I lfTyrr 1
0 I M ni I n g l t gSSh < t tji It
11 ji lt 1Inahm IMt Illl Illlitiiinartam flUitIIntm
itiiinartam tr uil ul III IIMI IIMII 1mIn Hwrah
I lr In rah rk think fhltr Mr On IiitiI hl IH IHr I Ir is isi
i r ll I III II ftiaiMMNI Ja 1U HN Mir ii lltn lltnll a ita itat
ll 110 t tr UtH lnlHir llaril II In I lil lilM sI sIII 1 1IIIIC
M IIIIC iltl sltft kin Ii > M > M i prrnlii prrnliiJUirt I HltIII HltIIIc i iI
JUirt I c f of the I th It MuNll MuNllI I hi lIul lIulI
I ml i iMivuiy IftIU which t4ktbI own owntit
tit 11 I ih ltoo Ii tf 111 t tn rallrotiU in inin indi II IIt
in MkintU t eipept itll l ti 11I11I inll iilkSi v vl
Si > l rfl mil I lli IIs41i0 > i e on IIM war Y in inBikini I IIw t1Z144111
Bikini Iw hat ilL lird Ii d in lli 1111 1111II i t ilu ilulln
lln II wat a lxrn in MioMiim MioMiimv
v I 10 UK 1 of U i > j Hhipf hN1 < d m IIIk a ak 1 1wk
wk > k linn nt far a 4 Sin Jrtri Jrtrii Irit14111sM1
i 14111sM1 lowed n ifurmi II1 lift hrro fur furmm tsrsIssr
mm ro stiing tlllll l tWkvtl SI1I SI1Iiml Sa Stitiltuiis4iili
iml 1 Honolulu 110 1 MI tti I ti AmeritMn AmeritMnNailer fI fIIInlIy
> Nailer finally liecommK flr lIt lItI t tI
I l 111 ii IM I went nl ahore IIh in fl Iliinn Iliinni 11 11tll
i sY > v ID tll tt it jots a clerk k anil MMllfil MMllfili si IIa1 ikilsi
0 si i s up III with w I Iii the Ih I Ii country IIIIlr IIIIlrI tV tVI
I tl nuham ham in ery ty proud sst < if the thetthiih itt ittt h htll
< tthiih tll uti he I In r rpult1LIH < iHmil > > M for Imild Imildlull hIIIhul tiiiitiIgisi
lull Kill twenty IWIII nulw of It Itui itIil
ui I liAil III vs come itn to I s s XVvr York k and andnuu ititII 1 1t
t < i nuu s 010 U to liuilit iiuirn III when IN tit titii Ih1U3 tl tlPt
ii sf INU lirnke inn III II i > had hallr
I 1 few r yftn < lH I lwfsris > fo foalll 11111 II III unit unitti
alll ti iI 1 Mr 1 r DilliiiRhain I liii iii glittti ytM ytMn nIay nIayil Iay IayI
n I il i mil < of n ritul nil > nil 11 in K good goodI < HK HKii
I ii We w paid IIiill ft I jr HT wnt 111 a yp yrr yrrI IA IAIt r rj
I It j Hiul 11 for 0 or tw I wh lvi r YN sir rii wp w hat hati h hr
i ir T r vnt III n y vt > ar W lin ii nv n nroo ited itedr ir < l lfr
fr roo r r rt Ih f sir < r ix i yfur neul with it itut t tut
ut iir 11 i rt t of oH iiJsriit 1IIIin > riitinn elm elmI nlniiMt nlniiMtiiur
hit 1111 I iMiM 1IIKr it iiKT igs r riH roessilits tIII < > iiti lu 1111 Iatqit t rear rearut 1 1UIII
ut MxiiMi V cliiixinAernitci cliiixinAernitcimil h Iiit m sinw rattl
w mil 111 oiifqtmrtcr 1un c Lliti ntu 11 a 1 1nI tn tni mil
i nI 1 in Ottui i narrow rllw IOIIRX ItAII but butii
I ii I hiriyM hil rn iiulf 1IIi1 Miniuluril Miniulurilsi 111111 111111Ij
5 > si Ij i < l it the I h Ulaiid ot < > r llnwail 11 I I wai I wliioli wliiolillv w Islets Isletst
t llv will ill I IM UXl l inilra mu nilt ftlllt im W Woo V Vi <
oo i in 11 thirteen 1I1t1 tt > l liridavii inatlr inatlrV lIIatlrk
V I irk rt Their 1h afr aralO K T Inltlh I > nCtti ngtiI in innl t tI
I ii I Unl iusi feet 1 Inll mug alIl 11I 11If 1i1ih
1 nl 11 ih h > < thilKvl StatiHi Ought IIII hl to toiHtlui 10loIno Iiithifli
iHtlui loIno fur ru Ijiittn 11n IilUMiknlani IilUMiknlaniriM
riM 11 I ti in > Kl SJIOIMI outright or orniiirni 0 orIItt5
niiirni 11 or f it nn 11 1111t1lalll 1111t1lalllh > l4 IgiIatssret > Kii > latun latuni <
i t i 5 sit i IHT h tliun IU HV t TV l Iwo 1w 1wI o
1 Hint U i nil Ru nil t KI 101 H fUwnti fUwntiI
I I tMk h th < > f tiHUiHk of Utr ImiKtiKMl ImiKtiKMluiuif
I u uiuif 11I1 < l liv h his Ih Unitisi State in inHtaiioi 111tlUII ini
Htaiioi i 1tlUII uion uionii mI mIt iItrI1Mt
ii I1Mt t > i tltI 11IIIn iK ti tIifl < m m I Rutiitiq 111111 to tx txvii I b bI14It
11 I14It vii < 1 Chili tim > iH and Jax JaI1 JaI1n J4pdnftiu nHw nHwilrrrtanun
5 n ilrrrtanun in niiinlwr 111111I1 isbn HIIUVwan isbnIt in inn
n i l wan a pfiMMid W o isa I IH IHil >
a 1 sj 111111 HUiIIWI IhsriftI Ih Ihri IhriaI11is
< il aI11is 11111411111 I M > Mttiull swtlsfIid won w it not for fo th IhI IhI1h thirs < ir iri
i Th lhr r were w atx about > ut S o > of o thorn thornIn Ih1IIf themI
In f n its 1iL > Ur rpfuolii rlllnl to tn K to toh 10or
h or 1 T r Itltillllno > ilAtorit lutvinu 1 I54V int Riven 1 gi in n lh IhlII IhlIIt < < ni nii
t i hat they Ih lilil 111 Ii M itt II lurwl to the theundir Ih IhlIIlI ituzisdssr
undir lIIlI faiMt rl f 1111 irett trttmuul > iii > Hit and tutu thntI
I it I rolled 111 1111 II Isi apietv ali nn and ftflhII < l lran lranIvark
I Ink 1 > In ii Silnri1 SI tii if 1 they stink xturkTho stink1lsis rurlt1h
Tho Huiwwn Hui 11IlIInlIt k > verninent n ssmit ssmitI tit titin IIIwI
I wI in mu cut lo Uiviwtl UIvntigitt ul I and 111 theiw theiwht th thIhu
5 ht th t liii intin hud II I no croiind croiindtint
tint tinti nl
i nlplrot ilerty of worU wor in Hawaii Hawaiiin
> in Rivxl It 0 I MV hi The Th Toifuguex Ior I
1 5 K mftt < llrt 11 there III fnun from Ihe h 7oreM 7 7nI 7it
10 5 a njl ruts ifter Irt Having il1 for 0 lIst 1 1r < f or orv
0 v Mr r ris anniiniiUliil aIIII1U I inxiKli to go goMIieHMO1 It ItIII1 gotlt
MIieHMO1 tlt is 05 ter II 011 011111111111I lICftHIIH lICftHIIHvi
vi 11 I I > MII 11 xrt IJ iifKitrs 1 I tIflll ir r tr U I i it lstnlIaI
11111 > t tIIU1 olirt list u iii r In I iiiiilrin H III aIe aIelit lc lcof
of Twti T llui 1I1I1IIUh I ISIlIftli n lllrr t 111 111t rail railft I Ip I
ft p e tinted t 1111 Stat Circuit l lJlIt mjri of uitret Ap Apt p pI
t reluiteil ret Imseit ycMtcrday yst rdaiy 111 lo roiillrtn tie llicof Iher t
of 5 r lh PI4ttIiISMI55 le 11111111 tiiilHMttH Siralg a and andI
I u k Jonen Jon hirli formerly mll lielonciil lielonciilHIH
I HIH II iMUiknipt NA S rrk ork rk an itnil nel < l Allwiny IIII IIII1IrlII Itsotiylots
1 tn 1IrlII p < > rtiitiim lots < I iinpiiiy 1II1IIII < I1i lxwu h lxwuMr lll lllroo <
Mr roo r noM tt 1 pulilU aiiclioti on July Julyitniu JIII1cti
itniu t III LI < i the Ih Manhattn NnviKutu Iilalinll < n ritn ritnpHtiy CIII tn tnputty
putty 1 whuli whll hn inio I lw n runtime 111111 Hum HumI 110 IIssntIseiween
I v1wpen > wfn tlu 11 rly I mil 1 1 llsnity M IV The TI TIha 1Ii pur puri isr isrpla
i hn e s turin wit RI I j t iinj d mil iou It it l n I ii > man manima marme thanIrne
ima lipua l araotintini IloUnll on I liii h In day da of isats nle nleo al alo
o f UIO3 I34flo 1177033 The 1t court rtllrl l lon nftlrmnl nftlrmnlt ifl1rmr4Iehut
M 4Iehut I bul t an al appeal wc we mnd 11 on the thethnt II IIIIIUd itscnmd
IIIUd cnmd thnt Ih the h ructioneer rlltontr did dil not nor iorr c cclly
r ctly Klale IA the Il I emits cuutatidinc cUlaIIIJ a alln1 alln1Prllly nvunt nvuntprtwrty nn < t tproperty
property and allt thai a highEr hllhr l hit lust > id 10 10r i in iI It
r n l lto
I to I higher bJah court UI OAVK isa Hint tl tutu ti i > il iItusI iItusIimttientM > a < l lHtntenienlH
HtntenienlH pmlll of Ir the Ih oiictloiDNT alclon con 10111 10111H cir1ti cir1tiI ti
1 H i mssultsttstjsul ulr IIIAlllal tirillnl mi mirPpriorutsIIon mirPpriorutsIIonitirtlvts ropn knlitoii knlitoiiriUrtictH
riUrtictH HIM Ih lower 10 cul court x > urt to niamine niamineprn Amin zrninp
p > prn 1111 > tit condition lnelton anti ilotermim1 ilotermim1h ibet rivsin rivsint1er
h t1er P r thern Ihl nhotiU Ihnul lx I > n 1 resale al or ortl Ir Irt ortlr
tl t tlr < r the I tts h former rom nalc 11 nhould hlull t h hrl > re ref r rrh
f rinixl rl Thert rh h i no rru raon on however howevero hoprrr
t rr rp4 o tfru the Ih rout unlenA ulll the thehn Ih IhI ittS
S r sslt I hn ht ti jreniyr PII than Ihl1 in the tIi h original originalittn orlnal orlnalIltI OriginAlIsle
ittn IltI Isle I 1 TIK TI K i titr 111 It m IIIII IIIIIIien 111 nn nnt I
> t M llaten 1 11 Hnail Tall I 10 Krrp r I IOIIIIKII IOIIIIKIIHim lnlMI
Him I Out or rw Knclanil Inllnl InIandS I IS
1 ov S filly rl 11 1 Th 11 Mau MAqarhsIttR MAqarhsIttRI 1aArhu phuiettn I II IJ
I I k i il 1 CommlMiioii Comlllol to 10AY < tnr crnnted crnntedir Ii I Ira
U ir ra rttt te of ejigency IIlcy lgi nc lo Ihn tim Jrand Jranda OnnIn
a u iwm sWflg In 1 to ouill hlll1 111 lImo pniKMe pniKMeI lroII1 lroII1I <
I ui Ialmer 111 to u Soiithlindl sI SoiIthIrjdI hid I
i it I i I ii lap al = at the th New P cw York nk nkf N w I Ixnd
f > xnd 11 tiL llnrlfonl lrlonl ltflrna1 which whlrhi
5 I i cntnunic Jrlml of the Ih right lo the thei Ih IhI itttu
i tu ir I hue 1 151 nn tunis > l nfTnro nl1 lo huild hllill A linn lnn lnnI tin tinII
1 il I A t imrticulnr I jcllnr Illrt mrl lor of tlm II his StAt SIII SIIIrlOU j jtpjKirl
5 tpjKirl rlOU vri on n th this ri 10A o th thA rem rrmjtred 101
1 jtred llhul thut the iiA ritilnxti nln1 fervire fervireIt 1
0 It i t > < tug IN is lhe Ih territory Irlny of SI lie lieiif I II IIl
iif l i h 0111 tr1 ituI hOt It prreiuple 111 < l hv hvft y
ft I 1 I I nlilrol nlilrolt r5Iffl r5Ifflrriitk Iml Imlfrlk
t Pnink frlk rlMirinR Iirinl 10 n Ret I into inton him himitnil
I n itnil t hnrlriR lnnl lxv Isin fn n Jnl crnntfl 1 1j a ate 0I
j te 1 sii SI I of ip r tthode Nl JIiiil nd ap apn a aI
I 55 n tight lh lii lo run UI a a s linn In Ibti through throughMi Ihllh
5 Mi 1 on n llrimfleld 1lmlI1 SIIIIII StsirIrhlg Sli SliS
5 S IiiKlley I Weleiter 4 flI Ilull IlullI I oiagIs oiagIss
s I tiItukmiss
Haven P Applied for I nchn h in inTlory II hisrissry
Tlory Tnw Tn N xs w llrxeti llrxetiiHir 111 II IIS
S iHir r nrifiinifit 8rsiln riInlIt rIt Inllovl of ofI
V I li Iv 5 i v wnnlett IIN the I h hH CmHI IrAiul IrAiuli
i it ntid Ii unlit hllt thnt If the Ih latter latteri hIr hIrr
r i nler I III h NVw tW llitveii JIV1 1Iv rt would wouldi nul1I
I J I i 1 11 iinit 11 111 I in I io 11 Mtin MtinT 11 11I
