r r
Ci 1
nri 11 i Mrr rr rv wi wirt t It Uni U UIt
rt ni it f itrrr rrr rrrir ir I r I t ivs n nr
r e s fin < ew ttt tttrf4 lIItAlIfA lIItAlIfATi1PiI 1ft 1fthHo p
Ti1PiI hHo hHon 1U > I
a insWa a rf4 l rtv rtvrlh I Ilihi n I
rlh t Me n tj 14 Mite t It ie fhlr fliI 4 Itnttf ItnttfU tI tIt tIto Unay
t ay PIS I I t l lwl
wl i to toa 4
l li
U a ftMfman mf W4 ii n > M4 i ii4 4 I I4tr 01 11 V Vf
f m P 4 4Im4
Im4 II 11 if ISl l I Iv
4tr v ever p m e > Ve 1 V turn t nKt > o 4 4w
w 0I
1 Pal 4 4Mrkot t I Iii
Mrkot ii < k M4 f ft ftt t 4 t el elpPII
pPII S r t < < f i 4 4i t i l lLih t tf
Lih i S OttrM f t > tfe t
4 b 4 i nifiks 1 h hp fcsi fcsilm < >
lm lt 1 1I > Hlji p 4 If Witt > t tvrt S4a
4a > > vrt w wI if am i iWlllum
I I a e a I p W h I It
I t rv h 1 1I p 44 44l
l 4 I 4r R RIIlkm 1
Wlllum IIlkm 1 I Isd 1 1l
ml l Pt P Ii ilm 11 N
140 h4 tfce h 4 4idutfIo4 Hl f M HI HIlMit It
r l lMit r Pw > r l a M II4 > g hM M Is l 1nt m mwltio U UrgM
nt rgM 1 wN > wltio I Mlt uIim I If > g H at l 4M 4Ms W Wrp
rp f Ph44 s > Ui ev 4 v HA Pl kvt < A pextr pextra p4 Y YPiir
ht Piir a r I IM > tkM li > i ir tl > 44 n whn m I N v von4 I Y4 Y4epiffihlift
on4 0 epiffihlift KA lll I S Mle aI k 4 t M 1 ft le I IWUI6 c Jlll JlllbMtmg 111 111htig
bMtmg WUI6 i JJUM I ie Y er a h b ie4 in I ti thu thucatMttrr fU fUI thI thIPy
catMttrr V I is n inliftwwM pMIv l MHr I eie p2et p2ettr 1 > t tfnr
fnr t 4 H ctt drptI rt tfcm f h R ILIiue pfiag t akllMr IM IMW by byV
W V > 1 nrr rht tt an tt utrMan SurtI4 SurtI4Ikrv > pt < rt < tig au auta
pt ptIMt
ta IMt Ikrv rMr rm l m here ffwm lr yrftvy t tt ff
t 4 tko tH lb J4rtJiflwU erri > Je + in n mill 11 Cornell in II it itrrn a aUtter
Utter IU rrn te > Tn hut I < rtv rtv4H v <
1 Iaui > 4H M Sflh nl4 1 4IH 11 VI prpe H < rre > e4 U Utmter I It IpKI44
pKI44 t tmter IIMI < n 1 r lie t Ii U I Ittft iIt iIttNiIM lf lfo4n
ttft tNiIM j isIslm h mtv iie iieQ4 h h ho
o4n ate a frI f < n I r < tn n nl IH IHwith I is pr prf pU4 pU4sth
with sth f I ih i + ft I TI < ir M S < M > 1 > if ifJtm f fJIl Ih IhJt
Jtm Jt lirtett rv r ILr9i ir t rn < riTo il aiMi aiMiveral UIb UIbIVt I Irl
IVt veral rl rlIc iMri r l Her t > MI s1La ibl e < iteat iteatLaag
Laag Ic La i M nokiter nt 4 mitritv 1 g i jn jnwk I If left leftwhich
which wk 14 eure 44 f t ti h P up 4 heap ef fI re relm 1 1In
lm In Ih I dver t v wN I 1 ivsi IM riim II IIolR lf lfopen
open olR f Mr r it I unt 11 pt MM Pu right lrh rr > n ffle4q i < eri eriou rt rton
ou 0 trwiblM I wtn hrn tn it I HMlie I ell nll l 4Ibt imiwiet imiwietThe 111 111TI
The TI i tr 111 trakai IU1 iU II I4Inii lntf < nUel I him hl1 himIf elf elflitiwilty
litiwilty lill inminy i 1 lMM n hutle Ph4t 1 in I hi I s n conntrr rI
He I wort nn th I rhamiH r rhpipititi n h > ff > f that I fur I nrT I ft ft14nI
land J1 br kn Ihtllf UWI4kIt rkii > Dill nll itixh ll vth mit n 1 In fl one onenmnil nI nr nrrt1441tl
nmnil m nti RlII < l Smith tiIth hid 11 rre I j y defeated defeatedIke frIlb
Ike lb bU ht IrUh I lr4 Sn > itH h ri in tppolrh IN1lrl r rMUe
MUe Mi 1 Wdbm illum olo I ite ont in hif h roimU roimUrVwr rsnter nl nlr
rVwr er e r r it an an with I fvn I we k 1 n Iol nti ntiLui l e etr
tr L n > < ia Iie4 > e < 1 m 1 t frt I of f Iw Ijrk k l Iihflni < > hn nu nine ninewoml I nsnffHiWt
woml I > b Thit w 110 a 1 < l < > n < A Io Tn inj nndi nnditlon nrntitIn I
tIn 11 Ut laI1 < l and 111 tFt ihn I t < rorn c rortr < r U 11 < H I the thewipe th thwtp
wipe Wp The l1 1 he m 1 mni < > n i > ffer l fmpted linrs linrsto 11 tu tuo
to 0 tike the th 1 ruV rl r hut h i l a ver miKh miKhImproved rnItiItnroeiI
Improved Inpro 1 man fun ndiv oI and and d It I t i a aMh iue IIIR1b IIIR1bWhI ti > nibe nibewhethir I
whethir WhI Mh Iher Jonn JUlnR Jusnn on t any UI ny wa av 3 nearlf a itnod itnoda Iod Iodhn
a when wb hn n he h and Ling fought fnloh fIUg in plt pl if iforry f he heeorry P
eorry Iory eihltution lhlllon J tTri4 lr < put up lP a oI gAut gAutblak < 4in > t the theblak h hbla
blak blakLang bla blakLu k
Lang Lni kLni Lu had hJe two v1 mafhe with lh Tnmmr Tnmmrllurn TommUum Tomr TomrH13r1
llurn In Australia ItaUa The TI Th tU 1 flrt t resulted 111 m mI Ui1ui 1
I 11 1ui tni being Iln knocked Innrk1 out nI in I he h lth round roundbut rniinrlb4 otl
but not hefore tro he h had h1 dII1 < lropped Tommv Tommvand Toml
and ant ii4 ent nr hi beM4 nr hl hk hjd with i tU Iff Iffhook f I Ihoul
hook houl u I wcnlerfullr Irllly fine n fln h t v to ii n nnlth th thof hi il ilif i
of nlth if the th head Hoir II mic mi h hi linir Ln ha haon h n nfn nine ninerTi
on Ufl ln e w 4 iiemon itrnnnrateI nlonfll ratet by 1 th thKjlit the 0 iri irit1i
Kjlit fh t1i he h gate a llurib IH n ji < the Ih Milnev ln iadium iadiumthree 1J1411fl1thre II IIIh
three Ih or fo for > ir minh ai in n l bri briL4ei > r > j fin finUI In I Illc
UI llc L4ei e < l on their fet r ih b ruu tiii tiiitli4t < lo lotli
tli 11 tli4t t thoich hll h llurn IH in < l ih > e < ll > hid 1 ibm ibmlend h I IIrad i iItAc
lend ItAc a l r e number of people 111 thouht bllll a adraw I t tdrew
draw dr would olc have IA hi fitted fh p piinn > ltion tKfer tKferAfter t tAnr hv hvAfIer
After ln r rtJrn tiirn In horn hor fi Irm r m tnnfl m mr mrnUl n i inil
nil Siuire RU went unilT Ir to if 0 Inn Ila Lint three imr imrand Ifli IfliNn 1
and Nn i another alol of r ttie ii later I i lln vae 3 am Ih Ihbig iPibii b bblo
big blo n nIo gro ex Z hamiuon of < i trilia hl Peter Petera IetirFelix
Felix els a man tvbo iiti m n appcaran apt ran ranaem e lixeiy lixeiyPeter
aem mhl1 Peter JtV Jaknn I n > n Whej Whejhap Wh ln lnhf Iant Iantair
hap up with llh Kafman 1 10 there 1 will be belittle h hhl teIstile
little hl hf illfleren lnn II e U in n her r h hlot heIhia lcht rr Iing Iinglin 111 IingiIaniI
iIaniI lin 111 < l lu 111 t er II I f et and 11 I t to iniiomth 0 al alikomewhtre I IAmwh
ikomewhtre Amwh re m 1 n th the h n hIiM > i < hb > irho thnHI < > < l < if f IM IMpound 14iin4m
pound Imr Th The Aumtraian 4u > tranan Ha iook 01 fnrw ro fnrwUr4 fnrwUr4In rd rdto <
to the Ih < onl onlI t with ih a large I are e amoun amI of confi onl ¬
dence denceThe dn I
dn1h dnTb The 1h Tb bI will 1 be b dedod jC1i1 < In the I I open air airat Ir Iral Irt
at t the Ih Philadelphia IhIIlrll Nationil ion1 l < M Jiie oln no 1 bill billground l
ground Irlll incl n < will 11 t t > th Mr Ir > I i > md in inde 1 1d I
de d uled in 1 th he h lJ fA JImt t ln I e lerrr 1rr M If liqnprn liqnprntprIel ioern ioernMopped n
Mopped oN1 Prdlur Irlar Palmr m 1 a roun tDflflem 1 < arena arenaat
at 1 I 1u U kain kal kiihe > e There 11 v WII ill 1 l > e no nf 11 de t d i ion ion h htl I by > j
tl Ihe relfi r o Irn rn < fr r rrctiurpt vhuret U
Jo J le nnotre > manager mnn ays a the hf Irvat
hearvweian will vI defenr 01 am 1aniMord 1aniMordIn lnoo1
In llostnn lonn when hn th 1 they v honk up I for fifteen fifteenround nfn nfnOI flhinyuiin1
round OI < tomorrow omro night mChfh Pn fa fj t tCbrIe trtat trtatOiarloy tla
Oiarloy 01 Vhue Wh hi h tim been Ifn agreed on fnu 1 rofop rofopwould rtr4would f fwoul1
would etn m to i i mill nll me Il te th1t hi the I h hour 111 m mlie dl 1
lie I on n ih I Itis level Jeintiete t ha IH 11 II train training 1ln 1lnIno tTiU1In ¬
ing In Inrseveral fo eieraI r1 week k and ill
Ino nr 1 Anr nr 1 weigh Il a i ea t tI
I 11 Itli i I g1lfld K 11 > und nf > w nlle ni rtd Iinirfiird will ti ilI 1 aab i nle AI a aAul it itabout i iabout
about I1 II lejnnot 1nI i a ieir n tounger toungerand iiineyrj mlr mlranllhr
and anllhr rj three In Ye Lillet n i IMfi r n tflCt1it f < > rd He Hehi I H Hhim
hi bu hnd h plentv I eiH I ri iie i > a I 1 Ie o rr rrboxer 0 t tnn1
boxer I and n1 1 hard hit flc and siJ i partlil IattI sI lo lolong 10lon n
long lon roni roniIf roi roiIf 0 0I
If I he li Win n nm feinfiert 11 helieie I bo h will 1 be 1
In lino 11 tin f a mat 11 b uh h li 1 k lohnon lohnonalthough 10101 InPiiiiniinUPHlgt
although 111 u I rniv be b u 1 t io meet m me the thevriMier I II IIwitilier
vriMier i in h haum In in nIJt nIiis litif i > ut Hut 1
Jv tifoi1 t i i oiindon fnf f i e I Ho I j IIIA IIIAthlir 1 lii liip
a In p 4 fl I 11 ii 1 i 10 14 ri riI r Ih Ihll
thlir I ll Iii hif I ti I Ip 1 iiimiiato 1 lI in e Minfr f I fl r r < i In InIll i ii 1 1oh i iwithv
withv oh 1 it aitii I h ihc I 1 ii iriflrthf iriflrthfIdi Ih
Ill 11 Idi claim C It tn t H 4 UiUi 111 tii I with 4 ii Ih Ii lr Innni > n i > n 1inr Linjtoni
lord 100 no f M ill I It l be o netted to I inoet 1 oithor hr Kauf hnilmiii Ir Irmn
man or r Iiitf I ist lwf lwZir < > r < he h > ail 1 > for r rnvlarid rnvlaridto I n nlnrIto lalt
to takle kl lummy Burn BurnIlftuoji lln llnnrhn Htynllfttn
Ilftuoji rtmn rvun1 I ffh Ich hae > Ui I C not hn r > een held 111
17 In ll 1 IItmtiisi tiin fnr f oorti nMe time In ye hut IHI the I I h nmo i ibooming
p booming in I li Hub 11 4til 1 ij he I Arinnrt k rrOf rlnnrv l 1111 It lull lullI
t I a ubrtnl urgnnlMti Ironnl > n I Iiusfonl Iiusfonland I 1for1
and Jeaniiotic will bo Io in no n i > ld lt d r < inrani
0 II I
lillldlug hllhlll Iii 111 Iii c uln ll Iii li t nil ni 1 II o4 I atiott aho a toi I i 1lalUn 1 i jo joI e
atom lalUnThr I
Three Thr jiere tln ten oO n round rOI1 bout hniitpbdiII are areschoduloil I I Ir
r schoduloil cldII for Inrftl 1r1 i lub < thi hi oi 1 I hero herowill h hwi herwill
will wi lie I n rl li IKT u tlH I I Ii > Fnlrmont an 1111 1111Imll I IJIymII I IOlympic
Olympic Imll ilib Ib tnmnrrriw Inmnro nltrhl nllh tin tinformer ttifrflut
former r < nr tne h i o ntr t r itt1 Ult nd ouuir 01 Ii Virier 1 inr r nip nipliotcli o oleoteb
liotcli liariiri 1M 1m rill ri Jut tuit 111 in n tlio I I lie I gi k I L e ewhile ewhIte t j
while hl ut I MM t it fatir at 31r r rranc rInl him 10 himDJtI aril 11
Yriunr YOI DJtI O 011 Iltr nry iNo 1 l Ijin > itiitn 1n iifl w dl elilb 1 mako makotho m mIh
tho Ih > lur Il I r f r > lie II I ii intirr r ho h hInl r nt flq flqIQi i imay I
may Inl IQi cntue Iul rII tnirethor 0111 rlZrI her I h ttit n t ri notr lr future futureAt fu ie iekt
At I thn I ti Vaiirnl ifl41 n1 > g > rtiig ri ii bib on Ol frl 11 11n I
lay Ij n e efllii nir Ono < w iibo 11 Ill lewi I em I and J the I r hum humhid > i l lKid
Kid Ilr wil will lll n1141 li4 11 > o in i I In a mn m ti I wbirh huh h hat hn I I
boon nn the i I t if 4 r III tluu tnll tohiim uo fur r rf cc oral oralw r1 rnIeIm
w eIm k 1 Pholu fl III > Kid Hhe 14 h toe thn hrilal ml I holder holdernf holI holIor holden
nf n In illfrwo 11 pri ht h title il nil 1 m I a i rugz ruicgul ruicgul14f > d dafter I
1f 14f h I 3 gIi AIII lItoI I is h hut tv n nitter
after the iti h il III I r nni m trno m ii anil n1 says pis 1 ho hoMill h
Mill Inl Ut ir insk ki a I trrtilpi 1 atomiit Imll 11 win 1 It ItIaikv I IIaj Iilni I
Iaikv Iaj lni kv MrTarlnnd lrrlnn1 who h h hnm derided no notn ni niin I
tn 0 ji in iiralia rml4 11 jmlor nI tho f rntnacomont rif rifHugh nlHUIt
Hugh HUIt M StIruth ldllh Iniih b Ii ha len matcheit 13Irt1 withi withiAl n ith h I IAI I IAI I
AI WII Stilau tli I ilie < i irotweigbt I Iztii lh < himpln u3mfmnarfr I Iaftor
aftor tnuh Ilcl M riiiiklint 11 Iriiv 1 h uv lgno ltn1 < lul 141 I Iitei I
clot d In I i hr lurnt Ut I M tnlny 1 to 0 tm liz ton tonrounds n nrOfl nriuruI
rounds rOfl In Mlwnikoe MI 1 nn s iivmiier mlr m 1 he heweight heweIght
weight Iihl U > ns tUrd at 4 li JMMB int I cnling cnlingut nfuiu nfuiuMt 111
ut II ocWiC OCJ I h hs rv 11 Isuit i t wn I 11 i I nl I Ii
i rd r4r r tle 1 I pl II of the t ii rnie < > Mhlotlr thIulit hi I Ilull
lull 1 and alII ther I ueI win II Eli be t ri f lo on M LtI I < I ir irland t irmlii I I
land hn jm l en ui iifior xolgi ifuti li or Hire 1 fo forerurn e ere I
rerurn re ifnt from fn P nllan lani u Me I < tuii oim ll llVnlUn
VnlUn t tu I 4gre an 4 r U i h inotn h weight oh con condltlnn 101 rfflilItinri
dltlnn ciion wriuh cru i t h till 11 he I IMIVU ir lh in the h Ihl IhlI itulo < til tiltan
tan I O mm m11 fnxor mi or fhr fr I a t i tint Inl hid rnobeforo hidbifor I Ibfol
