I I I v r ri i MI ti ir ir1 i iiMhl r
1 > iMhl 1 Ihr t tIIUJP WI > WIGHT WIGHTf VI nUT IflhlTIiflS nUTI
I IiflS I p hili Frw ru rretIt1i
I Ir
r 1i lI II f IIUTrjIna III r Inc fnr n Ilir ti Vlllliuli Vlllliulillriirtl uiiiiiIeird lIlIudln1
llriirtl ami n1 nf f in n ttrnitt in I C CI arrj srrtaseIlrr4
1 11 r taseIlrr4 rnsrr4 rwtt rw rUlit rro rrox rr rrI 0 0J
x I K V J J AilR U I Wullcpr WIIJ Wullc ViIirIr
pr J IM IIIIK HRO lilt 4I WUH a till tillui II III titIa
ui Ia I I iMihTin hi hI1 Wright Ilthl s svtit puli puliPilVloti
PilVloti vtit hrn 1 he Is want wantlint wttit wttitil 1 1H
lint H 0 it k ki > v r Irl o1 U C nroniiil Willta Villm Villm1ht Itiir Itiira
a 1 1ht hl l liyil > ivti kluip hI hi ip I It ill illIIMII t tlI4fl
< IIMII lit I I ill h worlil tn I i il n nl Btt
l z f t al IIIw > v Hi t Ii Atluntli Atluntlii llalll llalllI
ID mil I on tin nvimiiii AiU fl iIifttl IUI IUII ftIi ftIil ftIifor <
I I i tiilw 1 for Iii h llr Irt t lltn lltnU
1 ln t4 lii < liiin tIM t litc > l < a liitnlili liitnliliir
U t
ir n iu 011 liv < > Hit t ht AiOmry shir 11 Iarl Iarlr
It Ullll 1t14 Kllll I 1 4 Illlim Illlimin IUUIVI
in n i I i h I > m ufliI n l Iwforw hi fill fillt CullIII lullnu
III t iim lmiixi IIrtll nu s > IHII h lus wv wvb Watk
r Hv 11 t Ilk tk > th < air ui uwini uwiniki ltlllllI utuuu utuuul
I ki Uijt 11 l lh rr i iwii froti frotii 11I 11III
i i l II I iiiMcny ui i any 1fl n nnn nnni grutlm ul
i lm Hi I Ii mlv 11 V fmiu 1uuti tu tllTi tllTiriitll 111 111III tl rs rsout
riitll out III tlii ir if roplini ropliniin
> in r 111 b tnriMl tIlr I in utiil caM uuuuud uuuuudIi <
4 Ii i i down lI tl > f ll urtliillIltitnolll urtliill srininlII
Iltitnolll II tIOI il 1 folk purtiil t i rtM I ui uiir Oil onstr
str ir i 1 I f ill I h I1II I Ill IK th llvII thf
II f I off fT Win 1111 I rhMk h tirx tirxI gnl gnlS
S I hihlllnll hjlt nvi W1 h tim timI
01 I ilt tin I h MiiiiiiKi uunI lIInt r girl irl in 11 ih ihI h hr
t r i I in 10 fur C Hi I h Ixit lt 1 I It hn r rI rI <
I n f whll tlltllUl tunn l IrolllUTM IrolllUTMworn IrI1 IrI1worn trilurworn
< worn l y th tt 1 inon fo foi f fI br brI
i ii il I I Ixnrli Ixnrlir 1 1Ih
r id tu ruin nor th t lu > oMt I > on ont
t itf t Pu I i ruwuIPruI < f < ri < MNiiPtii Imk l of C at atu ald
u d 3 1 t rr l tli > nir I mIIhi mIIhiI imirlunrx a aI at atIT
I i ir I ni I a > th > > s riuht r hl li 111111 luIauu Inn wo woI w wI Watruim
I i from Ktnrune lrtlnl limnrd th thnl IhI ti <
4 l nl I rrMf nl ThIWI > ovn di MI ft 1 grat erno ernoM r
t M I ty y wlm wh htd h l sti fiKiniini fiKiniinih
1 h IIM 114 li ki kil kI4 < 4 whil 111 th t h nun ruirin tin nunS
S 0 0 > in I front Cn rnn IK II ni r from 11 th thI t lu lun
I I n 1 rnitifnll ICII at ui 2 ZI oYlork oYlorkf ndOIK o ilokuuIuMI
f llllktl 111 ll I > Illll 1111 Ktirll sturluMi > d III IIIi h
0 i ilMii ii p t Kni for ro al hut > nif nifili ll lluufl h hI <
I ili I Mm 1111 thi II t tn iiriplun hn > t h lg4111 lg4111t Rni Rniwfori nl nlI
I ho h nh wfori ro > laUiiiR lakin th I h nir nirp Ilr IlrI
I 1 11111 p ll > ul < l to lml hiI oft If r lowri 1r 1rI ow < i iKrirn
I i n From th < > IV lllt < I 11 < H Ituh lH > tc tci <
i r ih h r rsitnnu i liinr An of tli tt l llt t nrj nrji nr nr1uih
I i plti h which hint ku I irnhiH irnhiHi i ru rufl 111 111a
i C in fl i Kiit l rtn nf f iHni iluurtiin hmpl > ii > wi wii
0 i < l th l IC lf ft li lI4 < I from Ih Ihit IhIhll illthin
it ir thin Ihll th olliT oh tliT ttirh liv c euui euuiI u uI I
1 I i irnr rorliti1 tor 111 lui to I Khvd to th lu ush ushirounl Ihhlo t
> o 5 irounl Itd rm rmtl 1
tl 1 i hi h thini Ihn > Tanl ranltuig al11 > ui c i 11 l MHXI MHXIfjl I l lc3f
fjl J LIP 1 a 1 < on I fl ° fiiillil ulcl hl wui l 11 h I It tvv tvvr t rI
r I ml 1 t 4flu1 n 1 li n < l il 1 nitli lh l r MIX ux s inln inlni 11I11
i ticy dr I < vt v > th < rt uurpluu > rt upl > plaiiM thr Ih tic ticn Ih Ihc
c n I n r rain ln M I Ili r > ll r a itpl H < l u ur uit It ItZ
Z r > 1 ol t h unil utnu n1 uplauturit plnitpr l thn h nun nunC ma mae
C fmm fol rnrn th tt < lip IiI ip of th I Iho h trtllT I tlt lr r uraw urawv zra I IoU
oU v 14 h 1 1hr1 t hr th IIh iitli milt miltt II III nl nltqt
t tqt i > t tt > i ilcno < wut Wi tliiri1 tuIts h t tii In tu
ii u > r wn n < it i > ni nil ll f th thf theI
I < nn mIitnrf 1 < < 1t Inr nr < wn IhT to fl Inok Ii M4 M411u > H Hgh1 >
gh1 ah IipUiic wa iTrr istTrril > tl tlII In
II 1 m iflhl nr > l in fl tli > > ram tl ant 11 i 1 ii 111 ttiu > iii > tM tMi i iV
i V il t d II us II u va 1 no nutvMt iM iirv r t tr In Inr Ir <
r 1 xtiiplpl 1111 tui ll I liinoti mnInIIn liiiti rat t n thai thainiil t halhi
0 niil hi utanul mn llncllh < l thf tvutii 1 HIM 41114 1 rwir rwira HnI
a < > a t I tl ol bpnuila nwiil n li hInt t < mil to t rtMMiu rtMMiuII r iauu iauuII 11 11IlnI1
II i v lanilnl IlnI1 a 1 unftly nlt ly n tli tI VOKI VOKIT H HT
T i Shnrkry hlk wh whn n Tmn rg 1 n us 0 nxkmaiv nxkma nkl
iv 4 ti 1 Imv h tnt a drink Irlk mi oi him hUl Mm Mmi II
i i wpri li luflV11 ixvily f lLNl > i I1 ml with rain rlin rlint
0 4 i 11 ii 1 wn Wf rvuMit uI 101 tit that h un unH 111 uuiwa
H wan 1 m n ln I hart u a h hi < am < al tuik tike
1 tn n > fi 1 < li 11 11 Mi Ii k > Fyi Tlnlln langunv nnl nnlfinmn an1nltn anlnngin
finmn nltn I I thu t a i I p pJthn I I > i I IJahntnuu ir irJohnntoni
Johnntoni Jthn II I hnpll hnI tu lt in i I ifTvn ifTvniTunnc
iTunnc Inonc g tht u ar Mi th 1 r > ittnc i Iu1 Iu1Alion flu I i ialion r rtjfl
alion rffortx IOIA thi h4 iifitnvn uuft n u uuudr ilinil ilinilunder hml hmlund
< under und tlv4 Ih mm laI InMtisuu inn 4 ami ln tat iiiiiu iiiiiuM titu titul
M 1 to thi itkid kil H ii i > iliir Ih I niiiii 1 i ifrom 11 11Com
0 from mm wh whI H throiiahout tn t tmI r ri
i m mI tnI t Hrool 0011 flrnotuuu < in < slid 111 i w > TK k kut tt tti ht >
i nit I In h will wi h have vi plenty t < 1 r > iMforf iMforfi
i siitiirrliiy StmaYI m hr h If oin 01 tIW of > f lh II it 111 111mln utptn utptnrning ni niminR
minR mln th programme Jo rlmm for Cn tli tt iiiin iiiini CI CIk
i k whlrh uehi offlclnly tcIIly were lmn IInI uanll < l l nut nutnn ui uiHV I II
HV ooin I to tot pa pas I
s t iiKh Igu lh no In oftlrinl tIIII annonrif annnuuInnt annnuuInntt < iiiiii iiiiiiin n11 n11I
in I < n nmil m of th nain I < uf th nviatn nviatnwill aIII aIIIIy uIvuatrI
> will Iy thy th Wright Wllhl rnarhino IIhill intTid intTidI
I < t l4 Loiuii > tiinS w York prif 1 whtrli whtrlio whllh whllhc
c < o on o fl only hy Iy a ttlelit Itlthl inadx inadxAn 11 1 1h Is Ist
h t C An 1111 IaI4t ii t 15 I and anl January alllry I and in inr il ilI ii iiI
< r f S it I th tss tnoot it 1 IK l > oiVif t hfr hfrHr h hIr hsrsflr
Hr Ir 011 OMin will wil lx I > iu < i an a fh fhf h hJcky
1 f air jockey HO I paid today day that thatln Ihn
ln t know whether IIH h would 11 Im Imn h hly
< 4 n n iy tho Ih Wright Ia hrothor hoth nnd h hM hh tss <
M 4 ii l > h knw nothlna < > t thf Ih rnmnr rnmnrlav rlm rlmI rumrlsiv
lav I that th tIus Wright V rights I hl will Wi I II tan tant I Ia
t r m lflS n on 01 th long lnl flight fl ghut withn WI Wil II ti u ut f ft t p4 p4t
t dnyn dnynuneht dyight < lY lYlhl
< uneht ight lhl machtn that th arrived IHTH hI tii to tori tof toC4 ¬
ri f m T ih ths Dayton fnctori Cat and 11 whih whihwml wtutitsmhl hhmh
tsmhl wml mh > ld 4 t ilhr Ih tomorrow tomort or orn orw r
w n tlar 1 will giv Ih folk familiar rAIII with wuthiA Ith Ithn1
1 A < < not ntr1ucnon wi motion rt II 0 n hut I of n I i lixk whii whiiit whl whuitaks
it 1 tak taks th thus h air II minim minl tli 11 two twot I Ir W Wt4
t t4 vatlng 1IIln plaiuM forward thiit thiiti H
I i in u aroiu aruuatnrn4 lt < toin nm1 < < l to K i iI Tlilx Tlilxu TIIh
u I f th h Wright rlM nchool clMI of uii aill aillo uirhipsS lnt lnto
S o o 4 l 1Ilnlt valing plan lh Ihr hlwo > r i l nl nli It Ith
i 4 i x < th h i upuir r of th I tis h ruild r ansi anilinihlng al1 al1Ihlnl ansisnthina
inihlng Ihlnl forwant of r th thS aviator aviatoroff ilto iltoN
I A off N r hi hta own 01 holnlh ho > < nthr l < Tht rh will willr 11
r t npfaranr Pl ° of f tin 11 innoliiii mnchil nt nti sitiign
iign 11 i cm nl1 1 1 to I maU mal < for tn tnI
1 < pt 111ly rially > adapl adasIst < l for rrfm rrfmnt Ir Irn rrrsV
V > nt n Th ilsIn < l 1lln lgn r ts not 110 nt adipt arI1 arI1p a4alstI a4alstIarts d dirn
p arts < or 0 for ro roJ1 rollr roasfrr xut r siiis4 siiis4l < li liid
id l ihnt S hii flt Johnl lnhnI Inhintotia iti nml 11IIxy 11IIxyo llox > y yr
o r l lIiglitirig > < lithtin IIhlll th this thoiiKntnU IhOIIIII with withli Wit llh llho li li14t
o li 14t t few C day tun I in I Mnimht u tlthi tlthii
1 z i i and nul 1 in a curvrn un rs hut 11 S nn n > not notn
t n I h 1 hun < > mad IAC liy ly tli h tnt 111I1r 1 iintr tntd
d r n I w iiinchlno Inhln mmntnin lllnO lllnOIn n nof I IS
S In
0 InAln Aln ag n of th h m 1 rnc < pt ptiflirial t nnlfIIIId nnlfIIIIdJ tnuuosiiid tnuuosiiidS
S iflirial J I word Wt of honor that thatioiniMK t thatnfIsc hit hitnlll
ioiniMK nlll nfIsc w wrsk vk k nn ni atlotnpt att 111 rtd will willS 11
S i arrv Ir four COl paco ngorx and ailn attn im imni
ni 0 f HV IV thl w wfk > k M Kin I Iuiust Iuiustl t tll
ll 11 l i l r rrntIy > V > > ntlr in I Itlgium I iJn look lookntr InokfI1 tookristr
ntr fI1 with h him hll on ni ous > ii of r hi hin I
a I n tntoiti ntoitiftt 101 tt rnotioilin mOlopln l Itt Itti hut hutI it iti
i i < 4 n I tMr ti lssi > ii doll s 1 in II Ihi Ihini I I It Ii i
t ni 1 5 I today that I Orvil Orvilwill Ini rvills rvillst
I I r i will w I itrivit rr hr h ists tomorrow tornorrowat Inmo InmoWlh
Is at i Wright Wlh mod niskl to I hi r risu aih aihx h hx
x 1 Ts 5 4 11 flt on n II its flight l Kht < h to toml 10I U Urstssrtu
ml I return returnrtHff rstssrtutsflt In
