l lTHE
11 I MS I tlfr 11 tIt if eiti I U HfM U isI 1 4 4MlMr cIt
It I MlMr Hill U I MIS us II S It II111r II111rTI ltli It ItTlie
Tlie TI Leading Advocate horl of Irolrcllini Iolrl In InKncUml InnInll InEstIanI
KncUml rrtir rrh to Wind lull Our Iro Ironomlc IronallllN teonoiiilrs
nomlc Irre r TrI He 1Irll IeFtI erl ll llImpmrrlthed IIhIlIHrhlafC1 11a4 11a4Imfurrltlr4I >
Impmrrlthed the III I nllrd hingilum hiIlCIlIlIllIhll
1 Kill Ihll llnrker IIAk tlm Ih I liichsh h tanlT iit iitrrnr 11 11rrmr re reformer
former and wriltr nlt upon ii f klI etiniinn n 11111 sui suiiict I Iil110 Iet
iict et and all < 1 the Ih nuttmi f several r1 well wellknown wIIk 11 11ImnWTI
known k n T1 book including 1IIul lllt Mlm 11 I KIM II II1OlIn ti tiPcIin and andDecline
Decline nf r tlm Ih Veiherlaml Modem Modemiermanv I toIsnprmnv I ICirman
iermanv am arid UI llritih lint ril ih S < Miai MjalI iIa Iisiii ni i ta nt ntlie 11 11hf athe
lie hf Waldorf WIIIIr having hanlli amvc arrivtI < l bv tlm Ih lUItu lUItuon lll
on n Sunday He I ha hw II come iI OXIT r to I n pay I v vflnsi Ins Insfirst
first 11 visit 1 lo Ilm I h 1111 I tilled ii States SI anil al I tludy Illdy IIt
It tidy lldy its iconomlc cololl condition clldit1 cun 1 t iit at lt it I short shortrange h r rriuigt I
range rangeA 111
A tariff larr reformer rrml menu mpnl lut I1 nh nhI nn in innppuiitn IhJ thI
nppuiitn in il FxRlaiid En lall from hI what 111 Im h hr do doill ii iir >
r J ill II the th Cllited 111 I Stall Iah Oxer r Iheie Ih Ii is j ja j jn in
n man lall who ho i strugehiiK pit IrIClhll for a t tariff larl while whileImrn s hl hi I Ihrs
hrs h he h i j4 likely tn to I > one t9t > who h dissn d I I Iwant I
I want int Ut any tariff IrI at I all Mr tr r Hirker Hirkereffort IttrkrI
I effort haxe ha l > n 1 indor I I I tM I I Iv v luneph lunephChamleriaiii IuupIihniriait
Chamleriaiii IhamhruIId and manv 1 of It r the Ih otlmr uth r advo ah ahII flIV flIVeti j jcalf
calf II of a I proticive ro tariff a lr in I n Fngland Fnglandand FIlaI FIlaInld
and nld hi pamphlet 11IhlI an a used tt a 1 cam AII111 atiiaiit atiiaiitICltfltfltM > aiiii aiiiidi
di 11 ICltfltfltM > outiients lunl due I of time t last 1 wu pr prnented I
nented nld in 11 rmmrev I ngr li I l winter wllr bv r Ilulr IlulrIda tIIIt4Ir tIIIt4Ir1eidgu imtor imtort
t l Ida dn and tiii wa inutil in I tin hitaIf3i Lonrr Lonrrinnal COIr
innal 011 Hffiil HffiilI
f 1 started larh < 1 my m fTori I rr tariff I 11 I nfnnn rnl in I
1800 11 19 by I writing WIIII a niw r nf r article trt rliI icl nn I it the lluFconnniii Ihfonom the1Oflflfltil
Fconnniii fonom IViay Parr f Ittviit I rat Itr IrIn IrInIr Brtin Brtin1r tnn ml mlMr
Mr Ir llarvi r xet itiv and ld fiev I tvre tvreprinted r rtlrd rI rIp
printed p nfl tlrd tr I in I 111 t ft I rinr J ru i iriri irt r i > Id no ii I IrfV II
rfV 4 til Mill iX l s MlI > lll I 44 t I f til i If Ifjm Uttry it itt
t jm try atniiit I11 ihni Mr Ir I Iatiiifrlain and andf 111 111urll inltirgI
f r urre urll tirgI < l thtn Iht to I tnk ti ¼ up I u pnitectiou InlrlHI For Forv Frmy
v my part plrl I cniniilr it 1 u s uecvii n etary ary part partof nrl nrlor
4 of a t great Ir national II flit ual flit I tsilicv I tit nnt ii it mcrelv Ilr IlrIIIC1 t tjtItIrtI a apolitical
political IIIC1 thiorv thiorvFree Ibu Ibur tburVri
Free Vri r trail lrd t h tii undnutiledlv itfi stat lv been Ib en tli t h ht ID IDcaui j jcant
t cant C l nf r itt h ilfHtriii gII4trlltIhtl tiiu of r llritish IrIh a tgri tgrieulttir ri riculture r rCulu
culture Culu which hlh teIi liefon rn Ill 111 I It wn n in I a e eflot4rtiIl inns innsfloun r r1Ir
floun flot4rtiIl 1Ir lini hl ing IliilKioii 1 1111 i I inn nnd Ii ti I fi r > trade raI ai hit hitplayed II hetIyd
I played severe vcrt havv ha w wllh ith thnagnctilliire thnagnctilliireof IhIIllltl
r L of Ireland Ireland uwtl to I live I ivI pract practrally 111 prtetca11
rally rll ca11 entirely nlrlr I v agrictilmre lrlIlr ftid 111 in o inwhen t 111 < lfi lfiwhen
when hn fre rrf trad 1I vr w a mtrndured 11 I Irish Irishthn lrthcritjItItr
critjItItr rhll hwl i titUIIV i t tthr
thn Ih foo rO fnd l rt r > qi 11 > ilir Ii i d I liv th t h Iri 111 I ii h 1 lnpUi lnpUihhd InII InIIhr I v p < 1 1hhrt
hhd hr nt that t IMV in n alinr nhl1 l Oi 10 i ii > mluitu mluitutAntM tllt tntitib3tAnhI i I
tAntM Ilt whil hU now loW it ha only nnl I VMIMI In Inthat II Inthat
that tny < IrHand 1lnl1 prodno rrhl d fivxl not 1f1 notfor onlv onlvfor h hror
for thooo IhO tho niti millioim of h hr > r own 0 tttI fxoplr fxoplrbut 1011 1011i
i but bt fnMinn rnr 1 Inlhhn1n rwti iKnili EngIihnictt hniPnl IIdpA > > Miil > > Wh WIn WInc h1fl h1flfre n nfrw
c 1 frw rr trad t w wet iiuriMl 11111 t t rMI n v < I ilicr Ih t waj > n nA hItnulll I ItterLlItiv
A > lt Itnulll tterLlItiv niativ > > < K Xrth fiipatfn < tttfII II t < i iirii Irl iritiIt ulur in f rr rrIh < r rth
th to I h Ktnrvp I iiouplf tM 11 pl ou o th t h IIINI hl I t i it j KI t I WT w er Mi Mito I I Ito I I
Ireland 1fI1 I1fI1 which lldl wt ii h ito n 11 i i WUH WUHlarge va valarj w wIarg
large larj itTjx Iorr wrter > rl > r < if r fo Ioo4 < Ml novraday loOoR loOoRnot iiowita < < do donot Innot
not prrnluci enniiKh 1ljh for if < imiiMi 011 It Ith I IJ ItI
J I h haM M hecomo hNm a larK r imiwrtor 111r of whit and andother anilI
I other fnoiUfiifft 1 Th h > ThHj a 4 > i nr nrMunlr f fit fitrountrv tt ttNtuntr
1 rolt
rountrv Munlr him hnm m > < fmin rr Tm 7C1IUP i iin n tr trI tnIcii >
I Icii than 4n F > liihtninh t I I I Ul t ita iv v ih IhA IhAJ thi t tBritish
J British Briih nnd nll < p iriiiUv fmllv 1 ln Itth h nRrimlliir nRrimlliirban BrIcIItIitrt ntll
t ban hA h h1 hn n dt d dItrnyDI troytMl hv h frt r ttA trad I rhuHv rhuHva hiI
1 a contrihutmK cnlrlhlllj Cont rihut in g ian titt o IK h no 10 tlmit I iL ii ihi ihiIlrittxh IhIrllh t hi hi1I >
Ilrittxh Irllh 1I ttih land lanc ny N IIt in 1 wlucd h t i rw Is tsl I Ion tit nnion titon
on ownership MI t itt on 11 t teIr > inr r lh I h t hnl hnlor iik iikof i I Ior
or nrlti lirittib rll h land ln < hfld h 11 I 1 tv i f thiviml thivimlp tPiitndpiopIi
p Ipl piopIi > opl < and In1 8 I fitiiiit h I pr fjil ant nndiiK RI1 RI1Iy antPyfrnt
Iy Pyfrnt I1 iiK 111111 iIIpiitthI iiitatil iiit 111 tlilutotflI tlilutotflIImposIbI fiiiumi < md mdadvocate 1 1Implbl
ImposIbI I Itt hO1 tt h ttrottt ttrotttftd
Implbl I 1 I
advocate Moal ftd ocatI > f irvunu M MnumlHT tl t tn > < I IDumlr
numlHT r of land Inl1 Ian owuc wt1 Hr r II n wn mid midcountry Rull RIIIcountry
country countryWlnl rlnlr country1tiiI
Wlnl hlllhliral the th I ihtrals in 11 itikr ler tho Klidan gIItalIof o oof
of Iloyil licori t i oIg liav ha e fdvot rdUa1 rdUa1li1i C duitwt < I IociatiMtIe In InBocialiHtu
BocialiHtu li1i poliry pnIIi I if r 11IO tnain na ini the Ih i im otnmtixtity immunity mmwlt
munity mwlt lIt univornal Ini1I Inidlonl 1 < 11111 I hivi hiviadvocated hvo hrvadt
advocated adt o oatI41 c u I tniIt > lr h v v wt rh < h tnav na t ts > mimtiifl mimtiifllip fl1tIIfttIp 1 1II 1
lip II In th onN Mv yrv trv I man 111 In h own ownlandlord IwitIMtIIortI
landlord IcIIIOII and alil nil tin mln v ha hai h hriyyu n omi lu lunftlnal h honllnl ttnfeIaI > 1
nftlnal onllnl on 01 f I h I n 1f tIfl on I panv panvTh liar liarTtie I
Th Ttie < Ru t of f prcir Ir < on a m I Iti Frtitd id h h1 h1a irItharI l ln
a n tbark 1 k alHiiit Mnl a I 4 yfMr ago 0 tit now n nEnRUh flwEngUli nt ntEnglMi >
EnglMi work workl in man 11 I is xtntiK 1111 t I IIIZ hint end endmore 111 111mor it t t tmorp
more 11 < li HA4fIt1qI AAiilt l w h tli Ii atro al Ptrnts HUH im imdltion 4I1ttittnn j
dltion diton undiT 11 wh ht + h r 1 1 guI 1 wrri wrriir ork orkPri r rr
Pri r ralt ra rn t TflIa1I an frn fr ro < nII tn tion t ttt f among amonginvniif Imol I
invniif r llrl luinr ill tt riw riotn 11 rtliitIfl ntlm ntlmtiin II
tiin 11 of jiri trDe p iif i iijinpfins lULr lIflII ti arire rI rIC TJi nII Iiii IiiiIts i t ttil
til II Its rraMifnit Iamrn uaiiifnrtri irnm ° in f ar r rIii t tatal
1 I Iprf
Mill AI i Iht w i i + ba I > I 4 i lo1 < nid nut n of ofprnflt r t tprntt
prnflt prf fr frnt < trail lrl must m ti nf1t4 < < uinv ItV V m 1 tnin in I Itnr IX Iagi
tnr r w agi gi X mm < A9 t p o I nmriM 11 flnbfIMItIr I Ifuriurer Iwh
furiurer wtm wh maot M omnii tII prollt r in 0 x U I IUtRf Ir IIrr
UtRf UtRfKn Kn t i r rl WT 1 e l riv intrmliirml intrmliirmliv introqIitrIIwtnh fl1 fl1nl
iv Iwtnh r nl l cI I h i rtw tnanifai marl ir > r rro rs rsfl
ro fl I in ont NIr r f 1h h s i 1 in n ir I ritI > Nil foe r tf i iCplt i
1fP Cplt of f ih h hi pf p > p t ° hut ml 11 to 1101 t lowtr WR WRfor VItgH VItgHfnr HI HIfor
for ill I I > nf i de I h nBUIfatIrrs manufa turtr aid aidthe vnIth 1 i
the Ih lrt JI Ir vrh Ih ippor spftnrt4 o < l I olxlin ibhnIv11 1 pnn rnLI
LI 1 Iv11 i i i i wlinh n rntrnPnj pr nt 11 < l murh h m mr mrI flIPthn r rir
ir I i tM II aim mil n diw 1 Iiw n > w in I fr r tralo II nj njitinn 8 8tI
itinn tI Ett 1 I n nc d s tliV h AMiUI itI 1 tier I terIIv ll I haM haMi hti htiw <
i niM n w > Mir 1 t t riir Ir flirlu Vljvnfh Innhv InnhvII > v vIn
In II i ii 0 < l Ifl > n it rh hf n fn r r it > i If t Ii il ilrt
rt f 001011 oiiotm Wt Ulird wl 1 o hint 111 0 oiv I t m mT a atvPt 1 1hnll
tvPt tt T li hnll irnM rnlrl H 1 n nu 0 4t n iron nn law In of ofH orc ofw1i
w1i H < f M pi i i t < lii I jih < h fr in in I gtn gtni In fl flI
I rat c 11 tItUtItI < i < nrd 111 sit tu > tniiiiiiiiiin lllln < oI l nf nfl if ift r
l t n I t t 1 h t ridTM in inH 11 tiii
i rI 11 1 r i i rII1 1 hr h hw hwtr
w wtr H t fiiiimiirti 1 of r > tl IIf ift n e n nwiili 1
l orqIsI t wiili it t I Idiordo arl i inn IlcIIfltI IlcIIfltIri1 rnnu UI
i J Die fh ifrnii 1 v vge age g i f all I wt wtfsII KH 1 inm inmfill tn tnI >
I fill r1 ttiiilnvii in n T i i trnlf fI
7 in inIrKir i F nNtIDI I JI I n bsi hi t IIi
4 IrKir Lt tr t i i ii KIIIII IIi lr I > tlif tk wir N In I Ii nit nitit
1 it i i ST Vt m it ti iv < ihinR hll rndi
J t the Ih Mme 1m whlm whIle hilo in the > litinn 1m trail Ifll i it > i ittiitti > I IA
A ttiitti eil t I i Tt Ihf t nr wnrnoly lry h hn lit mi Wflgia WflgiaIt I ifcrt ifcrtIf
If I n 1 i nipitri tttsr innri itirian tn < nd I llriii 1 Ih > h hili hIaiIIs
ili IaiIIs n i it I 1 npi ir h hl to r irv I Iwnan IIIR IIIRwiriian 1
wiriian mn AflIf nipl I vml I in mill HI I I I I work uk n 1 Am Iri IriII Itir Itirtf > rp Ji Jitwonr
twonr tf ar > Mi i tI IvvtI l in II I fl frt rr r > irnili Il lntliiii 1I In ll Iii pi > i irrc Ire
I rrc re 1 t trado tra mtuirtN 1 n only ni lrtI I iuintint iUItI ll ti tithe ftI
the Ih I l Cft wall ll LIII I fi flnl fvial > mnM lilKir 11 It Ititrivei
lrivp 11 IRffI the I wimon IPI 11 iIid nto ihi fa fnrh trlft anil anilIhf anillit
Ihf It lit tncn Inl tnt + lI n1 it < if r 111111 111111rlllr1 IjittiiIIrsvuIt1rlII llnclniiil llnclniiiliriiultiiriil alo
iriiultiiriil rlllr1 lalHirtrx laIHn re > iv t In the thettiitml I shpI h hI
ttiitml I Klnitdoni I II 1111 from rml 12 in I Irliiriil IrliiriilJl 1II1 1II1r v vI
Jl I toior r t nr I ti I 1 s w u I tn n rnclntid 1n I nnd an imnd imndVfM ttiiflIynhI
i VfM Vnl ynhI th a r > nil lv liw w wig w wt mi III IIII Ind Indtli I IHi
tli I full r1 ilii 1 4 f iII 1 ti4Vfl M vm VO ri ttv > 8 finish f n nhm t tktnd
hm kll ktnd i KI I i m 1 I flfi f I liiiiMiic I L iiitt and andn MftIon +
on n > smntiv IRI tttahi ftrtii r f41 i ilMri > ri < rnnnnt 0 work workwtiiti r > rk k
wtiiti hli tlif Ih futiir pit Ir Ii i I id Hid iti 1 iln I 1 ii i yMt yMtfniil gPfiid
fniil rtll m thit tti iint n ihf Iti Htm ifi itii tit > v iliiu iliiuare I II 0 I Itrp
are Rr r rlv rIIr llv iVfii VI v tI li I > in I nr npIIelrs > pi < r Ihw Ihwfrc I h hrl Pi Pifr
frc rl fr trnrfe rnd rBt AI o < niiiiml 111 W twiim ° n nKntllnnd I i iI
Kntllnnd KntllnndAm EI I nII4In In1 In1nn I Inl IUI
Am nn nl in fI1I an rlinirirs of r fr r frp o tride tridetell I t ttII I
tell 11 V vi i llwt Itreit I llriliin Ur owt W ir r fiirr fiirrnnii Ir flrrnpi
nnii 01 foreign f ritn n trade tAI to I ii frf fri truth Ir Inn I > > itr itri r rprmrpAI rprutrlpal
