OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, September 24, 1910, Image 1

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-09-24/ed-1/seq-1/

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r 7 v t BATCTDAT SATv1DATI SETITVBCT 4 lain lainUnsettled Iltnt
I Unsettled weather today and tornorrowuIth tornorrowuIthshowers tomarrowwlthun
W showers cooler tomorrow moderate moderatevariable moc1ratcvl1ria
I c c cvi I Lj t 6itit 6itit1L tin variable vl1ria lc winds windsVOL windsI
vi virOl
= =
= = = =
VOL 1L IXXVillNO 1XX111 O 24 + 4 NEW YORK SATURDAY SA TURDA Y SEPTEMBER 24 1910 unoCop ccn riIlAt su IIIO6A n6 0 by t Sw 01 lrlIII Ithitigaad a < lIbl JibaMNgtPittsCUo mat 1Ii11 horfl M lio o PRICE P lC TWO CENTS CENTSH
H On O
I It II I I t II I tllKTt iiiirdiII T II > ll lln ItII
n diII II i lit it rut sii siiTermini luvI4D luvI4DeflflhIt > I IrH1I
Termini rH1I 111 Ivlatnr Kallf I ItIa 11 ami nd It Itaill Itaillvtlniil ItailltaInitt I Inr
vtlniil rter 2reat < Feat 1 In Tr ThC TrIn TrInn > ln lnIn I
In n lle IeIfiHI reiMl 1 at 1 llnina lCle ifllunl I4t Ift Ttirlll Ttirlllf rlll rlllr
f in Ine Mperlenee IIInr iTOOflEee lo tCMf oleel 1 In I tnth the Ih lr lri lrSC r rI I
i f litipiltXi I I in TMK T TN M S SV I i ili I
V li 1 M 11 1 Chavez ha1 uivpt and nll Pailleti Pailletit IAI1 I Iucrll
t 4 > v MUCVEftII11H7 uctf ucrll fulty flew fw aero ac the thev Ih1h I Ip Iitiiihl
v l p i t Ur Uri h I IIIhl
i n w unable IIhl to I complete mII hi hif hIt1 hlf
f t1 f ih thi hi h4 iiiv CU 1 He I fell f1 rear V It Dmiin Dmiini Im ImI
i t He I wm In Injureil and hl hil hta aero aeroPa ar arI aroI
I r I4 t 18 IRflI TId TIdI t tT
Pa I MI 1 T i I rt lfl1 > nded l At Street HI r but hiI went wenta wpthort I
a 1 < i i f 1 hurt lime In ami continued continuediwurd 11111 11111I iittiiuitiII
I I 0 iwurd 1 Milan Milanvv MtIiltfl1fl a
vv mtiii 1 made evt al ntliMiipt 11mpl t in inmountain 10I
I 11 mountain llall but hl wn wtSOfl obligid obligidMI 111d I
MI inn t < > deitcerd 11Ar1 raln ral at Hrigile Irlll nt I II aik
1 niAliifie mAb II1 it did II ki not Inl work ork orkr properly properlyiv IrOrrl IrOrrlrl
iv > r rl e i 111o tiavtu flit Ih Peruvian 1rlI0 arrnraiit arrnraiitIAI Iurral IurralItl
IAI verr hard Id tuck IIk He I II crot crtsd > e < l the thesiu hitSi li liIl
Si siu i F > ti I la Il I at nn 11 altitude al h illl itidt of T i fttt ftttni 1
ni i t u tieiI ed over or the Ih Kimplon tlmlon Kulm 1111 the theIi Ihl IhlI hith
Ii I a > I iak K 11 onif lt elgliieon tiulo li from fromThe rrul rrulm frtniffl
ffl m 4 O4I3 in fl Irly IrlyT I3f1t7Th
The T Th Prnirlan Plnllal decided ocdtd tn df t tkcnI cind nll at atpm a apm atp
pm pm p rn H I i ld t but 1111 a RII 1111 IIPI I of wind inI iN I3CI I3CIht > t thi
hi tnarhmi nr the I Ui h moment Iomnl nf alighting alightingf alRhlln alRhllnn alightingfla2
f n fla2 i fell 11 it a tutance of Ihlry thirty feel Tlie Tlienml Th ThIlnl
nml Ilnl i f fq ei n I bun hln and Inll Ixiti hit hi legi 1 < were werer writI r I
1K tI r > ro nhq rr I 1 Ft aeroplane II0n ntruck I rlck a v rock rockWill r rI1h ro roid
Will id < wi V llv Miia I1h tiasiid tiasiidt hed hedt I
t I V h < afternoon rrnoU lh I h vnlley s 1 iilI y nt ntBr atHri I I8r1
Br Hri gut wu Ntthed h11 in unhlne uluhll and nd thT thTwf thrtI 1 1WA
wf WA I > a mi under Indr th t ii Millir or tit thitnounti titfllGIItit3 h I ImGlnl I Icndilion
tnounti mGlnl n Sot for five fv fly day tay hid there thereIwen thtrtai
Iwen ai < u li favorable condition cndilion for a ntr afllh atrr4q
tr trr4q n ai ne n fllh light A kat lh Ihitvi roee n t th thrhvhtm tilrtv h ht
rhvhtm rtv t hn rn i i roar r rI r of hu hi motor Iur nhowed ho I hit hitlh hlI httth
lh I nit 0 > e wn n inrking IArkll regularly The Theur Th ThI Ttia
ur I a n f n ° in I wide 1 circle rc higher and andh Ind Indh
h in n mtii 111 wa 1 n tiny Iln 11 iqei tek k again againth aRail aRailIh againat againatth
th < v rioiiJ hanging hlnlili over thSimplon thSimplonPh I h timplon timplonI t4implon t4implonPAM
I PAM Thl ihti Ph n it 1Jpr1 dimppaTMI li ippe riil from view viewfi tiawfInwiflg Iwriml
fi iUwing riml the Ih line hn of Ir Vafioleon A road roadA rod rodI
A i atinc II nl ng were r pignalling lln111 Mitlon MitlonChive stitinnaa
Chive 1 a IIM 111 words orlt t > efore the Ui h Mart MartWinterer tirtWttibrtr
> Winterer 11 r hap hapiwna > en I alutll Ih Iw Iwfound I IrCund Itfcundnn
found rCund fcundnn nn lh I thaothrIof h oth nl hr r AI d < of lh I h > VIp VIpn II III
n I enleretl ntfl the Ih area Ala nlmve all the Ih Him Himpi Himrn Minipn
pi rn pn > n K IiIin ilrn 1m he h nmhiil into 1110 current llllnl of r lev levw Ir Irnr he heWfljP
w WfljP nito nr whrh hrl wvm trn 1 never n vor to hi rn rol t IHIWWIH IHIWWIHh Itwt ii iiii
h m inintaIna < i > mtain Tlie Th 1lalor ectalor at the theHA I tl tlIt h
HA It 1 > ti na tnnihted tnmhl a as th neroplane wntnk wn 1n wasitivit
tnk < 1 aixiiit allI Hhe ll lfl a lioit I IMi S m n n eeawav eeawavlliive P45W4Vbiz I
biz 1 with Ih miperb llrh fkill k11 fought rO1111 the Ih Cll Cllr eitreLa I IM
r reLa rt tacking And riMng aflr r Ach AchT h
aklnl I
> I a T < and od fall rai M 1 I in CI h wa Hipiinlled HipiinlledR 1111 1111h I
R o as the h Simplon Imllol Kulln KIIII ilmi 1 f si 1 nliuve nliuvelh IIu IIun ii Iu IutPp
lh tPp M t lVf I larri larrirhn I Irhn I Irn I
rhn cam th I h m 11 rnt it I TOII I Jiart urt al of ofhi If Ift r
hi hi t 1Iit > Kht lht Afler Arr i > tn nll iitg > itig th I old 11 ho hOII tloaPIr tloaPIrt pire pirei I
I i in Tie o to 1 IIIIMI 11 fe r t of r lh I Ii eakH > al of ofH If IfH
H I u chhoriiantl hhorn alll atil Monleo lontI ue with a liurp lllf hsirptit
1 < it on Ihe Ihl h Italian sitlt ide II of r f nomo EkimII omo
11 I i oj 1 only onl p I fet r uI > t above tlie II tli level nf nfIII r rI ftpi
I ftI I n tv Ih ttIIS 1 1I II IIt
1 1hIm
I 1 a I Ir t rii Il 5 lr r 01 dPi dPihim
him into aI viw W n ni I ttt r tin IhI I tI tItII i ilor
lor I Mood llod Mill II HM a tlnv Ih t Ii v niit id a 4 nut 11 11011Iaf v volpl Yolplat
> olpl 011Iaf olplat ne i from r1 ruin the I ttl irmi 1t11 rII IIM hitfti hitftithrough h 1 1I
through Ihr lh rhedrand rh UrnI ILivme ICII TIn Ilin t thrs thrstip hiT hiTup hrup >
up llanll I ni had 1111 thehi hi thrir h < enr reilireil reilireilnHi r I I Imn
nHi at a 1 man had hao flown I0wn over r the Ih lp Iss than thanthiiv 11 11h IIiIItIsv
I thiiv h AI HAW J him RwiMiping 8W1116 tlown 1wl nn Its the theMfniMt Ih IhAI VutIinst
MfniMt ml1 In i the II act ct of alighting ahleh mintilun mintilunit 4IIItIInICIt Illnl
> it wrong ron < Some SI think the Ih aroplaii aroplaiicw
I cw 4 > ied < 1 wliiln with hi other ot lisrs think Hllk thti Ih a gu giIt giItw 1 1ot > l lr
r > w nd ot ktmtk tt k it 1 jut a ii WA w < lightitit I1lhllhr sIttIititsArvwav lightititArvwnv I IArnv
Arvwnv the Ihlachm ma ttahint < hm fell r1 heav hih hihwll ilv ilvt
t > er when wll taken 1 from rm nrith th thr I V 1i 1iv
v r n > z wain WA n to d I tearfiillr Iarrlll lnjute Iljl1 Iljl1I < l lv
I He < > v I 11 in I a critic crlt stat tnte IAI in I the Iti h v illngi illngif III
f I it i > d 1 tl t I rec rlhaI retI retII > ve vea
> a > er I had lMen IHI In II I the tl air ir lilly II lulnutr lulnutre 1 1I
I > e met I will I hi II Iiia uiKhr mlhr He Her I ii iie
r e > tie IMinl Miint ai to which hih lie t I tiiii 1 with withU I II IU
U I It Iietit 1 At 11 lU li t ti tlducl 0 Ill I I the I P utter utterL UrL
L I i II I I I i riMwed the Ih hiinplo 1111 i Ii 1 ilm ilmMK sin sinS Imo
S MK o nfter 1r II havingif list l 5fl omplioheii omplioheiiIIIMI 11111 11111c1l1 II 11 SMIII I
IIIMI difficult c1l1 patl Jf jIfI of r hi feat the thetl I II IIIt
tl lie h tiimintnln 11101111 al a it great IrNI height heightt 11lhl 11lhlI
t > ll In isaars 1tne tt if r eight mile The ru h entire entireu oi nti ntiU
u I > from rrll llriii 11 lo I Milan 111 i ev vrsIy vrsIyahsr < nlr nlri 11 11d 11I
d i i iweather
weather ahsr I wa not favorable for
1 t t PId i iinri Irlj IirzlIsg ing u Ui there I Ir wu We4rfP < t tft
ft r r rfP t > 7e blowing 1Iwlj IWilI5 jllill 1 I Inl h hIntiloti I Ie
e Intiloti nl 1 I1a A WA veiled it III II han hant 111
t i ive I learneil that cl cIar ar weattier weattierI alhr
I I n 1 Ixith Ioth Mile 11 s of the Ih Alp 11 and andi
I > J > nk th I Attempt AttemptItmg alII alIIilt atttntt5ting
Itmg groind wa a s m tniiilow tniiilowS Ailow Ailowmile 10 10nll
S mile nll rror fmm torn DrgUe Irll and 111 at an anf a aV 1
f Mi 111 al meter n ra Above ea level levelk Ivo
> k I to n rh h air In good form rrl and andr anI anII
t r n I a > wrie of r xpiral until Inll he heelevation h hall
4 elevation all atuifl nuftlcient to enot rnalsiIt le
1 n ur I the Ih iaa HUM Weymann Ual had not nottart notIut nota
a > tart today but followed followedMMIII
I > < MMIII 1 a he I could 111 mak Ilak til til1V his
1V i f which wa 3 regarded rugarrlIasthstno rugarrlIasthstnoIsttennptt ArIfIIIM aitthfino aitthfinor Inl
j jS1IIr
r 11 ii tf attempted 11nllc waa u pet 11 for or any al MU7IandMeiitnshtr I
1 < i S S1IIr temtier ITandHeptemlMT I IandMeiitnshtra ano H I m I r I IA I
A t I hjI adhe litin > n potttponetlanumlKr potttponetlanumlKrf 1111H01 iot pnrkl a nll ntirnbtr > r rr
4 S > r bad a1 weather Ih and n1 lh lhi lilA lilAf
i 0 f the Ih municipal munlcp authori alJhol alJholf aijihortT
1 t i > Ihe 1 Ih rarv rA wn a regarded regardedt rjfld d dI
I l h4 < 1 11 iii ICI 114 CIIW Ih IhI iha ihao
o t > a height hi h of nbout tIoiitl hl1
j jii It
> ii t l elv 1 on leaving the theiinnn Ih Ih11n
11n iinnn 10 fl thnt Ihl1 al 1111 a Fititt Itilde f ft < r At Atn
n 1 ir I in I order Ir to I to clear cIH the Ih thI j jt I
t It
t b i dt Infr1 > tnleij anywhere anywheretwenty anh anhrv r rr
twenty rv r v mile 11 of r the th rocky rockySKTHM ry ryhl rnkyrs
SKTHM rs would hl iilniM tIvn 11 certainly certainlyt ralnl ralnlI
I hi h Th < racer r tzit t were r rI ti tiH In IntCC
> H I tCC t re r und 111 tsI km 1101 I nl II Milan MilanI 11 tiIat tiIatt5
I ti ll t5 Ilie Ih tt rt e llU 1 isst t be betiule h hmarkI htgl
tiule dav dava
a 44 < markl out it for r ihe iheWeni Ih Ihy th5y4
Weni wav 5y4 y 5514 n far rfll M Mi asas
i wm as ll in fa a asy y matter matteri 1r I Irai II
i a I railway rai and Ind wveritl wveritlI Ai r1 rdI I Ir
I i t l OMida xinokv firit firita lint lintI
I w r jIiitil at r rsa rsaji4
a ji4 id 1 it n sATVI rvii n of If r auli aulii Ill IllA ftj5titar
A i riiditie rIII > llieri llierit
t r Mrt r on I duty ti 1 IIt for rlr heho hehoii 11 11In1 Itl i it
t A ii In1 tirni nd lher wa nn nntrilling Il Ilthlll itgtttlrtg
trilling thlll ipparntii IHII on 11 hits Ihen 11
n I f I M t Milan 110 110I a iMphvnl iMphv
I nl n up 1 to I a height of off if ifI
f the Pii HerMlrnttie where wheret wIriN4 I
> iN4 t be I li timde timdet Ild iflhI iflhII
t vpt 1 i i 11 nt 1 A It l The Thetiding T TJne Ti TitI
tiding Jne tI n g < have h lit v p held a I ion iono i 1 I II
o k I li 1 Iat t nigh lli llii I II s sAIs
AIs i MH sitlfatlr fnctory rlrr nnd he heI ii iiS
S I I The fh doctor Will Willi wiltri
i Ma r hi his otrenglh tnlh tnlhl h htui ht >
l tui i whit bll h I ald I it aitis I
that when h he h arrived over the th h Himploi Himploi1na Hlmplol SimilohilInsS
1na Ia h hi ht encivintereil t11ml11 a 1 very r high hllh wind windwhich windwhich windwhich
