OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, October 10, 1910, Image 4

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-10-10/ed-1/seq-4/

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t I I f ffI
citui cituii C cinii tlU tI I IIliI i 5II < f fnut 1 I h hI I r rj
j i IS I 1 r rt I 1 nut nutInrh 1Il I i > Sj
j 1 Err Inrh nl f Ihe lb h Ireal r Iliillttln Hllril HllrilPie IlIlrsITti 1111fh
fh Pie Wrlilil rhhhI hiii rrehle I anil l I ItriiIrl
trnilnl r li > I Isiir iinr InndKiiiirl The TI
4 arillnal 11 I niisraliilatr > rw r rT lurk lurkTin ark arkTh
Tin T Htitl 1ereiinniiiM rnIII s attoniLint nLnt upon uponthe POll POllIh Pnttib
the Ih i HiMirniiiiii rul11 nf t s t rilnck inlh inlhdril Cnhdr1 athdrl
dril were h hloI M lust I t tunlil at I n nJ Kratid IHIM IHIMrn vni
4 J rn fll ofano tin ni for in 1111 > fi ut tin lathedrnl lathedrnlM Lit htlral > if
f M > lnlll iiiiii irlt 1 > riie which wliii hh h wti attended allflllI bv bvnil Iv4ItlIbt v
nil rtltno t unwiedly 1I11I lanwi lfy < y crowd 111 IWpitu IIIan I hpt Hi HiinmieiiM thIT1r1tIIl
inmieiiM an I 11I11 MMIIIIH pad IIIIa t In ciirMcitr lIl Ll pttit IlIt of 0 the t Iilheilrnl hlhrnlhlU h IilheilrnlhunilreU Ci I Iiii trt I IlI1IbIrI
hunilreU hlU tter 111 n > > fornil tntt I1 to ti t taiul > lUll The Theliroul Th Throl lhILtd
liroul rol aisles III lutd 11 lie > n ro rnwwt l off rr > llutt lluttotilv h hlIh
otilv 411 lIh n narriiw IIrt silli l IiI l it wn n the tli Hide Hidentid IIII 4
4 1 ntid as I innip a aIIi p iluur I4 I r flll Ii I l the Ih t Ii nwt of i t the theIhe Ih IhI t lit litI
I I Ihe 11 pnthwnVH 1IIh it were jatnniiHl Jall 11 11wiio 11 its its1i
wiio 1 1i < erv r rv other hr nviiUble IIai lhl inrh 11h of Kroiinil griiinilhqt i ili
I 11 li hqt > tl the Ih t hi prnreMioiuil rtrntwsII tij I fturtivl et ii rtt I the t tt front frontnl frsntnIl rI rII
I nl nIl l blot 110111 ke1 it way 1 While hiI the I h nlutr 41flgrt 41flgrtatiflhi
cation 11 Mint 10 iflI li > u 1 Th Ihv Holy 1ly Name Nametho SIII Nitintth
tho th or r > UMHTB h irsrs folluweil n olbw 11 W tl I by h thirty thirtyiicolyl thtrtyA hlrl
A iicolyl 1 i h hilI d lore II r44 < their way Wi down ro 1 the theiU 11I 11II h I IK
I K stpIt iU I Next N 1 iinn i 11 i iii Anlibmhop triht hhih Knrlev FnI r lv in inhi 1 i n nhi
hi wirI irple rll minx nl ntte tilt tided by y Mur MurIjivelli 1 1IMI tgrsj
j Ijivelli IMI Li i1 It Mlll ilti I Have lar I li 4 firdlllll I i rlal t i ItII I U 11 I tiiii ue fol followi til tilI I
I T lowi lnwtI > l A tteiidatit ii Ial iitLtii ujion I po him hl were trt rl the thedeinm lliiI h hr I
I I deinm nf limiur Mcr r Wil all anti i
U UJ t 1 I 7I 7 J j i Ibi Ila i 14 < a 1 iimKlntlctit tti a LXII I II I work i trk k of love 10 10CnlhI IICnthoIjiir of ofOntholii
t Ontholii CnlhI Uri ilut I trisit I work that IIU you youhAe yait 1
hAe hi fullllliil 1111 Knd iiI I i irihnil arlal l 111 I4gtiI tRtie in inhta I iiiIit
hta h Iit addret rd And 11 whit h lIlt pleiMM 11a me I Iii I PI PII ur urticulnrlv r rt
I ticulnrlv teu Iu I i 4 the th h crowd that hl thee I h t cloNint cloNintperMre Oi OiMfit
t I perMre Mfit cr ktt hixe hI brought I iiii ht here 1 ir It I t would 1111 1111hlr1 iil I IK IKhard I Ildrtl
hard hlr1 to 0 unit In1 n I place Ir more 10 crowded with withfer wlh
1 fer tit 1 Ciilhiilti lIhI i I1 tn tcr tr r than Ihal Hi I wm wmderful tn tnt 1
t derful dlrrll Inthedril InthedrilToilar nhlm1
4 Toilar Tuc i a i fen rI fat tiny 10 here It I I 4 4to prxid prxidto IOt
to rememlMT rnwllr that hI it I i alet il I o n I fenI h Uy lo I4 ill illIreland IIIIrIand I
Ireland 1111 the t h Fent FI si itt of r Hi t h Dedication DedicationYcurs Ilrh111 iftIirai j utti uttir
r Ycurs I44t r8 IIRO I it O Minn I of IC the t h lie churche thiii llrh rthitt in I s is Irelmid Irelmidweto 1lnll 1lnllwr I rlri
weto w It math rum r 11 ii iuit bv h I iv enemies 111 nin ttt nf 110 faith faithbut itt i I h hbut Iibut
but th I hi MIIIU itt ini I wlmli w is it Ii ha t liiUMil ta I I I t I your yourHUtiot > n I r rlhnu r3Iioii
HUtiot lhnu tn I 0 brine lrll I riii tin I II ii I work rk to t n t completion completionHa it till 1111 tl tin tinI
I Ha 1 Pts eniblml I Ireland InIII1 to recuperate from fromthe Irol I rout routI
I the Ih niMii nl1 iiin 01 the th lie Ihurii IIr them hr nnd nndrebuild llI llIrphlill
i t I rebuild rphlill iphuillulFor new I one oneFor tl
For r thl tuft catheilril rl Cii hlrl hutlri I ronenitulate rOIIrIII your yourbishop rOlrlIltl yourthuhoiu
bishop lIltl I ciiiiKritlulMte MIflIruuI u r I 11144t I your nlr ileigy s Irg 0 0I > and
1 rnncrnttllate CI ctuigra rII t utHt the t h t I enple pl 1 who wh hu h IHI hiu hiuo e done doneo 1
1 o much Ild for ft it r it i I Thn I hat I form orl of 1 noteni noteninient go n1
4 2 nient 011 ni nt winch hn 1104 much III todo nl ttithmaklni ttithmaklniAmerica witiitugtktiiAnuri
America Am1 a a i i trett S < mintrv situ In iv bi h mm iii I h tn t o o1tti do dowith 11
with brin hrll hrtuiuuiz tliK Hu h < md 111hr other thi r IhiliK thuiti thuitia hi I Ito I
a to IWIKM I I tt Se liUMn IHIn rixnnt ilintailce 111 IIittIIitLi of ofhow I
Li J how that t hlt hit ix 9 oiiomif nli Hint tot eiiieiit i uu 11 n calleil calleilaociili nll1 nll1ialItl n hid hidI
I aociili m wia ialItl I itui m tutni t it ti once stilt 11 it t i 11 m iweraiziini iw riI gtuiit gtuiiti > t tled 1Ood
i led and aIIhlrl i titi the S lit Church I When Wh lue u a rexniution rexniutionI rv lu t i ti I
I 14 once ni won the Ih tiret Ir 1 tiling hhl they h do i i to todetract h htrnLt
4 detract trnLt from rl the ihi h i hurch hld pnwer iwr ei eihave i t thnv
have hR reoMitly nx rtn > n tin thins h in 1 Portugal PortugalThere Ir ItruiigiIt I ITh
There Th a I movement 111 oteniby e nut nutfor < t fijot fijotfor ot
t for or tlie t h freedom Ittin 1 of r man 1 tuii Si nII conceal iitit flal ais a iimsnt move movement 10 10mn ¬
thn Church ChurchHut tuuirs hi hiI
ment nKnmt it t i hlh hlhI I I
I Hut lt try r niie I of lf you itiericati ml ahouhl ahouhlte holl1 holl1II
I II 1 te promt Iro1 prntzs I of f vour 4O lr r republiciu I I 1 uu ti form ri of ofgovernment ofI
I h government 11rlllll govrzunht rut which allow al alI ws uch 11 great ir0 j I I
frvednni HI I nil al matter OIr fliatt r but every one ffl n of ofyou U ufc T
c you 01 ou free f Ir mericin mu 1 tuilit l keep I an tnteret tnteretin I III
in II IHI I M l and al1 the I 11rd t hunh liefire I IUUII etery eterythine vryt
thine UUII t hi uuu eNe 1 k Any t IW intetnent 1111 sit vttitii I a aaal gi < iiii i ui t Htm HtmTOM Ilr I Ii in inOI1
TOM 01 OI1 mut re rist rist11Ir lt j
1 11 11Ir liire i t oji 0 thing hill I want al t tt > peak wal of ofhere 0 0her ofher
her There ir drittliack in iiinvrninIul n every fry
Jovernment Irha Hrhai srhia p and ii ntl II I Ik I i ik k r f the theCailmlic tti ttiUiiihihic h hlh
Cailmlic lh faith rlh In nanclifv 11i the Ih i great 1olt draw drawIxick tr trhlk draw1uitk
Ixick hlk in thl hi 1114 C internment nt I tant alr you y sz 1 1I In InID t ttry
ID I it n make lak the thi h 1 lnile1 11 Static Mtit ah a Chrl I hrlan hrlitlan hrlitlaninvrntnqit tlin tlinGovernment l I10rll
Government 10rll There are ar r thing IIlnr creeping creepingin I Iin
4 in thai U I are ir not i hnxtlan If Hiee th h 1 Imi e emente I ImI
mente mI mi are ar to In I eliminated llliln111 huuuitint d it shuNt 11 lie I by bythu I Ithe I
i the hI Catholic ahl reliKimi r hll tino1 fervent ferventi nI nIhl
Y i athnllc hl like hk r roil ii can n do more rlr tn bring hrnl bringI i iahmit
I ahmit ah ottv inverMnnt nr r1 n than t 111 prii Ir l I I Ii
i iirdltial rhl1 Lngue l tJ then h1 left I ft Hi h iltar r and andArchl sirntI n1 n1ArehllI I
I Archl ArehllI > ihip lPi ii rirliV I 1 rb v thankoil t hlll1 I Ihe h hi > eople I Ifor
b for nr their tr th ir ohare halllhII mjhiring pud Ir off the Ih mort1 mor mort I IOn Irig
1 1R Cage rigb
b CageUoforthererr Uoforthererr On forth fn Pvtr mannf mn 0 Af vou Oi t tnilh tnight night he hecon h
3 con CflhI11110t1 0111 < ludl < rememtier rlir r Your 1 hare hlr in I thii thiigrrat hi hijlt I II
I grrat jlt grt I liiilldmg I 1111 ua iii tin g a ind 111 to I neter i r ihatm 11 it I
4 iiMtn 111 111 lii rn mtn I itt t ri i rs rsPi ii I c pin pinTI n nn
nhlle n hl tills rireruen Irrlrn llmlsril ICrt Turn I p I iTuirurit xtreet xtreetTenement r1 r1Tlrlrnl
IV Tenement Tlrlrnl llunied lunf 1 IHail Iwt 4 Hurt HurtOne 11 hurtJut
One 0 Jut Krinn wn a tmrtuil IIrl tn n death anti nndfour al1 al1or
4 four or other 1r n wpr en Injured ini in i firew I fir huh fe fetroye r d dtroyrd
troye l n five n ftv tory Io tenement nt I1 I lt Kirt Kirtavenue Firiiti Irt Irtnl
i avenue nl earlr arh yi yttrilav teriav I morning Irmna Fir Kireinwn FirI r rm
I inwn m nay y that h tin h blare 117 hiLi never r would 1111 1111Iol have havegot iuttgi
got Iol gi it Lhe Il tin Mart ar I it i did I tet t if I r they t h had 111 hot ii imt imthail lt ltla1 H I Ihjiil
hail to ii 0 RO I nut nll nf F thelrwny becniint Klmt Klmtavenue Firittavrnu
avenue vnl la II i bfitu 1111 l itii IlvI JMiV vi > > li l lFiiRine
4 I FiiRine rllll 5 lltft I duo I arrived on Oi tlnm tlnmEnRlti linisuFngiriA 11
EnRlti Fniil i t fihuiild have h pulle 11 up 1 0 0afr ooui oouiaftnr < v > n nafter
after afr and 11 tills KUardml the Ih rear while with 11 Hie Hiemen tt ttnnit h hrl
men rl of f IMKine 1111 uigiulM J fought ullht thu lire lr lii from fromabove frusabt nl
above abt b s Kiuine EI 25 however h tiatl 111 In I go goup auu goup
up u Second Nnnl avenue 1 nv nsui inntead nf n f Klrt When Whenit VtitnIt n nI
it I got Iot nt I < Tenth Tllh htreii str I there hr VH 1 a man on onthn n nIh nIhn
thn Ih corner nlr who ho waved WI t hi 1114 arm Inl and andabout Rnl RnlbuuII antiIt
It about buuII Ml In turn Irl Ihe 1h enxttin nli turned IId into intoTenth inlnI
I I Tenth 1nh atrt troo and when hl it reached raicti eh1 tI First Klnttavenue
1 avenue apnu found onl that hit the I h fire Ir wi north lrh of ofEleventh 0 0J1nlh ofEI
Eleventh J1nlh EI vnth Mreet str Ir t It I had tn go In to 0 venue venueA rnnuA rn
1 A up In t Hrtetith street and all then 1 liack liackto 1 lrl
4 to First avenue avenueThe n avtqIut v I
t The Th rear guard i I liemg 1111 Itur late la lit acting netnl Hat HatUlllon nlI IkitI
I Ulllon tln Chief I hlr Shannon Sii onon ordered the ttn h men menof IIn iuitflof
of 0 KllRine III S to I tackle 111 the tpn h fire 11 fir from rl the thegrnund thuI hI