prmrpAI prutrlpal 1pwyt I i1 r Iuh ttrNlIii 11 tIit r rtnlI
I tnlI I Iv itIeriai IAIr or > Ttis i nr nrt Arth atnI >
t itip th nnd In1 nI iimnin t I more r than hln bitt JV si siIlWIUI i ii
i IlWIUI 01 in 1 ii yiwir I tiit in ilin Ih In a ariiP irnii waijf ii I IRrttsIi
Hrltlll nrltih t loride 1 rIIiIi IB f 4 If I rAI mi I i Ri 1 wiHk I k
for ru nil 11 woikir wk wiii kr m I II fee 111 1 I I fniployrnitit fniployrnititronl mt ° VtIlitI T Ttl I IrvHI
ronl tl WA wn1 nR i nii I h IMWT I l nii > i > < f id idcrifil I t p pitiitiiht
crifil Ir1 nmoiint 4 f iiiiinploynifi < i All of ofhort r rhor rttttrt
hort hor tune tuneThen Iln Iln1n tItnTbn
Then 1n the I lb nAn tdinir Iinirr f of i r fn fntrnil r rtml I Itfltl
trnil toll 11 II no 11 tiimli 111 nlmnt IINII Hi II hi hiipn pii piiof I In Iof
of n llrltlh Irh WI oJ N 41n 1 n i lolhirt Ih Inn Ihty IhyIn I in I i iIn PIn
In toil PI n p triii I i t 1J tpiq ifj + Imtutifiillv Iatti ifilk i heap heapi
i lutni nre n intdo 11 < lv V lKlu > fiillr svriftlil 31 1
Illhrir Ihr and IIt 1 tiir I r al n1v Iv not In frurn f en 1 P IipI l ui W < i iH 1 1f
H I > all 11 liil 1 front rr en rfli rags A > Mime wl wlhiive w i 1 Ii IiPI4
hiive h PI4 fnirne tntt I Itiihiv Hn Hnla tp h I
0 mi rnrisns pi V hA Ii tuii nrIPPI nrIPPIIhring
Ihring I Pt la Iit t ftfv ftfvnf nr If v v r I h COIl COIl11HiJi4 nn I Iflon
11HiJi4 flon I fl nf If w 1 in I Hidnnd Itll1 PRIIU I h hc > < l > iilM IiIiI IiIiIbiIa < l llule
lule hil that < r I I i lily KM I h urmn itfolil
Vrff Ir Iy iait Iqe p > KnuUtid 111 tiit uts I idt Irn proud di ditinniin lio lioin km kmlID
tinniin lID in of I 1WIIIg MIIH thn I hI largi Ilrc Iiirgt t irnp IInIMrt ir er r nf nfT r rr
r sy In I P ho p mrlit a rl rlt ITIIUPIIK in itnn III it ii > frni frnin ttt ttta
n jr nr t if r Viim i IIIH P PIM nf 4 worflcn olhn n r rRI rnt i unit unitiiiniilr 11 11n in I Iill
ill iiiniilr n i I v t IRI i z ih I h hi iilk 11 I ilk of r in P h tip < < i rMnt rMntruin In wn
fpvpi ruin Ihn Ih iliri II I Pr grfncwt t lrll1 > roiiiiiin riIets fl itim itimtea liii liiiI 1 I
tea I thf t Pti I iniwl HmiMi Mi ui I fiprmnny PFtiy r ii 1 1I Iii
ii 0 I It fli I t t 1 P lC Piit I 1nrla11 InIaI flRln d dT
T I nl Ht nniKin r it th h > orhMhn hn 4 f Mi Mirr p1I I Ir < I
rr I r lr iri4f d > liaa I lr II I her lln llnrid I thr >
V 1 b r 9 rid r nd it itI I t IV
d r
I Hi 11 I
1 1alil
hcau hl sugar alcar la I dearer Ifrr In th tbl tnlt Pnlte tnltd tnltdSttrp d dStateH
SlaIN than in l Oreat HHtiln Irlt11 Tho 1h prin principal prinelpAl ¬
cipal Ingredient tngrMIf nt and ad fld the Ih mo4t I e nxpeailra nxpeailrain I IPZP4flVIPtip 1 11 1
in I tain 11 a i > ivry ry manilfartnrer know knowlr U Un I IIi
n J 1 Hii lr ar lit laUir la mnlfarlrjr Itritlnh InllI flit Itili jam am U I made madepnii 10 rnailI
pnii 1 I Intl ipally Ikly j itil I UIIII itiii 1 > HI and KII tfirln Iirl ait Is who wh w ho art artUJUj r rkt1d
UJUj uujthinic hum tl i n > M 4J 4JItD a wrek wrekThf k kni
Thf ni 1 rix rIWI > r of 1 thi I h Ioor upr la I Iommtwioii Iommtwioiifur olmlu olmlurur
fur 1WJ l RAUl III stI that thu Ih iggregatIin KKre 1rIII lnia of ofINipnlalloll ofI I
INipnlalloll I 11101 iiilitt bit into 111 I nIP P tlrlwn Irl1 I ri tIf ivntrttt PtIt IIf I T4 of urlarl n npr P1it
pr M > a larai larl unioiinl ulml ul r Uilxir hr cliied cliiedwnmcn cll cltietlyWOtffI d
wnmcn wml and ul rlnldrxn Hcr willing t olnq to Ii talc lakl a at I
ft rw > w w wks h or 0 r niunlliM 001 nIoII I Iii of if r itmpliiTtnent itmpliiTtnentand mlynt
t and 1 a iyM Ir of < > f fnili finplovnifiit m I the thed hi hijam n >
jam Jdll d II I iiiakinu IIkl6whlhlhr tuipk ill g whifli w I IPtIa I lmf tori > m Ilu I 1alluIAII 1alluIAII111r hi > ulnuulaiit ulnuulaiitInlxir ttpuitIatstI
< I Inlxir 111r hi I it of r taol 1 nil 11 ooiili ii II h l uidon uidonl
l Ihink tlk p AIiiriii nifricH Ir iiwcH n industrial industrialI luluotrill luluotrillI
I crttlni I lirRilv larlIY Iitrg 4v to I n I its prolvctivit riIiti inrifT inrifTrifiy tarfTI nril
rifiy f I ill f yiir HO I > irmtt llriiom Irll1 1o1 hail hll eiiur eiiurIIKIIK I1urIfiUIt ur urIWI
IIKIIK IWI indn IIIUI iitil IIit > > lriiii ri whitn W 111 Itilpi the Ih I h t SIII1 mt fIItPt < d Slali SlaliI St 1It itt a ahiiil
I 11111 hnd niiitt n DIM ru ImiMl SIII1 Malm stt and nll Klin Klinland KftgIIIPI I
land I a I ar I < l > v nanirt 1IIIr iiiully p < Ialy well 1 Illtfd 111 fur furiMiimrv r furiIltf I Imallu11
mallu11 iIltf IIII II rip i j si Ilk I I I 4MII Il hell 1 hr tnrP11
iMiimrv P11 I lii rv coiirnl ill Irl ri p14 III I Iii raw prKluci prKluciinnd un tli iI t FJI FJItittipi II I
innd hail I a I great Jr ailxantagu Ihnll of a long longitar III IiIttfir
fir expiTiencv r and Olo caiiltal Kniclaini Kniclainihad tljlalll tljlalllt I
had t free rr tti tral I ratIo America A Ulrl litt rIcIt liail 11 protection protectionI prIIOI Ibrutect loll lollilii
Th I he rawing 11 uf tlm th American mrir1 silk ilk tariff hii hiih in I Iilu II
ilu I h hi MN and 11 d OiW n cause I CaIIN4MI I rim h knullh i111h manu manufactuiirii 11 11a IttflhIart
factuiirii a art Ifr iIrrp anil AII silk llk worker of Marrlwllolil Marrlwlloliland 1ChJIhl
and 11 other t hr placet iIaci 11 In 0 go in n I Imtcrnoii N 1 1and fu1
and u1 oilier l hr jutrn of rn the I h Inlted 1lltd State StateIll SalTh Statrt1
Ill American fItPrIll rml nlk Ik industry 111lr in I now by far fartin rrIh firPh
tin lurtftwt luw in tlm th world oll It 1 consiinit consiinitllfttsii flILlIIlI IIII P Plift
llfttsii In lift II tune tm I more lor ruw silk Ik than Ihlu t hanlint ireui ireuillrinui ra raInC
llrinui llrinuinnihiT InC lint p p
nnihiT Ihr Illustration Ihulrtnn of r tho 110 influence influencef 1IIIMr 1IIIMror
or f tint I h American Irlol tariff uism an industry industryi Indtr
i ifTinil 11 by ly Dm Ih cau > uf I Iun iron rori and 111 ste itpl itplIirmrlv l lKornmrlv
Kornmrlv Frlri limit Ilrltain Irlaln xriia U by ly far trip thnjrgei I tripIir
l Iir jrgei rl1 t Iron IWI and 1 eel 1 producer 11 > IIr in II tlm tlmworlil th thwirbl I
worlil rl It I wan in I Itt 11 that th Inlted Inltedstate lllt1 lllt1S tIZIIPPItttt
state S 4 put JI lI a I tariff I1 on 01 mil mi which whllh Iwfore Iwforeilrtt IIfor IIforIhl It trt trttIitt
ilrtt Ihl tinm 11 t till had not lt boen h1 nude 1110 in II thU 11 conn conntrv 1110Irt tl
trv Imler 1IIr hIP tnantltt tanl of proN prolootlul lrot4ctioIl lrot4ctioIllilrIut tlun tlunniiliM
niiliM 11rl < 1 hns ha slnee lnc I built up the h largest larRestiron lul
iron I anil a 11 uteel 111 liulujitry Imlllr of the th world worldfor worldr
for r r wherei whr sixtjr yearn Y ° a pi Fncbm Fncbmpro Inll111 Inll111mlI1 ngbtiiIIIflIIOI
pro IIflIIOI mlI1 luci > il three th times 11m as a miclj mIlh 1 of ofI tho thoout Ih0
out in I In II i a oh tlm tll I lll1 ttitd SI Mitx to tliv tlivih 01
ih P h I i tiierii ti en rJI jn i II out 1111 put i Mint P h tlnnv I 1 Tfl04 > 1 ilut ilutof Ini Inir P Pf
of r I ire r 11 i Ilritatn Irlall Tin fiiortmm 1101 cluuign cluuignhi dll lflt lfltII
hi h Ii not lt bsti h1 liniugh I rnl Ih about I sb b1 at either 1IIIr bv bvAnt hvP v vIII
Ant P i Ii < i wijltii ij III P t m troti I It Pit or orIitglitttl b < viti vitiKlIKUlld
KlIKUlld tIILull fan 1 bUt 11 iron Ir1 urn Jr fnitll fro S Swlt fflell WWleflIi fflellunil
unil 11 Ii II Spain tNI jl in Machioiply ii ClIWI l a Pill voi VOl 0111 I cm JZt K get t It hero herolukethi hn herslMks
lukethi lMks 1 Ih thu tin tn pi plate nlate Itidiutry Before lleforetli Iirof
tli 51 h McKlnley MlKIII tirifl Iirlr iirnat I llritsln Irliln had h31r 1 1iiiiuH 1ill
iiiiuH ill flIIMIV > lv nf r that I h ha industry IIIIIIt ry while whl America Americatin A tfrir1 tfrir1f ttieritpr
tin dilcetl Ii I1PI null II PI nf the I h hi commodity sam mlndlr tuadit y Mr Mrhinley II IIKIII
hinley f KIII hIileye theory Ih thai II a I proteotlxn prol1 tariff tariffwiiiUi t4rl tarIffwdd
wiiiUi 111 < iiiMt PI ii t Ite < < iitablislitnent snilila1i tuent of r the theimliirv Iht I heindiirv
imliirv 11Itv in I ih I h he I nitnl nil SttUM S and Ind that thatltiiernil thattIll
ltiiernil I tIll rnil rnist cotiiMtilinn COUI lf1 would wll1 lower lo r the tlmJIM I thelilt h hI
JIM low tint prttvallinc a In for thn 1h Fng In InlI4i
I nl
li I lI4i jt ti articltt 1r tt1 Id has h been jiiMin JIKI jtiisttfld I d for aflt afltall If llftiIj
all 1 the th prmi prlnd prtniIpil i > il factor in I chivtiHninc chivtiHnincnn ch IHnlnl I
nn i i io prodiictloii i itI > > n a lirge Ir I trg trgI soil soilI t31 t31Ih
J I lionfore the Ih mericdii I < al tirlff T rit hoa hO is ii iihirtiiil I xiIsirined
hirtiiil trl1 this consumer lIIr but greatly vttl beim beimfltil liettefIiI I I
fltil lt1 him him
lii II I it Fnflind fre rr traders Irt V try Ir o defend defendfjmir IfnItJi
dir tJi r policy 1 by b telling UritUh UriiJ worker workertin orkrAth
tin th Ii a they lIIV are a thn hnnptc t und best pdt puldworkersln pdtWrkf hl hlwk
workersln wk II In the th world ord unit ni bid them Ih pity pityineriiMli fl pitylpirfsfI
ineriiMli 11r1 worker wrl who groan roati iintter iintterprntviinn InI InIfr tlnplirPt
prntviinn fr Pt lon flon In I kt 1 p tip f thi froan impo lItlpftI P in II1 I n ni IIrri
r rri P ri il I irgt Ii I 1s ijI I lID Di IMIIh IMIIhI Itt4l II t I spj spjI
I i > ti I pr r situ 1 linrrnwinrf trltl Inlet > 11 11r t the thetpoxfrx
tpoxfrx r 4 f American tnPrDiin n and Ile Oertnnn O rrRI work worker k
er rs Itll B Iliii Ih fill fil f III ti s explain iilaiii Iall wilY wh whI exir exiriveir erV
iveir I V ir nboiit ii hul tioiii PlI 0 Kngluth 11 I worker 1 tit titfrom II III tifr
from fr nt lut 11 It paradbw 011 nf if friHVtmile rr Iral and 11 why whyth W1tVthrs hy hyIh
I th thrs r i a very Ir large immigration Inlnhtruon into intoiermany illn illnOrn liltOsrnany
Orn iermany nnd n1 th this Inlted tlltl Slate t4t I ites Tn Tnk 1 1 1III
i k r > up the th imposition 111llon of free fr triile triileth
I th I h v Vfl II nitanMv nalll tell 1 th h wnrkingmin wnrkingmini work orkllll orkllllI Ingirleri Ingirlerih
i I It I tfMlv l 1 ly thconsumer s t P ettislInser Illn suffer I through throughri h h ht
ri inr I 11 lull t In I a tell I him hln litl Hu he h riruit riruiti 11
i r 1 i evening nmi r mlw lflI 1 he h hi hii h I 1
i di ic c > l MimHhlBK 11tll luring 1ll tiarin lID Ih cour courof iolirt r rt
of t indiv t 1D 1 1wlll liv livp i iowing
owing p wlll wi ii g I irgely 10 I U un I nmloymt mtilovment null awllrmv nulletrunmlv l ti I I IP I
etrunmlv P rmv low I v w ig ltrttIh lrttl 11 n worker w kr Lie Liefr i if
f fr t uuitl ii ittil 11 to mouth IIh Very ry few r hivealiv hivealiviiiglb1 h I4 Mliv MlivI I 1
iiiglb1 I Ii 1 gIII j r HI i v While hl it I verv ir I re ref 0
n 1 I > r Vimilitn wntkiiiKtimli wntkiiiKtimliItuu tkl I
Ii Ituu I lift 1 h linus iu > of r their th ir own sw 1 II IIid IIaI
id n ri tn Pl vxiruingmen IIIi4 lIigIflfI luxe I alm almI hn hno <
0 14111
I I i N i nd o li lw m HiXIDK 55 11 itig iMIlkn hI A1111 hll hllllr I Ittr
llr I I i ti rrKtrs hix h 1ttC only ly n 111111 uoufmo llMw IW < I I
ii I of otnnmriiil IIIr lifier iil unl lo industr 111 r it itrin p pvtI I ItIh1
rin tIh1 < lini vtI riis rnhl rsnhIo nbl mKt m t el i41y ilv that h11 f fJif rI
I Jif I s i if r Ii w Yor y yI i I II MiHnliii MiHnliiiie
I r s Ss In I Pun III le lel
l n i Ill Ph 1 S l tug I hulk Itsrt 1 I lii I
4 ie i f Ii I I II III etl lt 1 Kllkloin I wlllli hi per perliid I liCthesil
liid h 1 of iHiiiilin 1 ni tlmi mh i is in Ilh Iii uxlnn uxlnnlin 1hlj IIIIICI
lin I I Illt 1 of fre rr trade Ira Crnit trt rett Hntiiii lro onlx onlxtJ 011 ulils I Illh
tJ s 1 is 1otninred with llh i IJ l In II New w Vork roL orlihitAtlllIetta I In1
ind Miiwiicliuetts MiiwiicliuettsMr I
4 Mr iritu It Ii I l IDIII1 > mI I ill tl iue iueisrIIiIilsI l in ini
i I luI1 nritlnal p uniuilclll IltII tint Not t Dollar llullarlnil Uliar DollartaI
taI 111 Iliillur 11Ir1 Mrll fl elI s SP1lt SP1ltI > lt ltII > e il ilI
I III II > ii > > pl t G Th 1h t t1d lilted State Statei
I II i i I II 11 ir but hil it I I li not fly dollar Inlnr mad madl d
