OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, September 15, 1910, Image 3

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-09-15/ed-1/seq-3/

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1111111 MM M IIlti fS I VI VIi 1 nlH nlHII u tiz iii iiiI
i II UVN I n nUll nn ns nt I now II IU IUn1 IIIS IIISiIr iv ivlire
lire iIr lt e er That IVmon Mho hn Cut Cutmem flitrhrIIs II
mem 111 I I P t Knew h I II I1Ib nalom fl Som > rxldenre rxldenreMartlet i 111m 111mIar tINeCrtli
Martlet Iar rtli Xiui ri iiiil iil 11 Ilinband but He Hesunn II IInlr II IIUIII
sunn nlr lrnxx IFI < Ii > I Itirlle Itirl I NexeTlan NexeTlanr CI nlI flfltvj
r tvj > n 1 it < s i TUP no NI srx srxM 1 1II
M > > i II t n I i I lh he proceeding In InIM IniI In3P
iI 3P IM 1 f Ir I r llawlev II h llirvev IIarv lnp lripto ripIwIt ripIwItit > en enH
H to l i ii t I Nexi vi IICCUM iI reepeo reepeot r 11f p
t i MHIII vh 10 rdei n ntidiif l 1lIltn 1lIltnI Iingttrriinr IingttrriinrI mgncce orv orvf
I I f Iliili I I h Union Elm the Ih t h xnrietv xnrietvi Va Vat rtI rtIr
i t r i ripH > n wre r nwtitntNlil 4it 4itIt
II ir t I t i court IIrl tin I k morning morningi mn nritn nritnI 1111 1 1II
> i I ii I t niihiii III in II tr in surgiry Mlrr nf nfii t tI
I ii I i > i it iV 1 > xn 11 II4 ixamltiixl 1111I1111 dtItflIc < 1 liv livI II III
I MT c II iini i > ix Hi loxeminent loxeminenti I iirtiipi rllll1tIII rllll1tIIIi it itI
i i Ir f Vpr r who hn ncteil ncteilH
H ma a < f r he h iMixrriillient I rtlt1Iflt rtl ftcNt aleil aleili ru ruti
i ta 11 I 1 ti h heinimlerer tulirs Isrir of f Mm I no noI11t1I r rr
i r piien in II 1 tk 0 IN f iM > if i i 1 < M otilder illIctU ielr ielrII
u oJiatoni al 11 Un 10 AII I Irid I i it
t r rid i ti d 1 I Ii uji4t bv Ihn Ihnin f ft h
in t 1 f Ir if 1 Pi pMr r but t the Ih ti womni wutn 111111 111111n tt ttn i in
n ii wil I it i nn Irll trn I Iiir I I IIr
iir Ir < room III wi < ri rn > d > d a all ati URiial URiialnig 11111111I1
nig I1 the th t h proiiiiniit r roln > lIIIIIIII I Iittt pernon rpufl preenl prt nI nII I Is
s I i n llin I Int II 1 Irxingimlf IrxingimlfXV Irving 1111 1111W ntt
XV V s nllnrt th ilrainati iLrtiti tsrI tsrIrf t trot
rot 0 Pej per ut gtru1 l that hi h < thought thoughtt thoughtrtu1II4
t rttiiani 11Ia1I1 w rirn r buried immediately immediatelyat I
at t r th bodv II had tieen di lIptffi lIptffirlh M > cted ctedXth
Xth tr r Vewt n ix hcitcr for the Ih Ihp thrTrrr J Jter
ter p tr l to I net 1 Irr Pepper to toIT tnt
IT I t t 111 at t r I could i Ild not be h determined determinedi
i mx u i V iilier t tIt HIM Ih I remain rtia ti were weree
e i tnin III II > ir r H 4 woman 11I11 II Prof flf Ip Pepr
r ene i eil 1 nit I i long Iiii i technical explini explinii spla splaH pIini pIiniI
i HI H u iT ITI i t that HIM Ih I lu p ex had IIWIt
u rfi mil 1 i x timtomidil lI method methodt
t in ri r eiatiiiiitd prof Pepp lpPrf r ri
f i g h I nIt In proftMor wn wil n xerx xerxr r rIr
Ir r i > mil l i tiled IMIMIC tnt of f Mr Ir Niwton WI i iti it >
t ti i liiutijtic 1111 Mr Ir Ntwton wlOIl objected Ljcl1S
i i it I S 4ir > ir xlUrt deHuten sirs Itutzti tinChief tinChiefJl th t liirt liirtI
Jl 1 g e i it iphtltl it Iwld kI Prof Pepper Peppern 1iqup r rr
n followed r ii i llr I Ir lVp I tr f r grew grewt
t 1 I nx nlltiiK hlll but titk tMMiitial IItanl rxi rxif
f e NU 1 k Mtlili of f it hnwexrr Iiii vr wax waxIll wiishi 1 1hI
hI i al a 1 fUltlirt to I tt I Ii IK UllderMood UllderMoodw
w iiiral public publicte hh hhIf
te I le I t vt v howed wMI little 11111 I I I t I intireMt III ini IIII
i i I pper 11 tiHlitnoiiv tI t 111I ItflflhI Mil h Miinil Miinilrl u urI tn1
rl 1 nui rniitlid liirnlf hrp Ir to I I11I tur4 xuwn xuwntTH
tTH r4 lllll lllllitvitv 11I Iflt
itvitv 1 tv would 11101 think I by h llr I I Ig npwn npwnea
< ea g T r m n iiiirt iiH rl I that tin I Ii gruxtiit of r all allim 1111harl iIIIn
im In charge harl wa hanging oxer r hi hiit
it lie II noon OI > 11 nioxrn rttivr2 hi h hs compoeurt compoeurtnrlv 11I0111 11I0111J
J S nrlv I cxcilenient e ett IIIIIII tn nt oxer sv r Dr 1 Iip IipI
I t tttnonv 11 to I o the I h rfTitt rT tt that t themur themurc I tD Illul r
c 0 m i Mr In i lnppIIIII1 npn npl tI mum h Iiur XHN > t ed I Ii I
C tt i 1 iblt it ltl iiniilomiial ii his I tIfl I knowletlge knowletlgei IHIClwld know IruIg IruIglh I
i un 11 > hat h it iinii liii nn U n i < wit a upptnntly upptnntlyi j ri iit ly lyIn
i in t nn I fl ntiriHil lu rliMt of r anv 11 iwrxnii I 11 in inir IIIr i isr
> ir r 1imnit I IsrIsl the Ih Magiitrate Magiitratefr
0 fr m tli court srl he h I jokid with w Ih the thele Ih IhI
le I < 1 miili ilia + luiniorou Is iiii TtI 14 rein FPIIIIT lImr lImrlIIHII11 irk irki p I
i iinipuiiiil > lIIHII11 in miforltint uitli uitliili
ili 1 < 1 if i r cheering cIiru rllllo her Ui ii II I II Mhr 1 le led I III I
d I < I lheit II th elturt irt with 111 n t WHII 4iI 11 lull lullil 11I11hr
il v i tlef u f Niint III IVplMr I tetimollV tst 111I iiilfl iiilflU i it I
U t u I tlin II Ii rimiin rI III wen W tln of it r rall a aiin i iiiig
all ius 11 Me II IUIII formed r rI 11 I in II fpin fpinr pun 1111t
r lillIIR t III lIug If p et liit I 1 Would 111 tlot 111I ill illt
t ii t i I t ab4iliit4lx nil ibli 11 I 11 I In n nI rooI F FIII
I Iix 10 Mul wero ti 1 > < f a i I middle middlei
i I adult Iull nnd tliy had n Imruil four fourn r rh tuuirhi
n ih h hi Th iIrs I here wn II p nothing flot Ii III g Im h Kitd 4 iii to totl I IIII tob i
tl b III the Ih ciUe nf It r llellh llellhlinior 1 itti ittihctir
linior Newton Hwlofl i lo elx IV examine a Jfflifl rn III I II j I
I Pepper I III refeiem r e I the 11 Mnr on I Ie
e 100 Iwxly KMV < 11 which wa regirdej rdJ a aa the I tluiI h j j I
I icipal cta I i lint tll ii tn I Ii the Ih I ti idinlilif ittti 111111 t 1IUJLT < ation II It of O the thei Ih IhIn t to
i 1 Ins In otho Iho < < e or MP I lr Trippen rrap Prof ProfPepper Jrntt I Iro
Pepper t prqr ro refused tn I admit ii ulni t that t t I h might mightin itgt itgtU
in U taketi III II mallr mallrlnr rzkattrI
p I IT lnr 1 InruhaII IIh hnll II II v point Ii urgi I > n 04vTI lh r rnattiiel
nattiiel 4vTI 11 I I the I Ih MJ < m 11 he h i iflir llir if r tb tbI Ihk
I k i Ililldrop i re rrnt cent lI < mr l wub wubI
I if s Iej per r In hi I h niiion rit uutu nf r ii iiI r ri
i MIT He II wild a hi lie h < rniii 11 nut 11 II dt itcI < lare larei ir irti
ti i rftiitdiinciil 1111 groutiN wnlIi n ihr tin ti h htv htvI M IV IVa
l a thut tlit I tuui t of I H man lln 1111 1 or a 1 vtomnn vtomnnlh Wln Jlfl Ii IiI
lh 1 I Ii > hearing hnl hr r U wn a 3s theti t adjourned ni I jiuu rtlru I until untilS 111 11111 It ItLII
S peiiili r ID LIII
I IIr II IIH i iy
y I M H I l IITh 111 Of iIIiii iIIiiiIII 1111 fffN II j jIIU
IIU II III la Inrnrr I m rr r Alnhtm Ihll Tlial 1 Ma l4 4Iiar 4Iiarlerril hr I
I lereil 1111 a a laclil I scSi rhl llnrtinl Ilnlll In II I Klli KlliI
0 I I 1 b irlpwlrl p in r ru IMK TM II4MI M MItKIIN IS I
ItKIIN I HlI 1 > 4tut < pt 1 II I I I I l111 ollllt Iln epiein PJiprIjTiu
hti hI the Ih II Appelm xl 1 wa w detroyed detroyedIfcv
Ifcv Isv hv I Ore I ftr at liadnHailn HaiIii IIIBat Uiukii Thr Thr1lr Ihreti Ihretionwere Itire4i
onwere 4i t Iwnllr 1lr mjtireii Ilie 11i 1 tirewn tirewniiiI tirr Ir 1 WlI WlIo
iiiI o uI 1 uv v un 111 141 fsplill xplinion in ilii h I i ear r of r f the Ih IhIIhi ttiairIiIji
1 uir IIhi hlp eheil into iI whuh hlh the iii h dirt dirif lri
1 g f a going 111 nt tin tune 111r uf f them th niilriit niilriitL < ultiit ultiitiUi
L iUi 1 Mt 1 on iit lire I iii Hie 1 e 11 ln i n wax waxi a ali
i the li h Ignition 11111111 t ii tt Ion of ii Home 1 iMnitie IHI IH I na 1 Ihe Ihei h hirhl Iii IiiI
i irhlp irhl except i pt 1 Ihe li lii framework frameworki trlwk trlwkIYII fritirw rk rkI
i now lying IYII l itit on the Ih Moor Inr of 4 r the thewi 1 Ps PsS
S wi H I 4f1uIitIiVt < > n 1111 iiiied m il Mx IflI > n minute minute4iui UIH UIH1 iiIiiiJtI
I i 4iui 4 l III VI 1 bid JUKI entered nt rrut th t to h1 h1elII < I
i Kidtn flui elII I i lladen Itnl al ri The Il Iii Mhed in il iilmot 1111 1111I HI Iliurut Iliurutt
I lh I h had been If
> 4 11 iiirxhip m mmtionlv I inrIufflIV
mtionlv I it o weekMiw k W n pujuunger pujuungern lI r rn
n xtwl It I won u the Ih Mirtlup Mirtlupt ilhl ilhlI irhiu irhiuI
t I AM I i hartere hat < l liy I Haron ron Hudolf Hlooi kiitittI
1 hmidlltothchild hlnIIHoltudll to cnrrv Irrv H HI I II isI
I Miirt > party f from Ha linden llln < lenltaden KaiIn In lo I Ii tri
i i rt nn n Friday Frday next The Th liaron liaronicd Ilarnt arn arnI
icd t I to I pay tav a K Z > an hour htlr IIIr for the thetne Ih Ih1PPln ho7Mppuitn
tne eppelm 1PPln iilmhip llnhll bay ha mel rntS
S idtit If < 11 flt of eome om kind Iild Th first firtwrecked nr1rk
5 wrecked rk in Augtit UJII iw 11 I > i The Iholiland
liland with Uh thirtvthrew per r rsrI
srI 1 w wit wrecked on Juti JUff II Z of otr
r r t None on of tr th Ihl tbn pokwnger rl or orIt
the 1 It I 1IIchlnd > eutchUnd pn wa injured injuredIm iJund
Im I I look the Ih place pl pLa of th thand Ihilld tIiiuIul < I
and illd a a i regular pnger > o > iengnr air airrors airldnHIn sIr11l
11 11l II t rors t r 1 Ii IiI tfrlIu tfrlIuI a afc
I it I fc s l e lre I fhrl chrllm rhrlstmi < tma Hho > exer exerI r UI UI1lra tfr tfrI
I 1lra > trail Mlplm In Hondura IIlmlur Rexnll RexnllIIH Rnl Res nit nitI
I IIH I i pt 1 I II According rcrdinl to toM 10I
M i > e i i ut night by on ont one of ofi
r i lir < 11 friis Inn mtereila in I Hon Honi lon lonIhll I
i lliMt Ihll repib 1 igam aal on tn the ere erei v v1oIUI vI