i grnund Irnlnd rnuind floor tor The Th hook NOd In ladder hllr com companln CI cunipanhust
panln fIA were w r hampered huanint riI in the li thi same un way
Ltutble Clh tuuiltI tn t t itt et 1 their 1lr amrall ippnralu I < the th h front frontof rnl
of 0 the Ih huildinc IIlnl they h finally hmly carried ar forty fortyfoot fortyfaot rly rlyoot
foot oot ladderx around IrIIJnl and rnied tlinm 11 hy byband hyIanui I
band bandThirteen b1t Ianui1hiirtn I
Thirteen Italmn flhln fnmilie nlll finding flllnl ecape ecapeby iruu iruuby
by Hie I lii Mair lr l it t off tfT r crowded er pwsith iii he h fir hre j
I e eI tfMI fMHt 4 Then Th it I wu wuit found 1 that tul thu t thorn thornwa 1 t hiriti I IarI
wa no ti croiiid arI ladder mi ot I the ifi h front fr freca 1rI
I eca e uiP > e PnliciiiMii lhlal Neyliti ylo ran f into hit the thenext t h hj hi hint
j next nJ hnilie hI ntid made rI hi f114 way Wa u r lo the thefrmt I lii liir
o r frmt rrnll tire Ir Ii r i > cape ti My I I ty Mnnditit ste nII ntis fig on n Ihe IheCnpitiK Ih t tu
I I CnpitiK Cplll tie h t i mild reach h tlie fri lire lr fir firL exape o uf ufImth 0 0Ih
L Imth ii In I Ii u i < ind 1 ii I lie ii J M I I Ia men I women womenand wr
and a 11 1 hildretiai hi ii 10 I rtt o r I in I Policeman 11Ilrll I us o I llrien llrienll
I I ll i lll itwI l Ihelll Ihll I the 11 thu ttrnlllid ttrnlllidDin
I i Din I II e the I I ft iron Ir it lldler la j lr v Setlll gfit
1 jnmmiil In 11 tlIifl M I and a i l JIII I he I it i lainliere hia ttil r I up ii iithird I I jm jmthird
third rllr lliHir hint 11 n he I hi renheil r hiwi Ih I Hie tf rni rniilatfnrm rnilj I
I ilatfnrm Ilanln Mr K I io > ll 1h htwit li irlii rl1 u to 0 > mil jump jumpcliMti JI Jiuniufut1Au
cliMti dn I Ihrnu tIursthu h Hi I well a 1 11 It I I iHilicttnaii iHilicttnaiiund IHI14 I
2 und 11 Hie Sb wlinaii 1 fell 11 in 1 heii llntli loh were werett r
I I a 111 I t ° I tt t v iirKit i rh 5 fiin r r Delict 11 it itlIi in inlllllll
I lllllll 1 lIi rtu lll U ulii V y 1 firelliil fr iu 1 f KlIKIne 6il 1 1i in J Jon
i on n Henry 1lry ctrcel tr t aIs a IT I it 1 Iity ily lin 111 1 1111 Iiiil Iiiilt MI i iJMmil
JMmil ti t le h p w mg 111 He I hl MtW iw Hut me th thI
j I liottiHti Is rtuui Ii tifii 11 < l help I I i nni nl1 a tusf mutinied I 11 u ulakine I
Pi Ii lakine klll dWii If Wit > eeral rah al childrmi hl At I III hat hatt IH IHHie I i
Hie II t St 1irly Irl I rt V fiHit f H it UiillerH Llldr Dime t ii lii 1 md 11 11hl i ti f an ma mala lit Ii i
p la hl i in t h f frtkhtitieil fi f r I glut hlllrl u I Italinti I I htriiu fisi noiiri f roil l ilnw I w i I 1
Ii II iin ttt
u ith I 5 h ihrw t lir Ilitiinr out iI lops wnrkitiK wrkll rk u i uc the I Ii firemen firemenbeitilll I r 1 I
I I I beitilll Illl I tt i us In t I gel 1 t Hie lM I tt t nf r the I t I Malm I II in which whichhad w Iii ld ti
11 had 10 ha d lit I hi 1 up ii u lo I Hie u lit loii I I j lliHir IHr fl r tiiiihroiuiM tiiiihroiuiMitnd sluliNti r
itnd a s I tor I rt thriHigb t it rituighi Hah the I Ii S r Th stultik i10i i10iald lok loka it itf
I f ald ii I liMt a t nvercallie vrva 1 lii Mteral v r ra I fleirte fleirteHtewiirt Or6 it rgt rgtp
I Htewiirt tfr f KnKUiel In1 I otnpMiiy > 2 tS l tagKerei tagKerein KIn1
n > il if r Hie thu lutllwiy in I get 1 u IriMHi llhr nf 1 air airA I
I A lie h u r tite4 > sichi tI l Hie I I Ii door i hot r hut I t hen I hl tui 1 Iu
I H u wnxliw mI t IT rhiiI Invi 11 1 and d Kli a1 gi giL < 1
L I 1 I t II I Mil 111 h limilllTM Hi I fl wa tilkeri k kI In Inllellevile t tI i
I llellevile 11 hI tIv u Ill it il i I lt the I u h tulk 1 alul 1 i lilk lilkA t tI k kItII
I A few f w minulM ItII touuuti I liliT Ii SF Ualler t a Ir I lt r Ma tii fer t r nn III nf If f fI
I I Fire F r Patrol lal1 T tvi w wit ciirmil rl1 mil nvercnmii nvercnmiiIV v
IV V Miioke Ik He I II wan reyit < and tiinaiinil tiinaiiniln IIIII IIIIIn I
t I n dHy 1 it itI I I
I S hen the V 10 firemen frn Ii r nn Were n liMe a t it to g 150 150H
I H rxiigli aI the h lni HiHir IHr Ihiy I fiHitwl rI ihe iheI iii
I I < h V of r Pweiiualil I lUllite klr kitr 71 1 > our r III I
I lii dHinafe IIIIV lo t the II liildiiiK Iuil IIU1 Iing and uiuI 1 it itt itat itatt
t i Ln 1 wn n i > ttuuiitd timnli I l at iu I i i iI
I arillnal l liia iieal at arniellle fair lairI 1 1rrl
1 rfribrutl rrl l 1t lIgtiP ittue un < iliimni lit h h roh rohln rcfiIan8 ohInI I
ln li P larle InI will II ii pen ti ihe 1 lrt Irh h I nr nri r rh
i ie Iair h I asr nt 3J 3 i 3Z1 Knt M Iwemj I t it > mmh mmhtitht Ilth Ilthh Iuhthip
p highs h ui in pIS 1 Th ThI if ifi
S i ii I l i > ri > frnm Ir the iii I i ar arr r rrt rh11
rt r t t ft e i ni niI h11 h11hlh 11
J I I h It I h L re e Knight hlh hti hts nf if r I nl nhiuitMiH 11 IItItNuMtl I Irn
tl i nri rI the S h r rn onI nd from n the h Mimn Mimnami
Iriiinti I rnini n ilite 1 t4t i iI Irgun ll ami aUI John JI J JUl
j t n 0 tk Ial raui 11 Thtnj I I
1 a Ul 0 I 1 fn J thea 1
When we go after fe A Job it is isa Ismte
a 1 matter mte of serious Importance Importanceto
to 2 tn II that we should get ge it itBut I ItBut
But t it I is i equally important to tothe tothe tothe
the Owner that we should get it itand I Itnd
and nd sometimes arctrt more mor important importantto ImpMtnt ImpMtntto
to the owner owne than t6 tt us usTo usTo usTo
To us it I means mc nl a fair profit profitTo profi
To the owner it means men mensuccesful a asuccessful asuccessful
successful succesful operation oprton from the thestandpoint thestndpont thestandpoint
standpoint stndpont of Economy Qua Quality Quaity ¬
Building Bul41nl Construction ConstructionFiftyOne Cntuton CntutonFltyOne ConatructionFiftyOne
FiftyOne FltyOne Wall Wal Street StreetINSURANCE Stree StreeINSURANCE StreetINSURANCEPROMOTION
111 iii tlrnlT iizrinr 1UIr 1UIrl nrgiers ux uxTill
nn l I irii T ui Ht7 4 iciii I
sa > a > Til TI1 That at Ihr Ih C C ost l of Nrlllna rlIIC thus Coin CoinIMit C orn ornhli
I IMit 11 slock tei 1 I I la isa llreti U 1 22 41 for forKter forirr nr nrt
Kter t HI 1 Miarr I hmr ami 51st t1 1 hat nmiintMNl nmiintMNlTaken itt r 1 71INHI 71INHIrakrus 1IMMI
I Taken rI In llNW IIMM MM In I Co taili li llrnialn llrnialnThe hIrisaiuirii
The Th Vew w rrk ork rk limuraiue 11ral I n I ru ii Department Departmentha I Irlm ii rt ttuti ttutiluts
ha 1 luts KIMMI a1 ui Iu nut a i ntitement 111 riKirililiK 1111 a arecent auIt
1 recent uIt eximinition a 111 tnt isa S 115 into I I Sit the t h affair Itlr i fta I ra of ofthe sft r rh
the t h Ilnliil uui i t stl liikiiraniH Ilrll i tIsIFS i iuii ouiMiiv 11 11a I iIV of If An Anrolli A ri ritiia
rolli tiia a mid us iui 11 it i t proHi I tFflI ed 551 tibldinrv Ihlar I tsffta rv the theInitid t h hiI
Initid 11111 I ii i ttti Kirn Fi r liiKiirnnce hlrnll I uuu rut ii s Compiny till rly iI sty of New NewYork N W Wk wtu
York tu F k The former rlr company s uuii 11 iiuui V hia h hti a ofHie ofHieat of
at us t li IUI > i WIIII V llliiin j I I ii in Kireot ps I Th the I ho latter IIhr Iii t t r com companv tituiPattY 11 11I
PattY I wn n incorpiirnled 1tlr1 under 111r the ho New NewYork NwViurk
York law IIw in I iiteinUr icloti Vr > with ih a I capi capitil eiiIutul
til 1 Mock ol of r I1MIOO IItNt but t none lul of Ir thn thiatiil h capi capital cal ¬
j tal I hi h his liien paid iittI in 1 anil 111 no I te I lmte lmteU hi hia hiaI
U I 4ti li taken ti In It n looLmi 111 IOu Ski ii g tn t us the I h lit i4lnnitiK 1llli I gi situ flu g of ofbllxllHo itfltsiuiu r rIII
bllxllHo bllxllHoThe III ltsiuiu ltsiuiuFlu II IITh
Th The ttutiil lnif1 I n Inurinre 11r I ii i ru tin Coiiiiitit stu 1 uuu ol olAriroiii sfArirsua I
Ariroiii Hi I NtateniMiit r ulscrula Koribe a i iI n npnimotion
pnimotion Inm I rt s IflOt II III roinimtif IIf1 orRamred oiaI71 0 igatu iissl under underthe si 1Ir 1Irhu n ik r rI
the I hi law Il w s of r Anurn t nI11 ti 11111 in II I it D 1Ir 1 < vmh t > r lt I Iwith t tuiIi
with uiIi h a capilil s Htnok k of IOIMIIIII 101IUI huuItfti UNI nharc nharcof shiiurasIr nt
of r a MI o i r tiliie 41 iii u uf f II I uli Ih i Tin niaiement niaiementKIVH ta MII MIII S IIIttI IIIttIs
KIVH s I t pu that t I iii t nllll ilihoutih i I I hitiu gtu h liu 10 Ii is t u n HhunM ushia ha r of tins tinsw I hi ii iitI4
w tI4 m 4 > for bv om I tui tl I 5 I I an anlltiin 1 1111 iuiI
lltiin liim mid 111 i tnt bin I ii I aII i asauii ociate4 t t4 im I I I I i > hitee hiteeliite h hhn hii t thiv
hiv Ixtti It t uI nt ie on 1 Hm I I allotment alI Imv Imvdintallv 11
dintallv oIlh I tu ta I I V the t t hi Htaiiineiii t a t 111 u uiuit meiituin 11 tIint otis that thatthu t hl hiu hiut
thu t h company l iu 1411 V 4 hoiiu hI ii slit State it at of Arizona ArizonaI AZUII A ri zuuios zuuiosI
n I P nut 110 mentioned iiuut ii slit 11 I m IIM II a al i I HiiHk st tk I certih certihiMtiM itrt nl I Ii Iiatu
iMtiM I or ir literature the Iii h word nl New w York Yorki rlrk rlrklhIlu Yor1hiei
I lhIlu IlirilHo hiei g beint 111 ug u I ed lllnliMil 11 mid ii uusi 11 tliitt tliittonly t h hnl huitItuI
only nl live nf r the thi h iieveii vuu iliriHtor artock artockholderx isr stitI stitIluohulrs
holderx holderxan
an 11 Uininglimn 11 tlll the t h report HIV hi hinclneveil hIhlv1 his hisnhuivd
nclneveil coiiHldenihle Iirhl notoriety r a a pro promoter prtiflot ru ruolr
moter iflot olr r of other Illr ot hr cotii iou 11 ja > atiii siu incfudllii u nhuusluti 111 g the theState t h hS IiStt
State S t tceiicy K guui I oniuiliv I liii MIIIV in 1 ti connection connectionwith tII nIO1 iuVt Still Stillit
with it h the thllialn thu Indiana Life 111 limurmiceCompany limurmiceCompanythe IIurllIY luisurauue C05111141iy C05111141iythit
the h Life Inderwritir nrrr ency Company Companyin Cnlly
11 in Colorado 101 ni I the h On flrat nat tcy itterti trn n lifu i In Ineiirance I Ilrll Insruluie
eiirance lrll sruluie CiniKiny t 111 of C Kansas Jll City I ity and andthe DIII DIIIh antit
the t h Cotioliit t ouiuIutttt < fed Citmlty C allt lomuiny luIV touiuhuluuyVtt of ofitt nrWI
WI itt Vinzuiln Vi r rgi II1 lila with WI w i h heidiunrter hidui thu Ft rs in inhicagi I Illhuvauo
t hicagi > The Th two t No n a 111 tIgns eticv cf companies companieswttlt > mpanle mpanlewent >
went 11 into I liii riteiTen n rcuYrshullm < lii Jlinv of Van VanIuiitiKhnin Vitoinutughuatuis
IuiitiKhnin IIIIIhnl aMKtat < M m il the h Tinted TintedIneurmice tiiittiitisiuratie 11 11Irl
