OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, October 10, 1910, Image 2

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-10-10/ed-1/seq-2/

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a I I II
I RiptMts U udMt caught NII < < M by I b fUm ltmts whit hlI exit exitfor twiti I IIll
i for Ill hometnvl on n the Ih wxih uit Ih lde I > of Ihw IhwHeudttr th thtootl th144ui1tt
Heudttr tootl > Illver 11 John JI Mttmv Imfl n of r ll ICt ICtI l lOk I111e
Ok I In I timbnr ml ringer tIiIi UIr t twirftit by I flime flimen n Clll Cllln liiiIn
In < n railway track while ht Irvtnie trvIn I wwsIe wwsIeI m 1 1talny i i ito
to I itnlny tliver illY Mit Jcl11 ti lUrkt 110 uwl I five fiveinemlMrn 11 11ml fly flytnmr
inemlMrn tnmr ml of r hi family tes rsIy I HHIIM r n I tn ii d s 1 lrii < ttli ttlion lh lhIIklrt ti tinfl
on IItiIk nitklrtn Irt I if Spooner Sp f nr when In h hI < i w wdestroyed WII WIIIh Wii4 Wii4thy
destroyed they Ih utteiunted I WMnthur WMnthurthe 1 1tll
t the tll 1 Uni mo III H I l 101 itf rlotit I Itt cellar 1ur and n1 were wereuffmtitml wriutTotii 1 1Jhll
iutTotii uffmtitml t p Jnhii a Idlln I s Itn iiinl ii ii I family blllll f feight rIKht CIgtit
eight from rr1l Pitt Severt rt HiiKn IJeorue IJeorueKwer I I11crl flrgi
Kwer i Churl lUker uiid sn l Patrick PatrickOmera Iaerlkt ItrtckOnira
Omera mlm nil i > f Arlington Mum MumThe MiriltI Ii IiTh
t I The Th miMiiii Ii inrludi eom m 7101 oon re ret retp l ldntn
p dntn tl nt fit 1 f lUwudeu Spuoner and 11 Pit Pitnomeof Iltmot Pttt
t nomeof mot whumarediMd hiitmonlof hilt m mIAL oC r whom whomare
I r are I iu 14ff fn r In Ibiltiy 1111I Iliver and IIIIllh the tti adjacent adjacenttown aIjJufntlonll I1dJ4I flI flII
I I town on 11 thn th Canadian nuliv lel The Th > inieelug inieeluginclude IlIhlultInch ititi tu turnehit
include Inch ihe III homeMeaderi and fnrniere fnrnierein
in U th huh fr U IU i mile it unit twenty twentymite twiutyI
mite outh > f whom nothing cnn l Ikwn tkiiiwn e eknown
I known for Koine m IIMIV 11111 t itn nn ii earching uhn jwir jwirI r rIIMdo >
IIMdo t 1 elo it not 01 Uro < penet 1IIlral ratu th h hn situ amokmg amokmgfore iunnkIisitort mkllllorta
fore tort orta t through which the th llre II itwept itweptThe swptlit 1 1Th
The Th town IW11 of t Spooner Itaiudettw nntl nntlPitt IinIPitt nI nIi
i Pitt have h l een > destroyed With thn th lbo ex exception x xOftlon ¬
ception o ption i lIt > f thn th dixlructin of th mill milland milln1 miticnhi
and n1 rttock of t the tb Itt Portage Iorta < < Lumber LumberCompany 11Imlrtolnny IunwrCornpan
Company > near lUiny Hirer following followingthe tollolntn < <
the tn eoun > of f the eh h Hume which tntichnd tntichndn totiehnteornr
i n corner ot f the th town th principal IIWM IIWMU 11 11j
j U conllned to the Ih t mmth < eid ri of tho th river riverand rhrtU1rl rtvrii
and chiefly ustnlned eustallll < along the th American Americanborder AIIIrlcbonlr AmrtctnI
I border borderRailroad bonlrlWlrod txrti r r8aiIrntt
Railroad and wire 1111 connectlona with withth withtbe wtbthe
th the scene nfl of the th diaatcr from rom the Went WentU
U cut ut off by a burnti diMnct reaching reachingfrom rMchlnltfrom r ictIng ictIngfrom
from Warroad lInn on thn th Canadian CanadianNorthern CanadienlOortbfrn CanadianNnrthern
Northern lUllrond n 1 diManee ttt41I of forty fortymiles fortymtIt ortymlllll
miles through which the th lat train trainpiumed trainsIIUIt trutnpJIJ4eI
piumed Iat night The Th road in I It open to tothe toI
I the south and eL etct LI t however nnd relief reliefU
I La being ent from Fort ort William WilliamThe WilliamThft VflItamThe
The flren n have M l twen > een mouldering for formonth formontba formontha
month and were ntnrted IItart 4 I anew an by the theterrific thftterrUlc th thg
g terrific wind which began two itayc lay IA ago agoThe UKOTbe agop
p The wind Incl incrmed In velocity v IO locity < lt with W th the theh thebfttt
F h bfttt it until n wave w of Home overn a hundred hundredfeet > < 1 1t
feet f high leaped l harrier hrrl11 > halt n rnil wide wideIt lei leiIt
I t It wan thin Ml nation tlkit oiuixHi nUlII caustwiI nn nnmany 0 0man
I e many man to petinn on thn th railway ral < track trackThey lrackIbey trackfliey
They nought IIOU ht thi opening o cntng in the Ih biiith biiithbut hlllhbut hiacha
but were burned burn to cinder by the th heat hentwave hMta
1 s a wave a leaping thi harrier of rtome 3 31ams IA IAi < v vyard
i yard ams along the clearing of o the railway railwaytrack mll mllnack radwaytrack
track trackA
A description of o the th flre 1 llr i hi given by byJarnea byJllm byI
I Jarnea Jllm Ranvey Ram a well known citizen of ofSpooner otSpoonr oft
t t Spooner He II mid midI 101
1 wa neveral mile south of Beau Beaudette IMudtt
1 I dette when I flmt heinl the roar of the theflamed th thttmflll thI
I flamed I ntaned ti tll nan nm for th town townbut townhut townI
I hut the th flre ft wa wttc coming fan at and wan wanvery WMry waks
ks very 017 ry clone d > I caught up with n man who whowas whoIIccompanl1 whowas
was accompanied by h n woman with a ababy ababy ababy
baby They Th were ft eihauMed ami I Igrabbed II
1 grabbed the Ih child and fled There wan wann nM nMw1I
n wall of flame uh IIh1 < td of o u 110 but the thewind t thswtnd h hwind
wind shifted and alii I we w pnH nd through IhrOlIlhj
j z I cant understand how any In of o the th h hums humsstsadsr me meBtenders m mIIMrl
Btenders IIMrl of that region cnn hay 111 rcnp cciw1 cciw1The l lTh
Th The fiameJi < l struck Pitt i 3rIy rly In the theafternoon th thI theI
I afternoon tmoon and everything wa ile elMlroy elMlroyPlolIly alectroyedPreviously troy l lPreviously
I Previously lleAiidttte I III ami SKK StlOl1 4iwaoImr > IHT hall hndburrwxi hallhllr hadlmrnet
burrwxi hllr 1 arnl th < v > plo fle 11 < l acro acroia crON t to toIlalny toI
Rainy Hlver Many were overtaken Ortnk11thy n nthey na nat
1 t they led from Pitt PI and r jwriched jwrichedThe ri rlht rlhti hed hedThe
i The Th prompt work ork of relief engineered engineeredby
by h the th Canadian Northern llnilrnad ortl ortluial orni m
1 dais i ave saved < i thouvandt t of livt I Ilvaw h n ac prac practically rAt rAtUNJly ¬
4 tically all allth the resident of poonir Il IJo Iteami ii iidette
1 dette and nol Pitt escaped t hv lhi > npertil npertiltrain sprtaII pt I ItrnlDJI
I train nin for them by h 7 that company companyThe conipanyThe ODlplnyTb
The Tb people had become w 0 nccn AMIIm aceuctaarn4 aceuctaarn4t t imed imedto
t to the th moke and n < l hare h > in the th sky Incident Incidentto
I to burning tlmt timber > er that they throllll could not be bemade h hmad hemade
J made to realixn on Thursday hat I lh lhMtuntinn I h hltllAtlon
Ml MlIi 1 I situation wan becoming hto < dangerou Then Thenwhen Thnhn Thena
a when hn the th danger became imminent they theywere IhlYwr theywere
were for forced < l llo Hi n < > ill crowd The 1h Cana Canadian Canaa nnn nnndll ¬
MlI a dian dll Northern Ilnilnwd hn baa been h running runningrelief runningp
I p relief 11 train in every ery ry direction Mopping Moppingat loinCat
h at any n point where people pl nero A erc to be befound befoun1 beS
S found along the th track trackMany Irakolany trackI
I Many train have M been > een running through throughurfocating thrlIJlthul1atlnlt throughstifYocattng
urfocating moke and n < l burning bndgcn bndgcnand laridgesand > I Ind
and nd timlHm IIrnl regnrdlenn of ilanger tn tnthe InIh tothe
the Ih crew The Th moet dramatic elramll IIU inci incident Incldnt mcidents ¬
dent were w thoe Ih attending lIdlnc th escape encapof lIIP lIIPor <
of 700U iXMJ fugltivrn In a train of hot Olt earn earnThe carThe carsI
I The men women and children waited wnll for forih torthe forthe
ih the train while hll their home were 1 In fUin fUinThe l1amI thrnsa thrnsaThe
I The first trainload steamed 1611I1 < 1 acrn atr A to toIlalny 10Rainy toItainy
Rainy River with men hanging han llI to the thealdoa Ih Iht theI
I aldoa and nd to the truck Vorrnn W orn11 had hndJlral M hadlint < I Iflntt
t lint places pln Many of tho IhMO o left started startedrunning tart xl xlrunniog < I II
I I running down th track an anal DI < l pn P permshwl < ruh1 ruh1I hl hlOther
4 I Other with great courage COli Ill It uto stood to < w their theirground Ihrj
j I ground nnd were r rescued by th the neronil neroniltrain IIfO1nlltrain senndtrain
train On thi aide aht of the Ih lin thorn thorneeemed thereI thereeemd I Ieefmld
eeemed no danger < Ian until late lac in the Ih After Afternoon Atlrnoon afternoon ¬
I noon when hD a small fire nr which had ti lwn lwnt n nmouldering
Ii IiPi t 4 mouldering for several day wan wn fanned tanll11 tanll11to fannedto < i ito
to a flame It wan wn near the th big Rat Port Portage Portj Portjage lnrtnge ¬
age Lumber Company omny mill and ih the plant plantand ILlntI i ian
Pi PiU I and an < l great pile U of r lumber soon 00 were wereroaring werek r rroorng
k roaring roorng Again Allln the th terrorMnckiMi trrortrk fugt fugttivea ICI ICII I
1 tivea I prepared prrr1 to depart dI > rt an it looked lok a aif nI as asIf I
if I Rainy Riny hirer hirer must mUI go I a the th way a of t HIMU HIMUd Itu Itudetw hlejiidette 1
d detw dette tte Trninmont Tmhunllr < r NVUon II < who wllO w rour rourlaga enimrlage 011 I Ilaje
laga laje and reoourcefulniix in I r porwililM rII responaitalfor porwililMfor
for saving vlll hundred prepared a lang lutirtline 11
1 line ln of l 101 Lox > ox earn rt anal RnIIII the lii fugimm tl IIV fcrnm fcrnmt rrmbl1 ernmbled