beforo beforoTbo bfol biforTb
Tbo 1 Tb jiirrh hlrb ovof the h he pof nn 1 sorio rIeq 1 1n be between bdIden
tween n lie h HlghUnder IIMaI and n1 th he h iianr n nIJ I IaM Imn1
aM IJ tn I lie I duo li 1 in I the h lie Nalnnnl Ionlll I < Mirue erboth erbo rtuIisle hl hlul
ul isle hh ro lom 10 iUii 1 flm U th ImOTI 1 1 it itI
th 11 I he Iolo PI irmind I rrin until uiih ii 1 Ortolr > r 1 U the I 1 he llo lloton 11 Ikutnnn
ton on winding 11lml ituIin up I here her nn n that t h dite ilni I It I it itr 1 i itmnnl
tanned to Ill 1 H I D flrinn ton on gtme Im dated datedKtol 1 1Ikot
r Ktol 1 ober > er M I and s hut 1 I in I ennun nuintIn < flnn with lb the thegame t tIt t tam
game am n ho ul f inr Inh lifflht temr > or 7 N or n i iami Ind In Inaru4i
ami nd t iloijM 111 up iJ 11 tlio > LMIIIO o MII 4 fl Ii ii the IhiU IhiUdrlpbii 111 111dIIt Phili4iIguii
drlpbii dIIt < nii n I I ofwr nl 17 I with ii h I thit I Ii i I of fit n 1i toiler toilerfthlp rte rtel
1 l 11 1 ti tt 1 free the thei4iI 1
fthlp i4iI hlf so du > I ili h fl tnt r nth h he h I Ifeui Irw H HIn S i iIn
In I I thui hi i 0 It1 I I r I or lfc Ie rtr hr nnit nl Hire 1 in ineluding Int111h fl fleluirIiflZ
eluding t111h the I I te irni od rhingew 11 n tie P linn linnlid I 11 fl fla I
a lid 1 Illrhlirnlers I I I bl ii I r mild iII begin 111 is their I hrni he r orie orieon dfieno
on ni flciili 0 in I tr r i i lunihi 11 Iuj uuihj m UK I i u Ino 1 n ne irld orluIrI irldmy I
rI 1 t Pi I I lII n t I I p t t I ti timui
my m mui tin l u > or t w cH K l bef i < re i iIe < he 1 > iirk w > VeW VeWnrk I
lk nrk tti t i lin infl li l4ui rnii nf l rrte i ti inrere inrerealrenlv 1 I
alrenlv Ir sh r I n in he 1 tu U In1 > il Mriot r it I i tilinnol tilinnolIn 11 I 11 11I
In I pt I 1ul4 1 ° rt giinear tn In nlt hi ho ii Iol friurd friurdl r u 1 1Ieijtipe
l Ieijtipe e eu < jil e r rl 11 I li l greilor 1 eifr < 4fllg I1 rapi clfI clfIWlh r3uihV r3uihVWith > try tryWith
With Wlh the 1 Ii SVw York k lurk cne rln1 < l the thennnlrnnrn P1 P1pn1rvunm
nnnlrnnrn pI irnl liarnl fmok I sire tlll 11 doing doingTlo I
tiItue 11 1hln unh 1 of 101 rnfi
Tlo TI rji r e ur vindor I arwili MI and MM Afl4iOlhn MMoorvln
oorvln onl Olhn l Mun ur prnuHo ri 1 14 the ik h mierial mierialfur iiiieiIIfuih r
fur ll nnw fln 0 r onjM > MliontM uI hl fnnill 11 I Ii the Ib top op
nntiher nIhr nIl her iri i the th Canadian flI cirrtut rl lit lu I Ilur ir irtorj
torj lur iver r I t irett tt ii < windsnr l h 110 t Sttiirdav St htII t irtni I I Iwas I
was hi h nir n nhh ih I in 1 n t ifl n irt nrnl 1 Ownor On s nr i II IItn lop I Iton
ton tn r fnt tll h i i am M I iio iu siri uVi of < 1 N ipir rlrrn roroj bus t Pwi H banro Ir Irt I IIn I
I In I w I > KI n > I liirrii T rraar iri llin IIinII < li < ip i I al I Ir
r r fnr Kro i t UuiUir u anle nI r 011 itKtnn Mirifeil Mirifeilwill In 1 1II Iiill
will II IJ In T r w b ii i > rntu 10 wlinh t h i I IIii iir 1 1n
in n IM I li H r Tl t brr I IrM Mfr r in p Iini > inr of rrr r
MM M r u h rired at mli Mrui
I > i or iC o I r nr ii InntreMl Ionr bi Ih h hnoif hflPu
noif 1 eh e I h r he > taft 11 fledi nn anJ nn2tn < l
infti I tn e h 1 hir4 ird tr i I i k kFillet kIllrt
Fillet I r nl t ihe e arirwiintmrt olm nf if A n n4ie
DiO Li 4ie 40 as a ttaiMr 1 I cjinct cr the 1L Mml Mmloct1 ofhcUl an n
Amudt4 I4I t tTn
r Tn II aid i M f a
0 I E fif v J PP
00 V P r 9 1 1i P N NI
I aJ 4 4I N Nr
i I fa q ii 4 U UI
I i isp f aq aqt
t I w4 s n
II I r 0 k r I I T i fr j e h 4b 4bI P Ik mfjt0 mfjt0e mfjt0nnnr I Ia
a l P r b 0 I 1 1w Ibs
w bs < 4 4faii e
faii 4 4I
I i i t a at w w4Ii
4Ii t iI
I 4 p pS
S 4 p
1 1 I il ilm
I 1I A m us o oI oI 40 p pHS
HS a
5 w w 4 Wi h 4 u upi4n
pi4n W sI sII
I i4 1h S IP fif4 fif4m4I4
m4I4 1 i 0 mi auId asu
1 i i + i 4 W i4NIId U N isb isbV
I V urr 11Ir irrr sri t nnnr nnnrUnman IWI IWII nuarhuman
I Unman raeeti t rnriill ql Mae Na al Tl Tltxtr TII
txtr txtrw
I ifl i ipiI l mit4
a w oir tefi I b riU4il I ps psul H
ul C ftr ftrS I
S S 414 fg r Th ThI
1 1I
I r ri 4 Irw npW 11 11I ls isa isaI
I I I m U Nn t i44 Nw1 miSt 4 > l ltrtltti
I iii Ii iii iMI Iusl Iuslws
I ws 41W t V Mm sppniin4 a t 4pm liar bi biS
S li imaIi lsn 1 st t 1b4ai Nf w ih rillti rilltia
a iw wsirshan trtltti r gained > t imtrter mt mtIsp f ftfter
Isp ii aft tfter 1 psin aim Im m I ih h BHith BHithin iSRIhpnl h
pnl in < t iw ih 1 outer a i1h by tkre III IIII tbfpjqati < iiitrr iiitrrr
4 r i l4 < 4t 4tierntt >
ierntt J e > Ptttnevf 11 bnyt of Ilcivltte ItnIH L L I Ilf Ia wr > n nit
it a IMrler lf mita Iw > nlnal 111 amateur II ehain ehainineeiip bl huii huiissit
ineeiip ssit rate rather rlh aawly 1 frnrn fI JI JIo llormin llrni llrnilse
K > lse t n vf t tv Vnins nrrnrk II uromort 1 le mada d In ih ihIn lbIia1f11 1
111 Iia1f11 In tiWe far I th 1M > 4tnal mfliml1r < ir 1 till I for ff lira lirawrh UJ jUlUi
wrh i q pan f > in 4 ° hewtr Nmith Ihlh M mm U poln polnanl jinlaaiut If
anl Irnnn I riiuia 1 HUljt an miSt < t Henry lry andoo at Url Urle 11 11I
e 5 M bmIritu > e 1 1r
I Iritu > r n I Kramer Imf American Amftn champion championwiii
wiii Wi ih I I Pi em li n prr prnfeml > felnnit 9it t thim 444 i rare r fr Irm IrmlUll tim m mfutrlrk
futrlrk lUll n I In Hittftvaa 441aa llohu 1lur wilhimt 111 111r any fly por girttkf
tretirir r trttIrt it lrr uiN iWe Ihr itt hmr4 n did n nt l rule rKlein ruleill 1 1It
in the III It rliMk It I he PiIt > it f the I rMfHtUap macna ent 94 94he amha
he h f hlIo fasll lle < In i iiihtv Mhfr hl m hr Ilsm nil nilw 1 hec hecnlrew It ItI
w nlrew the I lb 4m4 iiaaiir > enr rrwmplon nf nff ef1IhmI I II
f Iti4lt ell nwle 1 hi h nrt II rire fir in > n a ttrwirtl Ift tri Jr JrII k
I 1 4ll IPit4 burg He II I 444 a i < irmly 1 < 4 IIuiatt IIuiattheit > l > Uiidet Uiidetihen
ihen heit he I nuierxM 1 fourth in 10n the > amateur amateurhimpi
himpi piintiinhIi inhl e Pidlt em The n rtf > erl4 rl Jr Jrr jrhit t > re < l4 < t tt
t w eU ll I win is many 111 n unIrir > le > ir rare r after ri riI litI Ptuitiiiatt
I iTie it > < u uitiiiatt t itnrr 1 I IN teeplv Iv biitae biitaeumniirle LbliigPtieuiI It
lb umniirle umniirlel In
Je 1411 III lmai 1 fl4inr fl4inrG rhmploch
I w G l l hV Jrromo wtrlrirrt iIrtrrl 1ln thIehnIIP llkkl lll L L1I 1 1liim I r
j j llrm 1I m n KIOHOH K 1 Urnmtrk rond 1 tbo b bM t r r44iith
M 44iith 11 KtHwin 1 I i l iWrd W Xadrow d To InrNn i ir i
j r rNn tn 11 fu I ilihI rt ftme II i Illn 1 eoon < l lI II
I M lln r Mile III hIlm HaaUvetp Jrortw4l JTo 1 < CI CItuI Ut 101 101It A
lltne I tuI br It Trllr MlUfifkn 1 XtlKhurr 11 A Ar di dir vtniv
r 4IiaIIII lIh S > ru > i yard IS sne onmit i hutil trl Ifl U llthlnt U1d11 I
1d11 Hr Nniilln tvmnl thlnt l 1rri m mwpnr mwpnrme w wtotft ronro ronrov I
v totft me n r4Hre aJo 1 vn ard hI oirin ar 1rlI IiMettIiinJu McH McHHilT
HilT IiinJu lo to < 4rU4 fol fftlt IIt tft lime II rcnn cnails cnailsI < I IT i iT
T < ti UIK II lUodlrip tleltdlr Xmirnr nI1 Won W n bt bifliinma d dm m 1 l
IV fliinma > rrm4H Muh4 lIuMk k A 1 7 > > l iarda rf1 Bert lItt Con Coenri > SEt
ri t t orin lr < o T iJ Jiant 1 M eeond lIme 4 ain mtaute mtauteM mlSIl mlSIlTiiU
M feiMtot I Ittirrf II
ttirrf TiiU Jllf Open 0 mrwtlentl 4Ii Itt I A Won Wonbylrankl
bylrankl to P y I hank 11 I Krtmrr rt llomnc tnrtnr Palrtrkn rhrIehOMuII rhrIehOMuIII ill I ItinMrhlr II
tinMrhlr I fl lirul I I Au tulraln tri1 rron ironI < r Fhlllp UZ Wrt IVI1I M > mII mIIIahi li liIjike
I Ijike itty tslril It Kr FuI nJ t tl I ot fin rranrlxo rranrlxori p Ir
ri JIh rth Krr1 Mill Ho Ilotn ton f rlb tttt Tim S relaute mlllu mllluI rhitnuleun4 i iTen
I ort ortT un4 un4Ten
Ten T Mile Mu II Human lIum Pared I Purvilt Ulrh rb ftrtwrvn ftrtwrvnAtrroil n nAIIIIII flrhwnAIfI
Atrroil AIIIIII iiuIiI mUf I AU4IMIU and ntS K p r lioat llo 00111II flotnaiVuet 00111IIw tna tnaVuo
w Vuo t to > > Oillo > Tlno TItJ jj 1 mlnuto 31 = ii 1 acnda coad coadntnlit o ld ldRuell < i
ntnlit lUttier Cath In mmlri Prim PrimThe Prl I i I
I The Th annual water t rirnlval nlyal of the Ih Amerl Amerlran Amrlran mrlrlln
ran Volunteer 011111 Life Saror 4 atpra wa wan held at 1 the theSnlirv Ih IhSnl thenI1r
Snlirv Snl nI1r Hath lI IIh < at inith > vith lleach 5thft 5thfttI Jtaen laI1I11n
Island tI in t yeterday rla an ani I JOlh JnnhC Jo rh luddy luddyVon HIIInk
Von C ork V i ton on the Ih silver Ih cup eII the theprle theItI ho
prle ItI niTrel o Tr j for the Ih twltrmor ltrmr getting line linen the themn tt ttin
mn n in t Kiin lluiMy > made I a hnwtng In Inall Inall
all five n event ninning nniC th the half mile wlm rlmnIf Im ImIFIO i itaking
taking nIf IFIO efiin i n1 > l placv 11 in 11 the h in lOti yird yr1Ili M hand I Ii I
i ir I > o ion < ond I In the h io art 1 swim an 111 third In Int Inrar Infsinv
t e fancv diving 1I inor erent n iind 1 1 flint n in the Ih Ihnr thenn i infe
< nfe nr tilt HO U wa Tam a scratch ra man in all 11 of ofthe ofthe I III
the II swimming mnIlDr event eventPart etDIarl D
Part l > Harp HarpP RI RIr
r 1h1 r iil Irol to t till 5rit 5ritPini r i 1 I
P Pini ni fopt II 4 The Tb race for ro Intihe the h Prlt Prt do 1111 1111SIII In InXnneite hiXIflIt
Xnneite U vii in franc IInr about 0111 iiro mter mterM m mterWa
M Wa a rlti 11 nt 4 < hantilly hAnI tn 101 toIni < ar and wa a won on hy hylleer h hlmYI I IItera
lleer Ialmrra Frank I ioiild > Ia Ituii am re reKnee lanea
Knee 110 nea Mu Ih hsl wa o einfl4 < nnd nrt and ann nrl Kphrua tuhrutnsiLIP hI hI1lpa i i1IP4
LIP third The Th orkoy rk a Ite were Stern Sterntillil 41nIhlhl terfl terfltullata
< tillil and n It onnor the Th Irlx h < lo t ch Ptmn PtmntIlI n ntlll n111I
tlll U > tn i trAil nbnut hiu U 1V i Vti meter m mon was waswon iia iiawon
won on by b anderbit Itelnhart ObI dbeefaSllpnlm ObIIlIlnlin ibeeluIttpaulin
Sllpnlm IlIlnlin wa cond 1 and nd Kaleklan Carou Carouler unl unlhlr arnubIer
bIer ler third The TI jockey JOk were U ONcll ONcllStern OSIItlln OeIlStern
Stern and an l hlldt lbUe
Highlander Ctant tlrooklrrt Beat Beati flealalnIiIlIablandriIJrnokln
f IIn alnIiIlIablandriIJrnokln alnIiIlIablandriIJrnoklnAn i nHlllgblnrx1er I lle b 11100 HrooklTi HrooklTin 11
An n etbibttlon ball blllfm game forth ror he benefit of ofnewiiboy nfn 1 1n
newiiboy n ahoy of f whom s there th wa a a big hi crowd crowdprevent rrowdjirnnt I Ir
prevent r nl a 4 pla rla1 > e < i at 1 Vathlngton Park Parki IukIrt Pnryatrlm
i ye yatrlm terlay Irt Two mixed 11 team called clI hy hycnurtetr byCfluifldaY
cnurtetr mil flint and ntl Hlghlandor played pi jdyeiIAnul r i j jnnd I Ianl
nnd the ho 10 HlxhUnler lfllfhln I tar beat al the Ih Tilanl I IIbmpnni
410 10 Th Theaor TheaorOIa Or
OIa II ahontwyuM ahontwyuMAU 10 II IUto I
Irk R t kirrf 3 I I 0 a flanIeIIt IIIIlf 3 2 I 0 It 0FftaPirf
1111 t 3 n 3 1 lImrMII3 0 Z 0 II IIIlton13 I IflIjofl
flIjofl Ilton13 t3 I 2 0 l CIlb t4elbTh4 4 3 I II II
I n 3 1 I 0 10 PoitPr I 0 I I n nSI 0i
SI i IH S Z n 2 I IIIMrb 2 1113 Ih 0 I 3 n nI IIlI1AuI
lI1AuI I Iii l i 4 0 n url 1I3b3 I 0 I I c c0 ft fta
a 0 Whb rl Z n 10ft 10ftMllrllIb 4 4 0 0MItrIill
MllrllIb MItrIill tb n A II 0 Mitt SillIer i I 4 I L LTnp a aThnnipnp
I Tnp Thnnipnp I hi 0 I ii rqIIoJ 0 I I 0 iii iiiiInIrfrktI I InI
iInIrfrktI nI 1 II I j QUlInp I 1 0 I ft I Irabtiia i iltl
rabtiia ltl lI > it I I i hi I I tIhr f I n I 0 a aToInI
ToI I 1 1 TtI 1 n 1 I IGknl I I Iflnnl
Gknl 0 0 0 0 0lIIalollI
lIIalollI 0 0 0 I I 3 I Igun I IHu
Hu gun iI3nti 13111 14rlirr hsttInn 1I11Ion lIIehIn4r lIIehIn4rII 1 11Im1
i Ibmpnni II rnr tflI MrKUrrn tIrn Wh h llilor flri flnu h tine tinennrrrur i innrrrur
I nnrrrur nil m tnt aoo I lltchindor 1I111 1 1 I 111 IeIOli tl ai t It ItI ItC in iniIhghlan4 > r rIIKhltruIr >
I IIKhltruIr C K t YrlhaeontalI rihtrontall U I JS < CrAbtHr CrAbtHrI
I or Thompwn 2 o utriutrd u urltllmr11 I Struck r I irk o I Ihi tt ttti
ti > rtiompiia M Ft llrndrtrk 3 br Utrquard Uirqunrdflu u utS l lI 3I
I t b flu Wilnn V linn I h fltb n Ithr h r l home rrn II lundwn Iull4nnI I
Two I lI h hit hi EH Srrtnro bit llrmpblll i I II
Hirrnro riy ro Poirr > ol or r Stolon SIIJI II h4 I et Danloi 111I1 1
