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11e iiiteruiiiv IIrul of Ir n 1 l fi rw w of r their tholrnt Ihlrpnu theirSIeaiII pnu SIeaiII IIII wt 11 11il Put PutI I 1P nt in il Mieiitnveniont the nn nnit < uttnii uttniiuvp lnl ttn ttnI uvp I ye 1 form lol ii of p1 r the Ih t Iii lioruimtnl hrlllnl Iiiirii ttt nI nIrp parnllpl parnllplfhf mid midr fhf rp r ttot tr + l f mofnrn nnl I a flint 11 tor ID n I II th thtws tf tfrf I rf 1 4tl tws < m nf n fclf fclfr eI 1 fflIntit an and 111 111I ttIct ttIcte I 11 11I I r makr m oir 0 apical tn n ibc b mrrtran mrrtranIbe pl plI pOptc pOptclb I lb Ibe lb ilrfcn ro rltndcr Jrr and al prrxnrr 11 ot lb Ibldn Ibe Uif kla a ot DIIM lll Ubetty Ubettyand > rir ririr ir and < l xir 1 If 1bfflVlfOI 1bfflVlfOIIlur n rrnnt n u < ni nillur I llur I Mal ami alI I4 national Mlo1 IrfUlalur I > aluu tat t be betoaneikr b bIh bebole toaneikr bole Ih ILr mr mcrraccnrlr anr ol proptrllnl Inurttu InurttuTttr InWiil1b Tb Tttr ftoplc ioIe 011 u u1 the Ih I oiled llr Matrt teW I txllc ti that thatit 111 111hol theIC it a vholr hol ihr Ih vnatr I ami nS Ibr Ib IIVi tl3e 3 r nn Ion Ion0 Oflr Oflrelrren iff iffrri rri elrren > rr rn Ihr oirr 0 > In 1 I hom 1 tt Iy y art rl rlecs4 rlecs4pII I < l d dNil Nil Ihr 1 tprrUI t4l lntrrf In I l In 1 whom the lb > arf ar ron ronUwll t tuld conUU411d Uwll uld uldTI UU411dThe < d dThe The TI tixrial spend pral lntfrr Inlt tnlfete t are now no n In II roalrol rDI1 ot ottiuhllr 01lull ofuIilIc tiuhllr lull afTal afTalimr taI taIltr 1 1O imr O ioiri 0 Irflttaturrt and no r uul 2ecuU > rrutlr ofllfn ofllfnirmoln orncriIPiain m mAn irmoln An Iii Ibr Ib b hu bau4ot > uJ u f the lb rullnj r1Itn ulnl cU eLisiec I and al ib Ibel Ibelnb tr trcrtiit 101114r crtiit nb 114r Ur nirruan n nerii fl n IutIuuon lllulloni IIuUoa ranir nl Into 11 the Ih otld otldin 01 01II in II the Ih name of frrrdom they II bat bau l beo > a elMd eeledupon elMdui IH IHula ui upon > nn hi h ihf Ih aIIle4st piialt lall1 t iia is 4 44 I tbe Ih meant men of root rootmi rl rlIn rootlog mi In nil O lt ihf Ih Idr 1 d < of frrnlom frrnloml trirtomitt 11 itt l fce nirrti4oe ner ba4lo blotD tnc te iiurtllun Iulun urstlun before bl p Ib Ibe Amer AmerIran eir eirIran 1 Iran iiiple I i to 0 del < a > l lhl thie Miall hal IhenaUon 11 the aUoa govre govreflbII eiD eiDlifll D Db1 lifll of t IPCI > 6 b1 M he Ih lutM Iiierst u run this thl4Onphnlf Ih rUOI rUOII roubtry roubtryOnehztlt Onphnlf Inthllr Ill < if r tlit Ilt forrtroitiR forrtroitiRllxiil rOrtoll IIlrrmC IIlrrmCilll Iltterftnecs Iltterftnecsslwit illl llxiil UnMliatrMii III t hi iutrI rii ft Mr 111 of I the r Nunlr eountry eountryanil iuntr iuntrami > ami In ih the iMiH jlll11111 UhIltIfIittg < nilitiu iltt 1lrrlol 1tt > trnrtinii nf fr if Amer Ameriiiin I pr I iiiin 1 < 1 In 1111101 I titutloti4 u t ii I hy iy Ilio Ihl t Hn ll iinl tiiI int Inhr InhrI I nt r rl rP111 P111 l ar I tjiktn titk n friin fri tn Mir h he Si Paul lillIJh lillIJhor j ieeh ieehIf > r rh rhof of If Mr Ir lilI I ilKf iJPTttl IlNt PI uT f > T or th Cleve Clevelatnl Ilef ie ieiflflhi latnl Inll IK wit < h of Ir Mr Ir JAMM IHII II I CRflt CRfltI Cu xnmit xnmitii ii pmrt r < l in I th I tIifit h tiew in p Tin1 Tin1othi < I 1111 othi fit 1 i i hilf hal lut I f IIIII 1 tui ilin I lrII I i rEt < tlv IV Hn In1 fli < l literally literallyfrom ll Ii t4raLI t4raLIfrnni < rl from tin P nitinniil lalolal tut ti tt I pUtforni 11tlmi lat fi irut of the theiiali IheIIh1 I > SItl = > iiali IIh1 Itl pnrtv I < rl fiihT t Pr in II ri IH 11 or Ir r IIWtQ li 11 Tt Ttw The Theur Tht w ur 1 ir f MiM III t l xtnu llnldl trtIt4 IM from rrollh tin t tauti tautitI ai llh llhII h hitiifs itiifs II tI f Mi MiiM tpr rx 1 4 dvHKlKln t ttt EI9s and alcl IINCIIOT IINCIIOTiinl IISIIT iinl 11 fi hl i < > in I Hi II I Ii autliontMtixi i lhnllliv i I I i lrtt L oxli ll h or orao 11JI11W111 ao JI11W111 i > < XMliMii lhNI IM i not Ilt uiilirntiil Iltr1 4Z 4Zlrpt < x xrpt rpt in I tin t h lirht Ir1 illlnl fMiimv ThHiloctnniit ThHiloctnniitan Thhwtrul ThhwtrulII lti l1wirlnt4 an II iiiri 1n > < r I > w niinil li111 in tn th II > arruntcr arruntcrtuiiit arrn arrungetflIi tuiiit 111 iiMii ttp I I Vi ilp ii an < lisiiii I Iitttiiijh 11 ini 1 ih > h thtni thtniWin I ttintii Win 1 tii in 1l a iv I wllh h ItIIIt h Icliiiu iJ 11 1lItIL to II ti tlu Pro Iroijuvr Ir ProIt ijuvr 1 It iin I if r w 91 ii unit In1 whuli to I the thenriiani Iherilnl theirttflflhiI nriiani irttflflhiI rilnl 1 w uili Ilh iuliiii iu 11 of r um IIt am amI 1111 aIII 1 It ItTI > TI I In 1 Uimo 11 i IK I thi 111 I ho aiiK aiiKltiiril 11 11Ilr iinIt It ltiiril Ilr fir I ttruititIi 11111 I nw I 0 liVf aiti 11 Till Til S SS St x < lcip > H > ii Iti Uitt I Itn i 11 tn tt I > tiiciit t 11 tit nallH lil III I Deriioi I1tIHrnhI I1tIHrnhIIn riltlt riltltltiiii ltiiii rii ui I lh I h I State SIII Mitetiilily lhl It Itliliiv IttliII liliiv 11 I n r tllifl ttiat Ihll t tlie ntalKticx lalII 111 111J II IIli ilr ilrpllis > I pllis J li 0 i tlilt h1 I line 111 ut lllllllMleil 111111111 tutu Up I Slain Slainunit tat tattittil unit 111 pur I 41r r i ill Illr iirI ir > in I rural iliMrirtn 11 lril Ion Iontivnileil InhII Iiflg IiflgI tivnileil I tI hII I i I a Id Iqllili I I i puliiH ii i ii un UI ftnuicholil t r Ii1ZIIpI I the theHIM t tI I I HIM ii ritii rI rI I unt S4 44 n hul Ixiti 111 I 1unMiler 1unMilerat lnIIr ailersit at 111 > l S > 1 I HitereMiiiR i 1nlll ii iii ami Ilul IItII I vaJimlili vaJimliliIll Veil Itlable I IIt Ill 11 W iI 1 V i I I1 itt lit lt if iIi he hp pOM IHlhill tHlIhflttIa14 tHlIhflttIa14fir ihilitctt ihilitcttof I of tin 1ii ipprmu Irn111 i in liii huu Ii i ni electii rt ii i b i tti I II evl evllion PV PVI > lion 0 I Ilt 1 nt I tit I I ti noiiitile I I 4 111 ut I pro prln r n t iimile Ilull H t fit I liy byI i iilie i iII ilie I II If Ictn 1111 I 4T I u I rain rl in I t Ii incrviinini 1Irlin l1IfVIj flt then I htirI I t i t vote voteii II t ta ii I > vvill 1 II IF ilie I h iiiituirtT 1111rr uf their Aneern AneernInvitieti AwenI m Invitieti I ii s Iii fl Ill I Hit e rural rlrul iounlie iounlieSnfti utntt 111 111rl Snfti rl 1 tiittluli til t II III nf if r lilt I h I ii n rltl rItf > latlveiHHK I Vi i IIUI I IItflgl > > m mItil I n nI1I I1I Itil 11111 ulilti 1111 in 11 ali tml liiiiiixTitH I IwrlI II Vfltr nlf > ite > lip lipt II lp lpIii I t I ile Iii III I ti Hltlienil llhn1 ItIa r lI fruill rrllh fr the follow followii rI u1ii u1iii ii I i i ilite 111 I I1ti ln 1 > hiwr Iii the III total 1111 vntiH vntiHtor VIItVt 1 tor t r r ciulilyiiieii llhIYII1 in the I hp Ii rii npI p < Htii Htiiiln I I3I iln 3I I t ii I llidii I Ii I i ttoim t nf Ir 11111 I 111111 111111H I Lpii > jflq anil anilh I IRI H RI u prtJt P I s ftr ftr11I1 111 11I1 lUli I II IIV IIVAIM II IIAron I IMrtt4b Aron Mrtt4b I 1111 1111ft 11 AIM II IIh I Ith th < h < n r in ini ne 4 ft 61 I a aii 1110 1110IIMI f1 f1tnan io ioI i rrnanro rrnanromtoii tnan 4 I l3A IIMI SHlflniI mtoii mtoiillulrhex nIDI 4 IM A i ifI 4 IM IMt 14 llulrhex llulrhexOrance fI itrhp 11 11TU IC 11 4 4Iq t Ml Mliria 71 71I Iq CM TU TUId 1 0 > i iria iriaJVl 111 Tie Tieflreng I Orance ln 1933J Id 131 131VIM tti ii 111 iv ivin Ut IZ4UI IZ4UItbcc tbcc taIV taIVScarra te lv VIM VIM1K4 I in inai 11 iu0r JVl JVlrj 1 1i i Scarra ScarraSullivan 0r 1K4 1K4Ji 3 4 ai imi 4I 4IsIIItn i r rj rjJin I Sullivan SullivanAllefhint 1un Ji JiMSM 3 7 I1I4 < mi 1 Jin JinMJl III IIIM3s4 I It MSM MSMllCMCXJUTU t 03 I M Mt MJl < XI XII I llCMCXJUTU 1So 1SoAIdnl tU t Allefhint Allefhinttbeuuii AIdnl 11 Ut 1 itt ittCeeu1j tbeuuii tbeuuiiChen CbI < 3 01 I I V Vi S Sh shnet Chen h hnet CD CDl < i 11 Illi uv > isi R a 3o 3oUIIflIte ox oxJ 0 l llninn Iln llninnNlacara J aj No 0 nomination nmlrloD a 4p 4pl MS MSii 8 l hir Z 11 pII ii 1m 73 un Hitn Hitni Ut UIDts3fe Nlacara NlacaraOranji Iu i iri rI 7 71 i t IS 1M3 1M3irn va vatail Oranji Oranjielirnceltdy ni irn tail et I ui I 11 i K tJ tJm in L I elirnceltdy elirnceltdytef tRHtCl m 07 31 Mil 33 7 Jll JllI 7141 7141Wf Ml MlMl I tef tefStlUvaa Ml i U4 e aiK aiKM 1IiulUas lr StlUvaa StlUvaaf ulota 3 3j vi 4jiIl 4jiIlan N Nh h M 371 42 IOI 9 i iune IC sto stoA 1 I f A n nnllaln npTIfltt0t I to une n CHIrlrt < In In84tweln Ivil Ivilnnd 1111 1111J J 84tweln Ien IDI nnd I90A lw txith flip Ih Pemo Pemotrat nmocrl fl4moerat trat crl and nd the llepubllrntis Irplhlrll wi tirp tirpInrriaret > rr rl Mill Millinireiaiu I i inireiaiu inrlal their th ir votlnn Unl treintli itrigtIItipti1 trI lh the theHepiihu IheI I Hepiihu IrpItI ir in pnln gil tIit lit il I thi Iorlf J 4rtcd rio < l Mart Yb flSTO flSTOthe fU fUIh 1 st1 st1r r the Ih IVirocrntio 111 I 1iji < rnth 11 airn IktWelfl IUtne IIh < > n 1 l p IIG IIGnlll fi finnd I Igin nnd nlll gin I ivrj I r I however the I h lteiulirui lteiuliruiKionfli 111 I t j sl I Ira ii iitL Kionfli tftift IL not lnt iily I ii t tiiI iui iuiefc 1111 1111I 1111cb efc i I 1 n ilecnUMi Itona eeriiw of fr m uliili uliiliiii lisli 11 II IIr r 1 1Iil it IC tHllnt Wi wn t tLIlfl f iii LI LIlfl i zk l 1 irriMfiir CIIr Thia Thi 11 IIiiit hI I < a 11 l 11 i ti t in n i i ii c tI n lII i a 1 f t tr A i ix x r l I i t at l it IIM < i iru lM M > i ii Il ft > t for > r i an J Krptilili 1IIhI mis mislm tii tiin5t 11 lm n5t < 9t four fou IUDCII t jiv I oa a mucL uUi In 1r lie tt theF F L M ffio I fUn l I L L c nn I 4 4tI f thlrl > tnruiMy tnruiMyttt Y Ythn ttt lh thn ton 0i 4j Mirffifl it4i I fMI 11 tHI t H HttMi HI I I ttMi u In ft > < i > 0 ll t i e4 0 nt 11 i4 i44Dt t t4TT < 4TT 11 In Ii miqa n i > jrl r1 i i4 ln lh h lIe ltrimtMaOMM 1 lIepb4im > imtMaOMM I Wvtanl I 41 1 tbat t1 Mtub4yHMH Mtub4yHMHIn lubYHH lubYHHIt I In th It > HinM lot > i > in It i e r i f n nmt nI I Imjrt I mt mIrl mjrt > > r < t > get el t tviHiHraf I IHI tl tlI I 1 Il UIM ulh UI4Ilp4t lifUlt M 1 liHh IH 11111 thIs lAliln wiHibl wH111 ffftn p1 p tit to If tc warranl Wlrrlt tH IIIeJII slit lt tuiturally IWIIlrUV ill illI tl tlfbr 1 I for r furln < r eitnniIiUn fiil ltlnntJI tnntlnlt < in It I tnuy tnuyworth 1 I IJrh IwtI worth wtI Jrh 1 ti whin whl w 11110 tliriforu turr to II ii u > iuiAr IIn < tlr tlrf II II11 I Iittstsa f < irit < Mnc ittstsa UlUtl 11 < with wih th M of r ten teni II IIInon 11 11nl i in Inon r niral nl d ifiuntiiw citntts ll of r a I linHar IjntktrIhIIT1I11PT Krnen nll nllt l lhnrarler t hnrarler Th I b followinn rolinl tnUlu tnb tnhhih uppll uppllth II th I he lm tNI lwiI U for luh urh u CIIHt1 c1Rql4Ir4ifl c1Rql4Ir4iflCPPtLirC CPPtLirC Turn Turnlint U UIIl 0 0I0t I lint IIl me 11 10 i iOAJ tao taoIE OAJ IE Jl JlXOS 13 1311I I It t 11I hIigitoo XOS 3 1J11 JI 4I 4111 IU IUI U UOrtetat Ortetat I I 1114 e7 I IUtaeco 01 01oto I t Utaeco 4 1u IH 31 3 lll lllOtw 711OtOIo Otw OtOIo co ajua 1 010 3 M Mitdn i HVI HVIIM 11 itdn IM 1 l4 l4tchilr innvl innvlI 1 t t1tl tchilr 1tl I IN 101 MI t III M I IlII art artVUier 04 04tlswi VUier lII Sli 31 loirei 1 iojrmo I Ia a mo I UI 3 M1 1 3 3W 334 334WOIRI W WOIRI ito 410l Uo Sill ll llS 0A 0A5i S 5i 330 I 11 8i 8iIH4n I ILUIC l itrnca4tlc LUIClea IH4n < itrnca4tlcIMlawar 4C 0110 0110Xtt4Il IMlawar lea MM s 4 417 417Il01agekoz 4ta vrA A AI 1 Jrlatturn I la I l t t3e O t 113 M i 3nla 37 37ikan S SOrleana > Orleana nla ikan JIM I 47 4A 4AOtwgo 7S 7SUIM40 1 1OIMO UIM40 14 IM I 11 If 34 34Oewe0 J I IMTIJ 1OeCD OeCD Oewe0ttitiben 1 11 1111uwn 11uwn ttitiben On 01 > 1 A31 A31lbt41tf 21 21U lbt41tf U Ir 1 I9S can 1 1lhll 3 3titter titter lhll 1 I3 1 1Wan ti 0e 0e0rn Wan 0rn ln nmlnalD nomination 1 ea 4411 4411ItDc 11 11W W ItDc e 1 1143 4C1 11 4341 4341315 1 41 MTIJ MTIJIn ST STII 315 315It In II thin Ihil necontl 1nll croup Irolp of r countien Cmn1t flflti IIwill it itwill 1 will wi l he > c notttl nol1 tluit practically Irckal the