OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, September 29, 1910, Image 3

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-09-29/ed-1/seq-3/

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nruinrin IJI p11 1 u 11 a tTl or O rug rtwn rtwnii r urn urnf
0 ii I f ititrr IUlI titius titiusnirm IOItIlirni IIi IIin
nirm n Uni Prl rrsIr e fur TU T ft Ttip Imtip I aflI n Tarlft TarlftMill Tnl111I
Mill C oiniiniwlnl 1II11ncl Imrlctit Court CourtIntitml CollIt
t Intitml arril ppro Isru al o iii lluelic lIu h lur lurIIilh r rlu rhlII
lu hlII lhe t 4 MU KUC ur un IHrrvl I Primaries Primariesj
y I 0 HIM HIMby hiM i Ih ho hoThe at ati
i j > r n I adopted by I I il lIIhlln lIIhllnn
n l
The Th 1 h IM II lifrttis 1 IIlttI of the Ih I i Stall Slulr St itt of New Newh N Nh
h 11 i iitnin 111 1111 II repriKiiid rpnII t resolve resolvee r I IIV
IV r
e ile it 1 ve i rel ri1ntk4 ntlr ntl warfare irtr upon uponMae ulkinflt4I
n flt4I 1 01 lOIlnll rnnlnmlC II tl tlI
Mae I ta Itipulivan tbpUtiI afl lrgi 1A1t11lur lature un ordered orderedtn
and searching hilll 11I1111 into intoi Inl InlII
tn I n I immediate I 0 r itiiiiiry 111 utry
II i > rript 111 H piactii I 1 stt 14 < N nnd IIlI 1 tins t hi HKiuir HKiuiri uI4 Il try tryr
i r coing bII1 11111 forward lgort tnritiIv tnritiIvp > nslr We WeI
I p it it tiiniuiuanc t flI Ilt4 nti t I udditionil udditionilih II It Ita
a ih t mv r S if required until tIltI ill 1IlIlh I such wrom wromn rOIl rOIlr
n n r np put l > l f i pc IMMtr > in him Iia been beenIr Ipptr
Ir r ft 0 tn fl Ieht I tlie tl tb end nd I hit the thef tl t tbt
f tut 11 b punished IIIh1 and the thlnll04nl innment innmentr innnntUIII4I
r > il 1 nf t unjust IIJI UIII4I IIt suspicion UIIIIOfl IIIIn Pishoncsty Pishoncstyi
i V V V V servicn A1 rYICO ill t next to treason t ri nn the thetf th thI t Ii
tf I 4 > ttngrnnt iriflt of crime rlm i4 In ridding our ourm iusrirIs r
m 11 irIs itimsof n Hr Ihl I hi citicwr efli r growth jniwt we know knowi knowhIUIllnn
i jvtrtv rIV distinction distinctionTi
Ti T 1J rime 11I which have tu qi Iwett com comhave eornV
V 1 have hR involved In vnh member 11I1 of oflh orIh nth
> lh h parties ull and th fact that some somef pnnV 0111 0111rnnKIr
V f th h rongdi > era ra have h hv maxqiieraded maxqiieradedinrlnr
inrlnr < tr the Ih name of Itepubllcnn Itepubllcnnr
r r h hll hii gained nor shall l4II giin them themimmunity Ih Ihmnmll Ibsinimmunity
immunity from punihment by Itepuhli ItepuhlirT
rT cI Not nt onljr onl have tu they wronged the ther th thI
r I < n ie hut they th y have proved themselves themselvestn th thIn thrnMIvnttiI
tn worst I enemies nttiI of nth the iwirty uy The Thes Thnlill TtiCr
rr s nnd grafter and unfaithful IInrait Ifill man in intervuv InI inr
rrf rrOIJ f tervuv rIL thall IM I put ul out 0th and kept keptrr kptATIOAt
OIJ < 1
W V e enthusiastically nlbulllallrAly indorse Indo the Ih pro pros pr proitnd
tr s sive nnd Rld statesmanlike IRtmlII leadership hlp
f W ilium Howard lownl Tnft and RIIIIIOIAr declarn our ourrr itirIt r rI
rr I It r 1e 1 n he h achievement Irhlvlmnl nt4 nf his hi firM llrstMKheen 11 firMizh
MKheen izh n months nth n President Jrilnt Pri ldnt nf oIh the I h Inlio UII t I IMnte
Mnte Iln Knch succeeding ioicc 1rlnl wfing month onl h sIitfti sIitftih lnc lnchis I
his hi h innif n nIt1rAIfnn u rat rnton Ion ha confirmed nnflrni d th iftt tuition tuitionin ton tonII
in o II r high hllh + estimate of r hi hk greatness Irln rtltoll rtltollo of ofrhirmter i irhirn r rrh
rhirmter rh rhirn Ir intellectuality InlPtIliIY sturdy common commonevermce ennitnonMl I1n I1nn
Ml n u trordtniiry raorlnlY ltN Rnl jtnI r r8rUC rrine
8rUC evermce rine brnad InAII anil ntl statesmanlike f nlmAn nti minlik I k coin coini nnijVrflIOfl 11I 11Ior
i jVrflIOfl reh nlon of public lhlr Jliestlnns il Uo Itnt and flflIfa till tillfettering In InAnd
fettering fa rin And unswerving unwfnIK adherence Rdhfrn t tn tI jo joV
V a < n He I tins ha strengthen trllhII1 ir irwth pr frIjII frIjIIwh t
wth Ih foreign In nation nationKf IAton und n lr trntd > nt d with withimportant wllhr
Kf r and wisdom wisdomrnn ttom important UIIT UIITnotnlily Ir tntrRfI
rnn 11 RfI tial problem problemtariff notnlily notAlly > ur urCirnnanv I ortriT
tariff rt relation Ialon with withnd Cirnnanv nrnan nrnanan1 Krnnr KrnnrnlmlniMrrt Friuiand
and nd rnnaila olada Under Underh hi nlmlniMrrt < iin iinimplicate
Ih h 1 proeeciltloa of ofthe n Ih thnq implicate IInllcal1 in inNATlnVAt I inthi
the Ih sugar UAr and nd other customs fraud frauden hl Im Imn
en n continued nlnuo and conviction 1lon obtalne obtalneth ollalnl ollalnlIh nbjinithr <
th thr re have ha l > e n lmuinlil and energetic energeticrnfonvment nrgtInfrm
rnfonvment nfrm nt of f the th Shrmll Sherman nntltnist nntltnistart Antl antI nII init initat 11 11N
art N H substantial uttntLd reduotion In of If govern governrrentnl govrnnntaI
Iorn Iornrnl
rrentnl rnl expense xpn pn the Ih establishment hthmnl of oftetter lt ltt t tttier
tetter t buslacsit method
hll mthO which will 111 result resultir
ir I t srsater alr efficiency mclI and n1 real ronomv ronomvr nnm nnmrmArkhl nnomvrrnlrkatI
r markabe rmArkhl progtve pmpn in lh t h cotintrilrtlon cotintrilrtlonif rlt 1
if t the th h Panama Canal and nltl the Ih withdrawal withdrawalmm wft llhdrwal llhdrwalrm hdraw4lfrom Irl
from mm privatn h entry fnlr ol over 71 1 nmidniacre nmidniacreif 011 a aIhpuhledomln
if f the Ihpuhledomln tti publlcdnmaln to preserve fnrpuhlic fnrpuhlicnfit fnrplhlr fnrplhlrtn fnrpuhllclntt
> tn lntt nfit 1 valuable alubl coal CI uud other ih hr r mineral minerald rnin ial ialdpltl ral raldapnmit
d dpltl dapnmit 11 po lts timber Ilmbr land and nt water Wat r power powerOn l > owr owron r
On hi recommendation rmmnllon Congress Conar Conn ha haprovided hl ti tirrovidid
provided rrovldf for a commission cmiIn to I II invntti invnttiCtte IOVP4IIti
Ctte ti and report Irt on the th regulation rIItnl of fjh fjhIuane the thel th th1WI
l 1WI Iuane suanc of stock tok and ld Ixind by public publicrrice puiiiurvtr hlr hlrrI
rrice rI corporation crrlon4 engaged nlRII lit II Inter InterfMtecommerce 111r litterfJte
fMtecommerce 1 fJte enmm mmfn rceV Heui I Iii hA Itais advmMteda a aiIvoijt 1 A AvIm new newrslern tjwem
vIm em of o appropriation Approprlon for flr river rir and nd
hArbor hulr improvement Imprnmnt under IIdr which each eachem ch chm ctem
em m after investigation nIIlln b by > etp Irl Irlhl ru ruh
h hl hiI ll be h approved pprot nnd 111 earned rrl lo tnrllon ciin ciintIetton im impleiion
pleiion rllon a n separate 1 meamirn Ir This Thisrecommendation Thlfmmflrtlon rh rhrennimpnrttlon
recommendation fmmflrtlon we w heartily hrliy Indorse IndorseTHK IndD IndDT IndorerH
The Th Payne Im tariff I Ir law In w redur 11r d t II to toaerage ie ieverage
verage I rate rl of nil I dutle dll n I pr < vnt lt
BT R increasing the th dutle rr
Icrlnp dUI on fl some m liMiirie liMiiriend hul fIIuiroand
and nd nrtlclra not of it
aMlcl ordinary use tlb I nuking IMkll iknit
h t wever tr m ni > Increane Inc lner on n anv In flfl romm tolmn > n
f h qVfld > d product It turned a ruitloniil tnn ilejicil ilejicilmm dlicl delictini
mm n ni M surplus Under its I lt flr flret r1 t ye yr r of ofperatlon if ifirttIon
peratlon rlon the th value ah of r import free f of ofrtur n ofdv I
rtur < 1 was aa th th the greatest in our ur history by
firttnnnom 1ffo and nd Ibo average aIp rm rlt < ofduty ofdutywulo or duty dutyIV
IV wulo w J than thn tinder the th Wilson WIOlla law cUI Uli I I
ffk that Otmnrt thtflmoertIc l > mncratlo law 10W itn I greit r rcit 1 1duk te teductton is isducton
ductton duk of ilutr ulut hlv V hv h hit V tint I pi 111 111dtr < e < t tduMnr
duMnr dtr nor Ior depri deIirIiI > n lni IRn > r l > suu inv > ir 1 1tta
r tl
Ita I hire It I gives Il fves free fr tint I a aPtpln wili ii Ii ne nePhilippln ii iiPhNppfn
Philippln Ptpln Island 1Inr nnd Rn it I estarii Ohlh Ohlhlatnr he i icustom
custom latnr cnurt CIM It minimum 1llnll uui Iuinunu md 11 mini minimum 111 V Vmum
mum mlm rate r give us U for or the th flrt Irt time 11 < < IIHI IIHIItT imi imiity
ItT of opportunity opJMunltY with other tuitiotx tuitiotxIn IUII IUIItn fuuturIn
In our or foreign fOllg trade trdf tn II providing Irmlllc uimn uimnthe 11nIh uwinshe
the Ih suggestion of President Tart Tn for fortariff rn rntrif a atariff
tariff trif board br it afford 10nl the th means of r nil nilmore II titIfuIOra I
more mo accurately determining ctrllnllli the Ih diner ftrr ftrrn dlITerVnc dinernce
nce n nc In coot Ct of production at home and andabroad 11
a abroad ahod A Republican npulllan Congress tonl i la ntce ntcesary n ntn nacawsIr
sary Ir tn provide prii ne needed l > d npproprlittions npproprlittionsfor npprprulon i
for thin th board Mar and ad to assure 1 husiiteM hlI and aridlabor andlabor II
labor ltr that th t change rhlll In mien mt will wil Im made madeonly malnly
only to equalize the 111 th difference dilr m 1 cost of ofproduction n nrnOllclo ofrrrdujetjofl
production rnOllclo and ad nd not to reduce 1 rate 1 to tothe 10r tofre
r the u free rn trade trd or 0 purely revenue rpnl rvpnuufavored liasi liasifavored i irvof
favored rvof hy the th Pemocfatlc Omoralh partv ol To Toavoid Toaold Toivold
I avoid diMtirbancn dlIIhn of business 1 we w org orgthe < ii iithe lI
the tt adoption adoptol by h the th Congress COII I ohugraaas of Ir the I ii h I in inrule it ittuie
rule 11 of the Ih two house ho recommended rtrII 1 hr hrh h hIilnt livhe
h he President Iilnt and leader m 1 n nire rritrwhich < nireI 11 I Ir
r I IT r which the l two houses hul could 11 > nn 11 > > ider idera i
a single Inltl schedule Ihll ech ilul or a single 11111 inntgrxph inntgrxphef IrllrHh IrllrHhIh
ef V the Ih tariff tarr without wihnut the II ner 11 itv for foramendment r rIndmnl fruirnndntnt
amendment which hid would 1111111 lead t n I general generalrevision l
revision Ion Advance AIan In the Ih cost 1 of If living livingare Htlc Htlcar
are ar only 111 the Ih lixal 1 reflections of r a ai tetideruy tetideruyt nI
t at 1 ts i worldwldii orllII and ncl cuiinot 1111 tullil IK t Ii trutli trutlily I nih nihI
