7 p = r
r =
THE Tic sure TtfESIUT SSrTOMftKR rwMn fK ft trtm I ft
re 1 P PU tft It I It rrsu F If IfI IfI IfII
i < r II ittii II HI H ttir r r tit titrnii l lr lJ iwf
f rnii i It Itf ItJ r
4 1 Tft Lu a Ie Ier
f r i
J t H 4 I H HMlKtT HMlKtTt c ch cIt
t h I > ip 4p 4pI
l I n nft
S 1 i ii iiR
R ft i it PW 4
4 4e
e t It Itf ee l lf 4 4f > >
f f > n trw trwtl < sI > I Ien 4iith 4iithI
tl I f Heli ii l lp l ltn
> tn blfl en n I IPI I m mg
PI I < tail 1 1I i n nft
ft g r f t NSf4 rM
4 i rf > t 4 4IV n eH n ntr
tr I li > M < < s T n nf plI
I l 4rI4 ro roI h h4S
4S I at 4 4 4Slh
r t tv
f r I H P P4iV V r rI
I mmiiri mmiiriMHtw
MHtw it iti itunve II 1 1I i id
I i
v C > rffIl4ii J JM J4 lin linun
unve un p < M t f h
I lv I lb t Hfl Hfli W WdU WdUI T Tr
i I > i H W p t tt trnm th f ff fI t1 t1iTt
iTt of f the I4 tVf > l liT fenfTr
r 41t r ski I th t Firth FirthItjeHHr t ErhWK1 h
ItjeHHr UVro 1 r Mr MrieJT 1 lv lv4u
> ieJT Vfckn 4u 4uIr v Man Mani 1
1 Ir r i 11 11n iinn iinnI
i n Ml 11 Ih4 Mvhnlr 1 Here Herettw I Ia II IIp IISPM
ttw h < Mmiih a an al 44 44I
I 4h > a < n t 1 f J ir irr
r l in uwt > i th h th J hI hIp
p 14rIfl f ikr ikrtO I tr I i er errh
tO rh r VhM UBWH of f m mo I Ip l lknK
p I > knK I Iiie nipt Hit 1 1r riii riiii
i ftw r i lit > f t tr lh 1k trIr trIr4jh4Y 1 1r
r 4jh4Y WIfiI14 n I II I
4 I h 9 rr hI I iqi li1 li1n I II
I 4 n rhi h rpII9I
r 4 I Tih ro r r l ht With ih hthrm th tllllt tllllti
1 LI i in I 4PIt hiti hl p th h hr ht4t Mt t 1lt4I 1lt4IU tnl tnljj d du
jj u r I ri
> e etrl irl trl fif > f o 4 v vffl n iwlrt r I n on a ai Rnv
41 i k b nv U 114 I < nl hr h athfr fth who whouu h hf
uu f i n > of h ilivi hVIOI II Ion4 Ion4t ioa ioaM
M 1 i i I r m mo Wflfl rini nn ininmturin IPnntu IPnntuI ininmtur
I U S f 0111 in r Illlf In < l th wy in I th tht thit
t j 1 1t 1M
t M ii > t iiii In TI many n1 jr y4r fn in Johnny Johnnyl
l T TI t t > ir int il 1 mun mJn lul not nolI
or a I rgttd r hi ellmtan ellmtanfrt Cirrlm4tJnrI
I 1 w 14 nt 1 tr frt tit t tnit 4up1w up I c i ih I Ialnt
h alnt ts nt tuIlv tuIlvf tntndLIy tntndLIyt
f nit IIhr t l Nir Dijr 1 but IHJI aI bvruj
1 I i1 I 111 niti ni t No n I of which hl1 h htn hV ho hoI
I V tn 1nl iU ntr r wn n nt t in tn thI thA thAI thAirat
IHA irat wai as TnrsIo in inf a aI Ini
I i f 1 uni m nIhor4 > T it t Ml f1 l 11111 bhinqt hin l trunr trunrin Iwny IwnyI rnnyot
ot I r in n Ifwotol f fOIr Mtnr Th Thor Thorw > r rK
1 w < L K eivo iv li I i ii t t twtco i < < i no a nuuir nuuiri IAU IAUI
I 1 i n ting tfl al with a plain 10 r iot l fi 11 11lrn1 fjoj fjojItT l < l lirnl
irnl ItT t I in < in of th t tho illvi dtvton Ilon i n t th thti
ti 1 n w > rk k rs who bo form fonlI i fir f di 11A diI dili
A ii I f tl1 I liitornntinnal Inprllnl U 11 Iih ti > lil iur iurf dr drI
f r1 f V rlcen klr invliKlmRth mdhn th tho iloaknukfr iloaknukfrTh oknwk oknwki
i t rulk riks iooInot r1 mnunrhl innttnoraIo Th Tht
T n wrkr4 k a Ihr 4IOd 4IOdt
t < I ik fartnri tcoI along onl Fifth vcnu vcnuu Ivnl
u I 11 TI thoy h > y j lo < od ifw < l th tho h hdrIIRM hodqaariN hodqaariNo ilqiiart r roi
oi o tli i h iiiatufuctur wIltactun ni awocuiiiun Iun at th thII IhII t h hI
II I frr g rln rnn n HCJIUV lu1 ami th Fifth ffh Avnni AvnniI A e1211 e1211I 11 11Ii
I Ii Mine Minerii lol tingrtt
rii ItrKiioM of th tho b union Inl1 In th thW thT1 tho thou
W ii u I > Tt T1 It U t Mti Ioi 1II fi wt wtI4f r > t tld r
1 ld I4f f in l fl i h fit i n f t < rif f tt I tto rk rktkrnakori Imk > lkmik r rTi
Ti 1 1 r woro r a ai t J IiI b wiiinn 1 m I n liu1 liu1tn 111 Iw IwIn
tn o f lh I thrn h n irulcm ruI I ft r f IOt t and ld rh iIF iIFml h r rinil
inil 1 ir > r 1 l In ni l K r r a atb ht 111 itic iticth
th wnlM ntii 11 ti h liMl ii n 11 1 1rocngiaut t > siAIy siAIyr Ih IhtIII
r tIII rocngiaut xo iti > i l Mi 1i 1 > tn rifl < n 1 iam orrii orriiiimoiI f1 f1mnl i imil
iimoiI mil mnl 11 AniTirtn A mfn rlor1cIIi II l 1eIj4 i I ttt 1 tto > y mil miltnntly 111tnnty >
tnntly WIMNI WIMNIMIM 11 11h L LIi
MIM h lltn 1In 1It n Mnrot Mi h tI4 iolft 1 Piki PikiBI Iik Iika PkaT >
BI a i oth othi r oKi I T I of th > l Mrf it r < xl in infctomoblK I IflhlmhiI
fctomoblK Inm > i or < wngon In iml HII wr f omnic omnicr rnul rlflgIduo
r l hil Iduo > lu turlwn tuhAI rttirx pt l < M I > ainl al1 oriu fllo rIuoo rIuooIi t tMti
Mti Ii tcifh Many MeIII 111 of n th ° rinl ll an oijt oijtwr I Ir IIlir1
wr r nttlr Ilir1 attir1 l th h imo amo way y I h hin I If hi hinhi
in f nhi in I lh I Ito l Ill < iiu whi wlh h took lhk part IM in intr I ant
tr t r cnrnil fli0 WEt > triA t h > < > iii l t too HI ii 11111 IwktiniIr IwktiniIra
a oo 010 jKn HfnogrnphTM III nn InlllII and t tf aeaiun aeaiunbat
f < tx bat < rtt anil IIt sPin ho work w woikoi < k > TK TKIM woTntai woTntaiLir om omI
I IM Llr Lir ir > of f Ih tho h f hnkr ik r unions Illnn n nIMIHT nk nkIK nockwor nockworeon
IMIHT IK o c eon i > wok n Ilia xttl ottkIt ottkItut < v il tnak tnakt
HI t tnmtn tnmrw Tn whi whito hl Rood Io wtirk wiarkori wiarkoria k kS r rat
at 1 ni Itjtfflftkr4 i ttnakp tnRk Th T h I 11 Ioiguo TKU I sLio Uo L haul haiu hll hllU
u I < m I1 a < A fl tIoiI lll > i with h 1IIn ihiltiron hil < lr > n of if f thn tl hokcro hokcrow hnk hnkr
w wi in i r mill 1 mi I n itnk nk Th h > only float floatr nOt nOtmI
r I i mdiit mI mI tI ii ilii itI141n4 i n wan 3 a 1 niodtl mo1 of a aIi I taI tait
I j
Ii I jI t tnlc iok k th 1 pariil wim > 1 < < l < alKut 111 atwutthrihniiriito atwutthrihniiriitoVaahanglrn thrw th hour h0ln to toNiwr tor
r i Vaahanglrn mlon Niwr 11 wh whor hr r > it I 1114 1114arau1r4 li lii
i ianjtlrT RrdrA mnrrhi mlth1 clown Fifth Fifthairi nflha
airi a TI in I the I hI h following fnlina orlir orlirnd I In1
nd n t m arhL r hat ld I 1a1rirtt nrd d I Hannah Hannaha 13nnh 13nnhI hannahihozrua4
a I Ihomi Ih < na l I urti MI And Inl lam Tamu H t IiSI
SI 11 1 rnlor l 1Ir IrPr > irer lame hfiart Mr Mri 31 31I
i i MiiJ IJ u WIIf nlam Cronin rrnnmin rnl rnln
in n ifriiil oru1 mnr mnllI mirihauI hi l Harry Harryv Iur 11 11hafl4 >
v lame Iaa I I Holland Illnd aid 0 lolin Ihl i iH IU
H I rf lihn hln1 hn I llrndv Ir Matthew hnt hor t 1 haurri r ri
i ntrl 111 MIn 1 Abraham Abr3lna 1 t lie lieh S Swn hint
wn nt n I P uatrI lal folrat1 t tiin tiinp
h r p H II hIatr l i it r I it 4 dl frII41P4 < rale 1 rani 0
11 1 1 HIP 1 t 11 mir mlrhl > hal nin Ino rn nl the Ih former formeri I IIn r
i 04 in line II WA Herman tr lioiln InhlnI IoPfliri IoPflirinta > on onOIHT
OIHT nta ° r of T ll I lll llli > I Ir
i dlvi BvitIa H n of t th 111 tho parale ldhn then ram ramimn cana canvI4Ifl i inn
imn nn lohti hn l Illrirn lnn marshal marshalliver h hattil I
liver 13 and 1 rumnvimiM ulmmI ra nm moat IIOUIM IIOUIMr lnI lnIIal hiijor
Ial or tpr4 rnhanrr Rollrro r 1Ikt hltrtct hltrtctt trlct trlctM I IrMI
t rMI rigi 11141 11 411ti4 h I I1 okr aoukrl I
1 M I T I Nivtnnl n in znarPuiul r > rtnl rtnlm
m nlI 01 I ttiovi > r M enra nr n Inion Inionir nlnn
ev ir arfop rfo > IrtflnT hn Il IlIrl hwt hwtC < l lroriiv
C Irl grc roriiv rlifk luau ruahm m mh luau1orfl
hm h twirn prn miUr miUrit m r
1 0 I it I 1 iiiT Jr i dzrl tzurmiiT r nml nmli InI InIrI I Ia
a i rI ffih anl nl I itth lvllnn lvllnnUIIrO hiYI8Inn hiYI8Inni
i < i I UIIrO 1 I II III
i I II r rtn Crirnatn n man marhal muIr4hatI Sl SlIi 1 1I >
Ii I i > rnatonl mU IlU ltdlr I irmnt rmntatt mnt mntI
1 IUIT att tie I 4 i loiVtnalier kral kralion I ftl I
ion hita 11 1 iI Wolf marshal marshalIrtf In InIS0P141rp h1 h1I
rp I In 1 rEvtraspull rEvtraspullS
S Irtf L Mf Ktrew tIn Ifet Ti ii Vo vi vil I II I
l k v I ii irtll1 intlijihhaig < piii imlorx imlorxHIi anfn0ii Snn
HIi > Idnr nw n nw4pr ir anl anln 101 nh nhI I Ir I
n I i i flf flfI r ri I II
i I > i i A Muni IIm i am I II Mnn 4ttipflp MnnsiMei
siMei p a 1 s i n i4t ter r truiU truiUf 1
f 1 Im 1 i 1aIgtn ill Iln Mn material materialmil tatoriauiIn fu1 fu1I
mil In I I a atoll on if I r nnd I n1 rtiriry rtiriryr
i > i in Ileef II mil milan m b I toA 01 nl nltn
1 tn tflItu II ajr thr thrA Itfrr ie ieall
an A I OBI 1 < team I r drr drri f s1 s11mIIa4Ian
1mIIa4Ian IIn iffl 11 haiiears haiiearsI Jr Jrhal
I i l I 4hIal > IJ IJm teauni teaunimlii I Im
m mlii t Trml TII Im lIIf I III n ni r1R11 r1R11I 1iigaj 1iigajt
i i 1 fi r trukt IrK in il It tin 1 pnriul pnriuli nrailo nrailoI
I i h ° n f r f rI fIhwt flliw l II lay > > fn < vho AI AIT autT t tr
T a i 1 In Ih IhTI
4 r Tlii Art ct Irotiftlvi Irotiftlvii I II
i I c i > irnif nl fllil AIIIn Kiiin caunw at is isHa Sul7 a7r a7rI ri rii
I Ha i or r li Ik 1 4fk > rk ti I to wlurh hlh ii I t irv4I VN many manyt
I lrI 0 41r4 I wnt n ii at ftir t ha haI INII INIIf
t fi if f fh I I hi i > ihr 1 unlon unlonft Inln
1 > ft vhhrot Ihm > hrnUrfiN ln IrIIau IrIIauV I I If
f hso riilil7Jitl I117nla l it 1 r thr t Itau t lom lomI tnm tnmh im imi
i h < wax wr I turiiiriit t Irulnl nit n Kifth avPnt avPntI v nii niii <
I i loml rnl f > iliotit to MITt MITttitoil r i iiif
iif titoil l from ITOMHIK II t hY y th tha pollen pollrolo plm pollenparsio
1110 lo nil ni l 1 1w > v iU atIf tf down r wn ladl ladlmid lndli
1 mid 111 irt a r i iKt svaauhingtote svaauhingtotennirIetP tlunllol tlunllolnrp
nrp nnirIetP tfl n I a r fAht fAhttaIo h
Kt Mli taIo f c Mr H T TI Tl1TN if u Jrw t i ir In4r
r n4r ri I p w in > hr tuxk II and andi nd ndn
i it I i of n narkrl rl Tti Tit TM1rif i ilit IIr
Ir lit b 111 M ASh n n1 I ikm ul i it II Irw
t itrw I rw Tnai m a r COO rooI COOae
lp ae I U2t 1r ig rllUec r1Ue r of Tilt Erewo EIC I I
A urm ITh tf tttl t te ten is1n
1n C ca I trqw n to toUM taM t
M en after os d UM m a l titae titaeet Mtr agrt agrtfm
et flt
O t tflii
W flii J 7ts Du reil s stat t
fm t Hi 1 M imtmtt k1U ttM I th tate tatey iLft a
It y yes own O aweDnrVO My now Mt MtAND r 14f J JI
I DnrVO fte sa w w s
1 7 I I tt 7 7DIon7
frr DIon7 wI l ai aiTzTiE i
TITM AND M TRUST 15T C9 C9trtrrntti C9C C9Caq1L
C Caq1L I IIT 1 a 1 ft ii 4ot M ass
a f frr
trtrrntti rr ISISfi rnn rttt rl rn rtr rtrf nyT1i r rwr
T1i h4 I wr 1 nr nrI Itwwa4 Itwwa4nail
nail p4Ivit p4Ivitv
v 4 I W14 r 1 I II 44r4wf 44r4wfw
w I twI IwAtifI 44 A Al tl tlouwl
ouwl 14 4hwUt 4 l 1t iiiietP iaml to tof
4 pa 44rluIiwi4 f < f r ri tly I I a lH hmtsy ti y yi
4 l 9UA 11111 i I I fl r ftRr ftRrt
I w t 1 at th IIfIIStI4I1 fW fWI P4M1 P4M1Vhl
Vhl bI t qni I lluo4t iUrk IAr 1 lAt II IIl KVMI KVMIt
I l m iwbi h t > wt wtlr UI < i < ir f 1 in for f wind Ud pttorti pttortiI < + e 1
1 h etwt 1 gthart tit UI aflrwloft aflrwloftauJu4I fn
In auJu4I I Mt at t tn 1 th t < da Ur of f the I iiAnhin hlr fmrn fmrnt fFm fFmt frmtwi
t twi o tn thr tl o tumn kMIr n wttlnt t A AtbI < cI nny nnyHun
Hun I that I ln m t U A drm 10 marhtn marhtnwthaJr mlln vnachlntAt
wthaJr wthaJrIt 1 tAt I tPt h ar arIt I
It I wiwi wau AnMr f jtaM afln ajnssnt iB l r vtPktt mwmphnn mwmphnnthat crln
that ht T TI l Sfhrfittr 1II WHI wt1 wisilit > rty 1 anil n l It ttw ItrI itrta4AIy
rI w WAtt a n t hw h fanH fl that 11 rv Ii H Iitnt Iitntnuak ln 1 t twi
nuak k C < wi Tn Tol > l titrtwl 1 hi I ItIA ItIAliCiAIfl prnr prI prIC > U r ranil
liCiAIfl C anil 1 a Aoi aak itln anil B n1 < w aI It > t > t WT r < th thwl tl th410411W1
410411W1 IAI wl tttit tt th maihwix r fi41 h hUI Imt Imtii1 wouldnt wouldntm III
U ii1 m lh Ib < ur uratil urSww r
Sww said 1 It wax wa th t ngm nll ami 111 torn ems emsiii m mI
iii I it t wit TI Ist i Pnth 11 rtl ri Aflt Afltpt 1 1I
pt OH I fl M havo ita n I pt I Nwnt4 1 tt ttt i i1 italum
alum t i > M > tn 1 fAI fair air t to n < > nit at th I > f Uni Ilun > on onrithrr ontl onrttkr
rithrr tl Wih S ith th tl < Ir ra ma mhl hm hamilton Hamlltnitrrfnrmi Uamllnn Uamllnn1rfnr1 hamiltonrfnrrnI
rrfnrmi 1rfnr1 rfnrrnI < l nil I flra n M of otutiio and Id Tt Ttuly T Tailonly < 1 1i
i only A f fw w nxinitntt pru 40 nwl nwtdcwirnrytt1Lht I u m crunx crunxcoi
coi cwirnrytt1Lht jHtry iUr flight m I a Ifcxh I fo1 rOI uvl t th thmnhin thhr thmhin4 <
mnhin hr ar I ft > n w at arnut14w r < < i uti 11 < w tt I M Monly tanly
only th tko h iu anIh > v nlh tl orruhth or Iohh ihth tim 1m < that Iwl Mtlur MtlurhA I IM tehrrha