T 1 > n I M i < lartlu lnin fospin < out pan n llii 11 the theilmin II useit
it ilmin 1 Is iit Muck II S ss k for ra C CItt h hi ht
i kitMM t Itt ti of th ttmS TofTlWoller TofTlWollerIl TIIWlp TIIWlph
S Il IIMM I Ixetl h Iw ti dirtlM eil1 djcii d for forl rn rnI
l s i MUM j neiompli a lmhh he < l Y Yes veAf YesIii
f toe Iii impitiiy m mnpn rlok rOI elosel eloselI Hl ita itaII t
< > II I f A t InIIin l1Alill Conipatir Conipatiri nnijisrsv nnijisrsvS OIIY OIIYk
S i < wk k a 95 73j T ot lh I I invoice invoiceii 1nl hi voIw voIws5i5
s5i5 s5i5I ii
I < Inlhu 1 I ompnnv mln wan WI Iht Ihtfr I iiishit
fr r the Ih diuolvmi 11olvll firm frm frmTh firmI H HTrie
Th Trie I tt dirctorn lrII therefore thereforeeftaiKe ttierstorpjtiiti
eftaiKe jtiiti 1111 i of the iliMin Iln hub ludiiler 1lt
iiler 11 the Itt h tiK1ktiold rj > of the thniinixiiiv Ih Ihro thernIasY
iinixiiiv ro rntlfled Krfd lljr I deal dealteller 11 11I deallIer
teller I lIer Iomjinnr 1 > AI wa eu Ill fllk I
k t prd Ifi a I ioimnillox omlll of oftin sitits
tin I < < > iiiiunyii mIY nffnirik nlnl In Iniiiinittek II
> iiiinittek 0 Iii 111 it I iso tl I Inn < < ri idwI > nn Imirt Imirtliion JIII JIIII 1 isis isistor
liion I for th I firm fl An AnI A AI
0 I imliilini4 1dII IhIii s hy h t a million miin idlioni
1 it i tapital as 11111 pitts I et txk txkI < Mk Mkltil H HI
I ltil I s irebdent re < ident of r lh IhI iii1iiI
1 fiik I will 5 i III retire Ii from fromu rnl mmmi mmmiIi
u N 11Ih Iu MI uti litpreKident litpreKidenti I
0 i a I 5is with Ii h HUM 11 Knliynn Knliynnstrrrl 1 1Irrl ii
5 tisiI strrrl KtrnltiK irnit lllr Hun Hunit 4utuI un unll
it I ibmsn ll itn of t j Inp IlirKvKXlNO IlirKvKXlNOII iur BysIso vrto vrtoII
II the I flrtviritl rlnrhl n nw flitirstil w nnd nndl Inll
l J fpiV itinn Iu I lh th111 thn fo lois loisI < lM lMI
I e < IMinic riotjitlr 111 > n nI >
I ind nuked prieei prI rl with withtier wUhr wbthtere
tier r are lft rinlin esnIinosl esnIinoslI nl I
I 1 I ul 1UB ut LVIN CLsLso f 1U SLN L = J
nr w 111 ui rnttr rnttri
n iii 1 p 1 tiMfl NI iinalget I
1 5 oo S f i < > i 1 mint ml f fit
I 5 it I i 5 P5 > st h I ir I 1 A K hit l lt
5 1 t Mr tIr PSI HUM 1 lIiiiS Nffhn a Hiu4 Hiu4mn
S iiI 1 1 mn t h Its IIHH t I iy iyiCh er eri
iCh I i 55 5I i > n itMHi Ii m M M4 4 4iil a at i r
55 t 0 M1 SIN hi + M 4 41511 1111 I IKe IKeiem I II1 I IiiIeii
iiIeii I1 m f Ml 4m1e5ftI iem Hi o S t 54 t mniD eensrulr < l > r rf
51 f IN e etiH4s tH4 mrkUM 11 MI i tin I II V Ulwl UlwlHn 1 1I
> I iis I Hn IIM I M si ri > Its I witte t Il SII In InrI n nfe
5 P5 fe rI feiSs rt nf sf xir w m I l iIii4fl rHlan n nt i i5iii r rIH
5iii IH t It M 1 lff 1 I tMMrfntfe iK aNy aNyI HIT HITriciii
1 riciii n it I Ie IHII I 51 r iko ih I HHttl t1 t1h w 4ut jif iu iunh 105a5s5
5a5s5 P h Iiii sss4i 5 ILItI4SI1 lt sits 1
I 54 < nh f iiMiMtrw nra I em i si IH sisI > 1 H 1511 iith Ii IiS liiorl liiorlii
S iIi ii 5 HHirit r In II urneritl 1 and In1 Nh liraqi liraqiIwiri ar IL Hi in inlntih InI
lntih I 5 Hkir itt o r I litisa < riii t > v iuutillH r ssitIiin llin > n of lre lrettl Ir IrHhst J
ttl Hhst < m Milrl H 5 m sim tiler 1 r UMI s 1 n s sin > n > rrii rriiIIOIMII rms rmsit
IIOIMII 1 1 it IIIM I Su i ss iliXM V 1 11 si leu I hl hI Ii ii < II I ruin S in inIn I Is IsIt
In It limit I 11 Is liii I U5I t > ii > i 1nitvr 1nitvrMix I sa s ssis
sis Mix k iitliHs ii li i trri i en n rnpiillr rllI lier I Ihe IheIullM Ih ihsf
IullM 1 nHui 1 n sf r > h riHii 1 H Inn 1 the h market marketlt IIukt IIuktI
lt 5 5 nix Is il 5 I ill i I II rinliHl s 5 p tiir I W i Ia 1 1 le IniuliU IniuliUll iisisisIssi
> ssi > ll m n IM I I I 1 Ihs > IH k I hi Hiul Iu il iiiilltl 11 lie I ul uli
I V 1 t i I 1 In n 1nt liii iwsrtsi Hiiu iI Mniri 55i r e Mrsi ininKf ininKfit llnc llncI mid y yI
it I I t iiiiti I ul II 5 1 Meillli s 11 II I 01 is > u iiniHiriitit III4 IHr11 sri i lit i4 M < lti U Ut isIta isItaIs < iit iitin
in Is t I lie Mrtvi 1 slisi kl tn iIt > i lake Sal ll Hie 5 I Is prison lon iri iriisissi rl 1
1 oii 11 U iiiid led 11 tlt ti > tiiuki1 ttiMieli lo Ih Ih11 lisa lisaansi I lie lieimile
imile i nnN and 11 Ihe I II iwnn irailr I Shortlr ShortlrIwlnrtt Stsrilyesr
Iwlnrtt esr Ihe I h ilo d iIni oihrr ist o hr her t istle 11 put 10 nn 111 en enluelv enI n nI
I luelv I 11 ii ci s dirfereni 111 I t unetriK nt tIl rs linn 111 t It mi upon is I ° Hr i Irr IrrIMIIIH te
IMIIIH 11 111110 nliiHitlr NI Si Ilr ssilc rvi lrsrum > re rutln tn il I ii mot motj I nmIlull
j uniUnlile lull Ks II inwnril I sws ii I thl 11 I hI miiiirv ss lit 1 r MIK Ill s miii m > liarp liarprall llll llllrlih isa rs rsraI
rall rlih < a in II I itl > < le < 4 Vkhen h the itsisI kilir KIC
l oun < ei TI I l < e rail rI lnrlfil IIHI I late I > IIIIK IIIIKerr I Issapser
Ir err In I Is I ninl n rtotcri of I mure lr I dull 10n dullniMll a aI aUI
niMll UI sill I port sssr I Ion it f the I h hi pretiuu I itei IIMX IIMXI I Irh Iii IiiI
I rh he eirtiilMe si Ii I ri rhlI rstiiIti > niintliei ii I p > til r tic 11 I 5 hli is is ago agoniul a sisu sisuSi
niul Alll Si list Him 111 I mot AI a mil us I HH 1 isol > U no its m n i ion mtanllnc mtanllnca rgtui ntlc ntlcA I hti htia
I a dividend n1 on Uie I Its i oinin siituiisitu I n io I > k 1 II IIisniuni WA WAniiniiiim
niiniiiim isniuni n n nl I thut 11 I ini s It > irar rar lo I lIiuIoui ire 10 10h ou PI PIprftalion
t prftalion h5C tel sun tie S h ilitflnr ii 1 i lie I loris sushi us 11 not beet 11 fur furillTiilend r lotii
illTiilend ii 1 I V Is 1dm I nitloa I ms S In tliln I iii wisk e k lint II I so I would w 11 liold lioldno 11
I no ii meeting nl0 niel sIIt until Is Ii I ii 1 Mmnii I UI iijsst I Iii lie teitnltr teitnltrditte t 111 111a stularI
ditte I a sit for r pavm ma v tneiii < > iit of I 51 I the 1 t Is cumninii ss mn iii nmosi illtlileinl illtlileinlid ii 1 I Ii hi hiI isleuss I II
I III1 i s 1 is Ilt I It A I id I hs nmintiiK Ii titlflhi enient wn wnn A As
i s sn n St inieil n eiinv is mss titeist l > > ni to I 5 i lllnl isain > a nr r lh lhdiiileM I I his hisii
diiileM ii i isistii Sin s I Is nUn is i in h tisii IUI IH I seesm H lm Inst ne fore foreiMtnl fo foret
iMtnl t sI 1 I si t Ihe I I Ii lie 1 line 111 I sne in lhi I Isis < t usk < H k inn I n I A Olin IKinillMiUlld n
11 illMiUlld 5 I i ssletst 11 ImK liii I mi a issi 1 ue I I Ie > in H s is iiiiMtunie Is iiii 1 ii ii that thatthe 1t 1the I IsistI
the I he road rR i AI1 rti d no mure Hull th I I Ir IrI Ir11h xr r cisOt cisOtsill nt nton
I on 11h the t omiiitiii ems 11111 units Ktm t s s I I in II the i h I ii > t n n11 al har harT > ear earTIe erThe
TIe T I hIlt nut dar lit 1 for ito he h pnvtiient of t Ih this hoi icr icriwirisi or orMiratnm 0
iwirisi Miratnm 1 5550 in 5 ha h his m ed is llh lh It Is lint hit little 11 of ofthe nrth ofhi
the th hi amoiinl IInOI1 sininsi Iii n e e < 1 by h the Ih lioreminrnt lioreminrntnnt I iYisrlIuiefltII nlrlli nlrllijIII1
jIII1 nnt II II ti > iid iii 1 Ihe l P tnoi I toss e > ment of fund hi miii from fol the theI Ih IhI I histuslsks
I liaiik I to I i ttiis tie h Sulilrenfttirr IIh1 huhi roaislsrr h hss i otrilnwlr IMstdimistlytisn < otrilnwlrI
I tisn > rrn reieed Mini III e Frldio 11 this Ih Imnkit Imnkith
h 151 c IIMI I 1511 nt tvi 11 < iii in 0 Ibe Ib eilb thhnf I irenssr ren ury
1 I i ompii nl and u Si ts a inn 11 to ii h greater strist icr aniumit anion 1t lit
I Ul 111 seek seekI4IiIIPTtIi eekKntterine
Kntterine Wlt rriirn of 51 r the Ih ondillon of ofiLiiinniil or1 ofIialiiflaI
iLiiinniil t ttiiis > k m 1 rrt report > rt a t14 551 l June JUI > 1fl tnw tnwn W Whhlr
n iiinvlderalilv 5 hhlr iroiixer II i tsohilufl > o lllun llun than IhA In Inthe inI n nII
the II I ti U t irrvii > rrvloii rextrl rl ol Mtt LUsts > h 1 U Ihmich Ihmichnlni IhuUlh IhuUlhI thousthsmtnm
nlni I Hithoni ii ho hoist > pptieii tsi II hits ifrtr r eisei n us + l I isri isriIsisi > re relower
lower Isisi r I hall 11 us is ut tin I t IsO ir 4rre5 > rre p s < indllii nsl his st time I Iii ln Istist Ististesir < l le
> e esir r feinuie r teis i is I I of sf si ll Ih the I he reporit mets I r I i oniplliMl oniplliMltnitale uni unit 11
tnitale 10 t 0 t I a IC i 1 lontrmtion 5 5 slit ran ijili of S if the I loan lois is isrissuOt isrissuOtto otint otintto
to I the Ih I ht arfonipitnimflii nOIIII Is I in 1 mif 1 IllS 55 i 5454 of I r 1e 1eIhin hhn i iI
Ihin I liti n t pro 111 < orllnnate itt hssfttt 5 I his > of I ilr i < > ll 1 Is The TheSf Th TtisSt
Sf 1 I lissisis 1 ll Kinx I fur f isi hla n t n < e reMirleil IMrl a ailecrea astrerenie
ilecrea 1 e of I Ml ill I < ii iIi ul i m a liinii nnri a zi omimreit omimreitwith olla1 olla1Ih
with Ih the I Man brh h Ut tiitetileIs niiMir 1 n l of I hut hutM 11
I a 4uss M is I in ipx ii I it < and 1111 a mm I a ion i snsi eiiuent II Cot in inriM Ini
i riM r t m 1 r rrvr fr e ftoin rol ftc in to I i to > t tetit 1hl t1 t1I
< cOt In I is Mtntia hl us 5 > sit > liM lMtm 1 Iii tn sic le 1 rei etl 1t 1tis 1 1i
i I is iIliI II DI irHMll 10 sit 4 retiinlneil teistitl f 1101 nlmtit nhII 5 t the I hi KMIIU KMIIUand isslis isslisunit 1
and Hit I tI > reeerke n tin II renil from rol iT r lo i3 3 IrA IrAI tElm4r n nl
l m4r > rr < fin Il II lit u Mil Msiwuike il tuWre aUo tu drH s1issihI 111 ll re remained I metimsihmiesi ¬
mained 11111 prati Ira I szutlv < nl ll m 1 ui dantttsl hlnt while w hl Pihle Pihleite lnin lninflei I
flei 1 rea el 1 pi 11 t nut fl m u i an 111 tuliui < reer tr e Cfriiu tn Tee4 Tee4frin
frin r kiji i I U I i us n 11 n I r eir 1 is Uf UfI IIe euT r > kf OfIII kfthe
the III IA win I 5 i it Slip if Finunied l isow iiitk HIM ttu kl klnnioiint IeztistIuIIIII
nnioiint 11 liu t > tniMl 1 of I the ml I other sit h her reerie reerier
