Thi nI > > rail aII 11 It tlii > ltli of Palmi Inll a id UI UIthi ll lllh 11Ih
lh > irmrnt of M IIrr lrr > Tlial I1alr l m mw f fMaw
Maw w rf r > Hi Mull III 11 Tltrrr t Urn IrnP e Korr IsirrIIcdqI t tanil 1UMIE
UMIE IIcdqI and nd hurled lIuI II > Html d Hun IMinrThose HunTho hunThn
Those Tho who h are IU Oi real ppl > eope PL PLrhjirlpstiin of ofPharlenton r rrharlIn
Pharlenton H C are r rxrulliuly IIHnrl cnrelen cnrelenof 1 1r
of it r tradition which doe el not flt t in Koine Ii1 way wayinvolve wiIyinvi1 IIY IIYin
involve in invi1 nnch h nnmea nm an are Hr curved on onmossy n nnny
mossy tombstone 1101 in 11I01 St Philip hlll s and tlt Ht HtMichael SIlirhnI StUehiil
Michael clmichyiirdn llIIldlII Consequent I Iv a aatranger nIIlranr Urang
atranger rang r wh whi h > fortunately hear 1 mtr mtrdnctlon IIItfrilllio tntrdtivtion
dnctlon into 11I1 the Ih rhnrmeil circle I I of r the theHt Ih IhHI thMt
Ht tecehi fh eIii Society SIY nniM 1 hear h onlv tiIv h by bythe hyh bytili
the h merest chance dm of r the Ih t h identity 11UH ud tity of r ilm ilmliile Ih tI tIIpi
liile Ipi 1 of Palm with h the Ih ncene 1 of nfAlLan r Kdifir KdifirAlUn ar arAlLIn
AlLan Poen 10 enthralling nhrlll tale tI The Th Ool hilt hilthug II IInu I IHug
Hug nu
P 1 ie yon 1 nee 4i wa 1 not a South llh llhlinlan Caro Carolinian arfl arflI ¬
linian I in tan lie J I I did ii h iii I not I come fltfli nf r nn ni old 111 Ii I Hugue Huguenot I I ii u urmly iitiiit ¬
not family rmly whone W1iII hM record 11 were bright brightbefore hnlhl hnlhlI Lirtgitbfnr
before I ror th declaration of r liideMndenr liideMndenrand 1111ml 1111mlan1
and whnse hm ncinn il iiifl were w r 1 leaden 110 iIirii in a the thenullification th thnullu hitntitIIlkit
nullification nullu un movement ngam nlIIII ugitTit t President PresidentAndrewIncknm Irsitntkndrpwhktt
AndrewIncknm ndr Ik lleonly JOI I visitidtharle visitidtharlef 1ihI 1 IhI IhIr tmrt tmrtton
f r ton many yen 1 is ago ni and 11 though Ihlulh he h hinot did didj I1 I1I
j not commit mmil the th breach of r writing rilnp about aboutrhnrleaton nhlt nhltrnrlton ittiuittCharl
rhnrleaton rnrlton Charl itnn people p npt nn n example of if r rtrRlnt re reatralnt i iittrntnt
atralnt which luin lu not been I followed r tohIowwtwrltr ow I by bylener h hwrUlr
lener writer wrUlr of r more r recent rOt r tit tith yeir yeirhe yarh
he h wn not of Iliarlentin I hnrls1 tt m the Ih leant leantt J4t J4tdar latdegr
t degree dar So H it in I with n detached coiirteaythat coiirteay lrtyI
I that tht anrne nm m dweller 1Ir of r the th t h embattled rnbut hall1 I kit cita citadel ritl ritli Ia IadI
i del along Ionl Ihe Ih ILittery ry may ay i7 iy to u natrnRr iistrangf
1 tranger atrnRr from rrl the th North NorthVon SrthYou Nun ii iiYohJ
Von might milht l ii > e mtere intrft1 intnutiuI ted in il going goingto il
to t th Isle 11 4 if > f Palm 1llm If you YOl are at a I Iof lover loverof Ir
of 0110 Poe and have M read rITh The r1t iold Hug HugMy I Ihii IhiiBy I I
My n common mmol opinion Iillln qujtt tnn the Ih I Isle 11 I il of i ii r Iilm Iilma Ia I I II I
I a thin ntretch of r wlldwixid which whl lies lieslong I IlonR Ii Iialong
long a j Hand Mn npit Ill north 10rih of r Sullivan SullivanInland SuihlhiittsI llhI
Inland Ilnr I tand haN h been 1 designated IIllla1 h a I its the th thor scene sceneof iui tD tDoC
of that midnight 1ilnhtht journey of r William Williamegrand Walm ViIIiaiIugraiii
egrand which hlrl reulted rII1 in il lu 111 s drop dropping cr crpin Iropping ¬ I
ping pin the th ncarnbeun tamlwu of r the Ih disitliV ol llh lietul lietulthrough I Iiuuiuithnntigh
through the th eye y Mocket k1 of uf r a i bleached bleachedakull hlllclI hlllclIJ IIuivtIMhI
J skull kll plump onto nlo itt to n buried hlrl1 bit rs1 fortune rrll f urt liii In IndeKl I ii iid
I deKl d d a cKiw elui rending tllnar of r PIH I > tale tl cannot cannoti 11101 11101It
i locale It the th hiding hldlli place 1 of r apt It Kiddit Kidditburied liI Kiulul i iI
I buried hlr1 huni d treasure trMUt t in nny alY other ot hi r n pt > nt t tint Ihinthe Ih1 t tintth I
the th Inlr I of Ir Palm 1llm Ia tnt t although Illhollh i i t hottgtt the Ih t h IIIlnr IIIlnrtk a author authortook III liar liartook I
took tk the th name II niu liberties lHrU with th tin t iiig iiigrphy > IJ > K Kraphy
raphy rrh of iliirlenton hnrl hrhrl Imrlkr > rs etivmum etivmumaa tivinuii tivinuiia 11
aa a he h did llc with th the th Weehawkuii WIIWII wood woodwhen wloc WluIwhn
whn he h converted rllrtd them to I hi his une I in inhi I Iiibt
hi bl tale tat The TI Tb Myntery of r Marie Iat Iaru Huge flagtlhtnt RI I IKent Ilnt
Kent lnt on seeing Iin the th t ti weird wirtlI iitul ti hit I It < < i < f i emi emitropical II 11t1 11t1trnpkfil
tropical tmpl < l Jungle Jlnll which onpe inr nC inspired the themvage I thPpavagr I
mvage 1a dreamer talr to t rit rl itii hi tory ry of t the themyntlc th thmyt t
m1Ie myt myntlc Ic beetle httl hiet 10 one n Hltp Ih ni t i Inn hi I i I handy hacy hii iiih edition editionof IMI 1 it 1 u uor
of Ioen Io tales ha Ic into a conenient CI cuuhIs ° elI I It Itntl nwUet nwUetand i
and nd take tn the Ih ntHly ruist id 1 I ferry rrr that tat pl plfrom I itfrom < i
from lrm the th wharf luck Ilck nf tr uI the It new I dittom II uuhuu III
Houae 10 It ntu through thrllh I h Hog IlJ I I g Inland 1lalll I Mlii nil Channel lltlI Cliii tttI to tothe I Ith a athu
the th rickety rlkt pier HI I Mount III PletHml on onthe nitlb I
the th mainland 11111 north rth of Ir ihe i h hiri iii ri > r lh 1hR 1 hir hira ri ria
a trolley tmly ftir wait wal to I Ii f rrr fzrry irry pi I IInllr pstigr pstigriantlr enicen enicenunder >
under Inllr lh t 11 > sweeping WPi Iila I hal Iart in I uf f the Ih I hi water wateroaks wu Ir Iraka tr trtiake
oaks ncrowt the th lUliand Itlnl where wllr wlurihi ntamU ntamUthe Iall Iallth
the th scattered lal1 village III of r Mount 11 lt PIMSmt PIMSmtover Ilu siutit siutitovr
over a i marnh lah anil alel ntnp Iil of r niter wuh ar r lo I Still Sullvan Stillu 1
van u n n4 liland 1111 I Then Th < > n the o h hpUmly western westernextremity wt nii niiet
extremity pUmly et nitn hIT of r this tl I ii iii long 1011 low In w wind ss tuuh 1 bar barcrooked I n I Ironk1 r rCTOkiMI
crooked like hk an ni elbow 1 IIMu around the Ih IhtOlrorthm3illanIIh 1110tnuirot iin iintonrof
tonrof tOlrorthm3illanIIh the mainlandnlairln natnlanut Mi4iiIhs Fun ro Moultrie MoultrieAn 1lhr 1lhrth ru ruAs
An th1 I ti inland looked IIk1 t tn Poe 1 HI I i it the th t ti tiwh 3 3 < M Mwhen
when wh n for rlr a I lime 11 I I IIli he h wit U I nlilllulleil uiii Ia I I tutu I lit lt is I the thefort Ih Ihtor I Ifnr
fort tor a I ii private noldier IIr it 1 11 lank IH > U < to I the thevtnitor uhavtinr h hitr
vtnitor itr todsy Only Ol the Ih I Ii vividly III ptiiite1 ptiiite1barrack i 1111 1111rk
barrack rk of lt the th iirmy IrlY jun11 re erMinm relieve relievethe rhi rhithe Ii Iithc
the monotony of 11 r Kind lul ttiuI and < 11 bristling Irl I I M Mtnetto hul hulinuSto I IIPto
tnetto tnettoIn IPto IPtoIn
In the Ih introdudiui Inirllflu to t thU tale tal IW IWays 1 1
1 ays ys that the Ih whole island 111 with Ella he heexception 1 hu hu1cuptiui1
exception of this western WIrn jnimt ill I hurt hurtMoultrir IartInujItriI I I11
Moultrir nnd n line 11 of r hard white 11 liii IMMIII IMMIIIon i iuIi
on ul 111 the th neacoant It I is covered with wlh a I g giutdrgrct dense denseundergrowth II
undergrowth Ildr iutdrgrct < ruIht I Ii of the II I ti sweet MW ii4 t myrtle tnyrt i so n much muchprized 1lh 1lhlrh1 In itI itIirtzl
prized by h the th horticulturist InrllI1Iit al f KtmtaiHl KtmtaiHlThe IIu1 IIu1Th
The Th nhruh hrli here often ift rt tt attains Ila the Ih lnulit lnulitof hwl henIL tit titor
of llfleen If1 or r twenty 111 twtit feet t and I forms rI friutnlmot nn nnalmost 11 11almOt
almost almOt imiMnHralile tiflpnti ri I I c ii < ippiie I it burthening burtheningthe 1rhII I u i ri
the th air with wlh its i it frigrmce frigrmceOn trilrI
On 01 Sullivan SIIIal Inland proper hr tin s Iii ahm ahmimpenetrable ahlt ahltImltrlhl
impenetrable no p11 rabl coppice cuI ul u muni 11 lit lI t IIIM Ii hi iu I rn rnlargely 1 ts tslargIy
largely Hwept wt iiwav WiY in I the th t hi year following rII11
Poea I Viu ui residence r IIIC ulnc at lt the Ih fort turl for an a the thetrolley II IItrolv t iu iutroiIy
trolley trolv turn Irl to the 1 ttu north tlIh hart it and 1111 followthe rI follow flhIW4hip
the length of r ttie t1JIlalel lii inland Iliere is i nonign nf nfgreen atgnri
green Irlla munne lttas onlyiheiliim oni nly V I h uIit 111 iii > ur f fMlmetin fMlmetinwind pt al1 al1wind I I IwInd
wind nwept and naif Illt liii II ninothere lulr1 is lot < in I i it nnnd nnndAt ian 111 111th I It
At t the th lip of it Sullivan IllhIII Inland 1lal1 there IIr IIrnarrow is i a anarrow anarrow
narrow strip Irl of Ir t water Ir i ut I through Ihrlh ih ihlow It Itlow h hlow
low Kind n1 Ixir Htul all lieyuiid is the II Inje nf nfPalm ii iiIImu r r1lm
Palm PalmHere 1lmUr IImuIIr
Here thn Ih traveller trIr r han ha re ncaulr < f > urn 1 to I Ins Inshandy I Ihnd ihandy
handy hnd volume vohul of lt Im 1 I use In II I ii u detailing mlii i I Ut g ti tievent t I I IeTnt4
event ntA of r legrands Imnll early rly morning lornlll jour jourDity JutDft JUIii1Z07
Dity Dft tnaearchof in uirrtt rrh at r the I h muiii 1111111 tutu tlt branch bra nib xneiith xneiithlimb 11 Ii Iilimb
limb Imh ea Nt at t nidx il of r thnt thlt tret Ir whli hlh h ntiMitl ntiMitlaa
aa a a marker for r the I lb h Imried Illl1 trennure t tlie tlieauthor 1 I Iitutlior
author aayn that thlt lliey 1 cromnl 1 th r 1 k kat
at the th head of the 1 tti inland by ly menu 11 of atuk i 1 1kiff
uk kiff kin liT and Rtlao ascending a cnti n111 i tig the II t tt hign Illh Is i gli grouiid IrII groIIuu I on onthe UI intli
the I tli ahore hnr of the Ih mainland ia I 1111 proceeded in ina iiia
a northwesterly elrlon dirwtion < llr > ton through h it t truit truitof Irator hratof
of country exce IVely wild lllld alll den uIs411111 uIs411111whr 111 < ilne ilnewhere
where no 10 trace of r a human hllal footstep WM WMto W Wto wgto
to l IHn IHnIr h > e aeen aeenIf n nIf
If the th recline with ih the Ih A ittialyt analytical IIn I la teal I mind mindof iml imlor
of whom wbot Pan 1 wrote ro In The 11 Fl 0111 mid Hug lul1 lul1crO thugcromd I Icroaaed
croaaed crO the th creek nt the Ih head hmer of Sullivan SullivanInland I al
Inland in I H skiff kI k if and 111 ii nh then Ihl I prtMeeded in Ii it itnorthwe iinon
