1 1rnf
rii 7 THE mm TtRnY nrrnntn fh r TrU tn
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p 4 4fa 4u
u I ISlaf S SI
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f I I 1M s4 S SI
I iNi 1t 1tit LL 4 1
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1 r uC 4 4nI
nI II II1Ut v vmniI4
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4 i4 bb4 M W Wd WJ4t
4 d lit litJoHI
JoHI JoHIIftlOm J4t m w 4 4psn4s
IftlOm + t Ii + friE 4 k ko 4to
o w NIt a afQtOnw W I h4 i prIvw w wn
n fQtOnw fQtOnwf Isrwd WM b b4efa
4efa f f fl hI 1w W Wt
t 4 cwvl ul U U4y
4y 24 tw hot l I W44 W44wl It
wl rIwl < 1 1ft I wt iws4y 1 ntT 1 1I p pw
w Mrrr Mh iwi wsI 1 r ra rhotl rn wv
1 mf mfP a
P wt11 hotl hti4ebI I nrotA nrotAlIu irev irevU
U Iht < tftm < Mr MrwmiM Whi flW4l iiud H t hai h41wiwt haiOne
wmiM ffwltie 1 AC ACtlh t th hui U1fI d HWW HWWftir
tlh ftir 11 r ettnwMtef ettnwMte p f fm r v 4 1w 1wtnhitffiUnt
m tnhitffiUnt t f c 0 0lfl MNkw MNkwISrlt
lfl 111t 111ten Ii ss in innf
One en nf ItemMf nou alte < lale < Italrmai h rr r Pvm PvmgePet m mlaent >
laent In In1f lluilneo lluilneor
1f r < l Mever May dietl 11 4 Uuit mht lthl si i Mt home homein li fft fftIn ni nitn
in Oreat Neck ck I L I He II h hi il t11 > n ll III > f fr frhot r rafiout I ItlOtll
hot two metiih m ntk from n rtMttplKitiHMi rtMttplKitiHMidl rttIfI I1t1 of ofiUsct >
dl iUsct 11 ea ii whkh were ef f w ii > eeri nl4l > Mi nit htllU htllUt1 fltefthat ur urthat
that htm hi reonverv wrv il iKiifMl I of if nlm sliewit sliewitfnl4r v vfour
four < wre wlk wlkCo1 ago agoConl u uCcgit
Conl Mever 1 wi w fh 1 MIH f tH Ut UtMnyer fltrI
rI 1 Mnyer Iy f thxuhl > ucnr n nt1irng > tHini hun llrm llrmDlelc lir lirf frfiC
f Dlelc t Meyer 1 Sinew Sw > M a lie I h w wu m mte1 mI Iftirpt4
I irpt4 te1 in II New S York orlc Dvtmxrath 1 OOro1l > Mutn Mutnl St StlItt
3 l 11t1104 iiio lItt ati Dt > t WM 1It a reil 1 i i 110 ti < broker brokerHU brlllirIt
HU It t binm > iilne In < lntere Inh r iA 4 Ie I Ilt < to I hi i mduiIt mduiItan < lu loti lotiin
in the to t dlrmtorittwM of n A btrgH 1M IMrj numUr of ofI ofI f I IInun
I I inUms in n I itiaiiuUftunn tI11refutlirlngII iri ri rin 1 1It
n n nl flIitd I
l Iitd jfil 1 Aeyrr r wan wA w always a I lexelitwl lexelitwlIvm 1eh1I levIrwI1rn
Ivm I i < rut 11 In IM 11001 > 1 h w waf si the th IkiniHrutit IkiniHrutitcandidate Iklnrulltejjnlltlat 1 Ter18tu Ter18tucMndIsI4tt
candidate for Srcrwtarv of 0 Mate t 1It < l 1 tit titwEJ it 11w itwn
wn w dfente < hy fieiirgM fl or 1 tilmer 1llm of ofKor 1AIb4ur f fA
A AIb4ur AIb4urFm I bUI I I Ior
Kor or two yPu > < r prior I1OX to tftiM 11I h Wa i ihjirmu I Ihalfol Ihrnbw
< hjirmu < w > u 01 tbe Ib U lJm LhmO41fuUc mo rutic State SII trit iiuu iiuutniltei ummil ou oumitt
tniltei mil but t > ut in that > e r illiun Ui 1 lon IoiiUTH lonu iuior
UTH u of Huffalo and Iatrtrk K t Eof MrCnlc MrCnlcl
of l AllMiiy tm II iUiMTtoJ hi ut retirement retirementlr r 1 t4rpIn mt mtr IIt IIttr
lr r Mever Iv getting lot wind inrl nf their activity activityunfilled 1hIIDII1 rutivityflrt
unfilled flrt 11il the IhI1IIIIlhu th committee that t h hi wa 11 willing willingto 11I1ntIt
to It > get UIIIoIiIIII < itintj > nuii It i n the Ihrt tI pirt ft luiil h fill 111nlc n nintc nInic
intc tKh dl handii handiiMr ItlaIr hiindwj
Mr Mevnr woa wj > hMtilit tn t tl 1 nlinm nlinmUtti nIIIIIltI n iinit iinitt
Utti t 2 fl nf t illiiiin I IIii III II lleir I 1 < > t for f 1 SMnor SMnorui vrn r rH i iII
ui II I I Inn I in I 1lItI ontierM nhir s mil ti 1 M 111 I r r4 n I were weretlile wrI
tlile tn I put P it through Ne X > > rih rlI rihI le > Mey Meyr yr
r rflhIt niiiii 1 111 i an 4 chitriiKin rhi trintn f ih t ii Nine StI Stt i ii iin iinimtii 1 1ti 1tiIflltt
imtii Inll up in t ih h erv ry iimi tim ihu th hl ii tli t ioti iotireiillon 1 t tvtit
reiillon vtit llu tOU ul nominated H fl I I II Hiir I I I o I I Il t tr
I r Mmer I r lhn Ih1 t ti n IMI I I < I iti i I itetiient itetiientThl I ni fl flth
Thl H I nun n of the h m n ri lir i il 11 ili i ork orke on onPr
e Pr r 1 done 10 in II I II n lirtim I ltIN rni rh > t it I t nteniion nteniionI II n nb flI loll lollI
I brf b e MlltHJeil 11 all il II t hi h jinn I mll mi < > l tit titotI l lContention
Contention 01 otI nll nt for 01 Mie I t lo hi t IHFM I i i eur euriitie ii 1 r 11 I IIt < I
iitie It fl4 Mi 1 itMliv 1114 IIY nrii SI h in I hi I h hInJ man maninj n nIJ
inj IJ iftlie 1 t ere ff done Iol tflt VT or I he 1 I IIy inr e I rnii h hj hII iir
r in I ID rnj I O 1 Ii tfl J I j r
111 II in I fl il i > Hork orl rI ol ttie Ut I iolltflllllei OhliIU I4 < ill n rut rutI utl utliei
> iei 1 MMfw M t lie 1 urnnR roR fffli unit t mitraiie fl mm mmtriei 11 11tn
triei tn 1 cr > tor I nr the I tiiri ll ir > M of enmllina enmllinaif nolll
if nntenltnn on ni anil 1111 nmtimatinz lmnfn lle I ri riIn
I In fl nil iI 1 in cttierieni r 11 tlr M I Hie t fir 11h 11hu nni nnittiut nt ntIM
ttiut u ileleirne 111 were nr w r < rtit 1 < illt II jtmittM jtmittMnil u ttntt ttnttA
nil Awl A I thn h leiiallt II ele Ip < l Icti il flelexite tlpl tuMii t t l n nlie itJ t th
lie h to the 1 h Mil io I irfime sn oi t nominating ntti tIiltiII r rin
J in In II Huen 11 llermei m i uu u < er r rii ji HI HIIrln l lon >
on ii trlrnurN Irln ft N t ila I > I > v over 1 I U in I ie s > llr llrni 11 r rms
ni m > fxelte t I 1 4 ilelejiitp nor I a 111 111n tI tIIn i iin
in n NX IM the i oiinf sIti n I ie in ti 1 ii 1 h ri w wi v n ni
< i i > iiiHfli 111 itln tje n lur t r iillilt 1 itlif tti 1 I itt ittII lie h Hear Heari I
i II leiMtN trtttiji > ii < nut iimr frwta 1 > h r i i to toUiell toidtitt
idtitt 11 IIIL Itt I IISIIh h I n nI I II
Uiell I the 1 I 1 h > flIirIl In I vPi h i iu o
11 flie t other I u t I Mie t tp tpi iniii lt Me > ti tilAe t
1 4t rnv li I IIirt iiI Ij I I
lAe II ItA P lH > eil tl ni nIulI fl lllltlAteiJ It titRi l if I 11 he Ii liiinn l fllot llt I t leile 1 < J Jilfl fIe1gi
ilfl Ifo Ie1gi irif fo f i hi h i on 01 ven in 11 on 1l hul ii ii noi ii II I ln hh ItiPs i ir
r h > fhe I th e melhMl 11 if 1 p III I i 11 iihnnft 1 1lon it ithnni
hnni lon lonIr hnnftMr > ly lyMr
Mr Ir Meyer 1t wnn W born hor a iii i Marpeth lh I I IOctober IOCob IOetobr
October OCob tf I l lS Sl He 1 if wal wai a idurated rhl111 dvtratN1 m mthe I IIIlb
the Ih New S w York nchooU hfl find Inr at a the th i ollego ollegoof I
of 0 the Iht th City Cty of New Se York He I II inherited inheriteda IhrOd IhrOda ct cta
a fortune foMI appmxitnatine app llliing srn 7 xjOtni on ondth the thedeath h hdalh
death of 0 hi father flthr and f devoted vutd a good goodd goodral
d ral al I of 0 thar Ih capital pital to the thf development developmentof revelolmenl revelolmenlonJ
of Long I bland land real fal ettate 111 Of late lalt year yearIvt yeah yearshe
Ivt h Neck hau har onJ maintained maJD ed a I residence flden at Great OreaNecic OreA GreatNeck >
tttntrn IIAlfnfn ovr fI rn mnr mnrKucenla I HIT HITIeola lilTEIPnta
Kucenla Ieola dam nurreeilt OlrCI In Xnnrxlnc 11ln nnrin a aa I aatiIncton
a hlnclon II le Inn Men r1 for nr 7t 7tAhiilNOTON f fWAtIISOTOO 00 00t 00WAItINI3TO > <
t WAtIISOTOO WAItINI3TO AhiilNOTON Ort II I I Kugenia I nl rlanm rlanmwho cfaniswho 01
who hn advertiwil for r n husband hu h lli in I a lorvil lorvilnewnriaper Ir Irn
newnriaper n sraI t a t dav d cje or o ago 10n wn n marrie marriehere man1 man1hr
here tndav to I Hnrey 1Ir n Itro 11 lrnwtt ii by h luntico lunticoKHidy JijttcHiridy 1 1Hlo
KHidy Hlo or fh h Muntiipil Mianti 11101 iptl Court Courtately r ttjrt > M ImmU ImmUh fntmitatIy
ately h after Mlt the Ih marriage mlr itX I tti iouple iouplerated upl uplalw pi pirat4
rated alw having bvil entered into 110 nn nncontaining In armrnt armrntcntainlng 1mnl 1mnlCnllllnj
containing Cnllllnj theM ll tli > clnu ch chJrl1hn clitI4A clitI4AFsrstTht eo eoFir
Fir Jrl1hn FsrstTht t Thni they will w1 enter into Ito the thebfnd thobnI h hbnl
bfnd bnl of IAlrmony matrimony anti n1 upon pn the th per performance p r rnr rfnrmsttc ¬
formance nr IC of tf th tho reremonv mn iimtKig them themat
at a man m and ni wife the Ih u < 1 Kugeiui fig tsui ili qitnj qitnjktIf 11 inn innili
ktIf ili 1 pay f to thn Nll oil Harvey lry H 4 P Hrrwn Irn the theH t h hIm ftim
H im of f fSenrl ym ymSecond 1 1t
Second sn1 Thnt each of ti I HMH 011 puttil jiert mrti rll H will willimmediately 1
t i immediately mlhaI epnrnte urnt nt nn from 101 th thi ibhr h hIr >
i her Ir nnd In1 is nil under 11Th rr I r no I n r i ni is > fer 1111 l rt > itinti tori or I ron ronIt tii tiiI
It 1 ion I I will wil i ilh he 1111 tiit to I II M p pn MHI MHItn
tn I n e or f or niinuv 01 sinn tli I Ps IIIHT t h r m I any a t I Ii V wi wit V VI
t 1 ij I Mir q r fortn rrl tliiTiufter tliiTiufterTh t I r Ihr IhrTh1 i It r rrhrl
Th1 Th rd Hiit 11 Hiit nit Ir hi lior r nf raid 111 ikirtuo ikirtuoII r
II 1 I I Nolirit Iiil t any i s aid it 11 1 or or r iiitimy lIY mon y nr ir any anyi ni ilti y yttiiflit
i ttiiflit f tln n > Imimuil IIHlnnl or r olhni ot II w frt fnurii r1
t I i tIsr lf r in ii any Al way wi I htp h r form ri or oriMuntpf orstunJ I
iMuntpf Iunl I to n ittt M t in any In on > wny f Mi Min t t i ii
i n ir tal right rightI rithl rithlI