r > showed I I n Itv rca e m I reere rni vi t i iIKkint 5Iks
i IKkint 1011 Iks 0 1 si 11 1 orulMkVe sm iiIWi 1 Ili I t I letil t r1 r I reiiiieinriitali res i colds 111 ulu < I laltogether IalIr Iiii
altogether alIr iii I tier Ihei II I tte oinpilitioli sllIus It soiss were 5 si kerv erv n till I I h hmole hIh Isto
mole to u fmoralili fit uItui It than Ih I Ii a it hnl I iMen I ueen n preitn 1I is ie1 ie1n u p1 p1Misi
Misi n l of f the flu h pfe 11 ii i i jI jsIs in t of > f luis I h r n nuf r rI riof
I uf iiktermr I I IHb MI n I Imil i ihit I h a I kkor s ssre r > t alt altI lviv lvivtiK h htl
tiK tl I 51 thin 5 I mu ii in I Mar I tu r h wmM a i sisiil I 1w M > ninl luI luII llu lluwhfk Ihissis Ihissishi >
whfk I hi till t ill I hl his hmi it in i i s Miil S 113 I oiHiilfii s 111 > e ssorI ter < liv livMlieil 1 1t s s sI
t Mlieil pitst I out 1st lhit I h the I I hi lompiliilloiK I ollIIu its jssl54 iMnio iMnioIn I
In I 0 date Inl 5 Inrtulixl Ilrl hurt itil 01 < I < nn 1 > < of I Ihe 11 I hi r reiser er e isS j ji I
i itle it 1 ics 11 I he tu inilnlrv ioi5 olulr 0 I my l ts > itik n I s tliev I 1 iie tld salsll tldwere
were l f Ihe Ih I Ii nlie iI55 that I i hill 1 Is iii l h lueta en e 1 ts ve teil lo lomak I s stmak
mak 111 tin I h tss elirtie orn rn1 t uhis hl IOMIIII must for I r il us i Ihe Iheoiiiilrt I lP lPIIr i iumiltl
oiiiilrt umiltl IIr r hunkt I uguili II rallitr mis AUI I lnr than Ih1 I the Ih S Ii hmiL hi lll huLa in inthe II iiiI
the I h reserve r n iiti 11 s whlili hid Ii It Ii hud la done In mo nhl nhlI W i ito i
to I s 1iiiKi 1 Ii5i e III I i II f v 5 e 1 e < iilatitin 01 itlisi un n luxt luxtniil Is ISil ISilus
niil us iii 1 irriKiiton 5 rI ri it I lull M r htnn4 h llk I I ii eer er r rI eoitKi eoitKiul p 11155
ul 51 I mIss I reverie rrr i rut I I ts1 mi whlli is hid rrior nete netetnaite s r rill
tnaite ill Its 10 were t sis linie 1 In I 5 the t 11 sc e Mi I Issli i whrre A ii e r ttie ttieland li I lit littisnsl
land isi ieriilntioii mliii I ls 11 it n 1 liven heit hsisiS 1 r I hr h hCll heOtis e eCltleK
CltleK Otis Ilk h the I oiler r rhn sIioet ho e < Inrreax Irr imiraIn
111 reerte reertePieiln reer reerI
Pieiln I in I 1 iircan 5g5 II i > r the I h s Vicmuil tii 11 I I1uk in inII s sIIis
II 1uk IIis ink I of sf r Ih < h MC n > si a riporte rh > l a I a nnviiiit nnviiiitIhllt isis v III IIIh i rs st stshut
shut h 11 1 the I i I flSi 1 > MI itv ilH 11 la si there iti h t5 koilld koilldt lh lhI
t ii > e r rlso1 ea Nl I iusliaiuMal l li i l to 1 troimiiKHI I I Ih M Mthit isI
thit I h reoult ul nf if I the II nuirkillni 110 ts of r irn 5155154 1 and anduther n nu 111th 111thUt
uther u Ut I m Ian lists n iirlailiniu iirlailiniuIn ili Ii a ii 55eg5i 55eg5ito
In ft l Isuili > iill I mnrk 10 it I i often rr noe1 no sI thnt thntt In InI
I he h tfl i elor et II sir It t Ii ea s ilt ii i t ontertrd luflrt p I into his n I tu 1 pet u uI I II
I nor 0 In ihe ti I Imil I mnrke > whioh laried lariedfir IailptI
fir rl I r two I isi vear after r III the PIIIH ts ilts for r tnaiue tnaiueIHIIV ilt tmst Atm e
IHIIV 5 NIl 1 a I man tVii 1 n Ixiticht I uss Ih sht ii < k is oiitrialii 5 Iii tlrl t risti I tu md mda listas I
a as prUeit aihanceil lsI 1 humps I MIW iii w how h tisi s union lIh lIhI Iii uieh mum mumhe thurlie
he I would is 11 hate h hits e made nHI l 1 Isi > t luikino liii nnl Inst on n margin marginuntil thAt I oil oilunll stlti stltiii
until unll ii Of Ii imshle un 5505 II III loneer 10 ii g i n I is > rr r i t th I I Is itmpta itmptailon I cmli 111 111h lit litlion
lion he h w Ais 01 ites pr ilntitiK 11 on nnrcln lu11 Iran Iranver 1 TristiIn
ver er 1 in a heir A inarKet rlrl1 the I m ° iilnior iilniorl
l t otIIP omeimie 010 mm itinterieii Ir Into h an lnte II tor torrii
Tl rii > > MHiilatiir 1111 ist sir limit I I o of I at tok 0 I kee 1 puttitiic puttitiicup 1I111 U I its st still
up 1 mirein IHlln nftir II mnritln mnlln nnd a i M > Itsg IIK om omIKHHid umIill
IKHHid 1ln Iill nil mieret 1r lilt 5rPt mutkihU rn 155051 ii I ntiill ii 11 ni It he I tome tomelo I I n nIn fliPis fliPisIn
In the h point Iotl oln of f parnnir Itllit with 11 hl 11 > stcwka lok Ink or orpavlnK orhlA1111C r r1IIC
pavlnK 1IIC for r them I h oiitrtKlit 11 inst t theist I hI If 1 I I he h t ma l Ini Inienough < mif mifrnouiih
enough nI uf f fund uII hn h KenTill inr II > likrk kr the thetook itsopstskk IA
took 1 rather Ihp than 1n uVe a the lp I Inis o e and 11 then thenI Ihl Ihlr1
I ma trinnfonnfd from r1 u n ispe > ei ulninr to I what whatWall hl I Is
Wall s 11 itli SI 11 reel i sislhn ll 1 an 11 Involuntary Ihtltr InveHiur InveHiurthere InvemsrIhsisre
there wa 1 wais nuih a irn irlmosforiiiulltulu n > fnrinnilt fnrltl > n 3eter 3eterIi > e ter terJiv I IJr
Ii Jiv if In I the Ih l mrasns > ri rt > i > ii of I a 5 aIoisI4issr 111 KN uUlor who had hadtarried hissilsarrirsi 1
tarried IV I I J > fnluiir oi IIr > er from 1 I ho I Ii Irish 0 of ih ihyear I Ii IiCIIt < >
year CIIt when hn It uitisi i > ld 11 ulive Il I > and I liouiihr liouiihrII
II outright 111 rettenlar Irnl after mrrrllU Arrll the theniv thissto h hI
niv k on I it I Its war s1e down 101 Itlow Ialw M Mn 4 4g
n 1 g i i ii orrs orrsN 111 111W urtv
N M v llarrl lrrl A s I o hat I purrhn tsiirrhuirsl d and andaie anI andA
aie A < iTorin < i Ill uiie IIpI itirCtisr lor ffi l11aiia5tri > ioi inr t mon moriCHtre monstissie
CHtre 1111 per I i ent 11 col 11 liib I lesrsis H > IIIX uf I thn Ih Sierra SierraMm t3IetIAsinsi leuaI
Mm I sinsi I San m ts Train tra I < IVwer I I ompaiiy ompaiiyII istllssuli istllssuliII 11111 I II
II I Mien 111 si elm I ml 1 a 11ln < llrei tnr of the thehull Ih Ihni thisi
i hull ni iiIkcrliser kcrln k rIH ker I lr lru Irui l I timiinnv urn tr rrtersIat rrtersIatII terdat terdatlie 111 111I
lie I II ha > lieen I ISS ia IMS 11 5hl teller liraueh 1h miuiacrr miuiacrrand nisnasteraiisl 10
and Iafpr Uirrlv ens t Im I prenlileni i
5 11 I 1fIl Ill1 ItItVDhtIt uisiu uisiuI Ii IiI
I Menl i cOt t1 llnttlnc 1111 hissi III on is Hoiiml 111 la IaI l Mf I9flhta nnl nila > and andHBMII aflhlItitiI 1111
HBMII 11 4 CuiIsii umr r lUrk lUrkOeiTi I II lackpr
I OeiTi U pr II I Itiitiniii 1111I1 a I Ilintom 11111 I 11Nt5mflhrnkr llotifte llotiftebroker I
broker hnkrr 4 f 71 I I i st i 17lh etrit tne went row rowI w wI
I inK int1 in sIT IliroR1 nr Neck 1n tin Monday 11la Iritislu mom momj mornfijg
j ine Ila unit nd 111 hit hits not vs lieen m ti 1 nn N055 n He I told toldhtM 11 tsilh
htM hi h is family Its ii i ii Unit Ihl t I ii m II ie WIM wI11 KOIIII t htn h is isliriiiisuiy oftlo oftloJ nm
J nt 13 3 llroiulway IrI I Pa at niorning rrl issrtisTi I niul 11 ntiilI nlxiiit Il
1 iHMiitutittt no111 imii ii 5 f Mr 1 Itoitiniin JIII N INS wirtnem wirtnemnilleil Nrn 5jflsf3ti
nilleil 1111 ti lied up Ii p Mrn lr I ri licitiiiin I ii I lilul n the Ih t Isi telephone telephoneatul t lphson lphsona
atul a rus III1 I mid i Iii thnt Ihnlllr I him I her h i urnt l suits itnl I Mud hlllot 1111 I not irKlied irKliedthe ptunses I IIii
the th Iii cifliit ni He I did lit K gs lo 1 In su fTIfi f or ori ormc
i I rrttini ttnl mc I uris home tin In in M Iu ndny niuli is ighi 1 and 1 1luminl yea yeaterday y ytorilsiy
terday momitiK luminl a l 10 tiny > v frrun l ilMiuerH lulrnerustauatmouw ilMiuerHl Iu IuIOhIUN
Thr Thrsg Ni Sk k told Mm MmIleitman Mrs81h1 I IItillllun
l atliuuw IOhIUN > f > > nt t Thrl ic I 10
Ileitman Itillllun 81h1 llOifl thnt Iht n man ii nits I niuied lam1 ins Ill ° I Iteitman 1lr1 Iteit ma n hAd hndhlnil hl1 hl1hl1 hAdii
hlnil it iKutt Ionl nlioiit h < lt H oi lock on I gi Mnulay Mnulayi 1 > da
i tnoniinK nld msit Hl hnd hnII Kli ° Ut rim m 11 < um > n the theHound Ih Ihsurl itleSiund
111111 I Hound surl The Th Iniy hs y HIII 1 uhI i I this tlU t tlm II t hi imin 1111 sIlls n hail hndleft ln1I
left I hi iii name lanK and nildnM ai and 111 n iitsr dex it itfor
for u the Ih Ixutt 11 hut Itl ant that h had I nut I returned returnedi ret llm1 llm1Ihn ii flies I II
i thn Ixritt in the th evening eveningMra vnhKtt yeflhIi yeflhIiMrs
Mrs tt It 1tIul ItitiriIi itiimtl notified nnl l1 the Ih Kihn I > of th thTremonl Ih1lnl liiTrcmnunt
Tremonl nt Puttuibuti llllnn ll n ninl 11 h hr r Bonn mnrcluxl mnrcluxlnlotiK MIc1 MIc1111t senrsimsilis
1lnl nlotiK is 111t Ii smsg Ihe I h to elKkren h nf St r tie I h Sound lnll near nearIliroc n1 flmrliirng
Iliroc Thnt M Nefk S Inrt nmht Ilaht hut I could lul1 find findn flll flllI
n i lrtr I of their father fatherU rnh rnhII
I U t the ml imin of hit hi ilKippfirani Mr sIrI 1 1IUpinI
II 11 1panul
1 IUpinI Heitmiin Hell miisi Ii wore w J me il brow 1 u niiitn Nil I It a whm white hlh Iti ntiirt ntiirtn ishi hlr itt
n 5 liich nefkn kl and 1111 mm0 si < t lag xold anll rin rinia rinim rinimb inl
j II ia 13 i yrs y old lii weigh wIhl ll lu lHlntl Ixiunda and andla nn1Inrh
la i feet N mrhen Inrh tall 1111 He I I I had ha nlmlit nlmlitin AItll 213 213In I II
in I IIIH Iii I HKkeia HKkeiaI Hok HokI ° t tI
I I Illl ur ursssr ir 4onir 4 hIIIIr M t Ii I a for nr fcerd fcerdI ieiiiMejsr 1 1I
I I M Mejsr I jor i Ih he Me rl nt I I Hnuilin 1nIL n ulifornii uliforniiI sullhumnlaitdi
i I rne itdi inrti 11111 who I tl s imtpil I rl I yiwtertlay liy the thei Ih IhI
i Kriliiriii rslilsrIsilTi in I sethis < ilie 1 emIl 11 Ihttt lliwliwiw lliwliwiwtlocil Its
tlocil If mint 1 nf i II he Ii winter Ir nnd 11 print pril had prtf prtfi
i ffillx I f l I l id Isem etnivnl r uvn I I JrI uropeifi rs spei Ti isitsil 1 and thnt thntI I
I i it > Ifrn r rnit > i S ini 1n flfl rn hrd hr < done a ru rtiishlim rtiishlimhsitistlesis 1hll hlii2 hlii2liiioiticKH
