OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, October 05, 1910, Image 1

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-10-05/ed-1/seq-1/

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< htavii il Hj hr r L1M 1 A AWEDXIWAY l v
WaDnan1T OCTOBKK 8 1910 1910Pair 1010e
W Pair t today < and temorrow and continued continuedwarm
7 g 1 e J ctt1t tin tinL warm moderate to brisk south 5QuthwdtC winds windsPRICE
7 p1 4 i tL4 L 1 rL rLI
1 0 t
laII i ii IN I fti liI umvff umvffha I1OS I1OS1o tlrtt
ha 1 me III tHral 1101 waIer er Kt 18711 re Tne tm tmiiI Irni IrniMsnlt rll1 rll1UIII
Msnlt iiI the ildenr I hIm liICflN and llie U Maor Maora 1 or ornrl orflri
a nierelknt nrl I Int I tifl n llakrr Uk Helletrd Helletrdltr I
I 0 Iii n afe MureTalk llIr Talk nf r Imarcrnc Imarcrnci
i xivnor lInr mnde it pretty ry evident evidentr
r hat he h la i not uo bent on following followingi
i imine laid out hy John Purroy Purroyi Iurry Iurryaltill I
i acting ting Mayor Ior for the tb nummary nummaryt lmll1aryllorhl
t ngof llorhl the Police Poll le IHllrllnl IHllrllnlthllli > arttiient arttiientthing
thing thllli the Ih Mayorapolngued layorloloRlz to tot
t i > d 1 Stale 111 for charges dul 1 trans transMr IrnllIr tranuV
V Mr Ir Mitchel 111hllo to pollen Commis Commist omml ommlthL onImIp
t liker that thL the Ih Army ArmY Itiiilding IllhUI in inv InI inIll
v ill I Htri Ntrwt It < t and Ald thii Ih tnitnd Ilil1 8taU 8taUA Stt Statte0I >
A KT 0I r Stores Sr Stor at L 109 lO to Morton street streete
e ngninn I i fin I n fl4 gambling KlunhhlK hmise hmiseins hll hllI
ins I that the IhI1 liat of gambling K4nhtlI place placet 111 111omm
I is t otmniMioner omm llonr r litker nkr included 1cld1 a aI aI
I i nt II described n > nt I Ihl tis lit aoiitheist Ilht Ilhtr oialhiiiiI
0 I r t of r Whitehall Whth1 nnd Ptml 1lrl street atrat at atvr i ia
vr t a ii i IM 10 itj Morton ron nlreet lfl Mr Ir r llaker llakerHI Ikr Ikrli
HI I to li have iv nerved r1 rvml notice lol with llh more morer tnort n nt
r t t promptitude InlUlld m 01 < the Ih Army llullil llullilttik 1111c
ttik II tl that that thll ie > r wa a under II r Mr Mri Ir
33 > i he hI hIs a aimpicion WIIICI and 1 liein oil 1 M MIf Mk I I7lnkl
k If 7llinnki Deput iL Qiiartermante Qiiirtrtiastrt 1rhrluI 1rhrluIt
t 1 S A wrote rl to tlie Ihl Mayor unite uniteng onle oflkug
< 0 ng iK for ividence Il lo I supMirt llie llieuir ti tiMayr I Ilr
uir lr e ilnyir 11 liynor ylr gt got llll > t thm it lltii 11 I IIvi and andmiawered aiiIii
miawered r It 1111 a atn i rllwl rllwln ftkIw ftkIwI
tn n I 11 mil a In in I fl milpi 1 III of our i I Efitli mir miron fi I II k kn
on i n h hUII < > lnir i n ilia tI t ti Hie I t Pohie Pi s i iiminl sni IIIIlon IIIIlonI kinnr kinnrI > inner innerk
k 114 I I under elr the Ih I Ii ilirrt d I trst i tiler tlr ru r of r irm v via j jMnmr I
Mnmr ia nor or Mltctiel lllh1 in 0 do o i > ri r > > < l imtlie I on onHi ifliI I I
Hi II your tOlr official rapaili 131Ir tfmi t III II I ttrrnT lined linedArnir 1
> Arnir hnt llHlldlnit Ihlelno ot t tin tt h outlirni outlirnin ii 1 1r
n nr r of Vil VtihtI dhntl mil 11 11n r I l Ii I irril rctnc w wi
i > n nc eonlucte nIIII1 I a 4 t itimlillnr omln lione hOI tioli an n I Ialliiurnn I11M IilIin
alliiurnn ilIin 11M In on me diruiiv tl for al ay ei 11 fn m i I Ih here tint 111 t IH IHntilxlunlUte I IlhlnI81 isI
> ntilxlunlUte lhlnI81 that Ihl lni IIm tliImu metii I l lat tI <
at that I P at Iheie Ih I i iii I nnrli ih h evilrtire vs I Itiii ail a I In Ini I
I i M 1 fe mv nIl riel 1 > ncfvl nCIh Ihst mirh uti rhn tn Itioill Itioillilia 11 t tlll
ilia lll 11 UIIMI I > hI1 i Ull ll la a t IHWII I 01 r 1 ill I Ia n nI iiI
I mini 11 iij i M g II i > i u i srfl > riiimnl IIn tIItflt ntlli I 1ld tIIsigl nil Mat IaAI i if ipay
pay AI I Ih I hi I 111 tiaII Isrt r II I b Inila iniIa iniIaccirrjr
I ccirrjr IrfI f in II tt I h hi > i < > t ni I Mnnon 1fUI tn tnI t tIi > > I
bid Ii Icti I II I I I I 1111 nurd un sit Mil t I Mprii Mpriiliidlillntf I lrt lrttor 0
I 1 tor liidlillntf 111lhl U WI V 1 ii I I I iiMin ssIt I Ma I ni niIt J i i I
It wo I a month ac Ig tliit Ih1 oIfltfli4Inr < > nitni < iiin > T I
Hik IIIr krwrotpIq r wrotf wrote 1m hi Iir frt first l Ittier to I Cil Cillu 01 111 7IIIi9kI 7IIIi9kIt lu luIu
lu it t h < Mild that h > aio H mfonn Irnl1 > d that thatgiiinlillnc ha haaurhllll
giiinlillnc aurhllll WAM wit Rome KomI on 01 in the t 4nm 4nmH rm rmIhldinl rInUldtn
H Ihldinl Uldtn uldlnK Iol t oI Xnlin 111 ztHnLt kl uimnilmulv uimnilmulvt 1111
< t luick Itlk aiklnK luklllJ thu Ih IoinreilsMioiiHr IoinreilsMioiiHrpro llmlolr llmlolrIrodl CisiaiIsoiirrirmIic
pro Irodl rirmIic < lnrr hln hi pvnlftu 1111 und altl f p vlnn vinl h hlid hlid hi hiId >
lid I Is > gllll 10 II CIMp 1Krl IXJrrStt TlltH Itt 11 till tilli h hI tiI
i iie I in I Ktoppitijj Ioili cnilltlnK anUlnJ In II tlir Arm ArinvH ArmI
H I niriinK Idint Th Thi > Iolonil 101011 i didnt tll UIIOH 110 ItiythV of oftuv ori
tuv i hmt hlnlr hmrnIt lf lull 1 hi I winii1 01 I III lt lo iri 11 t in intnatlon n natol nL
L motIon atol to net on onVI 01 nimj
VI j Pakrr llr rrphrnJ that II n > diiln dill I mro hivt hivtn
n ro information nroratoll of IIIK hil ia own O n IHII I thai h hUil I It1 ItAll <
tAll t1 Kn 1 Infortnttl Ilrorl1 l hy y Act Aemitig 111 IIIK Mayor MayorMitrh MayorMmtrht or or3lrh1
Mitrh 3lrh1 of Ihf RamliluiK g rll 11 1n inoi inoif 11 i
< < f < r and delictint dIflh wnrt vr r ankinl all lo loran1 toramvt I
CAnt over al any lnformitKIII Infonllf iti itmv T IMM IMMM 11 tosi4s4
M i4s4 d < a a to KanilihnR jmhlhl tn il ih h < Army nn Iluild Iluild10C 1hl 1hlI IttimidOut
t 10C I au Out they II too 11 nltl Mlt Ihwy Ih1 Uuit u t liavn hI 1i2vt
1 01 Mlnakl 7ln8kl decided dI liin h1 I i rit n in inMivor 1 I Its
I ts < Mivor ouloe om dirttl an I mt I iun I d dKrr I IpItp
Krr no 0 that Mayor uytior receid receidi rO rsvsi ii iiI
i h rn n lie mm I got bacK lo tin I r t Hall Hallrrram Inll foiltrfraIr
trfraIr rrram r George Or iVatimaker alna a of ofU cfftiii r rhn
ftiii hn h hi hord I lI h aIfin assrajia assrajiatAl
U 1 tAl ifl n thrown al 11 i Ihe prblic 11110 i stdri stdriI > t < > re reIfiv r <
Ifiv 111 I hi < a new one Oi ofl on fl me tit 11 1 m ml I 1
l llr 1 lr Mitchel llchll reported rpr1 w m < > I nmini nminin otmimnupfrnr > <
n pfrnr In > n r ILiker I hnvent heinl of o it And Andtl tndft
tl t r not 01 a word onl of tnith tnlh in I II anyway
WJM Wl Mould 011 the Ih Lu men at all the us h public plulu mornx mornxJH siorssgs4 tor
0m JH 1 tie 111 ii gamble tamhl even tn if 1 they I mki wantwl wantwlMr wanl wanlr waflti0m 1
Mr ir r Uanmnlier WAnmIr Mid il tint Ih III I h hulldin hulldinnferel tmuiliJfnrPirs I I
nferel rPirs I to t I on Morion Inl Mreel iiilghtl III IIIirn IhA mlIt
irn A 0 I P th h AppKiinem A p Hturea Hlo toriq which hlh I lK II iI
K I u I Ilnngton 1 hl jIOI and an Morton rlll nlreeiA Ilrl He Hewi u uor IITi
wi in re of Ihe Ih Marion rnll trt > tre numbir numbirb nhlr nhlrhht r rb
b tiought tint t u I was WN < inn II lhe lhetu 11 I hi hiL
tu l i j hin h l tsm > een occupied CIII iMilely Ily lit I Ii the thet I ml mlrnhlIt
t > rtinient nppraiwr nlpraitn up I to yetlerdn yetlerdnRi I
Ri 1 n h Ponl PII Office om I Ihsiirtinent > eik4rtm tln nt lt niove In1 In1n tmmiviit tmmiviitA < l lit
it n A receniv nW h ndded IIlII I 1 nloriea iitirjitL ri
1 i nImtly il iiely drny t1in lh Iht t nny gambling gamblinghi fhllll
hi I h i n I goini 1I on Oi I In rny m atorea alnr wild wildW
c W 1 inrrnker nm k t p m to I ti thl I kk miniito minlr I Is I IU I
U 1 ever s r hnrd f hr Mre IxliiK Isli any ari n aim aimlc pimpI 1
lc I n ihit h Ihre Ihrl wnn any I 11110 thfiiit th thu II t Ii Iir >
u t r nory ry in II ii funny funnyur rllllV satiny satinyyiiitirIy
ur 1 venterday 1 if I he I hud aullll ammytlmmig ammytlmmiga I
1 01 v njily 1 to tde lf ml lonq rewri pr prhim lire lirep r rIln
p him Iln hy I Mr Ir Mitrhel on in Mnndiv Mnndive 1n1
e f which hi the Ih niimn C11 Mi hr Iiyrt ir iri i it
i t f i iolrrK 1olrlI olrrtns mi and In1 gunlxinKJ gunlxinKJx lthlnl giiiIung I II Inj
x I i mJe nj wt t ttril ILicnint Iblnll ii s > nii niii ii I mI
I i i i public ihiu hll Miltrltatlon lcaloll IlcItat inn cxtnied xtstIp irn irnnhirh 1
nhirh p h lii blatnnl oil ni iii lUUer r II In Ii
I oI oIi 1 1o
i I o fh rims isLit si 11 11 th 1 ii 1 1I iii it
V I Did you YOI oO ever 1 hear h1 Out hl I Iuk
1 ik k for or the Ih II report rpnr nnd n hay not no noa1 not i if
f 01 t S p > read a1 It I me m hope hol that thatan hll hllrlr hatp
an p trier rlr rtlirIv If a 1 thy ly n I thrr thrr I I ill liii liiiwill i iwill I
will 11 never n vir le I i held hll up 1 by II any anyne iti itiI
I < 1 < ne I iipaiij kpn I era r an the Ih mere refuge refugeaM rfIt rfItar
aM ar < hm Irl of f unfortunate unrorunl women wom mid nndumM Ild IldII midut
umM r IH u iq nil 1 proceed p 1 m II nn In or orr I Iuwftil I Ir
< r < uwftil fll way 1 which whllh i b the Ih only onlyi orti ortip I
p I i V and Knr without wtholl Mnndahzing Mnndahzingitf nnJIEinl
Ire Ir a tmmmlre nmiml the Ih thti > e vice Ic which whichi hlha
i a her r vic iei will i alwtivH al exit exitI 11 LitI I i
I j o ined nd I o that Ihl end nd and hope hl the thei Ih Ihf
i 4 1 II II Ii M effective effectiveI iff t ttvr ttvrI
I at lt the th hi City l1 Hall IAI that there thereu rhrlht thirlp 1
u ood that lht the Ihl Mayor will wil re remiwioner r rion rifnistofl I
miwioner ion llaker and Inr ther theri Ih Ihherr
> p i tion heard herr of the th pretiiction pretiictionirviary IrflCtfl Irelietifnaniarv
irviary nr thai n coalition Clto ngntnM ngntnMr I
r lid Ir Im I forme ror1 l by Milchel MilchelIrendergaat 11h1 Itii4icIIrtiiiirgiat
Irendergaat 1 IIr III and Ill tiil Horrvngh HrrlRh I
f I M In the Ih
neny meeting meetingW tllll j I
< W I f Kntimntc tllmf there have ta ha lsn n nt I I
I i > iiderttiKa ddril of discontent discontentre 1110 1110r
S re r r ofdcial nmca name Ilml tiimsd < hut I MIM MIMi I hHand Ii IiI
I i tiieded t silsI them I and they I I lis lisfltii netei neteii I I
i flame n Soon 4 xn after lt the Ih IhIm net netii iiwI I
I ii aim Im Into 11 ofllre the II Irium Irilm triImt j jKmandefl ImOII1
Kmandefl t mOII1 lioitiiIMt that fieph th Haag Haagv lal
I v of f the I loir l if f xtimnle Jjlll ahotild ahotilde ahll i
i e ii < 1 atut t Me 1 I threiletied that thate Ih1Hor
e Mayor Hor i onenied 1 to I to do d dim thl ttitiI i1 i1I
I ild I lien Ihi I ii e v dii I o n Itnl bieziiI bieziiII ecnil e
j nulTirieiit Imlit vote t i i override rrlr the theell tim timiIl h
ell 1 the Ih I MHVOI 11 h vi IN ii in II der Isrptsj Isrptsjl r > it < KMl KMlId
Id l l them 1m If I 1 yoti iliiniot him himhim
I i him lilt a Commiixiifiwr itfltrilIIsr I nf jf t A Ai AI >