I V Iy said alclln to be I due thu II to it th pr inint > Mnt 11 tariff tariffTIIK IUI IUITt tonutirIIi
1 n he Congreei ngrevs IIOM h ha r Nti I recnm recnmlendatiorui reonfliIatuuiltM or
lendatiorui n < o 0 of r the th Prekident IrI11 I Iraeuania > iincting iinctingineaeun IIIII
ineaeun of far rtHchiiig adl iiiiiiortiiiic 1nHI in inthe I II ii iiI I
the I I hi people I > I I Including IlIcldin fricluuil iii g viiluniil vtil 1111 in t l itiiend itiiendmeots toiuIrnntM wid
meots ot to t the th interstate 111rlnl mrneno fml > li liit law lawI Iwii I i
it I xpeiHl savlngH Mvlnl bank lilk law la a I law I urosid urosidIng ri iii I IInl IIng
Ing Inl for r the th publicity I I of campaign cnmalll1I exp x > n nthe u uth > i ih
the th h creation craloll of n a bureau IAI of rniiie 11 11I vkitn iii iiiS a aMew
Mew S to I the II lietter protection rOItlh1 f nun nunworkern ruuunwurkenis 1
workern ok Uw I < > xt xtanIlng ndlng n In ihe Ih t tif IIII1
or < if safety rtr appliance llnC and the tl iii law fraIIng fraIInga i ia lnl
a method mthol meth by which hlh the th surface surfacelanda unfkc rrc it >
land Ild and other mineral rlnr1 lands i iii iiiavailable nnuie nnuieavailable IIJ IIJ1Ublo
available 1Ublo for agricultural allullurl use 1 ul while on ipnrvlng onserving n nnlol
serving the t lb mineral mln under un the Ih surface surfacefor urfa etjrfafor urfafor
for the th public publc benefit ln11 The iii right rllhl of the thePresident II th thPresIdent
President rrldfDt to withdraw public rllhl land for forinservation forpu fornirvatlon
inservation purpose pu ho la Iwen set I at att atVt I It
Vt t by legiaUtion 1lton and d the th completion of oftrtcatlon r rIIIIIOI rrtatjon
trtcatlon IIIIIOI project projf I li o aeaiired ured urol by the th Uu Uurlzation aurlzatlon uurliatfon
rlzation of 20onoono 00011 of 0 lx botdi botdipt > id idTUB lt ltTilE
TUB pt cocmn cocmnteat COCT corittwteat
teat tPt of civilisation dyUAtlon la IIn i an orderly orderlycient odrl odrltint orderlyejent
cient tint government one on of the theIs th thI theof
Is I of which IK a judiciary judlcay of up uple ij ijV 1 1I
V le I Industrious couragenu ClrAIIK men menndminiatering menV n nAdmlnterinl
V ndminiatering Admlnterinl the law I to I rich richalike rlhM
M > V V alike lklhout without fNror fear ear or farornn favor aiif aiifV < l lfte
fte 1 V the Ih individual Inlyldu1 in hi h hia rightx rightxaiil rfjhtliii I
aiil 11 V + ntr o tIP4 againat the th injuaticn Injuatic of the theI
r i 11 I an againat pIRt the th greed I of r the theetr th thW thef
etr f V W H count it forlunotH CoMuft that thatf
V f r fijdeflt nient nt hoM h necured an A member membertribunal rnembrtughet pmhr
tughet I < Ih I tribunal tril111 1f n j man with th the theil Ih Ihf thepeqv I
f peqv n1O1ual flifllujl il pnwer wr and n th the splen hamtud hamtudla < lid lidMiNinmetisif
la MiNinmetisif 1lm Mugumpru at r Iharl < harlen K Kr Ihlth hhuighaitinitr
1101 itinitr itinitroruinatuaIste 4 AII IJIJATI01C I
1 e lYirigratuUte IIII the I eople I > pl on the theie Ih
ie 1 a progre rngn of r the h State SI I under Indr th thyetrn thu thyer
yetrn u a 111IIInfno aIrniniatra < lrnini triinn ton < ifov > f ov hughes llugheitt luth
V t 1 fl ha h has li I n HIIM 1 i iiis u 1 for 1 the Ih high highMMndird hhlhtlndfl hfghV
V MMndird tlndfl t eHi f iet h In fin n huts hl np nplied nI niid
lied 11 < In the aft h r in rteVufl < n < nd 1 intelligence intelligencethe mtIIjlt mtIIjltfl Inthhigeiiit
the fl it people alil rt t M rr M I md 1 legislation legislationiianded kgielatinnV
V iianded 1nd 1 by > the Ih I tu in r1ra 11 rni i nf f the th thnly com commty m mnfty
mty nly Through Througl i i e reconiinen reconiinennll nlnI
nll 0115 1 and the rfn Ih > ieii ntinn lnn of 0 0lrM H Hi
V iiIItCRii < i > > liran lrM legnlat jt < ii I t itlx I vrvlre vrvlreration rk rkUII rvIc rvIcratlofl
ration UII In tho th Ito Stiii < o f w York Yorking YrarklI ok
1 lI fll a I r flln fllnmi uhIttas uhIttasurg
ing mi placed Int under Intpr cut C I f i n out t high highIJer hllh high1er
IJer 1er Uiw 1 hne lieen ha i vml vmlte 111 111orllt nIi
i te t rornipt prartliii Jrt pnHctt a t I at i 1Ir itmirien itmirienn
n t inirMMientific Ir unor tntlh eeintlli method 1lh1 < > iniktu iik kl ur jp jpt 11 i iOViC
OViC t e htidget V providing prot ling f o r V u I t i iitiit ii iiitI
itiit 11 regulation IItn of motoi 111 u Ioi 11 i ii < > n ng
g i iiurig lllhfI the pro uro i Moti 111 111llhl H Hjtu < aiiit Ii4 Ii4V i iciiillititC
V ciiillititC llhl for rfr r refon itini tl f i igut i ind
nd nl for letter 11r prolettion rol I > 1 iV uii uiiflns i iflreM
flreM n HtiH nt making rakl Hie if1 iiinurun iiinurunnnkin 11u 11ullnt IiIujguiiuV
V V nnkin aik Ine law iiifite I eT I ti tia a I > p pe
a I e llnt In the th coot ft of fr f ndmini utlllInll iuhinuuutstring tering th threflect t I I Irflevts
reflect nt the th higher hIgh laniLird of if n nnfirm 1 1llr
nfirm llr the I he Iwnnennd hrun onul ihede it ndeni ndenii
i IInI tension n uind nd ld InerntMd loer eTInency of ofIlrch 4 4V r rIhoIItm
V V Ilrch IhoIItm Ki y t m the th itialmeniH itialmeniHtiarg 1lnlllll 1lnllllllrl
hang lrl canal 11 sInkIng lokloP fund and nd th thratio I IraIo I
ratio aio nullding hlldl and anl maintenance rlnttnaIC of ofa < > f fLABOR rbl6hay
a bl6hay hIhwayM hIhwayMzaRo I ILIOI
f Th h record r of RepubllcAn RpuhlC legislation legislationr lagi tInn tInne
e r t th to < la It t eighteen Ithtn year Yfar conaerving cn conervtnI ril j
Today T a Y is i an n auspicioui day dayin dy dyIn
in the history of New York YorkThe YorkThe YorkThe
The GimbH Glmbt Store is islaunched Islunched islaunched
launched launchedIts lunchedIt
Its It doors are ae thrown open opento
to the public publc and nd millions milons of ofdollars ofdolars
dollars dolars worth of merchandise merchandisegathered mcrchndluRthered merchandisegathered
gathered from fom the four cor corners corner corners ¬
ners ner of the earth is lion on dis display dllplY diiplay ¬
play and nd for sale saleThe saleThe saleThe
The Gimbel Glm 1 evidence is Illn Illnthe in inthe inthe
the verdict II in the hands of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the people peopleIncidentally peopleIncdentdly peopleIncidentally
Incidentally Incdentdly the Gimbel GimbelStore Glm GimbelStore 1 1Store
Store carries cnlu a lesson to toProperty toPr toPrpcrty
Property Pr ert y Owners Owner OwnersV
V Twelve Tweve months ago 10 it I was W a agaping ARpJng agaping
gaping hole of rock rok and tnd earth earthToday urh urhToy earthToday
Today the Empire Qt Is Istrading Istrding Istrading
trading there thereThe there thereThe
The Gimbel Gm 1 Store was wasflung wufung wasflung
flung fung upward closed coud in and andfinished andfinished andfinished
finished in 230 23 days daysIn cys cysIn dayswords
In other word word 107 days daysahead dav daysahead
ahead jt ortme of time timeThe
I The The annals of building buidlnr con contain contain contam ¬
tain tam no greater grutc record than thanthat thanthat thanthat
that thatIt thatIt thatIt
It proves provC conclusively concuively what whatI
I a great building organization organizationcan orfanlutlon orfanlutloncn
can do and it I will wi go far fa to toconvince toconvince toconvince
convince Owners that only onlyfrom onlyfrom onlyfrom
from such an organization organizationcan orlanlton orlanltoncn
the de degree degree deI
can they get ge highest ¬
I gree of economy consistent consistentwith conllstentwith consistentV
V with quality qualty in the quickest quickestpossible qulckeltpOHlble quickestpossible
possible time timeThe timeThe
tme tmeThe
The Gimbel Gimbe Store Itself Itel best bestexemplifies butI bestexemplifies
exemplifies this thisThe thisThe thisThe
I The women who buy there therehave thee theeI thereI
I have ceased to chase all al over overtown overI
I town for their needs needsThey needlI
I They know that the Gimbel Gimbelorganization Gimbe Gimbela Gimbelorganization
a organization organlton can give them themthe themthe themthe
the highest degree degre of econ economy tconamy economy ¬
omy consistent with wih quality qualityin qUlty qUltyIn
in the quickest possible time timeAnd tme tmeAnd timeAnd
And as a the Gimbel Gmbe Brothers Brothersthemselves BrothersI Brothersthemselves
themselves practise prctse what they theypreach theyprCch theypreach
I preach they employed us to tobuild tobuid tobuild
build buid their store storeNow storeI storeNow
Now that the talking tlkln5 is all allover allover I
I over and nd the Gimbel Gimbe Store is isopen Isopen isopen
open we wc congratulate congrtulte the theenterpising theenterising theenterpising
enterpising enterising Gimbel family on ontheir onI ontheir
I their courage and nd wish them themthe themthe themthe
the fullest fulet measure of pros prosperity prosperty prosperity ¬
BuilJnc RuJI nnmuctinn onitructionV
V IL I 1 Iff IV iftOPO ift vt r l Wall Wal li Street Streetshe treel treelh J Jiihlo
she h public Ihl mterent by Iy improving Wlj the llvnditi Ihnfhl ther
< > < nditi nfhl < n l if r labor lalo i us unequalled in our ourhtftirr olrI nortuuutrv
I htftirr htO One t iii hundred hlnd1 and ael cl Ily lily ly uch eluhiuuieiitints uchenactment Ih IhAtIInt
enactment AtIInt were wp written rlln in II is our nlr utatutecovering utatute Ialula1nnl tatuttunverung
covering 1nnl the Ih whole hol rnnge lo of If lalmrn lalo in inter InIt intrrets
ter It trrets t m I the li Iii work wnrkhi nkIII hoM > factnriea milieu milieuanil mlll mlllAIIIIr mineaanal
anal AIIIIr ipiar uIar s and ad upon 1111 all Al forma rlnn of lt public publicwork guulIiaork 11
work rk Ne 1 are re proud to record d that Ihlt New Nework S Sork ew ewnrk
ork lion Ill been the th lust ft American mrlt State Statelo tate tateU
lo U provide by h law I for hiarihe the Jh < i > niml IIllr uuuiIory ory corn conipenaation cornpenaation n nnllln
I penaation nf employ rpta mutanlivj tnl per peroaal peraonah r rnal
oaal injurY Injur while hl following rlolnl extra U hazard h hV47arIiVVUPthOflC r
011 ° I occupation uU > and AI 01 alo 1 so to legnM legnMvoluntary legalize legalizevoluntary 117
voluntary agreetnenla AIllntl aa lo compmiottloti t 1ucompenitlunemployerS compmiottlotiiM CmpMII
