311 tl HIM I I I until IWI itiri Ill 11 IKS II rn nt ntM IlItill
M 1 till iti n in in u i > trr ir irtai h hIh i iIs
tai the Ih Unitse hll Ma l Ml4rea4l I anSI nel Itu Itullureaii IhIlIIr I Ira
llureaii IlIIr ra III l I nfalr Teacher Win WinU h hI hn hnI
U milt I I ti He II Principal tirlnJllnrlloll tirlnJllnrllollII 4rI el Injnnrlln Injnnrllnn nJunrtIniiItIIti
n Italian 11 Kxhlhll hlhll fur Turin TurinU Turinnf
U > the I lturail Q1I > of r Municivi Hemarc Hemarcntri 1IhMA fl eirli
MA 4 1 ntri I it rllII m of r thi1 I h Boaid Ilcwi t of Kduri Ihl IhlII jjuciiI
11 I I nrxliy r4lit in fl rvaird In I n the Ih I tt HCHM HCHMI stissI stissIl 1
10 l I r 1UI1 1 Mymg 1 Y II1IZ that I iMimati iMimatiott I II 1 irn It ItI
I I ott fnl ontortion and III IT ITi t tI
i u 1 sure It invited thi iMtanl I I tprr Irr ipr
prr rr pr ide 141 of r the Ih argument Rlllllt Iretn Iretni Ir
0 i ferfitn orn rtfl I WlllhI Vltithroi lr 1 r rllh rllhI raI Md Hi Hir Iiire
r re I terdty irtli 11 meeting 1linl of thi Ih ttnnni ttnnniH h > 1 1I
H I I HI h it the Ih biiriMiis iharKi harl of ex exii 1 1E
E ii iiy h Hrtiiil HIII MiteiinMit 11111 < > r M hy IV IVI
1 1 > n 1 i < without ilhnll any IIY adeqiial adeqiialt 1111 1111I
I 11 i Mi II I i i letter 11 I t tr to t n tint II I h bureau hlUI I iiriti nay nayii si I Io yi yiPi
o ii i tie I Pi Hiinl viri I II 1 hive I miltmiltei miltmilteiiwtf lhllt tnni L t 4 4h
iwtf h 0 In 11 reply ph n follow followi fnll 1 4 4r
i ir r txiiiniiti l rtst fur inn lll lllt I UI I you oti re rei r
i t t lo I run iertnitl rn r lionl itiirtni itiirtnini diirtnri Iurlc Iurlcn
ni n 4 September 111 nhr lo I Oeiember I ktn ktnI m mh
I l VKII H > Wfin Y h t tnlil nt jour u Mnrcl Mnrclm Mltrh Mltrhu
m i i > u would iiIi1 11 nut 11 IMI I Ii open 01 null nullit itiL itiLp 1
it 1 rut rutHi 111 1911rrIMq
Hi relate 11 apparently Iunl to the Ih e li linew 1 t tl
new l 1 teairier t dts t in I elemrnmr elemrnmrix Irmn Irmnn
> > ix 0 anK 4Incr n < r i 4 thnt the Ih Mj Mjf inl e ti timtiln tinuls
f < mtiln 11 up u tint on n mformtiior mformtiiori InnnIon InnnIonI Inforn iIon iIonI
i ii I Mirrh I rn IBIII IPI I i 14 tint I mi in Inforniatioi Inforniatioifrom Inrmllun InrmllunI n fnrniitt Intl Intlf
from f ttt our Itt I r llurcau IH H rnati of r lluililtnK Ulhlnl Ittititit n n nihree I I fl fltire
ihree h tire month Innl Utrr 11 Tt The Ill only onllt nl nlf
t f r huh itflVI401 ir r vi ii < u wa n 14 14ho n ei eihrml 1 1hnI
hrml ho 41 T ° Hie u Itriint 11 167 I t llritoU llritoUt I
> t tjien IIn JIf n4 ami 111 addition liIInn t In old1 01 01UrHhn
4 11 1 llrimkbn Hnil J gueen < I n ni Tin Tinj T TI Tbtte
j > ii itita of iipenmtf 1nIO Pntti of the Ih ttI aho chooi chooil
1 l > v our I Iliireau Illr elf if Iliillilma Julhhnla Itn In Inn
n i iitnmer lnm of lull innevl mal ol olIr otI
Ir I i Hill lUl n i tlit i i S CKiiinaled II hr h th thi
0 lI > i in n March tItrcIiS IHhrel
4 wiMired iiritl rel nn nlleiMl 111 1 growth Inth ol olhirti othd ofhtti
hirti > oii iini 11 tnst t provide 111 not lij liji h byotIlt4rtiI
i 0 iitnp otIlt4rtiI rtlii monthly Ihl or nnnunl nnnunlme
me I1 nr more 10 month Inlh 1111111 114 hut hl I lir h r nl nltr tt h hI I Irr >
tr I < I It I next 1 to Hit lin II r i reciMer reciMerMII III IIII
MII I LI nithetery Ill I h iry luah reitiMer Dciemlier DciemlieritiMit1 Ir I i mil ntIr ntIrIIt
itiMit1 IIt you IluI ha hl lil fnileil 111 to I ti tir w tlini tlinii Ia Iaf
f r < i ife1 1 growth lh of r = 4 i IllI i l 14 not il 1 in M II e en
n annual growth 1wlh UK l ii Implied 111 u ul in inlit
l ht > t n 1 littcm tilttnrflt 111 tit o 01 the Ih h hh mcrem mcremn Inr InrI
n I mtier mt of f pupil on in reiriMer rli1 IXKOMT IXKOMTie n nI
ie I 1 > t > from Turn which thit ltII hurt UI uf f th h < Imdccl Imdcclfl
fl n i o tK40h 4thr < > ri > ilirle Ill for rn mil Ill mu mulaty wn wnpiimr l lrpro
piimr rpro i M I laty y ntiot IIPIU unit n1 tlif Ih mil en n1 of r tiif tiifvo Ih IhI tiiI
iI n I o Sr vo sr r l Icmbr rml r Si 3 lain lainln tPlnT
ln T i htrr h re I Dooi MIIIII t of tin I It liiilcit liiilcitnf IutlI IutlIf
nf f th r rmfnurr mtnl lPtHI hool 1 otimnt Um in 1 wlnrli hh hhInnlonr IIitIp
p bl Wi Innlonr tfleflhtoflct reLitil nIly 1 I Irr
41 1 nrirn rr diirlnc dlrno lull 111 I of n pjctirr Icl to II IIhI bf bfl lw1IrninMt
1IrninMt l hrtwr hI twtwn n pl Irmtr mtxr I lt IUI 1910 li nn inil inilIivnh n nmt l lIvtrnrvr
Ivtrnrvr mt r SI tie 1ln unrt nr lrw I > uw n of r th < t Ilhl IlhlIh tahi tahil1 l > lc lck
k > nir l1 lh the ri aitrntinn rllton > on Mny I si = t ntid ntidp nnlPpPier d dIr
p PpPier nih Ir r 31 nhoulil nnt I havr hn lir ln ti n mi mirtrr mlI mitdinnit
tdinnit rtrr o rt If I th Hi lm itni ni h hl1 hal > 1 h hn n r > iil 1 with withn Ih
n 1 iw r If I th inon Ir ol oltiipil 0 ofiitla
tiipil iitla 11 hail bln In t en i tLen krn In nn n nn n m nI < li > t of ofminunl nf4iinil r
minunl 011 growth Iro lh of tli I ohnnl A you youfi YIIIr 1 1f
fi f r m intd t il of H nn n inilit lel iniI to tho t h proluihlx proluihlxiiiition priitliIin Ihl IhlIlon
iiiition in Ilon itiirlnx dlll th fall RI trrm Inl prnnomn prnnomnnot 10 101110 101110il n nd1
d1 il not hnv h bn n n n I kMl ron nnIn nnInI flfl4ltfltf flfl4ltfltfr i t iittv iittvr
r lr I co th thRfl hln n W lr Irh tAehcru rhrr mtMnl of for n 1M 1MTh 1 11h 1Tti
Th 1h n rri B 1 nt enrollment nnlmn inrrfu inrrfurrr Inc lncr lncrIfli <
Ifli rrr n iTiv 1 h h40 Ixen le thnn 1 IRn iIinniI nnr 410 410i in I o onnlr
< nnlr nnI nit n itl si 10 In stilt pit 1 of n Mllcmtml 1 rUlm rUlmt 1lmni laiino1A
t 1A t i inu ni i frt > r iii l > for t from r ii i to toin I Imnr toinoru
in mnr ri > i hililrrn curh ch h yenr yenrTt At Atil r r1t
Tt lnprr Inr in the tli h net enrollment nolmn l o nn nnindex 4flnd n nin
index in nd 1 the tli h urovth Ir 11110 I lb of the Ih rh ehnulo hJ < xil tint hiI In Inn Inm InAfTu
n AfTu tru m Ii I ii tho Ih n n1 ni f enrollment nrlnnl n > mrr1 mrr e the thenumrier I h hnlm lic licnIrTt
numrier nlm nIrTt h F < if illflerent ii pupil pi iii t lo tmiicht 1lch I ii lit ilurliitc ilurliitct ilsirl I111 IIiC IIiCI
t t e re r r I It r I 4 nnt or H 0 nrmrne rI nn In Inllrntlnri Inllrntlnrif InoII
f the 1 tp itronth Irn ifn I h for the I h purpose Ill of e otIrnt I llrrinltUT llrrinltUTh m I in inplo 1
h plo need n for 0 new n leitrher rh j 10 thelnrreno thelnrrenonf th
nf the Ih numl ninilwr > er of pupil on n reirlnter nnil nnilrntiile n1rnnl1 nnrlpnhiIhiI
rntiile < l to m trurtlnn on ni n I partlruUr rlrllr Ur Uroiichont 1 1nllhn 14 14iniihoiiI
oiichont nllhn n nunih > r of n vetr r Th I he n f0tIlt4 f0tIlt45IniI ult ultf 1
f 5IniI > iiln < l from r1 either llr nichol of 0 determlnlnx determlnlnxre Irmlnlnl
re r growth I h of 0 the Ih prhool ito 0 not iJIITer iJIITerfierliy dlflirno 1 I
fierliy no ijilI I Tw iti h inrreiseo In of 0 net oh enroll enrollrrei nrnlIrrp
rrei I rrp lnre In li Iti uoj hnte t hut nvernceil I o or er 7i 7in i0i i0iAs 1 1I
n I As in n 1w > e remlllr rI r4 IIIv h een n n 11n iiofl n einniinmion einniinmionf
r Vie inn n 01 > r yt I > r he ii I Intt Hy I Mi 1 1nI > nn nnefi
efi nI ntt nttI t t II i it
I nn o im1 < l i I l leIiri i reittrnie < l lcUini 1dal
cUini dal i s < O m le I tr nr ftun ftunIil hI cr iti itifIi
Iil fIi l lo I 0 Miift U Owl MHr I tilltrti < hil trn cni q1 > i iIrht i ir irIerhnp o
Ierhnp rhI thi I h Iii ipte tit i iiiii timt ti hn e t > wti > ri t i iIn iI iIITt 1 1t
In t KpeHkJn lnl < of r lh I t li lieiv Hr y for tn ir rnliinK rnliinKf Ilnl
f > r the tPm h inrrrn mnrr In nil I < lilt 11 Iii oi rhooU honl in 1 hi th timliI h hi I II
i it I i lo iil tMtiillv nlI tnie Ir tt ili a I 0 i ii show > h M hv hvhe I Ih livho
he h fi r m t limit 11 I th t t ii Inrna Inrr I flf m In II net virilleiitr virilleiitrmi ti Ti ii 11 I tmm n n41I I In1
mi 41I n1 the Ih mrrej 11 in I reiti rI rmgltr ti > r fur rlr nil 11 olmiwilo olmiwiloI hi > l le
I e at Arl1 > > ra rlitt9i < i > < l jiTT o ntut 1 4y7t aI1 t p < ftl ely elyt
I t n he I n I l I for or new iupiU liii Iil UK ml I P n otimillI iuillr iuillri ml
i i l i I > epiintelv in II Hi I h e limnle m 4 for forf ro rot furoro
f oro riienar flr t > tutu hllh trnimtitt IrIII anil 111 truant truanth i ib ii
h > I i tnort rn n prutMtl ruh4I I limit the t 110ro e er
r ro in 1 0 i 0 Inketi In I 1 I I1 from I mtti > MPII tuI iliruiiient ii iii ii tiilmt te teu r 104I
4I u 1 i 01 ihe Iii I eretlon 11 if ti I 4 rlenientarr rlenientarriitlilinifN bnintaryp
p 1 iitlilinifN lII f iniertiitK w tilrli llrh Miluerf Miluerfefn imlimetIpIsitilIr
> efn h ie IpIsitilIr 4 lt < ll uririMl 11 thnt Ihl ImlMiniti ImlMinititei
tei nrlih wit 11 Ii iiT I ienf I raplillty alll in I pro prole uu ¬
le 1 f r front ii t li i i nilllttolial nilllttolialn RIIIIIII
n i KI I h ieir iiF t in I onler nnl thnt t Kllliln It II bin a ariit moI 1
riit 1 I if t itir t hr or n f riir tr year a nil 11 pupil on onitri unI n
I itri 1 Ii ni4v l li tfiMn oln iti fl full r1 time 11 m 1lnl1 IIlIfliPtiiti IIlIfliPtiitiI inicti ii iit
> t At ledfienPle tn I pa lmlot t ue of if r i or ormnv u uH
< 0 IH H > 0 mnv Ttl i lie 1 MMIe 11 up upI I Ir
< I or r nnrinnl Inn1 enarirrinent nalrn of u the th rhnol rhnolern rhO1 rhO1In
> ern In in rlt H 191 I ou n I ak k for ru enoitfli Iollh intie intiet Inl IfliImmiii
t io miii I not no fur from trim t Su to II 3iilm 3iilmfo 3U 3UOl
fo r i Tdirm Ol pllplU 1 nt I 1 the I I I nTerwe R per I III
41 II Il ot 1 for rf all al pupil or r for or all I the h et etl p pI I II
I hltth hlth nchiKil t1 inrfel irmer s < pi 111 iilii IHII UI 0 rio eleir I In
ir n i hllilrcll hllilrcllin tIlrll I
in n retmrt or tn 0 the li tim llninl 100 of Kilurttlnn blrUnnO
to nO > 114 the Ih timl im for toil II the III 1 rotn litiicm 1
1 cm 1 rtnanro nln U snra rotnpire moflI ii rrI < l the I I li < ltlI IIM IIMaiti I 11m41u 11m41uiti > i
aiti iti ti h flppniprliittiii 1Ihll1 fr Ill 191I 191II i iI
I tv Lied the th In llur r < i if f 3iQti 3 3p mii in inI iiilI
< I tl 1 hool 111 fiinl 11 a o for fr noriiial noriiialt 11
t a nf f th 1 > iMlnMil HI i tiin 1 lull lullthM IWIII I ill I Ittm
thM I ttm o v nxrinil rvxmi1 111 OMII4 I ioi1 1 ti IilfliIIIIli ill illiniiiih I
iniiiih 1 i i HIII 111 from 1 the I tin unit pr prei jirl > >
ei 1 fii r fciiKfc oiitmtriI III1 te < rr luI lin n uf ttji ttjinrh b butrhor
nrh utrhor rhr t i it nrhetlnle rhoI Iro iiiiiouiitini am 0111 In I II I i 11I to to1K711 I
1K711 41 3 > u hlveiliviilellhHiIiiiiiliI hlveiliviilellhHiIiiiiiliIt f1P dmvsmlo3 I hr tiIIiiimIliI tiIIiiimIliIitI
t 11liP4l 31P itI i 4 0 I 1 i r illptrl 1 ilt t of 131 UIInl 4i 4ihen 4
0 hen Inl the I ttm er r ilpll 11 luiP1 itMl I t rhnrealile rhnrealileie <
ie a Keneral In rh hnl ol finil n e iimnt ImI1 tInot l on oni ininthir I Inlhh
> inthir i nthly avernue Y re i icr n 110 t tei 1 an anj
j nf the Ih eleventh tintiin HflhiiIIl nl1 report rOpiirtS f I
1 > Superlntenlent 1 tlP rlnlnInl ri of If School Mi h ito itottm ami amith n1 n1Ih
th quotient Iunln 000 > iilI iM t1 t1r n fli Mie Mief I Iuf
uf f new n pupil HII for r hUh 111 mIn ouimtIona nfflelenlae mIna
lae a P l henI n n ftottoui Wei I 111 hi inrrei inrreiill If rot rotimi
ill 4I i hon rr r Hirlnile rhll flic flicI Ih IhIn I li liI 1
I In tn ii riiv J e In all 111 11 nrtivitie ininv IIV of ofnot Oftm I II
not I tm it at 4 I all I hard hfi on I inireie at atin ltiii
in < lnr ii othwul < hixl or form no I ii part partnnluj iirtII I III
nnluj II II iIuC the lt tti Ir H r capita aa ci C1 Cil t for ilav ilavil ila ilaI I
I iii il For or example mll there Ib Ibh i in lo loi
