T T z r S S S 1 1TWE
ini N 1 1 r 1 i Il I s u 1 mn UN 1lIlIfH tiin TII TIIn TIII
II 11 I it I IlII KKI i 1 IiIII4 ii4w ii4wt 1 1l t tS
t S i < r > rrk llrokrn IIU III llrslh Inn Inttani tntanIflti
i roils IarriiH Mrre rrf llurrlna lIurr Inl to toHim 10III toV
V Him III fit Ft Hnia iiItriI heil Rudder 4ati su u e ei
i lilsvlrr llrllalnt erlal Irltle IrltleI
I r I t 19 THB T Sis SisiNfMoiin s sI MI MII
iNfMoiin I s MOt II III I U July Jul i Th fhi lion lioniwnt linnHII nn nnS
S 5I iwnt WiI I Itills oiu n < of the Ih foromoiit foromoiitind
ind 11I1 inol IIInlnrt units of f tllfl th I nltetl lnll1n nltetlin
in n was 111 dushed < l to death when hii hiin hi hiInd
I n > oillipHod ILit d and tumble < to the thein th thI th0l
0l I in II fl tli ixiunt < of f the th aviation aviationrig VIatI4fltu
rig here to < lar The Th 11 distance of ofi f
i UIH 11 I only about forty fort feet but hutS hulh1I1
S K hat struck the th ground and lM I ttflfl ttflflhu > tf > rort rortnlil
nlil 1 IH I extnciud from th < tingli tinglire IlIl1 l
> re 1 wo < d and canvas ho h was wiu wiuj IIA doad doadntm clldIn
j ntm In tI4 afterwanl declared that he heiiiten h hA hisuit1nd
suit1nd iiiten < l a fractured skull and must mustINTII unUrttwql
INTII killexl almost < lll Insunlly Insunllyil
a il I wia flying in an alighting IIII hIlIlR rompe rompei romJfhn entnpwhn
i when hn the th accident Ac < lden t occurred OCCII A Aliad 1 1uuI
had lx en s l in the gntund iliroctly iliroctlyonl
onl of f the Ih grnnd md stand and a 1 pnz pnzoffered Irvo1fr Pr1zt
t offered 1fr 1 fur the Ih aviator coining colllln to ton 10h top
n p nearest to this mark Itolls was warS
S c I a n nw w French built Wright biplane biplaneu
u w safud an nl4t > t make as tilt machine equlp luIPI1 l
4 < 1 tall talltie 111II tiIIlb
tie II luil already mide a descent In the theniiitu Ih IhI thuItuttofl
niiitu IIIIIn > n but lande < t seventy fnt1 foet foetm
I m th < > mark In his hi second B4 < nnd trial hwCr ht htl h hx
l x over the th stands nnd evidently in innde in1f4t
nde 11 < l to take advantage or thn th head headI
> I in alighting alightingMe alihtinIli
Me was 1 owooping down toward the therk Ih Ihr thrk
> rk r when Mimethmg was wa heard to crack crncknere rnu rnunp crackn
nere np n m was wa a i sharp metallic report rfOp < lrt and andtie RnclI mdprnpelkr
tie I propeller seemed ieun d ti t break up tiptchugiu The Thetchme Th Thdull
< tchme dull swayed Cd ominously Mr Ir Itolls Itollstteinpted 1101111IIIttL ItoHtunpttd
tteinpted IIIttL to steady tOllt dy It by tilting the th plane planeit
> it the th machine lI1 hln immediately collapseci collapseciid
id 1 fell to to the ground round It struck some someiwenty IIOmCIlly mnnieIrtty
iwenty Illy yards m front of the th sfiectators sfiectatorsAlthough 1IctltolllhhoURh lectiIoraAlthough
Although the Ih height of o thn biplanes biplanesMli holn hiDI4Iflu411
Mli 11 was sImnot not great us rom cnmpiredwth compared pot rltl with thit thitif Ihtfir
if 1 olh othr r machine which have h e fallen fallenuttnuut rlllInUloul fallentfloUt
uttnuut Uloul fatal fala1 injury to their pilot plotl Itollt Itolltji Hohnta
Ie ji entangled nta ll in l the wreck wcl in II such suchay uchRY a aay
ay tht it 1 is II probable Irobhl rOtXtI he h was unabh IIIbl to tom I Ihlmlr tgrrt
m himself himselfgreat hlmlrRQI
great RQI crowd wua w present to watch wAtchp
p 1 Hying 111 men among amonl them thor many man personi jrln 1 1t Inda 1tndi
t tndi ends of Rolls RlL and Ind there tho war W a 1 mui generil generili Iloral IloralI
i ui I lo the te spot where whn ths th bipLwi hipl hid hidrished hdrId h 1 1rshcd
rished rId down dow Physicians PhYllcn drow c1 tb tbutiator tbwIIr thu thuiAt4Ir <
utiator out of the wreck but he h WAS w Jid Jidi deIfnre
i fore rnr aid r roichwl > icli c1 d him himx himholy htmSo
So x l holy bmdly dly was 1 the th biplane smashed nah1 that thatit IhtI
it I is impossible Impihlt to 1 < say y what caused mul th thincident tholetnt the theeident
incident oletnt Several Sral persons 1lna who were werewHtcning wro wroHInml wererNtcnung
wHtcning HInml the th machine macha closely c0ol however howeverntiiiitam howevertIblintJtII
ntiiiitam 1IIIAI that a I n nw tailpiece IHlplf which had hade hdftd hmdtetiItI
tetiItI e < env l tmen > n titled ftd I to the Ih machine gave gaveway ga gaav 1 1y
way av y and uho looaetieil the II other supports of ofthf orIh oftht
thf Ih pI pIins > Un n IH P > that it t pitched Inchf earthward earthwanlu f4uthlnJ
u 1 drad tul weisht weishtImniedkttely welthtlninuedtut Ihl IhlImmthI
I Imniedkttely lninuedtut Iy alter Ilr at h the Ih accident ncicnl the Uieofficers tl tlcmcr theomcer
officers cmcr of the Ih uero fro meeting mUnl announced announcedthat lnoln lnolnIhot
that Ihot there would be I no more IO Hying yi todiy todiyIjirlier toohyIArlr tudayLather
Lather IArlr 111 II the Ih day another mishap mh had hudcaused hadcu hadcmuuid
caused cu the th crowd to to gasp 11 Audemars ldfllra ldfllrab uidetnmrmb1m a ab
b b1m ls viator 1tor was w flying f11 in L his hi Demoitello Demoitellomonoplane 1 DemntelIetneunoplant > moll
monoplane nnlop n on a trul tIal trip when Just as a he henas h hn hewar
war n oeri wheat Held 1ld the Ihmachlne machine turned turnedtjrtle t tInh turnedtjrtl
tjrtle Inh and fell h11 1h ° ITie aiator 11tor esca fIw fIwI ecpd ecpduthoot > ed edwithout
without lholt Injury hju although R IhUIh Ins hi monoplatu monoplatuwis 1010p101 1010p101rondnhl
I war considerably rondnhl battered batteredvtators hurN hurNtOr batteredtstatori
vtators tOr whi wlu h were re watching watchlIl watchi tug Hour Kollsi Hol Hournncur
i incur llur In saying N11 that the th accident acint was wasdue wtdue d do
due o to the Ih unforeseeable cT llane lII11 > of the ther th thlI therur
r rur nr lI rudders rd which either clipped RIpl1 or orwere orwrfllchltl oracre
were wrenched wrfllchltl < l away Iwa from their thllr sup supports up upra uipINrtm ¬
ports ra owing owinl to I Km II tit pr lPrure rur ur < of r the th air airI airthtr 1 1ll
ll I thtr his broke rok the th wire WI by which hlch the Ih ruddera rudderawer ru rthlderwee < rfrA
wee 1 operted The Th wires W r immediately immediatelyb Imltdlatlyhm mmedluitIybcSme
b hm bcSme cme entangled ntallllN in II the th pro ller and andAS axuulia n1
AS 11 ia thev th were ee 1 wound 111 up u they Ih wrenrhe wrzirhetthe rnhtIh i ithe
the Ih hole rear frumework anti 1 stabil stabilizing iliuIsaing thllIzlnl ¬
izing Izlnl planes l n whereupon the th while hl ma manine In Inhln iitchine
nine hln became ham dead weight Iht of metal IIHI and andtrtxxi ancland anilwood
wood and dropped drop to the Ihl ground Rroln1 Rroln11lrmUhlp Vo Votirmtnshlp o oosrmanhlp
tirmtnshlp 1lrmUhlp could culd have ha prerntnl the thecidenl Ih Ihclrlnt
44 < cidenl cidenlIhe clrlnt culentThe
1 The h doctors clnto say M that thll Mr Ir Hollas HoIA1 Rollmrdeuth Rollmrdeutha death deathr dthlr1rtcllr
a r prTtlcally lr1rtcllr instantaneous Int1ntn u His II Ill neck neckv nrk nrkM
v M t > t trien < r en His Ii III virents were going goingiv Iolnl
iv V trn Iln rn n to I Bournemouth lmmollh to se him himr himSsr
r I Sir Thorrus Thr LIpton and Ind another anotherg 10lhr 10lhrinlm1n anotherntIman
g inlm1n ntl ntIman min hastened hltfnpl to meet I I them and andltfvi andthe 111
ltfvi 11 the Ih ad 0 new nfW to them themInnovTQ thmIncSTO themlruIuflO
InnovTQ IncSTO July 12 12Th 1 The Count olnt de e l Ir tps s sp
p r ps the Ih French aviator who ho is II one un of ofre I Ir
re r 1 star Ilr attraction aUractonlllt at th Toronto meet meetMncerely It ItH beeta
< H a sincerely 1 rly affected RfflN on 01 hiring hrlnl this thisn thi thiIT
n I rnmg rnll of the th tragic death of the Ih lion lionHoi lon lonc lIonItolluumt
> < Hoi Hal Itolluumt Is at t Bournemouth h He I wild wildThe mittrhe I Irh
The rh d dth < tth of Rolls w will IM I a distinct distinctf
RII wi eltncl eltncli
i f to 0 aviation lon in treat Britain Itill He I was wass wal walIonr
s ion Ionr r of the sport lprt and nd one on of the th few fewitlly fwcI fewnotable
itlly cI notable aviator aviatr In that country countryHi cOllllry cOllllryI
Hi I 9at eat t in 11 flying tying arro fO the th Channel won wonir wonretig I
ir retig tlg for hi hil his countrymen eunlrmn an and gave Ie n ndid I aul
did ul Idd ded d im ml mItu > etus tull to the t new science An in inlrUnd InLrInd InLr1ind
lrUnd lrUndTorsiniilly LrInd Lr1indrrSnllly
Torsiniilly ly h he was all a most nl t charming charmlnl charmingr
1 r I inafTected Jalot1 man to meet m t I Ilrrow sorrow to toi 10il
i ar il Ir ut f his death dtlh and IO I know that I voice voicentiment vole voleI voiceI
I ntiment nlmnl of nil I French rfvoiee tv of ofvum
vum 10 as a we w Ml I held hl < Mr Ir Rolls Rll in high highUmirHtion hlRhIIIOI higisUlnIrutiott I
UmirHtion UlnIrutiottr IIIOI
r 1 fit n Hon Chirles eh r Stewart Roll r I 1 third thirdI
I voingest olC son I of Btron tan IUnguttoch IUnguttochli 1LncaUoch 1LncaUochh I IS
> S li I first fr1 mm m to n wing wtn IC a I way y across acrossi ncr ncrzlh ilrrnrInzIith
i Knzli InzIith zlh h thtnti lhII1 and anr hark tark attun attunt qtn t tJ
J t t thi Ih Frenchman tr nrhman hid flown nO from fromAtir rrol fromI
I ant u to Kngltnd n IInr l hrlr lwfore fore Rolls RlL as hid hide h1
e i oiint olnl d < > fameep jessnpa but lhn th young youngf yoU yoUhnl ituuin z zI
f e idtnin already alr y dislinsuish Itnuih d < for forf
f 4 > i PflmC nM n > accomplished arrnpllh < the th first trAI round roundirt rO111
irt 1 I II
He I 14 Id Ir it I t in n June Jun 2 last lI British trih priili priiliiil prlhIvl I Itv
iil tv tilMred 11rr on H itcount rount lt of th the French FrenchunipHi Irenchlmlt 1renctuiirnpv
unipHi lmlt m I Chinnel 1h tneI flying and n it re rei r
i I 4 1 fo ItolU ltl to revive it He I 11 flew flewf nfW nfWtn
f Ifciver to Cains and 11 hack I k a asin asinS iin tn tnOPplV j jstoppinc
S stoppinc OPplV nic accomplishing omplhhtnl Ih Ihfip I tf tff t
t fip 1 t or fortytwo mll mikA < in nin nlnet ninety ninetyif ty tyHe
He if d 1 ona 0 ae a French built hlill Wright Wrilht f fv I IHrll
v 1 BNrioi Hrll and 1 Count Jt de d I Iemreli < esir > > s
4 < 1 monoplanes monoplanesi rnfhl
