mmmm mmmml l
nri nnfJnr nrn RIM TIll Avrmc rR i iMI 11If1l IX IXtlf
MI 1 1If1l l w1 rrwiTiov rrwiTiovTTiou r rxrr111T10xThouand UTW UTWnauatd
TTiou nauatd iHl of f pTlmm flm Hwurnl tItU eurd h th thlan IhIan the theani
lan ani larl 1arbfhleh 1 > Which hlCh loft It Hi MB May IWtO IWtOk UHtDnbllat 1H19I
x Habitat Croup of f Ihs OKapl l lI It Itmn Ur
I xnionc mn Ih the lroml lroml1 il TrraMirr TrraMirrhM fralIrh rrraulrras
as hM h l hiss n rc rclv + H eJ at tli flip Ar twriran twrirany rtcan rtcanl I Iun
y l urn of Natural Hiotorr of > f th the IonKO IonKOi nKo IngoI
i I xp r < l hllon > tlon which h ha has h been ii in the Ih Jnn jungle junglee l lf
f > atonal Africa tIC finer In Jim IIMO 11kaAInir IIMO1cr 1nIIa I
Inir Ia 1cr If the h lisul ldlIhlp rahip of I llerlxrt llerlxrticiport I lang langal II K
al iciport In rooloRicnl aoalor iral aur alln1 > y aIIII1101Irn and ii l i itatHlTtiiy modern modernaudrtmy
tatHlTtiiy Irlny and n < l a inwnlwr nf I th the muaiu hllII11I hllII11Ih < m mm I I
m iI who h la arctuni nec Arcllnpanld in > anl anld l liv JIIIIKI JIIIIKIi JIIIIIlIn
i hap > n In > n alao alII of I Ihf I hI muriim Thn two I twoIr o I IITH I Ir
r Ir arr ITH 4 left New rwYork IW York rk on May 13 i duo IYUUI duoinir
1 u srramrr inir 11I X flalIl Un < l i 01 > f HIP Ih lied Star Starr j jr jf
r f r nlwerp wP hound t < oiin < l for tin IOIIKO IOIIKOi
i r inrir 11 y Sailing from IlnwvU Ia on the ther4 lli llif4M h hII < > 1
f4M r4 a I li IAYghhlvill > H > lilvilli > th < < IlIiIIOIl esprdihonItnnA txM IlIiIIOIlllIutI < litioii litioiiH
H lUitiin lutiu M 7 1 It lino I J xnd HIII 1 pro prorvlrt I prowiles
wiles fmlii Matnili liy rail to I I IOJKItI IOJKItIIu SIKI SIKIiif
Iu < iif 11 mil thru h up th the Cimtfo lIiC rivcrhy fIr h l twist twistt > il ilt
t simVMlli Kroin Stnntnvvilli th thPI IhI the thetit
PI I tit I ii continue nlinllte1 tlirniiult Iho It dt iltimp iltimpf oae oaef
f ii foot In Avnknlii A 01c1 > 1 Tin 11 lulint lulinti 1111 1111III
i Ii I in vhf lie IXplorir SIororll iiiulor dote < 1 < rf rfj
j H I 10 v lilii ha I seen XH > II noosed fruni fruniMI rum l
I nlr nh r Hii h tlllo titl of oln ln I th IhI hi llnt h a t fll fllHr ofAfro if ifAfrii
Afro Afrii Hr i tht li > miiMMiin tin iAcum piililiNht pull hllI fahea in thi thiii I h > I Ico
co i ii her intro nirnij tlif th first account of th thf Ihhon Iiirtpvdttbn >
f vtilion hon which hl h contain nlln many lIIan inter interf illlrpnll futi r rr
f pnll r tig reporta 1INrt aunt in liy h the cirntlnt scirntlstAThe cirntlntThi cilItitllTh
The two xplnrfra JInrfr iuiil called iI < > < I up the Ih COIIRO COIIROmi 01l1t0 nngnAnd
mi And I tmvrlltl 111 on f lot x > t through II donor dIIMIr > IIM j jtropical jtropical
tropical Ir < plral fnrrotn They Th jr alao llIn obtains obtainsnumtrnuit t tngmernga
numtrnuit mfm photograph which vividly Idly II III IIhal
I hal their prourew OJrtM through UarUr darkestA t tAfricvt
Africvt AfricvtIn A UrlC UrlCn r Ira IraIn I
In n A IrttM to a friend triln Mr Ir Lane wrote wroteUhil rot rothll
Uhil 1 hll hoe looking at th the plfturm Itllr all into u u7urkth aTurkish
Turkish hah You 011 will appreciate the thicountry tlurlInln thee >
e country unt rr eel tl t er erInterest r rIntiTMt 0 0III
Interest l III attached altat ffI to the thspeditinn thspeditinnwins rirwdition rirwditionrwina prelll
wins inlt to th the fact that th the nlaian Ilov < iovrn iovrnn rn rnnom
n nom m ha h coo toolof11d > rat < sl with th Anirrnan Anirrnanti hlpIn i i111100
Ilusntn ti tiin fit Natural Illatorv in tflit finainiiiK finainiiiKih i ig igthe
ih the h work ork In return for or the III fvp trwgts trwgtsof IfIII IfIIIIf > iiiu iiiuf
of If > f tran lranporl tranKpnrtstlin poriition lion furnish I liv 10 th I the h n ntovernment nllClali f Igian Igianlintrrnment I
tovernment the lh h expedition l la ti tit to < It ItI iv ivtI
t tI > the th h lernueren JIii 1IlIm usum eum eumritaln 111 halguun halguunC It 11111I 11111IIAtn
C ritaln IAtn mitSRfted 1011 fd rc 7001111111 > nl iicnl KiMciuuMi KiMciuuMil spimewlalk
lalk l ck Ina th Ihr IhrTh thsreTh r rThe
The Th e fJIhrlnn f eihrinn wag 1111 flnnnred nnn 1 l lor > y i a group groupof rolll
of th the mufcum memhers mmI rtiii I fn rn11h rn11 nandawhn inl inlh
whn h < > contrHniteti lo a fund for 10 thi ll pur purpo I II purtlna
po I e among mone mnn thoet hnt who wh iontrlbuld iontrlbuldwere nlIIIIIdIohll
were lohii II Trevor < harks L tjinit tjiniti l nnr nnriavIand IM IMand
i eveUnd and II Itorijjp odlt1 J 1 PhrNnl rierK nt Moritai MoritaiIr 1 1Wllllllm < <
Ir William K Vnndfrbllt Innderhltl A I > Jill Jillhard JiInrd 111flnlt
hard + Rolrt Rnt rtha4tand W V Ooelet 0uf0 1 and Mllinm 111nmRock 111nmRockf HockH Itockh
f hr
1 h oxpedltlnn srw dlttnn on July JIII 1 I60 ID joljl AS renoh rh11 rh11I il ilMxtmli dMaradt
Mxtmli I I xipoldvillo Mynn l yond orlll th ratnrnrfe ratnrnrfet
and t > K 1tJ i milen mil from mm th euiat < in 11I1 t Krom Kromhft Frnmihrr om omhn
hft < it proceeded tiv lent I > nl to 0 Stanley StantsyiI i iM
M iI 1 hoping to find thin plnr a hits 11 of ofoperation ofp
operation p rUionL Ion 8tanloyvill In 7 r2n > mte mteinland ml mlIIllnd inpeeland
inland and n1 twrntrlwo di dny ra jounnV jounnVfm
fm f f1lpochIII > > o > oldvllle although th h ntirii ntiriitrip 1lrll 1lrllI rrlirnrip
trip I r quro 1ulr only on I thirtrtii t1 or 0 fmiitiMi fmiitiMilUv IUlIIwIInl nllrte 11 11Java 1
Java owing Wing nl to Ih sciftn K lftne ltl aa of th h rlr rlrrent ilr ilrrnt r rn
rent n Mont 11 of the Ih et i nmnr 11m on th tl totico tnnquarabtnwhelraof toticoare Ollcn I I
are U arabtnwhelraof III t rnwh v leri of yryshnllnwdrut vory r nhnllow hnllo ilrnitht ilrnithton lllth lllthnil ht hton
on account ounl of numrouaand nuiMTOiifi BAIU MIII hers iti Ihm Ih IhfnI i im i
m r ritt I IIn
In fnI tsarl te c of I 1IIIn loins i atrtmar tpim If mr r th i X tpol tpolt d dt
t on took a barge 1 drnrrn i by < v a atlatri ti > atn m tag tiittalonR IultIIlon tagainng
alonR IIlon + id d Of Hut tll1 vovnic Mr 1 lui luiwrite Iulq Iulqwrites
write 1 One Un kind of vultur lIlIr i is th the in 1111MmmOn must musteommnn i t tK I
MmmOn laK K bird but to 0 F pw i m ur < > rt hAil thtntwenty thantwenty