Mine Minemtimtion 11 MtIIilittlAtlot Ilillltil mtimtion is II n reetwI > veale pll < < l lletweon Bllwrn 1001 1001ami Itlatiti ami ull 1 II3 > V > the Ih total lLit Itcpubllcaii Itllblrll vote 01 in inlln InIh Irth1lt lln th1lt H 1 > < tuinties lnll incrr llcn41 inercioeI jve < oOM between betweenIftCi bt Wln WlnI IftCi I anti ant IWKI 110 11h it 1 fell rrl off of 1071 071 leaving leavinga levin levinI I a net 1 < 1 gum uin for the ciulit tllhl years par of otThe iW iWJThe I JThe The Demrkrntic IImnrlir vote 01 In the Mime Mie two twoperiods 10I twtiIrtd8 I periods Ktvw IU fW liv b h pOI t Of1 oi ant ant 10132 10 or orI orIU3 I IUVK IU3 3 I in II the th ii eight llhl veam III The 1h Kciulll KciulllIran 1tlhl Rcpb1Ihilfi Iran hilfi 11 plurality pilrlr which hih waa WA 10ir m il 1011 llI llIwa9 I M MIwas Iwas wa9 11 19 19Q IV1 > r m I lli 1 it ami 11t nd but hit 5 UI Ir II iduo ID IPIIhi 1 In 1001 101 the th DemiKrata Omrll fltgiitt rati hud IIt hut bil one oneArVMrtnblvinan ofl oflp n nlnbl ArVMrtnblvinan lnbl p oetnbl lul Ittais from rn1 theo diatrtctH lltrkll lit lit1kV litlttfl 1kV 1 none lnt in II 100 111 four fourHie rOlr rOlrI fourTie Tie Ttl counties flUflt UII l0t nelecteil in II it tliet Ih t he tablo tabloare 1111 1111lr i 1 1itre I are lr widely wII t > e eP4rfltCI > anitnl nnd nnr a I I wholly whollytinrelalMl whollyunrelated hI unrelated InnI1 in il political 11141 intcreeitri Illerll nnd Int con iontftI conjtrot m mIlroil jtrot Ilroil tftI iu can al be b itnauined inilnf Yet 1 in all ul it itwill I Iwi itwill will wi be Mxn n the Hepublican nplhlrun increase illr inercaLwen ha hal h hI l Lwen > een n arrentitl urh letwren 1lwI 1305 10 and anI arnimaIn I ll llIMY J 9 9many many IMY maIn have chow howl act IM 1411141 mil lal tlccre 11C 11CIn e ein < in thn th tl total tOll1 I of Republican vole nnd nndIn nli nliIn In all 11 thern 11 t has 1M been 1 a i thoroughly thoroughlydisproportionate Ihorouthl Ihorouthliproporlllio thoroughlyhILoproporturat disproportionate iproporlllio a Democratic Detlmll I enlert III advance advancethe ihan ihanIh itvantI the Ih I II net CI rtwult rtll nf which whit in illwrll twenty I txmn txmntleH nlll nlllIii tot totI tleH Iii I It tt luut lu reiluctxl r hl11 u Iteptlblican HtputllIII Reptttili itii plurality pluralityfrom pilrlt pilrltrom from rom 11871 8il m I ii lOut and Ilcl X 31t tb4 Ttxl in I 1P1 ioS to tojBMT I tolM7 jBMT i lM7 1 in II Iftrinnd tl 1UII aflI nil enableil < nlhlf the thf Ionifcrnti IonifcrntiJ D mlcrnt J to capture 114tiIfl plll half hai of < r the Ih Imvembly thlr rvpre rvprerventation ririentaton pr prnlulon rventation nlulon where < In tUft theylitit they Ih < I Kx < M < rved rvedI c I hut hii one fn member ltrh < r and in 1 HUM I lte none nonnThe lon lonI noneThe I The Th litter Itr a Ihenc absence > nc of any m renewal IIWRI of ofMrength 01ltlnlth ofotrenth Mrength ltlnlth in 1 the Icmocratic Demoralic party par or of ofintelligent 01inllljll ofintehhgeni intelligent inllljll liMdcttthip will wi doubtleiw doubll leadmriet lend lendnuMi IIRdIt nuMi It ubtx o oLervers < rverH nl to conclude nelu thut the thofunking IhoItrikln thestriking striking lUtnlnution iltrulitut Ihnillon ton in Hrpublicnn Btllblll vot votins volIn ot otIl ins Il In strength tr th In II rural New S ew York Jrk re revealeti rcral revealeti vealeti ral f bv them Ih lipircn lun it i t wholly holr due dl to tothe InIlht ii iithe Ilht the concomitant < growth rwth of fujtlonnl fujtlonnlj rlonll rlonllI faiilonftlFIjflIit j prejiidicv pjlll in the Republican Beplblcal camp llp and Incl t 10 10I liiwonder < i iwonder wonder at II what point the emigration emigrationw emljrnlion I w will 111 1 be h am arll arnteoI > tc l if it b a arrmted arJtt at all allK 31 allICocry I K Vur ICocry cry l 1 lay > ay In New York YorkTlie torkTi r 1 Tlie nl difllctilt difMII tak twk of providing pnwiLinl n I non nonw nonil1tAflI4lI n nI I w il1tAflI4lI < tAriaii IArill ncwi newspaper > paM < > r which shall hal print printtlu Irll IrllII tlu II IICWH ICW of Ir the Ih thiirthew chlrch of r Sew ew Yorkj York j b in altetnpliil aterp1 each Ich week wfk by h Awry f rv Irfiy IrfiyI 11 Myii I in r Sfr V t ir u 1 ork which hi hU has > reuihed ucht ibt ibti iL iLfr Itittwentvtirst i twentvrlr fr number nlmr apparently in vis vislnrou ht htlrol h hrrntt4 lnrou lrol rrntt4 henlti hIlh lieu I and ill I orUilnly rtnllly In g14M1 g14M1otItIti KIM KIMrpiriir I II rpiriir pirl It I ut i publiahitl Ilhlh < 1 on In iiutunlaVM suluda in inthe I IIh int111 I the Ih form rlnl nf if r a I well t 1 hl printed prlnllpamphlel punphlet liitnithletjti and anditi nlli nlliil il iti piirix pIIH ° 4 i < IJIIId ilciUilcly 01 4t forth tlrh 1111 I in inthe I II IIIthe the li I lgtuiI iMnl II Vimitincing IIltin and Ilcl Hetlect Hetlectj ntII ntIIil Itithretlug j m il lug lh li Iti HtII 1kigt > iiiiiii4 itlitii or f the tit Me tteI II 1 IlllI tmpolir I In I It the th number 111r Infore Iror tIM tIMintt we wefind w wfncl find fncl no newii fl WC nf t the Ih tl Itiiinun 1111 Catholic CatholicChurch Calhlik CalhlikInl CathtliI Church I Inl hitrsi or r nf r th I hi fewinh HytnuoKtien HytnuoKtienI I njI njIII I II It mar I to the I t li pnl v of Ir the Ih ti editor lto tn 1 ei 1 dlrl I lude ntV f T1 from rl them Ih I imuri1 4Iflrlo4 lln If I I f it iti ilb iti i b we hill hal not piirrel luOn with ilh them tn Tot Totrecord Tn I o orror I IlhIIIII record rror I ude lhIIIII < iiiatelv the II t h uitlMtleH ultlrit Unlt it of Ir the therillgiout thp thpInt1t tlofrittetattt frittetattt Int1t rillgiout rI III MX letlen it 114 b Btl 11 lin linof untrrl Ufl4tprt1kit trrl 4tprt1kit I of If 1t1tiCflt utlii lenjl 1 hie lzl to I nniipy ONIPrIJ ° 1PY j jfull full rIJ 11111 their tune lil sni sniiii I IIII III II Krtru Ir Irtr l Iui > iii 11 In V ir 1 Vnrk nl for ulv ulvappeur h hPII > 4ltItN appeur PII u I slwtil8t > > ecial jllnrtil article deserih dei trillll > cnbini > ing IiiIetttIIlwrllfHMI Iii ilnliel4ihl Ihnr > liel4ihl IetttIIlwrllfHMI rli iiMl of the li Sei 44 unl ventiA ventiAItipiii V VlalI1 eiieltilt Itipiii lalI1 ltilt 1 tIitirihi linn hlrd h anti 1111 the th intereHtinu 11rln int re4tin p r rMH rVII i MH VII I eliI lil hv 11 that iiuliluliou illillI1 ITUI ititin in II the1 the1oiKii III IIIpm thio thio01 oiKii mr Ilr I I4 > undny llln evening1 III 11 hlteve hlteverv h < M MM > M > r 1 rv i > Ir ire i r in il I hi Mveral o4 urRI lnncuagiH 1IIIIU4 I i IIgaIgeI and andmi 111 111I mi I 0 I 1 itlcndcd I f44 Ilo l 119 1 in I aroui arll ri H is the li I I interest IInt i of ofthf II IIIII r rl thf l III detiM IIII 11 Hipulntion 11111 in il uliKh the theliiitth Ih theIII I IhII I liiitth hII III t C h work rk r k ThH F1 1 tt H I followed I h IuWI1 I by bynpprpnaic h hprlnI I IIhIrlIrlaIle npprpnaic prlnI c tiiorial < llrul Hrld lIrtilie rn < l < in il whn whlil whlilI hiiihi hiiihiIttI h hHt i Ht I Healed I hiich 111 llh Mlbje lhjI t M I the Ih wife wifennd lr I I nnd 111 181 I I line 111 01 1 Fourth Fllrlh ri I of Ir ii lulv III 1 iii V the Ih I I necewliv necewlivof flG fe I I Iof I of iilHli IIloh oh l hmg II h iiit gtule t rd ri to in ri fiims el I igs itnd IUII tnI thn thni I I to toI I iftlmitimi Ilflt n I 11 IflI of if r I Mil h I lentenarv 111t4lll 1111 rv r of r tlie I h he orgait or nrgatnatiiiii j i iIIIUII1 gatnatiiiii gait IIIUII1 iItt ti I of d I the li t Ii hiM ii ft t 4 oliiiitisr iii hlr I itto r trnrh trnrheir tMh1 eir t 1 Il > ufidiy IIlr hhiHil I IietI in il New N w rrk ork The TheMinU Th ThHnl TbI MinU ihii I were r lit linl Irst > l written wrttt rilln n on UI tahlew tahlewof 18hl l of f toneii 111 t nt I t tiprmtitl 1rillIIIIr I I ri lit 1 under thJHheul thJHheulI Ihil t hiht hul hulI I AN t s t I0 it IHxTMrvi IHxTMrviw I w tilfh 01 I I K Ul II and nl safe sa l > rirrptn 11 In Mind MindSpin11 tlndI I Ii I Spin11 1 ° Ii given to If Ii an article Irll diwiivtlni diwiivtlnin S111 I n controversial 1011 mibjeet uhjNI dill 1111 then Ih romet rometMXteen rul rulpiuMn itiieittn MXteen piuMn linger 11 of iinndilnreiiifiiM InlllnI11lh nf < r re reI rehigiotta 1 liginiw HtilL Mrvtw p er nIC icet pnnted rlIO nnt1 without wlholt charge clmrgeto dlnr to 0 the Ih t < benefited IJlrfl1 congregation congrrgatnnJform n ralll Tlie 11110 11110I < > c cI I form ron a i directory 1rtory Invaluable to nil ni who whowould wrnwould ho hoI I would wOII keep informed Infomlt on much Ieh matterx 1 Is1attirsTby ni I They 1 are nr < interxpenwd with wli advertising advertisingannouncement llvrlslll esivertIig3UfllIttT21tWflt announcement lnIrmnl well displayed 1plnyl and nilI w whope whop whope hope hop profitable pnllnll to I ailvcnl nerlrl nlverllaers erx reoiler rll rpailroand 1 and 111 ptiblL tmhllhf hf ni Them Th in a diversity ofaiivrtiiiiig of ofadvertii orI I I advertii allrillt aiivrtiiiiig liii that nrgiei lall well wel fur the tw 111 in independence I inlfltWflllPflCQ ¬ dependence nf KttruI rcri 1Ju IMt < iy in it > rt ir York YorkI k kt < 1flnlrnp I 3 ctxlltnble rltlhl nnd 111 lntere Interesting tlng publlcn publlcntion lItIhhietbon hll hllton tion ton thl religion nlIICI journal hould hllill find findj In1 In1j j a wide wiJ lield 1rld for m aitivltlen 1111 Wn W hiv ImveInfringed 11 hivinfringeil Infringed Inrrlnl < 1 it Renernl cojivrtuht Iop rl ht hy n npr r rprIIdn reprwIIl11n5 pr prIIdn < xlui ing one onf of r UH iK headlines haclln WI WItrl Ve Vetrui Vetrust trust trl t that wo o may IIY eacapo > proscctillun proscctillunfor PJcllol for rfr tho offeneo offeneoIrngre ofen ofenIror offenrilrogrro Irngre In Motion MotionMuvur lotnn lotnnIuul IloelonMayor Mayor Kin 1lrtRAII l i I VFnAiIt nAll of fr li 1101 Hoettnit < mton Juts lutHbnn 111 Jutsb I II I bnn L n coiiteiiiplntilig uulII II hii hiI > town lie 16 liliilo liliiloI luct luctI I it untid 1Ihl if not woiru WI wet I Itn I te Mrot itt lfI re t are arelitlcri ni nr nrlttrLl litlcri with III it It wunte l II o itt itriutiK IUiUl1 himlH himlHIciiniil k hii iriIsI Iciiniil 1111 I I1IIlt KH ohilht hII UK linnnnii III I atlafut WI tceln 1 < ln 4W wrajiH nJ 04 of ofp1M octhinIieri I IalI p1M alI hinIieri Illll 1llh1 lllllll llUlOH lllftilgllrtl dllltl tI tIlent lllC lllCpnn 1 lent i iJ l Iur url n and 110 Ihnruughljich IhnruughljichMI IIrll hl l lII MI lI I I II iIF I > IUI 1 11 11I I W ii s sT T < t It 1 1u t U l 101 iefl11 iefl11II Mtn lir l4 > UMtlalt UMtlaltn I n < i u 4 i i tbai 18 Uli 11 leliun Ilu cliliuik IIC 4kuw IIulr IIulrpaUlu wiy wiypuu aJcppalUc puu paUlu ur i IIOe irlt rUe la 1 ttic b aputiJtatt IP vtaIa II ot li Ut public IlbUt IlbUtl l tl I Ii IU l S 9 9N fl 4 i S N U T 0 1 V 0 H HM 44W P 4 ooe 00 00leO o leO < M 4 OVM IM II MI OI000 Mr MrI POO 011 011I < ti i I o e awi Oat 0 I t0 l40I I h hI I 004 1 a1 e rio IP 0 41 41OrH C Oh Ohf0 f0 osi I II 1 1II OrH II I iw ilf r ll I he < Inh in l I KI fclllajtf Inl ktn ro lit t lh lhetruntpr h h1I he heotriusr etruntpr 1I r in I H J eIcII m I r that t oPf oPfI HH rn rnluimnaf h I luimnaf rIlh P OIHIPI xt t UNI 11 nr o w if ih e w HI I of ofr on II III 14t 14tioiJce I r w until IIII and Iltll ttrm ttr I mil Ilt t 4 il ili lhI4JMIIIIIII lhI4JMIIIIIIII i t > V 1 lH4t4 HHi ol iI lilltl 1 I it itThin 414 I 1 ii > h Itv Itv1Jei I Thin 11 r4heUt44 e pUi IaU rH w WhI hv I IUw4innan > lIt atli 1 1j i itt i til I tho th iMIlnldo nljp 10 1i I tilt I tl lWI lWItin Iw1L 14 to toI j I tin tt tee get i abollt IVUI IIWI It I I Hl I Id Idfur ii1111t4 ii1111t4icr fur r1 icr the t he cluibluiu of ci r thir nit i I 1t f I1othe dour dourclothe I III I lutl clothe in 1 ii iupuriiM olln > with WI llh I tint II worn worni t Ur rTi rTiI i liy II the Ih t I v > pt < of r IhirildclpliHt Ihilici Ip1iit New NewlOrittuiH SewI w wI