l ex InilK i piepi ed < 1 bv 11 the Ih I hal p tll tlli 11 11tl
i i > of I feiiions tl for i t 1lrw ur n > < ami 0111 chin chinladillill hnriiI
iI 1 111 < 1
ladillill 1 tiiiit Hlliul i i itiinu In prelnie prelnien irlrteII I IIJ
n > s x louring I am it 1 tiir < 11 IM a Ijfml 1 1 a i I reprt1 reprt1etifaive rjirlltllVe
etifaive IJ of o I M 1 1 PlIM X today Ift todaytlji 1 j jpre
pre d tln tlitittiiiit IUI upon 1 Iii II in inIfi x xin I II
in I < blcngo blcngothe hlao hraetoI
1 the I hI he I nldinnl e I ettemled t 111 niled < grietings gret rtll in g to n the theithnbo Ih IhIIh t tieP
< ithnbo i IIh I hul ir > I f i IIKII 1 ii ii 01 gi I nnd 111 II IDI iitgan iIIn a I rev r rf tw i if
4 f Phi h n P 5 > htlrlren ld of t thn fh t tIC > tmfHi oI eir eiriIfll tr r rllal j jlie
llal iIfll 1 lr f I this II S a li 11 thi 1 gi gif
r A rvlil lti I tII Vl I Ilie I
lie I null I > t il 1 Mm folliwinK Iwn nli II I r rwIh rIW rIWwiih iw iwwnih
wnih wIh b I ittvi 1 out it I t Irf iwlor > i for vt irting rlll on 01 tlm tlmtour t tl tlour
tour 0 of r I i iI ti lpy lpyI 1 1I >
I lik h k Aiimrien 1rli nil I tInt I I 1 I I hnv 11 seen seenof SI SIf
of r il I 1 though Ih t h iii III h i II > i a l Htnall flhI I1 I I IIrt i hirt i rt llltlced of ofi
S i tr ist 1 iininlrv iiflt tI rV I nave 10 tnis nnied tvt tvtilinre e eltfles
ilinre In f I the h grtsit If pI I prosperity Irprl we hear hearso ho
so fl mu I ffltP11 I i ibnill 1 m n I E lsrop uropt uroptThev p
Thev Th iv I U 4 iirf i II 1 ola iltar nation nationnni fiiItitiiitb 11 11al1
al1 iitb nni i I IHII i issi l Iiev ievi n when 11 I sw i the Il Pip iu l llI h >
111 a lI lltllll nf f bilstne I ii i fl Ivervwhirn vryw th hr but I ti P Mi Miri I p p priit
ri riit if tKiiig Ih liit vHI ejiePlil HM it I M Mr 1 1I
r I nni 1 t i idin 11 bv 1 the Ih inncniliifnt Snn tittint ie ieliKinu I Ih ifInd
liKinu h fInd ll hiriti1 I in liItiitltli itiiiion 11101 on onXITV illvrv 1
XITV r id II IdC V imre hnr Si rtr er I nnxe gone on I Iln Ihol Iha
hol ha ln seen them h iiil i II 1 h tIure r ni I ii < hligo II tiia tiiaelpil t tati I
ati t mt formed rll1 rin 1l I 11 > b MI mire than Ihal eer Cr r
ii 1111111 ii Oil n i ii i > i r I tlrlIIIr tlrlIIIrh unit i n it i nti ntiHa ig igli
Ha h III I I 1111 lilrkent and aut Other IIhr I Ih Ih1IIrI l Is e oiniU oiniUI I illS illSIriiiporarII
1IIrI I IriiiporarII finior rll lliiu lIaieI nl nlT
1 l HI MKx Y H hi I I Sept pl 1 MiV li r riiaynnr ra risynnr
I iiaynnr a n nt mont ms nt i r f the Ih dAY lay trnlRhten trnlRhtenrR elmllhln
rR 1 g out st the h nun ln en1 1 by I the I burning burningf hlnlnl
f ln I Ii ii nrnl I rlI iiiii i ri r I IU am girnB Ilrl nnd nndtiitil Inl anitI
I tiitil ihl TIi rtir r wns 1 n greet Jr ienl a aI of f worn wornu wiiriI
u I d 1 mid I his hi Honor lnr th nr nnd WRI t I Ij Iruth c crich
rich ih in 1 she In hitch id of i iN Iwith
N t Iititent rett with giving 11lnl nrdern nrd r ho h hml hmlto
j nr
to 0 tik I t hnnd hln1 lnnifr Ilmlr He I I1 he lleiieI Hl to toliuild toliihi
liuild 111 fenre rI f n and nlnf new In x > n f rr > r hU hl rhlfken rhlfkeni dikn dikni
i md le tler live Iu 11 ciork ok and nd to V t nM SIFMtiihll tnhl llhl the therattfri II t herattrI
rattfri rattrI firrn wajfin I ntid RI hurAi hsrvestlnr hsrvestlnrp tlnir tlniriiriu
iiriu Hid p nil irranfcf rall1 rrarlgsi < l for f ir tfinp tIfl ti rin rint r rI
I t I I p t > it hi h hor Ii r and 111 i rt I ii > w fi Hf I 1 1 t mlp mlpf url urlldv I
> ldv 511 SW t f iriti iri n rr frvi tin t liine j
dirine hml liriri tniititiriduy th nlrlly pttIr do ItiKt h lM tror > fnr dinner dinneriif 1r 1rI
iif I C vnlkiKl t > Stotivlirook trnk iind 1 Kirk I lrk k In Inth I InPt
th I ifttrm rr > oii t took k on n nf r hi M viItr viItrIii itr itrlimn
limn Iii lm it i rotmnn rot Olnll IIJI II for r a short pm pi j Pill in 1 I 0 Ihf Ihfinto I I
into 11 Mr Ir Crotmati rlmal m i to t rtmain r rvn 1 I II in at II IVep IVepv IeeliwI p pI
v wI I < OVT n melit melitIliSKliilmlliani Illll IllllI IllllUIIIhlhan tiglitIiaIphotIianI
I IliSKliilmlliani UIIIhlhan Ma I lie I II llritpfml Irefswdit
1 It wi rTHtrtt ri r cl14 r1 I vi l4 tHv h tiit I th thtintne Ihr Sho Shovavni
tintne tf r MflKIHrnf Iie gist rn ti r f l iiel 1 n HlKgin JIII 1 Ii ggin gginI
1 I hiitu hal f lliklvn li Its k1n kit y h I row w under undert 111r 111rtrl
I t trl hrj irtiH < if r H MMaIIIt TI m mnd ul hv Mint Mi J Miry MiryI llr llrI
I lilt II Nio k t V > lid 1 < n at if be I mi miIiIei Illed in th Im Imf 11 11f hiipV
f ii 1kgtIttOSP Rtitift t r the st 1 II I tr I f Mnnii Mnni RI
5 i itt sSs I i f fr r Ih tIle > voitii diKtrii Irt t which whu i I II Shi
1 hi 1 mihinitti I t inirrU It i KIH that thatMiKiflratii Ih1i Shilli1ietras
MiKiflratii i tI I I iilriv lil nit v < f Kir r ItiMkauav ItiMkauavi 1kl
r i 1 IA t i c 1 l th S h Pu is i > i ir i p int I Ih Ii P 1 lfcdrird lfcdrirdn IIIr1 IIIr1nll Iksi f r I Iiefllt
n iefllt enijwr nll irt r m whu ht h Ilicumli II liJII tuun Sham ShamI Ihamhi Ihamhihttfi h hI
httfi I l pridinK i hid Mnii Iiigisrats I trate I 11 I Kemp Kemptier
tier I e litiei t Ii 11 I N t i V whithr s 1t lieS hr it I P Ind been beendflTTIlillt hnrn 11100t
dflTTIlillt rn ti t lut I MI Illgimili I lltll t ofl oflII fT fTI I IIh
II Ih I Ii lint 1 Ii it ivinK a I II p tlint 1111 P Iii P hf h P i ml iI 11 I not ri t dlH h hI I i < i4 i4tti i4ti
tti ti mutter I nh I I ii I of r ih t niefiMi 11 if r the thtir 1 theirIri
ir r I IIrilltc
Tnl Irilltc oiitflile uti hl Pile lie I H Miol nl IIU II ItI lnr lnrFrank IarIrak
Frank Alk llrttl IrI t < > n i abutrhernf it hisitohr fr Lit 1 I3 Xmtter XmtterI f rl tir tirlip
I 11 lip mi in afini a emits ll P llrii II 1 A I bull hI hISS I I ihrnuch Ih I bros t h ln II Ii ii <
Ifft ear lr at A lS Mroidwiiv ami Ii1th 1IfIh Htnot st feet U iai iaiPsi t tnitriit
nitriit Psi gist 11 II I I old i I n poliremiin wihi rna I Imi 11 I he h hiiil hl1
Im hiI I n rf wO > s wnh t i t I is hi I brotheritilao I pro P hsr t n law and 111 a aI
di I hII IsI n t ss mh In I Inn h sp NVhin n h lie lound Ills I miii that ti
li h had h niilv fnh tiI eliol ill I II fir hn h etpri n nif
1I t i if r In I niiter re is er and H lii I iniiko I ii ij p 1 ni j t Ii Im hi
Itnitlier m ln law II I w takin II fiSk a Ptn prm pr
oner n r is n ih I tIo I 1 Ino1 hirwisi 1 nod Wright W rsght lh llwj I Hal Halul 11 11rh
iII lp rh iIsc InspIr InspIrii
ii 5 4 1 ul M la m n nf n Mr Mrhe H t tn
r n I II h naiDIw n4 n 4n ll lie snt no non
5 n CI he 4 f h t r 4 rk t tti n nI rpg
g iti I 1n n ti 1 > MI one mi n I Itilon aics aicss
s o I i aldUIoiaI odllo tilon l nr aes iratlrr 1 U Unlcbi A a a1I I
5 J 1I IFS n itie nlcbi C tllnoo nf Tm n ai rWI rWII
TII Till U SUV l 11Il 11 IVIV tin t iv ivi 1
i oi tn 1 i i nu in inI S SIsIrs
1 IsIrs I unillin UI oils li the llrnn Ili end l rrom roniRecetsrd on Mil MilllrrrtirO h h1fhf
llrrrtirO 1fhf li ht Tonrl COlr Scrotal rn 1 lfp I Mae KanMplrlta MaeIDirit
Mplrlta rl Kept Her Out UII of r Her IIUIH IIUIHThe I lilgiltsTill
The onrroRale rall Is l I > etl 1 In InSn Ii SH poeks poeksSct > itk itkScintU
ScintU Sn Sct rii Lt nn it II appii It I i > ibh > n r luclion IIIOI I IlI Ion hail hndbeili ho1I hailI4sII
beili I mude 111 ri i i lit I II niultiludt 111111 ° of r littiT littiTwhich 1lll hIttLf5w
which w went r btifiK 11 Si i read rI1 tlt I from f r n I bit hl I i p i blink blinkbook 11 11hlk I hisklwk
book in tin I Surrogate il iirri r 11 i11t1s i njrt ur in n llrookltn llrookltnveii Ink hirouk hl hlnl
veii vea rtlnv nl w hii h > lr I hre Mnrmn IIi s Ilink Ilinkpirttiinll 1111 1111pi iitikspirttiialisi
spirttiialisi pirttiinll pi IIAI iic pnetiiMvtn pit II Ir HO K In I 54 54f peak MIakrnr peakfor
for f r a group Ir1 grisil t > I f fi itl < mniiinicativ rUIIli PSI II fllll t eve spirit spiritdeclared plll plll1dnl1 i SIn SInI
declared I 1dnl1 that Ihll I ha t shi s h a iI H llr t I I > l nf 1 the ll I hii MIIIIT MIIIITbin liiI t iar
bin SurroK1 SIrola Kitilum 1hII n < prnt t her for fortlm r rI t tS
tlm I h hi intirniptioli IIrnII I llt rn I it 1lulII1 I II iind LI SIP I itKiruuted i tII ttZItMt lcl1 the Ih I law II ver verIn y yI l
In I prootxl prootxlAliout
Aliout hII shut titus Ii nn ni accoMimi a ncoItmnldating ncoItmnldatingspirit lmllll lmllllalilrl > datinK datinKpint
pint alilrl fumiliiirlt rlmih knwn k IIWIt OH 1 Msizzy Muz lln < y wrt wrttraruinilttlni Wi Wirnrmlllll waP
traruinilttlni P rnrmlllll raninti S S I ti ai 1 impn Ill ti > Inn tn n Mm I 11 mind mindof In spit 11 11r I Iof
of r Mm th t In material Ilfl 11 I rla 1 i isi MMunt 1111 t liii I It I t wat w ius nierih nieriha 1 1I v vII
a I letter KUgfintiiig II II Mi I 1 Ii familiar rUlilar t flat IhtII lttliiii lttliiiiMdIl Ion Ionsaid <
said II I i > eiht IPpt lt bttwiiii nrlain rlll ititli i piriln Hlnl HlnlIn < anil anilMm iitiitNiris
Mm In Funk Fllk I II IHII IHIIIf
If I thrro I itnrtlntii ii nti hlo < < > I ssMfl rant nt I to I ronrult ronrultu 011
u I alKiut t a tiual al we n o tenlv to I answer answerit r rI
it a w we haves I goixl g at t 1 iov > ft mer Toil rouThi ro roTI ToilThIA
Thi TI i 54 oii al 01111 of r many lal Ictlcr 1IIr nhluh htoh Mrs MrsMalwllr MrstnIw4le lrl
Malwllr lnll 1 1hIII1 I lioiiiptoti ht iIII ll HiHiHtH 11 dipriH Is rIs l htr htrof I Ir liD I Isf
of r a alar large lnrt lnir Ilo n a t Jjixm lieul i DiAl A i i istal tulit Ial left leftbv lrthr r
bv In her huobuml hl lu1 Hubert Ibrt II I Tlioinpitoii Tlioinpitoiiformerly 1hollI iliotiijiiiltfirnieriy
th I abort II IIrhomwon IIrholnJtt
formerly rrmtrl prenldent of it r Int I
Thompol rhomwon CorniHated Paper 11Ir Ootnpanv Ootnpanvwho nllal nllalhn iflnItlltiV iflnItlltiVwttss
who hn dit ei1 pIleil l in Mav I Mire 11 motjth rnlh ttio iha after nfleraHmg Rrrinl aftersMicinit
aHmg inl hi Mcond olli wife r Mr Ir lrs Iunlc hm hmgranddnii hianluldl hisgrit
granddnii grit nluldl iiil ISLIS hcr h I i er und ul1 a U I iliugliier l ii z I r er bv I I v ndip ndiptitin I IlIn itpli
titin lIn t 55 ch h hMlpDsl rgtMl 1 lit h Mr I I III huin > li nh nhexerting I
exerting I l1l rill itg uiiilu InI u tislt I I iiituiii 111I III t iieID up 1n II I i > iii II th t III tfeta tfetator I Ir sit LI LIsir
sir r chiellv hliCIl bv I > oMiit ta a 1 a nietlnim Ihl nnd nndbombarding n nmllriIM ntsiI
bombarding I IOfl mllriIM liii rsli flJ4 him hI ft with W It h lettt II > r shIll upH Ik > d dto 1 1n Ito
to n nine 1 frnlll rrfl U lltiM dvsesI l wife Ir Mri MriThonspsn IrI IrIThompson I IThomp1 >
Thompson Thomp1 i is Irving ITIIa to I show 1 that M the tlmardor tht thtInlor thearsio
ardor Inlor r of o f hr htisbnnd hIIII tisi shii II I i rotirfalnp tv I ti ski h wax waxdam w wIImII1 witsI
dam I IImII1 I t u > iied I In h s nivsterioii 11 II 555 isI I warnun w ii rfli IU is and andthat 111 111Iha a Ii I Ithat
that Iha her Ir luiMband huhlnl s alltct1 iST t > n vis drif II Iri I p poompletilv I Iooniplsth
oompletilv 001 in I Ih thu jris iircenct uis > of r u feat r er Mint Minttho I I hutI
tho th I tire I wife w I fe might fIll g hit b near 1r by Il I i t and ull dm dmappmvliiK 1 1AIIrHll IM IMasprov
appmvliiK AIIrHll asprov I hg She Sh hi av a vs that I Mm t h silrilual silrilualisrc sI I r S iii I Iir
isrc isrclnoii ir e ufli 11111 11111 lii fl Mt I Ii 1 hr lh lhtoId P110 Ii IiI
lnoii I toId hlslmid iiaiiddilliti 111 di lIi i > t > thbfnttlto I h hndl h n I t r I Iintoti IintotiThntnpson I 1 lln Sit fl flIs
Thntnpson 11111 M aIi il I nf r the h decivuw PIiVtlWII Mr Mrhunk I Ilk
hunk I ii lk usk and 111 iiti I her he r brotlmr hr lirIlt hr Kohert It h r P H I I TII liiomp liiompon I 11 iftil iftilrft
It i is intimated illlfl1 bv h cnimiel ln1 uiflCI for r rThol1 Mi MiThumunn lse
Thumunn Thol1 1 haiti 1111 in 1 Mm S h attimip tt 151111 11 iP to I u pinvini 1 l O P I it ilm ilmprobate S I Ii Iijsrohat
probate rola of S the f I he Will 1 1 I that t cnmmunifation cnmmunifationwere s mlll Ut Still I I iit t Sit Sitwet
were r bting 11 received severnl rl year vt irs belore belorethn Ie I IIh tre