I I iZt 12 4 I iiii t alirifiil tri it thin Ih Ihh u t thr
1 t her h real 1 r fdl itit line Mi i nrnl rr i m it itpirly n nit nI nII
it I e pirly rly y ill 1 ti I flu he w k Hid it 1 if n 1 nif ij I Ii Ih Iit
> i if h nte 1 Ii in win Nu1 I ° riler rI rul I Ii id
i loV d iv V w w1 Wilt h h terrn rm nf r tt h will nf f in inI 1 it
1 I unfer In wr t l h t h i ill I I rni 1 r i < i ii 1o iIrttIi
i li IrttIi o i > e > ini 1 o HI 11 1 I h I w ww r rI f
w I wiilni 1 ertim rHrI rHrII ten tenhe r
he I jii w min In n left I Uihinci iIiiigi m ti l lunl IIll tt >
t unl Ill in I I i I it i nr r h IVH v he hef t1 I will willV
f I U i 1 iciuir f i I I t i iIIIrrl V Vtni ientiii ientiiilnii
lnii IIIrrl tni rtril I nmrrr li liI I IrIhi IrIhiI
I I IPIr 11 in > fe tPT > Hi I p i it I Vinefv Vinefvdi II I
di 1 In i r rr ir 1 w I I ii it t eiiiv eiiivt tlv tlvI h
I i t III 1 I I I z IM lliU lliUr
I r T t tt tis i 1 1 1
t I l i I fc II i iII
A I r i Ir r
II e lir I f I A J
rr rrr 1 < ritrttav r rtr tp tpf tv rnt rntrrr IU IUrrr
rrr f irtrtt rtt rrm rrmi rrNP I II1 41 rPrlf rPrlfV0
V0 Lew I fl 11 t I
4 r m its itsrn
I1 r
rn t dpiaI Pi PiIs
f 14
Is 4 0reC 14M M sflw sflwl f
1 l fI 454 l4 l4tl
tl U I r 4 5 4p 4pU
I t f
U 4 ILtr ILtrI J
I m A fIau4t fIau4ti0 I I
o oI
i0 I Wu ps 4jq W Wel
el 1 Ic t M t tIp
Ip I 75 r rr p e t
1 due dueJL
JL r r I 1tt 1ttI
r t I
I k I sw swI
I Yiniirn Yiniirnn
4 sirtilmg I 4 4t 4t as pE pEw
w w w T
4 I uu I 1 5 S Stwe
twe P i a ft t 4 1flISr 1flISrs
s 4
14 4 s 4 III IIIc
t n c Pl W Wo M MI
o I 14p iw t o 5 5fMS
fMS t5 eSU eSUS
0 0T 0Mr
S efl 5 T Yw4
w4 Mr I Iu pffi 4 b bDrfl
Drfl u 4 ev I t 9so 4w n fl fli
i M w s t ee 4l 1w 1wa
a 5 t f 1w n nPS4dn nPS4dnT
T s saii ww wwI tW
ps S P5 V445 M Mp
1 M
4 I p l 5 5 nh h t 5I
I P pr 14 V p4
1 1I 55 i4 e n 5 f fr
I r i lv t b bpee4 1 1I
I pee4 s frIt4 4155 49 h hI 1wi 1wip
p f 541 5 s Vf5 Vf5kiwi r
I kiwi f iiHMl iiHMlp
p y s ee t 1 15 m J Jtl 3I
I C iPWI4 t5 tl adMt G Ps PsPwf
Pwf i vw4s I h1 a aIW 4n
IW it 1 t ql h hr Psv Psv4rv1
4rv1 4rv1t
r t i a tr trrPsi h en enI
I sisil lwnatss 1 w 1 Ps PsI I r ru
I piflC 5 Ps u irg 4j4te uel wh hb hbf eh 1w 1wN
N f 11 1wirI 1w PssfS I Pa 1 leIirl I Ic tfsgt tfsgtt1wt
t1wt h4P1 c t1w hot enn ennlois nf nfnl1
lois nl1 iwslv I tsM e5 e54sp n ahf0
4sp i IMI Mr 1 lr Murphv rIY h IskltnthS Min Ineh tlw > n nin f fj ftrW5Of5
j rW5Of5 in I H K l hw Is44w > > itt < > h P54 M Mtaiml b band dlt lw lwiul
taiml iho 1St wh l show h bn w II IIIKowf I m14 I ItU thai a aP aN
IKowf P N ° V ft r that l1w fan tl T yos Ol < XI ha P5550 Nit i ii iit turn turnti 11m 11mII
ti t th II rw newwI wNO Ha r to t l Jn 1arn nrn thai Ih lh lh Aftr 1t fftrn fftrntjilftlgt n nriuiilliUt nlIUtI
riuiilliUt lIUtI far th nominatlnn nmlnatn a arw ar now nowMr D D11 tsWiNwrttn
iNwrttn Mr 11 li U Dis who I hi wa Wl4 warnnail ilurfhy ilurfhybr th thI
I nail
nailThrithe Tah Thrithe n Nprr > 11 h ak1 ak1wrattIt 1 h hby
wrattIt by ihu lii h edItorial writer writerih rl rlI av avth
ih I Mall Nn S trrt > view Sow ad til e eI th thkiftl Is Ist
I t < > kiftl 1 th Ily thv r it thoir own word wo tail taililrnr a1 a1ltoul sfhinrully
hinrully ilrnr the Ih truth h of wh bu t ha hl haafap l lin
ltoul cny
ap siretl in thur own wn n u tew w culiiran culiiranthi hlmll hlmllI
thi I hi l tIIC tstnt lnic the I th h tiUMt I anil anilluta laIUI lo i thing thinitevrr tbll tbllv thinglun
evrr v done 1101 lun in ib b Wal ValI l Street new nwsp4tr nwsp4trworld n ti r rworld
world M hlletlM 1111tl ° > lolunul lulolUI L did not 01 call callMr cal callMr
Mr l ls > li li Ipy nan hta hl once nl he did ld refer referto rr rrI
I to him In II uncomplimentary Inrmlmnlar tend tendThe lnDI tertusrs
I The rh repn pIAIV enliiv of thi Ihll this kind kin kilhut of ofPIK ofbl
hut bl liuMnen 1II are doio 1IUi ltLig c all al > n th I hr < ir 111 111h mwer mwerho owrIi
the election of the thervMittahl th thall throctahl
ho h aid J to tt 5itlIl < iin eKlon
rvMittahl an all 1 unimportant Unlpanl flirurehead flirureheadof nanbfad nanbfadr
of r Tamnunr Tnlo1ny T inrnanv hail 11 hoeau tlu they h do know knowhim lnn lnnhim knowhim
him and IUI the Ih p f011 popl opl dun t know him He Hei le leI It ItI
I i rhxn t lrlnrll > rinri rtnrIaII1 > ally l herai 1 he h ha la m mptibllc nn nitpihllc
1 ptibllc hit record He I 11 U I not no the Ih IM U > we w can canlini enhnlh cantruh
lini 11 hnlh h him iutilv id 1 < If I elect ileed Itt l h hi would woI1 woI11 be beittrlv r rutterly
utterly j wtwrl > o erl 1 in I the grip 1 grl nf ft hi hiMr himlt lila lilamatra
mlt matra matraMr
mltr Mr r Koo H HnoIvrlt O rvelt 1 admired IJltt lila hil hi hearerthat hearer hN hNthat hnarcriithat
that rhey h hud hld llh1 mn maahpl he4 iii he h nepublican nepublicaninachin nplblcan nplblcan1lth RiputillcantTLuhino
inachin 1lth il 11 Saratocn Sraloa and ald had hll put 111 up I for fornvr forinvrflr or orI
I inrnr nvr > rn r a iwiuArt 1IU it I man an n Iii rver lived livedMild I IIT5tII
i II > Mild 11 that tlip Ih ii alliance II hal nf Wall WI Vat Stret Stretnnd Sttan1 Stretan
nnd an Tammany r mmanv Hall 101 ll ill a tainst lalnel uinat him m I onlr onlrlintiril univtit
tit lintiril it iI Th h proisreiwn i m of thi I hI It Kpul IthllI ittiittliratts
pul tiittliratts hllI > lirttii > M I thi h luelimtt form ftnn i of > f con conorMtflt in int n ni
i t orMtflt rnti nn nt lie 1 ti iirr4 iirr4v rre rreV
V w v > V tr ri fur f fa o Inc fnt > with wlh n desperate desperaterallv
I rally I i f th I h force nrl of if nrgamzedprlvileKe nrgamzedprlvileKeiir nializ philaf
W v iir Ir fishtmc flthna for ro th rule 111 of fbe tb r rpl wopI wopIv > opl oplHMII
HMII v 1 tl within lhln our I own WI wiriy IY and we w ha hac hah liav liavcetlnMl
c cetlnMl m Ml if I he h il 01 delerl clar < l Ind n1 now noware 10 10lihlll nowar
are ar MchtinR lihlll for tn the I th rule rli TIII of the Ih peopl peoplin
in the ilt h Mat = tal tto > n tM 4 wnol and ali w f are 1 light fightItu lightins iahlII
ins II ilgalilat 11011 cain t the I tlt h inott t Khnmclnui hamI rrnoked rrnokedpoliticiirN rnlN rnlNI vtnohdpitlitIcitirs
politiciirN Ihl icinr find Inl crooked trlkd finance nnal that our ourStat nlr nlrIAI ourStist
I Stat IAI ha h seen H en inr I Tweed wa wafriui a driven drivenfrotn drn drnrm
frotn po er erThere
There Th are 3 ar lho h e who hn Ivehete hli I toiusht toiushttluif 10laht 10lahtlin
tluif lin tlii li day l v nt thurnpliiR I hlnplll t is only nl th thIxKinnmg thu thutwgtnnng I <
IxKinnmg 1llnll of ff mhat h1 may m l lu > e exp te < l llatri
latri t on ni when wln th 11 Colnne lon1 hitK hl hit hln hi ctride ctrideHe lrl lrlI tridI
He I I I i hi hl Item I MtI out UI II nf r intimate 111 in u 111 touch 1lh t with withthe wih w t t Pt PtI
the I 1 Ii New S York Mtuaftoti I it jjttifl while hil he h wa wain waIn a ah
in the t h hi South nml WI st t and nl1 linint lanl hcnrd hcnrdi I II
I ii i Int to f thine Ihll that will w1 Minimi IIlh IMU IMUinterest lIv lIvlfitur
interest lfitur t him 11m The n hpeeeh i i h HI I Dunkirk DunkirkAhnh Itunkirkwnlh Iiiriklrkwflih
Ahnh wnlh survtI erve > 1 i the h > i entnR > 11 lilaHt hi hiI wa wanr waI
I nr I flrt t a t5 I deOnite Ifr HI a > wbnt 1 ih t Iolnne lnlol1 I will williy wtllI II
I iy a o oqti < > t > n as lie I trot c HUT I m I real rualI al earne rn rnI t taffr
I affr hi his Tinferenir with the Ih llepiili llepiilicull Jplhl
i cull Al p11 leader leaii 1 rt in 1 the II titllnnt ftn ul1oo ofHre nr tomor tomorro tomorrw mor morr
ro r rw I hey Ih are ar r wnnted 1111 in 1 ll Hm itomwill < v > m mve
will ve 11 it I n on he t Menth oth floor floorThe 11 fliwirThu
The Ti rernarkahle phwical endurance enduranceof I An AnI
I of 0 t the I h ho I nl lon1 on f I haKiieer ha n nuvuruiti neon lietter I ttr hown elsowntItan hownthan 10 10Ihll
than Ihll nn In this trip whtrh hll came am to a iitonight d d10nllhl rkwe rkwetonlzht
tonight 10nllhl After Attr a day I nf tugging IU jiIJ and andmaulinic andI andmuhin
I maulinic maulnj and ad shouting houtng he h hreezeil into intohli aln alnhi intohi
hli hi native nati State thll this hi morning momlnl aa frenh frenhax rh rhII
ax a dJar d He n waa prepared prpad to iwat iwatHere twalHerr lwstHere
II Here Herr on the western wettn part pAr of the southern aoutherntier outhernIr
tier Ir the th crowd towd cwda were wtre wereonly only mildly midly enthuiu enthuiuantic enthumiastic ntbutiI
antic Ilie hut they listened llned and applauded applaudedwhenever pplaudf d dwhenever
I whenever they were moved moe by singular ilnirularalluaions tllla singularaliiislnnt
alluaions to current 1 eventa eventaDunkirk VCflt VCfltDunkirk nt
Jalon cr
I Dunkirk Dnkirk wan th ftr n1 t atop In a park parkwherethere prk prkI parkwhr
wherethere wh whr tb t here was UR a crowd rrwr of schoolchildren schoolchildrenand school tholhldrn tholhldrnInr chlldrn chlldrnand
I and Inr workingmen nkinpm the Ih Colonel olonllaunrhN launched hi hifcioznn h hI hito2nfl
I fcioznn to2nfl 02In nnd nl1 whist h1 went nl with I It II1 waft waftunderstood wa waiindritnixi
understood thnt the Ih nrnoxo rk locomotive locomotiveworkn Ifmol Ifmolwnrk Ininmotjvworks
works employmK mploymj a I hlRntimher hljnumh of men menri4dnhiit mI m zs zsthist
