OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, July 01, 1910, Image 1

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-07-01/ed-1/seq-1/

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T 7k 7kc rsm T ttVt t tOtlt tOtltfair ftftJ
ii 12 Jr It nttln fair lIud nJ Mfirtnumi tnued warm warmand f odly odlyII
J II 2 1 tin U h and fvr r ff light I Vitrt Yllrfbr = bf0 bf0YORK windt h hI
I L c tf Yfl n Jft 304 NEW FW YORK FRIDAY 11 UL 1tLi I 1910 = = p t1 i J t 4 s piijqJpvi i 1 r PKCE TWO CUTTS fJ
r iir n ll4l rv v iriv IyS ntnrr ntnrrfin rllllrrII risirrI
I U P 4 D fin r rtiM ru II i VPC VPCII I
s r M sn I He It Sr4V Sr4VIi rit ritNallM 9 9me
6 II Ii I me sl NallM iIM e M tot totI WIIm fw fwTMre
Im I It flai TMre n I 4ffI 4ffIIIwf II IIMaee 11 1 1r
tiM elr IIwf Maee nfra nfraM ra raIh r >
M 3 111 111OM
1 OM If i4kI < Ih Ikl I j
14 pi4kI W If t tI tlsSss
lsSss slt I ph Iils in inr I Ito U Ulls
r Vi4 lls itv wiIs to 4 light c nf utii I It Itll
ll Biurtiey eneh iih h Km mot Mit tmoo t wa wae w wth
e e wlten th S it earn earnHy moo mooh
Hy v miMh h innugh IPVftIIPxI ch tMt tMtn t tIt
xI l I4 n xip 41IflI7 rmrtty It Hi Ih IhU Ihit hot hott
t fOIOl Iht t U Lt Ltr > t f fl
1 I bnPfIt htot e Il W1f W1fe
e Mi vtetory yiii 41w i l H HI hac Iwla Iwlae < I IMoone
l v I < H > tHn Moone < left in n her N Ntrtum t tof
< ae Psv > < > trtum IamhIt IamhItw r1ntl > he l Yal Yalv
w v f fMr or 100 H4tre In n 2H I minute minutel mnu mnun
n l lint It K whtoh 1 > hait le hin n nilv
4 ilv 444 it j i time in n Ih Iha hl hltnry hltnryil tory toryYl
rf < Ii it itS 1 Yl r rN r rHiU
S HiU N ttttnf ttwn t If tI t II l 4 ernw ernwe Ptll PtllI
v I e riv r > Crimoon hid I to tip Inn4
p i 4nt n4 t > rt st4r11 gfitlt ami amiic rwl 1 1tat 4Ls 4LsI
I < ic itIit lit ti I t 4flV ny n lime limeIVI I ITIooO iiii 11411 11411w
w IVI The mild et t all 11 th thme hlo thit hlod
t d me I Mft mile ml and nel It want wantHul 11iII n t tT
T 0 h Hul 1 4 half nf ii th four mil miln D DI
V I 4i n iitvvred thtt lUrvartl lUrvartlhr IirvrdI
I hr r rivitl rivitlmighty tivedy
v y l mighty hty rlow I compamona compamonarile romplnjonn
n 4t n b rile TSI P loll jut UiiI a they h cam camr
r fMt 4 iliv 11 > mile IIII IIi lUg that fatnj fatnjr IJU IJU1iflY
r i ii 1iflY i > v imiih n > r l 101 l rice the thei ItuJ th thIa
J h i 2J4 under Iltltl th h going Lointdrnflw4 They TheyI The Thertr
rtr drnflw4 1 I I the 11 enk It pot proved mu the thetlxxit Ih IhitcOlll thet
itcOlll t tiic tlxxit A chun and It Inch
r I r > in t ti t thixuht however thtt thttlUmr I I1Ifur1
t lUmr I rollicked 111 down that flninh nnla tretch tretchk
A k on 14 4 1 k e wn w nhnkon off There Therenot Thrconon Th re refbi
not non inv merry ry je jHtln tln < < left in th lint lintI t ti
i ritn rtmm n > a 11011 > ll Hop Jt14rCuIIIr Cutler th Harvard Harvardtrok
> trok veteran i tprn ran onrman n that Ih he U I Im wa wamff waamc
mff m mc ii ° < lull at ei 1 MI hi > shell shellin4 hel helii h11UloCl
ii UloCl < < i fro ro ih h > line lin Harvard Iuel flniiihd flniiihdt
t b p MT U t tl < troie r to th minute which whichhirlr hkblollr h ht
I t hirlr I i Iurl i > urt and 1 ntllt it needed no noM oar oarn 1 1n
tti n leitmok tIiulk k to i IhJt lUrvanl lUrvanltM
1 f 1jl tM l hiv I > raided 1 a npurt if h hud hudI hudtti
311 >
s p ir fir I r the tti h frimon rsmdi and for ro any anyit nn anyWal
> it 10 Wal a an Ms t y thing to IMM IMMHI t I IHII
HI II th Hlue wa in far f wor Worse 1101r e eml
r t ml o f th It trip and that thatwlh I Ii 1111 1111t
> V t 1 w with a beaten crww rno lien lientta Isonh
tta a h fe lAI nl Mroke 11 wa wat nt mtchini mtchinicjif inichingPv ntrh nae naer
cjif Pv r c fII if air the la lust thrv h hk Mnike MnikeK
1 > K with hn oar ju jut t ni n Ihry 11 11Idr were wereydr werejdr
Idr i r ff n 11 e flag for Yale aIi OB < m the tl finish flnlhu
ydr J A u u4 d he 11 didnt U 1n ev lVfl n mil hAt hi hiire hit1 hii
ire i fCW tit tmli IIIhl he < l for Jut nt ft the h end endfrom endfrom nd ndfrom
from hi kind and hn h iuds nwdnbr iudsbrr dll dllb
< br b brr f > r r < ur reaches uh with an our II of o air airru airr11 airr
ru r11 r ii dropped fell agaftut A lnat Fearing Fearinglie HrlrIlCPQrlnlC
lie i xwain wam Fearini puhed him back backand LAckud backnjd
and mu I1toiI li l water on him Walir fell fellthe rehlthe
the h 0 ifr way wa W and and Opt Wo WuellI lell Yule YuleNo rIo Ysleso
No o wli > > wa tired himef propped r up upal ups II III
al I s f ir r i f fw w mimiitft n > until he It could couldU1 rHhtt esiIdtui
U1 t I he 1 Mirdeii urd no longer nnd had hadi
i i ni drop 10 down Whn Wh flue h at atinihir te teV I Ih
V > h 1 under IlIltl > r thn th drawbridge dmwlriI IoilHim IoilHimird I ahIisiniIn1 llhlmn1
ird llucklngrinm at No o II joined joinedK
K r the th very weary Wl and il wu n nkm
1 km 1 cr cw w that tried to get t into intoa
a < fi I huh Yale that th wn waiting waitingr waltlnrlvm I
p r rlvm rlvmk > fm fmtr
tr kc k ills couldnt get out by I hint hintin tutuIfl
in n 1 th hv v hid 1 tn 0 carry nu him out He Hei If IfI IIwo
i > < wn on the th deck nf th Klihil Klihili iti itiii iii II 1
ii i u 1 I i fiv curnetl him up blank blankL ItlallkIrn hlatikls hlatiklsit
it L titn I < them It I t took a 1oC I i > nC n tun tunV i IIn IInr u 111 111Was
V r Wn Was got around to 0 feel atiytlung atiytlungitii
< itii Uu m m1n n who bad forced the thehind ItieU h hhm1
U hind him I to 0 give Rh IVC Harvard on to of ofh ofkst
h kst l rac 11 M that ban lieen tll iMen in inif init ll llIt
if It wji ona a toiuhrace tou t4tlli h iaN nlthotuh nlthotuhAM
1pt 1 r AM 0 try oj tli h dtMKirily at atin1 ntI Atis4r
> i is4r ri r that 1 there h are two 110 minute minutenif TiiitiIitisIf
in1 in1V 1 nif i ttwepfl tw w > en n the th New S Iondon and andivn
1 11 ivn OIIr oun < and nd imagino what lIa you youU youI I
I U j tin huw K of a crew that could turn the then th thl
Uk l i > n f fi < ir 1 mil In IH I minuten nllllutfftW Wt Wtl 41 41ti
W ti l 11 i it wvn yea second faster than thanr I
r I t r the Hudson roure Well Wellin rII rIII 11
I in lit 1 11 1 minute Wj Vnd it wax waxtie W WfIIrel wa watP
tie tP Harvard crew too 00 than th thII thIt tI tIII
II Pat It < on Metnorinl I Iy ny It Itr
It r nw n and 1 onn UI without lIhII Hie Hieid I h hcol Iii Iiiut
id ut Ih it Cornell r11 reduced reducedi
i til wi was 14 oie a e of f tho hiKKM hiKKMa
I a Hi u rinttft h lizs ieti eti 11 More Moreever I Ift hui11 hui11u
ft ever fOr l tafop < fore ro were r her h for r the thei lii liiitrsts h ht
i i Htr itrsts t have h teen alive with withwo wllhIy whitw
w wo 4iys Uy It wa Ie4id > the ther th thI
> cor r K 1It it Harvard hid h won ID nil nilind niln1 allmu
ind mu furthermnrn Harvard Harvardltt
iht > ltt victory Irtor In thn h vnr varsity varsity4t lty ltyTho It 1 1rh
< 4t Tho rh Harvinl ap1 folk and andirly lItll lItllcrl aniarly
crl < irly llnrvird M t nn n celebrating celebratingf
I f to their light tonight come omev >
v mid Mime me not exactly lact I 110 110I o iolWfl oH
H > liwil i Is Hinging OVtl 0 OYsuiiuIet OYsuiiuIetI Couplet CoupletIvlly It Itl1y
> Ivlly IPiI l1y nong nongu
i u lbi lb lhr Ihi h > roukl 1 row rowir ro rowITS I
ir ITS anil Dd > rar ar so soi fo foi 0 0tllr
V i i l s inter announcement brought broughtMM
f MM 1 ii i rimion rlln f feathers rth into tub tubt11811v town townniullv oWIIo
o niullv i 4 the 1 cu and luckily for forf
f the t crew rr if f they really lIy vr everi vrw
i w I they furnUbed flJrn tlb1 thren h Mplendid Mplendidr
fr r tIe 1 grad 5lalllOo tn rejoice reJoIeeor reJoIeeorS over r I Itiuuiii IIclllrifOot
tiuuiii S vie IclllrifOot tor in In thn th morning morningi I
i xl sized ize < l margin m < h Inthnfrewh Inthnfrewhtw In thft ti treat treathe
tw Ciimbridgi t nhl fnhineii rain camnimflxr rainIeuIIra am amd
imflxr d by allt l ott two Iw length lengthit
> I al it went n all to I pincM lifter liftermil I Iifill
> mil and n half and wa walngtb Ixofrri Ixofrripngth fn
1 pngth Here am the th re red r r111I rein
< d 111I in figure figureHIMI IIlCu tlgurup
p iiy si I p i p Fill Fill1Id cup p pIf
1Id If I i iC I IM
M Us H H2ft I
2ft 00 co i iII
a i
111 II mll I
IIi I I Itto
Ii tto I I Isit I
sit 11 mil I 2 u ui t
1 II I Ihif
hif It ml mile t ta CO I 0 II IiiNl
1 1IHf I
HIMI r 0551 EI > a NIi > i r IWO wowiii wowiiirrM will willl
II l rrM t VuI < it I IM f
M 4 X XJ cm
1 J ll 11 M I Ia IA
a 1 40 40ntH 01 01mH oimi3
mH em ni u vu vuII ic icII 0 0II
II wit MJtr n4l n4lC <
< r ouru 01 111 111SJPf > TWO kill Milr in inItjrrtrit
Itjrrtrit SJPf r I IWm ir irM
M Wm if ifr
7 s so soiv I II
iv Si Sic u i irrllr
c rrllr I 9 J 37 5 5I n I Iu I IU
U n 11 I I 10 ISwtikti i iwhich
n which hk > h were r very ry unfavorable unfavorableiiiittH IInrftrIfA I
iiiittH on Sixth < rnpf rnpffr
b bt rn 111 of it Hotel XIA as4U U Lonr Lonroir 1
r T n oir pcr t r dilly lyX by bwshsii all allf h n na
fr p > f e f a of 10 U UJ Jr 1 1I
i ntr rrvvrw r rn rv rnr 1 mm mmrtt 1H1nn noame
rtt n ntt + K > rwaeMiawt PIMwW it IsU Isuv it itHer un unIf
Her U > awl lt If Ifl > ywtf ywtfUnrg
l f uv Unrg t faiMl ta I a htn ta f in LIII u Ih Ihhnmt Phiihnqily
iihnqily hnmt fy nt Ih I W irn Iwelrif Iarn Iarnr 1 60 60p
r p > ny 1 as l IG 3 W WaM > 4 eIrse r oval ml t hi wlf wlfhr Wlfa WlfaPrSher t thhn
hr hhn PrSher 4hr rhnma M Hmlgvtn U wwu wwua r II e ln I In r ra
a an n tni ap4w tnr fh iie w Hv It In Ih Ihap P1wtavnwiy
In tavnwiy ap A rtmnt nnt he at ttT ttTj 11 w wIft WP WPI
I Ift sse < > list j t4 nln niag ftC hey heywant
1 went n hevt m ingiMh ami 1 nn In 1M oek kwlat iekiI iekiIIseq > l llr
lr t hi h wit It Imirmtn 1t1 fail f aiI4 itt rttn tt1 ttlInn >
a n > Ihto hi p pisli pisliInnt f > 1 n f flwl
lInn mtn ie In ll f 1Pcgw > r < uir r Tmt T I ITh IttcolllfI fM fM60itIe