northwe norhwtrly non hwt ierly rly direction iii lrlm tal Itt I through h rail gii country countryexcraaively l Iultth 11 rv rv2cAiiriy
excraaively wild 111 and deeolate ul obit he h ilnl not notcrona utrr ttitrro 1 I
crona rr rro to tf the II mainlulid IRilllll bill Iln ID I the th 11 e of r
Palm Palml Ilarrlng IMrlnl the Ih hi fact rl1 that IIt there hr m mno I Ino uno
no blghland them the th description lorIUo or tiN Itnlocation il illoUon tiNlocation
location loUon And of r the th jungle JIIIII tangle lalll Hint Hintclothe liii liiiltttii I
clothe colh inland it I titus tltl no place II1t 1 other Ih limn Ihll HIIK HIIKinland liii liiitIand I
Here Ir nn Hii Htretch of Pt r lowland I t I tliit tliitKiint I thu thuf0nta
111I1 Kiint northward lorUIrl along 111 the I h fount fountduplicate 1 1dlpUt is istiti
duplicate titi IItC1t of th tho t ii Ih phenomennn I whiili whiilimay h ii Ii 1 1may
may 00 MN at Ca Cal > e Henry tis V n 1 i ti n nof I hE hEof
of the tl tti Orrat frat Klsmnl Swnmp SWIII wupi As 1 1leaven ua uala
leaven I la a the th car rr which w 11ch comm r pin in I a stni i1 1 1h j < n nthe iiI
the I h midst nilt of the I It loose In nand i ii 1 a i few r hundied h s p iiI 1
fret fi t from rrl the II tht Water 11r M p edge uigu 11 Illtre i Iur in a H Until Untilme 1 i
me Inl to t to l 11 Ix > e seen iu 1 ahead a hld but II I 111 the t hI h luni I utug IMIMIIIK IMIMIIIKnf ui uiF 11
nf r nand nd rising riIK from rr tutu I Ih In water t n edge Ig in inhigh I IIllh ii iihigh
high Illh hillocks hllMI will 1 here 1 t unit IIj u lump lumpof 1 t tat
of r the th ltieliable 11111 palmetto ai I Itli I Ileave I IIA
leave IA Hie Ih lnach 1 behind and iii Hiinli 11 with ati atiuitit h I Iinuih I Ilwh I
inuih lwh toil 11 up up to 1 the I h Minium I t ilm I 1119nl4tig Imif I Irange
range nIK of lr cHliil I iniiiiiilitiiiK itu iIIsIIt alll Hud 1 lli i h r rIdn1 i n nmartel iitgtlr
martel Idn1 tgtlr 4 in I ii displayed l Iuh iiicttv lrMft i 10 I id idexplorer t h hIIr ItI
explorer I IIr 4 fe 1i l 101 the t I ntnd 11111 nii I bills 1 > rli P HI > Hply Hplyflown it itii 1 1th >
flown ii < ii the th I It nher I Miles stu I lieing I ti g ptirict iui ired I ru I i
by Iy the th dying Iy IIIJM I > if t ire r ir mil I it I i hand handill
ill r nmolhered I hr I kllllieltiM
niiliiiig I hlulug
01 up upaboe ut utal I Inl
aboe nl the I h nHJld 1 like h I k Ihe Ii 111
o i I t hallils hH ii t > f n lullII ii 11 it in inu a ae 1
u e luagmire Kllr I I hen Ii Ixynml Iy tin t I jnuiil jnuiil1reet
1reet r rtr > vivid vivll gre Ir1 gnthu < i it I thai t B I f fwaving tnvtiig
waving RVII tree t tr to lois > that stretches tnII awav
l 110 > enw Inw the th level I of it r the Ih I h ciirrhu ieer rII11 a u lung I ii g IWI afid afidmounttins a n I Ila Ilit
mounttins lit 011 la 4111 necnu 11 IIP e I I it > tfHi h H < n ti < r li > km kmdown 1 1dnw
down dnw 1 from t hi Ii heiglit hlhi n liMPs I > r iii t I t tI tI i ithe
the I h ffirent I I hi II fci i nf lr i I In I r < MIII MIIIHinted 1 tIi tIituintul
Hinted hill if lie I ii Mtlllsi tl his h ii I nil I tp Milll Milllstraggling I e ep
straggling p raKlnl ra ggl in ic liranch Irllh I nt it I th I I mfai r r f ftinuI He HeMind I
Mind n1 and al I ntopH IK I think Ihlik thv Ih I HUH HUHhwt I I11 ilit
hwt lit venllge 11 if r growth t th I ill 11 I i liiried
tree 1 IrUUk t lllk he I Ii will I ill I reMlire rHI hut hiI ii e tint 10 i a aIYZTny 1 1iirgrny
iirgrny 1ry forext that tllt rilI ami oI 1 i My
Ixvond 011 that I sand t1 lutrrnr Iirrirarp
There hr are a inyrtlen nyrt 10 ili I I their I 1111 r nuitlled nuitllednaked 1 iit < 11 11nak1 I 101 101nakPct
naked trunk and lirm Ir I
trll > he h hrI in > m mIllllp
Illllp lll I tfe I n the I I ii gnarled RaI1 gniurl i t t blMllihi 11Ih lthlIli II M of ofthe lr lrtl ut utti 1
the tl wuter tr oak I and darker etkr ma ia f the thefHiie t h hI In Inpita
pita I IWtwe 11 n I liranrh Irll 1 ami nlc brniiili run runthick ruiI 1
thick thlk I rope rl ri of n flowering rlll win lit Iten 11 I tt nl nlliearenl ittInart
liearenl 1 view 1 the th I It luix iti nf t tin i I ti ir I n i < tI I t lit litflhlOt < H
rafiliot flhlOt 101 In I ne oii I i Ihioilgh Ilrlllh the t tiutns ri nf r cnil 41Ittand cnilnnd 11 11An1
and nnilergrowth IIIqcr t h One 111 nu KU I IS Past Ilul t there thereare I t lion lionaro
are fr XHIS 1 and tutu rirulet nf ilnnVc Inlk wnl uI < T r tliT tliTaUiut I Iatiqi
aUiut f atiqi 141 lao li I tree Ir lutnm IN pule liMb I pili wlilte wliltewater wlitwtpr 1 1Ir
water Ir moccasin Ii ntid nlil it nil imiumniM Inllllrhi n ii ii rn r lii UMIIK I I ii g
thing IllnK I tim ga Hniirby I I I our I h by hour hma nnd 111 ye Y1 yar tr I 1 yeiri it u upul r rpuff > iicli iicliuuff I
puff pul of r wmd WI 11 that I II come m from r ft 1 the t ii h hIh MM MMrnoriM 4 4lb
rnoriM the Ih nnnd mountain llainl fnrth tthr r nnd J
furtli tlr fui t1ijr r on In n into 1 iii the U lit giecn 11I gt n Ine In luiirt I
tho th jungle jungleJJf jlnalI
JJf I JIr t a h tn nret of r mystery mtr mystPrvwhich into intowhich 11
which William 1 l Irand irrand plunged twirling
th the gold < oM Lug 1lf it t if I fn n nri rhll tlf r a wil wtii I lash B
The Te text I of n Io 1 a tale 011 hal nhnw ho wilI that the theparty itt ittparty
party or if ihr thnm mtrrrd
py Ird a region inflniielj
mor m dreary A7 than any Te v neen n 1 hU iltico
J U > 0 Mun UStua aur u ii waa u a npvcie I I I of tahlel tahle tahleT Til
land near nfRr the aiimmit Immlt of an n almost amot In Inaccewible InCil InaccattJi
accewible Cil hilt hi densely woodrd from baao baaoto h
to pinnacle nnd nd d Inirnnnrand 111 wor with huge hugecross hlJ huaiT
cross OTa iT iIgi i hat ai oiwarMl > earcd to 0 He I looaely on Lila thnnoil th thtl Lilapitl
noil tl Deep ravine rnhl In II various direction drflon drflonI dinuvtionagiIl
1 gave 1 nn air of i r fill ll I terner alI nolrmnlty to totlie tt tohit
tlie th ncefie ncefieNow > f
I Now a little lut I inquiry alr in Charleston Chrhton will wIlliftfl 1
1 convince iftfl IN une ihe I h hi credlou Illi that not lot within wihIn a aI aliiindrotl
I hundred hllr mile 111 of r thecitv Ih CII eit IM there any n mich michlierrttnrv NIaehI Ih Ihr
lierrttnrv I u rnttnrr of r toppling 1flllg eras and nd abysmal abAm1n abysmal1tauitu
1 chasm nn n ilu lill I thu of lt Tlie Th r1 told ling Pout 100mlh PoutI PooHirnplv
I Hirnplv mlh drew or n little 111 from rrl the th ncenarln narlo of ofIhe orIh ofI
Ihe Ih I Ito Sorrow of Vrther to embelllih embelllihihe m lh lhI
ihe I iii h gloom 1011 of r hi h selling Of If count lr It ItWHS
I WHS 1 M4 ncceaaarv 1r that I ht HIDI there th than b b be > norne 1m omamitt elera eleraIHIII n nOr
IHIII over Or the th level of thn th rot U Ugrand 1 I Irn1 1granil < >
grand rn1 could lld not lt have ha paer4 > e red through throli
1 u 1 gw od > d clan 11a in a Ihn Ih H Ju hItiGfA > hcpa loatel t01lln In Inutovtla Inn Inndevil lf
devil se utqt f and ancIIOt located the deatha lfha hend hendon
I on that I hit cerium rt811Ih limb of a certain rtain blip Ilp tr trIt IrP treo treoIt
It I i sa ensv to t reconstruct the th mechanira mechaniraof mNhnl mNhnllr
of the th late tal na f they Itii grow Kt In Poea I mind mindThe mild mildTh mmiiIl
Th The niithor nllhr went lt itt alit oil lo II Ihe Ih Inle 11 of Palm Palmnnd Palmanl Palmaanil
nnd climbed llnb1 In the th top nf r the th sand land range rangeand rnaeIn1 rangetnt
and In1 there he hlw saw thin glowing forrot rt lying lyingtangled 1lnJ
tangled IIII I 1 ni hi lila feet The Th myntery < ry of r It ItI 1 Itiiiiivil
I 1101 moved him hi fa asIlv ilr n Ito I caught usht mJI thn ti nrnsn pqnet 1
1 of t it liii I inipenetruble 111tIIhl iiiip twtrulda mawte mal Ills II mind mlne ntniiilwivs
Inlwav Iwal MI a IIIMMI 11 lo I the th nilKgeatlon Rlon of cr Ihe Ihei Ih Ihr thualIt
i alIt > illrit r rS opled the Ih dark aislen ail between btwfn butwunth
I I the th tn I tro and 11 the II snaky MflhiV n vine a with Capl Ca1tII apt aptItthi
KuldM tII Itthi grUlv rl ciew It la 11 a verr probable probablethai juroitalilI roha I IIhl
I thai Ihl t out nlr ofthe it tl tit man mu of foliage rolal r m I n Ihn Ih vintA vintAi 111 111ht IistaIHfcr
i before ht him Ihe Ih tl of
hll gaunt llli arm no porn porntrig me lower lowerling towril
ling il tree I r lifted la1 to cnfch Inn hi eve There ThereI Tr TrI
I the th verr plan i1a 11 for n nkull kll lo nerve na 1 a alurkr aI
I I murker lurkr for the th buried treasure treasureThe
I < > The Th iold Hug ll waa waaI written writtenrin wriln wrilnI
I rin Til MM iii 1 rt rII niir iii iiiThu innnnr innnnrITIie 11nl
ITIie 11 ItiillilliiK Illdllt on Fifth Irl I hu venue From ron an anArrtillrrlitral anLnstthlcetitral n nhltlr1
Arrtillrrlitral hltlr1 Point of orTh Mm MmThe S leit leitlli
The Th American ltrlml public Ilhle library lhrr han ha not notattempted notnlItI1 notnttuiitIttMI
attempted nlItI1 to solicit patronugn by u iigoI nug nugge I
ge 1111 goI iinii nit of ii r studious at i iii julia drtaclimiiit ttallI ttallIC ileta It flielt I It nuy nuyA
A t C C David fIhl writing wrilli In II the th September SeptemberArrtiitiflumt Nltrbr Nltrbr1Iord
Arrtiitiflumt 1 rrhulu lwr1 1Iord Rarord Hi cord of r public 1lhlo llbrane llbranein Ihrari IhrariII
in II general Jnml and 1 the th New S York urk rk Public Ilhl Ii 11bniry IiInry Iiiniry
bniry in tarticnlar 1rilllar Here I patronage patronagehim p1 ptrotiaghits rola I
him h never r iKen invited 1111 by any 11 flavor flavorof 11lr 11lrlt I Iif
of lt if dnmeslicily IOIMIhil iiniiwI Itity which h in Kurope lrl iirnjw lisa hlM al alwirs ulI ciW4ty
I way lieen I uy usM Kint iittoI Hl with wlh mich rdillcea rdillceabut Nil edII1Vuhiit
but hii it I I Is ileigned ti I1 for r the tht purM plq pllnIHive > e of IiiP Im ImIMMiiig
IMMiiig 1111 P ° liC itnelf Ilr t upon It IU UXt thu t hi public 1111 l it und 111 U titi of u it r rnloll an announcing ii n nnI ¬
nouncing nloll nI 11 iuIIl g from rrll Fr iit some I cnliintiddetl eu tutu IIal1 fltnhfMi portico porticothat portco port
that I his v t is i a I gieit t educational ul II I IIt11 Illal utii I liintilutlon liintilutlonand 11Iltl1 a list I I itt ton
and 11c 1 iiiI thnt IIII t liii I Ihe III t I public j ilil It must Ilal for Ita I t Is own ow u ginxl 11 guxII j
ciime rt I lilt m I I II and 1111 it US I grt 111 gc I eiiucnte 11111 11111Th I oil < l lThe
The Th 1 li public 1lhle t I it it libnine hhnrl I hint rea in I Ihe Ih I Iii vmaller vmallerAniiricnn Imalr tiij I ler lertItirIiti I IIIrhl
