OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, July 15, 1910, Image 2

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-07-15/ed-1/seq-2/

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< c
IC ICamvl
arrlvinj < thry had got 10 a letter from font fontUfUo 11fIU
UfUo U Ul k brIC rnff an nortioail 1 1111 < me 11It ge ttetn ttetnfrom Ul Ulrrnm
from th boiiKe boll i 30 Hilldrop IreMvnl IreMvnlin
in which 1 he I told loldr her ulepfuther Clltl that flu fluwa h hIII
wa In tine health They Th could l11 I I nut nutindriKtJinl IIltndIII1
wh whd h hr
indriKtJinl ier m u WillianiKburg >
d r Ke 10 ntd 111 in mind to I mike III a 1 joiimev b bi I IlIforrl
i klifurma dd liol I refer lo I it I HI II lul lulletiei h1I h1Wlh
letiei letieiWuli I
Wuli HIIK Ih in o mind 11 they Ih pulid me meHi
Hi irip Irl > n K letiei 11 I D Mrn 1 Mill III 1 her herwan hr hrw
wan w notion 1111 m 1 it I I indicute 11 tin iM iMor I Inr
or place ol Iora m Hell 111 il nh wheie h ilu ilubidr 11 111h
bidr 1h wa a ti I he I Kent fimn f In I I 1n111 ondon or orwhell r rhl
whell hl ll wi eH > li I ain e
about the g ieiif o of
Me inger WIM uneasy oII
> f n 1 He I Kiid 1 iv that he h ioiildn 1111 1111h I Ih
h lp eil 1 that Ih Minieihmg 1hi I WHK wront wrontIhey r rTh
Th Ihey fuuld 11 not lielie e Hiit I ori Hell Hellwould 1111
would il come 01 in Ihe Ih I 111 luted Slate WUIOM WUIOMwriting h hwnlll
writing wnlll to I lheo In almut it Such ldl a iimr iimrW4 Ir I Iw
W4 w they lb Klld whollV hII Illlllke Inhk hei heium h hun
um OISMrr I IUKH to nu I I 1111 I II ii t tthe
1 the h tiiKt 1 IIWH tlm Ih family in I HriKikivn HriKikivnMI
h1 MI r l orl r1 IMIn4 11 iictitil ICII1 death WUH WUHxrrid w wntri1
ntri1 xrrid 10 I them Ih b the Ih police I Ilu IlunroollTiidetfciMe II IIro
nroollTiidetfciMe ro bureau 1111 t 1 id I een 1 tryuiii tryuiiilo tr IUI
lo locate 10li Molle 11 KlmoreV IIr familv fllh for e em emd 1 1day
d day y An n inii 11Inl leiit friend tf Hlle It Klmoie KlmoieMm 111 111Im
Mm Im imn lnt ti an al Knglih En hh amleville 1111 jier jierformer
former who whl IIHH h un 11 miuenlriiin 11lf act 1 and andtraitiK 011 i iIrI
traitiK IrI hor for flr il I at I 111 o ellc N 1 linl linlrrcrive 111 111I
I rrcrive r I1 < i reiortK from rnl lindoii 11 ol I thf thfwomanti II
1 womanti diMppejtance and 111 death deathMme
J Mme Im Ginnt > tt iKihepre idtn in 111 Uiudon Uiudonof > 11
I of nn n orgamration or171 of f ariety iHTfiirmem iHTfiirmemknown I
known ax the Ih MUKIC II Hall II ArtiKtK rlll 0111 bnld bnldB I II
I B Rl ll Klmore Imor wa the li treanurer The Thewomen Th1 Th1i
i women hud ha < been a oci < ted for veuia veuiaand tlli tlliAnd
and were r Rteat 111 friend I They Th had ad adrx aIPf
rx Pf > rd < together at I the th name 111 tnu 11 ic lialln liallnI hl
I and Mm lm nalt iinnett wi 1 futiiiliur fIIIIr with Wlh numi numiI 11 11i
i I of H > lle I Klmore annir Innlr She h hu lieim 11 in inlhi I i iIh
lhi countrv oln In evernl fl month nlllh but hl Khe h got gotall
I all allh the neWK n about OII Dr r tnppin rPII wife C from fromher CrmI
I her h KnRll nRhh h friend in Illh the profe rf ion 111 111Iporlllhu1 Pie PiereportsuUrmi
reportsuUrmi Iporlllhu1 l her herMme
Mme 11 Cmnrtt ilnl heard from frti one I friend friendl I
l th thaI t Mlo I Klmore Imor in il > erfeot health hlh ap appaTPDlly A AJDllr
paTPDlly JDllr had Ilul attundml atI u meeting 111 of t the theguild Ih IhI
I guild rarly Arl in II Krhruary und 111 thuf I h one of ofthe C I Ith
the aur th officerr nml of th guild ll had called ralOIn on the thefollowing Ih Ihrnlnwl
following rnlnwl d < y at the th Hilldrop fildro lre < vnt 1
Hou ln to II Kee ihe I h treasurer Hr Ir nppen nppenI
I informed the Ih caller 41r that hi h wife had gone goneaway IOI IOIAa
away Aa The Th caller alr WUK w aMtoni hod when whenf 1 1O
f O > r Irippen Crllll ncldtd that lit wife t had hadI
I Ilalf t rted for If 1 Angele 111 lhat monimg monimgMm lnlnl lnlnln
Mm n Trippen nlln had hd Kind i1 nothing nlhl to her Ilr nu 11 11illma t
1 intimate illma friend CriI about 1011 going Inll to I the Ih Imted ImtedRtatra 1111 1111IIN
Rtatra IIN Ordinarily Ordilanl Khe h WAM w rommuni rommunirAlive IIIDI
rAlive 11 altout 11 her atTair allr The Th intor intorwent lor lorI
went I away Aa purzlml purzlmlIt 11111 11111I
It I WA not lnt long lonl afterward Mine I iiiiimtt iiiiimttInured 1111 I Ilaf
Inured laf that Ihlt Ihe Ih officer onltr of r the Ih guild guildcalled 1111 1111rI
called rI 1 again i Alln to inquireuliout Mr Ir lrplll npien npienShe
She h WA told bv th > > dmtor cnlor that Mm MmCnppen Ir Irrllln
Cnppen rllln wa a dead a u victim 11 of r pleiiro pleiiropneumonia pllrrlurnlia
pneumonia rlurnlia en n route 1 to I < > Angele I He Hehkil II i
hkil ha learned Im < of it I through Ihrollh u cablegram cablegramThe HIIlrul I
The T uutor Ullor a ked kc to I MH the Ih cablegram cablegramOr tIhllram tIhllramfr
Or fr Inpiu lnlI id tlii he h had h milaul mltAII u uHe I
He I wan Irry Mirry h hadnt time Iln to look 11 for forit CrI
it I but 11 h < > hnd IUlt an n engagement 11r0nl and an must mustgo mll mlle
go e out outtvcmiKR 011
tvcmiKR OTUR no UN s is THK iior iiorAll l lllhl
All llhl thi Feeme < l > eciiliar to ihe Ih m mml mmlnC mtier mtierof
of the Ih guild II1d and in < th Ihy y renewed rIf their theirinTUirie IhrL1Ulr
inTUirie L1Ulr o the I h dxtor Ior He H contmuiHi contmuiHito
to eri that ln II wifo f had hIh1 died in mIha mIhaId America Americaand
and Id he h catt af ed notic Inll of her death ouh to 0 lie lieprinted h hrmle
printed rmle in I ome of Hie Ih lnron ondnn lh > Miri il ilp
p Ial p r Pre Ir tntlv I 1 he lamt ar forward forwardwith Corr1lh
with lh the Ih informal mCrnUtln cm that the Ih Ivody 101 Iud hndl Iudtlmfl
l n cremateH tlmfl < in n America mrla and 1 thai th thu Ihlh
lh u > he oe on 01 the h wav to londin S Sera S Sr1
era r1 of Mrii r Inppoii Irt frienil frjno on the Ih tng tngnoticed tfl
noticed Iohtr while h falling Ihll at a th h d 1Inr < tor hoti hotithat hnl hnlat
that at a voijtiK OJIII and gon < looking A woman womannpr nla nlapfr1
npr pfr1 stre < to I have ha an a ure lr1 < pmutmn 1111 in inth II
th hrniKe hII They l itrDeil D that I hrr name namew lun lunIh1
w llhel Ih1 laru ar I Neve an in Knglth Knglthwom llhh llhhwnmal
wom wnmal n 77 1 year4 ar old nhl who h hud ha < l n edu educ 1 1altr
c altr t d in II a French rllh < onenl nl near ar IWiulogne IWiulognemir 11III 11IIIIl
mir Il M Ir r who h n I > oke French rlh iierfiHily iierfiHilyand dII dIIMd
and wh h o < a it French woman n The TheattitH Th ThI
attitH of f th diHtiir to rd Mi MiN I I Iu
N vo u annoyed i < the I h mui h hal ll folk Th ThtIAI y ybegin
begin tIAI lo I think Ihll I Ih hut an untiBitiii IIli IIliIIK WA WAAll
All 1 nC f th Itno hlnl vir r drrilid drrilidMmo I I I Imf
Mmo mf OmntMi Imnfl with IIh lh fltthn CIhf1 infntnui infntnuitivi ICOII
tivi 11 th h l rl > r IrtppiMi rp ami th h armd armdIng i1
InK girl Irl had di h ipp IRcd irerl ntl nlr r th MUM MUMHall I
Hall Hal Arti rl i > rtnld 1111 had h mt r lcd S s ot otl
l lacd nd Yard rrm in H ms 1J Th f tirwn I aff rtd rtdMm
Mm I Ginntiti illI poa < id r mind 11 Sh KII M Mthut
thut thl BHI 1 Klmor had rnliitlviH rlh v mr mrwh 1 1wh
wh m n trool rrokh lvti hut ph hf hud har no 10 id oa oahr a awVx
wVx hr > rt > hv h totii 111 l foinul Karly rl HI HIlhi II III
lhi I e fk k ht 11 > wtit 11 in thf Ih Rritoklrn t ttvtixti II
tvtixti I H JI > iati if I Stai Sd ttrf and In1 tn tnrjip I IqJ
rjip qJ d < tha Ih thV v Hnd Inr HHI 11 Klmott Klmottf III IIIfl
f fl niir M nll ild thtn Ih hut i ht h had t lt ltKrapj <
Krapj 1 ti I T ngl > nd to Mr Mrcitl I t tII
lar 111 ant
citl II tntwoon lx I ntl n nnd 1 NVw V Yrk YrkII rli rlia
a kmg II Hi aitlniiiiift f fin h out if n nvtimiti I
vtimiti mil kn n MIF h iini rl rtppti rt or orrVll r rI
rVll I Flniiri rnl hail I died 11 ihtp h and al1 liid liidr I
Wfirtl 1 thai h iu > tich tichp
r rlv i iti IvMrv r CM IIh IIhprc
p r on had hII ti h IHI > ird of oflm f fIm
prc I
lm limnnti tII told 11 titT itory In to I S SrRI SrRIIrn rRt rRtrrn
rrn l Vid ii v > h < > han ha rhwrK I of C Hit HitFlirini I h hntnl
Flirini ntnl of f t I 11 < > iiv > in I thii Ih Hrxiklyn Hrxiklynpoli
poli ph h adiiiirlr STK S I Walilfti lrl ad advswl
vswl 1 Mint m Jmiflt n I > ndvirti Sht ShtnTfptVl ShI
I I nTfptVl Illhl thin iiivnrli I h I I II itit iit iitf
f I th 1 of f Mr It I lr I nM n Im ImIllnoll imfr imfrtinntllv
tinntllv Illnoll knonn n Hwllo 1 Klmiit nn > f lxindn lxindnLrzlnnd Inn InnLnlln
Lrzlnnd Lnlln < i IIVIIIK 1 ii I llr < Hikltn will I li liS hrl
rl r I n 1
I S i
lmv m dinnoti lil knew n thit 1111 th h i tcrH tcrHn Ir Iram
n am m < > MillM 11 nnd AOI thnt hor r liunliatid liunliatidvan hlhAlt