n i he h new n pupil pul l 1 II t twi K > aillulltnl aillulltnlIi alull1 alull1Illh
Ii riaeof ro0 of V 41j > i Ml l In Illh the ci eoit > t of ofami 0 0In ofmtnii
> ami In vacation ill ilt 111 orliti orlitii rli h ol oln
i n i lire N t tint 101 Inclmleil 10 lii liipr uio uioI 1
pr 1 I ipitu 11 fot P 1 for tf fit ov mlii lav y pi PltjlH boot booti HI HIO 1 1I
i u I viind O 4 i ilil nip fttpr I ir thni Ih thmtlIj thr thri u
i Ij i iipil itim whUli l hii n lule lulek I ImiI ImiIrIlIlImitmIt
k 1 e rttuiuuir IIII I gr rr ciiua ciiuati t4um t4umt 11 I II
ti t m i u I ii > 4 i > Pu IhirKeil ltIII In their theirP I thouI
I P l t o ii aiitoinaln aiitoinalnin llal Ii IiSri
in r Mrlnr aIIr fIil r alreailr alreailrr ala alaI <
r u t i illihnieiii iluiloli 113011 I II of ofii
I I I < ii I 1 evenln evenlni nlnl
i Ti i n 0 II I ii > i i r i uiMinerre utntnrvi llr
1 V 1 Iii 1 l Hi 4 I I t I MhMll MhMllorp
orp f ii t t ij ijijttIPtIO U UI i iinro
inro I ijttIPtIO > n II f If i m 0 ti TII TIIa trail trailaftfieir fruloiaiit
> > aftfieir a t c iff Il4Ml nil < 1 1r tn tnr iirr
r rr e all I th I IIim e liur ir nllh nllhC II IIpBh
I pBh PflIloit I i d dIlkI1 Jiloil JiloilteiIriit
IlkI1 teiIriit C a t tl 41 < i iIi 1 t I tl tlu
u Ii uj 1 hn Il Kiln J Jen uiatr 111
0 en fllll fllllrirtP 1 Ia i J t fur furI
I r i prorI 1 1101 I i ri riutir 1 I IRrII
rirtP RrII l sr Nr ipia ipiainin iI m V VSIB
inin SIB 1 r ol > t p 1 itiU itiUi I I II 10 II IIIi
i Ii i ho l iioi < n t ami amiof ni ftai i iI I
I 11 ltifl r jl il rIt I v vof
of in S Iil > iHiunl nl WorH fr r MIVM will williiilifvilii II ii iilmfyit
iiilifvilii IhI lmfyit thfni tli Us 1 nf r nn iniiri H 1 t n nI IiI
I ty t 11i4 n Siiir IrIn in < i 1lr iirt I u ntI t r iiu iiuIn l j jin
1 in inutHtarniitf I H IIltrt I I MIM 1 Inrv InrvI Ii I II
I 1 tfin I IIIh im IullK lu IHItii S 1 I VIII VIIIl
i TI r Hioiklrri l It IIn kIvi Home m firm IP IPid ii iiI v
id I I M i HI uii I fir Iii IiiV > i ii
i V I Ii > i Ih > i iM
M MI thu i i i > hT h r in o ii iiirifi iiirifiI 11 UI lIg lIgi
> > i I lfttn I im t tI u uI >
I wre rP 1 pt1 h i f iul I ii I IlrI1 IliK IliKe 11
e iM 10p > r r p por r 4 ti I atlig t ri I IIa ttirr ttirrcvuteDded IMI IMIv >
Ia v a aL 1 cvoleoued lrI1 c oleoe Uut U the e board tnl I
For Fe those Ihos who cm cn save lve S1O 110aonh 10 a amonth amonth
month aonh or more we hive ly provided providedguaranteed prvided a agurled auarintced
guaranteed gurled Investment InYsImenl that UI earni earniS er
4 S L l The Te security Is first frl mortgages mortgageson loMg
on New York City real estate esale with withpayment wih wihpJmcnl withpayment
payment pJmcnl guaranteed guarnteed by the Bond Bnd 6 6Mortgage I fiI
I Mortgage Morlgge Guarantee Guarnee Company CompanyCall Clpny ClpnyCl
Call Cl at any an of our offices oUces for Infor Information ifor iformton tnformatlon ¬
mation mton or write wrl us U for our booklet bookletThe boklet bokletTe bookletThe
The Te Safe Sfe Way to Save SaveGUARANTIEE SaveTITLE SaveTifLE
AND A TRUST TUST C9 C9Capital C9elt C9Captta
Capital elt l and Stuptaa S J14OOOOOO 1100 I 14000000I76
176 I76esbuitilti 78 BVi B N J T 173 75 Rrraicn 1 S Bklym BklymaiorBMoo B
aiorBMoo 00 fo jaillc JaL JaLh JaLt111
esbuitilti 10 t111 CTHlto tril IWHlVI Ihea i wI Clai eLisori > MM Wllldl whllh wlikIit WTMlll WTMlllthi
t i Ilt thi It MhiHI ln1 to II iln > hunt grnili grnilinient IZrn IZrnRII groilonitil
RII nitil tmnsqtiqlt Is Iil ncrsiitht lii zlpoitmt zlpoitmtthrIll
thrIll I of a I prfncipil Mm 11 t 101 DDontil DDontilTl4Ml 1111 4 I oimn II IIIiMrlii
1r1 IiMrlii Tl4Ml tlmt KIH oIi h luiil 1111 a Stil ivrtiliril ivrtilirilentitling irI iiliI iiliInih IIal IIalnIlhll
entitling nih nIlhll I bug h hir r I > iipMiintiniMit Iplnll11 ml lit ImuImt IH lrl j iriiui ri iti > il ilThe 11I m I II
The I h 1 iHHiril I wwir IIIIIIIIIIIal I inalntainiMl t 11111111 lOOt I lliat i ha I MIMI I too I I mIIfill on onell
n1 fill ell hail tint n tin fiaiuuMl 11111 an ml It 0 < > niiiiiialioii AIIIIII R Iii 11141 I I iii inik inikitiR ItiIIIn
itiR 11 In g her h 4 II > liiili4 ltihl imti < for r n prmci i1rincIs1 > iliihi > in I tln tlncity 111cl I I Is Iscli
city cl cli V SiiliMiiiiPiitly iml ooi mitt ly lior r tranwfrr t ralrr ralrrTh rtmifrrorm wn wnoriHrwl
oriHrwl orm rril Thi > oaf4 ca will il IXIIIIK 1 up lnfiir lnfiirliuilio lw fr
liuilio 1 itot It Krlly nl l cli in 1 I fl tin t iii Supreme iijirrttio 1 oiirt oil 1 rt m mCrtolHT Ii Iiltoicr
CrtolHT Crlolr t tTn tTI ITiit
Tn TI < Ixmnl hoarl vol4Hl nl to n pond nel an mhihitint mhihitintof f11lhitnn f11lhitnnnr
of work done con liv li pnpiln of Or11Rl11 Italian parent parentto parotitsto
to tht Tunti Tlnl Kxiicmltion 1111101 1 in 1 lilt tll I a as n niiiuwtnt riI1liIwtIMI
iiiuwtnt hy l Ih ho llalmn IIIUI fnvernnrnt fnvernnrntStipt nrnll nrnllSII nvrrflflntItSupt
Stipt Mnxwxll Ii wrIl 11 favors ran I grnntliiR grant rIUt lug tht Ih11t I hi re retle r rlurst
11t lurst tle t but hiI Mtld MtldVi P4111w 11 <
Vi w Ir tir r running nlltn riot rnt in the Ih matter IIIr ol olcxhiliitM orf1hiil ofPihittits
cxhiliitM f1hiil At t prwwnt prnl rnt wt Wf nr IwarinK Ihp thueniniutmon hf hfrninplotinn
rninplotinn 1110 of an Al iMt ulilvr Iah > nalV4 > Imtlcpt Imtlcpthibit hldl1 hldl1hihh u ubuilt
built which lia 11 into ro cot WI t in 1 time tmf energy rt anil anilmoney Inc itndmoOr
money IOY moOr nior lOf than h in il tnv m npinmti olili it 1 will willw wiltLw 1
I Lw w wurth wurh to the Ih cut ritrAftor rl rlrl cutftur
Aftor rl tin ttwtim 11II lobn ttre trfwf rI < > ti vu vuprenidont i iprillnl iS iSprrsultqit
prenidont of Iii > Ixvml 1 nnil RIII ohnirmnn hllr o othe or orth ofthu
the th flnanro Illn ixitntnittiw II il 1 < KIII tant a I li un tmimdr tmimdrto4l 111 < l r rth
1100 to4l < th Ihlam tha Hoard nf Ktitimli 1tI1A > < otit Imlh mplatit1 mplatit1ctlttmR 1 1Cllinl
cutting Cllinl down tim < nchool thunl hudeet hudeetIliir 1ct1 1ct1I liutlgutI
I Iliir 11r Hir ecliool MVntein 11 I to IHIIIMI IHIII In 0 crow crowand tr 1F1Wnnd
and wo w should IR inv IHVH moniV inon 0 v in adiliiion adiliiionlo eleli
lo hilt I tu Ilk1 1151 > Kiil Ml for rn F in I tin t hi inuluit IHlrtI I iI1mlj t he I rid ridItl a ml mu I
1 1 IIH Itl iit IH I thi t ii 11 f ml yvnr lr of r thin If I adn 11nl 11nllln III I n > ini 1 > tri trition rs rsI
tion lln I iou nnil RII nIh I of r iurM 1 it I will wil1 vI I I nit it < iwn 4 II IMTV IMTVtp tv tvN
tp 1 N n > Mom 1 poiwible I new fl driBiin driBiinW4 hH IruoitilOiti
W4 > v 1 > lOiti i ii 1 von 01 oti know Inow Im 1111 two I nlur nlurload pluitiiimiiio hi
1111 load nf imiKiRriintH IIitII iii nu I rimIs hntic hht tutu Ii ctiniRh ctiniRhto itm llh llhI
I troll to 1 M 1 tike Ik iii I ii m ttiuV whool hol nec tmronir tmronirnD > irx irxinnn
innn nD I IT TK nf in 11 IllS M niti ttl tr trFlr 11 11IININI t1Iirit
Flr Iirit t Mi Sti1iiI IININI < M u4 rtr trI < 1 It I Mhni h Ilirrk Gitun i en tn tntllnUtrr tn111Ir IniinIIr
tllnUtrr 111Ir fame 1 Hack HackIt n nII
It was el otuvn vi r dtvii t l Irn for h hu leirneel leirneelof lurn tl tlI
lor I of hi marring mrRI to io Kleun > r IiriipHll IiriipHllof t uuit1ullof
of IHH S Iuh th i IrI tre < t UrooUlvn IronkhI and 111 ln h hwa hiW4 >
1 wi nt lt nt all 11 pleiM pI to3Pl 1 > < l with ilh ih I ho informn informnMon itmfnummtInt romni
i Mon I nccoirtinu Rccntilt to th tho ti ItInlur ItInlurliv titn 11 riv clven clvenIiy 11
Iiy h WRIIr Vnlt r I st Shnln t tr0pn0 > en nn of if Z3 1 Pri Irilnt IrilntIIlt IrmildOflI IrmildOflIstruot ldent ldenttreet
treet but 1 IUII iiDtHw net ice I iirretinn irr tsnt In I th thSuprttno thSunm tho thoSuirom
Suprttno Tourt I out refused t grunt Innl him himj him himan
j an annulment une 111 imnloi v witni v ItflP4 In to tOc tho thoI
I oT Clnll c r tnony wen w wrtStuVrttmtt > proilund proilundStev
Stev SIII StuVrttmtt niioit wanted 1 iln II annulment Rnllll1 lx lxcauiw 11 11Cl t tCt15A
cauiw Cl h wn xorv yoinc o 11 mfl when wh ho h got Iot IotI gotnmarrlud
I 1 married nr1 on 0 a dir IU o and In1 iUn 11 ilo I IIueItIW > < aii al hi hiand h hRn1 hAitnut
and bin hi wife n tmvr vr h tm4l + l li > ii and RndI never nvrrwotilil
I 1 would olhllh live 11 together 101 togut h r 1 hey h Pis w wr r Kettlng Kettlngold 1IUnl
old enough nollh to think about 0111 other tour ituirrlaReM 11 11riRIZ tourrisgos I
rlaReM riRIZ now 10W and would uiiIut Ihl liUi Ik < to I have hR their theirllb IhlrIhrt ttm ir irllburty
llb Ihrt llburty rty Hut II tli i mirt t refused to crnnt crnntthe grontthu mnl mnlIlh
Ilh the annulment Rnllmnl IIIIIM ml additiotiil IIIlliunal 11111 ional t tot totII1U ti timony
mony II1U Oi wnre nllnnittiMl hliU de itsuiiu pite tbe It fact factthat rAclIhRI mid midtimmit I II
that Mr l is Stexetmon St tl0ll add lhl1 > d her rOt ntmitl nlIt romitlus romitlusI < i ito
to I i hors Iho I > < of it r her h ho r prntik Imlk p in tmk mmle 11 I lift I t hiielkind hiielkindIll iii ishitmdfimu
Ill fimu hllalxuid hlI ii ii ohmi > IIIII iii toll I mi1 t the Ih t he IM lu of ti I t ii Illlnhap Illlnhapand iii isha ishaa
and alel a itut nh h l h > r him hUl ut 11 in I i im all i 1 I I of r it itcoordm IIcrll itceontmnmt
coordm crll > tii II their Ih utorv Ir th couple couplehad coup couptuI 011 011IUIIIHI
had IUIIIHI known n each other tl for rn ribout 1011 a I month monthwhen mnl h Iiwtiuti I Ih
when h they Ih I met 11 ill I the Ih Orpheum Orhu I Theatnon Theatn hII hIII
I on rebniary 1111 11 I l ii o hulls 1h wer r I year yearold rmirs rmirsold 1
old Thi itmuy 1 < y had IUIII n meal I and InelI nil a drink Irllk in I a arwtnurnnt anlllnll aIOStltlrfltit
rwtnurnnt nlllnll UtIti nd then mor I drink after afterwhich IUr IUrwhich nftrrwhich
which they th went nt to II IS 1 Iolhemiln lulhII pl 11 11Ih p1i p1ithu r rthe >
the Ih honiH ho of the li Itev I Wlllr Vllliini MnrrHMin MnrrHMinr llrrln llrrlnI
I r rrlor lor of All 1 SaInts Slnll thtirch ureh They ThuyiiatriltI were weremnrrlml wrmarrlt
mnrrlml but Stpveimon av M he h didnt didntknow didntttmnw lhlnlkuow
know it and lUl that thll he h didnt thin I know anything nnvthincuntil nnthl
until In I Ii woke 1 > ip iJ in il the I lm Kithtub at In Inown h I IIW
own IW ii fiiine t III HOIIII 1 ht li rui uui > ir to titir 14 0 t HIM I I I is l Ir IIum > Hde Hdehail <
hail hllllk Ium II takin 141 k utm him hll lii in home hI Ii itti uul hull him hll liii ii on the thed Ih Ihnr t iiuulurtuit
d ulurtuit > rtRit fur nr nn n tintiii 1 father tr r and andmottur 111 111111 mirtuttiiutior
mottur whodidnt g0 t < th 111 > diMir in I tune tunetocUrli hubto
tocUrli I to il 1111 hirat hr ti ° r II at it itIhe I Ittlrt I IIrI
Ihe IrI tlrt lr t that StMitunii knew about aboutthe atuutittim
I the Ihlnl tim init trimiK rui KI wa > wben 1 tiii hi < hetk tmrikfl tyabe tyabetn
tn n Mr Ir Mum Iurrimuii wa Wmio 1 riturtud to him hil by bythe livtti
the tti h llntiiiltiii Tr I liii root 1 i iinptinv Hi I II didnt didntknow liIII liIIIk tmilntktlti
know k ktlti inv mti Mi I Mfirnoiii Ir He III II uivii iti oitigmito > tiiiit II IIllel d dand l lI
I and llel tutu found r < hiitieHa ilu litie Ii umiuji < Jn 1InlI 1InlIII Ii hurrud hurrudamptill IiuirrmuiII
II II lt I amptill miutiut uIi with Ih the I tim tiltllliu 11111 liew liewand 1 I Iitul
and 111 h In I ii i uKIuiimiy inulv Ih tIul I him bow 1 hiuu hi h hid hidIMMIIMIO h1I himutIwOutII
I IMMIIMIO I amKiriKlv ilili 11111 iirKI niiiberitit III Imrrtt flit tr i ih ihtinar lh g hi hiI
I tinar II > ci tiiied itil I > i n urni riiinMil it 4 with It h at trui truidrink Ir IrI r im i iuIriti