i It I i I mt 11 i p It Mr Ir Milchel i IIh1 tgtiiI ntid 11 hI lilt liltit
it 1 iiey decided II lo t mill w Will1P ti tiA d dOt
Ot 1P 11 tjiii Iprlinl1 h hi 10 I rin rinIitor
A oiinl 1 liefore pil rhll hlliK lle lleMavor i iI
I Mavor h hI ha < i np nitir er r filled flo the1 the1m ti tirn 1 i im
> m t iwionemhln lnNhlo ami Iot Maac IMc Iimu i ii ii0ary i ie i ir
e 0ary nrv r of 4tpm r the I l hoard lord hoardeing t tting
ting 11 of if r the III Board Brd of Aliler AlilerUy Aldrty AldirIA
U IA Uy ty a resolution rllto wag intro introiirmau intrDIrmau
iirmau Folk olu for ro lb appoint appnt
0 0m
m nt of r n rorermttre olmil to I iiv WIKI IissIigat < nllK le the theonditiima Ih Ihncltnn liiiflilttii
onditiima ncltnn flilttii complained rmlllll 1 of r by Iy Mr r Mitchel Mitcheland Mltchland llch1 llch1An1
and antborliiiK the th commiltrai to
nllhfriilK rm mil employ employroiinret imployeouns mployoun
roiinret eouns oun mind lne to cpend pnt nionnr Alderronn AlderronnI A AtclewnutnlOwljnt Idf I
I owllnic > the Tummonv floor leader leaderIn
11ln < tl Tmm4lv tor lodr lodrIII
In movinx movlnl that I ho rraoluUun rNollLun IM n r rfrrii re referrtil
ferrtil fr1 to ii the Ih Co Iolml mmllittj on o Rules HIIN re reniarkej r rI rinuirkJ
niarkej flrkJ Hint I utI the Ihl lb Mayor wiia U perfectly perfectlynble prrtI prrtIhi
old hi lo deal with th the Ih condition fudllot com complnltifi rm rmI cornllnlnrd
plnltifi Ilnll1 of fr ui II Mr 1 FolknHrraolullon Fol1 rolutln Th Threioiutioti Thr Tho ThoroImitmon
reioiutioti r ha hi has liltlo lllo clwince dllC of Wlnf Wlnfrcporlel tC tCrtpIIII iitingreporteI
rcporlel rtpIIII out by the I h Iii cummittre cummittreirtHii eurnnmittel1 mmll mmlllf
irtHii l1 > SIT lf lVV X IIIASTS 11tT t Iii Jl Jll WV WVII
II 1 Hail 11 trqulllrd rqullld Man Ial Vtlio 10 XJiol lol a fJun fJunat Uilmiat UI
at I I iii Me froi t reI of II liii nifr nifrliidR It Ifi IfiJiiiig i
liidR 1111 Iilwnrd Swatiti wol IHHIIII Ilf i ettt India Indianant indiglimit I IIalt
limit Ialt in I mu driienil lillenil Seaasmni Sr iotiM iOI yeiterduy at a aJiirv iijury I IJlr
jury Jlr wliiti liuli Ilch Rave Ia u I erdiit t jk 1 of If not 10t guilty alil alilIl
III Il the th ue < of f iMvid Walli al1 of li IC I5 Eat KattItiith EatIltitli a1 a1Ilt
Itiith Ilt h Mnvt I rt who ho won Q flmrjn 11111 with withaomiult wl withapiqiult h hI
aomiult in I ti lliit I he h llrtd Un ifT I IT n revolver nt ntth ntIh atth
th feet uf r hU wife If Nora and hi lila > mother motherinlaw Iwlhr nmntlieruilaw
inlaw 111 Mary llr Cnnnoro nlnol i iimnuri in I a row on Oi the thetain th thtaIr
tain 11 < of If their iMrtiiient rl1 iou IIOIUMt 10
I inn 11 khxUi l wild il Judge JIt Svnnii Svnniito SIII
to 1 think tII t that I a Jnrv Jllr of If the th comity rll Y of ofNew otS 01Ntw
New S Yoik k iould II it i there und tm1 deliver delivera dlvr
a verdii nl t < if f not 11 guilty JIIIY lo a min 111 mum who ter terrorled Irrnrll r rrnrld I
rorled rnrll two IWI women wnm Om1 tm with jth a I Iaided revolver revolverind
anl ind threatened one 10 of them thl with wih death deathfiring dsotlmfiring llh
firing 1 it Il id t one iii rf rf 1 them Ihll IH I chimed chln1 I Idm IiI
dm iI 111 iiit t fint lt itit a I member 1lbr of f thl hi jirv Jlr to toiiplxMr t4 t4IPI t toppimr
iiplxMr IPI in II thl v murt urt Ir niiln 11II or Ir to IH I put puton ut uton I Iun
on nn I > piry Ir in It the tl iii ii ilimitity > unty You 1 inn innleinimlier tiltit
leinimlier t 11 tliil I II ul II lily In Y IPit I I Ijrtioil 11101 I IpiirMi IlllIlt Ipurwi I
piirMi lllIlt > e I KIIIK iti tilt a I i ndidile mid rlL ii Lit fur 1 ir thi t hi > fudge fudgewhip hll 1 ilg I
whip again againYou mgnmnV ln lnIt
You V iu It him 11m i iime un hnn > nnd 1111 i tid aue mv vou vouKuril nl umm ummlrmItI
Kuril drilibli > a 1 ml < I riHo rlc tlm 111 lit h II hi hit n nlenditl
lenditl t 111 tii to t is iiitnmii ii ill 11 iii it Ktiitide suit ll 11 ii Ii and 111 ii nl that Ih t l thai thaiwii I hiI hiIhI
wii 1 > hI ir Ib t h revolver wan di < 1 ll i har hue1 hue1h hIarM1Vhy il ilVhv
Vhv h 1 mi iii will 11 Und 1111 thl I hi man 111 guilty guiltynt III
nt r 11111 HUlClde ulril IHVII 11 IIH 1 own 1 worn pwrmito wornktateiniiil
ktateiniiil ito IlIII t i Iii iit here hereViiMi h r rViii
ViiMi 1 imiii Inl4 ii tii + > 4 will w 11 Im h it irirken Irl from rol the theIIIIA Ih IhIt I hi himliv
IIIIA tut It ua i men moimpeetu 11111 iticomnpi simm nnd 111 di iiitiiIuIIsl diniiiliile h hnlahI1
nlahI1 niiiliile < l 4fter t r nil ni the II tI n tiswPpars n p 1 t > eri hat h hli1 hmsmaul e einl
maul li1 inl uilssi IM II ii iun gm 11 totero It nnd nll the Ih alnxiiie alnxiiieby nlrl rttriulI
< < ttiitllit 111 I by jii JI Mioh ch fell rI1 inn iw n ai lln llnitifilulinl I i Iii
itifilulinl 1 fetui Li m t VIMI V iij tell 11 t tin t I ii mull iii ti In t ui KH bark barklo hakI la lato
lo lle I It lvir 11 Ii itra < i who WI h ale A am lu Il i lie h rear r of Illix Illixroiin Ihlmlr liiinirl
roiin mlr r r1 riwtm x tn tovr who whl whi Ait re r H I elinc elincto ihtmg ihtmgt ill
to I I tlii t Ii i iiwiD 11 t liii II H twt t it nibiiy 1 ti1ti today ti ilay a ind indwho nil nilwhip
who n I w lake Ik ii < i urice lag from fr vuur our Ir > nl
r I lieliiurl I Iu 1 11 artled 11 llie iii J jmmriiti lir < llol nl H I IiII i lle llei m mhli
i i him hli II I in for t fi r prelection rc t ion if emh i 1 h men 1 flour flourJ 1011r 1011rh1 flourrAmisrs
hn h1 < reri rAmisrs 11 > lver m lisle t h far f He t H held heldhi Ill
hi 1 prUoner rl for rlr firrvum trttn r11 ioiiHiled ioiiHiledpon Is I Iw
w > > < pon 1 ti and al1 1 Ii I nd 11 lie h wi < uld uml I iry m r ry t > ha hnhln t tbutt e ehim
him hln indiiled uuuhu 0111 for alieinpttil nllrl1 uuid liI I
i inn WiT r it 1 D rut TII urn UTI in 111 111an ui uilti tithiiIan
lti thiiIan > lelan an a as > Me llaidaxetl 1 tle t ii n ouiiliil ouiiliiland numuuiteilanhi I
and n1 Tolil Tol thus I Iollre 101 In Ii lnrtet lnrtetI rll rllh
I h > in I n plivciiiin 1111 in I Ueni Sii 4littfilh 4littfilhus llfh llfhi
i us lrei re 1 tic t Iu centre Cstlt 1 r ntreei iii I rs1 it > f te II iipjipr iipjiprWe iptotVit 1
We Vit t Snip id i IVnilTlnii rrnd h > says av he I h dii diih I Ih
h > < prohini Ihl and 111 tiii bandd hanlail hanmIaiis in of lt the m h mm mmA r
A hi h were r ii iiilnliil 101 I I Iii I in II the rh t Iii uuloinohlle uuloinohlleh liii I IU IUh I Ihtin
h htin nin5 tnvti 11 mmmi 1 in I Weil S etiy jH < < iiid iiidlreo
sIr lreo 1 la Vene Vi ltoIuiv ltoIuivliii dav davHe
He I hl 1 told all 11 hx h known IOWI towu ax atkult 1lt > tii the I th thto h nti > e elo rI
lo I KT erl deie 11 i1iiitiv < tive 1 who In hn e called 11 t from fromtlnxi rrm rrm1m fromtIns
tIns 1m to lime inl They hive hi gone Jm away awarliwe awayiii ar
liwe 1 iii unibitill Imhll I to 1 U < IllrJ ld III the KIMI II liisira T be beThe b bfl hia hirim
The fl rim pllitlllilll 1 Pim iui ii tell 11 I ci I the t h delH uht 1111IIDI 1111IIDIhI tt fvr eii hot thnttin t hotIi
tin hI Ii u nut ia i ZsI ei i liii > mpl 111 iii ie i deiiO iIt 111i 1 iii from rr < l one oneor 01 oti otior
or Ir t i > of r ttnr I ujxriir oftdem II alw a I thl Ih thmu
1 ii 1 us WI l e f rr r ti IfUl h I ri > 11 i the II r rat eae eaet
at a t > tiro i m the Ih hwiter ae a ill I Ii IwH 1M uu O n nThe 1 i iTb
The Th st ltlr ort < if r > ie liTMriin h vphla jII ii jo < like iI I im imA tliU tliUA Ih IhA
A Itl > al rinl I in 1 Ve i 1 Korivfirfirth tryrlrlh utrtel utrtelwa pt t ta
wa w a as hiM hu ki > p 1 in I ti lri h a hoiin hz iu I and Ilt nt1 I ililie 111 l ml I Ii r rI 1SI
I SI > i I 11HP > M > i a j iiM > IKK ig He l did nut nutny
1 ny r he h lice biji ii > U tn > matler IIUlr of ofjiiHiiie Pt Ptiii r rjl
jiiHiiie jl HI I hi h til 11 Inn h mnt Me Melio II IIe1 IIktme
ktme e1 s lio 1 biu hoi hi ii < li 1 > lie ill r ihlnil hl hlh lie lieM It ItumI
umI M 4 Ittiew iti vhiu ho h hjd 111 i ii up II the Ih 1 an another 01 01otlUr suiother
other otlUr iktliuixl iismiist He I If nxle I in 1 an aulonviUilr aulonviUilrto
to t Weil w Ktiillt j mi v e iiMl 1 nlllcl pit uitI 1 vith Ilh M inue inuegimntitI > tm tmpmnieti 1 1hII1 I
pmnieti hII1 lo liae hlc him UP UPtit ti tiit I
it tit h uilfi uii inn t had hm h gang txi txirnw I Irn iiit
I Jln
t row rn WMJI utareil rl1 ai I M j prelunuiarv prelunuiarv1h mrhitttuImar mrhitttuImar11u Imlr ImlrThlh
1h Thlh n the I shi tliixilin ii ml i n Ih shuw ho Mlowtsl hI na eu Thrn Thrnmen n
men wr hoi and alt all al u < I IOne
One titi IP f the t h iii aulomobilee 4onnlU Ouitiinfli ill wax wa a I hackinx hackinxJir h tuat4u inl log logar
Jir r from rrm t Inl hrng tng Arre A Hiiirie uurrs r Hie 111 s drr drrwen Irar
wen 1 do n to loic Ic II 1Idiinrtira < cd < UHrtem u acliZ0 f fil
il 11 r a ao t n ind Ilcl < tuid I ho h ihoupht hIh the h f fsi fsiV I > > H Hraa
raa V IJ a 1 moviiiR mo1 1 I picture ictl affair affairProlilrnt ar affair1t a I r
11 tlt I Ifll IW nrv TI 1 iiio iiioIetwiwit t tI
I Ietwiwit Prolilrnt rllr1 f fI Iru irsraiu I its itsIl
I II Il teen n tIiIti rn > ln In li ll Miilnra IHlllrn IHlllrnWAII StirnituirnVAitlftifON < MiilnraWAHIIINOION
WAHIIINOION WAII UIUS Oct I Former Ir Irea Ireadnt ti tident
dent Miulrir of if r VlciragUJ SImrl who 11 was w r rretilly rty fe ferinitly
retilly ty iIo1wiwd < omeed by I CI lin < > n Kxlridi tlrlL left leftAmaNiln IflAmfllln lsftAma
AmaNiln Amfllln Ama im ha llondiirn 101hlrl I yenterdiy Inl for forMetilro flr forumerordimig
Metilro 11 uitvr umerordimig < iill ll III I il I deufsUrh rerelvid rerelvidat v1 v1Il
at Il the Ih Klile HI tmt l Iartmint > e I rtiiinl r ImO1 today Ic from fromlVttoti fromrttiti
lVttoti fIlnl II I M Mflnr Mrrtsry nerr American Am riln Minlntrr Minlntrrl 11Ir 11Irl1rllm
l > > HoridiirnM l1rllm
nnii itinih IUflt h VlII iiti irw 1 Tn 4VS 4VSTim v vThe
I 11 11
The Tim 1 Fifth IIUI tioiui ieniie ll titan t tn t He 8 Fail Inlargd Inlargdoil Ircfl IrcflI a need needn
I oil > n 1 Mnill luln iIIpimn on tinui trnue u soil 11 94tli th street streetHy r4ircIthy IrII
Hy I the Ih piirrhiie Plrch of it r the Ih nortliw lorh lorhonr mmortiuwuaP v vloonier
loonier P onr oornpr of If r Midlvn 1n avenue n itii and AII Thin Thlnyfourth ThinrUlrh y ynuirili
fourth rUlrh Mreet lr ye ytritav ienlav the Ih corporatmn corporatmnicf rp aln alnlor
icf of H Altninn Alm A I now mnn rrnrLs n r > U the theI Ih IhI ihiblock
block iKiunded hy Fifth and AII Madison Madiitnnavenneii Mad MadisonavpnhIq n I
I avenneii 1 Thlrtyfourih Tlrlyrolrh nnl n l ThinyJlfih ThinyJlfihalreela Thlnfh ThlnfhIrla i
alreela Mr r Alltmn lmn 11 I said Id to I have haveI ha timepall
I paid air IlTOOdoO SII ItX for the Ih pro prlry > Tty which whichmrsmurea whlhmlr whmithmiuroa
mrsmurea mlr 7 71 Th feet on MiclUon IMI avenue avenueand anl aviniIeand
