OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, June 09, 1910, Image 11

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-06-09/ed-1/seq-11/

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7r 0 r rTIlE
ro Jlt
I tin I n Ifi i Il s II tII MOTMNNJ IIKV IIKVilri It ItII stvI
ilri II I I IS r I lSUS HS C t1 IIWu fill HI HIt
t I i ierr IIC la II llatlrn In I Im llie Inlrr Inlrrnil hrroa
nil oa I winnierre lIImpr 4 umoiUtlun In Ini h hIU
i iiarge IU of a hun n Miliien If l Ttiluk Ttilukliter 01h ttsIihflrr
liter h taln aIn anil t n il ll IIn In lie I Itllenl ItllenlIMI
IMI I ly r flr ft Ih I h Government nvlu iI got gotii ItO
ii 1 iin 10 t Ifl HJIII aMbt > ir I 1 e Veterti V itri ami amirfilniHl 1
rfilniHl 4 Ii 1114 r riIriIt tr lining in tlivnt t from fromit
it I I a iill 11 W Wf i < IIH Cor furi a Hireling HirelingHTM tntingoniI 11I1 11I1mllmltr
HTM oniI ieutiv suts iminiltn mllmltr itr lint lintIliume tim timIIlHe h h1Ii
Iliume 1Ii AixocMtMiii 1 mil III tin tinyvMenUr 1114 1114ytnimrat hi hinlrn
yvMenUr nlrn nt Hie tl hI hIn IHnmiii lfl fter fteral4l r rion
al4l ion n tho th h cumiiutlceailopleil OllluIIII1 cIIiIittm mmIotl r4 rt rum rumiitiIiig o oIIIaIIC i iupiwsliin
upiwsliin IIIaIIC In 0 Coiitfren th rail railMI lul lulh
MI the h public to t yel rt 1olbr toother an I il ilih L Lh
ih h 1 int in Intrit rv i of eeneral nl11 hnmneit hnmneitlulwuy hlin llIlISIflC4I4IiWMy
lulwuy Hu luI IILDItIP4 ine < ociittnn liln I If Ir II
I < > f tiuiniiractiirer llnlrilIf who tupply tupplywith IIlIplyit
with it h 1 equipment Initirelorn Initirelornni In Inmlnl innhIMflIe
ni mlnl > nle manuartiin tnanufatiinr < r of mrw mrwI I
I i IItChL > witeh wlh coupler car AI orrm whe whlI whlIII U Uk
k rii lltting II ami In1 mtHi Ilc thins thinswo Ihnl
i wo i1 nieml n UIflIIICI14 mll > vr < > ultnilt IUnI1 > < l the Ihl Ihlrr th meet rncitirt
rr 111 th t thy y Included CJeore Op A Aflf li t tri
ri > ten 1 of r the IhlcIUan th Meociliotl whi whl IK i preil preiliti 11 11Ib
iti 1 tn 12 MlaHlard lIIIn t4I1d Coupler CnlI Ioinrwny IoinrwnyII CIII OtIll1yit
II t H We iiitIfljhOI1PP tiiuhou IChol e lct IOIlllt iCtI1FIIIflII prr > i < li > ntnf or tint tinthoue th thI tliiiioItI
I houe hOI Air Ir Drake Ifke Coinivtnr Coinivtnrii lo 0 I II IIrrpIInt
ii I pre JrII1 rrpIInt nlent nf lt the American A rINn Drake Draken Dlke Dlked
n d < J r hA > Joimdry hml < r toinpany olno W II I Mar1 Mar1jvi1 Mmr MmrI Iar Iaro
o jvi1 I t Miileni IInL of the tIi American mllln Locnmo Locnmoi lnn lnnI
i e 111n uiMnr Ilurle A Moore Iolr I IrD irt > rel1 rel1nn i
nn rD 44 1 Manning Innll Maiwell Malwfll ft Moore More Inn Innllhi InnI
llhi I l 14 I Johnson virepreMilent of otthe otthet441 the theH th
H 11 t441 1 lwmolive 1101 > Work Wnrl W 11 I While Whilert Whl
rt 0 t riiflt e i < lent of the Ih Alliilhalmerafom Alliilhalmerafomn Ilhdmll Ili ChImnr Corn Cornrn om omMn
n Mn n I Milwauk hk e V II I IHgh Iah president presidentn Ililfn
n a 1 > I HIIMSO hld lUltwar ltlwa Kqmpment ll pmnl Coin Coinrirt om omrr Iflflir
rirt ir I s i offln mn pretitlent lcln of the Ih rraiik rraiiki tank tanki IrankippIy
i i IUi R y Supply Company lolln A 4 M hilt KlttrHge IU IUpt hiltpTVIII
rHge pt president rnInt pTVIII flt of the Ifctrney ILmlY A i Hmilh Hmilhi
r < i i ° TIIPAMV 111 of Ir It I 11tnn > ay ton Ohio anti Ind the therrendenl Ihen theTlIdflt
rrendenl or n ficepreniilenta phlnl of II a I tlozen iIozentPtr I Ixtrir
xtrir Ir r > ie I concern concernT INm INmT
p T lMfl1ltIOfl iMo < Mtion 1lnn reprvnent nt MonoiHOof MonoiHO
of I meteil i ttqi capital 111 ijtiiI iirnl Ind tit Hie 11 group 111 jnnui of if In II i i4i
4i 4 fM i ii I mnipriite inprI lt a Rive l employment employmenti 1
i In i W < n MI workinpiien wokinl n rppiwniinu rppiwniinuith rpfntni i
ith ih tl ir fnmlhe rAmlif fullr tll onnniM tttvnriin IUI people peopleIn Ipl I IIn
In fjditon 1 < Ion to n III I h re roIui oliilloti hto Ivti lopleil the thewninittee Ih IhII thIiIflItI
IiIflItI wninittee II ileoiH Iecidil il to lieglri i gii thi ti hummer hummeriwmiMiKii Inl1r I IMml i4 i4mpign
iwmiMiKii Mml I I > f 1 pulilxitv IKikmj lkn to n tin c cdii cdiiiion dl dlln < lu lumtion
mtion ln if 1 the Ih h public llhli to oh lli n ntity < ci > M > itr for an aninrmf anU anlnrr
inrmf U lnrr t in 1 freight rIht fr IiL riu 11 l ii > r riilroid lmd It i in I1I Iithflpint4ifl
n 1I ithflpint4ifl tb opinion orin of tli tfHitl UVOl7lflitlt commute Ih t it ilunnR miursngima Ltlrinli Ltlrinlih ilunnRih
ih h ima period of whether whetherinrreii I II IflrtIP4
IrO iiiuvrtiini 11 lnl UH w U 10
inrreii flrtIP4 > i ute rit to I lv I nl flkiI l l h1 > jr th rillroid rUNI I Iilh i I
ilh I ili I 10 IntTM In ile tl tM Viinirierre Ir Commi Commitinn imnikII 1
tinn II 1 afl f ttr r llie II I now IW 0w railway mlw01 lull hi IH I piiwd piiwdwill I
will wII II I ilkiw1 there Ih well illl b4I > a i Itniiiitic Itniiiiticn imb III IIIIiIitilttilflll
i I Ih
h n < lu riil iiKlnioiiitiinil Ihemmmiltee Ihemmmilteei Ih hunlnil cornrniltq cornrniltq4IIII
i < iini 4IIII ln Mil ihit it Hof i Ii II IIt the Ihl utmot tmot lmp hnnr hnnrn linpor4n < ir j
i 4n n > hit t Ih h wjy W I rlired rln for tie tiei
I h tit i t i iMe Ihl lOfKioti Ii hy the h com comI rm I IIn
I i MC In I
In J < upi 111 il 1 III n Ioiigrw Oll the th committee committeeK mmi
K I gi iminilulrt mlnI irtinn In npun 1n the b raiiwiy Iy
II I un iit I i Ih wi the I h hi piMtKiitn I iin In rectunniendeii fiiIflhIflfI1I Ilfdt Ilfdtr
I I r lre > i < cnl ifurrinng Ili tho I power powerI r rI
I > > > luier I rt t 1 < onimwe IIII 1 iei I initniMion initniMionr irntniinnfriI4lII tioio
r trriKhi lrIlh r ri le rlttnicm Cri ngi4 lie I ti etlflrted 1Wtf til tilV II ti tin
V ni n ffit IfI n li1 > n 1 iix I II > gf It I ta taiM i iHt
iM l Ht it 1 thni 1 ihe th h niimlier nII ot f Ireiglit Ireiglitiliit triIitI Iahl
I < iliit 1 IIUKI 111 11111 IK IMinlI W < M > uH II iiwfl > n liy the theM Ih thIIIb
M 110 ni IIIb i 41 will 1 run I intii 11 lilt I ImndreU hlnt nf nfM r
I M iv iiln III1 1 IH 111 l4iinw 4 II nrim l 14 < avkeil k to eipe eipen II III I1I >
n I I in work k I iti I I Ii c 4 HtuiiK ifttIIlHi iMi in everr p pI i iI
I llt I I gltr 11 it s II lpprolrittlll I nel IMlftl IMlftlt suft suftI m
t on fI i 1 with Wlh ii i inrreiml i 1 IIIII4 IIIII4ih 1 II II MM MMPhi 1 I
Phi r r iKmi Iv a r kit k to Ucilital ralli the therk Ih Ihk Itwir
rk r k 1F > f the I b hf inn i i 4 > n l IIY > y 041 n MrniiismR MrniiismRT trrll erralignigeti1IIt I
T MlnMul < t ml 11 1IAV1fl uitnne 1 their lr rei riine riineI 1 H He I If
e I f i < e rl rho prevntti llrtt the thertmin ihCftIlII4i h hI i I
> rtmin ftIlII4i i HI I w 11 iii ii t i ve ii in Ik iik k for or ex exUlun ciI3Il4sI I
Ulun Ht 111 t ilcnvi 1 ml 1 14 H KI ati < i made md on onh nnh
> h 10 rilr r tIr 1 HI < l i > eii 11 > m mure l fully rlly t tipp tf tim timIiIpIr
IiIpIr ipp N r Ihir th n uii Mwn fr f r inoreii Irll1 l mtei mteiIn It nit
In II M ep ppI > A l I the TP nhuipM hI the I notn notnTllllee oninIIliP m i
Tllllee IIliP 11 urge It Hi I V Iyk r k nvyi nl Ihe h mil milT nITe il ilal
T Te CII al upon ntn I I < T r II gnnIn 00 > II TII fur f wlmke wlmkeKenoy wh whfry wtiI
I > Kenoy fry Hi I innuitemenl i IwI r > ti 11 llii lliiwnl
wnl AI not theOoremment theOoremmentIT Ih the nmr iIvrnlnIIt iIvrnlnIItIhe
11 IT Ihe > present pll pniltlem 11 involves IvI not notTi nolr11 notthe
Ti rey the h amount which the th thtI t railwnr railwnrlull roiwt
lull i receive n for rormr1in mrrying mrryingnr a cnnirlnnt cnnirlnntU illlI1
nr U the Ih oommittee om l hut hut it I ala Hliility In Intlone Invrv
vrv n it at t nil IU It Iti m1rccm rC iio I tlone In Inli alonnz
li z i port prallon porttIon tlon efflciency l hut > ul ceneril cenerilr3 lr1 lr1Hblpp1 nriI nriIr4prity
r3 r4prity pentjr Shippers Hblpp1 are ar rejue rniIwi1P4 111 iM to totKly I Itily I
tKly 11 the question quto in the th hroidmt wny wnyih WiYY wmiyI
Y I ih may 1 result ull it In II I pointed lnt In1 l out o in t a aution ain
in ution lon that lht an al I1 advance advanC may 1 l Ie ie for forI r rof fret
I ft et intemta of the tbl ahipn hip > ern al a well wellw 1
w 4 f < h hA railroad railroadr ratirnadarpiIin lnd
r Ihn Mlin to the Ih puhlie li the Ih oinmile oinmileU < > lmll
I U hat 1 they h1 frankly rrnkl1 concedo cnt to tl the li tim i iwivi i iIhe II
wivi I v the neceMity n fur aecuxto aecuxtoHije a1f111 a1f111MJ IMIIqUitlavMIJiI
avMIJiI Hije and twtienllr 1111 pati nlly and an coodnaturedly coodnaturedlyd COwnllnlr COwnllnlrd i
A d the i h flnnings fill or the tb InternUle Inllnle tom tomfne CornfI m mfr 1
fne fr fI rnmmiMion a to t the tb rmaonahle rmaonahler flh I
r tu u I th Ibl nteAirop nM rat Ilop1 prnpn < ieei ieeiT ed edN
T T N > e m rmt mneni of the Ih lUil Hi BaiIeay 4y nuflne nuflnewi flwdnnII4IIfl 1In I
< wi i4iifm 4 b ve v hut hit recently nt emerceil emerceilf APrl rnrgIttriKt I Im
f im Ind ri < xl of rl IIOVI < ie < l jliopd ho hlle kl men menA Ifn I I
A < f nA iuitroiiji irrHin 0 Inwee 1 due dii < to reweallnn I of ofi o i
1 V piirrhaMsi Jnt wy 4ii the th rommiltoen rommiltoentreni Nlllfil nrnrnittci 1
treni n We w i onnlempUte with gntve I V i inn 1I IfliIy i
nn fliIy I T the Ihwlhlly th KwltxIity or undue Inr r rlrfrtiin rlrfrtiinI lrt rIIH rIIHI tt < n nrexeiiinw
I 4V v rexeiiinw VIII A I ilincUimer 111imr h I III
II 1 > ut I t the h UMOPUtlon M tin H I H I Hfieoitl I Ito Ikinr
kinr to purrh l1flhjiA rh e lt itis IH t > ro
rn r i th eipenMt I of other otheriil h tl tlhl tntrvsta tntrvstaI
I iil imIlk hl > H > nod I in i pointed INin out 01 that thati t
i v ipply 1 dn 1 i have ha H right nlhl nlhlc u ulnla t tg >
c lnla i hi1ahtpwrs a iihlpiieri < in npiteof PII 01 1Ill 1IllI reoitit reoititiM
iM r I i i ii I contrary nlr from the II fart fartinpntiltM tactfI1JflhII
inpntiltM 11 fliniumng rnlhil erUIinientt erUIinient quilinmntrt UInl
rt t ni 11 tiI iitjpi1111 ijp IJPI > i 4 to the Ih Miln rdirAd rdirAdr riiIrmiis riiIrmiisV > 3il 3ilv
v j r ri > 11 than win n S J50 2Ixoi flo jomi n I yr rn r in inin inrr inlr
in lr rr 0 Ii > l > e or r 1 11 l imr ont n of the Ih tot told toldr totalItiI l lit
it ItiI r iriwiue of nil 111 the railway railwayt rai railrayarafl4cn
t r41 Aiuiceri or one on of the I larc lrlt lrltI largI largIf t ti
i I 1 in 111Ir IflhjIitflPii < liwtne in n th It country Iln Ilnh w wnsht >
111 < < nsht h to lie I heard If1 like lke any other otheryn olr
yn 11 o men Kay y the th ho ajwooiation ajwooiationk 1Uon
k s 1 I n cmmllt ommittee oU l f tlmre thf U 1 an ani r rt
1 i we niunt IWI nay our abate Ah WB WBre W Wr
r r re 1 eager flr than Ul p1 others Olht to 1 awitime awitimenlrn umf UtTI
0 nlrn fnl fpfl hut while hl we are a deeply deeplyI
I I in fl eyeing that Iha the carriers have h ho haveat
inl carel
o at 14 I revenue rlnu we w know that lht the Ihelf
I witirs lf r re In I equally 111 inrolred nole Here Heref I
I 4 f tipi h reononii fn the Ih aMocUtiona aMocUtionaIBM aiIO aiIOUI
IBM UI t given IV in I mipport of th the ne nef n nD a aI
I riM f DTca D ncreaacd d J revenue rtlnU for the Ihl rail railriM mi miI nilI
I I ti lie railroad r lrd stand and alone alODI among amongWineiw aront amongI
I Wineiw 11 entcrpriM mtrn InHtheir InHtheirri Inir Iniro
o ri I t umrerwil uhr inrraiie In In the ther Iheor
4 r or material m11 without witholt advanc advancif AIan AIanf
I if f what wla th Ih1 y hare h to ae aewiiortaiion 111 ailI ailIor
4 wiiortaiion or 0 elv I Iwi an ad adVHM adne4ear1
VHM H 1 nee ne4ear1 ne4ear1wagr ary aryw 1 aj
w ii in n wage wa have M been rel relvaler s il ilcater 1 1er
cater er hurden blnn to the Ih rallroadu i iner
4 ner Ir enterprmei tllpr The rirwi indiu indiui InhJ induafftifl4j
i m found fnt then th unable unlll to tolamule 101
d 1
lamule tami of raantifacturnra raantifacturnraLI manl4ut