60itIe 60 ttcolllfI ttcolllfITh mw In IlrsP IlrsPThe
Th The hut hlitWlwI n > l MH luI I he hi ben tll hr hrtaehHh Innht Innhtas 1 1I
I as taehHh seh h 1Ioth iwhv > > raM a 2vwmnt < m > l Thn n hey forr tocrd tocrdPt < l lIh
I Ih Pt iloof aiwi Th Thay y fmiml Mr Ue 1 Cat Caft Ml lying 1 1no I Iifllp1 Ien
no a > h Pwii > l lmprt ifllp1 vbw > l nr nit It Ih ha Rnnr Tl TlIwn T Ttnmwithm 1 I
Iwn month IIA nbl hhy h Uy let ct r 4d her II td tdliotti n nThr <
Thor Th > wa a prHly JW4 y bad be tint U time than for fnri t twllll
i a whll It waonnt lint until P rI litteraa lernan Klir Knew Kllr1tInt Knewrain > e eeun
rain that 1 i two we 0 gia taiise wit fottml on Ih IhInireau the thehirs h hlit
Inireau lit hirs In it th the b mran Im m ronlajr ronlajrwater fOftaJI fOftaJII
water 4nl I the ItI other ofll poiaoo Th polann polannwax n nfTIIIIldot
wax eyruiUb > nt pnUMiutn wa04i n that hII Mr H f Cat Catl 1 1ha
l ll had ha hmug K h w m f 11 r cleaning silver I14IY I14IYThoo silverThe ilverTh
Th mother had given ICI pnrt pre srt ft to t tr Ih Pt l tuPy tuPyriiI r y yand
and r riiI taken t taki part herself hrefOf
Of ro rour < ir Dr r Ixtroy f D I 4 Hherman t whn whnh wtwhr hn hnHve
Hve h hr at xn W4t W Poiirtnth Fmrthr tnx a afew afew
few r ilnor 1 away y was fetched bt d 11 lice th thfamily ItlfiI the thefamIly
family fiI phyaician and I wa Ih ha only I man manwho manh manwh
who wh h emikl 11 throw any n light tIh nn n th ftl the event eventt evensDr
t Dr r > r Sherman shook ook hi la head and andthAt I Mid Midthat d dthAt
that Inro In IIr0 th h l hsh hy h birth Mr lt lr ra Catleli Catlelihad tatlIshail tie tiehad
had ben In a world wn 1eI mad hoplely hoplelyremote twptIIIIII IwpklylmuI
remote IIIII and flt etrang etrangTh lit aIran aIranme ranc rancThto
Th Thto wnnwn left a king leler tn her herhuab hoo hoohUflbud herhuabsind
huab hUflbud nd hytrical h enc1 and antlIllU Intimal B 0I Hy y
I lov In yiKi ah she Mid in It inrer H and over overShe orNh overshe
She Nh gave av mlnut direction Hh Mba wa waa to tob 0be tobe
b be buried with Ith her gold locket on her herboantn h hhnttm herhoni
boantn and nd he waa always Iw to wear r her herwedding herwedding r rw
wedding w ldln ring which she had ki td ed and andoaree andct awlCiF11Mtm
oaree CiF11Mtm td Hh urged him to find another anotherwife anthrwife ther therwlr
wife a glorloua aa Mro tlmU ef hf and of the thebaby theboth thebaby
baby both ah she MM MMI
1 only on I take 110 th the life lit I 111111 gave av her h hrand And Uklng Uklngthe uk UkIn UkInthe tn tnth
the th life m mother gave m me U therefore all Bl
I have hA to mower fnr fnrMra fnrI forMrs
Mrs I CasualS C and ad her h huahamt huatulrollllln were wercouatna wereenuatna
couatna He fl la I a native DAti of North Cam CamUna Cernline
line 11 and the h cam 18 from Fall 11a Church V VTh a aThey aThey
They Th w wre r married In April Itm ItmSV 509s
41 SV s TUft ITOrThrr I II IL 1 fll 11 11C IOiIS IOiIShrr
hrr r C HhvU lIn the Ih lleixe 110 Parllamrnlar ParllamrnlarIan rtlanInt rtlanIntIn
Ian Memlnatrit mInatrt far 1 Cnreqm CnreqmPopriut engre engrePoM7l e ePon
PoM7l Popriut Nl > Me 1 2 June Y n Aher IIb IIbllinll C CHind 1 1limIt
Hind of thi this city rit clerk of the Ih Hou house e of ofKepreoentative ofn1 oflteprrerntatlvre
Kepreoentative rnd mu n1 Speaker Cannons CannoDparliani lnn lnnpalIamI4r Cannonsparliamntary
palIamI4r parliani Kit ry pnuupter since mow the lb day ol olThoma orThna ofTbns
Thoma U l Heml won nomlnate > l by ac acclamation ccriamabon ¬
clamation today oda a th Kepublican can candatM 11dittAt canithLti
dittAt datM for CongreM oner to t cucri uctt > < l mo I IAllen IAIIn IAllen
Allen of Alfred who h ha ahn nllnctotl unc l hi hiretirement hirtlrlti1tnt hic hicretirement
retirement at the th end 1 of the tl priMm priMmterm rnt rntcmi 1 1ftrm
term cmi
Within two weeks kh theflght Ito fight for the th nomi nomination lIomlnation tiolulnation ¬
nation between btttwl Hind hl nds and Col ui Frederick FrederickHale Irederiekliii Irllk IrllkHAl
Hale ha been the th bitterest In the 1h hitury hituryof
of tin district and ha overnhadnwnl overnhadnwnlthe
the h interrtt in State and n1 cuuiity 111I1 politico politicoto I ill I II
to I 14 an at n uiiiiual fiegn fiegnTlie 4jT5Theruvuseuf
Tlie 11 Theruvuseuf ruucUMMof the ttu hI U 141 l t Lw o we weeks k have huviMilteil huYrullftliin haveresulted
resulted rullftliin in a majority of pledged ll a1 deUKM CWMo CWMofor deIeasesor deUKMTor
for or Hind ind 1 after conferrtic Onr wit hi hirirnd hifrinlr bhifncnt
rirnd > this morning Col oh < 1 Hale liD I appxir appxirm apcared apcaredIII war warfin < <
m thelkxirof the t1tJor of theinnvention t tb h Ontiull e < nilelegale nilelegalenxtead a 1IItI ut4gatinteauI 1IItIfit
nxtead of a candidate candidateAlter mndhlatUr candid candidkfter
Alter Ur Judge Jd Kdwanl I Reynuldn etc etcpuor 1 1tI H Hfood >
tI food a poor r third hid I withdrawn and andmoved anitnoviil
moved the th nomination nf Hind by at atHamatioii a aclamAtltln ccdanatiu
Hamatioii Col u1 list incUe a brief blunt bluntptecli I hm
ptecli < 1 admitting tluit II had LH beeti U hUaiii hUaiiijltlon hi Ida 1111I 1111Ibllhlll at atbitIuii
jltlon to ti 0 go to Congren ougrr4 lIIer for many lUan year yearand r S Sand
and anlilha that he h wn bitterly diA diaapp > polut > lute1 l He Heendeil II IIfllll 1kenuleit
endeil however hc er by pletlglng hi his support supportinit upurtand
and moving the th uomlntiou of Hnd HndThe lIirlTit hhltittaThe
The Tit mention of r Hind If ele rIeItet > > tet tin ii the theogical h h1u1ti1 hlugieal
ogical MiiitwMjr to Cannnn bruglt brugltcheer IICIIria trigitriiers
cheer ria mini fIIIh the convention conventionIOTHIH Omtlollf cwnvntloiiosrfl
IOTHIH f osrfl TlIIII HI lonii 1111I t rilflf rilflflliirtlit 1 t IELUIIIleulilit 1111I 1111Inueh
lliirtlit fur the II I nllrd llr U > liuIs u Nl r toni tonipanics m mpanle mlIanl
panics b > II II rianin rianinH
II H Clafliu IIM has secured a controlling controllingInterext lU controllingInterest lroll nlC nlCIn
Interest In in the Ia firm of Ixtrd A t Taylor for forthe fo fot forthe
the t Inited Dry U Hood t tMJ Companie Com pan The Theannouncement TheIIIIOllnrnlI TheanhioUnrettietit
announcement wa > made yesterday by byMr I IIr byMr
Mr Ir Claflln in a i letter to 0 the d tockholder tockholderof
of tlie t th h latter la concern In which ich hn h said saidthat ud aielthat udthat
that their dlr director tonc had authorized lItltorI7 an anIncreawi 411IncrIUW as asharm
Increawi harm in the h capital stuck ucll equal l to IS ISper I IJ1 iper I
per J1 cent n of it r all claute cla outnlanding It Itwo IIWtu ItWa
wo ul elan o elated ttd in thi hi letter that J P PMorgan rIoraan PMorgan
Morgan A Co 0 will take any Mock at t per purthat IrMt perthat
that may m not hn subscribed for
Iteporta 1t Irt of thus traiuiactlon lime Iin n Ixwn Ixwncurrent lcencurrent
current In in the th financial district for ome flflme11m ometime me metime
time In the letter lo 0 ckholdrrN Mr MrClaflln Ir IrCItlln irClaflin
Claflln nay nayThe aaysTh T TTh
The Th und untJrlllj rlgned ld I has negotiated < 0111 for fornome for110m fursome
nome time with the tit owner own of fh the bunine bunineof InUlint tinetneosir
of t Ix Ird > rd A d t Taylor one on of the thhl th oldi tldiet l mercati mercatitile mI mIlir inereantila
tile houiteM h ill New S York and hat h finally finallyorrangetl IInl IInlnrrIINI finallyarraiged
orrangetl for the tl purcha of a controllliif controllliifinleret controllinginterret nrolll nrolllinlrt
inleret therein The director lrtora of th thUnited thnld t1wtnhtd
United Dry Dr 1li kw4s o d ComiianieM Comni om ni nr > of t tic thnopinion t ticpifliofl
opinion inin that III hi1 it intermit should Im I ownml ownmlby owncthiy wl1 wl1I
by I the th Pnllnd Dry floods 00 Comivanie Comnit In Inorder Inordr Inorder
order to acquire Clulr this thl interest Int and any an other otherintermix othl nttpiintr0ts
intermix IDtrt that may be I advtuitageoiiHlyobtained acIentageouclynltained advtuitageoiiHly dtcoulrola1td
obtained ola1td the th director dl of the h United UnitedDry Vnltl UnitedIry
Dry Good Companie have I authorized authorizedtlm 017 017h
Ir Go Cmplli
tlm it h iMuance lano of an n additional ldilonll amount amountof tounl tounlr
of r It I common cmmon capital capial tock equal l 1ua lo 0 l lr 11sr 11 11ltr
ltr r cent n of If the th total tn1 capital 11 atockof stock of all allcbuwei 11 11nutitanhlng
cbuwei 11 nuUlandlng Ilnl Tliin Thi Mock h k U hereby herebyoffered Irh Irh0r1 tierliyfTerl
offered 0r1 to all ni of if f It the stockholder ekhol of III IIIUmtifl h tie tieUsuitiil
Umtifl 1111 Dry II I Ioo loud l Companies Complw eacb ah cti holder holderof hldr hldrut
of either ilr common rumrn or 0 preferred ref r nharn nharnMing itiarebeing hi
Ming 1lnl > entitled nll1 to niilnwribn lllril uulerril to I on amount amountof mollntor
of new nt common roruwn Mock ork nual 1 to IS I per cent centof rentof nl nlof
of IIM h preent holdingn hlln or Mock of either eitherclaa eitherci Ithrda
claa da ci in I United Dry flood ComianieStockholder Comianie omlnl omlnlHkhod onpaniesitockIiodre
Stockholder Hkhod of renord nl of July lly 0 I 6the hnve hnvethe h hh
the h right lo It di Mtihucribe Ilhril In t the h new le stork lok on onnr rn rnI in inor
nr I before Ifo Augn Alltt t 1 1Henry tUnr Ihenry
Henry Unr Smith Mmlh coun cn1 counsel el for lx fr > rd A fr Tay Taylor 1 Taybr ¬
lor ulild ld yeaterdny trd afternoon atnfn at 1 hi his olflc olflcat tuffiresit II
at n 137 33 Navaaii amii street IIf1 that any nil Matement MatementKent itstenpntsent amll amlln
Kent n out by h Mr Ir ClafUn Cafn wa of coiirue au authentic uuhnli authentic ¬