lOrittuiH I OrlI New York nrk rliicni I 1n i s 11 ttI > ti f Fmn FmnI Ijl ranI ranIund jl 1I und ulll other lar InI i ti tea144 ns Indnon IndnonI Illn IllnI I the h he llontntiMn line tui rniicnt a adm 44 441ctt I I 111011 weirH w 1 iri u U > hil I Id dm d 1ctt the th resident of f iinv IUI citv lt v but hit bin binknowled II hisknwleiig I IklowlI knowled klowlI oof of thelmhitrtif th IIIhir Illihlits 1r his h hi towruntien IlwJmn IlwJmnnlr townlenreat f frfHtrictri rfHtrictri nlr ride II lu II lio Mrtorial Mrlrill diplav t mi 11 n th thhitchwavn Ihl IhlI thtigliwievit hitchwavn hihw 111 flits knowUikc ImnwlI account al ah1chiIt0nb II1 II1all i inl I nl all j for that ciirioin tilll hum 1lln hllIIIfh114Z huie of < > f thePhI4t11ICr the thehoulderw Ih houlderw hiulde nnd indrivin Illmwm < of the Ih thew hrt Id IdI d j jwhich I which whlh w I tth Ibftontanrt 11IOlilll IL ist Of Ilflpt ptaitin II Id 441 t I l almixt Ihnt In Injfetinitlvelv I a ahInetivelv jfetinitlvelv I hInetivelv UnlU when wh1 tN I tt h v i heir htir a window windowopen wlnI wlnIopel 1 open opel It in i un 11 au ndd sIel I fuel tixi Ilcl tlutt the theRoeton th thlon thJ3 Roeton J3 < ctton lon ittoop 1101 which w lurh I ciiphcmifttlcully ciiphcmifttlcullyattributed 1ltllllllal etiphiitit kally kallyttribtsl attributed aUnbll to I the Ih habit of rtiutlnt flll i II > > in infact I Iract It Itfct 1 fact tlie th outcome 01111 of It the th nwitv of ofkeepins ork ofkeeping keeping k in a t shutrp lian > watch fivil on the IhI Hide Hidewalks ti tiwalks walks wllks in tinier not lollolp tn toshIii llp on 01 Irult trll nntU nntUIf rllL If I Mayor FlT7urHMt FIT1IFIII11 > mme out til the therpfonnn Ihlronnl thereforms rpfonnn ronnl he h 1 bun hap prop procoel > i e < l Kune 1 of r the themot thlmOlt liiiflot mot ntitubte nollll chiractcriHtiift dltallnllr of II IWftons IWftonsimputation e ePIeIJatir imputation ollalll willdiNiptKar wil will elllIr IIN4stMar I ndoiibtijllyI ndoiibtijlly 1IIIIh lr lrI I I tho tht town tlwl would 1111 be I IreM II t 4 uncouifi iifl4hiIulIfl4lIle iifl4hiIulIfl4lIlefor > nnblo nnblofor for rlr trunierK tmnll There Thl is I a rtron trong rOI prurti prurticalrtNivni Ilmll Ilmllca1 lruItIcal calrtNivni ca1 cal r re4oi < 1 for rlr putlmn 11111 att tug 1 an ciidtiithe IcI titl lit Ihe I he pnn pnnlira I r rItl r Ie lira Itl nf r thruwmn Ihrl11 witpuii WlJII From rn the thewiiutiwri I thewitid h wiiutiwri witid 1111 ws VI iircwnl lnll KMH It thuR lllr a 1 third thirdof thtnlor thInor or the Ih width Wllih of r the Ih nlilAillUo U I llrvil I IWere Irn Were rn there Illr indanger I rii rantr latig r frnm iii iverhettiI > rhiiMl Ihe Ihewhole Ih Ihh t I Iw whole w h i Hldewalk iislew 1k wmild i II I 11 I I be I il IP uI04i vl Then Thenci Th TJnffIglIIttli be I rclievtil the trnfllc trnfllcwould ImnlWil nflhwuulot I ci ffIglIIttli > MH < Mion would wlllII rdl tll would Wil 11 be iliMnbuted hIJlhI1 ivenly cttly 1 und Iul the theluvintc til tilhl theltying luvintc hl I nf r new 1 paviiiutil 1IctTIt vvntild 111 not 101 be ti benrrsvary I Itt Inlr nlr nrrsvary tt W freipielitlv rrIIIII trestii tI I a a IH it IIIW now IH IHThe l ICFesrIIer I IFlrlr i i1h Flrlr FesrIIer frlanILlll ttrgaiIittlsi ttrgaiIittlsiI 1h The I hi Iliirnn 1lrnl of Ir c1 llu tllhlnln II IsIhirIliry > t > 4iiiiln more 11 11lnllh boretnntnotl i 1 tiitntnonlv lnllh v known k 11 bitevi ac 1 the J t I National Nationaldrniige Nit 1111111 1111111irl drniige irl rauig Ixpiii a I hit little In II mon nn > than tlI forty fortyyearb fonvear ronlA yearb ear A agi a tl > in II a M coret ret order for the th pro proof Ir trtiIhliSbl ° I Idaill 111111 tiIhliSbl of agnculturaJ a rhlhlrl tntore InltI tntcrcto t It Itclauim I ItslaIit4C clauim daill ti td14 > < ln n membership Ith < Nhlp of about aboutne 1 < 1 I Ione Ilne one lne ne million Illhul with wlh tmlwh Pnttits rimm h n in I thirl thirlSlate thirty thirtytut I II Slate I tut In 11 t ifcvnt 11 public llhll iddre lr a aleader loleather I Ial leader al < r of Ir c th < > a allil x niton nitonI Mud Mudt tr I We t e the 11 lianrrrt aIfr letvcntie nl that 10 ih ItieIi t tneed Ind need eIi ol 0 tr Ir Hire Urn I u erVrtlte Irlh nMr nlkn rerelkn rallon wLlch iskichiIli Ilh iIli 111 111 put tcl trie II rarnrr nr n an fl rqii4l II fiMtlnc IUn Ktlb eIi 11 he heorr4nl h hlnlr hengntsed orr4nl ngntsed lnlr ed lntrrr lTOIIftl I t ItIttI lib oblrb Il iri U IZ4 > ilo lu ttcstns ttcstnsI 1lt ld ldof 111 I l aim ItIIIO of Ir tin t nrcitiiintion rlli7nll app4 lpJ4tir lpJ4tirto IIlr IIlrt > nr nrtn I tn t run nl ri 1 two tWI tlbittiiiii tntill > ctiitiotuii 1011 and andjKililirul 11111 11111wlh tiitlIwt1ititl I Ii I jKililirul with wlh vx111 ial improvement IrIr1 a I as a aiMde 1 1CIII iMde i 11le CIII uv 11 IOOcUC un I It l Mck I k this II ttbli lahlhl11 lahlhl11I tallb4iietit tallb4iietitif liiiifiit liiiifiitif if if a I complete IYmlI ctxipvrntiM o1eo4r1tI 1101 > ytelit tem lp wbu whioti1l hlh hlhi h hwill will i i1l as a far art im ililc eliminate I I hilh tIll thtiprofttr 111 111prlfI tIllItittts profttr prlfI of fr I ef the Ih t middleman lulrlrlln ti Ititi Ictiii a I Immlltniz IaIII lllhl I lttit the thefanner th thI thfarrnN fanner rlrm pri Jr10111114 lilMi ind tie 11 articles articlesbouiiht Irhlr Irhlrbl trtlilelxiiiIt I bouiiht bl hl by him hnl and Ild t oers > M < rt that hlt uili 1111 1111IYI a aav ILhtletI1 av IYI htletI1 tem will 11 mi 111rlIL ItIreak rea e the Ih iirtvrcrity Ifllruy I1tMrtYthe uf ufthe r rIh the Ih faimem ru mr niers nnd nl1 al II the II ame aI nine 11 di Illfrl11ac diI 1 1Iht I nliM the eot 1 nl I IVIIIK 11 tn II Ilie I li Ii worker workerin wlrkln wlrklnI in I the Ih II town 111 and al1 i l11t1 11 met For lr an al UMH UMHcuiMon 1 oooUt > I cuiMon duill Ut ItTI to tl which Wilil < 0114 lch h IremFnduut Inmtnclul tr 111 111ihil n nnibilitie sio siosih1111104 > nibilitie ihil are I In Hn I IN II at hietcmonti hlY hlYhn mre mreUen IIYIhepn Uen iniKhtv li hl cmitll 111 lrofiiniJ to 1 to U UIrlnctly t t1lrll LjeCI Irlnctly 1lrll CI net ly nonKiliinil lunI11 tion jwcl it u a 1 I it t i ofl nnrn m ii il1f il1ftliftfth I I elf elfdirectly el I ItIIfeflt directly tIIfeflt tnd aitivclv art ielv with 1111 t tIi h siidl II lki jtrilu jtrilulion lIiPlh4Ition a ation tion IIH I it l Ii hilievr liee tn Ii I 1w for the Ih interest interestof 11 11Ir of the th < faniien rllnll lu II mctlixl io Ii d < m that thatdirvctlrin IhutllinCtlon thiittiIirI dirvctlrin iIirI iInn are rt < 1tnl i < rilnil > 1 a io the tll i real nIIII1111 nIIII1111i Inn Innof ii iiof i of a favorable ra urnlI I ml I i Ilt I d sen < ntiiniit I iIti tl t and andjibe 111I jibe I I III II t IntlItrlliun < in < eiitratnip if r thnt enlmient I Ii I on onthe 1111it enthitt the it liKislaton I bl Wlmt Itt IH I th the tlllTer tlllTeri tffl er ero i enco 111 o Ulwnin h < IW t weeii 1I the t h dranueix I iIIII N who itou wek wektheir k kIheir kI their I own 1111 uUntitiixe and the It I ite itelerluIratIou urcody urcodyitirKiritloi t n I IqralltJu itirKiritloi v I 4 hiih fl hi thev Ih dnounee lIlIlIn for fortheir rrt furtheir t their euti uc 11 i 1ii > tliiu the 1 Mih fir if lounger Inmnrrj loungernsir j i aspirations nsir lrlllI1 II cnt b I > nne Ifle n roip ro i J really all nmn nmnI m mIphillUllhrI ri ril1hIIltItIthr1l11 I IphillUllhrI philanthropic than the Ih i h ntber ci Ji r Itetween Itetweenthe tlrlwMnIlhe Ilhe the twontandH Iwo t wo sUIT IIII I S4III > naiiir r l c cc I > v Hniyth Hniythi myth mytht liIVt h hI i lie I h iniirumer e I IIIr anil ii nil U ib I h I uc < fnrnnt In rnl ti > have haoIr haveCOr eMTHliown Ir < h11 ifutt I Itnnmiiarv irilivuiual a renter 1CLII r i oriMderalum 111 nill Ii Jrllli < is It than I I 0411 he t i1 IIIIM I re reivtved r rrrlII reilvcsI I ivtved from rtiitxlv 1 loriNinitioim I1 IrIliIIII the thefail V h hrlllI lie liefttt fail ban not 01 yt > ct 1 Uiimw iiimntnnl iiimntnnlknowledge llmnior llmniorknuwlrlue mlllo I IknowltI knowledge knuwlrluet4ii knowledgeiiiMil I iiiMil t4ii 1 11 > iiiier iIItnll ie bii r1l l TllMKviu 1111 I I I l I 11 4 II IIr if f Iterlin Iterlinirvettiilv Ittrlilll Ittrlilllnllliv IlerilitflMt irvettiilv flMt tt t submitted n tiiNirt HI Ii the th I h Im Imperial InIrI ¬ perial 11 IrI tlai I I 1111 niiMi ii ii so of I t 1 riulturiil grl I I I t rid Int o octet < ie lti ltiill iei ieim Ic IcI I m ttormanv rtIar1 and nlIIIInllrn tI the t Ibit moricnti rInrl IatmiiM IatmiiMof liit rents rentsIII of r Iliiplmtidrr I I i tehlitbi I rv could i i ci I 11 I I fiinily I Iutll tin Oh mm Inllh Inllhi TI is h hwon I Iwon won 00 1 than lo sttidv hl with iire r that or orKiiiiiatitin torlIlIlInl or4iflttflttIt1 Kiiiiiatitin lIlIlInl nn iHpurHiwr ilIlfIIIIIIIIlIIrlhI ilIlfIIIIIIIIlIIrlhIII ill > iind lt Its method methodIt It now III Includes 1111111 timr III than I 1 11tluIeII 11tluIeIIIi 114lll Iln Jc nl nlrtoclclll l leli rtoclclll eli i te Ii t icS With wit hi a tlitil ti Ial t 11 inelllttentlllp II iI ithsrJi i t Of Oflimn t r rIlllIre fIbosre limn tlum I lIilUl I There Thu rc IH n general generalr geroriilciiiilartv r tiuilaril > nf r purNi c in l IcntIu > i > th h u ius i b teit teitt il i ithe iIhl the t 1It deniian i rrlIilIll runlei 4 C tvt Iv v tl v ulciiilv i len i Iv funs pit vs mon us er s sfit t tattention attention 1111 fit ten < 1111 I tI Ii to I I I fononm SW 0 Il liii ii prmvaavHund Ito H f4 C 1411 1 h lees leesfi CM I Itii i iI tii fi jMiluiinl prixit Ine < s vban doe the theI Ih Ih1IIIrinn t In Inniirienn American micietv F 4 iI ie t V Oil I In ilh i II s prtwut rIew llt s sits < nle nlethe Ih IhIh I It the Ih t Icrtnan iimnn IIlIlnllla Ii Ii ii sn ililn lat cs iinlv 111 pi I t from fr iii i Ir I p s swilt l lj II when wilt hIII inombinttKiti I hillal was wiiHeflceliil 11I11 eflrrlcd of the thelmienitl Ihrhnl It ItI I I lmienitl hnl I Ins P11141 rir I tIIOIl moil n iocti ortiimitl e1ii Ii iIMI in I l I I 141 itt and andthe 11111Ih iutti I II the Ih I icneral I IlIillll nion ii I cli r ria ini Ii ii i 1 in iniTbit i uc I ITh iThiet iTbit Th pniMiit r1I1 5 iiv lel in ddmlrnhlv ijeliirnhIin HVK HVKi II II11lIutb1 i teiimtied bv h n ilivlsinrm nnd riiibiliriiionn riiibiliriiionnund tlutliliIlUJII I und by It > KptiiiihvuUoii 1 U1holllI ol If I inlnnls inlnnlsI lItlCtMiii I 111 I he < MrrUUbllltlen nf r KIMK 1HI i sst nr r tf t ll III IIIorganlatloti it itI iiorgaiia1iccb I organlatloti ccl f the fnrmin rllm rs nn n > almoni almonije alllltI altn altneliIahlY je pinlly < < vnt VaSt 11 t With ttIt It llnnn 11111111 < nil ntvuinti ntvuintithat tIrIhiflI < I IIhl1t < I that I would enable lInl them Ih t 1II l In tnntrnl nlr1 iot iotton 1 1I ton III ccrcnls fruits rfll lIf v ixctnblcH nnd meat meatantmntri rflt st staninials I IIInimal I antmntri and to fix 11 their prln rlctI the thufanner IhtIlInra thefitr1iivr I fanner wtitild havit III hint the It rest rrr > 1 of the thepeople t Je Jeof I people of 0 t thi lit reihhiht iiMinirv IIIII I ulmnst ahH4IilteJy ahH4IilteJyiii al > iiitclv i iin in their Jepwr Kiwer and allllhr therein there I ts no reftmm 1C1u tIIIIIllIulot ¼ 1n to todoubt II doubt 14111 t tluil t they I I ll would l 1115 I If I I thoy Ih t coiiril coiirilnillecve ci IIf I 141 nillecve 4 Ii Ir1 to the Ih t I i UtlllOHt tt tibet It I I I III h 11 > ld Ii I by bymime II IIIII I jy jysubtle mime III hut I Itnt nnvthini tllI 1 hlll Jung cviti 1 1 npprumliint IIIJlron lllllt < iij iijU j juinonor 11 uinonor U 11I01111 U ol Ii I fHrm farllllhlrll priMlueiiiis 18 liup iiii < Mtni Mtnitblo isetIde I It tblo t 10 yet It is I not I uiix illl I ionsil > Hihe Ih u 1 that t Home Homecombination tilt tiltOtnllilllllll1 p cliii cliiiI combination I ntnh si flat Is Iii of 41 farmen farti re