van rmployo mllny1 m l nomti tm way ay with h n o ofatlory
fatlory Vith llh ttiH Ih iln Iu < Wnldn nlo ntartf ntartfout arr arrII
out II On 0 V ttltir < day aftcrnnoii hi II found foundMr f fI
Mr I Mill fl at Il > tiiov irn ntrr InI > l with 1 htr htrfather I
father Ki rnrk linrk Mt 1IIr nmRfr Mr r Mdl Mdlwan II
wan about holl to I mov m to tl Newport Irl It I I II
I m 11Ilnl int lo II co 1 ixiviriil rl ilayx y nRo n n iid iidMr t ttf
Mr Mill ll hut 1 I havn hA Ix I ti worritii worritiihoni >
tf Wlr
ao honi lora I f rf11 lt that wirt r KOIHK IIn t tgfl I
gfl lltW lltWAt
11 1
At lhat time hm thf Ih fart that > r lnpp > ti tihad
had har l vn tnurd lr < r 1 maa not knowti knowtih knol knolrl1
h rK rl1 ant WnMfn I < l took lok that IIt nrwn I to th thfamily IhCantr
family Cantr y trd trdy x and al1 olitainml Ilialn all al tin tininformation
information h could ulr Rt 11 conr lnrrnll > rnin rninl
l Ir r nppfn rI and Cora nra HH 11 Klinor KlinorW EhnorWhl
W Whl rfi > n Ifarnwl that thll th tnurdWfd tnurdWfdwoman lurer1 lurer1man
woman man wa A th cUiiKhttr of fr a Iolihh IolihhntltmAii Iolhnllml
> ntltmAii n mrd Mukowmarki who whomatrml h hmarl1
matrml h hr r mothr al fl11 > iit forty Cory ytar ytarago ar arIJ
ago IJ 1 11 In M winKiT family famiy had hr nil UI idea ideathat IdaIhl
that Ihl Makowinnki kwIIkl Ixir a titl Iil > of nolillity nolillityMrkn 10hill 10hillrI
Mrkn rI ma mII kl dlfd dll thirtyflv IhirIY yearn Yflr ago agoand Iln Ilnn1
and n1 hl widow Wlr marrid marric to Kru rttrrk rttrrkho < lrrirk lrrirkMs
Ms n r who ho n IIVIIIR in tht Ihf part partint Iart
int 01 thn hl luiilt 111 up Uoo Ino n A lai Eat t Wl Wliam 11
iam anII htirR t < ira rl IMI 111 va two I I yrar r old oldal ohA
al A th litii Iln IlnrSf
ih b i r t nilmicVtna mimic n A a Imliy hhrId
41 Id d lr Mfnntinr IIIr m I in broken hrolllI Knij Knijhtih IIN
htih hi V rI irda Shf h u l to I tnnkx In In1llh iir iirUutth
Uutth 1llh itli h hr inntation 111lnl of C thi ani animal ali ¬ I
mal 11 Mhilt 11 ih h wa only I n child diiel nht nhtaid h
01 aid < ih h int ond1 tnl l t Ii I an nrtrt > Wlulit Wlulithr
> hr hI wiii n tfirl 111 u hfr iwri 1 hf h lfl Ir lionu lionuand hnl
and a1 wttit oil ii ta I I do not 101 rtn rr tii tiilir
lir l < v Id v > at id I tiiti 111 luit h1I lit litSv
I n I
Sv SIII1 tiiifti v rHrfi IUH hwatrav hwatravfllint h lrA lrAUII
fllint UII in II Hi I t I Hunt it wa in II Call Callforma 1
forma Crlll hi b i t 11 I i rieii rN ff CI in inwith il I Ilh I
with lh him hl d I I lum hi I hv wtnt wtntti nl nlIllnn1
ti hnstunl Illnn1 v n ifie f nd 11 > > lay 1yn < < J Jin
in n Knirland fIIInl t rr vlii Ij hmii hmiiA h
A hit hl 11 t > t r rh ut <
h r nviihtr 1lh J nd nt r C nt 111 Ullc cam a I I
Ewcrv now and inJ ih rn f some somemrnibe sammpmb
mrnibe of our tur cr > l 81Iznlnn 81Iznlnngl nizntion i ijjiwi
jjiwi gl n 1 tti loun ti > o > < c to Gar GarS ii iiS
S m tI matorialtnan mnlrDlrDI t in Jnn Jnnir JnnIr
Ir ir of c Jcfault Jdulll njj on hi hl J < liv livcrv I
crv rv Jato JatoMo
Mo 1 may hiv h rfooj I < J an inJ J vuffi vuffivicnt f
vicnt nl ra5on faOI rut hi our contract contractwith nlrat nlratwh
with lhv Ih Owner tnalv m los s no pro provision rr rrson ¬
vision son for them themThe IhmTh
The tn moig ii < nje to lirvi Id1 is isnot isIh
not 1 reasons reasonsThnt hlsonI
I Thnt hll is one un of the tho method methodwe 1 hoJs hoJsw
we w ptnplov to I ensure 1lr pecd spJTHOMPSON pecdTHOMPSON
CuDdMf luDdt Conitructi ConitructiFiftvOne Connuct ConnuctfifyOne
FiftvOne fifyOne WI I Street Streethome SreehI
home hI I Mii 1 ii SI e laved wi li tlli tlliShe 111I
She I Kiinietl 111 lo IK I pntehipit ha and 11 I Hex er erheanl r rI
heanl a I word r1 Mini hi agaillt lo1 Hm Ih dMtnr dMtnrI
I did not 11 know klu lum hll erv n well 1 lien lienKim I Ih
Kim h came am hutne hUI him 1 iamc al il 1 n II 111 111I il ilI
I hemd giMHl I repor r of t him hll Mv h tep tepdtilghler 1
dtilghler tllhhr told 111 me I tnll 11 nhe h wa Kiicteovful Kiicteovfulon
on the I Ktugi I in I lnuloii 1ll and 11 wu tuakitig tuakitiggKHl 1110
gKHl I inoiiev 11 She h naul 11 Khe t had h11 nuiliy IIh IIhIrIIIIIIH1
IrietnU IrIIIIIIH1 iiniiiug mie I iwoplc 1 MI he h loli lolime IIJI
me I tii dMtor WUK a giwul 1 inoiiev 11 inaUer inaUerand 111f
and 111 wu mlere 1ed iiiMixerul ml bu 11 ini 4 4Mr
Mr Ir MilN a half Kiter r KIII 1 Khe h hud hudH
H 11 two 1 iiiinHm Ih and I u half hiI with llh I
Itelle 111 m I Ixillilull I I a vsir r und a half hlfIr igo igoDr
Dr Ir I nppiii iiud hi wife 1 ttvimd 111 Le I n nthe 1
the Ih tnlI 1 of f term Ir and 1111 her KiHtcr Ir wa 1 alwio alwiolollv 11 11Ih
lollv Ih and 11 huppv heli h the Ih letter 1IIr inline inlinefrom 1
from r Dr Ir i IIIK 11 l > her hubind 111hale lt tHrt tHrtand
and I herxlf i miide Imi h HCIVOUK 1 she shewrote h hr
wrote r to I Hm h dHiir kkin for full hil iletail iletaillie
lie II did uni replv h K l w k Khe h iit iitn IIII
n < glbied letterK to I Dr Ir Illpptll and Ilhll IlhllS I Is
s S < 01111111 II I1 Yard YardMy arl arlh
My Miter r carried miitiMv rI 111 her herlife hrIr
h 1
life niid Mr Ir MilU IIL I do tiol know kl how howmuch h hIldl
much Ildl or r in whom 1 Ihe Ih pohcie III were r made madeout lIuIII
out II She s wu un 11 extremely t 11 haiiiUoinc haiiiUoincwoman halI halIWol
woman Wol MII lh a I llnefiill 1 fiI llgureand l iiutif il ilfcutureM I Illn
fcutureM lln Shu h wn a clexer r vaudeville vaudevilleartmt 111
artmt nnd her marriage Iarr did not I interfere interferewith inrrr inrrrh
with h her work or Tlitre WIH alway Ia u I iall iallfor 11
for her from Cr1 Hie I Ijindon mulc 1111 hall hallMm jul
Mm In Mill hl KUid Ul thai I Hm Ih lui letter letterrtiemsl 11
rtiemsl 1 from Torn llelte 111 by h unv il ineinlxr ineinlxrof 1111 1111oC
of the I h fnmilv fIII urtivinl I ni I tow ml tin I h lu luof I IC >
of C De < ml IIr > er iv n The T letter wax Kent Kentto 11 11I
to I Kltllenne Volkell Iorl I llelle 111 llllf llllfHlKtnr hlJ
HlKtnr 11 he h wife C of r ItMeph Yolkell 1 who wholive 1 1hI
live hI m I Ihe II HidgeWKKl llrl Mr l of r llrnoklvn llrnoklvnThe Irkl1
The Th letter 1Ir read readii r0
I ii nK 1 ri r MI I I IHH NM inui I > li hfr ink inkfur
fur ihe h I i piiiioirHpli or i > I tun tundnrlinic i I
dnrlinic l 111 > ili > He I l > u I InMiiti Keiliv KeilivI 11 I II
I do Hunk I I Mould hi I uune deli 1hll1 1hll1hole liied to tohold
hold hole turn in m urin rl and 1 iieee Imii ImiiI IIU IIUI
I a M I v M tie i a linle I tMi I h on 1 kui I > H Hhou
hou I loe I tiMhlo hh e fire fr tiMlIt Ih pliMcd pliMcdto 11
to I hii h In II photo n 1 hiire i onb II on u uiii
iii h m e K coinpleie 1 luirim Mini 1 Him i 11 11htte
htte a lutle 111 child in I ii I 11 am uriTi uriTiat
at I voiir lr lo ing oo Imhi 11 I nmcli d tin I a I mi mia
a 1 ii mikcw 1 u liih 1 dinetitti e M Leu i t mr mrown
own ownMum4 I
Mum4 Ium lme1 ii I nil I How I I h lie 1 1hrf were werehr
hr hrf < vii Ih u I ikain 011 Mil 1 poor 10 Minn I n nitpr
itpr r who h dod I well I Mm M heir I oiii oiiihroueh i ihrnh
hroueh hrnh Hi II mrrcv o 01 tiiul 11 r t In iice iiceA
A Kno 1 ih h hoiii hr l verv r dfar find I Ido II
do I wi h thit h Korim 01 if f ton 01 lied 11 otor nrhl tit titi
i hre hl it with I h It i o h hI j fur rlr ililv IM IMIMO I
IMO and I a wnmnii omll rait n nnd I t 111 111tlf 1 1Ir
tlf Ir eit we hi h e Ilen v of f trlrnt liit liithn
hn Kiev h are I tm1 like nir I own n n fiirmb fiirmbro ft h hlt
lt ro Mi I IVrhap hI HIM mm I nn 1 u eh ehI h
I hnild hnlll l o pli 11 eil to halo h tim nil I met metttid
ttid 1 th ho li > iie full 1 in viilTo lI atinii I d i iof 1 1f
of f ninpinv I Inn 1 1n i ii iiIM
< IM n 1 uUd IIai li 1 > M Il loe In htile 111
iinr r Miime Hm I wil I of I one n of hr half halfbrm ht I
brm Ilthr her en n me I n I o t leitet 1 I Muni MuniIi hl
Ii 1 nm I H ihnrnunj OI I I I girl lr Sh i > iidliu iidliumi Iln I In
mi n hor lwib I pl < iiir r4 I li hll ll lie 0 > peMe peMeit
it M n nI
I hcfewereafex hr a C title II more lr to I Hie I h letter letterbut
but 1 Mr Ir Mill 11 KUid 1 they I h hail hilt to I do 1 with witht Ih Ihh
t puielv h private Ir frtimlv 11 mrMer rI haMtig haMtignothing hA hAnnlhll
nothing nnlhll ti I ilo I ith Dr rippen rpl She I KIH KIHIirfl u
Iirfl 1 nowhere n hr m I the II letter Ir did t Iora llelle llellerefer 11
refer r hrectlv hr I > her hulmnd hulmndItello
Itello 111 Klmoro liut lily 0 one I full fll j jr tet tetMr
Mr nier r > Hniin IRII d f n I l u I avenue avenueMfUUi n nItII
MfUUi ItII Uoider t Mr r Milk l > he 1 hul hIII Iwi Iwihalf
half I ler 1 IUrttt1 f M ced 1 Il and 11 Kutlie Kutliertne 11
rtne v li > i toarruil I to n niiu I named namedV 111 111n
V iKen n Im h hid 11 I wi liilf h I biiHietHbiliu biiHietHbiliumd I 1 hl I
md Kd ri > V wli h I u llroiUlvn llroiUlvnHIIIKN
