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I IHh Ht lJ NVJfcDMii LDIli1IJAY > lAY JUNE lo i b 1910 LQ4 + a 2
Bsme mi iu Rat UneeaOrmed Rrpcrt ef f th tbe Ar Ari A Aratr
i rett ratr et f Hatband er r the theWemua Wraian Pratt PrattI Fodluzdertd
I Murdered to Lake Come eme4eaftlftlll cmvnaleebiiTberks eme4eaftlftlllI Cenair ttoi ttoiTneerte
Tneerte er f the Crime Amen Amng Offlelali Offlelali5prUI OIDtlaloJNc Omelaliapdil
5prUI CoM C D Dutck rlcM M Tn TilRogz 3m 3mROMS no
ROMS June J le 14 HAn An unconfirmed report reportbaa ropmbaa rnportbu
baa reached hem that Porter Charlton Charltonb Chixltonbein
b ha been arrested at Lausanne LausanneOouo LRUIanMUO 14UILflflICOIL0
Oouo UO Italy Junn uCount OugUa OugUaprocurator OucUaprocuratcI Ougilsprocumtcr
procurator for Lombardy baa aoqulredInformation aoqulred aoqulndnformatlon soquiridInforinstion
Information concerning the murder ol olMr ofI ot1IL
Mr 1IL Mary I Soott CaMle Charltoo which whichbM whichbaa blob blobbaa
baa diverted the activities of the th criminal criminalbranch orimlnalbranch crlmluajbrazch
branch toward n i new line of Inquiry nqufrCcwtt
Count GngU U a of the old school ool of crimi criminal crimiullDYtlptora crbntal ¬
nal ullDYtlptora Investigator whose wb work ork was aocom aocompllahed aocomrJlahtd accopllabed
pllahed before the era ra of journallttto In Iniatance lDeistance Insance
iatance lie in I It therefore Idly IcU aloof aloofThftCotmt aloofTMCount aloofThaCotmt
ThftCotmt hold a confer conferenos eooe thU thWatter thWatter1l00D after afternoon ¬
noon with tth the AmboMadtMr am of the United UnitedState UaltedStaw UaltcdStat
State Along the road which curro curroto CUJTtn
to t tha th aouth southeast aat from Moltraalo to Como Comoalone ComoID ComoalLg
alone thn wet hank of Lake Como new newr newaper
r > P per r mm from many clUe clllelWfre were awaiting awaitinghi
hi hill return Reporter for journal of ojhalf ofh4U ofbtI
half a down d n countries were them eager eagerfor eagerfor r rfor
for scrape of Information lntonna on At time timeflu timetII3 IDN IDNfala
flu report that the Count carriage carriageo carriaceU
o U approaching created u much ex excitement excitement sictement ¬
citement ft 11I If royalty Itaelf had been beenen
en the more moreKverybody mo motl1body mostITerybody
Kverybody knew Im that Count Qugka Qugkakd auli aulibd
kd heon closeted for two hour with withJohn withJohn lIb lIbJohn
John u 1 A Leiahman LeiIh man th the American AmericanAnboMador AmricaoAmb4Mdor AmrknAmb4Muior
AnboMador and It was w rumored Ui that thatthe thatth t tthe
the th Count ounta theory of the crime crimedlnCtJy WM WMdirectly wasdwetjy
directly oppoalto to that which Mr L L hran Labtn Uh Uhran
ran had formed The Ambassador has hastiumed baaumd hassuzned
tiumed apparently that Porter Charlton Charltontha
the anarmlo young husband of the dead deadwoman deadwoman deadwo
woman wo wa w murdered by Spolatoff the theRussian thenUMIan thefluMInn
Russian Caughy Consul at Como also alsoplanted aLIaplanled alopIntel
planted hitn blJnWlr elf upon thU theory theoryCount tbeolCount theoryCOUILt
Count GuglU when he vUited Am Arnbuador Ambuaador Ambwador
buador Lleahman this afternoon told toldthe toldIhe toktthe
the Amtafwador It U a tailored that there therewas there1IlIS therewits
was evtry enl1l1UOll reason to suspect that Porter PorterCharlton PorterChulton PorterCbtrjton
Charlton was alive When th the Counts CountsmrrUge lountlourIqe CountarM
mrrUge arM wa OUI topped by the reporter reporterand reporttorsand
and the official wa Induced to talk it itwa Itwu Itwas
wa wu earned tint the Investigation lDvesU tfona of oftho ofthe ofth
the detective tendod to how that thatPorter thatPurter thatIIirtet
Porter Charlton wa alive on the night of ofJune ofJuno ofJune
June 0 three ttre daya after Mr Ira Charlton Charltonh
h I supposed aUp to hare been killed The de detective deWGthft doteetlve ¬
tective learned thl by accident accidentThe accidentThe accidentThe
The oapottaxione of Lugano appeared appearedbefore appearedterote appearedterote
terote Count Quglia thl morning Lu Luao LuI4o
I4o 410 ao ii I In Switzerland in the canton of ofTicino ofIiclllo ofriclno
Ticino and he h could not have been com compelled vompolled < OmlIed ¬
polled lIed of ofroulll course to come forward But Buton Buton Buton
on account of the Intimacy of the terri territories telItrle tern ternthrlev ¬
tories the capoatazione whose e name ii iiSellwits IISeUwitz IsSeIlwLtz
Sellwits volunteered to awitt It justice justiceHe
He said that on ths tb nIght of June 0 0h 8h Dh
h sold a ticket for Lucerne to a slender slenderyoung altnderrounJ alendernung
young man of the th description of Porter PorterCharlton PorterC11arlto PorterChtnItoL
Charlton lira young man desired to totravel 10traYIJ totravel
travel by the St ft dot Golhard hard Railway there 1111ronOlblng llLerewa thereWAS
WAS nothing about hi hie appearance that thatespecially lhatHr thatepedII
especially < interested the Hwla but after afterthe afllrthe afterthe
the news of the tb murder hid been I tpread tpreadh
h hot < t Identified he thought he husband husbandef I I
ef r the murdered mllrd red woman womanHe womanHo
He told Count Ouglia that the young youngAmerican rouneAmeriCWI youngAmenicu
American spoke Italian Imperfectly A Acarter ANn Acaner
carter Nn had taken him to the railway railwaystation rnwayaton railwayIl4Itlon
station and 1f the carter had told I the Capot Capotasuwe Capooltaaio Capoetaione >
asuwe or auilonmaater jestingly that thathe thatbe thathe
he had charged the young man alia aliaIntfeae a1atht 11 111n
Intfeae 1n that is s to say more than cus customary UStonar ctsternary ¬
ternary tomaryCount tonarCOllnt ternaryCount
Count GuclU inqulrini directed dllf < td to toXucerne toJuceme toLuceme
Xucerne IUTO met with little response responseThe reaponseThe I
The 110 nOt I t obtained by th ha Procurator ProcuratorvrliKh IJOtJnlortlll1
vrliKh tlll1 p pC etn of igniH 11tt1He1nroo ine < t to ti that u up KpI mybI I
p pI l young I man drewd d 1 in n ii unit 1111 of oftvee flftfOt uftwpe1s I
tvee twpe1s < is and wearing Nrin a up nlttninnl nlttninnlchange ohl rthtnedchane n1 n1cbflnlt
change f hI > r a tM ft th Ihl lUnoi NXzimwl NXzimwlin IIZIUO5IIIn I IIn
in lu em en June 9 The Th young nvin nvintook nwntook I
took dinner alone at a populir rrotaiiront rrotaiirontani reetitIranarr trlLlllan1
ani arr g v the th waller 111 n l hill ill for IIMI I lire lireV Ii IiIll lireau
Ill V JI < t KOU Th iw > of the Ih MU excited excitedyfnrt witvInl I
lrmmH < yfnrt w end nl the Incident lingered in inthe Inthe
the IIItmillfJ mind f the Ih reitviruteur reitviruteurit I
it 1 P xurator elr lratnr lflrll is lior that liirlton liirltonv
v j tin al i r > nfnnd Mill further bf bfnr h I
10 5 I fl flf f a enid cla cMi 11III jwi4tIr jwi4tIrar < r rnr
nr fa r i > to I Igsni iR I in The TheIf lh hI hII angr angrto
If I > irsn MIl a at thn Ih tile He insists itwutoiiiwHl 11111n insistsorIz4wl
n < oiiiwHl i herlton Tb Tha train traini
fI i i I dl1 vl traveled about leti I killmI kilometere kilometerer I
1 1 I wheiewwrv1tht h1 oMoor1 1t11t ayoian ayoianz 01n
11 z trg ir t t macklnfAh wa walking walkingh Bikingh II
C h eoeh 1h youth Bulh heM he h hriid
M ml n rvoiin and wI urmld maIilI to tor I Ih
r I liirwlf h r He If MntkcH kNi e lelArtt1 lelArtt11d u rette retterfv
rfv tit 41d nd wan WI unwitting to enter enterInt eiterIn I
Int III < rafxi 41 with lth othr pawenger pawengerroiiln BnjtH poaingeNH
H > < roiiln s of the Ih guard uard in bud budCo hadI I Ir II
I r
rI I I e 10111 I akin a oy Co Cml CsmII Hlt HltMiv
I > Miv tIveter lIr t r of th1 th Interior who whorf whocr whor II
r rf fMin I lrp > the irtivttta ctivitl Ivltl of if 111 111hu IIIII tha thap
p hu II ortlrd ntr < d that take Como Comofl
1 fl agaIn for th tha l ody IIIXJ > of Port Portr PortrIt r
11 i Ii wa waa Kikl t today 100M that the Iii hit hitI liltfllld hitol
I of f wd hv h mvireh rDhI11 n yeetenliy yiatnhiywj Irdl1 Irdl1w
I w wj it > ni tut 11 tt no on ooooulrt oneouWd4rrnins oneouWd4rrninsI eouldri dOInmn dOInmnI t > nnim nnimi
I I I tei i a part PH of Charlton CharltonI
I g i ii > tV > i 110111 DoIi > olic i attach a dl no impor import
t 10 IP I H Mvjvrv I ry e pen Jfdallyln lly In vi vit view viewI w wr
r > f ita t the bay I where thi Ia shred shredI < l lI
I Ad A I1 dragged for hour with withIf
e I If Ihnrlton lhritonat Imrly r riO td tdt
t < wtn rn twrdly lIIntl posibl that the thel
< l > v oiifcl have iniKMNl il ilTttat Ir tiaOra
r Tttat tI aOra Hr > r nttentlon remain remsirHdo
w it1 do 1 m tmlllnl t mt re tinc individual individualinlen IIwtlvilJalIn
inlen In intu tnl Ih1 I h hand of the thech IhO1rh th thS
S 1rh ch for a number nJm r of ypar yparnn 1rIIII
nn II > HpolatofT pol tor ITie In more morei
i i i I III investigated tnv atigtrd Ihe lb more moreii
II M ii ieomi rome rom1aulIxfy rom1aulIxfyH n as a stijdy stijdyi
I H i i rompmire Is I perfect and andI
I n rirrinal eervice poorI shrewd Ihrwdr as asfuhd a ar
r fuhd lodiiturliit lodiiturliiti to tiuittiti It ItO
O > < i hay ha aMrlIIltJ v > rtainei that thata
II t a ItiiuUn nilIdle mlllt I cIa rlcvB Ir Ire
a B i nt II early rly 11 ate a left Ht Peter Peterk
ill > I k out fit for a r career of e Ill IllIII easy easyI y yHi
I Hi laleit attracterl the thef
at f ii t i mr ara foreign forfi tn wateherMl wateher teht18 teht18It
It Ml wa ai i empktynl 1tfI1 l 1 n ai < an a ateat ateatnmit afllltI
i > I nmit II a deiixnatten dI lIalj n which whichn
n I > nir iIt if no of thing IhllI A ts 11 to I what whatKi
t Ki 1 Ri4n + 4 IIfI n ill 111 I to earn rn hi Mi pay payi
J h e i are re r not no cure U hut they theyB th thII I I
B ha ini i iNMtotalor t4tjIatotI hlmcelf that hi hii hithlt his hisI
I i vViirli hi h may wean In IbIS part partol
ol T r i retainer wa 11 recently recentlyJr rfl <
Ir i
j 4 > in we i a loiterer along the theR
