1 1lUE =
1 i 4H < S iff II I SI 11 i > J ii I nr nil nilf I II 11 11ltl i iIuI
f iff IuI in II MM III It ItII f fIf III
If II I thPi ke I I Ih hi Ilare 1111 Iarq iif r HIP h I Ial nip ln 1IlIr 1IlIrn tistlruIrr llr llrllrrMrr <
llrrMrr uIrr er Tb file n IN kIII > altl 1sf t I hlrf hl tiIr tint 1111111I1Ir In InI PrI
I nller iin insuiseiI iun ei anil liil 1 I url tin 1 td tdIrIs il ilniirn 11n
niirn IrIs n Diit at f He IIrpwrI pe l In III Mriimr MriimruiMnnN UrIIIrlItsult r rII
uiMnnN ii i I li In fall lerrr lerrrsupreme Irmr
supreme < ixirt urt of r i ll hi I lli1 tilted ItM I Stut Stiti Ial Ialit
1 i It lliMlll IUM dl I I 101 O II IV l h1 Ht lt fin lilKlne lilKlneiin 11 I II
> iin acted I l iid 1 the Ih I hi Allll ndrntntra ndrntntrar ilmtni tra traf I Ir
r id I h nnth 11 t Ii of r < > itlr t ti < i former rorlr 0 0HI > < iv ivPrki > v vtire
tire HI K lliigheof IIh IIjglii Ir of New w > ork k whu h he <
> e i iLii > ln of the IhI11 th late Jutic JI Il > llrew 1wr 1wrrhII Ilriwr Ilriwrnrliiat > r riiirhili
< < iiirhili rhII > ii nf r Dint t ceremony llnOn rtnon th tha IhIuk t hi
a mark Iuk of r rcupcd rlot lo the th metnon metnoniii Ipmr
I iii > i tat Jutio Ill Fuller ullr who diM diMt II cipeilarnt1ar I
t 0 iiii I immmer IIIIr receiw r ri tf adjourn adjournmorrow aIJuaarnIittIofl
> morrow morrowigtMtlnn 1
igtMtlnn lon nf n tsdat ociat Ial JuMic JuMicnder Jull Jutcth
nder 1 ih provuion of atprcia atprciaigre lal lalor
igre IIr or leave I another vacanc vacancnli rane ranetiI AIC AICh
nli h no that It confuted on of tun tuner hiI hiIdul muIi
er Ii W dul hen the Ih t hi court rOlr waa w wIaaitaa 1 culled culledi lalll lalllhluc
i v Justice llarlun Ilrl who ho 04 I tb tbuocutte lbMil thJIJILIe <
uocutte Mil Justice Jllt will wU pre prlde ide until untlr unll unllI
r ti I to > Chipf JuMlce J JaitI I I C Fuller 11r li liI I II ii iiI
I bv II the th h Irentdent InInl and con coni eontIs
i ihe tIs Senate SenateM
M I in 1 lht I h hi court nlrt room rnnl net elull aside asidter aside01s
er 01s of the Ih liar wu wla tilled fll to looer looerr 14 over overf overtlu
f r v the Ih hour hnl nf f Hireling mHte the ad sdI d dr <
i f extra lr tra chiir h being 1111 insuRlcirnl insuRlcirnlill IIulnl
ii ill 1 thi attorney nun many ran of whom whomi whor
i i tho th h reir I of lh aren If Attorney IorlY IorlYII Itoraueyii
1 II 1 V ickcr Ikhn ikriian ham representing rtprntnl the thef Ih Ue I II
1 f IiiMice 11 occupied ull1 the Ih chair chniitilU dUllrlall chairI
I tilU lall directly rth in front rrolt of ff the theind Ih Ihlul hueiui1
ind lul the Ih itiitit I Ilt neat At ne n1 n xt t him himi hll htniit
i ii 1 reminder mlr of it the Ih death d eih ol olr orr
r iieneril a Hover r In Ihe Ih lbIr MNI MNII 11 11I
I Ir for r tin I fHinilie rHllh of the Ih Justice Justicere JItf
< re I wife if r nnd nnt mother 1lh of f Ihr Ih now nowHughe IIW IIWh
4 0 Hughe lliuh h Mr Ir Iliirlnti Inrll mid 111 HUH HUHI I li liIIarIn
I i > llirltn lar 1 wife a utail lid daughter ol ollliirlm OfhlarIti r
< lliirlm 1111 arid hi h on n Jame JIIlalal llirlin llirlinT II rhuti rhutir
T fi r Mr Iu Pay 11 Mr Ir McKentu lcKI Mr MrI I Ir trs trsI
I I I i Mr rtron 11 v wit if of r Ihe Ih formerMr former rUIwr rUIwrI
Mr I fr is ickcrham and 11 Secretary SecretaryI HcrIIr
S I tenor r Nigle Niulhi I6I I6Ih
11 ho h cavclof f tht t h > cour r ia trier fell felli f1
i i > eloii 1 if f Juxtici JI Ju it Ir acts headed i liy liyl h hI I iv ivI
l hnl ht right r1h entered 1 th iluinlivr iluinlivrir hlh hlhI
ir I I li rvadinu nl room Mr llupht lluphtkin lih lihhl Illigkle4iiit
kin hl tip 1 llu Iha roar r and Ild took 101 a iiJ Mit Mitj ul ulJ
I j r hiI l W th I h rxiuh h nrxt to n iht a h i IrrU lrk ulerkii
ii 11 i h < rur r rlt r hud h itniiiincwl RIIII1 the theti I h hr hI
ti I iim r t tht a h hi court 011 Ju JII Jia4 lio IC Iliirlati Iliirlatii Ur1
p i t hit h1 iin the I hi la Iait t term of 1 f if i iti ro > jrt jrtH
H ii i < hriilix hut I K I Mtinhf lulh hnil h II Ixrvn iII iIIi tp tpii
ii i win tI 11 a miate AI Jii Jati ttrv of th iTMin rHlrtt4I Ir
1 t4I I 1 iviutMl and WHJ Wj > prvMtu rii n flt f t > t Ink k the theI Ih Ihf
I f ttl lUld tutu ITltKt Ir II III h his 11 tjti tjtiI
fi I lirnrtml thi i dr ITK to riMil llh th the > r en enrI tn tni r
i n > l th a h ii I iuw liiMicv which w hiitu wa waf
f > < hI a < r IrvoidiMit lalt Tif and 11 att < tml I I11 iv ivfl < v vr
r MIIV fl V ioneral Vn i i kir ki rhit h itn a IIKIIII IIKIIIIk < P 11 ii i ut utho
k him h ho ih I h high 1111 ottio Itlc tYIe iuiirttt < liirtne Irlll HOIM HOIMfi goiit goiith oMI oMII
fi i ior irII
II ih h he la 1 I tir t ti > IUK uuI HI th niidl nIIiltnC nIIiltnClr IIn IInUIIII > > ni niuilnm
uilnm UIIII Mr Ir lluuhr lulh then th advitniml Iln1 to tot
t erw r I > l Ik k < mwnq II W rIiI > c < l th t ti iiin 11nl t itxu > urn ornt
t i > mil 11 n reiI > iid in A tIIr < IIMT 11 nir tli t II tyH tyHti 11 t y w wtI <
< ti mill wtt h ii f n lr 1 f > pr < riloxl for rurh an anM utt
h t 1 tat P I trtiiiutaz rII I t itiitiiuititr itiitiiuititril hllir hllirh
M 1 il > Ultll Uti h lllllkrtlrfttv rlall to a 0 th h run h 14 14i anai anaiiir 11 11I
i M iir > r in I a n ionlatu rlal with uhia ill h IonMi IonMin I ifltI ifltIIi nl
n nnil stud IB 11 of r th t11e h I iiit tuItPl l MV MVlh I III tttei ttteiI
II I lh 11 t n l kpv i > Hl 111 h Hllll 1111 llO t tI howI H4 to toItiMgiiM ti tilhigit
> ItiMgiiM I whi h > in 1 tuni tim i tirtiH < l th thp t
p 6 < ration titt Inn und 1 alt rlr r rhakini hallnl hatiui liitnU lan I with withi iih iihi It
i tiH i Iloltti nltn 011 IIMIK In I plaix piiu mi Ui Uir Ihh
r ti at 4 the Ih i > ttr 11 ttrtu tiu > r Ih lif of r tin1 Ih pr > id idinj
inj n r III IIICH n nl nest it to ti liin 1 ui < llolii lloliiI Inl <
I < tir t a Hnrlitti II IH then I h unnouiii lannul ed lli t Ii deuth deuthi it itl
i Mi h l l 111 t A < 11f Inef lu 111 1 itit ti uio luller FIr I t ii r rt ferriii ferriiithe rrlll ri it g gT
r ii the I hh teat Iat l 1 Iu w > pii iitiuineI tinnp llm1 < l l h > v th h < ineni inenier 11 nqnr
er r of rhIldla1 tholitirhandliy t h hitiitt ant 1 I y th I h ho nation flat 1itl nf larc lll Iauriit
1 it I > f rw > t o hlo hii n inetlKrv n ttiirv Ilh Ilhra
HArlatt ra ai1 i no i i m wliitever wmidl wmidlI 1111
I 14 tMtwai trattiiat1 l l l h He I it U tiidtt 1 win hh hhnJII h hwnuld Iioimi
wnuld nJII < tand 111 Hdniin HI > < > mil 11 ii tinit > iiu 1 > iro iroIn r rnl riw riwfii
nl In < l Mket < i all 111 I f r i ih t h t > i Ianl ti Tiiet TiietAnd i t tnd
anl And nd m tflut > > t wined art I > T r > t i Ifo < ti > il I Pnun > v h hI I
I lOlrl nun I II mmpri lp > r rI fort v tw > ivu ivuin ijs ijsin >
in I thir thirtvfte hlrf1 rrle nf if r wnrh hih th Ihol IMTII IMTIIi I a rti rtilnl
i lnl ol ni i Pithnf ilh n party II or ititrwial nfj nfjn lnl iafjnt
n nt v to tak iwirt rl in the I Ut h ar ariIltit iitii fit iitdeath fith
1I11 1I11h
death h i h nf r Solicitor S t i ii uit ir iii ienril HOWTI HOWTIlind Ii IipiiI
lind rharee rhal nf nianv lan of r lhei I thiiiitia I e rnx rnxT
T riiMihlv itia ahl hi v caN n I tin t Iii reiMinniiini IIIIhl I gri ttu tit titr of off r rr
r them for argument a nlln I at a later laterlnrliiil IHr IHr1IIId IettirItuiItuiud
lnrliiil 1IIId in the I I tii latter AIr will 1 I the thei tti h hAIIkl
i e 4 ataikine AIIkl the I h aliditr llhl of r HIM HIMon t h hIu Pu Put
on t tan ta x Inw IR whirli were r MMipicd MMipicdhe II II IIha
I he innounf itjneltapt > in < iu I that t ha th I h > lift II Ir IrhuIIn ft e n ni iiluau
i > > h hud huIIn l hn > > n ar iargiu91 iiei lla lii ipriiit prtjI 1
1 rintolfl t illifdixkel thu 1Mkll for r licitr licitri h hfIIIIh itr itru
i i a u full fIIIIh Itelirh VitIi ithtwoarati ithtwoaratii 1 I tw aal Ciatt CiattI
i n I tholiHt I tit h h1 nf r iliivtirm 11 n I mpriilhidlH mpriilhidlHi I ta rllhl pirtiuhiP1ui
i evenletfl 11 < a 1ui > will 1 ii > rt > wlitei wliteit 11 11I
t i d iitI I tie in tt IttiIi4arV Hiiuarv lln when hti 1 hey h hI hio v ran ranr
4 r I t 1 filler hr liv h ii rtirnpltjle a ourt ourtt urt urtt 1 1IIIHr
t tuililfthat t ihl that sunilHr IIIHr art trtun 1 ion lna I U Ui t tr Itu
r i lie t lolmrro I tiru trn 11111 trit t and standard standardA SMllrr
I A In 1 Ii I li are Ar under Ir utul r ai I itnnieiit gti III flulit for forinipr rn rnrpr furliii
inipr rpr liii Ct M I t I after hnxini hl11 hiuu nag al itk Ix n nA 1
A 2ied iu l In h pnl > r rflg nic and Inl earrnil 11 11rn o r with withi uti util
i d irrni rn nni n n 11 I hr n i > m 11 l UIK UIKnlldnr 11 tigp
t nlldnr tutu v f iho h hi Ptiiploverx ertIIIov lplo r rP lialiililv hahll V law ItwIi
0 I rwxiKnoil pnt utiiil 11 Utr 14 r in the rh term termf rIl rn rnif
u < if f Mi P n Ir r import 111 irii IM ti I to tof I I IH IA
> f iiTiUr nuear H art a rh ths h atin IwkI k tic ticnentTif tit tittI I
nentTif tI f snnnn l IIOMIIMT f titpsr Ir IrAf r i ii
i and Af ri t 1 hi n a i u j iiat < > nnifiilx rliI tTii iai if r the therwnn tlur h hr11
rwnn r11 r rt redrai n f lilxn I r rr I ion ionIYt h hrt
IYt rt > r > f i i n in i > iniM nl < llill wtlll 1 the theH Ih Ihf IiiiiuI
H f si iiuI HIIII lall < oiiipativ 10 vttoriv f Si Siue SIIl t tI
I > ue in iu i r > iitsht hv VirRilua irgra I tI i le lei
i r in t irKiniii II a ixiriiiti f the thei tPI tPIi I II
o I I I 111
i i ifidini r l > for the II t h rreatKli r of ofir r rM f fp
p M ir sm emil nd n < n ui innl IInl vui i1ii ile ilef t tr
nt 1
4 V f he t rxlTil pure food law
lo IntritutiI riiirnl of ofi si I eeI4 eeI4t I II
l I t rb i O < t t in rned rl1 II IIMI I ittt
i MI k tt Iuilhrr at 11 tmvy IHy yard Irdr N Nnxr w wIfr
nxr r North iV 1 h Iarolitm I aruhln strilirt it and 11 att I tnnlioi tnnlioiii 111 1111IIIh g ott 1 1itt
ii lnrtfiinith 1IIIh ti N II I IIrn 1111 1111n iciililnwn iciililnwnirn
irn n R l allao Ils mlher nIr l lnnitia lnnitiaF onldan onldaniti
1 F iti ri rmtf hi 11 Vrtli rll rt I 1 kik ih kla kla1I In Insin Inintill
sin 1I intill yarlit yei hl S srta > ph at l Ihla IhlaIs la lali A Ah
li ilwtnr tk I wttr 1r iriu r iM r Ilirnnnuhair Ilirnnnuhaire IlrlllhAr I
I I I MIr ruir II I a Iitnpi 1 A alt IIH I
e 4 llflcna 111 at Sxikwun IkWII K Kar 111 giunPuat giunPuatS hOI I II
I S ar rI I nlltle hiri hirini ui Nelirmku Nelirmkuxi
xi I ond 1lI ni VirKintii rlilli irglnlei at a l < o > toii 1 am amSouth al anal analritmt
South Carolina Ioroln t at Norfolk Norfolki rrlk rrlkI
i I r IK g Iwaiuia IWIIH I astttii Irotn Irl F riari Ibwtoti 1111 Ikt an anIt t < i iI
I It > 1 < nd i Me 1 liattlMNliipM Ihl ShmI Nhnuikui NhnuikuiP Seliru > l < a aI
I P Uluil IIulaml ajid tuja I V irktinia r a rgun lla itt from rrO I ratu Sen S a ort ortr lrk lrkr irkikii