I drink Iruk and 111 how I aim h hud tisiHitiKlr 11 iii iiiget silKgustMl a
get gustMl l Kiitiiii gt 111mg It married a mIs a Jolt > lloth llothwi B Br Im Imw
wi w < r fli < piilh llh iiTtiin rtamn tlin that I they I h v ilidn ilimtrmtwant lellt t twant
want 111 to I Ii tjh a it I rioMHlv iruuuumulsituvuiioIi rioMHlvStt rI I
I Stt ituvuiioIi v tiiM ii fither rt Fnderiik H I Eleven Elevenwin < 1
111 I win ikiid Iiel that 1 ln II non n wirny autr uiv 1 wn na itnmk itnmkon mk
on the Ih I Itu night Ilhl Iii glit in a in a m tioii 111 ii 11 that I tii I lit h bid ha1I I r rtunie rtI I
I tunie tlrl1 tI I rn < l horn ho in I I Ii an In ii 0 iiiiprec II ii Ir lot eni i ts I 1 oiuli oiulilion u utiul h I It
lion 111 t hull to I 0 the II 1 110 clii 111111 pit lerniitiiiii rrflmmt huh of f In rent4 rent4who it itwtit
I who h put 11 him hll titlMil titlMilsi to liiI liiI1i I
1f11 1i si cut r if inn iii nt t is I sn ii irw irwlr tT tTf
ut lr f list lal ia e llrrTllle ITII I is Uonil 01 awl an lie lieMill I II IIIii
Mill ni Iii nonl nalt f1 P314H141 < MMHt CHH llamcr llamcrMr iliiigrMrs
Mr 1 tharlen hnl Austin Ill Hit 11 ILitui i > who salmau h hr e reoi reoiiinr rsiilonro
iinr r ilonro at lt l 11 ill 7 ItivrrKili Drive IK I on 10 mino of r HIS HISinvolved psi psiuiivivumI I II
involved in I th writ of Ir iimtulnrni IIRr < under underwhlrli uiflmlrw 11
whlrli w Irk I ml rk romiiil lIIIIiur I ui Ill liii psajuilor ioner Stover 11r lui luidetille IUIO IUIOuIiemiisl
detille 11111 l Ui IA prtxeed to 14 nlmve hn oft I the tl front frontof rl rlIr frimiatsor
Ir of Ih I he hoiiMM hI got IL Imt II teniioriry Ipnriy t ° m Iris ry injuni IIJII I tmj i mb mbI i ilion I
111 I lion its from f n mlii Supremn 4ii fursti Court 1llr I oI1 rt luticM Iuist 11 iesi tiuve I IV IVa i v u ugari j jgnti
gnti a vifiterday 1 rentraimnic rIralni tIm < Iirk 1 C n n1iu In InIii
1iu Iii niiKHioner aimIir from rll interfering i titrfri ii g with w it Ih Ii tier lioi lioiThe h hTh lit > iu
Th 1 The ti ouler m if returnable llron on Ocfolxr OIhShIlnn I etmIwrHit 7 7HhwilwlnnH
Hit HhwilwlnnH uloelarrit that there h wnn w no Haw taw It4l in the thetitle Ih IhItl iiitithsu
title Itl of r her liou h IKIMII I iiima II nf enrnini rimirusiihm rimirusiihmni h hmentji
111 ni mentji mts when w lln Imun alms h iKnight btuui Ilh g lit It 1 I I and Inllhlt a nil limit t there therelian Ih Ihh I iisruhiss
hiss h 1 xen nonefieilari lion n dIRr1 ullIl ruI < l by h liv theloiirt I imu f ol lr I v t Kiiie KiiieSh psi I is isShuu
Shuu Sh h iciid 1 that 111 if r ho h wa t0I4 a unable 11 tn prevent preventhit tVflt tVflthut
hit Ih Park IRrk Coinini onirmastnnur winner from rom ititlini I I I oiT oiTthe tT tTthu T TLh
Lh the front of r her h houne hlll ohs h would 1 cm uiu 1 th thnty Iht I he helt i iI
nty lt I for r iniiii l iPWJ i damaKe damaKeMrir ihainagusI Inmal InmalI
I Mrir I I Il lTIS r I rn rirr rirrH TIT I
11 H I Iattl I llpptibllran nIlhlr1 Maul I Him 11m lit I Ii lain JoinVrogrratlu lainlrocre nlnW
lrocre Vrogrratlu lle highS highSANiIili1 Am AmWAHIUVIIIOV >
WAHIUVIIIOV W ANiIili1 MIIS10 Ht Nll Sout pf Keprmenta u ltopirantiI I j jlivM Ii
I livM i iv Krwlerlck C Steven t tt vuni uf r St Paul Paulwho 1111 1111wh ioumlwtms
wh who I iwmt l n I sltmr i r l wmn > eiiiK OI IC ilefeatnd nil for r r rloiiiintlioii ru runuimliist I IlliI4tul
I hi h had hiili ael I not l bitti bittiliworu
nuimliist loiiiintlioii lliI4tul hull 111 > WIHIM 111 tn tnnworti I Iwonl
nworti in il in II u i full rll fledged 1111 InniirgHtit InniirgHtitlrftVele Iiiuirgsmttravitlisti
lrftVele IrlvI1 l all ut the Ih w W1V W4V r to I Whlilfll lllllntoll lot lotII 11 ii I It41
11 t41 II rrHldetil Irhl II Tuft Tlr that If I ho h wlhe wl h to towilh I gus gusw
wih w wilh I I hi lilt II I crowd in uwil wl lie 1 lllMt UI I I 14t join J siti tile Ih I s pro pror Ir Irn ri rigri j
gri r usllr4 ive n < HlivillH e M xgurrilru < x > rlenrH tit I th thirli Ih1llr tlmtin
tin irli vrtul > itri > 4 iiiiivliionl 1111 1 hiii hll Ii I is hut I I1 tb t In II InOil I i iiiirRent
Oil 1llr iiirRent tKtil I nh niiviniiii sV If tinin 1 n o tniitli luch ill pitI I HH HHwIlt I I lit litwoutit
wIlt over 1r I i l t thi t is K < lleral 11 nillatliitl 01111 a It tjmpsi Is iii ill II till tillell 1 I Is Isiristral
iristral ell llrll t nil Wel with it Is Ihe Irtwulent la1 I t eve eveIIIIK 1 Ilimit
limit IIIIK K ststi tnl to IIv I up tUv I heruin hunUIIInhIlt hr nsin < i iiit inuHtntemint inuHtntemintn I ii a pstjtt u fllolit fllolitIi i iII
II Ii n 111110 whicb wh h Imi di I 1 luw14tP4 Urf that tl1 t th I hut pr it sgroasl > gn MlVH MlVHiKveniiit IM IMlit
UIV iKveniiit lit Vrt115t1 I within lhl It Ii ii I Ih I I hmu tarty lty wit I 154 bounil bounilii 1111 1111I
I iii ii go K forward rra1 with utidiintmidiiil 11 InllI1 iid stuusiIto I Ile IIp
Ito le JU pr itlItt < lift that ultimately tbo ll tKliriM tKliriMor Ihr Ihrfor
for or which tin I I ho itiitrjtfiit 11 lrlII aIRhln ire Lr lighting will willis wil
IH M acopteil QJIlat at th t thiiss e ur f th ti whole party partyIn palyrtal partyIfrIgat4
IfrIgat4 rtal In ronferenc 11 Eli n Tul TuIHrlIII Tulp4rIglIieI Tulp4rIglIieI9IItITit > eriiilo l lV4j4iilXfT i iWIXCTS
WIXCTS V4j4iilXfT 9IItITit s Sept pi ZH Z M The Th MInt IV IVurlmetit 1 ihItrtrilPtIt
urlmetit 1 > lm1 HIH h nppointwl nlllnl1 lr I Held 111 Hunt IIt himntof j jf
of > f Hi 1iibhc lliMllli 1lh ii iit1i and Ino Mann him HIMIut I IIltnl himflitJil
Iltnl flitJil ut l Servin urtif rI l IJ hr r MnsyU Mn k Kawnel lan1 of oflmiutIau r j jtadioiiti I1I
tadioiiti sti Wi W s I Ir U Arnold Ic Klerei h itss of i if r Ihi IhiK 11 1 Is i i4uI i
1I 4uI K 111 sitiI < i > id H I Baldwin nII huh l III uf f thi thiiiy Ill Illily flito flitoI
iiy I I V In I 11 IH I uu deligull I 11111 t4 lo I a tin t hi ninth 1IIIh ut ii t Ii inter ititrris I Ihilionil
is hilionil I 11551 I iiilifeteiice iu Iii fiuimn on luberctilo III I I is rru 1 Inito to toe II III I is isI
I iu e hild Ii Ii I III II ii I llriHel llriHellir I In
lir I Ir Hunt 1111 liit h ul iiiaiu I IMCII ie ilu4IgtIulIioI 1 igiiiili RnI1 RnI1I d SIN SINp j ji
p i huI i gnti iiti I to I the Ih I Iii e < cond ln I international internationalifr iilurtiatiiuiimultsfrutio nlnl 111 I Irr
ifr tsfrutio rr ti < for or Ili4 I h lou itlidy if f cnmei 11 In Ini Ii Iihi
hi i liild 1111 in Iin IinI 11
4 I allnilli I liii I I I llenetnlenl II 1301101 nnl I lion r C in 11 ntentlon ntentlonI mimi mimiLu ntol ntolI i
I U I inliiui tot 11 u l t onveiition iflVutit tNllnn 1511 of th I Ii < nllolir nllolirA mi hOhiV hOhiVI
I A u ii 15101 I cioii will 1 l 141 held hld In Brook Brooki nrk nrkI
I i In f iO iu ar It I mil ill I take tl flints tin SiftI n I II 1 1I
I ii I ifllil Ifli m a tMV II OrlolT frlt I I 1 I2 Hnd Ilt will II l lel tn to tofl >
el T n s > Mi h IihauI hnnl I a Mnll IRI Fourth Jnlrh avenu A In I j jn
10 n I iv thinl atrrol Th T Bev Father fIIhr fIIhrIf FmithouMruuit I IMini1
Mini1 If 11 m w1 will prenrh th rermon rfn nl Atlh AtlhhQb lh thuhmgh I I Iigh
hQb hmgh igh tuaaa I that Ih will W open upn the lh ooavenUou ODVODUOU 1
nr itrsiiKs n I i V rirr 1 UT rnrtn rnrtnI lllI
I iiv III ii i s sn i itti
1 1radmlr
tti n railemle Parade Ulth I liean Iliirse Iliirsel 111 iIimriIlaiIIn
l laiIIn aillna alnl It I In II the Ih lxeti4o lr of lre irmii irmiiilent l lilenl
ilenl rlt Sluller Uull Prnf or Perk r Nut 1 In Ih Ihrrorr IhIrorMlon listlroetiaIns
i rrorr IrorMlon lnn lthniuli lholll nn Ihe Ih CaitiMi CaitiMii CaitiMiDoctor IainNtiset aIIM aIIMI <
Doctor I I set > l 0 ors IIIMN Iii ii i I IIHI I Minimi agun IIZIil 8 s Iii on n Ih Ihcimpu II IIPI I IS
cimpu S tlfI1A PI of r Coluinbii ChllhlI I iii its huh rnivorily J I iii vursi rll I y yi saI lor lord 1 ur urts
d 11 ts v after a the Ih t Is long I iiII 055 11 iuiini > r 5 droughl droughland ornlhl ornlhlII 5 l roll gtm I Iiviii
and II with lh Ith nil 11 n time h MMoplv of r acidemi acidemij 11111
j ihgnllv u hlllv I I v the Ih I Is utiiverily 111rI u iti vrrsi t y n 1 no OHIIIX I toii il I fn fni rl rlII Is ir irI
i tin II t ii fall rll a II term Ir The 1 ngi lrition < rsi tots totsahoIs 4 > ird irdwhuli 1 1whdl
whuli wero w tliKMhng tin rejtiHirirt I ofllc ofllcin h
in 1 a 1 bltu hh I ilti nhnwer hnw all IILI ii II ill Li y hnve II tin v not 11 ii ii y y1 l IMVI IMVIi IHI I sitti sittiI
i wrtiil I Tho Ti rm pnhmitury llr 11 lllilmtsjr riKUtratnui tllratll will wilU wil willI willilsuiit
U I > llnillt 1 4UHI u l il I Hgurnl HgurnlI
I 1lr 1lrII
I II hi diyn I IIY eventit YII YOn is tI HUmm < < t up 11 it ill orde ordeif rlr rlrr
if r iiiMirtiii iii IHIIII I irto bit < rrll fri from to the Ih I hi uiiilrgrniliiale uiiilrgrniliialeiewhiint I lIlrlcull lIlrlcullWI hrgratliiii ii5 ii5Ilwiiitst
iewhiint WI II were n First the th rush rlh next nexttin umttI I II
tin I h t si iunl II rtih Ih then 111 I Ihi I hmu registration registrationj nlllraln rrmjist rmi I tilts tiltsI tilts11sail
j I niil 10 llniillv Inaly v Ihe I I Is acadiinic prMi un wsai inti II niu niuthe RIII n titi titiI
the 11 I iii HMHI in I i ii tin1 Ih I Ii gymnnxium gymnnxiumDIVH Irll gvtnisa 1 ii in inI
DIVH I I li iigotliK I 1 es n Ih I hm janitor jII Jim iii i i irit hid h1111 all mi I I tho I h hi build buildiiiU 1111 I su ilil ililI
iiiU I i 0 brui hllh1 I uruistisit > u d I up III and atll nIh I tin I lii lal of I ur r the Ih I iii far fnrtotn r farI
totn 11 I uiti row S W coiidiinnitl otitlutn liii I to I ti 5 take 111 talt s iiiiiiilna iiiiiiilnatnuiH p nliu nliuIh iI tilt iUt iUtI
tnuiH I i hit for thi I hu removal tuttlu Y1I I of if r condition erullnn4 Cilfhl It 11154 hai haii hll it iti
i < nt 1 in II the Ih wniite nl baoket IIkI hi his dogeartponv o5 dogeart IOgl4rM1hotly < t tpn
hotly pn Hright lih and early 1 cumo the th tin tintiitonil In Untumtriit
tiitonil crop of frehlii roKtinlny Ir morn morning rootlog nn
log 10 uul me bognn I nn their almiev mitmirsit wanilrriiigi wanilrriiigifiim wu drrnl
fiim h un m hall hII to hall 1111 all RI in the Ih snarl of regm regmlenng rrlll rugisitring
lenng deporting ePIIII fe r ftitt and RII fiilfllllnK rllI al althe RI alt altliii
the Ih whatnot whllnol 41 of f reil r1 ta tau > incidental iclllllll ti tientirmg I IIrli iiistuting
entirmg entirmgI Irli
I nI he hi superior sl r soph were r biding hiUnl their theirtim
1 titnn 111 tim with insolence The Th time I wi was 11 no nolong n1 n1lrlarl HutI
long I ulig delaynl tniler ir thn I guiditico 111I ollim ol ofiti r rInr
lim Moor Inr who hn rowed rn No X J in Ibm Ih vtn vinsty vinstyfsir Inly Inlyi > lty
1 i four t at 1oughkiHple JOIRhkpl nit June lln H S SSnevlly Sly SSIDVily
Snevlly ly another Illnlhr fuiritmnn < if ifinil r renown renownand rn
and 111 JimoH 1 F I Kemp Kpml all RI Junior time thfgreen Ihpn timegreen
green n youth mth of the Ih cia dasi of U I I were r ln IlrIllitl IlrIllitlulfl > riloil riloilon
on n South Smlh Field phl and 011 preparc IruI1 l to I ii me hutI hutItheir i itheir 1 1Ihir
their fate fill It I wrnn WI rillerl 11 by h cmrtiov tiirt v n ntug I mltug
tug IIR if r wr Hut Ktrugglo I between 1lw lwtwiwtsihs tin tinoph Ihph
oph ph ihs and tli4 greenii R rn I There Th wi ws a arox I atIlls
tIlls I there Ih to I l Is > o stir ure lr and nmo pulled pulledon
on opponltn end 11 of it but nearly nrhlney virv virvbmly du rV rVIStMIV
bmly lney preferrwl iiimple impl bu hwliacklng hlhwllrkint IullshWtiLlrkttgwith hwliacklngwith
with wlh n fist in another fellow rln fac rl or r a atlnn I II
