OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, October 15, 1910, Image 1

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-10-15/ed-1/seq-1/

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41MDi1I I7lJ VIDt1 r II t IS IS4fr I
Fj4f jrr ant pnrtteftty er M m rrr rrrpate mnot mnott mndUt
t If IfI v I t tinI tin U n fNfW 4 hd hdIf
I ftttwr Ut 1 U rw in F V YfIKI4 If If K vrrrtmv rf ftf JUPY o Of rwtnr r r f f1fl f t t pate VlO PITS PITSItJfJ
1 I
If If pt t trfnrs trfnrst If Ifr IfIt
t ugr ugrt r
s 4 NI NIS4
S4 P Prn
It rn i p pKI c cw ct c1I
1 + S
w h l lp
p t NP NPs4
s4 a aps
ps PWuN 1I otfY
4 fISlV fY eI ft ftt ftI sw
w H1 hra hraI t
I Iws w Pi
0 4PfS Iw I ffiStit ffiStitnIf44na 11
nIf44na 1 It
t t fI Me Men
I I rftfI n otf otfIW Wt t ta
a IW IdN n r mnI no noIf wIMn wIMnIf
If 0 p pI
I i W thi rqt t tm IF
m 4 111 111ffo w
1 I ffo H14 rofH m 11 11a s sgpsIw
a I W44h1 hO 1ft 1fttIot + g gI
I b tIot tIotT ht iM iM1Iiitl
T 1Iiitl H Pw WswuuI 1 It
1 1 INI INIew4 f ff
ew4 t f bs rt iIwv azd 1 1f ii iim1
m1 f I4W1S raIr4 raIr49bm 1 Itftt Itfttr
9bm lr lrTb4
r Tb4 jf It 4 < eiliIq etee a M tlvo Mrman Mrmanl h hMt P umii umiiAq
Mt Aq + ryI a II I m aI4fnph aI4fnphltPl C Ct
ltPl l h httly V t1ly t after mft I Im h hfIr s snt
fIr t ftImPr toe N tt enI ftli ftliCum Lv Lvrvue4i
Cum f Rh4PH4II M hIM f fwII
wII I4 4 1 I ft ftJ
J 141u 1 hy he h PftAh It n 4 r rI rrho e eI eT
rho T > ih1ttk hlt tIn > s 0 0d4 A 10 10t
d4 41 t f JC It ek f Itotn Itotnr IIfl4Is IIfl4Isf
r I Ia fltahmrnWhii ir Wh 1 1ft i i4t1
4t1 m < n th h flekl hI 1 m n hi Ps avlatten r rirr rirt >
irr and nlt ar Ad > l n hi Wlpaoe 11IfI pPc U Ifearhd UmehI
earhd 11 an n aflitiuU hIU if f about t ap i fe f fh thii i ihen
hen h h hi englBo nIb ClII WHitietilv IdI tup tiprit il Pi PiI fl4vtOr
4vtOr 10 II th4 h 1IChmou wrnihn4 noe noeI
I attempted nnr d lo i dexeix d dien4mLt t h h he hetJut wa walout
lout L b M tetl with llh th h > itrand 1 tan iTWI < l ltiff 1tn
4 tiff uf 0 WIIM u1 carried hi loachn hn hnf l tI < i ii
i e aide f and n fl4 It laodvd on an n eud t 1 Hu Huer fI fIIf rtr
er r pun Mn wan amaaheil muh anti 1 ih h fixir fixirt fnarroIoPn nr
4 t rnken 1h 1 h damag In lo n ih ma mafi m miI mAes
fi nn < at 11 > Ii I tiled it I ia I a b l in fl luno lunondrrtak Itmncl Im Imndrtaii
ndrrtak ncl ihe h l 1117 III 7 mil flight fth flIghtPr m n nIhlnn m mw >
w iv er Waihington Ihlnn tu > raptuie rp vi viI b bno I II
> no rw I Inu rue fg It i lmihiful Iu if f thedanujc thedanujcli I Pm i4 i4I4
li 1 > monoplanv an n lA i iepme 1 inMl inMlt
t MI 1 11 > I dt f ir irho 1 1fh Ivm Ivmrh
fh wA A mln miIieu IJ 1 1Ii
ho 11 Irliv In v following IIm ih h accident I Ifl he hei h
i it 41 find v keep Ie 41I h ertalor I > in inK vimt
K i i 1nH tuor Mr 1 White tI thought he h woiM woiMK uiI uiIm 1 1I
K m > < t hot riishi in ii I h hot monoplane monn4neimrJ I It
t wind 111 wa ias tlowing directly acni acniv Ar Arff
ff n v mrl rir 01 and rnl tu t Ova th e tuachiuo lIIachillIn wa n s IIHAMI IIHAMItnd
4 tnd In When b II hi mechanic lei i imachine 1 11I1INn Imu1Uh
machine tin fl h I kldded kl 1 a aF4 < r c the ih hfOrN griiM griiMor r rvr
or H hundred fret and a KU gust It I of wind windmd iI iIrrme4 1 1IIn
IIn md 1 him into IItt > h t fenn fn He II IIII w wi i is
s ntt II lIt t a i ft iitiI < l of nitty mile I an a hoir hoirrien 10 10h hosrtti
rien he h Mruck II fence n > He II IIl1h tor torI or orp
I iRh ih h fence wiparaiiDi the I th h pld pldi iI4ih rt rth
i th h rack and cro tring inc ih h Hilt traikh HiltblId tritilhrIvii
h rough the th fence fn that ha ieparatr Ilral the theH i h hII I Itrom
H from om the back field 1114 II ji trnilun trnilunk md mdfllI
k f tllr fllI fifty 11ft yard nl Iwfnre ro lie I timid brine brinei IIII IIIInrtiII
4 i iandtill 1 Iho IIi ho propeller 1IItfntr riplIern in ini
i off short ho pear 11 thn th atle 1 ih h hA iar iarnpiwd
A > npiwd Ict and maihed and tin tl frinn frinnI Iri Iria
a 1 I vp t r t id t r VIi J JI JI pf
I k i the firnl niii > hii I 111 divv LiviIum bt lI1 lI1II < > > i iiihme
II iihme iIum 11111 in on i ii I v Th llr II firi t nn I II i ileu
leu I 1 W4 dle 011 11 I tb t hppins lilI lIIr 4 f the iii h gui caI o ot
t i an1 thn 11 t ec1 > rid my lfl deirt di dib vi 41fl to toi I
i 0 thy b crowd agamt mv rn own wti 11 judg judgei
ei It i mtthmpiIwtt > rhap > lietterlhat I riht Ih I 1IIIIIIh1 1IIIIIIh1ntllnO mnjhe mnnhriItnarhmn < l ltnarhine
tnarhine in Ac 1IIIOninll nding lierau if r I It It
4 t nirh rv3rhd Ih d a IIIa gren Altitude and the th wind windiii md mdrf mniIj1I
iii rf my In machui dII about 01 I would wouldHi 0111 0111a
Hi t a pthiby r l t14t t control mil ml nl of f II and n1 a aa IIfl
a idem might lme hI tis ccurred ccurredV ermirridhmng
V finny h thing hm about tnv iii fir f tire nu nllh hip hipMin a fl fla
a Min 11 I mtitioned rn11 111I I i my m mn In Ihi Ihin Ihlnil I ha haM
M n n nil that w ought t j have h3 hat I Ick > ck k nut nuth 11 11r
r h pipe I riu lo I guard again it I coming comingiv VflIflIfl VflIflIfltti IIlIn IIlInth
iv th vibration of 1 th engine enginevfond rngmnb nltlll nltlllCIII
b vfond CIII flfI ncoident cnii m enma4 l tinirh 1IIdlUIfI ex exTI z zrn
TI t firing q UIfI the Ih I Ii epectntorm wh had hadh hnrlhP1 hadh1
h hP1 < 1 In I Pm machine hin IIIOVM III from > te I 1t end endt IHI IHIr
t r vII 11 t Ihe Ih I ID other nh When Vip hpn th I tm tir tire t I ITi rt
Ti ii < I e thr I thr machir wa ws fully a ipmrter ipmrterf Ia Iaf
f i ir rI d i from the th grand < 111 Mand Iallllln11I1I nml aa n the ther th I Iro
r i tr I ro ve p it t into th fenc the Ih rrinh rrinhi erahtiirml h hhnll
i > h hnll ard plainly Ia m I by the in inr th thA
A r A x > n an a th monoplane hit th thflew Iht1 110
0 p flew t1 high hI h Into tnt th tho h aIr nl and nrl it iti
e j If th nviator would be P > klll khIfrl khIfrlI < l l1i 1I
I > 1i 1h h into th h i econl fence wa W wawvs1r juit juitti JIIIIIiUI
ti tcular iUI and nd oa n h hc ped I off 01 int inti > th thI
I t looked 1kll a RR if I h ha would com rm in con conwith oti otiA n n1h
A with on nno n of th tho tre t Several Jvlrl nun nuneopl hunIml bunnplo
eopl jumied Iml from rrm their e ait t and andnrro nndAr
i I nrro Ar arva the th infield only to tl It me mt mttrtntngovertho t tt
t v at 11 trtntngovertho > r coming minI over th fence smiling smilingr Imllll
r i t r th h woree wo Of for ro hi hil blo accident accidenth ocerllt ocerlltt accidonthibitsin
h t exhibition hhil waa Wa 01 called NI1 off f fur ru th th1u thii
1 1u ii v I ih h iopl 1 1 given Iln gi n wind inll ch ehk ehkih kn knh k kI
ih h I will I entitle tititI 1111 them to t adnuion ntmllon later laterv lal lalv
v lieforM Irn noon t fimliy oly dty Mr J Or OrAhitH 0 0Wh
4 AhitH Wh luft thn h Bnnlng IJnnlng track trll k In Inci Ini
ci 1 i in r h h14 Farmnn unn biplin 11lanH a uilonn Ion Iol anal amir nd
r T y rrito itnq later 101 mad n cevr Iv landing landingr Inlnl
r i iu M avenue vnu n 1 Mre Ir1 t Mut h rm rmj
I 1
j I a r r h Whil 11 lloua I ground ItraInt a and ml ilm ilmMj h hl
Mj l 4 t a I Hr r and nel Navy aiYy building hlltlng Tli Tlii n nhllh flI
i narrow Inn hllh lii e Lindlng Lndlnl waa WH 11 mid midi
4 i mi initiat > hap h nnd fllll alniOHt almQlllh a in th ii middle middletrei tiulahahteI illl
trei A I th 110 wheela wh1 nf r the Ih Ul Uli 1 1 1I
I i lid ih I hi < ptiviinent 1 > vfnmnt Inl HIM Ih t ha machlii uach dlln I 110 110I
1 I and In1 when why hl it truck truI k ilm Ih II treei treeii 11001IwI 1
i 1 l IwI vl for rrl si dLn mhiinc < li > imi of nlxiut flllll a a hun hunI him himu
u rI I Harmon hid ht come inia 1 in n i Wah Vahir Ih Ihrr
1 r eforn rr r th h flight Ilh to n notify ling 1r hirigii
1 ti ihief at IIf > iKnil 1511 officer oII of a r ih ihinteniln iho ihonIuI h hInI
inteniln InI nIuI I i 1 > rrowil 1 of r ihu ihuht dt dttel I
tel t1 > flirer t of r HIM it nrmv nrlv and allllay allllayn navy navyHitnoH jyylI
lI HitnoH i n ih h > landing lindingm nelll
m n r meiii I 11 t II Admiral lloal Deirev Deirevre
re r iry I of r War u Oliver 1 itur iturI Iq Iqh
h I jn ii 111 J iiirI sI 1 ul1 ul1Ikhn atmal atmalI
I rinklin riiii Ikhn him Boll 11 Mr 1 ir rilriru hirne hlr1 hlr1I I IIn
0 In I card 11 II iim 1 Whit lli Hi HiW
W r llepiirllnent I 101 mfjflt AfInr rl lll ii Ii call callittendid i i 1 II IIi
ittendid 111 i lunri Imnhwn in at Ii
iti n alit lut Ill > 1 ill II iho gu t of f John Johnv hn hnt
I v in a if 4 the t tIm HiTofiiuical sm IIral IIralr re roHorv roHorvrv erv ervrn
rn r Ilighi II II i ghi I In I lUtiningn 11lnl lIt nm go i begun begunftT 11 I gm n nftr