11 ri4dnhiit thist 1 hii init do 111 nfor for nfewhourn a tw hOI bourn in order fr frcive togiv 0 0j1 >
cive giv the th employe an Al au opportunity oPpUll of nfhuin ofhuirlng
hArin j1 Mr r Kooeevelt Invlt pivik Irk In II that thati thatiuAi
i n iuAi < the Ih mn went nl hnm for tormllhly tormllhlyor formighty mighty few fewof fwof
of them were In the th nark narkTh pk parkTha
I Th Tha Colonel bored 11 right rlht into intothepwh intothepwhh the a pe vh vhhe h hh
he h had hAr prepared pri Darrd pf Ho I followed rnlowl hi hilrly text textelo
elo lrly ey nnn nr wa w not Interrupted much muchbr mlrh mlrhI milrhby
br applaiiHo altnl He H I had hd eons omf to the Ih part partinout partabout
I about a 11 I fongr Congrvmnn onlmln emnn Sulrer Rulz making mllnl pr nn nnappeal In an3pp I
appeal 3pp l for vole vn vol befom fo the Ihl convention conventionriinl cnvnlr I II
riinl I HomeiKHly laughed laughedMr Inulh InulhIr
Mr Ir Murphy room rm wm 212 the theColonel li thenhunl
Colonel announced nlnoln1 nolemnlr The only onlyindication onlynlmllnn onlyndirntion
indication nlmllnn tiny ny fY member nf st f the Ih convention conventionreceived onnv nvntn nvntnru ntiori ntiorirui
received ru rui ivud of If the Ih pert he h wa WI to piny in n the theonentlon Ih IhIIn thunhlnn
onentlon IIn wa m JM n fheformofar f t h tnn brni or a erempfory prPflipiorytntlg > erempforyin lpfr I
in tI tntlg > nge Vou fU arn 1 wanted m t nximSI nximSII rnnl room 11 11Th I2lhsu
Th I lhsu he rrowd llnllh llnllhI laughed laughedl
I It l will lie t It 23 thn Ih Sib tli or November a apfogff isIr
pfogff Ir g4ivi tivi man m with lh muiton 1on rhopa hp nn nnii nl
ii iiiiii l lii l lTwenty Irwityrpi
Twenty rwityrpi thre hnll h1 l Ii > e the th h nuinlHr nuinlHrthe n nII
the II Pu Colonil C i lolIII1 iigre is grwcI grwcIIr > l lMr
Mr Ir H IfoovIt v evelt went on Oi to rail neiirt neiirtTainminv 41 niiratlo
Tainminv Tllmal lo rnrisi 1 Ial 1 fi ill I I nnd a 11 0 I the t h le derx of n Uall UallStrit Sii n nS IIt4trn >
Strit StritIhiV S t4trn i il I
IhiV l b v il tsr ire liiwmeM I peopln P ° ° lI 1 he h an i uI uIoiiiil 1 1i I Iind I ILII
ind < Iliev I I wont WIII the t h hi fjovernor nmo nnd 111 th thIegielnturM t h hof
IegielnturM LII I of Ve York onlv tll Iil IINIM IINIMtliiV
tliiV I V in I l th t Pirti iti in I their I h1 h t r tiumneM I jai fl flI I II I
TI I he ii il II iln ii h Ii i < i ommtMion tOt ifltPiiiifl too 5fwifill < iierte < l I Inn
nn IIlk1 unknown unknownIrm IiflkIIO5II
Irm I ro r ixelv ia h I s iwid iwi I lh t h hi Colonel I Th Thal I her 1hivvwilti herw
w wilti al tf litm hI Ii ni the t I > want A ii 1 ft thi t h hi utilities iii 11 i I Ii I I lu HKII HKIItiiiMinti I i iiIlla4I
tiiiMinti 11 iIlla4I ti VH WI V u > < i p anil Inr nil Tnlin Inmmany l t tiiii Ii II thl I I t ill illoiil II IInull
null 1 I like I k i mi 1 11 h hr r ififnrnlr urn in lPdiiflM ion of ofIs f I IIII i iII
II III Is kltlll k h i nil Tliey I hv ire 1 r ti < l ini n p lpte and andihev is jul jull
ihev h l v ne ihoee Ih I Pt i ilmfllisiffli iinmi i n in II their theirlil Ih I hisrI
lil > ilrie 4 4II
II I I I kept 1 j r t up the S h hi talk to nll I k for r or itt t it Imlf Ins If nn nnhour is n ntiit I II
I h hour r anil ali s Iii I wit war I ri t inlerniptml tlrI In lrni It ii < I Illn II I I I i r rI > e e et I
I w wt >
t the 1 flnNh fnlh the h iMiinl 1lI plitvef IstvI nnd nd Mm Mmuirtv 11 tIiooi
1r uirtv oi 1 V limlpeil 111 unit iI into nn aiitoinoine I I There Therewi f ft
wi t i It Iity 11 tv nile rid I nf fhre h inie n i to f Kre Kreli Fr FrIU Frhiiii
li hiiii > nin IU Along Ion < he 1 roa rn1 I were xchool xchooli lol loltlrP
i I tlrP ildren waving lnl flog fnl and an cheering hrli Mm Mmi iii iiii h holn1
i i oloiiej who ocfanlonally oIollly utoppwl to nay
I howdy ly He le mounted moul the tb step alp of the 1 J
5 5ee
ee Pf 0 V M54
4 4lI
lI P 4 P5 i i
J 5 I IC
C P4 5llI 5llI44
44 1 M
1 S Se I
e S Y Yt
t 1iP
4 4ws I S 4 s
5 4nAWh 5 sa sac
c S5IN t I II 4 4Lfl
7 Lfl sir sirt
t 1 I K i it
I I5 5SS 5SSPt
t Pt f f s i
5 pw N PI irr bjwht bjwhtsw
sw itrs
r lss ir P U UI
4 4e I 4 4ww5
ww5 p ii 4 4alI
1 rflI 4 iwir4 iP
0 s 454 iwlnI 1k54 r rit
e it fr4tfnNfle w isti iiu a
J 4 04 04C
t 40rair f t f > lt fcnn b 0 04f W WWM
4f 40 0 S li0ufl Pscy a ab
b ap4r sai pwsk I
p pI a aft 4ia4 4ia4wI4
wI4 15 54 ar P 0 0sib
555l 0W Ws4V
0 IW4a WM WMFl w jws 4t 4tnw
Fl 1 mm nw n IMI IMIw4 t i < n I wW wW5154i
5154i 1 w4 In Ints 1f 1fI
0 5S wq4 wq4It
I It Itthl
thl iI r M 5ts4 Ws WsPa c cf
f Pa Ptwi t unPs f q qsft4s
t sft4s rrtwttI f WI affi pOp t S Siwt
i iwt Its I o4awI I IUt n4 5 Dstrwi DstrwietT
Ut etT ts M 1w f f i ifint ifintf t tI 4 t4 t4aisil
aisil I in4 I 5 poe taw I Sininn Sininnnlc 11
nlc I Iban t 1 is 4f os osPM 1
Ie I Ijtsrv 5tkq0 5tkq0crew t
r crew Prs 1 1r Iuwl
uwl t r 4 1 1f
f h 4r fli54 C CI is iswPs4
wPs4 44 w I 5 ipps Ph si sirjn4
rjn4 J 1 ttN44 tcf tf f T1lF li WSiSI4 t tI pr prtnI
I tnI swiiIie4y hy hyh f 1aw4i 1aw4ihpwiimr
h hpwiimr f Vtw immam M w4 4 s HHko HHkon t II IIwas
was I Ir iMfitv4 V Vraa
r raa wit gas f a I tb SPaiN 0 0ftr 1 1UIr
UIr t PM owtio C I Is 44rsmi usIw usIw04Ir
Ifl 04Ir 1 on a04 5 h Psi wrist l bail bailII I II
I II wtU 1 r rn f is J Jra 1 Iv ti t IS t 5 5mrw
fr mrw mrn04 1 n Tbi w U Ps j a afrw 0
t frw n hn h hi M an 404 I th tPst I n Ik IkKike 4will
will 11 Kike for t fo Ic P4g4W14 4 ifK Unl hi whor whort Pt PtItp
Itp t le ri1r0 1 re t e Pat f f f et il ilThe
The n 1 1 ritlonI elofi I l wa wa4vei n fltPlieOPs11t7 nl a a4v4
4vei 110 in ike Ih la > whirl tl n at th I l lfnU f4y y flal flalfUij I
fnU fli jamrnml 1 lb K or pf n hiei l 1Ilot nun nunand irnanti
and applamlett Mr HV nk flomk > ev h when n nbmf He Hehamnwrml Pt PthammrvuI
hamnwrml bmf Wu > 4II lMtre ftFt Ir t toil n Mmrhv anil anilTammany usalTimmarty 1 1T
Tammany T mmay Hall HallKor lal haltFor IfY
For to the tPi h nr tIrt n l time Im the th > nkinl > Um > referral referraltn
tn n I andlilale 1 Pit Ii hrjpaine al He I II apak oke k ol olMr otr of31r
Mr r Pit t refer rtrtc rr fic ti t lii him IM a an atof a ent entof
of r il ittriietlon t ruction ructionI c
1 will II cheerfully artult Idt Mr r Pit I of th thch thehr thchart
ch ehr chart r nf f being ti 11C n a fl r nt of de i0iritIsi i0iritIsifor irit > ii iifor
for any oy e iurwriiiInn > trT > rtttio 1 > i that goe 1 wrong wronghxiute1 wnnl wrm wrmPMtitit
hxiute1 la1 Mr Ir u < velt veltUid
Uid 1 th lh than u he I contlnuetl Unl1 to whack whck the thewickml Ih Ihek1 thewick4
wickml ek1 IXino It Iutnita rat He I II poke again Cl of oftl ofI ofthat
I tl I that crnUitlly 11 open 0 alllonc all p Itetween ItetweenWall I IrtweenVall wn wnWo1U
Wall Sir and 11 Tammany Hall leU IU IUrooted I II IIrooted
rooted r I for Harry nr Sttnuon Slmn nome m more moreaak 10
1 aak aIi k you to compare 1 not only oly the th condi condii I
I i la 11 ten but ht the Ib hawit t tts behind bhd each one on of ofthem itttliem
them lum said Id Mr Ir lluonovelt Iwc There 11 won wunllo wnfltle t tmuch
lo le much mUlb doubt aNiut llt the tb situation then thenimrtx thn11U thinnn1
imrtx 11U nn1 roLintrs tIItW mlr IUUFI m > ri nr nrrhratkan I I IT IThrskan T Ti
i > rhratkan TnurtnK TnllnK Indiana In Ilrhalf nhal nl nlJohn atJohns
John n Kern KernCBrnv Kerncnrn rn rntItIS
CBrnv tItIS Ind Oct u I William WII1n Jen Jenntng J Jnnc Jcnnings
ntng nnc Hryan ran began b Z n hit h hi campaign cump11 for forJohn fn fnJohl forJohn
John Johl tt Kern 1 for n Senator nnr today to by ju JIt JItafr just justafter t tafter
after afr Hoonerelt hid hr completed mlltt hI t 111 111of Mir Mirof nirof
of the th State fur tlr Ileveridge nrll Bryan nY1 wa wamet WI WIlt wemet
met lt by a I large Iz crowd hioh whlh came Cam from fromall trm trmAl fromeli
all Al p lrtM rt rl1 of tf the Ih Twelfth Tlrh diotrict d 1I1 i Ihim hear hearhim hrhim
him and n1 ar N > med ni its grunt I ri i favorite rnrl with withthe withIh withthe
the Ih Democrat lmotr a 1 its ever everHe vrI virII
He I II made a 1 strong Irn plea Il for Kern trn and andcored Inr andpcored
cored a1 the Ih tariff f Liw Iw and In1 whjtt whl he h t In trfltal trfltallni nn i iinconnmteticy
inconnmteticy lni inittitity on tl the t pirt tlll < 1 llepublicati llepublicatipeakeni 1uhhcul 1uhhcullk Ilepsibhicanspeakers
speakers lk in II advocttinc AI hc > 111 6 Ihe It I Ii elivtion tin of ofmen otml ofmin
men ml eiich Ih nn n lloverldge when wh a lan bk bkKern Iktrl ukrti
Kern trl rti would 11 Blve IIV sve the 11 ieoile relief f from fromthe f fI trotthe
I the Ih tni In tniti lH and n1 the Ih tariff rI an well welli wullIs1Il4 1
i Is1Il4 innti 11 1I i in lT lIF lUST t1iT t1iT1111ldn UA UAlnilrt 1IEslnslrprndenr
lnilrt 1111ldn lnslrprndenr < iHlrnrr lraeuet 1lu Inton 1110 tin n llrrrnid llrrr lr lrI tiersSttiI
nid I Tlirre r In llru Urlo UrlooMnfr Ilroklpn IlroklpnFormer kl > n nKortner
Former oMnfr A Aiaunhlymnsn inblyman mhlyrl Felix llx J Sannor Sannorhae Sllo Slloha Sniiorha
hae ha lt Iwuti n nominaied UIIf bv h l th tho 1 I 1emnixrat 1emnixratfor > erno < ratn ratnfor
for Senator in I the Ih Ninth district dl lrlt Ixwjn Ixwjn1ewin la wi wilwin
1ewin the tPt h Iteptihlican 1tIlhll nominee Inmll haji hajili h htIii
