OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, July 26, 1910, Image 4

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-07-26/ed-1/seq-4/

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iIJt be beTrEcI un unTtI
TtI TrEcI CH ty r 1 flr4 lr f 3010 3010Entertd IWI IWImoo
moo mooEB
Kalerrd EB nd it l the Ib Nit Offlrr om i Nrw Nrwflat N uc ucUIi 01 01i <
flat 1 M MAIl I Ultrr UltrrSttmrlpttoat 111 111f Itter3hstIpto
f i
Sttmrlpttoat = SIT Mail MtLflAt rs rsPAIT I = I IVAl
PAIT VAl T Pet Month MonthDAII 0 In ao aoIIA O 0IMt
DAII IIA t Irr I rr Vrar Vrarhi II 00 ont onlin 00i 00r
hi i > if ivr I r r ar r rIIAIt t 011 011IIAI Ohluta
IIAIt MiMMIAVIVrtrtr MiMMIAVIVrtrtrli iIIi N I er Ser u hIS hISMtI
li l SI MtI MV V Per e Monfi MonfiI I H Hi HiKalerrd II IIIMlc 11I
I i bSI tir I to forrl ftrti < fi cnuntrlr I ohifl S rIps aiM a > l lT II
T I k mnnrr m flO onlrra urI rol tr t lo t te > inade inader Va Vaie
ie 1 r u I n > v vl
l > i hrl I tn t thr th h SIH Itlnllnf Ifl inn n PutilUhlnc PutilUhlncn
n iMlon 1 M a 111 I i Ihl uii 11 alrrri Ir Irr I Ii n the h Itorntigh ItorntighM
M S itiini tP n > r irk f lrr 1IoIn I ti Mrnl of She SheLInO f i i14111x1
0111 14111x1 I t r rI 1 I1 I Jlltfbrtl lIIfb lI 1W Ni iuI sV4 trrn trrnrr
rr urrr of I tt s MMI 4 Itkwi > tkMi M 1 I F I Iaan j an n ITi ITiv I Ii
i v > i trrrt SrrirtiM < rbrh1r n 01 t the h IIon M tiun II I IJ4r U USMri 1 1lt
SMri J4r i IK I Na ahli MU lirrt lirrtlnnilonomrr Irrttno1nnop n nIon
lnnilonomrr Ion o IfTnf V0nihmItoi bjm lloiir 110 I riimtrl rnIrItyS rnIrItySSIrII nI1 trrrt trrrtsiranil
siranil 01 IhriUHt T hr hh t 0 and 01 SHnilay Hflhs n Sc S < r arrnn ar swi Mlrln Mlrlntnuitnn Alp I In InI InIonti
tnuitnn I 11 i r hr imritran h ami 1 rohmlil IIhflIIcIThtflI Itrrianfr Itrrianfrrrltoii
rrltoii C trn lirfrnitirret ltfI ltrirt itrrt and 1 IMS IIA I Mramhl MramhlAtfrnt StPMflt515gehl nhl nhlun >
Atfrnt gehl t i rrra lrrfi I I MrtHrf I ru ll I II vil villl
ll I or ll r lul > l 0 oi > ll Iriirant IV un rtnt rh lath atid atidFunla itil4n
Funla 4n n sq wtiion IIl I rr on n jlr ti 1 Klo 1 i f 2 nrar n inr inrunit IhPI n n111r I
I I unit I i fl Mor I Io MoMjur 111r h k 7 Iliiulri lotI IliiI anlilr a rI t rai a aruin i Inr Inrrmnrt 1
rmnrt ruin ri irirl I I opera ami Ant Kloxiur 1 n ILl > I li > ilc I jlil jlilile stIski hl
ile 0 ski 0 lUMrn 11In mrnrr nn lflf Hur lu Lnil j > H Ir e Iinnl Iinnlhi
11 I hi I I h ra u t t irr t rllv rl fur f Ihr I mimfrrr m ivi nIhi I may mayht m mh
ht h r 1 1 H III N rni n tii h t tou h l < mil m mu at 1 1 thr I trcuMr trcuMrtih oI
4 tih f ip n fitr vS nldrr h l In rm Inc < hancrii b nol nolOlh a aoftrn at
t Often Olh it irnl vI 1 irlrr 1 maj n Im I vent nl Ihruuch Ihruuchb
a 10 b > rifM lrtlrt I hr i i or r It t lii thr SS 1hlt i itilirllvi oTTtr oTTtrIhe irr irrh r rd
d h i 1 L I WI IflSJS5Wt IflSJS5WtNIi r
NIi 4 Uv feCDIffr feCDIffrMI 0 t
MI tIt PR it vu t tIII
0 I
u uWil
I IroI
Wil III Ihe Ih Illpublic Ir Tip r1 Over Overrdnv Ocrr
rdnv roI r II HcpuMiew 1pIII1 I I I ii Ii t t > inl aIn > > r nnd nndrlreiati II H t I Isit
rlreiati drIII lit II I 111111 iilumlnis for I II In Sialo Sialocon SliltientI Inll
con 1111 vein v lit I Hi I wlm wil Ii I 1 Ii lmtis I iii i 101 II dnv 8 won1 won1mud wnI rI rIPIIII I
mud I In I wII limit tcvorcnily for Hr HrIrIII word wordftilll 1 1frll I
ftilll frll the Ih Hull 1 III ItMrS 1 ItClMillH HIIIIIII flhiIIhI111Eli 1I1 itli itliITMII
ITMII Eli 1 11 ilu h > joy jI and 1111 hii > of r iln I h Imcn Imcnaivi IrnrsftI
aivi 111 ftI I > s ihe I llaroll iiiriliiu fr fI fIhi inticrx nalln nallnlpI alum alumHei
Hei lpI hi hy Is y HiMcliv I s1 Ih rliv Vnll nl i I Iv y i i I ih ihjwilrHi I ID IDb8t >
jwilrHi pnl b8t r rit Mint 111 of fr lidelitv lioll nnd mil sionogrn1 sionogrn1ihers llnOlral tnniri tnnirilshir 1 1Ihn
Ihn lshir ihers Of Ir 1 linn hill wus u 34 iketi 11IIr lietlicr IIir liv liviuni II Iv1IIIJIt
iuni himlf lf < ir r l hI h > v M 4t > uii 1 other Jjjwrt xlr that thattnn Ihll IhllInl tinttrIi I
tnn Inl > find Ino an I Ciildeti 110 II I i ilIr pnne pnneMr rl I
Mr I tirlri bel lh fti h > If r hr n ho bo1 ill ri to 0 nnr lilr lilrIhr I I Ithe
the 1 rrpiti 1 w n 1 iporr iporrCir 1 1n r o rr rrIli
Cir n > 4Hiietulv 1111 1 the Ih i > iuiilirium Iihhrill tn tnouitiiiu I Ior
ouitiiiu 1111 uc i r > oiiiliculiriiy of Mr Ir lrI I 1 xn xnIIMII n
IIMII I I I 1111 I I i lr f itrofound prnts in I eons nrl > rti I > niillti mlln U ii It n fl4 I IinilMiK1 IIhll IPIItdt i
inilMiK1 Ihll ns 1 well 1 tI us II in ilid ide of thnt Ihll IhI piiraj lr Ir8 I II
I di I I 4 i of 0 t I iiKM hll 1 it the I h hi IliKkfvi IIk I i Irk reservation reservationTliev rrnl rPrvilt ion ioni I Ii
i Tliev Th know ttm I well wlll l1I for Mr Ir Cixnmin Cixnmintold nIIII n i iI
told 111 < iliein I h1 li I s tlriti Ihl I3t tlini Ih mouths nco ncoii 0 0h IbIIl
h IIl sIr Iral I III h ii > anclmrs Iwhn fl5Ip nf If f our I h hp M wlnit wlnitXXr Whll WhUfo I Irnl
rnl lihl I lit In n Ih 5Ior 5Iore hnn hnnI I
XXr I e arr nnur n faring pollUral IUal rnntltlon nUIn that thatarr I IA IIita
arr A morr 0 din 1flrrnI ntI < rrou than t n any ny lnr In the h rlxll 11 war r 1XXr
XXr rr p row In I ti Ihi h pixltlon aIto 10 that Ibe Ib country ronl ronlnn coinIruA I IAnd I i
uA nn Innfll
And 10 fll wlnli wilI Iitte ihocotmlrx 1110 tim nnnln IfltrV is il i on tliix porti portit1I
fnis 1 idce wI 11 tin III I ht linn IJI IXXIKS 1 1 is llrnotrit llrnotritIs IInolI1 lIflIUIRFIII
IRFIII I ait 8I4I 10 I I Inlil ItflI VVr VVrmIll ry rymlh
mlh mIll I S nn fl flIII i iI
Is I tin HIII Iriisnv IIOS J4fl H HI HAIISIO Uiir lns > nwnre nf nftill if ifIII
till tiniilllintlt tiniilllintltMr 111111 111 r1Ifl r1IflIr
Mr Ir llrrnn Urn nt Omaha Omnhnpra Umahl I
1 1 iIIIa in I IUI 1 nlT HItYc HItYcpra
pra > t ullv 1 unknown nlknwn nrxl without It hnnl R ft ftnmninatiil flwn fstI
I ni wn nmninatiil nnlil11 I fur furlarctly JrhlII JrhlIIInuI IrsiItit IrsiItitIarga
larctly Iarga Iy Ih I hr iigh h the lIl ffi f1 fTt > < t of ntisv a adelivered h hI
delivered l isv > v htm hil in il iho I Pemrvratif Pemrvratifconvent 1IOmli 1IOmliCIlli I nwrnt is isCOIVVII
convent CIlli u n He H wn n VMIII 111 Itii frs frh i nt nttnietive II IItnltl iittfllstV
tnietive tnltl nnd nn fnrreflll fnrreflllToilny fnfli fnfliTcl trefulrflhIav
Toilny Tcl nt iiinalm Illnh I Mm III v will wil try tn t rv t twin In Inwn tnn <
win wn n a mnjintv I jri V III f h nli t 11 ih l > iiii iIItMrat < rat ri to tothe II toth
the th iniopeniint intnfInl of r IIIH II Mew jl on I the Ih tVItqtior I Iliquor Ilqlor
liquor lqlor fiie 1tinl 111stioTl tiin The Thl iiiiate I Ii i tts nre nr is isitnietssI in il j
Mnirteil tnll1 aKnin 3L agaIit II1 t hll linn hut 1 hei4 h i to t tto appeal appealto I
to them t from th thlor I h floor of f the Ihl t hs hall hal in il tin tinhope 11mhop t I Ihope
hope that Ihlt hl II > ower of f r > I > > e h will viI per perKiiade psrsiiads
Kiiade Ilall them tlm to itreianl 1rllrl th ordern ortf of oftheir orthll ofthstr
their thll cnriMtituentM < otIIfnl flts Hut Ju ffys I5RTAN RT of ofi IBIO IBIOi
i not tho llrvan Jr ln of I IM M He I lb has 111 111J4 he heoomo 1 ISOflTh3
oomo MiO an old ot story Ilor Iliteloftitionnrv Iliteloftitionnrvjjifw liInlor liInlorJif IIi4 sw1thsruIrv sw1thsruIrvgifts
gifts Jif are ar not TI nt t a 1 l noieltr I1 v He n rs i I not lot flotflov the theBoy II IIny
Boy ny Orator Ortor of the Ih Ilatte IIRII Hm II 1Ii listen listenen 1111
en fr will wil not he mirprined Ilrri111 oirpri Ht the th honey hOI of ofhis nrhil ofhIM
his hil voice olr the th niinlilenn nlhn of f hi hio tonijuo tonijuoor 10nI0 10nI0or InflIIoor
or the thl artfulnetw Irl art fnln fiiInsj of hi his rhetorii rhllnrl They Theyknow Tip Thpknow Tipknow
know him hln from n 1 ixore or of f campaign campaignand rulpll eIhipaigtL4and I Iant
and ant Chititaiioiia hWIIIR rircuiM rrri He I ha h has emp 11 ¬
tied hi little lll box of lr 1 trick trkl tun IIIn t sian ansi nndagain 111 ansiagain
alln again H I > i ti nn old ot well 1 known kloWI thor thoroughly I thoroughlv hl ¬
I i oughly ol hh undcrMood 1111tnlol politician pnlUian now nowFor IOW IOWI nowFor
I For Ior thin ronson rl1 it will wi ti 1k x > inlcre mllrNtil1 IntPrvtitig IntPrvtitigto tmu tmuto
to wntch wnt < h the t h ho convention eoflvnt OnVIInn Inn nt 11 omaha nn nncl nnclto ondto l lto
to wo II 40 what II nuc iIeess r fMrt Mr Ir llnriN Ilr lInT s lin hI in inhis Inhil inhia
his hil effort fnr fTn to t win to hi II hIM mipport IPf t1 sIoInto sIoIntolntrirtwi < p < > cntci cntciIntructinl IM IMnlrlr1
Intructinl nlrlr1 maif tisint IIt > i htm hil In 11 I ii 1004 m II St StLoili Sf StLois
Lois LI Ia lie hI ap IllwalIIIIIfll i IjWII > calcd 1 I unsuccessfully tirs si t tn I tln tlnmomiiTH II t I Imsnhn >
momiiTH mlmh N lr f tin hi iiniiiritil 11111 ISIIS Iofli I convent flflVstafior nnllol ion ionafter
after th re rfilI r njit of luilce 111 ItnKFIlS ItnKFIlSgold 111 IiRRFIIMI
I gold old telegram tlll r Will Wi I11 Omnhn I mahitittoti < f > a rejx rejxtitlon r rtlon
titlon tlon of f his 11 I liiri hif Isisagn o triumph t rilllh nr r nf f fhumiliation his hishumiliation IwhumllInn
humiliation humllInn nf r MX si I yrnrt rlr0 n 11 11lralrrllln ago agoi n
i Triitisfnriiitni lralrrllln Ihr IIisI hI IirU IirUWluli
I Wluli 1 tli tho > ineenuitx ilLnlll ntitt V nnd fi fl I ennv nr of frTnrOI ofnriou
rnriou TnrOI w i < and lnt il iiI thoughtful I hI gi hlll I to I ollliers ofi 0 i is of oftho nfIhl oftils
tho Ihl niv vs v nnd nld IxirotiKlreovcrnniniit 1rnllI lrll111 hiixo hiixobcii 111 hivsb
bcii b 1 i i deviu i tsw l to t is iso II I prcparntion prPt rIarllon nit Inn nnd nndrxiloititi Ino ii nil nilIsiliri
rxiloititi > iii of plans for chnngini fhulin tln tlnrhnni thhan tiniehirji
rhnni < han ter r f the Ih parks irk tk in thi nly f1 and andWllllo mil itidI
I Wllllo 111 tiilo Ie dltllls ls til nf f ll its irilK c < allcrT allcrTlioiis alr iltaraii
lioiis U I < In l en etcinni rll ritifl ptilihc JlII plush intirii intiriithe 11rI 11rItl
the tl th Pul 11 I liipirtmnrit I IirIiisnt arl11 itnelf itsi If 4 ftiiH 1 fhI4 tn tnhiivi I Ihl Iliii
hiivi hl liii to IHKUII I s i S II a I new 11 fl w schetiK hri 111 155f if 4 rout ireatIlicnt JUI rout515sflt
Ilicnt 111 w wldl iiili III ll is I Imtllid 111 In o proillKe IrII rswIiu re retiinrUalile r rIIIkl rtnirkslIp
tiinrUalile IIIkl resiilM w ithin ilhill t short time lilI if it itinvigiri iti itis
invigiri i is vt r ulv s h tir tiNhiosi > iii The I 11 lir fut f ii iir1i effrctri effrctrirniv Ire Irera
rniv ra r1i V I s n 1 In I o anv al a is v cmon ii 1111 t i sti lodnv InoII t SII I ti V in inHatterv il ItIflat
Hatterv nalf flat rv Park I nv v Hall HII I Park iorkS1 k Madiwm MadiwmS 1111
S S1 < lare ar r nnd 111 ii mliir cr 1 I i r mall 1111 rni Ii srstii paos Il i winch winchwere Ih Ihwn 1 t is is iswr
were nritfintillv 0111 intetnliil nt It1 rsI I to present Inlt n nc I Ilrll aC
c C iiiifirnnii III lrll f rt is sc and a is I rcfreflim rfrel frhill i I sag npfwaranc npfwaranclo lPIIrIl lPIIrIln it P I 1115 1115I
lo I n I men 1 nril 11 S I r I of f ihe I ii iav 1fmI smlifl mcnrnind 11t 1 flu I dust dustof ii 11 iist iistof
of the Ih Ii < it I v strist stristIhe orI orITh
Th Ihe diptrtnionf 1111 system 1 npfwars nlWl to toh Inh tot
h t to I o refrnn from fr inhiiiK Ilkll talt ing onhnarj oniliry orIligIai ansi nndnco ansiflsIr nt ntn
nco n flsIr ar ln pni r autiofi 1 nut isn airmnst 11111 thoeffcctn thoeffcctnot I hI iso isot f
ot t fiimiiiiy 111 wcnthcr 5flS Isi r mi n tin t hi tutf Ilf tiit f nnd nlt to tonlliW tonil I Ini
nlliW ni nil w the t II ti Kta 11 s to IM I burned hrl1 up Tho Thofirst TI TI1 fisofirs
first c tii 1 11 tl nc nlll1 ns1ot Nit has Ixtn man tnaniiKcd mln mani
iiKcd tkilfullv i k 1iih md 111 llm II i i ci ciM cil essneqIionea essneqIionealO i
lO 0 r rH If r viil uI allnr IJqiIrsitt VIiro hr grrn grrniwy rf1
iwy iililit llht I iso M > 11 ftflhO4 of ofnnd ofhrn ofisrown
l hrn rown turf Itlr ur re rethe Ssn 1 nnd 110 even sy tlII n where wh hrll r all allT i
the th I hi lira crIl ru hai lUll nt ntlln SI I T killeil kll1 k ilIs I xtots s I wt 4 411 < ind indsicc j 51 51S
S lln < of f wuhere1 I li lithe ii sicc iAiZ ohiw iteirv iteirvn h irv irvthi
the Ih 1lironl IlroI nni nnithere hifila n Ih I he l HH al 1 1Itwr V swi swit MI MIi
there t hsr will il sli I s rsi fT fTthe i left mid 11 a si I e ti h I i itli tf tfll f fthl
the thl tli nil p mal pur 01 ll s 1 Isis ar f s Die I SI pleatint pleatintml
In1 sinil ml re rr r f fs > il sirf irfire rr sn f n rlnldrui rL rLIn1 V jIav jIavHrtmd IW IWrII1
Hrtmd rII1 rsinil KI II n f emn 1 qirirt f11rr f11rrh > > r
I WJit M h p w vP I fvi n lrr lo i ij I I
L 11111 tt4lns l I I I 11 If10111 I ta fl
a w TT TTno j
jo joDO
I14 no gowl OOd reajyii rlivn rs wun f t4 IJrcu r 1lt t444t It tS I