LI I i row the wage waie advanre adaM pre pfl pflt liiiI j jKIII
> KIII I1titlM1 t Morn 0 recently II ad adr
r > st en have lieen n awarded J
I r 1Iy iy Y arbitration lrlol t On > n many
II 1 of o f hue I Iii they arelnot arot arenot only I
1 1 fl Rome iwen Jj lock Ilk layraent layraentid
id t The Th total Ilal already ala aIr dy or1 or1inj 0 or or1j I II
inj i iwn r n eittimatnl cin at from frm I ISrjUflMMI
I It > SrjUflMMI S II1luilpfliittp J I I
1 nlittiri Imve 1 lieen I midi for fora I II I
a I fret It igIJL hl terminal Irmlnl at the t theI I Iin
I in 11411 IlftfI < Hitr lf i largely lallly yielding yieldingi illig i
I s i i iri 0001 > me The T interest on onitive O I I
I 1 itive iliv1nirt4 VUtf tnienti mtwt At oorn oorni me meWill
i if With Will rftirninc ftllrBlnt pro proI
I i I ili it piilthn will wi hare 11 with withJw wll
Jw Wg 0 fr1 rIf4t > f > ect ami Ill 1141 with other otherraKle 0 I
raKle 1 picept 1 for the th tin tinntilnNxl In InnI unI
I ntilnNxl nI IiIIOJ + I4 iiwoinr on OKI I rail railrefMtwl fli rijilv11 I I
refMtwl ° 1 n I they h went w m mt li
f z IIfiIfltflt t i lnlei tonnage toinugem olnall A AIciuhl
m Iciuhl if the I rat 1 ijiifxi ijiifxipr IJ 1J1iprncdnt IJp
p6 pr p prncdnt e Hent t li ii earninR earninRi minI
4 i > in I KiMtamfthe Snanrtal Snanrtalilrail Ifll IfllIl NniwaI411r
411r < ilrail Il aIIM wtllf Ih aOII r l iiiaure I liIli their theirit Ihira111
I 4 I it mpiUl fur tfl O nrquirine nrquirinexhi 4tfinRI I
eniilIt ll1 Kifi KifiI I Ilit
I thi cofinitt lit arta
I ar
xhi h rule i ta WH l H come enmeii
L pr
1lIi4j4ift ii MHm H I wh whIr whetimer tli r an anHi al 411I 4111111141i
I 1111141i MI aIeprrce aIeprrceI
Hi I h he nbilitr IIh mitJ V ot f Ihe Inter Interi IIIr IIIrIs
i ieini teniofi Hon to t deal deali Is
I 1 i It MlMml 4IeeI Ike den > < in inI I
C J 1 1 in iiopihir I ro rae
I I IM MI poml I ntt 1 that lhlu II
11 II IIn I
u I
I n hll liik Ii 11 11Lm
Lm L
r mn5 ucsri Of I 5I WALL STttEET STttEETem TRETLoitdo 1
Loitdo em w ovr oV overlueerprtce lowr I price pl r reed reedanI yestsrda yestsrdaanti tt rday
and th upenlni npenlni br falltd to maintain
I the ho hl ttronj tonl rally lr of th prwvlou pnlol day m4I1 Hut Hutaftr 11 I
aftr Irlr tl r n rer recesinn t Inn of a polol piU or r more Hi HiinarLol Ihe IheIMI1 timI
I inarLol IMI1 rallied 11 only onl lo 0 Iwvotn eon dull dll on the Ib theraiI
I rtll 11 > mid iuul I M melt nrT ot I Hofllr HrUr after are th he publioa plbU plbUI pIibiauiit
Hon 101 of ili the 10 < 9liiiirnm iemnqI r nf ntar CU vrup ip rpott pI part t
I Inin h Hi I II report fl ibe Ib prmclpkl ind mirtat tenor faeiorm
m j t411 gtiu it 4 in ss 1 tallrvad rl n ltuatlnn lualon anti nI
I U je4iuint pn Iftirtitig rll Mi h ilminIiiir ilminIiiirrelirnel dralnifilra1 dralnifilra1sw Imnll
relirnel 14 hi 1411 1 he 1 PntImulaamrrtatpi sw swu
114 IrVuui rYI u 141 liVer lh the h tumpn tInpul > nilM be h lieteeI
i teeI ii 1 the h rtllmtiM anti ilm 1 riov
lnI ronmanl ronmanlI lvrnmnt rnm nl nlmiiiclcl
I 44 IIal miiiclcl I h I th the rluoroiu Il objerllont objectiummath
math < ii i Ijcklrnt lllpUv 111 nf the lit h MrlilKin ttrLioIn Ihln
in i hr h railronl bill hi and nI hi hii ixMlniltlc ixMlniltlcnplnloni lnlI
nplnloni plll regarding adlnr ih the h > ontoHiie 014 uf r i ii lisa I
W1ln i lilr Iuet roafer eOlifefIe ouro nre II Ill l < remark1 remark1lirniithi fmal rtnur
I lirniithi hr into rtll relIct Ir f th the uufatorahle fraiur Iu IuV fealtirlit < t tif
lit if rwi V d I44lQpmnI < tv4lupm ul which bo acre er re very
lllili 111 nuler iiderl Ir1 ih h he dar r follow rolowll tollowin In r Ih h Hrnt I
Uuthiiijlnnionfetvitre UuthiiijlnnionfetvitreI WIh tahu In tiiufptiice tiiufptiiceTIlL nrtr 1 I I
I T TIlL u lili O > oLi > of Vorlb orths I jrolina tjrotj ni lund IUIII uld
I at a f ai < v > iwr how 10 liond and 1 two 0 block bloh of r rI
Arkanvi n lxiU IJ m au i i1 A iier tr r IIIMM IlspJ UoJ
I The Th ale acre ere re mail at public IIbli auction 1lonl
The 11 h htd hani n < M e Cr r nmonr Ilnoa amen tho hM Ittuel I for ro forraltrsaI j
I i rallnul lra onulriiclloa In the Ih recnnMrucllon recnnMrucllonanil lon Uon i
anil 1 < arr arpeibaggr > elbac tb r day and hate h lone 00 i >
I be been n In I lufinl Xn o public pbl eat 1 of them Ihnhal I
had lwn tiuiU 111 In a lone tIme 1m anJ an the theattnii they theyaltruiuiet 1 >
I attnii altruiuiet ulel led ailenlinn alnln becaiiM nf Ir lh the recent recrnlfailure recenttoiltir pa
failure rllhl of I a North othi Carol laoln In bond 10a1 nT nlfin oNering oNeringaol rln rlnand
1 I and all therffort Ihelol of Ihe IheMlteo theStae State to Intnrenl bank hanker nl
er r and cortx eorDoratton > r lloni In the Ih nurrhaM nha of I UK UKI ii iinucull h
I UDiuM In I bond bnndM 0
M l Ia leat at ouo oa bl big < ln Ildulrial niutrial < tu trial company had hadabout hailabout
I about 1 the h 1 earn rru > eiperlenre Ilr In pril 1 a a as did hi I Imo
mo 10 1101 i of olitie the I 1 lue railroad railroadTekgihone alOtl > iem mrilraa I II I II
I Telephon and n1 Telegraph Tplth rrixrteil Ir1 for ro the themimlh thenuontit heIInh
mimlh IInh an IncraiM Ie of uf 114 Iit4ii IIC < i i In Ii vru lr rua ruabut i
1 but bl lh the he lnlnlflcant 1Inldnnl rain aln of Ir twtv hI in net tirli nethiecatiw
i Ilecaiit 11 niMrr nr Iwarl l ar dId lore Ion rompanr rllpnr
Wall Wal HI Street reel MwiuUton nbo bo lout I heavily In iiithe I
I Ibf the rrieni n break brrakgota cola 10 a little IIII hitileonaolatjou ion > Uliou 100 from fromIhe frr 1mmthe
the failure fI of another aOlthn blit Irrlfallun 11101 turn turnun umIIn ifli ifliIJn
IIn IJn un > In the h WI et The Th vunpany Inn I Ihe Ihelen Iii Iiiienvr h hln
len ienvr er llevrrolr and n Irricatlun Irirtun Ionpjnv Ionpjnvrwl
1041 rwl It 1 went nl Into the hamU hand of Ir reielrer reielrernn
nn 1 Tiie Tneehay U II I I the h iiecond oof bl but Irrleallon Irrlealloncoinpan irrttattoncuttilpen rltun 1
coinpan 0 to c rn gi < > down wl alnre Inr Ihe th boom In inVqeteni i iVi
I Wlem Vi i rn land and no Irrigation Irllon rlii nisntu > tne cr reaetl reaetltu ed edto 1 1I I
to I oir eoarFor oiri
I Irn
i rn or tn 1 ucrrMle 1 rpl maurt na f ili diye > prior turuorto 0 j I
to yetrnl Ihr r however hI weak k or u dentora sletnorahirsti mor I
I llretl I tbe I lis > CW w uk rk market la1 e Iximlon IximloniHintlnufd loislon1flhhOU4l
iHintlnufd c ntnu1 0 neitd 1 a over er ever fvn e morninc mornincprlir lur I
prlir rl Ilinoilenibly Inhh above the preriou preriouXew firevIoliNew
New s orlc II cl rio > e The Th onlc Inl lruile < that thatihe thatthe I
the h mrenrth nrb in I n l tonduin nJm wat wa du due le to It 0 Ve Verk PW PWViurk
Viurk rk 1 inanlpulvtlnn rlnlulfon and Ino wa a < dmined tn tntlrelv n I Itl Itirely
tlrelv tl to 0 facilitate 11 liquidation ltll < tnn In tl Ihl hi mar market me market ¬
ket 1 Ti They fhe > tick II I woukln oulnl t lie I nr > ife to 0 bur burKliNkn buytueka I
KliNkn Nk here h unlit InIIOlol london prke k were w Iwlow tsIowthe
Itheprerlou the h prprIou lvlou X Xe w York orkrl rloa < Me forth tot that h wouhl wouhlIndlcale wklInl1 etiukiindkat
Indlcale Inl1 thai h the th New S ew York 0 peculator pwictilatoriaba 1110 1110hl
aba ho hl deal 1f1 In London Inooo were Wfl arcumuUllnic I Irather Irallier
rather n than rellln ln tock 01 The Tb Tbhn people totulwho
who hn reasoned one Ihl hil way y had hr their chance chanceeMenl chaiseceteria ha hapd
eMenl pd > whn wh hen n lx london > ndon failed rI to 0 main maintain nI mainlain ¬
lain In Tumdar T advance dnn In this hi market makf
Mr Ir Itlpler Ipl of the hI Alchlon and no the h few fewother rf fewitiher
other hr railroad 11d men who dltllke 1lk the h com cornromu on
Ipromin rm romu with lh the 1 Government Commn over the IheIrate I therate
Irate nl rate Miuabble Iubhl argue a u thai Ih even a partial partialj pnll pnllj pantaivIctory
j victory ior br lr the Administration Admlnltlon will wi encour encoure rlr rlra enenhirage
a age < e the h aulhorillen uholl of the h vanoit stale staleI la
I I I In renew Int proceeding pHlnl afalnit IDt the h road roa4lAllacki ra raI roadAttack
I Attack hy b the 1 Slate at were W1 eHeedlngh eHeedlnghplenty fllnh fllnhj ezreedingiI
j I plenty In l efore > lh the panic pn Ihouth houcbintf carc carcInce re reV
V Ince intf and n1 were Wf very n annorlne annoneor h bteiiie jii jiiu
u real part of every I railroad rnr hulBe hulBeI >
I IC lntra Intull intractate late buelnen blln and n1 l hieau > ecitM > the 1 rail railroad railmail al almf ¬
road la I of every eTer r State HI iblTer di from rrm lh 11 tim timof e eof
of every nr other Three T year N eer ao 10 In lliene llienelivthernonie li the theI
I livthernonie lr Slate I prixeedlfl1 lfe the I Iwm Stale StaleimHr StateimhiIy
wm imHr followed ro1 the lend ef the Federal FederalIknernment rftI rftIRmn I II Irnment
I Iknernment rnment Rmn and 11 Mr 1 Hlplv II th thaiIOt 1 < rhl 1 they theywniiIl
1unuld unuld oJ1 do < IM eo now nowIhe nowThe i
The 1 railroad Illro1 men In who wh acrred with I Mr MrKlplr I
Klplr tl itItl Mid 1 ye trrdar nd that 1 Mr HlpUy HlpUypredktlen tlp Kipl Kiplpredktten
predktlen kIAn ha h l iteen rn In part 1 vrrMeil nrlf by b the thekllempf ti theIttlIHiut
kllempf 11 nf the h New S Jer J Jeey er lUllrnail tlll fern fernruiuHin em emAIIII emOtiutlOll
ruiuHin AIIII to aA emil l p the I lixTeaie lIT sinai In commuta commutation rHUMUI eom11Htatioti ¬
tion 101 rate The Th railroad r anltelpited R lpt1 an enloire n nI
Imrenitr I loire lit f Monnio U1i AI a rmr eer aa A a rwuilt 1 of ofihe ufihe r rh
ihe h lualiT hUll tMiMrncrr I t farm r and nl ilmuci ilmuciih hu huI
ih I the h nti II rate trri annoumetl nni IIIHP IIIHPuifn titNeego
ego ni II npiHHitiiim flhiiit Ion itr 1kl1 top t from rr nm ant antnf Iii 11 i ilit
nf I lh the h < Slate l aiitliorilic Ilorl until In1 WhllI ohingtin Vahitgtsiihail ohingtinIMI
hail 1 lic tuecti n Kiicce CIIfcPtUl Bful in 0 I oppoinff IIf an 1 imm immdlale tmmethat m
that 11 imrm in epa In n frelclit Tate r II 1 url urlil1p urIoil
oil oiMHlfKc il1p rrrirBt 1ruriUI 1111 of ofth 01h ofthe
th the h l larkeannn 011 tika anm wa In conference In wIll wIllMt Hli HliMr lh
Mr 1 Hlpler Ju JI jiwl t before hr the b latter eve c ee out outone liltH
I H one Olf ° nf r hi pr tirnmic < itm lmll tlc lntrvlr II VMt VMtThe eterdy eterdyThe 0 I i
The n monthly nUI report Ullr of r the h I lopper 1011 Pro IroduiTK 10110 Prodiiere
duiTK VM Mlallon < 110 certainly 11 contributed contributednoiblna cwnlrthiuteInothIng tl1 tl1nhlli
nothIng nhlli to II ti th the upward 11 < movement lyn in n the themarkvi I theliarkst
markvi Mock increa IFI mnereaeI < n In M Ma 1 < mere merethan snorethan fII fIIheR
than iKnrnnnn I i 11Itt > Hnd or al JUM J about th thrate thrats h hf
rate nf f imre It liii r raae e In April an and < l Mock nn tinIMRd inhand
bawl nerr reported at loiooi in P fltHIt fltHItlrh puilmieahuidi < HIIM HIIMvhlch
vhlch lrh I thin II bxcet accumulation of I the Ih IhfilM thetiilil
1mH mH tiilil III l In thl hi country UII inc In June i u tot totUn 13Ctyear t
year One Un of the Ih falure of the It report reporta lOll I Iwe
we a an 11 Intreaae lilt nf Saimio S7 Ta5tiw ponml ttODn In pro proIduHlon ro11oft gro11141km
IduHlon 11oft an fl unuaual Inllau d development vek klpm1 > pmml In lrwt I Ior trw trwii
nf the 10 ciulnr of the h eopprr 111 mtil I market mukrTh marketThe
The Th onlr encouragement Pm1 derivable tv from rOftIIh
Ih Malewent wa th the breae in of UIUioi ittuuiesfiesuiwle IU IUMIII
pmiwl In R uport i port detlvrrie but Ihl IhlofT wee weeitet
ofT 11 itet H by a deeree 1 of MIono IIICIIn Iql peuutl peuutlIn
In ilntNMtlc deHverle and n the h increase in inproduction Inpottlon ingiirouluietion
Tugs TII 11 IItE f A iVII t II XTKKI TttMiK TttMiKnallroacl TntlllI rnizsRailroad
Railroad Freight nalPfampramUe Rate Compromise Make Makethe Iaknthe kl klthl