Aniiricnn IIrhl tItirIiti cities Cit Ih h4 whose 1 dimension 111nln were werenot wareIt rt I
I not It it I well 1 I ndnpted nd I t I to monumental 1011 itlollil ln 11100 I Itt I treat Irfat t rca t I Iment IIwnl
mont Iwnl continue conllll cunt i111o4 the th I It article Aric ii it Ida have hl 1ia vu mif atittotoil r rrrfl i ifered
fered rrfl from rrl runui Inking Iill treated Iat1 IIHI much mich a aeducatiiiiiiil 1 1IIIIIIM IiMI
educatiiiiiiil iMI iti I nil at I mstiiiition IIIIIIM lit ii I it huts and Ind it nil not enough enoughmerely nahtrl nu isigtt isigttuior1v
merely a ia the th xlnll h1 uf M rvnilmg oelng room roomnnd roumRII roomnmii
nnd RII a liook hHI stack Ilrk Hut Ihl in II the thlarr itt larger citie citiewhose nit nitwli I
whose wl wli is lihrarie hhrr I t Iiti rloi are ir t ro well 1 I e < 1111111 sit Ulppe i Pid < l nnd nndfully Ald Aldrlly a mtd mtdIii
fully rlly Iii I y capable ru I ii of r becoming 1111 I orobil tug vu valuable IIIRhl IIIRhlI I I Ifl 1114 gao agencleH ii gaoci
cleH ci I for Ii in the li t Ii disMtnuiJllttn olIIllnl I I tiit I1J I lUll of r knowledge1 knowledge1and Ii fluw hugo I Ia
and alel a ii I ideas Ii ion among lnllt n large laUt lii tgu number nlllr 0 II mitt en of u if r peo people 1 1f1 ro ropt ¬
ple f1 pt the Ih t tt inntitiilional iltlllhlni I list II ii I hmna I idea I han tl a 1 much muchIwller mich mich11 mucht
Iwller t l mr chtnci 11 of r effective III C urchllecliirul urll arehiictsiraltiraii ctlal ctlalI ctlalIh i
expression I tiraiiSuieii I ISuch
Such Ih wa wna particularly the Ih CUM I with withihe wut withI
ihe oh I hi New N ow Vnrk rk Public Ilhl Ii hi Ik llhrary 1Itan I 1 tira rY X So i other otherlibrary at lnr lnrII
library lrIY II I in rY in II a It th i h > country tuiui lty lit ry reprerenied I Ia such suchn 1h 1hA
A coiiililnil u ilIIII1 uiit t ion ot it r private lint iii I o mid HII it III I public miii hll Iii en
I dowmeiit dowmeiiti dIII dIIITI
i The TI collection rIb Irill ctiuii itoelf ilr wan the Ih t h rexiilf rexiilfof rIII rIIIut roNtihlit
of the I thi ginenmil v v of r three Ih private nIII donor donorwhile ulotiunhim ln
I while II him tin II Kite I 11 for r the Ih ii now W billldlllA 111111 and anditn Mliiiits 111 111I
its I coot t wen I supplied by h Ihe Ih city oly et ami RIII the theicilv thutI
icilv i I 11 I y had hlel leeii iao it een 1 more I generoii IIII iii limn limnI lt I unitlosr
I Mer I Ai 4itr > tor t l 11 not and 111 I hut dden It Ithad IIlel ItI
I had lel given 1 u I ite II in I the Ih heiirl h of r ihe ii 1 city citywhoe oat oathi IY IYh
whoe h i niarket 1k1 ill ri t alue 11 at at t I Ihe Ih I It prenent romtt time timeliiut 111 I i tii
liiut 111 I lietween wrli 11 T mi ilei mi and 1111 Siioi 1 1I i Ills Illsuiui > i
i I and aue it I had 111 hi erectd on I tin I h iii altO I an 1 edifice edificealmost iiititrogi 11
almost 1111 regardless rogi niIa of r e ialiN I llne So l pub publie 1
I lie I It library in II the lIt h wirld rhl unless it t I hat iliaif lhaair hatr
if r llnsliin 1 occupies 11 such llh a sllfxrli I1 alto nltennd altotutu I
nnd ni tutu on iti I no ii other II library 1nr Ithinir liutldmg Ihla Ims Imsanything I hatusII
anything un II OVI I11 ii aug like Ik ik an much lwh lfl aol iimney iii Iy ttoy l sti tt I Ijh lit uv uvi y yihtii
jh ihtii ihtiiI 1
i It is I u c < > n I i iiiently u veritable HlII In IntlI inatltiitli n nstit
stit atltiitli tlI itmii the TIm I result 1lh ixitli of atatii r individual lthdlnll lthdlnll111r
und 111r of public 11 aspiration mid itl nf t indlv IIlh IiiIltahu IiiIltahuIi idnal I I 141 I Iand I I
and 111 Ii Iii I public 111 i iiI ii it Kurillo pi 1111 ritn mil ut it 1 one which whichwhen wlII w timitiM
when M 11 hiumi cntupleled u unit lptI1 ti iu I will us II a I I constitute c inI Itllt it iit n most mosti 1t 1tI in iut iutt
i tnicient dlt piecv if machinery Ichlry for un converting lolnantliagI IrIK IrIKI I III
I II IlillccllOtl nIIOI ti iott of it Imnkn 1 a N la Illtll 111 I t ito it I mean 1 lfluil Ill of ofpopular I If IfIiutitIttr r rIIr 1
popular IIr instriii 11 umiat riiutIu4 riiutIu4t lion lionI I I I
I I The 1 l ht building IIulhll Income the lii I uu 11 lllIoI > i lit 1111iiortant 11 litJNIntaltI
iiortant building 111111 of lr its II kind kil111 m Ito Ih country countryI try tryI
I liciiu I iun iiM it will i II I I I provide n Ii hilo ii lltllng 11111 lit I II I IC habitation 1111111 1111111rt hits hiltat I Ill I Ifor
for 1 In the I h uioi 11 lii 1 uefiil exlrtlng o II C tal tll I I g library Ilmv IlmvII hunt ry in inI
I II tlie I tin lirgest t American city H I I
1 lhe l in Sew ow Vnrk lrk rk Iubhi lit JInrv I tiniiry > mry i is nut nutiiitiinlil lut lutUlhII tintI
iiitiinlil UlhII I 1 to I Ii l is > e n I great Iral I monumental iliottla iliofltii I build building titil iii iiihag ¬
hag jl which would 11 look 111 alinixt u its itsI well welli 1
i Irmii I r 1 ii one u 11 INIIIII 1llt I N it ii of r view nn another UIIhr ii tint hi or und undwhu Lu tiii tiiiwht 1 1wild
whu wild h wmild w 111 uiI I I > e fiindiini rlIIIIlv tutu hu > iitullv a I I v nn 11 nitiu ex exiimp I I
iimp iu ii l of pure I iirchitectiiinl U nttitt out ii mi I form rrl fur Ill It I t is isliltsigned taI
liltsigned 111111 I lost gtt I rilther rlr nit t lion to II face ti 150 nil III the Ih t ta avenue avenueif aalt ito itoI
if I r a city Ott Ir S nnd 111 II lii I tint 11 to I ne m 1 out It iii it of lt place j jon j
on 11wl it such a iota a I site si ih It I t isfs < nfinly liI III Iii hly and ii Ill I franklv franklvnn rnlkh rnlkhIIll Fri miii I v va
nn a ii instance IIll t lits tiLl nf It r slieit al f architecture 1IIotlr ii nil it oct itro nnd nl1 a MN MNii I Ian I IallIAI
an allIAI ii Ii inMnnce I hula ltOO nf I r 1 slr at r t architecture lrurtII ii rehi it iit ii lu It I V I 14 iii iiiI din I IIIIh1
1 tmumliil IIIh1 I I it giii Ito I In i ri its I I Ia ippariin i i OII rt nu rather ru I tior than thanSnt Ilall I I I
IltllNrtfig IltllNrtfigNt
Snt indent u mu i I iiiit Ihi I hii t it in laiking IIkill lik I ii g 111 il dignity iii illit illitTh gltlty I
Th favude r mi ui Iifih rfl Fitt Ii avenue aII IOta hn poisei poiseiin mill 1 I II
in I Il well w 1 ll nn I ii distmitiiin 1111 character a I as well w1 waitT I Iin j
T in iua good miinneis 111111 Hut 11 mill am 11 ill it does II ilis not notinsist 11 11iuI1 mintI I
insist I upon ii III pi ill iin 1 I a own I 1W WI II p hi < uliar suit r importance 11rall I Ilituttild liii liiiit jnn j
I nn A everv o t rv monumental muonhl tflatilt I binding lillnl I i ii I in t must IIt In last do doIt I II I i a aI
It I t i a iiiiitent uu itit alit with W I I Ii u MirnewliMt 11hHI uuinow I iu I humbler humblerrol tlllhl tlllhlII ii ii Illblar IllblarrI
rol but II one tia wlaih h is l prottahly rh 1 more morenppropri talonft r
ft nppropri Ill mu in ii ite iteIt I Iit
It liHikn I ingrafinting ilriIIil ruiher rtimti r than im imIKieing In InIAI liiitatnit
IKieing nnd Hint H I probably lrlill one UI on reason reasonfor rol
for rlr I ir It Ita popularity OIaJI Ii rt I y U I I I m i ii intended 111111 I at am lou I for rlr IMIII IMIIIulir tutu tutuuiar 1 I IILI
ulir ILI rather than thia Ial for ru official nlrnl use und I the thebuilding I 1
building 1111 hlll 111 It IC Issues 1 to t tu i Hie I li I poo oiplo pie I all 111J ii it invitation invitationtn I ti j I at lol tom tomii
tn ii enter Ir tlt or rather rat liar thm Ih I lii ti a a command commandm iailt 1111 1111 III I Iini
11 ini 1 > m 1 U 1110 no noHprclinriis Unll UnllAr IIIIIIIfl IIIIIIIflpoIIiIrils
Hprclinriis of ihe t IVirt n1 ol Iliumv n sgeil sgeilnil oiI oiIanul 1 1nIamI
anul nil nIamI Pamela sril Id 7 7Katharine fI 7Kaitiunina
Katharine 111haril Tvnin Trlll in II Irmtrr 1 Finitowis Finitowistha irnllow irnllowthe
the Ih poem of r two IWI chldren tn tI I Is I printed printedof rnt rnt1111V
of llunnr 1111V ageil 111 s i golden rolIn haired hllr1 nnd In1 clean cleanskinned eloinkiiiiuil
skinned klllI Inclined InrlilI lo be I practical tllllalel and very verymm varyun r
mm 1h h on the I lao lookout IH for plagiarism 111lln1 dr drPmirU t hyi
PmirU 111 i uginl I I I who wh h audiciiiiisly an 11 1
iie I < e < tdean tdeanIhe tiloitIhia
Ihe Il narrative lurnllv tail ri tiv chnracler ilti Iirt raurhor of Danny UaIY UaIYI tunnyeni4 a aI
I eni4 14 I mdlil 11111 itiiit < liy II the I Itiolntice rll of ofi
I i getting II ii i ieciie muIs for r Keeing alllg 11 a fairy fairyiliil ril rilI fisiryI
iliil I tI4t I he I Nit 111 I Ii I fH r a l for II Lu in three t t iaro diiyn II hi vi and andIn i 11 11hi nil nillimit
In limit Ih ItHiuirint Shall hll I s tin Ih fairy rlJ fairytili
Hi hMI tili Iameli lall Ii mtiolt howevei 1 ii liWOVit wa I N br I IY nature naturefinied Inllr InllrIn Itit I l lI
finied I i rt a I townrd I ian Ii I iibntract ii I tt rail and In ii nit idyllic tI 111 I I I ii ver veriIn r
114 iIn 11 had 11 not 11 vei 1 nrriveil rr1 it reading readingpwlry alllI
pwlry Ii 01 ry her v vt in n I > n rar erve t1 l ma i mi II mudKisi mudKisilittle 111 sail g I II
I little Itl mail are a ar nliie 11 iiiiliifluencitl 1IlnlIIC1 and a
I entirely her h own IWI Ilm lIi title liti il of r the Ih lirt lirtI I
I pMm I I iu il al uggt i ta Itlnk I tilo I I io and ii 11 ni I i a oriii IIIII tiii < tlntig tlntigin t Ii ti g gIii
111 in the li nature of t a SiTlI lhnp ody odyTH
TH Tit > si > AI Ati l MIMIV Il AI 4tiI V VI T TI
I I hi b l lla 0 > ii I slti iiii and ninon 1n A AI 111 knit 1 1I
I ha Ia hune > hln o 1 hrlKlit hrlKlitrNtniii Ilohl Ilohln tittlilliI
I lo n 4 rNtniii nlulit I10hl mtIilitrla
1 I t tlir hiie 1 lii 0 f tNPN r up II In tlie I Ito sfci sfciMiI a aI
MiI I 11 mail in I hair Ir lltile lltilePhi 1 1rh taI taIrh
rh iirl It4 ini < i lint hfl hflt fit tlvHie fitI
< Hie t 1 ha itHHn n an n < l i Mrs I ra that I Ia mu shine slit I tl a al I II niifhi niifhiI 110 lii iiltl iiltlI
I ue I mi ilia 1 siiinea all iinr iinrtnl In Iari
tnl i gil U f li 1 s in i ner v site Il light lightlil lt
1 lil 1 lliime INP a fit4lit ll liii hlll nil Ir if f tile t I In tiltflit tiltflitI latillittintty h hi
I i llunnv 111 i 4a imi la a U4 rt 1 pro II writer wnitorI and andrr il1 il1I
1 I rr i ie t Ni l lutidfii III I to M 1 lie I Ii ItrV It n prose It I inns ah ahI Itoh ItohI fech fechh
h I I trBii niiaMauI j e l into i Iii I > try wn Hrforn Hrfornlloiiiiv ittutinI 1
I I t a ol III I in g gnsaui
I lloiiiiv rxiiti Ir f Ih Kpliter fi i1r anil situ 1 he heI h 1
1 11 ruartaoril II iii SIjlr h hIv hi hiIi