proMedtmnlnlninlawni lrol hlnlnnr Iicn awn nndli an11 nail it willob willobYloiwlv wih wihTIII willobvlsialy
Yloiwlv TIII IN hllh thedutv I li slut 11 of r tlio tim city rl to ti drvote drvotethe dlI SIe0ttiltS
the 1 ind In to I ii Mime olIsi I ii4iul purM 1url > e It Itrnav I ItlIiiV
rnav nr t 155 M > slIt in 1 up i into I Il Icveliall ILIIIIhllonI diamondx diamondxIIIIK
1111 11 IIIIK I is 54 otiirtx I I Ir i ii I wmlmi 111 ii4 I I 1 ponltt a i SIpS cinder cindertriik fllhr fllhrIrk 1 115 br brIrask
Irk < and 11 the 111 tis like lk Wadmc Wine aslii M > U for forrhililren rorhitrl forels
rhililren els hitrl ibs I r ti are lr ii r the II I li lule Iii I st l milt a is 111 1s oh1 nv of I Sf f iitv iitvlife ll S it V VIii
life hr nniudltiK nf1111 ssisiiliii to the I h ne II ti > dlXH > nHion nHionand ISIS ISISatisi
and 11 one silt diniv in under 1111 the iIs I City i itv Hall Hallwindows Inl haillv
windows wlI lv I 114 115W4 win I itib I Id I ilniilitle h iii 4 relieve nli nlijlrnh svt con conHidenililv t1flIsi
Hidenililv si ions 11 V the Ih I I o loliuin I e iii IIr I Ill of S f olln nlia tal lalior laliorIt Ilh Ilhi i it s sis sisIt
j It 1 IH i litnllv hII in II as exjNiiiil I that isit1i tlnie tlniewlioiiti Ih IhI
I wlioiiti hn 1i nI U iHMiightiil I enoiuh qihIIssi IIh 11 tn toil > l to I wafit wafitnil cnhitall 1f1 1f1ni
nil ni pirlt 11 pini pa mvertisl Ir into 1 athletic athleticurniiiidi iitsbptsib I Ir
urniiiidi r I I sib ill 1 appiiid 111111 tlee I tIu tIuSii impriivo impriivoniefit lprwl
11 niefit Sii t Inn 1 even 111 the Ih mi II irtity rii V of ofIrtikers St Sthsiskt r rhlk
Irtikers hlk will II iIl IK I nimble 1lhl to I refrain rrrail from fromaikniiwliilunii frm 1nisii I
aikniiwliilunii 1 ii kts ss the II lbs Kill II duplavod 1111 bv bvItheadvocaleHof hiII i iI
ItheadvocaleHof II I tIis h aslisealos If Uiechaime tJ tis 11851t1 all lirM ibev ibevdiirov Ih IhIh iIivI
diirov I ru the Ih I park 58 rk s and a si 1 then th1 t thev th I iti con s svrt 1
I vert rt the II Is wnMe 1 pltcvt I isii thev tll I stoat nai into intopublif 11 liii liiiI
1111 I publif baihtiilM Iahlll and H IIril 141bIriinI 141bIriinI11is iruni arenas arenasThe nrIL nrILn
The n 11is one nIl the S h IOV v have hl done s Inn on and m I he h I i other otheriwillnoi st I i r rviiI
iwillnoi 11111 viiI 1151 U I > loin IUI ilfliviHl tltiivi1Ibs
I The hr nnlole 1111 nn Issir Irnnrr Ir1Ur sIt r llmporla llmporlaThe
The Th lion 1 WIIIMM 111 iit i i AMIS 1 II n S Wiurr Wiurrone ViiirrIlls 1 rn
11 one Ills of Ir thelin I h Iis hissi > t illiiwirioiHof 111 slbtisI rsI11 51 i IbII lie lieM J 15it4 15it41
M lixl 1 nf f iiiithor Illh H even 1 more mnr illutri illutriHUH 111lr ri
HUH 111 ni i sstlItsSIIlIII tati > man 111 n publu 1hllI a aft nmu nmuaimt 1111
aimt IVIII1 ft ihiIt and miia a mflinl rl1 niMsmtial ilunknr ilunknrSave iisitknr1iI
Save SIl 1iI tin tl immortil illrll DnitKV II I n I nther ntherSiintlower otlirr4iiiifbsiw Ihr111Ir
Siintlower 111Ir r iiiitiiit 111 sniIs H t > fiiinorx rllI tiiipi ps ertamlv ertamlvnone rlall rlall1IIIIIhl1
none 1IIIIIhl1 ti in iumandinc m lni IIri lnlksrIi > < > rii The Th Thr
I r 114 MI 1 stliifItbI raiefiillviip r I rll 1111111 > laiiiliiiiMr sIr r WuirKt WuirKtirtinv I iisii n nU11 s sIII
irtinv U11 III tIs4 and 10 Ill I powers I H 1W W t4 a > s i 1111 II alalnumd I III II 101 I H Hlooipt I Ia1 4 4III
looipt III a1 Pt tifi I > mel is hal even on the li height heightof ilhl ilhlr
of I Sf r hi I so renown rIWI r n S 0511 he h I tO Issn I Miiril st sm rl In I I S pnir pnirtie pnl pnlI I nI nIlo
tie I lo the II Iii lowlv 101 iallim lil of e the 111 jouniaiAt jouniaiAtoiiim junHIlI
lI I oiiim > iudeiil III f newpiper it stvIe stvIetsiIttitIsrs I vlt and andmilliners al1IIIIIN
milliners IIIIIN iiiitiot 11 do t sb bt aItsr > iti > r than tlsiitl hal read readday rll rllIa
day Ia l luid ll nmlit lilhl It I he is iiliinn 1111 of ofI r the thenrM Ih IhlaIIla
laIIla I hhlhIti > nrM 1 f fv if f i wits hiili 1 ii Mr l I r WIIIIK WIIIIKi WI1I V it itit
i < ihe Ih isliior IIr hitor piiiirietnr an < l iininia iininialion Ii irtILi irtILitisn
110 1rll 1rll11n
lion I From rom r1 an ni islitorial artue Irll1 art t on in Mr lr r rt
ItSSOV t SO Ni ne Hike Ik ihee Ih t io lew I s bill 1 It HMVI HMVImeim i ir
meim iI14 tI 4 of r Mr lr r Wmrts Vttu lln iis faultless flIII uitsibs taste tastehis Inehi taisteI
his hi I i i iiirv a irv rlrmiiKi lllll I IL s his IS 11 S hcht I ld I I I it centletiian centletiianhke goat 1111III inn innIik
hke Ik Iik banterinc banterinct hI1rl1 hI1rl1u
t Nu u l toot l 3hlar mil an nturr cIe 1 l i > n IIsIoiliepcr Vvkwtwfelt Vvkwtwfeltl4 h hh
sIoiliepcr l4 > rrl > irrHT whorTtrrtiln who h Orrtsin Iln bi t rt rsnr nlr hl wfh si Oi h haily hailyt hI
t 1505 < trtr 1 thnn a tAfr lAemafl m n Itirrr 1 I nohlnf At Attrartlir 11 11Ih attraettse
trartlir Ih abOut him lie I I l r ruare 0 r + f III II Sitansi m
ansi ml unriiiiih h Mr I kr krosa iw I he h Mlltlril IIU c cnle mr m sit sitiis I
t iis > u mil IItId Ihl nf thai hi h lfntr Ienrsncs onne nrr U I itrn thI r Mr Mrl
I fh h tn urnjilnn of rrt rhn hiip In I ail 1 thl thltilitme thia thialIgIItlflC I Itchunc
tilitme ni n1 tu tssIflj ln hf h 5 u ihlnkn hW nf r n I i Srssfll5fl n nnn
err rssfll5fl niAn frnn fn Il ln lanstlI n > lll II anil 1 ut nnthlnr Ihln rUr llr llrIt I II IIis
It I nln In on anI n1 I prui4 > ron 011 ami all th MIA 10 of f Io tisni mi Itt Ittfr I II theSIearrhhtI
SIearrhhtI > < > fr hlti l Ihr lb h c caIairolIhe l trotihr nlh nf hl hI l mrrrr r Ur Uri I Ir
ritno r r InI i < > Kin n tn Si hrlpMuirti hrl hris tt 11 II I ru I iMrKtit s shrap ii ant amiIt antIIIYIIIIKII n1 n1n
i IIIYIIIIKII ttrmir n it nu t tfate > rriii r hr h rnrr a nlnop 1 for forthrlr r rh fjfthrtr
thrlr h itMm l trtre rf 1 irr l iie > iit l 1 ri r h 5 iin ruinS niintup ruinSurn nl nlun
up un > n their Ifl im spirS I rt In tbr IbIr111 lrtri tlmr 1m ItS that Ih hr h fnrr fnrrwr r rI fnrrfr
M I fr l ntltlrt tn n t irrr pity Ill tt fur f SIP h l Is > a itncllrr itncllrrline Ind Indtne tndIetrig
line trig oll 011 man h < > o faniltlr sip ttik h ant h1 hr hrUo b bIn heduqn
Uo duqn nt t kmiw In mw n I It I Inca II to li i Iu T MntMif hlm1 ami amiother aSs aSsolhrra 0 0olhr
other tnt I i thr th h Wl 1Ir f that I hi ae o r l In int n t hiriif hI hIhim hitIPhtrn > j
him Mr I rairj > I tirair tral P rTorl I t i apr a < r vviltif UI UIno I Sand
and no rnrnrrtlf rnrlr tut II I viIi 01 ll nh trn t h I u t a LaSh I clOser MIl MIln clOserUI
on n the Ih iiliifurm or 0 tn I hi room m > on 1 rnn m n rrnhr ylIeIbjit IJ IJh
that hr h Is tu I iit t a is < l 11 < l a hl b his > icars > rar Inllnr In11 ahe I llrran llrrannut 1 h hn1
nut folloM fI ii ti one n Lor ID nf If lho nM < iht Mr I fIe r ofT of ofmnI at ata
a tarcrnt rrr mmutr nr 1 twu I anl n1 oVen or n farfrta farfrtati r
ti 1 I rrinrn n t II < th h SIC nain nl rurrrnt of hi iIs arcimenl aClnrnl aClnrnl11t aYltefltihts
1 11t hit l k no n 0 mmuukAblc DIIL sbl twn if n ot s tlnutr tlnutrIt
0 0I
It I xetvn oti 1 thai n fonner rnllr VieeIn tsoIrsssqt tsoIrsssqtiiss lrillt lrilltti nlent nlentliii
liii ti iiss Mud I omethifi iIIli t huiii that t list fires fr the tllnnA t is Kantwtx Kantwtxheart Innsnshenri
heart hII With I iti what fresh erh nrrh ars frntie frntiehumor froll frntiohi
humor hllfr hi tinor does S 1 osi the I ii Ktii FII I tsi l > ria ria 11 1 1iukAnol 1iukAnolptinmli s is kri kriIunih k ritl ritlinili
ptinmli Iunih inili thr Ih traii I rl ransrsrsor ransrsrsortPiy ure < ir irtTnr
tTnr Il 10 to 10s nttiMK 1 I IsIaI < inr HH i lersist ril t tn tnorarlnc InMn
searing Mn that I fnolUh ssad rt of plnarb Inrbn on hl II IsIs chin chinoars i iman j
man Jhoull hOII1 wrar rar O a Mil rul ilI hrarl h t or 0 nine Tbrfr Tbrfrl Tb Tbolhln I
l rothlnc olhln score 0 shsirl h irl than I n a r 1 DsScs trl nf h 1 1al hkcr hkcrall > rr rrall
all al t hy > r ll IwU IIa4If rlf If a mao goes to 0 lh h he < Io Ifojhr of oftint 01rtn ofslasInt
slasInt rtn tint half tU was av aromit hit h hi are hr noill 0 rnl rnh flflhih flflhihShe n j jIhr I
I IVtrr
She h oh itsWbr h
Vtrr b > Cm StIntP U Mir If w van t trveIln 1 vrir nl < abro atrraj t l t ic iccIt r rr
r cIt it oil I hl hh 1 sltStpt li 1 rr the i nptr mv ssojii in jl t unl unlMrh ln11 ln11fM tAnIt
Mrh fM t r hl p The Thlbllant irb Srbnhtlante MlanUnf 0 of I iropr sm o ciln s In In sroni ron rnr I Iinr
inr 5 at nr sl 1 ir t brautlful 111 arvl MS 1 thry SP PI uo Moittnt jin iron rn rnlo run runsjer j jtrr
sjer trr lo i h > r Urn 5 I o o5 prrmltnnt mlln PS T I Rfl n wth chin rhlnwhl r chinI ln lnII
whl I II 0 H if r Mr tl tp hl htLr krft r to n tr 1 Irsrrs rrt thrlr ra raIhMnU saIhc4rI
IhMnU In ansi mt art tallftlr II lIt I a ti hn n hr h rr > nnrJ nnrJu n1 n1h I I I
u ft Oc r ti hs ifr s hr h ti tools o > V a ii r s1 f antarr nlar o the thrnatiirr theeisfe
eisfe 10 rain of our Oi bHwarU h ar1 ajant 1 palliiltu palliiltunl pItu pItun1 > 1
ant nl t hrrb > rran etimtoc Cowa roset5 chin ahtsi itk h > r cln sciAtV c clnI ln lnWhv
Whv I tV nrt nrl th ths ve cift irl hid Whv fl 1 is islaru i iInr jlarts
laru Inr ilepnv l of f tin light ansi nnllllnol luminotirt luminotirt1arifian lIlTltlflflhtriIariiizsn I I
1arifian larilU wit The Th next international 11rlli inriitit illl maul maule j jexihange j I IIhon
exihange Ihon e hangs of o profes prnfoanrs ori should arrange arrangeMittabte nrranzssS rrlll I I I
Mittabte S lilnh1 I it iisl terniH I nm for rfr the Ih I tranuKirtation lrlIrllin t r110JNrt itt ion of ofMr fr I IIr Ii
Mr Ir i r WHITK VII lrn ir 10 If the Ih I ho Sorhonne rhlll I
Thr Th 1 i Inilvlnc InilvlncThe Inlylnl Inlylnln ttiilnrlngIlis
The n Ilis filing Ilnl of an ti appaention 1IIIn 1510 111 II Vienna Viennabv i11 iStsl1a iStsl1aiI
bv h rihdllke rI rh lnk IdsKPII 11 < 11 KKRIHVAVIi FnHISASIInInhllllhl Fiini NA J to hstnbshiai es establi
tabli Inhllllhl tnbshiai l llir I i > denth llh Ii of his hi unile Ind Arrhditke ArrhditkeIons rhllk rhllkIIIS retisltkikii
Ions IIIS S Ss ivtTnn belter hst tr known klWI nu the th t ho ill illfuted i illfatel
futed JollANN IIIAS JitA OIHM 0111 Jul H IN l xrhaps not fol FO FOinierestiiii snintrotiiig 0 0IIrII
inierestiiii IIrII as a is 0 the Ih fart rld that 111 at II this IIII IIIIIa late latedav lateslay
slay Ia there Ihlr are nr 41 tninv ia 1 > eople who wh nre nrewilling sir sirriliiitg J JIllll
willing Illll to I i ieliev > > tluit I hii hint Ol rl did di not III IHr IHrI MT MTih r rlIi
ih I h at H vea oi 1 ansi InI i till I i ill alive nh i It J is i nnotlir nnotlirof 1mb Isur Isurof
of r thowe I h hior Htrange tranl trin itistatn e if 1 Ihe I is worlds worldsfondness wlrl wlrlfhl wrlslsfnnslnos
fondness fhl fur f r acf a ci ptlng I111 II I I I t the II I Ii improbable improbablethat I ni srois I ii iitisiti
that 1111 I j tl the I Imrder I rr f the tis tn ilile ilileTlieafiplfatioii
j i Tlieafiplfatioii Th arltal 1 re r > itesiiA ii 1 SOs an ni fitsSi > lahlihd lahlihdfin
fin 11 Si t that I iSle twentv I wiit V vears par mjn I Zig the theI th
I lth 11 h of 1 tin I this hi montli Ilunl tiuflt h I lulMNN Jiii IS OIITH I lT JitiI I failiti failitifrmn al iil 1 1frl Ifriti
frmn frl llueno 111 vren n on f ii Ills hI hip I tin I h IiI Si I IJlrlan
i Margarete Jlrlan a rsa r t givi i i s > tli I he reiisoiis nI rii tis fr f r a 1111 1111i iiin iiinmg i i ii iiini
i mg i ini 1 that la tin I h vessel e I wux s u iiis sunk llk with 11 h all 11 on onIxKinl in inIHilirhi n nil
IxKinl in il a I hurricane hlrnln that Ihll rageil on 1 tte ttenight 1 tr trtuizlit
night 11111 of f liilv 111 7 1 iv 1 < I off f the Ih rgenline rgenlinecoif1 rlIil rlIilUI rgnt in inssaIt
coif1 UI iletinls the Ih I lie fruit frliI friiiltfIiep4 les ners nf r all allefforts 11 alleITirls
efforts 11r t find tIII trin t ruse of f him hli his hI wife wlrl the thevi Ih IhI thevo
vi vo > e I or Ir its il crew s fW stales 1110 the Ihl S In fart Ir that thatn tlnl tlnllmlr
n i lmlr meniiier of the I h crew has 111 ever er r since sincebeen MIfleSIsti in
been Isti heard of f and fll that 1111 t IfUIANN IIISS liit OiiTII OiiTIIhas OIITI Oltitha
has ha never IIr us vr snne Mi I iss < iiiimiinlrated 10 I1lnlII1 lIt I I fl lviii ss I with il i t h his hisfannlvor hi hifllil liisfamily
family fllil fr ir legal 1111 l reprefUMitaliveorclniiinil reprefUMitaliveorclniiinilany rpn roiresintiitio I I a I i or dnll1 dnll1ni sIaitjssl sIaitjsslnov
any ni part of If f his hi pro Jrllr Irlsrt > erty which wlih wlsjs hi now nowamount noW noWnmII nowamounts
amount nmII I I about J7VI SIIMu SIIMuNis III IIII INK INKNo
No I MMiner IIr was Wi lie I h npptiratjoti niiihc 1Irll at ion fiNil fiNilhowever fI fII flbiliriwovor
however than I hll ha ii I here I r croppM cri ii i up t p all ni ii i i the theold II t lieI
old 110 I b I tunes v rl rie together I I iZet hr I ir with 11 h new II Iip onef onefbaikiil inesaieksl n nhlk1