which forced ror him hll to alter his court courtatttr 1 nnt nntleer nd ndr
leer r in the Iht direction llolon of the th Hondo Ondo gorge gorgeThe lorll lorllrJlan gorgc1h
The 1h aeroplane rJlan was carried rrrld along alongheadlong Ionl at atitoatilotig 1
headlong hI1n swqI > eed d Hwervlng in mlilal mlilalnnd mltlr mltlrnd niIdrand
and nd madly leapingaumetlmea 11 l pi I 111 for a dia dialanctt di diIn dalafl4 <
lanctt In of sixty lsl feet Heventl t11 tlmea 1m It I nar narrowy
rowy rwly fl Mvtped Pd being helol daahml hl to piwe piweon JI
on 01 the h gigantic IIlantc rook ro When Chavei Chaveiarrival laroiiarrlvMI
arrival over the Ih Vulley IIy of Doino 110 dOaaoli dOaaolihe dUMI
he h l IuvIvtd M ivelveit the Ih algnala 1111 madu for tutu lilnto hll tutuit
I to it alight l Klt And Ind he h prepared llr to de ilPCtlil ilPCtlilanti PI cen cenAnd <
And Ant had nlnuml nll1 rearheil 1 the Ih earth rh whel whelthe wh1 wltilist
the Ih accident hlnl occurred ur1 He I waa wa nnabl nnablIn ulhl ulhlI <
I In I U explain la slIII Idaiss Ilm II t liii calls > of the li I ht accident accidentDOMO acciiln1IIOUS clnl clnlUOO
DOMO nOAnotAHept no In JS Chnvera MV tight righeg rlht rlhtIII tightLg
Lg eg I II is broken ahoy I I and ald below blow thi thiknee h hkl
III knee kl 111 Ttie Th fractured rrh1 bone of the I th left Ir le leprotnided 11 11IIrln I IiOtflikl
IIrln protnided through Ihrlth thekin th skin H I lie U I bnii hnli1 hnli1a Ifl11t144Isuit et etnd
a suit nd Indent 111r111 nil over hi his boil epecliilli epecliillion IIUIV IIUIVOil
on the ib h HhouhlerN hUlhl Hi HIl ills goggle 101 wen wendriven wtruIrivn r rInvn
driven into hi h his now n III II ills face ra nnd tip tipwere lipwArt
were lacerated by h ptintered 1III r wood woodllRInrit wol wolI wootiIhittspt
I llRInrit IRhUI Switrerland Hwlrllld Ht to A14 < 3 T Tdeparture Ti lilt liltthiarttiri
departure ru of Cliavex from rrl Ilrigite IrIII v ssia ssiawitnpssI u uwilne I
I wilne witnpssI ed by I h the th whole hl population 1111111 who whcdiiplayetl whollla1 whoduplnytiI
diiplayetl llla1 much 11h enthiulaam phd 1111101 Ilwvw IlwvwItew ChvI 154VAhew
I hew nt ii 11111 Iremeiidou height hilh to IK lll houiit houiithurt > m mdOneota <
dOneota when h hurt the Ih control 1 commi commiionern vomnuissionrn mml mmlIlun
ionern Ilun and ul1 haver ehar manager 1alr wer werAwaiting w wwitll WtniItWaitiflg
Awaiting witll Lit the Ih sIxt 1 > t appointed I 111i I 11 It I wa wathought WitSthought a aIhllhl >
thought Ihllhl Shunt Ihll he h wiHild be I Ii unublt from fromthe rrmIh
the Ih ls imtiittine 111 ttiiI tlN height hllhl ut II which Ich he h wan wanflying Wnfyill WITflyiiig
flying fyill to I it alight Ihlll Hi II the Ih landing lalllli place placeKrnntio itlatl Ia Iatmlll
Krnntio tmlll l signs 1n were made In Il lomt 011 out outwhere IIIIIwhsr I Iwh
where wh he h wn tn come m down downthaver uiowishay
thaver Ihav hay began li11 todeeoendnot tn It u 11111 pefting peftingthat
that Ill a I violent wi I wind 11 wan I blowing hlnIII lower lowerdown iuwrrdown
down oon H si ut 1 the Ih higher bllhr altitude ulill 1 1enlist perfect perfectcalm
calm rll prevailed vul ittil1t1 He 1tlrlt tried to Mule down on onhi lullbbs
hi bbs plant tint hiI a 1 gu RII gust t of wind lllrll rough elutlet hI thf thfmachine I th thtiiehitit h h1111h
1111h machine und I middenly ii 111 l3stI > eel It I A it itfell III Ittt
fell r1 tt II forward rurAnl aery a cry r of liumtrHacrndnl horror sssctitltl from fromthe rnll rnllt frousihis
I the t his crowd which ruh nuahusi d to the Ih place placewhere pil pilI iulaAwha
where wh wha Ihe Ih aeroplane rilial nlmck itlnic k Ihe Ih gn Inlnl InlnlC grolinul grolinulthaysa > und undChavrx
I Chavrx C havl was token uk from rrln the Ih drbri Ilm and andretiioveil 11 lii liin
I retiioveil n 11 to a hnaplttl When Wh he h re regained r rlin1 rgnintd ¬
gained lin1 coiiHOioiltneM lllllln he h tlechireil tltw liirt thai h hwa hw isWas
wa w Was HUffering urrll great t 111 > alli ttu nnd 111 aul il It I i ihorrible Ihomhl Ihorniut
horrible It wan found rO111 that both I hi hileg hIK his hisi
leg i K gi were broken and Inl that tu1 he is hail hl1 A AI AIIAII1 aissu aissuSI I IMUMnlned
MUMnlned SI 151st IAII1 iti1 injurleM I tij ii nt to II hit hi a head ha hadilol I HI I I IS con condition uhlditso > ¬
dition dilol however IK I not 111 er rI ruI ruITb mi miThe
The Th cr l d I at n once oust IteKan 1 taking 1kll away awaytut aWayItits y
tut 111 Itits of the Ih ti aerult lr sitro5 a ass Miuvenir oIuquurratlythtr 1 n r Al Alreudythere 1 1rIYlh
reudythere i La talk ofereciiix a i a irrmoriil irrmoriilon
on Oi the Ih spot H > t where h1 hr have I fell fellThe r1 ftIruu
The Th Might fthl commit 11111 lent II for I Ir tsr > r Carle CarleufnmoiiH I Iarltis ul ullrlmOI
ufnmoiiH lrlmOI is mirceon lr tl of r M 11n Ian I toatlendthe toatlendtheinjurevl III aii iud t ho houiijuirtj
injurevl aviator I have s condition nhll I Ifairly irl Ifairly
fairly rl I r favorable rlomhl II Ills i mind 1111 i us clear clearWhen elsiirVliu I Ihn
When hn aked I I if r he h reuiemlHTed r WhilSt hll hllA H HWA itwas
WA A that caiiKed In huts fall ni he h MI 5UII d 1 Not Notmuch SII It Ituuulich
much Ilia I II is ein > rnure jr nt i 515 > 1 and 1111 tutu tutujuuI hi hipubw
pubw juuI 11 u uVeviiLinti I l lt
W t VeviiLinti pitIIItiti I the ttu h mericiii nrI entrant llrl m U III IIIfligtit IhIh this thist1irhi
fligtit Ih race n iicri the th h Mp 11 lls winil 11 up II nt ntUri II IIUriI iiiUriiu
Uri UriI Uriiu < ue HI II I to II Ik i ck k thi 111 this Hftertuxiii rlrl1 but butWA hhlWI tiitwila
WA WI wila rom r I I > elleil I I to I it come < down JWI MX u min minute mil tnintItIa ¬
ute Uler IIr owing IC to II the t h ISA high hlh wind will Cai Caiativit I Ial at atunit
ativit al unit DiifaiM our Iui fau ami fodeiil 1 sI i I havetakeiilheir havetakeiilheirmachinf hau t atiii I hal r ruiaehsnos
lchln machinf apart Ir and IIlil iut did not nll take 101 part lal in inth I Illl IIIVu
th lll Vu flight flightWeytniiin lieh liehYIII flightSty111
Weytniiin YIII ilti ipnckly Ii IL IC Iy made 11 I preparation preparationfur Irlrlul Irlrlulrur iuri ri I Ifur
fur a I frrili i stsrt I rt and 11 got 11 away I again IIII at II ittau
au 3 U iilook I lock but ul IM h iaint m > ilnwn IIwI again al at ats alrk at3ul
3ul s IK oclock o rk eItI Hi Ii Ills machine hil refused to toilm 1 toIsriIIl
ilm IsriIIl rlnl 1 properly properlyIM rlv rlvI
IM I II l VI rni r I H no iIIfIT KIT T lIED iifitCtrl lIEDtInI I IHrl
Ctrl I lUrlt In I tf Pfrfttrluurrs fler n r liiver lu qisarrrl qisarrrlIII rrrl rrrlun 11 11lII
11 II
un a M lII IIiHttI MI Itniit hhastttsiIr ItniitHetllr 1 11lr
Hetllr 1lr f i Illlieteeli 11111 Ve Yif n ild ildgill 11 11Kid LIiii
gill iii I living Ilo it I Vitiiii > eI5III 1 > trert Mmihtttaii Mmihtttaiia
itas a hol 11 b I > ne II i j MI wnilr nil tIt hev II were werewalking wrtwalisiuig r rIkl
walking Ikl together 1111 11 1 MUHHI lh Vf lrrdtV lrrdtVaflertuxm
aflertuxm t I Mhe MIS h i m II I II the Ih I lit Orl I irrman I r ii us ll llpilal I IIIitd
pilal I IHii liUIhurl I rats m biirg tIi rg und ti Iii I i in I in a eriou eriouiondilion n nnillol t1tt I Institioit
iondilion nillol Her lr M itiljuit < il4iit < apt und undo In1 In1rr
sit o far the Ih tI IMli Milice have ha nt Vs I even 1 iiiiit Ia I hilt hiltui l lhi
hi ui liiime liiimeChe hullslhu 1
Th Che young ult woman 1115411 11 journeyed t I > Mvupvih MvupvihyenlvriUv h hInly hiystrdav
yenlvriUv Inly to It it we Ihe Ih Voiilig IIIHII 1 who a hu did didthe slushtts 111 111Ih
the Ih hooting I i Th Thev walkei WI I I < ii 11 iu Irund Urlul Urlullr hiristitItrri Irundtreel
treel lr which W hlh i i the II I Hum li flit III th t It iimghfare iimghfareof tt t I Isf
of r MM uIssitis tb nml n tijnst i rue I 41 if I HI mu Monte MonteVerile 111 111rl Iiut Iiutvrril
Verile rl uveiiui I us vois I u 5 new I treel I rr t n t whuh t i Is no nobuilding I titittuuhllttij
building tllilI bnve 11 vet 1 Iwen I eret r te1 I I I 1 Ihu Ihuwire hev hevwrre
wire r tiuurrtllng lur1111 in I loud v ie i u > thev thevwalked Ih I lsvw
w walked Ikt When Wh they had gnlie 1 ulnnit tw twliliXU I w wiiluhi
liliXU 111 oil II the thu h lollelv Ktrerl tile I II Vltllllg Vltllllgwtiuiii vousuigI III
wtiuiii I ill I II a ri rII1 > niniliion IS I Ni II titti flr1 fi tlri l ne I u hi 11 lttt > t at ather HIIr is ishitr
her Ir Ti I lie lu bullet 1111 Iii si entered 1 trli I her h Ktilnai 1Ii1 1Ii11ra t giiasts giiastsI h hlieorgrt
lieorgrt 1ra I irg Sllllegmiller llllir HU MISI rurveli Vear Veariml
I iml 1 Ixiv hi V wlueM W h Iii IAS home hI ill thI1 i Ii < ill I Ii Mapeth 1111 lJ ii heard heardIlie tiout rd rdthu I
I Ilie ipiarreiing llarr111 and 1 Inistine I intereniid in inthe II III int
I t the hi rihlple 11 He I wiwr iii s the I I h hit 11 mid 1110 titl oaw sa I w the theVoiltlg li Its Itsvu j jyllt
yllt vu Voiltlg III VS IC woman wo 111 nit is full r1 Is I I and it ull her fimpanlnii fimpanlniiUilt i iii iii iiihisit
Uilt 11 over vr n fenie rll and 1111 run 11 awuv ui iv through throughvacant lruulh lruulhll tliriiugluistVit
vacant ll I I hit In II the I direction 1It1 of a trolley trolleyhue IrI1 IrI1I
lit hue I connecting Itnl with wlh New rk k Hchleg Hchleginiller SIIII1 SIIII11111r Mthslglii
1111r lii iniller uIlr got 1 Iolicvmnn 11111 lutl i ettuu Ii Melvin 1hl ttI l I ii Harvey HarveyHid lrv I I a r vy vyatuul
Hid 1111 isis 111111 atsilouliuuc ml > ulance liwik k the I ti girl Irl lo the theliopital Ilu IluIitipItai
liopital liopitalShe hlal
She t4hi h WM wits partlv rll conciui IICioll when hl the thepoliceman Ih IhliI lb1thieltnani
policeman nrnved suit A sPit he h guve 1 V her hername bartuatlia
liI I le
name 11 Mhe Hh ti aid hl shia he I had a alHler a Mn MnKruftky MrsKrafsky 1 1I >
Kruftky I raly living 11 at vii 111 Dumont 1lmonl treet strraIFisst treetKnt
Knt 1 Vew w York ork Beyond saying that the theman Ih Ihmn lbman
man who ho hot Inl nere waa Wil her lover whom whomhe whuuu whuuuaha hnli hnlih
aha he h had come cm from rrol New w York rk to meet meetthe mIAh mastabs
the Ah would 111 soy nothing lolhlnt alxjut thus Ih hoot shothug hootng ho hoII
ng II hugcITEE ngHTKK
HTKK < T I iui hIlIIu 11 ii > i nttKCK nttKCKHark flIIMRfloeit r n nRok
Hark Inland 1Inl Train llan In e Inla In Tarrrnl TarrrnlThrousn TrrnlTbrnugtu
Throusn roueh llrokrn Irokn Hrltlge HrltlgeI flrldgetitr1t rhIC rhICnnl
I nnl titr1t i rrov Knn IAn uept pt 23 Sixteen MIilaankuown MIilaankuownto 11n known knownnhedtid klun 1 1CI
CI to nhedtid I ha d uIuiut probAblrothem prohhl nlh tuthan kllKl and thejr thejrKdie Ihlrhcdl ttijrhc4hias
Kdie wa wAht he l away y and An eleven Injured Injuredthe I II IIs
I Is the li thi reult of if a rAllrrwd iro11 wreck rfk which hlrh look lookAC 10k 10kpI tookpint
pI pint AC on the rh Hook lland Ilnll lUilrond It 111 two twoml IWOmI twOmtli
I Iwhln Iwhen
ml mtli ea sash t nf Ibis hi plic J11 enrly fbi hl morning morningh murnio < I Ihritl
when h n n fat train lrlo ran rn through nn I open openiridge spnhsriuiga fn
iridge hritl into 1110 twenty fet of water waterNine wstirIfls Ir I ISin
Nine Ifls of th ueid have ha tveen Identifleil Identifleilmd hlnlldl hlnlldlanl I Iand
md even n are ar unknown Other Ulh fthbass tnav tnavinvo mil milMn