Urqun1 iKxiblopUy 111 > 1110 Thompson TMm TiQmpnnslu1 11 tnd n 1 Mlirhoil Mlirhoils UII lhaPItSrhnefer II IIhrrr
I hrfr s < tnd lIoJ Fktcber liml mlh < rirtflrr FIU and n S WII XMItan WIIann
tan 11 Hit ilf I7 Tbompxin I In thror ttr r Innlnct InnlnctI lnnln lnnlnof I
I I of llondrlrk lI nIIo Z In thrr III > tnnln nolnc < oT O l rAbble blll 3 3III 3In
I tn one ull tnnlnr at o iii Marquard t I In tour Inning Inlllltrj
off 0 UJlnn noeo II in two innlnr UiOlnft o1 o ritnor non nontn rt rtIn
nrlllt nrllltII A rn
tn rj ono Inning Hit hr pitrhrr 07IP Hy Thomp TIiompon oa oaJltnimrdi
I Jltnimrdi Implroln plr1I lii rhlef h lrlno rill tI Ffrkt khi kl im implro ImI irnpfr I
I plro Inn Tmo I hojr tnjLM onr3 mlnito
New aw York 0 ork State laI league leagueAT 1111
AT WILKR1B4BJK nitSTruV nll flhit IOV I
iTraeu oooOOOOOO 0 I 0 0 0 1 0 I I n I i3 u a I
VtIkrt Ulkriirrr q > rrc 1 l n 2 2 I o I 10 I liiIantlerIr n nlltttrrlr
I lltttrrlr Uanir < 5cntr fliIV tt tnd 101 Mirl llirlr Ur 11 11ao1 < l Ioty kry kryand I
and 01 llroljor
aiCOXD UCf QAUk g OilSISrrariS
a it r r5rrru etlJ
5rrru o lo 2 3 n o 10 i
tlJ l 7
XfHkrtbtrrr rr n I o o 0 n 0 I lI 4 4fliIlrt 2
fliIlrt UtirrlrIiccn jucgauu and all Koopmtn llrady Dlll Dllland 11111fl4
and 11 Konnlrk
KnllnlkaIIforIrraBT lonrfrkat
Ar aIIforIrraBT CJLASTOX rimrr OA OAfur ovItII ov
ItII fur n I n 0 o I i n i ni t Ii I aj X 2 21 21Mrflto
srtnton n 0 0 n 5 0 0 1 Ii 1 0 > 41 O2 Z Zltt l lluttorlf iItaitrtet5st1y
luttorlf ltt Itaitrtet5st1y VcSrdy and lId n lIurru rn llumpbrloi aed crt
smith I I
fICOOD ucw > O4UC O4UCfilra
I ft ftII I
filra rul l I 0 l 1 4 ii I 1 0 2 A nloll lo I II i i inti
sMnu nti > n ooooooinrt 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 134 134Hiitrrlr 1 Il 3 II 4 4I4lIrtr
Hiitrrlr 1 Ir MoAninn an nl 11 I lliro KMrno Irll and and3nlih I
3nlih II
AT ALsxr Lun Ltlynaqr n tr OAKE OAKErimlr I I
a ft a
rimlr tIrtlraIiany I 0 0 I zoo aj t
AitMnt 1111 f I II 0 0 I 0 I a n n t 3 3lloItt I ItlmiterIe
tuttorlo lloItt Nttle SIC ItIe tnd fl2 noufbfr Ulb Knlgbt aod n4p1mph 11 1 I I
rh04 b
stroyp r DAME DAMErirrlra I
a n IE
rirrlra Z II 0 I non > l > aItollr 2
Aihtny 0 I a I 0 I Z 3 4 II I IHtttorlo IJtttI 1fintipit
Htttorlo Iolfhow obo and 1111 CloJthr Nrwiln Lcd ao LcdPTiKhtaO
Ttrol t
sr a PTiKhtaO KM i or o TUB Tfl ctis ctisr CLl CLlr CLraaU
U r 1 Ic C If r re C
nilkrtbtrro 71 S U 9m Albor Albany13 7 M 317 317flmlr 511ml 51 51Plmlra
flmlr ml M M v IT 3M ftlr 1110 U 2 i IC tAI I314 ff4uyrLS
uyrLS M P M 314 < Tror 41 71 11
S SfIfllOD noo A A u Itlnthtmtotilt 13 2 tn tnmrrlran 3IUnlt 34iniarlran
mrrlran Attoelatlnn AttoelatlnnAl IUnlt
Al 1 MlrmrttiH nr MlnnrtputU 2 I M Itul 1 1Al Iti
Al Mllwlfc PtrttftmeMilwaukee 1 Ytrt tamP w UtI0ti ufJli 2 IKoIII Kn KnMK KnitMt
MK Mt Iv I i > M Nrood rond itirr IT upxiuro 1 hanu hanui n
i it IIA uil > I IAt IAl
At A lndltntol flrttgtro 1 u IttI girn A nlunhn 1 4 In j
dltritpoil I orond > f nm tree i oljirhut 4 In liialliOjohl I
dln 1InlolI joH 2 2Ar I
Ar 5 Tolmlo rtrti game c Toledo Tol 4 Uulivtllr o 0teeo1
Mrrond game Toledo S I 1oIm uUtilo I 1Houlhrrn IHnuhrn IMnuthrn
Houlhrrn League LeagueAt 1taUIAI
At UrmpM mpM UoWlr lub 3 Uomphli mlII 1 1Al IAI 1Al
Al Now S JI jrlrant FujI gtmo m Now Orirant rID 1
rhtt rhIno nonft li I Sorond gtme xbattaooct b lQO < 1
Nrw 0 orlrni I I
nasehall Note NoteTom Sn SnTm nta4 nta4Tutoi I
Tom Hlrsion tnd Irromo 017 Koo K Keugb fOrb > ib boln to theIr Iholrrhtmr4oiihlp Ih theIrehmptnihlp I
rhtmr4oiihlp pool Im mttra Ir tt t Iioylo lol room In
v Tnrt roril > eoonl nt f trr 1 i ui U morn nIght r r and n i 1nrr Ilepicsill 1nrrIII I i I IIII
sill III ask 11 i lltnr til tI4 < IrtCio e I44oh4ll plat pler 1011 or In Intoon liiloin I
loin loot n tn 0 tttrnd tttrndA not notA
A II Urtlnnlty inns < rrurroof etiirr 11 n ci ho thetprn b Nowark Nowarktrm II IIm
trm m lt I 141 i yrtr or tlni bln with II all II ann W S r do donor dohut <
nor n MOCA no hi lilt Afo Afol ml mlIi f fI I
l Ii > tin t 4t r niry iry rnnn non II It I rtrhl th Tfco Tfcoflrtt Th
flrtt nr twit mrn m b4e m r nntMng nnit ing rn do with tlh h the tI 11 orond orondprlro eqij eqijTlirP
prlro Thorr Th 4rr a r t tn > n Prati ro cd r J tho thi5 h > plll 11 11r the thoirlo theI
irlo irloMir I ii S Slair
Mir r lot Ieg1 o gtmo4 nro prntd > ntrd h hi > alit yottordar yottordarwrro p terday terdaypr I II
wrro pr the iirtrH < hlri hisilo < o run lul Cardinals rtr = and
Sr I t l 1A1t iilt Orvrltad rnotn118 rtmio otleHAIIIIAIL > t tnA4KnAltIgtmrt
nA4KnAltIgtmrt n118 HAIIIIAIL 2 ram m rrornlng IIDIII anti aftrrnoon allm
N c V YAm Am Amer r v i a Athletic 4hl Amerlrtn Am Lrtruf If 1es u Park <
lit ram usr 17 IIJI 13 A A M 2d tame lilt 13O Y 1 il JoIAr Att
I I ri VftTiI I
j i 1 1PbelIpal
PbelIpal II I II I W 9P t MW a < K t4 f f4lt
I4iS4 a I 4i P t ti
i U itt 11 W tt M Mii 4 iS IN
4 4a
a l U l ii r it it t MI MIvfn toOtJ N NtqS4lli
tqS4lli S I P + vfn J n nt III W WrlIq4
rlIq4 = = I J j t MM j1ilS yI yIJ 5s r rV sta
J V r t 44 lf lffl UfI
M If 71 MiJlrl MiJlrlI I
I 1 I I 4 4ia
ia it MISt WI ft M MI
1 1aitmU
aitmU 11 11I L Usidan
I ii A ttlt i M
11 U l1 tiSil It ItI 2 2S 2I
I I S ll I4l U 4 fI fIw < T4
fl ln4it ln4itlame I e l tvWli w 4QlIql H tIInn XX XXr 3
Inn r i pa N 1 t u 1 at 4 1J 1JI tli tlit > 4 4I 4I
I Jl
t 2 5 t I f 1jJ S t t UU 4M 44DPSeIi7S
I 1
I DPSeIi7S 4 4 II 4 tll Jillc tr > 1244 IZII Mr 21 21lsI4
lsI4 1 f llr All u 44 I III 351Laa
atLuliaunjaoitai0t atLuliaunjaoitai0tV4r10vu j j I I J I ITtnAt
II lame lx Laa 4 t
V4r10vu TtnAt TtnAtmrtmitTt 1FtRll 1FtRllIn r rrIa1
mrtmitTt In C rtrT rtTTltaU > Troa 1fI ctruaT G rta eta GUar
rumxntn r iiSpL > pL < Clacloaatl ao Lmi < l Mitsurrg
brat a n tklt III j sfttom ri rt f < MH Ik html wlaalag wtsla t tte tte8tl tp tpl
8tl a l C lam me 4ixl Mtttag 4 4iwalt4 > a ham N uut UtotIIt l lng
i I me tit omiMl en Het > e w sam SRI IH ki tlw ra e4 < ia 4 4It ram ramalti m mtiKl
tiKl M 4ff It fi eaa fuat la Ii II Itllnl INor taalag taalagaf
af ine in ffri II < mm io Si4s f 4 w fa lajirxl InJ ldll > 1 i iIB4 III IIIta Siin
IB4 ta 44tr ns l ttt > 44iMf mau Bd ficr ievulcd JM hint Heno4 Heno4wik pIn pIn1Mfl pfhite1will
will a twta 1Mfl < ti < eit B4 hs4i1 > and JH 1 lHungri c ti a MI MIMnl II IIN liiiIMOI
Mnl N 1 ipr pi t o > i tko II pintrt P1111 flow 11 154
i P toll tus ui < tjtunai tHoni i ill i amisS P ptsvs l4 t by nVwB
lrllii4i4 101 mad Mtgior t as C n og ogHvm rIII
S 1 15 ian ianrIrrta
rirrtsot ITtIM c cix ti tii
i SauPil H r t i > M Mr r
Hvm I4m2h In InUark 1 l I I 2 tlerkf t 2 2 ii U
111 Uark Lert rf 1 i 2 I a 0 l r tnb n71i 4 I 4 1 3lami54ellI n nI
lami54ellI u I 2 ft S i U > II ricr kflullt I > 4 U KI II 5 5t
I V4Aer t a 1 1 I IIlynn 0 Ult UlWLIIrf trUrf 422 4 3 2 0 I
It l
Mflit b I 0 1 S i PairIf I 2 2 I ii iiI sInnIh
rhMI Ilynn InnIh Ih I o a 4 n n Vlrlsan 11 4 o 4 I I Ii
> IH il IIaealb n III IIII I 1 2 211 II I I ri Lut Liict31 rtJt 1 I I B vl vlI U UI
I i I 1i Ilsit i rr rrMmixi I I i t I I U U if UIIUflM1 J I I 2 I t r I
i Mmixi = r 4 O 2 I f U Sq4sp lggtp l > A U 4 II I II III i I IIf I
I astalig p t I u u ii I titirrp r 2 u O u u uI orcryp
frrrv rcryp If t tTaul I 2 O I i4
Tottl 1 12 IlInlt U 27 II 1 1M tTLlI iTStl
Taul M II 24 s II IIMil I IOJOOOOOO II1tPirl
Mil I1tPirl OJOOOOOO n n0uioooeoMluielaanIl I fI 0 fI 0 0 0V 1
ItsrlflBtll 1 tlD1I u 2 1 0 I O 0 O IIIun 4 4Hun
Hun Vlnrlnntll aII liewhrr Iw Visa c 2 Vtwtoll I Inkort i I S
nkort i4pr JI fSousbiIiPieal two t > efcli Pititti hf Mrrnr fit
Tnrro tv his e an Ciii Jlltrhoil Lobrrt itolea IIr IIrObl M4ot la i
Leieb iianr Obl PlAr pSrWll 11 ixi s4 I
Hjt Lolrrt rca 404 001 llobtlu rtr rtUI t ht b bOft bats batsI r ront
ont Oft bII > iU unsure It ulr l ofitmnlu mal I off of ciwir Cool I IflJ
i iui flJ plirb t tmnlti Mrurk out Ily II 9541 ittt 1
bt Iorry Piu t hy < 4tnnt mnlaa I I ty S Gtipar AtpL i J fjtn f fl m i
biv b bt illiliurc h1tttj II < Inrinatd Inrt 1 fmxlre in inrblol litchief
chief Hlrlor t mlcomrtre rtrU umptrKtnillr comrtre iarn lrS Email Ttajo TtuPlnl 2 2avtrt
avtrt and IO minute ml mlritflPtriat
rtTTBl4 Plnl O eS 7 ct5ciN4Ar 2 Bcovn acOtuPhtTlItit otMi otMirirtravcc 0011PlI
rirtravcc PhtTlItitttp CWCISWATI CInTTA
AB A n ttp r B tit H r A
nyrn 3h h a 0 I a 0 n Databir rbrr br if 4 l 2 u I I IIff
touBxf Iff 42209 t 2 a o 0 KtanlS 0 0 I 0 0
CJb CbcIl1f lllf 1210 3 2 i 3 0 O rlriAnJll trib 1 t 0 1 1f 1 0
Wsgneri t tgnrr 4 1 2 2 C CitoblilIb Konl I rl tb a 1 a v
f Ib
Ulllrrfb Ulllrrfblltatllb l O I i 1 Mltrboll hIItbtIrf if t 4 t 1000 l o 0 0 I
lltatllb lltatllbo II sitIb I 7 o g a u 0 Pttkirltf f 4 1 O 1 u uClstlij I II
Itnc o rf 3 2 1 1 n Clstlij a I 2 1 1 g ga 2 UI 0 I
Clboac a 1002 I 0 0 2 oUub 0 Otnbrlb rtlb b all 3 I 3 I n nlhl a aIhhiIlfIp
Ihimppep lhl rrp I I I oJlcuilnj 0 UtUlln 3 l IIft t tIVrcbe n
IVrcbe lketip Ift > n a o n o n nToI I
Tott 77 2 I 71 I 14 I
Tout 12 U 21 U ItMIa 1 3fltutirl I IPin I
Pin fltutirl burt l 3 3 i U 0 u a fl flCInainnaih 1
OolnntU S I 0 I o o a o I 11 3 3tluuIltibur I
Itun nIDIIbu PltKbutf Jtytne lyre l IrncPu ach IIDI Cmmihll I
Wacnrr lu ttrttt II 10 Mlvoo7 2 Clnclaoal Clnlllo t n tkneper xhfr 2
Mubiitvel II ubil 111 Twu Ta tse t hi 4smpbIl Cmpb mlll ll Three TII bfcif bfcifhlti b I I
hits hi WIlson 1 llevber IW bct SteIn 110 bar bIMl1lri llvrro U
lf 1 tuh Kh Wagnor II r Minor tUuiII Don l play P il XlrWIIian UVlIiniinaLIe2 II I I I It
unattltlru I arrtBrr sit Elan Flrtl hate hn nn
tall t I 4H 4f Herb i Struck out fly n Oth b I
Loft m h4r Plt PIftattrg burg tj 3 CmHnnnl c CIIIeICCIIIa jo 11 nbh nbhI s t m
Hrf Ia 13 I fhlt Illclor 1I1 1 noli t 11 umptrr iniIe iniIeI mjl
Tnf rt I tyut OIr U tod 0 04 i n lit litFA Intir IntirRASTERS IntilsEASTflX I
ir I i rr ir irnwb i N
nwb nrr tt r 7 74 AI l 1M 44 BuStlo Du = alo 87 e M MN 47 475wirI I IrroS
N 5wirI trk 77 rroS 7 U Ml Mootrul WoIM M U 7 7Toronio a44
Toronio To t11O M m 14 U Prwldrac M 74 74Uilnraorr 741hiIuruori 4M 4Mill 1441
Uilnraorr M III 4 llJJrrMyCltril IU JrMY ClIru City 3 J Ie ill 11
JIBBBT CJTT i raxmogxcB raxmogxcBK 3 3IODIUII 3FaoTiDtuacz
IODIUII K I lepi I 4 4Jpay 1 Jrrwy city wound wocdUn 1Id 1IdIf I Iup I
up If tee t H intl rtet bor b t Iod da > taking tItID th the final caI game I I I
I Rorgy R Point and breaking tim on 0 U tha > trrtct oen fte I
> UUm protrd po a problem for ft > tbi III > om tm m and aD 1 i
rtrrpt 13 the III tilth lt ts 11 cra < iIe rayi couM ou t not touch
htm la tbo tll tcrpod aid 54 eighth dC Inflict IlIOln tb tbjtteftert lbs lbslI4 i
jtteftert lI4 r Undrd oa Wll WlIo 1100 o getting totra ice ef i ithrtr IIlIrI IlberIenbinWIit
thrtr lberIenbinWIit rle rn 0 Mnriei llIr la 0 Ibote Ih thotwoa15Snit two tetaloo 0 U Wlisisi hr b blit kr IWa i iwit
wit taken lit 111 It and od loft a the Ih fittc m al allb the rod Dd of lbs thfititb lbsstub
stub 11 b Tbo Tb ors or orJ orsJipaly
AB II r rrmond I < r A n P Pmn A i it
rmond mn Xb 4 0 I IAMteln t o Phrltnrf 4 I A 0 2 2n 2APstctc
AMteln 1 1 Ib 3 3lf I I n 0 Hoic HlIlIuut n rf 4 2 0 n o ol
lf JIn in get i f 4 4Llrmrnt I a I n u7l > I o o s o S
f 2 I I 0 O S uUlraa2h I I it I 0 II 0 0u 0Ur >
Llrmrnt Ur a if 1 2 2Jnhnuin I I u u C Ktalon If 3 Z I I 0 1 IIn
Jnhnuin In st 3 1H 2 U I I ArndtIb a 0 t l I
H 1IlrtJfr linI if dJIrf u11 ft 4 4Htnnlltn I I 0 0 ritg flit Jlb 4 n a 12 0 II IIlInnU 0tlannthicZt3 I
Htnnlltn tlannthicZt3 Ilb3 < Ibl Iblllutlrr OJ I 3 1 o Muck uc tt 3 0 4 7 o ou iiIIutIrc 1 11I0011r
llutlrr r I Islirnn I i u n APIITOUAI P rIO teraai O 0 3 4 0
slirnn lhbonp p l lTotal 3 n 5 2 f Ullnnji 3 0 I S ZTol 211 in inJIPSIT I Immli
Total 2 s r I 77 II I mIni TnlIo W 0 s S1O 27 7 2 3 aJrr
Jrr Jf l ltl ultl > 020000 I 2 0 I t 0 i I 2 1 S SIrntldcrco SlrI1nr arn1htrcP I
Irntldcrco n 0 0 0 fI 2 r 0 i oa oaHunt 0 31 3 a
Hunt Jrr Jr Jsrieu n nt lily > Abte bitein n CUmrat John JohnHIS JhnI >
HIS I 7 llantora lIanf lrd < I IAi41or rtlJ Qf PTolaa Itu3nn lIumnIIU Iluffirian4jIUvari
sjltlvan IIU Ntolrn htfr u Ubeclrr hlrr llacford TWO TWOba T isoPt