li 111 Iii n indorwd ad I by I Ii the itt 1 Indein IndeinPr hIIIuIIUl ltulupcgiIrict ltulupcgiIrictlr
1461 1461Ir
Pr Ir Krnncin FrnI K W i iIwin on lh thu h IHMIIO IHMIIOoral 1ln 1lnrB11 Isunincratii
oral rB11 if inndidnte Bnlra again alaln I 4ngnstnnn 4ngnstnnnbartue > ngre innn innnCharter nf
Charter hlI II I liw in th Fourth IMh ilitmf ilitmfhae hn hnlam1 hitncthas
has been named lam1 alot al by > v the Ih lndeieiidiii lndeieiidiiileague lndwmsilticleegue 1cIfII 1cIfII1A11 <
league 1A11 A wee wuk 1 < ago the Ut h Independence IndependenceIeag Instopnidneleagii
Ieag lall < je nominaied nnmlul c hirle lt H I Milden Mildenl Mililunherr 1111 1111Ira
l Ira herr > erg but I lhl aifmn u111 a i inn was wi t ai ieid ieidtin > id Ir bv bvun I
I un order r of t Julie JI It Staieton Sti ltun of the theSupreme Ih IhsIIm theMiillrirt1
Supreme C ourt IM on 11 the I h grnind 11 of I iriegu iriegulantv HI irmgiilarity
lantv in the I h invent non nonhn ion ionJohn
larn 1
John 11 hn HolbrooV 1111 nnd 111 Viiiinel II Uem WIIln WIIln1ltI1 sVinamuin sVinamuinhllitllrrni ein einIlenibllcnii
Ilenibllcnii 1ltI1 cutididnte idBI for the Ih ombly pushIvin omblyIn hl
In II the Ih Nineteenth 1nlh and nd TwentyflrM 1nllr dii diitnc sliatntD 1
lutve Iteen mclorwil mclorwilby
tnc tntD nt < reenectlvelv 11lv 11
by I the I th h Independence I l lal Lagie Lagienrpo agte agteOorge
l Oorge nr nrpo i arew ha h hew len riornmatetl riornmatetlfor nomll1 nomll1for
for teemhly mhlv bv IJ the 11 PemocrntK rmoAI in II the theTwentieth Ih IhTwnllh thurwnm
Twentieth rwnm Pt ii ilst 1lrc1 1lrc1I tnct tnctThere rittTIivre
I There Ti ha h hut been n more m dickering 1krnl thi thiyear tlsiyear hi hiIhAn
year than ever r before Ito by h Hejuibliran Hejuibliranand lelhIC
and pemocrntlc lmoMIt candidate nrloall e ierinlly ierinllyIn 111
In the Ih close cl di distrjc 1lrcu trict for Indejiendenc IndejiendencIx rnrlnrtI lndiendenoLague
I Ix Iaaf Lague > ague Indorsement Indomentl and Ad bid ranging anpln anplntrm
from trm 1300 1 to JlJOO SI 1 500 it i I alleged alIt have been btenoffered In Inolee beenoffered
offered olee for them William Wiia J Taylor Taylorchairman T4ylorchara Taylorchalriran
chairman chara of the county tunty committee Cmmltle of ofthe otme ofthe
the Independence Indpndeno League Lle raid yesterday yesterdaythat lttr
that ha h knew something of the son or was waagoing wasgoing
going on and that thi they thr were e trying tr1nl to toton tolOP tostop
stop ton it I He regretted fKltfd that some crooks crookshad crokl crookshad
had cropped crlPd into the organization ogAnlzllon and andno Andno sndnoefTort
no noefTort effort ln b ne Mid Id would wOlld beepared par to n weed weedthem weedthem d dthm
them nut nutSupreme nutSupreme It ItS4pm
Supreme < ourt Justice 111 Sttpleton 11111011y ve rester resterday ter terday
day y decided that the tb h recent n league leagueomention Ia IaI1nllnn heaguurntivcfltiofls
omention in the Ih Third i ongrewi nl eii eiitrict Ia IaInct 1 1mrjet
trict and Fourth Senate HlIIA ditnci wcr wcrnull w wnlII wurunull
null and void and that I new n nominal 1Inlnalioll 1InlnaliollmIImnrt nomninistionitmust lone lonemu
mu mIImnrt must t 1 lie mnde mndei modoUHIS
UHIS 011 i nr 1 r till rnt rntHeianllemminVe 1 1II 1 1htrHss
HeianllemminVe II htrHss a II lie ihl II Pn1eiths c HI l amtMtlcn Irlln IrllnIII FriniII I mm mmIIU
IIU III II home llnmeAtfiivr IInrnA homeAl
Atfiivr A Al 114 scv Oct It 4 Mr 11 and Mr I lrs John InhnPi JnhnHI s sflit
Pi flit came m down from Pro ronl their hI Mummer home homet hornal
al t Thomnon todny and all l wilrbent at the II Hotel HotelTen Iln1Tnn h IntelTon
Ten Kyck until tomorrow afierniMin afierniMinMr aftrn aftrnIr
Mr tr anil Mm 11 lra l ItI > u t are sir to if attend it tnd nrl the Ih WK WKding wI wIlInll wuilI
ding I I rig tomorrow I o morrow of I if Mi 11 t Cornelia i ornc It YOIIIIR YOIIIIRnnd V ui tt ii iiand I IAlld
and F llniley 11111 anderhoef thOfff of Vew s ork sorktty orkiity r rIIty
iity which oci wlra um lIr here h to norron T To Tonight r risight I IIIIKhl
night Mr lr and Mrn I Pix Ii ntnii the thebridal I h htorid1 hieIridiil
bridal dmnvr given by It the Ih bride puentM puentMMi U
Mi 11 and Sir ir 1 Moral I e 0 < > Doling Dolingt 11
1 t i oirtnin 111111 unsil inl 1 Mr I hr Pix ls lomght lomghtthat timsighiI
that I li il I ltuIIIIllll luill liii I I m tiust > l mikea rns k is tour I iii r of the Ih I Pt Sill state statebut t tbitt
but < linl hi I iondii1 iruj 11 lit my tis I enmiKiign 3 IIII III I IIIIII s I Ti from frominv
t inv home 1 Thnll 1 hotioon oll I am to 5 keep II II1Jl ku p an anItigigertieMt altlgap1isii
ItigigertieMt 1Jl 1fI mnde before Ir I wax nomi nomiliateil tinniliui 1111
1111 liateil I i I for rtl nIrr ittertior ryiir i o i l > > MI k khdll next nextVdln it t tI
Vdln hdll I > < iy e i elllng Itefore I tifrt r II < ti > Wnh Vii ab abillKfon Ii IiUi
11111 Ui illKfon ittti I oiiiitv irniiice I irniiicennil irHmigoartiste
artiste 1111 ansi 1 trpilsh riiiblv riiiblvIteptibhoini lIIhl nrtiInntin nrtiInntinI Iln
Iteptibhoini I tupntls iii ri and ii lii 11 I PenioornM I uizl nO nero < m t noninntd noninntdai Ison I 110 t iI iIlad
I lad ai night Ii I itli I for r fi r Hie I Is ivnaifi 11111 nhs I ii and 1111 ii ni I mbl mblIT mn Isl Islr
IT r H ae 1Jo i IIOWH
H iipjiim iipjiimn f 1 1n IM 1 1Mil
Mil Miln
n I IfiirM II IInt tftv i ift uq uq4n5 t tJ
< 4n5 nt J i i I II I I Hrirr HrirrVrrl II IIh tiirtrriut
h trriut Vrrl i II lenn Ii ais I I Intt llnir llnirmtil U UmI >
> mtil > II f 0 ri k I Im n > stirr stirrKmlilj
Kmlilj m ielij 11 s i miiii n t Miimm MiimmTnlil iInnumtIi IIm IImhm
hm Tnlil < M 4 liMm iiMinnn iiMinnnriiWl so In inS
S riiWl niult 1 0 11 ° litrr Ipt llimi II < An Anhn n nrmlir nn
hn rmlir n t s e U t III mi ii UnihiH UnihiHV i itifpi itifpi01114n h
V 0 Tll r < MIIHnin IIH II lluMM lluMMirrfilt 111 igl
4 irrfilt 101 II I Lit t t I Its V ir rf rfMrll
ts Mrll t W IUrl rf I I r nnl nnlt An Ann
t MU I I Irnvr
rnvr n i Henry Inr0 U lrlor lrlorrrtr Irinenh
rrtr nh tp M Slat 0 t lomnn 44oinfl4nte < I
trnnlr in Jam I I rlfr irwIys rwl rlfrmbl v I I IMl
Ml s mblt M i Lull Mtte < flrrtloa I
I n > t flrivysc if f fM r r P PPr wrt wrtnr
nr rnr rnreit SrP SrPw
M w C N 44e5 V45 AS ASf1I
f1I spS flSSN If PPseee f fff P0S P0StSp
tSp Ut5 ff ffI PtN 545Se PWPM PWPM55u5
55u5 504 PP q5 q5I
I i
5 I P PI
I 4 4M 5 54I
4I W Ww ff
w 0 0S
S p 04 04M
5 0 m
4 u M 1 1I 1to 4ir
ir S S I siI siIn
n 0 iw 0 to toIIItw I U t
0 r p ai irA irAINr
INr ir iw i1 i1S
S 4 p 0 0 A0 0FII4 ai e ehe
IIItw he aiw i Ptaif 00
0 4 at s e1W e1WS
S Is 11 1M 1Mt 1Mr rwt 5 5w
w s k weIl4
t Il4 + w T MiusaruI wwl wwlIA5
r JIb JIb4f IA5 4 Iews w4ai4 w4ai44e
4f 4 eft I JtofiI M4 114 + wewl wewld I
d w wWe
1 We tIt 1N0ft ill o1ws w weo
eo Ii 5 c 4wI aip u 401 401M
M ae4 P Pi Piw4 uII t
w4 s lb II IIf IIW tIaPta tIaPtae
e t af5 s 15 r ft5 ft55waite
5waite f Me 4tan atoPs we Pt4af Pt4afl
l S usply W e UIto 11 fr friIS
iIS W Sw sIa aiapse aiapseSw I
Sw Aq0rIs 0Si4 0 5 5I 54Sml05 t I II
I 4Sml05 o0 wP5 iIt et It Itft 4 5 5e
e lsS Pt ft ppbhso pwt Posit Posita 1 1w
w a A I Pit ftroOC ftroOCt ffSeCA a af
t pai4 eP5 114 Ps feaee I Ic II Isot
c HI HIIt 04
500 It 1wt owp44Psl 1 iv p Joc JocIIc 1m 1mlit
lit IIc Iioy Iioyn Iioyt V S tpotIAs tpotIAsr1t
n to Pai etfiieA if S Ps Pstiwsi
tiwsi 4 t 1w a4 eft eftC rg ie Pit Pitw
w r i5I C 00M asd hSae 4 4k 4ork fa 1wtva 1wtva1wil
1wil 4w4 hW ws k 1041444I Pt flwai4e
ork t 154 isr4 P0t Ptv stiuspa II IItft IIleft
left wfl n i I s u0 4 4vl I It
vl t l f V0uCIVA 1 1ftOIfn SOPsai SOPsaiaa4
aa4 f i ftOIfn st stIt tsn tsnui
ui 4 IIi SM h54 t4tat It wr roo JA JAw o ot
t ewy w wole tS It JI 11 54 PI I IIIt IIC 154 154ts15
IIt 1 b1 Iwii rn rjI 4 Puy PuyI tv tv11ohu
11ohu I I si git
or Ler ite 1If1 Uvrflent i4 i4ini Ih
ini 1 11 4feee 1IcI tpis Iuteritl IuteritlSteftSltIi Ir Irun
eit un SteftSltIi n i > n of t latwer er he h kaid 1 Male MalenNl tlI tlIIeklo ftisIeright
Ieklo right inii us11 test > lie e iH o r e 1 hy the t ful fulfilment rjtlh fisitiloosit ¬
filment tlh if f Stale It 4tl dull Ini II l the Ih feat gleetI featIn 1 1I
I In u Sierement uf u Cot n HIII 1Ih1 IISIiIPIrA > I < H Ihji he h lisa IIKKtiMht to toI I Isughi
aI tiMht W thin I hi le I III leaisa leaisaSI oll ollMi
I Mi II HtinvMin II wtiil III that he It t l hi h hh i aaii aaiit o oriatm
riatm t oil the h tiitet land flatly for it i t inn innlllll eontinhiatwu n nI1A1
lllll tinhiatwu I1A1 IKe of the th ltllI tollcieN i of I e bY V Illltfher Illltfherami v vilisil
ami 1 thit the Ih Iwtie 11 of f the Ih pteeent ions carnl un unn
l u n i whether hlh we 1 dull to go at t forwaril forwarilhark forwarilor
or hark Paekrh harkThe akTI1
TI1 The inndldlte lIIlirtI nest tonk Up II hi 1 opM opMtienf oppt po pot >
t tienf n John X I fIs fIsr liiiIw > n nfwi
fwi r Iw veitr 4 Ago alt ell he to aid 01 Mr Ir PIT PITran n
II I ran 11 fr the lit office m of r Iieuteuuntdovernor IieuteuuntdovernorI 1IuIuanlI t1rnll t1rnllUo
I litton Uo 1 platform which in eTect ftCl denuind denuindl
l > t repeal 011 of the Ih public er r ue it li I las laslhat
1 lhat hat 1 platf plalfJrm > rm reoke klly y denounced s hat hatit
