OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, July 02, 1910, Image 6

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-07-02/ed-1/seq-6/

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v =
fl 1 TiP tv r t c l 11 IDAY Y JULY 2 mo
7 IM IIIIUI I It S nui nn ii g i > rfwi 1It t I or ortin orU 1 1III
tin ni U i i n IIz1L ILL in MI MIIml I
Iml te uf q the III Miirld S iirlil rhl Meet 001 ttlien TOIMIIM TOIMIIMHum Tiussii r rlIur
i i Hum and siI 1 Mrliilixli 10 liel si In With fl liii 11 IMf IMffrrent 1111Irrr1 InCTV
TV frrent OpInbMi 11111 Ililiiaiiian nI Ila I Ihe IheMbcrlfor II IIhllllr Its ItsuI
Mbcrlfor uI lair lll > t keslo lu e an asil 11101 11101I skip skipwb
I IlKXC II NlV s Jllv 1 Iy I Bile iti T I i Illl SllllVHI SllllVHIof sIII ii iicC
of N f w r tin I lioMr f Ilie I Iii tnki 1 > f IIhe < u ulh t tI
lh Ihe I h Iiffri liliniMiii 1 Isni ii ci i IMT 0110 i t r CIIIIIM lOvl 100 in inover 11flV Ignvrr
over flV the 110 livert urt ti tin n 1IrlII < rli4iii linulxl linulxlat Iull I Iat
at 1 3 1 o I I lMk IH k till II ricriiH > r IIKUI 11I1111 nt than thantoviHi tIunpfv
f toviHi pfv V tI hoiiri h I ei r likti I HI I I I < i iulit wild ih ii Ii him himtiirkfl himhlrK1 Ii I ItiWkI
tiirkfl uwity l In II I hi vvili o I > t i irtilkali rtatiI IIu f fle rNh
< le < Nh > ll fci r t sII 3 ji 11 I i luiiiirruw TIn 1 i 9 rri Irciint 11 I r 1IbI t r rlei 1 11i
lei lticktr I will 1 turn 1111 vcr iI r lun hll hllI ii iiiP < i iihrnk
ihrnk iP k fur r Jlli I vvliiib hiI lit I I IIhl IIrniht IM i iroiiilit
roiiilit Ihl up II from f1 SUM SII it Im IIIM uid ItIII 0 i iIKXIII
I IKXIII 01 I in I UK II Nixon Sn Nilioro1 tank nk > > f fHe fI fItq
He I n p t 11 In II A fur f JILOlcUli StIdwhih which IniM IniMU Iiii IiiiI 1 1Pit
U I t i Pit I ut it iii I lv I JiliriMiri JI uml 1 lei 11 iii iiiwlll i iI
wlll 1 I I aI I < I oil 11 diMHinlt IIit I i It li t 1 the Ih I Ii lvi H1 in liilk liilkIn III I iii k kIn kIn
In tin t Is i nine of f tin I I 1 tnkcliol ta t hI ler lerVi 1 r rI
1 Vi I I Milliu St il li1 II lodki In I hut hii id diity I y wliin wliinIe hn hnj
j Ie I fllllll 1 > I ill I li till tl > > III I till I ti Illll 111 IiiIIuIti
11111 I S UTl I will h ho I Im h VVU U I Ii I y mill1 mill1i st str
r i ii 1 tp nIn1 fl ii Iniii N < w tork rk k iitniiiil hIII1 hIII1i Ii < t tinirtivilv
i t inirtivilv 1 4 1 11 a I mil Pii Phi I thai tl Iui lie Ii a cli gI a aI I Ivi II
I vi I In I IM h I lliallv Iral uriivl iiri h I lli 1 h hI r rit rI
I I it Ir t r wjivil 11 I tu ru know kin if I tin ld ldIh I ixiitif ixiitifi iti itir
r i f i Ih In tax Ia < tnoi Inl nat iv y with ith turn 11 Oh lv lvI I Ihi <
hi I KP f i d 1 it I unn zri rl l I4 l Slitnr Iarir Tim liint 1 liii liiitI
t I ih h ri > t i lii h r waul wall iiflI g fur flr tin tini I tnI
i I < i > < ir 11 i I 111 pot IIM la lo i rIY IV llii tisw much 110h ititiIiI
1 10 1 > M i t riiicllt 11 ud I tliM I tuitler 1 lull 11 I to toI I
I id I ii 1 i i tl I lv I y Hilr1 linear I I IIr IIril Her Herin Irih
in il u I t r t Slltlivi 111II HI riny wen w r rIjiiti Cro ir r e eI
I II I il 1 II 1 IIIUMM I fHTtlfi Ila rtii HI 111 11 11h tlWI1
wb ti 1 Hi li It Tim tuni h h1 I I ir 11q 11qt t i hi nvont nvontir 1
I i iiti tip I1 1 C U i il ir r o Milarthy I rlh i 111 ml II I M MNew I II
l > i ittitn HI if ifI 0 r New Yrk nrk rk ml 1 J 1 1I W Wli V VI
I n I vvb h i if Ih I li Tim rimV rIt tiipliew 111 ti Io lh nn Itir Itiri < > re reHI
i n HI t tI tr r in 1 I nit it n f1 flt > l ii I Ir IMI Mn Mntv
f 1 llu lluii 1I lir lird 11 I ii tv Y Vr IrIK Prik nk nIh i tih id idi
ii t I ii 1 I u uVn1 I i rr t r Hi t > rol d iliil iliili tiI tiIII 11
Vn1 1 II u uiiiMi i llil liln1 Ml n 1 O OUrilf lBrjn Urin f 110 <
r Ki II I nil 1 gt ind 11 i I iti lu fncnd In 1 iiiI I litl Iii I Iin l ii iii
iiiMi iiiMihn in tit I i tin1 r iii I it t t th I h CIln < l Idin I n III IIIhl I I t l li Ih
I > hn hnwhli h d h1 I i > ii I r 1 I fnr f r them t cud 11 to tow
whli whlit w hlI Ie ii I Hit I h I vviy wiTi w r 1III x ltiMly It i vIv Ihu Ihuin I h hLI ItI
t LI t I tt in oiipn t IIIt II 1191 < in l tin I I i ciiilri lr itt r of ofiin f rt
iin t > l i IMII II wrM rll lh h > New S Yor irU r rI ro ron rI
I inurs n r Mil 11 tin 1 ivthr nlh nt lii wh pi did Ih not notkn nll nllIn notn
kn In n w < v Hi I TI i ii p > > VMS 1 vent up II wnnl WrjiIei r1 1 1ih Ih >
ih h n 1 t > r r rIn > m 1 < Kin m > rr m inter interview IIr IIrI IItrS ¬
I view S 1 l Pn 11 mli I tnt vliv 1 tliy II I K 11 t wi 1 id 1 1 I ut utMB iftt I II
MB I t ny I 0 itn Itt rvi 11 I thi t It t Ih III li > Tun Tunt 111 Ft in inr
i vi r I lfli t i > ci fridti rl nut him himII hll
fli fliId h I P II h1 d 1 Kd JI gi I Ktlfknl Ik up II II i i little littleh lll lllI I It t 11 11i
Id I i nd ndhi I h I i i 01 I lft f rt tii > t 11 in fls 01 < f tr I vI l in iniivvl I inI
hi I 1 ii iivvl I tin I tI Siutor SIIIr S 114ttr and nIII lu fn frlIII frlIII1In Iratid Iratid1rti < > iid iidfroti
froti 1In n mi juin J11 titrlwI i I into Inll ine ofl n of f thi thiUnk Ih IhIIk1 thti
Unk IIk1 ti k inl iiurlim in Ilhin1 ieli iii i Hiil I tti 1 I went nl out tis > 1 1iI > vi vir v vr >
r kl i viit vi iI it llu I Ii < tot uf 1 the IhIII tlt Miiit Miiitsimull II tit titiitiIt >
simull IIIIIly tiiu ly with wlh itIi ih crrivil rl1 of the tlieflulil Ih IhiI1 thefIo
flulil fIo iI1 i ii xianiholdnr 1 hhr IiIr IMIIU 1 the Ih I hi aiiipiunri aiiipiunrimeiit ii 11110 liii IIiIii IIiIiiIttti
meiit 11 Idiv iv Iruit lt Crt leorc Ilirnnu 1rI if ifsui trS 4 4it
sui S it KriiiMo FrII Ir n te h < I H II i iippi 11111 i p w intisl i oHipi 11 rc ii iiliipekeiwr e I It
liipekeiwr t ilkfIr I Ilirtmn Ihrll I I t ii iii g is i AII ni is i Id 1 I tuner t ilr i in r in I inth i iSin
Sin SI th Krun rII iivi ptiutli il1 i in iml 11 it i p d1 d1him id idf
4 f him i 11 Iml iliipiiK lall hi rxr itrr r he h h htM held hIII hIIIIh tiIIth I Ith
th watch 111 tin on n I II IIttIghtPr4 tlithter t hl Hi II 1114 ninn nI > wi wioptilii w a >
j optilii I tLI hO > > I inncikiU nlIII rinti i Is all a iml ii i promoter promoterwithout rIr rIrlhoIIIol r atii atiiwIt
without wIt lhoIIIol hoot finyii ttii ft t 9 piite piitehNl 1 st sti
hNl i tM > s or i lit UK MOIILII LI lv title In u uIhe I
lht Ihe 1 hi end n nb < 1 f tb II t It > > world l iii g ii for 1 r Ihe Ihefln Ih Ihfnl t Ie Iefiret
fln fnl firet > t time 1m to 11 i > i m I finch A lUtin 11 tin tininoniini II thiNiiirrtiIng
inoniini IIfnllnl v wI 11 cn n iln > ilelfttitioti I from rnl the theKiitlpod Ih Ih1Ipo itoj
j Kiitlpod 1Ipo hwdnl by h Tnnuny riittn llurn m tin tinformer IhI illfrinr
I former Irr himpioii hall ittti i n rime 11 trti down < WI nver r Hi Himoiuit thtflOUlitjtIIIj
I moiuit IlIIII tflOUlitjtIIIj iiu > frmii frl Niti oti Kriticioc 1 > ntiri ntiritliiK lid lidf riti i igithsi
f githsi > tliiK ln < the Ih irnvnl zir iiI of 1 I thl lalvit III 1at t nt tlnj tveIjt tveIjtstrr ilin ilintrr
trr r of I the piiKilmHc 1JiI tlniuiiient ImuII all I of ofIhe ofh otIhi
Ihe h ech 1 dlllIn impii > ii iii wh h i wer 1 > hindy to toIhe 10I toiIi
Ihe I iIi Mxtidi oll were down n along ulonl the Ih iruk irukrr trteksI
i 1 rr i vub wly h to II velcoin > Mr I lm Ihiarne lurn and n1 hi h thre thretnivellitiK Ih thri
1 4 tnivellitiK 11lla rfnipiininn rIJ1in from frl Aimtrili lrIh lrIhl i iA
A dl djseriiiiid l < i orIIl1 > rtMliinH cheer greeted lulmion lulmionffirnier Iohnonrmr Ihinsntrnr
ffirnier > int nlI iRuiiiHt 1 when wht h ii he I MtrpNt tepp d down downfrom 1111 diwnrntn
from rntn Hi Iulliniti III v ry nitty in a milt miltof stiltlit 1
of KiiKlin Ellhh IWIN 1 IHiind lIhln1 him hll w r rMiich r rtIjh >
Miich Ih Mrlnth hhtit 41 l ho h priiinoter who h < li litf I liiti
tf JXTfHi itie I iti inrntM tn nl of the I tinhtmc llhln game 1i1 m mAiiMriu I intiitriii
AiiMriu i l Iv > y nivtclnne Illrn li 111 J htion aicun aicunBin alIm1 alIm1r aiintIJi
r Bin IJi ns W K 1 i Irtstt < rtilt 11 wh who h wntiM wrl writ writttdngii MiriHiu MiriHiuliilnK rlla
liilnK Il nw fr f r th ito Antrlni IIle iist kir LIr ipr4 > r HIH HIHIHU Ilr Kiih
I IHU 11 IAIII t hoivywriidit h1 tip i w ilhl IiiIit from the itt h south nouthMiji southwhni Olh Olho
Miji o wFnm In 114 niitiiKcr nHlajr Mr Ir Mrlnt Irm ftInth ftInthuIh li liviiH
viiH 01 uIh lik 11 > to n plni I liu acuntd Stanley StanleyKetrn
Ketrn 11 ni r j my n othr of I our rlr rising lnA youofr youofrvvwrijhl YOlnl yniinpI
h I vvwrijhl hl wh ho hixo h no Ii unmedUtn unmedUtnt Inlo i
t n Sii tun tunAfiT II III 11154r
AfiT r r ib h > iflsitinn 0111 h I inti nl from tihtriilia tihtriiliaI 1111 i
I I id I m n 0 I Iy h iM > v si ilicr t 1 gs in t tho Ih t h r irritlor irritlorf rrilor rrilorJ
t J 1 f I lie u fii C i ideti Iri n Hoil I I I thV u w > n iirroiinilnl iirroiinilnla Iirrnui rlnr1 rlnr1I nuI I
I Ir > a t en upof i I I f liirtinscji I rt in tlwrts rm nfidothr nfidothrn noel ot hrs hrsi1
n i1 I > iKr o lirti 1In what hll wi th ttft opinion opinionof Inl
of ft r UMralik ti ruhI rut I ii n 1 the I to uitraiiiou II1llnl o I I rntI tote ihit I lli Itn Itno ttn ttnV > ni nir >
r o V > > IIM I I u I t > RiiiR 111 Mr I Mrnir Meintosh > h v li liviiriillv hIi til
Ii l viiriillv Ilh IIINII I it 4P ha lll tiaVi vi l Iswii Nti iMirn Irn will Wilhl Wi t m mIT I IIr
4 IT Ir Hiiiinl i > f How I Hell Ill finl 1 I rnnit rnnitit raniw ir ii t
1 it itt > yt II > i it in il It I lull lll I ii it thn li t 1o < ii I > r tI < l ptrnon ptrnonXo Is4f1Vitt 01
Xo t1 1 tt 1 it I Ol it nil I fivor ra ar tr n M t nro lrU ots o < IKIIIIM IKIIIIMu < 111 111d
d I I u 1 Tthiti I tpan 1 von ui I know I Inn 111 i > 1 y ihM ihMJohns II IIJrhn tisJ
Johns Jrhn J hflN > n I lllow I M a t ° e > ry r viry ry ryIa
iIi Ia nut 11 i t tii ti IIIR 111 biillllk Illlk prrnon HUI ii oh h n nr I rir >
r J J > 1n 1 r r i M can iv Iof r hamm luuntr lint n rn r him hi i m iluwn iluwnV d 1 wn wnV
I V in u i > > i > ov v r I lt ir miy 541 IY that I th li i ho < > i oir eIu rl rlI > l ll
l ji I IN wtuii 1 1 1 vim ui col toe 1 It i ab abVHlpw ihit
I VHlpw 1 eit t ii 1 Hut I I carut oa1 fnr ll hf IfS > >
S I in 4 imlTMiitiil I hiri itnul nliv wh w Ii v a i Iurl I > lirk mull 1111 i iHI I II
HI 4 iMiin 111 ttuiI > a fillo rI 1hh a I H I whit man manI lal
1 I r i iiikiil I Km Ih lili hk k man Ill t ti for r n nr itr i ilr1
lr1 r I uul with 11 my ii a 11 uil Tommy Tommyi 111
i q I i i ii I mill riilly rlr I MI v J dan lll mfuiiv mfuiivi I uil uilI
r i M inopft in I I n 1llk tIiik ink i tt tth > wliili wliilii
i > > lv I in 11 it I vvi i I ff s vor r in 111 twenty niind niindI rIII rIIII
I arn irni rfl Ulii 1I Iqtivq > o ihii s hii any IIY fellow fellowi t 1 jIw
i > ut it < th tl Kirio Ir r fl 1 < or r rt HH HHi si siM
i > > ki k w imi tied II iu t thou hfi > im ort rt if f fh a ael
el 1 h uiiiiii 11 I uml 111 jiflciPK Jr i1 IIIH hI lilotvf hi unit iiriilH4t unitt HI HIu1
t a u1 I IJ IUp H4t si I of le thine V Ve > > IIH I ii s trie ni n for fori
J N i A virii iP I4i t sly over Ynr h tir tirI ri riviviv
I viviv 11 ii lifliss Iut pt putt JtttIU JtttIUI Jii KfKims KfKimsHums ° riiii riiiit
lr lrv I t Hums 1t It i r o N was mpiullv Iual uiiI Iv u 4N il iivn iI i V m mi il fl flI
I v H iJ i thi ii > liiiihi1 iin oild iuiih which hir li I I > hn hnMr unill Ia IaIII
Up Upw < Mr r Mrlct trI g I Nhi i H I P 1 11 uuI il I hdth hdthuuln Pu a ao t hi hiWI
w o WI il I uuln 1 willing will to I llilil r1 JuhiKuii JuhiKuiiI hn
1 iuuU n I in t n h I n j intitnii Ii i i iii wMln N t I I tlio tlior II IIn n
t n r i > ai i ul I vj h l out ti lt itt I WM VwrV VwrVi Mrvgi rv rvI
I i i ii I iui gi l Mr I Sun s ltiKforl IIorr t I
Mr tr It irn r hiirtitn nl1 up hi II his oj 11 hhT It i In InIll II Intul
Ill I v lr IX I 1f f JiTrilS r I is quill JII i iii H lit litnyh I l lt
t 0 iN i l nyh t hl Ii H I in Ic lilu hi Lv luII nicyr nicyrrnj tel teln o
rnj n i littl fi ti l hiu I H HIIV
kit k i r i s ROIIII it to I yet 11 t uiwusy i a 4v with wih him 111 1 1In IIii
III > < 1 kli it I ih Uni iriili I liMik IC to I M s
J JI nrii h ro arrv av nvv I y tbi > m I wm sritlIIIIi wmthliii m mIhlll
thliii Ihlll l < ib t tPeIui in LI twotty I r rI uiil uiilMi
Mi I ortxt I vvlui NhI h likol hok I II iii ii tin it 1 vror oH I Int
nt r Id I ov r HIM itt top t r b sirit siritWiNINI > tri triwuKIsiai 111 111I
wuKIsiai WiNINI I iII Ii tl t i I iml t liiv Ii I iv thi II t hi i iriin iriinto I i ito
to o nxr I r rs e III I I i oliloli ni I I IiI ode 11 wiv n n1r or o F HIM HIMotlir t ii iit
otlir 1r t hu r a u fiiwilivilv 51 II I I vI < u hi hi I is two I W mmimi I I t mn j I III