twenty 11 in II a day wnn nil uii mhsual nil 1111 in inMr w1 InpdMr w1Imlt
Mr I Imlt inn nif a tys Itotli large and I small HIII iris inlfairly irisa >
II fairly abundant abundantVo
Vo 0 ek f skphanta > phanta phnl were N ne awn > n nut th tllhnl thr n > were werefrenii weretrwqu
frenii ntly bandx of monkeys cud I brow imwand II IIanrl browand
and then Ih n a young hlnpojxMnmiii hlnpojxMnmiiiThe I
The Th voyaeeM vovIt decide ell J that Stdnlryrdlu Stdnlryrdluwas Stinleyi Iy dli dliwn II IIwa
wn ImINlhl lmMxuMl > le a aa a lwe for op operitionn operitionnn ritlans ritlanson
1 on > n account of high price ri and l Iwrdma IwrdmaIs ef < iii e eit
it waa ton far distant from the Ih most Otol im amA I Iportant
portant A n dciermined ZOOOKICJI to rclon cgont nu The ThJlplor ThJlplorIhfn further1i further1iand explorer explorerthen
then determined to continue further IlIrhnd ei t tand
and nd proceeded J1r with lIh a reset art of the Ih elpplie elpplieto sapphto
to Avakubi in the Ih Hunt Ituri IturiAvakubl Itll Itllvakuhl Ihrlvakuhl
Avakubl la I a gr grml > nt rubber r ntntiTi ntntiTibout Int Intboul n nabout
bout twenty twIt ton a month IWIMB retei reteifrom rvird rvirdfrom
from the Ih native a taxe wrlt wrhi < Mr MrI 31 31Inlt Ir Irfang
I fang nic In a letter I tt to a friend frisndMr I
Mr Ir Lang way nays that the Ih spot 110 i III one on of ofthe j jthe IIhl
the tnoat Inolnled In Ih the world and men lIInInnll tnnnnne I Itinn
tinn that a Lieutenant who received f < answspfper a anewapaper IInpa
newapaper npa from Eat Africa informed informedhe III rorm ormsd ormsdthe I IIh
he Ih < iravellera on November 12 that h Cook Cookliid CookId nnkhad
had announced that he had dincovered dincoveredthe di di5Cot fd fdth I IIb
the Ib North Pole Poler Po Porport
to r > a report dated Noveml > er 29 9 but hilir I Ir
r irir I fly n month on the th way ay Mr Ijinn IjinnMiti
Miti au tel hat In the Ih crmre cou of two 0 month monthafer monthaf i
at afer r reaching their bag Nt of operation operationth oprru ion ionIh
th lit of Ir apecimena emrsd e iired were WI 2Gi fl flman gl
man mnmlA tnll 4 172 12 bird lrrl and Hi more than thanp st str I
p 1 r linen of smaller fauna In n a I later 1Ir i irfr It Irpr
rfr rf t ant nt from th the I Held early 1 In Inn Innuarr n nUII nn nnuarr
uarr UII about IOI threo h month nfter I IIVIIIK nvmgvakuhl IIVIIIKv
v ihl rtuhi the h record show ho Jio matnmalN matnmalNnd ntnrmm ls lsand
and nd T n2 bird birds with lth more than i Ltsat i or the thernler Ih Ihmr themallsr
> rnler fauna faunaThree rllllnarh faunarhr
Three rh rhr a + witant wore r enaiped by Mr 1 1c
ti C c liefore Iro leading laln Leopoldvillf and 1 at atMatileyviMe Mflltff1I atstanlsyvlll
MatileyviMe fifteen more native nail Ir c > in If Iflit tl tlthe dthe
the lit etpeditioti a ae 11 B aIlllnlli l lalanta tanta In n addition additiont
t he h ha e irane tramnll lnN < l a as I ltarit tans forty r < rly Jrl Jrlr j snsra snsrawar > rir rirhired
war r hired h to carry upeclmen na fur r thtI th thiir Ihhlon
tI < hlon hlonfr iir iirIn
In fr a letter I written writtennrly early In Januray Mr I
T htng n nJr tell 1111 nf three thr dav rnl rs tit rb th thrth thht thh
rth h ht f lvak Vvakilii nk 111 Tliefhri Th Ihri hI tmn prennt prenntr I1 nl nlr
fur > r ihe h party wa w 11 Aa an old 111 tnal chimpiti7 chtmittnrsranght chimpiti7lancht chlhll II7 II7Jrhl >
lancht Jrhl on hrimll Chrl trna eve eveIn f fIn I In
In n a final rlarl re I > ort > rt from the Ih ep ctrwhlion ctrwhlionurp diiinn i iiff
iff urp r rsourd fN > r rI < show ho lydfi I I mamal and nrll I VCi VCirr YYIids I It
rr ids t m I the Ih oollortion 011 and a unliue nnhplethnningtoaI unliuehnnlnalcal mlIIIhl1olal1
hnnlnalcal ru4 illecfiin ann of I 1 < unlxr it unlxrjrained lInr1t11 4 4gan
jrained gan d fr rm im fh the h Mnnatwti Mnnatwtit Man llInlC llInlCmlI lwtii lwtiimiicli
t marl covete < oknnt kiln uroilp iri iriind irrinding irrindingrox
rox n and fn female I ap pecmeii Ihn rhneaia and andniHterul 01 v IIIt 11111wt IIItrm
wt > niHterul from thn thennbnulK anlmiil anlmiilr haunt hauntLrnrn IIIItI IIIItII
I Lrnrn r I Iy if Icjdcr of th h > tplirtiiK Irilll
1 1 ho
1 f t rp > e tlitinn ition IIfI1 tarte l on June Jun In su from fromngfi rr fromr I
r > ngfi 11 amp lit t Midge 1 Itl Hi II rib ofA of ofA r rA
A UK I lb I I
wss UI i rn wKit wKitformer 11111Fnrll1 H11Fnrnisr
former Fnrll1 Metropolitan coif niainplon to toMarr I IIar totart
tart Iar > t II IIIKtll of Tnronto TnrontoMNr TllrllloSlit
MNr Slit N 4 1 Oct B ard hire hireMeive h Ilsrnn
n PsramvN1 Meive 1 m this hi city IIt for to or th h marring mirrinKn rll1l rll1ln
n toiler ZfI w of Mica Julia Howland l Mix Mixmefrofiliti oIl I ix ixmsfrnrnlttdn S StrIIrolildn
mefrofiliti < n Rolf champion and I II a 1 i if j jf
f per r rident irtent of thl this city rlt to II Arthurat Arthur hl hlAn1
11 e land nd Illuht of Toronto anarli IlInlhIri cantide anarliwnldini
e wnldini w Iri ldtng will II lake tlk playa 111 at A the h Hill i iI mnos
nos 1 I Prehjrterlin Church of this hi city citya < itvwill 1 1A
A I will Iwo lw I performed rwrlormsd by the Ih rotator 1 > 110 iha ihan ih t
Re n F Floyrl Uwnrd alaislnl nMite 1111II ill IW < hr th tha thakr h
kr Ii 1 I idrldn jrlltt Mix I II > D i uncle 11I11 of 1 ih Iha IhaI
I 1 1 and not a former lorm ro roUln tnr of th Klrat l i iI
I r r renvarlan < I > vtorUn Churrh h of Orange Orlln Orangenroth i iM j
M Virothy nroth Ilhy Mix 111 the III bride laler rlatsrNAN lalerr
r maid mlll NAN < t of f honor Aand and nd th Ihe thalfnugh hride hlttmlh hlttmlhAlptlulth l mald
> Mi Margery Marg y Alpnugh lfnughof of r Tentn r ntla I
I Fl I Iannr nor Part of R Feat ex 1 Fella II that Mi 01 i ir
r rn r Taylor and nrl Marl I Oowd Oowdranne owd
V Brang Brangs ranne IIn IIn1r I Iirence
irence 1r manasnd Hufomon of Toronto TorontowIH whl Iii rw rwe
s e t man lIn and th the h ua u lIb h r ra raToronto will 11111 lw huItfan How Ifo I
1 ifT 1Tn n of t Orange Meek Milne In George Georgeind Oeorgand
0 and Jordon rdnn Mile III of Toronto The Th I Inat Ini Ilea
lea nat altl lll lie I followed lollnw hy n reception i
r rasna f ox C Vjunv nufv 111 Country ountryintnn III flib lat latdirtily Ilt I Ililt