r r in er r > il n < iinti 1 Hm h MMiugi r rfafilv tfII
fafilv fII in I iiiaititiiiitwK 11111 f Dr I I ripn rI1 m mSew I I
Sew York 1 Mtid PhiUleiphia and iitinii iitiniiVird tilll tilllc1
Vird c1 in lindon I I t police I iisirnt l n good gooddeal I
deal < ol the h doctor r K liiKtnt n II I i oimi oimiwhat
what II mot1 un Vi vear r old aud 1 ha II ft ftnnitaliot
nnitaliot > fin r Maiv fl dre 0 and ruiinilig ruiiniligifter 1111
ifter wnnufi lie 1 fond ol up arine arinein n I
in a wtiie h d 11 rbv fro frdc k oaf and tt ri r WHIM WHIMmt 1
> mt milh 1 trou r of n loud Mtttn Mtttni I
> i vorul lone I m r eiii 1 ear r he I hu huprf Ii Iif
prf et l new M r < n f mdon I UUHU UUHUleKKfllllv I
leKKfllllv rII fill r U 1 I Imv llHll t1 Ultacked Ultackedhtm 1k 1kh
htm h tor r f rnudiilent rllII practic K in II running runningy
y > rremndon e wh hI > lK fill f the I tiirtt r fif fifand
and re r ei l hi 1 ilegiM 1 m i fiom hI tlm tlmIleiolHIid Ih
IleiolHIid HoMpiuil lo l i hi h i iracli I d I
111 I Detroit lie I hml nu olti n n in Sjn I DeKo DeKoal
al 1 in II liKlnnd ihri veur U infer I h anm anmto 1
to New York orl und intf an ofl n o Maiden MaidenInne lnlI lnlIInn
Inne Inn Then 1 he h went I lo I hlHiephll hlHiephllwlmre
wlmre tr he h wu w omplnved bv 1 Munvon 11 the theMietii h
Mietii onIll t I nm iiiiiriiili m iiier r and a1 ufier ufierWlinl
Wlinl rl wen 1 to I I III o loll lo he I HlKttiUliM HlKttiUliMin I 1
in AdverfiKing A hr 11 in the II tie 1 I und 111 m mother I
other mattr 1r was w ethitfil ethitfilby
by 1 lint h iirofcMMion iirofcMMionIn
In Pnilfldeliihin I Ir IrIn Im h wa employed lot lotveaiM f fh
veaiM bv h llm Ih > iinytiii y HomiiiKitluc Home Homellefntwlv I i
llefntwlv 1 IfltlllMIIV 11 when 11 the I oli 1 e of f Hi Hitlrm Ihfnl
tlrm fnl were w at I IVCt A rt r h ire i Mr Ir Mun Munyon 111 111n ¬
yon n ild 1 in 1 Plidatlelphia IhIIIIII1 veteplav r Hint HintDr
Dr IrI rip Mi apihe RPJ < l to him hll for u I job m mIKI I
IKI l jlc I wu tnude 1 medical cotromnd cotromndent n nnt
ent nt for the I h iitnpanv pal and ai Inter promoted promotedIn
I In IMI I n > eiKiaiit iiMtiager r r Then Mi MiMuniti h hIIII
Muniti IIII Mitif 1 htm hll 1 1 New W York rk a cor correp r
rep indent IUII lor the II tirrn lir lie f apphtx 1 to toMr Inr
Mr r Mlnyin to I i made rn ltnlon orre orrepondcii r
pondcii 1 and 1 held 11 tne plac until 111 Mr MrMtnvnri Ir IrIIIP1
Mtnvnri IIIP1 < lild to t hiipplinl hln hlnI hi hiS
I HI I l Sr S US 0 MTK T lfNV lsr lsrIr < IV IVVr
Vr Ir Munvon IIn had HIIK Ihlc t i sfiy l yeterday yeterdaydt Inlay
dt ut I IIr > r ir p ii iiHe
He t WUK i uiidiiaiti U 11 of i honii I
college I in I tletelaiid Hid 11 Im told me l that thatti4 IhalhI
ti4 hI la hI in wan a in 1 tlnio UI He II WUK a 1 veiy veiyUillhgillt
Uillhgillt 11111 man MI protlclent Irulnl III 11 liiftlicini liiftlicinithai drl
thai Ih I uti read 1 In give 11 him 111 a joi J I Iuivei 1III
uivei regivtte < taking III him hl into I my III IIIt em employ ¬
ploy t He II u Kiuall il m I iu e ntll 11 tuorv tuorvIhaii Ir
Ihaii 11 feel f tall and 1 weighetl lhl I Khoiild KhoiildNII hIII
NII 0 aiMiui II Ilo 11 11 INIUIIN m He II hat Kindy Kindyhair lul lulhl
hair hl und I iiiimtai 111 Im ImI I
well Dr Driripien r rlrIh
I reiimmlier nIrlr hi h ile verv I
iripien lrIh when 11 Im h udrodui her to I nm nmmid I
mid h WUK WI the I h iljughter Ioh f u 1101 1101luhlIIII
nolileniiii luhlIIII I lannot Illul niall n where hr they theywere I
were r niairied She h MIK a 1 verv r l MUlilul MUlilulwoman
woman fl tullei lul ihun I hei h huKUind hlIIII and II h hIHUHt
IHUHt 1 llive h weighed Ioh Hill MIIII > She Sh UK UKkiddi 1 1Ih
kiddi Ih I Ilh th light lhl ind ul wnirmd t1 Dr r IPI
1 > l deid 1 He II told Hi tluil Him h hud hudon 1111 1111I
I on 1 the Ih IIU 10 fter lie II hud h lell lellwiili I Ihl
wiili in a while hl I atT Ihal I be h wu dl dlI I
In I Illoilghl IhU hl It wu over r IIIK h xvife xvifeand
and 1 I > otiKidereil 111 n IKKI I to I make a change changein > 111 I Ih
in In h liliiii it I he h dd 111 nut leave the Hi age ageM
M I dont 111 111 liiiiw 11 that 1Ilt Ii did 1 lul t Dr Dri r rnl1
i np nl1 n weM 1 lo I New > oik II Hi I cor corI
I > IKIII > with lh me 1 fin f a I long 1110 time 111 after afterI 11 1
I h1 I Uld 11111 then he h well lllu to lolllioll 10111 lo pruc pruct ru ruI
t K medicine 1 und to I beoitne my > iir iirli
li uilldenl over r there I Ir 1 folllld It lltMes lltMesti 1
ti v tn 01 make 11 1 change Ihall in II I iiidoti IIIII und undlltliitlicr amJI
lltliitlicr llllll I WUH Keleclcd lo I till l Dl I lll lllp
p ii plnii 111 I heard hlro from tn him hli uUiut KI KImoliHiH
moliHiH IIllh Ki K und 111 then 11 I lo truck Ir of t him himI II
I ua told 11111 lull Im h conducted a 1 incdliinc incdliincHI 1lil 1lilIr
HI Ir re in II Uindoti IMlllol He I hud mi children childrenI hhl hhlI
I did 111 not think Ihll Ihul Ihll he h wax jeiloil of ofhi C CI
hi I nIe He I lud a tine Ii diKpoMtlon diKpoMtlongentle hIliul
gentle und 110 amilble Ilhl and iil I wouldnt ollll1 huve huveInlieved
Inlieved that lled hurt h u I llttrll 111 I II llevel llevelknew
knew 11 u moie II liolioriible 11untll man ia full 11 he 1 up uppeured ula
peured a r I ti I l 1 > e eilhiii
ilhiii 11011 II I SI Si oil an ll iidvortiKlng lhrIII nun nunat lal
at I 11 I n Kroidwiv IHIK hl Known lripieii fm fmleu Cu
leu 1 veuinr t more Mi l Scott I met 11IIrllI1 11IIrllI1I Irippen Irippenin
in london I I a 1 veir Ir or KO ago riixii waK waKgoing
I trl1 trl1a
going a Hiiiund then with lh Hm II voing 11 woman womanwuh 11 11Ih
wuh Ih H 1 rrem h education 1111 und le u 1 very n ut uttractive 11 11IrII
tractive IrII I III Miking voting 11 woman 1111 h IK IKMl I
1 Ml Ir > MOtt MOtttil 1
til 11 VHP lt > trNKSK O HT ITI Mttt Mtttlliit
I lliit Ih hi illice II iiddteKH 1110 I given In Int a anpi
< npi 11 > eii A Itvlanie 1111 tnanufa llrar tier f fartiluial farlii1
artiluial arlii1 teeth Ih Ivbud KM 11 l indui induiud
all ud Mi Siiti S1 That i no I I real realldiln
ldiln > Uld 111 Willie 11 he h IIUIV IIW I e UlleleKled UlleleKledill
ill I Hie Ih artilli tl I lal I teeth Ih con Ni in h 1 leil leilimrtner
imrtner I HIIr i a man 1 named la Iharle 1 rl Ihotna IhotnaNlur II IIIur
Nlur Iur and 11 IIIK nil Hire m in I Cei Uejiwell UejiwellKtr
Ktr I el Their IMIKIIIK 1111 IK I the 11 ifiMinmnt ifiMinmntof 111
of f dtsifnen I f bv I mad 101 an 11 nctivitv wlI in II whh lld h hill
> ill IIUK h laen i ioiiKplcuoll for Ilr Visit r i iami
ami 1 11 which wllh hiKgft ha 01 lulu 111 Hit IIII tloillile evei eveiII 1 1II
II II les leslie
lie wan iMirn in I nldaler Midi I IUlicve
1 I
Ulicve und 1111 K Komewhal hul mole It than llal i iviMr
viMr 1 of C age 10 He 1 tiiuv 11 be 11 fiK 1 mui 11 h a V VIlii
Ilii he h likil hl1 In I look I nnd 11 ilnK In like hl a ayoung 1
young 11 man Iallli und he h wasnt aI1 lulkative UM ut utill I II
ill I age I believe Ih loo I that I ll got II hi hiiHhonling I II
iHhonling m IOK I Aiueli 11 > K before he h went wentto 11 11rLII
to l leveland rLII IM I Kludv Ilh medicum 1hI He HepractiKed I
practiKed UK a an 11 eye P and 1 ear lr Kjnniahii lh1 in ineverul I Irl
everul rl cillen St l iui IMroit and allIrl Sew Sework
ork Irl among 11 them themI Ih IhI
I Hunk Iull h I Im l > n > n I Knglind ai lei l ltwelve
twelve IMIK lie f wu 1 iniMil 1111 ill1 II Hi a aconcern 1 1Irl
concern Irl for the I feittinMit 11111 of r deifm t tbv <
bv h mad 111 tailed 11 the tl Irouet I ltilitnte ltilitntel 1III
l illdon piphcation cilletl 1 Truth got 1llnr after afterthe
111 the iiiKtitute mi the 11 ground 1 of fnitd rnl rnlIlr und undDr
Dr Irtpi KII 11 H Hie II palxr for r libel libelWhen hi hiWI
When they I got 11 lt I i ro rxnIII Keinrnimng him himhe lu luI
he I didn tII I Klund u chance hn It I vvu I brought broughtout hllh hllht
out t that a workman rkl1 who h had h11 1lnII itnund itnundIhe
Ihe I Illlllilte 1 hail lil died under r 1 ill illCUUIKIIIII
CUUIKIIIII 1111 t lnp Irll > en not otilv I lol IIIK IIIKMill II
Mill I bill hii IHlIUe 111 MltleV Ial who lild 111 Irill Irillthe t1 t1I
the I i 0 1e ileluHIIK ed the tl itlKtltlite 11 aK 1 n I dlH dlHat UI
at net 11 ill ituicerti url whi wi h t had ha imposed I J on onpeople 1
people and 0111 had l ii whollv Ihlh divriKlitiible divriKlitiiblerhe h III IIIh
rhe h institute 111 wa a revived undet 111 111Ihr an another ¬
other name 1 and a 7 TI > i uld 1 into II t agnin agnina al
a I did ot another Ihr publiiatioti 111 al1 ill > < l oiu oiuIt tl tl1I
It 1I uil of C which h a Mr r ltttoml 1 1011 v WIM the theeditor Ih IhIor
editor Ior Dr p l lrlI ripi n KIIM 11 lr IViltomlev IViltomlevbut 1111
but he wi riddletl ntIIIIIll uglitl VThen h1 Itottom ItottomleVK 111