R I < 4 w wall ll dessed Invariably Invariablyinn I
inn Ie iUi 1M oi it 1 i oftIIlt1y tantly in want wantI e elii if ifi
I i I IP ii It if f IhIK she ilotr f Lk iakr ae aeIII
lii iiM 1 H i He II likedmerieuB likedmerieuBar 11I1 mtrlllUl mtrlllUlIIr
ar a 4 i im 111f lf In the ww w t of intro introi IntroI IntroII
I i t 4 ni riiAtta lfItt tt r of ge 1tNlp ip il is said saidHi aidttI I III
Hi II Iv t a 1tnert part a knowledge of ofIV ofp f I
IV p 1 ai I nan netntthornjnFrafle 11 mi AII l rn in i France frafl may TnayI I
1 I Lf r ipi1 i < t f 1 thn I Italian otHeUU otHeUUJf oIII lalt laltI I I
M Jf I IMH I iKefi 1flOll t of plIoe rciUo oliO in Pail
i tL > i I r I nil 1 II the It pnHeo fI ke expert expertf aepertse4
e4 f IF i r Mi H k0Mtg JIIII I JH ye wt It for forT faryirL
T yirL > < I iw > t fiiera 11 Ii > re is Ian a theory I c ooorr that he helug I
If ft 0 fr r II rn I ii lug 1llj Wff Hi from t bigaiio bigaiioII tgano tganoto RO ROIII
to II I 1 ir I rm It 1It Iuearne K me e to Part PartI
1 Il 111 I 1 I Oa lr tjtfOtO WwlCfl whlrhr W Wr iir I I
r ii t i r HM llItr wy ibwkitiiK klRtC tn tA prove proveI pro
I M 1 t I I V Hwrl whJ wh WO fasted foMdn i
r It lMy ot Sill ipiaa niw 11M4 11M4a 1ttW1 I
a i n lIIrIn ritin Poir rol r Chirl 114111 thari tharivarsltadeptrprt I
varsltadeptrprt varsltadeptrprttm 1 hllot Irjnn IrjnnI
f > I tm b hry hryS J
Ecoaomy cannot consistently coa teaUymeuuzed co cobe
b be roeawiTcd try b pead1tare pead1tareM cxpe241twa
of a vintage represent the economical economicalcondition economicalconc11tJon
condition of perfect quality
FLOODS KILL 3OO u IX GCfUMVr GCfUMVretrjr GrnVTtMtt arnvtxrMeetly
tMtt etrjr Hallway Lab LabennIaora rnYblton Flood e i iBeond I IBOIIDd Ifleond
Beond at nborsmmrrtait nborsmmrrtaitSpittil
Spittil IfNl CHI Cd Dtifttttt t Ie Tas Ti sex sexBOHUM SII SIIDIUILDI MullBULlY
BULlY June t4Reports 14 port slowly com coming COInIne cornlog
log In here be ahow aho that the Ih storm to the thtRhine thoRhine theIthtne
Rhine Valley on June 12 wa W very de detructlve deatructh ci cistructiv
tructlve Fifty live were lost tn the theAdenan tbeAdelWl theAdeuan
Adenan district and IM in the Ahr Valley
Workmen barrack atniankenttlenwerc atniankenttlenwercwept at DInbnltlm were werept wereswept
wept pt away and 100 men were drowned drownedOwing drownedOwinc drownedOwlg
Owing to the destruction of telegraph telegraphline teleraphlinN
line through th the district affected dtall dtallare dtItaUaate dataltate
ate lacking acldn It I la known however that thatrailway thtrallw81 thatrailway
railway embankment have ben washed wsshecaway wuhtdawl washedaway
away awl and crop iiibiuerged > d in man mandistrict many I IdlItricta
districtThe district dlItrictaThe districtsThe
The dlaaaUr at Ahr 1 Ia understood to tchare tohave I
hare haYelNllIted resulted from th the bursting of a dan danunder damUDder darnunder
under preatur from the flood The Thewater Thewat i iwaten
water wat are now subsiding suMdlngMost subsidingMost
Most of those drowned were Italian Italianand Italianand Italianand
and Croatian navvies The bridge at atSchuld AtSchuld atSchuld I
Schuld was crowded with ith people gazing gazincat
at the water of the flooded River Ahr Ahirushing AhrruahlDl Ahrrushing
rushing b eneath when the structure col colapsed colaJd cotapeed
apsed apsedThe aJdThe apeedThe
The total n umber of death I unknown unknownFifty unknownnflr unknownFifty
Fifty bodle have been recovered recoveredThe I
The town of Oberammergau was 11I flooded floodeda
a torrent three feet deep running through throughsome tbroujtbIIOme
some of the th street The greu Passion PassionPlay laulunPlay PaslonPlay
Play tbentre wa threatened The road roadare ruadare rustleare
are Impassable and the railway have havetemporarily tuutttrnporarity have1temporarily
temporarily suspended u pended orutlons orutlonsHundreds orutlonisHundreds I
Hundreds of American merilIUIlIlnd and other vis visitor 1111 vIshors ¬
hors are floodbound It I reported that thitthere thattbtre thatthere
there U much suffering ansi great dis discomfort dl dlcomfort diacomfort ¬
comfort comfortDEJREt I
mIWIS ran AMEUH I1U1f1VtS I1U1f1VtSOpening s sOpentas I IOprnbls
Opening ef f n oriels MlwJpnsry rnnfer rnnferrare VoflteresteeGreetIng
rare m esteeGreetIng Creeling Item King ieerce ieerceSffffcU Geretged4J I Il
SffffcU l CAM tv Dtpk plf N THK < 4u 4uFDIKnCROH 1ull 1ullFDIXIIVROH I IFDIIUIUROH
FDIKnCROH June II One Un of the most mostnotable mollIVIlable moatnotable
notable feature of the World Mis Missionary Mi Mislonary l a aIionary ¬
sionary Conference lonf rlnCfO which began in inearnest Inearnt Inearneet
earnest tod lody < tr wa the conferring nf nfhonorary ofhonorary j
honorary degree on a number mtKor of promi prominent ¬ I Inent Inent
nent delegates Including Mr 11 Mackenzin Mackenzinof
of Hartford Coon onn and Mr Speer 4liro I of f the tlmPresbyterian th thPrnobttrlan thePrrobyterian
Presbyterian Hoard who received lCti toci lh lhdegree II1laTte the theilegree
degree of I I D and Mr Ir Beaver of Penn Pennsylvania Pennsylvania ¬ I IIylvauill
sylvania Seth Low and J It Mott who whoreceived whovcelvel hu huItCtiverl
received the degree of Mi D DKing Dlilnl UKing
King George rant It this ranferenr A Alonq 1Iont along I
long welcoming niemutice prinK etpreMlnicgratiliration espraealnggratitleation prinKcralllllIIllnn
gratiliration at th the amperntion of ofmany ta tamany iettianythurchea I
many ttianythurchea thurehe The TheArchhtahopufCsn TheArchhtahopufCsnI ArohWshop of Can Canrtrnnry I Ibllrr
rtrnnry bllrr took a prominent part in Urn t pnt pntceedinF I ItfIdlna rn rnCe
ceedinF ceedinFtitTinHHi Ce dInt dIntiiirriivjt
titTinHHi iiirriivjt I hI h iv I sn fivfr fivfrReggie 111AtSII isxufleggte
Reggie and Memtna lna Milken aJm hut o ollamage onamfO ntamage
llamage Sor or I IA M of llfe llfet UrewpU41
wpU41 t > Ht4 > rM t DHHH H M TIB < ttv ttvHOVK 11I10l1 V VItoys
HOVK June 1 11 16Thai 1 There wa w a 1larlhclHako aearthtiusko Mvem Mvemearth
earth larlhclHako < H ke shock In several rlll portion of efItaly ofIlaly ofItaly
Italy t Iday 4ly It wa felt partleutarty partleutartyat art rti ularly ularlyat
at lleecio f tI l CaUhria Mihln fIt GaWm GaWmami n aauioesoil ltiM I Iall
soil all IiM Meinai I II
1 I i M > ooh h hick > Kk > ereat ersatd al1 < l a panic nmone IMo tbfithuotanlf ibsjthtint IMojIdjU
ithuotanlf lull then vrti w > no n noI fntHhtii fntHhtiiund I hli >
und 1111 < 1 ni II lUnwir lUnwirmil > wa iiuas iiuasI < 1 1I
mil I tv I V nsirs I fi nn r tit titTalks iru lIl11 lIl11TII v vTalks
Talks H1IM 11h lla1 1IIIIItCrcl < Ieeree ami fhurrhlll fhurrhlllnn hurrUIMrrIMlII
nn MrrIMlII merlrsn lfaln tifairspivt lfalnpnl
pnl 10 t rr t IHi DMst 0 Utt It TBi Tt sill 41 41IoH sillIoN1iqut HtxIxNl
I Ia
IxNl IoN1iqut > K June llWIHMiH 11 WIUa1ll Jennhtan JennhtanBrj1 Janelsiaflryai
Brj1 a Wtrd the t1 How 11 linstea of f rm omm AH thU thUatternn i I Ilternnu
atternn ii II ha riiAttAil with Itb Itbor liaHfeUtH liaHfeUtHof f fof
of th the Kxi4iHtier I UydUc Jt ytlOe irxe a eeit < l Il 11114 11114I in inSecT >
I SecT t tCIIfY wy Wli Wlff04Im Wtps4 M ChiirflJiill and 1 w r w in intr i1CitH i itestutiiI
tr testutiiI CitH ltHtd to II anuHtb r or f mcmxTn m III with wilhwhom wl wlwho withwhose
whom who h Ulkd fIb m III < Amenean eI 11If1l iistetiona < 11If1ltlooll H Htlons
tlons tloollI tionaIts
Its ir fflfl fit iun Kit Ttntnts MI D Dllsmhiirr IIlImbtlrc I Ihamburg
hamburg imrrlrsn liner CrnumU rlHllld In the theHoulacne Ih IhI thefluulefln
I Houlacne OIIlo 1 Knrltor Ullrl > r 411 Kin KinJuno lillnDnfNHlt gaIne
e DnfNHlt I TAl Ill IlltULOfl 5f 5ftkpULoaxr
tULOfl K Juno II I I 11m ih Hamburg HamburgAmerican lImhrftacmaan IIamtargArnerkin
American tearnshlfi Blttctar from Ham Hamburg lIaltlbura 11amburg ¬
burg to New aW w York went tR1 ashore last night nightwbll nlahth nightwielia
wbll h entering this harbor hart iltf ws4 ws4tnted M Mfloated uItC1llttfl
floated off on trw th rising riAill Ikt 11 < 4 and pr prcmled rrCNC11 pro procredeil <
cmled she Ih sustainel no damagu to tofar tfr o ofar
far a ulOUld aa could be a certind wcartalneIlfllIfXI certindAtinofMt
AtinofMt IT r rIfTtMt ifrr tIfTtfItIanafra ifiKvi ifiKviJamaica
I Ifunl
Jamaica hear II Hoal all > Nteamrr NteamrrMssilslms MleansrrMagdalrna IrallrrIacdalma
Mssilslms Is In Trouble TroublexprrMI Traubllt TroublepefimI
KINOHTOX Jainalra June 14 It IN INreptrted Hp ii iirepirtet1
reptrted p r 1 here that the Royal Mail steamer steamerMagdnleiui ltMrnrla CteatnarMadaIens
Magdnleiui la AItna Is Mgromid near Cartagena CartagenaColombia Clirtaltnai CartagenaCtIOIHtI5
Colombia war lk IIII spot where the steamer steamerTrent altamerTlHlt steamerTreat
Trent utruek oine month ago agoTlie agoThe
The 11 wrecking steamer lI mtr Premier or < will wUllto wUlltoto go goto goIi I
to Ii her n 1ItcIAnn sUtanc if tho report i 18 IOn iwnItrwsnl IOn6nflCfl confirmed
firmed 6nflCflnt firmedRewafli
Itrwsnl nt nl fur Murderers of f Mglil llhler llhlerM IlhlrIIn llb1erIltnees
M Itnewes IltneespnarKroarKyJune ItnewesFnNKfoi IIn I IYnANKrOnTIylun1t
FnNKfoi YnANKrOnTIylun1t T Ky June 1 It 1 10 soy WilUon WilUonluut Willisonbaa UWmI UWmIh
baa h offered a rnwanl or tinil w I for th this con conviction conYlctlon cnnviction ¬
viction of the men who killed Julian JulianRobinnon JlllklnItobll1llOl1 liiiianRobinson
Robinson near Otter Pond and also alsoreward 11 a aremaid I
reward want of luo U4 for the conviction CIOII ction of th thmurderem Ihmllnle the themurderfl
I Ik11lrd IkIlled
murderem mllnle of L LM I l C 0 l1t l who ho hokilled was
killed nar fL0 Princeton It l It thought Ihou ht that thatlioth lhatbotb thatboth
both men knew too much alxMit the Ih night nightrider nightddere I
rider and Ad that they were r 1fI killed for thm thmreason thlrf8aon thiereason
reason rf8aonT1fI
The Wether WetherJune athff
June 11 II The Tl ri tIp dpriWtan prrvm ovr r Uw tower towerLawrrnie SL SLLswrrnc