Ineurmice Irl Ctimtwinv I ttUjOfly II of r trizonn ri7onn rlollhe the I lie re renor r rr riporn
nor porn r av 1 ivs V liad hae Iwen nootatei nuII wth tl him himl hunuhforq lnl
before beforeI hor horI hforqVati
Vati mi al Ijitun lolnlhm Innhiitn < him vrtidrew wlllr from fll the theFurekn thu thuEtirka h hI
Furekn I nnpiiv 111 tluuuiV in n Noveml tuvfliIwr IIr > er I H 11 II1Pu II1Puiuliti fi filand
land RIII it its mnnnKement mlllnt derolveil IIVII upon uponKern tipflF In Inrri
Kern F rri rria F r Shiw SIw now I it 1 Its acting a111 pre tresuuI nlent nlentPaul nt ntPuiuul
Paul 1 II S Knowlejt 1 no I and Inll Stvwart t nOI1 floodrhi loo I roll I
llliK ITh 1 hut Ixxiku of 0 the thu h ciimpnnv m n how hu tint thuitttI i
Vin 11 ttI l iiiitiKhim lhlllll was pniii Ii1 more 11 Hun thinilsuJ tnl h1 I
jSISnou ilsuJ at thn Ih time tln of I ht h1 his retirement retirementnbout rlrII rituruusntnhatiin
nbout hnl tint tit ft It I being llni in oertlllrnte 1 nf nfmock f fstock
mock llk of the Ih nimptny lnl IY Of 0 the h prewnt prewntmanagement n ntnasuagrnnt
management 11111 tne I Iii report > n w Isaya ya yl It I would wouldappear sotultiahlisar Id
appear that hit the Ih nriwent management 11Imn
reully ril r IIy had h11 in mind the i iii ultimate ulim formation formationof orlol
of an n iiuuiranre 1ml cotniariy rmnpIY which whl h would wouibilit
II Ibe lit managed 1r1 by the thu h present officer ot nf nfh ofthu f fthe
the thu h Inited t and In tint h they 1 Hie I h prevent preventman pr
man unanig i KIT rs urn I not merely Ir promotur promoturHie IOlo
Hie 1 Itu anhes ae 1 of it f ntKk k wr made 11 through throughiKentK thirtletiltuts hrlhI
I iKentK ut a 1 commi counuuuuauuui 111101 iun of li I tier rent rentytem tntA
A ytem 1 of adanc Inl1 ei tncretiteii Inl the Ih thei out outlay 011 011Iar ¬
lay i Hie 1 promoter pnm uwil 11 the th h iinlf iinlflun 11fl1tihstu li
ihstu lun 11 f placing Ilam t Iii lflt their ttu h ur > > tMk Hk iwlllni llnl Ihfng to t a aihymcmn itIhuYitieIzlti
ihymcmn a 1 lawyer yr 11 I lunker hank an stud le < l an annminiiue RI artInsuiranc
ll I Insuiranc nminiiue nlmlt axent IKnl in I mch Il connlderablit connlderablitcity tnuujs1egjhiIcity ldml ldmlIt
city It or r town with jh the h understanding understandingthat UIIIlnr
that IIRt euch iit ch tu would uiiii 11 I the Ih dole 11 sot repre0nli repre0nliti rImh rImhI
I ti I I V m I S II the I h community t IIII1y tti utuinit y of f 01 ne of If 5 uf thu Ih t hs in1 in1finuice 1
finuice iruute rl c tII ciutuuhianitia i tti 11 II n IIM tn II I H > for frntsi me 11 I life lifeinsurance I lit lit111t
11lrI insurance 111t iira sue c < impinv nl IIn nY n tire I ft r iniirince u issu lr ira ll uti com comMiny cornisiny
Miny 1 u marine 11 insurance IUrIC comN company lln > ny and andlUrIIIIIY a aiMKiuilrv a45i10141
iMKiuilrv 45i10141 it miuriiweixjiiimiiy lUrIIIIIY iflsUrulMH uIlistuuy ihe Il lit present presenttiMiuKement prntnlnl
tiMiuKement rita na lCtiIttt iixtirtlint tiiruI nlnl it t ti Hietatement Hietatementmid t h Stii Iltn Iltnflr t lnent lnentfsIlul
fsIlul mid fur flr their mall lal holding hlldll of tonk k m mnote I inuuot
note 10 uuot whli whll are Ir Sr ntlll tl titetaudinK ntUauln ntUaulnTt
The Tt Tb Insurance Iurn D ieitartuient partm iit a ciammen mn
found 0111 that Ial Ihe th h txt < of 0 ecllitiic elIK the u coin coinmliy tln tlnINI coinibutuiyI4
INI ibutuiyI4 mliy htnck xi ha hR t Ieui > r ti 1 213 T < fiit iuti u rI r rI
I I II I for eich 1I II lure h old 011 The Th touil touilreceipt tot4trscuftit 01 01Ipr
receipt Ipr from rol tock 01 sal 1 lncliidin 11111lnl IM Iu IIIAIti IIIAItiitt im imm
11 m note n null 11 on 0 hand Illd the h report 1 ie m mround ittI 1
I round IlKuriM 11 ligiur n its Wiii 111 actual e141 e141j cash cahreceived cashlIflI
received j tliUini liu lIflI with lh ittu ili burement Ililrln uiishuiirsmpntshiruzugiuuj burementJlis
Jlis 11 i u < brin hiruzugiuuj UUIC iiii the th h pre prtl4n nt rash Ch asat asatdown i > t tdOWU tdn <
down dn III I tlNIIKI tlNIIKIMr 1 1I INIi INIiiir
Mr Ir hhaw and Ind Mr ir r Ooodr Uofi ll the Ih acting actingt IMlnl actingprraiuIenL
I prtllIL t > rtiidenl arid crutury ruar of f thu h cutnpany CllI
iiwiied llt ytwteriLly a ntutemnnt IIInl annweriiig alWIIK
I that 1t Kiten gu nu out lt uut by r1 the thu h IiiHiininre Iltlmn Depirt Depirtinent ipartrnnt
inent lnl in winch llt they I Iy ay that t hii I the S f Ii lilixi lilixiptild 8 I l I i ifwulII
ptild to ti n an al ljnuiih laluKhm laruurugham m on Oi hi t huts with wih withstrutwal
druwil lrlwll from rl ruin the th h company IIY ira I m I return rl
fur cash h uilvancwl alan1 and Ih1 wait w l legally IOKly dun dunhim d dii
him hl The Th tock Ik wile uslwnaui 1lal in ii feature ftlr which wluivhsV
Hie V I Ii examiner 1111 iuuii liters crlin cr15 rlII hn hnl has built hlil I uuu iii up i i 1 p HIM HIMpresent u h hI hitflrtrs
present I otTlcer nlt1 eav nn 1 agency i organi organiturn 11
turn uf 0 approximately wn V 0 amende c in
I fortytwo fory Mate 11 all ni teady 4dy to n s e 1 I1 mur murmice unsuuruitc
mice ult aa I toon a no the thu I orRnnlatlon IrllnlIUln l II is > otn otnpletell oniultditt 1
pletell 1 ltditt M > IIM over vr r IK 21 Iklllkem halkI III IIIthe II III
the I cveral rl ruli Statiw Sa Hie U1 h reply says ay are 0 ar m mtertnted II liitprestsl
tertnted aa ni KliMkhnldir stskh khhl Ltirs nnd are at ready readyto rhrtIr
to I c rtIr roolwrat Kip rnte t cotieerxative etmiate etmiateof stlrnatuof Ir
of u the t h hii i ot of if e siring thete t nKencie nKencietin nK nKtl nigruusthis
tin tl reply ly hiy iays would 111 Irlr h be at B I ent lftn lftnand 1 JJIUJ JJIUJiuuuul
and 111 Khotild 111 I cliurxt ciull lo underwriting underwritinge rrllll
e I lsuI iie ami 1 not 111 to t orKnmuition rlnlln cot cotHie r costifi I
Hie ifi 1 ei 11 ZPtus iioe of 0 putIn Itiitiiuty lllly ity alo n ha h entered iutt I Itrust I Iinto
into 110 the I hi Keneial gnar it I CUM t ci tt of t I Hm t h orKanlritiou orKanlritiouthe olallIOI orga oh 74 1151 I I I
the I oftlccrn mr Nlatetnetit JiM ay Y
li I he ii reply IY uii astlt < U that fla af HIr utfior Inratiezaminition Inratiezaminitionof an ziitruinatiori ziitruinatioriof inal
of r the lb I iumiMiny ltU sifairs rfait rRI xtendini IInl oter otertwo 0 0t ittrtwit
two t week 1 the f thi Sllfierintetldent of fr ln ltr ltrUIIII Iusiur IusiurMulct lr i iItllCe i
Mulct 111 I UIIII 5jul15 millIn S I to us IMIIII J stillS 111 to 0 the t iii leeiinile 0 of ofu tf tfit
u llitle 11 nhare Ill hiir nf r watered n1 IHIIIU or 0 0Inl pr pruliotloni pro promotion
motion Inl clock ck or r tn t one uIui dollar lar of Kraft Irar or oriiimapplicaiinti orIulp r i I I111IIC
iiimapplicaiinti 111IIC Ir of fiind Iulp 11
ii tirn tirnllerl 11 riiii iiiii iiiiiurn
If 1 ril I II
urn I ttwrll I liiiiil in Ii Ieate I for ro this h Me itesi itesithiS l lWhen 1I
When 1 trrrstrI rre leil 1 at Uherl lltrtI > 1 1harRoil
I harRoil with Ih Htealinic 11111 n f three thr h Mone stonshsattuotiti on onhall
diamond hall rm rUI ruiit worth nh I fl 11 o Her lr Mwell 1 H itIri
1 lerk Ir l vear 1 ars Id t lio I hi h m I libertt liberttN 11 11hl t twil
N wan held hl it iii I vexlenldl vst rtIit m I ft II 1 lux bail bailfT ho liilfr
fT r Hie 11 action tlr of f Hi b iiratid ilI1 lurt 11 by Mat MatntrnlH 11 lau lauItrilI
ntrnlH m O UICil ICeilly m 1 the thu h Manhattan Ial nxenue nxenueciitirt a nii niiI
I h ciitirt t ti r Ft ilhamNbiirK I I lfiuritttuj rg Ihe Ih Ihlalt1 I ha iiim iiimlainnnt Ins InsjIinusuit
lainnnt lalt1 wim sit Mn Iri Kindle Em Hill ll whm whmIIXM wh i iIt
IIXM It 1 at 1 MIl iH I etitrnl IrRI avenue KVI she Mu tili tiliMaKietrute 1 1IIr
I MaKietrute IIr OCI Ilteill Hull 11 while 111 Atwell Aw1 wax waxm wu wutnjii I
tnjii JI t I m i tu a I Manhattan liuuhia Ihllll t tutu menuntile menuntilehouie nnrs i i i t i t t11111k
houie hI he I hi boarded tn I the I iwimi iiwIhitig lw1111 whent w hr hrI hiroslit
I slit b Inii h I I On 01 I lii July 111 Juil v in II 1 ii during I IIill Iii ring her I lent lentrt t 1 n nIrar
Irar rI rt aliMliii I uls tu hhe iti h Haul i Mwell tiw 11 hI c I literal literalII I IIr
II hir Ir > T aiKirttnetiiM n I s r1 rt tutu it und 11 u ii I ciirru ar1 iu rn I trY i r her ilii iliiinoiid t 1 is isnh
inoiid rltit nh 111 IZ IZhuui
I vthfii huui 1 Hie Sit h t rll nn di appearil Mwell Mwellvitalil twlIitI 1
vitalil itI i I hi I i nxitn r1 r tt iit in 1 i ii the t ii houwi hI Ii iiss Detective Detectivehilint 11 I iv ivhtiut
i hilint hII if the h HiiMikltli IrHkhl delect 111 It n btireiu 1
liirii 1Ir11 hi iurusi l a few W da 0 Iuyt atn I itg thi h1 I well 1 wn wni wits witsI 0 0III
i filing III I iii g hi hits home I hi situ m I n Liberty LIr I i I rt y The Th l1it ie ietii 1
tii 11 t I tit I Iu went 1it Hiire I t hi r ii 1 slt Snturilay a t ii Ii I ity and nli found t i 11 i ii I
hi iiuurrx i tim rr MeiiiK W hi t f I uig ria 11 ly I ir tn leate 11 Iu for fs fr r the theNe t h his
I Wr Ne s f Me I U iit 1 ut lt linn hl under nrret r and andbrnut ittiIIrsuuubut
brnut Irsuuubut aIuittaIluu hl him liii in 5 llrnoklin lrkl Mwell 11 wuivi wuiviIMilnt wilivuI wilivuIaIuittaIluu
IMilnt Ihll I all 1 Mlnieir Ciiliiitilila 11111 l Profestor ProfestorI > rofr < ar arCharli
Charli I lwirl K l llnteal 111 < if I Id I Uet ti T TIrh Tweniy Tweniyllfth rw uut uutfIfths
fIfths Irh at ireet I re whnee w wtt h roust 11 appear mi 55 the thendterll Ih IhI11 thaItrtisuiug I
ndterll aItrtisuiug I11 liiK fnldeia fII I Idpip 4 f the th h Interstate 111r 111rIlo Intrptatittiti lmd lmdand
and Ilo Huilibrii IIhhl I pn tsratt rI tit e nciation sciatlonw nciationwhuh atnl
whuh w Iud on 0 Kulunlay nl wax dim 1 IisIInsstsai eiuiei for fornitniiAvment fu fulnIIlt firttflf
nitniiAvment lnIIlt ttflf AVttuiIut of f Itaul t 01 i rent t auI i < l laSt night nightthat ntjhtthat
that lh he basil llln lieen referroil to a as Prr 1rofiwor Irof ewor
f nnnreVolumhln rnlvejulty without
FInJollhl wihout I
hi h ha knowledg 100 It t or athor Au2hory
I turn 1 I rriMtttM r 1nw g u U r IW rinovs wi wimnn
I I vs 1 mnn I is U1 i fI tIci i iNperlat If tr trSuettat 1
Nperlat srirc er lr I li II in > III 1 ht ITinrehe nUIr af r the theni Ih this41V I
ni 4 41V > anil ant nit Xear I Tuwn T rica Ia In for or 1nrk 1nrkI nrk nrkli n nI
li I I lamen I Hrrnuxt rM Sn n MlMlouar MlMlouarnnrk tl4inhirfork Iou IouRpd
fork r menll iv ni Rapid HapldKt Prres PrresI