leVK I CfilltlKel 111 got 1 hlllie hII to t gi 1 > after him himon 111
on the Ih wittier Ktutld II ut line 111 nf c thee 1 cor correKMindtiie nr nr11
reKMindtiie i Ittit 11 K wi 1 i ulled 111 Thrl Thrl1I Ihe urul urulIteniiiln
Iteniiiln 1I I rimp < iiiv It WUK a imvmg imvmgbllKlte f 11
bllKlte I I > fi I Ce 11 v and Irlprell Klllck I If I It Itthrough I Ihii
through hot hii und 1111 cold Il He 1 wa Mill I m II u uI II
I 111 know t few f month 1lh ago agoThe a aTh
The Th le I Neve jir ol hl h txei 1 with Ih Illtll Illtllfir hl
fir Ihn Ilr yeirx > r w I II have un idea 0 ho howill h hII
will II I iinoiifd 1 m I fne wuy t with Ih hi hiflppiwheiipioti hir
flppiwheiipioti il over r he I urreti i Sim SimIK h
IK dKiut veiri r old I with brown tr halt haltMahmg h hthll
Mahmg thll black eve a Hi complexion complexionand rI rII
and I a line II figure llr She h in 11 ike out 11 to I I Ih a aFrench
French h woman u for KMII tisoxin 1 and 111 h hKi t >
Ki iikK 11 the Ih laiiguigo 1101 l Miitifnly llflly So df dfI < l lnr1
I ripi nr1 n She h IK nfTabli Ithl ind 10 0111 really iwt iwtnuting i
nuting nutingperiuiniillr 1111
periuiniillr I Iwlmve lie h 1 i kip 111 1111tllII I to tolloiilogneMirmerei
lloiilogneMirmerei 1tllII lr MIH I Neve S m mfriendatid n nrrIIaI
friendatid rrIIaI IIHK h Mart an Irippen trp V imttn IW ir irDm r
Dm 11 d > ie > r him hl iir I o ni i g 1 M i d1 d1f > il ilI
I I Illie t the Ih I UK It I I llllk II It Wld Wldthe 11 11h
the tnoKt iiiniril plan fr him h go goI I
I ripi 1 i IK a fitiv f dtCKiMf 1 atnl 11 IIIIK IIIIKnlwaVM h hI
nlwaVM I uke1 ti lr It1 ir lrI1 ind after wotiwti wotiwtiHe
He II m > imll 1 Kied I Karidv llh nipotiti nipotitiitid
itid wearK r i tairlv ItI Klt l 1I K4tltlv K4tltlvoiitiche
oiitiche I In IIHK h i a tiito 111 fu I id I vvui t tl IBI
l ftlK BI
itim I mrriov lfIIS Ksr f f i 1 1Th i iTh
Th Scnlland SIIn1 Vml r1 bnreiiu lint hI en n out outihiH 1 1h
ihiH h Milditiomd tllltml deMriplKii nr f tnptii tnptiif lrI lrIfr
f fr ir th 11 < pnhcM m I tin coimtrv coimtrvh4 wrv
h4 it 1 tor r M iW I renli rn and 1 mr mrflrestrs r rIh
flrestrs Hi tiiiiien 1 Ith lh1 l lull lulll 11I
l eve 4 r I t in n ti > p pliiiil r rIM
liiiil IM nht h U I turnIt rl l rp < n IK IKsin r rh
sin i pr i lv h dt 1 4 i in lihi h me I but butnriv
nriv rr d 1 K I HIV in I dKrK Ir trotn trotnili 1 n
ili 1 iiSe t I ofMliliff rltiil I t Men n nIh ri riht
Ih ht tli I > 4b ei > r teit n Jiv JI i III nti ntimeflor 11
meflor 1 i le I the i niinrv niinrvllm n
111 llm HrM d nptioii tttblod n > WI cdi cdiday < >
tt rl11
day 1 night 1hl WUK thi thillnwliv IhiInI
llnwliv InI l ripHin 1 iilM 111 > l > iet i tton ttonill 11 11h
ill h rr Ir ii Iml I rippen rI n tnen in I IIM IIMlor 1 1r
lor r Mi eir H III 11 i left 1 inrhe tr till1 1 ftrh ftrhin ht
in 1 tlMon I lijln hI In h own leiir r in lire 1 to tolie t tI
lie inrlv hlld 1 ell Inn of r lild mlhef Im I Id J Jniiitn
niiitn d Im mar on htirh hlr nf n orie I MH MHtl
tl I e ir i > > i and I g ld rntini f I e T le lel I
l > iK wult I Nhtfht I II hi nmf Icflii nl n < ent entMer
Mer til llll 1 nn n Ilu h bi I k ll III h IOint IOinttiluii >
tiluii > hle llnl el fMikKtl 111 te ntiip llilol llilolIM
IM h i n I tin i ilhri Ir tierpplf 1 Mr r r ppur ppurvotr 1 1o
votr o III lilfllf Ih lriAr luiir hf tfrM t tn eve eveifeil
ifeil t < Mtti in llkltii inl n nf r
ifpef nt 1 e ii elnun n lniill lniillinnn 1
innn IIHICI 1 irri irriITIpiwn
4 ITIpiwn Hllitprd 111111 Out hut 11 In Time TIII Itrpnrl ItrpnrlTliAt rl rlnal
TliAt lit Ha > rrn n Vr lrril IrraI v vi
IOMMIN SI Inly Iv 14 1 Tne 1 inline 1I are t mak makiiuf In InInnUrv
iiuf etriionlinarv tTfirt rl lo Kiwur Ir the theurrcKt Ih IhIrr
urrcKt Irr > f Dr r Itippon ulI1 lie I IK 0 mippotuxl mippotuxlto 1 1n
to n have I gone n anav I i with I lthel I lr I ire I o oNeve
Neve Tin 1 Killttt thcnrv Ihr IK that I rppen rppenKiilil
Kiilil 11 for New Yirk iiKt Sunday Sundaytliolgh lld 1
tliolgh 11 1 Hie le I Neve woman 11 dlKipoir dlKipoirnt 1 <
I nt ihe K mm 1lun Htm it t i n it 1 thught that lie 1
lAIFREPBENJArilNCosTailormade AFRD BEJN COs Tailormade clothes clothesIn cothes I IIn
In a hurry hurryfor
for some special article artice of outing apparel Chances Chancesare
are you will wi find fnd it here ready to wear Assort Assortments ¬ i iments
I ments of both clothing cothing and haberdashery arc excellent excellentOuting excelent
Outing Garments of every reliable material materialCoats material I II I
I Coats and Trousers I 11 1 to 40 Trousers 2 lo 9 9On 1 1I I
I On 01 Saturdays SituriJS during urng July and dn August store closes coj s at I P M
tiniiniiiiniiil ml 1 LII1 him hll ii I lie 1 feimnhip Ihl if lu lulr h
lr > il r IPI < iiT ti 1 itialtKt h I the I llom llomOfllr lum lumUml <
Ofllr turtle I aii 1 ei nit III ain of r the th MMJ MMJof
of r Mi I Kmioie EI1 thin Ih afternoon arn He f re reittK r rtl
ittK tl that Ii I Iuu I Iliat 11 the Ih liMl I II of Ir tin tinwoliuin
woliuin hikil en tcrrililv nil halterel halterelMiv
Miv I < Klmore Ellur wi 1 un 1 onirer of tlm Ih MUHK MUHKHull I Ilul
Hull lul Attiotn h 11111 luild and 1 iilnd I I the theiiieiiit Ih
iiieiiit 111 of r lli thai < i urgjiirfutlio1 rlIi I regilarlv regilarlvnnn
nnn tUI la I t Kelirua Ir y when h rfhe h did not ap appea1 I IA
pea1 A al Ol unv 11 of I lh reg wltr < ilir ni > iini4 I It Itwu I
wu f ld Il that W had hac K Ifl < ni to I the Ih Coif Coiftinent
tinent 1111 or r het I liilth and Ilul liorilv after afteruard f fwr1
uard un 11 aimoiinieMiitit IIII 11 > if f her h ilekih 1llhh wa waprinted >
printed III he h llew 1I ilper ilperjter r rI
I jter the III Millie h iHHame KII < PICIOI PICIOInnil
nnil 111 took I the Ih ciKe a ip It wa flillid 1111 ttuil ttuilno IhnlII
no II pernoii nimwering nwrlj her deHcnptton cnlt hail hailIKH
IKH in I the Ih t rituuntal town IWII when fJi fJiwa o
wa 1 ud 1 to I liivn hI iKiHriml 1 away IwlY Th Thlt Ihe Ihewent
went lt to I tlm Ih hoiiwi hUl here h and 111 IT I npvt npvtniiHweied nI nInl
niiHweied nli their IIIKOHM 110 lninllr lninllrIliey Inllll Inllll11r
Iliey 11r went 11 bark II In I tlm 11 I IIIH > I on lulr llh t tand U
and 11 found CIII tli > doctor u1 nl 11 lh > 4 fur further Clr ClrIhr ¬
ther Mroiigthcutd their > 1i 111 iniiins and andlu 11 11I
lu I l mgtit l hl hev nuide 111 a 11 on II tlm tlmhoijKii I
hoijKii h and 111 alter digging lllll up 1 the Ih grouml groumlin nII nIIII
in the II liahiiieiit haIIt fiiinul huiiun hIIII rvmailiK rvmailiKut rIIII rIIIIII
ut II a depth clt of C vcril r11 feet feetIKrN 11
IKrN tfv SAtfltllAV SAtfltllAVIhe ll
11 Ihe eicl 1 tune 11 it which CIIPMI lefl lefltin1 Ir
111 tin1 hiiu 1 > nut 1 tiiiowu I He I wa 1 w n nthere 111r
there 1r on ul Sal nlr inliv morning IIrlli Mi iOIII iill tt a aHe
He II it 1 r ncglilHravn lh HiiKixr Y u I woman womanIII UI UII
III I lilacU I ill II the th linn alter fh Hie Ih dlap dlaparjnie 111
1lro arjnie ol HI U > IIe Iltimr Fhlur i well w1 a < l Ihu o oMIV
hu MIV who h were r then la 1 t ei Ml 11 left lefton
on Suniltv SI U I Ir I itpieii 11 i u I pirliicr u utlm
tlm t llrin 111 of r tripM lrl1 > n A Itvliii I I ilxlun ilxluntret
tret Ir iiiaiiufu iiireis of iutltiilil teeth teethThe th
The 11 MCtelu v ot HIII I Mum I all ArtiMi ArtiMiuld
C i uld 111 ml 0 lli I afiertiooii afiertiooiiMH lrIII
MH i ripen 11 w i our Ir lrca irer W Weie
eie 1 tf > lil h < d when 11 HI h II U I witholll withollla lh1
a 1 word ro of f fi > n > tfll Ir ripped fI WKM WKMtlice I Im
tlice m ix I in I the I came 11 building 1llhl 1 oil u toll
o I tint 11 IIK hi wile 11 Itid 1 guic KI on I a vmt 1 t ther II
I her h hiime in i I lulfrll alifniii VNf l al knew ll ttuil ttuilthere 111I
there I Mad I l ili trouble l lwiiMI Ir IrCrippcn Ilrrif
Crippcn rif mid 111 In h wfe r over r tlm II IIK IN torr torrtenogtapher Ir IrI
tenogtapher MIKM I I j Nee Hi II wfi wfilagged r
lagged 1 IIt Iun 11 ftii CI to I cdlir ill liar the II III fill filllnii
lnii I Im h lefuKoil Apparently IIIarIII KIC h i > tin tinrfir1 I Ir
rfir1 r de I lu h > diiniiitiiriil HlfI r1 with withI
I lillllinilliriiiclit h Im intheSM I th 1 < rinMirrli rinMirrlithat in Irh Irhr
that Mr r Irippei nI hud diet 1 n > ade o u uM
M Ip H H > u we wiilc In I her MepMill MepMillill
ill il I InICrli aliforinu u 11 > iiiii 1 fur imrticiilar rillllr Hi1 Hi1tepllxl I
tepllxl 11 thut hi I liter hI lill not notvinlisl I
vinlisl I Unin 1 u i ahfornu ICrl I in I tin1 tin1veur I II
veur I l 111 ll Mi M hocild h 111 not 11 hkvodied there thereIhe
1 Ihe I guild gave her ntcponV 11 lelter I > Hi Hipolice IhIhi
police and tin tuted 1ul1 Ihe Ih invi ligution ligutionwhich 0
which h ri uli Hl it I itie Ih di hlun cocrv of r tin1 tin1IKilv I
IKilv U t nigiit nigiitMr I
Mr i ripi rpl1 n wi > i i Sever inliligcnt inliligcntAmericin 111