ll > sail 11 thai Ihl h to thoiitrht thnt II lI
I 1 Ihvl it I wui w u ujriiv I I III
jriiv II V vnn Vi ri ihanrx hio 11 liit lu ihnt h th thlllhtrMlltr ti tiuisiruihir
lllhtrMlltr Hllhkl wh h1 WuKer egr I their I Illolicv IllolicvOP IulohI
OP 01 0 MIM t i ri4lt r111 of 1 r Hit II fl fhl tijPut lil of I ly I Iall
all 41 4 I ra I a Ii I JohtiMiii llhlMo hihin pit < II I hi IH 11 IIo I Ieutk ink iham ihamplop ho in inIII
plop III I K i4 rtv I r I e swi i forii fot I lo I p I i hil hi mil milMlf In
Mlf 1 tr I it I ortIt rU rl tt all i I a m tu I id 1 ii In lin linn 1 1n In
n KiiAiralii ui i i rII UH N NN list II I il I I I h to > really
trll Irl I woil 11 I lo I woirler ly > I VM VMbolv t
bolv tth lowti then Ih wm sr oiitilot 0 v iMlTrl iMlTrlpowiT ItTrtopow t tpwr
powiT pow r I IITIH n tTo Iwk k nfler Ifl h tis I <
j ii 1ON Isn > tnre from Hi line 11 I HIM I iulrallii iulralliiSatn I1 I Icritic
crllC critic i t I ISm ISiin
Satn Sm lirtfir1 I ii rlrl Al Ahu i Hell 11 JVIille JVIilleIon hinui 1
Ion an u ni I I hi r M I 1 Sniith 1h were th t lut II1 J < t tni
ni 1duI < liHiiiiins t > Kirini slri Ir town tin inorn rr
Ing InJ If I ilrn is I ei v pnr p lighter 11I f vsli
It I not in iv Idtin I now I n w h to will w 1 II IM I fnii j ml mlMime u 0 ii ii54ms I IIm
Mime Im oll hl I i iplue I hi litjllut litjllutSomethmK LiuttuMmst UI
SomethmK Mmst rlhU hung dropi > l II In Jim il Mi tlly n IiIii IiIiitnhiihriii IK IKga
ga Jnhloa nhilnir In I iee > thIs 110 ufiirtii r1 11 uml 11 th thnoi IhnOI tiinniN
noi < f it I i iHhnnil 9 hnl tIwwI Hiriiefi lr ttr i I ovrry ovrrynlher uryOS ry ryolhr
nlher OS tisr Bam 11hl1 gunyituhuru > > liK Ij I > lni t > in town I i I oi > furetn furetnminute i tl tii
4 minute rlthJI wer r rFArh K i iEaili
f Eaili FArh of rre Y vP three h rniitette rnll > table titt I va vagoing wasnlng a aolns
going < olns liiigiiillv Itv n knot of 1 hilf a doz d4zn d4znptyirs < n nfilay
j filay ptyirs nt I < lung I1 over tr r ihA hn oilcollh Hmlh iInhi h11 h ntil IHI hut rzn rznj pjt pjttui rIline 1 t ttut
tui line < u blrtt uIimiMzs ml > ej and niI I en line tM iiih < ub 11 one on t Irl er
tN 1 n I I i ri 1 N > I iC ral ralt I II
C t > it I xiiintt it 111 ut1 Hi I if ifcj r > < t N Nt
cj t I < rk rl rl i il c I i umer 1 iP hsr a ato e It Itnit hl hl191J
to 191J nit tI > l i I q iuri prI e r I e V i it br 11 ih ihrnr It I Icli
rnr l di K f lluir irfir irfiri
i wimil I 1 lit 11 Ii I lhlI blliHli ittie in in I n hlu hluoViiiii 11 hI i iiIiuti >
oViiiii JUI wrtrqk rrixa rfr HIM 11 tn1 wliHli Uml Umllul I IMutIiel
lul int I i hit h Itwrk I ti ri uu 11 i it > Mnjr I with lh lilt t tdfTl iC
dfTl C liil I u I siuifl hIO I I I i w i su silctl icli h hIt an anM
M I N ii4iiiflii 411 It iflisi mil I ii 11 I I rhinatiiit CtlllI I ti iiitttuet I H fin finwas I ItlIII ii iis
was s ui wrinkl1 i tlIII ritiki I ami wenlhtTt NuIthu hi leN IK tOt 1 < fuci fucif lu lur
f i ki t1 1 I I liii nut inrtoi itt u hi h hiss hiul 11 11r huiuituI wir wirIT
IT r I ikiil 1 Io I anil 1 kin 1111 4 Id ovir Hr thi t Joint Jointhi JiuutuliIii
hi tfriy tIr piutnil llla1 iutIuI miM wmitiil wln ws uiitj in I a I knot knotiitnlr lintuiiotr nll nll1tr
iitnlr 1tr IIIM h l I4uii > lu a i h fill 1 lt lull lullI h hIUS
I IIIMMVN IUS HIS IN IlATH t 11 itY Illf In I ui WIIM WIIMI Wilitlri1 1
I Th > > iliiniiiiaii i 1nl luau unit sliMxl st M I l tin i Ii tuhl hr hrHilly h hBI hotIIhI >
Hilly BI IIhI Itliick k wa > piiiiiiliK 11111 tin mirlil mirlilII mall mallh
II I h I witlii s tit4eail l th I hue wbei w around for fortvn r rh
tvn 11 h nr r iou 1 ininiiiv 1111 i ii eliCit Os then I in il u I lifwiiating lifwiiatingk hvMt iurl ut iii g gN
k I f way at 1 hv I Is ts ritcln rahl r ighi I hatiil hal1 went lou t iilirW iilirWhi 11 <
hi hi i IUIIK I ciii I Ihi I 1 oihvr a tr hior player 111 I KlaiuiHl KlaiuiHliuilly
iuilly INIII 1 hI ii u th I hu O Chlum1 4 tii mam Hi mil 11 went 11 on ontllli In onujet
01111 tllli I uH hi h pulUil 111 u llllltO llllltOli tiliugoittr ihtj ihtjI
li iilr > lug I fmm rolls 1 an InHiili hI inHkul is i k1 and andHUH AIII itiuilg
HUH 11 g iii i uiivtinl tii 1111 liii tin I Ii KtriiiK SI th1 rtie g tlml t Ios loiuml loiumlllH hundUI I unit unitUN
Miiiali Ih whnt hnl limit hl Th Chiniuniui Chiniuniuillfleil hlnJUI tilnnznuiiii
llfleil i bin h hsf miuitit It eyeM eui In I 0 I III tine luitiker luitikerfns hllk hllklllv ItuhreuI
fns I i > Hilly lllv lllark II cimi rUL list a quizzical < glniict glniictu Klllt I l
u tlitnlirivillisl II thai Ihinamiiii llllnll and Jcrkivlliia Jcrkivlliiaihiimb jrl1 Jtrksit hi hiia hiiaI
ihiimb I hlnh tissue I at t tin I ho 0 lun over r un Ihe I h be wall uu II which whichrvnl whith whithnII wh ichu ichuriiI
rvnl nII Umit lhll m hpwiul urrniiKv Irrallmnlt trrangiitunts trrangiituntsIUNIL nti ntimaili
maili IO if vvaiitwl vvaiitwlv WIII1 wSttitN tl tlLw i iIw > I
Iw Lw < v humlnil lutn1 John tun uiiuut llh the Uinker UinkerMtk binkrMak IIr IIrII
Mtk II hlii morn n if you ynl rnii g Kotuhsi < tche money IIY IIYh i
Ih 1 h CliiiiMiun t 11111 Mid 11 nothing nlhnl but blt l IK IKt Igutu IgutuI > gun gunt
t bmiK hrill friru fr tlm Ih I ts fit l lly > o < ly of I lit h hitis money moneyUlK tuleutustrig
trig M rk k1 ks uf it goll KuldII > n iloilhleHagleM ICuShI ughs 8 Ilunil Ilunilfill Ian Ianfil Ilutneiii
fill fil iii liy y hnndfiil 1111 tie I xtootl them Ihll In pile li jii of ofHvii oFn I
Hvii Ih n over r the h number 111r I uput II uji lt Ut the Ih h tueait 1 Md 11 of ofth oft I Icr
< th t hi table nir ii cr ihe Ih t to purring lrinK whl wh Thne ThnekhiiimiTiliK T rhristuuiuiorhrsg I
khiiimiTiliK 11IIwric Ink there Ih wer w e Jully1 31 i plajrwl plajrwlin
in 1 ih I Ii I trHKlit Ir hl to I win in If I lri tho < itiArlile itiArlilefilt tmrtht 1hl <
filt t 1 t mi 11 It Hi right rlhl grooM n of I ill II thai wheel wheelh wh i I
h would 111 tiki s I Ice WAy I ny from fr1 Jim JII May MaypLic Lys Lysit Y Ypt
pLic pt it ui JIIH JII llu Sl 5 l lUniii
Uniii tIoti n tin thin lul mnii luiii l 1lln Iugiin > Kiin to1 to1Ktici I IIw to tostii
Ktici stii Iw k hi ISIS tAenii Inl H Hilly liy Illarlc Jllk nnetl oln hIs hiaiVi h hIsYt I
iVi Yt just 11 t nlmdi hnf wliler llr He II held tip 11 11rI a iiroksI I Iiuoikid
iuoikid rI finger Inr and ald MKnallrxl llul1 Jim JII May Maywho U7 U7who T Th
who h wn n Htamhnic IAlllna niNir IIr the th lnr drinking Irhlkinl I Ia Iit
a hiKhlkill hiIhl1 hi ghi I uuIh with Vii h Ilittlltii I II Ullo tt lint NVImm Iul to I i pome totnv 11 i ioViT
oViT v r I IInint3iiii
I rI 11 s Inint3iiii 1llnl Ittjni UKI Jim Jil uituut wMtlthflnnkpr wMtlthflnnkprI 1 lii hiuitiktr hiuitiktrt
1 t I HH 4 H i gnu gnu4irot o othing
Sln1 4irot thing Ihinl vuii VII iui Know rlnrixxl May uL uLI >
I Itk Ilk Ii k In i rv III I h hi Illilio Ihi tuIu IHIV I N uN Xtl Up UpJin u uJUI Ujilu
Jin MAT A l AT Tlr tnr tnrIviry wtiip wtiipt luaL luaLEnf
Iviry Enf other t hior pUyer I nt II Ih the tahl 1111 tuh held heldup
up IS 1 I I hi chip eli il I ii lk Jrn IFnn > fon lh I ti > rtilnanvin Ihll I hI hulhi
111 hi 1114 gnld JI I stckI tck k1 l every r other gnmhler gnmhlerui Ilunhlr
ui I th 11 I hi rvn rs 11 wa N iTowdini III nround nrund the1 the1i Ihl thi thiin I
i i i IcliN1 11 III n A five CI o dje < 1 ni frill IrI 11g Not t It wont WoplHI wontWS4
HI WS4 n shlitt kI1 > k i Jim Iill Iiv Miy Jr It ninuu hlnwll hhri > If f Meppetl strjiseti I IU II
U I i < if I the Ih 11 whinl wh hud gets 1 th marble marblea mall
a 1 ttin 11 iiud 11 tlie Ih walnut wlnll rim rm over the thewlnrlin Ih Ihwlrlmt lbstiirlitu
wlnrlin wlrlmt sr r ov jv Tlie Th ratilt ul of I the Ih rnir rnirbi mI murI I
bi 1 I Kutulitl Inml a the chugging chlllinl nf n nhot nh1
hot h1 iiKili in the Ih nlleno ell rn nf lbs big hll room roomThe r1 j Ihiu
The 1 hiu in I < rl rhl ru > li aowe hiiwt < l down 1 ilrnp drnisI > exl into Inl InlIh I Iih Iih
ih whirling nn rul > p e < l out Ilt ugMln IIMin nnd nndilropf sindIrijleI nr
ilropf IrijleI < l in more I The Tht Chinaman Chinamanstudiitl th1iiunuinstitioI
studiitl tin lilurr of f the Ih whirling hllinl numlnr numlnrfor Ilml Ilmlr iIIurntrN1r
for r an I 1111 ilI Mil ami nllhn then h to vnw IW the th marble marblelinl malll ntarlIslial
linl ir roitil li < l in I Ih griHivi r riovi with wih thctiiimeril thctiiimerileiveii Ih the Ilmr1 Ilmr11 ntintr iI iIlo
eiveii eiveiii lo Vitl
1 IIM on anil nIIII havv untP a drink lirnk on n your olr nuir had hadI 1 > 1
I iult John 011 MUI saul 1 Jim 11 May n 1 he h nlappcd nlappcdhi
hi hi a liimd 11111 on i n tli hi 0 hlixiiwd sttj SMI ehoulder hnlldr under underHi Incr Incrh
Hi I h to blue 111 luiiio IIl hilly lil v Hlnckn UAtk ringer ringercrooked fnlr fnlrIh ftngrsrkol
crooked over th > > golden Inhlr Hi stoks rki Ik and andIy one oneliy 01 01h
liy h ina iii thy wen w removed I 1 to the Ih coin coinrirk mlnrk mliireo4t
rirk Ih 1 little lill Ihinarnan lhlnul grinnd linn1 see seet > o othat I
that I hii ho It shuowrd howe ho < l two IWI yellow yI teeth and andlii anti5115k I Iho
5115k lii ik hi head hf In another iiimut linUI linUIIlnllna he hewin Iawane
win ilumping Ilnllna aT IITIHM th I mre > t in hi nut 111 iteithuiiitIti
lainlmh IIIlil Iowhiili igtw hid IxKitu I 01 ots Now i uw i hell h1 go goand g e esti
and sti 1 work wer r u roiiple lpl of mont mlr yan y oii 5 5IiIrl wa waJim
Jim HI May a n only oomment Olnnt Olnntlr i inr
nr lr 1111 > r tv DKATM nrATI VALiry VALirylritiiih ALIFT I ISIII IIoriiuiuI
lritiiih Sitiipum SIII < 1 of 1 A Ash h Orpi lrk > k which whichi whlh whlhI
i i tented m i ti l < alh llh Valley ul away down downwhere itownwhrt Iownh
where h I I funernl urn mountain mOlnlI fringe rrlnl rIng thl thll thkI
l I ill f rd I he Ii desert dr lilew 11 into in I lleno llenolhi I no nolht
lhi 11 < < > i IIIo inn iiuii on n the I tain tram from r oldtleld oldtleldII OolrI1 OolrI1I >
II I had 11 mkis1 hll vTth T ah hi hIs park 1 > lk mule rl acrc alrl M i iiht Iitt
itt h cirTt d Io I rt I Aturc Aturgoiii lr whrJhe railroad railroadi ntlro
i IN nnt 11 ih 1 hj r t1 rot t Inn 111 I de hsrn n Mwy asy11i
Hot 1 down e 1wl wti l iNl > iow ll > Jerry Jry ran rlh 1 hi II hiis hand handover hanllor handn
over n r th l fiu huk k of f hi heii HUH 1 blackened neck neckmil nkuIIIIIIIlr itockanel
mil uIIIIIIIlr whisihd iMfily tly Why 11 hiy it its mi hot down downnn
nn 01 III th II Mojivi IJ llml 1141 the II red r oiiu 11tblt suitsbut but let letHi 1stiii
Hi 1 tell I > i i alKjiit 1101 that thatininiii IhalIIII that41111i514
ininiii IIII 41111i514 riicinsT 11111r from the Ih Kat blew blewinto hi hiInl bheiwlnt
into Inl OiKgt UI h igut iiiMiut 11 u I year ago 100 Him 11m oiid oiidni 41
ni 1 were a f going lnl nut Ol on the Ihl lb deeert r to IC look lookat lonkI
at I u Jirspet iin > p < t for olm iomii > om mining r nninin nin < I hugs > UKK in inNVw I inNow
Now S Yrk ork k FIrst Inl thing Illnj ho h akd ak1 me r wa waif wait
if r ii 1 us rK hoi n tho II desert I says ay to tohim luhln teehIm
him hln NVhy h it I iti s M 1 > damnml hot that the there Ihl Itor
re r < uI Orl nnti carry C < rr umberelU umberelUi umbU umbUt <
i Hi i iii 1 now n thl Ihlt mining nlninj engineer rnglnssrII Inr I i ia
a to I II ni IUI I II
I rniv tI I frnn rI the Ih Kaat hut 1 you 1 ran tn tnI mant t tut u
1111 ut I Vr r invMiiiig jli like lk that on in I let hhti j
vii 1 V1 o I wn N uN all 11 I wild ht done 11 I hlflI Kayn s h to totC j jncril
ncril 1 nit tC I on n ihe h deM itssrt 1 > rt th lh Ito next dar darnnd dayno1
nnd 111 w luidnt o ifoni g n lhre mil when hnl hnlJI ra I Ijui IN
N jui JI what w til itilt I want WII to 11 Ii ms s If I ft a pro rroliI r r1 j jn <
liI n 1 hi I hiI 1 1 o4 vef t moving 10vllj right nKhlh acrntvn scrnsti I Ith
th h trail I ri I I couldnt IIlnl t i nothing nolhlnA not hing hut Illtlx Illtlxjiv lill lit tis tisiv
jiv 1 s < raw rIIUc rawling ling Ilk Ik liks they had legn 11 all al in InIf
1 I1 If I tirnid II1 I urn one t11 n hit hi of I leaf over n and all allI iol iolr 1 1tlri 1 I j
tlri I r stir ur 1 on ii n 1h h wo 1 n nd n1 ant nt holding hol hieilInIIp < lnl I Istein
1 IIp < stein I of lr Hi little il leaf Ilal Itetwcen hi hil his hil ll h
11 5 > th I IVnf voiild uiihiI 111 troll IrAI ner hut Irk IwirkVw lisokt I II
Vw t Im I m that nxlantiton lanl rsd ants on th I tlis h Mr MOJ4VS MOJ4VSeloici > jve jvedon
don I carv ar uinhrellaa 11u ayg y I I Th Thn en enKH n nguir 1
KH guir or piiil 111 P041 HJiit thut ttuats the thi h way Y ho h learnml learnmlNow lar1 lar1I srnsdtuiw
11 Now th I red uiittuf 111 uiiIe of the Ihl Mojive MoJa1 build Illd Ihr thirno I Inct