anl Mn invo Ixen wnahetl B sway ay by 1 lh torr 10rni toflnt toflntTb nt ntThe I ITh
Th The atrenm trrAn I is ordinnnly rlinllrl a dry I nrroyo nrroyoIn pno i ii
i its In l lwit eil thirty Ihlry I fast r l hlw > eow the I h ha rail railixiil rai railati
ixiil all bridge bhll Early rly laM night a aIs heavr heavra hvan
Is a an n I ell r and an the Ih I Is ordinarily Unrl dry Ir bed 1 WAN WANoori w wfll I Ip4015
oori > fillet fll Tt five bridge hrldl wan w quickly broken brokenp Irkenlr
lip p anti nd earned nurfl away awayShortly AarShurly uwa uwaMIsotlIy
lr Shortly Shurly after I o clock cok thus II fut I took lck lck1lan1 ItockIslitniI tookland
1lan1 land uuteenger tram I ril from rrm Kan Kansas aa City Cityo 11yI
Iralhn forty mlli < an n hour houran hiotrrats
I ii o Denver travelling rry mi hoar hoarr
r rats an into the rh gap Hie rh locomotive IKllolvt ten tenler Inr 150ilr
ilr ler r nnd RII luggage loutal IJ car r dl thiflhIfAIWJ np > eareJ entirely entirelytnder flllly fllllyIIr tutirIyunlr
tnder IIr the his water and 111 the ihuangiflrcr engineer llreman llremanpMggagemait nm nmtljma firamantitggsugrmZi
pMggagemait uiil 1111 conduclor n > ducr were all alliiMHtitly iiiitsutuatuhly 1
iiMHtitly 11 kill kIltii kIltiinssskar l lThe
The moker which wil Mopped on Ihe I II brink brinki
it > i Ih > teet taIst > coied tI by 1 tin1 Ihc hls chair air car araIIIIY araIIIIYI ar ami authjss many manyi
I jss i i tiRfpi wfre r killed 111 outright ollrl < hl Othem Othemtere Ulh UlhIh
5 tere r thrown I Into th lream and nt drowned drownedWih ifruwnrdstu rnNh
Wih stu h the III exception In of the Ih la ht t Iullinaii Iullinaiihe IIIra IIIraI
I I he ii enure f51 I Ira tram IrAI I rails left the Ih I Ii track I and 111 the ther Ih Ihr I isa isa5515a
5515a r were r pi 111 Ill In n heap heapThe hilTh
The Th little hii i treiin > lot If it I Itt water aa a rapidly rapidlyit
I all it ii I tit me m and nld thin Ihl afternoon rtmIK Ihe Ihenvine Ih Ihr thravitu
nvine VU wi prncticnlly nlrAI dry Ir again againIVUiB Allin againitig
IVUiB itig nn n it its nuuia nl I in the Ih centre t wa w was Ihe IherxH Ihaiosotnt
iosotnt rxH 111 > tni > tivi > VCPIMI qrs r the Ih It cab Al wa was the Ih hig hignge hl hlIA 1mggag
gag nge MI s fMwn kwn stream for half a I mile milehe mll mRstha
IA he h dead and 1 injured IJlr1 were r found rnr1 and andetnved antiratflYti 0 0I
etnved tn I impr smprnviswl vi et hopitil None Noneif on onr
of if r th his known knl1 dead I or Injured IIJr arc r from froma rrm frompast
past a II t uf r the hl l Uli iLuulpph ALIIPI H4ippl j
iv IXI 1 rur TiT TlI V4v V4 SIIK SI sii IIKIVKI IIKIVKIHint 11 iiigrINull
Hint I r rl ri 4 TIIU TIIUPir TlIfl4tS TlIfl4tSPaIr
l Pir PaIr lr I liil I a Now MtMteme Mhm for Nohblni NohblniApatnirnU Kohihini1i411n15lts olln ollnlmH
ApatnirnU lmH nhlrli hid n flrittI rked r Well I hI nn nnIollce and andlolIcs nd
Iollce 11 Fount Blmte 1Q rrth rh at lo loIn tool toolIn
In Rom ntxnan an Put Pl tp p Hard nr Klclit KlclitHeCAtiAe Fshl FshlIlaA FIiut13cuiA
HeCAtiAe IlaA Ixtuiii lt11 Wolf Wol and KAte Powen Powenure Po PoIr
ure Ir Mr uch Ih colleotorn < 1110 of Antique nlq and 11 or orjlr oftisotlsri < > l lmodern
modern jewelry jlr imli indiiscriuuinatly criminat ly ttv ttvtiurgUiotliarge ihbitrgla h htlal
tiurgUiotliarge tlal bitrgla r rjtuirgs hlrl Ilint II were r lodged Imtl1 Again Againl a againstboth < aln1 aln1Iklh
l olli both < > f them in II the Ih IJronx Urnx dtectlv dtectlvbureau d1tlh d1tlhIIINI dtttetlvtyastarulay
bureau IIINI yeMerday are re nut conaidered cnldr1 l lIhe by byII IT ITthu >
Ihe II thu IMI it tli ion to It In in any n way llbellou 11101 til tilthe ur urI ofI
I the Ih character hrdCI of th twain Th To llnuii llnuiiar Ins
I ultltthas ar a only onl aurpri rpri1 > d that wulr wulrI oll ollI
I A I Iower wound Nn1 alory IWr worker rkr tin tinnut h11 tututiut
nut 11 already ndverti Illvrl1 iiiiyrthussi ed a full r1 clearing sal salu salthu al alof 1 1r
u of r thu I hi h Iiodd ens cftl 11 article nrter of r vertii > rtu rll which w wt r rfound rI rc rcthu
I found rII1 in their noun 1n At 811 e Fat 1 nitli nitlitreet 1 Iailhislt lh
slt treet tt after Ir theirurrettt theirurretttHUH Ihlflr1 Ihlflr1I
I HUH Ii I firm Irl lust h indulged Iltll1 itudsul ei noun Ir iiiiUiu iiiiUiui IlhlU IlhlUi u hlsiushuul
i i melhMl 1lhI huul luslui nf r bii IJin buuainss inn i Th h acorw r of r rob robherie rihuiaritt I Ih
herie h in I ti The h llronx Irns a which wlu Ichu the Ih t Ii tiritu hrllh hrllhI ira mb mblt h hdel
del I live ti burxiii nuw luW lay ut I the thu h door nf nfthiK ofhiss r
111 hiss thiK bu Ituusy v efhli astiilistustut hlhm11 hment were nil 111 limit ulu itu liy liyIxtli Iy Iylbr livI livIII
I Ixtli III Ii Ii member iii lbr iubrss nf Ir i if the II I linn acting 1le isv I iii g In II con conif culuPrt 1 111Y
if Prt rt They 11Y acted 1 onct t MI ofttm illS > in Sep September HI HItmlr M1sttiulst ¬
tember 30 n wilds whl ihey were 1111 pu M > r umling rsussiiinglra > umlingMr
Mr Irl lra Julia Jlia Sherman Hhnl of Ir IM 11 llmwn 11 place placeI isIa isIaI II III
I give th them Ihfl n ulIfl5thuihig > in Ilhll < > tliliii fur nothing 1hhll nut all amidI nuttherein
I therein I hrI lay la the I thu beginning llmlila nf r their down downfail 1wl lwtufall I
I fail failMr rai
Mr Ir 1rs Sherman Hhrl came 11 hum hI frnui rrll a whop whopping stutsisuug hul ¬ I I1llt
ping 1llt suug trip in 1 the Ih Afternoon rlmMI anil alil when wh h hopened ht ht1IWIISI
opened the Ih door of hr flat f1 ab he h met tt u I nun nunJUM rn yuanJust
I Just JII coming llln nut II Ho I II grnhhed hr hy hythe hyIh bytts
the Ih Ann Aln pn pu4ust hed h luar < r uide AMI alll soul M sturtd sturtdtt Irtd IrtdI tried triedto
to I tt go I up I the Ih nttir ir in I the Ih direction IlroUII of r the therMf Ih Ihr lbsrwf
rMf r Mr 1 Sherman hI Marled after him himAID hll tillflshiul
AID shiul JUKI then Ihl A youngnnd rU11 vuiitig 1111n stud not had hIIIII looking lookingwoman Itisk slug slugwounahl I
woman om whom the Ih hnuneholder hIhulIr h h1 d n 11 11lliIIIpt mutt muttnittiei it itnntifv
nntifv lliIIIpt I Atepped iiilcklv Ilicklr up l to Mr Ir Sher Sherman Stuoriii hrI ¬
man I iii Vu mill 111 is isil Ihrevr Ihr I Pu rsr Uith I ii Pu runs it rm iil iiis > oiii 1 her herwal hruil liarwaist
wal waist uil t
Now S calm all votirwlf r lr my muy dear madaine madaineB 11111 11111lal1 muuailauusoul
lal1 soul B lIsa h > irinKT nlr liiNt lt 111 ilnn onl i make makefit Inaka II
a fit rl fuss anil all tervtlilnK rhinl will il turn Iln nut 011 all allrlKht allrllhl allri
rlKht rllhl ri glut He I has 4 Just going 111 up i I In c hi th I hi rixl rixltn rr rrI ri riI
tn I got 1 u htilo h nlr rou I know knowMr ll ktsswt
Mr 1 r Stivrnmii hrlll als fmiRht fi iu ih gIst IT t t h I ha < iiiiMihmte iiiiMihmteIliiltratv iiiiitli I Ill ctps I Ial1 II
I Iliiltratv an al1 aiit I iimiiJiKtHl 111 lo hi n 1 gal up ui l < > the theop tbai h hI
op I door n f tho tI I alII1 ptrtinriii hi h huittu i < > Il I I timr timrto 11 111111In
to B ih I h I Igs K tf t ih iht h tnali 31 imniilrr I le ill illipearuitc ilk ilkappearumig I
I ipearuitc Irll hriMinh hn h ih I h cuttle cult utl I m mrc I Irlr to toroof
rc rlr roof jf Wliwn 1 ab hi h > ti 1 jt4 > to Ihf Ih roof r klm h hI hut LW LWthis i ilinl
this I evtn lag I MiHii h1 011 slt lie h rvturiMil rot I I uriiol n I to I lift lifttiwn hrI
I tiwn I tlixir I then Ih wuj in is loiiKpr 1IIr H I wmiiaii wmiiaiiMmre wuutaiuI I
Mmre I 1 liar Mn I > ihrriiian hI1 tuok an I iitvfiitorr iitvfiitorrof 1IIn 1IInI
of r liar l 11111 iIaigssig > eoiiKili Mini 111 tsl fnunii rl lliAl I h Isa h hwa hw tus tusw
I wa w shut hy ly atxHil al llnl I worth r h of If r JtwrlrA JtwrlrASh jtWtltVSlut
Sh rvHirtmi rWII the II rolilwry rhl In I Ii ih t lit branch branchtltHvul 1IIh bratnhuIaiaiAhr
tltHvul 1 h > 0 iMireau 1M 1 Aliil 11 < Rve a a UIK 1 O TI TItion
thin In of uithlu r tli h luau lal and the I Its h woman womanTh woutuajiZtu Olal
Th btirrau IIa Iwatl recaltal led many IIUT nimltar nimltarcoiiiilaititn ainuUarciltiipialtuto Inlr InlrCIIil
coiiiilaititn CIIil mwiveU I rwvantly 1nily which h h1 hailIl < l lall
all Il lotied the I h of r
1 tiMut 1111 pntomiv a woman womanIn wln wlnIn
In mm a ine 1lill lsirgliusg irntnt job He I II M asslgti < lal1 lal1111h HM M d two twolUtevtivr wit witlstptttyri
lUtevtivr to ti out II and 1 look Iok for Hie HiefiMiple t h hrlI lit litiuiuIik
fiMiple rlI Pie 1 lii ileieitl iSa < e > thiMiKht I they I h hud hudlivatf 1111 1111AII ItiuiliatruI
livatf AII l the Ih lrl > aur ir on 11 tVotltiastiv mltie < lay I Ih IhI itity ititytloni he hefnllo >
fnllo e < l tliern I I > the Iii hMiM hI > in I Ka Vat t ntlh ntlhtrwi I i1tmhuat h hIrI
at trwi IrI Hinl 111 usi hail I triiis M III 1 to it MM 1 that I ilown ilownlli 111 istwhias
as lli I h lit < > r tsilitit < idpii II1 < < H of Ir tht i I Ii > two I w Wi whom t h0 hionu thry thrytiinief1etl Ih itsayI
tiinief1etl On I It Ihnimlav hay 1 irmlil irmlilthe I risukilmba 111 111h
the h woman lo I it t 11111 > awn hop tnt n1 saw w hr hrreahn hrIal liarrslit
chain reahn Ial tin I n > luld 1111 iuiIis ruit rill an tiii el < l u lixkri and andchain 11 11haln itniiihsain
e terlUv ttfleriiiHrfi rlI1 a I o oloolc oloolcmAii 10 II IIm thumail
mail m anil II ooinan s 11 lnittI PaCt their I Ilr lits r apart as mnit nnil nnileni is iil iilit I
it eni 1 up I into aI the I tht neifhtmrluMM ohlu of r I77tl I77tltreet I7M I7Mh iTiat
at treet the 1 h woman m1 wore DO 0 hat The ThelleteltlVnl Itislatttlvi h h1
lleteltlVnl Atrll atehisl l t IIm tliatmu llf III ll huar < T r MVerjl MVerjluMtrtmetil varai
uMtrtmetil arl 4 tit 1 1 nutst hoiiw hI hi tai fannliurlr ralharh fats ill itirl t arm a 11 no in I Ii arm arma it ni niir rti rtias
a as If I t hay t lUetl therein I latattu Tbr The fart that I the theoman Ih Ihmn I Is IsS
S oman wn w 54 hareheailttl lH IMr re out I IIli thi thiKUIiH t 151 151gui <
KUIiH Ili gui if r I I he mlllliale 11111al tnt Ittuat flat ral ll dkrs dkrsI lrr lrrIn
In I t the Ih t Is hallway hI > J t a I htmne 11 ut II I7il 1 1 lrrvt lrrvtami trtiihii
ami Nenlnirv llav avenue ilie I I Is dftecliveM 1111 ar arrented Ir IrIin Mrrist
rented rist ad lh t hi IHO t i ii 111 I liea he woman milan foliuhl fill I gut like likea ll it k ka
a tlvhvkife rlI ttaIiM tf r Ko I li ittui > leiit Wits BI au h that I I one oneof thitof I I I
of r the I I lit delntittni lII daliit it as hud til I ii put 111 the II t tratinlr tratinlrhold trayigIoluitli alll
hold 111 I on 01 tier iMfori lrfi ra 11 Nh chsshil < < > nM > iiied sti lo I u wait waittolhc sii siitt h hIltol
tolhc tt Ito liearent Iltol atrot l 101 > ol 41 t the tl I tUtrf tUtrftixe 11 uitturaui 11Ih
tixe liiireail they Ih x 11 gay the Ih liameH 11 men mentioned Iflatit ¬ i
tioned t alMite II Mild 111 tiil nddre iiddrsass t e whiih hih wen wenfilliltilv warfist r I
filliltilv rllllv fist italy falx rl r Pitt tth 1 drliieil all 1 knowteilKe knowteilKeof I
of he h other otherWhen it I hr hr1n liarsan
When san Ihr 11 room r of r Ihr I twain were wereari wrrI1 wartsgyiItrtt
sgyiItrtt ari rI1 IIM the Vhs I dete 11 dhtclivts < tie f iitnl articled ald of ofvalue ofyaluua r rI
value urttcreKMtiiiK Ilrjlll tmsg miifh 111 more lr than I hal tl tlAtnulur SI SImI < isu isutttihiV >