hA I twti M > TII II m ta th thasar thasarft uir uirftr It Itftr
ftr ft t Toil Tn ha h hal I com m IO down Iow T > for 01 o xl it itwon Itnnmll1 Itina
won annoiuiml nnmll1 that I Iladl IIMIIr > uii r MA M4awWI lot M > II a aFrench aI
I French rnch nr aviatur a VIAllt who 10 iatii tn thw t h country countrya Cnt tintryLA ty
a LA Pauthaii P ulh n chlf lhlf mechanician nhllAf wmild wmildtly wOII wOIIIr wrullclhr <
tly Ir a n nw w mArhtno mhl ui tflYflt1t rnt < l by 1 Pmcw Pmcwlraiin IUII IUIIUrlmt hIncLqLJraimar
lraiin Urlmt UrlmtTht LJraimarThat r rThat
That Tht Kr Frnrtaman rohml nrtimiu > will i r rrainIy rt Mll lnly ahnw ahnwthrn ho IoW r rth
th thm m a few thmio hinl Mid Nlt an I fl airman In who whoknttw whoInl whoknpw
knttw Inl of hw hl rwpiitatHin I plltatilfl ou o th I oh other r U1 U1Miwon 11 11IIn kie kie3Ltiw
Miwon IIn tmvrllml IrIt rIn ov Ott flyer r th tho < ground grud hut huthl huth huthte
hl h hte vhiclf hlcl illctn dilt t pruvf rtv 1rUVC much of aa air aircrnft al aircrnft
crnft tf It p rform rom1 rformd il omw m hop hor ckipit ckipitand ekapaand klp
and lt jumtx Jlm and n1 finally lal bmkx bri a pro rrplt rrpltJII proiwiter proiwiterJuet llrr llrrJiwt
Jiwt JII almut 1 > 1 thi < tinix 1m tim th the automotiil automotiilI autlloh autllohI autotiobtIruleu
I leu San to I honk for p < teagway i aa aaT way JIM J H M Moy Moymoir > v vrnour
rnour flew 1t flp from frm th tho Arollllu aeronattatitni aeronattatitniitown < ronautt l nhrd nhrddown bt
down in 1 front frnl of th tho tMiuUtand tItlnd and andtrutilf Inlt antitnato
trutilf 111 svTiil nl etrch rcli rc > < of r th the nld nldla nf1 flLitat
la laN lial Illlwl I3dilwn < lwin WIM W on o th tho h grtxinilt grtxinilthut Itmt
hut h1 hi h nutchjit nUIh had 111 IXWMJ 1 khlpp mhaipd hppl > xl to St StIoin S Slu StLout
Lout wh whori h r h will wil mak ni tight ht Sp Sptimlxr Hp Septomnlsr
timlxr I lii II I and ant II I The Th contract rlrc hn hd hd11 halI 1 1l
I l > Mi r inrll j4Il 11 < l on account Ut of th the < accidint accidintto aln alnI
to Clifonl H Harmon lamo a iniihln Inarln at llox lloxton hketon 1
I ton hut hl nfT it li tiocitme ntm known know that dm cpt CiptItiltlwine
1 Ibildwin 11111111 aeroplan WA w on th way WiY in innntinil te tennal the theI
I nntinil nnal < 1 plin rU wai allow alo1 alinwoit to 0 ntond tjUd iapt iaptlUldvin lNI 11 11Itahaiwiri
lUldvin Mt I ft List I night nighti nlahl nlahlT
I T I i I f i itirs s or Ir Tin TIInT4 TIInT4an > r C41TS C41TShan rs rsMan
Man an > rxtmatrur Flxurr f In n Calrdnnlan CalrdnnlanFixture allenlan allenlanhut aletlenlnflture
Fixture hut at 1lapeth 1lapethThe aplh aplhTh
The Th New S ew Ti or r i alednnlan INonln hub flb held It Itlffrtfirth I Its ItsI
lffrtfirth I annua ann 1 > in m I > A and ml n profetonal profetonali
i a am me at Wahlnon Whlno1 Park Map hspth th I I IIt Ih4qor
I liefor1 It a rowd of A I AIPt i i motly Ih liraw I laddie laddieI rll rllI
I and nr l Inn > onni l iaei e from trm th the hathery hill hilli hii hiinS billof
i of S 4 otliiil nS programme prlamm of thirtytwo thirtytwoevent 1h1tytwreYeflt
event nt ocupied the h day and nt ther Ih wr > nf nfi o oand ofthe
i the kind xipiiUr at t Hishland Jhllanet festival and andi andother nd ndI
i I other h piil 111 t at f fn n r non n of f the I men mm frin rr th thlind 1 1I h hI
I lind lInl o i a AiP k I rer h r va v nnnin mnlo tump tumpn m1
> tho n nm to toIfl Oml in I alf wnrd S and 1 hang fiinadan1 IHnl hangLan
Ian e for t t adult lul a wll 1 a hum nf tuth tuthII LuhI tuvhAll
All II I th ihie div 1 li the h weirl wild 11 skirl Irl nf lt the theiiriii theIti1it h hI
I Iti1it UI 11 ha1 Po U iir aIII whn the iI iIhriw 1 1I
iiriii I hriw I Fi wen ni n tnarkm In1no nni n for th thI I h htian °
I dan er ors thy mar I heil around wifh wi j ii hUt flliiellet 11 hUther
tI her wlnoll winglng afid nd la tafteha 1110 hl4tinm oar iay iayhIrt4
llet 1 hIrt4 > > id 1 ttr hI i u k nom Ihornomi on th I ililf ililfp 1110frttIp hl hlU
p tnre U th h haunter Ian droned on1 out all the theS I theVit
S 1V Vit llw I Illi II Honnet Innn Over 0 Ih the theIi h
111 11 Ii r rilr > l r and 1nI ih a U Hurhland 1IInr I I ighi land 1iddie 1iddieuf r1
uf if te i trv 4 k nnte nmi t the h mot m mo Intrrmilna Intrrmilnavv
vv fn n tnr rro r mi Into run 1 rat r < h t It Inurl brought broughtolt
I olt t > rven 0 tarrrT among mno whom were w M MItn AlIts I I1f
Its 1f i furinrrlt lrnI1 f the I h i r A and andInn analbItti n nn
Inn n ri < 1 1 I th h Irith Slh A A f 1 a pair pairof pa paf
of f n 1 d MnrVhr SnI Inrauitarner > nr n Hod Iob llallrn 1Ifn a aI lo < al alI
I ro r 1imle 0 he hi if ft0 for ro a roiipl 1 of lip liptier 11 lagwttpr
I tier f M ii > h I llame I Its in n took oi ut t1 1 > the In runtime runtimei 011
i lorli I I I IlloHivi I ol I l w4 tit I rower rowerH V Vat
H > III th fliiin I of f tfi h lie rr 11 hrt l mil mt Hume Humet 1ln 1lnon Itainetgjma
I t tgjma > on Jii o a draw It away a 1 ii unit n1 unproved hi hipoitnn hihI
poitnn 1 hI t nn al trr lr r Up I lro I roI ro lt Ivalong plUKKed plUKKedonf 1 O It ItInno
along Inno onf liat il tiit I ii II try T a as he h would Hahn Italngradiallt IalnI Hahngriilaaih
gradiallt iped further fur tier ah ahI d of him himand hll tutustial
I and 11 t ati t e > f > < vl tents rll j flialu won br r one onehundre 0 0hmI1 oii oiihn1rI
hundre l yard rr in I h I r1 nmeof 1m t urns n of t It minute nu nuI minutea
1 t i i H OIM IIMI I I wa hintil h ha i th 11 the ratt rattl 0
l a little 11 ny I r nil th h he < etart r mronrernrnl mronrernrnlII h1 rrnl
II l te i 141 i sot nl S WH won ay < N s Ililnnr Ililnnrnf 11 11t
nf t J I 1 itt s who 10 hnd another In 1 nvmn when whenrinninr hmu hmurilanuuig n nln1
rinninr a an u amateur mllr n f few w tear D srq a o oH 0II oHe
H He ln1 won 00 n eailv 1 from I V diblr iPI nf n ItiifTaln ItiifTalnwith 1tI 1tI1f liuttailoitt
II with 1f itt J > niii 01 mt ii f New PW ork k 4 loe 1 thlnl thlnln 111
I n tin V P ii iianhi an mr < ont oruut t wa wac ut < n ii I n fle Market Markete fak faki
i II I e aa no n othrr 1 h hr than I h V I M I helter 1Ir On OniKo 111 111l hu huag
ag iKo l I s ho h ran 0 eon4 eron lad > i t r f > Mr 11 Halm Halmfnr Ilm Ilmto IIIIOfor
for to thn 1 lenral I 1 hnniuonhln hmlnnhll com r year yearaffo ysyc
affo c It WH til tlrt I attempt m1 a as assual a pro prorind r
rind I 11 tliotnrh hlh hr h did I I not iii win t re I iruitiir IUIII to toay Ii Iipi
ay pi in Hi a l Imalitt iA ait tar rn oin n strait rl1 event eventi n nI
i iii tin I U I f ut are loiil Mn lng formerly of ofthe nfI ofip1n
the I Mnhuwk otu wk i who 1 hii I now 0 lntrurtor lntrurtorai 1 rlor rlor1SI
ai Minapolie 1SI tiruiJa lIe won nl ih t h runnIng flnnln hop itch itchinI iepind I II
I ind ninip stat nd 11 glib nell 1 into in the tip t mnnnr mnnnrin
in I In othr th hf r rvrnti rvrntiHan ypflv ypflvhan pn
I Han llolnir th I Marathoner took ih ihfive Ihn the theftp
I five n In tnllrr all Inlr ino In amp r in n the Ih lam I sit rare of ofHi o oI oft
Hi t I da n > i fmrlie tush Ii Mullrr Maui 11 and 1 Har lIary y l ohn ohnforiuiT nll ohnfirtju
I <
foriuiT fnUIf firtju r anmitir 01 harnplou harl iltan dltl < men meniUi to rn rnslit
slit early arl 1 m ih I P imi oII iflae leutintt IIO tPau thug Iliilmer Iliilmerto 1lm 1lmI
I to I wn a n alino i a L Ii pee < l on tine hunureil hunureilund hirulrluiail
111 und ° ft > ard S thail j of f Kolhewamn and andinn analIit 11 11I
inn Iit i rowlt who h flnlnhed OIt < third thirdI 11t
I I r i tiif I if 1 llotier 11 houli Ioul Mini nal I oihr at 11r her mum mumli bernlot 1m 1mhr
li hr r of 1 tin I lit 11 lo looked kd after an Hi I the viilor viilord IUO IUOII
d 1 ir ri n 4 th uhie h firnoot > The Ih lb nummirr nummirrIIUhlan1 etirnmflrlUthhaot lmmT lmmTII
IIUhlan1 I l harp re Io ipeiitioB omllla ilemlier mlr Won Wonh on onp
h p II IViia MrSlt II Jr Jlnn lohn Wan w eeond nd II IIhrolnr I IThr IIi
i Iatrt IatrtThrndtflr I
hrolnr Thr 4 round Hammer lm tilln In > en Win 10 tiy tiyA 1 ti ti4Leiari
i A 4ft 4Leiari > ir Neo w Inrk 01 with lh A throw IhI of n Al feet feetJ 1 1Inh
I J Imtie W < hr hri llr New P ork ni fk eeond m wlh wlhI WIth 1lh a atlirow Athuos
tlirow ill I a 2 ler I Inehe I MrHonaM dnI < Xew Xewlorl SPa N NI
lorl ork tMM wlin h C throw of o vi leet fri ii nehe inehueIii neheim
1 im Ir lrJ r ii bin Uemlirr I Uun tj t iJ Juno Smith SmithJ nlh nlhJ
J I full erbiwt Glwh 1 itAitil 1t1 H rlnrton uUn third Iho Tim TtmeI1 TimI
I1 I 2 1 reond reondSe
I l the mater rr rmen VI Wn 1 t J t rbI rbIN rpurloi rpurloiw
N Se w Vtr or < v lift Ih a to n tit 0 f 2 leet V Inrhet brett brettfarmI o oeri uIh1
eri farmI > n > l r thlnl thlnlim Ih1 Ih1II I ulrlemit
im II l t cml rd 1 II I n O Won 1 On h t > w I H i E4sr < 1i r Jere Jerel Jrp fPV P PI >
1 l m < rrn InflitdelpM lnnaI wont < orMl S T Hen HenInfofi In InIrn
Infofi Hrnol Irn 11mm I > n a third tl Tint rm rimihhtabrt 2 2 1 olnl emndt emndtHl
ihhtabrt I IfP4 r l 011 oioilkn ir n a aRita
Hl Rita tv I tiotnn inn n Ietrr i euer l ii ren r NeA orli sorkfilM Of Ofnlno rr rrnixt
filM Jme 1 Mr Uaer > er trranioii r I a third thirdllunalnr Ibtumihltmnaine h
llunalnr nlno Hop hbo step p and no J Jump Won I I b by byI > I I1I IMsa
1I Msa Ioo B mriipoll r sith ttna I a lumpnf mol mr ll teem I minrhe minrheJ in inch I IJ
I J 1 K a it < l iMjrinrll Mrmikltn nernnd o vltri Uh a tump Ismniml I Iyi Iv
ml yi I feet I fCt t i jI > > t inches nh J lawson Sewar S ihlnl ihlnlwith ihhrmiattN
with U ire nl 0 in feet 1 1i 2 inch lnrheIHI In inchV h
V IHI v 0 rl Hun n Memt Members 111 r Won liy I John Tall TallKnlcr Tafthtmphri
Knlcr 11 lalor TA ir eroftd ro John JIn smith third h1 Tim Tlmrline Timmin Timeminmi
min minmi 1 I cnflh cnflhI I
line I JAC Mile II ii ln n iii I 1n n Won ii nn IK I J 3 furran Hn PMla PMladtlyl htiiadci rl I
dtlyl drl 4 I P I 1 Maine ham 10 New rw lork mk eroild 1 II IIllrfll I IIhief
llrfll fl N met iii S r third Time i mlnulei n nW = 4 4hto
h 1
hto W hI M I iis lleinhrr Imh on under o 12 I rr e of ofc 0 0In
41 c It In > aft t > Won I V on t t hal J < ill Ia huh No N ma erond n < or orlolr o r rliii
liii ci cii
111 lolr i oiP LII iilt l m n t < y i latdr Allrt If rtiiTaln rtiiTalnlth flatTalaItpi rII rIIlIh
aItpi lth a 511th uii Cf II feet I < eni eofj I n Irsier rater 0 0In 41kb ni I IIlltrh IMAtid
In MAtid IIPb ii bi heqt A Ir IrIIIrh mnctues mnctuesihith
Illtrh ami II Kkk Won II on ny to to Iorl IorlII < nl Srw pw pwa
1 a or aith lth II a tcii < of i feet II Illnh Inrhrt Inch l Iul i < jl Mn MnJ Lfann0t1mU Sac Sac1
n0t1mU ini 1 I ih 4 itl iek n 1 t tI 4 III IIIJ Inches
J 1 trrr r V ion nfk r lril It < lth II len I of ofA a fret ferttlo frethlOy
tlo hlOy > 0 tlAre 131 3 1 I Aril 01 Vat n meml mm mmU mmhf > er ton toniFHter lOflAnh
iFHter nh 13 I > enr C4 of ace ci r 1 bat on h t > Andrew n Town Townfirorfr To Torp Tonsloir
firorfr loir rp Irviwtfooi frtmt con4 Hay h Mrrirefiir tklnl tklnlThr 1101 IIFTII1m
11 I1m 9 Y1 4ecOOI 4ecOOIThr 1 1Thr
Thr Mil II llin n WoniyAI W ltyI Py I Itatne flab loin New S Nt Vork i iA
A t l J t I row rowley New York rrond J fllllr fTfliyilirv 111 I IVutlry
Vutlry ilirv P N J r 1 third 7 Time II = minute I M Mill Millwcond I S Sseconds
seconds wcondlo secondsIan d
lo I Ian > i lrd i art 01 llin Open n Won Wo by W Wtty H lIcr lIcrJpr
Jpr > rey < tty I f M l tlbbi Ibb BirTalo rrto arrond J Jinlli JOmit JmIta
Omit Nr P ew lorkfrlty oil etty y thlnl IM Tim T1 II frondllunntntf frond erou4sItinolaug I IAIoI
llunntntf Ior MroAd itmoadJampIpou Jumpilpeij J Aonbr A unIon Ueflnnl unIonsi4 r
AIoI si4 l New lork ofk with a 1imp amp of feel I Inch InehIxiil InchTM
Ixiil TM aIi Mane Annaoil and An I W lilbb IIlbbIIlo MuffJlo MuffJloiled hiahalulea
lea fot 0 emnd and hInt hi with lib Jump J of tt I II feel feelKue f fI
I I inchs inchsEISC I
Kue t r Mile III Iin ifi Won hr h Man hiaitJhimimi llolmrr Canad CanadW rIhI
W t K lIhmIr bmflim hiemer l r Vrw v Vorn nrll cIty erood a 1 J I Irtrr ITim ImirY
> mirY ni t Tim M minnie ml Jl I 6 wenm ronba ronbahIunrt 010 i iItunnlnr I