ftT I o rI ° dlHU l Itl llt two w thrill thrillt t ha haiiVy4
iiVy4 t h tor ihn I I ho t tii iri i for forM fo fof
M f fight hl A 4 th t hIo luplino ro roinv roe roeii 0 0RII
inv ii nxerrie RII 0lii frir r ih h return returnng ln lnn1
ng rn n end n1 f n I bruhd hIh ih ihf Iha Ihar
r IT alit hln n uvMrhung uaIlg u rhmng ih iht IhIh j
t 7 ill tho Whits Will VhIt UWHO UUiO ground gmlnI
spttw spttw1p
1p 1 h hI 0 4 40a
0a Is I400 I400INts a
INts 4 4 qp q qN
N I 4 t hi sn IH IHp
p ba t f g gPNSPp4
fC fCI
PNSPp4 I ht00 4 n 4 A AaH +
aH ilp 4t t
v g gws
ws 0 4 l sv w wK
K is
N J JMtrq3v
t I
44 ppa o 4 o I
p tkI t tI tt 4 4I
I 14 affiIs 4gaii 4gaiiI
i00 Mt a I H HA
t A Ht I 44Isw i4r i4ripc
ipc I ne neI I
I lar ot P s stap
tap Vf n liffr4 fr IU rL rLfimci
fimci ps W Is
1 1t 1 Nt Va VaHH
HH a t Ipa Ipafli
t I > rh rhannuMMMtl h htirvwsta III IIIWn I
Wn i vi Ih Mohi i annuMMMtl IM 1f t tMo TU TUU f fI
Mo U h nlghr nlghrhjwte Iithi VIIiiH VIIiiHh
h g Tt Tth h
I h C P k ingsg I It
t 3 is I t 1 4 lie lie4W I II
4W lPi I t44oq t Ii I t tt tvi tvip
t e Pin PinI
I hlS u k s 0 H HIlis
Ilis haw uwl IM tHw t Iii n i > 4fn 4 e N f fflw K KtM4I
tM4I flw T1 c cI w1 w11i
I 1i 40 p q Wo4afi PIP00Ib
I t I
0 r ha 4N 4Nv siI tw f fa4vv fa4vvPi 1 1h
Pi 11001W t004 t004I
I 4wy v h r4i I 00 e IHS K Kh 1 IW fu fuy Ililt IliltI
I > h Hitmen IbSIfl erwti m H > lw Pi > V Vri 4 < h hI hs hsI
I a wsI I i ii tel telI vstiI vstiIir
ir W s miPI + mij
I ri r > bHHV M4 > t Sp SpM4sMWl > M > h Uin im imK4lt
M4sMWl KH Ill 4 r I p p44p K4lt K4ltrn
M 44p Pii 100 W rn flAO ef r r 1I1 1I1nI a a4rre
I nI Piasi I00l 4rre I It e t m > e > lM > n
t 1 HlP I US US4aor
I 4aor aI ajbmi w1 s4iti nf nfl i f f1 I Ip
p IC < I l lnginr I sjrn 1 l ltr 1 hurt hurthr
h f tr trIhw 1 iI r rIhi
Ihw n ii ij I rj rjia Iz J lIj lIja IIVVuj IIVVujIWmI
ia IWmI U a J u 1 4 I f fIwt i ZtamiI
tamiI Iwt eii 1 l Mr Ir Hurt HurtI tIu i iitdo iitdorspia I
rspia V ur urI r 1100 3 iPO iPOI
I I I 141 t Iu i loi iht ra s r0Hs HII HIItl 4 4I
I I tU4 tl and Inweil l w the I il dr lrf 1 i vI < vl 11 11rl tv tvfh
I fh rl r wind nd r rgahsl rgahslmit uhd h vl i HIIT nrey nreyrrut 1
mit i hlr I h aIm aImlrit 11 11mt
1 rrut have h hA emied 1 tinmen In Um < > n nth I Itho
th tho l 11 l f Pine f Iii Xfleuip t in > each h hn1 ihn ihnMkind ihom4iiiuI
111 Mkind n1 hv I ineni tao f vlretew clrfTiphy clrfTiphyiMve Ijihyti4t
iMve h fadeil rI and nd It 1 l aM aaastnl > iirr 1 l h hI list i Mn Mnthtwn hr hrwIroa
I wIroa atHtmn In ri Ih 111 It ItI hii 4 4Ikw
I thtwn hk IkwTh down downTh n nI
I Th h own wn if m I j aslat l II li t on ia Ih II e oltth sth 1 1II f aI l l llu
II I lu l li deiruy I Man n liuiMInc hliI ImiiItihIflshIIftvas n nllavaivt
llavaivt 111 Kiv fallen fln down 1 nwing nsa I in I ih ihfoiirviUifino iPiI h hI >
I foiirviUifino r fian L i I tin liivm 1Io hm in < heen t 1 out outTil ne neI 1 1I
I I Tim vortnt rr f III ifn waltH h > ilirv ilirvfioii sC sCV
V fioii 1 3 orlix Ia k > ln4 tlO hm nurnm ln irnn mm mmnithi nI 11 S
I nithi nithirii Ichl hi hirt
Ichlf rii f rt 4mgaa tta r me flelfl 11 ti hu o prilnlHr prilnlHrii 11 v vStl
< ii I Stl tiinil I nn diriMgo diriMgoIn t Ii 1I4 1I4lii I
In I ml lie 1 STMII ro TiI torm or of t tftoj It I win winr Inl ini inirhm
rhm 1 I e14WIY v f 11 l nuih iii 11 hiIir hiIirIt
1 1I
I It I ist r 1 i 11 11lliirl l rnil urir ssar ssarhhirar U I Ithl
lliirl thl r trchl Iuifttsi < IIKIU hv Im n ttalelimai Im ImIf I rsril rsrilI
I ntlrr If to 11 Hh tmnaI i Illn IllnMicluvi tl tlrl III IIIhmeIe
Micluvi hmeIe rl M 1 l1 t ormA rlnAk k 1 h I wairhman wairhmanemployed llrh llrhWBhh g irhiimi irhiimiVsihIhor
employed by Wnlther I 1ul 1ula 1111211 the rielivnker rielivnkerit Ivukrrlb
it a Ih Utter I re rr4kr 0411 0411n deuce R tH4 We Knd KndHVenue FndVoflJr
HVenue n w ft Armifced al a 1 > > 1 3 oVIiMt oVIiMtyeterilay lW lWouiriIy
yeterilay 11 rooming onlno liy I a noiM no in l It the h front
114 h1 1471 I Hewendmi h fla flaluI hd n th thelinc Ihnr liihih
elinc nr light hih and 1 ItHVeimnl 1 iv i > d a 11111 in inill InIh inIli
ill dining oillnc IhrmIn room roomWliat rwInVhat 1
Wliat an > y u a i IC ng lire1 h a 111 aL > Led the thewatchmai t h hhI41 howatehliflari
watchmai hI41 1oraimg lo him him with withvolver lh I Inl i ivnl
volver volverYou vnl nl a r
You t i ve gt Jt Z t mi1 m d ikavI id to n rich 1 1I lio lioil M MH
H il I > rherd AM f nhMi replied the theUKni Ih IhH shotrft
UKni trft H m > < r IT nil rriitl Ming R hi imniN above Ih In Inliad hiI hi11 Ii IitcirmnaI
liad liadMfCortnak I
MfCortnak celkd 11 Atiotlier emplive emplivenf ll
nf the h hour h hoe from Ir i n itvo ioe iKirH 1 a aI auI > id while whilelie whitloI h I
lie I felt th h intnider pocket fr r a Ahf r rvove ri >
vove i hf r < he h wrtchmai rhIA kept klt hi h hii own wn n 111 111ir pimnt pimntas xiint xiintug
ug ir as c At 1 Ih 11I mtrud < r No S weap wrimns n wen wenfoind wnfind n nrlul
find rlul Th 1n 1 un n Pilicenuit 11CA 1 Mainmg 111 WA WKcalkd WAh Wallv1
calkd llv1 and the h pnoner Ino trken II to U the ih h We WI WIIrth VtIr4h t tKith
Kith ft etroot reel taton a I I hi I him Ilrn wen wi n r foind foinddver rOI1 rOI1h fniiilahr
dver h alt adII and nd pe rwwr > ier hfken hpk > nut ni cracker crackerand enirkrazid mrlr mrlralct
and alct a pair i of f gold < old rimmed rmr eyeKl yotIamni yotIamnilr JI < ie ieMr
Mr 1 lr liiltgen IIc who wtu h i ii a lorl trtmor > Artiier in II the thebanking thotqkmtu h hI
banking I k 11 houw hII of r August ICII lt I1m ht1mni > lm > nt I A i Co Cont 1aia u uSr1
nt a W I N Sr1 > ri1mi Ati tree i ma out aiim I of Ih citY citvTh citYTho IV IVTh
Th Tho burglar ulrl who h told tol th police whIc iI h ha wa waOilirt waHhhurt
Oilirt nil Puckert Illk 31 yer r old 10 Ju JIII t com comfriim rmf comatriru 1
friim f Ballimore I Ii m entered I the h l liHS0I1Wit liHS0I1WitlIt ieimiit ieimiitof II IIIh
of the Ih houw hll hsoim > by Iy cutting citlmn llnc a KU MI > a pajiel 111fom pajielfrom atmel atmelfront
from A AI rear roarIiltIMI door doorItiMead
I ItiMead 111411 of r coming ofll from IU 111ro 111ro11Ikf hlMtarnoro hlMtarnoroIvwkrt In more morePuckert
11Ikf Puckert th I h JII polio > olio oon 0 leamed had hadJuat hdI hailJuat
I Juat com from Sing Sing where h h ho had hadbeen hadboon
been 1 nerving ID a two IW year term Ilrm III i liii pic picture pictl pietul ¬
ture tl tul ia il in th tha gallery l the Iht jvnlice 1 > In nay and andh ad adt andha
h t ha h h baa allanea 1 liemg Iin known know to them tfm alan alaoa all
a Oilhert 01 Hawkm lakin and Arthur hlr Collin CollinThy Coln ColnThy CollinsTh
Thy Th ° ay IY that nine amin O IXM 10 h ha ha h a done d lime limein 1m 1mIn limoin
in th tha h former ror King Kln county olnt petilteotiary petilteotiaryand PltII PltIIadn
and adn on Htackwella 11arkI Inland Ilnd a well w1 aa a at atHmgHing Atinl atRing
HmgHing Ring inl HI Ring Th T police plM nay h ho i is wanted alrt in inKlngnton i inKingatoim
Klngnton Kln < I and d elaewhere elaewherePuckert oaowhroPuickort W h hIIku
Puckert IIku wa W arraigned ral1t1 Iwfore Iro Mafia Mafiatrat 3lagiatrata 1c
trat trt < Hertiert Ir in II the h We Wet nt t Hide twlio twliocourt polhi0 polhi0iIirt oll
court I I yesterday ftrr charged Chf with wlh burglary burglaryin hllla hlllaIII
in the flrt n degree d II J ° Wa w j held b m MofO MofOl SM tiW tiWball
l hal ball > tl for trial trialTIHIH tral tralTII t I ITVHIi
TIHIH TII 0K 1 1 ri4l 4 tllKR tllKRMr n nOll
Mr lr Illahr of Oll 1ornlon trrrvtrtl onU onUS nItU nItUArrival nItIstrrIsI
Arrival S n the thl Imil luItsiIa luItsiIaMr a til a aMr
Mr 1 Hlakr 111 of London Iondfn who ho arnved arnvedin anel
in 1 the h fir f firat t c Chil chiis bin of the Ih Cunanler ClunJr Uii Uiilanla IAaitaiita
lanla 1111 did 111110 not tmn leave I the th liner ln at tier tr dorfc dorfcnor d dno ilocknnr
nor no did I he h elect I to t May v alxmrd M I Ito was wasaimplv w wlm wasaimplv
aimplv lm pinched illchl aa a Mr Ir JlmMly loly of the theCentral theantral h hum
Central Office um aaiI ai id < and no fallen t yr yrsterdav yrsterdavI terdav terdavt In
t Kill 11 Inland Ills 1111 employer 10 barrwler barrwlerof barnuteraor
or a ulxirli 1I1lh of If 1 l Ionhin ndon ar I tha haIIk ha Mr Mrlilake MrItlako
lilake IIk who wh m In but look older kl caahed caahedacheck chf1 chf1dll cashodachPd
acheck dll for rI rortrMinil V an n1 l ran non off withlh money moneyMr mon monI moneyMr
Mr I Blake 9 Chritlaii IhII nani n i John hn and andJur andr i
Jur r r Moody Ioh navii Ia he h Iwliuve that ta the theonly Ih Ihnl thmaonly