< > r llonion 11II ikii oat IhiitleMluiM Iiat I M Minrjiit 111a lititseui ii
1 inrjiit oiIt 11 from rOI s Suw ark ny it y for fori
i I i Idlii 111 iattlerthip a 111hf lit t lush a p South S < 1 I i arohtiH arohtiHt aII ml it itI
t w irk ok ally 11 for Vorfolk rlk olliei ollieiVIM nll nllIIV
VIM 011 na IIV 1111V v > anl 111 Sew irk k fair foii fairN
i N Son Rimlioat I Irinrtton 111lnl Vrtrie tn Irotn Irotnf rrnl
f t Vniapala IAla hop > iltleiihii IIIh a 1111 1111n I ela elani Is Isn
ni n ilmmjnon Inlllon for Norfolk Norfolklph iarfoikI rrnlk
1 lph t lI from Delaware llla llreakwater llreakwaterhi IrIIIr IrIIIrf
f > hi IIon ti iston uitrh l IMlt Iant > ont Dolpliiri DolpliiriI Ilulhlnhllt1
I W i hinKlon hllt1 for rlr AllliaMll4 AllliaMll4rm Alllllh Alllllhrnl Alinmiwiltarnfl
rm rnl > Btid 1 > > flnlrr flnlrrM Irn Irnr triPe triPeI
I r am aro t re r rI rI
4 M I Thimrin Ttmrn rvmt rvmtn at ati
i > n 1 tilth I liirn imtaflt imtafltt Ian Ianr > n ni
t r i > f rn nt a r iN < H Co rMt rMtt t tin 1I
I I I I tIsrr I Irii1
I rii1 1 I miti n 4 011 011r
u r rI tent 111 hh in inI II IIr
I i M t Ulgr r > irtllrtl nn 1 1 1i tn
i n i o lr 1101 l s ritlrtwir nf nft r
1 t 1 I f it r il iI4 i4 1 1r inii iInIP iniir
r r N MM i r vij s tl tln B44 B44t i4 i4i
t n i Sr r i iu 1 rl fi lAkr lAkrr o e ea
a r l < lr t f I Ini vf n nnl
nl i 5 i 1 r VtiI5tbia A i 1alh 1 1to
to tiI5tbia tiI5tbiaI sum alh 111 111l
l t iir r ri p in inl Inr
l nr ili > B t Iiii m mnn
nn Nr r in f lr I j js i iI
I Mi rth n nr 4 i nhii nhiieyViCfli
eyViCfli eyViCfliiIflmRt r
s iinm iIflmRt mI > ni i ti tinnmolKt i I II tI
I nnmolKt d at llnrl 1 1 1pail
pail ii 1 Vtdri a i iI I I II
I i a ut ut0S Ir Irr
0S te r iailed iailedI
P I OO iI I u arI o 1 en eni a an an
i I 5tPnn n I IC
C hi n tge 1 i
0 II i 1 i li I r rI TI rI ra
I I a tile I Iret Iretj m mduy H In InI InIan
j I I it IA Ian IanJ
J t ii tnr hr MI wq wqPt U UI
Pt I Ice ta duy OB vI tt tC Ntw ew
fff I t svrrnrsrr svrrnrsrrI rnrrr rnrrrlnIHnln
I lnIHnln Inl rnIlnaI H hIul fln lHfl Its IraI sian sianIn I IIn
In n nlnilan ithlnititnVAIlIMittO nlnilanttrt InlnUIICUOS
VAIlIMittO UIICUOS ttrt t 10 II 0 In th ihI p enc encof n
I 101 of 4 Ui tUnculh1 ttLstinulIuit tin iUhel nudirnrw 1111t0 anil an I with withIt wllhI withhindd
I 01 It I liundied Ih1 or flora del 1llt u gatF4 t M jir prnt prntrIr rI wnt wntrepr
repr rIrnLI i ntatlVH of If r neirly rly erery yet y iivllle iivlllemtrr eiytllwIntrv
mtrr llr in I the h world irIal 11 lh the < > first 11 Amrrlrnr AmrrlrnrInternational AnerlcianIntriantacinni Irln IrlnInllalllal
International Inllalllal Hiimanx IlmAI Confereniv 1llfr wiu wiualle1 WI wnnaiuIIeil
alle1 a I I to order today l Ilr r Wiinm WtlAm O OjSiilhnaii UI
jSiilhnaii I SaIllnaat of r Allianv I N l priMidrnt ol olI aif aiflb r rAIIIIII
I th Amen Atnrasn AIIIIII nnllunianw Ilittitane AMoriitlon Oalol prr prridini ItreItaItI1i
idini 1 < 11 letter from Ir Prroldent Taft am amanimal Anl AnlI anal analI
I animal llal O Millions III were r read ra1 rn eili Id li ol olwhom itt ittwhotit f fhum
whom riprMMod regret r1 that hn h wim w un In siniii
1 nbln 01 to I attend 11 i lharlt diaries harle harletary acl Sr Srtlr cre cretiary
tary tlr of Ir Commerce COllnrCI nntnrrct and 1 Ijilmr spoke 0 fur foithe flr flrIh furIii
the Ih Irrnlilent Irrnlilenti Irvidntiuong
i Among mog the Ih speaker Jak of the II day 1 wer werJohn were wereJolt r rJohl
John Johl D I I Lindsay IJlly Peter tloelet Ool Jerry and andKolMrt andftsiwrt d dJ
KolMrt J ilkltui lkIJ of New w ork At it tin tineesloti Ih IhIK ittvtning
vtning IK eesloti 101 paK Pllr ftjri > r were r read a1 liji lijiHanagt h h1Iku1 byl
1Iku1 l ikai Hanagt t1 uuagt of Toklo Japan JI pn Pstni PstniI 1lorIlhnol Piustarltahnsou
I Hahnson Ilhnol of Hamburg 1lburg lermany llenltn llenltnJuure Illlo IllloJuaz ILanttoJuiarz
Juure of Mexico Iealr exieo cliarle Chrl1 M it Dignett Dignetta
a I graduate irahul of the lie Carlisle Carll Indian nd m School Schoolthe KchaoIthe blol blolI
the I h Ilev Iv W V A Itobiiuwjn Itbill of Cincinnati CincinnatiI lluMnlll lluMnlllII
I and the llov 10 H I F i Clilchrist llllrilt of ff New Or U Orl4tta
i lean 11 Mr M Oerrjr Ofrr read a 1 lIIr aper > prepared preparedby
by h hi father rllhr Klbnd tlrti e 11 I Perry Urr prpN founder founderI founlfr founlfrlor
I lor of that Society Scly for the th Prevention Irvfnlon of ofCruelty urnlly
I Cruelty C nlly lo Children lhidn Comodore lulotor Jerry Oerryut
ut present H nut If I In II Kuropo uro4 iira In II hi paper r lie liemud h hu1 ithulct
mud u1
Child lh11 hulct rescue tCI l la not child hlll reformation reformationIt nroriUon nroriUonli
li I It It I not technically Ithlal charitable work workhut ok okIJ
1 Hut IJ It I place pll the Ih subject lhJI for the Ih charl charli charltable hlrl hlrlIable
i table work of fr reformation rorrRlon In the po poeseeion poeseeionand eoeion eoeionland ion ionI
land I and nt under 111r the th control 1101 of the societies societiesanoociatloiiH Ilull Ilulllulon anclutleeaioclat
anoociatloiiH lulon aioclat iou Institution IIWllol hitch It utiritu and Individual Individualwho InIIJI InIIJII
who hu are al conntanilv rn llllh ocvupied In II chart charitable duullahl charttattle ¬
table work ork only onl and RI II It terrifies Irn the Iht cruel cruelby cnielby nulb
I by b the Ih vigor liO of the Ih proet 1IIUIIOI < iitioti its Itimouth I itsmouth I
mouth mnlih can never 1r I 1w > e cliweil rC1 In K I court courtof curt curtI courtof
I of justice JIII There It reveal I the I h truth truthI tnJh tnJhThll
I I Thll hat i Ia what hut the Ih cnieli 11 drctuls drctulsPresident trula trulaI airesutslrreialetit
President I r1 11 Lindsay II1IUAJI of the Ih I lie New S pw York Yorkoeltty Yorkaettty
1 oeltty e ltI poke ok on 01 tue Ib Mlrcent 1ln Progrrsi Progrrsiof 1Ir 1Iror
of Child Chill le Igsstiitiotu istatlon He I II pointiu lulnJ out outthat OitIhI outthat
that scarcely 11 more 10r than a third of a cen centiirv ln
111 I tiirv ago nlo an unusually shocking Iukl Instance Instanceof nln nlnhld
of child hld torture lot aroused 1el th indignation indignationand Indlgnntol
and nat prompt prm1 Intervention 111Ilon of an In organisa organisation orPnIPnlion ¬
I lion devoted to ti the IhpOItlol thprotection protection and ald relief reliefof hr hror
of dumb dlmh animal Illmllf The Ti little lul victim Iclm tct tnt wa wacued was wastid a alI1
cued lI1 and her tormentor 10lJnlnr criminally criminallyprosecuted critUlOJili critUlOJilianal
prosecuted and adt RdIIAII uater punihetL punihetLHut pll puniahec puniahechut hf
Hut lit that Ih1 an organization orlanl1lon of thl Ihll this char character lh lhIIr charsvtr ¬
acter IIr should hnve h IMHMI appealed U 1 I I d to in inuch Inh ittiotah
uch h n raw net t several rl eople 1111 > thinking thinkingand Ihlnklnt
and n1 the Ih reult 11 was WAi the Ih creation ariat r ion of ff a aMKlety aiI anociety
MKlety iI having hllnl for it I its ohjwt oh the Ih sill sillircsiaioti nv nvprewlnn I
prewlnn 10 of physical brutality hrJhl and 111 mond mondwrong mni mniro munitwronga
wrong ro to voting children childrenI rhlt1
tlie Tho I bn week cnnferi rlr eonfa olnl r > nce will 1 meet 11 ttlf t dally Iail during duringtlie dlrli
Population of tilt rilleW tiltI IIM IIMWISOTOS
I W WISOTOS v inxmov Oct I 10 ° Th T Censu CensuRiireau 1enatafltirati nI nInlral
Riireau nlral to tialav dav announced A nnn ni sIneel a 1 the Ih vpulatnn vpulatnnof
of f the Ih following rIlll Cltle il
IBM Ipt PI PIrnn Jtfil I 1 I Ifvtirlll a aI
I UMnn rnn Oil iiM M J 1 34 7 7III
I > fvtirlll I II III V 111 t IH IC 3 1 > 7J 1 7S bin bin11irllDJInD to I a aIiirtinttart
11irllDJInD 1fl tln I M 0 0nl 4 l A4 A4Ilitinnal il ilII
II Ilitinnal itunrt nl V i UJ44 1 0 14 II I iw iwlinrrr iiathere
linrrr I V i 10 t MI J 34 k 4 4Mnnirll U UIt 44inntftte >
Mnnirll i M a Ml MlM
M 4 It Vlmn rl I I v 4 l 4 4I r n nmint
I mint 1 Tfnrnioi T f I ° 1 nnr nnrIt In InI nr nrIt
It I Flared < I hp p ln Inl < l fter lfr llitrant ldrnl rrn crnme rrnIh rrnthe
me Ih Hireel f1 Men 01 On OnAn lIrAn r rAn
An mpecti InfIr > r from the Ih water wllpr depart department iipnrtteflt
ment went through Vt ei 1 Tlurtv Thlr Ttsirtvvanth Ttsirtvvanthitri eventh eventhntnvt nlh nlhnli
ntnvt itri t li i4tt t evening nli and hut Iu th tie water off offa Id IdII I
a hvdrnnt in II front of 1 f Kngme En I Company I omII nnupart TO TOthe at atri
the ri l lire In pltg Ili wa WII wits nut > < ut II if f repair and Ihe Ihemh Ih IiisiPitit
mh 1 itor didn 101 t intend to I leave 1 It I wafer waferl walrrnr waterfur
l < for more thin Ih11 hnlf hHf nn I hour bOa hut he heh h ht hiIi
h t idtl ii its I l n gone 11 az un five 1 ft V minute 111 tfl I ti II tel when wh hl tt the thewindow Ih IhIw t
window 4 Iw were go 11I glwini ini on iri the Ih Milh I Ih mrv mrvf Inryr
< > f the Ih building 1lhll oppooite 11 piait It wn wni R > Dryer DryerNew Iryr Iryrmnm I ry rs rsNew
New mtenhim mnm Carnige t oril arrisg Storage SItrol Wa WahOI Vare Varetn are areSome
Some SI tn l one am n dr 1111 > ppHl into ill Itii Kngine nljl rt and andIlent availIaeist ld
Ilent Dugati 1111 I tigata had hi h men 11 attacking llrklnl the thei Ih IhrRt theuinat
i rRt uinat lent I hydrant Idrall in 1 a s jifTv itr 11 I hey hid to It go goup I golip
up I t to the h i xrner rlr and tutu lt ffltiMt i > ntect with Ih the theseventh Ih IhSnh thaSvttt
seventh Snh ii aveiiie i veta a main till Iln I at nnd 111 ii nit the Ih t ha delav s 111 Ida v gave gaveDie I go V Vth
Die Ih llae 11 I la ii dart boilt 1 fifty Irl fiimage fiimagewere nTII nTIIr
were Pr r Mored on I tt the II top I flinir nM and t it WHKII wistiits H t tencoiirnging IlrHIII
encoiirnging its lrHIII to the 11 firemen IrI to I ti hinr that thatHie IhaI thatthe
the I miiiil 11111 li t < p wi4s a Rn On n the Ih hi rlixir ln I kIiiw kIiiwwi OK OKthe
1 the water wi Ir lower that lil rallied rll1 II p I almiwt almiwtn
n 1 iiMin n I ne tie Ih tint Ir1 line Il luau WH wan 1 playing playingcm P I IIII1 leyuii leyuiiiaiilaittt
cm iaiilaittt i III1 Id n t Ii made ia I to n work rl right nIh away A and andho a ah natalIi
ho h ia4 e WHK IH tin curried lrn1 up I Udder to I tt the Ih roof roofif r iaf iaff
if r the Ih h t Iivi VIK on iti 1 ench H1 mde I Other 11r fire firemen tr Irati ¬
men 11 ti tt uiit II into iiit I Thl Mill l tiit IV I tas1htti eighth Ihlh otreet otreetdragged trertairaszgwt
dragged their Ila h tiuao UM through Ihri tlir iiih h the Ih hallway hallwayand halwy
and 111 iied 1 tl I ttuai em from rrr fr ni tea ro r fire f eripf eripfPreeentlv aalawIreertt 1 1I >
Preeentlv IV Ile I roof ri if en HVe veil < 1 in I and In1 the II Ire flremenlxMt f Ireittettleist