I Ii Iv V Bid is miih Ill i4t hI ii IIVIIT lIor ilmn I Iii ii Hi I h authu authuiih 1lh 1lhI ii i Ii IiI
ursltl ursltlu
I I 1 1Ih
iih Ih u iii rme 1 and a inr fY uttinif pitt illAa In room roomI 1 roomI
I Cefiire Hr vou io n I if Cii to l l lTlie 54 I IIhia
Tlie f inxin n us ill mm On Iin I rlani rlaniM Ins
M I tIe he sifl in n ciii I I f > I III tI fp fpiih
iih II i > me I m II Ii an anI I mr mrI I iii iiiI >
I u l I n I t iiuri I l you youI QU dear dearI au
I 1 lill sat satI a Hie I Ii lltlle 111 lOt It Mi MiUm I II ftI
Um I ilu t fenf fenfI r rI
I kiiw I N Imt II i I von ulu ton 00 well wellV I
V n i il t etll al HIM m mn up upi it itsuaa
n i sill I suaa < 1 tie > e nut 01 rojr lilie liliei itaaj itaajiit 1 >
i I iil 10 pill It I in II it a alb ptip ptipDie rI
Die f IrIr JrPfltor < re enter of if r the Ih child noetn give al al11111I1 itvPsronoliiitn n nrmcludinR
rmcludinR 11111I1 anerdote Illol which illustrate illustrateth
th t h hit evacinesn aujtoI 11 nf t hi h mind mindShe oiIsl ihlrlt ihlrltt
She sl I ln you 0 like hl lik poetry try an tnllrh Ih a auneli as
uneli lines tn Hunnr HunnrMutiny IIinnivIhtirany ln lnIlmn >
Mutiny Ilmn How In do co I know how much IUfh I Iabe
abe be lik lk t It I i
The Th new lncl tniU Vnclu1temiim IU > mua hook hk Uncle Uncleiltemiia lndI UnctaItamius
iltemiia I Itamius and nd the th Little 1ltl Hoy n01a wa the th hut laitwork hutwork lastwork
work of loel 101 Chandler harris IArl lfor Ilrnr i hi hideath hidelh hideath
death delh InteraperMsl I I tnI I among lon < the ti nlorie nlorier Inri Inri11plal
I art r > typical Tiicle c Hemu Imu rhymea which whichoing whichsing hlchinl
sing inl IhemarlvfM Ihmlh into the th memory mo and andItho ane antii
Itho I the atones lliem tlllt ttimilvei evp < hear auch Ih char characterittlc charactenistli hrettrlUc
acterittlc ettrlUc title Itl tthi a as The T Story tory of Ihe th thi thuIondang Ihei
i i Hooding How low IlrVr tlahhit Rhhit Save Sd t4asadRare l Hrrr HrrrI nr nrI
I Mara a Mf and ad Thr Th Story Mto of HrVr flrurI Fox Foxand 10 10I
I and nd Little Litll Mr Ir Cricket Cricketi Crkt CrktI CriekatJameus
I i Jame Jt Iuby author of The Th IlUck IlUckCroaa 10 ItlackCrosa k kCro
Croaa Cro Cloro 0 lays the th aoene os of hi h bias atory atoryIn tor tori
i In a mountain coimtry rOmU not far from fromNew tromS fromNaw
New S York ork The Tll plot Jot InroUr a New NewYork Ntw Ntwrk NewYork
York rk artist artit a young ouK New N York girl prl of ofI 01th
I I th IIP aimple almpll old Id fashioned rahlo1 type 11 and nl a aj AI amountain
j mountain girl Krl who ho though tholih unlettered unletteredi Inlln
and nd ha the Ih nrtlst hero heroof hrotl heroot
i I primitive prim il hl yrt et t aa a Arlt
of the tl tale 11 put pilA it I a touch tOlch of gcniua gcniuaIn lenluA lenluAIn
In her hf The Th mo mt t charactcrintin chacrin featiirn featiirnof
of tbe tb book 101 la I the ntrange trn wild wili love of oftlili ofthL I IthL
I tlili thL girl Iirl for rorth the mythical npirit of lt thn thnmountain th thmounll titituountatti
mountain mounll WI Vmneix > > ok k to whom hom nhe h u uat taat
at 1 taut Ilt united Inll1 in a nufllrKntly umrnly startling turtlingI tlutlnl
I manner mannerSmall mannrI mannerSmall
I I Small Sml Maynanl A t Company ompany lloaton lloatonh Ikton IktonI
I h ha1 tae VB on 0 their fall rlll fiction < lon li lc list l Down Homo Homowith 1000 1000I Homewith
with Jonnie Allen In by Irace rf Don UOlwnrh UOlwnrhne ioaiworth ioaiworthand worth worthand
I and ne with wi h fix 1 x llliiMration 1111 ralunl by Frederic KredcrioOnigor Fredericnignr elrlo elrloOmJor
Onigor OmJor nignr a book bk which whkhlke like Its II predecessor prrdecennorThe r rt
t The letter 11 of Jcnnw Jlnni Allen In ran serially seriallyin Ialy IalyIn
in the II fadir Adt Home 10m Journal JOIna Tho h Pro Irodl Irodlaa Prodi Prodigal < li ligal
gal aa I Pro Iro Tern TI by h Frederick Orin Orn Ilartlett Ilartlettand lar Ilartlottanti Ilt Iltan1
and llluatrated Iltr3t1 by h Howard Inwr1 Chandler ChandlerChristy hanIr hanIrehriI haniilerChristy
ehriI CaKklll involving A
Christy a Cakl romnnce rOII
j young 1 I woman womnanel and a New S Yok orkartl nrk arlt art 1st t who whoiImprovited hn I IImfrvl is isimprovised
improvised Imfrvl into a brother hrh from Alaska AUnkaI AlakITh
I ITh The Sixtiirp S lrJ by ui Warnngton W Warninglona rrnjon Iaww > n na
I a I tale talt of Virginia Ir ni like lk Ilk the Ih author pre preceding 1 1nlll lirecrulimig ¬
ceding nlll novel 101 tiov i The Th Scar r and ali for tarreader young youngrender rI rIat
render at Inclo lne Hcmu leI and the tlo Mill MillHoy 1111 1111ly Ia IalIoy
< Hoy ly by h loel Chandler Chldl harris IRrrir with withfiftyfive wit ilh ilhIrlrh hi hiflft
fiftyfive Irlrh flft yftvo HliiMration Ill Iltitat rt ion by h J M Cindo Cindoeight tgiduci nl
eight ci ght of Ir it liltin IhLI m In full rlli tti II color colorAmong cidonAtitong Inr InrAna
Among the Ih mikcrllaneou titlanII book of t thf1 thf1Iblho hew hewpiibllnhemaro heatpibtiahors
piibllnhemaro Iblho At are H J Jsoil Moor lnrA s With t h Steven Stevenon
soil on in Samoa Nalo with wit h a aCruntiai photogravure photogravurefruntinpieco lhotolralr
fruntinpieco rnl Cruntiai pl ere and fortytwo other lllu IIIra IIIratnn illtiatra illtiatraI lra lratlons
tlons tnn I Ion from photographn proof Irr rh ht t tleltem t tlt m mletter
letter lt Ac t c WIIIInl Vinthrnp S ItIt lanAi Packard laer Wd WdWallrln WoidVatitieringa ootl ootlVanderingn
Wallrln Vanderingn illunt iI rated ral by C lharl bane I ape oieland apeland 1 1lald
land lald iompleting mItIln the t New lW England Year Yearcompoeeil ° nr nrC1ltIuOuNMt
compoeeil of r Wodlali oodland Path Ialh inprmgl inprmglWild eIrinl I IWie tWiii
Wild Wie Pamures laI IKnrerl wunmerl Wood 10 < Wan Wandering Wal Wal1ln alt altuieningiu ¬
dering 1ln lautumni lallumn I and all Wildwootl l ni niI lays laysI > ny nywlnleri
I wlnleri In I Ilurida 1 Tralln rlll by Wiiithrop WiiithropPackard Wil hrI hrIlaIlnl ltrojlacloirii
Packard laIlnl Al 1 the Ih t New S Theatrvand TIal Theat nan1 Other Otherby Ot IthI hera heraI
by h I Walter Walr Prichard Irlehanl hjiton Alo Including InIIdlll an anintroductory anitittnuhIlctul7 n nhi
introductory hi rOllcul chapter r on th I ths h Iheattlcul Iheattlculnrndicate t ittajticaiavitilleatu hal Irll IrllIIal
nrndicate IIal lh I the h llntt Ilt year Ylar work lrk of thn I ho Sew SewTheatre S Sal Newiltoat
Theatre iltoat al t to dincunnion di < of lr variou rlnl plav plavnucli 1la 1laa tavs tavssuch
such an a The Kanient WaT W Thn T HarveKt HarveKtMoon lant lantIe IlarveNtMtaqt
Moon Ie llerixl JrI The Th Muu 111 iat from rrol Home HomeMitlChannel 111 hhina1tiihiaintwl
MitlChannel The 11 Pillar I > il of r Socielv SwItIVle jI j I Iri1 I I It
Ac ami 11 a variety rit of r more I general theat theatrical I h lieu lieunia 1 ¬
rical t ri1 nia I tIi t topic Wliat al Kight El glit Million lli I Women WomenVnnt VuiiuittVaMflt 11 11nl
Vnnt nl br h Hilda Iht Childe hldf Dorr the th t ho title I it to of r
i which In I derived from the III fact rar that Ihl this thwafUlialed 11 11anlial1 thisaflliistuI
afUlialed anlial1 nocielie iodd ia of Ir thn th t lit International Internationalt llttptliit tuitiisl tuitiislI
I t ixincil ii 11i liti I of i if r Womennumlier tlinan m nlrlr ntIiml be r eight iht million millionThe milo miloC utah Intl IntlTte
The Cotinervation C nalin of r Water WAt atar br h John I IMathewn IIalw
t Mathewn an 1 acomnt 1 of r the I tim problem Irlhl of ofiniw Ir Irmnil 11 11uilerving
of r the theinintry thetatIIt h hII
iniw uilerving mnil > rving the thl water rewmrcen
tatIIt inintry II r tV The n onfe nfpaIuti on of Ir u I iiI Hebelhcnm 11111 11111f
I I Wife ii miotiyniiMi ynnni a two IWI I Wa adilitionn iiiiil hllin it ii in lo I ii ihn ihnjHeacon I hit hitlIacoti
lIacoti Hiography Serie Mieorge Mieorgeahingtonby 1 1I
jHeacon 1IIIKralh r tIK tIKh
i I Vattimigt ahingtonby on h WorthingtonC Wrlh il1 ltittgtuin t Ford rrl anti nnd1HeiiJamin an1Iljml antiI
1HeiiJamin I < Iljml Ilatajamitilt Franklin Jranlll by h Mndnay III Swift Swiftuiui f i
Hiid uiui 1 Pnivenci of t l lra > ru Pound 10111 IniiiK IniiiKoetn 111 hiiuigInititt
Inititt oetn 1 eleite luui oil from rrl fri in 11 Iut Vr liie Kxiltl Kxiltltioii EI i u It i iI
and the I I ii tlr Ii rat t tI i iI ILttia
il tioii t II ttN and al1 alt I Caii7jinierf I 11t17l IFAI IttiOti JI tt
I American Lttia tieS I II edition oil hi II if jolt of I it r Mr il I r Pound I ii lid a wrk wrkThe w wrio I
The TI Siourge SI Wril1 arringtnti liuwnoii liuwnoiinew
new w l k deal with ilh life hr m l the I lale l is isin > I Iln IIi
Ii ln u nmall 11 irgnnnciiy lrllA irgIiItii ill 1 V wlmh w hith i is Mtid 1 t II III to toIa
I Ia IaI M > IVtereblirg IVtereblirghen trII1
hen Stevelinoii arrived ri1 nt Il SHIIIO SHIIIOhe r rI lttia lttialii
he h brought a letter of Ir if introduction IIIje1 ttrnii iit lo t tohi j jH
H 1 tars H boe 1 With Wlh ti ii Sleiennoli 1111 tu liiti III IIIS il ils II IIStiig I
S s Stiig iiioa I Htiiong I 11 I the Ih I aiitunill 11111 publicn thlf j jlion
lion 111 t For r i nome time tll t the Ih I iioveb iii i and andhi 111 111rII littu I IIi
hi Ii iii familv rII V made lut Mr t r Mourn lu urN a hou I iiniiio e their theirhome I I I iu r I IIii
home I Iii tna and liii Ii llfler ii Ii or Stesellnoll 11 St a you iii tented r alit aI a alittle j jlittle I
little 11 collage Ia not I far from t1 it he h Mill 011 aiviiI aiviiIlairiza xnit t j jla
la Ur Irl lairiza e part ari of r Inn hi time I with 5 11 itt Mr 1 Moor tairsiaIr j jIjiler ial
Ijiler al sieenxiii SI Il1ii54 1 re ienl Mr MrttttiliMt I Moor MoorIneKiiiiated r rj
IneKiiiiated ttttiliMt ° iI < for him 11 the II purchae lrthio of r the theVuilima II III IIhll theaililmti
Vuilima hll pmiwriv V and I built a little tttllana I it itlttge I II
lana I for him lilt there I h while wili Ihe I h nmelUl nmelUliwa
iwa I on 11 a iit to I a Sydney yIy and 111 nmiu I mill ii tl II I later laterthe lit litI litterlie
the th lie Vailima ta I 11 I Itita hoii hl luusaa e wax w hM built I iii IIL II I in I Iu < multa multalion iiti Illn Illnill il t a aw
lion ill with w 11 lila Mr I Ir MM IH > r from rrl wlioin 11 alo alojStetennoii II IIi lso lsoSteicitauta
jStetennoii Steicitauta lnight In h brown Ir II iHiny lack lackmade Innkthat
made that Ia funioii tutu I by I y Ihe I h lit Vailima VII Ir ii i ma letter letterI I a t I a s
11 I he Ii two i s a men 11 UJked Illkc I over r SteveiiMHi1 SteveiiMHi1South Mtovaliatt4oiit