I liiioiticKH uI nn n lh h ° other ulh mile ii th foreign foreignMilen foreignpids rlln rllnd
Milen d rniointmi ImU11 to nearly 5Mni jc lasWal i All Alllli AllI 1
lli I ti itmrkel Ills rkist fiitti rr fs i flh of I it r Kutop are ar icrnwinj icrnwinjAineriianu g gSnerscuiisiztd
I Aineriianu Snerscuiisiztd rI d it t lHtI t > i > lAkltr llt and OUt fruit rrll 111111 I
S u
I 6500000 6500000Sierra 6500000Siera 6500000Sierra
Sierra Siera and San Francisco Power Co GoFktt CoFliit I IFkl
Fktt Hwtfap 11 5 feM 114 IMH BRl sds sdsDataS I
110 DataS Aaitaat t I U 1101 no Aiat qt I 1H 1HOptional I IO 1HO1las
Optional O o ou say InUrMt II to pvist TVM 11 ute dat at lit aa4 Ut ltnl fat lat lAttt rw < p pa7bI r bU nbmarr rob 1 aa4 M A AaVd h t > t I U I a Nut NutYork N NY 141wYsitk
York Y OttoalB ou Doomistlss lla HM t 1II C C1wp p bo buo4a 4 with Ub pr1 ptI prIhl llg at 1 rtgtitratlaa at prlaelpkl tr O fully fl r rgi rgitrd l lt 1ton
t ton trd r 4 brad 4 l tstrekasssbls l rtki t bt tnllKj lIt stat l 11 i Mortftc Wor sad 4 Trial Trlt Comfiar to Trait TraitJ TAMI TmtsI
J 0 flM id W Mte M I W H M to n tM a In l Yrt StMt StMtfur S Sr
fur r tomplct liformatlM Irorml i f grdiag rtlns r IbM II lb bond bad atttatlea Ute li I rail c rali4 la too lb Mt r at Mr O Ocis og W fUtoa IcO Pr PrMI PrMI4nt PruIdent l lJtnt
dent < of Iht lb Coorptnr COaJ cepl cIt ecpss of vhUb 11 will 1 b b bi luriih4 tl114 oa r rajsit 111 t 1 aa < < from Iom wfcleb t w lummarlr wlma ai folo foloThe tola tolaTe follows followsThe
The Te Siena sad d S Sa San n Frtvacuco FruUo Power Company Cpay own ow and an operate oprle important imprU electric electricwater rccc rcccwater electiicwater
water power p r properties porie near lar Saa FraacUco FraaUo sad aa a supplementary Ippefenar Meara tum rtation aioR ia that tat city cit which whichwill whb whbwl whichwill
will wl have a eombiaed cae capacity cpity a as completed coeed Jurist dia the pretent peeR year of 0 68500 6850 honepower honepowerThU hoepwr hoepwrTi
This Ti with wth a imall al amouat lu of 0 power pwr leased leud and an additional ddilioal Mean tem equipment uipent to be installed iAale early earlynext ellynelt estiynext
next year will wl brief bia bia the tle total toal capacity cpcity up u to 76000 7800 honepower honepowerThe be r rTe
The Te above abe bond b are ar secured ee by a tint fn mortgage male lien on o the entire enire property propry owned owne by the theCompany IheCopany theCompany
which will completion of this construction cuh investment of ofmore ofmore
Company wn represent repeen on o copletio o years eortio a inyeea 0
more mre than 10000000 100000 to be b increased iareu by b 1000000 100000 which will wi be b expended elpne toward towardadditions towardaddilioal towardadditional
additions addilioal dktributinf dirb inl aod aa generating lenerail facilities fadlitie Against this th total toal cash clh investment innttmeD of 0 over oer overI
I 11000000 11000 I I only S65ooO 6500000 First Fir Mortgage Moraale bonds b can cn be iuued and the conservative conservativeprovisions cnerntye cnerntyeproyiion conservativeprovisions
of the Trust Deed D insure the preservation of this
provisions proyiion o Tn inue peenatio o equity equityThe equilyTe equityThe
The Te company cpny has ha made mde a contract Cad extending ntena to 1953 195 I with wlh the United Railroads Company Companywhich Cmpn Companywhich
which does do over 90 907 Jv of olhe the street ree railway business buine of e San Francisco F to supply the latter later with all allthe al Il Ilthe
the power pwr necessary DCar for the operation opralion of o its it system yem This lli contract conlrac is deposited depited under uner the mort mortgage mor morfBe moflsage ¬
gage fBe securing ecin these Ihn bonds bd and without wlho taking la inl into consideration coniderlion other present earnings earing or income incometo inome inometo
to be derived deive from frm the sale of o current cunen for general purposes pUpe throughout throhou throu hout the territory terlor served servedthe servedthe eedi
i the net income inoe from frm this contract colrac alone aloe will wi more than provide for the interest inerel on o the First FirstMortgage FinlI FirstMortgie
bonds bondsSan bondSan
I Mortgage Morle bn
I San Francisco Franil the principal pnipal market mar et for the Companys power pwer has a population ppulalion of o over oye
400000 0000 is i the metropolis meropi of olhe the Pacific Coast Co and an it i rapidly rapdly growing grwng in importance imprance and population populationHaving ppulalion populationHaving
Having acid ever GY 6OOQOOO 00 we offer or the unsold portion portionPrice portionPrice portionPrice
Price 93 93i and nd Interest Intereateo
0 eo Cpd plt livvlar h 1 iar r rsst rsstN t tN
N W Harris Jfe Company
BANKERS II fl tolT on Pine Street StreetII wiTiiIm William WilliamN mrm NEW YORK YORKN
N W Harris Har a Company Harris Hars Trust Tr t and Savings Saving Rank
35 3 FeJml feJtal Street Slrtc Bond 8n DtpirtmentBoston DrirtmentLioston Dtpirtment ralmentj
j Boston 8slon CMcaio C ICCO ICCOI
I Ir
Sn r iT T Ti iTUI TI lII1IS i 11m 11mIi irfih irfihirt
i irt rts Ii ii ITII T I i Ilril I1IS KniMiTtn KniMiTtnnil eTUS eTUSIni 7 7nd
Ini nil Her Ihr Ih Ienple 1 fl M III ianar n r Their Tlirlrllutlnrm TI r Cn CnUln 1w 1wihinca
llutlnrm Uln lie Ir l Uon1 oe nl Take T Nlorfc Ie In Insiorlr Inlnrl InMIerici
siorlr lnrl of Kpollril Iroin 1 mil mu ml lltrr lltrrIn 0 0MIIIlnn Orasertslaihsn
asertslaihsn MIIIlnn In lmnil h 1 > the II r Irm Irmram1 iarmerhtnmis rmrr rmrrlanift <
lanift 1 II I III il1 i oam 10 lurk t tu > town yr yrtinlav Y Yfnlll yis yistrtluiv
tinlav fnlll fm r im m n < t thrtt itui hn wmU wI < k ll nhln flhIng < huii trip tripIn tilIn
In lkhnidur ntiil RIII I h I Ih hi limn h he hail haillxikfvl h httiokoil
lxikfvl k > r itt It ilfi 1 tiisiiatehi > ntrhmi lrh s awaIting nwntlnl him himhml himhml bInstinil
hml formal nn1 it I pnttr I iiptlmitla tmile opinion opinionalxmt opinionuheisit pinionahlt
alxmt tIm > uiitliMik mIUI In lnwlnrMi lnwlnrMiM 111111
M 1 hays hlt > not 111 Ixvn m rloiw rlo el touch wills witliwhnt willswhat I
what hl IIIH hn b IPtl fii coiiiK Inll nn r rrcnIly > f nlly MM MMht isast isastho I Ih
ht h I hnvrn t tn Irpl tried l lk II I is I wot awn avrnvtiiw hi hiiuiuiw I
tiiw 1 I wntitxl wRII1 t ii < > KI 11 gst > out I5t I of r touch hut I Inm
nm 11 ttmkmic 11111 tisuik ing th pn irssihetisn ll 1111 lion I lint 111 if lh Ihi they theywilt y ywill
will i only nl Ia Icave ravt 50 nlone 11t rvtrythlng pnlhlnl vi r lhitmg will ill i W Will I Ial istill
ill al right Th T There n Hn t ik assin in I li hn tuiniss > nri f lnt Inletli Inletligrist nlli lli lligrnt
grist 1 tiitn Iln in till cuiintrjr Ilry who wh want to toI II IIhli ibis ibisisuiiivssA < >
I hli isuiiivssA II IIHI III II right rlhl WlkV Itll 111 lusty Iht Cfltlt Cfltltilo cistutsIn 411
sIn it I a lone IOllt an thy nn hani hall1 hnmnireiI iml with withi wlh wlhhll
Jr i ihttf hll lint In them IhPI M u ISA aloni aloniMr altseMr 1
Mr Ir Hill lUl wa1 wnin t nt I all ni siam uro what wll the theprum Ih Ih8ill theairitu
prum 8ill whrnt h11 mp < Ti > p would wOIIt tx > tint ho h cati catiniatest < tl tlmalofl UImll1
malofl Imll1 It i an 11 aiiywlicri arywlt from rsi ni 000 < t1uol iial to toliHt I IJ us uslat
lat J vikro cmp ilown IIWI I i bill hiI nn a much muchIhn mich michTh touchlhs
Th Ihn mini ln lhtr Ih hnl tx t hisui it Hporlwl r1 om eemcii eemciiI > m 11 11I < < l lt
I < him hln klmpito 111 tlin Ih fftrilKxIinR lfIIIA of r many manyto mn mnI
to I mall that the omp 01 had 111 l hwn > n greatly nrrntlfln I greatlytwnfttd
ln Innlt ni iit > il Th The trotihlo Imlhl with alnuxtt prrry prrrythine tr everyihitsim
thine III wan thnt tl1 lKiiklntton WRH WR Intrrfrr Intrrfrrme ilII ilIIlt
me lt
IncThP ThP Pipy r Pem + rtn m t ti > think thai Ihll I legsalation legsalationwill < < llalaUon llalaUonw1 i lation lationwill
will w1 mn 1 > unvthiiiK thln mild N1 isa ssl Mr 1 Hill 11 st sttisi t tIIIH
IIIH 111 nkto nl nit it wont IN I is Ionic Iml Ixforo I they Ih will willMV wi willisI
MV isI that it ran 111 cur CI a limkrn IC IClifn IpcIn IccWis
Wis lifn In ti hi h I Attention Runl wn called rII to th thrrportM Ih1llidu this thisrI
rrportM rI Orm of 1 1llidu iiqiiulitiuti 1 < u ltlit ion in ninny lIne In of oftrml iftrail f ftal
trail tal Mr 1 Hill Ji Mid aId1hi ic I IOh ICh
Oh Ch I dont 101t ear rl > to talk much rch nlkout nlkoutHint Ahsotitthat
Hint 1111 Thorn Th tin h iscei MHII n lot of money tnonrythat lony lonyI moneythu
that I thu Ia hajt h twn n cl dmvertest I WI H from rOI Ihn Ih rrirular rrirularrhan regulisretianua IA IAIIUhI
rhan etianua IIUhI > > U of titUiinnM 11 lately hy h lh the < colic rollrlion CI colictInTS
lion In nf 0 mrkorHtli rordln > n and other Ihp tnxnt IA whlrh whlrhhm whlhh wtilehhsws
hm h nmdf IAtp it iI itsif lf felt tIl Vin th tha grut Rt hArk Ixtrkinto hArkIln backlnti
into Iln rirciiUtlon eIIAIn I think Ihlnl that with th hi hiro hit big bigerojiss
erojiss < ro k the 111 ttt nituatlon luUIn will wil look l istIer lt r fnr fnrIntfwt Olr Olrhl1 OrIuttswt
Intfwt hl1 crop 01 rrK reports > rtx iu M iay > y that there Ihl h hae haeipti tei teiUHTI I
UHTI lx nrflriaJ ln > cil rain In in the Ih Xnrthw Sorht ort1swst ort1swstI < s sI > i
I dont It think wn w ou olihl might ht In worry almut Olt thr thrrcpnrtx th b br
rcpnrtx r of it ilatnaKn tAmalt until Iltl wo w ran ri find r1 out outIII Ol outth
III truth N on isne ran Al IU whrthor any anyreal
real I damage It mat hiw hllIIII Ixxn dono lOts nnd Ald thy won nr t tIN tI tI