no n nct > t 4 I
i uiinnrs ILRr TO Ti HKK riont riontMr rioliTMr
Mr I Kickird lrkaIulloday rwixl iiil to today < lay that th prupar
pr prI
I 1 0 ti I slio sli h w Wi wii i making nlkll for Hit Ih acoornmoiliitMti anmo anmoil1 acoornmo eenniimoshiu
iliitMti shiu il1 ui nf 4 r children dllln nt th ths arena n on July 1ly I Ihnl IhkI
hnl uIv iih h l ii itiMiitulifl ltll1 a 1 th ths rwiilt 111 nt ntput 01rI1 ofiiostlii
rI1 < iiostlii put it to him liy Itxnu ItxnuhiiiiMhiltlem Inl ItnhutstskIors
hiiiiMhiltlem jt f t i whether or not they theyoiikl IhlrIld thsyI
oiikl Ild liritiK I rli rii thir 11lr ho lr youiiKntora 1111 r4 with Uh lh hm IhsniN hmIhY m mwfi
wfi N tInS ii tli IhY I > v Iuiui oaI i tn I Na ih Ihn t fight fightI Ilhl t tI
I dont hn that Itlit then IhI thsrs anything vlhiA in I tlii tliihlt Ihlhl tililot
lot hl u 1 i1 tioti for ich fill futthsr her to decide ilsehtfe 1Mdrr
fir fe r huii huinff lnt rf Nic 4ttI t th I tto promoter this ftr aftrnj ftrmxri flrI
mxri I nj ni whiti wh1 wto iii j u WA I Askil k1 if In h had n nIY aiyifeet < iy iyIOIIVK
ifeet IOIIVK 1111 vii linn t ii cli I ItN i to I SI tlii I t moral uplift aphl Ilil r t that 1111 t hutuihiI
mid 11 I Is f nli irl rtsul d hey tiiUlrvri ditrn < nltmlinr nltmlinrth 1lldil
th I h priMlltiM I r lohl gIst If I I C a I man m wttuts I in I ii liriue lriA I cr1 ii iihUN I IIn
In hUN twHviiviiir I VIl V iir dl 1 1 tiny Ior I s an 1Thllii 1Thlliitmii e hlhl hlhlli hi I 11 11I
tmii I tu tliit li ir t ist tiuli t r mrvKe 1 at alV l t t twliv
wliv u hi V 11 I I s that I ha I initi iiiu i s IIJ nnd ano SIfl lint Ii I niii niiii n I It >
i < innle 1 tho li t ISO rulo II hat I hii rlullrii rlullriiiinlir 1111101 1111101I ohsibirIlIII
iinlir I lu I pa > ° Iirs ir f life a ti e > dotiarrrl < olutf1 ilny I huyilhjI
111411 inik 1 i fiiM4 1 uml ulol ur UY1 ywiy tliy tliyl Ihylhl1
lhl1 l iinl JIrI rl in itI l ehit hil htii tln t > VMn VMnI n nI
I slti ll I iitIrtni Iruf Ixtvreoii hot mti III II it 1 1 1XMIT Iu IS ISir
XMIT u HK11 HI itt a lll 11 1 h rtitllllIHl if f th1 th1r Ih Ihrl y yr
r rl nciiiiniiiiU ul 4 iii p ui iPI I hey y Ihtir I hiui r l 1rI nrtilx P or r n nicuiirilian I iijr
jr r icuiirilian 0111 i i Ii rut iiii who wI hiM hI tuu r iu irh hI ti l th I h Iii in inf II i g gI
lr f I iurtiiii 1 L rot i1 I ii llit 1 iiilriiisnioii uti lnl1 tnt iuson tiikC Iwkoro t i t > i fT fTiliiiilriti rlrPI CrC
iliiiilriti PI C I iuIrre < 1 will wIl wi I I I a 1llahly iii luir ui I y rIIII1 th linuiilil linuiililTlii ° tnutiis hest hestIiii
Tlii i ii tin I h WHV way Y I look It it it i I dont dontwutit IlonlIUI uIofltWilful
Wilful IUI my 1 in ru 1 1no 1111 uidy I t Htay OIIY St siy iiw awit wiT y friin friinI ruin ruintin 1
tin I ii tmiit i il 41 it t 4 j th I hr h v dont 0 hiti t ciro 1 mi ii to I i iI lenx lenxtliiir 1
tliiir II I kul I II Is nn is pi i n I I ttMi t Ir I f tlny th i nuwt nuwtIH ni lIlt lIltI 11 11I I
IH I th I liRt 11 tliir I ihey ihu y can luring I th Ihir ttuirihuthIr ir irclilMriii
clilMriii hlhl ti almiK 1111 at ti g ail i ii 1 inuko idem IIm t ciiinforl ciiinforlall in IIt furl furlutilcu I
all 11 I ilnii 1u1 t linw I n Koini i iquuutr iquuutrPVi7hlICili < iiiapl iiiaplTi7elKlu I IloI7111
Ti7elKlu loI7111 which hcl an umet Ic teics hoiiiniM hoI nf nfc r tnon
c l iiiti 1 i IN 111j ging Iln l hurt hln my Ihltil IhltiliililiiiiKli llhl tulhdI
iililiiiiKli I IIlh Li ii I I ghu I l II l th 11 I hu pr I rIIn riactaqs irh TH vvijl or iJ I let Ilt out outa lt lt11
a 1 hcuMin It iu ittii 11 louu ilicy I hu htir 1I that I ut I children childrenu chiIcn chiIcna etc hheircnt hheircntlii
u lii i 0 tu I u I 15 iiilitiiit 1IIII 111 lI lIICeti 1 I
KiMiii I wlshi 1 I < luwiiru h tur r visitors Un in inis inI inIN
I is dilkai I Ihu lItai i 1 manner I MM s poewililu thn Illl i if iflher IrI IfI
lher I I i is uny y rouicli rll1 work 1 going Illl tn hipnn hipnnit h ha
a it ih ircmt In 11 th > Uiy < if I tin I rlChl flgtut u i will willrun wil willii
run ii us 1 t Ii f nUirUil lu 1 hey loyal yl NVvnlilm SIIIt In Inthe II hothis
the l Svinli vII yiiilt SMI luurin 1 iui thi 11 I lii inortuni IIr1 niorruengI
hits r hi iisMirntif wis WI put 5iI 1 ileicnlily lmlly yet yetforcibly y t tr nF
forcibly r prmti y in II tin I hi fnllowltiK rl1will F 1 hewItt g cilitorUI uh llnrl1 I I erII erIII i iIf i
If I C then IIl I ri should Nih ii Iii riiriiui r Iiut I ii HI il th t hi mind mindof 1111 1111r j In it itr
of r uiy 121 fi u I Im I from r1 th fitit 1 rJuit rJuitir ut utr t tr
ir r Ititi I Itu 1110 Il i wht wh th I h liciflc Irr > IKIII Itil I ginui > I tn tnkiso I ticI
kiso 11 I iss id t I Pu WI Xit Ii 51 > iiTti 0Th slir 1 hi r nny ii ny Iijlit I iii 11 I l linnr t11111s
innr I h ie iuoII 1 t remark lak that ha Ih hi hil hi hicut
l 1 nf f Idtio f uml ciii I if r Vivuiln t uetIai Ir1 waul waultwii wituetI 1 1nr
I j liii nr I 1 I V s I t t 111 ni I Ir II
twii r w N fi I JiiRrKH ir r Is iind IJ cut I I II J > hnei Pitip ii linnillfl linnillflwitli 1111 hieiiiil h d diN
witli iN 11 it i 0 iVr vry V II II o f fnirniiwv rnI ggl irns ea njid njidrisili ll tujiIreout
risili rl1 in nu ihc 1 I h l ii i tiicliter 11Ir ugh 1 r wifiiiinj wili 1111 ii in g gr
lf r till tl rlLlll II I Ill I n ruauihi illt 1 mil 1 il i is th thpr IhIVI Iii1r
pr ifiUJid iiiiVi iiiviiti IVI < ii > f nil 11 vvh I know knowItlcUir klw kOowItlmluuurh i
ItlcUir hut it will I al ils I
11 1 It m wll 1 I IIk lip lipruuiirk n nnuurk
nuurk Ik thee 1 nn U Uiri h tiiu Iy Knnivl Knnivlin
in I Hie t ttu J trlI iri < mix 11 will 11 I Mi atruJgul I n il from fromiilir Irl frent191r
unlir unlirlli iilir ruIrI of 4 Ih flihlrn flh by I I > riit u i r ills illsunlir chisruIr 1 1Th
lli I hi ip < if Vevjiili SIh haxe Iu he h n m 11 11uI1 thu thuills t tluillf
luillf uI1 ills I iI if r inuiiK nll n ito g thir IIir I he i r money 1111Y flu ifl liy Iy Ii the 11 I i sivisit sivisitif W wr II IIr
if r Mr t r irA t r W A nv I iI V liivi h lilt i t sni 1 inij inijlifiid u i 0 0I uis uisI
lifiid I I ni i 1 I tn isirly SI ol thy s riil niu I when hn ih I h he IUIM IUIMwhi IV tout touthS i
whi h wi n 11 ni t h n nof > t nr r lii iiiirilil 11 eFet tel or er m nit inly inlywa Iy Iyorh <
wa ilrivn orh Iii vn fr r 111 1 th thuhkll h Stiii StiiiI 1I 1In
I n Ibil 1 lirli irlt al > arlv Iy infiiw l into ino Ilio Ih I hiloewl > KV KVnt 11 11n I IA
nt n ih I I te r motion iiitninivt IIrlh It wotIt > ilth h reirviirw ruino 0 I op and 111 that thattnditinti III IIIIlln t test I Iiriihitinti
tnditinti Illn is I i iivi IH rinv I a IIM I it wi w 11 tJ > in il th >
Uiys tY tit y w wl1 Iifl cid g I i I wis I i n I ii I h oililn o 111 I In fl 1 I Mr MrMtid s r rm I II IettuI
Mtid his I t Litilmlriii I t i IIrIO lssi ii 1 nri ilnsl I nn e n Hi I tii cut oiitIf cutpjt I
pjt il of f I tPeo IIrN IIrNIf 1 1I
If I ihin l Is I I Is miv IIY prntmt if there thereto th ru I I IIn
to 1 t Iu any In iinM Inmlv ineotnly tnIv ltxtiirttnc 11tln it I niii 111 111111 111111inni t te i iL
e inni nie from he h > ut ul lJOsIJ kle I4nd if it di dis e com
XeviidH 1 m mn n from roiri ihf h his top tr nfncial to Ii I the thernfist Ih Ihnll IhinruSt
rnfist nll m mI msIvs < lef eitlen In will Il stp > I ep in I and an1r and ae s sti j
HiAt r ti t lust hr will 1 l fair I pity hy hyc
111 1lC SI I t gi t I i t ri 111 1 I I in inI II IllS
< I S l S 11 1 SIt I If l I I 111 III It U Ii v f III IIIJiMtfr II IIIICI IIIJisekr
JiMtfr IICI urrnll nrnl < 4 wiih Xlliirnc u fur flrltlr flrltlrt IrhtlrIsmil 111 111t
Ismil < t al t Juthr 11 I Ilisie lull nl siaj i > en 11 11Ir Meas Measure Iea IeaIIrr ¬
ure Ir Here I re r X s iilnerablc ulnflhlr llaafc llaafcuiakliiE 10 llnaklmuakIii
uiakliiE 1111 Means 11 ollilii uIICI He Is Hectare HectareImUe r rIu
ImUe Iu i nrrill 111 i ok > it r vu I tr tI 1riius in tscn tscnwhiault u ua
whiault a he a o riiV U for lu r the I I Pu Im 1 ifi ti i IMM o j u JIM J JI jiI kev kevI
I lull I iiMiilnil 1 u Xiipretne mLutOI i 0 mrt HI ur t let 51 l t14IiI t14IiIcli lflll lflllin
in I I iitifornla ilfll iIhuf ItiII4 legalIIIK kil 1111 I in ii orI r I eiilug si 111 I ii and g itul llhr llhrhIII lie Iheholdltr t liehioll
holdltr hIII hioll In s of r niakes itli I I in IIIK m ii n mi t vacation vacationHe brri rolln t lou louII
He 10 II wa WI the 11 4iit < uer u of the h Ioinv a iuv Island IIMII Jocke JockeI JMkt JMktIh
I lull Ih il 1 Sh MhehuiI > ihead IU I hIij > vesierdav rli and n in inills II inI
ills I iuiuin iitsiiig cc the Ih I nicing OIno iii lliiatioii 11 iu t itii on 11 the thel Ih IhIut I he heIo
l Iut Io ° OAt hi I i ald I tu I 11 ii t Mi M man manIhe m mI Olgalt
Ihe I lt Wul XuIKer uhiteriiig litu law I i > is4d a vear r ago agoIn loO loOIn adon
In n l allfortiU lrulL was cuplsl 11 Irene nl thi ll Xguew Xguewllart dUuW dUuWIlart D Dlr
llart lr law I enacted 11 al a XII4H lb4tuy II > In IUO1 1 < Out Outtuiitentlun 111
tuiitentlun 111111 that oral rallII lilting < wa nut Illegal Illegalwas meaUIln
was as unstained UIln 1 hv 1 the th hlgh hlh1 < t court and andwe antwe n1 n1L
we also L nevured u an n opinion that a gheckler atake 111
holder hlllr who doe nut 101 receive remuneration remunerationI Inuneatun InuneatunI
I 1 not nll a violator 1010 of the II law I a the altua altuatlou 114 114nd ItuatioiI
tlou land nd at present In I ullfornla ulforla oral oralnet or1hl oralhStl
hl hStl net cia CI be b made 0 al alo 11 o cah wagera pro protiding 10 10hJn
tiding hJn they Ih are I r not nu recorded < nl1 by the Ih Uyera Uyerai lar
of odd 1 and any n perron 1 can 1 ai a I aa a take takeholder Ial takehiucleler
holder h providing rlohlr he doe d nut 101 receive 1 pa pafor 1 pgfor
for hi torvkei 11 Ihese 1 h farurahle ileoUlon ileoUlonhelped tletIIoneIljed
helped hh racing dni In I California to an 1 Imm Imm11 immeasmiraldu Immeas Immeasurable ¬
urable degree and od 11 I l elleve II > Hie I lii atakeholder atakeholderproposition stakehiIdeririImimlun hl
proposition tan D be t l decUred legal In New NewXork S Slk sw sw1ik
Xork State Ilalt tate alao 1Q our tu alillbetllng 111llno law lawla I II
la I really Ih an 1 antlbookmaklng anUhokmklll meaaur meaaurand 1 ineiaurusuit U
and 1 a iMxikmaklng hllnklnc I 1 evtlncl th1 on n Ihe Ihl Const ConstI
ad are able ahll lo go ahead wllli 11 enough Ib free freedom f fIm Cr50tini
dom In I keep IMp the Ih turf Ilrf tumr alive aliveWe alleVe 11
We WI were wre naturally IIUI much mtere IntretriI IntretriIlii ted tedIn 1 1I
In I the Ih recent nt Agnewllart legUUtlou 1111101 at atXlbauy atIhany 1 1Ibn
Xlbauy Ibn which whch prohibit nhlbll buokmaklnj mkIQ with withor wil withor
or without writing but of f the Ih
1hol wllnl we w are a opin opinion otiltiIon ¬
ion that tin new 11 measure will Ill prove proveIneffective Iro IroInIlh isroTiiitpctiy
Ineffective I her there I no iii auch thing Ihlllithoollmknor a ahuokmaklng aa aabooknegkjnit
huokmaklng with lIh or r without writing writingIn sritlnIn nlr nlrIn
In order nr to get 1 lomluslve evideme of ofiHMikmaklng orhuukmklnc ofhuvkmaktnd
iHMikmaklng I lonlend that there muat muatIM m1lIlln titliStless
IM written lIlln record onl of f all trannactlon trannactlonami Irarlloalld
ami gnu I think whn the II matter IIIU I Is tarried e lfOol lulu lutothe luluII ititothis
the II court hv h your oumr Jockey Jok t IIlIh lithe I will 11I be beo b btInnllt1 bein
in o deniontrated lu 11 my III opinion 111111 U the thedirector III Itictiresloris
director 11 of r raietrack llrIe whlih h have ba been beenlit to
lit 111 eased by b the Ih Stale tae to hold running meet meeting tuestmass ¬
mass Ih i annul l Is > e held lush > rlmlnally liable for forbetting rur111I1Ii forheettliud
betting for 10 Hie II reason on that betting I not nota 111rllI
a crime rllI In IlIlhl this stale 141 iale hit I I wh h > 111I I situ iiicou iiicouvlnceil eoiu eoiuViiice1
vlnceil 1111 I Mil U the III dim uluistos tors 1 liahllltv la I Lus a lll I
be declared ella 1 IIIH oiislltiitiiinl sumatSINI ii it 101111 I m due ii 0 us lime I hitsItastiug
ItAliie men have h leen t n per tNr0iit5t eciiled ul1 all II over overthe o overthis r rth
the th countrv l 159gluM > e < aiiM > the Ih spurt lit h his been beenCeuerall berngemierghl
Ceuerall 11 > inUiiiider 11I11111111 > lix > d ihe I b turf I Is a aflutlonal I Inational I
national lndutr lrul r > > wnloli Bite Ill ue empluvmrut empluvmrutlo
lo I thousand hII of t i ron It Involve Inol the thenational thelnvelment thelfluirsinieflt
lnvelment of r millions of 00101111 dollar In breeding
farm and 1 rmvtrark property t To r make m makerhnthiaIj I Irlmlnul