I IS ISS H Kt Oc < o Never vr r tn lh this huts lilKlory hutstory
tory r sf < > f tli t h Proteatiint Pral K EI Ktitopa > MCOMI Ibldlt I i bunhen bunhenof I
of 0 tlnIII1 inrinnill lu 11 have vr > the Ih pulpit IIIIU lieen h oc saii saiihy < ii iipled I
pled 111 hy M ninny mnlY iluitinguaihed 11IIIII1 clergy clergyni dr ly gy gynilut I IIltnclIz1
ni nilut < n an characterized IltnclIz1 the Ih MTVIOW l lodnj lodnjIn
In the h nlrnlll mornlne and 111 evening pvnlll nIuug eorne on on onof ons onsof I
of th h dtl In attendance attendancent andaneat
0 ninety IMI Hiahop I hlp nut JI JInt
nt tli thud triennial 11 1 general 1lrll convention de delivered t dilivireit ¬
livered Ivr1 H Herman rlo from the Ih imlplt lpl of Ir ofI every everyKpUcopal ry
I KpUcopal 1111 church hlh in I the Ih city iit 1 y anti I auhurtM auhurtMami siuburhissiusi lblrl
ami 11 neighixirlng nllhrlll town 1 auun ime I of if HIM HIMHmhopH I h hBIhol his hisItinhis
HmhopH going uilg a R for a as Cnlumhu lolllhl Ohio Ohioml nhil nhilan1 Ohioanul
an1 ml Knoiville noIII icon 111 to u nil ni enanaementM II1IU I
There 11 wore itnprt ituuprwl < eie nervlce servtctaut Il nl lt each eachof Nh
of 0 tin h city IY churche4 lI1I < th gathering Ilhili at atKt atKt
Kt rtula 1atulsCathiraI Cathedra lalh131 I where llmhop iho Wont Wontworth WonIh
I worth Ih Ixiril lorllhop HiMhopof itiMhiOj f SaliHhury KII IIy Knglnnd Knglnnddeliverel KuigiandI iln ilnIh
I deliverel siIi ert the Ih I morning tnornutu rnnIC if ormon 101 liemg liemgeieclitlly hill I i tu tuie1ahlx
eieclitlly 1 noticed 11 J 1 Piermt Morgan MorganI 1r1 1r1I
I wn among I ltI i I Ih hi distinguished 11IIIh1 visitors visitorswho visitorw I II
who w ho attended itt 1111 tt tsslI t h MTVICX f a l the II I ii cuthedrnl suit hlnll hs Ira I
I I Tlii Thu I huia afternoon KII ftervtce rvi was w held In II onu onuof ssnsof n nh
of tlif t h he clmrche Ilrll In II Ihe t b uiterem 1r lilt rst of t it the thechurch I h his hisihisurchu
church temieriiiiie 11111 t qn I liii Minetj s the t h tirrl I IIIIIK IIIIIKMich t un unPS 1
Mich PS itIt II H I MTMn f ti I lu huts HIM l ttslfl n held h ill II iiiiinei iiiiineilion si miii miiit 11
lion t I Ill I will S It Ih it the t hit general gii ltrn I iutiventioii thu InlolU ctut t Soil HIIICU thei theiMKMity I IeisI h
MKMity eisI 1 Wits organised rlI1 uiMrly eight IKhtI uhI uhIjilt yetr1 yetr1IIICn
IIICn jilt I MlAhop 1h Clleer li Or sr lf New lork i or Il IlHided prslit n nul
Hided slit I iiml ul iidiln uisiI Iln iM were tt iis dchtered tshu rs t liv livtin I Ih v vI
tin I h ho limhop 1hI i of Salisbury KIIrr nLtitsl ii i ry llihop lh Darling Darlingtoti 1lrll I litrhutu u utoll
toll ni of U UiirnhurR HriIf ami 11 t li ho llct I lyinmi lyinmihentnli 111 iynnisstIisitstn
111 hentnli nrgnniriliK rlit srIary riiry rcar of 0 HIM HIMMMiely Ih IhIly lbssi
MMiely MMielyeene si Ily lt y
Ilyn eene n nf f eric f 4 anti antiwsr lonferenr lonferenrwen
wen wr nt4i I a I Held 1111 111 II u I I different S lrr ii fTri ii ne i huh liii r uhu urg urging Irl ii t g giuuuc ¬
ing ila Kil Ihitssohd i > > > il livmeti 11 to I iiiiilirtnk per perhniml 1srpI r
hniml pI 111 iiii im 111111 tiilssis Hinnarv 111 rv work w tsrk rk kugvfie 11 ii itntt M I Ciinn Ciinnpresident I s sit 1 t ttrswiuisntt
president 11 of the t h isuu eabiirv 1111 h air v iMHietv 1 of if r New Nework S SYork XwVork
York ork ald 1 HIM I t t laymen laI Iii ytiisi u of r 1ittihtiiti IlilI IlilIhltal I it t hui rg
Ililffulo hltal Vew S ork sr r IxiiiiHVill IAtlI SyrHii SyrHiiHIM Syracsis Syracsisuuissi >
HIM uuissi otliir sttti I h r nti it M ir ins n UIIIK 11 uuig nut I on 115 Sinitliv SinitlivIIIM SIII SuiilIilIs
IIIM Is tuul 1 liiriniiK 111111 t ii ni i tu g nt r n < > mill all is lid lntlU hJI liii I I iii I i i i lni II hu sls slsfor U Ufor
for Hit t h Kilicrinit 1111 tt I itriri g of f Ilnlilfii shuu Ilr hirnu into I unit si Sumlav SumlavmhuoU 4ui nut buy buyithtuts
mhuoU mid 111 at us I n 11 u i sta > tartiiiK rt I hg iniiiiier tu ins 111 tiisr iimf ii t stu fsr fsrtti < < r rm
tti > > m t for tin S hi iriiniiit I rall rsltl tog of f Usnltrx Ir liw liwr I s w wvrt
vrt r > l < u iisitist iti > w iiiHii I uml alIII UinlMr at in < iloin ilointliu uhtiitig uhtiitigthis Iuilt
this 11 > work urk ill al without UI1 niliirv Iry Mr Ir lniiii lniiiiMild 1111 I an analf1
Mild I New ork rk k birtiien 111 liiv 1 > li 11 11t > l tn tni
t at thisti ii I lit t stu i now I i d li ir rSi > it t ill illIll II ii t ssl sslyrissi 1
v yrissi yrissiris
vTh Th ris i lug 1 slaMSal r hlo
Ill I i Si the t h t athcdral iit nil in 1 u ii i itnmemorntinii IIIIr uuitrijus rat us ui of ofthe if ift f fh
the t h hi Heiviiiv ss iii 1 V fifth Ir lift hu rttinnerjirv 111 utuitus rv nf r the t I hi iiiii iiiiiMMralioii g gsriut 11
MMralioii sriut itilu of f the h Ilight 1lh I l1 let lackeiMi lackeiMiIxeinixr 111
Ixeinixr 1 lIu I r t lie I Ii flr fi Ir rt i tniuiiiiiarv tutu i mitt 111 r V lh 1111 I tshs hop nf nfthe if ift f fIh
the Ih t hi church dlrll 1 Ihe I his Itight IIIh lt glut Het I Ii v I heodort heodortNetin 11 ii sIor sIorvt
Netin vt 11 n Nb MorrKon rrusuni rlonl llmhnji lh I lush ju of if IIAII I s it delitered deliteredhe sItI hnr1h I Vit Vithi
he h miioiiary lulary sit ii i uii r y neruiuii er rl1 I slteti winch w hi lh uh i us a feature featuref fsat Ir Irmh itr
f eai mh h intiteiitiiii 11111 He I II KIM ptitI e that hl IIHI IIHII I II
I 111 much Htrf str i is twine liili 11 put iut > IMII il 1 il foreign foreignIIIIIOIIN f111 tsiriguuiii
IIIIIOIIN 111 iii 1Is 5 suN and hilt 11 I that t ha the t h ho xreutet krett ca sst Held 11 fnr fnrnn fr11Irr f r rIt
nn 11Irr It l inniry 5 stuar V work w urk wa w a right ri 11h glut here 1 hir among amongthe thus ull iii g gu
the I u iti negro r race rn He I II al I o diclared that II III I hostitt
1 miMOnn itt 515 5115 have hi not tu it grown I it In II ninall Null RI sli town townin t w 11 u urn urnill
in I the Vet fur r year partly because 1 if r ts
i change s 1111 iuatii g4 in i Mipulalion HIlalol iiuuIat tori hut principallr principallrU I rlclpilr r InC I I v vhiwitiis
U I hiwitiis < au i there tr I are ar uuullv uI lMI many manychurche 111 flhlstihuizrchus
churche Cmrd fT C r the I h his town 1 and afl ii lie urged that thatin t
n s7s Ir ttl s I 10 ttiid t stabl taIIh islu I uflissuotis uflissuotislii ni
I already cared fur churche churcheof
in il town 01 ow urn by v rhlrl
of Ir other it lrr ttsr delintilinntion s IIII tiii Suit llol tout bill lll to l o eek k other otherfield ot Ihrtlhl hitir hitirlitI
field litI 5 I
fieldThe tlhl Int
T The nt genernl rll convention onnln will w 11 ill reaume m it ithu Ira IraI fl
hu 111 I siisuiiist uiefi e s1 ei in I 5 iimorrow 1Irr I lii rfIs Already 1 aI aII it itha itii
ha I ii iitdl 01 411 1 > tuiu ttisi > d Iher l II contention till vll uouus in inthe I inhit
the th hit amount alnUI a of it hii titList 1II iiifi uuws diapoved of in I the thefirnt I h hlr hi hifirst
first lr few f days tI of 0 the tin convention conventionTonmrmw ciininttsinrtnu n nll1
Tonmrmw rtnu rr w evening cnjru n Iwinnuef n will i be begten h hIln higtvn
gten Iln by the thu h llrniherhiHMl frhrhlnl nlt < i < f St S Andrew AndrewOn norw norwOh
On TI Iueeiiuy JIY there rh r will wi IMI hi another big bigmiKoinnarv 11 ligmissionary
missionary 11an mn 1 meeting r tfli tItueC I 1 nr A which W llrh llrhI hinchi one oneof otisof
of liii hnitpcakcr I Ilwakr will wlllll bo the lion 101 Seth Sh IOVT IOVTif Iuwof I
of if f S > sW w York inrIeiii nrk nrkI I
Min I IN I imrn l 11 IIOMIS IIOMISiMue nniisIssues Wi I Ihau
Issues hau for llellermenl uthnrlrnl Ulho1 al alMecllnc atteetiti
Mecllnc 11111 teetiti ii SIC f the I MlnckliiildrrMrxno Mlnckliiildrr 4IisishiiisIersMrxso IIIhlr IIIhlrIT
Mrxno CUT IT Oci 0 Ice < a I t the Ih meeting meetingof rlnl
of the h nlockholcler khoI of n the h Vntinnal Ilall Ilallway nl ItahIways
way ay of 0 Mexico Inlc In II tin hi city I the h board Ion of 0
directors tlnC was authoririNl AIhorz1 to n liuine until untilHie Ihll Ihllh untilt
his t h tltne t hn of tli uejt I uencrnl uencrnlirlor lnn 1ln 1lnIrnr unsttng unsttngI
Irnr I riot lien hil I Itu IomlM 1IIt I tuuts uiti ti > l iceinral iceinralx 1Ir1 gns ra I rlIII tnirt ia ialstuits
lstuits x > niU t of tin I t ho iintipiny 111 to ii the thewtiirti alnosutita alnosutitawhsith mOI
wtiirti in I it I t I judgment JIaIII 3 tit nn a > domi 11 i ne neMMtry I nescasry <
MMtry < ry utiiliT 111r the I thi priHrraumvl lrraICII plan for forbetterment forbsttirmtnt 0 0rII
betterment rII Sen S S s tt inetiilnrx IIIIH nf l lii Ial I board Ixjnnlwi Ioanl IoanlI
wi aiI r eliMtiKl I t l in t iiervi rH r s to t thi t h tjeiieril tneet tneetIIIK uiistunit
IIIK II nf r inn ll ami 11 two t < > tin I tI h meeting 1ni of ofI oftel
I 111 tel I2 This riir n e > electil lt1 to f Kerve until Inll Itll Itllwere 11 iaiiw
were w r Iuw ru Klictiero 1110 Hintnio lloneyWlll lloneyWllliini loy Wil
iini H I ViohiU 11 lo > Sutiitiret > fm1 fm1Thahll lrnwt lrnwtThaltnannu mei i iThaltnuin
Thaltnuin Thahll latne Ial < S all ahlzivs II cr anti atl Ktnilio KtnilioIjirdi Kinilinliiruti 1110 1110Ijnl
Ijirdi Ijnl Kor I r the t h lotii terin tt tlii HIIRO Illn II lugn Schernr SchernrIr Sdlrant
Ir and ant Martins lnll 1C I Hil htulsini Clol > oti v ar artU i > re electe electeMl 1 < rt <
Ml lnar1 nameil were in the II t tu out ihrenonite 1rorl 1rorlni iirsctoratu1 i iriilo i i
ni u1 I 1 iirin Ir 1 in I U eitriuho I Irl
riilo rl ilack 11 of ImllKrtlnn Inllrlno Ccrrlr url Off I I Ithe Ihr Itile
the lniMirler IIHrlr ilililfnl ilililfnlo ltrnl ltrnlt
t o 41 harks Jui IacshI alll il Sit iitr r a inemlwr of oftin orh ofthu
tin h llrm Ir of t higgins Ilil A t hotter Sur itir importHm importHmof Impr
of tut 1 iit KliuMon J ginsit out W i rst t TwentyM Tntsconn > ronit sires t tdied IbitI
died 11 middvnly of unitH itiliKenlinn 1lltIO 1lltIOy yes yesterday ystsrulay ¬
terday < y morning morli nt hi 111 burn titus hI 177 11 Summit Summitavenue Sllmit SllmitIVII Summitastqtuun
avenue IVII Mnilllt Iotl u erilnfl He I II hnd l lssru lssruittlying > eetl eetlpUvlng
pUvlng 11ln zolf oIf I at I th fl h Niwuioy t oiintry Ir Club Clubnenr Cllh Cllhnr mu mutD
nenr tD nr hm h home and 1 romplaineri llhll1 of fr feeline feelineill fesliniii Unl i
ill I On In KIN ht wnvhome nv hOI he h nearly npinl rollnpoed rollnpoedand 011 011h enilawstatul