only nl ChnMtan hrlan thing he h I him lu II I ha nnvoked nnvokedcigarnle smokfefglrtPi n1 n1MK
cigarnle MK IM all ni th tha way aero arroa ol and 1 drank dranklil drak1al drankhihmrally
lil 1al hihmrally rally with lh merrlKidy 1 who 10 wmil 010 < l help helphim hl hlhirn helphim I
him upend pn1 hi h hims money moneyliefore mon monISr moneyhiafre
liefore ISr leaving MverMvol he h got a fine finenew nn flnenew I In
new n lilt 111 of Ir cloth rlh H I paid ail ll 1177 SI l So I for ro rohi formhit i ihi
and when he h arriveI Kill Killl Vhhialland
hi hi l berth Irh > anr n a Yml
l lland l n < l h ho ilUplayed all al Ih shiv h money mln he h had hadleft hr hadleft
left tli I 4 A hoard ol f pfial nl In IniIlrv ulrv llr llreiI1 de deelded ihocalod
elded that h he ht nhould hlll1 b I ha return ratmarnl ln1 hv h the theUmitanla tIm tIm14sitanI4 h h1Iilnl
Umitanla In th tha aleeroge I a I Thi dciloti dcilotibroke daciataptiirno
broke hn him him up II II I ha soul 11 h I ha lh I hRh hRhhnlv URht it wa wahartllv washanllv
hartllv hnlv fair ril tr I send nrl A fellow rI back h in II ii the thet thestrage h hII
strage t < frage who h hm ha hd < l arrived in the Ih firi firir nf nfrllun flrsIiaIimn
abm rllun r II of r a liner In nnd Inrt I ho h had hr lieen u jaavl < l lo logonrl togood
good 101 hvinc IVII He II wa told loll that Ihlt h ha might mightappeil ml mightsIpflOil ht
appeil to n th Hriuh 1lh Conaulat hy h letter letterfor ettr ettrfor
for ro imlrf Iriii heimdel that h he wouldnt wouldntMjipeclin wnmjWntuapa llnI llnIIhot
Mjipeclin uapa ctfn that Ihot Ih I Americana mrc were e not notenou DOtna noteflotLJ
enou na I
rifintr itftnuttrntrt ipirrtiiF r riMrn
tiiF IIf iMrn nvgrrEr nvgrrEre vw Y Yu Ym rvr rvrr
r u e I P IN INm
m t I IflKe0
flKe0 4 w flew P Pla4N4
la4N4 wp I e sa e eus
us 4 Wi il il4ue
0 0I
4ue w wq
q IV I h asgnmtw e eI ss ssa
a s b
0 a 4I00 V5eH 44
45 f I p w41 s4 mqw
44 V 441 h hI
1 0 tm 40m 4I 4Ir > > >
I 1I n nf r
4 4 4KsiW
f M MI
KsiW Ya Yat
v H t I IS
S p 1w I I Ir I1t w w1l
1l alivoon P aaii aaiiI
r i4 I I flp4 j puI4fi as
140 4j 4 4b4S 1 4vS4 4vS4Icy
Icy 1t ti e I Sf Sfa
a arw r rr P4 0 Pl 44 ii
1 r mnw o uE uEby 1
I by 1 o as I Iw hIa hIaIIl4f
IIl4f as t Pswi t I 4 4ilil4
ilil4 1 1r I e elap
r lap II I 0 t I 0 0U 4 w wa
a a 4SP 4SPhi5 e
hi5 It wa w4 hi i tr a awiyAsnasm4
wiyAsnasm4 U ad adHial a at
Hial t ah w1 h w4 e riq a aen
w we
e en I hiserl r t 1 H 44ga ih 1 t tPas4 tPas4sd I Ird
sd rd i4 r rIH tI
I IH lttNib 410 ol 1 me i 4 h ho hoand I
i iIt
and Ipsa I 40JPa4 e iw4s iw4sto c cf
It to f 1 Ipfri4u Iv 1 0O 4 4lit
lit loan h Pw siuml 1 1141 t tI ao aoI
I I HI 4111 h 1 1t 1I S Sall
t all r4mw r4mwTb
fl Tb 1 a i 4 ii I II tap Ii Iiri
I ri I o 4 a ft 1 I P PiN
iN h alg 4o M t pt I Im
m ithphqmer h 1 I r ol a Ut t f fh rt
t ii h 1 I I Ptma htnfrtuI htnfrtuIit
Ulf it I ehu h 4 s I h hwimnAl 1 1I 1h
wimnAl I heal healIha
Iha h 1 r h ttiulOt ttiulOta n nIW
a a 1HI4OIO IW fpl I If gratr gratra
a l f ii In ttnbi al 1 h hnk
Hanla nk of 1 1I PtVi H4 1V im imtaII
taII I I str alioro 1 ti h iis 1 hq k 1 1rAf II IIa
a rAf ar of r II l i r It Ittd h 141 141hi
hi vra vraThls rA rATt
Tt Thls 00ft1os t 5 1 iar I to is ishaul
h1 n I li I iI I h boy V I S Ir SlfIbiitjs IrIli
Ibiitjs Ili teti I I M h t h 11 11I ba bavi
In1 vi h hi r i im s I Ima on onv55
v55 I F pa41 to iia hMr rA hn sf r iI iIor h hof
I of or I a > itr 0 fri freely tv 1 the Ih KT 1 iimi 1 1dI I Iw 1uWa
uWa < w iu > dI ml 1IV ls 1h h f I ihur h h4Vi h4Vilimi hv Puavalarsm
limi 1 rnrrynni rh A raii rahe A i inrll Iut itistiuit with withl h hntl
iA frOfltiY ntl aid d h iiy hl tuv n1 fl t nd tn tnnoolr 1
nc noolr o l 1 Iat > in wlih wit h nn fi r > r mi miwY ninth ninth41Jvy44 lh lhh1
41Jvy44 wY hail nulhiiix nma hum g li I > ay A HIOM 11 tlin tliniii th thaiCinwui h hilln
aiCinwui illn iii Purist Ih tha I mr n iii tlto ml t il 1II Irithm > utli f fr rhnphm tl
l irenr r t Min7f hnphm > nh ini < > r la tait t irm me < ill illfirm I Ifirm I
firm ln hail I tot I1 ir teenlh nKlh nllh Ami n1 tluit 11 Ih ihiIVim h i iif I IIClm
IClm ° ti WA rov I thm h nhr 1 I Ir hvatsam hvatsamIt
if r u l llel timl > r l IVi 1 r jTnm iTi ira Tb f Flier r wn wnImn w wttoltunt n < ru rutatfiiitit >
tatfiiitit i iicil ii l y Hi tlmr h t h < > iiw 1 vm ili I ll llI I
I hi h rrvtlitnr 1 wh 1 nuni I iMi sttvAr II nr < > n nlli flsh i iII
lli II Uikrnplir I V n ii > plrfiio rnil ihf ihfriiiniini uh h hn I Irntomnts
riiiniini n i d bin k < il lv I nch av > a follow followC fatt I s I Il
C t 1 ItlllHTtM SI 111 l iH4 t J lil HuIII nlMl S3SI S3SIrml rti rtirni I
rml 1 A nil iI imI t > Ii IiIt i iII I IIt
It hi h li I Iw ii i Ufi 11 > w ii n I > ii ih h Siren SI iluM iluMlh II IIh lhi lhiiii
iii h hn units h la wothentl IIhn1 IIhn1liM ni pro proalemrfatmi
alemrfatmi liM lhl siSmala IIAU Inr on sit I h wv wvik I IIh
lh < NVv Sraals la03 ila Sin Sr11 Stmohtg > liii a til 1 MIIICM Iil CirHn CirHntiin
tiin I of r winch nch Ih tho Mixk MiUI 11 MI 1 the h null nullin 111 111il
in il I li i r S huh at n l lo lai j t iin innth > nth nhdl it itiliplil t tI
iliplil dl I iloii on I I or 5 t thi I h riniipAnv riniipAnvrtliur rtam 1 1tth smart v vArthur
Arthur tth V livpli h wa H ih h irfunr urn 4iror cml cmlMr intdr f1 f1I
Mr I MmmliiimT a11 aaiI ul Mr 1 I uluv hv were wrriilitvrturn wereuhmuqtur
ilitvrturn 1 Ir J u mat uifiirMir mIm t < < l HI Ii N S < iiih iiihl 1 II IIlacntmt h hIalol
l Ialol lacntmt > t < < oti in inAmilhrr inA l > o
Amilhrr A tiii 1 leer IKI 1 tI in I I Ii whnli hd ha n > iiu vi lr IH a > < l Ithu llia
lia h ih h < > tirm Ifn fir VKHH iul Ti Iil wa wji Nivail Nivaill <
l i ih h Min Mm a rfliil 1 Siin SIII Sieltr llHr OMH ii lr f Tlioini TlioiniV Thr j jru
V II t HOIIK fn ivrilf tites for ru i Ifng m mTin n n1h n11i
Tin ihT lou ho wn I h fin f fziloI I I Ilolh Wa WaIitimd1 3 3ltliiiin
1h r
ltliiiin lolh AlriMiidrr t Ci I of f 4 T Ktrliinyc Ktrliinycpliri Iminj IminjpLicr
pliri 1 iif f whirl Tlionm 1Inn I ta ijrlonl a ano I II
no tiirnilior iiie r HK I II inhale rc in n alHnimnt alHnimntID tllln tlllnFa1
ID II Krtnlc Fa1 Ciaynor aYniar n n la ry r with Ih nftlro nftlrogi omrI I Ia
gi I a tin amo im m nd ActI admireas < lr Th Inn nr nrhlI w wtaIli4uI i imiilillHtml
miilillHtml hlI In I lh Mt liy I Iilin i liilnrn liilnrnwho I itii hr rn rnw
who w hi II ml 11 Ii N I lu hiit t yxur Sinro l hi hin 1 I t dIt > < ith i I Ii il iliiffiiiro IIII ItiilTair
iiffiiiro II have hlv liwn rjrri ejrriul n1 l nn nI lr lr I v Mr < MV MVlonl v vhmril
lonl anil 1111 In his sister i it t r 31 Mr IilHjin 1ltwl 1it la i the thewiilnw th thI 11w
wiilnw w I of lit I h ha fouiiilr fouiiilrlini timmilorl llul llulI I
lini I st M Marrh rrh Mr I nviril > aun a aiintinrwl aiintinrwlshut 1111 1111Iht < > > inr l llli
lli shut t hr h wam Ihf h owner nr of Ir th the liil limtiiei limtiieiann llin < fi fiund
und Ant ann I hut Ihll hi h hail mi ncrrnmrnt with Wlh wit hi hioUtrr II II1Ir hisister
sister whlrh hih p java piv him hum ih II M of the thnfirm Ih Ihfm thefIrm
firm fm MvU tvh I Tim 1 rostots olion olo KirhinRi KirhinRiwhich > < 1 it I Iwhich I
which Ixlone I langeci l to 5 Mr tr luthiin hun w A v rli rlif it itpoimo0 I
11 poimo0 ot f Inn hi lila unit I I on this h Sloe O li lihi lachnta s schnl
chnl chnta hi h Priq n nevT ri r l ivan n po poslrl iwl for 10 trjn trinafe trinafeand n nandll f fami < I
and andll it Mill 11 Manila In in I hl his nirrw n rn a s ih tt 1 1f1 pr prq prqarty > p prrty I
arty nf 0 hi Ma widow widowBforn widowBefore IdowUtfo
Before Utfo III lila d dflh dath th Mr 1 lithatn f ham np spent spenta ni nia nlaI
a KT aI gToHt il dal al of 0 inonxy Iony in IxiiitifTinn hi hinali hinth his hisnatia
nth natia loon of 0 HopUintvillx Hopkinavi Ky ll llImpruvm I lie lieinipruved
Impruvm Imprv1 it iA road od mill 111 rn for n i a gr grit grittoilire Mt Mtwar 1 I
Ihuc war warahnzs hoi > put up 11 a Y I M Mlumlkiing 1 11llllnl i A Aanil
1llllnl lumlkiing And fInanced fnanN a hot hotel I After Af hi hiditatb hidllb his hisdeath
death dllb thorn I w Wa miiKiliftlctilt arl SIJIRtO iiifttcumht lmcIIv v inntruixht inntruixhtoning In n tailh traight traightenIng
oning out hit hi will i Hoon Inn non uflnrwaril uflnrwarilharl aftorwarulhanoi flrad flradbaI 1
harl hanoi < Kraxtr n partner nr in tho h Arm Armami lm lmIlul firmatni
ami Ilul on ona of the Ih mnciitor ttlto of Ih the I hi will willli 1 I Iliu1iiUlated I
li 111hll1 liu1iiUlated < imlai > il ih I h Ime hurln hlnl hminesa M lint hiI the Ih t imini n nIII ma inc wan wanrarrl waseimrrlei