I and l I l4 l feet on Thirtyfourth Thlr vrolrb afreet afreetII
II conM cnIA ta of two Iw old oll time ti hoiweti h front rront frontmg
111 ing on n Madlfon IAIn aenti 11 and anllo and two iirivaie iirivaiettble Irhallll turiCahipithliO
ttble fnr lll tilljlineiui hl1ln i on Thirtyfourth atrewt mire now IOW naed naedfnr iiordbr 1
Mr Ir Allm Altman n tried Irlf to t buy the Ih corner cornerwhen romnarwhn rnr rnrwhn
whn h ha Alm aa a arnuirlnc Mulrln thi Ih ret of th thliliKk Ihl IhlI Iho Ihoiil
liliKk iil but hit Mm lf Mirwret hra Howard luwr who whonrn wh who whePn
nrn o ih thi corner and onr th afilili II adjoin adjoinIng fdjulnInf odiumlng
Ing Inf on In in Thirtyfourth ThlrTrurh atreet Ilrl and Inr hi hiOiindleremte h hnnlr hCbinuhiir
Oiindleremte Cbinuhiir nnlr eatat tl whl whlh < h own OWI IBOMidinn IBOMidinnavenue ID ln MmdirnternIia hr1
avenue mu and ni IS Kiv J i Thlrtyfoirli ThlrrnI 1 ree reeput r rI reapill
put a price lrl rln on o th tha h property that Mr MrAll lr lrAitmnmi r rhmlll
All Aitmnmi hmlll mun considered CItlf prohibitive prhlhll rlrr Mr Ir All Allmin Al Altmist
min wiitod 1ItN oome 1m time tl lx herof before > fore stifling mirtlnabiildinK IIrlll stiflingIuilding
biildinK 1lhllll operation prallnl in ho hope ope thin Ih the th lbWi e ei
i wo 0 ownem Iwnp would d reducw rluC thHr price pricebill prir primelimit
bill 1 they wern t flrm Irm So 4 he h went win n ah h hIh homd homdwith id idwith
with Ih hia hi etor or orii and nd in ih tho meinwhlle m11hl hud hudcentred timidiseliraul
centred lr lh tt h rnnlndor nlllnr of Ir if lh Muditon Muditonn Idi Ijdioniienu n I
n nInl iienu > niii 1 front on ni a long 10nJ lete 1 hem from fm lh lhAntor IhA timAptor
Antor A or eitue 1 and 111 the Ih orner of Ir Thirty Thirtyfourth Tliiitytipuirtli
fourth xiroet nnd 11 Fifth avonux nlnl now nowiMfiipi nowii
iMfiipi 1111 < l hy ii Kncwdler 1It I A t tItih < o oI I
Thi I his i f > i IM < > ed the II tim proMrty ji jll just t si simirst e ecured
cured I by Iv < h 1 Irtn II Irnr Ino h11 ha l Iin > wn In him Ihnmarket Ih Ihmlrk himmurk
market mlrk mir ulnre iiuir I but nobody nlody rareil rareilulxiit uarcstlumit
ulxiit Ih biiymK U I Fbi n compxiiy i Ii now nowrendy OW OWIJy I
rendy IJy to II extend 1 ilx tor nn over Ir thej Ih IhK itKtiwllr
Knoeiller K torner rnr nnd the I h A tor property propertyon
1Ir I
on I Madlti Ifl ii venue 11 and flcl ri I few lfffr lfffrI week weekago wwkaagi k kiK I
ago iK iigvlii 111 aiiproArhxl lh ihio owner onf Mn Mnlii Mrhoward f I
lii Inwln howard > ird wild i abs he hI wanted tannnno 1110 for her herpro hrrulr IsrlirOIsY
pro lirOIsY rulr rty im 111 > the h rnlon In Tniat rn Vtmpany VtmpanyfV omJwznywMx mlny
fV wMx ionn 100 for the th proi lrJr iirtjirly > erty under 1Ir itn i It con control Cl contril ¬ I I
trol Irll Several S1 meetliiK mtl wrrn rl held and andnirilly andhomily nd nd11ly
homily Mr Altman hrh hi hntkrrn hntkrrnieirge hktn roiroirga
11ly ieirge It 1 I Jd Itil < id it I < offered or1 a own mi in ina I I I Ia Ia
a liitlx ltI rl lem 1 1pm Ihin lh9 Ih akklni akil price rle and andh anlyOra maulyatsMay
yesterday h ho dell wan w clo cloaml cloamllimnn Tb Tbmnll TbItmnn
yOra limnn mnll hou hn hmOiiam hi h has commla cnnmllonf1 comnmisainned lnnwl lt ltarchitect I Iarchi lmorchltsot
architect archi in draw drw plan for th tha addition additionand IddIIOM IddIIOMald <
and ald an ooon I aa a gnoedler SnOIr A Co 0 movn to I Ithe I I I
the h old LOIOJ Club property on 01 Fifth Fifthavenue FlrlhAn Fifthanhia
avenue An neur Fortyalsth Forlxlh prpry atreet Ptrr t and flld the thel th thI thelamp
l lamp > iea on th the Mtdlaon hdlln avenue aYlnu corner cornereiplro fru fruspl eorueraipire
eiplro spl In th the spring < active building buUdlnfoperation buldll buldllDprtlon buildingoparalioni
operation Dprtlon will wl begin bla beginT j ji i
T i
OROIP m tRoll Rtl v rArrirr rArrirrrmiiT 4Cf rIT iT 1U 1U1r1 I i isir
1r1 sir rmiiT WIT tx tx4alcminla 1 mRT rornralumNa mRTTtIH
alumNa Trmleet l erlare the U nthen nthenPnife nlhnI nthntsenl
I Pnife rrMnlp aerahlp Vacant Nnl and n Vale Pock leeha k kr
a Ye esraNalar r > a Malar HI He hIUtJocland Object tbH and n 1 Hays HaysH M r rK
K Mo Moe 01 e In Mia quInn nna < uli uliHarry uUns uh uhliany
Harry ns Thurnton Thlfton Teck Ik who wh has Itf l btn btnn ben bena > een eenn
n profennor at 1 Columbia Cuhllhia Unlver IlhBly tlnierslty lty for fortwentytwo rlr rlrtWIlwn fortwntytwo
twentytwo yearn 1 wa WA > notifled nollN yesterday yesterdaytlutt Ida Idatltl
that tltl he h w WI was no n longer Antlion llhol profreeor profreeorof prrrof
of the latin llll language IlllK and andliterstumo nd literature Ilfrt and andthat ad adtMI andthat
that the chair chir tearing that lhl name had hadmade haulLweri
Lweri mad vacant fct at lt a meeting mtl of the theoi Ihf Ihfth thetriutc
triutc oi nf the th unlvernily 1Ihrll held Ild on 01 Monday Mondayafternoon Mondayalteniooii olcn olcnrlenUtl
afternoon rlenUtl I
Thu Th irunteee trust only ly raid that their action actionU actol
U I for fn time IIII l iiiat t interest of ff the Ih univeraltyMr univeralty 11rllyIr
Mr Ir Ieik k a < noon 011 a Am > he h recelveil rtII n copy copyof coIlof oyor
of llie ll ui reeolutiona poa I puissid e l at the li thu meet meetIng mIII mastlug
lug replied flillllh lo the tim Irimteea tIl that lhl he regarded regardedtheir rlaflMI rlaflMIIhllr regaruleiliheir
their Ihllr action 11 aa a Illegal llAI and ald inaUted thai thaithey Ihaltht thatflit
they flit i t e < it l bi contractual Innlclul relation relationMilli rlltona rlltonayolh relatIonswhit
whit yolh the I he Ulllv uiIiivrslty 1Iv raity He I Intend hlnd to tight tightthe f fighttim ht htIh
the Ih acti 1111 > u f the Ih trumpet IrllI through the thecourt Ih IhI thuIoI
court courtThe IoI I N NTh tp tpl
The Th l iut innliiK 11111 ut which lhh hmithm Prof Irr IVckn IVcknraie Ik Ikwa lirki
raie i wa brought Irlchl ili II wax 1 a lengthy one oneFor In tinsIir
For r more r than Ihal three Ihr thir hount IUllr the ll thu trunteen trunteenpnoidiil Irt Irtr t rumptusilmridiMi
pnoidiil over r bv I their preridenl lieorge lieorgeI r rI
I tile 11 divliwrd 01010 the III I letter i pant > I hem hemliv h hI htpumI
liv I Prof Iro rut le Ik Iiek < k in il width hl he h akktd k1 for rlr n nf I a1uiu
f t1 1uiu ir he Iuli i4earmuig riiig uid 111 < refuted rrll certain rtd otjiii otjiiid GI amm ammIMiIIIJ
d dil IMiIIIJ loii i liarget li r list I had ltn I made madengaltift ummaditgaifltt
ngaltift Kla In I him 11m 11mfh I i iThi I Irh
Thi fh chargee r have 111 Iiui to I do rn with 111 n I null UIII UIIIfr I Ifor I Ifur
for lue to iuli uh f 1 priiinle l riiitflil > agalnrl agalnrlthe
the I h lii pnfe or by I II u nleiio aIPiui 0IIhr iapUrr MM uilm uilmIuuiiirr 1 i iFather I I
Father 11 yiiinn 1111 Viiie tns I letier 1Irl ullegiil ultI1 to tohiive I Ihj tu tuhim
hiive hj ii lMen written Wt1 liv 1 Prof Peck Ik to I MI Ities I M MQinnn
Qinnn 1 ummummi lI nere r IIIM yumz 1 publir 1111 ii ii I on I Junn Jllo Jim nnd nndoil nll ii mmd mmdoil
oil I June Jil t Pletldellt 1il1 Illille 1111 M rule rll to t Ii Prof ProfPetIt IrufiM
PetIt 1 iM I llmt 111 I the II t comiiuttie ii 1111 Iii tO it t i on I PH educalliill ti IU ulcOl It huiui huiuiof I Iof t
of the I th h iru 111 Iruitei4 lee < had h I dii lcd Intn hll to t a ak k kthis I Ithe Ith
the th letter 1Ir I reitn r111 lid 1111 l lr rf f P ick ickI k kP
P I ninptlv tiP I t I i refused I lii I i di cl i Ii > und 1t 11 Jiilv Jiilvhe 11 1 ii lv lviii Z Zh
he h ua A liifiirine by I HIM II iIu huaul 1111 of f tilt liiwe 1 1I
I e < thai he I ii had 1 loct imieiiied mini miniIII limit ll U Uth IItip
III Iriilee Irl 1011 decide 1lII1 vthal h Iit In t hi tu 1 hi I her herde I
de iile I liv lhl h remilntiiin remilntiiinXM rII
I IW 1
XM W I rea lit te iilutioii of r lle 1 ti tiIsnt lii > iic iicieri t tn
ieri Isnt n > liiue ti ikliiplei I I I a tr F I lint I iin 1 1 IVil IVilt I I11I ut utI
t I > u 4 iniHiinie 11I mImWPi jt I iri > fe or f uf I > nn P I l l 111 0 u IiV imr ma I >
an i literature 1rn durum 110 < lie 1 hi 11 il < n nr ul llie llietrniee I tIp tIpti
trniee an ti I lia 1 ill I lotittniieil hl1 lu I IHII IHIIIM IIIJ
IM u Ii 1 triiri t or tiu > IH > t de ilpuPuimtaI innated a amo aIi
mo t Ii > n nt Piii on rnle > oi lii > < > I the tip 1 Intin Intinlanviiri I Stuui Stuuiand
lanviiri Ill and d li rntiie ps hittitr I lo I the theI I t PusI
I lu > ll > til 0 0rrl le P p It ilee n4 ii rejiilli 01 I I ii i I it itrrI li liruiner >
ruiner rrl Sr nf r tin I i ioi PI oration irat lumP lumPui uml umlVli fl
Vli r n M Iriilee I r rslpI Ci nie I I P if r < te < iinin iininHi ii n1 iii iii5t
Hi he h le I t inlrtri nl f lf I iiiiMtlll uit ilu i re rejiiire p pPiIi
jiiire PiIi Iliut I hu II hti nfHi m1 rn lit rfitinii itutis 1 IHII i ultli II itt tlie tlieinl I ti tiiuhuaramiy
inl 1 iuhuaramiy erniiv nhall h1 i ei eii i e eft
ft i i r I Th fhiit t hut lh Ii HiMilnltn mnt nt uf patlii t the theHI h hI
HI I llarrv 11 limrion l mIurin l ei i I a ntlion tflttuuitof ntlionl ntlI
l > nifr or uf t the h Ijtun 11 lMii 1 Iiiiiiuiit < ti4e anI litera literature lr hhtsratuiO ¬ I II
ture m I Pu itii hi ti iinlirnitr Inh sinti rit 7 ti I mul situ 1 keiehv I liTtnuiaied IIIJ iii
iTtnuiaied ii roil IIJ I4SI4MI i liii > n ih I Ii < a liipilun Ipln haipt hum uf t Hil I Pu I reM rei4 > lii liiIMill mm mmIliuti I I II
IMill I allll I It i Ill I IlegAutu ieaJtlil III f lle I Ii IriUlie IriUlietlie I fuim0Nlips
lips I tips h xinnlol 111 iuitim niont t of t h tld hl Unit UnitUm I ilaurtLhLUiPLiJii
LhLUiPLiJii Um 1 I f OOiChI irt rl irnfr r or ieaoe ps and anddi 4111uIoIrn
di uIoIrn Illr > lernT 1 fiirlixi i itn In I i ut1 I I Ih tar tarI ri rie I
e 4irnji l h Imralpy reliy h 1 Ian I Ii I It AIUII AIUIIHfri
Hfri t < i rilJI r1 rlu III 1 le mm if r t Ih n Ionic no er 1 1I > j
p f Irof I IV t If In he unlveKliy iimiwi mum y llietre lb lbhi > > iret irethe 1 I
I he Klll 11 iriel sri r a I in pn I 10 I ii Iruf I rit r Ierw pra nl afli aflip n e elie
p lie 1 4nu n > iiii of r lie I kalerr L re 1 luui i i nimlil ii 11 uhit lm lmeli I iii iiitai < i I
tai eli t I ta u i 11111 II If lie h > 1 1 teiimltioil 111 ill a III Itvapur I II T TrieolriH
rieolriH vapur iii I i iriil it 1 In ti 1 I Ih
> rti r > Inl I trriMlli rhniutlr rhniutlrof nud lr lrlie
of lie h ir i ihsrn 1 in i TPII TPIInd vi
tnai nd o hell h MI lf I Peck r1 Pi re ee n1 < i thu tl at atIII atImi I Ihlo
III hlo apartmititr armh m I > oiconl Hall lal he li Ii Pit PituIV at atvi t
uIV 1 vi i nnd In wrote r I hit hi rvply rvplyI
r I i 7 s liII pS p pI I
I linve hn p a neitiil iP p I from 9 ripum tnlin II Pine 111 Ph ii it < iir iirk i r rk
k i eni iipi 1 nf t a ifi > lTinn huh 11 pr prfr p ptr prtr >