and was hel tusIis > e < l to ii hi h his rr rraiiknte nen 1 < by y Inlirw InlirwStr IiilicSrgant I
Str Srgdl Srgant Hjnt Ira Ira IWIdiliK 1111 in I the thu h pullcfl JohC olicn patrol lrol
Mrs fr Sejter 11 astir 1 for or l fr fit r K A M > f Bryant Bryantand nrAnt nrAnta1
and tfuve gtit n her huxluind hhll1 nome 1 sonu liirarbonato liirarbonatoof hlrho hlrhof
of uf f stun to II relieve rI him hll He I du ilitj < I d Imfnrn ImfnrnDr hrnfnrOr
Dr fr llrynnt Irvllt Arrived orl1 Cornnnr orlr orotutir H I IL II IIllomleoknr I 1 1ILoslseksr
llomleoknr took k cluirK nf 0 the h case caeCol en caseol
Col 0 ol Seller Ur W WI was M born in InughkeepAie InughkeepAieland ltlhlI ltlhlIIln1
land Iln1 wn wu in hi ftftyllrnt nrlr yenr nr Ills 111 par parent parents ¬
ent n were r Henry Inr H Seller s1r n fJ Gsrman Gsrmanstud rman rmanand Ir Irn n nal1
and al1 KranriHca rnlle Snytla Sly n I SWIM Swi Ho I wn wnfour wpolr was wasfOur
four olr yearn f iaT president ld1 of the h Hiwmoy Coun Country nun ounr nuntry ¬
try r lob Ilh and ul u I nietnlM < r of f tlm Ih New York Vorkthletlo YorkAthulsIhi orl
thletlo Club 111 and the lb h Vt Vykdnyl k8Iv County olny nunty
Club Ihh Isihi of 0 New S Horhelle 1hl A widow I and 11 si sichitulrti li lichildren 1
children hlhlr mirvivn IlrVI him They Th busy have r rtilled r isi isiIiItI
tilled in I Mount lt Vermin n1 ten t yuar yuarOlilluar ysarfttIItlSIF 1 1Ohll
Olilluar Ohll So SoI Notes NotesI o e eI <
I I if 5 u U t lhal t Mum I it tub Sharp 4hia h ru illml < 1 I sail in 1 Vorfulk Sflknl Nt ftI Ii VH a
vtnU nl t n In hi I el plt lit i llfth n nI > isr r I ant antsi antsit
si I rii r HH H hi ii son on of WIn V illmin Uillotifhhr UillotifhhrHliiit WIIhh WIIhhI iitothlrspihiittts
Hliiit > nf ii I Vorfulk Srflk HIM I II is itrnilf 1nI ili titr r i 5w ol olUillmni 1 1II
Uillmni w II Hliari 11 r > i oininii olln nuumnstudrsl < lMl Hm II Vlnlli SIIh slruthitruth
irrfiirt truth 01 s lleitlnien iuian at is Crnn Innfl I manet > lnUtnl I In I he hisr I Iir I II
ir I r nf f ii I in I Sharp < hnri > w WA appointed si I a ainii aiii
inii 11hIman iii iii hi P > irmn in fl Hie i it n t b 1 in > Irevhlrtit I hrrrn kIitut I I l Ir r
In II Ill I 4 I un ii Putt < l ertet n f til nlinimt is h I liust riiiiiintiuiili Otit nlnlo tnuuouul al alirtfinlw IIa 1 1I
a irs it I irtfinlw I > r rtti < li I1 < l In I ikni Wh S hn hnfI n
V Ift fI TtIi lr1 I i lie lieNorfolk Ii Wa I 4t a 1 1I ii iiiias I
Norfolk I iias < itv tanl iiiler Ir I ftiiiiiiodnrn
Mil Ms 1 I mile He I it riulffllrd li I I ii rntlltlll totntnlaiqtu nlln lotl III IIIthe II SriS
the S hi nnti n 05 5 I and 1 a i aiiniiitei A fll I il li 1 > Hie I I Inn Innemnr It I illSfrnui
emnr frnui r nf r Virginia trln s ru in 15 I 1111111 5 i is ill in th t h t nnfeil nnfeilerate oiufsIrHSi r1 r1rH
erate rH tintt rIs n and nrlere < to tr nrt SeUoti SeUotiwhere 10 10I Ioti IotiS
where S tir he I vta a a eintliied drilllnr tint hilnI lint and 1 pre preoftli I lrtarutg
arutg tH lrools SIuhitiuiiiinuI lii siss na na1r flag
oftli 1r rTt or r indT 11 iuisi r i iiiiiiinloie ini tuisato I S Samuel SAn1 a flu lUrron lUrronwoundd 10r Itt n na
a N woundd S taken k jir nri r mul ll carriedon carried srri1sill
on lniHril Iit r l Hn I hi i I mini ii is 1 Mt state I 0 liiji Ii Il Minn MinnKIIII t 1 tuna tunaA rl
KIIII A 5 i nniinuiidil 11 lit b h I at ii Ntrliiirham MI a aiiei aI
I iiei innl gua I friend rr f r iuiit nf f hi ii S innte I IllS t 5 > eil au 1 lo I is lort t I iitt iitt4Irrui
Warren Wnrr 4Irrui al A HiMinii 11 anti In ifter firs nl 1 etchanved hn
fur f lleul Inliti h I I Hittilen itslii 1 who wh later i 4suit 4suittuianiIsi inn inninaiided
inaiided 111 it1 he Mntiiior In 1 i it linitli with si lie b
Merrllllni irr 111 lniun Ml H I I it irtlitiitl tnt 1 ti IInid I He II I I erd erdunder r r1 r1unor ssiuinlr
under unor i alii I ll I I m ii ki Ott ii H HIM II ti
Im Itl isurK r lik k Henri I r m that 1 einMwiiiiiit IIrf ilnrinir ilnrinirWill 1 lirtngWhit 11
Will h lit lets 11 iiItI wu > ill 1hlr1 Ilitlhi < nlilri II l HU sits il iltltelt aI o I Ih
tltelt I ussu h t cfllfaifell I 11115 I I utcl 1 throltflinill I Irnlh Pt inigli it the I lii war ais r zi Ihe Ihedefeti 1 1drI ii
defeti drI of i f the t h i ISAt Ht t fter r ti r the I 1 iirretiiler su tustisi I a aho
he t ho returned rn1 in Nnrfoik rtuk k He I ii wa for f oiim 1
time I re r tor r of f the iti h llini 1h li t riMt r piitili 1 htiI HM > I IIII
III I Norfolk rr1 ri 1 I Is frnin V rsui 0 nliii n Ii s h In reiiriiei is III IgII nn nnoiin n I a a15t1t1 <
oiin if f itiMrtnile 1 of r sir ifi o in II t ra a he heIllllltlell Ii Iiiiiurtil
Illllltlell Ml t III II I huis I ll I Ullhalll WhI ihliisb I sNtisvt nil nilHtiirfi 1 1
Htiirfi Hh i ur ir r lt 11 l hI hi 1 rn ie If I to r a m teri
Mr tt > I l < i idi W t lUoti und 11 Mr Ir I 11711h ll7ilieHi
K t I Kimtiiiili oIIr ot r Nnrfolli rfttk k Htil 1 itr lire r lroHier lroHierI
I I I lioiiiit utt a 1 I iin ill er r lilu 11 tniiii tniiiidewier
dewier in ii I Ulei I < iiiitit 1 v ii nil t m Kiiitfloti Kiiitflotite 1 K tilgiuu tilgiuus
te lerill > Ifet I it s loll I hitsg illlie 11 tilt HI the ii H sgs e nl nf nfl f fr tiitw
iitw u H srs r I II ai siu Ir r f 101 ltouittii
l 1lin1 IIimiI iin < l nenr o Inn i Inland I winre s he 1 hail h0 u
lame 1It In r r itiii t In n rlhinv rlhi in g Ilntit t 1 Isui und it n1 I < si siis > i > mn mnMHM n
MHM 11 tn is t i ej 4 l o erltll r5fiii5s ll tl the III I tllti tlltiSlate luiisssj luiisssjitp 11
Slate itp lint I eriinient rn i e ii > v4 ilfiifer llfor r iS i
fenreil md 1 from I ron liluotinrf unit a the t h lii War t a r I i Papa i ri riiniii riuuI
iniii 11 uuI lI hn hiis IH Mi der mid hell hl > tnreil nn loris I
I land 111 It rut MIIII iii 1 5 fnr V r datnatfe ii a luau Rt nf 5 r vert ir larve IAo iii rue ruesniiti
sniiti n Is t nlo nling I nsi ati Jihii hl alii I
Janien Jatis 11 f tniii in re reaI nle in I N tss i nrk rk k kIlr i i illlrni ttlirsn
lllrni Ilr Vast n I he h Mr Ir lttsutiiu ittian ilieil 1 on tt Hinr Mat Matsits I
d sits 1 at In h iiinliter hmiie 1 fjlin tI Hill 11 Comli Comlikeepnte PgtoI
keepnte ill 1 III h eteillr tiIii a e < IH nt er sr r III IIIiit I II IIit
< iit it t hotie t A n 1 1 i I iinn M at < IIHO l llronk itii k l
Ivn 11 t Fr i niii tu ear srN h I 5J a in I he h real realtai ralat I
tai taiMr at WI tl 1 rs lh II
Mr llraman 1nal I its urvitr sirviiei r 1 h hr Isis h s ifs If and andlu anjlao 0J 0JIu
lu d dasishlare u hl r ll I waa wa a mmUr mr ot I lb ho h I
lpbunpal thunli nf f lbs u Mruuh J b at t tuui Uru ttnaad 0 I
I uui ad CUrmont CmOt avuiuv aywuI
APfll Aftoiinaris AftoiinarisTHE
Was s Awarded The TheGRAND TheGRAND TheGRAND
Brussels Exposition 1910
l Ur r Aknl Id Talk on The l ubhl nUbhlp of of4atliallc ofI atCathihU
4atliallc CathihUI thol NUCCCM NUCCCMAl HutCI
I Al 1 Hie thu h nrih Fifi IUh it Arrnuo A Vlle venous iiaptl laJU1 Church Churchla lhlrehIIhl huurchuitt
la itt l nliihl IIhl Dr Ir Charles Ihar K Akeil k1 mush 111 a areply RI isruIy
reply In II is father her VaiiKhanii Ih iitteritnci iitteritnciin IIrle IIrleII tutteraiucsA tutteraiucsAiii
I in II Him Hlldl city it wrek k a uugo o He I II Mild llt In i Ilrl IlrlFIh luart luartlafiwr rl rlhnther
hnther FIh aiinhan ohn ilul o I not himelf hI HTl HTlthat a aIh
that Ih t hi t rriilr lmill a Sit Itui ni i is ilnayilK tlvtii 11 snug He I I I iliil iliiltered ihIt 1 1r1
tered t r1 hilinvlr 1111 Ii tli MsIf Inrliltiil I I luisl a iniilatlun iusit uun itt lush ftoni h all allalleged al atiruItgcI
alleged I t triton > ort of A 1 utatenietit ptiItitii tlt bv I it ivrtilu ivrtilulll r11
tlI I lll Ii 1 ni I > sI Selletr tl lw of r lmililovtll t ii 1 I ti N i Dili Dilitfentlenuii Il I hI hIlitnit
tfentlenuii 11 litnit I uuu t tu i a inn a I lli I uu liui i nf r Hie I t lii Kiioiiil KiioiiilI 14i1 IItJ sit sitI
I h hin > mli Ii lior uf u the ii I MetlnxlUt 11 I hirli h Itir h lie lietieloiitf I II IIlwhsuits
tieloiitf 11111 to 1 a I fttniill 1 and a 111 reliiitel r ifiBiir ifiBiirInlUilil iniirlIittcaIit n
InlUilil 11 ijfiioiiiiliatiiili JIUIIII i jilleiltlie 111 I MethiMlUt MethiMlUtlri t1u IIIHI lisiIIt lisiIIt1r
lri > ie utauit tani < linn hlr hunh h a I iliiiiiiiiiiiHtina 0111 Isins nliuli nliuliban I n Ih Ihla hish hishha
ban la ha fewer fts sn Hint I m NuINNI > ioi iiteiiilMri 11IIIr It I I III IIII
I 11 Ilkeh I Hm I S Ins lli 1 htihiists > hni h Srllew siui 11 eter t sr tilkeil I I iih 1011I Ih
1 IHIII 11 n iliuiili I lh I lmte h liu i mil 11 eeii 1 lu nut 11 1511 n nI ftsiilI
I i iilllioli siilI li lr him hll of the Ih leHr 1 lnttlrr lnttlrrViiklmn Fh FhoIal hsttirft
Viiklmn t Iititli oIal 111 uititstl iiile l thin ttiI 1 leiiiri I Midi h Mllliolt MlllioltKlee lhul ituhuhsgi
Klee Il gi Mill I liii I lie h i oiniliell 11 > i ill I h ht o ss ll I ft 1 fish fishltitii till tilllit
ltitii lit itll si ut lrolllitlt 1II t i Ikill lo I IJU 1 lj ljIhe LI >
Ihe I li lle l tterimi i lerut ol t IIi I Si iitk 55 this Hiehnlirr thisI I
hnlirr I ii lrr teiled 11 tin S 1 hitS lie 1 S ilul til nut nh nieili 11 Hint Hintlrnte thl t tiustI
lrnte I ri sst tHUIl it 11 Sit I lli UllnMtlllW I a 1 t I 111 lui m I n IMIIIII IH I llulll llullll nI fl liii liiitsI
l I tsI el ttiiiltli tts ultls tl eilni ssl 1 Hlloll iirn sruiisuiisuiIii IMI liutioll nr nri I II
i ati hl ol Pt tin I nituard It srt iitftM ou of tltMlili 1 UiU UiUpiiwer 1511I ue
piiwer I r He I I hi referred to us il I ilcial F u I ass < u nuull nuullI sIll II ut utI
I IHl 1 i4 I is Miner sf i II liliI > llil hl of liu 11110 iMilur 11 Ii oi I I il I s ntl ntlirfllt I f IS IStaut
taut I tnmileil 1111 jiiflu i ttknile ssts t Th Tht fliM rh i s > of ionii islit t H Htl itS
tl S ttIt > tll t illtleteli ln Hlllic hO frntll f1 at hl 1 he hi u uil itas itasmIuu
il mIuu > i ed I In Ii mean tnps n Mill t 111 itit II I I l S terfei tl I i Nnr NnrUnit In InI Ia r ri
Unit I i nn ti Sniiilit s liii 1 5 lather Iit RIr I hir t aiKh a i ol this > ii iiiino iiiinolute 011 I 5 51 tllI tllItiuti
lute h been be ti MI elltlrel lr11 > oblltlol hln of II Itcurr ItcurrHtlil 111 111ah1 1 1sttI
Htlil IIIHenul llilllijpi 11 I it oil I ui l V he helliiJKlit I Ih hII
lliiJKlit h lie I II Iiml been I i lot t ilmoi 1 t ill ti the thetilnv thiijill h hllh
tilnv lirilllll i r llh uitt lie I tenletl i v t tli 11 xelluic IhO pride pridetttftue 11 urudtht
tttftue I tht ii whiiAiiiif I iSe the t5i 1 iiunierii ill nn 11 illsri rert 1 41 41hi > f fMIII