menlxMt rI I out ilt I 11 the be hi huiaieagainiit iaeaga 1 I II iimt I I the I h tieaerniast cement rI nf nfllieiliHirwhere oft r rI
llieiliHirwhere I to I Ie r wtt hr r it i liadtnrle haul itrlat < l It wnvagreat wnvagreatshow W wan I a Ir grrit grritpilitw I Ih
show h that Ihil i avein II for r the ttt h person 1 at the theAindiiw Ih thawttiii
wttiii Aindiiw 111 Wa nf r the t h hi H 11 iil Nivarre 11 HI I Seventh Seventhaveniie Svlh Viflt Ii Ii4iIqtii
aveniie 1 avail lt Thirtyeighth TIIIlhh h freei ind the theHotel Ih IhI thaIlaita
Hotel I Yrk orkat k It at htrtyutb Tllrlllh I treei Ir t Hunrd Hunrding Itiwi rat ratitia 1
ing hU for adorn II are Rr in this II neigblKir neigblKirliooil nl6h ntgliIwrisoawl
liooil 11 and 111 not 11 H I roof wa w wian empty 111 r Th ThS Ihe IheVew I Ite IteN
Vew S w AJtlstanhtrn 4fn IInm teriUm Kyi Y and al Kr Ir llimpnil llimpnilbehind 1111 1111lhl1 IIaiipst4tIh
behind lhl1 h htnal th t h burning hlmle building hlllhnj at II 2vt 230rhirtyetgtatta WI WIThllYllhh et etThirtyeightb
Thirtyeightb ThllYllhh street run tatat I n lot 10 of If uneany uneanypillento iineiaiyiaetits IY
pillento pillentoI iaetits iaetitstnnatietnnr 11
I tnnatietnnr omml ioner Waldo and n1 hi his sorretHnr sorretHnrinfleld ewretuirvVirtflalil rplnr
WIII1 infleld sheehan who h had hll been dining diningin hnll
in I the t h hi neighlmrhooil nI hlhnol went to I look on onHut am amhit n
fighting fightingDaniel Ilhl Hut 11 Itatlalion llln Chief Ho I ItOSM iMeieed the aPt h fire nrefighting Ir IrIlhl firelighting
Daniel 111 S Dryer Irr who own the h war warelion warh wartiaiit
lion h mild siil 1 hi his Ion 10 toes wa al 111 > out S t m elf elfIhl a if ifI iftitle
title I hi about 11111 JISK i wa w waa in 1 damage Ia 11 I to private privatenirriage privateiarrtaiges rlil rlilrll
nirriage rll natal Ihe I h tin rent waa Wl wit done do by > y water waterthrough wlrIh
t through hra iigim the Ih a ii liuildlng liuildlngt Ihlnl Ihlnlr hitilating1111th
1111th t f4 r rmi HIT liT IIY I f ur f
Hie T lie n nthnn > Itan I IaflsS no > lotlirrlnl lotlirrlnllladl totlerIfllwitnail
lladl 11 Hurt Ilrl In II llrnadwft llrnadwftMr IrnI IrnIt
Mr tr < fu Kelnev Kl t the Ih motherinlaw mohrinlw ol olthe orI ofii
the I ii HMT I lt nihinv nl h hririv H I Evans of the I h he Wthrrh Vet VetPrebvtertan VtPrtvtartan
Prebvtertan a hutch and ano her h r MUer Mr MrI 1 11llrn
I 1llrn lira I tifMleiuiw awwli nii were r re i rouiK Hroadway Hroadwayin flrnailwaits nAIn
11 in front r of fr if the I t t 11 lflln Ilaiffinain off mil n house 10 yeterdav yeterdavatterriixin vesteralayiftirriaort I II
atterriixin 11 and 110 in il Irving Irl1 tryita g to avoid Aoll n a tnxtmh tnxtmhwhich 1IIrlh 1IIrlhhl tntriahwtiti
I which wtiti hl h wax beiriliK 1rll down 00 nn n them tepped teppedin
in II front froll of r ii troller IrI mr llofh Bolhkllko were weri werekainakiwl
i knot kllko kainakiwl kd down and Mr 1 lr Kel IJ Khy ey J rolled rnl1 rnl1I rolleduniter < l lI
I under the t h front frolt platform of th t h ha car r The TheI Th Thormll Theanotnrnrnri
I motorman ormll 1 Thr lhcnii homa llenn lnn of f ij ijt oS J Went WentI 1 1I
I rifieth Ireot lamrned 11111 hi h brake hrk down downin IonI
in I tune Iln to prevent the I fruit e truck from fromi fromhlpamng
j i uih hlpamng I111 lllK overjher rJhr but 11 ih h wan WI wedRed wedRedngamt wiilgeala 111
a ngamt 11111 agatni the I Iii h wheel wheelIhe wheelI hlTh
Th Ihe I ti paHvenRer nnlr left I the Ih car rlr and with withthe withttia ih ihIh
the Ih help hI of if r pflMterehy lifted 1111 the Ih front of ofthe fr frh ratthe
the h ear 1 until Inll the Ih unroncinui4 unrncl woman womancould womani omln
could i 11 be pulled 101 out 11 Dr II I C C Frklmrrji Frklmrrjiof Yrkhnl Yrkhnlr
of r KII I > I Orange Oro who ho wan R In the Ih crowil crowili rr rr11no1 crown crownt
11no1 attended to I Mr 1 Keley and 1 her h icier mieteruntil icieruntil
i until Ir IU r lell Ipl arrived Irrh1 from rrnl Rellevue Rellevuello 0111 RedlevipItoisitial I Ir
1111 llo Itoisitial pitiil Mr lr KeUer 11y wa A an taken lok to 0 the theho h iiI I
r ho 1111 piiil where hr It I wan found fOlnd that weral savernlrile < weralnl vrll vrllrl
nl rl rile > were w r frnrtured rrIIlr1 and al1 that he h wa waI wasita a aI
I in irfd nitertiilly 1raly It I wa alan 10 f faureal faurealtliiit > are < l lthat
that a her h skull kll wn frnctureil Her Ir sinter sinterwiiii iterwlni I
1111 wlni 1 live h m il linrnMer JlaI Man wa wal able ableto hi hiI
to I go to I the Il Martha SVuusliingtott Vahln alhlnlloI ton Hotel Hotelwhere follj folljr hotelwhen j
where r he 11 l ta IHVIPK IHVIPKr Vln VlnI
ti r Kel Kelay I e > WIIM iia litine I n at It MO 3 Isling Islington ¬
ton Ifl a rtm aenue ii en II 1 < hi h home Ir of r her oonlnlnw oonlnlnwshe Inlnla w wSI
she SI i the I widow wid of r the Ih late 111 Ambrose Amr Ambroselatniy O OKelxey I i i
Kelxey 11 profi Irr tri or at Hamilton Illllon College CollegeClinton Col otlegea I IIIII I
Clinton a IIII li at t sri N Her lr i home IN i ii in I n Clinton ClintonlnMer lint llln lllnr on I Itaii
lnMer taii Pr r < lmiIlI nlltv 111 a anil 1 In He It IM Ilbrr listarreal listarrealILaniJia l > rre l lIPiijamiii I
IPiijamiii 11111 ILaniJia tint It I iii IHrlanKki r II tia I flat t 23 l yenm YI old oldwho ninlwho I Iwho
who WH WI was admittil 111 to I HIM 11 lair INr Iwn IWI lW yenm yenmngi Y4q4f5II I I
ngi II gm and ii nail 11 liaM ha ii ini I I en prnr pmrlllnl mad Icing in2 I In InHrixiklvti at atltriwaklyti
Hrixiklvti IrMkll pleaded IIIIlly guilty reterday rIAT l Ifo IfoIl hiforIiialtz > efore eforeluiliz 111
luiliz Il Kawieti F iI i 1 t I m I the li Itt t flinty nllly Clrl mirt to toan I I1lill1 faaa
an a ti indictment 1lill1 anal ict tmaia I for ti r attempted a I teItI I 5111 ernnd gm nl1 oat Inr Inriny Ia a aiftiy
iny 1 TliroiiKb Thrullh n I miotake UIII k of r 1 a I s clerk in inthe II lvialt I
the Ih Inlon 111 Link Llk two I Wi rheck rhf for ru sS w 11 2
11 I am m i into 111 5 Ut I I hi I 1 po i < vtion ton mul HIII a tic I I Ii tried Ir1 t to toI I ti titnnilmie
I eillle on 01 Hiern Ihl but wait w wi detected I Mfore Ir Iaforeeotaiiathtg MforecompletiliR I
completiliR the Ih job He f wi W retn rnl1 rnl1rr r tnesnnjeat tnesnnjeatfor < illde illdefor <
for 111111 F ntenf 11 and 111 tutu will I be h di dlI allliarrwl liirr t by the theAp th theiiiwllate i I
Ap iiiwllate llale la I Division Divisionrre I IivlaiotlrreImlCflta
1 I IIh
rre rreImlCflta < lirnC Wore Ma r lo lost t Prerlnile I nlf nl nlrlIr nlfllivrnil
llivrnil Ih vvnti RI Ma Muiia IIM Of 01 < I II III Prei r lremIent lremIenttuft lent lentlaft
tuft I IN I ii till 11 wearing rl n Ih slit llt carr carpet rrt > ef Clipper Clipperon lpr lprn
on a aii n oiitit t t that ar > re foot The Th m mflammntlon I IIi
I flammntlon ivtu aauwl ed hy the Ih ahoe that thatpinched thatiinehed I Ilh1 I
nmlln A
pinched i is Rraduallr IrAII Helnx Inl reduced reducedhut rlul
Ii hut II Ih Pre lrsuldeflt ldent had to I give Ih up hi golf gnfCme snll I ICaine
Cme m again today teaT
i r rtfl vtrun roit rrii or II intnt intntPresident iti itiur 1 m mITi
ur ITi I ITIS TI ImuIrr ImuIrrhUGn flOOrErI T TIrEIden
President kn hUGn n to IC lie to Wminileil l epl leplII eplli
li I the h llltuile lu of f the th 4iuawI lonel on HIM HIMTtial anal analThat I
That T Their Tflr Once Un IK tkwp > < i > KrlriHtUilp rlfIIIIrn l lllrnkrn Ihiroken <
1 llrnkrn Irn thief fr Ju Jatattrethlp rtrp llre tilp IlooNL ltrued ltruedIIItVRIIIT > l ru e l lI
1I I IIKVRRIT IIIUUT Ma Mitaa II VI in I ii I niteil nl1 Htate HtateSenator SiAlalor StateiSntor
I Senator alor Khhu limit lIM1 conferred rnrr1 with wih th thPresident the thelramIitit
President for fle 0 Iv hour hal today It I wn withit J
1 I the Ih first 1IIt tune In the Ih Pre IIdnt lreldent < ent had talked talkedI tllk1 tllk1wih talkedwith
I with wih Mr Ir lUvot Aol mce til t4C he h relurneil from Th ThJ ThInI The Thea
J a Hague InI where h he h wa W one on of the Ih Imter ImteriNtate 111 tntitdHtnta
I iNtate HLIM Htnta repr rIIII reprtwentaitta < < i > entatlve In II Ihe Ih Newfound NewfoundI SwfOld SwfOldlald
I laud lald fisheries fhI fhIII cn flue fluea e eIt
a It wan WI l Iwiek ck In lime when whf Senator nRlor Hoot noolI tootMlleI
1 I Mllr MICI < l for Kurope tIO and 111 he h liadnt IJdnI been 1 there therJ
J t a long l before > ror h met CVil li1 l Itoovevelt Itflt and 1111 1111a naI hail haila taila
a long talk with lh him himHenntor himHllor hint34nhItor
Henntor Hllor Hoot left Washington hlnelon believing twlinvingon 1IIYlne 1IIYlneQI
of Prraident Tuff doe frlendi frlendidid falenintailki
on QI mot 111 hl11 TII dOe frlf1
did that Col ol Hoooevelt 1 1 would wOIII fully luly In Ini InI tatdora
dora the Ih Taft fl Admlnlntratlon It
i dorl AdmlnlltaUon WMnccepte WM WqI wasarcepteal
I nccepte < l aa I e a fact however that Nr MrHoot NrRool NrRoot
Hoot met II Col ol Ioo lwvII Itooawvaalt ev lt In London lnlon aa aavolunteer I a avoltintawr
volunteer advocate adtI of the Ih Taft Tnf Admin AdminIstrntlon AdminIslrtlnn Adminlitratloat
Istrntlon Islrtlnn to ta counteract rlulJcl by hi words the thereport Ih IhIhI thereports
report that had l Iaen > een poured pour into the theColonel Iher theColonels
Colonel ear r by h Clifford mrol Pmchot PmchotToday Ilnhol IlnholTodaT PinchotToday
Today was the th first lr t opportunity olprlunl that thatPre lht lhtlhlllI thatISIIetit
Pre lhlllI ISIIetit ldeiit Taft Tat and ad Senator Nnalor Hoot ltt had hadhad hd hdhd hadhad
had the London together togetherIn
to t view Lndon meeting 1lnl 10lfhfr 10lfhfrI
In I the I h hi light leht of receut event eventThe enll enllI eventThe
I The Th President lrldfnl and nd Mr r Hoot ltt aa they theyreminisced IbfTmini1 theyrenumnisced
reminisced undoubtedly undohl ly had before them themthe IhenIbe thetatha
the latest deaputche dHplchN from tom the Hoo 11flt 11fltIrln Roosevelt RooseveltS Roosevelttrain velt velttrain
train In which the th Colonel make Ilk It ap apparent p
I 1 parent prft that lhl he does do doe not Intend to indorse indorsethe ludorIhe Indortits
the PayneAldrich tariff Iil Uw I and Ild that he hewould b bw01I hwould
would w01I < have 1 combated rnhll1 any attempt to totndone 101lndor totindore
1lndor tindore tndone Taft Tal for ro IVI 1 in 1 the Ih SiIOKI SiIOKIrnnlon Saratogaconvention Saratoga Saratogaconvention
convention conventionThere rnnlon rnnlonTre conventionTheas
There Tre I iii another feature of the Ih Taft TaftRoot Tlft TlftRot TaftRoot
Root Rot meeting II that interests IDttrNII the lre INI INItntl Presidents i ident
dent tntl dents s friend Taft Taf and Rnl Hoot had hal nerved nervedtogether servedI
together hr in the Ih HooeeAvlt Cabinet Bold Boldwere athWI Rotitwere
I loel