ba Pt r Mu bHn i lemrot m Sltioa II fbrlan 1I 1IlIallllall
1 t 1
fhrf bt base t Mil 1I lltnfnrd nr fhtnn r1t r1tII MtrriSro J c i bit bItsb
ben b ut MtnclfAn Iktubl pl pljs > t llncntftn IIaJ0Ifn4 IIaJ0Ifn4I and
HUIOI lisit I Ptmnad 14 < Ilannlfaa and 1 AbIln Ab trln Itelnlpgrr Itelnlpgrrndbtrta I LlInlprrnn6iIIiA IO I II IO
ndbtrta Mrukwit I Ity sitto Mtlku2 2 M Mlmn IIinn
2 firtt tt tam nn tall Off O 511 S SlIlon ton 2 z o3 n Ullton WIIoa HI HIIII
4 lilt III b by > plk rlt brr be n 01 > llton < < 1 Wll WIPnon ni lrfl lrflon I IIt 111un
on It li bas o Jrre > i lit II Irovtdcnrr 3 rint
110 It t t i tQ rrrori rro > Jrr Jrr54y < y tlty t1 I Prntldencc PntoJ I
I I Hiplrx mlr tf In hlef Htlllrin II III ran FIeld 1 umpire uniphre1rupt
llynrti JI Time I rinnr tnd 4 nilnutri nilnutriNKWABJI nllIul11I rtnuteshlIWARA
NKWABJI 11I 2 BALTIUOBB LTrWoa Onnsr C flaw OAMBVfAtrk GAMaS flawNntk
VfAtrk S aid tS Htlttmoro dlttdrd a doubt dou I hoodrr h bend
In Nr rtik tik jc4Krdy Tb lidiaat 11 1111I < won 01 tbe III artt arttCtm 11um tirtgsm
Ctm Tbe > liltor made ml Itolr game < ne a sbutout sbutoutAlo
Alo 110 Moroury winning iltchlng IIIhl l honors against tgtlnitKubf againstitub In InHub
Hub Wtddtll d 111 < Tb wore t
I AH II r i A Ar II p A a armu Ifcymcri
r rmu ymour If a Z I 0 0 7lmrmnlb3 I I 2 2Ii n ntlnllb a ahinit21s
Ii tlnllb inn 2t I Ilootrrf I a J 0 t4n nnleyrt nley yrf I Z 2 0 0 0oGle1
lootrrf 0001 4 4Hrltmjl Z 2 0 I 0 touUrnM Lu lI1 < 4 0 I 1 0 011m 0Itstimsi
Hrltmjl 11m r rf C13 0 oI Z ft 0 rttmancf4 < 2 0 0t I I n It0 I I1rickan
I 1rickan rtrk in 10 10Mrnmtdt 3 0 I I 0 Krlltlt t I I IO IOu IOumlrtll 0 u 04rlmk1tti
Mrnmtdt mlrtll lt > i 0 oMchollt a 0 I cblinr2b > 2 I 1 0 0o 0ichoIia
Mcholltr Mchollt 110 > 11 3 0 Z 20 Z I OAIIIfItI Ailr Ih i 1 112 12 12in o 00 00Etnn o on 0H
r Etnn n o oVfrkort in I I 1 20 2 llrnire r a I S n rio rioVklasrp o
Vfrkort H Vklasrp p 2 I 0 I 0 o 0 g OIAp l rn 3 1 I t t 2 0 g gal 0tsIb
Wal tsIb al 10000 I 0 0 0 0
S Total To 13 II 27 2 II 0 0ToUt4 0To 0Total
Total To II 29 3 1 S2a 21 a I Iflatted Itt 1lt4
flatted for fo lrk kk1D rt la the Ibllllllh ninth Inn Inning IlUtlarOlIImor InningflnttIniore Inr Inrntltlnorr
ntltlnorr ooononoo 0 0 0 n 0 fI I 0 n o CII CIIS 0flsIT4 o oNrwirk
Nrwirk S sIT4 nnO20inn I a 0 0 5 Z 0 f I 0 I IItinarkMebkr 2 2lino
lino lI aSk1Ihly Nowtrk VHUSy Ar ACI Agir lor Mcrmre I hit hitDtna JlltfIla bitflisn
Dtna To h4t hits 5rhlSy blII hIa5y If r rirtt nnllon boo booon is ison
on ball Off Vlrkrr Irk 3 Mrurk < out nu Hy H I Ir Iby r rS
S by Vickers S lilt br pltrhrrBy Vlrkrrt VlrkrrtrhUrir VIckfsQh1n11y
tl Irhtt 1 1IAM
r r
rhUrir r lialk hsIkVleEe I Vlrkrrt 2 Rouble rlay lay lay4Jlen
Lojtm mod nd 11 1 icier Aglorhao 1 Dunn sod Dd Vblmit fell l on CtQImo onbns
hao lummorr Imo I Nowstk 0 wsg 11 Implr tn inIfuirit rbl f fHunt
Hunt lIu llld 1101 umpire IImtolrlnDIII rinnrrtn Tim TtmI I hour hourand I
and Omlauie OmlauieLTIMO ISmIDIIMLTlWn a3mlriiilnlTiWfl
ULIli4siL LII I t tAL =
AB AByrnotrll A u r A BI II 1 AB A P A Ao I I5etoirlf
yrnotrll > oOlII 4 4Hinn2b I I 0 o Tlmrarntt I I I Is II UIsnnZh
Hinn2b I Iioolr 0 0n 1 o 4 o rtnirrtf J I 2 I II 0niifr
fIr ioolr rf I IHrtim n o 0 1 Loudent S n n I 2 0 0II 0Pitltn
Hrtim II lImd rrct4 rrct4scbmMllhl 2 4 0 n otirmuirf nf Jlman o 1 0 o 03 a arrlrku
rrlrku 3 I I 1 0 Ktllvlf 4 i n n Iml4l13 I n nO I IebmI4IIh3
scbmMllhl scbmMllhlMrnalliit ml4l13 I 1 O 0 VbdyTblh IIzt > I 0 I 0 I IO IlehuIiSsI
Mrnalliit O 1 oIU 4 4fctnr I 1 ISO s n Ailorlb Ailorlbn Acl lb Z I 4 00 0 0 0Irn 0nan
fctnr nan 4 4Mtuxiryp 1O I n 0 MoyorJU J 1 0 1 1o n nSoIr I I4awneyp
Mtuxiryp SoIr nryp 4 O 0 0 n MnAllltwre MnAllltwreWsddollp Mlllu I e 2 0 0WIl4c1IIp 0Wn4dllp
Wsddollp Wsddollpo J 0 n nTOIAI 1 2 0 0I nTo a aToiia
TOIAI To X 7 21 i II 1 riearyp 0 0 o ollrtmr I I 0 0I 0IIarn 0l1arnp
llrtmr llrtmrpadep I 0 o I 0 n no nROO at5pm4p
padep o GOAl o o ROO ROOno o o oTnttlt 0Tntnl
Tnttlt l UI IZ1 8210 8210flaISnd 27 10 1 1for
no flaISnd for a Clotry I IB th eIghth 1I Inning Inningruitirnore InnlatgTInhlIrcera
ruitirnore llImfl onnoo02 0 I n 0 0 it Z ZSIC I 0 fla flawaru 4 4Nowtric
SIC waru onoooion 0 0flh000uiflIIfluinaNItimor I I 0 0 I II n nJI nJInllnlIhmoooIlImI1 o onunt
nunt nllnlIhmoooIlImI1 fluinaNItimor n litmoro irhmlII Vlrboll Slrh ll Dunn DunnOiodo Dunn5aerttc
Oiodo 000 Srrt1ro sr1 c hlt bI bllfieluinldt I 5rrimldt h an 101 I Two bate la blls bllsFrlrk bllaI bit bitrn
Frlrk fI > yjnoir yma ir fgtn 111 riri Irsi 1 bt h e on t bIIoff balieOfTW4IIi > llt Off OffWiwMfll
I WiwMfll 11 I off of riotrr 5l1511 1 off Maronoy J I itrurk itrurknit Struek0It
nit 1 ny 4ddoli 11 II hy 10 Nnids M Nua4 I by Pt Mtronov a aHit Clilt
Hit hy It pitches r hr h U tddll IDunnl bun Flr flr1 t fi fion hrDlllmo ha hano
on rrror rDlllmo D lllmoro Left en r hsiialtnitlrior > e ItAltlnoro ItAltlnoroVfwtrk 1110 It afesirk
Vfwtrk 7 llIrlll Umpire In rrilrf r i311 i311IIUrI Hnnrrtn IIUrI field fieldumpire rIkIumplraltltst 1 1Gm
umpire umplraltltst r Murtt I Tim r I hour and 44 minute minuteCame minutciGames
Came Rrhtxrolril for forPHIwltlphlt or Tnday TndayAMFnIrAs TfMt TfMtArIItAor
ArIItAor Isnri IsnriI1tIs4truhln rL rLIhlllilIIII
PHIwltlphlt In Vow I Tofu 0 VTttMnrton hln la laIVKtonlt lann inYlnitfin
IVKtonlt nn Ylnitfin II t Ixriltln Ioils In I etmll > ttryrland YInotli to ChIcago ChtrafoMornlnt ChIcagoMornIng I
MornIng ornln and nol afornvm n f gamc into nt li I each h HIT HITMATIG 01 01lATI diePATIOUSI
Vrw York < In tlmoklro IVnton In PhllsdrlnhU PhllsdrlnhUOlrtin 1I111lnhlrlr PhItdenhia4hIcO
Olrtin rlr In n tlnrlnnttf 1nI1I1 i t Ivxilt In I Pllntvirc MIII PIilshirg20rJn1 > rr rroJnl
iornlni ant 1It afternoon aftrrn itmettn a n rich cir rlrUttFS rIFT cirIsaa
UttFS T r LKAOIB LII J14011feak
Vowark k In Proildono Iro Jer I Sefia ey itT n In haiti nltIan haitirio
I morr an rio Vwitrr ralln In lluritln Tnrooto la Itochrter ItochrterTwn flO < bt btTlo
Twn gnrno 1 In rash b bTIa tIlt rttyTr tIltTiaa
Tr TIa B Bt Iao IaoI
51 t t fIi4i > llt P Dallas ll A fort Worth S Suokithonrt 5kilhanls
I uokithonrt kilhanls < 7i itj hrovopnrt 12 I Okltham Oklthamri
ri r i
tS4a ilhit lhit a Antonio nnnl rirti ramo mIII tn Antonio I tWarn I7j IWarn
Warn o I Jkrnnd game Itn Antonio I Warn n nAt
At 7j llOHInn nM First game lIli llnuiton 11 7 < ltl I IIon htltton < o oton <
ton 2 ornnd < game m Mouitnn 3 litlrritoa 1otIColton 2 2Cotton 2Ctn
Cotton III Rtartf l Lealoc LealocAl > acae acaeAl 0 0A
Al A VlckabtiTcVkkiburg 1cbIItUrkk u 4 iUttlnturt a 3 3r
r p
rvrovtr vrnr tln tlna
rn ftt If t rnr r nnnnitt nnnnittr n nprvNf14rn
f14rn r rt nasa n > f rente flaws > Itl II Wt Wtami 44 44anI
ami t flc f r i mr I 4tal rr y44au ml mlf hft an anflV115l
flV115l 1 l44ia f tpcP pe > fi Tblrtr ThIs ThIsli
11 4 ttl rtr W4alan < ra 4lawn 4lawni t PtpcrU PtpcrUSf 1
Sf Pt iS iSa
a IIU 4 4I 4 P PIts
Its Iaq i iae4 4N44f Pt Ptfv
I r fv eiSa eiSatl
I i tl km It tekitAHK s t hI M a44l 4 > l tfvr ot vitt 4 4m4 uunl uunlwV
wV eemtnl t f IW i4 in t rq f T p If Ifc hrlettr 4dv
4 OK every P or w iaS l iP o > aISasI Wgt eMne eMne1vW
mf snawt c 5 1 a 1Itot 1Itotwft uSe 8nIWP Pt
1vW wft rft r4 w IH ttm a H t BMnetter Httn tlot ft W > M Ml m mIlma
Ilma ilel p 1 41a a trtMMOOftf trtMMOOftfto twim M mef
iSi to I it reM ii I 1 I Isp 11 11I ranI
l 4iM anI 1 n rrt pqtmt f rrMtftex imtl l It liLa t V 4wsi n ill M M Itfw Itfr ItfotllI PW4 PW4ii4
M ett iWrira H rfn W4 w Wasip v r Pwi PwitiS tg t win winirre
u irre 1 t i v rmteg VeN I r 4 14 t Sil V f tsiiS 4w t i > i if Iwwnwe
wwnwe slia sa I be otllI 4 IWSbISSS f 4 4at 4 4fmm
at I dP 1 s Sf5 I a 441S 441SP4isM It Itro
P4isM V it ro I in h ht 15yr
yr t sas m iSi ii I54 I54Fti
S t Fti tttool Ii Iii w wt
i haia eI t 1lh 4 II II11w
11w ilaiSdr 1 wl 1 1pot m mP mIP
pot poti P
i w J IP r wae4 4 alb albvtanls 1i r rt
vtanls t 4el Pispapssn3p n ii 444tfulV 444tfulVfm
I fm a fll ft 1 whtrh HtrlH Hriiail > tei X it un Brer BrerOrmlstHn Ilvrrm4asl
0 OrmlstHn rm4asl ami 1 II M llaefarvarMt llaefarvarMtwill iImvfmr aaut aautbietn
bietn m Sb b antat fI p1uim405414 PH f thia wIt wItwill It ItIll
will enter Ill from tk Krtem K If Thi Thrm
mar m b Pu hi reir r In HH P mitt 1 1 lion > aflr aflrpulling attrp5111414 r rpUn
pulling ont Trtvtt T la lln M h Iwl l mateh matehriwnei malett1e1
riwnei let r ruaIveIv l > ellvrlv ii irhlb4lil IOhI 4JPhIhUIIIrhnm irhlb4lilUrahamarvi 10 10Urh
Urahamarvi Urh rhnm miui II Li i K lawyer a lledkl liii dk not pili piliI play plrIn
In I I9O7 I 121 ami aU 1101 It ft t to t Tray T rt In I twit atxl 1 ti tiTravl I IY tiTravis
Travis Ut yap Y Another fh tt n often er ha habeen h hkkIMot
been knocking al the thailuwur 1 dMtr 1 whii It hitnp1v toH I pl v M IfII inII
4 II I IAWIwlsnl < wkwH l whA wtM hive 10 the It rnmiMnr rnmiMnrimt nmI4nya m mfI
imt fI a it e lmkef 1 Ijik ef u UVY or fflr rt nf I hi M tieltsiaPt tieltsiaPtlwl4 irhleeti4 irhleeti4J tt ttPI
PI lwl4 if 1 atnflj I W lttl hiiiiiaa hiiiiiaaJ not notJ
J I 4Mer uwlriaa 1 < > n srn ee 1ft I I Is I e t trim le tel < H 18I 18r ssa ssalIt HThere
There r lIt will 11 he It 11 i Iirg irgor oirhern enry y than thanI tPt4flfor n nr
r for alav shinittuaniPtig inr a4fiM 8 4 Si C Ciii
I In r 1 > V M MltMNev P54Km 14 < if I Sew CW iirhxiH iirhxiHwi II III ilrkuiuwto
I wi wto li I inst i n the rtr II lIral l rwUMl u1 tvn f in Mn I I11Ir iti itiIlkr
I 11Ir llhr I in ii < tr again iIlM 4U < i leigh r asrr41 > trr f1tM f1tMh M of ofhe ii iih
he h sin im uv II mil n Knottier of Horn fliurultoT9r 1 a 1mr
former mr inter Inl idrogiale Cl ll < rhiminin an no1 no1IS > l lK I
I K t ii llrnt nl f VtUnii 1 the It present Ir sMiihvrn sMiihvrnt uhaItvrniit JIn
t Ottll iit f lt5fltif < kilion ntlehnhler 1101 I I II I
I Frederic llerro 1IIt1ft h Hl an matI 1t1 I Travi T are ar to tobe InI Ia Ialie
be I ireempanied htI < 1 tn HIIB I IbIu I lv r anNa three threehxoii itir itirkacri h
hxoii frnm M I I 5 cluh liii an I I onnmi naee I Icult I Icut 1
cut t Jt will S ill 11 IH I represented br b at If Jeit ait 1 three threewbn IIHrh hireha
wbn h ha ill II pun 11 their It Cif eoiipvtutir at a match nrh1la matchjILY
play 1la II II llnvey II It 1 Jarkenn and 111 111I II IIr IiP
r I Mermnan Irrttn Thorn w alit ill be an mu mutually I II
larg I college i IIor entry nU
I ll entrant will S III II II j the h frrvluin 1111 of r I
the iii h I ib 11 stil IIJ itiure nir tI Ibis h aa I Zhy hoy iroi iroirv are aretO
rv < iietel to regiter with ith n tle It infirmttion Infrntitiontftmifltlce i iromin
romin tftmifltlce mmII tiee uti u wrruul at the II dun ol which whichI hltliI
I Henry n I I Iyer rr i cnairrnan epiai rIn1I rIn1Inmol nnft
V I Inurnaiiient nmol nf r the II Newipaier ics 1 dolf I
I Club 11110 ut th M dinere < M > 1111 inuntry aihn In 7 5 l 110 110In > ih t tminrii to toanorrti
minrii In < i Ia the lb h mil ItlilI I M l Ii t tut II I re thi thiween thuaaeu h
ween after f Hie III many mn holiday nimpetitinn camjatltunnmtn
tnUy 10 l Inn 1 1 hn It New e llatnpeiiire IlIImr champion championship
ship hll 14 4 In II l 154 played toil > and an I tuniurrn tuniurrna
a ai the h Irtertnle irteri ala i nunlry I lob It ha been beenwon benitoil
won fl for three I year enr by II Itflv Muckleu MuckleuUK
UK Ma tInssnchuilt < achiielt Mate a champion Amlo Isniol I 1
rairrhlld hll1 I the i h to hnlder huhl of the I 10 t Iriud Ib Nlaiul Nlaiulrh I
rh ctiAhlilstuUiPiss nipothip tu I tie ti again in play fII l4 imm rom tn tnnmrrnw I IlI1rr IiliJ
nmrrnw lI1rr liJ iFfSIS n > > t rnlay rII at > me iii n Wanmimoieit ii cttnsmolmltIiintp >
Jtirintry i 1Dn < huh Iw I a it nt fI u t the lnt 1 ItuitihI < > n ilubt Ilhti Ilhtithe
the 111 I omnionwoilth umnlo tllh and un l 1111 < eetue will II
hold upon amateur a handicap tixirnament tixirnamentI namnl namnlon
I on 01 t ttsui riday I and 111 Saurdav JI rnlbly come comeof m
lot of 1 the th liampionliip < mronI rnraut may UI y t masS masSa j ja
a tl h1t > er in n thorn thornI them h
i iTo I