South 4oiit tt ti Sea I blerarr I it oral V work w ark rk intimately IUmIh itt I imuat ci V and andwere till i I Iware
were involved 1hIIc together tiigot tier III II all I the II exciting excitingp oiIt eiml eimlr
p Lailt < ilitical t IIaI developinenl I s of r the I I Ii tune tll tllalll I i mmio m mSamoa a aSiimnua
Samoa alll Mr lr Moor I tell 11 the Ih Nutty lltV of ofthe ii iiI r rt
the t h he tomb II t tii i of t Sleven SIO St a it4iII on Mild titti 111 I of t Ihe I t ii Koail Koailif ttu aii aiif
ur if f liraliliide lallll r I Ii I aila and 111 he h rlonen ilu hi h I i us accoiinl accoiinlof nv ii iiit iiitut 1 1Lur
Lur of Stevennoii In II Simiki 11 with w It I an a anI apfieiil apfieiillo
lo tl I ii Slevellnoll 1 hI a vaflusoll lo er to I tu keep k ieli Ito th tollili tollilind I liii liiittd
nd d the Ih pathway al lo I it 1 up Mount III IIIII s slii aet aetIn
In II good IHI condition conditionThe iuihim Ilil i1 i1TI I IThe
The TI chapter dHII r tiead ol Hheia I a Childe ChildeDorr Ihi IhiUtr I hiliiaIurrs
Dorr Utr Miat hist It Kight ti thl Million hllfl Women WomenWant WII1 WII1nl ViniiaitVant
Want nl are a of fr mieret in I lhee I darn I of ofagitation fr fraailacll tifagitatioI
agitation aailacll From rl Culture llllr chI Iut to II Si1 Si1Hni Suitia1 Suitia1Srvire S < ml mlService
Service Hni Kuropeaii Elrll WI V tfliCfl < iiien and i I the theSalic Ih IhSalc I ISillilY
Salic Salc Ijtw American mri11 itnien ml antI AII the theCommon Ih IhIaw t haI
Common I intl tiiufl law Iaw I 2w Women Wr M I IMIMIIII i u to Is on ontl In Inth onI
tl th I lie Itiilern Iho fr of > f llnlunlir l V Making I II Over Ch I Ii or
the t i i Factor lrV I iry Irom lrl I ruth the th I ho Innnle IniI I ris isl Th The In Intellectiiul I It a at
tellectiiul t dlii aul Ancent t of r Women WII ttmioti llonkum llonkumthe Untkll Itosi I mm g gI
the I h lao flrent Crt C 1 rent TalxKi 1ai 1 wai Woman Wla ti N lletmi lletmiUnnd IIIU IIIUUal1 I I t t ti V VUiiniI
I Unnd Ual1 for Ihe Ih Prodigal It I I I Daughter 11llht I igIitor Th ThtUII 1 he heServunl Ii Iiarvialih
Servunl tUII in I Her I llmine I and II Mote Va 1 for forMiien r foritutett
1 Miien Th Ihe 1 ho tint h of fr Ihe oh author alh rii riinoiin t rtIii
noiin Iii iii4 mlvaiiciil Ieh ud i mru 1 for tl f in I hi ii It priMilalioil I t a I I ii tt ttI of ofthe r rI
the I h ftntu ii tat at its induxinallr iou I i r ii iii Hocmllv ittu II liv and andpollticultv it ma I Ihlllh
I Imin
pollticultv 114111 iLIIV of I r f the 11 I IWilltteth I wti Ittl 1I Ii enliirv enliirvwomnn t IIIr ti I l t tw
womnn w ililiifl min i Iti thnt t liii I it i i Ii a I matter matr litI I I or of if r self I Itlr m mteti iiiFur
teti > t for tlr lliu I lo I ii einmiiie AIII the Ih t In IIMVIMII IIMVIMIIileal I
ileal i 11I 11 l of r women Wilil v itliOlt und UII ititl I tlui I tj I a ill t in voting votingtretigth vu I III 1 g gstrttgltt
tretigth 11 of r the II worl1 rl1 i iilnii to l ldoubled Itlh ii iiiiuihluI
doubled Ihe I ht new eleinetil nhoutd nhoutdnlUlllitl I II
nlUlllitl nlUlllitlI tlh i
I Ihe 1 h I iJlt la I 1 iddllloiiH ih I ii ii I ta to t a the Ih t Iii lUMCoti lUMCotiI lLut on onIhllnhY l tit titI
I Iliography IhllnhY I tiigniu ili y S 5i IUM I ii the I h live h I it of i it r lieurK t tI nti rg rgVahilngtttl
i NVahlngloii Wlllln und 111 of Itenjamin Illjlmil Frunkhn Frunkhni irutkiiIring
i bring IrilK the trial lit ii now nlw iiadv ely up hI I to I ii thlHy thlHyI 11111 11111I
I I or < f Kni trl i ra Pound 1111 t Ii itith ihe lhnlrill I Amrirnti Atticr alt IMHI who whohn liii liiiliii
hn II pulililid I h I two I ui volume 111 in II llnglind llnglindand
and 1111 a It I wii i e limt Ii rat I t merican i11 ti puliication puliicationI pitt IIIlll IIIlllI leitt i a aI
I nhortlr hirt lv forthcoming rrhmhl tort littilt iii g Kngh EI Fti > h iiI > h iritio iritiohave trjt ill illha itu itutaavo
have ha had much 111 itioh lo ear f Hie ii 1 KnvllH hnQ1sII I I IKnixr I
I Knixr U referring trHIII to t It IhU Ihi411hliRtlI Ihi411hliRtlIay admirabte IithtiirihitMI HM > I Iayn
ay ayn aynI I If I
I Heramiol tjulllliI I ItiithfolU I I ill Ii ti d I i rompare i ommipi roil < l with withunv w it itjuly
i july IY IIVIIIK Inl writer wnl full r1 of r prsimaalliy prsimaalliyatm r onnlily j jand I
and atm 11 I wittl w ill it II mull itt loh iii I niwer lo 11 I at expr a I irua < tn if I that thatfrom Ihatr1 I tintI
I from r1 the th ha Hint 11 Il r 1 to I i Ihe I lie lat IIt line liii of r ino 11 iii t nf nfhi ofI r rII
hi II I IMHIIW he I hold lit m Hleaddir fity m I hi 0 own ownpite att attI I IIrll
I pite grave Irll grit va panionati i Iiatitlijt wmlil N I l 11 tullia <
1 The 1 I Illh1 Ittriih Hmkman U mr n tsui id i iI Vo a attos oilier oiliernew
new I litwik HMI < of If r IMHMII 11 foi r ye onis i > PIMI I ha had hadnmh hiiiINI
nmh NI 11 a frenlmew Ihl I of u if innpiraiinn 11inl illil I i ru t nh MHII Ih a aI iiIl 1
Il trongly I ru I sly individual Ilhvidal iii i t jJ I nole n fluI a or r Iden I sat 1 more1 more1alive I imtlr I I
alive 1 1 i vu with WI ih I Ii nndoubtable I ilil ho 1 ii it I le promise p rnli rnm rnmI I IiinrA II
I iinrA termed Irl1 I ntttu I Pernou I pa the h tiwn1 tiwn1temarkable t I In
temarkable thing n m 1trY etrr > nime in Hubert HubertDrowningand lfuiientltrcwittiig Ir 1
Drowningand ltrcwittiig 111 anI nIIO thei t > ircMngarinr rd 1 lru lttzgazanr callJ callJill 11
ill I it a mo mt t exciting iKNik of atrounra > oemn oemnPro
1 llml Illl
Pro Irotn rounra enca the t llrnl 1 Amencan mran oqlllinwill < ilition ilitionwill 1011 1
will 11 embrace lh election I from rol Pemonm Pemonmand iariinsatti
and atll Fxultationand 1SIII Ezliitioti awl from rrm alhitd A thid t hiliti Kng Knghh En Enhh Inglish
hh volume nhlm lo I lie puhliahednhnrtly plhlihd hor Iy under undarthe Inder Inderh underthe
the h title tt I of Ir Canxonlere CanxonlereJohn tnzor tnzorI anznnlrpI
I John U L Matbewi tbfw author of Tho Te Teun
5 =
j Conservation ConrAton of Water hta h pent pnt year yearJin Yfa YfaI yearsI
Jin I in fl thn th atudy of the problem Iroilem taking kine up upry 111 111flolt1 uptevury
I tevury flolt1 ry locality of our olr country unlr and bring brinitforward brne brneII bringing
Inl ing forward evidence fllnlo from rrl miii thld World Worldchapter WorldniO VonldI
I II niO chapter had 11 show ho thn th acl seep co of ofthn Ir Irth 01I
I the th work Walnr alr na al a 1 Reaouroe RfurO Flooda Fo flooufaI
I and Flood Iod Prevention nUon Storage Muni Municipa Muntcipal lni lniI
I cipa eilal I Supply flpI Water Watfr Power Imnr this th JUnln JUnlni Mining Miningof
i of the Ih White foal Col Water Power Iowfr in inNational II ittNatIonal
National Natonl Development oelopmtnt Swamp Drain Drainage OrlnI Drainagr ¬
age I Irrigation lriKaton Cornerration Colrtlon of the tbeSoil theII
II Soil Kl Navigation NavigationIllahop 1tul 1tullihop Reaulti ReaultiHtahop
Illahop lihop lirrnl Irtl of the Philippine Plppln U i at atpresent attruaent t tlrnt
present in Ihia tll country ountr finishing fnLhlna the theinaituacript themualpL theznnucrlpi
inaituacript of The To Hlsth HI t Henae HI 5 I i ioIume sw swrolumn w wTolum
rolumn in the th Art Ar of Life 8erie re edited editedliy Pltl Pltlb1 editedby
liy Fxlward Jdan Howard lowan Ori Crep inigga jt and ad pub publlahed plbILt publiaheil
llahed ILt by b H W V lluetiach Jubal Other Ohr recent recenttitle fnt fnttlUN recenttitles
title in the th anriea ri are ar letter Ittr Day Sinner Sinnerand 81nt Sinnreanti
and nd Saint Hltl by h Prof Irr Idwn Edward A lioaa lioaaIro It liOssProilttct
Iro Proilttct ltict and nd Climax by Prof prr Simon N NPatten NIalen Nlatten
Patten Ialen and Human IIman Equipment Jqllplnt by byProf byIror byProf
Prof Orlgg OrlggTlie nrlKTh flrlggThe
The Th scene In of Will Wi Irwins IrnA new IW navel norelThn no1Th navelThu
Thn Th Iteadjuminenf ia il the th Snn Sn t4ui Franciaco Franciacoof Fne8
of l tieloru for ro thn th flm n and ate many 1m of tho char charnctera cha charnctura
nctera net urn characteristic rllftrlrle type ty tn tntten tnttenfrom enj Cnrrom
from llfn Ir an a an thn th pictures Ictl of the th l ohe boheI > > ohemlnn h hlir
I mlnn lift lir that tht holpd tank 1110 thn th Pacific Pacificcount Irno Irnolt Paelflctupttst
count lt famous rnm It I is n novel tO1 of Ir taychology taychologyaa
aa DI well wtl aa action actionA
I A nlith edition llon of Twice Horn lorn Men Menas I Ia Ilnle
a Clinic lnle In Hegeneratlon ljnrn 1101 which thn thnIlevell t thuitevell h
Ilevell 11 ompany mn I is liiing III recoILs rfll thn thnfact th ththat tlefuel
fact that the Ih lain Profe JrOrt Prnfeaor < or JamnVi Inm inter interettt internt Ir Irft
ettt ft nt In n tin lila hook nccount Almt In I n menHiire menHiirefor m mtl mensitratar
for tho th reception IIn It I received rclvl < Writing Writingto Wrll <
to II ihn Ih publisher Iullht at Ihe Ihlm lit time of ltaapM 11 its RIIlr npjn ar 1
ant he I It aaid aaidYou 11
I You rOi nent nt mn II u a copy 0 in nheet h which hld I Iifirotttlnently
j incontinently iaIltnntl gave 1 a away ln Dont ntt you youIlnnk youI 01
Ilnnk I hltk I deserve d r a i copy p iiY in 1 board for my myI 1 ittyMlf
I M Mlf > lf I alll 41 am no tcd 1 in 1 the t thtpi e di I 1iyi > lo I get getfrom It ItI gotfnin
I from rrl publisher gift slri of fr bookn that I h t I Ii Ii Iito
i do I not tot care ar for thnt not ot lo get et I one on that thntI
j I care lr for rlr neem 1 to tlm me Ill to tl It argue arll nomethlng nomethlngwrong scinitthingI llthlnR
I wrong wrotl in il the Ih government of the world worldTin worldThi wirldIhii
Tin wrong rota In the II Iii government of the theworld th thnrl1 hi hiwiarlul
world wn I corrected cornettoilTue orrh orrhTh
1 The Th photograph photo rAh nhov nlioug ho < fng < the Ih travelling travellingetPrenident travellingelreaident <
etPrenident Irlolt shaking hakl hands hanet over r the Ih rear rearplatform rarplrrl rearplatforto
platform plrrl railing Ila with wlh a blanketed lankP1 red redchief r1hlr no1chief
chief ha h n prototype I m n hook hk recently recentlypublished rlIlyI
I published IIIh1 hI isliocl The h Seininole SmllJ Stmn ttiitlss of r Florida loreIA by byI h hj I iy iyMinnie
j I Minnie ltnl Mooreill LtOOrPitt4fflI Ior WIInn WIInnI in inThe
I The Th train bearing Iarms hit Fithugh fi1hlsh Iee 1 1ad Ieand
I and staff taf nlopfml at Kiuummen K Oi where wherecrowiUof whatettiwuis hr hrrrlt
crowiUof rrlt Ir tat cilircitftwent cliF cttiolis woOl lo welcome ton1 I he h I hero heroof