Itunnlnr nuol > I V Ifin It c h mn < Morn Wo W tnC br b bCi U I 11 11Olhb WCIhbs
Olhb Ci llitfato 11 trih vi h hs lumpnf imjmpnfft4inches U nf i fe i Alnrhr II h S IMzhs y H HHint I Ir Itfang
Hint Annnoil uud td riaude Allen 1f1I tied for f see seeond re reond
ond wltli r limp ll nip of f J fee l Inch
239 tart IF hurl Open Won br b L i tV U Clbh Ibh Ibhfluutalo I Inurralo
nurralo nun w II < rArA M r Jnrr air CI NtOII4 eood ran < t Loulat Loulatf Lo LoatI Louts LoutsMang
Mang atI f Aiuupolla tUlrtl Tin T11114a TImL M Mcoatta I
tLUXfltDV 111 u n rr rrnuircIS rrnuircISI1IN4 f fI
I tIC I1IN4 sfw rttssv 111 nrrmu nrrmun It Itn
n YNfItIt fbtlltl n nIa m mn
T n Ia i M a in flhs Mrt II Urn r ttisl lnl Itwr Itwrt
t 1 s t ft sp < rtii an anTJ 1PtI 1PtItr Tr Trq
q tr fl Is IsThis lit
TJ This fmflV man fI41544 tr I f rtn i X E T r11 TsliI rli rlii
i nfral I 1 an nih I HIM < w Trlt 11 f few H nt fawei faweisawl r rMrtfnt
sawl < Mrtfnt nI > faHr irm wf wflt roo rooho pf4flg pf4flg9w
9w Mulm n ho Is Pws4 e lt MC Mhu4 fft fftt far farMe
Me t t rt gwet HM 1 1111oo fit fitf fitthan Pe444 Pe444p
p r41nd 111oo rt c gre psesh 4 4bi f Ltthr Ltthrriot
riot bi rtfi nIoo hwh 1 1en s 1ttoII 1ttoIIhtofloo aa aaa
a wh htofloo f ler than thanIn ps psatriI 1 1JOftf
JOftf atriI anti t t It mAw mAwasas Joc JocI
a asas flbaistl isewl 1 Ps vH kiwi kiwirnqw
rnqw 1Mm felt rnwi h baa n mmut mmutI I
1 n s ftti 1ft i 154 011 011I 1 1wu1
I wu1 m isarsl 1 14 asi s ani clI clII the thepfswh
I pfswh Ptotyo flltlM400 rert t f fIA for forIioe
IA Iioe I Ii Iis Iiseie
i eie wu pf4q ro Wra Ituwl4I Ituwl4Ilit I I1ft
In tkjM tOt rtprttwU rr c lr ete M w ami amiMl ul 1 s sMl
Ml 1 t 44fsgi t4 c fr C fhr r1looc nrm r Mfti4 In In4Hrfnl 1ftt I IAt
At t of f0s5 ar r tot hi 9i 9ifttffiil Ma
I > 4Hrfnl 1 with h h iveimr ami lh Ih r went wentvtt weRtw9t
vtt a oCa 4i aro Ie pisekil NMk < l with It feopr pwisple 1 who h hn ha hal Ii4 Ii4ini
l n > ein4 ini n X w V iris > rki It In He thr three IhrIa threeilay < h < M Milajr
1 ilajr Ia Of 0 the > ISOIMI l OI the 01 V w Y Yk rk len lentrial lJnu
trial took 11 eart e f iwn I JU wbll bl th the Vw VwHaven w wlLsvn
Haven n rnl t hamllrxl rtno rtnoAH 11110AM uiuaAR
AH of th the rvittar ttat train 1 were tIaptcbet tIaptcbetIn > < rtche rtcheIn rttbootll rttbootllIn <
In rtion NI iiom tm tnJIf of f them hal aa many maAjra
a aa ala U wtlona < tloru NI trailing on oJ another Th ThYrrk Thw TbN >
> > w Tort Central akin ha hl < fortytwo fortytwoI fortt forttIta fortytwotrains
I Ita ctal train pin on to rel rehla 11 v th the h strain atralnon 1111
on n th tho ti rguUir r The > peclaU rclALorun wen wenrun wvrrwI
run ltw ltw1I it her and nufTalo > anti I they lhrKatherxil theytatheri It
Katherxil < tip II local I traffic tn It 0 aavw tim timfnr Umfot timfor
I for Hi the h pular Cllla train Th ome official itiht itihtnIght u < l lUt tIat
Ut nIght thit It th the Hhemt u worktl worktlI en enI < >
I I wl that the bu t1 fliers from th the Vet WII VetKot
tot < 01 in alxitit at t on time although alt hOlalCh the it boo road riMwlTh roadwau
I WII waumm Th n 1Mb u plod l tcn ijn oo nt Friday Fr1tI nmht nmhtand nclalnt nuhtnt
and nt will U iset l all It of thin week Hut the thtplan thtlallt therftlItaul
tlallt moon plan uh uhOOlld < l or th thy y would < II IIDrt Iw Iwoplrt 10wamnpesl
wamnpesl Drt 100011 oplrt mov about th the wtmo wtmoway mrneway 11I 11Iy
way y every y yr yrar r although In mcmaalnc mcmaalncnumber InelnI <
I number am > the Ih trafnc rn mana tTuaruaer4 < r know knowi knowpretty
i i pretty well what Iltt to 0 do to look out for th thI tl1Iln the theI
I Iln incrtsuml tmiin hUllnfM > > Fhla P period rlcol will IM IMrv4orJ I If Isas
as rv4orJ f ON brrnkrr for the 11 number of pan panntrr 14 pasetlvrs
etlvrs ntrr 11 and tralnj and up at t the th ling lington IJln IJlnIon
ton avenue terminal thy h were f rather rathrrproud rathrrrollcl ratherprowl
proud of th thm themwulves m lvM l lffCoIlI > cauin th thf they y had hadtxrwn h hiiI t ttn
I been ali stile to do 01 o t wt well > ll while bll tomng nne down downth iliwnthe
th the old 01 1 utatlon and nIl building tip tilt new newion n nion newone
ion ion one oneI
I On One of the biggest bll t problem rrohlp for th thd the thedespotchcr b bctpalchl
d xpitchtn will come me thl moraine l ltwHn tto Las Lastwrfl >
twHn to i and 10 oclixrk In that tim timIVitmint UmI timelo
IVitmint I lo HrIII will 11 have hl tobd to I oocl4lln dearvu < aml In and out 0111of outof
1 of th the tirrninjl nn average of more mo than thana
ill a train u tninut Alv Al 1 > th the record brtrak brtrakI b lc lcIlnll
I Ilnll inn in train i III > cum coming inn in from the Adi Adirondack AdirondackA dl ¬
rondack und th the Thousand Inland InlandTh IslandsThe
Th The rlnt faction I ta clu duo at 7 03 A M 1 1tb and andthr azulthere I
there tb will IM fourt fourteen n ctiona alto altoI altogmther
I RKthor < 1 b fourt fourteen n cart 11 to a Motion with Ittl a atotal 1 1total
total of f 7 u pojiMiCrs p lJIrljnolh I Ilh I
lh The N w ork tentral haj never neverhandled i ihandled I IhancUI
handled 1II11e < Ulte niich Ich a moncter mon train a < th thun thus h hon
I un one > although Last ytr r the th mine n train trainI triutnwait
I wa wait run in thinen onon eoCtbOflS and iurrinl iurrinli lUtTllaoout COITImIafoul
i afoul 97i 11711 ts pAMMnKni nit A a tnm mun munof ur urof <
of th the growth of traffic from the II Adiron Adirondack Admrnndackit dlroni ¬
i dack und th the hill country the th railroad railroadp IIII
p f ° ° pl have ha bwn adding addln u ctlon every everyyeir ppryyu everyyetr
I yeir for several rotl years yeamThere y yI yearsrher
There will II I 1i nornothlng like Ilk WO train trainin traInsin
in and out of the terminal tomorrow tomorrowma
I ma aJ regular train the rt rl t apeclaU of one onekind on onkmd onekind
kind or another anotherThere nnotJ anotherThere r rTh
There Th ha teen BO far I congestion congentlonof nZ llon llonI
I of hICataat > aggag > > than ever r before hf 0 Th prin principal rrinI prtncipal ¬
I cipal ClpII rna reuon on > n la I that III the th new Islington Islingtonavenu
avenu terminal liaKciKeiiianter nIt ItIIIIJOIr H C CVfMvi CSioi
I VfMvi 101 hl has al fltmiit nit twin I twb th the floor apace apacelie epacsIi J1 I
lie h hnl s m n the h old xtntion Formerly i 1
horneoomerx who Ito loud 1 lout t in their 1 iMiggaK iMiggaKcherlc litIC3Jhk baagigohvsks
I cherlc or 0 who ho were callfd uxin n liy I 10 Viatt Viattgage ItIIlII ha hagage
gage II men pn wh who hn rnuldn t flnd th the pie piehad 11 11I immhail <
had fA ti I > Mar 1IIIa < h among PIM I ii uf f trunk I nlnklha nafilthat
I that ran from om floor t < > Ailing li t tniKit
niKit Mr II Ir U Wwl twwl KX had upward or In IIII hat hatI i i iI
I pii JII bl > r iI t of luiKgaKe neatly 1Iul nrrnnged nrrn 1 in inmall mIll iiismall
mall Ill i > iIms every r pil pile dienated d bv It ItIICI 1 1tlRUre afIgure
fIgure IICI whirh rorr rorn correxndd md 1 < l to 0 the Ih luM luMtigure Iaietfigure
figure 1111 on the I h r > a Mngr nit twigKico bl Ita 1P check checkI chemkIhero hoockTh
Th I here wua 11 no mar fIIO of n tin I h loiter FIt fkelter fkelterhunting pkmiterhuratin kltrhunllnlot
hunting around The 1h I lIfl4Vr ki ngr gave gavethe gavett < 3V 3VtI
the tI final flgun of af the h Jiwk jioi k numlier numlierThe numhierItie
11 The UiggigH 1 iIt man waiioM IIe1 mrnight to toth IntI tothe
th tI the pi 11 I d f trunk oUirkid JIIe under Inri the h niirn niirnl ntimnLot
l Lot r anti nrl < i umkai < king out lIlh the dei doirmI rid trunk wi wia 111 111ml
a matter ml of a inmuti inmutiTo IAmliltTn unintitTo
To kfep k the h iirki Ik deareil 14 th the h Central Centralanil Centraland nt r I I Iand
and Nw 0 llaviii II roaite sent iil out I n 11fC jmecuisi jmecuisihmaggag > eciiil eciiilluiggage aI aIItIIItKaK
luiggage trnri iLifl Ir train that t carrud r1 rioth riothing 1I0lhInl riot hi hiin
ing in hut I l iggag laggage > earn t fm place II whet wherth hr hrth
th initvement m111 WB A ienMMt The Th ThuHaven Vi Soa1 r rHaven
Haven road roan sent 111 to Boston llIn at midnight midnightlat
lat la night a n > eota 1 luigvagt I al train of offifteen IIfOftn offifteen
fifteen ati The Now S YtrK rk iVntral ntral cent centnevernl 4ntnevoraf nt nth
nevernl shell h trnini rIlm ii II > tin in tiahhi ln line lin fj fjAlluuiy t ttWIT IAlbany
tWIT Itofhenter HII hI an amid < < j lluffalo lluffaloWhile IIlIlIaloWhll hfuiffaloVhiI
While VhiI all th the extra tr luiggagu 1 1atKi1If wn was n l IinC > ing
handled Mr I Wood fon f forre final h3 11 I keep keeproom kpm
room m rliire < l for tn the ib h I nited Sf MtatM Stat AI mail mailhandler mllilhanrllr fIlCh fIlChhandlere
handler and the th cxpr r agintx Mall Mallwa IAIIhtlt1nl MallwaC
wa Mhofittng in liy I the Ih ton and the h etpre etprebiime tiarebusins I IntllIp
biime had ixxmied ntllIp up t to > heavy llgureit llgureitwithin 111 111within figureiwIthin
within a few f day tiayeTje bY
The Th outgoing tlltIn movement mirpriMHl the theofficial Ih IhmeaI theometals
official liy II it Ih extent They wild 1 that thatmore thatfoot I
more > < ipe ° M seosnod > emx 111 < l tn I I hi > leaving laln < the thecity th thily thecity
city < at the Ih tint that vacationer oalln were werereturning werereturning r rtlnlnlC
returning than ever ev tr r before An t a nample nampleof avnpleof fllpl fllplf
of f the to weight h of this traffic the II oclock oclocktrain ocIcktrain oclticktrain
train t lPtii 11 lat night ran In nix 1 mc mction 10I eectiofia
I tion mil 1 tin iiiidingUt train had I MX cmxnntt MXnectlnn
nectlnn nectlnnThe nntt In InTh InnsThi
The Th lennylvami lnll 11111I handle < l nn enor enormou n tuamrmotaely i imOlllr
mou mOlllr ly increased IJlft hmuacirumse II III < M rh l rc rcn LCkAwaufinis tck tckawunna
awunna n had I ul extra A train srtnglng folk folkhoni filkhunt Ik Ikhom
hunt from the t hI Iocnno region and IIn farther fartherwe I
I we wet t The 1 I IIlIaCo lugh rnllY all y ran cwiatI p rluln rlulnfrom 1 1f1II1I I
from and fi I fietivlijrg tt y viharg IJfIl V VohIngtui VohIngtuiInitrn 1Ihlllll < w > hlnit n nNlncarn
Nlncarn Initrn FoIl und > aratini a1 am ati ii place uiac Ia ulotig ulotiglh uirigItti
lh Iiii
4ITlr 4 trnri STIt 41 I i v riYisrs T s iiirs T IFV IFVffoallet llI llIouIli
ffoallet 0011 and llflilr fIh Take T Two T 0 Hour irnt irntat I It 1rnat
at t ValMmra ilsiitir Mam fall fallMfr iallstlfrl I IoI1
Mfr tlfrl l Cioullet oI1 and him ml k m I IHulllran IHulllranllehir 04IIInlIhl I Iilebir
llehir ih the h Au Aornllln trnllnn A 1I1r1 > ire < l ih the ta two twohour t twohmiir
hour 1 team Rm rare r vrtrdat rllll iilnixon at 1 t ih ihailli II111tor tie tieI
I ailli 111tor > iri iyrle I rle 1 trAck 1 in Ne Sull rk lhre lhrewa h I I IWA
wa a very 1 lial plll 11I In the h U I a t Inn Inl1 of I the therare t tr I Irare
rare r In whMi 101 i Kramer I rll harrier Pnturr Pnlr a ariii ariiiFrei r rnihFriil I
Frei r1 I SIIII III Ir ner n larnn on and I rhl itiimtrePa icure h n smre smrepmn < re rent
pmn nt 11 sprawling pr wlinir nonl nnlh livl lu I nat f farm r rarm I Inrln
arm and 111 ollarhonn Lroken and 01 V 0 lit litl tta
l i a h hiostiumal t > ial Ifiirprerht 1Iror had hi his < ollar ollarhone uhlIurbtno 111 111Iok
hone l rokti Iok > tint refuiirft to go to tn tnatl a hoiitl hoiitlard
ard n tonii nl fine n of it Kramer eltnivit eltnivitwa ella ellawas II IIWlUl
wa Honi lon1 d an1 n1 the h other hrr rHen rIoS wpe > r hadlt hadltHhakrn hmmiIhken I Ihkn
Hhakrn IIP > 11 I lie Imurh 111 e lust a as tle I field fieldwaj O Ornmllno flefswas
was < rmmdlnK > i t la Inst t turn Into In the t h hump liitnrtrih humpstreth urn
trih strethrlme trihThe 10
The n ram re fill 11 rui for f 7 hour SIO 2 minute minuteanl minutenI
anl 111 II c > < oHl H I there wn 110 another tumble tumbleu Imhl
11101 > u uint t before Iro the to e umi n of the h rve r e In In whKI whKIMime whlme whifrtMama
Mime me hlrylea I weri Nroken kn ami an time n had Ui Uihe tiphe