probably tn rulllh clint Ic but butthe Ii ct ctthe the th irnncerf may 11I1 yet ct I he ntile at lo I Ii l lthe ft ftittiol 110 111111 ittiol t 111111 the Ih pn Juriis lt uf it r luunyfann luunyfanniptiMliictH uwl uuuIvfnrniJIt1411itts rnnll rnnlli iptiMliictH i Hv 1 n wiwt 1 udjimlm of tho thoiervinnmicA IhnI hoitli iervinnmicA I f itli 11IIIIICIIItf1 tflI45 cffi eflectoI < tc < l bv I r Kr ergi rll iuiinllin II ii a III 1 ii is ant 11I111 11I111IIhJr a in I Ieyet j jyntcm I I eyet yntcm IIhJr si both I priHliiictx prIII I tn MI uIeflL < nt and ii III i us I < iiiiftiltnerHi iiiiftiltnerHihtottld eI1iI trrs trrsuuiliI htottld 1 uuiliI 11 lienefit but I tin hi fanner an 1 well welljal eJI eJInj jal II nj the middleman who wll hiu ir i > to I be ilun ilunIlliutiil 1111I1111I11 Jflttiitcl 1 I Illiutiil ttiitcl ban liw I Iii full r hun > of I the ttl lit pnih pnihtory tresItticr nhIr tory Ir inntlnct tint t has hll > imble < the thc h rail railruad milrVi1l1 nullrzttl I ruad fiwnerrt IH1I the Ih I hi mauufai 11I0111111111110 iatiiilatiurer tnrerind unl 1 the tliobankitri theImllklr thuhianks bankitri hianks rs to I Ii wcurc ftr the largest flinto < nf lrthn if ifthi 1 thn onnrtnoiiH increiu in the Ih I hi inuntrys inuntrysj i iwealth 1111 In Ini j i wealth wealthi i ll I I the t h fnnnerx rnnn want ciI lit i jo n j uoo tJ4 < l i IHIH dwtltll luipti o oto to ti I K 1 their t I r hHiliH Ii st in i Ii Some 3ol 1111 < i it day llal i they theyiinit Ih t Ioyiiia I Iilia iinit ilia n t it IIj itk 1 k insui I t I tli I c em lliKlix I and andailiriin uttiild 11111arlII1 j ailiriin d jes iri 4 tvliX 1C ing lll < liriil primary floinlwtIQU noinloji noinlojiliou lIullllnll1 liou a Lv 1 > 1 lilcrilui ShcrifT Nonrnv Ollruf 1 4 1r1j 1 1r 1 9 d < i i ni I < II urn rI t h l In a aI II IIt r I 041 I i c y r i iiU i f 4l Ji I I4taM4 prn f 004 4 tt tti4 1 oft 441 441a nul nulI a Pie I I at l t a 0t1 040 0 0Ie l lI I 4e a Ie 3 ll WO INOI 1 1 gkisI gkisII 04 Sm lI44 4 OI0P140 I eoI 00 I tp itOp 004 C CI Cla nSl nSlI I i4 I I lf 44t440 4taM4 to io m 0O 4 Ofi > 4 W hia tit titlam a W lam la I a h to Mm Mmfur 14001 14001Ib J OM Ib IIILaI fur mnty mntyre 1 rresns rresnsa 1Ci a l4 I hlIr re > itnil 1 lhu I hili atip il ilJt I IJ Jt J I0M > H VI Hit4Ml 44 O4UN fc 30 < vorke 4t 11 l M Mo I Ilfreit life lifetit II tit eit 1 Hfi J Jp I < Io l our up If i w I WK Ufi > thai IlIala IlIalaIn b 30 30in t aabw aabwin in M IHI Ml lot a U k4 atmc een ut m 4 eleeaenU 1 ul tf IIIt ttai at atn n 44 > r > sii > r of e punuiie < r M It llt < t Hltt Kan KanII II IIII On4 On4II II 14 04eet i mu I0ci l 11 ul M > Mte H Hf en l lam rir a stoic stoicIn Hill Hillto III III1ft ai cn4 l 000 4 0 0Ii14500 n niK > to UhriijMt II rnw > t C Mt KanM ha I II I Ii14500 < iK > > r t W r I IC < e4VH la I IwlUn Territory Territorylit lellIhifII lit II iw a Nii0iThif UMri r < r turd 1 IIIIh IIIIhliii v > k kllil tire hrovity lty la IIIr It Itti II IIJlIII llil l II i r U II inirh nirat n and j jtlie tlie ti tulrtnrnt > if r llU h npion Inllt IIhcflItlt4t Inllth ut uthtru htru h w ln n ie Ifof 01 r a re tbdnS M Isffll nl of 5han 5hantuwiit ItaWO ItaWOhInd hInd nlva 1 < a KetHilillraii hltlft lIWa0 l r helpexl hIr Irtl t my myIrHoo m IllfriiOo IrHoo 1 H lilllcao 111 t 114 He e I m mr > larn no 1100 1100Ito 0 I Ill I IlIr ll lIr r III h iHluhil te for Iteciater < r of Denial Denialy lHo < t tr II 4 y in ii third c ilunin lunin uinlor hi tIo own ownpicture 01 a apitIlti picture pictureIt 1111 It lit I Ii u Mi HPH JT1i0 I h4i ii 1 ml lrn n eqarenl xiare an anI lrul lrulwnrih lruflII 111011551f1C3 wnrih flII hr II Koald 0 tot ro IIuln hoof > > a e l bri n with I IHMIXT ILIIILatl 5LLILTaIlpftP A Ariurrtr riurrtr atl < litren year I ilare 1 i tolhln < Company Companythree lEOJIhr three Ihr 4P411 > eai 1101 iIoPlsI U VK tt tkanaLL LL 0 On t1 Ibe taat taateen laaln laalTh lisI11r11 een n 4 r4f r4fTh FL FLrtio Th rtio IopiiUr anduit fr Coroner Coronergviea Coronere5 oruntr oruntrIn gviea e5 Into In lie h field tllMtth tllMtthII with withHe ith ithIt He II 0I0V l 4 > na 0 Ibe I Ib Job d do dir r or nlcbk rala or orihltie 0 0I orcttn ihltie I thai III It hIt III tlrliw 11I1 of a torurier ruo ou WOOl wanuMr WOOlUr D DU I Mr U tor torrhe rftr rftrThe r rTh The Th cnndldite for nr founty unIY Clerk Jerk r IItt IIttrlh cwtcferbh < e > t tforth I forth rlh Ian IntiTtft nrfvtllaB a well < 111 ito tili methiMU methiMUU n1rtuMtII4O4LO U 0111 c > K l Mr Sau SWbsoml IlahM bUl1Iallt mail ir iienrfrlodldur iienrfrlodldurInC any an friend tilur tilurInc oIu oIuInr Inc tbe lb U ItO i fe f monltn oil > by h hl hte clean MIl 0 methods methodsof mllbOd1 of r tmrtaicnlnr rtmrnlncor for ufTIre urn r lie II Wend n l tli 4p 1lA tpore tporehoIjil r rho ho hoIjil < ii4 In C hln > ln tne hl buce kItes kit dlM cii4IAIfl > > U latln > lnc hla bl Is ton tonnent Nnn banier I nent n ier 4Qt 0J Clpplnc hi 1 rarl < about 1 the Ih city tlI until al alIhs cith 1 1I Ihs I Une II prartlrally 1 IIall eeryt erybJly buch > o < > In Ike county countyktiit roUIII roUIIIko 00047k0iI ko ktiit > > Vxiut SWATH U and 0 hurandllary hurandllaryPolitic bll bLlOentItOryIsihitks ranh ranh1IIiIIIC > Politic mzzln lIin > aha al4alI hotter than the thnflr Ih Ih11ft theflrri flr flrri i ol IIH Ih mm 111I on < n the Ih tx torn rn tlekl and if ItK ifKAJO IrKu Ku KAJO K iiai will lll nut lliten MId lit will read Hrr Hrrthfii IIrrth hIcr0Unit Unit th am m niottel ls l h both lhr < th of form and au method methodfor i itor for thi thtse > o Whit h may IflA follow where K Knull KanoaeItit nn nnJl Itit Ititik1qc I IJ i Jl J ik1qc e Juii J JUih0 os nf Jbe It Kan ICIOM ai rtli nl 1 Court nf nfpl n OfPPCil pl PPCil > cal Iti nn fl ut ullnl oIninq Inlon clven el n IhU Ihl rnornlnf made madeII I II tit > Ihln ILin tln ifeal hid the Ih roiirt Irt ol Ibe lb country < 000I lak lakj k k1llrI 30 30i4it1eI j illdal 1llrI aul OuEcs r ur 0 the ail la that a rnile mlleII Hill alck alckKUKIJI itl ic icIii0i1l I Ir KUKIJI fat MOP MOPnd OFAnd r I Ind And nd Miiwouri that onr < 111 i JItIIt priil ricleI l herself herselfn I < < I > n Ining the tll greitei t mule State imver imverknew binoerknew I Ikr knew kr thit N Se < i wnuter nnlcr Texa tonk I tho thohonor thohonnr thetenor honor tenor from fr Imr Imrii hirl I ii l 7 UI ii J nr TIII rnonnoKn srnnliunnlroflplIflraIIfl rnonnoKnrAetnpllllrnlhin I InIIIIIIn rAetnpllllrnlhin nIIIIIIn at the th Limitation ttf ttfrrrrnt IIIrrrnt oftTrorflt rrrrnt Ihi 11 IrntiloB IrntiloBfi fi r TiV tl hiiiioi i III rtlli Si s Mr i r In InI InIHt I IHt Mr rt I until hut n I M Uiu I Annum i OUIl nf a louuif louuifniiu 4 UIIIIIIIIJ 0tt lilt liltuIti niiu IIJ of i 0 lii 10 i o n fu IUil U 0111 itl 4 0 from UornIn 14 14r Cerlnrii r tnrin In OIIIsII liixd 111 in IVmix pIIIIJI hauin 0011 mil 111 tlmt the theh thelithIt I IhIII h hIII iiilt er f tiiintf lu 111111110111 nail lest to In ci jrret jrretII rr1I I II t o ntiil 11 he FM t well e rllir cli If MIIIIO iihf II uoillil III 1 Itt 111I1 < illlrtrat illlrtrathlinvlt Ill terrltI I Ihlrll11 I I hlinvlt I Ifti 1f ill llil t Ii I uiiiiriin n r I lii il he > > iiuik 1111 innti 110e ulll ulllII K KIn e e < In II order P Itr in I iroiil r itt inikiinr iittb 121 it a Mrirk Ce 0 Ci L uf ufln fIrIII ori ln i w lifi ui uiIlil i 110 Ilil 1 1 i oil 1 I1 111 lit I lo hi ill it 1 I < fier hn hnI ii I Mr Cr r > HiTiU bIr 1 I tnle 1 Hint tI nn1 utit 2 It I if ifitTiiiL Ifrln Ifl itTiiiL l r101 rln 011 mi lii 1 O It > citiwt iiliic < t u liaticronnlolirtier liaticronnlolirtierMii h 1I1nn to tirtt tirttI 1rI 1rIoIIolIt oIIolIt I > Mii Ii ill liinriit tiit i iniMt 11511 1 rriifl I 111011111111 111011111111lIu iilnri ii mutely ii iiitI y yI I Itri tri lIu I tin viruilr IeUI 1 nn In I i II iLirS ra of i I mfiirni 1 0 0if i riooU rnln1 riooUjr jr nnl n1 iirrv 1 IJI Ui 1 It < f ifrrilb rrll htrilenril htrilenrilunit IIrol II I IIn1 unit tn I iu ri > i ne II mi I 11 illC ili itio 411110r111J Hiiir Ir riii tliai Ih n I In Inifliiril ifliiril 1111 iiium 1 T > I < lrll 111 5 toiilli Ulh anil n1 C hit hitilrrn hllJrn hittrfl ilrrn pltiiel ill e I m I thi Ihr ir M ire irelit 411It II lit viil iI 1 b f > ir 0 I 1111 III Si Stb S s sM M b VI t IM I Ic I il I OHM lull I II IIMn IIOIll IIlIflrhmii OIll lIflrhmii lIIJ < Mn UnsI n l Vrn leffl00 or li > ul u toni Miianlernfln tonirr000 ernfln ernflnfn rr000n fn n OMIt II Et I iHTtm TOl5 nr Tltr Tn ftC t tf > Mr 4 If In 4 rerent rerenti rtfrfltIIU0 111 I IlIl i IIU0 ue of flIP TII tt 4 4 N 0 our Oil friend MnwaM ia oci < i of ofrmrurd 01d ofreooi rmrurd d N II lake to eireptiim ui 2 nv I IHnr w4 0 > uf ufixulnr ofI ixulnr I Hnr tt I AI > name ul If1 irett > little tuon bCe n ot otMorl ofUo11 Morl Wrnaa r01141 N II a > h IIc IIcI belt te nrttten nrtttenI I eft rfi lo 1 the III urTelal i lni4rk Irn of the Ih town townnwln tOWflOWIOI > OWIOI nwln 111 < Itnl I I nlr n 1 M1 Njin 4n n 1 I air tli r illsii2n4 ills lb Mine MineI m I 11 ii2n4 Ind oo Ibt momrnuj nan 10 < i que tluti tlutii 11 11n i Mn n o t 11 H > that 111 ria tHen n the It the4L11401 iurreet iurreetlKlllnc UIIIf > lKlllnc f IIn tlncr 10r alT the ill h ui Ion n ACs a < etilr IlrtS for fll I bav 11 ID IDj 10I j I TIJ TI 14 po roI 1oi v lo lCel i V bURiIted > ear U old 01 4 wI tcl > > > of the theI Ih IhI I A 00 ir t r ro4f < > mei a frfkly klf iaper c tinrerly Jili Jilill 1 l4I 1t 1tIIh IilIhd ll IIh lIhd > hrtt m Ih the reltriloilnt IOWA u > wn n of n f mheni b bbl1I In Inbird ii iiobIchi bird u UIrnattautT > e H4Te a > ixar a allonl II Ion on I rrnin rrninI ID IDI I I 10111 Anl In h ihe III h r jjHRi oj ft thc I fOIlln folii ln < rrniark Iron Ironrxilior frnifli4itof m mI rxilior A1110 Hlehrd Itl llo Ilotl ttOIlflfl > l tnn hlrii Ilk m n njy lnUrr l Ur Urfuo I IIn 4ffI I fuo I 4 Irlln In rltitrn Ut 410 > Uarllla J rllla l IIIb lel > er wb who In InKnl Knl tu I pin rb n for lloernor of New S re llantpahlre llantpahlreMuitmn lIorahlIn Muitmn IlAil in 11 uoi1ttrh I lUr II o mnnkev monk In InI a ato aIr4 I to Ir4 hup h I re tV r d 1I < i no f MMi Li I and an ma 111 do < a 3ici treat treattlr r 1 1al tlr ici al i of 0 hirti J I s sN oocJh 4 N t < Hk July ir irI I II 4Iho I the Ih Heal nrr ar rr I arr f Ir IrI r MaUrla MaUrlaI I lo mK 1 IMTiin I or TH THU 4 < I ir Ul To n ume umernmemorlil ompmmemoriii m mmmo1 rnmemorlil A S lemoa IIle ii lire 1 ba h bo4li leen leenVrtl Vrtl fI1lA la thr lb oiithru III 5411 iui I but or e tin 2 nnl on lake lakei Ik Ikmub i murb truuti e In prepare I II He W Vi put iil the III frr frrb frrbII ti tij j JJt ttrr tn II a iuitt > er nf II nu < it walrr al and tale I it t efore tntoretatifal eforettreakfa 0 0aka ttreakfa aka II 1 erferLte lTr iri met matf < a anlrHod CI e I roil roilII rvire re iiriiiebd A r > nrr 44rreallc ainl 1 urn rurr II la larinrd I Ih islori lori h buy I preferably I1hlf tartHinjtrtl tartHinjtrtlI oaIS oaISI I vent 0 ilrtlm uf 0 malone rI in t M 00f14 > r l form formmnlrartetl fo fomnUa formnflifirtrI mnlrartetl mnUa < I1 nn n my 111 rartdfalrier lfaUl irtitUjii plaulailon plaulailonl I piItltIOrlIfnlet l Ifnlet mnn m lultr sac 4 Irled I hut I failed laU an 0101 I nulnloe ln loll In1II t tIU IU II 4 clterl I at < lid other I remedlea mrdlr tiretrnbetl ifO nbnS hy h7OlCaiI hyJ h hI J yb > MrUn till I hard baI d rldrr 1 ratmtiateil laHen laHenirarfr I Isbenafly n nI irarfr afly r In the lb ntirnlnt am 1 dmliic Ihe III day d I1I of t the Ih farnikftiit nl eiTe eIFttilrI tUel cured me a I In never had hada hrIIollth a touch nf a n alarta after ft iirrmeunor the Ih rue rirtl rueft u tl mutt mw IM lake kO In the vnie n OF Hay A a nulnlne nulnlneI 1lnlnIlia iahrIinr iahrIinrI I Ilia bavf nrrer 11000 i > n U thto > l > remeily 1 to loll lolltnI f foilUnI0I1wd ll