tr < o alMilitb lie h tniliKii hair hai m II mu I ulnni uluiriuIuii I IMi I
011t11 I
Mi I I In nn rum < r rii ti > ttinl nJ 10 rl lerinluae U tutniiiot tutniiiotitifni tue flI flInl
itifni nl a 4a Iror timnlror irnfr or of t lout 11 lnre In rr yell > uwi uwiil pap papuJ
il 1 > h U I llie I ii pleaeiirv 11 of lie I t rim rl > tee rca rcaI I II i I I
I recard ibis hi < arimn rlnn > mu > n rour 0 part r an lllriral lllriraland hIPpgaIoatt
and InIu in i n violation vinIt lol on of mv m v niitrar auipt llr ri null ii t Ii I uliim ii 11m urn j I
114 un I I mvernilv ii lvrpt r C tirr prnfrnMir Imr in I mm tint tintnirrniiiv m i I
nirrniiiv a holN hll a < tinirnniir nih ran r 11 mpr l relaiion relaiionit relsu I
fl I up u it uhkh i hlh huh lantioi nun l > e PsrupuiflktsI rriiilnai unA1 < > l a II Hie Hieiire I Ii IiI
I m > iire ir of t llie P h irimie i r rpI i < er of Ir the t I hi 1 ire ldent ldentimMir I ImIt I Ihimiif
imMir I hold raoeir m rrnlr I suit 1 am 1 will willnr willnv
nr and 111 lirrrln I ofTer r u i orri m nit I all al 011 llie llierrrm li I I Icr0
rrrm cr0 if in jcr C grIlirluI < nirni 1 huh lh the li UNI iitPii iitPiiPP 1 <
PP t pip I
InanniiDh M p toil 0 an mlitiir Murn mug In violaliili violaliiliif viollu
if Mi p 1 l < ifr r iand n < l tmr irn r m P r On 1 Ii iiniver ii ti earp earpehuarmar > n nharter >
harter lu and nl nf nu l agreement I nun a ii II h ttiU 111 111t mu muma 111 111iiiuitn
iiiuitn ma p t t OIl I mniKi I 1 un JI tour r r Cs rrln r111 ii inn I P11 tour tournilrail tuimp
p nilrail 0 flIt ra1 rap I Mifi ii p 1 ti me and le tiaI ttiai i 1 ha a Hl e ii rriwrt t n lY III IIIf > f frum
rum f Pill 1 I tni 5i Inrul S ii rim I rvlilnnn rtmt Vllll Ipuii nlili ii Ii h > I ha ie iinlterolty iinlteroltylltittiT iuit hlr t I V VII
lltittiT 1 II stmy r tin l Htnv 11 Prs PrsuiPton Ir K Ktnhon
tnhon 1 hnn lrnff Irlr lrofror or nl 0 Hie t lIin tln In I AII el < II KI KIand
and n1 liirrnliire liirrnliireThu Imrrplir1litj
Thu 111U defiance 1In wn W < r1iil Whrti Whrtihe Wh Whh Vtinti
he h n mtiiendeil I Ir1 Irof Pe lak < k uillmatrd uillmatrdVfry 11 I ilitat mal < 4 4ir I IN
Vfry ir N clearly that if he h ere f otinteil 1110 he hewould h iiwiupilul
would 111 light Iithl He n l Ih hisImue lieviii that Ihll be h tinn hl iifl M Mcfwe iiOli
cfwe Oli againat m1 the h Inialem 1llf inaamiirh ltlth a alit iilila
lit lila apKtlntineiit AIolnlml carried rrn1 with H the Ih prom promin prol rmn rmnis
in i of retirement rtrmPt on o half hlJ pay l > y when ho he heahould h hhOll1 luphoputil
ahould hOll1 rra reah h the Ih age a of f M 1 He f It IM t now 10
24 4 yearn ya old 010 Furthermore In htro the I ht legal legalinterpretation Ill IllInlrron legalInrpretstintm
interpretation Inlrron of the h meaning nNnlnl of the theenpretwion Ih Ihpfi ttsprfiIJhion
enpretwion pfi the 1 h pleasure of the I h mint trmuarw trmuarwwhfrh em emwhich
which hllh appeared Plf < In > n hia hi contract tllrl Ii I another anotherground anothergrommnitfor
ground Irlnrrnr grommnitfor for act a aetmon 1 ion in mlhe the court ClnA I he Ih former formerprofraaor formerprofessor
professor believes believeaTwo Ilhv IlhvTo believesTwo
Two motionI hn 10 In the I h breach hrfCI of promine promineault romia romiaalil
asahI alil brought hrutht by Father Qulnn against againatProf againstProi
Prof Prf Peck were r decided adversely to tothe InIh totb
the Ih wtaheiof wiahm Ih or lledefendant Ihrrfesnlill In I thHulrm thHulrmColn the h Supreme SupremeConn 1 jirenm jirenmolin
Conn Coln olin yesterday try One O waa the Ih defend defendant dfmlInl ¬
ant Inl a motion moion requiring rlirn Mi Mima 1 a Quinn to togive 1f 1fsh togive
give sh security ClrIY for conla 01 on o the Ih i round rllld
that she hp faanonmldenl hi a noliw1 Jimticn JUI Amend AmendMild Amendaaiul mrndrhl
Mild rhl that lie h wan not Ilt convinced cnn llmt from rrm the thepa I thepars h hpr
pa pars pern pr that Mi Mica Qitlnna llnll present pr nt rn ri rid reelilenci > i iden
den d ilenci re U I in lloaton Olo ui < alleged allegedluatice allr allegedhuiMiru
luatice IIIIUM Onrgan hoard hana ma a motion ollo hy hythe hyIh bythe
the Ih defendant dfldan to net t a acid lde an a order orderdirecting onrr onrrdlflll orderalirprttiig
directing dlflll MU 1 Quinn llnn lo furntah a further furtherhill runhrhi furtherbill
hill hi of particular riII atallng IIMllnt the th extent of nfher ofber ofher
her mental mtlal and id physical illn 111 illness a siuim siuimth lien lienth hOI hOIIh
th defendant 1ftdant failed r41t to carr carry arr > out bin binalltged hL liiialligul
alltged 111 promiae to marry marr her and ant lo Mate Matethe statetim Ial IalIh
the Ih day eay of the Ih week k when 1 th promise prnniweto prol I
to marry mrr was made mt Innlire 11 OIVjll OIVjllr lavegan laveganaid
aid r that einre ln Prof Irof Peck lIk hni h ha obtained nllalll olutainedan j jan j
an onlir to eiamlne lmln the Ih Plaintiff 1llr liefnre liefnretrial lro1 lro1trial liefortrial
trial on o October Unonr ID II hu ran get jllh then > addi addiliooul IhI IhIo1 i I ItionI
liooul o1 del d dsailo ail 1 then thenffl I thant ht
ffl I t YK rIHirIrniI1 I HI R If 1 UK I T T tKKH E Enl I ilPsn IHtll IHtllnwne
lPsn nwne nl > Takes the I Pleilge IIIC for nr IJfe 141 t tIter tIterIatiuhmig flerI rr i I
Malililnc ItlaMire ItlaMireI IU Ills hIVe hIVeJohn It ItJohll
John IJowney l Inwtms > wI took lk the th pledge ilaIg III m for life lifebefore lit lifI litlisfairs
before tr ludgo JIau OHulliviin OIlhvln in I < ieneml ienemlHeMioim nnplh4essions I IKI 1
HeMioim KI yialerday llowney Uon was rlvtrgml rlvtrgmlwith chargusiwith
with wih ntihhing hla hi wife Ir Hhe m Kb I old IIIt the theCourt li theopirt
Court eOlrt thai lor Mo 3 ll tlaya Ia In the Ih yeiir yeiirI yurflowume
Downey ownlY was an a goo gotsi 01 l a husband hMnr n none non as ason >
one on wiulrt r find Ind nnd she t begged I for forr forIf rnrrltI foreIemeny
r rltI rltII eIemeny
If I you YOl will 1 take the Ih pledge ped for llf llfI If IfI
I will wi let you 01 OU no ro O said Id Judge up OflulU OflulUvan CfhIU CfhIUI J1Ivil1I
van But for the ll nest nt ton t year you youmust ou ouml1
must ml1 report to t the LI probation prolton officer omcr and andIf a
If within wlhln pr that lh time tme you yo take tke one lnt drink drinkyou drnk drnkYOl drinkri
you YOl will wi he b brought bfIShL back bck here h nnd fnd aent stflaway aentway L Ly
way y for ten year for ajMaulting Aultng your yourJwlfe 10uri yourwlfe
Jwlfe wire j 1I
Tried Trlf Hard lar All Al the IbC Time Tme and nd Regret the theTime 111 111af the110h1
Time af Ijirklnc to t 1 n Do > t > frt UreAmnT > frtAIUANT er erAIJUNT
AIUANT Oct O I Mtalw tat Health J llh Com CominlMioner uto utomnhialoner r
inlMioner Eugene u < n It I Porter rr Homer HomerFolk Hlnfr Hlnfrolk IliurnerFolks
Folk olk und Ind Or Ir Simon Nitl Fleiner nlnlr dirctor dirctorof dinur dinurIr
of Ir it th the Kockefeller nok felr Institute Iloilut forMtxlioal forMtxlioalnetieunh for 11Jcal 11Jcalnnh Medical Medicalflessurvh
netieunh htKidxi bNd a dele tlflatlol delegation atian or f State StateCharitiett SaLI Sttahiritiei
Charitiett lril Aid people fopl who wh h oallej c1J up Illnll IllnllGuY aipmpv in inCiov
GuY pv Hughea Jlah titday and thinktvi the theOo Ih IhOmor theGovernor
Oo Governor emor for hi hIs Aid In II itt work of etamp etamping ataniplog lml lmlInK
InK out Olt tubirvliluaia tubirvliluaiaiov tlbfllo tiib rctikla rctiklakmi
iov m Hughtti Hljh told his hi visitorn i1 Of It I would wouldalwayn wouldalways nlI
always ala l b hi > e to him tim 111 IIIMI II ogreei ngreeitblt < bl of ofrecollectiun ofrrcollsuitionathuit r rfl1
recollectiun fl1 rrcollsuitionathuit iun1 that aalie I hI wnnalxiiit w abml to I Imc leave leaveoOlct leacom
oOlct om mc he h hud hc receive iv1 < l wich tlch enpreitalona enpreitalonaof
of good ao will i nnd 111 recognition lniI of their theirjoint Ihlrjlnt theirjuilnt
joint effort IrOrl a of Ir the Ih lam 118 four rOlr yvani yvaniHow ycarahlow af
How 10w I 111 wish we could cI1 have h Ion more moreMid lr lrIh tumorseald
Mid the Ih Oovernur nlpnr I 1 lavta 4V 1 office nic n nwith Il Ililh tot totwit > >
with wit ilh n thought IhOlthl of what I have done cnll but butwhat bUIhl butwhat
what hl I would woul have hal save liked I II 1110 keil to tmvi IUI a < done 111
I lice II given Ii myixlf ly1 mimy mlf iiiirniervetlly lo lothe tothe u uthe
the work of r the th goveniment Ivnlt of the th Klale Klaleduring tI tIdlrll P41 itt at atduirtim
during dlrll my tirin rI email wh WilI it I have hl hai i not notd IIt imtlalon
d alon < > ne tJ t j make nUk the I b he government lament lamentefliiietii hlI liti litiefkuiit
efliiietii nitII and lut n I credit cr11 to tl the h State at I regret regretiMvdtiM rlf regrrtIw
iMvdtiM IHII Iw tioi I bid h not no ni thr t time t im txlo t do imire imireA mor umiureAiu
A Aiu a I nult 11 of if r my nearly four years I Iwant Iwln IWont
want wln ii I u mv II I e erybmly rrhI uuercHed huut reueit In IngiMNl IIIrk humgiaai
giMNl work urk rk never uut r ermit Imi > vounelf ml i ti < > IH IHdinoutiriti1 I IsI
I dinoutiriti1 Vuli lulr hiAttpr > er ha hlo merit lrlt will willMaud wiltu il
u Maud 11 dniciiv tII < iin u iii and 11j i tuil if u I Im merit fl il
I will wii IM I had 1111 Hale lin nhiu umluIuuali > liiley All Al iibldiliK iibldiliKIciilllHeni hilhIC hilhICII i iit
IciilllHeni it Ii II lmui e HI I 4 Vnir V P1 r 11 thI eiv w men menKirKfM I I IhtrisifIg
KirKfM I Tl I r I ts iic VS ffff utrius utriushhhim I I I NS NSmill
I I11rrlll
mill 11 Her 1r Hullirr IIr anil 11 llrollier Irllr Mlrnl 1 a ao > pa
o a Marrlacr MarrlacrMiv 11rrlll trria trriaMm
Miv Mm I < Killirrlii Iallarll Klknix 1111 who wln acrnrding acrnrdingI
I n i at tit defcikitihin a lie tm t ahu mini frll ra uiti Pun I ui ri WHH WHHj aim 1 ii iigtitii
1111 Mwin > ev tllu I t i marriMl uwr l lt the theluke II III uhputat
luke Ik of t the 1 Abnit Un ln nrriveil rrriv1 last I exenltig uvuruhtigwmth 1111 I Iwith Iwlh
with wlh her Ir mullir tumI Ihr Mr Ir Stephen H n KlkitM KlkitMand Elkl ilkIti4stiil
and 111 her lr brtiliiere HavM 1 unit SleMien tIma H HIJr I
IJr Jr 1 r 11 lfie 1 tpe wiiei 5u p licorful tul lii I Inii I pp I n 11 > ii t Liimmunl Liimmunlialie L P liii llUII tflhl ii I Ii
ialie i at 1 uiu jlMMit I lie h repuriM Ir of t MIIH I nikitiMi nikitiMimirrlnge 1lkil llk iiisia iiisialmiirrisgp
mirrlnge IHrllt lo I ti llie II Ine I im Ml 1 1144 IIUitm flkil her hers
i s lf would s iiilal 11 nut II nay si 1 nnviliitu niII ii uiVi hia I liit mon n > ilian ilianl Ihul t liii ui I II
l am 11 is In iiiiiiin a phil I ui lurk hI1 I ii u lo I a P U I an I i ti Aininian Iorlli iermj ii iigirl I
girl 11 nd thit t ha I tlie I u I newi tmraPtti > iM tier > er r lorn lornaliiut t ri riI ris risa