he h 11111 dde < l to I permit tfe t tijim am tnnir n nf the thefallen theftller
fallen 111 rider 1 1 to ire em into n he 10 rark 1 Th Thmd The TheIinu1i h hlirih
lirih md ro tle > 1 e M mile in n h iwo I sm hour nf nfwliHi n oft oftImfrla I IorIJ
wliHi 1 mil niIe 3 lai > HI si ro 1 imirme mir In I id Itie 10 nrt nrthour 01hf flrsthiatt
hour the I h he sIittitOri > eetator 1111 i > WHrtni wcrtnei n oni nl nln lie II IInrk lierrk i irnrk
rnrk after 1If the Ih fall lu n lni I Ut bs > and n1 ih ihillilnls the themiiauls
illilnls 1 wem eemMi m1 lo geh l liaill > lnl tnitel > e > lip II ntrri ntrriIi n i er erIt
Ii tedt 1 Klflen tenti femu sIrtel Mrte < h f f p I In t tI
I 1101 n > it ixin lIot > i hairplon Krinnr K r pirliir pirliirI n nI
I h hue iidtfe met Iot ges > lam th t tin letrn ti u tfIi4 i 14 follow followfiHillet 111 limws limwsifasi I
fiHillet ifasi 111 I llehlr I I chit John and 1 Miiu etui n ltell ltellPhitli 11111Ihllll tefelJIhmfmta
Phitli Mrlchf rlorlo and an William Inllar Panir PanirT a 1 1TS ITedult
T TS Tedult < tli I IIIIIInKlon and nI Martin Mart 1lInlhlII In lUin Itt to Nnrmnn NnrmnnAnier unrnnfl unrnnfltflmjri mlOn mlOnAn
An Anier on MK 111 William Mnrton nn rn F l lWet f < j jwest
Wet and 1 arln sri 1 Vannnl lhl hrl Ioohill Pwhimiir < hlllr anI anIAlhert usmiAlbert
Albert A II Kreh K reb t F rId Iliipprnht 111I1 > arulJumhn arulJumhnWell arel I Ilmln JitmijipVlle
Well 11 Fred IIIIII Hill and IVIer i iter 1 Kroliaih 1 h l hnrle hnrleH hnlIf
H Mteln orvl lrol h Ma SAln SAlnk tmtiInIrank ln lnFrank
Frank k Half won n the I hlf mile on ama amateiir alphaleapt
leapt IIr rare In I minute 4 1ieerond 2 serood on Herman HermanKje 1ImnlUll IlermainICJekIee I
lUll ICJekIee < < r l rn n wa w < ond n flIman j jIman I II IImn
Iman lluhili Jluh Throw TI John l lo4mm lo4mmr4 14mmjgcICS mm mmlltrotl
lltrotl CaV r4 a11 t 1aepshrn > tt > lt fI > Til T ThIN Urn 4rNTMrpfmw r r1I i iTxixfHix
TxixfHix 1I In Hepi 4 Iman llukuh brother of offiama OIfnm of4l0
fiama 4l0 Pox Ihe II wre wrelr Ir mt m John I hemnm hemnmml mm I Ia
a hwloa 1 In a call nfih h a as iAlm li h ran n match mitt for fort2V InrU forHn
t2V U > a aid skims kSt at f thu h Alhamhra Ihmlo In InI day Hlliah fIIIhon hiikshwon I Iwon
won on the h nnt fall In i 1 mirtii min minutes I rterond rterondII on1
If won th the t ee < rond fall all and nd bo I maUU mt < b In InI
I mlnul oocooda J
r I r rrIwIlI rrIwIlIPt y y1ItII
1ItII Pt lit te i il af I 1 1If 1sfsa 1sfsals
ls If rff 4 hsi seesasi I Ito tstw tstw40s
40s IS 0 eh to toI veie1 0Iw Pea4 Pea4I
I tm01u p4 Pte ma h I II
I I 4 wtaeedleiAeqt 1 tea 1 1tf heso hesohlinnun4
tf hlinnun4 f q IN w Wet tiNt r rU rI funoa funoaa
a U lIa 44ml4 prwf + a4 01 1 1I
I 1100 It Itiums4 ewwl e f1 t If Ifa IfH Ifr Usmnuond eq bst
1 tW0b a 404 As4 l Iis 5ki p p01t
01t Si A H tueq it I eees eeessa
sa h5CmhiflethAII a as
s + 4 4 Md gSPVY s tet e sse ssereee
r reee c tHo tHof 4 iteewemeg iteewemegfree
free We tHoH tHot H t tea ms msrs4
rs4 I 444f0I4e4 t 4 0 sE 4ve01 4ve01M4
M4 4 see sessel f tI 01e sA sAPt lot lottoo
too Pt see 0 sii 4sp idI idI4r
4r 4 ts bsi bsiw 4 4Mo
w e 4 Mo Mott 5s us e S g
4 4 c e eI
I to tt Usiwitsl 111 r wes nac 4 f 4 4m
m e is i Sbs a of oftIt 4 4m
m m dh tIt s4s lt Iet4 en 4
4 4 s 0 cs s4 Pef C e4 l i iI
I 4 4 r I4 1ft sO 050 4 a aI
1 I In I 4 wt 1 I htfwCmad Ca tOt f
4 1 o4tw SWhS MK 1 H ttM1t hissssea4 MM > I Ilout
1 tii p4Vef lout NI04 5N5 5N5f4 IN n rt rtt
f4 Iwwn patSst l essss 044 S
44 M1t wl t troot = 4 i ipse
pse ssi 0 erS root I 01 t 4 191 191tA I II
i C4 f her r a ih tA mfH esti n > l lt 111oo 4 s 0 I Iehe
11oo r rq M Ploof Ploofi f fiepv
i IIr1 iepv 1 leIIeehisef t fme IU 4m 4mTmsss It ItT
T Tmsss I muit s 40 r f 1 m4t m4tu4
I II > t < f v u4 m gk stsleet C CrMH itv W M 44 > < k kI 4 4wfdtr
I T rMH wfdtr < tr < of < he Kt Ytldtewei > < OlSIt OlSIta > i liH liHm
a m 4iehe < h nvtd 1 tP K pm4 a r fi V s 4 er in K his hisif Mr Mriivl 1
if situ iivl eih i > el 1 shi M M etm 041WMmOl 1 1I
MoMN I MmOl httmir iter r wd 1 H etr taY t wrH Ik Ke 1 Antah AntahThe n
The 1 tti lead u I rmnty ftr rrvtn wwn w wMh gsi > r > i nl 1
4 a 3 a l ilred 1 with h Morn I H 04ult Htrk 4 4IIirii
trk < tiaI4er4siiet MnHer tHCf won n lh ilmtM 1 awl awlfmern H Hfrntn 141 141fn <
frntn fn Flnek IneIt 11 tn < l ftUeft 0 > thai 11 Mi4tnktiier Mi4tn SIil4Isier 1 1i
ktiier ier a 450 > a th hot her of ih I ITh the ti nrnmnt tonnmehThe > nrnmntTh
Th The umnviry umnviryrvun1 mmmuryn m
i n etit a tisntIniisalhp tftpllh inites initesauti r c cftN1
rvun1 auti Vil r Nto j l ll lIunftlolO mmotvi mmotviMXaMr II IIf114Jo1 MatDIaM
MXaMr llr I ttrewtihng nln 4 I 4 1 1l I II 3Un
1 Un l n 0 fcmr pameknttp l 10111 > n hlt n ncl I It 1Ir fi fih J 11 11P
I h ham u P King I i 0iatir T Tn Tnnhs nnl Chih ChihItMrh N Sc Jfrsei W Wt11eweal
ItMrh fn t11eweal < l > wm > rVMOlb H I a k 7 a 1 4 t tMn tMni
Mn l hamHonMlp lf laoiPaIc iMe flrul flrulH oisn4 oisn4htenr 110I 110IttyloIn
H ttyloIn htenr nrr I I W iWnAair anu 0 511 MorrIs In H Ctarit if iflrtxK f fteaICI
lrtxK 1 t P I rtnrk n sal n 1 M t tn HiseP < hi > If I 1 a ar S Srn Iruso
r rn o player 11 Harry Ifn F I Hnbert ami I I Illnwaril IIIn1 ILlnusri
llnwaril 4 ohell won their I war y Into the 10 rlnal rlnalroiind ftn1n1 hnsrislinti
roiind n1 of f th the Mann Irl and FIU < f I hut I > tnnroejr tnnroejryetrdar toirn toirnyetetmI r
yetrdar 1 ltner I w won u from runl W i Ml l1n l1nI tllenantI n nand
and I ohell 1 deframl I I I ll 1In n th thplayer fhcoh Ibmlay
player lay tn reach coh the Ih final roirxl oonolf nf the men4 men4double mfDSb mpsuIstbis
double Sb wen Jill Idle hi I M oI MlQachrr C r and n1 I II rI 7I
I Iarke IarkeThe I lustMeThe
The Th ummarie ummarieUartao aimrnsrseMarts Immrrt
Marts rt a asmi l HeW h Cup Cu Vn 51ng1 n l TMM TMMrmni Ibirdroonmi
IP = r rIf
rmni Vf C 4 Allen AiiaudetIsI UefeaW tl lieorcr leon r t 4 ilrrx tIroqheI tIroqheIA hovk hovki
i If A I a j j K P t t cameron rlle Ifetel fie 1 i tt ttWarttra Warde
Warttra arde T 1 4 4 lUrrr 1 5 Hoboru it hefested hefestedtIUIII fratr fratrArthur <
1 r7 zIIrl =
Arthur Arh r a t 4 1 3 HeftrtaM Wood il ilII iifisted I IaJ
fisted aJ II iraim 011 It II by d default t ull w tIsiter ll r N Jennings JtnnlnfiArthur JnI Jenningsh4ested
h4ested 1 Arthur rvrirTrr p 4 I 4 J I llow lIoiS lIoiSooMIIS itowsrIVoshieli nl nlitrfeiM
ooMIIS itrfeiM I II III f I llrtmtr n ii n 00 i i iu iut 1111VDY liiitell
t tell > ert lljrnDlon iri deeatel > lei Julio U iltetnarhor iltetnarhora
Ifnnltt IfnnlttI
a 4 A VDY I J 1 r turn Ir defeated au UnnWn llrlmrr llrlmrra himtm himtmA
a i A AYuumtii t trmrlh
rmrlh Hound W f 1 MI iie O ii defeated frir Ip < l J r rramwrIL 5 5Camvrua ICIVa
Camvrua S 4 e t 4 Marry 4 hubert itrfrat defate4 defate4Hgtnali l lH
H Hgtnali I lnal < i Woml ouit a 4k a J t Howanl 1 1S Vohrll Vohrlld ostueiidefeatist 1
SOi crh
d defeatist fValf < l Waiter N Jtnntnr nir r A 2 a S J f fAllrn 7 7tiea
Allrn 11 tiea itrfratetl Ir C c lira IJoopn l > mpli > n hr dofaull dofaullvml 01111fmI lfaltmI
vml mI final IIAI Houml Han Ii > M I Mobrt > J detested detestedw fr lrt lrtXV 1 1W
W C AllfO 11 s e a 3 OJ 4 S i howard VmArll VmArllilrlraWd tusbehitfeaI4d 11 11draJ
ilrlraWd J P I Atlvn t 4 111 111fOaol 43Me 3 3l
Me l a i tioublr Hoaabkttrt > Ktnt roind Mark NODI ubi I ISIAIn and amiItaJpn andliusiph
ItaJpn Lfitn defeated John Foriylh ro and n part partrrt partpfl
rrt by 1 t default ull Waltn Wai N Jtenlri > anti nd llnrola llnrolaIIHmrr UntOlnI IineotI4tmer
IIHmrr I defeated V J ivookrr ant C Drrbaaa Drrbaaaa t
a I lA a 2 J f b AllrnamJ I IJnd Jnd W M 4 N Wahondefen4 Wahondefen4I atton I lf txi txiII
II I smltti mllbnd and partner by drfailt Marry t 4 Hob Hobvu lOobrI hotcIt
cIt vu rI and J r I n C Cinema m < rr > a defeated iitt Ii IiInlIr lhstlC lhstlCttnsther vr vrirln
InlIr irln rhrr and atS Harry Iin Vhl l tcbibhmr lIle blrr A 41 < l 6 I C f flfh I Itbamtrs
lfh tbamtrs 0001 mb r and n4 J Wf Webb lib 10 defeated t Chaadlrr stud ueJI ueJITi stud7rnhi nd ndfrank
frank Iron a 4 p J Itil I Cha e and Hubert HotwrtV HubertWalknt
S1 S11001110I
V Walknt al I ton ITi df defyshed rated II si C Helmet r sal n N NmU U Jarkon Jarkonv JaclonALA
ALA v 4 4 4seruo1 IMeluftd
seruo1 hound Paul r M 11 > u anal < n4 1 Arttnr rlII I Ilo IlvulbunI
lo lvulbunI > lt nl dtfralei IU n1OA1d lrtakt Wt WI Woois OoI > > o > l and n02 Cbrir Cbrirvmibrri h hbrr 4r 4rsitibet
vmibrri brr C II 4 M howled It Vo ooh11 h ll and andtirortr allolIi andtienide
tirortr Ii s trtxb l I < d defeated det < I t C I tIn > l > n sal sallarther nl nlI 1 1Itnr
I Itnr rtnrr b default Mark Noble and n lUlrh I SoIf iew iew4fmsmel rwrrt rwrrtUrf
Urf 4fmsmel tr < l ht niltxrt Htymplon IIJmp and 1 Ralph I H Itagga Itaggab tt ttb r rb
b > default aun U alirrV lIpr Jrnnlnt JPflbinjtimI > attil lloroln Helmet hrtmrrJrfrinl Helmetdefiauci
Jrfrinl < J K I Allan tU 11 and 0 IV V 0 < U Watson l n I Ia a alUrrv 4 4S
S i < lUrrv 1Ir > lot htotwmtatiIJ > ert r aat 1 J K 1 S i amrron amrrondrtralrd ameondefeated
fraZ 1 W WHIIor
defeated a 2 i > ° t hamb hambr r ana J Webb b h > drfailt drfailtuin 4etauittTtftmr
uin HIIor ir vh McPair h > r r and nol Ira I Sirrutand defeated Iail IailItiajx intlb
Itiajx b atxl 1 llotxrt Walton a l A 4 4 iilki II U Usiriiurhrr IIMtnIarber I IPlnarh
siriiurhrr Plnarh anS nt 1 t i I IarkM drfratrd II Jarkwn Jarkwnanl
anl 1 v tI I llayw hIsywrd < ird a I t t I II Itonnrfarul Itonnrfarulan
an aihi nel 1 t Potter or defeated Ip N I Itruwn Sal n 1 parintr parintrb
b LIII drltull drltullTMIrJ oIullThiN detsuubThirl
ThiN Hnrwl 1 H Psii jl 1 r lrtil I and Arthur 1 1la I I1Ioot Iln
la 1Ioot lUifht defeated ft Howard tnhIh n h ll and aoIlilOrr aoIlilOrrronlWrli lirortr lirortrS
S ironb ronlWrli rk by b default alter 11 N Nahal Jrnj J = > ln lnarid nc nchol
arid hol linrwln homer dcfratrU Mark ar Nontr and andlUlih andlaimb nd ndJh
lUlih Lrwrrt t J II a > llarrt I1 S ltdtrrt and andJ
J Jh 7 f p b4 M famrran defeated d r Arthur MrhrfVr 1 1e and andIra anmihr
Ira hr tu 4trin4 > < i an < t 4 OZ 2 4 sk 41 V e 2 Julio M t 1II M1inachand MtrlnachT MtrlnachTand < h hnal
and nal C H I Parkrt arll rke drfraUv I II tlonnrfand Ilono10nat and andf
f t C Potiet oll r AItu3 AItu3Smmb 1 14 14Vml r rSm
Vml Real llouart ltoudJusbo loual Julio 1Io U I 5itelaaeher < t tBarher ab abC and andr
r C I Parke Iar drfratrd If Id Harry II am X IVil 1Otrrit TH and andt al I Ir
t r s t famrrnn mr II IIIII I 4 4In 2 2In
In hatlott clarence Hohart anti DI Maurice Mauricet
t Mrlx In1hll > ulhlllt comrle tv ml on their 111 court
trlrilay the ih S Now e Knchellx Tenlll < thirigt Itlfl IthI
tlrlllrf I fn mogethet ether the Ih ino mOst t hrllllint n of f the thitiT I II theI
I I tiT lri ii lawn I n tennis nnt men and no1 the 10 cl cIeret cIeretof ere r rof t tof
of the Ih newmnir wIII It wa the II nr II tlrt t tourn tournrnlit tolirnAmnetit
rnlit nn rnmi nmlIlIon tltlon that h lloliart lia h en nll1 nll1In a e < l llii
lii It m n i Ih hi lInn of the Ih cnuntr IIIr < for two twoHe tamar 0 0II
ar He II Ktired I r I with i olhouii Ih < ratln ratlnIn
In the h ili SoM tide mutual od they h won on in the J Ilrt II und underonl 011n1 anieroni
eronl n1 round 1 In irellent IIn at llle llleMrl tIefrIipghlitu 1
I Mrl 11hlln iithllii diirihir the h afternoon atlrn patreil patreilwith pal1h
I with flit h t arlion rlt It I lnln r ant the I 10 111 t at in tnt tntIimmhusr t tHoliart
Holiart 1 and nS raein in an n Itnprompt IlIIpomo i iIMI I
IMI o 4 t match It ndml nt at eihi plli ote oteQiaker t tQuaker Ih
Quaker Mldrc C ban4nn busmgdnstutp > ht > Men Mn Single SingleMrmnl le lesernnd
sernnd h lloin1 ff tteniaraln 1 M I lbinp rr ilrf iefeal4 iefeal4lair < ati I III
1 lair II linnkerbuit 6 o A I A K Ta Tor > inr dr drfeatrd tIetested
tested Tom Ierk I by default faull lienrrr I N l irne irneI irnr irnrI me mefe
I te k drfealrl P I Vhllteh h iitrbr > r Jr J S T I 1 1ft 0 3A
ft I l n m ier iortef ier defeated d the llr n rdgsr rdgsrhaasthnt > l ar arUmthf
