r r rI rt
JMPI EN nurtv Due vKvnrn i X XK XKvoir AEsire I
sire 10 voir nr J ifsrn I ERTEiD1u TIIIUtJ u uTMy
u They 111 Fapresied E pre rttltd ifd Ihe hi Hnpe Trial an n tgre tgrement jr jrmrnt srt srtI <
mrnt m nl Wenlil fit Reached R uhPCt Karl 1 Ne NeHeck r r11etkPrmprrH nl nlttrrOtJHrl
I Heck ttrrOtJHrl Pr nprol Thai Hie Pl rhlfOai rhlfOaii le leValuation
Salueuoncautettnt Valuation alllllon1a1aI Uutttt III Hi jnimhuu jnimhuuWAJIIIVOTOV Hllmlnltd4SIII l lWA3iIIXOTOAJune
i i
WA3iIIXOTOAJune WAJIIIVOTOV 4SIII OTN June 10 Republican R Pllhllflllnr RpuhIlnnrnflfern Pllhllfllln c cftrcw
fern r on the r ilwav fill bill were r in e sew sewmutt IIrn IIrnDICIt i in
mutt n tt of the Ih day end when hfn they Ih adjourn adjournJtut Adhnornt rtlourllffl rtlourllffljuat
Jtut t after4 oclock 0cl0 IodIY od y mnl ol I the thixpreMtd theeiptvrad m mtlprfUM
xpreMtd the hope thit in 11 greeme Agreemrlwould greemewould lIrtlmnl lIrtlmnlwould
would ho h reached for u report in IMI IMIhome tNlhowl IHlh IHlhbolltfl
home etrlv next week Senator Aldn Aldnlid Aldfllh AldfllhMid Aldraid
Mid lid he helieved An n agreement would wouldreached I IchM treedasearly
reached reedasearly chM AI early a ArMndty Mend < hv Other fhhrrmen fhhrrmenben hr mei meibet mm mmtlr
bet ft the Ib conference were not to toUmUtte 0 ell elltlnIillie oftlrnttic
UmUtte HeprnentstieMnn Ilepre ent4tive Mannchairnu Mannchairnuof Inn churn churnof ChAlrman
of the th llr IInu > u e cinferee a i is strongly e etending n ntending 0 0ItrldiDI
tending f rr r the H Ilnnte < i amendment A Atomey 1 1temeydenerl U U10mrll
temeydenerl 10mrll tomey Glra r1 tti WIkprh kerah m w wax with lIh t teonfetri tl tlconferee tIeonr
conferee eonr At l inch li I morning and nt nhrmlnil nftenim nftenimMMl dip dipIn
MMl In Inhll < n nWhile nil nilWhil
While hll no deemsgwmnt definite ageenient r nl lw Iran Me Merelched I Ireiehed
reiehed chf1 mi U Any n peerl peer IffI t firn f mr if d r the Ih li liH hIll hIllIt hk
H appear rpl I to he reawnshlr certain r18111 th thth 111 111Ih thethe
th the anthorlwtln fnr liking klnc th IhlhY11II1 IhlhY11II1I phytic phyticrtluitixi phgtavIHartan
rtluitixi of the property of oomnr oomnrearner rnmmatarnenSnttnr Immn ImmnClrri
I tarnenSnttnr earner Clrri raSfnnr Senttor Ui 1 Follette fnU pet I met meturt tnl tnlure metartwhirl
urt artwhirl which whi the Ih Hiu Hnna e nrtiptM ftdllll will n nb nol nolbe nt ntbe <
b be permitted to remMn m in in the hill Re Rereaenutlve Rp RpfMnlIUVe RrreaenLnlve
reaenutlve Mann propowi rrop i at the Ih more morefog morileg mnmIu
leg tension NOlon tint lit thin physical valuati valuatiamendment ealuattnamendr1enl lllllinn lllllinnmend1nl
amendment h lito rewritten and that t tccnferrea Ihl IhlcaDfII ttconferee
conferee caDfII I report IIrl a provision along II IIline Ih < < o oline
1 line o uf Senator ntr Simmons prnpow prnpowwhicn rnJlO11 rnJlO11whleil + a awhich
which rim rt within two vairi of lir leinrated lirToted 1lnj 1lnj11ln
Toted 11ln in by the Ih Seaite Senator Aldnitnd Aldni Udncand ldrlh ldrlhnd
and nd AttorneyGeneral sic mey Geerul V icker Iekl fckerhim him hi hivtr h hit hnw hnwI
it I vtr 1 ptmted nut that uch a < t comprotm cnmpratmit comprotmwould In1prOlnleII
t would n < t metn anything and won wonprobiMy wool woolprotthlq mild mildprehbly
probiMy Pea e t diMppemtment even n to tl tlidroett tladrotes Ih IhadOlI
II idroett of I phyflcxi valtitiian valnttI n 11 11prerct 1hprUrlCtll itprcareta
prerct ifenawthst fno re now that the III physical vain vainflan vnllail vehtathen
flan wilJ go out entlrelv entlrelvStrutor etrelySenator l1l1rlri
il i Senator overmin antilnjunctlamendment Ann antilnjunctl IInlllnJanetlonmeadmnl InjunMin InjunMinAmendment <
amendment It In blither favor r r with lIh tl tlconferee Ih IhcurN thcchferw
conferee > h ant there t n Mrinc Ir Ilksllhor llklihonthat Ilksllhorthat IIklIhoodI
I that it ml 11 he h rrUinH Another In Inp6rtint InlI Imp4tint
I p6rtint p rtanl future fetturenr nor f the Ih hill th Ihtt hidi fi fito hlto hlr hlrI
I to 1 go > uric Int the Ih law it a ling Ine And lint nd uhmhtul ho hoh hort hortI
I h hl1 ul clime Th hurt that both h < 11h tf tfS Ihr thietutInd
r S SeUI ietutInd ait t tnd nd the Ih Hou Hnue t edwt cdiptH d Inne Inn nn nnhirt And Andh1ft nnrhdrt
hirt haul prevulin h ha mijirevei tt ttconferee IhC thconfii
conferee C IIf a with it the ner II nereuetty ltv of < > f jivm jivmione girinlson < <
ione 00 Itglilttltn leglilthnInn firms this Ifn line A ph phU pion pionI
I U II under conlidertti n for re rrllln Tiiina < < th thproTiibn IhproTIon thproritlon
proTiibn bUndlnc the fetturei of IY Mfb MfbI IK > > I Itfc lh lhI
I I tfc the berate nJ Ml < CJ < J he Ih HIU HII lull lullTh billThu n nit
Th conferee ron rtI how no a dl dtpMlIIM dltp po ltion tilnonrettin t trottln III IIIIn
it rottln In Senator Ctimmlnn a amendmeti amndmrnehflth amendmetiahlltinK ImndmtnfhIIUn
ahlltinK hIIUn g < < th the burden of proof in th the Mm Mmto wrneto mr mrto
to Ubllth thus rerfkonableneM ledJ Mblfon of an anInerMM any on1ncrlaee
1 InerMM of 0 rt rAIOOf fled nl with the th Inter Intitte Interstate nlr I II
state te > Cotnmen olllmrM CVitnmlMlon hefor rnr th thWme I Ii thTame
i I Tame c4n be effecUv 1It < lh Demoorat fomO < rAI an antaepuhlktn anRpuhlic nd ndRepuhlitn
Rpuhlic < n Insurgent Inur nl hive thrritti thrrittith thmrl n nthttifthu i iI
I th thtirthlrUIUrOrlhhllIlMI18In thtirthlrUIUrOrlhhllIlMI18Inthll thttifthu tifthl feature featureofthebill of th bill tenitrttuine tenitrttuinethey t not retain retainthey
they thll will hold lip th + innferen Innf n re report report I II
I port indftnlt IDd ftnllly ly Repre Rp rimivp Itl ihimi ihimiCltrk IhlmI rhlmptluk
I Cltrk lull Democratic D fomlr1 ma ranr l Idr Iad id r uf r ih Hun HunMid 11 11I Houold +
I Mid Id tody In hr < thit the Demncritt Dmo m Mt would wnultnr wouldff
i nr nwser ff r perm permit aty I v rtnbeene < > n flrn < n1 report repnrlto I Ij
to b4 adopted thitoinlttd Ih nll1ll1 thit pnvulnr pnvulnrAmendment JlrlnlnnAmendmenl prmlelnnAmendment
j Amendment to ih h Hou douse hill em embraced eiibread n I Ibrud
braced in eetion T which includs tole tolegraph i h hItaph
graph and nl1 telephone line lin are 01 bemi bemitrongly blIIIKtroncly hinlstrongly
strongly contended ronlni < t for hv h lh the h Houw Houwcoafere Houeonferr i iOOftflI
coafere and in view new 1 of th the fan thud thiboth 11t 11tbolh thudboth
both th the Snitn rnsts nI and nll th thus Hon noted notedfavorably ICIt ICItflvorbly et etfavorably <
favorably on th mbject ubJ 1 matter hut II u udifferent In Indlrr iiidlfferrnt
different dlrr Int form there i u I diepxwtion diepxwtionon dix > 01111011 > itini itinion
on th part of f th IIttonrI tuts rnnfetee lorewm 01 tin tinin thttprortaon hto htoproTIlon
proTIlon in a modified mn < tlflld form formThe rnrmTh formrte
The Th propo Jlropni d Federal mpiUtion rag llattnn ol olnd ofstoeka I Iltoek
ttcokt and nd bond his hiiThere h > teen dinrded dinrdedThere r1i rdrt rdrtTherl
There I II an imprewion that th t the thecommittee Ih nnrn cnnrrnrCommittee nnrneommiUfO
committee mil not ditturh 1M h feituif feituifof rillu rilluor
of th the Senate f enll bill which whichprmite permito th I the lot IIIIr IIIIrUtf r rtate rsate
tate Cemnwe ommf ommllon ion to euslrmd euslrmda u pei 1 1a 1 I Ia
a rat for bout ten n months whsle lill mve mrett mretteA ti tiRtinc I Itlne
a tlne uIs it I tea nonhlolnf on bV ne eA iretd Pr pIonl idnt nt Tal Tald It Itact
Rtinc lad act d suggested aUI ttrt thit th t Mx lx month wa kin kinenough kIIIn kmaenough
enough n ulh to tutpend a taus rat and auill auillcamprnmi u < h A Acomprnml i icompromi
compromi wa wau propo PMrxd d m the th con Mnferency conferencf 11 11r
ferencf r nnct but not rAoi NOhfd < ra with favor favorJutt rlvnrJut favnrJuil
Jut r tefore fore th the Senate adjourned dourne < < l till thtiafternoon thtuafternoon I
afternoon Senator nllor Money Ione leader I d r of th thminority IhlfIIln the theminority <
minority fIIln rity announced tae Ib appointment appointmentof I Iof
of o Senator ntor NewUnd of Nevada a a See Seeate Senat n nCOllrrM
at ate conferee on behalf of the minority mmontito minorityto
to aurttld uc eed Senator Fo folf ter who whoby ho rvlgnedby IWItnfl IWItnflbywir81h1t
by bywir81h1t wire thU morning mom In II It lit u t expected ez rted th ththe thi thithe i ithe
the Democratic conferee conr will be rolled rleinto 1111 1111lato <
into 014 the th conference early nett week weekTafl weekTart I ITn
Tart In Meet Iefllli fihlpptn from I Middle Hnt HntWaaniNOToy WtttWAIUD4OTOx I
WaaniNOToy June 10 Announcement Announcementwaa nnounCflm III IIIwu
was made at th White hll Hous todaj todajthat loderthat to day daythat
that President Taft will Il meet on Monday Mondajneit Mondaynail Iond IondnUl
nail a delegation of shipper from th thmiddle thmiddle the themiddle <
middle W Wtott tt who ho want to diactiaa railroad nlroudrata railroarrawa railroadr1ft
rata with Ith him According to the ad advance advane d dnee ¬
vance nee information iaforp lforJalon atton the Ihehi shipper hl + peru I represent representcoalition reprnta
a coalition hron of thlrper stilt hlrpr n association sextaftonamar associationTh 8IUon i
Th Tt mar T will 1 be received r f probably at Il noon nooron nnn nnno noonooh
on o Monday Iondy Just t what hat line lno of argument argumenithrr argumentthey rllmenl
todayIFTER today todayFTFK tdy they thO Intend Ilend to advance avn wan want n1 t knowrtoday known knontdy knowntoday I I
FTFK 1 FT IR Tin T 1 srorft nr 1 J Inns IMSGeternmrat U InnsGeemmeiil I IGrmmrt
Geternmrat Grmmrt Rant to f Find Fin ital Iol nhethei nhetheithe hrlh r rIII
the III llfpttuni Itptnl Set el f1 tppllet plf tn I Them ThemWa ThmUBIWOT01 ThemWuRlkatOY I
Wa WuRlkatOY UBIWOT01 HIKOTO June 10 A petition fMlliol wit witbe willa I
be tied I d by th thus Department DpnmtI of Juiioe JWII in inb inh i iUniled
b United Slate Court at i Ihifl hicago hicagof hiragnprohebly
< f robibly > tomorrow tomnro tn mnrroww through IhrOllh which th thGovernment Ihlm1 the theCyovernment
Government m1 will i attempt atlmlt to And mt cotwhether mtwhether 11 11whttGr
whether or 0 not ln the th Hepburn railroadrat railroad railrtndrate
rat rate Iol law ia i Applicable apr1tblo to Mock Ik yard yardWhite yrr yardsttihile
White the Department had little to
lh Dprmeal hr nay nayAbout I anyabout
About abt the Ih case tl today u wu ascertained ascertainedhat inN j jl
hat W 8 Kenyon chief trust busier bllr nf nfthe orI ofthe