rarrl III eimrrlei l on n l h by > v Mr 1 Oarlonl OarlonlAlthough 01 01Ithoulh flarlordAhthnuihi
Although tli the firm fm ha ha been wit wthnt wthntdirect Ihli limit limitlirrct
direct dltl roprmrntiiiiiii a 1111 upon ilif V Ie otlon otlona oln olnIIchnr ntunEachante
IIchnr Eachante a aoint 111 t lu rxf rnivi > I i ihaa 1h lheaR
heaR luau h been r4rl rnrii < t on 111 I Iy ia > JT it IhroiiKh I hollh an anofllr 4non antufilee
ofllr on In Atlanta AtlantaIt IInla
It I ha h liooti II thfmiblMM Ih iuiigec Ibif of t comment mnlnn in inWall inVahI
Wall 1 Stnet for In some lime 1m that tin Hnn Hnnname ln lnlm ilrunnanie
name lm ha h has lnrned up after Al it I Its affair rlr apr er l lknown 1 1Inon Ihnown
known Inon to havcl been eenlliiiliUlod lIuldated Thephanc Thephancof fh h
of 0 It I eiliitenre which appeared 1 slrarigt slrarigtto trnrifci nlt1 it itto
to brokers nk i II is that I it haa h twen 1 mrrylnic on onI II IIIn I Ian
an I fl appnrefilljr lrlI iirofltnlilr 01111 ImAineon with without withJilt ih ihnl
out nl ronnertion qniini onln rtinns ujxin the h lotion t oln Ki Kichaniti i ichangu s schn
chaniti chn > and with h only indirrrt 1Ir rrlalion rrlalionwith rrlatiinawith n nhIl
with hIl the Stock KI0k K Kauhiarmge Kauhiarmge4nolher rim IK line lineAnother
Another no h fart aet 1 which hilh maUea mk Hie I II I aiutinn aiutinnmen aamlgnmans I Im1
men m1 a cnti rA < for ro mtnerit < v > l Ia tlmi t it 1 lirlnx hlnl hiringsml J Jinto
into inl ml the t limelight Iml < ht again Illln two flKuri ll who whowere wimiwere h he
were e prominent at 1 the Ih time Imr of the th h failure failureof 11 11r I Iof
of r A I I Mr Hrown rwn own A Co in il IPO II Mr Ir ny nylud laylord y ylord <
lord wan the Ih manager mnl of 0 thin flnnM fI Cin Cincinnati In Inln 1ncinnati ¬
cinnati ln offlcw tm and nd at t the Ih lime 1m they It went wentlander wnld wentunder
lander ld h I wa lunf one of If the IhIIt thi larK rrrditor rrrditorThe 4rdilo 4rdilot crditoraThe
The t other h m I Edward K Iliiclianan Illchnan the theutrtnrr I thejr1Iirr h httll
jr1Iirr utrtnrr ttll of f the th Flrown town firm who ho was WA prac practically 11 11cly pra praticaily ¬
tically cly it Il its movinic moln spirit Wall WI Street Streetwax SItWI
wax WI ws lnfere III iitereted let yenlerday In 0 li hlr host < > ar that he heha h hh hehas
ha h has been l tho guiding < uldln hand hlnd l thlnt behind > hlnrl flay flaylord Jaylard
lord I Ir
r f < r rmI l I n liar > r fl La LIa tr f IlmdrlrU n nr flsta < t > ii I Irlni Iw
w t rlni r tail rrtaro fr TO TOA pAA ru Tlm Tlmr 1imd d dtll s slIy
< tll tor f Inomioa la t landS a Tl Hf < i r rI rIrothU raiat raiatlootbsfl ilt iltfoctbtU
foctbtU 4lr rothU siflI 1 s et a4 uI I
I n f nf r rR PA440
R A440 n Iearw Pr t if ifIn
In n nr no Nt
r a awaI
waI S 4 ias
0 a a ast
0 4 o oI
I i ia
o a j a w wt wf I
1 q5 0 irrut
4 4a d dw
w bim ea ss
4 t Wi H
4 ap
5 4
5 4 T Ta
a f ft r 4 K 4 4o I IH
H l lw
o i 4 u uI4 I IW
I4 4 al4ap al4app
p W Wc W M a
4 s Mm 4 44s
4s J 1 l a a4U
I o
4U t 0 f 1 P asatrr wns aV
i > 0 i K at aw M MO 41 ah < fh fhY >
4 5 He > Y < K MM4 MM4in as4 a ahi
hi 00 1 t
0 S 5 5H
H 4 d dW
w lJLJ f a at
I 1 1i
t i V V1rl I I 4 aqI a t t4i
4i P PIa
in 1rl Ia + triiit g ntttrtttt n Int Sftf I tI in inir I I InhH Ill Illfli
nhH fli ii 4aw + o oIa
Ia hi rr Iai44 Iai44af
af S ir t W w 444 t tt 0a 0aC1
t C1 f i < > < i it S 5a 441 441law I IH
law t ih Pw Hnr > H > HI r rI I > ialiwa ialiwai
I i 4 I rn N a 41H4 I Ir m mT
r 11 Wa I k I am4 am4nh
nh kSI C Ci as 44 44i400
i400 C I eWiI 5 h 1 1a
a kr4 ii tit t ISI ISI4a
4a Wa lasS p4vV h44 ml I IU lLoi
1 Loi 5a ea n Mffv r IH IHi M MI
I > i 4t0V < lef r f I S k Iti I IiI e Jo Jo4aii e iM iMHlrt
Hlrt iI Ii H Hi ma mar
i r ii lit I Sf11 t it 1 1 U i i i h nut li 4I flit t I I It I in intprr I J S I I I45twra5ia
45twra5ia < tprr llMn at f < lelnn > II i Tunnel fl Inrluileil Inrluileillit Sirhiiiii 1 1er
lit ii er reriHent Mllh Ilf IntrrlwriMicli IntrrlwriMicliI ucl
I he h I e f i or i Kiiinl tfln5aHlfl 1 ifn ii IIauil9IsHl i iull
ull auil9IsHl er lii il a irep4re < l Ii i enter n into I lilt all alli Ati4i00afli n nnl
4i00afli nl liI h iha h lflefINflfI4ljh eon eon541W
541W HI 141101 i < r he term f l ihlih lh t roin roini
hi i > inr will a ill 1 ii I permuted > n third trau Iraok < the theWrind theSiqwul h hS
Wrind S > ll nuns u mil iiilli h avenue n elerat tIe elaratadI d dlin
11 I lin nili an a rttiMivlXi et utl5Hl < ff if the tli h Ve Vot t Hull HullHrvalnl Miiiutica l lot
Hrvalnl ot line frtitn e the t preen n nnrherti nnrhertiterminal no nnrhietitm h1
terminal t tm I I4tt ltli I Ii lreei 1 and ini 1 an eitennon eitennont tflpinfuIt n1
It t lie II 5 I h 14t t S d leMle 1 I WII WIII Vllti4lim Vllti4limlKi
lKi I
< lte lteThe
The r ijcreerneiit t priviile for r trie I t1 takuiM takuiMer klt
er r Iy ile t I a iir y nf If t the II Iii SIn SIiflwy y tunnel tunnelfrre rlnl1 rlnl1f IminimelI
I I tree f of r fhartie d i > the h city Iy etpepl 1Cr th thrurt ibI
I rurt f if Knnei lnnl tiPit n il I with wlh thn th pr prasiit prasiitaiIraay etif etifulmar 1
ulmar 11 hnh n 5 M I milnmtrd lmal1 can candnn n I IInm >
dnn 101 < for f II 5 3iuiiui S 3WI < ii i Hie T rompunr rmny will willha willhl II IIh
ha h > eiheprivilei a I h J prm 1 < t If of > f uperatItm i ratine aUn t the t h tunnel tunnelI I I
11 I I hi h i mrfj In will wl w ill gne Il che th he l lorllh lorllhh Iortighi > cirou < h of ofVur ofulireti
Vur ti ihrevt h loiinectioti lnIon under 1 ln h Vjuti VjutiItier t tI Fasiit
I Itier I it or itli the I 5o Maithjttati nloay I II uil y y ylem 1eIIi
lem eIIi I The lh 1 Im areeiitert Ir which w llrh i unilvr unilvrti iiiiurtoiI Hir Hird
ti toiI > d In I ta ImVe I lrvli reayheil l > ele > ii Mie h hi
i 11 4 n ll kin V Jlill 4 III 1 the Ih t Ii rollimiiiun rlln rtII nuun IMllllol IMllllolKH i i Ilitipt Ilitiptas 111 111I
KH I as nit ofI fliMi it mini the Ih approval of Ir 4 Hu Hull IhI tisIt ¬
I ll I ml ld f IVtlmitH tII hiu hA im tieeii 1 Is oll 11 allied alliedi alliedHlinlrtil al
I 1t i 1 I suuia Ia I i Eh I II rh rhI rhIInl fIlISIiilieflt
Hlinlrtil IInl rullrr 1 I4tlrrnhi nn Kuunil 1 Half lal fr frUr Eras Erasftrr rn rnllrr
llrr an al UI tl I M Sitst cII lil Hrarrli HrarrliS lieHrrIiSaJt rh rhn
SaJt S n si s I IKF I f Do tl ll I I IVtitumln pIrln Iat IatInrMin 11 Iasterat
InrMin 1 uf r tI Icvflnnd v Ifln1 lmuni Ohm 01 n iiudcnt lltII til time IhrAihrottdicU Ih Ihhnt timeI
AihrottdicU I Iloruli Flri 5 School hnt it 1 lUinbow lUinbowUiL Illl IlllI Itii jtibow jtibowl4St
UiL I > < went e1t 1 lniniiiiK 1111 mug M lrrdar nla y afternoon afternoonloot afnol
loot I h lie r trail all 1111 iiul failed to return for smi smiI up upA 11
I r A pOMi 10 IeOS of f KluiivntH wan orcini7 O17 O17In nrtmliioi nrtmliioiIII d dto
to MM h Foi r I 111 in un and th alarm 111 wan a tele telellip Ir IrI tothio
llip hio i < i I < f rv y IIOIIM 1111 wiihln hi lUiin lUiinini Ifn ftfi n nTill
Till 11 > < NMrdrtiK h1 JArtto artie aIi 1 lsgp K ftll mcitiii mcitiiiiSititr rgatmngli <
iSititr 111 li It 1 nti 1 11 and II nll flS I l ir ys 4 swmt ient 111 tleniRh I I ie is iitm rl in I i ii the theoo Ih Iht IiioWO44I
WO44I oo < U t ImiUitiK 1klll limki og for rn IltterJMill A 4 Itllliv Itlllivn Inal
n 141 na 1 h I indmil 1 linl w wv < > n > tired f to uttrir1 uttrir1III ut t riet rietill I
III ittitition itlelIt Ia Il I 11 ii with no n rekiiltn 11 Ii wi wifir wifi a af
fir f ret d llh I I liii Ii t h ln > imd I I aii < n lulled kII Ii I I toil or fr injnrd injnrdund Ijl111 S I uvmt uvmtuinl
und 1101 n Siriiui S trSSIai lI3 lik I < > Mir IjOI srgoo con wn Wi WIiU pent nl for forAt forA
At A dnvru 1 I H morn IOlj ilt l raMiTMin I a afoami a afooml 1 1r
fooml r I fni m ili I M Ir i if ih the h tirit 1 Vorth VorthMejiow orthhst Ih
Mejiow h hf if frnu ro > n I Ii Ind wamlrt wnuireuimtiliI flll1 l luntil I
until 1111 rontuifed on I oil that h wa was li 1 > t nnd nllp tlien tlienMil hienas i
Mil as 1 down to wait 1 for f or lh the fearrher rh t find findhim In1 In111m fiflilhimism
him 11m II I li 1IhI hirl d hot HWHV WIY all Al h > ammuni ammunition mmll ¬
tion 11 till nnd n1 wa unnhle 111 to 101 t4 nnnwor th their ir chins chinsiait holij >
1 iait j t niRhi Rht w wa the Iii h r ildt < of ru ih tha autumn autumnand mn
and Iiiternon hat trcnn unered much mich from from1IC m mf r rIl
I Il f s Ii rn > l Ii rmrrt rmrrt4IMNI 1 Tnl Till I I4554Km
4IMNI IH t lIIIaUan htlIPthmmfl > > llfatlun ro for or Mral 1 Nnn u In InlioiM Innt Intmnui
lioiM IilXraK fn 14 Mtaiu II Atallalile AtallalileIOMMIV atiaipI atiaipIp lahlf