i 1 Sttw Iwtl tewt t Utlls ItlI1 was w 1 a genuine genuineH nlin
r H JIs hid 111 lvi I su noted nll for fo y yn ynr ir irof
r of r driti > III A e a cyclist he h won woni nn nnI
i a < ll I win I a pi phn ineer > n er or th thil thII thiti >
il in Kiiglrid EIqlr11 and nI iompelefl iompeleflilly
c1ui illy d m n ric r M if f from one on to it itI 4 I Itnl
I iiihn tnl r He Ii took to tle U air all lir first firstn l ln
J Jl 111 Irl IrlI
i icf
I IIItflunt
end amii
n I irakmg IIalll Iwi 111 aocensions Inl
IItflunt i > tiint of cf aTopUtue aTopUtueit aeropl rorhu rorhuz noe noez
it z z Mr I Ir HiIs < IU WAS one on of the Hrt trming tjg tjgI I Ivrnn 1
I vrnn I OI It to l Jrl ni th lf grrn grrngmeer givnineer mn mnInr
gmeer Inr by I profession Jruf Inn and andnn inrta nr
nn a ill 1 In lOW 10f lit s IKiU IKiUUilliur tt tf4ikS
S Uilliur uthur r Wright in the Ih control controlme nlrol nlroln
me in n and ml mvH mr his hi first Ir flight flightS nitht
S < H 1 > i > Hi I M h Iar TS Oclohe Ilnt hbnhrt4 I IM
M I t aitinpt tt t to < oro crnr Il I I Chin ChtnI hnI
I 11 I fn r som Om m tint tm l If Iwfre fne li liI I II4e
I UHK senorally recognized recognizedI rRII7c
I 11 < J IM I HIM Ih first trll fcngli t Ingiiiniari Ingiiiniarii hniin hniini
i i i I Iin iI
in V I 0 thirivthree yearn o ao 00 00nI1 j jni
5 ni nI1 < l f fnr > r the t t iliplomalio iliplomalioilMplayed cliplm
1 ilMplayed hpIAy d < much aptitude aJttudl aptitudeI i ifl
fl 1 nechanicH nhale 4 that his hi father ralhrIn I Iat
In lIlh ruitIie at I Kton and andi Ad
i Il 1g nrlrceririK lrrl and all ilectrlctty tl t ctrlcty I Ir I
I r iV ii ismbnHg hicycl tkyrl tkyrlr hicycIi j
r r H 1 id < i his military 1IIlIr till tll < f fJtm frliv
Jtm niitl 11 tM T r Itattirv ItattirvAS lttr
> AS A m ne I f th h Ifrl known knownf Inown InownIo
f r In IB0 he won wn wnYI I
1 > IKVI milsiifrnohil milsiifrnohiltf mit automobile automobileI
1 I tf 1 Orrnt
llriluin Irllln in II th > Juntos llm5 Gonlon Bennett Bennettiwrtl on noU ni
o of iwrtl 1 1W anti ad made worlds worlll r oortla for sjieed sjieedon IIdOi iuieedout
on Oi Mjvornl ral occasions Oalol IOnll H I Ihi crossed crd th thuhaunch
haunch hull1 several times lm in II balloons and in inIW 11 inflst
IW 11 flst Mcured clrt the I modal mCLL of If the th trench Aero AeroI ro roIllb
11 Illb I lub by hv u I lutlloon IAlool jouniuy from Iror Ian lnCu ParisI
I Cu o ShrkIJIl Sherhoum in I Norfolk Norfolkapt = lrrolk lrrolkapt orfolkI
I apt Roll lollA had hll written 11111 and lectured letnn1Rrat a agreat agreat
great Rrat deal on invchanlot 1challl tn and aviation vlaton
He I w W4 a a Captniu in I lh the lomion 1IClol alt section sectionof ctlnnor
of th Army rm rnw Motor otor Kenert Hr > war ii i14Ialllil manamng
director dileor of HollsItoyce 101 I ty ltd llritish llritishi Ilritihmotor rilh rilhI
i motor car manufacturers malluraClurrl a memt rmlr r of ofthn orth ofthe
the th Atiro 10 Ilub Iuh of Fnuion 1111 und founder of ofthe sufthe r rIh
the Ih Itoyal loL Automobile ltllohi I lull IIh He I II had h th thdegrwof IhdKr thtiegre
degrwof tiegre of f M A and wn A K It I G i H Mo 1 It ItMet I IIMet
Met It S 4 and aul s M I lust III t M I K t lie I wrote wrotechapter wrl wrlchAII wrotechiapterm
I chapter chAII on 01 motor cam a and ald road locomo locomotion kcomotiflhl or orI ¬
tion this Ih I IVadmmtnn ndlLllon for lh II I ID Fncycloixiilia FII llydol labrnry 10hml VlOJNMhi I Hntannicn Ilitallli and andIlia AIII AIIIIh atudthis
Iloll 1tI is I tin t twelfth tlfh victim of aviation aviationLieut alnn aviationIietit
Lieut 111 Thoina Thr 1 K i Sefridg Slfrl t t S A was waskilld warI A Alull
I killd lull k on oi Septembxr SIImlr S4 IICIIi hsr 17 1 I 7 linns 11 It C in l H I fall I with withOrville wlh wlhi w I Iii IiiOrville
i Orville Orl Wrichl Wrlhl riiht ntur nu uir Wnlln Vuilungton tn II I WHH WHHi WI wacblue
i blue Ih first 11 tin In t In StfittHmlnr tmlr T 19110 IVI K t la lalelivre I Ihn IAlIiyre
lelivre hn WUH WI killed lult in II n Wright Wrllht machine machineat IIIIdI
at It JiifivyMurUw Juiiivy rUrIri Kna fll llowi I wju killed killedin ki1 ki1j
I in 1 Homo Iomo the th sam 1m day hy h u fall from rota a 1 aitiauhitie
j I machine 111 of r his hi own invention I n11 n On 01 Sop Sopteml Seltenutuor
teml Imlr > > r 22 Cupt Look Ii K I Eerier rlru was killed killedat kuih qt qtat
at lloulogne 1111011 In n IVtvinher > tr A I Antonio AntonioFernando AltoJ AntonioIetnatitli
Fernando wn 1 killed kld at atIn Nic NicIn SllI
In II this year u the th fatalities sd f aviation aviationhave
I have M Uen Ix Ion > on IVIagrange Jla rIR killed klld nt ft Ilir Ilirdeaux 1r lIorulmui
deaux 11 January Jiuar I Hubert HIIr l leIiln hlonat at San SanSeluittlan SanSeIwttIan II IIsIUAII
Seluittlan sIUAII Spain April ri 3 IhAilvette IhAilvetteMichelin thI huivetteMichelin
Michelin liclUII at Ol Lyons Fiamv tI May ta IS Kugone KugoneSiyer tIIn tIInat luiauneSim7er
Siyer at San 1 Francisco rllci Juno JIIIO 17 llnlii llnliia Ihi
a German sertnan 111 aviator Iator nt 11 Stettin SIln June Iln IX IXCharles li ICharlr
Charles lhal Wnchternt Itetm Ilm Julv 3 The ThelUroneM Th Thllrun ThuItaroners
lUroneM llrun ilU cl ib 1 Koche ROh wa terrihfy injured injuredbv IIIJlrl1h
bv h n fall fiII with lh her Voisin Iln biplane at lh lhKeims thUIIIII the theIteittim
Keims UIIIII meeting mlnl July Jil Jilun JuuI H HHamilton Mtinii
un IIU tii i ii iiisr iiisrliamtlton IIIT IIITlmlon
Hamilton lmlon Too Light 1111 to Man rapt If timid Ilaldvvlns nldnln timidIn4
vvlns nln In4 large 110 Carrier CarrierOtnPKX tarrlerGnnE rrllr rrllrI
I OtnPKX Gno Cltr lr I I July 12 i iI Charles CharlesK ChIM
K 1 I Hamilton IImtton cradled racll < l in the th Cur Cuirtiss lrl tin nest nestof nf neator
or flier m but lu nt present without any n fixed fixedwings fledwings 1 1wlnl
wings wlnl late t this afternoon aflron borrowed Ciipt CiiptThomas tut tutTlionias
Thomas Thola M Baldwins llm1 aero lr and made a ashort ahort ashort
short flight just jlt to keep in practice rct It Ittook IttlOI Ittook
took tlOI about 11M Mventytlve lItyth pounds olnd of Iron IronKillast irol troutIuuilamt
Killast laI to balance halnl the Ih machine mlhin properly properlyfor propryror
for the thll tin pound oulld aviator Iator naCnpt Raid hlln hllnI Baldwin Baldwintips in intip
tip tl the th scalett cui i at 2 tI tIhut l lHut I1l
I Hut 1l when hn Hamilton Hlmilon got the Ih machine machineIn IAhle IAhleIn
In proper trim he h t took III it I higher hl hr In the th air airthnn airthan Ir Irthfn
than thfn It 1 had evi uvr > r 1 gone Ion tvforv hro he maden madenw lde n nlt
w Ide lt sweep al of r the Ih course rUI and Ild n 11 am he h passed passedover pSM1 pSM1oer
over the th aerodrome RIccrm of the th Aeronautic Aeronauticociety cronuticociuty ronllle ronlllect
> ociety ct he h roe rw ro to a height of l iietwn iietwntrn > etwe n n20O
20O Zl trn and UII 1 feet and executed fxtut1 ono of his hisfamoiiH hil hrfatnotu
famoiiH ramol dive to t the th ground groundI groundhamilton rln rlnI
I I Hamilton Hamlln is A so et fond font of r flying ing that thll he heI h hproe hepruceeu
I propone to develop clfI level all al the th fledgling fledglingaero nfI lnl
aero r about the thf place 11 uIa Ttfimirrow Tmrr after afterfloti
I noon n > at t o clock ol > k h 1 w III I use u um Philip Phll Wit Witj Wt Wilctum
j I co cox ctum s biplane tip which hlrl hss h just JII l been > e > n re retired reiatrd
11111 > tired after being Ilil wrecked rfk by b 1 Lewts LewtsStrnng tewtsStrang
Strnng the th automobile AUlOlohi drive1 lrh Ijiter in inthe I tuthe
the Ih week k he h will give Ih exhibtlons hiht < II in 1 a amachine aiutuclsliie
machine Hhill invented hv 1 i Fre Fred < l Sneiler which whichwa hl h
wa 1 te tested te < l out lt hy 1 Iu 11 r WIIn llliini Oreetie rvctia at atBuffalo atlulllo atBuffalo
Buffalo lulllo and Ild was a also ILII a1s damaged damagedfter draICc damnarcIfter
fter tr Ilanultoii Ilnllt had ha come 1 down do n Capt CaptlUldwin laptItuidwin
lUldwin Ikltwl circlet Irl1 the th Held 111 several 11 times timesund tO Ial a atiflI
und 11 MS soon as 11 the II Illwll Ittlulwjti Id win machine lIchin lIchintk1 HS HStaken amtketi 11
taken tk1 off I the th courxe n which llch was WI about aholl 7 7oclock Iocloek
oclock Geoige l uoige ltuii 1111 Iluterell ell hrouzlit 1ldll out Olt his histiler hi hilr himtiter
titer lr It I was A tho th fifth time Ihll that Itussell Itussellhail IIII htuiemelltiaI
hail Ilul noAli n1 and HI after nrt he h had made Ilu1 ten tenround 11 cut cutrutinuju
round II of If the th count II he h Attempted lelllll lo loUnd I IIlnc tolanti
Und Ilnc hut found rOlne the th wire rl used to stop 10 the themagneto Ih IhII thetnneto
magneto II < nlt < had txen jammed l lonee < m e and he hecould h liecould I II
could cOllhllot not cut CII cli off I th the power Je throttled throttledIns throI1hil
I < Ins hil motor 10t and n1 went around Krolne the th course courseI rOi courmon
I on wheels hl and nlc was AA finally fnlv checked hv Iv Ins Insmechanicians h hI tutatnechiuiiieLnit
mechanicians who ho got 11 control rlrol of the thenmclme th thnuu thutiuneIine
I nmclme nmclmeHamilton nuu tiuneIineflsnultnn I
Hamilton Iunllon todav toeI retained rIIIlllrIII Israel ludlow ludlowto low lowi
i to t defend him hll in I the th suit IUI brought hrolaht < bv bvOlenn hvUlnn byUtnn
Olenn H I Curtiiw 1lrl hi farmer rnllr manager managerwho malalr malalrho I Iwho
who ho claim Cllllll Wi 4iAuuI i for the line 1 of r th > Curtis Curtismachine Curt urt ire iremachine
machine Ihm in which Hamilton IIJlhon has hcl lieen lieengiving I Iahll igiving
giving ahll flights II hl around amI1 the Ih muntry llr Hie Hiecomplaint 1 he heeuuiulatnt
llIIJalnt complaint tate tAt that Ihlt Hinnltin lnlh n leased leasedthe I Ith leadI
I the th Cutties urti htpane unit Incl < urti 111 lirtims n was WA t treceive >
I I receive h < vi per r cent nl of all 1 the Ih gross cn pro proeM irntwdm
twdm eM Hnmillnn tnmiln ahandnnc hnnt < i the use J 1n of ofthe ofthu r rI
I the th Curtice lrti machine nlrhin during dlrln tho Ih aviation aviationmeet AVIAU1 aviationtileet
meet 11 at vtlantio ll II 10 titv 11 alleging 11 lnl that thlt CurtiM CurtiMhad Clrti Clrtihe I Ihail