i revolutiin 1oIUI rs Mi 1 iel o 1 llonllU lonll who whof
f upriKing lprill thai IIHI ttl I f l lit iuit July ha haexpelled h haIsu1Iui I
expelled I 111 Iron ri i fnli n1 with wib Gen Oenhl1una Genftri1na4
1 hmtrna hl1una nnd nl th thr h r t i i iwen A It I ial ialt ll llI ii I
t > d I that a I large Idrl IM u f the I I p army of ofI it I
I 1 KdtrndH tIrnh w whi hi 11 h xerlhrew rlhr the theiguanOovernment Ih IhUIII
iguanOovernment 01140 UIII crllnl iovrivont i r i ih h I > ng n to the thelioinlla Ih Ih101la ttiu
u lioinlla 101la With UI it IM HI 1 in toI t tI m mil
il I I I5 Iabe t AI 1 Conrad lonrlt m > l Mnillinno Mnillinnouthlanding I cnuhIiinupIT Ino Inorn
IT rn r rtttistuindtng
uthlanding the Ih fHrt fbi n Present Presenti
i Mgned 011 the Ih expiiUiin nt I 1 I igam 111 111alII ga int intI t ti
i alII IIK itiI I hntma lhrilm n week 1 k ng H > lh lhiv Ito Itolint
iv not 101 left Ir CIIrll iiiaternil i 10 I IMII IMIIa 1
a 5 exfiecled 1 to go o at I HIIV miMiti miMitiumption fubttiuIflhItiiIi
umption 1111 i that Ihll their movementI movementItiiUjuxerneflby 10 nnPflou nnPflour
tiiUjuxerneflby r irnruI by lh thiuu e iif iheKetrnda iheKetrndaI Itu I triila triilaI >
I In h tiai i IVlrnda will 1 H iiist I I del C ui uihI i iill
ill 1 hI III hi h thus Kiwer t there ran 1511 I If h i itiiili ihi
f hi tiiili 1 weakeneil himef hrI in I irdit irditl fl rd
5 l lIrsI lradi Ir when hn he h wa Wile I lighting IKhlnl in prI
1 un reiching ru here hint night nl hl had hadhi
hi h u NiBarignaii lrI11 forcehvealready forcehvealreadyi tfr fores h tiv MIroIv MIroIvIf
i H iiHlini and Hnl that Ihe Ih llonilla llonillaIte la laIr
> u s Ite Ir i deterillini ufrt riiitiwI < l there IIr hull hulliilin hal hIILi
Li iilin I lra roo tin I time 1111 I utii Hundre I tnl 11 > l of ofiHing fr frll orI
iHing I uItl ll mhe rh1 r ohrul < J to Puerto ltrl Cortez CortezHondnmnfiivernrnenl lrlJ rtP rtPhlonhuiruuti
Hondnmnfiivernrnenl hlonhuiruuti cnnnIIIUv ornrnnI Ixlleve IxlleveiKk tIhivuui
iKk i 1 k wilt 11 lie I made madei 1 1h
vu i lil h IishYHIt > t > iltv Dial 11 i is reported r rl to toin InJ
J in ih ft > troverninent Ivmtnl troop troopii Iro mopeS
S ii I tn fd tie I I cliii 111 alixnnn1 iei unh if r Ilnl Honlll Honlllv I Inl
v md nl if r i ehowtngin howmg how In I in Ilh the thprent thprentVP prevent preventiii
VP iii I re < eive much
IVO support on onco on4a
4a co COaL coadI U j
i SEPT 15th 15lhToday 15thToday 15thToday
Today is the day the straw hat is isrelegated isrelegated isrelegated
relegated to the background backgound and andevery andi andevery
i every correct dresser should appear appearin appearinanewl9lOFall
i in inanewl9lOFall inanewl9lOFallKnox a new 1910 1 91 0 Fall FallKnox Fal FalKnox
Knox Hat Hatthe
I i I II
I Ii Jw Jwthe
i the accepted authority authorty on all al ques questions questions questions ¬
tions of perfected headwear head wear since 1838 1
452 Fifth Avenue 161 Broadway Singer Building BuildingFifth Buiding BuidingFifth BuIdingFFth
Fifth Avenue Building BuildingP1NAUD BUildingPINAUD BuildingPINAUD
PINAUD A AMOUR 41 Avnu da dIOpef ii IOpera Part Par Paths Franc FrancC Fnc
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I I I MS t n f f rrut IT I I Ill 1 or f 11 11 11 n nrun I H H1fll IllI
run 1fll I R mr f I iniiuii tIII 11 IU Il i SIN SINiiMcrnmenl P H Hla IIV IIVti
iiMcrnmenl ti ertitiieiit lies la siiiMtrl 1IIMrl uf r the Ih Ii tturld 11 ut utl f fI tI
I I Inliure l ulur uhIiir and 1 lrugre xniiiiliis IIIIIC IIIIICnll hiflhii Ite IteI IIIertiht
I rnill nll iiiunc IIIIC IiIusiI Iue I ieS IlKhl Ih hl Nut uI C lu luiml II luI
I iml I 11 IuuI ralhnllcl al llolII hint IrI4iiu iii bill hiI CIrhalm CIrhalmI < lrrlr ll in inii niS
S ii f i Hunt 1 1 TN Tm TisiSIT NI v
1 1 I IIMXIN IS s1 SIT pt I j In 111 in ti tiw mterxlew mterxlewtin 1111
I WI w ii hil hi tin t ho Miidrul 11rll t iii I rid i usrr > irr I xiliil < lit nf i r the theirn I h hIrll i iT1f1OIh
T1f1OIh < irn > Irilin Irll MiniKter 111 IinaIjiI aiialejiH it itthat 1
that I Ihe Ih I Ii entire II ntir world 011 of fr tnliure silt 111 lir lirtirogris und 1111
i progrv prt hu h luic eiirew d it 1 syznpIt ymmlhv lllhy liv with withIMIII with4ia llh llh11
IMIII 4ia t ii iind ii lii 11 I welcomed w lul1 Ici nu I hir into 11 i i ito th I to rank ranki rlll rlllr ri ii iiIt
i of It progniixi r rignesi iiiitiou IlliI > III tin I I tile lie I Ii M MII eaVe eaVeis an ani <
i IH II th I to jutillcattoii JUIII j list I hii I I P11 of I It r tin ri Ii lioxernnitnt lioxernnitntiwhicli 1nl1ll 1nl1llI ii u mnrn ii t thiet
iwhicli I h1 hiet would 111 nalize rllz prugn prulr1 without al algeneral il t terioral
general Ir tnk sr ir i ixil 11 si war warIll wstrtt o
Ill liilir lalr w i ii I iMiger II INiP in I wlucli whlh wiiu h no noSvitll nnSfIh noMtltiIh
SfIh MtltiIh Svitll h IHilltiililtl sIItui lll11 iiiti h H iI Th Ihe I hi llox lloxernm I I k krli
ernm rli 111 1101 > iit ii had III II an o Ii overwhelming I whllll1 in ii g niijoritx niijoritxin 10jI 10jIh iii ji uru I V
in the I h country C SI liII flit rv and 1111 IOu I therefore I Ii he h I rsmld i ii it vix vixthat i Y YI
that I lh tl < Htalii loi MHO 1 wi 10 wie ilixitiiid TIl TIl1Ir I Itt IttiihI In
Preiimr 1Ir lilded lildednut iihI 111 11111I I It
t nut 11I I wluit wh1 iit inn that Ihil hall h1 gi I IC > r rI
Sulis ln I IIi I tit r rIVrul > ole < l tl I to > CollllMl I It Itwlitthor itIst
wlitthor 11 Ist I r I am alI sii i tin I h IHMI h lllr I of tliKCioveriimeni tliKCioveriimenior I to I r ii iii r ii I Ior
or a I iiienil IIIuIii r o I ti T upixiitinti upixiitintiIhe 1 i i I I Ott Ottlti
Ihe Th iiietioti 111 I Ii f the t h religion rII rn i i 014 cotigre cotigregalinii e1lr CIIgru CIIgrugi
galinii 1 gi I s ti onn i iii < llr Ir Iirt t and i nil it I I lull vs II I Is H > dealt dealtvxith 11 It Ituit
vxith 1lh uit Ii Ir1 ftrt lr l Th 1 I hex ciniuit ei 1111 ii M ibly 1101 uIV lie liealloweil I IiIhtiwpl
alloweil in h cotitniie eIIIIII to I play iIi I the t theIIrt important importantpart 11rlllll 11rlllllI
part I al in ii publii Ii life I IiI without lho1 publu hll re r ru ruIHii
IHii it 1111 ii > ility I I ty or r iotitrol i u uld lIlr1 rot winch w they Ih t are arepltiving ar arIII i ipIiying
pltiving III today I ay 8 nothing 1lhlnj agvlntt agvlnttthtii UCIIIt
thtii t 1111 1 a i religion rr1 llt igiti is communitie communitieI ronhini > IIIIIIU IIIIIIUI trill trillS
S I am I rexdy ro lo I admit they Ih1 have ba v vss nerved nervedeful Ired Ired1rlll uervesliiu
1rlll iiu eful fuiI function rIlh I ii net lnis > m I other ollr 01 tier iphere hr al etc 1 o
but I lh Ihr I Ii > ir r tlttie II I ntc fur rf I ur admiiutering 1lnilriu gi lint n istritig the therniiireiieiitH Ih Ihrlrmll t ti tiof
rniiireiieiitH rlrmll of the ih h pre m or O future rI ha haxntuhe h hi1h1 hise hiseVItIt4ttI
xntuhe i1h1 < l i et 1 thetr tr HCtivity alllil iSethYtt know 1110 n nI nrnil >
I mil Thv I hv < < iti titiite it tit nn 111 ii Ii absolute 1140111 ii I Iui m miitiition I IIh II IIutuiiItl
iitiition Ih > i ii I htiiitiil hllh1 hiviiit I tnoiiirliv III U 11 Iln Ilnin IiluItihII
in uItihII > inalv il liiil tie ti done 11 awax 0 W4V Midi MidifxerX 55 55I Ii Iir
fxerX I r llxtlllllMill uIu luilKuli 11 ee ti the h KlIllC hC lut lutn I Iot1 tac tacu
n u ixMiiid ot1 ITtii I Inil L i 111 n it S 11 I lie h congregation congregationlllillie 5Ii acris coa In InIII I Iii
lllillie III ii t ti ntf ism Hb 111 itt olnte 1 it Illld If i rII r repoU es4Hbiiit es4HbiiitI lll lllit
I 1111 I Ii U iC it 1 MHml iHa 111 I iliMueine ll iii 1 I IiI inciiiiitxilltilx inciiiiitxilltilxwilti 1115 II i Isit 111 I I Ii
wilti i 1 I Ii II I I Ii M interest iiit of if r the 1 I Ii State Thex ThexIHiwirfiillx Th Thrrll rtsI
IHiwirfiillx I rrll r to I I V Hffei I I Hi I h intellectual 111111 iii t iii I and andlnoril 1111 1111IIrIII itiiiiIii
lnoril IIrIII Iii rl iMiner I iiu r of if the I ti nilioti IhOI liii I loll more 1r pnwer pnwerfully fM IW IWfuil
fully fuil 11 tltui fl the I Ii Mule tan 1 < cifely rly r Iy iermii iermiiI 11
I Fhiy h y are sir highly I hl prmlegeil 1111 m H realt realtwh rr4 II IIhr IiI
wh hr I re r eifiiality 1 ia Ii I i ic uio u i e l to t prixail prixailVliit i r Vui I IVIist
Vliit 1j hut jirn rIII rs deg ul g < are ar their Ih admira admirable lllr ¬
ble 11 uricaniAiiioii their Ih monot IIIIIlv > olv of if r edn edniitioii siluiiutioiI 1 1Ij
< iitioii Ij their Ih I iKViiiiiulution IIlalll iiii of it r wealth ahtti ll nd iiiulttotr ndthxlr 1 1Ihlr
thxlr tHiuer nf r bestowing III iiii or t withholding
material mit r is I ii i i < sr ir lhv 1 l teicb 111 I thi and 4 iii I tram tramour I I H I Ilh iii iiilr
our lr xoiitli lh It I i and al o I ii I maintain mIII iii ititi iii hospital Ii I HI 1 l iI iIItiiiis y yhim
him 1111 lefugi I sti ro iiC ihriiiKhoit Ihlth1 I Ii p I ut Ii II I IIH I kingdom kingdomSi k llI llII
I I Si 1 ietv i V i IIOK I riK for the Ih I ti traiitition traiititionfnirn IrIli IrIliI t riicitotifri
fnirn rtl fri iOu tin II I Ii ic medifxiil iiiiI i is h 1 1 million 11111 ii I it i iii I hold holdtint h1tlnl to hI hII
I tint I lliMhitute t to tiitr lieing 1 iii iipreiiin ii r can v4 0 liiolll 011111Ii liiolllpllili
pllili Ii list tin t tile with wIh w it ti no II i Mliiiti I I II rs ado I but hiI I iii it I I se tllimt tllimtiltwiroii 11 niitto
iltwiroii 1 to I Inn I with h Hi h atnJii tan with iiittiI lh lhIh
tlm Ih I v inw i to I ti i reducing r I ul ilibt fn rII Ii < n t I uli > n I ii the Ih I Ii mini minimum 111 huh I IIiiiIIi ¬