baikiil hlk1 by I pr < > f nf f mie II iie kind 110 kiri l or fr ir ntiother ntiotherthat IIlht IIlhttlut Iitiotlserthat
that tlut rUrrl Mini wan 1 MI 1 alive nl1 long I 11 l after 1fr the thedale th thisslate
dale 1111 of lr the li th Ntippn a111111044Si I liipwnrk A man manof mln mlnff mansf
of Iharleville I hlrl lrance frllf who wh onie on hviil hviilin 11 11In
in Argentina rlnlla rgnt inn I uvs iv thai Ihl t he h aw OIITII IITI i 111Th m mpeiember fl flI
peiember I 111 f I m and 111 that 11 t he I hld lI not nota no noll notaIlMl
a aIlMl ll i IK I on 11 II the Ihl I St Sf Margarete llnnrI He I told toldhim 111him tIIit
him it inn that Ihll I he h bad hii I purchaei iii tn iasei I nn ni a a eiate rst nll itt r in inthe inII IiiIII
the II heart iart of the Ih I ii firett near Ir I 10 i Ier Ierdicios lr1 lr1nn1 Iertltllsw4
dicios nnd that Iha t he I intended 11111 I in I s miik miikthai mik mikthnl inkothat
thai his hi home II Senator Seiiiii or > if r rgenlina rgenlinaDon rllnllna rllnllnaUn rgont InI InIltoINtO
Don rivifxin fI1IS fll7ix 1t7tc IIIHTIM that I he hewas II III howaa
was WI frequently in 1 the th I s MMIIIV N of f the theMlf ti ibisiiitiiti
I Mlf mll iiitiiti < Mli Archduke rdlII and 10 with 11 h his 11 wife wifyIira f flr
veiirn lr lifter Ifr their th1 reporteil r dlKlppeir i iame I Itill
I ame nn Heaversthut f II ssers lr1 I hii lust Minn InI ttii lived in one ii of ofthe efIii f
the I Iii Miiallrr stuibl 111r r tiwiis 111 of I f the th PruII > romie of ofIntr if ifIntre f fInlf
Intre Inlf Ii ItIrs s under 111r the II a asisnial > umed 11 name 111 iirs of ofI sf sfI f
I inn Ii IMON 1 1 i until 1111 liii II lINES 11 5 li h1 hin n he I left If for forlipati fsriii
lipati 1111 Th Ihe I InI rein h author Illhr iroiutM iroiutMn iln ilnJ
J III n 1 ra MS that Ihll In h found rld Archduke rhI
I ill1 nn 11 fn tI h > 10111 ximM of If f Km 1 Negro s Irn r aril atidthat IId arilI
that I hi it h he had 10 hvd 1 tinre t Iier for at levtt 111 hf hfr if ift itO I
5 t r ii 5 t 1 ii ri i > in fi of r cnrk cnrkWaitLi rsiriirleraibs Ilolrlhl IlolrlhlI I I1wstith
I WaitLi WIitl that tft book 001 In the library lbra ad andj J
silverware nu borr hol < traces trN nf fr If tho lm lililsorial lililsorialartius > oriul oriulof
nrlL artius of Kustria Ilna It I m II uftlnivd aOrmL that hm hmattornev hi hial hisS
attornev al S IS Ir srii Itamn 1111 VON os HAnnnKii lu II tltt 1II iiit lia liaheard I II aas aasIsoarib
I heard hlln regularly fIlllrly from rrll him for yearn yea a aha a aA aAbaa
ha baa nlso 11 Huron larln vox Vn lS A turn ft sn one of tf his hisold I II hisssbsl
old I f nciuU rriI t rnnn mll wiitl Ih tobplonANX tobplonANXt II to h Ions Ionsc 1 1I
1 OIITII c I lT lIT I I I xo L > not 111 many mll ittis tiy yearn you u ra ago 1j1 ag I reported reportedto rIlrl rIlrlIn roll srt 1 1to
to 1 h los lixnig in II Ihiivcrand 1Ir1111 I s tIer iiisl lat 111 vrnr Ir tho thomiHHini Ih Ihlillt tbtuiiI4MitiI
miHHini lillt rclidiiko rdcllk wu II reported to II 4 be beworking tl InI
I working lrkll a > a i machinist 110111111 iuii hiItitt nt Paincnvillc PaincnvillcOhio 101 InnssvjllI 1 i 1
Ohio I Ihll liii snub 1 cagT Ijr to I return rII1 lo II Si his I home homeMI hOI
MI 1 55 AlMni int Ilra na In II I a Ihew III t last 11 t xo CUMM MI MIwh1 etisseswhisii
I when wh1 nn 11 4iistriilliiiiKarinl IlrflhWIIII Consul ul ultempled UI1tlpII LittnIitsSl
templed to I invi iiiVIMtIgitS tlgate tin llu rllilill 11 the themen Ih IiiIneli
men 111 had h disappeared disappearedI shii 1Ipan1 14iriSl 14iriSllol
I tonnlerabli IIulrhl lol lsri 1 sb Mn In t ii has h I lass I eon placed1 Ilfiros I IlilsisU
IIlc1 IIlc1Jnn
I upon Jnn thisluiko ri 111 hduke Ions 01 s s diliko 1llk of sit5i e coiltt coilttctiiMlctte 11
ctiiMlctte 5i 1 iII jell Ot t and 111 Ii uS I tin t I hs nirn rSsu rd ru lions 1 I s ills placed I 11 11IJn lasss I
uMiii IJn him hln bv his hi rank fnk and 1111 this pha Ihl hss e or orII citI if ifllie
j llie II I In contention IS Iii toll I in receives nevi vss 101110 is stun 1 ulriliRlli1 ulriliRlli1Irnm 11111 t rsit gt h hI
Irnm I r ru in Ihe I h wimcwhat is m inn hI lint iinconveiiiionnl Inl Iifl1 III VI 11 Iii inl1 iontii lx lxj I Ir Ishiiviir
j r hair nf if r other niemlien 111 of tho Ih fjimily fni fntsibvfli
JTho j Th An rdlhlk ruhislisk hduke Kl FtltttN liniNtvn 11 S distinguished distinguishedhumvclf litlih litlihI IistinstiiIisslI
I I humvclf hl1 a i few tlavt 11 iiuo by h falling ralnl out 111 of ofa
a Iwillixui into ill thc Ih I his > Panul Panlll An it utnle utnleih 11 11jiln
jiln ih t Ii Archduko A rlhlk rilis Ii iI o CIIAIIII I I H 11 s SAIV S A tV troll no st t UMM UMMto 1 I I Ito
to shock Ihnk tlm t lit Austrian itsst Irial riati court 1lrl by h riding ridingon rllll
on fn in omnibuses nihi nnd nlll stud trammr t trnnii r an ars nnd nno third thirdl Hlr HlrIdn
l Idn class on In thn II t Ii railway ralln bccauo t ln I > fnund fnundniiro rIH FiiititlII
niiro II I I 10 0 tiingeiilil SS siigiii nial ttI compiny so ii i a y Another Anotheruiictt nlllr a it I Iii
uiictt 111 ii III I Arclnliiko rl is I i iIi Ixiris I t ii I 4 SMvtrnit STII S t vtr it lists listshiit H
lull 01 tNN SS x OllTIIS CITI Itrliss ta iits > to for tln II sea i a nMMlds nMMldsmuch siitl siitlin 1 1i
i much Ildl in i isis of i s r his hi time 111 t liii nn 11 his hi yacht hl and ii us I make makehis Ilk Ilkhi ss sshi
I his hi hi is homo hfll h oii Ia in il Majorca lnj rji marceiMlilo I ii sistcss ibils to tohiri 10I I
hiri hi hi is fiicnd rriI and a iii I rrlaiixes rein I I vis ami iii is I nccr t is r MIII MIIIin postiin 1
I in il ii Illa Illalnl iiiizi iiiiziMsst > iiiia iiiiaMost
Most of tliisi ll this stories llri havK ha very vsr rr frail frnilKiipport rri frailIslihihiort
i Kiipport JJor and Itll its L matter matr of f proof rHr they theywould tl t hiywsitbsI
would 1 not t bo h accepted by h any 1 Icjcul Icjcultribiuiitl lgaiI
tribiuiitl InlllI I rib it nab but ho it olio 111 ciii thing Ihil t hi I ii i that t M sssnis > ems cer certain a 1 r rI ¬
tain ltl I iii ii is I that I whatever whlllr hit the Ih t ruling nll rub iii g of th thAustrian IhIllrian I hi hiS hiIisst < >
S Austrian Iisst nan essiirt < t Hlrl urt lien Ih i are 1m p I < opli h who ho will wi willbwiisVe i iI
I I beliovr IIr > that Ihll Archduke rIlk Ions IIIS Iiii SxtvxToii SxtvxToiihad STfl itv tlOtt tlOtthind
had hl n liitppy issue i ¼ 4iit from fr all 11 hi Iiis troubles troubleson Irmhlf
j I on this Ih South Sllh Sssiit hi Amrriciin lrrinn coast ILI KlilKt Iltl 11 in innnii
Inirn nnii I ltiinxiiosix Jhlns flt itntttnssst with wit h nil al la wis wisfoiinsellorn wiassI 1 1I
I foiinsellorn lno livt 1 llvis In the II mountains mlllllif of f th thSalkammiTgiit I tiiiiIikisiii II > i II
SalkammiTgiit SIIlmnr iiIikisiii iiiorgiit ll onlv oul v wailing wail t 1 i ug Aiitrlani Aiitrlanicry i ii Iraj rIo s 4
I cry sr r for ht hlp lp lo II rpapjxvir rtJInr 0 011 On < u i Kit l Is Dinoiit DinoiitMIVS 1llil Iitioissitt I
MIVS 1 lit 1 the III t ho Scandinavian SaltilIU strait awail nwiiItnt I Iing I
I tnt In Denmarks danger lanKlr to I awaken anti nllll antitiiii i iKing i
King lil AnTiiflt A RTlll niItvn never Irrr di ti1 ihiosi < vl Krom Fr nn tlio tliof 11 i
I 111 I tunas if f these t h heroex hrn men 111 havo l hws sn snI ii iisriijitosl
I sriijitosl I with st Ii wondrou nllrol escnpos nl1 xvjjn xvjjnthey whtiI
they 11 I hiss haxe Ia isa s ilieil cl1 i I iss I under Inrir i i unusual 1II i aiia h circum circumstances rlIm ci rs i at atatoness ¬ I
stances Ial oluilMs nhl hove Ul lie lnsn > n written to toprove 10rl tor
I Inot
prove rl r that the Ih t his Dauphin luphillf of France Frall did didnot lio
not ot silo l in the I h his old 10 shoemokerf hnlklr cnvp Int nt ntth lt ltth atthi
th time I stile of r the Ih t h Trench rrllh Hevolutioti 111111 Itevoliit ion but hii hiiI bittlivsl
1 lived I 1 to tl como to I ti A inericn InI nocorditiK nrorll aecorihirigti i ito
to ti one n nturv r to I INVOIIKI tbi Itev ItevliPAfii I hsvI
liPAfii JuI1 I iFtEIt Wtiit 1111 is or r aicordmc arlli tn ts nn niI niIflhr onothior j jother i I
other flhr to II K J iLli < > In I the II NcllicrliimU N Ihrlnlt and HI be t j jI I IS
I I com S xfviMiuK USI slit the Ih t mercliant hol JOHN JOHNVHKKM JOIS Jnti Jntiiicrs i
WIlr VHKKM iicrs > BOOTH BooTI livisl 111 for years ears n totne totnet irnilassisbe 1
t IMpl oii miv 11 sti nfter Irr ln h > wa 1 5 win tll 511141 to II hive hiveeenkilletl h hI hintokthIs
I eenkilletl kil1 kthIs ii in a Virginia rlitn t status llhl dcneral dcneralHPcr itnrn itnrnIr nrnlII I
HPcr Ir II Iiflht U MtcpdVMii 1fS t 1 u ii did not commit commitsiiicidi snnnilte Irlil IrlilI 1
I siiicidi llc m i Pan but hiI Mole away by I hs him himnelf hilisiashf
t nelf If into the Ih jungles jlnll of India Ino Iierpril IierpriliotlPOV OlIr I II
iotlPOV iot 1110 I o thoiiiands thollcl I hotisa nds still I i i hi believe I sob h did s Its I not notthe 11 11tll nistiii
the tll iii at Klmrtuni 1Irlm k han urn but hii merely 1 iisisl dt lirsasIsaresl lirsasIsareslItitil np cared caredinto
into Illn this th heart hrar of ff the I h ho Sudan 11 look lookha1 Ilanka Ilankahistve lr > ok okhave t
have ha1 iWn t written wriln to prove fr pro tutu Mni tlnrshial tlnrshialXST lfhll lfhlls hnl hnlI
I SKV s wns r not Inl tis killed kil1 in il Kronen Frnm in Isfi II but tl it itssiirvi I IHiirxivisl Ifli
Hiirxivisl ssiirvi si the fusillade fli 11 I of the th soldien 111 np 11 11tll1 zipwIiitest
1 tiolntpxi tll1 to carry rr irr1 his hi sentenc ntn intu Iltn exe exenil et ettit t
nil 111 tit ion and mu cenped to North rlh riri Cnrnlnn rrotina > linn to tol I It toLwetsms
l Lwetsms coin n t nchiml h1 teacher tnlhr nail Ind livo for forinanv fori
i inanv la v van > > an an > There nr is 10 nlwavt nI KntncUxlv saqflasjyto rII rIIt j jto i I 1
to t Uliove 1 mll 11 in II in the li evasion nlol of r death sIs Intl ath nnd Inc
11111 I thus the Ihlcac t dead that nexerdi tievsr 110 webb IIJIIIIIO IIJIIIIIOI into isitohsgiona I
legions legionsHours I hsgionahour iol
Hours lour or the Crorrrv < Jrocery ClerU lprks1hier I
There Thlrl ore nr unhappily InhpI ninny IIn pers4ni pers4niwho sersns sersnswhna
who Whn e shopping Ihll I nl for exen rn tliHtHseMsjirieR tliHtHseMsjirieRof I h IiessnrIa IiessnrIasif
of fr life Ilf is i giivern governsI llm l by h tli t hi ninountx rnOIII of ff ff10I ofttioti i
money 10I ttioti y they I hv earn lnl n iTi each d tbiv d sty These Th russ xr I Ibuv InflM
101 nflM cnnint lnll buv 1 inhemoniliiKbut 1 In 5 hlIO hioinnniltig til hu must mustwut t1 1 IVtttt
wut 111 until lint 11 ii night 11t In make IRklhir their pun Iuirhiitos Iuirhiitos1hntspeiisb 1hu lm4t I
Thevupend in I timepning Ih flil wh what has h roine NII f
to them I tWi in thednxtinie II this 11tI latime nail nnl loclrvae 10 elrsae the theehipri Ih IhhI t hi I IS11II14
in their fne ra would be h I II I
ehipri hI I wOllc n 1 hardship harilshiipII
to I II them th1 and 11t a i is4 s to I the Ih I oti Iholkwr IholkwrIlt iihoIksSsIwrslhiit > > kcipcrs kcipcrsHut
Hut Ilt ni 11 nit t jHptons 1fI are ir am able hI to market lrk1 I Iin l
in ihedavhght th I lie sliivlighit llhht hour ho It I I i 10 ia not 11 dillliilt dlnIt dillliiltj i ifor
for them to I buv hl what hl they tr thiss want wan before hfforl hfforlnrOk
17 oclock nrOk in the Ih evening lin Th liouse hnl
Kceperii who w has can tiii do 1 I s tins I II are fr Ibis Ih onm Off the theJrocerv I h hI hi hiresr
Or Jrocerv resr I lerks rk I Inlnn nina n nk kH to I shop hIPIHh earlv earlvin
in the Ih t his hope ho that t business 111 mav 11 nisa be h h trans fransI rnn j jacted I
I acted in I twelve hour hOI every Ifr day rU instead 1llnlll 1llnllllof itiuteasiof j jof
lof of otcupving from rrnl fourteen fOlrn to I ni siUeptt siUeptthiiir is1 teen teenhours
hours hOI1 The Th hop ho owner OI would olit be b glad gladto IHI IHII
to I close 1 ark lrl if they Iho rould rnlhl the thl th rlerks rlerkswould rhorkswiiibd rk rkolc
would olc get 11 tun II t liii for re rr ri f nnd In1 recr rfIi rfIiIn1 rssrsnt iion iionand trp trpaiisl
and In1 the I h MrMce 11 m il every way wsi wmild wIII1 be beimproved h hIlllrlf hiI
Illlrlf improved I lii I ri vss1 No SO o injiitiiv ilj1 jjij ii I t I would wOId w ni ilsj be I done doneto cnl cfn cfnto
I Ih
to anybiNly anybiNlyIn UI
S In priictlcallv rIlnl all 111llrlrl rtiarten < of tin t lie town 10Wl i iT Ik
T ocloi ils k I in tho thi evening 1111 ought nllhl to n ne the thegrojvrs th thr t h I Iree
grojvrs r ree N clerks rk putting lln it Ins up II the I h KhuttorH phiit tsrs tsrsI j jtheir
I their deli deliverv very horwsHtalledforthenight hionssstiihbrsl forthionighit forthionighitI orhnilht orhnilhtal I II
I I and al their Ih1 Ix kkeejters Ikk ansi nnt cashiers cashiersitiitting rflhiIeNI WhiPN I IIIIL
