j S 1
g r 11111 nv r rat IS pT pTII T TI
at II i Ii in HilL 11111 II HilLiUSIUfrr n M MII MI11I11 > V VlluMiider
lluMiider Pill tp I p a smooth and mu Nut Nutanllal SutsudII ul ulJII
anllal JII lianirlour liaIII4 IOUt strmlRlit f filellcw for forIeIIe Ctr
ilellcw 1111 Vroin rllll Uelrolla llostmiiinlber llostm 1101 1101hfr IlostiwiiitltCr
iiinlber hfr > a A Tie In Innjhlnndertand n tiitinton hlnton hlntonhlnlron1
njhlnndertand 1 tfltr4 nt WhlleSox VhIo wound OllnII OllnIIII u uerif tir
erif r II > e rIr terdy lII tli t li Hlghlandei Hlghlandeiand H IgIiiindorsaiL
and 1 litkir I 1Ic ii g full ou gMuee IIIII ItIIro nut III of flvi flvilire nvIt flrlo
lire lo MIIV It lot I wa Ibe Ih pliyort of ofi 0 a
i 1 came 06 tie MI M Ilia Ih eerie fI1Ot 1 priirllcnll priirllcnlllit 111 111IIII
> lit t u s Nsiiulp IIII IltII The 11 ilolon kt otis molb molblevelniiiU ttiiIttI
I levelniiiU iIutil Ihl I him erleH rt 11 einllliir f1110 oSiIIIiiS wit witin lh lhI
S in I rii P gain u I IlI for lh I h llotiiin llotiiint 11 Ilnt citi
t > 5 teiii 1 iiiiidi III IIII 1 ii I four 11 r urniuht Illlh ro t ti hi trot trotmping t tI 11 11I
I mping nI lug > chitmpion while hllf Utile M Sth I I oil oilt I Ialol
t hinjlon h alol ifll ott pUycd n i Ho 111 t ii guiue 1 Hi Hiork 1Le 1Ler 11
> r 5 > ork ISF 1 1 llilcago n nlittadrlulila 1 1tiltaileIlit o ohldII
littadrlulila hldII I it I I Uflrnl Uflrnl11o Ipotrolt let roll I IItiitlon 1114101t
Itiitlon 11o til 11 I Clct n It eland rIaidiihIriton 111 111hlIon S Snatrdtmlon
natrdtmlon hlIon 4 Ml 1 ixiul llis llisl 4 4TAXIIXO 4T7ibtyfl
l TAXIIXO CI o or IF rnp n nI cnf cLtpH a air
ir I I ie HV ir I t rr rrI r
I ir I > hu bl t I 23 I Cleveland 3 JI JIJ 3a l lf 3
5 > f 13 J ru un fhlraco llrco 31 JIt 3 40 t tit 437 U UII
4 I it t 32 M II m Uathmclonr Wlincin Z 44 3t 3tl 3t17
1 41 l M 3 o M t txiuii 22 n 4 t 31 31nx Ji JinK 314 314I
> > nx 1 t I i c S cltti IU 111A0 AGO i 4A A l lf 3 31hlnI 3S
S f Highlander I I fI1nIer p ayed o4 another allhl mooth Ilolh IlolhI1 ptnothentit moothantiil
antiil I1 game I yc terday and n1 tan tanthe an anj
I 4 j the Ih Whit Sox I In artUtu rlI ItI lylI lyl
1 I run m tblllnic jttil mechanlm liuinme hlll1 hlll11 huinino4Oflt
1 unleoly Oflt t Timely 1 I h hilling hi un a P2 P2V a a suppnr suppnrt 1101 1101aI11
< t unking aI11 the Ih tiu 1t t of every Cr er his h riinnln riinnlnrtunltv rllline rlllinelh runntngSf
Sf rtunltv fltt lh In II which whlh oul otittiInt ltIf11 uelng the op opMOU I IIU iS
S MOU WA W U an fl AMlllng AIIo factor 10 weave weavefin woiiset woiisetS
S fin it than thn th Chlcagp hla iicps were eto abl ablTiit atilfl54 bl bln
Tiit > e from n a i crr zTrater t r iiUHnllty t of t ba baIhe h hIh t tI
Ihe Ih I ti mefhanical tn hank4I method of r Ihe th thf So Soi
i in t oi I wiih tin ihe th h arlltlce rllh rtlfle and nI think thinkl t tm lk lkoam
l tvmH oam m enipioteit 111 by h the th fox > mhabl mhablur Ihol
ur id 1 sf f the 1 h upland uplandn 111uo
n ihe tti intertill etcellence In of lt if New S w i ork orkome 01 nrk4I
ome 1 4I Volter 1 wn A a valim In le I Indltidua Indltiduairtormer Inoh Inith uilal uilal1rtI idiI idiII
irtormer 1rtI I rner III II VIii blttlne hlun wa wat tepon onlhl onlhlh thl thlt
t the t h Iu i tort i T Tw Ti I Ire Twirler T Il iror SiOtl ot ntt o oi of of4hi
i iwi 1 > hit h a ballerand alr nel with I ith h two I 0 out 1 Wol Wolte nI nIt 1 1n
te t mrn I Tl n > > i rviitt lt i ballery laU error 0 Inlo Int fltt co toily toilyS ll llr
r S ti f E i Imago Wnlter teppe < l u uea II tip tips
> ea < 1 ixiiioii N 11 and al1 enl 11 tbe 1 comradi i comrad ornriiIeI4
> i I I4 t eon 1 hit hl home h vt ltd lh a Ibrre Ih bagger baggerIrte lcr lcrh
Irte 1 rv I W oiier ttrs Uuir h hll hi hits wrre Ni re a I deal dealt 101
t 0 an 1 miHClio mid Ihl be If wa In I a thinxAtnc thin hldr
xAtnc tt ie r roiluction 111 He I made al fourev fourevei tOIitPOnrkt
ei i < f New ork Irk nrkt wal siiII walle I II
le I e i Iji b H Milted IriI 1 Warluip Wahul1 pltclnni pltclnniHi 1lhhlnl
t Hi II ii iniiiii Ollo ill UI tnd iIi 1 one uii I inning 111110 only itni y Thei Theit Th ThI
t i i hiru a1 enough nollh in I the ih h fifth nlh to I lake ik al thi thii thhI
i i W arhiip ir4i hI i a full fiI of gril II i tt a an anI eg egKM
KM I 3 Hnd n1 h h i hut > h down 01 on in n a monM mon mil milalh
t > e r M t > ril alh Hli 11 n throw lo oecon on 1 II IS bax baxi
S i iiui 111 t i 14 itmn ln napping 1llnl Thi hl plni plnit lay layf
t > f tie P tlr tist I i out 011 of r the t h iiinllj innliii innliiivt Inllli
vt t fii lifted the th h inuiiuli greatly ii II 1 h h1k hate hateS n nt
S t n hck 1k ilirow I hrt ing 10 to i oinl 11 ba h e h bevti hS
> S S evti tfl 111 itisi Sullivan Ihn nnd thereby I 114rIi hum hume hllo
4 e 1 Kttatlve nl of Ibe I eri trI4tiflcw < tencH of 0 th thiv tht
v Lrii r an J the th S < n lack of it t Th ThiU Thhr ThIi
U hr r n de t no more mo eTort Tr to ii Meal whlli whlliIM hl
IM 5 M IJ i4zhl3nd Hind rprlntrri Iril kept llt jt ou u iud iuo dlt dlti Ihln ithin Ihl
> e n threw hf out oil 11 Iwo 0 men mfn Mealing 1fln U Ut In InI inflnini
I t nnlng and 11 in I Ihe itt h > erond nd win wini h hI
i i e iiid 11 and nI third hll Wurhop Vi thr I thiS <
< S 1 r t an n nl H be plate rIl btt Nnlb ttt Inl > ng n got bl blr h hk I II
r I Ve < York k that wa pteveiitabte uII It Itbird In InI IiiPt
> bird Pt i Iwo I 0 hll hl h Ii were w ro f made 10 off r Warhop Warhopal Wah Wahao Vii rhni rhnias
al ao 1 I i struck UIk out u three th men I The Th ri twi twiI t tL tt
I t t rerrowieii oW2 t t m I after the II tii ond d trlk trlkarbop iniS 1 1O
S O arbop h hIII then In led 1 iiougbertv PI I iiiiiprt V with lh lhI II h i iI a aI
I iir I > villlih II hi h t au aiiti 11 l Pal I lo t trlke llk llkI out outUt till tillS
S Ut I trlk ll > t a inllei aII 1 and Uougheri Uougheritrm 11Ich 11Ichth
trm th < tU < < l Ihe lb h umpire ImtI wuh t ul liii a look lcol whI whit hl < h hIh hS I IiTMHil
S iTMHil Sf thi dual emotion Imoln id is pliy In it am amlidicnatlou alS alS1IIlalI anti antiit
lidicnatlou lidicnatlouI 1IIlalI
I he h Korine orIn 11 began in 1 Die I fourth Iimel Iimeleat I ititI ititII
I eat cti 1 a hit hl to hort Wolter WI l Ian n > e epa 04 04I
> pa 1 > e ltli 111 It ii u 4 lngle lnol l it < i right 111 The TIf hail bnlk 11
5 OJ < 1 k a zlove ami n1 wu I t i4 dclnved tIs 1 en n rouie ou li liiillln 10 10lln toUin
iillln lln Uin IatileN look ho tio advantage of th thk the theS h hr
> < k r > inlrliap IIlal fl leliat to I t keep I on lo I third t ii irti and lo Woltrran WI Woltr VtItprliii
ran to iii e < ond ld on the t th throw h over o or r to tlilrd tlilrdIi4 11Ie
< Ii4 1 > e e fly II tl to a I ollliu oln bruuKhl bolllhi Panlel anlfl hum humund hor taumeianj
und nj LaiMirte Ilikled 1111 aWl 0 brought trlllh WolleP Wolle VnltarrSila olr
P rSila lie S n l f 1111 1914 l I 11a IMtf lSl o St t1 > h hon Iwo liie liieon
on Mil iU 1 > iu > tlier Ir < oin i any 3tl luruer luruermw
mw it bei t JISi iiM lua I > li I line I Iii In II wa a lltrun lltruneuoiub 11 iarurs0UaJiJlj
euoiub to a1 ri vi 1 a llla lla > kliurm 10 10eud l lfuj I Iotail
eud fuj ut Li ii > in I a iloul dutl d iuI I plav 11 to I ut ne lavorei lavoreiI hit hittue
I lie Ihlcn Sos io cn tlfl < m that I lii PUv PUvThe 1141he 10
The fifth Ih flft ii m I which 11 tlii I I tar l bnauo haI04 Pa iliio a a uniii uniiilaled 1m 1mlIN ii iiIiteti
laled lIN their three I niu I I I IMIJII t with wlh Warhot Warhotitllng WI antaot antaott
Sullivan ullI the th head and droppini droppiniim
t itllng Ilnr Sulll am on n aiit ld IoIInl
im Sully llv WA N ma nianai Affed into 110 lilt u avliIt avliItsad Uvity Uvitynd ur urn1
nd he h Ktitlled 1111 from 100 llr i to I it third whei wheiIt w wtt h hn
It laed I a Iwo bagger lo lo 0 left 1 Frenr Frenromred Irlh IrlhGlrf Vroaihoiflte4
omred a thre Ih bagger balf over er Daniel Danieleadand lniaIand
eadand 11 Glrf ald and lollin ohm or or04 < < l Fren b wihain with lh a aS le lein 1 1n
in S n Parent inge o lollln t II went it 02 to 0 e oit oml omlU uI1
> 1 U I lookeit a if Warhop wa diHiineii diHiineiir
r from om ll I I lb wnlrl t nlrl niriaI i and 1 lhr < to tonizhl I IDlrhl iinazht
> nizhl Dlrhl and nd plrke1 I ollln olh orf I the bi biaxgherly hlc hlcIlr bar baroigheiiy
axgherly Died lo ta Woller WI t aalteg and Mullen luln fon ml mlenl oilut
Ilr 00
enl ut Here hot I endfth fIdh the h Chicago titeari tall hapler haplerHitting hallrIlln hapborIIItin
Hitting Illn lutller 11 protiil f1 H t it > o 1 1atwll eilcml eilcmlaiion I II
aiion of misfortune Scott tOht piuggeil piuggeiluniel alUggotIvlel O Onrlc
uniel vlel I In I the tutu r and Woller ialbor hit lo Ihe IheT
a T field nrlc fence N mid nlli rored 1 Maniel lliiaii j Col Coltut o1 o1tt I III
tut fielding II lifld tll Wollrr Wul al lt third 1llII on Id1 Id1s I Iti Itic
s < oll 1 hit hi Wxrhop in the I iii ° eenth e nh and andn n1 n1n
n Woller 01 txiundeil for rl Hire I I li ilio < ie with wuhout Wlh WlhIhl withS
S out Ihl I hi lri Il Intl I aluo I I ta a to 0 ngfi lh arid nndw arid11Ii H <
w 1 i op jogte Jlooj < l home hnmoln tiOmoI
I tourney oln ourne around ou < didnt < ht dHurli slit 11 lint War Waritiv Wa t tui
itiv ui 1 for ro the Ih tlrl 11 two Chicago Illel liitt Ia4ttor Ia4ttorS r renrMh >
S S enrMh IN h hit hl umler un lackV Iak rat I > i liall 11 and andiired analtbarPI n1 n1I
iired I tile f to 0 fielder nI < Purtrtl blngln II If to toI it itlaitrh 0
I 10111 laitrh Mute I bought hll lie h hail made InIf allou allour alIoS ln lnr
S r I he rn rok ok < k > mraliim piral laIUhI tini out there Ih but a aK atI
K iind 11 fixiliv rI1 him and n1 Purtell 111 got In 1 n nitfger asaaer
itfger 110 No u harm done Ion however howeveri lof
i irtie rl couldnt lu1 lllvrr t I it or He I I I a fouleil fouleiln fatat li 4 4i0
r i0 n s Cree I no lnol1 inrlotl nclei in lliee I lie oatrit < on n > l half halfigdlb halfS
S S r igdlb 1011 hi h I and a tad 1 perpelrale lf1 t rptI rat I 0a 0aeannal a Tyiobblan TyiobblanL
L i eiond on on n Parent rnomiiitary rnomiiitaryi
i Tvru 11 himself couldnt II < n have h done donetiii alontS Ion
tiii tS i iiiorH r brazenly Ir1 or rnnibuni ratniIsiniihauil ratniIsiniihauiltll l < iu y ynii
tll nii and n1 Viihhi Ih > l II r pliber and Ih1 pinch pinchi Ih Ihr
i were 0ra r n nt lo I tliH Ita rt rsb0 i ue 1 in the IIIIh IIIIhI ninth ninthdidnt ninthI
I didnt lsdii eil I iff Ii fmr f Mer ltr da lay ii the h e eollllllllm
1 5 ollllllllm fli I IIIII II I a I Warbop a risaip H a ti lie h cut iii 11 I them themat Ih IhI I II
a lil tO n tiW 10111 10111S
S tapLOtO r I II
I S I I I aiIauiIpltf 3 I I I it I II
I t I a 0 nItrrf t I i 0 0 0f 0S
S f 4 a ii I 4hao lb 3 0 7 Ii ii iiUI
UI it t f I I it it lapnnto3h 4 I 7 I IS I
S b J I ii 11 0 Ii Inlrl hnIgiTh I ii I I I 0 0I
I t h I = i I i 7 I I I ii ii iiI
I p M 4 0 1 I 1 U Uiiatch b 4 II 7 7 0 0n
11 n 2 I I 7 ii tW00fl0 a 1 1I 1 II 1 ii iiI
I it ii Ii I H Who arhOIIp 7 II I ii 4 0 0n 0no
1 i n I I II IIS
S I t no ti I II To mlii 7 1 3 i t ii iiat
at a i i Ii 1 1 1 1t
i t H al 11 for iiut IIn an fl In trtenlnth nln Innlnc Innlnceij inItt inIttdtajrtntltntitalrthtflfllri
eij r dtajrtntltntitalrthtflfllri fur tu s011 olin in ihe nlnh 01 tnnlnt tnnlntt nnln nnlnr <
t n I n o n I I 1 n n I u I i io it > 1 1S
S > o n I it I u I It n I 4 4t
S t SS > t Hgn 4 Irenrh Milltvan ul Neott nl New Newan r rn 0W
an n T Witler atrI Ir Warhnri Ixft I on ta I IAO laalt e eart
art AO f ew York n ni f Hl n l h t e on o ball balli 1
I i u xrrop Antn7 I sirifk oat n Hv h Ur Urhe W Wh ar arS
S he h h 4 hlt 11 f Ircnehltirtelt ttrrwh lh Itariolt 1 Mntter Mnttert nl nhtn nhtnS
S t MI S OM n Svrtne hit hi renh renhn h
S n e ch 1 ha e Stolen nln ha haiiPii Mt e i if
f iMnihl 1 pi4 > Kla 11lr 11lr11r ttaibuirnP > kbiirne AIM AIMM 111 111II
M S > Illher 11r I Fit Seotl nhI ll lilnIl lilnIll > nlel nlelt 1
l t rftop H r iiilHn II ItFiiMre nt4r0 In Inl Inlt rhtef rhtefleHnivHr r nib nibI
t 1 leHnivHr 11 irpln rr rrII l tIlnoon > lneen n Time I hour hourri
a it IitPHI ri irHit i i i s I ritmiftiT rtT rtTJI 4 4ieit
5 ieit IlH JI ti i The T lb h Athletle h he woo wooalfiht wonS
S 5 alfiht e furre ru from n Ihr urn 1 to tollrl tola n nnN
llrl la ro1 l t nth dll 01 not n hOM 10 a aI 1 I
I < mil 1 tfr I p IMM 1 Innlnr fc t Ea hA 1 < lnr lnrtr < 1 1O
tr with a lilt at he S lull I tAtlrAb tAtlrAbftt a ilai
5 5 ftt O > ° i to th rroiini ivoanl IT The Thei I Ir
r 1 PIittitiPiPnhI
11 ii i r p i I i H r t r rn 0S
S 5 > i n n f Hrtte IIttoIbf if 1 4 I a u n nI aI
I a 1 a A i I iiMrlnrrf tn t 2 J 0 0ollnb n nton
5 5 ton I ii folilntJb I IIo it f i n itI