I I To be to 1 stymIed lml 1 by br a munhroom wa was aa the theeiperietire Ih thisciprtuca
eiperietire 0 of W 5 A i llarrl fir < if > f Ihe h 1120 1120acxwjl > un unwoitdle
woitdle 11 I nuntrr rlub 1 a few f day Ia ago co 1 ibm ibmtnaihroom he h hrnllhrom i imuhri
muhri rnllhrom > om wa riOt on i the 11 green 11 when hn he h hetuitaui
I putted lu1 there III on the Ih pre IsirtlAiha tnii round but b a
they th spring Ina up quickly IM II did not 00 airprt urpne lrI lrI111m
him Hut for or the III m morn rflnifltiI < > rn m he h did 11 1 not no know knowU e
U 1 r wnt u n rust i tat 0 do 4 the tll inuihroom tn 11110 11110Ilh quote qlhulisttft I
Ilh the rilo ruI I wit both rite fll i and n1 growing or I
llarn II docijed he h must mI plav 11 Iit the 11 b h11 ll I Itar Fie Fieput Ii Iijast
put tar wa lor he h hole and nlln in ln l e would make m m1m
hint 1m down uion n in II the II mttch but there Ih Ihnulllot therehiiutturit wa wanothing
nothing to 0 di rt but 1 go 11011 o hrnugh or hue kicked kickediff krk iltkdaif I Ifin
fin iff hv 10 he h fingus norI rortutitlely it wn not 1101or notof l lnf
nf the h button ort 0 r that Ih form mi white a 111 hit lump i iion
ion the Ih turf but on One a ith h A talk and nd um 1mI ¬
brella top Harris hit straight h fur the Ih milan musnroom mnnm milanroom
I room and n1 a i s the Ih stalk broke w Ithuut de ¬ I
flecting 11 lIn the tb ball he I hoe Ilolllh < th put putAmateur pIAmI putAmateur
Amateur AmI and nrt profestional to 1 attain
distinction rlllIn lInn In thl country after a having
learned 1 n1fd something mrllin nf the Ih cam at a caddie c Ih <
has had h all 11 aorta Fl nf I bno hlt < back nf then theliinehiiding
pedigree > including Inhldlnrlnan Indian but with Ith Irish
American or r i ennanAmerlcant > In Ihe Ihemajority lIt 111IIIJorll lItmJ0rtT
majority inung nlln ti lvrster hI > who bo won OD at atortIy1t 1 1n
Van n I nrtlandt oFl I ar 1 I Iark arll la I itit t iturilay I th
first nr nf Italian pirenl n In 0 come < nut It and n1 hi hiproper blpor hiplural
proper por cognomen I said 111 to be Jose Jo Syl Sylveatre SIyaU i4Ilent
veatre lent He II t Is a good player and n1 I said tn
lie I willing lIlao to give h tipunrk nl II 0 OfuI In 0 a printing omen ofTICshould omenalmulti
should hnlll 1 oppnrttinltv I oflor t 0 l Iom > emme a pro I
f tlonal Thl would a 111 be folios 11 Ing in th the
footetep of I banning Floyd 0 who hn became becamea hciamnprofeiIiinI Jlm Jlma
a profes rolIIIMI innal ctmch Ah after atf lut IlnlIIc mg t ire won on
th 11119 IIf ur n i ortlandr Iark rk iniriinnierit
In thl t hi country null1 111 fl ir i 111 > n > i < discre < lt to Ia a boy bnrtn I boyIr n
tn caddie It in hi h PIIh Uii In I II thn t hn WI est a doon ilordliof I Iof
of the I e t hnnwn loll hnai n anateuro 011 carrloil rlub
for hire hi before Iro booming I IIIr player IZA Islay and hie thulathis hieIll hll hllnl
Ill lo i not the tI CB e wrti a Iflt ii ti any ny n ainnteur 11I1 11I1nllon1 uf ufnationil ofnhinnI
nationil on m the lb h game 0 m the lii h Ka Eml t
there II are I man t cI lur > toomler oml who h ho < addled addledwhen nsjhIeslalun
when IIn they n were baretnored boys bu Mr Mrerrnort Ir
lIOrmott > errnort It l 1lIrhn uirh n Hnrkharth th the llor llorn
< un > n nl 111 MtNainara MS ainnrn are or liomobie < l iris irismiflI rn
f eiin miflI l > otto ho began u a caddie rtl lo ser r rS e ecli
S cli It an apprentreip l is the 11 > he beat t training I
for a irh tI o ho ha h the h ambition to be a aini i
prnfi miil and nl Harry Ilarr A ardon Ion wbn a ho wa waa was wasa
a gardener 1 i the Ih tnot ot noted nol rxc Icelllon ptlon tot tottr 10 toIi
II rile rilePlaying citTIaytng
Playing with lIb a member last I week weec f George Or CeorgeIariIfl1
Bparllng the h pmfonini4l fnlll made the Ih reconl reconlcote rco1l rco1Itr irCnn1ScOld
cote l of Itr 14 J7 71 71 ot > the 1 iavp t y tnrrj rd I rourte o olhreoh i in
n oh rhn ttu llrnokUmi Itraok ic Ii i I nuntry lub Ii 5 note I
for 10 women golfer Ithat I that MlMattel 17 Mias IAt1 Thnmp I
on n of st I John ha h buss regained the t anadlan an llian llianOIllD < I Iwomena
womena OIllD clintnpmnnlup I I I
fiardner W White hitp the h rIm Inter InterrcholamK Intrccholaaul Dr Drrholul
rcholamK champion who ho will IIIIh lie the young youngCM youngill
CM I entry n from tbo Iii Metropolitan Oolf fonlf 4 So n ni
i latlon dArIo iliicJ 1 cJ > won on the h handlcnp for the thepreoKlent thehlFPaIiihIt h
preoKlent tup UI otenliy 1 at the 111 Onklind Onklindtiolf
tiolf flub a liii He II made 71 1 i and 111 pljfed II I from fromcratch torn tornwratcts
cratch Irh lh the < alit ardOa1nrr
Oa1nrr 0 W White sratcit r tch 71 1 n II c rarlton rlton
4J S IS J 7 J llavrn II 1 7J 7 lr U M rarprntrr a 111 It
M 3 a n II li Ptvk 4 II 77 1 j H Dorilon Und Jr J
M lo < II u I Ioiihum M P a Caf o H it WhIte
UKIi a T 1J 3 ieorir l fj tohur > hiir lft 0 t IS o hott on onrwrOnT
UrKalcbt tot l tol 11 MI II I llojrrt IIo > Z lirt luw luwXrwrnttT
XrwrnttT rwrOnT fopt 4 The Th handnme rnn rnnwhkh nr >
which w wa cffereil by Ihe I Iti h Newport cwjort > C do lor
Club tub In l 1104 M to 0 l tue > e plnye fun euI < l for ro annually until untileome tint lhlllnm ii iicorn
corn nm mombr mml won It two wo 0 your rot ha baa a become becomethe becomethe
the pro IIlOIU > erty of iigiitu IIlII Jay Ia who ho won wo woIlic n
the Ih tournament In lIsa IPf7 and again In thl thIs hi year
There Th wa w a field of it eleven player N con on ¬
tenting for 10 the till than hi year enr in 11 nn 0 olght < > n
hoi hole medal play ria handicap and t Jay Jnycam came out outon oulOil outno
on lop ° i with 4 a not n More 0 ore of 7 a The pcoren pcorenof ore oreof 0
of the h leader wore w a follow followAngatN foil foilAnut foliosAnlusPite
AngatN Jy M II7V II It MlllUm riammrll riammrllI rmm
811 UI I u J tifiiMUr tErens lIr h tace nr 11111 > 0 M Jams nrown nrowninn lIrownIsp 011 011I
inn I u M Allnn MnItf
nn sI E s o ov T ru n F F i i1IW4 i1IW4Jiidgi VEKH nrA A i iJudce IIudel
Judce noarilman the Topllnrr Among Amoncthr
thr th h Few 1 Pr That Here frl Out OutThe OulTh Outlb
The Th piponement rnmn of the final Parkway Parkwaymatinee ralIIlTmlln rnrkwaymntIrj
matinee until next Saturday l4aIItI l IU t the Ih Speetj Speetjway RPJwr SPaedraT
way prmti rraIIIIT nlly deserted ye yesterday terday 111 morn mornIng illImIn mornmr
Ing In for 10 the Itl only one on who ho took adrantage adrantageof ctnenf
of the splendid ndl1 Condition nooa of the Ib upper uppertret Urlfrr uparpttth
pttth tret h were r the h few r who ho did not go rroon away awaywinning awayon
on 11 iti winning InnlnllIIon e elIleiItlfl5 i pe < it inn for theaumtner theaumtnerThere the h Imnr ImnrThr
There were enough tar present to furnlth furnlthgood futrnlhgoc4
good 1 port and 01 plenty pnl of upe c1fLtofs tatnrw tn tnapplaud tOapIauid
applaud nn a II w wa r citgsteaI ted that ye Yllrl1y Yllrl1ywnllhi yesterdeywould erday erdaywould
would open the h fall cunon cunonlame ei n nfame 11rm
fame Murphy had hl hlaok hlll k pacer Comt ComtMarl CoambMario out outIrl
Marl 2 H1 II I I and a1 hl lila rhetnut trotter trotterKim Iroll trotterKim
Kim IT I I1 on n the th drive but the latter latterdid latterdtd
did not enter 11 In the Ili h racing nat Mnrte Mnrtewt I In
wt ont n one nn winning heat h with Hugh <
Rlley lut bar p p4dr > or I It < fun n rime a an oft Oftpiiuent ¬
ponent fru Hum I lnrlll fopiite matinee f sior or orlt
lt Jude JIII llnnrdman had t thing pretty P PIn
inn In h hi Pila own ow w > um mliii 11 defeated everything everythingnn rlhlniC rlhlniCno
nn the It ilrlte drl trottorw 11 or pwern I tame amr m
HnlloTay ml 1 liehlnd the Ih ludge and In
hl4f1rt hlo hi nrl enlurehe ent nt him hlmo In tu < kfetharle kfetharleI
I rbane 10 Iamh I o I I driven iIria ti by h On 0 o oiKirti a
borne 11 < Not xatuned with 1110 one nn defeat dratIJnd dratIJndrIII Dandy Dandyram
ram down be t stretch rrll agnln In and nrt again
but 11 111 I le I t he b < mild Iltl dn t wa to t t flnlh n nn1 nk nkand k kand
and n1 riok with Ih lie h Judge dor In the Ih foal lilt liltIndue tiltliidije
Indue hlI llnardmari aUn to md everything rlhlllll
hi nan > nn way in a pelt etti 11 wild Vllllam 1 rVoif Krull buitcIllIntt I
Klllott II IIVeliher IISlIhrl Iteitlir
Veliher Mr R RolI ntt nnr hi h favorite relished relishedclef
dofnit df and I they looked around for rorromllIor a aromperiror arnmIatitnr
romperiror whom loom the thet > vair a hAlve of ofiLefeatlttg
defenting lit II a turkr i dn dnnre f Ten > oo ilotr ilotrgar Mtgara III IIIII
gar II gara grnr Il gelding Idlnll The n lap wa eo aelIcil aelIciland ei eiand
and n b r en n tut gnod enough to ta t give JIlt them thema hmplnhrt
a uplendid rare wliliont dofentlrig tlnll Elliott ElliottII
II After beating nlt The Th l Ip p rlllolt R went n
bark h k again totr 10 I r > hi liii lurk with 11 h ludge Hoard Hoardman loudrnn hoardroan
man but blh Ihe theJilrigP Judge lfl won nn bv II two wo length lengthn lengthsIIabl
n IIabl > 11 Wthlniri It i4 ark rk tdi710 It tdai 101011 JO tod
IPU I P iI Drooklrav MnrTork lnr w Tork L4m c4i Al
f 1 q i 14PV rrxyiq rrxyiqI4attt7 tI tIIt
It I4attt7 ft P r iIas iIasiSfs
iSfs Wlffi It It ItI rN Play
I no 1 s a Ii a aa
a i44flesit 11440 pnI f44q 04 t ihu fttt1t4 fttt1t4It
C a wj uSPs uffasSi f fI
p 4cl Piy 14 It handsaP r mal malt
t P w4v e u a aI
I Jl115014 w IC 1a44V umial umiale 4
e Pq C C 4 C ii siSlums wttl tt I
55 Ia ef 11 11JIM gua tiiE I I
p JIM JIMIt s 01 ia4wl fa wl wla I
a It paqe I cj V ef I IIWIIt a S4 S4fli44tig
fli44tig IWIIt C t C S tIa I 1i ool oolt
lb iiSn I Nuct f it
tg t iS a b w P 1 t4 tt ttII h4t h4ttei P ttl t tCi S
Ci II Pliiaqimtul tei 4t i l I > r a w ya iat f 4 4r I us
WeytU r 4 4 l Urk b44 th K4ft II 4 yni I ft ef efng4 atICV t tu I
S ICV u ng4 wgntt l rn thf PPt mtrne mtrneM Iftt IfttOJf tnalehmussep >
sep OJf us 54 M in H4o UN > fa P44 HI wMrrt rV nwl nwlJe
I It 5 I Je I Mr f iefe lafssl4jsg f Hn tttm i iPIT L I
> 4 q PIT ut Iftt n lr I lit iti h tt4 at l < rr rrnt 14e14 wma wmatffin
tffin us fl nt ilef < N4t Ite Itegnvo ft wan anes anesffi
I ffi h a Jot Jott hi aat e 4vd 4vdaItv
aItv t dIllS tn M Ms n4teti wlnntng witltl4M1P n nI
j I P r e asftm asftmlUau
1 lUau p > rtitr I Mar r tevn > ro gpi h a gn riI riIhliiut l 1It
11444 It t oH4t4e U4iSl HtfpH 8ftIt I H4gg cc < lei totru iUfe iUfef <
irPtr ru I Mrfieffer V T I It i I t It ItIt w wr wa I
C initeil ti1i11 r i It > length lengthl 41 < liJ I i
111 i1I t l4ig l ae ir ig l P K sun f < III IIIn IIIII litlws I
lws eel leli a Part s II ill 111 111r 111fir
40as n I > 4 lliia tm M Hg 4 4f r >
5cs f Or K H itaUti 1 to tor 4 C Clecmn
lecmn 4 e rtKl Kids fni4ii ClmtCnbss > i 4t w II > a arii n t triri
riri r e MMl t W ttonnef hiSCIaIS g f w > l ft I Ii4Hl
> i4Hl r 414 4 II 4 tfrl 1i 4 4 4tfdiAl lfm 4rfo i4511PI le f fIt tII 51 51I
It I II WMIH W < t 44 4 t H lOt I t t eMtter f V Hrlf HrlfMH4 lI lIC
MH4 C sfrteat orot > o 4 It llofr < t V Yaaasi AMI b by lClt o Ot iit i vr vrMltnt tIt
S Mltnt ii5 454Sih < 4 < V le It I II Vurtr S7v 1 414 S Z 8 4 4II iMvkl iMvklM 1 1M I
M rVfcl dtMM1 dts 1V4 t tIsguec r V Sam i4 VU Yleci I 4 4I 4 aa a
4 J f M Plscici > r ck V P rn il efai5 f 4i I r l flo flotiMofw ft ftI
I tiMofw wIds rvr IfUolt lt liaise > r inmewnk At Atf ifsliiSi
f liiSi > ie 1 I Ii wri Hr ii it sIsauii C < 4lt fir 1 = t ttaWmad ot d r rtvi rIS
IS lr4tJ tvi WilliaM im j wiw WuertI f ti > S o oW 0a
W t 1 AMlr4 sIp14 er > tii Jwr WIllIam wr W Maaa 4 u un2 4 4i SA SAt
i it n2 t U to wmun Ifilol L I 7fnrt u I1rN dtfe4 > l H hI Haney Haneyj rr rrI
J M lfw4Lsie No44K4iir by It 4 4iMMra 4faIt l4Mlt 11 Hr Ii IP tibias 1UI M t ttlb MmsliibaUm > a ar
I baUm ilfeM < l Afthnr tlb r lt4k 11 4 I a S I I A J JU Jl Jr
T Hr4ir II Prwl y 4t4it 1 J id U 3 heat A 3 4 a itorrt itorrtrthall itrrsalaU
I 1 tlr d 1511511 rei tUrthall tCo rthall l PsisSy i lr If I IA It 2 2a
a rsee iiiia H t A nhnwr ftlm ct inas4 inas4Dirt f 4rt W Wtr wBy W Wott