had he failed fl to provide lrotd him with ith a suiuble suiublemotor IlliLI IlliLIOolnr musjtaLjIumotor
I unafe motor Oolnr uiniafeMr anil alil list the th one n ht h WUH 1 using linK was wasI w j jMr i
Mr I ltidlow 1110w Mill I this tbl evening mnl that th1Inlr M Mr aubnter
r lltlter suit 11 will 1 tm I tlltsl I I I slid Iul that the thesum Ih IhII themuon
sum II nsie iusd < l vrill I I Ir larger nr arier r than th chnl the ItI ItInuuin1 > n
1 named nl hv h t 111 urtiw He I Mild hi that m 1 I ii iif i ifonlract 1I
fonlract f 1rHrll t urtiw UI ngreol ln1 t > give 11 Hanilli 11111 > ti tiflr 11fr1 iiflrrt
flr fr1 flrrt t choio lh ff f all al < ntriit ntr ta and prlre prlrennd Irl r rclul Iuuti
I nnd clul he h was to receive 1 a nnptrient N IV per elit lt myall nral v vof s sor
of the th gross In pr prneeedm eHls fir th tho us 1 ui of f his hismachine hAmahlll liiimachine
machine He U MIC maid nt It the Ih time the th ion iontruct n
I truct tn wil inule 11 IurtlKS I 0 lrt did hII IK1 tiit e > frt ct to toI I Inuaic
make flighi Illh4 fligti tint 111 later chmge hIR1 < hi him mind mindand mindanti nm1an1
I and kept lpt the th heat I thing lln for him himI hfnselt hfnselttie If IfHe
I He I said hi Hamilton tnnlltnn ha hal liar nl l uuun > e n damagral damagralin
in not lieing supplant 1111 Alih h a good 1 < 1 m nt < it t ir iri urI r rI
I I I i I rnn rl i r I tnii tniiMiration II I
I Stratton trlon ltit lilt IU llaetilne rhln nut Olt of Hu Runa l lnes
nes a at t Toronto TCrnnlo lll II > lone to l1 l1TORONto nTOROS10 I1Tottoxio >
TORONto Julv 12 t hotit bol 4 4I 15 1 this thisafternoon thl thlrlrnoon thaiafternoon
afternoon St Stratton rat rlol ton took 10lk out 111 hi hir llMriot Rhuriotfor nol i ifor
for u I trial lral flight Illhl flu machine m rhl rhldamr1 wtv wtvdamrge aajdamrue I
damrge damr1 I at the Montreal IOII81 n neat It o t and hn hnnot h hnft bar barnot
not nft been in running rlnllin rtinmitngordr order unlr since 11 Si Stratton Strattonwar rat ion I Iwas
was determined IIIfrm however to If make mik n nflight nnllht aflilit
flight nllht a soon n P MMSible anti nne decide tn tntry h tuttry I IIr
try Ir out lut the Ih machine IClun I efore ror the Ih crowd crowdarrived crowdarrived
arrived arrivedHe arrt
I He I started from the th lower end n of f the thellelri Ih IhIlrl theflld
llelri Ilrl and ran about the th ground Rrolnr in I circle cirelebefore lrl J j
before foro he h rose r The 11 rudder rllldr wan evident IInll IInllnot Iv Ivnot ivnot
not working urklns properly When hl iien in the th air airhi airIi
hi h > started wheeling hlll about III I eccentric eccentriccircle f eccentriccirclee lIrc lIrcclre I
circle clre like Ilk A bird hiId with a broken Irokl wing wingFinally wlnl wlnlI wingFinally
Finally Finaly the th machine 11lin left If the Ih ground Rrolnll anil anilmaln II IIm1 anulmmli
I maln a dive 11 into Intf the tl wood woodIt woodrit 01 I
It I struck H 1 tinge hllA pui Ii about 11 thirty feet fretfrom J Jfrom
from the th hi ground rcld and Ixlged m I t th thbranches h hhrnrh he hehritnthee
branches hrnrh Stratton Sttol < was w ealnuly v lmly sealed sealedin 111 111In
in his hi machine ascertaining artaln l the th amount amountof RIlat RIlator
of IC danug dnlp done on when u 1 few f s ectator eucctatrswent IICt IICtwnl > ectatorwent
went over lo t ee th itie worst He wn un cn tininjured I Iinjured IaNr
injured aNr but the right wing wil of his hi aero1 aero1tiUne aero aerotulins 1 I Ihll
tiUne hll wn n ho hniulenmly > el < M y bniken It I is il un Inl Inltkfly tinlikely I Ilikely
likely th chI t It I will wi lie I in flying < order for forthe forthe
the I h r IIlcr rmiinder mr inder of she h meet meetCount 01 meetouflt I
Count Iollt JVi I iuiAuiim fw wnsthn wa ttue only nnIYlldn adven adventurer mdvuniirer ¬ I Itlrr
turer tlrr l berislee > eslde hi Straton Stratton rat ton At t 7 oclo Oclk OclkRtr oclock oclockafter < k kafter
after Rtr a two tWI hours hO wait wai the th spectators spectatorshad APtHtnn
had the Ih pleasure of r seeing inR him hln makn a alight aIlhl atllgtit
light Ilhl in I his htl HMriot lriI No I 9 Hn I went as ashigh Al mahigh
high us Il Vfi o feet f1 staying IHin in the I air 111 for five fiveminutes O OIIIUI fiieiruintiter
minutes IIIUI Vt t 7 to 1 he h ascended IlldC1 again this thistime thrtine
time m I his hi famous fnlloll I S Srat Scnrab < nranen In tin thimahm I Imnchine IttariiIne
mnchine 1m he h went nt up III ti i feet and nl1 remained nmII1 rernzumietiIn j jin
in th stir Ir f fr r n seveti ven n nilnulea mnllM giving lnl many manyilemonxtrations manycmonlllll manyitemunrtrltti4in4 I
ilemonxtrations cmonlllll of f the Ih glide glideThe Rlc glideThe
The Th Wright rIRhc n viator are Rr being 1lns besieged Ilf i ihy Ihy iby
hy fieople who h wish Ib t I gi gi > up II In the th hi biplane hiIlln hipluine ¬
plane Illn with i Itli h them thr It I is II understvxl on ongood Ottguod
good 01 authority nlJhorly that Ihl MS kl high hl h ns tlono 0 lies 1mshoen h liesbeen
been 11 oflere nrOI l for it cJam0 an ane to tike n 1 flight flightwith nJRht11h flightiith
with 11h thc nviatirs nviatirsTlie nvieturrTtii
Tlie T neather neatherIS raIIierJI 111 I IJI
JI IS I The Ion srrs arm whirn hl1 an ov or r relrrtt the thetaterui h
taterui Inln miI 1 I nelnl tiallpeP1 tiallpeP1uttrr1a I IIr
> elrrtt Ir > > end rrt nr orr Cl in the VUntlr Inl Mslr < lh the h ptr ptrNew r rUI prrur
UI em blCh It u 1 ruw1 iti ea rncln rnclnm Enitind Enitindew
New ew Nor m irk i Ncu ea lrr If > > riot > nil e r un t rn lrnn PrtinyItnIm PrtinyItnImIt > > lvinls lvinlsi1rprr
i1rprr It prnkr lon of v orre > mr nntt C formed rnmd oirr r ih ihunprr up uploP t tIIN
loP IIN trite Ik trfloit clo HR I I I tu rrntir rn In It rsllrrn 11 V l II unniEa I IrtniMS
rtniMS I ti I WA sllen llnI iStnit lr t t I > > rsln In s mo mnt i pi rlr rlrIn r I IIn
In th jppr Jpr ifli n < l middle mld < l Ukr rr clnn lon Ihrt nuIn t am amrim s sruin
ruin rim In mi I < In uh h Dhln Olin mIl ln HIH mni I ih ice h itiif Ntatr Ntatraiil uaueaa1
aiil 1 < sboa bo fr Ill rl in n II tile < K Ul Min9ui v mi I Xsllrv XsllrvIllf 11 rtienhigh
high h prr peurra urr ur rovrrft r1 round mn m rnt i of ii r IV Norlhnei Norlhneinl n nrthrtvit I Io
vit nl o lea In prr pyepJfe 4arr til I Hie Ile s Yitltt Yitlttii > rhvi I III i iII
II aam s > warmer am In n Out 0 uun1 n nd < t wrlrrn IVnnj IVnnjunu 1 1n trnn trnnAna
unu Ana n auOt nrt d In Mnnlsnt lolo and nrt oolrr I tn I Ce ir north Int IntIr unrttri unrttriI rn rnr
I r jIiurs lorv Ir the 1 4uwr 11 IMT Mlvl pH V iirv n nl nl1 11gt > l lcrnrrsll
crnrrsll gt nerit rlc rteabre brrc 1 aet Mt nf r the th h llw 1111 tinrtpp lpp lppi
t 4 i ji J ciu rl ih the I il dUo v U nan hi and nr iichiiy ICh moi roitr roitra lr lrInt r rm
a m Int Ii l tight Izl t n I fr frph n 1 norshMl nrluc noru hr4 t u to > wuiiir It Ite nt t s r rttr rat
ttr at e humlrl Plumidit iuml > 1il > 3 O P pl per r i nf n tannnrcr rortVrteil rortVrteilt rorrietLnlrai
t It rr luI it to I I s M Lnlrai > 4I I > I It MMui MMuiThe K KThf I
The TIIm tfmp temperatUte < rtujf I vr trr tprdmV rrl l > s mi rrrorded Iroldr hv h > IS ISn Iinrimt
l ii It ntoaD to > n In the innriM nD i iut itlbl Itable
n nrimt > d 1 l iJi thrn1rnctr hrIRclr raiomei r I hl
ut table >
tail laI tana 1 taw lao laoa i il
a l TO n S I M y yi 3 3I 3tI
i I tI u J I C T J M t J 1 II IIi 1
i 3 i u M si 12 t I MM IItdIlliheut Id 1 1Ilrh1 r rhrtl
Ilrh1 Illiheut hrtl l tmpernture rapfr mrI tmr M st 3 IK I I1 I U UTON UMIIO UnNNIS3TOS
nNNIS3TOS MIIO TON rop rnpmrar r sr ros to n butT r NO fl 10 10Mnmom if4Otmfl I
Mnmom MnmomKnUrr 4Otmflp n
p s teft I r1 r1r raituul ens ensp
r i u l I fJef 0 t f I MVlC jnnea I IS
S 1 1IAp KnUrr 1 fomi 0m n > 4U M tvi Si w minea mineauId > r rft
ft niitf uId j trfili f ut Pqiuue1 w lf 7 Yflffflj Yflfffljtor V Vc lVif lVifp I
tor p Ar ih IC IHtrli c nr I nlumhU mtit n nI < t M Mf I Irr In Inhn tinul tinulfas
f hn fas ir in Ian > t v rrrrfdM 1 eredd h t P boner 10 fan lo I to i ilirh erom eromnSrrit 0 I It
lirh u t mlr nSrrit 1 < r wr actft Kf 1 > aiuii int I
lf10 IMIf I rrtit UI1 I STHITS STHITSMI ST II1T SlIIlIfl ilfUl
MI 1 tii 1 > vf I lit i uf i af if ifHome Ul UlNan till tilltoniu
Home Nan s at > f the tl German Organs Get Their TtielrHarks Tr Tri TheirI
i Harks nI I pal p at I nrleNam nl Ham hut OurMate OurMatellepBrlment Ourtalprtntll Our Stale Stalethpartnurnt
llepBrlment prtntll Isnl Heall RfI Kxelleil Kxelleilcr IchItilOter 111 111Ulr
Ulr cr Mere I IHplemsllc UlplonlI Clvllltlei Clvllltleit hlll hlllI
I Icd t C ttuwiIa Jt t fi I Tam TR TRInsoos TamlOfloN 5v 5vIOXPON >
IOXPON July 13 The Th > Herhn cone correj Cr conerieulent
j spondent IIlrlltr of blue Ih Startiinl 8ardr without W holl Riving 11111 givingthe
I the th Miurcf Ilr slate al that Ihi lb following rollwilll wn wnj waruipflirWI n nUIpllli1
j supplied to It him n mama In n aulhentlcexp lulhnU auulientIcexpritiuwu auulientIcexpritiuwuuif < IJ < > siliou siliouof i lnn lnnf
of f liienfnVtiil German nman view of tr the Ih Kul lCuier alr ern ernrecent I Irtnt in inrecent
recent rtnt letter to Irmiiletit 1iIl11 Mnilrir MnilrirGermany 3lncrh 3lncrh1nI Mndrivun
Germany 1nI un IIKI the 1 not reoognii rPtJlz any anyi an anright
i j right rllhl of f the th United tIII tilted 1 fitate i4tatu Ial to sil suwrvise suwrviseher ul < ervise erviseher trvl trvlhII
her hII diplomatic clplomltc relations n101iu with wih the th coun vouinI ln lnI
I tries Iri of Central I and Ile South Sllh tith America In Ingeneral Intnr inenural
general tnr 1 or r her relations U11 with wih Nicaragua Nicaraguain S icargutiti rarRu
in II particular l > rtCllar Germany Olrman1 recognition Ilniloli of ofPresident ofIreuuident r rIridlnt
President Iridlnt MadrU it i n matter ratr that con conI r11 r111mM
I 1mM cernn heriteir and il1 Nicaragua iearagtia and not a athird aIhlnl i ithin
third ieron ° ui or Power PowerJ
J No other hpr corrrstomictit CrrlloncClIt mention mnll1 this thisstatement IhA11IIInt flit flitintittetitetit
statement and altl It i wn 11 certainly rlilnl not 101 issued issuedby 1111 1111I tamedI tamedby
I by the Ih Germany frmall Ministry JIlIlr of Foreign Foreigni orlln orllnlalr
i I Afliurs lalr when wh officials unIM l eiplained JIllln that the thewonls th thunl theWorth