iM > fern employer mploy and Ad employe mI in il all allther I lI lIthr
ther Ih otoupnlion 1111 V commend CImd the theHW t the11W
HW I la tact t winter 11 which hlrt hurt require r that all allridentx al alleolns
< ridentx 1 in I building 1Ilnl construction and andiigineering AI AIIIrIR ijiultigiuirlng
iigineering IIrIR work ok b 1 he reported to the th t IVom IVomhi om omiMi omr
iMi hi ueionr ioner of at r IjilMir I ut u ir e commend rOlmd the thereaiion Ih I It Itt
reaiion t 11 at lola m I the Ih t It department uipJtrt 1Nrmnl nen I of r the th bureuu bureuuf Ilr1 Ilr1IIIIln
t of > > f mdu IIIIln trieft ru ansi nel immigration immigratione ImlllrAIHn
I I e liellee Ih M I lint capital 111 hotle llv em empt emsIi m
pt sIi ve > l V h h111 ull iii I l Is > e permittMl Innll lo I Is fee rllhM rllhMI l eI that thatwise
wise 4 if I M oinI irit I I e sntaI ntml lo Mlinu MlinuInte etuunutat ml
i Inte la tat its if I a legitinuit 1111111 Ieit ifltuat tnvcfiment 1Inl un et Iflent nnd Rn thus thuiegunri IhI11llallh thusufojuinrI
iegunri 11llallh ufojuinrI the thu pro uroperutv t > erilv whch ha h l h hI hsii hsiiwi > een
ailniiniptrit 41 IIIIIt well I hl rI e tibli > ion 11 aui hud umler InI liepublican liepublicanailniiniptrit JIblc JIblcIIIIIt ltehiuiblicianuiultiuuiuit
ARlrrlTIU ARlrrlTIUW AoittCtIl mrriTfir mrriTfirWe t IV IVvi
We W vi Iwlieve 11 that I lh h eticoiirnsemen eticoiirnsemenof 1 < OlrmI
of agriculture sgrkoiht arltlhlr sir and AII th t hi betterment 1 1oaunutrY f fcountry
lo country lllr lit ha nre or vital t the Ih t he luture 111 tot nrc of I the theStite Ih IhSIUf t Pt PtState
State ireit arei 1 of r productive prII ratult i lands landsnow IndI huindnow
I now idle Idl id I li eiM i 11 I I Ive I hi brniglit Irulh hri u glut under 111 < ulti ultivition ul utitvit
vition vit alnll inn Kii 1111 KIIwhV w lge hg if f mxlerii nnc farming farmingmethod rrruturugu1Ii Orlll
method lh u1Ii husua Ii hh h ild ii I l Is > e a ielv 11 t di l 44nhtnnt minnte 5 I Ithroighout 1ihrsighsU
1lrjhlll throighout ih Snt S Inder He Hepublican I It Itiittihiuuu
publican legiHlatire IgisIt a Ires large LIO oiittiH I hae hael h hRpnrt1 hat hatIsn
111111 l Isn > en nppniprine Rpnrt1 < for or r the t h ettenmoti n nfIMII of offacilities 51 51V
V fIMII fughit facilities tsi for agrtciilturnl ucitulllmi luciition llnIII V for forpreventing ro ro1Itl tsr tsrI
1Itl I preventing the I iPt h upread Ir of f h Inuu of am amlimb Ril aiuuuiaLs
limb and 11 for r th t h > erndicnion rllnlo rztil tin ton of x st t te 1h s sI
e I f 1 e le irvelvi h In I p I I lie Ii it > ntitiuan 1 it I Ill 5 itifl itiflof i iof
of title vital work rk k nnd 11 to the I hi up 111r uptrt rt i iill
111 ill 1 II 11 initlcal intl il li I methiNU u Ih t Ii 1 fur r in III > I > M iie IIII iii 1 g tne tneiiiiintiei I t i iU
iiiiintiei U tush 11 eq of if r1 1t arm run oMrien 1 und 111 furthertig furthertigtheir trIr trIrIhr I i ii ii g
their r iiit 1f tr nst i i We W l 11 sIIv > elt ve iiint Ilal t hOt an n im imIMirtunt In nutI
IMirtunt I irtaul t aid till I to I a s the II t hi ngriculluril R ag neal It ii a11 ru inierevti inierevtiof In t
of f the Ih State SIII w I I lie 1 hi New w YIk > ork State IRI Fur Kuirand Furtin 11
I and tin 01 a I in I ncoiitlniinnieof ut iu slut 1 1111 I ii u satuse of f the I Iu I H > fIrv CV which I Imaking uinrik
making Illkinl inrik in it lhl thl t huts exhibition t hhlil Ii I I sit lout a trleitii 1 of < 1t1ui 1t1uiiton IHM IHMtion c cfr
tion for the Ih farmer rrl and prmluili u t of t u the thegreatest I I11 to togratest
greatest Koo 11 < l
In th the h mien Inlp > t of f the h growth nnd 11 pro pror trnpority ro
r pority rity of cr It th Ihn Slate l l we e favor fRV the tht h roiiMTAi roiiMTAiion eoruersItt IIn IIn1IIIIt
111 ion tl ulteltajsrnflt veloiinent and ld nd < itilizitu 1IIIzI t > n of nil nilour al allitir
our naiiirnl reource If < under condition conditionhowever nnIIIIhl coniut Ions Ionshowever
01 and safe safeguard samguard r rIlart
however hl which will wi protect otr ¬
guard the th right MIhl of r the th Ktato ttat tat We W favor favoruch rlIr rlIrIrh favorsuch
such Ilart regulation llalion of r cxir Ir rIvers nVlr by h storage rtoracerewrvolrK storagepservoIrs Ioag
rewrvolrK 01 or 0 otherwise othfi a A aa will wi multiply multiplyand mulllIal1 multiplyaiii
and al1 equally MIII the Ih hydraulic hylrllo 11r > ower give giverelief I ghvohlef f f1r
relief to t thousand of wag earner am who whoare whoA whoare
are A 1r now nl regularly llarl deprived 5 or work ork dun during duroIn duning ¬
ing In the summer Jlm month prevent needles needlesr nslkwihse
hse r of profit to manufacturing f1faCllrl and nd ndcantl mir mercantile mircantlle ¬
cantile communities crmlnlll stimulate tlmllil the Ih ini iniImildlng IIJ IIJtl uphualithing
cantl Imildlng tl of our nlr Industries eliminate lmlnI the theannual th thanllal theannual
annual anllal hlnl destruction dtrclon of proper profry property < r by h flood floodand food foodAnd floodsand
and improve unsunllarr Inlnltar condition mntiloN and andwe ad adw andwe
we w pledge JII ourselves OIrlv lo the t h prompt lrml1 adon adonThe atlotThe 100 100I
I The Th Heather Heathers fthr fthrI IeatherSepi
I s Sepi pi I r THe Tt Fiorth 1lnlam rnnlbrtlwaT4 lwanl mo nntefiPflt mml ft of f lh lhirn the theeuon M Mm
irn from m if lUr ll f e Mjpertnr Inn rfton Io troughS tiroKilllit
lit 1 rrnlre n to St ItS In immth m11 of the I It I Ijtmrmrr r rtftiltr rtPfly
tftiltr silt 111 r rein ln In Sfw s w K Ynland ngIan4 < ln < 1 1rro ant en4 I flue MIn raaletnrrntInfe
rro rrntInfe 111 lnre 501 nitf 111 h faIr lrw alI sthef tli lr fnlluwtnc fnUII In I th Ile < mMitle mMitlextUnlr mSIdltfnIr dl dlI
I xtUnlr lank SI 4ttft t < ant n n1 < l lkr al akettgtt rrton rrtonMt In Intl
Mt ptr pretiuif < ur sirs r 01 f lane la rinrTtl rinrTtlro ruopunitsnrntei4 111
i ro rr rntei4 rr tl l itS ll IB She lt founlrv tOln 11 1 of ifc II the ItwUy 11 Unnn UnnnUln UnI Zntnhairs
hairs hairsItetfttPt3
I Krlttltrlj ItlII Inw I nm a were arpurrol a ra In th thrHttne Ihn the theetrelTe
rHttne n Nirlh lh1 rthsPt t sal n1 were r 4ttn suten4ot Indl > tr > t bv II tu Htil Htiltr 111 111a iItleSi
Throithint the < h interior nt nttrr nrt 1 1tp
tr Si n > prrrlpliallon rlaln Tbm1 II nlro
trr tp ro t rnsOrt ntr > it lIP t wralher all sus a < f ItS ItStu l lIt 1II
It was rmfr amr In southern oinh Ihn rn std nil etsiPrO < f rn n nfnlllanl > rw rwErgiani w wrn
rn Ergiani l ml mni In all 11 Motion e es < inf n nt ft ute MltIttiV MltIttiVetnept ll l lppl lpplctrrpl
ctrrpl fnlllanl In fM nr liliboina IklI T IPlit i Sri Sritritro nd > sllrn > w wllrilrn
llrn llrilrn 11 In tf t 11 1 rrxlnn CIlA l leonstilmnts > nn l > nl and andI IntlO n < t tNr
Nr O s rll I It I II > rttnfr rttnfrIn oI r rIA rIn
In tfl rltr rl It MIs loMi1r 1 In I the h rrr Can arl momlnr momlnrrmrlii rutirninrPITUI mlnc mlncrh
rmrlii rh end In ilei 1 wind I lfldV < frr t i ionnrlh n nnl nnlu sl slttAIP t tiktintr
iktintr u hltrillU hmlll M rrr er m r rn < lwirnir tarnzar n i r rm rmrrrlrtl tl tlrlj rotrrrll
rrrlrtl rlj I 15 iriJ I t > aml a 5tt CS al l V M I V tins Tin 11 J Jl I M MHC tiann
ann > HC >
annTb l Tn ieTtlrJitljrP rII rsuertsu at ri nrll I0 I Im1 10 10niflrS
m1 IDrulu therisameler r l 5 Inn nwn Ii t lh II the mount mountllr
IKin lIln it tt tn Ire 191 1510 If Ifu IU St U UI
u I A t U 1 7o M 4 I ti I1 I M Mi f f7J af
i 7J a A r t u i ii Al A At sI
i t i > M M f t I s r ir i MM MMili 1 J auItrtt <
ili 1111 uItrtt lir t lrmtr 1Ia umfwrur < ar 7 74 l I1 I U Uoionsoio YonO US
oionsoio S liStfl1O onO rKfr rprrAsf ru < r f r in 1 u I IT f ANt XD p pI To ToMORROW tIPPIO5UiWV
I 0 ritirn orn rv oo I Vtfk 1 I Vrv Kmttanit 1 la laIM a ely elyVV
IM VV nl 1 I O mrrH ligSP 101 lit 0 mltltrtlf mltltrtlff
f V i V > if > 0 r mlg o oYo tlrlftlr tlrlftlrfor Iss Pr Prro
for lh II the lil 101 tlttfti ttit or if f i oluMnU 1 fturnt ram Tmn Tmnl rrn reaniii
iii 11 > l > ala nl > S Vl irrv 5t 1 lirlaonie I a1 nil Ur UaryIanl III > Un < t tf
f Iii lr with I tricirxte 1 irmprmt mpetIuVlfP 1 ire in dux < r and nd n < In Inmnrro I II Innorm
norm I IKhi 1 lo motriKf morr smut 1110 l rromlnf lrromhillrIsSl > rromlnfrlAhl roml
I rlAhl rlAhlFor rIsSlEar
I For w searn i rn rw eik 01 and nd wrttrrn wytletittIntn lm l 1nM 1nMI tin yi yivtnl
vtnl al fair sir txtir e < at n < t tn I morrow Ubt UC I lo lotbk 1 tst tstIbil
I tbk tl otnili lla becoming btCmlc III outticrU ct
tlon or cuch ech mnatltutlonal rnllllinnal and ad nalutorr nalutorrnactnveota tatutnrVnvtmnt alutor
ena nactnveota 10t M waccompU wiaccmpUb wIlt accompUsh h hThe t theic hfs toW enda endaCAja
C CTh CAja CAjaThe
The Th buainoMlike hulnlke m rthfxU m8hOl which hav havcharacterised bn bntharcI hYIScharacterized
characterized tharcI the th work ok nttending nudn Hx Hxcons I II ts1cnruitriiction
I 1cnruitriiction cons CNtlton tnict ion or the tb borg bAjt canala tnal und IIndr IIndrtpuhltn under underItepuhhlcan r rItepubllcan
Itepubllcan tpuhltn adrnlnUtration tmlnltAtlon during turlne Cb CbI thhaut the thelai
lai haut > t Iwo I wo year should IM I highly hlll grail gratifvmg IrAI grailftng
fvmg to all II the Ih peopl III of the th Slate Iat tate and andthey unItS nd ndthT
S they ar are lo b h be congratuUted cncrtllllt on the th fact factthat taLo tactthat
that the tl efficiency mrfnc chowti h by the th author authorities authorIties Ihor IhorI ¬
ities I to whom this moat mOt important InplMAnt or1i aorthas or1ihas 0 0h
has h lxH been > n intriwted ulrendy fl tjunirs nure ita itacompletion itarOplloo Itsconupletlon
completion rOplloo wjthiu wit bill the tf original rllinnl estimate estimateThe aatinatI lrl lrli
i The imnnrtanv lpMn of bringing hrlltillg this work ork to toa 10a toa
a completed state tt nt an n early date tl cannot mnnntI
1 1 o ivertImati > er stlmatcd and we w pl IIi pietigs xlg the tht theP
1 party to this accomplishment accomplishmentI nlmplihmnt nlmplihmntI
I OhAnr rn RISO rntbitNn4TI RISOTI tsni tsniTlie
I Tlie TI Slate Itf u I already rd committed tmmild to it the th th11fY thisIi
1 iolicv 11fY o contributing lntrihllni it 11 Its share ht toward towardnliolltion towirdthe
th the nliolltion llon of r grade crd crowlnc lnl a matter matterhii Atr Atrhlh