Lswrrnc sMrf a moved l IlMr H > r sarUwutwsrd sarUwutwsrdretlcrdsr lIOtiMulardrWd aotbeunsrdyeterdsy
retlcrdsr sml 1111 gene festfr trot woa e la Itx th high hlih4Taws 11I111 high5mvte
4Taws wfckh 11 tn treSs W I rrsUe < ke wer r rt the e Central CentralKsrlsnd CmualI Centralttatra
ttatra t C tovred 1 11 lleestluil east at t 1M Hr HrMa Kiwty I Iijoentalfi
ijoentalfi CllII Deitbfffl Deitbfffl14s1i 1m Ksrlsnd KsrlsndHste
I tlal
Ma Hste Ha fHI r In II I Its IS p e w IOIIIh > lh II AHsnHe al um < lalr and 1 II IIbccsme II IIe Itbeenjos
bccsme e ttnolf I In I Id Ue tie mMdlr rdl ulaat44 11 tmic Main Mainlowsrd 5IatSi 5IatSitoward Ia Iard
toward rd rrrntar rrrntarIt eItflhftIt Ia IaI
It I w was warmer n In II rainy Iurl ill 11 l pails > srlt al of 0 the e ron TOUBn ml mlU rontry
n fee I e mm 11 mail aaUwarttty 10o sJnnrw u 1f In tcntfwr tcntfwrMire Itlra tcmeraIsire
Mire U of osesprtag arrtB mlc I II In rt the I Northern r MlU Ml StateIn ta taI
1 U I tMt IMsI dif t Uw thedaywatMrafld ld dir wss rar4 sir n4 tMf atlitsilvearmer atlitsilvearmerI bUv wsrratr wsrratrla
I I la i te tG is tnonttt II weri wsmrr n hi I IM sttrraoo sttrraoortoadr al alm attrnaisiloudy
rtoadr I m 1 tmsM rrcnlac nll wtnd wd Mhi 111 wmerly wmerlystersn aeielyI nl nlea I
I stersn Wimldlir IIIIIIT lo fmt UsmiMer tiem ie4er Fee rofrttwd Fee1j
I rttwd ea 1j v I r I rest s4 to I rs tetrl st S V M I SO OII 113 113M l 3 3i
II i r INsl7 M aM aMI W WTbs
Tbs UMpersWrs ye yftterdar ltrd r a as reeorded by b Uw UwaOdal ISUtruiometer
1 T lpl tr rfre b tel
I aOdal lkrmon truiometer ter h I ttxnra to I lft IM sneezed sasrxedttia sneezedI
11 trer t alue I
I Iabtr I ttia 1 ltn 15 M itta ittaA I II 1510C
C A U 1e 7l C f fIt S 1 1 1I
It I I M 5 III l S I I Il S L U 1 1a 74
I J a P M IT M al I4I l MM MMHlcknt SW 7n 7nNillilat W
Hlcknt Hrll I tempfrstwr nn M t st 1 a r I M Mitia S SOI MwAsRIXOTOX I
wAsRIXOTOX OI ralU JOUCAST itia Yfl TOOAT O T a AMI o to toHO 105101110w 0
HO 5101110w 5101110wp nw nwmini
p I4INFPI 1 Yr Vlw Vik e I led Xis J Ja4e rat al alI
4 H I mini t mortvt M hft fM Hi h m rf madtrafe 4tntt 4tnttflfHh I rWerS rWerSed I Ir
flfHh flfHhTor ed edrr
Tor r MM it INtlfkt 1Illf ef ofwash r 4wM h fM4ni PraMf PraMfva 1 1N
va wash s New N Ne Jmrr J I IIc l5s4le > r4 Urrls Naryteed t sad sadMr 1 1I and1lw4s
1lw4s Mr fr s sd 4 srmer r M I der s Mr er tumor lomerI 1 1Irl
row rowI hl wr
Irl I I M f wniera i > f ew w Yerli YI Mr W M4r s 4sv Md W Wrre l toI
1 rre vrw Mfkl isttoWs 1a elide Needy C1111a14 st rtr
CA 11 arr IJFT IT FOIl I1 srwntflim IOllll AM AMHAS 4IlI4I I U UUS
HAS fttKTTr InlTT EAnir rAnl HOT lJr Lfl IT ITMere ITiorc
Mere 101 Valuable by b a Dam Dm Nile 11t Than an An Anb Ai Aib Anhasty <
b b hasty dr Had la Huspeeted Plrd fntll nUl Condemn Cteideiueatery at
117 Proceedings Pl Net et t In A City I tty Kngt Kngtneer Enilneer lt
neer ntr Begins 011 Mull Nul le t flock ml Pure Ih Ih11le lurrhue lurrhueflis hs e eTtie
Ttie present Administration Admlitr tJO has h dis discovered dil dill dl dlcovered ¬
covered l that tht tb the old Aqueduct Aquut Commit Commitlions loml lomllionl Conimhiionm
lions lionl plan pia for the Croton Cton Fall al reservoii reservoiiincluded mervoirIncluded oir oirInelut
included Inelut the le purchase purh of an a Iron Ir mine mlmvalued mi mineI
I valued vlu by II I its owner owera at S4OO 4800010 and andyeaterday andI andyentertlay
yeaterday r8kny Charles Cbrl T 1 Bull an aaslstanlengineer assistant assistantengineer ltlt ltltnllfltr
I engineer nllfltr In I the te Department Oprtmtt of Water WateiSupply Watr WatrSUPIly WaterSupply
Supply Ga C and nd Electricity Eltrciy suing a as a itaxpayer aI
I taxpayer tasJr secured 111 from fr Justice Jull ErUngei ErUngeian fl r rn
an n order oner requiring rulr Commissioner Cmmlslotr Thomp Thompson Thomp ¬
son 1 the head hfd of the department deprtmet and andother andote andother
other ote to show cause 0 on June Ju fl i why whjthey wh whth whythey
they th should aouk not lie I permanently prty re restrained r rllral nostrained ¬
strained llral a as Mr 11 Thompson Tmpn would wou b bpleased b be bepleIL5cl
pleased pl lo be h from frm taking tkll further furr steps stepsto li
to condemn CtllDI the land on which the mIne mlnaIs min
Is I The Te suit I li Is brought against allnat Com Commissioner ComIlnllonlr CornI ¬
Ilnllonlr I missioner Thompson homJn as al a the successor aJ r to tcthe toIh tothe
the Ih Aqueduct Commission omm lon and against agatnilWilliam aclnt aclntI againstIIIktni
William I m Church lurh Owborne olml John Joh Quinn Qulnnand QuinnI Quinnand
I and William Wiim N Benjamin Iwnjml the th ccmmls ccmmlstloner cmm cmmIonc commisslon
tloner slon Ionc m nf f nppraKtl nppraKtlIt
I It i IA understood undCrtoClIIht that th the extravagance extravaganceof nlrnlnr
I of buying huln an iron Ir mine for aqueduct aqueductpillpone aueuct aueuct11r aqueductIIi4Fe
11r pillpone IIi4Fe was WI brought to the attention IItntn olthe of ofIho ofthe
the oftlcer onJ of former forr administration administrationbut dmlnllratM dmlnllratMhut
hut that lht nobody noho did anything nnyhlnl about ahut it itThe IITl ItThe
The Tl vunmiMlnner < mmlloer of appraisal PPrl who whowere whoI whowere
I were to determine the value vlu of certain certainrunels rrl certainpareels
runels jnoll of land Jlt in Putnam rlnm county nly to be beuwd I lieu11I
uwd for the purpose 111 Puri of the th Crotnn Falls Fallsreservoir F11 FallI Fallwern
reservoir olr were w appointed on April pril 51 51Itm 7 711t 7lt1
11t I Itm lltliM U Ih 1104 prnrdings before tlfo the coin coinmi rm rmmiWcn C01i1miaalonersi
mi miWcn miaalonersi loner buy h lioen bc n closeit l101 except elOpl those thosenUtlng Ib IbI1lna threen1ttlng
nUtlng I1lna to tl the Ih parcel pmI of land d belonging lielnngingtn 1lnllc 1lnllci
tn i whole or In Irt urt to the th Croton llo Magnetic MignetiaIron 1 1llo 1lloIro
Iron Iro Mlnnt n u I corporation crlorto organlred oralll in inISM In11r inI
11r ISM I Hie 1 mine mil which was w operated for fora foror
a abort time and clowx clCI down in ina inalien I IIi Im Imtue
or 1m tow
lien Ii dirvrtly dlnll ii 11 th the route nlile prttposetl for a achannel a1lnn1 achannel
channel 1lnn1 connecting cnnNlnr the reservoir rrvoir with witha wih wihdhrlnl
a diverting dhrlnl dam now being 1111 built hlit upon uponI u uponIlic
I III Ilic Ix east t branch hlch of th the Crotnti Cro River RiverJ
J llHni Ilmlon iliini1den ien Dougherty DllhrY counsel COIII for Mr MrBull Mrn
Bull n points Iinl to what ht he calls cl18 tILl th in inter inItlnl tfltertlng
ter Itlnl tertlng > ting fact flll llwt Illt the th recently nllv defunct defunctAqueduct dlln1 dlln1qIMltmmulon dcl IlOct IlOcttqueduet
Aqueduct qIMltmmulon ComitilMion foiunl ft I necmuiary necmuiaryHi
Hi I Innate the 11 channel rfll so I a A a to give lthf the theeity thecity
IclY city tb the itiiHliiiuty < 1Mmuniy to acquire auil the 111 prop property pnln propcity > ¬
city n under Iflr which wllh l la naid Id to be l a lodo l nf nfnwenelic orHllf ofitwcnetIe
nwenelic Iron fm 0 re ninety feet fll wide wllIIIOllt wllIIIOlltIU about aboutiiin
Hllf iiin r It t long oflj nl OIH and several nrl hundred hunod feet feetil f feetheel t
heel p
In h the II papers Jp1 ftUnl fl with th t the Court Cur CourtI it itH
H I i alt l forth forl bat 11 in I8oi It tho to Aqueduft AqueduftCommiMiion tquedtettoenmielon qltlt qltlttOf
CommiMiion tOf ion deei d decIded ldld < ld to ii build bid the Onion Onionhi i I
hi hiRe 14 M ret4trvi ri r with wih a dam dm site at DednN DednNBrkige Dn DnBkl teanit3rklge
Brkige Bkl al iitut hot > out a mil mi below Illow the confluence confluenceat rtuem rtuemof
of the lh three II branvhm IrnChN of the Cretan lon River RiverA Jvlr JvlrA
A darn f at IM point lont the Ih engineers ng ngI re reported reported ¬
I ported would wOI l atom o all al the tt water wtr from the thetknw thetn thethree
three pl tn ttranebm n and the flew neW line 11 of the thereservoir Ihe11tfelr theI
11tfelr I reservoir would 1ould I 1J be IS 254 8 feet above i ea ealevel ealycl I Ii
level levelA i ov I Illhlio
p A iMililio llhlio li 1 liuruig irrie I J ja required 1t111 It I law lo I I1 Iaa
4 aa < i wW and Ht 1 iU I rl ikwie M > th > Comnn Comnnotoneri lOn lOn1lr Cornmietooer
otoneri 1lr Ity I re ieeoluiliiui liitii Iul > ii ado adollf i41IOhltid < t > d th li the phi phiTh Ikl Ilkulri
Th o ri pUintiff I inll in th she pn > M > nt mnt llt hold holdthil I
thil II1 M plan I M adopted ll > rennet nnut I chingmt chingmtnilhotit chitngnlnuibasit
nilhotit 1hM11 further flrtr hearing henringTh riol
Th n tu ettier > r go Ifl on ni ifl to t rehte llt that Ih 1 in I th thMinim I IUflr the theaufnftwr
Minim aufnftwr Uflr of f llnXl Ir the tl engmf nginnnra rs reported reportedin
I in t Itm commt OmuftllOfl ImlIon ion tint a slam Lil at IVunV IVunVIWdiT portl Ihaniflf4ctui n nnrr
IWdiT nrr wmiH 1111 lK IiemOraeZI11C4YP moreiienM m ttl e thin Inn h Iul IulI hail hailIlieli d dl
l Ilieli 4i thought Mflox lf It woukl In nenenRirr nenenRirrt4t nfr
11 t4t reh 1t11 tp1oit > 4t i a Irt rt of th li the IUrl lai or < m lUiliwul lUiliwultrarn ltaIlrnuIwar I
trarn Ir near I troton lr1 Fails 111 Following ollw II tiiM tiiMilikeoeiy th thI titiaI
I ilikeoeiy d If I chief engineer tnltllHr reoom reoomiBOfni reiornusiniIwl Mm MmIlffl11
Ilffl11 iBOfni usiniIwl < l u lilt it I sl a aIksIl 111 > oiit a in mil tnilealore ile si IJ ore U u the falls fallsThU falll fIIar1k
ThU 1 ilHin < m wiHikl 11 lore kn only fl th I the wwl w11l4ra w11l4raof 1 1of rn rnof
of Ui 111 the inkltilrt Ik itiiti 11 wei WCt weal > t brancHoH Irnl of th thnter tisa tisafltCF
nter unlwi a ilirectinu 11111 dam dlm with wih a ariitln rnn rnnttrt4n n nt
ttrt4n t hinnl < lll1 WHM w ituilt Ilit mi Ol th the eiiot eiiotir tiii4trsieeh lot I I
hrlfh trsieeh > ir it b IV mnnel WH 1 < kteaU 1111 < i to 1 1011 haNs haNsI MM MMdin