Worth unl Great On1 and All good friend frnd u 11 11In uireui uireuiitt ed edill
ill th the I lie KiiiMTH lirl letter is the Ih usual 11 dlplo dlplomalic dlplomaU lIplomatie
malic < form employe flpluy1 in addressing addressingPresidents Iderln IderlnIr sddreaaufnptPreiniulents
Presidents of Ir republic rruhIM anil ale that the theletter th th11Ir thuI
11Ir I letter contained contln absolutely i1lJly nothing < that thatcould IhnlI
I could lie I truthfully trulhliy described llrbl a an hostile hostileto h0ll h0llIu
the Ih United
to Url State Slt SltI StateThe
1 The Th official VorfA virt 01 Otrman a rma flnjitlr Un ig ignores I II igI
I nores nnf the Ih incident llcienl completely mlIfII Other Othernewspapers OthrnAIp Oiliernewmpapera
newspapers nAIp comment mllnt in Inn an angry anlr manner mannerion nlnnr nlnnrj mannerIon
ion j on the th way WIY the th Ixindon newspapers 1I1I1 have haverepresented hR hRth havereprrietitud
represented the th aflair aflairI aflairThe
I The ht Rrrlinrr R rl Pont or says Y the II Emperor Kmperordoes tmpnr tmpnrj Emperordoea
j does dO not need to I apr aJri > iy to tl it the th heed of a aj Afnnlll ai
j i foreign fnnlll Stale lal 01 u the Ih eoitor rllo of the th Amen Amenj Amencan mri mriI
j I can cn jingo jin pres pr for informntum IlIfrlllun a ma to how howto h < w wtn
to conduct diplomatic dilomltc intercourse mtrou Even Kvenif Jvrn
I if his hi Majesty laJsl should houll addrens Rcer a foreign foreignruler roi foreignruler n nrllr
ruler rllr in an I uiiiMiinl IIUlnl manner nlumr it I is not 101 the theconcern th thconlrn theconcern
concern of r American Illn reporters rIorl who have havestill hl havemtill
111 still much to learn of Kurope s conven conventlonal lnnI conventtonal
I tlonal tonal pohtene 1011 If I they tb feel ffl obllgml ohlKd to tolecture 10Ilture tolecture
lecture Ilture foreign rorljn rulers rlllr on their behavior behaviorthey Ihor Ihorth behaviorI
I they th might mieht begin 111 with wih Itooeevelt I Ot 1 I and andOthers andoth andp
p Others oth nearer home homeThe hnmI
I The Th Vruafe rurlt rv 1 cctineltcn cthritllra and the th I o oi M Mill oaaerAe
aerAe i ill eAr Xtvng XuV prufesn Iror Unconcern unonCrn a a am to towhether tohIIhr towhether
whether hIIhr America mrl approves alIro or disapproves disapprovesof
of the I I letter letterIlKlill 1Ir 1IrI letterI
I IlKlill Ihrll July 12 I Th The ofltclals at I the thei
I i I Ministry lnlatr of Foreign tonlln Affairs have h nothing nothingto nothll <
p to oiy ny y concerning the th letter 1Ir of Emperor KmperorWilliam Emperortiliiti
I William tiliiti IIul to President IrHidnt Madriz of Nicaragua Nicaraguabut SIuaKbut
but they allow Ilow u I to he h known that It was wasin wasin
in no sense semi n a personal Jron1 letter of the Km Kmprror EniPror
prror 1101 but I an ln official oncIL document dolmnt worded wordedIn onll
In the Ihlall usual diplomatic dirlomoic form and signed ill1 in inactorilaniT InI Inaetoruianru
actorilaniT 1rln with wih custom by I the Ih Kaiser Jl and andthe lud ludth andthe
I the th Chancellor ChancellorThe lhIHllor
The 11 news 1 newapapers > > aierM 11 ar are Riving 11lns much prom prominencn prminn promtnec
inencn inn to the th nuttier nulr and a llri ascribe crtl the th pub publication jiuihiI lh lhhctlon ¬
I lication hctlon of the Ih letter ltr to the Ih malignity tallnll of ofIlntmh orInlih ofliritiati
Ilntmh Inlih haters hal of Germany n urfliut > rln A majority majorityof mnajoritof
of the paperw JI are Ir quite qUt friendly fiflll to America Americain AmriAI
in I their comments olmntl hut one on or two express expressindifferent expreintliffreiice Ipr IprItlIC
indifferent ItlIC whether the th United ln States Statesapproves HtMt I IKpprO Iapprover
I approves KpprO or disapproves cJIIro of Serminy GermanyauoUrpe irmny irmnyI s sI
I course courseThe uoUrpeThe I
The Thf story which has h recently rCnty been beenrevived beenreved n nrI
revived rI that Germany is II I again < Aln making makingan maklR maklRAn
an effort lorl to secure lr H I coaling CII station lon in inAmerican a amrrn inAmerican
American mrrn waters At for her 11 warships h Is II again againdenied IIln IIlnI againdenied
I denied deniedOfficials deniedOtliclain nl1 I Ii
i Officials Ortcal at the th Mmistrr tliltrr of Foreign torIRn Af Affair Mfal f ffain ¬
fair repeated tonight their denial that thatGermany thlltOnllny thatuntulafly
Germany Onllny untulafly was R making mklnl effort lon to necum 1 1aln a aoitlmg acoaling
coaling aln < station lltion m I it American mrlcn wul waters watersThey atr rs rsThey
They 1 said c We W have hK repeat risatedly 1atly Hy denied dn1Ihl deniedthis J Jthis
this sUir end nd can only deny my it again againIf man manIf lin
If teople believe 11 it we have ha nothing nothingmore noth ing
more 11 to s M may mayVuttto y yV
V Vuttto Hivotiv July Jil JUi 12 I Officers Om rA of the theState theState
State SIII Iiepartmeit arlm1 do < n not regard the th ar aciiuti arIul Art
lotS Iul t of tin t h German Ormll ertian Foreign 01111 Office Ofc In con congratulating Oh Ohgratuulating 11 ¬ I Irawlln
gratulating rawlln Jvnor lor MiHru 11r7 Preeilent of ofth ofthedefact f I IIht
th Iht thedefact defacl fal i ivernnientin rn mnt1 western Nica Nicaragua Si Sirll Nirarsiglia ¬
ragua rll upon 1111 hi a Ihl acueIots Ce Kol to the thePresilencv Ih IhIrfllny thelremiIeney
Presilencv Irfllny a I an al I net t unfriendly 1luly lo the thepresent Ih thepreent I Iprnl
present policy h of r the Ih Irlt 111 riteI l State m mdealing I I Iilealing
dealing IInl with Nicaragua Icara Ihecnmmuni Ihecnmmunication 1 h mlll mlllAI
cation cat AI In ion from rrlm Kmperor E1 rr illiin 1111 lo Presi President Ir Ircpn frruident
dent cpn Mnlri lalrl7 they tIle contend wa a a per perfinurv I 1 1functury
male without the theslightest Ih themlijhteat I Iiht1
functury flltnr nie 11 meemage > age llholt
slightest iht1 regard rIArd to t actual lltlalntllonA conditions there IhrCrII thereeufplatv i iierninp
CrII ierninp ha h comparatively email mlll In IninterentH ininturuets
interentH 1111 in that section lon anil alll the th officials officialsof oc
of the th l epartment > rtmpnt l 11 isliv > eieve that the Ih m msage tnuu tnuurage
sage 1 m I of uf practically no 111 significance iSljlcnr iSljlcnr1t1I as asindicating maindtrating
indicating 1t1I Germanys attifide RlclI toward towarditini tnarulNirarguit
Slrr4111 Slrr4111Ilr Nirarguit Nirarguitit
itini Ilr it sir vm is I ii iiMrhirnlhagrn > ts tsllrlnrrlhaRen 111 111I 111Irlnrrllh I
llrlnrrlhaRen Irlnrrllh I nllertlnn nlllnn lining llrlngsooil 111 uuise uuisehood 1 I Ioonc
hood oonc ooil lrlrr at ChrUtleV ChrUtleVrtfii 1rlI 1rlIr hrIstIeaqvuU
rtfii qvuU i 4W iJ iHirAiiit r a TUB M I IJlly r rIAte I IIOMXIV
IOMXIV IAte July II I Th Ihe collection roll ton of I Iengravings III Iisgravingr
engravings II rII of If the th hie 11 11111 Itnotch Mme Meineriz MeinerizImgen Meineniluigen I nnl nnlIUIII >
Imgen IUIII wn ixld 111 at I lhrII1 hn hrirtier < > tle today These Thf rhieInL I Ipncert I IlnL
pncert lnL were among mols those Ih rellre rlzL < l lJ I Iprt
J 1 JoneHs Jon impmwKni of Mr II l 11n Iaven Iavenport > ven venpurt
port prt hy 0 i > Hornney Hcml SO 2oj O3 1 lloppner lloppnerport IIllpnr IIllpnrnr Iinppnurmportrait
port portrait nr in it f the th daughters dluthtr of Sir Th Thl ThlFlkLul Thmnar ThmnarFrankland ma mahranUUnd
hranUUnd FlkLul the Ih impre imrein ion h iv > v W V Wnrd WnrdJrtiOi Wlrl Wlrlfla Vard4t1
JrtiOi fla 4t1 lady 11d 1 lts ix pfylde whole length lengthhy lh lhly
hy ly Thomas Thlm Watmni WIn after Sir JiMhiu JiMhiuUeyn Ih I I1 IIteynclcle
Ueyn Iteynclcle < Id s fxinraii 1 aut rAil i coiinteM Icollt IrcohintearIrosiie coiinteMCrobie I Irhl
Crobie rhl whole hol length 1lh hv I W V lirkm Itcktninon Itcktninonafter < < n nafter
after afr Heynold HYtld portrait nnl J3 17 t37 7J l lady ladyBetty idy idyHetty 1 11lm
Betty elme 1lm > and children hy h Valentine ValentineGreen Valntinujreen nlII
Green 01 lifter Sir J 11 Jimhuiat < hlUl Iteyiiold HylI Kyt Kytami 1731 I73tntl I Inn1
ami mother 1nnlhfr engraving 111111 of j i i lleynold lleynoldportrait 111nI Iteynolutuportrait < A I Ipnml
portrait pnml Iidy Catherine Ielhim 1lhar rim rimton Iln Ilnton llinton
ton whole length ngth hy y1 J 1 K I Smith Hllth 13 137Imnl 137 3ThironnIii 57J 57Jin
Imnl ironnIii in II ii I in inTlie 1111 ii UI UITlf rniir rniirTue
Tlie Tlf Matin tUI Think Tln the Ih t L M Mor tintne on e Ott Ottml a aTDK
TDK T1 tear uar 1 Ttisn In Itmi Itmiprr I ItiOtpvr un unp ffi
prr p > 11 I I > 1 ptp l npilrt > it r nuIKI fn nu IralAKZ si s sPAHI
PAHI IKI July 1 13 T TI rt ie lalin nll ptthlishM IIIII h hIudI a aIradv aleader
leader IudI denting raln with ih the th financial fnJnclRI Htntu Htntunnd statutaand 11111 11111Rnd
and lh the outl oltlk outlook < H k in Wall WI Street StreetIt
It says f the th monetary InnIuy position II Ion of the IheUnited Ih IhUnld theUnited
United Unld State this year > eur is II wore wor than it itwas I itwan I Ias
was as at II the I h beginning tRinninl of ion 11 and thai thaidespite thaicpil thatdapit
despite cpil huge bond purchases Jurchl in Europe Filropeit 1lrnl
it t fenr n 1 repetition rlJtlln of the Ih crisis cr i of If IDH 1907 1907sEul O7 O7Air
Air 11 > tnth tlIthIbflIt tlIthIbflItEider hUn rnicIN iirns iirnsKlder 1 n nIdlr
Eider Idlr ltrmp IrmlIlr lirmitsier lrr lu Rearh RIth Out ful fur a tisre tuarrof tisreof
of ne l fos oa1 l Trade Trsileffn Trcf TradepPrti I
ffn pPrti t t iWf M I flHit J kC r IMr 1H Sr SrIOMKIN Sr1SltS rN rNloto >
IOMKIN 1SltS 1 July I Tho Thl fcW EkIr lrr r Dempterl DempterlCompany OmpAIr I ICorny ICnrn1ny
Company intiouncn nnoun tUit tlt th fhy y intend to tomeet InII tovneet I
meet II the lt tomiatititn < om olltnn > eition If of > f lh the Urmll iermati krm i icompanies Irnll Iconhunem
companies rnll > n and 111 will wil estnblioh IJIIh a regular regularmrvir regularmortic lar I Ir
mrvir r lelwoon N New > r ork mil I the thnof 1 1of
cuiut of Africa AfricaIt tfnicIt r
n I
It I Hurt to Give GiveMy GiveMy GiveMy
My First Million Millionjd Milion I Id
I Ifor
jd d J i philanthropist phllUHhlnllS Donl wait waitfor