tsflt 11 I fl t I cauiIn I III 0 Jr g71ral g71ralft I IIr
ft > > rtHff Ir t in nvlnion alnlnl fl V In toil that t tod Infll tnslajPS y yKan
S r4 Kan Jil iicKritlatliin tu Irllnlnn tntlnt lon with withr wih wihr
f > r another IIIhr mwt 11 iint It y 11 iir iirit
n it i a 11 lk II rs > C tnminu Ilrnlnl iurntn thn Ih Intcr Intcrr IIr intu r rp
p r nU 0 into nl a 1 p wrmanent > Tman mlnll > nt nvl nvlI avisrutu 1 1I
I with h HIII ul I KriiiniN and nn nnl nnvFv
vFv < < l iv 1 nnd nle t fsrnuansnt rniin mannt manntlU nt ntV
4 lU V ri U 1 I i rnt > it of C th thin urniral urniralrn rusrali al
If f i rn 0 iir av 1 fl Hint Ihlt thn II hot l pro pror proro
ro r r ith 4her I T tiioin 11 ni 0 nuiti ti of f Aoliury Alllr
1 t i srt irliv 1 roils M will 11 lo thnfr thnfraurl
1 aurl rl 1 miklliK Iakll ip il Ih tho iKlrK l lV
5 II
V irrn I r sn tp 1 think will wi I Is > n niM nf <
iM 01 > rffi < t h hI ir plan IIn Tli 11us y aim aimnr Ailt gust gustsI
sI t nr Ir sirS aurd of C th liacK liacKwr hRI
wr In rgo rI i w Y Vtina ine lr Andrew Anfl Krwd Krwdi
a i viiprmidffit 11111 of th thr thnln thr
r r npntiv nln i Ihn harts I I lsstinrd lsstinrdq inr < l
I q t I p K HarHrlMof llaslrIa ii the I At AIIi Ails AilsI Inn InnI
I I l ri < Itallwny Ial hail wn Col 01 01 1 I orp orpv
Ii v 5 r 5 iv 1II1 ltiiilont idont W V O I ll Iisskr lr lrnirnl r
0 t I nirnl tiI ra I llnilroad and utlirr utlirrr I
tr r intrnKtH Inrt Inr I nrt of IC lbs thnll Ih Ihh lbsI
I > ll h Vl n to I th lbs width hllh of his thntl Ih I
tl 0 lllt O5 I J j tnt of hn h vnyid wwhl wwhltls MII l lr
r 1 I tls I1 h 51 ft r It and an rlnrinq IIAlnc hn h gg tr I Iflhr irso irsosit n nnrxihr
nrxihr nrxihrwent sit flhr rsh <
st5 went 111 n N w VorSc t 0 0I
1 I
0 7 5 1 5 ii W I 11 tul l rtuni r tlrtl during duringT Ilrlnn Ilrln
n j qInjnseflt qInjnsefltI
1 ir Jrllnl Jrllnlf
I f T Mr Wnht wa wa out outWrmkina ll oil
sit > Wrmkina I km will i Iw It Ittr sent senttkt nt ntttl
ttl fi a HM 1fUI I f fp t Imc omo day < l y
tr i w n st to ln i aok aa hU hl h blzat beiht lzlit record reoorUi reor
MllfllVH HII CO1IW 1011 TKNI TKNITrIU rEYell rtI rtITn
Yell HAM I to Refnrinuihurtsn Hrfnnn fnnl > > uhurl ububn n Ha labn ltabamt ltabamtIth tMiiMl tMiiMlMllh
Mllh ll Ith IrarntiiKt I mhl rnti for r M Iehl hl Ill nlIhlnl Life llfrlamr Lifelartu4
lamr I rirlx I urisaa f thlnl pUr 11 114 from Crl hi hitul hif bta btaIutslsk
tul Iutslsk lMHik if f xtirr seryiLu rylu < Ur inipritMiHiti 111lo w wpri wO Wul Wullut
pri iin lit It t nitht lohl > i < hl tit II thus Ih Critrloi CritrloiIhiMtrn Iriln I II
IhiMtrn I II I rtll 1 lls it a Ih I h Ciiinmiiinnt Ciiinmiiinntand
and lilU it 1 1 fatfiial In 1111 c inn I ly I Iainu I I In
ainu nll1 n inua 4 > I nn 111 ii n anlini II si h I sstis thit Ihil I Ii I tirivnl Ir1 I s ri vPi tin tinlrt ti I Its Itss I IIr
s lrt Ir m hutiudity 11 wtlnii Ihl slit h w wsll IU 1 o oit of ofIh oftb
it Ih Iritnin IritninMr I ri ru rulr
Mr I lr loll I s 1 in i Ih kind kil1 of ptiywrlith ptiywrlithvuilk sluvwriethutI
I vuilk 11 ult iilMim IIHUTVIHK lsrruui typ tsi fa fanilliar rnI rnIIlhlr fauiiiIrir
nilliar Ilhlr In t n u us nil al si II tliving lalj found rI1 tin t ths ty tythiiru Iychurl tys tyselinriua
thiiru churl nirl 111 g s t I travelling t ra sl II n s ilfman lstttiIiIts iiliur iiliurIinit llhlr
Iinit 11 Its Mr M r ritrlM I irl I si > plir 1la < M th I Ii vlctin vlctinunder kiln kiln1Ir ltt nut nutill
under ill 1Ir F a inirrnM I Sn lyre gq f f5i n and 111 iiui i1 > tudlif 1111 sad ss nil ni gu II uf f II IIwrigirl 11 11III I I a awriggi
wrigirl III s II I I i sIn 1 nut ut irouhli t hl to I inviti invitikituiti ituqititii4iti
kituiti 1Iti n II I Ili t Ilk ikn tinin I IM I flu h Mini Minitlin 111 h1isisI
tlin Itiving II I on ni flrlual 1llal sstu MIW 1 if C liutnoand liutno IIlnr IIlnrnl1 iusitnsrsits
and nl1 sits I n v ilmlirv i ltlllIY I piult ry of r tMo liindy in ly im ii s I tdale Ilit
dale 101 lit Kliiu IL tin if 1 isiatt ull nluii 111 ts1u tlie Ih plur Inv i idone is isii
done 11 IH ii liklv I I t i h us iiitrriolili iiitrrioliliIn slut ltrI ltrII ervstuui ervstuuiIts
In I Tim n I iinntuter uiinult r Mr 1 hnrl Prlsw > < H ug uggtMiw ulgi I I II
gtMiw I i I S n wtv Wi S o > reform r1 us issil ulmrlmn iii rI sa ii him himIwuidi hiA I uiu uiulsinul
Iwuidi 111 who wo livn 1 thiir vrV wtvi 1 lull 1 lent lenti I I
i w a irl ru th t ii hlichhalU Iii Ihilll glutusi 114 and 1111 lilliriiv 11i I s I iu ru y o oI IC f fI
I IwhIr i iii I r fnliin fnli in UK I I I i rin riuisulv < lv i < tlinpln tlinplnihe uttuI II IIlh is isiii I
lh ihe IIUKI I us 151 nnd a 11 tist tiie In e es honiii IIh fnun Cil u i lirrfi lirrfirvrnuiir 1 Ii ri rivtl
rvrnuiir vtl 1 Ifl W in I I Ii the 111 I oltv vit v i guy lMY Iwrholn hllhd ls fri frirtiut frirtiutwlusqiu l lwhcni
whcni wh1 this li wit ha has Unrnid I > diltM diltMn I IIi
n lbs h in CI of r ut lusts rl rigihit hul il nnd tusi d hour hourworrliiwu hlr sub subrr C C111
worrliiwu rr it Ikith 111 1ul Ii luil hllhd I > inil nnd In1 a nil frntu frntunre ii iisirs
sirs 1 Mr 1 l < ruetwi til woulsi > iid nay t ia t > irtHl irtHltniiili
5 > tniiili InS isti thit I I iit tin I hi hiiflinnu hllin iuil a nd ilixm dn nn nnroniiiiiMr nut nutr i
roniiiiiMr r un i 1 r the Ih I us niMt its S moniinu i luau Ih1 t tin tintrienil I his hislttsii
trienil i sa 1I11 inu in Ilhe th the BPHIM P1F Iwdroom Iwdroomriie I
riie r rh riinor nh 11 is liH iiinininter g 5 01nl srui flunt ars train I rl ra II glf glfImn 11 gi gitis <
Imn tis no 11 ii tirii 1 to ii want Wlnl wgu lbs tl l I ls1sr i imr or 0 to Ii gi gih 11 11h
h l i Kiel rI > from Ct the tIs h hoiim I Krlend trlld Yri ul u utntiing I in I
5 tntiing 555 III Iii i driw 1 rs iltrudeH IIlcl 1 t nh iss chiirfnlly lhII hsrfu II ly up itxi > n ntmwtini I a atuust
tmwtini 1lno tuust 5fl of iiihiirLnn inI IIIIno suart an Indln InIM lad iP to Hi t his tilimi tiliminml itiun 11 I Itip
nml I tip i s ntof I I of Mrn I rs Cotniuutiro 101lIc I ilflIttiltit rrpufatlon rrpufatlonTlitoiiKliout rspsat 1110 itt 1511 1511I
TlitoiiKliout 1 I I s i h islt u I dii li S iawlssra > tMrali I slav Ia h I i involve involvean 10h iflOlYslruulv
an 111 ulrMilv irnl I1 lady cl in I oftnatloni thai thairi
j I ri iiiri llr ur mot I tact I his nnd lcl pnfliw J11n than thanitiici thasiiise
itiici 011 iise lit an r s irediti l with ih Th Ths maid maidnnd IRil inguisiI
I nnd 11 this tll rome nly ly line II Mr I lr KorU rl inakiM mk o othnt of ofhint C CIhnl
hint itiinpr Pti flselV 1 urlmn Iral M kerYftflt > rvanl vlnllhrw throwi throwiup
up 11 lier li r jh ji ol > tr I to > reliiin UI tn t onn on of a nynt ytm ytmInlmlll m ol olre ofrmnsirauit
re tnuriiit Inlmlll that Ihll sirs Ir fipularly mippniMHto mippniMH IuippouIc4ito
to l 1w a lvnrixlii hvpriwliut t of r th Stftndanl InctAnt IP Oil Oiloinpnnv 01 111a
a oinpnnv II rrlrnil I < ul in a an 11 sMC MVW of born bornloi t horsii
ii < loi iu > wi w < indlM lnsilsrsst r enough a IIlh to get raughl raughlwith raJ iaughtii hl hlIh
with ii Ih Ii nn 111 si rin 111 around nun her h r trim Iril t hllhlp slsnuululsrsir 11 iioul hllhlprl1 < l r rMr
Mr riiintntilnr t rl1 with Ith hnr tninpnr 111 rftpnll rftpnllhl rniiuily Iicly >
C hn tnakix lk soak th round me of neghl neghlIHMIWX nith fljghlg fljghlgi hl > orM
IHMIWX i I Killoiting III th noiwntinl nlnl for i idinner I Ifh iilits
dinner fh ilits ii and 11 iiii I ulnie s hl III Is aPis hi h > IN I con gons hmluind hmluind1irilA h1In1 huiha nil nilp I
p 1irilA 11 and 11 pnniunde lnl tli I lbs iloilhtfill Ion lnlhtCIIII lnlhtCIIIII g girst girstt > inl inlIn
In I pi li S Hi t I Si t tnti wn 01 tl bib dlh 4 m U Hie I II evening eveningWlen sniuugS 11 11WIIII
Wlen WIIII me S tin wife IC ietiirn Ir and nd rurtn r th IhI tsp tnnno tspI
I < no n < i IIlnlll nninn th Sun h nli nhiissiri > nr of th thIMiir thI ths thssli
IMiir I flie sli h tnikii Ik nn II hr mind that it I In Intiiii I Iii
tiiii ii to I is Inks I tt Sh 1h mukm IIk hr h hu huHind hl bus bushilid
Hind Ii 11 bwls > > lev nhii h h open 01 thn I door doorfo 100 100Cn I
fo ii > h IDr r at l il l that shs h ha hl has Imnn I out outnutniniillllnc outguittnbIlln
nutniniillllnc IIllna with ulti h this town Inl doctor doctorIliilly dnetorlbrily I I
Iliilly shs li ha h IMOII I liultticr hllte in II th uho houw houwnnjnviiic hOl houswulJiyitu
nnjnviiic J iIO hi hh fnrn CnI stout InI i r tiMohltiii tiMohltiiiITini 1llll I Ihim
him a hwinti hwintitth 11 lisssuish
tth 11 ish th thii < n nnmpliiN1 mmIf I i Mr I Korlx Korlxrun Fohssri 01
run ds out I th h ootn mly ly i Nop of If th thVi IhI thisf
Vi UN I of r kiilmrlian llfx I I Is forking kin For Foipmp Forr Forprre
pmp rr li ho u I usss o the Ih allm ilvm ol ok i th In Inlite Inl InPltsnrl
lite l Pltsnrl illlr1 nnrl plot I isli of era r4 that otnmutnrii otnmutnriii nm1
i 11 1 the Ih t h IrtWIl I iwI ansi an frA which r hih hi eI IIIII4 1110 tn u4 not IH IHkiepi I IIt isqn
kiepi It qn > l or o f thn Ih ml mlII mluplro plrr i gA gmnta 1InIf > nviu lhl lhlninrtolk tistnisfslk
ninrtolk Ik hunt trlnly rlnh for while hll th ths trntu trntuIH Inlt InltI t rat ratI
IH I whitlii hi 111 K in I sh h rerr rfr i dlA IistAiw tA Th Thprocrntini Tho Thopror1vIIi
procrntini of s mu mir ic prr tnl ts I i 1 brll brlli
s 011 t i a alhI iihurkv ymnhony mfhnlY Th Thilv T IhI
I ilv wn fl thern sjis a n for ro Mr Mrhi 1 FII Fsrtwss FsrtwssI I
f I 1 a I f skg 11 a iil 1 hi hiirTtini 114 tuts cnaMIU cnaMIUzi
lr zi ZIs ZIsS
S iss > irTtini 1111 Ilitftle h nn ui th h o ol I II Irita
rita I t I lri trr41unf > Hinir II I ko I IO IOI ll lo < l llro i itrL
trL I lro t 4 muin 0 n > a 1 < lr k kn
I sInnsr n Itrenltfi I m n oitiolivf oitiolivfMII nitivhiI
MII hiI in r eti 0 nre flu Ueird ls rsl in I II flu 0 l lI itifctrfiire itifctrfiireillit 1