I itiitting IIIL work rl for ir the II sla day 1 llllllht ndouhtI ndouhtIiiilly
iiilly 1 I Iy tho Ih t hi pnnci JrllI sri ii i > al 11 i i reason rII for to r Iteepmg Iteepmgthe IL Ins Insthis
the II > lni h < oien ° 1lnl until later exivpt I JMISMI II nsi nsihilt j jblv
hilt Ih on fn sn Sniunlav nllna auiinla evenings lil i is the I h fact factthai fur fgc fgcihiat I
1111 thai tniinv 111 pervniis nrerarelessanildiln nr or rI ansi dliii dliiit lln llnI I IIII
I t S rv nboiit 111 t laying lii llL yt ng in II their I hi r hoiiHehold hoiiHeholdMlpplieH hioti soholci soholcissiip1ies
MlpplieH III If all ni those Ih guiltv Iul i3iit if f this thiswould thiswsiuiisl
I would nIII reform nfnl I their ways n they tll llie would wouldprofit wouldlir 011 011rlil
profit lir rlil fit in II l Illr let > eticr Icr t rvice nI ansI prompter prompterattention lIrlrtptrsitient rolnplrIIIon
attention sitient IIIon inn ansi Ind the II men 11 who ho esIb e 1 foiMl foiMlhtufTs fossslstisiTs
htufTs llf would wnlhl tind li their lot improved 11 pro in ininanv inlitanY
litanY 111 11t Ihirt Kirtictilnn kllu isiiiars The Th rr rl rqissMl ipst i of f the theCirocin I h hiss hissitl51i
I Cirocin rln tlerks I rk Inion I Ion is reawjinhle nnd nndfair 111 nuislitir I
fair lir and 11 stud ohuuM IhI1 me 11 tiisr > r with u 1 ouduil ouduilrep siitsliiilrocpons
I rep nIm < > n e from frr torn the II tis public publicSummrr Jlhh PliblilMiimnirr I Ilmmrr
Summrr lmmrr Trrrnpln TrrrnplnHOW Trrrpn
S SlIi
HOW n lIi tnanv Iln of f our nlr bon on vivanm 1 a II I we wewonder w wwonis
wonder wonis hr know Is now about Ihnlt si hoi it the t h hi humble hlhl liii ijibbo 1mle 1mlecrawler hi 11 t t lii liiriwbcr j
crawler rwr from rrl the Ih t his South SOllh who h uteps asts 1 into intothe ilt iltII
the II t I is long I nnl rig breach I irIis Ii between I sst wsn n s orrnpin rrnpll rra pit i and andterrapin ni am I Itsrraliin
terrapin to Imolfr inollifv the 11lm Impatience tirnrl of the theepicure Ih t listSIiIHS
epicure Jilr About AhOl1 Washington himton and ln1 Main Mainmore Hali Halilorl haititnsre
more lorl and 111 lint I neiglil hlllhlorhl neigiitwsrhswwl > orhKil he I is j jkln isknown j jknown
known kln uihn ts I hiss nnpper > lurtherSiuili lii lrthlr ri hior Snit hi hiI I Iin
Iin I in Mabnma 11nln for example he 11 is en rnIhsi nlIII I Ill the theI thisgojshisr
I gopher nnd n1 in places isise nlnm olnll id I hiss juif juifcoaM illr illrn1 iilfcoast
coast n1 he 10 is i ocenmonally nliolnl niionutiirtl mllnnl1 the theterrapin IIntlrrllln t I Iternapsni
terrapin Hul h ho m i none of this I h He Heis I I
is 10 a simple Impl little hll turtln lln of the th uplands uplandsvaneiv Iplan11 Iplan11lrlI IlpbnnsjsvirIst
vaneiv lrlI and In1 wi wln 111 n nlewe stvwesl l by I hs a rniitcr rniitcrmeaning ItIr ItIrI iflIptsrsuit
I meaning s IlI me one niI who hl sbnrsnt < I orni > nI want wanto Wllt wn
0 improve Impr him with wlh wit Ii fuiu 11 sailsls < i < and 11 11hnwnl1 con condimentrt tonhitnnts
dimentrt hnwnl1 of hut i own OWI contrivance fnl ini rlln hn h hnIIaln is n n nj
j revelation i ii I
i Snnpper nlJr mew III they Ih rail < ni It I where whrl it I is ismot i im1 ismot
mot foiiAumeil IIII nail nl111 it < onuoles nll t ho h hi jlh josh joshVisitSs i
I clous lfl for the Ih lagging IlrJlJ months 10Ith enables enableshim Ilahl rnibiloshim j
I him hlll him to wait lt with wit jlh h pniiciit pli sii iei s > for nr the th rigors rigorsof rlnr rlnrf rigorsof
of f December UImllr nnd In1 Ihe Ih I h advent of r the thereal tbersiI
I real thing if one knows I where to lll lllI Hn midit i iII
II I Snapper 1plr Mew II moreover lorlr does ln not notlend nll notlsnI
lend itelf 1lf to I rpiahf rllahi vine ingredient Inrflrll surh surhAH 11 sirhiIss I Imkrl
I AH mttfkrat mkrl or bob ved r or fr chicken dlk liver liverFor
I For Io one thing thm tinicknit IIkrnl m i l not deferable deferablem IPrhl IPrhlI
I m bummer buerl and Gd bceidca bldc tb the snapper napp a 1 t
rhcnpcr hints Ihll I any nn of thn Ih t infimiotm ilflionA we wehnvo wsI I
I hnvo hn mentioned n1nton For r the Ih pmvnt fnnt them themm Ih r
i m II no III money II tii5iiiO lo 11 ls M > made 1111 by h Idln > adding It ItSimeday hSul ItSsiin
Simeday Sul Ssiin shiv ly when Wll1 high hllh f eastern find f111 it out outand 011 011nll outatisi
and nll the I h pritv f gixn 1 up tl acconlmgly Ulltll we wemav W witsss
t mav 11 rsi it I at public plncrH 1lnN of fr cnterlnln rnlrrnln rntortalnI
1 meni 11111 t nlmiMt B 111 I itis Slat as 11 sill nioit I IS ssssfi fullv fll ill V di clisgi Ii guiMx guiMxtis uil uila IRSS I ISi
tis a terrapin Irrlpl is j now I nnd 111 npproximntrly npproximntrlyas IpJrOIIIIII IpJrOIIIIIIIL iisirox iiiiiitshy
as IL fienvlv 1n rniitl rnl on the Ih I his menu menuMeanwhile 1nl ttiinlitissiiihiibs
Meanwhile Iantlll Miap slinipbsr IIIr or mew Un il is 1 a dish Ih for fortint rrIh forI
tint Ih I goili JI g I ii < ooko i IksS3 silli iniilv illI I iv much Illh itit i1i ns nsj II astrriiin
I j terrapin hrnllln ought lhl to t I is cookol kI but mostly mostlytni 11 tiisstlvisnt I
tni 1 that Ihll is I 11 i siiv 55I 1 m I its 1 own nWI JUUTO jll
I ali iii with luite Illl more 1 than Ihal butter hllr iiiItsr and andinvenne nndn
invenne n lnl fwpjter esr Ir In I a help 1 it I bridges hri thc thctlog I ht heslog
slog days III with lh tempting Ilmllnl telillit iti odor Olll anil 111 111I stud sue siteS
jCtilent I siilcnt anil IlcllllIr tender substance 11lnn ansi nnII1 makes tnikssiI
I lone Oi oil rcioncilc ret suit Iss < l to I o the I h lii delay i hla of o icei i anil anili 111 111lfrOr alit I II
haul I i torpor lfrOr for the I h his ixrfection IIrflnn of tho Ilu I iso liner lineribinl Illr IllrI IhiierI
5 lnlrr nh hlteriiv ltv nf Mlrhlean hlcn profrnr rof I ia a porn rnmrli porni m
li i fhr ri Oiiriinn > iirli lnn 10 in hr h Hxht loh of r motlrrn m trn mtrhifl mtrhifli h hC
ut < i C thalfu Shah h I iia u i4Ite trin tm mil n 05 to 5 ItUmr h for rrm rrmIrlnr mur murUrrlnr muirtiirIn
Urrlnr Irlnr Pier hi bln1 < ti < n f I Ij r IIIS > ui r lknr < nr ln lnV
j W V 5 h tun hnv > > always 11 tum siisIi Illh1 thnt the Ih Italy Indynot WI wusa wusanot
not nll an black at a iIis h has tl iii l e isn n painted IIIINI I srijflt sl AnsI AnsIhuit tnl tnlwhlt tl tlhal
whlt hal dues l Manlif liin II I < ilKiiit It It ItTi
I 1 Titsiruits Ti TIUtVI t ttUU ttUUillieralsasi II III IIIlhrN rvr rvrllllxer
llllxer IlhrN illieralsasi lmit of fattier lront I Inlr ndcr the thf thelFPrflihifWl
j lrertinoml Tree TreeTi rr rrT
Ti T 1 Titr TI Knitun fln EiIIT n r 1 Tn up Si S Stst Xir i Yea Yeatenhit Ysaicr
tenhit 101 icr III t liulfit ISi ulr I f si ilorrniif locsi ii t n a went ill 11 nut I 1 nil 11 I nine ninepi st A iitliIit 1
pi 1111 tliIit nil n 5 new I islet 11 titcti hl l a of cour lr spIt nelfIsh spItI IC ICI
I Ish nnd n1 will 1 not nll ciMiiniend Itself 11 It self to niiv niivdiltrltnenl Al shivliirtncnt
diltrltnenl of i is lulv 11 lotss s maanlne XVe XVent s sis
nt is 5 tniMliTiitelv 1rl nil trii t s which s h Ill women W nt aoldoirt Ilnm sin ilonnd sinansul
nnd 1 we Untile Irk iiii liritely which rnen rnennoinetunea mIl nicittIiist
noinetunea tIiist fn inn shin lnl1 t Tlien TIn wn a s lit lt our Ir pipe pipefind Ill Illn1 tiltIcasni
find n1 set et 1 out IIL In Htlllli Oirselvcs Oirselvcst 1
t lompetitlon 1111 ifllsiti Inn in I niin nsiraorr > ry rhymea hm com commrinlnl eonssuseisilesi omn
mrinlnl itself to n ns Tratinlallniis TrlIIln Traistat inhla In Krench Krenchand Freathaissi oh
and I 111 Istin aim were r H skoi keil for Certnan Pnnnan 1ln 1lnII tbeintiihwso nelnr <
tnhoohei II tiihwso 1 tiPJlhM aiiiu tetiini 1 fucit 1111 and n11 It might mh take takeIIMI Ik I II
IIMI I lone to I Unit Incl thr h yen rrli rl An A the payment paymentof
of t the Ih fares h horn hnt was the Ih prle we all 1 aef aefto f fSI
to SI n work ork k dlllcently llhnl and 1 here 11 ares r rv Im some > m of ofthe oCIh ofthe
the Ih reiiiilts reiiiiltsMack reusuiltaIrk
Irk llurnrr Ilrl r waa onie onc ncaln 11 linmor hlmor hlmor111J inmorIforneriui
tnlied 111J
llornrrli 10nII lorannr lorannrIn o n nIn
In anrutn ritrtut ritrtutI It
Pi 11 I IM In tllrntlo tllrntloXutorrrani 1nU 1nUu iisntinutscrrai
Xutorrrani u ntrbil riehstI 1
I I lira ill pruniim unlm illclto illcltoi dlclo dlclo11lm j I I I
Kt siam 11lm 0 0t e arur art4tsai art4tsaii < al allrrr 1
lrrr t ofiam m bonu bn ptrr ru t sumS sumStlslrnelli > um umllarnrrln umllonI
llarnrrln lonI rlamaliat rlamaliatTtie riarnmtuatThe 1m hI hIT t
The T Iren 1Ih 1riih h for Sin Slnl Sinr a Hone t4ninf onl of Sliprnie Sliprnieaipeareil SIZIueflsso
aipeareil to IM I In 10S
< han hanneSt n nrrttr itr tit 01 01I iiiis ny nyVinci
I is Ih whe 111 picipe ii rI rIsInI I II
Vinci I iiuattr IU merles tout toutOilt 1 totissilts
Oilt silts II tins I tin lb rA tah tahtJsafli il j 11ln1
Ulaml 1ln1 on 0 5 tilt rl Ir I roltrau rJ ruitpUI U i iI I
I r ss mrrtr m I rhanterrnt rhnl nl ra nn fot fotV 101s toNeai
V Neai att re INI I si tin in n prrtarlr beau beauXlrltre beausiIre
Xlrltre I itrtant h Ir I loS loSitss 01 01Thl >
Ihla tittle 111 Vig ll Il XVent WIII to M Mrlcet trkef ulorletl ulorletlI
in 0 the Ih fillimuic rlmill flIowinills I Ii IMir i
Mir II porritii rI fopim In orIri prrrrriat IPriehalSIte r rII
Mir II rontra Nn In ilomo loin manrhn manrhnMir man mflPhaSlip I
Mir I pornilu panrm I h rilrbtt rilrbttMir eiehsiIlls I III
Mir II tipi lrti 11 bnr h plan 1h rarrha clr1itill M h hIII
III till 11 < 1 m mwiC iirpltt iirplttQtthi o t
yi 11 Qtthi < xl Illim 11 not no dono no rlainr cSai4ari > t
Hie ri nl 1 mlventnre hnI of Inrk nnd 11 Jlll Jlllwere Jil i
were 5 PlC tnnlir 1rllrr tiiustilc4 t sifter this 11 I 11 fnsMinn fnsMinnJotiannr fasisutiJopusrne
Jotiannr Jo n atiiie 1 illlta 11 I I IJtratvlrban
Jtratvlrban n han utrr UI rltvo rho J I
It iirnsni IM aqi usfi crUU crUUMaurtrnt ollo cii4tIuarttsl
Maurtrnt 1tllhlho Out nut rtoJottnpl nutJoPsnpi
Jottnpl Jo n flrrMntl nl trn 1 be bei I i iTiinf
Tiinf rn i re raput 111 frtn fririjrhatur n rhatir rhatirIt I
It 1 I null mil iiiIt rvtrn 1 rilam rlm rlmIn cilanissiIiDnern
tohannrm In bnm v eqiPuaiUrI eqiPuaiUrItoisrt nrhaturl nrhaturlin htl htlI
I toisrt in Unrv n Mrknry l Iosk > ook Ok dose < 1 th en1 en1tritalnmeiit en enPitlltflflieIit n nlh
tritalnmeiit with withltltmt lh lhIluo tth tthtitor
ltltmt Iluo doctor on doe riotrIe too doeIe
Ie I rai Ta moos mon 4 l hortocr hortocri I In
i In n hrnrr 0 e frappr trap 1
te I 4 rat rrhippr rhr rhrItr
IMccofr Itr rtofforr nwn tocrl tocrlI tn tnI
I won 00 the Ih Id irl ami InJ th thl tha other ol their Ir air airhoni arelions
lions ho I TI 1 II IINKWT I IIrw
NKWT t rw Yon 011 flshE i ulr ulrIa uilyT 11
i ii
Ia T Joconrle JoconrleMnvarnii JneondpMaIptn fDndr fDndrI
Mnvarnii I n ir I r rtfciMctrrn ntIHrTrf Sur S le I point llnl llnld pointii j jcle
cle d rentrer PerOt en France t npres I avoir nl isaati s I i A 1 la I IsCu I II
I Cu 1 e I entra olr 0 na tsuii o rdStiiiSSriniq rdStiiiSSriniqai ollolrl ollolrlI
a ai I rtittinii inl a M I Johnton Jo et M I frffrlr 11 fIqtea mon monattention nn I Inln
attention nln is fA tA athtr I Ulur Ir 11 un nOlI noosell noosellnsprlnse
niprlni nlrl < Ian votre you 01 tnt nl rstiniA 111 lournal lournall
I sc S Mist apropf ar 1rI ° p4 < 1 tui ii I > i ttiit i nt vo v ul 1 iln 1 chef chefI
cl eiivre 1 I tsnsr < itMri i il ta Vln 1 tii I fa I locond
le 1 tne I ii liAte 11 t cl Iti ois n Oi assurer r Moni tonsieir onlr ir I lle IH0 > t
le 11 < lai t Pit J ine < votre tHinne I fil f I n s 11 S e > it stIlls j Ilr
Ills lr Ienilan Iln le I is Uis I In 11 temp np nt Ts Tsprixtlinee I IIn la latitt
titt In lana itt rOtuii 1 iii I t a In j 0lis 0lisprsttlutsfr a arII
prixtlinee rII rlana In I XiciHI il I Klretat 1 ie r dnnt In InI lrnsipa
Irs I dMaUs 1111 oti ii fifi limos I ni I pntilic pII oar I In In
il I ration rit lusa ie 1 inon II nni I Mairlie 1Jh t ui iris I Mlanc Mlancliiulue titus la or orI
1 I i liiulue f ho it fie r f tlxemrtil ii mt rem rrnlIocs rrnlIocstans mlI mlIIsn > Ure >
Ian le I is Snlon Rln t irr irIS par I im n ropie Oli tnal tnaldepii tt tushI
depii 11 > I le I i il ren I 1011 < I rtfiitil r ititii IH I Krance Krancele Fran FranI n nt
le t talileai t ksrl var I niiit n1 rt C iivir r ite 4 1 facnn facnnA fcon faonprcveflir
A prevenlr tout 1 < tentative t iiiIdSv tie 1 tnl iii I par r lilt rjnlin lilti 1 1r
< in i Sm sit siuf a Ii r I i t e ras par paril IR r molIII tisni niitii niitiiisis
1 isis il II i i ffnrr I etl n l ie II 1 re nrn iinitneni tutnenrIinn er erIHIIIC
IHIIIC 11 voi 0 nis ile larlirrr Ir viSa l > lee leeiue
< iue hiA Kt I If 1 70 nnl1 iii i ftiitiuirra nit 11 II1SCr lesounre lesounreson I In Ic souirir si sisun
son n rrtfunl neicar nlinitiiue 1ItIII tIi5iiII liii t tuif ir tout it ittrintrs Onial S SI
I S lnI r 1 ue I 0 t a 1 tsi ia rII rIIr rsiiflj4 rsiiflj4iriSea