I Atnulur mI the uhs trmkelM Illk were r h hlr lf u iloeu iloeuliver 10 10hr loityusilver
liver matrhl 1Ihl titateiuiioas > oe one Oi 01 uf tf r which wluI 111 t WM WMmarket WittliarktMi H Hmlrk1 <
market mlrk1 F W Sep s t ll 1 itt4 > 4 four fourllecklACeM rllr rllr1tIIl fiuturtutcklacrs
llecklACeM 1tIIl oil ll > lllMV IINI f alMlll 11 I
tunall 111 pe plr pausri rl a ouitsrst unt IIIr1 > ur t s nh II h a I larxe < this iliamom thisIflotuil la lamoI
mom moI in It I he 1 ceiitri lIt r ra u diamond ii IIIJ IIM Ii tukat ket and andchain AII AIIh1 atuirltain
chain h1 and 111 a Kohl 11 l raieet > Uith I itt I bu marked markedp lrl1 lrl1I
p H I M l lue Ihl > enamelled fonrIP watch Ih a hreaxt hreaxtpin hT hTIin iurratsiuu
pin Iin siuu wl oilh lh utlu u large IWanl > earl a ring rnl with a lh Ills thr lia liatIIt thratnarald > e eemerald
emerald tIIt in I the lI filing llna an MtuHhyoi MtuHhyoihrcx antusttsysltoocli 1hy 1hyhrDh
hrcx hrDh ltoocli > ch mirrnundeil IrlIId by diamond tinloo There Therewere 1t 1tr flitiiware
were r silk ilk handkerchief Kohl a1 polnteu polnteufountain IMlnl IMlnlrllnlal tolntttfufouunutasiu
fountain rllnlal rI rus vit and In1 raror mnumerable mnumerablen InllrAhl
hi n 1 tipiiini lill layout wits I among anlnl the Ih inlerm inlermin Inr InrI hntarostng
I in tng IIJfI object di dusiiarpd dusiiarpdTill ii fred fredTin r rTI
Tin TI nito ItIWtISItVl W is ritnn n nrit 1r1 ron ronCunimlMlnnrr TII TIItncMlen TODDengPlloo
tncMlen engPlloo CunimlMlnnrr Ma I las tleen f Kx Kxamlnlng v K Kamining
amlnlng Tenement There ThereCharle Thanhirls r
i Charle hr > hchaefer thrr Ir chairman 1nAI of the thelommltten Ih Ihmml toiotnnuitts
lommltten mml on hotiMiig hIIIj regulation rIIIII01 ragislal inns of ofbuilding or1llllC oftouhiditugs
building 1llllC and nIl locating lollll new I Itl salt ettlernenlM ettlernenlMof tatflihitI tatflihitIof
I of the Ih Sew aw W Anrk ork City ly Congestion lonlln I luO1 om ommlMdon unI
I mlMdon 11lon in il company tmJlnr with lh other memlMn memlMnof mml mmlIh
of St the Ih committee mrlf and ld with sit 11 is n building buildinginppeclor 11lclol 11lclolIlnllclor ltuuhliiingI
Ilnllclor I inppeclor A ita guide i1 viiied Th < Hronx HronxyeMerday Irol IJrnm IJrnmyutstuly s sI
yeMerday I rla nftenioon arnlon The Th vi iII it wa in inaccordance innecurtianv
AlltAn accordance with lh a plan of the committee committeeto Nlm
to galher data Iat on how tu people Joll live In each eachof assetsof 01 01or
of the Ih five liv h lM Ioriiitba IoriiitbaOn > riMigh riMighOne
One On of Ir the Ih Is tenement vUited wa in inFact il inFast
Fact tll Ibrih I h Mreet Here Ir th I mve 11 11aro intasti intastigatoris li ligator
gator aro found rOlol1 a til I 1 4 a month ttuflflt nll Ii M Ifrtmnl Ifrtmnlr alurtmantif rtmenl rtmenlnf
nf r four email Imal rootn rff one on n u I very r finall finallkill 111 lussllki I
kilt ki kill Ishatu hen which hlch IIOIIMM iii tisatl u man lan hi Is is wife wifeand witatid Ir Iranl i
and anl eight lhl children In Il ihe I h us name a neigh neighliorliood nlh10rh naighiloriiool
double 1 tenement liom liomwith Iuouiawilt
liorliood 10rh > I VUM a lnlnl hOI hOIlh
with lh flflynlti Irlyln ApitrlriienU Allrtnlt Cotinting Cotintinglive lsttfltlhgliv nlhlr
live Iv liv irsohua > r on an an average vral family rami Mr Mrfchaefer Mrbafar Ir IrIhlrr I
Ihlrr fchaefer flgtiretl rJI1 out II that fhll there 1r were wereclow sariIosi r rrlo
in I lh I h build building luiildlug
clow rlo lo 3 31J > persona living Uint 11lc ¬
lug which hllh wotildgivna Woilih Iiv givs a denily IIii of ixiiuln itstiiIttItoh I I ICo I Ilion
Co lion of nearlv IUM lo the Ih It acre lr Hy I the thereriHiii lii liieflaiii h
reriHiii ol IVKII I Mr r Srhaefer t1arr aid Ihf Ih IhI florWar re rener
War I < 1 twentylhrie block hi having havlna n den deniy I Isill I
sill > iy of fr more Onr than NIO 1W I to the Ih acrti and andIwelve InI siniltwuivs
Iwelve with lil a I ilenilv Ifnlty of im Ol or over Of OfIhe lf lfthe I Ih11
the h11 212 12 tenement m The TI Mrotix Orola for which whichihn whichflati
flati ihn wen I fileS with ltlh lh Itilldin Ihhlnr IVpnrt IVpnrtrenl iiarlnint 1
renl On 1 lietween I April Iri I and ali Iine fm I 311 3 of the there h hrnlr hs hsprrsn
prrsn > re rnlr ent year Mr Ir Kchaefer Idrr added locJ Id I Ir were werenf wsrhf
nf r cix LI ftorie Iorh I2 12 l2t < t were fr five n lhi tonr lorN o orour D1 D1Iorl 9fisur
rour start anti Inll only three hr were r of three threeIn thf bras J JIorl I Islori
Iorl In height heightIIOTRI hlthl hlthlInTrI haighthOTEl
t I b n I w terrlr Htm Iu u Pran rnl v AUtlen AUtlenW 101
I Is W t mlavtm I f Ya Vail I > soass gates II U tail N ag agS p U
ntiiK 11f trjorrn I Tlr TO in is IKSWM IKSWMMr R T TIr
Mr Ir Taft Tr Tell Ron Mr IeII Pblsl lie I M Ho Horf 1105 t Ttiei Ttieire Thqrairt
irt re rf lllher tlhr Thing ln as 1 l elrable IkatralilnWLKMATI > elrableCINCINNATI rbl rblINCUHTI
CINCINNATI INCUHTI Kept H 33 21 a Imidem Ta Tathe TU Taftssittt1
ssittt1 1 the city cly houao hO uf refuge rru for it itUjya I Irrlgibl iii iiicorrigibli
corrigibli rrlgibl boys h her rt this Ihi afternoui afternouiTlie aftsrnsuuuuus rrn1
Tlie n boy Il pawtil in review vi twfore Iron 111 111I Ih1ldnl ibtu ibtuPrroidnt
I Ireaident sang nl iNttnolio Illnulc songs Jnp and nt now nowof NiflhiII ml
I of them Ih tthook hok hand son with ih him himMr himIr idnuMr
Mr Ir Taft topped IOI In one iufl lad lo and nd aitked a1 hit hitwhat him himwhl hum humwhat
what he h wanted wlle to t do to in lift r M 1 want all t tbn 10 tobi
bn rtvident 11011 of the Ih United Unlt Htaten lt r rplied rpl1 rjsliuuh
plied pl1 thus II little 111 11th fellow rlo iwriuualy iwriuualyThe rIUI rIUITh
The Th Invident took ol the Ih IKIVK IHI toys remar remarMil rmak rmark rmarksalts
Mil 11 Ihe Ih salts 1 MTIOIIM riu spirit Iirl that lial it i wa waUttered Wia WiaI
I Uttered 111 and I ht hi hi wait thinking Ih nklnj of r It I who whoIn whIn
I In j admnaing the Ih boy a little lll later h haaid hil hi hiaaId
aaid il
There are A place pi that givtt ah more lur happi happilieNa hIIIIf
lieNa If 1551 lo l It men OI than Iremdent lnil11 nf r the ll lnltei lnlteiStall Unl1 Unl1MI tiiitedMtatois
Stall MI It I In I enough nIMh for you 01 to 10lu grow ii iito mug mugtsi
to t II Is > e good men f and nd women wOItn lo It IM I always alwitvhonent alI alwaysIiotsott
honent hull kinillv klI and 11 to t do 1 nght nlhl Th ThMatUfactioti h htaul iueitiafmttuuu
MatUfactioti taul that 111 you itui can 11 get from r that thalife Ihalur thatI
life ur I I t i much lwh greater than 11 I what w I list vou vu 111 woiili woiiligel w 1111 1111tt issi lii liigat
gel tt by y tieing Iila Irealdeut IrealdeutI IrIII IrIIII
I don 1111 t know kllw whether I cull I colivei coliveito 1
to I vou Yu lll is the i I lii thought i husiu ghi I that Ihll I tuit I centra IU uurs into ill I ti ii s tin tinmind t Is Isii
mind 1111 ii iitl of f every varv r IllrlI lilt wtrinllo I riot lit mull 11 who w ho houitt I Ihr eei eeivou
vou here It I I I IM i ii one I of r tendereM 11 I r I < t > n nKidttration 1
Kidttration illrlln for von Ul ui and 11 the Ih variieat rl1 wit witthnt wish wishthusit Ih IhIhal
thnt vou U may tt I rl rtiuo nlxve IMv the Ih iiiUfottunei iiiUfottuneivou 1111
vou itui haveMifTeretl 1 luit suifloru llfr1 I and III it nl Improve IIn I hit I ni lheopM Ih IhlulII I Is isjisr isjisrt > r rIllllltl
Illllltl lulII t hum t Iti given Ilv1 gi van bv lt III I It eMtnti ul > vou VI vu ii iiliar Imv hl i ir
r < lveil 11 here hereThe h hTII liarTi
The Ti IMIV fhetreii the Ih Irenitlelll heartlll heartlllat
at the Ih iiiicluion < eliol of r hi h MiMecli J h Tin TinIrtKident Th11 ThuitrsWiiIhut
IrtKident 11 I al II usists u > v iMitetl ji1 Cincinnati llwlnl11 Im Imventitv t ttsirsit I
ventitv rsit il 1nilnv 1 whrrt he h vpoke qsstk 1I brietll brietllto lriI
to I Ihe II t Is indent lullII He I II dtoppfd III I IIMI t a athe al alIh Mtlit
the Ih Viiils iMMlwiird aol High Illh Schmil hl from r1 whkl whklhe whhh
he h wa a grnduateil KrAIal Mr Ir Taft TIII 11 prelden preldenof
of r the Ih WiMnlwanl Alumni nl AMiociatlon AMiociatlonIII olallol
III II I Ii the I h llflertlotHI rrno the Ih Irttildent InIII plAVet plAVetgolf 1llr1 1llr1IH playrulgusl
golf IH I and a tsui ill I t Ii the Ih I ti evening 1111 ii g wa elltertalliei elltertallieibv suut rtnihii I It
bv h t I inciiinatl II111 friend at dinner dinnerMr 111r 111rI
Mr I Tar raft will w1 leave In here at II 3 i oclocl oclocltomorniw Ik locktotuurnw
tomorniw 10 I r uflermxui arrn for Axhingttiti AxhingttitiHe hlllol
He II will 11 arrive Ir at 1 Ihe II h WilI Vlsum hlle Ilotie U alxitil
I 1 5 31 31 > i on Sundav HInc morning Ilrlill and xMct alll n nflnd fo fofn Itfoil
foil fn nine 11 of the Ih tnemlMri lml of the Ih I hi Calnne Calnnein 1bl1 1bl1I
in I it Whinll Na hingtoii readv for rlr the Ih I tlsrat lire hr dan danCabinet d d111 do doI
I Cabinet I al ti iut meet meetH tii 111 111IT t 5 Ii it itsurs
IT surs H ITO T nil i rsr rsrtt 1 Itlf Itlftisirpis 1 1Ilt
tisirpis Ilt tt > Tlie n > > tu h tuist l Pill h use Ilieilate I tandi tandidata
data 1 for IJmrrncir IJmrrncirt Un imprtltsrI fnar fnarHI
t hula HI > Murphv 1Irlh lender of TmnmatijHall TII1alY TII1alYul Tmnmatij
Hall Ii ul iili iM > iei 1 n stat talement alsiatut lit I night t lhl glut fol folloifiin Ciiiioitig
loifiin 101 the tl IIs publication Ihhralll yet yastantav nlav after afterniM Irr IrrleMI usflriuiiti
niM leMI iuiiti > ti of vitrtou niniorw 11 n as to I what hnl might mighl mllht mllhtI
I > e eH < leil 1 of r the Ih Sew Vork ork delegatlol delegatlolto 11111 11111I
to the I II KIM ludllr ltosiiatar hroter convention He I II Haul Haulohould utsiutiI I
1 ohould hUIIII like Ilk to hive it I underntiMHlllotitictly underntiMH lt ststtarsttAutiills I I
lllotitictly ills tuvth 1 that the Ih Il deg1te4 tu the Ih Delno DelnoiraiC UII UIIrI iatncsurai
iraiC urai rI u Slate JI ii > nvention tittlt 1 sills from nnl Mnnhattat Mnnhattatand lllhI lllhII Iamihattamuauuil
and Ti The rut Hrom lmns will 1 go lo Is Kocbtwter un unpleilgeil 11 11tl iuiiplatigui
I pleilgeil and tl m II favor rAlr of I no 10 so IlrICtr IlrICtrlllllal iwrticahr iwrticahriauulilata wrllctiUii wrllctiUiiiitndulale
iitndulale lllllal nor lor w II I the Ih delegate hay havia
I a cnndlciate IIIdII of r heir own iv V l 11 iiahIavs iiahIavstiuat ellev ellevthat <
that the h candidate 41111 for r lovenior ovmo uhoiuii uhoiuiihit houl houlb hol holI >
b I hit > nameil 111 by delegate I from rrm the Ih intertai intertaio
o the Ih State and nl1 whoever luMvr i ie i choaen choaenwhether chUn chUnhlhr chuornwhsutlur
whether it il itt Mayor Otynor lynor or nometHxlel fmwb nometHxl utntuutiititlyliu
el liu 1 t will wi have ha Alt fh so loyal auppnrf pr of thiiMr this IhirJnl thisorginh4liotu
orginh4liotu orginh4liotuslr rJnl lu luIr
Mr Ir Murphy IIrhy woa k1 ke l what Ial be h knew knewof klw klwIr ktuwof
of Ir the Ih It keiililnelil 111 lip II the Ih State 4tat IAI He I LI saul Mililbe li1 li1klw saulhis
be knew klw only ull what h Issst Cmrtimil 1IInll 1 lila > IT 1 hail hailtold hailml
told ml 11 him Ii uthi 1 that I I his I the I h kentttneiil ttht 11111 ItOhlit of tlie II up upsi ul ulSnl U l l4tZiId <