it calle 111 < l governing the I h he State by to P7I cum cumi m m1n1IOII
i ini 1n1IOII ion and called dl nlnf for sir the Ih abolition hol un of ofthe rofI iifthi
I the th sYstem y tem lK I lhwis > ei Mr Ir l IIJI > li call 11 for fo it itno ItIhim ita itaIwlitiofl
Ihim no flits I hi years vearplatform Ihusosratie Ihusosratiepletfrmn
platform iontain I1JI s the th stiepuiosma u piriou 111 pro profeecion prllfoll lit litfrwinti
feecion that our opi opponents > onent lielleve 11i in inthe InI inthe
the I reo Minable > nBI regulation tlaunn by h the h State SIIIIot f4tteof Stateof
of public iahhsi erMf r corporation toll tollthit I I IIhl > IM IMthi
thi mean IIIa reonabe for inntuiice IJUlI tn tnthe IIIIh iniii
the Ih ey r of Mr Ir Iarkvr aII n and Mr Ir Sh Shee Sheehans h hhll e ehan
han hll hans K clients Iit or n reaonil > le from rno lh lhfnndpomt Ihanrtpolnl thu thuatnndpuint
fnndpomt of n the Ih State StateSimiiltaneiu 1011SlmultlU1I SttteSiniultansts
Simiiltaneiu with IIIalr Mr lr IMxa Ilx mwevh weeh h of ofncrepiatue nfI1Nlalll ofile
ncrepiatue ile titantu III whlih the Ih IMnivcrntlc IMnivcrntlcatiililate U Ueariditatu
atiililate < 111101 pn 111I11 mi e < if he h became l titi Cn Cnmnr o oemor nmor
emor of f the Ih State to I turn on the Ih earch seorrhlight earchllght h hhlhl
light and drive In the Ih Illnrk Hoi e Cavulrv Cavulrvout
out I of buHlneH 1111 Mr Ir Stimnon wild ltl hat thntsnnior t hlor hatfunator
snnior or Tom Grady who took H tear tearful 1 tuarliii ¬ I Irill
rill farewell of bi h Albany activities 1IttIVII It lwt lwtKiiring haistisprirut 1 1fImlC
Kiiring when h1I lio Viv hugh we a making makingthr 114klnhr timiskimigthu
thr thu hr > nitivitieH rather unfruitful wi wiiiineth WtAittliet
iiineth ittliet ly being lin r retiotntflitteil Hominine < l to the t h ha Senate SenateWhy StonIWh SenittuWhy
Why Wh w s he h going l hack > to Albany U I he hegoing ta kugottig
going back to aw 15e41t > i t in the Ih rout of the theHlack 5 ta talIIo1k Pie PiehlIwk
Hlack Home HoIal1lr Cavalry lo I leisul d tho IhhrK IhhrKa iii charge hsrg hsrggiiInat
1 againnt a < in tlitwe I thii h redoubtable Iollhlhl horsemen him hlinef himIf hitissell
sell ef If riding a milk white hit charger Tim Mail Sullivan 10111Ih11 Mailhiati ¬
livan on hi bus right and Jim Iruwley on onhi onhll onbus
hi bus left Mr lux 9iiast < iuote Iot In hu nfieevh h of nfarceiititticn ofa ofarcptitTiC
arceiititticn a II from drover ro Clexeland ti vetanal 1 and andhfce allelh analhis
his h len l 11 i comtuiml by l ht mlinlnng sup mipporter supiWirter 1 1Ih
porter the Ih Enrning Fn niq lot to I Grover flmverCleMland I Grover1vLanil mi r rTIIII
CleMland Twenty TIIII eveii year a ago agoiroxer egorn 1t0 1t0OnI
iroxer rn r Cleveland in the I h Intenvit of good goodgo goodgoPflimflt oocJ oocJlto111
go lto111 enmient demanded of John Kelly Kellythe iII iellythu j
the Ih then Ih bo I las < M nf f Tammany T4mm Hall that thatTom IhaTIII unitrin
Tom Grady nhould not lie I letuniwl to n the thel t hi hilegiItuire
l 11111 legiItuire > gl ltture Will 1I11r ill Mr Pis follow the Ih Ihalllll ex example u uatitlili ¬
ample of Grover Uro teelanil and till I try ry to toexclude toaliiii
exclude 111111 him from lh > Ixgi 1iIaIIn < lature itt Ilemernlier ittiieiuilr too too1111I11
mernlier that I Ius llrndv Iv mill lit Tammany TammanyuMixian Ianlmanaba
aba uMixian euit fiirni tiniiihl Inllh h > > l IHe II out of f the Ih I nine ninevot nm nmts
vot 1 ts ui II favor fa VOl of lI lliU hliI < at the h ins t 111I when whenthe whena hn hnh
the a h ha li 1IIIIhlllI htq ublicun iii l Iaisri IM uirtv wn W cleaning < i out outit i siltits
it its I own Hlack Home I < avilry avilryTh il i I ITh Iry IryTii
Th < lteiiibicati IIIIU landidate anllI iiinli 1111111 < l Mr MrI 11rI
I Pt > n S H iii tutim laIIIUI iit of hi I ptMitlou ltlt1I favoring favoringan
an honntt < lo lnwyiwtal Tiward revision Inll of th thpreoent thiprascot
preoent iniiuitmin tariff and JIll then men mentioned mciitinnai nntann1 ¬
tioned Mr Pixe nix dirixtornte in the Ih Stand Standarl Mtandwrit
writ Mall alI Patter Ia Compnnv omflUlv of which hl11 W WHuppiich WHIIIIIh A Aliiiliuih
Huppiich Mr Ir DIXK Ds Ixwlnewi ttiasln in uis partner 4MIIr and andnow andnow 1It1 I Inow
now chairman of if the Ih Democratic loomn < lIc State Stntecommittee SI SImmlll Stateromnmittee
committee mmlll i vicepre vlCfld1II idenl At the thetime tht11m thetime
time the rel revision Jllon ion of the th tariff wan under underconn IInrtrNn urnrterennaideration
conn ennaideration deration in November lixvi Mr MrStimeon MrStimson 11 11SurtJlOn
Stimeon paid that Mr 1 Huppuch on behmlf behmlfPaper IWthLIfor balf balfor
or the Standird Stand 1 Wall Paper Company Companywrote Comr ComrWay Comrany Comranyrote Companywrote
wrote rote a letter to the th chairman of 0 the th I I IWaYII IWays
Way and Means Ilan Committee asking that thatthe lhatIhe thatthe
the ad valorem duty of 25 per r cent onwall onwall on I Iwall
wall paper should be raL raised ed and then thenjoined thenJoined thenjoined
joined In a concerted effort ello of the th wall wallpaper wanpaper wallpaper
paper manufacturer to hare ha the duty dut of
25 2 per r cent raited ral to a minimum of U per percent ptrIOnl prcent
cent and a maximum of 45 a per cent centMr fftI centMr
Mr I Stlmnon SUm mid lrt that the greatest 1111l greatesthcncflt t tIteneflt
Iteneflt l nf1t to th people pi coming from the theIayneAidnch Ih IhlaIdnrh thelayncAidrich
IayneAidnch revision ialon m the Ih machinery machineryt
5t > t the Ih tariff board urged IIr by Iremdent IremdentT I IreaidntTott 1 d I IT
T Tott lt which Iuh will III make forever 10 imMitie imMitiemuch imjwsaihlesuch I Ih
much h diguntlng d ItIttnlC erene n he ut that IMlel IMlelt1 hanselp4t > artlci artlcifwiid
fwiid p4t t1 al m by 10 Mr Ir Pix PixUeviaioii I I1IlliiOlI lixittvisinls
Ueviaioii by the Ih Democrats its de demindd ii iiininaiad 1 1Indd
mindd by h Mr 1 Pix llr Ir Htimon said naidiwein saidseitia
iwein m to I the m old eyntcm at of downward downwardrevimon rlwna rlwnavlion downwardrevlifl Mlrll
revimon for to Hr everybody ryhlly e cist I and all I an up upward upArd upward ¬
ward Ard revi revision Iall icin for hlm himself hlmIfTIr himselfTa ef efTo
To TIr Mr PIXH Pis s charge baj of Republican Republicaneutrnvagjince 1trlhlkan Iteptihulleanztrnvagftflce
eutrnvagjince 01 IaK Mr Ir htlm Htlm11 on retilled rll that thatthe chAtI thatiii
the I iii h Democratic candidate AIIlId doe not notssunfy i iify I
Ilfy < ify a single 111 It I item III which there Ih had hadI hadburn I Ibeen
been I want or m n which the Ih expenditure slitu slituan xlnhituruSan i iran
ran an b I reduced r iluaaI u and nad d tiki II what hitt Mr MrI Ir I IPlX i illlt
PlX I mix pro PratlwSs > e IH i to nillmtltljti for the I IIHtrnMienioi
IHtrnMienioi IIf1D1l4 of if f 0 iov Hughen hugh the Ih ec peon peontfl < on i iomy
omy tfl 11 nf Tamtiuuiy Hall An to the Ih mat matter malIr matter ¬
ter of the h fill n r iit incrrane of f ex expTllltiin1 cxin JI JIflllil
pTllltiin1 flllil in n til State l luutaan > el een 1 1tW 1tWand 004 004IUIlI
and 1JHi It Mr Ir stiui tittiiMai i Aid II I flint In the thet 11 11III iiiaani
t aani tme III ° periiMl irtf the h ex IIn xiisi n of r New luk ork orkiity usrkity
iity 11 ity iucrcf IIH < l Ilu I lii IT r oni nl arid added addedthat tsdleaititt 11 11Ihll
that thi lIsts would not mdirnte irIIt that there therewould IhrId thoruw
would w iild Id be I any 1111 gaul in economy omy liv I Ii turning turningthe Imlll ImlllIh t sirnhtigI
the Ih I hi M SaOnIII1I1 Mttu i I Sovenuiiiit over IIV lo I Iauiinuiy latuimmituiytihl IauiinuiyHall
Hall tihl uluih hi iMen in control 1111 of ut ih ihrity litIy iiiI
rity I Iy S y
Wlh iih it Ii tetriird Jltlll 111 I Mr Pit I ii H fiirnn rI rIn ii < e ef
f 1415 iii n f the mu It mericin IIIrI iourtH 1 of uf which whichMr wiiiallr
Mr 1 lr Mt Miiiifii Itlisoli III 1 iHiiiiied out I that for four fourViur fasurvir ar arIf
Viur If I l t lie h Illllleelf luVll been nil Ii oftiltr oftiltrthe mrh
the I h liepiilliiai Itul IIIIiI psil Iii5s iiuididtte a Ili halite enid siui I that i hn at atthe IIIh ittt
t the h ery a ry inomerit mm rn1 that S Mr Ir l r 1n I 10 i s wni 0 break breaking I n nk nkIt ik ikilig ¬
ing It out lit 1 with thin Ih MrtiMim lfl ilefiniv n of if our ourioiirtH II tsra
a ioiirtH a 55 rt a I lurle r I Murphy i airi hsy the I h I i mfi a who whonominated wll wllII
II t nominated I aniirjlttea lll I him hit us for 1 r iotemor Intrt nmor wai 10 limiting limitingin tusk in g git
in it the mu Ir iity elf Uy r of NVw W ork rk u niiwt titlisti Itnvwn Itnvwni n II
1111 i < uiiilt o < i their ta iniirilv 1IIn in luniing luniingilowti liiOisri liiOisriI
I ilowti Ii s ti Kdwiird Flw ni II hitney hllll a pemoiratii pemoiratiiludgi I otiirntia
ludgi 1 Ii 11 whi IOh Ii lunl Ii iii rendered riti alriil tnool iii mu fiii fiiipiiMiou n nIIII ni30
piiMiou IIII i30 wrvire srv 1 it t t ih I li > city uIt 1 both I sot Pt l fnn fnntnd 1 ur uriruil
t1lIlIr tnd nter itt r he h li I < iiitie III II Judge 1 iialg 11 m favor fie r of oft if ifis