I illit sit 1 lioivon I hi11 I the Ih mornlntr nlnw ttin 11 i is suissisi suissisiSf 1
ot Sf time eiel tnpi 5 ni h hfnrs fnre 0 rmnti rmntiM I rant o oiIi
M iIi mil 1 li J i iti t I Ii I tlio St I tmin r I irss hi thr thrfVM liiiiieIla 1
fVM tll iitt1 o lost it ilie feu f IsI4 4 fh v riivli h Kn KnHi EnI
Hi I Is Inritvanl 11 jin oo in I uenr s nsrl e sitsuiirnt Itrinent ItrinentMl
I Ml 5 1 II ilwmril ilwmrilMi Irc
Mi h hss May 1 I Is > Soii osussi t vaH w4 th I ts much muchtried tlth snuckIrissi
tried IHIIK I uIennK nrinl wif Very sry r many muiyitiruni mAfY mAfYIn manywsslsi
itiruni would pay la it I k prnlmhln to I II nn nnNli ss ssMi
Nli h H I II S ni Itsl ka even In n if r there Ih wui w no CoSt oomthro 1 1h CoStutt
I utt < h > ibm h n I in II Hut Ilt her h capability 4Ahll pleHMMl pleHMMla
a ItsIn m I n wI Ii ii 41i her I preltin ln II rharnied cIIIi1 cIIIi1lhILI vlutruu t rth rthnil 4titlIICdi
lhILI tlIICdi 11 peltIss1 ItJ kisttt 511141 01 mAl unstle 1 II
1 nil 111 I ilitfiill dltll titfuuily Tityl rltr r lliline 11 had hadh
h kir ort f Sommy < cnv Fir Fti fri th ths iniiir iniiirMCilni utsrI
MCilni 111 I wli t Is > wt L iiiMipular among I thi thii Ihi S SI >
i i iliriitir 11111 vilto h I s o lmiMi I weuIis n h ss kept s It st their theirtiMinil IhiI S h i ihitsflt
tiMinil I nl 01 555 it ta taII InII hitn hitnI
II I I may uiguv n IK I s natd 11 51 is I of 1 In h I is s work rk n gus of r Orrin Orrinhli I I rntu rntuwIn
Jh hli ll who Iu nt Isirry Hiiri Rror he h h hiss hissntiI HIM HIMliilil
liilil vthn h li > il < l a 1 Insnt < > li bit 11 t it t wits vtiifirtormil 1 11111tl witsI
I irtormil i rrn I intnlhgentlr 1111tl utst1I gnt lv nnd 111 itlu I wiii w u t i nn ap apf IIr su p pPrIoIt
PrIoIt r II Si oC f Mr 1 r Korli orl ss intent nl1 Otiem Otiemof II IIn1 i it ir irS
S of the 55 m n1 who wi plrx ii were Maudii MaudiiKniinlton 1 lnuirt lnuirtKiuiisliti
Kniinlton 11 UH Mr 1 1f lulin I ilukntv Ij knv Iranr Iranra I rauir rauira I II
a I ir r pro Ir JrogriMAits rewi lady 11 l sr rgi I III law lawrolls jw jwrr
rr rolls > ri < n Cirri II th II maid Inll and 111 Amy AmyIjtfftT A Amylsswr 1
IjtfftT I a its M 1 hIa i nit n I one n of IC the Ih com comtnlteri flhil1hiro Ifi IfiIJ
tnlteri fc fcllieri
i llieri hr wv w V a flr trS i niRht hI iudietm II > wlmlir wlmli whlh whlhi wlutihirisiriutk
i I r Mnililiil II 1 n turnout IUIOU tsirnoutintndsaaiiti tsirnoutintndsaaiitiI m 1 mid III IIII < uuiti uuitiMISS
I MISS KIT T I 5U f > Ith IthMti MIN MINNlir 1 1I
I Nlir Mti IIIMI 11 I p I at llrr I Trial und n thr Ih Jury lur lurFell 11 >
i Fell al to tree treeMorNT frrr frrrMorvT 5 5I
MorvT KKSdX M m Asia Alle IS 1 The Th uHnrr uHnrrrnMUft rd11r rd11rrlrI1 rslIirjtariust
I rlrI1 rnMUft Mr I TotnPiercrftnil To rtstii leCrn Iiererntl AtlleHltoln AtlleHltolnthe tl cIli Ild IldI Ihiteiti Ihiteitith
the I th or or OM for C driving In111 without hal n I light Ilhl nnd nndthe stusitli 1 1Ilh
Ilh the tli other t for Cu interfering with IIh n 1 policeman policemanin polrlI polrlIII
in II making 111j nn ni arreM art wern tr tl tted d topitht topithtliefire 10llhl 10llhlI torightIsfr5
IVtnr CI V sisr sisrit Inr Inrud
liefire liliticn 11 of fC thu Ih PwAC r llr
11 ud a jury JI in I Nottli Soli IVIImin 1 lblr This T court courtroom Cl ClfrowI1 courtrixrli
I room wii frowI1 nvnrrrowiln l All 11 hot hit hut IJII thus thnlejtlmoiiv th thIIlmulV thustoitIriiotiY
lejtlmoiiv IIlmulV we 1 so o bronry dint th ths p I II po poI i itAur
I tAur Il tA Jr nmong horn htr wnro many nayI woniii woniiiIi
I Ii liht dh lii i mltid 1nl Illh the wiTther wn Ih thit a hit hitIhe 11 bitlit
j Th Ihe ivctioti Icll ricclnut nlnint Mr 1 Ilerm IIr wr wrheri 1r 1rhr wi wiI
I heri hr 1 tlrM II r rst Jiulf JI Cerlcr r heard thW thWfa Ihll tlut11i
I of C th this lt us flri l lMi lMti
fa 11i > Vklthiiui lhlll tlseall II 311 jury JI I nrol nrolI
Mi Ilerc IlercW
i I W li 11 renl nl internt wa < In th this trial of ofAdil ofI
Adil I 11 I Ililu II It inIi ii flitS nnl1 ussi < in I thn Ih t indirtmnnt indirtmnnta Idlcmnt IdlcmntI s nditi flisflt flisfltiii
iii a < Jars 11 Itltrhi 1IIIh Sis Sh wa a chargml with withintnfTinn withthIs ih ihwil
thIs intnfTinn friuig with wil Policeman Iollmn lolui I ltlr ltlrnn
ni nn IT lie h nislit oil I glut hl of C t gust si IUt I wh w hn n hr h plat l lMr
I Mr I 1ierie 11 l r under 11 arrnt arrntMi arro arrosli
Mi Ititrhi Ilhl war f u Ilue Ih gown und undllu nuslI Itl
I I llu 11 hat Ia if f the Ih t Ii eirwarmer mr ty t l Mr MrPierre I IPi lrs lrsPisres
Pierre Pi wti a atilre alr1 < l in I a riding IIII COM rostulmns rostulmnsstiul tlr tlrull u me meunil
unil ull Mvk ak straw hat hatl hl
t l had hle done I loti two tmrfortnanri At Hain lm lm11r ilaunis HainrnerMein
11r rnerMein is rsttt5 > Miss I Kitchin I frolnl IdJ tr 111 tsstiIhwl llll l fArlng fArlngih
ih t < > niixt dlfDrult cllmlII and lel critical Ni kil audienm audienmruin nuln
f 5ii ruin ran rnl fam fi in I New sw York and I wa n v ver vertirwI rr rrtlnvl ryIr1
I tlnvl Ir1 uid nervoii i 11 r uisIs when ln I arrived Arir in I Pel PelImin isliars
IUI liars on ni the II I hi midmaht Imdlllhl tram t l Mf I ly friend friendMr frin11Irl
Mr 1ierce 1Irl wan fit I have h mnt inn with withihe wih wihtl withiii
iii ihe trait trail hut 111 shis lie wa n not 01 there II hir yet whti whtillie wiiitti hn hnIh
tl Ih ti llie IraI tram Ial got j go in I no 0 I pared the II platform platformwnh latforrnwutti
wnh 1 mv little 11 dog oloj in I mr mr ami amiIh1 nmTI arnishjii
TI Ih1 nigh lih wan till I A Asihtosost finetnn finetnniillri
1111 sihtosost iillri t hk Ik d dlh ath prnvallnd a hn hl situ situuistuly ud udilenly 1 1Ih
ilenly tin air was a pint with th I h hs rrte 1 of ofHelp ofI
I Help help h My Iy Col OJ osi I eTilalniw cnlld < l ihatis Ihat thatIH
1111 IH I Mr 1 lrui 1icrrn 1 I errs r rWimclKxIy tmttly I holding Inl hnr hnrup h husrii
up ii Thinking Tlllkllthal lluumikimgthiat that h wa Iming Ina rodlxMl rodlxMlliy rlI1 rlI1IY
111 liy handitri I called all l th lbs station I maMnr maMnrami maa maann1 sr srand
and IY saul ilil ll llnrti r look lok aftnr 11 my dog 10 and andI
I will wil l look > xik after fl hir hirIhiii h hsrl
Ihiii 1 h1 I ruhe rlh1 down thus Ih road crying cryingAlien cryingItrs yilli
Alien I Itrs Mice 1 lIe I am 1m coming cmn I aw IW th thrtinulioiit II ths thsruinatsoult
rtinulioiit rlnlholl all iipMl I I Hnr r first 111 wonln rl to toTl II toI
I Tl wer Oh ni If I vs f lx 1n hsn > nn hnld up II Hilt Ill I Iaw IW Isaw
aw W that Ihalhlal h tistasalI wnaall right rlhl and anllhn then Irimhml Irimhmlliark I ritiutussiIaek 1h1 1h1hark
hark to I find my y doa doaMudg dOl doghulg
Mudg I11 and gnntmmnn of If th jury jurytrlaltnn JIYraun1 jnryI
I trlaltnn raun1 l Ml Miss 1 a Hllchin I uund 11 no pro profan Jf proS
S tans fan language All I Mid wn What l1BI nm nmroil a ai assToil
i YOI roil doing InnIIIJ Ioinl Tony 1 Al told lole inn r MM Mr Jr Iinrcn Iinrcnlind Iir IirI IisrcssI
I lind violatndthi vloiltfth law II > and nt wa wlndr1 wlndr1all1 wasutndsrrrPst wasutndsrrrPstJ under rml rmlind
I ind then t iiu m I aid That 1lt la I the Ih datnnmle daIltt siatnosulsatI t taw
111 I law aw I nrnr r heard tell 1f1 of That gentln gentlnTien gsntlsmsn < nil nilmn
Tien wa th tho llmt 1 oath Olh I IIU uttnrnd and nlyol nlyolIIntlIn you youtentlemnn youaJ
IIntlIn J tentlemnn would wOlld hays ha don this Ihf Ihfthlnl sann sannthing Hin HinJilng
thing tindtr 111r the Ihf circumatancni circumatancniIVfor Crlmlan CrlmlanIlfo cjrvulmiitflCfiuItsfors
thlnl IVfor Ilfo tending Inlnc th this c eas a tn to this Ih Jury Jtryliwlg Jr Juryluiilgs
liwlg le sder < lrr Mid naldThem MidTh saidTPusrri
11111 Them Th I iS no evidence Id of any Iny aaaaillt aaaailltind MuaItIiI aull aullI
I ansi if thorn Ih was Wi any m rsistansis i tan it Itraill wa waa so sofimut o oFaint
Faint raill that it could efl ar hardly hays Ilvl upMtt upMttwo urI urIj ujsttwo
j If two > wo poliivnien Illr III rn I think otnrylxnljT Irl insist miiatlitvn insisthisv 1 1h
h hisv litvn l Iissn en nxeitwl tl including Icludln the 11 polir polirMr pl polleslrs
I Mr I 1iirc I Ii rti was nicltnd el1 hncauw ahn sh 1 wa wamiller wsuutiuIr
miller 1111 arrmt arft and Mb I Rltchin Rich wan nx nxil fX fXllllrl saiiteil >
llllrl iiteil il < d Imrniuw stic Ine 11 K > l IMt < Mt hnr dog It may ml mlIhAt Im Imhat 1wthat
hat i situ > h u I uiwoI nd profane UnRuagn IKUa but blt you youant younnl yourunt
ant convict her for that bncaur IJI thf thfniil Ihr ttuittnt
I tnt t chargnd Ivit In hr lbs ll Indictment IndlctDI If I thli thlinun thllud hi hiiass
nun had lud Ist ii Inft IC to Ilk iK < I would wOllcl have havnllmlM hAVI
I uhimiswoi llmlM 1m > d I It I long Ion a ago agoAftnr AOAt agoI
I I Aftnr thl gntilln IIII hint th Jury Jlr Jiuu rntlrnd rntlrndor 1N
I C for or At d lilmration Tliny 11 wer we e out Olt an a hour houruid hourIrl hourand
and Irl fifteen tl fills inlnntn rlnll and ar fall Cal1 d to If agmn agmnt
t h il understood that thmn Ih were wr In al favor favorf foroC
I oC I > f conviction rIMlo Inrtlo and nr that thm Ih hnld Ill out Olt for forhn forI forlbs
I lbs hn arquittal ANlilal of Muxi 1 Rltchi RltchiJudge RIbl RIblJlldl RhtehiJuidgs
Judge Jlldl > fJr lr aftnr aCr vainly alnl trying tlnc to gt gthe et etI t
I the Jury Jur to agree ar allowed lawi them m to go goloma 80bome goI
1 I home loma at U
inttKi 11 t E hI11 i ior T1l 11 Hl tltI Wr 1 1In
or i ST T iff iffnird t t1C4uuurii
4uuurii nird > ilaplril pt Kr Irvi m M I Illuan 11n IMllla Ill r Illhas
lla has l last t N Manic mn nf f It I alltn Ihl Inwr Inwri Inwerhut awf awfI
I i hut tt > lh 1 M MMiian 1IMIIn trllstts ni 11 tle tleInlrrprvlallnn 1 1InlfJIlan