mum 111 If I I I Ih I Is M Vii allull i n iii nil ii decline 1 ii9 I i nniier nniiernt is isiii r ral
nt < r rfIllhIY < Hinibilily UI I ii I it y for r fi ir the t h i is iui iIi e < fwill pieti 11 < t twill
will 11 111 IMI I Illllie IllllieI I liuiiL
I I 1h I he hi repremnialixe of f the I 1 Ii Vlwan VlwanI nlicun nlicunUximpliili
i Uximpliili I VUIIi IIlfll juts i i i I hut I euid Oi1 ri III lo I ii newnpaper iiC h lor men menI 1 ii11tIMI
I Ilhal that t would curry sr reform whiit w hiitHer xer nu IlrelL IlrelLI gill gillIi
Ii I th t Ii attitude nlllllJ iitt itiid of if r the Ih t to Vatican Vist 111 Iis11 I made1 made1the nl1 nl1h iiid iiidi
the i h tiiliiiniit 111111 betaiiM hru jiu ii i Ic my lY iii dut 01 ilitty to toI luIIIr1II tiitiforin
I I inform my m eonxtitintit of tr 51 mv lY plan 1 Iistie and andopiuiiti isntI nt
opiuiiti I i Ii 11111 10 ti I Th the I ti Himple ci llfl HI jul 1 itiKortptton lorlpfon I tiP4t Pt iOfl of t the theiijMUregution Ih IhJlrIII I Iiitigr
I iijMUregution iitigr JlrIII giit Iiiie will 111111 nut nuftice 11m Ve W mud mimttli 111 111ls mudiii
tli ls tin hmite hll of their > ower of acquiring acquiringproi Iulrnl
i proi ttmoert r rtj and fl tabhuh tI Ihl hliati h forniM rnrl for f rllrll rllrllI faultilt cil cilj
j I luting 1IIIf tilt ing Mtate 4tit I iontrol 1111 Iit ml mlIorPnvr
I j Moreoxer Ior we w cannot Inllnl allow 110 the Ih Catho Catholic Cathoho Alhohrr ¬
lic hrr or other nlh r religion IIII bodie lo educate 4Iulca lllal t the thenation Ih IhnHIioll theflistloi
nation It I i ic not the I h function rllnUOI of any anyreligion istiyreligmntia n nrIIIOI
religion rIIIOI bodv I cheerfully hrrul acknowledge acknowledgeI ecknowletgeIheservreottherntigregetlofld
I the Ih Iheservreottherntigregetlofld ervii n e oM ot I he h congregation but thex Ih IhIlr tbvitre
I j Ilr nre an Hiiachrotn nalIOIIPr m in I lucatiotial ctucationallishmente IUllional eatab eatabI Iah IahI
j I lihment toda todaorlh 10laorl today todayIOi >
IOi > orlh orl ierman Mont Uol Xlanacrr Xlanacrrp ncr
p 10 > rM iV f 519 lr I llttpllrt p in T Tn Tue Nrx NrxIII MVdtlrPLI r
III 11 tlrPLI Mis Npl wpt II hail lar von on Helmolt Helmoltdirector Ilmol IleItholtdiretnr i idirtr
director of the Ih depart dprtment dprtmentor
dirtr passenger m nt ntof I
pfnger cprlmnl
or the Ih Vorth ierman Lloyd 1100 htoamihlp htoamihlpCompanv Soamhlp Soamhlpromn
Company romn at Bremen haa ha ha h tn heen n appointed appointedmanager pplnld pplnldmnal ppointdmnegr
York manager mnal of that company lmpny offlc in I X New Newyork w wYork wYork
The T Th Mealher Mealhertri 1lhn
< tri 115 15 Tb > a arec r ° ot w blI htgh PMW r cecVaI cecVaIorr avrl avrloxrr
oxrr Vllaattoi llafo 5154 i > 4 Iowa 10 n aado sutndut n < j t fUrther frbr tilt rittfd tiltid 1 1c
id fd c f tctvd tfrd da > 10 0 rmbrtr mb Oj U ti middle mldl AtUnllc AtUnllcand AIlnSIead UInUrnd
and nd Xew N > Kacluxl YaIUd rnii nd Stair IIf and n nd < 1 lb rooter rOt rnbr rnbrattrodloc r r1DI eiIhtmititodloc
attrodloc 1DI I it > l rt ostmd Hro rred ln I lk fa hiki rrfloni Ion todd tb t thi Ohio Oblould OhiliahIey I IValley
Valley ahIey and r eastward ttw id la tt II t ron ronIn toesIn 0 I
In tb the li 10 Jiclotis kot Sn esadc ud d cad nd Idiholt asons asonselt orae oraeKbit omI
Kbit I vtrmrr vtrmrrTk warm warmT
Tk T prr pytlitiff n urr roatlaurd Ir low loW In tb nurm nurmNjiili Ul iunn5oiihiwicI
5oiihiwicI Njiili 1 and nd thf II Iii torm Ie to lb b viI I Gulf moved movednrarrr mOYr mo moimmirer
nrarrr nlr the lb Trii T > nuit 504 1 Cub 1IB b huxy lun rain II o ne 04 < t tlfh tlfhwind Ilb IlbIRd Ib Ibwinds
wind windShowrrt windsShowers IRd IRdShor
Showers Shor orrurrrd Ofr frarrdlr In tht lb AUiatlr AUiatlrnum AUol Atlauthettatec
num I Miitbward Ibd Into tfc IH Cjrellnt Crlu la the II Gait GaitHinrt aul QehMtatP
Hinrt I tea nd bl betwen r n the lb Ululiilppl Dlxfr RIt led ledthr aD sid sidit
thr lb Hark J > Mountain MountainT MountAinsTmprtuIIS ouIln
T Tm TmprtuIIS mpralni uP < rrr bin h I s f ft w drfrrr Inn abox aboxtrmlng iboiDrrlng b
trmlng In In the I It norltrrn noro like 1 unions loal nortt o novthqin novthqinItrneMuta lbf rn rnMlrnrviu
Mlrnrviu 110 504 o n1 < North nh nrIh litkou litkouIn hscIotIn
In Ihli Ibl city 1 the It 1 do d tic was rloud old and aat nwler nwlerln4 fl recWiciii
ciii ln4 o STrut U la I t 11 trisk > rUk north norll tn I aortkwrtl aorlul ivrigs ivrigsp > vrrf vrrffi t tmMU <
fi p mMIt A p p pr r tent nl turomflfr bom corrrrud rt to toffvil toU
ffvil 1 r wa w k rl i V U n A1I2 II 1 31 31rt I M 014 014ri 0 U Un
ri n lmp IIp l lnir rttrrdnt a is rrrnrdnl d1 b bmr1 bt > UM UMnfnHl thenrnr4et
nfnHl mr1 trnnnmnrr ltrnnl I siiwui > n > n In the lb annr 11111114 on d
I tain IDII mm i > IKIO 1111 tim tima 1 1o im
8 X M As 57 7 I r U t1 7J 7Ju 7 7r 71I
u r I u i 7 4 s I p u ca o oJ oJ 0S
J I XI I 4 i IS l I ii MM 11d It Iti UItrb a i ihIIgiii
Itrb hIIgiii i i tniersuur mi r iirr iii u al > t iv I p rflu VI VIWAHIN UWAlNIftlTld
WAHIN WAlNIftlTld flu > ITON rniircitr rr1 r tills < m to I I 1 toT > AI M 10 TO TOMOP TnI TOp
I ffir p 0 tftlri 1 o i or I f rsr > r t EPII lit ll il 0 tit titrn t tu
rn 1 lriinltltl dIVIPOJ u > an 4 ant I rtlHwt v rol dIV 4nya
I a < tn I rrrn u mndfrttf 1 mrttltrty tti4l IdS ftfeilf ftfeilfralttlt biudufdYoi C CI
ralttlt ralttltfor
I for o m III b Dlitrlr of olumrlt New tw twp1c Jrrtrr JrrtrrDrlawart JrU
Drlawart and d ll MaI7tlild allld ryl nd partlr Illr cloudy cloudyfair Od to4iym to4iymfair I Itlr
fair and nd continued rU1 cool I la 0 morrow morrowsoUi 10rl mot inodttati inodttatiotheIr I
soUi DoUelr otheIr < rlr wld wthd
ti tm tiusui Srv i TO in 111 iui r4vn r4vnThree 1404Tr x sii
Three Tr lllieraU I0ral Iearefnll 11 Cliuven n nrhlnl Ieu IeuPTtchuIrnIu
Preldent rhlnl li 1 > the Ih X rmlilt srnuttIe rmliltl hl
l Ie > niil I I ribl iiblr llnpai S u iMK 1M M MPAMMX u uPa S SIAII
PAMMX IAII Pa U Sit Pt I ti I I Tln ion I Sit IIr of three threeCHPrinidIII Ism I i
CHPrinidIII c 1111 of it th republic pllll by 10 t thisu thisulIt IV IVViitional
Viitional Slial lIt IItli I A wtnblv mliv took I is ik plnce I 11 l tin I II Ii ic hum a r humloot
noon 1011 loot I h Mil n1 wa 1 tc prattlcsilU h uris rlI t iii llh I I nnatii nnatiimoil i rmi HII III IIIin I
moil 110 in uis for r Pablo I dhl II ill I rr rIII emenu fur t r Kirl Fllt 1t rist Vi V o 1
Pnul lent iit Ke IMI < ler1iM Ir rt Bovd Uyo for Set I m I ud a ti i
Uoilolfo Itislol fi t hum hut n for ThinS Flilni FlilniTtvmendou r1t1 r1t1Trsumiisuisutuuic I
Ttvmendou TnlIII 1heiniig hnIO greete gresutsud < l Ihe 11 I In an announcement al sunuuitepIli ¬ I
nouncement 11111 I f the I h r rOII rsiih ult of r I tliM h his xute xuteI ut utlhi 1 1Th
Th I he memlMr tiitiI is of r the t tu it
111I1 rs li diilonmtli i hulotimni u5 corw is ur wer werpri w sure suret 0
pri r11 ent Ml t 11 I I thr th t lire of it r Ih I h ci nivi > c1i fii h c utn utniIiiItt n
didnte nr IIIIrusunonus laUnil laUnilronienii
ronienii I tp ut pn 111 ent Mmikier sit if t t1la
Panama 1la I ha II lo I Chlln CIi li I b Iln 11 I I ii will wi It aMUtnx o sti tlsu charge chargeof chrl CIIa rg e eif
of if t tlm Ih Hivernnietil
1rlllIl n tie ucllng iitthtt 111 IreiiUiil IreiiUiilon
on tl IK Ikll toiler I for cur Urn 11 liaUmx all of t tlm Ih un unxpii 11 111mcmiii
xpii < l term Irll of t the Ih t lie 11 President Obal Obaldia 01dll tihiAIttt
dia dll ttt
lloyd 1d his Ih t necond 11 Vic VtetrectIsunt ilrII11 iPreid nt i ia IIIrlr is
a 5 former niHinUr IIrlr iiisutn I sur of fr th I I tie triutnx I r 111 I ilttIV irate irategoxeminent i t4 I I1rllnl H H5usurtlIiIsuflt
goxeminent 1rllnl whiib hlh followed foIh uul HIM t hi stsiiuil stsiiuilelf ct > > ioil ioilof 1
of t Iiimini 11101 l sin 1111 fm from rnll iii IolombiH i ii urn I iis Me I II su wan lilaC OIIDof lilaClit II IIr
of r Ibe Ih I ta inxoti 11 V u su In I i WhlIIII Vmliin tuliu lIt < tin 111 for Ito Ih IhfIt t pur purpo i tar tarle
po le of drafting orrll ihrjft uiaa Ihe t tha i mil 111 sti ii tnilv tnilvI I I
I 1 here i s mui liii Ih ii h lehef sul act that 1 t lii I the Ih I election electionart 1III ls t 11115 11115arue
art r over overn Vsur VsurI
I n ifHs IIn n t H fint 11 n iisuilcen i iroiiccm 4tn
roiiccm suilcen tn llaitnl h t t the Ih I stwers ieer llkrlt 1 In Intet If tislirt
tet the Ih Franchise Irnhl irnqhtcql I Iii IP
ii < t JM ttftpjtt P ru IM tisi HK S ft ftt I II i
MAXIM t Sept I H The
1 T committee ap P PjiuatitruI i ipointed
pointed by h PreNident loniejt hii to I iiinlder MincillerhlrueiMdItiinc I Iproportion Irnr
proportion for the h mtablmhtnent Iahhhrnl of an anagricultural anagmiviihhsiraI n nIrllllril
agricultural Irllllril mortgage lorlJ bank blnk ho h hiss reported reportedin rpur
in favor of r the Ih profioeal of if r the Ih lUnco I IlisivoF4a
F4a n not
Thi li concern it 1 i ac underntood IndI > i Ic acting actinga cln clnIh
a the Ih repreentatixe rfrnlall of Spever Npr 1 10 V > of ofNew orro ofNew
der II New > i ir ro r flier fr were r four rO1 other bid bidder 111 111II totiIrs ¬
The f IHirlxweof hHartM sf Ihe tli h batik ts 1 Un ICIIJ I mnliev mnlievt III 01 V VI
I > farmer rr on Oi a ad term termittfoini ImI isurmusitroitii
ittfoini I unttH flI io I uiriii > niti 1 rio n n1a iitiking rioUlna
Ulna 1a lcnrce ra Often fl the u Hprrlal I He Mqcstii lun un ur eC eCSi f fthe
the 110 > allonal Iol Membl Memblt mhl mhlI >
+ t I p > I i 41 Ji Hitpilt ltp4t la Q T TTIIS rim rut six sixATIIKN M15ATiIpNM
ATIIKN TIIS Set S1 ti I King Klnl Ifrf ieorge op optned optnedloIis e etoday 1