is t fw polltliltl ili I iail III hlId hlIdTlnlll II III II MillUI MillUITurning hi iss issluiniiiig
Tlnlll Turning u Mr Ir Pit I 10 s iiitn itt UNI k on > n Col ColrifHiUirelt I ltl ltlR sl > I1If
R 1If rifHiUirelt edt It Mr Ir Slltlliuill lillm tItilailI iwvid ud udI nl I Itiriftllr
tiriftllr I 111 at lie h I Ir iis < MU > of hi h speech h of oficreptame ofNplan ofIiii
Iiii icreptame Nplan ltiimii Mr 1 lr ISis turn nton the th leader ledror i if
n or > f our mrty r in thin hi Mate and calls 11 him himn I Ia
a puhlle 111101 IlIIrty enem > nn npontle of ilmcoril ilmcoriltn
an agent of destruction Think of the thej J
e 550 pW5O 1s4 r5 r5tii
tii 5 V P PPS t
PS 1 eo IU IUI
E I I 0U 0Uit
it m ba I t Fii FiiS f1 JJ t L
S a fftff tfft 4 V MHMM4VAM tfMiMft tfMiMftM Lrn
5 4 4t05 r to L LMf rn
> 0 0pai M v > I4HMMI I4HMMIt
pai 41 4u f 4 4j
j Mf Mffill r S ai5 ai5A ai5I
I 044 S c
fill 4 PiiW j 45 0 a P0 0
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t5ii5iaii It ft S Sir
ir u Pt Ptb
b r JI 411 411H f c >
05 Pi s t ts c
s sf a H 0 r S f ftr i4 i4S
S hisi 0 05i
5i 4 MpJPs r re
e ac 5 0 0t
t 11 s tr s t Mft 4g 4gwI o 0 1
wI 4 tsJn tsJnw5randiru1 I
w5randiru1 11 1 S = r IN 04 04I
1t l lw I 0 Ppg Ppgt
w t s t Psw w wtf4t a ais
is ii iik
k tf4t A45S Osiaiaif ff t I WC WCft
ft Me fltan fltanJ
I J ewSiPm J4 fI tP d dc farf
0 44d04ferrI c 1155 LA2 LA200a a aI
00a ai Pti I kwit itwu Psthf Psthfit befo befotart
it r4 05 Si 1505 tart I 0s w 1 14 bO bOt t3 t3I
t wi 5S 11 io 5W II itS Ifl0S If I al aln sadH
H bwnv n siwl aravywiy tfYI tfYII e iisa iisaiP
I iP ItoPt aise pi4 C Cfttft psi as
5 SMIftHs fttft Ww5 sot I It 4 aiu aiuSad <
Sad t A 4 4t
11 t aIe KailgaitPshs4rb Ita II t twIc twIcf c cfl
f n stI kit SI tt J
SI it ii I5s fl Ifli tasab m mIt Psi Psi1i41wt
It 1i41wt Sios II 4411 tb rslaifl n na 5 5IbUtS
a IbUtS r 14w S Psi hog a laoS I II c cw
w + jt sag4n4 0 S itsi l1wew i a iw I IIA
I IA 1 pee us ft 1 t irII 1 Stisa Stisai bII bIIt
i 1w t rtr r rmteh h let ieg 1 X1tO X1tOs
s i4 MefPS bai5 bai5Pb if ifttel 1 1r
r Pb ttel 5oa < titt ha KM 1w nulitH t tMr ii iieuai
euai It st 1 t bilee it s0 rm rOv ft ftIMIC iibCA
bCA 4 IMIC snI no w P Pwiii w wata
wiii ata P Nuir lot b wa a gaii sWat sWatpeso
peso bt 4 rtIt IW tI tin tinot
Mr I ot llmlMt inelfcW1 N or HAM Isa mud I iX iXsit M MtltM
sit p I P1w I mH4 1 Mttt4 Ih4 Ih4siti tftk tftkI
siti tltM > tt till I MffVe limMr flOw flOwl m mIr
Mr Ir l H Ptinr4 > tnntr < l sit 11ft i hw II pee yenett tVtt tVttSMMV COO COOltllooo I INujWtis
NujWtis ltllooo petty in ft h hrvtwn Psi 4ttl Pt isKist isKistIi 1 1I
Ii I iwi ho rvtwn it itt ohtilpIy l lf I ta tslwow4t taU
t 4t f thmlt U lill V uu th Ihe tw4Mrfervnrt HtC HtCIh > nf nfiti thai thailightv
iti lightv i Ih Mv I > tm swl el I TK fa xt r K H ovI Klaiivellha n vell velltk I It
tk t wy f nf f W13 IaI 12 whIch h Mr I lUniwnl siikl siiklwe i < l la
we < a lenn utc 4ng t tn steal > l a am it Pwiictiir r i ctu ctunul f > r h Ps ilechtrml ilechtrmlwi
wi 14 nut jn iiMim IfI i m lit < tinp unt iitn nut ftiitif I IIt
if f pe paiujIl 01 l want ft n V talk Ik 11 shoot It h aildeil aildeilnl aI < I
h ki nl diwMiM 11 It in tI lb the ot In uwti1n n nIn t
I In 1 Se sa t Ir ttt r l pUre let It I I ii > n nutM jndoorat indratonuiwiii
utM uiwiii uHlWilv tItIlv soil t tile It this with lh lhn1 per pery ar aronil
onil n1 klttII knswlualg anti I authority 011111 y that th at atTfl atPrKIflt
I Pr PrKIflt ilent Taft IM with lIh IM is heirt and soul ooulin 111 111IIchl
in IhH tl IIchl ht fur KTMN Jet1 oveniment amt amtfi oIltlru
I fi ru r th Ua eUtkiiiif 11 It it m muon < tn 0 whom m h greitlr greitlridtnlmi reitlyI
I idtnlmi ami aid re rtl5t > eot Henry Itn I Htun 8tnain 8tnainfr IIIII IIIIIanol in infir
fir tioeFflor e ern > ir and lh lboo ejitlre nU Ikkel IkkelThere IIc1Thr tkliIThere
There are Ilepubllcan in till com community 1mmlllll cornmululity ¬
munity mlllll wh whit h > suffer fnim tn hr taJath terli when whenth hn hnIh
th mine n of sf f ThI rheoitorx HiK 1111 e eli U I s men menliifie1 lIInItOl1 meniimtil
liifie1 ftiev rhyno ari rti feirful f fe irfail fill that If f WH WHu wioiaeaisi
oiaeaisi u < reMl tn I ihi hi tight 1 for good overnnient overnnientIII
III thin S Si t I it llrtt the tit it ju Just t glory rlory wtiUh wtiUhwill whkhwill ltlthwill
will I hut > due hl to IloogiMVelt will 11 make 11 him himTrmident himtrIdnl hilnilratiiiunt
Trmident in tat latloul of t Tafl In Inother InIIlhr Inthst
other word thny I are easels Ith loyal 1 Mini Miniof Jlllrutlf sonsof
of the ho Fmpirn state that they Ib would wouldhe woukihurtuLly 011101IItull
he IItull rf ully turn U over 0 to Tammany rmll1n Hall HallI helltstitii
I 111 MUMI of their foreboding at to 1012 1012My 1112Iy l3ly
My ly iiJUon nOli w I thtt If New S York it I s U teat teaton t ton ton
on No Noetnbr embr S H mnyeuuly may y e lAily be I Petnocratlc Petnocratlcin
in 1012 01 unit tf It U I DeimKTUtic in 1912 IIU it itmight Itmlhl Itmniighi
might I ha thtt neither Taft nor any tin othar otharllepuhllcnn tutherhpuhlienn lllUrPliloll
llepuhllcnn Pliloll < n could < 1 be elected So So Hitvictim the IhM1lIm e evictim
victim of ll HvIIhobia xiervelt > hobia while hU fancy fancying ¬
tog 11I < that they Ita ar 11 isro lOYal to Taft lire lireplanning air tlrIlnnnilllZ airplainnlng
planning to n do what lt little Iltl th thy y can to toiinwent 10hi to1rovent
1rovent iinwent hit hi hiving h vinIC a second lId t 1111 rm in thai thnwhile IhnWhll thaithute
while lloue 11011 It reminds me II of tlvi tlviplnter II IIlnIr tleitaittstf
plnter lnIr who ltn threw Iltr hIt clown n a afif well wellf willitr
f tr < r foir ir that wnne 1110 thy alias h might wed 11an1 realanI wedand
and be b hle IoIi ml with Uh a boy who bo didnt didnttuni diiInlI ditlntIuri
tuni I out tat I right rightSenator r tightSnatisr zhl zhlSft1l1ttlr
Senator tHtvew 101 was WII in n box nnd had hadto
to I nee fI nod acknowledge nppLvine aNL Count Countyhztirinan ullnly ullnlyMlnl1l1n v vChalnnan
Chalnnan Lloyd CiriotCUm < ln com And Congress Congreenman Cona Conan
man n Hetmet were th other tlth who shored nhnnxlthe shoredthe hl1r1th
the th reoeptiin It iM honom honomThe hun hunTh hsinasrsThai
The Th Hrooklyn Academv I of 0 Mulc was watlammed wasititnhitaut 11 11i
i lammed Li last t night when h1I Mr Ir SUinivm SUinivmarnve SUmnaunorriyeal Umltt UmlttIrrl1
arnve Irrl1 l from rom New S York ork Meantime Job JobHege JotIlisiga
Hege 11 I lot State Sii 11illllt1df1I1 > enntendent of If Inmir Inmiranci Inasirslam
slam 1111 Wilhim II Hotchkie coal 1 Walter WalterChindler WIIIIrCh1I1111r aihterhandlr
Chindler kept th I he audience iid ine in a Imppy Imppyframe happyfrante I Ifram
frame of mind mindTimothy millciTillltllhv mIndrinithv
Timothy I Woodruff chairman of r the themeeting th thmI themating
meeting mI llll introduced 11111 < Mr Mimon by sty eiying stySag y yhilt
hilt that the Ih candidate all lhl < think well of ofHrooklyn ofIIroklrn ofihrooklyn
Hrooklyn and 11 we will how h him on elec election elelIon I IIltm ¬
lIon night how h well we w think of him himThi himThi hiimThis
Thi introduction pleaMHl the Ih crowd crowdand tJnwdAlld crowd I Iand
and Mr Stimnon got ol a n IItliy < uy welcome welcomeHit wlromII
Hit II repeated l al1 the th upcech he h had made madeearlier matiarllr I Iearlier
earlier in th evening pnlll1 at Carnegie arnIotI Hall Hallt
t C tvr T i nITI rr ron ronThurlnn STI1ISI STI1ISIPas TIU TIUIlia
Ilia Pas Thurlnn Iteeil ceaI Ilarne am If It Mrant MrantAnother Mrannother ra raOOlhr
Another Hon Ro11 e elt Term TermThurlow TmlThllrlnw TermThurlow
Thurlow Weed Itanien I ha h hiaa wnlten lo loHenry InlInry toHenry
Henry W Oodilanl the rhairman of 0 the theItipublicon Ih IhHlltlhhan thehtehitihshlCafl
Itipublicon t tluh lub luhss committee lommit on teakerM J IStkrisstitting teakerMHinting k
Hinting that he h cannot vote 01 for Stimnmi Stimnmiunle SImnl1unl Stimsonimless
unle imless > h can U1 be afcatireil this hB the Ih election electionof 111 111nt
of if Stimon will not m moan nn that Ilooevelt Ilooeveltwill
will nm for President in IDI2 101 Mr lr Harn Harnsrid Iki nas nasmqiai
srid 111 that h ha had voted 0 iteal the Ih Itepublican Itepublicanticket
ticket for thirty yearn ya And added addedIhe adddrh addedihe
Ihe rh ides ri now no however hn seem m to he hi that thatthere thatthere halI
I there i a no partv aI v illicit < iuetlon III lon It I I all II romps om to toIhl 10Ihl tothU
Ihl aoinrenflr I1 lIrnl tortay nria that if a man vote votefor votefor 0 0ro
ro for Stltn IlImon on and n i he h should hr > nlrt he elected 1 the ther thairult h hult
rult r ult retaIn not mean or he h di displayed plared a as a allepubllcnn IInpllblltIIII isItepsiblteen
llepubllcnn triumph trlum h hut a per Ifrl rersonal > onal or orpolitical 0 0polltlrIIMumb orpohttlrahtrlumph
polltlrIIMumb political triumph for fo lorCol Col Hoo Itoovelt evelt II and that thatwould thatwould I Iwould
would slcnlfy that w we must have him for tbe tber Ibecallldate tb tbcandIdate
callldate r ndld t of the party la 1BI2 1BI2Certincatu lOt lOtCnUfttrt 1D1CertIllestes
Certincatu of Nomination flied FllrtlALBANY FlltdALBANY fliedAsa