t bl1 bled > I H al alr alorl > oanl Many Ituiny IlllY KIVT Ir fitirenn 1171 1171rparllo iti7nsprepared
4 > repnre prepared l to d ilesert fert lh Ihlr lr h hotnos > > tiu n > H hut hIl they thnyjwer IhyIr theyer
jwer Ir er not 1lollrk1 pinlcctrtkn kinlotrik n no R wr M < T r th the flgi flgillven tUt figii
i llven Iv from rom th oihT Ilhr tide Id rin rt > Irnri Irnrietartcvl 1111 trinI
I etartcvl larw1 en wil t but lut th the wind wUrl turn Illt1 turned l around aroundRod Iad Iadkd mraitulbnd
Rod kd the t th flame ham on thi this old II sulasulsl sulasulslAt til 11lcl 11lclAt > sidt l lAt
At Hpooner 8pnr the Ih rnnvirt heaviest prop property rty ins loeaU I Ii insU
i U U I that lht of the Ih ihevlin IIII Mnthieii lnlhf1 lumtwr lumtwrCompany
1 Company mpy Kefidm Bidf the mill they Ihf lr Inst InsttAGo1 t tCOOOOOOO
U i < COOOOOOO 00 feet t of o mill mi flock tok valued nllll at atKn att I
H f t Kn S2 o a thousand This wan all injured at atJlfl a atsin I I11f
sin 11f a thousand In Llnydn 101 plac placed l through throughJohn thrnigbI I II It
I t John Johnn Johnson on k higgins I KII of > > ew w York ork The Thnrhlef Th Thhl TheI
I I thief hl itnckholcicM I kholrl nr II are St Paul Ialll Minne Minnelipolio ahiinsapolim 111
lipolio AII and Inrl Toronto people peopleTh rpl FenpIThe I ITh
Th The Rut Portage rorllt rornpiny rpIY i is insured innureilIn inurll inurllI
In I Lloyd1 1loyrll through the Ih Min firm firmJn tnn fIrmin
I I In Kpooner pOnr the Ih only h hlI i < left stand standing standIng tandI ¬
I ing are r in those around ArOld the Ih tition 1fon and andhalf andhalf I Ibai
half bai a dozen rozn on th the < river rr The Thl problem problemof I Iof
of caring arlnl for the Ih refugee rful i III enou perioisEight enouEight noJIKhl
Eight hundre hundrslwere < l Ar ere taken lokln takentolniernatlonol takentolniernatlonolI to Inlernational InlernationalFall Inlrnll1MI Inlrnll1MII
I Fall Fal It i II eipecte i that Ibl t relief 11 will wi iw iwsupplied I be bea I IJplf
a supplied Jplf by ly the Ih tnited tIN States HIAlf in a At AtbfUI few fewhour feshour
hour bfUI but hl in I the th meuntime mnlm lh the Canadian Canadianf CAI1ulon CAI1ulonJ Canadianpeople
f people > > eope pll are ar fee fll feeding ilng them themThe themi I ITh
i The wnmen and children hlrlrn have 1 found foundrhelter toundblltr foundI
I shelter ill lb the Ih families Imll of L1nrlanll L1nrlanllbul I anadianbut anadian inadlanabut
but most m t of the fh men m are ar living 1ln in a l ICrl hoc hocI > o ocan
I can Crl > Mo Most IOt t of these th ulfortlMIM unfortunHte hay havnlct M MICI hayj
j lct ICI everything verylbar they th prei possessed ited 1 many man of ofllm nf1m ofI
I llm 1m l 111 lsing > eing almost a 1001 nake nk1 < l Tent Toll are arebadly Ir Irtarl rp rpI
I badly tarl n nedtwl ded The Th rnwt coniervariv coniervariventlmaten ronsrvalvr 1
r entlmaten lml 4re Irf rc that Ibll at 11 IniKt 1 t I ifup i xi xifjive
lA fjive penohed Irlh in a the Ih W wwsls < KM 1 > if 1 XT whith whithI turn turnthere 1h 1hIhr
I there I ii nn I rerun 1 reciril Ir I arid n1 powihly n nevr v vr r rWill
I i Will 11 t Ii IH I Two TI tll I hi ij lHIld ii rel poejire a a I ar i r home homeA hmI Ii ir ira
a I lees leesA
I A settler 111 nam lam1 named i lames IUm Itn ItJmInMy ey hi h ar armed arI irhere ¬
I med here aliini tlla tit mith IIh tli h lire r 1 zri zriIn in inin
in M > mn m iiilrmnloii itil raraila ii s niy 1 wtnh w hlh ii i ti he h iint iintej fl fl1IIII ii iiplifl
ej 1IIII plifl lHin lie I H eswI ft M iht h 1Ilr hatiiataotlc Ti ad of ofthe nlth
4 the th fitnlli lumll H if t ItolU 111 Itoh IIne Itrg tTit Colin I jf nnd nndHih AI anilI I I1lhl
I Hih 1lhl nnil says I th thv v are 11 nr ill 1 ImriKl I to todeath II IIr4h Ii Iide5t
death r4h ti Thl Til 1 lila iiiiliide4 1111 thai I fir inen 1 tire ihrewmneii Ih Ihwn I tirec
wmneii wn c 1 neI rtiirl I ha I twenty I w rit V tliri I liraw dllh1 < luldfti hi i Id n Me Menfn I I I Ialco
nfn II alco rjxrt rIN that Slewnrt llojin 1111 and andnit 111 111I iiriaiII
I II I at 1 lurllln Iiiirimigtn 111 lyu II IIJI Sr
10 nit JI in I in I ii Ln I 0Mb li anal AI1 h tslIavea W > VH > iliit t hl Iii I they theynrilisil tlyIr t kySr
nrilisil Ir Sr iai o1 i s their t1 iIiaiie > lmi hll > f < > if < f eoiapirit Ilrll the thefiun II th thAer
fiun f Aer fre 1 IrlI tral irin fullv illb I ni > IN I 1I U 4Ia > lieM lieMII < 4 4I
II I I clt itti < lOl Pa lt I act nt S lll i 1 I iMrrxl cr 1 hutlllriMl hutlllriMlI Ii 11111 11111I
s I 1Sf rn nil I diotrix 1111 ir > re heHul tieiii 1 Ir Iro t r tn tnKofwixiii iiiIrwisi
Kofwixiii Irwisi o 1 i MIII Mu n dt I v 11 town towncf tow towif
cf if r Rainy Hiver 1r I Ia tijw f w tirning tlrnll from frf the thelrtlge Ih IhMrollnl thejnterfltifl
jnterfltifl Mrollnl lrtlge lndj t hijth SI iti tl street a af ae aof
e Qf f over luilf hU Ii1a r a tqlteacUll zlf anI JI UJ U 1
r believed 1 t nothing n rn < n ae T ln Ib the tiwn > n < > In Inthe Inth Inthe
the th burn IIlrn1 Paiirnwl area II were w ih the html It t Portage PortageIjiml Port PortInlnr Portigstaimler
Ijiml taimler r Comiwny Inlnr I a mill mi n < l yard Indllli InrIiiIiiig In Including ¬
cluding dllli iniiiioiil 1uOII fe fet t of t lumlxr lumlxrIltr 11111 iiimlwrlttr
I Iltr Minn In ikt I hi 9 C II I MnrriK MnrriKlfnile olnrl olnrlVllt1 a aVnit
lfnile Vllt1 it < Stair SCI lire 11 ranger Inr wh whn n ac u1 u1lolllhl askedluaught l ltulilght
tulilght lolllhl how many malr live IY were w toM I ivild ivildh hl hlh
h iiilil 1 < not I form any Iny decided estimate estimatei Imal Imalfh
i but th death li I list > M might reach the th hm hr binIruI
I ilrixl mark lark He II feels n nllrd urrd that Iht It 1 will willgo wi willgm
11 go over 11 fifty fiftyI frl frlI fillyWiiryi
I WixxirKii lscrrl Man o Vt B WTwo Two Are Areconipnnle tr trII firecalIiaaintes
conipnnle II nl left here h tonight tnlh They The con conlte Cn conalet4
alet4 lte < l of r twelve men 111 tininier under Cnpt nll apt tStromer tStromerwith MlroDIrwith tronirwith
I with two IW engine n ln two h noun wagon wnl anal nndJ
J 31 31111 II it fe feel H of hix h hi e They TI were w sent nt at atth atIlh atthe
Ilh th the r reiliieiit > Hiiet llt of the th Mayor yor of lUlny Inln1 Iliver IlivertXiluth mrI hilverLhahiittm
tXiluth Olllh Kurt to Willlitm WIUIII ami no Port Arthur Arthurwill nhurwi
I will wi nl iiis I end nl nwumiuicn nwumiuicniinornl aI aII assiMiuweI
I nrnl Muperintendrnt Cameron Cam rln of ofthn ofI t tI
I thn th Cnnadlan 111111 Northern wire wi from fromItamy fromRainy 101
Rainy Itiver I h I lthl that hi hil estimate 1m of ofthe otth iiithe
the th numlter lumlr of IdlIh I death i II is forty tnrt hut hutadmit hUIIhl hutiitflita
admit this Ihl number may mn tw tf exceeded exceededHe INI1 INI1I zeecdeiilie
He I also nll wire wi that tht yesterday a awheat nwht ashiest
wheat train In charge rhr of o Conductor ConductorMonohan Cinuluc tor torMonohan
l4nuMur l4nuMurIolohn
Monohan h burned trestle treotleth trestlethe I Ithe
Iolohn went Wf through thr1u a blm1 t rt
th the engineer r being 1 > 11 uiuibln Innhl to eee th thdamage t the thedamage h hrlnl
damage rlnl on account of lt the Ih heavy h smoke smokeThe mokeThn mokTh
The only onl building hlJdlng left in lleiiudotte IClllrl i ithn III IIIIhl Iaibm
ibm Ihl Canadian Cnnsrlin Northern depot In InKpooner InIjooor Int4pooner
Kpooner Ijooor the I h large IrKl mill mi of the I h Shevlin ShevlinMalhieu 4hevIin1athIeu hln hlnlllhlu
Malhieu lllhlu Lumber Com Company > > any ny wa was wasthrough Hived Hivedthrough 1 1thruah
through thruah the Ih effort tort of the th employee employeemany employeesiminy mpl mplmlln
many mlln of whom worked orkldlo to save NY the 11 com comi lmnyl
i iny nyl ° Y > properly prolrty while whl their own wn wnItuming WI was wasburning
burning urn He II reK reports > rt that ten oorp corpses corpsesitv e eh
h la itv rv been I found rOlntl on n the track lHMwi IItwn IItwnb btween btweenhen IS > n nhere
here b and Pitt PittROOHKTRLT Pil litthtooariur
ROOHKTRLT iOZTrLTi Minn lnn Oct O 9 Sixteen Sixteencorpiv RbtHnror hxtesncorpses
corpses ror are afl lying lnA on the t h track in thi thivicinity I thiavicInity hi hiIdnll
vicinity Idnll y unrated lolnr for the t h people Jpl being beingtoo 11 I
too to panirMricken panllrlckn looking loklnl after Iflpr their theirown Ihlrown theirown
own nfety 11 to tl cam at for II the I h dead elMI Four Fourmen Fourmen 011 011Inn
men from rom Davenport JIIIort In who came am up lp
here hn to II It homeetead hOItI were w burned to death deathTheir ileathTheir rth rthnlr
Their handles have ha lf een n found ounlln in the Ih bush buthnear bushnear ulh ulhnlr
near here hereWABIIOAD hi hiW hereVAItROAt
WABIIOAD W 4RI04P Minn olnn Oct O 0 Fire tI lur lurm1 suar suarround ur urround
round round m1 thl town nnd In1 it I Is feared 1 it will willbe wi willbe
be destroyed 1tov1 The n inhibit Inhbllnl nni hive hivepacked h hpck1 havepacked
packed pck1 their I valuable Iulbh nnd nn are am ready to toboard t tbtrd toboard
board btrd a relief train in II waiting waitingTOttK wnUlnl wnUlnlTI waitingTflfIh
Soils of the Ih Connecticut nnnIMI Robbed Hohlc of l land Ia Ianl 1aanal
and nl UK ni Ke a Illlmted UUntf1 Mlth Ih Arid AridIngvald Aridingvalul 111
Ingvald I na I I Solie U is 10 year It old 011 A sailor Bailorattacheil sailorattached Uor Uoralnh1
attached alnh1 to the Ih I t S S Connecticut onlltlcl at atanchor alanlhor atanchor
anchor anlhor in the Ih Hiidon ludl may loe 10 ins hi lute right rightox llhl llhlI
ox I the th reiult of a vicious attack alnck oil oi him himon hll hImon