101 I of thn Ih Southland Mllhlslll ien Ui I > nn a drce ulrcnsoilitt 1p1 1p1II < l lIn
In II hi lila rank rnk aa I Inited ltil1 State Ial General neral and andChief ane andt1tef
Chief Tom Tnl Tig Tlltr rger r in I the Ihp rlalh regalia of It n I Semi Sll Slltll Semittia
I nolit tll ihieftum uhiielt rlil am The Tl ncctie U i indelilily IliIfli lily
inpriMml l IIMIII II nil ni whn vIm ho witne iiliosaol ned the themeeting th themiteIl
meeting 1111 miteIl jug llm lii Indian hllAI chief with lh the thSla Star Starand Starsanti
and alo Stripe St til riwus m j hi hand na u a a introduced introducedand mullc1 mullc1anl ant riIiicuutaiil
and anl nhiMik hlk liamU 1111t with h the Ih great 5nl American Americannoldier AtnenltanNllijef ir1
noldier Ir In I heaity Inr tone on 11 I ien Ne I re relpolide r r1 raIPOIioil
lpolide < l I am al gUd glmiiioso to 0 cee mil iiii chief 1Ir
1 Hamhn Inml Oarland write rt in I hi his preface prefaceto rII
to tl Other Main Mum II TrII1 Triei Itoidv lu31 to l Iutirm ii iiIiiiiiiiuhtoui
I piibliHheil uniform utirm with a HI Mam Ial tattiRjdit Travnlled TravnlledKixid TrI
Kixid 111 The Th entire nl nerie aortai ri wt 1 the I re reult noasilt
asilt ult It of r a Hiimmer 1 vacation ItOI visit t to Ii my I old oldI 11d 11dhol
i I home hol in Iowa to my father tIr farin in inIKikotn il ittI
I IKikotn I und n1 Lint of Ir nil al to t a my birthplace birthplacein hithlr hithlril
in il I 0 ViKconmn V ak 1151 II IIis t I is happened ii PIWfloi in I n IP IPI I II 57 57I
I wn writ > te busily 1 during Illrinl the I I ii two twovearn 10i twoYeats
i vearn 0 that thll follownl IHSS I Is nnd RIIII RIIIIh IKSO IKSOMv tu tuMs
Mv h ntnrie tr tell t1 nf r it farm trl life Ir m I the I thi Vet Vetnot Vetl Vetlmit 11 11lt
not lt a nit the 1 t Ii siitiiinir 111r ittt I Iir I murder u Ni rutr or Ir u r the th t l young youngl you UIII I ii g giIIt
l IIII iIIt > nly nnveliM 11 MSS II lint as tho th working klll
fiirmT indures IIr i iNot ii iiNm
Not 1 ull al the ili h stones a or iri of if r Other I h Main MainTravelled tltuittlrn llil
Travelled lrn so I 1ti Iliiuds 11 lb ant ha am it nu of if r farm rI F r a life lr It I i hough houghthey Ii a i gt gtI
they I h Iii predominate J cli tiii tOut a and aie he h illugu IIIJ iiit go life lifetouched hr hrwii Ii 1 1titiilni
touched uiMiii willl wii ha fniii rIII < ssforbidding Ill 1
111 I tt this I hi I am 11 a iii i n stai < r > iiuded tliv 1 itu V view ins in I mxind mxindfor au Ml 11 iiti iitifor
for rlr ufi inutler how h hiird hlrll Hie lii villager illr wart wurkahe warttie rl
he h In i not 111 Innelv He 1 ii suitors II III il it company companywith uPllIMtiwit f
with WI h bis hi fellow rI I 11 hen tint youth uailli IIh und undlove HIII HIIII attutIi
love I Ii v an a n able al a lila In m u I runform rlr1 rat it f irta a bleuk IIk I 1it 1 prairie prairietiiwn Iral IralI ru rutwti
tiiwn I into II a I I x u and all make 11 of it r a barl lnlo hnrioI hnrioIw > ed edv
v Y w > in I n > Inm I tnt tu a highway iii ghiwav of ii r mmano mmanoIhe ii immatac immatacitia lall
Ihe 11 September tmlr Hooktnnn lmln of ouiloti rlllmi InitutlonI ouilotiprints
prints I irl il 1 i some 1 prie I Itt rl ii winning s ilil tutu ill g ipiotalion ipiotalionfrom i 111 111r1 10 tu I lotus lotusI
from r1 I rain Iliglish JtKIh E tu gl 11 verse var applicable ii 11111 ii 1 ca I lo to Ii I t certain certainnamed cort ral m ma maliii
named liii 1111 Itieli biMiks I ii k KOI F t instance instanceIhe 1all 1allh i t Ii tata tataI
MictleNoll Ihe I h vwakriuntf In < of 1 tis 1 hr lr hi Mliiam MliiamMictleNoll tIitiattut II I
t JI II I the I h lira r8 in I ln at f finiiii n V
iniiii 1 itmiiiil > il tip 1 Mini Il tut iii due I tk fury fiirvrtia rot furyrAn
fAd k > i I If lithe U litheilnu Ngtuf NgtufHow 11 I II
How I In Oi I Keep 11 Ft 1 Ml I nrulililitiulial nrulililitiulialVUliidl uteutieiatouuaIIuiii
VUliidl IIII Iuiii hv A I luiHelil > ItII M 1 I Ii Iilit i iIII
III II rverv ery r weather II everv ili iliIf hay hayI i I
If It I st itiuddv 111 t at I or unlie t krIU krIUHe Irl i I
He I tm tiatli HI > k lo ii daitrinx t nil I the I iIt WHV WHVI I I
I I rom llroiiiptnii Itmiutti t 1111 tit Hie t I hi I itv itvIV it 1 1U i
IV U I s 0 t itil I i ll I 1tj > > llallalt llallaltI 111 I II I a I II
I ever er r I an I I llllprn 111In I Vfaui S iili II by I ilhalii Wihliiatiiii ilhaliide
de el MorKin MorKino IIaln
> o 4 tininil IIlu1 lu I ii inrlanrliotr lunII neck necktnpe II III riutmII
tnpe mII he I lint 111 rril I A Athu IIIH IIIHrnl li
thu rnl I lor tin imill tun 0 m u hfe hfeI I ta taI I
I Illislnl III I III tI 1 till tillfi I I
J fi inn n I1 Ila > > < tnttMm I ss V VI i t fr f fliana
liana I iamua of Ir Dream Ilr I rismmais lv Iv C i It Hurgiii Hurgiiijust IIrll hluargitjast
just publinheil 1III1 br Iy llutrlimon It IIhl i London i iis Iis
is i lie th I thirty hi rt eighth ci gum ha novel It IuiI 1 nf Ir if lie I I author ii u IIho it hot hotIti j I i iI
111 I uccnrdatio Ial with wt 1 h fill n nf r the t I lao last lastulcaiteit 1 1desren I
desren expressed I 1 by Iy Ihe t h litu 111 Kxlmuiid KxlmuiidIlarencw IIII
Ilarencw 4 111 ta reluiw Stedman St hi I ii ieorge jol ig M 1 0111 0111hlIaldI iould iouldinnnsiniingMr a i I I IIN
innnsiniingMr IN sunlam imug Mr SieilninnngruiiddauKhter Siouiantau hlIaldI grutiiIatigltr grutiiIatigltrliss Iht j i iI i
Miss I liss Laura 1 I usIra Stedman II in II iitinpilmg I IIIIII his hisLife hi hiI liilfo
Life I and tutu letters I SIHIII to II Ii In I published 1IIIho
I livMoiTit ly liv MfYat VardtCn Yrdt arl A I the Ih wnrk khrI thriigh thriighi h
i > i > has ha tuil hil Ir lit r inuld tlIa s eilitiirinl Iralllj ndvio nIvIcit
m 1 it aildnioii dI diii I 11 1 ili I hI It i hnpiers 1 h 1 ioninbuten ioninbutenParts rlh1 rihtiutes rihtiutesIiirt
Parts 110 of r i he h Life iaF f and ur letier 1 have haven 111 hti htiI
I I emt n in 1 a It the t lii Imnds hAII hun tilit of I it r th I h iiimiiiirs 111 lii I h t I r for forweek 1 r rw
week w and tutu 1101 I the t hi publisher Iu I 1 it r aie ii I now hi 1W figurine figurinemi n floi lrll lrlllt ri mug muglt
mi lt it tli iUv 1 when wh1 it t will II lIi appear 1111 ill It its I tt tun tunlllusi t til tiuilii
lllusi il ilii rated rift aI Vn lime iltfuIlti limeIhe
Ihe n Nilivi Nat I I uvo Itirii the t 1 iii h 1 miw Hovel HovelpottrtviiiK 1 1oI
pottrtviiiK hutI oI rViig Indian I miI lal t life hr h bv I the t I lii young youngKlIKlth urailtgImgieri
KlIKlth KIh llnviIsl v1 Mins I I I It I WI dcv tu has hasarisiseil hl hlI tn tntui
arisiseil I wiiti tui I inteiesl in I lln I h Iii iinintry iIiuitt II IIhil ry ryI
tlii I hil hui ingntiations la g t il liit lt an t 0 IHII iitiiiltt > ndltii for I t iln I h iiii
MI ii 1 of r iho I I Ii dtiimiiiii ha i right rightIlie rlll righthhi
Ilie hhi 1 Infinite IIfli I mill ii i t 1 i tv I y Ilr I r Cenrgo CenrgoM Or irg irgjust >
M 1 tinuM O just puMsjtisl Mil 111 iriiiind iriiiindliiologi ariiiutulI <
liiologi 1101 I i ilu go s the I Iii Miurv al e Ir m r and ii ti 1 pnti p tipi iiliality iilialityof I iii iii y yIf
of r all 1 tu living Ivll thing iti le1 < wed vrlth lh liurnm liurnmand hHIII I Itinil
and 111 divine jl iiiliilmiis 111 and all fiund In Il Ii a aliving I iiI
living hIJ i > ll 1 nlwavs 111 present helping 1111 and andguiding amidgmuiiutig 1 1irll
guiding irll all ll living 111 nrgiiiisiis III towiird IliMil nil a aI I Idellnltinnd i
dellnltinnd I 1111 lihull a t tii 1 over Ir if 1 I iminx l I ti t Ii C dlmieiveni dlmieiveniIloliletlls 1 lhII I I c iii vutt vuttI 1 11hlII
Iloliletlls 1hlII I r tdrma of if r plVi j hv 1 vu > lfs IIIIllmill 1h11 miu I rat I hive i iv Hie Hielilidigll Ih IhI t hi hiI
lilidigll I I 111 i gui c eimutl > ndllltisnf 1 it I tii t alit 11 a so I develnp
melil I ethlf Ii rurdiJitmn rh11 nd 11 iinilinrt tttiulnlli tttiulnlliI 1IrII 1IrIII liny linyare >
are ar dl in I it the t h wllilii wlliliiThis 11 11hi
This rt hi mysterioui 1111 gen 1 us u who s t tu tulii shrmnN shrmnNhi
hi persiiialilr under Ir an anoiivtiiilr 11IIv and andisiei amidOt n1 n1I
isiei I Ot tel ognieilniilvbv OIII italy I liv wlml IIHI h I > liis hi ii achieved achievedin
in it 1 the Ih pi I pil i has un I iertiin 1 111 Kiiiil ilI > l gilt gdiwlu giltulti rl rlidl
wlu idl h nlmo i i u4ik1 a ml a M 1 t uar er ln I I reader readerKavs elr elrv
Kavs v ll liii > tilrttnj III llitni 1I of Hie I iii author authornf Ih Ihr
nf r III mu recently nI p I tiluhioil iiw w Kire Kireand Fi Firr Ilroitsuil
and rr nf lli II Minyrilom Irynllr of F an I Kuipres FlilpresI Ir
Ihe mysterious eriti Kinu acli IJs is an a matter matterI Illtr IlltrrlI IlIn I tar tarI
nf I it fml rlI to iI a I woman w liltI 11 II with WI I Ii a WIh elsli founding foundingI a in nmi lil in g gmill
1111 nam mill who wim h lives Ii liv with 1 her hulund 11 m the therecent th thIn iir944
In recent of t Stated S SI u I ali Inland Isi Ia I Ij i I
In 1 Ihe Ih first I piic I wivs 11 Hi h same samen anna1 anna11l ln
n > riMbcHl he 1l Iniray lN rtya in um aiuninian I 10 10wit IIIIII IIIIIIwih > t twith >
with wih wit I uncommon lcml i lucom on ii things III I ii I rue nnd AII a ill I people r P1PltIiatripannntatwraus
KiirnpeannrtctocratsillplnmatsnndmKHall KiirnpeannrtctocratsillplnmatsnndmKHallleaden Ilrn Iiatripannntatwraus Iiatripannntatwrausleaders lpl10 nlll tll tllledr
leaden He decnbe 1 them with h
ledr I 1 a hold Itoldlevity holdIvlt holdlevity
levity Ivlt which I II is iiilln Iui woithy of Ir 1 Cltarle CltarleI Ihrl IhrlIn hnriaatever
I tever ever In thcneonnd IhIn1 place pla he h in u A 1 gixxl gixxllory gootialory
lory tor teller tellerAll IIr leilerAll
All 1 of which la I ini If the th gender Ipnrr of oftherxr 01tb ofthepersonat
therxr tb thepersonat Jranl onal pronoun i ia changed chnKe I
fl flII
II Al AulMor By Iks eJ el1Flamsted The Te WoodCarver WodCarver of Lympms LympmsFlamsted Lympa LympaFlamsfed
1Flamsted Flamsted Quarries QuarriesBy uarrils I IBy
I The demand dennd for fo thin new American Amerun novel nove by the author of The WoodCarver WooCrer of ofnecestltated l1rus l1rusnec
necestltated the printing of two large editions before publication Miss Mia Wailers new
nec itted prntnl editon beore publcaton Walers story in is i 1 p pcrfu pow po <
I I crfu erul exposition epOlton through characterization characerlation of presentday conditions conditons of American life ICsOill sorul and andindustrial andIndustral
I industrial Industral The critics crtcs appear apper to agree that thatFLAMSTED thatuFAMSTED thatFLAMSTED