the Out OuUok look lorr > Cueerfnl CueerfnlTlie CbPfffnlTI
The TI trade paper report port a more mo cheerful cheerfulfeeling rlll rlllrlin iii iiifoaling
feeling In the Ih iron and steel alllndlllll1l1 industry a ac a areull 1ult areeult
reull ult of the Ih rompromiee lietween Iltm th thiovernment Ihlommnt the thevernment
iovernment and alii lh the railroad at a ahL tn tnfreight tofreight
freight hL rate increase inltt IItO Th The Iron n nY nI Ige Igelmaye yt ytTh
lmaye lmayeTheta Y
I Th Tilt Theta re i La on all 11 hand I III lie tll upI11I1I pi IUon to tolake toteke 0 0II
lake a hopeful view nf the Ih outcome and andbccauM andhecaue n t tu
bccauM u of r thl < i well 11 a the I actual buying buyingof Inll Inllor
of the 10 week k In both pig 11 Iron and n1 flnlthed flnlthedline nnlh1lin flnlheuiline
line lin Ih the tone of the Ih market ha h Improved ImprovedCurtailment ImpnvleurtllmDI improvedurtailn3etit
Curtailment of pig pl Iron I output In n Mar Mardid tA tAdid Maydid
did not bear ar out ou the 110 eipertalloJM of rome romeIn IIOrnen enmein
In n the th trail u that a declalr < restrictive restrictivemovement ratrietlvemovernnI IItII IItIImOVfn
movement would lIld promptly bring pro production pndutloo production ¬
duction lo the Ih level of consumption or 0 below belowWhereat belowWhereas 10 10h
Whereat h there wa a net reduction utlloll of oftwtntyltv oftenlnv oftwenhyftY
twtntyltv In n the Ib number of active rtl fur furnace furflare ¬
flare n In April feat month howed a aof aof
of but bll tfo The rate Ie nf production In Inw May Maywa Marwas
wa w 1110 < lu ton a day d agalntt Inol KV 29 11 ton tona
a day d In April Th The capacity nrtle Jim Jllnw I Iwa Iwe
wa w 18 IS < ton a day or 5Uonoo s VfiOO ton tona tonsa
a year ar etlmallng charcoal iron 01 This Thlrprrn Thisrpreaents
rprrn pfnh e > nt the h cull eIn In s off If of but 11 > 1 is i p pr prnt percent r rcent
cent nt from the be high yale e of Kebruarv Kebruarvwhich Vebruarwhich fbuarwblrh
which wa JIfI 3i4OtJOtOlt5O Jwonn tona 1011 rear far ar arit i iIt III
It would 110 mm ID that the Ib blowln OH nl I of orrUIIA I Ifurnace Ifurnarae
furnace ha has a n n4Jt 4 yet e gone onA far euoufh euoufhla OltlIt OltlItIron
la a Ill Iron Uoel mcrea Ihr incrpeed > eil In May and andboI nd I Ibotn Iboln
botn boI t HI l making 1f ln and nrl laundry grade i
are e growln = unwieldy unwieldyI
I I I I Tin TI Iron lro rois TrOd d Rt Rti < l lay u uCrr layCar
Car buyMi programme have been IB IBI ucterrupted I It
I terrupted but b torn Important mport order ar arMill art arttill arettill
Mill being belli placeil pat Tile Grand Trunk Rail Railrood 1 I IOitd
I road has I placed order for acm boa 1 01 > and andI ntI ntIlooper j
looper I hopper care with Itb Canadian builder build and andltheH andthe I III
ltheH the II 1IUorl HlworeBdOhki sad Ohio l 1800 M box var with withthe ith ithI itbthe
the Month Ball 8IIIlCIo RaltomiereCirafld iwor Car CrAt and Foundry Fou Foutmdryom Foutmdryompan fom fomp om omn
p pan n bile it 1 will take price within a afew atew I Id
few day d on II iXW ooo boi and nd Iooo 000 hopper ear earIhe ea earsThe
The Norfolt Soflk1Id and Western un and nd the I Si Loan Lo Loud i iand pid
and Saa s aa trtMiw r 1oro line lin have Ita placed order orderlor ordersfor
lor swi car 4 each eachfalhvllr eachnisixss ad j jI
I InlniC
nlniC rnOUIIIIi rnOUIIIIiCatlII TjrtoUusIjcatiihll
falhvllr ralillrallMi W NefoIfU elel St f America AmericaIn nlprlnn
In n Uankruplr Uankruplrt PankruptIHeu flankriipttlerll4era
t crxlHern IHeu petition lIlon In bankruptcy bankruptcyInvri 11011 h hI hi hihsn
Invri I hsn filed AI agalntt IIIt the Iii Cat Catholic hoi to Publication Publicationsr lablitlImSrIM PubileaiionSociety
sr SrIM Society clrly of America IM t book k p pilaKhrr l ltlhhtt > H her at t 417 417Hfth 47Fifth 11 11n
Fifth n avenue enue awl 1 linJg ItoJ HeNjh lI tth ha It ItIwI has ap aplel ep1
IwI > lel l J 1 Murray rn l HMty lies > e ev receiver r and andutkoriretl andilIthOrltPd d
utkoriretl him to rantlnue Mlnll buHm 11 fo foihlfiy r rhklY 1nihkty I
ihlfiy sliye 1 II i 4 treawirer rr of r Ihe tor torrtl frltfete
ltfete rtl IIR l tWeH IIsihlHtits I1 e are MOnn If an avwt l anvelii anveliiII aeele4ICC
II 4ICC w l The fh he rwl ipl 1f serk rk 11 nf the 1Mo1tIIfoMt oerors1kw orpnrn orpnrnh
1kw 4 hi pih4cIt 1tIIfoMt n to of Ih h he llv 11 nn unit unitof < l lf
11 of f tha h 1tIo IV fttfIt e IH fe hOt i t tfnrlHW 1 1h iuiwl iuiwlI I I
I h els e41 1 fnrlHW f for I i lo II l IICl no C 044 et etil It
i dsr54oul il let Ihe I trade I red I Ml 1 the themd I cerewi cerewit r
t md > Ike Sh 1tIo hsrkifte Mckl II1l g ef a amHh lIhs4tjh4en lIhs4tjh4ena lrlIIt lrlIItlIh j
mHh a lIh lIhIItM ihwi of flOfteV
IItM =
TUK TUKWinter rig IUII nOIrT nOIrTlAIn ntsoniWlntrr
Winter lAIn Wheat 1h > 4et t lp to II iprrtallMk iprrtallMkbut 111 111bul
but prIDe Wheat 1huIb tbe b e It ItTbe UI ItThe
Tbe Government OOVlrnm < nt crop rt report ort > for June Jinliaued JloeIed Juneluiied
I liaued ywterday afternoon promise promiyield proolIN proolIN111eld promiseyield
111eld yield of 70 101000 lOlO liii IIIIIIhIII he of wheat W tIIIl Such Suchcrop SlIrhI
a crop crtu I if r liartpntcd will l tin I ho foiulh foiulhI
I hrgent wheat al yield lehJ m Urn Ih hwlory of thw thwi tbrscountry
i i country Ih loernui JotrnunL nta autemnit autemnitof
of the Ib condition of winter wheat wa hut uutI
I I up l lo n eifiertutlonN but the th report for forspring r rnne Forapring
spring nne wheat etrvetled all that had Iwen IwenI
I anticip anlil antleipitesi > t tl 1 The rh utitlatlet I utiowwl how that thatlll7lMi thaID11001l thatlV71Xi
lll7lMi acriM werviKowti wiri nown with wh whet at thi thipring Ihirlnc thiepring
pring that t being It < lC a creutiT area tlunuer tlunuerlieforn than thanIto hum ur urIwforu
lieforn Ito The condition ret reported orted > an of if
I June 11 I II II waa connderabiy OIdrlh higher hlh tban
had been looked for forThe ro roIll fori
The Ill i ha condition of winter wheat accord a ¬
ling tog tn th the report orL was III M L5 on Juno t A Amonth Amonth
lruont month priivloiiH the h condition of if t winter h
wheat wax ewtimaled lnlllII1 u us K a I On Juno I IIfn I111I11I Il
Ifn l the IhOlldilioll coiidilloii wan so 7 The aureagn aureagnitt a urea areac go goof
of 0 winter winl wheit wit vru w was etliiut UllloI1 < l on Juno I IIDIO
11910 to II b is 29oiiuun aitv and 1I1IIUIf situ the prob probaUe luruluaiim
aUe crop 01 yield mMMnp buohel huhlr A Ayear Ayear
year r ago a o lh acnm wan 77S7lom and andthn andI andibtu
thn I ratuiulxl crop < reor 3UMSUimi 3 II11OI1 liu huhI huhIJun iiieheiJune tiel
June I IVM th < > ettti lIlIklt1 t < l nitidilliui 01111 ol 01Irinlt OFspring
spring wheit wimBl wise II lh the ncriize nl acres a IT7inU 1111111001and I77tltanti i iand
and the proluble crop rn 2l7eion i7gtui liiMhel liiMhelJtmq hstuhetsJtinn
Juno I IBW the Ib vonditliKi a ae Oi7 IN the theacreagn theacreage h hal
acreage al tI 1134 13111001 on and th tho < t numlwr of ofbiNheU ot othllh11 ofhuheIi
biNheU i3 s111111 37I4tN 7Bnli > this vivir fl the thn condition omditionK < nd Unn UnnIII
III > K a a the h nirrtiisi l7linii and 1 the neil neilinatii Ii 1
tnateil yield JTHKTCiMi bunlieU hitietuelflit ho hofhu i
Dm ctinditloti of iy on in n June I wa WAIl weeaZatiit trt n nacaitiM fl81i
acaitiM 81i YI l 3 Inn n May I I loll > TO a A on June I IIVI9 IIptu
IVI9 BI II on Juno Jim I ll III tt1l < and 1 < < 9 J > the June Jimon JIIMnOl1Il Junefletigii
> n nOl1Il er p > of f th the I Ul leu vuare vuarelii win winllie m I
llie 11 aria minn IIn to mt U I alumt 3IX 3IXnrren 4101 313SsHaures 4101a
nrren a or 11710111 117 tjuiiurree II 3 i1nllln i1nlllnIhllu percent ttnore i ithan I Ilhiii I
than the Ib nrei 1 own U last l year Ih ion iondition eonihition < m mdilion
dition of r the II crop rol on ill n June 11111 I wa 01 QIf l n nmmimreil its itseoiiipreul
mmimreil f III Ir1 with llh Ht 7 on June Iull I Il 11110 i0 1C 1r11 9 on onJIll1 I IJiin I
Jiin J I IVM unit 111 v 5 i the h June 1111 lneriige lneriigeof I mnermigeof rllee rlleeor
of the h hl ten re r I Ir I I I II IC
r C 4 s suI nut 1f1llU si min mrnMionx mrnMionxMr 5Jjf 5JjflF1 111I
Mr I lF1 I I Scaring 1 KurnUhe It bout titoutStINHi i iSIIIMHI
SIIIMHI la n lie I PaM at Once fin finIIrk theeFrederick I
Frederick IIrk F Searing St1f lII head of the Ih hank Imnking hnleillt hankjug
jug firm of Searing A t a < i which tailed < l on onKrbruary I1nhruar tinFeltruary
Krbruary hruar M a in it its eflort no to Htmtice thNlII the theDelaware thetnLzware h hI
Delaware I wa and Kn Eutsieni len > llailwuy ioininny ioininnyannounced ItuhsisnIivannotinueti 11I1 11I1IIlInOlIhft1
announced yetenUy nl tint tim it a volunury volunuryettlement uIttatryaettleinent hmtr1I1font
ettlement with tIciiuotutr lr 1 iliir in the h bank bankwill Iiikwill Ilk Ilkwill
will I Ii mide I at onie nnd tint cheek will willIK willlius 11 11I
IK I mailed to tattle lIIe of Ih h creditor rd ln within withinthe wlllilnth withinthe
the th nell twentyfour hotni The fh money moneyfor IIIOn i irur I Ifor
for th tho hctllemtnt conies VI from Mr I Sear Searing flIrin Searlngs ¬
ing in lngs It wife Mn I Kmim lflIM ook 10 Searing Searingwho Searingwho inc incwho
who i is a daughter of thn h foumlr of the theateron Ih IhIat thePatrnin
ateron Iat loo lottllnoli < imolive Works WorksMr VorUMr o oI
Mr I Searing Mid 1 llmt ilerN ilepusnuturs iiorn 0 who whohare whohaVlt whohave
hare claim of li I2 nr lewt 1 will le paid 101t at atonce aton atone
once on AbtMit halt Ih h creditor 1Ii come comewithin utiICwithin JIII JIIIithin
within thin hi cU l n the Ih tnalority lIujur of the thedepomtoro thedelwsnttsiris h hdMil
depomtoro dMil were Mtiall IrmWiiien 111I < who whohad whohitl h hI
had I account III the lank branphe branpheThii hirumnehuThose < I ITh I
Thii Th Those e whoe < hOllP cUiiim kllll tire n ier < r I2i a mil iII
get half at linn > the th money III lo lofrom 1 imin iminfrom minI minI1011I
from Mm I N Scaring rtng their chnui ehaiiew hAII of ofgettini 01jPllinr ofgetting
getting the Ih < other 3 < i Ir > er unt nl n depend 1t tlIq > upon uponthe uponh uponthe
the h firm flnns ability ahilil to 0 renllre 11 it imet of ofwhich orhih litwhich
which only about Ut 13 3thtI i H t III m ml mlTh mistrime h hThe
The aiuHt nixin which lh h creditor creditorwill ctICtitwill creditorsI creditorswill I i
will hue hit to Ii rly itl c 111I11 < n iy for rn their lit other othern hI I ISO I IIII I
SO III n per ir cent are neruntie rllriU of th h IVliwiir IVliwiirland IOL IOLan leltitture1anuj
land an Eastern n Itnilway C 4in1snlmy niN ntINt tiy of hicli ishEekthe hiclithe hhIh
the Ih firm haul lltoiio ltotJu in note HIIMI SIl of ofl flfbonr
I l ond liontla > and nd rsnii 73rsw of clock etoekMr clockir ork orkIr
Mr Ir Searing mid 1 that undr 1II1t1 th pUn pUnof
of ttleinenl HOKO jii1i41 will Iv dp dIalttirwuj > bunv bll bllon d at atonce atonce
once on The entire cUim au of de dipoe4toriu dipoe4toriuare > o itoni itoniare Ho Ho1In
are STII STIIirmiS
irmiS jis or rniiin rniiinMore 1flI 1flIIorf iiiiilore
More l IU ft on llan1 fter M1 ttc Ia Opera Operalloni fltlfralIn IgratIeD
tIeD Titan Ma II licclcil licclcilKtock IhllftlpdHtk BifCtltIStocks
Stocks of o mifier IIf nn 41 tmml h nil ii June J I II n nby as asreported
reported I rL > 1 by h th the f tfiier pi r Inxlwvr 1h111Ioft A Awere Aenegtkun
enegtkun Ioft were l 111I luoi3V73 IM0I3 113 p I lenits Htntt tft i This ThiI ThisIs
I ja an mcrrjw of III 1I4i11u14 1 411 nil II pound I tm tmMay tactMay
May 11 I A mmiUr increase j of r aiiroii aiiroiinuitMy aproai aproainuitIy ftrosl ftroslnRI
nuitMy nRI ly l lsIviiii i ifii nJI il iso4 MHHH iI Uwik k pkwn IL m mpril i4 i4April
April 1 II t a ivwilt It wilier 1 slOth t < wk < k III t1 t1c tts ttsl4iiitr I IUllr