rlmlnul of men who ho like II Ilk i II ti back their thehruiutdtusemtI I I Ijiidghienl
jiidghienl 1 a all to Ii Ihe Ih repe 1110 < llve merit mrltr of ofthoroughbred ofthorousuhtrets
thoroughbred I going IIIC a 4 trifle rill toe far farer I
Kvery er spnnIjiui i > nrtiig h1 event nl prompt betting tsttinlieu lIln lIlnhili I I
but why h an exception s PiIi ken should IH I made of ofrnetrait id idriosirs f
rnetrait 0 i iietilmr i ii a purle purleThe IIIFIITh nil nilThe I I
The Th XXnlker WalrIIII nil ia u4Il by h the hi h w iy pro I
hltli the Ih recording lIl1or of all kinds of oflit wageia 1 i
In I California Hut In I the Ih San 11 Kranclun Kranclunpoolroom FrnmlseeinIroms anI I
poolroom m big money mon 1 being Inor handled hianullele111 Il < j I
on 1 this Ih Jewries JIIrIhnn lohnon tight and n Ih Ih Ihcuse ttslu
cuse lu of r e eimtu ch aSiter ager made on Ihe n rrillt ult th the I
bettor receive I a written IIIn ticket II with 111 which whichlo I II IiS
lo I collect 111 hi h his niunev nn If ssuciessfuil in eful rll When Wh WhIl hen
j IliUe iute Il Civtk WIN a < asked 01 about a thIs Inilnl Inilnlve iseliuliettilg 111
ve iettilg tcnlay nlt lie said 11 he h had ba never nr thought thoughtof
of r It ItXXllh IIlIh itS j
XXllh S lIh Jockey JolI Hiienn IIIIIn und I slullinc sluehiin under sitidericiusnshun underu IIIrt IIIrtnln
u iciusnshun > l > enliin for rough rldlnc It Is I n note noteworthy no flolesorthur
worthy fact that S 3 I Illldreih siratchnl siratchnlall hh
all II nf hi hores hor on ThIb rhnr < Uy Illldreih may maystnrt m mort lacystrI
stnrt ort Dalumtlin In the Ih rich Canadian nI1 Irh Irht hethyat > erli erliat
at t Kort or or Krle rl indav lod In which a event 1 SMIIInc SMIIIncwill hlllIn hlllInsill
will tII ride rideX It
X a vli itnr knfi tnrv s hv h Hweep 11 in Xlotidit tItniI 011 u I Iw Iwrrn aw awrenie swtense
tense rrn IteallAllon U 11Atlon Slake I k will net I III about
loi II sue i lnr r lame 11I It Keene lf ile in n1 l will III ii place 11
him him at I tle II head hr t of 0 the II wlnnlnc lnIlUII n is ncr for forthe rn rnIh forthe
the Ih Mieeiithead Nhlh 1 Hay II its > meeilnff tueelm Sweep SfI1II will
In I it prohibitive p favorite I olIf with is lIh possibly
two I a n or ilrer II I t r ordinary 011 selling ehiliiu ulster tit titl InIal tierh
l Ial > e t
Th The deieal of n f Ocean flourish III IIe 11 Xler Xleriiitd I Ier IeriusiuI
iiitd I stakes Ik ks by Xmella miirht 011 lent in tlnir n I heir heiriii
day iii t 111 nn surprise trl suftie UPII of the Ih vueicre vueicrewho s easreaS oor
who S h hit look tlie h trouble to Ic look up the III running telhininurseC l lof Inr
of Ihe lb h Vernal n1l1 Mike SI at the ih Hay lIyIn a year yearcR0 > ear earaen
aen In In that event II Ileeiti > < c ii Ikiutul conceilcd i irive
rive nl pound 11I lo Amelia Ink nnd nI heat M her hrIn tierut i itwo
two ut lenvtri si t five nl furlong lj Igtcr ter Ir on 0 at atSaratoga at5litaiOa 1 1SIIOt1I
Saratoga 5litaiOa XmelU 11I11 Ink showed her te r < iiieltt iiieltta u lt ltwhen
when a h hen he It ran r thirst Ihl to I XXnldo Vu aldo and 1 Kvintle Kvintlero I IOII inthern i
ro > III the m FlAah h Makes 110 In the II MenntUI tpttiutldStakes l lstake I
stake lcen 1I n Hound cave 1 tlft IUIII en pounj 11tIIIjIn i ounJtO > J I 1
In nie uHiI 11 len and n ifiil tI nil II oven eernxtfiInt nnfldenl nnfldenlride I III Irid
ride rid II the n fact that Ih the Ih Utter fill had not notbeen nolIn notIeeit
been In the II Mie r ri e slnte I Ut fall 11 ill Poronto Porontoiv
iv a is Ihe Ih reusun why S h Jcean Iliund I IDI s is 1 held heldat h lieJulat
at I 110 to li liIK I litt
IK itt i N KTTK ItKfH ITS sr II I1It1ti ff >
llvlored IdoriI Inrd lloxer lId hu Foiifjht l1lhl aUra a Iran nitti 1Ithtehnnn I Itohninn I I Iohnn
tohninn non lta rAail rAailJO IIII ll > I Ij
JO Irw Jeannetle lbs h cnloreil 101 heater from nl nllIohnkn I Illolxiken Ihiohsoken
llolxiken N J 1 wh s It hi < > Imied 100 I tI n 1 ten round roundI rIIiiustuIrw
draw with s It Ith Jack Jnlmon oine on time tr trnrl a situ situetefettei u udefeateil
defeateil Mnrrl nrl llarrl lIr another olhr iolnre 0orNII eInrsdtieui < t
henvyweiitht I tieui t a ci llIhl of f Ihlljidelphlii lhiiluul hllIIrIrOIII1 hih lum in a leli leliround eariiisiI
round flight t which s went nt the II limit at t the IheNational Ih IhI theeitIonuil
National lion porting S > rtin Cluh < tub on He WI > t Kurt rutltlourlh y yfourths
fourth tree la I haul l niuht lr ioaiunette imetle Ihrouah Ihrouahout
out the Ih ii fliftit hoI more rln rIIIl ttnuiI denie denieI 1 1I
I I than llnrrl and landed hi Mow 1010 a with i IIh IIhrn inure inureefte
efte rn I In the Ih flnll round rOIlII lennnetle Inn hail Imdllarrl h1IIrrl hailhiantis
llarrl uruciry uiur and n all 1I111 ins nt I the th liell liellJeanuette lieIlleuttiuittc i iI
I Jeanuette n ru sihed he ht < t in the II firt r1 round nnd nI > Ilaii
I placed laii H llehl left on llarrl a Jaw J Ihe 11 I I Ii i
i llnchixl stud mi lIIlh > tx hsttht > th Mnt nt t In some om stiff punche gieincheto n h I I
10 the h Ixidy y nnd n kidney llarrl II ml mir1 nuiseul nuiseulsojierSi ed edeveral
everal > r1 Inir and lId nn n the Ih the hrenk Jeannetle rllnlI i ii Ieiut
i > eiit 1 In a UriuM Iorll left I Jii J > tu I Is the I h he faie r rIh ft e In InIhe
I Ihe Ih i econd > 01101 round the Iht ran n Into Inl a illnh illflhslush Inrh I Iand In1
and n1 on the II break lUrn IIr enl n In an n upper upperi Isqreuul
j i i i 011 ut ii l IIO < < lne reCffr 1 Jeatinette I itinett n covered coveredup o I
up 11 well Si eii 11 In the Ih riund lIn and UII souucsl miil t 1 to tomure IIti sue sueI < > <
I mure m liiii ring wletn e than llarrl llarrlleannetln II hiarrfi
leannetln i iiiiiieit ml ttitsust ed a v 1 CDH iuii uppercui uppercuiIn Iliuluen 111 It I I
i I In I the ci < ipiiln < of the II t third tie itsi round 1 and n 5 hen hnI henruhotI I Iru
ru lIh1 hrd llarrl I I ju rrl rr I lo I ci hi hi Is urner n and a huh tl Pl5 e 51 < l A 1 I Ijefi I
I jefi I tu the 10 hip mouth harris wunif 111101 til his right rluhlwill rightwll
will 11 aroiuid Ihe t h ne 1Ik k and In a a < lin < h t lean leannette n I I1Ir Idells
dells 1Ir I ilill iut In > everal ei stat 1 ii ist > o < l I lssl M puii 1 lIIIh lIIIhI iuiti > he heIn lies liesI
In I em i lie 0 fuurrli fsiu it Ii r r lust mid isul llarrl I I irr I rtl rsmsh5t > h h1 > d at a I Jenn Jenniiiiio 11 I Iant IPu
iiiiio Pu tO an ant I v mil rUlil orhl and left wild II galn galnI aln alnle In
le 111 I tlimua iiiieMe t I e i Mine it I Ic hill k uiih a 1111 i is a st tlff UT jotl Jillion ilt on tie Ihea II IIInn m
a 5 Ii Jilinelle Inn > HTI v reh Ip II i well II and nJ had hadHam hIr hi hitarru
Ham r lixuieii Hi II unit don 11 e CIt I IIn I
In It S Hi hi rtlh itt hi round II lljrn II rubeil 1IollIn ind ran raniniu rann
iniu I n flu e a Ill Is I 1 Jiili J iI kHiiiule it ii iii I e then t h mhiil u shei I Iin ji ii iin
11 in n and 1 J 1uu I u in 511h 0 and Vfl r un o this II o1 tj 1e of 0 he heliid h hh lieI
liid h llarrloeut IIMI I lilt t I s lit in a i t rlilit a Hblurhe t I I hue lsnI MM MMund 1 1rrl > yaii
und aii l lh I hn n leujtiie Isniiue 5 Mdeil uli eli I him hi liii viili i C I hi Ii 1 left lefthurl lefiliar
hurl rrl I nviliir cc ii IIlIii in llurri I I u rn en s nred s a n I Ito ihe S to lup end endol uiiioi I
ol 1 Hi his to ruutiI run in 111 I Urn rilied m ihe ltu II itli itlitoiitid u II ttS
S toiitid 0 b I it hi bus Mow blue i ci the I h Ixxlv hxa h I Icl Ie 1 s liori 1 hurertipltImueu I IJeiiuiee I
Jeiiuiee ipltImueu 1111 5 am ba 10 > ring 5 f uli ii II nri upper upperi I IIII
i ut SI nnd Sm nsi II I heIi ll ent nl III a left l ft jib J u s the I iI iIJrllIII i it < n nt
t Jrannelie JrllIII held tiU < head h tI don lull n ami I ne nelovned test testetri 1 1II
lovned etri 551 UP II llarr II poutwbil him III will I U I hi hirturii hirIll hits hitsright
right rIll hi hnrd hnrdIn I IIII hurt rI rIIii
III the ns cvrnli nll round lenntieite mU < l loeverul
I oeverul wlnu Inl l ti < > te lend and n1 finally rnl rnlin etitlii I IIII
in n left jlll fi the fai f41s e llarrl i 11 11Irk eituls eitulsluiii me J Jrk
Irk rk with te I h M ritflll s lnc In tu te It fie I Mile 510 01 ol the theHII 1 thesuit
HII 1 nlil suit I JenniieltM ia nnIIo Iii tried It ist to I cuver real Pt ip li hut hutllarrl hlilII
llarrl II I I is rr tent 111 nt 1 him hll hi isu ending tl lIIor ii it in rivht r 10 Ii v v1st nnd I
lell I lo o tlie II I I HI ace e I o open ui 11 the 11 I ii elirhtll ci szht ii round roundMitrii mu uol uolII nut nuth
Mitrii II h t itt s < ruiihe ru h1 uildlv te 1lh 11th I t Mid I nenrlv is i h I it rIIIIIlIh rIIIIIlIhh fell I Ii till C erhi erhiills
the h roM4 I i is Jenlilietteilui ke < awn ts s from fornIIlIhl frontI a arivln
rivln I I itti i > unf s IIor I 11 Ills bet rm tIC n mi 11I i n > lfn lhiol 1 < I nnd tln11 is
IMrlnllc mllle te WH was tfix 111 ssi > l uitri tt III tie hurt jnb JII < nltlmr nltlmrrinkc lit I ho holit I
rinkc rinkcIn n
In the 1 h bee ninth round 11I01 Jeinnette Inn went nl nlI ni nilr jetls
lr I ls niMIl 11 mil III 1 tried It I I bird It 1 ret to i It tlnlb Ito I hi the 11 job j tel telI I IHe I
He I I e sei ent III t in i left li ft lu I ho h f ji o i nnd je ucil 1 ihev u h
lltiched IIrh III tI I ill the III break h Jeamielte nll enl ilL in inIt I In I
n hoi S lelr 1 I to I a the I h head mid a ii i MWUIIV is liii 11 hi lu N left lefti
HI N I IOIIK 1 it rnitfe ri an uI whlh i h u hi made sla1 t ll 111 I I is rrl rris ifo bark I Ih Idli
10 the h rupe rii e eIii i iIn
In 11 the 1 tenth nlh Jeitinetie em 1 n right lo lothe liiS
the S h its 10 nf the II t Ise head Hi I I I u followed fI loweel II IIIIh Up Upwith a awitbi
with IIh uu I till iff lush ot II lu > tiH 10 ps i w and at 1 llnrrl went wentdown wentellis nl
down 01 ellis is si n hi knee k for the muni 11I He1 He1ri II lie lieS I Irllllor
S ri II us j roiritv nd iii 1 leunnetie Iu 11I11 I went a e ttt HI I him h Sin Sinsets I Iend
sets end IIIIIC Ii i at in Mitmi tII n si iitT f blown lit to u the I h s mouth 110111 Itll h hultd I Innd
nnd fa r face > e whlh a hi huh mule the I h s I lirei Mow II from toni
Hani I I srris niniilh tlIe I hi Ullh it 10 Hiinlber allot Jir s WIIK hor on curI
I he 1 inw II ui 5 Hurt II I I a ri went a ciii 11 lu I cc thi II I ha flHir bill he heuianHtfed h hhh hueiii
uianHtfed iii I fl I utet 10 I 5 huld on unlit cud ii ih I h hut bell > > uunde sj 11I11 nlelsiihing < l lendlntf
endlntf 1I1I1l ih h flch flchPlaer thirhurn
rn Plaer for Hrooklii HrookliiSi
Si I III III 10 M S III tiiI 1 Illlf 1111 I elvhone elvhoneKoehlernml els I hot hothoetlsr
Koehlernml finhI hoetlsr mu n1 Vr rorlh m sub of r onl ujltt Heml iIpfl I Is a e eKeen pIpe
Keen Ipe 11 old 11 tit I lie II Illimklcil o e lull nf tle II thuit Nn Nntiilial
tiilial t i tuj I I enKiie cet 11 use M e onlln lIn lo nulheplli je it lhII lhIIn tieis I I re repuit reJoil 1
puit I > tm Niloti nf n HrMkUn th II h hg tieen tieeni Iis Iisi
i Ihe 101 I tie i iil il y for icr thr II t lit i lot Izuts wuli suiiIIsp blue the II III work workol
ol 51 I thie he h trio 11 inch it i nrr I lift h he uffer sufiersi sufiersili d dri 1 1I
ri be li u i inn iii In I the h I rli 1 e 01 fu I > i Car tn lh the theI I IHie
Hie I is men II I Ih he i ree ni illil ii will ii III u Il report rc t tHi1 1ft 1ftI ii iiIIi
Hi1 I IIi h p > m h 101 ilnu s lull I MIIII S Sjisnuteer < pleml > cr I Ilov iahia
hll low I ol ii thus II ill 11 ml 1 IxTCUl CIIII eou eouHandicap essiIlaneileat 11 11lIandlr
Handicap lIandlr fiat llanllc Flare Flarellinditfpper R RntlllI flsrelIin4ieqr
llinditfpper ntlllI vlfre 111 MacLnv L h his e etic in innoiinieil n nI
noiinieil tic flu et the I fulin r11nll C in s flit I iillnwiine 11110 ii I Ins ii nee for 10 adit aditof iei hta htar
of r the Ih t lie bnndiinp hand iejt p < la I iSNIOS e in the Ih t rait r ra 4 of r the theMUnil I h hettntI
MUnil InI i serb hi flub Isci > to le I umieil 111 Hit II iitSr iitSrnoon fl r rnonn
nOD off or Se 455 455hi Uae UaeI1rtt
I1rtt 11 nilloi Jo J Jsw > allnw 11 hung I IWek per rent
ijkCiititiia a r pr > relit Wisli taalii i II i in I per cent centMernnd centIsnti nl nlIrfII1
Mernnd IMvUInn hetral 1 alias Mo i firrIpit firrIpitp trrrt j jt
p t rent nl Hre fl Hpe e J per rent r n ustiaIlt < att It ItIr Ml Wicka Wickani Mck Mckper
per i rest n limmv am mvu 7 per r re tnt nl lllvhlef 1Ih in inp Inn inper 1
p per r rent n Madlana 10141 t ID ii per H rent
wilt ill publish pubHhA
A Full Report Reportof