were WI tronglv lron < l attached lo the th Colonel Colonelperonallv lolonIIMonalr Colonelronally
peronallv IIMonalr ronally Mr lr lloo ltnoaevIt o11 evet U laid aid to have haveremarked ha ha10 haveremarked
remarked often to Taft and Hoot 1 that the thethought Ih IhIIOllhl thethought
thought IIOllhl that gave Ka him hln the Itl greatest Irft sits ntlfactlon sitsI I
I I faction ftl wan that tm ho h could ere under undereither Inrr Inrrpilhr aitujereither
either of them with 1 h the t h tuiine 11 readinnut readinnutand rllll rllllIhat
and pp plesnlire nre that they weruferving ro rnl under underhim unlrI
I him hil On the th nurface lurfa at teaM this name namewarm 5itttlwarm
1 warm friendship ented 111 among onl Ihe Ih three threewhen Ih IhI threea
I when htU Senator Hoot Iool aul Mil Koodhy 6001hy to n Pram Prrident Ir Irdnl Pramdeath
dent Taft Tar at the th h White HOII HOI in I June lln sine und undleft 111 111Irl icatalt
t left for Kiirnpe tr to present the merit mi of ofthe orTr ofthe
the Taft Tr Administration hnlllmlnn In Koonevrll Koonevrllllnw I Itniutetthow II IIIn
how changed hH 1 the I h ha condition lton under underwhich lrr lrrhh materwhia9t
which hh the I h President and ant Mr Ir Hoot lot came cametogether CI CII cairnI
I together togit h her a alaln agairt eim today todayKveryliodv Ida IdaErldv tadayI
10g1 Kveryliodv who wh know W Preid Pinl President nt Taft Taftat
at all allinJnI intimately realize raal 1 5za that t the Ih conduct conductoft
oft or tot ol Hooevet toward Inld him ha h wounded woundedhim old1 old1I
him h1 dreiilT that I hl there I hprl tier ran rai never be I ttwuert f ftwien
twien 1 them r 1 the h name me m Ire r and at e iny inya v vfneniNhlp
fneniNhlp r a Ihlp hint e i It ted In the Ih lUvn Iy when whenhe w wlie
he h and 10 hiaw loot wen 1 ferxini II a abinn abinnfollower 11111 11111f atntaitfillower
follower of ia f Hof 1 lti4eilt lti4eilttie > > eelt eeltI 1
i Th I he Prenident ha han piirwtnel purpo plrllr ey refrained refrainedfrrm rralnpdI
I frrm f1 dlcumtt a 1II1 Mr iI I a HorMeieli t a attitude attitudetoward at 1111 1111h1 I I t ttrie ttrietowiart
toward him h1 with wlh w mall caller I but hii there t can l t II II Is IsH > e eii
I ii doubt l iii ha that I he h opened au isniat Id hi hits mind ani 11 nal freelv freelvto v va
to I r hi h old i alinet 1 awuiciate ol and no relieved relievedhmi rehietidtiinilf
tiinilf hmi lf of r aSia he h liurden that ha ttaa l 1en 1enwighiing en enweiKhini 1 1Ihll
weiKhini Ihll upon In him hln ever r mnre I mnr he h wa waacrued witacatmnad
acrued 801 of r duplicitv ollhrlr V in 1 the t h aponymou aponymouOyter AlolIOI AlolIOII anotaynnoilI
Oyter I I etr Iliiv II tatemenl 11111 following rII fohiamw tog the theHepubbcan Ih theltpuhlieart
Hepubbcan 111141 sie i li coinmitee 1 meetini rlml tn ting in inNew 1 innaw
New S naw York YorkTb ork orkTheSupreme rk rkTh
TheSupreme Th Stiprati 1 I a ourt r appointment IIIInl whrh whichthe whrhUI whrhthe
the UI rvident IniIlt t H a paw o 41 n 1 to I a IM t called ral1 cal trat upon IKII lo lomake I Ii i itnatae
make i wit one In of r the I h Mihierta lhJOI taken lak1 up I at attoday ala itttalityn
today a confereme nrn At tin II Taft Ta cottage cottageThe cottagaft 111
I Th The itnpn manItrnsmon ioii i growing Irowli here h that U UIhllh lov lovHughe kvhugh
hugh Ihllh chance dNI for Appointment IIMIllPII a aChief as asChief I IChir
l le I lens bright brightSenator I Ienfttnr
Chief liiHtlre hlI are ecoming > rmlli hnlh
Senator UIXIK name i tS liemg Ill Inca mrnIIIHHI IncaI Il
Hnllor 1I
IIIHHI I maaait a A 1 xibillty IIII y Th Ihe senator Snatnr de delined at t ta1
< lined 1 a1 an sl to 0 comment lIIr1 t tttflat to Inllr t ii dar a on ni a itt hi h a Supreme Supremei S II ilr atia atiaa
i ourt talk with the Ih President Presidentsenator 1IIn 1IInlnr lrestaintSenatr
senator lnr Hi UI t i i4 M years Ar Id 1hi 1hiwould 1 timi timiwiitil
would 1111 give git C him hl onlv five h Yrar v r < for sertir sertirIsfur ert 1 1Ir ic ichefore
hefore Ir he n ached h1 III I h ll aiie < e of if r retiremnit retiremnitThe r
1 I
I Th The Senittnr IIOr age ll coupled 1111 with Ih th for fIt fIthH tacit tacitI t that
< hat hH New I ork rk Im I vit I ii had nn I apfioiiit apfioiiitmelll
melll tn t the Ih lielicll Will wil it i believed believedoutweigh lh Islttealiiitwiagh 1
outweigh 111 I h anv n 1erMnal rsrflai RI inclination mrhlallOI tlmt tlmtthe Ih IhIh atmthe
the Ih Pre Iriaditi irieiii may hays h tu to confer rr the thehonor Ih Ihr thishuatr
honor r upon n him 11 Th The po lariesihiahity ihility Ihl of r H HllefiKicrUt I aI
llefiKicrUt I 1 heintC ee elictiat 111 < led to t the tIm finale finaleI Sl tiaa tiaaa
I niiccied HiHt I 111 another Ilhr i niiideratloii niiideratloiithat Iltmlon IltmlonIhRI
that would figure m thi t ht n aiii < M > Prvideni Prvidenilaft
ll tl I
laft it 1 I Ia known i as inoneirelv 11 rtIon 5 rely I rpleied irlaIiisainw rpleiednow
now I in II regard arll to the Ih a he Mleciu 1111 > n f u i auf hiefJiintice aufhittiae
Jiintice than hi ha lie haeai ii at any al ittt time 0 mm mmthe clOne clOnefbi In InI >
the I h vacancr Ara occurred occurredStnufor Mr1 Mr1j ieeiirrsili4naitiir
Stnufor j IliHit 11 do iisiat > n t eem to I Ii at A all allopium al altiptiaaimai
opium iptiaaimai cv ver aa the Ih New iw Vork sitk k State ttat itiin nittutaunt itiinlinn 111 111I
linn 1111 I We W e have hl a fighting lahlll rhiwiiv rhA paaal paaalhis Aid n1h Aidhe
he h when w hl hiat iiietioned i iiest lln1 ta in I m il regard rJAIII to a o the t h hrr out outlook it itIi
look Ii rak for fi r the Ih t ha HepubhrAn HepubhrAnthe 1llthn 1llthnTh I tpauh hirain hiraintie
the Th tie Senator SIIr added that h the Ih I hi Saratoga sritoiMconvention Sa Saratogaoat
convention oat Vifl 11 t aaal had dene ala In ii the t h Nil on lv logical logicalthing Ii saeai I Iahati
thing I ahati hi g Iho 1 h who wh war in I control of ofthe ifa f fIh
the Ih a ia I party had had an p plII Ilwirt > ortunilv sinaI V to toRtreiiRtlwii t tsf
sf RtreiiRtlwii I ln ria Ilh gthn it I first Ir bv I suipwrt iipp IMt < irting 11 tog toghughes < in inIlh ov ovHuRhe
hughes Ilh and 411Ih then when h that opportunity opportunityWHS porIII porIIIh
WHS rejected bv h iv ciMiperntltlg with lh Col ColUoooevelt io iottnwvstt
Uoooevelt 10 lloth opMirt I l untie 11 having havingleen hnlr hatiiagI <
I leen rejected It r l Isr > ei ame alI ner taiesIar arv I Ideclare Irrlr ii iira
declare ra a new n deal a 111 at 11 the I h conveniii n tiit a m n nSenator nSnn amSnfl
rrlr Snn Snfl Senator Ir ti r Hoot 111 etprw I prsa i I th a lt opinion opinionthat 111 111IhRI lii tat Ia Iaa
that a in t there Ih t her would was 11 I no I n more lr tinT IHI tl ni re rev r rI e evlsi
v vlsi iKion I lt avis bv 1 I t the Ih a ha old 11 I method IIIMI aint ursa I that t lilt t t Hi h hIinn re reVi r riiinfls
Vi Iinn ton of the Ih future rlllr would atil 1 U I pleiemeal pleiemealliy PI tsitfl0au I IOhII I Icidiiiutala
OhII cidiiiutala hay chlllul hIII i I
Ihe ii Senator Ir diMue < the Kiilhnger KiilhngerPmchot ltaatlitmgirPu IIIIr
Pmchot Pu nir1iot l invexligalion a rt tist tlI I gai I ion witli w it h the I t Ii Prildnt PrildntSenator 1IInl 1IInlSn I rldiaatSenhm
Senator Senhm 11111 lair Hnot i one afl n of the Ih iu tiaaujritv j ritv nl inm inmtier aniattI 1
Sn tier I st s of r the In I committee iOttIrat Ilnll t tii I I I could rosm Ill Iii not 1n iv ivlien 1 1hn i V VWItn
WItn lien alias Ih majority 10jly report would 111 be I renv renvpfMiriiillx r ri riaatv riaatvI
i I pfMiriiillx AIltty then Ih i mc no ni u chnnc hiiIfl 11 of r its 1 le leing 1 1i a ataig
nted until Senator Flint hnl return returnfrom rntilrflafrint
i ing I pre 111 Inli SnAIr
i from f1 Kiiroix and AII noruwly lotI r eeata4 vni to 10h know knowwhere ktiawher
where h he h r I a or r when ho h ha will wil get 1 to n tin tinml I alitciii
ml mlI m
mlA 11 A publlheil h1 report that Preeideni T TI I taft taftI aft aftI
I going 111I iIK to I ta Panama rnan rlnrl to I thwart a Kraft KraftMheme Jmr Jmrhr grafMhletn
Mheme hr wa w offlcmllr nmlnl ilenml here h loiLiv loiLivIf 10LIVI
If I wa was n aid II that 111 the I Prifident hi his r rceived rI
I ceived tviI 1 no In information Inrrlln In II regard Ir1 to a mi mialleged aataa I IalI1
a alleged rhemt hm of capitalist lall ti II > monorxi monorxihro mo1
hro the Ih coal nl imippl upply 111 on the Ih Pu ithmu Ihnll in inwhich I Iwhlh anI
I I 17 which whi the I grafting 1 I ll I uis id t to I eii exat t If Ifthe I Uthis
I the theI Ih President h I goe go to Panama Panaml in I No November Novsrnlwr o ohlrh
vember which seem 0 likely it will w1 I in inroniieoiion l llh inonyuation
roniieoiion aitha Hh lh actual contniclloti contnicllotiproblem entatraetiniaiprotIeIns 11111 11111rnhlm
problem protIeInsIiITilt rnhlm rnhlmI
IiITilt ITI 1111 r ins 111 imtr imtrI ltl ltlnrrhtr Ii4 iii iiiDrrhrntra
I OrrheMra leader lrlrf1 rriwedof r4tttrd nr > e egIeitlng egIeitlngI l rllnK rllnKIn nl nln
I In n Pa l Unt nt an II IIAn I In HAn
An n Fjigll rllh Tngltah h made 01 harp valued hlo at 1 1w tvm tvmwo IWuwas
wo w the Ih caue al of r dl comfoiture umroru yeeterdar yeeterdarto
I to ti Philip Phip Sevota IA who wh i i a a I mu 11111 nttiilcal ical In Inlotnictor il illilK ittearlctnr
lotnictor bwMile l lilK eirig > leader of 5th 5thairchisctra the theorchestra h hI
orchestra r in I The Th llroni lrn I Park Zoological ZoologicalHarden Zoologicallaralena I IUrdpn
Harden r1 Mr Ir Sevasta svla ha h has l been > een indicted indictedliy ilf1 ilf1I
Ivy Iy the Ih Federal Iral Urand Irani Jury lr on the Ih charge chargeof hMI hMIor
of bringing lrnlil the Ih harp hAI Into the Ih country countrywithout 1lr coaaaitrywithoaat
According A lo loAssistant 10nIMI toAssistant
without wllholt paying l > yinl duty > lill
Assistant Inlted nIMI Slate 11 Attorney Atom Whit WhitIney Whlj Whatny
Iney ny Sevonta made m an al affidavit hlavll that the theharp th thtarp h hhR1
harp tarp SRI wo WN hi lila domestic lolI property prfry and andbrought Inl InlIrllh andlirnaight
brought here for hi own ow use ii The TheGovernment Th Thi Theovrnaneait
Government Irllh was M informed Infor1 thou the Ih mu musician 11 rttmaieian ¬
Hovmrnt inn had ordered the I h harp hAr In London Ixindonand Inton IntonI Londonand
and had hl1 it I ent here hn for the Ih purpose Ilrp of ofI orlnl Ofceiling
I selling Ant lnl It He I did tid subsequently ly sell I it I to toUne I Io toadlC
Une adlC 1 of If hi h pupilSevasta pupil nmpiliaSeymicta
o Sevasta V11 Illi IlliI live lit at S Faa l lllt Ilct lt street streetHe stretHe Ir IrI
He wim W held hI in J Mm Imil llil and all situ paroled rolllnll until untilthU untilthin