thn Ih 5 hi marriage marrlI unit fld Imfore th I hi widow w re resigned r teignei ¬
signed 1111 a tetiographtr to become 1 > 1 hi w ife ifein if ifIn f fI
in I an 11 effort I > bnak hr S T I fht h nfair nfairMm nrli nrliI nfiurMrs
I Mm Irl Mar lla tarti > n r r I iiir 1 ui A a 1 n I tlm Phi h viand viandluring epnt epntI I
luring I Irlnk rl ih iriM fuill 1 f Ml I hi nt itt iinI 1
I viwiinlax litennK tn t Ih I h i t s sII1weriniZ nnd nndanswering
11 answering ll < Uitmn itbntit I ilmtn I Mm l lIh hi hiPIt is
1 th wifn if r if r Hr I Morton Irl I I hjim it I Iklk Joi JoiNewkirk tc tcNevkirk
Newkirk klk avenue IIJI 1 Hutbmh ulhl sh She imithtr imithtrdemei nittirInie4 Ih Ihnnr
demei nor ainrtned Ilnnll1 that I halt she lm was w a nietliuin nietliuinbut 1llln 1lllnIIIt
IIIt but Haul 1 tlut 1111 she h did J1 receive r reois5i50 tn Hr > rt rtsions
sions 5i50 from rnHI her grandmother arrlIIhr gritxst III hir atil uI1 11111 I theri Ihrhl t hrs hrsa
i while a hl I in a n I sttnitranit 1tII Ilr I t 15 HI > and S 555 1 that Ih t she sli h hid hidwnttii h hwr1
I wnttii wr1 Its I iniprii 111 i > ns m I it I thu I lack 11 lackb
i1hn 1hn 1 1114 S I i i i I Mm Ih ivinimiinitMtiil 11 11I Ii Iitiir >
traii inilt I Miiicll Mir It I seem seemtn eiiip 1 1I
tn p I mtlicai tll i tit usi I that I 11 till P ilm I h first t fI rt t Mr p I rs Thump llii ii n ndidn IIrtulnt ftpliIti
didn t at all rlih the Ih fnndnn of r Mr Mrt Ir
fhol1l111 rr f ur hi his trssgrnishi trssgrnishiI nu ra1t1 ra1t1I
I < rnt vnu s n i wr WtC e a liM note n f fI r IT pra praI s st
t > vour f hr It I i aohrd no hard rd I > ffe If e w i ttl 1 r romrtle1
omrtle1 11 inieii oj ii tut ft Ci I j jrrnoz > ii egl ii 1 HII HIIMr MiIItr
Mr rrnoz tr ri7i n r 111 tI ir s hi h firm fr si IT HI e > i iliv Isip
sip I si I II i tt ill 11 i I in i iu e r rin rr
r u I s TI 11 n nIn I 5 5
in Pt he h spin I n11t nrl t hete hv t till ni 4I i trf trfhmifv P PI 0
I r 11 tigpifle on I iPi h C Pa PasIt 1 1
hmifv 1 m IIt it btlilriHi bII ul 1 t Met Metolt P r rna I
1 olt Ii suis e ttit 1 1 it I li 111 f 11 lt > i t 1 1lL4ll 1hll II
I < hll lL4ll ta l S i I > x tftlie tftlieMI
or 5 1 uf 1 liP P t i ii t
MI i I 5ah hno eg I 0 r t ite iteI 1 1rlU seI
I lie iliiilriil lilto I iso tiMSl ss a I M > e i t < < t tyou syiu
you with Ib hull r aIMt od tfkl kt in ynnr n tsir tilt hShlll tirihtnCVail hluif hluifVou
Vail 011 knee vm n h have o fallnD from fI hi ius lIe Id IdIIh lIeIlk l lnh
nh Hob Ml 11 I an si a < i SE hn Sltn 1 IMt 1MsklIod U UI
I lIod < Hl 1 eP f I sS5 e rne m mint 1 I er I i > e ePS tM 111 111tr > il iltn
tn vnir tr l eli Qhr r i it i ire I lY r streitiii streitiiinnt PrlMPlint
lint 110 to let slit > itovil m torment I take 81 Mm Mmtren II III ittrflglts
I tren trflglts nllh th fr rm m mi v s sI i iI
i I In I nt rie r flint m lw JUrio II IInine IIlt1
nine lt1 nn1 nt write 01 tat B fe f ftlisca bt 1 c for f nm is ten tanI it
14 I veil 1 IMtwblv we ir esrer > ire imei gf h hh ha ha114t1 r rtiati
tiati h ever IaS 1 u 1 b h n Itxn I us i h etHinpie pi thst thsthe Ih Ihh tPuiPIii
he h love 10 tiit e of man in inI > t wife sit I sta I i ss tk c Ii kuoi ir irno r
I uoi no t and Imlp ta1 tlPIIPn14 ne < I s u i > hnlj I I IDm 1 1Th Irh
Th Dm exnmiiution wul UI II gi I on 0 tii t iirr pirrw > w wwith
I with w ith h Surnig t Keichain HIh pifsidmc 1111I10 The TheSurrngnt Th ThSllrro6 IPIMiittrgate
Surrngnt i familiar wnh Wit Ih h some if f the thespirits Iii t lie lies
1 spirits s rIps iI in tic I I i qts > miii iii inuatine I 0 lffl S i it g hI buMn buMnhiving rn rnI I fll4 fll4hi > >
I hiving hi I n g been chairuan hiit I1 ir ltll of r the Ih t iimtrisiiii iimtrisiiiithat r riin II1II1I II1II1IIhlll i I fl flthat
that fri tried < l I tI h Hrighr Fvi in Mm Mmjliderbilf I II IIallIr PiVitnslerlIt
jliderbilf Pell1 Pe r Iiniirv Inll I inrrt inxistigat1li inxistigat1liIllrit Hf ifl Pat > iat I III ti tiI114V4I
Illrit n niin tlrlI > win winHulk 11111lIul WI I I1111k
Hulk of 51 eleraii Nr el erauc llrnukim urn I n I mlerluker mlerlukerlUmie IIIrtlO S I rr rr1taIe
lUmie line C lt In rimrllv rimrllvTim 1IrllTh lhIarItrtie
Th Tim will iii 1 of Frnnci < llarpe hl irsn wh s h had hadbeen tiaikeen
been in th tlif b undertnUinc bi hllfl4 un m mllrrx it ithtrookivis
llrrx JI htrookivis klvn > for rn more thnn Ih S half II century centurywn lItlryWA
wn wfl4 yesterilnv IrIII offered for probate It Iti Itr Ituf
i Mi t < of uf r a 1 larg lar larTh etHt etHtThe lt ltr
Th The r t it 1Inr tni S or < > r WM S im n er married Phil Pri wI 11 111IIrlIIIII Ilm IlmMtitlli lie lieIsflf I
1IIrlIIIII Mtitlli inn In ti uilude I IS neplmw 1Ih r 11I 11Iflit niece niecesuit IIIK IIIKand
and flit other ii her relative who ho receive reri from fromI2mii frontI
I2mii t Ss i l i IPII i encli h the 11 Itt B William lIiRIII iIkntnI I
1 Hill I I III piitnr r of s st t Iiul I s ii I slnllioliii s t alholll a t huisi ii S hurt hurchill
UI Ioitrt P Prpp ri > tf 1 of which flm Ih testitur t titor titorwi I IOf Ia
wi Of Mi S tie tin tirse O t stn ti > n n and nllltllI th t he llev I Vincent rnrnt
1 tit r rnlpliitl I Si f fol tt t lri ii p nnveiit nnveiitM IIVIIIolln
M 1 Slllli IIIh Ill s s tiiltlv as s lltlV I II lass irh irhI
1 rmi h tie iiie iC I he h lnrit 111 III ill 101 IMI pn U UIII
Vii III I1a i i l llolllf 1 < PP Home 1 I f rr rrt r rst ri
i t i Uli 1 II >
st l 1111 > iipti ptis Sndetx1 SrtM l fr r I I ir > l lMi IfI
Mi I itiiis sis lUllunnrit fI Its II tour Md sI 101 I and ii titl Hureiu Hureiuof II IIJr I t1I I Iif
of i nfhollc IIhl > II Indinn Mi 11 Iiionis ions on Vp iiHliitin iiHliitinton MhiIllt MhiIlltton
ton I < II tcl ii em h st O Catharine Catharinellnepltil P AIII AIII1Ipll1 at Piiiriti PiiiritiI
llnepltil I I I Mi Ihl I i i i of ii Immnctilat ImmnctilatVirgin Irnlnllnltill I ustisa s lii t tIrgri
Virgin Irgri till MnnLat in m 01 > l M Ieter I tr 11 11pif 1I IIutil
pif util il II I < s ni1 ni t Ii i in I si P Marv lln iti itiand
and I Oil si 1 Miiry I r M iterrifv I nr f i iK1 iK1Inhn 1 1ltn sI
Inhn I ltn F l ven s Clii and 1 nil Kilwirl I i I wi ri I lormnv lormnvnf 1 nmv nmvn oni ID 5 5Ore
nf n linilieil n nteruor nteruorii IsrjiNlliiiiih 1
ii 111111111 > r rn fl I r in llIIT llIIT1IIIIIIIIIKr iiiirIn r rlmr
lmr In 1IIIIIIIIIKr s et tlc I c a ltns I In g tmcrex 11 res innuuiHe 11111 SlIlid PUn PUnliir IIIIrll VU api apiI
liir rll I ir TileS r lint I ll a eminent eminentW erPI rlllllrlli1IrI Ill rtt rttvtSF4I
W Kllrsi M Mi I s t tin j > Fxtnd Fxtndm
m th1 he h tntnit rnnl erslip In ni II ST t h r rganiifiia rganiifiiato
to t f ti fi r s n Irl rl ind 11 11 < pin Iii ing r the Ih rneniberslur rneniberslurMualtlliuitinn 1I10I11t1fIlilhull ttiiflhltsIilSI
Mualtlliuitinn I 5 iii I thil4 t IliflU on on n 1 in I ncnlemi R Cii lunii tnndlng tnndlnginsend Ionrll Ionrlltn1 t a ntflii g
insend of n on of p fiTtlIIitltV t titiiritv > rule rill joverti jovertiIllg ovrllilia
Illg II thu llltil II rv rtt r ointIe 1 of ofl i > lt 11 11I > H HeX
I eX College P sIIe IIIl WIT Er Hllllound lInllll tod IdI IV IVOnly
Only 1111 Mt stirM inr nnd Jltlnr uiii llIiInr re in < iunltfv iunltfvnitlllK IillIlfVIs IIlihII
II 5 nitlllK 51 ft 111I6 I II g Ilielllliers 1IIml ii i rH I te nf r ailV of ii Ihl II I lii fix pi IA a en enIi o omtt
< mtt 111 Ii lieriifler I or No s student T uiIpiit can 0 111 II hold holdnmmtw Iii 11 11n liinipmtet
nmmtw shIp n Snore IIIn Pints S nnt ne ncieiv eDl IIy V in inanv Inhf
anv 1111 one 0 li venr venrIpon v8rIpois 1 1Iran
Iran itHoinmiiidiitinn of A aSIlI congress congressnlildi rnllJfIhiI
nlildi SIlI hiI hi hnd hn I the P I hi rifnrtnit rn III1I S > ti if r ci it itimlr jh jhHI I Iililr
imlr HI mx ill i i igut IC h in for roo it uiri Ir Ian I to to11I1 hI hIrilisfi i v vmonth
month 11I1 P te eati 11 eotmtx1 p let V will W I II t rfirrn rf rtn rtlilllok lifinif lifinifwork Itfi It ItMiprk
work ok in ndditi sIiIiilPIitl > n i its II M P i il 1 ti hilt hiltFillr < iti itiFiher i
Fiher F i Iir ii h Ih i zli Kfimrn1 jIra iz ii ta a nrleintr II leni s urul uruling i Ii 111 I II
ing I attnitimiMit lit I fri llSitt nf tlixhi Ih t hi tIIIoll 1 I I liinii I II grHtl with withmnrkid withlIa llh llhII1R
mnrkid II1R r k11 I eTcellftim f s sl I1 fl in II anv II II V > e i lijiM > Ia IamII virt virtnitl re renIflI
nitl nr II Mif II ttI diploma ilJ llPIIil idi d i > d I IlRrll1 simr simrl rii riirark
rark lRrll1 set < l iHililu tsi I ii ii pirifiil ri teil rvii r i i Mtl ss l 1 heri heriIlnhfx t hrriftr I II I I
riftr I Ilnhfx 1 innr tin or um nr i fur f r IIMTII 1IIro1 I II Iiii I
I Mi iliv uIlr > tl nf In r Mil h hIII iw < liH liHt
t III ii IlIIUJI iinr IHH inn fII11I lilt rirn if itnnt itnntPaul IItrItV111
1 11111I0 i
Paul Parker Held II llemn Ite1p410Ihl < ll Iltl le fur Mi Mitlnr i iII
I Ii I
tlnr II Trouhle l In II till tillIMVI JallSAD
i SAD rnit IMVI iin fl s SI pt 11 lr ir 111 111TIrm urf urfnn
TIrm fllfl1iIll nn jillit lia I Ifltflr mm rrnn I ra II mis wn wnchargtMl werhinrgel R Rhr >
chargtMl hr 1 inday wih Ia ii h tiuriler 11r nf ofSwan r Fxu FxuSwnn U I ISwnn
Swnn the Ih girl whose h hia bolv it I i is 111 lie liecrnwii tarrn p pto
crnwii rn < l inti lilt a trunk t ru Ii Sc aiil sit i burmd t sit m the theImcenmnt I hii hiitateetsient I I11IVt1II1
Imcenmnt nt nn empty nrI h 1t1 tuiiie tuiiieIasil < tu e eInil i I
Inil I I 1nrker I r a former rrtn irtwr Stanford ItallrI1o ItallrI1oI nth nthf arliwl
I f e wb i is hi I r > vintible for r tn Kir Kircniidii 111 111h irl irliuitilll
cniidii h In n and 1 who h si i 1 hit I in II tin tindncf t tI
dncf 1 I r b M t l i ii i islnts qil 11t1In qilMnrm
Mnrm In MI M rt lun > i tni rc IIf If Ifw n I IWa i iwa
wa w cri cr r ximiined uo ilny nril gn 6AI gtff1507 e eninnj
ninnj Rn new n dtiiSs I Iu rf the Ih oM orrInn > rnfion per r
formed rnrn on rt the Ih girl and if tlmkmii Itk interest interestlo
I lo her corn ar taken by Parker Iark
I r flit H n 11SIJYS MJVS st ccKs 1ISOfl 1ISOflI 1 ml mllrlnHo
1 I Princeton InlertHirU u usIt II It IU lltlln lltllnIn
r In Sa > at a PriMpnt PriMpntPIIM lrecentI
I I PIIM 111 t IIIS I 55 0 s I Sept I IIt 38 6 II I I seem seemrithr HmII POfflrath
rithr rath II r xld 101 I Mio Ib thucu wLu who liu know how a aii iII 1 1I
< ii I g i i i oittiii ointnuiiltv I lilt V like lik I t kss to I i gi 5ilill i > l > sotiie sotiielllin snuteI 011I 011Iill
lllin I ill 11111 < JII1 J ilt fi r his Ih t Kik a L of r the II I hI gam M ga hIM hat MiatMiere lltar I hatI
Miere I hir r i Mich lid t 5 coinpirntlviIy Pitll fI rh I I viIv small smallnniount MlllallIIlIIntllll 111311II
nniount II tliiuli I it of i it r cntijitture C IilJl4 IIJI t II r hen I in I II reard regis ru I Ii ha haI n nII
i II lie Ii ucc lIs11eor M nr r of if r Dr U Wiuslrow Ir WiUon 1 a apre IIj IIr as asI asrcldpi
pre rcldpi idfiit t of r Ih I hi ii umvfMitv It e1 SI I V Tit I Ihie he expLina expLinalion e S lllIlIa liii ha haI
I lion 11 ap isllsIrs > eir tn Li I tsi that II the II nuinl I1IIIIIISCF > er nf nfI r rIIrI
I I i osu iibl Ii ornt list 1011111 I sl not impiMsible men 11I for I Ii I Ii II
i i Mm III I olllttt tk ha I not Ins I been I Cpu narrnwed XIS tluwn tluwnI ii iiI
I I MUM ins far to r by I iy nnylhlng II 111 ny I hllll hit ng npprtKichlng El P1Isi nh tig oftloial nld111111I11111011 I Ii I
1 dlilinliullon i I in I ni I Ili I lou AI 1 i Mm Ih I community cnfnliIII tilt I tn II II
I n much intermml in whether Dr Wll Wllnti WIIII VtiSI
SI nti Sf1 II 5 iMiididncy id 11111 ha Ia for Mm Ih t lovertiorship I lovertiorshipwill IOYertli rsItlII
will 55 iii 11 I iucctMfiil rlll tluit for the II time living ItIIIIOCII livingtlif helIlsI
tlif II I Ii fait ta i t llnl I I I t sonm dISh II one on nui III iit t he M > found hi 11111 to toInk I II i iI
Ink hi pljce te In III a 1 iniMUt 1 ner nerImdoWtil iaerIiculuwe1 r
ImdoWtil ImdoWtilIbalDr Iiculuwe1lhatl i
Th1 IbalDr IIr Wllon will illltIII tender t iler hi reslgna reslgnalinn rIIt I I
I linn tii lI IH I of if court lIr an a iIki5 > > irt < l fuel r I And AndVit Atitit d