I din 4wlIv lly over 011 IM I lI iron 1 > mine Ill Il I IK j the theth 11 theewksnttcwioftlr
ewksnttcwioftlr ewksnttcwioftlrtIle 11 flOlr Rull hl rlhal rlhalli I
th li tIle uhvlig Ii in I Uf t dim I aiti lteii I wa 1 illegally ilbgtilljrmlmiiwi illegallyisdopleil I Idofl
mlmiiwi dofl MIKV 1 Mii it i WHS w made d without lhHt a apublio aphl4e
publio 111 hearing hnaringAflr huint hearingfIr
I Aflr fIr 1 lh > ohniign chlll In if I silm al had II l lwen lwenskwiiI eti etitloplikil
tloplikil ll1 upon the 111 owner wn of < f the 1M1f iowe iowertiwn wse wsedwn
rtiwn n mhi fi ul hwl t1 tb 1wlr their ir projurty wirveyed wirveyedan auirv eyed eyedlit4l
1f an 111 lit4l < l entered f111 H claim CMI fur flMHiMidiiiM I511isuldurnageswhi4 Ren RenhW
wh whi4 hW with Ith mt inbreet lltt ri t would wI1 amount Ilmt l lnearly ii iineitrty
nearly tOlot nir 4fllt ii Ji i today Mr r Bulls Bul lawyer InwyerMVB IwYtr IwYtrIhl1
Ilrt save that Ihl1 the th value val of tIm Ih property 1Prt over overwhHh overwhih r rh
whHh h the I ilivcrtHiR tVlrtlll channel rhlnn1 is to pam pamn
I n wirr isirpflimg Iriin > n ine in vk vlw > w of f the tbl fait that tht p tin tinAiiimliKt 0 0I theAi1uieiliwt
AiiimliKt Ilut Conmiiiwlons chief cif engIneer engIneerrtportlal nltlnor nltlnornt1 > r rreMirti
I reMirti nt1 rtportlal that ht U t the change Inl of fr sit cite i would wouldnere 11I01 wouktneieesitiits
nere fillc neieesitiits witnl the Ih aI acviulsitiun c Uisiton IAitln of r only fan fartnIne farrnlug
I hut and anIItul pasture land landMr IAIIII IAIIIIr landMr
Mr r Bull 11 iHiiuMl 111 also AII mil mlll attention attentionto attnton attntonI
I to I fl tli U tIIP fur fr unit tat Ito Ih lit tlllo till In lo property posimi posimiIn paNs paNsto
In I II the hi city lly when tb the Commiosioners CommiosionersIII 4rnmln1 p
III II tHe their oaths Clalb and that tat them I the oath olb In Inircsrri InInt Inregard
regard Int U to lh Ibis mine property wem filed filedin
in April prl uPs 11 and ndlhat that it was Wa submqurnt submqurnttt llbllnt llbllnttl
tt tl this Ihl dat data that Iht the Ih mine owners own ownIhclllv be bestirred 1wstIrred ¬
stirred themftolve Ihclllv began to take tk borings boringsand hrinw boringand
and nr reeks mal tlxt Ih survey Mln upon which they theyl Ih theytwim
l 11 twim their claim rlalmK Im ImI
I I NO n tF ortttr K TO T vo S1JYfITIIIIII S1JYfITIIIIIIlape vf vfPnpe 1 T 111 111I
Pnpe I 1tin Ns S III II lUrramrn 1Onl tUie Enerlteal EnerltealIts lrlnl lrlnl1orICI > rllel rllelMa
Ma Mliimlrrlnmt 1orICI In Urrtiisn Urrtiisnvffttal C liernuatiptqiil rman
vffttal 11 lasts l Ikc1 if i M I iNS MX MXRKRIIX S SVWllynIN
RKRIIX ntRI June IIn Iun II I I The lh VorfA nrl Herman Hermanlianllc lfnI GrrmnsUdztlc
IOlfft lianllc pnntH the reply ply of ih Ihl the Pope Iop lo lothe 10II lothe
the II protect acoittHt tl1 Ihe Ih encyclical on the theorc Ihl ttieI
II I Olon orc ion of Ib IIIrclrllr tercinlenary of 81 HIlrl HIlrl11rtlm Charles CharlesIVirrotnw harlanflorrnmeo
IVirrotnw This Thil enryplical 11IIIal which the IheVaticun Ih IhI theVasiciun
Vaticun alfl say ayA wo W rmiwonstnied nilRlnlM In Ger GeritHtny nrIlny icrmany
I many Ilny has I uciaione o4oI1 < l much disciuwioii disciuwioiiami dlllon dlllonald
and ald tml 1 In qiie quietions < 110 < tlons In Ihe Pnw rl Pruasian PruasianParkainent ian ianPiirHainent lal
PiirHainent PiirHainentTh
I ParMRIIlet1 Th The encyclical let1 had halo lo do with wlh what the theVatican II theVatkau I IIkan
Vatican Ikan palM the Ih work of Ht 81 Charles Charlesllorromeo Oarlf Charkuiflorromso
llorromeo ltrromc in combating cmhalfl the Ihl dogma ol olMartin 01Ialn otMartin
Martin Ialn Either The Thl papal statement statementinsHd atatementlasteil lalemP1
insHd today nay ayl It Its I purpose pUr and n spirit spirithavn Ifril IfrilhavI apirithave
have havI been hn misunderstood milllldelo The Tft note notrdisavow nlI nlII notedIsavows
disavow dilVOWI any n Intention Inlnlon of wounding woundlol thr thrfeelinKH Ihrf thrfeelings
I feelings f nl If ut f German fnan man nonCatholic nnoalhola whoMt whoMtperturbation whO whOprlurllhm whmeperturbatIon
perturbation prlurllhm over the subject the Pontiff Pontiffsay I Iontitrany > onll
say h tft ha viewa with wih regret regretTh rmt rmtUcrn regretThe
Th The German Ucrn Roman Catholic ClhoJo Bishop Bishophave Blaho Blahoha Bishophave
ha have bean n ordered onlJ to refrain from pub publishing PllbIfhllll pubhhlng ¬
lishing Ifhllll the Ih encyclical encyclicalortv encyclicalfXt ncclcal
1 ortv fvstnivrf nIIW to fl 11 SOLD SOLDrommerrlal m
rommerrlal lnlen Iniursnee Inur8N ie C C nays nUT II IIMlrhhel I IItstlthbSer
Mlrhhel HIb tstlthbSer < lrri Inanlmeai Inanlmeait nanl
I sqi1 t fUr llHntoH v t to T Ta IRSLosnox E MX MXJune MI
rNOI Losnox June JUle 14 IA l4A A meeting tlnc of the theshareholder th thhrehole theshanoholderw
shareholder hrehole In the t Ocean O Accident Aednt In Insurance Inlln Instiralwe ¬
surance lln Company CmpllY today toy unanimously unanimouslytMented unoul unoulAle untnbnouslyaasented
tMented Ale to t the Ihl suds II of the th company ompy to tothi tQt toI
I the t Commercial Comrrl Union Insurance InaurOCp InsuranoeCompany InsuranoeCompanyof Company Companyof
of London lnlO on 0 the terms U of the provisional provisionalaxreemeat plon1 plon1Irmit provisionalagreement
I agreement Irmit already aly published publishedThn fuhlM
The T chairman ohlir net st forth fGrh the tMln reason that thatInduced lkt thatInduced
InduE Induced the tie board of director dlrra to t favor favorthe ravori favorthe
i the Commercial mrcl Union Unio offer II eon eontended e eontended
t tended that Ibt both I companies olpul had hd mad m a agood afl agood
good bargain I and said the Osean
fl tJr an N O corn eempuny e cornfieRy
puny J1 would WII not l be disAelved disAelvedIt dlY
It 1 would wJII I he mrried on twder tl 11 own ownnswe owneaSelS
In 0 Y
I eaSelS M a N a heretofore Mlo hereioforeaad and a would wl have th thame
ame benl nl and taf
I HKtt Im AVra AtNf itvr3Left HOME HOMELeft I0IE I0IEIlu
Left K E K i nnitman liens 1 eo Jane O ODead 9I itDead
I Dead Da Only 001 34 s 4 Hears It mien n Found FeuodVntm FoundYesterIaflU I
Vntm YesterIaflU flealu Wsj te t Marry Ir to I July JulyI Julybut aJ
I I bat bt She Ihl Had d Another notht Infatuation InfatuationI tnalule tnaluleI
I Minnie 11nle Went ent a governe 101r In the fain family fa fainIly ¬
ily Iy of Kben Ebn K Whitman Wimn of IM East Et Thirty Thirtyeighth Trt Trtlbth Thirtyeighth
eighth lbth street atrt was w to be b married mae early ey In IcJuly InI InJuly
July and she ae alt and ae Ludwig Ludll IWchold Uecbod her heiflancd b herflanee
I flancd l had hd bought bcbt and furnished fumed their thdifuture tr trfutur theirI
I future futur home hoe In I Port Po Chester Chete when on June Junshe JuneI Juneabe <
I she left 11ft the home of o her he brother bre Eric EricJ Eo EoJ
J Venti Wets at 1 I04S IO lO Trinity Trility avenue aeu The TheBronx TheBrnx TheBronx
Bronx Brnx where wht she wa W visiting Ylllna Yester Yesterday Yt Yesterday ¬
day her hr aunt aUlt Mr I Anna An Gensan OeD going golnjinto clnl clnlInto goinginto
into the wood wo bin bn In the basement bmtnt of her heihouse be herhouse
house hou at VK l Lexington 1IIDlon avenue aYue to t search searchthrough searchthrough r
through tbrh an 8 old trunk trk for a picture pctu of olthe oftho ofthe
the missing mlnclri girt which wblc might mllt aid ad the t police policeIn
In their Iher search cb stumbled atumbd over oye Minnie MinnieWentms MinnieWants lnll
Wants body by In I the dark darkThe d darkThe
The T girl lay fully clothed cothe on O the floor floorot for forof floorof
of the wood wo bin with a single bullet ble holt holtthrough holtbrourh bolethrough
through tbrourh her htr forehead folhd A revolver reyoYr in inthe InIhf Inthe
the Ihf chainl clnllr chainler > er of which was one 0 leaded leadedshell Ided Idedh1 loadedelicIt
th the at her herright hrrdt herright
shell h1 beside bld eiplodtd nplocd one lay a
right rdt hand hd Dr Martin Ian l Ii < TlrreU 1 said saidthat saidthat d dtt
that tt th the girl ld could ed not nt have been b dead deadmore dd ddmore deadmore
more than th8 twentyfour twetfo hour ho and thin thinopinion ta taopnon thisopinion
opinion opnon was shared bae by Coroner COrer Physi Physician Ph1 Physicisn ¬
cian Walton WettonMr WaltonMrs ton tonM
Mr M Oensen Oe her hf husband blllbd O L I U Oeosen Oeosenand 0 Osoaciland
and William Wii Wenti Wetz a brother bthe of the te gov governea COYem govnine
nine em live 11 in the tb three tr story ll house bo In Inthe II Inthe
the basement bmtt of which wblb Minnie no Wentit Wentitbody Wetsl Wetslb Weutsebody
body b was w found rod Some of the t family familywere fal faintlyws
were wea at horns all a day dy on O Monday 1lCdy and on onMonday C onMonday
Monday Iond night they locked loed the basement basementdoor bet betd basementdoor
door d giving Tnl entrance ttrr from fm the street streetthe l lte streetthe
the te only way th t the missing mnc girl r could cd have havegot hanlt havegot
got lt in without Ithot aroufieg adl them tbm so a they theytold tb tbtod theytold
told tod the police yesterday elery Mr ra Genaen Genaensaid On Onld Geneensaid
said ld that pic her niece 11 bad lived 1d with them themtwo thlmIwo themtwo
two year YN ago and that it was W possible poaalMethat phl phlthat possiblethat
that she had kept a key to the basement basementdoor hwmlnl hwmlnldO basementdoor
door dO No o such Illc key was WI found foundMr foundIr foundMr
Mr Ir Whitman Whtma wa the first frt to report reportMis reportMie
Mis 1 Wentis disappearance dippraDc to I the police policeand plr plrand policeand
and from June a until Intlylery yesterday a private privatedetective prlVtl4etth privatedetectIve
detective 4etth agency are had been b employed tmploe by byfilm h hIlm byhIm
film Ilm to search Hh for her Hhe Hh had ha been h In InMr InMr