IN I aKIc all h sic to I until 111i lImIt ii tlio Ih I his crop C In I ready uly to t o h bar barvP r rV
V vP kt 1 I ISntn IHmA
Sntn HmA utsotus olio ni wanted wlll1 in know Mr 1 HlUn HlUnopinion 111 11111 11111illithifthi
opinion npil if f tin rtKrtM Inl of 0 land lalt ciilatlon aieettlatjonIts t 1elllol i iin
in the its h HHI sesiI HHIthink 1
1 think I hUk his I hi talk lall of 0 land j gusriilujnn > riil IIloll IIlollI lon I Iin Iis
in I oiaitgrrati ljRol > < l hn h drrlarrd d It mnt mntnxctilatlon iantsuesiiatIon I Icllatln
nxctilatlon cllatln TIme Th farniern Arl simniser are U niniplyj isiruplyIlIyjlig Inplyyhl
ItiiyliiR yhl land Iud l hcasaso rau o they Ihp are attic Ihl lo do doit itoIt 10II
it nnd 1 they Ih t want lt to hand it I down dlwn to their theirfhllilnii IhIhlhl1 I I IvtIhitrsnI
fhllilnii hlhl1
I limlnlf 1tIII nii r ii 1 in s ti i s COIIKY COIIKYJnlm inisiiInisfl
Jnlm n uatr tr llrlnc 1nl Ihrin III II Nan Montr MontrOprrallnn 101 ilonieOiierllnfl 11
Oprrallnn 018Inn Irnlialil I nnrrr nnfM nnerrasr nnerrasru nnerrasrVhlijtuTii ar arKllin >
u VhlijtuTii 1111 Kllin 11 Ioroy i orey pr nident i n 11 > f his thoHlo Ih 1 hisI I II
I 11111 Visited l4tittii I Hlo HII l Corporation poAlol who whoitrnvid whoarri ho I Inr
itrnvid nr arri v4 1 ytklrnluy InllY hy tho Ih North irth herman lormanIloyil hermanItoyil nan
Iloyil lltHr lll Kmnpnnro4in Crrilio ltW naii naiihik 111 111h1 aahst aahstis
hik is ht h1 131 < i hnl a mindly Illthly rold 111 limn 1m abroad ahroadlint nAI
lint 0 having halnl iuw swTI > n lh I h nun n except t at t long longiril 1 1illral IOt IOtinirvats
iril illral inirvats raU In II 11 four I month 101lhl and nsl having l hscem hscemenneIiswt > oon oonrom
rom enneIiswt 111 > ll < kt I liecasia MH H I of rhlll rhl and Int rain rlln to toi
i carry C hii hi ovcmwtt om mo mOI moist l of this I limn 111 111 Ilo Ilomvl I Ii Iiitls
mvl 11 itls nn 11 effort 1rt to anxwir anw a hut of 0 typo typowritun 111 111wrU1 tysI tyswrttIs
I writun wrU1 < I iiiti0fl4 11 iie Ion hnndnl to him liy a aflnnncinl a islinnnmehal
flnnncinl 1IIIIcllI pap parr r I 111 Il naid naidnan 1 14111I 1
1 nan A hy Iy this Ih wlrvhfM wlnI thai It I wn WI rain rainine rainInc 11
Inc Ina In II thn Xorlliwo Thai Th will wili l is o jjoo jjoofor good goodfor
for 0 th this irop p wont wlnl it 7 If I crops Im < arw A noo good goodyill < 000 t tyou
you will 11 isso o < > a revival vlnl of hiininrM hln How Howal0iit Jo JoaOlt Howatoiit
al0iit aOlt thooo thn nporlH 11 of 0 my lY rralKnation leUon leUonhl1 aa aaprn aslsr4h11et1l
prn lsr4h11et1l ldHtil of 0 lh Lnlt tlll1 Unitil d Si HII Sturis itra Mice HIC1 Cot Corportttion Co CoIMalo CotNrthOtI
portttion IMalo I hear lh 1 thioso > sery t ry y limit 1m 1mt limitirrie I Inrrivo
nrrivo t I nuppono 1I11p you YOI lioyii ItYI nivn li thorn themtlit I Iout I Inlt
out nlt wlmn hon I nm 1 nway no 155 you run eln a ask k me manltont me1I0It mentjoiit >
nltont 1I0It them th when whll I 1010 corn hack htk hackDhh J I IPj1
Dnl I seis that interview with wlh wittilat3 Judg Judgiury Jud t tOa
Oa iury In 11 ngitnl IInl lo Iho I lb tool 111 InmlnomT 1111n1 < 11 11and I II
I and Int nm 11 junt a < optlmiatlu nlmlU a I hn h I II Ii Iiliuiineei 11 I Illii
llii Iloill liuiineei inox nil alnrI1 n around rot i rid in II fairly all Rood Iml ImlI
i I I tliu Ihl his Mteol liiijiiiieH 111I si In I oHpodally 1iAly 1 no 10 o and Ad 11 11lx I Ihstbnvis
lx 1lnII hstbnvis < lin ll IH RDiiiK 111 to continue cntll1 no for ro nom nomllm someIIOIA omI I
I llm ln < flit ulrrl manufacturrni mAIIIelurn of 0 th thrountry the IheNunlY theettlntry
rountry lIre now 111 working klnl 75 7 por c cnl cenh nl of ofI ofther
I Ihfir rntkanly Altrly nnd 11 I lKovn 11 they P wilt wi not notfall nOIrAi notfall
fall rAi below 1111 that MiroM lr1 Ihn Ih nti IIMI stei l alma almalion llualion u
lion lon in I only faIr fitlrJohn r rohn faIrIotifl
John W < lAl mice 11 who ho wa w < a follow rllw voy voyHKcr voysger 01 01c
HKcr c with llh Mr 1 lorcy In L orey oltl t ho h ha h > i come oorntMtrk rre rrek cometiwk
tMtrk k Hoonor on than no h had ha etp0ct uftl especte4 xi to tol 10inl totiItig
l tiItig > nne inl lijtok hH hi on n Charlen hrl who had ha U < 1 1nn II
nn 11 nttnrL aId of nppondlcllii 1Ilcl which th Ihe IheIhlaht they theythought y yI
I I hough Ihlaht t at first ft mlgVt ml ll make mkn an operation operationnnoMniry operstionnvv41ry
nnoMniry IU 1 li ht < J mended on olrlol the trip tripaad trp trpI triptisait
tisait aad II it WHH now likely Ikly that Ihal there Ih would l lno In Ie IeI >
I I no n operation Thn Thf cldtT 11 Mr lr Ir Gates Oalr s lah J l
I that ho h ln lhw1 > hnvoi Inwinowi llln would w 11d rapully rapullyrrrtitmrato rapiitivreemipisrat I
rrrtitmrato cllral if I they Ih out out 011 time Ih pnlitirM pnlitirMMr poll
Mr lr ualr Mtid that Iht hn h did not see why
Mr I lx hoist > oli would wlll1 I not 101 rntUo lk a good jl Got Oorernor On Oncno Gotemnor
ernor cno an h his had mad n 1 KI good Iollector IollectorIn 10Jrll
In II answer W to ii the Ih miration 11111 whether or nut nuttho 1101Ih notitie
tho Ih report r that ho h had ha N iseiii > II I a atock t Icok ck llrtur llrturnn Irk Irkon
on n Dutch ranal 1 IMNH wa w true 11 Mr Mrtatrn Mrsttes Ir IrHI
HI tatrn aid 1 ho h had never ooeti ise 1 mm a xlock xlocklioker etokIitkr
lioker Ilk an anywhere > wh r k in Europe itfloAt or ora c tsrashore
a ashore horo ho ami an I did 11 not l > olior Ip there Ih won wonanvlirkertt wemsAny P Pany
anvlirkertt any lik lichens th I tsar tsarMortinnur rn rnMorlimor
Morlimor 1111 I HrhifT Hhll oon 11 of 0 lacoli 1Ih H HSohifT I IISehifT
SohifT Hhll aid Mlt hr h wax w out Ill of 0 touch 10lrh with ah hues huitino hl huesnis
no 11 nis i noisdit condition diioll lonsa having h11 U lawn > cii tmroly tmrolynlavniic IIlrol itierolypiavitsg
nlavniic for ro the h tart 1efrAi ov Ha ral monllu monlluchloflv mnlhC misnihectsIef1 >
chloflv C rhtII 111 in 1 PnrU Parh Hn I II miul 1 ho h know k that thatthe IhaIhe thatttue
the KiiMittn HIlall wheat crop 101 would wnlid I K > very verygood ery erygosi y yIoll
good Ioll and nt if I the Ih American trlrln crop wn watc itt itttlcient d dflejent
tlcient tc Ill t might mlah rnll rol mussy ne the I h condition ron1111 in inKurok I itstmi
Kurok lml tmi to Hom m rxlrnt hut there Ihr IhrInoulth wiro wiroenouich w re reenotigh
enouich p H > plo in lh the world wurll to h cat t nl nil al the thoI 11 11I
khent 115tither
I rrop up
Other Olh rfl pavenR ni n Iir I tbs th Kronprin lmnrln lmnrlnI KmonprlnI
I Towin Jtin Corillo 11 wet Mn Kioto IIi French KronhVandnrliilt PpnhI
I Vandnrliilt anprhi U LI > l is law 14 4w I Ia drani Mill WtIA Vt Vtnv aii aiiInr
Inr IA nv SrhloTnlm Hhirln Million n V sttfloir nnoir nno > r lViil lViilOronfrl 1e4Iirisfel
Oronfrl arid f fll Filgisr leixr I Itickenliarh Itickenliarhnsi
nsi I 1 mnnso 0 insrn IIHlll IIHlllnl fg fgfisurt nnrit nnritinnrl
innrl nl Itrrrulr Ih rrl Ihr Ih Objection OhJrUDI 51 f Tlirrr TlirrrMmall T TMIII ThreeNmaiI
Mmall MIII NmaiIFlak trrdllor trrdllorKlk rlo rloi
i Flak 1 A Hohinnon banker hank nf U 3 3 Cedar IVdurKtreit Cedariittsst 1
Ktreit worn diikcharRod dllha from 1 hank liinkI brinkripley
I niptoy ymterdny tol hy UnIted Uolltt < l Stiton SUI JudifHand Judif lle
Hand land The dinchtrue < wan wa oppowd by bytho h hIh bytime
time Ih Pioneer 1In Tnt Company COIpny of Kaniti Kanitifily lltll KatisqCIty
CIty ly Wnltor WII II I holmes 1010 and Klonnnv KlonnnvMiller FInnnnMiller onI
Miller 11 whooo wh claim clm worn w email ml Their Theirprincipal Theiriirincjpti hI hIrinclp1
principal objection allotted altl that the thefirm th thfn itsfItmn >
firm fn omitted omllf from rm lh Ihfl their lr l hook books > ook itoms itomsof 1 1or
of II JiSOU > j and nd M7W 1761 and obtulnod obhjnol ISO ISOtX > so
000 0 tX en January Jnlar 31 from rrmr J 1 P Morgan MorganCo Iotln t c cO
Co O nn ni n loan on credit cni on 01 a materially materiallyfalno InlIlIy
falno rats 1 ntatement IRIlrnt in writing will which whlch1 J 1 I IMorgan 1 IMorgan
Morgan oal A Co o relied 1tlm u iluon > on Juilgn llt Hand Handt Inll Inll1
t I in n 1 long IonI opinion Mid Ild in 11 part partI sari sariI ll
I nhould holid not feel rfl ralleil rnlt on to ii add al any anything AlY AlYIhll artything ¬
thing Ihll to this learned Mdt Maatara ra opinion opinionexcept oilon oilonrlCt opinionexcept
except for 0 th ardor 1 of the Ih objecting objectingrrnditont Ihj objectingcrvelitors tnl
rrnditont limietonro in opposing fill the Ih elm elmrhargn di diha diischarge
charge ha After l rending Hn all 11 the liHktlmony ie4stiflHl ie4stiflHlI lmnl
I con en roally lT oeo no haal 1311 whatever whtl for ro tiny nnyniiention an an11In tinyiiIiistlon
niiention 11In of cr the Ih bankrupt hnkrpo conduct rndul comluetnpt i impt Ifl
mpt fl In th matter mllr of omitting omitila to t rnt entr entrthis nr nrt r rtho
this t blame lml of 0 tlUMn 111 and Inll M7 M7Hownvor 170 37 37linwovr >
Hownvor 10w making every vr allowanro Alnwan fi for rnlhat forwhat > r rwhat
what hat the th partIes hoir ho < in the Ih abiHnr aln of ofomo sitsense r rDme
sense Dme agreement oral or written willlI which whichdoos whlrhd whIchi1icr
doos d not with Uh any 111 o rtnlnty rrnlnly np npsiuir In > oar It Itwnlld itwotilsi t twould
would wnlld hum h hii Itoen iniinh Ilch better Iut book bookkeoping hosskkeeping I
keeping in my m judgment Jllllnnl to enter lit tin tinitom IhU1 thisitem
item U1 of 0 JIM 111DI 13Sw or rather n larger 11 it ir terms termsmade < > m mmado
mad on In 10 th < > bnol 111 of if the Ih tI nliiatinn IIIlon IIIlonUilI of ofXugtiktt iiiugust