of ofihe the theJeffriesJohnson US USI
I 1 JeffriesJohnson JeffriesJohnsonFight Jeff riesJohnsonI
I Fight FightIrannidUtely FightI
IrannidUtely on th the theJ Urmlnation Urmlnationof
J of th the battle t on th the evening of ofJuly DrHOT ofJuly
It July 4 4HOT 4HOT I
11 I coxm OSTLSTS TS i 1XIIFIt nrit rnnnin rnnninttK TllnllllI
sit iTIIKIt r OITIO eoxiiirioxThree OITIOI V ITIOVJ
Three lU 1411on liamplont of the Ih llad 1It1tlIOn 4D Hlver Rhrbratrn flIt Hlverj cv cvtsrhstlfl
j l orUtln Show l rrmlnU r mlnentlyTlf mlnentlyTlfi Tit TitI Tiffin
i ran and nd llrown In n ltnal In for Ffr Phil t Cup CupMrra upI up upti1i
Mrra I and nd trent rrot for lleaten atm Eight Rlcbt1itee FtlEhCllIH
1itee 1 sres former flltlll htmplou of lie Ih lludvm lludvmIV hliutsnnIolt
IV I er Coll Association are left for Inn Ih two twomo Iwomot twomon
mo mot t imptutant Una round this morning morningof
of the I tt rdIev 110 i tutu luh Invitation tournament tournamentfor
for tII ti tis i lust hI cip Tlffanv rVe n e time holder holderiof hllld hllldlor huldrrI
iof I of thai Mile IIJ play Crown n who w ho won It In Inlinoiwit IIIjllt hitiiui
linoiwit jllt iiui tiith > rtftcn out Myer Ir who ho gained gainedIhe Inl InlIh
Ibis Ih title while hll a X al golfer II III r meet m Xreot Xreotmedallist trefitiiouilttst PI PItII
medallist tII of the hue iiuallfiln Itt round In tr trlln ItIIn tltinuit
lln tinuit l lor r icr the lleVen Ilrht tup tl bill billtllant hunJan heiliian
tllant are enleml n It I from Siegklll which whichI hlhI
I liUh honor lot Hut little innker orak tub IIlIhlIlh iluhilh tubXII
XII lIlh lh the nnal util llh the haiidlcii hIi < II I a will 11 be bet betthar al allhirt atttinvsi
j lhirt ttinvsi l hole The fh day 4i wa sia etcrucl etcruclatiiutlv etrtuulitiiitlv UtI1
atiiutlv hot I for I golrlnv golrlnvToopen iiitlflvla tI tII
Toopen la t semi pln JI Ia > for IIIII tsr Hirsi t lii f sI Iul i ni l I I > Crown CrownLnil Ifownnih
Lnil I n1 1 X X riylor rlor ad t n li hise math mI h the theIwlnc I I1lnt thistiituier
tiituier Iwlnc I ui a It tuin 1111 n whih abs h h he herent heiestsst
rent iestsst hit h m If l > Iliy llt > wa a nl 1 the Ih utmo m mi milling reutsling tli tlilIn ¬
sling lIn nrcVr n nru r mine in and llrnwn utmitel utmitels < < io de
I i t s tiltied IIn but 3 ui h > Iavlnr lsi lot did ci 11r 1st so ticittik X
piiir r dri InIII ni t triMk lept Mn Mrve 11t < ve 1 Mon MartonI
I the lb h i innlord inolboy ui 0 lenterhrxii nho nhoh
with 1 ii h Mi tu Menainv M of 0 i r 1 > x 11111 who won tt Ot hv I III Is Issi
up II si on t1 e M a en or ni nth ths green n ll 11rI i sinai ards
te Li s in Xlartou rI s sii L i xdoo 10 I Is of ii ur urlurtie r rluirpe rlit
luirpe in morrow tro utah iVfaullr fulll I to 0 M MInris MIett I IWII
Inris Iett 1ss H WII fitoii nt r the Ih I hue home club clubI
li I 5 tul 11 not sr s ni 1 lai a p pt > inornlru mnrnl for ru icr
s hoolbins 111 h or 0 l IIlnr r ln r XX XVtlte 011 lj 1stini 1stiniS tirl tirliiinpln
S iiinpln II the I hi clvis a tn je s Ciii uiplayed I pta i I b bt hn hit hitt >
t itnin n I T r flxtiv n rh r up II and 1 down to h1 h1ug hilo huauije
ug uije o < te > powelton Iote 11 tto to n TIn e and Ie I a aK aI as asa
K I lest I ei th > > frl hole hol > vus sn rdlnarv rdln i ihalf I
half III bin 10 after aU 1in 10 lirTiuv lifT isi inde up II in inpuiiic ini
puiiic ItIO I r mi sirht mthl lipee hi through I the theuretl Ih IhIIrn I Ishrn
uretl Tin v aere e ore aout stilt It eiual iuist 1 lit drive driveoth rtra rtrah drulh
oth h lr HrIII iiuet tl eltmi more lUll Ihnn the theilnfl thuliaise 1
ilnfl liaise I dlstitlii t i it cii i XII 11 l I were a e ru haved 14 t eI 1 ifoin orIII t tnut 1fill
nut e ept the II foirth roIt xhli St hit liflnnv < eii eiiIn i iin II
in I Whit t It its sill in I fl hi It Is Ihlnt I hi t nt out of u houiil houiiland 111101llh iesiiiieauid I >
and llh Ih sixth h it XXhlli tutu IM > hn hrohll s iit iitwhile il ilI <
while I hll bile Tlffanv t I riiight race 1 I I T one usis of r oni < ime n liht lihtfeet tt h hror I IIei
feet for A I tlTnv mded the I h lie Ifs rsl two twolnlrs I a n nInl alotvs
lnlrs Inl 1111 tiling Iii lIl 1 in i li I tiu > hi hi I string t rits ami 1 loll the themateii 110 t tie tieiIiid
mateii 01 iIiid litter 11 ov i and tI Ihev I bet played IIrtUI u uout IItill
out till UI wlh 5 Ih I Ii these I uie inrU inrUTHTiO 11 11TllTlra nrl m m11ITiiit
THTiO > 1 S I X 4 S 4 4 M MWhile a attitis I IWM
While WM 1 3 I 4 1 X s 4 4 41 4111i i iTlT ITI
TlT TI n ni > 4 4 ft 1 I S I I C If Ifhllr so > 7 7WhIle s shlle
WhIle hlle v X i i IS 1 i 1 X a 4 1 1I J JHeal 3 3hiss
Heal I ti ns innr nr in ev 0 ideii idetiec 01 e fr r Ihe lb to sml smlrtn sSneIfltisl 011
rtn fltisl l and 111 fie I k dn 1 wa teSi more mInnU rviaed rviaedMilan rauiullIlian
Milan l lest > it out 11 XI I MeiiHinv lln the he forrtfr forrtfrMalen rm rmoln fsirnrritlefl
Malen Ilnnd I lautul hurii amlolI > inn I 10 It v ald 511 1 i Hewn Hewnout II lie a sia siaoil
out oil III III nnd e5 n1 up then II t in Is McXenatn Sir 1r I costa > s I IHrovi I
Hrovi 110 i and oi were ii rI err all ipmre n al the thetirii thset h hIr 1
tirii Ir t rts evh IV nlrg n I NttI ri I they flnlie nnl < l out outin Oil OilAll Oitiii
in si N All sittt a ml > i the I I I 0 inner rti r ulunliK N 1111 Im lii 4 h > am IllTII i IThene
There TII sci > Hi i < i lefa 1rllII ill In the 10 rrornlig nnrnlgnI n1f
ro nI Ild lit lor I or tle I I Itenlcn 1100 I uti t tlJho lihl I s h I < u but Ilmell IlmellIrlnrl flmIIrttl1 hi ins ii iinun
Irlnrl rttl1 nun iraltiel UI a 1 tetcr e r S III fro h frusis MI h t er > and andXI n nI flul flulC
XI er C r had 1 to ii 1 r 0 > te I home iisme ° reeii 11 to I on onuor uttiief
uor 101 I i ti ii uii iilse jt Hrsedrefh In I n the sslsil sslsilti inl inlMvers i
1 ti Mvers hr smolere mnl I Ie l p I > and Imen Vlineflut Imenf
ut f inirlei tie 1 Xient a uto he tfl iItsIeerut llh hleenth I i hole holet hol holI <
t fcre sdnltllii itrll tIll deleit deleitI I IIh
I Ih In uinmari 1 I UI mati siisurt4 siisurt4hiril I
lint 1 sliteen Nrorvd ruund uun italic Mrnwn 11 1111I tniiuaheal <
Saefklll 11I heal u v W Tartar IO Ndpl irdiip Xrd < le > t tlrInon Z tip VI iiParlh
l Parlh rf h Vtsi Walton > n vrUlei I l ieat at V I II XlrXdon l Iirlneelon
lrtnceton l 11 > t defaull J U MrXlenamk 1Icl toi toiMill to Iniltlli
Mill heal 1 viMwell VUnloii ranfnrd up u uIn and mu mulii
In tUv I iilllan 1iI1I I TlrTuni Iosrmlcn II mn heat 1 1 liar liardiner i 51 51stifler
diner II W Xnlie Oakland O lAnd tup S u isp and n l to pas pas1I1 pislwui I Iseul j
seul 1I1 final Hn 141Sind < md Mmwn II heat > eat XVatmn tsin onn up upandltnpU sipand
andltnpU and 01 I In ria TI TllTan Ran > deal 10 McMenamt nm 3 up 0 and 114I 114Irar 4 4Heaien IIt
It pie pietieseen
Heaien rar llcht I1rt Hliteen Klrst 11 hit round J JPerk X XIerk
Perk 1 Apawarnlt beat > eat t 1 rl II Johosnn ArrtUei hy hydefaltl r rki
defaltl i rI J l ii > rimendort n ipasalils Iwal M MK ii hiKatien
K Katien > ser s arsdale > I lro l up and Z to ii pl play > C II Areal resii resiiiaebhli
Isaeklll ki heal M i Ualnn Xrd tidiiey > e > ti t > default defaultI
I I Xler > Nn gekiIi rlli kll txalli hiram ii llraadreth KotHUU KotHUUup 0111111toml
ide up
upSemi Semi flail n llnind 11I01 Xl fl tuyes > er heal Ierk I 7 UI and andlo sadto nd S
lo 0 plat Xreni le ieal KlmenduTt Y nJ I up upsVrond U tipsiun
sVrond siun I Mileen I second t rvund c H Mllelt MlleltiW 011111VIiaii InlII
iW VIiaii > ktl b ba1 t XI 1 Camden Ukar nnlitblll nnlitbllln nnlitblllllOf > l hv b > de 4 4fauhi
fault U I II ii Mamlok I 1o u Mill Ii heatr tsit I li 4 II I4lle I4lleM ItIuey ItIueyS >
M S Anford n A up and llOf t to play X II t ttl Johnson Ard Ardlev inile
lev le tealT meil I S t duller Ardse Ifo > up and lo a nut nutX ptaa
X a Hlchle tl XX > kag Uagyi > l heal 111 1 K Mullet > XX V Vsit If > k
sit 1 h defaillt defailltsemi itsfastti 111 111tom
semi i mI final llnund tdllell heat Xlamlnk Im 1 1 up upanitoplau
ami anitoplau 1 la I plat 1 Illrhleheat JiIcIiiebitJuhliuufl > Jului Juhn < n tup tupThird 10 10Till I up uprhifll
Till Third sill suierii Seccrul round Kugene Xalen Vaienline an anI
tine I Wikafil i Isi l i heat Hr Ii liarretl Nmtin ii Veehurn VeehurnI
I up i M Clark S mit rd le > lieal C t I Mm Iliriuanan lianan I Itk
Irkxtnok tk kno inuk h Isy > default I < A > al Atdtlet rhl beat bealbulls
lxii bulls U llenrv IIrnrl Xrdsie 10 4 401 up and nI 3 110 to play J XI XIlludsun iiIttj4ufl I Id
lludsun Ard rdiei d > e > t beat at tlarlla tariln 010 City CityI
I up lvent I II > hule huiieisemI 1 i I ISemi ISrml
Semi final Hound Iou llo1 111011 < nn heal 1 Xalentlne Inllra X asip l lup
up and lId I to pla la l use a t beat Clark Cia 4 up I and od 1 to topia I IPi
r I
Pi pia u
iTKiiiionot TI 1111110 U II it IlUIi IlUIinhn 114 t CKS CKSlanliatlan et etthanhttafl
lanliatlan llr lrhtsri her Mill III Meet It Parkvat ParkvatHrlnamen rrkanmn rarkaflstnmn
Hrlnamen nmn In Ixmt ne Merle Mrrlrallfclnnlmt Merlehieginnlng rl rlUclnnillor
llfclnnlmt today the Ih serIes 1 of matinee matineebeivieen mllnI nslineiii
beivieen I iii ii Sefl n the i h he Neir S i ork Driving hilt I and nllh nllhpIit the IheIarkwny theirliwjuy
Iarkwny lirivmif lent 1 trig Iluh lII will continue for Ihe Ihenrtl Itt Ittiii
nrtl 110 i I Ihret 1111 I month ant hus at I ihe I h model half mile mileonrcon mil tulleccitti 1 1r
onrcon ccitti r jen the II deem Iarkwny aka at tlra insvernd insverndIteineenuisi rave end endKepresentative n
Kepresentative 1111 us of thus II two I sue dill met hid al 0111r sitthu
the 11r Iurkxav 110 iratk k thin Ih week k und n arranged arrangedthe ran
the t Ice Just 1 pruuratrinif Illblmni IUlthon1II will a ii IM IMriwarde I IaI IisariieI
riwarde aI l lo 0 the I firI 11 three Ih hore III In each eachevrli 5mbt h
evrli t 011 iia until UIIIIIIo ant il the end DOr nf I1 > xplemher > when 11 cilt ciltwill veigw > I Ia
will a cli Ii tie I clven 0 thoee 10 that have h lands < I II Ibis fie fieureate i I Iii4test
ureate or > number iiiutiih t of rare a 11 l the 11r conte IlUteis IlUteisjetS i iare
are lo 0 larK rt l > et two 0 III three IlrrrIIIIr under this Iherule thisripha
rule 1 of r the II lb Sallonal League 111 of Amateur Amateurlinking Am AtsistiitI
linking 111 I in Illor < lul lulDie iuiIThe 10 10Th >
Die Th entre nit for or loilay are arei areui
i ui 1 iS c i rAitso rAitsoJeAell rI rIJII peisiulpipul
JeAell ti I t Coie o lanhattan ihanhaitisLou lanhattanUvle ODIIIIIAtI
Uvle Lou Hro I itreNfl n li I ni n < Maer nrookl > n nru nU nSriN
SriN ru U < Iord 11 t If 10 A Uardenhauer dD O UrookUn UrookUnhid
hid Ia 11 i Kl 1 lull g U U HaMed llroiklyn llroiklynCI lIookl lIooklr
CI 15 IIM 5 r IBOTTISO IBOTTISOKatie 1nOTfIIi tiUPtTtiieiKane
Katie Ii S andle nl h m T 1 V latternn J llrookl llrooklyi llrooklyihi oon oonI > n nnd
I hi inl nd h m 1 Iuleman 11 llraoki lIoakln lIoaklnII > n nllrnldre
llrnldre II lira IH iMe iU t 11 < f J Mttikilierharti Ih < nnrnklyn nnrnklynInel tirokIyniiai
Inel II h m X Warner n llrooklvn llrooklvnlt
II lt i IliUe ti m T W llaett VlanhalUn VlanhalUnI ILoII ILoIII
I eirioi n l iit It rh r h m I llclperhauen on than Uanhalian U Un thanI
aliEn I n
i MM 11 C rtrixo rtrixohair PAFiSOKale nltll nltllrr
hair l < on hr m K i J 1 l lg Ptaie Manhattan Manhattanrlnk Manhattantisusk ILo
tr rn l
rlnk rr M fnI tir I S II okra Manhattan UanhalUnlied b
lied lie Pint 01 b I II Iohen Ioh Uanhaltan UanhaltanliliHe 1IIIlanI
liliHe I i ss IMrert III hulk bl ni T B lrattj lanhatlaa lanhatlaan nhIIDIn <
¼ n wtstr lnr In Thrrrl TI rr > br b I Mr ii I C fleynaklt Man Manrat Maniyoti
rat 11 n nPnKn
11In PnKn f h I f I II Power 0 nookljn nookljncijia
cijia n ii C t T5ilTTiie T5ilTTiieIrailst om3 om3unallan 3 3It
unallan It rh > h t V I l Hindi 10 Manhattan UILoDJ
1 W hr to r II H IUrU M 1 ianttIaI ianttIaIhint nt iui iuiKlnr LIt LItMnr
hint Mxard I a U II tVaoleit W II IooILInn tlroohIniihorn llrookljrn llrookljrnMinorn
Minorn n r h t f C eamin 111 llrfrakbn llrfrakbnui
ui tt uje C A r rArltOi rix < i TO SPAT T I hIS > T llur IN njiin n i a aI Atart
I 11 tart ih I II r J 1 > nlllto ithhont Manhattan Manhattani nbILoD nbILoDroo
i riNl ll H TKuTTINrl TKuTTINrlOakland T TeuiT1titrlldaidanI rol rolnl
Oakland nl r hr 10 a II tl Manan Hrtrnklyn Hrtrnklyniii
iii I IlIa II rmll hr I in U I Aroiin AN Hrnnklyn HrnnklynIflsland 1tI 1tInlolAn1 ttnsinkiytuttlani
Iflsland IHrrrt l Jr J lit 111 g C llonrhrf 1I0nII Itoarlefilroukti llonrhrfItrookti
Itrookti II n nileitrre nII vi0iirtC