trintrs r n Kin jIit 1 pa I a flMZ imnilimit Inllh ul II n nnt 001s
s e7 701 < I jioiivoir i Ii S SIC 11 our 0 l t iloiTT ii 1 Ilif r i n tief ij inn I re rei
Inn 1 ii S ill 5 1I 0 1 i 1 rt sI 1 t t i I S S rln IIIPflICfl I II ttir ttirIl5
I i Il5 irsie 5I 5 U 111 lihr tmrlitiio 1 lie t ellr I 1he I ia iai in
itMiMle 1 51 cloireilnn la ilernlrre reiirnnlre reiirnnlreenite
enite 01 u M lohnaon el i M I Irffrie II 1ic tce 1 iin 1 iii iiia
la 1 a ii ilvra Ills 11 Im 1 auiffiri iRlre m txe < le I > prrs Preasari
inn ile 1 Hies ani pt lllirlil a I es 11 > hi i a illt I I lot Inl iniCl in iii iiiIntisiir
Mnnsi Io Intisiir ir I lUilaieir 1I Jai Ihonneur hm detre d ltrsnsr
nsr i > ire wrvlteiir 1 A trsrvr F ICIIN ICIINHorn
Horn 1rrl in Ii i 5 Hut lt i r I Ktoti 1nll si r Mattery listS try Turk Turkle
le I Is linllrl 11
4 Iillrnr Clrc lrelirnt 1 IInt I tS ihof h firammar firammarTo
To TH T nsa sir ltK r I 1 lie Slv 1 llr c5 to t t1 F I V Vllamlniphnt VlianIoih
llamlniphnt lianIoih In rl 1 I N i liir 1 iu a rr1oi rn thine thinewhrn ihtn ihtna hnl I
whrn a hn hr I luitiuiv t IIH Is rrtiir a oiietn < i > llr lu fi prtU1rnfa prtU1rnfaMiiriaft iffitPntslrainaP n I
lrainaP r 5 hi lu In r n as Mv I siC ilitS ull 1f US I III taai I Ilit
Miiriaft II lit shii r i lisleI ii 11 el I XX OIIoi n n i of ii I Irinirion non tnl tnlIf hl n1ssrtr
ssrtr 1 on nI I nol5If5S Ih na hO h it r I Iruni Iruniif nh
If 111 It t r a faii ttil tir ir P > latrXIr Ish P I St r lUntnlnh Ih ho n nw hniii hniiiCu < il ilro
ro w furthrr IIr apul PI 1 rr P4 In I fbi the its l reason r h for ru this llilailltlnr thisiisiineuiPei hi hihu
illtlnr iisiineuiPei < ilhr xhular hu Upve lor from puns 111 Kntllh KntllhIn tnlb tnlbIn
In til his liitanrr liitanrrM 5 us fir P PIis
InI M I Iis < Mr I tr Hamlolrl r rr ulr < t at 1 Irsjth Clh huh wltriif huhlie Ih IhI
I lie if 1In 5i XH > n i n hI t h hr rrl 1 anv b nr murh of hi hiinofr hinn his hislinre
inofr nn Miit iiIi > 1 as01 if r Xn tni n tin nho h hi h iris Uonronror Uonronrorhoth on d ° 0snpnr 0snpnrtwflh n 0 0h
hoth h h i wii a I I oiie n P u54Prtii inctrt tnr 1 that h 1 If t Hr HrXI I II i
XI I tlon n h III wrltr for In once 0 a Hit II if bail t1 rrimrrar rrimrrarUirrr omr erimnaritpr
Uirrr lane thr r trl I of rraxm fur lu It I I feel H HI uir sssteI uirI
1 I
I iflil I I f IS I r tr i 4 e rr4otl rel if asn wrrr 5 err It I r vlltUI 11 that thatI Ih IhI htiI
I IMn IIlhOI i
I thoill In o 0I
Mn IlhOI I ll < wh chit h not nn a ai k XI IHndnlnh lnII to hlT n1 htPetf htPetfaiSle rf rfwtllror
wtllror aiSle u I or father Ih rrwrl 1 5p ir ilurtor nlrrr r pre howtn sqhInhoe > howtni hI
i t ho hM lll I Ii liuId > ilt < 1 t t he > r hrltrr h lonr lonrran 1 1n trnican 1
ran an n II Ir I thai Ilal lh the Ilalnirii In pitt t taftrrall 1 I lOut51 lOut51after
aftrrall after cii 1 x r rirtltKt I Mii t t I iis iis511fli5s
irtltKt 1 II Ala I July J Jrll1 JulrA i iA
A rilppitt rilppittTo rll1 nhrIqst nhrIqst7n Ill IllTn
To Tilt rn rnrronorTilf 1 Ililtos orTile TI Sr S rss < r Mr P iuw r pp > r tn n oriSptI j jprotr
protr 11 riSptI t acaln 1 t inur i > ur U ti SOP r of Ih nl n 055mm Un nr rrr rilMn rilMnIn t tIh ri riits
In yir > i > ir rrrrnl 1 artlrir rlf rtuirrrnlnc nlnc the prltrniht prltrnihtnt rlnchl i
nt I Krno KrnoThr ln lnTh ilenoThe 1
The Th rrrat nmurlr m ot of tnr I tt thoirhtfiil itifnt ron ronf rIiSp05of itifntof
of f l aliform IInl lit nii 1 nil utr Ii ihr I h trrm Sr rot m soul h1 frrl 1 1n1 miirh miirhhurt usiurisbusCh
hurt and n1 hnmrivri hn whrn t n other nlh lhi tIrhlr1 > chlf > l prr prrmn rrson
mn wbrthrr bh lIMn nr n ir siihoul h1 lire b Slalr make makeu m mue rnk rnktube
u ue > < of > OlPiiant Ollanl t vilirlinrt vilirlinrtIIIMM olultIiuiPStiIitiii 111 I
IIIMM I A Dm n nnLo DsRnieLisosass i int
nt nLo nieLisosass riLifcniui f ru l Jliv Jul JulTi m mThr Is IsTa
Thr Ti Ta Cigar rI In IMrraturv IMrraturvT Ir IrT
T tnr I IIP rminH I I r f Tn TI lila sex M rs Mr i I toiler toilerthat mnhicthat fr frI
that I ol Mnt 11 hIssr r iirnir 5 itnor n h truss a l been rn ilrtrrt teieeit teieeita tmnklnc tmnklnca lle llehi
a Mi hi tlak I tie rieir 0 Mill Vs 1 iii > oi 0 i klnllf klnl Inform mr mrwhat m mho mesha
what ho firrorrr I of all au thr itt h nthrr h rlrar I In nff nffrral nssnrcaI
rral 1 of any n nn Ti iihnC 11 lne any nr olhrr than the h Mt Mtfat N Nh tStfat
fat h tilark Ulnl I iAatsssyat iAatsssyatlisnosita i io MPU MPUn > > r f
n lisnosita liiy
4 Wild Wle C r iv f Pain PainT rI rITo taiaTn
T To Tn tnr n I FfutrP ntt nr Of Tile T Mss sr i nbnrt nbnrtlmrln Iln ci ciIprnisSpI
lmrln IprnisSpI ir 1 Ihr b Jrrrv mowjiiiio nHI thfn Vhy WyI iVbyIotrtsips Vhylorrnm
lorrnm I r J lily JI i Sr Tiarirn rrn rrn111n rTarirusls > TiarirnIhr
ls Ihr IIHIrrnr 111n > of fr e riamtxlr riamtxlrIMmoir lm tamswltainnT lo loIm
IMmoir Im tas thr is h amid orl i rrnr < l hv a hair hairfthirk hairhrh
fthirk n hrh hr h rlr It mv m tuittona oa ba b have hunt huntttiat III IIIIta swigibis
ibis Ita a for I rioith rioithTbut etohttIsThtaa o ln lnT
Tbut T uall II may to b t e b IruFd iatured > fwir < l tut 111 I b le be was married mae
J TIIK 111 LW It OF tF t74ffVrSfrVJTVr t74ffVrSfrVJTVrThe otnUIEVT otnUIEVTTe
The Te Ar AII Albiata llati > Plvllon of the Bupr AItml Ruipremil RuipremilCourt mt mtCourt >
Court CIt fur the 111 Hi Ilist l Df leanInient IIIUnfnl > arlnirnt tx betorsi > fnr Co ad adinnrnliiit alOirnir ul uliflittiiit
innrnliiit Oirnir for IIr the rumnnr 111r lmmlr < l down downilrllon a ah Sioiatoii
ilrllon h by > a TOI 011 of Ilirro Ih In Is two Ihn Ih ro ronit rl
01 nit nf I wliili w I is tii is iMilurvt IIt lru I trust l rstalp rstalprriiisl ratalparisIiit 11
< rriiisl 1 irlor tior In iwis In to tlie II provisions of ofili nrI iiiits
its I kurnlslir UIT n nmrmlml In 111 lhtt t itI PAr PArl < nr nrlln A A1h
lln l I > ilr iiiSaioti iioii 101 whIch hlh re 11 rrserss rr i < n orilrr Ir ol olthn nlf ftiii
thn iii f I itt I enrt ll Irt nml n1 A ilclrrnilnnlion lrlmlnlon hy h this tlmtif I thisiiijslliis
tif iiijslliis > rlUli rrrnilnrftfMi 111111 reverse rs thn th h riillnuo riillnuonf lno lnofr
nf fr thn Ih t iiielhaS > MIUl 1 iMvlitlnn nf r tia I < rii Ctseirt CtseirtI tl tlnl1 rt rtmrtit
I mrtit In I i n utsea M Inrnlvmtf InIe cbs he h iollrffim 1 nf nfIriii sitI r rII
Iriii I lin II uiii UI < < whl w hlh Is Is h that I 5OIiI nurl I litil IUIII1 IUIII1Cm otrnipltil otrnipltilfrom C Pfl S tittMI tittMItrin
from this I lie hI ni A I tflic In Irio
rio n i saso a U I that 11 tif lr Id I h MriMtlcv I r I S SIenisl SIenislTlmitsSl linnl holLlmII
tlmitiil nitllM1 nOII IIe 11osrlev > rlr Vnril Oi III Sep SepIrrnlMr p l ltti1tst
IrrnlMr 111 Hi I lISP hip I plalntlfT 11111 iiMnlnr1 hlln1I a aI itI
i I juihrmfnt nfnm lnI l thr 5k h ilrfrtiilinl wliHh wiii ti hiis hiissisihi as asilulv
i ilulv IIh iliki > t and r iiilin Ilnl iii Iiiti tli Ihrn I rfim rn rnlturnr1 isIslrnoi
lturnr1 Islrnoi ufi lIflali ii isflssl Hr lUvlnit 1ln auasertiinI auasertiinII ertun n1 i iI
I 111 that irfrn tIefenshsint < lanl wu was In I risnlpl of r nn Inotnn Inotnnfrom In InI IIliflProsa
fOI from rosa n I trust 1 nslnln 1 i rriilnl nni Inlnr iinalr T Sun 11 Sunaitt U la1 la1II > t twill
will II nf MnntiKiilM Wnul atj ailnntic lnlur1 < l lo I is pro prol IUItl srO srOhi
I l Itl hi > Ht to > la I U S sIIInllr Slsi < tiii p < nilM ni I se > r l < u Ihn 11t I plnintilT 111111 lit r nppllrtt nppllrttfur n i il Iitt Iitttsir
fur nn fn nril nrtsr > r fr n t p ln r 1 psiw utinn IIn 1 aritini enin < lnd t till
01 ill 11 Ill In InOn nmr > Isuirsi nir Mntit sa at In I Ihn Ih S his pru 1 I ru islnlis Inn of offmiMInn urC
fmiMInn I Suit 11M nf C Ihn 11 this 01 nf C Ilvll 111111 I 1Il ProeiliirtV ProeiliirtVThis
This 11 1 tiia iriss TH ilrnlnl 1 111 nn n this Ih itruiiml that Ih Ihnnirnilmrnt 11 thA thAatninstmit
nnirnilmrnt 11lmI hlli h tiniamn npnrntlvn In InIwn InIun Inhush
hush nml 11 hy whl witti hi < li n Hal nininlion nininliona I Ieeint
a eeint aln > t lrn inset t linotno 11um n I use well I ns I ntfnlnsl ntfnlnslwn uhuLaililalwaucss 1111
wn waucss 11 es thl ijnbl rirnllius ami iusharv larf nr was 4 4Iholr ail ailllmrlr aliItiorhetl
llmrlr Iholr l whrre it linlvninnt fur Cn any nv n iniK iniKhvl situ situhiil
hvl 11 l hosn > nnn rroovrrtM ill 11 < l not 101 nipb to I trn trI trIIr triistareatest ls lsrratnl
< rratnl l Ir t0fiirP > fiirn th thus pstaaieP pi tr t of thn Ih art TIn ThiPM ThrIII TIntiihIalo >
I PM rIII tiihIalo > llal Trrmlhrnhrllthnt Trm Ih Shn hIllhnl heist thot IhnlngNUllnii IhnlngNUllniiwns It I IInI
1 wns rrtrovllrx InI and nt 04 that ns I a this Ih pr55sfl < llon In
mint 01 Im I KniinMrtio1 aui nlrl1 amt c heist I tn I b tm itppll itppllrnhlo apphichla 111
rnhlo 10 i > Imnmn from f nm trusts rreittml prior priorIn
> In It I nnaitmrnt nitst nistlL It I was Ls iinrnn lltiillnnal lltiillnnall IIIIn1 t It ii I lunisl lunislIt I
l It 1111 Is his I vlnw 1 which l is i st t sit I nnilkhl nlhl IIT 1 thn thnnminrltf Ih I ts tsilissinrht
nminrltf 1101 t nplnlnn nf C Ihn ApM 111 pI0hi3ius latn l lilvision lilvisionwrlttn > lvl lon lonwritten
written rlln hy h tu tI Iiatir trn Dowlltirf with 11 s hnm ho hi 1 j I Irsshhegsica
riillfMKirsClarVnanit rsshhegsica lark ansi n S Kol itrot < olt I rnnrur onrlr flrir tnstlm tnstlmMit 11 lust I Irs IrsSIstaiiiIihI I II
Mit SIstaiiiIihI iiKhlln wrltns 1 a strnmttlUnnntlnit IroncInln epln 1 1Inn I IInn
I Inn supporting lrlnc this h opinion tx lln > lnw nf lu huistlup huistlupVhitnv tlcn tlcnWhllnny I
Whllnny Whln ansi wIth lh them lrc Irlllnq Prpidini IUln tii IIIh tsistiee tsistieelnsirahiin tlin tlinIntrrahmn
Intrrahmn lnsirahiinliiitIs cnnrnrn nrl i iliiftlin I
liiftlin 111 nilln olnt linda that tIn th amrnilrl amrnilrlrrtlnn etnenulsIaPetiin 1nI1 1nI1rln I
rrtlnn rln nrllhrr nh Impairs IIlu thus 11 value h nf n nsin satI satIPaula < l lr
I r Paula tnin I nnr no ilrprlrni trprl a prrnon r rl nf fr tslsI tslsInlithi rin < l 1rlwht L Lrl
rl rlwht ht In prnprrtv It 1 has h rnfrrnnrn to 10hlnw a arhanrn acliang
rhanrn hlnw In thus thI law itntrrnlnc jornln < nirmptlnn rllon nf nfproitnrlr oCrrnm ofprolsrtr
proitnrlr from levi slot 1 naln ciii In hy Mrlnn lr nf nfn ofen
en n mention lon It I IS welt unttlnd 111 ttlwi hn h ol olthat nhn oheeriea >
eeriea n that a AIIII atuitsitsi t liitn nf t ninmpttim mIn rfun frun nun I l lInry
Inry I nnilnr an nrriiUnn 1 It a not n cnntrnrt cnntrnrtlM rnnslrnctwqii
lM > twmt wqii < Ihn I hi Slntn SI a I must t thn I Jiilcllillt JIIInl J sail giinnt ilnhtnr ilnhtnrSnrli thlor thlorS Iht or orSsirIi
Snrli S an n ntnmptlon Ilon Is I o aratiillf ctIIH not a anuLls n tr < l lrlflif
nuLls 1111 It I muss m b hss rhnnar < l a as rlrr Imlon elrsiimatiinsflsaV ImlonI > tim > tnnfn
may ma Ulctati Ilal Iln I II iinnlns I aptly Ih from rrol a iseorrldsclinthat
I i ilr eorrldsclinthat > r ela Il rncl lim that I ilnhtnrahtrnonrr i1htnra Ihln hi hrsnvtsl hrsnvtslfIght on tn
fIght not tnt to I pay 1 thnir rlrht Wht Vh t thny thnyhntn Ih Ihh thsyhust
hntn h hust aOil u1 what Ihnv Ih ndiulrn tIn 11 Slain may maynlhjrrl I maraitije
nlhjrrl lhJl In Irital prn tiroresa < ns for the th uatlfstcttoni > atl facttnn rlo
or rrmllldrs K I Ito h Stntn 111 will 1 fnrnlli CII thus thnprnrn thusnirns4s h hpo
prnrn s aril 1 allow 10 It I to run rln rune nnthlnv nohlno thn thnilnhtor Ih IhIhlr thssItstors
ilnhtor nwn U I bnyninl rol1 Its I rrnch K Esesohi < nnp nnptliio
tliio thl nf prnprrty rrol Jrnm frnl l isiiy y ansi n1 ciii iilr 1 for thn thnInvtnrnt I I ItihitflPflt
Invtnrnt of ilnlits t I is lint I H prlvlInK rhII for hn hntime h h1m istins
time 1m t 1lnl hin ln flier 0 ttratn I incus ntnl I vent H ilrpnnilnnl ilrpnnilnnlupon
upon this Ih will I nf Ship Ih stair I An n ninnipllnn ninnipllnnuhnh 1mrll isnipiiniitiisti
uhnh t riUti HI I jf siniiitn 1 riinv IH I ie ri rrnlssi lmn1 nr nrnlfhilrawn 0 0lhIan orsththslrawn
nlfhilrawn lhIan liy h tstutn Thn Thl rh ntntntitlnn ntntntitlnnllm 11
llm th onrt Ull pro srosI < nni from rnl hnvlnc hi iiiroin iiiroinfrnm 10011 10011fm iIienisfruni
frnm fm thn 1 th trust r e13t titr 1 rrirhr h1 < l liv t ntriitinn ntriitinnwhlrhthnilnfnmlini i ihlh
whlrhthnilnfnmlini 5 hlh th rncbnl hnrntofnrnniiiorr hIoro 011 011r a aa
a fn favor > or r crantr1 hv 1 thn I I ii Stntn I fn or whlrhnnlfhrr whlrhnnlfhrrthn si hid n nIt h hI husr husrtue
thn I flnfnnilant nlnt nor thus Ih irstnlor gays B any anvcon anyconsideration n nnIllrlon
con consideration nIllrlon l > lrrntlnn ll I may m thrrrforn l is > n Iliniln Ilinilnnr Ihnl1 Ihnl1nr
nr rnmo rptsoiet I n 1 hy h thr Ih Sti tsis t as frrrly eI a na It ItnriKltiallr 1 so sosuriittnahIv <
nriKltiallr 111 rrintr1 rrintr1Ihn 1 I
Ihn 1 t I crt s n I i 111111hII I st lin in eu > i taut hahn 11 frnm rromI trali t ra tifr tifrtus > fi > r rla
la I ra a n whrrn is I tier hy 1 ustuleiirnt ll rirnt leuLIlat rii 11 11I latifiii latifiiiIt iii iiiIt I