I tlnn Unl grip Rrl on Oi the Ih neck of n a i hirt to I mill indicate inl millI ¬
I cate rI the Ih utmot IlmI good ood filling and Ile un unswerving 11 summtwrvlng ¬
I swerving Inl loyalty to Ii the 1 tradition Inlln of ofcollege orcolt ofcoIgulif
college colt coIgulifT1s life lifeTliey u
I Tliey 1y T1s did li mv iv afterward that the Ih freeh freehmen rhi frshmen
i men wallopo wRlnp < l the Ih iph pIia In the Ih firm Or on onL onslsujght n nLlhl
slsujght L Llhl ught but hiI that the I h itnd > > 1 chir ar men menmilled menI n nI
I milled nl1 after rl half ol it I th IhA newromerH m ro hid hidleft h1Ih haulleft
left Ih field 111 ntid Inel pulli pII11 l a teni fragment fragmentof rrtmrnl rrtmrnlr
of r th fre rrhll frahtnrn htnen away to the Ih tnp I of ofHamilton ofIlsrnilt r rluniln
Hamilton luniln un Hall lal Then Th n there I h wore im imor I II noSr
or n Sr two Kiptlm 1 iipt pIm tamo in th I he fountain ju jtiat t to totop I Ii Iitop
I top 101 off nI a gl Rlnrola gluirinuus rnii morning morningVhilo tulorningVhulu nmm I
Vhilo the th combatant mhala antteroI nttr l to tovarious I II tovitriotma
I various rlI retreit r there hr to miko nl theta thernlve tht thetaaelea I
aelea > lve 1 preoenlablo for r time h graver corn cornmonv tenniuunv
I monv n of tho t h iuu opening < pmt of < if the Ih Ia university universitym 11ry V VIts I Ili I
li m th ° afternoon th thu tnotnb 111 tnutnisra r if r the thetivtching li ttm
tivtching lIrlnt M4fT lal Hiwomblofl in the Ih library librarybudding hhm hhmI Islurnrhmimllitmg
I budding hllltIR in l mortar n Iximl gown IZI nnil nnilIKHM In1 In1hHHI mmiiluotsi
IKHM Prof Inr John W V llurgoit 11 Hni snur snurdean mr > T Tdem I
dean and reprementing nlnl Pre JriII lriluiAtlt ldent Nichilm NichilmMurray meiuulsaMtirrtt hI hIlam
Murray Mtirrtt lam Hutler Ihll m a the Ih Litter 11r ihonce hIC in inSentwiny I it itenuutly i iI
I Cntul Sentwiny had hl1 a MelT I f gnwno gnwncsl n1 < l marshal marshalto malhnl malhnltn
to iole 1 t th scalterel onmuttere I segment lmn if r the theproc Ih IhIn thePc
proc > > i > ion In i < n ami aI1 isatl eu the t h way w nit ulm of if r thn thngreat I h hI he hegra
I great library lhrf d < 1 Isiura Isiuraihe xr xrThe
The r High I hI Hev I John Wonlswnrth Wonlswnrthlli WIwnrh WIwnrhlIih orulswnrthItisiusil I
lli lIih Itisiusil hop of Ir Snlisb Smilaimrv Ih irv I who wh had hll lxn ake aketo lk1 lk1tn nskel nskelto >
to 1m I pre pruiihst nt nt II the Ih I opetunK i < ming cerernonle cerernonleand errrnunloaminil mi miInl
and Inl to pronounce uriflltifli th I hi invocation 111 mnvusmmt lnn iSfl look lookhi iinkhI I
hi hil place 1 nt II the Ih heuid of the Ih proretiMknti proretiMkntiby
by t the th ido d if > f Denn l Ilurge 111 and In1 H few fewminute r rIr fewtninumtra
minute beforo Ir S oclock dI tile Ih lung 1lf Ian nf nfdutlering ornulrf ofIlimiltrirug
dutlering nulrf black hlIlk gown wn usjulsiahe > l i hed < l with withthe whimthe ih iht
the t h vivid vi color Clor of dmtor 0 hood hola hoo < l nnved nnvedout Rt RtI nmavudlst
out lst I of < if the I h libmry lh lihruir and Itl1 down lowl to tho I h he gym gymnasium IYI gyniaeiIstls ¬
nasium I I The r M iidiiit udII lii luui s followed ii and andHverv ansIevery II IIr
every r aest e t in t he hl bu II tsi building 1llleln i wjut Wil fllle fllleliti tl1 tl1h flhlmilie
liti he h MIII eilr I r IIMII alel a 11 i 11 n Huh 1h ip ipordswor iiiuritwui I II
ordswor I w h I i offer I piiver piiverThe 1 lit iYr iYriim
The rh Ilirhp II Itmoli h 1 > f Sni Sltllv I ma liirv ii I l wh w lu w c ire it an aniiciilini milltili I
iiciilini 11111 tili Ilulil Is < gown t Ku ti 1 er hu h ma > lerualn iii iilled iilleddown I alj a I Iutwis
down 1 the h N II ilaounga itn UI if f 11 u IH IHII > iii iiitliework I
tliework t lie w urk f the II t univnr tutu 11r s ri it v iu ii I I itinitu itinituHi moti in g giii
Hi 1 1 1 Mftii at r lt rmo vi V leu that ren rehe he I In uver v ry ryrtier
1 rtier n flm Cr i f th t h hi gvmiiixium Ima1 jmmtmmIam I I HI lnn ho h ham hndtliN hnll11 I Itltmmati1 I
tliN tltmmati1 lii l all 11 in I the Ih an litoriutu TOM nnil nnilthe Int IntIh inIhit
the Ih hvinti h11 riien P of St S 4ttuiI mil Ilumhln Ilumhlntli I 11111 limushstsI
tli I h Iii i 10 tlig i ant UII IIIM 11 xiiMill JII in fultbiru fultbiruThiwprniiiiif r1 mu iiruma iirumalliu nl nlI
Thiwprniiiiif lliu trnt mu t thKiiut tti iulig 411110 ilui t in Irwtiel IrwtielIii > wtiei wtieithe
the I Iii h la for lu i w h 1 II bl hulk k f Rinmnl Rinmnli II n0
i nllogH uhI I g girU 1 i uit it on i4iwn in I front by Y thn thntatte thu thuih h I III
ih tatte fi nnil tiuI II IMIII silm of it r thm I inc w liulilv liulilvMunv luIlrII lii ity ityMmsti
Munv II i if r I the Ih tirl 111 wore w little 111 t tugs IKK f IIs i r rwih
Is wih t I Ii iiiimb I IIt I minI rn xribbe 4 nt 111 ui < I n 1 thln Ih t plhiie plhiiet lI1 p Irm ta 1 1t Iti
t ti t iii h > In t frit Hi of uf thiir It wait I It I iill iillint 11 11I
int ln I ha n miattiitmut < i > rtiiiiiii from r1 i tiuie I tii ie inil inilNllllent tiumiluh
uh Nllllent us lent 1 whether w hh b her thi t h 5 Ihtrgi I hi lit otllli fihu f tli mhI mhIIIIrI < > ho4 ho4nf h ii I II
nf I iiuiinrit tm IIIrI mu tIlerlt inn Ii ill iiiibcatM i ii I ii at iu < I the t Ii oh ignii OI of offlillllleli if ifftiittuetm r
flillllleli 1111 uf r whether II h imte h lir I ho t Pm ti iMrer if f Ih I hu huI
I rign ml a g won ni lmlr mlii tuil ero ri f a ri nit int 1 cint C I lit litHI I Imitti
nll HI mitti it I it hignaled KTuI 0 < I t > Ueip IJ 1 i tatihfut t i hm flu t ivo ivoin ivsS
S in I the II I uioininu itiuotfl IIt mum t lu 101 bi it a if i f ILirtmrd ILirtmrdl 111 ff44 rd rdI 1
l 11 > ii iu II llur liii rga < in IIIM hi oi s I11 > ning tu i rig addre addrerilUd HII HIIr I rus rustaIiuI
rilUd r I I tin I 1111 4ttu tltutm f ill i tiidtitn > IIelI t th thli thir I IhI
hI li n ir r which llrl WHO lli I i iiimbii lllhlI in I iiiivpt iiiivpther 11110 tiiit ig iglir
her I Pn 1II1 I ri Mlent il ii it I put lIt tit t m IU 1tII1 I tr > rin in than Ih IhI I hP r ruulsumimhma I II I
I npr > > iit 1 Columbia Chllil m I tin I foitbiiiiiuiK foitbiiiiiuiKlibnition Iuittii IIh1111 < rtiirmg I Ihnl II
libnition I hnl I ins I 11111 I if r Hi 1 t is Ii nth I it Ih ii iintiiviriry 1111r ii it tm I vorai r ot ott utI I Ir
t lnivtr I ti ivrii iiy I > of I If r Iterhn lIen mti He I I is outlumi lIlt Ulhl1 I itsi < i the 111 111w I ii iiw i iW
W ll I Illill ll > Will 1 h t full IH old I 11 ll iliolhttitmu iliolhttitmuC 111 litlltloll litlltlollrt
C lu rt iu < l ainiiiK 5 liu iiu 11 g tli I I I I filinlir iIll 11 tN u uf f Kurope Kuropemil I i rope ropeitmil 1
mil liill it ip 1 ii i a ill rtusluI I if t real 1 a I < n 111 111h ietiumr ietiumrlife emir emirlift
lift h and i ulturi I I IIf
If If 1 lleiirr 1r lairll 111 I 1411115 irti Di Dio 11 I i iI
C o ntil ta pr > ifi e r < if 1 S < ilogy then t delivered deliveredho
ib ho h iHininn 1111 ailli tiulultuu Ih Tin I Iii hJ hJlul wn wny lia liaill
lul y U FjluiMiiiii 11 lh II his iiUH uI 1 mi w a f I r roiinininvi rIhlkila ru
u oiinininvi tbinking Ihlkila In II iliming Iil he h rani ranitiiinnitr pmiu 1 IItiuruu I Ir
Itiuruu tiiinnitr tiuior r a imps regardx the t h he iwirnowhnt iwirnowhntiverworkid suvtmuwlimstuurwi hnl hnln
iverworkid uurwi iiki t I word w iril wrvux pt n U ivery r addition additionn 1101 muli I t i i < I ii
II 5 n HMry 11 u f 1 conceivable iEmlIi 1111 iihtu depart i 1Ilrlnl umi 11 ment I nf nfIliimn lt ltndI ofhinuists
hinuists Iliimn in ndI i vil y vlnrh wlh i mo i itintni lt nil tlvu 11 thy H Hrviii I isrvtiu
rviii thut I 111 tlw II I iii opirit p 1 ii rIt of r nciencn 0 < irhlt r i lii ti tirurmfer I IlUI IitrOtuafer >
rurmfer lUI r < > iiiethlng 111 1 if f atuo Ril from rllhI thnii itlu Ills Ills1fliiwtu 1 1now
1fliiwtu now n 1 IntiliH I Irit time h nnliii 11 of I the II known k ellit I U stul nd I i iherefoic I I1111 iI
I herefoic line 1 t i idiiitlcat 1111 ii lots Iinl with wl w ii is HIM I h opirit psI SI r it nf nfilorature l if ifiiterattmr r rIlII
ilorature IlII that Ihll I tho II t ii moral tim rssl nl ie trot i of < if t orv orvidvaniw eryaulviui rv rvaIAI
aIAI idvaniw i I Ia whether whet hI huur or r not 11 it i Is iinatrtic iinatrticlive < on tnic tnicIve tnlrIh
live Ih whatever whn i constructive It h i moral moralThe IRI tniurnluiu i iT
The T Minnd 1 address HIlr wa tnndo In by lT ii Krnt KrntMnell Erntlanl rnat rnatI
I Mnell lanl profcteor 1C < r of r mcKleni IuIi hUtory hUtoryn hi hiII ry rylii
II lii n th h > rnlvor ttiiveralty ity y of < if r Kiel I Hi 111 Mihjott Mihjottruj hj t tw tWILlS
WILlS w Th rh Couni C < sti nit of r tho I h hut World Wrl iiliiit Trudn Trudnrom Te iroiIsPrntim I IInm
Inm Prntim rom tfi4 I t lii > Siltlth Si Sixtienth tu titii totho I I ime Twentieth Iuttt it h i In InII > un untiry n nury
ury II uryProf
Prof Irr nf llarrr Iarr Tsur T ttjrptstm I ifon Peck Irk Ambon AmbonirofeMwir Anthonlsrmifros nlhol
irofeMwir < ir of r latln 111 and 111 Greek who wh vi viii wmiaeiiaIpslsI I
eiiaIpslsI ii > i < iide < l HJ head of r tho h laencal tImspiisttiii < laencalihllolngy
iii ihllolngy hl Iii uiomy ICI ilenrtni dr ussr nhut < nt followingho rClnI follow I Ii g I h iso brlng brlngng hrlla I ii lug lugtsK
ng of u r it MI 0111 lit it for 0 breach of if r promi 11 o agaln IIII1 migmlitithuittu t turn
hil huittu urn w WNi not In hue I h academic INIIIC pustule pnrndeo
I lii o WH walls K in 1 hi iuiui office m In II F 11 IIPI > u > t Hall 101 part Ir of oftie ift r
II t tie ii morning On Hi lie 11 I bulletin 111 Ixuinl 1I1 in inb InI I
I b iii ofTlfii Ilnlll ufTI of r th I he reicintrar reitiot rs4r Prof Ir Ijlward IjlwardIMIII I liItarultuinmnm
tuinmnm > IMIII Ierrr Ir and 1 Prof Ir e elatts 1 oii 01 01J I il luiiii luiiiiMd4 > nu nuilHrea
Md4 ilHrea J rois iiMMtiNrw nIIn of r tho II t lii Muff I in I Prof ProfWk Iruflwku i
Ik lwku Wk dipartment dlrrI Situ I nainid nRI1 a 11 ups miiu miiusimititmit HI HIulllliK
ulllliK llil olllir 111 fur r Indent 1111 to I till 11 th thHxitton timII
111 II Hxitton mi Ii it iiortnully lrluly Is urilmitl 17 held hlelll I by hs I Ih ho Ii hall of i if r the thelepurtllHMIt Ih t tueilujuii
ilujuii lepurtllHMIt lepurtllHMItProf tI imsulut imsulutIrif 11 11rr
Prof rr Peck III lreko iiamn IUI Mill tl appear al II at the thoieid Ih Ihha1 thehiuaul
ieid of r Hi I t tis li h1 > t in the Ih t he uiiivinlty bulletin bulletinif
isf if r Information IIrnI on n the I h divlnlon dIVII nf r ancient ancientmil IitI < IstIt IstItiiiil I
mil 111 Oriental Irlllal I language Thn only unI 1I1 in illrmaU1 Ittfirrnathumtm I Iurination
urination rmaU1 cotiMWiliiK rlln Imf Pe Ik litkt < ki slatu slaturhich istatluewhiiis tII tIIwhlh
rhich whlh wiut I gIven Ih iou < it I yesterday wa WI that thatmill IlmlII ttimituntil
mill the Ih board of r tniMic tnlI of r thu Ih mil milinity tililrsht I Ily
II inity rsht ly y HH 11 lsst t n I Monday Inta to I review thnj thnjtion Ih t imu imuI1tuilI I IIK11
IK11 I1tuilI tion mf f ill the ciimtnitli nil on ducalioii uliinistiiisp 111111 j jelutivo
p elutivo tn Prof Irr PiHk Ik nothing nlhhll ian 1 N I < raid raidIi
in Ii tho Ih matter mi ttuitlerIflfli I Inint
1111 Iflfli nint U i 11 INvi 111 n giii giiiVnhii 111 111ones I
Vnhii ones 01 ltrpre nIrnlal ltmjrmmliallmm rinall e In I Vl IU lt na n uhlnl tihlniton uhlnlIon hlnc hlncnn
Ion nn awl n lie I lleeelteil h Prolilenl rlrl Taft TaflWAHIIIMITON TaftS
WAHIIIMITON WIISIT S < S lilt pt < < Canlitvil fII 1 Vitm VitmtmiitIli in iniiililli 1 1h