for fo iht million millionSend milion milionSend millionScnd I
Send lutt whjt h ou U hate ho f toJjv toJjvjnd Indo Indoond todivand
and ond tomnrroM t Jn he t ue giving JIIJ hap tuppmov hI happincs
I Imota Imotheip
pmov pne anil nr hrjfi to poor tenement tenementmotlicrv leltment
motlicrv mota jml n1 ihiJJren i Ien 4t our Cur Sea SejHrree Sf Sealtrree
Hrree ltf f ruh e1 Aur > r ionic I Uc c Hill Hillneed UIIInttIt itillneed i
need jtooo n 0 Ota for the irjon tI 1 work workU ork orkK 011
K I s Vllalun Ialu T Uoom nm il 1 No 0 1m 1mIu Iftitari f fM
Iu M 4 > P Nr t tS orll orllx n nrl
x > sociTtfN flCIhTI rl inn lurnovivr lurnovivriTn 1 rnOI TI TIITI THuurPTlI
uurPTlI > iTn > N < Iu nip rl PIKIM PIKIMn I
n I Fit TON TO ft sit nix rr tl n rlId rtmduo id fii
4 New NewShaving NewI
I e Shaving ShavingDevice ShavingDevice ShavingDevice
Device DeviceDr
BY B Dr ingcniout ig nioul mechanical mechanicalcontrivance mechanicalI
I contrivance contrinncC the AutoStrop AUloStropI
I Safety Razor Razr enables anybody anybodyto antdy antdyto ant body bodyto
to mop and thave hoe a as i quickly quicklyhandily quikly quiklyhadiy quicklyhandily
handily and Ihe Ihehead thehead
hadiy expertly uprty as the thehead
head barber barberYou ba barberVoudont r rYou
You Voudont dont remove the blade bladeto
I to sharpen sharpn or cican Auto Automatically AIIO AIIOmalicaly Automaticaliy ¬
matically malicaly itropt mop itself t f No Noother Noother Noother
other razor doci d this thuGet thisGCt thisGet
Get GCt an AutoSttop Safety Safe
Razor Try it i It I it doe doenot do dono doenc
not no nc give you a head barber barbershave babr babrhue barbershave
shave gC take it back Dealer Dealerhas Ieaterhas
1 has authority aUlhorit from us to refund refundyour relUd relUdour refundour
your our money moneyWil mane maneWi moneySiIl
Wil Wi you OU put it off oI and for forget forget or orEt ¬
get Et it i or will wi you > 0 ou get one is ismorning 1 hJsmorning
morning mornig morningI I ITry 1s
I s n nI 1AZOR 1AZORStiopItuU
StpI StiopItuU StiopItuUTry
Try TI it a a t our tSsmoiitntmf 10lnic Ito Itoitth torr torrI t tj
j I 4 I s T Kitth Avrnuf n nu r jjrd I1 Street StrrfiL Sltf1 Sltf1Inn StreetLserr
L Lserr > rrr contrnirncr cenntunce < Inn n ton O ihitin Ih ituinint no nooHifitran nooltI rioottustson
I oHifitran oltI n ubite whatener whatenerflr hn hnI < r rr
nn nnI
I tT flr r i m IIIITO1f 1 I TOII Tl I II insnit tIIlSIIIITiIhInghatn insnitTllllnKhaif
I TllllnKhaif Tllnhut lltnic IIn ls Iarhln chine Turns Turl Out OutIn nulI Outto
In lie I Julte ul Hsl HslMas R kiaIWnncpartn I IWnRnnn
I WnRnnn Mas Ia July 12 11 I The sup suppo Itl nupI
I po posdly dlr ly phantom Ihntol airship lrhiJ which attracted attractedso Itracu1 Itracu1a
so a much lurh attention atnlon last winter Jr at watte rcattetuul rcattetuulloctlttiea Ur1 Ur1fJIon red redlofilities
lofilities Imtween kmton fJIon and New York Yorkseems Yor Yorkteerila
seems 1 lu have h hail hA a certain rtaln tangible KU KUliitiie rub rubatiitie uh uh11Ill >
liitiie 11Ill according nIII lo Arthur M I Davison Davisons Lavisoncretrv alloli allolicrla
s cretar of the Ih Worcester WorCIr hoard II > nl of Tra Tn Trartu Trarturh < l lTh
Th Tht airship was w reported J > r tnt UI winter tn tnhae 10n tohine
hae been seen n nt It many places plC Iacr in I thevicm thevicmII
II I iti v of f Norrester as al well 1 as over lloston llostonIx II > tuI
Ix Inl > nit Island 1lalHundanc lslaiidSouodnd Sound and New York VnrkSerrnWrv rorkI Yorkcratarv
I SerrnWrv cratarv tnrv Pavisnn unid 1 to tnduty lav II that he hepniil h lieNiJ
pniil a I visit 111 TeMerdav < to the th secret crl work workshop workI 0 0hop ¬
I pi shop of Inventor tntor Tillmghast the th airship airshipbuilder airmhtpbuiblr Irhlpblill
builder blill r and that Ihll he I wan 18 lon the tt air airship 1 1ahl
ship ahl 111 whirl hlh h bs descritMs art a a monoplane monoplaneThe monopln monoplnTh fl0fl0Pn fl0fl0PnThe
Th The aeroplane arlpll Mr Ir Davison Mid resem resembles rn rusenublem ¬
bles bl a I hoatwitha 1 > wlha racing rlcl automobiUt llomohl en enginn enginn n nilln
illn ginn in i the th how and ln1 a pro ProPllr rolIr < ellr in 1 th thstem II thuaturfl
stem The Th engine nll can C inaxi U the Ih propeller propellerrevolve Jropllr Jropllrro propellerrevolve
revolve ro 3M 31 tunes liA a minute mlll giving Khll a athnist athroat
throat of Ml J feet mil D I lifting lln power I > wr of r
101 111 01 pounds 1111 Hi flu length Inllh of the Ih craft raf lit litjn im3C
jn 3f fe feet t The T maUi m I rlln plane has h a surface lrf of of77i cf cfr offl
77i r fl Mjuarn Iumru ur feet and A two auxiliary Auxiirv pianos pianoshave ln lnhse
have each h a surface lurC of inn 11 square 118 feet feetS tetSecretary t tur
S Secretary creUry ur Davison Iin said that the Ih inventor inventorwas invntorWC
was WC utterly ttrl indifferent Inhlflit to potxilar pIllr rritl rritlcinm enitIintl ril
cinm 1 1 and n hecaus l of th the sceptinsm IplhIm with withwhich wlh wlhwhich withwhIch
which his hi announcement OnnOIlwnt that lut h had built builta 111111
a mirceeofiil flying in niurhlnn lI11rhln aam as 1 received recwivedh 1 1h
I h tie had de rct duridet > ide < l nut nIl In lohn oliow it t to I the Ih piiblii piibliiS Ithla IthlaI tnituliurutary
S srlarr vreary IMviMin 11 raid Id that tllt live 11 of r the themachine thernctuitiu h
I machine 1 had hA already alr < h been n M 111 iol1 > < fo fOlr four ir of ofIhen oflInen f fIn
lInen In III I foreign fortl wuntrieo < 111 Th flie lolh tlnthtrwerin lolhrovering Iohrino
rovering rwerin rino for the Ih planes is I nuide 111 in I Han Hanover lan lanur lieuuner
over ermanv mln the Ih engino wan s built htil it IIIth it1rovideiif itIrovuiem
1rovideiif the th propeller nfI was I mad in inNew 1 ittSW
New Vork ork citvanaall CltV And llh the parts partsaceuretui partsaceuretuibluwi riA are af ahetn ahetnble
ble hl1 < and 11 s t up tl ti ut t a w > cret c1 workshop near nearthl 1r 1rtl nearthis
thl this ritv ritvill VtIYI l
ill illllnwanl I I I ITlIl T Iml IItII il 11 itir itirItonu r rIIn
llnwanl IIn Itonu ant rl lilll il Ils ndl ll > Hurt Ilrl bv t Tiiinhle TiiinhleNear Tnlhl Tuiitleear
Near ear 1 M t Ixtul Ixtulsi IAI IAIt 1AulnSt
si t Ixifis July 12 I Howard Jowal Vt sill iillof sillof 1
of IWtltimore IIllmo and lo 1 Angeles niI iiMinxi iiMinxitntnv uuiatnnudmany IInt IIntranv
many ranv bruiser IniA late LI this th afterti INIn afternoon > on nhien hen his hisbipUne hi hihlln himItll4tIu
bipUne hlln ilroppe < l fifty tft fe feet t to Iti I hi ground groundoiitstd Jrnlr grnuindniteiute
oiitstd fllIt the th aviation 1llon field jlr at I Vitlitiitot Vitlitiitotlatrk htiiit > ti tiPark
Park Pr Ill I n lr near > sr Kusl Jurt St l 1111 1111I leeir leeirhi ui > t tlli
lli I hi had hlr flown nwl a quarter 1IIrlr of a mile I in II ic icthu over overthe orIh
the Ih ire r t re OM opus Pie nl flight 11hl wi tnide iad just JUKIafter JI JIIfrr justmiter
after Ifrr > bonus Von ln Ihul Ihll and II I I < 4tiat Mum Mumhad Ill
had Umlixl on fn the Ih rleM 1 at II T u 3 a P l M I in inthe intii n nh
the tii h Ivalloon lnon ht tt 4t l 111 ltUia uis Vr O > J 3liill Jnl Jliii
liill nl WAS Wi taken Ink In II Henri lnrllt lIenritui llr 111 fMlill fMlillKii
Kii KliP > t St 4t IxxilV 1li 111 II it HH autllli 111111 itittuuttiitiul > l > lle whlth whlthhud hid hidhl1 iuitlihluui
hud f fllowut iowe < j Von on n Puhl Ithl t > the 1 tt eriit alul alulp giujfluta giujflutaf1ee U UTKee
TKee p it wan I learned tilt the tl iiuitr iiitur 11 in Tf Tfas n fleealin
alin as 1 liroken rnln hm hil left If bnn h hinni < l uurtfliueI priit 1111 fl ntid ntidhi
hi left If ft arm lUid 10 oIlier pnrt 011 f hi h hh hh1ly IcdyI MIV MIVliilly
liilly 1ly I I iv bruised hnlI Iutt mei It I I t WHH aan I PHMOI a Ii cut Unit t lii t then thenre II this thisaeru
aeru > > re 1 no ni I lertial lrlllIIJlri mjuriee mjurieeCill unjiirieetll
Cill 1111 had IliiKii 111 over nn 11 ordmrd urcle ici < i the thesouth II t hiu
south side r of r the th avution Rlm aviat inn ground nJII mid midwa itnilwam 11 11W
wa W wam > going nlll arrow crO a I road rr when h n tnin tnl if ifhtrea > f fhoren rhn
horen hn took I fright frlhl and 1111 rm rn n away iy HUH HUHstartled 1hl 1hlIlarll1 1htustartled
startled Ilarll1 Hi iill i1i anti IIHI h hI rhnngwl hnll his hi entire entireascemuding ourws 01
s rending C > < lIrill fifty Il feet when h hi his tnicbiln1 tnicbiln1stidiliily malll mnirhitsstiuldeti
stidiliily Ilclllly stiuldeti ly dropied ii 11011 < to the Ih I ground groundMa ml1 ml1111ll
111ll I ttIIIT rl0n rflI4Ir IIf IIfI 1 I Ita
Ma I ta > Hall ahI 1 I lrnm mm llo nnton lon tn Prnvlilenee rrotlnr In Inftorrhedrr 10orchIrr untlorrhrtrr
ftorrhedrr and 1 Hark lark to ii hasten llmlnnHotrnN loIon loIonns hastenIto
HotrnN Ito te ns Julr Jul 12 u It I Is I pOMibtn 1lht wmeiid that thtthf a athtue v vthtee
thtee thf cornered cornerer rr inloirity inll Inlet cly city flight tilhl will wil Iw I m mcluc II II1m ittchat
chat 1m e r r an n pail I pai t of tti tt thin pr prupotii x > ed itvirlmti itvirlmtiiiHet ii vietintsiiwet
iiHet 11 in 1 lloxton 1 < 11 tie It I e U It tart t of r AuRimt 1j1111 and 1111 tho thollrst Ih IhUI tbfirM
firM of f SJIml SJImlILn 5Jitenil 5JitenilPLium > ptenit > ei eiPUns
PUns ILn are ar under 111r forsuieration cor r AIIr I 1011 witb wl III IIIobject IholJf thin thinobject
object olJf l in 1 view 101 of f making mllll wn n arrange arrangiment armn armnm arrangement
ment m with wih stator hlllnr Hamilton lmiln tn attempt attempta nlmrl nlmrla
a journey JOlrl through throllh the It III air ir from Uostoti Uostotilo 111
lo IVovulrtnoe them lo Woroestur utd utdKvrk sit ul ulhark 1
hark to llooton Ilton If this thll hi were arranged arrangedIlnrmlloi arrUC1 arrangedliii
Ilnrmlloi 111 liii iti ii uiut iirolwibly lirol rollly a lily would wOlld ctarl rl t from frll Sol SolIIT SIIr Sduif4
IIT Ir riell in 1 lirightop Irlhlol nml would wOlld finish finishat tnh tnhI
at I the Mime UI place plil llacelhodistancefrom
1 lhodistancefrom ho distance dltnr from Boston Ron to Providence Providencethnm Irold Iroldth Providencethence
thence th n to Wnrcestnr WMCAlnr and aur return relur to lloston llostonby lllton llltonIy