Americin 1 witin unil w rlil rl1 hard hlnl fur C tin1 tin1iltere II II1
iltere t o the guild 1 h IH WIK llivlluilil 1111 1111I > 1 1ti
ti UK I win 0 t her great rlt IIIIIH > ability abilityPie Ihlr IhlrThI
ThI Pie Nee girl r win a 1 verv lmwv INIIMHI INIIMHIwho
who wi worea lot of liam 111 jewelry lth lhloh lhlohh ugh ughhe
> he h IK IncMli ahh w i ended 11 her mademoi mademoielle 1111
elle 1 Mm h Kcetlied 101 lo IK I II be to I do 1 11 11IIa lliy lliything
thing IIa rhe h hkd with 11 trippeti trippetiliill
liill Ir > rl ItvlTiic Ihlnll Kud 11 toiliv toilivirii 11 11ufI1
irii ufI1 ti wan no iMrttcr of C mine Itl lie lieiinii II III
I iinii I to I me 1 eighteen Ihl month nlh ago I and andoffered
offered I I to I help me a1 on i rtam rlll tenn lrl He Heatlle I
atlle 111 lo the I ottitv nc dTlV 1 I Httend IIInlln tollH tollHnflnit h hn
nflnit n Mthitgh lhlh HviUKi ra < ltn I ihit ihitl IhalIU
l IU ripinn WIK i I Kirtner > f ln the I < n ir irname r rlal
name lal i pnnliil in the Ih otlini ni d < iir iml 11llh 11llhI the theIxtnl
Ixtnl I mlnl tl lirerl I ir r > pitMitn hI the I h liiu liI liIlfI ii iiname
name a I lfI ripinn V llyLitui llyLituii IrLII IrLIIf
i < < itlM > 1 Mill rMMIKM rMMIKMrintciidmt rr rrIrlhInl
f I
IrlhInl rintciidmt I rxM of C s 1IIfr tlind nnl nnljiid nnli
i jiid 11 11I tidiv tidivI
I I rk lrii > n itMrrtml l Ir r Hilwliv Hilwlivllari Jlwly Jlwly11ln
11ln llari i ripin fII alia I IVor 1 I rii rph n nfilm
film h Kranckle FI m I W v lei > ir i rip ti tirepriwnte
repriwnte < l a 1 nitt medicine h e ini Irl rii riiund
und I wn n IIK I > colltlficteil 111 Wllll the Ih llrouet llrouetiti
iti tiiiii fnriheinireiil d > < ilni > i rip n ninrrteil
inrrteil lrrj1 > n hi h l tI iKiu > t m iixfmd t nireet nireetunder
under the hI nun > il 1 Tmih StvrmhM StvrmhMIll
Ill 11 leliflwrv Irr JI 111 > ilrcil lo I u uifjMirt
ifjMirt ihnt Ihf hi wifuliui lrhll conetothe liule > l lStates
States on ni iiiiii 1 > < liicr Jalr he uIII i 1 he Ii 11 11tt
tt eivel reWK w fhut Khe I ha II t Iwl i I of C piieu piieumoma I
moma HIII lllkt h llie Ulv I hut I t I II cle clematI
11 Hlo
matI i ear r t tn 1 Kitti FIU < ic Mtliough Mtlioughftiendi 1 ho h
ftiendi 1 ol r Mn I ri 111 < en w > re r mi picinn picinnthey 1
they 11 lll 110 rit tlulllv lull HIM I ol the ll I H until untiltrlppen 1111 1111JI
trlppen llen 1n ndmttfod Aolil t In me r Hwi I hi hitoiieH h hnn
toiieH nn wero r not 11 i rre r1 t II I M id 1 he hetlll I IIMtl
tlll IMtl < 111 llfirteleil rrl wltll 11 III wife f who Ml Mlhim 11
him Ihl Kitving inl HI t would 11 net r > him Kgnil KgnilHe It tl
He I lhl 1 he h l ll l h I hid hl < golm 1 I o tli tliImled
Imled 1111 Mtle 11 I < Niiinlat I ppen ppenand 1
and 11111 th I Neve v girl ll whom h h lohl 11 hH hHfriend II IIrnr
friend rnr he I had married H rl I < li ip vul vull
l ot night lhl wi lug up I the I linen r rl Hir Hirn r rII
n tle II elUtr nnl t4jn < l tin t niiitilill niiitililletlHllll 11111
etlHllll 0 f Hie Ih IhrIn x v vtrlppen
1 II I
trlppen rIn watbrrn I nr it Told 11 Water Mich MichHe rh rhI
He I ll e < lllcnle 1 I n fal falind Ill Illjl1
ind jl1 < nll1 hi I inedioil h IlcMtioii IlcMtioiieither
either IIr nt lt Ann II XrtKr Ilexeund or lr lrr iew ieworU
> orU r He I pi7i tiK 1 l in Ve Vori Sin SinIfiego SU
Ifiego Ui St I HII J unit t Mnwitilrn 10 n M < MII eve eveand
and 111 eat < uih ll lii h I minugel minugela o1 o11I1
a patent mediciti 1lk l Itn i m in Iliilad IliiladIhiii
Ihiii 11 and H Iirciit i nnnla nnnlariiomiiiT nln nln11III1
riiomiiiT 11III1 MIIUIS 111 mi srtiiAtios srtiiAtiosI srHIfS
I Im 1 1 MM ii iir tr iv 0 thv I a man mannln t
nln > werins nl III I even bftillar Ihe I p 11 > il illiKhed >
liKhed d 0 cripti of r i ri 11 ii waK > ii iitiidiv
tiidiv md filliweti fI ilng KingxMiv I and andNouthaniptti
Nouthaniptti rov bv h a ttKin I wh 1 MUM MUMMwte
Mwte < llH I idtnflty idtnfltyThe n
The 1 Irlr Kirlir f iiMn ll I > ie Kmgx Kmgxwnv 1 11
wnv n HIVK thai Jl 111 li IC > fote n 11 ti I Irn In raM raMKiirpri
Kiirpri rn I Kee inpuii rllI WIM wh for forncurlv
ncurlv Irl u 0 year r IMKI I hul hlI not t b > fi wnn ui uiihe I
I ihe It building I 111 MPIII hurned ui t htm htmwith hln hlnllh
with llh ti I curt Irl gonl morning 11 and 111 run rli up upKtlir
Ktlir 1lr tn hlK hi otlli A few Itlltllle 1111 lltT lltTthe 1IIr I
the Ih fuirter went 1 uiiKtiurM r nnd n wu attoii attoiiIKIM
IKIM 1 I llnd tli i In I name I nl nif ti had hadn h hI I
I n wi h1 olT I i In I gla 11 > diMr diMrrtpfien
< rtpfien nlf1 reinimed rII1 in I hi Il oitlce m only nh n nfew I
few f minute 111 tn I In way down ntuin ntuinh Iiur Iiurt
h t wa I M n 1 and 0 rwgnired r1117 by h other otherp
p I > pe He II pa lie h iMirtcr Irr again 111 und undthe 111 111h
the h latter remetnUrcil rImlr tl 111 at he h had hnt tend tendit n nIr
it kiorv Ir of C the Ih I 11 Inioie ase 1 and 1 Ilr IlrI ir iri
i rin rlII n 1111 wuh I it I lie I rcni rcniiid
iid 1 the Ih imiNrtanie 1111 f the th maltiT lar at atme 1
me 1 und 1 followed CI 1 Irtpinn ri to I the Ih t tre > t tHe
He I KOW a the h d < M tor r pur fii > u ne K I > ip r rifter
ifter which hl1 he diKapared in I the Ih ilirf ilirfMnu lr
111 Mnu if r Southampton ro ro1lr r rVlllhlT
VlllhlT 1lr ell1 111y yee It frivell lloll llollay 11 11I
ay the I h tMfin 1 identilied l 1 > v the li porter porterxiut
xiut n 11 it rnppelt rlll1 11 a IIMII IMII who t Ikihit Ikihitlallv
lallv 1 llictiMl letter thit the h din tor toriid
iid 1 iddre 1 < l there tiywiy 1 the Ih Ih IhI Mim Mimt
t iiit 1 ngarl the Ih rlue J 1 iniurtunt iniurtuntMmy
Mmy wi t > y tliit xiiriu lrn rimrtK Ir including includingno 11lll
no that friptvMi rII rr Ke1l tI t JTihce tr on onllly 1
JI llly 12 1 llavo I 1 ni lli but I there Ihr IK IKMining
Mining lhIA to nhrw h that he h r tlm h le I Nevi Neviitiinati S Sal
itiinati al have I Niti Keen I m I Knglind FI aLI I Kino KinoInlv II
Inlv Inlvr 111
I r NMK Sfn nint 111 < UU lt > HIII UA IA Mtimtrn MtimtrnMiu
Miu Ii > le I NVve mother Ilhr Knd 111 in un It inter interLjcw illr illrh
Ljcw h that her lr daughter 11lhlr wa etnplovrd IIw1 by byripKii I IrilII
ripKii for leu Il ur ir lw I le h year A ne k kr I
r rilII two I l fiv K Kinr Khe I dirpnil her I I Iiiilher
Ilhr iiilher by h niinUticitur III thit KH 1 > lunl 11 1
nwrri torip imt a Unidon 1IIn regiinirw regiinirwnice
nice n Two f CnppoiiH nll friend wn wnliiuicd
liiuicd 1 the lir inirriige rrio Cn lrll ll told her herlie Ilr I Ih
h lie hail h11 l > e n divined i iThe i
The 1 roupki Htiii 111 Ih ir 1 lum > ni ti on onliei n n1hr
liei intinent iindMrn l i ipMtrwnt her I Imother
1hr mother K vernl rnl inture x tnl from fromDieppe rrl
JI1 Dieppe but Ill gave no I idilniu Ilr When t they theyrotiriltl II IIIrl1
rotiriltl Irl1 they 11 winl WII to I live I nt 1 Illlldnpj IlllldnpjI 111loi I I11
I nKCvli wild 11 a I retich milld 11 who h the themother 11
1lhr mother und II i > l Kl I had 111 ac < iiin I > aniil aniilIKIII i I
IKIII h front fr Ihnilogno 111 Mi lo I Nve K Kmother
n mother hr nnd n1 lather IIr prtxMil her to how howir h 1
hr ir nuirrtuge Ilrrlnl riTtiflcute rrIO but I Klie I ulwayd ulwaydviidil Ilw IlwIil
viidil iloitiij Iil HI She I viKitt d her mother motherll Ir
> ll July T nnd 11 Kild ll KI h wax reluitilng 1 ln lo lohnince I I
fri hnince tvNti 1 nnd 11 II h > IIIM I Circling lll nnd 111 i imuni
muni with 1 her Ilr P 1 inither liix h not notMMI 111I
MMI her ttnii Mit I Ntve ii ite 1 her herHKle I IIi
HKle ill Ii qu lie for ll ill I blv 11 I llnl 1 tilVixl II I
i fw r mituitiK minll whcti h1 h hnrrio hurill l nway nwayNone y
None 01 of the Ih family rnl IIA I mn n her imc imcIrof 1t
Irof 1eppT IIUH 1 not lnt iwkuwl 1Il1 u 1 rf rlrt irt o oIH ot othi
IrC 1PIr
hi IH exuminatmn allldl1 of C the Ih tvinklna 011 but hit it II1rr1 n nleather
leather 1rr1 thai identification lIlnCI1 IK hurdh Iltly IltlyTh
1 KKMible The Th Uxly wan evidently Ilth ill illKeeled h
Keeled 1 anil the Ih ltt urtn were f buried Iln1 Iln1th U Uiipllcklime
iipllcklime the th iirtion 11 of r wllirli 111 however howeverWUH Iw Iwa
WUH a retanhsl llnl1 by h the Ih nature nl of C the tl earth earthIt uthI
It I K KIII 11 that ulimMl Ihlt ull 11 the II IKIIICH tI ar ariiiiMting a aIII
iiiiMting III llm Th vimera I 10 BUfllrientl 1111111 pre preturved 0 0I
turved to I inuble hl un I unalyKiH to l < made madeA a aIUIIIIC
A ipmntity IUIIIIC of long IUIII hair und 11 Home lunrjit lunrjithave hnlrpil
have h been found rIa Th The 1I Milice ar r con conturning 1
I turning tllill their digging 1111 in the Ih ba 11111 11111I > etnfnt etnfntI
I Aihleiie llarri IlrnI uii a I w riter rlrC of ilrumatu ilrumatuIIUK Irllall Irllallt
t IIUK ha u long 1011 urtelo IrlI in I a I newHKkiei newHKkieion 1