thentic hnli and d that he had nothing nothlnt to add lo loit toit 0 0i
it i In behalf hlr of hi h his client r111
1 iinmnr InR In1 ron tOtAndrew al KGIIHI KGIIHIAndrew I IAnt I
Andrew Ant CarneKie m Un lr HulMtng Hulctne for forTheir forTheir 0 0I
Their I Ktrlult u e tte In n Narannah Narannah8AVXNAll HannnR4A HastmaiAvAf4aH
i I t
8AVXNAll R4A nAU June JO 3 Andrew Andr Carnegie Carnegieha Cm tl tlh
the th of Savannah hi hiflrl liifiret I II i
ha h given i9f to t n negro Hnnh
flrl I donation dnUon for the th etnbll tAhltamel tahhlshment hment of oflhmr n nlibrary iilibrary
library lhmr to be lined u exclusively lelllvl by negro negroIn nrgrrein
In rr ml1 reiwLe ie tn t n rrqueat ut from rom eomn eomnrnrirmenlAtivn m mr me meF
rnrirmenlAtivn r negro n < m men mf of Savannah Savannahbe Hnh HnhI I
be I ii hM has acreetl al1 to give < Iy them SlZono 112f for or a alibrary aIlrI alitirLry
library IlrI provided ide they will 1 furnish SI200 SI200a S2J
a yrvtr Yja to If equip li and al maintain it itThe I IT itrue
The T City Ity Council Cncl haa agreed to five 1 the thenegro thanegmore h hnr
negro > the 1 required rfllrr um for Inn di main maintenance mlntmlnC maintenance ¬
tenance tmlnC of the h library IIbrr and nt II I i II Iit expected expectedIt Jt1 Jt1It
It will 1 b hi built 1111ln In A abort or time timeHt UmIC time441d
Ht 441d > rtt Ik Ito wk w k I m sad < l at Hotel Holl VMU J Long LongBriCtt Inw InwIal Lou
BriCtt Ial IC L I Two T CM rseesti f r daily < l lly tr 1 f NBO NBOfrioko s snalo NiIaIraaIo
frioko nalo sad fid 1 < orfl 0 orittitra trt of toAn tA tAj
j r
SflriUVTr nn y SflISIfr4lIPVr SflISIfr4lIPVrI
r It ItI
n I err 1 t nitir 1It nn vi viTw V 41n
n Tw 1 ftr 60r ie th the r PereN erH ai t tra IM IMral a a000R
000R ral npie5 al T DM101 Hln rae ra mn mh mho mhe mtwta r rt
o t ra TUtor m tH mr f rt e s > aoMt aoMtMe ti60 ti60ease
ease Me l TH t Were Wrrev Wrrebuy WerePIvPSLT e
I 19aLor PIvPSLT lase J Sen v 1 in I two two41eg
41eg c buy b wh h Isare r r t hset hsetfist n nfur pt1 pt1I
fur a lung aumnwr m lhat H ha l heen n full tl tlf of offor oflncdsetm
I lncdsetm for f to huih htt rrMdUnt rt Tart Ta set amiMr setel Ii Iic
c el T7wwlnq Roovt at met her w4hiy w4hiyMr t I
Mr M PrWdntl Ju 7k Tt The high Ic p rtehl rtehlveie t tI1 h hvnie
vnie c cf th I the Cnlon CnieI hot isis > MI IN the t wont wnnlwith wontth c I
with it th all lit he vehenMmr 9 h it I evr earrtxl ri0l In InTh Inrb ii iitioPiute
rb tioPiute tioPiuteThnut
Thnut Th T b M Ioe big < f fm rm 4 f lh lhlooming the thePnskknl
Pnskknl 11 looming aJmvo 1w thf thse t tI f Ih1 th thCnlnnvl tpiCnkwwl
Cnlnnvl shook ho h1 k a M h h he r Pwwwnol xn l 11 it out outtt it itIt
It nwd tn I b he Mr r PnsMilnt n awl an Will WillNow Wil Weltis
Now I is U I Mr Prwtdent Pnt and n Themlorw Themlorwadded Tl Thetskrwadded
added II th th the Col rflnl Cuienel nl a h h ey eyt I the man manbfor roanhefore n nbr
bfor br him from heed t to t foot footThen fl footThen
Then Tn they th graaped a1 sect h tithoe t houl shosilttri houlder hn hna
der lii an a unf Iflc tuifIniI lgn d < i bur titiret t of fI il kit ilght ilghtThe lcht lchtT gtit gtitThu
The T portico prtl pf t th the Taft l rotugn rt si Mur Murg nuI
g Pnini I Pn4P f I roomy r but for r f th the b KV rIcn rIcnnt rroideoi rroideoiof > idnt idntof
of th lb United Unlt Htat K < and nt tn the only living livingetpmident Ilne Ilnenl hivii hivii4reakInt
etpmident nl It I la I not too Urg 1C Lp t and anddown aolilown 1 1dow
down dow It i lnh kngth Un lh they thooINI strode loUy hy laitgh laitghIng luh luhIna 111gblog >
log and nll g gstlcetLatlng < lcullnc < lctilallng Ih the im mll 0141km ller man maneagr mann manat
eagr at aim n and nllnl intpfiaely l interested the theother th tholr theother
other olr laughing tuaW and ad exploding now and nndthen andthen n1 n1tl
then tl at a what ht he h heard heardIt a
It I reminded some t of t thou Ih who ho heard rd it itof Itof
of 0 th the lima tm1 at th the Whit bite it llouae J in Wash WaahIngton WashIngion u
Ington InC when wt Mr Taft woe WA Secretary Ir of ofWar ofW ofWar
War W t and n th I the h Colonel Colo I was w in I a th t the b White Whitelloua WhithIoi hll
lloua 10 hIoi In thonn Ih day a when n Mr r Taft Taftentered Tf Tarsentered
entered f t th the h atnctum t ct 1m merriment nrta I nial rI I
too t There Tr waa laughter 1leM always alw when lie I Ind heand lieand
and nd Mr Ronavvelt Ji wer together tot and n1 not noterioualy no notseriously
seriously engaged tPl It I was the h aame n uplrit uplritthat Itrt Itrttht P4r1tthat
that tht revalled IVAlf > today todayThere lo loTh to4ayThere
There Th were other otbf present n wltiK whl the theProvident thelreldnt h h1lta
Provident 1lta and nd the I Colonel talked blkd Senator SenatorLodge entorLod uor uorL
Lodge L Lod whAm wh > gilt 1 the h kilter I hid l 1Sbt teeti teetiat en enat
at Nalwuit Sbt hant came cm ov over r with wit him Secre Secretary I cre cretary
tary ry Norton Soru and d Assistant A i4nt K xrry xrryortr rretary ertoryVortcr > > rretaryKor
Kor Vortcr ortr ter were on In the tl H rtifo > rt of the I Taft Tnflcoltitc Tlr TlrCIC Taftcottage
cottage CIC too to but they 1 wurt but 1 littl ll in inthe Inh inthe
the h convrttioa C > nntun Th Th rhy y all 11 took tuo 1 ¼ tea t to tog togetber
g getber < lher h on n th the hh h dv porch forel but Iu tie moit moiturt I 111qp4tl4U
Itrl urt of r the th two w hour nnd n h h1 llf > ilf that Mr Mrloa 1 1ltvh ir irltooevalt
loa ltvh ltooevalt < wvelt stayed 1 witlu williiu th t K It gate te of f the theuinnwr theaulnnper h hu
uinnwr u capital he h ami n1 the 1 Irroidvnt Irroidvntpncwl Phkn PhknIAI IrcsjIetpaced
paced IAI the t floor lor arm in n arm 11 talking talkingg tlhiiiggesticulating Iklc IklcUululni
g gesticulating n > ticuLitin Uululni and n1 exulting lulle n th h renewal renewalof
of I an I old 0 frivmUhip frivmUhipl
l h hd d a mo4i ro jyc pltatiiu Ia tfiH > with 1111 th thIrfoident tblrcuuclnt
Irfoident 1 > 1 Mid 11 th fbi Colonel t when n li liwhirleil I Iiwtiitkii >
whirleil out 011 uf lli the 1 gatt IU in SI Senator Uxlf Uxlfcar loutgemtar
car 1 hound 1IIId for Naltint and llwlui II mitoi Iot M Mdont I In1 1drnt
dont n1 believe Ilft there h anything yluuC loiy to 0 0tl sty i ih us usthst
tl thst h re jUC 1 he I Il addd AM I irning lnl to tU tUHenalor II IIHnaor ticP4naor
Henalor HenalorTheMenitoragred Hnaor HnaorT P4naorThScnturagrertl
TheMenitoragred T Hi tlnlI tiit it lli there re W4 w wh < n nVVjjlnd 11p 11pb
b VVjjlnd h bd 1 jv J niixl 111 dliKhtful litju lro lropthr t i igetlur igeIhr
getlur pthr ttiontlnud m In nn aft uf rli tt ¼ < titli JI itiIirhey titlifhey cl cl1le >
fhey 1le hut u bully Iuly tline 1 wi wic > lli 11 11 > > wuv wuvS wvSeemeinry r
14 Seemeinry S cr tnry Norton ur irtli put 1 H I whet h he I is ram rj rjI out outater it itlater
later I and 1 wa l leslegud > leg 111 < d by h the h nw liewsfritler liewsfritlerfln piier piiermen Ir Irmon
men mon They Tiey tulked Ik attout 1 many IUy thing Ihitirju hinCil
il U u a per permutisl jtiil way wavTh wayThi uy uyTh
Th I Vilonvt wj w li tieii > un a i d < lpin > fruit fruni fru1 fru1lun
a i moniiig lun i hewscijmr > w pa r in I wm whIt > li h tci > wj o > d dlired t 1 1I
lired I to hive h ie told ov v Ilth ifuiIci tint Ii ii li liwux I Ic Icwit
wit 4or ors l lmttIis Mii ill h ioverno would wouldnot wsieiilnot 11 11no
not no run 1111 forn fur a third Illd ttii d term Tint heond heondwith h s id ildwhit idI
with I I M sna na n > of r Oh Ij jaw J i is aIeirlly l irdly unit unitiiiilifledlv iiit iiitunialefledlv 1 1un1li
iiiilifledlv un1li I untrue untrueTin 1ru uitriwI
Tin I 1 tii hunter hunrtr iamb over a tuttle I I j Lit Ico Lite from fromValiant f1 f1lhu frnsutnit
Valiant lhu tnit Ions In I jn l Iror for tIc t Inn USc If h nj1 nj1even wievrr J
even 1 icted Ict u i Mtire r of n lcweutsr > w > > i > > r men menulf hid hidh n nhlr
ulf h tlf u doen do photiitrjplir IhOltrhr and 11 iitl iitlliii 1 lii liiili 111
ln liii ili > of lUtoinol autoinoliul wKh w ll I tji to aid aidJrverly C icl iclhlevarly 1 1111rly
Jrverly 111rly folk rol lolluiK lolac in i them Ilm wen gnthir 11 gntlierutct4til I < d dalMtiit I Ialll
alMtiit alll the h entrance Clii 1nc riuce of th the 11 nurnmer iupitil iupitilThe inpitlThe 111 111T
The T Sylph Ih on of r the th Pre p President id dI nt s > yaclJ yaclJiad ycl
iad ha Ixfti r plmoil at the 1 dmpxuil of f Mritooserelt Mr Mrtoonurelt f fltplt
toonurelt ltplt but hl > conversion from rrI 111 111ior tbhorse h hhor1
hor1 horse ior to the its aulomobil 10mnhi seen rn ii iiInn i h htloruah me meMtn
Inn Mtn thorough tloruah for fo he II ch < > e III tle littler littlerand Iurr I
and 511 came hii hustling tling up the tb North irtJi Hli Muir MuirrciI h hru1 jr jrnxiil
< I
nxiil in i the h closed mnchine rnbi of tin h fnl senior seniorSatnr enl r rSenator I IKnaor
Senator Knaor from frol Mai tiaseiiehiltett4 larhlll nrhuett < jn just t Ufur iefiimtA rr
110 1 He I itopiKxl for ro only nl a ieotul c > nd 1 at a aat the thegate thegct
gate < at hook hck Imml Iluli with lh a man m in I tin tincrowd Iherod tiacrowI
crowd he h knew gay la < file f ve phot julicittugraptier julicittugraptiertics ixr < ph > r rlie
lie III opportunity ollorllnl lie h craved anil hurrml in inThn I IrO iiilM
Thn crowd rO did thu lll not I attempt II to I follow followSecretarr followSecretary 1101 1101rrtr
Secretary rrtr Norton Sr had h I < I out fll th
Information Inomilnn that nn one on would I > > allucisi allucisiwithin l lwithin < >
within wihin the h ground IrOIII and nd several > x vral vralil ral urr crct crctservice > t tervicn
service ervicn il met m IIIC I wen w them th to 0 M that t thu thurd thionlr
> rd nlr 11 > r wn WI > r nlservel > l > > erve < l if f uny y < ill > n triiil triiilNobndy trictiNotinly n1Sully