thin I hi morning lmI lo get 11 the Ih lath Imilrir hll lathrII
rir Ton T u OUT OlT ws FKIT FKITlie IT ITI
lie I Mrreamed IrrI One n trniert rlN Han n Opened OpenedINior nJn nJnI penitIto
INior Ito Captive AIlh Hell 1 llnnn Un n the h Mliafl MliaflWilliam Ihr IhrWlhAI tiifthlliaan
William WlhAI Wmr Vrni erner r a Innkeeper for forHaeblerA r rC forhliaahlsr
HaeblerA i Co C ia importer 1111 nl TO Wall 1111 1111rINlh ct lr ret rettili f ffell
fell rINlh eight feet to flh Ihe I its bottom hoUol of fr an elevator elevatorhifl levntairdiafi
hifl in that building IllhUnl yeMerday Inlay HIII HIIIfractured a anal analfrailimri ril rilI
fractured rtlr1 h1 I hi skull kll He I hail hat lut jlt entere enterethe entereilthe nlr1 nlr1I <
the I h car R when wh a clerk a called 111 hll him him and he hetirtcd h Itset3rticl
tirtcd to walk Alk out flt A t thnfjime hWI moment momentilliani 1111 1111lllm nnonniatrVilhlnrtt
illiani Koch a 1 one on armed elevator man manattempted afloatuttetnlited 1
attempted 11 lllm Ih to I shut I11 the I h door nnd tart Ir the thear I h hpnr he heit
pnr ar it r
arWener Wener feet r were raiigll 1 ll lo and RII he h wa wacurried wnnarl1 WarnrrtiI
nr he hecried h hhr hecried
curried narl1 up 1 s he h hung hlnl suspended
cried for help hl and rh the h operator opened openedIh ppn1In
Ih this door In whereupon Werner mpr fell r1 head headflrtt taeatattint 11 11nnt
tint He w was > taken o the IhIII Hudson street streetbspital treethoapital Ir I Ibpltl
hoapital bpltl lt when wh r b b baa d die led
I u f rlr it 1 itirr 1 wr it I at I iig it I 11 i ir iricr iricrlelsnal IT T Tl <
lelsnal 1 l ifrtasT eteell 11 > Will I rrlve nh In TItle TItleII I Inh
111 nh II T T11lro Tli te tePietro >
Pietro 11lro li trii roiivaHlo who hn I h us r rln1 aalll ll l by his hiiSicilian hiSllll hismcmtannomawtiInlai
Sicilian Sllll mcmtannomawtiInlai iMMMLitewlii rjvl t CleveLind IvLa1 Ohio OhioKm Ihl ShutI
Km 111 I tuat Pielro 11 to all ind nil I ic puiualsctl u < > e < ti nf if being 1la On Onleider Ihr I he heof
leider of r a gang anc Ih tnl Ihiit it killed kll1 WlllUtn 11 I IItio Iltia
Itio 1 ltia Ihe 11 Ii IleveUnd t1ln1 lawyer Iwyr who whi wa was al eliot eliotalooF hol holniMir
alooF 1 t hi 11 home hI on the Ih night Ilahlr of Augut Augutla ICII ICIIlIt amgut i it4it
la lIt t4it l wa arr Irrllln1 iarruignl Kne < yesterday witlii with wih wih1tllm withjoiiitufl
joiiitufl i ephme Kruciiine Itefore MagistralTlgh Magistral IiigIatrtitilids I ITilh
Tlgh Tilh lids In I lh Ailim UI nlre street 11 poll > ollc iourt rt In Inllrooklyn II itthlriiaiklyat
llrooklyn IrkIYI The rh h prisoners wore held hhlfltll an anfugitive anfugitivaa
fugitive fltll from rr jiMtioM JIIIIO and remanded remandedwllhout rmiandeatwithasut
wllhout lh Kill t 11 to the Ih lUymond 1tymon1 street jail jaillo Jai jailIi
lo I Ii await AU the Ih arri lrl vAl of ff Deteotlvn Jlft Doran Doranof Iloranfr
I of fr f the Ih Cleveland police JHIC who will 11 ak alk for fottheir for1lr fortheir
their 1lr Iltradilioti 1 Jrmllul the Ih mn 1 on 0 a charge chargeof oharehlrelr
of burglary hlrelr conimilted 0001111 it t thn Ih hnuna hou of ofAnna 01nl ofnn
Anna nl nn Padovu au 11 u mile li from the Ih floe Hloplace HI0 HI0pi floeplace
place pi on Align 17 I the woman on Oi a acharge adlr acharge
charge dlr of uliopliftlng hoJllne and ont other charges chargesDoran chrCMi chargealoran
i Doran Horn will wi arrive arrv thl thIs morning morningIt monln monlnI
I It I U L believed 1111 that lhl at least 1lt threat th of the Iheremaining Ib Ibrmllnhuc theremaining
remaining rmllnhuc four rOlr or five e jwrson Irl whom wbol the thedetective th thei1atectivim
detective 11 are Sr after were w living al 1 or in inIhe InIb inItt
Ihe Ib vicinity of 731 3I 1 Third Thir avenue VCHI where wherethe whreIh wherethe
the Ih two prisoners were urr urrlo urraed vti d taut tautKrlday IuntFriday
Friday Detective 1fIftve trctmve Detnalo I alo head bfc of Ir the thePitlabure tberiUlhlC thePittshaurg
Pitlabure agnncr na of the Plnkertona 1lnkertol was woaaway wqway wasaway
away from hi hIS hotel all al day dy yesterday yenterdayAfter Iry
I I After hi hii return rflln late In the Ib ha evening enll he heald heI
a Mid II he h had hd nothing nOlhln to give out outThere outTI outThere
I There TI was considerable rl hlfrbl speculation speculationymterdjiy apltlon apltlonYIIdy speculationyesterday
yesterday YIIdy concerning cnnlhl the 110000 100 reward rewardwhich rewar rewardwhich
which whih was w offered otr for the arrest IrI of the themurderer themlrdfr theI
I murderer mlrdfr of lice ne The reward rewr U I offered offeredjointly olpl olplolntl oerijI
I jointly olntl hr h the Ih Pinkerton Pinkerlon And a Cleveland Clevelandawyer CIlnc Civelandlawyer
lawyer who ho was Wa a friend rren of the murdered murderedman murre
man mn It I I Is offered oler in a circular clCllr printed prlnle in inItalian InIalen inItalian
Italian Ialen and rnadi rMt to the Ih officer or officer officermaking oIen oIenmaklne omeetamaking
making maklne the arrest rNt Ac o and Jnd say Ip that thatPlnkertou Iht IhtIlnkrlnn thatPinkertou
Plnkertou Ilnkrlnn men In are re not eligible 1lbl Demalo Demaloaid Dclo Dclowid
aid that 111 he hI Interpreted Inlfrlrle the offer olr to mean meanthat mnIh1 meanthat
that the Ih policemen plm wbo actually clal made the thearrest therft thestreet
arrest rft and Ind IbOe those other olhfr than the Ih Pinkertnn Pinkertnnwho Plnk inkertonwho rton
who helpwl by h gathering fact would woulddivide wmllddlhl womiiddivide
divide the Ih reward rewardirnnn rewardirn
rwnrt rwnrtIfl
irnnn Ifl irn nn Kirov Il r 1ruF1 1cr4 r rrit roMirrr roMirrrnnlle rnTrbl co si err errtThIm
nnlle bl Plaint ratios rnUc Hear lear That Tt One of ofThem niThena
Them 111 his la Written rl to 14 lilt IU IUWnlTf lIlt ntfeWniTK lIltnlrs
WniTK WnlTf nlrs ILAISB lulsl Oct 10 The Th polic policof polleeof 1
of White Whl Plitn PI recelveil rf I 1 Information Informationtodir Inrmaton Informationtatty
tatty 10 hal Mi nh wit f of one on of the thee Ih IhI theescaped
I e tA11 escaped ca > ed Sing Iln Sing HIII convict nIII who live liveat h hIt livestat
at It Moun lol Ki 1 Iaen < o ha has receivoil 1 11 i letter letterfrom 1Ir 1Irrrom letterfroan
from her liuthand hhAI1 asking Hkll her to end cenalI endhim 1 1I
I him hll 1 blue hil mnt lil uf clothi Iolb and S no i It Iti I ItIA
i IA nald 1 that the Ih letter tr wa WI wata deered 1Uufl by bya h hI
a I friend Irllli of if r the Ih convict nCt Two 1 detective detectivewere tItII tItIIw
I were w placed on 11 Ihl this hi nieNHelieer trill trillIt Ira1III
It III i in nl aln I onld atuat 1 that I flag 111 Hill 111 ireen rssn n rw si l lin In i it
11 t in im tnI t m a Ovimng 1 and no that I he h ha h has made madeeffort iAd iAdrlr anoalea
a effort rlr to t get thi Iholnr money through a bruh friend friendA
A IH lwsi of r iilnvit fi forty > rty kippers and andDeputy anallkpat 11 i
Deputy 1 Sheriff SII who ho ar nri i M irchlnc rhin for forthe rlr rlrI forabs
the I h live Ih conMct nnl wbo t ii scilwl M > ed from rrm Sing SingSing HII SingSatig
111 Sing primin on ni Kriitiy spent nt today tonUvMMrchms todaywurchattg
MMrchms chli the Ih den wo wooala < MIJln l on am HlUerniilk HlUerniilkMountain Ultfmllk ltIIttCrTtiilkMaiitiitiiltt
Mountain 111111 which h h in I a 1 part 1r of the th estate estatef 11 tate tater I Ir
r lohn I II > llmkefeller tkfIr Hi II Iociintico 10mlll Hill HillIhev 111 lulllhe
Ihev found footprint Nit print C Mil it nnd hat It I I ma generally generallyl lnI geneni I ly lyI I
I l > eieed thnt a all thitmviot ur ira together togetherand IIIPlllfr I IHrll
and Hrll are R hiding hd in I M cotams > me m 1 rixn ttal nr Ir deertc ilesertedItamluitti < l lItalian
Italian Illh hiotv haaO omewheri iilong the Ih new newratukill I newI
I ratukill k1 uqiinluct which hldl passe p through throughIlia I
ha I I region regionOH I IOIISn
a OH OIISn IMSO 6lnl Oct 10 At t about IIHlt II I n clock nrnck nrnckIAI nelnckbet clockla
la bet t night l hl WUIIn unlii Front frOt got 101 word that thatSreen thutflrnn
I Sreen had M > II Mvn n entering tra an Al old oldIIOIIM 111house 11 11hOI
house hOI on 11 tat North nlh Ilighliend Illhllll avenue RII and be benl h tarOt I III
nl II ono ni heide < l a force rr nf twentY kt kp koepers koepersanal < eper eperand
and MM out I to I invektigate 1 Ia They rh HUP HUPronndml ittrroiandeat lr lrrolnl1
ronndml rolnl1 th IIOIIM hOI hmnim A m nun in coiild rl 11 I I101 Iso Isotteorl MI MIheard
heard moving 101 around imtidi mll and n1 after afterH arCr
H 1 wan of tiara hr or ° r four rllr bourn hOI Chief of ofPolice oroli I Iotie
Police oli otie fninpkin rnlkl kicke l the nh h door do down downand niowatmand I
and nl1 found rIIII a holxi p inair1alIv ncefullv cheeping rleeplngHI Ipinei
HI i 11t1 HI t i r t us rntm n t C tn i ITD TO T RAT RATTrain R4 it 4 r FTraIn
Train Ma Ii < laklnc 41 40 n Mllet 10 an n tear 10ur hnl hnlMie hnRII hntthe
the Mm RetriHHl RII I ottawa lohurla nlmrtKannie ottawaFannie
Fannie a ni I SArgmglmi Srllllnl n venfeenyear venfeenyearold
old 11 ciilored Kchixleirl schaw h111 lirl bvmg 111 liv etig at 1 li IM w Fiat Knlton tII1kll Fiattot
ton street Hro 1kll llrnoktvn klvii jurti jiiratwil 111 < e < l into in I IIU la lamaici laamaiea
maici IU liar IL1 earlv rh vef vestrlaV rlAV rI afternoon afternoonfn Irlmo Irlmorr aftrnotafrram
fn frram m the Ih reir r plitform d f a l lorag < ong 1 llanl llanltniin 1la1I istaitailtrisitu
tniin I travelling Ir111 ncn a aetIls4 > the Ih Ir teeth at atthe ttthi I IIh
the Ih rate rlp rat of forty rr mile nli nat 11 hour Sh She h wa waprompt wasirta1pa A Aompl
prompt ompl I It v re r re54sirl re54sirlI ciied ciiedline 1 1On
line On I in > f the Ih a lii mnll lnl At tition 111n ta tans al 1nl aIng > ng the theInmaica Ih I lieiiantamnau
Inmaica 011 Itav I ItS lre I I retLi tle i is I if lassc > oe I reek k kIIMI At Atatwuta t tilwmt
ilwmt IIMI I 4 i > cl Ik xk A the Ih tram lnl wa near nearing ar I Il Iang
ing l that Ihl i etlitmatt > tnlii lal1 < n the h girl I I I who ho wa w in inthe I IIh tatthe
the Ih rear Ir i nar ar was a wen 1 fo n walk to the h h1 back backlilatfairnim > ar > k kplatform
platform There mere few r jiermin rn in inthe I artthe
the h car r and RII none 11 had tune n to II get 11 in her herbefore hrh lietlsfira
before iii h jtimp Jlnl1 Jtiatmlwt M Her 1r leap 111 carried her herclear h hd heralior
clear d of r the h trestle 111 nnd 1 ihe h truck tIk the thewater thewt h har
water wt ar r feet r isa flr I tirsa t Th The swiiflg ling Ilj train trainran 111 trealaamu
I ran ra m 0 for mine 1 distance 11lal iMfore If it t could he hetopw I h hI
topw I Iging