today lh I t hi pecnl llIiDll eioti in of lt the Ih Vntioiml Vntioimletnblv SAloual SAloualrlv Ntuoilusud4v
etnblv rlv which wa w cMle fl1 < to I ret rele 1 ie the thei 111 to tol
i ntilntioii ntilntioiiIhe 111 list It sit 11 iiII iiIII
Th Ihe I ti people 1 are enlbll IlI lhl M tll > over r the theprr I Irrurl therltorttiu
prr > > oM l reform rrurl
f si 1171 I KKt f KI s 14 i i iOrlniicn 1 lIfrPI n rEtirlisorn I Ifrlnorn
Orlniicn frlnorn Mramtlilp rlillratlnn rhlrlon lo liraIn liraInnn laln lalnni
nn ni HeMemtHr onlr 3U 3UI U UO
O < I t ablr 0 bJ lllfjlfl tn to TBS Tal t Us si siI area areaTitt <
I TlIK TIK lUiifc 111 Hert K n I Th Ihe firm t ft meeting meetingof tlinlor
of tlie Ih arbitration crust rhlrlllnl ritlon c tusart Mirt to h I hiustt fi > n to argu argumvtit argiino111
rll rllmI
mvtit 5 in I the I h dipiitH 11II between I 14 WIII 1 tlm I h United UIId litsatsud8ttsue
State and nll Vrneuela III oinne esaliflrlIufl ln11n < tion with withthe wItht h hI
the I h claim of the I h
OnnocuHleaiimhlp OrilO urtuoc II4allhl IcMlileiiIte I IIlany iiin iiinpany r rpny
I pany will wilI b hr held on ftptcmlrr KIIlr I 3 3ITM01 ZI ZIj iit iitIT
j ITM01 IT UI IIU I I IH IIS 4 11111 11111Hnal lltl lltlHo
Ho Hnal > al llecree 1 In Home llrlnc Irlnc Netv ew Pro triHi Protlont r rI > I
i xllunal irrrmrnt armnl Inlu Inll tnIuap force forceofftnl 011
offtnl Op ap I i ikle 1 l 1 DtpjlA > jii ia S o ma l Six Sl s
ItoMK lo Sept tt 1 II 1Th I 4 Ito tlfiinal Hattltr HattltrI lau lauj JI1I1Ppuhhiushee
I publi plll puhhiushee he h a decree 1 bringing hrillinc Otral completely I IInto IInln I I IInto
Into fortw form ihe Ih provfulonal ial commercial commercialagreement mrri11
agreement btweii tweeti Canada anasd and anollaly anollalyTII Italy ItalyTill I
Till TII TflIEI Kit TO irWKHIS i I if ilI4 t rTIIKt rTIIKtHut I 4 TIl TIln TIlnhuh I
i Hut xnilinlanre hlln l Ieter el r < oe 0 I nel leCtPInI the thePlot
Plot Plotoung rlnlI PInI5nhing
5nhing oung nllnl nora Mulligan 11111 usti dll u of if r ieorgn ieorgnH Ira
I H I Mulligan IIII the Ih contractor nl rrl or who lixe Ih lI d In Intie Inii
tie II Ilichard t McCurriv mansion f I
lchrl rrl at ustMorrIs I IIrrl
MorrIs Plain Ialn S I railed on hi his father tllhr fthrycitert i iye tI
ye ycitert terray I r at Mr Ir Mulligan A office m MI MIHa 31 33 33I i
Ha I act t Thirty necond rn atreet I 1 Hi II his father rl hr cut ril
him off I ff in I8oo IDII when he h married mrri Heiwie Heiwiei ni niIn Rrusit5111 I
i i t5111 an In Ve NCAU a showgirl in I a miuucal mIUIAI comedy comedyand comry
and lnce lnl then he h ha h been making a I
living Ihinl whereer he h could cII1 get a job I
II Jol
Voting olnl Mulligan 11111 talked lo I hi hie father a aI
few r minute mlnll then Ih raited a mall m1 bottle Inttleto
to hi h huq lip Itll
Here Ir goea go a Pop he h Mid it 111 e carbolic carbolicttiri
acli aaIrl ttiri tnt r or me m
Mr Ir Mulligan 1l jlrn called nied to hla hil clerk crl to toguard 1 1tlard toguard
guard tlard George Cr while whi he h went nl for the Ih police
H I Hq cam I back bcl < wIth Policeman Pnl mn Lynch rlt and an
Dr Cowan Cowa of the Ih New S York nrl Hoepital
Dr Cowan Ion owan aniffed lifed at th the little ltl bottle I I Ihlk
Whwkey hlk said id ho h and went wInl back bck to
hi his ambulance ambulnc i I
Lynch Iynch asked akN if Mr Mulllt Mlaln Mulligan n wanted wantedth
Ilh th the boy ho arrested for dlaord dlordrly rly conduct anl
dlerdrl1 conduc
111r Mr Mulligan 1111 < n said he h wanted wnlt him arreated I
for attempting anmptnl to II commit rlml suIcide ulcdt Th Thpoliceman T The Thepoliceman
policeman p1 ma declined dlnd Young Youn Mulligan llllrn left Iltl lefthurriedl
hurried hurriedHe hurriedlHe I IHe I I
He lite h with llh his hi wife lt at 1 111 IC EAI EI EI8ynlyfrl st
8 8ynlyfrl Sevntyflrt wnlyflr t street atreetvor streets lrIOT
vor s OT ion OU i irEKrY 1111 IR IRMm IRhsn N Nn
Mm hsn n WttrTerlnB fer Pram Pr IOM of 1 Memory mor In Inl Inr Inttw1oe
l etMlea r It 1 Xut I MkMloc > atal eaieer eaieerWASIIINOTOX 81 OIrerViittKoiof
WASIIINOTOX WAIIUfTOH H Hpl tspt pt 11 I I I Commander CommanderEdward Commandtr CommandtrEdan CommanderEdward
Edward Edan Himpcon Rimp impaon U 1 H N naval nvl attache attacheof atch sttachof
of 0 Ih the Arnericam Amrlnm Kml mbaMY > oMy at Ioodon Ioodonht ldonh
ht h advised adv a th te thi Navy Sa Department that thatth IhalIh thatthe
th the young 0110 < man ma in II a IxMidon ldo hMPIII hMPIIIulrin hospItalsuffering hospital hospitalaiilferinj
suffering ulrin from trun run lo I hae a of memory ltor la I not notArciatant nlArill notAtshetaitt
Arciatant Arill Naval Sa onatructor nln Ior John 1
Sweeney Jr wh who hu haM ha been bfl miaajng miaajngfrom mlln mllnrrm
from rrm hi bbs ieot K it 1 at 1 the Ih Puget Ile1 Hound Hlnd Navy NavyYard VavyVarri av avn
Yard for th the laat lal onren ve1m month rnot Com Commander Cornimandr nm nmmdr ¬
mander mdr n Hlmpaon Hmp aid In a cable d dftch dftchto deapstch deapstchto palch palchla
to the Ih Department Dprtmll that the patient tel In InIhe InIh Inthe
the Ih hospital hopt1 did dl not cmpd corr cnnspood pond with wih the thedescription fhldIaripto thedescrIptIon
description dIaripto of Sweeney ny furnished umlhf by Iy the theDepart Ih IhDfrm thusDetirtznt
t tHweeney
Depart Dfrm Detirtznt m I ISH
Hweeney diMppearca diMppard from the Ih Puget PugetSound pUIII pUIIISlmd PugetSound
Slmd Sound Nary N Yard r several r1 month molh ago agoand agoand
and nd although the Department vprtmf1 ha ha made madeA mdI
A worldwide search rh no nl clue of hi whe whehol whereahoua where whereaboua
aboua hol haa h been found flweeney R y I nj a anatlre anaIl anative
I native naIl nf Paris Par Tenn and ad entered ft the Ihenavy theU themvy
navy U on C Jm J 11901 I 111 1W
KW FH ii 1 HUSKYS I m IIumntTIt niio Mm n n4 TIC TICTK TICADII i
j fDI ITE TK T roit ft UH UHl f fThM tmUWon
1 ThM i ti I thus II Prediction rdlllon at fr Farmer VrmrrUnltecl VrmrrUnltecltaeq nlt nUd nUdtl l lMute
Mute tl taeq Menator Htor natr Jamet Jim am wmllli NmUI Jr JrItwHon r rUun
Uun ItwHon fount ounl ounly IXlecalc 1pl te tetnanIrnui r rfnanlmou r I
fnanlmou for Prltxetoni rlllon PreaMrnt PreaMrntTHBNTOV PrktrnlTfN
THBNTOV TfN X 1 Sept pl 14 HThO hlTtienomhna The nomin
i lion ton of President WooVlrow o lro Wilton iln of ofI
I I Princeton Prnlon University Ullilly u us lh Democratic Umort IhunnenstictifldiIAte
I candidate for Inventor vnlr of r N Sn ir lerey lereywill Irreeywill
I will wllla Ive 1 made < on the Ii lii thrush 111 luillot tllll it 1 the Ih Htat Htatotiventum SI SIrII StiteOtiVtfltton
rII < otiventum tomorrow uccmrding unlll lo I tin tinprediction 11 thislFtI1tOtos
t prediction 1110 mud nt II IllS Il liejidiiunrtarn liejidiiunrtarnof hulllon1 toacliuns rtens rtensif
I of if former trlr Iliiled State Senutr 1IIIr lumen lumenMmitli hiiimisusSiflitti 411 411Smilh
Mmitli Ir tonight tonightIVrluiM 11ilhl 11ilhl1rll tiirugtitlerhaius
IVrluiM 1rll > Mr Ir Smith ami ni hi his ni 1iI 1iIIn > ciale cialeIn <
In Ihe It Wilon 11 movement 1011I11 were ersu r ion hIi optl optltn 1li 1limiI
miI It tat it tn I making toe kll Ic itia tin 111 I Is le prediction I ersusi rllhun ICtIOtI hut It i iI ItWasH
j I wan WI generally KIraly hy accepted upho ucts heeaj tint I hit I tin I I lie inimltu inimltution Imlla is etithtiatloit
tion 101 i ur if > r Mr WI1 ilMiii wa wise n foreguiiH con concliKion ll
cliKion hllul Ii 141011 whether w hIr lisul hsur on ihi t t lie llntl 11 II rust liillut I is llul Ilut ur < ir after afterone Nrhrun is ttrOfle
one un or morn IIIr of if tlu t he > three Ihr I oilier oh hsur iindidale iindidalell ulll Ill I itli I IIh
ll tlli tltld ld I luil bwli Imwlnl I IrI nut t of the therunning Ih ihsurlitilialag I Irlnill
running runningTlii rlnill rlitilialagliar
liar 1 > ei es of it r tht I tie conxenlion t 1111 11 clii 1111 brought hirs iti llhl gut in II Is i
I Trenton TIlo on 104 of lt the Ih lnrceM r I gathering gathasuringisof Qlhr
jof I or politician 1llli IIIU wlniJi lldl the Ih DemocrutH han hanlhl1 hsu hsuxenthlel <
I OAMnibled lhl1 tiers h In xear Mayor 11 Otto OttoWillpenn nUl Othiittpents
Willpenn IInl of r Jenmv Iltv lU and andGeorge n1 Senator Nlalor
jOeorge George S Niler of r Middlesex opened tilnedheadqtaartsutn
I headquarter hldllrl1 of th Ihir ir own 0 and In1 conducttxl conducttxlthfir > nIuIctsudtheIr dltI1 dltI1Ihlr
theIr campaign ulpln among the Ih delegates delegateselected tIlegatiseleciussi II
elected xenterdnv Inl in I iieinon iieinonlr 101
lr Ir Ulhon 1 mid 11111 etMavor Iavor Frank H SKulrenhach Hr Ht
Kulrenhach Jr r of if r Trenton 11101 Ih real con conenfant III
I enfant in tli I h In ru rec had hRlln no headquarter headquarterI hHllarlIr
I lr Ir Vs il ihson on UIIIK 1IIIi in I Princeton Iril and Mr Mrutsutahiae1i Ir Irnilnl
I Katirenhach nxoidmg nilnl the It crowd which whichthronged whicht hih
thronged t hrII1 Ii ron gcl I lit h xurioii lrio at r 1011 lintel corridofH corridofHIn I rrll rrllII rr illlfl illlflI
In II I ii former rr II r Senator sSII > Simtli Slllh however howeverI I I
I tr Ir SS iUon I 10 Ii ha tl H < ti 1 udviHit Ul VI C l t tu > who 1 u IIIIOMM IIIIOMMlilt ill illlie 1 1II
lilt II lie C IllOXe 11141 C III Hie I I his gallle to of r I MllltlO isil it ieu Ullll 111111 UK UKthe usI I
the I h he evening even 111 in a worn Vsam ur on II i became lII bis tile plain pta a m iiithaast
I that Mr Ir Soul Slth Ii status I gaiiutiK gasuiit ground IrII1 wluc wluctin wIiIpI hl hlIh
tin Ih I hit nntittilsoii alit t force rn r rsue IIIIII xx s err ro trlng IrllK I ri ug in inI 1 inaa