Vit 1 ilthniigli I I t hilgli IheiutlieMof t lIe It ill i 1 idu7timenare idu7timenarenifiitiontil i liiZt 7n OInar OInar1IIIIIIn1 fltPfl MtC MtCiiiliti
nifiitiontil iiiliti itts1 casually from rr timn In time timeIhiie limeII timethere
there II it I not th onnatnnt COIlIIIIiI tli cilesIalii oi lon whicl whiclgfiimlly 111 111Iotralh hIrt hIrttlrtIIV
gfiimlly tlrtIIV elites Iu liefiirn Ih Ih1e txilullnn 111011 nf r a alug i iI j ji
i lug I II lot j inuentity 101 OIl ty problem Iher WB 4 much muchniuro 1IIhuun II uiiel I IShun
Shun interest ni apparent > ient at Ilitf II limn Mi I h1 h1ICr tie I IKrnduntn Igratiiate
Krnduntn ICr Ill1l Mhonl lOCI illtiiwinn wan WR nt it its itshicighit i iheight
height It I P haalwen hllJtlnItJIllhalllhh hllJtlnItJIllhalllhhIt has lwen suggested that pobly pnsthlyI I I IMm
Mm It I conjeiturnrs rin r ru Ii Miemel S hiltflMISiP dry nn nntluif IlltIeit
tluif 1110 ijlject iilJet1his IIoJ IIoJTh
111 next I meeting UlltC if f Mm h trustees r in1 in1xvluw in t
xvluw 5 10 hiase lialid Ihn II mailer Ur lies h u l Ie I lee hall hall1IItli u uiiniiilliawiv iilIlIPtitlI
iiniiilliawiv 1IItli way ay At Uutt IIII lime itiaundervtixMl itiaundervtixMltlm it
the tl prmidetit resIgnatIon will ow ill be recf reeeivell reeeivellIi Iveil Iveilnnd v
nnd Ii til Mien It will l Ie e refu d nocepted or orlaid tsrIittl
I laid lat I on II tin hit table In Mm Ih nature nat of if r the theitimtlon Ih IhIRII theftiIftIill
itimtlon IRII there Ih seem m to h I Ic little chnnc chnnctbtt Ih IhIh1 I Ithat
that ih resIgnation 1 Ie II will lie refusal Th ThrnIItr 1 he hefriend hefristish
friend rnIItr iflr if IIr I r WII tV lUon i I a i 111 I siiete thit t hii t it I t would wouldIn wOIII1hlnl OI il1 il1t
In t is hard tnt r I lo h ttr tlnd any im II who W h ha e a q < UMrrel 1Hn1Wllh UMrrelith Is tie1 tie1with
with ith him f rr r fnkine th nomination To Toaccept r rhi
accept 1 hN hl rt lgnatloti > IItIlI at Mil meeting or orto orto r rto
to jMntpoim action upon II seem m to Include Includei IlIdll IlIdllI
i this th wihe w h of r all II this Ih trustee If the therelgnatioii Ih IhrIIII4I1 therestltati
I relgnatioii iii is I laid 1111 upon th the table It would wouldi wititliliist < 1 1I
i not Ii h i considered > I in the I nntiul IIa 11111 I coir O Or irac iraci t tof <
I of i r events Vfll 111 until th meeting of the Ih trustee trusteein IrII IrIIIII
in February elrijir rlnn A special menttnu earlIer cnrlierMinn cnrhrIhAIi earlIerthta
Minn thta Mint t 1 would w lIld of 0 courno COli be h polbe polbeIf
If the Ih matter In I prolonged In Ihi thie waY wavth wrIh waYtlt
th de clean n Prof theory I nry Jlurchard Fine Finewill tIII tIII11I Finewill
will 11I be to lifting lInlt pre President ldent until a suco4 UNotr UNotrIn > r rto
to Dr Wll WIIon on l elected ii Hut that sucos sucosor U ucce uccesr
lIr or may 10 not lw I he h permanent choice lhol of offh ortll ofthis I
fh this trustee 111111 for there Ib I n lcide < ltI1 l J
opini ifI lit ii III n favor Ior of r having n sort of if In Interrfgnuin In1trR1I1I IntrrgiiiII
terrfgnuin fir omn om length of r time Tin Tinffflin Itilf II III
ffflin f h n irigmattMi ri gi liii tiS from fr iso Mm Ih I fact fis I Ihn Ihni I ha haii
I I ii i list I tet i if r not si it I ineligible Inc Rgi hiIsw i s no long Hid Hides H HI 11 11n
es I + rmnewnnt n r Itle 11 wllnt the h choice carefully mad madnhrllenle ma11I nlailb1lLIhS
I filr b1lLIhS b1lLIhSflip T TOn TII TIII
I n flip nit lImlIe toserIlnIent nn t IIPljS IM nra1l11 nra1l111nllIIIII riiIre riiIreInhehIeille
nhrllenle I nlnn In the UI I nltrd nil Stales Stale itatesSc 11 11s
s Sc < mi i iii nk < k r titn tI f 1 Ne w York Yorkgniher I rk rkgis c cItR
gniher ItR I hr11I1 Ilti I at tin h Wildrf Vi 11 ri r yentinliv I I > m mnt mntAI t tVouro II
AI Vouro or thurg d i MTnlte fTlIr f the thein It ItOn theIenhiitl
On in k Legation 1111 nt C Washington hlrl1toll and 1 dm dmctisn d dIth usi
I ctisn i a with Ith him lh plans and n1 prospect of ofthe r rIh fthe
the Ih Pntilmlletnc IAllhII Inlnn Minister lamhrnn lamhrnnI lAnIhrstirntnils
I 1 A l oromilis romll wlvi 1 fnlherei the thetlDtl tnoxe tnoxel mo moI
l nmnt t i 5 on n hoiinvrnonn Ii II IIeVflis m1I ill trip I I I i with w It Ii hi hij his hislilrl
j brifl who h ho was oJ Mi M > 11 is Annm Alln I E Cockrell CockrellI i oekrilIItlightter krlI krlIr
I aughti of 4 r former f rtner Senator I ckrell lOr lOrI ifMis f fMi
Mi I sari tunITi sarilbe n
ITi lbe local 10 OC I brnrifh Iiri ha nf r tlm th IMnhellenic IMnhellenicIniUi I IaiihueilenittnlIfl nhI1 it itnIOII
I IniUi nIOII nn organisation tn 0 unit the Ih Oreek OreekMatend Okth irekip4tier
Matend p4tier I thrniigliniit th thiri eht th the world w ill was wasrgiitwl w wr wasrgenu7d
rgiitwl r 1 in New 0 York uirk rk in 11 Sunday IIIJ at a ai
i ftitig S 1111 ft j f 0 4 I i irmn II held h in ti Webster Hall Hallt I is I I Ip
t Hi E Mil sit 1 PeeP Mr t V up 1 5 prieid prieidIb pr iille I
1 Ib 1 Iiio llev II Methodioti II hocll Cnurcnule I of I if th thlirie tliP h hCi
Ci P lirie I rthl S > rth lox x i hurch nt I 101 lu lUft lUftsieiify t tyn1 I iit iiti
sieiify i fit ecind street Ir Cntiebxntitm CntiebxntitmiKimi ifiCt4fltifICI Inlll InlllI
iKimi I 1111 ITinerlv n Sennt lIIIIr r from Alt > M Mt i itiI
t tiI 1 I iii xtit ti Vri nithtio m III f ll Ist f t n were wereitntt w r ri riS
itntt S 01 1 Mi h cl iiiirs it llm n I nl ii I brati I rnh ra Pu h hx
15 x 1 b I i i luilei I Nfwark ilr iric ntil 411 I l Ikkl Itni < r > kist klvtit
t w Pi lit ijt I memltet l1Im Ir I A Ap Mt MtMit 1 1I
Mit I i f IM I 3 IFII hast Twentv wxnih es liP II P r t tIL 1Th
i IL ii h i I Th Ilm rctiuuitioii rlillI in th thlatt Phiii h
ii I > latt > ha 10 it I heailiitnt hi e > ni at atIbis itt t tI
Ibis m t iinil I i h hesil ilt l bv Irof r r rtmore rtmoreJon nl I IInll r rInst
Jon of Hutvan HutvanIt 1 1II
It wn was Vtn m ash ilK g th h it tmh tmhI mbnsoi mbnsoiImin mhiaswtI
I r Irrnol I ritni 11 t H I th this PallhIltl PallhIltlSIIIn lafltiiIInlr
Imin Ih promoter r lOiter iv Mint h it 1 i iinlidlv is isellv
inlidlv 1111 ellv gr i nitiK sIfl 1U1 atvI I at jire hn h hnI bIlls 1 Siei Sieitninil < i i itnenilmr
tnenilmr tninil nI iers Tliere are a itt II t I than P liii smiinn smiinnirtk 3 3II11r Cl I Si SiI
I irtk tmiusrintt II11r in Mi Ii vuntrv i uitit IIrv rv it I I0111 wn wniite WIPiteI
iite PiteI I yiwterlriv an 0111 I i i in Vw rk rkil k kn
il ii tue Mil 1 village 111 n ii thrn fI fIhI P Platse Iretve Iretvehie
hie hI b tsta n diu > rtf > l bv Mm Ih men nnd nr nrttnnntwl are aretnanii r r1IIn
ttnnntwl 1IIn only Ir by wnimi n and children childrenHi hlcI hlcIn tililr1flnIi
Hi nIi pr t r miter m Ir ers lOr < If > f the Ih moxetnenf Its PVIiflt intetil intetilt
t > prX Ir r ul I < rhiol w whr her h Knglish Erig Itch nnd nnddrtHk ItnlWII snilirk
irk will be I Duett t lilli arid children lcI > f Mm Mmmilligram I Ioru Piiliiriuisl
milligram oru w II isirit 111 a tra mlo i Til h In tiitI tiitII ti
1 I stlitS nt 1 h 1 I it its 1 minlMi InIIII I II > th thinn thiI
I inn iirh Uti I rh I I i Ii hh ttr P h hPit haI1i
I Pit IltilmHiH Im tlIInll nvns n first Rim is i ih t tul Ii >
i h its iiiiiiitiir j ii I ItIZitI ItIZitIC 7 7III
C ul II I Mr Ir Vour Viars vlerlnx They mut mutl
l > ni t i ulrny i I lC their Ih new II govertimeiil govertimeiilPt
Pt ni l 1111 gil nnd 1 medlcnliidvic 11I111 nlhl on 111 111tlII 1 1h Iel
h union tlII pluns lUll to pmvid it It i is nt ntii 111t Ti TiI
ii I IKhtnvil t 11111 iirganiAiti m nnd 1 tlmreprieit tlmreprieitiitiM Ih Ie rpr rprli reprievt reprievtiti
iitiM iti if f li tn ire o npM isieire I > ir only III nn miiii miiiitv 11111 11111to
tv to I Vi wav It i HU II AmiTlcati nrgimk nrgimkIton nra nraI orgitiiLiP1011
Iton I P1011 n II i is nil 1 i f lh thus < > mutual aid aidH 1
C H i let 1 I I think you cull l1I1 11 it where every everyii veryI r rnIl
< ii nIl Ti rI rus fl P do 01 the Ih lmt t Im h can f rr r hi IIIllohl hiss hissticight
ticight llohl
full nr W tDr1I IH I in i iTtiriiat 21Trll IrrI1 11m 11mTltr iinri iinriI iinriflhriat
Ttiriiat Tltr Int I tilth Ih an te e Iurle for forCnnnillmi rrRIlItII forI
Cnnnillmi I RIlItII Village III ltIai Pnllre Pnllredi 1lIrIYI
di j IYI < pniil II Ontario P ritiri S Hoop pt h Jfl 11 Frantic Franticwith FralillflIh Fratitirwith
with lIh grief rir fIr he h mysterious mYIn disapiear disapiearalien < pr prIIII0
alien III of r his hi ilmighter 1Ieh Weelev Ve lev 1 Anderson Andersonn
n we1 t i 01 I i fnrtner fArrn and I a large party partyn
n i I l nf uf friend and 1 lieighlmr lieighlmreitin liPlgItHiriI Ihh
eitin iI Ii lt l tnriugli I 10 tb I h street 1 of r inderih inderihi
i nn ii siiitUv lfl for r the Ih girl 1C1 IUIr fter hour if < f fHunting rI
Hunting 5 I I If iP 11I1 ifl g tliev t uneartheil sat iiirt IIM h1 I the I Ii he girl gi rI p Ixxh Ixxhlorn IlfhIIj t sd r rirritIy
lorn irritIy IIj Iv niiillHted 11111 m the h iellnr 1111 Ilar of f a aMil itt 1 1to
to t Mil binlrling nn II the th outskirts outskirtsI ikar ikarIIIIIh
I liiilfMi Vnd tnIrentt lIo1 roti h was one on of the theprettiest tll thiSPrtt
prettiest Prtt Iet girl 1t1 1 in tlm h pUce I Sim 11 was a apin Is1Il
pin iniisKiitiung Ilrl f tn arid All wn very xervtxipular veryI IT
I txipular ii ilil 1 r with 1 h tim t I IC young people enliI 01 She I left lefthome
home tirit lUI1 on 11 luiwlay morning saving yll1t that thatlie ihsish halh
sh lie h wiuld w 1tI Join mime girl itl frmtuf in town townuul townI
I uul go O to ti Mm I h fair SiI She he nid she h would witiliII lJI1 lJI1t
t I horn by h I o 1 clock and 1 her alxencn alxencndid
i did not UI occasion IIIlot remark until after aftermidnight arlrIdlll aftertilslfltgtiP
midnight Idlll When daybreak h k came m and andvia ni niNI 1 1t
NI t via s ii still awuy 1111 her h father rllth fis her notified notifiedde noli II I II
I de I lii jcdic C h Iin and 11111111 itti I then t with vit llh hI a I > arty ft y of fnend
j It I p g It1l11 n i a HI i < h p
I j Mr r 4tid ri < n ny Y hn lieI I limtcd b
for f f i > Mtv unsuivivefuily thv lit t i Isited Isitedis it l ln
n long ieerted dwelling twhn neat n the Ih IhInl < iv ivIttiiU ii v vItSIllip
IttiiU 1111 I Ibm liei in a dark cnm 11r r of uf the t h cellur cellurtliV relistI 1111 1111I
tliV I Mumbled I acrn n H heap h nf clothing clothinganil clot hltll
anil 1 from it > lri Irs > w Mm t t It nenrlv nude Id Imdv Imdvof
of r flu SI 1 girl lli II Iii
Mirnt r was RA 11 cut lit from enr enrto Hr Hrit isrti
to ir it Mi P I Ii w und 11 having tlII hiIl itiu Ut 111 > n mnde mndewitli lI1dII Innlewith
with II II a btixv uii Uv knif It r i iblr nil RnJItr ax axCornimr axP
Cornimr P nlfipt llnlnii JItr I I I ris hn P o nptnmt 11111I nn iii 1111111 1111111IIlItI I Iuttl > u > vt vtand
and iu sesletd > lsiiN liv Crwn rwn TO itnniV nv Seagei Seageiand Sisgviituil
and Hie t1i Irnv I im 111141 mi poll I < OIY he h will uI 11 nnduit nnduitn 1111 1111It
n ritfi I I niiuirT ilipiIt 411 ry li Iis 1 Anderson did not II lit
kinit It cs oiiipinv rnlIf is t il i > iiti IS P1 anv lilt V vnung vol lIIa mAn TIi Mm
hoiim hI here 5 hr the t tii l Iwh wI iv wn found i ts in IT the theoitnnii Ih I hei
oitnnii i i a dlreitmn ftoni I toot the Ih S fnir ground
Mial I ilU 1 of f I tr r botnt iii tii Th The ii lnc h ir hnxe hnxefiiltil 1111flfl1 tIll S1
fiiltil tn I Miil a itmle Inll M < rson who saw sawI 11
I 11 P cirl at is flc ti fair r iui r 11 s on u the 110 t hi strnet 1 nn i II i
I I i diiy evening eveningionm is itiIi itiIinil ntlll I
t I II
ionm I nil I iit It 01 1 i > TIO T ii II nvfi 1 I h I
No Itlittil n 1 In P I > rremlmn Ir nn a Pnllr Pnllrnil
nil tile tI I IH ire nf It l e < President PresidentU IrriitentAllpNnT1
U WAsnr jisiuvnTON S Sit pt n i In nnwer nn fr frniiinx I to toTliitl >
niiinx uiiuiritHi liii ll ir 1 from bank I in is k ks Comptroller Comptrollerof I OIIIroll nm pi ml hr
I of r III t 1urteti urrtiu urr v Murray 1rrA h I lis i xpressed 1 nn nnopinion n
opinion Illion that I a national II nl 1 linnk 1II1c hiutno hi lists 110 potter Jneert I I