1 Umthf h itd > default = 1 I M Iar tUxr Itu ItuIII deflated t III < t tIenderfaM
II IenderfaM Irnd Ii t defailt IS uiweil Lrll Ijtmh Smbf dr drfeatrd Jrfeaeml
III featrd f II l 1 < sinet I 6 a i frnlrn 1111 k I IIm P PVol
Im defeated 11 luynur Duntmmbe a i 4 I Hr HrIteitrand IIrfI1 lithtmttritI
Iteitrand fI1 f h llrak II defeated 1 W V J Ani hlrm hlrmI lmm
A 1 4 I tl I tcpamiiasa < iUla VI lnITatt IfT defeated > iI h htI htII ile ileI
I Porter V i I a I i w mlh defeated I Ihem Ihemtnt i m mtnt mInr
tnt XVa 1 ah h Il Io dffault DaKlel 1 HenHI S n drfeair1 drfeair1Vdcar JrfeaeiEdsr
Vdcar K P t 1A11 o by 10 default 11I Ml lot aulri 1 Smith Smithfaieil 1 1I he hef <
faieil I alest Ifol limiT llasaforil In 10 ilrf IraI IraIrllloIllouftImln timfaultIhtr1 < jlt jltIhlrdltound
Ihlrdltound rllloIllouftImln Ihtr1 htoun4 HenUmln th l fMnlpdereat r < i II IIhlmher IIhlmltr
1 hlmher A a S lieorje Inr II 1 l ircb c b defeated defeatedK paJK
I K Tnttor T I J 4 4 J 16 5 J I L II liai i4o 1 r defeat defeatttt a aI dfeahlwrmIr
ttt fi lwrmIr > er > tr 4S J II I M P lIter defeated defeatedIxjuell defeated144eIh < aJ aJIAIIImb
Ixjuell IAIIImb l ianut mti a II I 7 J i titei ltre If1IAlllm IjtIUmer Oefmlnl OefmlnlA
A 1 u sidenhr 4 t 4 a trederlrk I P Iu Emitdefeated Iudefeated U
defeated 1f IJIW lurid ifi II Todd d A I t A liW 1 Hr ii H rlll rlllU rlllIInhm IllUm IllUmHo ihhtsmItus
Ho IInhm ntmlmm it > iim defeated 11 lit II llertrtnd trn I Hrak P r 4 4u
1 u ltol ho 1olor iiia ta M MtHTalt SIn ilefele l Somh SomhI mU II III IiIayer
I Iayer > er 0 2 0 2 J M t Perklv I m ilrfeatrd Id Will WillUm tmiliIan
Um 0 II onnell hy 10 h drf ilefailt IIt nlt Daniel A llenxm lira dr drfrile1 a aI iifeahel
frile1 I i tt Tilth a 1 a f a Al than In n hot defeated ilefealedUnJanlry 011 defeatedMrCapiey 1 1I
UnJanlry I Smith hy default defaultfourth lpItSourah defaultloufth <
fourth Hound Mmjamln it PhIllips 110111I drfralrd drfralrdfieor df dfII detcatmlnrr
fieor nrr e II l leech rh h f 9 I a I L II lloper dr drfeainl icteaini I II
feainl H I P llrerk lk a 2 fII ii o llalphl I I11rJ ll htigis htigislrfstt c cilefet <
ilefet I > t Danlrl 1I nl A l llen ilenson on a i 7 a z Abraham Abrahamu ttmfahanhiusisforl h
11rJ u frlJr J Jr defeairl afp Un Kot 1 I IlIn a j jlrn 7lien
lien tioihlr KtrM If round 01 1 June Cotton ant amiI n1 n1I
I fi I lahl all 11 drfei 1 i deorrr ror II l leech ern P and tt U Ullltlnroti ItII IiiJtlnmntt
llltlnroti a II < > A 1 II nrtllon and nl Vlfrnl VlfrnlI 111AlIm
I aillmer iefete Pusii > ii Koenier r and nd rrt rrtner gstmtnec rt rti
ner ht default l a I u tsgier arnrr Vrn sn Vlrk I and fl flWhlthrrk Iiflhhtatk
kl tZnr
Whlthrrk i k detested d Alan r Lsr rut t and Arthur 11th Ho I ly lylfaault y yitrfault
itrfault 11 riarrnr rl llohtrt and M Calhom laIhomnmtrframeh Ihon razln razlnitefraieit
itefraieit lurid 1t < I1 II TnM1 and n > J II lloherixin lloherixina rI
a I I a 5 I ih hI rl r I Porter and C M smIth smllhiefe4te smIthmiefelini
iefe4te 1 I II l tawr iwyei and 111 K Aiflilin Jh I IJ a 1 1A 3A
A 1 W J i Hun and A J I llradlet defeated W Wnn ItM
nn 0 1 Cflt nt anti not J 1 llmft IWfI I I n V 4 n 1 nllllam nllllamI
I u I P nilnn nI a an arti nl I diehard I Autur OUII defeite 1 tie ttelet IhpIIr tieties
let IIr Mc EI t I toother I ins them b and t ialttmn > rtiier h > defauli defauliI
I I lr 11111 1UI and llenjinln V 1 Ihllllp hllI lie liefeled acfmatei
feled 1 1 f V aish l h 4H1 II1 K flllUm 4 1 A I a I II iicrick I Iplk > rd rderlrU
crick P I lot and n Hr It liertranil Y I IliaU < iefe 1O antesheiIIII 1OI tei teiw
I w J 1 1 altnnnnd linn nnl I I I Wilton 111 A n nI A o oerund itemnid
> erund llouiid Clarence I Mnhart IIu and nl alhuin 1ahhuunrrtln alhuinra 11001 11001ut
I rrtln ra ut < tn defeated Wacnrr Van n Vlark and 11 II IIWhllk r rWhllherk 7 7tblttwtk
Whllherk A 1 A I A II llrltPMi anI nd Alfred AlfredI
I l SAIUr lllm r defeatMt d June Collon and n tt t fall falla
a I A 2 I I l renltllt lflll n n1 < l llm n lactujsmhn mln M MPhlllli 1 1Ihllll tPhtbhIe
Phlllli defraltM WlllUm III m I lillrton lrio and ftll 1 Illrh Illrhard lIIhm hthrhLtd
Ltd m f V Vlcur IU 1 t tThe v i iTh ITh
Th The llaworth Tennl Club team defeated defeatedthe
the Ih Fnifewoo l Field t lub at lennl yet iester iestermitm r rdav
dav 1 on the llaworth rntirt ar takln klnll n 4 nf then thentnnt II flue II IIlit I Itnh
tnnt lit he II plated 11 The Th ummart suutimarietlnsi ummartMen lfllmr
Men ln4le < O I Wyeih rpIII lUoorth i iIf siefeshel siefeshelif Iful IfulII
If Tamnee T rT Jr J Knlwnn < 1 l ti > 7 I A A III itIf 2 2If
If I iritr i Ifuwnrth ilefeat I f I Co o Kncle KnclevnK nl
vnK S 1 < l A n II I hilt IJ Knrlrwnod tlp drfemnl drfemnlII
II Ifurni llnworth 1 A i II t 1 Pmt ei lncle lnclevKt Inlpt Ingi5ti
5ti vKt t ilefratrit If nnr n lUwnrlh 1 3 i A I II IIIferneMy IIUnn IfIfrnniv
IferneMy Unn lfr 1IlIh Ifs msrh > rth defeai t 1 irlffln inle inlef IighesonI 1 1I
sonI f t S A in ha It ItPII S A AMen 3 3tten
Men PII imulile intuht W t ith eth pl armi ri 1 Ii ises rav Ifawnrth Ifawnrthdefenlrt lfawmythmIftei ffh
defenlrt Tnrraiir TllrT Hid 1 ln mi Knrlewoo1 10 I A AA aa
A A 2 I Peel and n1 Pti lncl tngInnI txvt itrfealed itrfealedIfnrnltt 1flrSIInnl tefeateIhtnrnIC
Ifnrnltt end n > t i ritecsn ker n IMnnrth II r A A I IMlte1 Ithieh
Mlte1 11 Itoiht 1 Ur I > Kifcervin Yp and n 1 II IIw I IUitti Itttftm
Uitti w llaonrth defeatM 1 Mr Ir l and Mr Ir I I In I III II
I n ne rnrieoiKMl A I n 2 Ml blIss Ii Kldd anl anlI fI fIItrfpIlliIr1II 47I <
I r case e Knrlewnml defel ItrfpIlliIr1II CirlRlll Kill 111 T Tr Trn ir irrne ticmi
rne n ll irih I A 7 I A i irnuir IrWIIT IIUUT
rnuir sin riniTs IUT ITT IKITrnmnilllee ITTomI1 It17nninhltlew
rnmnilllee omI1 Melerla 1 I9nat Uo In rllmlnallnn EliminahlenTrial rllmlnallnnTrlaU lImSn lImSnTrllt
Trial for nr Kiel KielM I4trIMut
M Mut I < IIO If MM I Sept s 1 The Th elimination eliminationprorex eljmtnatthnnfarore UmllllInIr
prorex Ir nirroweil d the h pd In tie 1 lrrman lrrmanimiritin I erman 1
imiritin mra m ° rmnn Minder IIIr eerIe rl dnwn to eight eluhtTAti i i iye
TAti ye 1 f n nl 11111 ith I Th itern > nlll nI 11 lub lubnnimllie luuiifltti
nnimllie 0 fltti nih t ie miiniunreil ii ara1 I hi II P iSe I t 1111 ilmielotlbaver t t lii liiUtv
110 lbaver Utv r leln I lOot not flmft Imus Iei 1 S Iook mmikeni fii ivtk ivtkand I
and n1 ltMi 1 f I will III rare rat to rnorron rnorronIh mrr mrrrr
Ih third rae rot today 1 w CA 4 waft by It lle llewiid ItleIot I IC
C wiid b > Harrr liar 1iyii Whliny Whllll tmittt y ami ar11 II ItEnitttitpisimi W WnllllnIII V VKnillionHli
KnillionHli < l llf hIver vr wa > MiiiruI vl Th ThInlllllr lhrn the file filewe < e ewaoera
waoera we maeh C trianatilarnur Inlllllr IlmIure Ir nf twonillern twonillernlc I wtt rnll U UI
I lc n The meentul e ond n1 division raie wn wale wnn wnnbv woitlit n nIn
bv limit owned 1 and nrt mllri 11 hy ny ep Ixiwell IxiwellTil Joseliflie I
Til flie tandlnir II urn If llilelnt Jn two n vlrfnrle vlrfnrleand Tirtumresitu Irrl
and situ 1 i Ima roboiixan ggan II Heater 11 and ti IK IKin Iegfans c
110 fans in each h To rnI rntavm lav wind In1 wa 5n light lIlChIcmln lIlChIcmlnm inmIuig inmIuigftrmm omln omlnfrnm
frnm m the h eouthwe Jlh1 lloiry dark I n esl 1 1nvefhiin I Iorhll ioyerhmiusg
nvefhiin Ih the I tm nr nlid when s to efl the I h he r rte e enueil enueilII
II w wan raining nrrrnl t The 10 eUpd limn limnfollow fI fIII
follow followP1st II I
na thimIstocs 11 Pedetmat n WMlner and nd rnn rnntI4II rmnnl31I
12412 ll I JIevt r IJente llahne hal n 11424 114 I Ii 4 Helen HelenII 11 11I
II I K l n Ihsvt > l < I i3t Jit 2 Cn noh M P Merrlrk lr I 1ft It Ittally iiSally
tally I VIII Vii rHI C I llfI Meiller l VI M 0 J Nii N lU I Hem Hema i ioU timrnanI
a anI re 1 oU Unyd I ton it inniiane ill I ilnrh tanrrxft tanrrxftI r rfirrnnd
I tunll nll II I1 I nntrrne 14141 14141SerntMl I liii liii7Witied
SerntMl Htvldnn r lo1 > 4Ita < 1 Ima fi ciy l Unwell iwell I not 111 I2flITomPeif notTomHi 11 11Tm
TomHi Tm III II V Y Ilinna I I ii M Pe leg C lUlen fIlpnI I IIbMie ISliM
SliM IbMie I IS flfl 27 TnlKi Toboggan < n II M I n Kmmont KmmontIJAliA rmm rmmIMI rinmobilatin
latin IMI Alarm Antiln Sanda tan IW4S 1 1I S Seaewk J JI JI 7 7S
I markpnKt lkJl I l33 M nandlU O t KdwarOa 14 IJIZt IJIZtDcaal UIaDeMI ifl3Dal
Dcaal IU II O C Tkotnaa nao < IJ I3LtI > M
r r rUGIfi
LlfiKT WilDS WIBSrrrvrrrtr 01 1 Tft E SOOID SOOIDrIr SlXIDrsryryrpu
rrrvrrrtr rIr r irrr rr irrrnrr 1t1 1t1n
nrr nrrtntn n rn n r re
tntn i MM K Na trt 7I 0 r c r rT rr rrr Id Idr
r T Hturp t i soils all f wst tt tl tit NnHMKt s e > M Mmr
1 Sis mr 4I Iieat t > f i ltt 1Ittt > Mtarf lad inrt4e
I YndfVlrw Jet NtiW NtiWie
ie 4e > Mi r p tm q rH w te efl1 < rt1 t In I ft tie NW NWV fh1ee It Itoyf
ee a V le It t III01IIWmt ffm > i > it 1eM f flHh re reOet p pI
I i4 Oet r > refH a n hi Hfl Hflrvm It ItI ieI
I ss 4110E C Crt ia iaI
I rt ie 4c Is4 es f1414 fuSS t0 t04
t 4 It gpI 110 rvm rvm4tM im kfs kfsI
1 4 PH 015e 5 50f4 esa0 If IA01 IA01S roo roor
S f ewq 00 Itt tIa maww r rt 1 1r
4 01 4tM r r w Irniil IS 50 aiwl M H > iem iemwMh 00115I
I 5ts 1 wMh 11 11I gasm gasmI < 1 1at4
I I wmW ms 5s at i t01 11 he setbPs setbPsbe4 or orI
I at4 e k to i b tow iwrr ggg IHM rMttf s far farHHIHI farHI a aI aust
HHIHI HI Ill i ml 1 W wfs M thfe b IhowMHl nMl hlIsS hlIsSa < l lMtr
a a ast h Mtr 11 H 1 I pffiesbf pi > > ie > fin r eII fr frri
11510 1 I i4i a ha haI ri
I eesd HtrMrrf Ilk rot eiHer eiHerI 4V 4V40I
40I 1 Ita pss m is berI 1 4 ftqfshml ftqfshmlI IP
I I af 1 aral 1 01 rimss 0g mmsnagsI 1 1r I Ir
r I Mr4e I r < er < M MFN 4 1 i HtlI ilt4ns1iI ilt4ns1iIthe lIm1t
FN the 11 bee 4 < U a fei fnatr ee wee reIf In tot 4rt 4rtIN sttI
I s > IN 4 Itwl 1 tA MmeKvrlnif w ws Interr Interrilef I II iuittaII < <
I I Ift 1100 l he bath aloft 11 l rhib rIt b tecail I II antI 1 bruk bruki b brolNtt
Ntt lskv i tasutt i tU a as l iIwy r w r nird n nI la laeUte lbI
I eUte tM threw wero nn n Ihe 1h h aotrrmanl lark larkwHh Imr II
wHh Wtti iIenm m > IA i windward 1 ItriaUtM untie unilrI IIn IInI
I I I ner te t tea how 1 sail 11II1 Aurora I In a IWwarl I Ir of ofI
I faoilena r Vtrtin omrs m ami Dol MaUna ral wet wethtf1I n Ueil Ueilfull UII
htf1I full at lh I the start r rt anil not lby lb h footed fa f fsst but but3lr blltIJ btalh
h 3lr Ijppitt IJ kept hi him r ullt cnt moving If yln w WCII WCIIPueillng li liholln
holln ih b wuslh nlhr Ito po4 0Ion > < U > n and latr loll when whenI whetsIsPmin 11 111
I I IsPmin l ni and 1 Anrert re took Ih M port p tick tickMl tuleI
I Ml t Income I rrofx rrI fttleiwi with II a fair fl lil I Iamtand
I and I at 1 otto tacked nn n that yarhla fht weihf weathetItrnrt hf hfrn
I I Aurora rn went bark nn n Ih the h asrbnmt tarbn rd t lack In Inhnre Inhoaf Inehere
hnre run she he h w wi 01 never ilncm Lonc < M In I Ih Ihrar Shtt
rar tt 500 Wlnnm kept rt < her h lad all 11 around aroundth arnainutilbe n I IIh
Ih ilbe th nure < > and I ah flnlhed a winner wlnn bMt bMtt I <
t 1111 In th the 111 I Mien 3 minute M ecnnda nl and nllh1 nllh1rn Ih Ihtitirnr lbI
I titirnr rn 9 niifiute nln 24 1 seconds secondsThere eonrtTher nrt nrtTh
There Th were four f stArlets M > in elm M anti anilrende andIremiwaunit I IImn
Imn Iremiwaunit rende < < iuntt got nt Ib the II be besi of tb the tart 1 with withdartlenla withirlenla lth i itIul
dartlenla tIul lat It wa w was not Irondcxpiolt Irondcxpioltweatberand 1rotiduuoIteweather
weatberand weather h IInI dventureand ii lvntltI tttd t Fl Eleanor nora two twoyacht lwochtlh twoyaClutusihal
yaClutusihal yacht chtlh that are very T fat in lIht alnall airwamtltpmjaway 1 1 1r < l laway
away r from the III other oh two I and Adventurewan Adventure tdsentureemwon dotu dotuon
wan on heating Fleanora l minute 4 n ec seetmntts ecoDd i
oDd llanienla wa was third thirdIn
In the 110 tonte 0 t for tll th the Nw N York o1e Yacht
Huh nt 5 fooler Ih Ihryn aalled 110001 br C
Mhwrnian lloyt 110 nut the h lb7 f beat of r th tArt atartand planaml
and ah ushie kept In Ih the lead d1 all th the war wa around aroundIh annum annumthe nil nilIh