on Ihe II home 11 life hC of r the Ih I ripKiiK rllII will willwiiin ll
wiiin 1 Kite h WUH a eiy y Ultimate 1111 She h lie liewrilHH 1 1nl
wrilHH nl Mi I frippen UH vIvucioiiH IInl kitti lllll lllllI
I 1 tnarted and 111 full Cul nllI of t the Ih joy of C life ht Shi ShiWUH l la
WUH a fond CII of t HocKly Ily eiciteiutnt SIlllt un 1111 1111lh < l
1 theiitrert lh llr t ° npHn HII I > niyK 1 WUH WI n ntypical a
111111 typical ipnit IIi Irlll unuHHUiiung IIIIIII American AmericanIliK nlrlcal
IliK 11 MI 1 aim 111 Keemed 111 to h to 111111 111111Cr eurn im > ne >
1 for IIIH wife C to I Hprnd ld He I liluhriil hei heiund Irlal1
lal1 und Immured 1111n 111 ull her fancier CUI He I did 1 < I lur lurutmoet
utmoet 111 to II gratify rllC her r craving nlI for t Jewel Jeweland JJ
and KOWIM 11 which wuit 1 ulmorit 1111 ahnurmal ahnurmalhe 1IIn 1IIn101
> he hid 101 pi I en of gown 1I 11 but hii ulwuyH wlll1 wlll1Inr vante vantemore <
more Inr shi ti I > k no II cure t of r her garment garmentI
I I Ihe n witter rlr HUVH u nliti h IIIIM I e Mi 1 an al elnbo elnboi llh llhI
I i r rati < twenty KUIIIUU iUa c l < ltll tluum thrown care caret N NJh
Jh t > v n a I kilchei drwMr UIIIOIIR II edible edibleaiil lll
aiil criKkery rr Irlppeti ulwayM 11 e < ine 1t l ltoiiuo
toiiuo 111 plenty 11IIr of money IY lie wan WI tniuiag tIUII tIUIII
1 mg I for Nbinyon when Mm I lnp lrn > eii ctunt tll
1 l Loiulou 1 II1 twlvo tI yeuix 1 ago alu He 1 hail hailnUiiidntifd 1111 1111i
i nUiiidntifd HUM Ihl iot t btMuumi 1 hiN hi Hani Hanitiguietl 1111
tiguietl 11111 on I u I play IIIY bd hi us 1 manager IIIlnalr of IC < CI > n nIff <
Sh Shi h hh1
Iff C In I vnfcM r theatrical cnterpriHe Irl
I i had a 1 pretty iiiezr iMopriUio voiv and andwin <
1r1 IIUlnun IIUlnunIlhlllo
win ambitious Ilhlllo to upinur I Ir in I ik vandevillt vandevilltoTetla allII
I oTetla 1la tlm Ih hhretto of f which hlh Mi h > Hut Hutri 11
ri oii 1 wrle r lrI she I upKired I m lltw I will willvirtcil ilh ilhI
virtcil HIICII > H in I diderent lnrUI variety Irilly HUM HUMtre Ihar
tre trei r
I i t It1 ripMii ot money III m I pa 11111 I en I medicint medicinti 1hdl
i i ititorpri Irln c after he I left r Munyon lll Alter Alterward U Uh
ward he h wax I with wlh the I Drouet ln InIIUI InIIUItl tlute tluteI
tl I He i > nlllllh eiitiiiiiiy returned LI Munyon Iulpl lull lulldalil hutIII
dalil eit 111 niimeroiiK IrI entei Ir pri Tin Tinonly
only apikiieni I II nlnidou hI mi I the II liairn de detc
0 1lr 1lrJ
tc < l life hr WIK the Ih al > nit > of children childrenthe 111111
11 the writ n1 ie cril rl > e Ml II KM I f Ne > e u uiptift
iptift 1111011 and HIIII 1 md iilwuvK 11 with llh downcaul downcauleyiK
eyiK She 1 K ne < 1 IIMI I lltiaKHUlnlllg 1III til tilCIIIIHO I II
CIIIIHO < liKiriiKi in I MIK I i npMii nlHlo Irippiii Irippiiiilltaled
illtaled altl her 1r in II the Ih Hilldtop 11111 OeiMVliI OeiMVliIhou4
hou4 u In I wit If after Mi h Klinorei KlinoreiSliee
1 rai Sliee ShIrJ liter d intopo 111 ieK ieKKIOII
KIOII 1 nf f ull I MIKM Klmore 1 K IreUiiUreH IreUiiUreHdii
dii vKiind 1 Jewelry in which h Hheupieuieil Hheupieuieilfreipieiitly 11111 11111frIIh
freipieiitly frIIh in I public lllill friiuU of C Slitn h Kl Klmore tlr
more r recogming rII7111 the II garnienti rlII untl untljewel 11 11rll
jewel inp rll > en wan a tlm II lant I man 11 Miw MiwllarriMin h hlarr
llarriMin larr KIVK one would 11 lie I likely In IniKMociate I
iKMociate with ll a i rune rl of C violence 01 Hi HiIH 1
IH nlwnvK 11 courteoiiK cotiulfrate I rl anil anilgentleniamv I Ilt
gentleniamv lt 111 Hi I tenderncKH tlt I Min MinKlmoio Ii IiIIII
Klmoio IIII WIK coUHpicuoiiK and lt uppureiuly uppureiulygeiiuiii I
geiiuiii 11 and 1 no wu regarded nl1 by I friend friendIK
IK u IIHH liUnUind liUnUindThe
The Th Droiet inntilulM Milll referrtnl rrrr1 to II tiv tivln t
ln KMtnr Kr i WUK attacked alak1 liy h theedi theeditr Ih Ihlor
tr of C Truth Trl rid wiiiKiied I 1 for litielanil litielanilwon hl1 all
won the Ih < Xfler 1r the inKlltllte broke brokeup rk rkI
up I owing Wi t the th eK I Kiire irip > ii iiKlartil
Klartil Iar the 1 Aural Irll Kcmedic 11 roinuiny roinuinywhich 01111
which 111 Truth proinptlvuttai ullh ke < l lIhe
Ihe I h xhc h > think 1llk that II I nnin nl1 will I IKI IKIciiptured I I011
ciiptured Hhortlv Owing 011 t < t IIIK 11 ta lrl > te for forllaliv fur1h
llaliv 1h dre Ir lie h will I I etkllv 1111 rec r igni7e 117e < l lfler
I fler r III h Wife Ir n death tal h Irippell rill1 receive receiveHern rthe
Hern r luldrcKMHl 10 her ut OL tlm Ih ollico I ol the themii Ih IhIIAI
mii IIAI ic hall Ial guild guildIhe
Th Ihe I H V of Mr I CnpjMn or what hM wn wnleft 1
left 11 of r it wu lemovcd 1 from her Ut lillrI > i irenidetiie
renidetiie rI thiK lll afternoin nUnwCI to t the Ih morgue morgueIt Inrll
It wu I M Khociopgly hdmllv tnutilatil mullal1 tlial two twocoflniK 10
coflniK 011 were r renuinnl lo I iirry rr rrI if ifll
ll I i tiiMMHtel that IhA tripp rip1 ii hlm hlm1 elf elfupplliKl
upplliKl the t SMvr tflr and 0 III II Km two twotheatrical I IIh
theatrical Ih llrul weeklied li with ih the Ih aI Mrl MrlIWII vert le lementH
mentH IWII of C hlK ll wifeH It death I h Til HIM adver advertlemeiilH
11111 tlemeiilH merely 1r Knle In I the II fact of C her herlcaihwhichit
lcaihwhichit tuh whlh1 WJK Wo fi ni I occurrel rrll in tah tahfiriiii IahI
firiiii 1 I he h nanie of the Ih town where hr ulic ulica h hI
I a I > Kiif > K > to have illol 1 w VH not 1 gen genI ah1
I he h Ktefirnn nlf of Mrn Ir Irifiiwii t who hO IIHN IIHNI h
1 I MI refcrrl to ceveral r1 rJ time I I in II u urippel 0r1
rippel r1 of U I III gee Cal 11 Irippell Irippellunially lrPI
unially lr told 10 MW MWI people that lni Ili home Ionl WOM WOMT l
T Hintr I Il n 11 > s r rnrn rnrnl I IUr
l Ur r rrlpMn 4rll Nrnltclnl III ti Iarrnt Mho MhoItriiiiKlit h hUrnChl
ItriiiiKlit I p thr th Cnlln triniUiin triniUiinl
l MIKIKs SnIf la 1 Inly III II Mrroti MrrotiCtp hrol
Ctp nlI n father falwr f l II > t llnwinv 1 llnrvry llnrvryrip fRn fRnnrI
rip nrI iti and a1 HnwfV 1 l It > Crtppnn Ir MII MIIo 1 1I
o I iht 11 IIIHII 1 u I > ciixi f hnvitic 1111 mur murdn rlr
dn > t 1 In I wiff r ni 1 > ndotinr lnnI livinirh hIIIa I IT rn rnMm
T Mm KII I < l a ftt ir M > vital 1 tnontliH tnontliHnt Ilnnlh
nt 1 rinnoiincitic IIIUIII Hi 11 death 11 of C Mrn I Crip Cripti rh rhI
I ti i rippMii fuhfi rh T5 1 vtnt old oldaid I I
I aid 11 I II tlitv tlitvI
I havt hi not rctiv l n loltor frrun Cr mv mvwn 1
wn mif u ytir Ir nc ln t Mav Ia I in In not notkit
kit 0 atirlhitu lhI f th il 111 nlh of r lit vvlff vvlffMipi i
Mipi mv 11 ariiiidr InllOI > ii rpcfivwd t 1 I n Ittltr Ittltrfiniii IIr IIrI
I finiii I him hll 1 iiioiiih II h UK I 1 I wrt wrtthat f I II
that ht I wiff nr had 110 difd In il San n Kranri Frnnr c cI
I thoiiuht n I ntiatiir I I thit I HH h ihiiiild ihiiiildihit
ihit I nlnnt II 11 I > < hi I vvud 1 rr or It I that thatNI Ihft IhftI
NI I liud I con 1 tn > rf t < f 1 nn ttrif ttrifr I I Ir
> r rII MM rv lux n ltivii ltiviiinc il
inc 11 < mtt I for r munv var rlr Imt 11 I nm con contldtit
tldtit 1 lhat ha h I wi 1 tiit 11 it4 > itiHilfv Iih for forhi rrI
hi I wtfn lC ilfith h nnd In1 nhnll hnl ind 11 vvurrv vvurrvIIMIIII r
IIMIIII la ii I nurd vvf hciii h Hi II full f1 mrtiiii mrtiiiit rl
1 t pliifd I < hi win 1 JI Inwldr Iti i rnr I1f f fmvivdf
mvivdf 11 ami 1 wif r wh wh1 Mi hi Unit lirl wif r IIH IIHnii 1 I
nii ri 1 vt iriiniii nI mid 10 vvt nilMsl th litv
Ihf I I llnt tllllt I h t KIW IllH hi 4 > ll 1 WIH w IWflvf IWflvfVfiir
Vfiir lr o when h w uift 1 him h Iti II Vfvv Virli r
liv h i iiittiiiit Ih I nMMiii 1 fnr thi Ili wn wnthai
thai Ir i ripn I VH tmt wt would wouldI wIIIIhIv
I lUflMttfi irof Hi1 IhIv IxV than hnl hi Hiind Hiindwiff
wiff who h WIH w nn ni iirtn nrl > M HIII wliiii hnl h hMiirriil hrr1
Miirriil rr1 N I i ihin iwn Iw VfiirK url nft Ifr r thi thidnlh
dnlh of f hi 11 tlt fi1 t wiff wiffI f
I think it I MtttniKu 1 Im h ilo 1 not writ writIK
IK u 1 I havf hI vvritt r1 n him hi minv 1 l tlr tlrand rl
and allh ill niiif 111 that I hml h hnd ri riiivt r >
iivt 11 i tny I lltcm 11 wnn a whfti h h wrotti wrottiti I rI rII
ti I llanliy 1I th Mftnl 1 Lint 1 Inn 11 u yrir yrirtiC
tiC I litit liiti 11 whfii wh IK I iifknovrlfdepd iifknovrlfdepdrfi n I 1 I I
rfi ivltn 1110 my lttcn 11 I Mint lt fvi t tf < I M MMill 11 11I
Mill In I lltlp hI plV IY till itlftlrVil 11 of t tllf Ih fllllf fllllfnil I Irnlr
nil rnlr d hi I iiiutli Ihr r who h di Ih1 m I January Iuf
l 11 m 1111 Hiit ha Ufti 11 th m nt of C our ouriiiiitiiiitncttini nr
iiiiitiiiitncttini with him in o viir viirr n
IIr > r Cnp n ltft lx I ticl 111 to go to toKali InS11
S11 Kali lolk i II ilv tihutin 111 vHrn r itgtt ni In nnd nHI
IPHII 11 iht > n > wfiit 11 i St IXHII nd 11 Wll WI hi h
