F T 11 11tf
nf ror tI tTrnnw rtrrnnpra IA i tttn 11 i ln
I nJR N tTH P1 PALTf PALTfr Grt GrtrrnlnRrrlerr °
rrnlnRrrlerr r f rr rrH Pr r rMlrnrr
tttrnttrr H ft tr er ert r rr
t r tlw 1s w1 4wte +
1 w 14 1111 1111roo 4 wep weprs
rs w N Mnte Ih t te1 te1twas
twas twasr
roo r m + 04 4r
r 1 a wrww wrwwr
r rb rbrr
rr tgt
04 4 M Mw
w Alwno Alwnoe
e r r ry ryw
w 04 04r qS + n r rw
w ik e wr wrr
r i M IM IMLlt +
Llt r r M w ws
s rq + 1 rash rasha
w a r t1 n s 1 wh whII
wn 1a rave t MI 14 n n1wq 9 9It
It ItL Itt 1wq an4 M MrnMel
rnMel L + IlwIwr IlwIwrn
n 1 41 M r rS
t w a fa I w w11I +
11I 4 e hr se ILr ILraI
I aI 0 v n lhqw He N Nt
0 0I t wIrn4 e1rr
44 M MI
I m ai aih
h owaRrh5 1 f e 1r11I 1r11Isews
sews wr hate C pra prao prawwf
wwf < r I IM VMM WI WIr f fv N < 1 140hhvL
v 40hhvL i > > < xt 4 r rkw tnux tnuxwwl E Er
+ r 1sIrM wa4 4 4ww
wwl ww Mwse hw hwl
r l h pr 4 h 4 t rwiar rwiarA
11 wd i wt E orwN orwNx
x S Id11wb1 t Uri nt ntN < t ti
1 Pi h It n n N r N MIIw1 i tt IYI IYIIn <
111 < 40t 1 h k kw f l lf li 1nn i iaa
aa r Ir4ltlnn nn + mr M r it ita
a e p f II WI e4 r ri rs I 14rw 14rwI
I ha Mh 1 F awwkq 1 hall 1 1w h s se1
e1 w l r 100 + refer tlrr M W Ik I r rIllain
i Illain t < i in x n hi hta wn M > whrnaslr lw lwKM tit Iiidrg titdMlI
dMlI hI lithe mu nIthi 1 n gala galafM 1
fM rgi5 1 I II MaA n wh 04 04n witl witlI
I > n rtelg h KM ha THWV + or h wh q rw tru trurimor tnMrimer U Urun
rimor run < > wn wan 11 i h ati ir r frrh T handr hand handiirl
r ff b M cHI wk hr > Rats rtWM1 > rnnti < l In Inratty o oSh nry
ratty ry th 11 N r pia ru n1lat M Mih r rf1
f1 ih un rnfrrnta r hi mother mot II Sh Shlv 9hakr
akr 1 lv Aititpp r < to inlny n l ny h teo r C Cuocllnlu iiAII < uli Ph Phr Cheri CheriParamwsr
r irjnwir rnrr < n ir A AAII uocllnlu < tnkr no nnRnrt nnRnrtbimlf > Tort Torttu
0 lm1f and 1 den 1 the h wnnun wnnunT nn nnI
T I thAr tu h in mroh N i t > uuirrr IMr h her It Itir ItOW Itir
ir tar h A It iws 11 t rmpi J4 li murti r
But in 4 v rare 1 rr wHI 11 wvlttn w m rt aid anrivr aidtlvr 01 01tv
tlvr < tv vr + + h ih m mul < ui wh hi ta h ha ile Ion IonII loorthh4 > n nvthintf
vthintf II JI in ho 11 worfci 1110 t to < > n uk kv th ta Mm Mmfi
4 fi M i t pr < rr > v < thai hi h i BO Antbnt h < in Nla Nlabnt
bnt < It M tbi mother mot h whu i Iou IouIllrrm > alas MKMr alasNatoI
jtol r Illrrm from hu It hand an snl n1 < l munlort munl unl n ih thwith 11 I i i iUh
with Uh h wham whi > n < KH liiw t hvrvt liv mi tncN lir lirrrr h hI4h liefrcf i
rrr Sh pi prrumhIv im 4101 t > lr kilU oiL ft nr r rnl lt ltwatt
watt nl 1 Nit ul thi youthful hf11 hi It her r of oft h he her
r 0 t unf Iif of hi 11 hIw po ro < iAuiii > f t tn the h yminx yminxNI nlln It Itan
+ an n Fa J lf I > thw Ih > ituf > iin iinml tig fOolI fOolIn1 purtband
and ml irnprtnuu 1m oC MHIIH n mt l niiti r > f fto
to 3 III mow to 1 th ffII rnduig HilUll
i oiwrii 01 olwrll H untiivi uml drnrnt i much mI I rM tooou bttr > tt r than
hie hicn It m I IOhoolnl h unl for fo him to nay
irnrc 1 10 roro i is r wpntb1N pon ihl for ro all II th thi h h
> i hl h story Ifln liHifn < Vli 10 wmnrs wmnrsr omi ornno > n nr
r no dixorcwl do not b bOtn v < > m h >
f rich ru h m men n who ho can mippiv mippivnnr upplron 1111 1111on
nnr on nor no < It < all h huatsnd > i tMn <
I of f Nr r inr tu torV l haco > > o thrown off to ref hr th thir thirw ir irwv
wv w v m 11 linmlcarciii and hUcknuil hUcknuilir h nl lll lllIrT
IrT tr r t hog h < srr Ih nphumonr nphumonrI Ibum ral ralf
I ir of f Th Tha IVnnltj andn andna inil inilon nt I IAOn
a on proclaim ihm in IIIc 1 nC 1unbar
c 4 n I unbar tI in th Ions kin and fT fTSI rTid T v viiari
iiari d SI Art On ih thN h other olh iund to nt woolen
i r > IIM 11 in luxury 1111 ry on th h mon moony moonyv r rs
s > v > hm nr no nine lik I1kl lv lvifpin < >
ifpin 1 10 d in n nil II thflr nml mhlfon > itioni than thann thanwho hanh
n who h prtffr r to k > vp Ian < m mo > t tn IIe
n Ie lik I oihtr ntIt r 1 pnpIN > opl > 11 in n thin thini hi hiT
i nr T env rwi f 1 the h hnalr l penalty nalty lust I all th the wiff wiffUr wifr Ir
r Ur 1 ytrdny y t rflny rlmoon fi rnoon h hart d to toi toth
I i th h pruiliv y of th thr ir view viewwhtrh ncxwhKh co cohrrh
whKh h heat r no pon Irrooptibl ptibl
litoro t a wvpn n th h ir ultimatner ultimate ultimatenor imI imInn
nor of f Th > P PNnaity naltT1 nal would 14 14o1n IAy AV AVH
a n H o1n n nO n h < fart fJa that M n g man man manwfr
wfr f aft + r th thv v ar r unhappy I tHlpp
r j 0 ga frotn mm th14w hw w th rhlr ir r frr frtorn frradotnI dotri dotril
+ l r PLY i ntth4r fair f m mlo lo loi i
i Ilerlir < l n a no n yarge r + l Iilt c of rata ralttoallr rataAId a It I IIOIIt