iiililli reTi ripris nliti nUt I h I > 4i of i if r Ihn I h imu Pop 1 I iut at atIn It ItIII atI
III I In Fucharot Eit < 1 Ii < I ongn un ln grs whlrli 11 toni bi 1111 iut iutnde j iituiliitl
nde uiliitl < l at a I Montrinl l It i iii i rics II I will I mll UNI t h WatI Vabing Vabingon Vashmi ml g gt I II
I on in al II ii I Ii > lock tornortow 10rlrlW t n tlumrtw niotiiiiig niotiiiiighero I fti r him Ii K Kr i iThr
Thr r hero i si ri arn 5 ru more limn i ii 1m sits IIIIMI I 111 PJ CitbnhcM CitbnhcMn I 11101 11101I st I iol uus uusI
I n WUhlll MKhingtiiti Il alit tugi iii mid ml 11 It I I xtMcliil puti ui 1 tbil 111 I ii iiurge IIlurr mihi
hi urge rgu number Iii ittul Per will W 5 1 II tH11 is mat sit iho Ih I is rnlon 1li I ttiu iii istat station 111 intl intlI i io I II
I lurr o s grit gruet 1 Ih I iiu Cardinal CIIIII ci nI utIi I In I ii tho Ih t Is aftirtuxni aftirtuxniIn1 IUn usfturtmi s in intImu
tImu In1 anlitml unl11 will wii ix riceiv ruelvit h1 l hy I h Prvoldcui Prvoldcuiif I
Tr if nl mm the I h Imu WIII Vluic HOIIM Ull Tha I lb h aiTinig4 aiTinig4netil mmrumlsgttmfuto rUI > I
ttmfuto netil for rn thi hi hip rtfotition worn r inid inidhnitigh 11la 11lathlllh ail ailtlmnnighi
hnitigh 11 Archbi rrhhnl < hop Irelind rI 1 toili to < 1 u > U Usaid ItI I II
thlllh I said that I animal Inllll Vantiuteili alIII will ull I Ih IIh h hthe
Ih the h MI flr rf1 Irs l IXTSOliil P < ruHI rijirewnltlve rtv of M lip lII lipIt I
tn 0 viit 11 istt anhinglon 1hinltoO and ntt l Ie o receivrd Id hy hya I
a 1 Ircaidcut lriccuL oT o the to United Una tjlauv t J I
FOR in iiiiriiir Hn Hfl tc c0mcr c0mcrI raxni tnlT tnlTa ri riI
I Medal a and Cam b tn tf Wx K Bailor aUa mt r th thHattliohlpXcrth tl tlui
i HattliohlpXcrth HatUNlprb IItUetmp4rthWssIltNuun Dak nakt naktI eta etai
i VainiiTON W UltUTOC Scjit cpt t jn Ten rnlUtwl rnlUtwllinen nUlel nUlelII ntlatdtibet
linen I II tibet of th the Uittlmhip ItJWI North lnh irth Dakota of ofj
j i tl I timi Atlantic Int fWl liar IIY Iteen commended commendedby Imno1 Imno1Iy
by the Ih Navy Department 1llrlrt for heroic hrlo con conilurt endimrt ln lnllrl
ilurt llrl during il the Ih reont r t fire I in II Ii thooil I is 01 oil fuel fuelvi rl1 rl1IIr fuelaysiitt
aysiitt vi > ieiii IIr of time Ih rwtelin ssl 1 In which threo Ihr men menh mraliluit
h I liluit > Hi I heir lite h ill 4 MednU iiitliii of honor anti nndgrnluliioH RII RIIml antigrmiutiliimo
grnluliioH ml of Ilin 11 lmit each ch hays 1 l Im > erti awarded awariletllothesotnen nWnlInlh awardedI
lothesotnen Inlh I C I buou then nrhnlbSlnnlon rhnmasSlintonof rhonaa Stanton or New sw York Yorkchief ork orkchlr Orkchief
chief machinist IIChli mate 11 Karl la1 WII Vit of ofllrooklyn orUroklI ofcidmt
llrooklyn UroklI chief inachlnisf RchllI mate rt Patrick PatrickHiid ltrjeLiiil lr
Hiid 1i1 of Ir Iroklyn Brooklyn chief wuter wul lender lenderj Ind IndIIIII tmndsrAuugmiet
j August IIIII HollT I ol 7 of Ir nienrrx 1nc Mo Iu chief cller water watertender watertentler
tender Charle Ilul C IU ltar Itobeils > ber1 of of3iattus llo ltlon ltlon31R ton tonMaw
Maw 31R < nuichinisC hlnI mate rat first frt clnjw c Harry Harryi lrr
i 1111Olb liliwctitnb uf Washington D I I I U water watertender wal watertpiuilr
tender tenderlh 1111 I
I lh 1 iiitits f men hauletl halird the t h hut tiro II in tho I h luui fur furnace r rla firnae ¬
nace la of r iKiiler MI In No o 3 Hrfrooni 1oom whilo whilothe whikthe hil
the In oil wa burning on ni top of nno nIl of the tholioiler Ih IhIHI theisiIers I
lioiler IHI and took every vr precaution IfCalllul Iltcalit Ion to torvv4iil InIn11 topinvttut
In11 pinvttut > rvv4iil an 11 eiploHlnii 111111 They Th also alo Heardimfor Heardim searvhuedfor arcl1 arcl1rnr
for and ali ii amsshottiI Hi 1 oi tcd m II carry tlrril dmlrrYIluI Inc out 011 the I h ho Ixxlie Iodl
of r the I h he ihiii I hI IIHII 11 its tm who it hi iu lost their I live liveTin I livesiimis v vI
Tin iimis work wurl wa was a donn Inlo in II water wnlr up II mu lo Ihel IhelwaltH IhlrII t 1sthr
I waltH w II lts in ilciiMO 11 > 1 snioki llk heat h al and ane fiitnei fiitneifrom rlr fumeuI
from rl litirniliK hrli oil and Rne the I h tuit ga gas and I Mean Meanuri ptsanmtinslug 1
I uri arlilO tinslug iiig from U tho I Is hot coal and coke I float floatinit nIInt 11 < 1st 1sting
init Int on In this Ih water r unit wul hH > water Wllr waj wajpmiring w wItln Wapusirlisg
pmiring Itln down dwl upon 1n them I h from r1 tho I h tue IKHM IKHMal h halo hisisihl4fl
al alo hl4fl n llotwrtii lt wa u overcome O rl bv fumei fumeiand rlm titmice titmiceawl
and 11 gaao Ja awl 111 had I to b I 1st rarrie carried aril < l to the thedeck tht1 thetiesk
deck deckI tieskInmsr t1
I Four Iolr other men rl have ha received Id < t letters lettersof 1lf
of commendation rmmnoato from Acting Kecretnrj KecretnrjI tOtAr
I 10 of the th Navy Sa avy Winthrop They were wereThoma w wThnn wereThornaa
Thoma Thnn Duvi 11 of llrooklyn lokly chief water wateitender wal waterten
tender ten < Itr John Ioh J I Quintan 111n of Chorleatown ChorleatownMii
Mii tisuui II water Alfr tender Ifndr Creorge Uor F t Kills 1 ol oli
i i Hntfleld IRIIII MA Ia lsu water tender tndr Arnold Aolc J JSmith 1 1 1South
Smith Smih nf Chicago flrvman InlIIa necoml clowt clowtTheso d dThr ciaaiulhrs
Theso Thr four rUI men went into Inl the Ih flreroorri flreroorriin
I in the Ih face rl of r such lch Intense Inl heat Ilat sat that the theho tht the1how
t 1how ho h > had he to l Iwo > o pay Ily1 playtsi 4t upon them and andhauled andhA111 andhmimlud
hauled hA111 all 11 the Ih lire I in the I h l1fn furnaces rlmA of the theboiler th thehollers
boiler 111 They Th took lok thn Ih usual 1111 IrIUon precaution precautionito
to pnvent 1lt u boiler Iollr exploHion and ad endeav endeavortnl eimdoavnredti da
ortnl nredti to I play tho hose h < > n the Ih nettling llin tank tankIn
In No i 2 ftrornoin 1n and on n thn Ih bulkhead bulkheadIxtwi hllkhld lusihkheadhrtisti
Ixtwi hrtisti > eti flrvrooma and lod 3 3strv 3iI
strv iI 11 t11 < rut T sr srw Tl ITKS ITKSiTtie iT iTt iTtr
iTtie r 1 nut President and nt III II lila Cabinet hlnt al WnrW WnrWi nk nkni
i on ni llepartmeiit ispuartttiettVteliinio FlRuVei FlRuVei2H u
W Vteliinio IISOTOp 4cpt 2H s President lrosi < Ient Taft Taftand TAt TAtRnl Taftanti
and the Ih lml momlier of hi htsCabinet Cabinet continuedtoday continued cllnl cnntlntumdtoday
today th thu process prl of fr shaving hAlnl the Ih esti estimates petimates II IIm ¬
mates m I nf the I h Mverul ral departments epnmnl < for rolh rolhnt the thenext thenest
next fiscal riar No S announcement InnOlnnt was wasmodn WI WIml wasmriiln
modn of thus Ih rrmilt 11I1 of the Ih two day work worknn wnI
nn 0 tlm I h hr oolimnto not IRh tIlmIltes but hiI It i known that the thePre th thI the13riiulent
I Pre Plelnl 13riiulent nlent ha h strong I on hope hn now of holdIng hnldinatho holdlnt holdlntI
I tho tim h total Inl within hln ho h figure tlll presented p ln lat latyesir t tyear
year V good tMI K ° ° < l deal < of r th I h time 1m today todaywa Inty IntyIn
wa In in on > hut h estimates lmal nf the Ih War WarI Rr RrlIlrr arIhparttnunt
I opnrtment lIlrr > and RO after Irlp the Ih davs Iav work It Itwas I Itals
was fiMind rld that Ih the Ih total of this IVpart IVpartment lpn lpnmnl lhpartfllrnt
ment i I is > iiiItsPs ii 1001 < i i less than huts Ih total totalamount 10111 10111RmII totalstfliitutlt
amount appropriated aIIrille for the Ih Department Departmentnt 1larml
nt tin I h last 111 Mi plnn > ion Tho Th estimate 11 for forthe r rSAy forthu
the Navy IV IJ fleiarttcnt > > artment rrfnl are A ices I than the theestimate Ih IhImal thetilufliuttes
estimate Imal made 11 last lal1 year Thu Post PostOftlco Int011cc
Oftlco onl Vipnrtment ha h ha shown fibout 11It the thnamo Ih Ihun theJune
I June un penvntago lrnlaK of r Increase Inr thi year a ait as asIt
it i till la IRt t Thi of < if r course Oi Is I nccounted nccountedfor ICII ICIIro I
for ro by ito Ih continuous cllnl growth grWlh of the themrvi th thfllnlln thesuirvur
mrvi suirvurtatuumiiiimn o oanadian
anadian fllnlln reciprocity IIrrily wax another aolh sub subject cubJnil lh lhj ¬
I Iina
ject j con flidd cnnhiiurod iderod at a toilays locay Cabinet meet meeting tI meetIng ¬
ing ina The Th President already ha h ha obtained obtainedthe nhlaln I IIh
the Ih consent ron nl nf the Ih tb Hritlan Irill Ambassador Ambassadort mhAadnr mhAadnrI
of the thoformality Ih Ihrrmall theformality
I thn Ih waiving by h this country 11
formality rrmall nf negotiating nIlnll with Canada Canadathrough anadaIrillh naita naitathrough
through the Hritish Irillh Km KmhlY bossy and anr It ia iaTtam i isertmiltm I Ifr
Ttam fr now Inw that I the Ih negotiation will wil I Iwlha is isulmeniel M Mi >
ulmeniel < i > oned within wlha a few weeks weeksWhen wkWh wuekshmen
When Wh hmen President raft brought hi hia Cabi Cabinet Cahlnp ¬
net np together 1 hr a n house hOI party lat Monday Mondayho
ho h oxportiMl 11 them In remain mln only nly three three4lay thncR threeday
day Iho gathering Iahrlnl at the Ih White llf House Househa Ioll
ha h proved pn to bo so s pleasant and ad of ormlrh so somuch p pnuth
much mlrh value alI to the th President 1ldet that thI h M has haainvited humIO hasinvited
invited mIO the I h member mm of hi his official omeal family familyto ramiy ramiyI
to I stay Ia on n with wih him until Inll Friday lray All Alllit Alllout
lit 11 one or 0 two who have hA other olhr engage engagements engagefluent nl ¬
fluent fnl rc have ha accepted aCp the Ih Invitation InvitationS Inlatin InlatinI 1
S II I ils I S II I iiii K I I 1 snit V nt I 44 SK TIIK T E U ll41sE ll41sE4uuitraitur U > K Koiilrartnr Eutralr
oiilrartnr John hn K I ORourke URol Plan PlanItecelte n Ithll IthllimrelC I II
Itecelte I Herloiu IIu Caniliterallnn CaniliterallnnWt onllrlull onllrlullW onaItirtllinmatIlNsiros
Wt W IUISCrS matIlNsiros uix jros Sept sI1 Z t John Jhll11IOIk F Flloiirko FI
11IOIk I I lloiirko head hc nf the IhIRnlrk DRourke Construc Construction nntnl ¬ I Iln
tion ln t inptny of uf New pw Vnrk k and nd one on of the thecontractor th thoImI thetofSt
contractor tofSt oImI nIttort who wlu think that 1 ho h can Cn trite misethe r triteI
the Ih I his iMttlthip 1111llp thitti ohip Maine Ma 1 its from rru time Ih mud 11 nf nfll nrI ofIi
ll I ivnna UI hnrlHir call emsiiuwi 11 l at the Ih White Whl House Houseli hlitmsI fI fII
I I li nflemooll f but 111 could LOlhl not 1 IM 4ut the thePneiden III IIIIr Ii Iitmt
Pneiden I tmt Mr 1 Oltnurko f Ilnlk 5 Itniark haul a 1 istslk lone lonetalk
talk h hw iuuwser < W > ver wh wit nh Ii Attorneyineril AttorneyinerilUiikei Attrnly uriI uriIt
Uiikei t Ikllr uiuruuimtl > liiiin Acting 111 So4retarv sIf of r War Warlliver WI WarSliver
flr < Sliver nnil 1 fien I Hinnrd W Vo4nl uiitl chief chiefof rl rltr
of xtifT Int lli I lits < Mcherno rh for ro raising r nl the theMaine Ih thtt
Maine tt 1 11 will w 11 t ii reoive rtI rett y nerlnu rlnl rlli IN conlderntion conlderntionit rnIrl < C100 I lens t II iti itihut
hut it Hcordmg sir rhIO irili tu g to I I Whito Wh it House 11 I ftUiil ftUiilbin mIIII ttI9llmra
bin I nut 11 Tm t twii accepted ml rctit < l yet yetrii vitUI I II
I rii I I n I IIII tiiitri n ntnim II tis i rtnt I II ini iniIrctlilenl I p1 ii iilrraIilmtmt
Irctlilenl Taft Tar Ha He I mil llnll Uo lb I It Itrcanl Itrcanlle cd cdI
le I of Ilamnr nr Inlltlral 111 Influence InfluenceAHMlorov Ilnur IlnurSP Itiflhjetire4ip
AHMlorov SP 4ip < > PT J T J Stlnn Stlnngeneral SII SIIrry tmltu tmltugeiiriii