Sully lid ilidIimt thifhoot lidC
hoot C lefon Iro 1 ft oclock cKk the Ih ra Il c cam camback 1l 1lack
back ick > up t the th winding wlnlC olmdy hlI drive from fromli rln rlnh tutu tututt
tt li Tall TI foltno 11 V 01 t th the I Hiitranio tl tlWII it itp4iIisII < l lwiilMil
wiilMil WII The Th rrowd fpratu pr from III IIIruul I h hhul itiit
iit ruul of the Ih wall wal from rUI thin Ih waiting 1lnl alit al alitnoltIl i inobile
10111 nobile from frm th the grass 1 and 1 ru rushed h d for forIIM forthe
the 1 Colon 0111 He I wa rady and jlld unafraid unafraidIn Ilarahl IlarahlI
I lie In leaned nut 0 of it the t lit h window and nl nt hooIT hooITvery IO IOIr hioIevery
very Ir lia h nd that h found It I way y over llni llniad sit sitheads 1
head > ad > of r tlion Ih in front frontHy fronCfrl CmiiiIiy
Hy Cfrl Jeorge tin this hi M I bully hlll It I ho aaiil aaiillion saitiThou il
11 Thou lion 1 Ii 1 lifted lif1 hi his traw raw hat whiln hil thn thnholograph Ih IhphutnCIh it itptwtngraptt
holograph lottery I ItY imrchml rel1 iiK iliciti M > ri the theurving Ih Ihcrvit Ihcirviiig
urving crvit wall flml 1 away awayl aWay1nok wayk
l 1nok xik k at lho th ihtue > > inlacreituli mlarft up I Iher IherIK tlitesuid r ralel
alel suid IK It I lii laughed 1lht and Int uliook hllk hi 11UrIT lila flat lltl flatis
l is llevrrly its KIMK 111 iuaI tui Oyt yr r Itav Itavnx Ib 8ay54tTh
10 54tTh nx oim tI 1 ln inquired < iuire luir1 < l after r th h > Colonel tflo1 had haddodged ha lieddodged i
dodged tflllh the tht question qlonul < i iu to the tlalll talk wit wlh h t Ih iiilmwileitt hn hntreoutenl I
treoutenl treoutenlHy rlfI
Hy U Oeorge urI I like Oyster y ir Kay l you youknow YOI youknow
know IM I tuid a1 Bui RI I I lie whole wholeStitt Nurtb NurtbShnm
Shnm Ih s i ii iMautlful alllrl ll f htui > great greatWhile aratWhile
I While 11 the th h Prenulrnt w was A talking nlklnl the thnphotogrnphem I thephuotigmpltere
photogrnphem hInl h m rt tiet > t of whom were w Wi from fromRoMton rrnmflln rota rotaI
I RoMton flln were 11 calling Cln for flr Senator Jnatr xtlg slgI II
I in I They wanted wn him In the itt h picture leU UHI UHITli I tssiTIi
Tli Senator Rallr nlillgingly lcinelr stuck IICk bin heml hemlflrnt 1n1f1 henifirst
first f1 nut of PC r onn Irl 10 window then Ih1 out of fr the theother nt ntotitem h ho ho
other o
f Vn o no 10 O rh 1111 irtiied < the Ih KnaJmlnKitrr KnaJmlnKitrrOetnvertiytb NljIIKt snalehinotersht
Oetnvertiytb ot ht over 1 by tl the tolnel nhll yelled 11 aomeime aomeimeThe sonic m fll ou ouI
11 I The Colonel 10111 niovn mn1 obligingly b11Iy arid nrl they theywen th y ywen
wen nnapped togither togitherAn o thr thrn
An you n nti 1 coming mlll < l ack to Beverly nvrly fieverlylon
I on f in the t throng Ih a uk ukI aikrsi aikrsiI kod kodI
I dont ont know came cm the Ih answer answerThen nnlwr nnlwrTho nnswrrThen
Then Tho thn th h crowd cwe partd and nllt thn itt h big bigwhine bigmacbitt Ie Iefhlne
fhlne whine stint clear and J1 nwept t down the theroa therla tb tbrut
roa rla rut d toward twur the Ih town twn and Ale ini out it of fr alght alghti alghtAImot Ih
Almoat Alft I before Ito the th group could 11ll cathr cathrin Ith IthI
in I little I knot to dixctiwi ltl rll it nil ni the Ita Whitlinus White Whitelloiiw l
lloiiw 11 car C chugged rhlcC1 out nlt with Secretary SecretaryNorton Itf SecretaryNortin
Norton Sn In it Hn In 51 t twranwtti > eownwtlietorm trm vntm vntmof entrnof nf
of tin writer wr rind n1 the th ouiwn Cn buttery butteryHe
He I II xlood I it almost A In an A well wIM ox thin Ih Colonel Coloneland Colonelanul olnn1nd
and nd wits jut alx hlt hont > ut A as I < > ommiinlcallve ommiinlcallveHA mrunicty
HA 11 wa was caked kt what hlt they ty talked tlk1 about aboutnnd Rhut Rhutnd aboutnail
nail nd unmebody tltJ miggcnl atiggcnteii IKlm11 d nyn I < Carroll CnrrollTfe Crrol
Tfe 1 lime Im hat I mm t the I it WI WIT Wairu lrti > HAM HAMTn maidTo
Tn T r twk k of many mn thln thlnOf things thingsof lin linO
O Of lmm mmd < 1 oh Ml pnI nil n rllnt rllntOf lnt lntft ltnt sat satof
Of ft rhh eahhmrs r > anI m1 n kl IIrs IIrsThat 1 1Tat r rThat
That Tat iwkl ll Mr Norton Snno at aIwiil 1lt ut expreme expremeit 1 1iL
it all allnrirwooD 1 1rnnTwon
nrirwooD INN 1 lInrsenwIeh rr nw1fh Conn coO n J s nlln nllnfromN mUafrom I
fromN frm from T JuHoffPo1 Jstoi1VomiPod ol Jo Bo d < Or Ga Garge tt GolfV 1 i iwuff ti tiah
ah 1 Uutlr wuff ltf h Idlil l resort < for fo f holMr loU ouUof oUaA4 ouUngAde 4
i rirrrv rrrrv rrrrvlt qtrq r tr trKrin
lt 51 Krin U erHal Netlre NetlreMlniwt tIre Ye I Iit
it 11l0se 1 Vw4s Vw4st
< Mlniwt N i 4 so J June y VS J4tn J Jt Jamm x t Patten Pattenr rai i ir44re
r r44re + r rrwM huclnxM t > i fh t noly nolyiaetnfil I II isiatmiI
iaetnfil > h I he filil 1 mah toe poMlestse poMlestseWa ihlieiM n nWt4
Wa Wt4 Wt4t Ho Hoj
I K her hail 1 1t a Mng ig teg g in t gnn gnnh gel gelhnine0
h t hnine0 > < in K I her > nail rm mitre then tt m row share shareAs > har harnf r
I nf th tl the lna kisul l Iu f earry en and tvl r yI > f am m mI glad gladI
I hey been thmugh h M uN M anti 1 am 1m 1mI r reotv reotvIn h hIn
I In null ti I
> alqwlv k lr 1 aonewI a ii rxl MIfl > Ih tHkM Macse MacsehIarthli t trUrtliHl
rUrtliHl fl Palltttt M < n tlnllt4 1 > rNiin rNiintoiUy taiMnises taiMnisestoday
today aI and ant will wl h P asekd > rn l 1r Kr rUnle 1srikItYNkr l lrm
I rm r YNkr < er A t C tomorrow tomorrowMy tm tmry
9t My ry brother 111 Oenrg MT 1 Patten Pst will willrlir wjltretire 1
retire t with m me from f active H lxmneM 1 kiein Th Thcrr The TheorortIin rhooCfI
CfI orortIin crr rali > n whlvh miroeil lit 5 Ih 11 ha p resent rntHrrn resentm
Hrrn m lilnnw iumtn will i contain f > ain all n Ih lI the junior juniormember Jnir Jniri juniormeniteri
i member m of o th concern ansi I will 1 lnrt oiafliirokr lnrtunder ft ftI
I under tnol 1 rtallrlng cna eondllleiM tlll I Icinc Igoing 4 > n ngoing
going cinc lo 0 rent f anti 1 look 1 on o au for rn Or a while whileMr wt UtIdtmMr
Mr Ir fatten pained esi Ih I morning of 01W hi hital ha hataut
taut tier t of I buunen t sitting Unc In front frl 01 f th thcpiolation lbllliotat4n 1
cpiolation IIot > Uuinl b1 watching wtn th Ibo b cmire r of ofthe 01h ofthe
the h market ror tNmoo semi tim 1m A 1 M him < taken takenlittle tkenlittle
little 111 artiv part In in Ih the grain aif trail I except exceptto p
to it even up I lila hi l uineM hu4a > and Ift t out outtit Ot OtNI outJIKL
MrN f flrertr > ttr r Her H Friend 1 Tlhl ThwhI Th hl a J flail flailr fadal SaiIC
C r l HtrtfH ami al Gee U UkIAM twa twaO4K4N wap wapffrWAN
O4K4N kIAM Otuivi 0 N J 1 Jun Ju 90 3 4sen 4senKenneity 4 an anKennedy
Kennedy f the Ih fourteenyearold rOn daughter daughterof dlahr dlahrI
I of ff l II Ir r and Mr 1 John M 1 Kennedy Knnl of 0 New NewYork NewYork
York 01 city was drowned In th the b surf oppo oppopoaite OPP oppopuuIt
poaite th t the Ultagore Ultcn pavilion II here ltd thUmorning ltdmornin bl
morning morn Int Irma I Macllarg 1aIra of th the I seine seineage am amage
age who wee bathing with llh Mia Mi 1 Kennedy Kennedywa ItnnI ItnnIb
wa nciied by b the lb Uf u guanl 1 A long longwell Inl Inld longswell
well drew d MU 11 Kennedy down into io the thewift t theswift
swift undertow nt and MI her h body bot ekl did not notreanrwtr notFe
reanrwtr Fe a r
After ir Mi Ii Mavllarg 1dlrl had lieen 1 revived revivedh yjvedsite il
site h tokl Ikl the lb giu allnll nl that h her hr friend was III IIIth I Ih inthe
th the h wafer wor t They r had hd not wen n her and amitlvey andthey nd ndI
they I thnught ho6h that Mi U Macllarg Irl < was so sofrightened K Kfrightened
frightened rl h that tht at l 1M > dKi dl not remember remember9Mlng rememberaselng mbr mbriac
9Mlng iac Mi I hise Kennedy fnn lv rrarh trl shore ho a us 1 they theyupK 1y 1yIII theyuiitjpused
uiitjpused upK III > ed t abe h had hadMi h hadiiIm
Mi iiIm f Macllarit lrlll 1rLgr dressed and went nt lo 0 the thehome t thehorn
home hom of Mi li ile Kennmly aunt ut Mi sliam I Mary MaryKennedy 1 1Kpmy laryKetuedy
Kennedy with Ih whom she he h warn ppendlng ppendlngthe 1nlna 1nlnah wtidIngttiu
the h mummer umm at U Embury avenun 1nu The Theguard 11 11anl Theguards
guard anl gave 11 th n1tr nuttier rnalt vr no 1f further rllrli cw cwcrn cast castrem 1 1Im
rem Ml IlIse 1 Kennedy wa w not at her heraunt herstint r ran
aunt an a hom < however and 1 n I wvriJi h for forher rorIr fortier
her wa a futile futilelino rllUI fuitikllit
lino 1 afternoon Ifmln at a iv o > oclixfc the 11 in incoming inI ineontittg
coming f11 lido ld wa washed he lu1 < I Mi ihIse I KemiMly lody lodyagultiot 1lraKjl boilyagaitiet
I agultiot aKjl Villnir 1Ih Vani Vatderhiic < erll v n volunteer volunteerlife i ilift
life lr wurr wurrMr scierI r rI
I Mr I Kenneil IlnnI tdedtHil ii 1 1Mllirlllollr istl girl girls mother i iI um
I I iu a New York hoopilal hial Her fr father i in inNtipn inuln ii iiI iiltr
Ntipn uln CM CMOr tMI tMII tMIH
Or H Knn 111 heniteiIy > Hly wife Iu Ij has a I milllnvry 1IIInr1 utililineryslur
I slur > tore on it the th ground floor nOr of f tbo tb apart apartI 11 11II
I iiitit II hour IHI at U eC G llrcndway IrOdy under wd the thej th thUI thettiilurluI
j lUkim luinif UI of r KliMlmth Kennedy Kennedyt l nhfly nhflyl
I t l o MI staler T of f Mm 1 Kenivdy bail lutdtnken 11 bailI <
I tnken t the ttt h two Kennedy 111 lUughten Lulht Jean Jeannnd Jfn Jeunciuil
nnd Hule 11 111 who wit > i ii 12 yi ysirs < nn > old oll lo Oivaii OivaiiOtove lhenitbuy
Otove n buy for u vacation varwtinnI
vatn vatnj
I > vti I > II I lf n < Till 11 I 4il IH U IN INI 1 I Iiat
I II iat a > lie U Nrrr eei4ar ar I to liruiileu hud1 the 11 Titter Tulernt T TI
I suit nt t tltltmlr > ee w Kl ltiiK isttigI ltiiKr 111 111o