Ih the long conn oir rM and d won on eaailr 1 with aprtcn aprtcnieconi apniceeonmt pl I IItItflntlond
ieconi ItItflntlond eeonmt and Atera third thlrtlmoret thirdAtnorit hlllnn
moret lnn th the am > U t rn crack 11 3 later tarted rt
In th h race with I tar ara rl Mia II and Windward Whoaleardera
Iara era Ml Mis 11 hail d th he bet 1 pooltlnn atjthe llIh atart
but phi > h tto tot cauchl In a ault ot U pot 10 later I and andwaa ant antsag 111 111II
sag II badlr hadl left Amoret took th the lead I on onIh onIh onthe
Ih the windward l lt and nd kept In front roo heating bfIlnth
the th Indward Wlnrl br h1 1 i minute mmul1t m eeoond eeoondI pecondaiittl lId
I 11111 III llhodr II saIled a against atn In t Ih the Mora More7oy ta
Joy In th the VI cla 11 and h he was aitcceaaful aitcceaafulatraln ahccesetiaIngni 1 1alo
atraln alo winning by b I mlnut R seconds nd In a avery ar itvery
very r CWM good td tdIn race raceIn raceIn
In the I handicap lIanllef claaaea Ia the h racing IISn IISn1l000l was waaxxl wasgood
good < xxl and each lh cia niled writ II Cier ierent ierentwon ot otwun t twon
won In the Ih first division by two M OBtirom secondfront second neeoodafrom
from Interim 1I rS Nalad S d won on In tb the second aoconddlvtaion IIfHO seconddisia4on d ddlIn
dlvtaion with h Fearle lUl second d Rascal ill 111won fllwon illwon
won In th the third division Inimreenl Initontth wa watb was wasthe
tb the winner itanf in the I fourth dlvlnlou dSvllfion1 and Mmhua MmhuaIII Hahn ImbIfl HahnIII
III won In tinfifth Ih the nflh dlvlJon dlvlJonI
I It tUtmand Como was 10 th the h winner wlnn of ofthe ofIh orthe
the Ih rar for the h Iarchmnnt Intrrclub IDlf Interclubclass Intrrclubcla lub lubIa
cla class Ia She 14h drew d away from om the rr rest t of o th thfleet the thent the11el
fleet and no defeated the tla IJm marMCond mar ttectrnmi Iooi > boat boatbr bo boby boatby
by B minute mIni 3 aecviid d Thla 1 I the Ih Como lomonr a atlmt pflrst
tlmt nr victory Jade won 0 In the h ilen rove fnvclai IovlI roveclass
clai lI class > a and Ardette detl In the Ih Manhawxt liar liarcla IIA IIAS liarclan
clan Nereid S ld won n the Ib race 0 for rn theMbnata theMbnataand thit b 14 bcota bcotaand Ia Iand
and nd Hoyden won on in tilt It ItTllf t tu tuThe SSthe >
The aummarle lmmI follow followIjOor followpuoar ollownup
IjOor CLAM K ey STAIr 12 I 1i V OOlMI < I IJl IJlUtua ISWII t3tSri
Utua Sri tA
1lo Oof OofTIII
TIII rin rinVJIM r rtJr reVatt
VJIM tJr unj ve gn HUB It u a n u UtlAln MS MStitahena a aIttaJraa
IttaJraa tlAln nrort C tge M S Pyncbon 3 II m 01C 2 44 OA OAAurora Utaurora
Aurora r VandrrDllL a It 54 I 2 47 a II IIU1n 61Inm astflasome
U1n tflasome Inm ome M I Uppltt l ut au J a aMAor M II IIIOI at atslooe
MAor IOI O crtaa 0 ts u uarr arAur 1231 cuuaan lI nt III IIIIIIL
MILK MILKIrondequolt iillaairondequoft
Irondequolt M O 1 Noble > obl I 13 21 1 3 a 34 21 21Adtenturet 21Adventuress
Adventuress < 1 e c Hnranil a a al 2 M 40P OS OSrjeanora tOrJ I
rjeanora rJ P 44nor l Iawfnee wrenrc lurr 3 M i 34 S 2 61 3 u uUardeala 61Urd1a 53tUrdcaiL
Uardeala I S Merrir 3 41 3D 3 3 12 IIYOK Ilhi W WKrw
Krw hi ion virvxrr IIIUOfIUI 1 UOTIfl1eTAft iieT T ar 12 I l1 4O rornan lO UU UUMiLn IS ISMIL
MiLn MiLnAlera MIL MILIfa w wtierLJ
Alera tierLJ J IV and an4P n K P Piker Alkrr 4 14237 42 37 4 44137 44137Pbyrue O2 47 47IByrn alJbr
IByrn Jbr J I Morcan 1I0 n Jr 4 ai 42 4 a 3t 42 42Nrni Ud 42NmI
Nrni J 1 dr 4 Jr Form 3 07 7 it 4 27 4J 4JImathn4a u uHahlnda
Hahlnda d Il < i K I Hnoevrlt 11 Hid i not I Rnl rn1 hnhsh hnhshsprite n nCaprice
Caprice H N Hilt 4 41 1 21 t 4 VI 23 23HUM 23ibw1
HUM 1tI II S llurll II 3 II a 4 at I 37 37ixr 3 3nigm 1 1ll
ixr i ll ts < p > r rsnr pr 1241 I cornc ral Ui UiMILE 15 15I i iI
I I Ora c Mia Loo S Walnwrtrht 3 OI 3 31 4 21 2131 2131Windward Jl st1nd
11 Windward 1nd II A 1 Mono niU 4 at 1111 a a 41 iimorel > i iAmorel
morel M S 4 Whrrlorl IoC 4 27 1 41 I 3 42 4 41 41MIL 41v ItIttines
Ittines v si4 iJ sTiSt 11 140 I 43 1t11V r lSi Il IlI
MIL MILIJttle I IL ILUII ites itest4ttle
IJttle llholi II f l 1 Wood I 2 23 ni n 1 two twoMorr I MOOort M MMovv
Morr ort Jo tot > U II rblH 1I1 h 2 24 1 t it I 1IiI 34 it itiinmwovi 111 ItIlpicHVOT
iinmwovi o 051 paiiox 11 IOLOI nL artiir r 12 I Irk JO JOIY o ommHsee
IY mmHsee > fMK rk 11 MILF MILFtola WiLesIota
Iota 01 II II ludrn 2 V 37 I no 37 37HourL IfIIJI1 3 3Iheart
HourL H I r heal 2 33443 M 4 40 I IICt IICtawasirli lei 11 41 41nnirix
nnirix > 1 r c i HtrotxiriBiTAiir 111Iur 12 12e w wnifnKi 10ivtp
nifnKi ivtp e II MIL MILllAMil IIIUI IIIUIltur1 MILlSltAuC3iJ
llAMil ltAuC3iJ J J llT Uwn > er 2403 2 M 2 34 34tt 34ttitphoa m mI CInlpho
I Itphora C C I hi Mallury 2 12 04 2 42 4 Oi OiMtMurtr O OI OSlisxtiScIr
MtMurtr I iut 1154 pmr prvmox 1toI err 1233 1233C0fll II IIm 1233ntlad
C0fll m ntlad It UlLKa UlLKaInlrttm WILItL MILSSInterim
Interim H N liable 2 M 34 1 41 SI SILrrxrnl 351fernI
L rt iS W =
Lrrxrnl A 1 II I Hall 2 M 21 I 41 53shlyISA 21 I ISally Iallr
Sally shlyISA II 1 A f i lllrk 1 44 to IM I IW IWWnlnr sos sosWanderer 04 04Uanderrr >
Uanderrr IV 1 It II Iud 2 43 12 I it 1 s sJ 3 3JumanIta C CJuantu
Juantu J s t ll I ittanler tun ler 2 47 32 3 1 32 32 32tnrrrcti4 3 3orrrctd
tnrrrcti4 ir time t rrtcrnt 1 3u JI4 U Inletlm S inhetimI
1 3 1 2I sally lIr I IJuantu 1 lt I U WIIr II 1M 1MJun I 43A I IJuanIta
Juantu Jun 13232 13232KMCAP I t33ixthcAr S SI
KMCAP IIA ICA ILAM coKn n niTiaio ITIowUaT aTAHT 12U 1321tsek I Irut I
rut tsek II Mtim MtimIIA Mil I
Quest Q I r I I Vulle ull 2 37 12 s 2 O2 n K KSalad e asalsd
01 Salad J linn 2 t fl mit 2 t In I OO OOl OIJul 133leafiest
l leafiest > arle It H SbMdard OIII 2 M 21 1 2 OI 0 21 21Corrrft ZIIImp 21orrnctel
Corrrft orrnctel tlrnrNaiad time 11 IA4in Fearless rrarlrtI 1 1S
I 90 IIIU U uurl t 7 71 u < C I InNiui IS ISneimhAPCLAIaTNtRO
neimhAPCLAIaTNtRO nNiui AT TLAM TI Ttil i > MVIIIOX Into rT TRT T I p w wcnrrtK IIr Wiernie
cnrrtK r II MIL MILRobin NLhoblI MILlS MILlSRobin
Robin Hoot II Ii I H CarllAnd 2 M 41 I IIhlnook M 41 41rtilnook 45tidnook
rtilnook Maien Mor Morse r 2 37 S3 1 37 33 33Hw IlIa 33Ilusamal
Hw lIa Ilusamal I III > c C llopktnr 2 vi 1 JA I ao eol eolImmld 2a 2aPtammlad asPuammhal
Ptammlad 1 L II liter I 2 M n 1 M it itCorrected Morr1 sit
Corrected t oUtt t it Urn lUwallll itascal II I I n v nas at IMmmlad IMmmladI mml mmlI
I 3315 1 IB Chlnouk IIIln I 13545 It JII it llebtn II I 91 IiS IiShIsMttht 3 3H ar arIIIP
H hIsMttht > Kitr IIIP IpttIna i < tAa POrCH i tvito > < IOU TART aT I p M Mrornni IIno umsel
rornni no II MIIUI MIIUIVlrtnr Mil MiltI MihLCt1ct4fl
Vlrtnr Com M X Jarkx Jsrlionjr > njr 3 01 22 2 2 OI 01PrnvsbihW 22 22hrncxfct
hrncxfct PrnvsbihW tI I tt II Keith lt2Jl J J Jt i I 20231 20231Insurgent O2 17 17Inuffenl f fIourem
Insurgent N s H I t illlln lilting 3032 3 tO 13 A C 2 M I Ihthlll I II 25htttiih
hthlll I bill K II SpoeM 31107 3 I ill 111 2 WOT WOTCorrrrtrd IJ or orrnrn 01eomretrd
Corrrrtrd timetn lime tnuhrgnt iir eni I Ita W ii Krnotb Krnotbnil Kn Kn1IIr KnamhsVirtnry
rnrn f
nil Vlrlory Jot i 2 M ithIth UIH if1 2t 213t 213thwt > 12 12IKKIK <
IKKIK 1IIr ut AT i mLses L nrrn MTIKIOX 0 TAKT TI I p i u uCTTIriAR Wntl MS
S CTTIriAR ntl It W Wiles Wileslii IU r rMli
Mli lii MiKlrtty II t I sunrl 3 1917 3 1 3 2 M 1 17 17Mmlijlll 1 1cimlus
lr r r r11m
Mmlijlll cimlus Ill J 1 I S4h bat1 art < 1 II U 2 II IIlotterlr1 in intomnrtel > >
lotterlr1 lIme > Mrntiu Imb lit II 2IU3I Mix MixMill 311 311Ilr SitsUmehisty
Mill Ilr 22 at7 at7itnrhutwt n < > I7 I7unriiHoTr uu
unriiHoTr u in iwTPnrtx > arifi n Clone liSt ar r IAV IAVmr 1 1m i1SrnPsr
mr m rnPsr > v tt Miir MiirI MIfr1lIn Mu PS PSI
I 1lIn rlln A n Alley lIp 3 I It 13 2 13 13 13lew Unn IiLeannL
lew LeannL nn Prefer Ir him II 1 21 1 44 2 t 18 18kl 41 41ttlkl istIlli
ttlkl kl Thyme I II Mnrrt J 2 3t tt 2 IJ II IIlUnihiirc 11Inhllt Itliamobmump
lUnihiirc 1Inhllt II II iiibtvhmkli 1 IlImk 3 a II S 1 i 2 Si a aTriton 14 14Triton
Triton ra iawteire rnirr lurr 3 IA t 2 tl 17 I I1mn
I nn 1 C J l Y i iuk
I Como I H tdmniil a 1 I Ii i 1 R7 r riikan l ltuhiami
tuhiami iikan uk 11 1 H I ttrlr I a la I 22 2 II II1i11f 22 22lltetr 3 3htsllme
lltetr II I Ilarkr a 27 IA I 2 22 2 IA IAHarmtr 181I IAltagmst
Harmtr 1I mu r i J Tlernry l M 12 2 m aa aas 3 3Mles
Mles s u II S II lends In l 1 27 ru 2 22 air airflLs > 7 7OLFK 7OUl
OLFK IOTH 0 flyp o OW r nramv IU sIlk I to Ii rot totPaP 011 Kar II IIMIIV ItNil IIWitvs
MIIV MIIVJadr Nil NilJ WitvsJade
Jade J r S Ulllard a M I isi M 2 n IttI osas osasCalseyc 21 21Ctw III
Ctw r Calseyc > r J l C Allan 1 1 31 = n 37 21037 21037Ttirrint 3 ii e n nTI 37rume4
I TI Ttirrint < e J > N Mnron lnre Ir 1 21 M 2IIKI 2IIKII 3 II A AImI AtI
I rrrrald H W tUtwrii Sts swell lul I imi not nn nnlth nnlthMiKtttiiaai nolIII ftnhhWXHaaSIt
MiKtttiiaai H UT Ay o 051 nraioK IIr arAttr I II IIeI 310 310ctt5n lo loI
I I cotMart eI II MIL MILAfltle WLt situis situisa
t Afltle JIt ClarLxol fluL Cnwl 3 22 13 2 12 13 13seyiu USoyll IiScylis
seyiu K I Merrl I 3 12 I nl 21201 21201imr 2 301puI I IInn
puI Inn Irs rtoa R 5145 r T t 1111 lu romat II MILT MILTUarnniah MiLesItaconiab IU IUnnh
Uarnniah nnh M H Trirwlalr 3 2 35 117 it 2 tl I n nllml rr rrIhmhr 7 7ItsmbmirC
llml Ihmhr > irr W II Void 3 42 M I 2 12 IA IAItnldrn I Iiltd I III
Itnldrn II ltd mien n It Ulrhllrld J 111 1 WI I JI 10 t f foernah ie ieIieellah i iurah
oernah 1 II rirmrnl a n7 an I 17 1 M MVlrrlnla 311Ilnl IiIhrlnta
Vlrrlnla i Shlell I M II a la I IMAXMtMIT II IIflU ItMAImpIlnalt
MAXMtMIT n flU I KKIM VmslAlotTsTAMT tll OtT > aTAtir lilt liltofKr I IIt iii iiiimrhaV
ofKr II MILs MtLraIhoy MILsthey u unr
they > hIm II Peter Sfl 3 23 It 2 10 to totx fOnn 10tJnrS
tx tJnrS > r nta n 5 5155T T < nr I IS cntKai revs II Miles uiirnHr MIf MIfIIr Mileshirena
Hr hirena n fam Am s haeIhsr rth r 3 22 a7 2 07 37 37Nerrtd S1S 37Nefell
Nerrtd S J 1 II 1oh shrihir a ta a 34 2 ni I M Mllpha 24thphs
llpha T I K Iliiprrrht 3 la to n 2 23 iniiterie III IIIllierr IIIIIFf
llierr IIFf I 1 U JIams I < M an 1 M 2 13 M Mnto IIII 24II
I nto fl I 11 < r 55 rii ISD I 31 rocnar r 3 5m 5mI Mtir Mtirlilt II
1111 I lilt lint hi ti I A 1 Corrj nor rr 3 41 4 w 2 33 So SoUo 3 3tim I
Uo 10 llur W I H McIntosh In oh I 2 a al 7 1 n III 37 37llnyihr 31Ior 37Ilirlile
llnyihr Ior v II fry F 14111 1 44 II Ic 22101 22101Skrelrr t i 1121 ni niI
I Skrelrr J 9 H 5 Mahrr bp 4 10 is 2 M 4 4inrj 5 5I
1 inrj np I t nnvrr np r a H 7 2 2 n 2 2HM 11 11rll
I HM lirsgpu < nn riy Honall Inwt I a ar u 3 IA 1 1 II IIRare IiITI1TIS
Rare fleck k on letmrr ow Hay ft bit 1 lt nith nithHacr lIlhiHartS lIh I IH
HartS H ard 171 Kvrnlng Mllnl fnrnlval fnrnlvalThe arnIslThe mlnl i iTh
The Th rare r week II of Ihe Ih Allantli n Yacht Chit Cltibended ChitInI Cliiicoiled
ended InI yrfrrday with lIh the fortyfourth an annual anI ¬
I nual regatta Il nf the Ih club Th This yachts hI raced racedoier u ur ricedmiser
miser r Inn course r which took nle them out tat In InHandr toI 0 0I
I Handr nl Honk and n1 bark Althonith the h s i Ind Indin mlI
I in i verr mtt light nl th the h tait It the h race prnied prniedirood I I5itliMl
irood one n n mis later I lh wind In1 Mrenvthrneij Mrenvthrneijand nthn1 streflgfpnetlanI i iAn1
and fair lime tin sea mile
1 he h shirts tart rt were w made IIf off the Ia club dock at atHea alI I
I Hea i a liale 111 and nl when hn Horses tor K i flourher 101 and andDr andI I
I Dr 1 K i l lie e Mund IIII rllmlwl up Into their theirerrie theirpille
1tI errie a fair fI aired fleet nf 0 yarhl hl was hover hoverIn ho hoIn hoverml
In ml about t tli the lln Th T wind In Ini wa IU o ll light lightI cM cMl ht htl
l that although UM signals wr w r IA lv o M
r H L
finks ziksQ1umpanij ziksQ1umpanijRtOadwmsy Qi JJlpany I II
I BrOvdwtlf Btod at 4ftl Stf Street SlrUfI t tI tTMI3
I =
t CfOlfCIL IHil Gl1t4 fIfi TillS TMI3Am MClRfINi MRM144A
4 A Am Extraordinary Sale 2 2Gera of ofGtraam ofGeru
Gtraam Gera IglTgr i1i i1ipIerced Ye Mtih Bags
t 6 in pierced frame in n artistic designs dui ns of ofhigh ofhIgh