I ging taig nf r riivair 1llr men 1 in I chirge rh I of ofForeman ofIrttiiitI r rh
Foreman IrttiiitI i hines h I lxwl at > f Araaedsict Araaedsictwpr iiie IIII < luct luctwere
were at w < rU k on n the Ih t trnik nl i ai > t far r1 from fromwhere rrmh frimatiwttr
where wttr h rs the Ih girl 11 JMIII jiuttiiaai H lx I Low > w ran 11 d 1 1h iwn iwnthe mvtimlii
the h trestle 1 throwing oft n ln h at 11 and andiump 111 1111mr1 matidii
iump 1mr1 ii < l after ii 1cr r her He I H i held h h her r up a al I until untilthe 1111 1111Ih I lit t i I Ithe
the Ih men 1 working wrkl1 wrk aug under InIr him hll hauled them themto
to I the Ih tre 11 i reitt te with wit Ih h roH ril riIsi Millie Ir of the thereir Ih Ihr1 therear
rear guard 11111 nf r the Ih he ummer IIIr dweller got gotngeiher I Itn Ia
ngeiher a igt hiir drv tn clothing Inlhlll alot htiti g for her and In1 elm elmwas b bwa hA
wa was A liken lk ii I prixner 1 firs I niar I the t I II lng n Inland InlandI
I 11 ilv it pdure > lice hr Ktatioti KtatiotiM 1lnn tjitmfltiAt
M 1 the Ih lolme > olioe h Ktitin I the h girl 111 iid 1 that thathe thaths I
he h wi i tired I o1 of I living 111 It I i ac thought thoughtttiii Ihllh IhllhIh thamghtthaaa
ttiii Ih overwork nrl in il Hchixd h 1 mav ma hive h haav un uni
5 i 1il l her mind Inl A t wictil ii tal 11 cird r ru ljl1 ljl1I iinmvl iinmvlt
I her h iitiderikirl Ildkll reid r rei ii I Mv Iy Ividy Ilf lataly r will willbe wili wiliI I IIi
be I Ii found in I llocknwav wilier Ir 111 111I Tim TimI Ihe Ihetmt
I I carat I a as tilt 1 aalilreai iddre > MMl I
iii 1 r i 1t oit nr t TTII TI o Tin Ti i ii iiorhani U UClrh 11rhn
i I
Clrh iorhani rhn I lerkt Irl Tn TI Teeth tir > galn In1 t the Ih Tall TallI TI TailIiifl
I I fining n1 Iiifl XMlnilllnK IIlna < iiM UIf hatsct hatsctIItflnr ert ertI I
I leinor l 1rHI lorriiae > irrame llenttie II who ho i is ac accui Ir IrI anof
cui I > e < I of Ir Kwindlmg Wnl the I h lohal lorham Minii Miniifacfinngt tatiamfacttratig 1
facfinngt flrl6 a otnpinvout iitflplatV rp rmitt 1 of eeral ml hundred hundreddollar hlnr1 hlnr1lolr hatmnniriwlilnalliars
dollar lolr worth h of properly bv 1 representing representingher rprnlnl repreentmngiisrrdf i iIn
her iisrrdf lf to he h Mr Ir Margaret K I Stearn Stearnwa SIlrn j
wa pliced on In am trul Irill yeterday l Ifo IfoC IsforItictu efore eforebiHtice
biHtice Itictu OOorman C Hlolnn in the h Criminal Ilranch Ilranchof Irlh I Ior
I of the Ih Supreme Court 1 on ni the Ih chArge II of ofI ofgratiil
I grand Irn I larceny larcenyTh LarrtitThu I
Th young YOII woman W wan a arr IrI arretetl ted in inlx I anInrilott
lx 1 Inrilott > ndon lol after nlr having hlvinl railed from rror roan New Xewl
I York irk on ii May I v 21 3 Iton 111 She Hh wa w was brought broughtI hrollht hrollhtk lsromighttIack
I liack k 111 October Iohr Probably she h would wouldI wosililhave oll ollhl
I have hl escaped 1 arrest Hr1 but 111 for the II fact rlrl that thatI
I I her h height hlhl anti nn her manm mnnih h clothe at attraded fl attraacted 1
traded the Ih attention nlf on nf one on of the Ih clerk clerksin clerkI rk rkI
I I in the Ih florham Unhl Kiflli tl h avenue R nl More 10 and n1 he hemade h hlar heanani I I10
made lar a Nketch ktt of her h This Th tory of Ir her herviit hervacat
viit to a dorhnrn Onhnr wa wan told yelerday ylrlly by byclerk h byclerk
clerk who 10 waited wAi 1 upon IM her One 00 nf nfthem II III ofhietti I
them I Henry B F Anderson AIIrll wa A Ihe I th h man mnI manwIn
1 who h I took ok 1r the Ih sketch Iklh to I Ciinnrd IIard pier and andfound Ind andfoitnal I II
found rnII that Miex Mi 1 llmltm 1 had jut sallicI sallicIitataler aile aileunder 11 11I <
I under the h hi mime nln of Min 1 Hnice n Illake IllakeI
I Irr MIMA Mi Ii llenttie 111 i iii not 101 yet 2 S Heveral Heveralyearn Hrl HrlY i4verlyears
yearn Y ago IO siha he h me 1 met the Ih then lln Mr Ir Hleiirn Hleiirnnow StrntulW
now that Ih wife If of tf Chevalier lhvalr Ieragoni Ieragoniecref Ialonl IalonlIr Peragoniaecrat4irY
aecrat4irY I ecref Ir ry of the Italian 1lln legation 1lnllon In InIekin II ittekin
Iekin and an they I h became 10 fot friend friendfler IrIPI friendsftr
fler lr the h death nlh of Ml Ii H 011 flnttlma nttl ii father fatheran fllhr fllhrI
I an Al Knglih Jnlli h army Irm officer Imr Miss 1 Ueatlie Ueatlieand 111 111hr lkattiestint
and her mother 101hr spent n a winter at II Mr MrStearn MrsStcornis 1 1I
I Stearn SIrl camp 0111 in 1 the Ih Adirondack Adironalsaici1flOl5EI Adirondacknnonrit flronrAk flronrAkm
nnonrit m inn I 4 ISIl in f iwriii iwriiifnnnit i ilrnifls i
fnnnit 1010 In iiiirilurl IUIIUI fler fIera Ir a I 1 nr f Wafer WaferW alfr I Inrn
W a Drawn OfT OfTThe nf PIT1he I ITh
The Th body of f Joseph h Plenty IIny lliei th tie I tine tineynismrailii > Jni Jniynirold
ynirold MlMMilbny < Ilho of Ir S0 H Wet 1 lttlli lttllitrnet lt ltt IGuthta
a trnet t who h turnbleil lunhlllnlo Into the Ih Crolon rotofl 010 shunt auiiedun shuntnliil
dun llr ut High I I ight Ih llridge Irlll Iark on Saturday SaturdayiiflerniHin SAIlrrlY SAIlrrlYr111 4attirdyiftsrnwn
iiflerniHin wa found r111 y yitentaiy lerday on the thelloor Ih Ihlr Is IsIkair
lloor lr of if f the II maim 101 at I ISOtb U1Ih street Half IAI a amile Arnll aintl
mile al iva > ve that point > mt ll at list street wi wifound WII WIIfnliullh wms wmsI
I found fnliullh the ii drum lrll that he h hind carried carriedllefore narrtalI 1 1Ih
I llefore the Ih testy 111 1111 wa recovereil ovr1 aerernl aerernliiiillln aereritintiill5 rl
iiiillln ntiill5 fl rtllimanf nr water lr hid lolwMlniwnoff lolwMlniwnoffVt
a 11110 Vt 1 uo I Ii clock 1lkn k the Ih t hi water hud hl1 fallen rQIn In II a irilli irillimore 111 I rIll rIllaaioro
more than Ihln two I wii feel m I depth and Inlfjlll agane agnttgI I Iof 1
I of 111 r men enter enterw1 Irllh l the main with lh torche rh nnd nndrake sttatI 1 1rlk
rake 11 The li Iiawtv < y wa wan fbi In llienldaiiie Ih old RII shrine I Iduel I I111 Iaiaait
I rlk 1hloI
duel and 111 hey got 0 a 1 twenty foot ladder and anddewended untiltlesnenaiFcI
dewended to the Ih mnln rl aipiMuct There Therethe Thrh Theretlte
the h water Ir wa wits three Ih feet deep 1 and Ant very verylawift v veryswift ry ryil
swift il The drum drm was found rou first fr
frUI4 nt lfh i IS riii Til i tSJW 1 w wTOO itiii itiiiI hl hlI
I TOO it IUJ us 1 run i t nun tIJVTHU tIJVTHUI Ir run runKeen 1 1I
I I Keen Thai T1 a Fauna un1 atnralUl lanll lUil la1 II IIlleen I IIlqqt I In
lleen Ung n Tleuhl uld Have I Its Kvlernil KvlernilI EttertulnaIad frnll frnllnal
I naIad nal Ihe li Itt lj Iat l Hurvl Nnhr PtUFitr r mt r Ihe II lIt I jver jverJatractle pi > ci ciI r rlrlc
I Jitra Jatractle lrlc le IlKS IU 03 PoimiU rUln or Trout Tnul TnulIh a l la lacollector > m mCollector
Collector Ash got 10l back tk from fom a ymca vacalion ymcaIon a
lion 101 of two I wo month monil and one 106 day yesterday yeterdajand 1fIrdnlrllulli yesterdayanal
and entertained nlrllulli hi iLa frirmU frCo1 with llh lah am amhunting anal anllhulle analhuntIng
hunting hulle stories tor from frm the th it mountain mOlnll ol olsouthwestern or310nlal astmoamthwestrn
southwestern Montana 310nlal He H brought Iruaht m mpelt at atpelts n
pelt 11 unlike unlk hU hl Illustrious illroll oxchief bUt blihe hii hiih bUtha
he h old how he h and Ham Hm Illythe Uyhe Robert lloberII llbr llbrI
I II I Davis Ha anal 1 other literary 11r hunters hul whose whocispecialty whol wholldl whosespecialty
specialty ldl U telling Iln < laIN of the forest forraland rOrNII forestnal
and ad plain lIIM came m across acr the Ih fresh rnh tracks trmckiof trck trckof
of a 1 large lrae creature clun maybe rayh a jtrittly jtrittlyTliwy rul rulTlw rtrnlyThey
I They Tlw had killed kie three Ihr deer dnr and ad an a elk elkwhich elkwlh elkwhich
which was i tame am enough port pr and ad they thejwere th thI theywere
I were wer a bit disturbed dllurb over the slzn alt I of th thtracks thtrk the thetracks
tracks trk In the thf snow which Indicated idkalf thai thaithe thll thlltb thatthe
the tb track trck maker might mlcbt b h be ten or flftrerfeet flftrer fftf fftfi fifteetifeet
i feet tall lal The Th literary Iler men IU fell Ifl back bael baelI r rfew afew
I few f pace pl and ad Ham Hm libthe lyh l Ii reported reportedto rpred
to have he saInt Id to the Collector CollectorRay Colnr ColnrI CollectorS
I Ray RT Hill i your old hoes h mUi must have havftaught ha hataufht havetaught
taught taufht you 101 something lomeblne about but handling handlinggriczllea hdlnl handlInggrlazltce
griczllea crlnlM Just J11 go Io on ahead ahea and catch catchhim catchhim th thblm
him and ad well w1 come rle up Ul and finish flh him himThe hm hmTe hianThe
The Te Collector CoUfor saId Mit Im h did not no like I th tharpearonce thapprao the theappearance
appearance apprao of the tie tracks Irck They might mightbelong mlahtlone mightbelong
belong lone to a megatherium m lhrllm lift over fr from fromthe romthe roan roanthe
the Pleistocene Plp I De period Irot or a diplodocus dlplodocuof Ilploou Ilploouof
of the Upper Jurassic Jlrlc still tl walking llklnl th thearth tharh the theearth
earth arh rearing fnl Its It head ha suty IlalY feet rfl above abovrthe aho ahotbe abovethe
the surface ura Mr Blyth Brh was inclined inclinedto Inlned
to far favor or the dlplodocu dlplodo It was Wi voted votedthat votedthat olf
i that that that thI In the th Interest 111r of conservation conservationIt rnnrUol
It behooved bhoed the huntera hwl to 101f let the Ih animal animalalone ainal animalalone
lalole alone Mr Ir Ulythe was Wi reported npo1 liaving liavingremarked 11ill havtrmgremarked
remarked rmrke aa they went Wfli down do the Ih snowy snowytrail IIO IIOrl snowytasJi
trail rl to camp cml cautuif
If the Ih Lolonel lolnnel had l th Ieert en there Ih the theonly Ih thonly I IonlT
only living 1111 dlplodocu dlplo < I would ul1 have hR bitten bittenthn 1lu 1luIb Isitneatlb
thn Ib dUI I am Ril rather glasS 111 we w did not notlet 11 notlet
let hIm come om Hill HillMr li 11111Mr
Mr Ir Ix Loeb Mh > eb Mid M 14 he h is would not nlt dare daretell in intell I Ilel
tell lel solute 10 of the Ih thlntn Ihln that Ilul were r ilotii ilotiiat rll dotiat
at that 11 camp in 1 tn th tIns three thin week k he h und undhi aiiilitlia 1 1hl
hi itlia literary IIry aml friends w Wiira rw there Ih ka to tothn I IIlh toI
Ilh I the llshlng lhllg h its IMliUI H > itlVMlv refiM l lo ta May Mayhow swayhow
how ho big tin a ha biggest hIIK I of the II trout wn wni Withit
I i that was taken Ikl frutn rul the Ih > Udl 131 laahiaon on Hiver Hiveror
or onn un of It I its Hire Ih t trlbutane 11111n a l i5iasu i5iasuI 1 tu h hi > i iKtream <