the Government Govrmu who ho left for Chicago Cual Chicagosate himgolate
late lll thug Ibl afternoon arlmn carried earrfl the Ib petition petitionwith Illo petltinwith
I with hfmklr him himUr hl hlr
Ur r Kfyo Kenyon went tnt to Chicago 111Clo primarily primarilyto prflly prfllyto
to arcue th thus ca c cane e against pafl the Ih Veal Ortorh Greatiothern VealXortkem
Xortkem orh aill Bailway RIWA in the Pullman Pllm3n berth berthrat berthnt I
rat rlt case but bl incidentllr I rlln II 1 he h will il institute institutetil I Ito
til to the teat 1 c eta again iD1 the Ih fnion Stock Stockyarda Htnrkyirrf HIfI
yirrf al Company Compny The Th caa rA is not nl re recuded r rpdtl rgaled
cuded pdtl here a u of special lcllmJll importance hut huttEter Itlt ItltUrID buttatNestiog
tEter tatNestiog UrID tlng because rau of the Ih point finl involved involvedU Involvt
U t to whether or not ol the Hepburn flpbur law lawtppliea II IIIPplie lawapplies
applies IPplie to such concern tMrD The Tf tixk Atokyards tixkyard Inck InckrArd
yard rArd give 11 railway rIY oompamea M right rllhl of ofway oftray f ft
way t over their track Cmpn and nd there hi h hia leen leenaotae tunsome
some ImlluloD question aa to discrimination diaimlnlon by bylh bylhtok the theitock theetock
itock tok yard ad among moalbe the car camera cameraMoxeraentf earir earirIomfl iera ieraMotemmta
Moxeraentf Iomfl of axal ewelt IWaawtxn7nrr eweltWAHIXOTOV 1 1f
WAHIXOTOV RIJOTO June Iun 10 The Tbt criuserWolverine criuser In eruierWolvarine IIr IIrolvriDo
f Wolverine ha ha has arrived rrlud1 at Holland loUnd th thgunboat IhJDb1 Iha Ihagunboat
JDb1 gunboat Uiat Hit at Oiuntantmo Ollanmo the Ih gunboatEag1 gunboat gunboatat uDbl uDbli
at Portamouth N II Hi h
fl Eag1 Prtmoulh I tug tugguadiah tugBtandiah
guadiah sdih at t Antupoli Anapoh and nt the torpedo torpedoboat torpedobona
lrpo lrpobla
boat bla Paul Jonei Joa Preble Stewart flart and andparry an andParry
parry at Long Lnl Beach BachThe BeachTb Bn h hTe
1r Tb Te The batileahlp bulblP Iowa 10 Maaurbusetta Ma lacbUua lacbUuaU iachu ett ettaal
aal U Indian Inlaaa have ha sailed eil6 from Hampton HamptonRAd J HamptonB6dalorPlymouth lon
i RAd B6dalorPlymouth for Plymouth the Ihelunbal gunboat Paducah Paducahfrom Pauh Pauhl Paducahfrom
from tr Cmtobal Cfatobl for Bluen BlunI ld kja the Ih tug tugIJax
l Ajar ju from Porttmouth X H forBoton forBotontod fr 810n 810nt Raton RatonAnd IUI
And t the collier coUtr Pompey Pom from Guam for lorC forCult or orCvito
Cult C Cvito vite
tmtoatlont IIlon h I by > the hl PrnMent PreaklenhWAIHZKOtox PrnMentWAHIXOOX Prfk1fI Prfk1fIRIGtO
WAHIXOOX RIGtO June Ju in President Taft TaftMat Tr TaftNot
Mat t to t th Ihl the Senate at today ih the following followingootatnationa foUlnlaC11IOM folk irng irngnorntattonl
I ootatnationa ootatnationaTe aC11IOM aC11IOMI
I Te be t Jolmul Poetmutn Po tm i r I lnllU1 tnncrnrut onne ilnu William WilliamC WilliamIlym
C Hlnttrfard Oikrill Ilym lames r Mrnn MrnnWlciiml lilynnt rilrnnWinlred
Wlciiml t tll Rudolph lulllh Karl Ial lltrhfleld Ilrhlt New NewYorKR SewYorkinpamtn f fI
YorKR Yorkinpamtn orl Inmln nmin F Erwin rln M fA1 t Rorhosier RorhosierFennirlnnn ROhr ROhrr Rwhe ier ierr
I Fennirlnnn r ntrlam1 JhA I Herhn H rN n llohler Inhlrlrn Inhlrlrnto llrn IHntorn llrnteva
torn to Joseph Jrh Miillmmii Mulln Ir Marhenh MarhenhTh MahrthTo Iah IahTI
Th TI To I he i member of the Ih Rourd Bordnf rtfr f churn IhimkPlUrlt IMrl e eDultIes
PlUrlt Irll nf I i nlumbl lirnitr nnI W look Io of ofth nft ofthe
th the t Dinrlf nlt of orTo i i nhanihta nhanihtaTo < > lHmt > t tTo
To be b MPeafa Peilteror rofhanduimrrasWtliar rofhanduimrrasWtliaroa nr the tjind Hfflre t t ttltli ttltliN Ifk Ifktl
tl oa N IH li ream hsmnel h il dmni Im of n North nrh Pakela PakelaThe llaketaThe ko koTh
The Th flail sacred 111 ° Fxeiiint FIII fan fanThe Won WonThe on onT
The T Wall Wal Street flrrt edition Iilln of Tug THI Cvixjjtn CvixjjtnBrx tUJU tUJUo EvVilsnIInt
Brx o eonulnt cntlnl all 11 the Il financial fnnll new n and andtht int andthe
the te auxk atk and M bondquoutlnns br Illlfnn ti t theclnM theclnMrf lh the elne IJM
rf al the market The closing
mrk1 11 11lc quotation quotationinducing tUlallUI tUlallUIIfeulna quntatnustaeludtng
inducing Ifeulna the b bid ho and atked uki price prl < with withdditWB withIddinnnaJ b baUI
dditWB aUI J new I matter mul are ao eoauie4 11e coat slaed abo aboIB ahoHt
IB it Uw t tittt aP eiitwa Nua of Tu Lyuwrs CTICH t1UDe > Box St Boxw
I liens fnf lgreea grer 111 toHenate to senate a Amendment AmnutmentTTOne mfmml 1t 1tnlllt lb lb1neMhell
One nlllt 1neMhell Khali Be Dull null at nreekt nekl1 > nl 1aM 1aMWAIHlantnN ant antI an
I WAIHlantnN XVAHI WUfINOtOX > niox June in A Fen Keruamendment Fenamendment Ie Ierntmnl
amendment rntmnl Ui I th thus n nU11 naval appropriati appropriatihill lprolHlahol lprolHlaholI
I hill hi providing rmvlrlnc thit Ih al on 1n one of the th TJtt 1 t thattleohirM Ion Ionttlth ttatttleshlpa
hattleohirM ttlth appropriated for in il I Iiiie Ihl Ihlm tl tlenlre
iiie m enlre f > iire I must ml I la > limit 11 nl I the Rrookl Rrooklnavy Hrooklynavy roklyn roklynn
navy n yard wn mree agreed < l to loly liy Ih Hoi Hoiof 1011 1011or hostof
of Repreientil v < a tonUx tn tlty Th Rrookl Rrooklyard Rrooklyard rklyn rklynn
yard n it wa wu ronlended nlnd1 i nm the I only on onftIIIJ o oequipped i iequipped
equipped to I eonustntct ct rnflMld > n lmct a luitllehlp hlp of t tgmt Ihl It Itgreet
ftIIIJ gmt 1 n elan 1 The Th Hen Mnle Renate t amendment amendmentitornu amflrmfnl WI WIvlornIlr w wvignrnutsly
vlornIlr < itornu lr opNM oRI ° i on the I flour lolr liy R Ri J1 Re Rerunativ <
i re runativ nttve 11 FOA of Illmnl Ihnh chilrman chilrmanth hlrn of ofIh
th thus Naval SOo1 AffairCommitteeand AIAlrlommIIHnd hyott hrolht hrolhtlrA by 0th 0thmemberm
1 metnber lrA of that holy lor The Tl meinU meinUof mrlr mrlrlor
lor of the Ih New Stl York ork delegttinn dlIIClln in I th the lion lionl 1011 1011hOlb elmslath
> lath l > Republican and Democratic UemoMalr trot volrolidly trotsolidly l lI
I solidly for the Senate n4tndmlnt amendment and andnlllk i ientitled a aentitkl
entitled nlllk to th the victory Ioy over Ir th thus Xa XaCoromittio Nav NavCommittne Svl SvllommiU
Coromittio CoromittioIn lommiU lommiUI
I In the Ih ccmn cOIn > of tin I h delut Repiwen Repiwenlue 1Int
lire Ih Much IIh llughna made lade wnoii rlll rhirg rh1 again ngiliih Icalnl IcalnlIhlllhkm againthe
ih Ihlllhkm the IVethkhem Itthlth m Hiwl 1 Ilnnpm rompurrv rompurrvI
1 Care h V Inform Ilflrrllon Infnrmanun ilion Iwnd lui 4 < on awn awnaftdarta wr wrff orn ornaml
aml aftdarta ff < lnvil winl tt lie that I dire n were r rpltiyed rf rfplayed nl nlLht
played at Slut plant ILnlio to Illy putty up tl ti CTC CTCAnil rile rileanti ck
anti cover > rep i II > other defect in I guru Cln mafor ma mlde mldeI matfor
I for ro the Il Government loImmlll err > that they woo woipa woopmea olid olida
pa pmea a Inspection inapectinnItepneunttttye Inspectionllpr inlrtlnl
Itepneunttttye llpr lInI entitle Roderti Ilhrt ol 31aaa 31aaaehu M 1 1thlU i ichu
chu thlU ett n member lml of the Ih Natal SIvRI Ioi Ioirnittet or ormitt 0 0mil
rnittet mitt wanted nl to know if the 11 gun hpnavel h hIWI hr
mil defreu l fecl In h hbeen hbeen I Id
IWI pnavel > VM 1 inspection InfMelol in after llr the hI r rII
been II colored < H > erect d up Mr Ir Hugh lu repli replithit rupllthit 111 111Ih1
thit h he didnt IUtnl know kno and nd hadnt been bn al ahto alto hk
to And Inl out 011 but thought Ihnllhl th the gun an hipaeri hi hd hdI hawusM
paeri paeriIt wusM
I MIt It M WAR MiRgeote < t by Mr Ir Robert Rortl that thatMr thatMr il ilIr
Mr Ir I Hughe flh i Ul < were w a patriotic plnoll citizen citizenwould hI hIwoul I Iwmeld
would woul g geuhje get t all 1 the Information inrormalon on t tubject Ih IhuhJt1
euhje ubject t J H I could ulrt and nc h lout no lirabout tin ii tinabout
about it itOhl ftOhl
I Ohl i med Mifl Mr Hugh Hu < h you 011 will 11 ha haan hut huti havan
an n opportunity tn 0 vote 01 for an In inveng inveutigilion invenglion
i lion lon opprlunllt of uhu M il matter mi mltr ttr before lfl thin Ihl ulenair ulenairends e ii iiend inn innnro
end endIn endsIn
I nro In the li tK rihateon dhl d bale 01 on th the huttleehip 1 prnnix prnnixtion prlol prlolIon pro to toLinn
Linn Ion Ilialrman Ko Fn Foam < w of the Ih Naval val Cor Cormitt 00 00II nn nnmittee
mitt mittee made thus th kiit IUnllnllhllh t tntnnt ment that th the Sen Senamendment Sena Senaamendment nl nllndmfB
II amendment mll lndmfB mr requiring II one onllUkhl lvittle hlp to tot totbuilt I Ibuilt I Ii
i built huil at 1 th Mlus Rrooklyn < navy ny yard yard n wou wouco woul woulmat oult
co < mat t the Ih1 Government from frm ITSOim ITSOimII SI 10 101tO I I11Smtywt
II 11Smtywt 1tO snnonfi additional additionalTh tldllon1 tldllon1I
I Th T Houoe Hou refused rlt to agree c to th IhIII IhIIIatndmnl the Herat Heratamendment hen henamendment
amendment atndmnl fttwlifthliig tllihull the Ih bureau bureauequipment blru or ortUlplnL c cequipment
equipment tUlplnL in I th the Navy SIV Department i ia R Ra a aa
a part rl of the Ih Meyer plan pl n of reorganiuitir reorganiuitirIT nr < < nllnn nllnnilhl
IT ilhl th that l De Olrtmnl Department rtment Repreentitlve Fo Foin to toI Fsto
in I oppnelng op Ing thi prep pm > < iitlon ilon Admitted Atlmlllllh AtlmlllllhI th thth thithe
I the th IIpllne Hou I cola e committee rmnlll hid d favored rnntl it I an anhid Anhad nt nthl1
hid t01 reported a bill on the ubject Ih but hull tl tlcommittee thcommittee h hImmlt
Immlt committee prtl h he added IIdrt had hlr changed hn t i imind I Imind u umind
mindAt mind mindAt
At 1 th the conrlunon rarlulon of r th Iha dehat dII 111 111nival IhlvII thnaval
I lvII naval hill hl W4 waa returned Iurnl to conference Inrrlnl In Inteflnn l lction lor lorIrlnn
Irlnn ction on tli II tie mantra mA tr etill a in I dimgreemet dimgreemetind ol < < nl nlant
and th the 11m1 Houw Iol th ten n adopted dopll wilhon wilhoniln wllhollldh withoutdfrktnn
iln ant dfrktnn wion ln lh the conference fnrrnC report on Ih rite rlvird rlr rlrard ritesod
sod harbor Iror hill which paoeed po the th threeterdiy tknat tknatreeterdty nI I IIIIny
reeterdiyr reeterdiy IIIny I In
n r 11 IA nr rrrn ITr MIITII n nlloiie fII1111 HCEREJ HCEREJfettle
111 fettle Rrcilar nsula hhout hot MI netnrn flnm of r Ih thIlctnrlau IhMrlnrloiu Ihl I IIflrIOI
Mrlnrloiu Ian InnanNV Inn an anWsusutsuro
NV WllsltO Wsusutsuro MtfuilON June Jln 10 l bong > ng continue continuenhiiMA mnlnl1 mnlnl1pll rnntunuieunrhneiaaai