general secretary rry nnd ml trei trlp treitatirer urer of r the theIriternationtl th thnr theituternatuitrusi
Iriternationtl llrntherhcoxl of StenmShnv StenmShnveleriiml Sm Sho ShoIr Mhnvulirs
ulirs eleriiml Ir mitmul Dr lruIgmon lgemen callwl rll1 nt Il the Ih White WhiteH Whi Vhit VhitII
H 11 < i todiv v nnd Inr t tu Id the Ih Preldent that thatmany thattnttuV
many 10 railway r1wlY employees including the theteam Ih IhWIh theitOuill
team shoveliren wih to I ti son mcreeit mcreeitin incr
in I freight rrlh rite riteTie rutssIt 11 11Tt
Tie Tt e Prenident 11111 tl tlil 1 < me I mn said t Mr MrNutitu > Ir IrNolin I IS111
Nolin S111 that he h could rlld lx I depended upon upono lpn lpnn
< o 1 give tin railroad nllrnr a sonare deal c11 re reijun r rogtsnhiei4
11 gtsnhiei4 ijun ni 1 I < > f clamor Ialr anil i I pohtici Ihlll < In Iniliietice 1 1lJ liithirties
lJ thirties and I that funherinoro he h wa waHIHIH w wII wagimng
HIHIH II ti I tui > he POt HMI 1t they Ih got Iol ut it I alilmIre < iiuro III deal dealMovement sicallIistfluints al alRnl
Movement Rnl of Natal al Ve esaeis esaeisSVAMttIyOttt elt eltWASHtsoros 1 1Wlsorns
WASHtsoros Wlsorns Sept fl Z M ArrIved rrive rlr < l Sub Submarine Submlrin Stubtnnrtn ¬
mlrin marine Vtfier 11 tug tli Pattpco mind Patti Patuxi IRtI1 IRtI1n Pattiiiflt
iiflt i > n collier < 011 tiear battleship Gtfla ieorgla ieorglaind t < rgia rgiamud
mud 111 collier cnllr I Ihanon loitmsnoti > > anon nl l Norfolk cnilser cnilserPine crlir crlirJl cnlIerI
Pine Jl I Isle m North Itiver Ihr New ew York ork city cityoilier cityiullier Ity
oilier 10 llriitti frlt at Newport wpor cnlllnr collr Ajm Ajmnt AJmIat JII
nt 11mJlon Hampton Itoad Iol battehlt hlllhl Delaware DelawareUiuisiana I iteiawareiAsimulana Iaa IaaIlal
Uiuisiana Ilal Kansas lanMa unil In1 New llampshlm aphl nt ntNew atW illNu
Nu New W York ok city antl Inl ann gunl Jlnlll gunboat > ont Wheeling Wheelinguul Whlnl
uul Rnl P Petrel trel at II Port Por Saul SaulSniliil Sul 4miuitMalietl I
Sniliil sII Collier 1ir leonliin nlLu from Norfolk Norfolkfor Sorolk Sorolkro orfolkfor
ro for Hostno 110 destroyer cro < its H from Hampton HamptonItoad itamptnnItoi I
1I Itoi Itoad for inilse 11 In Iiuuammisake hoa > eako Hay HaynilMT H Hrll Baytrtilsr
nilMT rll l II lIce > o Moines Inln from Ii I lmia Pnlma Ialnlal for forIiliraltar rn forliiiraitar
Iiliraltar tug tu Staiuli Sianclh h frnm rro Norfolk for forMini forArmruspolls
Armruspolls Mini IIIMI poll linttehlp lollhl Rhode Ibol Islaixl Islaixlklrginin Iln1IriIIR lalatusisirghiuln
klrginin IriIIR Mmneixita hlIII Idaho Mississippi Mississippiiril I Iiiti
nn iril < l Vermont rnnt supply Ih boat 11t Celtin Clln and an anJnr ro roiMirt r rjuiti
iMirt b iumuut < t Panhor Ianll from ro Hnmpton Ilmplon Road Itonilsur IOI IOIrl Roadtilt
rl tilt Jnr ur New YorU r1 cily < Ity collier cIIIra Nnnnhnn XIhan nnd nndomt RIII RIIIInm miii miiiltttmpui
Inm ltttmpui omt > from HongUong Innl1 fort ro laI laIopulo1 I avlto avltoPopulation attuPopulation
Population opulo1 nf ni niIShTIS title titleV itlesv
V Ips llN IShTIS IINimT TON Sept Jst t 5 q The T Cenau Cenaulurenu Cenutitoeley nI nII1
lurenu I1 tndny announced the Ih population populationif 1 > 1111101
il if tlm II following rolnwlnl Miutaachusott UlhuU citlo citloi 11 it hour hourtall
i 111 tall ui tarn tarni 11 IttIkipn
tIkipn i Mm 44 44401 4 1 11ln Vtt PesiQutfluy > VttMlny
Mlny 1ln Mtll 3tU u a > w wtrm e eItatlham
Itatlham flits 1 1 lAt lAtrm M Mmt
< trm mt > and 1 Xa s > onlrr onlrrv Inir Inir11
lv v 0lltitust llisiitv Mtul Il 1 Thn Tlf lb atm rmr nritrri nritrrilerr or trip tripNtvp
lerr liviril 1 tn I slat itrlft Y
1 lft tt 1 I irI I to I Kivtin IIn I Cut uI li 1nlb Ilevontb r nlh r 11 11rmm datair datairfoim v nt lrr lrrmm r
rmm mm irrrIHii f il ifot t 1 > rt 1 Sliim rlm Nrw S pw Vnr Vnrn
50 n lilri t It U 1 rrffln trtitPflt trtitPfltI ml mlat nl
I at i i ilrnr 1 A t U tis > kUn Un rrtlrnt no n M Ih < own ownir 0 own111is I
111is ir tH sihvn I U I ilftvied 1 st prnfrvt tttf t r f military militaryIm nhlii4rla
Im I 11 n r unit tdi < Ur iti si I OunrhlU Cuhl i iillffr IP An ArIs4r1 ArIs4r1phi lrl lrlhl Ir Irh
phi > hl h II IIIan u urni
Ian I rsnH A Inpe I Iorp nf Knfln Enuintero nr nrt r In Inhr tottio
t ttio hr I < if 1 elm n frinrlvo n I al alI l I Iir
> ir > l I In ii ut vt S Ilium 11m tIlt I l ismb mh Untlrtl H I ittr ittrI > n nori
I ori I I hinirslit lilwhtrceil from nm th I the rrvtri > rrvtrif It Itr
f thr hr Ii i iltrit 1 itIai ui I NU h hi PtIrt r lfe It bHnrno IuIII1 r nn 5t lntrr lntrrri I iemprltsrI
ri tirt tirt1hr I
1hr 1 ltsrI I r ns nr a r onlfr 1 were ere r IMIKJ IMIKJi I
i iiirniamlrr U I lu < Mlti tl > r from ln inpetnr n prrtnr nf fits thrn fitstehifliul hPnehhl
nehhl n < hir nlh 0 llrhtNni IIh illtrrt N An n rranrl rn rnnl
5 nl t l 11 tail lli utnn utnnI Ifn IfnI
I i Irnitiii I at < inniinnilr hmnI U t MnrTrtt I from frnmilr trnmI fromIt
It ilr tt Itt r alii n 1 in I tn tfllti i ttr if I mit he riihirrnlb haul llcliiin I
tiui I in iw ° ord OUIt riii it a n I ifti ran 0 i vn v < 4 l lIi 1on I
Ii i i IMI 15111 i inn Innanmlr on mi i 1 I inr snr from S s as asI l lnlrtlrffiii 1I
I nlrtlrffiii n lVI I ICtI r i > IT I rtu r V ntftlntf Pttnit Inn fi I I I til I the theUan I IIR tm tmIsr
Uan IR Isr siteS 1 a 4 rtmiHe puttiI P uittlr uittlriii rf I rr rriernan
iii iernan tptin < r immanUr < md I it Psrlr lu Vml Vmlitilriiii s am amI 1 1I 1n
I itilriiii nn minispii minispiiliPuI n i I IU IUI
I liPuI if ui I r r l nirtner n frira tiP N > r In hfli > r l < a In Inllnrrsi I Ir intIrrmm
llnrrsi uit I Slr 4liafli r n ii4lnrrrln Us t It shingtuni hlR blnI blnII l n l IS > i iIJr Iiip
IJr I t II t l AAlte 1 friili f ito Ih l lllUlsn n nn bl blbomr 1 1bonmo
bomr n oats W4lt 411 I n1rr n1rrrnJ uilrtsrnlan I
rnJ rnlan < n > ninvllVn 1 anuS mt 1 U I I Ihml tprnnilfra Ihmlfm h < irrnl irrnlITOIT >
fra ITOIT rnn Ihr I > n rtrion I Iii n the I Hsi I l In In1ln Iuiflui IuifluirnIti ml mlrn
fm rn 1ln rnIti lfp > t IhmnandJ I hnn r t4 J II > nl nmon Imsn from r Ida Idai Ibehal
I i hrlitu hal n l 11 Ills n vt t < > iInia iIniaI nU nUI nl
I n 010 lf n II Todl 1 fmm tnm tIme In ih ihIPufl rlrl IIn n tn I tilt thrVistti Ib IbIC tilt1tn
Vistti 1tn IC llsnl llsnlI
I Inln n nub > in I n Uuwjxotth CDrb from rrm 15 I ts Cturleiloa Cturleiloala CuI CuIlI
lI t la IA Ie ColotKlo Cor Corl
IXtl 11 Of It TIIK Til rVl IUmUTJ IUmUTJ1anfr KltSITY KltSITYtianrrllur LR < UT UThanseIlr
tianrrllur 1anfr 1lar4rirk larr iacraekaa Hi Non Nonthe Rell Rellth Healow Healowtime
the th nork ork Hit II Ill Father Ihr Dili ll ansi ant Tttrn Tttrnlil T 11wnIies
lil C Iies r Student tatnt KiNloon uoo 4MJOO Obligation Obligationaitrrllnl OlKaol OlKaolalflt lligatioflaneciieal
aitrrllnl alflt li > the Ihf Itrnnnl nn Hrqurtt HrqurttTho LiequestThis IUt IUtTh
This Th uncicrgraduatra IndrQralllall of New x ew York YorkInivermtr iorktniycrsity nk nkl
Inivermtr l ni Yfily heard Ia1 Dr r John Henry Imr Mac MacCracken Macrcken Iacrckn
Cracken rckn time Ih acting RtI1 chancellor chanlo PI ciplain ciplainto I plain plainto
to n them Ihel at A the Ih opening onin exercIses furclAI yeater yeaterday yestarday Ier Ierday
day that lh Ihl lime recent rtnt Rift of the th lain lll John JohnS
S Kennedy Ifnndy had hae lma < l enabled the th institution institutionlo IntiuD
lo trw rf itiulf ilr from rrm ilebt et Anil A in I then those thosemine IhO IhOIm ihoiuPatne
mine Im student hail Hit Ih MtUfaction aUlaton of oftailing oftatting
tailing hiTs li univerkitya l bond hone > for isniux isniuxout 1utiiiOalit I IOlt I
out Olt onto 0111 HIM Ih rumpim tampu and al bu hl Iding Icnl a bon bonHre IMn IMnI hontIre
tIre I under ulcr II I Pr D Mac 1araclcI rack racken en who whotho whoI ho hoI
I tho th non 11 of < If the 111 retiring rtlnl chancellor chaolUo Pr PrIlinry Ir Lrhiuiry I
III Ilinry MncOacken Incrakn expialnwl tliia pIes
I ant alt duty dil in il hi sM speech > ech h at th the openIng openiniThm opnlnR opnlnRt11 openInga
t11 t11Thl a cOIuses cOIusesI
I Thm col eohIgn lego opening n nlnr IK I notable nothl nai naihe said saidhe ae
he h in 1 that Iha for ro the first ttne tl ih the univer univerally iunivtrI nlv nlvI
I ally it wilctiinei wk it i Its mudcnlm 11Inll nt lt tnivernit tnivernitHel lnhiy lnhiyIh tntveroityheights
I Hel heights Ih htM to II a 1 campus time tlA title Iltl to 0 which whlclm hlch hlchI
I m a absolutely rl free rt from every 1 Incum Incumbrancv Inclm Inclmban Incumbrance
brancv ban At the Ihl clone rio of the th thess exerclim exerclimI
co Ifrc
I shall hand tn the th preaidrnt of the th Stu Student Student tu tudnl
dent Organiratlon Ianlalon for final nal deotnictior deotnictiorthe dtrclol
the th universIty InhIMity bond hld for ro lvioono lvioonowhlch Io LOOOIWwhirh
whirh ha hat outlived outlvfd both lih the honored honor1omcM honoredofficers honorecofflcorB
officers omcM of th the council oln1 whoso whosf who signatures elgnatureiIt I atu
It 1 bean baM William Wiiam A A Whetlock Whllok prrai prraidrnt presidmnt
drnt and ali Israel lr1 tutu O C Pierwon Ilffn secretary 1Mlary 1MlaryTrllh secretaryThrnugh cretaryThrough
Through Trllh the Ih generosity Jtnpraiy of the Ih lat latJohn lalJohn late lateJoirn <
John S Kennedy Knnoy the th tmlvervlty IlhMlty was wasenabled wiucnablctl 1 1lablCt
enabled lablCt to pay 1 the th mortgage morRnJl on the thiIniverwity thlnhity theLnivmrslty
Iniverwity heights 1IJhll property prJry In II Augual Augualanil AUIIt AUIItand Augmustanti
and today do ticilicatea 1Ucatl < llcntofl anew antw this tlll campus campuiJo calpu
Jo 0 the IMnnanl x > nnanpnt servIce It of higher bhth edu education HU HUcation u unlon
cation nlon In the Ihl hope hoJ that It I may my forever foreveiherealier rOfr rOfrI foreverhereafter
hereafter 1 is > benl acrod atr for ro thin Ihll purpose purpoaand pur purposeanti
and never again aJill bo I jeopardi74xl Jrprm by I debt debtThe dht1h debtThe
The 1h acting Rctn t chancellor chRnllur Kalrl id It wan ap appropriate a oppropriate p plolrl ¬
propriate lolrl that the Ih last IRlt payment on th thtniveraity thlIrsly the theVntvuraity
tniveraity lIrsly IMghtn 1I hl property prpn should houldtb h hthn he hethe
the tb final act of the Ih chancellor chancfior whoa whoaadminlKlrntlon whoI whoseaimInIuui
adminlKlrntlon arminlIRtnn aimInIuui rat ion terminated yesterday Inta on onhlNevi onbil onhis
I hlNevi bil his setrot < DUeth metli h birthday lurthdayj Ilrlhoa Ilrlhoat
j It ha hM lw l betn > en n given 1tn to few r men Mid naldthe MidRclnl saidthe
the acting Rclnl Chancellor Chanlor l to > leave Ia 1 so o marked markedan rarkd rarkdan
an Imprewilon upon lpn forty ucrc IC of land landIlegining IRndnjlnlnl landIlegining
njlnlnl Ilegining with lih th tho Making tII of hl hil whole wholebank whitlebatik hl I II
I bank account Icat on time th original option npton the thofelling Ih IhI thefelling
felling rllnl of the Ih forest rnI and the Ih grading RrRln nf nftho oftime I Ith
I time th utrwln flrl the Ih se ecuring rrnl < of r a railroad railroadi railroaduitiltIOhi RlrCrl RlrCrlIalon
uitiltIOhi i Ialon at ion t flout > t oRIco em < and telegraph tplRrh elation elationthe statIonthe Iutol
the th niovmi nuint and removing Iill of the Ih tem temi ternptlrftry I I1rRr
i pornry building and the I h athletic nl hllc Held Heldwh ltIdi tleldwhen
1rRr wh when n iho munlncvnco lunlhlt of Ml I < Oould Oouldmade nOlle lopuldmade
made d possible a I lirgvr I fnmrni campus AIPI than wa wisI I