i Ktream IUI were r the II tiHherinan thlhr a 1lrlt lwifiatlia lwifiatliaSuch uiriuli e eSucb
Such ldl Kravhtit 6Ivll6 nnd uld raitilftw oll w troni taau iui lld llduthrol I IculthroHt Ieutthiroaat
culthroHt uthrol and cistern JIrl brook trout triiii triiiiUnte triataiil l
plllI Unte < l ell 1 ask Sam Sm Illythe Ilylh due duedav mitts1st
dav 1 Itt I thr thais t hour 1111r lulling lh I 1 mind mld M vaia vaiat > U Uonlv 1 1I
I onlv nnlv three Ihr t tars hour tl w a caught lht 103 I 3 poutid poutiduf MII wmntalOf <
uf trout troll Thnt 11111 Taats going Iolng ft It I V > M > > ail ailflyllshlng 111 111Ily1hlng aitItyflahing
Ily1hlng flyllshlng of Ir course la Weiuf7 t c no I milv 1 hivirt hivirtmen luportaItmen por
men 1n in our olr 5hiIt > irty t How J inunv IUI Iron Ironmade IrOI I ruaimade I Ird
made rd up that 103 10 poind p117 Sat you you 01 are nreasking Rr areask I Iuk
asking uk II lrtg II likidlng Iullj ite nlmmsetaune 1In tion Well I llfty llftyou 11 11OI Ira y ya
a ou OI en that I is an UI average IIri if f more IU than thantwo lul thotttwo
two t iKiunl 1111 how 10 much IIh did t1 the Ih ligg hi hiIah higgsia higgsiaaeigh t tweigh
weigh Iah Oli it ask I am Illyihe IllyiheAs 1lh 1lhAl
As Al to how ho he h hid heard nf the Ih election electionof Itllon Itllonof
of Col Hoo Itlt Itnovl eit as al temporary Imprry chairman chairmanof hlrmn hlrmnor
of th I h Saratoga convention oonnlol and nlel the thenomination th thmJ3Inn liinmtttttlntt
nomination mJ3Inn lnoIR of Mr Ir stnn 1lmon Stuitmon on Mr Ir 1 lnib lnibuuiit < < > b bmid
mid d1 that hi cimp WA W was I ntnnty Innl V nul nulfrom 111 nuilas nuilasfront
from rrol a railroad nation Iaton It I wa w was three threeilavs thrailava h I
ilavs 1 after the Ih event 11 that t h he > rrnle I on onhorseback I at athioricehark
horseback honhark i being hl th only onl experlenied experleniedhorsemin iifwrieniiIiorstiuatt rlnlll rlnlllI
horsemin in I the Ih panvi lI ar V 1 down 101 to f a aR camp campHI
HI R a a I ilnin 1 on this Ih Madison lldl Hirer 11r where wherethere lier lierthea
ofQce and n1 th thnew Ihn liii liiinews
there hr was aic a I telegraph n Rot 11
new n Mr 1 lucia 1 > NIK atatul Id he h had predicted predictedMr IrII1 IrII1Ir rtuctsl rtuctslMr
Mr Ir Miiniuin St silicons In s nomination nominationis nUIIlol nutniflim tort tortiiis
11 iiis is isi s INI is so soIVIentlan onIn onInletentien ln ln1Inlo
IVIentlan 1Inlo of n Three Tr French Mrrrlmnti MrrrlmntiaiiM nlnll nlnllh I Iaaieal
< aiiM aaieal I h > a rrrtrmlnl flf lielerlbe lielerlbeFtienne 1rf lPelerattFticnne I
Ftienne FUnn Hoyer president Idn I cf a cement cementromnanv cementa4 rnl rnlMmfn
romnanv Mmfn a4 at a Marseille 1i whip with his hisbrother hi hiholhrnIAw misbrothertnlaw
brother holhrnIAw inUw lean 1 i Itaubaud and andJoseph an1JOJh nailJoseph
Joseph Michel lrhf1 a husitie hI n utcaoetute ociate were wereh wereheld
h hll held ld up at the h pier r of r the th h Knbre hr lane 11 nn nnSiltidiv 01 01SIIc oamuttdnv
Siltidiv SIIc alter IUr Ian Inldll latntiunmg ling from r the Ih teamlnp steaitttshislttilintnto teamlnpMadonna mhip mhipIIlnlll
Madonna IIlnlll taken t Mb I 11 Islitni mil put putthnugh PtItthriughi I IIhlllh
thnugh Ihlllh an 111 inqiii Iqllln itiii bv V i l oanl > 1 nr nri f fspecial
i special inquirY IqU and In1 swiftly Ilh teleasnl Ia re repeated repeatesi ¬
peated Ial1 yenlerdav 11 that thev Ih did not Inl know knowwhv knnwtI knowwhy
why I tI ncle Situ NIIII hid hll st ctImlsai ip 111 > ed th Ihlr them in They Theywere Th Th11lllnl Theywere
were unwilling 11lllnl m I i iv nnvthing Ihll unfriendly unfriendlyslmni iinfrienillvaisoita lfrpnrh
slmni I Ih he immlgratiou Imllralol folk because becauseIhev henaiimsthey II
they h had received 1 the Ih n apologies dngies if r th thl the h I iboarit
l oard > r1 of stiralal pe lal IllqJr mquirv and RII nf tpsutant tpsutantConnnaiotilr H IMII > I ICommiiioner
Commiiioner orlu or llynn r1 Ihl IhlThe rhrh I Irh
The rh msM masspwctor > < tor who wh held 11 up the Ib French Frenchmen FrpIh FrpIhml raichmeta
men ml IH Harvey lar Snvder 1n rr mul 11 11 he h ban hn been beenlong h1 IHettII
long 111 II lt in 1 the I service 1 but t is tiew to lionrdlng lionrdlngdiitv IM > rlnl
diitv hut ll unit 11111 it i likelv this Iu h will I not In lutd lutdup hIj isliat <
up at j ilti imv more lr cabin 111 aIa hi its p nwonger unless slit 11 tea th thman IhI Sittaunt
man I wh h suggent I if I nh shows h ws cnilential cnilentialand IawIettt 1111 1111an1 iiils iiilsan
and an I aii aauitt ompAnie l 1j n I him hi h tan to I hill 1 lisa Island Islandhen 11111 11111Wh I clatialVham
Wh hen the Ih hip hI reac resultil he h1 < l her h mih th Hnwk HnwkIvn IlrnokIrl htnoklii
Ivn Irl pier lie h wa n Imanled iua ohi bv t a bun rnl wh whMiii whI wittiil >
Miii tiil I h wa was thttvs etitie llni Inkl llzmckitas > kiii r the theSliernliiti titmSiuiralatt h hSIrI
Sliernliiti SIrI Defective 1 a tennv genrv n ittid 11 repre repreMntiil rlretttat pr
Mntiil 11 tttat Hie Ih I hi American 1 1t1kpf Ilanker A snii sniiI TOH TOHIDII I
IDII 11 I 5 itt which sli Irh Ic it wntiteil nll1 IltI tsi I the Ih t it lriiiiliinen FrIhln held heldIhe tacItlli
111 Ihe agencc ii I and 11 ii OS I the Ih a hi n uitin lit I I n kii kin kinn Ic an < > n nuntiling tvIi
n untiling flhll i t ha tam g < > f him hll ii itat and 111 itO I wen w era r n Ii n I manner mannermterestml 1llnr 1llnrU1r an4 Ii nsr nsrlam
mterestml U1r in I the Ih a Ii holdup hntt1 Hut I I that hl Iwl1 is i iwhat
what 4 iii a s i l 111 mt I immi InI tat tii iwi tmtier ttir I lll lllIh hi I av avIheallegixl t V 4 4the
Iheallegixl Ih the allgel I ieli ltcet ctive iv deilafeil deilafeilln iail iailI
ln I ptHlor Snvder 1r1t n iaiaimrod > tuleni 1 the 1 h i h hI i > cit iectii citIi
I ii bit 11 and In1 deciilml thai he h wi 1 not In > m mHteiil 1 ntI
I Hteiil ii 1 tit i I hiiidle 1111 Ii taut I the t h ci n 1 and III tutu nipie ri I t teil teilthe idthe
li the Krenchinen Frfhrn I go O with h him hln to I Kilt KiltNliind KilttiIt 11
Nliind 11111 tiIt tial they h did I iii after ii It er protecting irrit cia I ti g I 1 n nman i itmnn
lin man iiilling Ihl nimoelf lm1 Haxkiii IHkl did 11 n vu < < go goand 1 gsaa
aa and nd tin t h > lx I a 45 > ard ft of r hpecial elcia I iniiuirr aaiai as try that t hu a ban banlllrd hll ho ni niI
I lllrd 11 HIM a h I tli follld UliV a hail hII t it > charge chargeiiRiitnM hrl hiuargiIi
1 Ii iiRiitnM gal 11 iait ili t Ii rrenchmen irstinhi taiti wb w it > had III proM i rta l lUnit It
Ihll t Unit lisa a thev I t were r repul r e it idle i I h bilMtie IIJI I itiini men in en of oflle ofSIZt f
SIZt lle with w it St loth S it I of a uf r money 1 and a atl credit creditIhe rrI crc Iii Iiithai
11 thai board nnd 111 Mr 1 tr Ihl wild 1 they tpy r rgrt re regretteil I
grt gretteil thn Ih t iii incident 1111 itt nnd 1111 i iii I tin t lii Krenrinnen KrenrinnenIMIWI rrnrlII1 irnnchs ancam ancamhsowal
hsowal IMIWI and 11 lixk I k the Ih next n1 UMI 11 I > thlUrge th IhIt ttuBurg I
Burg It Office OfficeI Ol OThceihmi I IIIAllill
I ihmi In onlv e spin z IIAllill ilnnnl nation hat Kllm I lhnllr1 cli l i ml offer I Inf Iof I
nf the Ih chirge rhrl of the Ih man 111 iiillmg Ihnl himself himselflli htaamiwtfhtaickints
lli htaickints km ki i ma that IhR it wa waa 1 the Ih result 11 of r a plnn plaaat i ilo I III
II t lo a annoy ii ii 11 tiny the t hi cement 01 factorv fa it rv owner I r by bytitimeH hyhlln iyloicmncu
hlln titimeH rival rlll in lrince rI Tll 1 Ihiw hi weme wemeulsotoU sennl sennlat r1 r1II
II at ulsotoU tam 1w the I h idea tl iii of I thai he h threw I I I rcnrhmen 1nhr1 IrennhntaMrmnwhii rcnrhmenMeanwhile
Meanwhile the Ih Immigration Inlliral hureii will willseelf willien 11
ien seelf I if it I nintlnd ru tnl IV 1111 lnteat tecn > Hnskm Hnskmllegener IAkl Ilimekiniiiiisni I
iiiisni 1 1 11 iii 4rfsp 4rfspliegencr 1 1IH
llegener IH IMeaiU 11 No ot iullt Ult uilitp > Hall n1 of ti theflonhra the theRiMenherR
RiMenherR Korfelinl KorfelinlHerman lorffII lorffIIlrmln Eatrfrdtemthlernmutn
Herman lrmln Hegener imp itflpotler rter of millinery millineryit mllnr
it II Mi 45 Ilroome Irom street plrll under Intr the Ih firm nime nimeif nmr nimenir
nir if r Kleilman rlilnRn A Co a pleaded plad not 1 guilty guiltyyesterday guiltyyasteratay lly llylrnr
yesterday liefore Judge Iudl Hand Innl In the theUnited Ih ahLtriitvnt I IUIIllla
United UIIllla State Circuit Ilrrll Court oun to an Indict Indictnent 11 manueltnfnt
nent charging hrllR him with wih smuggling Imilclna laces lacesillk I IIlk litresilks
silks Ilk and other II hr millinery rllnry crcnne aceseoraeshi crcnnelie
1 hi lie gave s 2tlMt fHm 6011 6011Th hail tiailThe hailThe
The Th < bail 11 of Ir tinixxi each Ih of lingo HUlo antI nndlulna Inr antIlmilea
lulna 111 Hiiwnberg lbra waa wal formally formaly forfeited forfeitedesterdav rrrII rrrIIylnr forfeitedyisterdy
yisterdy esterdav when wh Ihe Ih accnse uacciaseul were cillvl cillvlnr enltiifor
ylnr for nr trial before r Judge Jldl Hand HRllln in the Ih Initeij IniteijHate lII1 lII1Hlal ttimtclitatea
Hlal Hate Circtlil Cirtiit Court 1011 The Th two men who whore whoare I
Ar are re member mfml of fr a Fifth iflh avenue nll firm frm with withbranch wih wihI witha
I a branch hrnrh in I Pans llril are ar under Indr indictment indictmentnr
for nr undervaluing 1Irvallinj Imiiort lnhiunts ihey I hey arc arcnderstood oretinaieastooal I I
nderstood InIOIOIo to IM I in I Paris ParisAirfl IRr sri sri1MV4d
Airfl 1N HU 111 Uanchter nnhlfr but bull left tIer tfr Nothing NothingThe nlll nlllTh nthtngThe
The Th will 11 of Francis rnjl Kilrh 1h of t We W WIChlynI est estEightynast t tlightyflrst
lightyflrst IChlynI street give 11 hi hits entire nlr estate estaten 11 tattas
10 n hi h his wife ir and make Ilk I thila hi reference to toii tohi tohis
hi his ii daughter luIKhtr Mr M Kthel 11 Caroline aoln Muir Muirf 111 111of
of f 1 t West Klghlyseventh street streetI Ir
I declare tIAI I have h full rll measure ml of after afleclon RI aftertloit
lon lon for my m daughter IAllhlr Kthel tlhllurlil Cnrnliiie I Muir Muirnit ttaairbait Illr IllrhiI
hiI bait nit nevrrt vr hrUf hI I spetSllcully ptIly refrain refrainrom refriuuaufront 11
fr front rom making IRklnl nny IIYIrIIlon provision wluitever for forier rorhr forhey
hr ier
Kit FIfths llh III tteniNt vrnne HI HnltillnK Inldln Come 00 00Ili111 nnae flaiwn flaiwnIluiiisling > < iwn iwnHiiilding
Hiiilding Ili111 Hupennliiident 11 I rl 1111 I Hudolph 111101lh P PIdler 1 Psiillmr
Idler Ir has h iNiird a iermit rllo In the Ih hymn llyronIreene lyrol W Wnl v vreetme
nl Ireene reetme Jr Company onlpny for the I h he demolition demolitionf Imolitu Imolituor I Iof
or f the Ih four su building