AId them th m In fact f t it wouldr would I Ir
r rt r tr r withoit 110 if Plainly hM hi hiI htrnir j
mn rnir I h mor mnrIndriaingtron 0 > in < J wmc utrofiely ly e ef I Ihan
f ahann han In n ipplymjr rnm mmt < Iy l lM i
I Ifrwlurat
M M th h cip rt 110 Nns n > of IlitohijrK 1 1r
° r f frwlurat rmiu > it to < o h hlmoroiin hmoroI1 t tWf
Wf w wI
I r te r n s Ar arol I fnr r 1 of nfhe 1 th h wif wiflohn wfnti wifand
and nti playtl th h quasartoast quasartoastp n np
p a with n crrr rT tin dIrtrtinn 11lIon
I j Lln Attl 011 CI Cuyfr 11atit a
t and lohn lohnifr F1nni 1 It thstated thstatedr
ifr r ri ro n on n pliv pl Hoth wa r rrt
+ 1 1 areal rt wj I t
wA a fin purtinti ot otol
ol 11 l t til Io MK w > 1 ruM ruswdn v1n M of ofr r
L I r g 1 ga or the t I hihuloii dprav < < pravity pravityKnf ty
r t i I wA Knf rnor > > i sAlttir li rir U IIArt Harry HarryAvrd rr rria > I
1 ia Avrd Kl h t hnn > n with h roIt r t aln alniilrmty 10 10Th o oviriv
iilrmty viriv rh n nhawlunatural nhawlunaturalAuhor h WI > A naturil naturilHijhor
Hijhor hor did mikx RI him an anon IInn Anv
> on n th the h violin H wtrA wtrAr a ail I
< > il 1 r h rit at Yale Val 111 althoughha hhotigh fh r < I Ia ln
a ri why 11 i would h hay t Ian Ianr > n nr
r o plar rll p tr him at ohjmhia ol ohumbiau > lmnl I Iic
u ic nwlatl w 1 H as th h mother nohrh in n nr I Irtjdi I
r h rtjdi dl na ii with nh h com m of I th thrtion rho rhoi h hi
i rtion of r a irnnd dam IAmatyell I Irn
I tyell the h datlghtr Ihlr we11I we11Imanar 11 11m
+ manar rn M r Th The Penalty oh wa wasr a aw
w r sighou Ih
I 1 f Ill I It llIltf I rs ft 1 M CR ltll ltllh 11 11t I Ifrvh
t I frvh t h or f nurrl I aid aIt nl Orrhlil Ihlfl rnl nl li liImr bbnr >
Imr 1 xrmtirlPh xrmtirlPhi 11I10110r
i for r li hrl rli 1 fili ohlrt rt rtArTton
ArTton < rn who h rid 1I < t on n T 11 Tow Towd ii iil
d > l v tea rtUv 1 mornini in th thV Ihnl thSirnt
Sirnt V nr nt d Paul in 11 11t Sh t tTI tt
> t TI T t IIAfrllr lnr nr Markov Slarkss r rAn1
1 s 1 And 11 < Iear Cflr Mitnniif MitnniifmitffUHi i1ImniNrr rnn rnnOIOC
r mitffUHi OIOC nr 0 Itti H I It tt ttiri
i t < iri frnriki FrlinkIpphd if IPrh > r > li l ilii iliiU Ihh IhNnno
U th rApoon nno thlmx iha h I hula hulat1II i ioii
oii iln IIr on n hi hln hii hiim hin
m n to I 0 the h fhufh and andI andIAnral an anI
> I IAnral floral ofT oBrngs ritiKi > m InlavrI mUifl
Uifl nml orchid orchidc rehutarr elS elSIh
rr c with wt Ih tIt It a wrird wrirdf d do
o f 01 > l in and n > l mrrirad fllm < t hurl ClMrlth Ihrlhn hurlk
< th k hn < n to 0 Krnnr mn on onKdward onA
I ar A tla II ron rono 1nnvl 1nnvli
o i I 1puv Edward Kdwardt tI < t
St u n 1frI Ho
Si t irliUiii Mm MmNT frn frnt
NT t I F frn n Idrirh IdrirhVI
VI f I rntiiJ m aud I gnat m n1 U flu Iud hard hardf
11 i i 1111 11 1111 LlllllL in 11 11I H I srl sr
Iprr l ra li Hr II ltlrrt llrrr In H Hr Ifr Ifrr
r IMriii nf lni al I ftliir ftliirTMr uIsrTIIp
TMr 1HrI w wrfV rI
I t rapnrt rl fm fmI
f trrsrrtrwnranf rfV rtrt 4n of Vttr VttrI
I i Ili I h 1 of if h f OIt OItor Ntlihn Ntlihnr
in or a orW k in IIIor illaruo i i iari
or ari aruo j wil w 11 l piiv piivmo fliovr
r mo n t i Mroin Mroinf inn inns 10 10II
f i s > a I f II i M aylltg ym 11I0 i t t1 Its ItsIN
ti IN i i m git 1 meI mgsaand nl or rr rrnS < ri riI
and nS ilH I i
I rl 1 WI Smn mri an i folk folkiin
51 Ilhl iin wdlwndactI II ij conduct oond t
ntrIt A M irifNfrpFT tt n It ItfI r rwtw
wtw + rrw rn tn elrftw elrftwln fI fIm
m n
1 < f fa fJ
rIrir v + a a da w t1 r + lA w Nw Nwr1I
r1I f bIy J fIw row rowfwnMw I Ir Ifoe
fwnMw yt Isdn f w wS
S w + 111 era tot M I Ilbw
lbw r fair w raw Ia Wtl4Y Wtl4Yfoal r
wwr t
5 ws ww ta + esw w1 w wer +
foe er + a Itts w wwi wwiJUS
r JUS NN rar M ru loeH loeHHI h4bM h4bMflt
flt rIi I 1t rt rte
HI e It fN 1s 1sI
I sWIS dI w Q Qw
w S M 01 NLt7 ss r w wwai t ttI
wai Itt It 4 + tI 1FI lisp lispef
ef r 4q 1 t NL Mr M Mr
CjJir r w r Sp Spw It
w 11 tr
w + 4 i iItwAtlaw
ItwAtlaw 01 01JfItftfI 4p n + tta 1rwM1 1rwM1w
w h Lb ru flui n nt
t JfItftfI rMftr a af
f aw + If r + rw 1 M M tit titT L n nTrue
True T Ile rf t Ir r etp rIrrn rIrrnRI r rr rnw
RI IlryMae + rh r r Iwtaar 1 1hU
hU thr1 eaaMM PNs PNsw
w rla nw 4W www 11a1 11a1wlar 4 4Ir
wlar Ir Mg1yM l1 ft ftI ne
e M r I I M tt mt4 > n i iirtnt
4 1i mbe u was 1 + Iu qlu qlua
a I e4di la + r iPe f IIrI ppe pped1w f f1ft
d1w 1ft fa T fs fs0A T1 II
0A ti 1 t 1 0 h rr1 nff nffIt
w 1 war It tw Ul1 Ul1C PS q + 4 4Lb
Lb C hw moor It ItD flw
w I tb IMvi 1Iendrl D rwn
r 0 0e
e tt + Man1 ItI 114rt 14 14notIC TIM TIM0I
0I I r IH M4rrwlg notIC 05 e in inNn
Nn 0 f1r nolet + rktr lW + ftC i i1hr
1hr 1 w Y H + 1 n v w 1 1I Irn