< nhiiMA nrhneiaaai li > pplil pll + ue e greeted Hep Repri r ntaits ntA ntAivcVlier I IIh
Ih its ivcVlier Wir Waner I Smith the Ihlo lea a IAndptt IAndpttb < i
> b 1 hu vn < u out I m I the Ih pnni primaries rie atAin AII Agamut l th thombined lbnmhinetUummina
mmhnl nmhinetUummina ombined fiimnilnnIVillirer fumminII Itnliirer fonr for whirl whirlte he heie hn hnh
h ie nered the Ih Hou 101 t ldtv > < l In v Tlw reguare regu regur rlu rlut
t are r BIV Mr r Smith Sollh an n ovation Aon and andDwdwl nc ncTowd n1 n1r1
Dwdwl Towd r1 l around him with h happy h amrlea amrleaI rmle rmlet mll mllh
h t nit the Ih Ant Irl time 1m the Ih regular r < ulr had h1Ihl i ihiiKftht a ahinue
hiiKftht hinue Ihl thm w eeeinn i Ifn < in to I greet t1 a conquenni conquenniiem rnqllinC rnqllinCt
t iem o or their I Ir own number nlmbr and Int they mid nudhe midhe
ti he me 001 meet t of it itTh IIT itThe
Th The reception ti I i Mr Ir with lIh w scar m men mnrtlrullOI menatnultirnuta > ri riirimltuoii
irimltuoii T rtpln than that 11 noeirdH at r1 rde1 Kugen KugenC III
tlrullOI S C Few of the Ih Fourteenth rOlrfnlh M Skarurhumth SkarurhumthItatrtet Uhlll Uhlllrllrrl > Ktehuell Ktehuellli
Itatrtet li trict tO or that lhl of Jame llm H Haven IA Harenaf > f th thhirtyecond thufhuty
rllrrl 1 fhuty hirtyecond aeonnd New S York ork district tlrkl wl wlictorie whins whinsIrtnrira b I IIorl
ictorie over RepublliMn fpuhlhR brought jo jothe toy toythe n nthe
> the Insurgents nt and hope to the Ih Demo Demorail Ilnl 11mnunit
rail Inurl R prewnUtive RprHnllv hop Smith mlh wallet walkwnto wltIInln walletnun
nun the th lloiwe Inl at t noon nn The Th reguUrptd ftRllra ftRllrap reguUr regulanuapt
uapt ptd d him and nd altar A ringing rnllnl mum mllnd mllndr mumIf
< 1 r p Anpliiu crnw1 crowded rro11 4 around rHn I him an anhoik and andhook ntl ntlhk >
hook JIL him warmly by hv the Ih hand hnd Hepre Ikpreentativa Hepreentativen p pnlII
entativen nlII Picketl PiClu Kendall kndl and nd ndf Cevdd Cevddof G > d df
of f IOWA three IhN insurgent mllnll will i prohhlr prohnhl prohnhlie
ie elected 11 tt mtnher tntnMnhbp hlp in the Ih Turn TurnninDolliver rlmmin CulmntnarolIi
min ninDolliver Oler er in ht hid > n > club Iu when h it 11 11Mm to tonme < f fome
ome known kno that lhl they Ihl were w amoni amonihiwe IImnnIh Amonhiwe
Ih hiwe who ho exiMMirtl PI1 congMtilUtloni MnlrUI t ttandpntter In Innl1pur todandputttr <
tandpntter nl1pur Smitht Smith SmithSKN SIIII SIIIII
SKN riiH un fo foliml rnsrEn n frl us usInnt 1i
liml er re < e I on o onfereiie orrrf r lemmlll lemmlllP 1nmmlllet 1nmmllletcwt mmlllei mmllleinn
nn P nub nl a 8 > IIIII IIIIIWaniiiKorox 111 111AltNOros tillSAilurnrox
WaniiiKorox AltNOros June in Senator nlnr Fo FnatI FnatIu te tef
IIr u f l Inulelana ul iana h huta wired hi hia relgnatloi relgnatloii IlnUon IlnUonIhe
i thy Ihe minority member of < r th the conferee confereenr
fnr nr th the Senate nll nn n th the railway raly loll 111 S Sena Senaor n nnr l lIlor
Ilor nr NVwIand of Nevada ad rnnkn rlnk next n to 0 the thilOUioianA Ihl IhlLIIfiM theouuaiaa
LIIfiM lOUioianA Senator sMlor nn the Ih IntemtAte tom Iomlerc tomnertw om ommr
mr lerc lommitlee 1lmml lull it t i to ilonhtfii ilonhtfiiihther dOlhlll1 dOlhlll1hhr dmditfulrhrth
rhrth ihther r h M will i lie I name nm1 < l a th tl the mmontionferee mmonti mtnnl minnntlnnfre 1 1mnrr
onferee lie I u paid > 111 to I hold h hIt > l l ti 10 o eutremiewa extremi extremilew Im Imn
n iewa lew with lh recani IAn to th the railway bill V Vuit titilt i iui
tilt ui Ih the Senate SnIII1 teAter anil Senator snllior Tayloi Tayloif Tylr I Inr
nr uf > f Tenneaaee TIII1 ennee who h vot voted < < 1 acalntt aln1 thnsurgent th thwureent Ihaalrlnllmfr11 <
wureent tvmocrat Demnrratirrnmhationinaev Demnrratirrnmhationinaevrat ir romnin romlnlllon A ion in n w v vral >
aalrlnllmfr11 rat InntAnrei In IAn whit hll th the hill h1 qua under umloinnMdratinnmtho Inrr undernneadenhnn I
mnolrrhnn nneadenhnn nnMdratinnmtho In lh thu SroaL < nate nl a i epoken pokt pkn > n of aeatalr tu tuenatcr Msrr
enatcr foter I ntera nr tuccoAtnr tuccoAtnrFlure sorsessnrDore lr
srr Flure u I a ih diupiuition 1I p < i itlon on among amonl the Ih pro prorewive prollnn rroreaIre I
rewive Serator llnn to cnllci mln the li 1ie 1ieresidents ic icrenident i iPriI1nl <
residents failure to name a ucceor I r tr trenator 101 101nlor tonatnr
enator nlor Foster event 1 day oy ago < 0 They Thejty Th I Ihf
hf ty th Loukaiana Ix 11III iiiAiA bnato S snaln nato announcedfore announced announcedefore nnnlnN
till that he did Hient didof
fore ror leaving city rly Iha I dil dilnol
nol nt exiiect tn return rllm for rfr eteral rAI week weekhey weekshey Ik IkThy
Thy hey tontend that th8 th the majority mAjnriy that thatlaped Ih1hp thathaped
laped the Ih railway rI hill hi In the Ih elate HnI hv hvr h hnn
nn hp n r > reire rlllrnlaton repreentatlon entatlon on n the Ih conferencn rrn < com comlittee Im ImInil romlit <
Inil lit littee t V
trm rm > and nd > uaty > ty llritern llriternu triterI
I Iln
u I HRIHnTn ln r Jon 10 II Tha rh f timy 1M mien mienere nrdnfit Ild I
fit l hnM tiM in II dy dyrrana la lad rearrnnd I
+ rrana d IJeM IJ hint kll T nlnrr rn Rnclnrr Jfrn o nr 111 ret retI > t txv
I xv aihlnrnn atln > inn i htrrvkt htrrvktnr NrnarbItnt nak
I nr Itnt i IJfii U John U Mr Hnua w ui Mxiw Ilal l Rntn Rntnif A erie erieurp i iur
urp > if from PrrUdl lodl Sin ft frunrlvo in oln olnn > tnntpnrl tnntpnrlanted tr > ntp n nnfnnt
n ur anted Id f sail an rranrttro rranrttronon rrnrt o oPint
Pint lJ UI It i Ax 4 I stniltton Snlll tlim Ilb Mann Infiniiuompwi InaI Mannrnmpany
0 + uompwi 1m X NrIop Nrrutiarp NrrutiarpPI I Ila
la I apt PI l p Kotrr R fi I Moe W M rifth flih fait r Artlllrrr ArtlllrrrTort AralenI llr llrIf
If I Tort tr vrnwofth on o Xlf 1nsI B I 15 to I milertin milertintrml tiler n rU rUttni 1 1m <
trml ttni m Vhool b ol lh the tae IJfiellrH U UT taerhea
T rhea h t ord order a rII rIIU rrnltM rrnltMIleut <
llrH X X Klmtern11 Klmt 1 > frl rJ in Sea J JImral Xork rek v r > X yard yardLDl r4 r4U
U U LDl jl r i I IU tillqd < t Mhrn Bea dltrH drehatd rrM fmn fmnrttmrot frnmeimrar
rttmrot tt nU > l 1al Hmpiul Vtit t4nAt 1lan ln > t lu o she shendepaaro h hc <
Ilc ndepaaro ndepaarorapt IIMI
rapt c Ca pl S vx 1 1 Bt B Brwiier wn I r llitrln r I orn Iron Ironnnr frmnanne
nU1nr anne bri4 Irl > 11 Aanita U i > 1l in < o Vmtl aeal ul Hntplul 01 rli UIM UIMl uf uflud ntAcad
lud l nd far ro treatment trfilmrnirtnl treatmentflat Im Imt
flat t Lied U UI Ilad Iladthe t B nnt on Xltrtnr arn anne < sirpc rp ttnrrIrtiltrltKU from Irmnrlltn4t fromtrill
nrlltn4t trill IrtiltrltKU Bntade VUrtnM all the Utnlli 111 wn o n1 at al 011 l Haipltil Haipltilrrlil HmplnlIan pl
Ian af rrlil mood Ia > n < l far fo irrnlRirai irrnlRirailivitiioi tUlma tUlmaS uttmrottwain
Iran rn twain Sirinm S yrteee tl S L Hliflnn UI to < a ine II fl Xle Xlern UoR o oIran
RL11ALS R U 11T AE1T TO rouctge 1 S Sludge I II
I uctge ud Hwann soya > Foreign Iorla otemmrnti GrernrnrnlrPus otemmrntiPa omtnl omtnlPal
Pa Pus Them Tf On I I This lmintrJudge lmintr AuntryJudge ulr ulrI >
I Judge Jud o ftwann wann of the 11 fmtrt of 11 Special SpecialMion pctaleoiona
i Sio Mion belies ble that foreign fOllle Goxert Goxertlenta Oorhmnl Govanenu > <
mnl lenta dump their criminal cmlnll into Ilo tht coon coony cOtn cOtnIr coonry
Ir y for t the purpoe Jur of having hlnl the Imlec 1nitedtata Imleclaten Inll
III laten support Ilppr them In ome Mml Inttltutlon InstttutlonRemark InttltutlonRemark InUllon InUllonlmrk
Remark lmrk upon IIn the Ih IlbJt ubjert were w called calledom calledroot 1f
rrom the Ih Judge In court when hn
om 111 IOUrl an n un uni In InHlr inaudly
audly i Hlr ill r large leR number nlmr of men of fr foreign forelgrrth rnrlr foreignnth
tth nth were r arraigned urllrl t before > him for foieadmg rnrrhA forleading
leading 10 chargm rhA of felony felonyThey rflonyi felonyThev
i They come nm info Ilo our Ir port and Ant ar arM areeafuted n
eafuted M iId led here r Iterance it la i crfeaper for fniuropean fortlfn fogbroprm
tlfn uropean lomml ioternment nta in pay y then thenaiMge theiraaaage
aiMge than to II uiipfort iipnnrt them In pnoni pnonii
11 InlN InlNIin
Iin 1 i the II old cxxmiry tlr raid 1 Judge II < Kwann KwannMany Hnl J4wanuMany
Many of the Ih e pruotjer hould to > dneed rfe rfeorte d dI
I need orte l yet y I 11m Am unable a Irln h In do dlhl that Many Vnnjrr Manywronr In Inr
wronr rr on n r ah h 10 0 Waahingtnn a > liing1on to oppn oppngiklatinn oppgialahnn
giklatinn lann thai Ih wiMild llt Inln enable nhl the Ih opm coiirti roortan coiirtierHl flrt
n > erHl the Ih there men back rlk Yet f1 the Ih thin e very rerjr veryerennr
In erennr > r on complain that they 111 are rp taxed ton ttxiufl 100muP tontueh
muP tueh iufl and Ill 1p complain of puMIc 1lle ofUdala ofUdalaI oldl
I Im am informed that one on Government Governmentu fomro 1 1pi
pi u it Ita criminal MmlnI to I this country tllry for fo 434 M
head and nt when wh the they Ih get ef here we hare harP h
10 o > pa P Iy y II ItM1 U W A month molh month for fr th their ir r keep k In tring In8iff ining
8iff ing fttng ff or unme n me other institution institutionThe tfIfn
The hI gre great t majority mJoll rotorty of fr f foreigner make mak9od mke makeood
e 9od eituew IIJf And nd we I have plenty of roomtr room
I rM tr that II hall I but bt for fo the criminal cm pl we rl btv btvo beo
11 o uae 1 1I w
I TFU TEl t nnisI 1101 1oS UK tOMMITTKK tOMMITTKKHit f1lTTF 4 41l11
Hit 1l11 f ItIUITITT MITH IT TilK TilKxi T I 112 112Maya I II
xi I He I Wai 1 rrnlnl 11 Fbi hl Time TIn Ui II IAngeku I IIngclc I It
t Ingclc nlfl fal al t on o Trumped Trumpedharge Trmp Ip IpI I ICharge
I Charge < aeH and nd Nerxril t inn 10 1 Day In J JBitter JI JIflitter aU aUni
Bitter ni In Shark on PrnWent lrfklfnl III IIIW ua uaW It1WAunikmnv
W WAunikmnv AINntnx mtisnins Juno 1 in II I dn tars lrarefugee lr tarsrefugee
refugee fl from Mexico Mlct recounted ollnl to I IHniim Ih IhHO1 t tHrnsn
Hniim HO1 tommitte on Rule todaydrnmatr today todaydramatic 10rAY I
dramatic dlmal torv Itlr of hiafight In flight Illht from fro Mei Meiand Mcaland lc lcnr
and nr hi hh alleged 1fpd penwrulion ution in I lli Il dia Unit UnilState Unitd UnitdRII UnitState
State by American Arolrlan and nd Mexican offlc offlci nlcl nlclI
i D I f Jjira Mid lid Ire h WM U arre arrauted tIII1 til five tin tinIn 1m 1mIn timIn
In Ina fi o < t Angelm pi w sal al on trumped Irlrpl n nI uehagea p plhu