lOlr li story lor lulllnlllll1 situated at a
3 4 and n1 n Kant Nl Thirtyeighth TllrYihlh Mrect ol and andIT al alUi
Ui IT 410 4 and AJI IJI el 42 Fifth lh iivenue Ivnl which hlh art arnwned ar artoWtilMl
wned by rliral li7AIh > elh M 1 Anderson Andersonunnthcr 4nderonAnother 1101 1101nnlhfr
Another nnlhfr Mailers nr Hod 1r enact FonnrtAnother onnl enactArutther
Another Ixwly of a sailor lalnr from the Ib bat batlewhlp hat laataleehup
lewhlp New Hampshire IRmphir that of Curl CurlJinrh CarlFtriahs
Jinrh trrh Jl yearn yNO old wa WI found Imln ye Yllr Yllrfy yesaer yesaertiny ier ieray
fy tiny ay morning mrnlnl floating la the te Hudson ludn Hirer RItr Riveroa
00 oa 0 IBOth 11 street at re
On n Broadway Bronrwnr at 0th HH I St StA
A 4 a 1 I kr e se B1 Brt BrtFall FOrr FOrrFall 0 0Fal
Fall Fal Suits and Overcoats Overcoatsfor 20
S for Men and Young Men Menpve
pve ea C measured nuasUrclthem them liy h the test of n mans mansconcern mnnsconrer maitsconcern
concern conrer for his hi personal appenranee and his purse purseand pureand purseflflI
and ours our for our OU good name lunc Every man who whogets whogets whogets
gets one of them will wi share our pride in them themTheres themTheres theniIilcres
Theres nothing nothin M so good anywhere nt StO JO JOTitr O j 0 0Tsar j jTi
Tsar Ti SrtT SIIT are grays Jrp browns hrOn and sac blur hilI m soft sof roll rol Eng Knjill Inl Engtith i
ll l tith < h and ne conservative rOIUII Icc inrxlrU inrxlrUTut tnndellllg I
Tut Ti OraroT OnRlo arc silk < lined ln d vicunas 1cun5 in oxford oxfor black blackCnmbriilRC blarklClmhrhtelrl blacksCnmluiatgc
CnmbriilRC Clmhrhtelrl gray until Ilul fancy mixtures blAck and Ini oxford silk silklaced ilk ilkfnced ik ikfnr
laced fnr d lo edge edgeFall ed edFnl edgeFall
Fall Fnl Suits and Overcoats at 15 923 25 880 30 30and 80t33
85 and 40 0 each grade grde representing the highest highestattainahlc hi highestattfliflfllk hest hestatninahl
attainahlc atninahl standard stundnrc of quality qualtr style and value valueat nluent
at the t he price pr pri
I IBoys
Boys BridgeOver Suit SuitFirst SuitFirt SuitFirst
First Firt long trousers suit for boys boysA
A youthful edition erition of a mans suit spccnJ speciallydesignetl specially speciallydesigned
designed desi nrd on hovish ho ih lines full ful of snap and nnr style stylefor strlrI
I for the youngster whos graduating Jrduntina from knickers knickersin knirkrr
in ill a 1 hig range rlJl of colorings olorinJs and 11 fabrics 81 10 1 0 to toTTTO 2 25 25ue >
9 ue 9 gtJvc gtJvcTWO
TTTO T O BROADWAY nROA O Y STORES STOtES at 4 4 4ith th Si and a 270 7P near Chambers St
47 COnnA < ORTtAMT IT ST near dreenuieh Crcrnich iStrt 1 5h STRI STREET n I ET IT at Third ThirdI Ac AveI t 1
I MON NlO 10 SQIARK SQlARf Hth lh Street Writ en oh I UroaJ ltroidway >
f j
1 1tl
nrit n 4iii M I ta n urn nm nmrlltt 1111rtlst IL
rlltt tl l 1111 fright lcir Hlfe n Ir Pin salil ah Site Sinai in at Stir Snrrrndrr Stirrenuier nr nrnr
rrndrr nr One liii to ii Iel e1 li a Ihe li alt Ulher UlherWhen 111r 111rhn IPtlaerVlwrt
When hn the I h ts wife Tii r nf < r William Wlh31 II I Nigh the theilll Ih IhIlralr a in ini
illl i I ltih tritor ra t r ulitninetl nhtim hlnl1 I niil a I div a h I a v > rie h decree decreeprnxlded s locrispruvktsit r rrr
prnxlded forl rr P a week k for r then I h he cirit ipp pl in ri r of n Hi HiVOIIIIR I h iioatnag
VOIIIIR 011 on of whom li xvi t ii have 11 Mil Mili ii 1 1Ihh 1sat
i u Ihh sat tiv1v wt V Shoivitiipltiiiied Shin tttt mplil11 plo trim I in s it the t h lu Suprem Supremourt 11rt Sis ptatam ptatama
a ourt i 11 tai yiit > e < terdiv ri Ia V tlwit Iho a iti a her hlhI1 i I > IMM it I oli olitaineil nh1111t oltaitail
taineil 1111t p i swiatt Hii 1 of r the Ih IMIV and 111 refu rr rrIn rafaiaal rafaiaalto i ito
to return htm Ilr fi r hitnoifier Ii anttipr until II cli h hud hudigne hintignir
igne 111 < l n < n al1 a agriemeu i tike to k S I m I in I tt x > itv itvniiit 1 t a aaiittt
niiit 11 of ii r Ji Smu i nf r l n du d ihnnv ilini ttaaamiiv nv anal to tolei tit
lei 1 th t hi ftiHi lam I hi r liie hI Siu the m h hi l h > v MX ci 0 t month monthof 11lh 11lhr an nit Ii Iiof
of r exerr n veir veirMl iar iari ar
Ml 1 i a tigl igh m N1 nits Ii lhlt Ihl t hi a lifter m It r llppellmg llppellmgin 1IIln 1IIlnI ia ku I i n g gai
in I 4iifl ln in in I the I aim h l h > v grindniilher IriIIIIr m mll II iiilttettaiitla
ll 1111 lttettaiitla > Hl < IIoUI H I I ITI a cii ll tlll tlllintrunted hlo iialnt
intrunted nlrlI1 nt riitat tin t h Iii liv I iv 111 aunt n I ifir aft a getting gettingthe 1lll gta ing ingthi
the th lie H Dr I J It S MI If rlliir rllI rt fi I ipp < ippfor > 1 1rr Ifor
for her alMi 11 aIm in un n mil 11 nfer > mpk > ir g glawver
lawyers h with wuthat lhll ut i > ill ul i t ml 1 ie a ash U Uihi I IhII >
ihi hII gae gia re up I ii s alt ts tint KIII sa a 1 li H ii id dpIr 1 Mgn ci gn tnv tnvp a < ass asspiper
p pIr piper per If i her KOII 01 wis w n < > ir irfler < 1 1Ir <
fler Ir elan he h had hl1 eigm eigtmut 111 l HIM t igr gawannt > m > nt i I il >
OU < jmiatinfl tinn fhelxiynnd t h ho IHY nnt anti the t h hi Sinn SI wa was brought broughtto hrull
to I the U office ofl of her lawyer Ilwr She Sh learned learnedthat Im Imhii learnedthmt
that hii her InisUmil hI I1 had hll l lwera > eeri keeping the theImy IheI
Imy I in I in it liiltiinore liiltiinoremiv ILllllo lka it a tamairi tamairiini I
miv 1 ini thit tills tl Mr 1 Ieigh I h Slid nh lbe chat chathas
lm In has lixe li isi < h iir n > under 111r an aMiimed flt name namertuppurtitiR namIIII namesiapprtitag
rtuppurtitiR IIII hernef liy nursing and Ind she sheli Ih IhI shehail
li I t had the tim h IMIV I m i the Ih iiubllo plhlo schools nchoolaunder schoolsan rhoL
under 1 nn In inrinm iaiiiaaiial 11 l riiime rUI in 0 keep k hi father a arout
from rrOI rout Liking tkl < Unn hUl IRHIII I f1 1 She Hh ukeil k1 that thatthe tht thth thattlu
the h decri c > im I am Hinended 11 I a 1 as n result of r the Ih Ihln
liUiiiiiient I I1 eli he h Mgned h be ncated
ln lln1 nrlo
HtVH a4s I 11lhll online in her faor asor Jiitice JI t McCall McCallHtVH 1C1 I Ii
HtVHIt It i i eMiblihml lallh1 to mr natikfnction natikfnctionthai t tI
thai I the I h Sn father in I downright donrllh defiance defianceof 1lan I
of at r i Ih lie ii decr o of lr thin t hi court rl prevented preventedihe I
ihe a h iii inld il H retviw 1 I lu mother rnlhr and all held heldhim hclaitiatn t
him 1 in a I miMMirH 11 n iii hrwtiige to compel oimpelthe
the Ih pliintlff 1lltt to I meet t him in 1 compro compronii 000
nii itlioi 11 iiign I I ii l lnnln1 n ind for arrears Ima of alimony i
I 1 ilia lie r 4 mri J HIVI ivs tluit Ihft since 111 it I clear cleartiii clearii
tiii h i Mr l tagh > Mgh wit Wii vaaa aoarayaj < rceil rllnlo into mining mininglie IIJnln er erh I
lie I i5T I 111 5 Hineii i Itamended h is anennlcci nI1 d ilecree cree hhl shinnihita ioili ioilii
i i air 1 r l Leagh igh h will w1 now no String bnngpr hrnt
pr 1 ir iiiling 11 1 I cnmM omrl her huabnnd hMlt to toluiv tathut
hut 111 alunoiiv ii ItlI Pith itiV thii Ilal t ha hl luau accrued 11111 since mc lout lutrl 1
N 5 H > H rl In i
C4AS 2WNSFiP D DLexingtoti
Lexington to 3d 3dExtra Ae AeExtra 59th to 60tb Street StreetToday
Extra Special Specal for forLinen Today To = day Tuesday TuesdayIlidcrdown TuesdayLnen TuesdayLinen
Linen Lnen Table Sets Setso Sts Eiderdown Sacqucs SacqucsEiderdown Sacqucsof
01 lor quality Eiderdown Eld rdon dreulne Mcqoeo that thatare thatpretty
o superior 11 < CIII In many manyprrtty drullnt tht thtjrtly
are e not only heavy In n weight weighthigh weIghthave
pretty patterns pI rll hemstitched htmlltch d and andhave 1d lot wfatU wfatUhv
jrtly high in quality but refined In Inappearance Incom incomrrlses
have one ont On row of openwork o nok Set Setcomprises St qUAlty refned
are re those tho we e offer offerin ollerld offerind
comprises com riu a cloth t bxC 62qO > 2x 0 inches inchesind ilchtt appearance
ind ld 12 I napkins 12 inches inchessquare Ilchr in II red blue and nd gray 98c Qr Qrat
square fU The Tht special Ip cl1 SJT 598 QO QOprice 98 at I Ic
price c U IsChris OyO OyOGirls Womens omcns Caracul Coats CoatsA CoatsGrls
Girls Chinchilla Coats CantsDouble A thoroughly fashionable flhloble Model ModelIn 10defIn
Grls Chinchia In a coat co I that lJt never n vr fall f11 to do doIts
Double DOI I breasted models lined linedwith Its ts lt duty in I the Ih coldest kind al alweather oJwIth 1
with wih flannel fon l Have H peafl pur rear buttonand button butol weather wtlher They are re 52 Inches Incheslone nche o
and nd are finished lilllh d in tiptop tploP style Ilylt itylrSites lone made of Leipzig L lpK dyed skins skinsand
Sites it 2 23 3 and ld 4 years A 6 QO QONight 13 itMenS and d all I we ask for It I OV OVMens 39 39Ni 2fl
Mens cns Pongee Pon cc Pajamas PajamasMercerued Pajamas1uctttd
Night Ni ht downs own from Vienna icnnaExquisitely
< Mercerized 1uctttd pongee Laundering Launderingwill
Exquisitely Exculilrly lund embroidered emoidrtd with withsprays wih will 11 not 10 hurt hur mutt the lustre lulr Jackets Jacketshive JcketlIPY JacketssrrAyI
sprays eyelets ttU or dots dot Cut and andmade nd hive military miltry collar COIH loops and andocean sndmade nd ndmad
made in I the Iht best lul possible minnrr minnrrThe ocean oton shell ahel buttons 1ulon White Un Ungray Ln LnTht unTimtmaterialiasplendid
The material mttlllllpltndid is splendid I 1 1it 98 gray IroY blue lIu and nd hello 1 A J JSle 14
The plc rice it I interesting Inltulnl I IBLOOM j Sle H to 18 It ItOLOO 144 144lo I I81OOMINGIAIES 44
BLOOM 81OOMINGIAIES INGIULFS lc IC lo U Av 59th to 60th St StHouse StISE StIs
House Furnishing Warerooms Wareroomslint
LUhlhl I t alsil lint IftlS IftlSLtetiMh I 51 51Gwsking 5 5Clokin
Clokin LtetiMh Lcn iJ of ror n kind Fin in Oippcr opper Aluminum Nickel icke13nd icke13ndF and andI andIfllnCle1
I nimclrd F nanerd stccl Moulds ld Cutlery tlt IN 1 Jarl arthcnwarc China and andV andI andlas
I las WUKntc V ciatktiWiiC KKknv rc lnundr LHldry Furniture Furilure House HouseClotnini HouseClcll Houseclcmntn
Clotnini Clcll Materials Vncuum aClln acuurn Cleaners etc etcRefrigerators etcRelrigerators
Refrigerators RefrigeratorsIhe Fireplace Furnishings FurnishingsAndirons I
Ihe I hc h ldl Eddy metal t1IJJlmd lined linedThe Andirons Fire Irons I rns tons and Brasses BrassesCoal Bra Brasscsrhe
The Premier jilass gli lined lineditritied Coal and Wood Holders Holderssitrititd
itritied Steel Imcd 1 Fire ire Vrceni 1 F1c tc
130 and 132 West 42d Street New York
7lI 7lIIXHD1Iiq
A ucinsrANI 2
I I r47F
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Jj1ij I
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