I 0 1 n 4 itierri Io 1 I I I i ii In II
i > i n iuutit 11 > i n nn a o on aii
n n I Viirrhj Ihl rf I a I 7 11 I n no r rI a aI
I o I 1 n f ittrrtt 1 i I In i a o oM IiI
M I II i f n > Ijtppr I II 2 2 tl tlA iia
A I ti I a r > rlwtu 1 rp r 3 ll I 0 o oi i iI J Jn JI
i I > o oi
0 II i O I I Total VI 1 A 1 Il 1 1n 1I 1L I In II
n I a n ne I
e I o ot 0L 04Io
L n
t 4Io 4Ior in inn
r n 4 ii n a ih t huh huhii lh Innlnr Innlnri nln
1 ii i 0 the t PI0 ninth oln hour InnlnrII 1 I
II rt II I O t It I I 4A 4 4i 4Ii
i ii n n ii n n A Af I II
f r lene I Mu blOb h 3 T Jone JO I
I 0 1 < ei iiklrlnr kIII linker Miirtihv Miirtihvrror i1 i1hrU4 IiIrjh
0 W > rror thlUilelphla hrU4 i lie lielftrii JboS
S f lftrii r IhllotelphlA IhllotelphlAi 1111 0 0I I
S > i M oak < > l oft I HiroiM Or OrI 3 oi oii
i a tl I Iib siruM li 1 bylomrbv bylomrbvrw 11 I inob inobre 1 1n
rw ht > nurlru n t u Mirph Mirphin
in a I raurnrit 0 tlnt tolen Inl InlI bnbontS t > 4 e ei
S i I ta fiii IIIPI ri Atxl 01 T T Jon Jotiel Jo JonS
S S l Pn41 f ntl IKker n Tpillre t iuira In InS
S l immr tn 4n Time T TIrI 1 1Ietdinc It
IrI t pTpitSr pTpitSrS
S l Ietdinc and poor poorjte 1 inovI
I aa jte u 11 r tons int and win w1nit
0 wn wnu
a it 1 JUtoon ldoL for r
nr mii rnr 0 01 fordam roI pi piirbq4 irked let I Ik lla tbi had t 4 Sok o aft afta afltt <
a tt I the caM an Wa vafe it I rrMlo Tl TlI Io IoI Iba cine cineI
I I IL1tilA11I u oTty oTtyI T
I a H HStle P t p L I W I a a aI Sttti
Stle ttti rl I a o ii n llanperrf S J J I II 0 0no
1 1700 > Tl n no I I c ii rnti lp1 rlr tng431i h S 1 t t 0 0I 0Ii
lllhlilif Ii I bh I 1c iii I I ii a n Mprakerrt a I I o oTi1 0 0I 0Thnurr
Ti1 Thnurr I l ° t ML1aLIb UbUb pr btb a a 4 o oI 4 u
I 1111 I IIM 1 a ii n 1 i Hraiiiertu ltl I a 0 oUoleb n nb 0tanbb
Uoleb b J I a r I larht iardner t 2 I I 3 3MbuiuIlba I
I itoviiiii 0111 a o in II 0 ii i i IrwitIf wivlf t o t 0 oIVirlvr 0 0I 0I
I IVirlvr a I S I I WarnerM WaClt gnr1 I a 4 u uYlrI I IrabriIc
YlrI rabriIc I a a I t t iarIgaar rrlnr na 1040 1040IerrtniJb I I a 0 n nrln 0VrrrinTh
IerrtniJb rln 4 i n 4 I ii MaMene lrn1 t n a 0 oI 0 0lnl1 0tMnIIt
I lonl11 i I 0 ii a n i irottep ul I I n 1 4 I II 0 0nbC 0iinbp
I lk iinbp nhcp nbC 1 In n u o ii I IMII0001p Mahooey 1hoI pi I In InMllthellp I I U 7 0 01hrU1 0lIbhelbp
Mllthellp I u I 11 1 i ii iiHuanep I Iitbosn
Huanep tbosn 1hrU1 1 I n u o I TolaUat Tolaa Toista 31 U II i 14 14Total 2 2TnI 2Tobal
Total m i 21 i u I 1 1tlevtland Snln aioein4
tlevtland nln nnnnonn nnnnonnIkMion n n n n 0 0 0 0I 2 5 5lwIon
IkMion I n i a l o I I IJ I 71 71hun
J hun lu lrln1 I1oeini letel nd 1Ulerly Ierrlnt nlnc l lAud fd fdUnion 7 7lbotoi
I Union 1 lot IIMixr 11 S Kn t PngI le Speaker I 3 SUM Ubt 1 1Irdl J JUrailley 3 3lirtiahili
Urailley Irdl liardnrr lnn J C i une ifniiSn > rrt n Clrolle r 2 lla llahone 1 Mahour
hone hOr > Two 1 b ha e hilt 111 lleml lml Ikoane Thre Threb Tlrr Tlrrhl Throrla
b la e hit hl Turner nr l hirJ > rj Speaker Hume Ilm run runMahl nunIahI D DMII
Mahl MII strrlnee eln hIt hia 11 ewt liarilner Ido Mloieib Mloiei 440IOI1ha 1
b 1 ha Sum lali Iah liantner 1Inrr lull 111 tpeaker r fiembl fiembli IkiubtiII
> i II > lt Turner r lIJe I anti Slovall I Hooper t am aml anal 1 1o I IStihl
Stihl t l IeIt lt INI bi b i c all IbMiuti Muti K tte t1etind clnt1 II 1 I IS
S liri > tr > i bAw ha on o Kalis 1 on falkrnliMri IIllu S orl Ll Llrotte t Clcoin
coin m 7 or on Mahoney 1 a a on n liuane nr Mr nr1 t h him t tI ha haa
im a trror IWwtnti I Oeviltiil 1otrbn r lilt by h plirheHy plirhe phIbhTlit I
Hy I Clmlle r i lciiII J iTirner 1 by ii Mltrbrll A1 irirl IcaTftgrJiJ f rjil r b bKpeaer by byMlwn I
Kpeaer 1 illroitri 1 struck IUI out Hy I talkenburc lkrDbu I Ibv II 1lat
bv I Mitchell r rl i tit Cliiilte l bv Mabone b bIkvane tY
Ikvane 7 Implie binit I iaii Time 3 r po boar < ir ani and andto
10 minute mln mboaiInwtSUl11IUOk II
wtSUl11IUOk uuo i ir t Lovia U si u LI > 4 4V4iiixiirni 4tmuIi11iI7011 I
V4iiixiirni UIITO > July Jul i JobnKW Jobn fanned U Ihlr Ihlrtern 11tHI
tern I men In rli tiht el hi Innlnr Innlno of me I rune eu whlrh wa warailed waatiutod a I
railed 1 hero h la 00 rt alA > on 0 < 9unt un uf darkrmt dIIln In IKi IKiI bhenInth he heI
I ninth nl Innlnr with lb Ml 1 Ixjjl 1 at tt a sail ad two 0 uut uutIt Ull utitIt
It wa a the nr n fIrst t appeatanre U of left II luuiiter dr ft tourb tourbr our I IIn I
t In I the I Ut Antertraa n l Icur arue Uanatrtr 1aan UConno UConnowa UCOno UCOnoI I Iwas
r wa bounretl ODllo for kleklnr nc The T wore vorar woreUT 0 0n
A11IIPAl A11IIPAltonelf n r A i Am r A Astone
SIrlt stone tonelf If 4 r I r I 0 0 Ullnif 4 1 1 O oo i illartieltab 0 0Itantzril3h
IIaurlJb llartieltab 7 I S 1 niel1trltlt 1 o trlnll 4 o 0 0 oUallaeeM 0
UallaeeM 11 I I I 7 I Sh rtimrfr3b3 brlJt rf rJNJ I I 7 777ewnamih j I
I Sewnamlb 4 I A I I ti 11 uirrf lerr I 0 0 0 0NehwUrrf 0 0II 0arhwanrf
NehwUrrf II 4 I I 0 I 0 0 Mrnridejua nlds i 1 a l lInlTmanrf 0 AIloiYmairf
I InlTmanrf nmar a o I i i 0 0 Hlllferrh allr 7 0 0 I i iTrutd 0 0Tua1rb 0Tnti 1
Trutd Tua1rb Tnti adHb2 leb u 1 o InrlaiblbJ 2 A I i iAllenc 0 0Alrn1 0Allons I
Allenc Alrn1 2 u 7 1 0 I Streetc 111 X 1 la 1 i itrouehp 0 0ourr 0tfourh
trouehp tfourh ourr a 0 0 7 I Johotonp JOIUUOII t 0 2 0 nTotau I ITotal
Total 7 j Z 71 it i i TOUU To a a i ici iciM I I IStti
1St M Stti N > uit 002070004 002070004t11llngton
Uatlnlon Wtlncl 0 0 0 a SOU 0 o 0 I 1Hun 4 41f 4hun
Hun M tt I tutu inl Stone 1f llartiell IaI 2 2V1LFttn5bofl Newnam NewnamW wa
W V1LFttn5bofl Mn lon < ie eafrr tn er UrDrlde r It ln lncauh2 lauh 3 Kir Kirta 110 VIral VIraltat
ta e on error ruo M 4i loul I atblnruxi Inl I l Io Left Lefton f fon
on o bate M Il 1 tnuK 4 U ahlncton 10 10 0 nrtl Mrl t II bae baeon > ai aion
1 on lull I Off ni Juhnon Jula aiortCrourhT 3 ofrou f Struck blrUe ruk ou ouMy a out outIby
I Ib Ior
Vouch hi hiS liii liii4hnitrv
My Johnson I Ia A ha h 2 Two bat
S 4hnitrv < h or rlcr rru Nvtlilie r MU hit i kIllif Kllllfcr lh lh11rl 2 aeaier aeaierSife > lfr lfrMrrrt
Mrrrt 11rl Sife t 2 llartiell 1111 stolen oa < bate llaruell llaruelli 11 hIitttIthiettzcn
I i S hwrliirr < Milan Ilnlh lilt hy pltrhet 4Wbet Br B y Jobnu JOIflMflthen > n ntllen
then Ia VUldplUhe te 1b John Joh0onZre4Cht olaa 1 onOrourhl Im Iml
I l plrr 11 OlAurhlln 1uehln Time 1mI I bout b and to t minute minutei mllu mlluITi minutraii
i K ITi ii sr sriits v i iTAxntNi 1fn iiatz iiatzNI4IIOIMI0TUNflIl I
I NI4IIOIMI0TUNflIl NI4IIOIMI0TUNflIlI TAxntNi n > or 0 THa THair TI n
I ir f rr ir I 7 IT ITNewark farI I IToro
I I Newark Sr wirk M dI 9 X1 Irovldene oldn 31 4 M 1 4 4Toronto 414 414Toronto <
Toronto Toro 41 U 754 I tluftalo lulo x > M 4V 4Vllurbe al 44 44I
I llurbe lb IIurbetWT tcr r i 1 aa 111Jlnry a Jerey Jf itty 11 at 3 u uHaltlmorr O 4 423 423S
S Haltlmorr a M 4 io Moolreal 041 S U J4 J4NFWIKK 366 366paIflhtlvxrL <
i lallmor I
NFWIKK 2i 2 rMVltIO < r I 1Gettman Iolbl IS I6obbmtina
S Gettman iloiible olbl In the Ih lb ninth nln1 tnnlnc followec followecby fI I
by 1 IVIerten eiror r1 enble 101 > i Ihe I IS Indian to 0 win wlrannthrr winIuitthOr In Inr
annthrr r rame r from Iruvlilenre al Sr r iwitk rk re r yrten yrteniia Mr Mrday
day 0 iia Trie T roie tntPI
I I 101 Hkmm I HkmmM
I M r A S ti I H I r rWI1rt A i iYeldayrf IWeIdycf
Yeldayrf WI1rt 4 a I n n llmmI Immoab b 4 0 I a i iHerman I I10nnr tlIobmanr1
Herman 10nnr rf s t 2 2 I ii U tteyrrrf 4 2 a 0 oAt 0 0I 0Ats <
At Ats a n I i a t Kriiylt 111 j o 4 j 0 0thonlr i iH ii iitiinnIf
H thonlr ion If l o I 7 n o I CMlm GotImnIh mI n h 4 I II 0 0I i inurln 0 0nhSbbfl
nurln ylb Ib 2 a t II t n l Lavadona iden a I I I I I i iCniniOb aI
I CniniOb J 4 n a t n s St < htaHy2ti rc a O t I i ileter alotrrn2tl
leter 1 lotrrn2tl r en b 4 n n I 4 1 Hrodlerf lolt a o 0 0300 0300I a o l lHt 0 0m
I Ht lhtg rljr d1 4 n 4 I I l rltpe I II ITI a I 2 o 05trelp i iMreTep
MreTep m f a ii n 2 li Kranp a o 4 0 3 3Total 0 0Tobait <
I Total at ot 3 5 52412 2 12 I a Toll > 1 1I010nrr 521 rf Al AlPyntldttieo 1 1Prnvldrnre
Prnvldrnre I010nrr li 0 n a 0 a n a I 0 nS O I INewark t tNwaiL
Newark S 0 0 0 n n f 0 I I
i Hun IrmMenre I Oyitner Newark r lx Lou Lou4II > u uden
den itetimAli I III > tolen r bate Oourtarr Ueiday Ueidayirip WeidiyI I
II I irip r Kelly tertnre rn hit hl Iii Hoffman Holmn Loijden LoijdenTwo tn toaainaS I II Ib
S Two b ba e hit 1 Ixiudrn ietlman a Mr float t 1Irl hattie or orhllt onhiI
hllt I Ofl 4f Klan a off 0 Steelr o I t Strurk 1 out Ft FtKran fly flyVga
Kran Irl I by b Meele 4 Ht Pint l bate b on 01 error errorNewark rO rOr errorS
S Newark r 2 Irovldenre nldrn I Leftonbate I Newark Newarkt rr raakI
t Iniviilenre 0 I Imrlr m fire In rhlef rlirl Boyle 11 1eW trle 5ridumtbre 1eWumpire
umpire mlr Mrray U Time 1mI I hour and lr 011 45 i minute minuteUTIWOHK mlnu mlnuTn mInuteblat
blat UTIWOHK Tn t L jmur Ja rrrr tT e entlTtwOHk 8fllitUi4flhi11 I IJ
ntlTtwOHk July J i The T Illrdt IId fattened wnN uc ucIhelr u uIlrl upbhptf
Ihelr Ilrl baltlnf llnc simmer uC u tn > day ey a at 4 the epa r n ol olth etS ofh
th h Skeeiert S r pltehert Ih cettlnr Clnl tn I nine nm tingle mncletwn Cl ClI a ala
twn I b la > e hIt 11 and n three hrr home om I run Ulkiy Uk UkIn1n was waiInvlneibie wasinvlneibie
Invlneibie In1n for fo evtn t tn Innlnr allowing but IUI lhrehit lhre tiitrhib hf
hit I The Tr TrannT Tb heore heoreJ
I J annT > H CT CtTT IT it itIII ttlMO 10 I Iit
III 1 it r I i AB 5 n r t t t1rmet Slemttf
1rmet If i a I I ii Maclecf SICI 3 2 2 200 200tlnfaalta O r rMan n niW
Man tlnfaalta AiiJMJ S t 4 I rt Mrancrb a u o I I IJlo c cIetn 0 0rf
Ietn < errf6 rf I 4 n O iW ll lIsiih IIh I n n a t l lJohnMiiit IIohnoilt
Jlo JohnMiiit l I 0 t I i CxMxtrrf l 2 1 n 1 r rVbttetnltia I a aIhtebflIta
Vbttetnltia 11 J t I ti n 1 0 nancy lIan Ib 4 7 7 I c cimfiiidVi 0 0I 0tmoidla
imfiiidVi l l I I I WII Valhlf 4 r t 0 c cHrfTruarf 0 0ort 0S
S HrfTruarf ort I 0 4 I I 0 Nlrbolltu Irbul 4 I 2 a JU I ICrttte Ii IiCnIIr
Crttte 2 a 4 4 a o irtrkib b bmnll1 t 2 n I IMtuinii 0 0Sttorap
Mtuinii U i n I o g u 1 2 n g 1 rrane nl 2 2 n n ntamflhbID < i iOtmnllip
Otmnllip mnll1 2 U 4 1 Cl t Murrayc ural 1020 1020laniJrlraal I 0 7 0 I IdIC11 1landrbtiuil
laniJrlraal dIC11 I 0 I u 0 I UaJloyp YIIJ a n 2 a Q QlH I 01S
S lH ttoonIil > uncll > p i 0 0 I 0 u 0 0Totait I 0Totals
Totals 14 4 B I 21 12 t 2
Total aa 1 ta I n in n i iH Illr I14lir1
H llr 14lir1 I l for r Iamnlti mn tn tbe Ib ninth nlnll Innlar InnlarJer 101C 101CJrr
Jet Jrr e > < 1i 11 > 11 I n C I it I I i n n 1 0 a 7 7I 4Halt 4 a1Ir
Halt 1Ir More 0 I U I I f a 5 I II II I Ii p pthii
thii II bfr i it t 4irmenl Irmn HannlfAn HannlfAnin IAnnlhn IAnnlhnInc lianniftalflhIuii
I Inc lflhIuii h in Laadrlran Ldrla llaltiroore llaltiroorele 11111 ILtUmorbaundo
> < le 1 imde I Ilaney nr 2 Valth Nlcholl Nlchollirik 1hI 7 7I
irik t Y W a or o liA I IIA1 e hll hl Aalth I Ib Tbree Tin bate l hit htltunliifrr 11 hitS
S unliifrr Ihcr Uindrlftii drlr Home Inm run n flanry flanryMenollt tisracylehoIl 1 1hol
Menollt lehoIl hol iiooite on4 11 tlrnirm erlftre > tIn hit bll iran iraoMtiUn iranMaikS
MtiUn Mnleii ha > e Oaner 1ney nr Abtleln 0 Jobnton JobntonItiijMe JohrinnIlijtia oloOn oloOn1JI
ItiijMe 1JI 11 play pl Malloy 1 a 11 aud uo 011 I lancy 101 iani Henmo Ir and andhleK andhto1 nd ndII
hleK II Hall tl Mrholl Irhul Iehoib AIII slid IlADO Inf I1rt nl hr baw ba banD tano
00 t bath IU 1 on CI Malta le A I of 01 o SIlica SII I strurk r out outlly oulI nutI
I lly I I Ullo llo 7 by I tl Mltou SI I by Camaltf 4I 3 hy I b biPolflib
1 iPolflib MIL nelly I l IU ft on hair b > ll 1lmo llbttmor lllmor 3 Jcrvty Jcrvtytlu J Jr1 Jereybt
tlu bt I t1r ibit r1 t b t ha e on 01 cnn n > r llaltlmore llllm 2 I m mKlrr mIrr inlitre
Klrr Irr In chIef llAlllcan 111 Itrld 1le um imt4u mlr > lre llnneran llnneranTime lonrn lonrnnt tinnoranTime
Time nt tour bU at I 10 I niluule nluur nluurONTr1 rilOulOlLi
Li ONTr1 11lflSTRAIroron
e H I r rToronui rroron
Toronui roron I I S o n n I o n n n I o II 4 4I t tMnntreai I
1 Mnntreai o 1 u U 2 II < > It II 0 0ll 7 a o ollAtterl I IIrattolu
llAtterl ll 111 Meiilnlr anl lundrrea and Tonniran Tonnirannurrheti Tonn Tonnnr Tonnmnfltrtebl
nurrheti nr rl and n1 Iurtli Iurtlien urU
> en I lark 0 orIi Slate SlateAT ttitc kaue kaueAT I Ifljuuno
AT fljuuno fljuunotf SI0SiIiTOi H > UM 10K
an anSvra U0U U0USralil
Sralil Svra > u > e o I 4 0 7 1 ft I I I 0 111 111ltlnahamtun I II
tf Illnchamiun uo u I l 0 o I o a 1 n 7 3 3llattertev ailaItfnl
I llattertev 11111 ° 4 ll Lia7an ijan n and 1 Koopnun Kopmn Iappalau Iappalaund 1 1Od
and nd MiNmara ma I raplre Urown UrownT UrooI
a 5115 5115tile I I II