I lhu charge < < I and aerveil erve t1 < l more mn than a liundi hllndI liundidayamjnil
I dayamjnil d days In JAllhl Jail there ronlinumg lonlnlinJ the Mexlc Mexlcwid Mezielaid lc1 lc1lr
laid wid widI
I lr 1 have teen in 11 jail five n time 1m Kind Kindtram amencame inc I Iram
tram ram tn Ilh the United Ulil1 State lal and Iml hare m mferwl au auferal uf ufIhe
feral the thlni ilegre At the Ih hand handloffitieni hnndnriches nr nrom
riches om laver l > eii thrown into A I ilunKeon Illnln to n nkept An1 An1I m mkept
I kept for tiara < with tMthini 1lhinl h est 11 but butmtten hit hurtmitten I IIUIn
mitten potato mid Ald neither nplhr my nltome nltomenor Ilom IlomI attnmenor
I nor friend rrl nd a allowed IM to I M ee me m I am fiat lialto IIbl fiatto
to la h > e Arrmtnl again allln nnv time 1m and nd unit unleyou unityou nl nlYBI
you gentlemen help hI ir me they Ih may t tme III IIIh11 gme
me Apd pd hang h11 me meI m mI muIM
I I It IM e I Ilra bars < ara charncleru Ihmclrtl1 I 1residnnt Pre tdnt flu Dlia 01 011M fluna
1M na a A dirty ilexpot dlol wh had hll1 iltroy iltroyI deitroyrfrrw 1lroyl <
I free r vpeech Jh free fr pr > ri aa mil tho right rightI rithl rightthe or orIlh
Ilh I the ballot hlol In ylettenMnre Mexico MexicoMore tlI tlII
I More Ior than tom In i < eop ii1e 11 e have hvt met mt yl yllent v vlent In InIfnl
lent deaths dlIJ for political Illlml n > IM 1 na I vine linCfl Di Ditook Oiu Oiulok Ditook
took lok the Ih rein rein in of gnxermrcnt in i Mexici MexiciIV Jlexlrn11n Inlr InlrI
IV I IJIIB lolR added dI1 He 1 nexer 11r wn was M ilicl iliclPresident lIIId lIIIdPidrnl IntlPre
Pre President silent HP 1 never has hi IU1 been n chon chonPresident chn chnJItnl hratiPreskint
President JItnl bv vole nl of the iople npll but h h hmaintained hA hAmlinilinl hi himaintained
maintained mlinilinl himself by y for fnrI e The T Me Mecan Mi MiI Mcrcan
I can Goxernment ba hal has CAUWHI rAII thnuundi thnuundipereon Ihnllnr thnuiandaplena or ornIO
pereon nIO 10 I he killed klP lee lierauw tWAII Aua they thlY reit reitthe teeiAldthe
I the Ih exiting 11 lnj order onlr of thing Ihinlln m that coil coiltry rln rlnIlry couptry
Ilry try And d nought to rr restore tore 101 to the hf poor 100 rase pc pcl preP
P > l ° of that country runlr the Ih righta right that we wetaken wettaken 1 1Ilakn
taken from frollhfn them by font forveIV fnn fnnI fontIM rilhlA
I IV It Lars appeared before fo th the con cormtttee rm rmj conmntec
mtttee to urge faxorahl Action clon on II IIMlnn Ih Itillaon
j mIl Mlnn 11 resolution fllln url which provide for Ih IhIpnlmnl tiappointment I Iappointment
appointment of a apecial ci l committee committeeInquire mmmittaeInquire mmlll 10 10nqlr
Inquire nqlr Ipnlmnl Into the Ih I treatment of politic politicrefugee miltcl miltclIfl politicswho
refugee Ifl who ho hara hA fled lt Into this Ihl count countfrom rlnlrv rlnlrvfrm eountrfront
from frm Mexico Imantl and of th the alleged acceptant acceplanof CIIn CIInBf
of motor lnn from th the bias m IIM Government tvmlllnl I IAmerican h hmlrl hAmerican
American mlrl custom and nd peace p oltiie nffielalong oltiiealong nir nirIonl
along Ionl rho th II border hortr In act let a a a aectet cret 1 nervi aerykagents nerviagent 1 1nl
agent nl for Mexico MexicoIV I 1
< IV I lj Ar r also ho slwka < k l Ingliah Enllh ieli h flu fluntl fluntlra IInly IInlya ntlp ntlpwa
wa ra a followed folnwt clowlv cI bv I the Ih mml mml1 members > er i ith r rthe r rIh
th the lloune 0 mtnmii mlml i il > e eI
l It > e lAra rn a told the th committee rmmll that lh l the thelwas thewa Ihlru
wa u a price Irl on lui h ht nwk In Mexico 1 IMWAU IMWAUof I Ior
of hi hula iMlitlral olral activities aITIIM Item He 1 to tohow 1011 1011h tol tolhow
h how h he IIA Il luau I I he9 M > I thrown IhrowI into IIIn jail jai the thenn Ihron theon
on a political pnhll charge hre and an I relea rcieaa1 1 1Ihrolch 1IhrolchmlIIIr throng ihrotua
a mlunderManiliug mlIIIr IIlil II I ea eoiaiMvl olwal to tl titIcite tlTrite Ihl
Trite 111 i Suiei Siall through < the Ih AiwiMAnctt AiwiMAncttfriend 1IAn 1 1friend r rrrllI
friend friendHe rrllIH a aIll
He H rncitnl rl I how ho hli hi ramous UrOI nrret Rr1 hi hibeoi hd haMeer
beoi 1 l brought hrnl > hl about hcll in I Ins ll X > N Angela AngelaThree tngeleThr n < I IThr
Three Thr e time < lie had Keen t barged hraf wit witrnbliery witrnlrlry lh lhrohllr
rnbliery rohllr 1m hi h nail it ih the warrant warlll for whir whlwere whhh whhhr whirwre <
were r trtiu made out I In II blank in II date dI tim timplace timeplace 1m
1111 place and Amount AmBtl of ih h allege 111 I rohlxr rohlxrl mhlry mhlryin
in I1nr l > nc the Ih < barge hr waa w < for etcnlipg st nling nlhl won wnrn wonso ol olI
n 1 Iapuncii Mexico I I aven > n > year prey preyniirtr pre preDilflv rlI rlIIv
I Dilflv Iv The T lint lime 1m lie h wiu nrrixited r wi wihllerAklngniithn w wawhuleaprakingnirtheatrettulw
whuleaprakingnirtheatrettulw hllerAklngniithn h < > treet mlxw HKfli itigriIn HKflito 1111
to a numl ntimler > er of lilt IIH ci untrymn > llllrTmn nom om h ItAildrewini hI haaa
aaa Aildrewini AI rln Im h cord 1 in far of ofew orI ofIew
I I ew tiiitltntlon < 1IIIIIn < for Mesnii M Tare Ilierhart Ilierhartigttin 1h char charegainat hri
igttin lllnl t him then Ih wan turlilng > li lllrhlil tr treace Ih t treatw
1 reatw > eace and n1 later of r I fine an n lln alien li n aimhut aim ariahit
hut without wihnlt legal 111 right IJ in the Ih Inlle Inlletati Inll1 Inll1flA Inite1ttatra
flA 1ttatra tati He I w war throats Ihr into 110 H luitci luitciie IUIIWI IUIIWIh nt ntat
h ie call all and kept 11 four lay withh ith iirnctally weird weirdally
ally ly nothing nOlhlnl tn eat al 11 He I AI std 11 < hi m ln n nirer tnl tnlacre <
acre r not 101 permlttei to a him himHH himU himHe
HH U 4e IIII < le < bire1 t that hi Ida attorney lorn tinII tinallIerurel tinIIicure tt
Ierurel icure lrl1 I his lli relei rlI release > e nn hatmia ha > M > A mruthe rorpiu rorpiunf mrlI
11 nf chare again him wa u di utiamf Umi1 mi eel o onlen o it itmlcrs
01 + > nlen of r th the Secretary of tointiMn olr An Anslxir amseater n1 n1IAtlr
IAtlr IAtlrI seater seateri slxir slxirIV
IV I i l Irl barn ira wa WN accompaniel ANmlanllln l to ilie III 111 Aid AidM
101 n M hv h hi h hit wife wl sod 1111 tlirw Ihr Metn Slsriau an sym symathlrefn ym ymiathlrn I
I iathlrn Ihl > He u WA y prenoitel 1f ente i tin t tnmmtte to I I th thiimmltt IhItnml
iimmltt tiy II Rr Rpiironentatlxe rreaentatii e Vil nn r rennaylvaria or orPnIria o othe
PnIria ennaylvaria author of the I irMilutkm tectdttifnonquiry t tnqulry nr nrInquiry
Inquiry nqulryrh nquiryrA
rh i > dal ir 1 T nirr Ul 1111Ptgurea iw iwgnre I II II1lelrl
1lelrl Ptgurea gnre < shoe Iho ho Trial It 11 his Prnilureil rOUfft Her HerRexmurThan tiersfletrnueThan Irf IrfRrruIThn
RexmurThan RrruIThn It I Its Prnlecrwnn PrnlecrwnnWiaHixarnil rlIlfO rlIlfOW PrrdeeeannWAUtt
WAUtt WiaHixarnil W IlsnTo ntnt June un 10 0 According I Ii 10 101Imnt h hr
r i otalement m 111t issued iie i Idly by the hurea hureaif hlr hlrnr h + reai reaiif
nr if tatitic IIIAI the Ih total import under unllr th thyne thl u utariff
Payn yne tariff Irl law for the Ih nm Rn nine month monthwled mnlhn111 monthaS
wled n111 April Ifli 3 3tl i amounted nmolnl to II ItIf 1 y aS 11x II IItf n nif <
tf if which 4 tl 4i ft per r vent < nl were Ir fr frr e Th Thlutie ThIul Thulust
lust lutie < i cnllecte rllll enlle teul < l amounted mOIIllo to Ii2IVtll Ii2IVtllImniiariMin y2Itotullare 2IS 1
Iul ImniiariMin lomlnn are Hr made ld with lh olmllai olmllaittl atmllaritatatl
itatatl ttl tc ee diinnz the Ih nm fn nuintli nnl of Ih thearendeil Ihy IhrcarendcI
y earendeil anll1 11 Iunlj April pril30in Y 3n t in which Ih the Ih McKinley McKinlethe loJlnlly loJlnllyIh I Inree
Ih he h Wiln Wil < > n and ano the Ih Dinglcy HI < Iy tanrT lanl were it itorce In InI
I for orce The Th lotal importM tmp + rts were r th thireateet IhIlrI thpreatt
ireateet under Indr the Ih Payne 1 unlT unl A as were werthe wereIlan r rI
IlrI Ilan I > the h custom 11on receipt 11I The lh rweipt rweiptnllectMt reteiptuollected
nllectMt for the I Brat nln n nine n < > month of thkKinley th thIcKinley Ihl IhlI
tllo IcKinley law were rl 1169tThftt l 9 lS t I i for th thlrt IhIrll itsIrat >
I lrt nine nil month of r the Ih Wilson Wil law lawIll la lawitts
Irll 11 Ill a7bin 1n 5 t and nd for fo the 11 th flr nll Aran t nine monthf month mfllh mfllhIh
f the Ih Dmgley Oin I law I linMwoom linMwoomTh lrW6wofrnTh IAltIn IAltInn
Th average < ail ld valorem lorm of th the McKin McKiny MrKInIy
Iy ey y law I for the If th period Inolllnlr under cnruuderalioi cnruuderalioir IIrlon
raa r 27 1 2 per cent II the Ih Wilson 11 law Tt 2 0 0r tJ tJI iier
ptr er r cent nl the Ih Dingley Oinlly law n T B7 D per pr cent centnil urnsnil nl nlnd
I nil the Ih Payne law I 3 1591 Ul l per r cent Cnl It Iii IiiI it itunitedwlt I Iolnied
llllffl unitedwlt olnied lit by friend rrnd of the Ih Payne lute Inihat I IIhl lutehat
I hat for the Ih fire 111 t nine nin month of life Ir life It I ha harolnced h hrnduced hA hAJrollrl
rnduced more rexenue rIII than I did It Itredeceeoor II III fuutedewnrs
Jrollrl prP1 redeceeoor for corresponding rrrpndl < period periodnd Ilriolnl
I nd that tha Ih A avenge er 4 ge ad t valorem irapmei irapmeiy
h y nl it tit authoritydropping ulhorlyllrnInl I In October Ollnr lu lun la lanlDO Ial IalIn
In n nlDO IDt per rent < < I fa I lower than It ha fiatun haeon h ht
eon in t a great AI many man yn year Th T e per perentage fMrni perentage
entage ni of free rr nnvort Inllrl wa exceedeil In Itfiree InIhr inhr
Ihr hr firee Tan Y of the Ih McKinley 11Jml tariff IArl and Ilt ir irne in inn inone
ne n year Y of r th thWilants Wilnon WI tang tsnITtfffi Irl IrlI tanghut
I tfffi I IS I IS I ffTf If III11 fUf IS ISante I II II 11Sam
am a Full 11 ital lte Ticket and 1 Cheer Chrfr fn fnIhe roIhl fnrthe
I the Ihl Return Rrlni of Rnntetelt RnnteteltIirriK ROf nanarieoLrrn rl rlI
I IirriK 1ITnt Kara HOK Uk hl June 1 in tl Fhi > slat HlatieHibliCAn HIII HIIIfnlon slatiphlican
eHibliCAn convention fnlon here today l on orlotion onmlnn oniniinn
mlnn lotion of Powell pow1 Ilaytnn 1llyIOI unanimously unanimouslynmmatel unanlmniKljommtei InnimnllInOmmI1
nOmmI1 ommtei for Ciovernor UOrnor Andrew Anllr I 1bilantt Ilaml IHoland
Holand laml of r Hot 101 Spring county oln on 111 of ofonfederate fr I n nmfe
I onfederate mrtrll mfe crate noMiT and nr three Ihr lime limeece 1m limeIrlmt