on onSlurca Saturday night at llntlll Ha hInatingconhhuidanmi hInatingconhhuidanmikalIn tlng onHudi < lnII1I0I > oii oiiSolin
Solin Sol conies rm from rom Mcintosh Iclnlolh Minn MinnHe Mmnnlie olln ollnIl
I He Il had shore leave 1M Saturday Sttrda noon noll and andcame nn1I anulratile
came Im to Manhattan with wih three Ihr month monthpay monfhII monthpay
I pay He II walked wllkllAl aliout > l1 the th city Il for or moot mootnf m1ot mostof
nf the Ih afternoon nIImon and Mi then took lok the 111 trolley trolleytn troll trollto
to Yonkers onk for or the th ride He II Mopped in ina inn Ina
a saloon NIon on Main I Street tImer Ih and paid paidfor pal palII pattifor
for II a gla 111 glass of o l beet > eer by ly peeling lnl a bill hi from fromthe fromthe rm rmth
the th outside 11il of hi hiM w wad > d t He II noticed 101C two tworough IW IWrouh tworough
rough looking Ikln men m watching al < hinl him 11m but butthought ht tintthought
thought IhOIht nothing 1lllnl of lt It I nt the Ih time timeIwilir tl titnelatr
Iwilir Silin ulh I took Il > k a train topping nt ntlocal al10ai atlocal
local 10ai tntionn up tp the Hudson Intn for a further furtheri tllrtlwrIlthlin furthersigtitiuetng
i Ilthlin > ightiH > < > ing tour totr He I II reached Iht hastings Haxtmgxat 1lnl
at in 1131 Hi P I I M 1 mid t decided II hll that Ih he h would wouldget wllhi wllhit wnililget
get t off 01 nnd tnct n1 take la the II next npJI train hack hrk to tothe toiii
the th city Il The n train left Ir him Mantling IInllnJ IInllnJth a athe as asth
i the th Military 1 I tn 1 occupant of the thl place 11 ei eicept ciopt x xrpt
rpt for ur IWO men m shimming toward him himwhom himI turnwhom
I whom he II had seen getting pttn off ol He I started startedfor fart fartI < 1 1for
I for 11 the 111 tim tntion building hlihllli but ll hail scarcely noarcelygonv la scarcelygone
gone two steps 1 when hn he h wa a w set > t upon uponlno Ul iignntint > f I Ii
i tint Inc 101 of fr the men I grabbed hi hIs arm and andpinioned Anlli
i I pinioned pi 1 I them l ehlnd < him while whl the theother Ih IhIhr
I other threw nome Omf liiiild lluhl in hi his eye r Iaii Iwas I Iwan
wan acid aii and ant one 0 omu of if the th men I held hi hihand hiI luma lumahatut
hand hll over 01 the Ih sailors allor or mouth 1lh to stifle stifleliii tlflehi ln lnh
I hi h liii cr creams rnm > nmi of Ir pa Pitfl win Thfv robl roll1 roiltwI > e < i him himof 11m 11mhi himof
of hi his Iia uty a > anil w threw Ihr him over ° yer a newly newlyconstructed newlynatruactsl
constructed tlrlI1 fence tn beside hil tho Ih track trackTwo tracksTwo
Two hour later Illfr Special Policeman PolicemanItrnwn Iolmn IolmnBrn PolicemanDrown I
Drown Brn of Hnotlngo 1lnl h lar1 heard ard groan groans behind Ixhindlihe IhimlIh
lihe Ih the fence fo and 111 dltxivered SoIls Sl jron crawling crawlingblindly rrnwln rrnwlnhHndly crawlingialindl
blindly ialindl through Ihrlllh the Ih grn Ir gras He I wa WI in ingreat I iiigreat
great jfot pain Jln and Ilt tried Irlt1 to light IAhl with the theollipinan th thIIicvmnan
ollipinan until unll reo reaasurel ured that th the th latter latterwm lattre latterW114 I
wm e fnendlv rrpllh Drown Irown lielp mel1wd > d him hll into intoTodd 1110 1110Torld IntoTodds
Todd drug drlK tore 10 ill 11 the Ih trI tre where whereDr wlr wlrII
Dr II l ennUton > of I Iohhie > > obl 11 > Ferrv errv rn attinde attndedhim < l lhim
him and d hnd him removed mollo to the I hoepital hoepitalm
I m a that Ihll place taia IA It wa not known yetsr yetsralay e t Ir IrIla r rI
I ilny Ila whether he h would wOlld I lose < > > hi h tue eight eighti eightPr Ihl IhlI
i I Dr Hi letmi Iennmton mlton ton aid he h wa 0 not intoxicatml intoxicatmlI
I It I t me believed 111 that Sojie 1 a 1IIII asailtts asailttsfollowsil > ulnntfi ulnntfifollowe I Ihim
followe < him him from New S ew York 011 There hr m mno mano
no trace Ir of them themis 1
is MK iMrnisosrit PBUi 111 i iAll tIISF tIISFttl 11
All 1 Are Ar Nnppoe pp l to lie nI l Und r rt Ca CaMrrrkiColnradnCoal r ac actrccki
MrrrkiColnradnCoal trccki 11 denim oat t Ill 111STnKIUr 11 IllhTAaKatLtr
STnKIUr HURJrUr Col ot Oct 0 At in II oclock oclockU ocnk ocnkt nclncklast
U last t night a gn JII xploop wn wrko wreked k > d th thcoal the thecoal
coal 1 mine of th the 1olurido Fuel 11 an itriti < l Iron IronCompany 1101 Irontnnipan
Company CompanyFiftyeight ComI tnnipanFiftyetght
Fiftyeight tlrtyilht m mn > n are nr kmwn to have havnl hl havelien
l lien > n entombed nlllh nnd th the numlwr nlmllr may mayr rr rrrlh mayra3eh I
r rlh ich lfO I Them i mc no n hope that any anynr ni niar anyare
nr are Mill ti alive nll They Th ser en rn nmrly nlr nil nilAmerl ni alltmeriana
Amerl mrin tmerianaltecuia mrinH Mn Mnlr
lr ltecuia < cu I parties prl have h l been > e > n endetvoringto endetvoring oI1orlnttto
to I ntT nt 1 r h working worlnl at inUTviN anlllo nvi nvr nvrsince > r rI 1I
I since Inc > th explosion but 1 at I ti titonight o orlOk orlOklion clock clocktonight
tonight non haul hl1 MII jqimccalei upc I I In itenntrat itenntrating Inlrl Inlrlhll
tug more trmri Ihll 3 hal < I i feat 1 The Th In 11 las partv partvof Ir
of f eleven men m wer overcome oVlrm by h gii I gi nn unit < l
Uirwly IWlrl e caped diath clolh compiniotit rml lol who whowere h hwr
W wr TH row 1111 roped l to them 111 and twentv f fet t thind h hehmnal >
hind 1111 him I h1 draggIng < rnlJll them thlIIut out uneonciou uneonciouTh I flsIumq flsIumqTI
Th 1 xplmlnn M lK lshiveI > ll ve < to t IITVM h hII rx rxcurreil isruirrfwI
curreil II rn I tlirxii tl I lire mil 111 tflilOi under liii Ir groim rII < l It Itfirco I I Is Isfr
firco fr torn tor out 11 forty tVU rt fe fat t of If tm fh nriiu nriiurn 111 I
rn 1rnn ran > whiehraveil stitch hlrh caved atl In rendering reimuierluigrcuii reimuierluigrcuiiwrc I I r > r < uo uowork
work ork through hrlh stint hll enrninw a nlRI imixm irmiesIhalo 1Iwlhl lblo lblountil
until 1111 11 ii tli the dibriw 10 baa hal Ieen > e n cl 1311 ilea ir rod d iwnv iwnvTltnl iwnyTitntars wn wnTirho
Tltnl Tirho Titntars < r M taiI l rails rBIM dirt 11 lit nnd 11 rick r aika aikaI wt > rn rnhurlil 11
hurlil hOrl1 I I frtn f1 fr iii th I ho IlitrninK autrji Ilml tIaii for fa ir I trindnol trindnolnf t mdIlt mmiii raw ii iiI
nf I f f faa Th wholit hnl interior ant Irr oria ar of if tlit Ih I Ii mm mmli 11
li i I taivel HI > VIH to let a wr wreck > Ok OkIL ck ckIh
Ih IL 1 h imprlon irmriennd l n 11 ni > in n nre Rr IxMmved Iwiiet etI to tohav I Ii Iihtis
hav 11 i I iw1i ii l lhl1 eh > hmd utmil th thu i xploemn > ltpIUlol If I this thlHI
I III true 111 trim they th thie may iscaw ca 01 > through IhrolKh the theFnglovilln tll tllI theEnglevilie I
I Fnglovilln tnllll mIne which hlel I Ic ronn connuctiwl connuctiwlwIth vt d di7i
wIth Ih i7i thai th Starkvlllo llkvll property Iroprt but hl which whlh whlhalo I Iyean Iyears
yean ago alo wn 1 walled wal1 off wth a 1 cement cementwall crnt cementwall I Iw1
wall wallTh w1 wallThidr 1
Th Thlr ir failure IUUt to give Ilvl any signals tlll for for1n tornrly fornearly
n nearly rly twentyfour hour hl indIcates Inlelt that ihnttill thRI thattill
till I urn 1 dead rl1 although Ilholh company rmJny official officialI om < lJ I II Isay
I I ay l th working rkln are u 1 o extenivn 1nI and an angHllorixn nl amigi
gHllorixn gi 11 ilriea so < > nurnen I I rr > ii that 111 rome 11I may inijmirvl llY mayirvl
mirvl irvl Supt Thompson Thor xxp 1111 rtH pqiiin pqiiinI 11111
I men for I n resellers > oii IrM ri at II I oclock Irk tmghv tmghvi fnUht tnmghand
i and isill ill I hen I go m a wIth ith lh a Mr strti trII ng force forceIRISH forceIn
1 IRISH In < 1 M it IO en 111 1 n rrr TFTPTesideot
ITe PTesideot lrtent Isrefil rfnl 1 tn 1 nthln nthlnl fn fni toltlests
i I ttietlt fII liniit hult Home Inm Rule Rulei fluteBrczittr
i BCVERLT RrTZItt Mn ilaaa II Oct D lri Irllh Irish h mem memJ memohfr memhers I
J berg hfr of t Parliament Prlmnl who have M come om to toI tothis
I I thl country to mine fl fund tnrll in 1 upport uprt of n ofthe j
I the Ih home h m rul rule movement I called cali on onIresmdent j
Predid IrfldI Iresmdent nt Taft Titl thai Ihi nftem non on and Ind paid paidtheir paidtheir
i their re rrr rearects rearectsThe pert perti I
i The TI President if i i understood unrrln unrerptrwvfesrefumi wa wacareful I
careful 1111 not lo express xprf himself hm 1 on the thehome Ih thehum I
home rule nil uiieton anal In1 received rN the thedelegation Ih IhdIln thedelego
delegation dIln delego tn lion juM JI I n Al as h he < would Ilrl hnv hA received receivednny rflvN
nny in n other hr dmtinguuihH riAtnllh1 vtmtor Ilnr to I this thIsa I Iloiintry IOin
loiintry a Oin I I i iIn
In the th company nlpny were r John Redmond Redmondleni Jlmnnrl 1telrnondIemhr I
leni r of if llh the Inch frt party John Hoyle Ilrl and andinlv nt ntS
1 S j meVlfla 1 T P I fCIor ttannnr WII th the I IV IrlIv
inlv V rnttol r of the Il th delegation 0111111 who wh did didnot mliiiliii
not liii Mink 11 riia ke i he h trip t rl ri Ii to t 0 Heverly He I I Ia wi wil warn warnno1
1111 no1 l Itl a I Iknilon IknilonMr 101
Mr Ir tra Kndrnond P I H Filvitrirk of ofI 0 ofIk
I 1111 Ik < > < 11 ftti ni liidge linglev lln ly if f Hnlilnx Ihllx a formnr formnrMt lorlr lorlrynnrl fornrttornyO
Mt ttornyO irn y ynnrl < THriil of f Cnnili Iao I anti nndShiiiirin 111 t tMhiurit I ISI
Shiiiirin SI a f iU ti tn > n nNo II ala wrre r in a the Ih hart hartalai rt > I IKlixh jh
Klixh alai h IH ni elicit < < 1 nt 1 the Ih Tuft cottage olnc Mr MrSI Mr4I olrSlul