° p np t TII rig MC4 MC4I
IOMMIV InslnsO Or I II I I Miiro llr4 ban hln four thol tholand thi thicand
and > er onii lm itna written wriln tt I the h million milliontie IIIlho IIIlhoI
I tie I < uklnl auking klnR for I iirketn Ilk tU kotj of admi Imllon inn to the thetriit Ihf IhfI thetrhil
triit tllr of I H ItT > r Hnwley Inwl Harvey 1v Crip iripjwu > eti who whol ho hoI
I I nfriiimt of r the It murder of hi wife I I he Ih Iketnorlc4In heAmericjin
Americjin unreal Ir known i 1 H I hishla lle II Klinori Klinoriwhlrh 1ln 1ln111 Elsnrewhich
which IH Iwtjiu 111 it I the h Old Ruby Iy neat nnttTu ns1 neatTumt
Tu Tumt div nil uI 1 M rv nrill 1 ieit ieltery > ry linnet linnetn hinl
n trh fr1 fi 1 lnli h I h it I 1 1I
I Thre Th are 1 aUmi a I I i4i M unit in th I tin court courtroom cotirtroonu ou ourom
room rom und Ilfl wh when n indl udiptittm piitilitn rliitn rliitnMr Iln
Mr rs MH ctistli it1 t1l nltont 1I > I M renty ny of fr th 11 tha will willIM willI II III
IM I nnl 1 I ilil 111 itto for fo Mm h general eflara I pulilic pulilici Ihli Wih WihIIw lths
i > i IIw w < i lovauning nlnK diwppolnlment diwppolnlmentSI el1JJ0Inlmnl Ih IJIO IJIOMiorift I IHIlf
SI HIlf Miorift erifl h I i ii < > directed that h eirh eirhiMiied aid aidchiall h tk
iMiied 1 liill > 11 I nthh nv il tiU for r only nl half lll A nd An1 aii
d ir hind in I a nobody nII will i morn m than Ihll one oneId 4110iikeI II IIIkk
Id Ikk iikeI krl I IN H nivon nivontiil gienrE
In Inr
r rE t ii t ISTS TI u I TO TWs f i T rg rgmi I In
tiil n n III < killed 1111 llrail llnrm IawtIse Oh lioe Dealer llralrrIn nri nriI
In I rin Iiilt IiiltMartIn > liliiK liliiKMartin
Martin lletlor 171 H I chauffeur huII wan driv driving drivjilt 1lvII ¬
jilt II nri iulo 110 i5o of r the h SVw S York ok Electric KIHtrieTrannihinatiof ElectricFranaportation
Trannihinatiof fotupany IUfal north on Third Thirdavenue Thl ThlAml rlitrulalefimme
avenue Aml towanl Thirtyfourth Thirtyrourh Ilt atrefut lri t U lit litII t tliixlil
liixlil Illh II whiti wi W H 11 in mull ills Mopped p1 ° I loll from f liehlnd liehlndj Ihlli hmrh Imni Imnii I IInlI
j i trolley InlI car a ar und In w WA rlrurk liy I Ih hi big liiKrar hll bigur
rar The Th wheel h1 winit Wefl 1 over or hi cheM cheMlli chf 1 1I I
lli I I I < died m 11 I soil itiirmdlalelv itiirmdlalelvAt i IlhI IlhII liii ci v vAt
At I the Ih riikt I Thlrfhh Ihlrtyflflh f trtH > tatlon tatlonhoiw 1 1hOII tasueilions
lions hOII thern Ih were letter 1 fonind rUII tin n the thrtMoly Ih thetseiy
tMoly addreNed to I Thomaa Urining of ofT2 iCrtut
T2 Cent 1 ruin r nil I nI fivetulie veil ue KliwhltiK h In n chin hoe II dealer dealerH aleulorhbwkientc
H hbwkientc ldnt of the Ih neiichliorhnod 1lthhhnl nay y that thatthfre IhIIh thatthere
there Ih w waa a A shoe h dealer eI of that name namewho nmh namewho
who h h h1 d n hop on Tlilrtyniith utrrH utrrHuntil I Innlh tree treeiiiiiii
until alKiut nix month a ocr o when hl he h moved movedto nl1
to KluahmK hlhin It l l se I relieved IIH to 0 IM thy t aame aameman aamoman mt mtm
man HHrler was n arrrated arremtouiY7IairIiuIfatS
11 IJrf
m I IrI
Y7IairIiuIfatS Y ibali Gam ai aifM atrnu
fM rI rnu i < Mi tn II t04t < t > New CW J JPrH r > Cenii fI1 rnhrl train II Isit Isitlffiety k kUhftt
Uhftt In 11 I 110 m ui4 t in 11 IOt o A M M SV1 a 5i 5iAnd i DM DMand
Ikkn Ik and I I WW v o A M Ur 1 Ear r for 0 i 10 o day 1 rouad Od trip tripIkkn tttptkkel Ip IpIk 1
rnrrr n ttnirrrrir I r IU IUnnl r ree
nnl n 1 1He r rt rw rf
He Ptr P iuI tsp 4 taE taEItI
ItI P a4 H MI INC C V51 00 00Pas
Pas H Ia4P4 f
1 P JWf It q Poe 54 54N
N ee V Vp 2
p i IIM it 1 r iM s a 4 4I >
I w 4H > 4 asUO ni > < t S SI
xi 4 iKimi il r f PM s sI
I oefjflt uIi4 pt i d 4M I e wv S Sa eei eeiI
I a 4 n 4n It 4v c 40 IMM4M V I Id 1 V Vu4N4 tee teeft
u4N4 > > ft iIi4ebial1 > < i i d n i it 154 154s
s i 5ae4 1 1C
p OI ad M MI
I t t tp
p J as aI 44 PP 00 00I
4 a ps4 sa I liv livI
1 I bi I ie I II I a aI
I I 4mp9 JfI JfII
W s 00 5Pl 5PlWey
Wey 1 H 0t t 544 I IIlL
IlL t 554 Nti t 4 4v
1 Saw s4 4 sl r 1 1l
v P ai l ei 1 f ff fI vs 44
0 f ftutA4 50S 4 W41 e I II
I h w I ss of 1I 4 054 054I
I 4 a 4ajmacpc 4ajmacpcI
I ppaikS M MI Vs tasl4V iutV iutVupal
upal s t It a 41 Sti a S 141 141I
I 1 b aq U tr rP4 rP4q f ff1
q t f1 f1n cjl 1w h l a Pie r rii4wI
ii4wI Ifi as a Ph41 5 euq euq5044144a
5044144a aep o Pw Iss q15i5 q15i5f
n f l 14 w 1 h p4nms4y 44aso
I 5041 wt 1 11M pni4a su4Is
015 1M n4ng s i4 Mgieit I Il IlI
I I P 41 1 t 41401 ed 1 1I l Iw e ep He HeLiter
Liter I t K T r u ten ef eptetI 4 ti 1 1t ee ov oviti4 > v r rH I
t iti4 C wis t i11 H rt4lle iw + w wt wjw wjwlIm415tt1G K W Wrefiillv
t lIm415tt1G aI refiillv hn Ii I Hnd Hndnlten 1 1O
4 O I nlten f frnm ItKawi t HH Oelf4ier Oelf4ierI Clrt ClrtU
U i
I Wel WelII a 1 I lip l4i4tIitO heiiu heiiufWiiheI + C Chf1
fWiiheI hf1 h1 ieir omji liiq h I II liKiI liKiIIt
II I Ilri 1lm liritui lu4 have h in wriMBit I mirh Ilrh a arho letter letterTh u unl
Th rho < Mt 1 wt a mil MI wt of r the Ih K tac and liwyer liwyerplainly liwyorAnria
Anria WA pi plainly imnlv ernliurr embtrraa I Ir Ilr I
1 lr r I lsrk it na eiice eiiageui 111 < l to Ii lie t rnjrn mrrird < l lit litthit I milI I Ih1
I that tune In In I the 1k h lady l mentioned mnl m n nrI Hie Hieletter I lap lapIAwIpr
letter rI lawyer 10 KnnrU e plaine r1miI < and andthat AI AIIh1 niIth
that th t teller I Ici I r wa a s intende 111 mist rniaI > In U prevent the theThen Ib I Ii Iimarrmag I
mlr marrmag marrmagThen
Then Th toHipUm to slln i h4mfl that h hi client 1nl hud no nobeen n nnIso I In
been n idle U since mr 1 th tha h reeipt II of the Ih letter letterhut I letterbut
I hut h had taken tln the lii h mttter up 1 he h added addedProf dliProf
Prof IVrk I wrote In 1 the lit I iilv Iv htulxind htulxindwho hhlnI
I I who hum i ure imrrI < 1 him hll luau t1 he h would Oll not 10 lie lietroulileit I IIOlhl1 beirouitilrt
troulileit IOlhl1 further fllh fun her llu 11 > she he h iontinued iontinuedjoinx mnlll1 unntittdomii
joinx 01 omii e iipniul down r11 the h country 1 ronllnuina ronllnuinaher aotiII1iuillher 1 ni I I
her h charge h and 1111 doinc loine1 ioln Jt mll in I her I Jwer io er to tobrinx totrtng 0 0fnl
I brinx fnl on litigation 11101 aicaini > t Ir I Ievk IevkShe I Ickhm
She h even n ronlltiuexl it I after fr Prof or Peek IVrkinirneil 11 Peekituarried
inirneil IInnlt and ince IC h ho ha h b bn n brought broushtInto
Into 1111 liliiation llalon Ih she h ba b l hn n active Acl Khe Khewa Kh KhIn 14kWa
wa In the Ih offlc fm of 0 IJIWVIT OHeilly oiy only onlvA onl onlIluII
A i roupla u oi t iKika u JK mgo Jn < > repent tI4IUnl repeating m thn thnfliarge th thlnl thaeharge4
fliarge < lnl She h i now no liark In II Ithacn IthacnThe IthnlI IthuacThe
The rh Uller had l > ce > i addreiued II I to Prof ProfP ProfIiM
I IiM P k i a u IfO of r the h Vnlury 111 Cluli 7 71rtvthalril NVext NVextrorlyihml W WIntyhinl
rorlyihml utreet and an n1 l hid I tcti M for forwarded r forwarded ¬ I Iad
warded ad thence hlnl to hi iis home hf then lieu 111 at Vm VmIn 1iioit I IWI
WI oit 111 Itvt I tree treeln
In thit CMIM iw Kald i1 tin Muiiilrat MuiiilratI Magiut alilml alilmlI iate iateI >
I runtiot 1 iwtue 11 a I warrant warra mll Ut 11 Iheinmeot Iheinmeotailiiil I lie ennue rm al a I ItaS
taS ailiiil iIMi to 54 the Ih letter I wu was ciinitnlted eununI trtl only onlyin onhI onlytim
in I llhiiM It h I or n at ii I the Ih plnre IAr where hrt the h letter letterWHO 11
WHO i fied 111 liV Irof Ir IecU Iok He I revived revivedI II IIa
I a il I > l ftre I t nail that I II within the thejrrlMlltluii th thjilitul thejvitcahit
jrrlMlltluii jilitul loll of r the t h lie harlot 1Im rourt If You Youvlll 4li 4liyllI
vlll h hH have e to I tm to here hereKmnoi h hr tiereI
i tn
Kmnoi I r rate Il m ahtIWIM1 howe l the I h U 11 l iirt ect ili diaii diaiiI a ip ippointment 1
1111111 pointment I Itt 111011 lull lii It 1 Dr I r hock I wm a c iindu I S I n nd S > iiu II iil < d dWe ilw 1 1W
We W will wil go I there li he h I announced announcedProf nllom1Ir
Prof Ir IetU I eenied nl1 willlnit Ilna to I ron ronerM milwllh muverp
verp erM > with wIS ii time Ih rei rrtmnrterc 111 > ort r who Ill found r111 him himwuiliHK hln hlnI lii liiWamtiflg
wuiliHK I in a it the h forridor ortn while hi lawyer lawyerI I II
I mnciii rlI I tIes had Iii it returned ret ii mi I to I llnd Ii rud out I where wherethe w h hIh herethe
the Ih Harlem 11 moor 1 In InI I II IsI
I htxe ha lieen hem intirli IIh maligned of fr late lateliitent 11 11h ltoli