ALBANY Asa Oct 14 HThe Tha Republican Sena Senatorial SenatolAI Senatirtal ¬
torial convention In the NiagaraOrleans NiagaraOrleansdistrict
district rli trlct having failed to nominate nominalcau be because because ¬
cause cau of a deadlock the Ih Niagara Sill If county countycandidate lOuntyca countycandidate
candidate ca nclida I Senator Jamen Jam P I Mackenzie Mackenziehas IAtkenElfha
has ha flied with the th Secretary o or State an anindependent anindependent I
independent certificate rtlflcal of nomination nominationChnHee 1I0mlnlltlonIMn nominationl
ChnHee l A Pooley Pool filed a certificate as II a acandidate amnrtu1aI itcandidate
candidate for or Supreme Court Oirt Justice of ofthe ntth ofthe
th the 11I Independent rft Judiciary Jlld llary party in the theBuffalo IhllIJutJaln theflufTelo
Buffalo district and the th h nomination of offteorge ofrenrga
fteorge W v Heeven fw as n a candidate for forCongress tor01l1tT forongraie I
Congress 01l1tT ongraie of the th Independent Congress Congressional Congresssional onst onstIonal ¬
sional party ny In the Ih JeffersonOswego JeffersonOswegodistrict
district wan filed aIM alnn 111 111n aIMAn
An n Fxnrmoerat amett for lon tongrc tongrcflepiihlhcanus onu onunf11lhllc rr t tItenuhlicans
Itenuhlicans In the th Sixteenth Congress CongressPistrict C CongressDistrict nllre nllreI >
District I itrlc last night III < hl nominated t Samuel SamuelHell Hamuelflull
Hell 11 < 11 Thomas for Hepresentitlve Mr MrThomas MrThotnas lr lrThnlllA
Thomas la I a lawyer law al 2 01 cxi J Hrondway He Heam II IIilln lierain
am tn New > w York ok thirteen th year yn ago agofrom AIIOtrum egotrain
from Waco Tex He II was n a Democrat Democratup
up 11 in n few t aiw yean yftMlajtll ago 0g Then he It went over overlo tvsrI r rIII
I lo the III lndeM IndluIPfl lndelactstIence > idence Ietigun He II Is I at attirewnl IIIr111 litparai
parai tirewnl nt the nominee of n the Ih Uaguers ansi nll1I ansilii
In I nomination by the th h Uepuhhcnna wait waitin w wassin
in effect If an indoreement Fraiuts Hurton Hurtonllarrinoti II liiirtnnhlerriasoti nOli nOli1Ir
llarrinoti 1Ir Pemocnit M the Ih jirceent jirceentItepreMntntlve harisontltejirsantative 111 111fwlItlO
ItepreMntntlve fwlItlO h from th lilricI lilric 111 111nllII lisirtea4hiIrti
nllII I nliiii in > ame n tlhllney tlhllneyThe hllll hllllTh
The Th Citlen 1111 Inion t lIon announrtsl anllman last lastnight 1111I1Ilthl listiighi
night that it would Ixgin collecting nil III I sig sigfliuiiri IR IRniilur 1 1nlll
niilur nlll with lIh a view 1 to plncliig JutttlcHUlwiirtl Jutttlc laitlraEtiwiuril 111 111lwIIr1l1
HUlwiirtl II 11111 hitti tiittsays M name Hi theCltictm theCltictmI 111111 tIe Citiais CitiaisI
11110 I mon ni its ioliitnt al lIlInt i itnti tlir 11 fahh followiiiu I1III iwi ti g 111 hits n fotirw fotirwit ann n nI ow owI
I it t IH I thoicht I li i gut liv the Ih t hi IfiiU Ii nil 1 of o th t hi I nlon nlonlliat III IIIhal a Ion Iont
t hal iMitn II Pimocratu IIIOImt who wit iught mil milnatit II IIwn1 hutanflt
natit to I 4 ot P in th t ha lIetliti I 1111111 I < Mii or Ind IndI 1111IfII1 I ni hi hih
h I uttl Mifleni a n l 1111 agii ei gi i iiilinnii es h1II1I li uitltt would t nail I It I 1w will willng wtlhlug 111 111lilt
lug ng to initt 1 II tote S aI h for fn ImlKe ul Wlllln1 Wlllln111I111 lilfney lilfneyinder I II
11I111 I inder the 110 5 Inion 1111 I uS sti N emMem emMemenilil urnS utoi utoienthl
i iI inhl
i I
< enilil > omlnallnn omlnallnnJohn nrnlnatlnnInlln ntultnsIloastilin
John tl Ulinn of Mlnny Ity It t the Demo Demorsis fmnor flcmnraa
rsis of ih ibs h Kir Iirst i dl uhiurrt II > inn of Ul lhn > n < roiinf roiinfllr enifltvNit nnhIr
Nit Quiiin Q n I > II iirir If rnnniifsnurer mnnifssa liver
Mkn t 10111 < iouM 1 of Kuntone n toirii nnhll hlp In I IIh Iiilb
Ih he IMmra lItmawrst m rsi of I the Ih Flr t iIri I t hmilsiiaim Psaiutiinigaliaatllrl
lintrlrl flr IIU III Repuhlicsn opponent U fhe fhelev lb h
II lev Jullii 1111 Lincoln nnn of Jamestown foulil foulilJfTr nI1
I a raner JfTr nn stoekhnlafir odlhold holder In thus Ih Kroplrn hmpiraorted mp
Aorited Mills ishl and a bank director j
I lie Ir lIS t 116 Ilk Kkhto
to Gift 0 to lilt thtThe 1h or orThe r rThe
The Social SocialBucaneer SoeialHueaneer S1aIBucaneer
Bucaneer BucaneerKj
Kj y FREDERIC 4c 4 ISM r Hr 1 1V tIf
V If 4 r III IIIlet IiI F Frh
I T 14 14rh <
rh let Ie rntM nur H M Mn
C t Y y I tfto Vii Viig I IIK
f fml tJisin tJisinr
IK g e H 1 Wr r
r ml Ifa n 4 3 mrr Nif f lit f fHnrnf fit fitKchtt tflLiti
Kchtt Hnrnf he Itec Itecne C m mtn 1 1lnc
ne tr h wh nf F thin rfwlt thin4t
t 4t tn t fawn 1t7s Jn ansi l lj rI rIrrJ hsp it itboet
rrJ j the hostr hostrcommon amttr sm4 sm4common 4 4common
common people peopleMm r re rerrcfmn > e erth <
rth rrcfmn attnn f ftt fttm + 1s l lrm
Mm rm m 01 3 wealth tJlthJ thrr Hff sy syNew i i4iewyotkenfflP
J New 4iewyotkenfflP Yorker f > t tr tgy tgylea tr trn
r n r c B I v e emanT 1 lea leamsn i imany
many msn haar U 111 111adtntI iojadYeflSi
adtntI adYeflSiless
1 less lessir
tr irIa g < r rI
I Ia J If Ii I J Jr
55 r rite nseas 811 WR L s vswpsv aaatedas
isi iItHt it irir S ru It utuMtrm I II I IS r rilia rr wr wrWilliam I II5Iltl
William I5Iltl ilia It RtMll U a oeaI tl w lt iteeth l IH Die fv fvt PirnhIsp
rnhIsp II t mmlllrr mmlllrrMlt iwhIItta It IttiC
ta martmi tiC It tapiwiis5 1 45e 45erwtwaiPt
rwtwaiPt Ic iis RfIftl RfIftln W t teirk
1 Mlt Mltfcttrtwut it n sre hwiiaas Wits WitsI
t N Isaac ar voaiarles 0 51w iartItVe iartItVeiinit4
1 iinit4 M ssa1 < also 1 eM eMt t 5 51w55410M
fcttrtwut 1 f th thK 1 1It oWiWptt0 oWiWptt0I
It I K ier r lli the kt html tt isumsi wl wlho I a ptis Mr MrtkM ttr ttrwm IIpaietichow
chow ho William wm 4 K Kwork I hu4w 4 tkM n 5y v vIk Mr Mrl ir irl4iils I INtI
NtI Wd ilMrg 4 It Itn Ik 5rirKM0 5rirKM0warh
work n f fair r th I I ii M > tiM ris5a tiiI i fHiiMttea fHiiMtteain UI UIIn
In Ih osmiikte mI tiMrf rf t i 1 II Is ate IIf IIfhlIthot its itshcstd
hlIthot hcstd iif a1w ioI51c ihWt t II Ilitaiu 14 14m 14rh
l tniHv m iimliftfl
rh SNeM H 1w 5Ijis1 frwm frwmf I it eIeais
i tpfl IY eoamttr mltt rc I Iwis 4taivpsist 4taivpsistChuinier I Ioonlr
oonlr aatwIklal Itt f fair r I the tsM5flPi tsM5flPiJeStlit1 mh mhJIII
JIII 1nlIiC rIiaitt IMh f tot r rI9lt isrte isrtesell
sell III Hfr lit < > VllU dI 11 lirflH > K buaiaaly buaiaalyI HH < y yI
I niiuliiLit lIdll for f > tat tatI iistu I I riasauret anal IUthItI analI
I I hurt P M Mirrs IIIrt rn of f a u ut ithiai 11 1 w h wpshsI wpshsIii h hIn
t In ii I rtir retireul lIrl il In < n Pisr < ir irMlltl 1 plar wei i tsimit tsimitrhattitss 1011 1011tholl1
tholl1 rhattitss slit l lxlll l a i ilf r I 4Vlll v vuiii l XMIIlH XMIIlHr wspit wspithurl h hharl
hurl r S HlilKit f a > Hwi iwegi ii < i itMitil itMitilVllHiin i45tlt i45tltStwitir 1 1II >
Stwitir II VllHiin t I xtnln iorulner 111 < r of if r M < iiit iiitfmiHrir 111OIIOI sitgntlerv
gntlerv iniitttv ount HIM guial I I It 4ItirlaMt a > > riitt < if ifniirh ItI r rIth
fmiHrir I niirh niirhMr asithesa asithesaMr Ith IthIr
Mr Ir Hiippuclt 111 tMi Ih il hail not I III 1alial5kleat HH HHI
I al5kleat < H > M a as yet wh whether thr up I nor Mr 11 I III Isis Isiswistilti n null
wistilti ull take th the h tutnp lIlIn fhit < ixiin PtfiSatbing ixiinthiliK ru ruIbllllC
thiliK l h > Mi piui l tluit Mr lr I l II ix t will iMVf t tm Iul tsettle
m settle ttl for htniK hll11 hll11lhalla lf lfChan lfthatig
Chan lhalla < i > > t wet inii rnxsaha 01 y yaitsriiy st nliv in the thii IhtII theploti
i ploti > Uin fur Jmiic ltoii 11 II Parkers k 5P4k 5P4klag ik iktnc
Dar tII ti tour ir It hail l 111 n Hrrantc rrullltPOI i thut h hhixiltl hahI he heahiwilci <
hixiltl soaks lu hiss Hr firid < > t aII iililmu > III HuITilo HuITilou
nil u Mnniinr nuht i 111 > ut it we nt not rNMit pwsuhi pwsuhito H < l ltniibtnlti
tniibtnlti 10 blalll is uitAhli > bali in HulTilo for hut Ihiilwvvnini I hilIvenill hutivCttiii
wvvnini venill Jiul li hue aill llln II1 swik sik lk in UMIII t l5tti inntmii inntmiiOnTufoiiy IIIIdUn
OnTufoiiy Un night lie h will i Ph > > ik < k nt 1 Klnurn Klnurnml 111111 nhIrastat
stat ml 11110 in llin lIinlthAnun hanit < > wn In WIIIL < ln > Liy niulit niulitIt
It him hi iilfto lI wI11 Ixwn nrninctil for him la laIii < > 1lk 1lkIII Nik Nikin
III Anluini on Kriiliy rll niKht fII hl Kl hialwurut inl M MShrpwini aI aIShiepuirsl
Shrpwini Innl is nl nln n to I m IIIl1kI inisk k > ii tour ut if r tht Ih Stiti Stitirraii6iin tuit tuitArrwtigemasunta h hrllllnt
Arrwtigemasunta rraii6iin rllllnt < nt S PIi r ixiiiplt ttilltaMt > il ymi ri ritL r rLiy
tL Liy LI for I the hi h Tumniinv ritltiiiitmn of f tli tliStatw IhI thiState >
State ticket t unci rl plat hilatrmn 1111 form rrll Th HIM rhiiwill m nI1 ttn ttnwill
I will 111 I ha h hI held l < l In Taminiiiy Tall1ll > Hall IIIIJII nrxt Tnt Turxilny Tntahoy
ahoy 11 IU 1lrl it < th < > miHiiiii in I II lie hill hillthiT hailthan 11 11Ihr
than will I > oiitilixT n tuietttia H > tlnti 1111 > nt ii which whichawehee hicli hicliKtwohMH hlthw1I
KtwohMH will I M ninl I < trot rn four ntumN ntumNiiioni IIIIIIIIIIIII1 statistahiiaulg
iiioni thox Ih I hi a w who ln hl > havo halnIII1II halnIII1IIII hi ei pnitniMxl 10 hiliiWi I t to < > n INIt vik vikar k kal