c Ullr iiitrj iir tmw Ute U turret IIr 1 for lh thAlthlIlth Year venrnllhMigh Yearaltiiigh
nllhMigh they in n uttKHlerrtbly Ivlon host bintyear hostyeJru t tYl
year Yl high rconnl r 1 f l 1110113 ltMiii 1 inicU inicUmi
mi May a I ITile IIie
Tile 11 Ciipier trade bid el iiitesl it < l tin III IIIcreii II IIr IIIcyclic
cyclic r > in MiHkK Ik lien h on June It I hut wn wnn
n 001 t prep iiuiiIMIIII ml fur r NI N large II 1 gain gaintally 1111ltail goiusIMii
ltail tally pri lrtwlulIlIn IUiKn in M Mty I y w wiu 3BT1VW 3BT1VWpoiuxl 3UrIIIwlllfICl 1D 1Disitliste
poiuxl a as iiniiiinnxl with 3MS 3tISIIIIrIII 3iiijAl I us4isds us4isdsa HIIMK HIIMKa
a dtv d HI tpnl aixl rud 3HJ3III 33 IHHHMI P ° III 41I m HI1tIh InIIIhih
Muren Th Inch cemnl 1 l Ie1 l rear w ww wan wanset a at
w set > t in Novetnlwr wb h > n the h avenge 1 WH WHtikUfU walflUa waslt39i
tikUfU istanits UIH llmHilic 1 I rnstif dHveri dHverifalling slstiverinfelling IIIfriol1lltnr
falling hnri ho nf r flnin 11I1 till t lewitsie Hin tIIt tIIt11llOill < 1 were were1l1a41115ImttnIIt 4 4diiMppomtineiit
diiMppomtineiit 11llOill an is were tin II eipnrto Pll f fCinnnif rI4JI f4lPiI1J
Cinnnif poimd 11I1 fh The irltlm < IIt in d dliverie sju sjuliveries 1 1It
liveries It to I 1 ilomrnlw IRI iimailNMT tfI11HtII1Iro i ill 5th 5thuiiterMt fi fiid
1Iro id rd to h be a refle reflection < lion of the h Mowing
down of f buHUM blin actttity al aeti I il fly in the H knit 1 1 few fewmonth ff ffonh fewh714flIhlI
month monthlUartl h714flIhlIIIaut onhlInl
lUartl of f Trade Mill till far the lie folitilonler folitilonlernater oho her Iprhlpr her111cr
nater Power Hill HillThe 11115Thu I ITh
The Th New X York IWwrd 11 of r Trail and andTraneportatmn auidTransportation I I I ITralrportalion
Transportation went record at 1 I Imohl Imonthly
nn tf1 i r1 it itmonthly its
monthly meeting nt flI yiMerd y IM a ulill favor favormg r rIn tavurjog
mg In the UI lobliKowler h I Water tower > ower r devel development ulevclnpmcnt 11 11OfIfIt ¬
opment bilk whM4i wlt f rll tit4eil i < e tn p 1M sni th thl the theIgislgtiiru
l Igislgtiiru > g iII > lulum at it its lust WHHI 4ofi If I ami a as op If
poxed I to t the h milwtilulH 1 bill and tli the con conMitutHMial ffflIlItillltinai ronatitsational
MitutHMial ametHltH hIO1 > nt iiilf uiltqfsdiiati < xlu < ei by byKdwm 101C111II huyp
p Kdwm A Mrrrit ih dllrllle irt n of th thtnhl his A Aeembly As Asueinhuly
eembly tnhl Way Wa ami MiMit 0 romtnittee romtnitteei l IIIU IIIUA
i A report pelrt adopted br 10 tli the boanl IUH IUHTlie iuiit iuiitflieui 1 1
Tlie 11 flieui me4 mu4 m ° asurti4 ur > M fuiletl booaiuw Kdwm hdwitiA d III IIIMrrtll
1 A MerVitt cho chini h n to lay them n niche l and amim 41mtelld andirtatiad
m mtelld t < ad of uf ltn111 wconi useconul on1 the ot pa iiaiiu > ucn nf nfthe firh ofthis
the h nub lIhIiIlIl tilite titi S tietialt iiaUi Mil Vo S i IH3V IIIII and In Inown I Psis Psisowhi
own oonntitultotHil on ins III 1111 lit iti4sii 1 ainendincnt I Iii Tlilioard 11hoard Iiiisoard
hoard also n 4i1thitiii < lopt l Ih tI the reMirt Nr of tin tinpommilleooti thurorumitte It ItIOlIIrnill
pommilleooti IOlIIrnill flu diffennllal thereby il itcdg itcdglog < dg dging
log itself to untie with the Chamlier I hm r of ofIommenx ofnmmoriw I Imm
Iommenx mm and 111 other rotmnTciil organi organirjitionii Ojalll7atiO organi7ltlOtUs
rjitionii 7atiO of r thi tbis city jl in erekmg kln to t obtain obtainby nlstainhy loIalllIy
by legal pnxvw or r by negotiation olIon with withthe witbrailroad withthe
the railroad direct this th alioHtion lllIulI of all allfreight 1111tTfilthl allfreight
freight differential ale again lilt againist the h port of ofNew orXW ofNew
New York an 1UI1inc Inking unfair ilIa unjuat ami alll un unwarranted unwarralll1 unwatyarited ¬
warranted warrantedMISCKUAKHt warralll11IiIIt watyarited1IISELI4MfS
C ClTee elf iTee Nteait Iro Ir rrosltona hlon4 Higher Higherf hIgheroffee
f off offee re was dull and nJ featutele > Tber Tberwa n ThurwaR I Iat
wa at nothing stimulating In the h new and andmot andmost nd ndm1
mot trader preferml lo hold bol aloof Io < r PrKea PrKeaere Irkewere rI i
were ere 11 generally nII itteail itteailfliit tea < l lspot I IIIIOI >
spot fliit toffee roff wa Ulet it Ilia No 7 7n It ItfiIr it itWq5r
fiIr n Future Ulll C tIn MH Mevly Ir ami un unchanged unchnetI Unchanged ¬
changed lo 0 1 5C r higher h Males I 4710 n bag bagHavre ba bagshair
hair 1111 f higher to f loner Hamburg Hamburgunchanged 1IhurlulI ltsmturguNhinged
unchanged ulI < htllI Ilk athaBni rlua 1 re ret n nhange pashaft I Ian
shaft < an uncbangeil at l I ii receipt receiptJnno Ipl Ipl311I0 recelfilu3rn0
Jnno bag Mock lia I3ilel 3 i Santo Ian wa w wasida M Mreto rA rAfla
ida fla higher teceum 1 wirti lug C Mock utsekirelui Mockl
l irelui re ni Sao S Iattlfl I leceipl 7O te log I II hatslrtrn
Irice I tere a as follow r
H HlSne tJHtm riiniu rh Im OMI rI rjuslur
1 slur p la a II aSeptember I4i1 w 10Im wW
September Im II U 1 ne W t Mi 1 II It II 54O44t 54O44tiunwmber f 1I Ml Mll 1 1mlw
l iunwmber cember mlw II 65 11 II sJ So 1ItJ eo4aaa eo4aaaJetuiary > 4 II M 4 W4 69 M Mjn I IJnr
jn Jnr rr 1 53ltla 4 M Mil MilSI s5aiti s5aitihlartb M r M MHank
Hank SI b II JI 7 C 17 1 t 3igC Cu II a > t S7 S7I I Iltruurvhcts
I proviMo 111 > hAUl was Hllet tllI till ltlllur U Iilures
lure lur l Posed ed at i aini H < iz7 t nr i feplemlr feplemlriZUWtilMi Pitpmlritw
iZUWtilMi itw f t Irltne Wexern lisuu It t lit tsp re r rtiesil 1 1Itaed
Itaed 1 Innllaenl 112 IS i Smith It mrtciiii tinerleunsIi < mrtciiiiIliJi
IliJi III Ii I IVtrl ftiil istlet t H iuipas e 4i > iivi II IIIIrm p KeeM KeeMflrm Kpe Kpetrlii I
flrm family i 0WJ 2tI ttniter tlittt 4 lenmery lenmeryettra IM IMH teulmeryettias
ettra > s r I line state H Mtt ut Item milk mIkcolored Ilk t tculore I IOlt
colored Olt or while hll faint I in tgt t Me 1 1na CeI CeIera t tern >
era na flrnt II iSoyw 3fIr tlfl1 tt n el OH spot spoti SpotIt511Ic
W It511Ic > i ic July 1 r T97WTM 77 5 SeplemW SeplemW7iT5 f 4tIt
7iT5 1 G4t7t 1 < Decemier I S 44 44cM 11 I II Jauunrt Jauunrt4H JK JKII
II 4H 44WIlts 1I1f > l I hleaiw k lime 10 lon l III 1ems 1emshail m mMil
Mil 1 tiT tI It advaiMe nl alto i l ht < ed tIn The Thehitr Ilmi
i hlef element ul irenilli erroRC ame < trout oHl the theMlllli I theisittluch
Mlllli 10 < K 4OWttp lH Hl < ef f he hnjs he h A extern roIAonlfIn roIAonlfInnl ffloe ffloernnt aivrsnnt
rnnt nl I hiettiit > > lti ltlt < mn h lubter rl thi e etwett etwettI r itn ie ielarge
I large I We fle4CtIi < 4ern IMIher M < ker iliidah iliidahIrw I loin loin1IItII1I1
4 1IItII1I1 1110 pisehihi 1I1s mow of r tI 1 1jftlttfVII liv livlie
lie ltrHW jftlttfVII tef Hiin If iure iriie io ttttlitted 1 1Ir irr irrIrew sell selltree <
tree Ir leftltoinf Ilfl g swteral 1 loflj 1 lea Ihte I II tmiitfttt 11Okh hotihtlest
h lest C r P4 > 4 jme nut free Iio cs v eve at atl a tuil tuilIons 1
l 10 Ions °
0 o i 1 lj f f 14 i it itr4 r 1 11eP4
1eP4 r4 4 4J fe 11f v V ICQ f Ilfrr Ilfrrjii 3 3Jtt
jii J ia i J > 17 I w 17 I i 1 j i t WI w it UU ifsept 2 2VH
VH ij i < r rti 1 r i > 1 > I is t its rr I u I i3Opt I IOe
Oe I II lt7e tit H iistjiiV iistjiiV4uait f > II 11 11Rot Tl TlW TlIS I
W RotJ
J 4uait tt V IS I a I e IJ t t 7 7s a n nSf ilSeVt
I Ir U 1 i A e I 17 I Irt
Sf SeVt I Is 1 UtI Tf I i in
rt rt7i
7i s iv ib3 < ssfiSii tti = I r i i J I B ar aM < j jft
M t h I 11ft 1 11II Iof Ioft1t i i e eit
it t1t sO ft Kjt W Wrt wile l le I e elrriup llrri It i M Mirnittihiteii 4 4I
t I I 4t uIll ttittei cii IIfr it itnei
nei su itIqt irnittihiteii irnittihiteiiirHPtel I Iis I
11 is I 11Ctsl t S ifI 1s4 I tifsrwmise f fII t tt
t t pnli 15 II ltI irHPtel r rsie to I i reae It es
Member Memberllmton Membertftrntun Itmbr11m
llmton 11m New Sr York Qikio Ot alo PhiliJtlphii PhiliJtlphiiSl
Lo Ido di > i
i I r r ri
i nrnv u sriri sririVenture DISCREDIT DISCREDITlI1ta DISCREDITStentut
Venture lI1ta at lucllon In ItepwJUted ItepwJUtedi loath loathI atb atbarlln
i I arollna and Arhantai arua flood RondiSoini PoadlIn floodSnne
Soini In one JIm who iems eem m to 1 Ixllwe 1 111 < that thatiertnin tbtrlll thatIertihmfl
iertnin rlll n repudiateil lllIdial bond of thi th Southern SouthernSlate South SouthStat SouthernMtatce
Slate Mill iII have njue beyond their merit mt1tu
aa ii works 1101 of r art t nosed up 11 at t th the Veey Veeytwiinn > ey eylreet y yICIIftOL
lreet auction room yeerday tntay afternoon afternoonwhen alLemoonwhfn afternoonwhen
when a mtAcellanroiis mt lIan011S collection of MllIri MllIriII secliritine ecuri ecurilit
lit II of doubtfu I market value y wa u cent centunder ItnlIlInI tentI
IlInI I under llie II hammer Tin luiiOfl Ifnon > en on Identity Identityunknown IdnlltylIIkno identityuitiknowi
unknown lIIkno piuhed to the Ih front of th the crowd crowdwhen crowdwhlll crowdwhcti
when a block of linorri state of f North NorthCarolina XorihCarolina orthCarolina
Carolina bond h OIld wa was offered off and nd hid 113 113i I3 I3for 43Iflil
i Iflil for the Ih lot lie got tin them without any anyopposition anyolpoiliu anypLxititti
I The TII bonds were re ft IA due dl Apnl pril 1894 I and andwen antiweps nd ndWl
wen Wl for 10 the aooinl Qunt of f the Lh I l halham halhamIUIIp hahmi hatharnltalurtunl
i IUIIp Itall1 > il tompanv I Th rtmir bore I coupon couponfor COllI couponsfor onl onlI
for rn unr m101 > uid divid clivilnl > niN lUtm from April AnrilI
I iww I Q to 0 maturity maturityA lIIaLnlIIIck
A bliick of 1 s IilitI lIn < > North Carolina lot IVilaci lotttmn r rIavcotint
laci Iavcotint ttmn > unt of SUtH H delitl due d January JanuaryI
I III Ian M I and Iwanni immleenie III fIm1 < coupon coupondvlint rounin couponstiding
tiding in hitch IF ti i uiniHrv IM8 brought broughtUSO ImltlhtaII1
USO I 31 u 1 bmd or II lii SI I t11 The Th sam 01 man1 man1bid mllll inatiIsiul
bid 1 fur ilieni 1 Al 1 Ist < > lit r bid for und sue suecsiretl e erureil
rureil 11110 two Mock of Arluiniuut AlulII State KIA bond bondttttgrcKHtini bond1I11tIIIJ bondsegngstihui
ttttgrcKHtini S 34ifl > UI in face r value 1111 a as lo loprincipal toiurinoipi 0 0alon
principal alone Ti Thunt bought t7S 3I < l a alIlI aisotid
U isotid > iid m t III I suction IOOIH IOOIHOne txriIOne >
One 0 l lsauii ue beanng J Ir i > er ° r cent lf1I and ma maturing maItinlt maturing ¬
turing April IB 11101 IWI isira > re this < intereellnc
legend Triiiciiial and nI interent guar guaraiitml guarautsewl
aiitml 1111 by the h rkaiia kll Ientrel 11111 Railroad Railroadi I IrnhIIY II
i iimpunv rnhIIY SomelhinR mu uiisnt t have h b blallfn 1140 10fglkii > 1
lallfn 11111 Hi Itte h trknei rkan kn a Central however howeverfor ho hor1
for ou Nld li bond lK horn > re > UIIINII8 < uu > na from April AprilIN73
IN73 13 to April iril If 111 D A inyMeriolu fate fateiilno r ral fatealso
also al muat nllllul havn overtaken < n the II little Hock HockPin 1I000kPin hockPious
Pin Klu III Shuiff IT and d New Orleans Orta Railroad Kailroadwho laUfOIdwh Railroadwufl4C
who wh wufl4C nan appeared a on the thlt4IOn1 iwcond block blockof
of Arkant bond for thee Ih likewine likewineI likewisnIsore
bore HII coupon dating 1I1I1t l ark rk to 0 April 1973
KfKw mri rs t WEKKS TitlE TIMKin TitlEtod
in tod nd < l V ok Ldms h < That lit Further Kxamtnallonlie Rumination
lie Held In Prltalr IrIttIThlt PrhateThe
The examination of James It Keene KeeneI
in the II Ijthrop llaikm A Co bankruptcy lankruptoymm
mm w w Will wl ltt 1 for 33O oclock yesterday ymtenlayafternoon ytnJaydlmoo yesterdayafterpunts
afternoon but at lOJu yesterday yesterdayitil Lenb mora moraine mom1It ¬
ine Mr Ir Keene and hi his lawyer went nt to tothe 10II tothe
the II office of r Ilafereei ltl Stanley M I Dexter Dexterand Feiteromuti
and mi 11I insisted < ited that the hearing wa net netfor eelfor t trnr