uFAMSTED FLAMSTED QUARRIES Is I one ol the really realy big novels ol the 3car 3carOne 3carOne n nOne
One of the th fined examples eumplr of American Amuic n fiction fictionthat lcton I Another powerful study of New England EsInd ty t > with wthgripping witbtht withthat
that tht the th new n century centur hu tttn KmPirdrfptA seenPhit4delpFtiA Phittdrtphi NoHh NoHhAmtrtctn Ne gripping arppng human interest Interlt and nd a profound miijit Into nto
I Amtrtctn AmtrtctnIn t I I human motives motivcaBoshn Boston Common CommonThe CorO CorOIn CovnmozI
In many way wy it remind me of Le Lu Miserable MIKrblc It Itgrip I The scene lene between btween Crumpney Campne and nd AHeen AUen wtt wttgirl w1e JUt t trp
I grip rp tht reader rucr with wih a strong ItrR sense AnA of reality ruJiyAroJ rcalltyArnos Amos AmosR I girl sll g waits wla for the word Is one of the jreit lrut rcat rcatR sceio u n
R R Writs Wrf Cbristun CmU fTh Usn Endertror Edr World Wold latter late dy fiction fctonLll fictlonLlti4rt Ltltin Whiting WhitingIllustrated W1trg W1trgustrated WhiigIllusiraled
Illustrated by G Patrick Nelson 493 pages Cloth 150 150Published lJOPublshed j3 j3i j3Published
i Published Publshed by LITTLE LITTLE BROWN ORO WN CO Boston At Mall all al Booksellers Book5elers
Fi IHIOhft IHIOhftConttntiril ffh ffhI
I Conttntiril rlmlivc from fro ViniA InA Page ragrciti Pialill PageI
I citi t learn httln lill from them about the theImiwnie th thI
I Imiwnie Innl of Ir Hawaii HawaiiA IAnl
A pathetic Ithlo nKtin nllr In King Ilnl Edwards Kdwardafuneral Edwardsfuneral daI daIrlntl
funeral rlntl waa waustula al hi hil foi ro terrier Vaar esar a follow following rolw rolwII
ing II the th coffin nl Them Th can n Iw I no excune excunehowever elI so soro tlae tlaeiuuwevar
however for ro the Ih luau tnnte nat nnd Iml m Iawkl1 mawkish mawkishI mawkishiwtittunemut wkl li linentiinent
I nentiinent Ilt of Ir a piililiontlon lhlHOl calleil enl1 Whernn WhernnManter 11 11lnIr IWrMMiistet
Manter liv Cii 1Lsilr r llloilder I 10dlr and 111 HloiiRh HloiiRhton SIIuRhto
ton to CtiirKo O tirge II 1 Donm IIIn Companyi CompanyiI Cumpaneln
I A t collection eln of r recipe which whih aeem m prnc prnciticil lrAI jiractuoil
iticil nnd RIII Mwihln nlhl will IH I H found in Ink A Ajfook Auutk
jfook I uutk k Hook lonk hy ly Mr Irl Mary rar McNnmarn McNnmarnWllkinnon MeSnmrlkllrn McamnrnIlktnanu
Wllkinnon lkllrn W II I Conley Conl ConIeyttttcago Company Companyj
j ChlcaRol ChlcaRolI I hlr o oTh
I I The Th literary IIrnr article nrUe In vanon io p1 p1odical port portmurals 1 1lrl
murals lrl which 111 remained mAintol uncollected ll Itfd after artr artrlt afterthe > r rthe
the lt death of Mnltheir Arnold rnoll have tun Uen Uenleathered loelgittioroii
leathered 1lhrc into Inl a volume 0111 which whlh i II is entitled entitledKwwy entitleda nttld nttldil
a Kwwy in il Criticism Third Seriea Hrl l h hIr liv liviIr y yMr
Mr Ir Edward J 1 Ollrien OIin Hhe I h ho Ilall 111 Iuli Iulilishinit Ilh IlhIhlnl luuhaI
I Thn editor editoniiiratsu4 ditor1lh
lishinit Ihlnl Company Hontont IItonl i ipretUcH
pretUcH an n essay > < y of In II has own n on criticitjn criticitjnI lrileia lrileiaITh
I ITh Tim 1ii eight ht eaya Y of Ir Matthew Iathtw Arnolds AruotdaI mold moldar
1 are ar On 11 th < Modem Klemenl 1Ilt in Lllern Lllerntnre 1Ir 1Irtlr literitI
I tnre tlr Imnt > antnand anil nelllatrif lUatrice tl OIOrmnnn OIOrmnnnIt lInntirinn lInntirinn511111t0 > ermann
Siiintn It IJeuve 111 Reimil n flpttuiiiA I lohliwinn lohliwinnjve Ioht
11 jve A Friend of r 000 Sod and 111 An AtihltY n Kton tol
IIf hltY
Honk Hrrelvrd HrrelvrdI RpCh 1 1Th
I I lon
I I The Th Campaign mle of Ch ihanteliiisutiti nrrllor nrlenl vlllr John JuhnWrlm JohnIllerl Juliaiilgeiit
Illerl Wrlm Jr J iValr t nlvrrtlly irriv I ile llrnr llrnry lnf lnfI hlennttosIe
ttosIe ttosIesulausn
Slrl sulausn iayu IJ4 y an a and < Da 0 Psi > > Loulve Cairo CairoJuncl skot 10
I t PItPotl PItPotlJunfr 1 1Juncl
Juncl My I ssis ay In InitU Inel K t P I MtrbMnr MtrbMnrtm ttetitttntJobit Ulbnc UlbncJobn
Jobn > tm lane ium Iumafli Iumaflitiuc omn omnh n nThe
The h I Itrtatnrr of 0 ill South ulh Montrns ofo J JMor J1m Jtloe
Mor I luima 1m V < msrll ami nI Company ComlnI i it
sMi I nanu I test Khti uh lom lomrrl Y Yroit
t row rrl r il ami a ni 1 t umv > iiv I IIllflrnr tli I Iitt
Illflrnr li itt olrnr inr fut itt Mottirr olb ami 1 I mtliI hlkl hlk Iranrn ur II IIi I
i Mai 1 tmuuOt < arltv l H I > llarsM I II I Ij II
I thr r ti tiraimrflt llrl1 1 srI 1 rir nf 0 t hlklrrn ohl I Ihl IusDi r riraml
iraml hl krir r M 1 I 1ink I In lnh and d UacnaUi enH ioiui ioiuiini um umi UI UIIn
i I inrolfl nrn In Ilir Illark lr Ha 1k 51k K Wat 0 A aim 1 hrophlliis lhrohI hrophlliisItMillliic I I ILtiIiitltc
ItMillliic 1Idlc i l Cma m ljl Iublbe IitItlolui > H liiu lomi un onuiisui I u > M MIhr t tI
I ii I II II
Ihr I h tie llriuion Irllo of IIr tI pltllMl IIII Kolitloo tollloo of ofMan ofI
1 Man i A t Hu lor Iugis rr I nlraco nlrco i iMulkllaf I Iul II
I Mulkllaf ul o Yiinr Nt lu lll taut > Krrinrth nlh II I Waynr Waynri ayDi ayDiI
i i Mnliirf In and hd Tumpanr Iomn Chlracu Chlracuyuriri ihlragouiris >
yuriri Ir itts HM 1 VIIIIIIUIirtitcriAv II itt IlllhII IiIIhtrtilgr t i Mnluif Mnluifanil UrtIutsOil Iu j
sOil 1 iimiunv iimiunvi 0 0lr >
i > uilr oaig lr < r Hot tii r I av > Hrulirn Vlonio lillivin WnJOn ItiisunI
1 Mimi I itii Junr JOn J mt > Irlnilnr Imin Inl itti i oni onuan nlo > anv i M 1 l il s j jriir I iI II
I I riir Ilr rut Sililn Ihl tiitti 4 lr irl r tile I ijollll Juhl Jul ln Com ComIh Ium IumI uln ulntialit
I tialit J
Ih I h In sirrrlnc 1rIn vv br b1 l llubrrt 1011 Alrtandrr AlrtandrrI nd ndI
I UAMW w iTiir T llolli u Mriilll 1rll i omi omn n Indian taihisit1tIlt I
1 1tIlt > H I IThr
Thr Th i eleun ittinun 11 inon ttamblrr 1bl arrrn 0 I 1Mirl 1Mirlliithriip 11 I titleIidttiu
liithriip 11 ire aiil 1 sr Sirpard rd 0 rompan mh > llu Ioo IooT hutton lon i iThr ITue
Thr T Olhrr h slr 11 ite llorarr Xnnrtlry Varhrll VarhrllIliklilrr Vathulilutiter hl I In I10100rI
Iliklilrr 11 and mu 1 siuithlim lon irorcr 0 M I lloian on Cum CumI Ol 0ut i I
I tan vn n > i illr
llr IIutuf trr Iouolrrtutrl 10100rI Jr Ju n K third 1Id il 1Ilb itutbtip illi I Ii I II
i top I H amt nI snrpart uhps i omi itTtpSti itTtpStimit 1 1Ilh at atiilhrr >
I iilhrr Ilh mit Ualn Travrimt TIrt risu riit I load 101 stalin tmln II Os iar iarland u i iI I IlalI I
land lalI taa I Urprrs hI hII i ii
> aituti stiW 0 l of 0 U Ih ttie rirvrn Aldrn Arthur hlr K nil nilllrrtiy hllI litiP I II
I Itarpers Itarpersuiiy i iI j I
llrrtiy I I IU lt Ii > In I the h Yukon ilaon lO Yukon u on hut Hi teutu rotgr i iII IIt
II lluran Ito I oini omlh n > Nrw rO rW > utk utkIhnlr olkihe
lh 10 Ihnlr ihe l iirrry traIl r alt 1 liotdon ouhlo llolmr 10Im 10Imhl iKJ iKJHilIrA utilssrI I
ssrI hl J 1 a Ihl s u ok urkiniuti 1
HilIrA 1 ii < I lalrmouni 1Imon ltu tol nlbonv llaktr lke lke1llr
1 Ililr 1llr llrnsn 11n and non iont tonhI > sni snilie n nhrlm I
lie 100 i 01 mIA ntis lu I Ihll Ihuitti I I eTI eTIhut
hrlm hIn hut in I Illlr 11 i t It Iliowii Ih ii slut I < uni nllnl an i5itrue > > I II I
rue IhrUllf V 1 tIe us aLr kP tri at ollrjr Kalfcarlnr KalfcarlnrItiih KbulpI ItsitaltrirhtIh
Itiih I 11 liii lll I HUr I itit Iliosn 10 and 11 < ompany utitipantI Iany I IUM II
UM I I sjtnibrr ob v ii r ust t linl I Thoniton ThonitonIliiitr W WI iVliii
Iliiitr I liii u ia I 111 Illlr it it Mrunn lon fl and n1 Cominy Iomh Iom Iant i iKiiUhthnol IIuttgtiuhnsi
KiiUhthnol hllhh In lrrm and nd Ilonri John JohnlUiilnilon Johhi JohnltstllnitI I
lUiilnilon In io I iii Little IJI Iliosn 110 and n4 Iompan IompanJack oom romsnJll n nI >
Jack J Jll < ollrrtim lr Kntlir tnI HulIU 011 liixlfiri liixlfiriI udfrtItilt 1
I 111 Itilt Illlr llrnwn 10 and rnt inmiani inmianiIhr 1 1T I Iiiti
T iiti lan a Olilul r 1trrIci 1trrIciiitflwfl
iitflwfl mhl
Ihr 1 h lie s 45 ird 1 Uaiirr S r llolirrl U I lUir 1M 1Mi tiu rr illrdrrlrli illrdrrlrliV t I uiurirk uiurirkutlor
V sto utlor 0 r i uompsrIl uompsrIlilir ompan ompanIhr omr omrTh >
Ihr Th Itrd 11 Illisulrd IlUar Ido Itrrrorr l ri llionMxi llionMxii on onu
i Mit lt1lumg lute u and h i itm OIIn Iminl Iminlttemtnirairt > an > > I Illrmtnlvrnirsnf IILnrhmn
llrmtnlvrnirsnf a lUnrhman ILnrhmn Idrar Iu Hrrrhrr HrrrhrrlliiMiuw nhIh ieentietI <
I lliiMiuw Ih r i nil 1Ir iut iv < and nt Cumpani mln
j I i riiirnr u nnr n son m iilil WI > fi l Vvief ker kerI I 11 11I 1151 1151I
I title I M ttu l I nf 0 Ho iiouin l > n Town To n Uargatri UargatriMlnJ 1c 1ctnr tIaaluiSltne
MlnJ tnr ilflthrop I llho lrr I ami shrpatil I omiwny ImlnyIr Iomwnytijue omiwnyIMr
IMr Ir Iorlrr at star IMnrh Inh FdMard htwst4n Mratr Mratrinrtrr I Io
inrtrr o n Cf liihtoii I I hv I rr and 1 stirwiril iha ri < om mhl mhlIh an < ani > Iill
i U Itr Ih lloilir 10 lltlr 1 Xlttlli I Iliullrt IliullrtI lal lalfl
I iiinriiii ui ii fl tiii I u and n snrparil iii ups am 1 I umpjni umpjniMat llfll nll nllhrI Rb Rbts >
Mat ts KaihHnr hrI Iait n lhur I tiutto u lim 11 iisrpr l rvt rvtI I Ita
I he h II 1oI ixml Slur > Patll list 11 liiapam liiapamt 1alamP11 m
110111 P11 III I t lIlr iI lrflHltt lrflHlttu I aI
u III II f l ft a lirammar mm mmn i inimln ltsI ltsIilrtir
ilrtir n I nimln TrM ueIat rI all lUiok lt i ont ontI n nI
I I 1 1I iI
i I Ine li or nf r u 111 I I Tirr carr II I I t iirrlrt iirrlrtnirtin aerteAle
nirtin n Ale I IOII H HMti 11 t4it i omiiany omiianyri OIlltM HY HYI
I I > ri 111 U fur Iii Illin I rlii r uioat tl Will Wi Carhari CarhariiiiUiH 1avhav1tttsit
tttsit Irll IH ihI uiismAh 1 I Istaufisi
staufisi 1 4uniar 1 i ntiItie iiiUiH tInanrlal tInanrlaliIUnran IlnnI tinsnriaihiMitmn
iIUnran 114 h Pith 1 mltrvi 1 lotrrnrnrnt lotrrnrnrntIrtntlic tIlPffltflrfliI nmrn
I Irtntlic 111 imir I tfl e AHI Atil4ilDti Atil4ilDtiI lHfirn > fl > t ti II
i I rlrnIHi ron i liKHaiili Ii I tAI l iifNkt > raH IrlrMim IrlrMimUi I
I < Ui tta1a > t i i ard rt ami i omrant tuutbi1n
j Tfc f iHliiiitr IHn lrr I tnf lrnrer roc M 1 wild tiuiUIM wildM u
M 1 II I Nu luVt mil ntnl ii > i a aI uiii uiiiI
I I lwlir IMMI5iitale k irair rntMmt UIIHam Wil Ulnl Wintct4ijilst nlo i iiMuital
iMuital 0 spit 1 An asal hI hIlh I < iiwpui iiwpuiI < ti i > 4tl > i iItir
I Itir lifultr CtIe 1 r I trhrtun tlalph IIIh l Ii > Ialnr Ialnri
i h lii el e 1 10 > iriinrr hnr Mint
1 hi se i Hit 1 C iptt ul irn laIeinsm irinan and n Olhrr Olhrrat fluhrSiiri5e hr hrr
Siiri5e r U 1 I hr4 uiiti uiitiH Ih IhO
H Or OrI
I i I Iut at u I ll ri sorLti O lI J r putIne lrtr U y ynaaviu I i in 1 1nn