llwH tnI UnI0I1wd wH S J July J 10 I t II I Ilnipro I IIpn Ilmprnt lnipro Imperl l iar iarlu rk 1 lu too 1111 Kritum J iirTita oP T ml M S ns s Mir r A ti 0 man manNevt mlao lTflICe > Nevt ICe Vnrker o > obnt lib in I its ihr h prniuwd esisnmini linmln linmlnmid hnmlnnl mid nl M4dla 1111 < iwm I innl < In 111111 ertrnl IarM arL Mould 011101 II nnl be beu > o II to to fttfen cr lo Ua I 42aui > ur ia OIflcf > nnr an cAll alt < 1 tTeMent tTeMenttnuriel ltrs2liuiilli tnuriel illi lId thai II ILo t ey tr 114 > Ihem Ih rn nlln flri nr l In 1nvi intnrt rl Iark Iarkin in llmiil > n II I I tte It > thtntd h sII M 10 irote rnt a Micceft rre lOire tticrIt Ih IhII lOire0P It 1 4e a nmll 1 try ry thel In n VeH S Vnrrf VordIP 0 0np IP 1 np re Mmir tos n r nt unear I nn Itoirb lro i ei IatK < VII hr henrH henrHi ruiI ruiI1110I 101 i rliiirnl ihe h Op iir i evert mornlnc mIn mInInl t efire > be bermnlnj beIIflinJ rmnlnj Inl hl PIll COla I In New S FW ur url UIC l 11 19 t it nvvr hil r the h cwlrflnirnc 1mn vw1 Ini In lropect lropectIark Propeiiicrh Iark N l Ne r orker 0 wojH o S ohlcrt 0101 I N NNKW SS NNow Now S > intic 11t Ml 11 > 15 15Indian I In tIndian Indian n I I 0114 ml hock llcUVitn II hockOO It Itr r Vitn OO Ur r Ill 1rllIl 1rllIlTh 11lrAM Illtar Illtarrttere 71cofrhie Th rttere U I ftmou hm hlt hl4rlroi < iriral rock nr l1 the III tiank tiankuf tcon11I tcon11If II III uf I ii I vlle 111 Iegtefl4 < tent inter III near n Irtnkiln 1 hkllll Venantu Venantuu V0n1jolutl IfIn IfInn olutl u tnti knouii n 00 ll I IhIC > e ludian Ioan ltot 1 hOnk II olsicti olsictiI hlch hlchi I i rniv il 1 tn move In In 0 franklin rn lIn to laiure IU IUi iiihi i rrv lon It i < nturrd that the Ih rock nhleh nhlehinr shirtiC III IIII inr I or SFI > Ii 1o11an tun ifl heri hfrrglpbhc > lpmc < i wctjrt 1h < alojt alojtin toj ul I II 11 11t in I It I S I ttlleted lelI ri that II I I can r oui t be lifted II from fllII IU IUIi II IIIAII I l lfac1lotiiI Ii fac1lotiiI iiiUllui IAII In 0 hole nr r in n fart n r tr > y iinrif n Ihe b tall tallniiut iout allUAItI t niiut 04 UAItI lr i rrare rIa < cnn and n loaded ou a car ar and 111 1 taken I 11 0 4 KranUUn nn H I lia I lisa IMVII I vl 4111101 > ttet liy It inou IlIoanl > and nf nflwrM11 nfIrulI I Ilnr0 lwrM11 amnnr rn them mari n > etentirir men m who whoavr apicIJI hn hnu IJI avr u priiaouiK 11 pr nnort tl 11 an Indian retlr 11 of much bbs tiUtorlial bl bbstorlrot torlial worm After 13 tke Io Camel CamelI aoI aoIP101 I r P101 n It ttrtlrr fI tIz1 mllr mllrline nll nfjiefine line IIn nf iiir II rorr rowrpun4rits l in < I lril t trtn > rtnc Wibl Odd hy y an old oldUfl oldIh olds Ufl Ih a fr I ff5 werlri k a tn < n lhat 111111 It n a in iii M use e Ui 0 renew ron ronII ftflCabci hrr II it tcrItclinn < rldlnn nll to Ihe III paper PAl aiiy a nor a as Mil Milr IhlII bIdI II I r > l i imet nI 00 ruin In put II an n end nl la the Ih world worldprettt Wuil1rfti uMIr prettt Ir rfti MKIII in cot d 1 Hut lit dnn onI I 401 o > i want In 11 11an reail reailan 1 1n an n amiinl aratfl n nf Ihe III whol 1101 < affair nal aa Hmn a so > II II Itmer IITIIAI ii1rr mer 1rr That I will IU an olonrrel ernl the all UI UIIr1tiletiln latlt latltIrthlnlnor iadtrihletllnC Ir1tiletiln < ii 11 and nd h he renewal 1 her h 1lJbeji 1lJbejililI uB er1p er1pllenK lIuOI 1 llenK 1 and a Ilitiei IlitieiT 111 111T T 1 rnr TII ur Piiir ItTio or Tiles Tit St H iir 1 ID In is da dasi oilI la4 si s a roirr mrraol roffrIuIaJfil iN > oJriit ixmderlnr I IIII < tkr I It dented milk milkrnn mil milrAno mIlkrIflI rnn lAd tilt II > > th thy v hoi boll I lr I leo than uiMJvntol run runrliiln nnrllI conrhI rliiln rllI hut II lent mint mean a rorretpondlac rorretpondlacI 0TfPlJlQfldiglieae I t < t lieae llea 11 e our ur Mm iCed UM dent I 4 tbetigi tan tanliuKe liuKe 1 Ih circle ha4 a oil Ihe III retailer plII 5 5July It01I1JIIIII sap sapIv > Iv I014 01I1JIIIII July II Iiki ki Keeping pIni 1 < Vnl VnlMl nI nIoi 1 Ml 11 Ihe III kinc day I think about 11 the Ih aaow aaowThe unwiCe 0 0I The I nhiunelfind a OutnI ln pool the III frott fro 01 klnf fnucn lair lairThe 1lrTr laIrThe The Ire it t i oll M o2tP4 lde II the iramln < Icy I Ihe Ir floe floelh floeI lh I he Ii irmiir IfIIPIf l i Mutter and 1 thn north nntl wtnda wtndatil sindstiif IndaI til tiif tiiftii trr trrAll All 11 the Ih iiltfhl IIIMIMIC luiar I dream nf Jreenlamlt 4tiore 4tiorethe shnrio1he ho < the 11 Ire k thalrled hII cnttare It nf Ct the I EkimcTile rklmit rklmitThelrelHiiuiil tlolmTI ThelrelHiiuiil TI Tile It Olill tlrtge > le < lce ttie wmibre4kr nbp olcy kJ lhal lowerlle tn lower 11 1 lle Ie xlntrf 1111 nnhl nil II I that move H On > orhlll hlll and oil 111 tow obosI > towI 10 10I I iniie nil and n1 dreitm nf tretlr 110 Ire I and 1 eti rhnil rhi4b rhi4bI f fI I III nil rum Fc run III > nld Ihrte lb ummer unl1I nUhlt nUhltAnd nlbntl nIthOtnil And ntl nlrn nfl fri rnke < r nnd IInII faury thai ite It hull ohihil14jfth hullNurih hlIlI Nurih till viml 1 f OMI i ihruu hCII < h inv Inine and n1 hltMi hltMitnd hIt hIttoct tnd 01 ihu aft iine n > still hl other 0111 wilt 111 with IIh heat heatviid heatIiI 1 viid IiI 01 Iran br u nl I liiiiiuv ii IdlO like II a oetteil s 111 fcC racI a aII I have Ui put p ui my half fioien feot feotAo f fe1Q II Ao 0 Cdlii tlra liaukrt and bit I water I lI l > a aI I t flJUU rIAl e lifE JlrtlfMH JlrtlfMHWhi iIIL 11 Ir Listflh I Ihi Whi hi r ticL4l 4jt lt t ufl M In InLit1 geotst 1 114114 1141144CeL hI I ItIIlln Lit1 till tIIlln In th the llrHUh llrHUhMil IstIiiIflllII Ih IhII Mil II f Ir if Ih 1100 crnUlllc r fiifitUi nlUiat set I Kln Klnrt Kine < Ur UrhOln fwre IU 1 iatl4 ° ° wf wfactm oIl oIlrttnt n ntnl l rt e Ivtl ll H t aiIernee I hOln IIBV ir rs actm tnl nt oithwit ar sceriusS tu ni < t 11111 3cl1t5C 3cl1t5CI itl ei eiTh n I I I ti Itn IlintThis t tTh Th Thln This eoninittr mlll 1tIh tta hoe I been beenin I IIn In lrrr U llll ll UI 4 Hl ntI i HeW n eiintll etnIIIIIrl esntitlsi esntitlsifciottd IHK IHKre and 14 lti the till hiIllOW U Un re fciottd Irl < rte J bu heist TliurxUy the Ih UIMIW lIeiwI if ift t n lOW w un Ito II wiy thrniigh 1 t iiHlium Oi J11tI bnitheitt itloii may le I twotither > eitwHte1 t tlIhr 1 1flthe I flthe < > r frfii ronlh Ihe lrt lrih h Natliruillatt or th thriidl thII thfalltiAI riidl falltiAI II < i fi1 l Uctliirw acU Iriit U cu Ie n rut n no further furtherttwii Isrthrtt tilrlh tilrlhthit ttwii tt talk for urwlMilitillr th II thin Hivrn IIiyrnIticiji I Iincut IIII incut III run t 140 count tin HIM Ih wilid Ihl rniinl t tTiilo Tiilo 1 tit to help hl III ivtMliitC the Ih bill billThn 1111Th tillItn Thn Th civil liat II N I Invnritbly nne on of the theflrct th thftra thfIrst > fIrst Uwi4 11 lo tw t rnnctrtl In 4 new n reign reignIt relnIt It U I the th mnure 1111 > prnvidlnx t for the Ih upkeep upkeepf ipkr ipkrof Irk Irkot ot f the Ih roynl y1 entahliithment 1I > The l lh e KinutIlk King Kinglike KlncIlk Ilk the hlimhlent of hln hi IlIhJetetll lllij ct muat muathave IIIU IIIUhe 11100he he money IIIlIn4l lo jny hit hi way arwl 1 an II asthi all ll i ithe i iht the allowances made to hi hic prvdeoe iirttecoailift ttlr < or ordie t t11ft die < with him It behoove IlthOf hla faithful fllllhflllilomno fiIhfIlomnlnrts i iIommorn Iommorn tn nvtkei upeexly provUlim tu Ii IimaIntain I Imaintain tmalhlln maintain the h dignity of the Crown CrownWh rown rnwnVhn i I Wh Vhn ti William I1ILam IV of l hl Iluceej > lo w < l memory memorya nmor 1 1a 1 a 0 the th stat 141 Iftf1I mp rii nature U tu was w WOOcrest H4th H4there 11th 11thtr1 ere crest < l to hi his father Ihr in I IH37 and nd ljuecn ljuecnVictoria ijuHnlctorLa QueeVictorL < Victoria ram eametutha tu the th throne the theieet act IiC which whichwas wttelWI hlchlie was lie pawexi IIYmllll7 ya44 > uiatlrx I th the upproprtu upproprtulion iippropr1Ion lion for her maintenance The Th civil lie IIII lieWa i iwaa i waa Wa clajwitlcti < under five f1v h hMrllnr1 Ntillnc < rir flrt flrtCIImo Vitoraffle t tramo I raffle thn th privy IJlsrlle pur e thl wan the illIowline allow allowancw i line for or the personal xpnn UXJ0flO41I of 0 the theovoreijrn Ih lbooveretgn ovoreijrn 1 Sccnnd s nntt nd come the lh und for forhaUrlM forIarl fo fol41tieL haUrlM Iarl it included every ometal and andiwjrvnnlof an anservant iwjrvnnlof servant or the court from the gnat I nffloera nffloeraof nmcorof I of stat tat such a so the th lord < 1 chamberlain chamberlainthn chamherlalnl the h Ion < f steward lewal < l and the th laaaier nf the thehone tll tllhOn tbhOFIO hone < down to th the lowest Bculllon or ortahl o oetble etble tahl boy In the lh royal pataceM or mow mowThU mowThill moweThta I ThU fund aloe II 10 covered penaiona or m mtlnnn reo reollrin retiring tlnnn llrin allowance of t such officIate or em employrofl ernp101o141 emicIoyceti ployrofl A thIrst appropriation was mad madfor i ifor I Iror for the II eipnnMM tlln of the th royal hotiMthold housshololIt I Iit I I I I it Included lIch Items an the th maintenance maintenanceof of Hticklngham Palace the Iii royal fann at atVinlwir I1tltIIlr a atVlictnr Vinlwir eipnium 1111 of the th King and his hisfamily hi hifIIIIII blifiiilly family fIIIIII in travelling all nxp 0Xfiofl4C lln na In abort abortoiitalil ehoriutotte hort1I1I1hl oiitalil of Mtlnrie IIIIrllnd and wnajeH WII Two morn mornKiinit morIollrn Kiinit were provided the lb royal bounty Itunl Itunlan1 Iauntytail i ianil tail an amount for unforeseen iunfon cen contln contlnThla contingeneIe nlln I IttnlPI ttnlPI ttnlPIThia geneIeThIl Thla cUMtflaition remained unaltered unalteredthroughout 11I1 tIftllter0lturulRhlt 1 1hnIIJthollt throughout the Ih long reijrn of Queen Vic Vl r j jtotli ItOIII totli I taIl nit the Ih twloct Itet coriimlttix of the thaIlouv theItocioe i Ilouv 1I011 nf r CommonM aI appoint ppulnl1 to I revlae vl II IIIn it itin ItIn in Itch upoutheaccewionof JI11 thI1tCIilon the aeceaion or KdwurdVIl KdwurdVIluddml 1 Edwant < VII VIIiibtoI 11 11arI1 uddml on lit mont heading hUnllhllt that ofwork ofworkan IIr ofdli work I an Hem lo oovnr reuirn decorations rlo OrlInlllllul < otlons and andimprovntnnnu andihiltIrovotnenta improvntnnnu In the th royal nMideiicen r rvsiclenreeIhi < In InTIlt I IThe j The Chancellor of the Ih Kxchnquir presided presidedover over that committee mmitl It met In M eecroi eecroimu > cret 1 1nnel j jand and mu hold He 11 setlons llIn Th the civil lIt n nfratmM afr3fl1td I Ifru1l1 fratmM l Icy > y tho wmnnltreotil connwItei OLSI ultimately ultimatelyemlrndlpd tilt Inate1 Inate1tnnlsolted emlrndlpd in the Ih statute ArIa I Kdward t I4wariVII < I VII 11 C t I wan WII wasac a follows followarlrtrla followsPiral lIna lInanl rlrtrla Piral riae Their t IAJ tajelI r IUt prlv 11147 > pii fl1C e CllOitn CllOitnSrmnd CIlIt CIlItnol 120151Second Second nol cla ciaO Ia > Halirr ala if 1 Ma bl Majnlv Majnlvhousehold lalnlhIIold S Stiuhntd household and n1 retired 1InI allowance 11 i 11 I3AO I3AOThird Mn MnThird YlI YlITIII1 I Third cia 11 l 101Iiilc 1 elite of bl lh Uaett Uaetthousehold lal1houbol 41 aPll > 5 5houhoiJ houhoiJluulh household iwnm 1 IIS loiMh Ih rla r cilia tvorkt 0 orkt tnito tnitorlflh n nnllh l II IIEthiC EthiC rla rlas Ia > 4 tlo lIolIIoonl 1oai alboint toonti aim Im and alI iic < I I IrIai 1 > e erial rial 11 service 11 iS I i iSttthrlaa Sttthrlaa SI 1 Oth d dccc InapproTirlalcd I flppfOTTI ieI hIll anilTula hIllToOl nl nlTLlI ToOl ToOlTninlattst tlTo JWW mi miTniniLiled I TniniLiled into Irll nierimn rinul money thiit thiiti Ihl Ihli i i roughly I23iooi 12 3SOtM1 It IO doe < M not include tncludnthe inlurli includethe i the lh nnnuittc of tlio princes hIn and crud priii priiicpMC 11111of unitilt cpMC ilt ol 0 of the Ih Mood royal