liitent li V1 I P I he h inuiirsl I lii ii rei Pulling iiilhs Ulhll 1mg rlj rljr rlle eipgarttu
r rttu < lte < from hi jiooket 1 > k he h olTereil them themn HIm II tu tuC
n round roundIm 1
1 Im 11 l iii nwfullv rllh iifniilof I fm1 of r him hil huiKhed 1llhIII 1llhIIInodlh llu lluprofenvir tii tiinnddhmgmit >
profenvir noddillgHl nodlh 1 lit lawver Ilw when II the theUtter Ih timolatter
Utter fame anu m out 011 nnd In1 th h two I wi PCI ei on UII olmi I for forihe rl forI
ihe I h llnrlrm 10 I Iii rletui I court courtloiter eunirtlnior 1 1ltltm I
loiter Ma hsgictraie itrnt < Iterliert 1Ir WM wis wisiii a kil kilIhe 1 1I
ltltm I II
I Ihe tl iii rontentM nnl of fr III tt ° letter I He I lienl lienlile 1005titoal
titoal ile l for a I moment momentWell anmn tfllllofltvohl
Well 1 Mr Mrs 1 Hrmtol II lilaine 1 ltiair 1 > w > ir l Il lsi lsiltis < u uHoi
Hoi Ii for r having liroken 0 up 1 her h home h11 and andAIVM atitiHye
AIVM p110 h iiiiend 1111 to I ii mnke flk her hf unhappy unhappyIn Illay IllayI
1 Th 1lat hat It niitohell niitohellMagistrate tititadiohliloighctrat
In I return hM n in t n 11
Magistrate 111110 Preen in I tin I hi Hiirlem 1III roiiit roiiitafter roimil41tr Olt Oltflr
after hearing Irlg a letter 101 lead 1 Unit Prof ProfPe IrntPeck r
Pe 1 Peck k prodiice1 011 Hold i1 h ha had grae n dfiulit dfiulita ImhI
a I to 0 the h right flth of granting rnllli n 0 warrant nmll for forthr ro roIh fortIme
tIme Ih a ilrroct r rent of the th woman wlman nn the h charge hlI of offelonv orrlnn oftelnn
felonv on 0 the th evidence produced in a it court courtSection toiiltMclion Ir
Section ion M l a of Ihe hl State Ial Penal Pn Penltxie I t ode HI under underwhich InIf InIfwhld imnalerwhich
which stick lch n warrant rnl ran rln l mailed mailedri 1 1r
ri refera > fer r aperlHcnlly llllml to ci r masra of r liltckmail liltckmailIn hkrnai
In thriftier time letter In rpienHon there h wa was a < nriuuti nriuutilion Il lir Iltel IltelI
lion Iln I ion of money rnon pnyment l lmn or 0 of l hlOI11 hlOI11Th hlie > lickmnl lickmnlThe it ml mlThe
The other h clan cAI under 1 which tl Ih thmight < i > il 01 01mll < > tor tormigi
might mll get a 1 wurnint unm fur the Ih woman womanarrrt womnearrpt In In0111
arrrt would 0111 make her h horse act I n mUdemennor mUdemennorHowever mlmonnr mlmonnr1fv mLsdemneainurlhuiwover
However 1fv till action would Ix I imio imiolble 1m 1mIblf immnesible
lble A the th t tl It itt in that I hi hal has pa ascii i > eil him himoutlaw h hUollh liii liiiutlawpl
outlaw Uollh eil the cn muse museThe r rThe
The Tb Magmlrate < ilt aclvi advised e < Ur D Perk rlr t h go goto I Ilolhe I
lolhe h he DiMrlct office onl further1 further1ad I Ik
10 I Attorney foi nr rrt in hf her heruitiea
ad uitiea lire k Neither lie I nor ror hi hia lawyer np nppeired a apipaired
paired at that h place fIAN rMlirday dar aftrrnoon aftrrnoonThi ttrrnoonTim I
Tim doctor ffr w was lher Ihlt the h day liefore Ir In Inorder Inorrior I Iort
order ort to have h if pofwilile 1 the tim h matter matterdrought mt mutterhitimiigiit
drought before the Ih irnnd Jury 11 Imt til wan a ammnstirrestuii i iiinurce I I1
iinurce mmnstirrestuii ful and 1 wa In II turn tll referred referredIn
In 1f a I Magiatrata Xta glut rat < > rourt rourtlTtur moltfI 0 0IfIM
lTtur IfIM I iuie Oct ft II I I I Mr J lra luria It llri Ift IftI hlritot hlritotlisa tl tlIhe
lisa I h wife I of Prof fffl leorge I1 I HrUtol of Inr Inrnill f nr nrn
nill nI n Il whom whfm Irof 10 llurrv la Peck Ik arftine of ofhaving if ifhaving r rha11
having ha11 written wrllrn threatening letter laid laidloiutv saidci hl hlInllr
loiutv Inllr HM ci I did not rare ra to n comment rml n nIrof I liProf
Irof I Irckn Ifcl threat to Sr have hn lmasv her I arre irreateti irreatetiMIme tiil tiilKhe ol olMh
MIme Mh said ail that t time lr would 111 how h who hn wa I Iin 1 1In Iin
in llm Ih right llhl aa at to I the 11 difftrrnre if lntwecn istwp i iher I Ind
her li t and nd Irof 10 Irck and that die he h waa w wa i iwilling I
i willing Illin a to alibi il that event eventHhe ffI ffII veritt4iio
Hhe Nh Hid il cue he h wa not alnrmed alorl1 nt n Mr f lr lrlerka j
Peck Ilk effort to get a f warrant 1onl out tl ml for I lur lurarrit iirarruw I
arrit arr arruw lint III ahe h did nor earn lo I give Il gh out fli I IcopieM Ienpies
copieM 011 of III the h letter chic hr h wrote to I Mr lr lrIemk j
Ieck or 0 ay what 11t their i omlent 1Inl wen wrhe I i iHhe
Hhe Nh he intimate that Prof Im Peck wa acting actingthrough actingI rlnlt
through I ht h animofily an 1101 hut later IIIr withrlrew withrlrewthat wit 1111 1111thai iuuirew iuuirewS
that S remark and n1 would hll not ii explain iillm why whhie whhiecliOhild he heshould h hI
should AIIlct her h entertain Irl audi 11 a entiment ons nlm1 mmml agafnttl agafnttlher 1I1111 1I1111h 1I1111In agaiuicsher
I herMra
Mra In KrialoPa tnuhanil Cieorgn ft P I llri llritol fI itriaml
tol 01 who ho feach he Oreek ff1 al 1 Cornell oll I Ia r rof tie tienf f
nf the h bent I known knuI memhern nf r the thAclt thAcltI faculty I Ihip
He I baa h taught ulht at 1 Cornell Cr1 for ro twenty Year yerll va vaI >
ll U director of the h Cornell
I II ctltNtor or Hummer HummerSchool Nllnml HummerRehncml
School hOI and nt lecture Iltrl frequently Hulyln In rarloua rarlouapart Ytiniaparti lnl
l part pr nf the h fit flI Rtal l before educational educationalmeeting eduationalmeetings IIClnlal IIClnlalreip
meeting reip ud ad gathering herip a I educator ec edu I
If yry l lft
ft Ywf 1 J4 i 4 I P PPt
Pt flea
4 sun Iau P I Ui P P1p
1p sar1anl 4 11 allila t 04414 04414b4pit4r
b4pit4r 1 a J JI
d 4 iSH iSHss
ss a 1 ase I P lc tWw
a 1 1I tal 4S 4Sas
as I C I4 4P 4PS
S C r rp
p 4 H 5141
4 4 51 4 4a
a uUT 100
444 kasr SI4 I aW1 aW14P
4P 94 I 4H4m iwn iwnid14
id14 e N P111 1
4 init I M 4w Asw Aswa
a ot q 104 104Pit
Pit 1s O 44 4 4e I II
e 1444 0
1 i 0050 0050I
I I tlnfUtPDl r r rI
I 05 W00 I t HilhfllWt r rI 1114511P 1W 511 511i
i 4s4IP 4s4IPii
I I ii iiW0
I W0 II t a aI
1 viM easasls4 q t r ILasa 04 04Pap
j Pap tsUa1 4 lia sas4 t1
14 a4r 441 wI Pad 15 15p
p i r 514 I Is Isv
v i1 lw4i 10 ql 5 4 4S
I wu4 I arKsl lullsI fine fineL44
L44 51 tii I 4k P 4pw ft 04i 04ia
a nt I 11 11o I t 51 t 4sb4d mlia < IHW wM > ln t tj
004 45IN a 54 P Ybe fas faswac
wac Ill o 4 I h 4 l
4 wn 4 Ii S a 4e00 t a
4 04 r sliw w4pV asspi asspiI 1 1J 1c
I h eu J weas4 a Iav iss
c cny I SIs50 h4 h4a1 I II
a1 I aeey 145 5500 h4ge h4gew
Y Yr
5 5sf
w 544 lIii 4NO4S
sf r ie4
j iMrr t ittif I hIa r atiit atiitI I I It
I r eg e lrrnik t I nl H rr ll aSmHtsi Mitie H Hlhl l lI I Ia
I Militate lhl I Mtrl tmerlran aiiI aiiII Hie Hiefn
I I II 5 fn fnUntil r rIrl YWS q qltveti
Until Irl IN C h u I fh h K ier I IlllO me auealitimIHI 4 4dinner
dinner lllO it I ih Ii r yil ra 11 ikt t trtnighl t Ih Ihrv lghi t Iv i ifive
five rv v retf rp + m tHi Hive 5954054 HHent I In ewnffwlrHH ewnffwlrHHwilh eannetieewsih n nIt
wilh th It renienirv IIY i lelNM aIJifl Imn totn n of ofIti f lh lhHe he he1dm
He 1dm lltl I tll 1ItI e ily Ie delivered a little littlehomily littlesin I Itrlily
homily trlily on the lad 1 I l hear r ami I Irt asra asraUIlet m < > r rl
UIlet rt rtI
I II l iKt 1 the 10 < fiMK IfIC l r drinking rlub rlubwere cliiII 11 11ItKC
I were kldlHg ItKC > phvlctl lmvsnil mental and andi anifH4uJ
1 i HHtfjl fH4uJ Jl 11 damage Ii ih h vouth of Oef flevtnsny flevtnsnyII nvany nvanyII unyIII
II adjured then h ti ruluc I their enlhu enlhut enthum1414t11
III t 1414t11 m fur thai 1 form of t nmii i Umnl mint and andincr nd ndlilt i imortal
lilt mortal i e th their hi ir ml 1n5urpS re i in mOtes rnnttall mnlIII
II MM silI 1 they could uiki 1 not find nn a worthier worthiernilel wurthiarnolal Ihl IhlIII
nilel in ihi repect 1 than tb h American Americanunivrille mIt iti itiiimiavrastios
univrille where h th tha athletic It id of oflife 1 1life r rIIf
life IIf w was 11 ailminblv mUMged mUMgedttitu 1i141iI
ttitu W 11 IT r n I I 11 i 1 1Ialt i iII I31i4ahl
Ialt II t Err > rr r > Plant Muu JoIupI l > liiit Uklil and amiPower anllPowrr andPuwer
Power I Halllnivrr HalllnivrrMrCiun lIatln lIatlnICCu1I Hlttner3ilcCuit
MrCiun KKRHT l ftT Pa 1 Vt 14 Follow FollowIng FII FIIIng FohiwIng
Ing an n Inkiwction Icday the th McCalU McCalUFerry MrailFerry
Ferry 1 dam of f ih sha Pennsylvania Water Waterand Wfn Waterand
and n Power I t unpiinv wi di cUred > for formally f fmlllly formeily ¬
mally opened In wnd nnd the h dream of a bar barne h liarneaI
ne neaI ed 1 Siiueiannn Illver nupplymg nupplymgfiowrr cupplyingJaiwer uJlplyinlC11Or