nn naaviu n ii ni I i I alr a m nile ir S Son SontrtriH flfl flfliptit I Ir
trtriH r n I I lit I i I ls r dr 1 Inno I no l lilt ll llDe I ID tt ttDc
De D Morgans M IW 1
i j By the Author of Joseph JosephVance JoaephI JosephVance
I Vance Aliccforhort Alieforahor etc etcJ etc etcShinr
J Shtnc n a lomanir fman quite IU n a much muchJ
J s JHfph J > tph Vane ancr dims dn among amon r jlittic realnticnaiels ul jlitticnnveli
I nnveli i Ige ij < < i Kri RaiJfler4IJ RaiJfler4IJt JHftalJ JHftalJAn I IAn
t An attune al triumph I It Ithumor I S Shumor
humor n in jhunjanl ahun llaiton
ranifnf1 ranifnf1Himr r TuaiitrrsptI > I
I JettpamdI JettpamdWSMJ
I Himr RII Halt Hl Ci r k
i =
i Petticoat Rule RuleI i iH S
I A Romance of I Pimpernel Days DaysThe DaysThe
H U The action is rapid enough to satisfy the themost the theI thet
t most ardent Dumas devotee VC Wei VCI VcI
I I recommend the novel to those who made madethe madethe madeI madethe
I nove
i the acquaintance olTtc of TIc Scarlet ScarI Pimterncr PimterncrU Pimperle izernc izerncH
U Hand and 111 I ffillRepay1 Repty It I is a successful return return4l retur
4l 1 L to the field fed which we feared that tha Baroness BaronessOrcy Barness BarnessOrcz BaronessOrczy
Orcy Orcz had abandoned abandoncdnnnEt ROo Fttnt rnmc nnTraeurt nnTraeurtr TWrnf TanlmtfGEO S SGEO
r rellt rdttet < lll l hy b Ihr tim h IrlnrfMO Irnr lUdllnlll lUdllnlllJ t11 hulM ihuiescnIhnurs hulMr1n
J < crthnrr r1n Soot SootTh S Sons1he
Th b htar SL liairr U A 0 Tartrr rr noodlor noodlorCbarlr C01 C01bI 60o4IoeiCbirius
Cbarlr bI Srrthnrr son n nCple i iTupld iCipi4s
Tupld Cple a Orlopntla IOlol Ollrr Clh t llrrfnnl 1rnl anti anelJoh antiJohn anilJohn
John Crrll icti 1 Clay ii lutes srrltmrr e Sot SotThr S < > Iliii
Thr Tb story IOf tot of the Crall Cial rsit and Itir lii h Iaolnr Iu > lnc of ofArthur 0 0Alhl ofAlItitur
Arthur Alhl Howard I Pjl I n barln latu hrrthnr rrbn rrbnn a ason son
son on n i iThr ITue
Thr Tb llrtriyal ousI Wallrr Seat 11 and Ac DIlMhrth DIlMhrthII 113hlh 113hlhI
II I llanrork ahrOI il urhu rl ° hr Nfalr I IuhllMnf t ompan oomnhlhC tomtanShiflfflct ompanU >
U ahlnrtoit ahlnrtoitTfcsovrrrlfntyof hlhC
Tfcsovrrrlfntyof 1 li Sosrtrlnty of thrsntr the iSttr Wiltrr 110 afler Nr 01 01r eIe eIeThe lr lrThr
< The r SrAIr rll r5Ie PubH lubKc Itabflhttic hltif I Ioln Iolnn lom1wsn lom1wsntietln i > ifitan ifitanairrlroi >
airrlroi n Thomas t Vlaton n The Th Vrnlr VrnlrI rl rln uie uiePiIiuliiui
PiIiuliiui I Ott 0SO 0SOSon n
lar l > Son tirorrr r I Icirlr Iml II I t I it atm atmruie < TIr TIrmir
mir ttlihumig > < llhlntf i oinisnlllr oinisn Onl Onlor itnflstile
lllr or Japan ila U il MIMWKW 1 D r I IThr Ir ITI
Thr TI Nralr r rt IliMUhtnc fumpanr fumpanrI omryI
Ihr 1b ti Iolintni iVor ork 0 of AmhTQ mlo tllrrrr tllrrrrVol IIr IIrtol finno
Vol o I iThr Th Xr XI lr IutiHMitnz lllhn rnmpany rnmpanyI omn omnI > IT1e
The 11 uiIwiup1 > lli J lppl Hlrr Jullut Jul I lh tbumber tbumbera h mt mbt > rr rrI
I P I 1iiinani Son SonI > < > ii i illtilr IlIttle
lIttle 1111 Talk 11 10 0 little IJI Iroirfr ruoa rp Jamrt Jm M MIarrar Utartar 1 1ar
tartar ar II I I I ii ilurik runl and nd Ws1luII acnill Iompanv IompanvUotld > IIotIit
Uotld 0 Corporallon oIn KNc 1 1fU < ililtc The ThrVr Tb Tbom Thera
Vr ra Intland Nr rsu i oman om llu 1lon 1lonlrl tlostonne iun iunThri
Thri lrl nriHornl o srlf Sl lirurrr u I MonUorifr MonUorifrIh onoorr
Ih h II tI < I 1iiinam SonI Son ionsIIIstru n nII
lll II IIIstru > i r ol I Vrrtini rroni U iirn 1 Mrthurn Mrthurnanil tethuensod hn hnn1
sod n1 rumiuiii Iomlon u umtau ii I I Imnam v Stflt > n nTh i iJ I1tie
Thr Th Poll lull1 1 1 al Thrortr l I iieuuri of 0 if Martin n I ihrr ihrrlulhrr lhruIuuiir hr
lulhrr the I Uartt Ih n p I i I I tnam tnams 111 n5f1ISon
s Son n i iI Iii
iu lw rrnmrnl O f OsUnskip ar alp 11 of 0 tUHon nihon nihonaii nlhol nthotst
aii Uatrnrn Ml 1 U I Innnn Inn Inn1nolm S s Sons SonsiIiproiim n nlhtinotl
lhtinotl 1nolm m and n1 sulruon llrrnard Mo lu Itoiandrr
llandiril iandrr U II I < i I I I > Iitnam nm t tItin sn Sh ShTh
Thr Th lla n4 us l ol Miilral llr liear tr Albrrl 10 10Inc lrh lrhi Ilfltinir
lint t I I 1iiinam n son sonThr on onThe h hTh
The Th home 10m fomrr Iomr VMiilfrr1 Mrkland 1IInl
Mouthlon IonChlon Mlmln lmln roiriuny roiriunyTh uomtsn om omI > IThe
Th 11 The Wir V Jii i of 0 the h tgr c r Sin Oln s ndrfoil ndoIrn
llran Irn Morhranr hn l IlhlhIDC labitftuinC > i > l > nlnr Ionipn onupuaiotk 11 Nrw Nrwotk t to tIn
otk o i Iiwerirn
iwerirn n rlran In llnl 11 < ro nu lirldcnl hlocI Trti Hook nol on
rir 11 hirst i Alil 11 I btlr InI ltnrh I Ii hh and nI V J MilrUl hllh
I Illaklvun 1111un s tn n nnd n ni ompan mlII Ihlliilrlphla IhlliilrlphlaMollt lhlillhl lhlillhl110lh ihuliilethaaMulti
Multi and nI ire h I nvrlvman Iwm Miroait 01 John JOhnll JohnlundI
Krnilrlik nll I Hanc Ine J II I Upplnrotl IJII Drol fompan fompanInlrarrllular lumpanuilitrluttiiltr ompn ompnIntIla >
Inlrarrllular IntIla lan laminnrul fnr l lluru lueo lIe Ir rir rirThrOi r rTh rips ripsme
ThrOi Th me tI ten n fourl oon Iulillihlnr fomiwni Chlra lhinin lhininthe hlrcn hlrcnlh n
the lh s SI Stairs lr of 1 Juilrr Jlr Crorirr uorge 1 I hnat hnatJ >
J II I I Ipiloroit ip pl > lnroil nrt rnmpant rnmpantThr mpn mpnTh
The Th tad of 0 Ihr Ih Spur Io lur laM I lt 1oiir 1oiirI 101
I II I 1Ihol tiluIIllinhi Ipi nioll tompan tompanJanr Iomn IomnJan umlniane <
Jan > fannrk In II Hue n V i r lsi i nmlly Iml Krre leruuon leruuonassIi < i > on onaftru
aftru anil nii Iompanv ompan uw rir urk on i iI Itreuia
I mla Kalhrrlnr Ihrln Ilnan n t n han hIss n ll 1 and 0 tom Iom IomIn tomIlani Iomanv
In > anv i iIliat
Th Iliat Kmhmtn hma Chrl ibrlstins hnt lln sireua sireuahans lrr r pnir pnirum 11 11hl
um hl < Iiltnnin
iltnnin Mnnlne nnlnc hla hi jiaiph h llfnry lnt natl flsrtor flsrtortuntuni ho hoIh > or orP
P tuntuni tuntuniIII lrllMl I Ifhr
Ih III fhr Ilinrnianof Ilnmn 0 or ihrOhlo II Ibm Ihlo Oh Jovph i hflrr Ih IstuutprtultrtobI
1 pirtoi 1101 i iIhr Irh
Th Ihr Amrrtcan nnrn Jrwun Year rsr s llooi I vi virllir i irtoet
rllir 111 I I t llrnry lny IrtnlrnwaM In I < rhr rpi lrvilli 1 lul hh hhhlao
ISiliilratlon Nor SIMIrI of f
hlao lr Iru Amrrlra m Ihlialriphia
i 7ftirw 11 111 SIIIIUH SIIIIUHTlir criitiu1he WII
Tlir 111 lupll IUII lmlIiiiTatuu Takn T I pTIielr l lIsks rk I nm amii 1 Hulk HulkThroiirjli IaI IaIThroigIt 1
Throiirjli Tro1 Hie Ih fuurip fuuripThey SooticThey UI
They have ha a novel nrhool in Home UOt ltnrnpItaly
Italy IIIIT a peripiletii Ilril IIh institiition Illon of if r n I new newvariety nwnrit niuyarnh
variety nrit According rlnl to I the Ih nlonat nlonatUimfAj rUmOrntjLJIIInIAIW
UimfAj lfnhl every ry pupil 1 In the Ih lie srtinI i lux h I M I fur furlilnheil rUtliI1 tir tiriiillalMi
lilnheil liI1 with 11 n coinlitned Clhln1 neil a 1 i iItk t k und unditihel 111 ititilNi
Ni itihel ti hil Ihe Ih It lotil welKht ilht of a whih 1 M I Inn Innpmindi 1
pmindi I iuuhs si l t they I I take 111 In k with u lh a t I them o h i uii tnndid tnndidIxiokn ii I I I1111 iIijiuiks
Ixiokn tenciln IaIPr Kl > er ulid 1111 luiifhe luiifhetiiitn IlrtilluItflhit5ttol
tiiitn lluItflhit5ttol > Mtilei hv llieir II i I r lenrhern tin Hievolillglern 11 11IIr tinmt
volillglern mt IIr ltgsl era euch h ilav 11 i Lii while wllh w I ii I II I he I me Mhool colt h ii ii in inMi I asI
Mi il I ma ne ssdi nloii it itat e i fl for noine jinint iii 1 of r uilere u ii t rst t I I
I n hiaforic hllorl spot rimn oil Ifl i r nt Ar i I OnUill On th thdO4ttliiitiiti
pI t
I destination dIIU ting re r UM iuei uiti ihe h de ulests ulestschairi > ka iivj m mchntr
chntr ch > are Ir put rl int lt < > iu Ii t and ar UH II Iiiat > u Llc LlcIr < ll llof
of Ir the th teiiher 111 l Ij lsgai in i nut 01 ti i is istilitISt n Ukuij Ukuijllot U
llot tilitISt lt meinliinii 111111 II I i is i I ne ll II IIeillinut e ri II k3 k3iMtllnil 1
iMtllnil fl I 11 le I Ii 11 mhrlo iiltac lur I t i it f r > trir trirof ItlIr Iraiitt
of Ir the Ih odltlirv llar Mh h r C > ien f u OU r ktlif ktlifto klfCn IlitvII
to II the Ih intlovntinn 111lton inrton turin wtnte 11 ee eepnpii r t ol no ti tiitVlwagI
itVlwagI pnpii i iS mo4i It ii I jfkl jfklTHE I ITHE
Ihat 1 hal f crboj r bod it tjlk tjlkorvnl tll t turIIUllrdI
orvnl urIIUllrdI urIIUllrdITHE U UTHE Ithhinruisuma IthhinruisumaTHE
I Iba he ht irt r t In n nci r I Irjl III
rjl II I Ill h htl I Iii
ll tl lll ii I IJl IIt
4 Jl 5 I It ItIt f fIt
It 1 will II iil taki 11 it plj pljdrrjtf 11 11mlrn rLtirrJteut
drrjtf l mrrujn mlrn mnti tn n I t tda IuIt f
da 11 RI < < f e lltsl lltslI I j jI i iI
I hird hld ljC < fI fIMtli I IWi I Iit
Wi Mtli it I hi rriintlplric fnissit Illt lrI iphor In II full rll eJr eJrInt h > r rlith
< Int iit lith I It IJiiiu I 11 nun Ml N I riK riKL ldP ldPL l lI
L I M 1 MiudKimnrt MiudKimnrtKILMENY t ulI ltJI1r ltJI1rK gunur gunurKILMENY
KILMENY K I L MEN Y of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the ORCHARD ORCHARDtill 0 R C H A 80
till 1 h llru honU h1 l I hu t itt In h iili iiliAmir ili r iii iiimtmiI
Amir 111 mtmiI I lit f lirciMi rol rlutl liilili liililiAmu lslsI s I IIid IIidaiitio I
aiitio Amu 110 id I Minlci 1
i np I I I l hr hrthr 1 beIii
thr Ih 1 ntr n Iii Mjilllll IIr IIrh e eSih
Sih h I I II n n11trlt1
lllll 11trlt1 I It list lriilnl rat uti hi I color lIIIr In 11 ro roildi rr rrIhh
< ildi f Clth loth 111 I Irmo I 2tt IIMI IIMIIhlh HI s I IiitshrI U UInlllthrl >
Inlllthrl Ihlh I IL IL hI hIL
a t MIK lImitrusm nn t St I I Ui Uii0 i iIUn
IUn 11 i0 > < Aa iiii u or ilrtil ilrtilmatter iril r ro J
matter IKI o a i ii 1 IQIJPet u uJ ijrrt write tl u usanieua t tanlmi 0 a 1 1Mhn
anlmi n I tan n get rt 0 to > > > any ln 1 tuna tunaHhrn bootwhen
when In rnruuil I ntl 1 cnu 1 Mid r1 sn i ln InWn tfluxs iM < xf
Ioii lan r litnkt IIAKIll 1II SlIOt s lf
llJlt 0 John J I r 1 li > sl > I fi ittt r 1
A story 51A tr ry of action ncinn rather mthcr than than of ofhistorical ofhi ofIlirtIicaI
historical hi rrnl description ctcrption laid in Me Medirval 3kdirval Ic IcGcrnl
dirval Germany The dnhinc dnhincIrincc chim chimIrnlc djt1tiniItritice
Irincc Irnlc Roland in disguise diglis wins M hU hUbride hi hibrde 1iibride
bride brde and relieves rlic iU iL subjects subjectsClever suhj suhjCleCr subjctCkver
Clever CleCr as 3Ir rr Barr can make it itand it italli itarid
and alli that ia is very ters cr clever cccr indeed indeedI2r
I2r 125 > net netBy nd ndBy
nc ncBy
Author ol CardMae arta iIlcklaO Tckla 1cka ttf ttfPublished tfrPttblihed If IfPlbl
Published Plbl he by b STOKES