple lm1It tilt ltt the b brrproahttl InAt InAtrrprotpncft Judterrprooetuet
rrprotpncft HIP I Mow most ptcrpft rrt for or dsrfe dsrfelo oIfI
lo 10011 outer Mfa a pineal but fin ADlilty Uy Iwvuttlot rrnMl r I t tIe tto <
1 Ie Ir liwi pat e III Afmera on n Oh Ma bI drab
Immeillalply alter 11 abe had Ir left Ma II Honor Honormoon II II100II1 itosnrmooed
moon Mt 1IIrrlarIIIt errrlary and Mfl MetMel LA ni It big Ic prow prooIWIIkI peoisleiHist a atclHn
tclHn forth U all n Ibe III rlrpnauUnpm rIrl URN t of 0 Ik III tbtte tbttesndaltackhngtelt cor corandatlacMattoll c cn411IUItkI
IWIIkI andatlacMattoll n411IUItkI to It mmeof semeofbdoerreteiarlln semeofbdoerreteiarllnsent 011 ihprlo pr lflnwMl A 110 110U < i irat
I rat the U whole M the III Muprem < fbrut eaui n nbrurk < > at Is Isbrurk >
brurk atktat kDr If lie mlthtbp tohilit Ict lit permitted nnl nnlI to ar i iIk Iike
Ik I ike flower flowerSome no flowersMotile
Some ten day tI later bp irrrltM ticmwmio ticmwmiofrom 0 0I mIltcstflfmoqii
from tb I the NHprpme Nttl fourl ourt Sal nmJpr all 11 11m the ihrninuunrn < 1rwuietinw
ninuunrn m there would be nn oHrrU < M to toretaining n nrtlalnlnc r rIMII
retaining IMII the tlflowire flower II which wMcbto 11111 la Ihe meanilmp nll n nwltherpl be beeotopieteCy > I1ObI1eIr
1ObI1eIr wltherpl wltherplMea etlbrmJtieawaal SUIiM
Mea M tieawaal erta lt Candidate Candidatefnm Cdld CdldI VaedldatrPram
Pram r lao 1 I lIf taaeon tilr tilrIn 1155hi Uto Utou
In u Iranre ranrr there are a we e learn tllm nparl b > a mil rattle rattleof 10 10of 0 0OIIIf
I of OIIIf mentertaatsot IID 0 of on eon t dptrrlpMoa Irl < and mettle anotiirar lH lh lhor
ar la b tee prrrtp the nwmttpf K I MI N I n115e n115eany ii Itr n nany
any r reprewmaUtp 11 hi ParHameni rllalDta lo proipri < tu tuMitPrrlt h hI ttlelerest
MitPrrlt fa The T frnUtnten rI > tMiHcmen raw whIte nlhrto h
I to I ptare laenMpltet Ib lay a Pail 1 ronlemrora ronlemroraon ronWftt ronWfttDII ora oraon
on an tAltly 1IIt4IA 1t aIt tIt KM II ntaipn and ntI aIt aitoeav aitoeavabe hOt oral oralMb
I Mb a r n fatty represented rlIfOMII I IIIefottIlf4 is Me limber llumberDepuUe limberneotlet
DepuUe They tried M Improve e Udr HI puJuw puJuwaid aMluesad
aid 14 ran n randMale e c In tb Klthih Ie arroadU arroadUmeal IIrIIDeal arreedtmnl00e
meal mnl00e on M 1 1 B VMrd r who ho followed eIIO the thpmpMan I I10110II thee0lt0il
mpMan which HwnHirey theSe dHrharrullh dHrharr OItuebargreWi 10 10tlll
ullh tlll HMh nHpreM TM part 1 of Part rk k is > tU W Wlalla o oeaalata t tgostala
eaalata lalla UM Urteat I perppataf 1Wft ol domratln domratlnboth doseilkebsib tin tine
both semi e but be kbty w were rc not HnVtpol la tothI rela reau relaMfcwdUaM > >
thI MfcwdUaM u If U MOtd irdttk tee taSis aMdll aMdlla4l Ms ds dsiiapbInotV
a4l iriblMlpr Mttay fie saps teal 51 k 15 e eec k4 kstl kstluu b s4bt s4btec u
uu ec ftlBAMM s ae tftl Slat tea oUftCtt aee HV q IkJal IkJals att I
s IOtj J j

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