111 Irlmt ece i Jiklgeof tttlac lkllof of that lb Ihaloln t miner o by the Ih IVmo IVmorat Ilanrail mn mnrI
rat rail Roland announced thai he wouk wnnklnaktan wouklake wou woumk
mk naktan lake an arms Ill canva ranvaauf of the Ib Stale StaleThe SlateThe II IITh
The Th feature of the Ih convention onvfnlon onvfnlonIh were werili werehe
Ih he li tremendous rmfllIol cheering of th this reeolu reeoluon reofuInns
Inns on which hllh were r adopted Ifplr hailing the theeturn Ihirturn Ihrllr
ton rllr rturn to 0 hit h native land 1 of f 1 aPreidpnt aPreidpnttooe Pre Pricnl PricnlROf11 i < Vn Vnooevell
ooevellOther ROf11 tooe ooevell veit veitQtht
Other flh nomination were r Mtorner Mtornerieneral Utnrnprin torn tornrnr
in ieneral nl John Bruce Rfr Int i or Sccretarr rI1 o olate or orRIal oftAte
rnr RIal late O M 1 Harkev Ilk Auditor tinr J 1 fl Smith Smithe HmithTrlrr Hmithlreaarrr
Trlrr > reaarrr e urer R S Grander Orlnlr l land < nd tomnil tomnilloner CommlaIonr tnmmiaInner
loner Fiord 10rl Thomnon Tor Agricultural Agriculturaommiloner Agriculturalommi lrlrllur31 lrlrllur31Inmmllnnr
ommiloner ommi ionPr H Ham m R Young omrllfMrln omrllfMrlnItdnl Superin Huperioendent Superinendnt
Itdnl endnt Puhli PIhl Fduention FAntwtinnWallaeTown FAntwtinnWallaeTownnit rllctlnlIATIIn rllctlnlIATIInntl Wallace Town Townnd
nd Railroad RirOd imtnioloner rIO Ira hl Mack Macknd Mackred Ack Acknd
nd B F t Henley HenleyPowell 1lly 1llyPow1 HenleyPowell
Powell Pow1 Clarion was w chon cln to hear heartale h hKlal headitate
Klal tale central oommilte rml at large largeWRIT Irj Irji large2niIT
WRIT i I IT coionim nlnn rnl Off 1m 111th unut fn1 j nviw nviwmgiel FIXDSbullet
bullet n nrth orh rth IXMin 120 thug I Oat tin Ateone tinOne 10
One 1 Weighing Iehl 11 Pound Ponnrttlrr rounrl rounrllunIK Pound1ranrutg
lrr lunIK > TiuK fol June un In A slztysli slztyslisound lxty llyAx llyAxpnlnr li liound
pnlnr sound chunk of almom pure 1 gold worth wortr7Son wnrh worth12rmn
111 7Son wa wail < taken IAkl out Ol of the Ih famous fmi lh I Itln thet thetnfne i iline
tln line here heretoder todnv Id by Iy three threehseere leaser who got goti
6 i per cent nl of ii I Four week ago j CI tn tntme Ihm tham <
am tme m Ir men took k out 111 a fifteenjvumd fifteen ponand Hlnr nugget nuggemm nl nuggetmm < < C1 C1rrom
rrom mm a I spot near n the th th11111 find of today todayCmrrir IndyI tn dy dyatrrly
Cmrrir Ilrrlr Pant Pill June Jln In Mayor Mayornntilhnrg Mayornntilhnrg nr nrnllhr
nntilhnrg nllhr aid Ar hi t his partner paln leaser of thIllmn th IhWIn theVllwon <
I WIn Illmn mine < are U sacking 1tklnl yellow yll mctAl mctAlmm met metrom mtl mtlfrnm
frnm rom a seam m flxeighihs fl Rte etghtha < hll of on an Inch 11m widi widiililch widgulch Id IdI
gulch a i IUI > per cent nl pure gold Iolr They Thejtruck Tb Tbalrlrk Theytrick
I truck It I Mori Mnmtar IOtll 11 < tiv at a deptb of 20 2 fret fretnd fretnd
nd it is gradually rtII fllnc wid ming Relde lr 1 1i I it ita
anr 1 a i a two inch lh vein of phonolife Ihllf phon life quartz quartzhlrti quartzrhtch 1IIrll
hlrti nin rt tan Sf I1 > ounce nln gold < ohl tn If Ih the ton tnttSew tonPM 101
Sew > PM 1 Hijle 11 slumped 1ml itelepe YnleleA F rtl rtlI itelepeA
I A new fIW supply of the Ih one rent Nt plln 1 ln Ino Ann AnnpcMl nr nrfxHiil
fxHiil 11 requcattemped requrnt tlfl stamped envelope Inlor In what whati ht
1 t i known knw sa a II the II open end nd fd pattern 18m In Innded I Inended
Intld ended for fo th II tnlllng Inlnc of third Ihin ekes ckMutter rl rlmlr ekesnatter
mlr utter h ha + be Men n received ITM hy the General Generio Generalnet III IIIP
P o net t Office Om otnMter > utulfr Morr rrl + n Mid i ye yerdy ee eeerday
tey rdy and they are f now on 0 tale MI Tw Twew T Theew
I B ew envetepe A are n well ri adapted to t tin tinadtog Ihtaldeg
al adtog eYf etrcukra of f ap
9 An 1
I Dai Datbg llr Ilanemanihtp rnian > hlp b by SIII > IUa 11 Vtnhtn VtnhtnMeant Vanhanllama ahn of ofMel
Meant Mel Vrrnaa VrrnaaN tl tlO
Y orggaa O IM N Y June JIR 10 After tr givin givina tinl givfnIA
11 IA a rcm Imakhl remarkable rkhle exhibition of ooolneu oolnf an ancourac anenrage nd ndMunl
enrage Munl Mlu Ml 11 Helen nln Vanhan anhn aged K 10 e 01 01I
Mount Verno Vernostopped Vernolstopperd
1 47 4 Gramatan Ormatn avenue nue IOllt uaon
stopped 1011 a I nuiAway nlay horn horl ahe h hid par plisued parreed Ir Irue
sued ue half hi a mile till on Jerome Jeror avenue enul Ih Ihicily Ihll Ihlltily lhcity
icily thi this afternoon afternooni alfmon alfmonI
i Sli Miss I Vinhin made d the UI pursuit pUlllit i iI on onI c choruetack
I I horneluick having < u a A companion companionthe ompnlon I Ithe in inIhe
the chaw eh hr riding ridin instructor Intuelor JamYoung Jam JmlOlnl JameYoung <
Young Olnl of the Van n Cortlandt Corllnct Park Prll Gal Gali 001 lollClub
i Ilub In JItpllnC stopping the runaway twAhe she risk rmkher riI1 riI1hlr riskher
her fife uI being Inl half dragged out of li liI hr hrI he hei <
i I saddle dl when he grasped < < th the madden mxdderwhome mdd maddenhorn 1 1hol
home hol by the th bridle hrldll 1p She h held on pluckili pluckilii pilclli plackihhowever
i hover until unll Young OUIC also l grabbed rabbo trhorse tli tlihorse tl tlI
horse and nd euccedr It t ta
hol cCJl < in li bringing I Ia
Ia I a MamUtill MamUtillBeforn aandtiflBefore lmndlmDrr
Before Drr lh Il the capture crur of the bl animal Dlim1 wi wieffected waeffected 1
Iflrll effected two occupant octpnl of the runuboi runuboitn rUlllbol1
tn which it wu hitched were tr thrown on onone 0 0oef ouone
one oef of them Iher being In < seriously enoiv rioul lv injured at atduring ano noduring
during dllrnl the Ih Utter stage I of the Ih tirrltt atirrinpurinit tirrlttimrsiiit irrlnr irrlnrIflllil
imrsiiit Iflllil n I third occu OClllnt occupant < ant Thoina 1botu Tnulif Tnulifof luoheof ulhl ulhlIr
of Ir HO 11 WNI Ve t Ninetysixth street Mal Mailiallnn MI MalItalian
Italian hIUAn sat Nl imiwrilletl 1111rif rmi + eriiled in tliw I rig cluldmiIhf cluldmi ChllhilJ cutcincur
cur Ih md stda Id of Ir tho aeai tal 1141nJIt flue injured men ai aiDaniel a aal1 arDaniel
Daniel al1 Kcum Kam of 7 iS1 Amsterdam Amaler aremc ofnlf ofnlfI
Manhattan and ieo I a lark of f 7H 1 Vnir Cnlol tfnlnarenirr
1 axenuc nl lint Bronx BronxKeani 8ronxi UrotuxKeanu
> Keani who ho won Wi badly injurrd aloe aUuI aloethe IMII
I the head h and legs WU taken ta fllf to Kt Johnlice John Johnj
j Hoital 1ill lice sisal tUrk 111 wa Wi found rOlnd tn lie I auger augertug urTeiing IIr IIrilll
tug illl from rom hruiM hr and I shuck aho hok k but bil wa Wi n nseriously nol nollrmJIY our ourNerioualy <
seriously lrmJIY enough fnllh injureil InJllo to require Illi treat treament tftImcnt treatnrrnt
ment mcnt at the Ih hospitalMis hospital hOpillIM hapitalMiss
Miss IM Vanhan ranhl who hn ha h been akin laklne laklneIn takinglu akinl
lu l s wnna nn In horsemanAhip hmalhIJ only during dlrnc th thi Ihl thPast
i Past fi fw w works kN went In out for her cui cuitonury f fIlnmdr ciiatnmury
Ilnmdr tonury afternoon rrn lewa lesnn I + n today 10ol wit witYoung witsmmg lh lhnlll
Young nlll mmg They Tb were riding rlflnR along AloDt Jeroniavenue herons heronsaretlae 11
111 avenue near Shipnian bllan avenue 1111 when hn lh lhrunabout IhrI4h1 thrnnaMlnt
runabout rI4h1 containing CIllnilC the Ih three th New Yor YorI Vonlmen orl
I I men paMieil paean hy h 1 wheel of f the Ih runahnu runahnuecame rlnIIt rlnIItIlt tunui ou oubecame
became > ecame wedged Ilt in the Ih rail r11 of a tn troll trollswitch < lle lleswitch
switch and when hen the Ih wheel hI waxexlriciitc waxexlriciitcthe Irllll IrllllIh
the Ih horse ho which hail hlII become > m unmanacmi unmanacmible 111111 <
bur hi started Ialt on ni off at 1 ti top > i speed 1 Mix MixVanhan MisVanlan 1
Vanhan llln and 111 Mr r Young oln < < Immeillitel Immeillitelgave ImmIIIly ImmIIIlyrl
gave rl clia rh rhror chase chaseHeroic < M MBefore >
Before ror they drew Ir abrAt hrft nf th the run runawav run1A runaway
away awav 1A Kearn who ho haft h l leers I > PU driving drvlnK th thfrlgntenel Ihfrl 1ufrigtenel
frlgntenel frl hllnd horse hO wan Wa hurl hurl1 I from rrll thwagon th thwagon
wagon < and lr Utufel lal 1 t In II n trench Th Thrunaway TI Iiirunaway
runaway 11 now free of the Ih driver rrhr a rein relrla reindashes Ilnlnl
dashes la het along lnl both Illh lark IIIrk and nll Tnuhe TnuheMng Tonhetwing TOlhy TOlhy1lle
Mng 1lle in inlant InIAII danger r of being IIIK throw thrownut Ihmnlll throwsout
rII <
nut ae a 0 the Ih runabout rnal11 ewayi ewaynl y1 l from sid allto sidtn 81rtla
tn aideIlia side sideBMU jl
BMU Ilia < Vanhan lnhl fairly outriding ollrinl her in instructnr InItlor inatrurtnr
111 structnr Itlor drew 1 alongside lonI8ic lb Ile II hors ho anmade an antmade nd ndmi >
made iwo I WI ineffective mIlv effort lor to grasp 1I th threins Ihinf Ibrein
reins inf to a th Ihl the runaway rulay shot by h Yonker Vonkeravenue Yonkeraxenu Yonk1 Yonk1I
avenue nl the Ih wagon bumped IIln J I over a bniilde Iouldrand bniildeand hOltdr
I and 11 Toiihev Tlllhv wai 101 thrown Ihro out 0111 By this Ihitime IhlIr thistime
time Ml Mies anhsn wa riding on 01 on one sid sidof sicof d dI
Ir 1 rtinl
of the Ib rig r and Inr Young ollnc on the Ih other nlllr lea Neaih SrIh leathe
I ih the satxmlll ml < river road the girt Kirt who lust haicried hdnilll lusttried
cried to lark not 101 u in I lear ar leaned far mi miof salof I Ihlr
of her hlr eaddln 11 and mlnld manaKnl tu err M > IT i th thdangling IhInclnc thedangling
dangling Inclnc rein 11 Aa ah ehelid did so at the Ih runway run rUI nunsway
way sprang lr11 nun the Ih w air 11 ami rotelmerrt n1 Almost Ilmollirllt IlmollirlltIlh lift liftIII Kite KiteIhgil
Ilh III Ihgil girl Ilrl from h Ir tier r seat 1 Hhe IU held nil bu hithad buhad hiI hiIhaln
had haln been almnet AlmOI dragged drsg 1 from frm th the Mddl Mddlwhen addlabets 1111 1111h <
when h Young olnj came A In her aid ali and broiigh broiighIhe hrlhl hrlhlI
the I h hor h hnrre to a standstill standstilly undll standalfliIIIINTIA
I I f IIIINTIA I111Tt y FIIG11i im III ii i miYin miYinMinor 11 In InI InIlor
Minor Ilor I hangn nlle to toll II lie Maileln wade 1 in Ilk I MachIne MarhlniHope MachIneMope
Hope 10 lu Start I1rl TnmnrroM TnmnrroMOisrlc Tnmorrowsharks Tnmorro TnmorroK
sharks K Hamilton IRmilon will wi not lnt attempt attemplhi Umplhi
hi his flight liJhl from New SI York nrk tn PhilniHphii PhilniHphiiand hihlellphil hihlellphilInrt
Inrt and nturn lm today a as was scheduled rhmll It Itthe I IIthe