Inlrrprvlallnn InlfJIlan llakn II I ltrr1lti ltrr1ltiTo 1thl 1thlT ttrarllieTu
To T th I tlis retnftd f1 of si C lal niKhl 1lhl prtH1 prtH1IIK
in iligi IIK at th the HacUelt ld Theire Tha l 1lon isnflg lon th thfact thrltI his hisfacts
fact rltI that th this pliyhoiw ulayIiuusi la1h open < > il it Its ilooifor ilooi IIOOFI 1
I for Cf the tl first 11 time 11 tin 111 wwSufl Min n in Th Thi ThnaK rhis rhislarriaas
i Murriaice naK of C a I Star lar Inundated t from fromKrench Cml a ai aI
i Krench 1Ih Fr tutu work rk of Ir this II Ktme aun name lm hv h Alnj Alnjntiilre A Anoun 1
ntiilre noun 11 Iliiuhiii 111 with lh Ilura lI lutrat lipnmn 1llnl in I It th throle thI this thisrOh
I role rl rOh written WnI1 originally ljllly for f le lsontit ntu I > U tlti tltiIha runic runictha rasnrthus
thus Krenkhn khn HlUh Ild AlUrt Ahhs Irt rl Iarkt IarktCotiHiielo Iarlr Iarksrtiisisls
CotiHiielo 1110 llallev 111 Alula I1ln lurt I < lvou an anIlara ansi ansit
Ilara 111 t him Sidniy Suln wr r Mime sttii of C the II actors actoiu 110 110Ih actorsswwintssl
u swwintssl Miate l with Ih ihe Ih t is leading Iullll nclrow ntI act r5s in th thKTfiriimniv li liiiI
11rIIII I KTfiriimniv st r iruts itsi nnd that Ihll t theiifwplav t Ii ti w 1IIv lustY whl whlMine lr1 Ii iCli iCliI <
I Mine ini s here h with wit Ii the Ih th renown ru 11 iiowfl of St C tfrwi tfrwiIKX lll grsat
IKX li O m I Iari la ri s and 1111 a nil on 111 tin II S Iii Ionlinen IonlinenIM onlII onlIII ont I uieuit uieuitis
I IM il m II this I h > H actIt act nltI netsI
It I I ts heroine IIIJ in il this Ih form nn of r the li pin pinUited IIIY IIIYI slay slayuisii
Uited I I li list t lilKlit Illaht l o fin 11 Mitre who h ha haiiiif has hasuuilt
uuilt iiiif n to New w torU rl to II wtildr 111 KnuHih utter aflrhaviim ll llhIII utterhiavituuz
haviim eeiarate < l from Crul her h hufiuuul hufiuuulwho hisiu4aitntS nd ndwhn
who S hun i seems > eem U ton t is I < Mtiv OIl tsit ntli Itutia > lill I t u hay llivinarrirl h hlai1 haytiuarrisi
inarrirl lai1 an al nclreiw 1tI of If any In kind Tho Thohave Thsy Thsybuys
have h u 1 daughter 11I hl old 11 enough th t l 1w > affl afflanrel amzuiursI m
anrel Rnr and 111 that i sit > f conrn 1 oinke Uk ake u im imfxTUive InImll muPrti5
fxTUive for C her h mother 1lh Iti 1 < h the Ih u sasiiitl sasiiitljig un unage IAI
age jig of r till ii I II thoe Ih women Wln1 that thll leann leannirinier I sunns sunnsriti nll nllmi
irinier I riti mi r iiKirnnti IIIInl l to th > < great dellgh dellghof 1lithl 1lithlIC
of IC Pr the I hi iHiiiletnnl I iou ilsan Is It I t wem 0 rathir at 0111 ihs r du dutj cll cllI duust
tj I the Ih e lgencl < 4 of C lh this tory lor than tlUn t tproUtlutity to to1ol ii iirohiohuslity <
proUtlutity 1ol III in thi country ltty that Ihlt th tharfrnw thd this thisaitress
arfrnw d hold hul a I rphnarNtl rthn11 of h hr r play lu Ii Iiorder III ituorder
order 01 that the Ih gue aists t mar Un help I h hsr r l Im Imli lsnrnthe tn tnthe
the li eeche fh of hT b role roleThi r roleTb l lTh
Thi folly roll1 of If tranaplantlng tmnIInllj suck Ih A harm harmJallio hamI harmlahllsy
I nle Jallio pn Jtll poist timii itiusu t NVw w Rnglanil Fllll1 BO BOI soil soilis i
I is nhown own hy Iy tho Ih hi strange Irnnl Trrte rft the th th111 r rheimal se sehisarsal
heimal ha 111 on this Ih young ynlnl man Inl liotrothti liotrothtito
to hi lh daughter r3Iaht In contrast rntr t to tl lh this Ir IrClnrlor1 issfuinetory T Tfunctory
functory Clnrlor1 reading n of the Ih r rest t of f flits part parthe pty ptyI partyhis
dramatic After I ho rt1 rt1hearnal rihsarsai
he I grown 1 TPT > IAmtC Afr Ihf
hearnal ho h oontlnmn lmlnll In the t lb h frame Cf of mini miniwhich mimi min1whlh mimiwhich
which thf Ih ply hn h hiis nrotjusl MOII Ho 1 II dtliirHint dtliir uhstisirest 1 1lh1
Hint t liii he h much tllh prrfor 1 th t ha actref Ac to I Ii he heiCiughtrr h hclaehll hiss hissdiiihster
iCiughtrr claehll and ali l 11 lsii > egi the Ih mother Inth of hi hiflrnco hir hits hitsIIRTes
flrnco r t to light Ilht out Ilt hit with him then thl am amthcri and Ancl1h andthen
then Th 1h einccrity tly of C hi hil his Inlon palnn palnntnporsrlhy > aeloi aeloitemporarily
temporarily give v a 1 erioua 101 ctilur Inr to th thpliy thpllv thispluv
pliy which hh In the th original rl111 progrefctft Iltr lrugT ti tithmvunt 10
thmvunt In tho Ih vein IC of if very light Jht comwlv comwlvHi rmh
Hi 1 l ti prtvcr sravr a hunk sIs n that no n man In ma mamnrrv nU1 miiyflurry
flurry 0 rr hi ha grandmother Ilnctmol hr Kvrrylwidj Kvrrylwidjknow fry YYPryhId7knows h l
know knoflhl that th thus dramatic drnl I cre ersesi < yl would wlliel ho hoU holr holrI hold holdit <
U I Jut a Si Impo ImJlhl impssihl f for r any an youthfu youthfuher YOllhC11hr youthftilhsrs
her hsrs < > to marry th the mother mol h of the Ih vouni vouniwoman voitnawoman Olni Olniwoman
woman to t whom whnf he h wa enguH1 stigugMt Rf Rfthe R Sctle
the Ih artrfwa tell the Ih voting lln man I cm cmphatlcnlly ismthiititahlY m mphlllnlh
11 tl
phatlcnlly phlllnlh that hehamlMnken h his hII has iTDtflk5t1 Inkn hcritrtitl hcritrtitlefforta hr hrriirtistlosifortis Itillo ItilloI <
I efforta for C renl 1 feeling calk ril her daughtei daughteito lllchl lllchlto r rto
to I her h arm A and It deHde that silts he h will wilk wilkI look loolafter lookaftr
after her in tne tn future rltl enil nut 1 hv h unitini unitinithe IInlnlt IInlnltth iunitunglbs
the Ahr th young YOI couple and Bn incidentally IlhlltI Marti Martiall startsnil Iar Iarni
I all over Ir again llin with wit her h own hunand hunandSrliptlnc hlhn1 hsishsumliiaptin
ni Srliptlnc M Hiooon HI comedy myl to Atneri Atnerican nl
can rlplnl1 condition nalurallv IIIlr depriff 1I l the thioriginal Ihilllnl theurtgttuni
111 original illlnl nf lllon f all 11 It lit Its fine n flt1ss and nt left > nlj nljnme iiysnm ly
nme Hdnurahle 1lnlI fnnUal material Then Thenwa T Therewas
of f thi flits OY entertalnmi entertalnmiin
i wa was enough 11h < > t prove trtlllnl
in it elf hut hii the h l > e i tu strvies > rvice rI ilrrivnfrin ilrrivn 1rh1CnU Irrtslfr
frin CnU fr ° tn 1J the th thsss e dlJrlH Ilietlllir lII wlthe wis Ih the 0 0III > p ptcrtitnty i isrtitsity
tcrtitnty III provnleil for rn the Ih nctree 11 flamIpmin flam 1llm llnrailStTIti
Ipmin nutiirally nIlrlly reaper the Ih greiter greitertuirt greiterjsirt
tuirt 111 rt 1 Ihl thiss hnrvet hllFI hzsrv st She h plivel I lbs thrlong II IInp lbslong
long rOts 1 of 0 I the Ih capnciou prtCICII actress 1111 ah ahorbed nhhJ guImlrtDd
orbed np hJ in i her h own wn affair alnlr then Ih Calient Calienthy Inl1 Inl1I llattsrssiby
hy I the Ih recminglv nlcl harmle hnrll devotion dlvnllrm o oher fC fCh it ithiss
her h daughter betrothed and nn < lltmll lltmllawakened I titisily titisilyiwnkrned I I I
awakened IwnkI to her h re rnsltusituility iKiii llihIIY ihlllly toward towarflIhe lonnlIh
the Ih daughter whom whn shi ne had innocently innocentlymade innousntlvmails llll
made to 14 uffer She h hs acted Illh lhe these e dlfferenl dlfferenltiixxl uhtfTrentrutiwsis 111
111 t ll
tiixxl 11 with idtnlrthle ulllhl varety vnr ty I her herWll listswas
was Wll 110 10 ttwh in the h hhih siii0sIYC IC iv wefe wefeit 5 fls
5 it which hih hutsh he h fnile nllln to glti Il II I its apprupriatr apprupriatrtheitrfc RPIrilrtatstheutriu
tht theitrfc value iluis 11 Whether it hlh hsttusr or not sss he wj wjthe WdI wJm wJmt
I t the hi lirilliint Iflhnll and 1 fnrclniting I I a 110U 110UIhIC lIiiit lIiiitI l uf uftlir
IhIC I tlir > iig i ts iUt suit the S h I ft xnint tiiflg that Ihll t nuch 11 i iire ssruiitir5tiflg
ire sruiitir5tiflg > nderatini < hirarter hand might Iht lie I ii i iwhllv is iswhi
ta taste te Ol OlIhe ocIh I If Ifthis
whi whllv Ily n I matter IIN mull tsr f perotinl II
this Ih t thtuenl hnicnl faclhtv rlcltly and ar nrI arAtIe itu hound houndnee oinjhess 1 1I
hess nee f her r preformatire Irisf rrII ritiAtut however h then theniiuM 11 Slieri
I she h not notIxckini tsotluikitiiC I IIkll
iiuM 111 I lo ii nI lit pieliti nd wa was
Ixckini Ikll in n hy lcil allun 11 t nt muM muMliHVe I1t I1thH tuiisthosts
hosts hH mnde fncl it ats appml 1111 I all allThere al all1hr
There Th wa 11 other Ih good In t artmg i its 1 g in I ii the Ihlay t h play playAllwrt itayA
Allwrt A Parker Inrk w wit a < u lover II < < t r ennieiitn sguflirdht1V4tuil < H Hper
per niil dltiniiiiiii 111 I 11 inn I ii iii and 111 Still I u prepo ln a aysitithutsul i iyouthful
1 youthful lhrllr arclor He I hh ha h hiss certainly prntni prntniing iirtniusa ml
usa tnlent Alula Ill l tnrtslyis rtely u in n a rOle rAIwhich rOlewhuirhu II IIIh
which 11 1111 had l is > een ui wre wrsstsi te l frm Crl the I Knnih Knnihplav Frn FrnIa rsntillii
plav llii Ia with lh such h violenie that it I was WA wasttgiirul dl dltlgured al
tlgured Ufmcl all 1 uentillcaton with Ih it itorigintl I Illal its itsurigut3I
origintl 1111 llal scheme chm wu nut I onlY Inlv energetic energetichut nItf nsrgttehut
hut genuinely humonu hlll a as an 115friend American Americanfriend
friend 1 > f tlie lb artre 81 flien n 1 t 4Kiuel 4Kiuelllalley ugisijelolhsiily 111 <
llalley a Slur Ih I daughter lal hl Krankhn Frank liii Kitcliir Kitcliirnt Illhl Illhla
nt a 11 5 her h r father Cnlh and In1 < Malel Shaw Iis th thartren IhaII thus thussetrissi
artren aII mother1 th rnntJari rOlta and nn maid maidrutitrlliutetl mIIlnllt maideotitrihuutih
rutitrlliutetl valiant Ilnllt ervic ViI to the th artistic artintlcMIX artisticIussquss rtlUI
This greater greatert jrssstrliar r rI
MIX Iussquss r i sf if the iierformance 1 <
t liar > ar t > Sr f that HII however I came n from rrUI Mi Millpman4 11 hiim hiimIihitiiiiti