r i l jur 2W o Iuplr i > iMr lo THI TNI 4iM 4iMr ii iiI l lI <
I MADHIII In June Ju i The 11 liu Koman lman CathoU CathoUI 101 101I tliuic tliuicI
I uKitalioii IKIh1 uguin nguiiltmt > t Die I ine lliemuire 11 ure < relating relatingi rlalt
i lo reliKioii rhll iiingregalion IIKI ami t the t h toleru tolerulion tolertiI oln
lion 111 I liii of r noiiCulholic tltlIlIol linittel italics li II hum inducetl Idll1 i the theio th tht tIcuertttttvtit
t io eriiintit orm to 0 iK ilie ue 1 an unusual 111 warning wan1nl wan1nlI warningto I
I to the h Yati Val Vatiult < tiii and tutu t the I lUpnl Nuncui litiiui here hereIn hN
In h u I > tatrmrllt mn iMiiml to III h new IWN iteWlhtIitrs iteWlhtIitrsiii > Nipen Nipenthe >
the iii h 1rlmn lovernnient a 111 wauurs urH it its opponent opponentthat
that 11 I it will C i ill not I l le influenrvd I by h their t hI r rietiti
ileinonMruiion ietiti tat ma t India beyond bn1 taking tak llng lug MlnM to tokeep tokeu 0 0k
keep k them h in il check checkIt
It I remark upon ltjc 1 > t the I stitlflt icinll4 IIIan > ant reserve Inl reservetiiaintuitted
maintaitied inain1 by ii eiremier rnllr Mann Ir and aId aIdiitcwrstIvrs
Contrvatte grnerally nrl towanl the thetloternmrnl thehiernlnrlutN h htImmII
tImmII tloternmrnl > olicy If It add tlm the thedanger I Itt Ittduutger
danger Klr however lie I in I the h oiuiibilltv Iibitr Iibitrhal iumibilitvthat > oiuiibilltvthat
that MOIIIK in the praHicul lr1 1 ii itsetseureo l n of ofthe sfItt r rII
the II Itt camuiign alNacn its t author ah who I ht in tin tinioxernment iiiloverninents Iu IuonllIt
ioxernment onllIt M view w are th Curia t and unlli the theIa ti tiPapal
Ia 11 Papal > al NunHo Su Unri may tna lx I tempted to 0 resort renortto on
to 0 other inenurf < whiib hi would I1 compel compelthe ml1 ml1h
the I h novernmeiii to ubandou lulll itt tlu t I it tolerant tolerantattitude tuleralutitttltuiili ulallil
attitude it Mi tu titis hitberto hiln udoptitl udoptitlThe ulottwlThe
The TIa xtalfinenl nmn add 111 that the th attack attackof lar laror
of if foreign rijll newipiNT > HOIII of < if which Iaich
are or tr MI p fi directisl l 1 aeamt ala th h < Knit KnitM Khlt1 Khigs Khigslcraon
lcraon M > ron n mid I tin I h tti veiliil i il1 I IbriMlN 11 a of if iftreat r prelate prelatecreate
create tin h ilunK ulsflgrlSIiUtClus Injr > r rIV I
IV I lSIiUtClus > ul < li < < from rtu all I ptrt Ia uf r the thecountry lit litesuittry h hltC
country ltC how 11 increnoinx iflcrensjr heiuvin < in inthe inthe i ih
the h Clerical CIrkll mid MII ulitiClerical cuiilpuiKiii cuiilpuiKiiiThe ulupaigliaTic ll U
The TII HepuhliiiitiM IIuhlinIU and 1 Social Sial have haveorKani7 Iv haveorgallirail I IorlIII1
orKani7 orlIII1 orgallirail d a I demonlration dmo tn lie lI lnld lnldin hll hllin
in Madrid on Sunilav unda in I up lipJwrt Iot > ort of r lhe lheemanripatiotl 1 h hIr hi hietnaiicipctioti
emanripatiotl of Ir the h lie SMtni Sltnih h cjinwcienci cjinwcienciund 1tisiieflrl 1tisiieflrland In Inane
und ane the h mipn up mat nary IHr of the I it rivll < 11 lswpr lswprSIIITII OP OPT > wcr wcrOIITII
OIITII T It 1 llOT tT I 1K 1KMlamlinillrr 11 11Urumhr i1fDfl4lIIl4 i1fDfl4lIIl4trCumtwr
Urumhr trCumtwr Mlamlinillrr ami n Ion roiin roiinIntiircrnl rotinaitituirarnt i ic
Intiircrnl c Mlo l lii In n Hie I Iii PrImaries PrlmarlrWJIMIIIKOTOV rrhnIWAHtMJO PrImariesWAMIiDWP
WJIMIIIKOTOV WAHtMJO June Juo ai 1 Ailvice vi re received 1 recalved ¬
calved here are 11 or to 0 the th eflWt t that ha Senatttr Senatttr1ortT fnalor fnalorlr1 henatorlortr
1ortT lr1 1 Mcnimlwr 1IDIr of Ir Sorth Dakota Dakotaa fkou fkou1ldp1 i > akotzia
a landpel 1ldp1 Keijtibllcnn KljllI wit was Micce iucccsefl iucccseflover urrll urrllor fiil fiilover
over Thomafl Thtnu Monhall Mlfhal hi his inmirgent inmirgentopM imiiurgentIPnttt
opM II IPnttt > > nent n In the Iii h State t priinarie rIari held heldyetenlay hll hllInaur iiIslyretermtay
yetenlay Senator Inaur M Miiimier I < < Ciiml umlr > r made madehia mid midhi nuideiitui
hia hi campaign rmlln for ntnomiruitlnti minI in h the theprimaries lit litprimaries h hprimrN
primaries primrN on the th h new tariff ritr law la An n n nmember I Inlmlr iisntnicr
member of fr the lii h Senate Hn finance Commit Committee omnItr ¬
tee Mr tr MiCumber lilml awUtcd nl1 In the h fram framing fmmInK frcmntug ¬
InK of Site Ih Mdrichlayne HI i For 0 hi hiwork hior ttis ttiswork
work or In 1 tin hi connection fNIUon Mr I r McCumlier McCumlierwo Ioull r rWI
wo WI woe abut atatsemi by the h North Dakota ako ItaliC imnirgent illflr ItaliCgents
gent 1 who wh brought Khl Mr rr Mamhall IAal o eit eitcnil out it u ua aa
a candidate cnil to beat him himTlie ItimTile
Tile 1 North oth DakotA JallotA ntandpaller llpl were werenot wrno werefbI
not no however entirely mll victoriou Rep Itepreeeiitative I Repreelslntlv
reeeiitative rlltaly A J flronna iron om 01 of thn Iii h nine nineIninirgentM nhU nhUKnt nineinauirgnto
IninirgentM Knt who voted to depoxn p SMMker SMMkerCannon HIMIr HIMIrCnnll Miakrcnnott
Cannon Cnnll cnnott wan a mtcceetifut in II the primnrieii primnrieiiHe Itr
He U waa WA a candidate nlldt for or the th place I now noW held heldby hldhy heldtiy
by Senator uUor Purcrll 1lrcl a Democrat Imort who will willretire willretire i
retire an the th North Dakota l heg heglisbittiri
rlr a a as noon Sorh II < eg egUlature
Ulature 114 lu liii hod hJ an A opportunity opnunl tn t eler elerhi I Ihi ler lerhis
hi his ucceor r Jfr rr Purcell P1 MiesssId MiesssIdY000tailI uc C11 < xeded xededFountain
Fountain onalll I Tliompeon 1llln who resigned 11f on onaccount onarnt onaccount
account arnt of ill I henlth Mr Ir Thompnon lomon lomonAI was waaalo wasalso
also AI a Democrat Iart H lie wa w1 appointed Int to tnthe toth totue
the th vaianrjr vu created ltt by ry y the death of r Mar Martin Martin IarUI ¬
tin UI N Johnson a H Ropuibliren < Nihlican who hn died dletlabout dldallt diedatostt
about a year ago 0 The 11 election IIU of Mr Mrflronna MrOrnnna Ir Irrona
flronna rona will i mid a1 to I the thlnfJ1 inourgent strength MrengthIn
In the tl S Senul Ttal < Hn II f IleNibllcan nhtfn of the theCumminlA theCUttlIIiiflS14 heUII
CumminlA UII A Kollelte 1 type typelle typ typn typetledee
lle n tledee > mi RIser t r IHt 11 Line Linehrepole ll n slWlI4I rn rnI pnhevIe
hrepole I t cke < le k our III hour UKr 1 I 1 ih Ihn n iltrn Nxl Nxlilul e I0tmSlush
Slush 1 < aiil fi1 IVrfrl frtrr rr f I ITL4 SC > e aIbt < l lATLANTA Sc ScATL41A
ATLANTA ATLANTA5rtcr TL4 T Il IltRflltiIIAWI7iIPflt IltRflltiIIAWI7iIPfltavLgh A I J pn1 pn1rwll
5rtcr avLgh h JarkMvitJI1 Tamp Obvrvailon Obvrvailonrr
rr 1 r Thrtroth M lreD > e > era rirrttlr Hcbli soil soilI = fan
1 Aft 1 P M 1 lllD I IMMboattf 1 Air Ai 41 Lin U I4iis rwll IM II D Dl Dssy DssyAss iy iyAft
rntF rntFV
l i t
I Si4 4 ti flt rr Pt 111 swisrrsi swisrrsiIt
I ni n It r mr mrt r DIIr onivr vY YI YII r rstrIi
t airnet strIi r > laS < i a T vr rir 1 I n ntr ta taIfa15t60
Ifa15t60 tr D I SeaS tutItatt ThIMM fli fliioa
Itatt ioa Meew a t teefctea ike R605P1IIuIPe Jeeeeielt Jeeeeieltunite I
IuIPe unite t tfhI Sc > pry pr taip ulgeur ai a > e Net imylltanav Netllaoev
lltanav fhI irr tY I r I Inn 1eWilliAm Mr MrWHIUrn Sf Sfvuu
WilliAm vuu K I randrhlr Jr Jrg J JIn s a passss passssger
g ger r In nn aropafl IIIh flight mail ad this Ihlanlng til tilnine re renini
nine byCNfTeril b fla R I Harmon UAn nH a for 1 about aboutehrtyerond ab chestSthirty
ehrtyerond th thirty esetwida enjoyed JIhhmohI ih the IhrtllaafMtKa IhrtllaafMtKathrough thMlhofafla4iheseigis
through hrc la the air airfit lr lrIn Irmrn
In eantrny ° mrn ° rv with h 1 Xf > tin ylkln rUa n nuf nCf
uf I fUn Senator tor rIiin FJlif Mr Vanrb4lt VI ar arrived ae aeti1 atrIvesi ¬
rived al Ih axrodrom Ir a Mill 1 b before f to < r T Toclock for 1cfrck
oclock or MI N it joined J1 Mr If Harmon Ir f arch amiwent archwe 1 1w
went w we rllretrtly to tl h > mar meehits h hi In thai had hadhn hadroU1 hailiwen
hn rolled lo lit lieu f A A AhasI ft tlI tlIbac > laddr laddrbail
bail bac bn a plaril I al no ehl e side at the I > aero aeroplan asroplan
plan ptn awl a Mr fra Vanderbllt Vnbl climbed clClt up upInto tpinto 1 1Ino
Into Site p rear Beat I and gathered b h her r short tkortklrt shortskirt ho holl
skirt ll around h if her r ankle n Mr Harmo Harmomounld KtI KtImoual1 Hareinomouniwl
mounld Ik t front fo et at to and nt aa Ih lhe 1 raaehln raaehlnhot meehinshot h hInn
hot Inn Ih ha air al r Mm 3 Vatvtorbitt tbU tbUh waved wavedher wavedher
her h hand ha at t Mra Mi khoma o K I tlag ar arMr and and3lr n
Mr H Klhlna 1lkl Then n ah a 1 rook ok f nrm ln rm grl grlon Ip Ipo grip gripon
on o Ih the two aiipportlnc lprln brace br ant aa took tookaw looked lookeda
aw a If I sit > h meant ma to 0 atUthfa a atlj fern I Thomachln Thomachlnawenred T The mehins mehinsaweivisi II
awenred 11 lightly IIbI1 a It arose r lo 0 a height at o oabout o of ofabout
about 10 flflevnftetand fIllers f fn set and afterward an to 0 twent twentor IWet twenty twentyDi
or twentyfive 1111 feet f M a II i swung un < acroaa e Ih Ihcour lbcourse h hr hM
cour courtuat course courseJtt r
tuat aa it Ih air a > > reached cM th the h far aid aidMr sideMr I
Mr 1r lUrmon nAn mod 1 a quick k turn u and a wen wendown wentdown el eldow
down dow Ta n d dement acnt w W was road m on O th thpart lbrt h
part n of 0 th he couraa e known kow aa th U grave graveyard a graveyarit ¬
yard a becnuee a of 1 iu i it treaaheroua rh our ourrvnta or orra currefill
refill ra and a every on thought that 1 there therehad Ih Ihbl therebad
had bl been tD an a acciiient eit A Afe for a few mis rn
ut a wait wl Mr 1 Vanderbilt nrbU cad ad Mr lIar lUrmoa lir lirmO lIarmoo