Mr 11 Whitmans Whlmnl household hOIhod more m than a ayear aN ayear
year N When Whll she announced nnoun a few weeks weeksago wtu wtuaco weeksago
ago that she he and ad Tieichold Rllrhod were Wfe to be b mar married mrrled rnartIed ¬
tIed on o June Jun A llt It was at the earnest NMt request requettof nU
of her employer mplo1 that she consented tlf to topostpone toptpe toIxsttp000
postpone ptpe the tb wedding wtdlnj for fo a month molh The TheWhitman ThWhllman TheWhltmans
Whitman Whllman were WI preparing to go to their theirsummer thrr thrraum theirsummer
summer aum home hom at Lawrence lwlnt I Ii > I and they theyurged th thur theyurged
urged ur Mis 1 Wentz Wlta to stay with wih them until untilthey Intl Intlthy uinUlthey
they had h mad md the th change rhnc and got another anothergoverness anothergnverneee nolhrtoytr
governess governessWhen toytr gnverneeeWhen
When the tN Whitman family moved moI to toLawrence toIwrce tofawrnce
Lawrence Iwrce early last week Mk the governess governesswent governesswent nm nmwtnt
went with them On O Thursday Thury of U lat latwlk lastweek t tweek
week wlk she had hd an appointment ppntmtt to meet meether mtfthr meether
her ftsno fan at the thl home of her aunt on onLexington o onLexington
Lexington Lllnaon avenue a tflil She came ce into town towngoing towngong towngoing
going gong first frt to t her brothers brlht house ho in The TheBronx ThrOx TheBrons
Bronx rOx When bf utie h left If there ther she hft sAliI sAliIthat Be sialdthat
that lht she be intended mllndt first flt to go r down don to the theWhitman theWhitmn theWhitman
Whitman house and that it was ¬
Whitmn hD ee pea prop properly rp rptrly properly
erly elo rOI rIoed l for the th summer lumnl She 81 did not notappear nott nutappear
appear at t Mrs Ir Rentens home 11 where whereReichold whe wheRIlhod whereRelehold
Reichold RIlhod waited UI for her hP until Inlll late that thatnight thatI thatnight
I night bvt bt she h telephoned in the middle middlof mddl mddlof middleof
of the tb day and ad told tod her aunt to notify notifylleicbxld nolf nolfI notifyI
that the h had been down downtown downtown downtown
I lleicbxld 1tId I ht hd n delayed dyP ¬
town and nd would wold not be blhll there to meet I him himuntil himIntl himtrntll
until evening That TI II was the last seen seenof aeonof
Intl Inl I Iof
of her herThe hrThe herThe
The detective whom Mr Ir Whitman Whitmanemployed Whlma WhItmanemployed
employed 1110 learned lafl that Iha on n Haturdiy Nlunhy a awoman awoman
I woman wom answering nwrlt her h description depllfn Called ealledat ele
I at pier 15 1 of the Ih Inlted lnlN Fruit nlt Company to toiiMiiire 10Iliff toinquire
iiMiiire Iliff when hn the Ih Prinz rnz Krledrich rlrllh was due dueMr dl dlr duelra
Mr lra r CteriMn > aid Id yentenlny 1110 that the Ih girl girlthough girlthough rl rlIhfiih
though Ihfiih prefwing to marry ia lUirhold 1tlhod had hadIwvn hdinfalolf1 hadteen
teen infatuated infalolf1 with a steward Ir on o that thatr Ih1Knd
404 r + and had threatened more Ir than thsjionr Iha than04W I IO
onr O to break hll her engagement nllment with withIteichold wIthlteicholcL I IIichod
Iteichold Iichod Heichold Irlhd i is employed hy I the theCharle Ih Ihlrl thehark
hark lrl I Kie KIc EIeert ert rompony comp t ° dealers dl in inlamp il inlamp
lamp 01 at lt 3 39 Cortlsndt lorllndt etreet etreetFtc rrl rrlFive
Five h post JI card < were found fnlnl in a the IJ hand handImic ItandiK handIeg
Imic iK which hlh lay close c to the body ho All Allwere Allwere 1 11lell
were picture ictuire cards ol ii 1 tli II the name m design designshowing dhCnholn designalunwing
showing holn a woman WO n prmlratn Irmtrltl over a grave graveTh l graveThe
Th The card rrd were wlr addressed ddf hut not notstumped notTim
stumped stumpedThe
The ThO first lt card rd was a addrpwed Ildl1 to Uric UricWentx ti IrtcWentr
I Wentx Welr one 0 on of the Ih brothers hrolhfr It read readl
l lul > l K Kmr 1 TltU 111 will HI ll I I guea u t tiethe ihelsl ihelslany l laM laMany
i any of yon 011 citI lll I heir Ir from IrO me Take my raysdvlre myhl myadvice
advice hl dent dI Mutt hi I IrfnffH It1 sn 11 sad < l mu mit l p pay paythe r rthe
the h penalty lly eIlh Hh h my Hie I Ws WI In marry msrryIOM Ifer marrytoiln
IOM Ift toiln > mil 1 invtesd Id I dl di die with Ith my 1 own hand handIK hnd handlosl
losl IK 1 tibia t T you o and keep kl you 01 safe re Take Tnkeinoil Tli Tlir Takegoosl
inoil rare r fl of f Will Wll I feel rf errr Ir for r r him himIxivlne hll himlMwtssg
Ixivlne lvlni elMer MIMI MiyNlTh MIMIThe 11 ll llTi
Th Ti The Mcond ad addre addreseed dd < xl to MM Ir Kno KnoWent tnWII IneWeuta
Went WII < her eiilerlnlaw said saidMsny Id Idn aaIdMany
Many n thanks IInk dear da sUlerfor the Ih kindness klndnnwyou klndn
you ohi 1 have bn shown lown lo me while whie s CUCI uiuet ur t In your yourIHIUM rfHr rfHrh yourhome
home h Erie Hk will It break the newt ne lo 10Jvlnlr you VIHIUivlncly youListlngly
Uivlncly Jvlnlr ListlnglyA MIXMK MIXMKA IMiC IMiCrd
A A card rd written ntn to her flancA nant was WW In InHerman inna Iniarman
Herman na Mr Ir ludwig Iteichold ltilhold It Itread 1 1rad Itread
read forgive fOd this th deed detd dear dfr There it itno I In Isno
no n other way for me mf On the day dy we are areto areto
to b b Iw married mrid I do that which cot clt me memy m mm memy
Mtvxiit MtvxiitTo
my m life lfe INXII
To her other ohtr brother William Wlll she shewrote ihewrote he hewrol
wrote this thisTo thil thilro titlEro
ro you desr r boy br I can n only Inly My coodhy coodhyxl oh
< xl 01 < blrs hi and n keep you rOI steady > Irdy on the Ihl good Io goodpath ooUpsth
path h Lovlne Lvlni Lovlngslter LovlngslterThe sister J NMK NMKThe M MT
The T remaining remnina card crd wa addressed addr to toMm 10I toMr
Mm I B l K t Whitman Whlm th this wife ife of her em employer tmpYlr emphyer ¬
ployer pYlr It I follows followsKorclve rolowl rolowlorelvr folIoweForgive
Forgive m me is I all 1 I s aek > k rirs Please e do not notIfi nol1O notut
Ifi 1O Itotiy know knw that hi Minnie lnnl wss Wi vs cspsbls cspsblsnf riM riMlh
nf mirh lh a steed 1fl I hail hae my m mind mail up upIonSKO uplout
IonSKO lout 011 AIO lEO but hullck lacked thecoursie Ih the rutc courage find 10 bin binyousll hl hlou blessoI1
yousll ou all II Korrlvefor torrlyeforrln torrlyeforrlnhe ForgIve forglce forglceThe lve lveThe
The he mention mrnli1 of baby bby Is I supposed uppf to torefer torefr torefer
refer to the th Whitman Whitm child cbld of which the tbcXoung Iheonj thenung
Xoung nung woman wom had h charge chargeNone caal chargeNOISe
onj None Snf of the cards wa W I dated datl Since SinceJune 8in 8inJIM SInesJune
JIM June I a the elate first fnt r set I for fO the wedding weddinghad
had been Iln changed to a day dy in July Miss MissWentz MIssVentzs II
Wmlzl Wentz aunt chall and hroh brother think that tht the thegirl tberl thegirl
girl rl must mUt have penned pnnr the postal JII JIIrmn re referring istarring ¬
tarring to t ber ht wedding wldlnR day dy on June Ju 6 6three 6three
thr three < day dr before ro she e disappeared disappearedCOVVIIYI dpP dpPOVcTtlG disappearedCOXILi7UTGOING
11 U mil Ill Open Op nnt rht Nesslen I o T KoXilh Hlh Mrl Mrlrrltmt Afrlrsn AfrlrsnParllanent tfrknParliartent
Parllanent rrltmt Instead Ilnd ef o George u1 u1Ca V VDttfaM VepqtsS
epqtsS Ca DttfaM l M 1 Taa T flo floJune 101 30foxtx
flo foxtx June Jue II II 14It It I Ia officially omcl an announced announced n nnounc ¬
nounced that tha the t Duke Dke of Connaught Connaughtwill Cnu < 1
will to Cape Town to open to November Novemberthe
wi go R t Cp To op I X01lr X01lrth
the th first tt Parliament Parlit of the Union Uol of South SouthAfrica ilouthAfrica ut
Africa AfricaGeorge AfricaGeorge
Arl George C > r V wa was slated a l to go < there when whenhis whenhl whenhis
death elevated him to the thethrone thethrone
his father t
hl ftera dth lnted te teIhrone
throne throneReaders IhroneReaden throneFdcrs
Fdcrs Readers Leaving Lavn the thcity thcityfor Gty Gtyfor Cty Ctyfor
for the Summer may have haveThe haveThe haveThe
The Sun Sunand Sunand Sunand
and andThe andThe andThe
The Evening Evenng Sun Sunsent
I sent Nt to then dat by b wall al I at l tb tb the follow followinf folo followlog
log In rates 11 InclusIve Irlnr ef poitcfa pt i iTHE rI tThEntdMiV
THE ni ThEntdMiV MX I lUt d per p Thtet5O Thtet5Odaily I i 1 ff1 ff1or t
I daily and 50441 M moatS 1 I 051st 051sttiIr
d4 tiIr rs auo mouo rn rnuwdesIiri
Tit ltNm 0
or < J r wttfc asw uwdesIiri a l s wWMMt wWMMteilrs wll wllIura WIeeSitra
eilrs rtufti ph Mtntttt cMfSd 1 5e >
01155 5451 r red rede
e I
Lu ut o Cape Cap Craelai Grl a Sertetu Irl Bi BiJladrU BI BIIadrl flhwlsdnIz
JladrU Iadrl May a Appeal Apl to t the Power PowerNBW P PowersNaw
NBW N OIILEAX oL June HConflrrna HConflrrnaUon J
lion o of Colon Io press II decpatchc dtltcbN telling o othe o of ofthe
the capture cpture of Cape UV QracU Orac by Madrii Madriitroop 1drla 1drlatrp dadiIatroop
troop trp from rr Estrada ftr force ror I Is aid Id Uihav to tobn tohave
have bn been received 1ld here today toy by Madri Madrirepresentatives MadnirrepreeentsUves z zreprtaUvN
representatives reprtaUvN According Acrln to the story storjfrom storyfrom tO
from fr Colon a combined < blnf land Wd and 8d k sat satforce ei eiforce
force fur attacked Cape Qp dracuu Olcl the only onljport oly olypr onlyport
port pr on the Atlantic Atlto coast rt of Nicaragua Nicaraguaoutride Nlonraguioutside 1cr 1croubde
outride oubde of Bluefield Bluefeld held h by Estrada EstradaIn Ftd
In three t hour fighting fcbtng the tb Madrii Macriz troop troopforced top troopsforced
forced for Estrada Etd men to surrender surrenderThe aurder aurderTo
The To capture cptu of Cape Cp Grecian Orc put pul E Etrada E Es Estrails
trails trad on 0 the wrong wrl aide of the balance bUosheet blc blcat balancesheet
sheet at so far fa a u actual atul results nul from fighting Oghtlnar fbtz fbtzara fightingare