MIII hi 1 st III I Is I Imri hurli rd h Him 1 lii h he HiouKht t reiluuinleil reiluuinleilto Iuwl Iuwlhr
to her i teilit teilitert isl5rs
ert n little Ili effort Itr IN tiee IJt tidd etl 0 < prtk k thM thMI thi thilig h
I 11 lig > IK li t ilil lIt le uf llotnaii U I ntholii 111 pi u e it in inttie usIll 1
ttie I Ill I tiitr > tate sit lr tnerici tnericihere 11 turScuI
11 I here ate 3 at 41 igrillllK TCrto tn 0 the I iti 1 tu ea re rint rintf ot otof >
of r n i tlie S h tit latent I atalhililr alII ahInhl twelte t itels h linllli l0liliflI IIn IInr > p pof
of r Itoin I athullc t boll In I Hin t h iition la I ISi
I in 5 Ii a III ca II Ii ii > iuunirt uuunt 1 r it i
ui Si limtit I S MethiMll IittIMIIts t anti In1 IUitl 1111 Itautist > l < In Inliuieil iulttu
liuieil ttu 11 I IliU I Itus lt I is nol no 4 o s ter er > nUrtlliiK rU1 fail fa to tobewlli totl i ibsiiili
bewlli tl situ nllhIhe situI II
Ihe n I It ItninMi lullnIII it 5iiii I atlmlii t hi ii Cliinh S ii i nh hal hIIIr hIIIrIrI > He lie the theinf thismiami
inf IrI miami ii uewlr u honi lio < suusSslsr n nhl liler the Ih stil uierli uierlinr ll llfgsruuallou
nr unirallou ronlol < of the thi I ihnnli Ihlnk 1 tuiul if f I Ia Ilrltl Iasieloflg
a lrltl asieloflg elonc rare a fur th t h rdiM sb 11 111 llnnk I tr siT f lt ltiinierti I 1tIra
iinierti Ira lwriiu > u < ln 181 lnienie IIIHIII lmiii hllI lliti S latfi m Vo r rI i imat ivital
mat I be 1 ant nre r hit 111 fe f la i hlMren hllr ei ape n itt1 bap bapIin hitinslit a af
Iin tirnirfti la a of f are a mi 11 u tl e 11 iart > art of r the theiri tiusiris h hI
I iris iri I lie n fli i repiir Ti l r ha ileluitel lslsi titi titiu
1 r cent nt from this I lotal IAI ret irn I N o a lit to toen toe1iwle I I111r
en e1iwle Iiilr 111r children hlIrn under Inlr f I rear of a lo as e Imt L ll u uimsIudss
Ini 11111 imsIudss luilen all 1 haptleil per p pararia on > nrer 0 I The TheMartut r ri riIlactuit
Martut 1 Mtfnrp 11r on the th h ollirr IIr hanil 11 mlkle mlkleI nII
mil 1 i thine who 5 t hi have hA rereltetl li balo hiatt pn tans ni I llminrn IInl Iirtitnu
lminrn Inl irtitnu 1atoll > loii IIH 111 > II their I awn OWI ilelilierate ilelilieratertiole di 11 it lit lit1hul
rtiole 1hul t tttfr r nntrr Ollon lon and In < the h ai I Ior s reclame reclameof I Iof
of I hrk tin If IUt lllr M 11 t wett Into In their theiri hrloI
i eiiu rWiire loI nil I thn thi h e a ho ntittlute 0 lti 11lr 11lrn1 theIr theIrS ir iri
i oiKreciitlon ouugrceit in and n1 all the the meinher nf their Ilietrfamilu Ir theirfattuili
familu 1 over sl ll I te itr r r there 1r s ouhl 11 he hemur 1 as asunsui
I mur Bill athI III I Mkiti I hliitltt t < alon lll n I as there 1 are Itom lom lomathI itoman itomanathoui n <
I The lomn < itholi Chun t h irsh h i it not no holdlnir holdlniri hnelnl
i H its own in thi h oinrv oinrvI Ir IrI umirvitsrn
I II Hern I l is the ii olier tt t r ie sIaitiirau < lnratliin ii > ii not n nf ofrlu a aIrnfetin I I1
Irnfetin irltii rlu 1 I Imt of uf he h I titled t1 Mate MtittptstsrtltneTI Mateiiotetmnrtu
iiotetmnrtu 11 Ihruiich il I ofll < itl 11 mom momi iStallrl 0 0rIo
i rriort rriortI rIo rIoI rl or orIn
I In t ie t lw of tlie u 1 I or cra ren t ninme 0 of < < f imtntirrf imtntirrftlmi mnlra mnlraIh
tlmi Ih In I this h iiiililn r iiie > 1 l i i the I ttt 1rr iturea nrssol e eof
I of 01 per I tent rl fur Hie t h he llomnn Jmll t atlmh atlmhi lhl
i linn hrh h 1 iie not > eem 0 to he t ureater iirt r than thano Iln Ilnu titanso
so o iM 11 Hat 1Ilh nuitjrhlr irall lo I etpei teil teilIt IN INit
It i niniiute 11111 < that aifl in > e IT thi tistrNiitsli h o mr mra n na >
a < riMelteil tweiitvflve t IIf million 01111 of r Ininn Ininni 1m 1mI
irratiK rai ituI Ji l trial Ill of I Ihieu h I iosuPhv > o l h lv v llfteen llfteeni
Illllllotl 111 erjnlV nl more 0 mu tlmli I twelte tsi tnil tnilwere ti I
111 11011 were r Cuinan IUIII latholiiv 1 l > i is ilnil ilnilfil
fil 1I I if l we a hate mat p a million 11lnl and a half nf Ir Unman UnmanI 101 Ilontiituattiotic
I ahal attiotic titiHi nl Anierltnlide tmuiritamu sic ent fit I he hi tinman tinmani
i Aliolc hh I tiun h miniter 011 in I trie h main In Inf H Hi isIi
i U > of f ceoie 1 who s h are ar i tl lie t mot m priMit priMitIn Jr JrIn 1 1In
In thus h olnn intr > amonir Imnc whom tlie I birth rate rateU ra raI
U I unmemelv ImoJ hnther hoh1 than ha in 1 time 0 tlier tlierreinon uLrpsstain Irn
reinon n of the Ih rommunltt rommllh uit r < nolwilli nolwillitatnlmif nul miotwuttitstuttni 1
tatnlmif u111 tin hl huh hllh hlrlhrate hrar ihe hi Human Humant lumal
t athnln hnl i hurt hirsIu h i annni nno ee sept < pan Ia 1 with the theaililltlrin thitaslstiutbna h
aililltlrin 11 Ibn > tv V immigration InmoIln alone 1n it I lm lmitterlr laittirIr J
itterlr Ilr falleil to hndl lljiwn ta nwn n jenltr < enie rum mll muit ll 11 I ISnore
more 10 lonilirtelr ttint 1 P itiI I ha h a > it falleil tu II I ii Imlil 110 the theuf thuthuildret
thuildret 11u uf H I Its uwn u fatnilif III I
Tin TI SK suurns worn wornItalian lWlm lWlmt
New t Italian 1In mha nhaaiIiurrvh ailnr rrlte eslrfri eslrfriNot Prefer PreferNnl S
Not nt lo 0 iJind li I 1 a Tut TutAmonR Tl TlAmn TulAmong
Among the h pflMenger penll who arrived arrivedla rrv1 rrv1Ial
la last t evening rllll from rom nnM < irno n hy tbs b Italian Italianliner lAlnn lAlnnII ItalianlhnP I
liner II Dura lil loM tOIA were Wfr the th ManiliUu Maniuutstiusani ManiliU llnllllltI
tiusani u ltI mil Gcinfulonleri the hI new Italian ItalianAmlwtaailor 1In 1InAmhJJllor ItalianAnlMaallrr
Amlwtaailor AmhJJllor to 0 the th Cnlted nil Staten 11 and ld hi hiiKretnry Ii IioI hiscretary
iKretnry oI th this Marnuia Neicrotto Seolo Tli TliItalian Thlall TIis TIisltaiiitti
Italian lall Vtiuul 01111 at t thl hi i 1 ittt it anil lD William Williami VhhliarnIlartflhI I1 I1Ilarnl
i Ilarnl I IlartflhI la rl field agent f11 of f the Ih Italian 11lnl line lin ctiar ctiarterwl chiI chiIlr1 chuartitresi
terwl lr1 thus Ih tug tla MutiiMl IIIIKI to take th tha h Amliait Amliaittuidur Arnhasaadiir lhl lhlMrur
tuidur Mrur ami nd his hi part Ir irty off f hut the AmbiAtj AmbiAtjI Amh Amhfr
I dur fr preferred prrerr to etay sy al alord alioarti > oanl the th liner linerill Inr Inri linernil
i ill 11 nIght r rA rultLjr U er r than hal Ink a trip trp through throughthe hrouKhh
the III h raw rw stir to I the city Ily II I I I Jnnw JnnwiHTiUry lpl lplLry Iitrirssrtary
iHTiUry Lry to t 14 the Ih American AwrCn Legation I ton at atI iiiotuatiuntiflotilo t tM
I M on otuatiuntiflotilo nlllnolo tnntlnoil Ane ini n < l Carlo arm Pl Inr Pflstr ter Nah NarnlAttache S11 S11I NahAttarhl
Attache A ho werfnUo were P at aiao pauwngernby pIt1 paaaengrrs hYlhe by the thu Duca Ducail IucasiAomttu UN UNIAla
il siAomttu siAomttuTha Awta IAlaTh AwtaThe
The Th llollandAmorim 101ndAIrlm liner Intr Roltrr Roltrrdam RoU RoULl Rotterititn
dam Ll broucht Iollht Jam 1 llurton Illroh Reynold ReynoldAmlntanl nYTIIIar ReyolulaAssistant
Assistant B Hecretary Hn t ar ry of 0 the h Treasury ami amia anr
a member of the Ih Ixianl that ht recently recentlyfoncludeii rtnly rtnlycnchI1 rtentlyinncluuhd
foncludeii il 11 its investigation IvIIn unvesh igattorn of the h work workInicx workInga frk
Inicx 111 itt > f the h rayntAldrlrh tariff nrlf law lawabroad Jw Jwahma Lawshirtsail
abroad 1 W s N Bookwalter nok alr Col H I Anthony AIhyr Aiithntitu7Iyer
Dyer r Baron Ilrl J K It I Van 1 Hard 111 llsrduuhiroeck llsrduuhiroeckMr nbro rk rkMr k kIr
Mr Ir and Mm Ir K t H Marlovtn Irof Irf J 3 II IIlore I IIlore
Onr lore Max M Ma lhillpilKini Ihllphn Krnnol nol II I Keene KeeneMr KNn KNnIr HienMr
Mr Ir uml Mm I Itamtall Jlldal H Morgan 3rln Iren hitivills Irenvllte
vllte Temple TI1Jo Hmmel nltl Iiidxe uI < John H n1llJan IIlultIlhin HHlHIhn
HlHIhn 1llJan m ittuti l Mr Ir anl ismi n l Mr I Henry lnt Hua Huaeell 1 liii liiilI
eell 1 lI Mr Ir Von Sie snHIon een Hionw and nlt K I I ISill Ii IiSuit I
Sill KI of 0 the Ih IJoHton eon 1n 1nH UIWOI UIWOIHttrtut ni j jSum I
Sum H if < f this ah pae Jissatlgrit enierN 11 bv I tlie thu h Vorthj VorthjOrnian rh orthusrnISti I Imal
Ornian mal llovil LlvI lifer hlr 1rJ I iisirRe surg WIIIIIIII WIIIIIIIII Vahintt utahuttuttifrtt > ti
from I llremen Irnn Houlhmnplnn IhRI anil ln1 Cher CherImuri I hur hurhwsurg lr1 lr1ll
Imuri were Mine ll Stengel SnlSllrh wnihrich amid amidS I Illl i iI I
I leofatite Cnmpamni lll II of the thu I Melrujnilitmi MelrujnilitmiMra HI1 HI11r I
1r t jsra Mra CoitiNiny IInl nuinhuy Dr I Karl Jrl liebnuht lushnuIitif Ihnld K > II IIof I 1r
of if r the leader of the tt 1 SMlnllt SRIt I liflrtt irtv of Jer Jeriniiiiv krlulls r rIlln i
iniiiiv Illn lulls t i ir Ir r A Sudeitim twlI i4iji TI lii riieinlHr rIr rtisn I r of i r Hi HillenuhntMdt I h h1ch hi hiltiithiatitlt
llenuhntMdt 1ch I Mr r lUiwmmi 1111 H I liCrtlla liCrtllaKtiie lii jlIa jlIahiis 11
Ktiie I t Thalnmn Thllll IVter Itr I > r Ir Uor UorS lr IrS
S 1 I Came I lurnes rl lliniii lii rsln Kiwin EII I tt t n Hevl HevlKecreiicrt I I I cv I Iasvrrlisrv I In
Kecreiicrt n nf the t h lrnmii rl1 Ntiiiion al alH Stsahiiuuttiii i I
H sahiiuuttiii lllth IIIII < I > II Mr i ImrleM hlr liliinun l i 111 Ititiuiti of t tI i i1oniy Iy
1oniy I ny y Ulund I IIII with wlh WI I hi his II I Ulf I it h of r her hu huluiul 111 111ll a ahatttsl
luiul ll who shu h died I in I HIIIV I ietinmiv s rnuituv ntid A tiI I Mac Iac I Ikenle IJI II
kenle hniR JI Miniater Iin r of r lilnir of ofIbe f t itmiitla itmiitlaIh I Il
Ibe Ih l us NVIiite Shui hl ti Mi SClr ir u F llnnr Inr I I tur Ciirn t Ir t ru li liChirlei hrl I irs ii wo u gut gutI h I Ihal
Chirlei I hal hit ni I Neill Sol I I I ommiK intier r sr of ofwho f I AIHr u I sr srS I Ill
who S ll hut lull I lasll I lstl lllellilillK 1 t ttii Ilh11 thug ilinfereliceo lrrl In InIirin I ittI i
Iirin Ia I i rt N llniwel hri iajwls ami IIt ii tuil at ti t 1 1 he h Hague 111 I I gui on in em emiloymeni liu liuI
I iloymeni 1 I indimtrml 1111 I tiI Slat ru I iti I 1451 eii i and 45 rid 1 labor laboriiKiirinc lii hsr hsrulitSurinis I
iiKiirinc n l lcI > irl ami 111 Ijidr 11 Ureile Or I Sir SI 5 5rhiinaa
Thoina fhI lUtille M I P chiirmin hllrl of o the theVorthiiiKton thes h i
VorthiiiKton s Steel i nrpoiation nrpoiationUndkin ° rPmult uIti lAwn lAwnkitikin
Undkin otll O 1 M 1 Harden fn rlofI Cant S j M 1 De DeI I lhslTr
I Lr ffer Thnmaa Thom Thom Marlowe lrl ol 0 the Ih U Indol lstnd > ndon I