I a hii hlh hnh h the th rn rnlld id growth Irnwt nf fr f lotli our turban urlvanand luhanI
and n1 rural wpulatlon ia daily IRi making mnllnl muu ¼ ini of ofmore ormor ofmore
I more importance Imprnt and Ind we f favor a reason reasonable reasonable an anAhl
able Ahl lilmralltr UIrll nf npnropriation br hl thin thoStole th thSIAl thinStat
Stole for thl purp purpfONDRMNATiov I purpose purposeOOPhfNATifl4 < < <
fONDRMNATiov OSOrJSTln nurricr nurricrWe rluc1cP
We e urge lre upon upn the th 1egialature the th re reenactment n ri rienactment
enactment fnlmnt of the ch proposed proI1 amendment amrndmvntto Rrndmnt
to the th Constitution Contlulon which wa WIS wuui ndontcd ndontcdby Idoptf adnptndby
by y that Nxiy at t its It I last I orvsion 11 nnd which whichi whilehprovisies
i provide poi that the th value of ii r private prop property proprty
I rty taken tlkn for or public 111 use I shall hAi l li twa ascer ascert secertamed prop
t tlln1 tamed sine I by the thf Supreme aupreme Court COlr ouirt with or orwithout orwllholt orwithout
without wllholt a Jury Jllr In addition Rdltnn to the th other othermethods othrmlh15 othermethods
methods now provided by Iy law I to the theend th thnd theend
end nd i hut the Ib grns rrss extravagance trYACnr that now nowprevail nowpreytuhl
prevail in condemnation rdmaton proceeding pOlnJ In Insome In1m Inmom
some 1m section lol of f the th Stale 11f thte may 11 no longer longerl Inn < tr trI
l he > e imH > d llpn upon tha he h tn tAT ipaym ipaymTfriKIU zpuyerI
We W favor conservative Stale action In Inthe Inth inthe
nralv cton
the th prevention rrnlnn and I cure of tuherculosU tuherculosUrnKVRXTlNn luhrclI luhrclIrIVI tuhercuineisraEvTtJn
rnKVRXTlNn rIVI Tsn rniMART rRIUfT r mans mansI RAr RAri Arp Arpj <
i w e believe tI that tht the Ih same m safeguard safeguardshould iuifeguiarrtaI rltlar
I should surround Ilroln1 primary election 11t0n ns ni have haveI h hn
I been n shown to II he I prrr effective tfct in preventing preventingrepeating pvnllncrJtlna pteventtnrepeating
repeating rJtlna sod nd fraud frut at general elections electionsWe 1lon 1lonW
We W therefore favor r or extending nd the Ih signs signature signslitre I n ntl ¬
S ture tl law lw a now IOW applied JI1 lo general < elec election eielions < 10 10ton ¬
ton lo primary pmAr elections electionsi Itlon ItlonEcoso
i rrosoviT rrosoviTWe Ecoso r rW
We W demand dfmanr the th moat mnt rigid rcill economy economyi Inomy InomyIin
i Iin in every vr department of the th Slate 11 AI always alwayswith alwayswIth 1 1llh
with llh due dl heed hf to the Ih growing nwtll ne neoda 1 1a of r rlommowlth a agreat agreat
great Commonwealth CommonwealthPinrrr lommowlth lommowlthtlfFC
To Oov 00 hughes IIh I i is due hl the t credit Irlt of ofarousing ofrnllil ofarousIng
arousing rnllil the Ih interest of n the th people und undconvincing uuntconvitieIn
convincing rnllrnc them of the th need of 0 directly directlyelecting directlyV
V electing their thflr party oRlcem m and directly directlynominating itireetlynonuinatin
nominating nOOlnatnc their party It candidate nUllllll We Wepromise W Wpromi Wepromise
promise promi Initiation which will il enact enactthree enactlItres IRc I Ith
three th principle pnrpl Into hlo law We W appenl appenlwith aiaiwutiwith
with confidence rfnt to the Ih intelligence 1IIn ansi nndpatriotism Rndpat ansipatriotism
I patriotism pat rio l ot the t h people 111 for r or the h Indorse Indorsement Inlo Inlomnt indorsument
ment of 0 if this platform and nr nt1 the Ih election electionof Irlot
V of f the t I candidate rdi of thi t this convention conventionTtir conventionrii 1 lllo llloT
Ttir T rii I Mfsow m I rnmr rnmrPrlmar I It I r rPrlnlr rPrIniar
Prlmar Return tIM Seen nl to Indicate lug IllcMrenctli Ils IlstIlh luge
Mrenctli e tIlh for nr Tone 4nnrcssnan 4nnrcssnanRotn rr man manBOTO
BOTO OTn Sepj Z fteturns I urn from nun h hnepubllcnn hnpuhlnn Pthlepululitan
nepubllcnn npuhlnn primaries held tonight hl indi indicate inrilsSte ¬
cate that Congressman lunlrII1 llutler luIIr Vtanas mc of ofi ofInweli
Inweli i going to I give 11 m United Llllrl Stnte StnteIxxlce SIAhnal tats tatsKnatsar
Knatsar nal Ixxlce Iodl 1 > stronger Irnnl light l ht for re reelection r releet ¬
election leet lost than 111 was anticipated IIIRI1 by h the themachine Ih Ihmarh thurmachine
machine marh lenders lendersWith leattersutht
With lh utht no 1 tu contest 11 over np the th State Ial ticket ticketwhich Ilk IlkWlllh V Vwhich
which Wlllh t us to l Is > o head hRI1 d by Governor Cornnr IraH 1Ir 1IrI llrsjsr llrsjsrI r rI
I I once ont R more In there wu < n dectdnl fnllmi fnllmioff rR111
off ol 0 from the I customary attendance alpllan ut utIthe II IIth utI
I the th caucuses alll in 1 ninny mKII places piA hut 1 m I the thedistrict Ih Ih11lrlct thelaiistrhcts
11lrlct laiistrhcts district where whr there th wn u a dean all cut cutI
I I Iseue 11 lietween Ijinlge 111 and n1 Am 1 nt s Home Homeintere 1m 1mIIrlt collieInterest
Interest IIrlt t was namfeiited namfeiitedi 1lrI1 1lrI1I
I i Thi 1 hi was wirticiilarly rllIL1 so 0 in the th Mem Memmtc Inlm Ientmis
mtc m nlley 11 where h tongrewmsls ongre tnaii Ames Ameiippetr Amesagapurs 10 <
01 iippetr hy h the th returns ll lo I it ha Puutu Puutuuinuasiaully e been beenlinueiMlly 1
linueiMlly IInlI succw suiccvastuil fill in I the th selection IoIN of ofdelegate ordIR ofilelegates
delegate dIR to the th rtrpre htuiireeututthv ent tve and andSenatorial I flf flfenatoriah II IInlorlal
Senatorial convrntlons convrntlonsCol nln nlnCol
Col ol Ante nu reillv fl I did lr not eipect > to tosecure t toereur
Irr secure the Ih nomination nomlMlon of Hepiibllcans Hepiibllcansfor Up I hl r1 r1for
for the th legislature Ijltllr sufficient lnnt in I number numberto nlmtwr
to bring hrilp alMiiit allt his hi election to t the th Senate Senatewhen Inal Inalwhn 4natwhen
when a vole 011 i taken up lP on the Ih expiration expirationnf ilnitt Imtion Imtionor Ion Ionof
nf Mr Ir Ixxig lundgcs term next March Inh but hii he hewa h hw hewas
wa w much mich gratified Jt1 tonight tn Rht At the Ih how showtog howing hnwinl
tog ingI inl togThere
I There T wa a no n opposit 11 i > I the h nom nomination nomI noml11P1t ¬
nation I 11P1t I 100 on nf r nine nil n 110 of f the Ih u pieeent PS fl He Iwln Iwlnhii iMicnn iMicnnCongvsimen iIirtnV
V Congvsimen 5 tgrsrnrn but hii m I the I I Vuiili h el flt mHt rust tritlher rustihier 1 1Ih
lher Ih is a 1 tight l hl l lswecr > ewe ri Henry Ir I IVrie IVrient Islet Isletof
nt r l lecniintrr < inim nlnI ter and ni illlnm Iln II I Wilder IA Ihl ilul n f fnrdne ffAdnl frnrdn
nrdne fAdnl t suerit UC < H th la I i ongrcMiinat ongrcMiinatTirrell tirreMluual1ritl 11
Tirrell Tlr Mr lr husni ierc > sac ns A made RI a memlier memlierof rIIr rIIrnf
of the I Hooeevelt III tiatutitis tllllins IA cluli wi 01 who II lie liewes h hC tnwcq
wes C re rrwrtil irted t tt have rl h iust given Il out It Putt ihutHi Itln Itlnhl1 Puttltoaievrht
Hi ltoaievrht evei hail hl1 indorsed his II Iii cundidacv cundidacvi
i I lnte Jite JI nt retuirtie urns how h shut Ih he h delegate I whi whiwill nh nhwill h hwi
will wi nominate n 1 cnndidtte Knllbl f T r the Ih nli nlinre iilte iiltean 1 1A
nre A an verY r evenly vniy nlv divi divuial divuialAll < l d dAll j
All 1 the Ih pivseiii 5i5VI llI Stnte SIn I 0 ohlcuri > Clir < will w1 le I Ilonllt1 II
1 renoniltmteii lonllt1 except t Xttomeyfjenerni tumrInl tumrInlaln
1 Ma Malone aln lone whowill wh who W willis II l sticf uuiVrPld ei < l 11 the t In Wet WetIT 11 11I
I h IT District lust run Al ttornV lum lame M Swift Slt of ofKail sfFall r
Fall Hiver Hiveri hIhuerdoniestens
i fontI doniestens nnle lers from time I Mnelrentti Mnelrenttii
I i A d lgition of Pm11 emo > rn < from Ui UiNineteenth II I ho hoNun
Nineteenth SIInlh Nun tant Pt Asini M > HI 11I1 Iv district with withAlderman wit h hIrml1 as asAlitorman
II Alderman Irml1 lime 11 1 1 its I head lfi ft lust night nightfor tuughtfor rhl rhlro
for ro Itochester 10hlr to prot t hilt 11 things Ilml wo wonot winot
not 1 n I they should b 1 I at II the uht I primtr jirumnaresituchit rlnt e eKichnrd
Kichnrd Ulrhlr1 rl K t Weldon xv hlIL one nn of tb I hi delegation delegationsnd ou ousuit
suit I vterdav tttla hat I hll ih II u huv v wer Inking Inkingwith IRklll1 takutijWI
with WI h thom anidaviis uutlIixa vii 5 showmc th th1 t i > ut 1 it of ofl oflIi
l lIi i votes 1 Vi hud IIII not i i ro y cast castTh 11 11h utstih
Th h Iemorratii I hn erut 11 I rpre n ntaive 5u tt I tss tssI of ofthin
thin Ihl I distirt its I nt th II I I ionentioti 1 are a n hid > < l ll II
I > v Alilrmiti A 1111 hi rmns ii Imii hul I it nu h hr irn a ru I agiinoi agiinoiwhom u g I s tutu tutua
whom a 1 ltnie 1 I I uis receiitlv t I v m iii id it 1 H I tight l tig hl Ii for forthe Ii at atthis r rIh
the Ih leadership Il 1 tlie thu h i Illh
itiiii iii I ii l lit h I 5 t lletilillcaii nIIn II i oil ati uf Tenti reui I Ii Nr Nrlcre t tIerr
lcre Ir > foncreo nnr r l III ItIIrIsI ItIIrIsIIluthrtiml l lrlcl lrlclllUtlierfold rhl
I llUtlierfold 1111 II I Set S if f t l Iu1 Sew SewYork ow owvi
York vi u1 ir k wt i noininit munuut fllI1 u isa t s I fi f Congress Ior t on gns on ih ihIteplllllli h hI
I Iteplllllli III tlrket tusk li I isl l nielli hl I 1 > V ttl Ii dele deleglllev
glllev WI gut I i representing IIn11 I prsemut a ti g the Ih I It 1nlh Tenth ii I ongre ni V 1 1district 5ilitrii
i district 1t11 of if S New ew ler 1 ierrt ev I he I Pt nruelilum nruelilumwax iso tIII II IIaM 555 555wis
wax aM Ield 1I n Turn Hall Iall I 1IInl Imilotu tiifin Hill 11 1 Th Th1lf1 Tbifietrirt h hdistrict
district 1lf1 is a t IIIOl fhtniwru > emo < Ttiii > trongh P rongIolui rongIolui1I4F011 ld ldwr
wr 11 1I4F011 J sit f sr T i innhnt I I II n nIt Us UsI
It I Keeping rtna Out of Politic rlt > nw n n at Far JrI a aHe as asIts
He I C an anST anST n nRT
ST JAM JdtP KM I I Sept 5 William Willm1 Willm1Oaynor J JOaynor 1 1flaynor
Oaynor U I a 1 country Cllntry gentleman nlmn once oncemore onl onlmor oncemore
more He I wants wn II I distinctly dllncly understood understoodthat Jdrllood JdrlloodIha
that Iha at t present he h is I not lot interested IntrI in any nnyway Rnywy anyway