for the forenoon Abram I Klku Ikuooun IkuoounI ooun oounel un uneel
eel el I for He 111 < ieiver HotchkiM 1101 lh kl Ill wa dent nl for forami rnrIInd foranil
ami whnit hen h he h ar arrived arnve d < t he h convinced nlntt M MKiTie Mhione I IIio
KiTie and hi h lawyer Wen that they Ih went t too tooenrlv 100It tooearly
early enrlvMr earlyhir It ItI
Mr I Keene Ii then I Mid that he h dklnt dklntfe tikintfei
fe fei l p nipiaI < fIU ual to Ls going on so ve YPIItPrIIay terday rchr liecau liecaul tieccuehe
l he e 4t 1 ui 11 > until 3 oclock yentenhy nJy morn mornmg momIItIC morntag
mg muling Ie lit tue tr timony in i the 11 J M Mrt Minke 1ltk
rt ltk inke ke 0 estee ti < e which Iib i Is to I he incorporated incorporatedm
m th the Idthrop HakiH A Co examina examination ¬
tion m fie n wanted RIEt to rhange lilt hi Ute elatemciii Utement taLe1ft
ment in the other ol < r veto that he had never neveriHilt MVIrdail neverilalt
iHilt l11Nti H > nH > nully 111111 IiY in Hocking iC stock outuWe outuWeof
of Ih 7 mi hire h that lielonged lo him himindividually himitialRhhuially I
individually He It retiH retiseinmrs > ml 1041 r now that thatIt ha haI
It I he did hte other h denting dentingMr 1111
Mr Ir he keauie ii I plended that In I his future ex exHiHiiiiti cxitilluitti x x11I11I11
HiHiiiiti < iri iris I < hld in private 111 and Mr MrIlkiii MrIiku r rIIklJ I
Ilkiii Iiku Mid 1 h lie liiMl I no 0 objection Tpe Tpea Tltec1IIMllo Teoxatninato
c1IIMllo Ifl a as wt 1 for next It We WIn Wednesday lne day I IirKiiniKt I It
t tllI1 IlI I irKiiniKt irKiiniKtUI I rssLIUEA rssLIUEAllttlTt
UI llttlTt UTI U U > < ull LII L11C > 4c mi TR n hIlT hIlTieafles 41 41tIa t tuart <
tIa > ieafles uart e 4J 4JSuuassts JI ct MBwl Nit t jl 21Uoonesttse 21UoonesttseHulls llooa xt taM I0tHHIH taMH
Hulls H WhiR 1 TRI I 11 lilyaS4y T I I IHuok i
41 Hoot H s IT im l l4 B 9 > HrH Gate G II 11An K KArrlird 3 3Arrisfi
Arrlird An Uipurantt II imt imts JIHInpt 5
s 4 > i npt 1t5C4 > eai v ouiksaip > iil > i tI > vm June J i is IS
s 0 i I r Dtee TW IC i strIsCaasaI Krt lUa l U Usy UsyI y it itA Jn
I A l 1I1I in n Iaira I atta llat V 2R 2Rs SlItO
s 4 i 154115 ii ti I5P5 lItO > > i > > M Mv 1I tiat
v lull 1akfHMi Vat VatsMiMit p
sMiMit 4 Manuitr ier Uillrr timli I UimirtMra thI lily U II IIH IIS
H lUtae llaxwa June ItuuieS X XN 1 1hiIt
N i irlitiM 1111 hs Mr Jimr I IH1rel
H1rel 4 lurut hlnflKVl hiIt Ivor J Jor t tH
H 41 i i t or a Rw 1150Jitr4to Juirtro J ro Uar t tA I IHaao II IIis
is Haao N4HIO A i MMtarit JM J Jt a as Sa
s 1 I I tfr l r ilt 11 tan Jane JaneHSaMH JIICIA Jut JutISaIs
HSaMH A ttr KnttI MfIIWItk < M < ltli k JHlfl JHlflvKil J JioSMsIaI HI HIrln
vKil MsIaI MI + s ti IierUsen r ei rln < tn H C I Juac Juacx 5 5S
0 > ttaN < x Uarrot Vn Norfnll J h hI isne n 7 7null 7Ie4issr
I Ie4issr IhtIMri1 PMI4ctutaJsne PMI4ctutaJsneluelilt < M J Jn
luelilt null n mi ncr ncrv T I iSo
So v MrlaUr IUit al 11 Ihuwnui II frnffl mm Ne rs otl otlH OI OISo oiS
So S H t4taied fo > n > wa at itktailar Item I Nf a Yoik Yos ot I
euf eufs rwix rinrmx I p075 HH HHr
s 4 If ttsinitie I r > e WU I nih tone I SoiCsmpunn SoiCsmpunni45 > ouM ouMtor Mt MtIt
i45 irtiuipt4Cs4 It erIe tor r II rw tort ur ur Iron IronI franCiIrbuME
c CiIrbuME
I u i rerpt11ta rMi l r for r New S 1or > efi ot ¼ horn hornHTOOIXO TtIM TtIM1Tflrt1 TysesteitTvwiafi
HTOOIXO 1Tflrt1 tUVI RIrawlaiped rr ir
4 d T Tev
I ViOl I I17e 1 1I
I < 1 17e ie ieK J iu iu5e1
1 lm WatkttfMn llrrnrn llrrnrnI r K 541 10 A M Mr t I iam m A II
I I saol llatie llatieanile II r m ntI 5 M MlA 10 llfQ m A si l lI ItUiitiu
I Uiitiu anile ltat II ItaleftI e eNwu a lA 51 5 M MVI t umll umllI U st ii ii7ut
I Nwu I Uarla > J isuwsi m mIMrar a1l S VI A U Uvi 11 110 10 SI SI7IOPU l lII Itlersnilsepn11eien
IMrar lersnilsepn11eien II I orrntmm orrntmmHrrt 7IOPU 7IOPUII 2IOPU14CtiisCa oP oPII
Hrrt II 14CtiisCa till liU N Namp apu II 550 HI Ifl A II l
< amp aMisais l fitierHn fitierHnl <
l lilt 4Il 1110 of at SHb taMiali s Ssraauish a l h hrwix 1 in IM IMa I I1rIt V VIr4it
1rIt tSr M 01 teefo4a a m in I P11i4 SI SIj
vi t T To ToPrltl m mPrint ne nePtliu
Print Rltfi rrlHrtrh J Jmalea Ja Jawales
wales malearr II itrntu 0 J 101 iouitI iouitIrich r rn
rr rich n Irtnce N MoJaaelrii MoJaaelriiAiKna lila JIr IIm Il II 11 J 01 1 U UA Uliens
liens A i rninhal rninhalUataaiat 1 ti MIJ U II trntt trnttp Of i iI
I Uataaiat II Tampkn Tampknifnmanrtie Tp II lS4 0111 It ItI I I II
ifnmanrtie I I b JarkwntlMr J n III I 0 5 I P 11 11mIlIuD 11ilemlihon
1 HiraHlon mIlIuD Nortalk NortalkClBilDBaH J m II J 11 1144W
44W urlr Ju JIlue II IIi I
i SI LovIa 1Ibmoa 4iIt n U 1 10 IOOSA II A 11 11C1I1t1DNIIlnbur hiCnitnalI
ClBilDBaH C1I1t1DNIIlnbur llafnburc llafnburcaronla nA U lamA 11 Itatonis I I
aronla Uvrrpoul 4 n 1 U lOro l l1 II IIIaiUe
I ruiuc IJterp Ijsrnpoot < iol iolI 1 laA > A M umll umlltamu
I Bomu Sndua4 N Vrwfniod VrwfniodTrent I an i II lOW A l t ttrent
I Trent Bermut BermutZuH IWrm CICAI4 to A 11 lomAll a m mZull j I
ZuH l lmalra ir irCaralna ra tOt If U 12 izmu izmuCsruiuiaSanJumaii ro 11 11c
Caralna c CsruiuiaSanJumaii San Juan JuanUrnullru J u areA 11 t 13mM 13mM71rats 1 M MIaml
Iaml Urnullru Urnullrullatuia liar Ii IIn i Ui 1 11 II 01 A 11 11tl IthIssan
llatuia Havana HavanaOrnuta IUUSA U I Ii 1 It ItOrntaseJmaks
tl tlI
Ornuta OrntaseJmaks JaBuka JaBukaV sallU sallUVatkiIand
V JrrlinJ A4 Anl Intaep rip II stout Ot A 11 11t ItSZinVuputiui
Mlnnrvaika t 1ixxlon 1ixxlonCalforfria 10ft HTOA to A II IImm 11CentI IICafernts4acout
I Calforfria Cafernts4acout Hacim HacimLa iI mm inmA A AM M MlomAU ItEaiawecn
La Eaiawecn liavticee 1111 Mat re reIhica lomAU lomAUCreole iOTA U UthueadtGenavaNspt
Ihica thueadtGenavaNspt iJI Oenov Vaptn s ImAU ImAUFrlo4rIhderfltnse II A II IIFrIrtfltns
FrIrtfltns IImAU IImAUS ii m AU AUCreole
Creole CreoleOlr S ew tJrw Orfrits II 10 a U VIimPU ultr
Olr ltr ot Vlanm 11 Satannab SatannabIfoqwilt JIII am P It ItltutiwsllJMksonsIiI
Ifoqwilt huq ltutiwsllJMksonsIiI JwkMMl JwkMMlNwere k 11e imPU 111 ihPh1uttrliahPstofl P 11
Nwere uttrliahPstofl liahe 1 ton tonNorfolk 100 1 iciitIt iciitItJtcronorfoiI If Pit r 11 11flI I
JtcronorfoiI flI Norfolk 100 J SinhtM 01 IM U
111111110 uall17 uall17Vu
Vu Today TouAII
Cilia 0041 al Vettlaa Vettlaatuteala Naples NtplftPalermo Uavtl UavtlMayM H ItsyUIdgesIa
tuteala tutealaAllec Palermo PalermoHaul storm stormI
j I Allec AII Aiiegksay < > aay III Haul HaulaHet 11 MayM MayMHavM IJIII4aIAYI May11Katavta
Hatarta HatartaNerkar aHet aHetPalermo HavM HavMMay WtIk 14ev 14evSrnar
Nerkar NerkarTtormfeia k Palermo PalermoSaple wn wnT NsS3oreanla
Ttormfeia TtormfeiaOceania T Saple SapleOi 1 May
Oceania OceaniaSan S it7 May 11 11s lJayi lJayiSan r rMays
I San s ilorilo iloriloIerjfla Clo NaHe NaHeLeihont s a3ea Mays MaysMay SI UserPPiita r rLn
Ierjfla Leihont LeihontTnnldad Ln pfhernIttos4 May w t t11In
11In Tnnldad TnnldadAavannah Ja J Jan B BJVB I IIt
Oi 1 > of It lllcon lllconUrniut UI < OIl Aavannah Aavannahtew JVB JVBJun Jisni D DU 5 5Itesnus
Urniut UrniutM U tew f tpwOriesas Orleaaa OrleaaaJtrk 0 Jun JunJwne J JJIODtfIt 4 4iMtwt3
iMtwt3 Jtrk JIODtfIt on W WPort Jwne JwneJune I IItinei
11111 Itinei Port 10 Antonio AntonioPV 1010 June JuneJan f aIlp
1 Ilp T Te PV netter netterla fr II III r rHavre
M I Prosper Proteaeervnruthifto PIerre HavreLHerpo IIn Jan JanMay JIIDr 4 4reutnanti
rvnruthifto rvnruthiftoItiar r reutnanti ft 5541 llambuity May Urr iltyliar
liar r of New S Zeahead laW LHerpo LHerpoXlrrWi Lit erpoei 1 Mayt MaytMayjn Its 75 75iI
iI 5tes 11 111 Mayjn MayjnMay Uy 31 31U4la
U4la 151 mbrallar mbrallarHit brIIt May MayJin May77 May77UOlsIa n nI
XlrrWi XlrrWiRUM I Hit alana an anjbnla Jin JinJja 1 1illS 1Ueepin
Ueepin jbnla illS Maria MariaTHiiMiiil Jja JjaJane JII 1 1qNs
qNs THiiMiiil THiiMiiillialtetfm rlllkI Jane JUII JUIIr JaneJin t tEiH
RUM RUMI r lialtetfm lialtetfmUtefpool 1 ICe JinJune JaDII 4 4I
II I i tfII In II IIJtfIIOOI hitff5
I tff5 < mw < ij ijNe Utefpool UtefpoolloiHfltmnMa June JuneJune JUDS 4 4hew
Ne S hew inns 8 loiHfltmnMa loiHfltmnMaHremefi June JuneMay wa 4 4thiii
thiii Hremefi HremefiI 10 May MayJune i itdseituei
tdseituei 1 I olon olonPffcx June JuneJq J Jun 5 5twk
110 TItk IslaM fI Jq JqJtme htt Jti 5 5rlwt I
Pffcx rinlerli HenJrtl tt Harlt HarltWelrMHle Jtme JtmeJune JunSNIlsiSut
= 1
WelrMHle ° ltholn ltholnOlt II June JuneJune = 4 4sin
sin nl I Wotitfonien > Navaanab June JuneII J Jlit y ylit I
II lit tlarcwnl 1 Ulrele Ulreles 1 1I
s I a IViMrare ltni r cite fOe New u ork cta wa ut as Jt Jtr 711 mitts ratlftnot mittses
r es i 4 f Hwirft Hnei ijn not ai 1 7 M I V Vt I IrIo isecdaq
t NHI e ii le PS oi Vew PW > iSnI K Kea rIoat ci lilA 4e 4ep
ea p ef HMt Hnnt > at < I M wI
4 4 Tanrifile fer Mew I p tt ifb w wof ses 1M 1 mit Cai CaietMeMu 1
of etMeMu 1 MMi 01 HwHt H HeeaIt al a M
THE COTTON v4wcrr v4wcrrIrrefdar VtnKETIrrSOIar V4RKETIrregular
Irregular ClMlns L1oaInhIlgher1aIi HlshtrTlall be1Iall atret1 atret1ad Itreetand tree I Iand
and ad Other barti Carer CnrIDeTeued CnrIDeTeuedLht11 CnrIocveuedLIs Inerewed InerewedLltcrpaol
Lltcrpaol LIs erpol Hpal pol BalecFUrUier loIce4ur her er l Dfo DfottI 1knets > e erretie
nets to Local l tMk1fetisr c HHilher C 0Crop Gsed GsedCvp d dCrap
Crap Itcporta Inprovtn InprovtnwatriiB l Inipreringwanyjas pInC pInCwaanea
watriiB roticiri ro Toe COTTon itaru itaruTor sian sianwror ururor
wror Tor North ontb rlll Carolina unaclIM today shower akowertomorrow showertomoryow 1I0Wfomorrow
tomorrow Uibt tillable winds wtndifor windsiou
for 1 South Sou Carolina and Georgia local 1 showers akowertoitay showersI b
I today 10 iIr and n4 probably tomorrow iltfht t satIable Ilablwta4 satIablesalads triablewtadt
salads wtadtI
I wta4laballll for Alabama partly cloudy tlou4 with local showers showerstoday tkoweratoday
today and a4 probably to 0 morrow Ubl irlaht lrUhltad tarlahis tarlahissalad irlahtwtadt
salad wtadti saladEor tad tadro
i tor Vlhtlitlppt partly cloudy todaY to1l tbowett tbowettto bo bolIlcb
to tonight nlfhl or 0 tomorrow to movrow llbt to moderal lIod toulh toulherly Mulllt southerty
erly t salad wiodiTor IkI IkIro
Tor ro Ijjultltoa 111111 fair unlay II iIr tuiwltled tonor tonori
i row ro cooler roo lit Interior moderate lIIodtr toulherlr wind windfor ndt
for 1 et eastern tern m legs Tu partly cloudy dou4 wday 1J1I rookr rookrla roo roono
la norihwcM no part unteltled to tomorrow om morrow cooler coolerhi
hi h Interior Ifrln moderate odU southerly wind windI windtar
I tar wettrrn 1 teats Tn fair 1 and lId cooler cool loda 10 d da dafair
1 fair tomorrow tomorrowi mow
i lor 0 Arkantat tho abowers bo cn todty oil partly III cloudy cloudylo lou4 I
lo morrow tbowert la eastern m part partTor pstttof
Tor 0 Tenaotee DII and n Kentucky KtDI showers and andprobably tedprobably lid lidprobbl
probably ibrnderttorm bndn In dt d > thn shistis er to tomorrow to8Onu tomorrow
morrow morrowTrice morrowlrice
Trice were Irregular clolti hither hitherUtitt hlhfrUIU higherAugust
August Utitt UIU wa Wat wastheteeture the h feature H was Iblleron thitatrongtst Ihe tlronf tlronfr
r tst t a stud IK ad iiiont active < month Wall aU Hired Hiredhorta tree treehorta
horta 100 covered freely In that ha option They Theyalto The Theyalso
alto 1 lioticbt July Jill Some think there I IIlll I11I1 is isstill
Illl a con OIIldbl lderable abort interest nuUland nuUlandIn
In log In the 10 old trap month particularly particulirlytujCUsI tleulul tleululucrut
Aueutt built up largely on the Ib lilea I that thatIhe Ihath thatthe
the h llovernment n action 1100 against Int leading leadingbulln 1lInbull leadingbulls
bull would cause the abandonment of the Ihedeal thedeal
deal and tltl a collaiMe mil I of price 11 Die bull bullhowever bIIhowpr bullahowever
however apparently hold the h old crop In Ina ina I
a grip of Iron There w WI wa ecattered tiered cover coverIng roveIn corerml