by Iy air hn ln would lio t lie upproviniAtely uIpro1141ly tso tsomiles t tmil tVmule
miles mil or er considerably t I lees titan th the dls dlstancej 11 lImlance
lance tan covered 11 by I Hamilton lmllton in hi II htir New NewVorkIhiUdolphfa S SYork uw uwYorkIhiladeIhia
VorkIhiUdolphfa York 1hlladlIhl journey journeyn Joan JoannluIonlt journeyieviraii
ieviraii n ltevnluflonl nluIonlt < t tr r 1 rrslril rllc for furTnrrali forTrfat forThra1
Tnrrali TnrraliAi Trfat TrfatA
Ai A TIS TI Tex ru 1 July 12 I Donatio U < nlto taeser taesern aerer aerera
n 1 Mexican 1JCn revolutionary rolllonr sym mympathirer mympathirerWan mJIIhh > athlrer athlrera r
Wan a 1 nrre iirrtetuet te < l by ty Federal tIrl officers at Port PortArthur Portrhur PortArthur
Arthur rhur today tool charged dl 1 with wih sending sendingpostal eendhutgportal ndlll
postal card cans nl through Ihrolih the th mail mlll adilrewMil adilrewMilto
to Irefident Taft and ne nui President Dia Diathreatening IIAt I tlaz tlazthreatening
threatening to blow them up II ij with wih dyna dynamite dvnamit hn hnmi ¬
mite mi mit if they did cld not i uclear ee IM certain Crtll Men Menran ihearan tJ tJrn
ran rn political FIUCAI prisoners Jrlaer now in prison Irln in inthis I ittthin
this tIA ciiintry and Inll Mixico MixicoC Maicomilan 1 lco lcolan
C allan lan I h rental nII fuming ml Home Homer nAml1
s r l1 gi l i 4519 V bnpat 1Nr1 M Tar Tn Nt NtrLUo 1 3 3CALLn >
rLUo rALL Peru Irl July 12 I Samuel SmufOl I ITaylor ITlor ITaylor
Taylor th the American merv Consul 4onul here will willsail wt willmail
sail 111 tomorrow lemerow for the I United States Stt by byway IyWiY tyway
way nt tr Panama PanamaThe Ilnall IlnallT lanatnaTbe
The T nail f ftlrrrt Kvenlns mlns dun dunThe 8unTh LtflThe
The Th Wall Street flt edition of TUB Tn KVENIMO KVENIMORrN VSI O ORrN
RrN contain all 11 the Ih financial ln < AI n news w smut nndthe Inr smutthe
the thf sto II clock k and n bond hd quotations f tl to > the h clo cloof cA cAor dorm dormof
of the th market The Th cl clin cleting < iing quotations quotationsinrixting quintatinnainrisding 1101 Uonll Uonlltlllrinl
inrixting tlllrinl th the hid and nd asked Ak d prices rrfr r with withadditions withartfithunial ih ihlrtitnhA
additions lrtitnhA III news matter ltr am Ar cntitained Clnr aUo aUoIn 0
In 1 I the tb uiclit WAb rdiliou flUO of TUL TI CVBMMO LLl O Sex Si C
IIHDIT ItI SIDE T W4I4 lnt lIT OITFlcurrhrail OT OTFIurfhue lITFIgurehead
FIgurehead FIurfhue for Zrlsja z1a Not nt lUprelrd PNI to tol 10k
I > l lake ke k Much > Iuth RMIttanr RHtDC ReshntaneeCabrerw Cabrera brr of ofliiialemila oflIarklus ofIuiatemala
liiialemila llarklnc the Ih Resolution Resolutionllrnl RIllulon RIllulonlIICI HenolutlanIlenl
llrnl lIICI > of Arms fm Alrrsdy rld on Hand Handvfit handecIs1
vfit 4 Cattli r ffi I litipiue o la Tun Tla Srs Sr SrTiarrznairn S STnrClnur
1 Tfoccin TnrClnur Tiarrznairn ip Honduras Ilndura July IS ISA IZnIIII1 i iA
A n volutlon nIIII1 > against aliusI the th Government of ofPresident oflreniulent
Ilrtllfnt President DivlU IaI is II I practically prctclly ready rul for forLiunrhlng fnrLlndllnl forLiuncluing
Liunrhlng Llndllnl in Honduras loncufL MonilU JniL enemy enemyof nmyor
1 of X4 l Zelayn > lnya II and ane depoood e from rrol power here herethrev hrI herthiit
threv I yiNir ago IK il lu r reedy udy to strike n blow blowfor hlo hlofor hilowfor
for himi I hinielf I 111 > ef r It 1 I II is the tl general impression impressiontliat ImpnlonIhat
that h will wi not deLay d LW him hil campaign C11111n long longIresident 1011 longlrerident
Iresident IrI11 Davlli UIIL knows IllUW5 of f the Ih plot plotagainM II Plotagaintt lot lotnlain
againM nlain I him him and anl it i may m be I said 111 with certutttity cer cerliitnlv r rIlill
liitnlv Ilill that tUt he h will wil not offer olr great reeist reeistunce rel relane reelatI
I unce ane now that hta hl supporter AIJpnrtr elaya U Uliereft il I Ibereft
bereft hrf of power and nlll the rl aIde Kfttradt KfttradtI ttrch ttrchICdhrrn
I Cabrera Irenident Irldlnt of Ouatemiila UUltmla If Iflined I IInllpllaint a alined
lined Inllpllaint up against him himFormer himfurr himI
I Former furr > r Iretudenl Irfld lIt IlonilLi lonIL now no at Ins Insplantation hiAItnialul iiiruLfltatItutu
plantation Itnialul near Hellzc 1Ilz llrilish 1rl Ih Honduras Hondurasha Uondlri
I ha ham been delaying d < Ilnl him blow for the Ih resump resumption rerumplion ur ¬
tion of power for three months mnltl hoping hopingfor hopillfnr
for n 1 sw Alley iuieely > rdy settlement Iemlnt of the th war in ini InScralla iiiXucaragua
i Nicaragua Scralla but hit now that it I soem 1 there therewill thereI
111 I will b I 10 no speedy 1p end nd to HIM th Nicaraguan Nicaraguannnreet SICra iearaguantinrust u
nnreet Int Monilla IUIIIA hat hn lout 10t patience rUpnc and ld has hasordered hl hlnrdr1 barordereet
ordered immediate preparations Jrpartoll for a acampaign almpln acampaign
campaign campaignThe I
The TI people lle ar are ready r e for th thin change in ingovernment ingovernment I Ii
government While i it i n I l believed IUf > there therei Ih I II Ils
i ls only on I a 1 thin wall aIIMtM1 twtwren Bonlllasnd DJil IJonilla and nd his hisformer hi hifurmr himfuurmar
former placn pll yet I he has hI ha made prepn preparation prepara preparations ¬
tions tnnl for a hard Ilre fight Olht He I will wl have the theaid Ih IhAid themid
I aid of the Ih Guatemalan Glntemalln administration administrationif admlnltrtlol
if lie requires rfulrl it itllonilla I ithlonilla
I llonilla JImla was wal deposed dpI1 < three hI years YAn ago ngolast ICO ICOIRAt agolaint
last winter by b elaya of Nicaragua SlcrIUI Th ThCentral Thenlml ThCentral >
Central American mCrlcl dictator sent nl his hi troops troopsInto tro
Into Honduras lundlmll and Rne after Ifr n 1 ftarrn nr fight fightllonilla nRhtl fightlionillit
llonilla l < nlh was WIA forced rorl to Tee r Daviln Onvl was wnsraised wasraiuueui A Ari1
raised ri1 lo If thin t I Tresldency In his hi stead steadi atfKII atfKIIl
i I Pavlli l was lll Xelayn henchman h hman and nd as aslong A AR a aI
I long R as Xelayn AIRY remained ln1 in I power the theI
I Hornuran luldlran rulers rler posItion polion was Wll assured assuredNEW alur alurK aasuredcEw
NEW = K ORLKANH URLASM July is h A revolution Iohlton IohltonIn revolutionin
1 In Honduras UOlldurll ha h ham lw been on ex eXllcto expected < eclod here hereamong h heretitnong I Iaron
among aron Central ntr1 American mrlrn ol obrervern h > ereni ne for forIsomn fo forliiomo
Isomn Ilm time ti Arms Im I it I is il i known kllonhlPfl were werokhipr wereahippeui
khipr ahippeui hlPfl > ed in small mal consignments enlllmnt for fornlllaN 11 Ho Honhiiain < < >
nlllaN IlaM usx I tin several rl months monthl ago I O in fact factthe rlclth facttIm
the th shipments IhllICntA extended Une1 over a period Ilr o of offixe ofI offlve
fixe I months monthsTrouble Ilnlhl monthTrouble
Trouble Trolhl in Honduras 10ndlml will wi add to com complications em emhrllola comdIcettiott ¬
plications hrllola in I Central ltrl menca mric Many Manypontons Ian lanyiwrwnns
pontons 1 > II among nmonl the Ih Central Cntrl American Americancolony AmrlcnIIn Americancolony
colony here hf l eleve 11 > that a radical mdlC1 change changej hlnc hlnci
j i In the th system fytm of administration 1lllnlINlon of thit thittropical th thuuI I
I tropical republic rIIlhll Is I not far distant distantTrouble distantTrntsbluiuubrewtngin
Trouble Trolbl Trntsbluiuubrewtngin is brewing hIR In San Sn Salvador ShRdor where wherei hr I
i the Ih resident IrJent want wal I the th laws changed lhn so sothat a anthat I
that he h can nn succeed N1 himself He le i is op opj 01 opixed
j x Id > fd by h u young YOII mens s party ty which hum hssits huIII humits
III its own n candidate rneldul In addition nddilon to their theirI I
I poliiimt I I CI I ptopaganda pnl anl the f young olnR men have havemivsl h hm haveninisoti
mivsl m 1 a large Ilrl mini 1m of money mnny and 11clrrn 11clrrnI arranged arrangedwith
I with wih the th I Inlil nliti American mriln information informationof Inroratlnn Inroratlnnhnal ituformationhutenti I IlmIIIRn
hnal hutenti of New uW Orleans Irln for an advent adrertising alert adventing
ing campaign of Salvadorian SAloriali resource resourcesimilar lurCa lurCaalm remourceasimilar
similar alm nr lo hoard Inl of trade campaigns in inthe InIh inthe
the Ih tnited ni1 States Statesitiinri Stateeiiiiii lat lati
i itiinri Irl iiiiii i iosrincr n nT sTonr sTonrHut Ton TonI
I Hut Mat nn ana TSuwpaper > e ps er Fall to tohI Alia Alialhe ils ilslhu4enerai
lhe lhu4enerai hI < eneral ffral IHtqulet IHtquletNprUJ Utult Utultj lIsquletjpcul
j NprUJ 0 i uhL < ibl Dfrflfr nIr to r Till T 9rx 9rxHAVANA StehAVANA M
I HAVANA July 17 I The Thf press PI ridicules ndiculenthe rdieul rdieultht
the conspiracy 1pirc story growing out of th the thearrent i iarrest i irrI
arrest on Sunday Slne of seven lon men ln mostly mostlynegroes rnotlynegroer
negroes lr on the I 1 charge chAr that I they I were werplotting wereplotting er I
plotting plotlnc to overthrow ovrlhr the th Government GovernmentSome UovmmenlSm
Some Sm of the Ih paper 11 however lay sire sireupon atre atreIIpn mtresuipIti
upon IIpn the h fact act that three Ihr of the th prisoners prisonerswere pronl prisonerswar
were formerly members mh1 of the Ih secret secretI pecretPIIr lr I II
I I jiolire poh PIIrI I II ITh
I Hi I liui 1lrl si5fu7 ucAt referring rfrrl to an allegation AIalon allegationr I Iof Ior
of r one 01 oti witn win witna t that Ih Mr r Stemhart and andseftor Ano nuj nujSiinr
seftor sor San S Miguel 1111 editor lor of the Ih Lurhn Lurhnwere Lurtqwere
were instigator 11 Alor of the Ih nocalled m lI talled con conspiracy rol rolrlmr cotispirty ¬
spiracy rlmr scornfullr Crnrll mayA av lYI that when wh San SanMiguel SanMuguiehconspurusnarhedniin n nllcl1
Miguel Muguiehconspurusnarhedniin llcl1 r n npr pir n m he h did dil in lOtt 111 19slhsdoa 19slhsdoanot he h does eO I Inot I
not let I the h oerntnent Cornrnl > discover his hi plan p11 lans lanstuntil j juntil
until 11111 hi him conspiracy fIAirA ho h succeed euiececduviSotwithiuttandirig IcHI IcHISnllhlAn I INotwithstanding