ileitrre II M ilIA rk k Ii r I V S hell llrnnklin llrnnklinMln vi viIlmt
Mln 1 Ill > f ti ni U srotl 11 Manhattan Manhaltant 1n I1 I1II
vtess t II carouse rtriniiiire rr rrin carouseiIS5
iire in hell h I m W U MaUI 111 ltalatasl < 1 Hrtoklyn Hrtoklynllnt II unnkJyuuIinheTl In <
llnt IinheTl > ert < tun 0 D hr h c U l ll lIovnhllf en > tjrr Drnnklvn Drnnklvntllram 1Iktn1I1m flrinutlulynlirm
tllram MT U h I c W 1 1 MInor IoIln UanhalUn UanhalUnI thanhatisnithu Lon LonIIlIr <
I IIlIr lily Uilies iiSe 110 iti 11 m n l tSr > r J 1 H tnlr ntr Man Manhaiun flaeiha
haiun haiunrnnttaneeilav ha 1151 1151rnnIaneeiiav
rnnttaneeilav h t m A v t nr arnr r1 llrookltn llrookltnTrnnH ItroolnTrnnltn liroouutinTennis
Tennis In f Engtand EngtandIt iajland iajlandsp
sp r iJ tHHir o r Hfijwtr por in Tia TIC Hri HriM trsWltlutYniV 1
WltlutYniV M 11 > liifrr > iv July I I In the Ih mfinal of ofthe 01Ihfl ofthe
the i iiiplnrliip h double inday A A and andR n l
R n Powell beat Park and an nr Crawlev rawlc rawlca j I
11 4 4In ci ciIn
In Hie h ml m mitral ed double emnnal K II
Powell and od Mr I Hierrr beat t at toper Offr liar IIrrn1 IIarttt IIartttanal ret t tand
and n1 Mr r lamplouth III i 41 54 4 4ii 4 i
HOTOH itniii It tCIf IUfI totino totinoji IIn ITIO ITIOlmnII trororsI
lmnII ji inn limN R Mir MirTrark Ii ut utTn IITrack
Track Tn Hurlae rl at a llrlJChUn hirsch Mntar Mntaritronie ieutCI 11 11I
I dram ale lia > ol ll Its Improved nptfdmll I IIrrniH Ic IcIarrnht
IrrniH mll Kiinnlnc of K Irnt rnt cit n July ul 1 1arxi 1ne lansi
ansi ne to r ntri nl on n nuc ux u IU anti in inXnnotin 2UnllOl1nnl 20futtoiAnsuueuut
Xnnotin nllOl1nnl emeni w AN m 11I1 iute < le 1 tilt nit night I lIhl lit Icu hvIoro Iculii lnrthe
the lii Motor Ioro Itaiitg 11 Asewiaiuin iclaltin allIn I hit 11 th thtwentyfour Ihr the thetwenlyfoui
twentyfour riitj r schedule 1 ul I fur liilr Iul I In iU j jml
U ml n 5 at t th the llrighton hirighit Ott lieich Mnlonlrom Mnlonlromhail tlllru tlllruhad
hail be lawn n iMMlponvii until FruIty Iy unit Hit Hiti 111unlAy 54 ii iiI
i urvlay August lit anti ndll u 1 < the rh ilevNInn In to topostpone 10Ipon tOpMttinne
postpone Ipon the Ih > next twice w around ound the Ih look Iokenl lookevent lockvsni
event on th the llrtghon lleich trick wan wani wa
t u i iruute 11 yesterday I01t at a me antlncr llncof the Ih llruhlon llruhlonHeacli IIrlorhonIll hitightonI
Ill I Heacli < committee of the Motor Racing lUclnirAneocUllon 1Ilnolon RacingAieeorhatlon
AneocUllon olon held In n the city 11 clubhouse of ofthe 01Ih ofu
u the Ih orgnlutlon with lIh A U Cordner i hair uhairtitan hairm hlrmn
m mn n prelittnc The Th reaiton n for 10 the Ih IM IMIponement I II toi toiI >
I Iponement Jwneiiwitt I the th h Inability r nf > f the Motor lUc lUcing n nIne liarI
I tnt AMOciatlon lu gel 1 this tie h tr Ira11 rk urface urfaceI uf ufInlo
I Into Ih the condition the Ib directors want nl It Itfor Itror IIfor
for I the ho h null race raceXVIIIIam raceVlhllam a aWIIIIm
XVIIIIam Tare Iar miperlnlenlent ur > of the thetrack Ih Ih1llIfom thetrack
track 1llIfom Informed Inform Ihe Ihmtnlb member of th the llrighton llrightonHeath UlhlotlIlMlh lirightonhiah
Heath committee nf lh the Motor Itacltic ItaclticA ltarlliCIItt ItacittiAssoelatluit
A Assoelatluit clatloii that It would nut bo uo I OOOtIlbl pouistbleto lbl lblto
to put lli I foure Uur into the II condition dlllon de demanded d dmlld1 tistiuciulsul ¬
manded by ihs h a aaoiatlon ociatlon in time to xr xrmlt ermIt r ranlt
mlt a twentyfour hour rare 11I to ho I run runIh at atthe atthe
the Ih aealde Id court 10If on July II t and nd It He Hedeclared II IIdClared licedechared
declared thl Male of r affair rrI was because becauseof IIftuor turrausof
of th delay III Martin tli the work of f pre preparing I Iparn impparing ¬
paring parn th the h course due dll partially to 10unrln the theuncertainty thisUflrsrtalnty
uncertainty a as to whether horse ho rare r were wereito wereto
to be b held there Ihe In July and d also 1 because au of ofth ofIhe ofthe
th the eire 1111 alVB heat heatIt htIt
It wan Km Ih desIre of the Ih director lIlf < lo of the theMotor Ib IbJolor the1otor
Motor flaring Aworlatlon oIlInn lo bank tho thourn Ih Ihlurn theaturna
lurn urn and resurface Huf the entire track In Inorder IIIonlr Inorder
order that the I h course Ou might be nude lIIdeI a aaaf as assafe
safe I aa a possible for ro the lb next big bl rare The Thepotponement Th ThJKMlpopm ThepoatpOTiinnI
potponement will III give 1 time In n which to tocarry 10erryout tomarry
carry erryout out the Ih Improvement that hare h been beenplanned tIIplanflI beeuphanne
planned The original plan of running three threerace Ih Ihra threericed
race ra In one on ones with wll special Ial prize for 10 the theleader Ih Ihd theIesdas
leader d In each of the Ih three puton displace displacement rtlpl rtlplInelll displaceinstil ¬
ment rU claus a as had been arranged rrn for fnrthe forIh forttte
the Ih July meet will III be curried 1 out on the thepolx thePOtPGtietI h
polx POtPGtietI 11101 > i > ed dale daleXXalter dllI dateaVialter
I XXalter If lee I seuntar ecret In rv IIr < if the II usw w X ork nk1101J1I orkutnmoblle nrkutssncile
> utnmoblle Tint TI I Xiuuiciatlon 1110 in I to o wt wta 01 01In
a 55 tnrler In shut chief rhlpfmheak checker hIt for or the Ih owner owneraocuititllty owtotoIIihiihlty
aocuititllty IlIt run of the Tour Tnulnot In Club of olIIr olIIrirA Xiiiee XiiieeIra exitr1mg
Ira which it will lie tnrteil from m Hi city cllyInday rllydy cityladay
Inday dy for XAMerbuiy lItblll Ionn onn and In return returnhere returnhere Iurn Iurnh
here h on MotstI Monday lolI The he run lin IK I to be I con condueled conaIKte4 011 011llItI1
dueled under A eoret 1 time K s Iedule el sithit elliv t tI
hit I Mcelreldent e c Slernian ma and nt three threeprle threeunPs
prle rl hive h hit been I offered for the 110 entrant entrnntof nlnnlor
of the Ih car that tome om neire tit1eit t lo IhlTotI thIs lime limeToday hutTotiey
Today the Ih tourIsts silt tl iourne > t In Water Waterhuri WI WIhurl WutrIsur
huri hurl and nd tomorrow thev h nw iu run III to lltrt lltrtfnril lIulf hitntsitu
fnril f situ or re t set t aterlun atrl uO a as the Ih Ecuntisa Ecuntisalitfi nn I Irlln < tin tinrut
rut will nit n t I Incluilnl heol In the I h he > errel r1 time tI titusuuhiwtil i irhedule I
rhedule 10111 The 1h trip > lo Wnlerbury IIIbur will willlie sillhas III IIII
lie I nlul nfII < t so o mile nnd th the irtiirn tour doursue i ine
ne II > on n Monday onI > ihmiiiih l anbur > > and andlake anallake n1 n1a
lake a Malinpni nlll III I It H > ln I > mile II IiI
I I arl s rker > r of Hie I Anlriniublltf A 1 lull ii Is nf merlin merlinMill lIIrIrIII is isit
Mill it III at 1 a referee refereeThe rM I IThe I ITh
The Th I unit lIn it Itlrvnd I i ulnmpblle sit p niottihe I tub 1 sib 11 11nOllr an anflesiptJ n nntiined
ntiined nOllr jetinm I that 1 II bkii hean h nnlh nnlhln I
ln lust further tf > f lt ilfIIlt jrntrt t rolert lo I ir the I nierlrrn nierlrrnui nItIIIInlll
i ui IInlll u iiiti > m llle ii Is a sjeiiuI < > UUiii 0It1 isili a Sea ltiKt th tiC t hold < I IInw I Iit
Inw it of 1 tse ta twenivlnur hour o rv ties e at t lirleh I I I In
II Inn t on Hi lI I I sri rl r on lull 1 ulr I ind n in Y lisp i slut lull I Ic ln lnlor iasits >
sits lor n NtqsIflinttliu i lfl nnllolI < ntlnn n at tl the repair al thitt
I me 1 u I e In l lii > e mve lo > m n Ira Ir I rsi I 10 and It IIIlhl IIIlhlIh i poixllile poixllilethnt isessi isis isisthat
that Ih teral e 111 ITCM rroi50dllIte e < 1ln mnv nv I he Mtle sttI l to tothe I toShell
1 Shell the Ih I he titce i inititteI > ri ldeil that Hie S h his traiW tr u a aItot
in Itot 1 mil I liii III K i iuife iii f p fundltlon onsl it Ion fur f uli n men menlii HM I II
lii 55 > I IIIIIhr u it her reiilr hn has Clepfl > > een n rr < I ril 0 0ru ssifrut
fruin ru M I 1011 tier rlialriiftii uf the th e < onte onl1 ofltsthsoiiitl t thoanl
hoanl in rrxrd u1 t In > ti t > frole 0110 l m iitaje dv dvthe 1 1II 59 59t < >
the II t I I oit i 0 Inland I Automiiliile i Iomnlll I 1101 1101I luh luhI 1 cit citI
I na aaa a tld 101 it 1 this Ih liVluii hieilisiartera rter of the theiinere I
iinere inerxnn tin Mil 1I1lnobll > > inoblle > Intlnn > e PPtfr PPtfrit 10 10III lrr lrrilay I
ilay it III that I linlrnian Culler UUII lin h bsa mil h I Iseli eit ut util I
il nitli 1111I1 itlu p fur Mime III M t I nr a a he I Ins in lieen I Kith it ii II IIIh Iilhs
lh > IlddMi htiltt tu ioirl t i ho n ffil tuishiu 111 lie I i4i i4iliirflsu 1 1lrn
< niirnf lrn > t ni S HH 1 Ii ate of I on 1hur 1 hllvI li > t hair hairinii iiirins a anl
inii ins Si Hulrr I lii he r vent ii Cii nl t in I I lii 1IInII I ii > ilnnt Ieiflussslis < ill from ho in < I H I Ii Ia
i as in 11 e lnr nr the Ih ihtee t h bce da r Yew > w o meet 1 > n 1 the theIndlantpnll Ih IhIno1lIIIoll thetndisttsiohi
Indlantpnll Mulor < > i > eetiit sv ti > r ealritat ealritattoday iri 11I < m mlod
lod I today v si < < onilar nI mid situ I it evpn ted tu toretutu
return 111 In flu II rlty IH on Veiil VIH t K > nr r rt Chur Churdav ltuinstat
stat t ti hen lie It return lIun here 10 ii i e i sstet sstettle i lel lelthere
there 1 1ll 1111 ml lie sonic m annum InIIIIII1 einent I reifarillliit reifarillliithe rs S sit 1110 < I II sC sCa
a he 10 I isre > roe eat t uf r th t P l 1I > n 1I1r 1ln I In nd i < ituni IImIlb il is nuuilp nuuilpuliib iile iileSltlr
uliib uliibMutt Ilb
Mutt 11 active II unit < eioiit 01 < KHle meuiiiero IIIr nt ntthe 01Ih ittthe
the Ih Moloi 1010 ll nrl Itaeine riirf oUllon 1411 mended the I theteeuinuontal
lenilninnliil tnniii t at the I h he SViaidonf nldorflortn IIltlo 10 Ioni IoniIi
ju Ii Thursday nlchl lo 0 II Cordner nln chir chirman > h hI hInn lr lrtnan
man nf the Ih city II tluhhosie luhhnu e unit in < l llrlahtnn
lieich 11 i immillee mmlll A Me lui anm IIrUhr zrsnutfslherahui < lfniher >
link hui 00 k the h gift of f the active memlterk memlterkiirewnterl 11I1 11I1I tea teaPneeflte1
iirewnterl I to n I he It ffuet rI uf f honor K II ItIIoIiziridr
Iliilliimler a hnlrnun of the 11 dinner ltnnr11I111 moti motiill on
mil 11I111 ill Ii lee pre LItuinlceu ii1e < i Ii mil IIllh the I lie i sIms > ei < krr r Inilude Iniluder I 1 I II
r I I I W t knff frrlilrnt of the 110 ortfanlzn ortfanlznlion
lion Svmuel < StIllie 1 hUler PIIIIO oun stuiuNI el In the t issotIs issotIsthou o < IB IBlion I
lion t K K I hrhnarzkurif publuher > of tuifvi tuifvieosIhlr urn D Dnfoil i imntiilr
mntiilr nfoil Tonirt Ti nn canal no < l Mxrr > S 4 lloupt nilII
u 10 11 itfcnnns innni innnit IIlm IIlmUrt1 nnohgGoseet
Urt1 t > < Ht Xpitrl tli Pratldnl on ImllanaiMlU ImllanaiMlUS
S 1Ht eeilvia eeilviai I
I i ii u I ind laity laityr h hr i heteritl heteritlr
r > nl r1o s < ere bmken hc at the I 11 lnrllanat IndlaII1 I < uli uliie u uiI
ie iI d 1 av iod I with ills the opening IIIIf of the II IIIhil 411 411liiiniihlle sormes
liiiniihlle rnre ant IInlhollIh though Ihenpeed waster wMterrrt I
rrt r II ni nllr t tltiP mir pnitj ndt here h were ii crest mnvtar mnvtaru mulct 1n1II tars
u 5 the II rvl 1 ni unce nf In I wino III of f lh lbs e sients sientsI ent entt I II
I ii dit b K ed ollltoiit a 100111 nn accident mote moterii tim s sari 1 I IIIIn I
ari rii isis than the Ih ruin M 555 I > of n lire II or orthe ustthis r I IIh I
the Ih fnultr aorhhtg orHn or III of u if ean n engine thus Ihlllloro IhlllloroIf throw throwma I
ma If the Ih rnietat > t out ol the Ih race 01 The Thei Th Thisursesut 1 >
i ursesut ro d 1 w SIs lnr lards < e emit apiirei aplIlII latlte and net the theetenl theSt
etenl 1 St n nls were efe i inJiI < nld 1 uf f thoi Ih tedloun 110 hour hourof hOIlf hoursucf I
of f waltlne ltln < whlrh Ih marked flirktltIeavlutlon tie II avUtlon IlIon me Inset InsetlieIt l lheld
held 101111 l tceu vierla eel 1 a icus Co CoThe 11 I I I
The Th principal event nl of the Ih afternoon afternoonwere IImoooIh 1
were the Ih fifty nf mile race r for ro the h l t J Jtrophy Jarohy JInogihy
trophy and nllh the ten mile race for the Hi Ht ilpeerlsly > e < l lwio
sly Helmet nlm nlmhfl itelmetThe
The hfl meet m opene npent with three thirs time trial trialIn ttiahsIn
In whlrh there II w was M number nllm of r entries enlrlerherotei nlrf nlrfch
rherotei ch tiei rolei In a HulrkManiuelle made m 11 < this II
lieol hs lime 1111 In n the I h firm trials with II h 1111 a 17 0 seunnde e < nndii nndiifor
for r the Ih nvlle llurman was a second n In a ta 4J 4Joecotid Uolld 4 4secolida
oecotid olld ansi nd llearne third In isei iD II SI wsondii wsondiionly suo4aOnly nol