VI Lsir Mall Ji and Sir tlr Edward Ewa E E Uuldvo Uoll UoId o
Iu unst 111 iii rnir TII n ni ut fbII r rt
1 inn 11 si fi Ttl Ttllnrlr ts tsOemncrallr W WlkitiirIir
Oemncrallr lnrlr Camllilale Cnrll nilhthti for rlr Jcnernor 4Joe 4Joelu lio liolu oes oeslu
lu rrlniTlon lrlllol for rol I a lla u I a I nltertll nltertlllliiliie nhprl billssithttisliues
lliiliie 111 lie I nil tt li ill 4M n4peak M1 < ak In II Hit Ih III Ou OuiMiiient U UNrnl tipIitulieiIt
iMiiient 4 fit 1 Tomorrow TIu Muht MuhtIllIM lllt llltIIsnIS IgIs IgIslltMtKTs
IllIM lltMtKTs IIsnIS KTIIS Oot U W I IreBiilnit lrEIiIt WOOI WOOIn VtMxl VtMxllow tittl151W
low n Vilon arriveil at lroex < t hi II huis home homehere hI huonusluts
here h today Ioy Mimewhut ullll tlre Ir1 tinI < l after aff r four fourilnv fosurds C
ilnv 11 ds rn actite RII ii it I vi citn aIII111 a tuu ii > tiKiiinK I gtu in g thr Ihrol t hi rIltu < iUh ghi h oulh oulhNew i iii 11 I hu huiS
New iS lerwy ry lie I will I ilI his I verY r bilv IIY here hereall hereII
all 11 II II of 0 to morrow lorrow with WI wit I Ii the I t hu luihine 1111 of the theunier t iii iiii
i unier illuivNStv 1 > uiv On 01 TueniUiy W night igh he h will willtake wil willtisk
take tisk k tiicnmpalKiittie tu IIiaIt1 nicnln nlaln with ih n aItu e < li liin
in il Inlenuiii Il I is I ra ill the t h hut home ho of Vivlnn Vu VIII s is tu M I lewl lewlhi I swi 1 1h a ahi
hi h hi I opiMiiienl sipi it 111nt for rlr the t h 11nlohll loemorhli ltu inIh rithi I IIt
If Mr Ir StIavui ilnoii 11 lie 1 pr hiriftrs rr > fer that 1 lo 0 Dr DrWilon DrVuIsouu
Wilon 1 dl 1lk 1flikt llki4 iMUtle tlSrli 1 feature rallr of r aCI act IIs IIslrnlutus
Miliini4 h mn habeitiK h ii Iutug > erMinally attacked attackednot
not 1 In rl S sI uv iiiMreiirrwnted liAnIII1 he 1 i urn no In InI lew lewpliMkeil lpsiwith
pliMkeil I I with llh the tit h other Hide Idf nf it 1 the h roll rollHtanl conat 01
Htanl at ii 11 I it contact 4tu lII tist with s 5 I Ii Hie I I ii man I of 0 Ihe I hI lus jusiupli jusiupliI > eope II IITh
Th Ihe I hi otilv otu iv ritleiMiieM rwt 1 lasutsss he I hi ha hi Ihlwn phi hown uwn hills tlillHfar Ihl hillsfar
far fir da fl fujit Ixon I in I Hie I t list pnwnce 11 of folk rll
whii 5 h ui li utilj ii at nit Itt I telliiiK hllll ts l ii ii g him Ii i lii IOIK 111 loin g irrelevant irrelevantHtiiniH I rrslse ut utstairius
HtiiniH nfler fr he Ii IIIIH 11 NHiken IHk and 11 want wafltstutghitily an anIllhl
iniKhtily Illhl In I Ket K to bed bedMr 1 I Ir
Mr r WilMinM WI ihatutu it trip t rlllhol ru iu through I Ii < h miiilh stilut h Jersey leryhun I
hu h a lieiMi I ssiu more lr of 0 a tIL auiis ucce Hum 1111 t liii ii anv al a sty one onel tintutututl I
utututl 1 l nn At t only olly one 11 place lilac I llur llurillil Ilr IlrliIKI ItiurI
liIKI I iiugttilu illil sI I hi he h > fid fa 11 I I to t ii K 11 get < t theaympallietio t bus YIIllhI1 yuiu pa I lit It I Iatteniiuii
atteniiuii 15 11101 1 111 I SuIt of S If r In his nuilleiice it 1111 u si ltuts Hriditetiui hInd rtlon getiul in inCiimlwrland I I ii iisuiuulrrluiutl
Ciimlwrland IIrl county 011 warn a H urprie urprieA urlr I
A iiild su il 11 ii ami nllln7hnj ilnrling ii rir Ii n g niutit rlhl iii glut did il 1 I ii not 11 prevent preventthe irsvrlutthus
the h theatre Itla from m l hssitig iim ilK filled 11 and you youciiuldn YOI YOItlll yotucsuiulshnut
ciiuldn tlll t move IIV irnunil tollth the village villa IDI gi the h neil neiltuormnt 11 1151mulssruulnl
tuormnt lrilll without wlholt henruiK hnrilt biearulu word wod in II Mr MrYllMHl slrPrilIse
YllMHl 111 prale praleI prl prlI PrilIseWittut >
I I Want Ir that n nice ni talk tie h Rive Il un unluit II ii iiI
i I taut 1 niKlif n Khopkceper would
Illhl f nay nayHull sayTtuut y yThI
Hull ThI wn sense n Waal Wnli Ive I voted Hie HieRepublican Ih Ih1lhllll thultiiuulliesn
Republican 1lhllll ticket ilu all 11 mr I life le lit hut b1 I tin tinbelieve sInhiIisvp 0
believe 1 I Ihal ishuall lu ll vote 0 for r him himI hi hiTw hitnihi
Tw ihi I he RI r11 glass I blower hlo In Mlllville lllvl flle fld filed < up I In tonhnke Inhnl Inshiak
nhnke hnl the t cnn entudldatss lulI < 1lUt a hand hnd in the Ih hotel hoteliwirlor hnl1111r hotelParliur
iwirlor One 01 hulking hllklK fellow rlow with Ih a av NYni payags avnRe
nRe ni face a ac cnme nm out and ld with ih A parting partinglook pArlll1 partinglook
look Itk exrtamted exrtamteddot zcbtunistbut Ctll1 Ctll1Uot
dot an hone t faro fl not a damned damnedhonest ditmnmdhonest mn I IhonAt
honest fat u Kin Kil oe tint thIs II moment momentyou mODtn momentyotu
you 01 look 1001 nt R him htmTh hurstml j
Th T Improvement Irpnwpmnt in Mr Ir Wilson 111 cam camiicn campign Amiln
pign iicn iln 1ch uwsch i eche ha h Iteen wn striking allking In InI an n nprovtrnent I IltcoVsmitnt
provtrnent It I nhould IK explained not notIn In InII lintitt
In II what bt he h nay y which la I nlwayx nlwa of the thehighet th thhulghslst h I
highet Ilchl quality lnUay but hiI in the lb h way ho h nay nayit saysit
it I Since hln that ttt night Illhl HI Ixma 1011 llranch llranchwhen Ilneh Ilnehhen linuinchiwhen
when hen he h atoppo 110 stopped l to 0 exclaim dalm Am I rnak1 rnak1Inn mk mnak I IInl Iing
Inn Inl tnyi rnY1 mnvedf lf nlnin Ilai them tr baa h ha hardly boon boona t I IR
a time 1m when he h haant mash md rery > audi audltor audiIlls dl dlInr
Ills farmer farm mr r or r countrrclem comnrehent omnhnt
ovory pvtT word Wd h soul al1 unlrcI Thin he h h hpllld hisaecnm hisaecnmpushed a accom accomphahed
I pushed pllld partly rlly by h l a tmnhncation lmplneatOI ot 0 hm hmword hi hiwnrd busworst I IIh
word partly by I hi putting pllli an al impact into intotie 110 untothitui
them Ih tie I II still u 11 RtilcK 111 a I proNi fttuJniitiiun mlll1111 > ition with Ih I Ihchnlirly Ihnlul Ischnlurly
hchnlirly hnlul eA 1 iti but 111 inen n t henitate henitateimmediately hial hialn hsaitatumnuudistlv
immediately to n n nst4lt > tate I I it t m il tri er sane nanctllleil saneI n
I tllleil 111 slang In The rh harm of f hm lu manner mannertieter mnnr mnnrI unannrmt
mt tieter r Koe I I bill a hi hil Volcx 01 oin l Iscnna Iscnnatllir > ecnmea ecnmeamore n
more dulinit chirm le I II trinafortnei
In la11 chuI trllrm into intoearneattier I lOtSartuStriia
earneattier und ni hi hula nimple illl frankiie frankiietnakiH fratuktuatfleskN ralfl
tnakiH lk the th whole lnc Inr re Ho I gestures Ketureonly gesturestunuly
only occasionally and nIh then with
Y only lh no mighty i ihamtnonnK I
I hamtnonnK hllrlnnK but only with Ih nn In ItidicatiM ItidicatiMforeflimer Iltklh htudicatlsfnrflnugr
foreflimer foreflimerMany fnrflnugrMarty nlr
Many 111 are nn ar tli tl 11 huhrroua hlho incident of oft I
I Ih the t hu cninpTIKti IIIn A ilhchtful hfhII rerfervid 1pf11 Isrtsruilull rerfervidold n
old 11 IVmocrnt pr prcslr KNned o Mr lr Wlrn llon In II
hi h burn i ap 1 Mar I s f he h yesterday prd li liinviujhd I Hisn
inviujhd m uuchtd 1 h1 wild h tik ti ruler nr and an tear a at atItepuhlican altphlk1 atI
I Itepuhlican tphlk1 HitruvaRunc ln < I And finally Ilal
I faiinx nll Mr r Vlon UI with the h aliiearancn aliiearancnof IJr IJror IsJ IaranuveI
I of mortal Inrlnl anguish nntIh he h exclaimAnd exclaim aclaimdAnni blf
And here h In nun beloved 1loo our glorious Rlonoticfiunty gloriousi lor 01
cfiunty i tunty lly of Ca I a Mar Ia w Wt Wi Und fn1 that I < thorn Ih Ihan
1 wo 5aN an iint nt Itt lit year ar liy lT the th party 1 In power powrI I Ii IIi
i Ii ft < U3i4 7I lu I II ton or om Ol much fl flguurs gu11 tire pwr morn mornthnn mo mohn morethan
than all Al the Ih reventioa n that lht David I vit King Kingof Klnl
of r Jerusalem J1Is11m collected coltd In h uny ny one rr rear
of hula hi reign reignMr neighr III
Mr Ir r W Wilatin Vf on could 0111 not 10 keep I > fy hua compo composure composiir ¬
sure 111 nt that Ih uml d lh thit h audiencn alditnt l1 completely mpII fmJ
broke Irll down downAll dowl tiwntl
All 1 tl of the th Princeton Irlncnn maiia 11 Pliescbsi > eechen h are areextempore arextsmpors 1
extempore umpr I Ito n makes ma no note and andnever ad adnrr andmrr
never deliver a upeech that haa 1 not notnoniethloK notollhOI riotsomething
something ollhOI new in It J If therefore Ihltorp ho hohold h hittutuis
hold hl a 1 debate dba with 1 h leorjto L f Record Itrd or orany orany orany
any other Itepiiblican nrlea ho h will wi have an a Im Imrmn Immenu m mrn
menu rn o initial il 4 advantage dnullal That Thil ha ht will
hold sortie 1m ort 101 of 0 clebte with ih Mr Ir Itocord Itocordaoemn ltrd ltrdr Itecordseems
seems r mo mnt moat t prnl jrnbatile ohhle > at > le All Al that Kocnrd Kocnrdwill Hfrd hicordwill
will i Ia have to II do will wi be b to attend Ufd one 00 of Mr Ir
nvilaonu I 1n chedtile chdll < i meeting 1llnl and ad hell hellet b1 hliget
II get et theehow hn hcaN era crave craveIt vet vetIt
I It I la pretty r7 much conceded CDIMf now hy
Republicans npullcl living In south n1h Jen Jf Jtrej r that t t
I Mr Ir Wilaona 1n tour just Ju Unladed lJh will i 111 cut Clt
In half Ihe I thu h RepublIcan nCI 11 Al majorities majoril In Cape
May Cumberland CUlltr nd anti ad OoleNJer Uouceater conn conntioa Cun CunI tar
ISIS I It I I is not t ImpoMilo InJoi that tlmr tlmrI Cuml uimhjer > er eri
i land Ild county runy will wi go o ullghtly lchtly Democratic nmoto
I ToifTaet Tn rf Mr Ir Vllnon lln fIn f inu Imlrlon > roanionthero I h r
I II Is of entire 11 the hllrrfI iwrfect working orlln HepuhU HepuhUcart nplhl nplhlal Iteptbtlearl
cart al machine The Th Democrat Umo < to lo maohlnn maohlnnin
in neallRlble n 1 gll And A nd In soma Ilt countlea countleanotably countiertotahIy
notably Ca Caps a > e May IY the thu h number nln of runt p pplt peopl peoplwhoa opl oplwhon
whoa h fofr fltS I are ar to I Im I l lsnight > ilnht la I a aurpri aurpriinit Niurpniaing rpi
init Inl hardly hrly aa a fturprUitig lrrlilj though tloul1 an the tbt
fact All that many Rany of 0 them appear np of fr a sort aortal at sortitlwve
al 10 itlwve > ovo bribery iMry A Democrnllo Ufmorto leader lrd In Inape
Capo Ia ape May Ia said Id today toe toTiiit Hf RUM r porter reporterthat porterthat
rtJortr rtJortrIh
that Ih a great 11 many lany were anzloua 0101 to coma comato cornto
to NVililwuod lhlt with wlh him last night Illht to 0 hoar
Mr Ir Wilson WII but said Id that they didnt dare dae daetn daresb
do tn sb It i for fear certain In local 101 men dldt would