Ing In In the general nIIIII list Some Kan have an Idea Ideathat 101 I Ithat
that there h I is an n eileiulve lIpnal abort account Ollnl I
In thai b new np rop month mon specially plall among amongWalt amongIall moorWU
Walt Street fIr houses hou and nd their following followingCertainly rollowlllitlfnllIl followingCertaInly
Certainly some m Wall Street house u have havebeen bvlpn havebeen
been pn advising abort ale I of Ih lhe distant dlMantmonth dlntlIIonlb distantmonth
month recently owing t Ih the b Improvement ImprovementIn mpolfl fII fIIIn
In the hI crop prospects proipectaMoreover prospects3loreoret
Moreover 31000 the Ih certificated stock her h con continued ronIlnll eonhlnued ¬
tinued Ilnll to diminish levterdar nla nlaw a decrease decreasewa
wa w reported n1 of lion IOO bale Thi make makea nail
a total shrinkage Irlnk in Ih he aupply uppl thus far farthi farthis i ibi
this bi month of Mnni bale and n1 It I is pre predicted 1 pretiletesi ¬
dicted 0110 b bl anise 11011 that further Urge hip hipmen blpmfII hlpments
men ments I nil III lie I nude In hit near future futureIn rulu ruluIn
In fact r a report rt with lIh or without foundation foundationwa foulIllonrrftll fouiwla ion ionwas
wa current venlerday nl that the h leading leadingbull Iutiobull leadingbulls
bull have told 1 the Ii bulk of their ItI pot cotton cvllonThe cottonThe 1In 1InTit
The Tit pot demand maIMI here It phased hn hIIIOA ed sonic falling fallingIfllmt tailingit
Ifllmt it 111 hut > MC sales 1 were w officially reM reported rled > of K sonic sonicills > me meIMO II
IMO 1 him Thl bring rln the Ih HM Iran IranadloBt trabathlons u uacllOn
adloBt here It In New s York within three threedar threedays h hdr
dar up to nearl nearly > iomi bale I which hlh make makea
a very rr gratifying eiltlttit itlS4 lo 0 the Ih belleter belleterIn
In higher price I In n Liverpool I the I b pot epetand potand potnrI
and nrI rail U bulne In ye ycaterday tertlay nt amounted to toI7onn 1017IIM toilea
ilea bale 1 making pot transactions trntlonlhp trntlonlhpIn there thereIn
In three 110 day of 44100 0111I bale Ieo Of tale 1 there tberhave 110 110n therehire
have been n signs lim 1 nt f an ln reading < tpet tip ileTiiiTTHt tipniind t tmtOtd
TiiiTTHt in pat rails I of the II South Liverpool Liverpoolipntale liverpoolturivate
ipntale 1 adtice 111 < nere lIen 1 Cheerful revortinc revortinctrade rettartingtraulC i ira
trade ra ailne and d sPinners 111111 large buyers tJf of ofKI p psiOtl
siOtl > KI Ole un i able bl from ron Liverpool OI > tald 01 that thatthe thatthe h1h
the h pot 01 buflneiu 101 would sa 101 lie larger but for forllnabllU rorI
llnabllU I tnhllll lo 0 tectire flrl delrabte rahle grade tn tnother n nother
other depalih h from 0 that It market laid kl thai thaithe thatthe h hu1eI
the unokt louk > there Ih liv the middle of ofer 01H1eI ofPptamber
Pptamber > er iiit > r wiHiM H1eI be I down < lo 0 only on tnnno tnnnobale II III esImsiIssle
bale I and d p tlik4lbl lbly Ib at a low ow a ac laono 3 Iwlee 11 Iwlenleadliti i ileading
leading h butt ill here hf aupporteil the Iii ummer cuinnierwmlha mm I Imonth I
month he Liverpool bought August and n nI
September l tocui < x l conimlMlon m IIIto Ion hou houses housesIsosight 0 > e I
HioticM I h1 the II new rop < 0 Mlulwlppl advice advicerepirte1 advicesrptsnrtai I Irt j
repirte1 rt that I h boll weevil vlI are u increasing
le rrif pH > the lii h fatnrahle weather hr of sf f la I the thePHi theruni b
PHi H admitted from mm one 010 to three 10 week weeksate fill
lite I ate In tflin n ecttnn ecttnnkarly tlohl tlohlarhy n nI
I taI In the las I price rtr declined lIn1 The Thewealhr Th Thh lIntweather I
weather at the h South was w favorable and andreport andp 01 01M
p report M from many n part n of I ho 10 bell elated tiatolibal elatedthat
that Ii the h < np w wise making stea4 > leady pro proireas proireasI > re I
I There I is 4 Ivllef 111 among ome In that the thelnlv theIuiI It
lnlv IuiI 11 internment oenitHpn report Irt will 11 how ho a con conakiprable
ierahle linpmtemenl In the h he condition conditionof
of the II plant 1 a aa compared with lth the h Jtme Jtmeleporl Jill Jtflttewsrt I
leporl I whereas wh la last t peepuin nn there It wa w wIin was a
d Iin Hn In the h ondllKin 1111 between I the h first flntland II firstaunt
and 1Itt the h econd I repitrt fItM for fo the h hn seami ea ofi of ofi I
a i per cent n dvke hk s retartling the Ih cotton cottonnouis ollimciMiil on onI
ciMiil trml were I irenerall iinfanrable iinfanrablel
t l I hattofie N I a movement 1flt m1I1 le II on foot fontintktnx
hxiklnr 111 lo the Ih closing diiwii of all II the tarn tarnmltU veramills lImI
mills I there Ih > stunt IKHI c The T not > 1
market iii i the lit stnilh were generallv re retmrted intnItel
tmrted quiet I flue i nntluenl 1I1In and 11I1 New S s Or II
leaH old tit 1 here h ami 1It1 Wait Street soil 1 lor lorMMI local local151111e
MMI 151111e e selI 4I 1 m the rt r rise In ih enil nil Imw Imwever IHWv heuwever
ever v tIn citv arerlsud rni < Ami i Mreel I shorta shortaaes rtorta rtortathe nA
aes the h dominant fjinnr fjinnrt fatorthiser In InIr
t thiser uter r rtwirtai i > rel 1 were Me Mesasrs I r Million
Mine Muir Itrown llatne n SchUy Nleden 14InlIn
l lent > urg lfon lunniril lIn r < Uv 101 anti 111 hayden rdn teller 1If
Me I Messrs ir Iliililwnl tan Kounlree ion Ilk tubk Ielr k lUily 11oi1
Hl p4leirn < ixn Mihr spring SI lund tit I rarpenter tIfnl
lhiiti Ih liiltiut i A 1 IH us were rIM rerunrtesi < l to 0 have h bought hlhI1IIIoOOn
frnniWM 1IIIoOOn front mumO < wii U > PmliilT 9110 hilT and tigiisv ugii 11 t priori prlnrlnitll plndAU
nitll AU the 10 litter llirougb 11 M Mnars r no tone tonelee on onAll one oneI
lee I en All < Mar harsh II h lric in New s Drlean I I Iieircuiresl I
lrHcnc Co 4 to 5 point I afiertie sfter r Ip ilo here I IhItarl
IVI hItarl 1 trd If I Mnv iosse A 1 in 0 said nl I From mm all allappearnife allIIU alleppearsiue5
appearnife IIU the tiitermti ill wlm hlh h ilfTered aitiferedtnst ilfTeredni 1 1n
ni tnst n t in Mir Ma 1 ha h has been It w w4s I enough not lo loput toPut 0 0tlUI
put It its heel Into tnt the II Inly am and Aitgu lIpI < t nooe nooeibe
1 1h ibe h nhnrt hr In the Ih Utter ire It therefore hroevrr of ofvery ofis
is very vrr different Ulpn tort and 11 do not ppear to 0
be h a TaCT redoubtable Iollbltl rlaa Fall f II and andi 111 I
i i winter month hare been n old lei In a stand standchIll nd
chIll 111 on the 10 recent favorable weather h and lid I Iwe
we w look for a ubttantlal 1I1 > lantiIIIn advance In them I
Miller IIUj Alt s Mid Id The Th present market I II I0 ione
one In 0 whl which h legitimate clllm condition tOlI lltlon < are ar being bfin bfinpntl betogentIrely
entirely pntl di regrded ti011I disregsrtiedFutures < regrdedKulure
Futures UIU decllnetl in n in I tt point on the theold Ih Ihold theold
old crop I recovered v the Ih ln I toss and nd advanced dvanr dvanrn
I1 I to n I iD ih the b > hitter I on Augut ucu lot part partclotlng pariroln partclosing
closing roln al t H net rise rl or f 4 to II Neil 11 crop
declined dlIn A lo S rallied 11I nnd advanced Inn Innrltlln S to t tclolng Iclosing
closing at a rite I for of the lit day of 7 to 7 The Theending Th ThIIIdln Theending
ending IIIdln wa ws firm with I estimated lIma tale aal of
Xnnru bale Price fr at follow followOpe followsOpes
Ope 0 ll IIIoi < t > > IM CIM n nn Tr Trlit 7 7tsp
lit tsp n r > lit Ct CJo 1ohilt H
hilt is 17 u 1 a is 5 DI D u t ii n 1117 1117Auratt II n nIt iiAugust
August 141 It at 147 U 1 s II > U I 7174 74 14 141tffm 45 4574jitmbr M
Vptemlxr 1tffm U 12 II I It U m II 3 ISiS I I IJ u IJIICII ISiclobe
October IICII > t K M 1J i 11 4 i tIO M 12 I 14142 41 411 U IJ 1253 U
December tHnm I 1213 II i t 1221 J4 t 1214 14 II 12as II 17 117 117Orleans 17 17New ITXI
New XI Orleans IIrt n future rllu were re a lilt follow
D tpi I en 1 flfy t lAtI Ctoi Ctoifl Is Prep PrepCe
fl Ce > r cC nt c 04I HI 4U I tim
Jar JI lr > II M U 07 II a IS 1 M I4 IIAcu ties tiesAuvt l lAufUlt
AufUlt II 3 II IS II II I II I 41 14 H1 9
October Orto II fl U Hi K I II 2 J U I ao IJ i iSpot IS 15 15Spot
Spot S ot cotton hr h wa was unchanged Middling 1I1ddUDU2tk
liWc hales 1 lajj bale Southern spot tpotmarket spotmakPlII spotmarkets
market unchanged lChnll to Ue 4e e higher New sew sewQrleans I
8 QIn r lean t od 1771 bale Memphtr sen senalvnlon
alvnlon 441 I Auguala AIlIr Sit 34 houston itl itln si 7
In n liverpool spot 1 < olt ollon n advanced vnM a apoint tpoln 3points
point Middling 1I ldllnll < l led d rttler hi lluon twIce Inletailed I Iulletl twIcetslld
tailed Jnwi 11011 Import Unou UIIIOrln Future Futurecloed Futuresclosed
closed rln t l i in n 4 point ltOl lower 10 Prices a 11
i 1tS U Tn bel beArII1 rrr rrrn rnL
n 1 v nt rt tie tieJUfrAvtwst M MJutyAurtltl
JutyAurtltl ArII1 7CI I C 774 717 I C74 704 7 7Aussitt1ptmber
AatoileBtember 7 lit 1 7 Mi j j81Irbru 717
October octowrtsnsinbey > totembT S SI l a 1 is sea B
January Jlntuaryrrbruary 81Irbru rebniary C46 46j a 444 iii iiiLiverpool i iLiverpool
Liverpool I hi du due to 0 com 2 3t J to 0 t point
I higher blb today iodrriV4VCMI 10 10i todayFIXVCI4
I The Th cnmmtttee formed for th I the eorganl eorganlratlon sorganiration
ration IIOIIQ or readjustment of the affaIr ffal of 0 the Ih
Colummi and nrl hocking l Iel al and n t Iron
Com COIRpII pa n announce nonr that no II eilennlon nf
the 0 time fur f deposit beyond 0 June I ha
been It granted granted1 but that for a abort lime the theriimmillee It Itftlmlll thucommIttee
commIttee ftlmlll mil 110011 i oalloue lo 0 receive fI dejj drpoath drpoathT1I deisneltsTile > o lt ltThe
The T1I Vlll In Ulreel Htrnlnc Hun HunThe 1IunTh IanThe
The Th Wall Htroet edition f of Tug KVBSINO KVBSINOflnx tn ivgytisnStnt < INt1 INt1RI111
flnx vonUlna all that th ftnancial nrial newa n ntile anti ajvllh antithe
lh tile Melt and bend qwnUMon qoolaJtolhtt lolhe do donf doae doaeor tiesof
nf the III market The efevinc tplotaUen tplotaUenln quetMMiMkriuc quotat1eninfliftiltil
ln iMkriuc < 4H4iti I 115 Ihe bM and asked price eel wNh wNhavVttrlolMl wkhiatitiuiloital lth lthwHffl1tAt
avVttrlolMl new matter mati va mn4 MIthIItI MIthIItI1ft coitlInedaluue coitlInedaluueti 4 ed al o oHi
Hi ti tb the nJght rH edition ecII ef THB Tx Krwi EYBIW9 a Him HiIw1MfI tn tntii
1MfI l r tii < 1IIi
Executor Trusteo TnisteoThe TrusteoO1wwed TrusteoChRted
Obrtored 1822 1822The
11 11I
I The Farmers loan and Trust Company CompanyNos
Nos 161820 16 18 20 22 William Street StreetBranch StreetI
I Branch Office 475 Fifth Avenue AvenueNew A AvenueNew venue venueNew
New York YorktoIDOJ YorkLOIDON
toIDOJ II hkjtE PWB 41 Boutmod Haull1u Haull1uTrant
10 wUAOp4 W4l I5l SL Within WltDlJL WltDlJLTrareler anismn anismnTrwrelers
Trareler en Letters n of Credit Foreign Exchange ExchangeAdministrator ExohangeI
I Administrator Guardian
Buffalo and Susquehanna SusquehannaRailway SusquehannaRailway SusquehannaRniiway
Railway Company Companyrirti
rust Mrtgg rt F Fu r ud OaUalf rr rrCaatua r rCat PitCtaa
Caatua Cat CU Boadt BoadtT 8 NIdT o4sT
T It Ilia llUen Wm el f Dndt f th abs IMI IMII
I A I tk be requett Uhl ol a larg Ian number of 0 bond
hold boldcn en the tmdenlraed orftalied on April Irli Ii I
1110 1 01tSncg at a Commute tn I protect the th interests at atthe oftile
the holden il lbs Tint Mortgage 1I Four sod nl r One
Malt 1IlIlfr Her rum Kill Jo 1 Points ot of 0 the b nlFrAIO nlFrAIO3lxyllHAVA RlFtI11f
a 3lxyllHAVA f IfXX BAILWIY ILWY COUPANV COUIA COUIAr te tecured e emired
cured bt lurnorittf I Its ortgigs I lathelDlttd to the rutted Itaiet rntl
roropanyofAework COlCpaOy r ofArsa R TorI t as tTr Truitet lec dated oi i f ft April I IDraJl It5taalt
DraJl t wa was md la I Ik the psescet e mrnl nf the theIwlaml lit theI