Xugtiktt UilI 31 31 lull 111 and n1 certaInly ftnly there Ih WIIM WIIMno w wasstin
no 10 juiktlflcitinn JIIOlon Jilat Ifleat inn nl a t nil I for fo omitting 1IIUil 5 sniit I itig tho thoItom Ih IhIpl t hi hiitem
item Ipl of t HTM alAWI I The 1h failure ihl i ienter INil Ietiter
enter Nil thiko th Item 11 i Is the Ih only onl fault llt with withwhich wIthwhich h hhlrh
which the Ih bankrupts hnkI111 ran n bo I charged nnd nndwhile ssistwhile 111 111whi
while whi It I reputed Ia Honio m riplanntlon it itd i Ittioci
d tioci o not 101 by 1 nny In1 meant mrR imke rk out nll n en CI of offraudulent nrtmlllllnt otfratisisilent
fraudulent tmlllllnt intent Inlll and I elm hnl 11 confirm confirmtho c10m c10mIh sonflrtnthe
the Ih lion MnRler MI finding IIlnj njxni 1 that 1111 F isieciiIii isieciiIiitlti til OI < I Ilion
An to I Is the Ih borrowing hlnlnl of Hopm c from fromJ rm
J 1 I 1 Mnrgnn 11nInl A t Co on Oi n fnlw 1 < pHatcinnt pHatcinntIho 1WI1 1WI1I
the I h Judge Jlldi believen 1 Iv the Ih OVldclKn icI1 to II Iko Ikonuite I IIIU Ichill
chill IIU mikunVient int fc i I I and it I m i clear M thai tijton tijtonthn iuwtithe UI
the Ih prKif Ir tO ° fis an 111 they island Ilanl Mr 1 IVrklna Ikll did didnot silsIriot 11 11Ilot
not rely IT on th h utalenifnt lalln and nd did 1101 not notact tintact
act iikon 1 it itLwforo t > forn m lending 1lclK thin Ih money moneyIIM IniutseyIUsf I
IIM 11 i ss I isnis 111i or itnts itntsllBitkrr I flI flInn 4IIbilankira
llBitkrr nn ansi n1 Railroad Rlrod Men n Hrrk In I Int imtsr I Iprntr II
prntr I tsr the Ih N Hlrl Steni SteniSt lrm lrmA I IA
A ronf rnn conferetint ronr ln k on 01 Improving the theof th ulyistetmi ulyistetmiof 1 1on
of adnnrr on bill hil of lading dilli wan n hold holdyrnterdiy hstsiysAtersisy
yrnterdiy nt I th tl Corn nr orn FxctvingM FSChlllll Link ILlk ILlk1v ikink1tve LinkVivo
Vivo 1v iMtnkfi worn w rciiroMoiitrd and 01d 01dinIt OMVOII OMVOIIrailriktd psyrnraiirthida
railriktd inIt tlo I MIIn Southern thi t SoaU aaisorsl aaisorslthe > aril ariltho I
the Ih Ixtumvillo llivll and Ild Nanhvilln hjl thn Ih Allan Allantic Aran Aranli Atlanlii >
tic li nut lAne thn tjs I Illinoi IIoi Vuiral unl the Ih theRock i iItock IHock
Hock laluui ILult nnd 1 the th Central of 0 Uji Ujilr ioorgia ioorgiaAfter eorgiaAfter
After lr H long iliikciiMioii 1101 three Ih l IviTIk IviTIkofticisuLu 111 > inl inloftlciuU k koflel <
oftlciuU oflel worn appointed tf 10 > go in 11 Whi Vhlt VhltHulphur Vtitt4tilphur I
Hulphur ullhu KpringK ill nnxt Tuewlay TuI to Im I pr prnnt iureflt <
nnt nt at the th convention conntol nf Mouthoaatorn Mouthoaatorntraffic ulhtrnIam 1 I Iraffle
traffic manager manal No o action alllon was wa taken IRkplIt J Jat
at t yr toriUya yI mooting mUnt but hit It la I und undXH InI Imflht0etixist j
Aln1 etixist < XH llitt IIt the Ih detognto dtllll will i tithe with withtbnin wih wihIbl willstitenn
tbnin Ibl thn Ih auggontiotm IIiUOII for 0 l 1Unnnl < ttonn nt that thatwrro IhatIllu ttiatwere
were ditkCUMod Illu yott yesterday yesterday1IUrtfl 101 1011ITitI rday rdayT
1ITitI 1IUrtfl T U HKCKIIT HKCKIITlorc 11 lr 1 1Ior Ilorc
> lorc Titan an OneHair OnI of Ihr MOHM L1OIflDMTSante lnIJn lnIJnanl SJ SJIanir
Ianir anl From Fom 4w w York Yo Yo18n CM CMAlnNT thIs thIsAmMAN
AmMAN 18n July 12 1 The Th mortgage morllt tax taxreceipt I tazrIICIIt4 s s1t
receipt 1t for to thn th year 7 ended July I IBId IBIdwrn 1111 hiIwete
wrn MOIOM7 1010 39tO 7 over IVI half hl of which were wrrocollected w wclkl1 wereeniketeti j
collected clkl1 in Now York city count colli colliThe enulnihesi enulnihesiThe irn irnThe
The tax tAl Lust t year amounted nnlnttl to P7SJ8I9 P7SJ8I9Half 11 11 I
Half 11 of 0 the IhN o annual revenue go to the the8tatn the8tte
8tatn Stl Treasury Tlr and nd half hl to ibis Ih counties countiesTho cointtcsThe < lnl
The Th total Iot number num of mortgage mnr I in the thoHtato Ih IhRIal theHtat
Htato during dlrn the yr YN < ir were f mMO 1II 1IIcmlt nm nmcompared JiMcompared
compared withll9i with IIH iiss the th year rar r iirovlou iirovlouTh 101 I IThe
Th cmlt Tho The number nlmhr wlh of D mortgage morC m I Now sisw York Vorkcounty r Yorkeounty ok
county lnty wa wd5 16631 1111 ag4inat llint IMIJ IIi In IWM IWMand I IAd
and Ad In King Kln 37Ul 211 aa a a comimml cl1 with with7JOII withV4I llh I
7JOII 9 V4I in 1009 at
I U in II 11 1 innT ill II uS r 111 in on onTtirj 11 11Tilt vi I IThe
Tilt The rtimpm ruml I a Half 11 Gallon lon or It I Out at atI drnl dlian
ian I tan and nl llrll 11 < tet rl I Hell HellAKIIINUTOX icIIAelilliTN II IIUStTS
AKIIINUTOX UStTS July I 11 Iifo fo lookot1 lookot1bliitk 11 lookethIss
hIss 111 to h dcorgw Onl tOr Kvan n ais ho h utood 11 on nI th throar Ihfr this thisrear
roar fr jsrtt tr > h of his hil houne hOI nt II 431 41 s Si New > w Jer Iersy IersyilClllIU i < y yuvcnuv
uvcnuv 1111 tin thus morning lrllll M iso > ho h picked lrk1 up I Ihi1h1 4 4iu
iu 1 < > nnd 111 dmriH lfl iulf 11 n gallon iRlon of 0 coal > 1 nil nilHo 11 11I nitlb
Ho I wan mirroring 1111 mtttiM 1118 pain Min f1 In hi hitoinnch hiIlnllulch hiss hissetotmsucts
toinnch Ilnllulch wham h neighbor lilthho1 found rI1 him hln hlnhul 1 1litll lhut
hut biter but whun whl MinmlNKly IKly sitgstiet04 sitgstiet04a ugKtt ItI te tet <
a t OH ii it > f oil 111 ax I 41 i rcluf iI t he h revived h1 uRl MUflliiettty uRlcicntly nl nlIII
cicntly III to I protent protentU 1
U 1 the Ih honpitil h I I thor Ih used 10 it atomnch atomnchpump Ilomn1 etomachP110111
pump m on 111 In his 1 oil 11 Mtipplv and 11 hn h will wi got gotnull getwsil t
null 1 He lp bruit 1n1 boon rrnitM nrnisesd d In lo loUMc lollc mv mvU
U UMc llc iilin i Mlllnx lnl Mnnl U nll alit IHla IHlah Itl > ulm a aI
1 h huttrmniti trlII < irmtn WIIM Vdlc < of the Ih Puhli PuhliomniiHioti IlhlI Mervice MerviceI VIC
I lIII omniiHioti will wil a I I mn 011 ei u I todiy for i 1 a chort chortholiday shnrtI hr hrI
I holiday IIIIY in rurope 111 I srsjw I its mtul LII yeMerdav yeMerdavI Irla
hn 111 I I lie I Would wssii 1 iii ie I q Kick k not nlt 141cr Uti III > r than thanAti tIaiAtigtiit h hJl
Ati Atigtiit uM Jl in 1 0 and that ll1 t Inn h iii nl nlnr rnre would wOII1 not notd nlt nlttly notitely
d tly itely Uy the Ih awarding aII1111 of u hid hi for 0 the Ih llrokd llrokdkay itrMIiiei II II1lt
iei kay l ls XiKliii mgi ill uvehue 1lt MiliWH 11 Ail Ailx Asttrsrt 1
x trsrt > rrtiM ueIih > nii 11 > nt > fr f r ludi I 11 for conNtriictini conNtriictiniund I ii iiittit
und 111 o ii s > rtioii rit ms II will l it I I I us puliliKhed just 1Ih1 IliMhri In I is HM aNu aNuI a I si ut uttwo tZ I Imw5
two I week 1 11 Ihe i ti ndvertlrement nIIIIIIII will wil I In he hecotitinsiest > e econtinual
continual for n sir my IJI day MI that ltij the theannrU Ih Ihn thuaward
award n nl the II contract fnl ttt will i lx t > tnndu 110 alxmt alxmtthe aloit aloitIh ahuostthis
the Ih llmt week t m October OctoberIMJIN kII
lt 1
IMJIN 1111 11 IItIS 1 i IT V TKiiniKt re 11IlaI 11IlaIINn II IISiNmiTt t tUINUTfKC
UINUTfKC INn pIl Jk4 tiiisAC UN r Tnl TyflaS P U Us T TStnrl
Stnrl s iii TI M 4 M v > Sun 5Ij I rt 1 7 1J J7 7 MOJI 10 10lll t Ctl il ilinun p piiistli
inun lll w wu r mi JU HIT HITirrltni ITanr misTSan4y
San4y anr ilk I ior to 0 1lanII1 Istansi 1a 11 11tH G GI Gitis GitisSrnird
irrltni I itrnniT July Jul i iSo Is iS
So s S KioiprlntrtUn louln i rrlllr cdlr llrrmrn Ucmco Jul J Juiuti h hfl 1 1si
si Illnnri lIIsiflaIoIts > oi1 Ixmdon Jul 3 3iiMarlI
4 iiMarlI I bar nrl I I Chrl tPsrtiIinnsl rr < tl nsnil J Jsi l lS IUlon 3 3MS
S MS Madonna Ulon Naplrt pl p5cs June Junes JunI
s Mt < lInemen Pn Hrrrurn Irmrn Jll J > I Innwa ZnnlL 3noiu
I > nnwa nnlL Na SI lr Junr Junc i iI
5 I EoI rnl liclrr elr > June i is 1IC iSi
Si tsiiWs IC 1n Itsiani Jlk Ju I I IN
s Mmon mn liumoii Ilmo liumot son tuisisa u July Julys Jul JuI > I A
s lrt Prit liMfhlm Klnt klnco tOnuslon t n July Jul JulnloI T TS
S Atrnlntier nloI laritrna eAtn CanitenaJull CanitenaJullMt > July Julys Jul
s Mt IOu Skmlnp ctrl Milan an > July Jul Julabm JuISibam
Sibam > < r abm ra m ktaUn ttstnIAJIJi1 Iln < Jul 1 TS 1J 1S
S I piiiand I I1rnlnrco < k JnK I I IX IIeiuirr
J l
X Ikrntrr Oiltnun Jul Jul1 I II A ASa AS
I S Sa rarwkho fhU rhtrlr chel ihirIeton ton July lo los 10l If IfS
s Nantlaio Tilni l Jul Jj J5111 7 7Jrfi 7s
> Jrfi IerTroui > r oti Vorfolk i Jul 111 It Its ItS
s < ar anti th i XXtlmlniun Umlol N C Jill JillN Jil I D DitaIiiiIa
itaIiiiIa iirunatk Jut Jut4i W
N 4i Ins ln > rrr tress tIr k IhMlon tiutottJuiiylt tiutottJuiiyltslhllirsims July Jtr tlll It ItOIT
slhllirsims 8 ncr OITs 0 0AI
s 5 Kfll Kssler AI r Hlltirlm Wlhrlm II I At t llrrmrn lmn from Nrw Nrw5m5 rw rwN r rI rI
I N i 5m5 5m5Si > ri ris
s Mrviht at I l knMen In < from om New X sorts sortsI o r rs I IIntlI
s I MnUnil IntlI as l Antwerp from rm New rw cw sort sorti > nrk nrkH O OIrnc
H i lrlnr Irnc Irrnr Irr Al l lilliralur WIall Irons om New Vnrk Vnrknktin ok I IIU
nktin 1511 IU > mow ruKKioK 0 0roln etuala ro i iKronpilni
5 Kronpilni Mlbrlm tot In Nrif rs sork urk from fromllremrn fromhimeturss om omIt
llremrn llremrns It himeturssSilarmairi roln
s Silarmairi r armanl for Nw sw intl < krk from IJttrpool IIerpuolMt rl i iH
Mt H < HonU f 1t for fus Nrw w v sorts ork from o Ijtlrrmn IjtlrrmnH lalermslierrnustln I
H llrrnuitlikn 1In fur r Nrvk eA Wrk 01 from rom ll Imh IhrtnsdaotlnoisnpTsilhiris rmHl rmHlvul
01001 otlnoisnpTsilhiris otlnoisnpTsilhirisii
vul ii I t u i d
I if siJ
I Ir diJ diJli
li ireiituI IIA IP ttPT5WIfll i ii ii 0 555 II U UI Itiksnfr
iksnfr SssIisamptsin 7 l U it I Irinna Ii ni 54 54Minus