fiowrr all ind light to I the citv It of f Baltimore BaltimoreJHcnnie IloallirnorIMnm hteltimnoreIecamtia
JHcnnie IMnm n reality whfii wl ui Mayor 111111 Mnhool MnhoolpreAAml Mahinolitreauui
preAAml the lit liiitton that IICI I turned on tm I the theoirrent Ih IhClI thecii
oirrent oirrentThere ClI tn tnTh I IThere
There Th were prewetlt beide 1 1 the h hend of ofdeiurtmenl ofdolairtinrts
deiurtmenl 1IIIIffln utid tiil ongrenainni TallMitt TallMittof 11111oaloand
of Mirvlmd a 1 > u > ire or more of f bumem bumemmen in inm
men m Itiiin ilII New ea York Philadelphia ami amiNorton AIIII1In ini inihiocton
Norton Among IIII1t them were f A I Dod Betlford 111onl Dodfool
ford It K i iriKoom W M 1 lUmum lUmumW
W v H Warren W Ceurge iIt llullKk 111111 It W WKelly W1lIy V VKellvavdT
Kelly KellvavdT and al1 < l T M 1 Dny Unf of New S York Yo irk Gardner GardnerM
M 1 Inn of RoHton V Dttvi uf Pill Pittlurg Pittsiumrg
lurg 111 < F I Jt t Wood nf Toronto II II Sleven Sleveneon
eon HI f Uuelnv VIII and n1 W M 1 Canbv 111 < and andieorge IInlrapir ansifiemirgo
ieorge Fraitirr of Philadelphia PhiladelphiaT
T irrs rr i isr T on II U t IT HI HIIIml HIIImli rfi rfiWill Fluiihil
i Will PU rl toll Ti Ila < la > stud C 4me omr mc tu < Srwlark Srw iwrk I IUII
lark rk un llumla llumlaItrvfRty ilonaiftflryety unda unda1IrI
ItrvfRty Ma Macs 13 Oct Ict It Harry 1101 Irani lrIwan firntWiflhler Iraniwinner
winner wan f the Ih Vniiderbilt Irllilt cup cii rare rll called calledit
it the Ih Tnft iitlige ut uI I igo today Iar The Th Prei Preidiiit I ire ireil
diiit il ti 1 ciingnituhitil ong 1 fit ru I 111111 ii 1mm t i him hi to on n In h i courage couragennd moi m r t t11I11 go goimnsi
nnd kill n ml I wiili 1h1 > > him luck III tin tinMi tha timi4iiiilmuti
Mi i4iiiilmuti van a II null II ri riThe r rat ratiii I ITh
The Th Prcnidiiii Iro I will ill 11 IIIVH hI iii no n more 11I0 hu h hr i ire Ino
re r caller nt 11oh virly Totnorriiw Tm will willIM willto 111
IM iMvote mivted < l t > golf and on n Monday Iay th thPresident IhIII thlresileiit
President will ill III leave I ii for New S ew York arnv arnving mrrivIng n nanlt
ing thereat I her at nUml nl 11 n nckMk in the Ih evening eveningHe nllla I III
He II will 11 remain maill in New S York until Wetlne Wetlneday WhlfIa NiIrc1mm
day Ia V Mliht III Ii I gut hl when wh w hi i he h will w i II return rot 111m uirm I lo I II Wnh Wnhingtnn Wh1 Wh1IOIIon Viu oh ohingtnn
ingtnn for rn the h fnll and winter winterJecretnrv wintercretarv ml mlInv
Jecretnrv ° cretarv Inv Norton Irtnli hi h left Cleverly 1 f flr flrhitugo r rChicago I IhlIIItO
Chicago when h he h will reginter nnd n th thKxrvntive IhSIIII the theaiflteee
Kxrvntive SIIII oflice m will 11 Im I b dimnnntled dimnnntledtomorrow dioinnmthltntnurruw 1111111I1111I
tomorrow tomorrowiff 11I
I iff IIIIfSII ii > rn T ritiinMUST ritiinMUSTIontntlMlnner 11 m I 1ST 1STlonmnilaslasner T Tomnnf
IontntlMlnner omnnf XAV aS Hr It Uerllne In llliriK llliriKIrantit IuauusIeantit
Irantit Prune 10 or n Politic PoliticCommikxioniT rniltlesSnmmmomniiu I IlornmlIw1
CommikxioniT r M J 1 Drtimmond of the theChnntle theharithe
Chnntle hflil Hpirtment inndit I it ieech at atth atthi
th h < biidget ethlbt Vficrday rxplaintng rxplaintngthe
the h BOO m l0 e of I r lu his u > ilcnrtment He If hail h till tillto IhllIy thIa thIato
to lIy 4V alxitit Comptroller 1011I111 1 onhlt PrendrrRattH PrendrrRattHcharge lrendergautmcharges I Icia
charge cia rJII of inimanagement inimanagementuppn mima IInmII IInmIIf
f uppn UII tipwv < Mi you VIll1 all read fI1 Ih the newnpaper newnpaperand IIJ1fn1 newsiaporsanti
and n1 if you n 01i have h hiat dor 01 within th tha ln In1 In1In litsidiir f fday
day In or two Iw vou 0 will 111 notice nnl that I I have been beenunwillingly ieeniimwshlitigly
unwillingly IIII I dragged IIt into th whirlpool of ofpolitic ofI
politic I dont pro Ir 01140 ° IW > o to discuss 1IclI pea peanut p pthus ¬
nut 1111 prune irtiiiea 1111 or Iolill > nlitir I leave nvl Hut to toMr toiir
Mr 1 Pnnderga Irv nuiergzist He II ha much t tim Irani Iranion
on n all 1I111f thnx timo aubjict hjtt I n4iire you 01111 on my myword myword
word 1 of honor that Shier Ih I a not and 111 h hnot has hasnot
not lieen aiiyiitmvagance aliv trnvmagamIucess or 0 Any wa Waite Waitein te tein
in my d 1IIfIrtrnoon < rtment and I prOpose 0100 lo meet meetthe mttht npIthe
the nuil point oillr hat have been mad III Inmy IIImy iiilily
my own way IIY at the h proper lifO lime limeCar timelili
111 It I S Tllnmr FflUlI nll If TIE rllts TIEtar
Car Han Into n Truck and nd Wie Ntt na a < Ttnttit TtnttitClirr Ta TaCh Tosdthor
thor Ch Onto the lined llniNlItuliy linedIhuihy nfl nflIIIIIIy
Ituliy lardnfr it nuix 1 who live IIv at atMtuiit 1 1liutll 79 79South
South liutll h Seventh h avenue In MiHiut Vernonwa Vernon
wa a badly Injured IlIju la last t night on th t he Pel Pelham 111hArn Idham
ham nxKliiear 11 llartow wh when n an automo automoliilc auttniohue Ihmohll
hue hll in which rim h wa riding with wil h Meyer Meyerlevlne Mayerlevine
levine Ink a tnick Ml Mis flarritierl flarritierlwa nan1l1ra lardrm r rwas I
wa a thrown IMI iiist It of it the Ih tonneau lonn Anti nl the thehixxl thehionmi MIh
hixxl over the Ih I tie engine nln and an two t wo of r tier h hl hlwere dhw this thisworO > <
were w lirokrn One Unf ns of the I ht liroken rib rilmpunctured rtl rtlnMn ribpunrilireul
punctured nMn tier h left lung Shn Mh wan taken tnkenlo
lo 5 ronlhain lh1II Himpilnl lio pitl In nn uncon imncintiis imncintiisenitti ncnln ncnlnrnIIIluu ciiii ciiiii
i ondlltou enitti ondlltouI it ilU ilU1AvInf
I Ivl 1AvInf e vine Mid irllhal that the Ih I nick waanwervlng waanwervlngfrom w wa ewerling ewerlingtrmn nlne nlnefm I
from one side II of r I lie I road to I 0 the I oilier n I lmar and andan
an he h > tried I to pa I ° It turned n1 directly uiiitt ly In1 In1thr III iiithe I Ith
the th path Ih of II f the h > automobile nrnohil Ixrlne wanj wanjn Wa
Ml fI Inrdner nllnln that h l la hi hiWA
110 n l tIiiiV > uy y cwring arin for ro
WA a unable IIfllh lo t get Ihr Ih name 11 of thn driver driverof Iii Iiior
of the Snack tnirkKiiiiH SnackkUSI
KiiiiH tt ni TrnM > nr nrr Ir lttrPtrl Irrt
r rt rk PMr tnnoinre infnlnr lIlnr at t IB Iftl IftlII lr ttf ttfenflltn ie ieumettaa
enflltn II ritrilca MuoU Uristxr 17 lie lieculttac HIIcutallle hascidMac
culttac t lull u w i
F 1 I ttRDifEii 6 is mmw mmwf
mns n Irtn rtV ° s In n Iff Iffr PI4J I C Cnrrirr
nrrirr nrrirrne r l lttft
ne u1 400fee am vivt ttft n flpp flppa
a f t151 tee l Ama toe Of 4tw44515 f m < i iW ihn
11 tw44515 P1N00 4t t a W 04 > < Ht w w400ss
400ss Osliop
41 I S4 0 i ia
a as pas5 a It ItIII qMe
Me W III IIII t f ral4 10 10I
I ssp WI 0 I U1 1masaoptHsg 1 1I
4 t a 45 SI 41 tw S SN
N Ma I 11441 11441I
1 snit I4 Ite S4 S4s
s 0 04i s 155PV f 4 fit fitM 5 5as
as ftcla ftclap
p M Vas 10 10aswiiI
aswiiI I sMws es41paass es41paassp fnC fnCtfto
I bi SI tfto tftof 0141Mn
041 b f isaaionl sp00I H41e J JI 1I
I IC r 4 It II c 0 iup l ate ateIft ima
a 0 as44 411 4r111t Ift Iftt ar1 ar1t00e44
t00e44 W p4 t 1 1ft 114 e etiOs4ae
tiOs4ae ft Woijet I w pwssoig ft nI
I t4ass S44 541 d K KI4Mo II
I4Mo I4 ss eneud
1 rt t 4 t Tl001 Sr 010r111514 C
0 41 41 I rman4l 1414 a4mting 11 11fit is
fit 41 tr ipwi 001 tot totwrfI 1l
l wrfI It Itt hlawsmm hlawsmm4a0isI
4a0isI t Ilfil A AttfOV U4 U4C
C a lWutoe 1t m left 1ft 1ftI 10If
If 5144 41 I f 14 se Pma too tooha ii ii4s
ha 4s 4f l KS M e fbiwty fbiwtyaa tIot I Ir
aa 41 r thee 10thri II ItPlmaipat a aftWt
Plmaipat ftWt ttoom i4ssqnafKwsg Ktft 111 111YItI invl invli
i YItI we Ki 1w f004 f004m e4 WI 1UVflV 1UVflVm
m m s m ap 5wn a4j hn 1 Mr Mrle MrIssi Ir
1 le Issi < him It hu m a fh Itaml Jiry JiryMr sem seml4
Mr I l4 fiWer 144 ike 1w r esi t wMfie4 wHa Wef before beforesni r f tM tMenr 11 11tf
tf sni enr 14 i liSt f tatk n k hl 4 4PeqlIPt Hh Hhnttf
nttf PeqlIPt si 4 ft yerIt5lfl yerIt5lfllsmeae tw1
lsmeae AIII 1 KueUier t an n a > train n lh lhIV hat hath
IV 5 ff h Ne a Ynrk n ar4 lo S Allvanv 11 fhia fhialiilxiliv ri rietautwtsv
liilxiliv 1 iefvH1 tfW 0ulif r hwl 11 it was nf r I II > enih4r enih4rvulue eiikarI
I vulue IUfo tu I the 1k1 kr DiBlrtrt I rt Attnrney in pro proeurint r rI pfl4mtlng
I eurint no Ih I she h fndulinenl UM K t wa ilv ilvIan iiilaari 1 >
Ian laari 1 In h I a s trsir emr 10 I the iii incident incidentemanating IneifiDI
I emanating Iothn fret lUrdln hunel hunelfter hunltHor 111 111I
tHor I > lr Elder I Ir hiwl I com 0 nut iit nf f th thfira the thefirarni
fira firarni > rtd Jury J rixitn lfn there Ih wan fMime m mIII d iiliv iilivIll Uv Uvin