Itdid It did however houriveri ho howeverproslife r rIIIhl i provide IIIhl for nr Quwn AI0XMfltflt Alr > x xnI ndm It wn wnjiecifled Will0PCiflt a aIcla1 jiecifled lhat her aha hr re of the Ih privy pur purithould trhauhI II IIwllluirl ithould IM I C33ltt 33lt > or ubout a JinliDU II arnitr IIYIf iiPIt rnitr rnitrl PIt r rOn I II l On Mav D lull the Ih House 1101 of Common Commonl ClnibnoncWelti < l went 1 into mb commitand nlllllllt and the I h whole II huh mailer mailernf allrt nf t provision 11In for or the royal family w wac It om omItodied nmIsalled Itodied in th II following resolution resolutionThat r llIlIlIn llIlIlInTbaIIIr I Irund I Itunol That TbaIIIr there h hilt il be rharfej on the 111111 < inntllaled noilIbelIund I I und a from U lb Uir > edrml oImlwlI eof of her b lal late I Ute Milt tt the thetollflalnf Ih thi4Ol0bfl1 I tollflalnf annual loa P040mb u mrnl for the I Klna civil civilllt rlsMlilt hllU lilt U itrunn 4 for or retired U allowanre lIoan jch um a ama U ccTIC I Im ma m > be h regulreil ulrI fur Ihe III pa pmrtlln IIflillt > mmt In even > ear ar of ofprn 01n l lisfl4oe prn isfl4oe n lon crol1 < rant < l b > her h late Maett > or 0 b t7 > hi hilireval bla hilrwat i lireval Malel a > lo xrtnt > ot her b Ul Malel Malelbouxhul1 1111hOllhulol 44JilIlotibMt bouxhul1 nol excredliic irvinu 5i1 for 10 civil 1 111W0hinl ll 1101 1101Inl l lpentlmt pentlmt Inl cich ich h lIlnIl um a 01 may be nurtured taken toLna 1 In a each rll 4th > far U 10 for or iIIU1 ctIlt < < v 11 ll t pendant un already Iltaol trantcU j jnr nr 1 brreafter Ui be granted nn 1f for the III 1 tibte Ike Ik of Com 1011Ii 1o01edit I Iwall I i wall and nd Yore > or 0 iluj 011 > for lu the Duchrx Huel ol Torn Tornvail tonicoil vail 11 an anI I Vurlt u lt fliimi II lor In the lb lurhe ot otoral 0 oforn5a4i < 011 oral all and an Verb D In n the III rrnt nl ol her h lloial lloiallllihne lIo 11osithOr lllihne thOr o > unlvlnr the Ih Dole IIJ nf n cnrnvrll ind indi I IuI i I urfc CJII JOlilt 4 un forhli fr 11111 bit vj4je 4Ze1eIya ly diijnirr cto llhIer l 4A41 4A41oftjoqrn o oforuurrn 01 i foruurrn 0 rrn aleiandra Inll in I Ihe Ib event 101 of her Uar V V1n Ia4rI Ia4rIiiivffl t tturvivtnr > turvivtnr iiivffl 1n hit Majel > the Ih Ktnc Iln 47nii4i ron and andthat andIal I that prov 0 Non 1 IM I made madIDr for ron conblniirr llnuln r for a perlo perloof periniIt 001 of 0 dC lt 1 months crier lIr fOe Ir re close rh > of the III rresttt rrr rnl fln tvfnwftcin rrl flnIIUM n ncertain I certain item rharted whirl llr would olhrrwlx he hethen h hIbn behen then determined determinedTlio cirtenninolhit nnln i iTI hit TI piogres of th Ibsi hill through the thellotuw thelinus h h1I0Jk llotuw nf Common woo W vlnoroiinly op oppotml tt ttl I potml 1 liv hnlr Mr John Itedmnnd 1 llI1nllci and nt tihInch liU liUIrish hi Irish following IIU III lint objection wa wabuwit wn wqoeoeit I buwit un tho oTinalvi antllloiian Calli Calliohu 4th 4thlIlt h hnlto ohu lIlt cliuae C II In thIs 1Jt acslMeAan icc seioii doclaralion doclaralioni sineJarallvnndly > 1I 1 1I i Scondly SoCnndl he said an unfair sharo of ofall utill I all Imparliui im pri > rial I buniena tnll fell on ImUnd lrnLnIhirdlv ImUndI ILmclIhrdlv I thirdly he h proclaimed that IreUrul woo Willtom1 wooIrminrnhIy I irminenlly governed In direct op npaltl PP PPtitIan > o altl titIan to I thin th cotifUtillionally n eiprrwaed eiprrwaedI I will of th the majority of r the Rovnrnml RovnrnmlMr goYern goYerndr ° i Mr Ir itrrMuhern l ohio III mode opKwitlon 1 I to 4 dntHiU of If the appropriation There Therewnro Ihi re reoem wnro oem ro a couple 1111 of dlvialon on ri lh h hill hillafter hiliaUr lullither after shan1 delMtes hut it dually uawil liocoesihit t jJimnin I JIIII hit 10 1901 1 1 l lIya by > y 4 vot4Mif 01 0241 or ii 370 tor torU to II AcIt U I l la not 110 unlikely thitt th the tJI progreiM of ofIhe otII oflie I I lie II prcwlil civil lUt mniaum will III U Uqtillu I IIsSue > IsSue nlrnllar On Ihn Ih commltteo mmlu which whichluta whIhiIns 1111111 luta Ins just reMirte r 1lrted < l there were one it number IIlIrnhfrlIn 1 of if leading lIn Unionist loth of tho th rcgiat rvgu rvguLir KII KIIIr Lir Ir KnxlUli I Mirtlen rt will 11 ho I in complete completeaccord crnrlelIIOId completmitcord accord upon It Its TOrilotw UnlouUts UnlouUtswill UnlolliatawillhOl will willhOl bavn no reluct I hnco nco lo I 14 vi voC VOteS > tn with the IholIormn blueloyrrnmcnt 1 tlovernment < nt to to I Iio M It nor will thn ttu buy Uovittmroetil Unvvrnmffll buyirnmo ittmroetil irnmo fb feel at 1 all 1 humiliated hllrnllLa t in accwpt aoeuptng accwpttholr 0It1f 0It1fIna ling ng tholr IIIIJIIfrt up ort FVom thn Ita Knuliah Knuliahif ngii ngii110113i pt 110113i > lnt ICC if t view It Ua la n Inetl trictly nonpartlain nonpartlainI I bill Even Mr Ir Ihlrnon < l may not IIn l ItY tcq tcqu > e > IviT I u tY kevli to I to opixotn 011 it Mr Ir Axuith Axuithattempt AIlIhMIIt AcqultheIttsfiipt attempt MIIt to mtiry im llfy the Ih dncLtnition 1 Lrilllnn drawsome draw triwiWIllie Im Imfir some of I lila t4 teotls th h and he h limy rtHtnrvn rtHtnrvnhi hi iii lire for f ocauiona 1CCIUt1 when hn Ihero U a abetter II aaett I better I aett < r chance Mil of r making serious rlOIIfI dim difficulty dimIty timtulty ¬ culty Ity Oldl Mrtly enough the Uilxir Icils m main mlII mainhot m ml l hot > e > rv of ParllMincnt Ill rliH m < 1I1 do not wem 04 m muni munimmiatljr UIIIIIIImotal unogilitntly mmiatljr hostile to to thn Ih King and i4 court courteither courtitlier un unIthr either If they worn however their theirvot tlllrt theirrote4 vot rote4 t could artily retard tIle th hill nn nnhour anIc I hour hourI Ic lilt liltihe I i Th Ihe new n civil Hut la nlmowl II nof dUI Il1IlhIct Il1IlhIctf rlI rlIor of f the th old list The privy Irlv punx 111111 pur Itetn Itetnjlhe I I111Il Ite jlhe te same LI llilOiiu nhoul SUiiuiu dlhIl1p atid lIItIh j lie Ih new Queen in to hay the Ih It rviino m ohiisrif hiirn hiirnnf hllrAnt nf if It IIll1al that Aleiandrn had It in I n rrmark rcinarkIhile rrmarkoble reItkn oble n fact that Ihn th amount In the name namethat 1WU1lt11t saj sajhat that wan allowed to William IV jimt jimteifthly JfliIhl Jtiotighity eifthly Ihl yearn a BRO It IN of count a fur furImut rllrI furdlal4 Imut I dlal4 liberal iillownnc now nO than It was wasbut WilliI w wlien I lien but therji th is I some me c < ompensatinn ompensatinnin in II the Ih th increase In the h revenue rV lIll14 < of ih ihItiichy II III ihuctichuy < > I Itiichy of Iwmciuiter 1n1ll flIr which thn Ih King KIII KM KMfxTsotulIly 1t1IIrlllllly getsioruowtly This Th < mttetl fxTsotulIly 11314111 lr lrnlMiitllii IIrIIhll nlMiitllii IIhll UUIMIlillllllljnnll 115147 iiliill ill 1t1i7 iT nnilnrostlll tnt itruettill 111I growing growing1i They 1i y wrre worth wort h prnlubly not n fifth fir I h Of OftlMt utI tlMt I h lt < sum urn in 13 Th Chit lain 1111 King paid paidthn IlIlhllhn Ihuitihe thn he Ineonm Mt 410 on hin I P K ° > rsonnl nn I Income IncomeIncluding III iicoiiteluding Om OmIllcludilll < Including thn Ih PrY prl pursn pr It IN Irflinved IrflinvedKing hcellesyNIibIg King ibIg burg will III follow rI1 hilt exampl examplAlmost 1arliclAlhiloOt IIIt1I IIIt1IAltllOOtt Almost the only iuiy Item that now shown shownmenone ehowcIIer1It40 ho hoI menone la I that for works It I Is I pro prol pnI proIOIOMI l oed tW < l to make it 27 271041 1 a year in future futureinstead rllIU rllIUI ftittureipttn1 instead I II II ItCII I of XTiM t2tIUI luItlh tlUitx 1 Innlead of oftiuiniDI 0 0SIIIII11 ofilsPhIi tiuiniDI The money mon is i Kild hi to be I b badly UidlyiKMHltnl hlldl hlldl1Ill1 badlynM1i iKMHltnl The fI ilimy and run down condi condition 0011111llIn ceituhlloin ¬ tion loin nf snmn m ol au the I h royal rllyIII pulstea KI C < > S nnlnhly 1I01ahl 1I01ahlIUIItkltKllllln hIoIhIyIi I HiKkiiiKhani Ii is almost 1jul11 Nit a natlunal lilt ilraKruti a liltI iiiruo I Kruti KnI ruo This is II h Cc clearly n CltllllEffl > < i > niied that thatIt I hintI It I In further proKwed Irol to lo appropriate appropriatenow now mOw to 0 make theo tbeoling habltublf habltubl f hfni 1 Kln Kne < I t ow e > f4 C > u u1 1 Qti QIHn Qnnmeto Mti M ry ryin ryft meto in ft Of cnur s no xihllo money moneyU I II ieun ieunlos I U Ipofli t > t i ton > n Mnnlrln Hoa thlnttun rwain II Ulh loa I the lb King Klnapri Kin KinI Kingprivitto pri I privitto nl pn fiff17 > p ty a la i aba lUlmoraJ lklJtflltfOlsPwflq moltlJ 1 IKhornn MiHiaM 11 its tit ta all 11 of Wight Wightthouch Wla WlathflUda WljPithih thouch bax4u bOqaLethdd uLwaJ uib J Ilk lUJmoral IL munal by byVrrtunA hi hiYio I VrrtunA Yio tiirai u to to King K > twanl U rhngc rh h hll rcrl rcrlup up 111020 ll n th tho rivll 111 King lVlwartl t lwlf1hwdI lwlf1hwdIIt thr shrewdi shrewditr itly itlyre tr > re ° ° ntm nt ° l it to to lf Mtlun 41 on unlt unlod > a < ie l It ItHI I IIII Ih pihp4 h M would IM IMllrrller b b11111 bebettor HI 111014 Upy aI h0tyrc r p bettor Iprr 11111 11111Thf i n nTh Th Thor rt In I on one rmluction Iuction In the lh nw nIl LiJcfuIIrjntIof4 ap appropriation ¬ 1 propriation ouUliU of tM Ih civil ciyllild Hat nrop propr proprTh p opo opoTho r rTh Th Tho pm ltOftnt nt King Kln < while tllI Prince of Waltr1 V VIo U Uhad had un allowance of oC1O1II 0r i a year 70 par < from fromParliament fromrllam tel telIsrIlantnI Parliament rllam < nt nIl itt hin hi wife wi had IUmii In Inhl Inh I IhI financial financialvltlmient naancWImnt flncLuotiknsent hl h recent inr mc a > upon the th vltlmient Imnt Ir < l iorge org V eiprnMly Mid < that thatno thatnil the theno no allowance al leant for or the prevent preventwould would h hot > aaked k 11 < for hia hi slIest avon n aa the therevenue th thrsvpnuec hernu revenue of the Duohy I of Cornwall < would wouldufflce wouMlIni woul wouliumv ufflce lIni for him m SBIng S ° tng that the new newPrince ne nePrince W WIrlnl Prince of WIl alca I Ii a tiny ho of l 18 and the th In Income laOm Itconies come from thn th Duchy of Cornwall n nau nauot figun figunof urea ureaof of IM7 la I CMIIO7 IIO 101 approximately IWlnno IWlnnoIt It 14 likely that hv may ma IM I abln to mahtnltu make makel mkeboth l both > ends meet mtIn mewlIn In 1909 peiwlon to retired member of orth 0 0the the th royal household were w paid to the theamount theamollntot t tamolintof amount amollntot of l 18UI ttl Certain small peruiiona peruiionawnm penoiorwore wore null l U lalft > alr to pe persons > rona formerly ormrl oncIvil on the thecU thechn cU cIvil It lima of 0 George IV I and William IV IVamurr4lly aMurrdly ulI no man 11 118 ea MI long aa the holder holderI of a penaion The Tht rn rest t of the th IIIJSio In Inthe InIh I Ithe the Ih aUrif claM III of the civil cIIIltt list U I distrib distributed dllrlhIItttI dtatritutiti ¬ uted amoug atnnu anveral tral hundred pentona pentonaAmong pelllO peroonAntolig Among 0111 th < largent enhances paid are theae theaelonl th thIonl theeilord lord utewartl 0110 7f 3 0 Ion chamber chamberI I lain C7tnx > muter nf the th horse 2onO 2000lrlIurer 2onOtreaaurur 3 O Otreaaurer treaaurur uf the Ih household jOO OO comp compI com comlirollr comrIroller I troller of the houaohold CTcsJ TOO vice vicechumberlaln vi vihlirnhrlln vicechamberlaIn chamberlaIn CTon m eight lht lord In waiting waitingQUJ waitiniLeusi QUJ t each h captain of the th yeomen lIOmn of the theguard theuard th thguniti guard uard 1700 captain of the corpa of ofgentlemen otmUmn a agentlemen gentlemen < at o nil rnn 1000 mlatreM I of the theMllr th throtuco rol rotuco Mllr AW J C5tfl C5tflThe I The houaohold of the King ItIn It contain roontlntnot not fewer thou D7 person holding io1dLn the Ihnrank therank th thrnnk rank of gentlemen