Notwithstanding SnllhlAn < ill the th levity with wlh which whichi whichthe hlrhi
i i the Ih mutter mlr is 1 treated by the th newspa nPI nPII newupawra newupawratt > ers ersit
it I causes rAIIO an In increoe Incrla m the Ih general nral dis disquiet iii iiiqiiiut IA IAIi ¬
quiet qiiiuttiiirsr Ii I Iwirsr IIIH
wirsr IIH s siMfr 1 r IHHM in mi miolci ii i iI s sKnund
Knund I olci In Psprl r 11 llronshl Irolhl to llerlln lrln From FromI Vronlhln
I lilne htnrae e TurIn Turkestanwni
wni ii < i iHf flripatt np if c THK IN MN MNRiniix s snIts Ct Ct1Iiuii
nIts July Jil IS I Dr Lenders 1ler th the emi eminent emnent ml mlnlIt ¬
nent tnrll H anuuenit n crit < > holar in il exatnining IIUmll the thepapyn th thepapyri I IJ1r
papyri J1r which hlrh l 111 ioo brought hrolaht to I bi Berlin flerlmfour Berlinfour rim rimI
four fOlr vean A > ago 110 from fro 1lrflll Iurfan Chme C hln hinerm hinermTuurkertasi e I ITurkrvtaii ITlrklu
I Turkrvtaii found rO III I several rl fragments rrolmnll of ofSanscnl orSn ofSnwnt
Sanscnl Sn ml drama clrRla evidently S III > i jeir jeirfolder eara earaolder 1 1J
folder J older 1r than I theertrlieit I thu uetrliesthtittierto rlI hitherto hi hrto known knownoni knownfIIIl lIown lIownflI1
oni flI1 i il 1 inrimi 1 51 nr IT I nm II IIirrnehi i iFrench i iI I
French Captain Csiiihl Mlth the th Gnoulat < onnt onntt nm1 nm1at
at t lsri tarmeIIic r > elllrt I liniOIHIIn I in 11101 OOt In 0 the Ih llsil lad IladjfrflJp I In
n 1 i c ttttit 1 ttftr jfrflJp ifr i rca rM srx Cr CrJuly r I I IRI
1 RI July Jlly IS I apt 11 1111 lmiuuiii j iiie who whowas i iwas Imrin
was carrying mrin A riiplomatio ilcspatch bag bagfrom Itl hagIrrini
from nm Pekln Iin was Wi arrete arr arruutetl l at Marseille IAri for forconcealiiig forcotueatitig
concealiiig 11111 opium m I the h twig ImgHe twiglie
He I ha ham l lwn > een eenteiiced to II eight Ilht day dayimprii uiayrirtipniconmeuit In InrlllImnl
imprii rlllImnl > nmcnt and lit to ll nay S11 1 li tmW l tine tinel tll tllUr titlePr
l Ur r narils 1 Cnncllllon nUlnn I orhso nrhnrd e < l I IJuly Ic Ieuu
euu c M r II tIuutCi Cu r rIy ma I I1SC
1SC IC July Iy IS I The Th condition ndiln of ofUr orI ofDr
Ur l II 1she she It Ward ard ice president of ofhe ofh I Ih
I he h Prudential Irldnl01 Insutano Company Comlany who whohas whep001 h t
has been ill il for some n time 1m with Ih kidney kldnyrouI kidneyrnuable i itrouble
trouble was un unalRd unhanged < hanged todiv todiviMiirov lodayI todytIIrulLrvs
I iMiirov tnf fl rut Til I IrIIII 1141 1141Seseral 4 4Ketrrsl
Ketrrsl rIIII llir < and nd 7lMMiK OIOKlln > ll In Prnprrly rngwrt10mb I II I
I 10mb Ml In > ew llruii Irll iirusimnnlck Hlrk Ik Fire FireSr 1 1i I ISr
i Sr Jons JCI V II I July Jul 12 s baby tahy la laknown 1 I Iknown >
known to have h perished riAhl l weren 1 men are AI AIlil aretoirming I II
I miwmg lil and the Ih entire lIr town of r Campbell Campbellton lamphl
r ton of 4 4uUJ UU w Inhabitant ihablln is s wiped a ipeti out by bya h hfltroIA
a di disantronu fltroIA Astrous tlrx II fir which wllCh raged rll there Ih to toI 1 1dar
I I dar cia Ti The total monetary mfnlar loss I is I emIl emIltntcd I
mated at Kvtd CIOJIO IU1i > t I II I
I Th I fhue be fire II started larN in a 1 shmgln Illn l mill mil And nndswept AndI andmwPIt
swept throughout thrfuRhol the Ih entire nur town The Thnefforts Th Therfforui
I efforts orl of the tn flr tr tire department were like likeless u uI 11amlea r
less I Only Onl a 1 few house hOI on 01 the Ih outskirts outskirtsof ollklrill ollklrillof
of the II town IU1 are ar left If standing standingFive I Ii
i Five t Ilwml sawmilla awmil a i woodworking wfoorllnl factory faclorra I IA ia
a foundry rOlndr and anl other fthpr industries Indlllri six sixchur sitchitirihea h i
Ihlrh chur chitirihea he six IJ hotel InlI all ni the th property of ofi f fIlh
i Ilh til Intercolonial and nll International Inlmaltlnnl rail railway rAi railI ¬
I way WA ucltteim chiM hI > t and residence were WfI de deI
I troyed Atruy iutroyud5fflitl Inc I ISpecial 1
I Special trains lrlnll with h supplied 11pl and ald aid Ril of ofall orRII ofnil
all kinds have ha hqen tn rushed rh in from outside outsideI
I cities Campbeltr > n I it seaport and an tinimportant i iI
l Clmpllt
Important lumbering hlnbrinl town mil wa W pros proIrl proruning 111 I Il
I l Irl > ermg in every fr way WiY ay ayRcadcrs i iit Iu
it itReaders i iReadcn
u n
Readers Lcaving the City Cityfor Cil Cityor I
I for or the Summer may mlY have haveThe havcTheSun I <
I The TheSun TheSunI Sun Sunand i I II I 1 I
I and andThe andThe
The Evening Sun Suntent
I tent It to them th m hy mail m i st t th the follow following folo lollowin ¬
Ii ing in e rslet ul incluiivt lncluIY of poilsfc poilsfc711K pI poatageTiir 1 1I
711K Til SUN lS dly l talsy liy r ir n r mealk mooa W J rvnia rvniasUr OU I
I Caiil < sUr 11 sad ad 9u sa4ar Ujri r > r tseoia 001a JO JL cUll cssuTilt cUllTug
Tilt TI tVKM t VlLU > u aLM U per I u muau lt uala 9 9rrsit 53 53I I II
I teats rrsitI c cI
I I Iavordns T orrirn Cd with n reesdeatses w tfcalr dul wlt5eat wlt5eatriIa IIB 11 l lmi i
I mi IU tturze hrie Aadrcttrs ck4scs4 U a J Jofuo I I
L ofuo t > cniti Chc1L I I
= l i
a aksQkinipwi aksQkinipwiBroadway ta I
Broadway d at 34ffi 4ti Street StreetWILL SircctI
I The TheSaleof TheSaleofSummer Sale of ofSummer ofSummer I
Summer Suits Suts for fr Men MenFormerly MenI MenFormerly =
I Formerly Forerly 28 30 35 35at 40 40at t tat22
at at22 at22Threegarment 22 22Threegarment 22I
I Threegarment Thr s rm nt models half or quarter r lined linedThe lned linedThe r rI
I The above is the plain unvarnished un rnished talc I This Thisevent ThisI
I event is so eagerly anticipated by all al who know its itssignificance itssl itssignificnncc
significance sl nifcancc thut further elaboration elabortlon is not required requiredThe
The suits arc aremado made of worsteds worteds velour finished cnssimcres cnssimcrescheviots cas cassimcrcschaviots imeres imeresI
I I cheviots or flannels fanncs in I the the new shades of grnys ras or browns brownsas brownso
as o well wel as blues in fancy fanc weaves wClves Every garment arment was wasproduced wasI wasproducod
I produced in our own workrooms wcrkrooms for the current season seasonBroadway seU50nI
I 4 4sQ1uiiipui
I k sQ1uiiipui sQ1uiiipuiBroadway QnJlpRUU QnJlpRUUBroadway
I Broadway at 34th 3th Street StreetANNOUNCE SircelI SircelAOl SircetANNOLNCE
111 111Aitman
A ASaleof ASaleofI Sale of ofSaksBanister ofSlsBanster
I SaksBanister S Low Shoes Shoesfor
SlsBanster 4 8 8E 5
for E Men regularly larly 6 7 at atBB atIncuded atIncludcd
M I IIncluded
= = = = BB = = =
Included Incuded in the assortments arc all ni the mod models modes modcis ¬
els created creDt d for the current scason by the themaster them thcmaster
master m stcr designer of these celebrated cecbroted shoes shoesThe shoesThe shoesThe
The leathers lent her patent tan Russia Rusin gun sun metal or wax waxcalf wucat waxcalf
calf cat and glazed sloed kid oUo 1W0 buckskin In white tan or gray grayThe ray rayThe rn1The
The models Blucher Bucher or regulation relulaton Oxfords as well wellas wel
as twoeyelet ties tieli
i tielJltm p
Aitman AitmanWILL Jltm lt iiii iiiiWILL n nWIL
2800 2800Jtftlj 2800f1 28OCJiuIli
Jtftlj f1 Aucniir urnu twrnxE 3411 341 4tIi nub 35th 351 Simla 6trtts IrrgI Nun Nr fa Iz
sr nrnniinn 11101 TIll rniIt rl rlI
It I nhm llssivlilenre II Esln > t lIla IUn the Ihelirand thebrand
brand irnc Jur Jury lr > till hi 1 Ill Inixlilrr II IIThe I ItThe i I
The Th District Attorney Aturn1 s office Inl had hll not notlearned nolIflmd notlearned
learned Iflmd yesterday that Ihlt nnv In one Oi OiIrfI on v wm wmPriwird is isprepares
prepares IrfI Priwird > rll to make Ilk charges harllA ngauixt IIIt Dig DigTim li lhitTim < 1 1Tim
Tim Sullivan Hllhln l hiecaume > > ecause u he h lieM 111 the Ih IRk staks staksin n nin I I II 1
in I the th JeffrtveJohn Jlr lJnhnln on right tlhl in I lUti lUtiJuly 111 111Jlly ltt tt ttJuly
July 4 4Section 4Sectietu I I
Section Iron I7IJ l 2 of the Ih Penal I nll liw hays yA of ofpriw ofprize
prize prlZ fights 11htl A t person Irln who hn helm 1 stake stakeor stkeaor IAk IAkor I
or wagers 1jr money mon or other proi prlrty rty upon uponthn IIl0flthin 101 101tt
thin tt result Aull of pitch 1lh n light ht or encounter lltr or orwho Ir orwho
who holds or r undertakes 111rll k to hold money moneyor IIC IICnr I
or other property eo f Ktaked or wager wigeri II l lto Ito
to I ha > delivered 1 lo oror or for th t h he b Mietlt > pll of the thewinner t h hwlll1rthrrffI hiwiznner I
winner wlll1rthrrffI thereof is entity Clli gtiilt 1nf of n 11111111 11111111Rnd misdemeanor misdemeanornnd
anti section Itn ITI3 prnvulesthit thai pr 111 111ho Iarutt Iaruttwhit oii oiiwho
who ho leaver 1 th Suite with lh intent Ihnl to 10111 10111Iny elude eludeany
any provision rolioli of this till ttJ title or to permit permitnny lrll lrllny irttiitcoy
Iny I
I IhlhlC1 I
coy ny act without wlhnll the Ih State IAt which is I prn urn II
hibiteti hlhlC1 by h this Ihll title li I or who being IIR n nsi I Ident I Ir Ident I
dent of r this State ilcxs any IIY act t without withoutthe 110 I Ith
the th Stale SIJIP which hlrh would wOII1 I lie > ptinishahl ptinishahlhy Illiha t
hy 1 the th provisions of this title til if f coin coinliiltt titiituittici I Ilit1
liiltt lit1 tuittici tl within wllhll tin Stale Iul to I guilty git l II thy of lh lhname I h liIIilfle
name 1 offeno cnu and 1 culiject lljt lo I Ihe Ih thutmintnhtnent KUII KUIIpunishment I IPlnAhrnt
punishment an if i the I h act It had t teen n Irr r j jmilted j jmit1 I Itnittel
milted mit1 within ihin this Ihi Suite SuiteOiarlef Shutanlua II IIlull
Oiarlef lull anlua NottaitmgDistrit otIIlni iutti4ttIng 11lrC limtrit Mtornev Mtornevwild tnm tnmid ttornvuamid
wild id yesterday that thll should holl anv I one 01 bring bringevi hrll lururiguvkience
evi uvkience dnC < lence that Ihlt lug ll Tim Til had violated lah1 the thelaw Ih Ihla u hi hilaw
law la he h would oull submit ulnl the til evidence rtleti to tu the theGrand II IIlrl1 thinratiti
Grand lrl1 Jur JurSIIK Jln JlnI Jury Juryiii >
SIIK iii r I ins im tif V1I iit t niiintr niiintrlr IlII111SMr II III