aliiut a I iii I t tier I ir and i ist Hie 111 I ii I ii ike Ik I k W tero > ere nut lt ii t true trueShe t r rh rums rumsMlii
She h 111 I a k > < l 1 little hii hit I Ii thinner t Ii lHIr itituer Hum luH t I ut hle sam l did didwhen i 11 11h I I Iwhim
when h nlie iii h Hne i i1 ilial < awiy Irmii rr tln t 11 him > rt rtw i iiilHiin
iilHiin w n tiinlith 1t II jgn jgnl lu luIa
l Ia uai > ai a llkinx 1lll 11k Itt Knd 11 lliit 11 lie ii Unnly lii tuuhly Ind IndI
I 11 n iritelling t ru itll ti g In il I Cliii Mnitlifrn 1 h1 imerup Kratife trI trm Ii a itidj i Ill II I Iimjul I
lutl Mpent s I no 11 tpt lime 111 I liii m II i mu Itiiy 1I I ta iy ur Ir SI1 idiii iii Mr Mrllkin Ir IrIJkl i re reilk <
llkin ilk itip lud I leen 1111 tnMt ii sI of f llie I Ilil11 linn I I I lu al ii Viby Vibyhe V dy dyTh ttlmylhu
Th he faiiillr trfl wt will 1 no lu I KIKIti I Ifl tm 1 w V Va v
lidiy lidiyi 11
I tnii I 1 tinrni 111 I I iitr ri 1 11 I tn ini 11
1 Mr Ir 4 ktrll n Nut ast I > lurh url un 11 Mitr H I lull hiI Head Headi Ia IaI
I i In 1 Put 1 fur the III Imperial 1rl1 Mille MilleI 1
I UMti Ilel I 111 Tm wlin s h hp kpoke Pwu Jeitiiin jet I mmmi mm wilh wi I hi Ihe Ihenalin Ih IhfIII I Ii
nalin 4 tuu faiility fIII I ill I I an the Ih t A AniTHnn Irln uusrm aim 0 viirnacit viirnacitir rl rna i I Ihr
Ir ir Hid I wi > wore a tiiiini 1 > r nit 11 thu tlll wa waa waca a all
a bit ll fadeil and ot a tint IU Hut 11 waa in II Mtyle Mtyleneverul stlatMvrluI I Ivrl
neverul vrl yearm ago iMVirded IKrl llie Ih North NorthOermaii urthkruisu I
Oermaii Hrlal Iliml 111 liner Kal I11r Ishair ir Wlllielm lhl II IIa I IILi
a few minute beloru li lmi nailed fri
I 11111 11 frixn rruf tier tierllnlMiken 11r 11rI herhhiihiuksn
llnlMiken tIKI pier veaterday ry morning IOnll1 and andunke ant andukuI
unke k1 < l IlirT Solnifll NII1 for panvigv IIt Tho Thopurser Th Tho illPPitf
purser o liHikwl the Ih min over and 10 atked atkedhim aakuwlPun
him it 1 lie I ii wjnleil wal1 II Hicniid onlt cabin nln room roomll mm mmI roomlii
ll I lii ild 11 that t lie I preferred Irfrr I Ilielirtl 11111 t Ii hrut uiliin uiliinAn cIil ciluitiA
An A 111 us lii itmaut nl riMim t ni in UK t I purner i rspr niiinke niiinkeI r Irkl Irkl1II umo rkeil rkeilI
believing 1II I sileiimu a I lu1 kit h t he I w wpul < mld 1 I I elartle it llul ti mu the Ih i hi inin ininwill aisi 11 im imsill
will w1 H > 1 VIHI SI77VI SI77VIi 11 11I Si2 i idiutut
I dun i i want uII nn in 10 uumil nl room 1 dive divellie jiVi jiViills
ills I Ih In illl IIrlul > erlul Mllle ciii I II Ii
V II 1 Ill II i i IH I liimerwelt IrI tag tagtiu eMid eMidllie il
llie II tiu ptir tumrr > er adding ltl I fir llie I iiniul iiniuleiite I ufuiI miii miiiaiiit
eiite I lie I it p all 11111 liken 1111 Iup lint I fan < h hf vou VIln a afine afin
fine ln fin iit > aisI ide fMim rn p Mini with l hith > ilh for 1122 11221hit I I1himm I ITh1
1hit for t me tm 1 llil 1 the Ih mall lcl nf uf llie lliexlmple Ih IhiI tlid
xlmple d iI u it iii ntlire ii P t pp pulling iiuil Ihhl I hg out ui it u 1 fnl tim t Mullet iui 11 list and anddioplaying In1
dioplaying 1 iPal lii i um whit it liii I I Kwm E l mm lii 11 ii imit tu it pre preagelil I Ig11 ru ruup
agelil up g11 gtm t if r the I I Ii line In I I ii deilarri ittla 1Ir rrs u ii p n I Ilrt lii urge rg rgroil
roll rllf nf llnnnutid IlfU111 St titi uiruil tin SIuiu n nut 11IIi 11IIilnl lien Ilmuasmst Ilmuasmstntit i i innt
nnt lnl punier ll r held hIIII up the Ih purser n at lit h Mug 11 11I 1mpggr
gr erf < d l l hack > ack and n Mr Ir Juntlio JII who hl neevin neevinm III IIIlrI iiseuIon
m > propH weighing ilhlli tMHnewliat iinit 1 limn limntwo Ih IhrWI tlauuti1w
two rWI 1w hundred hlnlr1 In hit hi ntucklnged Ikin a sal I fe feeupportid r IsI IsIsIipurteiI <
eupportid Hie thi aa aauiiuaIat Ulant 1111 PIITMT 1 I llie 11 IIIHII IIIHIIlook 1 1I Jul11look
look a m I Ill bill li from frul lie Ih roll rl I Ihl ul for forlh furh
lh I h licketnnd 11111 hmvkrt nuuI nc onrl1 acurtI < irl > l by I nfleeii Ut > lewurdit lewurditnought hiwumrtlisought
sought Ijhl Ids rnoni rln All Al tim Ih purxvr 11r know knowalMiul ktuiwpijuuit I
alMiul Ihe Ih ntranger Irltr in tlutt Ilr Inn hi name lal Ii IiWllhelm I IWllhm ImVhliunu
Wllhelm I 111 nnaell I
r i n TT r in I iiirs I1 un 11111 iuii t or r anon anonInrnicr siiopiI IU IUCrln
Inrnicr 4rain Operator < crttnr l lear > ar r ICatrava ICatravarjanit ItraaI
rjanit ma itay Ma Ia > lead I to l 1ltlr tiuasterluhmtutivLrImtI l aiter aiterPillutliflrilU
PillutliflrilU 1 Lru Oct I lames Jm W V S Pat Patten Ial IalIn Iattell ¬
ten the Ih I iii former grain o eritor > ia I in II thm thmiityt t Iii Iiimuytimihav
Jrltl Imtr tl
j iityt IIY muytimihav muytimihavIeyIssIy iduv iduvi Iuy Iuyi
i i KerylMxly 1rIHY wants nU nl un 11 iiiitotnobile lorbil and anc a avacht mamihi
vacht YI h iKiwaday Mr Ir Patten fAU1I aald Id und 1 Im Imwill h hwill hutwill
will moVelheennh I niaiu th thaenrth rh lo get them Unfortu Unfortunately lnforu lnforuI tjntortminmih ¬
nately nmih lv the I h vast majority IIJonlr of pernon I Ntmma cannot cannotnfToni rannuitSifuiRl lnll lnllInl
nfToni Inl Hiich h Inxune 1111 nnd ne they t nknte kll nn nnpntiy ontIritty n npr
pntiy pr thin Ihll I ii ice in 1 order to gp get < t them themi IIm IImI
lt I nl of time till lot lotof lotor lotof
i I ii > only n I iueelnn lml ul n I
of them I bn hk < nk through IhrolJh nt the th mania Im time timeand timeatiul
and 1 they Ih will wil make a nplanh Iuh that IhL will il go goaround guianiutnal 0 0alncl
around the Ih
alncl country countryThe mlnlr nuintryTho
The Th only onl hope of avoiding 1olrml another anotheraerioua anolhrrI anotherpedopis
aerioua rI biimnefw hlin depreiuiion lie h in Mop Mopping Ilopn lutopptng ¬
ping n the th present fnt mad piiniuit PIlli of ofand IIlr IIlrI Imisairir ImisairirI
I and In1 uncalled IIncalMI for chow ehowt hl hlI hlHr
Hr H t IW StUIJ tnK ran 0fl nn nnMalier n 1lITIIit 1lITIIit14s1er 71 71Hlnr
Malier Confers ontl ItlBh IUI hotter lonr en ColumbIa IelumblatnUer ColumbIaI 4lumb 4lumbI
I I tnUer nh ni lla Preltlnt PreltlntI Ill tremhlentmiwmimi
I miwmimi Iabll bt Utiritt IIr la TltK Til Mr MrIlititIs 1m 1mHEIIIIM r rUIS
HEIIIIM UIS Ih cl I The Th Kil Kaiwr r han h con conferred COl conf ¬
ferred rr1 f r Tt on o Prof Irnr Nicholas Sllhol Murray Butler Kutlerpresident nllr nllrof Butlerpresident
president of Columbii Inhlmlh University the theOrder Ih IhOrrt theOrder
Order Orrt of r the th Red R F EII > igle of the Ih flral frl frlih elsa tlaanwith elsawill
with ih the Ih dir the t tii mcond ond highest Whlt decora decoration df dfln mIcnraham ¬
tion ln ham In I the Ih empire empireThe Inin nipiraThe 1
The honor lumo wan w eafufpu iinlerrwi I1r1 m recognition recognitionof rlnUlol
of if f Dr fr Uuller a aerVlcen IrI In II connection connectionwith fnllflol fnllflolwilh
with the Ih Roosevelt RCv11 profe > > oraliip al 1 Her PIerho j
tin 11 which rorreHpond rrrpml with lh the Ih Kaiaer Kaiaerilhelm KalrUhlm Kaieert
t ilhelm chiir at mu Columhm ohlmh Itilvernily Itilvernilyrrn tnIveuuiItyTItIhiIit
TI TItIhiIit rrn nisn II 11 irs h CK t tciliatmie I IMaine j Iu
Maine u nl 4r semis Ca l lod IAti d to t Maud Id loulln ulo Mjlt tuhtfor ult ulti
i for lr IMiorre IMiorrei Uh ar arI
I H N FnASrium FfAsrlll Oct 4 II want w a uSill game gameof Jun Junfr
of fr oird Ihnll hint led lo I lhetuiaratlAn Ih mtllr nf Maud MaudLillian Mmiuicltuilimn
Lillian 1111 lUrrl IIrl Moulin mid Kmnk Moulin Moulinof ouln oulnr
of r Hullaii NIII11 of fr Slilu Nfl fume rAm at lenet Hint Hintmuch Ihl1th 1 I Itiittchi
much 1th inin I mil In II Ihe Ih dlvnrc 1n trial IrRIII today todaywhich
which prvrrdcd the thlnll gr gratit < ttil ing ml of lt nn Inter Interlocutory hllrr1 htuterlici ¬
locutory lici u huF dwrwi r1 to I llie U wife wifellul witsHut I
Hut jit juimt I k what bapveiii tlI < al l nl it I Ihll that curd einigtuim nl
gnnie < 1 the Ih fair rlir plilnllT would 111 not nll tell tl II IIIn ItIs I II
In I rtitnnnd nor1 that Ih 1 ahp lie h limnix I tuumnwaI I I l her h him himIminlit hll hllIvull liiiiiiatiulii
Iminlit Ivull ace IC and nll limit he h left Ir in n rage rageTlie mKT ragsrli
Tlie T rli tcntlrSony allowed I that Ihl t he h left Ilf any anyway atyway IIY IIYway ¬
way remaining In II the tl humus hI only fl long longoeugh IIII lat lataoigh
lotlh oeugh to pack aeiu lk hla hi trunk after rlr the Ih game gameWB P Pfnhf
WB flnlahed flnlahedWo fnhf nlshedsw I
sw Wo 0 pliyed rlyl till midnight mldlilh nt lt my fathera fatherahome ralhlrtf tatherihattie
home tf in II Freano P sold t1 the h plaintiff lflntl Mr MrMoulin MrItoulin Ir Ir1IIln
Moulin 1IIln packed Ickrd up upanalleft InII nd left al htlf 1 h1 past pt pastGrIi 7 J Jrtal I It
GrIi rtal llalll ttattfrhIp > lil > Fieri ttn at t rlotr rl r rar 3ct r tram Ior fromVA
DA iy UM5 Ut r Sl 3antgs aJ l Autumnal AUIaa ioltt 101 loUatt Mask MaskI t J I
viv V r rtitI tv I rnoM TIlE TII flIt HKUMAli flItV4X1t 1
MAli HIKX I Ita4 IV 1 QI4R urRT urRTI Qr4nIrixIha TIK TIKW
W ha a a haters nlollr 4mlr Csrrhr < < arror Tim flieNnAiina flieNnAiinaEost teal Anna AnnaIott Annla
I Iott la a Man by tTialera tiier ollr at aeftU HM Nae NaehtIti Hfer Hfernilh
nilh ftU the h Italtko 11 mud ld the te VlrtHaJa 1 IXw IXwlalonl I flu flutaltied
I lalonl lal1 In tluarantlne qrnUn far r etifxtrrtxtlon etifxtrrtxtlonOne Uon
One 01 On death of r cholera choltra in Quarantine Quarantinehere QUArantnl QUArantnlhr
here hr of if f H paiweugir pllr who ho arrived arive by the theatonnmlilp thejlmhJI theI
jlmhJI I atonnmlilp Gormanla Grnla from rrm MartM MarsilIe la11 > ill un unNapleo Id IdI and andaplee <
I Napleo Sapl and a death at fl sea 1 apparently appnrmitlfrom fpPltl fpPltlrrm apparentlyfrom
from rrm cholera cholr on the Ih steamship Bant BantAnna BnI BnInna 8antAnna
Anna nna from rrm MaraellVea Mafl1 Naplea Sapa Naphusand and Paler Palermo Plfr
mo 10 nb now In Quarantine Qurntln led 1111lh Health Offlcwr OfflcwrDoty Onlr OnlrOoty OmcsrDoty
Doty to r give fl1 out nl yesterday tlrdr a statement atateroennliout erlnL erlnLnholl statementaunts
aunts nholl the Ih uricvnoy ur ncr that la I delaying the tl
landing lien 11 of tr pajuwngem pnpr from rrm team ateamhipM uteamimiw teamhlp
hipM hlp that touch tOlcb the tb Infected Inrftr Fiirowan Fiirowanooeit prosn prosnI
ooeit ooeitlliree coo NI NI1n at athit
I lliree 1n Hleamahlpe ttmahIP from Mediterranean Mediterraneanport Mtlrlta Mtlrltaprl
port waqs er held In Quarantine Quarntn yesterday yetterdayunder yesterdayUtiular
under oliMrvatlon the rh Mollke loltk of tto ttoHamliiirgAnvrtrnn tim timthmiumihamrgArnarjain
I t
HamliiirgAnvrtrnn tllhtrAn1rmn Uno rno th tho the Hunt Ht Anna Annan AnllaI