rn tw t st I 1w t wed 11 11f 0f4h r rMI
MI I t1r1NIM ww Iw i 1 + 7 7ra
ra f Trr f iv Ri Ria t I II
I 4 HIt n Cc tn 1 yw r rt rr rrrtLrr
rtLrr rtLrrar
ar t StAr t I Fwtal PI PIffM Anttw Stt StteI
eI vInIsv ffM as the rr + h Mgt C rkt a + f ff rf
f k r rt 4tws1 n 1 tlla m tnitel Plaf
tow hek w eh 11 nglntsl 1 + s wilt 1 r rw1I 1a 1a4prwt
4prwt N Qhwtr skwiMayt1n w1I Iwoc1ft aria ariaA trl trln
A w k n t 0k I M lIar1l lIar1lI IL rrv A Antth
ntth wNh I tvrww liv Itnnrt tn A wm1A wm1Agene h hr
gene f4 kfakrr r H Ia W WIr wnttn a amrrh
mrrh and twwtp Ir rogM at Ihss Ita JI JIInlln Hmrv HmrvV5n
V5n Inlln tn n nrrhrrt la Itlnc j > ct ctt I II
I walla IIf k lrwlrtaltttnt I almol U y Tara Taranot
not 1 tt rLn pt v Ih the part 1 the Ih bthnv bthnvh 11 11In
In h Pt rlf ptra < f anI nJ t und rttply r for tsnald tsnaldO4IIIAIt Ionl < 1 1I
I oa O4IIIAIt O4IIIAItIilntd II II IIenrl
irtnt < i QiunUn will III rln elna h her r rin WNn WNnto n nn
in n S11a Mi 11 P ry t > at t ih I nd of ih the hula PhiUi
i I l 1lrh4 lphi iphiantatmrnttohgrn ni I1ccm < cmpnt fo 0 r > eln m prvpvnitlMi prvpvnitlMiI pt tvhtInS tvhtInSfnr
I fnr rto h Mr r n romw mm tv csUt c ll i Flnnlckr FlnnlckrH Flnnich rlnntckvilrlra
ilrlra whtrh h H lIfIry nry w i u rga will willand willprwtue 11
prwtue 1 Th plw alaannn tynf 1mn 1mnIran rDn rDnn
Iran n IIr and ni th thwhat the a rnl 1 rhractr twUI wm wmwhat
what hl Iggt i t l th rrtl 1 nf s f Iota Kl r Wjgm Wjgmm
m The Th folia nll t W1dsw w > id < t w II t i hr a n nIhor new newAu w wauthor
author authorIh Au Ihor IhorJ
1 Ih J h ha Shur huhrt rt will add drt s n + lh str tr t tth to toth It Itb
th b ir chain of pUrMu > n Slotutavnight Morutar Morutarni l ndA ndAnlchl
ni night ht when hfn th thy y will 11 op fIn n ih the fUm n A
hub > < ort ri Th Tbl tr > in BroolitTn Th > lv Atllll Atllllt > tiM tiMat I ItOOfIu >
at t Howard arenur nnu and An < t Monr Slnnrntrlt Slnnrntrltnear Ion alrHt alrHtn tr i in
n near < sir Bmadwar hmad and nll clo Lo la th the Utn Utnari tat tatarnu al alAnl >
ari Anl < nu l ratwi utatton Iti n on > n Bn Bnd Bnadwav BnadwavIt > adw r rIt
It will 11 rro as a th hmtfliuanvr 1nr ft ro ter > r th Ihhu tithuhrt
fhuh hu huhrt rt attr Urallnna s otion in ijptiwn rt wn Krooklrn Rron ronIYTIaul dye dyeand
and will 11 h two th the ntnl > n nJ i f + Kunrt huh rt hnu in inth Inth enthe
the th r htrnnh n > mh Th Thnew n w thatrt > hi h hats a ainic wa wamg I Imil
mil capacity CtI < II of l ton to 0land anil Iul hta th largest lAra1a t tMC
MC a tn Prviklvn
1 ear tImmrl tiammrttn n baa baam made arning arningmrnt nc ncml
m ml nt < imilar Imll tn tho thoeto thoof xof or th IheX thNwTb N wTh ThMtre ThMtrehY atr atrwh strwh
wh r rrhr hr ih poor popl of th the Jut F art hid hidmay tildmy SIdmay
may attend prfonnanp of Man ih the theFlut
Klutc Plar rlar r at th h MannatLan Up Opera ra
ltoii louse On I In th h > ooraMion th the > float flr t of orwhlh ofwhrh
hirh will ha h Monitor 1 < > nI erning ir nlne Odob OrlnbrI1 otoh r ri
i ih two urp Irrr + r eaiUn of r tj t h > Slan Slantartan n ntuinan nI
tartan I Op IPra ra Unit will In b be pUr ptacrt l at th thdiiiW thdltoal h hor
diiiW dltoal > i > al of fh h Kan st Sul I idera < I r If t r rat rang rnnitlinit rangI nit nitnlt
linit I nlt from In fo n V s on onriir centI n ni
i 1 fl r1 TIll itn itnt W wrIT lR0l1Tarlntta wrITI
t Carlntta MlUnn III on Get 1 an llnlrr tId for r IIRar IIRarrrlayn j lla llaI ar arrl
I rrlayn rl 1 n to 0 Trflfaloha Tr Tf llf llfa
< aloha a lot 101101 la NillAon I thn Ih uctraa irtr I M who ho i sa i iI Inllr
I a umg Italter all nllr < r N Ij lalwrencalwyn wr > nc S1ynt Iwyn A t 10 10andothn Ibantiotharw 0 0and
andothn and olh > for lon an accounting Iollnllnf of < if th h > prorlt prorltof i iof
of the th play p 1h 1 ha Man On ht th the < B tot getan totAn ot otan
an ord ordr r from om th the ppIII pp llat Dni OIIlon ion of of ofIh ofth
1 th Supr StJprm m fourt ourt vi rMIrtA tTitot dirrotine j
Edgar Kd r S l 1YtI rn to ft tmtifv h hIor > for trial Ira a aI ato
I 110 to th production of th play pia by h Swrn s1ynt I It it
< t 10 I o in n violation of h hr r rtghta i half halfown hlOlfon halfnwn
own r of Iha th play playwyn playIwyn
I Sftlnt Iwyn wyn A fo 0 rf dnv < tn nr that they Ih ar In
I I dhli d btd tn Sh llv h SIII Silloon Ion and nrt ar th thlioucht h hi v vbought
i bought th therel ol 1 richta from Samp IOmpn on H
I IWmhandVr for San nno while hll ttinhandl hinhandlrraUeg inhAn < tr r rallt
allt 1111 h waa acting in M a truntw tntt for l lrenc 1rnc law lawrenr
renc and accounted accoint4to CCOtI Ii to him for th money moneyIllppodromr monrIllppodromr mon monIIlppodom