I xuiti all aa I ti In I ii effect t rr ti i combination ilIitlItiO 111111 I lull iigain IKIPI tu g I list linn linnronner hln hlnFunnr hi liii liiiFciniaer
ronner Seuut ettu 111 t ir r Smith Slllh Hn ut Ii i lumed Li 111 itiieI thit thitI I t hi it it1r I
i Dr Ir WiUii Wl would 11 IUXH hH tii in I n r r tli Ih1 ml in t aai aaivuth I i
I xolee vuth 1 on I lli > tlr Ir1 liret > > huh hnl I Hi itfh lh tin 11 this WIIH WIIHI w wiJr wisslg
I vlgiirouix iJr lg rnuirl h dmputed I I Iru I dv I v ihi 11 I to upMiHitlui 1ajeieit 11 hots hotsrarefuil
careful IHIXIIK n I > night lllhl indicated 11111 iiiehavotlI Ih hit hitHi I
Hi I tie xotHoti tl ti tirnt Ir ballot Ialol I u I lot might 11111 iii t uhf Maud et 11111 11111rlw ito I about abouta o boti I Iass
a ass full rlw fillw w WI t il ate Hi ii u 1 > IxiilzenlMch 27H 27HSilfiT 7ft 7ftMlr t
SilfiT Sib Ml 41 xit ItIsutiii in II J li WIIII illiiiii I II I Ilhurrgiii
Ilhrrtjal lhurrgiii I hi rriKIn in inThn II 11rlisu
Thn ten 1 ol ots sIl5HCseaI tiiH tl tu h I IM I ii iiillrolli IIIII roIIeaI < l
liv I iv Mr t r Iliirritcuii IInul I Ia r rlgai ii Ir as in r i aI uit iitc > l IIM u If Ifhii ijisni > > II liv I
Kutfiiimi Ku iI lfl iii li Init hii I si i t nr ii ru > likilv IkI uk Iv to i s e KI I go > nnv nnvwrn ni ittiyw
wrn w h tirnu > ill II I ii lilt I In iollVptltloll iollVptltlollIf uIsvttt 111 1111 1111If
If I llnilxiii 11 iiiiintv n Hi majority 1urilr of ofwhirli If Ifwhich r rwllrh
which wllrh i iolitrollml llul1 li Iii ItolxTt 1llrl l lisvl > nrl j who whofjvorn wholaivurea ho horavlr
fjvorn ravlr l I > r Uilon 5 iIIiii 11 stittishsh lionl l tlociiU 1M hI to lurI cii ciito n nf
f rI to u > su lli I ha iinii 1111 I Ill I I ml j ii he Mayor shit s ir Vii Vs 111 I I I > t1n < nn would wouldM wui 1111 1111I Iii IiiIs
I Is M iitnvtiit iiiiVliIiIttil 11111 < left I IPII IPIIUtulo ir loI I r i Iniiilv t lIi II I Iv wlh w lhI hi tiu iit it n I vsii oti ul > in I Hit Hitiitnvtiit II I Its ItsiiiiVliIiI
Utulo Wili ttil it wale rHNirti fctsttsuf < l that 1111 t ili 11 i his lludoon 11110n I
d Isusgot > uti > at lli tl tipar ir raiiDilnlti iiiouis 4IU sta l Irsuy < rv > lily iy to toniitlit 1 1liI1 tolii >
niitlit liI1 lii i hi t hid a1 uiloplol asdi pt I tlix t hi iiiil 1111 ci is i ruin rl ri ho it i t wa WI wass
MKI 1 I iiY I IN derisi Kcr r l III I ttlli 11 lii iMIIIltV ml I isitsures isitsuresiei Jnr Jnrlii
lii iei > ri r > that I > lirr 1 sii no 111 ill C intention lOt it 1111 of r rI r1u sun sunforcing ii iiformK
forcing it itTwo itTwo I
Two 1u r iisons iAon 11 < i wi were ri r KI gitui II for HIIH Ihl llr first firstI < t ttluit
tluit 1111 I hut t tint Ih I ha unit uitt 11 at rnlrt ril ru Is would III lld Idl irnilx tre rII rIItleU Ito unniVM unniVMrv I Ililuaee
e > rv frirtlon tleU frii hi cii ill II ii I las I I COIIKIIIH ssii sulat hilt > II ulid ull ullld U titi us usumid > x xitid >
itid thnl I hut I tlm iii I nf It r I Vil 11 hsoi hsoiIs
ld 1111 I iioiinnitioii lmlI ii clii I 0 5 i cli Iir Ii I > u uwoillil
woillil 11 Im I Is linxixht ilxiut h withiiiil w 1 it itMiuilld II1huld ItShuitlil
Miuilld 1huld thP Ih < IK I oily V rhlllXrt h 111 hulls in Ii the mtlll mtllllion shillI 1111 11111lurw
lion I iii toinorruw 1lurw t C1 hIiTiJ tli I ha IliiiNni 11111 I I dHlH ilsuIsuujt 1111 atliiu atliiuInk hiHa hiHahiis
Ink h ust till 11 i II nvr il I tlm II I IC ritch rrell to I iMifim si lrn It IFiH tin tinMl Ihl I hi hirh
Ml rh If 1
At 1 n riUCUH of r the h orKiiniralioll Kalilu drte drteKitleii sIsutsugal 11 11III
Kitleii III gal I cc from t roi lluiloon 11111 I I uiIsoia ioiintr eol ii I V to II I 0 tin I ta Demo Democratic U Ituiiiorntic o orlc ¬
cratic Mutx ronxriiliun tieltl hi IMKI night Ij hl nt ntthe lt ltIh utlbs
the Ih Urovx irv Th rheiitrn
formerly torr u lUptmt lUptmtrliurch 1li1 1li1chllrh
church chllrh in I Jer Jcmsey ev dt ity Or Wixxlrow WixxlrowWllMin W IWItOW IWItOWVhIen rw rwWl
WllMin Wl prmidenl > 1111 of 111 Irincetoti I rln lo I lnrI 1nier 1nierlit niver niverity
lit ity CHI a mdor mdoJ e < l an a Huil 11In lluiilsonu on chotce hoar fur furlh forthis
lh II this > CnlM lsihsrnaturtuii 11rnalrll > rnatorml nomination lminalloll I
It I wan anlUN1 annuutticed nnouno d tint 161 161werw II IIlnl IIlnlr IIsugatal IIsugatalwsuri
werw r uniitilnioiiii almOI for hm hil iwleotlon Jiw Jph ph
I M 1 NOOIIHII pUrwl Ir Vs Vili 1 si naiti naitilx tiameIsusfore
lx Iro Isusfore > fon < th the caticin nnd Ind Hol htotirt olrl rt Davl Davlth Iav IavIt Iavhsthar 1
th It thar < Democratic lrucrll county lnl leader Utrr toll loMthe lot tollibis
the Ih di Iltal gntr who h had lotidlr InIlr itern ifmuinded ifmuindedi tmnf1 no > d da
a 4 i > eeoji hut I the Ih doctor I < lor wise W 1 piir piirdeclared J ir irwi
wi is ne F FlMIi I
11 lMIi declared 1 that Ihll the Ih Vitipcun ittj UUI > eiin ad admiiiiKtrniKn ad adill I IIn
miiiiKtrniKn ill Iii lilt ma In I i n which wllh w tried t I e overthmw overthmwih tvert rhn rhnIh hi ri w wth
ih fitwaiiuation 0 IuI7al1 at d h > priiimrl 1 < < u aisl aislrust > iii iiiJIHI
I rust Icsj JIHI nd th xltpe ieiar1ment ieiar1mento 1lrtlnl 1lrtlnlI
o I iwnt n > men n and iiitiiiudati IIIII I i > t 1I tsrus tsruslb r
I He I Mud i III Itic 111 Ktimi ae of the Ih JksIkr htlrr w Wa < did didKrxceflll ItasuracIsul i iIrrll
Krxceflll Irrll lh I he tVittptiiii Vt 1111 > ein dekf ilhegats 1 II III nteo le lefiuied Iciecl
fiuied to I uo into 110 raucil 1110 Th Ihcv met 11 hid HI HIthe Iiithis II IIIh
the Ih Mayor s offlcn m me Iaet l j > t night Illhl and decided decidedto
to ma KH gI > o s the Ih State rl itmvrntlon Ivntn at II Trenton T111nluda Trentontutia P rent on ontoJ
toJ v in ii 1 ixxlv Iv Th The < > Dart delegnioii delegnioiiwill ctsuhsugts II heal
will IJ 11 heart r v Jersey t lily y at t 1 9fl a M n nf 4 4special I I II
special f > ecial II train trains j
It 1li s ir t 11 nriiv 11 OH tu TI ruht 1
Jrr rr < > > HriHilillcam UHhl tIeIwtdhan1hohe Hiolrr 01 r rur r Mrnalurj MrnalurjStill Menalur MenalurihhI Ilur I III
Still II ihhI In II Doubt llouliliKksros DoubtlhiN i
Tus iKksros roc S I SI1 Sept II I I I Whether Whetherexlo sVtisuthisureiCst I h hsO I
exlo sO Kranklm Fralkl Murphy llqh or it r rjdv rjdvKclnnrd eibvpclenrd IU IUdnrd
Kclnnrd I Stoke wax the I II h popular lIlar choice choicefor lIt
for r Iniled State Stgteinator Sen tor is t yenterdav yenterdavprimary yeeisurhussIrittlar
primary rilary y electlon clst U1 I ni i IC Mill St i ii I in 1 i n doul iOlhl it > t lIt lItVCitittCt the thefonlent 1
fonlent was w MI clMu cl does that tot with ltll I the l hishated hishatedrstlimtus lated latedretnrtm
retnrtm rlllr it WHM iniN 111lll titiiussssiitIs uiit > le to Mir fV which wtii hih h had 1 tuilWOti i i iwon
won 11 ulthoiiKh Hit hifihighi Stokes 1lok upfieariMl I < > hate hateh ha hahd la s sU i
U shuils h hd de Its Ih lirlter of r it itKeprraentHllVe atIteprcsntetiv I
KeprraentHllVe Uprnlll Charlt larl S Kimler Ir the thethird Ih IhIhird thttjtrsl
third runletant 111111 under Ir the 11 tla HipuUr choicoi choicoililfcll h hiiI hiiIjIaiE
lilfcll 1 fell t1 MNernl isrisl ul Ihnlltrfllil vote 01 short rl of ofnl ofhlir r 1
nl hlir r < iiiiietiloni n iwi I it airs fJiminatliiK tJil l J bunat ullre I Ii g IIIIMMI 11111 II sitle ci and andeCcral lnd I Ir1 Iseveral
several r1 ninaJler cuimtieN from which
nlr III whih only onlyixirtlal etulyrt uly ulyarlal
ixirtlal arlal rt hal or r uiiortlrijil 1fhI1 return rllrll ret I true hui 1 tuis l sn snsrsiici n j
rec srsiici iM < d Mr Ir Sloktm Slol I ls about t 3 < > uti utialimd eitc eitcattend
attend 1 of if Mr r Murphy llrlhy I
HiuUou Ildol will wi help hI nltMiR iihei I the tl Murphvvote sIutriuhavVote Murphv llrhvul
vote ul materially nUflly while C tails I the Ib I be lnle1 1111 return returntonlBht nIlm nIlmlOllahl FrI 11114 11114tontgtai
I IIai
tonlBht lOllahl indicate Idlal I as proluilile Stokcn StokcnKUin Sink os osguii
guii KUin Iai In the th t he other 01 lust lollllten icOllit 11 ims when w h list retlirtlit nllf r t 11715 11715laae
haxe ha Ixsti indifferilitly tftttheteil Ilhrl Hot loj itowfar i ifur
fur the lb h two I will 111 olTwl oI1 rnrli other is the theipimtion Ih IttIlIlPut
ipimtion IlIlPut 1111 UIMMI n which will 1 de dein1 > end the It thisrrusiilt I Ireniilt
reniilt II of it r ih I ho tts eUntion eUntionTh 1111 lciionTttr I
Th luilk of th I h Murphy rphy tote ul ulpl1 were werepollwi werepohleci
pollwi pl1 m I Fj Iasss et Hudson IIdon Atlantic llanl Her tiergn I Igen
gen mid 11 IAMiain count rountiuse ie i KM Euseex X leadlni leadlniwith Ielnl icuohingwith
with ilh ahotil a 11 > KIIII I Th The SlokeN llnk Vote r rrrIY wa wapretty Wlipretty
pretty well 1 dwtnhuted IIlnhul Mercer cnulnty unty untyJeadiriK 1111 1111tnl
JeadiriK rrIY leauling tnl with h lonn IO while hl lUrKti flit Hirin n nIllon flitlington
Illon lington in K1 on Itimtierland 1lmlrand and 111 Oloucmter rln ge gehim e ehim
Ia Iahim
him npproxmiatelr opprsmially 3nno 30 3a arh Fowjern Fowjernvote FowlrrVote owlr I
vote 01 came rm principally pin < lllh from In hudson IIIon i iUnion I
Feeez 1 Union lnl and Paaic Paaicr r
T4 r 4 nnr iirniiis nnrA Ut flIITTIfV1 flIITTIfV1Amount IITI IITIAmnlnl
A Amnlnl Amount mount In CoIQcOC to2flOlWIflOO ATOOOo ooo for 0 Kltht Month Monthsthus Monththe I
the Ch nrl nfl Rrr Ron Record rc1 known nan
Comptroller romplrolr I lrndergse rend ril < tn I a ament eta 1 I Imnl tie tiemnt
r ment h he ha hal has had h prvrxifvl PJr prept showing the theroll Ih Ihrlflonl ttterotheclione