high quality and xtrn fin finish D tcap tcapshirrd tl ap apshlrred p I
shlrred shlrt d skirt with msidc purs purseVolua pursI 9S
I Volua 850 special specialAt spctaIatSat At I
Sat ItO German r cu Mesh Dn D a
250 a tJI 1I vM Jtpw tt r I OI 1 1 Bags Bagsbin a aen
bin frnmo rnma in a lar lorttc a variety of patterns patternswith palt pttwith rns t twith
with dc deep p shirred skirt Value V Glue 500 SOOat at t 395 I
Ar mlauM 1tI1at In Intarral tb the 11 whets bole Beet ft ftf went wentnit we wer
nit r buoebed raaar maD bin Inc lato la hat In rr enilng enilngthe ln lntb n nbot
tb the tin 11De Tb Khoontr Cnea and Dd th thriant the thecol Uielasm
riant col X alonp I w wIat > ol I down d tn th h uthwrt MIIIIt southwestspit r uthwrtplt
spit It ftad a4 b bcI rk a end > tv4 aa a th the wind Ind atrvnttbeatMl atrvnttbeatMlfrom trentthnhftiam
from fru southwest ItOtltW tbr b hail windward work worktTh workThin If Ifnail
Th KUUIon 11 < 1101 w went ot t ashore uo aDd waa ws tull pllotr pulled pulledoff > vl vloff
off by K 1 T pnrwmtia ill l1M Craig This ThladUnuallntMl Thl1IIIUn ThisiItaiuaiiftd
dUnuallntMl hr h but bo eb aall atlt Ut over 0 th throiir thre the theCOlsF
roiir re anti finUhml ftlctwoolme nm dlalaoc at salem tm rn of oftb ortbe oflb
tb tbe rhaotom nwod 0 br b Karon Lambrk LambrkTb LambIrrboo
Tb rboo l bis 11II11 o tt dlfUton w wt nt n around Old Orchard OrrbartlHhnal Oltba1M OrchardMhtiah
Hhnal M lIght awl Tones J1 roouCtl own owned br b It Itllrown A Allrown Ailrown
llrown nailed all UI > l a any a > r from rom Or UraJIltII1 tlrarJatt rlnr It and andPn aD aDlit n1 n1K
K r rIn
Pn In Ih the handIcap baadl claim laM flrtrt wt dIvision Jor Jornnl JornllloObtkt Joyflntahd
nnl nllloObtkt hd nni n but fila h waa beaten he4lt br VI Jiaaa Jiaaanail tan tanand 1anAliD
and liD In th tt pecoitil c n nd < l dlvlalon llnta defeated defeatedlbTtJJTle dfahiJlhu
II tifoH tifoHn Carehesibm
lbTtJJTle n ibm Alice lIee own owned M br Da lalaIUltS ssta U aM Ea 0gte U I w wel welID wei weiin t tla
la olaa 1 M teatinc hMtln Althea 2 mlout mIntitiSIlaC mIntitiSIlaCelsie tuaeo tuaeooml IJCObi
elsie Obi Illue Hill 2 minute 27 secondS cond Dol lt lien liennlIt lienonhuet n nonhunt
onhunt and Dd St and andIII andIn f
In th the knockabout Iall < da 1aaa Pike owne owned < l br brE byi
E i iSlmm lmmmbD rTnatinwaath wssthewinner IlDDe wlnn rwitbMrrT rwitbMrrTWktow with ltb II IIkto Mrfl MrfltIltiow
Wktow kto iwcoml Thr TII w wee r seven ftI n tart tsntr tsntrin rtr rtrIn r rIn
In this cla claIn col colID ctsem ctsemIts
In lbTenln lbe vetslng am thflt t tha fleet of yachta a Illuml Illumlnatd lIIumlnaed illumtnateil
natd aadthnparadnandrarnUaiwbUh and th the parade delLlldlarDl nd csralvawhlcb bltb bltbfOJOOt wa waKMtpnnrxl wasgsotpened
KMtpnnrxl fOJOOt last I week 11 because of o tn t the weather weatherprtired weatherproved Ihr IhrrmlId
proved T viy ry pl plID aln and mad a mod at attrartlT attractIss t tUaetlve
trartlT feature ft of this Uara da day port aportTb sportlb portib
Tb urnmarl ptimnmanfespC150051nCUVIi urnmarlCHouniacuVMi mmIKJlOO
CHouniacuVMi KJlOO VU mi tn 17 Mtur In MuaasTasT rriar U UO 10 10Tint 10FiriM
1 EWp EWpI
I IMIM Tint TintVaeM T Tiese34rM
VaeM and OBX 5 M a afnrat II M > 1 1ano 4 4Vnr
fnrat 1 Vnr O W Tltoorab lDb 3 47 z 25 4 17 17munon 21 21LooC1a
munon ano LooC1a < uaa H conua UH i7I MtuiarnnT lIunAaUIS
1113 1113Pbantora UISlbaIIlDnI 1113iMnlom
Pbantora C Umlxkr I 4O 14 4 23 H Hrvioton ISrssol 3313olun
rvioton < D C A Chr4n Hao ltuUClOlllld ltuUClOlllldLOO ltanagfuiusdIl00PctAsa rrmrd rrmrdux
Il00PctAsa ux > rrua Qcot < j ootTE l iJ 5 tSli l3 MIII IIILIITaT MnaanAITli T T
1130 1130Giayjarktt 1 liGlayjacket 10 10r
Giayjarktt r 9 Kobl 2 11 7 44 1 tt ttrider U Ur 43l4ttutef
l4ttutef rider M Chubb C 1 M 4 45 a M 41 41rlorar 45liorsoce
rlorar r R A iVrown 3 M 17 a S 32 17 17HtxDictp 57wAxoicap
HtxDictp p ct armn aa rnar CITUSOX InaIOOCCUIII CXICBIS lli lliunaa n nuQaAaT IStuztaaSTART
unaa uQaAaT rr T Itao 110I IH3OJoy ItaoJor
I Joy J L fA I Saovai and n 1 C Geer r I 04 M a 44 4 M MPert 14U 54ediiJS
Pert ediiJS U J H Hradtey Hra Y 4 OS tm3M M 4 44354 44354Miana 41 S SMlana
Mlana W J ONrll S I 1 in M 3 4 ii M MLaOibaaaJ WII Sit3a
I LaOibaaaJ 3a J II ITT h 4 o 1 1CO i 4 4Conrrted A 3 3Corterted
Conrrted CO ilmUlana 34O3W I 73SI 101 JoT Jo 3 tl4luban 44JA 44JAIj 4EM7a
Ij l4luban Cuban 4 S au Ptrt 111 II 4 4311111 4311111no 454 M lo louwrw tOpitxP
uwrw no CLAM 01 < ocmi 12 wnu uILuUaT IA raaT > T 1173 1173ABe II 1123tn I
ABe tn D UII11t rl aad Ea Eagle l 2 17 II S M II UAllbea IIIIb IItitbesC
Allbea IIb titbesC C l A AUCtnaon ldn 2 2103 IB U 2 M 5433 5433blue 83 83Illue SSSllu
blue 1111 n U SIloJoo Moor 2 t III 54 t 2 164M S4 M MHraaonburii 54J4ensonhura
Hraaonburii n J Jurte 1 V Currtor urte 2 tt = M tl 2 JA t11Ia 36 3 3M 34 I
M t a F C U Cater e 2 14 U 2 M II IInixmcir itnaitnicar
nixmcir 11Ia cuA t C71MllO iroxo urrmos TUIII coimaE OtIIUW < 12 12U1LX 3 3SIILaTAIT
U1LX W SIILaTAIT 11ae1tT TAIT aT 11C3 11 1123CIas 11C3Carrlnw 3 I
Carrlnw R Hummell 2 12 37 2 47 37 37llrwu 37ii
i j r rCOIYCW
f llrwu ii w W P lodtetou odleOQ n S Ii It 2 M n nCorrrrled 31Coresmti
Corrrrled d Uror 11mII ltrme2 s II1UCln I7a2Canlef247 2Hn 2HnIlIf00000a 24737KSUCLaSOV1etOVIl 37 37KnucKatoiT
KnucKatoiT IlIf00000a KSUCLaSOV1etOVIl t ooriiai i U ii > IILKTAIIT II 113 113JI I I U Uink 33ilk
ink JI E Zimmerman 2 14 It 2 4 iii It ItM itMerry
M Merry mr Widow 140 UlUeabaek < Bailer Baileraad DaU DaUflII DaIleysad
sad lUllty flII y S II ISIS 12 2 23312 M 12 12Stowloke
Stowloke 50 Poke To Inalre ish Hall UIInd and Dur DurUod uu11II 1urIsnd
Uod 11II 1 3 31437 IH I W 2 35350 35350hub 8 as 80 80nob allfIob
hub R 1 E 1I lpir r 2 21 12 1 aM M 32 32tkylark utkrLak 3251y1srk
tkylark r t L i lillllnt IIIlIIorhm bam 2 21 I 14 J W II 14Mouie III IIShotase
Mouie H 7 Crotal 22423 2 SB S3 S3Mrudti 23eud
Mrudti eud tI Cochranr J JDrU 2 21 i 40 I CO 40 40HIM 43p1ti
HIM I MKKT AT MK HILLS HILLSFlrat hilLsflrat 11 11i 11Flral
Flrat Company omn Tblrteenth Thlrlt inthI RrKtmrnt RrKtmrntITtni HlmntI
nina hUt From Home AthleteFail Athlete AthlpteFan thl thlrAil
I Fan HlLt N J hept pt a A dual meet meetbetween m meetbetween
between bo the h Far HIIU Athletlr hlI Club and ud the IheFlrt IhffIIomnrThlnHnh theFirst
First CompanrThlrteenth llealmf 1Ilmnloda 1Ilmnlodaon nt today lotlaywa
wa won on hr b the h vnldler old I SI 4 to 100 io Thi Thior wa wafor was wasfor
for or a cup 111 > olTrrrd < t by Ihe Ih Far Hill tulip dliitJIfoIhfr
7 Ilelrher the sal 1 f > athlete lhlI repre representing representingthe Intlnhe ntlnit ntlnittha
the he horn club won on ho I Individual point pointprU rMlnlrlz pointprIze
prIze rlz with II 3 poInts pIln F M dn 01 Seldmic Ihn IhnHarvard I IIIv lbsimtllusrvard
Harvard IIv rd athlete computed for or th thotdleni t I IPahuilefIt
otdleni < 11 Ilelrher 1Il < he low dunlin ram Fa wa IIJI IIJIIan a afeat afeatipru
feat Ian IanI featipruFar u rv rvFar
I Far Hill dWI It Iwt work Ir In th the b nelil nelilevent nIIIno fleltI fleltevents I
event not unnaturally a am Wllll WUIIm am F FQulnu EI I II
Qulnu coy 0 h nf IJ the h Harvard field men m l Ihl Is IsalhietSa i ialhlnlie
I alhlnlie hl director The Th Iracu wan w noitiiy cogimylscauee OlC
IxxauiM 1 of o if two day 1 of rain The Th ThIfronm pry pryItrnmme gri grigrnntma
Itrnmme whIch hl r cntlnsl intaln < l event IU outld outldof UIIIhlt oult1kIe oult1kIepf
of pf t Ihe Ih ihtlual dual meet rnnte ron ronfehs wa waId w I
10 Yard at Hun Hu Won hy Ullllarn Nrlton First ririlCompany FirstCompany I Irt
Company r U s dr SehdIflg tel < lnc First Company CorurnyamtOnal i ia
a amtOnal cond rt II Mitchell JII u1 far r1111 Illlla third aJr11 Tim r rI In U23 3 3second
I second n S l
Ore 1t Mil Hun HullWOn Won hrJ tiE I Carry Firs Company CompanyW O j jr
W wOft v I iJtof rtrl Company rrond A 1 Illmrr Illmrrthi lalmerrat rn
far r Mill thi third IS lime 4 mlntilr 41 I 1UO S a azIO ascendYard
II UO Yard nt Low IA Hurdle Won It on by b J 3 11 lit II i irird Inu IFirst
First Compank ompani 7 Urtehrr 11 far Illllt second rernndW nnd nndW
W A Mcbeod Klr Eln1 t Company third Time 11mI
2343 43 imOnds eror d < 1 I In 1n
n Yard Him for fo r II A C boy O5 under 14 Ishear I Iyran
hear Won hy I N Meanr IaM F dr ICcnlrr renl ieronj seuun4liloodgood J JJ I IN
I N Illoodcood tmrd Time a I 33 3 seconds secondsMO i iMO I III
MO J Yard Hun D Won t by J j 3 Carry flr I FIrst i Company CompanyH Compan CompanIt IUI
H lllr 1I1on hon Mril Companr omn Mrnnd d W I f 1anr 1anrllrtt rn 1anglust
lust 11 Company third Time 2 minute mill HJ1 HJ1erond la land 1312seconds
seconds nd ndle I
1 le > Yard I tow ow w Hurdle W Won hy r Z firtrhrr firtrhrrrar flo 0liherFar Irh Irhr >
Far r Illlla I V A llrLrod fIrst Compan second rrondJ > onll onllJ
J U r Ho I1r 11ralolJlran hat t Company third thirdThree IhlrtTII hhirlThree
Three TII Jill Hun Won 011 l II W r hang list llrlCompany 11 11omJtlU listComtsusnt
Company omJtlU A Palmar Im Yam Hill second M I IKnoon N NKnosn I Ir
Knoon n llr lint l Iolllln < nra > an > third I Time IA mutates
44 t r 73 3 eroDd > eroDd7M I
7M 7 iard 1 IIHay Hare for hot < of r I II A Aunder t tuutier I
under 111 12 tear nr Won n by b lltft I de r Iacnler lA < I r Meant Meantand timeuaisil b bnol
and nol Illoodf iIInvmliood ood time t mtnite mII m 2 A second > erondx2iaril nol I
x2iaril 312 Z taCit 1 Hun Won hy 10 I dr Melding < I r 1st 1stComtaan t tCompant I
Compant J 1 I acer Ural irst Compan m ernni > nd J I A Allo 1 1ISO
ISO Mrt vlrItomtanr r1 ominr ol Zr1 third ro nmr s i Ill I to 4 secminmtrim eromlt eromltM n i iIf
M lard If aim n for hn I a nf r I H i Inter Interis
13 V51 > r r lyon nn ii I has > H llnithur IIn r Mlrattin Mlrattinind Mtrsmitertnl
ertnl < ind n I ftflil 101 ihlnl 1Ir lime 7 riond seomanIat riondil n nn nI
at > il Van tin I J liars nn pn 1 hi ti lIkhnr u rk klnr Illdirr Illdirrrtre U I IhliS Ilte
rtre n lte Cnriiwiny I n4rdttllle > 7h eesnui rr nd Far > r MIlU MIlUihtrd 11111 11111thIrd
thIrd Time A 1 4 11 i sersmflml sersmflmlltunnbut er ind indllunnlnc 11 11I
llunnlnc eunn lllfti Ih ump Uunhyr Won hr h I Katkell K II Ilr Ilrromp Irol Irolnmpn 71rsiCnmani
I romp Cnmani nmpn n with 1 J feet 7 7m5 Inches lIp > f V Hrlchrr Hrlchrrfur 11rr11111
fur 11111 minrt nol tlhS tatm a feet C3 Inrhe In Intr h Svlte Svlteirr MvI es estnt
tnt tr far Mill 1 Hilrd o with i fret t Inrh InrhThm l Inches InchesThronIng
Thm iI ThronIng ln 1 IJctit iJl Hl luletsa 7 rv Won hj l I Il 1irlh 1irlhI fletcher fletcherhr
l hr r HII Itr II III U tem I 4 Inche I M l Httton > far tara r i iMill I1111I
a Mill < rcniid 1 with lIh s < feel to u inches IV WI A Ai
i Mrlro Mr n hhrt > t r I 1eyieny T onr ny Ihinl with 10 I 10 tret I IInb at atlljllnc ii iiinch
inch inchIattng
lljllnc In II Pnund u 1 Shot hn Wnn by F Hrlcher Hrlcherfar 1111
far Mill with lOll s lIla 41 4 tret 3 IncIte Is A Mel II rod 1 I Irrl Il1ro Iiarit
rrl rnmpnv second with wtt m feet fp al iti ln Int hflaics hflaicst tie tiei
i r t It lhllmyer rat Hill tntnl r1 wMh 11 3 M tret 7 7tnrtie 73 73TIarejng 1 1IM
tnrtie tnrtieThniwtnt
Thniwtnt 17 2 Pound D Ilimmer lIm lhjmmrtttmn Won hr M MIHIIon UZillIon I
ZillIon r > Par r Mill with 113 feel I I lnri I W I Mr Mrlrod lielted I IFI I
I lrod First FI Compant erond I with 1mb 123 feet f 11 IItnrhr 11Ih 11ttuehPs
tnrhr W K Pf I Peg r Par HIM third hi hiH with I2 22 22feel I Ifeel
feel H l 11 l Incite InrheHunnlnr Incitellamnnln > IIIlInnln
Hunnlnr HrM1 1111 Jump Won hr C hnkrlt hesheitlint 111 I Itint
tint 11 rnnpariy Cn with IIIt1 21 feel I w A Mrl Sfcieimi rod FIrst flrttCompany nun I IonranV
Company n second d sIh Hh ai U feel to ha Inrhr In It i iMlirhrll IIIIPIII IStitehiti
Mlirhrll Tar I Mill third hi with IPI M 5 rrrl pi I Inch Inrhrnlr Inchl
l nlr still Won hy r H MItchell Far Milt with I III
II 35 fret U 1 Mrlrod First r Company uipny and I dr drrainier alePsenier
rainier Ear Unit tIed for Mronil at t tert r i iInahe J JImflr
Imflr ImflrTIGHT InaheTIGIIT