Illppodromr Danrrr lJant Mrd rd d dfIJ ifrrftlMil ifrrftl terrtllIII
Mil III fIJ Alb Altworuna rtlna Kaaeh who ho la t this th pri primir p pml pr prmina
mir ml mina dan < v at f fh rha h Hippodrome II I rrtOft rom doinc doincth rtolnlIh dntngIhtar
Ihtar th par of th the Indian maid rtIIIirtn n in th h flalir flalirof Ball t tof I If
of f Niagara wax rturri marrid d lat August UIt1I UIt1IJu1 to toAtiguat t4lugut
Atiguat Ju1 Sehn Sehnid idr r of this th Hot 1011 I Actor ActorTli bloTI 1 tor torTh
Tli d rtnr dnr nr r kp k pt th thfory ptory ory oult until y ytrdy r rt <
t trdy Id rdsy when hn ah sha lot 10 < 11 h her r wxidlnc nnc ring
tlfr 1 iniJiri for It lit ih I h r rst t of ih com company rnmpany ¬
pany 1 ny in on n th I h rffrit 1 I
riffsl Tin TinJiHtlre T H IOFn IOFnIII
III JiHtlre tlrr rtirrr > and f Cdlnal ritlnal ritlnalthe IAlcn on onIh onthe
the Ih IVdrlr IVdrlrtowlav rdrlcSailing d dNllllnl
Nllllnl towlav to Ia tv hy th Whit Star Iar lineridrlee liner linerfor IinOOfIfdra
Ifdra for I yn n nrown town and nd M Irpool Llr rpool rpoolMr
Mr 1 t Han Nana a Mr 1 and nd Jlr Ir W V M Mihailvil 11S I
ihailvil 1 ht 1 < Ih h he llr It irh Hen l 1nS ni lutle lutlei 1011 1011h
i herr h Ili Ml I H I I Ihrr h rr Mr r and nS Mr Sir11trnnn Mrlernn I Iotnn
lernn otnn 1 Klworfh Mr llenrr or lianll lianllner Hnlln lisnllnr
ner n i apt AP I I Heilhron 1Ilh Mr I and nlt Mr Iro I IM iIi
M 1 IUI II Mr 1 Helen 111 K Mewlj Mr I f t
I 11 Irv o Mr 1 Morton O h > ardlnal lofii lofiiMrr near near1tr OWIlw
Mrr lw < eara rrlO > e Mr lr < harle h re ilrhrrt M rhrrt mph 1mllhlaS mittilatfl mphIand
laS Mr 1 Helle rrav ray T Tlnr Tlnri > lnr InrPaa
i i Paen Paa ngn er l lIy y the th ttmardr armania armaniafor srrnaniafor mlOni mlOnifor
for Liverpool LiverpoolMr
I Mr I and Mr I f I II tppl 1ppln loP I n lr II r It 1 Il 1flo 1rot
l > irm flo rot T I olm Im < Dinran nM ol 1 Midnev oilfln dn r M Mlle SIthe 1 1rh
lle < Ue the rh it I r and Mr 1 W M 1 Morinn Morinni
i < a pt t and ftd 1 Mr I IMO l > S Vk 1r1l1 < hnl I 1 Tda Til T I IImotha
4 lin Imotha rh Mr 1 and h1 Mr Jr liawon I nderhill lnlth1In1 nderhillInml
And n1 Mr to M ilium H Mill Millflj 11111II
II flj ill h I HatnliurjtAm UunlllljCmlcan rican hnr Clev Clrland Clevland CI
land land for 0 Plymouth lhrbour < i and Ham Hamnir iismerr
nir err errI
nirM M I and Mr I X tldtsm ilium I hhoti hQI Mr f rid nrtMr ntih ridSir
Mr h I It 1 IIrv ienf > Mrm 1 II Ivnuon Mr Mrrili Mrand
rili and I Mr 11 Ir r X I r r4nnt NII nnu Mr 1 and 0S Mr 1 II i iI I IHott IlIrI
Hott I Pm n aii must < l I It = II irfipon omMnnhv nmp irfiponPiwxnger nn
Piwxnger 1 wngr hv > v tb the lied It < t I Mr nl liner Kroon Kronnland Kroonlirwl KonnI
land I wi for fn I I over and Anwerp AnwerpIi nwerp nwerpII
II Hnlrn 1 I hefrfor Stanton Mr SirI MrIinti 1 1I
I I Pints In MK 11 11 Mr I t f 1rry err and Mi Mitli SIIIlse I II
tli Ilse I I IB tirr tirrIt ier ierIU >
B IU tlj Its II > Alrfiitic Idllrl Tranpo Trin port liner linn Minnimikn SUnnt
t imikn 110 for r l iiidon IandonSir iiidonMr
Mr 1 and 01 Mr I earo l ren e I eft P I K White WhiteImr Whllt
Imr t r M 1 r Mor ShIo I > i vl > 9p 11 I 1 Iottrend IottrendSir Potter 1011 and andMr n1 n1I
Mr I and Mr f luliion Hj L dnn le Iebair IebairI155411 > l lAtoMil
AtoMil the th Arnreran rrriran imer s Paul for forPlvmoutli fo foIInd forPlrrnoulfl
Plvmoutli hertxiiirts and Southampton SouthamptonI
I I s til Ilhnn II m iirfktrev s If r tiiin 1 Sir1 Mr I IIiIkln H Hllnhlxn
llnhlxn Mr I M II laltioiand allIn anl MU 11 aall aallIVar gtafs1rar aU aUI <
IVar MI MIIanltrr Hi
I Ianltrr j eenirer ol1r htr It the h Anchor line 111I olum Colmti f olum1i i iIIM
IIM ti for fn fiU 11I1t Ki > w wkM
1 Mr I I wl > < I Mr I dwenfi tih B h ron n ih to He II i I Ir
1 l iri r kM II M irmh M I und 01 Mr I Uilllam Uilllamlr Ulitm I j
lr Iran noool > mrf Mr lr and n1 Mr Si If llenr f Dol hrslreInd hrslreIndSir e land landMr
Mr 1 llerber I lirben hoO I lm I InI < l kv kvHr
I Hv the Italian liner Itn III r Dura dAo d Anli ti for forhe fn fnrh I
h he 1 1 Mediterranean MediterraneanM
M Sit lw r l Iiw a fhe h lev II fienrr ore r K Mar Marrm Hj l f z
1 rn l v Ieck Mer lw Xampten 7mp enalor no non r li 1r 1rn r rIoni
Ioni n on n and nl He If Ito ttandrn lte andro llunhi llunhi3MI him ls
3MI 2 Pamllle llamrlr llamrlrJlrxt Ilamrl4rxtrn omI omIMr
Jlrxt Mr 4rxtrn o flTT ITT Oct 1 II Sin ro than 1f 1ffannliee 2Mnlll 7tfamd >
fannliee famd nlll o are homeleu hml In Hallna Prut Cruznwtng Cruznwtngto liE owmc owmci on < <
i to fh rho h de drrurttnn truction of a part of n ih the town townI ownI
I I l by > y tire re The Io I e creKAM 1100000 iooou0o j