n I new w Fitbm uubme um Line boat and Ind the Italian Italianteamxlilp Ialan IalanIIIlll ItalianOtiutitnalmhll
teamxlilp IIIlll Virginia lrKIIII That Mollke Molk han ha Ml Mlciiliin l lcimlihti
ciiliin 1111 pjHAenger r nnd tlld 6i I ms in II the Ih atevraicu atevraicutheSinf tesrsgaI rl
I theSinf IhS A Anuua mm Alcaliin 2l 4 call and ld 1077te 101trp 101trpII I072tesrsge I072tesrsgetmul r ee eeand
and II tmul Urn Ih Virginia I cabin cabilald and SM 6 ateeratv ateeratvTho steeragrlio rre
Tho Itev I ltut Dr D DI I 1 Hnrntll 1 ia i on 01 of thorn th thni thou thouiii
on ni ih I Hinf t11 Anna The health hlllh officer OmCr nni nnililoKtifT Ine and andId
liloKtifT hil Id stuff Iif with ilh ih threwQiiurantltielxNita tl tiueamQmiiirantltmaiomtswerebusy QI htllt h bOI worn m mI
1 busy I from fnm iio l A M I until Intlllndon sundown exam examHung examPumluig Un UnIhilt
Hung Ihilt rMiimlly nil ni tlioiw rht people pooplcAll Jplo JploAll
All are nn wttll 1 on he Ih Virginia rrn and nl abs absI h hwil
I will wil proUiblv rolsmhlv I mleaved today to Thu ThuHamburg Th Th1lllrl ThuIhatnhiuirg
Hamburg 1lllrl line 1m heard Ird from QuarantiUKthat QuarantiUK larallliuIhar
that the Ih pntoetigera llr wet > < will w ll 1 but hit that thntn
n 1 I I would 110 not IIf u ii ml U I a learned lnlcllll until ut I I tola lodny y when wheni
i lh I h t ulilp aiiI could NUlll IM I releam rlac > d The T lii Kant KantAnna Knl KnlI ant antAtina
I Anna 11 i im n wait wlllnl ing the 11 retult r11 of n I lie If IfI <
I terioliigicnl h xiiimiimtiuii xiiimiimtiuiiThe mu llmlaUUI ai mm amat muit muitThu
The 1 Thu wirgeon rjtn of ft the Ih ml Hteamahlp hl San1 San1Anna Hl Hlnn Mamm Mammtfltuii
Anna nn which arrived Irr I I on Monday onltT from fromlaik rrm rrmMil fromMumtihIea
Mil MumtihIea laik illc aple4 SIII and Ialernio pre preenle fr preii
enle < l a r rr rt llul I i ne > of r the Ih ateenige ateenigeMwenger steormiguluellgprs 1 11
Mwenger > < wn < taken lak ill II on September SeptemberI KlhtIIr
73 1 and 11111llh died nil the I ii IMh ht of iiuiilronliilinul iiuiilronliilinulnnd 1Illhlilll 1Illhlilllnel
uns iOn nnd nel that Inn Iil body wa w was > burie < l
41 1 cci ccilii
11 Tlie lii liiilorv Iuy of t the I h ca e Ur IK 111 Ioty Iotyilti > ly lyMid
Mid hi ve vsitsrdoy < lerday nla mduiile ery ry cl dlv dlvIhal irlv irlvthat itlvthat
that the III in mumnim nil di 01 thisl l of ff fholeru 1101 Nu oilier oilierrate ulhlr ulhlrlu oIlieruui
rate uui have lu develn PhitiClOhiOd el on u the 11 II toraice toraicebut Voruigebutt 1
but iliee thu ate u two 1 ames of uitentlnal uitentlnalInuibl 11ln1 11ln1IrII mmututinaltriiiih
Inuibl IrII anuinr 11011 tbii III i a eenifn n < at II prevent preventiilite4 pr priesnt111 t
< iilite4 1 hixe hl 111 IXHUI l taken rk m I times Ih IhI III M Mnnd
tool I the II lkii terioliigiiul > nxamlnatiofi lmlllllion HUM HUMfnr 11 limitsfnr
fnr siqisp II KI H no II evidence IIh of t cholerj Die Dielinal ri riiiiai h hII
linal rAtilt will ill II l It rxady rd Vedue VaaIiuuhuiv VaaIiuuhuivnlirmmimg 1111 < liiv liivniortiiiie
niortiiiie Uil The Th III mmitietIlun P H dlut tlun and 11 nxanuna nxanunatoti imuanhmnat I II
toti I I if t lle 11 t h Saul lll Anna II ahow hu that 1111 I every everytlmiK everytimitug rY rYIIII
tlmiK IIII li hiim been dona dOl on Ul ahipborfnl lo loprevent totiut
prevent tliii Ih exteimion IIlon of the Ih diaease diaeaseIht dl dl1h diaeaaeTii
Iht 1h Tii lollktt arrived lrvel last night Ilall from fromeniM rrn fromsIupiii
eniM nail Sapleit II and ano ltan I on 01 board lioanione hoan boardoil
one 01 oil Mutptcloi lrlnl MM a tterae flt l lnn Is Isatmir wi wiinper
inper und no nrtloii ndlol ttlou will I I us taken 111f1 wIth wIthI < lth lththe hhIh
the Ih I Ii rttxel 1 iinlll 1111 the Ih result uf t the li thu luc luctei Itacmbgkmti I
tei loNiKHiil rianiiiiMlltm i > known knownTim klU1 kmuiuiT11
Tim TI iiil tl Anna n cn e n regarded a niiai aut alull
lull of n limdutit M > MI il < dioleiu carrier rnlr und undkl n1
111 1M kl enel tmtl will h lute I iMeti I elK utijioseil > e elie < > I hlh hlhI
lie I I imiiferTel P lo it KorTuifln lonlal Nland NlandOn 111111
On 11 SeplHtnleir 0 the I lii h nimunfr 1IIr fr friiinlni fr er eruma
iiinlni 1111 uma tmu4 ariXi ii rut t au il I fri frfI fruit n Mar edlen I I and Nnultvi Nnultviwith Nii II IIh tiles tilesmlii i
with mlii h a i riltlier rlhr rat hmr iinuxilMlv 1111111 good o meillcn meillcnleimrl puiIIcriI lm I
leimrl I llie 11 lii flidnvit 111 of f i time I < e munler Ar ami amiirgtHin alt altI1 ammuleurgouii
irgtHin I1 tlioned no iltjtlm 01 m II transit Irnnailno raI
no ia a I ii > of if ilifeftloiiH 1r I H fiat hmiiim illnMie 11 at und UII ii OP I Uu Uuimpirluu Ill IllCalats 1
impirluu iII > can n m I Titit 4i t them w wu < < no non 10 10R
n e it i anv Y lllllle la in I the Ih nllliM h I llu tiOPhl4i tiOPhl4it > plUl plUli III
t i Niii > pe > iil re rsIort > ort Uv v the th h iirfreon sitrau lrltI ut1 xhownl xhownlthat low1 low1hul huuw I II
that I ha t burp f t were s ru ra no pap dlurhiHil I Ilrh1 lli I rim tii or 0 int ill lliuil lliuiltroul 1161 1161rOII ltiimhp
roil p rOII len For pir r Hie III u Ii tMuat M II three hr or font fontmontliH rU1 to toInontlia
montliH mOllll a au in 1 etlietnn ttrtfl Im prernutlon prlllo I had hadremoved hl1 hl1t11 tuturutipipeatil
removed from t11 all I te tn tsnleIs mviH from rrl Medl Medltermnenii MriIiterrauupan 1 1lm11
termnenii lm11 Irt lortx all al rteerago rlK lUMenKtr lUMenKtrwho I ianccrhi r
who I hi hae hI uppliwl url1 for treatment tlmt on 01 the thevoyage 11 hi hivDyiig
voyage 0 < in I Ii order rlr that olwtiiri or < ir irreKular irreKularra irlllar irlllara
ra a ulef e > of if holera Ilolra < might Iilhr l is > e delected Six Sixof Hi Mitof t tor
of the t h lanapenga > aw > enceia of t the Ih ierinunii IIAII win winwere who5cr h hr
were r r portuil or on time th urgfon flOI jfMiinal al
nf n havitiicnpplietl hahuc Itpl1 nhphuIMl for trixitment IIIIt for minor minorI milor milorrolhl uniiioriroaildue
I iroaildue roil rolhl I lie nnd 111 were was well 1 on 01 arrivul lrhll were wereremove sariremoced r
remove remoced to I Hx H Inliiirne Inllrl Inland InlandTwo 11111 11111T leluatuhTwo
Two T day da lay later r oneof titu 1 of Ihl 111 this groupMuoain group groupMuo Mmio Mmiomiti
ain Smlaln aged AKel Id = e yean a trk trkWI Ireek Ireekwue treikwit
wit WI irentetl Inll1 with Ih u hrixk hr cathartic calharl wlilcb wlilcboMrated whItuolieruutiil hll
oMrated 01 the Ih following folowK dav 1 Twenty Twentvfour Twentyfour r rfOlr
four fOlr liciiint hnln later the Ihl patient ptlnl putt wa > in 11 n con conililion nu nual n nIllon
ililion al tunhi of 4 f coluHe I und he h died in I twelve twelveMmiirx I wI watly watlyu
Mmiirx u hI A llhoilili 1101h the Ih nutopny 110 liowed how howIln
I Iln tin evidence 1 of ff If cholera dllr the h exiilliimlioll exiilliimliollof 11nllllol
I of fr o the Ih eearethumfls HTetn Iin > nn of the Ih intestinal illII tract tradnliowml lr1 lr1hw1 tractuhmowaal
nliowml aiiapioiniu 1Icin1 organimiid o ral I 1 I Hp P4Ist P4Istnni l xi xitnn i imn
tnn wer ers rt Kent nt to Or W V H I Park Iarkf of the theHealth Ih Ihlallh timelIaaltim
Health lallh Deparlinfiil 1rtmlll of thin Ihll city 1 And AIII Dr DrAndfix Jr Jrnrl lrnderot
Andfix nrl the bacteriologiat lIIriolo i1 of the Ih t luted ItiiteatMtAt5 lutedHialeM
HialeM 1lrnt Maria hospital lop II Hervlce StVe nt The Therettullii Th ThrIIA liiiriwimlts
rettullii rIIA were w prreented prllP to me m yesterday yenlerdayffpnioon yesterdayaftatmn Iray Irayarlnloon
ffpnioon and indicate nd cUt that thlt the Ih patient patienttiled 11111 11111oj atiemtahhid
tiled oj of f cholera Thin Thil in II a prarlicnl prarlicnldemnnnlrBtion mrauimcaldeamotiiration Inl InldmfnlrUon
demnnnlrBtion dmfnlrUon of what ia known knuw knuwcholrr > i n ncholera iicholera
cholera carrier rrir that in j a parson Jfl who whomay wlo wlomy whomay
may carry rry orcanlero of the th dite 011 ditemase Mi with without wilhI wilhntt whthmout
I out ntt any IY nymptom lo indicate inriral 1m II preenrn preenrnI p ln
In thia Ihi case it was wa demount dmonlrlfllhlt demonstrated rated that the thextretne Iho11m timeextreme
I extreme precaution were r fully juttlfled juttlfledInasmuch Jltlnfl JltlnflIIMmuh juatitiedI
I Inasmuch IIMmuh aa the Uermama Ormai case 1 gave gavepractical gavepractical al
practical PNfllrl proof of cholera rholr carrying ring it itIndicated i Itindltated
Indicated Indll that in the future rutlrr additional additionalmraaiircn Rddlllon1molIr additionalrneauireta
mraaiircn muat le put In force forceDr ronOr forcePr
Dr Doty DoLTiII will confer today with Dr DrWalter I DrWaiter r rWAIIr
Walter Wrman SurgeonGeneral SurstOn pnlral of the theTinted tt ttPnil timetttiltid
Tinted Pnil Ntatea MIst Marine aril1 llocpital Servico ServicoIn Sforvl
1111 I In fl regard gard to further precaution pftl < atlion at t port portof portf
of it f departure to deal with poa pottIIlhlt ihle cholera choleracarrier cholrflcarrilra choleracarriers
carrier carriers carriersIflIht1
nrIIF4J IIKIRS riRK in illKK illKKIaurt siiiI siiicurt Iii I II
curt urt Annuls nnul ftaume lauu In Pathera 1 Hill III lH ililag
I lag l PrfflrNtrfl PrfflrNtrflHAS > efer ire ireSAN <
SAN i4 FnAKClaco Oct I Judgti f offey offeyof rt rtof
of the thIrolll1tt Irolmte Court loday made John Johllalltl I Iand ii iiaml
and Adolph Aclol I D Hprerk HItkha l flnnnnnn richer richerthnn nclrIhnn riclirtlmtu
thnn they Ih were r yesterday He II held they theymutt II IImllil theynumuat
mutt Hhare Mila wjually with llh Itiidolph Claim ClaimA l lt ltA
A nnd Mm INI Ferria in their father fllthrlI11IIIIM1 titherlmmmimOiUI
luiiMiioii mlatn although III hUIIKh their father fathereiMcinllr ralllOrIIIIlnllv fathursiwIhIy
eiMcinllr provldi > d in liiH lii will III that they theyHII IhyhM theyiaiimiiiil
hM HII I H < excluded l 11111 > e < uiie he h hind nil nilvutiteil natvuiiiiiI 1
vutiteil them large 11fe moms during hl life lite11w lifelb
1 11w lb he fudge held that he h had no right rightto
to I rente c a precedent r111 which wn > agaumt agaumtthe agaumuuttim
the tim general law that dove d not rewrite rewritenny rwognizmlii
nny 1111 lIch niatlera a allowuncee or nd ndvnncnmcntii 1111vnnmrnt advnnremmntms
vnncnmcntii made to Ii certain rrllin children childrenduring rbllcl rbllclllIrhl childrenaliiriimg
during llIrhl III the life lit of a parent Hrnce th thJudge thJuI thiJudge
Judge JuI tUvlared thai the Ih mlale 1111 mtiet mtiethM mll11lIy mtiathi
hM Miially dlvldeil among amoll the th heir ut aLlaw atlaw
IT troIiui7 r lOf WANT W4 T rTWAHM I IIVttItAi IIVttItAiitaws ISTitnM IOS ml mlg AM AMttr >
ttr itaws > MH put In Ii n a pornmi jquurr uarrywn poi tirnae if < < or orbol orI orIfU orWiitr