tile I Ura iinnannnnt It u 0 0 0 1 A n n I SI SIHlmlr I I Itlmtra
Hlmlr lra I u n I u I n n o u 0lr 2 n nllalterie nS I
tlm llalterie lr Hobertallle Hobllr and n4 Hurnt lulI irhmUl irhmUlnd wbm 4ibmt1and I
S and nd Ilonrhrr 1111 Imilrrt Im I rnt4ne 11 Unduy Un and nr Kneelana KneelanaAT rl rlT
AT T wiiaomrKit
a H HTrov a aTtIt
Trov I I n Inn Innii
tMllmbarre n u I JO n n I lii n n 113 a I 4 III II I Illatlertet II Iltabb
ii o
llatlertet ltabb ° nIi thlev 111 and nd Meeran un Mrtlotkey Mrtlotkeyand
I t and aDt 1111 Mrlecer lrr I mplrf lmpr lUilen 41iuiionAT < lUilenAT 101 101I
n tar tarlhAfl n r rlhny
lhny hn b nnnnlnnn2in2 nnnnlnnn2in2Srranum n 0 I I n In Ina
Srranum a l i 11 I n o un o C o I o I a I I a a aruilerte 0flattede I
ruilerte a th thaprIr ipee Cheek brl and 0 Porte t fbal fbalmer 5l 5lmen 1 1mr
Ir hllr
men and nd Smith ml tmplre mp OTonle OTonlef WTooboSrie4
I Srie4 Wehedilrd fhltnIM f rr > r Toda TodaAMIHirAX TO TON TodatMIaIrAtl >
AMIHirAX N IPAOfK IPAOfKt 0 0Irlad I 1
t leveland Irlad In New 1 > ark rhlearo In I Hmlon 0 M MI
1411 I KI In Ihllaitelpula 11111 DetroIt 1101 In WIIC attilnttuo tahinubunNaytotigi attilnttuoNITIONAI I
I NITIONAI TH A LEAiirr LEAiirrSew L Lak IIttfltS
S Sew Vork ak In MlUburr blre nrnoklvn nolyn In In1 st b fx lult IMUIL IMUILPhIarleIphil > ul ulIhlladelphl >
Ihlladelphl lblrrlll In hlraco IkMton In I I Inrlnnall InrlnnallrinrrMK
I rinrrMK rln iffAnrv iffAnrvIlovldrnreln Iun IunIJrrlIIYln IrAflCSPantlirn
Ilovldrnreln Pantlirn In Newark pwarkJr0I IJrrlIIYln Jer e IHr In fUlllmore fUlllmoreHii flaitiniotebltatib llmo
bltatib Hii lo In flneheier Ibw hsbPr Tomnf ll I Montreal MontrealMrteni ItawibretiticirlI 14 14j
Mrteni MrteniAt lAU0 a aI
I At 1 Mom 11 i It I Slniji Slo Ill 1 5 Omtha3 Omtha3At 1b
At 1 1 Top Torl Tnwha k SI Jn Jth Jrwetah eph U Tot Tn TnI topha k a aAt
I At 1 IJnrnln 11 H > Maine 4bn 1 IJneofn Jnmr t tAtUlrhlt tI IAl
AtUlrhlt A Al t Inbibb4 rll fxnxrr IWOI C A < V Mrhlu I ITea ITf IToa
I Tea Tf TeaAl 1lu Ieauf
Al Oklahoma 141 i n 11 t > iiklahnm flty I Pallaa VII Pall O Ott 0II
tt xn n Anionl M Man n Antonio 4 Houttna n nAt 9It
At WInO W ft lte u bafl > n a Vv Attt ra 2 2At 2u
At 1 Shreteport i Ion tn I itti Ilneth orth 4 ShrrvlpelI > hre h ep rt a arUinn Jrlt 3trhnatia
rUinn trhnatiaAl rlt < l axtie axtieAn If
An Al I gttilhOrlttlbe rulher 11 vllle Paurpirnild irnld Clruthfr Clruthfrillle arubherjIlt lb >
illle a aAt 3I
13 At I Blylhevlle ° nilhetlll Olh t Jnnebor Jntr Jntrf 4 4Ioltnn 44oitnn
Ioltnn f stale 1 Ieacne IeacneAtjaefeion If IfJr
Atjaefeion 11 Jaeaeofl JaekMin Jr v 1 1 l IAI bntashJ kvhurr 2 2At 2At
At tjreenwood iireenwnmt 2 Meridian 0 nAlVarnniliy 0I
AlVarnniliy 11 I In a a7o 4 I IS llaltletburr Ii 1 a 4 ow tllv IIY 0 0Nonthrrn I Illhlrn 0gotithiern
Nonthrrn llhlrn l aatue aatueAl
Al Rome rtome m 4 Knnitllle 0 nAt 0t
At t MorrUMwn Jnnnuinttt Jnl10n 1 a Morrl UrIttnwn UrIttnwnat htn htnlialrn tntrn tntrnAt
At at lialrn U1 01 1w1n en Ahe hoilIIC Jlle 1 < > a4wJn d en t tVlrailnU IVirhnla
VlrailnU l lrii lriit anne anneAt
At t leter tbttaaar biirC Ietmhtirr 2 lltehmond mo I 1At IIflbHe
At 1 3 lltnrllle r 111 I lanrflb i > anrHle 1 flo IlnannIao IlnannIaolnhbaig nnke2 nnke2At
At I nrhbirr IflbHe lynrhhurr a Norfolk or I Irurnllnai I Ifrnna I4arnhlna
rurnllnai rurnllnaiAt IlUf IlUfInl loaua loauaAt
At fbarloie Inl fharlotf 11101 I tireentboro lirn I IAt 7It
At Siiarunburr h Hrartanbir a ilteenrllle ittpoii1ibpflII o oM
M I 11 lnlon S Mfrm lem r Uln WInabofi lon stem em 7 4 Afder Afdernierlran t4eranal
anal 3
nierlran rrfan Attoelallon AttoelallonA nclnn nclnnKn
A 1 Kantjo Kan t Ir Kn Kansa > at f1L < 1ly 11 II st Pant rof tl tliime IIOin
f iime ° alld 011 al the III end 1 of f Ibe lb b lith intuit to tox 1 to110w
1 110w x > > w team iarpiattihatftfl bieitteh 110 a train I Il I
11 l Ixiultvllle l tllttlle J Jt JAt ToI Toblo 4 41IIiI 4w
t w 1IIiI l4Ili1bt laln lalnI leau leaualt
At Hrnekton I n I lynn vnn C I Hroekton D DI I It II
t Ijiwrenee I Mwrenee 1 4 llarerhlll 2 1Al 2It
Al Pall titter rirtt panic lx IowoU > weli in Fall Fallliver r1 raIlItlr
liver I srond gamP c Lawoll j > rll I tNI Fall Itlrer I IAt I51t
1 At New w liedfonl Ill fame New rIor tvedford U Ukorretler UOfro ILAOTnabr
korretler Ofro I i Seeond n tame urI New s Bedford to toWor 2 2korre 2Worretor
Worretor korre ier t i Irknot n rkne I i intrilll Inrn ItttNr1IAII
ntrilll 1 I P r1 I M N V Amerleaai mrwD mrwDn v vlet is isIpiolani
n let Ipiolani nrn eland nj merlran I 1rpm ear Park Mm Alm wy wytrfr Y M
trfr 1
AT ATWU m 11 11Tft uwr uwrI
Tft T > lUtra I ra Innlnc Innlne 4mw mra m en e fIne ut 1 HMrthe HMr tIirhthe h hh
the h ltr nrUn > tln tlnTwo I ITo ts1 ts1Two
Two canien cn weifi knorke < l out II Ut bf ia tIn tInIn al alIn
In lh National Slon1 lemue I > patday < l Ied d r and DI I twent II II
I went Into lOb air innlnr Innl Tho Th tub lI Ib an anllanl n1 anallitanta n11Inl
llanl ware anionr nu I II IIat lie nuiiiombatatiti nuiiiombatatitiI
I I whim whl tha lb h llrooklyn lolr dropped cnr 1 a Ihlttee IhltteeInnlne IhittoflI
I Innlne Innlnl tnnin fight m I Cincinnati Inlno41 The lh 1 ltltiails ltltiailsboat l t < > i ih
h boat at 1 th that CarillnaU rihinl In a furte r n Inninanio Innin It1ahtifgaralo
10 anio I lhe ho re rII rIInnrlt rranilba rranilbailirtanath iilt iiltClnrtnnatl
Clnrtnnatl nnrlt I llrnakltn llrnakltnlloit4Ni U UI 0Iloitu >
I lloit4Ni 101 l M il Lout Lul X XA aI 2ft
I A ft I Chlr hleEoVtct lco1 o Tlrt eroumU Irlnd IrlndltahlC eroumUl
tt l Illtalmre ltahlC Hair Hairop Hlnn lInPTXDtXI
n PTXDtXI o op n I Till Ta ctra ctrair CtU CtUr 1vaIr
ir r if I ir t It I ri riOtlrara I riCblrao
Otlrara MIUC 41 f M 4 arPhlldeli lThtiadohiaPila3A ldrhbla > hlAA M 41 41New 47i 47iw
New s w turk 41 U1 27 7 r AllurwaktIrfl w < limiklyn 1llr 12 a 35 U UItiitburc II IIbuC 431 431t1Iburg
Itiitburc buC as 3 02 3 11 572 a M lx LouIs > ul ai 4 41 41Clnrtoaatl 425 425lnctoatl U UOlnal
Clnrtoaatl Olnal aa M it n mxion lla a 41 f fI a arlpelNATI at atI
flsrSTI CIirl4Tl Itilr II 1 In a brilliant hllnl Ihlr Ihlrteen Ihl Ihlffn thirloon
teen ffn Innlntr IIln itbnin i alriggla lrii III itl the lb h lle1 11 took k th thfinal bho bhoflnal h < 1 10
final eime of 0 thai th llrmiklvn aarioa < > rlr 1 lierr hI > hr hrror h hoe a aprone <
prone ror oe of I to o lUriter IIa t ho h offlrliilnl mIII1 at Un Unmound I 1110innonit
i mound mOlnd for r llrooklyn rranlexl 111 nut 011 n nt ntnn1 ntnn1ttvht I II ti11flI
I ttvht I bg Kh hI lilarr It hut hiI In II 0 lh I tao tliirterntli I II In roth ii with a lh it h th thM I hl ho I
> Iiio M > e lull 111 atOll n1 one Oi nut Oi Miller UI wit tit lit 11 ti tilitt I Ilint 0
lint for 0 Heetie IH nnd n those o III II Ihe liming w IIIloe rill rillwith rll rittw I
with w lh Ills H I lain I n ithtflu lu II rIght rulitWhile fch fchhUn rIghtWhiki
While hUn 01 l iapair w r wan w twlrllnc t Ilnc fnr to the Ih II Itolo r 1f 1fthe I Itha I
the h vllior vl lo Wore helpleui hehI In th the h fifth Ilh h hretired ho horetired > i iIhl
retired hit Ihl I ldei 1 on utrlki llk At ro 0 Him Himilnrln In titnotiuunini I IIn
ilnrln In lb be h uame I dl lilt < l the Tlllur 1lon tel ef n I mat matMt manPASt i iI
I PASt Mt iMMond nd In th that renth Downey an anMil tiuial < 11 11I
Mil Ma1an nn led I off oi with uh single Inll for 10 th the ltd 1 > am amMrMilUn amnd amndhaMultoun n
MrMilUn 1 IIn beat I t out a bunt blnl Then < lall iat iaptr iaptrhIt > n nhit
hit hl IOta In a ilonhlo l play > lar nnd Ilarfer lae get Itt He Herher 1 Ii IiCheF i
I CheF rh on etriWe fl Again Arln In the h tenth t Itiapair Itiapairwaa r rwa I
wa waa walked IIf1 fur to a olalr Planer lart r am al1 aital after ar h he hat hatben hadI I
I ben rn 4ifl lutcrlflrvd MCln lo M cnnd > another nlh po wai wailumi Watittod I
lumi 1 to n Ka Egatn n hut 111 Itoblllel luhll1 and Mttrholwero Mttrhol alitchahlwera llrh1
wero easy a vlvtlm 1lm After Af liotrner hat hatdout haIdOlh haddotihiact
dout dOlh dotihiact > U t In the Ih eleventh flnnlh and n1 Mcl ilclan lcn Mn haibeen bad bailboots I ItI
been tI imriKirely paoed 1 Itnlh loh wa wet enl nl K Kbat to tohat
bat h fur lu < la lauapar > ar hut tuner larr > ellS ettl04 tllr < idntta am amrellr and ahdI1 androitreti
rellr roitreti I1 l the I he lii liilleel tIoI 1 1I >
I II llOObl lleel aaicepoteI urreee < l lara tapnr apar anal munacei munaceitn mlAc1 mlAc1to matnaceil
tn ret ga t by without lholl any AU corlaz 10tai In the Ih ha In Intwo Inot Inottwo
two 0 Innlnit Innlnl thotiitli Ihlil tail biw IO nn 01 hall hallwhich hal tallwlalrh
which hei cave lu II thei Ih thirteenth threatens threatensto
to rail al trouble Iolhlf In I h lao IM Ieil half nr < if thli thliInnltiK 11 thiIitiflhtti
InnltiK Innlll II I wa a plain that th Marker laa wn a ieflkCtI ieflkCtIS en ken kenIntf 11
Intf Ino Me I ia sl 1 lM lstitrtI ke > tt lair I a tatter IIrr am amwhen that thatii n1 n1I
S when ii hn powiiey 1 Itow Iboy Mtrnflieil sacrIfli eli lie h iiurptwcl iiurptwclnaMxl luirltaalra50d
I naMxl MI 1 l l Laia ati Wb Vhrnt tnarle ld a friit > r l tr trfor t trlair I >
fr for MiMIIUti ItM II illeti a Inl ln < le hut hii louldnt a oulihti t icet o up upthntiith II UtIhouiata
thntiith Ihnllh he h held akrrt I on n third hld Mlliel Mllielhaltlne tl I i
haltlne htUnr run runI for Heebo 11 thru Ih1 drove 11 in I tlir t winning winningrun w Itllt itiflbtl itiflbtlruli
I runManarer Manarer tnrr Pahlen lhln wa aat III 1 at 1 the Ih ha hotel ani aniunable anal analunahla I In
unable to II n I go < o to 0 the Ihf cround tIII today Hi Hileft II IIloft
left 11f with w lh lIlt the Ihf te 11 toani ni lonlilit lonlilitThe IOlllhl IOlllhlTh toniglttThe
The Th atone atone11500511w e I
11500511w lsrlNun lsrlNunI 4 tICI3NAT1ALit
ALit I P 115 4 H lA U UHaitonrf
Haitonrf I U 0 I l4etaenlf 3 a 1 II 0 0ltauhrrIlb I
1 ltauhrrIlb Ltb 4 0 I Ii 2 lb V W sn2b 4 t I a 3 0 0hsllf
I hsllf 3 I 7 0 1 n Mbrheiitf llrlI A 0 I ii II I 0 0lIaannirtTh
lIaannirtTh 1 3 I s a 111 lttIItei 114 I 1 Ii n 0 0liialonfS I
11dnU I 3 II It taMertsf f I 2 4 a 0 0Inno 0tennut
I Inno tennut h Sil 3 1 I 3 n a Ikin on iti 1 2 4 f 0 0StIIiltt I
SII StIIiltt I I t1MnIeia 1 I 1111 I I II IIt1nr ° I Itrslnr
C 3 Pa I 2 I 0 0Ianietp
t1nr J I a Ii II 11 tbin n
lrr Ianietp S I a a a I r p 3 I a 4 II IIltUh II
1 ltUh I I 1 I I at n nTOII I ITotal
Total 4 A 37 1 0 taawtp Ii n I lb I IilI I I4IIIrf
4IIIrf ilI I I 1 II I II I ITlal 1 1I
Total 41 1 4 11 Ml 14 I Ii0n I IOn 0
On alit 0 when bm wtnnlnr wnnnr run rim n was a oreil oreilMlatte 01019aIttt 1
Mlatte 1 < 1 lot 10 Ir aaar < i par In the eleventh innIng InntncHUtted innIngtttbel nntneI
I HUtted 1 for l lurch el 1 > e lu I in 1 thirteenth Innlnc InnlncHrooklrn InlcIroJn bianingItrookirn
Hrooklrn IroJn ti n o o n u u a o u n 4 u I u n I r rllnrinnail n nnn1 0linritinati
llnrinnail < nn1 o I u o u n n o a 0 o I o o I n I I I 1Hun IkUI IHun
Hun kUI rimInn InI1 T akert kert To b 1 ha e bit bitIftowney bl bIbtkiwn
Iftowney tkiwn Wheat 1 l Inn lnutot nnot l htt ti on bate t < tn tnrtnnitl InrIatt n nnD1
rtnnitl nD1 I It UrooMjn IroIn Double r r1 > lbsibenI lbsibenIErInt iut > eri eriKn 1
I Kn ErInt ln ail ti I lIal4bVt uhen Surnflre rrn hits iwwfcer iwwfcerIxivnev IWCI10TlInen br brtrtn
Ixivnev lInen 7 Krvln 2 Strum Sn oii 0 IH I lia laA lapan par partif 11 11hr
tif i l I 1 hi h lurcer I 1 I J llr nf bust t h ha w on ball balll ballsHII 1
l I HII > iT iveebe I 7 or nl lur Itanjnr oa cr T Hit 111 iff n liairer I r t 3our tof I Iof
I of of l Ibm eer e I t mplrr Im itv rMrl ebb KIm IteM urn uraplre urnpine
pine rr K Kin Kane ne Time 2 boor u ansi n M minutes trlnuleurn minutesSCTnN InulrT
SCTnN urn T < < c i 7 me r Lori U i ti t L L1t S it itT 3I
I T lori 1t Mo ju Jul Job1 i 12 bOstOn 1ln WOti on a a tnur tnurleen ft IaJtorn
torn n boning tnnln t gain ne tram Ilm It I l IMUI ul > to d < 1 1a > > lu 1ush 1ushI > r rurakened 1
urakened In t n the ninth alall and n4 acttn lo bite In w 0 0I OxiIeentt < wleenih
I n
I leenih while bl Mattern a bo u relieve 1 Cnrtl I neve nevecave n nca 001cgain
cave ca the tr lixalt I oral a rhanre rba The Th snore snoreI > eoreOCTON r
OCTON UT T ifl iflit to1I4AaflPA1 1 I
AaflPA1 it r i t LPMPAS LPMPAStolilrilI H r i icoiilnvil aIg
coiilnvil i 4 o I ii a 1 llufiinrut o = i 7 1 7 i iheaob lb lbbean I II
> heaob bean m a sin 1 10 Ig I KillIt A t n u uNh o oI
I Nh 4b1ntr rK Ih 11 I I t II r o 1 okrvrt uari 7 I 3 I 1 1ttlllerrt I I
1 ttlllerrt llrf T 1 t Il ii n K ntrh th i i lu n I Ibliho 0 0bo 0Ibtch0ss3
Ibtch0ss3 bliho bo tl I S 1 I Kvnirl n 4 I r 0 l lnerkrl n nI 1flecke