fb4fIrnfillJf1IUrukVfrtltt lImn f1UJfJIJ fIllI1f nUlUt l1fmU rnrrmllUlHif f Ji3firffllls l It UfIf1tJf IIIIJ flDiilJlf t i di ilfflf fiYt ftmUl ltWtflrrJThfjffiI77 Ul1l111lfmrmmlmmIIfVJUUlfIJnrrrm Ul1l111lfmrmmlmmIIfVJUUlfIJnrrrmI mlffflrr frfilflli frfilflliore
II Gimbels A Store ore for or Men en Who WhoCare I law lawI
I I Ii Care CareWhatTheyWear CareWhatTheyWearE What They Wear Wearh W ear earJ a r
J iI WE E h oove vc entered upon the h ca t k of wppKirwc lppl nt clochtnfiriod ck chng aid fur furni
a 3a 3 3c 1 ni nthtni hin5R htn to o New cw York men with V h ornt yen dhnitc clt hoil uiltlc KJca KJcawrwt KJcrlJt
l 1t t w wrwt hint thav t waim waimThe waintt VlJlnotrhc =
t The f rrwm we expect to top pUni5 sac mgt rr > Ot i the man rn inn who rC renllv renllvenough llv llvl =
l Faire enough cncxll h about whet he wear so 0 give Borne t ume me m < < andi And Andthought
3 i 5 tai thought to 0 hii5 hl apparel the man who know kJ1 Rood tyle when vh n he hetc i
3 f ct It the th man who ho appreciate npprec te the touch of distinctive distinctiveness S
g r 7 ness nf and the mark of original ori inllit tv the he man who know knowrhat kno knowI S
I I I M 4 that QUALITY is a factor to be considered before the theprice thejl i 3
S jl IL price is I mentioned mentionednd It Itnd
sllfJ ii M
nd yet our best bcstp phased p cnsecl customers will be bealso I Ialo
flryjl also the men who arc careful of their money moneySuch moneyI I
I l n i1r y Such men will find in the theGimbel i Ie
31 1 I t lln 3 t Gimbel Clothing Store and in inthe inI l
Is I Ir I I f 4c 4 4I the Gimbel Furnishing Store for formen forr g
3 I r men as perfect a combination of ofsure ofure a aI = =
I ± F sure quality and fair price as has hasvet hasZ 1
3 I IIft MI 1 Z t vet been attained attainedA 3 3A 1 1I 1IIft
d f A glance lance at the clothing clothingstock clothin clothinstock clothingv
v f stock stockTur
c i t ° p Fur Coats for Motoring Alaska Ala ka d2gskin d dog 5kfn at att atw
t w i 25 up to HCHV riccoonskm raccoon kin coats at 65 65Mens ltiMens 65e
+ e ° Mens Furlined Coats from rom 25 to 250 2 O Vc Vcshew c i ishoo
1 yl shoo metric mc twenty tw cnt grades rade at ic as many prices pricesOvercoats pricesOvercoats
Overcoats for Motoring 15 to 45 45Overcoats 45Overcoats
13 1
Overcoats for 01 business or dress wear car from rnm 15 15to 153C11f
51 k to 60 60Sack 50i 60r
3C11f r
i rfP r 1 iw Sack SackSuitsnclrlyanacrenthcm15to45 Suits nearly an acreof thcml 5 to 45
a 1 tl fI i
Mens M en s Furnishings FurnishingsFancy Fur nlS h lngs lngsFancy
Fancy Shirts fitch from Puttsthe full The Miles t < s are sf r a soft > cftendtocnd r
Full Evening Dress Suits 37 to 55 English Cutaway Business Suits 25 25Dinner endtocnd cndt erld torrxl nd weae eaxe with ith pUitcd toed N hsom > vxn < ot 0 Ru Rowan inn cord cordand cordDinner
and cuffs t t match the Nxorn IH l ihtt < N arc C handmade pricticailv pricticailvthrouchout
Dinner Suits 32 t > 55 to 35 35Full u 5 throuchout b ba one of the btt kncmn cu custom toin > hjrtmdken hart mken cV NFull ofFull
25 Fancy Waistcoats for business Par P r It difficult t f ttnd i handcurler ndOfnc T 1 liner linerhirt I Itnershim
Full Frock Coats and Vests n t or wear c he hei
shim hirt than tho the tiees e Kit the lirrSrl lrr 1 rose i is not t OO n OC n
40 5185 185 1 85 to 10 10Cutaway ItriC ItriCI trtr 2 < c 25 co cotern + V VCutaway
I Cutaway Frock Coats and Vests 25 Evening Dress Waistcoats 350 3 50 to tot New N Ne w Silk Repp Crams CraYlUL tiJc tiJctoday i 11 the popular r rula pattern patternnct tern o o50c ol oftoday
today ct a I reulK colII high hlhdc ridc < ii IK wi wifite nct m co f t twenty twentyI ent entN cntv
i I t 45 m 1650 1650Mens 16 60 five c coJcrtn colcortnlInd und hadc hadcKnfllih 50c 50ci 5oCEltgllih
I Knfllih Silk Motor Sctrtei ScarvesOr vXr vXrfrom rn exclusive cclu lc orcctacn orcctacnfrom seectlentfrom eectK > ni nihie
from a grid ioOlx I Innd nndon f1n n nmker kc lhr I ht htuho hie h t ju gust t arrived Men Ment Icn Itnho
uho ho d drro > net mntr mot ir aII II u e thec thechjrt t tsr > r cenmfidrc tcnulg tnldc dres
hurt ocl ct rich ch and 5 5i
protector r prnc prncShirts rractsd rractsdl c
i Mens lenS and Boys Hats HatsEspecially Shirts Made to Your Measure M81sureAn An otTer to Introduce This
l Branch of Our Business BusinessFour DlllineliI BltsinesaFour
I Four hurt t ur rneiuro rxa IU urc rruidc irnm favor v < ur chf cnce ice of thc thelest best bestimmrfed bestj es esflj
j r Especially Stetson Hats Ha ts and the Gimbel Special Hat for Men Menv immrfed Sr tch h h hrtrlgs t inc ah u h trcal in 00 al r l tar r c cn flj thei 10 i t f
mcnotlm n ecc c l > t ft1d id ati nt 1 ldt a > n rMrHntccd rMrHntccdi P JLx JLxMens