only lnl three Ih I rontentanu ljne 1 up II fur the theeon Ih thestoonl
stoonl eon 001 < l trial Of If thee Ih llearne I m In a lieni
led I with II h 3u 3YIII t 54 second Gnd for ro the mile llurman
In n IlulckManiuetle 1IlokfI itevond onl In n 4113 4113lid so u 1 1reomdii is isputituita
reomdii lid and Ml ilklI ken In a Natloual atiouaI third I
In u U oerundt semortal1k ullll ullllrh
rh aseninarn nnr
ne n Mlle I fur tn i mars r of 0 ln ciihlc II Inrhr InhUIrmnl pltion
I lUpUremrot llohfru llrrrrtfcoiT rllrT nr fllsl l M Mail l lilock
ilock k fmiilrr erond 1 MrCormlrk Mrrc II tirrehoi tirrehoithIrd holT holTthird orT
third Time S minute M 11I1 i > ecmid ecmidI1 etwidills d dn >
I1 ills e MIlM III t tat 81 l Jlrl fJt ri 1 chvu fhivrolt and nut llurro IIu IIumn nutman
ro mn n In llulrk nrl n ami n1 emnti n 1 Warren lirtrrll lirtrrllI Iro
I ihlrJ 111 1 r I M r F lourts 11 Mucur nitti Timu Tim Ttmrmliiil n nI <
i u mliiil via vronlt A nrr flewieesteat > i vitwar rrronl
I TfnMllrUI reui 4ii23i fs 310r1ss 3tn rI < tturnian nulrk rfu rfumon first firstI
I t fiassoic oii Uarmon mon seroost eron l llarroun Marrrnn Marrrnni
i third Time 4 s minute II1nol 1 145 4 wxond ond < A Arratd nr nrllfwrn nrrd
rratd rratdtfIrn rd
llfwrn Mile 11I iI l lace re 3rn 3InlJ ti ijo rla niirm nllnnlln nllnnllnItul furmanlSulck n nHul
I Hul lSulck < k rir IInl l Altkeu k atlnnal fond 1 Ohrrrolet OhrrroletHulrh h hsv roleI roleIliscirk ol olHili I Imlnu
Hulrh Hili thIrd lUrroun troun il tarmon rmon mo fourth lime TlmrII
II mlnutei mlnu tI 4 42 ccond od oew 0 recnnl recnnlT t tTrn I ITen
T Ten < n llle 11 hate I mint A Aim 110 nrl Vllroi VllroiNallon Vtiji i I IaiIoraI
Nallon Berfinil erensiitrtner I1n lirrlnrr Vatlonal lIonIIIIII third Time Timeltllnulr Tlma I
a ltllnulr 3 3Tn mm1 mm1Trn I
Test Mile Free t P fnr All Handicap nndlrptOI Foi Mactar c I Irout
flr nI l Time ft Sti H J JMte 1nr 31 31Flap
Flap Mile for 0 Amateur tmateurCrrirrr mur < Orrlner C rrtn ailoaal ailoaalfir atlonaifirst
fir first I rime nm I iil 14 M MTm I IMite
Tm 7 Vlll luce 111I Sot fo ipeertnay helmet llearne llearneHent tieamplient m mII
Hent II nrl n llurman Mnlk ffd > ecnn < l rhadwtrk rhadwtrkllrarnt ChAItirkIhlrl Cha4wtekliesine
llrarnt thIrd Urrr 101 fourth Time Tmr12 Tmr12Ieu 7 713 713rirte II IIrifll
rifll Ieu MIle 1111 lure 0 f I and J Trophy Ml mrlt Z mrltfliirnun m I IIt I
fliirnun It IKikk n first 11 Chetrolei fo liulrk trronii 0011 0011ur
Prarre ur r tat l thin fui J faurlfi 10011 llrlneman llrlnemannfth mur murnil I Ififth
fifth nil II Time 4Ofao 0 I IIOhAl
I IMeadow
rorjt rorjtMeadow I n nlto II i
Meadow lto flrook teats IIork Korkanay liockaw ay rr est esthairy t ttltU7
hairy CniJIenite u upIIIsPaTIcafl up j jlltvrTK I IlIur
lltvrTK lIur nn n N sr V July 1 I fir fI a rather Ihr I Intilel III ItitliSt
ntilel II II lei came Ihe Ih Meadow llrook first n polo poloteim patIotutm 10
teim m defealeil 1rrI he h first team of the Ihllok HIM ltiaket k4 k4way > I IWA
way WA Inlnriiib 110 11I1 In the h final for the Ih Wenfhiiry Wenfhiirychallenge I IrhItllor Irhahletige
challenge cup III I Ihl hi evening the h game n being beingthayi In < I Iplayed
played I without handling hnollo n i fr The game II w wplayed we weiliret
played on n tIcs II Held at Xlendnw 1 llrook IIrn a eiwxl 110 gisosislitil i
IUtI I rrntiil of ef I sfststairs pe < tat < ir lielng on hand
Th rhea home ten 111 in won by II u total score 1 of I IIn 12 i it
In I Ii S gnals 1 he h lineup lineupileaito I I IMeadow
Meadow brook I i 1 s I Ihliin 111I1 I J 3 M I Water I
ton i II I e WMtnev MDr bark to fi Xllthtirn lIIIIItnjr I
flortaway njr t nuts I eilxm 2 It It Jtnn fast n
t ljhv
Urne S 1 Cowrtln I Of hack J Cheever Cowdln I
Meadow Drool Ill I eirnnt co Coal l 1 U II Iloriaaa loeliaa I
h > earned nN coals oaI4 a llnferrr Itafer H II Holme Holmelillditen lIolmmltltln >
I IGlidden
lillditen Tnnr standIng fltandlnicrun
run ii Ill i ii July lIly i The fh technical technicalcommittee teebniratcnmrtiltter
committee nmn11 of the Ih X
t m i tnnlght
com completed omt ¬
pleted t tld II liii examination of
ion dOfltatlnZ fnt4IIn tent In j i a are arefor r
for the Ih Chicago trophy In the h illdden lour lourwhich tourwhich ollr
which ended bent h yesterday the 1h Ciuldeii flllIoI flllIoIlrulh ihirideri
trophy reeiilta 1111 will 11I probably be mad nub 10 ¬
lie tomorrow The Th arore nrs and n1 Mandlpea etanuttpgiofthaearpareas AnolIlof I Inf
nf ofthaearpareas thtar Ih Ar are ar as follow followhU fllnIhl fieiowhla
Ihl hU ago co Trophy Hcjire lit Tar ar No ion I
Mollne o111 I II Vnndervnnrt nnnnrt driver innnlni io to pllin points I I
tar S 4t No S in 1111 Maiwell ieV Ie Jlllngworth
driver il I point Car No toy Ill Mollne ollne J o oMnlln cf i
fIIh sllshlry Jstnlvr 44 tiscinis ar r So
Mnlln J 1 Jlnl o I I
WWke kII driver rl 41 4 1 polnta flnlnl I
4 ar r So iri n inS tsllon i imgton j J L Moore Moo driver I
2J4J polo points I
I IHV H TK TIu rgvvgi rgvvgiSue lt ltMle
Sue u Ilefratt al Juhmmi uhn In n Hln IInl Mingle le FInal FInalI rnal
1 far 1 tlhfcllr Htatr Iat Title Titlethe TUllOII TItlethus
the Iliml II round 11I1 of f lh Ihe < inuldle Mlute i halil ihaliltlotihill halilt
t tlotihill > lon hlp lnule4 look tdar1 lIai yei yesterday rilay at atOraiirfe atlIniliusre
Oraiirfe an < l the ihoklnv wealhrr uthirr ami amii an4of
i I < eiie 4 of the play made It one of IC the lb htt httlei PittI
lei iuiil aiiuiets l < e eer rr ieii In the K tat t The TUeiresult Theissuilt
result wa > a VI viitor tori for cut Nathaniel thjetiil W Mle Mlelh elhilPi
lh lPi M < vurhuetti Stnte htltipToll < over oerWallace overVjeIlac
Wallace K P lohnon he renn Iennsvlrattlia < vlvanU chnm chistiutiiolt
1 1 Ion Thouirli the Nu Naig fnitlander made madeplenty tumaulettsitty
plenty or wild > troke Itoh by Inuitnlnir lulu the thenet thenet
net jeijel ud drivlnv out of bound ho htd plenty lsflt lsfltI
1 of re reserve eMe poser to I Is sIssy master of the theKlronit Lii Liistrong
strong utiini ttiurageoui player from fromi fromI
i I IVnn PvnnsytranLa PvnnsytranLaiies ylvaula ylvaulaI
I Xlleii iies is mn straingost > nn > t point over Johnson wa wahi a alii
hi mnaxhlliff and placlllit nholn In the ide nlutuIn idelne
lne In Whenever John Jolmpsoul < > ii loblicd any war warhlKh waylihitli
hlKh and Nile o usuI > t an olden wallop at the ball ballIt
It wa ircHHltiy for a return from hi hIs oppo opponent oppoI
I nent The nr first t m set > t wa a ort of a feeler feelertho feelerthe
the player sizing lln r up etch other troke trokemid trokesimid
mid the el t after cetera e eral fl viaes e plar went wentto
to Mle tIps at 7 1 Nile ua several time timewithin timesS
within S u t utroktf of if the i erouil > est > et hut hutJohnon IeuitJohnott
Johnon ilurklly < tall ttlesl > l him off and veciired veciiredthe eetlltetIthe
the set l at t S 7 Alter hter that Nile changed changedhi
hi ranpiet t for a heavier one nail he Deemed Deemedto
to handle lohnou low drive letter letterlie betterlIe
lie won the net et inlly at r 7 and then theni
i I Ihrre wa all lnleuiil iiiietiuiiaeloii loa of about twenty twentyinliiiite twentyuiiliiuites
inliiiite inliiiitehen uiiliiuitesWhich
Which hen they took the court affaln Mle MleI iie4 iie4seernest
I eemed really relrehetl suit Ihounh IhounhJohltfxm thoimuthtOhJiSeti
Johltfxm w ass there lo the I I l lust t Nile iIee not the thenet thisa41
net at 7J 7 the full till tally In ht his favor lieln hiettiI
7 5 7 v a 3 J 5 Xlle lles not the chal challenge rhallent ¬
lent round by default a fcdward r rIjirned PtAnned
tAnned the holder I ii In Menloo SleAitoIhie MenlooThe
The women part of the tournament tournamentwaclent tolmrnntfltwa
waclent wa aIeJatINl d up except the challenge round roundIn round roundIn
In the mn singlern le lielweeii Ml Mia farrle II Neely Neelyof seelyof
of hlcaifo the diallenicer and Ml 11s lx Louis LouisIlsittlitonut > ul e eHammond
Hammond uf the Vest Hide 1ennl Club LluhIhe Clubthus
thus holder That nutch like iilue this thlafternoon thisaflennoote
afternoon Mlna Neoly and Ml K Klinich K Kllotch
llotch of lloetun won the II ilnal nil 1 of the thewomen thewonden
women double yeolerday there I is no nochallancv Itochallenge
challenge roupd an this I Is th tliet flrnt lime limethe thurthe
the contet h has l isPiI > eeii put In InThe InThu
The nummjry nummjryUlddU sunmuryMiddLe
MiddLe HUlrt Championship Mrna Single Slnclrrtnal Singlelirtal
rtnal round > alhaflltI lh nltlU V Mlrdrfrafd NIles defeat 1 WalUre WalUrer
r 1 Johnvjn 7 7S 7 g 4 3 7 ft aCahIenge ftChalltnc
Challtnc Itound Naihaalel W Nile drfealcd drfealcdLdwanl slefra led ledIdwan1
Ldwanl I l Lare4 rartl by default defaultMiddle defauittilaidI
Middle Mlawa Championship Men Poutile PoutileSecond flouities5450rg1
Second round r XI Watroiu W atroums and II A lloltlcn lloltlcnJrdrfralrdJ iloldenJr
JrdrfralrdJ Jr defraid J K i MllrtaoUI I l > Vomthurr T Tt 7S
t 4 I U I II aldnrrandt I Kardnrr drfrateil I K Kde I Idi
de llbrm and C f t Uauon Jr 2 5 t tThird 4Third
Third Hound r M atruuiaudll it lloldrn lloldrnJr
Jr drfcaied l > Marln and M V lUlrhA 2 s sI I II
I I L I II Maldntr and I liardnrr delealrd delealrdMeorceU ihctraleaikong
MeorceU kong 1 rhirch Cb irch and II N TlflJrn 5 I IS ZS I Iemi
S emi ml nnalltouml flail Itound II 1 If llvkrllanj Frederick KrrderirUn
n Alriander drfralnl f f M Valrou > and II A Alloldrn t thtoidn
lloldrn Jr ft I A AMiddle aMM4ietalehawistonIiIp
Middle MM4ietalehawistonIiIp Hum Chainuion iilp Vamec s rtouMe rtouMeSeirl Pouiieaiertl
Seirl nntt uhnIrosmnd round UICarrtell Ii eeI < H and Miss MlwK
K I K Molrh d ddesled fr trxl Mr f Il > e Grrvtort and Mr MrlllaBrham Mrtiianchard >
lllaBrham A 3 t 3 3I 3Final
I Hn Final l Hound Mlu Ml > rrle II Ncel and VII VIIi
i K i llolrh defeated Miss K h Scmlhrr and UU MissUranals <
1 UrannK 1 3 e X XI 3thens
I Mm thens Convolillim Mingle I < r l rmmd r II I Irrank IIrank
rrank defeated II Jobnteit John on h delaull I M MUatroiit 1 1ialroeia
Uatroiit defeatel II IUnV A n ii o S Ibm
I l > anue ilefratnl I > aril n 11 > drault U V Irlxr IrlxrIdrrpalell PetsriieteaieI
Idrrpalell I iltrlln n n it itVrond ASeieaud
Vrond lluund r I I llhnli drteateil I II IIJr Itlritnk
lritnk Jr l tO > > defnuli I M l V ttlrois irnu dreale < l lH
H 5 InjlHxijue a < v i ft Olio dlii hind dclr deeahe1 trl u SIPei5r
Ielvr V I r I Irso i iTwo
Two OMIII uiiiftnai final mull liujuluhi hr nt I uiui In Knli Knicet ier
I Ixtcker Meld Huh I 151 sestratt eti < rdt prixliiitHl e eillntr t tiii
illntr iii nh Hirt lloth hail Ii < ti > r hue uiAiche went wentthrte je snt sntthinc
thrte seiu t > lining In lit inntih inipv iusmpvI inipvlla
lla I itiuteil > e < l the limit uuiul iid hi rndurntii e nl
luwed ins ml him hIs h dflc Itli hhlhiuinil hnrd II I I HOCL HOCLI
I cf Ihe I IIriill > n < bit S > > l is > 1 1 HIM
I I I hi muli tiuIiIu h iiuixiinel i nenrly lnr tnre tnreitou e ehour
hour r upon tie I ruurl In I n thi I hi linnl > n cittotis
llocc WH > u HI thauiuul iule < l from iieisisrk iieisisrkaiud ixiiwur ixiiwurmid <
mid Ih I h hril tlml ul time t he lnvcere lnvcereUlld iviitsretI <
I Ulld Hilt lila > us il I cull tle t t lllerhatllcllv lllerhatllcllvbitting tuctiaau m II v vIi
bitting Ii It I inir HI a I the t twill i it i r rosI f < < l tin I 1ua net irom I raco racoiueer
1 heer fone of hntiit hntiitletinlnir t tini
letinlnir ini is iii rs and a flu I llelmr I ci riui defeiile en < I lnrlr hinrleiI
I loinIon Jr and issl Colxrl Mulor K 1 1Thl
7 Thl < iulilet lll likei > ewl > e ii n n nrnit itismelur
rnit ismelur > iinr lie vouihftil luhntin whu a tin iti inhi
hi ireliin ii isar > r In ii ii fit mberht ttumhuirstha
champlonldp ha rsjionI I p ntiind i ui uuul n > oitnu Oihi H Siul > U d ila > hinc hincpnrtlirr It ijsi ijsipirliur
pnrtlirr In hi llinw ill Mn SIiint > nr I IIe l tie tieurr o
IHH ire it I Is > ear uf 5 N sir r i lvii it the Line Linetiitsr iicI
tiitsr I more eMMTlenivd e Jori rummMi opponeu ii tiilCJl5 no iii ret retand rustini
and ii isiti liir evi haul i > nt4 h u u i after lixlnc lixlnctle liInI
tle I I tiri eu i S lint a 1 lolmlon siiul t tsii mid Ujor lsj sr lobl Iii hInt hInti il ilitleni
itleni i luf si < imi is fl MI u C pullid liul kil inn ih I hue > IMIOIM IMIOIMt
> ui t l tl t T 1 on the t1 tjrl Ird el at atin ittit
it in Ii Irnntii Htid ftrtinir Ret s lily lilyiiiul tl tlI >
iiiul trunhl ii t5tii y uriflj futr amiuu amiuuI
I idte Ii innruill III IIuO ion 5 fin the el nut nutniHli imsattiiisti
niHli b bThe Isfhur