Dirt tr drfialt 11 n raeg ott H Hf L Lblb l d Itnk Itnka re4 J JJ
1 AMt4ilr aal 1 rM Star II f ky iltftiilt daIs Htrurl r ru rI rll
I ll u ir I fr4ol j II I t Drtgi A I L I 4 A AI4u AIto
Ito e tof ti > Wlliun 1 ilr tiraiSgec nor br J dsftslt dsftsltI r ilt iltrei
I f I l4rook 1 r > Mti t M > Pftuury tn r C I S t tA I IJl IS
Jl S It V iuionnr t fo4lfl a IT T f W UrlflMii S X I II
I 3 lifted lAtttmaec A diSad A I IJ tulIY iIitiSi iIitiSia
4 J 4 1 IXtk H TmM4ofealelt Tlltl 4tCit W feltei 54144C
4 a1 4 3 t II > f IVIHUBI 1111 1111I 1111rJ I4nnh liocIalIn ra rtftrtlod rtftrtlodUMrttTi deflateifWINn
UMrttTi I t illrton 4 J 5 A 4 14orn iISI5Itei i Il4rk Il4rkI
I Itei = I A t a rJ r HrvlKr 4rfl I 2 j M ra i U tihilt Lrrsn LrrsnIfltt L I II
hilt I defeated ll W IViwpiia hv dfttlt 11 Ijii I IIi lint lintSm I IH
H Ij4or I ha r 4tlste Ilrot < 1 H I ilhurielr IIuI A X XUiiHAtn 1I 3 4 4S
UiiHAtn S lilseita I II liinarM t ieiried 11 lr iialtl r IItI < > ill hy hyirottwlt PSiIiiaIl r rIf
irottwlt If J 5 11 Peokhtm 10 d ford dt ii W A Mot W
1 4 2 Mtluri I ln Ic aegis dssoted 1 fO Arthur FIU I tVhoior Ir Irhier
Vhoior r 3 T s o C J Uf I r 11 r titib tl 1 h dotoalod dotoalodHhil dfaidah t thI
Hhil ah hI I Cimphfll a I 4 i lImit U rm a dofrttod dofrttodit t i
I IS aaalniawj by tielAull APaiuftn to Itslert Itslerthr 1 1J
J it itrfrtlnl f Cuari Htrle 10 ahalwap 1 a I n lonC tlOttCOO tlOttCOOii r B Bt
t IMp II r doroateil 1 X 1 iHirtulorf a 41 a 3 a 4 ctlll 1 1Trilfil 5Thud
Thud 1 rUHind oj ntrhaM l t igur CII Jofralrd A AHo4 5 514n I
Ho4 tt 14n i a 0 l urI rrl > ii < 4 n 1111 k J JsISteI lr i H M MletratHi I tIevpniriu
I letratHi C l I 4 A 8 Utlrb Italrb 1 Il4f de defoatott 01 01I detentesI I
foatott r I > r r I t 1ath Wal 4 2 4 fttrhjri l ha hafenJ ast astIr
lION Ir d tottnl Ionian A lloper lIa I 4 OJ I
IftTnU i rl r U ric ricIt rll rllIt
It Krferee or 0 N Hombd mrb 4l > Ilotitil T ouM 4nnouo 4nnouoThm 1annouoceThem nnouore nnouoreThem
Them Twoulil lit II a Bon BonWhile 8nhll I3nWhit
While hll gridiron Umn avanto nl and al other h not nolanll lii liiSVantulih o o1vantll
SVantulih 1vantll anll < are r telling l hnw h Hneor howtierce howtiercethi how ttrre ttrrelIt
lIt gamo Ifan > i is going nc tn I be M > thl hl fait under the therfnrm therform h hrnm
rfnrm rnm wI l deitcantlng learnedly or 0 other otherwie ollron
wie nn a ubett on which It 1 I pietty much muchguonxnrk muhnlI misihgiteiusnrk
guonxnrk nlI with lIh all 11 n nl them there th I in one oneplan on onpln onpfn
plan the hrt rile 11 committee nmmIU could order od which whichwould shichwosilat
would 1101 b is sir iro IF to help hl pectator In com comprehending rmphl1dln4C cornprhndlng ¬
prehending what har wa wan going on It The Th dimple dimpleplan aimlepia mttipleplan
plan pia of having h th referee 1 announce fnnm through Ihnlehpilon
1 megaphone pilon whit h penalties nII are for when wheninfttrted whenInhittIed hn hnnnlrl1
infttrted ha haD been 11 uggeied If the Ih referee refereeI rr rrI
I Im too buy I then let the h field jiidt llnman llnmanor
or otmebody with a good voice 1 1 do It ItIhe I
Ihe 1 h tenaltlo In II to 0 whlrh team m ar liable liableIn lIblIn
In football Ihall ar nre manifold and ad nlae nl time timeout
out 0 of ten n the Ih pectator dont know kno what whatpartirular wh whpatlcula whatpnritiir
partirular bath nf the Ib rile 111 ha has Incurred Incurredpenalty Icurrnallr
a penalty nallr Generally they put It down downto
to I holding or orTftlde and let It go 0 at 1 that thatIt halII
It might Iw I on of f eeveral doen dutunSn offence offencen olt
Sn n announcement of the Ih offence orTfn and the thenntito Ih IhnI theOath
nntito nI Oath of the Ih penally nll would cl clear r up doubt doubtnd dOlhl1tJ doubtand
and nd educate dusrt the Ih tpectator and nct that the thebig Ih IhttI thbig
big ttI majority of football patronneed ronn educa education fdllrIolt ediaralion ¬
lion in the Ih flue lo point of the III yarn and nd lot lotof 101or Iota Iotaof
of it 1 nob ntlO1 v1y r cin cm deny fletter r undervtand undervtanding
tog ID of a game m won nnl t hurt hu It popularity popularityhowing rouluUhwlnelh
Ss howing the crylna Inll need for 10 a diltiinlon diltiinlonof <
of o knowledge kn 11df on what h1 ha h Incurred Inrr a pen penally ftDIt pnnalIt ¬
ally It here are a coma m of the h thing for which whichpenaltie whIchusnnhlie hlrhInalllf
penaltie can be Impoved ImpovedVjntltino Impo ImpojtoIII Irnpoedshtliu
Vjntltino jtoIII comIng fOI1Iln In and not reportIng to tb tbrrtoro the Iberohlblu1 thereferee
referee rrtoroProhibited refereeProhIbited
Prohibited appartlof a 111 01 any kind kindtnneorwry olDcSdloIr kIndtniieeaiy
tnneorwry delay dloIrtrI
lllr Illegal < t po trI pottlms ltlont of planr In scrimmage ImCID ImCID11a lice llnf4inildeandb licelUtitfidansi
4inildeandb holdIng ldtng l
llntmot 11a eel n going Din fiv aYe yM bell when bftl ttttr
drop behind the line linePlayrr lIe lIeIIayet
drrr Playrr la dd raollon alore Debts ball It I taapped ap tierpt tierptohilqurly UCOplDh1g saeptbilquely
ohilqurly Dh1g or toward bit ewa goal goalAhrad goalAhead
Ahead or o the JO ball on Us the kirkoa kirkoaAbrad lIt lItAbad kIckoAbead
Abrad ot lh lbs rulrtlntag Uluh lla oa a kick IrtriiOUl IrtriiOUloul klekoutlInli out
oul 1111 ixlnt bald for kirk touching IIIII11OWI4 ground with without williIt without
out briar tl kicked r linraedUwry I
TMntout 7 tinkut It 0 ilAlatloa ilAlatloaF itolathoaPair 11011 11011tal
F Pair lr catch rlt tlolartant tolan and nd liiffal lI r gd ilgnalUa ilgnalUaOut
Out f of bound violation violationIViot etolailOoSreId
reId 1 ta nap 1IlI ball when 10 pultlac pUltl l It ta play
Interlocked InlI toierfrrrnre toierfrrrnreIntorfrrmre lafurnIn interferenceinterfernre
Intorfrrmre In with Ith the b pJIbk wtpperbaekPenalties a pt pJIbkJ > erbark erbarkIooainrt
Penalties J for uncompleted forwtrd f r yea I Ilegal Ii Iilegal
legal forward r rns < or mlr Illegally y touching I I IrII rII the ball balloft btllon II II0tI
on forward pa paTrlpplog paa paaTripping
Tripping hurdling crawling 1111 tlucftng foul foulturkllnr foulT foulbucklIng
bucklIng and rlllnr up oa runnor runnorTourhlrc risen risenTourbtrg
T dli
t f
Tourhlrc the ball 1 when otttMf coaching blne flora florathe rtoojlht
the lht > kl kim < lines IIn mere mo than fit n flits petont f nn tar tarU1o b bI
U1o 14 tine m kirk not made froa n Itt e ards rdirk tack ak of ofthe 01It oflb
the lb scrimmage I n far sod to J no ad d In I mActhorn mActhornIf nnl turn turnIf u
If anybody nt n Ir beeldr 101 the Ih offlclala ran dl dltlngulfh 111IInrrulh din dintirtgiiich
tlngulfh among all 11 tboe rhn re ma o of Infrac Infraction Inlr infraclion t tlion ¬
lion of the Ih pile he h t more than mortal mortalnntrii rnortolIUJllIO I Ir
nntrii nntriiCurtain IUJllIOlurtahn r i iCuln
Curtain for or the omrlal RarIng Tck Tcttrtar Tcttrtarrf 1ay 1ayCre
Cre irn rf for 0 Uoiton and rrtllaflrlnrilii rrtllaflrlnriliiWith rnudlptIWith
With the Ih Middle Blat regatta at 1 Phila Philadelphia Ihlldlrhla PhIladetphia ¬
delphia and nt the t New S Lngland regatta tI on onthe onIh onthe
the Ih Charle I her I Hirer ItI at r HoMon the Ih curtain curtaingoo certaingruca
1 goo down d on the Ih official raring ctn pearonnf lOn l1 <
1910 The Th fixture at 1 the th Quaker City I IHln ha a atrifle atrill
trifle more Interentlng to local knight knl of ofthe 0 0I ofthe
the I h ashen nh blade for In moM all 11 nf the club clubaround clubaround Iubeounl1
around ounl1 New s ew York hold old membership In the theMiddle Ih IhlIl1dl thuMIddle
Middle lIl1dl Plate fila AoHallnn A jlJnn while hll not on one n
ha h the Ih roIlhII ghtet connection with lIh the sIt h New NewFjigland OI OInlllntJ sewEnliind
Fjigland association outside of who ho may maygo m mayIt
go 1 to the Ih Rchuylklll from flm Iong I 1land Und or nrHrnoklyn orIIrolIln orhtrnrilolyn
Hrnoklyn cI lx crew tr will 11I go 0 from the theHarlem theIlarlem hej
j Harlem RIver and two from the Ih New S York YorkA k khlrh
A f whIch I ha a better howlog than Phlla rhlldl PhiLauleIphilS
1 delphl dl hlil would lfoII1nkrt make If the Ih regatta 11 wag held heldhere heldh heldher
S here h One On of the S New York orll A C entrtt entrt
I t 10 Charles harl Hunch the ptroke Irok of the Ih eenlor eenloreight inloreight 1110 1110hI
I eight hI and nd he h will 111 row ro In the Intermediate IntermediateIngle Intrmeditsingle
I Ingle ecull That hi work ork will 11 be clo clol cloltchd clocIywatchp4 oy oywatched
I watched tchd I certain an for hn ti I tipped a one oneof onlor oneof
I of the Ih coming oculler of the lb Et and he heI hfla heIa
I I la going lo 0 devote all hi time 11m to that Ih branch branchof
I of boating neif year yearIt r rIr
It wa planned that the Ih Harlem Rowing RowingClub nolaCIlh flowingClub
Club should be I represented at IloMon oloa In Inthe InIh Inthe
the Ih acnlor nlor double but at 1 the Ih last moment momenttht momnlIhU momentthat
that event rnt wa a dropped from th lint be because bei beicall becaihi ¬
cause call It I did not nnlllll fill Then Cant Ca 1 Jack Sale
turned around ami nd entered nl Fred re4 1 Mhepherd
In the th senior lIlor quarter mil dash and nd Fred rod
Fues ltiecwl l In the Ih senior nlor tingle elnI1 at Philadelphia tblldlphlu
Kuernet u want nla to liave I tin another crack ck at 1
Cordon and the 110 Harlemlte think that with 1111
the Ih condition favorable It fn NOW n hi hiwash hiwsh
wash h to the 110 Quaker The rh llarktm alto altowill Alsowill Ito
will 11 be represented 111 by hugh IIlIfhf In the lb Inter Intermediate lalruMitale interhl3dilte ¬
mediate Ingle InI Harry McOifoheon will willcarry willcarrY III IIICIIT
carry the Ih Harlem color In the Intermediate Intermediatesingle
single at 1 llo Itnaton < ton tonI IflnIh a alb >
I Ih he Metropolitan I rolIlaa Rowing Club ha baa entered fn
lotin Hrhults In th the Quarter mile dash at
Philadelphia and ad a he h ua baa been preparing
for some m time he h I Ie bound to be on o the Ib
firing nln line Itn at lb flnUh He If I Ii a sturdy unt
follow 110 and handle hi ecu tlCUll well 11 enough enoughto lIolIbn
to n make a good 0Gd chowlnc holo Fm Emery rr of the thesame theMm itt ittcam
same club will 11 row r In the senior nIor single at
lloton and cd U1 the Met e have ha sent nl a four Inu oared oaredshell oniaa oniaaelicit
shell 11 crew r It I the Ih biggest hlee effort on the Ih Met 1
hue h made In the IheJoln rowing line lin thl thin year 7eAr r
1b l Inlon Inlonn I ninfle and Nonpareil will III b Pm aen aenwIth n nwith
with lth centipedes nitt t at t Phlladelprila hlladII llolh llolhcrew IInlIc Ilombcrew
crew c have h hat been n training for ome ml tim tlmI9d and andwill andwill
will 11 take IIt a lot of beating 11 In th the general generalrun neral neralrtln
run nf regatta this Ihl year u the III club made a apoor aprtnr aptiIF
poor showing holn nnd II I worthy of f note that
they h have h tried trl trlpdtn to do something to help h
I the I h sport at I I some lage lageThe taUeThe II IITh
I The Th Park Department h baa stirte < In to 10llhl
I build llhl a bulkheed hullth along Inn hciiller row roWs New Newiilen sVwpile
I pile 111 have h beer dh drhfn < en along Ion In front rrn of o
I the III Metropolitan and 1111 Wyanoke house hOI and
the Ih work ok will 11 continue a ai far a Ail the Ih I re reliuwni < < ni I I
I house hou It I promised by the III th1 p rk rkpItInI rk fe fepnttnient > e epartment
I partment th that t a spur I ulir Ir will 11 b he built 1111 from1 from1entral lrom I Ientrsl
I entral llrldge leadlrur ICLJI lo the Ih lower end n1 of
I IMIII Cruller row ro so that Ih ibm II rlub there ran an
I be I reached arh more conveniently from the 11
I Manhattan aide 11I11 of the lb river I ITh
Ihe lb NeA4ii Hnal CIlh lIlt had Intended to I Icetud
end lIrt a couple 111 of enlrle coIn lo 0 Philadelphia I
but I ojrh Johnny Hmlth could not aria ilrOl ilrOlIrl
murb Irl enthusiasm among mnn the Ih oarsmen so