way In n the th Governorship or in fact factIn falt faltIn furtin
In politic olitice at nil I eicept 1It from the th 111 111lor > ecia ecialor
lor rll a point plnl of view vl And nd it most disin disinterested itisInteresied 1 ln lnItor ¬
terested spectator Itor he h nppmr In I l IIi Pu PuIlls > e eHi
Hi Ii Ills visitor iUo tire r few r nnd since N Im hnlahl hn hntaiil hutsa
taiil emphasis on 01 his hi rejection JII of the theDemocratic th thmorlr thiDemocratIc
Democratic morlr nomination nomlnlol they are Rr not notl ntInt notbent
l bent > ent on political pUlnd errand errandThi fmnITl erransteThis
This Tl morning mrmlnl the th only caller rdlr nt Deep Deepwell UIwl flee fleewells
well wl wa was an n Insurance Illrn adjuster whocame who whocam hn hnc
cam c down to settle I I up p the th award Iwrd for forthe forth forthe
the th Mayor Ian burned barn m He I hi stnyrd for foralMiiit forIut forshout
alMiiit an hour hOlr poking pklnl around in il the theruin Ih thetuhtiiu
ruin ru I mind asking klnl tiumeautlons < iucstlon tlnn When hn hnleft h hItt lieltt
I left the th Mayor Ior railed ujwm I one on of f his hisneighrmr hi hinlthl hisneighbors
neighbors nlthl to consult c111 with lh him hll about IIKul IIKulI aboutbuilding nboulbuilding
building hlirlnl a new harms ImrnIn hr
I In the Ih afternoon Assistant Corporation CorporationCounsel CoIortrol onporaflomiI
Counsel t N H J Crowell lrw11 called C I I lit I pay iwu hit hitreupwU hi hiI hisnespe4t
reupwU I I One On of n the th neighbors also alsodropped iIs iIsdropiwt I
I dropped in Kxcept pt for these thM three Ihr visi visitor vlsitorn i ito ¬
rroPI1 torn to the th Mayor tor wn WRI was left tn hu hi own WI deviceall device 1 1al leviusall
all al day He kept kp close r In his hi home hmIIf hmIIfI iilnre iilnreni Iiscemoat
I ni 01 moat > r t of the Ih time t venturing nllnl out III for o a aw I II utwsik
w wlk < < lk along IIUII the Ih dusty romU only 111 nt I n It IthOr Ute Utehour
I hour hOr in the th afternoon nflcrnoonMayor afternoonMayor rmnol
Mayor Oaynor OYllr caught I1hl n Iwd hil cold rllaa n as n nresult Ar111 maresult
result r111 of having halnl his hi betnl trimmed and andhe studhe Ill Illh
he h i just getting rllll over fV ov n It I This liii cold r11 he headvances h hRIAn luattvuinc
advances ax R th thuu ict on for his h silence simt 1 char during charIng 11 ¬
RIAn ing the Ih tact IA I ten tIl days rAY The Th slight UJhl illnMs illnMsha IIII IIIIhall slits slitsPuss
Inp ha hall brought rl hl home in II him tr > dinger hna that Ihtlstill thMIil thatstill
still threatens hi his cons 0 thrivii Ihti V w so he h hInl huea H Hgoing
a going Iil vuts i y and In1 nt nlwyutg IIYII th doctor doctororder ilurtnrsorders 1lorI
I order Inl He I hi Is I only just JIt beginning I IIIII to I read readthe raMilI 11 11Ih
the Ih pnpers pnpersIrinner paprsSpinner r rI
Spinner lnr to Innre Minn MinnWARIIINOTOS riiunept lul lulW
I WARIIINOTOS W IIISOTOS Sept ept II y s Pnnrw 111 Shut sinmwas SII SIIW Shutwas
was W entertained nlra at I dinner tonight toll11 ut I the theChinese Ih theiIhtlie
1111 Chinese Ixgatlon ljlton by t hang hani Yin n Tang Tangthe TangthE rnl
the I Chinese llln Minister fler Ir th h dlnnr dlnnrAdmiral Unl lion r rAdnilrsl
Admiral Hah Nh left Uuslnngton llntol for Newimri NewimriSVw wJwiri wJwiripws
SVw SI pws Vn 4 where wh loinorro Inwr he h f will wl In Inspect InI Inliauct ¬
liauct spect the I h yard nl of r Ih I the h Vewport < 01 01flphlldin Newa NewaShipbuilding < we weI
I Shipbuilding flphlldin and and n1 Dry y Dock HOI I oumipssiiv oumipssiivlTh < > minnv minnvTb m mIn
Tb Prince Prlnt will wi leave Ia for New ea w lorn ur irs at atI
In I 4 o clock cok tomorrow ComOrOw ComOrOwA
n f1 KtKmox l1rTW is I rrr OFF rn rnCOXSflT Tt TAOSfIT
COXSflT WITH Wi TtMZtt iTIWM1Vliaa TtMZttPlan TU11rt1
Plan rt1 I Another Republican Rpblfn IfprUr Departure DepartureIHie
IHie Ut t te Raotetrlt RIult Tne T Cnlonr loll Mup MupItorler Mp up uplrters
Itorler I > rt Ma M The T Tltll fl Control It hp 3 3to 22 22Co Uto
to in 18 The New Committee ommIU Member MemberSARATDOA 3lembrsPi4ftATOOVV lfml lfmlA
SARATDOA A TO Sept St 2 I For a decade rfAd and andmore andmor andmore
more the Ih Itepubllcnn npublCn machine mchln of the theState th thetate i ittat
State ttat tate has hA l been > en ln practically prclAU organized organizedImmediately olnlz olnlzarlr organizedImmediately
Immediately after the h adjournment nt nf nfthe orth ofthe
the th Stain convention Tonight there therewax th therewas r rlaJ
wax laJ n new nlW departure Mu There Tht wan a achange adln achange
change dln In the th old 01 time lm custom cltom Col ColRoosevelt Co CoHnflt CoiRorwuevelt
Roosevelt Hnflt had a conference rfrnc with Car Corneliu rornlu Carnelisuut
neliu nlu Y Collin 10111 during the th final fli mo moment mD mDmn momenU ¬
of th the convention and
menU mn nntnn anllmmMAII anllmmMAIIart Immediately Immediatelyafter
after art adjournment was A rNth1 reached Perma Permanent PIm PImnnt Permanisni ¬
nent Chairman C Id rn n Hoot Hot got t word wor from Col ColIloosevrlt CoIO11 ColItoneevelt
Iloosevrlt IO11 nnd Mr Ir Collin Cflhul that tht there th would wouldtie
tie I no meeting mlnl after alr the thl convention ad adjourned od odJoumf adjouumed ¬
journed Joumf of the thl new Slate committee committeeelected cmmlU cmmlUf11 committeeelected
elected f11 in thi I hi convention conventionThere conventionThere
nnlon nnlonThr
There were fr further conference nrfrfnC and andChairman antilutlrman nd ndChalrmRn
Chairman Knot 1ot announced nnollnf1 that tht letter letterwould In Inw011 letterswosilti
would w011 l Is e sent lt to the th member m of the theState th thStnl theState
State committee rnmmlt later informing them themwhen thmhn themwhen
when hn the th committee lrlt would wOIII me mt t for fororganization rornnIZllnn fororganIzatIon
organization Mr Ir Collin Coln aald ald later lrr that thatthi tht thtthl thatthis
this meeting 1lnl would olid lie I It held In New ew York Yorkcity YorkcIty nrk nrkriy
city riy at t the th headquarters htquMen 43 4 East t Thirty Thirtyninth TIM TIMnlnlh Thirtyninth
ninth street streetBoth atreetBoth
Both Col l Roosevelt n flt and nr Mr Ir Collin Collinwere Colin Colinr Collinswere
were r risked i1 a as 1 to tl who would woull Iw II the th new newchnirmnn nwchlrmnn newchairman
chairman tn Ii succeed ul Mr VcxxlruT nfcmr and andImth anIloth antiboth
both replied rpl1 that the new nf chairman chairmanhad t1lrmln t1lrmlnhel
had not been I selected llt1 and nd he would wmld not notbe notnlmf
be 1 named nlmf until Intl consultation nlallon had been beenheld hfn hfnhhl beenheld
held with Henry Inry I Htunwui IIn the candidate Ih thucandidatefor candidatefor < ndldatfror
for Oovernor nOT ml l because > ecaus all th the new n State Statechairman ttt ttthAlmlAn StatschaIrman
chairman must be in full rlll sympathy ymp1thy with withthe withth withthe
the th candidate for finvrnor nfvmor and with wih hi hiplan hiplnll his hisplati
plan of r csmpnign cmpn It I Is said Ir here hf tnntghl tnntghlthat tnllhl tnllhlthAt tonghtthat
that Representative llrrlxrt lrlr Pnn lAnonl larsnna > nna may mayl iA iAI
l Is > e the IhO new 11 chairman thatrln It ha ha has been n the thecustom th thrl111 theciuctotli
custom rl111 for rfr the chairman chAlrRI of r the com commute cornmittes m mrl ¬
mute rl to t lie h a member IIIIr of the Ih committee committeeand cotnmittesnl rmlt rmltn
and n Mr Ir Parson IAtn u II not a nitml 11br nwmntur < er nf the thecommittee th thIAIIr thecotlltnittu
committee committeeHeptreontatlve cotlltnittuhtesrecntattva
Heptreontatlve Calder IAIIr nf r Brooklyn Brooklynalthough I Rrocklyntultlinuigh 1 k 11 11allh11
although allh11 not a meml inemlur mlr > er of the th com committee vomitmitt 1 1mil ¬
mittee mil mitt like Ik Ilk Itcprvwntntive Parsons JIfl IK IKalm I IOl iiisic
sic Ol > mcnt mcnsneal > ned for r State llt chtlrmin chtlrminMr rhlnl1
Mr tr Cilder l IIr and 1 Mr 1 Parsons Ja coill 111 easily entlvlnNouie easilylsiiiiue IIY
lnNouie meinlMr rl of the Ih mmmittee mil by bythe byI
llh the I Pt retirement rus of two Iw S wo of if r their I friends friendsMany I rsncisI
1111 I Many if > f th itti Hepubhcins Mill tl believe believethit Ih IhI tslievethat
I that t 1 Mr Ir Colm 1111 is to Im I iu the th new n Stat Statchitirmin Htlt Htlt1rmll Statthsarmaii
chitirmin chitirminThen thsarmaiithen 1rmll
i Then too o the th name IAm of President Lloyd LloydC
C inscom nm of the th New S York county com committee cornmhttuu m mll ¬
mittee ll i is mentioned rnuon for Stale t chairman chairmanMr
Mr Ir 5riscom Irifm < is I H member lmhr of r the th com comnntt tI comitI
j I nntt nt rnuttui e and AIII should Ihould he h become hl Mate chair chairman rbArmRI chairI ¬
I man mRI it t is I proposed pril I I lull 11 t RepresentativeParsotm Representative Itepresentatuveiarsnns
Parsotm IAfl should houll return IIm tn hi his old 011 place placeA Ilac iiaceI
i A president of th tl tha New S York ok county countycnmmittM countyomuitittes unl unlmllt
cnmmittM mllt It has been frequently rrunly said saidthit codthat l
I thit Mr Ir Incl inscnm nsvoni only nnl took tok the th place iI I Ir tn tnserve toserve
serve r thus year ar and Inl that tht if the I Roosevelt Knoneveltforces UOYI RooseveltIorct
forces ror on 0 nt t this convention Inlon he h wa WI t to toI i iretire
I retire tl ind 11 give J the th place 1111 to I Mr I larnn larnnThere lnrII lnrIII harconaThiene
There is in amount mOlt ol speculation JIIAuon an antn a atn asto
I tn the th strength llth of Col Hooeevelt and that thitof thatif
of the 1 old 10 hui Kuird 11lnl in I the Ih new W State com commill tI ni
i mill 111 101 t usi ltosevalt iK > sevelt and nt ins 111 friend friendsay fnII fnIIIh1 fruenlsvsay
say that they t control nlml the th new n committee committeeby rrmit
I by a vote 1 of n ut l 0 Ir II I rh lhe he old 011 guard unl ear earthai sayttust y ythl
thai thl thev th < riinlv llv hnvesixteenmember hnvesixteenmemberat havecixteen mmhr mmhrI members membersI
I at I the Ih moment rmnl hut further than that thatthey tal talIh thatthey
I they Ih will wil not lot fo goV o oh