Nfw vrk Honda Ir and 11 Tuionifi 1 Ciuiada Ila
hiI Iml I fiiniiiii al1 ju JII t rtcnll nl hi II iinct ct inovii inoviiItlftllM
ItlftllM ItlftllMwrvwoi 11 I I1r1n
wrvwoi 1r1n IIWITS tJIIT nirr nirrmuni 1r 1rIaln
Ialn muni imlnrr Inl I 4 rol Pnllri In On Cnlr CnlrIr Ira I Iinrrlcm
inrrlcm Ir farrnrll lit t 11111f 11111fP > llnl lrr lrrttiil
> < ttiil P < nw l > fi ii 11 Tnr TIF Mv MvINAMA Sl Sl1sut
INAMA 1sut Inly lllr ll President Irldnl MotidoT k ksave
In save a I buiiiuet lonighl in il honor hlnor of Mr MrHut Ir IrIhl
Ihl Hut the Ih t 1lnll tiring American nrml Minister Ministerfhe
Th fhe gue IluI iK mrlud I 11 111 < < d the Ih member lmr n nhe or orIh
Ih he diplomat Iilolalir ic cor rf und Ile high hllh Oovertunent OovertunentifllCllllK C
ifllCllllK ifllCllllKSecretary 1111
Secretary rIr of Stat IAI l < ewefi in a ppeerti ppeertilivlareil
livlareil 1IAr1 that hpeci 1 l Ho I bound 1 > 11 Pnnanm Pnnanmmd aulnl
md the th tnttcd lfI StateK tIn and ld that the Ih imwt imwtordinl 11
ordinl mlnl friendship e tinted tiotwiHn lw1 the thewo Ih IhI
I wo < tMintrie lln All 1 AmericaiiH 1rlr41 he t KHI KHIet < I IC
C et co nlldence Ill in the II KOIIIH 11 international internationalnolicy Intnllt Ilnal Ilnal1I
1I nolicy the th Inlteil 1111 Stnte 11 wan endeavoring endeavoringo
to o follow CII toward Ilward her KIMT r 1 ilir IIJI a aNIICV nIh
Ih NIICV Ihal innpinil the Ih turnout turnoutMr
Mr Ir Hltt lil replinl rII1 exprooMing Irill hin hi nppre nppreittion
rI0I ittion of the t honor holor nhown ho him 11m He I re reerr r rI
err l to I the Ih plannnt I IMIII relation rIIII b itwi > n nhe
Ih he two goveriinipntM rllrll nnd expreHMod the theiow I
iow of Ihe Ih realirktion r171101 bv II Panama Inlla of her herImlrett hrIrIIt
Imlrett ImlrettPrcniditit
Prcniditit IrIIt MPIIIO 1101 I Irvmted Mr r Hut Hutn 111
I n k few appropriate nPlrlril rernarku rernarkuPrivate rnrkIrl
Private Irl remdcnt of C Ancon 11 and alIIlur Panama Panamaill
ill 1 give h Mr Ir Hilt n farewell luiiuiuet lolll1 to tonorrow I Ir
norrow r night Ilhl at I the Ih Hotel 11 Tlvoli Th1 Mr r
11 litt will 1 leave I Saturday nIClrlu for New York Yorkthrnn rk rkI
I thrnn hlu li will i pnK > e l to I Utwliington tinlol
here hr lie I will i remain rAil a I whorl time Ir before beforeiriicding 110 110I
iriicding lo I eneuela t1lII a 0 Minister Ministervcrrtury lnilr lnilrSrlary
Srlary vcrrtury Mar Iarh h remain nI in I charge har of r the theegatioii Ih Ihnl
egatioii nl here until Illi th t arn nrrll nl of r Mr Ir I IUWKII
h > UWKII Itiv II llewly 1 UpK > iUteU
aII fn tr 1
I Continual from Fir r l lStall Pl PltI
Stall tI tuny I h declare 1tIwu in I daily d I latoomuil latoomuiltiiirn IJUI IJUIIr
tiiirn Ir intense 11 Thi antiAiniTioan alliIr 1 pn > pa paganda
ganda 111111 it in Kild Ild In I dm h InrRilv larlly to nmnt nmntof nllnl nllnloC
of tin Madri MiVfrtitnitit MiVfrtitnititConmil rllwll rllwllUIIIII
Conmil UIIIII Dlivurt 1ur Im I mail rtprt rprtnla rprtnlalio > wtita wtitatiotiH
tiotiH lio in I SAor sr Mddru 1lr z on II tlif II iiijt IIJ ot nm nmlion 111 111Iu
lion Iu tvitirtitfd IIrl1 to htm hil tin warning wrlll in I Sc Scrvtnry S
rvtnry In of Sun Knoxn llos nolt Inl of IKt Iknlr IknlrI mlMi mlMiI
I I I I vox 1 that thi Iliitfil Statii 11 will 11 hold tin tinMudiu thoi
Mudiu 11h f rnrliul net inn tdriftiy Iriti accoutitanlo allahl Cur foiI CurI
I I 1 i tint th Mciiritv Inl of lh lu livw h antl alt prop prt prtC rt >
of C Aineriuuitt n1rical in il that part of NuMrtifpu NuMrtifputitular 1KII 1KIIIlItr
titular IlItr Inn hi control rnlnl Tin ft Chll lin nuiln nuilntht alIII1 alIII1Ih
tht riulml Stati SII ut MatiRJlp1 has IUI In Intiiiif 1MIII
tiiiif III twi lntfiiM < that foniKti citirciii citirciiithtn 11111tho
thtn < havf hA nlnxt nl apMali < l to I tluir iov UutrrIII iovtrnitniitM
trnitniitM for pnittction Tin it I 11 I In InliiVf 1MIivt
liiVf hfif In tin t h tiiMin ill rtMMiiifor Ih thtxnd thtxndIIIR 1111 1111Irl
IIIR Irl of n ifnimti KunUxit IU II I I from Culloa CulloaJVni
JVni 11 to the Ih wtnt 1 roat ro of C NiraruRua NiraruRualharltH if3rolJU if3rolJUlharlltC
lharltH rlxrhardt American nwri Conmil ConmilCeuiral 1 1Uural
Ceuiral at UirK who in ut pnM nlIt > nt in inNicaragua illlcaIItt11
Nicaragua on Inn II nKular tour of lnnicc lnnicclion
lion of tilt 11 < Ioliniilatt ulal ha ulmi al cabled cabledInformation cadj
Information In I Ih lie ltuirtiutiit rn rltanlillt rltanlilltII anliiif anliiiftlu
tlu II > political potit a I Hiluation in Nicaranua NicaranuaDuring ra III
I During a nivnt 111 viil jII to I Mutniul Iur all > a h hMild < <
Mild 111 the foreiKii n idiiitH inforiiiftl him lilnthat himthat
that th y had liffonif rtutly ulanueil ulanueilInfant 1Inll1I
Infant I III of C rfjuiilod threatn ucainnt thtu thtulive 1IItIrI
live I nnd I 11 iri rtv l h > v local 11 NI NIlltHlo 11Ullttlall 11UllttlallIII
III lltHlo I nNrtt 1r1111I11 < l thul tlieopuuoti Ih 1II1n1l pivv prooail prooailIII ll llIII >
III MaUiLtitliM lall1l that the Ih ntitlforeii > ii iln ilnliioiKtratioii at atIIIUlllllralloll
liioiKtratioii have hl IHNII arnuired II rnI I hy hyntCentH
ntCentH 0111 of tin I Mudri faction Ofllciulx Ofllciulxof nidal nidalof
of tin Mailri In faction li 10111 ii < l Imvit hl op upnl upnlI > til tilthreatened
threatened I hraI1 I Annncati IIIrall and I other for forOMIVANM tortillIr
tillIr tillIrI
OMIVANM lilv llv 1 II 1 The Th 1nilod 1nilodSlutt 111I11I
I Slutt rnn rnllr ir Irairie Commander K T TUitt orIIhrII1I
Uitt IIhrII1I > ir oii roimimndini whirli rturlul rturlulhfiv rad1I
I hfiv h fro4n Nicaragua iranutII I lal iifKnt limitfn limitf Ioilllilntl
n wo tlmt KMtiida lntl liutruptiircd the II Mndni MndniKlllllMKIt lruln7I
I KlllllMKIt YltH 1111 ill II HII iigiiieniellt lilt lilttlm IT
tlm 1 itNiot UII I 1lw1I IW H II Iearl IJIKOOM am amllliiiIMiU 1111 1111IIhIltla
llliiiIMiU The Th wirt rI < o onlnr rntor of tin tinIrairiM IhIIrllln
IrairiM picktsl up I a dr 1tllleh ilcli Kiivmt Kiivmttin 11I1 11I1h
tin h Vmi8 1I1t hud I HII capliii 1111111 d Tlifrt Tlifrtwere JInr
were r mi dilailx dilailxThe
The lioat Kailsl from here under I > r a Nor Norwegian 0
I wegian flan tlir Ih > immtli UKO a u und 1II1I111Irll1 1II1I111Irll1II turned turnedup
up II at t On iriViuwii III NicnruKtiit 1IrllIl at a a full fullrtfdtfedKiinlxiat CIIIII
I rtfdtfedKiinlxiat IIatlwi II h II wllaiund 11 11 IIIl I andt iiiiixd iiiiixdShu
Shu wn 1 under command IIIIIII of r 0 ienn Iria Iriaand Irl
and AltiHhiil 1 d III I Mudrir > eri > onul repn repnMlltUtlVtt r
MlltUtlVtt MlltUtlVttI 1111111 1111111I
I lie h men nf C the Ih Iruiri ie 111 of C fearful fearfulcondition CrCIIIhlI
condition hlI MtiiiK 111I11 in Nicaragua arllllII Com Commaiider 111IIIIItIr
I maiider WitliiTHptMin NIVH American Americanintervention nwrillUlIIIIorlIlInll
intervention iniy nouli in teniHirury teniHiruryoniiih IIIIIrartllhnltoll
oniiih tllhnltoll > ntionH MI far IK the Ih relation ol olthe C CIh
the Ih I tilled Slut with llh the Ih 1alin Amen AmencAtl n nI
I cAtl nn repullliCHlHtMincerlled rllhlirl rll lllt he IIIUt1 IIIUt1Ih > eli Ve Vetln
tln i lietter than to permit rrllit u coiitinurnet1 coiitinurnet1of II1I111l II1I111li
i of pre < Mnt 111 < nditn > i He I MIII today
I 1I11IIt lii ll lil if I iklnxini un II American city cityand dlyi
i and Hie Ih iiroteciion of Amencun rlllII iuli 11I11 11I11III t tin
in tliul Ih pliiif I IU IK I only III rlnht and tI proper no nomatter 110IllIIIIor
matter whom hulII it affect lnl < interven intervention ¬
tion cutnex the Ih IrucnU will 111 K on II III IIIdetUntelv IIIi
i detUntelv for Maitnr lar 7 cnnnot take the theei Ih
1011 ei t oir t und 111 hotrrda cannot take the theKvery tI
t 1 r1 r1tr
Kvery tr Khip I that no II cnter cntercarrying IIhOIcI IIhOIcIrO1II1t
carrying un excluoive chl AmericHti AmericHtihv nl11 rlt
hv I on iMiard nrt two > Arneririn IIIrlln > > nilori 1011 > Tht Thtr I ne nereahon
reahon r for thi i that 0 ien Illvn In Inconinund
coninund of the IllueileliU Illiiffr > Kent Kentword
word I IIK thnt he would KinU Any i > hip hipthat
that attenipte < in PIHH the ciihtjim hoiiM1 hoiiM1ontrolleil
ontrolleil hy lrdnx In event of hi hitiring
tiring m any tup rrrrynm any f inr inriior
iior you can dopeml UIMUI it that Hlue HlueMelcN
MelcN Itluff will levelled levelledllt
llt Kartlle K i if KinrieK to ihe cnnlrar cnnlrarlreiiim >
lreiiim Mftdrl i f the Mttne i > trip > n nhiy <
hiy a and the Slate Department K dMii dMiiIMC
IMC with lull IllkXe lnfn entltely mrreit mrreitShould
Should Mndri gain < intro the unli v vit
it wmlil he the Kitlie Ihmn n ne
e nr protwtmc no noThe
The Mmlrlr people Inoke their wnril wnrilwith
with UK in the removal of Iltlmnn n thoy thoypromiMvl