si Snl < it < > itmiitie 111 p > rvme 11 < xtroiiic I n1 fur Mayor Muyoilavnor Mayorhlaymur Iaur Iaurarl
lavnor arl 1 to Ii n the thu I Miitiment 1111 in IlS IlSurk It Sew Sework aw awotk
> ork i sty I he I Is Mill I that I hI I here II AMJ a 1 1u the I I Henth Henthmeiit 0511thhuiiit 11 111lt
meiit 1lt for ru Muyor nynlr iaynor > wwtuaih > eetiiei 11 very verytrull v vIrli varyattittig
attittig trull Irli Kuither IiitI liar r than hal that t1 t Mr r Murphv Murphvdeclined 1Irllv 1Irllv11 iuurdivliatIlIllil
declined to to wiv what 11 he I thought thoughthile Ihlilh thoughtVhiiit
hile 11 the Ih ileligAte from rnll Iblw 111 county countyar tuitulYart 1 1r
ar art r going lull in the Ih convention 10 wltlioiit wlll1 in inInictlohH t tlnlI inuitriltIlls
InictlohH lnlI thev II will wl prubablv rl vote 01 fur furluvor ru ruur forfaynr
luvor ur tavnor ivlor Although AlholKh Mr Ir Murphy Murphytloe IIrh Iirpluvtua
tloe 1 > not 1 know 0W intuitively IHltly whether or not notMr nolIr notMr
Mr Ir Ciavnor jl win 1 accept Ihe Ih iI nomination nominationhe 1011101
he h i iii MI well I KHUrlm that the I Mayor will willtuke wi willVisit
tuke 111 Visit u I that h he I and 11 hi colleague Cltll from fromthi rrulnI fromtl1s
thi I tl1s roiintv 11 will wl vote ysI I fur lh I h Iii revolution revolutionwhii rlllon rlllonwll raishuitiunwhsuhu
whii wll whsuhu U will wa put Mr r iaynor m nomination nominationThe nUIIIlnl
The TI talement 11111 iMiueil 11 lat night illl bv v Mr MrMurphy Mri Ir Irllrh
Murphy llrh i srthsy merely 11 follow rn out 011 the I h under underutaiiding unsilaruttausil IIr IIrfalull1
uttausil utaiiding falull1 iii i that the Iht t hi t revolution UI1 nominating nominatingMr 1111111 Shuts iluat slug slug1r
Mr Ir Utvnor U I hall > 11 IM Ii made Ilul by ly an 1 U IIISIII us1MtittIaiiar > Sial SialIHWI
Ialr Iaiiar IaiiarI
IHWI I It 11 tI I OtFUKH OtFUKHKeareil 1 IIISIi IIISIi1rrI f
Keareil Ttiat Ca spl > l unnrll lla I as > ham HernVliirilrml I hamtliurulrrml
Vliirilrml ur r llai I Mllnl 11 llhnirir llhnirirHr 11lr
Hr IT IH I Maul S pt 3 3 1itph apt pI John Johl J JOlonnell J10lnlU Jiwtutvaiglitls
10lnlU Olonnell Iwfiitv iwtutvaiglitls vighlh Infantry Fort FortMnelhng Purtnlll Fortsniilitug
Mnelhng nlll iiti utut of If r the m h Isst known m onlivrn onlivrnill
ill 1 the Ih Dcpjrllielit of r iHikota I hu huisut been beeninlMing lwauiuImimuC
inlMing 11nle fur ur almost two week I under undercircuiiitancfH uhuhrtsrcsluuutatut 1Ir 1IrrIIau
circuiiitancfH rIIau M P45 > myMennu 11Irll that I the theIMihce I thusI h hI
IMihce I uI I uc < hief r of I ti r Si Paul PIII Pt i ii and alli it tsi I Minneipolm Minneipolmtinil Nil 1111h ntiaui ji ills illsuuiui
tinil 111 the Ih heuil hII nf army Inor pout llt in II us the Ih North Northwe isrthusast rh
we sast t have h bnn unkeil to iwarch arch forhru forhruKrother fur tll tutm tutmIlrstitor
Krother Irlh ufficeM il < I the Ih fort nay that hi hihua h htl hebaa
baa tl lieeri 1 murdered Ilrdr1 or haa hal committed committedHincide cmmll cmmllIlcI onitttJpiiscut
Hincide IlcI He I II i IS known k to have had more morethan m mhi tnnrsthan
than hi I1 1 ul wh whuuu n taut een eufflHent ndnt mo motive moIV niotiv ¬
tive IV tiv IheyKiy I thusy iy fo rl fiiut murder dr The Th fact rAr that thathe IhalI thatha
he wiw to I have h lwan > n iourt iuisrtmartuahi4 lrmlrlal1 marlialleil for forn rormlr
n minor mlr ofTenre r i is given iO a a arasuit po lhli lhlirauiu
rauiu rll for einclde eincldeThe tiuuiularh chl chlfh
The fh reconl at I runt ul Knelling Slna how h Cap CapOColinel C Captitunhl 11
OColinel 0101 itunhl In I Is lie I ibiiMnt without wilhnll wit both leave leavewm I IO i5alt5i04
wm O Sepiemler smlr II On 01 hi that Sunday Sundaynight SlldyIllhl Smituduiynight
night Illhl li Ito wnMetint wtss Itamu nt theOrpheimiTheatre theOrpheimiTheatreuliout th thus Orshauunu rphlm Thalr Thalrtlll Thusatrasihiolit
uliout tlll B 11 V3P 3u n clock odockG oclockflemu clockOen
Oen G W WAIr niter Howe Inw m rommand of r the theivpartment 11 thusliartnualit
ivpartment 1IJrml of r Dnkotn ndmitted Itllh that the theentire Ih Iholr lbsntlri
entire olr Northwewt Surh1 wa ws Iving lilR pearcheii rcld for forth rOIh toths
th ths h miwoiig 111 officer ien an Howe low wild wildI IIt
I 11 iiI Olontiell CuII1 wa Wi to is have h hsn p en court courttnmttiled cour cour1IIIII courtmart
tnmttiled 1IIIII mart isslait for rlr imng lil tiutltl violent language IAIJ1II to II ti a aHiijieiior I Irnr asmuJstuiir
Hiijieiior ofllrer He 1 11 waa wa in no 0 ilanger ilangerof lnlr lnlrIr
of Ir diomiiucil IImlI aid lil Cn Sen llowt 10 Th Thnurt Thllt Tha Tharolurt
nurt llt would wOI1 have havI tnken Ink intii ilr conaulera conauleration cniI
tion 111 the Ih mm ternfierAinent Imlnl and A lt hi hiprovocation hIIro IiiIroveatiin
provocation Iro I n and 1111 he I h would have h v probably probablyI Jrhal
lwn I n M off f with lh M I reprimand reprimandCol rrimAIe
Col Kvaii 1 commandant llmlall of kurt Snail SnellIng III Snailing
Ing mini 1 to tiptIn tlav 1 I behevn 1li Mim n harm harmhnn hnmh hornshiss
hiss h fallen him hln He I II was not 101 the ll lb sort eortnf sortof rl rlr
nf r man to I de ttasr ert nnil it I would wOIIe Im I an in inu II hisJiiatlii
JI u < itli to I II even 1 hint hlll at 1 uch lch a thing thingTin IhilR IhilRTh thuitigThs
Tin fAct r that In huia fnther i ii llrijt rll Sen 0anIuhst SenlohnOConnell In
lohnOConnell fohl Iuhst I I 011 iitulihl f t S I retired lrI anti Rnt that thatli
li 1 i 4fin 1 from rrl an I army Inny family rnmll make Ua nia I ku It Itnlmoxt I Ialm1 italiflist
nlmoxt iniM snupieslhsi > Mtilile Kurt ort HneltiiiK ln111 nfflceruty nfflcer lITtOStSsay mry
say y tint he I wiiuld Itl di ert ertMr
Mr IHilan Itln lleM I un HntucKlIng nuCClle tliarge tliargeMr
Mr 1 Waller Walr I Man head of a HoHlon HoHlonfirm lll lllfmr htoststuufirni
firm fmr of dreiuinakeni who wh wa WA nrrevted rrtlon rrtlonII on onIhn sthuthai
thai II lat trip I rl its of r the I h hs North Sol orm h Orman rmn Iloyd Iloydliner lloyulliner
llr liner Kronprin Irnpro iCrunprltuiaouis in n Cectlietn Cactiie cll It this cotin cotinIry COhilltry 011 011I
try I r on a charge hrl of Himiggling nIJIilt waived walvnllamination waivedumnhtuauin
lamination yesterday HIrt l efon tron Inited Initedlatft tnllrdKIh lnitedtiliitts
latft KIh ommiMiotier C 1 ni 0 r Kdwartt t Ir HUM n in inllolmken I inhloluokahs
11IHk llolmken I ami nl wa was held In IW 11r rit lull hal for the theKetieral I liStreral I IUrllll
Ketieral Urllll Jrand lury 111 Slie HIM Mt gave cve ca Mh Mhurilv cashrtiritv h hciiritv
ciiritv I Itratiass > re tand sntl nll other nthrhlnlwhlh nthrhlnlwhlhI thing which whichMr whihshMrs
I Mrs Mr 1 Ionian I ln bail hal not I declareil 11all wern found foundin rln ftsunmn
i in the I ib h mink k of Miw Mi Xanettv SIUt C C C Olidtier Old Olid itidohsr
tier MulertMim nompanlon nompanlonlirlKlirKI ImllnlI onmptuiotshsItmtlmrrII
lirlKlirKI I I I I Halardat d da Allrraeen Olla Oallnalo Ollato
to lo V Wptt l PoliO on JitKmrr M Mar ry low howii ll fTtura fTturaoo
a Os oo SMamw 1Im tssms tALAl ALBAM MuMc Wee 4tskAd 4tskAdI
W Vl1hEI t5vA h 1 > WKV v HKIT n tT lI V n IHIt IHItTIIK Iln IlnT 111113rit
I Mlole Uoll 1o1 GXHO 12 and nd Mat Awa wa lilting 1lnen Hi HiTicket liii liiiu
u Ticket n Keller fIfr I tnNCon nrorurlouv Keen Ii Iittuard I t tIUaril
ttuard f Incoming Train roller rollerman
man Iln Sr ar II 11 hut Heard nrt SolhlnePUlr > olhliu olhliuFour othIuigFunur
Four PUlr maakeii men m ran down the Ih ntnin ntninof stiuimtof Inh Inhur
of lbs Ib uptown 11loWI aUtion flton uf the Ih aubwny uhw a aWorth al alWrh atVorth
Worth lreet 111 soot after Irlor 12 I thIs thl inorninn inorninnattacked morln morlnataclo mnornirigattaeked
attacked ataclo the li lb ticket tckel agent 1 < nl und uliiol got awu awuwith away awaywith IY IYwllh
with KIM 11 w leaving the Ih agent alnl imconcion imconcionon II lol lolon
on the Ih floor of the Ih ha atation Ialnn The Th 1I 1silk 1silkkusiw MICI MICIknew
knew nothing nulhlnl of the Ih occurrence lrrn null nullome Iml uutitilsoils
soils I minute mlmh later nnd 111 lisa Ih four rlr men 11 gu guaway gut RulEd11 gutawa
away awayKilwlu awa V VFsiwhs
Kilwlu Ed11 UIthr lullagher 72 yeam old II ol or orIU oflI3
IU 3 Halght avenue YIn I eatclieitter was waithe wasthis P PII
the II ticket lckl t agent The TI il conductor lldr of r tin tiniptowii 11 11IIWI auI
IIWI I iptowii Ii irnln Imll S 0 lii HtnndliiK II11 1 Fl touts if on thi1 Ih I lu platformMIWWII i ulisi platform tiirmus tiirmuslstit
lstit MIWWII Wtfaiu thu Ihl tlrnl 11 and MHsind III cant u I ajt thn thntrain II IIIro thu thutrslu
train Iro pnllil 111 into 11 the Ih Htation Iuli nolicet nolicetfour 111 111ra 111th Icssl Icssltitmur
four ra nifii 11 ninning nllinK up I the II lii stairs 11 of r lIst thtRial Ihrll lIstsin
sin I loll Iti u a fut rll a I us thnyttiuld I Issy ci stub I Hi I I I thought thoughtthey Ihllc1 Ihllc1II m Insi ug bit bitmhsiy
they II were wits skyluirkhtig skyluirkhtigliati k v lark Ing IngMirn
Whlh Mirn the train fall wan WI a few vard lnl furtliei furtlieialong rluhr rluhr1lg fiirthsrsiloti
along siloti 1lg g llns I hi aanii I conductor ci ills lhllr lmitti ir whooe h iiamt iiamtthe IIUI IIUIIh hat hatliii
the Ih police IMIIi did not 11 learn Ir taw sw Uallughet UallughetIving UlaKhr UlaKhrIill Juhlsughiarlyluig
Iving Iill on n the I I hi floor lur hi isis Imdv I half out ul of r tlit tlitIxNith II IITh I his hislit
IxNith lit 511 Ii The Th rh conductor r Juin jsu In juaul > ed from hm hmtrain hiMIil lui ii iitrailS
train Iil ami 1 followed bv I everal guanli guanliof 1111 1111r
of I IC r the Ih m hi ame > m train Ir I ras l u and a lt tisi u mimlMT 1111r miii thu iwr of r pa paNeiigern I III isttlg
Neiigern sttlg II rn ran r lo I when w h lallagher lalalhr wan wanIving WnAI washvimsg
Iving I II The Ti Thu ticket 11 tit4t l agent aK11 wan WA iincoiiMiouit iincoiiMiouitand Inlliu Inlliualtl
I and altl a lit I evidently v olas I hy had l Iwotu > een badlv I iou 111 I v beaten beatenScatlereil lsat atu atuSraltarai
Scatlereil about lll the Ih floor for wirusl wiruslCast everu everufeet rl rlA
feet wn was A lot I loiss change chl n I On tl Hut tncknge tkng ol olipiarter ofuhitrtirI r rIIr
ipiarter IIr dropped drol nt n sonIc tm dUtnno III froir froirthe r1 fruutntts
the Ih IxHith had holl broken rk o tiitt > en spilling pjlinl it itcontent 11 its itseolittntt >
content 1IInl out tll over r the I h hue concrete Inllorill lloormg lloormgOne
One tnr of the Ih trainmen lrlnI called nl1 the I thu Hud Hudon lull
on i Is elreet St 1 ii tt hoMpital hlIlnl hsos pita I for rur1 an ambulanct fllti 1111 liii lane Thi ThiMII Thlr1 Thuuhuvgasumi
MII uhuvgasumi lr1 r get n who it h hit re raapttmslii poiid pII1 d to I the Ih mil I wm wmtreating w witstrasitutig
treating 111 Oalaehr iallagtier when wh lh lIsa h dr Orll first l INII INIII jshlrs jshlrsmuuau ioce ioceman
man I to II get I to I the Ih Mation 111 arrived rrI this Ihnwa 11 thiswits
wa w Pohreman I I litigant Htr of Ir the Ih t hu Klirahrlt KlirahrltIrtHt 1111 1111I hi histtwt
IrtHt I utation ulol Half air a doreii t olhem ulh ulhJII war werju warjust >
ju JII just i behind him himThertt hil tuturhiar
Thertt h were r no 10 Mtenger 1li > i in the Ih up uptown isptown