I nerkrl 1 11 1 J 0 O OhinsnipIri Hr n nbl1 bur 1 1 1700 1700lirahanan o oirahamr 0I
irahamr < C 2 3 4 0 I Ihelrvc Ilrlc i 0 7 it I a c culb 0 0C 1 1t3b
C rl ulb 11 7 > J d I I Mow 01 reJb Jb 1 o S S l lIurtUp I u I II
I IurtUp 10040 3 0 0 8 I 0 llau I Hanson er < J o a 4 a i iS I ISarrnry
S Sarrnry eeney n1 I I I II 0 nKalrlfbii oacb I o I I i 2 2MatlAiftp t tMatiernu n I
Matiernu In I 0 I 2 c I Mlul tiuitwtIt lu i u 0 0 c cIutip 0 0Tol 01
Iutip 1 I n I 3 i iToial II IITota2
Toial Tol 1 S 15 l IA 4t 4 1 71 1 Z Zactrr rrer t r u I u M t tTOUI I ITotal
Total TOLI > K 4 10 0 4 42 i ilulled 4llitli
lulled 1 4 for to Ouilli 1 In the Ih ninth tnninf tnninfMUtiol InatintailaaIi4 I
MUtiol 1 fur Ualelth in tt 11 > e fouiih Imlh innlnr innlnrluuet Itaflifllbatti4
luuet 1 for luih luhID in the itt hI fourteenth lourrnb Iniiinf Iniiinffio Inllo Inllonlon tflratn tflratnfloionlaaIIflaabIU
fio nlon floionlaaIIflaabIU ion i i < > o o ii o i o I ill o o r rMt 7itlOtitalb
Mt itlOtitalb 11 Mttll I > O 5 II O I II I O U u 1 II II l 0 > i iKua S SHn
S Kua Hn > H 143100 lon Hbetn o Shri 1rl < e Miller 1 Vtihailr Vtihailrrhlo tbbiaIiechin bull
chin lrabm thm Get 7 MI < Louis U > ul Httiftn HttiftnKonetrbi italginthonebeb >
Konetrbi Ivan Uowieir llau thauser r T Two IUfn o l lhll Ihit >
hit rlm lail StIeaI > h an MHIer f ry0 Mw0000 s ene > Three T Thl bav bavhilt behits
hilt hl Miller 11 ilrahtm 1ham Sarrlftre n hit h kth tbhatb tbhatbrhia ll llrhlo > I Irhlo
rhlo iniu 111 lheipv Ihrllo Hucrln Iurco Kvanv In Millern MillernShean aIlIrnatian n nShD
Shean Stokn olrn tia b base e Mutrlnv lulln Sh Mbarpe brp rpe NVIld NVIldpltrh tIiaiI I
I pitch plh lu tuah uh > h Hr n ulrt l ba 1 I e on halts 1 < oif Ur furtl ul ulw 4 4of 4o
o of Maiurn w 3 struek rurk r nut nl II b Italelfh n I i by byIurtl b burti
Iurtl 2 b > lji I Lub h s b > Utitetn I 1 l Lebi ft cn on ba batii e et >
ii t tx Lou il 1 t 10 Notion 1 u t mptr mllr In it chef rMetKanin chefVaon MfI
I Kanin Yn t 1113 l ll 1 umpire Jotn JUIon Jobaitorie tone Time lmr 7 7tiDal fcuur fcuurnit <
tiDal nit 0 mInutes mlnutekwrsrs mlnu mlnuI mInutesI
I I wrsrs n r 1I 1fJI fv > IMIII IHhllInc i iUnl v vline
Unl line llrrltlon Ucllon In Km tarr Eaior tor of lilant 111 n nolhr nolhrI nlhrrtalnt l ier ierAaalnit
I Aaalnit Ilnl Them ThemToprote TfI TfITwo ThenTwoprotetodraniot
Toprote Two Twoprotetodraniot pOIU l < Hl ame were r ruled on onc reMer reMerlay
al lay bv b Ireniilent Inh lym h uf th the Natioual NatioualI Nattaoalleat110
1 leat110 I OI MI Tli Iho S Now e > sort 0 club dOh wa waa Involve Involven maliattIra
In n both ami no l lust t one un mllnn and AII unn OR thf thfitlior Ih Iht thoitttaor
itlior t l 1h hlaith th IJol Irotoia irolr l we > rr turned 1n ilown ilownHie alowiaI < mol
fl I hiP hail hallo tuiio lii 410 1 with wlh ii ith the tfanfuf aitio of t July Iu t at 41 the theolo thePolo 1 >
1010 Polo olo Oroimd olnd whlrh llrnoklvn lrokhn protrtlnl protrtlnlxvaiiMi tinaitotbedbraatlas
xvaiiMi a a a home lom run rlh waa unt un ulluw ulIuwetr 1010 lrn lrni at atball
hal ball i ll hatteil hat1 a ufaifltt < aln t the h np pr < r tier uf r lx lnis lnisImy 1 1h e eMrllveen
h Imy Mrllveen kthHn of o llrixiklrti 1kIYI I the lie 1 nther ntherirnte aaihairjarailet hr hrIulst
Iulst irnte t eonc eaancernei rnnl tb I h New S Yorkll ork i1aatn lnn lnnanie
415011 anie al of Jill 7 in ltntim 1 The Th IInl liant Itnik Itniklbele iaaothe 1
the lbele bail il In tlieelehth lulling Illn bm 111 a the hlam ganie ganiewe ami amia
we a i iaulal lle 11 l lab allow 10 the th lloMon Inln In 0 rarh aldlHal M Mrain a atral
Hal rain ii the lt K P1110 III I reverted hark to 0 th eventi eventiinnltm th thInnilo
innltm Innilo Manager 111 MrlirHM ll irnte inl 1 utul utullyni aInIl4nihi 111 111Ind
lyni l4nihi h ha h il ale 1 > lieU lI that h the I h tao eanie Iam l battiil inl S S1lafl H Hilaynl ata atailayrd
ilaynl 1lafl Mr I I lynah yn n < h saic av hf t the I f lliitun lliitunveu 1 liotaiiNew
s New veu Vnrk nrk a gain gaintbr am amn a 111 111Ttie
Ttie n Sew rw > orU nrI club prntetteil thlt hi 1 fume on onhe noh onIbie
Ibie he h crniinit n that h the I Ibnton lo uin lull rnulil 1 have havelaketi I hattej
lkr laketi a j later 1 < train 10 for rL Mt t l IA toab ml u 11 I r irther > that thatlUtiAfr t thatManage
Manage nc Mrtr ItriiFatt i iim di mil ACTOr crr c ui railing rlnr th thtame II IIIraane
tame c al 4 < WhIle Whlr a mistake ml of I beta Il minute minuteetlilenlly nlnl nabniltWa
Wa < etlilenlly l made as Ui UID Ir Ume II i ni niiplulon nil nilnitluiOai >
iplulon 1 I that I till I > ill aibipiIe iiie r ni 1011 t l he > e derldeil 0 M Skirt Skirton IT ITn >
on > n whether hIIr moat I at 3wa Ihe It time 11 e Pt prlur to Ihe II rune runeor c cu gimmietot
IUj IUjThe 1a2 1a2Tb
tot or u Uiiplnf IlnC IlnCT t
The Tb evlrtenre In shows > h ho n lh Ittt h i I mplre li laahneione laahneionemliii > hn lone loneInly I Ih
mliii Inly h T Informeil Ino Manager nc Vlrr 1 iht lb I the II came cameunlit cmIJ gamewaaai2
unlit lie b tabbed at t si anal nil thai tin Mrtiran Mrtiranimldeil ttaIrannn4dat
imldeil IJ I hi bbs I ant enl The Tb umpire further raaUe raaUeiihlle ma4rtibbIe I
iihlle niiounrenirnt of the h mn cnndbtioma 01 < llik ii uwihe uwiheieeit tar She Shes1enIabar I II
s1enIabar > I ieeit > ir that h1 Ibe lb b Vew Pw York 10 or pla 11 iaiam > er > aln alneeo 01 01o abtrtniiiflitml
rtniiiflitml eeo nl e l lhl this > Ume limit I I evlirnre In t hy their theirletloo theiratnbIOOs
letloo In I tne lb elthlh h Inning o n hn n after nirlnc nirlncA I II
sit A run o n arM ao findIng nrlnc Ihe lb h trite U cniwluf hnri r the theleltberAtely IhrrI bheditbpfateiI >
leltberAtely I lrl allowed lhem bhemltes mh elte h to 4 be 1 inn imt imtM anlttisi
rI M tisi vln 10 ing < ronildcreil Ide ihl nl r a e r rretail refully 1 I ran ranlot ratinot 0 I
lot nl ee 0 how on ihe lb Sr NOW w ork i lil 11 > proiei Dr ran rn I IInl IMttilflOi e etidalneil
tidalneil Inl and n the lb h g Cn nie therefore PIr stand Un 0 < l at aton a a0L1td
rh al0 I Illon 11100 on 0 the h Ne S Noig Noigcam > Yorktlrooklyn Yorktlrooklyniam oIolln oIollnm
cam m M Mllelatlve M11lh atIN
llelatlve 11111 lo Ia the lii game plated 11 on n the I Polo Poloround rl rlz robUroitwl
round on JKI tI I and prote probet4 tecj I rl h ihe t Hrooil I n nUih nnub
nub tinder z section of nan l I find the lb latter latterrad batterroads
roads rad 1 I fair Ir hatted ball 11 thl A roet ru nter n the thener h hrn hefoneg
rn foneg > ner 0 or f Inn a urDd hAll 1 entitle nll but b luUtman luUtmanil hnn hnnII
II Iii il a home run n nh Ae AeII at atII
II bring xllered that h the boundary n line ol olhe ofthe
he h top iler r of n hOle on tfce lb New 05 York uth ground rroundtere groundwere
were ere tome lnehe < further awa w from the I lb plait plaithan piatiattasn 1 1Ir
r han those of r the lower I tow Her I I tr brstrtei4 tmeed I the urn urnlire aimpiles
piles lire to allow ln runner ln lo tate 1 alt 1 the 1t bate ha they theyutld thatruai br brId
utld Ir Id 1 f crl el oo Milt 1 hit ni rlnt the ill t niiMde of thlt thltitiper 11th 11thalit 1
alit itiper Her unlet the Ih home ICn e nIah 11 > m raptaln a tnojld tnojldn bOJ hOIklmate 1 1m
m mate n Ir e A rrfind rule oiherwue oiherwueWhen II IIWbn other otherIthen
When rmplre Jnhnttone Jolno tailor in 0 the t com In Inluettlon Ino Inqtulton
luettlon o acd ol 0 Manarer llrfiraw I whether whetherhere whetherlb I In
lb here were any an 11 per pedal l rronnd c pile I In I e ob obened attasnne
snne ened n 1 he ti waa wa told 0 no n tl follow therefore thereforehat Ibr Ibrhlr I Ithai
hat the h llrooklyn alit iixild I not gaIts tomeihing tomeihingwlabrh > ometbln ometblnihlrh
ihlrh hlr hlrh would not I hatetiren i allowe I f the Sr SrI New York Yorkbib Vorhneal
neal bib I tinjrr the ame e1iriirittnre f i JI It I Hear Hearhat atrbhai r I Inn
hat the t hall ht hit b > IP Pl Ilcier er VrKtveeo n did not ao aonto goIrimo
nto an > land In or 0 over 01 am an Irma Irn btt hit bi the h mt mtWe n nt ntSki
Ski We of ihe lb upper tier I al f bote which Irb m mrt1 mrt1COn marI0ithe rle rlehe
he 10 boimdarv Ir of < > the rroind and lK 101011 Iot01ah > > indeil b bn hn hnin > k kn
COn ono
in n the platlnr 1 n Beid rlo belnr nr alwa within llln lull lullIrht builtIhl 1
Ir Irht of unpin Imr antI ril I player I tinier Ind my m ron rontrurilon rn rnr rannitrhtan
trurilon r of 0 the 91 h nile Ciii I thlt Ii1I 1 doe 1 not entitle nl the theatmtn lb lbtsmin
tsmin atmtn to 0 a home run ant DI the lb gina ante U iheirfnre iheirfnrei rln rlnI
tt i III I roint 1 a I plated platedlla 111 1iS N adlIaoiiall
lla 11 lIaoiiall > eltall Note NoteCarl ol olr1 otps otpsrAn
Carl In < iaHner w wa on the tr sink Irl lltt I > e terday etetalatnl terdaynd oal oaln
nd n dldn olln i pty ptyThe b11 b11Tb A ATh
The New Pw York Arneileaii hate lr old 11 hinter Illrlierrill llrrrm hintermill
rm rill to n Jer J e liy liye ll llIr I
1 e make ihe rtar iiang < nr n prellrtlon that the lb Vlh Vlhilr tlhcite I Ic
Ir cite > ilr will W l 1w ihe III nrtt tilt learn team to win n fifty fiftylh Oilyrhatsa rl
I IIba
lh rhatsa e It t I tiretlr tJ near n the humlrM mark m la 1 1hl bate bateII bitehit
hl hit II Colib oIl Ih wa tb Ihl ha0 flri 1 l tal < t reach It ItCor I Ittot
tot > etefal ilav Sweeney n ha I has heei > ratehlar ratehlar1th rne rnew
w wit 1th 1 a lame 4m anke n but hi lilt throwing It I as rood c1 at atier aser
er ier 1
ierThe The Th Inelnnatl Hrookltn thn erV re lust u t eloted 100 taa taan waSn
an n unuvially rloe 11 elO and a hard I foirhl chi chiT one oneThe oat oatTb
The Tb Cilanta mnl beat the b Tub uII lo n out u of at I threeIIltoUt three threeHhoMt h hwh
HhoMt T using uIIC Vlalhew 1In Maihwon > on at all al Thereat TII TIIn have haveeen hiebeen
wh been een n al bait an n eten n rhanre rhn for o Ibree Mralrbt Mralrbtl traugbtbiat Ib Ibb1
b1 < l Malliewwtn l len > een In InJI ihe lb tint tintTViaMlxoTON lotAtiItt0tflPi
TViaMlxoTON July JI 12 t I foreman a right rcl hand handllerier 10 banaltIrbr
llerier and Hardy 0 ratrher were iineondlilnnally iineondlilnnallyrleated uinronalttlonauhyrIesd nrnnIUonall
fUrl rleated by the Itt b xvathlnrinn hlIn club < to mu flight Yath WhInon Iahitillon Yathirion
irion I tryitic rl to I Ia buy rIY Seeund nrln llatenntn i 1lcn lflgg > rfrrt rfrrton I InM IIrart
Irart nM on M 4t I lx Loll > il > buiraiiroit b but raint 4 ft C Manager 11 tn I I I unojr unojrtnameaprlre una onnirII
II o tnameaprlre name a rr I
won in rItvav UI sns tin n ti tiTHK t t 11 i run runriis fN fNTl
THK THKtal Tl IHhll i tASI AI f OF INI INI8Id JtJIKtI JtJIKtItukln
> tal tukln 8Id < l n fertxett arU rbit Had > and andI nd nRurl lRurkp lRurkplpnoTha
I OplneTtiat nplT Illc Je llI Krllow l Isrkrl IsrkrlI rhrtl > rrr rrri
i i I aa arr Mrr irrao n r Oelanr UInC Xahl Iad to Hate A AI te terusid13lIrvinahrrofa c cI
I ruetiB rU rusid13lIrvinahrrofa Hal llrrtnakrrer ar > llrtlrr 1lr lcirrIuqtlll lcirrIuqtlllJeffrloa loqull loqullJeffrie 10 qui quiJfI
Jeffrie JfI wa f frightened hlchn1 by I the Ih Importam Importamof
of 0 hi t tI lath k sara ay WlllUm Wllm Muldoon wh whda who wholiati h hh
da h liati returned un1 from Bonn Itno He U made 1 1no tw tweerlou two twoporlotla
eerlou error no FIrst Irl tie h hnuM holl not nn ba bamal bar barriuwnted aro aroratnanteuI
riuwnted t ta make mal the Ih mafh Irh with lh John Jnhleon Johnu Jnhtipoll
eon u and ttil a until In lie h houd not have hI Iralnebinuelf Iralne Irainesititneif
binuelf hll1 Thval 1tatiiaIlrJelTrl ally JefTrlen wa i U lt ItaC > I ner neritiiperlor IfII IfII11 ItelIllial ItelIllialposterior
posterior I 11 lint ill olh olherwl rwl e he wan w a pltlft pltlftot 1lltul 1lltul0h1 iIiful iIifulottloil
ot 0h1 0h1I ottloilItni t tJim
I Jim Cornell ln 111 lfttitatbi l t that Jeffrie III wa tilt tiltferlng tl tlferlnit ut uttlnl
ferlnit tlnl from fom nervous nfrou pr taIraiI0tb lralloti alol when hn d dentered h hth ha haantorcal
entered the th rln Inc a re reetilt ult 11 at I worry waiF II IIde I Ito Itodo
de r < Ian1 14 that Ih the Ih iMillermaker IMIm wax areatlannoyed greatly greatlyaninoypul fI fIhu
annoyed when w hu he h saw w hi old hi traiuer tDIUf HIM HIMpelaney 1111 lIilly lIillyilano
pelaney f1 o 1 in mu John haahnons hnon on > urner Corbel Corbeldoront iattt1mwtint rln rlnIhal
doront tiy J > that JefTrle Ilu l laitet < k < l camene camenebut gam anf ° nesa
I but hiI h tat hint mc that Ihl the Ih lil hie < fellow tI old 010 nerve nervwainl DorI nervewalant
I wainl n there thereMeanwhile literMeatiwhllo hfr hfrI
Meanwhile MalhU It I may m benald b 1 that William Williamllrady lln lln1h A AllraaIy