ar II Mnrtui W V lattloton t ontriwmiii ontriwmiiiWilliam ulngriwsrmtuatlViliiiiti n n nWill
William Will I III SutT 1I7 S So Stsair nnti > rThnm i > K Omy Omyollllront111 liroalyongrauwinimiti n ily ilyIVmiiriiMHinti
IVmiiriiMHinti Jninrw 1111 Iliirtori llurrion llurrionWillinni IInrrnlIhl1II 111crriMtnVilhiani
Willinni SohinT mill d loln 1 > K Mi kltll kltllIIrhl1t tnvr tnvrmrtKii yrc yrcIehn
mrtKii nut fllt n 11 1 is vvs srir iIITlJrnmllt srirHrmorrnllr sgtyiemucrnila
Hrmorrnllr Inncrrx nne > omlnntlnn a aRoIIr st sthtoctirstrr t tHnrtirttrr
Hnrtirttrr llnnfnrth K sln1 ln < t Him HimHoriintTFn IIlnlltocIIUTFn hintitocil
HoriintTFn itocil Eaten Dot I IiS H I I JtvirK rII I IWktr IWktrformer lok lokI laakarfortiter
former D 1IplI pnv V MinnnylitMitril At lIorllIir1IInllllllII1 tnrtiy sral sralnoniinataaI wi winommitml
nommitml for fn i oriKn aitignas IIJ H hy th ths I 1IIIfI 1IIIfI111I hrnwnitoIn > rni > < nit nitin
in th the iaiuint imiy convention hr i r i t tiiiii 1lIIltta 1lIIltta1nIIII111 tsttighitI
111I 1nIIII111 I hititius iiiii 11I S llivin llivinran wb wbI who aIa aIaI
I 1otual Ort eisru s lslrialga Ih mite Itllhli ItllhliII hthitihljlull
ran II linl 1011 r it tin MP11il 1 < liil 1 i ulairtion > xrtlnn xrtlnnHimiiK lust lustI
I HimiiK apri nlll ti g il iItI 1 vlin 111I11 i tsil l t airtpt 111 a riMinminit n lIolllinn ion ionHH ionlii
HH 1 w W1I1 > nt i It tat < t Hi I In iiitivintton 11110111 t 1III tattilgist nicht hl and andnotnitvil IIn111111I1011 anilnaittiinatd
notnitvil 11111I1011 > l lhakr lhakrThai kir kirlh
i lh lc piilihnin ullllcsirla < linil IXjxTtoil jaatuiI i inominal1 IIIOIll1l1ott Innttithiata
nominal1 Htatf Tr frtnourfr riioinn II IIhiinn IIIitin
i hiinn for < nnirt olllCIIIIIII on > nuiii iinri antionncnl antionncnlliit
liit night l1hl ihit lie h had i IIIIIt iutit > l llli I i I Ii IS
i lli S il < nomine Mr I r Dunn I ii miss itmiiKol ahii h ii gail 1 hit hitmuni h h11I11I11 iii iiioa
muni oi u > r tnilit lIi unl SPit Ih tin unll riling nli 111II titifluit
II 1 1 lie Ih S IhIIt ht I S IliaD I 1111 iui I ill al ii r list I he h i utilit utilitnnt 111 111II nh I Itint
tint II nit > t > t tii S II tiinilnitiMti 01111 ti llrnrv llrnrvl I 1 1I
I l 11111 > anforih nf iii h u liwv I ii wyar r viii tnt I t iinnipaic niii il ira 1I1 I II < i il
l 11 iv > v iht i hta < Itipiililu 111101110I htpiil ii Ia an anIWiih It Ithttlhi
I IWiih Hirlifi oofnf > i M th hlr ir nommn nommntlon nnminn5Infls
tlon loilnv I uun t tin t in Ivmiwratk I eritt a lioliiinc lioliiincright hula liui liuiI
I right ivumtitHiiin On nt1nIt ials nnd th l 1IoIIIUIIII 1IoIIIUIIIIII llIiiiirlsnathree < > pul > liran liranthre >
three II > Uoth 1Ihf of lhi h > Monnv 1lIr itiunlv 1111 Scnn Scnntnr tnI entI
I tnr 10 avid thr 1 nf f th the It MmMrnvn a < lr dechineit lrrlmwl 1
rlmwl to I IH I r1Ifi 1flaiidsts 1111 < llt > rt liCaltl 1I llln l VII vnilW VIIW yrijiw
I W Plullips at 111 > t r II Vlitr w are r ro ronotnln renornlnittd A Anomlnnt
notnln nomlnntI nornlnittd nornlnittdhopper tr < 1 1lloppr
I hopper anal nd Hmrtt nt to toJohn Campal5n Campal5nI ampahmjuJohn
I John J Hopper the Independence IndependenceI Independncetfaaue IndependenceLeague
I League cue candidate for or Governor and nndnilUam
William R hearst candidate for Lieu LleutnantOorrrnor LieuwnantOoynr LieutenantOovetncr
tnantOorrrnor will in tarton tart on their ipenk ipenkInx peMttrig ftlc ftlcInlll
Inx tour of the St Stt49 t < t early Ir next week weekCiov weekGay ffk ffkGo
Gay Go niittenoetto lIlte Gort to H sracuse > Tacatr to Hcglitrr HcglitrrALBAXT RegistetAt15aNY tlIltt tlIlttL8A
ALBAXT L8A Y Oct 14 ItOm Gov Horace Vhltn WhltnIprt Vhltnleft Vhirileft
left on the Ih 1 ISO SO oclock train this after afternoon aflrI afternoon ¬
noon for Symr yromiae < He U will return r urn In InAlbany tlAlhallY taAlbany >
Albany after nflrCELESTINS rcisturing rcisturingrVicwvi IIrinlZ IIrinlZI
I rv rVicwvi rVicwviNatural ICHV ICHVi
Natural NaturalAlkaline NaturalAlkaline NaturalAlkaline
Alkaline Water WaterA
A delightful dtIl6 l table tablewattr fabltwaf fablewafs
wattr waf with lth highly highlymidicinal hifhlmldidnal highlynsdlclnal
midicinal qualitiet quallUtsI ft ftAik
I Ask your Physician PhysicianOwitd PhlclaQj
Owitd O 4 Sy T tnj 4 bottled tetlltimiitr bottledselfp 044r
miitr 4r Ihi Si h jltttt ttniral ttniraltl 01 01t
tl t Ik tCS Fittth C Gspsmsi r rsni sl slNet t tNet
I Net Genuine Genuinewitbevt Genuinewltlletll GenuinewI1ket
witbevt Ike word wordGELESTINS wor4Janes or orJanes
Janes Kirkland KirklandII
II > I r I 41Ti CT TI IIBMs lilt 01 01BEEBE ftpBEEBE < IV IVBEEBE
731 rl 2 IhhI IhhIenl
enl n1 lor Ii or tutor ir I
t i 111111 iiwie rimrnrgi rimrnrgiT tlHllrrIMbalnt tNfUttiflstsatmv
IMbalnt S PrardtaS latftt1ttllott IftvsigIni
1 Ie Ienf t WSSUeeHa WSSUeeHatnSrhq
tnSrhq nf esa n N T Or flaiL 0r0Lc 14 14t hieeIst
eeIst c pasas h her Pain t n f5lsnj fi 4 la a ttt t A A1ttoiJR Ap Api w ws
i 1ttoiJR s acaJM gIis sJn l Pranli a ft Anise Awisrn
I 5 55 n n Of f lh h 1w moat pfniniosnt at atI M usyi usyiIn
Mt I wLMsn roiinty mlnC f1Itt f1Ittr coWijusi coWijusia
a hOrg r uirail In ohuintaf ohuintafami a ttI ttIand die dieai
ai + rn yaws U and many otfrsr otfrsrinl ot cba cbaIt chars charsI
tisaIt inl r son m l It fh the h t kmd > Ml r of Uwt Uwtin Usparty npob npobty
party ty in n Sitlttvnn Ihltn roun county and ha baAI ha swrt sresi sresiii 1 1t
ii < t ifimbr m er f yxtn nt aa chairman lrman nf ths thsm thi thiSsitv litelftl >
m Ssitv H lftl IT i timmittee mml H was tvitM I IIthI l Iaad IaadIPttcict > wM t tlH
lH IPttcict IthI fcnt < nornwy nmtUsv antber itmi iia nosmbvr of ofnt 0 0Oft a alit
nt th I nltoun ItkAnWar Water CoraattMion lift twvn boa boae lifttng
tng < n < l Iaain n at ChilnIflhist > lntiHl bv h t the > Ut Judft JudftHits Ju4 Ju41tts I It
Hits t II runt tM Psewn > n marri marritHt lnHc Ill Illftnt I It lP lPfirst
first t wr if itlriirovl IIYCl him sail a jr r latsr latsri lalerm1
i It married m1 AI tuIelahte IA A < MaphNlontM > MomIlt Mom 1onusII
Ilt II > i is now no SIIHK ne liar r for Otvnrcv rfurdiK rfurdiKIntlilxlity ehargingutlilehiiy hsrcincllitiI1I11
Intlilxlity anil ani nal naming Ao n an a Erin Railroad Railroadman l lIt
man It isA iiii siiiaitiottiknt siiiaitiottikntisalaTsun wiotiil nt ntmlir nln
mlir n isalaTsun tin has It been f1 fC1lrinc iirin < promi prominently prnmlnlly hrneilsently ¬
nently nlly In lh she h pulillc e7is y for th the b last f fk few fewsetkm r rk
setkm k Cit 11 lswely lr followins his hi action t1I for fnrilivof foral nr nrIvnr
ilivof al yurw John 1 Hums A liiislmtmt hI man nf nfMi atfMitltn
Mi Mitltn 1 Till 11 hllo lid sLiptiml hln hi face on Ih the pMhlie pMhliefhiiniiKlifur t1hhlIhlChtl puhlaethaaraigkfitrc
fhiiniiKlifur sinai lIt now romxa J con th flits illthtr iIIhtrtntitt illthtrm Ih IhI
m tntitt < nt I iirM ° linfti Anderson Andersonill l h r nor porl1 < l
ill nt tli the Marlborough Hot lIntel N SW w for forkKrW Yo1BROKAW orS orSBROKAW
5 When It comes comesto cometo comcI
I to Mens Clothes Clotheswere Clothewere C1othebWf
bWf were just j u t as aswell a awell aj
j well prepared to tosatisfy toI tobatisfy
satisfy the tastes of ofconservative ofI ofconservative
conservative men menas menI menas
I as the men whose whoef whosefancy
4 fancy f 3 n c y leans to towards toI towards ¬
I I wards novelties noveltiesWeve noveltieW nove1tieWeve
Weve W cve a broad show showing showof howI ¬
I ing of Suits and Over Overcoats Overj Overcoats ¬
j coats in quiet patterns patternsSack patternI
I Sack Suits S18 Sl to S SSO SSOF111 S5OFall SO SOFall
Fall Overcoats Sl6 16 to 0 S42 S42I S42rsTIa 42 42ESTAa 42ESTA1I
lIFcKrnnmcKrtLon lCKXJI On W Wtr WrrtPI4 WrrtPI4t fle fleti
tr t i iam al t Hotel flu L Rrctt > e fW Y Yard Yardtipi ora r rUK <
tipi UK 1 by MnnUtnor Mlrkirl lItlll 1 J Ltrll LtrllM 0 0 0St
M 0 Pttrlrk C CalhtdreL th < lriL lannl CimtuM CimtuMHlrnfll C CaatMilkknvli
Hlrnfll 11111 noli itucbirr daucb of Mr JoI and d Un O X XUlrkncll JoIIIIIntll Alurkerli
Ulrkncll lo Jobn UcKran llecfr t both H HNew of ofooe 01ew °
ooe New ew York 0
AHUSrnoVO An STnOOon On Tfenndsr Sb < UU tattttt tatttttst 11111Jolll103bur StI StIat
st Jobaioaburr Pa MerUrt U AroMrmt AroMrmtof AfIIfIIIof
of Ortorr V i J JruBtral JFWluI 3Funeral
Funeral ttrrtcet at 1 bit III late las ratdtar IM 54 541ad stt sttland I Ilead
land ro road d Orange e N t J 1 Sarardar QXIT Octotn OctoJftS
151910 is S 11110 at 1 2 oclock oclockBUVTON ooIoetrIJlXTOon ooiockntx
BUVTON IJlXTOon ntx T0N On October tl 10 ta tks 51 IM rf rfof T5of
of hr II age c cf Sutaa bclorsd wit of r Enaul EnaulDjJtoa IttnllrSBntoll EaiIrtfliztoo
DjJtoa ruacrsl from bsc liZ rtsUMW id4IVaae f
138 Wtiblattoo lIl rtOQ av Brooklrn Ilrootrl7DlIIIDc1a Ilrootrl7DlIIIDc1aII 8mdsrO 8mdsrOhr 3sday 000 000her
hr 16 at AIUO I 13 JO r J il PieaM 11 omit 8o orw orwtMS owat1 owat1flAYrnooa n nnANXCNncno
nANXCNncno tMS > rnr OOn On Prldar October totlft 14 J JIHr JIHrOuunbtc Jrtflnhientirrg t tI
I Ouunbtc tnnoh ri of 0 Mscoa O fie Ge at t tt AnK A IltoaII IltoaIIIn CsO CsOin U UIn
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