SI Slul urn a a ri I in etiii 111111 tmt a > rtiiiim rt 110a I th t Ii < t surf > iirty 7 at 11Ih 11Ihhi luncheoti luncheotii Ii
i t hm hi titin ii tn lift liftltiliir I II hi hiI
ltiliir I II tiIarae eainl aiaai Mlille t tail 1 M 00111 Held HeldTho
Tho 1 1111 1i thrf t 11 r Chin hl Ii I II > i4i 5 > niid mu tad llh Kit t ta white hu hi ii e womnn wunn n I Iwho Iho Iwho
who ho mri w r > irrn urreat1 in I n room r1 il it I Doyi 10 Ihiyri Ihiyriat > n nlr > I
at lr r > > ii I Satupliv SIrIv t am r I a V night IIh 11 I glut lu 11151 l After ihr a Torn TornFntik T Trll TortImn
Fntik rll Imn g nn 11 mm mu Mn I II Iii t iinu n a g innn nml 1t19 ii who w h ha w i us piling pilingi I piat I inc I
4 i plirird Ph I iai rl 1 n i h In vignlxMrd HIT < > tal talrwt I
wri 11 rwt ln h but l li I em ii stint hfl in ih I h ha wri wrist rlt t liy hyIII I y a arM arwMIumaa
rM rwMIumaa III uiik nlV rll w were r held by Magitrttn Magitrttnpp IIItr
pp i < ui m I th T Tombs imb nolle h court Irl ye yetenlav y yesterIav
tenlav 1I in I in tV 17 i tml for fr riamin imInation imInationIut1y mlnlo mlnlotl4f tioii tioiiton
ton tl4f Iut1y lay Tom 101 iung un wa held in IVM bail bailfor bullfor I
I for fOr trial tr trta1onhavI for iiviag v a revolver
1 1I
I i iI iI it iI
42OX 42OXj1t
ft j1t j1tKnox nun nunKnox
Knox Kox Hats Hatssuggest Hatssugget Hatssuggest
suggest sugget the dawn of a anew anew anew
new idea in fall fal head headdress ¬
I II Idress
I dress dress4S3 dre I IH
4S3 H Sth Avecor An cot 40th 401 St
196 5th Ih Are Y Fifth lh Ave RMg BId lc
I 161 RroaJnay Singrr Sinlr RMg RMgFLIES IIJg BldgFLIES I II
Kl 111 zzi IIAttKlr 11 < 11 lKMKS CHICAGO CHICAGOirv ruwoWil CHICtUirn
irv Wil irn rnnrEttKn I II1 IIIIKKS IIIIKKSCalifornia iuf I Ilnml tic ticsitferula
California lnml Atlatnr Ialnr Kvpret JI to Make Iak He Hepair H Hepair
pair 1 end nl Heviime tum muni for uO uOIf V3OOOO V3OOOOPurteTWt tOO4 tOO4Purie
PurteTWt If Purie Tt This Morning Iomlna ntllanl r and nd ndrl Mr MrCunl Meairily
Cunl airily rl > Ship hll Their Tlr MachInes > Ahead AheadCHICAGO thieaulCmttcAoo 11
CHICAGO < 1400 Oct n IL The Th start IrC of o Eugene KugeneKly tllln tlllnty EugeneEiy
Kly the Ih California hornla aviator 111101 In hi talc nt nttmpt alImpl attnlpt
tmpt to fly ft lo New w York and Inddcntnlly Inddcntnllylo
to capture ptlr a fyiuu I3W tU pur purse e was Wil some lmbC lmbCot somewhat somewhatof what whatof
of a 1 flrle flrleEly 111 111Er lizzieEly
Ely Er art1 tarte from the th Hawthornn llwhom race racetrack rlll raretrack ¬
track nbout allll tune In mile ml southwest outh e t of o Chi Chicigo tII ht htcago
cigo nt 4 un 10 oclock cIOk this Ihi afternoon tmoll Hn Hnlanded I hI hIlanded
landed lane1 a few minute maut later on the th ground groundof rnllI
of thn Ih lleverly 11rl Club 111 Inven miles mil south southThn tlth tlthTh southThe
The Th reason rl for or hi hi hits di aloscent c < nt so t oon IOI after afterKtartlug al afteretartiug r rIlartlU
Ktartlug IlartlU wa W n 1 broken lrkl propeller propellerIt prollr prollrI
It I I h epect expecteti xp d 1 that thl Kly EI 1 will i attempt attemptto aUtmltto
to re 111 resume iime hi his journey jOlmy eastward twrl in inthe Inth inthe
the th morning 10nll when 1n lit hil his machine Illchl ha t leeti leetirepamrtl > e > n nrepaired i
repaired repairedHefore repamrtlflefor
Hefore Ilto Fly 11 mail mll hi his Mart hn h made mar th thremark thmrk ths thsremark
remark mrk 1 will wil lx < the first tM man to I fly flyfrom n nrm flyfrom
from rm Chicago to New w York ork a illManc illMancof ihietanceof 11mC
of iOrtt 11 mile in an airship michipA I
A strong cold Iel biwrn In7 wn wnl blowing from fromth tromth fromth
th northwest orhw1 n its Ely tl pn IirIretI > < ar < l to stun stunHe tartlie
He I had wnitml wal1 n as long Ion I n us PeslhI1 M > eMib in the thehope th thho thehope
hope ho thit th the wind In1 would wOII1 di ei down own or orVeer orvawr I
Veer 1 over to I the Ih west 1 However It did didnot rld didnot
not 101 and after waiting nlllt for or an opportune opportunemoment oqairtunnmoment rua
moment from rm w 1 oclock Icllk In thn Ih morning morninguntil niorninguntIl
until 1111 111 1 he h mal the th nocvnt nocvntAn Ilnt IlntIlm uiscentAlt
An Immense Ilm crowd 1 wo w preitnnt to It with withhim wiatibIns Ih Ihhm
him hm all II kind kill of f good luck IIk on hi 1114 long longjoumny hungJourney
Journey among 11tt them liemg 111 tile Ii n I nw w bride brideKly hril hriltl larkieEly
Ely tl got ot uwuy iWII awii > with it good IMI Mart nnd n1 wa wasoon waln was54win
soon ln lot 1 to sight whIt flying n nR in a south southeasterly southawuaterly uth uthallrly ¬
easterly course COUTKHHe courselii 11 11II
He II h had < l not gone 0 far however until untilhe unll untilha
he h heard hr thn tu crack crck of r one 01 oil of hi tila pro proteller IroIUI propelter
teller IUI and ad he h was compcllid nlI1 to It dencend dencendA t
j A already allrl Mated he h landed IAII1 on the theI th
I around ArOlu of of o the I h Beverly ovprly Club Cilh huh Tho aoci a accibent
l Ilt bent > ent U i not no thl1 considered serious rOU and ha hawill h hewmll
will wi renew nw hi hi his attempt UIIt in the II mom momlnl morning morningFoster inc incC
C l Ko tOtr Foster ter Willanl 111 and alil J AI A I I McVurdy 1 Ir
flying In Curti bIplanes hlpln mndn IAI the Ih start utartwith startwith Iar I Iwih
with wih Ely IIy but lu bu they th thiC alighted nlttht1 after nlr a I i short shortflight shortflight hor I
flight ni ht over the th track < k Their TIlr mnchiiKoi mnchiiKoiwere mlhil
were taken apart lprt im and the th part rtll shlpiwd shlpiwdahead shliiiwdahead hllI > I Inh
ahead nh Willanl 11 sent nt hi machine to toCleveland toCierpianil
1 Cleveland < Kuffnlo UulaJo and Inc Mi Murlr < urdy ordered olrt hi hi lam lo loKuffnlo I 1
TIIII TIIIEI r rrvit rrvitlachlne FII 1ILSII MI IS IS3tirhlnc
lachlne > ahln of II Hamilton namlnn Kaufman allmn and andll andUr andlIrrs
ll Ur lIrrs > rre Injured 10Jurf1 at t IIemnleait 1011 Plain Plainfhern 1111 1111Th IiaIuirh
Th fhern wr ra thr three acculcnt 1CdllI nt II the theHempstead Ih Ihlmptd theiIetuisitid
Hempstead lmptd Ilam 11m nvintion n Inlon Held 1fld vet vetiny vestlii r
< iny 1 lii afternoon Ktlmon I harle har K I llairllton llairlltonafter Ilulllon IlulllonIIAkl hlamrtltonafter
after mnking IIAkl A hort tight Iiht IP II lu hi his new newHO newI W
HO 11 I III horeo hnrietxa er 5 Iriplnnn Irln I htoke hi Ik the Ih front frontcontrol Iroll frontcontrol
control 01101 In tanning IInrlOK Ih The trnchme dee II deiapeal I
oped n 1 high t sietwi < ee l nnd Mr 11 llniiiilton llniiiiltonme lleaailtonrmneJ Iullol Iullol10
rmneJ me < to hnv hl som on ni illtllciiltv llllrI III II keep keeping kpmc keepmng ¬
ing it I iidtr IIr control cnI I he h dnirme Inlra An AnIlhl n nlght IC ICSi
Si lght Ilhl glit nnO nnt Nr Ir Hamiltoii lalll ho hiva < e to lie 1 out outntmn outilgliir I
ntmn 111 today lodayheter 101 101t todayihecter
heter t Knufman lllrmn In the Ih Ie I I on onmiciilne nolchln ony onyni4cbtna
miciilne lchln nnd 101 lfr orne J 1 Hyrn 1rn m th thMnh tte ttetohaw J
Mnh lollw tohaw > tw < biplane hlpl were w the th two oth nl nlnilot uthr uthrstiators r rnitntor
nitntor nilot vho ah h nine ll itt to I grief Illt Th 1 h hess eiic eiicdentM oci ociiitits 1
dentM 1111 were r of morn ermnLR rioi nature lllflr both bothtiachine oihiiinchine
iiinchine 1ahl lning II nut Ill mt 111h letolv on I Ilon nf nfcon 1 1ton
con nlsion IIIIOn hiufman hauhnal iit r ill me nl ht alanauttwenty httoty > nnt nnttwenty
twenty feet froi tin I t ha ground when hrn h haciiught I Iluhl Ias
aciiught as lay h n gut 111 ol I vMml 1t iuit mil Hr up Ifeet IfeetIll 11 t tIlls
Ills Ii Ill 1lll iaaiistua iie t1 h ll lns I it ib I the h gioiind gioiindand 1WI guamiudarid
and ntll tmrtriiti I tt e flir urh tnbfl sri n litied lid l IM mimier T th thwrHkji Ihr the thewrsktg
wrHkji r Kaufmnn Inln e mp1 rnp d uiiiniureil uiiiniureillilton mtmmtijireia IIIr1
a lilton 1111 It Hnntion 1nlnn tnt < XIK t tl I < > n r a hiti hititlnt hil taitiethat
that lat wn wflc n wreo wrece1 rlit eii at t the h llann1 Illn liar I i wi I n nme 0h1 Limeet
me h1 meet t anal tr uriile 11 de i eucc sIereol l I iRht I hl the thefirHl II IIIIt tIpbrat
brat IIt lilN sine inr > tIe 1 nccideni nccidenixtoH niI niIr
xtoH r 5 IHH WHI > < > rnrr 1lt Z I in n I 1 i I rnit rnitKor Tm Ff111Iar
Kor 1 r ralnht ratsnielImlte h nip lillc If I He I II rile IU rrnni rrnnin IrnmhlltI trnitltatultiglui
n ltatultiglui rilncliin hlltI in llalllmore nllllr and 1 llark llarkWAEIIINOTdN 11 Ii ak akVArItTflhfi
WAEIIINOTdN W4rmsoTfs Oct I I C V firi7e pr7 i > f linOOO linOOOhn Ilooiiha 1001
hn hnll Itwui oflir olr1 nffrawl l by 1 ih I h ho Vn Viishimugtnta ihlll > hington lnl Iatt Iattto I r iisf iisfI
to I 0 Until I In uric I irahnmeWhite l ralnl rm ha our 111 hu u to the Ih t Knglii Kngliieviator t1 u gi Ih luau luauaviator
aviator 1101 if Ii I hill lnl sipcrasafiIIy iicrt fiillv 1 tnik Ilk nn nnaeroplane litgamnilnu rl rlnrolIII
aeroplane nrolIII gamnilnu flignf n t frm f1 fr in Wmtingtoii Wlilrlfl V3st imIguoll to toHiliinon t tILIIln talikuiiunnr
Hiliinon ILIIln > nml rniiitii 1 < IP Irhoa ling the th tha h hf iitv iitvof
of a f lliliitnor ita I I I un ifuitar and al1 a fl I tin u t Iia iiapt Yn liiiiKton am gt on MOIIII MOIIIIineiit 111 l in inmuemit
ineiit 111 without w uh it laawi I nlighting a I p lhl ghit ata g fruin fIII fr ui In ha as nmchino nmchinoTh 111 tiattuanTti
Th dltllltce IIt ti I > I IM y irtHl MIUKt IIf ri ll llHi
Hi 11 liii niilen ni I to I linnk Ik Ih worlds oll nnfl nnflmnde to oral oralnuiule