I llrady 1h who ho managed man Jeffries 1fIIf when the Ihlatl Ihlatlon latter lattiwon latterwon
won on the Ihl title tlI from om Fltulmmon lluIIDOW told Til TilSfN Til Tttr
SfN man a year ar ago 0 that Jeffrie JII retired retlreiafter rtt rttflr retiredafter
after flr Iteatlng lalhC Muuroe lulo eolcly aolel b btuu benaue Haue of ofton 1 a aiottitiiflt
Iunnt ton iottitiiflt Unt fear t of defeat defeatJeffrie a1etetteiTrtra
i Jeffrie II Alwaye AI worried orlfb1 about hla h flirhto flirhtoaid nbl thibtiaI
I aid h Mr llrady ladr and d he hl wa a mortally mtal afral afralof alldo
of o being hlnl baten aln He 11 told tlid me I many man time timethat im imthat m mhot
that hot he h anted la torelirabefuredefeat retire rI before ttu defeat cfI41 mUli mUlinie mllht mllhtI mhutiattunIc
If I I he fight Johueou J Jeff l lwill
I tunIc > nie hi h hit way w 0 IIhou Jr
will I worry on rrY a whole ho lot lotAnd lotI IotAnd
I And now rome om Tom Oltourke OJou vetera veterafight vetr3fltight elanfh
fight fh manager raDIfr with th the poalllve 11 tateraen statmmentto tateraento Ire
to Tin 3 SUM us that Delanr eeeral veral ea ye reara ra at atinformed ago agolfottmtei 0 0I
informed him curxdentlally that Jeffrie Jeffriela JflTrleal Jeffritslark01
la lark01 UM r real al grit gritpelaney gritlolatnei It It11Inlr
I pelaney told me taut hi Ollourke yen yenterday yeatordar f frdy
terday rdy that Jeffrie wanted nl to quit In th thfifth the theItlh thefltltt
fifth round of hla hi Or Ib1 t fight with Kltulm Kltulmmon FUulmmoll
mon and again in th the eighteenth rouiv rouivof rasunal rasunaltat un1 un1h
of hi h battle with lIh rtharkev at Coney Ion Island Iolant11Inf IslandllaneY Ulaixl
l 11Inf laney al also > M3 told 101 M ra that If I Jeflrle IfIIlrI et etmet eier eierltiot
I met a m man u hi own alie le ant an I weight I chi wh whcutild who whorutilti h hulIlS
cutild flglit bettor limn the Ih average h hmxild hIhl ho howatutld
mxild Ihl IM I defeated I remember rnio m mr when wheJefTriee whenIottriee hfn hfnIrrrttll
JefTriee bo hllud e < l In tbU city Ir fur the h flrmt time llmmore IImllIh11 timeinmate
more than ten year ago It He conldn conldniop coiildiitatoll
atoll 01 Armtrtme ronll In ten II round oun l and the thedidnt Ih thea theaaibIttt
didnt have ha nerve nr enough to meet poor oli oliSteve olelSI olaltte
Steve SI tte OIKmnell the Ih ame nl night I tol tolhim Diet toldhitit Diethlln <
him that lull irnrge III l lllon > Uon had knocksOfionnell knocks knIotI knwkatilitonnrii
Ofionnell out Ixit that made ct no dlfTercnre dlfTercnreleftrl dilfenanreIiftrira < f
leftrl Iiftrira who h raid 1 hi thumb was hurt hu hut re refu iefbll
I fu fbll ed t to fight And in M so > ilolng h made mi mibrllevn 01h piehhIenn
brllevn h oll he dldn t have h the lb rUht m curt > rt t ol olnerve ot otIn
In InI nerve nerveFrom 110110S
S From that ha urn > I always Iw lnl 11UI111 > te < l hal thiJeffneo thatJeffrtea halJtrll
I Jeffneo Jtrll wa a greatly oI overrated < l lie JI llckeiFittimm llckei IIc IIcIIIImlln
Fittimm IIIImlln n becauio th the Utter Iu waa IUI flfl flflIHiiind 1111IIlIh lilly lillyPotititia
IHiiind llohter IIlIh and n1 v wit overconfident overconfidentcurliett overronfldtlttorte
torte waani an tron enough for nr him am amSharkwy and andth analbariy
Sharkwy th wa 1 forty orn pound 101n ojn1m lighter IIrrh John Johnon Johncolt
colt on therefore wa the h flrl fir man of Jeff Jefftre JeffIP
tre IP the lb h latter ever f eiertnetatitt met and nd a at noon n a as Jel Jelfound JffffOlln1 Jefffotinti
found that lb he h wa 0 up against lIalll It he h lo loi bat bata
i i nnfldenre in himself A As a matter of fart facJeffrie IrJtrlr fartJetTriee
Jeffrie never n aw w the day II he h could Iet bea bealhl boolllIhl beatttda
lhl Mark hI man manthink roam n nI
1 I think Kaufman tmn I ha th the only while man maiwho manh manwhat
who h ha hat a chan rhanaa < > with Johnson and I Ithey II IIh Ifhey
they h flahl In a year Iar lime Delaney UIn pupl puplwill IlIpllI pitpllwill
I will III b twi worth flh a bet Kaufman 1 young younggame younggame olln ollnI
game ui urhly > rMy > h built and aet It I a natural ollIlthl fighter fighterIlli lighterliii
I Illi cln rItit h f fault li I elowne which llb Delanej Delanejwill ticianeywill
I will n rot lifv 1 1ft In time timererrnn 11mIIon timeierniis
rerrnn who ho are t making a howl boll aboilIhe aboutthe bollh
the h moving nicturew I of 0 the h Heno fight hI be becau beetlee
cau etlee 11 > e the I h negro won n evidently Iclfnll forget tha thaother fh fhhr Ihattother
other hr colored men have h held ring tn title titleieorice till tillIonrae 1 1I
ieorice I IMion J J00 e dan and n1 Joe J Walrotwere Walrot WakUrfh aleutI aleutIwore
were feather li itch ht and anweltrwoight nd welter r weight wfIhllhm wfIhllhmIun cham champum rhamIliun
pum Iun re ritatIvely MMtlvely but I nobody in 10 10m 1101 1101atom > ort ortlorn
atom m ever f objeote aabjeceai bJf < 1 10 their hI color 010 I hen henwould hf hfuI1 bierwaoilal
would uI1 have h ham boon n another nlllh black hla champlot champlotHie
11 the h world hI perhap ll John I hullivai hullivaih nI1 nI1hd hallibVihthial
1 h hd il tried conrluiorui with Peter J Jkalnl Jaakn Jaaknthe k on onthe
the t Autr IIfIIn lian negro t Article MII were f flgnei flgneifor Iltn Iltni igfleI igfleII
i I for a tight ht on the II oantil l3aaI 1 II will w Ill I lie reuifin reuifinlierwi rmtl1 raliurmI
I bored bill lh tile fight wa canoelleil canoelleilJulm ratu nf oIled oIledJ 11 11Jflllaon
Julm Jflllaon J isofl on know how ho to Ia behave brb himself hlmfHI himselfllam nlm elf elflie
I lie JI llam a bU overgrown boy ho III behavIor behavioifrom behavIorfrom hor horI
I from rom the time he h signed In article rtl with Jf Jftrie Jolanlhlntr JetI
I trie wan anything but offensive Hi Hiahu It Ituflb lieabuii
ahu abuii ed uobody d and Kept P free f from m cerlHli cerlHlielem ffliliuI
elem f1mcna f1mcnaI nt ntIt
It Jeffrie had plwnd hiniMlf in he < ar arof aro are areof
I o of itIaItIC > < Une 1 > Muldiiun think unk the Ih r raiit raiitlii > ill illof 1 It Itt
of t the tug right might hate h t been > ren n different differentl
l Iielnriet > eUne I > grievance crl agalnl JefTrie up upl nitID
I l red lo IM I well 11 founded IUtln IUtlngrnomed 1I00IncIItonm thai tng tnggroomed <
groomed JrfTri into 111 ctiampionhlp fortn fortnHelanoy tmau fob fobhlelati
Helanoy hlelati wanted au bun in a lake k the II t1r first l ra Hlk nattkS > li linl
S nl 4 Hill Siiuire 00111 ot Aulrlla 11 when h ibai pu pugilutK I u uiiIltsti
gilutK lernim airritesi rrive < l un ih that h oa i 1hn nmr nmrthan 11100than
than two wit > ear iirfo ac J Jn Jadfties frie however howeverrefu
I refu rfteI e and net al aIo 10 o woie aA0t0i r l llelaliey 111 for r rud e eprr en eninraitag
prr inraitag lli4j suit a deelre N hen II Jolm Jutlatistiti Jutlatistitibat oti otit UIIt
t bat eat t Hum however Ir mid S Jeffrie detidnl la trlai trlaiIa
10 I Ia u Onto 0 out of retiretrrnt rot iralrrlit If l elaney IIPIII > ron ronrideni rainfialiaRt n nns
rideni ns that h he would ulrl l iu > e the th bollermakeri bollermakerimiiiirer tmakrm
I miiiirer m w WIt Wi uddenly nhocked when hn In Informal I IJn hifitInteti >
formal thai JeRrieo Jn didnt wuni w I1n aRt taInt taIntS
S round 1 l elanei > nalurallf boiled < l within withinwhen withinwitch 1111 1111h
I when he h t4w < tw Sam 11I iterger Ia a men menno III IIInoI tttotanovia
no noI vii handling Jeff affair and nS lurrtentitlly thai InrdIIIIIII thaidouliait
rtentitlly culling a gtxnl lice I from 011I the tI tI1tL re refllilf rot rotS
S fllilf thai lout luoUIII l Into 1111 the I big fellow lIo a cot roffrr cotfor ul ulr
for r tm the II break hft between 1 n Jeffrie JIT nnd nndl IIn111P1n itntltIelane
l 11P1n > elaney widened mutual mitt atal friend deplored deploredthe 1lofl1I
I the h tail fa for u II wa generally admitted that thatelaiiey IhaIIPIII thatIhstiet
elaiiey IIPIII wa the h only ml I miner mptule 1 of ofixiiiinit ofI f fI
I ixiiiinit Jeffrie JIT Into lilt pro hrotsnr > er phyeical con conilitiiiii conI on
I ilitiiiii 11 iKlaney In knew n JUKI IIII how lo 0 reduce reducethe 1 1IIml
the illerniMker IIml teiitht uht without 11 hout nipping nippinghi alIlnh
h his hi til4llty 11 but JefTrle n stubborn lo thu thulni lh lhiaai h
11111 lni barmf him from hi ha uuarter lIaM Scar Iorl I ScarS
laett l > ett 11 oclmlti that h when hn he h MW 110 J J41n1o > 4Irie 111 111llnfit II IIhi inliii
S liii llnfit hi ill > la lamt t year for the 1111 tia nr lest l lime the Ih tatter tattertiif 111 111I
I tmiivl tiif 01 > < l 3uuu > pound aiid cI hal within twelve twelvemonth ttwIIIIInlt inmatettittntti
month Jeffrie tried tl to lake 110 off If eighty eightyIHiund eighttHubinals Iltht IlthtIt
IHiund Me It had lit own n kttH about 1001hlol r rImliU tP tPailiritid >
ImliU hlol but lie I might har h fared f ril l eiier luottorw > eiieriib r rI
w lIla lieUney alatie MI au I Hie I lie helm helmIf It
1 If lennnelte Alln and n1 tangfoM will lll filth filtha in ini tata
a i nnl bush h I will III nv mt et tIle II winner w Inn lor 9 ibala ibalaSM > n nide
SM state 1 iy Ighnxill atith llh h evident Idhl deier deiernilluitluii deiortaiitb4at
nilluitluii taiitb4at jolt tO leantiette 0111I l unxloil lo ii fUht fUhtlAlitffonl Iohloftllotrnl flghtlMbmifuunl
lAlitffonl II I ii thought hIIf hal Ihev h will w III IIII COIIIH COIIIHiojit 11110tuu11otr
I tuu11otr iojit > er In t he h natty n future rlllll a aum lAngford tndfliII
II I 11 > v IOlnnllor a > iiii > iio < 011101 < nul < l further empha mlhIL le hi hiright hillIhl his hisI
I right < o a matiii no with at lIh the II b taut n < y ytmoight ytmoightS ehl ehlliaiuplon
liaiuplon Hut Iii It even 111 then Ih t he JobiiMin Job ii wan inldit inldittell mlehlII nil r iii iiibelt
S tell II Ijiiufonl to lake tatl H full out oil of Kauf Kaufman lnufalali ¬
man 11 I Ili n I lie h fair ou of 0 f It lohni tlnn at > u so eeni m m1tA lo lofiave IaIhave
have 1tA niwii 11I11 repel Inwardly In archly sh taut the t 10 l II IIn llui lluiInn o oon
Inn on n Tar llabv llabvIf UhI
I If Hie II utIle of lleno have a any an av in inDie InI
I II I Die matter I lila ter prletltibtlnir 1I1h1lnf Iatiefl tub I n g In NevaiU will willremain at III IIII II I II
I remain l iiallr 0111 d Tei Illckard II arel It I under undertcHxt tinder1oot nd
tcHxt i i Unrilne bit > stage 1 Tommy Ton III Huntilirt Hunt IlasrueI
101 ilirt l tnuford on liitwir jtlnr IMy 113 I ly If I f they Ih come comeoirellier rauratarpblter r rh
I oirellier Mi tile h pur 1 will nm III I not n le lea > than thanoi
I S711usl > oi II i and fortyfive frt II tit round lIel will w ill 11 11It IH I tli tliII I Iaitsttu
aitsttu It ItI it itI
I II O a newel who h band n rtied 1 off the theurf h hIu ho hoS
S turf Iu III Kentucky 111 lmaue 111 of the t alleitmt alleitmtloping allot allotluIt1l allegmiI
I loping of r lie III h hr r > Nadiu at a IAtua IAtuat j tuni tuniI
F t hii I K Inn vmpathlere mh on n the Ih New aw a ork orkir aflttS rll
S ir > Mil hi wlio nm I boliete Ih list P hebn h Ito h hiim hem ieen liarM liarMre haarllIreniai
Ireniai re i l Itnloell lt while II memo In here h hn wni wnileter wanet
n net leter ci a t ii iisd 1 of unfair ralr lectlr I 111 liii 1 hori harsor n ner
< er aloar 1 trying Inll and nd hU ht viable If vnlnvm vnlnvmhe
I he confldeiire ulIlIIf of the II I to puMIc piil hIa He II openlv openlvIlinlit nnhalmlll1 opAatIvaalnalttml
almlll1 Ilinlit l that he h put 1 arent arn < III thn t h hut fo rHHI rHHIhi fauttailtIitIeai l lonume
tailtIitIeai onume < I Ii v hi I nr O e a prartke kh that wa wavganld ataas j jcanl1
vganld a as leilmate on itt < lie h hj limaterfl t Im ImIT Tn turf turfThe 111FfTb
IT Tb The IMI Hint HI lledwell ltlw eli lnforrne < Ih lilonuReward lilonu Inlllful LabatiltI
I Reward aht Jil Niidu wn anal n unfit lo I a rar ra < und unde an
I ratIn e > eite eI < l i > erml lon lo Mrairli rh him loll I I1 Is re rearded recarateti
arded In I oal iw el 1 turfmen tmon a otvli 0 1 IuIsin IuIsinIrflff n ni
101 Irflff i roof Ihul II lie II wa w at not no attempting tbi mlInll hrp aharhiprtiItre hrpirnrllce h hr
irnrllce r I Itali le < Mell III 11 tin H hilt table 101 and cot eniilov cotulnv I I
ilov 1 a tar lalt e number nlllll of helper hI The fh Ken Kenurky I II
I turk urky 10 Mint Ia Kxrins Conimll > n whlih whlihrill wIthhI I
I rill III hear hi hiappamal appeal on aintataira1ay Sat urday i amonijosl amonijoslI composed composedit
I II al it i ol Miliitn ltl fining i uaIItg m Oorge t mtrge J 1 I loflar loflarMatior > ng nglalor nilI