dirtily lilt Minr olU ju trriutArtrltv trriutArtrltvrInccn unTii TIIIJ TIIIJHr j jl
rInccn l l e 1 p UnUianil Rnnltrr Hr anil Illiln Illilnknow
know It I mat as l heads headsp aileii aileiir I
r a hulled IIt hi her left lroat brrn rn t an n inch inchimlf mrhs
< half It from her heart IH Mr I Horror Horrorr n nn
r H I year n old I h la In lh II the Newark 1rk City I IM
M al ilinarritlcalRondinil 1 In a rritkll Inlllll trnrd trnrdLt < rord d dII 1 I
u u ihe 1 report r lwrt mad m to t h t Is 1 K > lr IIlr sha shaa h htntally hIt
a i tntally StAllyahnl aho henwelf It while hll exHniining sanuningalibr exHniiningtlibre mllllnit j
tlibre IIlr revolver belongliiK to h r rwhich
4 1 which hlc he had Jut clnnd rlonn Sh il illelill
know lelill th the jil lath tol wa badwl II inilv inilvVf
Vf lr t Kent Ii and lft her her hiMUiml 11 live > with withnnle
tb It nnle M 1 Hanen at I io lb > flrvdb flrvdbis nvi nvii vI > I Iah1
i is And Ilwy th y wars lIr nlone In In their Ih ro r1II rsrniii < nn nnih
ih It hot went 111 off n Th nun nuni I rr1u
II r i that Kent wa was putting on a no noother nk nkr
r < other nth hr aide 1 of the h room r > om when h11 hi hitied I Ikfj Ins Inskid
tied up th Ihe revolver voh the Ih trigger IrIIfCIJ
11 a IJ in n the th lace of her h waist al The T
have been t en living livlngAt at I the llanen lfananahoul llanenabout
+ p about bu a week HII They The have b 1 breu 1I
I Iamrrl < sn rr > i four roontha I
Aa ofenter o eraer wMi all H Hof Itla6litM Itla6litMof cte cteof
of Wan mntt M Ma Mawith celtl11R1 8 t 11M 11MtUt adwith
with tUt MM 00 of I HM NIt k M 1tlltda to te mr IftroCt de derotes e eXecl
rotes oCt Xecl to tiM bmlHtta In Mid w 111 Hut la laWill fawan n nWan
wan street s ptrolfttteii he has been bccart MeRrtttltt beenright
rtttltt rt ht only onl four flaws t owl of inCa KreaWhat inCaWhat txrenWhat
What chance then hu the average aCrageman nrerageman
man with limited capital to BlAke aukemoney mikemoney
I money by speculating IftCUIaU1It 7 7It
It Is so mach acll better to bay IN Gnat Caaranteed Gurantced Gnatanteed
anteed Mortgages Mort L You art ar aha rt rl8ht rl8htevery ht htevery
every tttaejou cant have n a I IYou boatYou loss lossYou
You can get anortgages ort la almost Mt any anyamoBat
amount from 91OOO iifv iifviVo tpNo If IfNo
No investor hat ever off a dollar dollarCapital dtJll ddforGAE r rr
r GAGE G l1ARAPffEE l1ARAPffEECapital Co CoCapital
Capital S surplus 4I7lOUOOO 4I7lOUOOOne 7m > OOOO OOOOuo
uo 17 Bwar 6 wa wa7 r4 T 1 Ita 75 Brawn st B kI71I kI71IsH k17 k17sa0FvltonaJ4 J j jaao
aao sa0FvltonaJ4 rwton 1011 su oIe > Aka ukaMM Aka1f11
MM 111 fff 11 11ruiiiirtv iiiftv niis niisV t1 t1ullllHr 1115t
V NuinlHr of 0 IriMlurlloii In He Made all allk allhath In Inthe InIhe
the Next Ken decks decksharbn MrckChirti k
hath Friihman nnnounct announced < l ln Inst t night nightthai lIi ntghtIho hl
thai a In h how Ih hit 1lahl hats laid out an rut ire ir new pro proKrnmmt pr prfI1l11m pnghunme
Krnmmt fI1l11m t lr > f play producliun lUtwc Iktwcennow ii iinow
now mid lilli the Ih first 11 week in 11 January illlllr Mr MrFruhtiiiii JtrFrulmuaIt 1 1rh
Fruhtiiiii rh proMMHr lrI < to I make liftitn lift n mw mwpnxliiftloiiH IIIWwhllh a athou
pnxliiftloiiH thou letInns which h will III have IIn their Ih Ural llrlMrformaiic Uraltarrfornlancws
tarrfornlancws Mrformaiic < M in 11 New York ork lUieton or orCllKHRIl orhH oriii
iii CllKHRIl CllKHRIlTh hH hHTIll go goThin
Th Thin first in the Ih lit of the th new Kroh Krohmini FohlI1all Frobman
mini plays In K 1 go Into inl rehenreul rhl ffIl will IM I n ndrimii ndrm mdrimA
drimii by Henry Oatnilln cHlle 111 < l 111sFoohalt The TheKooliMi It Itoollllh
KooliMi Vircin rjllI The Th production of The TheKo Tlteoohh 1he1o
Ko oohh lth Virgin Iln will be followed by tlmrwentattun tin tinprpeentation IhI
prpeentation I Iallnn of a new comely NlnI from Ih thFrneh the theFrench IhYrrnth
French called Th The Marriage Irrla of MIM Mttn1Inlhnnn MIMllullman 11
llullman by MM o1 1 Foumon 01111011 and II nil Wlcheler WlchelerOnOctol WIhII WkhrkrUn
OnOctol I Un In h olnlU inlaer > er2l 24 Mr 1 Frohman willprodme willprodmeSit will 1IIrooll 1IIroollII rndutw rndutwsit
Sit II Arthur rlhu Conan onan n Doylea lovl a The Tb Hpeckled Hpekldhnnd Hpeckledllnnd t1rk1fd11n1l1
llnnd an n Adventure ntll of Sherlock Holme Holmusalt Holmeat 1Ilmtll
at the h lloelon nil Theatre Boston 1 < lon At the thewinif theNnnte h hIOAIII
winif time 1 n cnmpanx of FnglUh and andAmericnn RndIIIrl andtutrhnn
Americnn IIIrl < < lIn iirtor of national repute will willIx 11I 11II
Ix I Iw orgamrHl or iUul1 for ro the < performance of one oneof on onnf oneof
of the Ih old IIhllOIIIII eotnedie aimiUr tn lat yeara yeararevnal YfO YfOor yeorar
revnal r iinl of C Cdat tlllt te at the Fmplre Em TheatrePith Theatre TheatreWith ThMIIWllh
With the th reheareal of there Ihe playa playaIhtarttnl 1la111ato playastartvl
Ihtarttnl ato Mr r Frohman will n III xt make milkftI a arevival aof
revival ftI of 011 Uw > Mnr nr Wilde comedy OInlI The TheImportinn ThlhllpnrI1n Thulugnrtnnr
Importinn of lloing Fj Earnat niit Thi his will willlx willIs 11I 11III
lx II < f lloweil by the Ih presentation of Oil OtHSkinner OilSklllnrr ItsSkulnsr
Skinner in 11 Henri Iavelana lw I v lan 11 n II new II play playcalled plarnll playcallsul
called nll < Wtr Wtr1tUlliuu Sire Sirellllatn S SIIhll
1tUlliuu llllatn IIhll H t rant nn will 11I Ite hrouglit into tntnNNw intoNew Intow
New w fork nrk earlier than wa wA 11 intruded for forthe rnrth forthe
the th flrrt rrformance r rrnrlllnn of U letirte Adea Adeanew 1drburw d11olllrty
new comedy f l S Minliter Hedlv 1Pd1 In Intlu Inh Inthu
tlu h latter lall pert > art of November mmr Mir 11 Marie MarieTem MartTemtwt 111 111111
Temtwt Tem Ht wall 111 appear P1 in New S lork ork In nnvw n nplav nI
nvw I plav pia lv N Sotnercvt Mnuchnni tlmt tlmti
i Is a tae vet 1 unnamd unnamdlUfore 111111 111111Brnr tltinaln d dikdnrN
lUfore the th end 111 of December r either ith m mPhilidi lit1hll10llh inlhiladlphri
1hll10llh Philidi > lphii or n lloeton Mr Frohmnn will willmake willtnnke 111 1111IIk