It I ha a aniitfht soui tht h In I tut ti n lilns 1 nml 1 nuLl ricMwlnrh rt nuLlwhiih
wlnrh h hail I lirrrlnfnrr 1llor s ctr eaioi 1 1 lh then hnrn a aof pirt pirtnf P Por
nf the h proprrty a as fnknn Ilkn illrnrlr ol from 101 ihr ihrp 55 55ernn
p Ion r nn tnin1 ansi n nppllml tn n 4 crnrrnl 1 nr nrpnhtli ortIii I
pnhtli 11111 tIii hi I u us n llnrn I I I hnunr ho hiss 0CC r thn S 1 prnpnrlv prnpnrlvl ri5srt I IIs
l Is nnt n tnrnr1 t us n1 ovrr tsr cc to V 5 thn S h pnhi tui II u < iiit thnj thnjilnhtfir S h he heItch I
ilnhtfir 11 on is i i emprllml sn 111 in S ti 1 a pnrt I Ia ci nf is f ll I is fntuU fntuUill f a aiii
ill I Opt I iltnrtits 5 a in I o pur I t V n nisi l ist 1 ilrM te 1 hut whtrh wh w hts Ii tn tnhns I Ih iehas
has h annirscssst < ontrM < fr nml I alit 111 h hn h wuuM 111 Im mm mmpnl reuna m i
pnl at a on n tn I pa in n full rll hei ni I a It I not notfer no noCr I
for She h frlrnilly luinrrntition IUr iUierstit hun fr sit f ihnMatn ihnMatnInnllnr Ih I he Stati StatiS I
1 S i Innllnr Iolnc rnnrlinlns hl liv qnolmx qnolmxfollow nl pa I Ifsiilns
follow rlo from rt thnnplniun S hollun his oiIIiiOll In rxird is I anIf anoniM anon anonIM
IM If N 174 whlrh uphrll hI Ihn lii 1 trM srsI p 5PSiiifl r inin ininB 1 1n
B 0 aitifmlr aitifmlrThr airsinhsstrhe
Thr n afrrnlmrnl nlmnl to rrtlon In IW II r lie 1 whotr whotrrrtlin ainieI hnl hnlIIn
ipeiii rrtlin IIn a II I tno Inlln innI hrforr the h atirmjmrnt nom nomn rriMr rriMrto I
to n prorrnllni In a Itwult 111 that h I the h r rhriiion rniion rniionof llon llonI 1 I Iud
of ud I nat nrf near r hrnrr hnr hen It 11 I Isa a tttiitr0ratlrri dIoilh > > ltha lthaItal a I II Iteeai
Ital I rrmrd mh II a aupiii > pllr pl < to h I all ii ra a > r s shlrU hlrl bIrth h hI ha > r rrrarhrt errahet
rrarhrt I the intrrmrillatr Int i Ao rr P brisrrn rn ii Iutp IutpIdOl > te terrrnt t
rrrnt M aol n n1 rircitlon e 5 lwi I has lrn eis n t 5usintci > ntril hln o Oi OipPsrsneoior > i thr thrphr
phr pPsrsneoior rolort of She t amrnilmrnt nmb ttor 1 nnt nu rrn ieiirs trr trrto 1
to 0 nn iSfli n tr r ir It a appltrahlr a lIIII nn not s to f iiurr I itr itrmrnt 1 1m r rmeti
mrnt m < It mailers mal not n that wire n hr h < i islsreni islsrenisup < 1 < rrrnl rrrnlMa m nl
Ma rrrovrrrit 1 an f riltlon Ion rontt I nnl h U i ir Ihrrr Ihrrron hron
on acamt n sag ac fr rarnlnc nlh or n sOlar Io III It I month monthtliit nohr flouhitIS
tliit irh r an a rrfiton Ion ha h has s h hiiPflit riirntij t t len lenauthOist rn rna n nTh
a authOist > iinortrr TSp Th ifMU iititr5 > rv 1 authonaflon for M It Itlu I Ino iii I Iiistuitue
lu iistuitue nrnli ie > r < not no nialr < 1 throhllf the h ohhtstIo llono o oS ens ni n nr ron ronIran cnnmaci
Iran r o arm r sos n irsisI r trl rlcht fn It rrrrrl ll > firiiUhr firiiUhrthr ulh I I
the ulcmrnt i I D nnlllor 110 hOh 1h tlh a broAdrr hO sot > nl runs motrr m mh runsprttt
r rrtltr h rrmritv mh thin thr its n law I ravr n htm hti 1m i brforr he heTo I ITo I
To thl I Uii thrrr I ro rh n ronltlutoBal ohirriion ohirriionsirh oheIi hIn hInn
sirh an n upptlratlon of lire Ih ttatntr I not no o ouch i I I
rrirprtl plorh r a anivr I upon n an h ataiinI Ivlnc mnilltlon mnilltloni ntto nttoI
i I of I ibn < to n hIt lt I rtl iiiin 11 ilnt JujfflPflh Iulcn rni s bIds beh behI are arrri
55 ri I to br b rnotrr1 I In < see
n I rtrr epeiion tlon lon al Urpra UrpraS lvrr lvrrMnran f
j I S V V Inn r l lI Ill I Ann AI ii s IMv I iii h I C Vorw 0 or > 0 ionlj 5 11 II IIV 1 1I itV itJuiatus
I Ju J Juiatus ti < M Ijinzhlin > IIlhllo In In h ill shiasentins shiasentinsOIiiiisSli ntnt nlnl
I 101iI1 npitiion lnkes k eiieptlnn 101 to II the I h he heI application praln pralnoC
1 of the t5 h Iitoh ilrd case lo is 0 the Ih pre irsnt nt ltnafinn ltnafinnI 1
I I hat h cn 1 e he ir tlpsIjiri lares 1 Involve 110 I an 0 eiecti eiectilinn 1
I linn n merely m aaalrwt IM wacen 11 I Ii utoutlv utoutlvlii ptouitlyIrisusi
lii tlI Irisusi it < thai ihe 11 I tppellale l liiiioti > ivt > ion shoisiI shoisiItIhsr houl hoI1I > l lalhere
alhere lo I 114 I former r ilr sl iston InA in h h111 hs hsIt a e ef
It f llriiinlli > Kemp 111 ilfelApP Ills AlIt 11 II IIKno liii liiiI i lll lllKinu
i I I Kinu is s Irtinc irs ni nn 111 Xpp rI Iln 1 411 and andSloan itidMIan I
Sloan 41 n v vs 11l1a Ilffani nn APP pp lily ttni ls u all II of ofw 1 1hh
w hIs h Iiae is4 heli thai h ao fur aa ui trial 111 Income Incomewa
i wa was inn rrnr1 the Ih sintuf 1 was as not n reIn reInflitiW n nAI
j InctiV AI flitiW nr if f it I wa It sAC sACihiI nn IInonIIIIIIInlll IInonIIIIIIInlllI < on tlliillonrl tlliillonrlj
I While WhllIIII ihiI ihelonrt the Criirt of ipisesk ppral lilil In thljlnl thljlnlj IhI IhIItOC 15 1lIut 1lIutI
j I cae n 15us < onllnu ItOC lo Jixtire J Mclaughlin II Mstauisihllnthat hllo hlloIh
I that Ih ill I xlew ii us of 0 the Ih Appellate ArI1 Plvlalon PlvlalonI
I I thus h tli h rialnte was not n retroactive r wa 11 was
I I erroneous It in n no way pa e l m n the Ih miser nthrrquestion oh miser1tistiotI r
question namely whether h lhe 55 hIII stAtuS wouli wouliI 011 011I
I I iin mUtiitlniiM < < if II nppllml to 0 the Ih in inome inI n nom
< ome of r a tri I rist l fund create1 prior to 0 0I tli tlit i he hethus
I t thus it wnsiotnkeefleft n 10 lkI1 nI rlh fh rrmon rrmonHit rppohe on
Hit nf C Ihe I hI ill 11DIIIIl 1 laseni rDtlni iij Junllcea JunllceaTtr JIIII JIIIII lips lipsTPe
I Ttr TtlnNrr Inrnrrr here h aolf vlcht ht to hr S ref rPsisPI hr h Nrlrrlt I lnis4 lnis4from r t tfrom
from a tru irusi U l futiil Thr Tb Irtjtl wa was rrratet 1 and an llr llrf I I1 Ii IiflOut
f flOut mil rt i apart 1 In n l Ta It wa was a trios 1 whlrh rs the ihratatr theanti h h1
atatr anti ihKir1 tn it tr rrrttr 1 hrnrr hneo na thra thraa ih ihus hnI
I a r fs55 C l mr o Ami an b1 I hf h lnrr n M rrmalnrl mn 1 XX then hrnM h
M 1 xlonMtnlr nlrnl XXanl i art made m hi hia will III thr I Its stair f in inrim inrlpet
rim 1 aM 01 to 0 him tpraklnc Intr thromh thr Ih laite laiteIf laiiSpif 1 1If
If you win 11 fir cut P i tmrtlnn of your property lur psry to toX toits 0 0In
X In tru insist t anil I1 1 he II will lIlu acre la Inreat ln > r l the I amr am m and andpay andpS noli
pay pS the Inrom drrltnl tftrrrfrom rrrrom lo he your n ntr son onnunl sonthe on onIhr
the Saute unIrr unl Un which you are prrmlllrd mllllol to Ihu Ihuc thUscsr
c csr r it I sOt til II tx ilTrlrnl M compel t to krrp h h hi hirn hi hiarrrrient
atfrrnrnt rn Mr 11 IDnnl Monu alr Maril havlnc h101l11rn h101l11rnh fUrn fUrnthr girnthu
thr h prnprrtv 1 soul the trutr Irut hainc hasIui aretpiol rrrptr r 11 < l II Itth IIft Iiii
th ii I rlutur roiill not n Ihrrrattrr dr drstro lroy m ihr ihrlfii ItS ItSinus r
lfii 01 in wholr hl or In I part 1 ntrmie to I do so woiiM hmuI4ilsill 01 1
tilit 1 that h pfoiltlon hlon nf f th he Tr roscral < leral fnntliiuon fnntliiuonwnlrn nnolllllonh
hit h prnhlhll the 0 svitr A st I from Impalnnc fhr fhrailiiy h heal
ailiiy al 111 ti5 of If I a lontrirl 5 itlumphrry IfmllI sa D DfW iiCguue cne K KXI I
XI 5511 an 11 II II bllr hiS She h arrancrmrnl nl rnnl urxlrr Ufl < wblrh sshtrhu
ii u 1 S prortrty npI wa urn orl n bv It hiss Ih lrtalor 10 arl 1 1hI re rerrunl is isis
rrunl is tioi by ihr It Irnilrr oar r not no In 1 a Inlet Irl or 0 trrhnl trrhnlrat iephnlcat rrltnlr1
rat ses > ene hate amojntril to a ronttart nil nMrrtrr nMrrtrrlr n fler flerit r1 r1I
lr I > It ua a si i I ffirll 1111 It I is fairly ralI to hr Infrrrrd Infrrrrdthai Inr rrld
thai Mr 11 Montarnle II 5 Varl woulil nil I hae h ha clvrn clvrnhi Iicnhis
hi h his prnieriy 011 l Ia < Ihr Ih h lrlrr rirrpt ar ipnn the II Im ImpllM ImItt
pllM Itt unjrittinillnc thai Ih thev Ih ihie wnuli tolnntarlly tolnntarllyrarry olnlIyrr
carry rr out hi wl wish hr and a it r unit no th thr ihsy y woiM nll M I Insiei5el
ronirlro 111 lo do a i hy 10 Ihr I thu law nf f thr Malr o stt fist ntlIf
If She h statute In ni f fluPiofl > r ll n t he > e ialt altil 1101 I then thl this hi ron ronwa1 m mIU ronttai
wa1 IU a atnurnt t rmrnt nn or n umlrtjnlln nI nlInc whatrtrr whatrtrrII II IIII
II may m lr rilf cicl l niv m u le I fluteS n 1 riror stno lm1 lm1h ci sy sythe y ythr
the h Hat na of r thr n I ietisli5ie H lvifr if n ran runi run1i nlor < rl ihr ihrInialrrs Iii IiiiruiP h hItt
Inialrrs Itt in n pay 1 in 1111 if prr rrnt n of n the h Inromr to ihr ihrMH Ss SsSis h
MH 011 > rlft It lIh ran romt romwi mr > rl She I pa I 5amerhu > tnrnt nf til prr I er cent rrntt hl hlI
t II him him or n any nr other nh prr person on n 1 hi Siis I 11 iln nn n nII i hrllei SPIiPii r rIt
II b hm he h iviwrr to do dolii 10ft totuisfIs
lii tuisfIs le ft MilaIBhlln then 110 clte 111 > the Sb Cooper Cooperfnlon nnppr nnpprt
fnlon t niin ta I tuse cane isa where h the IhIOIfC four of tppenl tppenldrM tustueststueII
drM thai Ih icrtaln rlln of It I Ui prnpnrtt Inr Inrnnl wa wanot aasnt
not nt mitileci 11101 lo 1 ° laiatlnn I linn l Iof hifhhuiuc > e < aii e the th art artunder nr nriinIen 1 1nlr
under which h It was imorporated roatalne1 roatalne1a
a rovllon > to I that effect rlf ant 01 that MXII ex exemptlon P1emptlon I Imllon
emptlon waa not a rpontaneou nlan cnnrrunn cnnrrunntint ononI
tint I w oa a direct nndillnn to 1011 attach to I the thecllt 110 110clll theIrt
cllt Irt
The lh same liMIre lIrt further holila thai the thestalul Ih Slipmttiiis
stalul 11 offends vitally 11 liecaiix It drprlxes Irr Irr111I0 a aeron al
eron l of hl propery nl t without due dss procea ror of oflaw nCI ofhssi
law I Title to lisp Ih fund la I Irxtced In the Ih trn trntee 1mI trite tritetePa
tee I tinder > pecflc In teiameDtary ln Intlon instnuis instnuistinna fru frutiona <
tiona they haxe 10 hits no n rIght to pay Ihe Ih lmom Inmnl < t ttn
tn t any nl nn onus n other than the Ih nominee of the theleumr Iii Iii5SOon
leumr AS a Fonn R a as the th testator Ilor dlrl th thInterest the Ihllt thetntneL
Interest t trmp tieri me m filed cost nt HIp < < l To o hold hI j jthat I Ithat Ithst
that the Ih ttatll applied U to > trtiala Ir created createdprior crat4pior I
prior to B Beptember vt Icm mb r taos U to dlmlnUh Iba lb lba hef heI
Iac6m me to s tb lhe extent of 10 pr r NaL at whlth whlthlh wbkhthu h h hhe
lh he tnalator Intended for bla bl son lI If tfala tfalaan tblann thiahan
nn < an b lelally III < all don th hell n lb YAabrure YAabrureh l eUU ur urhas
has h thus Ih power to deprive th the oo of U Uwholn the thwhole >
whole aiim aiimIt aumit m mIt
It remains for rn thus Court Cnu nf AppnaU to todnnldn todlrI todPlde
dnnldn which nf the two opinions la I correct correctnml t Corfctensl rrl rrln1
nml n1 tnrldenlally whether It Is I Intended to tolimit tn111111t tolIiit
limit the th derision d Ilon of thn Ih lie l IId lrd ca ease lo tIn thifads thrto tInferta
fads tmforn Iro the tI court or tn Inrludn raans raansInvolvlnv co coInolln eaaInvoIln
Involvlnv the Ih taking nf the tll Income of trust trustcrnmed Irll triiat4rrptpi lo loI
crnmed before thus Ih amendment tnfnI1 of oCI ivo ivoTIIK 115S
5 4rct < ire nt > t and nd hMrratlnc lmrr Un Industry In Kittle KittleI
I I of orS AutMnvtillrt AutMnvtillrtfrom
I from rusi fir I Ir l r si qt r JIJ Jpoeiuij Jpoeiuijri rml 11
I TI Tim nulnmnhlln rnthilla ls are 81 atlll atlllilreaininir atitiI 11I1111I011
I ilreaininir talking and ncl wrlllns nf the thntmrsnlrs Ih theI
I tmrsnlrs ncn nl Tor u clean rlly Ih this has haslimn h hI haatan
limn I this 110 liurdrn of their xona nor for ten I years yearsulil eusrs eusrsiinsi
ulil nl horses 10 lions have lnrrea Inrrsaaeuh n < nit II tnllllon head headnnd hsautuitisI i
nnd 1 we now n hnvn 10 iinnonon it rnslhsW farm and an1hr cltv cltvhor shIvhisras
hor hisras ns nllh 1110 a MKVioiirinio 01 valuation IlIno ami amiliUlmr aiithulstisr
liUlmr IIIIh prl Ir irkos < si Ihan ever fr lnforn I IJii 1 to lifti liftifcir cii ciiI I Ir
fcir r eon coal l draucht IIhl horrs hor59sNnsl and neral nerali I Itcuilula >
i I team are In our 01 rll 1 sitiea ns Thn lh atitomohlln tomohll nr nrinnchanlcal n nhIIllhr orI
> innchanlcal Iradlon has hIIllhr iii neither helped nor norhurt nolI
I hurt this th hnr hnr1h boreL e S SIhn
L 1h the railroads and 1 every r form of ma machlnnrrhavecallnd taitS
I S chlnnrrhavecallnd hlnr hv 111 formornhor Cor mohor ns Indoilm Indoilmln I ti rln dothi dothiiflcresieint Ih IhInnloll
ln Innloll < rnn ln work and nll when h the horin hur Is I ban banIshnil henished
Ishnil from the th atreela INI nf nur pltlns II this Ih areal arealolnmn jreatinisisiisi boI1 1
olnmn of huslnes muat iea reSm a and n1 the Ihnfreight Ih IhrrI thefright
freight rrI < h1 trains will 111 rut Ion nn the I aldetracka aldetrackaHtatlmirs i ii IHtutlmtk
i Htatlmirs show ho that only MOOI 0 nS aulorno aulornohlles auitomohues lIlomoI
I I hues and 01 mevhanlcat Irarllnn Para rl rlmIIII wrrn wrrnmade h urs I