V 1 he h fe fea dlMiitermted hII11 Hepublicin nIhllR who whoan whoj
j an n I found olnt utter fl the th ructions rlclon that lht have havebeen lw havelwen
been ral rulerui < ii here h urn tin r cnnvince < i that thltCol IIt IIte1 thatttl
Col Ilo Risrlt < iiM ret 4iid fl ut his h hP friend Crt will i cnn cnntrnl mntol control
trnl the th new Slate SII 1445 committee rmnlt hy about aboutihe aboutthu bolltI
ihe I thu figure 1ItI the Ih Colon claims Ial that tlit i is 72 72lo nIn 2 2In
In in II Of 0 course l these th disinterested disinterestedHot
11 It Hot iibltciin hhII en g n nn to t It relate thai tl it i is isapparen I IsaaIu
apparen aaIu rru I Itt ha for the II t It neit Isl I two I 0 year M ss un unle 1 anI
I le I 111 there I hr i is a < hlllge m I the I h hi present rnt lines linesthe hn linesslit
the 11 5IIsttla ipp I g fl taas < e4 III I Ihe Ih cnlllllltttee cnllllllttteewill CIit ofluIuttteeS
will S iii I mike Hung I hnll miglity lllt uncomfonable uncomfonableAs 11oforII 11oforIII
I As a i rule ul for many allY ye yuari r n > many ml of r the themeetings I thetruttngs h hI
I meetings nl of Ir the Ih committee lil were llmiwt llmiwtunanimous ultiunstunnlulnuolts
unanimous Inllll on must 111 nil t oulion oulionThe 11101 I 1101 lofts loftsI
I The Ti new > Slate Committee Ilit Delected 1f1 by byc h hnl
c I ongna mgre nl distrift slid 11 rltt riot for the I h lie neu U two I Wa years yearsfrir yusnI 1
I 11 Ihlow IhlowI
I frir t nst t ditrut tl lrl Smith tIlth Cot 10 ot Timothy I IrxMliulT III IoiwlithT
rxMliulT II 1 IMWI M I S Stiarey iey y I J JlmngNtim Jt
i lmngNtim 11 iit IItn ilugstomu V I lV 1 H I Kmcke Irrk n i Alfred K Kn J h hus
n MichaelI I uthal J Padv 1 V i > Uenrge I leong C rotn rotnwell ro rotnwell
well 1 u I I hirles harl II I Murray urmy l II lii Samuel m S SHoeing t MI
I Hoeing lnll II I Michael 1111 HUke llk 13 1 < tmrles hMrl K Kle 1 Kt
t le t o > n t llovd 11Icl C I I iriMorn miorii II I I II I S SJohnson t SJohunmI
Johnson Iuhn ll I briihnrn inh inilxr tnllr in II Morn MornLew Morrist lot
t Lew I 17 t Mr itu s M 1 M MiIu < Kee I in 1 William WIII H HI I IIVl
TI Vl I en lv k IM I V ilhatn lhl I I inl lfl M i James InmeKilb21 IRmIAHI JameslilIt
Kilb21 lilIt i IAHI I 415 j > ui r l Payn 2 3 c I u Collins CollinsM 1lh 1lhlil
M i William lil S I i into Kirnes Itrlr ltu rtus J r i Philip Illhp Phi il i a Klling KllingM Jh Jhh Ill lug lugS
M S lohn h h F Stewart SIal 1M Fdwin < A Merrill MerrillIr rtl
V Ir I M Je 1 Jesiw llrnylon ImI M < Mdiregor llirI A AIhillil AlhuIlit
Ihillil Ihlll v KratKu Hendrnk 3 Xi Ceorge CeorgeIllllti iurg iurgI
I t Illllti I sustt IIt 31 V Chlirle 5 lah It 1 llelU inu I Sc K iet ePrg ePrgt ge geAldridge
t Aldridge A llrI Isitusig 31 311 1 SliHit KiiHsett 11 11 1 lumen lumeniid lain lainIn
I iid orth rh Ir 31 3 lohn lirirnni 11111 rumimiu Ir IrI
3 31 > t illiiiinll ullisuti I II I I Piruels I i 11 Frank rak It I I Her HerKru tt r rIru
I Kru Jr Irtitice Irfh m I the Ih convention vauuveutsmuI 11 moveil moveilthlt
thlt I ha t lie I o i ollltllltlei Iii 11 I t I 1M etnHlMere mti I i nwi < l tsp tilIPMHIII I tspt
t a IPMHIII 1111 wu Is t a 0 1 met 11 ll lwr I n ut us t large lrl Is rg to t rcpri rii srunt srunthIu ent entlli
lli > ilor < o vler Ir f theStili and 111 it 1 WHM WHMin uis uisSt
St IS 1 iii in 5 fti 1 l llinrlx I lu r I W V Anderson t IrI iutiarc tlu lh lhI tl t hi hiI < >
I nlliHtor a 1 1ct sr if r lull II I ii lull 111 tat I lleViMllle I III I I ft ftlrlt New Newrk
I lrlt > rk k will 1 I > rede realesgttaii IIJ lgluled I a I this Ihl Iliem Ilieml 11 11I
I r ci S 1 Pilv 4 f Brooklyn 1kl1 mov susvui susvuiI l lHint
111 I Hint t isti t two I 5V5 5 niinlr ri il s S lirge Ir I IIIIIIIIN hat liii I I to ton I Ii tri
i n ri > pr ii > < MI II tin t ti iiiloreil 9 1 r I s 1171 I t I IsIts of I If th Siit Siitin SI SIII S Ia t till
in II order lhit 11 ii na might Illhl U I > nitne Linual a < l from fromKing frmI frsuuiV frsuuiIirugs
King I county rlittt lt lo I repre til the II his I IMHI IMHIcolored
colored is Si 1 rS I xliT un heft t This Th ThIrl s moiion IsisS I Is v wuss wussI n ndfeitei
dfeitei I 1a to I even Irl 5 fl ftr r I ii 1 I Ilalv III ml I iv V aim uu t Ii iiinotl iiinotlItiat sit
1111 I Itiat litigi 111 > outity < JIII winltNl al fnslrick Ink l lMHire I It Itlsir
MHire IM lsir lo Ia Iktv the Ih place placeI pslai pslaiI I II
I li i i ritirlllg n 111 t u ri It a Illellbers iuun n I ir of the I h ronimitle ronimitleir rnllnl rnllnlI ro Olin III IIIun
ir I I1 Ht I nt district elr sites nirt lohn I Itirtletl Itirtletllohn Iatl Iatlllhll IantJttlihumu
lohn llhll II 1 timplied al11 II I I I V Ituted State StatePrnlser SI SIppRIr Statsstppratser
tppratser Prnlser pnrn pnrnIllllel eorg W t WHnIAk UanniaUer u ueil I IlII IIniIui
Illllel IllllelUnoilrnw lII eil States 11 Marshal Willinm Willlm a1 illiam llenkel llenkelIS
IS Kdwnrd P I I Pnntlce 1Itlc 11 I I 1 I II p pHraggi IIAI lIe lIeliraggi
Hraggi AI 15 I harry IRrv Mack M 1f Samuel SamuelKrulewitch Sam1Irllwlhh SarnaselKrsulewltvh
Krulewitch Irllwlhh 7n n HnJnnnn nJRIIII II Ode JI ldell lr lrJl 1
Jl 211 J I P 1 l ltwrrnre rence M r lohn K I n 1 Hrnn HrnnC Brln Brlnr llrunollector
C iector < of r the h Port rt of Platuhurg PlatuhurgDaniel 11hlrl llattahsarglnutulal 1 1RII1 I
Daniel RII1 r I StioeM orrOII is 2 t John Johl T l I Molt Iol 31 31lohn 31hohit I IIh
lohn Ih 3 Merrltt Iprl Cuitom 11101 Collector Colltor at atMipnrn atiuara
Mipnrn iuara Kail KailTimothy rRI IallsTimothy
1jRr Timothy Tlloth I Woodruff nlrr retire rlr a as coin cnrnmllleemmi COn COnfrol coinmitlnisuu I
mllleemmi fronts frol hi his home ho district rllrlc the theSixth Ih IhIlh theSlitli
Sixth nnd 11 l Ilfr lwcoin ecomen the th cninmitteemnn cninmitteemnnfor nnmilman nnmilmanrlr
for rlr the th Second nl1 district 1trl KxOnv 0 Od11 Vie Vieha dll dllhas
ha h has lieen a memlier Ipmlr of the Ih cnmrnillre cnmrnillrefor fllnlt1 comunittufor
for twentyfive tnt year For r the th last two twovrnrs tw twVI twayears
years VI Sennlnr Nnlfr John Inhl II I Itoee 1 hti has fought foughtMr lht lhtI
Mr I l dell II in I Orange 1III county rOllt but white whitewinning wili wililnnil whillawinning
winning lnnil the Ih district hlrrt in which the II city rilyof rl rlIr cityof
of Ir Newlmrgh Shlrlh Is I situated Mr Ir Itoee I Ito wa wanot w w1Itrnn was I Ihot
not 1Itrnn strong < enough IIllh In name Ill Ihecommittee Ihecommitteetnnn thmmlt the ronmitte ronmitteman
tnnn IAn In eiicceed Mr 1 r Odell 111 itell The retire retiremen rtlrlnl retiremitent
men lnl of f Mr tr Siroelwl m I the 11 Twenty Twentyseventh Twnlyltl Twentyuseveuutlu
seventh ltl district which wllrh comprises rm the thecounties th thrIIIM therotinties
counties rIIIM of fr Onenli Ont and RI < Herkimer lrkhnr Vice VicePresulent N V VIresudetit
Presulent Irldlt Shertnin hnrI s linillwlck hliltk I is with wilhMII wllhi wllhiI withi501
MII < signitlcinct I I 1 a us Mr 1 llrnylnn Imyll is I n nsLinch astiurh i
I sLinch 11Ih In siip sillalsinter < > rier of theShermanSfroebol theShermanSfroebolforces thNhrmRn lrI11 lrI11flrl
I IWihRm I
forces forcesWilliam flrl forcesVjlItom
William WihRm Uirne IIrn Ir after a conference conferencewith I
with wih nietiilMni 1nl of f the th Stite t1t committee committeeIf cUmnlt i I Ilf
If lot Hnos 1 ltrusevi Mi lt control thernmmit thernmmitte
I e te I ° nt I all al au and tin s lass I am 1m not 11 prejinred prejinredin preJvi > nruttia 11
in tl ndntit RIlt V he h < > onlros ant nlrnl mis It I by h a I vote nf IP I 55 in inI 10It
I I 5 lulure It eenls nl fits willdelermlne will further furtherinformation fthrIrorlRlnn fsurthrinformation
information IrorlRlnn on n tin tl subject subjectCol
Col I ul I hbssus n < > etet lt ilo 1 had lllk Ilk with wit I hi mem members Imh mnemluirs ¬
I bers h of the th S hi committee iitnfls Inlll it t md oa he h and 111 a tsci his hisfriend hi hithll Pt Is Isfniensle
friend bele that thll I they I bne I hiutei e xotes xoteslo t tI
I i lo I Ii llie th t he old hi guards IR l II Ill 1hollll lh lhvonsunutt < cominitt < will willmeet willInert II
meet I early h 1t week k III New w ork for forpnrn furorg r rnrl1
I nrl1 org II Ii I 7t1 11 11I I S S sit sitttnoatrow
I Unoilrnw notrw nilan nn tot nt Ttinman 11 nnmlrnw nnmlrnwTnrxrov 1nnln 1nnlnI noilrnwI
I Tnrxrov Tr T N 1 Sept II IM TheSwretary TheSwretaryof Thtrlr
of 1 Suite I his h decided that 1t in I printing nnlnlt the thennillll 0 thesflaiIa
nnillll I liHllole Iln I as Ii a 1 fol r Ii si the I hi NoXellllxT us IIINr nil sr election electionit Pled 1lnn 1lnnil Ifl Iflit
it will wi Vill not lnt Iw h I nweennry In dewrllH the thePoinocritic Ih IhIIltl theLhsiisrithi
Poinocritic cntididite rati IIltl dusitit for lovemor omo a aThoniHH R11Inu as asIhmonuias
ThoniHH 11Inu UiMwirnw nolrow Wilstm WI iluwais Dr Wiliwin Wiliwindrnrp t In Indrflr1 ihMn ihMndropuit
drnrp dropuit I11 I llri Irt hitet < l no inammue f shortly hortl after nfr hi hifrom hi1ll liigraliiii
graliiii drflr1 thom from rrOI college flf nnd 111 ha linus not u usest usestit ed edfor
1ll it for 101 many ry yenm Y + In looking Ikhlc up the theIrw tl thalrw
Irw I the Ih He Secretary < retary rtlr of r Slate Ilnlf found nI1 that tha the thename th thnm theruam
name Iw of the Il candidate lndldtp should hOII1 lw I > printed printedIn lnl1 lnl1In
In the Ih manner laln in which whllh h hi his signed hi hio hula hulaarsufutlrice
o arsufutlrice xeluire of the th ixiniliwllon 1 > 1 Dr Ir Wllautl Wllautlaigiied Iaol
1 signed aluN hla hla huisacveptsunca acotptuoc Iw a Wuodrow Wuw WiUon Stlaorum1 100 100II
For the Cup Races and ad for everyday Auto needs needsi
i thr hcrc is I flSSSRlfeled p H m k1cd lg here priT rq jn Americas Amri largest largestAuto Iprs rg rgI t tI
I I Auto AppcI ppare pppr 1 Shop Shpp o p display H pI y wjthout th t pnrnllc pnrnllcIn pprpH ptj fl j jIn I II
In very nearly all al avenues of merchandising there arc good goodshops goodI goodshops
I shops in which assortments arc approximately approximatey equal equal But with withthe withthe Ithe
the dawn of the auto era we began besan to specialize specalze in the creation creationof
of auto garmentsa a new field fied and one which called caled for resources resourcesand resourcesand resourcesand