llpman4 4 flnishusul lni Oh h i uiterpretallmi or If > f th thheroine I this thishierniti
Ifn heroine 1llmll m ii I what hal remained f M Biotr Biotrp hhiast1siii
1 p niif iv ivviis
IIwe IIweI
viis iii I s in ri n 1 I l s I n I ri 111 111f I I IItft YKIIS YKIISOilldren
Itft Oilldren Itngagrit I li > the th rw rwTliralre ewfliesirs
f ltn
lilac HIM HIMAlxiill h1trdhsui
Tliralre fnr Ttie iia 111
I Alxiill 11 hsui tlfy IU children rlllI have h l hsesn > eell engaged engagedhv nIIt nIItI
I hv the Ih V w Theatre to take part It in The TheIllue Tliillliis
Illue 111 html Ilnl which whllh will 1 open this I playhouce playhoucern
rn CenirJl Irol Park VeM on 11 Septemlwr plml 3rt 3rtTor f frn 4 4for
I for rn it its i > ecnrid siAsohi a nn Many of t lie lieroung h hYOIItOr lieynuungstsrw
YOIItOr ynuungstsrw roung tHr are or stcnllssl o < called 11 tage Inl children childrenwhile dildnll dildnllhl childrenwhile
while hl other Ih have never nv taken Ink part in I IpjIMIt1 a aproduction afirstliOtiofl
production pjIMIt1 Heveral HaIIUIInl important parta will willlie wi willI
I lie played I laysui by Imal mall folk folkTh ClkTh folkThi
Th ltrt 11 rehearsal for ru John Drew Drewnew lrewnew r rnw
new play Ioay Smith Hmlh wa n held yeterrl yestrdayat y yat
at the Ih Ktnpire tIII Theatre ThII Mr I l IJ lrsw rew and andlh andlhni the thentire thentir
ntire ni ormpany lnny Ulng 1lnl preent The Tb n ca cast la1fo castforthie t tTor
fo forthie Tor t he h cometly eiittii IIJ tly include Indll Ml Mis I Mary In r IVnland IVnlandMI Illln htolandMlss
Mlss MI M I lsiiIsl abe Irving IVlll Ml Miss I Un hans n laurel laurelHaHMunl lasirshlIaiwsirih
HaHMunl Short Hhr Morton Self 11n en and nd other otherThe olh olhTh uthersTb
Th The play lay will have h it I its first performance In InAmerica InAmosrica
America Amrlln at the Ih Kmpire tnp Theatre on Sep Sepleinlier Septsinisr
leinlier 111 tsinisrt1at8t1 leinlierConManre >
ConManre 1 t1at8t1 I nl Collier 01 the Ih Knghh nlhh actress actreawho ItT ItTwho actresswhin
who cities lt her appearanix here h In pl 1rasl 1raslha rae raeha
h ha tiecn t acting clnl with ih Sir I lTt Uhoil Usrhiohimn > lim Tree Treeit T Tat
at Hi II liii Majewtyn theatre Uindon re renewed Isnweih
newed yesterday by h cable Inhl her h contract contractfor onlrl onlrlro
ro for another noth American Amrrn season ea AI on under undertharle inulsrhatless nlrhal
hatless hal Krohman hman management managementTmllenco mlnltm1 mlnltm1nIln mauiagstnsuutThslkdlis
Tmllenco Theatr TheiultswaslSisy > twaabu y reterday reterdaywith
with lh rehearniUof li I HC nlnrt Pie Concert and The TheKaiet Te TeWay TheEaisst
Kaiet Way Mia Ii Frances fanc Starr HI and andTlie adWn
Tlie 1 hi Easiest War Wn occurilel tflpl1 the Ih stage stagein t4geIn I41
In the Ih main mall auditorium Rle lorllr of f th thcotrv thcotrvtnd 1IIIIrl 1IIIIrlanr thuisitriand
and I ff > litrich JilrrlI11 Iitrlrhisteltt teln mid lanet He I Ihusechir Ihusechirwith cher cherwltti h hwlb
with The Th toncert were at II work ok In II tho thoreh thorIJtul thinrehisirsitl
wlb rIJtul rehisirsitl reh arml room l eneitli > Th Thue Easiest Kactenlayllx EasiestWays t tfor
Ways ayllx Is hwoksd > ke < fora for n long 111 road rOlt tour 101 The Theroncert Th ThClnt Theoticisit
Clnt roncert will hare h it 1ts metromlitan metromlitannremiere mlrINIIn mlrINIInfml mstrojHditanprernlt
nremiere fml at a I th t the h llelaooi 111 Theatrit on Tne Tneilar Tu Tucnr Tuissslay
slay Octiber OtIr t tIliochonia 4his
cnr Iliochonia his 11 ehI for th Ihopltrtn product ion of oCII Harm HarmIlin hlaouthis
th this oomlo rmlo opern OIA with wlh which whih th thManhattan thIanhnlan this thisstanhattan
Manhattan Ianhnlan Opera lions 111 will wi open In IntWitember InHImh inSeptember
September HImh 01 number nln IH 1 > This 111 IJln ballet balletwill bll bahtewill
will number num forty Itehenrnala were be begun IH hegun
wi gun yet ylncny yisiitstday yisiitstdayihIls rrclay rrclayMile
Mile Hianra mnC who wh for fl several vnl Fennona Fennonaaa ssnnswits IA IAth
wits aa 1 the th premiere dnne cnnI daneetsis > e at tim Ih Metro Metroliolltan llt lltpolt4n letropolitan
liolltan polt4n Opera ira lions 10 and who wh entered enteredvaudeville fllt flltvaleI entsrslvudsvilha
vaudeville valeI but It neneon ln making fUklnl her hi ap aprimrmnce alth suppisarane
rimrmnce in the th Vet will i make mik sniukisher her bl dbut dbutIn dlbll dlblln
In n the Ih Kat FAft on August AtII1 20 2 2 at t the Ih New S sw Itrigh Itrighlon 1lch 1lchIon
lon 11M Theatre Her I engagement IICt will wi l ICor is isfor > e efor
for on Im week weekOrace wfk wfkOr weskClrate
Orace Or Merrill 1rrU began her four tal in Rough Rougheeple POtlh POtlhnllhi Posighikiwpl
eeple < last night nllhi under Ind the Ih Shulwrt Shulwrtmanagvmrnt lhllr t4hisibsrtmauiagetneflt
managvmrnt mallilemnl in Tlie lime Jll Moil tlous 101 e She SheWBJ lhf h4iiswas
was A > greete < l hy a large la bonne OIM and ld was waareceived w wasreceived
received cordially corrliallrTne
Nniliy NniliyT11
The T11 HprroltlirlM HprroltlirlMTlie 1p II1 t R Resuiuii ResuiuiiThi Mum
Tlie 11 Spendthril lnthrll the Ih play by Porter PorterFmerson rr PstrEmerson
Emerson Fmnn llr 1wn ltriwn > wn which wn wnl seen n at t this thnlludvm Ih Ihlud4 thishluuIwm
lludvm lud4 Tli 7lr Theatre rat re In he h prlnx and tnl early earlruimmer earlyslimmer nl nlflmmr
slimmer flmmr resumed rrlmd tl us run at the Ih at aim me m play plavioue 11 11hOI playhouu
hOI houu ioue lat J t night lhl It I lllu IIJltrl illustrates tmte the Ih dan danrern dn dnII dengets
II gets and nr nd naltle 11 of oclal lallrIIn lallrIInFmlnd e travngance astravgugaflrI travngancexlmunrl
I Edmund Fmlnd Or Bresse e und ald Thai TaI Macgmn Msegrsunsmein 1IIn n nTialn f
Tialn min in the th leading roe roeSwift rOles rOlestiwift I
Swift company ompa f sties I Ol ni Truh rfh fleet n In InVol ew ewferkClty w wYork
Vol York ferkClty cly City for tb tbs wf wnl wik k todln tntln 9 5aturds UurtI < nirdr Aug 1 ug u ucra lar1 l l8titd
8titd r1 cra at bP W croi < l per p r J iucdA49 o4 w
1 1I
I MI 1 TMfiri 71 UIOIT t r T TH riHI M MAn
An n old 11 rarnlor of If rural rlral vinta vintap vintatrolled vintage vintagesutrohheit Iai
I p trolled trll1 into 111 inS an 11 supper PI MriiadWAy saloon MlooiIhr saloonth Ioun I
Ihr III other Ilhr slay when nioM nO nioiuiittss iiitorx li wi wnri > r on onIn Ilt IltII suit suitui
In II fore rot Th ThO the < talk ck ti k wax on the th nio 11111 iIuiittitis4 iIuiittitis4soil titto tittoand i iInt
and Int ti tls I < rurMntrr 1 hulled IIIIt III inMoMinito iiiS I
S MoMinito tlou 1110 i I Ii toes And A ld mud why hy nhouldni 1llll u ihl ihlpU S hi hi iu iuiul
pU 11 iul < > IM I full CII of iiMNMiuifiw tnst iiitisss Your Vi uuir lr mreei mreeidoom prsushoots 11 11Ior
doom Ior swing wm 11 itimdi 11 m 1111 itustissul teud of r oxnini oxninitoward sijsnsngtiwarsi lOne lOnelOnl
toward tin S h ire tI tIhll s t tWhat
What hll Ih In ixld Id a itgksil U k1 il A man In I fron fronI hl hlI
I HarktiiKatk I lack sniask IKMIH 1 than S has nilMlv 111 h v inter intere Ihr i uS s r r55f51
e 55f51 te l li lktddn
i i ktddn Isht sht Ten To to one on Ever r noun nOl hov hovIh h1 hiuiwt
Ih I lie iiiMcl a rime I I a in I ti a wrrondoor serssi t c iii sir ona otu a luni lunior u uor I I
or 0 rlotidr III slay 1 I Well IC if thus Ih door opotn opotnInoiilx oiwnsI I IIhl
I Inoiilx Ihl lh Ii they y K swtrug lni ht In with it jump Jllp off 01 a athr II IIIhl at atthus
thus critical moment IInl and Mar In Inside lnnideNut IIil InsideNot
Nut 01 MI whoa whl it up utis > ti ant outwarif nltwaf Nevei Neveihang evsr evsrhang V I
hang hana H I acnvn 1n door Iou olh suihuerwusi suihuerwusiAtisi Ir rwi rwiAnd
And AII th the man 111 from rrlli llarkcmuicU 11I1wk wrm wrmi 11 I
i I right Ithl hottiH 11 hi ituis 1111 S inl ill I rhiui hU1 gis rd I the Ih t hit nt dinir dinirn us Ic isurs isursii
01 ii > n I hi ii is kihrn ki1 k I thist nml Illl lIn Iwrtii nli ontllt nut 11 II t to I hs mii miilhr I liuisit liuisitShe
She Ih > II new W KKOlllcAtlOII KKOlllcAtlOIII 1WCfIUI I
I Th n KriKiri K go sst < fIrst 11 iii s 11110 s isst > iou to I u tlu II t his niui 11111 11111who U UI
1 who had hl1 I a sk knl si liiiu hi iii to I o weigh llh H Mat InlnI1 InlnI1IMI iron ironu u ssitua
u IMI Htir ir of i it f sun < iirlnii tlll Ill 5 long tolu I g H jrfiicli FIh novo novoand nuuvsl nuuvslansi
I and a jar Jn of C roiiil rlI11 off n I nt II this Ih < utnilimit utni 41110tltnss 1 11m
limit 1m Mwnml irril srrekvsiit srrekvsiittiny > vitnt vitntllor I
tiny 1 or Ir Kl Ill xid li IK IKirl h hC
C irl 11 Mini t ili ll i ho man manThru 111 uuuaturhisi
Thru Th tin t hii nro I groosr < r diilii hlll1 Is < l tin t lii miMfl miMfllanmii uii Msl Msllaxuisui
lanmii III us nkMirtuicnt IiJwort IUIIII Into 11111 tuut a S tin li I I is rCiil sCit ril Ins < < > uni unil I Ilel Istld
stld lel l U < ltlnl ltlnllllln x asuinuli asuinulilfappsns > uml umlM
M lfappsns pr n < very little hiI > whil hi down 10wI lnr lnrli hrwil hiirwisru >
lllln r
have ha seulus oil I > ol oltlu I Ithlr Itheir
wil wisru li rB not 101 many mBIY i w > opl ° p1 If
tlu their > ir own IWI h he < i > < plam plal1 Hl Thiy rin > y wnnl wnnlto I 1 I I III IIf
to II weigh 1 this ho Ixiuy th < > minitti It arrives arrivessuds rrlvi rrlviMI h hI
MI tb I Lucy r I Ixilnnci 1111 II II 1 with wih odds > I nnd 11 ish ond ondthat nuli nulithut
that r essuetlv nctl Ih tin 1lh tit the tMant then th noxi noxil 11 11c uuitslay
c slay < l y thf Ih they > y welch wtlh th lungs Ihinl t and thou Inel onl onlUiliyn tuItlal 1 I It
Uiliyn lal butt lioflI
t b sys YI Ilfl I
I 1lhlllhl thought I kiiw klw a as much 1lh ax I th nrtl nrtlp nsltpersomi