The uitiiiiarKnlcierlxLer uitiiiiar IuliIuartanktuertucher
KnlcierlxLer aus up MncI trm final round
rrrdmru I lirr ita > 4fesled J fMl l Ittihard II Hoti HotiMet >
C Oe 35 I IMet
Met IMutile M hmiflnat ml rinal round WiiitanJertIng VIIIUni S
Jernlni and llnniln Itrlnier det 4efale4 aied I hark harkI
I JnhniUin Jr and itoberl U > t > rl Xlalor A J1 7 7 1lOaieiaiimi t tContolailoii
Contolailoii Mntlr umnfle Ill litt I round rthur rthuricbrrrr rtinuSeLterer
icbrrrr dcfralril liu leullate > tae Stelnarher 4 ft 1 3hart 1I
I hart t Pulnari drfraled I lltlam II tragin traginJr r nn nnJr
Jr l 15 > > drlauil I II IMfeli defeated Paul Paullorr Paultoeislet
lorr toeislet trr li > difault Ueiton llllam defralril
M 1 A i Nnhle ID default tirfailli1ieaijuui I IVrnnd
Vrnnd Round U I llrn di defeutleai > fri > tnl II I Ithlrh Ilateh
thlrh i 1 f I ii I Ii Itlirten Urten drl tefratesl > atn the holIes
lIes lf > IMiar IxiwtberA e 3 f I I
inrifi i KKI KKIH vi tSeI tSeIii
H h I andrrlillf trara sara and haul rrtitu rrtitur
Si Iii lrlie lrlieSMC
r ft4t SMC Itftpiitfh to Tilt r rItni rs rsPenis
Penis I 111 my I W V K Vanderhilt < enrn enrnrldilen unrnritlulen
rldilen by Frankle ONoll won je uit the r ritac re for forthe forthe
the Irlx dKriiitry uf nni 3au franc at Mai Maisuona MaisuonalEtlittit on onI
I Utlllle loduy toits M Kihru Ishtrmurs l Silver MIlverI Hea Hearidden
I ridden by It Htern ui na 15 eiond and M lien lienrliuetii lienI
I rliuetii larlumeu e with Iurrylup flnlhe flttIshteulI < l lthird
third Thirteen hore ran ranI
lay I ay dould I a Ieinenl4de with w It hI lleiff up ii I
nnUhed third In the rate tf tot r Ihe alt IVIx Iri den denI sireIasuilalns
Ioulaln There were netenteen starter starterI
lllanca Kntnrl Fiti uris with S It It Mern In this agilulle agilulleSe dlle dllewon
won Se on with S it Ie ltothchlld tint hsciiibtl s Kaiuheur ridden riddenIn
In Hart ri iiiflt iiifltrho nnd nndIhe
Ihe rare for tip Irlx rand M Master ler lerwon teit teitwon
won hv Mr h r Vanderblll a Its ume tuisaissi > eiim in inridalen
ridden by h iVell tjiueraum Mtrn Hadujor stub Hri
IUr It4tutt t up w Si pecond and lllaiu Fotloen Fotloenwith I Ijsiii Ijsiiia
with a 1mb Jennlnir In the Caddie third There Therewere Therewets
were ten starters elartert startersptitwq
ptitwq t CIT ii nut w wCup nisriiini nisriiiniup
Cup up Honor Uinanl the Mrtror fJlvri Hie Ip Ipthe ts tsthe
the Hare Harerrliil htef5pStSsl
rrliil Cant littmien hi < Tnr MIX MIXKill SlitKit
Kill m Jul lsIy > t The menrnn whonner whonnerym uhnonuiysihit
ysihit ym lit Ve Vstwsrh t Tnt today iddeil the K t er ernip
nip lo the trophle ahe he tin lois won IP H Hrare etrats
rare from miii Kiel to Trnvrmueude a dlmanre dlmanreof lhstttmof
of aesi ernl ttiii even mll rnilvui stt he beat the de demania e eniafliut
mania llcinliir and Nonlnlern In the theorder thuritnuier
order ulten ultenThe ItenThe
The Metror with the Kaler ahnard ahnardave Inrulgays
gays ave nt ii > the rae ne near r tle flnlab The wind winda
will a ouli et vith freiiurnt rain The ih
We SVustttarul tWhr < r I arn m vn C iCS r lucite hiiurBEGINNER lucitei
is naturally nervous nervousa
a strong cigar Unsettles
him He can settle the thematter thematter
matter amicably with a
Robert Burns BurnsMad I IMild
Mad lOc Cigar CigarEqually i iEqually
Equally good for the man manwhos manwhos
whos smoked too much muchor much1 much1or
or the man whos smoked smokedtoo
too little Askyourdoctor AskyourdoctorA Askyour doctor doctorA
A box of 12 for JIOO at any dalg
or prepaid to you on receipt of 100
Nw York City
Max Cup up Hare HareTh Nsaslb
Th annual races uf Hie tI llrtxikl n X ta fit fitlull ittluhi
lull tiver the tripe I islu MTV oir > ill he hej he4IiV1SI
j 4IiV1SI tirt < l thIs mnmlnif from a line nf ii ni ulus bib lubi bibhiue
i houisi on llrnvesend liar This test > e r e ta taI C
I I for motor taint ha tarn addel In Ii na I ii iiailiriic fur furs
s illnic yai ynihasu hi and itd the rle fur that thatevent itisssysuita
event are oTareil tssl by XXUllam II In InThere
There are at live entered f < ir the rv ri e tor torIlirf liiihut
hut jnt ystIit hi but of these Hie prn prnI tei teiI >
I darter will I fominnilire XX r ri 4 I s sS
i S lioonr l Tmnmanr I vtn < n lnre lnreIsloiit iscnsshisie
Isloiit shisie XlyU nn rush I Lut la 5 llenrlg s 4 4liardeniit eIart
liardeniit Iart snot Hi twn t is i motor IMMI Ihn Ihnrme ih 4e 4euwe
rme are S XX e liranliry a Iernrto si ini iniuf
I uf the rwe from toni Ihllailelphln tn I a aI asnit < > n nand
and Hi this Mi h ma InI nl nluhst ht it sits t tI > i ithat
I that po soaeltly ldy the A thu hoMiir > oiurs livens I twa i iIcy
I by l XX i I ntomiiund itaouuiu utnl the Vigil nwnei nwneiI ii tueus tueusI >
I blot lewU I might ntnrt Ihe 1 his coursr I ibtstht r rboth
both re i I e frcm tiravesend 4 IU flay > to ri I IisaslithiW
1 Miutlivv el Ill then i b tsdfld < mg enllli t tland tlanut
land livtllshlp to t Ire lu l > l haul ifl ll hiihthils < hteldi < h n ntn
tn the Xort orthtat esial lnil IMhlOilp ol 1 1eIsv i iMav
Mav and return over the same cuiire 11 l u usviultntr H Huilllnir
uilllnir yncht will as ill ftnUh ofT the NroiUi NroiUilighthli I IIitihttuli
lighthli > anti the motor boat will flush IT ITIhe eI
tie I clul ml i 1 house sue
M Removal Sal Salor SaIaerki
or Xorka Automoblla llarcaln Ki Ki1ar ItabL1iUiaii ItabL1iUiaiij
1ar j ar K Yireiiettrs YireiiettrsAugust rell tire tireAugust
August 1 W Move to toll toOtli
nil our factory romnlota to tb largeii largeiiIn
In N ivni SI t HIM Avi AviAnd v vAnd
And Each Car Must Go GoA
I A tre tart ru Muwk llh ut utSo utI
I So Now Get a Bargain BargainPackard
Packard eighteen fairly all ui uuuiuiela dri at atprice atpnlera 5 5I 5ElghWtat
price priceIVerleM pnleraI
I IVerleM IW and oilier olherL Coalmen Thamate ThamatePuUmani Thoniassaruilmaasu
I PuUmani Mitchell llukk IopvltartfariK l liti litiMal ll llMallexM
MallexM Mal ieeoI till cylinder l iwI9IO u aio Lx Loais iar tti ttiCTUnilert iarunstr
CTUnilert opTokOu H 54iJ uUier uantiai uantiaiopporlunlUe uaou uaouepurtunlUes
opporlunlUe opporlunlUeWe
We I taMU lath eiaralnattoa cbeorfully give Iv dn dnanitraUoai denostittaUtifli
anitraUoai anitraUoai2OO ostittaUtifliI
I 2OO Bodies BodIesBig Big Snaps SnapsWill
Will all l > ivrieced 1UTB Its Ilarf IiarISL IiarISLToy aloi aloiToy
I Toy Tuooeaum beT beTsuiirtflcsut Touring ourtn Hunabouta LJmoitln UmuiuiauLcndauiet 1 1Landauletle
Landauletle ii UuntxxU UuntxxULamps UuntoataLampsTiresSundries
Lamps LampsTiresSundries LampsTiresSundriesA1 Tires Sundries SundriesAT
AT AT nill P1IItF P1IItFlions r
1 lions In Ibis One liii and and mill NltIieauitvs NltIieauitvsbroadway Leaden LeadenBroadway
Broadway Auto Exchange ExchangeI
I I i J 1 XVIMWK Hre
36 38 40 West 60th nr Bway BwayMOTOR BwayMOTOR
1 I ALCO A I fn American t romotlve Company CosuiJuanylieA
4lsWk > IMM Itroadway ilroadwayTh let lamCol lamColIwoocU Col ColATLAS
ATLAS Puictd IwoocU tilat Altai Miter MiUrCar Mitercrc2oto
Car crc2oto Co 2010 Broi Dradsp < F H Mini Hit Hitmm M MB
> mm v ut Import Co of Xmrrtia Xmrrtiaks tinertii4aL
ks 1C qfc IU i4aL j lo tuj UMll L nrundway way V X XBIIICK I II
BIIICK I UICI Motor > Co llway t btwesnMth btwesnMthMan > elwe n axih axihKlh
Man MM Phone 4041 x > 4fl Columbus ColurahuHAH ColumbusCADILLAC
HAH CADILLAC IM AH rr Tart lartallepalrsilarag lartallepalrsilaragoiufnhuCtret Hepalr narace
UelUIIIIU j olumhu oiufnhuCtret Circle TIMIOCo TIMIOCoCarliarlt Tel MiiiCoi MiiiCoiCarhuru
Carliarlt Carhuru CarT Cars Sffii ijth 141 A tifEi lh uva uvaiuia
1188 1188Ihane iuia BIOAeWAYI3IStJ BIOAeWAYI3IStJIhen
Ihane VO Oa Colymba ColymbaThe
The rimore Motor Car at Co of X 4 V Vra Ya
ra a xxe vei i ma su t rooo MM ct ctriiurln CelGRGUI
GRGUI riiurln TouratMiul llun Itiunab boul roo4illl utE35itIimperlil roo4illlImiierlal
Imiierlal Motor XrhlrleCo Vebirie 0 2IU 1O XX 78la St StKnai 31ISOTTA
NE rn ri J JK
K NOX Knai AUk tUiruiobhi < raobll fotnptar fotnptarirrl ompior ompiorIreA
irrl IBM Proadwir Iboi 4M1 43341b Cat Catvgnm
vgnm 41b i < nittti rii > tn AND IIOAUA
L2I LzIiR R Telephone TrftphuoecMACuiumbuL TrftphuoecMACuiumbuLMarion tM Colvimbm ColvimbmMarlon
Marion Fiver AS K ICIIUH1 h CO COi COrl
rl Flyer cr
m UriMdway
Uverlanil i lbune > bun siau co coAinu coiMATESON <
MATESON Ainu ft iv iY4i IVM Uwaf UwafPhon Uwflion
Phon lion MM Cot ColIA CotH
> IA IAXflIliiiftiithi IAXflIliiiftiithi1ucVd xniillllll on Inc IncIBM
IBM lirosdwy ibone Iii Cot CotUn C Cb
Un b flU 1 Moon Molar iar 1 ar Co ol N Y
HID UN ig uroidway T 71 l amA Cal Coli CalNA1INAL
NA1INAL i < inMii MOTOII cvn ci itu ituMwar IUiiiea
iiiea Mwar iMIh bl tbon tbonIn Shea Cut CutS
S IMPLEX tIsde In Nt ew York Yor1iMo iiir iiirCat
iMo SMI llway tPwyTel Tel JIM JIMMACHETO Cat Ci CiWaitesi
Waitesi x tlum Av Avliraarh A iMtb t
liraarh let l > ro 4w r
A MALDINU IIIIO hIitO5 XX 01 Tel403 nryaot nryaotTU flriinT
TU T ft 0 Mi M A A S 4E K IL Thom Motor Co CoIlway
Ilway attOilat at tAt it MOOCol MOOCollUfUlTCXIHTf ai3ColiwhT
lUfUlTCXIHTf iwhT uiiTi CO UriM h3ruadway < 1way aad il at 1
writ nil li fHOCie SOS Col ColI ColAItTflSIUflhIE
Tboniuih lndlvtdu < l laitnietloa tp LplOdate LplOdateequlmcnl lodl lodlequlprnrnt
equlprnrnt lni milect > rrtoiir Osit plant tl Chaise < r strtevery strteveryatiI iart every everyweek
week U Writeforhooitt rite fnr book lei 23 ai XV Mlh retht tN V Clt CltTXJHI City CityTVRV
lIgu5I U Jan ii 17 la July 4 4t
I I II II IL until further notice leave Cut ut
31th street i tin lo 12 IN < tl and I Ju i P t U Ullrookljn UIlraoltltn
llrookljn Hapl1 Transit every lo mlnutM eta
nrnoklva llrldfe llrldfenill air 3tuthway to ItorOugh flail
flrssiyn and rhinFlng brIenaIad floerumPlar
4tatIoet Vlsi Aiilhi Street Ferry I P At boat
11111 IVAiTliIhF1ttAIJ IVAiTliIhF1ttAIJWEtl
nill nttirated visunt nnt woman wanteit tr
dfscilplite fahiani mini prevloii eir1eoe eir1eoeiiSLr
lIt ttOsu tine ulisiralletiul not ata4iiJteIy nerrevary
Iely I rile only irtiblng iiSLr iiSLrXXAVTri ripetiene ruim
SaUna and giving lrreonal refetinces to W C IL
iluuuufruu iluuitting N NWLXTrI
XXAVTri > Spanl h young woman well ants
rated tirlfhl and rapahle of writing i4psrI3 4p > nli
itramniatlialti having a cu Cuot knowledge of rnt ln
ll 11th h in ti translate fa fahiun > hlon desrlnfimis fir flags
line innl understand drrsunaklng terms termsIICMTr piIV
ly kttr cdliii ii ii C < H liultrriug Uaikhtn Uaikhtnew
ew tori toriLtihlNttt
LtihlNttt sf1 rrlitumetsu wntet l M once onrTake
llliM v a IICMTr N lie tau Irlnre it Take ele ci
vu br
11111 5 1iItlIE 1iItlIEUTISTM
UTISTM The Tb Iliitterlrk Putllhlnc to a h S
vrnrle for everal nrl r ClaI t > lelll f fali n
rust nrriKtomrd lo working In I w tiash h vnr vnriJi1 it
M iJi1 IeteIe rt lepartment lith Hour llu littlei Itr
nilldlnc Mprlng and M iniuugal l iN iNI
I tWNlIflolIIts tWNlIflolIItsE
4 f Mil I lti II AIt AlCIIIIN iIe fn V Ste 4 4ujiilsuecr
Aurllonerr II t 4ana M suetis il as l II X XI l
Jiil ft ll lIi > Just Mmp ittssuiuuuui > Hl If iS I In i4sa 1 1monU 5InuOul
monU lewelr > diverware silt era are Ar ic e Ur
l5 i4lI 311 r > I laN aiui all fvi hcsI s
Jillk II ll n
> MrXleenan l Mil Urn t
releeme1 3sfrdcusu iil iir ronUllng of itUmni
nih riihi > pphlre nienerllrlns n I Pisrnakl tini lrixMt
Sflt nl n us rarfpln > > lorkrti eirrinr rrin r
leeve link lrnrelel and n4 nerklre t gi girir
elr > rnmprUlnr rlnrn tin nlnl pli PIro
liKk Jackal l rratrn and uareiie tune 5 5Charms
Charms cni t ant < nd lier Such liver 1
l tsstss > 9wnl ant dUhen running from llrkei No n
tsar > I tact in nekei u I lMsi Vii Mat III Iu ltu ltuall w wat
at giwv gost at f like ilk de lescrlpumnsu rltillon hel heii I oier ass er fro frovon SC SCTisitsi
Tisitsi von lair iir nnerkiiieeninialnlng l > 4XII 4XIIe uiiIpielie
pielie e I lieremtwr < HIM ticket So Ji JilllKIll 53ti >
fLi it itiesiiit
lllKIll WIIIIMIMIIfs 4 > 4 JuIlUS JuIlUSoott Suituu i
1001 oott Suet We 4 IWrsetl tine eat e ii Iii A t XI ti1i
JJ > i Jenelr > s srnnarl < a 3I ir a TI
Juli Jiui a cmthlog Vet tt Kreun risi tMX hAs 3 I a
Juct 7 Jeweln Lies Kreun I IMX XI XIerrerimAve
flrimhrger errerimAve lilt tie x from o iVO vo in i ipe1ge I
Jliih A hllhiuug pe1ge prior Jiu JiuHOARD > CU CUft
ft itibcretlns MOflC III 5th at in I itlitle 3
nan ti tin as asEl
El I flower seti us t
11111 a Jesrli U ttaptusJ 7 Sub i
Juii 7 Jeiri hiikei Itoh uItunIris uItunIrismu
mu il It T lost auui olunl arliriss arlirissCflTHt
MPtl YAftlIAIi rooms ar ia
fiace log rest4 uo Obietitboosbi lnalld
i I COLU5 rialUbuxib n K y rtote 4

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