the weather llhrr condition mnlinl am favorable rlnrlh h hliojic hhOIMI he hetin
hOIMI tin liojic to jp 11 get t away R tomorrow morning morninnni
ni II 7 o clock The delay cly wa w Attribute Attributein nUrihlt nUrihltIin
Iin in ome n change cnl in th the machine whirls whiclrotrinferre whirlswutrarufrrmlyesterdayfrom hirh hirhyfrrl
wutrarufrrmlyesterdayfrom rotrinferre < iyrterday yfrrl fromth frmn Ih thehemp thehempstead Hemp Hemptend UmpIMlt
tend Plain Plall axlation IUn Held t1I where r lie hv haustaro hvlovn h hI
taro I II inoking Ilkln < Rihl flights 10 v + lonmo Goxemor Island Islandlh Ilnd IlndIh Islamlthe
Ih the lh starting IRrtinj plait pil for lh the th prnpsl < rop < ietl trip tripMr tripMr
Mr Hamilton latnllnll wa wu A up Hi daybreak dayhlklcd ye yeirday yea yeatrrday
lcd irday with a hope of fr flying tylnj from MinoHn MinoHnlo Iin IinIn >
lo Mn S Sl > a Tiff i 1if hut u I high hilb wind ind and ld n uitead te dj djlnwn lIylownlll y ydownpour >
lnwn lownlll < nur dispelled hi his plan planlnted J JInId plansInstead
Instead th the aero ro left 1f it Ita shed hl about fM f 1 aA
I A M 1 on u ti wheel 1 and nr waa towel by an aniiitomobile n nAllinmohlf nautmmobtk
Allinmohlf iiitomobile After Mlfr going linl oome Im distance dntancelh ritanCfl ritanCflmlhnirl
the lh mechanician mlhnirl who ho wens following followingind folBwln folBwlnnd <
and keeping the Ih machine in the Ih middle of olh ofthe
the h road 1 found it difficult dillNII to keep k1 pac p with withihe whhthe llh llhIh
Ih the autnmoliil 110mn and nr decided rd tn pull 111 it itilong ItInn Itclung
clung Inn I they kept thi up U until ull they theyitnpprd IhyIOIt theyitoppd
itnpprd IOIt for breakfast hakrlI and Ind secured 111 a I honwmil honw hol harwrunit
mil baggy lIJI tn pull 111 the th big bil machine along alongfterit Alon Alon1r alongAfter
After fterit 1r il its ten 111 mile mil journey JlmIY it wa a put JI on oni o oIrl
a i liargn Irl and R < arrived rh1 at 1 Goveinors lonlnnr Island IiUncIilKtit hlandi Islandilwetl
i ilKtit t o clock nlok in I tho Ihf lb afternoon afternoonThe ftprnuunThe
The military prfst prisoner lrf1 + nen lifted lild th the 1 > aero aeroilane lro lropl acrnplane
pl plane from the Ih dock rok am and wheeled it to a aetmg ArHlnc arating
rHlnc rating place pia in a while tent 11 erected IrMI1 on onh onIh onhe
Ih h he plum IIm from which Wilbur WIIHlr Wright Wrightnade Wrlhl WrlhlIRI WrightInatla
IRI nade bur hi h hl Hudc Ihtnullo nFultun > flight Rilh It 111 111I wo wolinooxerrd waadrunitred
I linooxerrd nd that lhl strut a I Irlt had br been damaged damagedlightly dRmll1 dRmll1lahlr damagedlightly
lightly lahlr Otherwise hri the h machine mlch wo w u not notnjured Inl InlI riotinjurhythetrip
I injurhythetrip njured jlrl by ihe Ih trip It wa w waafotndthat found that in iniiipplanting I tnuupplanting
iiipplanting lppllntnc the I h sexen n and nd on nne 1hllf half gallon gallonnl Ilh Ilhnil
I nil tank with ilh one 011 that hold twenty 1111 gal galoil Ill Illlh galsou
sou oil the lh 1sulion KMition lo of r the I hI radiator rdilor will fllvl fllvltn italla haxe
tn 0 l he > e changed hnll Ilmwhat somewhat It 11 wo AJ aka akaICtswary l o oleivwary
1 1 Its Itsrepaints h heMir hrI
n leivwary In adjust a 1 new n propeller ollr
rI repaints eMir I n Ir will m lie II made lAd today and nd in n th thifternixm It ItIflmnnn thufternom
ifternixm Mr Hamilton expect 21 Cta to 0 try trvmt Ir Irul tryuut
lalilon 11
Iflmnnn mt the Ih machine over oVlr the island nd and peaf peafblp r > i iily r rhly
ily up the Hudson HudsonMr 11d
Mr Ir Hamilton Jm lon in making mlllnl the Ih flight flightrom Illhl Illhlfrn Rightroot
frn rom New S York ork to Ihtladelphin lhllalphil and re reUrn trum r r11m
11m Urn ha h a leeway of twentyfour hour hoursinii hourind hOI hOII
Ind ind with wih a A as many manytn atop 10 w a I a he h find Inll nece necearjr n nI neceaairy
I try airy Hi I twenty galhnu gallon al fN of fuel rl1 is i ralcu talrissited ralcuatiil IcI
I sited tn keep k him up II three Ihr hour hOII He Helinks I tiehnlta
links he h can n make th Iht the trip Irl each h way wayn wyI
n two I wo hour hOllt and a half halfThe hlU hlUTh halfTh
I The Th aviator Ivlllor nr who ho make HIP Ih first Ir flight flighticroM Illhl IllhlI flighttrrwr
ar icroM Ixing 111 Island Sound lnd will win the therophy Ih IhIrolh therophy
I rophy offered orrfl hrCouary I 01rllr Life is in il Imenen ImenenI tm nc ner i
t 1 he trophy I offered for the Ih first mntinu mntinuMI mlinu mlinuI mntinuwsa
I II wsa MI Il aeroplane rlla night I thl acrom ar the Hound Houndrom HIM HIMI Hulotfrnm
I rrln frnm rom any plant pi within ihln on one mile I II of th thus Naa NaaantvPmtvlminHounatSlineolawhere Na Nau
antvPmtvlminHounatSlineolawhere antvPmtvlminHounatSlineolawherehe u Cuiinlv h Court Olrt Hnu Inu at MineoU lnI where wherehe hr hrItlalo
Cq a
he action Itlalo ground Ilnb of the Aero ro I 111h hit of ofxmerica oftrnerlra
xmerica are a to any nr place 1IIIn north of Ions Ionssland ion lnl R Rmend
IIRII mend Sound SIInr Soum i and pat Ml nf the Ih Mamaroneck MamaroneckIn SlstarnneckItirern laArnfk laArnfkI
Itirern In er r mi nlllh the New S York ori State shorn fill filla nl18llln
I a a distance nf about fifteen nln mile mileThe milllnI muleThu
The llln Hound llnI ia about RIIJ1 Hv I Rye mile m wide wil and andhe andhe
111 he ten mile 11 from rrm Mmoola could IIII Iw made madenerland iad iadI madesrerland
nerland by flying out 0 hv h Hands Hnfl Point Iolntir
I mrlnr or ir Great 11 ret Neck Si on Ih the we wI l or over Glen Glenoxe nln nlnIl Genorus
Il oxe 0 toward th the rut e I jt Fully lly five 1 mil m
I could lit Inr lie I flown Ion ov mr r Hempetend lmll1 Item arhtnr tend Hay llavi 11 Haywhich I
i which llm he between If the Ih aviator 1lnr decirnl decirnltn
tn flv Ir I over water 11 before rn oomlne to If tin tinSound Ih Ihuwi IhSo
So Sound Soundi itd itdlIlffnrd
i Clifford uwi II I Harmon Hro will 1 compel mmll fnr Ih Ihprixe IhprlV itsprise
prixe and another probable Irt > hl entrant nlrn II IIa I II
I rapt a n Thorn Tyromu 8 Baldwin Id in Walter Walr I IFairchild Irrlr 1Fairchild
Fairchild Fairchild Glenn H Curti lrt and tharle tharleK t hrl harkaK
K 1 rrlr Hamilton Imllon IInn are ar expected IlpI1 to enter the Ihecompetition Ihe Ihet theompetltion
competition competitionThe Un
t The IU trophy lrphy u i i of solid lid silver all a wingedgnddena winced wincedgoddee ia iaI
I goddee T d upholding IPholdlnc a htplane 1111at on t the II tip 1p tipof
1 of her hr finger fnl The Thl Aero r Club of America Americahaa Americ
1 has h charge crf of the competition rplilo competitionOf11
wv n > niv1 11 AITO I TO r UT fr frNeed ITrM
Need rM > t Pa rt > Concerns tlm mil nl fir re Rrpalri Rrpalrila fl1
1 la III I Machine MachineI ahl ahlI
I I In the Ih First Int Di District lnct Court Cour in Newarkyeaterday Newark Newarki
i yesterday 1 Judge Jutl Malcolm alolm Madear 1cAr ren renI f fI renderetl
I dered dr r a decision dfllon In favor of the Ih defendant defendantIn dfllunl dfllunlin
In a suit lul of the Ih Greentwilgh Onll < < h Machine chM and andFjigme andKngine ad adfIII
Fjigme fIII Work of K3 Central avenue avenueNewark avenueNewark nul nulInt
Newark against < < Int Klioa tli ii a R DonnTh Dunn DunnTh Olnn OlnnTh
Th s nit lit wuA wa to never Jr 1hin5 B 211 7 Bi for re repair r replra ¬
pair palr on 1 a oar 11 belonging IJn n < tn Mr 11 Dunnand Dunn Dunnand Ollln Olllnntl
and ntl the Ihl nutro ou me m had hr lieen 1 anxiously anxiouslyawaited anxiouslyawaited loully
awaited by auuimobilist 1tlnhllt in all al part frt of ofSew Ir IrS ofNew
Sew S Jersey J and other olhtr HUle HUleMr HtleaMr MI I IIOnn
Mr Dunn IOnn anr attracted Ulcll Ih I the attention 1nUo of ofautnmobiln ofulnnhU ofautnmohile
autnmobiln ulnnhU owner anne om month rolh ago agowhen A Awhrn agowhen
when he h went linIn Into the Ih tlrcuit Ircul fourt 10111 mint In Innwark Inwlrk In1ewsrk
nwark wlrk and Ild won 0 a judgment JudtI for IIB lfl 71 71reprmenting 1 1IpnlnK lreprewnting
reprmenting IpnlnK ih value vlu of hi hil cr Cr which whichth whichthus
th thus Greenbalgh concern IIm had 11 refilled fll to tourrnder 10lrfr toirrenuirr
urrnder tn I < hitn hir until Inll he h hail paid aid the thecharg Ihl thecharger
charger lrfr for fo the Ih repair 1 alleged 1111 lo have liavebeen hA hAI havebeen
been harp made Dunn Ilnn refuwd to II make ma the thepayment Ih Ihpymel thepayment
I Jn payment m and 1 got KI out Ilr a writ 111 of replevinbut replevin
but 111 pymel tone lo advantage ayal of hi ii his right rill to II we tie e for lorte forthe or orthe
the value 1Ju of the Ih machineThe machine maehlnnThe mlnf
te The ThO flreenhalgh nh < h concern tm then brought broughtuit hrl hrlI
I lit to II get IIIlr thir repair llr money mO The T Court Courtrule Cor Courtrules
rule rl that lhl the Ih plaintiff alnUr could not nl recover recoverparticularly recoverpartkailerly e
particularly A as It w was shown that tt the theconcern theconcern
concern rkl1rly m had d refused rfu to a draonitrale dJUral thatrepatre that thatj lht lhtrl Ihj
repair had bees ata modM w a9 orderedw ordered
j M
rl h 1 o oJ
J w mewarara = I = i
54Vs HJ Tilts TIIT MIL MILXHT lt IIIOV41P IIn ni 131 131VOT
XHT rr fill l K t lIEn 111 TIIK Ti XKCKIM1 XKCKIM1Volunlarll XICIiL1fSaluntrll Clllfl ClllflII
II Volunlarll olunlal Nurrcmlcr lurlndln llrrnelf Itrn and nix Dirtflnnd rIf rIfUnd
1 Und In rate la 1 of Alleged trrll Illamot IllamotHwlmlle nmond nmondIndlf DtamonKwloile
Hwlmlle Indlf turd i llrl crt That Hhe lhl he Illil Id Nit NitAsrlt N NA Nol NolA0
A A0 Asrlt > l t Grant In II lilt I Oprrallon OprrallonJ UINrUonJelell ItprrrailonJeauetle
Jeauetle J Jelell Aiiette lawns 1 lwrio thus Ih actre elr who whoprivate ho I Iprivate in inprivll
private privll life Ue ii 1 Mrs I Thomas Q Beabrook Beabrookfor 6Abrkf 6Abrkfror
for whom the tt Iii police poln of Richmond Ichmond borou borouhave bolgh bolghI boroughays
I have hAt been n Marching arllinj for ro several vral days dylo dylon1 I Iarrrtt t tarrest
arrrtt her of grand laden larccnnmdo l ladenmade
n1 on u I charge clarc rIml rcY rcYmad
mad by Mm 1I Cirrn U < n of Stapletoi Stapletoiaurrendered Htapletorsurrendered 8IapllonIlrrllle
surrendered Ilrrllle herself trlf to Justice Jlll Marsh lrh I Ith In InIh I Iitiw
itiw th iitapleton tlaIlon court IUr ycetcnlay yelert nfternooi nfternooiShe ateron ateron18he
18he She canto elll tu court clrt attended by lawyer lawyeiI layr layrnd lawyerand
I and nd a I bomUman omlinan Thus latter lallr wan 4 Roll HollCooler loli loliI RollI