bol Wiitr r g Sh fftinw < > ronni 37th M Mt an nrtt rr llrnstixr llrnstixrUr I r
Ur I
IIIIM IfU t > K a 510CM > ruc k kract crlntU4rItS crlntU4rItSUrt4 CYJITIYIAfgSrglav
ract Urt4 t amid eI prtaUd by r CotUn Ua Zacy C Ce I
lam IaL eQ 0 tot Jelum UMI > tUubflUart mi 14 14A Ua
Ton sitnirrrrs hAD T TAtlator TIVBU TIVBUA1atr TI VRZJ VRZJAilsIor
Atlator CI1I < otne IWtwn I Hltti 1th a Hump and andHI andlHplanu nd ndpl
HI plane pl Knll O her er suit ad UnWrtJIINOTf Her HerWIUMMOTOV tIerWyuslxaTox
WIUMMOTOV IM Oct 4 cMtftr After hav having havInK havlag ¬
InK lw hisen n in the thrlr nlr live lii hundred feet fora forahour rr1IIII for an anhoimr
hour III rupractlcn light Toil C Hhriver Hhriverthe
the th Inc Inland aviator tatnr met with wit lth lthrlotllt a aBerloiM aeatrious
BerloiM rlotllt aooklent nt I II < l oclock this evening eveningThe evln evlnThe
The biplane Night Hawk hat broke th thworlds the theworld theworlds
worlds ncofd nCO for or night flying atniok atniokthe tmnltth tmuo tmuothe
the th ground with lIh full force at the Del Delware Delaware Ddeware
ware hone ahow pork rk Uhriver l IlfIlnlt lng un una unablt unable
a able Me to shut off the th engine engineThn mlClnThe engineTha
The Impact was RII wi severe 118 that the thernachinu thernchlnct themachine
machine turned four complete i omer omerIIIIA earnersmite omeratlllU
atlllU IIIIA throwing Hhriver thirtyflre feet feetHla rrHia feetHI
Hla HI only Injury Injll was a fractured bone in inhin InhLt Inthu
hin left ankle He II waa badly aha haken ken up uphowever uphotYfl uphowever
however The Th biplane waa wrecked wreckedThe wreckedThe rrcklOdThe
The aviator was aa removed to the DeLi DeUware Oelaare DeLiware
ware are Hocpltal in an n automobile I
Port Cmptaln at t tiarmrtilne Reports pport Ijind IjindIng IdIne Iandlog
log of ofiftcUl tw1I aptiWSaeechaI tw1Iprcl
iftcUl CaM 419 nupattlui nupattluiPANAMA IJupalIIWrANAA i1itI tiul tiulPANaMA
PANAMA Oct 4 Advice Adll received reoehredthrough receivedthrough od odthroufCh
through the Ih port captain of Oarachlne Oarachlneare
are ar to that effect that all the tb paMengnrn paMengnrnund paMIIfJ paMIIfJallS
und crew exoepl aO OI < one of the th tIMml1 tIMml1hlriqlli > t teamer teamerChiriqul tmer tmeriilriqul
iilriqul which wink Ilk on Tuesday last laatthrough lutthmlIIlt lastthniigh
through an explosion linve IUt landed ut that thatplnoe thatitat
plnoe 1111 line nn nwnltlng tuiMuige 1IIe tn Panama Panamaon
on the th etiviiner Aricn AricnAccunllng ArimtOnlinlC ArirntecaJrahltlg
Accunllng to the Ih II lMtt information re receive reh1 mehiutra
ceive h1 l here the Ih Clilriqui was aa Mown up upthe lipth upthat
the th mania day Ita liH sailed 111 for Callao The Thlvewwl TheWAIt Theyemuiel
vewwl wo late and th this captain ordered orderedtlie onltf1dJ10t
tlie l boiler > oll ni frowded lat j t In the th after afternoon aherlloon aftertmooti ¬
noon of September IIIIr IS they iii oxploded oxplodedTlie plodectTII
Tlie TII vemel wa equlpMxl with wlreleen wlreleenTlie wlrel wlrelTIlt wirelseanlua
TIlt operator It i ha reported ran to hla hlaoftUt hi hiOml hitInt
oftUt tInt but before lfOfo he h could nend the th dj djtn dla dlat dltree
tn t tree signal out th thut h stern of the th Clilrlqil Clilrlqilhad Ihlrl1l1lhad
had listed lop IlUrwl1y IlUrwl1yR hmupeirahy419fl le y yartn
artn R IT triiiv TltI V ov 11 I i iUrnalor FIll FO1tTTF FO1tTTFetiator I FTT F FItllr
Urnalor floe u ni t nder the Ih Knife for He Hemuial R Run1 Hetnoat
muial ot timllntonM timllntonMItociiKHT UllttonHonl lltonemItOitkliTEIu
ItociiKHT Honl n > H Inn Oct 4 An n opera operation operaIIn operathin ¬
thin win w performe ierfi rtumml l on Senator IA I a Fat FollHt Fatitttu 01 01I
I itttu lHt this I morning A number of o g gall ItalIIlun gallatones ll llelonw
atones IIlun were er reinovinl reinovinlThe
The fh dancer will 11I not l IHlItr ii > e over for several neverajitayn 1IeaIclAY severalatutyua
clAY MV us the Ih phymciana at St Mary MarynIliwpital MaryIIaciuItal Iry IryII
Iliwpital IliwpitalHe II il1 il1II
He II Mood the o operation > eratlon well 11 and the thefor theror thefair
for iilliinale recovery M i good
Catrninr mr llefiiM tn I Ml It un Platform mill millIUPrelileul thihimasrreslaIeiit 1111
IUPrelileul IUPrelileulimAiloUA 1 asrreslaIeiittKl PrhlltltIIIIIAIIOl
imAiloUA tKl AutomA CITT ITT Okln Oct I Oov Oovliinkell OOYulIn bYIimuuakshl
liinkell whom iiinrr qiimtrrh unr1 l with Iheodore IheodoreooH thioulnrltflMOVht I In1t
n1t ooH > T lt in I of long 101l nUindlnx Indlll l has l beaten beatenthi > eitenlie 1 1IIaA
lie thi former Preenlent U Iu > it for once onceIn 01lCn aliceIn
In n n Kircimlic letter h 114 han declined an annvltatlon allIlIvll4Uon anitiv
nvltatlon itiv to to deliver n apeech at the II Arkan Arkanaa Ark ArkHln
aa 145 MInt Hln Fair oir on October to Ii givIng IIIIIC n III IIIrraiHiii hir111 his hisfelauti
rraiHiii thnt t Hoo JvctIL v lt will be I ii then Ih Ho HoIrilared 1111la ItoulelarisI
Irilared 1la cI that be h would not aiL on ulIl tlin name namelUitfonn almiaPttIOflU m m1Ironn
lUitfonn with ILh Itoowvell ItoowvellCot
Cot 01 lUxmevelt dot not come to the thepeople th thpoool thptwuplt
people today flay 00 Haakell wrote with withany wlthIII
any III other purpose rfOIIt than to attract them to toIIH toh tolii
h lii IIH lrllI11 Mr onil HtuniLird und I that their sup aupmrt au suppurl e eptrt
purl mrt III iniv gnitlfy hi imimi lM hulIlI > undlewnmbition undlewnmbitionThe flmlollirm flmlollirmTlafl
The tloverm r declnn Innllhat that the Ih former formerreouletit fnrmirirruaialetit
reouletit enn en 1111 II declan 11l1 wnr Wllh lees 1 heel leeljition heeltiuthots 1 1hlloll
jition antI follow it I more quickly with withbject wIthIIhJct withmutijeet
bject nurrender than any anyinn sum Y living livingmuunciiui In InriUII
muunciiui riUII
11I1l e U Ifmil f inn o r TIIU tniit tniithuiilatiit Mlt Mltnuuldnt
nuuldnt ultlllI Its n e iii ll Dill un Meat If lie lieMere II IIr liethere
Mere r MaltliiB ad Uie u law IJIHAlHfRV I IA lawAuiuea
AlHfRV A V V Ort > rt 4 tnlled that thatJuialgt Sullen Sullenudgu hIIJ
udgu J Ju ieorge W i Itay lell today had l letuir letuirhim fnre fnrelim
him u small raw ra of Mmiiggling 11111 IUt II II II John I I4ilM thoTtI1I U Uttma
ttma 4ilM hoTtI1I boil > uini liii u farmer fu arlllr living I liv vlIIlC ing on the Ih t Ixiundnry Ixiundnryme IolIIII8nlIar
liii me near Hounee HOIII 1oint bought I n sinmailemult m lnllit lnllittlr ll llulf
tlr ulf und brought it to I hla hi family fllnil tIoI tIoIaflr tahuleumftar lnl le leflr
flr aUuglitering U Ih Ilio trnniuiilion trnniuiilionnvuhrd traniaumvhmntihiiva
hiiva nvuhrd liPat 1 a technical iniiRgling cane caneThe 1 1Tla rasTi
The Tla farmer wan Wit IMdiuled and pleaded pleadedguilty 11IIIIdgmlty IuleSdedguilty
guilty today The Th duly on th thus > veul 1 wan wanI
1 U Jmlge IUV lbm llliM Il1IltOftli > red a line On of t3iI 2 3mi 3milIme i ilie
1 lIme lie fitrmer 01 < t > ud not raise rnl that umoiinl umoiinllid mJihtitltitd
lid liidgj Har reduced lli this due nil to II1O II1OJudgw 1150Jlldttt 150 150Jamtlgti
Judgw llay ILl iwiiil hl Tin worry It I were wvremaking werenmaiuitig rc rcII1l1klllg
making th tariff lh hr re wouldnt 1 lie AllY anyutv AllYIhltv allyditty
ditty utv on nKitx ltll brought into this > country countryml
hilt ml Im Imllol not mnlcingthelnw mnlcingthelnwFnenda mnllllll1lhlllwIrillIl making tim law lawFiIeiial
Fnenda paid allil > th liis bit tint
II O W 4N IS t l fS I ltSTIbITOhl ltSTIbITOhltlmm KSTIIl ITHIl ITHIlll
ll tlmm Nrllnr II Nanieil nl1 fur ur IMare 11 In It Mist Mtnlelndu Mistimuluatitia 1111 1111InluIrlf
lndu InluIrlf trlrt > llureau llureauAin UurllIA lluuamtmAmtmmtT
Ain A AmtmmtT lnST ST Oct I Htnt HI 1 CommliMiioner CommliMiionerf
or f lilxir John Yillinm nnnouncvtl today todayliat tndyLhal tohaytltat
liat tin h had appointed MIHB 11 Frances < a A Aitjllor AKchlar
itjllor 1 lIor of Now lPW York to I the Ih utile nl of hlef ll11ofInvlit1Or etiuifinvematmgstnr hlefnveetigator
nveetigator in hit depnrlmPiit Miss MlMiellor Missellor I IHllor
iellor ia I to I have entire charge rhar of the theew th thn thenew
n new ew bureau of indtifttnna nI riftflllllllmmillrlon riftflllllllmmillrlonId and immigration immigrationrrctled immigrationcrpuitul
rrctled < Id by the Ih l 1CIIar < egi Uit > iro last winter winterLommlaaioner WllllrCommlaaiollr winterCommiasioner
Lommlaaioner Nlllinm i ataled that he hetad h hhad hihad
had selected Mine Kellor becniiao of her heramilinrity hlrramiliarity herfamiliarity
familiarity with the ah problem cotnmittml cotnmittmln
10 n tho th biiriau Sin HI wim W appointed by byiov lyioy
00 iov HiiRhex 11I11h a na n member of the th Htatt Htattommi Ii IiommuloII taP taPnmnitasioti
ommuloII ommi ion which inve nvII nvatlgumted iiialed ltod Immtgra Immtgralon
lon In all II it ita napecU H I two yearn fII ago alt Her Herelection tllrPIlon Iliriihction
election wan urged by Jacob II Schiff SchiffValter HlhlflWIlItr HchiiffWalter
Walter E t Weyl Rufua T French IIrh Kellx htlhxtl IIs IIsI
tl 1 Warburg Ixium Marnhall Marotia Iarou M Milarkn MMark I IMark
Mark P Teciimaeh Hherman and iliac MlaaMilan iliacLillian 1 1III1111n
Milan P 1 Wald all of r New S York ork city cityOommlaaioner rilymmllonr citynmnilauaioner
Oommlaaioner Williama illiam ham appointed appointedVllliam APInlnlIWlllim appointedWilliam
Vllliam f I lIngers of Rochester to fill fillhe nnIb fillthe
he Ib vacancy raune1 hy the Ih resignation rreignatlonf
or f Second 0011 IVputv romini Commissioner aloner John Johniiiulrignn JohnIIndrinll Johnbaiiulrtgnti
iiiulrignn Mr Ir llogeni tlnlt was for several aeveralrenm severalyear
year 1 with 1I1t the Ih State Hoard of Charltiea CharltieaIn Charlllill
ill In the Ih nurenit 11 of Mediation and Ariiltra Ariiltralion trbltralion rllilralion
lion he h la I to 0 l be > e the Ih executive relltl head The Thena Th Thry
na lary ry ir I Mono n rear rearK Yearti r
K ti 11 KIVX EI TII TIIIK IH IURn It i IRP n r rp rpIIral rrlireiss r rllroin
llroin Hull U UI fair Damage tmttia fr r KJertlen KJertlenKrem RJHIlonr EjietlonIroiu
Krem r the UnlrkrrlMiflirr UnlrkrrlMiflirrlime I
lime anwil II Itegan of the I h Hotel Knlcker KnlckerMMkrr KnlllrIe Knlckerhiaskar
MMkrr got Ie un order from Hupreme tlilretni Toun Tounliinllce 011 01111111I1 olin olinhiisiitu
liinllce 11111I1 lily yesterday tlirectinc Evelyn KvelynXenbit tvlynSJI EvelynNisluit
Xenbit Tlliw TI inelnw 10 h mil cause to oby < lay why whynull whystilt hy
null ehe uhi h drought lIIltlll uRjfaM Kegnn for UOtni UOtniilamngitt VrlnllamIlK Mtfl Mtflalnniuigas
ilamngitt lamIlK in I it IWH I Jnill I nit IM I lu di 3in 3intinned
tinned f rr r lnk I ut t prwTiitin MM MMTliiw llroTIlaw fnmaTJaW