made In thn t th Inlted Slnlns Sll In in lIot and nrl per perhaps tierhass r ¬
haps II 1111 M for laiii which hid1 at tlv tL1 111 it car U Is Isnnly 11ooLyIOOOOIO i ionLy
I onLy ooLyIOOOOIO ooLyIOOOOIOmt tlonnuono tlonnuonoIranir italusVsolfRnus
Iranir m mt make kralioiil 1101 mnirars mnirarslirrsi al 110 ins rare I Iu I IOrpat
lirrsi u llrlialn N Cliii imirar nll rat ar I
1 I SVtwimrs SVtwimrst 01 01I care
eirrmany f n I i iI
totted tnll State III iiies liiuiurar liiuiurari IIIUU car carTotal a aI
t I
i I Total T cars a for 10 loin lDiIiI nn nnToul >
I Total Tn valuation tiIItIo tiIItIofhe iimro un unI I
Thn h iiMinnii horses hor In I llllnon aloim al arn arnIvalunii ar aritIisst r
Ivalunii I 111 nt it iJMnniiKin oIIf which 10 Itll Is a morn mo than thanall Ihnnil
all of r Ihn 110 I Ii aiitoniolnlrs 11011 m Ihn I It he world worlitlion I II I
llorn II lion or lirnnillnc lIn < Is I s this most 1 Important nml nmltnnsi nst111st
I tnnsi prnntahln Indnlry of Illinois and ld this Ihnnation Ih IhnI
nation and nI thn lh h farmnrs r cannnt no supply rlr Ihn IhnIni 5th 5thinsneaIng II IIInlnoc i I
Ini Inlnoc rraaltut ilnmand for nmre IIIn holmes hnr and n 01 bet btolI i il I I Ibr
l br r hnrsm regardless r of prlrn Ir for our r Amerl Amerlc 111 snni i
> I IAfl
c Afl n city market kI and I a arrrat eport rorl Irnln Irnlnfor IrllCr
for nil III I Kuropr tIIO e esrr mr for iinosi on onel l American Americanliorsns rl j jIto I Ihiora I
liorsns liorsnsThink Ito hioraThuiuilc I
Think of our American rln hor ho e lndu 10dlry 10dlryuC > try tryof
of Ihrnn that and 11I1 onnhnlf hllllon dollars a hllllnn hllllnndollars 1011110Inllar hllhinnilnliiire
dollars morn 0 than h all II our Oil sushI alllh ahenp h and andhna antihog
hog 10 > and half a hllllnn morn n than t n nil ash II our ouri ourersusi If Ifal
i irial al crop Them Is I no comiiarl IIU11r titpaflcoti on at I all allllh allwit II IIlIh
wit llh is this h t5 i t loiuni sass itulninnhiln ohl Industry I IOur IIIlIr Iour
Our great horans Incrnafml t III value 111 last year yearoer esr r rCO I Iii
oer ii CO er Mtnimni ai three Ihr limns 11m I this Ih valun 10 of of1I of1Ir all allof 11 11of
of r Ihn Ih i he lutomohllr 1011101011 madn 11 In tmerlrn tmerlrnninrlcan t mI mIlIIr menirituirlrai
ninrlcan lIIr railroads are an r uxlnic In Jiartono Jiartonofrrlcht IOOOtrhhl IO51freluLht
frrlcht cnr > whlih s Such mul l II liudnd and un uu uulsauioi 0
lnadr1 fhlrfiy In liy i t VO < M 1 drniinht horses h hsrc Thn Thnauto Th Thn Thiauto
auto n truck ssssulul num 11 l > n welt 10111110 imnl in carry ar part partnf I
nf 0 thl hi liurilrn n lh shat h t In I increasing fa fastr trr than I j
ne nil prixlmt thn ii hor is r r tii istuitiile n hatnlln It hut hutIhnv IotI
I hey I cl sty r > praiHinlh nn hrtp h In ovnrhur orerhisurI
1 ilrnnl bicePs h Hinl us isil I hue Ih S nulnmoliiln stilt 0101 OIT1O hit dnesn inesnhisnuit t thamlln
hamlln Irrluhi MI II it I III < i iisio lo his tl t former tn tnI InrI Is
I ralr rI nd morn 11I0 horses ho hors ntnl I In o ralsn larcer and andImiter ansibetter
better hores 10 loon in is n hinl larger 1 IIr loads lo load lodI
I and n1 unload a million freight cars r eterv irry r day dayI I II
I Is a work 0 n nn < > oilier nation n lIon i nn n accnip fMII1IIIh h hVmil
I Vmil 1 out I this III inferior horses horo and n1 hrnml hrnmlImllnr hraswl115cr
Imllnr I lior hn iuirse < to n han h liii Imttnr latin I mares maresnnd IIIU IIIUn1 nnarecliii
nnd n1 Imiter 11f cililln s for the lii h market rk I Ihn Ih Ihhor ItieI
1 hors wen ceest < 1 er Ia cood 1 thin thlnue but the Ih farmer farmerwhn fartnrshin
shin c si n we sPfhi f 1 hK hi horns hr will 111 Imprnvn IIno euch euchirir h hIII htPSr
irir m riioinit lietier hor hure rs thnt will 111 ell ellat 11 lISt
at lietlrr 1 prlnes prlnesIIUliaTadrilraudit IuniehI
IIUliaTadrilraudit IItlAI hI luLl jnuit sira Ii iiit mares fIIU hrnl toihnhet toihnhetpure In I is heat heatpsirs
pure hrml lilllon 11111 gross Into < more no tnnnev tnnnevand mon monn1 SnOOPSansi
and n1 arn an the tt It l > si firm tenms tn tn I the th wnrld wnrldIhn snnlulThu rlrt
Ihn 1 Krldlnr 1 loll n or colt 11 with IIh BIHX PWSl 1 sire ci 1 ami n trt trtare trjalP
are the 10 hl hltrht hnsl prl nIsI ml qrade 1 stork 1 of the Ihnfdriii th thr1II theI
I fdriii lit r iii 1 Ihe 1 It liiktl II lIh tfrndn nllin nil ft I Isea illl 1 mare fIIrIh are arewnrlli CilI
wnrlli Ih douliln ns A much n for lirendinc lirendinciv 1lInlIml
rut f I rlO iv ivTraillllori i v IfTTFn IfTTFnTrIIII itrriicTnasiltisin
Traillllori anti 1 siilwrslitIoi < ii ersiltloii > a The t fleet tiTestthip fleetllie Cft CftI
llie lit Inline I otinc e MiMlrnl MiMlrnlT lI1dmT
T Ts tn n I 1itiron 1 rOt n IT t Tnr TII r Sr S 5Ly ir Pn PnI lriiliars
1111 tn iliars r nli ntion In I toiln 1 like h nil etlucnfInn 1ItlllInnn etlucnfInna
a tin etnfnilf t ii nll flu t of if Ihe I 5 nrce I of tradition i raII rail it unit smut iindupnrtltion
> upnrtltion Ii iu ri It loll in I fl hnldmtf tint I so uL its II 4 place 11 m 5 111 is lulu its of ofmiimn ori n ni
miimn i n11 fi Ml li im I dnfmt Ir ta nirntlonrd in intttir tlm tlmletters 11 11I
letters I sf f Mr 11 r sill S 11 nlll 1 Mr Merrill I are due II IIIh Ii Iithis SiI
this Ih I hi nr n el pie I n to ntempt 11 to Is apply the Ih e Itll esnivfsnrna Itllr rlv rlvforms
forms r of e oiirt < lic I ttniin silrnx n is with lIh nil nilclrnr shliieflr II IIIn
clrnr In a atIrte 1 > trirt or 0 aiplln 11 > l thn It 1 earls earlvInrni earlsiit h h11I
Inrni 11I nnd iit Idea 1st I e a mu iii 11 l l has > e much mII in sushi i hnliued dnlllJnn ihinti hnliuedI io1 io1h0forP
hnfnre flnilitv nn I reached reachedIhe 101 1011h
1h II Ihe is crejtnsi 1 lferl J ri m I prn prsnt nt day 1 e stim stimetInn 1 1lIon i ication
cation lIon la I that U 110 irnorea Iloter th I natural develop developmen sivioptiI5flt
men nl nf r the It child Ia Tat rue dawns iia 1 the Ih s on onlitin n nuolt
Mninc uolt i la 1 iirisiii r < Hini tII ricld ch1 dKripHiin ind n1 thn thnttrneral th 15uLPoPral
ttrneral lIor 1 run 11I of similes h nre nf 11 morn mo harm harmIhan hlIIIhn hariuithan
than good I rj > pecialh Ih do 1 they 110 work 01 harm harmIU rm
IU Iiitnitt t Ihr its It rfM 1 of I dlsllkn hII nf r school hnnl itnd itndtnlt isnulat n1
at tnlt 1111 itt t l r rinoml S iifl 11I1 i eilinatlnti 01 I 11a I II wmilit i roil rouItie rOlsII a at < >
Itie t II hlld s interi interpat 1 in his st tinllr tinllrsurh slit ICC ICCili
surh ili a s rtnrn si Pt Mould 55 iII l l hat hu t n rrrt iin feat urn urnof ur urusf
of nHn tie i > Mvvtrnct sitdles at isil ern Kllt KlltI olltfrul
I frul < M uririjln iioutil he put nn III to the thecrniniimr th thnrniuinImr
crniniimr radn Iunlrhtnrni would a IM IMe I Ivrsil
e ene < irlil > n Ihe Is nr nrei < M for n would I Inn
nn p d > rene nrieil l Ho with s 11th arlutrnrv dlrlphnn dlrlphnnI
I tin claj it > i > ns would In mall and mu thn Iii indi miiiiii
iii dual us I would i 0i 1st not Im I mniln to is cinfiirm tn tnthe I i itin
the TOI m his prnijr A a IS > I
lUnnne has ha well asil HH So i nrcanitn arrnc arrnchi < ros rosIn
In wainhinc oihern grow ro Much emphasis emphasiswould emluhumsIi I
would Ii i5 lul lie I e Ii Ull iI nn Ihe t his prarMnil tuna I iSiS I ci Ildles suit he ilrl ilrlwould g hr is isalSiuilt
would Im ll faueht the ih trade of housekeeping
Mnatlt nitendanrn up to the end of si the therranmnr fliprransiisr
rranmnr cradrs would 5 Im re rsumImresi > iuire < l though
1 nnt nnce nCseeaniiu arlli cnntlnuoti atteniUnre Tn roI
1 rffe t thus It mlaht he 1 nn neeapry < ea4ry ro help the thepoorer lb lbtrorr
poorer hllilrrn hy II free meal anil rlolhln rlolhlnSuch
Such a a > stem tti would h simlui l Ie > r Mnivr hut hutlt
lt henertts would Im creater than thrill thrillrreae the iii iiiirca
rreae irca in sos It would mean the elimina elimination ItminsI ¬
tion I inn of almost a I utso t all i I alupldlty SI ii 111 It y and much vul vultrurlty v iii iiifsntt
trurlty ST Triit rnrv U Its n
XFW YoRk lulr M Mlalan l llussla
lalan Tjra TyrasaS TyrasaST a i iTO
TO T ° mr Ppitoa rolls or T lii sew vi i Mrmrrtame Mrmrrtamewlthan lie mls me meails
wlthan ails an air nf smhmlsio ihml ion and yrtrolnr Ittritr Ittritri I hiss C Cmu
i not mu to t T hi hIs st5o4 ho s Prrrrlln roy enfeebled rnfrrblrdrandltlon enfeebledconitUon
randltlon hr is draw dfawtihe thr rhair from the lute of ofihr ofI
I ihr Uhlr and proprlt II forward aa a I am about lo toseat
I seat mv myself myselfThe rlf rlfI
I The bill of farr I loo 4k heavy Inr me to lift and an4he
I hrrrvrrrntlyand he reserenill ant trmlrrly place II Into my hand handI
I I fnrflir hi hula thor With a Cand Bourlth ol olntpWIn
ntpWIn be rrmotrt non eilttrnt dual frnm my myMain mylisiP
Main atid rrfardt mr with abanrblnc and aft l affrr affrrtlonalr
tlonalr ollrltudr Mr rrrrUrs try cratulty with withprofound sithprotouind
profound frniflmlon frniflmlonsrirral genufleetionMeseri
srirral fvours lalrr I am < higut > culed ed by a hair rut rutand cutand
and ahvr a hae We > meet aratn and nl aifls lrt r to Molatr MolatrI toIst toIstiii
I thr iii law ot ImrrnrlrahllMy sot my prejuillre prejuillreacaln vreIuiiceagaInst
agaInst hit iihori It I mltrd ste X step upon each rarholhrr eachoilier
oilier t feet at a ubway entrance rasp knnrklrt knnrklrtwhrn kOtiCkleswhen
when blflnr tickets and rollltr rlbova nl th car rarIU carII
IU II bid mr Twan iw and makr me irnrroiu irnrroiunITrr Ienftoiismsflr
nITrr lo remote the sheller ot my thinking ap apparatut apparatus
paratut for the llcht alto < > im rl tworrnt two rent Vlydlo Vlydlonrr tip din dintier
tier Up and dlful e Have reduced mr a aseia < rtt la lat
t nlrkrt and with the profound ronvtrtlon that thathr thath
hr h hat no rhanfr economy counsels drrllnatlon drrllnatlonand
and I ihu lo e tile upnorlunit > ot arrrlrratloa arrrlrratloato
to is a clotloi Immortalliy ImmortalliyII
II I mnrrv more < 1 blarn hisipNsa d Srvuinr SrvuinrNlw
Nlw iou oa July Juit JuitTb V VTh
Th rrerlalati In the Onaadaga KrirrvalUa KrirrvalUaTnTtm ltpseTvatiusiTo
TnTtm To ytip FPITDB or Tft Tsi stx si is 55 1 hinder undrrtumt hindersLa4
tumt the rulr of the Itnrllth lanruaf e the Spelt Speltlog prl prlInf
log of thrrltyol the city at Tatrrton thould be hi with two l Is Isto a aIn
In onlrr to conform with the rudomary pronun pronunelation pronuinelation
elation the hort > sound of a Jielne lnt u itap4 d only onlywhrrt onlyatheSe
whrrt folios fotlned rd with a double ron rnnenant onant a douWe douWeI
I And tn pronounrlnc tjinratirr why nboult nboultwr
wr Ivr thr rmtiharlt fn the rrnnd latra > 1 of tin thrnt tinAnt
nt Ant l rllablr tiahts acalnM rtlttlnc autborlli Then ThenIhrrr thenther
Ihrrr I is the ward patent which we pronoinre pronoinrepat
pat trnr ln teslead lrad of pay teat Why thl thlf thIs thIsrcflIiepn
f rcflIiepn Hr nrM I on the part of this Amertran imoplr imoplrTh enplethese
Th these r siP hut Mmplrs impn of many hsd a < l Mrak to towhlrh towhIch
whIch we e ate rommunl > addlrtn 44mm What are shun wirrhalrt shunhtn
rhalrt htn of ltnll hnctIh n tnirurnon about aboutJUI aboutstincis >
stincis Jilts > 1 r M MA t llZNt llZNtA
A llemark by radre r immrrrkhrl4r immrrrkhrl4rffYirt
ffYirt t ta tee i w iSiIIdI < awir vfiiftri a4 I Zimea Zimeaitb itri itriII
II itb > B Iadrr Tommrrrkhrldr TommrrrkhrldrIjcijh
Ijcijh ta mMHh an hold hrr aIde
I no mas hrrm nndr nIrasiu nIrasiutkijn lan lanl
l tkijn > niun I talk pSi o o ss1 > t t ti ran ranU
U i rn t i slot I in for Mr MrI sclet
I let rf hr plraa mari > mr mrUrn meisen
Urn hr all il mr < n roChi rha name
Eel rr pee malta mr atbarre atbarrelraji psitatiePair
lraji Pair MI I peak prakI
I salt marry flilTl neila wrm wrmso seciin
so hr look at mr al ay 4
toil 5 u1 Im liapatla t rh rhNo 55 55co
No I tal ou are nirr ali
Wnidtn w al I san s o > i malt maltstrril masssteelS
steelS how niofh I am rpinn
I no n cal rrt rrn hrr tss lrttn lrttnAlia iratntSits
Alia tnrr he iufa roes rrlrU roesit
U rrr Cr an 0 Wrn you > ou lip tiapusli tlr >
lrn my 1lst brnihra li SiIt r rMr
Mr It rr wrrtha me yoi is knos knosAn LnnaAn
An rn ea amatl at hr ran tie tirlie tieIt
lie It rr eec whrrtprra ti mr mrOh mchis
Oh I MV far now rr eel pltln
llrtibe o s al Iadrr mean
hat we e saul da wntdln here
liapatltrra nrna tear trartirn tearIs
tirn da ladrr tauch an av siboraysmtcI1s
Voray oraysmtcI1s < ilrlda rh rhWhv rht
Whv t In 0 sra laKha ti tSls tSlstlIf f i name namet
t tlIf alHo poor man tooria fiirrr fiirrrWhy
Why rrt Cadre adrp Tomtrrrtktrtde
Call m me Noray orssulOde ulcii
T g A Ditr Da
no tws twsfteeeiis I
fteeeiis en i the Nature of the IVrlanl IVrlanll
l Aslirr AslirrTo ailrr ailrrTo
To Ttiie EDITOR or Tin Ki x c Kir se All m mworld I Iwonil
world loves a lover while tint itt U it itpolitical u upolitical
political or military Is thin urnai norlu norlutho sior siorthe