Minus VaIulnCun I sSoftr r I ItiOl 54 I is I 54 54tarsea
tarsea rinna ijfrflijA tOll 1 54 Ir 12 ii 54 54Aius0n I
41 Aius0n I tlmniuiI 111 I 52 i I I 1 D 05 I P 1 It ItTient
Tn Tient IllriusIq A 55 5 11 mum It Ittisailt
111 tisailt Ihou ilsins rP 3 A I I I S us 1 1 1tmssn 1 1lmnn
lmnn IUtII hiuiiuil1ipttus I 11 ihei ri ii 1 s 11 I S r ml I 1 St StPrvileni
1InI Prvileni Irusni IChe Slain tsuc I II si I Si SiAsmilila 1 1I
Asmilila itliAfltfllfl1O I 3 I II II IIMalilne
Malilne lin Tm Tlmis luIl I isP l Si Siuml5
uml5 < I Seis r iJT5rsfl Ir s I i3 iii Si SiInN
InN usa Jarkoot tIle I r Ii I St StOil I
Oil 1nI fanhe i isis rln I I iii I IJcrr St StJrlfrroo
Jcrr Jrlfrroo uolk 311 3 II I SI SIq I
q 1 T porror porrorlnrc r
Ie lnrc tahtncianlirempui hlnclnIm A ru S I tern t 11 11I stIis
Iis Iiretatne las me 3 50 5 St I 555 tt Ii IiSltnisIa I
SltnisIa lIst an Ii 5 Il 5 Ii 13 II St StilgEaIiy I II
I ilgEaIiy ellnf ItayII 1 I II SI S SI I 0 I 5 St StMilanaut 1 11
Milanaut Janalcss 1 II i It 10 12 it It IttriIynfdaanflabMa110ah I
111 triIynfdaanflabMa110ah n nnh I nnh 5115 11 I 1 SI SIHamilton
lamlon Hamilton Surlk n I II IIsAuJ I IfW
sAuJ pfsrIiu fW 1w uw n nIImrI EsisrsmrtItr
IImrI isrsmrtItr ilnitno I tea 1 nol 1 1 St I I ss I IIrln ISilo
Silo 11n Itnu II lIt 11 Ita ii II 5 1 5 St In I Is I St StVtttianrt4 1 1X
Vtttianrt4 X a4i 13 Ii St 1 3 r Ii I M M1ln NIMianiII
MianiII 1ln II Ill Jnlo I t2 Iii U 3ii1 1 I II Ii IilIuOii
lIuOii at I 52 si SI 3 IC 1 55 55Itotsiwl 1 1lo
Itotsiwl lo Ik JakI JrkMnuIIle I III I Ii IiStunts
11 Stunts Sorlsu4k 11 11roNo ss s ti tiNCOWIs
II Jv 10 TOS4V TOS4Vialtri < 4 4aalI
aalI Iairrmn 3uine un 1 n nEOeitrlt1
Irtrh EOeitrlt1 1cm Ii ijtIhis tiItfalmist 11111 Jlv JlvU 4 4Eurni
Eurni U Nap4e Jut JutIanonl iuIy 3 3Isnnonla
Ianonl ijitirAltAr iIaIU Jil holy 3 3Alms
Alms 110 Tmr Jul luly I a a1himemle
1himemle hlml s ew nrlrn iltiesni Jil JilI 21111 21111ls
I ls Iiia IN thrIoa aheion Jul 1 1I 3the
I the r asuic asuictohlusi
tohlusi 1lr Ijtrrpostl Jul July P PU 5ll
U st II I isles Natulpa 1 Jul 31115 i I IJm Ilampuiml
lampuiml Itsullerdam Jm 11 i iI
I musts 10 liii me July Julr111Jrl 3 3StisirstIr
111Jrl StisirstIr iullhamitoil lhaml1 Jlir JtsIy I a aSI
0 iiutrris 1 nr ntwrris Jun a aiittnitdlais
iittnitdlais lrmu ilermusha Jil July I 52 52l I
1 l iit nf ii hI tnila Sqnh Sataninab Jul Jssiy I It ItIlsuiluts
Ilsuiluts nlu Sew ew Orleans July I ii iiEl I
El 14555 fh11 1J31rlsUt 1J31rlsUtIturiuss
IlrtM Ituriuss Juirtonsthl Ji 1 1M It ItI
I b M Iuiw 1 U Un I Itennuivant
tennuivant n Itamtutt July 5 5isteranl
l 1
isteranl Sera nla f July 3 3irrns1A i ilunod
lunod irrns1A Trohla TrInhi4 Jil Juim Juimarapa 1 1a
a arapa I AAflLa nl 4ania U Jil Jui V VOuiIn I
lilln OuiIn Mi Tboma Ttuoma JI 3uil I Ionlu i iCoIsrtu
onlu C UAICiIOS k Jul July 0 0II
I II Irronl Sitrelra Sitrelrais lrln I IalII
is alII Il mr r ew Von nk isa I 1 As mi p11 rut eastof
of 1 iruI htno as S St eslrrs1a eslrrs1apie
pie r Iannonla for w nrh kl wit ltsll nI 11111 Ut ciii ciiiof I
01 MAinly nlr I Itoo 1 1ln isn t U Ues
es PanIsanta ln haal fn for W nk isis U I mite miteoutheislut
ouUcut outheislut u lle tiic 114114 lno al 3 J I P 3 34 mit I
Et Excits T Th ThcIztEa
I C cIztEa 1822 1823The 1822I 1822Te 1822The
The Te Farmers Faer loan Loa and Trust Trut Company CompanyNoa Compy CompyNos
Noa Nos 1618 16 1BI 20 22 William Wiiam Street StreetBranch Stret StreetBranch
Branch Office Olco 475 Fifth Fifh Avenue AvenueNow Avenue AvenueNew
Now York YorkIB YorkLSDO1
LSDO1 13 IB Bi tik4sgateBt fa tVlt tlt Within Ith In PAM8 p 4l Banl Boun BounTravlerl ° ° a aTravelers Xs XsTravelo
Travlerl Travelers Letters Leter of Credit Foreign Exchange EIQkugeAdministrator ExobasgeAdministrator ExchangeAdministrator 1 1A 1DriinHi
Administrator Guardian Gu GuI GurdlanEiuitiis
DriinHi nmu lilt liltFranklin SitFranlin r rFrankin
Franklin Frankin Trttfl Truf Tnt Company COflpany
169 69 FCITOS rtlo SlirtT llliKIKtlN llliKIKtlNThis nuThis floiiisThis
This Company hit the resources urginuation oganuton and nd conncctton conneions conrcctioru which whichenable whichenile whichenable
enable it i to be of the utmost service to itt It customer cutomer It 1 t cordially codialy invite invitetlie intcIhe invitesthe
the accounts count and trust tful business of corporations coplionl firms Ims and individuals to towhom 10whom towhom
whom it extends elend the facilities liclilirs acqjired a through twcntynxo years of service ofsemviceto serviceto seie seieto
to the business community
1 UNION S I t psrust r IMH rH 11 L LlOkErll t MISKY il R I MM I iOisY 0 08 V VI KAI IAIII PII r rIUKV rru rru1YfUlalrOT rrsis rrsisjosvrlt >
lOkErll t BRC 5115 < S SV I IIXXIN S MAKSIUS MAKSIUSM IUKV 1YfUlalrOT i iMi sIvRaIroSr sIvRaIroSrWIt
HIM V I III I CIA r rX 11 I I11155 r iu s i r x ti i M iIA r K KIIIAK 8UltlIWOO OHtltr r II WOUDkVARO WOUDkVAROAKrillR lAID lAIDIlltl
X IMIAM Illtl B I > lUAol i IluUY Akrlll 10 WOIP WOIPUNITED Psi4ni fi 54 54t
I JHIcrnn JHIcrnnUIr IttlCThItl IttlCThItlJAUrt
JAUrt UIr 1 c TAVNON TAVNONT A ns rlIIS ritsmttis 1 stys JOHV JnH W PLATTTV PLATTTVMniiTiurn rLA rLAtrI PLATTNirwt
trI irwt U t CtHRr LRXr n I n I ICK IC uiriuen uiriuenMIIIU mUlm MniiTiurn OITn u t 5THirr 5THirrIIKVUV 1HIFF 1HIFFcIAnL HtFP HtFPhtARtFM
55 Cedar Cear St StBroadway Capital 2000060 2000060Surplus 2 2000000SU1P1US4000000
Capia 0 00
A 73d St St125th
Broadway 125th Street 51 I t Sth A Ave e Surplus S SU1P1US4000000 SU1P1US4000000First urp I us 4000000 4000000First 00 A v vIu
First Mortgage Bonds Bondsof
of longestablUhed longetablihed Public Service Serice Corporations Corporationsto
to net over 5 5The 5The 5The
The earnings earnin s of street railway raiay and lighting lfhrin companies companiesarc
arc usually usualy unaffected unafeered by periods of industrial industral depression depressionFor
For this reason every investor should have a portion of his hisfunds hisfunds hisfunds
funds in the first rrst mortgage mor aJe bonds of such companies The Thereturn Theretur Thereturn
return retur on the best of such securities securties is now slightly slightlyover sn htly htlyCvcr
over Cvcr 5As 5r 5rAs 5
As an example we give the following foloin net earnings s from fromofficial fromofical fromofficial
official ofical reports covering the depressions of 190304 and andI
190708 190708Superior 19078SuperIor I 90708Superior
Superior Water Light Power Co CoI90J Cotoi
I90J 193 1904 1905 lOCti ICt 1907 1908 OS 1909
57202 72029 76047 58318 83118 589982 S9U2 S14956 114956 120476 124615 SI2415The 124615The
The present res nl mtercit mleCI charge haJc on he Iir fi Mortice oIle Bonds is 560000 560000Jollet S600 260000Jollel
Jollet Jolet Illinois IlInoIs Economy Light 5 Power Powe Co
1903 193 l 190 ltO4 > 04 1905 I 9S 1906 190 1907 I90S 191S 109 itoaS3468 09
83468 5146 S5127 85127 51542 91542 91 542 518356 118356 121970 156989 15699 171663 5116 S11163The 171663The
The present r irrerest charce nn the i lnl Jiru irsr Mortgage Bonds u i 57730 77300 77300We 77300We
We offer ofer subject subect to sale saleSuperior salt saleSuperior
Superior Water Light Power Co CoFirst Cofirst CoFirst
First Mortgage oorr n c 4s s Jo o net 540rT 540rTJollet 540 540Jolet 54OJollet
Jollet Jolet III 11 Economy light U11 Power Co CoFirst CoFirst Ii IiFirsr
First Mortgage 5s s to net 528 528IMillltd 5211 5211rrplon 52Jrftiiled
IMillltd ilrurnpiiona rrplon upon upn Ttqutfl rrqur rrqurIIII rrqurstMlriltil TtqutflMprclil
Mprclil IIII Milt ul < lrrultr 111 I pull 11 ppllritlnn ppllritlnnH24 P1st lrton lrtondmond leatlon leatlon1dmondathi
1dmondathi dmond 0 I Ir14
H24 r14 Fifth fifh Ave New c York 507 0 O7 C hcrnur Street Sreer Philadelphia
33 Pine Street New York Y ark
firiiTin IWITI rtiri nut 1 i no 11 11nr Ill Illiiliti n nNorth
North nr shore hnr Folk tllijcrl In I llonlilr llonlilrTrickit IllIhl IllIhlTn ilousIsleTrack
Track Tn In no 31 a I 1ssI o I Illctittii IllctittiiPhreaU Illh Illhrh hllaisisarhredta
PhreaU rh of t u I pitched h1 l altli > xlendd xlenddall imetul d dsill
all al this Ih way n from om lillli 111 ii NVck ek l IOIIIIIIOII IOIIIIIIOIIll > oiiKln niigtatnmm niigtatnmmAJiIl ion iontun
tun ll AJiIl I Kay Ia Sidn Slt into Inst is th t hi lloroiiKh 11 1k uroil gli h MH 11 I I itt I in inUmK I inlsnsg
UmK 111 NUnd 111e Cily Ii I ii yMterdny tla wher h a aiikintiuttf I IIIII ittiifltliit
iikintiuttf IIII ts of 0 tho I hA liny 11 lta Sidi 11 Farmer FarmerAiwikciatloii Fsirniirpsiistjatloii
Aiwikciatloii Kialloll amotiR Aml whom hll wtT Vnii 1 It ItSwry I ItSwszy
Swry 17 CI ieorei rg II I lilll 11 I slI II II Iornill Iornilllono I
lono 0117 Vnn 11 Slckltti Hirkln Saniuel W Wk WkIt VeeksiIuert ki kiAllwri
Allwri It Wright thl I luirNH lo 11 lnwll A r rKlUwortli C CII1 IEllssworth
KlUwortli M ilhnin II1 1 J Van al XoHiniml XoHinimlClinton NrstruinsiiI I11
Clinton Ililllol I l 1111011 T 1 ll I s and In1 Mkprul irail 1 IO i 11111 lorets MI oilui oiluiap ot I hn hnap ts r rbofiirs >
ap > > areil tl Ufori Horikiiish h IrMidint tn tnMT Unr ins inslost +
MT of r Uuttiiv and oll prt > t < Htw aKam 11111 11111Ih sttZislIt sttZislIttI t ttlm
tlm Ih North is Shikr Ihnr hnr Tract Trrt1 Ion Coiniuuiy CoiniuuiyInyini lIIL simttiuJiny simttiuJinyiayiti
Inyini IKyili It doiilil Ihl Is itil its triu 1Ik t raiku k through IhI t brois gtm h a I portion portionof scet 1011 1011lnII Intl Intl5f
of 5f llroadwny lnII ahout IINII n 1 mile 111 immit loiii I when whenthe wi wiIh whsrshi
the Ih hi rcMidvkay rrsiisiw sly H I titt tn I iiIr r > > than thirty f fi fiw < i > i iide
w ide 11 iii
fler wvril ral veirn s5rir t of lutttliiik huitt tiitui tin tintrolley It I II