I to I ii II its I 1 is fund fia las I in fNiying r rws vi 1II1 premium rln 1111115 nn In a ailiiy aI
I iliiy he y of insurance i rich in 5l on fl the Iii t his life hr t I f nf o it ftc pres presillIll lit I 1
illIll hii I I or r other it hr iflir miT nnt as t indebfed to P n the thelank Ih Ihuk t h
lank I i uk ii k Ibnugli I th t h i ill Itv i v I i fWtYi Niyahl I l tn t is th p h i ibmk
bmk bmkI 1 1I Iigaklswrs
I Iotwr owi > rH of a national hon1 lInk other tlmn tlmntho tllantbine hl1nII
tho II tbine < etxrirs xpriuiIy rr ly I granted miKl rnllll be ti such Mr Ir
Murray hold holIIIII us are n reannnabl loollIIIItnl incidental Incidentnli I
i lo I Ilm Ih Xerfi r e of th the power expressly
granted I Inxinng the Ih life lit of it ortlcers ortlcers1m om
1m h SIIVS > iv i not such Ih nn incidental nllrlnIAII power
If I f national h1 flip I i 11111 ftR I bank k w were n given the I thi h power poweri flO r
i insure 11 the IhI1 live of llmir officers and IInllrn IInllrnI em eml to toI
I i v > Jumlner would JIl soon I Is Isfrsrseci M con conf lOnIJY
f mined IJY iy Y a tiewcla nw class of assets the Ih value vnlunf valuewtiiIp
f whnh 11 would tIt Ite highly speculative speculltivesiyn
siyn 1 the Ih i omrtroller antf mu nit which would wouldi
i recent pflt srriitrmr spelii 1111 I lmrMllonll itions fornverrilua for oyeyai frT8Iua frT8Iuahe
luti i y he officers OmCf of Ilia It lit hank
Iltni IM I Ith H H II 111 I A tsDi I > K 11 IltIfl IltIflill tin f fru
ru innn IWI TIIK 11 fiT i 1 itnrn itnrnI
I I i ilIac II < IJnlnn Milne JIll for or llreatli of rritmlte rritmlteKrrted IrnlllloMftl IrisiiIlsePerrsI
Krrted Mftl Mllli ilia llrtler IIrdro In pHarforK pHarforKI IlwattorIarnIntlniI rr rrI
I amlnatlnn nllnU Ttie Te Irnfpitor roor Itiuliv ItiulivI lfIolraI1 IhatoirplItd
I I raI1 rapli < > il niUt It4i tnollier StenhIrapller StenhIrapllerI ilenn Innra r > > irr irrllarrv r rlIilrr
llarrv I he rry Tliiir TItIII rilil liin Ieck the Ih I Miiipended Miiipendedprtifi ssspencleclI
I prtifi pnrrlltllttllhlllllll I irstse545r M rof of Uitlti I at an atliiltimbia iii I 1111 InlIlil I nlven a iv ersht > ity ityand y yii
and ii viii Mi h laes K Jt ther Juinn Qili ran a ytoniiKraphttr ytoniiKraphttrI t iilrlgra p hr hrI
I I who wo I Is fttiltiK IIIK him for breach nf prnmlite prnmlitei
i I to marry were l lIolh > otli in town veatertlay veatertlayMint ffIlrdAYIi
I IsIis
Mint Ii Quliiii came down from Boston Bostonand 1ItOIlnltcl lkwtoliitiil i
and at the 1 S h irand Cenlrnl tilrtil Station hhe hhewt die 11f 11fI
wt 5 Ii xerM I with wil ih ha nil order rei elRtieil 1 nil I bv It Su Supreme SipiirsIiI
preme Courl t lii Iitic tire 11 Whitney rrquiriiiR rrquiriiiRher
her to I appear for examination Ixfortt Ixfortti I I
trial I rill I on llctol I lotoIHr > r 1 I iii Mliw II Qninn ban ha I IuntIl
until Friday r lIy to prraent n second bill of ofpartJcularH urtanJculilrt4 ofI1CUI4rP j I
partJcularH stating more definitely than thantlm IhltltII thanti
tlm II fIrst to ti n which the i h lIe IIH k fririt r ris obie oltl1th tlIIPrt tlIIPrtI < t I Ithe I
the th I hi tim ptiicn laCft and clrcuiimtancvH of st r the thnalltRtl Ih IhIII1g1 theitliegewl
alltRtl pni hifl1Itl nltOtt > < oil 1 11 I nmrrv 111II mad 1111I to Si her herb
b the I h lie pr rrrfl fi iir On hnl October I 3 the theIxmrtl 1 1I tilehxh
Ixmrtl I hxh utl nf if t trustee tnAI of sf r the 11 univernltv will willhold wIllhl1l willhiohl
hold hl1l their llrxt Hireling und un < 1 although althoughIt IIlIhnu h hII
It l is tint 1Ic > 1 eipirte1 that IVmldfnt Butler Butlerwill Butlerwill
will 11 hav hR retutnetl r 1111 I from Kurope Irup by ilut iluttime IhtIIrn thitttim
time Irof rnf Peck expect 1 that I ooiin m mUI ac action tinIota ¬
Iota UI > II will bn then tlktn in hU hi utt for forulthouicli fortilt I Iult
ulthouicli tilt uuuh he h IUIH lilt iH 111 ti Nii peiide nel1 < l by y the thetniMpeit I h hi hitrtiates I ItnI
tniMpeit tnI lie h Mill mntimifM lIlil > lo draw Ira lu luiMilarv hiM liiiioiliirs
iMilarv 1 and u tase the th atTire mc i 1Illn1 lgne < l to the theAnthon I h hnholl lientttnn
Anthon profi rur or rf f Iniin in Fji East 1 t IIill IIillon 1111on
on the ciirnpi amp College 01O olleg open tnmor tnmorrow tmorr tiefliOrriW
row r ansi th this Ittln I tfll profw rllr > or pjperti pjpertito NI1Ctto
to l ii > e in hi ofllctt 0 bright and all ivirly ivirlyI IIlr IIlrI
I In h arjtloii 1111 has < not tH been without withanlthaniIent j
Incident for ti r the Ih latIn proft < or Tnke Tnkethe TAkthe Inkethies
the Ad tjtre > nf if r thus th Mnn in the It I Ii Hnull HnullSuit I ISuit ISILl
Suit for fo eMimple eMimpleIt IIIIt I
It scents Im that In July Jill Prof Peck went wentto
to llontnn town from hi place In Maine Mainewh Mainewlefs I Iwh
wh wlefs iv lie had been 11 to t collect 11 evidence ld1t I Iin Iill Iin
in a t lawsuit 1 in wlijrti he h I interexted interextedIl I III
II nail ve vtcrIy > terdiy tint I he h wi wI41 wihipi h 1 to I In nee neea si sia
a farmer rIII Hteno iICrih mpher who whi hll had hII1I l leeni > eeii em elsalIOYI I Iployed
ployed In hi h hits nflliv mc and who he h says wa wapr wasPrsflt 1 1rn
pr Prsflt rn en < ill I nn n interview hn I had hR I a year yearago yrRa yesrago
ago Ra with another young woman lie liefound II IIrmUld liefound
found hU hi former etenographor who ho bv bvthe I Isythis y yIh
the Ih war U I not voting Ollnll1I1 in 11 hot hOlIlook hiotel el overlook
Ing the Ih public Ihll gnrilen I wa n aitrfli very verywarm v vRm
warm dnv l even for n Boston 11o lon Jill 1h 1hhI the thenhade
nhade hI nut I by l the Ih willow 1110 tree tr P Fee that Ih t liii hellS belliover hellSiver
over fI the Ih P his watr 1 tf Hi t iit artillciil lake Ink in intlm IIIIh anthe
the Ih garden lured th h profevor and Ii I IIICtI1 tiI
1 I IICtI1 U rer t l that the tI bu lnlaIflss Iln lneHe of ixjllectlng nllscttngevlilenre IIlIn6IIn
I evfilencK IIn might be Ii more comfortably comfortablywrrled nomfortatilycnrrisl mrortnhhft
wrrled ft m I on lieneith the Ih willow Hl Hluggn IIII hibs hibsI
> I sut uggn Illnli tlnii wn was adopted adoptedNow sslnItS4lsow
Now sow according to I the Ih professor n nhe nh as aslie
he h and nel his hi former stenographer were weretiling wrlItiK werettting
tiling them Ih n rowlwvit rlonted pant flA the thewillow tI tIwilloW thuwillows
willow in the Ih artificial lake I At first tlrntit I
it 1 tte seemel me m1 < l to b M very rv ordinary nor norof airt airtof r ror
of rowboat without an Ri occupant o < I1nl other otheri otlrhln
i thin Ihn Ih stalwart and 111 < 1 apparently m mgenuoii illnIlOu Irageniansi
genuoii nIlOu man who ho plieil Ii1 the th on oars re and It Itwould II1IO01l1r1 itI
I would not have warranted rmnl n e oond nd look lookif
if it had not had written wrlll upon It this h tig tiguri 11gIr
uri Ir I 14 rIte Th rowboal number wa w wI was wasl <
1 and it 1 wan as the th l Ih lh of lilly Iy The Thepnincidenew fh fhIIIIn rhe1ilniniIni
pnincidenew IIIIn struck Prof Irk n 115 l 1lnll 1lnllII > eina einan
n ilew lworthiy rthv rlI Ind n1 when hl1 for n secnnd secnndI e < v > nl 1 1111m
1 111m time that h rowl rowl1 v t glldxl FIIIllOIt pant the Ih willows willowitbeneath wi willowsh II 0 0IIIIIr
beneath h which hlh evidence vlIenr tl1 wan WI1 Iwlnit IIIK IIIKClarl w wcured soI
I cured and came a little cloner Prf PrfPKk I rf rfIsk
PKk 1 tnulli l over it itHut ItJlIII ItItir
Hut itili I ill 11 th this row rhol r bo it hot no lgnn lgnnf
r I tS4ing in iKvipiinl I ral1 bv other than thn the theiirwiimin th theti1tiflitri
iirwiimin 1 n Then H third lime th the ro roItrMt r rh1 ToIisit
ItrMt aiproarlie l and n1 It rIffle Very ery 1 netr netrto II ttsrIC > r rIn
to Ih the willoHit II n irtdieci d < l n < > cl 1 lo Hi > that I it itfrned Itnhiei
frned 111 nhiei is < f II > 5 < Koine to n gr I grlnl < ind it Iiilhi itihf 1lto
ihf lto very IV fe r tect t f Prof I nr Peck and hi h his former formerHtenngranher rrmrI firrnnrsteflrir
Htenngranher steflrir I rAIh nhir lint it did not ground groundincnnlmg aII aIInIIIIIt grssaniinnlitig
incnnlmg nIIIIIt to I ts Prof Peck InMfnd he hejv hAIh tICI
jv I YS there Ih tmppml n > I up frm rr the 1 lii Uittin Uittinif I If tlnm I Ir
if r I 1111 bit I nwbiKil a mthfiti hI uiiiilxMrved uiiiilxMrvedntnert
ie ntnert tiler I nf i f fiiornioti irtili rll iSa pr p > p pr it rliim I I ti held heldbv IlelI hellliV
bv I v H htthft hi ldl1 faced 1 pftxit 101 V in ji 1 nufl eruiaftiRrI nuflt
t tloretl I mill millI
1 WHI amaxol Mid the It profeeeor profeeeoryralprday professoryesirsiay r I
yralprday Inlll1 at I hi eiidileij wldI appearance appearancebut IrallchilI
but infinitely enl1l1l1 more tor no at I wial I followed followedHe
He II alnieil m1 the Ih camera 11111I directly at a me meHteadied m mestendieisl
Hteadied it for a momentttml then l hang hangwflt > ang angwent
went 111 the Ih camera and mu off went t the th hi rowlxwt rowlxwtind roI I Iarltl
ind the th Pt nun naa II in n the th nufl In colored lorcIlIt lorcIlItWIII sialt sialthiin lit litlien
WIII lien he h had recovered Prof Peck Peckwent hsrkwent d dwIII
went nnd n saw ItA nome om of sf hit III Brxtnn Inn staff ntnflof staffof nlfor
of lawyer alx 510111 it what you may iliA legally legallydo
do I lo I peninn wh whn take our picture picturewhile 111 111wIlli lnntuarwttile
while you are TC collecting evidence in III IIIpublic IhIhlt thtitihslti
public cnrdTiH Itllrel Ivenealh I the Ih willow 11I0 He Heit II IIh
it nirrntfd h rrRI1 the Ih hi Adventure of the theI Ih IhThrHIIU thelhr
I lhr hreeSmtrvi hllltIaaeg e and ii 11 the t h Aihenture A if r the theM SheIiessrliuiett h h1
M Iiessrliuiett chiiett Ailgraph Aii 1 11h t ollcclor ill illof illf 11 11r
of r winch 0 were r Ititertaminc rllIIn
r I llrIt TO M Ki KiCom il liOtlll liOtlllnnlrt flU flUenulet
Com nnlrt let IlefrlrrwtKt t ti > > Mr tfi ro nni fltaiehl rll 11 11nk line lineHack nes neshark
Hack In I Prl PrIson rrnnhn PrIsonlhn on onInhn
Inhn Vance s all alia 1 Sulhxan lie Ih t ex excnrmci e enoflyinl t tn
cnrmci n who h robbed Mr 1 Irs rmmn H Itussell Itussellof
of more mn than II 1101 IIW onn worth of Jewels J after aftershe nrlrh tittershe
she h bad installed him at n her home 3 3McDonoiigh 1 1ldonolll1h 27Mninnouigh
McDonoiigh street Ilrnnktvn and was waatrying wastrying M MI
trying I to n reform rOml him and other econ efconxlcto econvlnts ron
xlcto 1 wa ILII yesterday sent nt to Sing Sing Singfor HIfCor f4lngfor
for or two vears 11110 nnd I SIT 5I i months mon hr h Judge JudgeFawrett llldllr JsidgpIainsitt
Fawrett r in the h ounfy Court osIrt llrooklxn llrooklxnMm rookhlII
Mm I no Iliiseell who ho hi U tlm I h widow hlo of Pr PrWillmui IrIlro I r rI
Willmui I Ilro II in u u I I Huesell I ha 4 for some om tun 1111II t tunInen i inc inchen
hen I engaged ItRIo1 in the Ih work of reforming reformingxconxln rIIIRCOIII
4 xconxln COIII and nd slit Ill inxlted them to her herhome hrhom
home 11I0 o that they Iii could < 11 be under her r
direct influence InlIn arid i1 that of some om of her herh heriosoiustes
h iosoiustes oclate In the Ih work She Sit 1te wrn w much bunkiIjsIlrhiVuj
diturled when hn mic R dippenrd with withli h hI
li I h jewels 1 nnd after their Ih remerv ry in inIMwiishnp ii iiIsisshieir n
IMwiishnp nnd HI hi h his arrest bv h Mm Ih s hi tmlice tmliceti sllucSbuS h
SbuS ti wn ji at R fIrst disinclined to 0 rnfciite lircfItetarn > rnfciitehim 11
him wishing llInlt to give R him another chanc chancSome ihnreisme hlln hllnm
Some m of r Mr I Kusscir neighbor neighborentered neighborstitered
entered 1 n strong roIU protest p to the Ih loll lollnathoril lOitcnathorities > olc olcauthorities
authorities in regard Ilam to 0 her methods methodsdeclaring
declaring them their thelrhiomeswprqs home were r in n danger lIcer
from the I Ii prmenro of Mm I h exconvicts OOIlltI OOIlltII
1 I in the I h neighborhood neighborhoodvr netghilwtrlisntiixi achlh1 achlh1r
iixi r vr t i II 1t411IU M H iimt iimtPresident I no nolrhMt I1I I1IPreslileet
President mill Report port Morn nr Than Hf Hftern nrIf Elfteals