1 I originally planned Inn on through the Ih oreo oreotlnn f1 citctlntm
tlnn erltinll of r tVilfc Inil library Ihrar building hllhlme and the th hull hullof hailof
of fame ra and anc finally Ilal i nnh > nly la last t uprins uprinsI Irnl 10 10I totime
I ho h amendment of the I h cIty l map to pro protoot proleti
mRI 10 10I
toot t the Ih trr I tites > on the Ih Schwab llwRI S < imwahi oetato I and andrender Rndndr
I render ndr mom mo beautiful the I h southern hr ap approach a impjiroach ¬ I
proach Och every detail dlal ho had hac hi icroonal icroonalattention ueronnalattention rnal rnalInl
r of soil boar boarhln I imarshi
attention Inl Inn and al1 > very foot rol 111
hln hi footprint hits 10 fr n oll said id that I the I h land landitlono lanr landalone
I alone wait w worth worh lloxoooi SIfOo ° 0 and ane that its Ituvalue il I II Ivaitw
I value ahl woo W constantly increasing increasingNowhoro InrulngI InertsuingXowhere
Nowhoro nwh within hln our or city dl limit ho howent h hewent I Irnt
I went rnt on could wi hl the Ih site i b I he duplicated duplicatedtoday dlIlcal IUIlICattiltnday I IIndAY
today Tracts TRcr of forty acres ac protected protectedfrom Irlel utetiedfrom I
from division by 1 i streets hy the Ih city cityCharter Ity ItyCharter I IChar
Charter Char are al hard to find nl Forty Fory acre RfI on ontho onthe I Ith
the th top of a hill hi with wih a view IIW of two rIsers rivenand rh rhand rIsersand
and th Sound lael and yet 1 level enough nolh to tot Int
t adapted to I the Ih requirements fllmnl of a acollege Aul acollege
college ul without great Ital eipen fn are a a aunique aunhisue I Iunlll
unique unlll poweMon poweMonIlo I Ir
lie 11 pointed plnl1 out that Ihll the Ih university wan wanfree w wattfrte
free r front rrm any condition cnditon upon 111 it i its ftcope ftcopeexcept l scofwexcept I I1lpl
except 1lpl that a portion IIn of the Ih Schwab Schwabeointo Nhwal Schwabestate
estate tll shall hll be I devoted to woman work workand workanti ok okInl
and Inl living Ihinl lie I thought IholRhi that in Its itnfre4 il Itsfreedom I Irlom
fre4 freedom dom from obligation ohllAton and 111 lt itagrtatnes itagrtatnesof jre Rrln tne i iof I
lor of opportunity the th campu w wa was H tytx trl ty of oftho ofth ofthe
the th npprlnitr American mudent Ildn After rlr he h had told toldthi tnl tnlth toldtim
tim intering IIrinJ clam d thtt th ihy y would 11111 1m 1murpriied I Ilr1 besltrprtmui
urpriied to find nn the Ih eitent In of Mitdent Mitdentgovernment etsubntgovernment IuelnlIr
government lr1 lr Maclracken iimtinuej iimtinuejV litunt nlnl1 intmid intmidY
V YII < ni rtiirlenl 1Inl at A fnlverKiiy rlhil lleishtN lleishtNtand 1llhl 1llhlInnd ilelglmtioetanci I
tand today free rr men m on 11 fruit rr ooll 11 The Thefaculty Th Thrlcll Tinfacssit
faculty rlcll facssit y holievltiK in U < lemixracy 1rlrrr will willalwayit wiltaiway
alwayit Iwa make mik the th margin llrll nf n freedom 111 a alittle itiutt
little hi iutt I Urger hrlr than I hln you will 11 uw I pnifltably pnifltablyDo
Do not l 10 > o hal in I eurremlenng lrIIr nl the thevinrol I timeYitut h
< I vinrol Yitut 111 rot of r thin hl margin malil of Ir < if freedom rrtel i ioherw li liohurs
oherw oh Ire lreserve erve ml 1 M ifle ni n nf the Ih dignity iligtntywhich dignitywiuitim 1111
which ciuneH m to hi the Ih I man who rail 1 ii iitnnn I tmI tmIhIm I Ilan
tnnn lan hIm ma mI rnuuetur ter b 111 heusins oau > he h ncogntze RII7 that thatover Ih Ihnr thatoir
over and ntl lievond all RI hta hil hi obligation hllilon to I hit hitfellowinen I hitreilsiw
fellowinen rII reilsiw tuwtm i hi hIt own lwI n r rsinatIllli itp ponnil n ilillty y t timmutable lii liiuttmttmittahui
immutable 1111 lawn la f right rdll and 11 duty In tllwn iiiWfl Inown
own wn ilire tiltect lr1 < t iift outitallUtv Iahil to i > od < i for r r11111 the theierfe I Ilsr
lsr ierfe < t fultilineiit 11111 of Ir which hu hl will wil find findf f 111511frudnm
f reislnm tn I nms < e cualrV cualrVirantIs j ry ryFranti
Franti and llivoy IY StiMhlvnl the th now ileiti ileitinf 1 1r I Iof
nf r tM Ih i IIZ II of r lift adlre < ee exl < l the thoetudent th thIIen thesttitleitt
etudent tit then ltI under the 11 tim leVluraiili leVluraiiliIf evler > hlp hlpif
if IIen r tin 11 t lus Student 4l idunt Inl OrffAtiiMtlnnn C6anlllol I rgatmtrat Iotm a pr flrSslmIAllt flrSslmIAlltthu id nt ntthe
the Ih biirtuni f the Ih t he Mind IH > It wa WR1Ih1 < acioiu acioiupll mit urn urnl4ih
pll 1Ih1 1Ih1lOI l4ih he < l lran isoir
ran lOI Kr iiO > 011 wr 1 v ir I ISIIV I tcIiGrnv tcIiGrnvFreIrrIek Wi T TO V VPrixlerleU i
PrixlerleU 111 fletelaml 111 Pnt nl at t the th lleail lleailof I
of Force uf lo Kliow 10 the Ih timeWAItItfTS Ha HaWjiaiiixrT n ntV >
WjiaiiixrT tV AISlTS s Sept it I J t Fre Fdrck FdrckIeor Frederick < lorick A ACleveland ACleveIauiL
Cleveland director Ieor of the Ih Itiireau of ofMunicipal ormllpl ofMnnleipal
Municipal mllpl Henearch UIch In Sew S ew York ok city cityhiM rly rlyh eltyliii
hiM h liii l been en selected IIt by Ireoldent Taft to tohead Inha1 t thead
head the h force ro of eijiertfl 11rl who will IIII mll attempt attemptto i iork
to ii work ork out schemes chr of economy rnomy In the theadministration I tim timaulmintatration I
administration of the li executive cllh depart department drplr utparitmntis ¬
ment IwI AwKKlated liI1 with wil Mr Cleveland Clevelandwill 11llne levilandwill f
will wi Ixt I four rOlr or five Ih expert II > r biuine IIinf men menret Irn nitnyet
ret 1 to 1 be > named nlnr Mr r Cleveland and the thoother Ih Ihoh theother
oh other expert 1Jt will i report r > r direct Ue to the IhePresident Ih IhI theZresIdmnt
President I I on t They Ty will m cooperate lfrl however howeverwith howeverwith
wih with committee cmmll In I the Ih never severui ral depart ilepnrtmem drtmnl departruents
mem Tho Th expense of the Ih bureMii of ofixrt ofiwrt r
ixrt 11rA will wi l is > IP o met mr from I ho h 1 10n 1 hOnrino hOnrinoappropnateti on non nonappropriated I
appropriated by Congre onlr la last t tmeiotu e ioti 1 for rn forrtorganling i ireorganising
reorganising tlni7in the I h devanment dpar deparitlmetutsMt ml I IMr I
Mr I Cleveland CIflacl wa selected If1 after Rllcr Secre Sccrtary j
tary Norton XorO ortntm had consulted rnIllr forty rory flrtna 1f llrtaof I Iof I
of ar export Inl many man of Ir whom hol nulimitted nulimittedproJfKt IIImll1 IIImll1prjf etuirniittedproject
project prjf and Inl plan In of their own ow by which whichthey whllh whllhIhy whichthey
they promised to nave avI the Ih novemmentmany Government Ooymmtmay Governmentmany
may many million 1101 of dola < dollar a year Mr Mrrleveland MrClevelantl Ir IrWA
rleveland wo WA aked Mkr to lake ak up lp the tb work workl woklcal workhccatuia
lcal hccatuia l > eoau e of hi hi lute long lonf experience 1 rin on upeclal upeclalnatter ispiclumlmatters pc1 pc1maln
matters maln of Ir administration adrlntllion A Ac director directorit I < or ornr
it time Ih Hureaii Ihlf of Municipal llodearch ho holiii hl hehu
liii h > had hr a hand haneln in a I good Io many lan conntnic conntnicitvo tlnl tlnlIh conotnictivut
itvo Ih reform rro In municipal municpl afTalm Rall He Hea I liewits
wits a momber rmr of Mayor Iy McCletlan MlelIansimsitIsory 11111 i itdvlitory
tdvlitory Rhllr commission olmlon uf Ir finance fI ami amiaiatloii anIIRlallol anuitaxation
taxation IRlallol of cr Comptrollor nmptnU Metr Metis 11 com rm rmlil corntimlttu 1 1nittoo
lil nittoo on revision Inn of account un and IIr meth mtthoil i ixl
xl 01 anti of r Comptroller nmrtnU Irenderga u utonmlttee i ix I
mmllteo tlmll x > anr on ni ofTico om organlratinn and andwork Rndwork aimilwork
work Mr I Cleveland IIRII began Ilan work toilur toilurn
In n th Treasury Trllr Department DepartmentnrrtrnnciTY Iparmnt IparmntnrIIWCITI feparttnentitr11itfCiTE
nrrtrnnciTY nrIIWCITI irirn MVIIM MVIIMFormal I V 11 4 4Forumial
Formal egntiatluni sIlun ntlallun of 0 a Treaty Ma la > He HelleKim I liehitgun
lleKim Kn Within 1ln a few I Week YleehW k I ItsittMO1n4
W mtiymos 11000 Sept pl Z s It I i < expecte expecteioro < i iher
h her ioro that I hit formal rnUal ro iprocity < iprocly negotiation negotiationirlll nIIlln
irlll wii IIM begun 1lun with Uh the Ih Canadian official officialrilhin omllRI omllRIwlhln omdmnlawithin I
within wlhln th next few r week wkl It I I beheci behecilint heiImltiiimt
lint a formal rlm1 communication NmmlJicatnn Ion on the Ih 111 suit suitjeet ut utect >
J jeet ect will wi l tH is > received nir from r1 rota Ottawa Otawa within withint wihin wihina
a t few r day whlib whi wll l 1 indicate inUcall the th Intin Intinlona 111 inttmlions
lions tlnl of the Ih pimlntnn Inlnlln Government Olmmnl I Ilh Ih Irh
lh h State Department under tn md < jsr time th ilirerl ilirerlun dlrr stirrtuiti
111 tuiti un of tbe I tim I Irenirlent 1r t will 1 IN I ii preparetl preparetlii rNt rNtI
I is ii net o a Snot I an a word woe Ii I received rC d from fry fryottawa I IIttawa I
ottawa IttawaIt Clnn ClnnII
It I ii pojiblo that I usa a I reciprocity rnI treaty treatyrill I truatywill rrlly rrllyII
rill II al aio o lM I > negotialnl nI1 11gist lal1 Iwtween hiti wn the I I he Untied Untied4nten UII UIIflll UniteilSuites
Suites flll and Newfoundland s rll II 111 flu fl recini reciniirbitration ruttsmrlht 11 11II
smrlht irbitration rat sort al II Thi < Hague IRt ha taken the theInheric Ih Ihhri t ii iiflsisurius
Inheric hri ilipuiH 111 from rrlm the I h hr ophere ph of r rI con conroverMy < < iii iiit
I roverMy rr and Rlt remove rsnmpvii < l n long I landing II islnnilhmigisillun landingmuni Rlell t
muni nln of r irritation tlnllll irrummit ion Tho Th way now Meum Meumen M M1n eettups111n
1n en to conclude 1111 a tcinmercial LllnrCnl treaty t reuutyEarl i ihctrt 1ot
Earl ot Mehtiler hu r to II 1f Nuor Iltn StileIot l of Fort FortTotlen fortTaItin n1 n1Tol
Totlen Tol TaItinVAltlitiTflN I IU I
U WmSITn VAltlitiTflN miiNOTox Sept II j Th Tue Ughty Ughtylr Hlhl Hlhlfrat Flghttfirst
frat first lr t Company omln of f 1511st 4 oUt > uit Artillery Anllr MI MIHoned iit1tintuitl I IUOIII
Honed at Fort tor Schtiyler Nhuylr X Y ho I boon boonnrderod bcenordered I
ordered to tt proceed TO on Nov o nv 1 In nest to Fort Fortrlu Puttrum
rum or Iont Del I pan the th departure lrtl of the thoWghtyrtrnt th thlIJCh1M theElghtytlrst
Wghtyrtrnt Company nmpan pl Fort Sohuyler thulor will willboou wIllbloom
lIJCh1M bloom I > a tubpoat ubp of O Fort Totteo Tok Tot Wtl wl
aN aNThe
The Te Diary Diar of a fellDressed WelDrsed Man ManIts ManI I <
i i
Its Itstheway the way
I was brought up I suppose sueosebut supposebut but I Imust It Itmust t tmust v
must have the best bet So its 1j E 6c W V when whenit
it comes to shirts shirtsfor for business busine for f r play for fordress fordres fors
s dress dres Glad to know Wm Vogel Son show showthe Jhowthe Lhowthe
the complete Earl Erl Wilson Shirt productions productionsSaves productions
Saves shopping around aroundThe I ITe
The Te 150 I5Ote5OO full ful to line lie 500 of E E W Shuts Shit ShutsI5Ote5OO
Two I at 44th Street StreetBroadway StreetBroadway StreetLI
k5 Broadway Stores at Houston Street StreetG Siret SiretC StreetOs
G G Ci Gunthers Sons SonsEH I II I
I EH Etabllhed Established tu hi lulled 1820 1830Furs 1820Furs 1820Furs
Furs FursAdvance
Advance models rodl for the coming sea seaon 8eaon aenMOfi
I MOfi on are now on exhibition exhibiion exhibiionI
I 391 Fifth Fith FIfthI Avenue AvenueNew nu nuXe1
I New Xe1 York ork orkI
I i
1 Li