roll rlflonl rotheclione v1ioni of t tax lal arrmraiCM a rt durIng durinRthe dlrlDI
the Ih flint frl mht lhl month of Ir 111 thus time 11 h he h hI ha habcen
been hn in 1 offlre nm mni Y that Ihl thr Ih e collections collectionshav rflllOn 11dlect tone tonehave
have not only onl lw hen > < n th the UrK braMI < Mt during diinnia
a aimllur almlr period rlod in I th the department departmentCatherine departmentegathering partmlnl partmlnllhrnC
Catherine lhrnC of overdue t las tale x but bil that ihttMm Ih1Ih thatthus
Mm Ih coat Ci of th the Orl collection collon Inn h isiso Uv 0 > l 1wen 1wenmuch > en enmuch
much aml smaller ma Her than lhn in I other teini oA Mr Ir
Prendericaiil rrln < ra1 In 1 hi tile report prl nd sstdrh ndThe 1
rh The borough nf M Manhasn lnhn nh > n cr4 pr 0 llrnok llrnoklin ln htrnokItn
lin is K rrn result 111 < nt C the Ih pendlni Jlnflnl lav iS supa supashow ile4 ile4how
how ho th thus lirr hrol1 t rnUerttnn for ro or io I Ill I Ih the thetotals h hInlaU
totals l llnl tin > ein > mid mli up II sa follow II Mtnhat Mtnhattin
tin lini tie 11111 tee o aa lli Die t Hronx Irnna li 1 fo < > 47 4 4 47 47Brooklyn < r rHrookltn
Brooklyn I DOIn 45 Queen It I 11 77 inn I IIUchmnnf 141 141Ithebmond < li liRichmond
Richmond IUchmnnf f 11711011 Iflua71i4Stotal l o < total 178 NOUI 29OS4tu 0 4 ei eiPO114 u uii
ii PO114 1 a u 4 s M < n 1EI rn FJ i H 11 hlIIPP tut ir irAnd i I IAnd
And ni Kxptameri Fpn In r rerl rurt url That 1 it 1 hc h Did mi It ItIn I IIto I
In li e et C K In i rn I
Mr Ira Anna lacoh 11nt of t 7 flu We Wt i 133d fl34street 133dstreet
13 I
street who whose h htwband hllbnd n bookmaker lma wan wankilled wuki waskilled
killed ki laul act sritg ring rlnl by h Htiorty 11Inh 3lanisflekl 3lanisfleklwoe M n n ld ldwn
wn in lh I woman court rl lam a1 mchl < ht t In toanswer < >
1 I an answer n wer the I h ron romlllnl conaplaint plaint of loaoph Kaltiy Iy of ofIU9 nrlu III39 I
IU9 lu M Madheon dlon avenue 3VII who hn Mid I she ha had hadbroken h hadbroken
broken brk a window In hi hac home homeMr hor homeMrs
Mr Jacob told MiKiatmto < Slurp hlr hy hythat h hthI hythat I
that thI ohe h 1w waa wi a driven In desperation Iprlon hy hyb hvb bybust
b bust r Krlof IIr rtof over her hu huhand l > and dv tMlh t4t th h and andthat Inf endthat
that I bl lie h hail h1 gone ot lo Kdlbyn Ihy houwt hOI host In1 In1C 10 10I tngust
C gust t Mtiafarlion MIltUon Hh declared that thatKalhy IhlIh thetralhy
Kalhy Ih ha hl hac flfioi 161 hit Ih t longed 1tlnn > tn h hhunband hhusband 1 Ihlbnt
husband hunbandMagiolrate hlbnt I
Magiolrate Itaglet gllrI rat Murphv 11fhv diBCharitM dilhar lira liraJacob 1 1Jcn r
Jcn Jacob and advi advised d her lo II ii ffn to a civil civiloourt civilourl
oourt If a he h rxJIsred tle rlh Falby tn In have bve moacr moacrt mOir mOirt moydlt
t t dlt t r rixbUuIly ntuJbeo b belonged loo < fd to bw h 1 I
ijTW TI ri Ht II I illi I KKUY 11111 Sf 0 J WOKK WOKKVarmrr iiOltiWormnrr 01r 01rWomrr
I Varmrr l Uh tihe hr > Keeper lfr CJoM ie Hark HP to 1 III IIIi IIIOlrt II IIUl IIIOld
Old Ul > amr m Antonio Varcarflll VarcarflllPaul aqcarelliPaul IrJI IrJIi
i Paul Eely 11 t ho Ih former KRnjt It Iwder Iwderwho I Irsdrrwho r
I who ran trie 1f notorious noloriol4 Mule Illl Nap Slpl SlplI Napkwu Napkwulive
j I live dlv at Great Ort Jon trust IIt and the Ih llowery lloweryuntil 10 10Inlllh hloweryuntil
until Inlllh the pollr plN < > chased cl III it up I in IBU4 IDI after afternun afl afla attea
a nun mn was Oi killed klld Kiev IhP Rot < 01 permUwlon permUwlonfrom permtaahonfrom rmlol
from trm City Ity Court Ollrt Justice JIU IA I Ketr ctr Ir yenter yenterclay yrusterliIi
clay lo rmurne rll hin hil huh old name 11 mI Antonio Antonioi AntonIoViceareIll
II i I Varcarelli tall which he h hud 10 changed chnN to 10PaIIII toPaial
I Paul PaIIII lea Kelly liy hY11 an urder olIr of the City ly Court Olrt In Inlea InIM inIn
In hale hi IIllon twiltion M > tition to Jiwtlcel JuU I Feint tr Kelly Kellynald 1ly 1lyIld Keilyeatti
nald Ild that llU IIH h la II as 31 yearn 1 old and RII liven 1f at at3la I
3li 31 KiKt t llflth Illh street Hit n wan wal married marriedin Inuri1 Inuri1III
in I II 1001 1111 lii I but hiI I lilt ha no children dlldn lit I I I u ei aid lllhal lllhalIh Id that thatthe I Pta Ptaliii
the Ih reaiioii m 1m It m hail hi his name na changed hln 1 lo loIinl InI ho11uil
I Iinl Iall Kelly Ih wa wilts a that ho h wan M an iimateur iimateurUuer Ilallr tilnatouirsizer
j Uuer sizer of winiii IU notn 11 nut and all that hi hituc friend friendguvi frisutidsgave
Ia I gave him hll the Ih iiicUnumo lidulanl of lt Paul 11 lt Kelly Kellymid hethYnuiul II III
I mid 111 HIIICX in he h wax I known by Iy no otlnr lllr he hedecidxd h
decidxd tu umiiiiim UII it itKelly illv itKsIly
Kelly lv rmid i1 llmt lh li ninoii h his Wants wuntnto wanlIn
to t 0 K 1 < > luck It I to Alituiiiii t till it tie u Vuecu acrarelh reI I i I is thai thaihn Ihalh I liu liuIi
hn h IN u i iiinmber lIIIr nf r the Ih r rtI l ml shit 11 iti > lirm Irll hiritiit
of it r low lIejIht pi It I ucirelh A V fn of which whOrlshiss llrh llrhhil
hm hil brother In I the Il I hi Inud hII mid deal iinmtl iinmtlwith tilsist ly lywhIt
with ilh Italians I U 11 HiKIKI I Ii situl I u wau W was a hunNhipl nlll
In II Iw I us known kIIWII k 101W it u Paul lull hu ti I Kelly 111 K h I IM I1 I istn CIIUM I iPt many manyN lIIalY lIIalYun itlatiywrn
N wrn > r < MinH un with ih whom hol IIH h wan doing Iinr duel duellimn hushti
limn 1 ti ioUr 111111 < l him if i lie J WDM nl anliamed hll1 of lt sf un unItalian UIII UIIIIlalian utiItalian
Italian mine 111 Hi Ills il father tahr und 1111 mother motherare
are a getting ati > 1 old okl ho h Bald Iid und UIt out of r re j I
apect to them 11 lie h wante all 1 to be I legally j
known on Antonio nl1 Vaccarelli lrlr11 again againPaul IIIIIYI
Paul holly ly had not had trouble Irlbl with withtlis ilh ilhIh I Ithe
the Ih pollen pol for several yoir 1 although althoughho lhou t
ho h IIIMH II licecl to II bo I iirreMted frwiuenlly ufter uftergaliK iiftsurgang fr fran I I
gang tight hl Ho has h U I
l < nay doing tolnre u real reale realiMututi
e iMututi tut buineu IIIin exclulely IlcuI although Ilhnll h hh I I I
he h got 1 into i hlxir dipul duipute n ni as head h d of the theScow Ih IhI lbspetv
Scow N1 1rlll Iriminfpt I Itiitiit nion He 1 wa wail arrmtoil arrmtoilIJH I I1M
his 1M t fall tal for nr alleged complicity utplII In election electionfruud ekctlonfrataIus 1lon 1lonrrll
fruud rrll in I lloboken lhkn and 11 under this Ih name nameof 11m 11mt RattleIf
of If t Tony Vuccarelll tar1 wan al held 111 In ShOd 11000ball 10 ShOdfor
ball il fur Hxtradition llrrilnn Sonic Sm one 011 mild hl he heWHU h liewas
was Paul 1111 Kelly K II the Ih former tormOr gong leader leadertiiisl i iand
and IZln 11 nui the I Magutrile lalilrI increinud the Ih nil to1 to1nui 10 10IZln
41 < n 1 KI I f tI i SKIKSS itst ion ionMlnlrr 10114IiiIrra
Mlnlrr of Thc 0 llrunx Irul Hrfu RrI Krfttus r tu II Hta Il un unIheCII unIh oilthe
IheCII Ih the 1 It ie la lroll lrolltaltatit > roll rolli rl
taltatit i < > latit 11111 Superintendent Robert Holxrtiiiteriiofthe nol rl rlWIIrr C Ciittsris
WIIrr iiiteriiofthe iittsris if III llronx Imll liureaii of HulldingK HulldingKImi 111lnJ IltllIlIflgIliii
Imi I liii rtHiKiied IIII hi late job Jt U bseaiiusss < caue all IIH h Its doesnt doesntwuiit tlnssntWilili
wuiit WI In t take lal the II iii f dly iitys ily M money for doing doingtiotliiiiK doln dolnIhlll doingliittaiilg
tiotliiiiK Ihlll ItoroiiKh 111 Prvvldent IrII11 Cyru ymnuc C CliiIer I IMiller
Miller 111r accepted the Ih remgnation rinaton and anl told toldilitem loldWii tolditttcrs I
Wii ilitem in il a letter that Ih mull 1h llHintrrvitled llHintrrvitlednem t >
nem 11 Mint Indeed lul1 rare rareSince ra r I
Since 741 o nre I wa w appointed a 1IullI I lilillat e I Superintendent Sit tIerint stiutent of ofllniliiln fr fr1111Un OfhIiahIInies
llniliiln 1111Un of r hIss 1 llroni II wrote rote rot Mr r Winter Winterto Inl InlI
to I 5 the t IturoiiKli 1 htortits its lri I rstdcn tileiil 1 I hKtee hl his s Ctilta iileavured iileavuredlo tvur tvurIu voted votedI
lo I 0 ram af > on I the I h dutle 1 sat icc lo I I the I t tale > f of It m malillirv I mIi >
alillirv Ii hii 111 it r unit a ii it to I I learn Ii ar it iicli method liiCt tiods an would wouldreiiilt tdili hl hIrsil
reiiilt 11 t m I II an is Ii efflflent mill Nld eiutinnUc Ollnllc coniiiirt etfldi ldcl et
of r < unr UI Miliiiiiil IIIlrlun lrntiuii I have ha come m to tothe I II tot
I the I t has loucliMon t that I the thu h ofllit nm of r Utant cmhatants UtantSiiH
SiiH s t > iiitentleut t lilt rudeut of I r HiillilliiK 111hl1P Itui ti iii ita in 1lh I ii the t ItoroiiRh ItoroiiRhof lurolh lurolhI lioroit ta taf
of f I I he llrunx IrI 14 not flevrafV nece I arr to I your ilIit ail ailmtiiiration al111I1Ilnl ad adllittiit
mtiiiration 111I1Ilnl llittiit ratiou I i i nut II n piwiunn 1110 createti createtilit
lit h Hie 1 tie < barter rl Mini 111 it Ma il no uS power 0 or orilutie orcloture
cloture etrept tcssI 11 suliti 111 h as nmv 11 lie I ilelnate iIrshVfltruII < l lto
to I i i III lie I MIt SiierllllenJl iethtit hllII riijeiit > llt of 1 r Illlllilllltf Illlllilllltfthe 1111IIICo I ii u i lii iia iiaIls
the 1 ailiiiiintratloii oil tia I till I a I hiia lould oh Ill lit In I it mv I it iinlu iinlumeiit a uidgiulplit 0
meiit I irei ulotiK NI unite 111 I as well s usiI I without lholl thIs lhloniie IhiIl thIsI
I oniie Il u as nith lh it I aud I therefore rur take the thelit Ih Ihhht Iheof