The 1h Theos include be boldm behl beokieto ldm hl tho oltlcrliU inrnMonod nlolI1 aboveuttiet above aboveuch nbovurh uch personal alien 1 mu hlltt a as tho th kepnr kepnrof kesepeof of r his Majesty privy lit pur pllrvY o hU private privatecrettry privatiM0r1t3Z7 I crettry ocrI < hU solicit oHellr r 1 lund steward stewardfactor stewardfactar factor Ir Cud printmLlnt tiwnnt ndvnt of tho ward wardniUv wardIII wardrube rube III Then them ar tt9 < > ihtu h < j examiner of ofplays 01play olploys plays the th ha puvrna 11dItJloor m t r of the Itl houaeihold houaeiholdtin tJ tin nunter zowr of WIt hit > ccrenoni rre lIonl and the thnnuirnhall themarshall h hmaraball marshall of the Ih cnrcmonlet rmonl lord In Inwaiting Inwllllinl I Iwaiting waiting groom Rn in waiting and gen gentlemen Illntltnullh genhiemu ¬ tlemen tltnullh hiemu ushers mot to P wt1 MU 1 of the I Uahor Uahorof IJheiof of the lh Hack Kod > tho pojt 1 io 01 > laureate lUftQlnUIl1Ilirint laureatethe laureateLhurllorinellatntersturvcyorot the UIl1Ilirint Lhurllorinellatntersturvcyorot marine paint Itinr or aurvrvnr of the Kings KingsPicture KlnIllctutetl KIngIItictures Picture keeper of r t t0 > e Kings iln 1 armory armorylllirarUn armoryIIhrurllI armorylibrarian lllirarUn ul Windsor Wind groom of the thngrcttt th th1Cn thegflott grcttt 1Cn t chamber 111 111 Ir l Irh bargeln2oter irKem < mutr ater keeper keeperOf I Iot 1 I Of the swins keeper of the III Collage Collageconitahla rollaltUnalhlo Cottagerunotahile conitahla and n1 governor olJmor of r Wuulor WuulorCuatle Win illhrcII tout toutCastle i Castle keo klltJr Pur > or of the lit jrmel hoiiita ho maater maaternf macteirut I I small 4111 ci ciulgn4 of ofpigns otan1 I nf 0 the Ih Kings mulc und n army pigns and i rgntt rge tnts at arm none All 11 the4 the4be th the thehetongtithiesIonrt > i iboelonjt be boelonjt hetongtithiesIonrt > longtolhnl 0 Ihl < irdChatnl m Chalnherlln > orliiln nataff t1f taffTIle I I The 111 Lord Stewartln it < ant de department > rtru nt or orHoard orflowrd I Inrd Hoard of Ireen Clotli loll includ comp comptrollnrt rompIrsullers i itroll trollnrt troll and accountrta the th ftentle ftentlenun jtentleIflafl nun of the Ih cellar 1111I the b coroner < orollrr of ur the lhptr thciverge I Iverge sUwmnl I chief cook cookllr coo cooflr cookIrot verge tr the Ih 141 iL MtUoe WI4I < 1 llr Irot t gentleman gl ntienan porter and a 1111 lerpMnt lerpMntsluto rrontIn sluto 454 In porter lortoTh irtsr irtsrThor l There Th ore Ir twenty or thIrty me medico mtiCOtlIIolIIntt medicoae1nnglng lieot lieotln > ln longing > to I a the Ih household hou hor physictana physictanaordinary lhcilIlOlorollllry phiytciitucrttinurv ordinary am and extraonliniry nergiNint nergiNintair oergeanliIrgsacito rIIIt ixulNts ixulNtsdrntlslM icsillttsfesnticts 11111111 11111111Inll11 air iIrgsacito 111 ions and honorary nurgcotm 0 drntlslM < nnd cln chfmitll mlst The Ihirch IM IMwell IJIII u uon well on II rspnHe reprweted > nt > d from thn dean of the thnciuiH th thIJJIIICI thetiiiwl ciuiH IJJIIICI > l royal who ho i the lh Iliahop of Lon London lonIon IonIon ¬ I Ion down do Th The royal stublvs IIlabl ofDcml ofDcmlmil mil sportive Irti also have IUI o the h corps 1 of offi official ommal amt4l1 ¬ mal t4l1 under the muUr of the lh hor h huorC1Uriit4 e ee I I IIurri e C1Uriit4 Iurri ueirneM and In cola lI e NIfTifll < uemf H and IIn pager pagerof pngeif I Ior of if honor besides 111 tlio tI the crown equerry eqilerlIJVI I and the clerk marnhal marnhalTin I Tin n iju Queen lieen has It separate rat l 1IIIhol 1IIIholor > iiehold iieholdof of t fIve Ih gentlemen and n1 nlnv eleyn n lulics llIhttll hdieisiitotree4 I mitres rnl tr of the u robe ladle 111 of the II I Iwit Iwithantber H I Ichivnilxr chivnilxr be bcdeluainhsr < icliainb f r women wom and maids maidsi I Ior of II honor The Th 1rincn and IIn Prmciw rinc cii ciiiViulee r I IWI Vule also have numerous attendant attendantand attntLahlnd and < all the Ih princes Jlrin uriflro and IIn princess rin who whoIre Ire of age alt and iiuI live In ii Knglnd ngl n1 enjoy CnJomore enjoynone I suite suiteThe sathiwrh 111 more < niiMlmit I ITh The Th jLi3i > l iMiunty money mon or royal royalalnin r01111Inltl royalthins thins Inltl m the th civil hut III the Ih fund from fromwhich froflIF rom I Im11 which F htcli am m11 til doles dol are ar puid iod annually annuallyto annuani i to I it broken down n authors nrtlats rUI and andscirntille on onInull iinulettntilh scirntille Inull men tile und to Ia iifedv s eslrvjaune eslrvjaunecc irvi or orf cc > f their r f firnillea firnilleaThe i mill millTlie rnlllA I The TII Truthful Innkeeper InnUreorrt t r i ill I IIItott rea or I Tilt Ht 1 N Mr II Ihe Iheulxoliie 1 1 h hhIJJ he heiu ulxoliie iu I olieI J iiolKe IlUlI icC not only n ina iii > hr annumc annumciroiu a 11I111111IrufU II ii a Ui a aroll iroiu roll a tninlpomt n cit f local inlor lull I In Inlerrdm liieJrsing I lerrdm Ii in thai Ii idle > tho II truth trulIInu Noura 501 nu nuIIlIlne hC hCblaotnc 1 llavlnc lalelt Ih been llentteil nll1 ant 1 preparation preparationhave nUoll nUollhu have 4tr l > eea a ramie to tuppl PI > r Uia those e who magr m be the theui giveIS ui u IS a look Io up with b Wont 101 of IJruoriand IJIJrt and Food 1 1a al ala iironObiC a reaon ronObiC onAbl ble price EI and terved Mn br b the I Ldletl LdletlKemala CIIIml Litlestmsis Kemala ml Servant efSsfltl aI that ran be > procured procuredThe I The 2b fubt1 EiatctIhrneat IIIImrni hmrat cannot lioatl 11 at ad a Pro Proprlriur Pmrtllo Ptntlator prlriur tlator but I to carried ral m Ill au b by > a Japanese JPAII lad lody who whowtruld sOnwould IIn IInId would Id nol be tboufbt handsome IIan even en In a crosd crosdTh Th 0 Took when n hit hi lire It I waabett a It considered rocitlderedIke Ike he tool 1 inducIng at 0 the ram company ml ny Come om up u and andee andCe n nP ee P ua u and dim Sml < t let the Ih JlnrUlthaman blutt you fouby r by 17 tatlnf 110 there I I nn turh a place a atRIMa at atNo issrTiullCeJT tRIMa tRIMao No o rvi rz8 31 1 SMmnamaledor13 Jotlo1 < Chomp Kohe Japan Japanj JapanlIOIMTIIATVS A A1IrnATt j llaimnATt < linallM linallMI 1allIIKIIII larrstvKieDE I KOHK Jfipjn JII June U UCream4 IJtuml iiroamd Cream4 roamd a cli > n Ik h od HooadTOTHB odTo odTn TOTHB To Till MllOHor Pi1itnes IO erus nia rll Srx sjr j ldltroered ldltroeredl I l I an 0 tntcrevtnc art on a Sound SnnIlum meaner Ihli mom momlac mnmIal lac 01 I ordered roitee 1 and nd cream un but the creama cream um umnnl a as nol thick enonh 110 o I protected protectedThe p1 p1Th The Th waller all v IJ I Whit I 40U ou have tw It I coffee corerirem coffeerrrara Top TopW rrrara W Ve e have a thicker Iblk cream called IIN oatmeal oatmealcream oatmealFOOl Imeal ImealI cream FOOl I tncause iecau aur e or e er e II with oalraeal ttealto ttealtohave W We also allOb alsoavr I have b avr rrenm um but b trci 1 have la pa dIn 011 for fa that tbalwe 111I we Cr have h three klnda klndaHow elntslbs 111 I How 110 atxiut Plain In mllkr min I atkeil aII him himI Oh no ai alt lr he II said I we w dont dcon have 11 milk It III It IsIII I 1 all 1 rrram am plain 111 dram um oaUneal 1m1 cream and coffee coffeecream cfloaream It Itram cream reamTOts ram ramI TOts It I a new one n on me meN m ms meNow I N Now w voag o July JulyiOU I JIUllilUtI IILJITIlOTON IILJITIlOTONIIleI OU Ka Pmba4 ht ned n lltrli lltrliTotita fllhTotnIInllIrTH 1111to Totita TotnIInllIrTH to ui iintonorTH lousuo tie Tue s5 rx sir Plrax 11110 11110m flea allow allowne allowu ne m u to Indorv Indo mol heartily hulII Ihe to cntlinenl e eprr u uprr1 CLirrsaeb > prr prr1 e < In the III letter I sIgned 10 An n OM tashbostedibri Tathloned 1i11 In to da Si 1 tiu K and to I a ad add < 1d m my > awuranrr awuranrrto to U her that the III tpe spade pti e It I nol nD elUnrt aUnC Although Allhoufhe Althoughorntnc IIOUIII IIOUIIInla e rnlnc nla my own llvlnr I tblak U IDk I may conden condenou avnoclenIouW IouW ou l ul utWrlte 10 > rrttie mell AXOTRIHOKI AXOTRIHOKIN t5OTMhJlONow 11 tI tIs N Now w YORK 0 July Jill JillIll I Irhe uDi Ill rhe Mihl 001 llefire 1I1t tke I t8 Halite HaliteI HaItiTO I TO T TH TIaS fnrtoit I or TH Tlaa urn < fir < Th fl mo mourfrtilnr mnol mnolurIln moshurfntslflC urfrtilnr new hews Item m growIng 0111 of the lb balllo balllonf nf 1111 f the century ITnlU wa Ihlt tOt On Ihe h nlrkl before th thlultle Ie tileattIC attIC 111 Johnxm WM fiund reading Inc a hook entitled entitledThe entitledthe nllllrdI The Th Conflict Helwern Vlxlnn Science and nd The Tbelocy n Thelogy I logy ttlll wnndrr nado never r rloI1Iu era eraronn CrO4 CrO4PoRTIAStitre ronn loI1Iu PoRTIAStitre xi > lire U July Jul 7 Im in MCM MCMThe 4liwWhy If IfWhr Why WhrI WhyThe I The Tb Sphlnt protMiindnl a rlddlr rlddlrMnre lid flddleClnc 01 I IOln Oln Mnre each Urlft rlff I Is an a Imiiruvemenl no a per perfertnn IM IM11 perPtiOfl fertnn wh why 11 > bea < any n on one object lo more mo revl reviIon revlIon 1 1Ion Ion IlIC he h asked akealnl askedVainly < 1 1alol Vainly alnl she b avralle1 an n antwer antwerIhe aa aaIb Ihe Ib HUnnter tlron Ci CiFInn H tNt i iran FInn ran Nt I the fie It iitlmirlnn Mar Marroot r rJno t0lnol root AUrrnon AI nnn made mloold l bold ld la I cit ettpiece citA A piece 1 ol ordinary pie pieIt 11 pieIt It iirmifbl bl blm misery ml complete completeHe rompl romplII He II aliuml thoiuhl that he II Mould die dieClarinda d dIII dieClotlola Clarinda nit the III mher nlhWh1I hand handvhen bandhn vhen It wa find In n the Ih p ti4 h bade badel i ile IlP lP le l chomUte hnrnl which blh he h said 11 were P grand crandXnd grandAnt rlUl rlUln1 Ant n1 wa ooPiel he < i hem down sub II lemonade lemonadeMie mllnwr mllnwrOb Stir Ob tMili I Ire I cream wIth lth cyrups fIII > run pink pinkfutll ttrktulii nk nkIalll futll there h Ha no n kteplnc rniiiu rniiiuhe countshe she he h quIte Iull ethaii ehsiuItrd leil icorle think thinkThe Ibllln thInkTbe The menu at 1 the III MMja 1 fount tistilth founttlth tlth fclle 111 l almoid Sb he rna m14r le t free freeShe I III ftpaShe She II swallowed w 111 loi > nt ptrkln lrkl lj li tile More MoreA pautA OP OPalad A alad she hr e tateil witri h glee gleen4 lee leeud I IIi ud Ii tOe It sC1Cl7 < renel 1 > urtli u red more moreNow Ino InoI moreiw Now 0 iw vi shy by b d duns M nalure nI thus III contrite ranlrlveTbe rohl rohlTb contriteTbr I Tbe Imaitnt > lrriifth uf 0 mail to 0 fiou flquWby fiouv Ui UiWb Wb Wby v by dora ClarInda lln l thUs Ib curSive curSivebl1c unhlIJe e enjlo njlo AUctnua Iccrr U dowa acd outt I now M W TH T Krrr r nun nunlllr ti tiIdiI III IIII I IdiI sd > I IflrvtIIHes lllr 11 ell e b10t by b ft Veteran VeteranTo 1 O Iat IatTf ioiite ioiiteTo I To run ye tro liiTis > iiTn iiTni fir T TI Ti 0 0tItefrnmtr tItefrnmtr i l r B fti4 ml t t ti I I1l1 I 1l1 11 SI I tl 0 IpNd41 tetocef tetocefI H HI I I of f uuwe tfred Htdslrr Htdslrrreel 1ft1 1ft1r1 she sheoftoh reel merit 4n n it ftr aO ve yesi i > I I101cC 1 1laen 1nit laen nit ht h hIs r CHat a t and 1 w sItfOw t 0 0I t I b ItfOw nw n and iid 1 ne n nech k white hi etery y rt fttAt1 Cr > I Iktit i iIf tAt1 If I Aln II hi I it b too Pwt l II n ns m m mp p e Itnt s t ejqIm > < lfneii Lot f lIla III iesself bins to toIf t tIf self If ami Old niery nn n et 10 r > ua 10001 10001lruntiy a ah i iftesentlf > ftesentlf h nolKrd nm i tn IIeRl i isniAjement sniAjement eRl mn a as I NI at suit Ith m IS ISit 4 tj tjup 1 1liP up it and 111 prfhiy ierf tlf cool tan I rIco rIcottovai t n I I havs ha a proud proud huiullltr in It mr ll llthe I I I1 the ha h public not eipetlti > r cr t tI r rfllhion r rnltl nltl hlllon > m h hIt addr 1IIJr1 te me r CoiliC CoiliCI Hin 11 11I I I kept k 4 dii cool I s