make the h first iinxiuctloii of a new n play playnl pia pialIneI dayrnlrd
lIneI nl d The fh tnknown Inknown Dancer which which he heha h hhat
ha bail trnnrlatfd trau dnted from rro the h French of ofTrt ofTrlatdn 1
Trt Trlatdn liin Hernird lk rnard The Thpannltrr mnnnger uu notr hA h reoilv reoilviliiK rendvilnwt alv alvIm
iliiK ilnwt Im i for tn imnodiatn production prnl irhnti thro thronew thrttlw hr hrlit
new lit uric 1 net pluv p1ua III a liv h J M 0 llarrte which whhro
In intend to produc1 II n as n Mtigle singlreniug singlreniughill 1 evening eveningbill nllltt nllltthili
bill These Th are u culled 111 A Slice 1It of f Life 11 11Th LifsTh
The Th Twelve Po Pomd ind Look and antilied Ho 11041 n nImd
lied 111
liedtilunnlrap tilunnlrap Siinultinetrirlr wvislr with ih the Ih productoil productoilil
oh il th the p pliyn 11 Mr 1 Frohtnnti will t III u1 into intorehenrmil tat tatrehrnrsal
rehenrmil n flew ni n v nuts < nl 1 nliv pi f rflltI n tn Vieiuin Vieiuinille Yi unndllett III1A III1AIIN
dllett < ille < Tii n Doll IlnIlCH ritr < ir In sinvun n > ion will willfollow wllrI1 willnllw
follow rI1 Fthl IliirrvmoreH a new pla play a Millie htllieIinrko MillieHurk Billlnlrk
Hurk r ippeiraiue < N In n new n comeily in inNew InS inNew
New S York 1urkuid and lIllh the th return llInf of Annie 11I Hn KussNll KussNllunder wll wllunder
under Mr Ir Frnhman nnnagem hIIIItmnt mina grm nt in 111n n nnew nna
new n plnv 101 which whil hih h will here it its Hr Brat t jier jierformince ta r rfunnaor
formince iti iii a city It adjacent aIJ1 to u New S York Yorknriin rl rlTill Turkfll11r
nriin I ron Titini TitiniTlie Till T rlvI rlvIThe f fTI
The TI Hinaer tilnc narr lo I pest lrloher 2e 2 In the thecu Ih IhIIrrlHt theNew
New cu llrrtvcrl Work WorkArthur Unrrthur forkarthur
Arthur Hammemtem II am yesterilay 1 an anlioiimwl AnIh annomnrN1
lioiimwl the Ih complete vast n cal I oSlIlh oSlIlhIh Naugntv NaugntvManela NalghtyMarlrIa
Manela th < to new II w comic opera In which whichMll whichMIIN hllhIII
Mll III tnunarnnltins lmma nlln Trntini will make her h Initial InitialU initialIw
U I Iw > u w a light opera prima donna The Thetnuxic Th Th11I11 ThNtnusu
tnuxic 11I11 10 i by y Victor 1 Herliert rlrt nod the Ih book booklv Ixakby
lv 1 Mrf 1 Ire Hlda lohnon Voting Olllllt The Theprvne ThIll iiin
prvne Ill n of r the Ih o Irll > era I is laid in New S Orleans OrleansIn UrlR UrlRIII
In I7J 11 I and nil concern the hI adventure adventurtMwho adventurewhu
who hhh h Iwfall to tall the Ih mtchievoii Contemn ContemnD lon lon11I tsuua tsuuaI
D I Altona Mile 11I Trent fnllllll rrrntlnut Inn who nm nma nmaaaay
aaay a av 01 from her Italian home and ma nlagnradra maquerade mA3 +
querade a as a carquftte uoII girl III t Iii li new urwworld newworld 1 1rcl
world worldMile worldMU rcl
Mile 111 Trentuu will e s n m rveral rveralcharacter aeralcharactrrr r rchaB
character chaB Omll llnrr IIHruld > ld who 1111 made maderi marth madhis
his h ri IM tables tit in I rand mllt i I ra r at the II Man Mnuhatlna Manbaturi Ia IahllllII
baturi Opira 01 I1 II 1 ni u e ln tint t year r wil ring ringthe singthis 1IIj 1IIjI
the I II tenor nor r6l role tn for or a limite1 hmll engagprnent engagprnentr nI jtlm1I1 jtlm1I1It
r > nlv 11 as It he h will sail I for ro Furopw ro to n rtium rtiumhi rralmlit tillmhi
hi studies Harry lI ry Coor oohu t will tu 114llIly tlnva tlnvaa v va
a tamely llIly part I > R which wtti i neoritater hi hidHguimng htdisguising 11 11hlltr
disguising lilinwlf hitlut If a itll 1 palo r irate and All Knte KnteKhnore lint lintl Knte1h
Khnore 1h l our nor will 11I t > I n iviette rasa 11I Ntte girl anrrh anrrhmg e rch rchmg h hIIIIt
mg lor n hul hrlstnud > > aiid Mine hn Mana 11ri Duc Iuchrnr Iuchrnrwhn h hh nne nneh >
whn h > aiiit Clt contrnlt root tii I r ffla le I the Ih lit two 0 lat latye I lastyssra lilt I Ifill
ye yssra r fill II the Ih Manhattan Opera Ur rrn rn lloiux lloiuxwill 1111 Hmsrwall
will Is > beard IId as Idaho a ouadroon slaw slawand la 1 1an e ean
and an < l Kd Edwarl urd Murtindel will iII ring Iiennrllydndrr KHtnne KHtnnetlrnnHit
tlrnnHit 1 th I h Iaumtruartt taeutenantGuvemor nom11 ou sinwho IIlICIh ouwh
wh who h > i fa abr lv I Drat Ifiir 1 a 1 fBmoua buc bucianeer 1011 1011n 1011fh hnrtanrer
ianeer tanrerrh ianeerThe n
The fh initial Jireeentntion IIIIIIlon will Iw l < e > givenai given
II ai th tho new II letting tl Oiiern I ura Houw 1101 at Hyra Hyrai H
aIi i u e on thIN 211h Its ff f this thi month 1h 1hIt Ihe IHI IHIgagement elqxgmrnt
gagement It < < nwn will I w for thne Ihfl day Ia th thlatter thla that thatlatter <
latter la half II ol tbe th wc w ek k Icing In < < devoted devotedto
to th thu h Sam 1m S Sliulwn Shul rt theatre at Hoch Hochet UMbk Hwhstar
et star r A week k at the Ih Trek Theatre TheatreHuITalo ThIN1oIITIII Thu atrs atrsHtnnln
HuITalo 1oIITIII follow after which the I th opera operacome 0111u
come nn u to New I York ork for 10 an a mdrflnllwlgnqe indefinite indefiniteengagerout nllu
engagerout engageroutrn wlgnqe ratlt ratltrat
rn 11 s or n I ns nsTlie t It1 r1 n t 11t 11tTilt cry cryTin
Tilt Plrsl llr 1 l of f tillhrllllnn the Ih siil crl > llon sealer at the theNi Ih IhThI1 lbrwrhalreto11hint
Ni rwrhalreto11hint Tlieatre to I lleliUen n 1111 T Tnnlllhi TnnlllhiTh To lgtit ntfhlIlia lgtitI
Th I Ilia ho M Mu 1 Shirt announo that thatmelii tsarUn
Un melii b 1 l lindner Iu lout and 1 Mrtrudn J < rtruin Dallas DalianbTe 1IlIahn Dallashit
bTe hn Icon I n ndde 11 to I I i ci rant t of Keeping Keepingtp Ke pmg pmgUp
tp 1 pptnranr > M lle II I tnw 111 comedy hy hyllutler h h1I1I11r byHutlur
llutler Davenpor wbh wia h h i oon to b bprrnlurod b bprnduced 1 1prclll > <
prnduced prclll Tliw Th romeilv tnd which I is In four fournet InInIII fnurerrs
net will II ofon of if r towi next Kattirday KattirdayiMemngand flalllII flalllIIIIa RatttnlnyevNnmg
iMemngand evNnmg IIa and wll w ll 1 1r brmigi into N Nuw w York Yorknn orll orllnil
nn soon n a as n thentre hn m available available1h aIIlnhlIh
1h profeionnl matimv of RamHrnsrd Ram BamrVrrmrd RamJIooTUII
rVrrmrd In He rarfi 11m From om Milwaukee Milwaukeennnouncfil Mllwaukaennnomrd 11I1111 11I1111nnnollhlnl
nnnouncfil for 10 next Thur Thllday Iay afternoon afternoonwill