promiMvl that he nhould tint be takeit takeitfrom
from tti llluffK unleiut w w > i > tolij tolijaUlllt
aUlllt ll All we WPntetl to it > wn give givehim
him Kine eitrn tooil and Homethine Homethinet
t < > read We hlfe IHi Jllrlxlicli > M where whereIlttmittl
Ilttmittl i i < ontlne < IWTAIIM they have haveH
H mucli rich 10 ki j him in Mnnisuii an anBiiv
Biiv lereeK lint lhe have n t Hie right rightti
ti Kinirt martini him it Cen lri K ante anteti <
ti lo loA
A petition from th women of Nir Nirrniiu
rniiu fcitinc late of alleged Ivtrbfiritr Ivtrbfiritrrapine
rapine reconfiitrution rnd other crime crimettfuiiiKl
ttfuiiiKl iivilij noii nlmot unlMlietKiiii unlMlietKiiiiin
in the Iweitleth < IentUr hR l H > n rtHeVe < l lby
by IV n lofo iva of thli > city The Thepetition
petition ieiH ti th State Department Departmentin
in the name of humanity i intervene interveneHiid
Hiid bring aloiut in enrl of the MA < ri riCeivernilienl
Ceivernilienl CeivernilienlThe
The vom u de < < are Ilieir l epng epnginiirtmentM
iniirtmentM hie tw n mvfiie < l bv the theKeiret
Keiret rxil f Madrid and that then
liomiw ure KiibjTt t > re rch nlniot nlniotluehtlv
luehtlv With tlu prayer of UIH women womenund
und yiiing cirlK of lcnractm came Hli Hlia
a Matenien > hnwing the number of ofpnmiiient
pnmiiient men have n i iKilHH
KilHH > tlie xpulloll of elnvik elnvikMoilllr
Moilllr liilf II The TheNriiim
Nriiim > > liii rtitteii if ii fntooii M < 4Vn 4Vncell
cell I mi l i nit revived her cleiu nce ncepapeiK
papeiK tin nigh r > in IH ready for wn iienil iienilinn
inn mitrui tfiiiH from the Treasury l e eiNirlmenl
iNirlmenl ii VaKhingt < in UK I i iilriluind iilriluindCNM
CNM lndil in her h I It ao broiight broiightI
I th attentiKii f Ihe KM iniKtotilH iniKtotilHni
ni < viHfMy Miat l ll pHot curtridgei curtridgeiltd
ltd < > Ktin > Ml fr the Mndri faction factionin
in Victim mm WITII un Uwird her They Theywere
were hipped by rnl to Moliio from Vew VewUrleiliK
UrleiliK iod wi r in charge > f l MHI MHIwin
win wild lo I n rcptfM > iilalie of ii
Mndrr S II Hik > of New iir
leatis HIM over u a repre < eiiiHve of oftne
tne charleierH Mf the Ilicln IliclnWhen
When application WUM mnile to < lnr for forrlearinie
rlearinie for Itlutield id p itierH werr werrrefu >
refu 4d on the groOnd that the veKnel had hadin
in her hold cintiibnnd g < > df which were wereKiiiKinied
KiiiKinied to in violation nf t1 neu
Irnlitv lawa lawaIollettor
Iollettor f CuolnriiN Anhler would not
IiMtiw tlm dct ntio i of iho ItHtfln
Whether n > pre ntutlv > of the t > tnida
ruction hnd brought the matter to the theitlcniin
itlcniin of the tiovernment oniiaN oniiaNiould
iould not l < eiirn > < i The cartridge cartridgewere
were lonl l on the veMKol only thiH fire fireIUMIII
IUMIII It in not thought likely thut dear dearnice
nice imperM will given until the rar
Iridi w uri rvtnovivi from Ihe Kteamer Kteamervr
vr iHur ts M > nuun nuunJrriiinn
Jrriiinn > lrrrh nl From > IIIBKII ni > he heOiirlnltr
Oiirlnltr Had llrrn IHltrrrnl IHltrrrnlII
II Mueller who i on of the part partier
ier of Mnenkel Mu inr y Cin the Oer Oernnn
nnn linn which IIBM been doing liu ine < i in
n Niranigui for rity year and which whichlan
lan biniiche m ih priniiMl citien ltr ltrive
ive t ycitritay from Managua by way wayif
if Panama lie iyn that owing to the theevolution
evolution lMiiti i Ptugnant and thut
10 many men have iweti Killed and othern othernIruwn
Iruwn from the coIT e pUmutlotin un uncrutt
crutt that it In imp < M > iilbl to get hand handn
n f < rM < zur m biiHineM down there
I nm neutral HO fMr an perflmal ofunuiiM i iirecollOTtliHl
irecollOTtliHl I lit UN a foreigner of ofNew
New Jersey Central CentralEXCURSIONS
Lake Hopatcong HopatcongIvrrj
Ivrrj Mtntl nl ltrrt Iritiut
I nu > faiSl Nln < i > r U UI
I SO Atlantic City
> 4 > ndr ly I7lk I7lkW
> W SV1 M 711 A M MLc
Lc t UlfrJ l rW A M
I invrj fnjrr VMrn l lPackard >
Packard Alotor Car Co Coof
of New York YorkBroadway
Broadway and Sixtyfirst St Strnueh
it it only nrit that I nliuuni nliuunirespect
respect tlm lOVfrtiniftit ui i w wI H
I may nay that we art null n > it itthf
thf revolution When itii i itilt
tilt Hluelifid Illuffn with I Iwait
wait fnrtiidden liy thf rottinur I IUnited
United Slaten uiliilMMit Iadn Iadnfurther
further Cell rial had t i iHluefiedn
Hluefiedn too und if he hnd f fto
to tnUn thf town tin revt revthuv
huv lnMn iiver iiverIn
In > foiilf of MnnaeM MnnaeMtliivippoiiited rnueh rnuehBut
tliivippoiiited nl thf action ol olStilton >
Stilton Of court I here are n nalhern
> alhern with Ihn r v oliit oliittht But Butit
tht itivfriitiiflit now linn lie v vtry <
try nnd the Mlitittc COIM w woplton
oplton of Hluelifid itMflf itMflfHad
Had Sfctflary Hnnx otilv r rwhen
when Xvluyn cot out icari B QII QIInow
now IN lit nirf If ht > had Wy Wyfor >
for tin NiraniKlun KoaiitMi it j jtheir
their flfCtmnn under the if i iHie
Hie 1nitfd Statti thf inii rvi rvinow
now I i l Milutev iiiui and < ior iorIn
In tlm revolution Niiaracui Niiaracuint <
nt leant 25110111111 im < l thut K1 M MniinilxT
niinilxT for tin country liri ini iniart
art now in thf field and a < the iv ivMill
Mill now tin it i dlRlcult ti > n iit > ri rito
to them Thf toad are m <
dit n ii iiTin
Tin Miulri nrmv nt Illief u wa wawithout
without food in the enemv F < i > ntr n > l lthey
they had lo withdrawn i h rir rirAcoya
Acoya > n which is alout hulf win t K KIacitlc
Iacitlc ctxnt KiepniK them n > in inwu
wu a lleiiutidoii undertukmit undertukmitTht
Tht ifopf of ManiiKtia d r km kmwluit
wluit to look for Tinre I hup ha th thcntnminnion
cntnminnion which I on il wu hir n < i iof
of which Dr Medlo liarnn Ar I Iv IvSfUi
SfUi tiaii Silina an tnnilir will willreoivfd
reoivfd at VnliinKtnn and i ito
to prevail on tin < iovtrniiien end th thwar
war or ulluw Madrid tr > end it itf
f luyu wa a irreut Ireidf n nhf
hf did cart t > tnucli fur or i ilit
lit wii a dictator hut rotiif > n t ti tiCentral
Central American country itn tv tvvtHin
vtHin n ni < < > ii > ity Niiaraciii i a w > n nderfiilly
derfiilly nih ctiiintry Montv n < l lto
to ilfVlop it rtnourt 4 tut n > w i ino
no Kiiiituite that money > ni i icountry tlv tlvBROTHERS
country will I fe feOr
Or Mndri i a tin man and i iIII
III Int he nil It I fell 111 111that
that In would have crii hd nn In1 In1lution
lution if thf I tilted stitf4 had it itfertfl
fertfl and nalurallv then i > tiie tiienation
nation that hf wa not allowed
down downTheres
Theres a general generalattaint
attaint nf prices pricesthroughout
throughout our ourstock
stock stockPlenty
Plenty of excel excellent ¬
lent Sack Suits Suitsnewest
newest colors and andpatterns
patterns patternsDown
Down to 15 and 20 20An
An attractive lot of
150 S2 5250 and S3 S3Summer
Summer Shirts ShirtsDown
Down to 115 115All
All our 2 3 and 4 4Straw
Straw Hats HatsDown
Down to 175 175ESTAaOVER
STOHV On Thtir ft ftn
n SI iirrttgr i h r i H Hs
s r hv thr Ulrht llrtrrenfl H Hf
f the rhllliplnr j utri h or r rlrrtnlHrt
lrrtnlHrt A tiller nn rrm V Vlof
lof lo 1irrx n lnr lnrU1KD
IIKNNFTT On Jnli is Mrcr >
ivi rMt rMti
I i Nflitl nit KM KMu i
u ummi IIMHI IIMHIUliriK
UliriK MuMrnlv on Jtil > tl 11 11nelil
nelil N J niter tiitTn if ifJohnston
Johnston llrrrk llrrrkllrinilvr
llrinilvr and frlrnl lnlt M Mfun
fun rivl Mtvl A hit Mfr t > H HNrw r IU I
Nrw rl > n nn IlliU Jim JimIntrrmrnl > U
Intrrmrnl vt onvrnrnr of f fl
l > i I1T On July 11 M rtb rtbttinr >
ttinr Hen III plarc r B BIIUNK < > w
IIUNK Itumri THK rc KH KHS4t
S4t ril Vit 11 11rilltlT
rilltlT i In XVnttir l tv vtlrrnAin vtlrrnAinMimtralr tl tlII
Mimtralr J M rlnn sn m mInfr II IIIff
Infr frtrni rl > of l Itii i ilirttrr
lirttrr pwrli Knric Knricilrnrr
ilrnrr Ixtrmlnp AV mrnrr Pur PurlnnuUlr
lnnuUlr N J KrMiv fifi > i inn
nn Arrlviu of trnin lr ln < 2A1 2A1i
i i I il lv Krlr II U t t tI
I ttatinti Inlrtnrnl pruo pruotrVIKV
trVIKV < > n Jutv II Itrirk llr r rlr
lr ltrnrr U1 Ka l Ml > l I nn nnArrAiicrmm
ArrAiicrmm i liy Imik Imikill
ill n 31 > t tHANrfH
HANrfH tin Juiv i i io uu uuHltKl Iff IffM IffVANIiUll
HltKl I Itrri
trri > lllirtv hi July tl t Mnnti f fIn
In hi luth yrar Jamr U M MSiimmll
Siimmll J txlovrit hu tvml tvmlIllwr
Illwr IllwroUcr
oUcr of fnrrrvl htrtnftrr htrtnftrrLttKIMI
LttKIMI > in Jiilv IS Kr n I It
t rr lilrn > r II rl UI i v vtr
tr M MR K r virii ii n nJdlUiAN
JdlUiAN On July i M i > vtic vticrtrnrr
rtrnrr ill Ur t tUih nuii nuiiKRJINK
KRJINK Itvirnt LI Ill lUNtii
VANIiUll Siutlrntf nn i ilttulrn
lttulrn I IMII Ilubtnf N V V1ivrlhntMtilnf
1ivrlhntMtilnf IUrh1 M MM
M n ni til uii Jrvt tih n > mi miIrr
Irr in hit ua ir r rrunrrnl
runrrnl nrrvlrr will t hrlt t tdrnrv
drnrv tm SaitmlM Jil IA I Ii
kixt AmbaUoci Service rl >

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