p persomi ir oii when it coim orlo to pri ureinring rvlni f mil CrtlllI fruits milviKf
I viKf vsgetahsles > ti IR l > U and ftll th thlk this likp hik wild 111 n Now York Yorkhon Yorkhiotisekesper k kI
I hon hiotisekesper rikfM r r to n friend whlln whl waiting alln Cur foiher Curh forher
her h chanRo hn in I th inxvry ar ton Ilor Hill HillIve 11 11lv lliiti
i Ive lv 1 yt Just learned 1Anlc IC of > f 11lhln sonuet onwtlilnK huitug n I tisw w wvrry I Ir ii iivery
very r rJmpl 1111 way ny of IC inaklnK laklnl it liosihiIs KII > II tl tlhl to tohuav t thave <
have hl fr Crh > h airing 1111 Ian throimhoiit thrl t h11 th thwinter li this s swinter
winter inl and IIIt at th their hI < ir lowest HiimniT lmr cot cottoo iisttoo I
too to
I tooTh Th procerx pr i us < ontntnoly cimiil cimiilnoon 1111 1111In s ssoon
noon In n as th thus Ivan ar are ptcUrxl 11111 th thuy v arc arcnortod ar arsorted
sorted Irtr and Ind can rhoukl hlll I Is tnklt Ilk to II no nothat soo soohiatt
that Ihalhy they HIT I rknn I and 11 dry ct sht Thon 1hn In II th thlioftont IhhortoI tbhorinnu
lioftont of a woodn l In huot lIned 1111 with wih pn isuwr isuwrpleesi t tplaii
plaii > a layer IlY of dry dr tnhl Milt I On In top 111r 111rplal ol olthl ofthis I IIhl
this > pUr pia ilars a layer I ia > sr of Iall then th1 more In Mill Millnnd MilIn1 saltansi
ansi In1 tnoro mo l lssns > nn in a I its many man layer lay rj r > you youwl yIwlh youwish
wl wish h IiI 111 a generous layer I of will II on ontop nnIn I
top In of nil al cover over n with wlh papor PiI nnd nndIn sut sutin I IIn
In a cool dr I > plao Th I iseans > oan < IAn can an antaken I IIIkn Itaks
taken IIkn out Olt a wanted Wllh1 Ila ansi AIII will wil IH I found fOI1 fOI1rrh n nfr as asfresh
fr fresh > h on when hn plrkod Indm IIt1 l my lY in informant InComlllli infomusunt ¬
formant Comlllli n nsauirssi nrp < l flk1 in a cli h hud hivl hll frr fresh freshheiins > h hlk hIan
lk Ian > anw In March rh which hld had hl1 l n pnk < < > < l lth l lth
I th the pr urevlouis vlou numrn pIImmr lmlr r You 11 ninat mlt l hi sari sariii < nr nrful n nCII
ful ii 11101 to Rt lli real I stnfl tnne Inna lxnn thoiiph thoiiphKrr thioithugreen
11 Ihlfh IhlfhIn
Krr In green > n In color 11 for ro th the otli thir r kinds kln hU hUwnx hkR hskwn
wnx wn R l iuuun > ean wont koop koopTh kpTh kuepThe
Th pair of chin hln uinsss ce gsst hut hll wr > got eotfor gotS nl nlCo
S for Co th water 1 fowl colony coln < > n I t Iho II iii IOMKI IOMKIlak I II losrlake
lak I lake Imo h rniii esuuisssh d UK a lot of f t millie lliromtheir t llirom hirosightheir h hIhI
their pn fwrsiaisnt > ltpnt effort Iort to Kpt J rt out II on n Kill Firh Fifths Fifthssivetutle I Iiivenue
iivenue 111 mid 111 H 1 t ntrnl Inrk 1Ik keeper keeperThV ksiperfluey
ThV would 11 liiv 11 lh the wntr wn nnd nd tnk tnkth lakIhth tkt
th Ihth t he path up II hy Ir th I h ho Moor o ntutiio lllulhnllII thnt bails lendiout bailsslit
out 11 upon 10n th 11 avenue nl Th h w lireini n 1 si siPoet i ipoet I
poet there Ih WH kept hunt for Cu n iini 11 in indriving iiidriving
driving clrlnK 11 lhm l 111 ihick fk whom h thoy h isiitiitssi isiitiitssiThey peoiiK < l lThey
They hy timo an nexr I slipping Ipma it ivernl ivernltime uvursltitni 11
time 11 Why hy they Ih wnntrd to wHiitlr 11 wi widiiln w wIiln wslui
diiln Iiln slui n i know kl torhap Ih t th hiss v hoar I th thhonk I h hhlnk hhonk
honk hlnk honk of C th this nutomohilo aIlohll PHMIIIK PHMIIIKon III IIIni
on ni th avrnii and 1 thought Ihl hl ihn I wnr wnrsnot or ormore >
i more Ino C I gene e out 1 there Hut Ihl th Inpnll InpnllK IpnllJ
K gees HM < that w we liaveon have iin thMtm Ih the satis la edidnt edidnttry t ttry
try J Ir to lonvo IR IL liI ttiir ir Ux lu1 good l hotti hor Ifowovor Ifowovorth I
th the thinks I hlnk are a Ix 1llnl Iwwstuing oniing toiletiissl < tiitein < M mil m1In inihavemut milhavent
havent trl trisst < l to I join j th PI lll IiitssIns < IIIC avenue avenuecrowd iivsfltietowts n nroclo
crowd roclo for fo n w wsk wskiTlrI1 k kf
f tTn iTlrI1 t K u t iswf iswfllanrn tf 1 1ln r raiahs
aiahs llanrn ln With I BTrvKrili a li I > a tl ithsit ithsitPrrfnrnrr Knl KnlIrrfnrmrr 1 111
Irrfnrmrr Irrfnrmrrlteolltrd PrrfnrnrrI
lteolltrd 11 I ioupit ra e s 11 MIIMPI Ill t hi Mw Iiwit t of ofthe sft
the t h dnnctr uliunc Inn rs mud 11 her h tlmt lrl m I inn innappeuruiK1 11 11nI als alsahiIiarauii
appeuruiK1 nI at n S th mertcun 1 IIinfliiir In InIlt n nlat nlast
lat Ilt m Ilh fl i gut ht ish h call u 1 I hs her h dativ dii 1 mu th Ihtl t Ii i irien irient ti t tlii
t tl lii l unaki k dance slit 11 mu f tnyotnr ttiyst yll sty Ii I l i us a i ur urcur si Irror r rSir
cur Sir for ulieniiv The 1 ihu dancer Inn mri sasrlfliers mrithere llr llrIIr
there IIr i iii n t unr WHMI 111 con In enOsists lt I < if C C1Ihla u ud IiSI
d 1Ihla laphanou bIas 11 k gait I siI I vti I In ti til blist
l > ancli n 11 > Her I fait I m I hidden tiv a I hlack hlackma 11lk 11lkI hintkniask
I ma mAk k Rtuddd et 111 sisiths ii with a Ih u I hi t h1 > > l dianivwlThe i < I dianivwl isstiiytwlsThis I
The Th patitomini INICIII nccom Ir1 sirrnuusnliyflg 111 < nnyint a I Hi Hidance thustatic h hllm
dance llm repreK reliresetuts nt tleopntra 111 I iswflwut ra a iii a daughter daughterof Ial hlr hlrnr
I of a de 155II ert outlaw 1111 unit law princn 111 who sh h hIIanlr s i is < ill illI > n ntanly
I tanly intriguing ml II against BIII1 ftamex IAn Tti Ttigirl 1 Thsgirl
girl 11 fall rll ui n the th hand hlt of Itatnee lt < i and andrrfUMnc 111 111rlun alisiI
I refusing rlun to I > Mtray 1lrl her fulher rulh if thnmt thnmtInto thoistI hM1Inln
I Into prioti irus Il Her I guarfl 1111 tiring 11 her hI a aiuket attiskst
iuket lok1 MipHj 1111 l to ii contain 1 lntl her h hus r pet t mmk mmkWhen nRkI
I When ln 11II leoulra took k out everal 1 feet 1 of oflive ofI OfI
I I live I mpirinuiig IIlnln > rient and n1 let i the h era creature eratsir 1 101 ¬
ture drop to I Ii the Ih stage nl flixir 10 tiiere I tier wa waomethlng was wassomethIng n nItlhlnl
somethIng Itlhlnl of a Hurry r among onj this h woinn woinnfolk wuinstufolks or1
folk in I th aiidienc 1IIn Hut the II stinks nnaktayed stinksatyed lnk lnkIar
tayed Iar on the Ih stags Ial and Inel hit hi hi his mistress mltrNarcorduiK mlt mltIJ mistressaecotulitig
arcorduiK IJ to programme lroKamll ending II Ixith Ixithher hothutier Ih Ihh
her h unnaMimvui IINin and Ane that of the Ih feminine femininehalf rmlll feniininehalf
half a1 of this Ih audience aldl Jut atviut that jim tlmnIhn tlmII jimthis
this II rnpnntant Hamew Im reached th this prison prisontoo n11 ritutoo 1
too 10 late lateCeoxitra II hatetiopestras
Ceoxitra tiopestras dance In call 11 for 0 extrcmn extrcmnuppletieiui eatretnisssttpphtueihs JII
uppletieiui ppl She Sh ha II all al the Ih OMItl I I twists twlntaand twistsand I Inne
and Uiid 1rl with a few r new n onm thrown thrownin Iro Iroa
nne in a On n of f th the iiw r features Cala i is tier h un undulating tindulatlng I ¬
dulating rllnlnl inimcln I flexing 11llnl a as sho h makti maktihnr Ink InkI insuksstier
tier vow before lo a naming Omilll tripod tripodTh trisislTIu
I Th T dancer dn rs Identitr htnlll ha 11 not 110 vet vetiGOTHAMHOTOfil teen teenI
I nI1 nI1I reyestssl
RQi RQiTheCar
The TheCar TheCarThat Car CarThat C
Evrrjr EnYIr part made a little littletxtttr lite litebte littletStIIT
txtttr than
bte necessary ntc I8Y
Dalit Buil Btihltin In our outnwnfatoryte outnwnfatorytesatisfy awn factory to totlcfjr 10utar
utar satisfy tlcfjr the lb rxclutlvc 1clulve tastes tattrofthowwho latu latuohhN tastesi
i ofthowwho ohhN ho know quality qully
I The T price fits fll ts the th ear earThr c cTh carI
I The car cr i II neither ntlhe too toolatRe Io toillarge
large Irl nor too to small smalll9hIModels ml
1911 l9hIModels l9hIModelsI l9hIModelsBEATS Mtxieb MtxiebBRATS Moel MoelKT
x v utrnirvv ulrnrs Itrntr t AtU ra raLOVE U 3 3I
UI Ut < tit KIMTIIO rUII i > rniv4 rniv4IHKAII rHI rHIU rltIssiHrAli <
U IHKAII AI Titr T ncxr nlr nrirI v
I fllrHir ytiyii il TIIK Til MtAuerr HtAMIN HtAMINACT tA
RHOlir RfU IU4KIS llisa KI tM CO fl MIAUHCII MIAUHCIIHirtirl ttiAUS 4 sO sOI 1
I Hirtirl I I I rrxirftii OIIII ro MAIVH MAIVHxiuiMos tUYMI U1
I xiuiMos itwPsocltAurnhlnss CMAU roiiixo urnnini H HWAVAMAKKHS 4 4I
I I WAVAMAKKHS n III4Ol IUuSCeAlrOIOfl n I ill mrl ti I rt MHr MHrKDCH1 MllrtlWuKiP4 MllrtlWuKiP4III4Ol mt mttx rptt l X I II
KDCH1 UI tx ltS IMTII < r TTVWIX rry4i r SI
TVWIX ry4i a 12TI imo imoWIIAITV ueirvIrr ueirvIrrwIAtE T TOIK
I WIIAITV r Ilnu 00 TII AV AVUOOK Wtis4 m CO CO0041K
UOOK OIK uivriw 11III iitiitAnr iitiitAnrvr IIlAR IIlARrMU
5 rMU vr r Hrrrri HOFI xr xroil r1 rnM4TNf rnM4TNfssI Sf
ssI t oil oih ntlieS h rt nr n 4 Tltr Til IlBI IlBII lInl trniIitifls trniIitiflssiIn IIn
siIn I an po roro roroIROADWAY pns1rlnBROADWAY < irln irlnBROADWAY
1 a 4 1
I w 111 inin ll ntoi 11 I h g i > s is ssi 11r 11rl ITL ITLI ITLII in inhuis
l huis oii the II ll IC g aiui 111 Tlio 11 Tlir ll 1 Tr Tnl Traluliwil niMd It ItItrrr I It11cr
Itrrr I From 1 the Ih Mluille hl Mr thrit I fur n tr trUullT SIrthiulfl I Iuln
UullT uln health 1lh lie I a 1lu luileiauu uII uIIIh lcl n sail amiIhr sailhis
his Ih M al ahh lk Its I Maile 1 Htm Html Iln MIrots MIrots1km
l ln 1km > in the Ih dog d1 and al1 liolilim the Ih burke burkearrivil h har1 huruartisi
arrivil ar1 at I ilv 1 i Hall 11 v < lerdar Inv allernoon allernoonull 111rIOn
all ul th I wiiv V from r1 fm KmiHa 11 a Iny 11 on fist 1 and anda 1111
a kilidlr klllv k i us I I v even 111 enthua 51 I i hi usist lic uu reception 15551 JI it 511 wa wagiven 1 Wits Witsgiii
given 111 to them I h hy tln t I his > thouand I hUInl1 hUInl1hllnl or Si Siliii o ohuman