lit hht > tiv of I i iiiiietlnir 11 to ton that lal the Ih office officei om omIIIn
i niineie IIIn iiifletesrV i > iiri I do 0 itil Ihl4 the I ita more un unwlllltlKlt In Inwil onWtIItidi
wlllltlKlt wil u WI it I ha I sac ten I H pleanure 1aPI to lie lieKiiinriteil t tUllfIJ LI LItIlIel
Kiiinriteil UllfIJ tIlIel rut with it 1 Lu Tour r ailininulratlon atltninst nlllrNlolI mist lou Plea llase llaseMet 1 > e eacteiit
acteiit Met Chit 11 lin 1 lii repudiation 0111 istl stitch i hereby herebytendered herebytelitlered rI
tendered tltd to von vonPreaident youlreident 1
Preaident Miller 11r very r much tu h mirprlwd mirprlwdwrote Ilrprdwrol suimprlsedwris
wrote this to Mr Ir Winter WinterIt Wlnl4r
It was with lh reicret that I recelTeil your yourletter your111cr Olr Olrr
I letter r ronlalumc Inlalue your relunatlun hlnaton on the thecraunii Ih Ihorun thearound
around orun that Ih the Ih plaie I iia M l I not t necessary for fortI torIns or ortnr
Ins tI adtuiinhstrguiin iliiiinl lr iii > n I tnn > on D eiamlnatlnn Into Intotie 1110 intot
tie t mutter 1111 I am I forceil rr1 to the Ih I concliKlon concliKlonthai 11 11h
thai 5 h tia I on a Hf r riklit atit 1 amid lul oo I accept lr1 the there Ih Ihm
re > i < m iitlui lit C Ifllie aki eltei I t on October IolK I IThere Irhre
There rh r ruils m 1 o l 1 tiC > e nnthinx nOlhno to I II iln hut hiI aiiept aiieptits c < < ept eptthe
the I ie iiiii idIIatiuti tiiiii deli Ihonirli It I mv n lie I s sIlt illia 11
a I a fi > ltiB of r i > er > o ttl regret It I IF I rare rs that thatone Ihaln that111C
one ie in I n M I ii > o4ition it till ton l ii nre C r rC in II I Is r I us > render dr th thI I hi hicliii
I ihlii 11 cliii ni h 1 a ilimtere ted ter serVice lce 11 and nII nII11Ih ft i ititl is isstill
still 11Ih perhaps tiempia is rnnre 10 tare 11 I tint the I I ii st 11111 > iortillittt iortillittti iuri ilitti ilittiis
i is nirepled nirepledMr 110
Mr Ir Mnter 111 intsrus live I at III II Kjwt Kflth KflthIetreel 111 I
Ietreel Ir1 I
1 did said d 1 hut 1 what Iua any an other ullr ol hsr honest honestir
or ir r fair 11r minded lill man would II hae done donei m
i itir Ii Ill nrv 11TI inhiti IhItlIr IhItlIrLas WIT WITII rr rrI
II lla Las llalillllle Ihlll nf Ir 1f nil iLI7 1ST anal nl h wsptc ei uf urI
M73 f lilt II rrelllor tredltorsospar rrelllorI rdlo rdloa
iapnr ospar a Whitney V 1111111 lsttu y author atit Ihur retiding r111 at atIn II IIl altII
In l II OrII Iramercy I pin lll0tw In CM who wh wax for to tune tuneyiir ln lnYo
yiir Yo litor < of t Dating ng hit til hue tiled 111 n petition 1lill lustitioliit
in it I bankruptcy hllkrlll with Ih liabhle Ihill bras of r 11 11nr 3H 3i1iI 3i1iIOr IJ7 IJ7of
of winch hlh S3 SII 7u I i mHurei usiurrul llr and 1 IIKMI 11 11r iiuustsor
ofSISmxh or r s uhi h Me I ha hl hats sa n creditor rllr Itobert Inlrl Inlrltlr
Itjicoti tlr wtio h e HildreH Ilr i he given re n a I M 1iihtrul 1iihtrulStit nit d
state 111 Coiixidate Kruno rI iTJicj 1 sr < > f fwhich rhidl
which ttuiMt II u I i ic a 1 loan list n made su in l a i anil anilJioo is nt ii I Is
Jioo t1 s balnnuei hI of Ir n 1 luau 1u11 of r SI I Sou ci made J u uI I iihiset
I HUM i allltable llfe Assimatuits oenrallee lrnc Society SI SIIZ117
II IZ117 Sz IU7 I II loan Ia MIS mi I u policy loil ky i intere paid ho 0 1 to toSeptember t t11111 I
September 1JInltr IHIO lUl Kiiigluimloti llllhJIIILOII Trust Trl Com Company I IIsII IIsIIIuistlY 1
pany II Ilinglidmton li n < 111 01 N V V Jl 13 45si 45silii 3su balance balanceon halfll I
on 111 lii u iiotx 1111 of ti S 3iliau mm lUtcsl iMre I IIIMT IIr 3 3linn 1 1this o oI
linn I payable fo r fuir > ir mouth aft nf er sroil r duti 1 > I Ion I
on 11 which wha Ill ichi unit ll ii it i a pending Illdlil irtid In g in I I I I the I h hs Hroome HroomeCiflinty 11ln 11lnIY hirositiihitIty
Ciflinty hitIty IY Supreme IIrIIIImll Court Charle M Cleve Cleveland I Ihind Iv
land 111 tin Sl legal ssrviesc rvice rVII hmily tly llrown llrownSouthack Irl Irlfhal hIriwtsHOtittlack
Southack fhal mid 11 lohn I II I Agur fr n as trn t ruislee ruisleeter te tefor
for Clarenco Clii 1 rsmi rl Kugetix thrown Irn tli SU i each 1 I Ibalance I I
balance tin iii tow on a I note not given Vst on 0 accounting accountingof > 1 0111 lIt 11 big bigof
of theeetrtle of Kdward Marxh rh Hrown HrownMr Bro BroIr
Mr Ir Whitney hlt hu hl has been he known kno1 n as nn nnauthor nnIllhr iiiailt
author Illhr ailt tior and el litor r for twenty I went fixe fi yeir yeirHe yeirstie J
He I publihei Wrtkly rf Hpnrti f winch 11111 he hegne h hI hagays
gays I up iii I in IHHU I WM w afterward trri editor editorof hIl
of the Ih amatettr spurts port department of ofllarptr if ifharp r rlar
harp lar Wttklv n kl and betame editor of ofOulina offltittli r
Oulina In IK 111 lMl I and end ld wn woe vicepre virsireslcisnt ident of ofthe afthus r rIh
the Ih Outing Olln < Ptihlihing lIhlhll Company omI of ofDepoait nrS ofDeposit
Deposit N Y which went nl into the Ih thehanila thehanilaof hand handof
of receiver in April 111 11799 K > In I MHy HY lt I III Ii3 Ii3Maa > 3 3Max
Max II S I l 11 IMVun > evme wn was a appointed aipuointsclIn receiver receiverin
in the Ih City Ciy Inlrl ourt for Air Ir Whitner hln1 tiitner in inupplomenUry II iiiupplemntJiry
Ilppl8ntry upplomenUry proceeding lrlln < on a Judg Judgment JII JIIm1 I I
ment 1Rlrn for lI 4Sii i In i favor r or of r l Ir itt > r Chaile thaiiilesfrRutrneY tII tII1Rlrn
rUl r4IE1ls KKIIS Wi HUE II I ii I n 0I 1 rt mr II I1t1vrr I1t1vrrLawera irt irtIjiw W J JI
Ijiw I Lawera > er Promise lo nnrnfannd lumrnDnt the io ioem Cnmmrnl losprnment
em mmrnl ment nhen nhf hpn < a as e I is Tried TriedCRICACO Trlr TrIedCHICAGO
CHICAGO Kept HpI II I I Startling RllrlnJ I lusga < I Imn I Imove
move mn in behalf hhalt of th thA ten n meat packer packerunder pllkrundr
under indictment l before > hidg d lAndis lAndiswere j ndi ndii ld ldI
i I were r pretuiged prHced tnda lodI tndaAn >
I An n air of secrecy cy wan we thrown I around aroundthe > olnt
th the plans pllnl of orlbo to the defence dften by I Ih the attorney attorneyiworking 10m 10morkiD
working orkiD on the Ihf ce C
A representative prnlU of th packer Ick who wh whhl whoha
ha hl been n A party IIrly to the Ih council cOlncll at f winch winchlh
lh plan PI n of defence drn wa was a outlined oitnd declared dla dlaloJ
II toilay loJ tosieV that Ihll when h II I I is pre prnld ented in coijrt coijrtthe 1lrt 1lrtIh cnulrtthus
the Ih attorney alom for the Ih Government will willIw willIi i I i
Iw I Ii dumfounded The Th lawyer I who whnhlndhnl are arehandling aretiandhitig
handling hlndhnl the It r Il race e refuaed rrld to dlcuan 11 the Ih lbsletenre i idefence i
1IrnN defence l eing tilg > unwilling 1111 un WI 11mg that t Ih It t tie iov iovernment n ntrlmnl Oetnmeflt
trlmnl ernment hould get II any 111 inkling Iiinl of their I theirA11 h I Iplan
plan plI I IAll I
All rumors n e to ii I what It defence the Ihnpacker Ih I Iprk Iparkeni
packer prk will wi make mik spring arn from rrm gueM gueMwork Ill Illwk gti4work
work only declared I I lx lsvv vy r Mayer who whowith whollh whowith
with llh John S Miller ir I is at t th head hf1 of ih ihfwckem Ihk ttie ttiepasekerc
fwckem k legal llnl staff 11 Th I he nature nallr of the thedefence Ih IhIrn thsclusfenes
defence Irn i is recearily conlldenllnl fofltliruitinltwsn 11 < 11 be between I ¬
tween the iii h liiwyern and 41111hir their rlnnt It Itwill Itwill
will 111 Ifl not liecome < m public plhlr until nll the Ih lime limewheu IJI littlewti
wheu wti II I i hue mnde ld in court courtI 1M 1Mlnl1
I lnl1 niled Slate hlll Attorney Aur Sun MII and Ine hi hiojuuatant his hi4AI4nl I Iaaitant
ojuuatant AI4nl James Jr H Wilkerson tlkenu > n met lel At Attorney Attnmny 1 1Imy ¬
torney levy Mayer r at luncheon hmh Inday Indayand lodyall hoclayand
and all dl lllt dhacuwd cuaae V1 < l certain Cran pha phases > e of tho Ih pack pcckCT Ck Ckr j
era CT r ca C Imles n It win aid id at t the Ih end nf thus thusrvrnfcience I Iconference
tl tlrnttM
conference rnttM that Ibt there Ihr wa was nothing nhlnl for forpiiblicatloo I Iiihlkstioi
piiblicatloo iihlkstioiThe hi lt o i 1
The plea 1f will II I is M entered nld < l when hn th 1kw de defendant d drnrnl defendant
fendant rnrnl are f arraigned This I a not I Iexpected IIpf IeZp1l4 I
expected to IH be M until Int all 11 of them have havegiven h haregIven
given Ilve Ipf Ixvtda bd a oa a lha I he plD plan U to enter 11 one I Iplea
plea II y for all U of 0 them the covering oC the te eaUra tUr etfl i
WT c
j I Wilds Orientals OrientalsThe
i I
The Te art of rug rg making belonging belongng to the East Eastsymbolizes Eastsymbolizes EastsymboIizestbe
symbolizes the wealth wealh or of the Orient OrientDemand Orent OrientDemand
Demand from the West is rapidly depleting hold holdings holdi hddings ¬
i ings ings of old weaves from hand looms of 0 the people peopleThe pople popleThe peopleThe
The ultimate ulimate result will wi be a greater scarcity of ofreal ofI ofreal
I I I real Tea lTUgS lTUgSTe rugs rugsThe rugsThe
The Te name Wilds Orientals insures to you youabsolute youabsolute
I absolute abslutc authenticity authenticitybear bear in in mind we do not notmanufacture notmanufacure notmanufacture
manufacture manufacure these rugs rgsthat that the name nameuVilds Wilds uVildsI WildsOrientals sVjldsOrientals
I Orientals I means rugs rgs selected slcce by our experts expertsof expert
of years experience throughout t the far East EastThe Est EstI EastThe
I The weaves weave of the Orient Orent are fast disappearing disapparg disappargI