town utalion 1tOI at I the Ih lime limeOn Iln IlnUn lInuslis
On Ihe Ih downtown 11 siuis ne there IIr were r a afew I I11111 araw
few paiuwiigrn wailing 11111 They aluo I say navthev sayI v vh
haY I h tlidnt ii 1lul hiltu 1 liotce suit I ci Hiiything Ilylllll it tiyt I ii mug WI hen tht thtfu Ihrl I hue hueCII
fu rl wa Wits < nil 11 over two I Iv tile II lii cleaner IIn wer werfound wn wrafiusltth
found rII1 m I ihe Ih lube till II not I more I lluin IUI Hurt HurtvartU Ilirl Ilirlnl thirtyV
vartU V nl frnm r1 tin I II ho place II wIser ColIr ColIrwa ialliighei ialliigheiwa I it gtsr gtsrwits
wa wits keeletl over r Ttiev T tutid 11 that Ihr Ihrhud ilsryisaul hlY hlYhllJ
hud hllJ l ltsli > een working rklll nil pl the h tune 111 and alli thatnothing that 11 111lhnl thitmutt
nothing 1lhnl mutt Lu s ii g toil 1 reichrtl rlh1 them f I lust whii w hih Is ithi h miunde s > l lllrer I IVhsn
llrer 11r
hen the Ih policMiiii 11 llnullv Inll got 101 than therthey llr thantsay
they put the Ih IMK > I Ii under 11Ir guard nml nmlnltwnv nl1 nl1lhI ntiulsiissy
nltwnv lhI employee 110 M rll1 < rnietl up II loo loocttatige lu luI hoist hoistclsang
cttatige I I 1 A As nearly n as could 111 IM I e llmntttl shiiissitislliii llmntttlthe HuUII1 HuUII1Ih
the Ih loot w wsi about hul IVoi IVoilra 12 1251Dra
lra 0 I la at sake ak le and 11 Drown Urn workrtl over overlallagher ovrror uvrlahlaghur
lallagher for half an 1 hour hUlr at the Ih Iliidnuii IliidnuiiHlmet Ildll Ifsudauuutrlt
HIt trlt Hoeplul 1plll baton tru they natlHlleil 111 them themKlv Ih1 thniiyas
Klv Iv iyas e that ht h waa U not Illt dangeron lalrlll lv hurt hurtHe hlr tainthis
He U had 11 l hsietu > eeii 1 pounded IHIol111 on the Ih back of r thus thfhead Ih Ihh1 thushsasil
head bvatl by an Irunlwrpnibablv Irn iron hr Inhahl w Inch 11 brokn broknh lrkehits ruk rukI
h I hits in 1 5iit e and Uld made 111 live Iv rap 11 wound WII lr lrlai I OrLa
lai I Xake iiits 1 said hl that iallagher wan in mtal inII ingtsih
II gtsih tal condition conditionIhe eutusl luI hut hutliii
Th Ihe Central Office 1m pfllc men 1 aligned to I Is the theCA 11 thissac
CA sac H talketl 1111 to I CIllth ialhigher after al the ll thu stir stirgVulIi iir iirK I
K gVulIi ui u Htweil 1 up hi II hula Hialp and got R hi h I5su tory storyjiigthsrr torytogether Iorywih
together with wih n dracupiion 11111 not I clear ar uf ufthe ofths r rh
the ths h rubber rubberpoiriiiati rII
5 poiriiiati 111 wa taiidlng lallllll at a tin I Iii up uptown milltisShi I
town kiosk kln1 while 111 the I rol ntl rtalilrra i were r busy biinvHe LI busylilt
He I saul hI lie I heard nothing nut luitig and n1 llmt 111 he heaw 1 It Itsaw
aw nolMKly l Come m out 011 of r the hi m uuhuu U > lit lltdidnt II litdullS >
dullS diII I know kuu anything IInl hail huppeiird huppeiirdunlil alI
unlil 111 Ilie I I Ii ambulant 1111 latlletl I at 111 thu up I Half Halfa 1lr 1lrlay
a bWk itwav lay near IN the Ih Toml Tuml wa tiss I un unother sillolhsur
other 01 Hillceiiidii and nI1 ix meti 11 were a r ra talk talking Illl tilkhng ¬
ing h In II a I group I I in II I latutr eiitre lc Mieet 1 not 11 far farfrom rlr rlrrmn farfrom
from rmn the I I Is ubway llw entrance entranceAccording stutrahucsceInuiiuug llral llralunIIK
According unIIK to Is Mergt Hrll Met iictliiskav Illlkr lu kev of ur11lion t his hish11isibsthu i iKlialieth <
Klialieth Htrwt station 11lion the Ih ticket 1111 eler shlsrwits < elerwa 1r 1ra
wa alone a lul whit wh the Ih rohl rII rblwns en alfuckrd 111k1 him himHi hll hishilisa
lisa Hi ticket Iclrl chopper chuVIr had gone III off r duty hly at atmidnight I itttiuitluighst I IIhlUlhl
midnight IhlUlhl Af AUr tnr ilark tllh there I is I 1111 It thIS I It rank IrmI Irafticin rankID
ID I or Ir out ull of the Ib Worth trrel Million lall1 and andlate authlot 1
11 late at lt night the Ih paHneuger ll are few fewIhe rwTh fewlIsa
Th lIsa ticket Ih11 Aeller 1r had hi him cash h imxitly imxitlyliver lulv tiutissilyhIsr
liver baggetl lold aud ld ready llr for the h colleclmg colleclmgcar II II e ecr I
car which wu W due 11 about Iult I A 1 1hallagluar M MOallagher I Ialalhr
Oallagher alalhr wa w caught IIKhl nt II the I tls h moment momenthi 1 < 11 11hi
hi hi is wa making lklll up II hi Ii huis report rl < r for the Ih dayThe ult ultThia day IIYTht
The Tht tlgurett 1111 that I h I HIM I h Millet JI found rmlil fiii I miii In II I Ii the theHMII It I iiiltutm
ltutm HMII Ii howetl that 1111 I there Ih had Meii ulxiul ulxiulJn al alInl
Inl 1221 Jn In II the I till II al I the Ih time Ir tim the It intruder intruderentered luutriutlarsimirsul
entered lhi Ihe nlt nickel and quarter llrlr CH CHlered tit titI 1 1IrIIIIII
lered I arsu I liM hias ey lv around IrIIIIII ii mu 5 ud made the m h loilnin I isis isisau lll llla > l lan
an a even n I7UI I7UITtie 121aTIui 1
Ttie 1 wlice ulC flgureil that the II job J had been beendone
done with wlh the Ih bull Iml end 11 of a revolver revolverlliev rstoivsrlhssy
lliev Ti thought tl uughit that two of Ir the II marked markedmen 1k1 1k1hu1
men hud thru the Ih luirrel lrl of r their t gun gunthrough guitustisroughi II
t through the Ih window ard Ird 4hat while whilelallagher wisuliallaghuum 11 11lalh
lallagher lalh was w eying ylnl them other had hadtruck htInlk hailt
truck Inlk t him hUl from rruI behind through i tu rntugts the thediMirway III IIIrwAY t is isdoorway
doorway diMirway4riss doorway4TIlI1SUOV rwAY
4riss T v in inTrouble II rn miii u urle lie lierlnmst
rle rlnmst Trouble Trou Kearetl 1 In tlhunhpllri llianla llianlat
t elted 1 Turk Trk TurkIsh l h Thirst TtirralHoiov nIInTos ThirstIloaloN
Hoiov InTos Sept SII i Ur r JameH fl I lUrion lUrionof trl trlr
of r the Ih American Hoard Ilr1 of r Foreign rIII Mi Miplon Mis MisruIns 1
ruIns lln receivwl a despatch 1llle from rr KlluuNia KlluuNiaMbania llIsdAitauilihiamila IID IIDIIla
Mbania IIla toilav telling 1lil of tr an outbreak outbreakagainl snitltroakagainst
against 1lnl prominent reidenl n of r that city citywho nyI citywho
I who nre u believcil tl v I In le I inlfrfMtd in II III it itmovement ii iitmuiVatfl5t1l
I movement for religion rIIIJI tolerntlon and andbetter alo aistihtlsr
better 1 Ir eilticationat Ilca 1 advantage advantagedenpaich ativatitagesuiaslsuttchi callal
I denpaich from rrm the ltv Iv I T 1 I Krlcloum Krlcloummiionarv EnhiksimisssiihsatY rlI
miionarv m at Klba tIIII 11basa aii says saysouuntnuarmlah av avCtairlniartial
Ctairlniartial llrlmarlal ha h orderitl me us Ii Iiliars I aVH aVHhere
here temporarily with ilh my family It I i iprol is I Irohahl Iitrtitiluh
prol itrtitiluh rohahl > ablf that w atari Iar tomorrow for forArother rr1Ilr forMiiiist
Miiiist 1Ilr hr hrAvilhsr I IAIhr
Arother denpatih from I IbaoMiti IbaoMitithat I I say saythat
that hundred hldrl rre wing everly ry IXIIIH IXIIIHUr
Ur Ir I Sr llarttin lirl told nll of r a iiewpaM clipping clippingfrom ilI
I from rr one I Mu of 5 r the Ih t mnt proiiiineni pnitisu rl 111lu m Turkith TurkithJournal 111 Turk ush ushjfflutluiihN i iJII
Journal JII voicing a f prl1 fmtrst > rntr t and nlil veilet veiletIhnUtH I Ithurzuts
IhnUtH towanl the Ih VllmuUu 11 nallonal nallonalchoola liahlisusiletiiihi all11
choola hI on aifi aII acenuis > iint of r their iming ill the thelaitin thu thulalitu
laitin characlerit for rlr the I lb Albanian Alhnt1 IlauIo lan language 11 hittiguuag ¬
guage IUI and ane hecau 1 their eion Iun were wereopen wpI Wars1wfl
open I on 0 Kmlay Fril aid 1 hut h on I Sunday Sundayylng HIII Mmuhiiiaysuaylig i
uaylig uaylightr ylng ylngOur ylll
Our cnmpatriul rlptriol Ihe Ih Albanian lallan do donot dunot 1
I not 111 wi wish 1Ih h to sas ee that tliey Ih are A or uncim uncimcioudr uneonelouiahv mron11101lr
11101lr cioudr following rollwinK the lb h wrung tnl roail rd which whichleada whiChsails hihhn
sails toward hn the Ih abyaa b an A Idea which whichgnevea whichgnayas hlchIn
gnevea In Ihe lh lb whole hn Motdeni Iolm world worldMr worldMr rlo
Mr Ir Erickon frkk > and 0 hi his family anbne anbneitiently smiitswtlUtfllly 11 11111nll
itiently 111nll arrived Ivd at Monoatir MonoatirA
j A Ilf l5aIot > l lStrr la laI Ilarmty Ilarmtyfl
n fl hail al Strr t trsrt t rillllftn 11 of Tn Ti rt rtrrmuln Easmm 111 Sma Smarnutatn
I rrmuln 111 ill 1 ts thr tpi nntnflal nlllI1 saws n and ld lit the tnrh I ant anthn1 n nt nt0 < t thoti
hoti hn1 < 1 qvnuUont In 5 Hi riot of 0 the ty mark Tho Thorkxlnt n nquo
I rkxlnt riwtn quaUHnnt quo tarlorilnc thlUI tht II Mil d ami mu muprIct nt atked atkedptlcr II
ptlcr with WI aim additional ddlioal saws D maiwr a ar ar11Dt a tea reaMln teaTamed
11Dt I bvAd Mln Tamed d A II also IM la I tk II elf DII1 algbi hi eU MlOo of Tao T uo uoA
ft riin UKit 1 ridllTX WIT IHIIHUK IHIIHUKMake Into1ftLlskss I
Make 1 iuwrrmml lsuarsnslflanlalofUil r 1 denial or Knit llrough llroughti Iroulht IroulhtI
ti I Mirldoni HIon l nuhlfr nuhlfrIpn hsuhttr hsuhttrRP4O au titrr titrrHMO
HMO Ipn Nev tsV < ept pl 23 3 Mm 1 Mary H HtIr Suhhsr HFuller
Fuller tIr wifoof wir nr Wllllnni Willl Fuller ur of New S ew York Yorkrwently Yorklly Yorktcatully
rwently lly IlIad 11 her complaint olllnt for dlvorc dlvorcngnltiKt dhO dhOAII1 diorttogiltist
ngnltiKt AII1 her InnUind hIAuld The Th Utter ltr lotlnj lotlnjentereil t tnn toslayentrtsI
entereil nn np nllmnN nppassmante rnnr through Ihlh the thu h mo moprominent mOt mOtomln1 moist moistIsrOnllnalut
prominent omln1 law L firm frmr of Heno 110 smut Int nn nnsw wer werher rid ridliar
her dung denying Inylll them throughout throughoutTo hrl < houl houlT
To T prevent publicity hllly the complaint mIAlnl I IMMtled iI1 is isutanhoul
MMtled < I1 hut smut it I I is known knol that Ihll aths ht h > chnrgei chnrgeihim chlrl ctuargashsini
him with wih hnving hnhll dwertnl rl tier nn 01 onhwr Novem Noveml SII
l hr er 21 2 I9O 111 four rnl yeom after arr ut he h marriet marriethim maM1 maM1hll mnnrtisihums
him hll Her lr fnthnr rllh1 I Is Utrl ieorge U I Hheldon Hheldonthe hlcol heldomuthus
of th the h Hepiibll Hepiiblltrail
the Ih linnker und alt treuAiirer Ipuhl Ipuhli
trail flu i lutionnl ntlol1 commitUv commitUvFuller romil eontnitkFishIer
Fuller IIr denlea II that Ihll tit h dewrtid her Ir am amdeclare and an1Ia andshitelars
declare Ia In II b1 II ntuwer alr that If Ihe I h court courtdtiould couurtihuiiuiii lr lrIhnI1
dtiould dtHide cil that I shut he h lia 11 huasi t utabhishstd labU laIUh1 h l he hecharge hr hrhr hercharges
charge hr < and alil lit I entitled llil1 to alimony nlnmn tin tinname t tIusut5515
name 111 Hhould 110111 t hit limited lmllt lo II the Ib loint live liveof I ilvssIf
of If r the Ih plaiiitlT 1lnWr anti nn defendant trlllnl and ali houti shuutubia houtiwholly
wholly a 111 ceiM ussI so whenever a ih I ii plaintiff 11illl 11141 I sit I fT shall shallretsshrrv hnl hnlremarrv hnl
remarrv remarrvIII rllrr retsshrrv1tIU
III 1tIU M 11 IM I IITI 111Th ITII Tilt 1 Tl Tllrnml T Ih IhIll 11ht4 11ht4Priauusl4
lrnml Ill Priauusl4 e la Ii Maldlle hl mi Ilie Ih llulgarlaiIrtinller llulgarlai lulcrla lulcrlarontrr lhiiiRriiiErusslirm
Irtinller rontrr In II Ca t ass r > of lIar HarSjw lIarSrI art artI
SrI u i jl f 7etpltr pii I II Till Tit MCi MCiiAi f CII J Jla
la iAi < NM IM > N Sepi II 24 I Flu Ulien hI hIrIIIIlt cor corre brrrsstmsiiauut