T Tiw < rw York Ntalmmrr Uln lna Ten I pn > llle Rare Raret
at t Ml IxiiiH by Ten leet leetMv l > el elHr
Hr Ixirt Rpt 3 Dud londwln of th thVew the theew
Vew ew York Athletic flnn pplshed f lahed hi lila W witaiter T Tunder
under lh the cenlr npun nf Ih the Fnd llrklm llrklmthi llrutletthi
thi evenIng winner of ii hue fourth annual annualten annualfefl
ten mil national rhamplnnhlp swim held heldIn
In III MUllppl hive umler the aupke aupkeof ahugmfrof
of thin Missouri A C I Ten feet tiehlnd him himHiul blissend
end closing up Ih fhe gag ap cam Michael Mr Mrrinnlt MrI
I le080ft rinnlt a oeveDleeuvnarold Chlravriltor Chlravriltoreintereil hiage boy boyentered
entered a as iinallnrhed but a memlior of ofthe o othehisVI
the thehisVI hleo V 5 M < A ATbe 1 1Tb
Tbe Tb crowd which hail Mood ratleotlr In Inthe Inthe
the rain for over an hour welcomed the thecloe lii liiclosest
closest t t1nlh In the hIstory of the rare with witha
a caer which could Iw heard oar In K Fast t I IHI IIst
HI lx hotIa > nl Itefnre the applau had ille iiei iieiilown < I Idnwn
dnwn W 4 H Menlam another < lilcnuo lilcnuowlmmer Iuicngoswimmer
swimmer hot under tb the bride In third thlnlI thirdplace
place placeI
I nilrr bad weather cnndltlona and with withN I Ia
a Mower current Ibnn UM ha year ndwn HesdwlnI < ndwnbroke
I broke th the cour tohits record by a wide marirln marirlnIII rnarartnIlls
III Ills limn for th the dllancn wan I hour 10 30mltista 10minute
minute 40 seconds n en nnln t I hour 40 40mlntilea 40I
I mlntilea Handy took to rover thcourt thcourtKxtrm hheroirsepitr
< Kxtrm dltarai OiBr p for II IIAdvertUcmenta IfAdverthamenta
AdvertUcmenta for Tnx Rtx St and Till TillErcNtKO TttiFiviiio
ErcNtKO AON tl1 may l be < left at any Macrh MacrhL Amerl1 Amerl1can
L can DUtrict messenger odea in UM lb city
tT4riq HKtliTTA HKtliTTAwtwaiaw
wtwaiaw wtwaiawlUrlem
lUrlem PaIr Lrttn Lhinitil tn Rrth Hrthpp rv Wtn
InlermedlMe IHmhle Kn rlH > VIral
I tn IntermeillBle ntnale WfngIeTwn WfngIeTwnlIiaeiw Two rf
Moafn Mail hy Itarry ITnn Murk MurkruiLipriim NorMsIlliLsrsrLitti
ruiLipriim 8 itpt j m th the Middl
Mtat hitats recalta rowed nu th the Hrhurlklll tbl thia
afternoons Irutlernf Ihutler of th the Uitonatit It h I of
Tomnto who came lr lupre t to lUfent Ham
liordon 7ordo In Ih Ibm rtUor single hcaue > th that >
latter had cleaned Mm up m the national nationalat
at atblnitnn com In It ahead nf the bunch
Th The > ew w Ynrkrr orker won their share of the thoeveata theOviOts
eveata Charles Kuwhn of thn Vew ewv York
A C took Ih the intermediate slnglee lnle from fromr
r I V V Koenl of the Atlantic elub Xw ew
Itochrlle won the Junior double race la
tle ft Intermedia auailrupla ahellth son Xonparlla sonparail
parlla pulled lu ahead of tho Vt Vtt t Phila ItullaI ¬
I delphi delphiaU
U U I Carter of the N > ew w noclielU n C Cwaa CWI
waa WI Ih the tar performer In th the aaocUtloa
Jn dngl le defeating Fred Shepherd of th the
Harlem who finished Mcond ti Huller Hutlcrof
of lh the Argonaut in the senior > nlor iiiirtr mlln mllndah iisilisdash
dash In th the e nlor cinch ncull llutler llutlerwon jItitjgwon
won from Feuawl of the Hurlemi Th ThislIarIems
Hurlrma color sent to Ibm front In Iho IhoIntermediate tlurtintermedIate
Intermediate double when tho Vew ew Itochelln Itochellncrew ItochelIcrew
crew fInished econdahead of the Sheep liheepshead
head Hay boat boatVe boatVrsper
Ve Vrsper pr by winning flv five out of the twrlr twrlrevent twelyevlflta
event wa the only local crew greatly to todl todlitlnguish
dl dlitlnguish tln ul h itself ItoelfAt
At t the end nl of th the assocIation alnale alnaleOenr ahnleileorgi
Oenr leorgi Alllon who rowed hlm hlmlt > lf com complelely cornplefehy
plelely oiifto defeat Kelly for wionnU cnhul place placecollapMsl plaicecollapseil
collapMsl and fell out of hi his nhell thirty
IVnn llurke fully dreed dived out of th threferee liigpderee
referee boat and upportd Allon until untilh aimttiihe
h he could lx > lioltid n itboarti ho ird tho vrultlu vrultluboat smtitIuihost
boat Apiarentlv enloyltiit a rood er e3eiso e3eisofor im imfor
for a swim lm llurk remnlneil In the rater raterheveral eaterpsyeral
heveral minute retrii iel liei > t m tug AUIKOIIM outfit outfitIMltT imutthiI
I IMltT In the afternoon Mm hue over reudr
r llurk had oocaloii tn rrp repiLL at nl r rciam rciama cui cuiHint
a Hint whenld when Lit Deerinofli liecring uat tt > st t Illulnlphl llsltiellmnlatiliemt i itilieet
tilieet olt the head of Iho th lelutid uhlle a tulle rt maw >
IliK In the iutilor KlhKlce
I The Tb riummarle riummarleInetrmniUte plimlhtariI
I InetrmniUte Single ScuitiWun vrull Uun ly r arlr arlrKuvche
Kuvche Nr N iork A CI C r W Kcrnlt Ailantlu
11 C econd James ONeill Nontarrll H L Ltblrd I II
I third Time TlmeAminutrasecuuds TlmeAminutrasecuudsI minute 2u > rcond rcondi >
I i Junior juadniplr Scull Won oyt hy r
I HoAt iamb halrmnunt hosing txwUtioo txwUtioounit set setunal
unit lime 7 pilnulr 111 1 1 yrroij
I 1 Junior Dnvtile scull U tVmsi n tat j > rw Km Kmillowlnc krsrheihq krsrheihqI
I illowlnc lWsin Cluh with H I V MMXC bow and vir
Under L 1 Andrrvxi trnkr Malta II < rotiil
llanarunU II t this lime r IIll in ie ill j jSenior aetoiui
etoiui etoiuiiienhor
Senior Quarter Mile Mth tush h Uontnf Won t v r It llutler
Arionaut Arionaurrrond II I Im > hphrrit ftarletn II f fwronil eterund
wronil John on shuilr Mnruimllun rirui ill H i1 t ihlnl
trAnu Frank Vk Shea A > il lieri IecIttAd > lna tl lUi tf tfArionau l lI hi I fanh llmei llmeiIntrrnirdlatr lIme lImeI >
I I rnlnutr 22 2 1 eronis eronisInemnirdiir
Intrrnirdlatr Uuadtiilr Quad lIe vrtillv cull U m5m < MI l hm > y Son Sonpa OIi
I pa tartti rrt I II i It t el i PhlUidelphlA 11 t tepi xrond xrondepef
epef epi tii II t hint Time ItnlniilrJM iwcon1 iwcon1AMOrUttuu S
I AMOrUttuu Senior sntl s Suths all Von It on hr by1eorce
irorcr II Carter arte New ew lUKheiir imrre lllvm tflisiwsI lllvmrtt
I est PhlladrlphLa MOKH snwmd j is i Krll > r riper riperthIng irr irrthlnl
thIng Time minute jt l > 1 vron cofli > l >
Inlrrinrllalr Intern that four ixiriM I lil miles Win IV 0 liy Vr Vrrr VCS VCStmr
tmr > rr II 1 lAlrmiiiPi II x MM nna m M na > unk unkII
II C thlnl lime inlTi s J I ruimi e rl
Junior sin Iniie le Sriil < tim I ii tj FdMard M Mr
I htofl r inn fntienlit tnt etii II i 1 IhuirshI 1 ml I la j uirn fn fnitlne
I tune II C 1 rroml Time s mlnitr l s unit
Junior tvtiiplr NUIS uita lmm i > n lit teiper rtxr II i ilall IMaui
Maui > lall i II I secsnl vi > nd Tim it minute MX MXimdt sm smJunior
imdt imdtJunior
Junior four Darcil dlr Xmi tit I I alrmount huirnsutI
I It A Munlrmc II C i wvimd Arinll 11 tri I II hithird t tthird
third Time 7 mlnntr I r m inI inISnimmr 1 1vnhr
vnhr Mnclr sull bhi Wnn It h s K I i tiutler tiutlerM
M t immil II C t rro I nrl nrlMrimd sCI llnrlrm llnrlrminlru I H t tettnh
Mrimd N r llnntim Vri Vcttr r It i irrlnllr inlru inlruTlmr Tlmr TlmrM
S rrlnllr A 2 3 sSenhor terondt terondtNrnlnr
Nrnlnr four Darnt Shell tt ttn Wn n t ciprr ciprrmlrulr tsgwrI
I n i Main II i trrind Tlmr Tlmrernndt minus 6 2 13 13inlerniehiate 5 5t
ernndt ernndtIntemiiMllAle
IntemiiMllAle IKmlile Viili tt ttH tIen t H Harlem Harlemand
H f I with Menrv lIen I Uttnjton Uttnjtonmiind Ii itttsn I and Kd KdII Edmtind
miind I P llilnrMnn lit ingtnn UrnUe e nn IIlIe II IIIIMTS hi l lrrnnd < 4second
second with I I Itakrr Mm anus ml J 3 M livrtot
tnikr shrrphrid li list t II i bird wIth ltn teorgo < ti > rr < i
H ll Sitigan an DIN stub John Itucan irnF rime
7 mlnuir 4a a ft t e < > n nt nI nI5rahmt
5rahmt t ili > r filCh hard Shell W Won in lir Ve tMer per 11 11r IIC
r Kalimount lalt 0511011 H v tnoiid llnc 1 I 11 Inutea tutnuteI
17 I 7 2 > Mrimd rrusnmtlF1TSfI
They Took More Illlilmn Titan tislutler Kiidrr Kiidrrbill
bill Kntrle at > ilort rttM > rt Slum SlumVlwpiiiiT MIghtIWruiitT
VlwpiiiiT IWruiitT Sept 1 There ws another anotherclai anmathegcInch
clai cInch > h lo toluss < Uv l lstsee > et e < n tim hi stlaIm lalil of Alfrtsl Alfrtsll
l > Vamlerbllt anti iton I estrit Vtutmti ni > on tn tliu tliuNYwport thu thuwlwrt
NYwport wlwrt llnrM lion Mit Slatts thai Litiir tat Itt lariyini lariyinioff m att vine vineman
off m I llrt II th S nnd thhI I four r uroiit iumlt I < Mr l r t ati atiderliilt anmierlmull
derliilt ant three rir firsts > t nnd tlin I litre sm > nnd ° nim niml
1 tie niidirblt tthimtt ciii liin I 1 vi rilidon ti iii tmlt tli ii we rrn rrnnotililn rs rsntmtihmIm
notililn one tin howeMr Ihiv ear In Hie ti > lj > fur furvlitorii tmgI
vlitorii I iit ini lione h non is gun Ilio t his holier U ii iione Ii Iioil
one oil of hl Inti In hlikrllfli I itlisit iliiK i smt it > rliilioii rliilioiiIxird r tail mmhus mmhusI
Ixird I Inloniu ltili over I In Untnii tVit sam rntry rntryFlorham 01st tV tVIltrluatn
Florham l life rim Ili other itt tier die vlttory vlttoryof
of Mr I r niiderlult al ion ttlt vn s its In i ii tln t lu > fnurltihand fnurltihandrln futis r tiitiatisi tiitiatisirim
rim > the linklind I Kiirm l atrim i > tibl talalts < tnwrnil tnwrnilotrr tiwrnjflIer
flIer the riorhnm Inriii In Mil clan Thin ThoVnndrrlillt Thinunlerltlt
Vnndrrlillt rntrv nlo took thlnl iirlzn In Inthi Inthis
this In Inhere hee heeliere
here ts a 54 it lnuv > ruin nil inornlnc antI nndup antIII
up II I lo I I rflmo a I fOist > t tl I I < hoir Imsm r for op mtptst ninc n c the t lie uliow uliowthe phiswI
the I be how rliitf MII t 5 5 full ti Ii of pudlle Ire < nnd ini I mini minihole miamitmmals
hole iiinl lefore IIIIIK ih ein lonirn wa wan witsft
n INI Immv lilt I hut wa derldiillr airllll l irond irondliottini jtntssllitis
liottini liottiniThere litis liii liiiThere
There were two rla riasse toilnr fnr womrn womrnlo
lo drive pair nnd ptttuilos lncle Mrc In Andrew AndrewMnrrlwin Iwlrtwlarrbaii
Mnrrlwin who lit drove it nitc the t Ii Wiitwti tI tut itm rntrle rntrleWA Of tIe tIewits
WA tirce serfiI iful III I ii the t hi rln im for > lnrl 1 srI lu ltmr ltmrustsih > r rnnd < >
nnd Ml 34 la Fleanora renrf Peu rt who am Pm dr Ii rot M MMaurice
Maurice 71 tush rice Dlmoiul I i IliuttimI s enlrlei tuit r inn n Mm I I is in m is th thrl t lao laoclutas <
clutas rl for ulnal hurt I Ihit In t iiiM uiitlmilaht < rlilt rliltnlilr
nlilr 01 I ire weri as ert driviti I > Mr SI r lieu Itiuili ItiuiliHaiti ilcautaIfusitu
Haiti HaitiIn Ifusitulii
In he tmpmir nnil h tiilitiuia uitini rtn e to toiln toI
I iln the I ha limiters rnlenvl I hy hi ttillan 1 ui ita m Morn Morni SI tsr r I i iIf
If i > f i antpixtll t n aOl lllenhim lurmjof lurmjofllnlllmore I itruni at athit
llnlllmore hit Ii I thur mndiilnnt ntalO 4s lImit > in > Mi > ei eiFORESIGHT ei eiFORESIGHT
or Hindsight of ofCOMMUTERS ofCOMMUTERS
I lAin jtm a home and tr ire > < jkr t rrvlttnc rrvlttncIn ar vitin g gS
In S Ihe Mr l Iitght l hl mf > f ethers ir I f rr rgh Ih Ihnl
nl C nntm nrnmulrs itrr wai a as ffrcHut a Sa Ihe I u uiig uiigtimV 11 11the
the timV wnlld Ii l 7 arrenc Ilttt Iatsiuiti I if > f lul ljs al alrrlall atretaIl
retaIl fIght nuw lam Sri rl t a fi ni iiiGLEN niGLEN
in IlopeAell Vallrt ehie Mm in th nWdtn nWdtnwrt asliIlisimif
wrt lit Vew nw Jer 3mmwa e > New ew 1 nrk Mid MidITlllll Iih Iihi
ITlllll i hit lilrn tim n MIITT I is In te e tirstl of tt ttretnlnr hirotnIn
retnlnr g erltil lii i 5 v in i rni rcoili l leg ildratali legasltti
atali asltti iiie for ri cmnr mm tei trus ti I c i flniln f fnrtijInaiUnd thu thumusIcal >
nrtijInaiUnd musIcal tnt i toi > Mner ncr > r a 1 4 olCi e tlifrdsheltrf trrir trrirtilrilrtf
tilrilrtf sheltrf up frtr inoktnr us o fti fi f re meN ti tiN
N J i mitt t ° il ltr ItesItnC tin n u f i iserlv iserlvttl
ttl IHc tn Iflr0 r n in > ir let rerul rIm t tpilu tpiluthrre It Iii Iiithree
three ear t iea ie Ill tif 11 t > t metsiir ratlin ratlinrn
rn etsiir < inlr Serlni I is l > r Ic Hr Ill I > is > I < iui iiik iiikaalhie > k kn
aalhie I Ml Wti itIStm It 55 Sm 501 501an
an n arrr wIth ln I li > < rmeiTiii < rtmi hui t tM
M Hell rarntrr Ateut ige mtktm > M Mr ifl M 34r 34rltFtn r rcrrCn I
crrCn N J