i tiisi > rn nrs 11r ov UI r TO > ii iiTIIOSK 1111 1111TIUII irti irtiriss
TIIOSK iormi 111 > ni I 11 11Anti T TAntl TIh
Anti the Ih Movement Imnt Against A aln Int t the II Conlrarta Conlrartaof onlator
of the th Mason on llnlliler nlhl A oelmllon tanrlatlonHa oelmllonHat olallonla
Hat la Spreail In Other nlh Title rl the Ihenorker th thnoI theViorers
norker noI Report Prtt Ma ta > ITeet It asnoRrirklayern 3aoonrilklr asno 1L000flriekiayerim <
Rrirklayern helper hl r stone Ilon setters Itr anti anilstone ant antistone
stone Ilon cutters cul not directly nffecte Rlfl1 < l Iiy ly the thelockout Ih Ihloknu timelocknut
lockout loknu of the th bricklayer hi went nt on n strike strikejreittenlajr Ilrlk Ilrlkny etrikeyesterday
yesterday ny on the th contract Nntrcll of the t Mason MnannBuilder MasonI3ulhler lnln lnln11ic1
Builder 11ic1 Association AMnia10n n as iliit dll alo 11 com commaaons 10m 10mmnll somemuuu000
maaons mnll laborers 111r Two of the th three Ih looil looilunion InII InIIInlnn mcmiiunions
union Inlnn nf bricklayers hlckr not toiirhe lOlrh1 l hy the thelockout Ih IhIOCOll timeluickotut
lockout IOCOll declared cflaf1 < < l sympathetic strikes utrikeThe strikesThe tlk tlkTh
The Th third Ihlrl la I eip PIClfl cte < i to follow rolw mitt mittThn stiltThe ll
The T strike Irkf In sympathy with Ith the Ih locked IrxUedout lokl
out oll union Inlon la also all to IM I extencl tndt ° d < t to the thehulltlinKft t thelutuilillog
hulltlinKft hlllnl In erery yet r city ciy where wh member membernof mb
of the th Minion Iann Hulkier hitull ld < ier Ai Association Niltn hiv hiv4Xntrnctn 1 haycontracts
contracts cnlmctl Vrmiuienl idol William 14m J Bowen of ofthe orIh oftime
the Ih Bricklayer Brickly Mmion llon and ald Plaiterert PlaiterertInternational Ilulr IlulrIn PiumotereraI
International In I flternat malonA lonal Union saul Nll he h had tele 111 IcItgrit > r mi mifrnm mafrom
from the th local lol union unlon of bricklayer hrlcklaY1 in inBoMon InnOIon inhjoatnn
BoMon nOIon Philniielphl1 PhllcIJhla Iturtfonl Iluton Baltlmnm Baltlmnmand IUmn IUmnand
and Wfinhinclnn lo wtr y they hid declared declaredAlrlke itcolaretistrIkes
strIkes Irlk of all I the th bricklayer hikly in 1 th thI timese timesecitIes ti ticltle
citIes I working on contract lnlrRCll of lh the New NewYork XWk Newtmrk
York tmrk k Macon and n1 BuiMent Illdl IIiuil < lern rociitlon tssociatlonMimer rociitlonOilier Ilon Ilonlh
Oilier lh ofTlcent me of r the th union Inlon Mid Mil that it itwait Itw itwit
wait w wit dnuhlfill if i f ever r there would wllid > it an anncnenient anl6nm1 aimagrswnwft
ncnenient l6nm1 with lh the Ihl hrKklaren hkll N nnI 111 the theMiiiton Ih timeMmiiiifl
Miiiton 1 Ilinldcr Iluhlll woclatioii IIIn IIRIIII IIRIIIInnetinp rugmuttniietltig lal lalnU
nnetinp nU nf if t thi NicketlniitHrid loeketi ullit I Htl anti striking ulrikincliruklnverM strikingisruikiumvurts Irlkln IrlklnrkIR
liruklnverM rkIR wnx wn held 111 in I HIM th nftirm Irrn tsftrnion > nn nl nlthe hmttime
the 1 lilKir I itiur riMnpl 111 in I Ki 1lot 1 t KiRhtvf IllhhfIh IllhhfIhJ Figimtmriturthu Figimtmriturthustruth Mirth MirthMrivt
Mrivt J I After Ihe 11 hh inmtuiK 111 1retiilent 1retiilentllinMn Irnt IrntI lreuiintaaisl
llinMn I Mild 11 Theri lh > will 11 nut nll l Iss > 5 > ls tirick tiricklayirn Iik IikII tirlelilmvrii
layirn nt II work nk on nnr hiiiUiitic hlldint in II the thenty Ih IhIy thecity
city Iy lnmnrrow Imrl iifl uufiurim rn rtixni < wiii ecj i teiil 11 > l i un Its > ri a afew I Ir 5f
few r my ImilditlC IIihlll I ilt I liii ti gs where hr llilemeiit I tui ooli oolitrartor tmrmtritdtoru 1 1Irarlor
trartor hays 1 work wlrk nnd nlel tin Ntrikf Irk will willextend wulletstut 11
extend to nil ni tnillilinttt IIln in il Iher fitn fitnhere < 1 1Il
w here Il ineml ttitfllhcTi > em nf tin Mi ilienn nn Builder BuilderHiitlitiliaToiunt fluujicleraaocirmtlnruhuays lirr lirrilon
HiitlitiliaToiunt ilon < tunt rncte rI Tint 11i I is likily likilyto Ikh IkhI ilt < eiv eivti
to I ti I 1w the th Urgent thing Ihlna of thn th kind klr theft theftciliiM Ih IhI huescitmos
ciliiM I have vet 1 Men n inti nl Iiy h next wiek wiekViiO cueij3Ss k
ViiO 3Ss 1 lirtckUviTM rikl will iil 1 If I out I lierx hr and in inotherclllen I inotiir
otherclllen otiir chloe uiieM uiuiltIitniietit > mletit of r tliouHnil vrlm vrlmwill wh whwil wiiiiwill
will wil I its K thrown idle 11 in 1 ther Ih trml trmlThe Jf trashs trashsttme
The h only nnl iwiiie i us mat t N Nesimt < lnttio I 10 10unrlll u n are areunfair aretmnfair
unfair and 111111111I111 until Hit lisle firm II can lie I recnrdiHl recnrdiHlax rIRrol11I
ax fair rRi tim otnkiM Ink will 111 < i nlllil otit > iitiinie Itmit ami grow growA
A At ti I to > the Ih nizreemerit lilt mgret mtTit we hsve h noihinc noihincaffaintt tmnthingseminal ohlllitafnmt
seminal Itnnd I tint ti I > say av thitt I nirnv nirnvwith Ra Rawilh agoswit
with wit hi tin I ims rlaiine dall in 5 the lit nuriintit pn pnhlhilinK Jirsiimilstting r rhlhHlnt >
hlhilinK niiwon hnirx hII ri < frnm ttihi > iil > l Itllllit ItllllitIh Itt < ttitn ttitnthe mug mugthe
the Ih work of r ntlliiK pstt tlI stug tin t h hollow hnll tlritirixtf tlritirixtftile Ilr IlrIII fIruiriittiles
tile III tiles tilesltowpn
Howen 11 mulil 1111 nut cite th e a detail deIuIIeui Ip RIII lut lutof 1i1r tIttitf
of r the Ih t he l hu himiluiitmgs > iiildin lt Bflettid HH tlin II I he riiKin riiKinwere mi pllrt i < mrt mrttl
were tl rh licit all I III lie rHld ia iii ll I t 1 ma i > lltnaiei lltnaieihat I ttlmat id idthat
hat litiildliiKu n amgrigmmt RriuntinR itig H IH U I m mrot inii
rot ore ii r In couriii of cotiMruitum Qutmst ruill intl tlie tliemajority t be betnajnrlty
majority of which will he > nffected Iiy the thetrtkr timestflkuw
stflkuw trtkr anti lockout It wa rii rlfOlteti rt l that thatutrikiw tiuustotrikes
utrikiw had heels nrdxrexl in Sewnrk mi mithe sinthe
the contract cotut nitis of llmldnn ft Co t in mu nympntliT nympntliTwith slfljtmit liv livwut
wut with it the Htr1ke itt rikus here unit Hint I otni nf tin tiniiwnerw I hue huetuwtmire
iiwnerw of liinldiriK hiimhl < ilrmga wire taking action to tofinish tuflnutsh
finish I hi work l by > y employing men directly dirertljA
A meet n < ctttmg In c of the iiflirent of th time Mnxnti MnxntiHtnldrrn MaitiPttilmiurs
Htnldrrn Axeoclatlon will lie held tndnv tndnvPresident totinyPresident
President tontver otieiver nf the ao asaoitmaiinrs < iation 5511 5511he ul < l lhe
he w was wurpruted at the art acihcitu Inn of unionnot union uinInisatmot
not Involved in the lockout in ridmi with withthe wltisthe
the locked out men Vn so new action will willIM will1w
IM taken lir the awociatinn until u xp opecial opecialnsttrug cial cialmeeting
meeting U in held next week weekThe weokrh
The rh trade rfsreement which the brick bricklayer bricklayers ¬
layer violated Iiy Ktrlklng on the tim con contract contracts ¬
tract of F T Ne Nesbit bit 4 l tn it In till rily rilytra ettywho
who tra sIgned lKne < by i representative from enrli enrlinf
nf the thirteen union of bncklnyent nnil nnilnn arid aridan
nn iHiiiil niimlter of employer It wait waitluted wasuiittutI
luted January I iwio lab and wan to it hive hiveexpired hieezptlre
expired < i on Innuarr t toil The inter international utulerrmatlunal
national officer of thi bnrlilayer say unythnt saythat
that th the t Nenlilt flrtn vloliile < l it Iiy em employing misspIsyitig
ploying nonunion < i men in II Newark and
Btt at Stnrt 3tsd
sd 4 Broxiway BroxiwayA
A masterpiece of refined refineddetail refineddetaIIflnbhed
detail detaIIflnbhed finished with an co cocuracy o ocuracy
curacy of workmanship workmanshipwhich
which make each part a alittle alittle
little better than necesaary necesaaryA
A car appreciated by tho thowho thowho
who know value In d dpcndability do dopendabihity >
pcndability na well a as ap appearance p1 p1I
I pearance
11 Con rtiw4ljr rtiw4ljrI
I 9raProofitIaing 9raProofitIaingFIRE
ror titamsehotci Goods GoodsTMSTEWART
43S44ZWESTIIr t ttorrerty
torrerty flaundid flaundidb
b oe i1u063 i1u063fatt
fatt 5547 LLJIIS
5 5Imehi
he Imehi I that when n firm was unfair in onu onuiri onsluliro
luliro > iri > it wiKximplv wue ltnply Uifwlr but thenuuton thenuutonHliliT the mason masonhiutitiri
hiutitiri HliliT liuttmt mitit out that the firm firm could couldmilv couldutml
milv luive iiied < nt It slid ItecntiiHt of < sf the therunlrv theriusir1
runlrv if two > ininn liv which It faced facedH
H ntnke sit ike nn mailer wrtit ta hrmt 1111011 tt took tooktnin tiolc10ti
tnin from ntid thnt further neither neithertin
tin Ii Newark Mimm tmr the Itu international internationalunion
union or r Its ilirrit ir ire parties to the thelh thengritnn1
ngritnn1 ngritnn1iho
iho lh < fillowinjc ha the < lnu e violated violatedthe
the eiiipVir ertivure unv so by tin Ni Nesimit ihit triken strikererlhisi trikenThat >
That thi tlmiu iininti H Its a whole iitu or dingle dingleunion singleturmiuhu
union liill not tder uny strike trik iigainat iigainatthe
the I It iniTiiinT ltOtll t ar4 if tin t lit MiiHnn hii sotu Hiilldent HiilldentA
A a > iiliUi us t I iii iolTtivev I < ii lic I I V iI V nr I ur individually individuallynor md ivhl ually uallynor
nor nliiii any tiitnlxr of u union men learn learnti
ti work f ii iiiemlwr of the Mason Maaonlluilder MasonhIiuul
lluilder hIiuul < Isre Atiiliinnori Aa tin tl < innrirshiul > hnllnnytnernhf hnllnnytnernhfof any mtrobea mtrobeaof
of tin i lit wiii I iieeixiJitioii Ink out hi em emplovi cnifJlVis4
plovi fJlVis4 > t until time lit matter in dUputn 1 1brought Iisroiigimt
brought Ufori llm I lii Joint arbitration com committee cornnilttt ¬
mittee nnd s 4 > tilid tilidhnii ttietltt
tt hnii its t iinlim refuned to rail the thoirikiT thestrikere
strikere irikiT olT T the nn ociatinn met and th thliKkoilt the theiusckoiit
liKkoilt wa dioLiri < l by the piMinc nf a aresolution aiesniitinn
resolution lo Hit effect that after Sep September Septptnilr ¬
tember M t1 no nietulterjt of ten of the union unionwould minionswoId
would l lie > employid by hi any llfi member r of ofthe oftime
the nociatlo < in until further notice noticeTo
To Preterit the IIwpread Npreail nf Infantile Paral ParalIi
VAwniNOTON s Sept < pt s 2The The health healthiiithontie healthauithnntmea
iiithontie of sf th l tlstnct tnct of Columbia folumbiatodiy ColumbiatotLmy
todiy to tnlc ik on one < t more utep to prevent preventthe
the prmid of Infantile paraly l The Thetwtrin The1ititritt
twtrin Cnmrniselnnere < ommlit ionert directe l the Cot Corponitmn CotImormstinhu
ponitmn Coiinnel to draft the tentative tentativelecNIntlon tentativeluglahiutlous
lecNIntlon which may Iw pre juresented ent d to torotigrt toCotigresa
rotigrt t next winter looking tn ii an 441 441tabli eutililialmlIlrm
tililialmlIlrm tabli liniint I of ii iiuarnntine iiuarnntineIn t tumi rant iris irisirm
In n m Ittier mailn rirnuts puhllr trtday the thedUtrlct theslIotrlct
dUtrlct health oflicer tuieKectii that then thenmay theretruly
may In infantile paraly carrier carrierJUKI earrIprajtulit
JUKI a mmli thennn then at tvph > id carrient which whichpriad whichpurimitl
priad that di tliaermei ivii
rnju1 Ok OkFRENCH
Natural Alkaline Water WaterUnexcelled Ii IiUncxcdlcd
Unexcelled For table use useStandard useStandard
Standard remedy for Dyspepsia Stomach StomachTroubles StomachTrouZcs
Troubles and Gout GoutAuk GoutAk
Auk vonr vonrPFnkia vonrPFnkiaNot Pftv fia fiaNot
Not Genuine Genuinevrilhont Genuinewithout
without the word wordCELESTtS word1CNt
I j