and facilities faciites of absolutely different diferent nature to any similar simiar business businessThe businessI
I i The pace we set in the beginning was was far too advanced to per permit permit permit
mit of much competition competitonnor competitionnor nor has any real competition compettion since sincedeveloped sincedcclopcd J JI
I developed dceoped Today our position positon as foremost specialists speclalsts in auto autogarment autoI autogarment
I garment production producton is unassailable unassaiable We maintain a highly highlytrained highlyI highlytrained
trained staff staffand and our models mvdcs speak in no uncertain terms of ofthe ofthe ofthe
I the possibilities possibiltes of superior accomplishment accomplshment in this special sphere
Auto Coats for Women WomenGoats WomenI Womenclgth
clgth I J Goats cp t 1 of fancy tweeds tw ds Scotch Scotchmixtures Scotchmixtures Scotchmixtures
mixtures imported double texture texturecloths texturecloths texturecloths
cloths or polo cloth coth 1650 to 9500 9500Fyr 950 9500EM
Fyr r Ljnd In g Coats Cp t of broadcloths broadcoths or orimported orimported orimported
imported f fancy cloths coths lined with various variousfavored variousfavored variousfavored
favored furs 7500 750 to 29500 29500Fur 2950 29500EMr
I Fur r ccc oats An exceptionally xceptionaly large largeassortment largeassortment largeassortment
assortment f Pt of Hudson Bay sablenatural sablcnaturalor sablenaturalorblack sablenaturalorblack
or orblack black pony karakul marmot Hudson Hudsonseal Hudsonseal Hudsonseal
seal mink natural or blended squirrd squirrelbeaver squirrdbeaver squirrdbeaver
beaver or raccoon at 4500 450 to 350000 350000Auto 3500 3500A 350000Auto
Auto A t Rain Rpin lp n Coats mt h of English Englishdouble Englsh I
double texture cloths in I en 2150 2150tircly 2J 2 2tiroly 50 50tirely
I tircly new patterns paterns and thclj the theI thcI thcII
I I I latest lat st colorings coloringsAuto coloringsI coloringsAuto coloringsAuto
Auto Hats Hoods of taffeta tafeta silk silksatin sik siksi silksatin
satin si b beaver v r i marabout r ibout or knitted knittedyarn knited knitedi knittedi
i yarn 200 20 to 1500 1500Fur 150 1500I
I Fur Hats Hoods H ood of natural or orblended orbi orI
I blended bi nd squirrel squ rr Hudson H d on seal s al marmot marmotPersian marmotPersian marmotPersian
Persian lamb muskrat or raccoon in ininnumerable ininnumerable ininnumerable
innumerable styles styl s at 850 to 2500 250
Robes to match all ni our Fur Coats sizes siz s 54x66 and 54x82 also cloth clothRobes coth cothR clothRobes
Robes R b 5 of light lght weight broadcloths broadcoths or coverts suitable for limousine lmousine use useOf useof 1
I Of cloth coth at 1000 JOO to 4500 450 I Of all al fur at 1500 to 45000 4500 V
I Full Ful Assortments Assorment of Auto Accessories AccessoriesLuncheon Accessores AccessoresLunchcon AccessoriesLuncheon
Luncheon Sets Thermos Bottles Goggles Go glcs Gloves Clocks Foot Warmers Warmer etc etcI etcBroadway
Broadway iks QiuiiiPUUU 34 3 34th th Street StreetI
I I iak Compauy
InVssIr > r iiivfiMr nITf 1 iri irirtnt IT ITTil iri iriTilt
Til Tilt OItlS 1 rtnt nninon nninonHell i ill 1 1i IfVflli IfVflli4aI
i 4aI Hell 11 He n rlrrled Itr Ir the th People r tp tppreiIte p pprerltte p >
prerltte Him Ilnl at a Lawyer Ifr of Knil Knilnrnt lmiulI 1 1nnt
I nrnt Vlillll hlt and nd a Man of 0 the th HlgheM HlgheMIntecrlt IUh1 IUh1Int Itlghiuthntegrlt
Intecrlt Int I I Is Hoo flooaeuClt e ell in a aWASISISOTiW IMlEhl IMlEhlWA Iht IhtW
WA W WASISISOTiW IIISOTOV mSITn Sept pl Z M President Taft Tnflvictory TArlI
I victory vlfor ahead al1 for ro Henry lnr I Stimnon Stimnonthe H Imn ImnIh
for Governor of ofew orS ofew
V the Ih Ilepublican lplhlln nominee noml Corno
S ew York nnk Mr i4tate ate at nt leant I that Iha I what he heKT h hT hesave
KT T in n congratulatory njrGlulalor message m31 to Mr MrStimiwm MrStintssn Ir IrI
Stimiwm Here I I is the Ih mei mesage age that the thePresident Ih shePresident
President cent nl ircm n after he h hail hl hearst heudf
if > f Mr Ir Stim Stimsne lmn ini nomination nominationon nomlnln nomlnlnilon nominationlion
lion on Hmry lfr 1195t I Stimuli oao tf I 1orfr lily tllyMl Cly Clyi lily1t
Ml i 1t give I me m the h gre Ir groatest te t plelMire 11 t thear IhA thesir
hear r that I hiI roti 01 hn Puate e been chM > ti n as the theRepublican I tttaReutah h halIII
Republican Reutah I uu ft candidate ii alIII flu I ititit a for In nr r O lSruusi > vernor r nf nfSew r rS 1Nsw
Sew S York ok I sincerely 1rly hope hOI nnd 1 believo believoyou Ih IhVil Iatievvus
you Vil will II l ie > e ejected You asi certimlr reri airily lllv will willIs 11
IK I eletted 1 llf if the Ih peiple of Xew N Virk wl wII wish wishV h hi
i hnve hl hut n as their t ne nat t rmur eVernor a u it 171 171f 1711 1711of iruisit
of f h utiiloitt itt lm tii st clvn Ii coiinig lm nnd dimti dimtitere h hPlfnlol
tere 5 r tM t i Plfnlol I ml riot inn n I Iiwver Iw It t Vsr r nf eminent eminentability euti mllll mllllallhl Itomit Itomitalit
ability alit lit y amid nld a man 111 trims ut of the Ih t Ps IngheM hJh Is haut fhnineWHIMM hIHWII
I WHIMM W 111 HI H T 1 lAt1 lAt1In AJT AJTIn n nI
In I s far f in I President TAI fnvnriil r nnv nnvcnndldate ln lnRIIIIII msnviatumi
cnndldate iatumi RIIIIII hut t s for Ii sr rIr iovertior k ver mu in of 1 S ew S irk irkSlat arkStat rl
Slat Hin Hetiry I I Siim St utiofl in van 1 ih t Ii man manIt 1 1i
It i became Mioun hll I toniht thai I Mr 1 r Tall TalltiiggeMnd ratscli 11 11I
cli tiiggeMnd I ggwt li I Mr 1 r Stim SIIIII St snicutl > ti i S > name Ita Iit along 111 0 1 tug with withthiit t lh lhIhl tt hi hit
thiit t f t 11k lark itt n k u illiumo ilhiti ins in II a 5 the Ih t hi conference1 conference1which tiiti truui truuiwhuuh
which was WI > held with wut It Mr 1 ltoo ItHsVelt < vet m mNew 5I5uw
New S uw Hnken I n I week or HO M ngo AI tig Mr Ir raft Tafihowever Trh rafthowever
however h ha h hue tnken Ink no n achy Rr POi in infurthering anIsintherumig I
furthering rlrh11 the Ih candidacy ranII of r tiny nn man mln In Inthe InIh intha
the Ih New S York ok Stnte lt fight He I i is Mid hI to tohave InhR I Ihave
have hR mentioned mlonf the th name merely merelyno rI rII
I no possibilities poiwibilitieMr plhlll j jIr
Mr Ir Tafia Tat friend frnl were venr yen M much muchelated muchLatsct ch chIr
elated Ir today over ov the h character Ihrarr of the theInrfnrwment Ih Ihor theincnrsement
Inrfnrwment incnrsement of the h TRI I halt aft Hdmtnitration Hdmtnitrationcontained edmtntctratitncontained dmlitlon I ICIIAln i I
contained CIIAln In fn 101 oh Itoowvelti speech at atSaratoga satSaratoga I II
Saratoga nnd nd in n the Ih platform platformThe
I The Th indorsement yield 1ld them the th more moreealwfaction morrArlon moorsattafctlnn
ealwfaction rArlon in that President Taft TRI ha hamaintametl h hllln hasmaintained
maintained llln an n absolutely Independent Independentullitiide indfndnt indfndntI independentImuttitaids
ullitiide I tlud in the th matter mt and ad ha h obtained olrtainedthe
I the th ltoo It11 Itotteeveit evet f < K while hll appearing appearingapparently APlrnl appearIngaiparentlv
apparently indifferent Idlt a as to what whlt course coursethe Mi MiI colurseShe
the I h Colonel pursued pumuedIt
It U not known Inw here hr tonight tonllhl Jum what whateffect whlt whateffect I II
effect I Mr r Hilmconn 11 nomination nomlnalon will willhave wi willhave
have ha on o the th prosecution fll > of If the th sugar lltar tract IniMcane Inlli InlliIr tractMr
cane Mr Ir Stlnuon 80 Puss h Ixen the th chief chiefciHirwel rhlrJII chiefcoimsel
ciHirwel JII in tho h c cusses The Th work ork of ofvlrin re recovering uicovering
covering vlrin the th diltiea dil I out Olt of which whith the th ov overnment 0 0lmmft nemmegut
lmmft ernment had hi been a defrauded drrldd had prac practically paotily prantically ¬
tically tily been l pushed to its condition conditionalthough rchlln
although lhllh there chr are a a few r criminal rro proceedingit
ceedingit lnl mill 11 pending pendingIt ndine ndineI
I It w I the Ih intention Inlton of the th Department of ofluotire orIIN ofItistire
luotire IIN however to tile Ii a new nwult milt within withina lhln I
the th A Amencan mm ran Sugar SugarHeHnlng SsugsrI
a few r days lar again against AmnCA HllAr HllArI
I HeHnlng nnnilll foni I ompy > any for Ha I dia dLAollllnn dissoliut olution olutionunder Ion IonI I
I under the th Sherman hrma antitniflt Anllnt law The Thepapen Th ThI Thepapers I
I papers in this new n action Acio are being I heungitrawn heungitrawnby I drawn drawnby Iw Iwh
by h District t rlr Attorney lomT Wise w of New York Yorkand I II Iatid
I and Ald it I has h l Piern > een diip imp1aneii > oned generally 1lIrI that thathe I hRII I Iho
I he h would wOIIl1 have hl the th active rl cooperation Nlrnt of ofMr orIr ofMr
Mr Ir Himon in I the th prioeciitlon rrlllll of 0 the th Mint MintPolitician tuultlnlutlriftfls it itI
I Politician lohIMa tier h nre Ar speculating cuIRtnl to tonight I Inllhl tonight ¬
night nllhl mi 11 the h predicament lrAmt that Col ol Itoone It Ron Ronvelt
1 veil It would w 11 Unit lcllII1 him himseil ef in I when hn ho h under underI1 landertakeau
takea to cnmMiign mlll for Htlmaon HtOn Mr MrSlimKonfi MtSttmnsuns Ir IrIIln
I1 SlimKonfi IIln nominntlon 10111101 it I la l i3 nintpd poinlll > out outwillbnngllie 011 outV
V willbnngllie will il taring nn 1 h tie sugar uMr Intel I pro prIIIllo prIIIlloI trciat ecutlotuilo ecutlotuilothe bits to toI
I the th front as ii one n of the th achievement lhlmf11 mi miI 1 1whl actwhich
I winch whl Mr Ir Htlinon Htln will wi ask for vote voteIl ot otI
Il I hint 11 lieen charged IrJ1 thnt Pert rl r of 0 the thf evl evldenc ev cvitiencti
denc tn on M which th the government Covmml1 baa pro proceeded pr proeeded ¬
ceeded eod agaitit pln the t sugar Ulr lru trt trust t lu N a com combination cr m mlinstlon ¬
bination I in restraint of trade tA was Wa laid Uldefore ld ldICo laidbefore
before ICo > nton Col 11 Oh llooeevrltn IIC lt administration administrationand AlmlltratllD AlmlltratllDad
and ad Ignored i o by ty II IIPoliticUna IcI iiPoliticians