from the marts of the world worldlike worldI worldlike
like lke works work of old masters Wilds Orientals Orientalsbecome Orentals Orentalsbecome Orientalsbecome
become veritabfe mints to fortunate forunate possessors possessorsFIFTH possersJOSEPH possessorsJOSEPH1LD
EstafatbheJ Eratt t32 t32Altimm 8211ltan
11ltan Altimm Mtmnnt t Q Bn
t It I
3ifil JtftJ tu1I1 AUMIIW utUu 3 34ti llli mtl uul 35th tti Streets trrtth rrrb Nrm fork lork nrk
n I i tm HH Kst t n 111 111 t toiit o M r itn I I I If i iI Iprrt Is Isret
I Irrcx prrt ret Procter Wife I Is Cnlla tohiig OIIR In I II light flshlI lightfor llhl llhlfDr
for lr tier N4tIsM4I IInoo U this r rI rtNel
I ClS I ISfSN tNel tv ITI TI T Sept Se1 II It 11Th I I The Tit HamneMi HamneMivon n flsron flsronVon r rI
von on Khfu Klrll who wh i is the Ih wife r of r IVrrx IVrrxProcter PrnIror Prvlr
I Procter Iror lr cter III t In liuinnati illII11 1 tiliii t i nonp sii 11 millionaire lull 11111 I I i u itia u ri riI
I coming II from rrOI Kuropw Elr In II nn 1w week 11 t tilitiih Iid t1jUl11
ilitiih id the II t half hal hal f wi on its 1 xielorx 5 iii 1 or I m I I tom er t ft gti for fori r rI fu ir iriisr
j i her Sin Imlu I liitii ii it dnwrv dnwrvI iliiwrvh1rlwtr 1 1Irlfr
I Ihe Proctr Irlfr A dinilil 111 Mo ttsk < k I xii s Ii i iwn h hI iiWa
I wn w given rei to I I tht I ht ILimne I Li rntis by her h liuhin II I hI hIa ii I Ia Ia
a iMHnrlty for th I h lii dowrr I niw II in ihe iheluind I h tic ticlutiiia
i a IrI
i luind 11111 of r the Ih Judg II who wli h Im held 10 tb h ii I Ir > t ti 1lelaiii
i r IMIOIUCH 1lolt lelaiii ucs both his ii Ii to I u Procter I mel Cr illll t5 111 it I III tile vi viItitigs ifi ifiluilge
luilge 1 WIlan iNidtnin gavlhit II Ih l1I Iliniii IliniiiMini
Mini I 10 1 her bilmnd I u I al ii Ie to I n I i ilinni chic hI mu to I timki Illk ce up p alli allii mil milillM itohiii
I i illM iii 11 V siIi < l Ill t Ii dock I ittk n thiiv Ih I HIW so tit 11 thin riinI rl rlII thinhiss
I tin II hiss IHTII I usta no 1 lii mnlullLltloli rIlilltnl rrue lIi ha I iciti Fir Ihm lul I hui I IPull n nmil
mil 11 the i h ivee u tcs I lo I n 7 Ih I o rMiptiel the Ih t hi tlr 11 II it itwsek l lI
I w wsek k in I October I lnl fur r html Ilnl IIMH Ii > IIII n ntile I IIh isthis
tile Ih stos ti k kf
f NsAlf II lOI Il I ltl ItIIIIttItIs ItIIIIttItIs11st IIIIIHII IIIIIHIItllllie ml
tllllie 11st tC Illlur Illur III hit XiUlce thu hh ts lo I Hie Ih fa Vnl Vnl1hl mil milllnrlil cliihluurtt
llnrlil 1hl Mini It h has Ianl tErre tErreSI srrt srrtSuprim Krr1llrI
Suprim 1llrI SI lr tfl I flirt 1 Iu III list tl it Ilijur IhJI ltij e ir cli s Ii stil iin a iil iilIventerday I Ivostrday
Iventerday Iflay u I writ wil i ut > f lial Iaislusls I a iorpu rI ob obtamed I 1tis
tamed tis itied by I iv Mr Ir l ms WI1111 V iltiiltniini hlti I in 11111 Itnhl HIhl HIhlllr I tu tetu I m i i i f feflort ic icflsurt <
eflort 10 to I got III I ti ° cu iasioily lody of 1 hr h four r i dil dilIr uhut uhutlrti hit hitdreti
dreti Ir llr from rrlm i1 her htl IauisI b iiil Iheodnl Itt uh or t Itul HIIIa It i i I I In IIt
n dHigner I 1 Isi gtisr Ir ef t falilnli fast su Ills and a I il 1 ill II It tin t I ho < ilu ilull 11 111m i i U Uuum ¬
1m uum ll m h hit gilxi I th kirctii4 par n hIll hii ad lh iuls ici iciMr i iMr
Mr 1 Huehl I I hI i tc Mimg Mllre fir u I Mimralioti scrat 11 in inUenlchenter I Inll1
Uenlchenter 1 11 ehicst r loiintx nll1 1111 I sll l i ii stars nll Io I itt I thl thlcoiinlv t h hlnlv is isstinIv
coiinlv lnlv Int 1 vinr v A ar iiid 1 when w h tuti the Ih t Ii trial Ir1 t ruilflit cum cumon 11I 11III
on II before lutic 111 lldomian I I 11 I fltillSii n few r loWtetiri dax daxliefore I Ir
liefore r rhrltma I hrlII > he h uggitfd thai i the theiu II I busIiiisutnd
hlln1 Iiiisutnd iu twtnd Htid 1111 wife s Ir its olMrxi 11 i II lie holidav holidavwith hlo bihid4Vw
with w hi h1 It an old hi fa fashi hioned ions I i vlel > lliriitmii rs I lots and Id iid for forgel rnrh forget
gel their h diflerenc for lh I > ik nf the theihlldien Ih Ihlhlhl thisthihiieti
ihlldien lhlhl He I dUmiwd dhlld the ub h fne I seac seacFh
1h the Fh coupl pl haxe II two boxe 1 K I and II IIvear I itrears I Ir
rears r old olt and 11 twit girl airl I and I in II In I
hi his dect cleriahis loii ye yPstrtIAS teriutx Irla Itiilo tult 1 15 Ilijur Ilijurreferred IJlr IJlrIn ittjuirrusfrrrsd
referred to the Ih erp clsraltnn r < ilion 1 Mint sUits 1i and anr md mdIt isidIt Ir
It apieanng that I the Ih children are rs well welland wf1 whtand
and nd prorlv cared r for bv tho Ih fnher and andthat atisithat n1 n1Ih1
that eu < i far a as feasible thevareat Ih ihicy airs r II Ri ichool ichoolh ustioolthsy hn1 hn1tr
h tr r tiev thsy will l Its allowed I remain lnln with withhim truthhiitn h hhl
him hl until Int1 the Ih m nrl nerite ril of the Ih entire 11 < a acan I Iral arali
I can ral be I deliberately dlwrallv and nli flnallv nlaly determined determinedI 1lrrrin1 1lrrrin1u
I I on u ti a I trial or < < r unlil 1111 1111 tI u > w trcutnutunce 1rciitnsticttssI trcutnutunceriexelop
j 1 I haxe hl title It doubt that all al the Ih i he children childrenand ehitihrenand hillrl I
i and d particularly prlcllrly ito Ih girl Irl will wi I Is erie rwneI 1 erietltth
I lltetl 111 by h H loltr inolber tender In < tare added adrr to toa 10I tatfithre
I a fithere control 1111 rol anil nd I eaiwstlv rnII ijgcet euJgjeetto ijgcetj 111 I II
I ttoth the ih of r thiir Ih Ih11nnll1
j to parents > arent Ih duty sinkIng ir irapparently
I I app apparently renlly trivial Irvial difference tln and nd of pr priso prisottieiflg rlr rlrtlml c ctieing
tieing tlml 11nnll1 eelfarrlttce elf Ir acritlce rril for lli II this dominating rnmtnaUllj dominatiiiginterests I Iinterest t
I interest of their children rhid who ho are a both bothlattrarlixeand holhI
lattrarlixeand I I attractiVe tralh and promi prmiin prmiinI prmiinTI pritmicingTO ing ingTO
TO TI nrnni UTWI 1m wu o OCT at at4onimssloner IT t tommi II
I nmmllnnrr ommi loner l hrIsrstt rl e ll ias a > tin 11 > e rss Law LawWill lawYshhI aw
Will 1 lie Knforred Hlgnrotnl HlgnrotnlI I tltgorntsIomniisIoner onll onllommitonr
I omnit ommitonr ioner Driwoll Iri1 of If t ih I thus h Bureau 11a hiutresucit I i iof
of r Weigrtt WII4 mid uis1 I Meaure Mid 111 yeterd ylrtl yeatsrdsvthuit v vlull
lull Ihll the Ih new 1 law I requiring rIlrll the Ih weighing weighingof Ilhll
of bread would I I Iw I put 111 into III itit fore on onOctober su suflctoher 1
October lolr I ITlie Ifli I
Tlie nl law ha w will i I e tncMr IrlI 1 FIr Iv curried rr1 on iOuslr t I IMr
Mr Ir DriMoll Iri1 jesuit 1 ami 11 f th t ii luikir kr I Ido Ido
do not comply wltb lh it they iti h will 111 bo prow prowcilted Irc Irccu1 u uctitrul
cilted by I ll thi this ofttc nll tlIo A fine 111 of SItES 1 for foreach rn rnrh forchs
each rh violation vlolII inn a as well 1 n as imprisonment imprisonmentface mrinrnIta
face ta thoee Ih linker kr who hn do not obey tie lflslaw 1 1I
jaw I There Th will wi be I no lenity extended extendedlieeatiim etsiidedhecatluse
lieeatiim Ifnll all I th bakers hnk of the Ih city rl have havren hvnd havebeen
been served ryed with IIh notice notC1 Informing thrm thrmof thf m mnr
of the Ih provisions prn of the It new law lw < and andpointing nd ndpinln
pointing pinln out nll to them the 11 penalties flhl to towhich 10whlrh towhich
which they I ther r will III l he > ubjecled lhJI If they do co sb not nnlcplr hoteciniply
ctnpljr with Ih it itBeginning IIntlnrn ftflgannfng
Beginning ntlnrn with llh Ocloly tk lIol tobr r I IIO IomiolMiionnr IomiolMiionnrDriacoll tnrmamntelonerflrlaccsll IDtlonfr IDtlonfrnrlal
Driacoll nrlal will wi put flI hi hil his whole hol taff tl of in inpcctora Inplor Inpctors
pcctora to t work nrk on the Ih enforcvmeiit enforcvmeiitof rnrOfmlII
of 0 the t D D new w law lw I I
J L La
Hats Hat for Men MenOHHS MenD MenD
OURS BBS CO are show showing showin shoving ¬
D ing in for Fall Fa1 their ex exclusive excusic cxclusive ¬
clusive cusic sty I e in inKnappFelt i inIerbics n nKnapp
KnappFelt Knapp Fet Derbies and soft softhats softhat softhatc
hats The variety of smart smartshapes smarthape smartThapes
shapes affords an opportunity opportunityfor
for or the exercise cxercse of personal personaltaste
taste in the selection of ofa a hat hatwhich hatwhih hatwhich
which whih is proper because it is isbecoming ishecominf isbecoming
becoming becomingKnappFelt hecominfKnappFtl becomingltiappIelt
KnappFelt KnappFtl hats are made madein
in to grades graces Six Dollars Dollarsanil Dolars Dolarsand Dollarsanti
and Four Dollar Dolar by The TheCrofut TheCrfut TheCromut
Crofut Crfut Knapp Company CompanyFxpcrience CompanExperience CompanyExperience
Experience of over Oer fifty ffty years yearsin yearin
in the manufacture of fine finehats fne fnehats tinehats
hats i is sufficient suf1cent guarantee uarantee of ofsuperb ofsupcrh ofsuperb
superb quality qualty and noticeable noticeableclegancr noticeablccle noticeableelegance
elegance cle anc of style styleIn tyl tylIn
In Dobbs K Cos Coe depart departmcnt
mcnt of Hats II I al c for fo Women Womenare Vomenarc omen omenare
are exclusive excusivc importations of oftrimmed oftrimmed oftrimmed
trimmed hats and tailored tailoredhats taiored taioredhato tailoredhats
hats as well wel as smart hats of ofDobbs ofDohh ofI
Dobbs I Cos Fifth Fith Avenue Avenuemake Avenuemake Avenuemake
Dobbs t9 Co
b htwfD between twncn 27th and ad 24th 2t Streets tr

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