mnde 1 by ly Arch t ret HOXM I I lo a ee > V in I m 0 n 1 I continuous continuousflight enflt nloO I liii uas uasfllgtmt
flight from rnm Springllrld Sprlnglll Ill lit to St IXMIK IXMIKMr louamsMr
Mr oIl irnhnmehitennd Oriihsms hataanrl I lifTonl hlonll II lIar Hnrrnon 1111 lIarmnnii
rnon ro will give h exhibition lhlhlon Might IllChl nt lln llnnmg I ilnnmng
nmg nll track near thi this city I on October ctol > er 13 l lI II
11 I I I anti anl 15 I Mr oIl Cirnbnme OrIInm flratmanmWhlte White hl will ill at attempt altm1 attempt ¬
tempt to 0 make n flight flghl to Kaltimorn Ballor anal nndreturn analreturn 11 11rllm
return rllm without wllhOlt alighting a 11 I I on on 11 of lt the thednt Ih IhIn themints
dnt mints In named namedsv nlm1 namedsIx
sv sr sToItrIrS TOrU Arfs si iinit 11111 11111InJur1 tiiiinlnjmired iinitInjureil
Injureil nn siramlili Inlhll > t mint nl Anna nl flna tthen tthenHaIsSacti hrn hrnnrlea hnnla1
nrlea nla1 e < l Irntn uaranllne IhliarantinaMu < uaranllneSi rnln rnlnSilt
Si Silt stokers Iolr on fn ih Knbre uhr Line UI steam steamship III IIIIhlp Iteiniship ¬
ship Sant Anna nll nuac whih had hl1 Icen I ei held nt ntQuarantine I atumarantine
Quarantine < umarantine rlnln since eana 1 TIrl Tuenriii last 111 lie I mid al of ofth o oIh ofthe
th the cholnrn epidemic lit II Mrflilerrnnean Mrflilerrnneanport hrrannp
port p were 1 scalded alr1 bv h steam m when hn a atwelve AtwI atwelve
twelve twI inrh valve al on the Ih main port prf cvlm cvlmder cv hn hnrr tinJer
der rr blew out Olt Just before hfn the th rhlp left leftQuarantine I I1ranlln leftuasrianttne
Quarantine < 1ranlln for h hr r llp slip llp at the th foot of of1hirtvflr otlhlr
1hirtvflr lhlr 1 hart vfirst trt t street 111 South llrooklyn llrooklynyesterday Irnokho IrnokhoPInlar flrookivneatertlav
yesterday eatertlav aflern atlrnnn on Four rOI of th the > men meninjureil n mennjmjred n nmjurt
injureil were Frenchmen Frnthmfn and Inr two twon were werene werefle4raes
ne n fle4raes roe r U 1 lea least t two t of them ate ar in p a areriou armoims
reriou nnll condition conditionThere conditionThere nnlll nnlllThr I i
There were fifteen men ill the Ih
ttln I engine engineroom engaflerontul ll II IIrl
room rl at allh the time tll including 1IIIlna 1 hid Engineer KngmeerIjizardn EngineerlAzarUs
lAzarUs lzaJ nnd Second No1 111111 in nclll mner r Oinnllv OinnllvThn olllh olllhTh I uuatuilyThai
Thai Th two wo engineer dr alroppet > pp l to I the Ih flvr r of ofthe ftIh ofthus
the Ih engine nKI room r and 1 tnnnuged mOII u t 1Ih 1IhIhrOIh irmittie irmittietharoaigh < r > Mthe Mthethrough
through IhrOIh the Ih iron grntinc jrtlu Uait ait 11 Pavv PavvFirst 1 Ja y yFirst
First Officer Iorretn anti lhir Pairer Irr r llituliMu llituliMuran IIHI1
ran down t 10 th I h engine 11 ri rsarmi iin 1 nnd AII stat h tiotfiaaj tiotfiaajthe > > lp J Jthe
the Ih chief engineer nnd 11 IIIH n IInl setstamit > > i tnni in inturning ititurning
turning Ilrnlnl off I th ru r1 ruaslu li of t f st ti 1 > itn TIl Id six sixniili si sirujaqa 1
niili 111 who wh w ho had uTrn MII1 most fI > evetl Ci were werecarried wrnrl1 wreurracd
carried nrl1 to th h ship h hiifaIbal illHl utiil IJ ere eretreated arstaitel
treated bv I ih I h NhI hip Mirgmn lr Mr I ir l 111 air airtuitaiJi r rin
in mlin tuitaiJi i HIM lbroii IIr lttraauuaitt I
111 in of II Ir ir IViiv 11 I hinlili 101 h ofllci aafllp m > rH same KM on onthe 01 ti tittaa
the fh dik 11o talliiiic tiulk Ik tmi a with ilh i 11 apt In 1 l v ii Imt Imtlh hrnIr hieflmlii
lh splwiaaia po toi > i iiirtixl Ir It I n siigtaamasl siigtaamaslttiit imti IJI t < l ltint IIlll
tint Illl In injur JII > o Iuau ii 1 I > < tnUin Ik ua i ih ihMnrino Ihlfn i ha hatiur
Mnrino tiur lfn fla lo IIietitat iitil al n Kllix 11 IUiul l it it itlinnllv I itfinaiI
linnllv 111 I wn iii > iiii r as ii I > tnli tfl I > > thin all n li liIlrJilni II tu tultraak >
IlrJilni 1ohn ltraak liti w IIIIMU uiai 1 < > ilrh a n as fent fentt entI nl nlrl
t rl ih I < inii auiaJiIa II > tiit I f Hititn M and 11 f I usa jiinbii jiinbiillic MIII atatiiaiiitia
llic 1 > HIH 111 1151 n Miiii siiiiil > l tf I I ln r rurv4 rurv4from xiTM > 4 4from
from IrlU from the t h I a i rtli rt hi n liu 11 aai ml stat tA1 a n Ii ire Ta fit fitthn II IIIh Putml
thn Ih ml pier iaer whii th hi hl > diMkiil nt nuiii liNk liNkAtiibiilntue I
Atiibiilntue iii 111 a I hata HiirvixfH sir1w rvn ti a run ril up I 1 fa th t h ha t a rig rigplank C Cfilank
plank lank with big Ia IHII 111 I lin l ml Fal I and andlatir 11 11Lr analjatr
latir Lr tin Iu miir iniatei 1 mm Ui 1 ncri 5i I in fii 1 fl i > ih ihorvi iiitir 1 1or
orvi or ginn gia Cl 0 lliwpiinl lliwpiinlIhn I I a saai t I Illae
Ihn 1 first oiil In1 vepnl > i n 111 < I fubin il p liaerflgars liaerflgarswet < u > iipngei iipngeiwere 01
were 1 allowed > land ve vsterlir lenliv l IMI twit it the thelnrn theinai
lnrn 101 steerage Inl lnzre m nc r will wil > la M > kept on onlioarrl nnho1 ianhoard
hoard unlUnWe InlU uantd Wnly 5neMUy < at t that tho order of o ofta j
tt u ta Health let Officer Omcr or t
THE TiE IrA UK I II ITT3 IT ITCampaigner IrnlJlsnp IT4anipatgneri
Campaigner nlJlsnp Itatent u tnl seen Carnegierasnnoo Carnegie amI amIn arnegissUandtdstl
rasnnoo n llCan Uandtdstl ndldalflr < lt < late far Ietie Coternor CoternorIn mor mort
In t Mlumn far I Uh U Heponllran Talk Talkt Tll TalkTsnrnasnyItesnt
Mluml 1 MpUM
I at t Tammany TnllanUtnl TsnrnasnyItesnt lleant Ammunition AmmunitionI mmDIUen mmDIUenI mmDIUenurA
I Norman urA F r Mack the th Democratic Democraticnation nmoraUl
I nation natonl national commltlenman rommllma fnln from rum this Ihi State Statej 11 11I
I coins IUO tit It town tnw from rr Buffalo 01110 last night with withllerlx wib wibrt withhierhicart
llerlx > rt P I lli IiI lliasehl ll who wan u permanent permanentchairman Irat Irathlnn peaflntchaIrman
chairman hlnn of Oie tl Hoche nochtr ter convention conventionMr nUonI
Mr oIl Mack hadnt hrnt heard the th story IItor that thatAndruw thMAnrrw thatAndrew
I Andrew Anrrw Carnegie arnjI had har given Iyn liooon 100 to the theDemocratic Ih Ihorlrlc thefletnocratic
Democratic orlrlc campaign > I fund unr l hit bust > ilt he h hIlijhl wan wani wasnaighty
i Ilijhl mighty sure u that 1111 with wih or without wihout a big bigcampaign lugratnpMgi li
campaign fund InI Dix thu l and thn rest t of the theI theticket
I II ticket ikt am a going olll to win in sweepingly sweepingly1ve pinlly pinllyI
I I 1ve I twen + n Around the th Slat 1tl H iome mo m since sincehtochsster inc inci Inl >
i I Hoohenter Ulhtr wild hi Mr 11 Mack olalk and Ive Ivetalked I IIlk1 Ivetlked
talked to a lot of Republican regularI regular JIIrI
I old war hort ho horses e who ho would olid have h 0 l leti > en in intuited I inI ¬
I stilted 111 III in II former orr yearn rAf if I you 01 hnd a ukd aekecithetui ked kedthrin
thrin if they writ going 101 to support lpprt a aDemocrat a1IO aIemnocratt
Democrat 1IO < rt Thin 1111 time IIOft theyre thf Insurgents innurgentNuro
silt uro 11 enough Pretty lrll nearly 11 nil al of them themI the theI thenhiate
I have hl1 In the same am lde io They T y My that IhA they theydont Ih Ihelnnl theytinnt
I dont think Ihlik it I I ill ii a dignified thing for nr an aneiPrmldrnt aneilresltletit n n11hlrll
eiPrmldrnt 11hlrll of th the Inlted States HII to topractmt tnral topractise
practmt ral politic pohlN the Ih way ay Mr Ir Hooeevelt Hooeeveltin Inlt Inltil
in il doing roinl and nrl they th agree 1 that t a victor victory ICIOt for forS or orM
S t Ilmon imf on mean mnlllolt Itoornrelt in IBI2 IBI2Naturally IDI7nllral 191 191Nntiarally
Naturally nllral I look lok at t the Ih situation situationthrough situationthrough ltuUonthr
through thr ouh rose 10 colored rlo1 glo J glasses e hut hiI there1 theresa thrnmorllt
a Democrat nmorllt feel In the th air AII You 0 can canmell cansmell an anmll
smell mll it jui Just t an 11 you YOI can rln smell 1mIl ozone wh when whnn n na
a big hi thunderotnnn thllllor brrak hlkll loose 10 I look lookfor lok lokfur lookfor
for recordbreaking rlorlhrklnjt regmt JllItraton ration tomorrow tomorrowIwoaiiiw Inmorr tomorrowteuuso
Iwoaiiiw I there I III more mtrrcot in tin tincampaign Ihtl Ihtllmmln this thiscampaign
campaign than in any an xnce InN I The Thefarmer Th Thfarm Thefarmers
farmer farm are Rr getting ready d to II ta vote lt and andfrom Rnlthum andfturn
from all al I can lln gather Illhr they think well 1 of ofJohn o oJohn ofInbn
John A Dix You YOI know there haft h been beenfeeling a aNln afeeling
feeling Nln in thin late 14lht > that the lawyer were weregetting wetgetting 1 1ltl
getting ltl too 10 many hn chance chaC in il the tl > xilitical 1 jxhitiealgame xiliticalgame > lllc1 lllc1Phf
game Phf and that thl IIIanII hiamsinraii ni inri > men ought oUlht to I Ipllt he heput M Mput >
put forward forwllrl Dix Ix I hc known lnon a mia a oquare oquareMwvwMftil atpaaresuccessful IIarl
successful 111tullllil liuoineoit man manTalking manTalklnj manTaiklng
Talking Talklnj about 1MI I do you know that thatthin thatIhl thatthis
thin campaign mplln to my mind will i he h ht hersvmraiwi 8fl 8flreverted
reverted t That TIUt I Is people 1111t believed < 1 four fourteen tourfln fourteen ¬
teen fln jeir eurS ago IIO that t ht William Wilam Jennings JennlngHrynn Jenningsflran Jnninl
Hrynn IIAn ought to be h beaten 11 The Th Indira Indiralion India Indialon Indieations
lion lon are I that the Ih people 1111 intend mllnd to bent bentTheodore bpnI beatTheodore
Theodore Itoonevrtt 0 thin year 1 Wherever Whereveryou Whtr r rYOI