moa mO walked wlk acre ae th the b Reid 1 to 0 th Ib the start atartInic startlog tr
log In point pint and nd Mr ro Harmon nna > explained cxptaUMMthat eJpll explainedthstt
that Ih h h tte had coma Dm down dow becuu b h Ii dlda dldawont dl didaswaitS
wont Wt t lit take CP th h rick rk of 0 flying over 01ehnup a aclump aclump
clump of tree with lb a poaraicr rnpr H Haald HId Iii Iiisaul
saul Id that tht in making a alum turn to 0 aroid old the themachin themhln themachint
machin mhln of George Cr Rua R Russell ll I who ho hoUmlntlotl waa waaattrmptinictufljr wacattempting
attrmptinictufljr attempting Umlntlotl to ily 41 sun < that ht kleof lefhcun Ideothts thoooun thooounhU course coursettL
hU hL own wn w marhin mbl had b II brett > r ti brought brh in intin InI Inline
tin I line with the Ih trvr trvrIn t tII tristIn
In II landing landlnt th the nuchlno thln waa 10wlt 10wltalUk > omwlin omwlinlu oinwiuttahken
alUk ahken lu krn n up > and n1 several bolts 10 In the Ih klda skideWell kldarv kl
Well rv loownnl It t had hd l been rn noticed lolC that tliath UI thatthe
th the h motor rtr wa not 110 working worklll p prI prIwi perfctiy perfctiywitn rf < Hlly Hllywli
wli witn ti Mr I Hnrmon HlmD started ar Tin 1 Tt Ttaiittia nwcha nwchauicutka O Onllutl
uicutka nllutl tinkered lnk1 for r lome some om time lim and nd I IIM It ItI
0114 IM itlnuxt N I oclock o lok when 11 lh the machine mchin machineC
C > 4 > M roll 1111 roilti < Hl luck to iu ah shed shedit h hI d dIt
It I wan wi undvntood IIndnol that lh Mr Ir Harmon Harmonwould Hm Hmul1 hfrnonwouIl
would ul1 attempt UmJ f a second Id highs nllht with Ih bin binua hi hirl hisitut
ua nR r rl l Ilut > ut It was too to lat ll Late < liy th thlinir th1m the thelint
1m lint the t rrpain pint were made nudfMm n madeMrs
Mm 1 HantinK lutlnp and ld Mr Ir Klkln kl w we re Ihf Ihfllr lit litunit h
llr 11 unit t i Ier > r ona > na t to > greet 1 Mr Vanderbilt VandHrbiltWM ndbil
WM who IM > declared dCr that tht avruplaninjc aelalnK U I a won wondrrful won1mini n nr1
drrful r1 i port > Hh She naiil 1I she > h wannt Wt th thuit IhIft the theleast
Ift least uit Ml bi fr frlgtttned fri < lit hnt i d even If nh she h did ld have havrnrajjlj h hr havea
a nrajjlj r lAnding Uonl Hh She refused tUt1 howvr howvrto hwI
to whether htb h lutind Ii t
1 say tl > tiny u an ananruplanv anpan anaeroplane
anruplanv anruplanvMm pan I II
Mm I Vaiuterliilt wore a tailored 1111 i suit > ll o olilnckwlth 01 ofllackwlth I Ihlckwllh
lilnckwlth a I short tight taht fitting IUII Hkirtand Hkirtandi skirt and anda nd
a i r 11 < l niunhrooin nmlrfn hat with lh a spider tpld wet wetcil wrlMil b bi
Mil cil i Th h < < luotunie had tvlil IItly titljr Item Itemohioned I Irjhioll1 isoiishioitett
ohioned for the t urrnnion urrnnionapt ucros3ustCapt
t Capt apt Thomao Th S Baldwin and CIC CICKII tirg tirgitiiseehl S < orK orKKIIMU
KIIMU KII itiiseehl Iwth IIh h h1 il their hlr an aeroa m > tan n the theHeld th litfield
Held 11 tal t apt Baldwin Rlltwln made U several Irr circles Hrrlmof
of tr the t sitrse > iir r e but the th KiiMwII fuI tnarliitie tnarliitierefused marii marii1 ixiceitinerrfucst
refused l > soar 1 HUIMM lu1 toad three thr or orfour orfour
four iirciilt lrrtilfl on n wheel and Iod onc inN am amawhile coil coilawitil n1 n1jwhi
awhile jwhi the h trmrliine mrll threatetipit to u lenve lenvethe kovetis
the tis 1 Kouiul 1ulI1 and In1 niadi 1 < gru Irtl grsisshoppr > hopper okipo okipoMr k kI kIe kIeMt
Mr I HiiM fl1 Ititsell ll liad Mirce eitctssleI < > < le4l in making u uhort ashort
short 1111 IliKht lach xltli it ii Sit a I turn 1111 in the t iiwiniine iiwiniinelint IInin IIninhit <
lint hit hi itia two hour effort lor fort in the tl lii evening eveninietidnl eveningitIil nlnl
etidnl mi I in I failure rlur lture 111 for the t lii flo flonine ft ftJl flmetlull
nine Jl niariiplate < it I machine rhln la last t evening eveningmul vrsilngiutl llnlC llnlCIIt
mul IIt Kt IT I the th ground twenty or u twenty twentyrive t tM twentylive
rive M f ft Thl This moniiiiR monIIK Inpt n llaldwin llaldwinflew 1IIln 1IIlnn Ilaidwinflier
flew n ttiin wifltcit > iiteeti miles and matte nuuleme
more I hl M r < 1 mi > Afl tl
11 me ill lap Is of r the ti course IIU at a clip Il > of r rtlxuit rtlxuitnlxty aiiitsixty 1 It ItIltr
sixty mile i an hour liourAfter hourlr hourfter I
After lr llio h llarmun lamlul tli flight ill ht with th Mr MrVand Ira MrsVnnuluridlt IraInlrhil
Vand Vnnuluridlt Inlrhil rl > ilt a as n P PII pcmectIgr OIIKIT a number iii iiiWilliteti I Iwomen r rn
women n l lcsigiit > ei > ieged Cnpt tI apt Ibildwln 1111ln to tak takthem tallh taktitetti
them h up tint ll hU hi mnchine cn would 1111 not carry carryn cy cya enemyMr
a pivMngfr pivMngfrMr n r rIr
Mr Ir Harmon 1 I sent > > I a teleicraui Ilr1 t to i Col ColItitoKevIt 101 Colitotuseveit
ItitoKevIt 1t1 UHUy tdr inviting inviln him h till In t Uke lak 11 11il a artdo arid
rtdo rid il in hi itla aeroplnne on Oi July Jlh I
niororr Tn rhIt T To ll l WIWSSTHK iiitcs IW Til TIII StIr > r rI I IIl p >
I Illlonl Il rd II I Itnruion IIfrlon ltnrmionauiiltl anil 1 Hlfe nul IC to 0 Tr T > liir liir1ral litrrat i iund
1ral rat Sumta und or r 1ln tsniIa tsniIaarrcwtiil < la laInrrvwirti >
I Inrrvwirti f W eon oltfl June Ju no Clifford CliffordII 111 111I
II I Harmon trml the ti h aernnnuf arflm aPrittlut and Ilia hi lii wits wifiMm wirt >
I Mm nc Helen 1111 llenedlct liJc Harmon will wi fly flyfront n nrrm flylenin
front rrm MineoLi huoL I It < I arrow III I ln long < ong < Uland UlandHound 1IId 1IIdlul iabndSsittuI
Hound lul lo Ii Ilil thllar plaro on Sunday or I Monday MondayMr onII
Mr Ir Harmon I is a imnhvtaw Intw of fr Commo Commodore Commoulor ommo ommoI ¬
dore T I C lUndkt Itnlk anti anllt It i I M > Mwt14d Ir > et i that thathe tht thatit
he h and 1 Mr JI harmon I ron will 111 land nt on Tweed TweedUland Tt1 Tt1I TweedI
Uland off the llenedlct U Utin Ifthis
I Ill just of I fUe place pino I
tin h i Uniting Inln < plan 11 cannot cnnot lie I made Iwe eamly eamlyit il ilil
it IH umlrnitood 101 thnt they h will land Ind at atHandy a atSanity
Handy Knly Ifcaoh ar close rlO tn t the th summer 1m horn hornof hom itomeof
of r Wlillam Wllnm H I TrueadaK TMlnl prrnklent of the theIjnrkawnntm th thlrkawunf theIneknwntta
Ijnrkawnntm lrkawunf railnnid railnnidIf nlrul nlrulI
If I the lj weather Ihr 1Ut condition > im ri not good goodon 101 101n
on III n Munday the lit 1 flight Ilh will i l > e mixle mll on onMonday 01 onMnndy
Monday One Ouu of Uie U moot mOt interested intervntedwitnefwe interestedwitnseas
witnefwe 11 will 11 tv I Comtnodore Benedict Benedictwho IfUC Betwdktwits
who wh ha hW been b ill i far two month and who whoha wlo wlola wtottau
ha la jut jlll rearhnl the Il Ktito Ihl of health hml that thatwill thatwill
will 11 permit nlt him tn lenv the th house bO and andwatch an anwltd andwiitcht
watch wltd hi hi daughter 1llh rald ami aoiilnlnwdencend aoiilnlnwdencendf tnIIIwt snniuilaw siewpnd siewpnd1r I
f rtIt 1r n > afi i tim II sky aky4rVT sky4f1tfl lIy lIyUhUT
4rVT UhUT 4f1tfl Vtfr I17 1111 I tIl < ijnmt WN WNParachute PKKT PKKTIHrarhuIr IT ITahu
Parachute ahu Kall 11 I teOpnaad apm ft and rtd Immg me If han 1Inrtn hanPlunge an anPlunge
Plunge rtn I Earth KarthMusriK EarthSliirip
MusriK 111 I lid lime III Ti O o Uhile hl I i tarn tarntuwrrytnukrrl i iinerryrnakerM
inerryrnakerM lMihe l on Italpli llradley llradleyaged IIrndlyaltd htrailkyugNi
aged 71 2 i plungm through Znnn 2 feet of ofpnrf flfJfI ofspace
space JfI wjun In hi parachute l > mnctiuite failed fAI lo open openafter uiwnafter n norer
after he 11 had mail a Iwilloon ascension at atlhany utnn attlhany
lhany nn > Lite 10 Lit thi aflrnoon aflrnoonI aft moon moonI
I III tie waif extinct tlnt when the picnicker picnickerreached pienickeramnchsl
reached In tiia Hide Iff every r Imne in hi his body bodyapparently body1lnr bodyaptsiretitly
apparently befnc broken brokenTlie bmonTue r n
Tlie 11 young Cllan ttng aeronaut wa endeavoring endeavoringto
to male law difllctilt double parachutn parachutnde pmachutiileecsttt
de dfll flIt < cent whereby whr ono armchule > open opennut 00out opensnut
nut above IN another At a height rwtl rwtlmated wtimated 11 11mA
mated mA at t 2K 2a1l fe test t he h cut loom th the para pararhutMi ptanahlle parcchutes
chutes and the h first one on opened after ftrIonIC a along along
long drop but the th 1 second one on failed failedtlllanra rIIMl1In failedstiIan
tlllanra stiIan Rreallert PaaarngrrHlrk PaaarngrrHlrkThe Par 1c1c 1c1cTh lckThe
The Th nteamthlp lImhll AlUanca a which sailed iuaildyeatrrday Nt Ntrd sailedyesterday
yesterday rd afternoon for or Criitobal rtzlohall has haafound haround hasfound
found a sick passenger flnlf aboard and awl was waaordered w wnrctPd wasordered
ordered taut la night by h the th Health Officer Officertn
tn return r tllm tn t Quarantine QiiarantlnMA QuarantineNAn
MA NAn it afBMniirrioN l OOIl omoeas O EIU rom romT 0 0I oa oaTb
T Tb 0aa a4 Tk The Bwiai sue nur ay b Ml Mlo wiss wissaesds4sts Ia
aesds4sts nit o extra cbsrgs44 I J
rnif I r timtrit nfNtN nfNtNJa I IJ
J Ja The It ItTONH Ift WI R Wads Wadsa
a Y st 4 Eary EaryLaP I
t LaP esss I T1I T1Ifnft Tel TelTnst
TONH Jtm J Port Po ArifMir th tlttt town townMien toWltb IowaIsikass
Mien by b Ih Japan J fr teem m Ih hot It ft1f RnsstJl RnsstJlehieti i lAnav lAnavhWtl
hWtl WM elaa f 4 tt eo bMnMlhNMt InnU InnUhy I IIh tretliby
hy ho Jap J Ja0ense ka e IW swn thrown thrownopn ttJ ttJoJlft threwosI
opn aa a a f tre r 0 c MmrrUI nooa1 t 4 of entry mtrjrTa entryT tl7 tl7TINt
Ih Ta TINt T aanomvrtmme aansw > nesent I rrtabu l In th thrWJ M theadlalel Mkrt
rWJ atrtta sst > af tla todsy o < lay it 1 will h hcr4lr tIte hegreatly