Tliiw nued 11 lieunii Itejan 1Ilal htd h1IIIIr her ijecto aajectolfrotim jfKt1frrn l lfn
fn frrn > m the lit KnlcUrhocker grill room when whenlie whetphie h hh
lie h went there with K I It Tlnni llin llinOHeillv IhnOtllII fsnOhtaily
OHeillv fiiini 1111 of rnoonl n for Mr > Thiw ThiwHjldtbil TIwiJltllhallb Iluiwsuit
Hjldtbil suit iJltllhallb thiot the mot untion ion would not nOllNt Imoppoaeil Imoppoaeilthe Is oppoatudhucmuise
11011 hucmuise the Ih plaint ulsIti 11111 iff IM I unable ulabl to get It any anynow anyitll anywuifleeses
wuifleeses itll now n nnd l ii withiut fund ti titnrry ton t tnrry
tnrry n rry on the I h hCol cane caneCol colaCcl
Col CoI114 < etial < Here Prom Panama PanamaI ralnl Pnniatot I
I tot ul fl OrK nrgo W S Coethala c1 bll I uhalmmn of ofthe ofIho ofthe
the > Uthtnlin funal Commiaaion arrived arrivedlam rrhedI
lam I night on the Ih leinnhlp Im hl Colon 0 on from fromCrUtoJml rromrhlohll fromrirutobat
CrUtoJml rhlohllI
r Tm b tsra marIa roiiml e iC > e ea shell lpe 1ul 1ulI
a tfl u 155W Ki at 1 Iftarcr cer It Maker Laaa wu LaA4g Ai
Rtpublicans Akted by Army Armyand Armyand Armyand
and Navy Declare a aRavolution aRivolutlon
Ravolution RavolutionROYAL RivolutlonROYAL
CHmax of Turbulent Petttlcs PetttlcsSlnct PoIftJcsSinel PoWtIcsSince
Since Munlir MunlirMtflUBl Mad MaHMtftUII MadMawmI
MtflUBl KlRf KlRfOct KlftIsprtW Kt Kt3as
sprtW cU oww 10 toLoxvox T 8 A A1otOOH
1otOOH Oct B 840 O A M Mnew MDeita MDeitanew eette eetten
new n ha h ham been received here be tlMt t a rave nrrolutlon ftnOlutlon ravelutlon
lutlon broke out in Lisbon yeetard3r yeetard3rKing 7 7Ktnlt yeetrdymag
King Manuel II I I a prisoner to fapalace t hto htopalace hi hipalace
palace palaceThe palaceThe palaceThe
The army and navy naare are with Ub the rove ravolutiontata rewolullanI roveiutlontmta
lutiontata who hD have cut oil n the telegraph telegraphline
line IIn
W Wirahlpn rahlp bombarded the t h royal palace p4kUowhich paIoehich palacewhich
which hich atanda above the River TgJ T to tothe 10th Inthe
the th western part of the tb city cityWo iLyW citywe <
Wo W have given King Manuel notice noticeto naMeto
to quit The coining revolution will tu be bekindly bekindly a akindly
kindly affair We W shall kill the Ib least po poible JIMIhl pamiiiha
ible Ihl number of penona penonaIn pPnIOfIIn
In three Ih word Dr Affonao Cot the theniont thehlOttI themust
must advanced advlllted of the th PortiiRtieon lortllfC Re Republican nepllblin Republican ¬
publican lender 111 warned the th world of the theIn theInllll1on theintetitiona
Inllll1on In tent ion of the th revolutionary party partyImmediately panImmftlintPI partyImmeiliately
Immediately after the Ih general election electionnt
nt the Ih end n1 of t AOgiiat Part at leaat I nf nfila nrhia oflila
lila prediction isnm f ins to t Ix I verified in the
irlff undetailed drxptitihen 111I1 < 11 to hand thai thhnorning thllamomll thaimorning
morning momll morningEver norningEver
Ever mnce ilce the Ih tragedy which hldl nuddenly nuddenlyremoved umddeuilyratnovad Idnly Idnlyrltnovt
removed King K InlC Carlo and hla hi eldest IMt aoti aotihe 1101Ih ooaithe
he Ih political poll tlro I atmonphere of f Portugal Portl Portmgalhas I Iha
ha has 184 lieen one 011 of f Intenne IlItn unrest TK TKCAU Tbcoul Thut ThutCOUuttitIltiUiUll
CAU coul COUuttitIltiUiUll tHiilloiml illIl i1I1I1 govoriiiiiftit which replaced replacedhu
hu till dictatorship tJktAtofllhi of France rllm on II King Kingilnnueln illiteIIIIIIIPI RingManuels
ilnnueln acce atcesmahoti lon did nut 1 nucced In mallaying Inllayh1C inallaying
allaying Ihe thi tuitlonal ferment lbs au auIvity aCtthlIr actIvity
Ivity of the th Republicana not only 0111 con conInned contluueih n nlillll1
Inned but liHreiiMd lu rI14d awl the li propaganda propagandaagulnat IrllllCltallL1aglnt r pgatmuLiagainst
against the Ih monarchy and the Ih iovern Iimuornt iovernu botromont
mont u nt waa wasrartiedotm u curried fTldm uu with unueuaing vigor vigorAt Iterr
At inlenaU for monUia IIOAI allt there therlave Ih Ihh therehat
h hat lave l iiprtI > en II report of connpirci < M in inwhich Inwillch mflwhiihi
which the Ib iuHrior ofllcera of the Ih nrtny nrtnymil siflnyutnal
mil now 1111 were r < iniplifuied and whi > sgiq sgiqgritetc >
urreatx were matin lIIadr of mutinoua mlllnnllah trjo trJ014 trJ014Wariahilisa > a aarnhilw
arnhilw ah IhlSnltirllll lhnpn > xiinity of if f which Ich lo I till tillapital III IIIralIal thiutcapital
capital was lit ngardnl KM clallr ulangsroiis < lang > roua were werepatched wereteeuuitchmul f fIIIIch1
patched lo I sea fnim the Ih Tagua Th Thr The Theevire rtipetrs
evire r cenaonhip 10 ro hi I rendered it 1 dillUiill dillUiilllowiiver dlnlIIIIarl diflleuilthowover
lowiiver lo learn Iarl the tnith of < if r the Ih re rllOrtr rllOrtrIh reporatIiit > orr orrImt
Imt Ih came nlot from Liabon 111 the Ih more MO MOnn eoR soas
nn R altnoat ei ivery ery r story was w followxl by a aunlradiclorj 1OlIlradlclor t tiiuitradictory
unlradiclorj vcrsioti vcrsiotiIt er iun iunIt 1011It
It wt 1 predict Irt < before the Ih nleoUona nleoUonahat ale1oaiuthat 1OOUoaIhAt
hat the th country COli II try would return an over overwhelming uvorwheiiniuig vorhlllIIlng ¬
whelming numl IIIIIr > er of Ite HIuhhmll > uhllCfln UeiilUn UeiilUnnd UIU UIUal1 LJeIlit4anal
al1 anal nd that the Ih Itepiilillcana would there thcropon theretulPoul
pon c Psize ie i7 control Tliii prediction prrdillIoIInot waa waaot wamziut
not ot fulfilled except na n regard f1j rWI the tll capital capitalwhich callAlwhIch capitalwhich
which PetIt 11 ten llepublican 1clIhlicala to Parliament Parliamenthtn
Thil htn however wna a significant Ifl an I t4nl and dam damaging damIIKillrt daniaging ¬
aging blow blo to the U monarchy but the Ih only onlytltwnrd onlyOIUfIIfOCt onlyoaitwiarai
tltwnrd OIUfIIfOCt effect until IIIltIIIlO now wan to strengthen strengthenIIH
th IIH Kepuhllcmi 1IlIhllr 1I propaganda propagandaThe
The Th foreign correspondent corrpoldnta in Lisbon IJabonduring 1Ihandlrllll Lisbonaltjrhimg
during > the rh Inal few r week mailed dn dnaMtcbe4 dllI1lch dopitchmsma
aMtcbe4 llI1lch to their reaM reslctiva IMCUV > ctive newspapers nowapaptrdrawing nOWllfflllrAWIllIt newspapersdrawing
drawing ttober picture 1 llIno of the Ih Impending Impendingcrmm impndncriI
crmm rititiK rll ll on September 21 th thlotidun tbe thalAmtiatoui
lotidun Iontt 100 recipIent r iolfllt correspondent correspondentrecorded cofttpondolIOcflrllllh correspondiantyrcoriieai
recorded tha rapid r rMiIaIiiilti h and dangerous growth tt
of Kedition IIUIlIl King Manuel 11111 hud just signed signeda
a decree deer grntiting amnesty amlly for pro prooffencee 188 188fI1 JIreofTsncis
offencee fI1 which Ixnellted numerous Re ReI Bepiuuilicnii Republican
I publican lhUCnll lie 1IIIr isiupur men who whohait had reviled reviledthe ItyllomIlh
Ilh the King sinai Rnlllh the Qtuxin 1111 Mother MotherIt
It wn a one IIn of if f tteveral ral liiMancea of the theUovermneiit theClomlll1I1 theflovrntiieumt
Uovermneiit tempdrizing t itlulisuri ziug with wit llh h the met ravolull metlull 0 0lull
lull flush II which le led l the Monarchist to toIt toh tobring
It bring ring angry II II It charge rK of f wmknee wmkneeThe IIkl weokneesThit
The present nL Iilxral Government wrote wroteI
I the correspondent ham for party purpose purposefavored purpollMI
I favored the Ih eiKmilv not only onl of the themonarchy themArlhr themonarchy
monarchy but of law and order ord r It Ita
1 perwriiled a few f harrnle friars hut hutgave hutgAV hutgave
gave n nupe > pe lo 1lllInlC dangerotia roIiA aeditionmongnni aeditionmongnniThing dillonnongThinK
Thing reached Mich a state that the theGovernment theOovprnmnl theflovernmtmt
Government the corroapondent paid paidmust aldmuat Id Idmul
must either radically change its I policy policyor
or It would 111 dig the grave grll of th the mon monarchy mODarcny manarchy ¬
archy archyHe
He I concluded with an appeal to the thaBntiab thoDrillah theBrittshm
Bntiab Government to send nd a warship warihipto
to protect thin Ih British resident sayIng ayngthat tarlnsj
that a revolution oIIlLion would mean murder murderand
and 114 pillage and the tit criminal population populationonce r
once Inc let loose would not distinguish be between ii iitween ¬ I Inalh
tween natives nalh and foreigner foreignerTwo ro foreignersTwo l 1e 1eTwo
Two or three Lh day later I the Ckrnnitlt Ckrnnitltrorreapondent Chmtcticorrespondent J Jf
correspondent f at Lisbon wrote In th thaame timmama
mama atraln declaring that the th country countrywaa
waa on the Ih brink of a crisis which would wouldnot wouldnot j
not Improbably ovrrthrow existing inaU inaUtutiori InsUtiutiono > i itll
tutiori tll LiollA The country he said waa waawiMried wawacried t twrlNt
wiMried with mlagovemment and polltl polltlCH rollliNI
CH NI strife trlr and nd wan 11II looking anxiously for fora oj oja
a strong lrollC man U Lo > clean the Auge Augean n stable stableTim stableThe i iTIll
Tim Corte waft opened by the th King Kingon
on September 23 3 but waa immediately immediatelyadjourned Immfltllalyndjollmfd immediatelyaalJoamrned
adjourned for three th month mOlthA nominally nominallyUi
Ui Hrmit the tribunal tribulale to adjudicate adjudicateIhe
Ihe niimurnuii election petitions fully fullyhalf tullyhalt fullyhalf J
half the Ih new members being challenged challengedThe
The Th adjournment embittered the th altos altuation l t ttltitt
tion flu op olpoallio oailioii declarol it to IM IMan h he heaim ow owou j
an uiufnipulous move PlO on the th part of tin tinOovrrnment LhUOlt thinkcrntnehlt
Oovrrnment UOlt > mmllt Tlin Th latter retorted that thatit
it waa conatltiitioiuilly correct indeed indeedthe InetfWliIh
the Ih only couriM poaaihle poaaihleForeign poooalhlurl poesihiaForeign
Foreign url Minister lInl Ir llranco intervIewed lntervlewe1by J JloT
by th thu rorrwapondent rorft1fJ > ndI a scoffed t > ffed at the tlmllepublirvn th thlIpllhll theIlcuaibiitEfl
llepublirvn lIpllhll n IKMIM and lid predicted that thattheir thatthlr thattimelr
their party rty would MHMI on dlnappesr from fromthe rromIh fromthu
the Ih CIIIIM Iurt tirtes Tim nl King Klllt he II otld lil d was wasinimeiuHfly wa waIrnmuwly wasItmimruseiy
inimeiuHfly popular 11Op r The Gov Govwaa OovoWall bovr bovrwas
Wall fully prepared for all alland emPlOI emPlOInrl tnrgwicieand
and nrl would not heaitate to 0 auppre ruth ruthteMly ruthlesely
teMly any insurrrotlonary movement movementTh
Th < army and nti n navy vy he h deoUred t were wereabsolutely werea wereabsolutely
absolutely a faithful 10 the Ih monarchy monarchynd
and nd would put down Insurrections InsurrectionsIt
It seem probbU that the actual ta Inpr ¬

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