lalor Fnthall P 1 luingerfleld t ol I K F t tlay I Ilay
I 11 lay and 011 J I V I Aindeti u I who hll an > known k 0 n to toemlneiitl toI 0 0mllh
I emlneiitl lathe The lh I nlonta track II I Iontrolle is isetantrollawl 1 1nllnll
ontrolle nllnll l hy 10 a We Aetrii ternlurf rn IlIf IsirfyItalIfab yndlcale 1 which whichik I Im Ibaa
baa ik bad toni ome m friction with Ih the h omml ommlton ommln
50 ton n on II teral 1 point 111 Iertwelle 11 ci claims I > > t trlend I Ilrienl
rlend 1 Mild t veterdav IrI that Ihev Ih had no nolotibi n nIOllhl nutliobihi
lotibi h would 0111 1 be h formally rr nalh reliiM reititttl reititttlIbis tel telln
Ibis ln Raymond Mandert nd Front rm Clanti ClantiFold anltolt
Fold FoldI olt oltIH
I IH Hit Ufo < i < July II Ham ham prevented the thetnal fh fhrlnnl thefinal
final want of the It present erle 1 between betweenlie
I liii lie lhinsgaanl < lirm > nnd n1 Vew nm york ork National l l < ta tfll tflldh < ue ueI
dh I n b in to day uIat t A I llaytnond plfher Ihf for forlie forii 0 0I
I ii lie New York National liengne tll bareball bareballeamitnd htaaelualltrabtl
11111 trabtl eamitnd liflal n1 known ttiH tta inunirv 11I over a Hug Hugold
I old 1 I overal I friend In l till I luuriilliB 1100 II hii he h ° lid lidfi healloft I
11 fi thus I National league IAII tattle nnd nl wn eeehittat eeehittatII > eekln eeklnMM illIlI
II 1111011 laoit MM Ion with w I I on aa tif I hlvuuoit 1 It eiulprn uietitttarntel eiulprneimn IIn IIntm
eimn tel Manager Mi alairaw Ii < > raw unl 1 that bw h li ibaul ibaulflub d dml 1 1n
n flub ml heard of Haymond de 1Uon aIrtlnn4nflifCIIMIt 1UonnncoUMU < ertlon ertlonConnect
Connect nncoUMU Inn league leagueAt Ia
At t llarttiiril Klr IlnnI l game Mtttfard II lIn01 7 1rMge 1rMgeorl lr101CI lrldgapori
pori orl 1 SeioiMl t esme me tlattoral tl rtor < l L llrldf ttriderort erart n nAt iiAt
11 >
rrI rrImi mi U KI t
At I New prIKIn w llrllaln < Sprint StaTtnlflbI flew n nAt I IIt
At Waterbnri atrpalr 11 WaierlHiry V IfoljoUr I 1At It Itt
At t Nex 00 ew llavrn n New r ew hun 1 Not Ihanipuin I IMonth IIIh ISouth
Month IIh Atlantic leagueAt laIlUAnnb league
At Sv Annb < nn h Hr 11 lirti t gatw aat Jark JrkaUlf JrkaUlfIannb nnvllle I Iavannab i4vannab
avannab n fUewr > d tame vannab < 2 Jack Jackovllle IlkIIODIII Jacktonnllle
M IotumM ialiti irn t 4 ColumM n nAt 0I
At U I r < > olamisie M < iml i 4olaimtaJ ojnmtijv r J I ro Uacoo r I Irta 1Sf 1SfI t3eirn t3eirnten
I ten rta lnnD innIngs dtrkortt dD i
IIIi t MI kt mar Rtli nr nrHaril 1 rR rRt1 TI T TI
> < A Haril at r oolral Tranfer TYantrnMhl a aHldrr 3Kller
Hldrr Mhl frvm Autalrar Hankt HanktIt
It I KeUey IH chairman of th the boa busid aoJ id idcontrol of ofenflnni
control of t hx b National Sailotulllyd I Tiling C tsaochtion tsaochtionaitnottt > ocUti IAn IAnI i ijattnoun
jattnoun I anoln1 e < > e PetCjilll ttd < r that IblTt thrtpi1 lhitly il rl tiaht tiahtwhat < li liwhu I Iwhu
whu hate h haii lvn coni ol1lllIa > ellng In l amateur amateiieventt amateurevents alr alrfD
events fD have been D transferred to 0 the raDilo raDiloh ran ranlot <
lot of rash h prlio eyrli ItI Twentytwo TwentytwoIhe hf hfI < I II
I Ihe h ha lot 01 of 0 new n prof iirnfsioala e u > nal ha hat ebe e t lacing urctnal lacingS
S al the Ih ValUburg track In Newark eigri eigrihave eaiihl eaiihlI ht htba
I have ba raced in and n1 near Ilo lloaon ton and andhave IIn tintIbge a ab
have b been riding at Salt 0I1I haute City Cityline 11 11IIn Cityline
line IIn of 0 the rider rlol raiuferred I > Chris chrlHclieller lbflfII Chrisniellr
Hclieller fII of 0 San n Fmnclr anIo wiio wh ha ham bee beernrlng been beenIsring n nrlnol
rnrlng al 1 Sewark r and who h wa < the Ih healer leadeIn healeritt
In tie It ixjltil 1101 table aLl for to ti11 > b amateur mI tIb4t tIb4tlututAiib < liarn liarnploiuhlp m mIfuwhll
ploiuhlp lututAiib Ill with w Uh It h elotrti eln to IMIIIII 01111 a Viliam ihtattialen Van Vanlien an anoJn
lien I llri trio who 1 Mi A t 1 member lIIrn of I the It t > 0Ii Sew SewI e elink <
link I Ii UhMir thl tub > mam III i iOu annher vi vitint vit jo jot
t tint of Hie h iranfer fllIr The Th rr ruti l of HIM tI VIla Valliburg VIlatitter 1 1tllar
burg rider Itl iruntferreil were a ae fotl fotlw fotlwI ullJah w wJacob >
I Jacob Mairln lrnfl 1 Jokue William Mor Morton iluurIota I IlOll
ton I ourtnev 1 I Ior < NT and n1 John J 3 Iliiimur Iliiimurall II 11I111 n
all 11 of Newark New arM and mml ttimnlwrs t of hem t h Nullunj NullunjTurn Nat iunil iunilrurn 011 011TlIn
Turn Vereln In Wheelmen Vi iacoI Philip Ihlll Wrmhl WrmhlHall WflllhtHalt
Hall I ake City 11 Fred I Mcfirlby IHlh Toronlr Toronlri Tot TotI
i I fJord Thomson nnd Jo J tir UII n San an Kr rn rnI Irnnaomi n nclvo
naomi I JOM J Mrnlgal CliUiivo lilt bIlfO t 1 J Hollltcl HollltclHprlnefleld 1I01l 1I01lHIlntnld llvliIaiCrt4irinrflelal
Hprlnefleld MHM I Villiam Oiburu thumlIk trr trrnor er erj
j nor ll heck ck Joeeph la 111111 luger and Martin MartinI 1lIn11IlIn
11IlIn I Itvon all of Newark < Martin ltln Keoeler uni uniSamuel sand UIlelnu1 sandSaintiol
Samuel lnu1 ReIn New York ork ally Victor Ior Ander AnderI And Anidertoil
I toil on and nd John II llawkui Century In I III lloai lloaiI JIa1I ItutatalClub
I Club Anvctaton IllIon Mlcbael Journey Jou Nutle NutleN SullfTh ulhc ulhcJ ulhcThe
The Th lloston rider who will 11I hereafter hereaftecompete hoalrOmI hereaftercompel
compete for caah prife are Af Tom Connolly ConnollyH OIlDOIt i iIf
H II Knllln Cornellu Connolly A HItobbln H SItObbiflea I Inobhln
Itobbln A V llaye lIa lisp and DII Archie I IA Mon Monfugue jonKllt 4ontague
fugue Kllt all nllofHoKton 0111000 of Itoislon J H irant IynnMaae IynnMaaeF Iynn laso lasot
F t I Morgan ollaa Worceler orfI Mano IA The Th rider rideral hI II
al 1 Salt Lake City tIt 11 who h are How 0 profeeaioiuu profeeaioiuuar
ar tire i ll Dlefenbacher Al McCormlck McCormlckllniadbeck l1r Dltk t tlhraadbk I
llniadbeck J llorryaa llor J A MoSeil llo ell am amJ anal analJ UtS UtSJ
J II Hume HumeThe ilitmeTb
The Th transfer were made at a meeting meetiniof mneot
of the h board l of control on 01 held here h > yeter yeterday Ir IrIy I Ihay
day at which Ie Chalrmtn KeM 11 > v prc pIdd prrkladthis Wed WedIhxothei I IIII
Ihxothei III this olh othatuu nneut n betnc In I > M ml I Ad re pre PnII PnIIn i
dent n of 0 the Ih Niitional 0 Nut IIOIn lonel I I villiiw t hug A tsotaIiun o Hlalln HlallnII < tali < n nII
4 II lUoemeik vicepn n 1IrleIlI > ldeii II A Vat Vatflyke S an n
flyke IIr ecr oarnutttri > l 111 rt HIU 11111 Frank I Krarn Irmr Irmrrntllt Kraitttretirealent r rrepre
repre retirealent rntllt nllnit iti7 tb I h American A In ItacltiB Cycllm CycllmI t It I
I nlnn I Th h lrnn Iranfor rnr > fer were w mad 11I1I unotpre unot IlInmalrpttt3tiaitt
pre lrpttt3tiaitt > eniiiioii n of ppHif that Ia all the I h ha ruler ruleraffe rulersafTataui It ItnlT1
affe nlT1 te < l had accepted 1 nti h prize intleai intleaiof 1It1ot
I of Jewelry If or inerchHiidioe inerchHiidioellm
llm lit 1 ie Mianl voted to mum lInlll the I h ha race a for rronIIIIr forI I
I 1 that nneiiiarter one an n hnlf anal 1111 one on ma mil tuilHinateur miljmal11 tulle tulleI <
jmal11 I Hinateur champlonihlp that ha bate hll l Ion IonFit > er errun
run Fit III itt i Ihe VaiNhure track mind orderwl orderwltheme turtliarodthee
theme h rKee r run over Hgnln In futuri al allOntrAtits 11 11nlII
1 enlrani in aniMltiir alllll chnmplon hllllllohlp hlp evenn evennmini trfllaS nt I
S mini 11 lltlf llfv th I h ha iMianl of r their hl l itanat > on n nd ndamateur tide tideilnatour h hIIalu
amateur IIalu standing before Irn they Ih will 11 lie I nl I
lowed lo cnnit ronilpotu > eii 1 1h he boanl nl etabll otahllhaal otahllhaalrla hllh1 hel helcl
cl rla A and 11 1 Dll ll I In the h nrnfe prntiaunal lonal rank rankgiving 1111111 rimnikagiving
giving power 10 U > the Ih rlnirtMilli Innall In 0 Nlgti NlgtiIhe HltrI
I hem I rider 1 < to tin t h clirM In which they areti aretiCfimpetn ar bat bata
a Cfimpetn CfimpetnTim m
I Tim T mT Fit hoard upheld I he f action n of Chirl < x xJ
J I Berry n of 0 Malt 1 ltke ciiv 11 in charge hIt ol olHUtrlct mitIIiamtrItt f f1I1h
HUtrlct I > that h veil cannot A nil cimpttu cimpttuat omp lIml lImlhit < ti tiat
at hit new t Juolorcicla 111loR c tack al I the h Voruion Voruioncapital tspifltahitai ru
i capital 1111 witiioui 111 tho t h lie ItthfliImifl M > rml lon of the It I it bold bolder hnl hnlr ¬
er r of 0 the h N r A track k franchise fa hl for 0 that lhatdUlrWt I thatdlatrat h
dUlrWt A AA William WIIIIhlhn Palmer the h Auntraliar Auntraliarwho titatraltianw
who w ho wa miipvnilnl Indentiltelv for 0 llKlitlna llKlitlnaHI tight tng tnglit
HI H the Ita Vallihurg track on n June llIn 72 hail hailwritten 101IIIn hailwritten I
written IIIn a letter r of apology 01 and a he h haj hajlieen haarum haI
I lieen laoe prevented l from rum compiling omI1 In eTen soreniten eTenteen 11 11In
teen race na meet m the h board voted 1 In I riilf riilfhi fill fillhi railS
S hi suunion iu enion > Chairman KeUey 11 4kl 5411I 4klall 1
I all 11 th lbs rider 101 tranrferreil to the h rofeloDl > rofeloDlranka I Iratnit
ranka would race In cla vIaa Ia II for 10 the h prevotu prevoturo IrrnITOD41c
ro TODn > 4is KMrini r nrr nrrWeasate In HIII HIIIIItlc 4111Neagatam
Weasate Atakei IItlc for ThreeO Ttlrroldl > arOlrt the theAllracllon th thI theI
I Allracllon AllracllonToday ttrartlonTodaye
Today Tnrl lake Ik feature tfa at a the lto Fmplre Em EmCII FrnrilreCity FmplreCity
City track 1 It the h Seagate rr for ro threeyear threeyearold hry hryold
old one on Df mile 11I11 and 11 1 a furlong llIn with n lIh Dalmatian DalmatianThe
The Tto Turk attd nd Fauntlerov lInllo perhap ha the h be aIalrln lwMaldeti t tMaiden
Maiden t 110nhl oye rold ufll III run 10 In the bit hf fir firrace 111 I II ITat
race r Tat at It five Ipn and l a half furlong wlih IIh Gaunt Gauntlet f aun ¬
I let leab and 1111 Planter llnl having ch halll halllIh nc ncIn s sI
I In Ihe lIt econd ont race rat 01 fail fn ftllle and lIot mare at a a amile I Imil Imite
mile mil Imitator Keep 1 Moving and Queen OueenMarguerite Queen3largilrlbe 11h I
Marguerite 1 may m an well wellIn tneiiIll f1I
In 101 u handicap for Mil age 1t1 al MX f furlong urloncIll
I Ill Herbert II Kollie IIa l lAilt w aint nd Tim Pippin Pippinma I
I ma ni > right II out Twoyearold lwo arotde 1 till III run runin rllnIn runin
in ib ttao h fifth n h race fA at five n f and n1 a half 11 furlongwith furlong t Iw
with w IIh Hold 4 of r iiphlr tth1r1 Thrlf and n1 stare tare flour ¬ I IInlC Iln
ing ln t well U In the II at race fit itt > am mile and andtwenty an111I antitwenty
twenty 11I ynrd Jupiler IUr toe ti tI r liege Ifc and andrlgln I d
rlgln mat IM I Ibe t I itt fai faaliar tor Tbe Th cntrtefollow cntrte nllrooolioII ni rita ritafollow
follow followPirti olioIInn
nn n flr re j ler > r iwoe tan 0 sr rnl Olri < 1 m mld maideti lderi Ova 8veml Crn1 Ovaanal
anal ml a half furlong furlongJarll loftC loftCi
i I Jarll J llnunlclte lit U lrVrue arpie r ru ni IS
lillewrl 111 4 I1J 1 llounder Iun lr < jt jtiiaunltri nunU1 112 112iaatntlrt
iiaunltri unU1 ill II teab I nj It U
lien IAJU I lara US 11110 IS iiiti tattitt tli > n ncrlet Itua
> ua crlet 111 Plume Iumr ll IU Satimfal > atikf t k ji jiPUnhr IiPtatikt
PUnhr rln ll 11 Kratrtre 1 1Al 1
Al l Thorpe Tho 113 llelrnr 111 II IISecond ItSecond
Second ll Hart ce t tor or mare ma tcUnr one on mill rrlleArontlack millond milearonmlaak I
Arontlack ond II II Xdrm tu he b tl tlVII 103Quier iu iuQH
QH Quier rn Marcurnte HID Imlutor ImllorODI lit litKeep Ittheeia
Keep Mot Stotitig ODI IDC KU Ueuna Ctifla lIn lInlodl m mIndian
Indian lodl Maid IM IMHare hWlThird tihatThIrd
Third Hare 1IIIlIr hareittulineonpmule llaii < llei < one 011 mile mileriu andflvgrdi ndn ard ardr
Ill Hetlierl I V Tim iirpln iirplnPrlare tat
frl t rl rllInbr1du
Prlare r lab IN filllr Laty f lu luMaahrldce toilanbridge
Maahrldce in Kin Kino Olympian ollmllanti Iti a
Uell iJettAmitn > nle I III ml 4 Kurky I Brlen 11 11Al it
ti m t
Al Muiler III Ii Shannon o i I IIIoOt
llow guren 0 It t1I Kverelt un unUagailnr OJIIaln it ithiagailne
Uagailnr IIaln lu luIourlk hll lviourth > I
Iourlk Hare Seamle agamIr 11 7taies < l tr for three h tear tearold ra raold earI
I old one an mile and an 001 a furlong furlonIrlnre furlonglrlne ulonl ulonl1lnr
Irlnre imn linpetial > 1fI y > Kauntletoy lu luThe II I ITbr
The liifi 111 l Sandrlan 1 III II IIlmlIa i iDalmalUn
DalmalUn lmlIa m mllflh lorUth 01 01111111110c
rUth 111111110c Hare For iwo > e rolrl erar rold old fllltev lilitr n 111 e and anda