i I Ve c have t r t r rr r rtha1 iiat i3 v Vre rre e rac rraci c Cc crit h r TheGimbelSpecialHatsforMen300 TheGimbelSpecialHatsforMen300V The Gimbel SpeeialHatsforMen300 SpeeialHatsforMen300that
that Ir tcv tc cn n f rnutatuc nut n Ituc ctjC ctjCetv < tr 1 r 1 bah ha id idn j
11 V v nitre < iur ju < e 1 fs RO k ft CInn h hit that thatuJ
attiring a 1 i it
J rcl tctrn etv n n rakr c r t f trn trnou rn n nt t lotJ ic d the ldH ta h > n nand t h > uJ r err rrirc rc raiF 11 10 rt mud quality and < enc crivcrfhil encI Mens M MBy en s Velour V e 1 our Hats HatsVclour H a t s
I 1 iot y ou mtv m thc h e x r fi t fratc T c tpc tpcnot r heJdlc rfhil d f than arc d i 11 df the rnvc rnvci C Velour hats wIth uh their uomtortaHe silkiness and andsmart
+ I I I not rnl 1 n hUxl and durcrrm drrcr iio but i 11 q auultty Jilty and andIhe ando1 01 r i it ir re e ihc shale c he tot v wth th care then with tn eMUil eMUilv
II r a c ssrc v lU rc the haIr and the tin IInhn tlnhmgs hmR No n detail was 4 t tn Ir IrfL n smart note ot diHcrcncc gross toro < tcidil < in men 5 esteem esteemLcr e esteemThe tem
L tntal n n t cta csapc e ilrc + c our ur iirctul consideration Hx rc result ult ultu Lcr er shape hil that i < pcxvi and ill the favored colors colorsarc
The fL 1C toll 10 t Kit arc II a dclijjh u < it r t rs > the I itch fx I < C h a i Atli ell c II at a at l aj
I t h the ff ree there t n ncthine that w urpa rA tI > se the 5tct tct tctron < on n goalies tI 1CS u + ana dn rill il II more tn < lrt than silo Hf f sou ou ouThe arc here h ereo t0 o Jit I I t hccommcN Lom m ouni 0 OUnmen u n men and an d their h ell elders elderstall e Id erSt I I1tCrI
heatcr 1tCrI trlt t tall men and short shortIt shortThe hortTnt
The hat can lln be crea ed and indented to peac peacfano your OUr Crush Opera Hats Like Ordinary It will be interesting to men of large build to tonote
fano fa e h e than durable ilm lmo4t t mde mdtt < tnctibl tnctiblthe cttblc Silk Hats HatsJu note that wo have studied and provided for them themspecially
the l ha ire f > iight n uctcht Ihl and ca rosy v fittm fittmtha Ju Jut t what hat vou OUC ve been looking lC1 > kln for fl and chat hat you OU II IIlike specially speciallyI
tha ihr th L try a i i tv nrjhJ > rt ible 1 the t Wt 1 arc crehe
nhout nhoutcru
like hear
to l1 t The I hcsc c arc durarlc dur t1c teatsan Hats 3t an ad a adlantalc hanta antajzc antajzctheir e
he rcw e K a t the Ih rrict thaped > cr crrtan n nand crush h 3 50
cru opera hi with ith a atom jOI silk hnh fmi h wn wnthinc < mC <
I and err ar heC heCi he thinc different from nm tr tc < dullribbed silk sll ou U c al M Muorn their tell h softness 0 tncos s Fives IC 0 Lach LachGIMBEL L a t I
I < 1 i Srve 1 Hi t the he ueat cal band nd uhch uhchpr uorn 1 1Ic
dull pr it Ic vc Tir rc rer Nr piriiir Phu rn rrri ihe iheKat 1 < uornThe The rh nc hflf co CCtOIO t a little more hut then it t take the thed GIMBEL BROTHERS BROTHERSNEW BROTH ERS
I Kat prr < ntabc i j nj = 1 i i f f fbe n1kc lJd d t fto rrcc of T ° h hit th thc full drti drunc < a uc t a the opera hat hatPrica
13 tc dlIIIdtd Price 9800 800 e sir tont7vunv at7Mw at7MwR NEW YORK rrxowst rrxowstsir S SCCCtCCICCCCCC I
I 11 1Ac W llillsr IIT 1IriSri11 1IriSri11Joiner ltl TII TIIIn
Joiner In filMrrlmi > IUrnitiitirti1 nnlttlOl Thai Thaillr ThaiI TtIaiIle
llr II Ur II Angwndrd AngwndrdFtJ > ii > rnilrit rnilritMIlMlo
FtJ MIlMlo fI IIJIt1 vtica H fry 1 > hl tirv re S 1wa Hhlt < tilil 11 TiI 1Ma i wh whwa w h h1
wa nppouad tppoint il tern 1 bv th 1 > r rOlion rrdA rrdADtruinn < M t tDivision
Division 01 f th the h 4 SlplIl upr ni our irt rt i i h hI hIchar hoar hoarchsrrs < nr nrch
ch char chsrrs rs or f fraud and < t mnlpritc mllpr t I pr prfrnd pro prof 1 1r
frnd f rr l againKt Nti S1rr r r Innlm lnnM m rh h a aII aIIb arlitt arlittby ii t tI
I by b ih h gnvAnn jtn Air ominiti llIlnl t tIrin It rrt Its ItsAssnsiatln Il Ilhi
Assnsiatln nld hi hta rat rt rn 0lly 0llyI
I tnrimll Irin rio tfin e Inlry nlty I iinr lnprnfnutl lnprnfnutlr >
r ind onIIM lr t and rv rNornmridinr > imm immilil nrnnrlm < I tha h I Iro
uifnde1 ilil ro roTh fora nr t v year yearrho < ir irl
Th rho IInrtlplllrI l fatn r fao ts in ih tha h hI ri rithat worn wornha
that I h ha m IfrOT I 1r r Hriii n MtrIkt nt 1Ui I iBr 1 rt < i t l buy buyq tu tua >
a third nmn ntnoti gnii nn n pri prnr > riv S nt I ill 11 W SSret SSretFtfrv t tFifrrnlnth tfllrninlh
Fifrrnlnth Ftfrv nlnth tr t Th Irp Irpot i in rrsory > p rty was wasn A Aown
own n ot hy It Frank f1 rl f v Itr It o + i aa whn h > ma a nulint 1 1cJint acjint
cjint nf Pnn rnnIln Pnnst tin In vt N t lln 11 < fffuv < i d tn tnro I Irl toran