concerned concernedIt
ar are
It I ii said In th the Central American Amtre colon colonIn coloy coloyI colony colonyin
In I New Orleans OrIM that tt MadrU ra contemplate contemplatean ontemplata ontemplataa
an a appeal apfi to the 18 Powers from the te stand standtaken torn torntaken ld ldthn
taken thn by b Washington ublnlt at at BlueOelda uefld The Thiappeal To ToapsI Theappeal
appeal apsI will wi be b based on condition cdlonl Ml Mlforth et etfor setforth
forth for lD n Madriaa 1aa telegram tJc to Presided PresidedTaft Pdet PdetTt PreeldeutTaft
Taft Tt made me public last night nllbt in which hi hiIntimate be belDlmt heIntimates
Intimate that Washington ha Ignored the thispirit thespirit
lDlmt tt Wultn h II0r te teIprt
spirit Iprt and ad letter ltter of International intertol law bj bjrefusing b bUIII byrefusing
refusing UIII to t let Madrii Mdra reap ap the fruit rrl ol olvictory of ofYlctor ofvictory
victory Ylctor in I Dlueflelds Due ld Madrii Mar ha b cabK cabKto mblto
to friend frl6d here b that tt If I he had h fret f rro rein reinabout rin rinabut reinabout
about abut Bluedeld Bluetleld be h could ui reduce rUO the thtEstrada theEtr theEtIP4s
Estrada Etr capital cptal In I a few f day dye E Ilraa Ilraala Estrada EstradaIs tradi tradiI
I la no left lft with wit only a small lml territory territorjbetween tertor territorybetween
between bte Blueflcld Blufl and ad Rams RamaVKJIDtCT Rma RmaI RamsIxnDuT
Well el Knewn ICel horsewoman lollewomn Meat l lJones ry ryJOf Pay PayJones
Jones JOf asia 0118MltRou asiaMisaoia
MltRou tIJaU L I 1 1 June 11 14Mit 14 Mm Alice AllnC Alc
C R I Pierce Peo well wel known kwn among ane th thbunting the thebutnl thehunting
bunting butnl set et of Meadow Mo Brook Bk and a War Warrenton Warntn Warrenton
renton ntn Va a wa W the defendant defedt thi this morn mornIng mr mornlug
lug In I a suit at before bfore Justice Jualce Illackmar Ilk In Inthe Inthe Inthe
the Supreme Court brought bulth by Patrick PatrickJones PalriokJon PatniokJoue
Jones Jon for WOO s for furniture fllmltre which whih Jone Joneallege Jone Joneealleges
allege Mr Ira Pierce Ple took tk from flm him wb when whenjibe hfn hfnae n nshe
she ae left Itt hi his house h at Ilempstead Ilmpalla after aftetliavlng aI afterhaving
having havlnj leaved l l it funiUhed fnllh1 for the hunting huntingseason hunllllt hunlllltIn huntingseason
season In of 1W7 and ald 100 10 The Te jury brought broughtIn brol broughtInaverdlel ht htIn
Inaverdlel In a verdict vflc for forJunesforlll5 Jones Jun for 115 115In 1 I Iin
In her he testimony Mrs 118 Pierce Ilec asserted assertedthat wontedthat tC
tbt that she he hired hrld the te place plc from Jones for fnrU5
1150 U5 150 was compelled rmpIN to furnish it I herself hervHfM
M Jones ha bait < i said Nd that lht he had tvtthing 1lhlnl InIt In 10It InIt
It that thtwu thatwa was worth anything and that when whenh yhen yhenabe
he h had hd the utttfT II iitt5 brought awny herrnen herrnentook he her 1bl into intotook M Mlok
lok took three Ihl pinraw 11 of Jonesii lone atoll luf by mis mistake mls ml mltake ¬
take lAk which whhh slm Iholl li offered U In > send 11 to t him himTwo himTo himTwo
Two year ea apt al Mr I Pierce rtC attracted attracteitattention atractl atractltetln attractedattention
attention tetln In llemtisteod IllmI ad by driving n ntrotting atrotting I Ilrtlnc
trotting lrtlnc mule irhicn could NIM nutfoot uutot nil ni the thecountv th throlntY thecounty
county rolntY crack cackl and she h did not nt hesitate hesitatelo httllle
lo let Il him out Olt Nh th She also al > hunted hUl od with tim thoMeadow timMe440w
Meadow Imdol Brook rk hound hund attired Itrt In ordi ordinary ordinry ordinary ¬ I
nary nry riding rltnl nidingbrswshre bre hes and anl riding rdll mattXTISOISKlESS mat Oat OatUTIOUIFIS roat4vr1SOMILxt4s
tXTISOISKlESS UTIOUIFIS Wf 1n CAHtLL CAHtLLHolds tnlL tnlL1lat 471112holds
Holds That 1lat Montclslr otlalr llai la > o nuht night le leKeep 10Hfllm tokeel
Keep Hfllm Him Frm rm relrltrattng relrltrattngMnxrOjiin Crlhratlnr CeletsratlngMncicLlfl
MnxrOjiin tnnctUI N J June Jlle M 1 Th T eye eyenf eyeaof y yof
of the patriotic rlrioto resident Idlnl of Montclnlr Montclnlra onllllr onllllru
a u well WfU a u the eagle gaze IU of tho police policeauthoritlm roUC policeauthorities
authorities Bullorll will wi Ion heo I lAwrence IAWI F Cahill Cahilla lahl
a New S York ork hanker who live I at 111 111Watchung 18alchun l lWalchung
Watchung alchun avenue 111 and ha I announced announcedbi aoounO
bi his bi intention Intenton of o fracturing frtlrlna Montclalri MontclalriNoi MontclaIrsNoiale onlclalraoilt
I Noi Noiale oilt eles Fourth fOUrb ordinance omln n on Inde Independence IndeJnd lodepsnilenoa ¬
pendence Jnd nO Day DayMr Dayfr
Mr fr Cahill Cabl who wh announced Mnolnl at the Ih time tltnIbe Imft ImftIb timethe
the Ib ordinance ontlnaC was w pending pldinj that lht It he and andbis 81 81hI andhis
his hI ten If children c ld would celebrate Cibrat to their theirheart tlr tlrhn theirheartiu
heart hn content llIt1 on o the Ih Fourth 10Urh1 he bl luil luildone IwlI htldone
I done In the Itll last It twenty IWCly years y applied appliedIn lrlfl
110 In th the Town Council COlfcllt but night for a I per permit > > r rwit
i wit to conduct cndut a flrnwork flfImrl exhibition exhibitionon Ihlhilon
101 on his bl own lawn but th Iw the request IU wu wurefused wulfU wanrefused
refused lfU by h tli I imanimotw InanhuOI vote of the theCouncil tbeInchldlnlt theCouncil
Council including Mayor Crawford CrawfordCahill lrawonl lrawonlCahil CrawfonlI
I Cahill Cahil holds that tblt It i unconstitutIonal unconstitiitlonnlor unoltlltlon
i for or Ibe town authorities IUlorlll to prevent fvlnt nU h18Olllrlon hIscelebration nUjeletiration
celebration Olllrlon and nd the outcome olrm of bin h ile ileIsncr dofiance I
fiance lnt of th the town authoritie Iborl Is I a awaited awaltmlwith AAilll AAilllwlh awaitedwith
with wlh Montclair MontclairM IonldalrUITT eagerness m by every try small Inll thy 1 in inMontclair il toMontclair
M UITT IVItTTIV tlHlflit tlHlflitIs iIi
1 Its Is renimenremrnt Ionmmlmml lUerrl iLserniacs > rs llrld 111 at atIarnenle atCamlllt atCarnegIe
CarnegIe Camlllt 1111 11 11mcmbra ilallThe 1111l
l The ° he member mcmbra of th the graduating aradulna class rlasnf Ila Ilaof classof
of Manhattan 1nblan College ollc received y their theirilegreei Ihrr IhrrV theirsiegreel
ilegreei V nt II the t flflyvevenlb ffynlh annual ixnii ixniimencement sunimeiwemsnt 01 01mltmnl
mencement mltmnl at II Carnegie larnt arnepe Hall Hal la Id t night nightArchbishop nightArebbisuhop Kill Killllbiho
Archbishop llbiho Farley conferred 1lfcr1 III > degreiw degreiwsnd dln dlnaAd degrscanti
anti Mgr Thom J Stulmii IHU r rector rl10r jf jfI 9lls r rIh
he Ih I Catholic Clholr Univervily Unl I at Wa Washington Washingtondelivered Alnlloll AlnllolldllYtC1 hfngtnn hfngtnnlellveroti
delivered dllYtC1 the Ih address alr to 0 th the gradually graduallyVictor gralll graduatesVictor
Victor E t Baffrey tlr spol poke on The n He Hellglon UtUalon lieligion
llglon Ualon of the Ih Future rllll Thomas K MaEitl MaEitljart MeEniegait <
gait on A Civic Need eed and 11 Luke uk A lug Iligirinn ll luggina
gina < 0 in I his hi atldrxM Ilr A Great 1 American Americanaid Anlrt1l I Iallt
> aid a tribute to Gen Robert Iolrl K l lExMayor Lee LeeEsMayor > > I Itayor
ExMayor tayor Hugh Ihllf J Grant ralll received rf an anttonorary anhonorsryslegre n nhnry
hnry honorsryslegre ttonorary degree dgr of maMer Itf of art ar and an Mgr MgrShohan MgrShahaut Ijtr IjtrSh
Shohan Sh ln received ivfl m II honorary hrar dnreo 1 of ofioctor ordoctor I IdOlor
doctor dOlor of lAW lawsThe lawThis I
The Tll degree dl of bachelor Iehkr of arts r won eon eonFermi In Inon eonferirel
Fermi on Thomas oa E l McEntegnrt lrFlllar John JohnT
T Stack Mlak Philip Phi J Degrutn Jnn Uke 11 A Hi Hiins 111 111g 111ggins
I gins ins and an Jamm Jm M I CouUhan CouUhanTh lnlHhan lnlHhanTh oullhanThe
Th The degree dOltrf of bachelor alhl of science 1 in inrivil intvln incivil
civil tvln engineering < nHrnc was w tonftrrst > nnferr lflrrd > xl on 01 ci ionrce 111 ionrceJ I IJ IJ
J J Ilmilin 1ln Jo Joiwph eph F Tagganl Tltlanl low IC K Ktelauir t tHlzr 1Salazar
Salazar Hlzr Walter Wlllr U I lady 11 Francis Iralli IralliIDlahan A Allolahan Alinlahan
llolahan IDlahan Willlum Wilum T r Holm lolrn M Jo Jot Jossi e A Alutierrez i iOutlerrex I Iullz
lutierrez ullz Francis ranrl X Murray llray und 111 Victor VictorK I
K ij K Baffrey BaffreyRoltert nl
Robert lollrt J Shea received rt 1 v1 the I ib h degree Iclr of ofmaster ofI ofmaster
I mal master of art 11 and situ Victor ODwyer OOlr and andJohn andJohn andJohn
John A ODonnell OOnn11 the II degree d nf civil civilengineer thilIndnr civilengineer
engineer IndnrTft engineerThe engineerThe
The Tft medal for civil ci engineering tnIJfrnl offered offeredby otlll otlllby
by Daniel Da1 F Cohalon Cohall in memory of Ills IllsTalhrr h Idafattier
fattier was awarded to George frRe J flrmlin flrmlinl flrswlinLehigh Iin IinIAhllh
l IAhllh hlgh fJrsilustr rdul MM MMhoiTit I itt Students StudentsSotrn lulmU lulmUHtn
hoiTit Htn BKTIHRIIKII I L IIU Pi I > Juno Jlno 11 I At Atthe Atthe
th the fortyfirst annual 111I11 Ia I commencement commencementpxerci lOmrnlnllmtntIurt commencementesercieee
Iurt esercieee pxerci at Ixliish University CnlVlrtliI today todayUN
UN tI dernMi dt were conferred on graduates graduatThe graduatesThe l lThl
The addnH add to the Iheitrolltll11 cradiintnti was deliv delivered dlhI dcliverect ¬
erect by Dr Henry Prim Prl of Brooklyn an anilumnus analumnua analumnus
I alumnus he l beIng > eing n meinl member > er of the first firstOM IInlclaN firstdais
claN OM to enter I ehigh IhllthI LehighAmtiisadorliaconlomtng < ehighArnltawsdar
Arnltawsdar Amba Amtiisadorliaconlomtng dor ItaeonCamlng naron CClm In I Home HomeSprrtsl 110 110retia lionsraIl