human hllnl liii usa uiu who w h iilwav nl ii I wi vu inihr iiu llhr S hsr there II t fur C anv anvnffinr IIV IIVnnn a ti V Vflfiii
nffinr nnn flfiii sf < > f tin Uinil 111 Oon nnd 11 llolbin 111 lud ludiKenaciomiMtneilali huailaeeotuiinnisi
iKenaciomiMtneilali aeeotuiinnisi Ili iihi tli uaviti em I all1 amid < l n foul foultoo Colt bouttiN
too t by h Mr 1 Ir and all Mn I irs I I It II I UollT UollTI t uhf uhfh lT I
I 1 he h ipmrtet 1I1 lift Irl KiniRai 111 l iutsis fnv I IIv I on n Mnt Mntl I I1Ihln lii liilhlluin
l olibln > drawing Inwl a I htllx hlll two I wheel whi h1 sh cart carton cuurtoil at
on winch hith wit stis 1 muuntcd 10In Sn out n I si I u I packing Inckll ink i n g cuss ciiepalntttl CI cussthiit
palntttl 1alll1 Mhltn whi thiit und ulcl xtilTcd with Ih fMxl und unda uIII
a camp 11111 ii hums otitlll nllli utut II I Ihero 11 1 lists wax s I its no I pjirticulirreaiuin pjirticulir iIIllan11 4s r t isui hi r rrca
reaiuin rca n11 siimu whv h liv Don lnAIIIII111 I kin and ii nh iKibbin I k1 ii ii is Hhoiild 11111111 11111111ul st tnrt tnrtout ii rt rttisit
out on ul lu it 1 l Vni isi null 11 Iriiinp I rf 1 but 11 they Ih good goodnaturedly ao giooltuatutroilly
naturedly IltllI ucrftl a t to I 0 do Ir M > wln t h1 > n lh tl tl1ln1 thiss thissrns v vlearned
learned 1ln1 rns I that t their Ih1 t iusi r man Ins 111 ml Mr I r Wollf idll IIC had hadlieeti h1I hushhost
host I illlVli Ilv1 III I ti Ink the Ih tnillll 111 > for C III IIIiik IhlkC thisnks
iik lkC nks of hi hula health hlh and nldha that Mr tl I ris UolfTwu UolfTwugoing 5 sitil 11 10 wius wiusiiI
going iiI 11 0 IC alone 1101a iii sit I to I is look Is w k after Irht si ft r IHT h huHhtnd huHhtndcimifort hIIOII Ii u s I us usIsnifort
cimifort cimifortIKii Isnifortloui mCoI mCoIIm
IKii and ali l 11Iil hihtiui > ol liin Ktnilil 11111 and nlll winked at ateach atah ateach
each other ulh when ts hiss II they Ih heard hi irsi till S liis und undnaturally 1111 1111nHlrl istisinaturally
naturally nHlrl ald I11 ssthllhitt aldllul
llul 11 who h going 1lnl to I talin ink can ra of f her herwho h hho hisrwhss
who ho going IOIII to draw Ir the I cnrt n1 rnrryintt 111 hi hinxlrn hiIr h1i h1iPtra
nxlrn Ir shoes ho < nnd Ilr ouch llh 5irI who shiss h going aoinl to do doenirvgo to toIIIYK dosnuitrygo
enirvgo in il front of C their 1i tent nl at night nightto Illhl IllhlIn ni alit alitIi
to Ii scars r away lay trnnii s ansi nlIIIIIIII gohhulun gohhulunSo I
So Don 01 and 111 Dobbin Htartiil istnrli it out nnd took tookMr tok tookulr
Mr 1 and n1 Mr slrs I Wolff II along IInv with h them IhI He1 He1Mr I II IIMr
Mr Uolff 011 oIff I Is an orchiHlrH hI lender h ld and 111 a ucompowr acoml aotfllwissr
compowr coml of tC mimic flil and 1111nll1111 became idling with withwhulover wihwh1 withwhiutnvirs
whulover wh1 the Ih tnatter Inl with lh Kanxaa lAn nnsaa filv filvnnd 111 111IIlcllh lta
nnd IIlcllh a mid the t his doctor cI stout sir mid sit 111 ii t thrrt Ih t tu rus month uiiiti llh t ha exercise exerciseIn s ro 5 5I
In 11111 I ti theoxtinlr I liii 0isti IMIII iii r would wos IIIllln ibl make him hit ti coino 11 liack liackiu hlkII I sat Ii Iiuss
iu tit II a as hi liis own nlcMI fiddle fiddleThere thdiflThere
There Th wit I nothm Inlllll tust huiu lh t Ii < < matter mal mitt tsr with w lh ht Pu fv Cin CinI lion lionhis > n nHe
He I s all ni right llhl Mr sr I WolT WI Mild Ill h his bought boughtIV 1laht
IV lou > n a as a I Hwi Swiss dotf 10 hut 111 h tunis nothing Inlhlll of ofih ofthis I IIh
ih kind klll he h tuss H Ju JIII t a I dnt Io to1 n chunkr lllIIk short shorthairssl hfrt hfrthAlr1 i ihaired
haired hAlr1 l ronl > 1 bro hl lruw iil < l bLick Il and white whitedog whiteshiug Ial IalIa
dog Ia In I the Ih hundred hldlln1 and M set tcn sti diy of oftheir fC fC1i oftisir
their 1i trip Ill lh < > folk CI slsit ept pi m II mu thir t tint tintOtis > nt ntone t thlllr1
one hundre hlllr1 hui in ire > I und III uuuis I onu is night is and an I IOi everv evervon ststyotua5
on Oi otua5 of thxe Ih I ks night ilhl r Vin hiss I ju JI Just t outife outifeof sitsiIiof t toC
of the Ih lent t Ha tn ne I er r clo ciosutug 10111 ing more 10 than thanon h f fY
on s1u eye Y ys at I a tim 11 t itIlis < > und 111 frequently frsw ileti t lv htviiia htviiiap h111 hits ing ingsrfitl
p rfectlt > hovel lwI fight rhl ll 1 Mirtt u anil anilir n1 nlsires
sires ir 1 > of htrange 1 d ilsgs Io g wimted nl1 to know knowwhat knnwhal knowwhat
what or n who whu hn vm iii in 111 inlots idf > ih lent ansi nnII nnIIlkh IVm IVmqilicklv 1ntiiiiissk
qilicklv iiiissk lkh l gave P them Ih the their theirThe thiirhIss hI
The 11 verv 1 1 hwit 1 mchl nrhl of f all I wa n one oneMimewhern oneutiiewhir n nIh
Mimewhern Ih IMIWKII Hannibal Innllhli Mo n and In11 i
another town Ir when I i I wolf wol wnalwl to tolnretlgatn t tot totlnvsitigatn
lnretlgatn InIIII the Ih camper II > rA provlaloa Iollo tx txI tio tioIt MIX MIXIt
It I wan dark and IV lin hion > n thought lhluhl th 1M in intruder I I IIrIr Itniutsr
truder IrIr w wau a another In hr dog 11 and t hn iwwer iwwerdi rr rrh fl4iverslutovenut
di slutovenut coverei hi h him miMtakeunlil Iilnllll il hed hllc1 hcfcnl the thet th thlrnJlr tieatruzgtr
atruzgtr t ran KIT and 111 thiu 1111 he t Pu allowed 1101 to I IVibbin IVibbintlutt Ihbn IhbnIht ihihhiflthusit
tlutt 1 hi > d I nover luwl mor 10 fun rUI m lii w liii life lifeHe If IfI U Ulie
He I ilMlnt 1111 l husk M > k very pretty the Ihu next wont uiomuig UIU UIUIIII wontslig
uig IIII but IJI a I he h wiMlv frMIY Iv obfterviil l ycxi ycxiiMlght ytsusiuighit 01 01ahl
iMlght ahl to I eve the III < oilier 11 11 fellow fellowMr
Mr lrs Wolff 11 111 IM twentytwo pound in inweight liiweight
weight 111 during Iuill th h long IIIK tramp lrm but ix vit vitMr rtfa it itfir
Mr fa fr Illl Iron ni fmgih fmll > looking 1 > lnK and l is a its brown browna
a its u I berrv I Mr lr Wolff oII who ho arrivwl Irrl1 in inNe Inlk Inssa
Ne ssa Vork lk weighing hllll th name ius a as h hun did didwhen uhlila 11 11h11
when a h11 h ft f Hanita lal Ittv S it t IM Ktrnng I rotug and andIwnrty suithinri I Ihrul
Iwnrty hrul hinri hmevcr h s i r ami III a I clear cl silt I likely likelylooking likv1tl1 likelykwulolig
looking 1tl1 voijng i UII fellow I He I I I votnswsuiI < > lilpo < l a apiece isIsusMs
piece II of Cr iniilc Imh on In Pt th wav wn nv and 1 says It I in indeMTlptiv i iIC islsirhjsilv
deMTlptiv of IC ih th IHIIII I and mcidintM mcidintMof 111111 111111IC
of IC if the Ih trill Irll When WI isui Ii get stis home hOII hiss hesgoing h hIlnJ hissgsiung
going IlnJ to I try it on 11 hi tuk irchentru irchentrultit lhI1
ltit 111 tilt me iflist says y M Dun DunAnv lin Iuiiui
Anv 1 ui oil mo whu t h hin want t tl tu know kl the Ih routn routntli rontotIns nlll nlllIlh
Ilh tli tIns iiiiuriette 11111 t 15554 < u M > It con 1 flgur t I it out 01 hr bvilrnwing hrIm hrulrawjtig
ilrnwing Im ll a line 111 liii on u mtp iluit will 11 ili firing firingtin stringthiss ltl
tin thiss ciii Kaiiiat tIII ll t ily l HunniUil 11111 Mo MoSprmgllcld lu luIti
Sprmgllcld HI rl snug 111 Ihih I t Ill I I I I IndtanatMili 1llnI I tush lsttua si is Davtmi DavtmiHprmglleld I Ia 1111 ytni i iHpritugtlslil
Hprmglleld H ilII1 olumbu hllh is anil I Cli lIlnncl I < vcland vclandOhio clans I II
Ohio Manhattan I I him h and 1 llifTnlo 1llaln hI ifTa New lii York Yorknrr YnrkT Yorknt ItiMhenier Ih s r Altianv A 111 ltian and andManhattan nnr andMauttttat
nrr IIITS T OK r Till ll sr srItrllMi SIItrItIhi f
ItrllMi 1111 lrunnitirr < Iulllr ttrlr rrl rh c f fur r the I IIt la sasu a ailrna
ilrna 5 It llrliiiieilrl 11111 11111IIJ I I el Iasi luctirhipu luctirhipuMajur n nMajor
Major IIJ Kdmotid r I I I llorl hInrIwrt rt llilh 1111C I I ills of tho thoHorn IhoInYl1 thuolhnyal
Horn InYl1 Atri Asstrutuuimieul IIonulit1 > iinmiciil Scn S dlv > tv Prof II Krnnk KrnnkWatonii Fratikvii nl
Watonii WaUI vii tssn i I VHOII n aktrniiomcr AI rsstusOiter 111 roviil mvii n I IlnllRh < Y Yrdinhurgh a aIsiitutiiirghi
rdinhurgh lnllRh Itnveritv 111 Irnf Frank lnk hugh llugliNewill Ihilh Ihilhw1 hughNswah
Newill w1 I of tim t hut Ilimliridge 1lmhnls I aui I irisi iji Olmerviitor OlmerviitorSir t l ssrvat i r rSi ry rySir
Sir Si li les eph ui Uirmor 1011I1 I i r ruins imifiwtur l Sri fsi r of c hint Inth InthIi he hematic is ismat ¬
matic mat Ii icI lit Cambridge Imlhlj nnd nli Prof nC Herl Ifrl hlorhwrt hlorhwrtlush > ert ertHall
Hall 111 Turner Trn of C th I tIns InlvrrMty tI iy OI OIII OIIII hesrv hesrvtiury KTVI KTVItorr
torr I OICrl > xf < > r l arrived 111 vcwterday by IY thin IbnAtlantic I thin4tiasit
Atlantic 1311 IC tnitmport 1111r Ii liner tier Minnctonkn Inlolkn to tonttend I Si Siuittsnsl I
nttend nln1 th meeting tna in I Pnndcnn 1RIn Cil Cilof 4 uh uhHf I IIC
of IC the t Intermit ionnl Union for Cn Solar Holl IU IUearch ItI lbsssarchi >
earch They will 1 siw pend nsl a I few C stays dR hints hctand hintsnnth
and 11 will il then Ih go a to II 11lon lktot utou taylng le n nday aslay
day IA Then Th1 they will wi vint i1 jsit the ob otserva otservatory 1 1IIy erva ervalory
tory of Prof Ixiwrll 111 nt Klagstifr na ar tri Ariand triamid r rRilt
and Rilt pro prstsrol < cc < l lhenc IhIN li I Pihidrtm PihidrtmTlie 1111 1111n
rile n Keagnrr KeagnrrSailing p SiagsersSailing al al1111I
Sailing 1111I todiy tnsi iv bv h th l h Its Nonh h lermin nmao1loyIII lerminIloyd erntnn erntnnlloyd
lloyd 1loyIII liner CI < e siirg rg Wa Sasb aldll liitiRtr itutnn to > n for f Plym Plymouth 11m 11moUlh llvttutituti ¬
and n1 llriin hIrtnflI
outh Cherbourg ItID ItIDI n nII
II I I I II I Hcn llinsii 111 ii Mr lr i arrif ari M I flea ilrird rdler rdlerloiIs ler lerlrore
lrore f oro i Film tIII Mr I r and 11 Mi il I V t Fort forheliinlel rorhnl1 Forthntsl