will 11 m not > t Ink plac 11 < until A week k from fromThirrday InmThI fromThrdny
Thirrday ThI Octoluer Octol > er 20 Tli Thn reason llIOn for forth lorIll forthis
th this postponement taetpnnnm nl I U that the Ihhlll date at fratWt frat flrtAt
Wt At 1 October 13 la th the Day Ua of Atonement Atonementthe Alon mnt mntiha
the 111 mot I nolemn aol mn lewlrh holiday In all the theyear th thit theyour
year it and Mr 1 IV nnlllrd rimrd rould not poralhly poralhlygiv fJOfIlhlI
giv giv I an afternoon performanori on that thatday 1hlltdil thatdi
day dil without blul de drl d ply olTendlng hi hie mother raothrand motbrn1 motherand
and n1 violating all al hi hk own rellgiou r II igioua < < lou prin principle prine prineripl prinI ¬
I ciple MinI tho Ih Day n of Atonement AtonementH Atl tlflnl tlflnlII
H dos oberve l hy II the th h Jewish Church undo endaat nd ndt
at t n 1 oclock In fhn Ih evening unln Mr tr Bernard Bernardcan
can glvo Itl the th regular ifulll night performance performanceule performancew
w Ihnit hn1 Breaking iaklnjlllny any rule rI rautM of hi his faith faithTli lallhTI faithiha
Tli iha nr Brat t New S York Irk I rformanc of ofMadam 01IllIIn ofMadnina
Madam Trouhiidour by Jorepli Her Hertvr nrhur liartar
tar with imilo tnu 1o iv 10 Felix Alhlnl Ihln will wllllak wllllakpi take takepM takeplusnnigh
pM pi plusnnigh fomgh l1Ilht ill t h Iylc Iy Th That ThatMThi atre i iTh
Th Hr IIrIIl l trrfnrmnnr r rformnucn m the lit auh aulltAertp aulltAertpIonrrIN < > rfp rfpton rlpn I
ton IonrrIN n ene r of n r four to I bat given < < at t the New SwThn NewThntsr I ITh
Th Thn Thntsr ntri for to working reopln opl at from fromin
in + SIwht Vi oetita hlll a r n rijne m tonight to nlghtt whenMAmnrn wh when n I IMauro I
Mauro 11111 Mneterlinck in arllnrk Th lutes Rlril ikrdwill lrd lrdwill I Iwill
will I th the h bill Th rommitln having havingthv hnvingathv
thv I w rub crlptlon in < burg ha h4 < reported reportedto
to n Iir Director tnr Aim tee1 m thit Ih everr v eat In n th thbou Ihhems
hems < ha has IwN l > e < > n old 11 and hint l itwu twren1 twren1MW nt
MW fJl > unlit I 1ioui itiplicnnon It on < wore turnoil turnoilnwnjr IlIm1n
nwnjr nwnjrKo n
Ko In great R n At tin h hIIa L i in 11 H demand n mnn1 for foreit fn r rtut
eit 11 tit th Ihs h New G w Tlr n 1 n R11arN b I re Mncter 11nstrtin MncterUtnk
Utnk tin ka Tlii Incas III Ilird JI i ma tw bnina lnir Kiven Kiventhat IlnIh Kleedrat
that Ih 1 Ihi Hie 10 ilirector have hll decided 111 t tin to > Ith Ithn gln glnan
in n extii 11 iniln < nx n Thirwil Th Thgr day ly ni ft s I I M MII 1It I III
t II IVnusItnnnounrulbust VIMM 1 annoimred li t night ulghthit ulghthit1e ihit ihith
1e h would give ICh W II HiirlliiitM 1111 ilnitnn ilnitnnVok drntnnNew
New Vok Ya k It Its tnetropollWn olnIUJ prenilre prenilrent Ir Irnl
nt Ii the Hhr Hi nm Tbiire TI next n MrnclAV MrnclAVniitM 1 1IIlIlh irndavnight
night On this th mnme attn n night Mr Ir IrII Wood Woodwill tlrwwlawill
will II i niigurnip n hi his fennncy rtnfY of f the Ih flirt nn indi indiratr nnI n nrieitre
rieitre nI with 1111 h a pnwliiftlon ff If The Th lo Itnr flea fleasure lorv
sure rv r a new n plar 11 by liwnrd K lward nJ K l ltoe ltoeM It ItAi
M 1 the h itegmnmg lClnnlnlt of f the h following weak weakOrtnhr wi > ek k kOrfoh j
October 2 St Mr 1 Wood Wr > nri4 will III bring The TheGirl Th ThGirln ThuGirl
Girl Girln in the Taxi to th the Astor Theatre ThuUeI
ntrn fi rrii TI JR1MlXtu IirMMv IH Krrnrn KrrnrnMlVI FRT4 11W 11WNISF I
The Tt1 Tnmht l la Vn > IVetler u Na Aaa l u fly r frsiud frsiudhit1fIer IHei e ehiii
hiii hll hit1fIer fler fr leMlng the Must Vlmly P1I P1ITha PttTt18 Plle PlleThe
The Man fit h frateU Mara Air lr Tell TrlltIhr TIIthe TellSite
the tUUar l IU nil lt Ire > h hot ot t III lib CHI lirlotdrnlastonr Mrlimrnleloner CHIrAlrick
imrnleloner < Patrick A Whitney lln1 of oftheIVpnrtmenl of01 ofthe
theIVpnrtmenl the hp rtment of Correction viaited theFMa the theKwe <
Kwe 11 Market nrk1 mart lIrt prioon yesterday IfrtI4y tosee to toe 10tr
see e > If something nfthln couldnt l lnt be h arrana arranaror arranged arrangedfor
for th this comfort nfort of Natlun Cliorok who whobegginl whoIsgg ho hoKICI
Isgg begginl KICI I Magistrate III irIIf blouse 11 < 101 > on Haturdajr Iur tolulu to tohave tnhav
have lulu him 111 tnuitferriM In Irrt to the Tombs ay N1inlt aying aying
ing that the Ih had air and lack of I exercUe exercUein lIflriafIn
in KM > I Market Irk pri prlllOn on were killing him himThn himTh him1h
Thn Th Magistrate told 101 Mr Ir Whitney Whlln that thatChorok IMIhorok thathnrok
Chorok ciiuld 11 < 1 not I b > trani Iransfnett > ferre < t an he heI h hy hto
I to only y III Kiu > ex 1 uwaltiiiR the III time 1111I tit when whmYrtli whenYetla hrt
Yrtli 11 Koppelniiin whom he IK I charged chargedwith ehargtdwith hutt1With
with khooting tell veil 11 enough to appear appeariigilnt upiwytrugotnst IJ r rKI
iigilnt KI him hitntlhil himWhile
While 1111 lominksionpr C < inimi mmllonl < wloner Whitner Whll w waa in inI inIhi
I Ihi I lie h prison three liar drlyntt delirnl IIf II < from Holland Hollandto II ollantlI
to t o the II th recent r International I pt h1I 1 un < m ron ronvetitioii nn 11I
vetitioii cyllll ct nII < IUsI 1 I to n liHik it aver nv Thi ThiDr espy ThJI
I vrr Dr II II V I DrennelliijTii llrector dlrrdurgrurral dllCtorml llrectorgiMiiTiil
giMiiTiil ml of r priHun 1 a ind < refortiutorie of ofllollntid ofj ofNallnud
j llollntid Ur 1 U O I Fngrlen profitlent du duTribunal dllIrlllllll1 duIrihuliel
Tribunal A 11I1IhnIII11 utplicn and Mr 1r1au Ir Van tier rtl Klat KlatThey Elethad 11I1 11I1Th
They Th had I Imird tnncli of tin tI IhI utwanitary utwanitarycolidilioim lInllllryI unsanitaryeandtllonu
colidilioim Jillnn of K Es Hi > i Market prison prUonWanlen prloltWoln prisonWaitdun
I Wanlen Mlchi > l Wnnlen showed them themthrough IhnIIlroulth thamIhroughI
IhroughI through Carefully they t h examined the thebed th thisbola
bed the th ce cell < U the th Sunday dinner which whichI
I wn n being I ill < < prejwred the Ih whole building lIulldlJrrom huildiugfrom
I from cellar NOli to roof roofi roofWhy