trolley Iroll I riktnpHtiy eotn witty IH ikKiul 11111 iii Istuht complituin complituinUK itiITl lpllmlt lpllmltnlllnll stit I ti g git
UK it ifiniioctlon nlllnll Ulwevii I I it Hylkiii Hylkiiiin 1 1I
in Niiwau 1il LAiii I iiiiinty i fliflt ami 111 Klin rllhll 1i umihi > hiiic 5 Ii Z Tln Tlnniil Tli his hismmiii
niil 11 I IOIIK Isini i ci ntrlp tl ri on ll i sit Ilnwidway Itrosid wiy IH i the 11 I hi oin oinncctliiK 11 tunlitct
nlilt litct ncctliiK tug 111t tins 11 of Ir 5 51 the Ih t Ii trolley I nly road lt lietwtin lietwtinloiiKln I set wilts wiltsIinhgiaetnfl
loiiKln Iinhgiaetnfl > ton and In1 lliy nI Hide Hil the Ih road hn hnUIK In InII Iininig
UIK liw tssn > n nimpUte tlpI f on either lh oule 1 the theUIIIIK It ItUsing 1 1Ulill
UIIIIK Ulill II tliat KIVIM thiH uirticiilar rtcul trip lrl of ofHnutdway sithr r rIrlwIY
Hnutdway IrlwIY hr euiiwiiy im il I j1I ni wrtiUr > < irt 11lr in1 > < I Is thai I it I H the themain II t is istitus
main titus its thoroughfare t hit it sI I guts h ri almiu ut IIIIi i so g I hi h North NorthSliore Sr h hShsru
Sliore Sh 111 leadiiiK 11111 ic lo II xiinlx us ilti II I is Uynd Ooucla Oouclatoii Ulljl I loll glis glistoll
toll and ie dally dAty ii 11 itel d I hy lr hiindre hititss lri < l ii < of ofteairu oftanus I IaM
teairu aM Ile and Anlnlllhi niitomoliileH ujituts nmoni 11i Ji hem g the I h in latter latterUina 111r 111r1inR lii t t r rI
Uina I ein g the Ih I Vonderhiltjk Vsuidrh 1111111 il Is the th I Is lull I lotildi und undIhe alli alliI UtIs I Ithe
the I h Mackayr MackayrMciiitxn Mtuckyeulctihsrs >
Mciiitxn 1111 of t the Its h ciiiiimitttv Nlmil tl vi vrtirtluy vrtirtluytiti lerdiiy lerdiiytold Ily IlyInll
told Inll Ireitlnt I ir i rsr > er that tlli t th 11 t I linilditm linilditmof I isiiti ihlrl its it itof
of a doulile 11111 trolley t track nlone g thi t tiia narrow narrowftrlpof IIRrr IIRrrIrl narrowetri
etri ftrlpof Irl sit roadwny lIdIrllrflalI iirartlcttllv emit off other otheriruvkl uttirI Ih IhrrlI
ravel I It I t wan ftl o pointed p suites 11I11 I out isi I I that t the thecomiutnyV Ih Ih1nll4UlrII t ii iisunnssunys
comiutnyV rharter rllal nti stIlsilItitiMI > ulnl < that when whenthe wh whIh whenthe
the Ih roii 01 wa 1 found too narrow to I Is may Iltrclulll ny nyildilhlo
ildilhlo t track ikllh wi ith tts Kfcly N the Ih I Is trolley trolleyrcunpMny IrII IrIIIIIIIIY trolleyetuiIIJulefly
rcunpMny would at HH own t I5et5ist I5et5istIiiiro ne neoixitire n naclnire
oixitire Iiiiro ailihlninil addi I isutsal I ind alonsiil au JII us gsil III the theroitd II IIIII t I us usroad
road roitdIUkprnMntntie roadltljteisenttutVoi III III1tt1lIlnll
IUkprnMntntie < or < if the Ih I trolley t II rotd rotdtold rotidtold 0111lolel
told Prenident 11 ire rwisr > er that they hf were wereiinatkte is ert ertitiiihits
iinatkte lo I it olituin 1111 addititmal adtisl innal land Inll ulonR ulonRthis alnnlI isbn g gtills
this I hi vtrticiilar Hlnlfh IIwlll < i swiiiiC inn to the theik I h hukIIt
ik i tvMiit iiri iiricf aikeil liy the Ih nner nnerIt IIwn IIwnII tIwnersIt >
It wits w lltn1 eurne < l that i Ihe ih I lii company 101111 hnd hndKturted h1IArlteI 1usdcharted
charted work ork on llrondway IIrca without a apermit ILrrnlt arnnbt
permit rrnlt ant Pawn 1 re rssr kr ordered orderedtho orui Ipll IpllIh rsoi rsoil15
tho Ih polliik twill lic e to loll the Ih I us work k until the thedifficulty II IIIlimCIIII tlsiiimcuiuy
difficulty IlimCIIII ixiuld 1I1t1 Ni b adjiiikted adjiiiktedi sisljisistedifntzzEi lIJu It ItI
i unKzztKMi r ill11l1It bltvlhlsE5ufrili < iton s sFldelll
Fldelll 1111 Tnt Co o of IsotiNtllle IICII lilt Mill In Inrrra I Irrr Increaai4apltahail04OO4M
rrra creaai4apltahail04OO4M P ailtal IUalllUOOeM lliOOm > 0 loTotrr 10 C r loue loueloitmxiLlK I IOUtlllLI ioerI5fltSlliShLtY <
loitmxiLlK OUtlllLI July 17 oniciitln of the theFidelity Ih Ihtidlity theFidelity
Fidelity TIt Compnny onnpany following the thediwloatire Ih thediwloeuare
diwloatire of tint th Its money mist by h AiiKiiet AiiKiietnopke IIItROlkt lIguIistflojike
nopke auiiktant itnl secretary Iary in spatula 1IfWlIUno upeoilatlon
tlon nnnotmwd tod loelV r that they will willthe wlliucuu wiltIuarasu
iucuu the th itolc O of 0 tho uuUtution
Chicago Burlington Quincy
Railroad Company
Denver Den Extention Four Per Cent Bond BondHue BondeII BondlIsie
Hue II rehruarT hn I 1O13 1O13f 5022crtlri
crtlri f I Mri lHiiltoAUH adilrcM dlrewl l to the Ih solar solaritnpI aot aotn
trnil > n lit hi h orrrr oTt IM u 1iron Ionhlfo hlre Miret Dot Dotlor non fbimi
lor Mn nl rndor rndoraI l nn oLt ozta5Ip Mf ol 0 m tOt tOtto lopi lopiMAO
r r nlrW 0b70 0b70n
n to CIP MAO Ii Q H H To Toitn Ocuiver ri rifn
itn < fn n 4 lknn klnl V111 llllir III sir I IIWKIXTU LNTIl l L
NlKlN Silt IS iii lT I Till IUStlA JI JI LY II tolD for r lh lhmlf lbor tbe tbesue
sue n or arnte ntmel nm boil it in t the h trull trustie TO TOAMMIIlll Ti TisiisihlIt
AMMIIlll > 11111 TUP TU r M s M Ol IIVK MrNtlliri AM >
itt MrNl rsis 1 TV N Tlllll 111 i5 THHKE llfN llfNtllll ttt U
ITV < I n i i NTS 1173 t13tsw k > rut its ANY Ai TART
TIIHIPUI in n amiMtnre aec Ionre kiltb lib tte tcrtrrnrnt tcrtrrnrntll
ll let t 11 Irrrr iisrwleItssjws rrrlier IYo IYoIrnl M Mrroi
rroi Itssjws v n kkln III 1 5i otn oNnl 1 and nrt itisceisful urr ful u blrU
irrir iPeIirpi i j 3s M I I uin t I MI t ivTrnrrr ox o AO AOflTt
< flTt 1 IITti I li IWiMit Ill s uS Xk 111 It j iPXsr I July IJ I 1910 1910IfieNewEnglandljustjionuiany 1011The 110Ihe
IfieNewEnglandljustjionuiany IfieNewEnglandljustjionuianyP The Hew NewEngland I n Trust i TRUSTU C Comnany y ylA
P fly n n WlinVbV IrriTJeat
ln lotIon nn lA 54 lik Jul I IHO IHONnTUT IVIOIT 5510I
NnTUT IT I T 11 I I TH Ti S MOt 1I01n I I onr nrtis I tn4 nr nrM 01Ulnlllol i t tI
< M IIOI1NI ttilIt I S NnitlilWrSTKtlVnAlfWAr NnitlilWrSTKtlVnAlfWArntiri
< ntiri ill 11 I 1 rnisr 1111 I 111w F MoitujAfiK 511St 11 I ufa IIOMM IIOMMIrnat IIOlliti ilONklutitlsatl
Irnat i 1 stflnhart Ih4 lrutre TruI under UII l sAc I mortCACf mortCACfor morr
or 5 drIll < of truti of n the Ih t jiUfnrnl Nnrthwcvtern
lUllkk i omp nmrAn n dnlnl rt 0 1 StArch 10 ITIh b lf I tltar In Inrnirinnre InIAn liispr4nre
rnirinnre IAn with 10 ins 10 term m and nd proklilon of ofitkle 0 0lII tititJIe
itkle lII of AI I ilrel ot if r Irutl hrrrb > lotlln mull r pta ptafur rr rrP >
P tU 1 for he h iIo le to lu hIm on n Atirud Jut 3UI l ItlO ItlOhi mm mm5I o oi
5I i hU hi oflre h Miller and mu n1 Nkn oonm ome sirf 11a u In the triei h
i Ifi I of tn I rnrivo nr of r bon4a m1 sceutral erurn 1 hy It ill sail sailtel 11 11n I Iurl
url of n tr rs or i a rMe AI noi rtrrrdloc pr aiwl nrt ten tenl
l < r r sli5 ni in premium mm In n wh mounl with lo loprrmlim IDfsfrrnim D DIltmllOm
prrmlim 4 < > h h1I M nnt ri 011 rsrretl JLIjxnm JLIjxnmll ntnII >
ll > HNXT T KIIIMIART Trutteo TrutteoII >
II t 11 nmimn 1s makiiiK malt ilia a total capitalization capitalizationof rR pitalizat Ion
I of r J7iMItoi usSlIssl 1101 in ortlf Ir r to to protect roltCt depositor depositori
i I It IH I is now no thn Ih opinion of IIOM Ihoto lImo < > oonnrcUHi oonnrcUHiI ronncoclfdwarlr nonneoteetwilts
I with tli time < hunk tliit the th nnioiint usexi by byItispice
i Kopk Mill reach S1 viim II and an exani exaniunlioii cta eauiiluilloti 11I
unlioii of the It honks wince he h hit h hiss tv beers beerscisIitlittisl n nr nih
r cisIitlittisl titnHt il with ih the III hunk oxteiullnR sllIn rxic htcr bswis bswisovr rxicoxer
oxer r a lsnsl niKl tI ot if fuhl lothlU itst > fii yean Y1II18 is twins twinsIII beint11I10 tiein tieiniii
III 11I10 11I101I1oNII llll llllitiMovcrtiM liiiIPjscoy <
itiMovcrtiM IPjscoy rts4 nr AP k coming mmin mindly ard ardit cd cdII
it IH is not unnwn lino at prewnt how long the thanKHintnnt lhenlltllt thetiesiatant
nKHintnnt M secretary < 1 h liar b been < > n lining the thnfund thftfUlld thetiintlis
fund of the Ih hunk l before for < hl hill arre arrest t All AHtin AllI AlltItI
tin I crfilitorn ilo of 0 the l hank nk will b I pro protcrti roIn protsCtIll
tcrti tsCtIll to n jstlts M > nny nn wty 14 ofjlcialn o or the bank bankIn hank5Its
In n ftJitftiifiit luMifnJ liy John W V Barr BarrIr
I Ir 1 prmiil 110111 nt IIr uf > f tho Kulelity Tn Tnnt t Cops Conii COlI111IY
i Mtiy II IM saul that not one on dollar of the theiiumey theIlIIlIny
5 iiumey tioloiiciiiK 1llIn 1I11 to estates fIIlal him hMIntld1 beon beonlixulml hesnI
IlIIlIny I lixulml by h Hop ltopke llo > Ut < U Wall l elieveil IelievsdIlitit fill > elieveiltlmt I Ithllt
tlmt when Mm Ink opoiiwl thU morning mominlit
it 1 flIts would I Is H iliad > lint contrary contraryeiHHtittionik contr ry < IspIliml ii iietjWstuitiOiii <
eiHHtittionik only Sill u few of the small anitllitorM smallIteIwsIltofli 1111tIllIo
tIllIo itorM withdrew Ithei their Kivinsa Vinlt while wbiopollil whhlodeposits whiledenomta
deposits pollil cans In Ii Mtvidlly throiiRhotit the UifI UIlta thestay
< ta
I iiopkn Ro len waa ftmtiRntsl In ttiurt toiirtImiornitig lIr Ihuk IhuktiiornniK
I tiiornniK timid wnivrd examination Hit HitCUM HI HIc tilel45b
CUM c I will iII to Vir r lo thn tl 1 Uclotxr term termof Irmlr tartitlit
of the th rrniiinil rrim l11 cuiiri e Ro far ho haV haVnot 1111 1111not httbot
not ronf confessed e > e < i tnkini > the money nor oorh D Dh norhAs
h hAs lie h itonifkl it MI Itu > II seen n ho M Mthat saW saWthat ltl ltlIhut <
that he h woulil I talk sft afmsr T h he tutu employed omployeilit
it Inwyor W HIM II iNkiii IH Hartl fls at i5000 i5000onU IZ I3Itliisi OOQ OOQlIoj
onU < lIoj tlutt tll < tt a inin 11 iii < 11 tui luri iioi Uwn D raasud