I I Cooler Col of f Oreot Kill Ki Richmond Ichmond borougl bnrougtifail borouglRail broug
Rail 11i wa furnihvd rlm hd in II llou llouOn 11WOn 101 101Oi
On Oi Wednesday Ildny la IAI t Mr I le 1 nppeatf nppeatfIn AII
In Magistrate 1 lilral Marsha lrh court Clrl a I its conplamunt con consi I
j plamunt iixaiimi 11111 Frank mnk Oruml a diamon diamonlirnker diamolldbrker dinmahbroker
broker brker of lli II Broadway whom shn h ai aiCJIWM AO AOCI1 arcuserl
CJIWM CI1 cuserl of swindling illll her Ilr by mean mla nf nfdiamond ofl a aI
I diamond dialond d necklace nkll in Yawn Niwn lln on which whih sh shwa Ih IhWM shwM
WM induced Ildl1 tn ailvntuv Rdvll WM 1 Shun n nlegmi AI AI1I1 alleged
legmi 1I1 that in il similar lmlR transaction IrunMlnf inn Crangot Urand inngut
111 got alxnit l3iiu 3 1 from frur her In her htr tend tettnony 111 111aollY tendtnony
tnony aollY Ih ahe h swore url that Irani told her thus thithn thusthin that thatIh
thin Ih necklace Irkl won 1 given n to I her by Job JobB Johl JohlI JnhlH
B McDonald McOnald the Ih subway IIay contractor onlrAclnr J Jthe Athe 1 1Ih
I the Ih cam m proceeding IrlinC Mr r McDonali McDonalilealided MclkmaftIeatlfrd tclunAhl tclunAhlI
lealided I I that ho hf did not give o the octrci octrcithe acr acrIh actrrsthe
I the Ih necklace ntcklar Jeanetto JIInrll Iiwrio I1rif said 11 yet yetlenhy Yla Ylalnly yeaIrnay
lenhy lnly that Ihll the Ih necklace rlklaC wu wuia ua not no Rive Riveto
to her by h the Ill contractor contractorMM contractorMies
MM 1 inert lx 10 > wri WUIVH watt ul1 el lh llt the rwuling rMdl of th Ihmngdainl thcomplaint Ihe Iherminl
complaint and 1 mad 1 a Alen pl IIM a of not 101 guIlt Kuiltthrough Klly KllyIhrol guIltthrough
through h her rouneil cOI1 him hI I i II lit named a athe A itthe
the Ih woman who h Mr I 1 Ira say 1 aaelate aaelateGrant a > i la1 la1Ornl1 ln lnHrant
Grant Ornl1 in the f alleged 1JIwlndl swindle MU II Inwrl Inwrlauerta l > wri wriawert
awert urt that th the necklaui 1kll ith ahe h i In wild Nld I Ihave 10 10bn ii iihare
have bn < reprts4 rlfnllt reprrwntel > nle < l a 1 as luring Iil worth Ih Ihfurther Ihrurthr thfurther
further loan 1011 mad by Mrs I 1 Ire < waa owner owncby ownM ownMhy ownerby
by her hut hn h pawnnl 111111 it and then gars gaxth Jn JnIh garsthus
th thus ticket to Grant Irnl on I his ti reprrnenlatioi reprrnenlatioithat
that his h could get 11 her a further rlrlhr loan Itn 01 01It on orIt
It Him Kh dentnd that I h I sh ahe h wa was A thus worn wornwho womalwhin omn omnho
who 1 ho accnmiMnlnl Grant nrnL t In < Mr 1 I Iru > V usu Vaa
aa the Ih latter lalr nay 10 xomn mo one on did Mn M Mrslaw
1 law say V th the woman sh clue h met said eaidhn sho h hI wa waMis waVisa
I Visa IM lowri Mis I Iiwrin nay NYI If thiwu Ihi Ihiwa IhlI
I wa so f some m person waa lniK hllJllnalng hllJllnalnghlr irnptrrennalinl irnptrrennalinlher > rsonalln rsonallnher
her without wihoul her consent consentTh rnnl consentThe
The Th 11 tins m was a 1 net 1 down for a hearing hMrlnl 01 01June on onI orJuul
June JIII Juul i nrlnl front ho Ix Iwen n held under Intlr hwivImnd hwiv hearitonal
tonal In i nnection 1nntOI < with lh that affair 111 am ama and andnUIr anta
a number nUIr of r other other1enette oth nlhrnfU rs rsJeanette
I Jeanette nfU l Inri < iwri wa horn hor In Cardiff CardiRWale rnir Cardiffr
Wale Site Si came m tn this country cunlry when whenchild ht i ichild r
child She hp first apntNiml 1 on the Ih stag eta Ia a B aI al alKilly BKHIy
mid KHIy 111 lir hI m Ir1 lire 1IIr Wif and alullhn then playet playetwith piaaye piaayewith
I with ih xlarn Morn and Itoland Jnulul H li fled fledtier 1 1Her
Her lr first fnl appearance fMArnt with llh Seabrookn Ahrolk was waiIn wasin 8 8II
In II T The Th H elscrllatnr > nlator After MI engagements engagementiwith nllmnl nllmnlih
with ih K t H I 1Ntlor Hot Snthem Klhm hern she h again Illln played will willS wih wihnhrI withSmbrahe
S nhrcxke nhrI in The f flounder 1lndr blue the theII was waiIn wasin
In II in nonxlora King Killl Highball IJhlln an anSally soul IInllI soulSsIIy <
Sally I m a mr 11 All Alley 1y y and mad a miocew miocewa I
a as rim Ih lady 1 Lunatic In II Thin 1 Wlmnl Wbll ol olz ofz
UI > z Nexl she h was 1 engaged n at llh the llroad llroadwav IId IIdH Hroarlway I I
way H Theatre 11lal in I The r J Meal III and Ind tli tliMaid IhI the the1Iaid
Maid aM and Ild with low I w Field tilJ in Mt I It Hap HapPPIIK lp Hlqupetiml I
I PPIIK petiml 1 In Nortlland SorlIt In the Ih soaonn n ol f
1111 1047 Mi Sliu I ljiwrn 1 Irl < played 11411 JrUrWii fri in inThe inI inThin
The h Fr Free Iaa serer Sh She ntnrrwl in Yarn Varnatin Ya Yarnthe
I tin next season seasonux eosin1lfh Rn RnI
I 1lfh 11 ux I MiKHMTiir 1 Ifi1R1 If rrfn 111111Inl innr innrTnt Jn I II
Tnt llnmrxclr InrII Mrmlerii llrl ilmlrer mlrfr Drops DropsIn UrernIn Urll
In nn Oi slur flajor tlaynrJack flajorJark or orAk
Jack Ak huer hfrnathv mlh nithv Fat t > Pln m ahxe Alh Jack Jack1intwl larkGauel Irk I II
G 1intwl I I state MirslMl m I Oklahoma Oklahomah oklahnmawhr Okahnlf
I whr h fx > two I young IC boys are Rr riding rldml all alllh al allIhs
i lh Ihs way v from their Ihl hors h in meet Col ColKnoeexelt Iu tollirartell
I J Knoeexelt I in the city < I on o hi ha return lln horn hornIrnpix hUII hUIIm harmsdrnplsd
Irnpix t into m the th i Iy uy Hall 111 yesterday n to toHI Inf toetc
HI f Mater 11or iavnnr lavnn DH n Mayor at II th thIIIIIM fl thus thustunic
1111 IIIIIM was 1 with the I Hoard lIn I of f Fstimate FstimateMil E nal nalI
I Mil II JIt Rater t > ert damson Iml the Ih Mayor score ssecreATV 1 scoreIry
i IAr Iry ATV took Iok bun mn upstiiirs Ir to tie > Immcil Immcilhamher IICII IICII1lalnlr rnnncilVhamluer
1lalnlr hamher When 1n Mr Ir iavnor Gaynnr wa IIIt lwwntelmet > IIItI iiiieil iiiieiltit
I nlll > tit tn him Abemalhy Al after aflfr studymR Mr Mridvnor MrGavnor Ir IrnAVIr
nAVIr idvnor for a I few r fewenntlA eeiniuls ul remarked mklll H Hnoks lls llslooks
1kIOllu looks gnral tome m all 1 rightWhile right rightWhil r lht lhthll
While hll he hI waa in I the Ih chamber Ilr th II thus mem memwr mmIlrr members
Ilrr bers wr of the Ih lioard 111 were disciiMing lh Ihe tlrc ape apepro a arnprialt al >
pro rnprialt riatlon n of a million milon or so a tn continue continuelook cnunuedock nlml nlmlroI
roI Jrprin dock look improxement imprmnr When h h he heard the theevolution Ih thertwduunn j jll
evolution ll on earned Irrffl he h turned Ilm to t Mr r Adam Adamion tttamInn rm rmln
ln ion and 1t attld Id ai < l Coeh oeh you BI fellow ro dontare dont dontare cnl cnlA
are A mm mlh much h ftlxHit AIII monev rfny here In our ourrt ollrl ourart
I IIh1
art > rt of the Ih country falr we dont dnl spend Inl money moneyike
l like ike that When we w hat hH tn spend ln1 short almutl oil oila
a l couple 111 of fl hundred w wo < rhew h about IIIHI1 IIIHI1ror it tfnr itor
ror or two or r threw Ih meetingsUurnrnthy meetings meetingsANniathy InUnvInlhy
ANniathy Inlhy wailed IIIIIIIIr until after the met meeing mlhll mettug
hll ng wa nxer nVlr to have a I chance ch8nl of shaking shakingwnd IHkll bsuknghands
hands with ith the Ih Mayor and nd a he h cam out outf outrf I
I of > f Mr Ir IIJr Gay Saynore nnre oftlrw ot h he remarke fPrlrkt < of the theLlayor Ih IhMAyor thetlayor
MAyor I stand I hv what hll I said fkl a1 his h all al alln
10 0 Itl thus i good Io he ea s all lf right rightnttwK flh flhIW nghtH1e
IW nttwK ron Hi 111 I IST sfw 11 Penn PennIle nmnlr Jlm Jlmn
Ile lr n llarrlnian lrlnan toy > > I mixrrl llnl Meiintaln MeiintalnTop ltninttnTop ounlII ounlIITelllnllI
Top TelllnllI lintel Into a Irer Irf Rhorl Urinrt1hnnLrrnwl He RhorllnILlo nrt nrtMinntrrowx
Minntrrowx lnILlo N Y June n in II A large largenree l largenrrn l1 l1fon
fon nree of f workmen workrrn have ha begun f111 alteration alterationi IIIralO IIIralOI
et i > t he mtenor inllrnr and Ind exterior nr nf t he h Mountain Mountainop ntnlaln
101 fogs op Hotel II near Arden which wa < re rerntly r rnly meentiy
rntly nly purchased by Mary Ir fl Harnmvn liarnmanndow Harnmvnriiliiw
riiliiw 1 of t K H I Harriman IRrrlllln Itistheoptn Itistheoptnn I It fa I Ih the opine opinenn n nIlnr
Ilnr nn n of thnn tho Ih > e in n pniflon llnfl t to < > judge Jld < p regard regardig rllard rllardIIIK
IIIK ig Mre Mr t Harrinian lurillmn tnltltnn iniwitloi that IIWI the theIK II IIhil IISi
hil Si IK q building 111111 I la In lie I used fur rfr a free r home homeliemg hI hornr
I r liemg linj known knnwl that Mr Ir Carey Irr Kumney Kumneyaiighter Rnmuevlaughter lmy lmyff
laughter of Mrs i llarninan IArrn is I interested s trewtrtln
In 1 prntidtng prmilltl n home hor of this Ihi kind klul for fo the thelast Ih Iht1l tutust
last st Wile t1l poor of r New S York nrk during lrUI the theeated Ih IhhrIN thcaned
caned term lrl pr The Th place 1 > i u in n of the thenoet Ih thenoel I
noel deelnble in the Ih State HI for such lrh lrhlI a nunrp aurpo
urpo > s shull e eMill
lI lII
I hull Mill I ll To Tr tn lleporl 11Or llegeil 1111 Criminal 171minaiAntmmn CriminalAntonio rlmlnInlol
Antonio nlol Cinrjue nrll who hn dewnbe deet rI nlsea himself himHelfs
A I s a real r fIAI tale ileeler 1Hhr and privatedeteo privatedeteoive private uletec uletecIre
Ire living at js s Hopkins Iflkllrl Hopkmsatreet street William Williamurn WiliAm WiliAm1lhl
urn ass rrre rrrcrl tiHl last right 1lhl HI < 11 a wannt wa waant WRmnl
ant al the Ih rniumt of Henjamin S Cable Cablerting lahlerung
rung InK lerrctHrv rlln of > f the h ljmln Department Departmentf arlr111 arlr111Imlr
f Cominer Imlr end n nil > l I Ihfr l or on n he t ground groundtir Ir11
Ih tir Im loI Iflu i > r imniitejl lll n feiny ny in n Italy Italyefore Inl InlIrol Italysfnre
efore Irol mining rOllllll t In trnericr innca on n January laniwrvI Ianllr
I TINKI 111 and 1 hnt ha he h < nn 111 alien HI1 The 11 11parmnt II IIartment le leartment
parmnt artment will 1 try tt haxe h him hli deixirted 1 > 1
Foremost Formost Clotilen Coten Since Sic 1845 1845Straw 185 185Staw 1946Straw
Straw StrawHats Staw StrawHats
I Hats HatsAway Hat
Away AwayUnder Awayr Away4s 4s A
I r Under UnderPrice lnder UnderI UnderPrice t
Price PriceAs
I I Prce PrceAs
As the combined result of a backward season seasonand seaon seaonand seasonand
and an immense purchase comprising every ever hatin hat hatin hit hitin
in the stock of the maker of the te finest fnest hand handfinished bandfnished handfinished
finished fnished straw stw hats hts in America Americ we offer ofer now nowstraw nowstw nowstraw