tern If Thnimnil Allies III In the Ih lleiiihllc lleiiihllcM nKlltll1tI
M 1tI xiioCiTT 0 Iiry Sept IB I President I Iitst Iitstr > mr mrrex Inrh
rex r iixv the h prngr of Mm tI rnilroniUnf rnilroniUnfMeiro r railroails nR1o of ofil r
Meiro 11 il during iliriti the Ih P lust I sI u t month III III1IOl u utiiifMage IiIliessage
tiiifMage tn t t nngrivA lCr is follows followsI rtlo fitlowplhie
1 I lhie he h nddttions Ald II Inn to is lailwnv ilil way under Federal Federaljiindiction ec1staljuinsdint dAra I IIt
jiindiction isili since It April pral last 1181 haxn hl Itn ItnHI hiatt hiattI
HI I I miliNi 11111 end rt then Ih railway now no ag aggregate liltarltll siggregat ¬
gregate arltll 1327 I talks mll If the Ih 3 11011 OT mile mileof milfIr mIlesot
of rnilwn railway > subject ltj < 1 lo I the tll jurisdiction jurisdictionj JraI1ollrlhil iota iotaI
j nf rlhil thnStatw l hi > tlflol1 ll < ld wn If nbtain n total totalIt
r It I 7JS tnilit tnilitIlm nii niilhie 11 11Th
Th Ilm freight traffic I ram m of r the Ih I h Tehunntepec TehunntepecNational T1hrlait ufws ufwsNational
National tinnAI Railway Rallw in ilm Ih year Ar IMI IMIj
j I exceeded I Ihilt nf the tit previous prI year ear r by It
112 I 22 let er r tint tit II anil n1 Mm I Pta h increase In In total totnlre totfllOIIIIar1 totalreclitis
re reclitis < < eipi a as iompnred with III preceding precedingyear
year wa w II UIH HIS I Sunn fI fII
I Th Ihe Kfileral I 11 l1riiliv lectiliVH dieiniMl fit
I tn I ff It I I ihf I h shnn slit h rs winch is Id hi Iiti it I t owned niae I in the theera III I Ili IliI
I Vera era rA i till 7 and lilli Pnntli titi1 nr r Vern crIi m Cru ruil 17 nnd ff111I
I Isthmus 1st haiti Ilailrnnd reprraitittng prltlII tlm Ih P hIi Inlal
hare h curitnl IIIRI of thnt tI cnmiuinv to t 0 the Ih IhnuoflnlllaI1t theiittiecini
Nntiotml nuoflnlllaI1t Itailwnrs of r Mexico 11I
with With a xmw xmwn 1 1IIIIIe iewin
in n vivitinu ut IIIIIe in the last I nnme nllm1 < l cnrioratinii cnrioratiniith for forII Yirlinritt intl intlI
th I hi maiMgerimilt iiiiuis itptllcftt nf fI St all I I
1I11Irn II ii rntittx rII ri uIte nf if crini crininiuiin tftrI1llIIIIIOallnll flfi
niuiin 1llIIIIIOallnll Ii otion at It 5 in which hl1t th t hi < iiixertiment iiixertimentin j q Iilutit Iilutitas
in iiiteriviHil 11111 H 115 n stockholder
Melirnartii rar car ale a Mrninr MrninrFormer IlIorrm lninrForni
Former rm r eftnblymnn John Mciroarty Mciroartywho IIC 1Ci Artr rartywho >
who ho wan long thin Ih Democrntln lender tti ttithe IrS IrSthe
the h Ninth Inth wnrd III
llrooklyn and wa a
one oneof on onor tfleof
of the Ih ht known publio lIhlio man In thn II 1 old oldcity nI nIii lcl
city 11 Iw halO iloeed up hi cafn ltr at A Sj 7 eourt eourttreft lolrtIr I nJrt nJrtattoot
treft Ir which ltld he h
oiened after hi cafi a III IIIontltUp
Montacne Mreei wn A wIped out III hiy iy y t tbiiniing Ih thus
biiniing down of if Mm 1 t he ohl ld Academy nf uf r
Mu Mipsus JoI ic ome om years rIt ago It and n IIIM III retired II r 1
from r hiiHiieiw 1011I for
ruin ROM goiwl II a 110 flow OH well ft ftaiUnnci 11
a aiUnnci h II n I in years l1r nnd b < eicht Ihl han hut be bein t tm
in 0 me m eiTii orliia > u lv I s inipaire i utiJsii IIIr1 itCi < I 11 MOII MOIItague
tague RR etre street u l nf gpfa wa lung llg th the fnvorli fnvorlireport rAVrllPOtrt yorpts
report of r lawyer lidg Iieiges 111 lilitlnillts lilitlnilltsanti hticiaii I wi
actnni no anti nil I Artiste II wn here h ihTt Ihal
He It Had llm McDermou The fh nllel 01111
nri British l h spy py wa w was last la seen n before hU b die di I
appearance pj > carauco from Brooklyn DrooIlrnI I
cAnniAr cAnniArnil tllnl ticr Itlml Loft nnnF 4lrflflJVSIlIll nnnFIII
nil III Attend rontrrratlon of St H Patrick PatrickOthrr laIMrielOlhr PatrIckOther
Other Prelate Mho h hi mil III Attend AttendCardinal Attendarsllnal nd ndnnlinal
Cardinal login ngllP primate rnnal of all II Ireland Irelandrmniii Irlallda
rmniii a to New York rk yetonlay 8Olortlllo toaltmid tu ottulIl tlm tlmFerviceM th thFrh tIasFsrviiet
FerviceM Frh for the Ih Ii itiinttHTJIion nf f St Pat PattncUM r rIrllk PaPtrack
tncUM track a Cuthe I ahlrl < lral which will l Iso > n held on onOctobers onfklolr onOctober
Octobers i ordinal Ixigtm 101 unit his hI party partycame part1m Juartrant
came 1m doivn on o the Ih Hudson from torn Albany Albanyby 111411 111411h
by h l boat M f Hit I will lie I entertained during duringIns hinlh
Ins h lit stay 11 in New w Vork ork by I Mgr Mcfrwidy Mcfrwidyof
of if r tIlt Ih llnlv i In ro rOMP hurch I on scst t Fnrty Fnrtye Firt Firtsecipnl rt rt11I
secipnl e < find 11I street Mgr Ijr h Mt4rftdx I to went wentto slit slitto nt ntI
to I Albany s Ihall to I meet th this Cardinal andcam and 111nm tttl tttlitai
cam itai down with him yesterday Ml AllPta Mltlm 11
tlm Pta h nionmgnon of If r New York 011 and a dll dl lPIigatinil 1 1I
gallon RII from tlm Ih Catholic I iithnhi Club Ilib > nmt III tite them themi thc thcAt
At th II pier pierCardinal Ir siraiPlullitI Irnrll1
Cardinal Vannutelli nnlll111 who 1 attended u uPauil
Pauil Ixgntit 111 this tI uchnritii iut Ilhn iotigre 1aigtss 41I1 r III inMontreal IIIintit
Montreal 1011 IrI real I two wcnl wed 11 ugo a and 1 Cardmu Cardmulibltonx 1 irilirtatlihslone lina
lilalo libltonx will alr > Ills In attendance 1Illd at Mi Miconsecration Ihis Ihisnnsecrlttaoil h hI
consecration service nIN In I the Ih1I1I1 lint of Arch Archbishops ArhabIshop d dbl
bishops bl who haxit ha Hlgnitlcd thtir Intention Intentionof
of Sr coining arc 1 tho M dost mt I Rev Ito Dr I Ir Fergu FerguP I II III
P I McEray rFTII Archbishop of r Toronto tlm tlmMont tll tllI Ii Iislot
Mont Jntlllt Hev Dr K 1 Met Mc nrihy IIrth nliblHhon Ariatsludaopof nliblHhonof
of Halifax tint Ih Mt lisst > t llo II Jir I J sr lovnli lovnliIllliiowskl I Iciipla IciiplaIlikzowisliI ph phI1i1C1owttkl
Illliiowskl Archbislmp of lembur IIIIJ 111 111lirla ieucla H Hhcla
ucla thai Ih Mofct IU Iltt v Dr I 1 llxnii 1I JIlI Arch Archbishop ArchIstahiop rlh rlhhIOI ¬
bishop of Philadelphia thIs Ih Mont Ilnv II Hr HrJohn IIrJohn 1StJohn
John Ireland I Archbishop A rdI rslaIhslo > hOI of St I Pnul Ill the theMont tieMot
Mont Busy Dr Alexander A Chrltitltt hlrltpti Arch Archbishop rchi rchiIslahiop ¬
bishop of Ircgnn I thn Mot 11ev tex Pr PrJohn fIrJohstt
John J J I itennon Archbishnp of St StIstiil StIssuils
Istiil Mm Mint Hot Dr lame F F QUIR QUIRley Quiglsy
ley Archluithop of f Chicago tlm thu Most llev llevDr 11evlr
Dr Henrj Mcmller Archinshop nf if Cincin Cincinnati hitInnath ¬
nati tlm Most Ilex Dr Jam Jattuus 11 IlletiW IlletiWArchblnhopof llietaiirnIllllahtnp
Archblnhopof NVw ssw Irleansj and the P In Most Mostllev slostle
llev le Dr Willlnm H MConnell I rch rchbishnp tnhalsihunp
bishnp of Ilostnn Ilostnn1ortv I3oistoiilortv
1ortv bishop lacy accnpted somn somnof orna ornaIt
of It them lire < Ill Ilight Ilnv Dr I It Hugh HughMooSberrv hughMaeSherr
MooSberrv Ili IlIshop hop of hUt Cap Jifso Town TownSouth rswtiMotit
Motit South li A frit frla a MII t II HiKht HKV Dr I hr Fdward FdwardP
P 1 Allen A IIWiop Hishnpof Il Islaos of It Moliil sioh libil sil th thn t hit Illght Ii Itv llvDr I 1evIr
Dr TliomiM M A Hurk llhllii lltshop f fAlbany
Albany 1 the I lii ItUlit H ihat llev Dr 1 r Ilegi hegii Cam Camin alt altari
in Illshtip of VittNburg this night Iliv IlivDr 1kvIr
Dr John 1 r Carroll Ilmhop tif Helena Helenatlm I I Itile
tile Illght Hex ft Dr Charm H Colton ColtonIlisliop oltonilishop
Ilisliop of lluffalo the Itlglit Ilnv Dr DrThoma irThonuss
Thoma F l I onaty srIlityBtiihIlp Hishop of lAo Angnjn Angnjntlm AlifSielie
lie IllRht Il 11ev v Dr John S Folev Ilishoi Ilishoiif llissiiojIf
if Detroit 1 r01 he high Ilnv Dr I hr flioma fliuruiachlik r rHickev
Hickev hlik liishop oi sd llochtstcr th Ii II IIIlnv highs
Ilnv 1115 br r W V J Kenimy Hihop of ofAugiiHtme 5 5Atagiletan
AugiiHtme tli this Ilight llev Dr Imnjamin ImnjaminI
I Klely Hmhop of Savannah this > Illght Illghtllev Itighitlhsv
llev lr Jatne A V McFnul llwhop of ofTrenton ofTrenton
Trenton this Right Hev Dr Oiarlen huarlessMvIonneli K KMcDonnell
McDonnell lilMiop of Hrooklyn the
I Illght llev Dr Hieophil M Meershaert MeershaertIlishiop r chaert
1 ItiKhop of Oklahoma I 1k the Ilig Iiihit it llev Ite Dr Drlohn I hr hrloha
lohn J OConnor HiMiop of 4 Newark Newarkund Xuwarlihail
und the thi night Hex Dr S S Ortinnky OrtinnkyOre P Irtinek y yrsek
Ore rsek k Catholic Hihop for Mm hi I muted nitodStates mutedtats
States Statesii tatsItlIflfl41
ii ItlIflfl41 tinm it MK co il iroMK iroMKI
I II Morrl Morrlse > < e > Kn > They The Think Their Theirpt TheIrlslFURl
pt lslFURl > rmal of Illnhrr PreUMi Mill lll 1o 1oAll in inAll
All th the head and oxofllcern of the therailroad thacrailroad
railroad brotherhood who attended the themail themass
mail meeting of railroad employee on onall iltIall
all the Eastern railroad In inthe the Arrmordam ArrmordamOpera AmeterilansIrt
Opera Irt HOIIMJ on Sunday where if wa wadecided witdenidcl
decided to cooperate with tie railroad railroadcompanies railroalcompanies
companies In i titlomiiK Pre Proliieflt nlent Taft Taftand Taftaruul
and the hu Interstate t nmmern Commlw I nrnmlslnn nrnmlslnnfsr lon lonfor
for leave Pi rnl tauis c the freight rate ret left lefthe lefthac
he satv ty early yentenlay for their varinu varinuhoailipiarter varinpihealliltlariers
hoailipiarter with the thu exception of ofP f fI
P I H Morn Morrassny sey pre lircelclent l ent of It the t hu Ameri American tmoraoan ¬
can Ilailroad an anti < l Employee Investor Investorociation lnvcatnreoc
eoc ociation iat hush svtr h < i remained until on ii late in inMm InI
Mm I lii uftemooii uftemooiiHefon aftertausinItsfors
Hefon he went away Mr Mornev Mornevhail
hail talk with wit hi many i it < f bus t local oHrers oHrersof Tirar Tirarlit
of P he railroad union and found tliotn tliotnliear i ha nt nthlesr
liear ilv i In accord with wIt hi th t he programme programmemarked rgrnrmrternerkl
marked out at the P lii meeting met Itag Mr Morn Mornv
s v wa was for many year 0Ct pre id > Mii f fIt h hllrotlierhiHid
llrotlierhiHid It rule hterti ii iii if f Itulroail I hs a I ruicul rrainintn rre u rut it and andwith 111 111withu
with K I K i lark nf tlm tis liierftutt t m mmere nirisen
mere t ulmfluasiofi mmi ion arbitrated irtat rstul Mm d dmnnd I Itisautcis
mnnd of f the trainmen t and conductor
of if the New York ork Central railroad several severalmonth severalmonths
month ago their award Iwlng accepted acceptedby acceptedby
by other road later Mr Clark wan for fora
a numlwr of veers grand roaster of the theOrder theI
Order I of if Ilailroad Conductor P nndtact nra ansI both bothwere hot h hwart
were then chosen M arbitrator with th thcon thon4nt
con on4nt ont of f iHith lua Ii eidc t Ncnu nf their theirlong t heirlung
long experlencit in If railroad batters matter1Mr battersMr
Mr Morn Morrissor iatd that If wa was po Prasible Prasiblethe lhle lhlefhe
the commltii in charge of the memorial memorialwill
will imei hers within s it hiiti a week I > look it itoxer isover
over l lforu for > it i ii forwanle l is < > Vashinrt in
ihs fh waui alotif he aid nn n npart iUMll iUMlllSMrt
part of the I ha incnniid co n i f nimung th thrailroad I ho horiuiirnaIs
railroad Ill co cost t of it material > 4 f nil nilkind allkind
kind hn great Iv mcnawd and to t pay paygood payg
good g il wan wages we trails Mill P his this railroail railroailthemrclvc rnthrnauiathsntpelvts
themrclvc mu nhtist t Is < on ia a paying ba IsastC IsastCIt l lIt
It dm1 not riiiuir any nrgiimcnt nrgiimcntnhow argiutnenIshuiw >
nhow that with a It it the S crwt si of eventhing eventhingmountiig epryt long longtfliSIfl
mountiig tfliSIfl StIg 1 15 it ha lw lacti > n dmiiK for the theUu u utst
Uu tst > t ten yeurx V II th P Iai railroad could not noti itiilClIP
i < ClIP oiitiiiui lfiuat > i < i puv t with MIH t hi freight rate at ata atIs
a KtandMill Th 1he freight trntllc t i what whattlm willitthe
the railroad dwnd on If to make them thempay themflay