ro rl ran > th the M al 1 tinl < Tttin < n li lIn I Nrt > n f fnr fnrwa r rgiMti
wa 1 r ant nl xere dl eiuttg I ur irlty irltygiven
given Il for ro tP ihm m whr h Tiit I11M > n I lot Il Ith a aP nri
ri P pn ifd 1 i i with h Inn Innfiti tIn a ir HI HII > itr itrj >
I unitr 0 tf r A wnti nrhn n 1gnun er m > nt t In ihit Ih 1r m mIwtr I1 I1lat I II
lat Iwtr I r 11 11 Hf 1trut oCJ a Migt goal > i An ntf lmn iiiiit ni nr with withIlatoil
I AII IU Ilatoil iml mr r whlrhh hnti hr h 1n > wn wnpnirt 1 ro Ipnn I Irl
pnirt rl < 1 to 1 the h kartr Uitt r Inntrui lni t in r refs f rI < i l t tp I1ft t tflow >
p flow 1ft v ncr Ih irv iii1 i V r nnil th II the ikine kml nr nrIrno offranrnnny t tlf
lf Irno franrnnny t rnoriy in th pr f > ding < ii 1I1ln as sun t him IlIfItTit himTh
1 Tit h rfiri r ay y that h th1 th At islkt igril rt tm sinprorainnAI tmprofrMirmal III III001
profrMirmal rintiii r 001 sdic f Innat lrm IrmI1I1 t < iii Uv in tiehlm inhi H Hhi
hi hlm f rIII fgdua il > ir t tnbsrharg < iinrh ri hi h iiitr 111 u I trntw trntwof IfI IfII t tof
of I ih the 1 > and in hi h rn ti iviriioii of f ih ihunfl rho rhofund h hnrl
fund nrl t < i hi h own wn n ij j r Inntfiti Irint ui fti aarr aarrIn r rt
t In < > th cluinc rlt wa H that iI I > It > tr 1011 < 1 him himanr biron fIt fItan
anr an n v mnnT mon r kdt I 1 r r inCl lu hr 11 I iipili1 iipili1rjr nppldby
toy bun nn H > i nnin > int f hi I Marl 1 the thiti Ith IthIInll theand
and i nd r a itilUfrnl rsltat ntl nri itr I1m tiii > ii nt with ith ithHIM h I Ift I5 I5Rya >
HIM ft Rya > A h hal a r ntug niuiKnt IIIIt nt pr rU in inMI ut
MI t I in th IV i Ztl finil hili lhi hi wa t ltii rss l hy byft Ity1M
JV ft ftnoa It 111 r rrfrra f T iwiy i tlu It ttul l if r Irili Irintam IrilicUini Iill1In
tam dirt hgyr Is cUini ran n th the en < h hWlty ws wsguilty H Hrirofrxolonal
guilty < < f Improl III rirofrxolonal ionSI I runlurt ndllr in not notNatlla n nrfJinlin tintargliginting
rfJinlin < < Natlla with llh hi h boon to I it itwhn r rn twhn
whn n i D Ha 11 put it in InnI PnnMin u luridIn > lurid undain warlIn
in trust Ifll fur f Vtll VtllSKV lAIIIXoov tpII tpIIhvral
SKV hvral > rnl l Iswvrf Vr i > f hl high h ntAinniff tatd < tllll ng Ap Apnd p pr Ppard
pard r > r > il and ml trtsfld t > fifl l that thy Ih hvl nVr nVrknown nv nvknn n vr vrknown
known inn InnrlfI tit it I i > l 4 f a v rfl rflhon ofe ofehnnr iiihMir
hon hnnr l ar a Art l hfnr fnr r and < t I i5 > TIVI J 1 f hi hipr h hpYlnl hipro
pr pYlnl > inN frx lfl l rrrnitatinn and nrt Ih rho < h ann annfldneImp on onflrt tofttifn
flrt fttifn fldneImp nr imp 1 in him hy y mTnlHr mrn > nr th thIvar Ihha thbar
bar ha rha ih h < r br f dr < lfrl Id that apnaai apnaaifor rn p pfor
for a year r will be akquet Jqii > pwtt punuhni + hmrtt tl
MM 11 Ill tin ItI i 1ul on + > < mini 11 noun nounXnloninn I 0lrhunlnnln Ill Illonn
Xnloninn onn Lr flsN Imla lla a Trllnw Trllnwciiil 1dintand In
ciiil 1 tiro I l XaWr a I Inak Inaklin In InIIn InaksFsdotn
Fsdotn lin i I o7 < y a I i Iirr itr irrh of i 117 T Mon Monr I > R Rt
r tr rN r t w i > imiTi n nl to t th the h Kx KxMttrkft t t11tk 1 1Il
Mttrkft Il 11tk rkt oiir irt yrt ci < > rln rI rlay > l h hrrrtnnt > r fnnnt nrflr omhll leer leerIhnl > r rlohtil
lohtil hll Murphy lIph i to i tpiin xpliunwhvhi why hi iUiigh iUiighifr
ifr r fri I r li I d < i d tint K 0 gn t In eho hnnl l Arronl Arronli 1
n i 0 to r n tb h hoi ts t r rernrd foril Kr Frrrln la 1 i I IS i y yara Mr Mroiil
oiil 5 1 in nal < t i in n grail 11 Mi tihe hi h i to At Att t ttHiwJ It
tHiwJ t tnt t h 1 nitil h t i I1 I la yrarw rrfn < old oldlh ol 01Th < l llh
lh IK 1 Solfinifii iplnin gdinrd 1 to Stag MImtrrti Stagtrn Itltlm
trrti m 4 rn n1 in that h hswrkr1 TK rk1 < hy h rloik rloikmil rlatkrnd
mil hold h I 11r li t why wh hi lUnithtor Lalllhl hoM ahnidgo hoMgo <
go 1 t l Iiaui 1 11115 h hail a s fllo fIlnadust fllodinl 111 111I
dust I w I a i ff n > i to I I tnirn Imrrlsl < i S Solomon Sclomnh > lnmnn lnmnnihI
ihI h I not II t Kiiow w th 11 twin of r Kr t Freda > la fllow fllownor rI1 rI1n
nor n ill tI1 I nty 11 f v of bar family but thy Ih Ihtlt wr wrr wrrrrtdm
r rrtdm rtrfin tlt oti h 0 fwd 1 orio n toys n y r non rnnJh of ofth I IJhn
Jh Jhn th tn 0nld > ul Id < l who wh I In nda r rta who tin i n big biggirl > f fVirl Ifklr
girl lnrtil1 h III hiv t to tuilr wli n nhi h pr prf fI fIr prfrro
f frro rr l t wrk rh s Sh > in n > Mld w1 d th the roomy tnontyf rnn rnnh
f f r IM h r winlilini Irlln 1110 rtnthSLSg t 1110rnl1f1 > th thMiKinit
SLSg MiKinit nio i reran told Solomon t lhou lhouI t tli
li I r hd ia < l Ixtinr t uNr tltil IIn out t mor In r Mont at > oiit FnIn FnInh Fr t trII > < li lifnllou