i I 0 Why hill I prison l Is much mnllanedsatd maligned malignedHald moll Itn 0 0Id
Hald Id Dr U Urfwelhuy 1 > at the th end we wehave Wfhav weI
I hav seen n much wore tI1I jniU in America Americathan AmlriCAI Americathan
than I till one an n Even f1I your ou own Tomb Tombi Tombsof
i of which hl h you boaat nAAI 1111 Is In no better 1 Ir conditinn con condition conditon ¬
dition than thl It I + true 1 It la I very verydark verydark el eldllrk
dark here hut each prisoner rillOnr hall a cell cellto II
to hlmnelf while the Ih Tombn i fearfullynvsnrowdel fearfully fearfullyovenrowdol fl1ullymnrotI
ovenrowdol This building M iI very ry old oldbut oldhilI oldbat
but It m kept a sa clean a as any jail we l have haveyet Mvyet
yet 11 peen n I at no ra reason > on why hy any prta prtaoner pmonl pt la laonsr
oner onl hould obie oh 1 t to staying IAIn < < here except excepton f1C pt ptTh
on general principle principleThey prtncipIrytThsy
They Th talked in German n with Chorok Chorokwhore Chorokwhuss borokh
whore h love 10 Inv afTitlr with Yotta oltl Koppelman Koppelmanended pplmnInd1
ended with lth him In prison and the Ih girl < < Irl In Inth Inthe inthe
th the honpitnl She Is I In a very ry serious r111 con condition condilion condition ¬
dition hut Chorok Clio role think the he Is nearrecovery near nearrecovery
recovery recoveryHP rfO
HP 11 admitted < shooting her but raid raidhe pntdhe Irt Irth
he h had done It becau fOIU e IIh she hi hid played pUyedi playedwith < i iwith
i with hi his affection affectionI
I have hn Soma education he h aid 1141 < t 01 01Uth1 I II 1atuditwi
I tudied in n grmiuuuum ItWm n4f it an in Iluwla for forI 10 10t
I three Ihr year aN a before I came alii here h five years yearsI yearsago Ira Iraallo
I ago I me m Yetw 1 A year 1 and nd a half ago agoand agoand ao aon
and n foil in love lov v th her h We became liecameI becameenitgel
I engaged nltiC to l Is0 > e niarnei 1113rt I tiok I ole ran rooI r rA a aI
I with A IIh her 1r and her f ther thermadi tharI
1 madi > far monov 111 < V an a 1 firrvcr in a aI alallr ai
i I tailor shop hol and saran ve l it I Threw Thr w monthlago month monthI
lago I at a I haul li d sis It III iii the II hank I 110101 told herabout her herabout hI hIab1
about It end Alii she h wanted nlrel to keep Ie it until untilI IInlilIInl
I wi > got married I wa afraid at th < > time timethat IlmtI timethat
that I aha ht hid no n intention cat tI > < r marryTng marryTngI
I me n and I told her h fit so > Then shafell he h fell 11 on herkn her herkne h hkn
kne kn > aid cruel protrotnl that ph she he would wouldI wouldmorn II < t tI
I morn mnr mi but said id hltl if I didnt gins 11 her h the thei th thelone
i lone 1 sh ru hot < would know k that I didnt didntIO idntI
IO I > H her Sho hugg hUIt1 l my III kne k knps II and andki anII
I ki k kswt e < l my III feet f What could DIII11 ul1 I do hut give giveher giveht he heh
her h ht r the Iii II mnnevIlheu money IIWII IIWIII
I I When Wh nh shat h had the III money mon he h ent fli 1tto It Itto IInd
to Russia and nd bntught her mother mol h and andl andsts I
I sts l mall brother and An atslas ler to America AmericaI mfI4 mfI4I
I wan atifled II4IUnllr if nhe ah h wanted to I aol rnv rnvmonev III IIIOll envrnottrv
monev Oll that way 11 A week fI and an a half halfi halfbefore
i before htn shooting the h hoO n < < they h v came arvI took lOokfOfm tookrtxama
i rnorn at 313 Monroe attest I Ixtarded Ixtardedwith ixwaMedwith rdflt rdfltwith
with them I gue Itu gusts the Ih mother didntthink didnt didntthink didnltl1l11k
think I was u KCHM It good enough for Yeila VellaPrtry YeilaPretty r1I1IIr
Pretty Ir soon < > on I was eating aml in rentauranta rentaurantaThe Ialrnl IalrnlTIi
The TIi night of the Ih shooting hoolln Yetla came cameinto cametutu 1m I IIII
into III mv 111 room and I aeke < l for a final finalanwcr tln1I finalanewr
I anwcr IIn I aid Id Id 01 gt out peacefully If IfHhe Ith ifaha
aha h wouldnt rln marry rn In me 11 if the If wouldnt wouldntJIIM wuuklntills udn
ills 11 let her h ay eo j and an gi git e me m part of ofmy 01lilY ofany
my money mon back and n I would oulrt go n Thatgirl That Thatgirl Thatti
girl ti lauched a al > me 11 tire she ph raid ho shewrodrl howould I
would man me m and then she h aid I aha ahftwouldn ahawnuhdnt h
wouldn 011 I < In t fit v Just If I how ho her h how howmuch h hII1Udl howmuch
much n earnoot r I wa 1 pullod lull the h gunand gun gunand un unan1
and hit 1 nrlv ° rt r iv intended 1IInd loahoot II boflt t over overher n nh overhNr I
her h rhoiilder holllot but Instead of that the thebullet thehuller h I i
bullet 111 landed 11 right above IIh the Ih heart heartVow heartNow
Vow ow sh li ha has r puller llf1 and Ill have ha to toaiiffr 0 I Iuffer
uffer lfT in prison all became 1111 he h muldnt tnaldntnra IIllrInlUIV I Ima I
ma UIV e up I her h mind nandInmmisstonr nd ndnllnlonr j
t onuniMioner Whitney Whlln y wa all askNcl a ak k d < t A Unit AhOillIlh nbolstIhi Unitth
Ilh th new separate detention room near nearthe n nh nsarthe
the h woman night t court which the Ih new n lete i iInferior Inrrlor
Inferior Court Otr mopw ete bill provided mlot1 hnuld Iw I < in inoperation IIIorallo
opw operation orallo ratitxt by h Oct I 11 lie sttd < I he h had don donIIM donhis
his lx tpt > t toget 10 CI H I ready but l > ut had < 11 Invri utuilile utuililet osahleand
t < and 01 douhttd I Bill Im I it would IM > e readyanal ready readyunil
anal alter May I ITh ITIt ITha
Tha Th bill provide for a detention room roomnetf rOOIl1r robotpert
pert r lo I the III court he h ivuid i ln thit thitvlciiiltv hilIIrlhll
vlciiiltv Irlhll there an H oiilv 1 I three Ihr ularei plait 11 the theiTinini Ihi Ihinufuitwl h hmlllllllol
mlllllllol iTinini iivil ciiiirt iilxivr 11111 the room rn > cr crefli rJrnrsnn r rInoonn
Inoonn efli > ron Mellor and 1111 emt amply m > l > building Inaltdlrtgacross buildingAC IIfU11C IIfU11Cr
AC across roe r the lit Htrret 1 1 Th he empty building buildingwi
wi lco ud l l Ir fore < I could 01 get 1 jr and ludge ludgeMoore < <
Moore 10 rfuiM rI1 r ftlsla to move mil the Ih MiinictMl Munictpll
1 11111 ourt Ihe Ill third place 1 u < lei < x to tohlrian o ollrinn