pay and if they t hi > do not pay the I lie M tervacc tervacccusihil > rvicp rvicpcould
could not l ha > a as goo gusel guselhtr < l lOur
Our action on Sunday was the be hat hatuhing t thing
hing we could think of if which would IN INikelv l liIsslv
ikelv to bring ubou the dcnired reshIp retnland reshIpsnt
and we beiee that I President l raft nnd nndthe atiilthe
the Interunt ommfroi c I > mmiiin mrna In will willMt wiltpet
Mt Ihn matter laiattrifiite in Mm light thai cc > d dIWICHIMKHS l lItIhIIi
IWICHIMKHS ItIhIIi It 101 hUt I Iolhlne IntilIflg
olhlne tn Ii He Done Intll II IU < Been HernIn
In KlTeet Miont a Meek MeekThe leekthis
The board of governor nf f Mi the Mmld Mmldinn fliiihillIt
inn lIt It Irad I ra Is I F mployer in hI yr 3 sv Ps u inini i ii i iti tnii tniivivterdav vu vuyit
vivterdav yit ri his V nt a I the t hi Itmlder htuii I lets I xchanc xchancan a ehiaii gui
an 1 1 ° f Thirtythird rhIlrv I hitrl street cc t 5 discu discuthe dtsriaieI
the I hi lockout of the t lie ten union of brick brickInver lrikIyprs
Inver to go into effect todav No net iusi iusiSi > n nr
r wa atd will be taken until the lockout lockoutis
is I on at leaM n week weekJohn weekhuhin
John 1 Ilenlin local head of the t State StateHoard St5leItniurui
Hoard of Arbitration hnd a conference conferencewith nosnferincwith
with F K i Conover president of the Maori MaoriHuildern MasiuriBtlalhl
Huildern Btlalhl rs Aoclation with a sips ne to a apo ippossahile
po possahile ibe settlement of the trouble Mr MrConoer MrP
Conoer P iltiiter explnmetl that t the t union f fbricklnver ftirirklavr
bricklnver had forced < the l1k lo < kit ilt lv lvvlating Psvsiating
vlating the agreement with the < uv uvedition uicIiU >
edition cIiU ion br I v rdtrmg rilerinu striket at whi w III h Mifv Mifvrefuxd p hiyruifuoi
refuxd I in t is i all off llmre wn w as therffori therfforino t
no way in which the eli State Ixutrd could couldchange cosalsiChiitilgO
change Mm situation situationIt
It wan derided last night that t the hip Ma Mason on
Huilder Awntciatton will
wait altout a awi itwek
wi wek k befor tilling the placen of the I Iwkl IwkllIt xki I Iout
out lIt H < ttl ° It wa learned hit t nimlterH nimlterHof
of f brn I ruk klayri iityre who his nrtt idle nih in other t bior iti itiare it ii iier
are er flocking to Pr New York in in thn th hop tinlis It f
tilling til II n g the S plaiM lshiir of the I lorkil honk out people peopleattrnctetl 1 ° 1 I Iiittrnrtel
attrnctetl bv tlm ill Inch wages < This HMOOI HMOOIatioti esswiat
atioti at lofI ha decided not to cut the t he hef WMIV WMIVnf
nf f Tu cent an n hour although the t lIe ueref uerefment ligleebitch
ment bitch ha hiass Ufti I ctt broken by ho the IIIIMIIH iui ins
Priwidiiit vnocr of Mm P Hncmtiiii Hncmtiiiisaid iesiwaat son sonsail
said la last t evening that P no estimate ivmlil uiiil
I lie made n tiN t1 o how many men m ta nther
trade I will w ill he < thrown t idle
Tln TlnsmIIit tnllli Kmpln IniptnerS > er tInier Shulilnwn ShulilnwnA
A As n result of the strIke of the flu tinsmith tinsmithin
in several hr hnps > rm which went Int efTw off t tsix
six au wwk ago for in wr cent incrpie incrpiein I Iau
in wag ami the clo < shop a genem genemshutdown gerisrasituitilown
shutdown in phi > ohiits hot > of If forty implovem implovemwn
I wn Wit14 decided nn ctnlav > Hfforo the theI
1 shutdown WIM ordered evi ayril > rilcnnfi ciIifsrenees ciIifsreneestctk < rcnce > i ilook
look place Itetwein lset wrsn repriwiiuiivo 5s of than tlmemployer thannflplytirs
employer and the strikers with a 1 iew
I tn 1 settlement of the I hi st ink but notlung
I came nfll of St tlmm flien his shutdown wi wij
j I dei uIeiidvl nlml nn in to lie I w kept ki pt up until utat I I I h lii strik it rik
I is nill tihlsl l off offraUiolle osIflaBinlIc
raUiolle IMIcrtm nelcomeil Home HomeI ItoruwThe
I The Knight K night of f Cnlumbii who re returne retiirnesi
turne tiirnesi < LISt Friday from n pilgrlmngn pilgrlmngnto
to P o Home tenon snn and nil Oberammergju Oberammergjuwere
I were the cui guiti ta of New > ork on memb ffluvflber ffluvflberOf ra raof
of than order at a inception and dinner
at Mm Hotel MirllmrrMigh tact night
KdwHrd I licarn eirn vli VIlelsreejqlpnt preeidenl of t ta ti
a aeualty ualty riimpanr of Amenca prmldeil
Juisitic Vlctir j bowling wa waa ou one of the
f sru t i VKVI > si ivasrnr Sf1flcppsrrinrv ivasrnrwrv
srrinrv wrv r v ni V14flj AIIIH ISIIIp ISIIIpI siiir siiirQuestion
I Question liaIsed Mlielher the
eur eurHiirro
Hiirro t urroate ate MTio lie at ionni 00111 JuiKi j055a V Va
a JurlMllrtlon IIke the lullpe lullpeHe
I TIsuts He IMerrtilnl IMerrtilnlI lIneal
IIlhs IIlhsI
I I nder a ruling by Supreme i lOt j
tIcs mend yesterday lrman I stnr H H Hman
I man a farmer nflnlnted of IVnt c s ssartnlr p pHiirrimder
Hiirrimder nnveirold Vgne tgnwttniia i = 1B 1Bwhom
whom he Wills OH appointed guardmti h
by s i iSuIrrgit
Surrtigat of tf hteulun co ° ointy mly t it itniiothr t tmother
mother Mr Ellen McDonald sf f St i IK Iv Ivsttot
f fstriMf
striMf Mr Hmlgiimu
application applicationninile > Pfiltish >
ninile guardian of f the child was wastn n >
In tn ritetihen county by the 11cr 11crfiakc Hv FaMi
Iukn i Kven In whoso parish Mr
McDonald lives on the ground thai t
I HcMlgmnn tire Protn Irntstntis tantn niil lnen > l
to 0 bnng the P hi child up m if hat fn fnWhen f I Ihtni
When htni defeated III fh Cuinliinh guirsillrrsslinigs
prr prrnesting >
nesting the llev lither Fver mt t twrit pwiSt
writ of f linheax huitse cnrpu before I IAmend uA
Amend A In whlchlnhnJ whlrh Jshita ii Delnnx I ilanvfor irpMr
for Father Kvern und
the Ito child
mot nothar notharatnl > r rami
ami lerencw J 1 McMnnu nppo oiposoj oiposojntamhar l lnumber
number of hearing wen hel hell < I b hstnr hstnrstenographer frr frrBfenogrnpher
stenographer and after reiding the Ph t tinoiiv tu tuChatty
Chatty in the t hu cn ts tIe 5 i urt iwir iwarlI lv t tchild i ichil
child chil Ii I tolls t I t a mother motherTlm root lair lairThe
The testimony xlioxnd thv Ml lhs F Etl > thr
Sewnrd Hall n i charity worker and soilor t f fof
of Mr Hodgmnn took a number of Rut Eu
Side children tn tbs
country two twoI yjir yjirago
I ago llI nn I th t hi Hodgnmn took n I iihng lng t ti tAgtaii
Agtaii i < llwin and kept her for i f fq fqfllflflthl4 > v vmonth
month while the Ii child mother wm dL
Imillv they loot track of thus mother
sn sntiiilv i itirly
tiiilv and It wa was not until th the thechit guaniuii guaniuiiship
ship chit pniceiHtlng came up that the mother motherwa moth mothweis
wa heanl from She hnd been raarriol marri marriill
m thn P lie me nnetlltinin iitlmn t4 to > n lotig lusfugeltoreman > hornm n uA
had another child She told Fnthnr Ev Eetr Eetrslas ri
slas lm wiuiied ApniM A 7e4 Imck Oftlccn nf
I I hlldren society testified that tb t
M Donald home
surrounding wrrn
nol nolproper ri riIinlr
proper frr is i luldof gnt s age anti oth othwiineHse othsIttlcac4
wiineHse said that thn hue HodgmatM him ha haOs
no Os children and arn II re highly rmpectni In n
their cnniintiiiity It wan alleged m b
half of the Hodgmnns that the mother mothernntletv moihritflhuty
nntletv t to < i linvelmr child back wn dtj dips to
the stifnMir lielief tha the child ooild ooildaid
aid Is I I Hi I lii family fitini ly bv Hugging ltggl ng
Mrs McDonald nnd her husband both ho
denial tin and salt that they wern ee wslj
aId to provide iir iii for the child
In hi huts decision Jtintlcn Amend said tlul tjt tjttIps
tIps onllruiry dictate of humanity
require that n mother should not bi biseparated h hseprntesl
separated against her will from her chlW chlWunle thiLunless
unle unless the welfare of the child mkt mktsuch makseiiola
such n ioup Imperative e Th The met
fart than Home fx person rHon w th mean it itrevlv isreilv
revlv nnd tutu willing to furnish a little 004 004XMIh na
XMIh 5 it Ii n hoin nnd comfort winch th thmother the theviiithar
mother br reason of her lack of worldly
good cannot give will not warrant th the theIstjrt
Court In depriving than mother of tM tMintodv tju tjurristiwls
intodv of her offspring and awarding award1a
he custodr tn the penuin better situatM situatMfinancially
Justice Amend wild he did not paw if ifthIs n ntlm
thIs legnlltv nf the lb npfxtmttnent nf th thcuanllun the theguardian
guardian bv the Surrogntn f Steubin Steubinctitintv SteubenflhIfltV
ctitintv slncn h hiss liars power m a aCa proper properca
ca to take n child from an npi appointsI appointsIguardian > olnt > i iguardian
guardian I Lwyer iwver McMnnu said T ys ysteflffl H Hterdnx
terdnx that he evect I in appeal wixild wixildb
b I taken > n the ground that the union Actiofhiifo unionbifoi
bifoi lustii Amend is m iv the nafir nf nfnn afaft
nn appeal from the Surrogate of Steuben Steubeni1silli t < ibn ibnivninv
ivninv V wherea thus steuben county cotintysiirrognte countyi4ilrrogite
siirrognte i also the Cotmtx ainty Judge an4 iyl iylis
is 1 sui h ha his cnorilinnte Jurtsdlrtin w WIth h ha
a 1 Supreme oiirt Justtcw nf New ew York oik oiki
i i I I 0 t V
hID 11f01 i nnr rtnr rtnrlte FIIflhleeiItt
lte hleeiItt ciieit from n I ainiili niilcli Ilnrm tl tlMcht iiIhlt
Mcht Ihlt nn Hie Ililc1 hlulilson hlulilsonAs < nn nnA
A As Kid Mciov and a friend Frank Frankfieorg Fritntinrg
fieorg inrg of 305 ac West Sixtyfifth Sixtyfifthwent stress stresswon
went returning early yesterday yesterdayfroma mnrna mnrnafrnma
froma trip up tl the Hudson and l hack > ack u us us4i1
40 foot launch Kid McCoy nn n i > l llamp IIuutnp
lamp in th t hr cabin exploded and si1 si1craft i i icraft > <
craft on fire TIp flamtw spread i i iv ivand r rnnd
and a as the Issat > ont won al almiat > out twr > tr trfeit hrI hrIfeet
feet off shorn at l l 1st t street tIe 1 1cideil t tcsoled
cideil to swim in land for a itasstt itassttItie iM
The lire crept nft and McTov McTovnlong s I C tg I Iistng
nlong m t that I tlirection sIIrs1l loft F a ash s tgr r rs rsI i il >
I sh < uif < l from tU stair u i iin > u uIll v iv
in a i INHII with n nlight upi > Pc f
t light made bv the t Ii Unmix tliitn and ir l T TI os list l t tThe Is Ishalf
I half nlf ubinerged exfiuciht 1t 1 P lunrh lunrhbtirtiiil IsrInetihuariuei
btirtiiil so o tlm t hli water ode
Kid Mi1 M ov iy who ii bluff > < Sonn flrTn411 flrTn411Seiiv n nSnlbv
Snlbv says the lioat wo w s r ir n nII itI
II I i t and iulongi I lsigsl t IT Fureu t T Thorn Ti > I Itinrti
horn n MM iI i 1st iao i mwer u J > I Iiivtlsie i iavenue
avenue avenueHunyadi Hunyadi HunyadiJanos
Janos J no noNatural I INatural
Natural Laxative LaxativeWater LaxativeWater
Water WaterRecommended WaterRecommended
Recommended Recommendedby
by Physicians PhysiciansSubstitutes jjt jjtIIefsw
IIefsw Substitutes SubstitutesIf
If you have never used It Itbefore Itbefore
before try It NOW for forCONSTIPATION forCONSTI
VanderbiltCupRace VanderbiltCupRaceLING Vanderbilt Cup Race RaceLINi
Saturday October 1st I st 1910 1910K I 9 10 10H
K 45 I i si > i tins I II l a t I IIIM IIIMsprdnl It II I ICpuial
sprdnl train fur the ha trial drmilleaie elsu < iuI iuIIci
leaie rw s lerk rk Inn staMnn rn rnen fl lP lPen
en 14th si 1 jnd en llrtl st near tih tihllntilltn P PItriiL
llntilltn ItriiL I is I litli Iuttiuh > h < e al the irrnnno irrnnnow ii iiasi
asi w lurk I isri sutiMsi ai fminrnl In Inimrrn i idlii
imrrn t nil x SI l anil 4 Ail IS ISIltuirnhsii M MIteitirnlni
Iteitirnlni psrlalQiraln will S Iii lr tr trlrjnl is isfrjn4
lrjnl sisnrt n4 itnl Immrdlatrl 5P 5Prua
r rua ie fur N s tnrfc ini IVnn SIJIIB SIJIIBI 555 fl fllIttwu
I lIttwu latttti > ri a ie llrettklrn llrettklrnS ttreIlnirIal
S irIal < rlal train will n nut l he isn fi Irn m mI I PS PSI
I isis l land > I IIt IItOiily Uf UfOirlf
Oirlf Special Excursion Tickits will willhMoredlsa II IIbeureiem
hMoredlsa SpecialiTrains SpecialiTrainsr
I s s
i n uu sssia u a u uI
r rn Tfll c Ii I II
I Ii
I s r iO sAle Si iI
i SI I IZI 15 I 514 I IsIll
sIll S 1 iu iuIzs
Izs I fl S S SiifC
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