Politicians rlrln here h l 11 belisacs > ell tve now that the theColoorl Ih Ih011t1 theninuct
I stump ItwP stumpL Coloorl 011t1 will w I ls aaked ke to explain eapl on o the thetump tbeItwP thestump
Auto Coats Coats for Men MenOvercoats MenQcQPt Il IlQ
Overcoats Q for owners and chauffeurs chauffeursof chaffeurs t tor
r PHh I Iwox
of tweeds worsteds whipcords coverts covertswax covertswax
wax cloths coths or fancy materials mateiels made in inour ini inour
i our own workrooms at 2750 to 11000 11000Fur 100 I 1000Eu
Fur r Coats g t of dogskin do skin raccoon bush bushcat bushskin
I f
cat pony skin marmot wallaby walaby goat goatkarakul gootkarkul goatkarakul
karakul karkul or plucked or plucked un otter otteror oter oteror
or beaver An assortment unequalled unequalledanywhere unequolcd unequolcdonywherc unequalledanywhere
anywhere at J250 to 50000 50000uits 500 500I 50000Ss
I S Ss uits t for f T Chauffeurs ChauffeursConsistingof chffiConsistingofcoat r r rI
Consistingof Consistng of coot and two pairs pairsof of pants pantsin patsin
I in four different diferent styles Norfolk half halfNorfolk hal halfI
I Norfolk plain or pleated madcjof madclf the themost themost themost
most desirable cloths suitable for open openor
i I or closed cosed cars at 3500 to 5000 5000Chauffcurs 500 5000chMff4rs
Chauffcurs hpMf r 1 Suits S SM H with one 2500 2500pair 25 00 00V 00pair
pair of pants at atAuto atA atAuo 250
Auto A J Gaps of cloth coth in various suitable suitablematerials suitablematerials suitablematerials
materials Pp and styles at 150 to 450 450Fur 45 45r 450J
J Fur Auto A tg Paps ips of raccoon muskrat muskratpony muskratpony muskratpony
r pp
pony Hudson seal beaver or Persian Persianlamb PersianI
I lamb a great Freat variety at 250 to 2500 250
1 1Gentlemens
the t most magnificently appointed appointedGentlemens appointedGentlemens e
Gentlemens Cafe CafeAt
At 505 Fifth Fift Avenue Avenueb Avenuebtween
btween bstwen b tw n 42nd and nd 43rd 4r StrvcU StrvcUin Sleet Sleetin
S in fl connection conneton with hu huWHOLESALE hi hiWHOLESALE hisWHOLESALE
removing removng from rom his hi old location loaton at
1286 Broadway near 33d Street Strt
nl Il rOF rflorfcsflhtVj f aT T i i iI au iI i
I nl nlueitt ertll opens OJn for 311th 2 Itti Year ear r ItItti llh llhMan
Man n > > w Teachrr TeachrrXrw TrhSr TeacIuirsNw
Xrw Sr Hjtrv hIAV A sept Npt Z 5 V n flue tlth Ilh year yearof
of Vale al Inlvervlty Jnnll opens n tomorrow tomorrowmorning tomroW tomroWmomlne I ImornIng
morning In no ni recent n year r hare h so somany somutany 1
many lay new professors prr of prominence prominencetaken promlnnIkn
taken their seats al for the th flr lt first t time ttn an f mm mml macrntwr
l twr r of the th Vale r faculty facultyKrnest fllltmt facii1tyErnest
Ernest mt Carroll Carnl Moore Io Th P for many manyyearn mlnyYA manyyears
yearn YA superintendent UJlnlndnt of schools Ihool in Ixw IxwAngele I IA Ingef
Angele A n J gef I Cnl al and nd previously lolIT assistant amitstnntprnfeiwor AMItnntrrtr assistantcit
prnfeiwor of pedagogy rIlop at ft th University Universityof Unlvly Unlvlynr
of it California < llrnIIA Iwoomt Ilr professor ror of rdu rducntlnn eulucat Iu Iuratnn >
cntlnn cntlnnAlt cat Inn InnAlbert
ratnn ratnnIM Alt Albert IM > ert Tohfa Clay lay Ih D 1 taken takN up uphi UIhi taphi
hi work ok an I professor of Assyriology and andlUbylonlan AndIlhlonlal andltahyloniaru
lUbylonlan Ilhlonlal literature ltralur on the tb I affan Ira Foun Foundation Foiandalton olln ollndlion ¬
dalton recently established tahlhf by J JII Plerpont PlerpontMorgan PiespontMorgan rnt rntIorlan
Morgan Iorlan Ir Clay Cia lay come Im from rrm th the Uni University UnlIty Univerusity ¬
versity Ity or Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaChnrlea lrnnInlChari lennsylvanIuuCharles
Charles Melran Icltln Andrew Andrwi Ph I n I IJI IPIV
JI P aMMime um the Ih duties durl of profeaor prr of ofAmerican Ir IrmfrICn ofmertean
American mfrICn history htor on th the recently e fth fthILAhJ eatallishesi tab tablinhe
linhe < i Farnam Flmm Fnundation FOlndaton Prof Jmr An Andrew AI Ancirewa ¬
drew drl come rm from John hopkins llophinaAllan Inpkln
Allan Alan Johnson Ph I l lnmA becomes > ecomra Iarn lmfd d dprofessor
professor rof nf American Arlan history to aucceed aucceedProf asicyessiProf
Prof ror Charles H Smith m Ih resigned 111 < 1 f fir firlohnnn > r rlohn
lohn Johnn on comes m from IViwdoln IViwdolnIlllmn flowutoinut doln
ut Illlmn 1111 Hevnold Rvnol Vantv An anc Hi I P f 1 I is the thenew th thI thenew
I new profesMor Iorl of n testamentary Iamntar law Ilw m mI iiithe I II
I I the th law school lhol He I Han b ha made mA A reputa ssputatholu PltA
1 tlon 101 a as a teacher of lair lA At George Cnr Wash WashI ach achunglon h hIln
Iln I ington on University
I llertram lloltwood Uol w I Ph P l henrnau henrnauI ome omeI
Iprf I I professor of C radio ra activity RIIY Prof ror llolt lloltwood lltI Roltwood ¬
I wood spent last year yt studying lllrlnl with lh Prof Profhompson Iof IofTholln ProfThonipsoti
hompson Tholln of the Ih C iendUh < talmratory talmratoryat
at Cambridge CambridgePr t Ihr amnhirtilgfir l ln
Pr n Oeorge nfl lilumer lmr will wi take Ilk up the thedcanship I theiiuinehuhii h hor
dcanship of the th medical lr1 school MhoolPresuJent schoollreidnt ho I I
PresuJent 1 < nt lladlry laly will i lie I ha nbnvvl until untilthe Inlil InlilIh I Ithu
the Ih middle III of NovemUr SOII in conno innnotiiiin innnotiiiinwith nM11 < ilon ilonwith I
with lh hi his dutl dlt ditties a as th universitys unllrly repn repnivntatlve reprousntatlvs p prnttlv
ivntatlve rnttlv nt the Ih one n hundn huIlh < lth anniver anniversary AnnlvrY ¬
sun Y of the th founding fOIln of the thu h I nlverslly nlvflt of oflUrlln or1ln ofBerlin
Berlin and on work connecteil Inllllll with wih th thHaitroad Ihnlr the theRailroad
Railroad 1ln nt Urcuritlro tlrll Commission In his hisalxienoo hi hi1nO hisstisenco
alxienoo nlr 1nO the tl formal roal matriculation mllrirllalll address addressin ad adto
to the chI student Iuent tuclentiisun nn Sunday Sund will i be b gIven girenby linob gIvenbi
by b Secretary St stoke 5te
p as asIiwuhis
I nitiHHnx IU1I L nrcntn r Tn iitsics iitsicsTtie m I IT
nil T Rev n Hllllam 111 Mnrrlton Quits qUlf All AllI Al AlliaInt
I I mlnt Inl Episcopal pllnM1 Church ChurchThe Cureh CurehTh ChurehThe
The Hev n William WiIm Morrison lorltn a close closepersonal do clocuI J JIlrlll
Ilrlll I personal friend frfld and nd neighbor 1Ihhr of Mayor MayorOarnor nor norhI dayorGanor
Oarnor lisa hI tendered tntrM his hil resignation hntioDrcor aa aarector asfecos
rector rcor of All 1 Saints Hlnt Episcopal Ep 1 Church Chur In InSeventh Infnth inSeventh
Seventh fnth avenue Anl Brooklyn rkly to take ta effect effectat f
at t the th clo dO close e nf October OMobr HU I action a < lon came camea cm cmAl cameas
a Al as a surprise lrpr tn the th vestrymen f tn warden wardenand wrR wrRAn1 wardsasmind
and all 11 the th member of lh the congregation congregationand CnIAtoh CnIAtohnd
and nd an effort lfM will i I he > made to I have hlO him himreconsider blmIlJaldr himriconsider
reconsider IlJaldr it itThe I itnit
The T Jtov It Mr Ir Morrinon lorln al h < t yesterday yeaterdavthnt NlfrA NlfrAllt
that llt he h had har talked the th matter mtr over oY r before beforehand tfor tforhand beforehand
hand with the th Plshop and that tht he h resigned resignedbecause rjf1 rjf1hau resignsuiteupi
because hau he h felt that he h had given < I all al the thoervice th thf thePsvus
ervice f > to the h church fhurrh and nd th t the dlore dloreduring rlo rlodlnne dlocesuduiring
during dlnne the th sixteen tn yani of his hi paatnraM paatnraMthat ptralo ptralotht
that coil eUd Could Id reasonably he expected ipe pt < t d of him himHe himI himHe
He I referred rrt to the t hand handIcap Imp of o n debt debtof dMo debtof
of o t57oon 520 and n nr nil the thf Income of the h church churchS2OU cUnh church52O
S2OU 11 a year less 1 than tho the t th necessary n r nut nutUy Olt OltlAY nutlay
lAY He I II spoke pl of Mayor Oaynnr Oaynnra OAno 1 1rMI as asa
a read rMI r contributor tntlhutor and nd nf the th good goodaupport jl jlIPprt goodsupport
support he h rnceived M from th the people nl of ofthe ort ofthe
the t church bunh In closing clollnr hi statement statementthe Iltmnt Iltmntch
the ch Rev y Mr Ir Morrison Inn Mid MidTlie saidTus 11 1 1T
Tlie T debt rt of the tb church rhufh during rlnnl my myrecloramp m mrestoranip > I IfIOlnlp
recloramp haa IUI lieen I reduced llJonn lr soil nndnow soilnow n1
fIOlnlp ft <
now 10 stands 111 at t 540ttt 4Ot CII Otherwise Ot11 the theflnanoM th thl1n theflouncern
flnanoM l1n of th thl the church chlnh are In good < n condi condition col colI condiiiot ¬
tion In II due III course I I will wi take tk up my mywork mywork
I work lon ok somewhere Imwh el 11 slas e You 01 see I make makeno rk rkno taskno I
h that thntthe th thatthe t tth
no exvuiwi tc lo gel away A wa by saying
the th physUinn has h ordered orII II anrfao Inr anti f an on onAll fn fnAl onAll
All Saints HAln Church Clrh wa WI wits founded CUlmlf in IMT IMTa I i4as
a I as the Al the I Atonement Atonementew tmntfaUnK ttuetmiefltsw outcome nltlfI of o a whIt ll In the Church Curh Of nfthe Ofthn ofthe i I
> ew Cnaillmc Mt tmnlp am nip ompan iompantViiwjsuTnx ompanWIIMINOTON orpn >
f fA
WIIMINOTON WUJISITfN Pel 1 > 1 Kept Spt 3ft 2 A ch c chwas fl r rwna
was A issued by the th State Stateday p l p ii r InxXt InxXtday I II
I day to the Ih Senlmard hOn and ad Oulf Steamship SteamshipCompany Hthlp Stmcbsspotnpany f fCompny
Company Compny of f Sew S fW York or with wit lh capital CltAI of ofllf orIfIIml ofsismu
llf sismu iom flue f incorporator am John JohnS
S IfIIml Htubha Mtuht Elmer lucprlor E Holmea and anr Oeorge OerR 1 1HnlmeH J lholmes
holmes all 1 of Xw ew w York The Th confer conferi coc sru sruis
10Im nr cof
i is authorized thorr1 tn t do a general UanwrxV UanwrxVI tanspirsI
I I Unit ton biuiine hllln in the mo moig moving vine of 011110rli 011110rlim pa passenjori passenjoriuihs eDger eDgermail <
mail m aiid od d rtlht fni frtig1tC

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