I Iwlaml 1 d di Mt 5 aM 14 b beeS w4t Mar M I lla I 50 sad sadthis d dIk
Ik this It Com Cmpaityi property retrIt lad a affair bat base
bee plated la tb the ka4 if f a retelter
I ACommltletollht t Commitice ot It lb rourPerCeol rour = j Per rII hood K of the theSutnueiaaaa hrI
Ruer nucalo Sutnueiaaaa ullroA1 lom orapiny the Ibeproperly Ih Ihor theproperty
I properly of which lrb W I teased 1 4 lo the lullwtv Itur 11tIs COM COMpany O1 O1ri 011pCil
pany has been farmed and tl also o a Conmlteo ot oti
j i ri Ife the lreferred Slock = ot 1 tb the Ktllroad Io toussiwni omt n
1 In Stew ot these Ib tarts II It hat h heroine Imfraute
lbalbolderor this bIoId haersov o lteiil It4liol1 > U Ponds dllobo wtinbtreool wtinbtreoolalre Isbn bse 001 001I
1 alre Ciitadp In dy ilnne M tbonU deposit uelr teal wIth 111I
lIt b fornmlHe fornmlHeDondbokten lomm lommtlttadbolc1rn ommityI
I Dondbokten are lit 1st III lnriial lied promptly to totbelr deposit dII01II
tbelr Tr Trork bonds with the fommlllect rieno fltpotUry > IUry
Itaakee TT lrsst > fowtnaiiy No o 7 Wail itrret
I New ork ill thy which on hebill b1I ol 0 the h Com Commlttee om ommllllf ammitt
mlttee mitt will issue traoilrrtble certificate rfUI of1 of1Ueno 01
Ueno d denosit > li tberetnr tberetnrDated thereforhunt bd I
Dated May Iia r I 1910 1910wiuiawi 11110WnIIU 110wlIIItI
wiuiawi IIAIXIIIOX Ckalroua CkalrouaIOHIMIM I IOKI1OII
11 uzthy4tlrl um IIHItW IIHItW114Rn1 hiIitW4iixta
114Rn1 r risk I IIEUII iwi iwiItEl4Aht
IEUII IIT 4TRUMI u n 111 111t 111st
t st II WII WIIloAnlt wtnon ni > ii iirommlltee
rommlltee rommllteeIECIIKli loAnlt loAnltEOItfll on lot Itop ItopEOUOE
IECIIKli II 4 HOnr nE nT eerlary ffYl ffYlII
X llro turned ro d Mreet New nr York Clu CluRA it
4t4tflt < RA vrll nt HrMKnV > N a de d CiERIDOIIKF nrR OOIl
piinnix rpfK IIPPKJS N UKVKrx 4 omscuu omscuullorant RI OU OUi I
llorant fer the Committee CommitteeUIMain
53 UIMain stnrt > tw w York i 111 lt
BANhfRSTIirVr bAS bANhEits I I TIII TtUisT T lOS Depmllan
7 Wall att Street New S ork lily lilyHTEJIIATIOUi7 11 11INHRNATIDNAl sitINTERNATIONAL
Second Mortgage Bonds BondsT
T th Midori if 9 a w4 Mri Ilartgsgs a n nIk hleidsI hleidsIth
Ik latmillial Great Cr Xorlheni IIP flail Kailr4 H Hd flailreid
r4 d Co Caaj a j wko wit hat Ml 4e d dpsitpd ll 4 Ik Ikaaa lbIai It ItIII
aaa wader tk the l ndltI flsadhldns > dhUert Aireemeal Aireemeal4le4 AIYIntlIardz Agreemestdated
dated Martha lah 1 IA ISOSi ISOSiA 8 8A
A decree d for or the f forrfloture of th flip Vcoad cI Mart MartOf Martrigs rl rlrr
Of and In a ul Uienundcr basIng been en enlered Utnrd enhrred
lered In n the Irlied itutea tll Ctrcull Court rOl for tt ttNorthern the IJIftSrtbm I Iinrthern
Northern Dltlrict of 0 Ties Tn on the Ih lenlh 11 d 41 of ofUnr 01Ur a aMay
May 1110 nosIer h I hereby lien dyer tb bit l the b tine tinefnr tIuI UweVnrdeposittngseeond
fnr I Vnrdeposittngseeond depmltlnr Tond mortgage 11f boadt with lib Till TUTrAHUKIIS TillIAlUlrB TIttFAltUrWt
rAHUKIIS LOAN AMI iU THtST COUPANV COUPANVPepotltary coUrMyfltposttary OltrA OltrAOtrl
Pepotltary Otrl tifeder the anoie shosemeatloaed oHulIo aeaUoned Acre Acremeat ArNmra acresmmt
meat mra h hereby eiienrted 11 tn and lurtwltai KM KMIITII liltIlnl I Islut
slut DArnr flATnFJlF A r OF Jl U r IIO 10 after II whlehdMe whlehdMeboada whinhUiteloads bWb d dboa4
loads w II ilberetrtsettonuylnihe be rrccit nt I oUr la lalll U dbcretioo dlacre of 0 lh lhOommlliee IIIOOIII1Ittf the theDoamitite
Oommlliee and n4 upon > n the paimeat mDI ot torn pen penaliv peaaliviampectojearbbaodamsy
aliv aliviampectojearbbaodamsy 111 la I mnect I ol tath b bond a n may m be beiiitposedhy beiiitposedhytheCommtttessuiderltwtermaofaW Imposed Itllpol by byfieComallteeiuxlertbetermtoftakl
fieComallteeiuxlertbetermtoftakl l fCoalIt Uft4 lb 1 mhald Asreeaent AsreeaentPaled Arrctlll1ILlIrd Agrtemeatlisted
Paled New Xc Tort Mar 117 IT in inW Islew ne neW
W EMUCX ROOlEvrLT Chalrmaa ChalrmaarOUAM CIor CIorEIKIAR ChairmasEDUASI
rOUAM U U40HM I rrAnln rrAnlnon flAtcSitEs4ofl4
r rmltt CmmlttPtliiAi1JllCAS mmllte mmllteroiii
IIrIIIIIU PtliiAi1JllCAS lrL IHO roiii fOMJAr fOMJArFIRr OfliAt1rlRhT > T TFIRST I
n 5I p GuLl > no hIOhtP MI mi Jtiv JtivNouee dCI 111t
I I 12 12Soli 1537oUcv
Nouee < U hereby tit iten en that ptirwiaal to 0 ihe ihetermtofUe I Ifmo Ii Iiterlosof
termtofUe terlosof fmo IIIf Vlortcace Ilorlgagedated dated Jul b > I I 11 W tlvTjin tlvTjinof
of 0 Mid 1cS hoods numbered IIWhI > ed a as > below 1 10 hate h hJ taen taendrawn > ren renrtrawn
drawn J for redemoUon b the taklac Iund II IIall a apar apar <
par and accrued t uwrett a of o 11 I IK lOll lOllw5en In Inwhen I
when all tniere ttIlrIbron t thereon will III cra rraa e sin U
One hundred aad Mtca be bead d > f Ie br r lion IOn each eachm
17 m IW 11 = 71 HIM ism ismn I
7 7 7451 n IIAI UMI aHl11II Ki n trt trtW t777as
W 7 7W S III IM S3W 3t AJK lilt liltim U Um ailSIns
im m m n taut xni lai r 111 ift fUll 4125lull u uMC
MC 0 m ui his wo ui si iu iutn I I
tn U I KI 11 v IK ia a un tMI i aiv tt aIM iwaxn
xn 741 i 101 < u itM t1 2441 m MI M7I M7 i iMI 4iii
MI > un I taes nit tat joi st MAI via IM 4 a
s 197 7 mi 3 aic vn VM VMKr HM HMlie 105t
Kr t MM II 5I nq ytfA SM StIR 311I tIM ItMMl tIMMi
Ml I HI 3H 44 JUt Was 4 t41 li liMI I Ia
4 tII I t tttl 4t afl 7a 4 SM
14 51 151 11 ttS 9l oil 4M 4MMI W
MI tin < ix 1 r tt17 i7 MI > MIii eMIt eMItlit 10 10is
is ii no lit 2171 iti 17 inoi OI sam samMM lilt liltaea 11 11NIl
MM i vi 2111 ir aiii HI mtt mttMI n Its ItsaSI
MI tci 1 sfi 1 11 Silt n nit nitMl 4 tIAd I
Ml M i IKI Sit X IS JUI JI Illl
The TII above ItO txvid d with lUi I all 11 iinmalure r rtAu > t raxpaitt raxpaittaUaraeil matsissatoatbed
aUaraeil tAu 0II1d to lrt tip pret pva presented atnl Mr IB IBm p pe t men al the tfteoffice
office m of 0 theTnttirr III Trnw onoraflrr an or attor Ir July 1 I lain lainI 1111IIUHII IS Ill IlltItlu
I IRAKI THIKT iOMPIV iOuI 1111 Tnwlee Tn Tyijpt
I I C J Hlf K1ian4 < ut UII < > Trr Tr TrI Treesisri rrr
i PhUadelplila Ia I JMf J I IIII mm mmill
HAIIRIIAII ItA 111404 II llHrM nllrA nllrAT tIW PA 1 I
> T Ik the udder n f Ike u ullaleral f trust lnld lnldt f fI etd etdisl
I isl t laid Njllre4 Allr f fIITln omvanr
MIT IITln IITlnt titl1Is UK UKl
l Is hereby t liven thai M UHIM an suit < t San I Irsiwlwa Irsiwlwaitaiiruattompany ranrl n nKiUrvadlornpaiti
KiUrvadlornpaiti l r hat purmam a lo Ankle rtIieThr tr Tliree Tlireeof
of 0 lIt lb Irish Tr Acrermrni m herrlnafier refrrrnt te teelertrtL tocurrIed
currIed and ud doe hnelir elect 1 to pa and redeem rnlremon r ri
on i the IIIr rlrl ldr da day > ol Jul J Jut1 > ma al par ail Mcrimi
tuirre all at I tit Tnllttrral I I Irtnr Tr 1ri l Cnld oid Nnic Nnicbrarlnt uWr uWrbearing
bearing rtnr dale April a last and ntl itimlwrnl n r1 r1CUIIhrl frnn I Ironwrailtelr II
ronwrailtelr up pord irrtt to I n lL Inclv tuwleelte 1 te all alllitued allIssued II IIM
Issued under M sad etuahit iu ll 111 > xrnreit r r hu > > a Trim TrimAgreement T TArm TriusiAgreement
Agreement aietl IprIl irll h tX l hihiten > rl mi M I
Ixult I and Nait am rrtiirlkni 11 Ilailroait II Company Py and
The flu New S ew York Truil iompnj omn at a Trustee T1 takl taklnut pskitirsi k krz
nut rz dar ol July UK tsta l lnc II an Intrmi iU > men mrnllooed menSIoed
llooed la I earhof eatb br ti MM i hold H > M Noir and J InsistS t tI Tru Tract l
Airremftil that alt 11 ol tal said 14 < t bold old Nmr na i iln ejtslaisJ IHI
ln tag ar a hereby rallnd lied Mr nt pemsnt tmml mini and 1 redripititan redripititanon fII
on said Dial dar d ol Jnl hiS Itm III that bto M loot cud 1
fill I rancltm urIIo4 llaliroad Cnmp n nn asid M nr 110 i day dayot tatof at atI
ot Jut July lilA will lil pay or redeem at ibe office nf nfMid oflaid r
Mid Iruttee II The New t ork Trutl fi Inranan macant nrr < No NoU
U 1 broad Mreet In the b llnrouih Irou nf Uinfcil v tn In InIhe totap a au
tap u City n iti of Nr f1I Iorh ork Mew w ork nc all 11 of said d IK IKXclM hold 1
XclM ltl at their brt fare salute alu and 114 accrued urd Inlerctl Inlerctllaereon truerestthitron n nJ
laereon tould J nrMda Crat ro r day el otjutr illlril July IIIO and that upon uponaald uponsaid
said fist day of July isle both prlntlpal prlntlpalaad f
fb fbb lad taitett of aaM rotes sa III become due and 4 pat patabl parable
able ant thai b alter said nrtt nm day ot 0 July 1 fI fIlfto 110 110tl 1510taiarvts
tl taiarvts rt mo laid field NotrathallcetM ots pbait cease toacrru toacrruISEAU to seers seersI3EAU
Allwl A By II U I riNriirtl rretldni 4ral
JrPWPltr Pltr
T D Jirrn AMIIUOI ecretary
Brlla llurtiugtsa Un 1 MUtvwrl Rlter 1110 llaltroad ICllnr ICllnrI CM CMpty eta etapa
pty pa In I Xebmka OCII r aeaiidtd lldted Morlcaf MorlcafNU SturtgagsCIa
NU rr C Cat ou H heads Mlt tim I Jl I in I isle isleMaId IN INHealed rt rtI
Healed prapotalt addressed lo t the thet tadeyslgnst tadeyslgnstat
at t lit cOre IU DfioiKhlre I IPropnoa I4lre I4lrect and endoneil
Propmalt tn tell II Burttaflon BuIII UlMOtirl Slier HlterR
R H Co C la N Nb b rbood r d win B b be rrcrttM uaUl uaUlnoon 118111or sautn
noon n of Tsar Jtui H IPSO for KM lb tale of ofabove 0 0lKIn ofabove
above otraed bon beads 4 a la Uw Trvulee had to absorb th thturn uum the thesum
turn of 1 Two hundred and arty lIyIII nine thousand ihouundeven thousandseven 1104J
even hundred and teventeen dollar and elrtly I Irord
tour rent iMM tlS2Ei711J4l 7IJA4I or ny put tcereof J = mac let at atrcidauite I Irordaacewltathf
rordaacewltathf rord rcidauite who th b morta mOIdU mortgage dated July I 118711 118711The UTS UTSTRDITCK 173The
The New Nc Eoland Trust Company
By D K If niTNCY lrnT E tmUent tmUentnotkM
notkM 11oo UaM 11 Ma Jim flU I JistO JistORepsblkaa 110 110Republic 110c
Republic c YnlUy BallrMd OBIIU Cepay Bit BitT istarev a a4T 1
rev set lda d Us nI7ir duty T I > fjB fjBHealed isis isistIeaiM
Healed proposal addrru 4T d to lb the II uadenlcaed uadenlcaedI d
at I lla II one 1Ike l Uo DtvoaiMT Nicest Irft and d endorMd ltlor
PropOMlt j1 j1Ur la Mil Ur KepnbHran VaUey It R to toboadt Coa I
a boadt will bo nirelteiluniltiioaa rerelsel untIl soon of THeda j
Jill 14 IHO for or Uw b pal 11 of aba named bondt bondtla J
la the Tr Trutsiet ie to ab abiart ort > tb the aunt im < ot TMrly 1bf ii iithonsaad i iIbontud 1lIIOIId
Ibontud Ian III homlroj and elthly 1 11 tst te dollan dollanaad Iollrtr Iettariaad
aad tlttyelfbt teats ilMjuati or aay part parttterrar pattthereof
thereof la r l arrordaace nI with Ue enc mortgage dated = I IJuly i I IJtiy
July 1 1 575 575T 7
Thelti T Nc Eoland Trust Company I I ITln
By n R irnmrcr irnmrcrnottoa IrnIcIttIL
nottoa 110 Vat II June t teio teioINVESTORS It10INVESTOIIS 1510INVESTORS
ThiWaiISrt8fJourn ThiWaiISrt8fJournTli The
Tli ThscerTruat cr Tyot flid hH for W r I ll flood floodThu vt vtTho
Tho American Tolmroo ToI Company ha hamarie hato hatomade Mamade
made a hid for 0 the 11 imoi uAoeltI part rt of o the UieNortli
I 111 Nortli cott rroHrM lar Kna noml nomlwai oAfIwlHeh tmae tmaewhleh
wlHeh was not weH wc ree reeesved ve < l I 1 ity x1ianker x1iankerwhen baIl hankes hankeswhefl n nwit >
when wit it wa w nffered nf1 far er piibM it m athiuorls athiuorlslien orif
lien It i II etpert rpec44 that the W4 sash tit bo beaeec
aeec Thedrol The I4aalI4 of the sffey r 1Wttet pt ptlearned
learned 1 ytrMy ytrMyp
t 4 o
unlUFXP8 A AW P INTC1U3T INTC1U3TCopper 1TJnESTCopper IltIILiTCopper
Copper Range Consolidated ConsolidatedCompany ConsolidatedCompany ConsolidatedCompany
Company CompanyI
I DIVIUCMI Ml Mli Ii II 1 1I ii iiI
i I Al a meeunti meatjus 01 0 I9 the e Hoard ol Vlr Oltltt itt het h osiI
I I Ula day XJl1arv a quarwrn UUWenil ol 0 It in 1 ir Itf tbtr tbtrlUlag shstI
lUlag I Vrl4 Dt1dea < l No M ste leeureil pa psabl psablCII < b bon
r =
on Friday Jul J l lit > t KID wMorlhoUert 11 of t ret reeont retord