re rIIIIlt rrsstmsiiauut < Miiideiit of Ir the li i lii Ttmn rim says iy y > lit I I 1u all allto Ihl Ihl11 silihI
I to slut tatt i IIUI lint on or r Infon 1 Sfpltmlier SfpltmlierM SI II S SM
M 1 Hmtltni lrllnl the li Huiimiiinn 1IIIIIIn Miniler lnlIr o oForvlgn Ir of oflorlgmi I I11
Forvlgn Aflitlrx 11 iniidrt do the II tiu following followingdeclaration rulmdll fohlowitigI
declaration I h1J1tun laclus rust 1111 to I 1 I the II t Tlrkih 1 liirkl u rk ishi h MinlMer th ishst IIIr am u ulluclmre II IIII I Illmtluzs
lluclmre lluclmreIn nat natP
In P is thn II m hits event 1 of r tin t lit out Ullh break I of a con contlict Cl conI
I tlict il lietweeii Turkey and anl Hulgrla IIIcrla Ituma Itumania Ulm ItsunusIi
nia Ii lit will wi w ill mobili7 mulli tutu ill I tier whole w hl armv rl on 01 the theinihtarv II IIlillar t Ii IihmuhiitarY
inihtarv lillar frontier of Ir Iliilgaria Illcaria in il order ror to tole I III tohi
le ttruisarath > re > ared for f r every r eventuality nllallY nnd allo alloIln to togiv toguy
II guy Iln > Another hr proof of lr her frlend rrlnlhlp hip f rr rrTlrk forluirky > r rrurkty
Tlrk ° rurkty rurktyIH
1 IH s n ISIUDhEV no h K v Ifl 1 1 KI 111 r Irult IrultMr TO T Tro it itlrt
> Mr lrt MemlelThronii tanutch flinosams ro While tullr 1 ttlrntitlng 11nItne toliiter to 10IIr t ttuutar
liiter IIr tar ar r In II the Ih Mell lItilflFr lItilflFrVhuIhu in re reWhile
While Whl altvinptlng NIlplill lo I iMtard IK > 1 an n elevator elevatorIn
In h the th WelUmore WInUr aHirtmenl alrlmI home ho isos at atSevttity atSflly11 atSavantywvutlu
Sevttity Sflly11 Savantywvutlu i Vfiitli h Htreet and Inll Broailway Broailwayyisitenlay Ihroaulwnyycistantay oadA oadAInlly
yisitenlay Inlly afternoon rrnK Mr I Annl AIII Ix 111 Iouuiu IouuiuManual > ui uiMendel
Mendel 1111 wn w Wfls caught ldll lietweeti the thu door doormid dor doortimid
mid 111 the Ih elevator 1allr ttonr Ilor and ane uffered rr1 a afracture arrllr afritetuiru
fracture rrllr of Ir Illh hulls II isgs rg Jacob Hchaffer Hchafferof Hcharr Hcharrur
of Slu I Wet ll lls smash who whl wan running runningthe nmnlnIh <
the Ih elevator at the Ih time nald 11 that Mr MrMendel MrsMutuilsh 1 1I
Mendel tried I r I to II get 11 into 1111 stub Ihe Ih car lr while whilein whl whitits
in il motion IIUlh und IHI wa was thrown thrownMr
Mr 1 Mendel wa w was attended by lr nn anibu anibutano anuituiittics ml
tano 11 Hiirgeon Ilrtl from rrl the Ih I J J Hood I Wright WrightHir Wrlh Vrighuthhislituhl
Hir 1illl hhislituhl pital and all taken IAI to I Ii her upurtmetit upurtmetitv I 11 rl 1
v VII 1 11111 11 Y EIar1Iz EIar1Izhlrlilea I
llrlde Irll Inther So Mlie 1 Mi flight cht Furglve Furglvebut tsrlurhimut rah rahnl
but nl Ttial Iatlirr 1IIr Honl HonlST4MKORU nonlSIUIIRU EuontSTAMVJKtL
ST4MKORU SIUIIRU Sait ept I 3 i Chester nml I Iwire Irlnrlllolithi IWart
wire rlnrlllolithi married lotughtutSt toiughit II at St I lohna ohl Church Churchby hlrch hlrchIr humurelsby
by Ir Kev I Mr Ir Coleman Awaiting wliina forgive forgiven rur lv lvI
n I nasA u KltfABKTII KltfABKTIITht tIU tTI tTITh
Tht above ao bov telegram Irm wa was hnnded Mm MmWillinm MrsWilhliunu 1 1Wilnm
Willinm Wilnm Tall Tal thus th wife of former rorlr Alder Alderman Aloer Aloerm Alderlfltitu
man m Tail of r New S sW York nt It tier Mourn Mournliich i4ouinuilhuchu Ole
liich residence Inl this morning lurll It told tolduf fole foleIr toldt
uf Ir t Urn li thu marriage mAma1 of tier daughter 10 II ihlr Ktlmbntl Ktlmbntlto Jbth Jbthto
to Clitteter William WIIAI a young YOlna Stamford Stamfordcxiitrnctor Stamfordcomitritrtor 1lrorc
cxiitrnctor 1d mMor Mr 1 Tail helleveil hl1 tier tierdiughtfrtobe Ir IrIJIijlllhr liarulasughuterho
diughtfrtobe 1w in it rtotniivi IJIijlllhr viItsg illligheri hsur sister sisterMm ter terMr
Mr 11 lainert 111 hsiuslhsr F t Ktton KttonTli Iol
Tli TIr lhsr re will wi t ha > e nit 11 forgiven roohn here herehe hrI hstsredi
he I on sislil lill Id Mv h ittughtcr llhl wu warneil warneilt WI rl I II
t hut hiI tier father r1 hr vvoud wlI1 never r forgivt rurKi turgi V her herIf hri
If i slit h murnil Mr Ir William 11 I think Ihllk I Imight Ili Imlii
might li mlii th hl it forgive rurKI vs and 111 ut liii forget but Im 11 I iii afraid afraidmy titrus rrahlf iii iiituuy
my f huclxind h 11 I never lvr wih wil Klwil tIIh pliihwihu > < li i ionly iInly Is Isonly
only If II anti 1111 ntu h > could 111 not nmrrv arn legally legallywithout IIr IIrih1 lt gruhiytthsiaIt
without ih1 tier hsorloiratstseotssast I Mirente I r I ionrnt ionrntt I II
t ISSI I Tl frVS TO T ItFIII I Il I Iliuglauuii V VriiKland
riiKland l Inrrr Ir Hint Ih110 lo Mum un IlrllUli Irll < a ash ashIn h hIn hIn
In Hal 85111mg IIle lnc Turkish loan Ixianptiii loanpciiI
ptiii 1 i Jbl w 1 nniMitO P41 10 l TM Tisa Sii SiiIiiiis < cv cvItHIN
ItHIN 111 s1 > ept 23 2 3 f flitt newpaMr Ir I nn nnnouuce 11 11nOII iuuflOtuit
nouuce nOII that Sir Knient Cn Caissi l returntwl returntwlin 1 Irl I II
in I Iari r thi this hi vvening lnl und that it I as a ar result resultof
of r u conference IlrI with wit ih ii the It I lritl Irllh hiritbihu li Mlnl lnilr lnilror hilsItrv hilsItrvof > trv trvof
of Foreign lln AfTitin fll and n11 I he h evident hl1 hostility hostilityagutnet hlity hlityKliI hunatliltyaguuttust
nTtirklli livn in Ixiiuloii Ixiiuloiilie
agutnet KliI tliMtting nalna a 11 II
1 lie linn hn given ih1 iht I h llritUh Irllh tumlwnl lovernmi > nt nn nnillldtinaking Il aimsiuustltrtakimuit
illldtinaking 11Irakll thnt he h will 1 not Itt eek 1 the theanfUtiince III IIIIrllh thuaststuituc
anfUtiince of f Hrlllh Irllh ttapltul llll in placing 1llill tliu tliuloan tl tlJ thulisaus
loan loanHe He J 11 I ii In II active negotiation IKIllol with wih rlerlin Irll Itrhiuutlusulscssrs rlerlinttnuiici
ttnuiici II tlusulscssrs tlusulscssrsF
11 IC ICI n nriK
riK I F HI TO 7 IKH 11 111 Kinoyy KinoyyHill I
Hill 11 Pmulov nI an n Kxpert rl to 0 Work ork 1 ndrr ntr the theI Ih IhInhrl II III
I Inhrl nlvrrOt Treasurer TreasurerNkW TrurrIhns IrrasurirIw
NkW Iw havE Sept = 1 23 Yale AI nls official officialalinoiinced oMcl othlelalaamumsiti
alinoiinced amumsiti 11111 I tscad tonight u i lllhl tui gIst that I It I ha has lM I eiu eii tle tlecided 0 0Icil1 iiiciiIti
Icil1 cided to 0 employ l ly an al etjieri 11 in il economy numy in inhii InI ltuhlsitsasui
hii hlsitsasui 1i ine admliii alhnllltUlul rat hm for thu the hI coming comingyear cotiuingyear olln ollnr
year r under Intr the I h direction ulhnel 1ulo son of r lbs I h unlventllvtrea unlventllv I minivrrsltylmasuintr 1 I V VTh
I trea lmasuintr iirwr Th Elsa < er on choen ho1 i is Fredeno FredenoIt Jno JnoI
It I fiilinnn llhlI Yale al ihun I formerly rnnrll tiumened tiumenedilti sumiisaihesiwith 1111 1111vih
with vih ilti the Ih Library 1Irar Hiirvnu liiri uou of Ir New York Yorklonlon Yirkiuruliits rk
lonlon Fdward Shennan Shnl I Im h huits Ixnn ap apminted II IIIkIII1 p pauistaflt
I IkIII1 minted a auistaflt i ilanl > tant profe 111 gsrnfor or of o comparu comparulive rmlul OhiulusinsIliv
live liv law In the Ih law II chool h11 Mr rr Hherman Khrlan Khrlanhl Hhermanha
111 ha hl lweu MH > II an 11 nMociate editor llor of r the theIrtin Ihf 111 111Itin lid
Irtin of 0 Cnmftiratirr tnmJrnlr Lat Ol nt the I h American Americanliar IriI
liar Aiutociatlnn iatnn Me I i s a I Graduate jIIRI of r the theSheMield thusSlsafliaht ht
SheMield hnlll Scientific Sclsnt 1 It ifit School h11 ill II the I h hut cla claof d dr class classsf
of sf r I17fl Iil li7ott
1 tt 1 IilTn TOM Tn tIt I U i n i 1IDITIIEXTS 1IDITIIEXTSlnspsurtmra IHCTMK rs rsIniMrlrr
IniMrlrr and nd l Ialaliant l IInl lanl nelcher Irlrr Ire Ireow irsUW r rI
So Sofi > ow irruismil irruismilrise crii etl etlTil
Til fi rise regular Illlar Federal IrAI Grand lury 11 11tlm1 re returnit istsuriuti
turnit tlm1 indictmrntH 111IIwnl millet ttuflts yeHterday rlay afleniiMin afleniiMinagumt affanuitoiuguitnit
agumt aalln1 neverol ml mall m1 importer fIMr and Ald ex exaHitanl sfisitisiaflI s silal
aHitanl ilal ctMtom 111 weghern Ith mrwit t of whom whom1m wh whhav whiruihuac
1m hav vi lMeti I pnvioulv mdicteii 11 Th ThIrl Tha Thaiuarg I he hecharg
charg i is the I thu h entry I I r of r merchandise hdi at atfale alrl atfaiss
fale rl Irl weight and Ald ineaauret Thus Thusinducttsl I hone honeIndictetl h hIndlclI
Indictetl are Joeph MacMaliiNi lacIAhol und Uld Minion Milo MinionI
1 Miscall fonner welghern Ih Frank trk Cum Cuminano tli tlii Ciuuisub
i I 1 sub inano an n imiMirler of r 10 Ilroadway Irnacwy and andIirtro antiPiatru nd nd1jI
Iirtro 1jI Ijtrinl Ifttr und unc liuppl Cavnllaro vAIro of ofthe orIh ofI
I the Ih importitiR IIIM1rll firm 1m of if r Ijiritn lrUI Cavnllaro CavnllaroA valro valroc
A Co I MacMaholi laCIlhlllnc and Meftculj PII have h Iroth Irothlieen It hohjuu
u c lieen lsw n on 0 trial iso 1 prevloii 101 IndictinenUi IndictinenUiIn Inic
In II MarMalmn a CA cas the Ih jury jur disagreed disagreedMencall dicn dlaagrmwditsarsil
Mencall waa WI convicted IId and alli i hi now n aerving aervinga Inl
5 a nentence nll of r one year in I the tl Mnilentlary Mnilentlaryi4i pnllt
it i4i IlluUweir IlakI island NlaiidItench I islandhtatseli a I I1Ih
Itench 1Ih warraiitu wrm w en iMtied liy Judge JudgeHotiKli JudpI Juidghiiughi
HotiKli I I In the Ih Ilillcd 111 State IDt Circuit CIli Conn ConnIKT I olr olrT Ou1rt Ou1rtIFT
IKT T l l Hf f It IUillt WI S 1 ID SlllH SlllHTlial siiisiI l ln
I That n a IollctMiian Can t iii Read taiir ur Auto AutoNumlMT lutessnihsr ule uler
NumlMT r at 141 4 Feet FeetTtir hrtnil I In
nil n Cattail lan law I rttiMrvi rllin that Ihe I lii I rear rearlight rearI a aahl
light I ahl on I un In iniloinobile 11111 ahuiuli Iml hal I Im I ntrong ntrongenoiigli iitnngruuiusgh Irn Irnlh
enoiigli lh i to I ii enable isuit a hit bitt u I isiti M > hif iirInii min Bunding Bundinghftv lalin lalinIrlY hit iuuh un unhifmv
hftv IrlY feel Ixhlnd lhl1 the I car C tn dn > lingiiifi lingiiifithe IIIIIIt iugiiishuI <
the Ih I hut niimlMtr 1IIr If you 11 dont tnl lM 11 htahia heve thi thilook thIs thIslook hi hiI I
look I up wot strtiutu ti loll 24 7 of r clinplir emlIr 371 of r the theSlate Its ItsStats h
Slate 111 Itighway I law I for Win i 11 iiu Iollie 101 Coin Coinmineinner 41 stn stnmnisiotusr
mineinner 11lonr linker nl the h n r ° < 111 iu Uc ° t of sec cr crlam re retar r rlar
tar lar sit f Mhute tat III Kmnig iwnietl a warning warningto minl
to I the I hIs 101 Mibce yenlerdiy Irhy to watch for forviolation
I violation Iolalol of thin lhuisjot jot of r the law lawSo lawS
i So S la lat t night Ildl 1olicemin Pol McCnrthy rnrhy of ofthe ittI r rI
the I I lit vlt lil > t I2 1 l3tlu > tli lreel elation IIIlon had lr lrFreilirick Ir IrtIIrik DrFratlorirk
Freilirick tIIrik A Incolw llcn nf III II Wn trt 11 t Sixty Slxlyfourtli Sixtyfuurh lsI lsIrourh
fourtli rourh otreft 1 m u Yorkvillo rr itstit vII yule night nirhl court courtt courtisis ur i
t > efiui4 hi isis nutnhor nllr didnt 1lnl how h tip well wellin I
I in I lli thus > nflerglow MngiMrale Krnivlmn Krnivlmnex lnlIhln lnlIhlni
i I PIJIIWMSI ex re < i Miirpri > A As he t Ii fined I Ir Irlrrl Ir IrMrsrshy > r rMcCarthy
McCarthy lrrl hv II I he h continued nln1 t to eaprmw eaprmwurnri express expressutiurpris
utiurpris urnri < nnd nllrntol inrntng tn II I hi wife r wild wildl j lr