a half furlong furlonfll furlongtia DDC
ll 111 > e Mw > 11 112 I I stare IIIA IIIAliold II III HatI
I Hol liold u of < O IIphl fclr trw 11 men fn Hreak los loslUrn le3m toaham
lUrn ham m liante ham in Iootrtll li liMnn 16
I Mnn IIIID lnn un Thrifty Thlft ThlftI mt mttleu tonllama
llama l Iomond omooi OCI li ira tnah h tos tosr
I r iureter > > re ler HV ler IArar r 1 11Iu n nlu ass assStuh
1Iu Stuh lu + t iC Illcruuffh lint lintUlnnlr I IIlnDI I3tnntr
Ulnnlr Vendte lasS lasS511th 10 > i iSl I IShb
Sl Shb tl > Mare II One 111 In pill and fln11 M 7 yi yiMr ai aitr 1 1c
Mr tr barr c US 13 foiniy oiflI I lair lr tnt IrvArrlie tnthtniIC
g lr
Arrlie it t 7 lie heart u firummel 1 1Juollt in inJupiter 143 143Jupiter
Jupiter Joe III Klfln in inlireeabrliife IIIahldr toijrrtflbrtulgr
lireeabrliife ahldr tn lilt liuk ttiamhtufle tune nr lot lotu 1mTOIr tiltIUTOR
u IUTOR ror no a ITSIIfIi TS T iv T lfI nri nriMore IU IUIor sri I Iitore
More Ior Knlrlrt fur the Ih tlaiillr Cnnmt Cnnmtof nnl ontrwtitt 1
I 1I
of t Tomorron TomorronTwo Toniorrontwit
Two T more t INlet 1011 > oMt ha h e a cnlrreil the tilarti tilartiI lirl lirlnt 1111I
I nt I it y Cirnveeend Hay 11 t lWiSi < ower tl IMMI t I rnce r Hint Hintto I itat I I II II
I to Matt t tomorrow nno under 1IIr tte t ain AtistIlipa 11110 > plie Sf Sfthe > f fhe IhfIInllc
the he hfIInllc AlUntlv I a aatit < ht cluh I lob nnd I Ihe Ih s HI aabut aabutbiba 11 11II bt btlieu
biba lieu II ti 4 Ctiib 1 Ilh I ii of II IlillodilldilM I hllrthItII It iladaul liii lii I lie lt ne how howSat > v vbl I
Sat bl latia are at Caroline u lIn ide t t ha property IP of r Frank Franktenul F iretaiI
I tenul 1 Hint look putt to n the h > nvenl no clii n Phlla Phllalelplu lhilaaleltatalat
lelplu to Havana rate m and n1 n10111I111 MHrtm c cLr I Ibr
0111I111 Lr br Willlnin Mart 1 C 4 Tim other Ih hir irnll in inhe Inh int
t he h mne iiib n est i are It Commodore J 1 li t N Milu VuIbitatiaet Miluier ltllllrII
iaet ier rII llv l luirye 111 lirkrpur I III 1 Thotup I biotiat biotiat111s
011 111s V l 1111 l > etla II I I nnd Alabama llie II t la profierty profiertyif 1 1nl1
I if nl1 1 II llOidley 1111 In 111 all It doen hll Ixini ar art iii iiiba
t > rjei toiro ba arqw > llmxartlug Ih HIIIIc line lineIbe to tohco luteI
Ibe I hco eiilerlaliuneril 1 arrangeil by ihe a h Al Alantic 1 1 1l tIi
l Ii antic fl I ii Yirhl iaIti Club I I ii 10 I for I a lie h motor mail or Ixnt 10 at mii miiii I
I ii a tnorro 0 night ri I glib iiromiwM turmtn ml lta5 to t 5 b I ivelUin ivelUinlb a ollti 11 11n t tthu
lb Iwlinl Club I 11110 of New trim t ork will a ill I1IIh I1IIhh fimi ftrtbbP1 ftrtbbP1I h hhe
I he h aftor and n1 trtev aha h > will w Ill II pre preirlginal trreuI rl ni vor4 1 1nrtrlllal Inriaitial
irlginal sketches Ihern n11 w ill I Iml 10 Ia nn n orlgl orlglhe Ici
I ml i omlc ni 01 rirr < r written it 11 in I Hnd 1It irouml IllIn and andiboul enula l lalII1
iboul a lam ault Ito Ih I Atlantic 1 t 1 la lit Ii Yncbt aaiab club I iii 110 I a by 10 Mt l neon on onIeler
111uIlnnllll7IlIh I let Ieler ar niullohn am iid tap ho lt7rd I I ze rat with it II Ia niiKicil tim utt 111 I num numr llmIty ttum rn rnbar >
bar r by Harry fl Wllltaine 1111 soul nd I Krlwrt 1 V Van Vantiti IIn n nl I
titi l lvne ynhi U UIII < o ca rat l will am III include tol ucb < well wellnown a oil II
I Itiow non Ta llroadway llrnsdw ey fatorlli ft a aunlia > a Ibonia lhornaaI A AiVle
I Iti iVle 1 Andrew tnI Mack f Frank I lilor Hoy HoyMwell a attwell
Mwell Frank Mclilnn llolixrt UI Schnble alit alitI ahdeorge a i
I eorge c I 111 111Tho IAeltCrianniat lle lleTlioma
Tho Tlioma < A Wte W i0 niilbor emit lto of Mie h i lientl I Inan I II
I nan From m > ll 1111111 l lpl hi it riliil rita 1 aone q 0 ott art artxetcb t tn I II
I xetcb for n the t ho mcaion In thai t In I itd 10 0 Ito I 4 tiutrositi i iore t
utrositi ore in 1 1 lie h author lIlh n bar 0 will 11 play ria the theVrincliuil thotulinriltal h h1lnllll
1lnllll flirt or He will ni ill II Ito M > M isptitl t ie < l by byarry t tI
Harry Vrincliuil arry II William There Th al It nln n rill < 1 Im I Imc a aong alnnt
I lnnt ong vnitdeville fIII programme nramn at Sea Seatomorruw Se Seo 01 01n1II0
tomorruw o n1II0 morrow morrowrnmTin nlltb nlltbI niabbfVFtTUIT
I rnmTin IWTlrrT r TK TKIan TESIi TESIiItifl I
I Ian n llefanll on Opening na of r Tiani Tianiplntithlii ham hamPinnitIlli
plntithlii plntithliiIITI 111111I
I IITI i rm III t tt > i OHM Julv i The 1h Ion Ionleetlrui 10 louneetiuuil
leetlrui 1111 ihaniplonhlt lawn I n tenth nn lnrl sunilI lnrle4rnd InclhM
I e4rnd hM lhe 111 I Ii > third I h iral round otn today 11 t Amone Amonehe t mn mona monathe
r the he h > l Inmt t inatihi wn was bite h defeat Ir of 0 for t0 lm lmml I h lieI
I ml 41 ale fiHtal foot ball plnter fulmi s c 10 Iv > I H Hawk Ifaw Is Ion Ionirriuut I InrII ntt nttflrrtlt
nrII irriuut e lit hnm hmlln > lon for 0 threw thra h yrir eir llnrrl llnrrlh 1IrtnUIIOlllh
I h hut Dartmouth It rlumpUn WN hindlriiip < i iiy I
10 115 iy baritone I I M l llnlrt II IlnIriunIb ntrm > nil I v ni f llin ida Mlinirrii HIIIcoIIorIH idattuicniaiilJiast
IIcoIIorIH nirrii > lleil ii C te ie4 Alii ni imi I lii ui III n unoil catnc catncmain ittieamafallOst
amafallOst main a 11I1 oixlburv lIn of New s eam York ark k I CIIPI here hereere h hI hereI
I > ere u niinitwr lllInot o III default The fh mililiK mililiKd
Ill d yed you were wereltrt tiotS f
S ltrt llrund II II riunlnhan aunin tiM TJhnel < de deette1 rI dofoitol I
ette1 I I I lltlllt Jtrln nrr 1 a ale 1 e I I a 7 II M tit tittotal n nni 1ofl
total > ni New W York ofl < ileteatnl Ir tharir 11 I ltrtitbe Initley InII New NewmrH Niwlnn
I lnn mrH n II A 7 t A I P I II t o > New I ew Haven lie lieeateil ii iiealed I
eateil 1 J 1 r a tao4ri0T i lriin IIIf liirhnekl l V nap napI i a r
II I ItnrrK II liartmoiin mI1 iJrfrAlr1 1 i Mann MannIr
Ir ILrhmonrt Mm f L I A a r a llalln 1111 jii jiiINI J Juthit JuthitSkit
Skit Or 1 tratige an re ilefeateil II Stnford n IHehirM IHehirMll I
I F ll 5 2 Ijaxrrnrr XVixxIS i i r > r efl < t lork sun de derateil atefeaimi t
rateil II S t man m lfirttinl 11 f II n I II t II J JIInlrnfl 1 It
lolromlie IInlrnfl Jr J llartfont defeated Ixi IJoa Ituinatial ahl 1 II j jart
II ltarb art New r r5 frliain r r > I II l I Wllr aller lloltert lloltertlartfonl II ltuutwrtsilartforit
lartfonl detrain 1 it Ibll Nn r Vorn or A V I c a i iSeymour 0
I t I It Seymour we Inoir muir Ulehileld Unrated btulerj llol Iot < rl Ittt Itttroe M Ih n noe I
roe oe Ne tam ork o C o a O Osenind nnoo Iiund
I senind > und Itoind III hiihari hanlt deeateil r innlnr innlnrtail IIIlIlnrI
h ban tail Vu 4 3 7 A 4 lnnanilefraie In < 1 Wtrrlnr Vtgc 10 I II I II I
r I II Mitnlord ilefeaie MI < t Itill 11 at 7 1 Marrlt Marrltlejealed Iari IariiieJeatet
I lejealed J liurk I II n A t Womllmrt 10 defeat defeatInlnitiilie alafeatteut
Inlnitiilie Ia It J i Iliiteri lIt iterAinl levnutur
ala 3 1 hiuJaainmLldcgeatoiJahnnma 2 4u Jar viii dcfalrd Jihuxi I 5 S I
Htr1r t HARK HARKrv lt4ft tR 4SI RIIItL RIIItLI iii iiiI
I rfllr IlL rv riRar AXO ixDI U arcovw arcovwUam s COU COUI
I I Take Uam 11 Mare are In U the > TVtaird TVtairdKUher VI VIlIndIa ViolI
I lIndIa ltandieapUut u > KUher Mint lnt la laand bti 0 0i
i U rret t 1tDah1tftT01 Galley iale ialeand Ia IaI
I and UtaflekJ Nucce Nueved u l at atKxrvlUat tmlllr tmlllrI
I KxrvlUat rz lIoII racing at enjoyed br b n Dearl DearlOJt arlr arlrltwo
ltwo OJt p peraoa r oo at Empire City y yatrdar yatrdarI l Ierd IerdCC rd r rA
I A cool CC > Lree Lroee from the direction ot Long Ixmcliland LongIthumnd
I liland Sojnd made the Ih hilltop trick trackmoott a amnt ammli
mnt comfortable place pIa to spend It alter Lfltrnnon uIrI alternoon
I noon < The n take feature wot the th Wln Winged WIDeidlIaoIIC WingedFiamit ed edKnot
Knot Handicap lIaoIIC of 0 lluo for twoyear twoyearol 10 10rol woearahia
ol ahia U U furlong and 111 the Itt Newcastle S 11 Stable itblenrfOOl Stableeorni tabhescored
scored 4 double triumph > h when hn lunrer Hark Harkand MarkI
I and Horn I Muleiir coupled a at 1 to 10 took tookflrt looknol tookI
I nol ami Dn seonU cond Uh t money repecltvHr repecltvHrManser reapectivehyllangar e IC tvl tvlnlrfr
Manser nlrfr Mark won on br b a length and arl 4 half halfwhllr blII halfwhile
while Itoyl Meteor beajln Allalr out all U the Iheway Ih Ihay thewas
I way ay Inn ir iqt 10 > r > homeatretcti bail l two < rn l ltD ltDovr lettgthia a < tl tlovur
ovur vjinuiy JII JJellr 5 lo 0 I K I 1 J Bradley BradleyDIJO BdfavotQ UrsalleYttu43
DIJO ttu43 lutll hone 110 after f hrrtUne In n Trout Troutoon froutsoon
soon curtail up KD aol < wa badly lx beaten beatenA > at o oA
A roiKinz rlnii finish > li waa provided oildeai by th thhandicap the thehatidlvp h hhanoJle
handicap hanoJle at 1 a inllo and twenty IlCDI yards yardtWhen yardsWhen ardl ardlh
When h n I ho Ih early p pacemaker c mak mker r llildrvtba llildrvtbaKMtleourbe IIIIdebJ liildrethsetlgouchie
KMtleourbe J oube 2 In I and ud Odoma Nlmbu mbu
4 to 0 I blew up pin in the stretch there h w wat U a nfierce anrr afierce
fierce nrr drive dI for to frit honor Guy Ou FUlier FUliert
t to 0 I cot Ihtt Ib verdict dlC1 hr 1 nose with Aucual AucualBaimont tufuailtaimontt ueualimon
Baimont imon Starboltle 6 to I In the place rlacnliair placehalf
half n length In front of R K Watkins Watklns1HIT WatkinsCliff
Cliff HIT Kdje > 15 I to I Then came Pretend and andIlliib and111gb
Illiib Private lf lewi than a lenuth out of the themoney themoney
money The race was run In t i41 l 45 < J and andwait andstat
wait one of handicapper r Voabursb b beat t
effort effortJioker aflorttiJuuokey
Jioker Shlllins was at h blat b beat t In t trace two tworacea
race H lie bandied J T Ireland Cherry Cherrola Cherryola
ola 2 In I aerond choke with conaun conaunnum conaumflub
flub kill In the fifth event for threeyea threeyeaold threeyearnlul
old ttllles air li furlorus Treevy look 1C 1Ci 1
I i Wlbnn lIuuon Jr Meioana uoznatna 7 la 5 favorite I Ithe to toI
I the from and i oha > hn pet el a taM p pace ce lo the far fartiitn t tturn
turn where Hutwell moved ii tip > with itIa > Jurn JurnIt JanieO JanieOit <
It Kene ltifMtu lnfamtuatlnn lon W to I The lain lainIn
I In takIng the ho lead rrowded Mrjntn Inl InlIn into intoI
I In t ha few with the reult that the I VIn VInOily ilton iltonOil
Oily Oil > Injured her stifle llrl ant freevyii reevv ie iebootleg teft tefttatlOtleg
bootleg n tiata torn an > ribhiie At the head heaof headof
of the itt lrelrh Shilling began In net hii hiiwith Fulls Fullsitith
with rkjerrvoln who am tin < laietl 0r < l with it liii a MI MIand ug ugstiut
and soon rauimt the heene filly the theMitlltnir Ihenfhilling
Mitlltnir had lo u to < > in the whIp In win Ih Ihrare the theraae
rare ity b1 5 dead from 1 K I Madden Mrcol Mr tlrarigob
gob H 3 30 i lo I shot hot whit hn shinwotl howi d greater itrealeMped greateratteti
Mped than ever Itefnre tttn rice be being beingI In Inrun
I run In l 13 4 > Inraiiiailon was a thinilirt thin thlraltlir
ilirt length away awayShIllins w y yHhllllnc
Hhllllnc al also o won the second rare fn fnlhri for forthreearnlda
lhri threearnlda yearold nil furlongs with ln F FelrV I
I elrV Oalley Hlave 3 to I V I Yankeilliiy Yanke ankesillpt
illiiy 7 to Ia 2 who wan badly beaten In hi hipreo UIiiroiuia
preo iiroiuia effort iihoweij a lot of speed while wbllh whilehe
h he ld to the th toad of the utrrlrn Hut a athat at atthait
that iwrlixl Jockey i WaUh took him 111 111and ti tiand
and he ttnt finished hed ontnlde of the Ito tnnuey Shll Shllline ShiIliar
line tImed hU run nm with 5 itti ialley Slav Mavefipverly pat patuioverly
fipverly that the hart won by a length am amit anal analI
it I half In I 1135 13 35 llnoeeauTa a M to I nhoi nhoirnrre StiOta StiOtaclime
clime f famat t at the lb end and majt am second tw twItiKth two twolotiietha
ItiKth before Illack rblef 3 to t weak weakrtdln nmeakly nmeaklyrWiiett
rtdln rtdlnJamec rWiiettJan
Jamec Jan irlfflnd Little Hajah a tan of Mi MiKeeneA MrIen
KeeneA Ien old sprinter Hunt Park hAl epeaail epeaailenniuth r > ee eeenough <
enough to lead all the way In th nr nrrace diet dietrace
race for twoyearold sIx furlong Mcie Mciehii tIcehustled <
hii hustled tWl him n bit near the end to win b ba lay laya
a length from 1 A Kennel1 Aldlvla Little ItillItajuh Littleltajatht
Itajuh wan quoted at at lo I and Aldlvla Aldlvlawhu tldlviawitu
whu showed hn ed it audden Improvement wa waharked waaI
I harked at i 12 V at i Yanke > The Hague HavueS
S In 2 faritrlte wa third a length bark barkF barkFeather