fnllou rII h llnw null ul < rant bark nn n itntkr elllohr1 71 1 wih wthFr wihfr
fr < + < li 1 hr h r lf I o how ft rsiu 11 < why wh h hfolH I Ihltl hh
folH h Ikl h TJP g to 1 tuhnol tuhnolIHI rhnolii h1 h1I
IHI ii I it in M IITO Ill1ITnYrgrn MII IITOJn < TO TOrern
Yrgrn > rern Jn l lnralor Inral TrIP III Irlrnd Ind nr III 1111nh lit litIsIndlrrn IIII
I IsIndlrrn lcn nh lrTrl rrl > tirnul lhrngilh1 tirnulknr fonAlII
I h1 knr I T I Uahmcti SSn hingtnn > n who r lun1 anirnwtn > ttirn lun1S > l ltn
tn n S Sw w r 1r > r < n IhirxIrtV nftor A Anlirh A too tootn twoIn
tn nlirh < tith toi r f F riro 1 Iris wits th BUf BUfwHoiuni gu oJ II IIInr I ISi
Si wHoiuni w lintT Inr iI h > lux hi frin < in n th thIrnil IhI
Irnil I raI ruts I i lust r s MID m II r KAhl last la t eight tuchtIhn 1II00hlrh eightiIu
iIu Ihn rh n V u TtUKH 1 J s iJi I giiwl n 41 Dr H WII WIInfln 11Ahdlgn nnli nnliiitMd
iitMd jot i II oiln r > iitii UlL wImm l < v om > m In turn turnh turnIw lrn lrnI
h I Iw tol rkl ltl l of r h irnMlx Irz Is 10 < m MiKlntil tl1I I I whr whrIt wit witIr h ht > >
It t Ir u wl < iriMiM ins 1 tii 0 National tnl i I i il > ral i Illi Illiof hi hir Ivllf
of r liiilnn ui 1I11llh < l th Kefnnii HI elllll < lull of f ljr ljrl IJ
iss > l in so StLint Lirwl hrf hN li wa tlw pirnt pirntfor Foustfor
for ihrw Ih thr sln < tivi of iMlrtw I I Iarn arugi Ki in inlurtitimrk InI
lurtitimrk I nrnHk whrn wh t > T h he < h haI l a Mwuil pal audienntul aiidini aiidinintit Jlurtinlm1 <
ntit ding with Ih King Friilruk I Ifk nn nnViiH nntl >
11 ViiH 111 + 11 i Imrloii 1 m n Autru1 iitrialliinear iitrialliinearItnlT IhinF tsry tsryItair r rIar >
ItnlT end Sr Siilk dv and IoUrfl H Ha loH hi hirwarr hirr hlhearer
hearer rr that IoA ih ha iI n oltr Kro In Arrrrira far farmiirh I farnmrh > > t tIIh
miirh IIh letter r tUin in many n whltxx hit In pan pantit I IIf pertf
tit If f uniiilwrn i1r rjirot aiwi nni a I lslr UllwiaMr KiKwia KiKwiaMr Hu
Mr 1 Washington Slanhingtnn hln rn v II IM lnc V ew w York Yorkto ok I I Ito
to I nlcht for fn liiit an < in whr hr h on MiindaSlnutal Hurwlat HurwlatMonda unda undaInrtn
Monda and ln tnI < i a h wi wiI I ad Nith aditr aditrh > lrm lrmh
h < annual national irathnnK nf th thtii Ihn ii iiNten
Nten tii nan Af n Mi hon < ionarr l ortatlon On 0sThlrerlat OnfhirMUv IlnIn
fhirMUv h his In will II turn i iiirn tn 0 Alahama to toiraumo 1 < 11 p
I iraumo uma urn lat hU work at Tiuiego Tuak c cf
rf f
If tit 11110 toR t wir a1ECIrommndalnm wirrnmmUtlnif UO UOi
rnmmUtlnif tpnolntril i toNrlrrt I a llrld llrldfar Mr 11 11rn III IIIfor
for rn Prsrttrrear Prarllrc > r ar r the Ih Capital Capitalff appalSICSIrn
SICSIrn 11 I In IT lot It I II The h SMllIry SMllIrynr
ff W Wit ir nnil Slant rm ha h appointed PfIInI < i a corn oornmi cornmvotl
mln 1Ild mi i iii t III rlct K > l t a 11N it for ru nn aviation axiatlonFh aviationHNid Iallon Iallon1Ild I I
Fh rho fkv fnmnl rnmint i im arranging tn rnak rnaka i in i
A sari riM > if f tfwtit I In th the n i of nfroplan I
and An I dlncihl hallorm u nts part lout d f rmv rmvInturanrr rwffulpmnt rmvequipment
equipment ffulpmntnan equipmentInnrancr
Inturanrr nan crnl rnl tt Milrlrtr MilrlrtrBnnk iIlrtI ulrldeInin
Inin Bnnk nn 1 iniirinr In urlnra ac In nt of ofGouv f a anuvrn 1 1fh
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iI iIWhere
Where We Have Manifested Our SuperStrength SuperStrengthYou Super Strength StrengthYou
You can go into either of our shops and find evidence aplenty aplentymanifesting aplentymanifesting aplentymanifesting
manifesting our strength as manufacturers of readyforservice readyforservicegarments readyforservicegarments
garments Every garment identified by the HackettCarhart HackettCarhartlabel
label does that thatThe thatThe thatThe
The superstrength supcrst engththe the strength that stands out and above abovethat abovethat abovethat
that of even our most ambitious contemporaries manifests manifestsitself manifestsitself manifestsitself
itself forcibly in the theHackettCarhart theUackettCarhart theHackettCarhart
HackettCarhart Suits and Overcoats for Men at 20 S22 22 i c SZ5 SZ5It 25 25It
It is the allied strength of good serviceable fabrics of impressive impressiveand
and ofttimes exclusive fabrics of expressive tailoring and of ofmodels ofmodels ofmodels
how radical in indesign indesign indesign
models which are always dignified no matter
design they may be be841IJroadwDY
841 Broadway BroadwayAt UAtlt 265 265near BroaWy BroaWyAt
84 84lath Hacfcctt HackettarhartCo CarhartCo A4rLAt e
At lath St A I U V near ar Chambers St SLT
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