the II Middle Male 1 w wac allowed lIn to lp I e ev e1 eihiat >
It Wa IfIM1 < 1 Ih that ihiat Iyrk Itlr liak Unn or I lfe It
v New S lurk r atk
4 r would make a Pne n showing In
In all 11 nf the Ih sculling uUIf events nl this 1111 hi year y He II I II
I did make a splendid start and lId won wo 00 his hi rim
event n of the Ih yenr on nt the II Harlem llher In
rapltal style lhat lh 1 hat wa the lto fist of I hi
prngreM fe though for soon afterward he
I bought an n automobile and nrt tnnk too no many I
Joy jn J ° r rid Thl hI flying nln around m I not the Ihl its I
I thing for In nn n oarsman In training I for It
I bake the Ih muscle of hi spine pl and n < h he baa b
I not the Ih proper arm left It when ba b come to
I make makgtbedriwIUs Ib I drive lIl with u lb > or I
vrrr Y tWlflR fnn r rrt I n n I nnnit nnnitr nnl n nI flifli P4 P4riitt
I r nl v vrir rf r riitt riittYat x xrreef U UI
I I r Yat f tasty rreef r pwc4akfys hteft I I tic e AiaIh AiaIhP44aPl v 4ilh 4ilhIhMemenl h hfl
IhMemenl Mt MohMltl fl lfl tile ltidVw ltidVwDbIg tiwar Rwt Rwt0n =
0n 0 DbIg rrwrn J f4 t r It M r Diigiei W Cley Cleyn l > T Tpfeteitnil anI anIPI15aDlq
pfeteitnil n It I W D4 v e > I PswhlmelVaaM PswhlmelVaaMcul wfi4 > ttrtf ttrtft r f nl nlit
cul t nec 4 1Sa if V Ppav
t4eaVhils 111 lI t 5154 a it itt sU > ti n nV9W
V9W t 4 Jnte f fro Ypettebiaea < > ili r4 rtI f
I pfy Ml 1 Mw Miwa > 44 4HmiM 4HmiMft ia > > 441
I ft r paring pus Ntr af f II M 44efA Hrf Cf > f ff ap > > pPaail
I pit44 rnl s44fl 4wk 11 umial umialI I II
f I I nr In an 4Mee f np r < ei rreetwbler rreetwblereHrt P44MSM4rtrn t tIIIH
rtrn II IIIH p prskteat sf th 1 I
eHrt 11 It 4t 11 In part partI P4evThe I II
I The elnft lP ejf a whtetl I 4m animmpsumus ir lofH lofHI 1 I Ir
immpsumus r a PtPlt at r 13Joft 33IiSII54 itt ittI 1 1I
I J Jry aJ4 f whinets I t1IIV in 1
I I 1 favor fa fanfame nf n same imirnem n nuf < 111 apteenitqiiS apteenitqiiSbe 1 1tl
uf be M4Bh tl snI 1 Pti 11I4 11I4t 4 fiia Iee IeelilY
I lilY t rtr tn C 4wm ew4fJ ew4fJIf w are ri 0 15 15itildata
itildata 11 4sI 11 p9nka ii44i 1 101 I Ip441S1
p441S1 fnaaaI 0441 044 NS w C te tera4mnii
ra4mnii 01 ad n Is sf It Itf tuh
If f It I oMrlw B4I Pi l 4 MM 4 r ritn4wqw t 4w4r will willrv silllwl II IIItft
rv lwl l fartweri Itft K rITN r m l > Wt WtNo he I lust S Sinleol
No inleol ite 4H 1 wuh lflt 4 o a414f 4r ilfftwa ilrr 1 e ei > wn 111 111T + hut hutS
i give liV The T its > menil MnIIrs rw in a n the > milnar 111 111I > MMttt MMtttIn sCantnnsIy
tnnsIy I In I f4 I AVC e > r 5Sf f a ff prpnl f l ph 4ta a rat ratthi mk mkth m mI
I Ih ispahartl 1001 < ansaa asr I ab ablb PI 1
th 1 lfkl 1 CC4 o 4 las n M 54 pavI hive t with Il IIblk IILaI IILaIbloek lgl1 lgl1blnek
blnek on eonrr CoflafUIe 0 b4 It baa e enit n emmi ant vl 1 1H AIM AIMwet its itswed
wet H forh4Yjr lOr h trt Irtfing aing ansI 1 a cent at r I drive driveway itlivway hl
way to b fiave1 with wooden 1 blxf k hid lilrlon 111r1ft hidon
on ft 4 ronrr rollcrate > too hi ianIcr iml 1 r h u44t i CMKllllAn CMKllllAnfor
for li highs ht vehirk hlrl > ansi o 1101 < i itiifnmnhit itiifnmnhitth Imt Imtlb >
th It aittr 1 n itrl atrien l iii < h bit > P priwl M < fmm fmmMd I lIt lItaafa h hIIrl
Md aafa IIrl > rt br piiiPIa > IIUM rnfb r anti nol n < l th tr trIn lramr lramrIII
In horoolrnllml OD rIIlln In rronlaoro 0 with lh rUi rUil 1
if vetikie l > ii4ln ilnifli I ho a M 1116h highway highway1hia hw4r hw4rwouul
T 1hia I wouul kt i Irflhl > r Thl for I ih h ili Iifriic fw In InII I
1 0441 1 Iwtweti It thin h I fail anti n1 1 liw vhiI vhiIa h
a well II a giva r each rh fit rl elia of ofl VPikiu Sb SbtAvmnt h hIrnn
l Irnn > 4 m > ni t toe mini in 110 II n nI neeita neeitaMmlviii
1hHI I I HU Ctri lrFntr nUir chairman n of I lIt > h rcwiit rcwiitMninr rnu1tmfnhti 1 1mmlll
mmlll ii ihn1w h J Jersey tuuinmuisile tuuinmuisilemali
mali 1 Mninr I M > ailsLjesl il ilIn lb rhnll
In toy m > alk lk with Ih l lsilnea > i m m mn n who lto It Ith ii iilh i4 i4the
lh the h plank riMil 1 for TIM riiskau k n iiri iir > I Iflml In1 Ifltuil
flml a gettersi n r4l 1 no Innlm InnumsIv nimi It of opinion 4 n nlih nIh 0ihe
lih I ihe illruun of ih h rod h he aski 4l l Th T Thu They They44e r rj
j 44e rv ihil tj ih h ijfvni rnl < livi4ion fur > tnr tnrr rI1 rI1I rirIleyI
I I r ear r u i uarlleltt > tr ll nnl nt aol 4r are r h hesrtjp rtlr in fAvor
of illrklinr ih the h rent 1 of r api > h rnul 1 for ro or heir hcurrIriKklnr h hkID heirtrucking
trucking kID anal an11I1I1It I Ilihi M v YhltI li t and 4tiifiniobllr 4tiifiniobllrTh
Th The N Nw Jrr J Jetaey + r Miiomohil nmol > l and nol Motorlois Motor Motorr Inlo InloIult
r lull aloe lo 1 mil Do rem nm lialora > Mfor < yo ynuu < l with lIh the h hub1 sole soleobject nleubjMi
object uf rvina Iii h 4iilnntnblllf omnIII W iS iStwIlay v vWtloT >
WtloT 111 that Ih tulr to nr pl plan Iftn n will serve rv the h lnt Intrei Intreiuif re f fof
of I all IrOn r on ron concerted < rc il W i know kn ih ihlmpor Ihot iiiimportonru
lmpor importonru aori > uf ih She plunk ri road d fr Irn from m a rom rommrrl toniI
I I mrrl martIal l atanilpolnt tan DIIIh < lxinl a well P 11 4 sa from a ourm ourmrh 0111Inltln outing outingatIflutisailflt
atIflutisailflt atIflutisailfltrh Inltln Inltlnfll
rh MniNon county rOln DoiH no of Frhol rrholIh Freholu1eriu Freholu1eriualreasty < lrrii lrriilr
alreasty lr ndr h hn > mom un on r tntopt < > ril am f lyoln vnrln an anentlr n nnllr nnil
nil rofmcnt mnl of snt nol 1 for the h cilon cilonI 11011or
I of o thl ttiia old 01 roa 011 < r < mnln < through ih the coon rotinti coontie
ti I tie of Ky i kiwi IlinUoa IlinUoaII I II Q QII
II C Fink who 110 ha vntrrnj a Pop Poplt rIftlarltnr Popeliaraforit
lt tlarltnr rifnnl In h V anulrlsilt ni rtiili cup r rice r which whichwill hleh hlehwill hlrbwill
will Iw I run m over th > h lonn Inns fint lUnd Motor MotorPirk MotorParkwnr IolorPark
Park Parkwnr rr and nd p pArt fi of lh the > roiintr road roadm cy r rtn
1005 m nf Nao Npmu iii county < on October I I haD haD0haID tinsobteineri d dobtained
obtained 0haID th the h < trrrlcmt peryls rI of hell lin IJIncl < l < > v to toilrlvo 10I to todrir
I I ilrlvo drl 10 hi hw roe rll t DlnI hlingley > lnl y competed In ih ihW the theio5
a W io5 > J r rare r with Ib a 1ap lopTolado ToliHlo r rare lIr r r H Hromplt tie tienmllI1 IIrntnpfete
I romplt nmllI1 Nl five ft of tt h > len round oln of the theclrrtilt theclraiit h hI
clrrtilt bill ran an Into a telegraph polo 101 In th thtiih the theeith h
I tiih > 1 b round and ncl hrok broken whr w wheel hl < l which hlh forrM forrMhim lor lorhim forresthim
him to 0 withdraw II hIt I Last fall Ulnl 1 Itngiey lnI r rnamni sa sanamed a anamld
named m ilrlv atrIvr r of our on of ih the h < > l lh4l alrar hlnieracar alrarcar tf1t tf1tr
car r enteged ntcr d for th the h Vandrrblll rup II rac racII ta taII race racelie
II lie wa aa llchly > injurrd InJ In an n accident < tSnl a afrw ar afew
few r da d diii l 1loe > for ib bll rare r ho hostr vrr and andWllllim nodWIlliam
Wllllim KnipiT droro the car an a hw outv outvilluto iuibtilthte
illuto l tail i SCAlP mat racln racing < maiutlchow maiutlc IIitirschow
how that PlnalV Knhrrt Hnbertcon > on Couli I ht her herrolait r rrolol
rolol lirant < u i rlrmlnc all of whom viii viiidrive ll
drive In ih the andrrbili rac thl thia year ar arrntltlMl are areintitled
rntltlMl to great rrrdll Ulnirlry a a mom
bar of th Lhalmore tram won ih ahe Shlllrr Shlllrrrup Sheitiurtilt
tilt al lAin ncrlm and th the Wrnim rup al
Portland sam orond in Ih the Falimoun FaIlmoihotrark
Park race and la two oar at Portland Portlandwa
wa thlnl In ih the Vr V15per p r club luh trophy rare rareat raceat
at Lawril weil and wa uapltrm only onr on
M Emit Holt entrant of tho lb other Pop
llartford thai will compel for th Sander
blll cup ha obtained tb the egreic rvlr of Jack Jackrlemlnc
rlemlnc aa driver of hf hi rat FlemIng U a an anew
n new w Western drier and l laL l r Tetr ar won two twoclav wo woeIcJeA
clav eIcJeA In t the Portola r rae P al Man an Iran rranctixo I ICicco
ctixo Thus year auiderbllt rare will willmark wIllmark
mark hU fIrst appearance In th Eaat EaatThe EsatThe
The entranta of th two National ran I Ithat
hat will compete for the th Vanderbilt cup
ha have TO announced that Al llrlnrnton and
John I SIlken will hare charge of the thecar lb lbCare
car Urlntlono U I from the Partnr
Coaxl and nr rsi l attracted attention In rare rareon raceaon
on ih lx > 4 An Angel ele board track Me won wonthe wonthe
the IlllnoU trophy race al Klein and fin
lhd erond to Mulford In l the national nationalfork nntionalstock
fork cha4lA rare for the FJcm national nationalIrophr nationaltrophy
trophy in AUKUM Altken ha won a num ¬
her or rare on the peedj r at 1 Atlanta Atlantaaud Sliantaand
and Indlanapoll and hax ha competed In a anuml a012mb
numl > er of rood race rreThe raceThe
The race at th Hriehton Reach track tracktoday tracktoday
today are echadihied che < iuled to tn at IZ 2 oclock oclockand oclockAnd
and It ha exterted the last a t ear will l lie over overat
at S oclock Olilfleld had bJn iii Jfo 2 hor horpower borne bornepower
power Ben rarer on the track reotertlar reotertlarani
ani predicted that he would lower th thi thcourt
i court e record for one Art mile M si 34held erord
held hy llalph Pe Polma with the 80 o horee horeepover horapower
power tint i yrlono George Robertson
U quoted aa a aylac that the th winner of the theone theone
one hour rat j will travel lxtjrthre mile mileTb milerh
Tb date of the roclabllllr run of the theew
New ew Jerwr Automobile and Motor Club
ha been adranred one week and I now nowcheduled flOWscheduled
scheduled for Heplember 17 The member memberot
ot the iii club will rtt t1te to from their clubhouw cliihhoucin
In Newark to Ia It country clubhouse at
I lake ike Apahawa ntir llutlrr N J 1 There l lto im imto
to b a clambake and corn ro foaM M it the Lake
Aponawa headquarteri
Th manageraent managpmentoftb of the Atlanta Auto Automobile ¬
mobile Speedway ha announced a 3n mile milerare milerace
rare 51tb lth Uou In cacti prize a th feature featureof
of the meet there on November J < and i
The event I to l turn known a the Atlanta
Mpeedwar lirand < r nd lure Hace and the theAtlanta theAtlanta
Atlanta men hope lo ft the entile of ofmot
mot of the Amerlran and European driverand driver
and ear that will try for th the Automobile AutomobileClub
Club of America lrnd Irlre cold cup on
long Iftind on Ortober IS 1 Th tint prti prtiwill
will b be llovo 1lKm th the eerond lt n 1 the third thirdJ third3iu1
J 3iu1 the fourth iVi 1315 the fifth sIlo and the theulitn thePIItD
ulitn lIen All the tOPIC prlre will be b paid In Insola Ingold
gold solaThe goldThe
The Atlanta men will offer a total of
IIIM In raah prlret for he three day of oflacmit ofracing
racing The bl big < rare on the openIng day allyoCember
November oCember l will be the lIt I 11 no mil content contentfor conteui conteuior
for or the Coca 0ca Cola trophy open to clock clockchavwt stockchattS
chavwt of sot to ISA Sn cubic Inch pIston
dMplarement The trophy m mipt > t b be won wonthree so soUsreus
three time ronterutlvely to become the theproperty
property of an entrant Th winning winninguiriver
driver get its V i the eerond man tV > the thethird thethird
third III Iil the fourth IVi Mi and the th nfth 32 ij
The opening event on the big two mil milpeedway mileppedwy
peedway will be > record IrUI for one on mile mileIn
In whlcb each car will have two trial trialelectrically trilselectrIcally
electrically timed The iii driver making the
bet time will get Itm and to more if th theilctlnr lbetiating
eilctlnr American speedway > record for forone or orDna
one mile Intl i ta lowered There will be a ten tenmile menmile
mile free for all rare for the Southern ama amateur amatrust ¬
trust championship Ihl Ill t tu > e > open only I Ito
to amateur driver redding south nf the
Ohio and ei 11 i of the Mlcais4ppi MI M 4ppi river and