llrinn II I lliKli If h + uj 11 > to la I last i pring rUIIIth At Atthrft ttthat
that th time he h t went roii < h to th h Comptrnller ComptrnllerofHo oanplrr hlrt a aomr
ofHo and ake k1 l if he h nauhd < ou 11111 keop it untiltaavt until untilnext
I next I May 11 SomeonInthu4umplrollra SomeonInthu4umplrollra1ami Home rn one IIn in th Cimilrollrr Cimilrollrrifflc
ifflc m n wrote wo tuck IW 4 that lie h could arid while whilewe hll hllt
1 m t could 111 prohibly forcv ores him out It would wouldv w nuhdI
I v vrv > rv r enpen stpetusve prn ve for 10 the Ih city and 111 might
I l Il
I i
i im
m l
r ra
I g r
a c crruaa ors w no cue c cI cI nts t c yr e eI
I A 52Page Magazine MagazineWithf MagazineWith250 MagazineWith25O
Withf With250 250 Fashion as ion Pictures PicturesFor iC uares
I m
For 10 Cents CentsTHe CentsThe CentsThe
THe most complete fashion raga ragazine ma magazine a azine
zine ever published every style for forevery fori j jevery
i every purse s everything American AmericanTHe AmericanI AmericanThe
I THe TwiceaMont TwiceaMonthLADIES T iceaMonthI hi hiLADIES
Now Out ut 1O l O Cents CentsTHE
not eave < any time legal fOlII procedure tae taeo II IIInlt
an o long longthe InltTh long1h
Th the Inferior Court law w I le providing providinga
a U lit t of trouble although I have ha no nodouht IinrIII nudoubt
douht that euMf < wn > < In it will work nrk out very verywell verywell r rII
well II 1 1ttre li re i a the itroi Irovtaion um that str lreet lreetwomen n nm t twanton
women m I Intnd IIIIK 111 to IM I ill II be eut III lo 0 a public publictiixpilul publichoaplltt
tiixpilul Magllrate ln < < have hll l > een com committinc cornmilting ommlltllfr
mittinc milting them right I hl Hlong I to the th work workhii wnrkhlIl workunit
unit e iir nraplltl < pllal Man Many of the these h e aenteucei aenteuceihavr senb nl nlhll nr s shave
have hll Isom ie n apr appealed eale and a great NlI iiuml IIIlmlr IIIlmlrhl1 numlsrhnv r rha
ha hnv lawn NfiIfl rver e < l and n the Ih women > om re reItlrvd releteed
Itlrvd 1 IitC4tie 11 < strictly lrl llr sisakinR > eaklng the theworkhr Ih Ihorkholl Ihiwnrkhniis
workhr > ue hospital i is not a public norpl inns norpltil h hInd
til burl i a only o 111 > eti to inmate nf tli tliworkliou IhrlllolI tiles tileswbrkhlnlte
workliou rlllolI e
Silversmiths of London LondonOld LondonOld LondonOld
Old English Silver SilverAt
At London Prices PricesA
A large consignment of Old English Silver has hasjust hasjust hasjust
just been received and owing to the withdrawal withdrawalof
i of DUTY will be sold
at exactly the lame prices pricea
a a u prevail in London The choice of pieces isthe is isthe isthe
the largest ever offered in the United States StatesI
636 Fifth Avenue A yen ue cor sit 5 I at st stLONDON StLONDON I ILONDON
I 1I I I 1I
H IIsle hlr h they Ihr lad ln I 1 ir fl uflrr 11 thte 11 t lixli jrnilf jnrtnrit rrnnlt 1o n 0 0Itcnnmjtons GIll aItrnnnyGas
Itcnnmjtons Ill 11IluII tiinl Vo n 2 Smith i Viiioj OUoj nt 1 3360 rurliTiler ruth ruthKtrri mrlf I
Ktrri f 1 mnrlinif rnnr r lnu 1 until n bq In ll M tea ag bnrnr Frt Virfjiry i Hrnnlt Hrnnltdritr NIII NrbuiItblurs 1 i I
blurs 111 mi Triulf Mnrl l and nn r In rwfir rrtrornnsej lftrJmnl iif for nr role otiryrur 01 01ym roleyrur
yrur tnpnni > t an i dcjr Irjrrt 1 in iorkinunslnii IOrkrI1tJu or 0 tnatfrtal tnatfrtalTV
TV TVAmrica IiWllliERA I n IU it FXTFfI FXTFfIA T U UAlulu
Amrica A erlcaa millt6 Writii lth MictlM Madl Ca IN lit TfiHwritir EicHam EicHamTratf
Trade Ir Hark uk 34 4S47 47 RrIdwar I air B Ratalap r ly 1 St SLI
i I 4 4io1I
nrrrraWriaaCS io1I ii r
j A New w wBy Novel NovelBy
HIS n new w novel i II in th the vein tln ol II the th iufhor < frltff frltffotk urltrrolk earherwork
work otk It hn jn fuitmp plot Mr r Htben Ihrt > cn ihjric ihjricItmtic thancteristichumor hl lc lcItrhllc
DIS teristichumor Itmtic humor andastrong Ind nd a I strong IUIn H svmpathetuappel v mrathttu mr llhtll anprjl pul AbOve AbOveall Aho Me > e eall
all 11 the stow hn hl that dfltphtlul dtr de tFhtful hllul Jtmiuphcrr Jlnp err huh no noone noonc noone
one can imitate The hero t u a gnodnjiuted gnnd natuted shrewd shrewdyoung IhrtdlIn hre d dfellow
young lIn fellow who ho keep tote in a I little Georgia tnrltll village IIII t Next Nextdoor Nettdnnr e1 e1dlnr
door he Dixie Hart an attractive young girt who dot a I man mlnlork mans manswnrk t twork
work ork in trying trin to support herself ioU In her widowed Iord mother Ln Lncontciouity Lnt Lnconyctnuily
t contciouity Ihe two fall in love Thu it I the he real beginning of the theitorv Ih IhI thestory
I story florvi
i W D liowellt in an appreciation of Mr Ir llarben a npveh novella in inthe inthe
I the ht North American Review UI ay Ht lIil people talk ai if they had hadnot hadI I Inol i
I not been in books before and In they h talk all the I ht more tnteretttnglbecause mteretttngU mteretttngUbecause InltrcnllI
because they Ihe have for the moit part not been in n society OClt or ever wlI wlIbe il ilbe 11be
I be They express themselves hemuI in the neighborly > parlance parlanceaith
with Ilh a fun of fun of pathos and profanity w which A is native to their theirregion Ihelrrrltlon theirregion
region Of all our localitts as I mat n call the tvpe h pt of ofAmerican ofI
I American writers whom f think the must ml national n no one hat hasdone hasdonethings hJ done donethtnga dnneIhlngs
things more expressive UHU of the life he was 11 born to 0 than Mr It flarben flarbenI HarbenHARPtR
IS 1In ln lnwriting < <
nkkerpI Sbar + blaadType blaadTypewriting
writing Penjiiifililp 0dt U il S Sinks nrk nrkir
aid Aea tak Srpartrars SrpartrarsIday
Iday ir and Kvcaini KvcainiCall err1101 I icall
Call or wtile Icr or Calalotiw CalalotiwT
1131 SI L Una A e I
5115 Ib la talr talrTb
T 111 n a1I ll 1r vrert op fi nlltlnn of Tnt Tn n rtr Crealyn Mlxo < bra braresist 5ffrntiutr
resist tr ill th the fntnrltl n nws w and nd thr tlivk u 1 rk anil anilttnid enAhad
had d ijtinlailnn OllInn lu a Id b rim tut t thr tb h markri a TB tillIn I Irln I
rkwlna rln lnc In qiotdlon TJol JoIII llon Includlgf lh U Md dlk am and skid akrlprl a02I skidptlrc
prl ptlrc ells lta l4ltlol < rawa n wt matter are r trio tOIIotela