thl wllllnnrie s IIIlhcn flhlnenignoranue lt 4 I Ifnoranin etneil nol a prime h f h hit v < r ID Inmv p lnf wiatlntn nut n ol koowledas noII I Io i I nr nrsorel I o ° sorel In IuIto I ail la I ald 11 everv evervtlmo etrrI Ir tlmo 1111I01111011 I ued to wear a ear a whit si hit imliut lIIhtt10n1 c ctonel Ji JiIonI IonI iir > lo the It ntnk with Uh i ci iere oh < t tJerej bl Jerej J underneath and and n1 II t ore rourrearrutnpanlnienl coot cootsrrutnpaninciito orellu arrutnpanlnienl l llu luw I lecid lecidflannel e hl hlflannel 1 1Ifan flannel Ifan Mm I Sal a worn arnuail the thea lip a 04 1 a preventive nU of < t shots holer lb lbisstvd h 0 0arI1 f Kated the Ih blower hloll r ant when lIn I sr sr0a7 r 3 3ay ay y that I liailn t taken ln a a ariti rilI rilIirs I M y ar irs he nearly fell lit n hi ° it t lii lx a lb < h hmenl menl al 1 my III ruddy u 1ly < uriltln a1 II 10 api II < i 4cr How I j 0 rllil < t ntanaa nln lt ltcoltl ilh h coltl 01 tub tubIII0ntinar morning and ntht m ht teTrtred with tlh sea 4 a salt I was my din In > tStIchlng h hSplaMne Ia < n SplaMne supplied the wave ami ir irtioti r < c a ill did < l further lurlh wonder Ii tiou ixer i was w rr eritream q qhttPtl t dram that jour our ld l wa w wthai woo < a tWIn l nk < i ft fir firIh iitht > fl flere thai Ih the h draurht were werethat s ere the tll hlo toltn hlnwineiii Inc rIhal r rfliwln that iii streams wern t fusing flm flmJur Iron 0111 ih lbJtie h it i r rof Jur lhat th the flapping winnow Inet hail shutthe I at r rthn the h isili ll 111 of a yai Yht ht anil nt that Ih the Ih i iltnw tr nw i twitter 1 IlItr sos 11 the tit stung nif ni the II nlrhiinai IIlcrhllll IIlcrhllllI nlghtinmo3Y liy I 3Y I concluded < thl talk tlkbnscoId aojl al I rur In bnscoId v a colii by h1 hlints Imaftnlnr InhligmI you haven t nttirh nttirha a complaint can I compare will tnktai a fictitious vacation vacationThe teatlooThe The man looked pitylncly on tor ta uncos ventlonal inodnf inodo of enjoying mvself aodliav sod imo Inc in no further clothes to doff w Itlmi Ithatmit aftenf Inir sorletr trtuallv loft off an esJltr4udS itr i 53j Ba Baraid raid It wa iva darnnd nt ntSiw olEW Siw EW YorK YonZJttiyI2 July 12 Axnt anLo oIsoux oIsouxAMERIC lNDhLN4IIgRWIVS AMERIC 4IIgRWIVS IVS BErntlE n ow THK TII U ST tSTThe STThe The Navy at I Intt lets mrrlean llarn llarnHallor lienisailor sailor Men MenTo trnTo To TIII Echo or THR Stv lo qt tr trIrownEast That Thatllown IrownEast llown Eat skipper whom THK Mrs SCNIhe Fllstel Fllstelth Ihe th other day aa lamenllnr Ihn th eaatty ar itT sf sfynunc ofnlifle ynunc nlifle native Amerlmn sailor < loubtles loubtlespike lol1btlpinke pike from the Ixwik so far so hit nb Otsar erva ervatlnn tlnn I Ia concerned hill thl I a rreat one onetry oci ocitt try tt ami iti nil ports are or > not like Han ltngnr tor M MCareful Ma MaartllI Careful offlrlnl record nf the national Onv Onveminent caoerunlent eminent do not lear K > ar out the ihorv that thatAmerican thitAtnerleon American lad are no Inne longer r turnlnt to the thecHenn th thIWPIII1 cHenn mr their llvellhnrsi tin lh tho ron rontrar vosItar trar > the Navy Department baa ha 1ut u i re reliortel V Viportel liortel thai 45 per rent nf the enlltterl rn n nof a aof of our hattlrhlp and rnn erllIer er ar are Imertcta Imertctarlilenv terlciruben ruben morn than tel per > er ie afli > nt nf them themmnrli themlinen linen an horn IxircThs hornThe The litirrau of nailirallon nf the Depart Deportburnt meat 01 < niiuiiw and and Labor IMIIHI om nhi5slititlar similar tendency In the lht inrrthint marIne ruarlnsIhu marIneIhsi Ihu In l irn l mil of i DItl i 12J 4 ahlpmsnl of ofOuch men h helrrn fr > rs the hliplnc roiiimuiunerf nn American ocean vn tncaeI < l only 3711 nr rt 1015thE than iflefOhbrlt on > fourth wers Mnorltan rtiun bill nut of IMIVI I se ea lilinenU of seamen aiii be h hlore lore the ohltq hlipint ing ioiiiml lutlIiiSl000rs loner In i cisJ > Jnot no fewer than iru rrr MiirTloam ltiuericanuiienari ltiuericanuiienari0t iten anif lot 0t these th very CF4 great majority t > Mll l la a 54 inerlran horn In other worn ir irproportion IIC IICProlortloh > proportion of If A ti erlirati rltlen elt I ion iilnr ill illel Ii 0 0iItej el iItej i ni liy i the nfllrlnl record hiss hissItofli lia rl a from alioui 75 in vi e per cent ot lntr > jear jearuierliari IeartIinliqrt uierliari Ixiv Io UCIIIIK nhii to sea pe nawailay nia flUI7 > becln In roasters or flhlne iraft hut hutvery vrr very > iiulc sluiit4l lj ahlll to steamships l beeause beeauseIhe > e au authe the i al sn1oe ee Intflle i thIckly irra gral p the lb fact factIhiut tlisl the oleiIiihics teim hli are the tt carrier of ih future futureIf tub or orII If h her re were mores ateilbtiShipc teain < hlps there rM tw Pb more yo inline mi A itimrltan lhoii th inuI nil of oftuni ofItmoni tuni attoit In iaeari o < ai ervlc rrt icc U I t should not notIK notie IK iurtfo1t ii Dui one fsvorlte areumeiit f thc lheuottonfid oitonfield a gcal > d prnirf sl nevnivn aiMiutt aiMiuttir > ir up > liulldlnir of lice llu nun I inrrlran tttt ntty y luenty yar uim MM SIMS that thoicli thMp thMper tho imip4 imip4U U er Pie liulll thiv could never lie manned hv hrbarIcoii barIcoii fir > rl < nn and vn rt the niKriiah iu > of ofi ofcuci cuci i < lai I tiiorn neirlv native flaIl In Ito fonpol fonpolton ton than It n eltivr In the Itevolumm nr nrt t I ie II ar ui I tl Vrw KMII ivii isiiie H llo Iloioyns To lib Iill i bIiiSSiO4Ii IiiSSiO4Ii I iirt K IV MIIV4 MIIV4riirtal iiV4 iiV4ltoinaI riirtal Ulteomfiirt least of llarrlMltpa llarrlMltpaor or Voluntary Ixlle Iilesrut fan rut Vnrrtftr In We CttnaUr Ifsrw tInejdThe Tli The mlulonary In China It had h been beenald beentIti < ald mu rnilst dennllonallre hlniMlf and andhhi ihl hhi l te e l atiiolic priel din People al alhome atualue home ualue have little idea nf fun sacrlflrns mea meaof menIt of culture and refinement often of n rust < vl In Inlilrth to111th lilrth make for icr the fuMlieramr nf l thnis thnisIaflit4 hrl hrltlanllj tlanllj and the hanUhlp ami privation privationllirv hey i heruliull endure endureTraveller cniiureTrnoeller Traveller tell of one who though com comparutlvety remuargtitety parutlvety rounz full a victim In luna lunation ltSotail ¬ tail and frvtir of another nh who ha open e n no noKurnpeun nouroIPon Kurnpeun except prrhnp it fellou prle prleal urbeaI urbeaIit al lone lofl Interval for that upaen of thirty thirtyyear thIrtyraf0 year raf0 of a third driven from rout hi Matton Mattonand stoliolintl and for foreil pal to f14 It for hlo hi life The antmlh antmlhot ot It utli al glucoiutle > olul lonellue and IoUtion IoUtioni iuiltt1nilouc i alone would t In > e > Intolerahls Htthoiit s t1 t1uMtlntnz as asitainIn7 uMtlntnz power aiCT of divine grace r Etro Etroltl iro irolietn lietn ltl rii elisIonhi tom habit luxuries are > ail ailahandonrd sIPibuindenei ahandonrd from the moment they set setIn root rootI I on the shores of China parents friend and andhome anIIonIc home IonIc urn Sr In many cases hsurd of no tic wire wireand mireini and they knoW that their cOral c will ill 1st 1stfar I Ian far an away nsa from the ha land of their tilcth tilcthhen tulfthhen hen lluiy left It belle france they left leftil il I without an > hope of return Nn work workIi sorttoo Ii too hard for them no living too tooIIO j xir xirIlioy Ilioy IIO are not deterred hy II epldendi of tick tickI I nr I > ur Ihreateneil ma ntsssovraa ai r the they > have haveImply hotaIuiPtl Imply devoted tit oIatt thenuelvrs to tlie thu prnpaia prnpaiatlou Iriaeoion ion of the fallh and nothing i ion an b1rfl b1rflhci rn rnthem them from role their purpose 4 > ihey I hey wear lb lbitcc < h hdres dres of If the C ChIn hlne eat their fcs tooI > l con conInrm eonOtlil Inrm to ha their cnalonis and habit share shareheir ha e etheir their hosI hr d adopt t Limo pigtail pl tall slid Ideiiilfr Ideiiilfrthemselves IuiPllbifYhPbiioel4Si themselves nllh Iho native a as far a as posl posllile luteildo lile lileThe The creil mnrtatlty atnonr thn lii rnti rntilouare P Piotriea louare 555 a > a wrIter nn China cannot cannotb b 40 altrllintrl to the llmale for or rlltdomatand rlltdomat 1htlmatsinI and Coiiiul lHar their realdsnin In I l I Ins Inahard InsS S ill nnuiti it is ta in h 1a 1anit hard nit live the lead epclall Ilia lIt I thin thinotI hms e eI I food the want of 11 mediial help and iii the theI uF uFlittituflO I vallons of every kind lo which tktu thou thevepoed 110 110l10ft epoed the IndeacilhaMy filthy tate nf nfthe OfII the II towns and nI home the link nf real pri privary lurllt vary lt and fillet In mot lntanr the n it itlonury 5 5ioflct lonury ioflct mitiiilex a Chlnesn bIn hoiiM > wild wild rriKlflKir wildicuor flKir a draw bed piper windows dernl dernlof aLevntdmf > of mf every kind of comfort comfortPanAmrrlranlant rotuifoitanArnerhcanisiil PanAmrrlranlant Miner thames Time TimeKrvrn TIn TInptepa Krvrn the 11 floiran HrrtlA flej04Vere HrrtlAWere Were Mr Illtins sllvi ilva h he would l n nn ntit ntitntarotel t tlnterete lnterete < l reader of the Instruction cen cenhy hy 3 H Mouretary < retirr hnox lo hut inruan dele delecities 17 cities to the fourth International i aliuw ner nereiue eiue of f American Males which > i islerday > slerday In Itueno yres llltorv it itntadn Ianod ntadn nod rapidly sin ln < e he preeinlnenllv if jVifl nt ntmen 0 0flea men of hi lits time notlinl thai inipera iniperaneexl iniperoieol neexl of closer relation Iwtwern tile tlieinerlcas tileItnericac inerlcas snit ratlnnal detelonineri deteloninerinormal aIveiollprttllioi normal fraternal relmlon tietwren tietwrennorthern lotseenuolrtllrfl northern repuhtu and fltI It its l iatcira trr i iouth cc > iO iO011th > outh outhHliue 011thb4liiae Hliue Mr llhilnes day Secretor Serretardurlnc Secretoriiurlni durlnc hi epoch rnaklnir period of ofof if I 1 of 1 our Slate Nillc has h oiitllne i l4 l4ebih 1 e ewblvh wblvh put la prnrllce liy hli nliil I Ipacor i ice ce pacor or hare drawn the iimlinem i ic > < uoigtbet f ftoijrUier toijrUier Secretiry Knot 4 Inir Inirlure iitrIn lure In c allbhliIItiauIC inuituoii for their studied en enllnpresa 17 17bnlreSi llnpresa bnlreSi upon our deleuaie thai I the theto thra to a avoid all nppearanie of IHMIIIIII IHMIIIIIII ItaSlbnlTImat9 I rlinacy and lhat they ares tn adopt adopterate OIflptrt erate rt ixMIt v In dehnln oncritn a acertain aetifl > certain sphere hut no cOurt cOurtiuiisal i iparel parel to hi show tiu that I tat the I lined iOi iOisot n nla < la sot t a < vake to this dill hid of hicierts hiciertsIon ie rtv rtvI I lion In nhuplnc a Pan tflueriaatl merii an pro tiruIll tiruIllA A 4 Ml i4issisSrIaul u < rln In linuhl linuhlr r em m Me UI A Kensja iu 1fy V Mthrfi ir irhen thrfi hen In dnubt a LI In I lila tnoixr firm r fI t tto to I USa employ all Ibtee a bleach liar llarilie liarIc lie Ic Cl mlinl up In wrIUuc of bl his trip tripllranleau tripllrartroui llranleau hut lot out craref Cratefuit ull > as silo siloThis ltn ltnThl This year however we took the bit In in inprumlwM 1 1rmlsri prumlwM rmlsri the old la ieIy < ly i new callrn dr drbtvlnc dlstIng stIng erure rrrd < t our ticket borniseit M Mbit 4 l cu bit 115 from our friend and nn fucMla ibr ibrwe tO tOI we I cit tel sat al out for M 41 louis louisTitles Titles Is 4erala 4eralal l rsoi hite tt fclrlu atsldun atsldunsttIfl5ar sttIfl5ar ronilni lulu lOb 5I1r Si Siole ole that Ce CrlF Ihe mnI nhlillar nhlillarcslonal cslonal eipie to lb s rlci i F 11114 4 ods toumt I a la lou eli eliSister Sister a urIfrer rry iitersi iitersioiflmilWf oiflmilWf to a buidhi evcry I I1W7er 1W7er Ia a relauri Tb result of II Li I ill ill1O 1O uraQuSrITc ZIidQ