greatly 17 w trafnit tut Pr all n ntrt ftgat agsed in Jf4n Jf4netkiirlan 31ccr1urttt
etkiirlan trt InM t a a In t aAlHlon tH In t th thfei the thetlWtJlul thetcthIUm
fei tlWtJlul li II nff ft afere r far trail ua w wIlts t Manehtirla 3fnfOhcrtaIt is isIPovt
1 It IPovt port to fm of ta See SeeIHHI7 U UPwf >
IHHI7 tV7A rT rev Y rNttl1 rNttl1P aNLVI1t aNLVI1tM4ad
M4ad sad sadPatt
Pwf tIt of Ta sw w t a na aenIltTyg < i iRrrri <
Rrrri It Han Jam Ju J 0 Oaorafe Hart Harta Ifartbrttti If art arta
a a > briHlUf brttti r at 1 asiddar Be iMr flr tr1 < l a rid rte U shot shotifttlh bntInto brliIDIu
Into a w4r dir MMiMt mea ewtiad < < HT th thlrav 11nr the thehrsven
nr hrsven lrav Mil 1IvrsaMlCwpany nm0 Caw c r la I th h heart heartof art artof
of 0 Itt tow emra rea a teaiagaitiplaMa fa ta a l k ofIIe > t aof 01 djTB djTBmll dNmlt dymmite
mll mite by wMek whi WeIMourt tkrw bW ajwmM sen wr wgbdlnd wgbdlndoutrtgbt MHd MHdoutrltkt
outrltkt ourt cad nuM ilwrtotiatr tajwrtd tajwrtddaughter IIJWetIT lajssredIhdeu4
T Ihdeu4 are 0Iet1fe Ur 1hr11 ft cast w wdulbt b1 5ree 5ree75a10b
75a10b daughter add Oor Oeovge Kir KlrbbrteWa Xlrby by a abrlcMaytr abvlebayw
brlcMaytr brlcMaytrHart brteWaHart
Hart and hi Ma family aad a flow faWowen laborer laborerwreatrager ra rafrlT
wreatrager en na in iioildar kc baVireeMb baVireeMbRrtI4h T TloIrioca
loIrioca frlT d kr with a contractor aad It Ieha I IMiMiwd Ii Iipresumed
presumed MiMiwd thai ha ha h was not ftOiflfoet swat tk tM tMzpio4v t tplotirM
plotirM flfoet wr stored red In th h eld oWtRto ol biillaMag biillaMagInto but4slate
Into which h h t aa a hooting hootl HlantlmaUd HlantlmaUdteat EIm SPIIWtid SPIIWtidM
teat M n aserty arly 1 a ton of dynamite W1IlwIN W1IlwINUtana axplt4sslkv plt d L LOrarwaa
Orarwaa kv tneftllUJ mvt rrrntll iatlI store Ion wa w waed waS waSand wr ek d daad
and III fwww how of th the MUaoari h8MowiPmrw IHvtr IHvtrPow v vPitt
Pow Pmrw r Ownpany w was destroyed dMtro by ta taiptoaion u ulWraral thepktsst
iptoaion rWvral vsrl other olh bulMIng butlttl1i butlttl1id and aadraaidaneaa andrss4dnse
raaidaneaa d TTT thrown down and andplo andeploslon M Mfloaioa
floaioa plo ioa broke window In th he bulldtao bulldtaoof buttdl buttdlof
of th Stat Inatltul for the th Hllnd and andDaf antiDeaf
Deaf a mil J from Bouldor
Bal n tier Ririt t > Art Artist tat Was W WasH tM7b fIDHi fIDHiHair > KHfr KHfrHair
Hair H Warn WII ClatMn iliacbe c cBonoH Fir FirBOOTTON FireBostoN
BostoN June 3OM OMise Mlaa Orsn AdaflW AdaflWRlcaaniaen AdaascRJcJaaneen AdacwRichrtLson
Rlcaaniaen a aocivty artist and dancer danewrwho danMlfwho dancerwho
who a month ago announced d that her herngacaiaant hMwith herngajmssit
ngacaiaant with Bajrmor Huntington HuatlngtanAllo HIIJJtI HIIJJtIAII
Allen AII a Tech senior lor had ben broken br brautual t t tmutual r rautual
autual eooaont 1l la In a critical condition conditionat
at t th the MarIllloOb Vnrnarnimtlti tta General Hoapltal Hoapltalufferiac lloaphalauletiI1C liceptalsitfering
ufferiac from burn that ah she rvcvi rd v d thla thlaBooming thlamomJae ibisomn1ng
Booming at hr home ta I Allatoa AllatoaMtaa AtltoaMI
Mtaa 1 MI Richardson was dryIng her hair hairover halroer hairover
over a gas stove when her he cloth dothlllC ing caughtllr caught allChSlire
llr lire Bb bbs tried to tw tb the fire nr out with withher withher withher
her hand Th The fiajaear Ila quickly destroyed ifeatroyedtier Jtroedher
her clothing burning burDI bumningherbody her la rb body and hand haadeverery haacerely handseverely
severely everery erely before hefjaether hevjn tI1er ther and neighbor aeicbborathrew 1 1threw neighborthrew
threw rug TiI u about her mothering lotb c the theflre ih ihnr thefire
fire nr
flreMlwi Mists II lUchardaon la I 21 2 year Mrll old and U Uthe I IIhe Iathe
the daughter of Frank A Illchardaon IllchardaonaaaUtant IUchartIOnalan ltieharduonasaistint
aaaUtant alan superintendent eU of the tll Boston lioatonK Bostonitolk
itolk K oll > lic xignal service aervicHUOSKVKLT a T1ccrfJl serviceftuoEELTH4RV
IMC MIaaeSIUC U NnPrtII1 NnPrtII1tasIo 11 ft ftAdJID
tasIo Adjamtsg CAsamare Iim IimOtirren IIHfOrllTCJt 11141OTirrEn
Otirren HAT L I I June A bile Ingbarn bileLarn bigbarn
barn on the estate of W Emlen Roosevelt Kooaeveltwhich Hoovltbich Rooseveltwhich
which adjoin Sagamore pmore Hill wax burned burnedtonight 111tonlitbt bstmneultonight
tonight The Th flints tla l lit up I the h l bay > ay the theSouml theHound h hHound
Hound and nd the b hill for miles mllenTlie mil milesThe
The 11 Oyster 0 Bay firemen flrn hitched their theirup theirapparatus hl r rplratua
up apparatus > aratua to Is otitomobilM and n were werelaken wereakllO weretakcn
laken out to the th fire nr But for them the theiou thehosts 11 11hOIl
hosts iou e would have ha l beet > een destroyed roy1 A AI Au AuIt tI tIII
II I was it 1 la I badly blistered blisteredNo
No on onto know how tint th fire 0 Atarlel AtarlelTliere starteiThen
Then 11 were I eighteen horvex Ito In the 11 barn barnnut hmhut barnhut
hut ail 11 were 11 taken out In aafety r and nnddrivn nnddrivnInn driven drivenn drivenlaIn
Inn n > o a lot Several carriage were lo loco locoHe losiL losiL8oie U Uio
He 8oie io < n harness ham Wail caved aAv Large quan quantities quanIiIits In InIIII ¬
tities IIII of tuy and nd grain were ere burned burnedThe hurneoctTh huntedmu
The loss ia estImated lImt at clo close to I3SOW I3SOWAll 125fIOO1Ihe 35IXIAMI
All 1Ihe the other live 111 stock besides btoctld the th horses hormeawa
wa out In the fleld or I under other roof roofthan roofhn roofsthaI
than that of fhe barn that burned burnedoninn humeI burnedonzsn
oninn emit f TO UK n noon noonmil twoT1ie
Tt T1ie mil He II trresteil rre tnl lj II i the th Pnllre rl1 If IfTlir IfTt ifTile
Tile Tt > KUl hkilarii I rt In n the SIred MtreetThe Nr SIredlite I
The 111 curb con broker ok were old jetenl yrstrslayShut y yhat
hat they th will have M to lx > iave Thla in inormatlon Inrormatlon lnformation
formation wa was sent nt to tAcit V lm > by R H Htlendelft HIIdllI Sliendeis
tlendelft agent I for the th few e York Curb CurbMarket CuriaIakel CiuriMarket
Market in a letter watch akl nidThe aklThe aklme
The earnect mt attention U I called 111 of ofhe ofthis
he 111 HutMcribera who wh 0 IIM II > tliw Ih treet daily dall I
r for or the tt naaction t of their theirbit business 1IIICIIathlt businessthat
bit it la I ii de desired Irt < d to impress upon the thnuimU th thmind thettlnuls
mind of each eh jind nd every yo one un for the Ih good goodand lCoocland goodittti
and welfare of thn th curb that t skylark nkylnrkng 1I1IukInl
log ng matching and ilionerly condiicf condiicfif
or if every ry description mint ho utopped utoppednnd toPI toPInet tOIldanal
anal net eliminated and situ vioLators are ar liable liableoarrrwt liilsto
10 oarrrwt oarrrwtThn arrestThe
The police pnll will enforce thn tit ordlnjiicxn ordlnjiicxnagninut ortilnallfX1t4JCnIIUl orilinanctiagainat
agninut nuch ch crmdiict in thin Ih publio ltalic street ntmstand streetand
and violators are no liable to arrmtt arrmttIt
S It I is truated b ar Ir > r the Ih good ot I the h New Nework SWork NewYork
ork Curb Market lark that every l subscriber subscriberwill ub criher criherwill
will see e that there th i is no further cause cauneor auUMtfo causefor I
fo for or complaint and nd al lso o that employee employeetn mll mll1M
1M tn requested to enforce the above 1101 regu regu4tlon rrltulallona reguIationsaswail
4tlon Iationsaswail Iationsaswailiriri a w well wellTlnlI ll llTWKII
TWKII 4 V vu tUtAIHIKIH tHKK tHKKeronern 1111 1111on titterasers
erasers on lur > HoUH Tlirni liulllle ullll 1 fIJemtar 1I 1Elevator
Elevator I tr tta llani Deatli DeatliItoy OPalhltoy Dec51htoy
Itoy Atwell the i comedian < on Adlan > and H nrlaert nrlaertH rl > ert ertDradfleld
H Dradfleld who were hell on the theharge thechrp thecharge
charge of cuiwlng Ih the death of Michael MichaelSullivan MicbaelSullivan
Sullivan an elevator man la an apart apartment apartmMlt apartmeat ¬
meat houee hOI at t 1044 Madison dltlOn avenue on onthn onth onthe
the th night of June I were exonerated exoneratediy eltonen ed edhy
hy iy an inquest Jury before Coroner FIn Felnxtrg Feinberg
berg xtrg yesterday yI IIy < Th The jury jr found that thatlullivana thatNlIIyana thatHuullivans
lullivana death warn an accident due dueo dlleto dii diito
to o the th loo IoottII method of running the 11 ele eleator ci ciyfttor 1 1vator
ator vatorAwlI yfttorAtwell atorAtwell
Atwell Hradfleld and Mra BradfleU BradfleUwere
were in the elevator The car was very verymall etr7tlmall verysmall
mall and net Hullivan who was e eolel j yearn yearnId yserolsi
olel Id and d didnt have h the tb bait uee of hU hUml hlet11m himiimte
11m iimte ml < wan crowd agalilat Ita I It aide aiden aisleIn IdeIn
In n some way WII he h fell flllhroulIIh through the open door doorf dooror dooror
or f the th car and was w crushed In it the haft ahaftn haftIn
In n an antemortem statement Sullivan Sullivanid Sullivaniiaicl
iiaicl id Atwell had puahod pUAh Jd < him himnradfleld himradrleld himflradfleldlatheson
nradfleld flradfleldlatheson lathe on of 0 General Superin Superintendent RupertnundPnt Huperlntendent ¬
tendent J P nradntild < 1 of the New S York Yorkentral YorkC YorkCentral
Central C entralH Railroad nalmth Railroadhihate
H hihate hate h Ramer Ram RumValrIJfl54y HI In n Jrrtey JrrteyIxiso Rn KeseIjI KeseIjIloirn
Ixiso UnANrn N J June Jo 3OFrom 3OFromOalll 3oFroantallies From Fromalilen
Oalll tallies ax far south oa a Point Plnaaant Plnaaantopl M PlraantrcopIo t troI
roI opl with glaaeea lined thn th beach thin thinfternoon UlIft thinafternoon
afternoon ft looking for a whale A AhAd Ahad report reportlad
hAd been unread fMd that a forty foot blak blakha blakwhAk btcksham