I ulert tela also Ua la U alght 111 4Uoa ol T TIU EYIJIUlII EYIJIUlIII I Itn
tn aa
I 1NTItlITlt 1NTItlITlttor > HTHI < Tin TICIMf Tinrr
f rr r lt t and n4 laaa u g Mr MrIRVNG JhIRVING tea teaIRVING
L D RAY 35 W 84th St StIknrniifti SLf StThnrngt
Iknrniifti prrprll I n far r r rallri of ofbaste r rbllnr
f iI iIInlerIt1d
baste itvmrni4r Primary al a < t
tntrrnirdl InlerinrdIal i < > litpurfmrnt litpurfmrntAn rtltpnt rtltpntJ
An J vi h bens mr n 101 t fnr rat n r b Mi i 4 ender np npU nrtrrn nrtrrnUVMNAblUM art a
iILrItuKoa ii 11111111 imtoNK I tvriiAioi tvriiAioiSriinol 111111111r IvC slhr slhrtcannl
Sriinol r n nil now r h enlon > loi 0 teat fit lw tsar tIlU > o mi r ro1 reqt reqtTs ij i i iI
I Ts T srhel rh wl Mill tir II span 11 nn I alvmh ni ll > i illrlnbrr
llrlnbrr 1 12th Illhl 12thfr 12thbar
l fr r IOlrh lei end nd 1 Tua l l4 l4Inetifiit adlr adlrI
J jnsiiiui Inetifiit nsti a Ticnti usne rtinot h let dim rm rratb rratbhladrrrarln 11 11rounoS < i >
hladrrrarln KiB < i rnnti roundd rounddisLwill rcuM j jWiilrmftvia < I IlAlla
lAlla isLwill > Wiilrmftvia Will remove 10 totarterquartendUtfiat nr T nu oUt rlCM lMl Wmenit WmenitAnerorarrUmit tCu In1 In1he t tAtt
AnerorarrUmit he rotatr 10 U 11th Yi i Ih ih n IU l aarberinae r B jinilHo ote oten > O Ost > r rU
st stT1f > U t tran
ran T1f n an vxxinyn I < I IL RSrsakPi or MISICAL IIICaL gacanp ART or TUB TUBcm T1111em Ma Mavex
cm Or 0 Ktir jC YORK rORKFraalL rraak DaauoMfe D Dr DtrwMC DtrwMCtat =
tat r t fta ule w ° Mdnu a411 Iraa Uo UO UFJy CUruaml b4rtmsatavs
avs Z4w y i ta
r rat c u r ud d Taag Y 1Sachs BS M USachs B BSachs
Sachs SachsCollegiate SachsCollegiate SachsCollegiate
Collegiate CollegiateInstitute CollegiateInstitute CollegiateInstitute
Institute InstituteSCHOOL
as aatYl w i Gin street streetThirtyninth ShcdThirty StreetThirty
Thirtyninth Thirty ninth year heglnj on onWednesday onUdnJdaJ ontrdncadoy
Wednesday Sept 2H IQIO IQIOPrlrnirr 1910Pamn
1 Prlrnirr Imtrmclliic ud nd ndicnoolDrpirtmenu If Hleh HlehthaalOeruameau I I1ft
icnoolDrpirtmenu 1ft thaalOeruameau Drrmr Thftrouih Th roulh rrcp rrcpirdlonfvr frorollon prrurllonP
irdlonfvr ollon illcallr ill 11 ollre > Sr SrtumCam SrtumCammertll or to > Cnm
mtrcilCourtt mrrc mertll 1 Cou lute rmri riim rrcJ rrcJIn aejIn < J JIn
In tauter jmnr nlot r Lcinn L rrr rrcrind ud In Inbnol l lehnol IO < I
u ehnol bnolleulu O Ctrcfullr ptrrled lib libItllct ttb1lIa
Itllct LtboriiorrUtmiiilum LtboriiorrUtmiiilumDr Lboo LtbontorrG G mulum mulumDr
Dr OTTO KOENIG Principal Principale PrIDclpaI5Cho PrincipaleYkeley
eYkeley Scf Scf72d 5Cho School
6 e OJ OJ72dSt
V fndPd 1 endt 1 172d
72d 72dSt St A West We End Ave Averrrpre Anr Arerrpr
rrrpre r ll llwt > rhiinnatil th for n all ll lllr rnl rnlIp nb nbleas
lr leas e and d Terhnlral Mhnil MiiAll MiiAllwith tall II rlasst rlasstclub Iu Iuh
with h IndlkMual lniru I Inuruetton U < ilon it itu ituSiiKlk lltrno lltrnorI rnwwi rnwwiAttsti
SiiKlk Itnur I MIihar Mllll c > PrIU nytlnnah nytlnnahIjhcan iilonH iilonHUhrart
rI Uhrart and lhi Tburnu > riwnl alt 11 inulpt 1 IqulptwNt 11 ci > ei sl slkal h hen henkit n nlr
lr kit l and nd lh hl Ira tj I laboralori > t > orior > o > > mAlum mAlumnd
and nd Athletic 11 H tl1I W Mbleilr bltll ued1 uiwl i f aprd aprdcored p 1411 1411tr rl rlnrrd
cored TrtUirr fprtlil altrnlliai Bl she n H Hprimary to toprlmarr >
tr 7 7p 7IW
primary ln Intlrucilea lr rtlnn the rnknnillnn nf nfall ofall
all rdtallA p No Knnr < stu1 tw1 far Vouar Vouarturft 1ouatat O
IW Utll anS S
tu turft ftnt ftntparit vprtr parit n ni Puiuinf for tat dreary I I r rJuoln aal aalJunior an anJ
Junior JuniorIllottratnt J I rlrmpn rlrmpni
Illottratnt Catalog upon application applicationOftPN ppllrllonJOSEPH
Kirxonii KirxoniiMET nt Dru 11111 11111EW
MET EW riHEPHOor rucEruno r HI IMM > O Oo Gad nelllal
o 024 ad d Bf AMI A rKiTiiti r rank RK MET METOiLfMBtA ilEATnova ET ETROY
ROY nova siCcEAAPrtll 11111 tlurlun roll rollCOLCMn5A OiIL OiILLCMBIA
PIU PRIRLrToYALE tOl 1 TALK aalberntlta ma DIon r r nlluo ll Ft PILL PILLnrunmtlIaymn Li LiftlVKliE LLJftII
JftII IJO ftlVKliE fltlMAlit tlH rLH LIIU LIIUi E Eaturir
ii iiapptlal vihNIIa Itleld
pLatI nrunmtlIaymn atkaam
aturir o liimoailum ibMtl < fl 11 4 4f
apptlal i f J Ca J Your rt jrr irranatd Ir n Kl mlr frr beat b i > wba het hetIdled h y ym1A i il
l Idled llMt In ell i > IUf Cnirtnr f nr Ramlallan Ramlallantill >
rI rIItdo
till m1A fAMrtlKLI AIretELl4 rirf A II I I F W IIMIVA M Mlradni 1 1Haduualna
lradni Haduualna HaduualnaTh8 < trrt trrtTill rt rtIha
FOR FO BOYS 310 wat W t End Ave Avaatii Aua11 Aveat11
atii VKAII Ali nrniss flrnr xiuutn CIUU R a i Jill IlldlnIettaka Jillu Jille4arb > io ioInilrrtakc
Inilrrtakc tBorniti won < oer < > vrr ulnlri I rl tie tiehalwrylaa a afuixrvUJon
e4arb frat fratkA m mA
t wfJ
halwrylaa u of tt students 1 and their I ii1r rroi rroiAM
fuixrvUJon kA AM A M 1 10 toiP P PI M MU Oiwn lwndtturelMl lr titrrlM IM l > utnPld utnPldill jtnl I rn C CIII f M Mnvrrvthln
III U winter In ln lnnd nvrrvthln fasnthilC Othll ilont to InKrrO llller PUJHII PUJHIIllxra IU IUnd tt ttend
end nd torch llxra I tj tii dmntace > dmntaceeffort itr < ntace of imUvlJlual imUvlJlualult tn Indlvl < 2hl Ural Uralalum 118I1f0L
effort Tnrtirrt T h e tn sa ip ptrlII < rUll rl rlSlaniul out > i < GYmat GYmatp Uymnauura UymnauuraManual Oymnsualr alum
Manual r Tr Tntnln o hulLflnt inlnr 1 rln rln2I dept < 2I ep p > I > uu < 1 loaipteu qttlpmal equlpmalIn qttlpmalMiVtVrs qulpm1Masters
In wt ooh °
MiVtVrs Masters of > fuMi7ern f MeierlsageiRes MI1erl LIHIIHS a Featirt FeatirtTRINITY flit flitTRINITY featereTRINITY
ult > nf flat r iT iTfOlNt v silt r of ofrncttil r rrotSIII
fOlNt rotSIII > l II Ittd 10 PHIMVHt PHIMVHtid OnIl4R OnIl4RutI
and id IIIOH MIIIMILM t M > t IIK I isrxc isrxcrgfiiMKKT l SFrLLrU SFrLLrUrQ E ELLrp ELLrprQ
rgfiiMKKT rQ nrST riiKi r rnrrinr jR nr nrLirurM r I IIIR ALL ALLtUl LL LLOLIrllr
tUl LirurM rurI SUSP run tI i iA T4IoCWr ATAIAGIPsty T4IoCWrA
A sty rT frw I pl p1ar 1 r tut r dill III open open5ebalt p pl n na
a 5ebalt l > rE Elaara eit tl tlSUK cad Uraaall ura l lSTar AttTGwu All AllM
hUlren M a > rwt XM Si SiL4wta stE4trta
STar TGwu 05la Lewtregias qwli
L4wta uardo it Lawreae ea CU