the Dlxl trophy will go to the winner winnerOther sInnertIther
Other riree on the opening day will IM 1 a
13 mile event for lock rh ehaceen of tat
Ia lo 3V cublr Inclir Inch pUinn displacement a
70 0 mile free for all a in 0 mile event for mock mockchaeiten etrckdtsaean
chaeiten ol 711 il to inn aw ruble Inrhe a 10 mil mlltee
free tee for all and a M u mile event for Bloc Bloccha tocrhaiea
cha rhaiea ef > of 471 lo foOl < o rublr Inrhe InrheThe lottieTb
The Tb big tare on November 4 will be beTOO I
TOO 2 mile event for he thy pf tlanta iruphy
fat for clock rhMe nf 4M lo ton rublr Inrhe
TIii Irnphy nni 111151 i lie 1 won three ronoeriitlve ronoeriitlvetlmen ronefeutieptunes
tunes lo he holfle < om the property of an entrant
The lb winning drler get It 31510 rim the lb second secondmm er nd ndmn
mn mm tun 311 the third I7 tiu n the fourth ttm ttmand stonand
and the fifth tU 4i > Another big bi rare thai thatuI
diir uI will tx a free for all 11 handicap of 111 111mile inmiles
mile open to all r mrs r enierel at ido lii nieet nieetI
I 4r arc will l ite > e hnnitlrniiM < Hrrordlng in their theirperformance theirIrfnmanc5
performance 41 lie meet by as u Psisrut nl of ofThe < if ifot8eIl
ot8eIl handIraPIPrc handIraPIPrcrti
The rti amateur r rise e on the second d lit r will
he a Ire fur nil al twenty mile Thin Thinevent hi hieeflt
event will 1w te arpan < nxn onlr onl tip 11 reglntered ama amaleur
leur ilrltero Other rare he vmil iUv iUvwill ilaysill
will be a III II mile event fur lork ih ihof < haMe haMeof <
of lilt tn lan rnbl < Inrhee inch a pi Ii mile free fr for forall forill
all a 13 I mile e eCent enl fnr ii nock chase of ji jilo i
lo I Mm tas ruhli ln < tie 4 M 21 mile free for all alland allanil
and a 14 4 mile pent for clock rharv chap of
3O 301 to 4ttl 4 ruhlr Iprlie IprlieOn tetien
On n the 11 < Uel day of the meet there will be betwo busISA
two race In addition to th > grand pr Iura IurarottIdat > e eronte
ronte t One In will Ix an AuoirilUn piirult piirultrare lititsuitrat
rare In which the lIt rusts < nr will l lie > e inllnn lailnn4 < i an anriuiat n ne
e riuiat iii l dtntanre lst < Inre l eliinil euih other Ml will willdart
dart l r > al nnre and shen hen one rnr la MiKeed
by another the tua rr being piiMed will b biit IttOt
tOt < of I the rare Thin rice will be P > limited I
to not more than cm lx mr to be busIt elere < i
by It th the AtlantiS Automobile AMorlatlon AMorlatlonmanagetnrnt I Irnaneletneflt
managetnrnt from he rara competing In Inthe I Ithe
the meet The Tb oilier nib rare will b tin a TO mil
free fnr itt all open only to rralatered amateur aat Cu
driver L
I r stt ty rs i i5tftiw
5tftiw I f sawS iff f fI
I Ifseew4N4 a Ulew N N1u
1u S C S en i iS ius
us q qe
e na
A ian 0 IlCCiit IlCCiitC
C sc I 4 I es esI
I SW i SPU S 5 i i I
5 us 4 i Sit a at
t r44 5 5s1
s1 l it s slw
i lw a I I sw i
4 ne 04 4 4444w4
S 444w4 S Isf ma c ctt
tt a a I p pag
I ag e nis p ea i iitnt1
I itnt1 5444 asisg 5 est estn
n 54 a U4eqw iS4wg iS4wgSq
Sq 5 45 SaNS PSS SN SNi4tte
i4tte ifl t nicS e in inn
n bnIg 4 p
11 a4aSW44Cu a4aSW44Cuyw
yw 5an t4n PIeesiSaAe C 5 5vials
vials tt kgwi I rqa
444 P a aI
I w wttesn
ttesn 15 a4 S 44 S SuMsa
uMsa 4i siS 54 550
5 t SCi Os Pti4 n nI
I 5fl 1 a se seuCasif
I uCasif F t S I Iypeusg
ypeusg 5 tnc 4 4ISiS
ISiS tsteU i i a Sss ii m miSaC
iSaC ii Lult 21 Ca ee4 k kss
ss stf 54 15 5 4454a 11 I wi S Ssf15
sf15 an aCLAI iSles l ci I I tee teeS
S peseffllctan itt lit Seela SeelaV
V r lh the member ai f IP Mfi H Hnen t t4t iAl
4t lit lisa ground al Th lhmrh > r l avenue avenuel mei meiSire
Sire l r i The fit event nl thai gar th p pmat r t b bmnl
mat aniHrniti wa San ih iI5C threw ap apre 5j 5jri
re ri It wa rteverty Ten by H 1 M IIrt n
fonlwno rt Sbus Sal 4 In i id ldl A 4lllrSew4r all the way T J
M4mara ilRV4inar ami M l4nn i4sinin n who lu > iWiisWH iWiisWHorond flgiai flgiaiereali
orond aAil 411 Mnl reppttt fapeliii1 li tr trMurei j jI5I4IIAS4
Murei fnr fit nof no gmng through < k kmint bc bcstud
mint during the ili progrs 4 of f hi hiThe it it1k
The 1k c immary immaryii
5 ii i fan 4nl Hln Pt lttful fluwIlei > rri rriI uin Ity S Ss SsI
I > trd n Mr4lmre Meibsi 2 2j vtrd c15C4 er a4 p
M HC < i e 3i rtrrtt PIn oifd ttmo rtn 143 U I 3 3u > + n
Vi u > Csiuf > tn1 NI N itl < rvtre Wee l by r N iss > f
Flwu FlwuJ4 a44ni U lMntesC ISlet iws c
J4 wffiriilTw wffiriil
Tw 1 uxe Us Wail V4I It4n ttaiollel > tle4r > Ton nr ayiuIurE i T
li iuIurE r > r < rttrb J t 4lefe s 5ii pant vnt4 we wehis
M his Vl t lid Mrl riff 1it T win wiapa M 14 14Il4n taSiW
I i tiia Il4n ltnliEafi < lk4p Mnnhrll MnnhrllU Wert hr Ii I I70t
70t It lii U i sMn M > MNMH onI J i ress
ho pant llttr4 T Te > e 10 n min mInis > n In InMl eenls
Hiiuint Ml lilgU ft Jlitip unt lltnillmp Woo io fly r f
Mirita i Inrhe inePt with AH ri fIAS > > 4l < irn imp > of S SI ft t
4 lucIte li U iSlicet > 4ea S inch e ond < wtk 4a 4a4rn a aartaaI
4rn artaaI > alMMinr I < l 4 larh < E 9 9l uNhaC I iaiM
l MM sail l 4fi4rlnl an artOal umpnts samp ef3 f feet t t tarn
1 iif tin ID5 I irti MI Moro nnirj nnirjRar no ir irRace
Race for 1iaiiiplontilp < < OM f the thtTtatrrwa theflatPrW
Ttatrrwa League lraanieFourteen LeaguePoisrsetu
Fourteen Jamaica llay motor bMtt tne trej trejIti i ifur
fur ihe lit rhatruioit chatnjioiIdtt Kjp rope nf I Siqy SiqyuY t > rr rrway
way uY Ixagio under the autplre of th thl4mi lblmalr
l4mi < i hay Aarht 4 lob yesterday For Forsome Forsome
some re relson oon not explained by her herIhe hacertmltte hacertmlttethe
the rniire > for all the rlasse was ci I IIrnm tnerqe tnerqefrom
from eighteen In thirtytwo mile mileprior n nprior
prior tu I the starting of he rontewi ha hatrtlfli tl tlStirling
Stirling hour w sac ni set hIck hnwevn hnwevnmid hnsy hnsynhuit
mid a SC might hive been et reeled ll wit
long tor colors before the I howl A oererimM oererimMOnly mere tImel tImelOnly
Only seven iif the slitters suereded In Inrovrring Incovering
covering the full our oirce e The winners winnersbowever winrt winrtbosetr
bowever were not atinnunreii as a the corn ronimlttee cornmitt
mlttee mitt was not positive of the rating cf cfseveril cfveril
severil veril of the iraft Mtrlnn was the lb frtt frttof rat ratof
of the high spee cseeut < boat lo tlnlh i Osr Osrwas > < ir ireyrs
eyrs ws the only rifle In ihe Oh opei Us Usrover n nrover < >
rover the coure and fee > led e < l the huctkng huctkngcnhln hlSrttcigcabin
cabin craft hone Not ot one on of he stindng stindngrnbln ctjnutngtiittiiflii
rnbln had tlnshed within the time iinlt iinltI IlEttlb
I lb he summary summarynt ciimiiirynlHlrIItiCLnsi
nt nlHlrIItiCLnsi > iHmi > cLAi sr nT2iJ cr tt 111114 111114nall 33ahiat
t rug rugFt
Ft I T TfleIl
nall mif Otrnrr 55u M M a B Bvttrtoo a s stiarioc
vttrtoo ll smltb 4 41 t is t u j jnilllkln 5hihihlhin
nilllkln W t Metcrt 1 01 < 2 m u uJtpp asjr
Jtpp jr km tRite Did not Snl Acits Acitsorry h hOirtoio
orry pOiT aaT JAcorssr 3 WILeR WILeROifates
Oirtoio J T t OrtClre a l 3a fti si I j 35 tt ttKlkl <
Klkl I1 F A flIck Kid net falk falkAatolnrttr Anl5Atolnlt
Aatolnrttr J Mr McuaeIl < trllt I 71St > ld not foist Cnlihrifxtixa foistltteTlto
rifxtixa rtnix enflltaTs7 ra7 2 is cnrtt 12 uiua uiuaLee kititLee
Lee f P 11 1 Rower a 27 on I 4 n nlUbrnran C CPruwt
Pruwt S lUbrnran 4 < l r 1 II 1 aS 11 11Tuxirora ISTuwrora
Tuxirora V P oircrr e 41 n I IOnwtrj 55 I IOnwarl
Onwtrj J 1 > uttil HII e w nr a i itKPiKor ° l U USTeDla53
tKPiKor C t5 < TMr I o aJcnrsu v > mi Sj SjGrade kOzt kOztGrad
Grade J M Oirere ot tImed
Horrlll U n Mrketoa PlMMed PlMMedM
M iary r > J Murphy lug not nnttb nnttbw flnlstIt4n1IJono
w ninonn TRACK TR4RTIRXKD rr KD POW notrJockey POWJockey
Jockey Clnu Befutr a llr Llctnie fMe trot Iii 1tUKtand Iiitnd
Ktand tnd for Flit Daj DajIt flaaIt
It U I rrldent from the lb appended tetter tetterthat Lattetthat
that Ih the Jockey Club Intend to eiert eiertplenty eneftplenty
plenty of Sr authority over EaMern E < plpyn tracks ta tafuture Infuture
future If the new Marlboro meeting ron ronllnue sontinuhe
llnue more mofe than five day It will be d drltreri des desclired >
rltreri an outlaw by the Vow York turf turftotorm turfeolona
totorm Here U I Ih the offlctal ilatut of tha tharae thame
rae raeA
A 4 5 tint Ft hisS ee O54CII tAem tAem5I MssSasl MssSaslferMi
ferMi ttIeslJttea Mntias 34 34DImS
DImS 5I 513 At a meeting of the tew tewPdi tewPdilb > Mi at atthe
the lb Jockey Club hrl held < 1 at Saratoga on Auriit IT ITour 21tour
our letter of August yt addrrae1 ddrr el to Avon AvonDelm
Delm ISilinont nt F ri rhttrraca of th Jackry rrsb rrsbr iisbwaa
waa r > submitted ant 1 am instructed to lofora loforaI tstarrn70i
70i I < xi that the stewards cannot grant you a IKTUX IKTUXctimurb UraIeIcairnuch
ctimurb n a tour > our track l Ii uDder one nU la laIcntlh inIreith
Icntlh IcntlhIt
It you ton at nsa a air aieoriatloa they beg t 1oct21 1oct21your ra rayour
your atteniloa to the followIng rrolutloo DM DMhr pissed pissedby < >
hr IhUclnMn IBM IBMllffltft tUftSfieft4
llffltft That whet nm are re held undrr ti tiautplre its itsaissplc
autplre ef a bona lids r fair lr at orUtlon > In ro ronrciloo con conflegt0
nrciloo with the interest of the f faIr lr awoclatlai awoclatlaiItKlr aocintioiitself
itself and not or a lenee the Jockey Club wtU wtUnot wtlnot
not grant a UCVBM Veto but will net take tnt cognizance rornluarof
of turti rate a as r 154CC < Di la violation of their titles rnUprovided titlesprodded
provided however Inn no otser Irreciilarttli Irreciilarttlirom
conic rom to tarlr attention and a < l provided tb the mretlBf
don sot contInue for more than the d day r >
On motion duly M seconded nde < 1 ttie tnfMoc al
loomed AK tflaaeow < fOir ntlvniaTTKLD ntlvniaTTKLDA 1 tvuiIlmWAimhitarit
A Aimhitarit > i unt Arrrrtary Arrrrtaryfan 5ctfftaT7Manager
> Manager fan ger El Elrod rod aked for a a net netion Ion f frace be berat
race rat at the new track In Maryland from fromSeptember fro3fleptember
September 34 to October 14 14AIfTOMOIL
Itrd t Sed sad wdartcd tiy IB As letdiag tes4in aJn aJnall
all ov 0Th r tt 124 world Ce W HVmaa HIia Mafr la ladUi4aplli IndIaiaaptIs
I dUi4aplli lag N Y Offle M Cntabm 34 34MOTORCAR L LMOTOR
ALCO A Am Amrlean 1fn oromotty Company rnntptay1VA CompanyIMA
1VA nrotdwty Tel aim Col Coltrettt CclATLASred
ATLASred t trettt sail Atltt Atltte Atlucac < >
e cac f C42 sell ll BMJ f HA4M P AdsaMV AdsaMVE ir irD
D E T M 7 Auto Import Co ef America
M K FV A IMS to l 1101 oi htroady irod r New ew York lerkmtttftf YorkIlIash2teotorCoItway
mtttftf IlIash2teotorCoItway Uotor Co nw7 iMtwura Mtk MtkMih AStt44ssva
44ssva Mih an PhOne 4u 4 4CAILL3 u CuiuBSs CuiuBSsCADILI
CADILI CAILL3 1C l cri Hcpatn Ctrtrt CaregaCalurnbusiirek
HI I L U rnlumbu Calurnbusiirek lrrlo T 11 l MlOCol MlOColCarhartt M104OLCarhaxll
Carhartt Cars WVStfb WVStfb1I88 ° t PLAZA PLAZAZittb
Zittb lii Itt Ava AvaIIeiUUAflAYcI3
P PIua > i 4 SBOJ Calamb CalambTh lmba lmbaThe
Th The Timor Mot Car Co ef N T 1a
229 a Wrtt S4lh SI Itioar L4T t 1 1CARS < ua uaHLJbN <
HLJbN Tae C A 5 Itlllntt rUnnrr C Co CoIi
17 Ilway Ibone 17VU COt COtISOTTA < o o4yRV
NE Arni N NK
4yRV Rn Autnmohlle Comp CoispailY CoispailYiPustsia T
RRBA K IIMI iPustsia IOA nro4dwty Phone tin rr4 rr4r
path r thilirET AND ANDTeieplnate MOU MOUT
T Teieplnate lopnoroAsifoluinlu lopnoroAsifoluinluHooa aun Colugutus ColugutusMAXWEL
tiw tiwU
MAXWEL U I Iteredvay
Hooa Momr Car Ce of N Nn a aISCI
M 0011 n ISCI llrodwty Tl se CoU CoUIfwav C CN
1WITNrKttcYTOIICARCO xrR iioron CAB ro I 1523 1523liway M MiMhmi
N flIM Ifwav iMhmi 154th iii I moa PbonSIMPLEX lira t CJc CJcSPUTMitF
In tew York ClIps ClIpsIl4l
SIMPLEX Il4l fl5wsy Tel aICS Cot CotWahOO
SPUTMitF WahOO Ar 4 12115 55
AH A PAIOINO Ono liflOiWi2d 2 W 42d T 75 l 433 Sri BryU SriTHOMAS
U rfcM A B flTbornLi5t flTbornLi5tflway Tbomat Mejaf CJ
THOMAS n U W A 9 nway atwi it aMOCol aMOColWUJT2 oCoi oCoiWI1ITE
WI1ITE WUJT2 CO Drod Droadwa t aa4 aa43bQ2 a4 a4i
3bQ2 2131 tO