the world nver and iMck ncim m mor ii iirir
or morn of all thn tirades nivii niviiImlnir uiiuiitwlni >
Imlnir Imcniin the IrmlT I not or orIeler r I IIetcr
Ieler this llriMl t rnmwrll and snlwere n nwere
were Kiircewful mllllary nilhtar IMIS IMISdevotion hspss s I II
I devotion of their fnllnser wns wnsphatliHllr s is isI
I phatliHllr r l aiei > I upon thnt I hi I i Ii irn rum tf is i itheir Ittmsir
their leadership leadershipAlirnhiini lulhlptshlIiA
Alirnhiini A I irahisi iii llinoln I Uiu ssl ii s n sic dcpi dcpiwikeii 5 > > I u
wikeii 5515 even liy ninny lisa Ii I Inlnn I flush nnd a ii I 1ii 1iiinill i 5 5Such
Such Imatioo they tPss ImlliMe psi lie lien
S n lead without s it hiiuit l N i mi 115 uL Ihcti Ihctioflhean iii ii iiof
oflhean of the asimsathiin ilsillnn 1I H Nlettini I hsttitiuLha i iwas
was olmplv this hn wa ii hid i M > S c cleneral
I leneral McClellnn uml een inn innLincolns ut s sIlncotn
Lincolns is Ialiinnt iepned I nnl uS nut nutIi i ihim
him Ii SItS ls iaSsh < nu stash < n instead I nf I If lxi M > IIIIC uiist hr hrIM SirII
IM II coiiiinir nprthelr > s th r rman ISnaIl
man dlscnverisl that tin cret IM 1u I IIt
n terilahln INISS deolinn look HIM I tu tuahhlctiilst i icontempt
contempt Howard ntTnrdlnv n ° nin nineiampl
eiampl nf if euch < liiiiif of if nlunmn nlunmns iniuu iniuuta
ta s n cosXT Mnes was ile u > m an a I In Itioii
tioii > n ed lint i Iii S tie S nininIH he t > la is < td tdhe i < >
he liecnmn respe reaparteh < ted a use tin kroif i inil IitI
nil ll his lug men In the t ho eyes nr friend nn si i iMfii sIri
Mfii win s Iil tinted hint pa I I ii union ti toni I t o ii > i iiMkSMlnc
iMkSMlnc ut the I his I loii I sui n wns ii isa lie I a iiu iiudUllkn ui I s slicthko >
dUllkn yet > rt to prove lh the niter hut filUostensible hutoelnclhlp >
ostensible trniinds nf their t apposition appositionreal iiiili Ion t ttmSt
tmSt real Speaker lhnn annie hyp ritn ritndeluded rmt elf elfslcbualul
deluded and ntherwl other s ise n aituall itt is Ii v pr prto in intap
to run for loncrcs elect and iiui llrn llrnas i iAc
as Speaker this most S iiiiutiiiniin i ItIne t tthis
this nan of many l ho > o c TheHnr > p f fscIt H Hveil
veil whosn s tssss reputatlnn rcpuital Is I world ss sur I I u > l M MM >
Isoa M S wherever a he IrnMl IrnMlresident inevsiahriiisiit
resident Tnft to redis rsleotsi > tn the 15 pimico pimicothe
the t his Itrimlillrnn Itiisi tsltcisti ntalforin pla I fisrisi i a mpuiK mpuiKin ni i u I I Ilnl >
in n dly atIFl heiulil then idrir idrirnlMolulely I Sips up upahilu4teIY
nlMolulely necessjry Tnft fnn l te I Iiila p f fBrut
Brut iila Into line like Ills a pai pak k nf w hipm hi1u1 > t q qpta nn
lrl pta Mayor iaynor ntlil 111 finvcrnnr llict 5 5bus
have bus i mide lhetn t iictiseles > eles I Minilnr its litr l lthe s p IS ISthe
the cit > and Sushi with is Itti un irmi sit hanl
aa they werinlilr werinlilrIn ssra cite citeIn
In aplln of their t tinlnsl till tileS natam irn po posisIn
Calvin sisIn Knoi irish Jonathan r I ic s rl rlnl I IOsunifs
nl Osunifs mm have n shoeil hon < ilnwn the ain as n iim iimand gristint
and honest theologian ull
threw Immu ioit e s
lltfiniis lM lame lameirs ses
In Hhrxln Mand the Krpuhliran ba > e in inereat na nauLresit
ereat Ixw Is and th shs Unniocrnt n pus urir Stilpsnul in inand
and the urrit iiiijortl profer I ho nu < Sq n
half doen doenl
l Is < Kollnttn I iimniln nnd other nihuerfnsIis n > lf lfrnm
rnm are Irylnir to hoe their errltnrr i iunfnr tsntnriunatl >
unfnr sntnriunatl > iinifnlt forilmm or i hotti Tuft ha has IT rs > sI > I 55
hn c ran n nufho s them alt altHryjn althlnrmnsi
Hryjn fame Is I hnlil tnoatlv on hi his qisu hi i uv uvto > v vlo
lo l Iwsas > ns the l einncrallc > > pert partvHarmon perthlsirnion
Harmon of Ohio Is t
weikenn P r i v vruin
ruin lilt of llrvan and Ihn 55 urnit iPm in > n < > a I
IIOMS naturally nnnn orsrsns > ns llsrmon
Champ tlark ih ttrent i oncre t > in
I boss Is nn accnptahle hem neinc l > rn anl
I lire in political Iwwsisni Iwwsisnitr
tr Issa WASh havn th hsmccsnt > Aesand wil ha e i hrm hrmall
I all proteniono 0 thru thstiojitnssni nntrary oasis s nI
llnff ln ti sIl t silO sti r s MI sits if f
I TIIK nmt flII3 It iirivi iirivij IFt tSl 1 1I
j I Ilefetiee nf in Polle > of Incrratln nrrpasInIii tea teaIIIMll
IIIMll IIIMllj Iii 11e 11eT
j Ti T Tiif Klttnn r 1m I Si sri si I i iwith i iI
I with deep nnd lneri recret thi I h sea sealut ta tatit
tit lut t read the letter of XV S Mallnrf Iahlnr n f s si
i I lloyd rcnnum ll certainly w uu niPs fnurhmnrn niPstuEire
mnrn hnnnst fnr the insanita ream in tn in 01rcqs 01rcqsthu < rr n ntlm
tlm thu assSuiefltc nk > inrnt than It nould ha Isas > r t ten tenI en enti
I ti take tusk the t hs Inner hiss en rate rat and default in inpivinent u ulis
pivinent lis iiPtit nf death tOO I is claims uta I in to a nlo usl a a anI anIoriuhuc nl nlnriihall
nriihall ii rtd ri I xnuld s Ini I I pn ilielv it I t hie tu i s s sthu > mn mnthe
the thu Innvllnliln reit if the t hup III res rpme e I IIll u Illnot unot
not Imen nindi nindio
a to o the nniereen v fund if f J > is ispnkeii n npoken
poken of when ahi w > cnnsiiler IM tP rr rrare ccc cccon
are on ahnrvM a I inni VM V Is I niefnlmr iiitnh Cr n Hi i us thin t a rrc rrcman ru ruthan
man i i min a nun iiissIiofl ilnn tihethrr il > n nI r rsertn
I servo i us no loo unit The euesMte ci eis au aua ii iiarm
arm a rio mmpUined 5 slistulo a is I m i can eq fl onlv i Im iiiniiri iiiniirireiHonall Ii Iii S Srsoiiahl
reiHonall n hen HI ss ktinn Oiaf n npltd s us usodhlser
pltd ofNier fnu t he S Tfnt itt mtelle flV ii rn rnof snI
I of ivhiitn much nrdiinn ssrst usiii wnr4 s or s is reii iire1 iire1I mit cI cII
I Ihen t too w sO IUIM iriiieniimr thai in innf uIif
nf if the unrk I 5a dnnn In oTlrienf tl l fr in inI i ireni
I reni n nn iiltri ir n iiip s5giuuufl nnf fin whaia whaiaever slfltlIen
ever everJiirthermnrn en
I Jiirthermnrn liii bisrninr ii > eem f pI if i t >
I who hn rnn hi Pot > r nr nnd n ti5 t i if ne n nirv PI
I irv to i l ir I nn I nl A I s > ii tin t 555 luir hsi Iti hii i 5 ot t pa painn tI tII
I inn 55 his hi 5s H e iitit jut I not fi t ii > IM I insiiret insiiretlit mumasi rst rstI
I lit the edfiit > il 3155 1 I hiie K s a cond de isi isiI l lj
j I or imciilatinti Ia I ioti It ilnil I 0555 I that t liii I Let him hil ni cut slt sltslfls i iI
I down slfls ii 10 I ii tl I i isi > That wmild is 5 suitI make 5 It I I e elor P150 I Itar
tar him Iln It mlcht n hn tui heis arrtetl m mhlcher IsI
I hlcher nmnuiit nil thene his i ears and don itonI t tuntil
I until 55 Slit to i hang tS r cit he ln lw hesn hesnI n tir > i iI
I levi all tIe s ran nml hud he is died diedfumilv sispulfuanitis
fumilv i null hus iae a tven Imneflted In a aClient
I Client Clienti eatenProtsnnnl
i Kralernal oortin luday I Imlmve ar arTh <
Th 01 in ii their mfnii v so n far st 1 tin tinof hi tsse tsseI <
I of ss perle linn tn line rem hed iin 5401 I sne sneh r
I lioiiud h tn Im I imprnte vat < upon In the he rt rttle u uhp
tle ha Isuisia ai a otuplllnil rf s i stt t ainxin If IfkOI f fITONI
ITONI i I t II t run runIATEranN turisPATrrcu
IATEranN s 1 lulv s
r linclar in lar ieiSi ieiSibnnual ote oteXnniial
Xnniial rrport rprasof of thrrrman rhrniri rhemuesShuu farnrin farnrinhn
hn rontlrvirl Meh liuldrid aid iradr artlt artltIII arttit
III it IIMdrnd itit trnl rinerd nIb trom II l > I per rtt rttOnr ce5iI
I Onr conrrrn rtalrr to hae prrfrrnl an 1 r rI
j I iii iiitrispeci
I lroprrt in Irypt are f fr JP a normal cotton potionI ro ronf
I nf f itil nil luir IlKnt rtrrywhrre r r rI S Sgont
food tent and tile rilth aSian ai > t 5 tonI cixvlThr tonIThe
The pirr food lace aw of f lirrmanv arr a oprrffff oprrffffurc oirsPsuieceasfuilis
suieceasfuilis urc fiill > Pralr now nuppl prnduru rredu H iii iiimeet
I meet legal rroitrrmrnl In rrry wa wat eai eaihIatt
t Matt the chrome nrr or riportr1 from Rhod Rts4it Rts4itrumsi l lcornea
cornea to the tnllrd Mint < iafr rntrrinf a tnfws tnfwsIn flhIiriiin
In tsmi II tiTn tin out nf r ton orirr se irce irceI argebusier
I timer arc ihr 555 NrthnI art I ranrr ranrrj ran ranentrai
j rnlral Arrrrira Nvitnt II7 17tiM JM wor SOTS B of ofXmrrlran C Csmesican
Xmrrlran inits ooi In hr Pu rlrvrn months rntrd X Isy IsyI y yJl
I Jl I last an Inrrr of t1 itOsSsli > nnj i orr os en thr its prrrrdlrt prrrrdlrtMmllar 0rece1IrZsimttar
Mmllar period tr < > f te lnrrrnr J 11S w 551 with withPanama subPanama
Panama ITWnoji wlh o ota ta llrt and She b iiss iissarc saffl saffltcaMrreil
tcaMrreil tcaMrreilolth arc tenest tenest54oiih
olth tmrrlra Nvitht SAl M Ml 5IflI 5n woh an 55 i Ssame i ime >
same me period an lnfrr llsercae e nf slier fanmw fanmwArttrntlna ls Ilpi iSi iSitrlcntiti
Arttrntlna tae ui J njsin of oth hr inrrrar Pr Prll PSI PSIhI
hI ll flii iI Ol 15 5 ansi bile poiinn frndi Fe i1nS 08 08trlbuKsinrarlvluiniiOhiil Ofttnituujte4
trlbuKsinrarlvluiniiOhiil tnituujte4 neart5IcEu0 hut Irmfrllnrtj IrmfrllnrtjIVIflan Idu iriS nfl nfllettan >
IVIflan nrm arc trcurlnr rolllnc rolllnctrtrl s nfl nfltracts °
tracts for the l itamasrus > amarui lo Mntlni x is islir r r rly
ly lir railway a P Turkish iovrmmrni i 5at > 1 1laI
laI at nntrr wa for llfly pairncrr poaches ar ari J M Mroxrrrl iiroirrel
roxrrrl freight car Ihe lb whole eo poc1fl tlnf J Jluaan b I Itiusshso
luaan rlport nf terl rails ar rapl raplrrrattnr ti5Iicreastn >
rrrattnr halne been VI 1 Per Petit trratrr In Vuthan i ithan
than In iou > In prtl mm iula n i < hit i iMorM 1 1MOl
MOl ton for Ihr th xrerntlnr Ooxrrnmrni r rlill Stut1
lill cal KS O > a mettle Ion whllr ahi our w wThe sa > > iithe
The todln mlllilll mlii tltd nol hid al all knowlrtf knowlrtfprelou f n nprevious >
previous > rtprrlrmr that they roulil no nrr t tproprctle 5P 5Pprospective
prospective price pricel pricestPttern
l tPttern llrr from Amrrtran point east of She Shetppt Xl Xltlptl
tlptl lo all poll potntm In north china Xlam r o oJapan Pmispan
Japan and thr Iarlflr roan of Whrrla Whrrlaor a e fS fSon
or four day If sent otis the Mhrrtan lia 15 5 5intral T Tlntral
lntral of hy way of Nan sn Kranrlvo I1 I1daya t sean seanlays
lays from Srw ork to Tlrntln rhns rhnsIllrlien UlunitIrkns
Illrlien and loot Titnlrfn lootp5ri
fn ilr up lgu if JMIJ 5 ltCe ltCeAn if ifAn
An lntrrr tnirreSIot lln < sior lory attarhr to th Sir rttmrr rttmrrlntliule eSSIS 5 5tnatiiiut
lntliule Carlrr crier slnett lrr l XXalwnrtb I a Mh Mhbrine Pt is isheInz
brine adxrtllril for Mir It wa sas la lafurmrrly l lIormeri
furmrrly the XXalwnrth Literary an1 rr rrInstitution ertnittultoni
Institution that 3 I Tonic rorr cnred < 1 a aeafttrt r rrarllrtl
rarllrtl turrr sucreses > aan as an amatrur luSO ito n ntbere nthen
then that he is wa dltroxrrrd h 55main < 1 1rnln
main the prlnc of txj lS Nimr rp of tussle rivrlmprrnl tussletmprsael
lmprrnl hy the > ininc man I Ul iCten > t 1ChaiSes i iCharlr
ChaiSes DlWrn lo rr him art an ana ant C I Ias
a as to hi his futiitr rirrrr and the eves n nthoiich rthOih
thoiich tbrn bant at work nn Jutes t tootl lgessi <
ootl oaturrftly fmind tlrcr to ioirnr ioirnrworth tnrncurtis
worth In compliance with tM thIs rrn rrnmrmlirr reqmemter
mrmlirr he tol lorlrr w1 w1wanlnl I 115 115aants
wanlnl aants mt msaeif rlf In that wa > ant I Ietse 1 1txr
txr him himloolr
loolr himrlf wrltlnc half a atlil othum
tlil rrrallrl this rnomrntuii rrnt n nIn 5 5in
In company with Mark t lemon rron and 0550 0550Cbsrir hn hnTbarlr
Tbarlr IHikrn ptld a hind hindworth stiS stiSsorts <
worth I Itrrary lutltut tmsiltiiiort > < vn for thr p prrtng paetn
aetn rrtng tilru art arnt rrrlte In Ibe Os motioi > s sInc ctiit
Inc a ll Martairate fl lr lr lilrkrn wa ruin me meprr > 5chops
chops < > prr rd opinion that hlXoratlin hlXoratlinand hi tostIon 5 a u uaoI
and the la Sse only ronlyA onlyA
A Trearhlnc I 4risS > Ilelnrr4 Ilelnrr4The
1 0 SP I I s sTti
The Tti c prrarhinc rrn rri4 In the MlUc of I IIon t ttots
Ion fltualr amlil romantic iitruuul t Cflorihenil tanrlhrrn
anrlhrrn rllr siI nf th Mrndlp Mill t trnrro > < IjcnersiIty
jcnersiIty < rnrro lty nf rnlnnrl ftan II I tue lr t trrflorrd I IiSi0rP4
rrflorrd It t Ii rrrorrtrd that r es u i ihanlume ihanIome
hanlume fftrrnth rrniury tia tuoe e nt hr 5Srthat hrlbatlhrnrrmalrtlollt
lbatlhrnrrmalrtlollt that then tematrut of ii warrmo aa remiss > r Cd > 1 iint iintIn Z ZIn
In bulldlnc a nrw honr fur 11 She thru i < a allapplli 4htapptisi
llapplli Ihr 155 nrnamrntal dial tinnr 5sn dd r rIhr Is Isth >
Ihr th fr ssm mr fair and tbl ibis ha hrrn no noInto is0tnt
Into tnt it oriental p psliinn > itmn in Site pea r fn fnbroad 4 4broad
broad and ma maaae ivr itcfia rair > < nr nrjon is ision
jon < Which rest a tall irunolllh Df Dfrrownrd 1 1crowned
crowned by our of those lantern shape ttacMo a ° P PNcuLar
o ptcutur to Up We Wtal l Country

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