I you YOI go you 0 dont heir much talk 111 of ofKtimfton o oI ofl4tlmson
Ktimfton Xlmln it I its nil 11 Hooeevrlt Youd never neverknow nprklow neverknow
I know klow that thI SUiniton Slmlll WAX AI the th candidate cRndldalt for forJovernor forliocernor nr nrnmpmor
Jovernor nmpmori liocernorAtatI JovernorAnd
i And harmony nor DY Boys were wrf more moretogether mort moretogether
together lolthr than t hn weve wp vs ever fr l been > een Every Everylimn r1 r1mal
limn mal whoa hM name nlm wan wnl mentioned llonf1 at atKooheAler atOhlr athtochester
KooheAler Ohlr for or flr n1 t place IaN on the th ticket ticketand tkt tktnd tirketamid
and there are I fifteen fl11 of them Ih Parker ParkerShepard PAkr PAkrhllt ParkerShepartl
Shepard filynn OIYln Hernnl ad Suler Haven Havenand 11nl 11nlnd lfavansand
and nd all ni the th rent r are going jltt on the t h Mump Mumpfor flllmlfor staimlafor
for Dix Well lplt put up 11 i bolter heu I campaign campaignthan camnIwiugmithan 1 > 11
than thn fur or many InnT year yearSo yaarso 11 I
So 0 I dont think Ihlik Dix r1 i is making Inklnlt a ainietnke nrilnk amistake
mistake rilnk by I Maying on 11 hi lila farm farl ln insteutl insteutlif teid teidof I
of o if touring laurnI the th Suite He I dixxnt believe believeIn hI I IIin
Iin In ppectacular method lthl He II think that thita aI aIfpw
a few opeeche 1h In tirge LUj cities 11al and < 1 perhaps perhapsnumber rh
a number nUIIr of familiar talillr talk to callers 1111 mil milbe willbe I I
be t of more Ino value nlu than thn peci I train con canvassing I Ivniuing
vniuing 1 In 1 There are Rrt precedent lrfNnl for o hi hicour hil his hisroulre
cour 11 e irovor rOr levelitid made that thI thatkind j jkind
kind 11111 Flower IInr of Ir a campaign mmpnlln and nd no o did Harwell lwel P PFlnwer 1 I IFlower I
Mr Mriark II Mack llck Mid fhl he h expectel xo t to taVe hi a apretty aI
I pretty 1 active nel part in the Ih campaign cnmlIK Mr MrHivrll MrI 11
I I Hivrll m1 i is the th walking encyclo encyclojuelia n yclolI eiit for forthe torIhp forthe
the Democratic mOmtl State committee cmmll He J ii i ith Ith us usthe
th the author of the th campaign lnl > ltn textbook textbooki Iubok IubokI
i whlh whl h U i Ii full tul of nrgument nrIUIn why folk folkhouldnt folkIlhouldlt folkstahnumldnt
Ilhouldlt houldnt trail tli with the th Kepubhcan Iplblcn thi thiyear thlr thIs thIsyear
year r and nIl he h expert xpt to he on Oi tap if I more moreI mol moreinformation
I Information Infomlton ha hMlo has to be I Ii dug dll up upState II IIi ii iiState
State Chairman Chaamnl Winfleld Wlntlr A Hurpuch Hurpuchof lurplth lurplthot
i of hudson I udn Fall 11 caire aln to New sew w York ork lam lamnight Iat Iatntltht lastnight
night to to take lak charge dlrl at headquarter headquarteri hrlqlalrll hrlqlalrllI
i There wa W a good IIMI deal 11 of I curiosity clrloi1 an a to towhether Inwhlhr towhether
whether Mr II Huppurh JIIIh will wi receive the thecheck Ih Ihh thecheck
check h k for or inuou I which hlch Andrew ndr Carnegie Carnegiei lrnll lrnlli
i iatd is eatd to ha vxrnntributed Mr Ir Huppuch HuppuchI IllpIuch IllpIuchI
Mild at the Ih Waldorf AlrlorIIlorl Aatoria that he h had hadreceived hdnn hadreceived
I received no information lorralol about ahnlt Mr oIl Car Carnegie Carnegiea ar arnal ¬
negie negiea alleged 11 t contribution onlrlhllon Arthur Arthurot A AMrlenn 4 4McIeaan
Mrlenn of Newbtirgh Swhl h the Ih treasurer rulrr of ofthe ofIh ofthe
the Ih State Inl itiinmittee Immll t knew kn notning about aboutthi houitth UI UIIh
thi > matter 18r and IlId Mr I Dix jlt nald Nil over the thephone th thhon theuhone
phone hon that hii it t wu n new to him hll Chair Chairman hairman ¬
man 1 Huppurh 1plIh take takP hold todar lola with withPletat lh lhplI
1 plenty V nf f enthutinum nlhlolllm flt He II put an al inter interMew Interymew
Mew 1 mn 11 one nn mrilinre mrilinren to
era > n 1 > going to win Wi w In a whopplnr victory victorybut ktoryhit
but hit were going Oli to do some am whopping whoppingwork hopin hopinork
work ork fir firi 11 11r first firstrhiere
i Tinre r wnnt lnt much Ilch activitr Ct around aolli the theI Ih Ih111hl1
I 111hl1 lleimbtlran headquarter State II Chair Chairman Chairan hairman
man an Ezra 711 P I Prentice Inti who wa WAi was at head headquarter har headquarters
quarter ll1rtr nil nlII lay iMiml a statement urging urgingi Irlinl
i epublicin 1IIin < and 110 mile Iclrndnt > end nt to get getliuy jt jtAY gethiusy
liuy AY today 10IIY with wil the th registration registrationThe rIIlratloo
The nntiTanitiinnv tllTnmlnnv voter of New NewYork ew ewirk w wYork
I York irk cilvrhould Il cit v should holhl appreciate llrVI moe mi han I any anytlierV anyttiarh oy oyt
tlierV t 11 said hi Mr Ir Prentice the h necessity necetwityof
of 0 nci rgistarltig t TltiK tnrly orl and nll working wlrktl for mar I the thehiicrfho I I Iu ha haauicce
hiicrfho u nt af t III u h INpilltllcnti 1IIIlrll tirkH Ik Here Herewo 11 tIerw
I wo w know kll it toaa < C lint TunnnlY riiiiiiimny Fia an muntay IIIWHIK m hut Ii iat I lx lxfor t >
I for thia < h < nmpiiBii lml 1 IN I mnch lilr ili > r the I ae rest reotof rtot restof
of th Slat n ill iiiiderHtiuil 11111 Hint the thei Ih IhI
i Democratic 11ral I lickft t 1 H i but I a rov nr > r for 1 the thextenioti I theI h
I > xtenioti X I flea mu of f at tin t ha Murphy IIrh ujri h control etiflt 101 Tmn TmnI ramtI n I IX
I 1111f inanv of if course Ir will w 11 ill sw > f > ethat t hat it its full tul vote voteIK nl nlI oteis
IK I rrKiHteriil Ilr hit ir hi huw > r x > I that inde Indlln Indllnn1 tndaiwtaaiatalM > en endnlH
dnlH and n1 llepuhlican IpullrAII will II not lnt neglect neglectili neglectrlaair
ili rlaair ir optMirtunity on the tl first frat day of ofregistration ofr
p registration registrationJ r itrUlol
J I Pniudent Irilft Orioom rllm of th the h county clnt com commit cm cmmit cornmitt ¬
p mit mit mitt l 3id 311 he h expected lrlll l a very vtry Urga Urgargirtrntion lce lcerlllrnlln iargep I
rgirtrntion rgirtrntionEvery rlllrnlln rlllrnllnfr ragisirntlonEvery
Every fr effort lort nhould loul be made he h Raid Raidto Midfl
to fl make th < first fr day notable nOlhl Inasmuch inanmucbn InaMuch InaMuchn
n Os I believe hf1 thai the Ih voter tr are a not no going goingto Itolnl
to nllow nlw themselves thmI to be I l befogged > rojll by byTammany h hI bya
a Tammany Hall 111 hlalle endeavor Tor to drag Ira na naMimnl n n11nll nittainal
I Mimnl iw Issue ue info the Ih campaign mlIJ Itii Itiii Iul IhaaIs
i Is a Stat tln election IIIn The 1 h i 11 issue ue I tat abe abaoi nhl abelutely
i lutfly clenr rMr and sha he h account nllt of the th Sara Snratogi Nra NratOI Saratng
togi tOI and an < l Rochester RIhtr convention cnflonl prove ro It ItI itThe I
iTh The I he bu huin liatsiness ine men m of n th the community communityi rmmuity rmmuityrtAIII communitycertaital
i ertainly rtAIII > are 11 mt lt going Iolnl to Maml for or Tam Tammany Tnmm TanimnaaycoratroIofthiecntrartsanti ¬
many m mnaaycoratroIofthiecntrartsanti cont Ct1 rol 11 of the th contract mtrle and 1n finance financeof fnC financesof
of the Ih State flt The Importance Imirtan of regi regiferlng regis registerlng gi gitrlnl
ferlng trlnl a as early nr H as no plhl possible lbl on th thl the firm firmday fr flr flrdav
day In I evident Ivldfnl to all allHefore ni allflpfaire
Hefore rM the Ih campaign I Is over 011 Tam Tammany Tammany Tammany ¬
many Hall 11 endeavor neor to cloak II0k it 111 its at attempt attmit 1 1tfml1
tempt to reach OLI Olt and control cntMI th the entire entirehtite tntr tntrIt entirehtit
htite It will wi be h J en o clear rar that Ihlt any hone honevoter hnnl honestwter
voter Ir will wi more than Ihln regret rfrr hi his failure failureto i ito
to I have ha registered registeredI r
I At 1 the th Park Iuk Avenue fU Hotel IInt1 where the th thI
I Independence InlflldnN league lalu manager rnnlllII areqiiar ar are qtlar qtlartered laI j jtered
tered 11 there wen hint hinl thai they hive hiveth hA hAlh havethe
th the MtilT 1 to make a lively hI campaign mpl 1h Theta 1hrIrlmallon Thetawere re rewen
wen intimation Irlmallon that thlt William Wlinm < It I hearst Hearntwill 1rt 1rtwi hearstwIll
will take the Ih Mump Maima um early 11 with another anotherhunch anlhrhunh snrtherluanch
hunch of letter I 1 The Th league 1llu i is going goingti RolnJ gob gobI
ti I give 1f up it its h heaiiquiarters adiimrter at the Ih Park ParkAvenue PrkAlIu Par ParAvtaais
Avenue nnd 1 n1 take room rmll on Broadway Broadwayn Irlwa Irlwannr I
n nnr r Koitywond < street Ir by Tue TuIAY lay daiyflat < layn
n flat > H Ihe r h cnmiMlgn manager rnlltr want wantIn ant antI
In I gel II closer rlmJL111 to the I centre 1 of town I Iliihn Ihhtu
liihn 111 1 Hop IIiaier > er candidate for nn nnmlr iov iovernor tav tavernor
ernor mlr Chairman hllrmAI 111 Charles K t Oehnng of ofth otIh oftti
th county rommitteo ormil and other nhr lode Indexnilniv Ind1nI lodeiwflaIi
xnilniv 1nI Olr IxBgiK AIII leader Ia are n not no making makingany makinl
any an pr lrlelll predictions < dictloiM a as to how many may votes votentheir YII YIIIhir votest
their t lirkft Ilkt I s lll II poll JI but they t Itrfieve Ih IhR a ao mis missite
site o R cald hl at the th Park Avenue VfU yesterday yeterdayItitit
Ititit II t I H I > T 1 fvlth hearst I AII I will il draw drawIWiixi tiraiwlreulusu 11 11tI
IWiixi tI in it ireater 11 New V rk ami at lt leant leantVIIMI least4iai
VIIMI 4iai up Stnt StntHiididnti tlnl tlnlt blmimelastiulitlitto
Hiididnti II wai n caller callerat
t lllal Hopper 111 receiving rfllnl al