hoar of 0 0lowvtr It ItHowever ithowever
However lowvtr If I Mr tr r Wiloon crrlea cl a couple rupl
I I of If countlea cOlnt that I h t were w Itepuhliran Hp laM I
Hint tim ln and chop chop a third off o the Ih utlan Itepuhllcaii
I majorities el Ihpp where he hei will IM te Jrlhlea elected r rleuttwjS
S This 111 week the th Princeton Irilcton man ma after arr It hula hiaaperch hi hiIlh hulaspeech
speech at 1 Peterson 11 n on Tuesday night nightwill nlhl sulghtI
I I will wil go < I to Caldwell Cld1 on Wednrafay tny It la I
Orover < leveland npn birthplace hllhpl8 and there
I is to be I a 111 littli lit I In commemorative tmmrloratvo ant celebra tllha tllhaIn ¬
tion In Mr WIm VIIon will wi not no peak k there thereI Ihp IhpI
He I II will i howeer tackle lakle Republican fpllean At
laullc City nn Thuradar and
lanlc Ily In TlurI Id on Friday
he I will 1 speak Ia at Freelmld rlold Iatr ju r he h will willget willget
get lt to toazntlen arnden where It I a planned he hall ehialltnls hallmake il illt
make two 0 prcht ami nd will 1110 go down into Int
Salem Haa rtiimly lnly The l t north Ith of 0 leraey rpy
whore wht he 1 will i get It thn moat Illt vote o he hI ha haI I loss lossyet
yet I to todo todoNOTII do doI doHOT
to toi
HOT HiT NOTII II TV TEP1iiii PlltH PItl It VICTIM I 11TtilSIii TI TIan H HHiAtianil
HiAtianil Iii tianiI anti an tIlt Ir Illo Il lii Mllhln Ihln 34 2 Mauri Maurial lu
al IMIK 1 llranrfi Ir ll 1h 1hI hlespihal hlespihalI tllal tllalI
I I < IMI SI Si lln 11 llitstit M u X 1 Ocl 1 9 i Mr r anti nl1 antirs
Mr rs Frederick Forr Fnrrestsr ler who wh have hlv lived litenher
here I a few month buotul hiss died 11 within wihln twenty twentyI t
four ur huur of Ir earn rh other ut hr nt It the Ih I Monmouth MonmouthI onmnUh onmnUhI h
MeiiKTIil cn1 HiMpiliil 1111 from mi typhoid fever feverand fiviriitui vr
and will w1 IM I buried lnt on tl Tuwilay in lien lIenWtNJ4i lienwood
wood emelery Wo W st t l Innug mg llranch Jrnch Mr
horrrler died ti1 oil 01 rriiLir h tIY ills 11 wife i die slisal
Ulo lat 111 1 night IIhl Mm Ir Forreter Forrr Furretprpttnitketi WM WI 11
lalnrrn lrickeii n month lnh ago ni Two week k later Ipr
her hulxind lJwt wn WI broughr IIcht tn the Ih hoapital hpitaieiuhlering
uiTering Inn from um the tho Mine m diaeaae difu hJi Mr 11r1
horreeter wa 1 47 T yean Tf ye old ol awl od hla h hiswitp wife SI
Mr Ir rorre Forreater orr ter r ia a brother of Jamea
Forrester Fnrltr of 0 57 i William Wiim br atre Ilra street l coun 0 4
for the PtmwrlvtnU ItD1 K 1itUrod PHrft l cu
r I r i iI I
I FortsuMl FOmot Clothiers Sine ice 1845 1845Sale 11S IS3Sale
I Sale of Several Sev ral Thousand ThousandSmith ThousandI ThousandSmith
I Smith Gray Co CoFall CoFall I II
I Fall Fal Suits and Fall Fal Coats CoatsSome CoatsI I II
I Some three months since sin e the capacity capacityof
of the Smith Gray Co tailoring plant was wasincreased IS ISincreased isincreased
increased onethird onc third to meet the demands of ofour ofour ofour
our newly newl organized orgaTazed wholesale department departmentIn
i In consequence there has been for three threemonths threemonths threemonths
months an output onethird on third greater than the theoutlet theI theoutlet
outlet of the four Smith Gray stores storesKathcr storesHathcr storesRather
Rather than wait until unti the end of the scastri scastrias sel scoas
I as customary custom r we have hlc decided dccded to dispose of this thissurplus Ihi Ihisurplus thissurplus
surplus now nowwhcn when the demand is i is greater und undwhen undwhcn andI andwhcn
I whcn regular retulr prices prccs normally normll prevail prcvailit ut prices priceswhich priceswhich pricesWliClI
which save you from 5450 to 1250 providing providingyou prmidinJ
you act now
40 and 35 Suits and Fall Fal Coats Coat 2750 2750I
I 30 and 2750 Suits and Fall Fal Coats Coa a 2250
25 and 2250 Suits and Fall Fal Coat Cah 1850 1850I I
I 2250 and 20 Suits and Fall Fal Coats Coat 1550 1550All 1550Al
All Al the ncw smurt smlrt fabrics of the worlds best bestmills tcstmills
mills mi many man of them exclusive cxcus c urc included incuded in inmore in inmorc inmore I
more than twenty twcnt distinctive models modes for men menounit nicnOtlflg
I i lo > ounit men and boys prominent umung um which Whichwill mi miwill I I II
I will wi find fnd the Smith Sm h Gray soft roll rol suck model modelNew modc modelNew
I New Yorks ork smartest smlrlest business com comNow Cori contNOW I
Now is i your our opportunity come clne in inMotor ini
I i Motor Clothes for Owner Owne and Chauffeur ChauffeurSmith Chaufeu Chaufeui ChaufFeurSmith
i t i Smith Smth Gray Co CoTwo
Two Brooklyn 8ool0n Store SOt t f9lj TWO ° New cw York ork Storm StormFulton SO Srort SrortPulton I
I Fulton P u hOD St a at Fllbh Av Wfej I Urldw j A r 1 Sill SillSt C arrn III IIIIII St StBroadway 5 StL I
Broadway at Ilcdford dO AT A UUlU ithu th Av A Be 27lh z A28th a 28th Sti StiBusiness St
III U L Ii IiBusines
Business Busines People PeopleLocating PeopleLcatng PeopleLocating
Locating Lcatng Uptown Uptownor Uptow Uptowor
or opening opning uptown branches brnches are invited to deposit deposittheir depsit depsittheir deposittheir
their reserve reere funds unc moneys atvaiting auailng Investment and andactive andacive andadliuc
active acive accounts with this Company Cmpany which is so soconveniently s sconvenienty soconveniently
conveniently convenienty located loate in the heart henr of the great greatterminalshoppinghoteltheatre get getterminalshoppinghoteltheatre greatterminalshoppinghoteltheatre
terminalshoppinghoteltheatre district districtThe distrct distrctThe districtThe
The character of our ou Board Bar of c Directors Diretor gives givesassurance gives8uance givesassurance
assurance 8uance of strength stengh and conservative consrative manage management management management ¬
ment the te steady grovvtn gWh in deposits dep ts and ad general generalbusiness generl generlbe generalbusiness
business be is evidence of ability abity to serve sre our ourcustomers ou oucutomer ourcustomers
customers cutomer well wel We nay interest interet on deposits depositsConfer depit depitConrt
Confer Conrt with wih our Officers Ofcrl In regard regardto regarsto rJ d dto
to your YOlr banking bnktl or I trust trustfor lr business businessTrustee uintP uintPJl
Jl Jlktor Trustee iQi for Personal itst itstFIFTH i iFFH Trusts TrustsFIFTH
S I Altaian AltaianDIRECT A1u 1In 1InDIRECT < n nDIECT
USUALLY Y 400 PER YARD AT 235 235a 2353W 23534Wit
I 3W 1 I Attrtucr lt 34tV 34t 34Wit tta r 35tl 35 3511j Slfl1 8lri Nr Nrw for for1c
cPr nrrnsir nFJT Mruvr 1IIlT 1IIlTnl iruIIEvTlisrge MruvrARalnit
nl lisrge AgaInst aut Real FAtal tt Naleiman NaleimanBroniht aiesminflrougttt Iplmn8rOQlht
Broniht Bark 8 IVom om Protldenre Protldenrellroiicht rtndlff lrtiicIenreBrotught
llroiicht lolht hack hc to Xawark ewark from rlm Provi Providence IrI IrIdpnl Protldene ¬
dence dpnl IL I on a charge hrlt of 0 obtaining obtainingmoney ohailill obtainitigmoney
money by faUe rol pretence Jrlpn made by 1 John Johnli JohnI
li I Price Pr a piano 1no iuileiniin Melville 11 K KOoodrich 3 3Ocodnich
Ooodrich Corcb was WDI paroled yenterday In the thecufttody thiscustody h hMroy
custody Mroy of 0 hla hi counael rl I Henry 1 Halm HalmDoodrlch lhn lhnnorcb lliihunloodrich
norcb Doodrlch formerly lived at Ml 2 Hlh HlhFlfth SouthFifteenth South SouthFifteenth
Fifteenth atrevt tre and nd wa w warn formerly a no asco ascoelated o ociatod
elated 1 with wih the Ih Clinton Clnton Park South llh Com Company COl Coinpany ¬
pany n a real rltle e relate tat firm firmIjiat frm frmlat flrrnlAst
lat June Jlnp noodrch loodrich It i alleged ulg old
Irie Price a houa houe in the lii Clinton Cllon Panic Pnl Hoiith HOlth HOlthrC
Iract rC and took tol a deKui 11 of 0 II7S ll 1 When
IM lrire I rice went nt to take Ilke po p0N545tlon ieaion of 0 the tl lb houe houent hn hnn
nt n > learned 1fnfl that Inodrich Unrleh had evernl hi hiaxwtclatlon hillon hula hulaaaswtation
axwtclatlon llon with lh the company nnd amid that Ihfl
the Ih houe hOI did not no belong Innl mlY to us n him himwarrant himwarrmt A Awarrant
warrant warrmt waa l iu1 Lissuitsi ued for r the h arrest arM nf 00 lixx lixxrich bitwinithi
rich lie wn a found cl HI I Providence lrmII lrmIIny Prait iilrtit on n
Saturday Detective Kbert r went w there thereand tluoratuil
and 111 brought ny rIC him hll Ixirk hllk IIr
Titnn T si l rniK t 1 ni in I HKKHJ HKKHJIr 11 > t tl i iMr
Mr Ir l Hurra Iurr Mat trrehedanuti rretle l and Hrlea Hrlr1 Hrlr1Sa RefrslNlNon eil eilow
Sa Non ow Taken is forilham odllm ll 1001 lltphiah lltphiahMnit pllal pllalMr
Mr 11 Susan ln Murray Iurn whoe who h hmne 11 n t tII 41 41I t tIB
IB II I A cU rernuul rierniuuu or mail treei I Liberty 111 N Ntaken Stakn i itaken
taken from rm th Ii thus home of her iu suatPr ter r lf lfj 1 1I lrMary
j Mnr Mary 111 > Meyer at atn 13 l3 WicUham tllm avenue an anIho arentthus n nthe
the Iho Wakefleld WkIhl section ton of 0 Th 1 Flroni FlroniKordlmm nronlnrlnn fironsInnlIianl
Kordlmm nrlnn llonplul 1IIJI hlssepl ial yetenlay ufT 1rero tiffetit tiffetitfrotui > ni nifrom
from rm a bullet IIIIet wound would inflicted mflclf1 mflclf1KO ten wee weeago wseago
ago agoI KO
I agoThe The 1 sister told the 1h police pll that Ihlllry Mr MrMurray trs trsMurray
1 Murray who I his 27 year old in attemp Rrp Rrplldu atteinupsuiuild f
auiclde lldu In II a fll fl h of nnrvoua nroul depreeaiot depreeaiother i iI
I her r ly lm > nirt in II Ul IJlorty rty linen tl two bullet bulleti lul liiutIt1tfls
i 1tfls one n of 0 which ntnick nlr her htr in th h bret bretnnd hr hrhI hreisp
p ansI liMleed In the hI hack hc Mrs Ir Murray Murrayrre 1lra 1lralpaY wa wauirrerntil
uirrerntil rre tei and later wan rele released lpaY n1 her it itealil i iMid Ifh
Mid fh and nr threw th thur weeka ago ehie he lr cam rameviit camvici m
viit Mr r Meyer yr Yeterday r iO her con contloii rn eontitt
tloii 1 beiame worse and Mrs > ri4 Meyer 1 t I Iher Ir Iher
her r taken a to II the I hospital pil1 Her llr condit contiuti n nI
11 I I ald 1 Ii t lie I ftorloti itll
Heres a Sure S lire Way to t tIhr 1Tell Tell Good Beer BeerIt I
It I the I Itotl irel Read Hn 1
ontrr frem anr ant o dull > al r rUMIESTINWIEIZ
Ur Wits tn Nf 5 w YMfc YMfcYou
You Know r u lime H rt e Btt Light Bt B r Evtr trd trdN

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