Sprrtsl CM tHHHtih M Tea Tit Mrx MrxP It1IPAIIIII Mtxrant
P PAIIIII Rtn June II AmboMiadnr 811 soil nd < 1 Mm MmRacon utrawith 1 1ORren
Racon with their daughter will shortly shortlyleave ahortl ahortllAve shortlyleave
leave for the United SUtw HI4I where wh Mr MrKaron SIrRacon Ir IraIO1II
Karon aIO1II rill spend lJ1II eollii his hi vacatIon vscatlonreman vacatIonflmaa
reman Fatally 1 Hurt In filklden Tour TearEunaway TourRunawa Tourlunaway
Eunaway EunawayFUNKroar Runawar84nroaT lunawayFasNarna
FUNKroar Ky June 14 A probabfy probabfyratal probetblfalal prnbabIfatal
fatal aoddent happened while come of the thers theaxis
axis rs In the hidden ntltJdt1lour tour were coming from fromVersailles fromem fromVersailles
Versailles em to Frankfort thin afternoon afternoonMrs fI mootl mootlol
ol Mrs Frank Hedrick Jrick of Millville who wu wuDoming w woomlne wascoming
Doming to Frankfort In a surrey driven by
her two sons one about IS 1 and on 17 17yean 171Mra 17years
yean old had reached Jett on the Vor Vornille VelIlles VerasIlIte
nille Illes pike when hen one of the oars twine up upIxthind UpIhlnd upbehind
behind the surrey As A it started to pas pasthe fI fItbe passthe
the horse became frightened and ran raniwar ruaaway ranaway
away Mrs 11 lledrlrk leaped pod out fractur fracturing fraoturInat mactuelug ¬
lug her skull and I It dying She wo on onber onher onher
her way to town for medicine for her dy ¬
tag husband husbandMeek buahandIIffk husbandSeek
Meek Their Jebt Back uk by Mandamus MandamusEdward tandintstEdward aDdaIn aDdaInEdward
Edward B Cunningham foreman of ofrepairs ofrepalra ofrepairs
repairs Frank tibia 6h foreman f maa of park parklaborers parklabclma parklaborensand
laborers laborensand and Frank H Murphy a grainer grainerirho ICRlnfrwho grainrwhowere
who whowere were re dlsmwAcd by Park Commissioner CommiwJonerUlggifi Comm1HloaerUlrci CommissionerHIggins
HIggins a of The Bronx on the ground that thatthere tbatthere thatthere
there was u nothing lIotl aC for them to do got gottrora cotI gotfrote
from Supreme Court Justice Giegetieh Giegetiehrecterday OleltlriehIIIenIar Okgsvichyesterday
recterday writ to show e cause why wit a amandamus a1UIIIIam amandainiss
I mandamus should not io issue iM 18 > directing directingtheir
their Mr reinstatement temeIIt They all declare declarethat dtClarlaI deciareIthat
I that there wa plenty ty nf r work for them themto lhemlie
to do and that other park rk employee pCf were werenamed wereIe
lie Iaarned named to take thc place pIa m vtoltUon vtoltUonof toM toMof
o of oivil ovrvte rrl
Saks Auto Coats Coatsfor
for Men Women WomenDUST
Tho Auto Coats of our creating c ating arc essen essentially essentlally essentinily ¬
I tially garments of utility yet lacking nothing nothingto
to moke ke them sightly to the th fullest degree degreeEvery degreeEvery degreeEvery
Every garment is of extra wide full sweep sweepinsuring sweep sweepinsuring sweepinsuring
insuring unrestrained freedom of movement movementAnd movementAnd movementAnd
And individuality of outline and elegance of ofmodelling ofmodelling ofmodetling
modelling render our Auto Coats instantly instantlydistinguishable instantlydlstln instantlydistinuishabIe
distinguishable dlstln uishable from the ordinary ordinaryCloth orcUnaryf ordinaryCloth
f Cloth Coats 2500 to 5500 5500fPC 5500EQr 5500Mi
fPC MfiQ M Dust Coats 125 to 4500 4500Rain 4500Rain 4500Rain
Rain Coats 1250 to 3500 3500Dust 3500Dust 3500t
t Dust Coats of tweeds or ordiagonals ordiagonals orI
I diagonals I50 to 5500 5500Of 5500Of
1 Of pongees linens or mohairs mohairsWomen mohairsFor mohoirsEq
For Women P < 375 to 7500 7500J 7500Rain
J Rain Coats 1250 to 7500 7500f 7500Steamer 7500Steamer
f Steamer Rug Coats at 4900 4900Polo 4900Polo 4900Polo
Polo Coats at 3975 to 5500 5500Broadway 5500Broodwoy 5500Broadwny
Broadway ClHS aks k fc G Q1 niPUIill ttpany 34th Street
VlrePresldent lrtrr Otdmt Hherman Cant t Celtic CeraMany CalliIan CelticMany
Many Ian omelaU Expected ExpectedVicepresident FJt ExpectedVIrePreaident KtrdIlrnldent
Vicepresident Sherman who accepted acceptedan
an Invitation to be present plC ent at the recep reception 1lOIIptloo teceptlon ¬
tion of exPresident Roosevelt Jtoo next nextHaturday I IHatllrday ISaturday
Saturday notified the reception com committee oommlttlf cornmute ¬
mute yesterday afternoon that owing owingto owln owlnto <
to the nines of hss h wife he would be beunable beunable beunable
unable to attend The Vicepresident Vicepresidentwas 1 1w
was w to have joined th the representative representativeof
of Mr T Trt rr CabInet and with several neveralGovernors 801111 severalknernorn
Governors to have gone down the bay bayon bayon
on the th committee boat Androtooggin AndrotoogginAll Andrc > oown I IAI
All the ticket have been assigned for forthe forthe 1
the stitid at t the Battery At least two twoCabinet twoCablnt twoCabinet
Cabinet officer will be b present three threeGovernor threeloernons
Governor of States have ha sent nt In their theiraocepUnoen theiraOOl1 theiracceptance I
acceptance aOOl1 nOlft and several more nave navecommissioned havecommissioned I
commissioned delegate to act fo inert inertAbout tbmAhout tuemAbout
About a dozen do n State ofDoimU from fromYork hew hewYork I Iork
York ork will be on hand A Urge number numberof I Iof
of New ew York delegate in Congress have haveaccepted halla haveaccepted
accepted a pltd and small delegation irorn irornnearly lromnearlT tromnearly
nearly every ev State In the Union have havewritten haewriltln havewritten
written for accommodation accommodationThe
The place pia to be assigned IIDM the thelOCllI local and andvisiting andlflltln andvisiting
visiting lflltln organizations on Fifth avenue avenuewill avenueIU avenuewili
will IU be announced today as will the theformation theformation theformation
formation of boat for the water parade paradeAbout paradeAbout paradeAbout
About 71TO people ple will be in line on the theea tb tbt theeast
ea east t side of Fifth fth avenue from Eighth Eighthstreet Eighthstreet I Iflt
street north to Thirtyfifth street The Thewent litewent I
went side of the avenue will be left open openfor openfor openfor
for the th public A Aa announced from Wash Washington Washtngton Ib IbInltton ¬
ington yesterday tentar at least one battleship battleshipnnd battlehlpIIncl
lund five torpedo boat destroyer will willtake willtake willtake
take part in the water demonstration demonstrationChairman demonatratlonl1l1tintIILII demonstrationlltinlnan
Chairman Timothy U Woodruff of the theRepublican IheJtcoplIMi theRepubllonn
Republican an State committee appointed appointedyeftterday aflllOintedItlnta appointedyeetarttay
yeftterday Itlnta a delegation to represent the thei thtor
i I organization or nlratlon at the homecoming recep reception rlCelI receptiost ¬
tion to Col Roosevelt The member memberof
I of the committee for whom Mat ts will be beI bereHllld bereserved
I rwervtd on the stand at the Battery BatLeryIJconJamin are areBenjamin areIenjamIn
Benjamin R Odell Jr George C W V Dunn DunnWilHnm DunniDkurn
WilHnm iDkurn m L I Ward William Ibrnes RamM Jr JrFrancis Jrrancl JrFrancis
Francis rancl Hendricks George W Aldridge AldridgeJ ldrida ldridaKIOIt
Ij J Klont Faiwett John A Merrill John F FI FODrin
I OBrien John T IoU Louis F Payne Paynelufayette IJ1IIfaylle Pyvelfayette
lufayette B Glmnon secretary of the thecommittee Ihecommlttflr thecommittee
committee Ray Ita B Smith assistant sec secretary MCCarr teeretary ¬
retary Luther B IL Uttletreosurer Uttletreosureringftvtrffr Utile treasurer tllGultrFIfrlll treasurerIIJ1lRsITlls
ingftvtrffr m 1oIq OI ri DO tOEI tOEIPurfled HIIrunlfd UXXIPuzzled
Puzzled on n the th nar Ua a Down b the Ih Ferris FerrisMncelt Ferristthetis url url1ItI
Mncelt 1ItI en the Hteambeat HteambeatThe
I The Alrnathy Umath lx boy > y have seen n Coney ConeyInland Cont Contland Coneylaland
Inland land They went down lost night on a actearaboat aI aI aeteamboat
I ctearaboat and what they didnt see in inlnrw InIUM inLiumui
I lnrw Park waant worth seeing InC anyhow anyhowThe
The boat that they took down there was wasIhf waftII waclbs
lbs IrfzRftt I t craft thy had ever been on onThey on11HY onThey
II They had heard iv of Coney Island Ferris Ferriswheel Frrland Fermiwheel
wheel and somehow IIOm ho they confused the thepaddle thepoIlldle thepscktk
paddle wheels of the steamboat with them themThey thtmThy themThey
They wanted to know how anybody could couldI
I go riding rldin on tho th those thing which went wentsfilaKhirig Wtntlarohlrll wentisplanhimig
sfilaKhirig larohlrll into the water waterFred wa waterFred Itr Itrnod
Fred nod MeClellon manager of Luna Park Parktook Prklook Parktook
took the I Itoy 110 Capt apt Jack and Dr Wain Walnwright WainI
I wright houm tJl physician at the Breslin Breslinwho Breslinwlis lin linwho
who served rvld a II guide tn Coney lon one under his hisown hi hiown
I own rhargo and nd hn h showed them how howeverything howtf1lblnlt howevprrlhing I
everything worked The youngsters youngstersdMn younplI I
dMn tll < t give 1tJ ranch for the shows bo What Whtlthey Whatthey 1Iat 1IatIIjjr
I they liked were nt the Ih queer rides rid rideCOuldnt Temple Templecouldnt I II
I couldnt < get enough rll uch > of the helter skelter skelterth I IIlh Ithe
Ilh th the elide idt > which twists you ou around and andlh lidIhn andthen
lh then < n shoot boo I you out into the open like likea
a bag hll of meal mealThe m m1hll mealIhu rUlI
The shooting gallery wo something somethingthat I
that they knew how to handle Temple Templemade TlI1IplenatiC Templemails
made his hi bullseyra perched upon the thecounter thecounter
counter II lie isnt big enough tnou h to see over overthe onrIhe overthe I
the top of it standing on his hi own feet feetCapt fHlICapt feetCapt
Capt Jack hail ha a hard hrdlll11o time getting the theyoungster theyoiingttin