in the Ih pnwvedmc nle The fh linnguig 11 uf t lh lhmatter the thotlIIall thetialter
matter lIIall l If hfinu fore th tha h irnnd Jury JII W4j4aid warn mut to tohave 10hltv tOhvi
have been put It iliwn for 2 clock anil anilthen au1then 111 111th
then th th tun WA et t forward Mr MrKoeker MrFolhior 1 11IIIf
Koeker luwl Ia no 0 lekphune in hi hill how h and anda an ana
a nieaenger nr had h to b I ha ent nt to notify him himuf hUllof hunof
of th rluuige Wh When hen he h arrived tnve hi hiwent h hnt heweiit
went nt l Ifo tfore > fore the th INn Jury Ju otid ini ciun ciunpleled CUIllIllh coniktod
pleled ktod Illh Ih Ibo teatnntkiy teatnntkiyThe ttlln ttllnTh
Th The 1Ifan mgre man would not Kty I y any an anhing t1Y t1Ything ¬
thing about the I reported attempt to Is tint brilhim 111hi tinthilni
him hi He II only IInl Mid Absolutely no on onboa onh411 noha
boa ever given me m a cent t for teginUtiVM teginUtiVMwork Iogisltivwork iIAi iIAiok
work ok either ua it Senator al or in any an other othercflUit nlhlom otheroMi
cflUit om When hn a uk aeked ked If money moo had ever everbeen everhn vrn
been n offered t to < i him for fo smith punw punwhe PUl1Wplict purpoehe >
he replied plict 1 cant N say > anything about almutthat ahotlLthai aboutthat
that thatIt
It wax Nt about boll I tl U oclock o k in the after aftern Afl Afl1In afterflOIIfl
n 1In mm when 11 Ih the h Grand Jury Jiii flld into Part PartI
I of f tleneral Srwiunn SleAi 4iuH wid Handed hA cI up uplh IIIIh
lh 5 im > > indictment indict ineti I to n ludgt 7 m mige Mul 11I1011 I Ii Ii < ieen T TIII TIIIKIf linihitttersugnoti > i ihktterigned
hktterigned KIf alwnrh nh warrant rrant fnrCarrlner fnrCarrlnerand InI4dn1U1I11 tnrfiardner1amid
and two t wo detective of f th the Ditnct Itmit rid Attor Attorney Au Aun Attor107a ¬
ney n 107a ortlrc mn Albert Thoma and Barney BarneyKOIN lamyIHI flarnyFloii
KOIN received lv1 copies Nri of uf the Ih IndlCtmetit IndlCtmetitand
and warrant and left ft the Ih building Detec Detective oIICnOrAl Dmiactmv ¬
tive tmv Mo nOrAl took tin II n1 rut trajnforSyraciiH trajnforSyraciiHwhere traill frSyralII frSyralIIh
where h he h wa a lo a Guy 0 White nnd on ongttflng ongetting n n1tIlnlC
getting the Ih net necsony iM ary reiueat 1 for ei eitraihtion 11tradillorl citrailttion
traihtion frvm lln 51 New S IW York ork k iiivemor nfrnrw iiivemorvra
vra w was lo I hurry to I Harn lIarnhlllt burg to lay tb tbmatter tbmU the theniItter
matter mU Iwfnre the Ih iovertlor of r Penn Prnnylvnnia rmnyhIIIIA Pennisylvtuiia
ylvnnia From m llnrnhure he h will go goon eorl goi
on i to t KcrantiMi sra rind tvmrt to t Diniriot DiniriotAtloniey lIirotItrJlf tialnlott5nmeY
Atloniey ItrJlf Whitman ansi Judge firms Brutvrhoma Urll UrllThllma firmsrtisiaa
rhoma l b fl for Scnuitmi rIIlIlf with tlh hut h copte copteof 1 1r l1t
of r tho indictment and Art an < > I lull IIt4ti lullthey
i I they Ih might nll hl IM I Uinl Ivefore th S Nnln NnlnCIIt Serntnnci < rinion rinioncourt
court ci IS rt at the Ih 1 lii hrurmc g turn IlIi t iii moniing it ninac rim in g rUil rUilwa t411albIIIoIIIIIIIo1 I Iaft
wa albIIIoIIIIIIIo1 thou at lin hmiIlJJ mi by the Ih Svntnloni 1lU11or 1lU11orTI ourl ourlTin smntThis
Tin TI telephone and telegraphic dw dwpatclie ct ctII doapatiIo4
patclie II II Ii received d at th I h nitrft nl1 rlt Atlor Atlorney AttnrtmsH It 0 0II
ney II tmsH ofllr IYir iluritig III I tin day from Judgx JudgxWhitman tlfillWluman Juzd JuzdVhiitman
Whitman indicad lIIellI ii that Sardner would wouldry olhlI
ry to I tight eiirnditniii trOIII1I He II had pro isrooirssl isrooirsslUt < < ure 11 11III < l luti
uti btlorniy mttarlm V K Diilil and the Ih latter latterhad at tot totbad
had m titiitc 1 at mill < l luilHa hili corpu pincecd pincecdIIIK 1 ntd ntd11I11
IIIK > Mr I lr iardmv lIrn protelrd that thr thrwa th rs
wa 4 4 no III indictment 11111 tiuirt 111 tiiit Mantling n111I1 iigatnxl him himund him himliii
und liii I no ii v urtmt a for fi mr bin hi iimM but his ihnI I hisIiotriet
I 11 Iiotriet lift net itiriiyr > oflice m fKlirxed 111 Mint MintlllCfH htIh iitcS
lllCfH Ih S lire objeciion sljerf lIslia Mill V III be I eat nrll lofactorily lofactorilynift oly
nift lv I v the Ih m h iirrnil IIff al of r copu 1 of l both > in indiftmcnt illII toii
diftmcnt ii let limlit und II ii Iii I wnrrulil a n I ru n t III it Scr Sermti uitnn < s on IIIIH IIIIHmorning IillIIIIIIIIIIIC t iii iiiImlortuilig
morning Ito 11 nr1 rr < Mt of Inrdner wai waihurrieil w Bot BotI a ahmuinrmed
I hurrieil up I lircatiM roll of f a report Irt that I h I Ihad h hI Iihail
I had ho bought tickft I kI for r lumorlf and nd hit hitbridi fwI
bridi 1 rid to I Montreal MontrealThe Inlal1h l ist rca I Irt
The rt indii iiunt againvt the I h n eiMenator eiMenatorclarr r Senator Senatorcharge nato natot
charge iiiicmpt 111111I imstiquptti > d bribery which in a afelony ar afelumity
r felony tinder the I h Inw la of r the htale of ofNew ofis ofVurk
is New York cok Should > Im I IM I eilrndlted and andbrought an1hl ansIlrnimgtst
brought hl lo trial here hmi re n nil now nn neenii m prob probable 101hl probaIde ¬
able hl It ia 11 liflieverl by tr the I mvr InIIIIf1 InIIIIf1Ih1 tlgatnrri tlgatnrrithat
that I the HI 1 Ii whole w hlI hub matter for if ill I lii oppoaitlnn oppoaitlnnto
to I n the I h racetrack rCIof rk legulat logichation < illlnllon Ion will 111 111I I Is w opened openedAmong openeilAmnmmg
I Among th the bun 10 hit of inftirmation brought broughtto
to I the h attention of r the th invrtlgAting com committee tm11I1 ¬
mittee 11I1 regarding the th racetrack legis legislation 1111lInn lglalatloti ¬
lation were report tnat opponent of 0 th thmeatmre thmffUIlI the themeamitire
meatmre Including Inrlull llt Gardner had h ralltMl ralltMlri cailssiEoelkrr 111 111Ik
ri Eoelkrr > elker Ik n Irnitor following th the latter Iu latterYoto a avote
vote 01 with the h Hughe faction ctnn in favor of ofthe ofh ofthe
the h mraiture Theee Th report rt also 141 had it itthat Ittht itthat
that Cardner had declare < i at t leaat one oncuthat O onethat CII CIItht
that he h had given < Foelker 110011 lO mil im n a apecial aseeial
pecial 11 legiUtlv train I Between hstweenOtk N v vYork f
York Otk and IIn Albany and 1 that he h had prom promi promlied
i lied e l him llitmo more 11I0 after the th voting votingThN ntinltThl ntingliii
ThN liii convernttlon Inp Ilon the report tlp naid tooU tooUplace tnll tnll111I t tpike
place 111I in April loo looSriiAxrnv I9OltAfllJ lIIro lIIroH
SriiAxrnv H luNrs Pa Oct II I I Frank nk J JtJartlner JJllnln JJaninor
tJartlner < who wi wa was 11 arrcMcd lInor In this I hi city citvlat cityIa It V VI
lat I Ia evening on 0 charge of f liril hrihry > ery and andwho un1h mindwhip
who h wa 11 Indicted IrHct III Nrw fW York today todaylate toct todavlate
late 11 thin afternoon wa rclranrd in IU 1Wl 1Wlbail W > 1 1bail
bail lo I an anllIt ansaer wrr at a furltxir habeao hl14 corpus oorpuhearing corpushearing 110 I Iharinle
hearing l eforu If > Judge IIIJ Newcomli at Il Iloclock 11odock halocluck
oclock tomorrow morning The Th boll bollwa ballwaoo boilwas
wa fnrni rnrnlh1 hcd by th Htle Suaranly and andSurety allliHo ini iniHiirrty
Surety Ho Company ollllan at tie Invtanca of lard nardIC lardnor lardI
I nor IC attorney attorneyhenOardi allYWhn attorfl ° 7 7hwn
Whn henOardi hwn nnr tanihmterwlis rwnarre wa Ifd ir < l lint In t evening ryenlnghe nlnl nlnlh
he h Hllegrd thai I th I I arrest I Was w Illegal Illrgaland iII1allel Illegalamh
and demanded 1mIIII to mwe m th this h warrant Of Ofconn fitcoirw
conn 1111 it 1 hnd to 0 I lit wnfii mrotl Ml that there llara therewas i iwa
wa a no warrant rant In pjilntrncv and nd he h lh Ihn IhnIIHJ 5 hnItioitd n niiirlrd
iiirlrd IIHJ that I he h Iw rrleaee Chief of of1olirv uf1Olit f
1olirv 111 Day y decided 1ctd rI lo hold him and nd too lonhim toohim toohim <
him to the poll police lIoe aviation llon Gardner It Itap Itean Ita5lJWrP
lx 1wen tvnlrfenl 1t14l1l of Mrranton Mrrantonfor
ap a5lJWrP > ram > had n a
for ro the Ih lnt few r month having engaged engagedwith engagedwith
with Charl W Hehank In a tock and andPOI II IITIKWrT andTAIrwrT
TIKWrT POI I l6T > T TIt rOOTnA IiJOt IiJOtI iA1iI iA1iIsta
It sta I IS n Rninl < wmn nrt Trti 7 mli Oct WUi sp tVetli < rt I l Train Tr Lv LvlinbrMM LvUb LvtabmeaH
linbrMM Ub tabmeaH III l UM t2 ltf Wrtt rsl 4M IS m U 2U l vtaW 1 test testtibaf < l lilbnr III
ilbnr II R R Returnlac aSter AI U hi tint amI ITun ITunUIO 1ti II
UIO b4I1OtIt W

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