l don rln i know k n just how you OU and Inr I are areU a aW sir sirLu
U > got Ilt home I
I Nobody Nby Put Up Money for forHim forHim farHim
Him He Tells Tels Graft GraftHunt Graf GraftHunt
Hunt Committee CommitteeSOME Commltl CommltlSOM CommittesSOME
Bought loulht 100 of Transportation Transporaton in inAlbany InAlbanyRlcords IiiAlbanyRecords
Albany AlbanyRlcords Records Do Not NotBear NotIlaf NotSsar
Bear TNs Ths Out OutThe Out OutIhue
The 1 reaoii that the th leglnlatlve graft graftcommittee la grafttiiltiisittiP
committee 111 did not adjouni d at t I 30 3 oclock oclockyrnterdav olok oclockyosterditv
yrnterdav 1 afternoon arron an it was WA about to t do dowa dowa dowit
wa lMcaue the lb h reporter rpr Intervened Il intrs pntd and andkept andkupt nd ndkI1
kept the Ih committeti mmlle In aeaalon Ion one on hour hourlonger hourlunKr houritaigor
longer Arcliln Arll K t Baxter exClerk es < rk of thn thnAtuemhly th thAm thiAssemuihuly
Atuemhly Am of r the Ih New ew York ork IegUlature IegUlaturennd Illltur IlllturIII Igialaturtituil
nnd III onv > who wh had h l nfflted lMneflf by byhl the flood floodeell Oo floodsdl
eell pool of Transportation Tralpraton Mockhad been beenu a
u witneea win and at I h35 JO was excused elc from the thawltnewt thl thlln thewitness
witness ln chair chairAA
AA A was narrated naral1 In thla tut report port yeater yeaterday yeetsrulay Mllrt
day t morning morin < coimiwl 1111 and n1 committee cmmll had hadoveriorjked hse hiuluuvtiosked
overiorjked urOk many lalY iiietiona IUIO which might mightliavt mllht mllhtha mIghthave
have ha lwn OJikvd k1 of r wilneeiteii ln in previous prevlotiakenioii prloIAIon previoussssiuna
kenioii Ion whenever hnfr Mr Ir Ilaxtera llstr name nmernlun wa wamentioned waxmsnthouud
mentioned rnlun I herefore 1Irrorl the reporter rpnr wel welalrl wereairrt were werealert
alert yeeterday Irdav when h n Mr Ir Baxter sr gays la his hlatestimony hi histialimony
testimony 1lmon and nd It veemetl 11 to I hem all al that thatcoumtel thatcounsel hlcun1
counsel cun1 had overlooked o ihisastlonit IllloM ueationa the theanswer th th10 thsahlwcrs
answer to which would wOlld have h been worth worthprinting worthprinting orh orhvrlnlnl
printing vrlnlnl They wanted nl1 to knowe kno kruowescciahhy kruowescciahhywhy I > eci ial ialwh Jly Jlywhy
why wh FJIIngwood tlnpoCd A Cunningham Cnnlnlhm had mad madIn madein
In writing wrltnl a somewhat AorJalllpralh ImpcratlvH demanil demanilupon tismandiupots
upon n I I Tracy HORt Hogrr to remit mil lindnn lindnnmargin 1100 1100laKI lOnflmuiltrgihu
margin laKI for Mr Ir llnxtora ISr apecnlatlve apecnlatlveaccount upcciulativeaccount Jlale Jlaleal
account accountHepurtert al accounttaiuflsra > n n1I1rl
Hepurtert 1I1rl repredenting rprnin every ry paper prr In InNew il inaw
New S aw York prtwt p u woclation Wtlalol > and ant half har n ndoreii 1 ituloisu
doreii I upcountry IJllry fiaperi rose r and in A Aclioru adlru aeuoruu
clioru dlru euoruu remindeil rmlnl1 cotniMl 11 and committee commiltrvthai mmmit committeethat
thai Mr Ir Haxter lutr had left the Ih stand 1111 but Il IlII w wyet wa wayet
yet In II ttie Ih Aldermanio chamber chlllr and nd that thatIt
It would wUI1 IN I intereating InlreUnl to Inquire of him himwhy himh himwhiy
why h Mr Ir lingers Ier had ht l hoit > etn solicited olcil olcil1lly oar oarneatly cortuastly
neatly to I advance ahnl Sionno lDsw for him and andwhy an1wh antiwhy
why wh Mr 11 llaxter lsr had l ltswn en allowetl al I to totMlify t tlry totast <
tMlify tast lry It nithoiit a ilull it huouut iiie uhiuWt IIIn > tloti that t irn of list Ih
200 2 aliaren h of Mock lok h I lie plactil in il Ihe li lii iood nII ioodeell kitiuisell
sell I 11 P xvI ° had ho lieen I lM IIlh itouught > ught by him Mr MrItaxttT Mrttaittr Ir IrHaslr
ItaxttT Haslr at a high hilh price pri through llrllh another anotherBrokerage Ilolhtr Ilolhtrnrl snottierhroksrsgt
Brokerage firm nrl whereo 11 the Ih record rotc ou outhe fU fUIh ti titIm
the Ih lHK Illk books > k of Ir Kllingwood tlolOHI 1 < dmnlnghatn dmnlnghatnwere CIIIRlu CIIIRlulr
were lr explicit SIldt in Ii IArrlint narrating the Ih fact rr rrCUlt n asaecuIlhit naccount
account CUlt I look hNMkt do narrate fact that Mr MriUxter Mrhiastar Ir Irllsr
iUxter llsr had hIINRhl iHiuglit ihe Ih whole hol Tun ti1 1 shmarss shmarssUt hare hareat harII
at II Il V n Hliare ha utter orlr > r Mr Ir tiMidiell had made madeIIM nuadtIsis d dIi
Ii Isis IIM thrifty Ihirl t bargain Irllil to hi ffll the III I Is I pool KH > KI bold lioldllg IioidInl bold111g
Inl 111g llg at I Ill 11 u hare uthiarsIt hareIt hrI
It I wan prolHtbly Irolllly due dl to the Iht nlllfi nlllfichalril naturalchusgrits natural naturalchagrin
chagrin chalril of r Chairman Il I ha a irl ininauu Merrill Irlt that t the thennnniliee I ht htIi heiunuiiiltis
nnnniliee Ii had overlooked Mich Ich a detail detailhat cfIt tittailt
I hat hiI lie h received Ipo the I h Ia intervention inlnltln intcisetst Ion of r lh lhreporter I h hn his hisrepurtars
reporter n p 1 with wi h an al atiMnct aan of hi his unial unialiniiable uisuiisliittuIushule
iniiable IUIIII m itswct I c < Chief I I 10111 onne suunsai Hnice Hnicewent 11 htrumwult
went 11 aboui hul the I thu h undertaking IItrAkinl tlioriHighty tlioriHightyand I hurljhl hurljhland
and reculled IId Mr 1 Cunningham lnlnluun and arl elicited elicitedrom aiIeitelfrotuu 1il1 1il1rrm
rrm rom him mime t 1lhlnn last tmony about Ih the Ih th let leter 11Ir 1sttsr
Ir er lie h wrote rl demanding 1lalIIIK lioin 11ul from r1 fromTracy U UTr > ITracy
Tr Tracy lItigant lul lo I r swrttiu > weet 11 n I II the hi margin uulln of ofex nrlhl ofcx
ex A tssimuhiy fiiiblv lhl Clerk Archie K t I liiiter ur and andnl smutlai ft
nl II lai o ellcitetl 10 fnuii rnll Mr Ir I unnlngham Ulllolh1 m muctantl n nlii
hll1alll lii uctantl Ct att iy an it us udmi dli111 I suns that I Isa m KllingwotKi KllingwotKit Eli lnp lnpt I n gwis 4 4t
t t I iinnliiKliain uln Ihl had bought all I of r Mr Mriitx Ir IrUnr irhgitiam
Unr iitx > r > 7i nl 1s han coiitnlMjtion ulnIMJluI to the theraiioportatloii tIuslransitntuutiitls h h1rIIIIul
1rIIIIul raiioportatloii pool HK > and ane that Ihll Mr Ir llaxter llaxternd 1111 1111h1 Itsiatrhial
nd not contributed Stunt tiltitcii to Ii that I iooh > ool oolIk stuck ti k pre preiotiily previomusiy
iotiily boiiKlit at n I much IIch higher price priceIIM lri JsrhctIN
tIN 11 HOHIXMOV IIIHIS > fS WIIIHK It IAV CA lP ttP ii r BK BKWhen s sI b1Vesiu
When ih I thsit h > day cay KMion iln began Ilan the I h com comml cmli csmnhut
ml li let tees e Islet counMl called III a loud IOll voice voiceMr voi voiIr vokwIr
Mr Ir Itobimxin ItlhllOI Henry 1r A Uoblnnon HublnnTh
1 Th ibm her > woe w no IU r rosislt I > > oii I to tin this call 1 and andhen anilhhsfl n1 n111
hen rouiii 11 itusd called 010 to this Ih witness wlln ntand ntandlark stanuitMurk I Ant
lark Irl Navo n He I identified 1111 hikuii 111 htled htmeelf hl lt a as all allttomey al alII analtortui
II tiusi hi office of A Ilohin Ilohinon
altortui ttomey In II I ofo IKiiry 11 Iohln IohlnUI
Wall He hi I Is the I Its h
on UI 2 11 Mreet II managing managinglerk mniint mniintcek managingclerk
clerk cek of r Mr rr Hobimon Hhllm law la office om Ho Howa I liiwtIs
wa told Ill Mini hiI the Ih committee Cmmlt had be tsen tsentsileavnning n nmJeavoring
mJeavoring 1rl to nerve a mibprrtia h n upon uponIr upn upnIr uponMr
Mr Ir ItobinH lohinl > n and wa a asked kld if he h could couldgive rad radd couldgive
give d information arrmalll OH I to 0 hi hIs chief hi wherea whereaMriiti whI whamaslesit
h lesit Mriiti He I if replied 10 that I he h could CII not nothat no noIhal notthat
that hat hi h had iwen 1 Mr HnhinMin thlnln In the Ih ofllce ofllcenM om officslust
111 lust nM on n AiigUt 111 It II and alo had communicated communicatedwith cmlmnICINI cmlmnICINIih
with ih him by h telephone on Wednesday fn or ofIn orIhl orthuis
Ihl In week k He 1 If did lll not n know where wh h1 the thether Ih IhIlhr thisothr
ther Ilhr end ne of r the Ih telephone fhon connection connectionra rnncion
was ra 1 > lie h had not told loll hi IsIs chief hltr that lh lhommittei the thecommttlet ho hormmll
ommittei rmmll wa a looking loklnl for him Mr Mrlobinon MrRobinson Ir IrnhlnMn
Robinson nhlnMn he h Mild 1111 wnaaware nf f that fact factlit r factTb
1 Tb lit witneiu IIA wild Id tie h had hal Informed inror1 him of oft orI ofhi
I hi t during olrlol a previous telephonic communi communication cmmuni cmmuniClion cnmmuunlcation ¬
Clion ClionQ cationQ cation
1 Q What did 10 voii 11 tell 11 him Ilm A I told him himitl himIhu hhniIlmi
Ihu itl utsiersi eT ral 1 wioplrlMi pl liMiklnic hkI f i Ilral irlsns irlsnshiad > r na natad
tad lM I basmu > eii around luln1 whom I took lok to be tieis proi proiwrver 0 0rr
is wrver wrverU rr rrI rs
U I 1 lois > oi are si an attorney tom and Ind countellor countellora
I is a prureiut nerver nr a sispidoiua ni plciou plro Inoklnur Inoklnurharacler Inkln InklndrIr lonkinatuoractar
haracler 1 A They 11 urnerally lnrl hare ha that thatiMarance Iba IbaI thathIearatC s sU
iMarance iMaranceg
g I In what wh did our 1r ii pr I > ce ervr im imrr innpress m mpr
pr press rr run U as lHlntr 1lof a Minplcloii 1111 character characterWell ha haWI
1 Well WI ell fur one thing chlne he hf us went w nl to I the Ih IhIor e eator ale alevalor >
valor Ior man uf lisa I hiilldina1 llln and nd I 1111 islit Id him litould lit 1 hutaiulit
ould ll live II him hln tin III lii If he h would whIIIDt point oszut out 011 Mr Mrnhlnuin Mrto Ir Ir0
him himTh bliuiThe
nhlnuin In 0 hl hlTh
Th witness win was W further rlrhr prejudiced prejudicedgnlnut pIJIdi1Ilaln1 ptjiucikstlagainat
gnlnut Ilaln1 the Ih proww iroc rC ervr lM Icl hucauiui > cau n h Iai Iaiwas < i iwan
wan 1 not ilreiwed lr in a very ry reipecUlIi reipecUlIininner rHlllhl rHlllhl131Mr rcopectahhshuEuuwr
ninner 131Mr Hi rhss witness wit ileflimd dino lo par parictilarin ltrtulain jwrticuihiurizi
ictilarin tulain a 1 as to that Ihll l Ial hscauias > ec ii ho hl waa not nottailor nlt nss nssa
a tailor and no then If1 the t ht wiine wln wn wasmissatl di dimiwd Wt <
mid with ilh an n injunction to endeavor endeavorfore snukavorlwfor Ivor IvorIro
Iro fore the h n nst < xt sitting IlltOI of r thn thu commltttvt commltttvtlo lmln I Iro
lo II find fnd In II chief < llr And nd impre Inpr upon Il > n him himthe himIh luinithus
the Ih earnest mI delire of Ihe ih t committee mmil to tolind Ii IiJinit
lind Mr Ir llolnnron ltlunrn within lbs It jurindictinn jurindictinnif JuritlNOI JuritlNOIor
if thus It Itillllr ItguIatuurs gi laturn of r the Ih State tlnl of ornrk New NewYork sw swYork
York nrk
un 1 COIK COI xxorri aNNorrU > AOJN AOJNTlten AON11n AOAJNThen
Then 11n the It much 11Ih harried W W Cole ol ollh ittths I IIh
lh ths Iluladelphia IUcti ItI1 Ibiclmiat et flub Cllh was w n nalwd to toillasl
alwd 1 and n1 examined further rlrlr in relation relationlo I
ti lo In hiss reception of the 595 mn from tho thoIhird tholluirtl
Ihird Avenue lUilroail Jompany ol oMan oManittiy > n nMbty
Mbty drawn lo U anuage th physical and andmental ansimatitiuh
mental anlTenn endtire < l by th this aa vet vetunround vatunfound
unfound Cbarlea Lanlternnvn olomnly

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