whAk sham ha I ud been seen a spouting ltnc off shore lbono8f1O11d shoreSpend horeilpmd
Spend to the wyek k end at ItoM n NIMUU asssu Leer Leerrt set set5se c ca1
rt 5se rt U I I rrL wo Irnnr censuS l 4tl t < y by VaJui VaJuiTtako aM aMrrako
Ttako ad d errnntra el toA toAff Aev
If mr mrwMy sEyaT sEyaTAukIIIsffisCgb
wMy AukIIIsffisCgb AukIIIsffisCgbPtKt Kills Ntt CM CMf C CIrIrt
IrIrt w nM f Tus TusNI2 r A Aw rwWw rwWwH III IIIN
H NI2 NI2rE ft 12 12WTES 12llfES
i11 SI CI Ciniss 1 ffie ffieibk n IR
1 toftJlfeto3SMtfM toftJlfeto3SMtfMT4ahe 1i4r SIR SIRDIe
DIe MIInIllfL MIInIllfLIP MmIIfL525ub11tn
IP 525ub11tn H Caves T4ahe the thePrimary I IPr theP
Primary Pr MM a Pan PanTW Party iteasar rHtre Nit Nitair isetfl1y
fl1y air Twenty TW r e Hewater 1 tttratl tttratltfc tt t tI red redthe
tfc I IN ravem Cantosme TH Kleven Ehot E1 Henatar satqe 1 Hha HhatUrVTMCd ithsftfseSl tie tiev tiefl
tUrVTMCd 1 a > Attewl Vat v flMft toe toeIteyerat lb lbKI4Ptf
Iteyerat KI4Ptf fl fr HM 0 > Aai 141ewrnet dJ dJp nnmtmt nnmtmteiyi i itUenAU4pt
eiyi tUenAU4pt j AM aipt p ta Ief S faH all a raaew raaewef
ef f Aiovrme A Ausenibly r RrtMiblltaai Hr PaU PaUHafftea Pa PaWam lIe lIeIIuqbes
Hafftea aVraatorri She el Warntn Wam That Thatlie n nCall Thailie
lie HHt lll Call Anslier Aae t1 iier K tIMI tra fkwton fkwtonAuiAW 1 1ALJl4 Ien IenAL11L
AuiAW ALJl4 ½ I July lri l1j50 t ITb
Aateiablir yeeterday II la i renpona 101UMt to the UieRooceveK U URoe theEoosevc
I RooceveK Roe teletcTatn killed the th Cobb CobbQrevn CobbOretln CobbOretci
Qrevn oomproe mmlroa1M direct noralaaUnn noralaaUnnbill n mlaatlonWU
bill by b a vote Oor of M agajnat Lt I Si l for lor1bIA forTM < or orThla
Thla waau 16 votea le 1 lee than Is necessary neoiryto
to peas ttte I bill in th the Aaaambly AaaamblyThe AaaamblQae
The L Republican bhala Senator couowaWd couowaWdtonight cau sauoss sauosstonight
tonight oatheCobbGreen 0 the CobbGrHR bill and d twen twentythree twettythree ¬
tythree of 01 oLth the thirtyfour Senator at attended attended t ttrond ¬
tended trond or three th leva I than the number numberneeded aumbfrneedfd numberneeded
needed to paaa p the bill In tho Senate SenateThe fIftJa fIftJaTh 8enateThe
The other eleven el eleen Republican Senator Senatorrefuned SenatoI4fu Senatorrefused
refused I4fu to attend Ibo caucus or to be bobound bebound bebound
bound for the Cobb bill and nd all n of the thnDemocratic tb tbDemocratlo theDemocratic
Democratic Senator Lo are re In vole agJWrut agJWrutIt ag ln t tIt
It The Indication tlon < tonight nlh were core that thatthe tbathe thatthe
the CobbOreen bill would only get It Itotftl getvotes U Uvote
vote otftl In the Senate lacking Iacl nlC one on of ofNaV pax paxrugt pacage
cage but of course anything may happen happenover hArpflflV
over flV night in a situation 10 o clo cloMr close closeAfter e eAfter
After defeating the Cobb bill III the theAxeemhly th thAmly theAssembly
Assembly pawed a concurrent conc nt resolution resolutionby
by b n vot of 93 to Vi calling OIIl11n for the theAnal th thtlnal thefinal
Anal adjournment of the Tfrajataturu Tfrajataturunoon hl hltWtv r rnoon
tWtv dtt1 dtt1noon
noon When f thla th Ie reoolution was wasCf11 re reeel reeciveil
eel Cf11 vn I in the th Senate for concurrwoe concurrwoethe conctirrenoIii
the Iii twentythree JttpubUua lpubll aa senators senatorswito toll tollho i iwho
who ho attended un the th caucua voted to refer referit
it to the tit Finance Committee and thus keep keepthe kelth keeptic
the th legislature here until next week but butnine billnltlp butnine
nine Kepublioana who did not attend the thecnucii themllC thecattelia
cnucii and nd the fifteen Democratic DernocrthaSen DernocrthaSenatous Sen Senator Jalo ¬
ator twnntyfour twnty our la ah Toted agalnat agalnatMich aJnatIIICh agsioatisticht
Mich reference ADd the resolution reaolutlOl1Jldn1 was wtuadopted wasasluiiitst
adopted alter midnight midnightTbi mJdnl mJdnllbl iflhtfllahtThis
This step WM takes because beat the Re Republicatju RttpuIlcrt1 liepuitilca
publicatju orgacOattloa o orgcsjsat1ojadem > leaden dr are re only onlyto 0111 0111to
to take b II afflrmaiiva tfttt 8aetfe aetiea on one 011 of three threequcdtiona Uu UuqlettlOlUl threequestiona
qucdtiona referred to the Legislature Lepl tture by bythe byIhe bythe
the Governor and nd that la Ii to IUVH the thegraded tbooamd tb tbgraded
graded amd inheritance U bill TMi Th bill billcannot billcannot billcannoL
cannot l panned without an emergency emergencyjrt emergencymessage merpt1CJmtMIJlN
message jrt from the lheOo1lmor Governor If he re reto Itf mefuse
f fuse to t give one on kna theLplafl 0 jilan lan to for th thlature Iht Iht1lCiala lbLegislature
1lCiala Legislature lature t UIft tn adjoin adJ 0 without wlthomIal even evenIKtMiiag svenpassing
passing Ial the InheritalOft inherit noa tax bill which whichwould whlohwould whichwould
would mine liooo ItOOOoon noo a aIf year yearIf
If the th llepublican organization mem men in inJie In11l1t inSIte
SIte I Legislature > > have their way 11 the Legia Legiaaturo
aturo will wilinot 11I not peas a direct dl t nomlnatieM nomina nominabill nomlnat1bill f
bill or n new nwcomnipiinn Orrup corruption probe reeolufion reeolufionHiighea ouHrn ouHrnIluighes ufolnnt l
Hiighea Senator in jlebato bat tonIght tonlghiavi to Iidl H
1 gave avi warning mlnlt that If Itu iftlie UieaV plan tanll wervfol wervfolowe werollowesi nrrnl nrrnllowd
lowd owe < l outGo Hughes would call another anotherextra nothoorltra anothsurextra
extra session e < wlon Ion of the Legislature fcglalatureTaKn AtietureT
Tae T it all n in all nolllkn was eethinrr tltln
all day ck and night aboutlogllatlve botJ1 Jealttt h hall halland haii haiiand j jant
and not nn in it yeara yearhab naa iUe1a uch clp a tenae tirt situ aituation situlion tu tul1tO
lion n lIrronlfd1li > uf ron led Tfc Itefhtbllcan ltelbenn lIcan party itt lirthe IIrh itttti
the tti h nUlatUm LiddlatureThe I < 111 nUlatUmThe I + 1J 1JThe >
The Senate adopted ttui Ambb Anaemb final finaladjournment finaludjoununnt finaluiijouflimcnt
adjournment reMolutioi 0ltlOI l 2 oclock P M MFriday 3 3Frlliay 31Friday
Friday by I y a vote ot of ayeaT aye Jl noe n0lfl2J 23 The Tlietwentyfour 11 11tWfOl1tyfur Thetwentyfour
twentyfour Senator HfIII ithir 1IP voted BKnin aMlltUtLII t tthn
thn II Cobb Cf > bh motion to refer bin bt resolution resolutiontn
to the 11 1 Flnnncv Committee e Tot voted d lo adopt adoptend ariotandlh adoptcndftte
end andlh the twi Iwnlhnoe Iwcntyttirre1kpgbhicanHenatr Iwcntyttirre1kpgbhicanHenatrwIto > ntythn n blicanrenatorH nepbllcanHnalonawho p blicanrenatorHwho
who attended the th caucua voted aeain ramI nlnithe ramIth u uthn
the th resolution olutlont 1 1At
At t 1 120 0 A M th thSrfat SMMte fitr t adjoumedk adjoumedkuntil ndJourneduntil
until II 1 M HUCfnlr 7 7Hevult >
UCfnlr KIL CaRli 11111 11111ull niiIlesult
Hevult ull of the III RoveJt t aad llngtie He HeutMcr IH IHlitleill Messages >
sages In the Ixiwerllottw IxiwerllottwAUiAttr 1001 1001ALBAN IowerllotneAicaNr
AUiAttr r Juan 90 t8Tbo Obe T eel ftoo Ul Ulgrani telrail tale talegram
rail < gninod tned alstcen vetat for or the Cobb Cobbcompromise Cobhprom Coticu
compromise cu prom Of direct aoiblaatlona uo nel ation bin in inthn Inthe intilt
the Amembly today but buteyrn even at tliat tliatthe tMtthe thiiaitthe
the supporters of 0 the bill lacked lack fourteen fourteenvote fourtefllYoteeot tourte tourteyotesofpaasbtglL
vote Yoteeot yotesofpaasbtglL yotesofpaasbtglLAt of paaabijc < It ItAt It ItAt
At the tb regular cession when the Cab Coblibill Cabbill Cobbbill
bill oimo up in the Ie Aaawaply it waa wa dn dnfeateil tiftfNt1 d dfentwl
feateil by L a vote of OfA1 ftyH 44 nose M MIt lISIt i iIt
It require 74 vote T CNt ta pM putla a bill ia th thAaeerobly the tbotAmhIYJ theAaemblyd
Aaeerobly When the Cebb o1th bill came up uptoilay uptoday
today 1 Ma1 < In the Aatwtnbly oa an adverse ad adpnn re report meport ¬
port from the Committee on the JudleUry JudleUrythe
the bill WM killed by a ret T of aye rM W Wno 1ftnoc 5inose
no nose < a aSpeaker ft ftHker L LSpeak
Speaker Speak er Jaaatr J W l adworUi otUJ Jr Jrand JrIInd Jrand
and him floor Ueutmimta Ueutv bad MUle to do to tohold 0hold tohold
hold their forces to teUct aalart the Rods Booaevelt eTelt Rodsveht
velt telegram t fUBtaae le a tce Cebb eomproadea eomproadeabill
bill 1 > 111 It w a raaMr n vrtnilfilng < to on onthe Oflooke onlookers
lookers when hea M y ndMtItM rssasd the held which wWebthe whichthe
the organiaitloe OtJllU of the Ketef haaapon haaaponIu Itu pon ponIta nponita
Ita members mem Dnepito 1M th the Kaeaerelt Kaeaerelttelegrasi aeMeftltlct1ecram Loessvelttelegram
telegram deaptta a the active effarta of MM MMfriend tiletrieede lb lbfriend
friend of direct primaries directed drMtediIOfIaU pr praoaally peeotally
aoaally iIOfIaU from rom tho exreuttre exrcu4hedeIpKto ohaj ohasey ohaseydespite ber berthe
despite the personal priiaeneo es oa the floor floorof orof cor corof
of the AaeemWr mltlr of Ioyd a C Oriaeem Oriaeemoaatmaji MeMIr Odoaasch1tssn
eMIr ot the New York oouaty 00U oountgRpnb Rapub Rapublicaa BapebUcaa a alican
licaa committee ltttfl and CoL Reeawraha Reeawrahapeoial Be BepooII e vsl vslapedti
peoial arti qk < or anti the prexraen of ofPca ofP orPostaenat0
Pca P Postaenat0 niaaier Fred Oreteer the putKcen RtpttbHenbt putKcenbnaa
boa of Erie county countyaod and a ahnstot host ot Hughe Hughedirect HupdirflOt Mughdlrec
direct primary agents througnmit the theTea Ih thema
Tea Teaf TeaDewnr 1 ceal seY1c1tAciLnnc seY1c1tAciLnnct Ituat Ituatrllt41I1t
f rllt41I1t ot but u uIJJWZY rae 5 5D1wzT4t2P
Dewnr D1wzT4t2P w bi 8yS nii tn oItLu jv svz

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