at I ih < Inrk Avemir tv llr auaa li liai l night Illht lie I gate gateout gavenull
out I II I i letter let t r he h glH Il from tr ItetilM 1I I Ii lymi lymiof f 11 11I
of I luili It II Ia Indci ltattwnilati ndcnct l lsguae aguo nominee nomineefor nnrin nnrintr notninafaar
for AMociate tee data JudgH IIII 1 aolg of t the thl I Iaju Court of t A Al 4aialia 1 >
l > enU Mr I lyiMi 1 i yon wrnt wrntiiui s 11 11nIo ritaa
> iiui a riMMjniei nIo a il llsaang in n the h anile inlMnillii Inr anileter
Mnillii < li ter re r I mm ii itead tl iMt lo Ia hn I itri ii the theInket I haticket
ticket Situ 11 roi n nnil n1 arcr rr r the h nomination nominationfur IIAlon IIAlonI
fur I tuitt of lt af the he h I our of Ir Alitwals Alitwalsaear A ItII ItIIOi l loir
oir Oi ml mission ien rrrtn pm In he lo dn dD n Tam Timroinr Tamman Tammany
many man Hall lal No Uttlac 1tII iHmocratlc lkmMrtlc euCvu euCvutJa ucr UC M Mcan j
1 can mvsr T e r b be alai attained tuin U la i ti But 81t or ftttlca AatO
The Te Celebrated Celebated Weber Webe Piano PianoMade Pano PanoMade PianoMade I I IEveone
Made Available for forEveryone forEveryone
Everyone EveryoneIt Eveone
It is one thing to own such a piano as the te Weber WeberQuite WeberQuite i iQuite
Quite another to be able to play it to make complete co iplete use of the thesuperb thesuperb thesuperb
superb musical musicl possibilities posibitiC such a masterpiece of piano building offers offersThere ofer otTersThere I IThere
There arc just two ways in the world in which whih you can gain complete completecommand compktecommand I Icommand
command of this or any other piano pianoOne pianoOne i iOne
One is to spend years of your our life lfe in mastering masterng the difficulties difculies of piano pianotechnic pianotechnic I Itechnic
technic And then further years ears in perfecting yourself yoursef in musics highest highestattainment highestatainmentthe highestattainme
attainment atainmentthe ntthe the art of sympathetic interpretation interpretationThis rzltrlalio1 I IThis
This is the old way the hard way and the long lon loneThe way wayThe warThe
The other is to avail yourself oursef of the new royal road rOid to musical musicalproduction musicalproduction musicalproduction
production and ald interpretation interpretationThe imrprelatioThe lltprtlal m mThe
The Pianola Piano PianoHave
Have you hesitated b itat d to expend ex nd the th um surawhich you are able to play and at once every eve evewhih eerywhich
j I which whih such puch a piano as a the Weber Webr com commands ¬ light lRht opera opra hit hitevery every el grand opera opra selec selection 5leC 5leCmard selecinards ¬
mands mard because caue you could not lot play it itYou tion ton every eel classic casic masterpiece materiece in the thewhole tileYou I
I You need no 10 longer hesitate The Weber VeberPianola eUr whole repertoire reproire of the pianoforte And Andbecause AndPiaol iiidPiawltz
Pianola Piano you ou and every member of ofyour because Ucaue the Pianola has that most mOlt wonder wonderful ¬
I your oul household and every efl friend frield who visits visitsyou ful of all ni devices deicesthe the Afetrotlyle JdrIJJ 4We1rosayfrou you are areable areI areyou
you ou can play pIa immediately immediatelyMore able to play pla this thit music in just the spirit spiritwhich pintrore pirutMore
I More than this With a little ltle interesting interestingstudy inter lin which inspired insp r d the composer comperith cornpo5erwith with pathos pathosdignity patbol patbolstudy palho58tudv
dignity dl mt brilliancy or reverence reverenceAble reerencget reverenceget
study you can learn ler to inttrprtt n r rd music musicto to toget bnllancy
get at the soul tul of it i the feeling fee1n of it an anthough a Able sk yourself yoursl seriously Could an Mim Mimbe iumthough umthou
though thou h you were a master rnnsterofthepianoforte of the pianoforte pianoforteThink pianofore be too to great Kret for forsuch such a piano as at this which whichoffers whichThink whichThink
Think of it With the Pianola Pialoli Piano offers ofers such perfect prfect music mastery masteryThe mastel masteryI II III
I The Pianola Piaola Piano May Be Obtained Obtined Only Ony at Aeolian Aeolan Hall HallThere Hal HallI
I There are any other places where he you ou can obtain pianos with players playersin player
in them Not only on I however do these other instruments iustrmenta fall fal short shor of ofgenuine ofKenuine ofgenuine
genuine Pianola Pianos as al pianos for Handplaying la1i lail but not one of them themcontains thet thetcontain themcontaitl
contains the celebrated Pianola Pialola recognized r co ize by all al musicians musicans and musical musicallaymen mUI musicallaymen al allymen
laymen lymen as the Standard Pianoplayer Piano plyer of the World WorldPIANOLA WorldPIANOLA VorldIIANOLA
PIANOLA PIANOS cost from rm SSSO 550 upward upwardPurchauble upwardPurchublc upwardPurchasable
Purchasable Purchublc on moderate moeBtr monthly payment P rtnt and a liberal liberalallowance 1I11 1I11I liberalallowance
allowance lo c m made on other O h piano Ik taken In exchange exchangeTHE exchangeTHE
I The Te Lamest Uft Manufacturer 1bnufacturen of Musical MusicalInstruments Mulcl AEOLIAN HALL HALLIntrmeat HALLL
Instruments Intrmeat In the World 362 Fifth Ave near ne near34thSt 34th St New NewYork York
until that orcanitlon orcanlalon K I drivro out Olt of ofMr ot11IQL ofMr
11IQL 11IQL31r
Mr llmrv 1111 I Is a good ood oo and ml nl tn 1111 true I nmMral nmMralr m xr t tIn
In eerr fTr r SMI It In the h I flint nlnl irrpi III1 X aW aWVomh w wYork
York 0 unit n1 hr 11 hi 1 I nut becalms ca h he h hIhr hIlh ha hathe >
Ilh the roiiracr Iurac tu tight f < ht the 11f lanmiiny lnlnI orctnl orctnlzatixn oranlI orianizaiinn
zatixn zatixnAll zaiinnAu atn
I All 1 three Ihl > parties prl will wi get It to work workActively workA workactively
Actively A < Ily hr h th the mlddl < if > f this week k On OnWrdnmdar O OnVadnsaday
Wrdnmdar Wlnflda John A Dix Oll Is I to he notified notifiednt nolllt
I nt n hit hi home Thomson Toml X Y a A nr special specialutratti > ei l ltrain
I utratti train trall will wi l tie > e nin na vim to Thomson Thoma leaving leavingAllmnjr Iayln Iaylnlw leavIngI ap1 ap1I
I Allmnjr Altsoyahoiit lw about ahlt II t l1o4 110 SO A M 1 on o W Wtnty Wednesday lne d T Tlerl
lrlor > lerl lerlsrt > ert niiwell I chairman hnlrAn of 0 the Demo Demo0r omn omnI Democratic
I 0r rrl cratic tic notification nOllttallo committee emmll and nd many may
Democrat DIMfl including the nominee noml other olhrIh otherthan
1 than Ih Governor are AI to Journey to Thorn Tom Thomsoil
1 i on 11 arriving there Ih Wednesday WteHy when whenUHlirUto whenanallaiste hf
1llra UHlirUto Ihl ix I III to give Il the th keynote Uejrnoleupeech k keynotespaach yole yolerh
upeech rh of the Ih Democratic DmOrti campaign campalxnAttornerGeneral tmplJ campaignAttorneyGeneral
AttornerGeneral 1 omrOnr I Itdwanl wrt ii I OMtllnr OMtllnrI U OMallrivtnnnainres hllY I II
I nnnouncen nnnOII that hn h hi b i elected > ltf specIal specIalI cpecm cpecmi ll llIdUtH
i IdUtH I deputies who will 11 l tie > on duty each oh dy d of ofregimrnlion ofrfllllrlon ofI
I registration rfllllrlon Ind and nd on election plltlon d day ay y in every everycourt ry ryolaalllrla
Magistrates olaalllrla court urt In the th city IIY A As wa wadon w was wasdone
don l last t Year application plalnn will wi tie I made madeto rd I
to Ia he h Supreme upr Court Olrt to MriUe Itnk from rm the theregister th tho theregister
register of o election 1fllon the th name nlmN of all allpernmn allIerans 1
pernmn rn registering Illegally illeeallyi 1 II III
i Tho Th AttorneyGeneral ittorneyOsneral tomrn1 1 c CI calls ll attention IUnton to toin II toa
in An a new oliue < Lu In the Ih election plftnn Uw W which whIchcornls hlehrlll I II I
I iHtrnpela rlll every r veiTon en who did not register registerin Iltitr I Im
in thin county lnl nt lt the th Ut election lllnn to give givetlie givethe h htl
the tl siam under which whllh he h doe dO hi hi his hu hul hulI husi husiness i ior
I n ness or the Ih n nml name > me nf n hi his employer This ThUtwo ni Thisuitis
I alcA uitis two column rlumn to t tho already alrMry lr lrI largehook large largein
hook in the th registration latUon book bk making makingthn mak Ina InaIh
I tth thn Ih total 24 24rlRT 24risar <
1 rtnnr rlRT n Po PAT r TO 1 nratKien nratKieni I FolZ I
i I Today In th first ntt day of registration regUtratlonTho < lttlon
Tin other regUt registration ration days thta thIajear year Nr are aretomorrow a aI aretomorrow
11 rJitlton
tomorrow Hatunlty Mtlly and ald and next ntl Slonday SlondayIt 3londy 3londyIt
I It IK I necessary nflr t 1 to < > register rplllltr on one on4 ott of o thee theet th thI the theI
I four alI d alays Iay y in ocular orlr to vote ot on November oYfmlr 8 8i 81lon
i election 1lon day The n polling places pllC will wi I Iopen be beoln beopen >
open today for or registratIon < plln trtun from frm 7 A M Muntil Mtamatil 1 1Inlll
oln until Inlll Ul II I > M MIt 1 l lit
> It will wi surprise Ifrl the Ih politician plticln of o both bothnimi bolhcal bothcatnlai
nimi cal if the th regivtrntion Ilmtn thin ve yatr 1 r don donnut dC doesmoat
nut iree4l that < of U 11 luaat t y year ir when there therewan thtr thtrWi therewas
wan Wi n fnlllnc flcllnrot off of ulx abolt shout > nl lAmi 110n in Man Manliu alantiumtaui An An1111tLI
1111tLI liu tiumtaui It i ii emil Itlli The Hnnix U11 front rom lh thai lrei lreiMontis IrvsItlcntial