straw stw hat values unapproachcd in all al ourhistory our ourhistory ourhistol
history histol
I 150 200 20 Straw Stw Hats Hat 115
200 20 250 250 Straw Stw Hate Hat 135 15I
I 300 0 350 Straw Stw Hat Ht 195 195I
I 350 50 400 40 Straw Stw Hats Hat 235 25I
I 400 40 500 50 Straw Stw Hats Hat 295 295The 295The 295The
The assortment assort assortI assortsmentincludes ¬
ment mentincludes mentincludesnearly includes includesnearly includesI
I nearly 100stylles 100 100styjles 10
styjles in inevery ini inevery
i every ever kindand kind kindand kindand
and finish fnsh of braid braidthat brd brdthat braidthat
that is known kow to togood togood togood
good straw stw hat hatmaking hotmaln hatmaking
making makingSmith maln malnSmth makingSmith
Smith Smth Gray CoTwo Co CoTw CoeTwo
Two Tw Brooklyn Brkl Storeii StoreiiPolton Two Tw New N York Stores StoresP91ten6tatFlltbtlabAr StorttiBroadway SIorl SIorlBrad
Warrea Warr St StAMM StPalotilltFllnubAy StAreas
Broadway Brad lt at t Wa
Polton PalotilltFllnubAy P91ten6tatFlltbtlabAr St t Flatlraib A ABroadway I Areas bM k CUr C Hat 11115th la laBrf
Broadway Brf at Bedford Boord Ay Sib 5t Av BeU27ll Blt2i a A23th ZI 29th Stt SIo
I 1In ExinFYs TMIV TJ1V IV v vKkleixliir 111 n r I IMklenl
Kkleixliir Mklenl k1ffll e a Freight JIlh Near Nta ar Hlallen NIUt am amFrlghtrni anYrlghtens nd ndrllhlml
Frlghtrni Passenger IastcngrnKlNnnttNi PassengerKtsnemarn mltn
KlNnnttNi X J June Jln in toThe Th T Phil PhilllMburg Phi PhilI4wburg
llMburg IIIhlrl etpnvM train wesilxiundon IHlnd on the theHorton thiIloonton Ihl
Horton lollon branch rnch of the Iacknwannillailrnad Iacknwanni LackawannaRailrad cknn cknnllrO
llailrnad llrO < ran rln into Inl n partly rty closed dO switch switclnear switchnear ch chnMr
near thi this station IAlon Rt fl shout Ihout 1 134 M oVHocl oVHoclthi o oclockthis ok okIhl
thi this afternoon rlmon and An sldewlped a freight freighttrain freighttrain
Idlwlp frplgl frplglIrRln
train Herbert lrlrl Weaver tanr a freight frlrht brake brakeman hrakeman brakeroan
man had h I one nnl leg I broken In tho Ira crath crathHe eah + h hIre
He 1 wa was the only one hurt hurtThoexpres hlrt hlrtTh hurtThecipreu
Thoexpres Th IPr waa going Rolnlt at a aUI lively speed speednot epeednot
not Mng scheduled olll to stop h hue re r Th Thengine T Thaengine
engine nln caught llll the Ih switch Iwlch and nr swerved swervedto efd
to the track occupied IJIII by the freight flllht Tin Tinbaggage 11 11tlllaJ Thebaggage
baggage tlllaJ car 1 nf the Ih expreea lrI WBJI wusmuhed wusmuhedThe smashed smashedThe mahe
The Th engineer ntnfOr fireman Irmn and Id conductor conduetoiaxed tndlcor tndlcorId conductorsaved
axed Id themselvea Ihlmlf by jumping Jumpli The Th loco Inmmotive locomotive 10 10mol1
motive mol1 rolled down the Ih embankment embankmentThe mhnkmnlT
The T passenger lnc1 were WI badly frightened frightenedlit frhlf
batt t lit 1 not hurt hlrt Th The i track lrek wo W wa torn up upfor upfnr 11 11ror
for inn 11 feet ffl and Inr traffic wa delayed for fortwo rorlu fortwo
two hours hoursST hour hour1flnt hoursST
ST VtrtKS 1flnt IIOSIITllS ouIru EFng EEDSinatttt EFngInstitution Ern ErnInlolo
Inlolo inatttt Institution llal In a flail n flay > rtnanclill rtnanclillInlr llna llnanl IrtnanrtallyIt
It Inlr nl leas Morr Help Ipll l Iomei IomeiTh otte otteThe nol nolT
Th T Imard hOrd of manager of 8t Mark MarkaIloepktal MarkHospital Ir
Hospital 11111 hu hi h l linen > een informed by it I exerts executive nfII exertstine ¬
tine 1 committee rmlll that Ih the Ih finance nnanr of the theinstitution Ih IhIllllon theinstitution
institution Illllon will wi l II le > m I a bad Ilr way if more morepublic mo moJuhlr morepubiir
public Juhlr Akt i Is not nl forthcoming rorthmmlnl In IPtithe iftt ifttthe Ip
the Ih hospital hlill wa free r from debt thl but hiI th thtlnatlngdeht I the theRoatingdehl 1 1110111Cthl
tlnatlngdeht 110111Cthl on March llrrh I IBIO wnslllK wnslllKowlnc waall35owing 1
owing oilt to 1 k + the increased Incr1 work which h hlieen has haskeen I
keen done ilnnei
tnnl tnnlIJllr
i IJllr S ontrihuiioiiK Hllol hart M < not kept pace C with withgrowing wlh wlh1wllll withgrowing
growing 1wllll expense und It I Kan ha h lieoome IMr moretiff more moredifficult mn mnIull
difficult Iull tiff olllt than Ihln ever I to raise ml money by pub pnblit publifl Ilh I II
lit I appeal IJ 1 While ht receipt 1111 last 11 year were wereiibout werentaut Ir
iibout IIM1 the ti Mime n a as in itPilIBDS IPn 1a16 the work worknf workof ork orkor
nf thus ho hnspill piUil l I and th II this expense have haxeincreaseil Ile Ile11t haveIncreased
Increased 11t about IMul p 2S per Jr cent Inl tJn and Inr the theconclusion Ih themnrtnslnn
conclusion Nnrlllon is I reached Ilhllhd that the lh financial fnanciuloutlOOk financialoutlook nnanllll nnanllllullt1k
outlook ullt1k la I inort discouraging etllurllnc tine unleoadditional IIn IInRddlloll tineadditional
Rddlloll additional eontnlohonscme rontrilKitmn rntrhllol em com in to t I Iror pay payfor > ay ayfor
for the th additional IlldlUem1 1urk work urk urkl
l 1 UOMM 111 i1 M7fNrS M7fNrSll I aI n1l1 rlS rlSill
ill ll 1 Allied 111 Mining Companlr onllnt Nhow lhl In Increate Inrnl incress
create rnl bat North olh Hull Hulllltrrit nuUIIITI IluttpRcrrt
lltrrit IITI Mon June in rh ruin Ana Anaconda AnaundInl Anacondaand < onda ondaand
Inl and sullied 1111 mining mlll com Iumlnll > nie have ttl tiled tiledHnnnal lt ltHlln Rkt1tnnnal
Hlln Hnnnal r report i > ort with lh the Ih tax authorities authoritiesnhowinn Illhllrll Illhllrllhol authnrtticsahnwtnq
nhowinn hol operation olralon and net earning for forthe furI fortin
I the h year ending 1tC Juno Jllnl t The grow tf anti nndnet antinet n1 n1nt
net earning Imlnl were Anaconda 1 companyrow company companyRriM fmnyIrl
grouse row 1ilUSaM713 II I ISHil I I1 7 T3 net tl3llMon tl3llMoniioeton 1311
I Irl iioeton and Rn Montana lunln grits < ItJlZttl ItJlZttlnt 11 1 1nII ia ianet
net l2I5e17993 BattcandHcetnngm BattcandHcetnngmLtTi7a47W
nII 1 D ni at llnI
LtTi7a47W 11 nt JIO39Z7OJ4 11111113 W Whl Wahn Wahngns1l34QBVIStnet hne hnegn
gn 11UtPf gns1l34QBVIStnet IISWn < ii net n IIIIn1 JlTVIftt i7R1o3T j Parrot Parrotgros Parrl Parrotgrows
grows If tnMi s211I I8i2tOlyk JA i tprnting rnting expenses expenseslwoua eapnseaIsg6A9ar JfMn JfMnW
Isg6A9ar lwoua W at lt net Ins lo I SIIH Stl 14 MAI North XnrthUnite Northihtte
Unite 111 gros r SIiflO 1 IMU < net fTSIMI 113aa167 113aa167hhitte 11111 11111Itll 7 7llutte
llutte Itll Cnahtion hllfn gm < IM9IMJ 1IWIt tt net netIWKIIST netssuieal3
IWKIIST 111 suieal3 aT Trenton Tnl n gross 1m Iixnji97 Iixnji97net 131 97 97art D1
net I 1X611 y3 Z3I1 in 37All 17 17VII
VII 1 show h an mereaac mcre cI e In earning except Cpt CptI
I million North llutte IIltp dollar which fell rtl off 01 more than Ihln a amillion I amuilnn
mlln < 1
Are you reading the theAnglican theAnglcan theAnglian
Anglican AnglicanAdventures Anglcan AnglianAdventures
I Adventures Adventuresof
of a Humorist HumoristTheyre HumoristTheyre
1 Theyre Teyre by Charles CharlesBattell CharlesI CharlesBatten
I Batten BatcH Loomis and an another anI another ¬
I other amusing instalment instalmentwill
I will wi appear in next nextSundays nextI nextSunday
I Sundays SundaysSun s sSun
f Sun SunYou
You are introduced intoduced to toBertie toBertie toBertie
Bertie Blighter this time timeH time timeIlL
IlL H i t f TODII ronnSHOOTS ronnSHOOTSllcailnf Tnw SIWOTS MWfT IfiJfsC1i IfiJfsC1iHeal 111Url
Heal llcailnf 11 nr u aCnmlrurtlnnCompan lrlllon ompn Had lr Lent LentContract L1 L1I Louttonlract
I Contract olrallo to Itiillrl 1ldam a Dam in ewrmrch SewbnrihNgwarB411 ewrmrchNKftBrmiii etrch etrchSIltRII
NKftBrmiii SIltRII June Jun 10 W V I i Todd Toddpresident Ttt TttI Toldpresident
I president prilnt of the Todd Tod Construction lonM fon i 11 11panr ire irewny oeMany
Many shot himself himl through Ihrujh the Ih htat htatthi ht htIhl htaathis
this afternoon and Ind dropped drolJ dead deadmoved t d dmwd a amoved ±
moved from frul time 1 spot pl where whl he h had hao haonUnl wit witatunding > eeistanding
standing nUnl m hi Ilis room rom at 7 Zi 5i l Lilwrtv LilwrtvThe 1IIrlTh a aThe
The Todd Tod CoiKtrunlnn Con4tIMlonlmJny Company ha h Ml Mla 1 1nlrll <
a contract nlrll with the rll Xewburgh Shlrlh W V VomllilllfA Wet Wett t tt
t ommiMioner omllilllfA to h build hlild a I Urn and nt nat natother mataother a aolhr
other iniproxempnta at the Ih lake lak eupplTiiu eupplTiiuthe npptynthe n nIh
the Ih city llr with wlh water He I if failed fild tn IJ tern rtrnon r ron ternan
on hi hia work ork tnthe 10 I the hI sutifnr NIIrlMlon lisfanionnf 1 inn or the Ih I IInI810n tmiaainnra < v vtnisioner
tnisioner InI810n and Ind they Ih dclare < l hie h s contraa contraafnrfeited YHif If IffnrfitPlnd i iforfeited
forfeited fnrfitPlnd and awarded iwai11 It In 1f another olhr rirrthe parr ru ruIh parrthe
the Ih Irl > m > ent week weekTodil wickTodd I
Todd 101 wa wu 1 in hi hie room 11 looking Innkmasome InkDI lookingcome r r1m
some 1m prints 1101 paten < His Hi Ii wife irl who whnIn hn hnIn ear earin
In the Ih hall h1 near pl by heard the repv repvthe rI f fthe
the th pistol 11101 and Irt the cry Cr of My I gun 1 vent ventoff eni enioff nl nlffllofd
off followed ffllofd by list I hI fall f1 of fr a holy hod Todd TodJlived TjIh1 Toddlived
lived a few r minute 1lltt only He II came her hera hrI
a I year YIA or Ir Iwo ago ajI and all ha hl has figured Ijlr large larjy larjyI y yin yin
in I sexernl rl financial Inanlnl deal 01 The ThJ > m mpany mpang
pang of which hlrh lie h wa 1 the Ihl head hI1 hI1nll wit witantly a e ecently
cently nll awardml the Ih contract rnnlrfl for ro repainnj repainnjand rtn rtnnd raMlnnand of ofState
and nd oiling oiln the Ih surface urrac nf a I numliei numhStle of ofHute
State Stle riNid in 11 this hi section sectionlir IUna IUnaII
lir II llrancatl lrn Scyrtttrd ScyrtttrdDr c 1111 iilllrd iilllrdDr I I Ir
Dr r Salvatore Shlur HrancAti Irn u the thephysician Ih hD hDphYIIn Utumphyaictn
physician who ho ha haw been n on n trill Irl in h htnlfl hUnited i itniled
United tnlfl Slate SI Circuit Clrul Court our for two t1 < < i tart tarton Y Ynn r rnn
nn the charge chrl of perjury frJur alleged allat to 10 we bt btnmmiuf btrC1een wel
1een l < een committed nmmiuf in i the Ihlrllt trial last Kebruarv Kebruarvof hl
of the th IupnMorelln IpOIUO gang n I of counter counterfeiter runlr runlrI coantrfeters ¬
I feiter wa was acquitted aculld yeatenUy 1HIfl
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