youngster oullcIp away Even if It was u II IIoclock IIoclock iioclock I
oclock they couldnt understand why whythey wh whIJI whythey
they IJI couldn t clay a as long lon oa others olh were werearound wt1fIlironlll werearound
around and doing things thingsn
iiI > iew ew Ynrk orlt Centrals mlral President Net Fear Fearful Fearful
ful 111 Regarding the hallway naU Nltnatlen NltnatlenCHICAGO HttnaUIItICIIICAon i4ItuatienCiurAon
CHICAGO June < 14 W C Brown the theNew Iher theNew
New r York Central president today todayeiprrmed tocIyflpr1 todayeipressesl
eiprrmed a number of idea at t direct directvariance dlrPCtvariance dfrccvariance
variance with those th of Jam J II 11111 111 of ofth ofI ofthe
I th the Great Northern NorthernPresident NordlmI Northernlreeidrnt
I President Brown although he lament lamentlite lamf1ltI
I lite th existence of the railroad bill and the theprobability theprohability theprobability
probability of IU passage UfI re I ii pot fearful fearfulof
of th the eftVcto It may have on either tIe UieEastern theEastern I Iulpm
Eastern or the Western ftIttm linen IIn He asserts assertshis assettahis tII1 tII1his
his faith in the honesty hO of the Interstate InterstateCommerc InUnltateCommfllfl interstateCommence
Commence Commission and hi hl belief Utf that thatthe thatthe I
the maintenance of low tariff by Goy Goynltntal 0evrntnentai Governmental ¬
ernmental nltntal rulings would not result ult In inpractical the thepractical I IIractloal
practical confiscation con Aca on of the th railroad railroadthst rallroadalthat rafiroastethat
that Mr Hill intimated might occur in incam Incase I Iof
cam of continued aggression by b the th com commission oomInlon cornmission ¬
mission missionMr
Mr 11 Brown 1s sanguine Ine also consider Inconsidering in considerlog ¬
ing th the possibility Ihlllly of another InCOD8ider1 period of ofcongestion ofCOfIltNtion ofcongesition
congestion that Mr 11 Hill prophesied propheeledthe
the tramo of th tlmicountry country may meet with withtil withthil I Ittl4
til ttl4 winter He announced the tb abIlity abtilltyof ahlJ1ltrlor
lor of Ihit New N York OntraUJne DntnJ UIIM to Uke takecalfl takecalflof care careof
I of all the traffic that mar be offered thl thlwinter I Iwinter I Iwinter
winter no matter rut l how large a crop of ofgrain ofgrain I
grain may be moving moTin from the West WestXerfenc WestTesehors I Irfo1
Xerfenc rfo1 Tractor Great GlfttSOUOLK Beeenl BeeenlNORFOLK fleeerdNown
NORFOLK Va June l 14 Mrs Ira u Mary E EHodges EolIodce Khedges
Hodges of this thllcitra city a public pubUolOboo1 school teacher teacherafter teacbeafter teacherafter
after having ha Tinl served rftd for fiftyone years yearsfrom rearfrom yearsfrom
from tha th time the public school I system systemwas systemwas tem temwaa
was established t bUahed retired today toda For Fortwentyeight Fort1rtlfltyolgbl TottwentyeIght
twentyeight year she wa was a not absent absentor
or tardy laid She taught three generation generationof
of one family and two of a good many manyother IDaDYothera manyothers
other otheraew
lew ew York Courts Cant Help Her HerMre HerM HerMrs
Mrs M Julia Watt Morris Gentle lost lostyesterday JoetrtItmfay lootyesterday
yesterday ber long fight to have ve her beractlty Iaerlal17 herI
lal17 I actlty passed on la a new lunacy proceed proceeding
leg I in thi State 8 The Court of Appeal Appealdecided Appealldtelctfld Appealadecided
decided apinftt her holding hoIdfl that ft It bad badno hadno badno
no power t to < > review the dberetien ever exeroi ellfuiIIIWt everaimed
oi uiIIIWt i bY > r the AppeUatoDivWoB Appellate Division In directing directingI K
Mr i Irs Curtis un to proceed An n tb the courts 0CMII1aCflftflffMou te teCmmeeMeut IaCnssWPI4CuI
i I CmmeeMeut In wMah State oh te WM ad
j pMt pMtM
Subtraction in inbuying Inbuyln Inbuying
buying clothes clothesSubtract clothesSubtract clothesI
I T Subtract thecost thecostof the cost costI costof
I of one of ofour our re reduced reI rcduced ¬
duced Suits from fromthe fromthe fromthe
the original orf fnal price priceand prlceI priceand
I and put the differ difference difference ¬ I II
ence Intq your yourpocket yourpocketor r rpocketor
pocket pocketor or into an extra extraSuit extraI extraSuit
I Suit SuitHundreds SuitHundreds SuitHundreds
Hundreds of attrae attractive attraeI attraefive ¬
tive patterns and colors colorsin
in Mixture Sack Suits Suitsreduced Suitsreduced Suitsreduced
reduced to toI
I 925 25 20 and 15 15ESTAEOVER 15ESTAB 15EsTAa
Telegram Read toad at luncheon of ornw Tluua rhaznjt rhaznjt155w e eA t tBeninClan
BeninClan A 155w lug C lob te t Cosgroie P of Torenttt TorentttprtUI TlllllnaW TerenteirytM
prtUI t CIW N IttifoltH It I T TN s Mrx MrxIxNDOX l11fIoNDOIf itxIAxDox
IxNDOX June 11 I t The Tharne Rowing RowingClub RowinClub RowingClub
Club entertained the Toronto oarsman oarsmanIt
It I Cogrove who I III to compete com te for the theDiamond tbeDImond theDiamond
Diamond Scull at t Henley at a luncheon luncheontoday IUllcheonI luncheontoclay
today The other guest included th thfour 1M 1Mfour thefour
I four Winnipeg Wlnni K men who are re to compote oompeUfor
for the stewards challenge cup cupDuring cupI
I During I urln < the luncheon a telegram t 1f1UD 1f1UDad wa waread was wasread
read ad from King Kin George welcoming the theCanadians theCanllClilLlll theI
I Canadians and expressing the hone that thatthey thatIh thatthey
they Ih would enjoy their stay ltayln In England EnglandRiley Enlandt EnglandRiley
t Riley of the Winnipeg crew replied repliedHe renl1edlie repliedthanked
He thanked the King for the cordiality cordialityof
of hi his message messageWith IIIftIIIpI messageRABYASTEDTO
With Terrible Eruptions Grew GrewWorse GrewWorse GrewWorse
Worse in Spiteof SpiteofDoctorsWould SpiteofDoctorsWouldScratch Spite olDoctorsWould olDoctorsWouldScratch Doctors Would WouldScratch
Scratch and Tear Flesh Unless UnlessHands UnlessHands UnlessHands
Hands were Tied TiedMother Mother Says SaysHE SaysI SaysHE SayiHE
11M My litll lit son when about a alid year yeartod yearcad
lid a half old began to have lore lorecome lOrNcome sorescome
come out on hi hiface ble bleface hiS
S face I Ihadapby Ihadapbyikian had a pby pbyslcian ph phldan
slcian treat him himbut himbut himbut
but the sore IMNWOlll inreagrew inreagrewm grow growworse
m worse Then they the tbebtpn
1 began to come en enhi obi o ohis
i hi his arm then on onother onothfOr onotherpartaofhts
other otherpartaofhts parttcf hi hibody hla hlabod
I body bod bodysndtbeaoco bodysndtbeaococaine and then one onecame
9 came on hi his chest chestworse cbNtII
II I worse than the theother theotbera theotberL
other Then Thencalled Tbmcallfd Thencalled
called another physician Jlb Still be beOIIP grew grewworst grewword
worst OIIP At the end of about a a year and anda
a half of suffering au orInC be grew so eo bad that thatI thaIl1Jad
I l1Jad bad to tie hi his hand in doth at night nightto
to keep k him from scratching the theI sores aorcand soresand
and tearing the flesh He got to b ba be bea
I a mere m skeleton and was hardly able ableto abletowalk bletowal
to towal towalksly walk walkMr
Mr 1f aunt advised d m ma to try tr7Cutkura Cutlcura CutlcuraSoap Cuticurasoap
I Soap and Cuticura Ointment 80 great greatws lftlw greatwas
ws w her faith In them that she Ih gave gas me mea ni nia
a small piece of the th Soap to try and anda nd nda
I a little of the Ointment I took them themhome themI thetahome
home without any faith but to II IIIIff please pleaseher
I her I tried It and It seemed m to dry up upthe upthe upthesoresallttie
the thesoresallttie sore a little I Ienttoadrugtor IenttoadrugtorI sent to a drug druelto drueltoI store storeand
I and got a cake of Cuticura Soar and andbos anda
I a > box of the Ointment and followed followeddirection fonowfddinlclona foliowddirectIons
direction At A t the end of two month monththe ICIODtblthe
the tore 10 were all well fll He Debad ha has never neverhad neverhad
had any sore of any an kind sine H HI nno IIIs
I Is now no strong and nd health healthy and I ca casincerely eaaII cansincerely
sincerely II cemy say that tb only 1IIIl for the most mostwonderful moll mollonderful mostwonderful
wonderful Cuticura Remedies my pre precious pred pr prdotis ¬
cious d child would have ha died from too tooterrible those tIJoaciIterrible thoseterrible
terrible tore I used only one cko ckoCuUcura csh I ICUUcura ofCuticura <
CuUcura Soap and about three b b ttt ttttA besof ce ceof
of Ointment OintmentI
I am m a none and ray profenloB profenloBbrinp prorloabrines profltsskabrings
brines me Into raaay different families famlliesd famlJlnIIDd familiesndiilalwayaaplsaureformetotIi
sd ndiilalwayaaplsaureformetotIi ndiilalwayaaplsaureformetotIimy It I Ie always al a pleasure for ma to toll tollmy I1tOlY
my storv storyand and recommend Cuticura CutJcnlftt Bra BraedW I1Irs RemeiUes
edW eiUes Mr Egbert Sheldon R FDI FDIlUtchfldd B D I ILltcbltld IIAtchfleid
lUtchfldd Cotta Oct 231009 231009OMSBM 23 llK1t llK1tcuIIIe 19Ot
OMSBM t Kitsmsl 14 tstntl Tnslswst Int No w
Bv aver 7 11 HrauT ef l linen > tuu CklMft SB 54 ADttu a aourers < WB WBMS
MS 1 Qnmra Mp Ida ate 2111 W l s to > Ctatm lee lbs Mi II II1IOe1 Skistueis Miits
tueis its OMtnoi dos 1IOe1 > lit BOIl tb ftrn Ike sd 4 tfU < INIof vu vuwe
we Retemot k Mttnt Jo Us l < or < r I u 555 New at cxmti cenislatetssWd
tssWd 3 = KOI P MSPW 75s Sit Iof IofPo rII1 vfci id f ei e w r pslty ff UM = ts 55514 55514tbcssisss > e < > 4 4VMM
Po tbcssisss > > Ui owlS new D Dn t CWm CWmMI iei ieilist
MI Pines IM I CM OIabsI KM Art A n atis > v Mus M Msatscs
satscs MMIa 7i CWIIIa ase i se Ia BUSMSS BUSMSSCarpet 11 11Carpet aieeaCarpet
Carpet Rug Cleansing Cleansingnrt
DIn sad l Dnt EKottutod a set tram 9 srfacq rfsc < oMr HI HIlIMt etybvSresbent
bvSresbent lIMt 1M ii ralJrle ralJrleICILee tsbrteTIgk
ICILee TIgk TIgkears I =
ears s warn vw 71 3qazaJ l
4 q