Mr > lr I Ttioms Ton Calling aln Ma Ssn > Hers II l In thelegal the theLegal I I1fI1
Legal 1fI1 flight lhl Tlreil of fInllir Irltl IrltlIr l fInllirMrs et etiri
Mrs Ir Helen 1In Kelly ly liouM ill cud nld tlalpb tlalpbHill Iulph I
Hill 11 Thoma Toma v wIt ho were married mari1 on n Mon Monday Momttit IOI IOIeA ¬
day eA ttit at the th brides hrlr11 home hor tn I Park nvemic nvemicMilled A avettuleqijleti I i
Milled 1111 yesterday for Kuio EUII > by I the th North Northierman Sorh I Iran I IierflIan
ierman ran lloyil liner hfr Kaiwr RIr Ulllieltn ilhlhl tier derlro er tierirons I II
lro irons I e They Thl talked to the th reporter rejiortersjust rportprJII reporterjust
just before Iro the Ih ship mlii drew trl out of dock dockdeclaring tiorktlectanittg Iok Iokdf I
declaring df riIK that Mrx I lra Thomas ThollH children childrenhad chidrl chidrlhllol chiltiretiI I
had hllol not been bn transferred tranffrr1 from frol mu one on motor motorcar motorcar I Irar i
car to another in I the th street Itt on Monday MondayMr londa I Ir
Mr ir r Thomas TholA said Nll ho h had been black blackmailed hlacI hlacImal1 ¬
mailed mal1 for a long Ion lime by h n certain Crlaln weekly weeklypaper weeklyper kly klyJar I
paper Jar per Mrs II 11101 Thoma MI Nhl said id slim lm h had hod lieen lieenl iieuiihothwred I
l olhered IIUIn1 > by I i ileti d dutctivein < < ctivr lIv und nttritmte nttritmteall nt atirilaitewiall rlhJ1 rlhJ1aU <
all her hfr trouble trlI to her former husband husbandShe hllhnd1 hllhnd1h husbstndShu
She h said Aid as a Frank UOlid iould marned mur1 in pans pansIwfore PUrl laruusbefore
before she h did dir here hr th thin children dl1I l eonged eongedto >
to her alwftlulely 11111t11 I Thl huts II I Mrs I Thomass Thomassversion Thtmstmmversion humul humulllon
version llon of thin Ih disposition diJiIU of the Ih children childrenafter childrenafter
after the th wedding ceremony ceremonyThey ceremony1hiev rrun rrun111v
They first Irt went to the Ih Hotel 1011 Ciotham Ciothamwhere Oothamwhr othAmwhere
where inv mother In II laying laI I knew kn the thedetective th thd1th theditectiveuu
detective who had l III leen > een following olowinl me mewould I III1 to towould
would II1 follow them sen I wanted WAMN Addtso AddtsoMizner ddiIO ddimoaMizoer I Ilznr
Mizner lznr and Ind the Ih govenie goCnlM to l 1w > e careful carefultllw enfl carefullhe I IITh
tllw children chicr1 changed their clothes dott at the theJotham thusCotham
Jotham mid Iml then went Cnt to Helen 1In CiouldH CiouldHhome Icull IcullI ouiuiitone
home hnl nt It Irvington Irlnltol where they will ill lay stayuntil layuntil Iyunll
until unll I return Iur front ro Kuroiwi Fuirn two month montlmfrom monthsfront I
from frol now When we return rcun ie are u going goingto Ot
to live at Sands Snds 1oint oilit where hr the t > childreu childreuI el vhiidrualso I Idru IdruI
also ala will 111 live If They Th y l elong 1lonl > to me I now IOW IOWInd IIOWanti
and Ind neither Helen 111 Could 00111 nor rank Uould Uouldhas hjtjklham 011 011I
has hiA legal right rilht to them themThe th themdetectives r
The m 1j1 detective 1 tlth Irnilcd Imitcl thug Ihl nioma 110m 110mto hlinmaaea hlinmaaeato es esto
to the th North orth German lloyd 1loye pier uirr and ane stay stayedthere IiI IiIthfrunti il ilthereuntil
thereuntil thfrunti there until the Ihf liner lnr was WOo out II in il stream streamThey streamThey trfm trfmMill
They said they I h had he been s 111l Jinkuwiug Jinkuwiugthie > al < iwiig iwiigthe l lth
the th couple roUII two t wtvUs tla anti 111 were Ir J10J gad lad to togivniipthe t tgh tugive
givniipthe gh give up tl Ibsu job joltMrs jobMm jol
Mm ln Kelly 1flh mother of the Ih bride her heryoung heryonl heryoung
young yonl sister Kugenia and Ralph lallh Hlootner Hlootnerfomiar 1110nr 1110nrfomler ltloutnerformer
former sale al le tarkK tvll menu re unioiiR Imou tbiMM tbiMMi tbl tblI tbowho
who saw a the th couple off 01 Mr anit 11 Sirs SirsThoma tIr tIrThotnam Iu IuTom
Thoma Tom mil mlnlilt land nt Plymouth and motor motorm mollr motorEngianui
m nent I KngUnd tn I1 Si 8ulland l1und and Ind 01 thu t Ont Onti cOIU cOIUl Ctittnent
rrrnMI P lil1 I imit mi ioFrnrcr ioFrnrcrllplnmal UIIIlII S SiPiplomata
llplnmal tn ii Meet I In in Wa lilnstonllurr ltastuintoniturrMr lilnstonllurrlr hlnltonUurr hlnltonUurrI >
Mr > lr trlagms rlaxs 111 lreenlalli lrhlntIon lrhlntIonW Irrcfflstlunv > n nVMIINIIIIIN
W v VMIINIIIIIN iS I Julv 12 i Rafael ArtZAga ArtZAgatinnew Arlt1Ia Arlt1Iatl Aritagat
tinnew tl t hn nt flrw Mltnir IlIJIr itil 1 un to I thilnitedSttte I h ht ttiit lll eel StoUP States from fromJKc rrl
JKc I EI Euisotur mitir ir called ral1 offlruilly nt the Ih Htit HtitI f1I tatu tatutidey > >
DepRrttneni lo h1ly tidey < liv to present r lt his hi ere ereITUixU I I1ICIll ci ciItfltitlm
ITUixU 1ICIll It I i im prnbable rbnhl that t h he will wi g gvu v vt
t vu > ll 1Jprl ltverly > verly i hrtly hrl tn l he > e presented to toPreiil t it itIrusiut
Preiil IrInl ni r Tr ft fty
I riulI rhtijly y this hi for rnrnh muli tv I might b biriil 1 hiututd
I iriil 1 until tlllr1nt Pretuient Tufts Tft1 retuni Itln t tIn IWjhln tVamhnngtnn
Wjhln Vamhnngtnn lon In th > pre PT ° nt instance insfAncevfr instanceIus
Ius vfr or r Mr Ir tnuzotga riMgni rt a utntuim > tntisU IIIAhdrrIA is important itnportajiW importantiwrnup
I iwrnup I W r the Ih itiinltiition 1hlo by h the Ihc United Unitedllrr7il Unl1 Unl1I UnittState
SI State llrr7il IrrIII1 and rgeiitini 111 in th the recent recentIfllilty rtCOI rtCOI1nlI recentIflirilty
Ifllilty 1nlI l eiwt > eTi IVni Prl rind KctiadT KctiadTIf IMlartnr IMlartnrI
If I hi1 h I us pr urreentnt vent l to I President lrlh11 Taft Tar nt tin tbwillume I tineuiutlrier
illume I II ll capital rlllnl iin ofUi Imr oflhtr er of r lh Mnt MntDciMiliiKnt Ctatewillarstnitsuiy 111 1111III111
DciMiliiKnt wiluiiii WIUrIIIUY willarstnitsuiy > miv him hllO to Heverlv Heverlvto Itrl ItrlI
to I intriillie 111 Itt I p l I e him hll to II h the th t Pre IreeiIunt IreeiIuntt ideit ideitn
n 1 t iniportHiit conferenco lfrc on Ihe Ih Peni PeniKnimlnr f fclltl leoiEsuiainr
Knimlnr ill clltl ulislelt iut is especttNl ui here I within withinn hm hmA
A few r d hmvu ivn I Mr Ir lima 111 the Ih Ii 1hargp thlr j d Af Affaitveof Htr11
faitveof flrail tr11 and UII Mr r VilleKHnthelliarg Viltuges il I Ih11uuw thietliargultfTairte
dMIninH 1 laln of Vrgentinn t rllna mid a Or PI Patdo Patdolb 100 100Ih Peitdntin
lb tin Minister 1IiIr of f Peru Inl ar AI > pe ted t trituni InIlnl tu turetuitli
rituni nIlnl to Wllnllol iislungton tomorrow ororrlw to tnkt tnktsirt tlk tlkllr talc talcpert
pert sirt in it I The 1 latent lal1 ro rlpnrt > rti fiom hOI I tan Ieni Ieniindlrale lnl leniI
indlrale 111111 thilt Ihl I witbiti Wit luin th t he net I week k I7 t I u utronpm i itriHipt 1tMP
triHipt tMP will 11 hive iavu l iaen > een fli iIe1 iIe1u iIe1HANDS iihJllidIMt iihJllidIMtHANDS lvAiiH lvAiiHTried
Tried Many ManyRemediesbutGrewWorso ManyRemediesbutGrewWorsoI RcmediesbutGrcwWorso RcmediesbutGrcwWorsoImpossible RcmediesbutGrcwWorsoI
I Impossible to Dp Do Housework HouseworkCured HouseworkI
I Cured by Cuticura Soap Soapand SoapI Soapand
I and Ointment OintmentAbout Ontment OntmentI S
About Ahut six Ix years rar ago IO my hand began beganto hJan
1 to t crack cack and lIetI N 1 tried IriP many rem remedies ¬
I edies rdlcshuttheygrew rdlcshuttheygrewworse I but huthf t hey grw grwworse n
worse 01 all the time timeAt 1m 1mI timeI
At AtIthy Atlutthnybecami Atlutthnybecamisomorehat lastthey becamo becamoso bAm bAmh
so somorehat sore hat h t it wo woImpOMible wii a
I i Ii ImpOMible Im l for mo molo moI
I lo do mv m hotiM hotiMwork hOl > > 4
I A work ok If J I put my m
15a hand in water wlt r rI I Iwan tI
I i wan in agony Afony if I IIned 1Ir Ltried
tried Ir to cook k thrt thrtheat th thI thrheat
heat h cained ru Intcnc Intcncpain Intrt intIOMpain
pain 131n I conmltod Nnull a doctor 00101 hut htl without withoutthe withoutthIPI withoutthoieast
I the thIPI thoieast lead tat Plliddion satiutsition lit act ion After Afteraboutayemr Afteraboutayemrof about 30ut a AYf year yearof
of this t h suffering llrrinl I pot 1t rar m flrt r4t relief reliefwhen reli relilhsen Ii
when hl I trKxlCuficuraSonpitndCuUcura tr IIIIicm pnduUrr pnduUrrI 4
I I Ointment llntmll After fteruiingthenifurnwcek tr uung uI1 them for n weeJc wlk
I I I rotndlorr found foundtotnrcrest totnygreat I delight ctlRlllhat thatmrhands thatmrhandswerf t Ilat myhond myhnandsu
were 1 l beginning > e < innmR to feel fN1 much better I the thi
I deep dP dcopvraekshegantolnaluipanejstepnn dcopvraekshegantolnaluipanejstepnnI crack < TIkIIRnn began to liml hll upandotopnin upandotopninclnn upAntonJ
I ring tlnJ anti Rlflln In ft 1 littln lul while whlt my m hand hI were wrmcure Wr wereruined
cure 111 ruined l by hI iiiKonly hj only onAcnkcof onrn on cnke kloreullfm of Cutlcurn lit icunia
Romp Rp and an < one nlr hox I ne orfittlctira nr C1tclrA Ointment
I I am very VI thankful thllll to say r that thnt I ham hr
haul hltl no return rIun or the th nldn liin dn disove since n nIIhAI
1 shall IIhAI l 1w > o gl glad lat d if you 701 ott will w JM publish uhlh this thuo Iii
I so o that tha others nlh may know kno of Cuticwrn Cuttr I
Mr t Minnie Drew Dr o p
llIn 21 i pinforth St t
I Jamaica am4ca Plain Mass ta April CO 0 loio1 loio1For U10 U10t 1O1OI t1
t I For 11 thirty rhlrY rrnr lU Ctitleitra Cteur Roan nnd nulI
lal nnr
I ruticiirn Ilm tIcura nintment OlnlnfJt have ha afforded aw1 speedr speedrrrlef f
I rrlef rlff to tcn ttnl of thousand tholnnd of sklrtor rc rCr
tured tu And di2crure tifgrfr < i uffrrrr ua o from < m mI ee eeremns eeI >
I remns rrl rtuhe th itchingj ihlnu Irritntiom Irlfl n and andchnflne andI 1
I chnflne hnOnl from rro Infancy Inrancrlo lo a Ao aee < br brcomfort twinging twingingcomfort
hrllJn hrllJnrmrort
comfort rmrort and peace to riiitracretl tsse
Int rhtrattJ
hold hod when wllD all al J el r elac failed failedltM faIkdtttrr hl
i CIf tttrr ntt fleelediMi ut 1 It tiursuvu JI Pie e j jI
ltM tuetrCi rM r rxucr rtf r IcAC tH TMC c irrp e ec r n nfl
I fl Ti4tt c > T 4Uattei VM I n 1 Cu < f J C uiIupj HI M H InUw
i HUO Ilos w C Cs r tor S 13J uo Tlr TI l It I tp f till lu t a4 A ttsJs