F Feather ather r DIlator > n ler 1 to S had no peed Thitime Thi rhotime
time wa < I II I I 75 75d 23a
d a A t Brotider Hanfleld II to I had to tomuch < w wmurh
much speed > pee < i that alter taking the lead li lithe iii iiitho
the U lat t rare rart a mile and a liteentli hi hiwa he hewag
wa never taught Frank He Regina mn Arcirl ArcirlB
B 10 in rha ehas4ni e < l him for nearly a mile hut the thiMI theotl
otl < MI n t4 lrih lad waa too much for f ° t him aiu aiuwon atnti atntion
won on In a a drive by half a length Lad o ot of ofIatzigalen
t Iatzigalen nrden 9 to 7 equeeztn Into the plate pUcat <
at the l last t tnnment and heating Arurt i ihead a ahead
head The rare rar waa waarilfl rim In I 7 Ii IiJwkeya ISJtakCba
Jwkeya Moore and A t WaUh V ahab were au aup cmii cmiipentled
p pentled nded for Mve fin day by Mtarter Casild1 Casild1Among Cssuidtmaing
Among the lb lateet arrival wax Dynunlt DynunltJack DYtlaflilteJack
Jack Thurnbv who ho got In from iatonla iatonlaWIth l tonl tonlwith
with several dark home The summarIes summarIesP11151 ummarterinst
rinst mn mntor PA1irlttng
irlttng for twoyraroldt KflO added Ill Illfurlongs l lTime
furlongs furlongsIf
If atC4 tge IIS Jccaep flirting u uUltIe
UltIe KaaIl 2 100 Utee 61 3i I ItIdhtta
tIdhtta 3 102 lirreu lih II 2 2The
The itsgtee tO t iatmb even 3 3tbtn
tbtn 2 Iii Koarrier 10I 4h 4 4LaametIc
LaametIc 2 toa iarner aI 7I a aInteticatneer
Inteticatneer 7 leG Herterl il Iah A Aheather
heather Lumter 2 10 Thomas IS3 i 7 7iaACbtY
iaACbtY Lad 2 ins llutwalt lui Ii IiMicro
Micro 7 ltratb ton inI ioi t tttactacou
ttactacou o Keogb IAi 4 l It ItHtaghtam
Htaghtam 7 ln Creeny V0I 3ti tb tbItetatidra
Itetatidra 7 202 Mtait l3t 6i t7 t7Time
Time 1142 111 y yliood auod
liood start > won handily Little rtajag eb c cby 7 7by
by llurt thur ParkMarvar owned and trained b bJarnr by byJantes
Jarnr tirlffin
a sacuwo roxt > RACK RACKSelllnr SICSellIng
Selllnr for three yearold J StoJ OJ added ill tilfurlonc illfurlongs
furlongs furloncllonr furlongsliar
llonr liar jni AiX Iff Jettty Hrmnf Kin Kinlialley ls lsalley
alley Mat 1n a 107 Sbllllnc 31 A I even evenllo eventtasaaul
llo ttasaaul < > aui a to 102 Keogh 3M t i iIllark P PItiark
Illark Chief 3 Hi7 II Uaruer 3 1 even evenliip t tlillliy >
lillliy a to lOT A u Ualtb 72 2 2airaroota 73 l luraruoU
uraruoU 3 IOA Moore tnii Avi atIthirkaw a aIMrkavtw
IMrkavtw a no tang 31 3 I ettn ettnllortron at atItonnati
llortron a no Koeruer mi Si IM it I IIlttuertilca 7 7Illbernlca
Illbernlca a Itr7 llerrni Asl > l 3 nitire > l lire
tire ire t Parade It I I ano Hertiert wvi 3VI 311Itammois v vllammou
llammou tatt Pa a no haiti vv I mt I in inIaiiof Inl
l Iaiiof 3 Itn > u llaMt Iuk1 n1 u ullrutnlimom lbttrtlhttThm
llrutnlimom a 107 It Oeevy treet VM r 31I t 12 12Seueritlla 1 1ituna
Seueritlla ituna I I a 1 to < 17 llulwtll TV1 lIt I 13 13SinlIke a aMolue
Molue a tub VrrtlhalJ ttl K Ii IiaUrlier Iti
i > 4tl aUrlier tInIer a 102 llland lnvi 9M l I ta taTime IAlime
Time I la a 1 Atir 1Ialr
Ialr slant won easily iallr Slate th r a any 3hut
ny Hildrrnl Helbrl owned and Iralnei IralneiI Ut UtI > >
I I Velr
tnmn RACK RACKHandicap SACSItsnalIcapI
Handicap for three year oldt and upward upwanllAit upward1atiu
lAit added one mile sod twenty yard yardtlltrtf yardIlitto
lltrtf rtn4 ttV ct 111 ii t Jottry Hftttna latjlq fit fitu F tam
u > Ither 4 Ill lan tang al 21 I 1 1MnrlKittle iSIaIaoitir
MnrlKittle a li Ibn Arrblbald Al > I 21 I 2 2MIT 2Ill
Ill MIT Idle i m UfAihton ivi AI a aIretendi 3Iretuiuui
Iretendi J WA turner IVt A I 4 4Illrli 4thigh
thigh Irltate I 17 It lleid as I lo ItsI I 3 3Itailliii 1 1lialttiu
Itailliii star a M tilrrlr 1 I lo 1 Iortuttt n nVortiitt
Vortiitt A HA Kiiernrr 2 1I 1 vi iIttrtlgttirbe T TImtlcnurbe
Imtlcnurbe 1 121 Shllltnr 2 I even evenlmlry a aittiilet
lmlry Kay a I lIlt in Keoth 7 I 32 a u ulmlu iitmlaut
lmlu A ii Mrtre II I 3 in intnxrtlllnn 1 1itlIWrStItlufl
tnxrtlllnn 3 7 H7 Thorn l lot 11 11Time itlime
Time I II l t tlo Iijeamul
lo ijeamul t < lrt won driving liity llther b e i ily Iby
by ly Nln pgiollonla owned by I r I Count lounerained CounttraIned >
rained by I W aa lleffner lleffnerrotRiH IlefInerPlltMrH
rotRiH wirE wirEt Arrlnreit
t lnreit loot handIcap of I1W for Iwo Iwoear tao3car
3car ear old sIt U furlong furlonrtn
n ie ind Iq tt iri loftti nttiiif fin finlitnrer am amttirter
litnrer Mark 2 IIV Nnller 710 7 Ia 1A ti tilboyat ii iilloyal
lloyal Meteor lit II Garner 70 ti I i iulni > tUtati
Utati ulni > llelle 2 ai > MrCahey VI 71 at attell 3 3Itaib
tell llonr blair 2 itt Thoma 4t 4 A Atnn i iInn
Inn IAtw 2 lie llrld AI t as astnilil0i A AMntmleil
Mntmleil Time 1 11 5 a aiiif 33 3311p51
iiif 11p51 l lart won eatll lnre Stark b e eh 2 2i
h i empronhi ritrttrerr owned by h the New Newa Nrwtjmhte
a tle Mable traIned b Thomas II VrUh VrUhrtrrn authrTM
rtrrn rTM RAI SitS SitSl t tfnr
l fnr or three year ear old nillev tltht Zion m added twelte twelteMjimdt tweitetoaindm
Mjimdt below the scale ee tt furlorfift furlorfiftltfr ftnlongshum
ltfr hum ntt law itt Icitd fkj Ifttlnf fin finherriol FbIrherrnta
herriol a l tush u shllUnr 21 b 41 t ttmrtgatt t ttart <
tart tmrtgatt rot a laS n > turner wi I nt ° t P Ptnfitiaiion i infttiiatlon
nfttiiatlon J ion Hutwrll Itil 7 u uTf ti tiurf
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ehoolmarma 3 bail i llrrren v l 7 A Atetoana s stu
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lueen nr a ino lnthry ffi l n 311 311lime > i T TTime
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to y Tanmel TaanArOeiIter ter IjntCherrv ownert and trained trainedy
tat y J 2 T Ireland
start Rrr RrrSeitina1 imarirlltnut
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added on mile and a slileenib slileenibls4 Hi ntb ntbIlitnr
Ilitnr ls4 a amid ti fr lf II > V4ev Ittlllng ft ftlnneld l lltinflPlui
lnneld 3 tna 1 t Doyle IIA II 5 aa A l lad <
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lllton Larkaye a 1 V41 Botwell i I 32 3 A ATime 3TIme
Time 1 it t I Ined A AGood
Good ned Urt won Idling DanCeld br r 3 3v ahi
hi v trl bruIt < h l lAd d Zuna owned bv O A Broader Broaderralnerl flrooulrtrained
trained by IV t C C Krlhle FrihteTill Krlhlemo
mo nirrs ron ronw iriiirti iriiirtiew
> ew w Iaalle all II anal IlllltUlt III nin at atl ateni
eni market markettjwettt
tjwettt 0110 l jtDtifli > nfilt < In Tn INS INST45ys Tx TxInly
T45ys Inly I 12 W V Ainr L Leuter LeuterTitit ler lerlin
Titit lin won the rare for ill I lie Trial Selling ll Ibtte Ibtteor ti tiif >
or if ri ove uverolCrt > rilcn at the e ewntirher > wniirk t serotiul rntn rntnulv
111 ulv meeilntf inday I aubiaup ik Snnirh Snnirhcu namtrlawuam
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third Nine tiarsee iure ran hue Nttinc WA WAlo W113ti
ti lo 4 a aiflt atn l Ieief lana 1 to Ia I ntimi ntiminull aliinsthnsttch
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II rare fur Ih llnifif S > ik 1e < itt > f fovereijru 13 13soeereiguameaah
soeereiguameaah overeijru e ih wuh iala 7taa snaribgns nvrri Un iidlrd iidlrdrn
wjo rn lion on Itv Mirrv fivnt > Uhliney an anI n nlr
I sable lr II I I rlilden lay Martin I e oikas oikastrtiatati > lkt lktiri <
trtiatati iri n vvllli Malier In il tho > amulallo il < IIr was wasmd he heuantl
md and A I IuntllT I aunnlte > lhlr tttiraIIimre < l lhere
here here Ihtrlern l tturtert rieT Ihe 1 ie betllni betllnii
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amgiint U ln t Ariiixiii nnd 1 to flautist flautistrh Iannnlle IannnlleThe
The rh ra < fur ihe > hrnntt llnll H ° luB
Plate of yt rm nverelKn na TAd Pain hy II j1 j1VhUneyV i iWhibnyuliiilaiaio
Whibnyuliiilaiaio VhUneyV III KI situ Martin In ib ibiddlf ttip ttiptiiuhl
iddlf Scram sam seantarl > < ntif1 and Klr Kiiraarhry rbry
bird Pleven hnreM tinre ran The luni lunim laeltiti laeltitiS11
S11 m a dlii 10 I nimliui IIHNIde III n lo Ii t aK4lnat aK4lnatrro
rro > nrvl at lo i iirtint llr Isliiiarly Isliiiarlyatiriie rl r rSvmie
Svmie of llarrv Payne Whitney r rare rarehairpra re renri >
hairpra nri > e < tiora nrc old iP a irtlon alt t TallerHaluilay TallerHal lahioriaIrsbaIIgl
uilay Mllrnhoil ietrhe < iv u bfwiniit bfwiniithrnutth huOdtfllltgelding
gelding hrnutth 401 Hammer went for
Kwincd iitoraphr soUl olil for Ali
The Gilt Edge EdgeInvestment EdgeInvestment
Investment InvestmentWhen
When an advertiser has hasused hasused
used New York City Stir Surface Stirface ¬
face Cars for a year or ormore ormere
more he usually tries to tosee telsee
see for how much longer longerhe
he can secure his space spaceor
or more of it simply be because because ¬
cause it proves every everyyear ever everyear
year to be i a better in investment investment ¬
vestment vestmentWe
We have the exclusive exclusivecontrol exclusivcontrol
control and sale of all alladvertising alladvertising
advertising space in the
New York City Surface Cars CarsAnd CarsAnd
And 5th Avenue Auto Buses Busesthe llussSUdJ
SUdJ the Cards CardsI Cardlie
I ft llace it St StAsk It13flIard It13flIardAsk
Ask for rates and infor information Information ¬
mation mationNew mationNew
New York City Car CarAdvertising CarAdvertising
Advertising Company
225 Fifth Avenue AvenueTelephone venuc venucTelephone
Telephone < JG Madison MadisonN MadisonLake
N e w J fe rscsy Cent fa I IEXCURSIONS
Lake Hopatcong HopatcongCtKHV
a CtKHV lfllDaa lfllDaaIA
IA AM rvniiv SIMI ir irIv t tt
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Auto Atto Clearance ClearanceRemoval Removal Sale SaleN
N w York oTg > Altnmot te teIar bTlti rmtatitb31Cflt rmtatitb31CfltIar
Iar Bteeiiener BteeiienerHv
Hv PopeMartJorlt JV < i JTV1 Ten Jtclrd JtclrdIBnn Iif4sIa1its
IBnn > 1 iOlv > MV1 to U Ltaui Iee IeeOtudebakar ft Hlr AMD42 lit litBludebaker
Bludebaker W anm lark vartI l < iot iotrheap II > iau iaucheap <
cheap 1 lptfltlnlheson tOM lhe > 03 m 5ail < Iaev Paestt IT l Tir Tsrn TsrnCare n nCar
Car and Toy To1 Tnniieu U6Hn hi hai > 4 rv toner toner1001kW er erl
l 1001kW wtr0 Chic jrn 14 IMU Cad tr l ml mliai taillull
lull > UverlaaOt I 3aII Mio S1IJ4 > i lard Ha1 ur uit1730 ivi ivitlixn
tlixn klniliTltieo kt0a11 1Itatrm Thirt 5115 5 1 > Uuek UuekKlrbteen tlutrttbteei1
Klrbteen IWilMV1 Ho ii 1 r tirli r n oil oilSiiiKi
SiiiKi 7 biUla at fAi De teIA ti < av JelIC1tIa l ll 1ir > ol U UattM 119 119S
S attM < > Jlerie iera Turn ec igtua > it i 3t i 5t vt I Ioiets Ioiets5ail J Jtill
till to ilnu 3 aR U We > irvir ruarruiatiui al aliI2aItO < i iUallo
Uallo efcf ebrorfillt rfullv liter
500 Bodies 40 to 100 100ilooj 100iiOp1
ilooj mtke > tiIjhlS ma
20000 Tire Sale IO Old Prices PricesTBCM
These w wee r purchiMs be hes ar t rr e ati a raise raitWill raiseiit
Will iit > snI eTl s trtt I a t > Ibtictirtes re reaxnrtrlfv
axnrtrlfv a El to ro r 003 > e C r x Istirt > d dHr
Hr tirt t la tEl < ine u i IS i iBroadway
S Broadway Auto Exchange ExchangeI
I t
36 38 40 40W W 60th sCticar St near Bway BwayUS BwayI
I e and fiIJuLC I I r rIU
IU U over the wur ur j t 10 ro > I UifTiiAn Itnlr ID IDdUn IndlanapOttL
dUn dlanapOttL M llik tn lAid l N V I e S a ftr P iU iUMOTOR iLMOTOR
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ItlpK uiIgwIZMoIr Muter i < i iMlh < I ih
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I CADILLAC CADILLACCarharit irT irTCarharlt
Carharlt Cars CarsI A
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I iLa Shame stiiiI 311 Ul 4 oluiubn oluiubnISQTTA aI u to h hTteIttjrritta
TteIttjrritta TteIttjrrittaIflTTI
h IS1 uI i iIit
KNOX Iit kii tiajdn l tA I Sib Sib4th
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f a snf patolct14 Divok mi pit v rr p a aT
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And I leer ttert fleck lu Innl I tuuii i a i i4sea
NpeHal 4sea l4i ititlnt baa rate 0 rtr t 11 I a te teI
I 11 > lt for Ut Vernr ernr > < i 4 i i iutisa
AlM > karat tralnt trat j a I i t AI Altrairs AIlnlrii
lnlrii plop M mtii > La i iroad
road fonnert t 11 i nr trAtTflltfflll t tAiT
AiT AtTflltfflll > tiinuK iMkiiti ru ruSfEWARfAUTO lht8TEWAHTtJTO
Ttoroigb Inilletoutl 1 It I n nroulpmeat t te4utpmrnt >
roulpmeat ln ltirceto peeioi rpini rpi tli > ttt tN tNweek at < t tweek <
week trhtefmarbrilt rite for booklet fI u na utha uthaTrllaIe > t tTrlHlatr >
TrlHlatr l leagtlt leagtltAt aiiiiv aiiiivAl
Al Altrmna Altoot i Lncstet l n < vtrr vtrrAl 7
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At t Itarthh llarrlhrg rt luii ILi t r rSouthern a 1 1t4olitlierfl
Southern SouthernXI
XI Nathvtlle aiitiiIleewOrean New Oreant A N 7ahvtt1q thvtl 3 3At 3It
At AtlinlaAtunu a tirmin tttnlngLsm < tvni i