Montis I figures 1 lji I lAst year the h total totalr Inlll Inlllrli totalrgiutratton
r KiMratlon rli traton Ilr in il Manhattan lanhln and nc The ThaUnm Thenr TImeItrina
Unm nr > x the t flrat nlt dir ii ay i was w miMi Inl11 and llln lllnth in inthn Inthe
the th rntirn nIlI city < llr 190137 111 I Doth Itl lbs th Repub Republican IfGlb IfGlblin hlapublican ¬
lican lin organIzation urjnlrllon and nol Tamnuny TImn will wi I IbUY ba babu bebusy
bu bUY y today seeing In that tht voters register mgiiterand tll r rnd
and nd both expect Ipl n heavier h yler registration reglatratlonthan relltrUoD
than th last year < r
If JEM W C BENNETT IFTT A 4 SflCIltE SflCIltErnlladelphla StICIDErtlladelphla 11 11rUdlpla
rnlladelphla rUdlpla Insurance IMornM Broker Hangs HaniIllmteU lne lne11m Hangshimself
himself 11m In Atlanlle AUnl CTI CTIATLAKIIC lt ltAmawrlc t tATLKulrTT >
ATLAKIIC ATLKulrTT CITY X J Oct O B DWIIm DWIIme 9WIlliam 9WIlliamC William WilliamC
C Bennett nn t aged all S3 3 and for year r i well wellknown wpl wellknown
known know insurance Irlfnl broker Irokfr of Philadelphia Philadelphiacommitted PhUdlphlrommlttt PhiladelphIacommitted
committed nulcidn 11lcld by hanging bnalng himself himaelfto hllt hlltto
to a bedstead by ttri strips > s torn from frm hi hinightshirt hinl hIs hIsnightshIrt
nightshirt nl < < hthlrt early rly thin morning He Heknotted I lieknotted
knotted knonl the Itrl strips trir around arnd hi hi hIs neck nlk In Inhangman Inbanjman Inhsngmans
and nll then dropped down downon
hangman banjman style tyl drrJ dow dowo
on o hi his kn knees e H to strangle elrngll hImself hlmelfBennett hmll hmllnn hImselfBnntt
Bennett nn t had hr made previous effort effortto effortsto tort tortto
to end fud hi his life l lIt In his bl Philadelphia Phlldelphl home homeduring hamdurlnc homeduring
during an attack lack of melancholia melanchola which whichhad whlcbhd whichhad
had lasted latl for tnI month Aa a consequence cotuquencaof ClupnC
of the th attempt the ga gas had been I n tum tumnt turned turnedoff
off In hi hil his residence idnC and IInr I he h w wu brought broughthere hmu broughthere < < ht hthftf
here In charge of a special 8 I nhyaician nhyaicianThe ihyIcInTherinctor
lac thylelD thylelDThrlOtor
The ThrlOtor Therinctor doctor caw IW hi his patient p sleeping peace peacefully peacefully ¬
fully 11 Ihi morning mom In and nd left If the th apart apartment apartmnll apartmnnts ¬
ment mnll tu secure flr breakfast When hn hnreturned h hrtuml heretairnrri
returned rtuml h he found Bennetta nnU body hang hanging hnaIn hanging ¬
ing In < from rm the po rt p41st t of the th bed All 1 J effort effortaat tlon tlonat effortat
at nviuitcitation llltlon failed failedTho failedTha It
Tho n dead IA man leave a wife wl and nd family familyin tmiy tmiyIn
in 1hllndelphia lhlldlhl Xervoua ervous roW prostratIon prttlon la lagiven I IIln 1given
given Iln a as the th rnur < II of the Ih melancholia melancholiaHROOUMN mlnl melancholiaflHOOl4I hnl hnlRRnI
Q W Halbert HalbertE HalbertEblhd
E Ubllahcd Eblhd 1869 1869HSHII 1869Mln 1569Hewie
HSHII Mln Bacirattft BacirattftAraMttclHral IscratrsAisMitotisral rtH rtHAreWtt
AraMttclHral AreWtt AHirallMi AHirallMiPrail AlernN AHsratlssNsrilwesd II i
la Nsrilwesd we FrHrl FrHrlllul FtrsPrasllu
Prail Prasllu llul a4 Sllcutll SllcutllS5 Swggsstlu
nnooKLiM nnooKLiMTcL fOaKL fOaKLTeL t tTel
TeL 2A90 2190 Mete Ma
I + In Exclusive New Designs Designst +
t THE THE demad demand for a Carpet which whichL
possesses an aristi artistic vaue value con conforming conforming
forming to the
higher decorative decorativestandards decorativestandards
standards is fuly fully met by our hand handsome handsome
some Witons WitonsTe Wiltons WiltonslEe
Te lEe thik thick firm pie pile of this fne fneweave fine fineweave
weave offers unusual possibite possibilities for foreffectve foreffective
effectve effective treatment of design and andcolor andcolor
color ful full advantage of which we wehave wehave
have taken in
producing among our ournew ournew
new Autumn patterns many beautfl beautflefects beautiful beautifuleffects
efects effects suitable for highcass highclass deco decoratons decorations
rations rations5me
ratons ratonsTe Te 5me cosely closely woven texure texture of our ourWitons ourWiltons
Witons Wiltons is also a guarantee of long longand longand
and satishctor satisfactory serice sericeOrders service serviceOrders
Orders for Crpes Carpets to be laid in inthe inthe
the Autumn should
be placed a as asearly
early as possible possibleFree possibleFree
Free delver delivery wihin within 100 mies miesBroadway miles milesBroadway
Broadway Nineteenth Street
We are unusually unusuallywell unusualy unusualywe unusuallywell
well we I I supplied suppled with withMens withMens withMens
Mens Suits Su S u i t 5 made madefrom madefrom
1 from roughish cloths clothsthat clothsthat clothsthat
that savor strongly of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Scotch ScotchBright ScotchI
I Bright colors that thatare t hatI
I are sure to prove provedoubly provedoubly provedoubly
doubly attractive atractve to tothe tothe tothe
the young men menSackSuita menSack menSackSuits
SackSuita Sack Suit S SlSto50 SlSto50to42 18 to S5 50 50I
I Fall Overcoat Orot J16toJ42 J16toJ42ESTABlOVER SI6 to to42 to42FsTAfl 2 2I
nil nltA Iijttmr AMXV 0 n V atunUr tr Orirber trcb I 5 tain tll1 at atPUutkeple
I Pouchkrrptlr uelf v v Hiram Iltm Van 1111 1111Praman VUsiPrams 11 11nramln
Prams nramln ton of rumurl mu1 II I and 110 llflrn 11 Via ViaVtltl Vjaiviaa JI
Vtltl It Braman 1mn la I the II amp M 4 > tr ar r at bit bitFunrral II uar uarIuaiersI e e1
Funrral trrtlrr 1 dm1 lll b hfM I1 ekl al lit 110 ti CburrB Murl of oft 0 0b 1 1Is
t Is b Mr tleaiah lab 1 c earner ni lr r Irene 1r and an < tlrrmonl tlrrmonla tlrOt tlrOtaL letmontayes
a aL Nrooklrn Irnl N V nuTve iiaTueiitay ar a atwraooa atwraooai atwmoooOCtober lm lmI
i I OCtober r U t Itin IfR al I o ortoe ortoeCONAXT clock clockCONAVT 1011 1011I
CONAVT AIDtvoaa Dya le 11 Ipetes B tB FTaar rn FaaeOdobqr Oftobvr OftobvrMl Mr MrNt
I Ml Oimra 0 p Cmanl ef af < tew < w Tork Torl TmNod rtty rttySotfc cQ
Nod olcf staees1 eN 1 naZisr
GlLfORD Oo Tn Tvr ThursatsyOtobt rdar Oclobw r D tI tIhi ilia iliakl 1m I
kl I rnldmc rfme tn 1 Lxtat fle LezIagioa KM Lv v 5 ts VotrltrnoiiiaaOueBaaaaCtUordla Thrcity Vot 101nI
rltrnoiiiaaOueBaaaaCtUordla nI city To Thomas It Dueaaa4 Glol GIUOVd Is tataiao tataiaofeurtb ttUt ttUtlonl tb ttt1 ttt1Zointh
feurtb lonl rear U 0 of alt Itl ki act actFuarral sd sdFars1 c chtnl
Fuarral htnl Mrrlc Mn will wU b t k hi hId hi al 1 the flo Cb Clln CStti CSttiat > r i iof
of 0 u tie rne laramati Iot I < n itadlaea JaI ar tad ad adI I IStreet u uitn
itn I Street t i Monday Jo41 October 1r tbt to mia miaorlofK lel St > ii iiOiIoCS >
orlofK Otll It ll la rt feqatited tl < iunt i ibal tll DO fia 10 3etra f fttak al D DL DOflAtlAMAt
ttak ttakOHAHAH 0 0onAHAA L
OHAHAH onAHAA At Maatrlalr ID N J nn I itit ititnrnjamln iSaflenjamin = I
nrnjamln Graham OIm lar Jr dearly 1 b bsIOe lo Ioj fl i9 i9Benjamin of ofDJaml t tlienjamlit
Benjamin DJaml aart uo nd Mary Wlf n Graham RrabamS Grl Graham5er1es m mSn1t
S Sn1t 5er1es < rlcn lll 11 b t be btM I al bit II hi tom am T TOctober TOtbr 1 1October
October Otbr It at 4 orlork otlCI I M Uprur > a aprttat aprtat
prttat prur Kindly Katl oml I flower flowtrj 1m 1mHeCKE
j HLCKC October 5 Lurlrn LIMm Hwkr H HuthTus V VTBT
TBT 1 rcm FrausaLesraca tL ALC r rn I 241 < l J MI MIPr 1 1aFaissa I IE
aFaissa E CMPaILBL CAigPrmL flu3 I sLUPTOOO Pr ni 11 11LUPS
LUPTOX LUPS LUPTOOO On Ttiurtlar Tlnur ltb < Vtobfr I ii iirasIdetire l lrrtldrnrr ° I Irlf
rrtldrnrr rlf MB R Si UarV aI t tFrank I f Bre Brerranl >
Frank U J lupioa 1111 In tbeSin tbe b all Sub jrir Pr of ofInlermrnt I I II IIInterment
Interment Inlrmll at Maltllurk 11lltlk L 1 I und oifldtier > undb Jldl JldlStTrn
b tier r 9 9SCITrn 9sfIrrn
SCITrn StTrn Su1 u1dr < tmlr at t Usual lnl Vrrnog VrrnogViiber Vtmneaikibr >
Viiber 1 I S imu IIu fol cnarir llarl < J Jalt Jliii N H Hltl
alt liii > ltl > ear u Kuneral t1O crurrtai ur ICs 5 m mdrnre 11 < > Id s sdear
dear d Ill I Aummllav tmmlt a ti f lit ininn ei1 ei1Wa 1
nn Wa WMonda Un October ttob 1 U Utnlmol at atlntrmnt atlnIrmnt
lntrmnt private pla loucbkrfp loucbkrfpplaae Puiigbhepteplass I
plaae 11 rnpr rnprSTEWAIIT raapyi
i STEWAIIT rWAITOn on < > n saturdar fudl October otbr a l lall isi isifriWenes l lret I II
ret friWenes Idrnc It of 0 her I brother 110 Sitar I Admits AdmitsMtrwart admitsStewart dmlll 1 1MIr
I Stewart MIr f I M 4 N south lb Oranre OrI N J JStation u uMatlon UI
Station 11110 fflewart la her I Mtb > rar rarfr Ir IrerIrn
Snl fr erIrn lrr will be hew I1 at all 5 < m Scotland rUanl re row 4 4Ofaate 1i 1iUaa
Ofaate Orae Uaa on Tue Tuewlsr dar October Ott II I n o onSi cnm cnmalUounUIn r rat
I MountaIn at Jo Klatlon 11 of 0 I0 iOW J A M Irala IralaMobokrn IIIO IIIOl0lm mtt5ltobokria
Mobokrn l0lm Interment Inmrl Oreen Gtttauo4 ood Iem Iemn teiaTRIr 0 0TRrr
TRrr TRIr Oi on > n Mtinday Mi October or t I lall ISin IO al I t tdnrf Idr IS ISdotf >
In H Htar I Ir i ilost
dnrf AtlotU lintel 111 Lambert Iamr lambertTrt TI 11
lost tar r nf bit II ace acer aeraael
r iaeral > setvices er II1 1 1cr at rhlcaco ello Ill II en Tt TtOefcber nnLrno TbTYLrnflelobr <
nLrno TYLrnflelobr Oefcber r a John 9 Tyler TylerTut 1 S STiE
TiE 1 rmiau I C Crsca t ac JM 4I Z3 U UCanrl4 WI WIlhl M a aF
lhl r F Canrl4 ClrIlt BUMLI rrleodi rIM rIMI
I VACK X E X C CARJ 414 W t tCtnts II IIc
c Ctnts AbsIms h e wiis eL a I

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