liinlel nl1 IM lsssui eon Mr r und 111 Mr Iatld lien IUnnet In InI liennet
net I I Kln Ilno N < Mr t r nd Mr 1 r ln husjuhi eih Ih I 1 I 1 irnir irnirMr row rowMr
Mr I and 11 uiI Mr St Itrv n tSr e Mt 4 I ill If I Mr ansI lr lrllrnrv Iihtenrs <
llrnrv IrH F ifieniker Nnk tn ini n < l I U t ounir ounirPaengr fl sitia1ussetuasrs 11
Paengr I bv I the I h Holland I nlHI menrn menrnte 1n
11111 sut te cii mhip inshi i p llvndam I I Illnm tis in in for p Plymouth lIrth 1 Iv it hi ttou ttoul I II
I > cni und is n 5 I ftoiterdim ftoiterdimi fclIII fclIIIc htut Is r I IS
i at I > and 111 Mr I lr r h tl l liunwotit I lnOI lnOII lie itieI lielIr
I I lIr M l I hr > r lolin Ihl II I I < ellmril Ihr the h lInt I Iir Iirlenr I IInr hrhinr
lenr Inr < I > II I 1 tlr 1 Ir and tlr tr iirnn iirnnsiiiirr lruunttPi rln rlnr
v t4 II I Ito Ii t I IIficer
siiiirr Ificer ttPi r I t > i > n illiiur 1II1 nfl 11
flkhurJson jbur sn Bynton liQynton Cs CsbMfCt S S4p
bMfCt FreshAir fre hAir HeatersCookng Heaters HeatersIBV
4p IBV
1 rft Cooking Cookng Ranges Rangesand Range Rangeand Rangesand
and Steam and Water Boilers Boilerslot Boiers Boierslo
lot lo nil jllinds kinds of beating Iutn and cooking The 1le best apparatus possible p ble to make makeWill make makewill
Will V do do the work nrk where others olher fail fail Have a d derve1 deserved rved reputation repLtlkm Thousand Thousandof Thousnds Thousndsof
of thee Ihe goods gos in I we giving gIVig splendid situfaction nl faclon Lied Lse hy > y leading Icdln Architects Architects3hiAtn Arc ecs ecs31
3hiAtn s Ro 31 West 31st Street New York YorkSOLO
w u e 1 1To
2 2To
To St Paul M Minneapollis Minneapollish nneapolis nneapolisin
in h CSpicktandSpa9 SpicJlandSpaJ Span5 Cars CarsEvery Cals CalsEver CarsEvery
Every Ever car of the North Western WesternRailway WesternRaiway WesternRailway
is like the of luxuri luxurious
Railway Raiway lke parlor a luxur ¬
ous private prvate residence For they are nrekept arekept arekept
immaculate the clean cleaning cleaning
kept by vacuum cean ceaning ¬
ing system Travelers marvel marel that a arailroad arairoad arailroad
railroad rairoad can maintain the highest de degree degree degree ¬
gree of cleanliness ceanlness as found in the theNorth theNorth
North Western trains To us this is isnot m D Dnot i I Inot
not wonderful wonderfulwe we consider it abso absolutely absolutely ¬
lutely essential essentialThe essential r m
The powerful powerul suction of our vacuum clean cleaners cean ceaner cleaner ¬
ers er er draws drws from upholstery upholster carpets chairs cur curtains curtains curtains ¬
tains and bedding every ever speck of dust and anddirt anddirt anddirt
dirt The cars rounded corners comer allow alow removal removalof remova
of every eer particle particleMonolith parice pariceMonolth particleMonolith
Monolith Monolth floors fors are the most sanitary 83n tory known knownthe know knowIhe knownthe
the car floors noor on the North Western Weter are areMonolith areMonolth areMonolith
Monolith Monolth Electric fans keep the air cool health healthful healh healhful ¬
ful and fresh always alwaysThese alwaysThese alwaysThese
These matchless trains to the Twin Cities Citiesleave Cites Citesleave Cttie9leave
leave Chicago daily 635 p P m 1010 p m 930 930a 930a
a m and 300 a m
Tickft 71 Offittt OffitttNorikh OmChcgo Off
Chcgo ChcgoNorh Chicago ChicagoI
I North Norh Western WesteraII Wester
I Riway RiwayI Railway Railwayit
II U I t 11 IiIISX Sf SOV IVn Irn i lr Ijrtit f I i V U 1 rty rtyA 1
tl 44 A I Htlltf linti > < I e J > vt S SNWt 1 1r 1T
NWt T Ifi I ilttv en < s7 < < 7 CIM I lJ 4 451 l 1Jdo Ii3d In 1 t < flf CF CFAre tt ttAre
Are You Going Away for the Summer SummerTHE I ITiE
THE TiE SlN and Ind THE EVENING EVENI G SUN SlS will wil ho hosent bosent bescnt
sent to you 01 Otl by b mail mai domestic postage posl le prepaid prep id at tt the thefollowing duefollowing I Ifolowing
following folowing rates ratesTHE ratesTHE I ITHE
THE SUN Daily Dlil 50 5 cents per month monthTHE monlhTiE monthTIlE
THE TiE SUN SlN Daily and Sunday 70 cent per month monthTHE monthTHE
THE EVENING SLN 20 2 cents per month monthADDRKSS monthnunJ monthAlFRES I
Writ in tli thun lootin lootinor 11 desired whether whflhr r Daily Dly Dnlly UI nnil Stindny Stindnyfor torlr torlror
or Evening EvninE1 Eveningf4eul
E1 f4eul m me TIIK T HeN HeNCI
for CI tuioflt tnontlin nI bits from Crm August IIIIt 1910 1910Nntno 11 11Snm htilONnflhi
Nntno ansi n1 Adilrc AdilrcHand Adslrtaishand
rt rtHand
Hand this Ihi form or to your newsdealer nerenler or tend fnd It I to Tni Tnp Hex Hc HcI
0 o or
reduction reductionsaU
saU ish of the jw jewelry lry Hock of ofChester ofChester
Chester Son SoniFormtrty Billings BillingsSon Bilings BilingsSon
iFormtrty I Forlr tftmltl 1 I ntrtmtrt nm A HIIHagtt HIIHagttIt Il Ili
It i especially eapecaUy attractive attractiveto atractive atractiveto
to viiitor viitor to town townEveryone townEverone townEveryone
Everyone Everone likes lkes to have havethe havethe havethe
the 5th Ave mark on ona
a box of jewelry jewelryNo jewel
No N one on could ask for a abetter abctcr abetter
better bctcr mark than that of ofChester ofChester ofChester
Chester Billings Biings Son Sona
a firm fr of 70 years yearsreputation year yearreputation yearsreputation
reputation reputationEvery reputationEvery reputationEvery
Every piece of this thisenormous thisenorous thisenOrmOUs
enormous enorous 1000000 1000000stock 1000000stock 1000000stock
stock is being sold soldat
at a i reduction reducton in inprice inprie inprice
price prie small smal pieces piecesand piecesand piecesand
and large largeIts largeIs largeIts
Its Is your opportunity opportunity5th opportunty
5th Avenue 34th 3tb Street StreetNorth Stret StretI StretNorth StreetNorth
North Coast CoastLimited CoastLimited CoastLimited
Limited LimitedThe o oThe QTh
The Song c of the th Rail Ra U I a charm charming charming
ing In I OAC o no M iun unc by b this t Iiuuriou Iiuuriouhome Iwur tuzur4oushorn cn
home h m on onYour o wl wheel wheeloiI < I
Your ou oiI Cofn Cofnthf r Ccmririnst < mN I AS nron I I Iit
thf it acm acmC m A n Otryssingu OtryssinguCa u ula
C la Ca r Invite mvii Wl in n nn a 4iiihil5 Ilh r rnu siitl siitltiaSU1
n nu tiaSU1 iuir i itturc SM J 00 4s ai1s 1 4 45usa
5usa 5usataP tturc
l rSI taP avr St I P r11 Psi l tl m mt mtIt tIanitmtls tIanitmtlsii
1pl 1pll
It i Ju sm m tladv sinvesatu5 rnw TM Tsm Tsmsd tm
l sd 4 J roftl Pootisad j d n I ilt IS I pm on ste K thinl blj d isv isvSian r rrrain vIno
rrain v WI Ys atl al ii li liicnvni In iin 10 lom II 1454 I5IkS I5IkSiCft5151 u uenno
icnvni al rnn rnnA ft5ii ft5iiA
A m mautotnt Airrf nt trip < r lh h rV Fnk n nway ll itIt itItirs
way irs o thiKih t ttt I I I Iaut vl rt f Foitun fU tr trv Ia IaI usthe
v f th the M K I kstu kn ami n4 It n hy 5 5diviit
divlixM dlIOh Kotr otis > > r n I 10 1017 Or tranrt I iansitntii ni niNorthern r
ntii tth Crr s s5 rUs ID I Isoas 5 I jo
5400 4 O ltism rm Si I 11 lail laili
i 0 0 31511
ul MI
I a f I INorthern u r i iNorthern >
Northern Pacific Ry Ryrn RyTT
4 i Vt 0 1 I h t A I se t r Itii II tiAnl tiAnlCi hal halr
rn r n In n T T5o l lT i Ci c ci f n ft Mi tllK 1fC 1fCiNvrm co coIU csI
iNvrm n1 i iFor ru rur rhsPar
For r 1419 11 and T Tt Tasag J C lisa HMIWe 1 1We lisaWe
We Know How Howto
to Teach Boys BoysPHIS
T r PHIS U ins s Y e e cnnvkJcr Inn ler the Ihe fir fr firt firtof > t c eelli cntial cntialof l lIr
of Ir a Rood rcn Ichol > chnol Athletic and anjoci andsocial IJ IJodal
social oci l life Iie ate ae important imrllnl and we e civs civsour I iv ivour
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From Primary Prlt8r t tI Colee College CollegeIstli
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S i T 1 Ilji 11 I > TII ttt S > > MIX loC stoolhigh I Ilit
lih high lit h School and d Grammar Department DepartmentA DepartmentsEleventh
A K O OUvanth nElnlnlh
Eleventh Year ligins glns Sept 28 2110 2110I 1910 1910MANHATTAN IlOitci
I itci hi 5 I 9 I ii In ii I it e 4 1 lrunsipal lrunsipalMANHATTAN rn1 rn1MAHHATTA
I 4 hrieiin fI iirmrirr in < m I S etWttt etWtttIiS tu i
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il1luln rtLIiLi rhlnl j jI
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> t rn r T s ri rii
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SdAciUicOsztrutz SdAciUicOsztrutzUd Icxnc DUIKMIS I
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la sSussie sSussierw
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1 Sittibili < 110111 lnnl I rHMllliKKrhmil 1 rhI > liCkt I sk MT MTMrtiKKt 11 ii iilhs
lhs 1 I MrtiKKt ol 0 5 Iniirur im 1 II 1 I ft I > n nPAT nsir
PAT I t I In thr irnr esu Itlrli ftinilnritA ftinilnritArnt I INi
rnt fnr rjitniiciiv I1RIIKOK j cit < ll tst xr ten DnnThr
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mrrlr tin 12 Tl tlilri 1m 5stpi it > ri tell Mr MrKXNXITTK I IJrSSIr ii iiirsii
JrSSIr irsii KXNXITTK + rr tt Tllfllllfll TIIIIII lonU 11 > r sad nt Irt rr rrrnl
1rnl tient rnl Kor o r rMI iisuie sldrot I < use h 1tetar 1tetar1tt lrln lrlnTm I
Tm MI iNsriTtTf OK MI ts Mictt sIC I tt trr I or 01 it TMW TMWin Tlt rHttit
Irn in it OlXrw I II 11 t t Ylilth 1 ltsnhi rankliroM tistottVPckW tistottVPckWFor > litrmur litrmururcaialoriip
II For urcaialoriip alatogis IOCI mttfiii < litrr I 4U 3 I Itth fh A r Vrn we > nr nrNo n orn
No n K I Ir rra niar tiaras r for nr II IIfor I lt4vstrttsomMits 1
rvlUPI 4vstrttsomMits for Co Tint Tlt SiN Si 1S anti TUB TUBm riteEYIJil4n nt
ETnl EYIJil4n Hcn m mr r t Is r M at t any ny Atn Anr Amsri Amsrican ri ria
c can a District Dtrc meaecncer mer office oc In L the city 1 1i i
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