I ont at 1 the close 010 nf buliir b on 4itnr tin IIt 1 lam lamTII l5OTb 0 0Tut
Tut trustee boot ol 0 the iomonv will iU c cat rho
at t ute clot r of bUsiness blln on SwrOi JUDO JUDOnl 110 4tt 4ttsoul
soul < nl will IU tMi teonrnnt nq Kaiunla June illS 111FRTUriiii II
I 210 I FRTUriiii Im uP M 1IlIiloll > UiKil ll > frra rJr
GMIOO tlot Uf lt Li Mix l 110 110ttuoh io ioVVUON IUnKU
l iSShruadwy Bruaitwn 1I utvmrNP h NorTorr cworJvoeIalc cworJvoeIalclItfrrl rWt sn nJ Jinc i jl9H jl9HutvmrNP JllItITIt
The TIt rXrecton ot 0 thus Vu Vuon u > nn i laIJ > J oiniun
hate thb date d drclarrl < intitrl dMdcol dlId dlIdIGr al alm astIle
m tIle rate riteufttfbt uftlrtl percent Si per anaura us tr trl lIt lItlsurt
l lsurt uel raplui steel l ce1 nf a be Com Jn tUtuipA0 wo > ml mlIMtRml th tite II IIiMfment Iitinent
iMfment ot ull1ln two per real 1tII i or till I unu n tiv tivper I Ir 10 10per
per r lnrr b to be BUIO 1 11 Ji e > ltlii HO U10 nlooelIold tit titoc taaotSfloidnjs
aotSfloidnjs oc oelIold IK > klrr ol 0 record at H urknL u la 0 lac sItu aflnnuoo sItu01in Inn
nuoo n of 0 June UUi U1 IIMO 150the
the books boo for I the I e ir trsnsfer n nol rr of the Ib ltlee < toek or of la laomiMiiy itC D
C omiMiiy 0 will UI rkne at laoeiocK 1 S 0 otloek In I ii the ftfrnwi ftfrnwii ftfnl ftfnlU
i U or > r June in Ilb lid 1Id 1 reur rnuwn > m Jul > It hi l lltO lltOII 1310hAll > 0 0rilAS
rilAS II hAll K l IIF1IAN llS VritM VritMTWIN Stcun StcuTWIS ttat ttatTwr4
New ork 0 Match utb n 1W 1WThe 1 1I IIOIThe
The Tb Director at I IM MlIotlpaD ronptny lute h dcfliret dcflireta dCfueIlIor
a qtitrterl dltldrnd dl ItId ot 010 On and lid Thiec TbleeU Uutrtert 4JuaterlPtrieiI k krr
Prrifol rr Crll on IM lii preferred rtrrd stock of the I Cnirug Cnirugpat r nipn nipnpasbte poD poDrld
pat pasbte iMc on ant after Jut Jtaii lit lew 19 ibe MOC
holder rld of 0 record at the dote ol o business rr ct cius V Vt Vi Viill
ill t June J I7U 17 UH atlbeomeeof at 1 tIle Ohiste It The I ite farm farmlunamlTrtMllumtMii tum11 Vernetosit
lunamlTrtMllumtMii tosit and 11 T Tryst Uueiteip I l 5 U r i Ullltui lilt Mrect MrectNew Ir IrYurk tr7tes
New es York Ill lIt it IMtrUend 1110101 rh trch lt utIj ll Il1 be mIllet mtllcJto lIcJ lIcJI
to tlorfc stockholders toldtn w bo has b e tlle1 ltl ltlI nf aMera aMerar m mr
I r I 14 i PATTIW 1 rrtw fecreurr fecreurrIM lesretilTITAIt rr rrITAuciii
ITAuciii ITAIt lipPEil ri criiii aiflPsb aiflPsbst P Protodl
IM Broodwa rotodl New Yonk oik kla I nib t Hm HmTh ililt n nIIIVIIIRMI
IIIVIIIRMI lilt 11311511 Ml O t SThe
The Th I Innnre i mmlirr tmmlt > 01 the h thetnfflpJn u onier 11 11r
rnnpui b liss < tipktla irth da deetare1 J th tm r CTti CTtidithtruid rier rierdltMrod
dltMrod of r MtHil tA nte 13 V per r bare r rlb IM IMal
al tbe lb lheratpnfsesin rale of cten sedeor mt one half percent 7 i iper Irrr itier
per iutrlr no par r t ilwe I pM peet4e Ih l le Jim nI Wb 11 1111 I Ito >
to MorktooRlert 1000 bkI ot > l invrj rJ sI i line eta 1 of n bi hoIoln hoIolnM business business1W1 lae t
nn June J n lHh 17 vein < K > The Ink I for td tIe c tr treissi treissiat ip ie ieol
ol iheitockof I the ioe of theCnmpaiewill ttclnnusate wilt tll clo rioof > eii ii orlork or orI
P U Juee JU nIb enS nl tropen rnf ti at 1 MorhxV ot 1100 it U UJune 11Jull iII
I June 3d 1 l 11I1 iS l lit lit4tttS <
III 4tttS IM AM h t MPM I1llS N Awl A eeeltry tri
n Mllllam Street rttrerlew H HtW StreetNew
New ew lurk June nihIHa nihIHaDIVIlirAD Mil IIMI IIMII tI4 tI4ltVIVrDNO
J I A dltWrod of He percrnt on the b capital rapllIIOtIc tlocV tlocVI ctm
I I of the North orth Mar lInN > lln Comtuny omn ha his thU il ilbeen Uid d dbees
been declared d potable Snot nth It to utoitinlU utoitinlUen 1 1n
en Cr n ol 0 record June llth llthW IIIbI
W t t II > IAUXV t IIS trrelarr Cfelrtilt ecfeiaTitit k k1I1U
tilt DCUkWAlU A III I situwo situwoI I HO HONew fOr 1
I New YtwI > ofl Uav 35 lulu luluA l lTvtt
i A Quarlrtl 7sarteiVdirWeatI arterl > ilttMnidolTVII 11 < 11 < oflWt T INli MIONK H lISt M W4 W4TVH J QU3lull
lull riR i KNT r M > UK riiui 1111C n sloth ik IJ IJtbitompatlt f fIMromBct
IMromBct C wilt UII HI I hr tuMalt luaU at thcoiterofthe kot > omteotUi croIUl loni lonipan LOlIsant
pan K 3 Na NawisI av D rel la this city oa aim alHIr alHIrUOIH sf141Iloaday o2
UOIH t Iloaday a June r > l = l 14fl5 K to hlockDuMert al iKofl iKoflat cJ
at 1 clo tIoat of 0 HiMlaeM lo dk d dII
Br II order ol 0 the Hord of U MMren MMrenUIARUH liaise 1 reri reriI m mIUAUS
I UIARUH HAIhfB HAIhfBMIIIKIII ItirR Tr TrIIIi trasurtv trasurtvllitEfltk
MIIIKIII IIIi K It 5SItEII t > rKii rKiiThe tttltWlt rlt rltr tI5rho
The r Hf snri lOrd rd 0 iul it rrctoo It lus tteelpol tteelpollet < t TUrT < i ii OJ
i terlj let 1 ill tludnd Mend of n oe i < rut one iiiar lIn let ie o oIIMHI nb 5 5ups
ups be b omriMin Slot nftheomr of Pie nirisas m Aa ptitUle ptitUlei r SW SWI 10 10I
i I ii me orire nf I the Ih i omiMR Urjif ttnlkllv ttnlkllvITlH 541u1W1ltiHadelphts IdIV
ITlH ltiHadelphts JflpMi Ia on sod tier 1 June Illh 17thin I HO HOla
la Uf I Common um amman MUxihmier 1 StusIh hnlln llprs ft icf urgiaserel Cltu lilerel 1 al 1It 1ItwolbI Ik IkMJ ts tseoseofbtntuess
wolbI MJ iil I l II IIt Islil IslilI l lI
I t I H ILIVS LiK seerrtr seerrtrSo erusr erusrI tor tort
So t nattegifleaha nattegifleahaI taxi Daaka Daaka57ParkPUeoNY an anI
I I p
I IIIi4I 57ParkPUeoNY 57ParkPUeoNYThe
I qa The Trustee baTtdlrrctedthat baTtdlrrctedthatInterest brndtrtcledthsatI
oeml Interest be credited lo depotl depotllor
I Artntial lor totenttttadtbrttost entitled thereto l the theatt theattTtiviqmic rait raitof
Ttiviqmic of t A A MR AH5C1 AH5C1aa
5mm esyableon aad aa alter alterH stint stintJuly
July 1 iai iaifl
H P Itutehlnwm Pretl tmtW WHKot It Roe RoeEh141lEtS Hetty HettyTHE
Eh141lEtS tM lEETIM4 lEETIM4iitr
ia i 55 75 had S n IINamsiireel 1111am Stitch < ew w Vork poy City
Tb The iBual electing for or Director ot TM
rtrmen loi toss and Trust Coattaat olll be tiell tiellat
at the mce of th ro Cnsnpay py oa TKWH Jum Jumlitb Juutitalk
talk t too iu l The he poll win be opus from t o ocioeg ocioegsroaioiocisrki eKx eKxleou
leou sroaioiocisrki to I ockKk I M MV
1 V I HtELV kemtarv kemtarvNew
New York M lies v lush lam iSICP1IflPOAL
TtTE TtTEtlitany
Allnnv liw I UP UPfiirnichin 131 131IropostuIs °
IropostuIs fsr fiirnichin aiitomobtl aiitomobtlr lIttffl0j1ituitohier
ituitohier r pditen itat will I tue re receIved > el ed tl i thl thlf th thirnii
irnii if f Iri the Hnderwgned until Monday Mondaytint MoniatJuine
Juine tint J I9IH u l iselv elv oeVeck noon noonwlien noonwhen
when they will hs < iji liftel Hetl awl r real d fxib fxibHrly pibItchy
Itchy Hrlyi ItchyTIIIP
i Tliere will 1 Ii 1 tipwurd of tiirtyf1v tiirtyf1vthiKiitinil thirtyfivetiiiiliiitflul
thiKiitinil iriir trs of ntMl plntet satiN satiNnlilseri 1tM 1tMiiiiineriil
iiiiineriil nlilseri Is HIH uthlil Plit0 l > ile in I II oinlraNllHi i stitfat litf llJTS llJTSlIwuti Ir Irr
lIwuti retritIiug r ii t hy tnali t tl tlgrnuii l lill
grnuii sir telei4 + tulnt ciulsiessuf eislficitiiiti5 eislficitiiiti5will
will ill lie unit tit linni lninotiiats1 lninotiiats1suitIi IUt l lstMlKIS
stMlKIS S KOKMR KOKMRof hOhIflSecretory
Secretory of Stat SMIIltoliisAts StatPIiolSsnuIu
IltoliisAts tnr or Kkriil Mattel MatertalI iuueludlry iuueludlryi
I ltlun lltUnrt liv rr tamp CartxMi Iuv Iuvi Vssctable
i table Me wire 55 fnnlutt rape Cit 4k ak1 pro proi gwoisssi
i isssi 4li wilt mi k r titaliel rrtir l at l the tliettflcu < ol ibel lb > eat eatturrha entsl entslluisaslg >
turrha luisaslg > 4 llrmrr l isthitula H nUn anal t oeinlt oeinlti nantlaskin
i lm tlaJitiicten 5ts4uittltu l > I Mil n SOle > A U June Junei
i IV ° > at oMrH tfne ihey II wlH be opegerj In InpiiMk itt54i
piiMk 54i Im furnUklac Ike atmtr mentioned mentionedrtlrlc mnitutonelarticles
articles rtlrlc Htk > and eneral fntormallnn rrUtlir rrUtlirM
M t this IriuUr No 5 iil 5 nv inst b be obuineti from fromIM frontI
I 1155 IM nclre in ihe ofTue nf 0 the Attltunl Piirrbat Piirrbattat
tat IdOl i > ute Hirrel New ork Illy thy M MNailmitl 53Naitsssl
Nailmitl Kealtir HnlMInc Sew sew Orleant La Laand J Jand
and lOSt Nnriri Point street Mn I ltaocheotai ltaocheotaiaic raoclvo I al alal
al aic > from the I s 4 fnfUiceMHflcetta t 0tilCfi litres to the follOw feltontar follOwtat
tar cities Seattle Wash h los Airlt f Cit al alHalilmore
I Halilmore Ud PbllwIrlpbU Ia Pttitburr
i Ia Pmtofl Matt llvftki N Iletrlanl IletrlanlOblo tIpIadOIl
OIl rnrhtuall OIls IMrarn II tiu M Ln LnMa tests testsio >
Ma io Detroit Ukb JlU Mtlsaueket aukee tMt 1 I M MVmH t Pat PatUlas
VmH fhaltaiHWta Tees Loutavtlle Ky KyVnMIe ItyhIuiMi
VnMIe XI tic and lUltnhm Tel I nfflmerrltl nfflmerrltlI
I lub hanvK riu t1 Mn I bamber of I ommerre ommerreOtil utnflwtaPUue3
Otil Uue3 r II Mwl fhamber of I emmeree ami amiHnanlnf anlI4OSnI
Hnanlnf I4OSnI of Trade Tc Tareuns > m tiast li I 5 IMN IMNI IWMiI IWMiIIals > < >
I Ials i > uw Torn vet ul fuHartn < > 5luuniwilt < i rt rtMen
luuniwilt 157k 157kPtttVAti4
PRlHINtAUt will tie receive 1 at IM is Hircaj HircajifutmM vu vuutpt4
ifutmM utpt4 ami treowil Sa as Dertrttn tWcsrtwontWaahieIWII
Vtatatallon l > r IMttl lOoclorK 41 A 1 U in lit litdale Uttlsloi
dale treeMtd below sad owbtleft opened In Inne luniedhtieb
ne niedhtieb < tUten thereafter lo ntnHtti al 19 tIe mast eatvyard mastyard
yard Brooklyn N V t eta te a numHIt of sass uaianppitc sasseuppites
nppitc at a foHow JUM Jilt II IttOKeB UK UK1neamaHc 10 10l
1neamaHc l raacbhie awl hoot Heft ati 5 251 l Huh
I ler iereorered cotered wire Men 3Il > U MaHoner Mi Mi3M PcIO5
3M O5 Steam Jacketed kMtV Maneled and flat flatware classware
ware tckm seho cotton shetilag heeM Clew 57 Ho e
toilet paper eap > Bool roll b hISS hoal nil usrug
rug lights Xt Set y 141 Hardware and tools lool2MB tools74th
Men 2MB Y llr bo bait > rantai belt chairs Sri NctiMtcMnerr
Men7I 7574 7I MtcMnerr tteel Jn Ji l li4 14 h at atlercnt S4I S4IIaraadesealst
Iaraadesealst lercnt lamp ApoHcattwit lot proposal prupotaiJ > Ipbell
pbell J detlatfl l lIe e cbediile de 4ftad He l bV rim tiiwWaak rimher
her Iliad propOMU wilt H be lurttltaed npm npmanpHeaHon upeiapfMlcetlsfl
anpHeaHon K to We It naty pay sV offlee > e w uor uort or orVT
VT t I er M We bureau r B H4XCK9 P Pnatter rs rsniasiet
natter t nerai t 1 V 0 II l W WilH ISI
palpflaIllJ4VtK ilH tttSRJuTJ PP KATI It Arms IrmBllld IrmBllldV Rasid Rasidteg
line teg New York orfc N i V Jiwe Isio 6 mi SeaW ai1 prv prvni Pr Prnasal
naLal nasal ni In trlallea trlalleaptiBun triptiesle < writ l e reeelvwl leo listS tmlNi
ii i A 1 M June Jsot1M9faiftiry UMNO hwKprxUoUI Voles Ulavet UlavetAnatomt IllistaaakntiOfthC
Anatomt aakntiOfthC of tbe nnrw ltststo Ml hans I ttot ttotdistIteys rot tn tnHwetWri
HwetWri of IVwer taiermalloa upon ll7lL not a alion asloe
lion Kiitelniet rOfiUliMie pmuotaM tu M Mmarked it itmarked
marked lror hropo41l wti lor Q Qwarlrrmaste arierma er 5 dtipbI dtipbIto tpp e en =
n be opened Jime 1 Vt low Mttl uUllMKj P PMaths H HMAJOR
MAJOR M IHA NA yALIVgKI Depolg fletwil 7 Vt Vtline IIrufluc
ptiBun ptiBunTMI I1lF I1lFiHi
TMI ARMKIW JJBTH 1Il4lSIS xic xicDAXK 7411105 7411105ANh
DAXK of lUrMerd loealed al Hartford la tin tinSUM II IIhhate
SUM of Co 41ll5elilIlt ieelle t h rlatmi li its trtaln trtalnMM C
MM hoUen and enter ereill eipllflr < nr of tt Ane AMants AMantsSian t tHon
Hon ar tbemotf berth nownnl M pretnl III IIIat ts
110155 aod utait t f peasna peasnatwSM1wI
twSM1wI Pyrildmh Pyrildmhailed
ailed at HafOetw April 1141 II 1110 UM UMNO IllSo ¬
NO o rSTRA TA rHXW I OR ORAdvrtt i idgseqests
Advrtt dgseqests > enm lOtTie l vT r and Tnt f flar 1tio 1tioleuw
leuw lar be b lets a at any Anterteaa Anterteaaew UIIt et tfite tfitessister
ssister ew r w Sfs e hi IM lb cMy rNVI
I a

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